Thursday k MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Vol. 62 Number 48 Lansing, Michigan Thursday,September 25, 1969 Scott, Griffin win Senate reigns WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Hugh Scott, Per.n., was elected leader of Senate Griffin &Qt 23 votes to Baker's 20. "This is the ticket, it's the balance the Griffin was the only senator to announce in advance he was running for opened when Scott whip-a job John G. Tower, R- Texas and Sen. James B. Pearson, R-Kansas. But on the Griffin got the majority. showdown third The vote was by secret ballot, and the bal'ot, Republicans wanted themselves," Scott was promoted to the Tower got only three votes on the first Republicans Wednesday and Sen. Robert B. Griffin, R-Mich., was chosen as GOP said. leadership. ballot, and dropped from the race. Pearson choice of individual senators was not But there was no shortage of candidates. disclosed. was low man, and out on the second whip. Six Republicans talked of running, the ballot-when Baker actually had the largest Scott campaigners said the outcome President Nixon telephoned See related story p. 3 field finally included Griffin, Baker, Sen. matched their expectations. congratulations to the party's new Senate total vote. • It was a measure of Scott's confidence leadership team. The new minority leader would not say Scott told the President he hopes his new how he had marked his secret ballot in the that even before the conference was over, his aides were distributing mimeographed job one day will be to lead a Senate contest for whip, which began as a majority, instead of the 43-vote minority four-way race. biographies describing him as newly elected the GOP now commands. Griffin said the Senate Leader. leadership contests had Scott defeated Sen. Howard H. Baker, Jr. not divided the party. "We've come out of Scott, 68, rejected the liberal label and insisted he is in the GOP center. R-Tenn., 24 votes to 19, to win the post our battle unified," he said. left vacant by the death of Sen. Everett M. "The party looks for someone in the He said the two electioas produced a middle of the road," he said. Dirksen, minority leader for a decade and leadership team balanced in terms of Baker's father-in-law. And his brand new biographical sketch geography and of ideology. added: A scant four hours later, Baker lost to "All of this bodes well for 1970," Griffin Griffin in the show-down ballot of a "A moderate Republican, he had support said. Republicans hope to seize Senate crowded race for whip. control in the elections next year. from the entire spectrum of Senate Reublicans for the important post." "The Republican party of the Senate and the Republican party of the country is in good hands," said Baker. SUE GEBELEIN QUITS Scott said Baker was a "fair, vigorous and, I might add, frightening adversary." Scott served eight terms in the House, ASMSU aslcs and is nearing the end of his second Senate term. He will be seeking re-election in Pennsylvania in 1970. He served as Republican national chairman 20 years ago, became Senate of students GOP whip at the beginning of the current session despite Dirksen's opposition. Liberal Republicans, who backed Scott activities until their undergraduate in the leadership race and agreed to By CYNTHIA NEAL State News Staff Writer constituency returned to campus. support Pearson for whip, apparently were "During the last few weeks the breach of a key factor in 'the Griffin victory. They Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) had decided in advance that if Pearson confidentiality of the list of four dissatisfaction with University presidential selection procedures culminated in a candidates which the Search and Selection Committee submitted to the board of Resigns from didn't make it, they would switch to Griffin. temporary suspension of student trustees and the political pressures applied Sue Gebelein and Tom Samet, chairman of ASMSU, appear at a news conference The Michigan senator, who is 45, was participation in the All-University Search to the selection procedure from external called last weekend to discuss the position of the student representative on the All first appointed, then elected, to his Senate and Selection Committee (AUSSC). political sources have changed the nature University Search and Selection Committee. Miss Gebelein, who was the seat after serving five terms in the House. Then in an ASMSU Board meeting of the selection procedure and the undergraduate representative to the committee, resigned from it this week. He is considered a Republican moderate, Monday night, the board issued a mandate understanding of the Taylor Report under State News photo by Bob Ivins a bit to the right of Scott. requesting the representatives to return to which power the Search and Selection the committee. Further complications arose when Sue Gebelein, student representative, resigned Committee read. has worked," the statement Trustee from AUSSC. Mike Gieszer, East Lansing According to Samet, the suspension of EDITORIAL senior, and Miss Gebelein's alternate, was the undergraduate representatives was appointed by the board to take her place. intended to be temporary. The new nomin workers strike extended Walter maintenance Student participation was discontinued with an official statement issued Sept. 19 indefinitely the delay in the return of A by the undergraduate representatives after consultation with Tom Samet, board students and When faculty to campus. the board of trustees asked the to AUSSC chairman. The representatives stated that they could not take part in any further AUSSC AUSSC to submit more candidates for consideration, the student representatives MSU Board of Trustees Chairman Don Stevens released Wednesday a list of 12 names recommended to the All-University the only felt that they could not contribute any Search and Selection Committee (AUSSC) more without consulting the student body. Welcome back! caretaker regime, that "he meant to "The appointment of any man for reconsideration following the Sept. 10 seize upon the challenges implied by other It's a hassle, right? The scholarship trustees' meeting. than one from the list of four, at this time, you thought you had isn't there. The the office." In his brief tenure, he has At the Sept. 10 meeting, the trustees You are not alone,- will have been made without the approval or participation of the undergraduate unanimously passed a resolution asking train was two days late leaving Escanaba; you missed registration; and been faced with many challenges, all handled with distinction. AUSSC to come up with more names in It is a truism that Adams has been students of MSU," the statement all your baggage went ahead to addition to the four candidates submitted continued. on the firing line since Chicago. You feel unsettled, moving into his tell SN your gripe Samet emphasized that he was not to the trustees on Aug. 14. Stevens confirmed the report that trustee wondering who your next president new office in March. He faced the involved in writing the statement, but will be. Wilson Hall sit-in in April, the Frank Merriman, R-Deckerville, presented Complaints about the agreed to back them up because he thought To reduce your feeling of anamolie, anti-ROTC demonstration in May, the University? Is the list which was given to the Search and MSU causing you mental anguish? The that external forces were acting upon the the State News has thoughtlessly Placement Bureau confrontation in Selection Committee. State News can help. students and faculty members. prepared a question for you. Answer April. His weapons, racier than "Nobody objected to the names being it! The very act will snap your mind This fall the State News will continue The mandate issued by the board intransigence, ultimatums or the submitted, but there was no formal vote on into focus; remind you where you are; indiscriminate of force, are a carrying weekly columns from two Monday night asked the representatives to it," Stevens said. use eminent members of the academic resume participation in the selection prepare you for what's ahead. certain barbed wit, a willingness to community -Acting President Adams and process. Among the men on Merriman's list were Walter Adams: listen, to talk and the judicial use of Dr. Arnold Wemer, asst. professor of "Now that the students and faculty have Roger Heyns, chancellor of the University (1) is a ficticious character created reason. Which is the way a university of California at Berkeley; Jack Breslin, psychiatry and director of psychiatric returned, the selection process can by noted Italian playwright Giacomo should be run. services at Olin Health Center. continue in a manner that's fair to the University Secretary; Willis Armistead, Leopardi. It is an accomplishment in itself, for dean of the College of Veterinary Questions to Adams should be sent members of the academic community," a man of his limited experience to Medicine; Paul Miller, former MSU Provost ; (2) is a prominent figure in the directly to the State News in care of The Samet said. have so skillfully defused three such and James Miller, president of Western advertising world, like Mr. Clean, President's Column. Name and class or Although Miss Gebelein had earlier created by the International Union of potentially explosive situations. expressed dissatisfaction with selection Michigan University. Perhaps Dr. Adams' greatest faculty position must be included in all Also on the list were Russ Mawby, Cigar Workers. letters. procedures, she resigned for personal accomplishment, however, is a thing Questions for Dr. Werner should be sent reasons, primarily a heavy academic load formerly with MSU's extension services; (3) is continuously being hassled by not quite tangible, more on the order which would conflict with her Clifford Hardin, U.S. Secretary of a powerful, vested interest group of logistics and emotions than facts, directly to his office at 309 Linton Hall. Names need not be included and no names participation on the committee. Agriculture; Glen Taggart, former dean of within the Dept. of American Thought and figures. "The International Programs; Howard Neville, and Lanuage. Under his leadership we have seen will be printed with letters to Dr. Werner reasons given to the board were not former MSU Provost; John Wilson, former the sluggardly wheels of academic appearing in the State News. dissatisfaction with the selection (4) is acting president of MSU. director of the Honors College, Durward processes," Samet noted. interaction freshly oiled and set in (please tum to back page) (5) should remove "acting" from his motion. The hoarfrost of hugeness title, and be the next president of this that has plagued this institution in University. recent years has begun to thaw a If you answered (1), you are a bit--we are almost starting to feel like a faculty member, in possession of an forum for learning and ideas rather Trustees indicate interest inside joke, but have somhow gotten the joke twisted. If you answered (2), you are probably on the faculty at University than a churning diploma mill. Indeed, his presence has caused a spirit of action to permeate our bastions of lassitude. of Michigan. By accident we have before us the in college of osteopathy administered jointly by the College Human Medicine and other colleges, of the Patients will be X-ray and charged for all laboratory, physical therapy procedures If you answered (3), you are the powerful, vested interest group, and should consider the benefits offered under answer (5). If you answered (4), you have read man like who should be our president. It would be the greatest irony to lose him now. It would be one of the sadder stories of these times if MSU, Czechoslovakia, were to paper said. Welcome Week and possess that experience a brief springtime of based on prevailing commercial rates. The paper anticipates sharing of courses, gazette's lack of imagination. forward-looking progress, only to sink If the State Board of Education chooses Charges for outpatient X-ray procedures faculty and facilities by osteopathy and and physical therapy services will be 25 per Response (5), of course, is right. It is back into the mire of the past. to affiliate a college of osteopathy with other colleges. right for you, right for the more than „ cent of the prevailing commercial rates. The truth is, this University needs MSU, the University will accept the William Knisely, director of the Institute All students are subject to the new 700 faculty members who have said so Walter Adams in the presidency. If responsibility of starting it, the MSU Board of Biology and Medicine, told the trustees on a signed petition, right for the you answered (5), you think so too. of Trustees announced at its monthly charges; however, those not covered by that the presence of an osteopathic college hospitalization insurance may appeal their University. Do something about it. Concretize meeting Friday. would not compromise the board's bill to the Financial Aids Office. Because in Walter Adams this your conviction. Get off your By Nov. 3, the State Board of Education committment to a first rate school of The trustees discussed a State News University already has a helluva fine collective duffs, stand up and be is to affiliate the osteopathic college with a human medicine. president. counted. In the coming week, state university which now has a medical proposal that a press conference be held "All of us want a first rate school of after every open Since his appointment in March, we petitions will be circulated nominating school. Those eligible are MSU, the meeting of the board. have witnessed his great potential for medicine," Kniseley said, "and we don't Warren Huff, Walter Adams for the Presidency of D-Plymouth, said that University of Michigan and Wayne State want one first rate school and one second improved communications are "vital to this the job crystalize into great ability. MSU. Sign One! Make your voice University. rate. The State Board would have to assure board." Because ofl4 political machinations heard. You won't be fortunate enough A position paper adopted by the trustees us of this (that the involving the board of trustees and the Line-up Friday stated that the osteopathic college would a first rate college.)" osteopathic college Frank Hartman, D-Flint, noted that a Search and Selection Committee, to get a second chance. Because it's the foutfh down, Dr. Long lines capture the mood of can be integrated into the The trustees also approved a press conference could run into the early Adams, and the University, have been University so as change in Adams, we, the students hereby kick registration for fall term. The sea of to "have the same afternoon and interfere with the trustees' privileges and procedures at Olin Health Center, which granted time. Because of unsolicited the ball to you. For God's sake, run students here await entrance into restrictions accorded other colleges within lunches. will enable the center to collect circumstance, we have been granted with it! There's no "fair catch" in this Demonstration Hall to the University." He suggested that "those board members complete hospitalization payments from commercial opportunity. game. preliminaries before entering the The college could who chose" may meet with the press after Adams came to the office with the be headed by an insurance carriers. registration maze in the Men's Intramural lunch. osteopathic physician, but participate in Charges for room and board at Olin from attitude that his was to be no -Jim Crate and The Editors Bldg. State News photo by Wayne Munn basic science departments now the first day of admission will be $35. (please turn to back page) i j\2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 6The only official University book store." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 A3 NEWS Griffin voted Senate minority WASHINGTON (UPI) - Robert Griffin, in the Senate for j morning when Sen. Hugh Scott Griffin, 46, had served nearly November by a smashing whip P. Griffin, Michigan's campaign against Abe Fortas,, feisty 3 lA years, edged out Sen. of Pennsylvania was elevated to 10 years as a congressman from A summary capsul* summary of th« day's •wnts from Junior Senator, was Wednesday as minority whip, the No. 2 leadership job among picked Howard Baker of Tennessee on a 23-20 vote in a two-way race for minority leader to succeed the late Sen. Everett Dirksen of northern Michigan when former Michigan Gov. George Romney 300,000-vote victory over former Democratic Mennen "Soapy" Williams. Gov. G. President Johnson's pick to be Chief "cronyism" Justice. He charged at first, then the job in closed-door caucus. Illinois. tapped him for the Senate seat switched to attacks on Fortas' our wlro services. Senate Republicans. Griffin's victory gives Michigan A moderate of the Romney The job opened up Wednesday when Democratic Sen. Patrick outside business dealings. two of the top GOP leadership V. McNamara died in office in stripe, Griffin had several months seniority in the 1966 Griffin's determination finally jobs in Washington. Rep. Gerald April, 1966. R. Ford GOP senate "class" that won over Dirksen and enough of Grand Rapids, With Romney at the head of Griffin's old and good friend, is included flashy newcomers other senators to block Fortas' the ticket, Griffin went on to Edward S. Brooke of confirmation and led to his minority leader in the house. win the seat on his own that Massachusetts, Charles Percy of resignation from the Supreme "J do not wish to move into Illinois and Mark O. Hatfield of Court. Cowles House because I don't want Oregon. to set myself up on campus as a target for all sorts of disgruntled 4 students No Griffin stranger to tough politics, was co-author of the Born and raised in Detroit, Griffin earned two degrees ?.t Central Michigan University and groups, and the emptiness of the controversial Landrum-Griffin his law degree at the University in Labor Act in his early years in of house should lend an urgency to the selection of a new president. " train-car Congress and campaigned openly on it in labor-heavy areas. War Michigan. Following World II, where he logged 14 months of combat in Europe, he Acting President Adams Last year, to the open took his family to scenic Two MSU students remained passengers in a car driven by opposition of Dirksen and other Traverse City and opened a law in serious condition Wednesday Streng. at Lansing's Spar-ow Hospital A hospital spokesman said all top party leaders, he launched a practice. with injuries received early four were badly cut. Cefalo Wednesday when their car suffered a fractured left arm. International News collided with a locomotive on East Sansing police said the Harrison Road, near Trowbridge. Injured and in the hospital's Streng vehicle hit the locomotive after the car crashed through the We're Israeli intensive care unit were Richard crossing gate. The Chesapeake planes pounded Arab bases on three fronts F. Streng, Oakland junior, and and Ohio engineer, George Wednesday, striking military targets in Egypt and guerrilla strongholds in Jordan, command reported from Tel Aviv. the Israeli military Stephan R. Cefalo, Melrose, Mass. junior. In fair comdition at the same hospital was Cynthia Anderson, 62, of Grand Rapids, was not injured. Anderson told officers he did open again. None of the three raids lasted more than 20 minutes, Wilcox, Detroit junior. not see the car until the and all planes returned safely to base, a spokesman said. He said the jets attacked military objectives across the Joyce Reynolds, also a Detroit collision. No statement has been junior was treated for cuts and obtained from Streng. No tickets With our released. AH three were have been issued. southern sector of the Suez Canal in the afternoon "following continued Egyptian ~— " new look and North Vietnam's National Assembly has named Ton Elegante Duc*Thang, 81, to succeed the late Ho Chi Minh as president. His elevation from vice president was a Welcomes you our warmth, formality. We welcome students and parents or you Word of T hang's "unanimous election" was and yours. A complete menu from Trademark back in time for our announced Wednesday by Hanoi radio and the Viet Cong's clandestine radio. The vote was taken Tuesday. The byline MSU Bookstore devotes an entire shelf to the latest Broiled Choice Steaks to foods every Seafoods, Greek Saturday and "weight watchers" for the dieter! Call 489-1196 endeavor of Acting President Adams. Though the new edition for reservations now... may gain him additional fame, Adams will for his cigar and bow tie. ever be remembered 1 Year Birthday Sale! National News State News photo by Carl Welti Watch Monday's paper for details. We have genuine College Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel ordered subordinates Wednesday to keep secret a department State News schedules Discounts on all our top quality hairpieces. RESTAURANT & paper estimating that oil import restrictions could cost Visit our new studio soon! TIFFANY LOUNGE American 1975. consumers The papers were shown to more than $7 billion a year by open house for Friday Elegante Downtown Lansing a few newsmen Tuesday in The State News will hold an to meet the editors and apply One Block East of the Capitol Washington. Other newsmen asking to see them open house from 7:30 to 9:30 for a position with the paper, Your "On - Campus" Wiggery 489 1196 116 E.Mich. Wednesday were turned away with the comment that p.m. in the Steffanoff Lounge of The editors will also answer 641 E. Grand River Next to Paraphernalia the Student Services Bldg. any questions about the "the restrictions are back on." FREE PARKING 332-3341 operation and policies of the The controversial Anyone interested in working paper, papers-nine seperate reports for the State News will be able Refreshments will be served. prepared by the Bureau of Mines' division of mineral economics-were turned over last week to a presidential taks force studying whether to abolish or alter the nation's oil import control program. 15% Student Discount • The National Commission of Violence reported at SUNSHINE ART SUPPLY Wednesday from Washington that television programs contribute to violence in America but Lansing's most complete art supply store are showing signs of improvement. With 201Vi E. Grand River No. 12 its "constant protrayal of violence," the commission said, television is "pandering to a preoccupation with violence that television itself has helped to create." public CAPITOL AVENUE The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Thrift Ce University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orietation issues in June and Mary Jo Kopechne's parents, fighting to keep her September. Subscription rates are $14 per year. grave undisturbed, asked a judge Wednesday to delay any hearing for an autopsy until Massachusetts holds an Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland inquest into her death in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's car. Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Attorneys for the parents also petitioned Common Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Pleas Judge Bernard C. Brominski to dismiss the exhumation request J)y Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis of Second class postage paid at East New Bedford. Mass., on grounds he failed to give Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services sufficient facts as to why it is necessary. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial PRE-SEASON 355-8252 Classified Advertising Michigan News Display Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission, in its first Photographic 355-lSli SKI SALE public action. Wednesday accused District Judge Ernest J. Somers o{ Genese County of being "persistently incompetent and neglectful" in performing his judicial duties. In a formal complaint about Judge Somers, the Polachek's Fabrics commission said in Detroit that on "many occasions" he had been "habitually intemperate by appearing in court Welcomes You Back 3 days inly to save under the influence of alcohol." with Friday, Saturday, Monday! Your days to fet the tops in equipment at the best prices ever. Assorted Quantities limitod so shop early, avoid disappointment. The Detroit Board of Health has blasted President Nixon for proposing national family planning programs ♦Fabrics hased on "fear and ignorance" while comprehensive ♦Yarns health care needs go unmet. In a resolution passed Sept. 19 and released Wednesday, the board urged Congress to shun the President's population control proposals in favor of a Dress up Your Bulletin Boards open the season with savings "major new effort" in maternal health care. Ready, set slalom. Winter's on the way and Knapp's Sporting Goods Department is with ready to send you slope-side with all types of ski equipment from the nation's, and the world's leading makers ... all at substantial savings. Salesmen's samples, close-outs, An official of Gov. Milliken's Educational Reform Decorative Burlap discontinued models. Commission has assured the state's Catholics the governor will recommend some form of state aid to *36" wide private schools this fall, it was reported from Lansing check your needs.. .then check these Wednesday. ♦All colors value-priced ski items James Phelps, a commission asst. made the assurance last Saturday at a forum sponsored ♦79C a yard famous make skis cable bindings children's wood skis by the Michigan laced dcuble ski boots children's ski pants Catholic Conference. bindings 4 & 5 buckle ski boots sample jackets after-ski boots The cost of the proposed parochiaid program was not 41 7 E Grand Riv 305 S. revealed, but sources, who conceded a lack of detailed . Washington E. Lansing SPORTING GOODS—CAPITOL AVENUE information, said a minimum of $30 million is expected. Lansing MICHIGAN STATE NEWS JAMES R. CRATE editor-in-chief WILLIAM B. CASTANIER UNIVERSITY Six-time recipient advertising manager Denying trustees fair share the Pacemaker TRINKA CLINE, executive editor An MSU trustee was distressed last week NORMAN J. SAARI, managing editor GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor that a press conference might delay his DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor lunch. If trustees feel that they cannot conduct themselves like gentlemen, LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor Frank Hartman, D-Flint, issued a warning then certainly State News editors are willing to help civilize them. KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor to his colleagues that approval of a press JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor conference after each board meeting might delay the board's collective digestion by as much as an hour. trustees are competent enough to solve any His remarks revolved around a State issue in open forum. In the past six News proposal for the conference, tabled EDITORIALS from the July meeting. Following months, public issues have been consistently routine. -No bulls or china shops will be Hartman's speech and other trivial patter On a simple item like a press conference, permitted near Trustee Stevens for the about the proposed conference, trustees Board Chairman Don Stevens thinks that Political duration of the conference. plums, spoils rejected the idea. His concern for luch erupted at 12:15 p.m.-exactly time nutrition one and 20 minutes after trustees arrived at the hour guidelines should be established by the "I want to make sure," he said in July, "that one individual with a voice like a bull in a china shop doesn't filibuster a press Friday meeting from breakfast. the presidency conference." and No one can deny trustees their fair share of University food. Most people, in fact, would insist that they assume this burden. If trustees feel that they cannot conduct themselves like gentlemen, then certainly State News editors are willing to help However, it is difficult to swallow lunch as an excuse to avoid a post-meeting press civilize them. A sample set of guidelines might include: -The four or five trustees who never exceedingly tenuous position. This conference. And other arguments against Apparently the MSU Board of appears that they never did have any the suggestion were equally unpalatable. speak at public board meetings must bring power play was highly effective in written medical evidence of Trustees had yet again sacrificed the intention of following the Board meetings, one trustee said, are -Sandwich, cookies and milk for trustees a voice. that it has placed the other three best interests of the University and recommendations of the Search and public and open to the press, therefore, no nominees in limbo-it is purely the academic community on the Selection Committee-unless that question and answer period is really academic as to how long these men necessary. altar of political opportunism. Worse committee presented them with the can keep their hats in the ring before Cmon guys. We all know that public names that they wanted to see. still, it seems that they have the pressures of their current jobs board meetings are shams. Trustees have insidiously attempted to dupe the Ttje Search and Selection cause them to withdraw. ignored a Constitutional interpretation in university into legitimizing their Committee spent many long and August by Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank J. To further underscore these Machiavellian maneuvering. soul-searching hours before they Kelley, declaring closed-meeting arrived at their final list of four grotesque goings-on, the board has shenanigans not in the spirit of the The next president of MSU will now submitted their own list of 10 Michigan Constitution. undoubtedly be a Democrat-and not names. Their labor was almost In that interpretation, Kelley said that names for the Search and Selection necessarily because there are that completely undone when someone- Committee executive (closed) sessions were "rarely to "consider." We many more competent Democrats highly reliable sources inducate that necessary." MSU trustees hold at least one wonder how many such lists the secret session every month. than Republicans. The blunt and it was one of the trustees—leaked board will submit before the Unconstitutional? Kelley thinks so. simple truth is that there are five their confidential nominations to the Everyone also knows that decisions are Democratic trustees and only three committee, in utter frustration, picks Detroit Free Press. really reached in executive sessions which of the other party. former Gov. G. Mennen "Soapy" about public as unhatched The immediate effect of this are as The board of trustees has not been Williams, or, more likely, walks out embroyos. Stop the charade, trustees. No political sleight of hand was that one in honest with the academic nominee withdrew his name and the complete indignation and one believes anymore that subjects in repulsion at being used as a rubber closed meetings are confined to matters of community from the start. It now other three were placed in an finance. stamp. The undergraduate, Public trustee meetings are worthless. At representative of the committee has Friday's meeting, for example, trustees already refused to have any more to utterly ignored the warmest issue on do with such machinations. campus: the selection of a new president. Nixon9s verbal We are indignant to the point of anger at this business of having our Even the self-proclaimed "friends of the press" were silent on the press conference issue. No trustee even bothered to make it University used as a political plum. a motion. Huff "supported" the idea, but The students and the faculty are the not enough to bring it to a vote. not convin University, and they must be repulsed at the thought of being Silent rationally trustees. explain Can just board one of them secrecy and individual reticence under board bylaws pawns to be moved and prizes to be not jumping for joy because they which call for trustees to "encourage To bring you up to date: there is won. know that thousands of Americans timely discussion in open forum of a wide still a war in Southeast Asia; The academic community has will die and be variety of issues, some of which are bound President Nixon believes we can seriously maimed out nothing left when any chance of its to be controversial because they are of those 473,000. bring an "honorable end" to the determining its own future is unsettled?" conflict; 60,000 Americans will have Although the draft calls for stripped away to make room for the The board seems committed to "muffle November and December were with untimely silence every issue which is been unilaterally withdrawn from basest of motives. controversial because it is unsettled." South Vietnam by the end of this cancelled, the total number to be -The Editors drafted this year will be 290,400. Indeed, the question arises whether year; and the draft law may be This comes out to be only 5,600 less reformed by executive order. than last year. However, had the two If you feel these are hopeful signs that the war is at a turning point, draft calls been left untouched, the better look seriously at some total number of those drafted would have been 44,400 more than in KEN KREU figures-a sober look at the figures calculations 1968. and on our troop Nixon may be cheered for his strength and draft calls reveals that nothing has changed. Last week President Nixon announced that there would be desire to reform the draft and end the uncertainty which has become a long lasting part of young American males. But one must keep in mind A new kind of education 35,000 more U.S. troops withdrawn that the first obligation of the from Vietnam by the year's end. In concerned a small percentage of students. administration is to end the war. But wouldn't it be nice if the White addition, draft calls for November I considered dropping out of school this idealistic (don't forget he still is in charge The moderates have complained about the And without an end to the fighting, House could keep the natives from and December would be cancelled term and loafing for three months. I of selective service.) war, but their dissent hasn't gone much grumbling by making them believe that, oh and the 29,999-man call for October some type of draft must remain and figured the education I'd get in the streets And Nixon announced another cut in the deeper than that. They still had faith that yes, we are making progress. But we made hence provide an unfair selection of couldn't be any worse than the one I'm troops vacationing in Vietnam. How many it would all be worked out within the would be spread over the three about the same progress when Johnson was getting in the lecture hall. Besides, by my was it this time? If you can figure out the system. There has been as much fighting months. Americans-many of whom will die chief of the forces. We still hear mutters calculations, I had until January before I Defense Dept.'s figures, you're a better for reasons they don't understand about honorable peace and all that. among students as against Initial reaction from some could be drafted, thanks to Nixon's latest man than I, or the Associated Press. "establishment"~disruption vs discussion, nor believe in. But won't it be wonderful if Nixon goes congressmen and other high officials draft suspension. And wasn't it wonderful that Melvin non-violence vs. militancy, moderation vs. By now it must also be obvious to But I concluded it Laird discussed the radical changes at peat through with his new draft proposals and seemed to indicate that something wouldn't work. •nly 19-year-olds are vulnerable to the radicalism, etc. the Nixon Administration that the Regardless of what Nixon says, my length. I can't help getting the feeling, But if things don't change, ^nd change was finally being done to end the however, that he would rather have raised draft. If you make it through the year, more troops the United States lifesaving II-S deferment is only good for you're safe, if not well, what the hell. fast (and by that I don't mean petty, longest war in U.S. history. There four years, and my draft board didn't the forces and wiped out all those dirty . . . reductions in Vietnam) the great majority, withdraws unilaterally, the more It was better than waiting four years to get appeared to be a feeling or Commies. who thus far have been fairly decent, expectancy that the restless students stubborn the North Vietnamese will , hi. , . , Jon?.der »»nderi„, for the national the str«u security, nectary so they wouldn't If Nixon really believes that the crumbs shot. Nixon claims it's all an attempt to uprighteous students, are going to realize become. Unilateral token -jv* of mercy he feas thrown to Ulf college would be placated by Nixon's give me m. an an extension. noran tin raoie Mttant Inequities In the withdrawals of troops only enhance masses are going te placate students, he determination to reform the draft So Nixon -being the great merciful white sjratfm, oed te matme (fed uncertainty that as grot as it tffiH to BB. Tty§ ipjttf'rt ltf hasn't 1Mb Itttntnf te #hat national leaders pat as on lb* nfil tfftg toy, and remove V large number of Hanoi's position that all U.S. troops father that he is-has fedded he coald cool ha&fi am tbe leads ef young men. But raffing about the nit cogple of a we've been heads en campuses by generously "It will be all right. It Hill 41 fte o?«r combat troops. must go before they negotiate any years. Nothing's really ehanged, hs it? n«| if ha removed all the inequities. suspendiog the draft for a couple ef tk#r» still the basic fact that a system of soon." After the 60,000 men leave the type of cease-fire agreement. months. And, of course, general Hershey Latest estimates are that we've still got at We're reaching the point wheca * Finally, the North Vietnamese are least two more lovely years of war. salHtyy* service is nothing more, nothing war zone, 473,000 will still remain. advised against it as being unrealistic and can be said about the war. It has |H B lm, «Mn itfOlwitary servitude. But maybe The students who have been working keeping a keen eye on developments Nfetaa can make as forget that by putting a said a thousand times, and still YietMm hard to get us out of Vietnam are at colleges and universities this fall. on the draft and a clamp on drags on. This could be the year ftfct students stop talking and replace dialogae If they find seething discontent in OUR IIADIR'I MIND Herhajr's mouth, so he doesn't louse up Nixon's bigPR campaign. with confrontation. What occurred last the form of student strikes and But it won't work. All Nixon's year might look like the annual moratoriums aimed at forcing the wishy-washy statements, like the peace kindergarden field trip if drastic reform Nixon Administration to remove all doesn't hit this country fast. talks, can't cover up the fact that we're G.I.s from Vietnam, there won't be much progress in Paris. Hands truly joined wrong, dead wrong, and until we recognize that, and admit it to the world, Dicky and We've talked till we're blue in the fact the next step is militant resistance, won't shut students up. The trick is just That's not a threat-just amateur prophecy. By this time, Nixon must realize So I didn't decide to take a vacation too obvious to be bought. that students can no longer be To the Editor: The from college this fall. I'm back- maybe University and the Westside It's going to take a lot more than a placated by vague promises and On behalf of the Westside Community Community have truly joined hands which temporary, two month suspension in the get a better education here than in empty words. We have tried in the will build a bridge of understanding that is streets. Not in the classroom, of course, Drop In Center, and its Director, 1 would draft, or a 35,000 reduction in Vietnam to so essential as we work and shut us up. We've lost a lot of faith in the but listen to the little kid that always sits past to believe the White House's like to convey our thanks for the fine struggle toward a HUMANITARIAN DEMOCRACY. at the back of bull sessions pleading for continual verbal mishmash, only to emtional and technical staff support system, baby, and you won't replace it r. J. C. Williams, Director, Westside Community with rhetoric and token withdrawals. rationality and moderation. Do you notice find that the hot air expended received from the Dept. of Urban Affairs. Drop In Center TTiis could be the year of decision on his voice getting a little weaker and his face We would like to give a special word of amounted to nothing more than a little bluer? thanks to Dr. Green and many of the black campuses. Thus far. the rumblings have political game playing. students associated with our community We have listened until we can listen projects. I 5URE HAVE TO HAND IT TO WU, THAT FUNNY LOOKING <10 (JlTH no longer. We can accept nothing TH0U6H, CHUCK...THAT £ sophomore physical education out?" My mind reeled and I said major doesn't have to graduate to myself: "Oh God, we're not Shop Monday thru Friday to show a youngster how to out of the weeds 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. yet" because I coupon had heard that accursed word Saturday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. "organize. Goose Neck Letter Policy If therein lies what's wrong with everything we try to do The State News welcomes all these days-we feel an inner driving need to "organize" IRONING BOARDS DESK LAMPS letters They should be typed before we attempt to surmount and signed with the home town, an obstacle. And in the very act student, faculty or staff stand¬ WITH of organizing are sown the seeds $<)99 ing. and local phone number in¬ cluded No unsigned letter will be accepted for publication, and of our defeat. As soon as we assume a group S3" COUPON y/ WITH COUPOI no letter will be printed without identity, as soon as we become "the Ad Hoc Committee for a signature except in extreme Whatever" we lose sight of our circumstances All letters must objectives. The driving force is coupon coupon—; be less than 300 words long for Can of 3 1 no longer so much directed 45-Piece Semi-Vitreous publication without editing. toward solving the problem at TENNIS BALLS or Pkg. of 3 OINNERWARE SET Golf Bals White Only ! SPECIAL 88c 5800 i coupon- STEREO RECORDS $269 LADIES SHELLS The "with it" portable at the "get-with-it" price! 1,1-1/2, 2 line spacing Touch-Set margins and paper Fable sca'es Budget-Priced Room-Sized Rugs Wide carriage takes standard business envelopes " Automatic and manual ribbon reverse "99 LADIES SLACKS 2/'5' Two-color ribbon and stencil cutter Waffle Foam Back Full-size, 88 chara;ter keyboard 100% Nylon Tweed Touch regulator $35°° 4 Colors Ask about Sears Convenient Credit Plans (8V£ ft. X 11V4 ft.) Denims and Color-Rays Do You Have a Grant Credit Account? ft. X8V*ft $19.99) Use It Coast-To-Coast! 3301 EAST MOAN AVENOE SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE FRANDOR CENTER W. T. GRANT CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back 3131 E. Michigan Ave. Lansing, Michigan OPEN WEEKDAYS 11 ll 10 SUNDAYS 12 to 1 »■ 117 No. Washington Ave. Lansing Mich. (Prices do not include State Sales Tax) sears, roebuck and co. Phone 351-8000 ||[ Michigan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 U' group visits London ggSS*« to study British education EDITOR'S NOTE: are divided into infant and Their basic criticism of junior levels. American education is that it State News''Staff Writer Diane The secondary schools are of aims toward the average pupil Petryk studied in London for three types: the grammar and wastes the upper level the summer under a program schools, which accept only top students. offered by the MSU American students in preparation for Moore feels the British are Language and Education Center universities; the modern schools hindered by past traditions and (AMLEC). This is the first in a (for students not qualified for dislike for change, but "the two-part series on England's the grammar schools), which complex education system. primary sch0ols have been teach such things as business and progressive than the secondary, industrial arts; and the By DIANE PETRYK by far." comprehensive schools, which He also stated that, in try to be a combination of the comparison with American LONDON-Trying to explain two and are most similar to education, the British system is England's educational system to American high schools. Which more academically oriented, in Americans, one British student school a child attends is . . . .. , general. He refused to compare said, is like trying to explain determined by testing, grades the systems further. cricket--it gets very complicated. . . . „ and interviews. One of his students, however, Twenty-four MSU students ®du1cat,on: including members of In addition, JSSL t„«. "H.F'il <■-« -• think you have to and teachers in graduate ™r,lament of both Labor and spools (the British call them compare them, George education spent six weeks Conservative parties, members of < and were to scheduled to be released Nov. be answered by a special 15, Mostov said. VHF/UHF Spotlite Panel-Illuminated channel numbers can be seen from across the room. Sensitive dipole antenna. $17995 The Welcome Week Edition to commission served in his place. Most of the board members were not in East Convenient te Lansing; only five voting • Computer inspired TRUE-MODULAR construction achieves the ultimate benefits of solid-state technology! Advertisement Of Daniel H. Kruger, professor of labor and industrial relations; members member were and meetings. According to Mostov, one non-voting able to attend 3M donates • 100% Solid-State (except for Sunshine® Picture Tube) and Daniel W. Sturt, director of the limited activity of the board of the rural manpower teaching • Cooler Operation—Longer Life this summer was not unusual. • Economical—consumes less power than an ordinary recently appointed by Gov. Milliken to the Michigan "The board's only functions light bulb. during the summer are to cope Manpower Commission. • Custom Video-Range Solid-State Tuning System They will review and analyze with emergencies and run special The 3M Company has donated teachers and students, There Is No Cover existing state and federal projects," he said. "Luckily we a finished set of printed The donation will give the MARSHALL Music'CO. * 50C Cover Friday Wednesday legislation that relates to the manpower recommend action area to the and will governor didn't have any emergencies this One board " project involved the t 11 r insparencies to the center Instructional Research Center teaching a broad collection of aids, according to for use as teaching aids and James L. Page, director of the 4 or Thursday he might take in 235 Ann St.* and Saturday manpower planning. MSU Bookstore in the instructional material for Center. The transparencies will be used primarily in the elementary and secondary methods courses to Former ATL Memorial services for former MSU prof dead taught at Ohio University (1942-43 and at make the students aware of the various aids available to them that will enrich their teaching. "We are trying to create an Frederic Eugene Reeve Jr., will be held Sunday Indiana University (1943-44). environment where the students at 2 p.m. in 114 Fairchild Theatre. He died Sept. His publications include co-authorship of will get excited about these 19 after a brief illness. "Explorations: Reading; Thinking; Discussion; resources and make use of them Writing" Webster's "New World Dictionary" when they start teaching A full professor in the Dept. of American (1953), of which he was an associate editor; and themselves," Page said. Thought and Language, Mr. Reeve also taught in numerous articles. The transparencies cover a the English Dept., the University College Great Mr. Reeve donated his body to Wayne State variety of areas and are available Issues course, Justin Morrill College and the Free University. He is survived by his mother, Louise to students at the Instructional University. Comes Reeve of Miami Beach; a sister, and a Research Center, the only Born in September 1916, he was a graduate of brother. restriction being that student Princeton University (B.A. 1938, M.A. 1941, , There will be no funeral. Those who wish may teachers leaving the area cannot Ph.D. 1942). Before coming to MSU in 1944 he contribute to the Library- Fund of MSU. take them with them. COME IN TO FASHION We'll be putting this baby to bed every Saturday Night. S> We're expecting a new arriva! on Sunday, October 5th — the Sunda/ State News, an Exciting, New, Growing Edition. Follow Grand River out to Saglna* to ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Wednesday Lansing Mall — 15 minutes from campus October 2 3:00 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 A7 BY STEVE Bond EVE WATERBIJRY WATERBURY State News Staff Writer Nixon's sees welfare proposals are sophisticated' ■ unrest are children, two million are males who are unable to U.S. Vice presidency last year, at representative said he was based on the faulty assumption elderly, one million are blind or compete for jobs." the Democratic National considering running for a seat in Julian Bond said Thursday he that many of those on welfare disables and one-and-one -half Bond was one of the founders Convention. He withdrew his Congress next year, but said that anticipates no more large scale are lazy, he said. million are mothers of school of the Student Non-Violent name from consideration by the in order to do so, he would first summer disturbances similar to Of the more than nine million age children, Bond continued. Coordinating Committee convention because of his age. have to give up his seat in the those of 1967. people on welfare, five million "That leaves 80,000 adult (SNCC) and was nominated for The Georgia state Georgia legislature. Instead, he said violence will be more "sophisticated" and "localized." the During a press conference at $35 A DAY Lansing Civic Center, the 29-year-old Georgia legislator said that in riots, "It's we who get killed. The gain for us is minimal and the loss for us is great." Instruction given blacks in guerilla warfare by the Olin institutes room, board fees American armed forces may be ASMSU includes hospitalization Hekhuis, director of student Charges for laboratory and from students receiving hospital used to spark guerilla activities benefits after three consecutive activities, said no rebate will be radiology work for in-patients in the United States, Bond said. Students days of hospitalization. This given to on-campus residents for will also be increased. No The committee discovered that receiving hospital leaves the student with Speaking later at the Third care at Olin Health Center this a $105 room and board missed in the increase in drug or out-patient insurance companies would not Annual Awards Dinner of the bill. residence hall. year will pay $35 a day for room expenses were made. pay benefits for services received Research Assn. for Michigan and board expenses In the event th.'t University officers said this if only students with health in a fee a student "In talking to the people in Negro History, Bond sharply system instituted by the MSU cannot pay his bill, the financial residence halls, we discovered summer that money received insurance were charged. rapped President Nixon's civil Board of Trustees this summer. aids office will make a reduction that a certain allowance in the from the charges would go into a A survey of over 35,000 rights positions, charging that Henry C. Dyke ma, director of in the amount in accordance charge is always made for meals revolving fund account to cover students and parents, taken by the President has entered into an the office of financial aids, said with his pre-determined need Olin's operational expenses, the committee missed", he said. spring term, "adulterous and illicit" that Olin will first bill the factor Dykema said. which amounted to $1.5 million indicated that 85 per cent of the relationship with U.S. Sen. student's insurance company to James W. Cooke, Olin last year. Individual consideration for respondents were covered by a Strom Thurmond, R-S.C. cover costs. Anything not administrator, added that the A committee studying Olin family pre-paid insurance plan. students with extenuating current Bond said Nixon is "not covered room-and-board first examined the possibility of This by insurance benefits financial conditions will be estimate coincides with committed" to helping black expenses at Olin are $45 a day. People with a bond people, and criticized recent will then students. be billed to the available, he said. Charges at Sparrow and St. charging when for trustees hospitalization and state figures where for the state of Michigan, approximately 75 per Julian Bond spoke about the problems of the blacks in actions by the Nixon Although the new Olin fees Lawrence hospitals in Lansing legislators asked why Olin was cent of all Insurance coverage offered by and from $55 to $60 eligible receivers are America at the Lansing Civic Center Thursday. Bond noted administration in extending cover room board, Louis B. run a day. not collecting insurance benefits insured. that the people 'hurt' in riots are always black. deadlines for school desegration. State News photo by Joe Tyner Several measures included in AFTER YEARS OF HONORABLE BUSINESS DEALINGS AIR FORCE GRADS 2 Five graduate Bronze students received Air Force Stars Capt. Raymond W. Ashley, St. Joseph, Tex., WANDA HANCOCK awards and citations for meritorious service at special ceremony Tuesday. The Bronze Star was presented to Capt. Forrest a and Lt. Joseph M. Rougeau, Los Angeles, Calif., were presented Air Force Commendation Medals. The Meritorious Service Medal was awarded to SHOP M. Moss, Eau Claire, Wise., for service as a Maj. Gilbert L. Whiteman, Guilford, Conn., for ONE OF EAST LANSING'S FINEST WOMEN'S special investigations officer in Vietnam for a 10 14 months duty as chief of the Speakers Branch APPAREL AND SPORTSWEAR STORES month period. in the office of the Air Force secretary. Capt. William R. Broach, Clinton, Okla., also Col. Bert Shaber, professor of aerospace received the Bronze Star for seven months of studies, presented the awards. The recipients are MISSES - JUNIORS AND HALF SIZES service as chief of the Air Force Special Security presently assigned to the Air Force Institute of Office in Thailand. Technology on campus. LOCATED AT 203 EAST GRAND RIVER AVE. ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS-EAST LANSING,MICH. SELLING OUT COMPLETELY IN A GREAT $100,000 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE INVOLVING EVERY FAMOUS NAME BRAND G.O.B. PERMIT NO ARTICLE IN OUR STORE-ALL TO BE SOLD OUT FAMOUS BRANDS Don't miss this Great Going Out of Business Sale. Every item in our MUST VACATE store marked down to Sell Out to the bare walls in the next few days- ON SALE Hurry, time is short-We BUILDING must vacate our building as soon as possible. QUICKLY 3 GREAT SALE DAYS EVERY ITEM TO THURS., FRI., SAT., 9:30 to 5:30 BE SOLD OUT! SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING SEPT. 25th AT 9:30 O'CLOCK Val to $19.00 DRESSES 99{ NYLONS fjtl "Berkshire" nylons 49' Out of a group-these dresses will go until sold sell out at the low price out fast-large selection--out they go at USE YOUR MICHIGAN Our'fruni-ribbed knits have the lanky look s900 Sweaters rs19°° Skirts s3600 Winter Coats s550 Blouse that makes tor great pant companions in caretree $588 $588 r.-ss'stfs $1488 $288 washable Orion" S M L A Demi-scoop top with $700 $3°° Bras J>al J2M Knee Hose s17°° Lamb Fur Hats mock closing in green Mock-turtleneck top with flat-knit $^88 «.t 48' $^88 yoke, ribbed waist, navy or brown s1" Panties s700 Gowns $46°° All Weather All Jewelry C Buttoned U-neck. short yj Coats "Misty Harbor" sleeved wine or navy 10 00 0ff sr- 99c rsssss $29" v.i M2°° Robes 52°° Panty Hose M200 Slacks sjjm Dresses Jacobson'S $g88 "Spirit" panty t $p $688 516M ACCESSORIES STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE Thursday, September 25, 1969 } ^3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan RELCOM CK TO THE E. MICHIGAN AVE. ALL GRINDS SPARTAN JUST A FEW BLOCKS OFF CAMPUS AT SHOPPERS FAIR COFFEE NEXT DOOR TO FRANDOR STORE HOURS LIMIT ONE-MICHIGAN BEET WEEKDAYS 0A.M.-10P.M. SUNDAYS 10AM.-7 PH. SUGAR ? FOR YOUR COFFEE COFFEE MATE ALL FLAVORS 110Z.WT. JAR WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS - NONE SOLD TO DEALERS - KELLOGG'S ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 POP TARTS CARNATION CHOCOLATE 11 OZ. WT. PKGS. '1 69* POLLY ANNA 10 OZ. INST. BREAKFAST WT. JARS FRESH SLICED WHITE BREAD 0 PAfi( PTN iHUn urn. I MM EBERHARD'S FRESHER. CRISPER ~ dffekflHV 0 SAVE POLLY ANNA POTATO OREAD POLLY ANNA PLAIN OR SUG f* I| WT.LVS. | I POTATO CHIPS;37 COUNTRY FRESH FRENCH ONION FRIED CAKES PETER PAX SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY 8-43( QIUKtt*# Wr i TEEN RITE CHEESE OR SAUSAGE -13 OZ. WT. PKG. OF 5 MM^ PEANUT 0 CHIP DIPS BUTTER BILL STERN'S BLEU CHEESE FR. ONION, GARLIC J) FROZEN PIZZA STEHOUWER'S FROZEN 49 siz: r BEAN OR CUCUMBER ONION 1 OAR NONE SALAD 13 0Z. WT. CTN. 39{ SPARTAN AMERICAN SLICED CHEESE 8 OZ. WT. PKG. 3? SPARTAN FROZEN MIX OR MATCH - SPARTAN DOWNY FLAKE FROZEN VEGETABLES J1 0RAN0E JUICE 12 OZ. CUT OR FR. STYLE GREEN BEANS. FROZEN WAFFLES WT. PKGS. BABY OR FORDHOOK LIMAS CAULIFLOWER, CUT BROCCOLI, BROCCOLI SPEARS 8 TO 10 OZ. WT. PKGS. EBERHARD COUPON EBERHARD COUPON CAMPBELL'S 3c OFF PERSONAL SIZE TOMATO SOUP 10'/2 OZ. WT. CAN IVORY BAR SOAP a BAR tack 13c r SPARTAN REG. OR CRINKLE CUT FROZEN MIX OR MATCH SPARTAN COUPOH 11 [liHIW tHIIMII JUMBO ROOLS 10c OFF LABEL FROZEN VEGETABLES BOUNTY DRIVE «« CUT CORN, PEAS, TOWELS 2 hok 35c DETERGENT 47c PEAS AND CARROTS, $ 71 CHOPPED OR LEAF SPINACH LIMIT 1 WITH $5 OR MORE MIXED VEGETABLES, SQUASH PURCHASE - THRU SUN., SEPT. 28 10 TO 12 OZ. WT. PKC.S. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 A9 LOWEST FOOD PRICES IN TOWN! 3 LB. PKG. OR MORE-ALL BEEF SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN-FULL SLICES-SAVORY jpSSfffi Jjggg, 0s HAM BUR ROUND STEAK 98 SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN -4-5-6 RIBS-STANDING -JPP*' 58 2LB. PKG.- ALWAYS GOOD ■=" ZT" IB ROAST TRU-TENDERED SLICED BEEF LIVER 59< CORNED BEEF SS FOR OVEN ROASTING • SWIFT'S $109 c Ground Beef Chuck LB 79 SHOULDER PORTION LAMB ROAST 59' MONEY SAVOR BEEF CUBE STEAKS 991 Ground Beef Steak omnijij & RlrfS SMALL BACK ot hiuo ATTACHED ni inwiuu FALARSKI Ring Bologna H FRYER BREASTS ; .46 69 0 MACARONI AND CHEESE 69'I ~ 39 0 MEATY SPARE RIBS 69' KRAFT MINER LIMIT 3, PLEASE - WITH COUPON.. .CAMPBELL'S I ■■ FOR COOKING, EATING, SAUCE WEALTHY APPLES MICHIGAN SWEET 4 " 391 A M o JUICY PEACHES 0 " 49 TOMATO SOUP EDON ONE PLY 500 SHEET DOLLS - 7 (j% V 23-' AMNIVERSARY jfcm TOILET TISSUE SPARTAN FROZEN SPECIAL ■ CcKtri&f If// 29c value i«^fcNEESfirHALF PINT STRAWBERRIES EBERHARD'S PIECES & STEMS c—j COTTAGE?! i 1 CREAM CHOSE with purchase of 30-oz. pkg. MUSHROOMS ^CHEESEj\ | Country Fresh Cottage Cheese FOR DISHES-MILD A gwil 1 at tlle re9u'ar price. 10V LIQUID DETERGENT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 6 WEEK PROGRAM w ifB no WHAT'S wnni a _ ^ NOW SHOWING [BPPENING i-mw'tMBir Staging of 'Virginia Woo If' ALL COLOR PROGRAM L /MMMmr FOREMAN'S ALSO . . . ACTION-SUSPENSE NOTHING EVER HIT YOU LIKE MaCKKMM&'g "HAMMERHEAD" •J ML_BOLDMM fall VINCE EDWARDS JUDY GEESON SHOWN STEREOPHONIC SOUND Bbb»£ to PAC I AT 7:07 season SHOWN ONCE AT 9:40 open L A LATE The Jazz Ensemble will hold jazz ensemble auditions today and Friday in 206 Music Practice Building. The Association for Recreation and Leisure Education 18-23 at Fairchild Theatre, as currently available in the is "Who's Afraid of Virginia making plans for their fall organization. If you are interested in Woolf?", the first presentation the final fall presentation. registration area and at booths located residence halls. recreation, please call 353-2462 today or Friday. of the Performing Arts Company Beginning winter quarter, a near (PAC), will be presented Oct. PANORAMA: comedy, "The Madwoman of Chaillot", will be presented from Tickets may also be picked up at Fairchild Theater. The University Threatre Performing Arts Company will hold a theatre open house at 7:30 tonight in Fairchild Theatre. Speaker 21-26 in Fairchild Theater. will be E. C. Reynolds, Chairman of the Theatre Feb. 24 to March 1 in Fairchild Department. Tho event will be an introduction to the MSU Theatre, with Jay Raphael, graduate assistant Theatre. in theater, and Mike McCarty, graduate student, Evansville, From April 17-19, the Modern Carter named information, entertainment and refreshments. The Women's Competitive Swim Team will hold 'an Ind. are returning PAC members Dance Concert will be given in organizational meeting at 5 today in 137 Women's I.M. Bldg. who will head the cast, along Fairchild Theatre. to new posts The Beal Film Group will present "Oklahoma" at 7 and 9:30 with new members Mike tonight in 104B Wells. ,,On alternating evenings the Champagne, graduate student, Dartmouth, N.H. and Roger entire PAC will present three plays in Fairchild and the Arena at New York The MSU Cine Series will present the English comedy "Room Powell, senior, Sturgis. Theatre from May 6-23. Mates" at 7 and 9:15 tonight in 128 Natural Science Bldg. John M. Carter, director of Admission is 50 cents. ID's are not required. "In White America", a alumni relations for the Alumni Included in the repertory will MSU Promenaders will meet from 7 to 8:15 every Wednesday contemporary drama of the be "Volpone" by Ben Jonson, Assn., has been named to two dormitory kivas. in 34 Women's I.M. Bldg. The meetings are open to students and blacks' struggle for freedom, will administrative positions at the be presented Nov. 4-15 in both Ugo Betti's "Corruption in the faculty. Dances include square folk and round dancing. Beginners Shakespeare's "Comedy of Palace of Justice," and the State University of New York in are invited for lessons. frTfcl.lAljiij-v starts FRIDAY the Arena Theatre and the Errors" will be performed Nov. Bertolt Bracht-Kurt production Buffalo. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will hold a of "The Threepenny Opera." He has been appointed vice meeting at 8 tonight in 35 Union. Fall meetings will be discussed. president of the State University TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! During the year, the PAC will of New York's Buffalo The MSU Sailing Club invites all persons interested also present seven film classics in attending Utr-fo«tu^ M» (pn^anij Foundation, Inc., and executive the University of Wisconsin regatta to be held this STEVE Shown Fri. 7:00 & Later i JjB on Friday evenings in Fairchild Theater. director of the university's Madison, Wise., to contact Art Groves. weekend at alumni association. The IFC will hold their fraternity open rush from 7 to 10 p.m. MCOJEEIM His appointments are effective Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. All students are Sept. 29. AS invited. The MSU Bowling Tryouts will be held next week. Men's 'BULLITT'' tryouts start at 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 2, and 8:30 a.m. Detective Lt. Frank INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Saturday, Oct. 4. The bowling teams will be competing in the Big Ten as well as a collegiate circuit in Michigan. Five women and five men will be chosen for the team. For further information Bullitt--seme OpEtl hlodsE Fall Term please call 355-3357. ether kind of cop. gsuGGESTED FOR mature auoiences .35- TECHNICOLOR' FROM WKRRER IROS.-SEVER ARTS iff P1US; UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 7:30 P.M. WARREN BEATTV * INFoRCUTioti (Unless otherwise designated) • GO FA1E EUNiWAY A EdTEKTAl^ MEtlT THE PRODUCERS AND ECMNIE^CMDli Fri., Sept. 26 Comedy starring Zero Mostel TECHNICOLOR*PROM WARNER BROS -SEVEN ARTS Shown Friday 8:50 p.m. *REfRtJ^E(jT3 CATCH ULYSSES SOON: "The Battle of Algiers" 6tficaWr/Sfl949 Tues.-Wed., Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 Filmed in Dublin. (No one under 18 admitted! SOMETHING FUNNY NOW PLAYING 7t3« PatftltU | EXCLUSIVE CAMELOT Thurs., Fri.-Oct. 2 & 3 TONIGHT AS Lerner-Loewe musical. In color. lust 4 miles east of M.S.I). Ml IA -W1C What ever happened NORTHSID PRIVE-IN THEATRES* OEDIPUS THE KING Based Mon., Tues.-Oct. 6 & 7 the Paul Roche translation from Greek. "Barefoot in to Aunt Alice? on Fairchild) i IWIw Hoflt wUS-27.. 4>2-7' (Matinee at 3:00p.m. Oct. 7, NOW PLAYING! EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN OF PARADISE (French) Mon.. Nov. 3 at Brody 7:P.M. and 9:P.M. Admission $1.00 Open only to MSU students and faculty. Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office Admission 50c Term Ticket $4.00 1:00 3:05 5:15 7:25 9:40 Except Sunday At long last... "What Ever Happened the long awaited To Aunt Alice?" Lawrence Durrell's Geraldine Page Ruth Gordon C Rosemary Forsyth Shown twice at 7:08 and 11: P.M. Justine comes to -Plus 2nd Color FIRST RUN ^ Shown twice at 7:07 and 11:05 the screen. GRAND PRIX DRIVER... WILD BEAUTY.., pitied against a pack of ^'Vvi ^ v 20th Century-Fox presents a Pandro S Berman-George Cukor Production of Lawrence Ourrell's "JUSTINE" starring ANOUK AIMEE. DIRK BOGARDE. ROBERT FORSTER. ANNA KARINA. PHILIPPE NOIRET. MICHAEL YORK, co-starring John Vernon. Jack Albertson. George Baker. Michael Dunn. Produced by Pandro S Berman, Directed by G Doris Day and Brian Keith Screenplay by Lawrence B Marcus. Based on "The Alexandria Quartet' by Lawrence Ourrell, Music by Jerry Goldsmith. Panavision* Color by De Luxe Original Motion Picture Score on Monument Records J0S( GIOVANNI ROBIRJ (NRIC0 PICM PUtCRI lOSt GIOVANNI "With Six You Get Eggroll" lUBICHIGAN —ENDS TONIGHT- . o t mm mm || Vf II I „asr^»4M.»>oe i Sandy Dennis in THAT COLD DAY in the PARK Feature at 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:20-9:30 Shown 2nd at 9:18 -2nd at 9:25- l||VI. Starts FRIDAY! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 All President search By BARBARA PARNESS York at Stony Brook; and plan in May, calls for students to lingers into fall $200,000 appropriation for June meeting of the board of State News Staff Writer criticized Sharma for h William Bevan, vice president at fees according to the pay planning of the four-year trustees that they would attend "involvement in the anti-ROT Fall term has rolled around and Jonns Hopkins University. Bevan number of credits they carry. program. However, the amended no more executive sessions of demonstration" and for being MSU still does not have its new has since withdrawn his name Resident graduate and version of the bill deleted the the trustees where public "very active member of the local president. from consideration. undergraduate students pay $13 grant. matters are discussed. SDS." The All-University Search and A second vacancy in the higher a credit, while non-residents pay Trustees Warren Huff, Huff and White then walked The information was Selection Committee (AUSSC) administration was filled this $31 a credit. D-Plymouth, and Clair White, out of the July executive telegrammed to ^ lu Sen. X[l Robert nuoen spent the summer in daily summer. John E. Cantlon, A new student aid grant D-Bay City, announced at the sessions when a motion to c*™.; : nrnfossnr nf hntanv and nlnnt Griffin,' R-Mich., and n,'1VllCI1' dnQ snarmaS session gathering nominations, professor of botany and plant program replaces sliding-scale in J: discuss tuition andi residence :j l._ii hall grant was withdrawn. interviewing prospective pathology, was named provost providing assistance to needy rates only at the open meeting candidates, narrowing down lists to succeed Howard R. Neville, resident students, and finally, on Aug. 14, who assumed the presidency of The new grant program Katz returns was defeated. One associate professor of Dept. Education and Welfare (HEW) presenting a list of four Claremont Men's College Sept. considers both income and other recommended candidates to the 1- essential family expenditures in from math philosophy will spend a year studying Indian philosophy at said Sharma's status as a visiting professor at MSU was the reason MSU Board of Trustees. Cahtlon, who was appointed determining each applicant's the University's expense. for the withdrawal of the grant. The work of AUSSC would have been complete had the by the trustees June 20, was recommended to succeed Neville financial need, Residence hall rates have colloquium Dhirendra Sharma awarded a Hayes-Fulbright grant a Administrators agreed to Ksae University grant to Sharma lo Leo Katz, director of the trustees at their September bY an all-Univesity committee increased by $30 a year to cover to do the study. When the cover the study he had intended board meeting not requested Statistical Laboratory, returned much like AUSSC. increased labor costs. Rates awarding of the grant was made to do with the additional names from the 1° other action this summer, married housing increased by 3 from Europe this month after Hayes-Fulbright public, however, a legislator grant. /Search and Selection Committee, the trustees approved a new fee a month. attending• an international o Among the four candidates scale, increased residence hall In July the state legislature w !?qU1Ur?1 .°n„ Combinatonal submitted to the trustees are fates and discussed affiliation of gave verbal, but not monetary, Mathematics in Hungary. m pus 2nd Week! Clifton R. Wharton, economist MSU with the new state support to the expansion of the al^ acted aS chairman of l:10-3Tt5-5:20-7:25-9:30 and vice president for osteopathic school. present two-year medical school the U.S. delegation to the d7th agricultural development at The new fee plan, formulated to a four-year school. ^ss'°" ,T the International "GO!-FOR THE FURY. Counseling, Inc., a branch of the after the MSU Board of Trustees The original higher education Statistical Institute, which met l Jr Rockefeller Foundation; and dropped the sliding-scale tuition appropriations bill contained a ror two weeks in London. Stephen Kemp Bailey, professor of political science at Syracuse •••••••••••••••••••••••••••A** FORCE AND FUN OF tf-LOOK University. Kaleidoscope The other candidates are "ANGRY, TOUGH AND Need Money? Campus life has many views-here's a varied bit of the Bogue Edmund D. Pelligrino, vice Street Bridge, taken from the river looking upward. president for health sciences at State News photo by Richard Lutzeier the State University of New FULL OF STING!"-i.« NEW JEWISH CO-OP "A PICTURE YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR IS ifJ' Kosher meals available Call At Little Caesars -L Orthodox Jewish services and supervision of Rabbi James available, or individual meals are kosher meals are now available in East Lansing. Gordon of Oak-Woods. Students have the option of available for $1.50 each. Students For A Job!! let it suffice to Seven MSU students have ordering meals under two plans, information desiring further should call 351- say that iff is a rented a three-story house at A term program of 60 meals is 146 Haslett St., where facilities 8188. masterpiece." ION » 485-6485 have been established for serving kosher meals. TODAY A, ftLADMER If you have wheels you can earn up to $4.00 an 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 I I The kitchen and dining room hour, with fast deliveries to the dormitories or to the most were established through a Young Israel loan and through a GOODBYE, COiUMBUS1 IS A VERY FUNNY. off campus apartment houses. interesting film gift from Mr. and Mrs. Max Biber of Detroit. The kitchen IMMENSaYAPPEAUNfi MOVIE... A THING If you don't have wheels you can apply for an in¬ so far this year::. will be operated under the Of REAL AND UNUSUAL PLEASUREI" side job and we will teach you to be an expert in: -Vincent Canby.N Y T,mti MSU CINE SERIES PRESENTS TONIGHT ONLY if you're young, the brilliant English Comedy you'll really dig • MAKING PIZZAS 1 »> -COSMOPOLITAN • TAKING PHONE CALLS • COOKING CHICKEN hichsiilc will >oti ho < • GENERAL UTILITY ■ GOODBYE. COLUMBUS' IS THE MALCOLM McOOWELL CHRISTINE NOON AN WARMEST. FRIENDLIEST. "REFRESHING TO SEE RICHARD WARWICK DAVIO WOOD ROBERT SWANN FUNNIEST, MOST HUGGABLE AS IT IS RARE TO ON CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS BTdSHERWIN UNDSAY ANDERSON ScHAEL MEDWIN JINDSAY ANDERSON FILM I VE SEEN IN A VERY ./.# FIND! CLEARLY THE LONG TIME I PLAN TO SEE - WORK OF TALENTED. 1071 TROWBRIDGE RD. 1203 E. Grand River COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 0 Persons under is. not :P/V5|: IT AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL SENSITIVE. HUMOROUS 3 BLOCKS WEST IT BECOMES AN OLD FRIEND" NEAR HARRISON RD. PEOPLE!" OF HAGADORN Next Attraction PeterFondain "EASY RIDER" ombre. ASMNtfvR JAfff PflOOUC'QlcuiMK at N\ickg&n 5"Ute University thePer^orming^ Arts Company mummm* richard benjamin jaq(klu6man^^» WWtTsDUMWl SSV"'wiT" stSS™ m susses i ■ ^>res Excellence inTheatre Trodu the L/citement of l^ov/TheeAre FEATURING § For assured seating and choice of the best seats, order your 1969-1970 PAC coupon book TODAY. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf -- Oct. 21-26 ^ In White America--Nov. 4-15 fl The Comedy of Errors -- Nov. 18-23 The Madwoman of Chaillot--Feb. 24-Mar. 1 ■■ DETACH AND MAIL TODAY TO: PLUS: In Repertory 11 Performing Arts Company Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48823 <¥> Volpone mm ¥ Corruption in the Palace of Justice P Please send me 1969-70 PAC Coupon Jf The Three Penny Opera -- May 6-23 L Book. my Enclosed is $8.00 (Make check pa/able to PLUS: Michigan State University.) ^ Modern Dance Concert -- April 17-19 ^ Seven (7) Great Film Classics W City State A12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 V' vs union: News Background striking facts Breslin at the time accepted Other new items include improved vacation-benefit plan, reduction of the incli an probation the first six itefns on the list. period of pre-union members The strike that "shut down" Mediation invoked by the "We simply cannot afford to The rejected seventh item from 6 months to 3, 18-month MSU and briefly delayed union during the first days after go any further in our offer than guaranteed an additional maternity leave, and provisions registration was in the making contract expiration produced we have gone," Adams said Sept. 7c-per-hour increase to workers. for study of an improved for most of the summer when 18. "A university is not a Breslin agreed to submit to retirement-pension plan. nothing noticeable". Clair Otis, ' talks between University monopolistic corporation which binding arbitration. In the contract, the University of AFSCMW Council 7. said at management and representatives the time. The union was can raise wages and then pass the Although the now-revised clearly agrees that student of Local 1585 of the American raise on to hapless consumers." contract was subsequently employees are to be used to demanding an average pay Federation of State, County and increase of 75c per hour for all Adams' statement did not accepted by Local 1585 supplement and not replace the Municipal Employees immediately succeed in members at the Sept. 18 regular work force," Otis added. union members, as opposed to The contract further stipulates ( A FSCME ) consistently achieving ratification. A union meeting, a question over the t'ueUniversity's offer of 20c per stalemated. hour. membership meeting the evening legality of a ratification vote at that on May 1, 1970, both The three-year AFSCME-MSU of the 16th ratification of the the time necessitated "setting parties will reopen negotiations In late August, negotiators aside" the motion. contract expired midnight June invoked state factfinding, which contract in light of the on wages. If no agreement is 30. Well before that date, the president's statement was Union membership reconvened reached by June 15, 1970, Otis termed unsuccessful. two parties had been embroiled rejected. the next morning (Sept. 19). At negotiators will submit to A new package proposal in negotiations for a new At a membership meeting the the meeting. Local 1585 binding arbitration. presented the union after the President Huber Hall and the contract. breakdown in factfinding was evening of the 18th, however, Finally the contract contains Local 1585 employees here members of the union's union negotiating committee anti-retaliation clauses directed rejected by union membership had worked without a new bargaining committee outlined a presented the membership the against both union and Sept. 10. This rejection contract — operating under the expired contract's terms — since precipitated the strike which officially began at 6 a.m. Sept. seven-item proposal intended to resolve the differences of both revised proposal. An estimated University actions as a 98 per cent of the over 11,000 consequence of the stoppage. Tense July 1. 11. parties. present voted for ratification. Except for increased hysteria Cardboard, black paint and angry words summed up the brew picketing maintenance workers got MSU From the beginning all Robert C. Grosvenor, The new contract contains during the abbreviated into last week. Duffy's fans would have gone hungry at Saturday's game, had not the strike been settled Negotiations continuing negotiations were characterized president of AFSCME Council 7, many new points that are chiefly registration period, the effects of Friday. through Sept. 16 saw the union economic. by the inability of union and telephoned Breslin during the the postponement were minimal. state News photo by Jerry McAllister offer a counter-proposal to Jack management to reach any final Economic points are Breslin, secretary of the meeting and informed him of agreement. the seven-point proposal. retroactive to July 1, 1969, the University, who had taken over Both parties consistently expiration date of the old management negotiations. expressed great optimism at the outcome of talks. During these No resultant counter-proposal Prof to head contract. The old cdntract's 8 MORE THAN SLOGAN was offered by the University. talks, however, union officials Instead. Acting President Adams cent-per-hour, cost-of-living constantly termed management met with A FSCME negotiators. accounting group provisionwill remain in effect. BSA changes emphasis offers "totally inadequate", New wage increases include the Adams' refused to accept the while management negotiators 8 cent-per-hour, cost-of-living terms of the counter-proposal called union demands "totally James D. Edwards, chairman clause, plus an 18 cent-per-hour and postponed fall registration. of the Dept. of Accounting and hike for all union workers, plus unrealistic". Financial Administration, will an 18 cent-per-hour hike for all different philosophy, rather than confine its efforts to communities, because the black MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES serve as president of the union workers. An additional 7 organization and new programs student problems. The student no longer wants to be American Accounting cent-per-hour increase is given . lo insure ... . , will distinguish the Black organizations will work with the cut off from his people from a presents Association (AAA) during 1970. skilled tradesmen. justice tor a ac Liberation Front from the old black community in Lansing and dubious success in white "THE DECDWCEEV^ Edwards is the third MSU Furthermore, the decision on arl|ri °p?,reSSe Pe°P es BSA. has formed an alliance with the institutions." McClinton said. accounting professor chosen head of the AAA in the to be whether other workers will also receive additional 7 ™To thieve this Mai the Black Last year, BSA fought for Pan-African Student Union. A four-man executive ACADEMY an last 10 years. Herbert E. Miller cent-per-hour increase (the Students' Alliance (BSA) to exist last ceased mo^ Wack repre^ntationjn J*^^ ™raU o n^Fro ^e and Charles Gaa precede him. seventh item discussed with summ^ u e ore ^ (n ^ said that "The problems and committee includes Mike Tripp, AWARD The membership of the AAA consists of certified Breslin) will be submitted to organization gave birth to th* instances. It is probably best struggles of one black man are Detroit jumor Sam Riddle. public binding arbitration. The Black Liberation Front , remembered for the cafeteria the concern of every other black Flint sophomore Stan accountants, industrial arbitrator, mutually agreed on TntVrnational (BLFI). .... s.t .n ,t ^ ^ Qr the man We are going to share our McClinton. Savanahnah, Ga., WINNER H accountants educators. and accounting by both parties, is to be chosen n tract additionally moUo aboye appears on the Front's membership cards 'Wilson protest Hall discrimination Incident". The involved alleged against three individual backgrounds and senior; and Mike Hudson, experiences, and work for the Inkstersophomore, liberation of all black and All of the committee members BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY" ... . .. .. .. .. Beyond the name change, (Mel Brooks) , recision specifies a revised hospitalization however is a new ,, emphasis that . . black cafeteria employees. Its „nn„„rn W!K ramniK °PPr(efedt Wlth this philosophy, the worked with the Center for Urban Affairs and the Model involves more than a slogan. A BEST CINEMA COMEDY IN YEARS!-r,. Imports Pncj^nts and student Front will take up the cause of Cities Program in Lansing this representation Lansing's "We black are community. very interested in past summer. "BLF will get all things done 'specializing in finer Beal Film Group Presents Tonight Only BLF will focus on the relating to our brothers and which must be done. We will ZERC MClltl sports cars' problems of all black people, sisters at home, in our urban encourage all to learn what must Reasonable Rates be learned. We will teach what "TliC Ample Parts Supply © o o must be taught. This means DCOLtttCJ" „ o o Electrical Work PERFORMANCES AND PRICES humanizing white institutions, A Specialty developing functional black cot oMBfA pictures institutions and encouraging 1 WIRE-WHEEL SERVICE RA5TAR PRODUCTIONS Fri., Sept. 26 - 7:30 P.M. black exploration." explained AVAILABLE BARBRA OMAR Mike Hudson. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM "Financing Available" Perhaps the committee's major Admission $1.00 accomplishment, along with the Ticket Office atidmttfrt dour. 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 Dept. of Residence Halls, was Term ticket W i the Black Student Aide program. GORDON MacRAE GLORIA GRAHAlKE MET (OfffS • GENE NELSON Twenty-four black students, 'If ~mm GREENWOQO-EDDIE ALBERT IAMES WHITMORE ROD STEIGER one to each residence hall or 104B Wells Fri. - 7 and 9:30 Sat. Romeo and Juliet 50c No II) - Repulsion mail theatre 5628 W SAGINAW • 4 complex, form a task force designed especially to help black freshmen with any academic or personal problems they may encounter. The student aide also represents all other black students in the hall and helps to implement any programs or tM changes they would like to see in their dorm. The expanded directions and programs of BLF are accented by a new seriousness of purpose. Several new black students who were approached by BLF members as they came out of registration or who met their students aides in the dorm SHOW BAR expressed surprise at the new approach. COME HERE AND O W THE "It seems like students on campus have a new perception of self that wasn't the black HOFFMAN there before," commented TEST-HEAR B "BASOOTIES" JON VOK3HT CHARLTON JESSICA HESTON WALTER Jennifer White. Pontiac junior. "I think it's the best thing that ever happened." THE SENSATIO A [1SL Stan McClinton summed up MON - SAT (e] BLF's "We new mut direction: beyond the R utilitarian move approach; the first set 9:15 -TONIGHT AT 7 & 4 liberation struggle is no punch the clock effort." DON'T GET STUCK Now Appearing ★ gp IN EAST LANSING at TUG Here is the ultimate in tonal magnificence and clarity of sound. A MAKE YOUR 180 watt AM/FM Stereo Receiver designed for the real connoisseur. The Sansui 5000 incorporates the latest in electronic engineering . .. FET FM Front End and Integrated Circuits . . . venience features ... inputs for ■! pairs of stereo speaker systems that trith exclusive con¬ at OADE'S for the most complete ME & D HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS can be played independently or in pairs, selective monitoring for 2 tape decks . . . and exclusive styling features . . . broadcast dial and tuning meters that light only on AM/FM Stereo functions, colorful selection of beer, wine and liquor in the area. DEM GUYS e NOW! function indicators that light up for phono, tape, aux., tiny neon dial indicator. *Party Supplies * Kegs in stock r w You must see it, and hear it, to believe it. Come in today for a free *Quick Snacks *Bar Supplies demonstration. 8449.93 Be sure to check our prediction board. "Bigger and Better Than Ever" L THE DISC SHOP OADE'S PARTY STORE S CALL COLLEGE TRAVEL 323 East Grand River Mon-Thurs. -10 a.m. 11 p.m. Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.r ^ • 314 S. Clippert Fri. & Sat. -10 a.m. - -12 p. 351-6010 485-4944 Sat. - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 351-5380 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A13 Thursday, September 25, 1969 STATE NEWS CL3»!SF Welcome Back...Get the habit of using State News Classified Ads CLASSIFIED 355-8255 FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank Automotive Automotive Employment The State News does net CORVAIR MONZA--1964. Good PONT I AC 1963 permit racial or religious condition. $350. 610 Bartlett. Hardtop. 389, VOLKSWAGEN 1969-beige with BABYSITTER NEEDED for one discrimination In Its ad¬ 4-speed. Blue metal flake. $400 Lansing, IV 9-4930. 3-9/29 355-8767. 3-9/29 brown interior, automatic stick, child, 1 year. East Lansing, close vertising columns. The radio, rear window defroster disc to camPus- Own transportation, State News will not accept DELTA 88 convertible 1969. PONTI AC brakes. 5,000 miles. 676-5317. 3-9/29 332"0188. 5-10/1 1955-p< • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ Beautiful green with white top. brakes, power ^adio. Good MECHANICALLY MINDED men(3), • CMPLOYMENT inates against religion, Lady driver. 7,800 miles, sacrifice. running condition $95. Phone for machine helper on AMF • FOR RCHT race, color or national or¬ Phone 372-2658. 3-9/29 482-8555. 1-9/25 pin-spotters and general • FOR SALE igin. maintenance. Flexible hours, DODGE POLAR A, VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 1968-dark 1965. 4 door PORSCHE 1963-Excellent condition 15-30 week. • LOST* FOUND sedan. blue, 4-speed. Radio, excellent a Marvelanes, 2120 V-8, automatic, radio, mechanically. Good body. Must East. M-78. Mr. Bertrand. power steering, brakes. Clean car. condition. 355-1045 3-9/29 sell. $1900. 339-9236 337-1383. . . 3-9/29 3-9/29 • FEAHUTS PERSONAL 882-3285. 2-9/26 WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in • REAL ESTATE Automotive PONTI AC- 1969 Fire the $1,000 bracket? We ATTENTION H.R.I, accounting SERVICE DODGE-- CORONET 440, 1966. got em seniors and graduates. Male: Nite • hardtop, power stee CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 CADILLAC Excellent condition. Low mileage. • TRANSPORT ATION 1963-4-door, hardtop. brakes, 350, V-8, East Michigan Avenue, across auditor for motel 11 p.m. to 7 Full power, and air. Excellent cone $1,200. 484-1826. 3-9/29 radio, vinyl top, rally a.m. Apply • WANTED wheels, from the Post Office. 484-2345. C in person to Mr. Take over payments. Balance due: 1,200 miles. 882-7777. Hentschel, UNIVERSITY INN, $987. Phone Credit Manager, IV 3-9/29 1100 FIAT-1968 850 Spider convertible, 1964-Low mileage. Good condition. Trowbridge Road. East DEADLINE 9-2379. C new tires, radio. Excellent., For information, call IV 2-8977 until Lansing. 7-10/6 PONTIAC LEMANS 1 P.M. one cuss day be¬ CHEVROLET 1966 -wagon. V-8, 355-5987. 5-10/( 1966--convertible, V-8, radio, 5, after 6, IV 5-6988. 3-9/29 SERVICE STATION attendant. fore publication. automatic. Good family car. Take console shift, power steering. Week-ends. EDWARDS GULF FIREBIRD '67 OHC. 6, stereo, ovals, Cancellations - 12 noon one over payments. Balance due: many extras. ED 7 7945 after 487-0433. 5-10/1 Auto Service & Parts SERVICE 2763 E. Grand River, class $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, East Lansing. 5-10/1 day before publica¬ 5:30 p.m. 3-9/29 IV 9-2379. C PONTIAC MASON BODY SHOP 812 East tion. 1962 Catalina. Good FIREBIRD 1967-8 cylinder, 326 cu. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940 SECRETARY: HILLEL condition. $175.00. Phone . . . CHEVROLET 1967-Super Sport, Automatic power steering, air- 882-4041. Complete auto painting and FOUNDATION, good typist, 3.9/2<* PHONE 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, conditioning, mag wheels. AM-FM collision service. IV 5-0256. C Monday-Friday, 9-5. Phone Rabbi power steering and brakes. Take and tape player. Original owner. Zemach, 332-1916. 2-9/26 355-8255 over payments. Balance due: 23,800 miles. $1,750, best offer RAMBLER 1963-3 seat wagon, HONDA S-90 with Scrambler bars. $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, or trade. 485-7972. 5-10/1 radio, heater. Good condition. 1 Knobby rear tires and new GROCERY STOCK boy: Morning RATES IV 9-2379. C owner. $250. 351-8385, after battery. Extra tires and 2 helmets preferred. Call in person. PRINCE FORD 1958-Excellent 5:30 p.m. included. 4,800 miles. $200. BROS. 555 E. Grand River, East mechanical I ddy . . 15^ per word per day 11.50 CHEVROLET 6-cylinder. 1 96 Excellent 3--4-door, condition condition, good transportation. $125 firm. 351-0631. 3-9/29 'Ttfl£ Vcm^cw I£NT fir PI35" RAMBLER 353-7941 5-10/1 Lansing. 5-10/1 - 1964, 6-cylinder, 3 dov* $4.00 355-5986. 3-9/29 mb WE.MOREANP standard transmission. Mint Aviation ALBERT 13 1/2# per worn per day FORD 1966-2-door hardtop, V-8, condition. Call 393-3060. 5<*«y« $6.50 CHEVROLET automatic, power steering. Take 6R55AJ B6AW5 AND.. 5-10/1 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy t< 19# per word per day Power IMPALA SS-1963. over payments. Balance due: RAMBLER learn in the PIPER CHERAKEEM APARTMENTS steering, power brakes. 1963--3-seat wagon, Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. 1 $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, Automatic. 355-1120. 3-9/29 heater. Good condi (based on 10 words per %d) IV 9-2379. C $250. 351-8385, after 5:30 551 Albert Street There will be a 50< service CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968 Automotive Automotive 3-9/29 Scooters & Cycles apartments still available for FORD FALCON 1960. I immediate occupancy. and bookkeeping charge if convertible, power steering, Transportation. $90.00. Call OLDSMOBILE 1966. Power OPEL 1968 Rallye. Flame red. 102 this ad is not paid within brakes, new wide oval polyglas 351-3599. After 5, 355-8571. 5-10/1 tires. 1 owner Steering, brakes. V-8. Excellent hp. New dunlop radials. Many one week. car. $2,275. condition. Phone 882-0432. 2-9/2< 485-4752. 50 0/1 extras. 694-8387, 353-6675. RED HARDTOP automobile. 1965. 1968 HONDA , 450 Scramble FORD SPRINT conver ible. 1964. 3-9/26 Impala. Power steering. $1,000. Excellent conditon. $675. Ca The State News will be Very clean. Good DLDSMOBILE 1963 Holiday 88. Call 355-7702. 2-9/26 676 2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10/ responsible only for the CHEVELLE 1967. 2 door hardtop, 355-5024, 8-5. 1 -9/25 4-door. Automatic, power steering MUSTANG 1967. 289.3 on floor, first day's Incorrect inser¬ 327. 4-speed, gold metallic, black and brakes, etc. Must drive to power steering, oval and snow tion. vinyl top. Balance of factory FORD 1969-Fairlane, 2-door appreciate. $495, or offer. tires. $1,550. 355-6021. 5-10/1 SIMCA 1964-Low mileage. Good Employment hardtop, power steering. Excell# 393-6942. condition. For warranty. Excellent condition 3-9/29 information, call IV WANTED: PART and full time condition. Make offer. 489-6281. until 5, after 6, IV 5-6988. 694-0739. 1-9/2^ 2-9/29 OLDSMOBILE 1967 MUSTANG 1966 - 289, V-8, See model apartment, Automotive Cutlass 4-door hardtop. 14,000 3-speed, console, radio, snows and necessary. HORNE'S wheels. One owner. Excellent STUDEBAKER-6, 1964. Low RESTAURANT. 393-0400, ask 332-0255 CHEVY II- 1967. miles. Air condi mileage. Clean. for Don Heaman. 2-door. street condition. 699-2548, after 5:30 $195. Call 5-10/1 machine. 327, bored .060 over, brakes, and si •ng, 332-3170 3.9/29 P.m. 3-9/29 balanced, clearanced, chrome crank, 13.5 to 1 pistons, 9 quart wheels. Vinyl top. Vacut SUNBEAM A LP I NE--1 AUSTIN HEALY 1967. All extras. 967, This car is like brand Must sell, best offer. ED 2-0060. oil pan, 5 lb. aluminum Schafer FORD-- 1967, custom 500. Standard IV MUSTANG I 967 -6-cylinder. convertible, good condition. We're Looking For people! flywheel, nicky and speed. 5.12 5-5063. 3-9/29 condition. 3-9/29 Will $1,150. Call 332-0948. 5-10/1 positraction gears, over $3,500 st sell. Call Greg, BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1964. Low must sell, best offer. $1,000 Who Like To Be In On invested. Best offfer, over $1,800. OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1967-4-door. 332-6304. S-10/1 TEMPEST 1964. 1966 GTO engine, Things mileage, excellent condition. Serious calls only. 485-7379. 3-9/2J 372-5934. 3-9/29 From Start-To-Finish! $950. Emily, 332-5031. V-8, automatic, power steering stick shift, positraction. 4 new 5-10/1 and brakes. Excellent condition. MUSTANG 1967, wide ovals, reverse chromes. Real COMET 1961- '65 Fal FORD 1965, V-8, 4-door. White Take over payments. Balance due: miles. 351-3895. BUICK ELECTRA convertible, 1961 sharp. 485-4087. 2-9/26 Excellent condition. Best offer. custom auto. New muffler. To see $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV OPENING SOON! 332-3866 after 6 p.m. call Ed 2-3253. 2-9/26 9-3279. C 5-10-/1 WE NEED NURSES IN THE MERIDIAN MALL (General Nursing and Specialties) II it Isnl POSITIONS AVAILABLE R.N.'S - L.P.N.'S Your particular working schedule needs are our concern. FULL OR PART TIME We will work with you to find a work schedule to meet 01731... It Isn't. your particular needs and ours. •SALES STOCK • • CLERICAL Regular 8-Hour shifts •RESTAURANT "MAINTENANCE Irregular 8-Hour shifts Swing shifts L«ss Than 8-Hour shifts - - Full time Part time - ► PAID HOLIDAYS ► For further information call 372-8220, Extension OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT » 420 or 421. PAID VACATIONS ► SICK PAY LANSING GENERAL HOSPITAL » DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES 2800 Devonshire Lansing, Michigan 48909 1. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 2. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK Before ycu buy any small car, Drive a G. C. MURPHY CO. OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL APPLY IN PERSON MON-SAT 9-5 You'll be glad you did! at G.C. MURPHY A-A 1986 E. GRAND RIVER 4 WHEELS of Lansing Inc. MERIDIAN MALL 2200 S. Cedar Tint's why Dure ware 141 more girls mere mis summer. Only mlnutes-from East Lansing & Okemos CROSSWORD POZZLE Scwen Thirty One has everything. Go West on Mt. Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar ACROSS 30 He,b ot E'ace Study or socialize...privately. 31. Fr. friend 1. Sunken fence 32. Cereal grass Enjoy sound conditioning. 4 Young boys 33. Where the Air conditioning. 8 Assist Out of sight furnishings...psychedelic interiors. 11. Romame 34 Slight 12 Hodgepodge movement Wall to wall carpeting...SHAG. 13 Court 36 Fate Dishwasher and two door refrigerator. 14 Infant 38 Flightless bird The Pit...billiards, cards, color television and parties. 15. Fidelity to 40 Domain 43. Predetermined Swimming pool. 17. Squandered 47. Hyson Basketball. Barbecues. Balconies. 19. Deception 48 Annoy 5. Stout 20 Fume 49 Missile Complete Social Schedule...TGs regularly. Billiard tournament. 22 Midget 50 Hostel 6. Radio knob 7. Cubes Planned ski week-end. Co-ed basketball and touch ^26 Public 51. Spring month 8. Windmill sail football. Water basketball. Fashion shows and cosmetics clinics. disturbance 52 Moose 9. Peacock 28 Vicia orobus 53 Demure butterflies 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 K 10 Dowry MODELS OPEN DAILY 4 SUNDAY, NOON - 9:00 p.m. P i 16. Modern PLAN TO SEE THEM NOW. THEY'RE OPEN TODAY. " m 12 15 i 16 13 18. 21: Tulle Pitch AT 731 BURCHAM DR. EAST OF ABBOTT RD. 1/ % 18 19 23. 24. Fragrant Bacardi ,0 21 22 23 %2M 25 25 Reward 26. Mortar beater %% 27 Haw. baking Heee-'s Trf£ HAY- we all 26 27 % 26 29 % SO pit 29. Vermilion . OVEfe. TO UMIS. 31 32 33 3M %35 36 % 32. Jog the memory and clean up on S.M.U. ^6 39 HO % 33. Cultivater 35. Accept % M3 45 M6 »47 V Svctpm 39 Unicorn fish CLEANERS 48 49 i 60 41. Marquisette 42 Several 623 E. Grand River % 1 43. Obscure 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 Loms East Lansing Across From Student Services 51 % 52 % 44.Epoch 45. Firmament 46.Increase ) A14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 Employment Emp I oy ment Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent Employment EMPLOYMENT PART TIME TRANSMITTER NEAR DOWNTWON apartment for NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom ONE OR girls needed to share ^ BEDROOM house, DIETICIAN ADA regiftered or BABYSITTER, MATURE ENGINEER: 1st two near campus. employment for MSU students class FCC license rent. Grad student, couple. $50. Must have completely furnished, plenty of reg»try-«4tgibt«. Opportunity to dependable for 2 boys. Lunches required, full or during fall term with Midwests' Furnished 1 bedroom up. Utilities transportation. Call Trinka, parking. IV 9-7226, after 6p.m participate in progressiva and after school. Glen Cairn part time employment. Call $9/29 largest full-line merchant 482-1333. paid. $110 month. Phone after 5, 355-8252. S-9/30 patient-aducation o their second school area. East Lansing. Own wholesaler. Outstanding income. 13-10/10 489-7282. 1-9/25 shutout in as many starts. Pictured transportation. Call 351-0545 EAST LANSING-Lansing. Like your Excellent experience. For further^ at right is senior forward Alex after 6 p.m. 3-9/29 information ancpersonal interviews For Rent own fine home. New deluxe BEDROOM, LIVING room, kitchen, Skoterek. while another building. Large airy rooms. phone THE SOCIETY FOR RENT: furnished. $75 month. Lady unidentified Spartan teammate EDUCATION OR Psychology major CORPORATION. 337-1349. Parking space. 2 cars, preferred. 339-8930, 339-8666.: NORTHWINO Carpeted. Fine Quality furniture. awaits action in the backaround. wented-Male or female, to work m 0-10/1 Gunson, near Grand River. FARMS in nursery school. 3 mornings a $ 1,00/week. E D 2-2073. 3-9/29 2:9/26 Air-conditioning. Security locks. TEMPORARY, EXPERIENCED week. Phone 332-4796. 3-9/29 Faculty Apartments LINE UP your fall job now. Earn to 3 OR 4 to sublet apartment. 2 Parking. Beautifully maintained. stenos, typists, office machines learn in your spare time. Car PARKING: EXCELLENT location, bedroom, completely furnished 351-7880 Select clientele. Lease. Call operators. Short and long LANDSCAPING. FULL or part time and carpeted. 5 minutes to MSU. 332-3135 o assignments. $1.60-$3.50/hour. necessary. Subsidiary of Alcoa. behind Campus Theater. Within help. Male. Own transportation. 882-3745. 2-9/26 2 MEN needed to share with 2 grads, MY GAL FRIDAY OFFICE ED 2-6311. 3-9/29 Equal Opportunity Employer. Call easy walking distance of most 1 GIRL to share 2 girl, 2 bedroom 351-7319 for interview. C points on campus. Lot well Hous«s large luxury house. Furnished, SERVICE, 484-7771. '0-9/26 apai :ment. Bogue Street $90. maintained. $25 per term. Hurry! FURNISHED 3 garage space. Near campus. Grads BABYSITTING. MONDAY. Furnished. Mary. 351-3826.3-9-29 GROCERY CASHIER, woman, full Call 351-3635, after 6:30 p.m. block from campus. Call 332-0641. FURNISHED: ABOVE average or seniors. 337-2453. 1-9-25 MAILING ROOM work-Temporary Wednesday, Friday. 2-6. Student 20 blocks to time. Call in Prince campus. full or part time, 20 hours. Apply or student wife. 351-0277, person. Brother's Market. 555 East Grand 5.10/1 ***» CAPITOL VILLA Accomodates 4 students. Very LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom in person, 3308 South Cedar Suite evenings. 2-9/26 1 MAN 3 clean. Deposit required. 882-1480, River, East Lansing. 5-10/1 man. 2 bedrooms. Must house. 2 to 4 students. 114 miles TV RENTALS-Students only. 11, Lansing. If hired you will hold full-time job. APARTMENTS after 5 p.m. 5-10-1 from DRIVERS OVER 21. Full or Part Low monthly and term rates. Call Swinger. campus. $170 to $190 begin immediately. 3-9/29 WHATEVER YOUR skills, male or $60/month. 351-2480. 2-9/26 month, plus utilities. Lease. time. Also dispatcher. Apply 484-2600 to reserve yours. 34 EVERGREEN: female, have temporary Married, post-grads,and sen¬ Furnished, nine Deposit. 351-5696. 5-10-1 MEN WITH cars to deliver the Free VARSITY CAB COMPANY. Side we UNIVERSITY TV. C bedroom. 5 can be doubles. door. 122 Woodmire. 3-9/29 employment for you at KELLY FACULTY APARTMENT.' iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ Press. Early a.m. $4.50 per hour $550.00. Heated. 9-month lease. SERVICES. ' Demonstrators, RENT A TV from a TV Unfurnished. No pets. EAST ments. From $l50-$l65.Near for car and driver. Call 332-1154, after 6 p.m. 5-10/1 clerks, typists, stenos, and Company~$9.50 per month. Call LANSING MANAGEMENT Campus. For Information call Form your own group. Men or women. Call 332-1677 or For your car experienced keypunch operators. 337-1300. NEJAC TV RENTALS Phone 332-2627. C your home ■ 1-313-546-0459. Owner WAITRESSES AND waiters. Lunch Coronary care and recovery units. Also general laborers. Call 332-5330. premises, Saturday, 6:00 p.m. 2-9/26 on 482-1277. MALE: EAST side, furnished. 2 your life Full time or part time. Excellent hours, split and full-time. No 10-10/7 salary. Paid Blue-Cross, NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented room Studio and 2 bedroom with Sundays or holidays. Some Blue-Shield, life insurance and only to MSU students and faculty. shower. Private. Ample parking. your health BICYCLE experience necessary. Must be COUNTER GIRL: 3-6, Monday tuition reimbursement plan. $8.84 month [including tax], 1214 East Kalamazoo. 3-9/29 neat and dependable. 489-1196, Apply Personnel Department, St. through Friday. Saturday, 8-6. STATE MANAGEMENT your boat for appointment. JIM'S RESTAURANT, downtown Lawrence Hospital. 3-9/26 Apply, SAVANT CLEANERS, CORPORATION, 444 Michigan NEEDED ROOMMATE. Grad your furniture 962 Trowbridge. 3-9/29 Ave. 332-8687 C preferred. Quiet atmosphere. See at Lansing. 5-10/1 your business EAST LANSING resident desirous of 240 East Michigan, Apartment C-4, youf jewelry SALE cleaning help. Flexible hours. Near R.N.'s, L.P.N.'s with medications after 6 p.m. 2-9/26 GIRL HOUSEWORK and motel course. Part time. 7-3:30 Apartments your wardrobe maid service. Hours 8-12 a.m. Call campus. 393-5770, ask for Aron. 3:00 11:30. 1 1-7:30. Call your gott dubs 7-10/3 340-344 Evergreen. 3 person 332-0881. Leave telephone PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332-0817. ONE MAN for 2-man. About $60 apartments. $180 furnished and number and best time for HMO/8 pays everything. Behind Warrens GIRL: TO care for Pre-schooler in all utilities. 332-1677 or employment manager to call. 5-10/1 Poplars. 337-0727 or 351-8415. Professor's house. Light STUDENT MOTHER 1-313-546-0459. Owner on 5-10/1 housework. Live in or out. housekeeper/babysitter. premises Saturday 6 p.r MALE or female cashier help. 2-9/26 484-6703. 4-9/30 part time. 2 school-age children. 0NE GIRL needed for Apartment. Monday through Friday, 10-2 or 11-2. Burger Chef Drive-In, Rent paid until October 1. ATTRACTIVE -YOUNG Ladies: Damage deposi:, 489-0391, af ier 5 Now Leasing Frandor. 489-1346. 5-10/1 HAVE FUN TEACHING State Farm is all you need to Must wear size 4B shoes. For p.m. 5-10/1 SKIING WINTER TERM. know about insurance. Give modeling Sunday September 28. 2 Left - Reduced Rates Call Mr. Smith, Go To Summer. me a call. SHOELAND, ROOM furnished apartment. Wanted for full time position. 489-6951. 2-9/26 SUGAR LOAF Utilities paid. Walking distance. Discount for managing. 351-7969. Apply at 3308 S. Cedar. Suite 11. WHITE HILLS Marathon needs is accepting applications for ski THE CHALET Lansing. 2-9/26 1-9/25 service station attendants. Full instructors. Male or female. and part time. Inquire Lake Room & board. Need not be RANGE DUPLEX 2-bedroom, full VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELOR Lansing Road at Abbott, 9-5 P.M. certified. Contact Bob 1200 E. G^and River Ave. basement, carpeted, living room, cosmetics, now interviewing for 3-9/29 Knight, Traverse City. (616) heat, refrigerator and stove. part time earnings opportunity. 947-9894. Furnished car port. 4610 Tollano No experience necessary. Call MOTHER'S HELPER. Flexible NURSES Avenue. Holt, Michigan. 332-6197 schedule. Salary to be discussed. -R.N., LPN, Roselawn 485-0477. 2-9/26 Manor Occupancy September 29. Nursing Home. 7 a.m.-3 355-8228, evenings. 1-9/25 694-0784 2-9/26 p.m., 11-7 full or Dart time. Ideal JIM RYAN GEO. T0BIN NEED ONE man for Meadow Trace. HOUSEWIVES: OVER 100 positions BABYSITTING IN home. working conditions. Excellent available between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. my salary. 707 Armstrong Road. Call . A ,;i,hiD r.r.uu Call 337-9091. ask for Rick RYAN & TOBIN Thurs., Sept. 25,1969 _ . Apply at SCHENSULS Spartan Village. Fall term only. 3550895. 4-9/30 Mrs. Jolly. of Nursing. 2 °R 3 sn,d""K a,™ 6 Hofmann. 3-9/26 -- 1:30 o.m. INSURANCE CAFETERIA in Meridian Mall from 1-5 p.m. No Saturday, EDUCATION OR Psychology major __393-5680 5-10/1 <°campus 332'°626 ££ ONE GIRL needed for 2-rr MSU SALVAGE YARD 339 MORGAN LANE FRANOOQ CHILD CARE WORKERS Street. $75. Call Mrs. Sunday, or Holidays. And wanted-Male or female, to work Full-time employment wanted for 3 girl 882 2316. IV 7-3216. 1330 So. Harrison Road Summers off. 10-10/8 assistant and ONE GIRL 351-0050 as teacher, in nursery part-time throughout the school apartment. 28 West University MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS school. 3 mornings a week. Phone year. $2.50 $3.00 per hour. Male Terrace. 2-9/26 FEMALE STUDENT for detail work 332-4796 3-9/29 applicants only. Apply to in advertising office. 8 a.m. to 11 Various makes and conditions. All items 6 ' ' S T A R R BEAL STREET: Large 2 bedroom a.m. daily. Monday through COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, may be seen at Salvage Yard, Sept. 25, Friday. Some typing. Call BUSBOYS, meals and $5 a week. apartment. % block from campus. from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m. 355-8297, 3-5 p.m. ft'b'°lnl M.chigan. 9or12 months. 351-2253. 4-9/30 and Sept. 26, [517-629-3988], 10-10/10 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. STUDIOUS STUDENT for 3-man. No deposits necessary. 731 Burcham, apartment 101 D after 5 Terms: Cash p.m. 2-9/26 University Villa DON'T PASS UP YOUR FALL LEASE Score with these . ' ' - - - 7 excellent apartment values ? • " - Our selection is limited so don't delay. EVERGREEN ARMS Evergreen Street is a shady avenue UNIVERSITY TERRACE just a half block from campus. A recreation field for tossing the foot¬ Right across from campus, Univer¬ ball is close behind. sity Terrace allows you plenty of These huge, plush apartments have time to get up at 7:50 for that all- balconies and air conditioning stand¬ important 8:00. ard. All this and more make Ever¬ Each wall is panelled In rich dark wood with thick, rich carpeting for green Arms the favorite of every student. barefoot lounging. Every apartment is air conditioned and has a private balcony for those cool, quiet evenings. H»SLETT APARTMENT Newly redecorated w?th wall to wall carpeting aid furniture to fit a king. A hop- skip- aid- a- jump from Berkey Hall allows you plenty of . 2, 3, 4 person apartments • 4 blocks from campus time to catch those last minute winks every morning. Haslett Apartment (2 bedroom flexible units) puts you in the middle of where all • 9 or 12 month lease the action Is!! • Furnished • Color coordinated appliances • Carpeted • Air Conditioned • Individual heating & cooling • Garbage disposals controls call or stop in at: From $55.00 per person Halstead Management STATE MANAGEMENT 332-8687 635 Abbott Road 351-7910 444 Michigan Ave. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 A15 FMNKDf SPEAKING lyPMftonk For Sale For Sale GIRLS: SINGLE room, near campus. DRAPES- [SPARTAN Village 1 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for Cedar Village the Cooking. $8 per week. 351-9504. bedroom]. Couch slipcover, bath home. Makes tapes for your car, 3-9/29 carpeting. Used Cornet. Cheap. too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up 355-0896 after noon. 5-10/1 at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 MEN-CLEAN, quiet, rooms. v South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C Cooking and parking. 1 block to: CHESTS, $25; beds, $20 each; -N campus. Supervised. Phone anges, $25; refrigerators, \T UNFINISHED FURNITURE: "Bar 487-5753 or 485-8836. O $25-$80; sofa, $20; 5-piece ols dinette, $25; dining room suite, chest-of-drawers, bookcases, FURNISHED for 8 Girls. Across $65; TV, $25, much, much more. prefinished picture frames and from campus. Reasonable rates. Stop out. Compare our prices more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 Phone 332-2462. 3-9/29 BOB AND DAVE'S. 4216 South South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C Cedar. Phone 393-6025. 1-9/25 FEMALE: campus, FURNISHED, close to parking, private. $12.50/week. 351-0511. 2-9/26 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. WIRE FRAMES? Many styles. White or yellow gold at OPTICAL 2 BEDROOM 1968 edition. Complete set with1 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan case. $400. Call 676-2758 after 7 p Avenue. 372 7209. C-10/3 COMFORTABLE ROOM. Quiet. For mala graduate. 2-8304. Good Location. Parking. IV 3-£-29 FLEA MARKET every Saturday and Sunday. Bartlett's Pavilon, 2 MAN APARTMENT Pleasant Lake, Michigan. Box 356. 2 ROOMS, 14bath, private entrance, Phone 1-783-3152. 10 miles n<*th BIRTHDAY CAKES-7"-$3.64, of Jackson. 1 -9-25 8"--$4.l8, 9"--$5.20. Delivered two meals, phone, small salary. For On* or tns coeds in exchange KWAST BAKERIES, ' 484-1317(f t20()00 /month for some dbytime child care. BEDROOM SUITE 5 piece, blond, _Pj?/26 332-4113 excellent condition. Price, SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! or 355-0230 2-9-26 $100.00.694-0357. 3-9-29 Brand new portables--$49.95. $5.00 per month. Large selection LARGE ROOM with ^complete of reconditioned used machines. kitchen unit. Double Murphy bed, Singers, Whites, Necchis, New twin bed, fireplace, television and Home and "Many Others," $19.95 PHONE 332-5051 so forth. 337-9218. 5-10-1 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS STEREO - PORTABLE Capital DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, WOMAN: FREE room and board in record player, with Garrard 1115 North Washington, exchange for staying with polio Turntable. $100. 355-2791.2-9-26 C-9/26 patient in evenings. 337-9318 or 33 "THl$> l£WEvTe*>T 1WX fc.|£>£> HJONT <$STTHEIR HANKS ON! SINGLE ROOM for girl student. Near campus. Kitchen privileges. 3E 351-8325. 1-9/25 SINGLE ROOM, private home, 1% blocks from campus. Own For Rent entrance, bath. $70. 337-0909.2 9- 4TH GIRL needed for 4-bedroom house. $60/ mqnth, utilities paid. Gl RL-OKEMOS area. Cooking 568 Cornell. Denise, 355-8252.S-1 facilities. Part time office work 351-7969. house. $60/month, can pay for room. 351-6729.4-9-30 202 East Fenton, small unfurnished, utilities paid. Inquire 568 Cornell. and garage. Suitable for 2. No Denise. 355-8252. MALE: COOKING, Private bath, Pets. $90/month plus utilities. $50 entrance, parking, linens EAST LANSING 2 deposit. 699-2268. 2-9-26 furnished. Approved. IV 5-8557.1-! girls needed. Sept. 15 thru June 15. Furnished. Complete house. 6 people. For Sale $65 per month. After 6 332-5320. Completely furnished. All utilities aid. Call NEJAC 337-1300. C LUXURY DUPLEX. Completely TELEVISION 23 inch, black and furnished for 4. 487-3387. 595 white Magnavox. Excellent Spartan Ave. 2-9-26 condition. $75. 337-2292. 2-9-26 Largest Selection Of Car Stereo Equipment In Lansing 1 STERO TAPE PLAYERS FROM $39.95 Radics from $18.95 $ 19*95 Reverbs FM Multiplex $49^95 Casettes $79.95 AM/FM Radios Speakers . . . .$49.95 $ 2.95 If You Thought Campus Hill Was Great Before If we don't have the tape you want -- we'll special order it! Take A Look At Our New Models -F eatures- Apartments • twin dressing rooms (for that liOO A. M. rush) • groovy furnishings for 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Persons % swinging party room • individual closets (even an extra one) % central air conditioning • from $58.75 month/person • Swimming Pool • Huge Closets Follow the boulevard to our new • Carpeted • Air Conditioning Model #2016 Model open 2-6 p.m. daily • Draft Clause • Big Rooms 9 MONTH LEASE NO EXTRA CHARGE FROM $55.00 PERSON. J'. 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 217 Ann St. Next to Min-a-Mart 351-8862 Thursday, September 25, 1969 A16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Student DIRECTORY • EYES EXAMINED WHY PAY MORE? PAR-MOR • GLASSES Meljers Thrifty GOLF COURSES • CONTACT LENS Acres Barber Illuminated Driving Range Shop 9 Hole Par 3 & Regulation C. L. Chase, Optometrist Pennsylvania Ave. Course. 9-9 Monday-Friday Co-Optical Services Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 5218 S. Logan 9-6 - Saturday ED 2-34.39 393-4230 CAMPUS Eugene Blossey UNIVERSITY WASH N' GAS Motorcycles BEAUTY SALON 10% off with this coupon 3000 E. Kalamazoo 2 blocks W. of University Free exterior car 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. 248 West Grand River wash with Yamaha, Bultaco, Sachs [Reduced Prices on Some Models 5019 N. Grand River, Lansing mm'j i fe : I! S ! S lffit IV 9-9797 Village 372-8900 Learn to fly? Sure you I Custom PIctur# Framing? BUD'S Use our Air Taxi-Service Give us a call! AUTO PARTS Buy a new Piper Late Model Motors and AU at: Bob Jones Paints parts a speciality Francis Aviation MASON Halfway between Holt and Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 Capitol City Airport 484-1324 677-8141 COLLEGE TRAVEL Check LINCOLN LIFE'S CONTACT LENS SERVICES \ ' ^ h OFFICE D. M. DEAN. O.D. Deferred Payment 210 Abbott Rd. 130 West Grand River Blvd. 351-6010 • Since 1905 GRAD PLAN Ph. 351-8810 Suite #16 332-6563 Spindley The beginnings of the Life Sciences Building present a stark silhouette in the afternoon sky as a crane in the background WELCOME BACK STUDENTS KWAST BAKERIES BROOKS Imported Ca Sales and Conspiracy continues work on the new building. When completed the structure will be the first of many to house the university's medical school. STUDENT SERVICE DIRECTORY DEADLINE: TUES. 3 p.m. 482-1473 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing begins in CALL JUDI 355-8255 CHICAGO (AP) - Questioning disqualified because it did not of prospective jurors began represent a cross section of the Wednesday at the trial of community. Real Estate Service men charged with conspiring to Weinglass said that because of cause violence during last year's their apparent older age, the EAST LANSING all brick FOR GUITAR lessons, call Ruth SAIL BOAT, British Zenith class. National prospective jurors would not be 14'A', fun, fast easy to handle 3-bedrooms, family room. Knapp, 351 7730, 3:30-4:30 p m , Convention. capable of judging the expert Excellent shape. New spinnaker, Finished recreation room. < 2-9/21 Convenient to shopping, schools Judge Julius Hoffman testimony on young people and good racing record. Call evenings, and MSU. Built 1959. Low down MISCELLANEOUS presiding in U.S. District Court, youth culture which he said the or weekends. 339-8028. 3-9/29 payment. Call owner at 332-6642 warned the 250 veniremen on defense plans introduce, DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and or 482-4678 5-10-1 PEOPLE... Politics-issues. ..emotio hand not to watch television, Hoffman also denied a motion A. J. Langguth analyzes the forces listen to radio broadcasts or read for a hearing on the engagement ring sets. Save 50 per behind last year's civil war at San cent or more. Large selection of Lost & Found Francisco State. In this month's newspaper reports of the trial constitutionality of the 1968 plain and fancy diamonds. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, proceedings. Civil Rights Act. The trial is the $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX LOST: ONE boy, one girl, college America's First Monthly. On sale Earlier, the judge, who first major test of a provision of SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East age, last seen searching for engaged in several humorous that act which provides that Michigan. 485-4391. themselves in ALCOHOL C TRIPPING — A story by student BABYSITTING In my Spartan exchanges with defense lawyers, anyone convicted of crossing Village home. Full time only. denied a long list of motions state lines to incite a riot may be NEW GUITARS award winner Don Mitchell. In - Gibsons, Fenders, submitted by the defendants sentenced to a maximum of ten Martins, etc. Rap with Rich at this month's HARPER'S 353-6893. ^9/26 MAGAZINE, America's First who have dubbed themselves years in prison and fined Apartment 12, 334 Michigan LICENSED CHILD care, in Spartan Avenue. 2-9-26 Monthly. On sale now. 1-9-25 "The Conspiracy". Village Home. Monday thru More than 1,000 youths, many Friday. Phone 355-9910. 5-10-1 WOLLENSAK STEREO FOUND: THE causes underlying of them members of the Black Hofman, 32, New York City, tape-recorder. Cost - $220. Will Russia's current cultural Panther party, gathered in the Leader of the Youth sell for $139. 337-0727, 351-8415.! upheavals. Contact Arthur Miller International Party Yippies; in this month's HARPER'S TEL-ALARM plaza of the 27-story, David Dellinger, 53, - Do you need a wake-up steel-and-glass U.S. Courthouse, New York 100 USED vacuum cleaners. MAGAZINE, America's First service? Let us wake you by Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 Monthly. On sale now. 1-9-25 phone. For details call year guarantee. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 339-9278. 24 hour a day be held and a larger room on the Chicago, organizer of the Personal service. Also remembrance 25th floor where the jurors will National Mobilizatio COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C and appointment service. ... ... be Dicked Committee to End the War in 5-10/1 Hayrides a^aT^on^ — The y°uths had * and J°hn Harried he appointments call 67-7-0071, HORSES BOARDED individual loudspeakers and built a large, chemistry professor at the SORORITY GARAGE WHITE BIRCH STABLE AND SH box s,alls and paddocks with gold papier-mache pig with a slot University of Oregon; Thomas E. Two MSU coeds find that there are many headaches inherent i sinks, chairs, you n SHOP 0-9/26 pasture. Indoor arena. 10 miles for contributions to the Hayden 30 a founder of the bourse numbers, section numbers, student numbers and Linden. 11 -5, Today. 1 -9-25 from campus. $55/month. conspiracy. Students for a Democratic head of a newcomer. FOR SALE: Five FREE A thrilling hour of beauty. 655-2885 5-10/1 Despite the large crowd Society; Jerry Rubin, 31, New new books on the For appointment, call 484 4519 outside the building, the York City, organizer of the 1967 relevance buying, of read Rock. But before Robert Christgau's MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Typing Service courtrooms were free of young antiwar demonstrations in GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! incisive reviews in this month's STUDIO. 1600 East Michinan people except for about a dozen Berkeley, California; Lee Weiner, HARPER'S MAGAZINE, _C-9/26_ TYPING: EXPERIENCED work gir[s in eccentric dress sitting 29, Northwestern University America's First Monthly. On sale, RECREATION LEISURE Rraso^able. Phone 485-5^7^-10- amon8 the newsmen and research assistant in sociology; in the 150-seat and Bobby G. Seale. 32, tcmiunji EDUCATION, is it your bag. Call spectators now. 1-9/25 Judy. 353-2462. 3-9-25 ~ ~ . ~7~" courtroom. Oakland, California, national ton i»mp9orToo'S William M. Kuntsler and chairman of the Black Panther ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY * k Mobile Homes PEwSo°?dAL Aprefer>°'oS Block oH campus. 332 3255. C Leonard Weinglass, defense parly. Volunteer? Professional? ^Sen '""J""5' submiUcd CEDAR RIVER MOBILE HOME McCarthv' RR motions ranging from a request manager, Blair Clark, discusMs'the C°MPLETE THES,S Se"ice" that Judge Hoffman, 74, 111000 \\C\ PARK AND SALES. Homes from $4,495 up. Rent $45. One quarter mile north l-96«t Fowlerville exit. alternatives. And dangers. In this month s HARPER'S MAGAZINE ^.scount, typing and disqualify himself to a request binding of theses. term papers, that the first venire be AUVvlf IISl 5-10-1 1-223-8500. America's First Monthly. On sale n rCSUmeS 8n? Pub,'«t'on^ Lowe* • (continued from page one) 1_-9/25_ fPromScampuas on comer'of M.A°* Animals ro^i^'0" ^ ^^ Real Estate FRANCIS X and Ava.lable for fall term the Bushmen. shop Call COPYGRAPH DOBERMAN PINSCHER - pups, jn other action, the trustees true-to-life portraits bookings. OKEMOS 3 Bedroom contemporary SERVICES, 337-1666. C $150. AKC registered. 5 weeks, named Gordon Sabine viced males and females. 351-8266.3-9-2; IN COLOR 1 V» baths. 2 fireplaces, family f32-0385 2-9/26 u president for University room, trees. $29,900. 351-7490.5 Student with severe ulcer wanted for Animals FREE:~ FOR good home Black lre,1atj.ons- H* "7 fduii^ 539 PARK LANE Beautiful experiment. Will pay well 3324)413 long-haired kittens 8 weeks old responsibility for the Dept. of Information Services, — - DALMATIONS PUPPIES and grown 372-2896 3-bedroom colonial, with large COACH ACRES. 1113 wi" ^ aclc'ed to position as i dogs. Service r 2 9/26 attic. Potential Remodeled. Zoned student $350/month income. rental. Carpets, drapes, ALTERATIONS by experienced AND dressmaking seamstress Tihard Road, Okemos. 339-8930. 7-10/3 T ransportation A vice president projects. for special a dishwasher, etc. $26,500. Administrative-Professional Reasonable charge. Call 355-5855 ED 2 6680 5 10/i 0-9/2E COMMUTER WANTED from Organization was recognized by Owosso to the board as the exclusive campus. Monday through Thursday, 9-5. Friday, bargaining agent tor Place Your 8-3 and flexible. Will pool or pay. administrative-professional 723-6977 after 6 p.m. 1-9-25 personnel. PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD wage for student The basic Wanted employes was raised from $1.50 to $1.60 per hour. Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. Hartman invited Acting WANTED: PERSON interested in STATE NEWS will bill you later. President Adams to occupy setting up All - U college bowl. Contact Union Board office, Cowles House, the University's 355-3355. 2-9/26 presidential mance. Adams declined because, "I BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 don't want to set myself up on for all positive. A negative, B campus as a target for all sorts of negative and AB negative, $10.00. disgruntled groups, and the O negative, $12. MICHIGAN emptiness of the house should COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, lend an urgency to the naming Consecutive Dates to Run . 507% East Grand Lansing. Above the River, East new Campus Gf the president. A IN LIVIN^COLOR Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Heading _ p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Print Ad Here: . Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337 7183. WANTED: A really relevant liberal Trustees (continued from page one) 5x7 PORTRAIT, or a set 1.49 OF 4 WALLET SIZE PHOTOS arts university, equipped to confer deyees in Human Ecology. With Varner, chancellor of Oakland little or no emphasis on calculus. University; and Robert Kramer, 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER 2.98 Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. See John Fischer at SURVIVAL president of California U. in this month's HARPER'S Polytechnic College. Great color portraits, as only the "Pixy photographers cap¬ MAGAZINE, America's First Stevens said the trustees again 10 Words or Less: ture them. All portraits are delivered to you at our store. You Monthly. On sale now. 1 -9-25 recommended names to AUSSC have your choice of several poses. No mailing, handling, Over 10 Words Add: at the trustees' meeting with the Search and Selection Committee or other charges. Age limit, 12 years □ □ □ 2 TICKETS to MSU-UM game. 4 MSU-OSU tickets. Willing to trade Sept. 18. The names recomended at this Mail to: Michigan State News either group for MSU-Notre Dame game. Call Steve, Madison Heights, meeting were Acting President Photographer's hours: 346.Student Services Bldg. Adams, former Gov. G. Mennen 313 585-1105. MSU East Lansing, Mich. Williams, Breslin and Varner. 3-9/29 Presidential checklist EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a received. Since the first day the committee is hardly to be expected. stresses awareness president of a large university today qualifications of the sort indicated by Qualifications desired of the committee met, we have made every Nonetheless, we prepared the enclosed must have some understanding of the criteria. list of criteria and related information our president of MSU are.i effort to maintain close contact with working set of criteria which, despite student and faculty concerns within a We have released by the Search and Selection sought evidence of such 1. Evidence of skill in administering the board of trustees and with our imperfections of style, have served as large university and some experience understanding and ability in all a complex organization such as a Committee July 25. various constituencies. There have guidelines. The criteria were reviewed in dealing with them. candidates. To date, the committee has received University so as to attain its general over 300 nominations and has been seven joint meetings between the by the board of trustees and discussed However, it is not enough for a There is the further complexity that objectives. committee and the board to discuss with them, and several clarifying president to understand merely the after we have collected information on 2. Intellect and character necessary reviewed each one on the basis of changes were suggested and internal workings of a university and information from the nominator, from our progress. a variety of attributes for each man we to work with interest groups in the One of the tasks specified by our incorporated. Subsequently, we to have the respect of the university are still faced with standard biographical sources and, weighing the whole state, on the faculty, among the wherever warranted, from persons who enabling document, the Taylor developed the attached checklist for community for his intellectual man and his ability to lead this students and elsewhere without use in our information gathering and qualifications. know the nominee professionally Report, was to develop criteria for university. This, of course, is by far diverting from its basic responsibilities. selection of a president. Such a task is interviews. He must appreciate as well the the most difficult part of our task. 3. Inclination and ability to act as an and/or personally. Further The members of the committee relations of the university to the larger not easy, because complete agreement The committee continues to invite educational leader in the University nominations are reviewed as they are among the diverse membership of the agreed unanimously that a successful community; he must have additional opinions and suggestions. (please turn to page B2) MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS Vol. 62 Number 48 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 Stevens disavows with Huff's presidential criteria disagree with many of his statements at rate Acting President Walter Adams who These are problems of "immediate least as strongly as I do," Stevens said. has said that he does not want the job, concern" which the new president will face "Huff speaks only for himself, not for all with these at the from the time he enters office and they top." Huff's 14 areas for evaluation included cannot wait to be solved, Huff said. Board of Trustees Chairman Don the board." finance, admissions and Huff named healing splits among the Stevens, D-Okemos, rebutted Monday The trustees used no specific criteria to fees, law school, urban affairs, trustees as the most pressing problem the Trustee Warren Huff's Criteria for judge the candidates, he said. However, osteopathy and allopathy, business affairs evaluating the presidential candidates. they were not dissatifified with the AUSSC department, management team, Oakland new president will face. Stevens said, however, that recent Huff, D-Plymouth, presented 14 areas in criteria. University, board of trustees, University months have witnessed "increasing which he judged the capabilities of the By his rating, Huff said, none of the relations, student voice, undergratuate All-University Search and Selection AUSSC candidates was higher than 60 per education, faculty effectiveness and service cooperation among members of the Board cent of a possible 100. in the cause of man. Huff assessed each of Trustees as reflected in the bi-partisan Committee's (AUSSC) candidates. Huff criticized the AUSSC criteria as "too Stevens disagreed with Huff's rating. candidate's ability to handle existing agreement on most actions taken by the broad and subjective. "I would rate them 90 per cent and up I situations in each of the 14 areas. "The only way to adequately judge his (a "This new spirit of cooperation was evidenced just last week when the board candidate's) capabilities is to adequately define the criteria for judgment," Huff unanmiously asked the members of the said. AUSSC to continue with their task," he Stevens said. emphasized in a 17-page statement that Huff's criteria were personal The fact that one trustee now wants to and were not used by other members of take these diligent and distinguished the board. "The majority of the trustees members of the University community 'out behind the woodshed' should in no wav be allowed to detract from the spirit of cooperation and harmony shared by the Students other members of the board." Warren varied i CIRCULATE PETITION on presiden By BETSY ROACH State News Staff Writer Rumors have been circulating to the effect that G. Mennen "Soapy" Williams, Faculty urges AUSSC: add Adams candidate former governor of Michigan, may be chosen the next president of the as as university. In response to an informal survey, student fxp.-essed varying opinions as to whether ihey would like to see Williams Walter Adams was omitted from the initial "It would be highly inappropriate and chosen. A typical reply was that of Gaar Decker, list submitted to the board of trustees, we improper for nif to substantively A petition urging the All-University now respectfully urge that his name be participate in their (AUSSC) work. 1 only Dowagiac senior, who said, "I wouldn't be Search and Selection added at this serve to procedurally expedite their work," too happy. I don't think he's a college Committee(AUSSC) strategic and crucial time." to add the name of Acting President Henderson's committee began urging Adams said. educator. I just don't think he can do the Adams to its list of presidential candidates AUSSC to reconsider Adams as a candidate job. It would be politics if he were chosen, was presented to AUSSC Wednesday, John when it and that's it." Asked who he would was unofficially reported in July prefer P. that Adams' name was not on the list of as president, Decker said, "I kind of like Henderson, professor of economics, said. The 800-signature petition was circulated candidates submitted to the trustees. Walter Adams." Beth Malone, Philadelphia, Penn. junior, had a stronger reaction. "I'd vomit, and by a faculty committee for Adams headed by Henderson. In a July 18 letter to AUSSC chairman Dale Hathaway, Henderson and 30 other PSB forums "We've got signatures of department faculty members requested the then I'd burn the place down," she said. heads, chairman and some of the most opportunity "to present further evidence "The students would go insane. When he was governor, He's a he bankrupted the state. lifelong Democrat. They can't find prominent people on campus," Henderson "We as to why they believe Acting President Adams' name should be among those on the final list presented to the board of on presidency believe that Adams has a job for him and they'll stick him here. Last time they picked a poultry' scientist. Hannah was here for so long and never demonstrated that he certainly should be a candidate for the position," he continued. trustees." Henderson said AUSSC refused the unsuccessful The faculty petition submitted to committee's request for a meeting. The seemed to effect my life. The president USSC states, in part: board of trustees' request for additional Don Ste . doesn't seem to be the one who makes the "Because the name of Acting President names Sept. 18 prompted Henderson's policy." committee to begin the petition campaign. Dale Hathaway, chairman of the "So what?" said Charles Bertsch, Holland All-University Search and Selection Criticizing the operations of the Search sophomore. "I did not perceive any and Selection Committee (AUSSC) sgid at one lime he Committee, Henderson Search for immediate effect on day-to-day operating U conducted public discussions on current described Adams as "infinitely more conditions with the existence or issues and that "people stayed away by the non-existence of any president." He said qualified" than the other four candidates. thousands." "I think the Search and Selection that most of the students' problems are The same distinction belongs to the committee has not functioned in the way handled by lower officials, and that the presidential selection forums conducted by we thought it was going to. I don't think president is mainly figurehead. He added the Presidential Selection Board (PSB) beset a by some of the members of the Board of that the president's primary function is to Trustees have functioned the way we spring term. set the course of the university in years to "I'd like to see a faculty and student comp thought they "The committee were going to either," he has tended to isolate The board was organized to gather student opinion on the directions MSU should be exploring, the criteria for its new strike," said Marcia Day, Grand Rapids By LINDA GORTMAKER "We're still receiving nominations from agreement on a candidate, but he has no itself from the president, and, finally, who he should be. faculty and students. I think senior. "I think we should have Sunday Editor varied sources," Dale Hathaway, chairman idea of when a new president will be the PSB attempted to live up to its opinion an secrecy rule was a mistake, and the educator as president and not a selected. gathering responsibilities with two major politician. By the middle of August, the members of of the All-University Search and Selection students probably think so, too," There's too much politics on campus the Search and Selection Committee Committee (AUSSC), said wearily earlier Hathaway would not comment on Acting Henderson continued. campaigns. were now-that's why Walter Adams was made President Adams' chances with AUSSC. The first was a series of forums breathing a little easier and sleeping a lot this week. Despite Adams' repeated denials that he president. I think 60 per cent of the Another committee member verified that does not want the presidency, Henderson conducted in living units which were to be more. Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, drew up a list G. Mennen Williams, former Michigan attended by a PSB person, an Associated faculty would go along with a student By the middle of August, the Search and said he is convinced Adams would take the of criteria Sept. 15 to rate the four Students of Michigan State University faculty strike." governor, is not on the list the trustees gave post if chosen. Selection Committee had submitted a list candidates AUSSC "I don't think he's qualified for it. I had originally to the Search and Selection Committee last person, if one were available, someone of four candidates for MSU's president to He has a long list of dedication to the don't think politics should interfere with submitted. week. from AUSSC and an interested faculty the board of trustees. University. I think he is very concerned education,', said Jerry Christensen, Ottawa On fourteen about doing a job for the university. And I member. The other campaign was a The list was closely guarded secret, and points, none of the "If they (the board) do choose Williams, Lake junior. He saidhe would prefer Adams the State News did not publish it for fear candidates accumulated more than 60 think he can be convinced," he said. questionnaire drawn up and distributed by as president. though, they'd be going outside the normal PSB. that releasing the names would cause some points out of a possible high of 100 points. Adams said this week he is "blissfully "I would be pissed because the Search procedures," Sue Gebelein, undergraduate At the onset, an impressive number of of the candidates to become "unavailable". As a result, Huff refused to support any of unaware of all the details of these and Selection Committee representative, said. faculty members volunteered their time would be At least, the people concerned the candidates, and these comments are rumblings." He said he is aware of the thought the Miss Gebelein had suggested last week and thought processes to the forums, hall bypassed in some way," said John Riedl, list was a secret. still causing repercussions within the board that there be a moratorium put on the faculty petition presented to AUSSC, but Birmingham semior. "Besides, 'Soapy' itself. said he hasn't seen a copy of it. governments were cooperative and PSB By Labor Day, the Detroit news media, committee's activities until students and Williams would be in there because he's Adams also said he will continue to have members volunteered to attend two and a and then the Lansing AUSSC released a set of criteria this newspaper, had faculty get back to East Lansing and be three a night. Democrat, not because he's an intellectual. published the four names. And later in summer, but Hathaway could not compare informed of the summer's events. limited contact with the Search and I think he would just sit there. I would Selection Committee. His only contact The de facto results were disappointing. September, the trustees rejected all the his group's criteria with Huff's, because he "But this was not observed," she said. want somebody who's a scholar first rather candidates and the Search and Selection never saw Huff's. After with the committee was a two and one-half Although the forums received adequate the ASMSU Student Board than a politician." hour meeting in which he told AUSSC his press coverage, living units did not extend Committee was asked to produce a new Hathaway said AUSSC will continue to (plelse turn to page B2) list. work with the board and try to get mutual (please turn to page B2) guidelines for the presidency. (please turn to page B2) B2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25. 1969 Checklist to have students participate in community, and the courage to the formulation of policy make decisions. relating to their education. Campus clothes on your mind! 4. Recognition of both 11. Willingness to recognize teaching and scholarship as specific and different needs of essential and closely related black and other ethnic or responsibilities of the University, economic groups and realization your fashion savvy will salute and of the danger that segments of the programs necessary to of the faculty, left to their own meet these needs. devices, may tend to neglect one Criteria checklist for use in Greens young-designer labels.. for the other. information gathering and 5. Willingness to emphasize the interviews. responsibilities of the University 1. Probable availability Our campus shop is brimful of fashions to wow the student body. How to succeed shapes for the scholar who ■for education, and to resist 2. Fund raising wants to come on like a model out of "Glamour". See these! Short sleeve, button front blouse of soft Mat attempts to divert its energies 3. Political acumen jersey, in wine, black, green, S10. Circular wool plaid skirt with sash belt. $12. Or, let us show you the panel and resources into programs (experience and sucess--in pant skirt in solid colors, $10, and the short sleeve mat jersey gypsy blouse at just $9. lacking educational content. working with the legislature, 6. Recognition of both the etc.) rewards and the penalties of 4. Humanism rapidly increasing enrollments, 5. Land-grant dedication and willingness to control 6. Intellectual leadership growth so that the basic 7. Sensitivity to others' value responsibilities of the University systems can be fulfilled with distinction. 8. Student relations 7. Committment to qualify 9. Faculty relations education at both undergraduate 10. Balance of creativity, and graduate levels. teaching, social and public 8. Ability and inclination to services establish policies relating to their 11. Decision-making status and participation that will reputation encourage strong faculty and 12. Age staff loyalties to MSU and its 13. Personality purposes. 14. Social awareness 9. Willingness to innovate with 15. Relevant university sensitivity to the value of experience orderly and selective change. 16. National stature, 10. Ability to communicate professionally in area of with students and the inclination specialization. PSB Forums (continued from page 1) "Naturally we got reaction on the names that were publicity service to their members. recognizable. But the reactions were based on the image of the Rooms designated as forum sites were locked, inaccessible person and were not necessarily reflections of the responses and, sometimes, nonexistent. And the interested, concerned students would give if they had students stayed away by the complete dossiers on the thousands. Sue Gebelein, student representative to AUSSC and one primary contributor to the efforts of PSB, named the lack Student ideas of publicity within the living units as the prime reason the (continued from page 1) forums were not effective. "I would be disappointed," She added that students found said Lorraine New, Taylor it difficult to see how the issue senior, "He wasn't the choice of of presidential selection involved the committee. I was very happy them, the point being that MSU to see the committee formed is one of the few American and would be disappointed if universities that has made an their decision were just thrown effort to involve both students aside. As for the man, it is really and faculty members in the impossible to know what man presidential selection process. would be a good president until £ Hathaway said he thought it he becomes one. I don't think he was "very difficult for students (Williams) would be the best to deal with a subject like this choice. I would rather see Walter cold." < Adams pushed." He cited preconceived notions "I think it would be on public personalities as a disgusting," said Marty Hrynick, drawback to attempting to Linden, N.J., junior. "I think a amass student opinion on university president should be an presidential selection. educator, not a politician. I think Dr. Adams is doing a good job and should be kept on." Complications (continued from page Bl) Lansing library mandated early this week that all student representatives on offers story time AUSSC return to the committee, Miss Gebe'eir. quit, but for the Fall pre-school story hours will reason that ^he is carrying a begin October 6, at the East "heavy class load this term." 29 credits to be exact, she said. Mike Gieszer, formerly Lansing Public Library for three and four year olds and five year olds not enrolled in Greens alternate undergraduate on kindergarten. Registration will AUSSC, will now serve as the begin Monday, September 29 at regular representative to replace Miss Gebelein. New pressures and new the library circulation desk. No telephone registration will be accepted. establishes movements have continued to Story hours will be held grow as a new list is being Monday, Wednesday, and assimulate and now an anti-G. Mennen Willaiams petition is being circulated among students Thursday 10-10:30 afternoon mornings from and from Wednesday 2-2:30. a whole and a pro-Adams campaign is Registration for the Wednesday erupting. morning session is reserved for "I just wish the students would be coordinated in their children who were not enrolled in the summer story hours. Each new efforts," Miss Gebelein said. The session in this eight week final effort would probably be program will be limited to 25 stronger. children. campus STILL LOOKING ? scene ♦Decorative Wall Clocks ♦Vases ♦Mugs ♦Straw Flowers ♦Scented Candles 75c per bunch "When you think of Cards" CARD SHOP Across from Home Ec. Bldg. 309 E. Grand River . Ph. 332-67*3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 Michigan Board of Trustees State University'! Urban Affairs, and assistant Other appointments included announces 1970; Gerald Thome, visiting professor, anatomy, Aug. 1; child appointments Sept. 1-Dec. 31, Transfers and changes in instructor, romance languages Board of Trustees Friday (Sept. provost. Lloyd Cofer, professor (Sept. 1 unless otherwise noted): professor, entomology, Sept. Delbert Jacob Krahiwinkel Jr., to study at Texas Women's assignments were also approved (cancellation), Aug. 31; and 19) approved 36 appointments; oi" education, received a change Angelo Ippolito, visiting artist, l-Nov. 30; Jan Marik, visiting instructor, small animal surgery College Henry W Overbeck for: Lawrence W. Lezotte, from Logan F. Blank, instructor and 1 academic promotion; 16 in assignment from director of Sept. 1, 1969-Aug. 31, 1970; professor, mathematics, Sept. o assistant to the dean of leaves; 26 transfers and changes the Detroit Project to special Roy H. Bowen, visiting !.Aug 31( 1970; William P ^nd Richard medicine Dukelow Sept. associate 15; W. associate professor, physiology j j- .. . and ?r°{e™T' associate t edition, director, Center engineering, Sept. 22. 28 resignations and assistant to the vice president for professor, theatre, Jan. 1-March Pratt, assistant professor prodessor, Center for ^7 medicine,.March l-Nov. 30, for Urban Affairs, to assistant 1 t ic and terminations; and 3 retirements. special projects, effective Sept. 31, 1970; Roger J. Dornberger, physics, Jan. 1,1970; Donald J*. ,„u . .' work under a National professor for research, education terminations were accepted for Included specialist, Computer Laboratory; Institute of Health Career were changes in Hall, associate professor, and the Center for Urban the following: Craig Laubenthal, assignment for Gordon A. Appointments approved by Gail Lockwood Imig, instructor, zoology and Kellogg Biological family and child sciences, Oct. 1; Station, Aug. 1; Suzanne Brouse, Kusum Nai isiting lecturer DeveloPment> Award; Hira Koul, Affairs, July 1; Eric Winston, instructor and assistant to the Alice P. Whiren, instructor, social Jan 1-June 30 Z™' Probability, .fr°S#,?r' *5®twt,£> ana from bibliographer. Sept. 1-Dec. 31, on Library, to bibliographer. MSU dean of engineering, Aug. 31; Robert L. ,nstructor, nursing, Sept. 1; 1970; Alicia Coloma Green, feave for Center Lance, instructor, family and child personal r^ons for coin, instructor, librarian, MSU Library, Sept. 16, Urban Affairs, Aug. 1, family and child sciences, Aug. Theresa B. Haddy, assistant nursing, Sept. 1; and Fernando Carol Joy Jacob, librarian, MSU De|bert L. Whitenack', Mathew Aitch, from assistant 31, Phyllis Lueck, instructor, professor, human development; Camara, visiting professor, Library, Sept. 1; Anneliese C. freshman basketball coach to family and child sciences, Aug. and David Samuel Greenbaum, freshman basketball coach, Oct. 31, Sheena Nakou, assistant associate professor, medicine. The board approved transfers 1, with additional title of professor, medicine, Aug. 31 ;M. Also given appointments were: Lee Upcraft, assistant professor Horacio Fabrega Jr., asssociate 1-Dec. 31. Issari, Associate professor, and changes in assignments for: instructor, intercollegiate communication and head of film Arvella G. Curtis, from home athletics, July 1; and Alexander and director of student relations, professor, psychiatry and production, Instructional Media economist, Eaton, Ingham and Terpay, assistant hockey coach, Justin Morrill College, Aug. 31; anthropology, Aug. 1; Jaroslav Other appointments included: Center, aug. 1. Livingston counties to program with additional title of Michael F. O'Dwyer, visiting Drobnik, visiting professor, Gerry G. Harsch, instructor, leader, family education, Sept. instructor, intercollegiate professor, biophsysics, .Aug. 15; biophysics, Aug. 16-Nov. 15; urban planning and landscape Shepley S. C. Chen, research Alvin L. Rogers, visiting architecture, Sept. 1; Frank J. The board approved promotion 1; Lester Howard. from 4"H athletics, Sept. 1. associate ivi t ^ _ for Conrad L. Donakowski from V°uth agent, Gogebic and The board approved transfers MSU-Atomic Energy i professor of education, from Jackson County, Oct. 1; and professor, botany ,1^f and plant Vangeli, assistant professor, L , . instructor to assistant professor Ontonagon counties to county and changes in assignments for: Commission Plant Research Q1 ■ urban planning and landscape ... acting director, Center for Urban Louisa A. Sternberg, home pathology, ept l_Dec 1-Dec. dl, humanities effective Spnt i ' extension director, Otsego and Bobby J. Ballard, from systems Laboratory, Sept. 5; and S. Affairs and Equal Opportunity economist, Eaton, Ingham and Gordon Melson, assistant architecture, Sept. 1; Marc ' Montmorency counties, Sept. analyst, comptroller's office, to Arthur Reed, associate Programs, to director, Center for Livingston counties, Sept. 22. professor, chemistry, Jan. 1, He Ratzlaff, stant Sabbatical leaves were 15; and Daniel A. Napier, from administrative assistant, office of professor, Science and approved for: Paul A. Varg, county extension director, the vice president for business Mathematics Teaching Center, professor, history, Jan. 1-June Mackinac County to county and finance, Sept. 1; Don E. Aug. 31. 30, 1970, to study at home; extension director, Luce Coleman, assistant director dean The board also accepted TRUSTEE APPROVAL Hendrik Zwarensteyn, professor, County, Sept. 1. of students' office; with dual resignations and terminations for: Marjorie Kinney, assistant business law and office Transfers and changes in assignment in the Center for administration, April 1-June 30, assignments were also approved Urban Affairs, July 1; Robert M. professor, nursing, Aug. 31; 1970, to serve as a Fulbright for: Peter I. Tack, from Lockhart, from analyst, Effat A. Mansour, assistant MSU accepts Gifts and grants totaling One of five grants nationally, gifts, The project, to be directed by grants will be administered by Richard lecturer at Leiden University; CI esse n Jay Martin, professor, elementary and education, Sept. 15-Dec. 15, to travel in Japan and study at home; James Page, professor, special professor and chairman, fisheries and wildlife to professor of fisheries and wildlife, Sept. 15; Louis F. Wilson, assistant professor, forestry, with additional assignment in dormitories and food services, to assistant comptroller, comptroller's office, Sept. 15; Gus Ganakas, from instructor and assistant basketball coach, to instructor and head basketball professor, urban planning and landscape architecture, Aug. 31; Charles J. McKinley, instructor, anatomy, Aug. 31; Charles W. Titkemeyer, professor, anatomy, Aug. 31; Wilson H. Coulter, it will be used to train specialists $7,269,34 3 were accepted Associate. Professor T. R. E. Chapin, director of the MSU teacher education, Aprii entomology, Sept. 1; Paul A. coach, intercollegiate athletics, research associate, microbiology September 19 by MSU's Board of 1 and education Greathouse, will provide a libraries. The funds, also from 15-Sept. 15, 1970, to study at Varg, from professor and dean, Oct. 1; and Robert Nordmann, and public health, Aug. 15; Trustees. evaluation. demonstration herd of quality the Office of Education, will be Clifford The figure includes $188,424 home and in the U.S.; JackC. College of Arts and Letters, to from instructor and freshman L. Cyert, instructor, beef cattle at the MSU used to purchase approximately social science, Aug. 31; Welcome for Oakland University, MSU's t- tn Elliott, professor, Lyman Briggs professor, history, Jan. 1, 1970; basketball coach to instructor affiliate in Rochester. # 6j. . Suhrland.^professor Experiment Station in Chatham. 10,000 volumes for the library's The other program involves a College, Sept. 20-Jan. 4, 1970, Glen W. Probst, from instructor and assistant basketball coach, H. akke ctor, collection. to travel in Mexico, Guatemala to assistant professor, romance intercollegiate athletics, Oct. 1. continuing education, Aug. 31; Outstanding among the funds previously announced grant of grant of $200,880 College of Hon and the U.S.; and Robert N. languages, Sept. 1; Charles E. The board accepted the Annette Buurstra, librarian, accepted was a $1 million, $369,574 to continue Department of Elementary and Economics will begin developing MSU Library, Aug. 31; Gretchen five development of community Hammer, asssociatte professor of Cutts, from professor and following vear grant from the W, Special Education from the innovative curricula for Head chemistry and associate director chairman, civil engineering, to terminations: Lillii Elam, librarian, library, Sept. 12; health care programs for heart, '.logg Foundation, Battle Bureau of the Handicapped, U.S. Start programs and parent-child of Honors College, Jan. 1-June professor, civil engineering, Sept. Demetral, home Marianne Fields, librarian, Creek, to aid MSU in expanding 8tr°ke and cancer patients. The Office of Education. centers across the nation with a 30, 1970, to study at home and li and Robert K. Wen, from Emmet, Charlevoix and library, Sept. 18; Barbara B. the College of Human Medicine 8rant was from the Michigan grant of $168,760 from the in the U.S. professor, civil engineering, to Cheboygan counties, Aug. 15; Furrow, librarian, library, Sept. into a full, M.D. degree-granting Association for Regional Medical This grant will launch a unique Office of Economic . . . , , professor and acting chairman, M. Amalie Vasold, assistant 23; Charles B. House Jr., Programs. educational program for Opportunity. Leaves were also granted for: civil engineering, Sept. 1. lecturer, humanities, Aug. 31. Donald professor and program leader, Ricks, assistan last week, was accepted along Funding for two programs classroom superintendents teachers, school and school Robert P. Boger, associate pro lessor, rphg ^oard approved transfers 4-H youth programs. Sept. 31; The board approved the o/cCU. f - - designed to aid the Upper professor of family and child 00 and changes in assignments for: E. Pearl Winterfeldt, program following retirements (first year economics, Aug. 24-Sept. 23, to with two other major^ awards to Peninsula was also accepted by board members in 10 U.P. scjences, will direct the work, ravel A,vin £ Lewi(}* profe880r> ,eader( family living ed^cation, of MSU employment in the medical school. Dr. Hilliard in urope, Mere Jason, director of medical the board. The Upper Great counties. Aim of the program, to \JSU has one of five new Head Esmay, professor, agricultural pathology, with dual assignment Aug. 31; LaVonne E. Kriesel, parentheses): Clyde W. Cairy, education Lakes Regional Commission be directed by Charles Mange, is start research centers established engineering, Agu. 1-Sept. 30, to 3 chief, division of pathology in secretary-accountai professor, pharmacology, Aug. 1 at MSU, will direct a allocated $104,200 help the regular classroom by 0E0 to focus on aspects of (1937); George Warren, acting grant of $100,800 from the teacher do a better job of eariy childhood development, work in Asia with productivity of An Akihiro Matgumae( fr0m Willi Ruble foreman, horticulture, Nov. 1 Department of Health, handling handicapped children. 0ther large grants accepted by organizations; Neil Worker, research to vigiting professor, agricultural (1954); and Hugh R. Irvin, d Welfare, Re| Three other major grants from the board inciude $200,000 professor, animal husbandry, professor botany and plant economics, biochemistry, Aug. analyst, physical plant, Jan. 1, Medical Programs Service. northern the U.S. Office of Education from the National institute of gu- 15- 1969-Aug. lo 1970, pathology, July 1-Aug. 31, 15; Linda H. Kennedy, 1970 (1939). Michigan. also on foreign accepted. William B. were Mental Health to Dozier w assignment^Kenyon professor crop and 197Q; Sherwood K. Hayn Hawley professor of education, pSr.nd%S L! E B ER MA NN'S= College costs jump HSL program n£?in'Ster 3 grant for $269,998 to continue the pilot begun last year for Thornton_ assistant professor of psychology, to provide clinical training for graduate students; and $94,000 from the U.S. i e, Sept. 2 Nqv. 30, to consultant in Brazil; and Donald A. Yates, professor, protessor, physics to professor, physics, Sept. 1; Alfred G. Dietze, from psychology and Justin throughout nation training charge of college teachers in teacher-preparation Agency for International Development to the Institute of romance languages April 1-July Morriu College, to professor, South psychology and the provost' Start the term with a programs. International Business and office, Sept. 1; James B. Dally, J. Bruce Burke, director of the Economic Development Studies from assistant professor, large uiwaiiuu opiioi luiikiiiuea w Usually, the school's tuition, the higher the . higher Humanities Teaching Institute, this summer program for high begun school to extend the Latin American market research northeastern Brazil. project into the board approved leaves for: James professor, L. Bristor, health , animal surgery and medicine, to assistant assistant professor, small animal physical surgery and medicine, Sept. 1; GOOD ATTACHE CASE plague college- bound students. Room ^ costsand board pvnpnw French teachers with a grant of Scholarship and loan grants to education and recreation, Sept and Vincent Lombardi, assistant Tuition, room and board bills m J!1? $104,069 MSU included $ 1,328,076 from 1-Dec. 31, to study at Indiana professor, social science, with tend to be highest at colleges in A for 1969-70 all are up 7 to 8 per grant of SI 12,050 for HEW for the National Defense University; Verna Hildebrand, additional assignment in Justin cent from last year. The estimate large cities and at men's private development of library resources Student Loan Program professor, family and Morrill College, Sept. 1. schools. Small colleges in the is made from a survey of 1,198 south usually cost the least. colleges and universities. Still, despite the rising costs, by the Life PACKER SAVINGS ARE..7 The survey, more and more youngsters are Insurance Agency Management heading for the halls of ivy. It's Association revealed that three expected that 7.2 million out of four schools are students are enrolling this fall. increasing tuition for the new Each year since 1951 there has nanKRR BIGGER SAVINGS school year. been a rise in the college One out of two schools is population. In 1951 there \ raising charges for room and 24 college students for each 100 board. persons in the 18-21 year age For instance, a student may bracket; by 1967 there were get by for under $1,000 a year nearly 47 students per 100 for tuition, food and shelter by persons in the same age bracket, attending a public university in At least $12 billion is spent his home state. But student each year for undergraduate V a - attending a large, private college expenses, reports the Institute of in the northest will be spending Life Insurance. Sixty per cent of in the neighborhood of $3,000 the total comes from the family for these items. {ohnmeyer speaks your language The importance 01 CHUCK looking absolutely smashing shc^d neve' Keep books and papers organized and secure in be underestimated. an efficient attache case sized to meet your But it's no problem requirements. Choose from theseand many when your wearing others in our selection of cases designed for ♦he longest coat. Because John Meyei every need. ROAST went to great lengths to make this Melton the coat of • In Naugahyde the year. $90. 3" with file 10.95 And underneath, the 4" with file 11.95 maxi turticnet-t. of 5" with desk and file 13.95 Merino in significant C'AL VAL coiar;.$'£. California Peaches CHUNK LIGHT MKAT .: -22* • In Top Grain Cowhide 3" with file Van Camp Tuna -.25* 4" with file 5" with file ASSORTED FLAVORS Soda Pop 1":; 8* C'AL BEST Tomatoes AT SMICKERS OOt LOCATED IN THE Grape Jelly CAME LOT A FRANDOR Saltines «tnr22* ME ADO WD A Lll AA Pork & Beans CENTER ... 7 East Lansing Downtown - 209 E. Grand Rive 100 S. Miracle Whip - Washington B4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 * Spartan's ground attack shines in 27-11 win By JEFF ELLIOTT connected on a 33 yard field goal second Triplett pass. after Werner had intercepted a some life in his team's attack as the Spartans rallied for three second half touchdowns, one a 70 yard gallop by linebacker Don were faced with fourth downs and small yardage situations and elected to go for the first down rather than turn the ball over to State News Sports Editor Law. The 6 foot, 220 pound senior picked off a Willis pass on his Washington via punt. Only once when Highsmith was thrown for Head Coach Duffy Daugherty's halftime talk apparently put own 30 and went down the sidelines untouched, escorted a four yard loss did they fail to make the first down. The other by Michigan State's two newest football installations took Martin and Hogan. three times saw Triplett, Allen and Highsmith gain the n thorough beatings last Saturday, but when the day was done and The run by Law was the fifth longest interception return in Spartan Stadium once again emptied, MSU's new Tartan Turf and Spartan history. The Brownsville, Pa. senior played an The first game is always an important one to the coaches as it is veer option offense appeared in good shape, with better things to outstanding game and lead the team in total tackles with nine, usually the one where they do their most experimenting with. come. two solos and 7 assists. Daugherty proved this true as he used a variety of backfields and The new turf held up well with only one major injury occuring Their defense was one of the Spartan's best weapons of the shifted personnel around on defense frequently. In all, 43 of the - that being a shoulder injury to Washington's Luther Sligh. afternoon as they continuously stopped the Husky attack and 76 man squad saw action in the opener for both teams. The new Spartan offense also survived it's first test against a big gave Triplett and Co. good field position. It also allowed Highsmith led all rushers, picking up 148 yards in 27 carries, and rugged Washington defense. Led by the off-tackle bursts of Daugherty to gamble on several fourth down situations, knowing one less than Allen who gained 113 yards in his varsity debut. Don Highsmith and the end around sweeps of sophomore Eric the defense could stop the Huskies four times the Spartans were Triplett gained 23 yards on the ground hut was thrown for 18 Allen, the Spartans running attack picked up 280 net yards. It faced with fourth down and small yardage situations. Spartans yards in losses attempting to pass. Kermii Smith and Tommy was fortunate that the backs were having a good game as the Love were the only other ball carriers for the Spartans. passing attack proved to be anything but adequate. Love, a starting halfback most of last season as a sophomore, The Spartans started out Saturday like were going to be rather was still suffering from a leg injury and saw limited action. rude hosts to the Huskies who are spending this week on the MSU Though he only gained 3 yards rushing, Love was as perfect as campus in preparation for their Saturday encounter with they come in the passing attack, throwing a 29 yard touchdown Michigan. pass to Foreman on a halfback option. The score came with less Senior safety Jay Breslin hit Washington quarterback Gene than a minute to play and iced the win for the Spartans. Willis on the fourth play of the game knocking the ball free where Willis proved to be Washington's only attack as he completed Tom Kutschinski grabbed it on the MSU 42. The Spartans wasted six of eleven passes for 46 yards and picked up 47 yards in 13 little time in moving in for their first score of the season. carries. Sligh rushed for 40 yards on six carries and fullback Bo Allen swept around right end for 11 yards on his first varsity Cornell gained 31 yards in 8 tries. carry. Bill TYiplett, the man being counted on this year to make the offense go, then completed half of his total completions in the game, a 15 yard strike to split end and co-captain Frank Foreman. Kermit Smith, gaining a starting role after an impressive Fall practice, carried twice, picking up 11 yards and a first and goal on the five yard line. Two plays later Triplett went in on a quarterback keeper behind the blocking of right tackle Craig Wycinsky. Gary Boyce's conversion made it 7-0 and the Spartans looked like they might make the game a runaway. Not to be outdone by their counterparts, the defense got the ball right back for the Spartans following the kickoff when Wilt Martin hit Willis from the blind side and Mike Hogan recovered the loose ball on the 24 yard line. But the '68 jinx hit the Spartans two plays later as Highsmith had the ball squirt away from him after driving to the 4. From then to the opening minutes of the second quarter the two teams played give away with the Spartans losing the ball on two more This sequence of shots by State News photographer, fumbles and an interception by the Huskies' fine middle Bob Ivins shows MSU's first touchdown of the 1969 linebacker Clyde Werner. Washington was just as generous season. The action came in the first quarter of however, being forced to punt once, missing a field goal and having one of their passes picked off by the Spartan's Clifton Saturday's game with just over three minutes played. In the top Spartan quarterback Bill Triplett eyes the Hardy. Washington wasted little time in moving in for a score in the goal farrow) with a lot of daylight in front of him. second period. After Werner picked off Triplett's pass, Sligh In the middle shot, he edudes Washington linebacker rambled around right end from 20 yards out to narrow the Bob Lovlein as the referee is about to signal the score. Spartan's lead to 7-6. A bad pass from center and a jarring tackle Far right, the junior signal caller is home free. by Hardy prevented any extra point from occuring. The Huskies took a 9-7 lead at halftime when Ron Volbrecht Number 51 is Spartan center Tom Beard. Rugby meeting set for tonight Anyone interested in joining the MSU Rugby Club should attend today's practice session at 4 p.m. behind Jenison Fieldhouse or contact club president Tom Kajander at 332-1311. Student tickets ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * still available Complete front end repair and Student ticket coupons for alignment Saturday's game against Southern Methodist and for * three other home games may be Brakes * Suspension purchased today from 8%30 а.m. to 6 p.m. at booths in the * Wheel balancing * Steering North concourse of the stadium. A fee receipt or I.D. must be presented. Coupons will also be LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center sold Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 f\ ** Ratings UPI says "Welcome Back" xp NEW YORK (UPI)-The United Press International top 20 major college football teams You get a with first place votes and won-lost record in parentheses, (first week). lot of watch Team points: 1. Ohio State (24) (0-0) 283 2. Penn State (1) (1-0) 236 for your money 3. Texas (3) (1-0) 223 4. Arkansas (8) (1-0) 201 5. Southern California (2) (1-0) б. Oklahoma (1-0)133 from Caravelle* 7. Georgia (1-0) 111 8. Notre Dame (1) (1-0) 103 by BUL0VA 9. UCLA (2-0) 71 10. Florida (1) (1-0) 67 Caravelle Watches look like they cost twice the price and Is Ma Bell 11. Indiana (1-0) 59 perform that way too. Precision jewel-lever movements 12. Missouri (1-0) 53 13. Mississippi (1-0) 37 —years-ahead styling from only $12.95 14. Purdue (10) 32 15. MICHIGAN STATE (1-0) 31 16. Stanford (1-0) 20 17. Auburn (1-0) 19 getting a 18. Arizona State (1) (1-0) 18 19. Louisiana State (1-0) 13 20. Wyoming (1-0) 10 AP little hippy? The top 20, with first place votes in parentheses. Points awarded for first picks on basis 20-18-16-14-12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3- 2-1. Pts. Depends on how you look at it. We aren't blowing grass in 1. Ohio State (25) "2 he rack room and wearing beads, if that's what you mean. 2. Penn State (5) In fact we sit at desks and wear neckties a lot. But 3. Arkansas (1) 4. Texas (2) if you think that gives Ma Bell a passion for the status ~"o, you aren't with it. People intent on maintaining -and a great name to 5. Southern California (1) 6. Oklahoma 409 352 the status quo don't put up communications 7. Georgia 269 satellites. They don't get to be leaders in back them up—Bulova! k sophisticated electronics systems. And they certainly don't connect core was Arkansas, 35 — gaining 113 yards in 27 carries. Above, he eludes Washington's for 599 yards and five SMtl 29. Mark McMahon to pick up several more yards. touchdowns. touchdowns. In their opener against Air State News photo by Bob Ivins Hixson is also quite able jtL Playing in the pass-happy Force this season, the Mustangs South West Conference that has picking up a secondary jetfeiver when his first choice 1$ covered, trailed 23-0 at the half, but produced such outstanding passers as Sammy Baugh, Bobby Layne, Don Trull and Don he will also ually spot the third and. fourth targets that trailed only 26-22 and were driving for another time score when MUGS SMU «(!ii>loys in its "alphabet ran out. Meredith, Hixson seems a sure ofltfise." SMU might not be the worfd's AND OTHER bet to shatter every record that Despite all its pass most successful football team, these fine quarterbacks have STUFF The Van but one afternoon of Hixson's - completions, SMU's point With senior tackel Dave Van Elst leading established. In 1968 he threw 468 times leading the way, Spartan halfback Don Highsmith goes for a good and completed 265 passes, last production wasn't much than the average higher 'aerial college teams circus generates more excitement than the Detroit season. gainer against Washington last week. Van Elst and his linemates were instrumental in opening holes for including 21 In 1968 he threw Lions do in an entire season. Zodiac Pillows Spartan backs who picked up 280 net yards on the ground. State News photo by Bob Ivins 468 times and completed 265 passes, including 21 scoring aerials to lead the nation in Kidney bruise injury Zodiac Banners passing. ND, OSU,(J-M Unlike quarterbacks most who collegiate will run, Zodiac Notes scramble move, and throw Hixson always passes on the sidelines Zimmerman to For the unfortunate be who on Biggie Munn. "Pressures have closed be set up to from the out of dire There's pocket and runs only necessity. no trickery, no SOUTH BEND, Ind. described as a definite congenital (UPI)--The Notre Dame football condition, Spanish Imports ones accommodate about deception. You know that team received a severe jolt "Neither Jeff nor his pa*nts been great from people seeking 8,000 people. Vases Decorative Wall Clocks do not already have tickets to Hixson will pass on about 60 per Monday when it was learned knew of this conditio*^ and the Notre Dame game Ohio somehow to see the games. It is Athletic Ticket Manager Bill that two-time letterman Jeff while his loss is a big bl*W to the cent of SMU's offensive plays. State game, you needn't worn' hoped these telecasts will help Beardsley announced that Ail you have to do is stop him. Zimmerman would be lost for football team, this diflcovery is a ease these pressures and satisfy any more. The MSU athletic tickets may be obtainedat the "He's probably the finest the season. blessing in disguise since any department will have closed the fans." Jenison gymnasium ticket office The senior fullback received a injury to eitbtr kidney would The quarterback in college football," circuit telecasts of the sellout university's athletic starting Friday.The charge will MSU Coach Duffy Daugherty minor kidney bruise injury two impair his future health,," coach games in South Bend and department has reached an be $3 per ticket per game for said recently. weeks ago in a pre-season Ara Parse£fian said, Columbus and will be showing arrangement with Interstate alumni and faculty and $2 for "If you don't care who wins, scrimmage. A thorough routine juniQr fullback Bill Barz, who the MSU--U-M game which is Broadcast Network, Inc., of students. There also will be X-ray examination revealed that replaced Zimmerman in last he's a very thrilling guy to already a sellout at Spartan Detroit, to produce the show. season tickets sold for all three watch. Zimmerman had a The games will be shown in full Saturday's victory over Stadium this year. games at reduced prices--$7.50 "Hell throw from anywhere, malfunctioning kidney which Northwestern, scored two "All have been sold out for color and sound on a 34 x 22 for alumni and faculty and unrelated to the football jfouchdowns. his own one-yard line or the was 10:30-8:30 Mon months," said Athletic Director screen. Jenison Field House will $5.00 for students. injury, but which doctors opponent's." Campus Garden new partners for pantsuits by Pussy Foots boldy high-stepping new casuals by Connies An exciting new collection with European swagger by the makers of Old Maine Firmly inplanted in fashion, Trotters .pant shoes that also make their faslfion way with skirts. A. Milan, monk-strapped spectactor with slashed heel. Antique bronze sport rust A. Yoke with extension sole, slanked $16 chunky heel, nailhead trim. Centurian brown 14.98 B. Triumph, with center buckled strap. Antique bronze, antique brown, sport rust B. Livorno, with bold stacked heel and twice buckled $16. hi-rising vamp. Tan. 13.98 C. Blackwell, with giant perf detailing, monk C. Lancaster, perforated vamp, slashed heel. Antique brown, dark grey. strap. Gold/tan. black/grey. 14.98. navy. $16. SHOES - CAMPUS CENTER EAST LANSING SHOES GARDEN LEVEL EAST LANSING Shop Knapp's East Lansing Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 f B6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 Spartans lose By MIKE MAN LEY State News Sports Writer coaches and faculty members. Most of all, he was a dedicated family man. conversation would be with the Benington wit. a spiced devoted coach know This more. was not an unusual John Benington, or as well respected. Friends of the family and colleagues have started a Many of his best jokes and incident. ThiswasJohn Benington is survived by his scholarship fund for the nine The MSU community and Those who knew John quips were directed at his team Benington. Every interview I had wife, Barbara, and nine children, children. Tributes or donations collegiate basketball lost a friend Benington never heard a negative and himself. with him was enjoyable. As his nay be sent to theJohn word said against him, a rare Joan, Marianna,Christine, an<^ a leader with the death of "I wouldn't say I've got a poor coaching colleagues are quick to Nancy, John, Jim, Pete, Casey Benington Memorial Scholarship John Benington, the popular tribute for a man who puts his shooting club," John observed at point out, there were few men as and Paul, ranging in age from 7 Fund,c/o ReboundersClub, head coach of the Spartans. personality in front of the public a luncheon this past winter, "but knowledgable or as personable as to 19. Box 551, East Lansing 48823. week after week for 20 years. the other day our players were Benington, 47, died Sept. 10 after suffering a massive heart On the court Benington was a sh ooting for several minutes attack in his office at Jenison fighter and as energetic a coach before they realized the canvas Fieldhouse. as any in the country. He spent covers had not been removed His record as head coach at little time on the bench. During from the baskets. The coaches MSU speaks for itself. Without thebenefitof outstanding talent,Benington a game Benington the sidelines would pace shouting hadn't noticed either." My first reporting assignment encouragment to his players or for the State News was to cover kneel at courtsidewith his the basketball team last Gus Ganakas named directed the Spartans to a winter, four-year record of 56 victories ever-present towel. Everything which meant day to day contact against 38 defeats. He came to MSU in 1965, replacing Forddy Anderson, and transformed a ninth-place team he did was done with boundless boisterous . No matter how successful he a beginning was on the court, Benington was with Benington. Most coaches would cringe at having to talk to reporter every day for three months but not once head Gus cagecoordinator of the coach University's He is a native of Mt. Morris, into a second place finisher even more outstanding off the did Benington say he was too Ganakas, assistant court. He was a warm witty basketball coach at MSU for Ralph H. Young Scholarship N.Y., born July 3, 1926, and a behind Michigan and in his busy to see me. Fund. The latter is the agency three years, has been named veteran of service in the Marine* second yearatthehelm, man, who's dry humor and One day I mentioned to him • head coach succeeding the late through which financial aid is Corps during World War II. Benington guided the Spartans biostrous ilaugh highlighted every that 1 would like to do a story extended to Michigan State Ganakas is married and he and to a share of the conference title press luncheon and interview on basketball recruiting and its John Benington. athletes. with a 10-4 mark. session. Even the most casual various aspects. Benington said The action was taken Sept. 19 wife, Ruth, are the parents of He assumed those duties in four girls and two boys. But John Benington goes to meet him in his office the by the Board of Trustees. The board also September 1964, following a much farther than his success on moved following day and he would see brilliant prep coaching career the court. what he could do to freshman Coach Bob Nordmann help. which saw his East Lansing Nordmann was appointed to He was a leader and a moulder Hockey hopefuls I expected, since he was busy up to assistant coach, and named Matthew Aitch, assistant basketball teams win 176 games the basketball coaching staff in John Benington of men with his who had a great rapport players, his fellow to meet tonight preparing for a game two days away, that the interview might freshman coach last season, to succeed Nordmann as freshman and lose only 53 in 12 seasons. Highlights over the period were September reunited 1965. The move him with John be a short one. But he spent part the winning of the State Class B Benington, who coached him on coach. Both of these the d f the morning gathering championship in 1958, the 1958-59, 1959-60 and EXTRA! An open hockey meeting will be held at 7 p.m. tonight at information and when I walked into his office he had a desk appointments Oct. 1. also take effect winning of seven straight Twin 1960-61 St. Louis varsity squads Valley and South Central League and saw him earn All-Missouri Jenison Fieldhouse for all Ganakas is an MSU graduate crowns and winning streaks of Valley selection his junior year. piled high with papers, scouting and was a Spartan basketball and EXTRA! interested candidates for the varsity hockey team. forms, travel schedulesand baseball performer while an endless recruiting material. We 38 games in over-all play and of The former Billiken pivot man, 42 games in regular season play. 6 foot 10 inches, 275 pounds, A new Big Ten ruling this year undergraduate. Ganakas received the B.A. played for four years in the allows incoming freshmen to spent a good two hours talking He was appointed assistant degree in physical education at National Basketball Association GET THOSE play on the varsity level. Athletic physicals must be in-depth about the subject. coach Feb. 24, 1966, succeeding Only practice interrupted our Clarence Means who left to MSU in 1949 and the master's following his graduation from taken at Olin Health Center talk and as he left with his become head coach at Western degree in the same field in 1950. St. Louis. While an undergraduate, he was Aitch is a former Spartan before practice begins early next whistle and sneakers in har.d, he HARD TO week. told me tocome back following day if I wanted to the, Michigan. been on He the previously MSU campus as had a member of Spartan frosh and JV basketball and varsity baseball basketball performer. He lettered in in 1965-66 and ' teams. 1966-67. 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I | ~ excluding beer wine, cigarette items Umit one per customer. or coupon items. Expires $at., Sept. 27, 1969. one I Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon IFxzJ Dept. j Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon W 'mmmmn I SAVE 15 c US'! SAVE 15c save 16c i'V Setty Crocker Noodles with this coupon toward the purchase O 5^-ox of J I 15' I with this coupon toward tho purchase Food Club (wts. from 3-ox. to 4-oz.) of V£| c Williams with this coupon toward the purchase of mEIJGR ■ ■ ■ ROMANOFF is. II With coupon I 8 I I ■ PUDDINGS 6 pkgs. for 39 with coupon ! Jj Lectric Shave all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or more with coupon thrifty acres I Any or all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or more I Any or ad coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or more I Any or excluding boor wino, cigarette items or coupon items. Q excluding beer wine, cigarette items or coupon items. | - excluding beer wine, cigarette items or coupon items. I Umit Limit one per customer. Expires Sat., Sept. 27, 1969. THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO Umit ono per customer. Kxpires $at.f Sept. 27, 1969. ono per customer. Expires Sat., $ept. 27, 1969. | 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon f Deptl Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY VJ HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. /i \ \a P A' h \ Pay More! Why yhWPay !eroM Pay More! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969 B7 S' Booters harrass Hope, 6-0; stretch unbeaten streak By PAM BOYCE to nine found the necessary scoring The team's inside right figured this season, playing the right State News Sports Writer of the second punch which could lead them to in all but one of the six goals period when halfback position. The Spartan soccer team, an undisputed NCAA title this scored against Hope Tuesday as Mayer, a standout in spring The fourth period belonged to defending NCAA co-champions, year. MSU controlled the ball nearly practice, scored on an assist extended its unbeaten streak to After from Korkiala. A hometeam goal Tuchscherer, who put in the last sitting out almost the the entire game. Tuchscherer got two of MSU's goals unassisted, nine Tuesday when the booters entire season last year with was awarded to MSU at 8:15 of the scoring started at 9:42 of the the first at 1:40 and the second demolished their second foe of the same period when the ball, injuries, Tuchscherer has been first period when he headed the at 20:30. the 1969 season. displaying the impressive style ball into the nets with an assist kicked by Jamaica halfback Frank Morant credited with Tending goal for the Spartans Hie Spartans, led by team which got him All-America from Ray Korkiala. Although was the goal. in the two games was Jamaica captain and 1967 All-America honors in his sophomore year. Hope appeared to threaten for junior Les Lucas, backup goalie pick Ernie Tuchscherer, defeated The Chicago senior, who has several minutes late in the The final scoring of the second for Joe Baum last year. Lucas Hope College 6-0 following an seven goals and three assists in period, it was MSU who again period occurred when Korkiala was credited with one save in 8-0 romp over Purdue last two games, apnears determined scored at 20:30 when kicked in the fourth goal of the each game. Hope had 12 saves Friday. The booters, who have to have his name added to he Tuchscherer kicked the ball game following an assist from against MSU while Purdue had shared the national title for the All-America picks again this through the Hope nets. St. Louis Mayer. nine. MSU managed 57 shots on j| rf past two years, appear to have season. junior John Houska assisted on In the third period Chicago goal against Hope, which had <•***— the second goal. senior Alex Skotarek, reserve two on the Spartans. Purdue had A scoreless second period captain for the Spartans, got the eight shots against MSU, while followed after an attempt by ball rolling for MSU. Skotarek, the Spartans had 51. Korkiala in the beginning of the last year's fourth leading scorer One obvious missing link for period was broken up by Hope. with six goals and nine assists, the MSU booters in the first two At 3:00 of the third period kicked one in Purdue's nets games was Jamaican senior Tuchscherer made the score 3-0 following an assist from Trevor Harris, last year's second Tuchscherer on a 10:45 penalty kick and assisted at on the fourth goal of the at 7:17. Tiemann, who sat out last season Barry leading scorer with 15 goals and 14 assists. Harris is resting his Tuchscherer game, which Korkiala kicked with a broken leg, tallied three ankle, which was severely Ernie Tuchscherer applies the power in an attempt to get the ball past a Hope player in Tuesday's 6-0 through the Flying Dutchmen's minutes later from another sprained last spring and kept him romp over the Flying Dutchmen. The team's captain scored four goals and one assist in leading nets. Tuchscherer assist. Tiemann, a out of the 1968 NCAA tourney. the Spartans to their second shutout in as many starts. Pictured at right is senior forward Alex Skotarek, Although MSU threatened to St. Louis senior, is expected to It is still uncertain w en ewi while another unidentified Spartan teammate awaits action in the background, up the score several times in the be one of the team's mainstays return to the lineup. fourth period, it wasn't until Tuchscherer awarded was penalty kick at 15:45 that the a Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Spartans could again tally. The final goal of the game came several minutes later Toronto, Ontario sophomore when SHEER NVEON Tony Gouveia, a reserve goalie, assisted by Houska, slipped the sixth goal through the Hope nets to shut out MSU's opponent of the season. second PANTY HOSE In the booters initial win of Top quality seamless mesh. Sizes the 1969 season against Purdue petite, average and tall. Compare at Friday, Tuchscherer, Korkiala Theft in the air and sophomore Rudy Mayer led much higher prices. Why Pay More! Come to our Ladies Nylons Dept. MSU defensive backs, Clifton Hardy (right) and Jay Breslin the Spartans to an 8-0 shutout. team up to make sure Washington's Ace Bulger doesn't get this The first Spartan goal did not pass. Hardy's interception came in the first quarter of last come until 21:15 of the first Saturday's game with Washington. eriod when Tuchscherer scored on an assist from Houska. The State News photo by Bob Ivins second goal was scored at 5:20 SAVE 30c thrifty acres WITH COUPON GIBSON'S Topco Boys' Kodel and cotton [Sizes: Small, Medium, Large];.. sj» SAVE 50C WITH COUPON Friendly Surroundings Men's Topco 50% Kodel® Polyester - 50% cotton With Old-Fashioned Prices Undemear The Only Locally Owned Pair in WITH Pkg. COUPON And Operated Book Store outperforms all-cotton every time Washes easier, stays whiter longer. TOPCO lab tests prove it! We Buy All Books Anytime "50T SAVE 50' with this coupon t 50' 25% Savings On All Used Text Books S 30" ISAVE 30' — ^ ^ toward tho | "Topco" Kodel® Polyester Cotton ■ < with this coupon \V GERITOL MEN'S _ ^ toward tho purchase of BRIEFS 3s244 pkg. i , I "Topco" Kodel® Polyester Cotton Unlimited I BOY'S TABLETS Supply of Paperbacks . „ in the Basement i T-SHIRTS 3t'«s1»- 100 COUNT | Dept] Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon I] Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon $398 5oT""savFM"""T5O' with this coupon mtoward tho purchase of C*l "Topco" Kodel* Polyester Cotton MEN'S _ with Pharmacy Stretch your Dollars at Meijer Thrifty Acres Acres of Free Parking Dept. T-SHIRTS 3"?s2 128 W. GRAND RIVER | Dept. j Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon ONE BLOCK WEST OF MSU UNION \£J Why Pay V'o re Why Pay More! Why Pay More ! Wh \ P c B8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25. 1969 } GROUP TOURS COUNTRY Dialogue 69-getting together By GEORGE BULLARD Campus Editor my own generation," Adams continued, "is that they seldom alternatives. involved But forced a the change in time Reattv communication^ instructor said "But we in ovtromo« w * t r ' k.k The tuned-in, revolutionary get to know people first hand, political systems. STs^ffer!" Pauline Bailey, St. Clair Shores generation may seem a bit less Th|S» m°re than anything else, ''Democracy is very Beatty said that the group met senior, agreed: frightening to much of The Establishment this fall-the result dijwls fear about what people time-consuming," are UP "A benevolent dictatorship was Morris said, people on their own grounds and _> ^ "Rather than side with one answered their questions, of a 10-week summer tour taken During the trip, students group, we tried to bring opposite instituted toward the end of the < Bureau'ol ^e^Uing lo^ on'Xfr on pu&ish'ed ^ ^ the vicr g and the drive to the vice president's staff. affairs'" affairs Pr6Sident ^ StUdent then a Ixperimentat^, and combination why" of things. WABX Presents All Requests - "Flashback Welcome Week" compensation-tort liability reparations arrangement will JUDY CO Call Tne Spartan Hotline probably evolve," Wenck predicts. "It is, however, very Law candid Masonic Auditorium possible there wiil only be an 393-1320 automobile compensation tests sched system by 1980, or a completely different government program." The Law School Admission This growing role of Test, required for admission to government in the industry may most American law srhools? will Central Michigan's : TEMPLE Box Offic US Original Hitmaker produce other significant changes, he notes. be given al mwe than 25() centers throughout the nation "As Medicare is expanded to Nov 8 Ft,b u A „ and provide broader coverage to jujy 25 younger recipients, the health jh"e ' Educational Testing insurance segment of the Service (ETS) advises candidates industry may find itself to make separate applications to MAKE YOUR struggling with a chronic — even terminal illness." Wenck also foresees eacjj seie^d |aw school ascertain admission to major requirements. Candidates for 'f APPOINTMENT change structure in of the the organizational $220-billion admission to next year's classes are advised to take either the industr>r. November or February test. "We currently are witnessing A "Bulletin of Information," CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN the growth of financial holding including sample questions. 10 AMD 14 INCH PIZZA companies whose primary registration information and a operating units are often registration form should be companies and newly SPAGHETTI obtained seven week$ jn advance organized or acquired mutual of a lesting date from Law funds- ^ . ,. School Admission Test, Box "In the future, he predicts 944 SALADS "these holding companies will Service, Princeton, N.J 08540 provide the consumer with what Educational Registration forms and fees Testing amounts to a complete package must ETg lhree weekg of personal financial services." before the testing date SANDWICHES BEEF BOAT Man & Nature Bookstore CRUSADER SUBMARINE HAM SANDWICH 15% - 20% Discount (WINE BAKED) ROAST B^EF on Paperbacks 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Mon. thru Sat, 3 P.M. TO 12 Midnight Sun. * UNIVERSITY Membership $2.00 351-7363 487-3733 2417 E. KALAMAZOO 328 Student Services Bldg. 484-4406 SIGN UP NOW TO HAVE YOUR YEARBOOK PORTRAIT TAKEN Hours: TAKE OUT ONLY 484-4555 2201 S. CEDAR Room 32, Union Bldg. - Open Monday thru Friday 12 - 9 p.m. . To 12-00 F.M., Sat. To 1 A-M. 353-5295 9:00 - 1 ;00 & 2:00 - 5:00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25. 1969 B9 British magazine's explains. "When I had about 4,000 pounds (approximately Student does not claim to speak for any minority or to set that time there was profits nowhere in Britain young people in trouble EDITOR'S NOTE: State News Staff Writer Diane Petryk studied itself up as a voice of a united $9,600) in advertising guaranteed, I went to a printer." student body. It seeks both to could go for advice." in London last summer under a program offered by the MSU inform and interest. Our aim is to He asked to have 55,000 copies of his magazine printed. He had American place conflicting views side by Thus, Branson intends his advisory center to prevent others Language and Education Center. no money. side, and allow the reader to draw his own conclusions. At from going through the same thing he did. " all I had my best suit on so they printed it," he said. times Student's" approach will be By DIANE PETRYK exploratory, analytical and State News Staff Writer With lots of publicity and salesmen on street corners and at 46 descriptive. We feel we cannot fulfill our responsibilities A branch of the advisory center is soon to be opened in the by universities throughout Britain as well as at bookstores, issue United States. In the meantime, Branson invites anyone needing LONDON-Seven teen-year-old Richard Branson had no money and knew nothing of the publishing business when he decided to number one was sold out. Since then "Student" has become the diTa^r"nt'ng Wh3t X th'nkS °f Y* We mUSt 3180 print why z Not only is Branson advtc« to write to 44 Albion Street, LondonW.2., England. magazine with the largest circulation among young people inthe gutsy, determined and resourceful but he "Abortion being illegal in America, we can make all the cieate "Student," a serious magazine for youth, two years ago in world. also possesses compassion and understanding for the problems London. Part of facing his generation. arrangements for American girls to come here and the whole Today "Student" magazine has a circulation of 100,000 in jts popularity can be attributed to the fact that it thin| calk be done in 48 hours. Girls are well-treated here and maintains no political views. As Branson said in an opening "My own girlfriend was pregnant," Branson explains." We spent there's nothing to worry about and nobody need know about it," Great Britain and maintains its own correspondents in Vietnam, editorial: eight or nine weeks m a desperate state before we got help. At the Middle East; Biafra and Nigeria; and in most major countries Brapson said. "False names can be given." of the world. It lists among its contributors Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Vanessa Redgrave, James Baldwin, John Lennon, Mick Jagger and dozens of well-known British writers, educators and politicians. According to Branson, "Student's" founder, editor and publisher, now 19, the magazine will have an American edition Kroger fights inflation with within six months. It will be distributed at colleges and 6000 Everyday universities. Branson has a live-in staff of volunteers, most of them students on leave, who work without pay but get room and board. Together they produce a remarkably professional magazine, yet at the same time, and perhaps even more important, they run a rather extraordinary advisory service for young people with problems. "Give us your headaches," it says on a handbill Branson pays to have distributed. "Abortion, adoption, contraception, drugs, Plus Top Value Stamps! Low Prices educational problems, homosexuality, lesbianism, marriage, pregnancy testing, phychiatric help ... if you or any of your friends need help, ring "Student" magazine and ask for the advisory center." Since such publicity began, the center has been 20 to 60 calls per day from young people who need receiving from help. The Why Settle for Less? staff estimates 400 a week stop by in person, but they make it clear that they do not set themselves up as know-it-alls. SILVER PLATTER "We don't give any advice ourselves. We tell people who to go FRESH PICNIC STYLE to," Branson said. He has talked about 30 doctors and psychiatrists into working for the advisory center for free. Last year 50 per cent of the people who come for help were girls who needed abortions or contraceptive advice. PORK WHOLE The other 50 per cent were young people suffering from a variety of difficulties from homosexuality and schizophrenia, to problems with exams and what courses to study. All assistance from the advisory center is free. "We're working ROAST FRYERS 24 hours a day and not getting anything out of it ourselves except the satisfaction of helping others," one staff member said. Since "student" magazine finances the advisory center, it is only through the magazine's success the center exists. The magazine's success can probably be explained in two words: Richard Branson. "I started the first year from a basement selling advertising," he PALACE WIG IMPORTS MARHOEFER Lease a Wig CANNED HAMS Peter's Whole or Portion Rolled & Tied ALL PURPOSE 3 lb 5 lb 9 lb 99' size size size [100% human hair professionals] include: 5329 $4«9 S799 Boneless Hams m. cutting 1025 EXTRA TOP KROGER RICE, PINTO styling VALUE STAMPS BEANS, NAVY BEANS, cleaning •1 WITH ITEMS BELOW fotassjrMir H Kroger Great Northern Beans or once a one month for Limited supply tiJ *>* o 100 Roasting Chickens Coffee Green Split Peas year CALL 485-8394 any 2 pkgs Silver | J □ 50 1 also see our #71 1 pl<9. ' Sliced Pork Loins long falls petit falls mini-falls #72L o' so JW ®"Ih2,-rbSMKwiiocK0 KRISP BACON WITH COUPON Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. cascades !5 #73 17 ' * O 50 y V "^3 pekgPs°Buddr ' ^ I ,^ TMlPPPn CHIPPED MEATS FRESH GRADE A Friday | with the purchase o< □ 50 MEDIUM 10 a.m.-9 p.m. j #74 ° 2-lb pkg PESCHKES \ HOT DOGS Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 1522 E. Michigan 1 With the purchase of HASH BROWH #75 a 25 a jo ZESTABS VITAMINS EGGS POTATOES Fly thru college. | #77 a 100 PoJd.r cover EO '»lRL MAKEUP #78 O 50 r WIENER BUNS Fj#«o a so p#»i O 50 VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON I V.-hmuE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON ALL PURPOSE VACPAC BB SPOTLIGHT B REMOVES STAINS f>m □25 Robin Hood Flour Kroger Coffee ■■ listen! Coffee Biz Presook 5 "38* 49* ^w 6-07 Tj : #83 CD 50 HI-NU L0FAT9MILK° ■■ WTJAR^W ^1 #84 □ 50 KR0GERl|CE MILK ■ 1— Thru Sun.. Sept. 28, ■■■■■■■■■■ 1969 RW1 Thru Sun., Sept928,1969 ■■f'ii>■■■■■■■■■■■■■ CMSA Kmm■ fA gjJ I T^Sun^p'tVs. 1969 [Jt5 Thfu Sun.! ^0^28, 1969 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ [£lr! JSMA COMBIN ATI ON U S NO 1 UTILITY ISMICHIGAN Our time is an exciting time. Rock revolution. Electronic music. Space Age < #86 a 50 Tiller BUFFET SUPPER & I'M 171iZ>7171 go, go, go. If you're young and you like what's then look into the Air Force R01C happening, Program when ^ | #87 O 25 HOLLkANDPBULBS APPLES you get to college. Find out why the Aerospace 7, #88 CD 50 wHITEVO^ATOES Team is where it is: Learn to fly while you're still Learn where the scientific Find out about financial aid to a college student. breakthroughs are. help you get I ««' O 25 •sU^U"oVt'e your degree. Looking for a groovy way to study? r #9aO 25 SThea'd " o^LETTUCE Take those fast lectures in the sky. See your Advisor and Add AEROSPACE STUDIES 110 BIO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Thursday, September 25, 1969 ) MSU Volunteer Bureau assists "No decent person can live in Can I find something to make you assist a nurse with the academically and socially, guys 6-18 count on you? community with a youth that "sees the possible. ADOPT-A-SCHOOL. meaning to your life. non-medical needs of her strictly one-to-one relationships. FAMILY SERVICES AGENCY: world from another vantage." Have OPPORTUNITY HOUSE: Ten a generation such as this with its my life more meaningful in a yen to become a part of cruel suffering, its widespread terms of enriching it by helping clients? MSU MAN AND STUDENT EDUCATION Assist a case worker in Recreational and educational girls from less than ideal home something bigger than you? NATURE BOOKSTORE: CORPS (SEC): Give a half-day day-to-day family dilemmas. experience abound. ST. Residence hall settings are learning a new way of devastation, its millions of others to help themselves? floors, Greek to a Lansing area school. Be a Teach home-making skills, VINCENT'S HOME FOR life. Will you help set up a disposed, starving and enslaved Is this perhaps an opportunity Relevant, Revolutionary, units and co-op housing here's a to find a satisfying career, if I Responsive-the three R's of this teacher's aide, tutor, special budgeting. Opportunities CHILDREN: These emotionally chance take program of charm and beauty people, and not feel the education or headstart programs. unlimited for home economics to on a real imperious demand to do his best am adaptable to the work broad student-directed service adjusting kids depend on you for challenge. Provide support and tips, or assist them with their tonelp." H.H. Fosdick Don't wait to student-teach to and social work majors. HOLT that extra care that only a courses? INGHAM COUNTY involved? approach. Coed co-ops, discount depth for an inner city school The MSU Office of Volunteer Stand up to the questions. We books, self-help programs run see if this is your bag. HOME INC: Be a friendly visitor voluteer can give. A smile, a class. Ask East Shaw and MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC: Mayo the MICHIGAN TRAINING UNIT: to the aged. Care and concern chat, tear, it's all part of a Help kids with special needs for Programs, through its Volunteer at 26 Student Services Bldg., gamut of involvement. a Halls about their third grade. Bureau, functions as a Volunteerism begins at home. This Ionia correctional home has for those in the home without mutual sharing experience. big brothers and big sisters. A 353-4402, are ready to assist 'clearinghouse,' matching you. "Give A Damn About Your LANSING RELOCATION requested grad students and families or friends. BIG CAMPUS COMMUNITY day care center is being screened volunteers with Fellow Man." Students, faculty CENTER: Get out into the nitty faculty to work with teen BROTHER AND SISTERS: Be a INGHAM COUNTY JAIL: COMMISSION (CCC): Help out considered. meaningful 1 volunteer requests and staff are invited to join in gritty of life. Paint, repair, groups, do counseling and surrogate. Help a lad with a dad, Feeling like a sponge just in a Lansing elementary school, Interested in pioneering? from the community, providing the MSU Volunteer Action furnish apartments for the tutoring. Social work and police or a girl who doesn't have a soaking up lectures? Don't let keep kids off the street, advise PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF homeless. Hammers administration people, "Give A mother or sister she can look up these emotional bars keep you an interest club, teach crafts on GREATER LANSING: Counsel the student an opportunity to effort, which includes those and band-aids provided. LANSING Damn About Your Fellow to. "The loss of one child is too from this new education Saturdays, adult education and and face the challenge quoted above. opportunities listed below and help develop an education Last year our 10 vehicles others. SOCIAL SERVICE DROP-IN AND ACTION Man." EMERGENCY SERVICE great a loss." JUNIOR program designed to make teen programs too. This program. Do your part to help HOUSE: This CENTERS: CORPS: Coeds, make this ACHIEVEMENT: Contribute detention time as profitable as established project can give transported over 5,000 HALF-WAY Tutor, supervise keep the count down. volunteers a total of 90,000 second tutoring project promises recreation, help pre-schoolers, immediate assistance program your expertise to a youth who's miles to and from volunteer to be a model for tutoring aid dropouts, be a block leader, available to meet family fired up about business and organize tennants, give legal aid. tragedies and short term child wants to get some experience assignments. With an increase of dropouts so that they can pass four vehicles this year, we are the high school diploma YWCA OR YMCA: Advise a card needs. SCOPE: In MSU's now. Marketing, accounting, looking forward to a year of equivalent test. FRIENDSHIP Y-teen club, be a positive role own backyard this community management majors-you 're the DAY CARE CENTER: Can a figure for a girl or guy, help a center for kids exists to provide vital link. CAMP HIGHFIELDS: greater quality service for both the community and the working mother be sure that her potential dropout "stay in." day-to-day after-school Socially adjusting boys need you volunteers. children will be cared for? BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL. experiences for youth in the to help them develop and beat Give a last-chancer Towar Gardens area. Do the influence of the pack. Be a Can I involve myself and relate Supervised play and a chance. you to other people? headstart-type activities for kids Counsel, tutor, coach sports, care enough to give your best? pal, tutor or dance teacher. Do I really understand the who would otherwise be left teach art . . . INGHAM BOYS CLUBS OF LANSING: Projectionist urgently needed. adverse social alone during much of the day. COUNTY PROBATE COURT: "No man stands so tall as when MICHIGAN SCHOOL FOR THE problems that others are obliged to live with? VISITING NURSES ASSN.: Will Help a ward of the court make it he kneels to help a child." Can BLIND: Team up one-to-one EXPERIMENT OPENS DOORS sex Litfit life. Light said to affect may be affecting your sex in reaction. a complicated chain And sex glands, of course, what turns people on--or off. are HHH, sex missing are the link glands long-sought between Meites explained that light "It is not fantastic to expect," environment and human vith ho strikes the optic lobe, which is Meites said, "that doctors will behavior. inbalance. Joseph Meites, professor of physiology, told scientists in necessary for vision. From the someday be prescribing brain "TTie medical implications are "Now that we have proof of Milan, Italy recently, that light optic lobe the light-induced staggering," Meites said. the cause-and-effect relationship passing into the eye reaches the influence passes to the lower reproductive or other bodily He explained that with newly between the physical brain by way of nerve impulses. functions." discovered methods of blood environment and the mind and optic lobe and then influences In the last 10 years, Meites' the brain by causing hormone determination, doctors body, scientists can begin to neurohormones to be secreted Then nerve endings secrete the laboratory has been one of the will be able to measure the measure what different factors from the brain. Neurohormones-in this case, neurohormones, which reach the first laboratories in the world to master gland release of hormones. and trigger the provide evidence for six of the neurohormones secreted from patient's hormone content and balance it with a blood sample. of light- the are environment-such doing to us." as Moving brain hormones-are special "We have no idea how many Meites revealed his findings in chemicals that are secreted from This is when gonadotropins the brain which affect the diseases are linked with hormone Milan during the world meeting Guy Meadows, Detroit sophomore, helps Judy Otting, Dublin, Calif, sophomore, move into Holmes Hall. About half the students living in residence halls had nerve cell endings or branches. are dumped into the blood master gland. problems," Meites said, "but we of the International Society for Their release indirectly affects stream and affect These neurohormones, called Neurochemistry. moved in by Sunday evening. The other half was expected by Monday evening. sex glands. do know that several diseases SHOP AND SAVE 25% Buy USED BOOKS From Our SECOND HAND TEXTBOOK DEPARTMENTS OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:00 New and Used textbooks for all MSU Classes SCHOOL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLIES MSU CLOTHING ftAMMIsB00K$T0RES TWO I »«** . STORES TO SERVE YOU CAMPUS BOOK WEST CAMPUS BOOK EAST ACROSS FROM ACROSS FROMBERKEY Free parking at side of store, or take City parking at rear, or take campus bus campus to Union and cross Grand River bus to Berkey and cross Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25,1969 B11 Volunteers organize to LONDON (UPI) - Imagine war, their political views or their Geneva. conscience who has committed free politicoI prisoners rather than help. activity is investigation of the On the Soviet Union: "The Dealing with the Middle East, being arrested in the streets and no violence. How much Amnesty actually general situation in a country. total number of political Amnesty finds that "with the danger to somebody in power, Its weapon is publicity. thrown into a windowless their daring to strike or to write When Amnesty takes up an In line with the organization's influences a release is impossible Its latest report, "The Face of prisoners may well run into the exception of Lebanon and underground cell with a what they believe. individual's case, members proclamation of impartiality, to measure. But of 4,000 Persecution 1969," attacks the thousands. A large gtoup of Jordan, arrests without trial of sprinkling of straw on the Amnesty, in existence eight around the world deluge his each group must help three prisoners so far adopted by United States and the Soviet prisoners are dissident Baptists political suspects are frequent cement floor and little to eat. prisons at a time — one from the member groups since 1961, Union alike: who broke sw*y from the and years, has headquarters in government with postcards prison conditions The cell is five feet high- not London, 550 active member West, one from the Communist around 2,000 are now free. Of "Over 1,200 young Americans official Baptist Church because notoriously unsatisfactory." demanding his release. world, and one from a those still held, Rhodesia, Sierra are in prison because they refuse quite enough room to stand. groups in 19 countries, Newspapers are approached. they protested at the degree of Of Latin America: Hiere are no blankets, no eating consultative status non-aligned country. As a matter Leone and South Africa account to participate in the Vietnam State control over its activities. "Imprisonment of political with the Money is sent to the prisoner's utensils, no personal possessions, United Nations, and a chairman, of policy, prisoners in Albania, for one quarter. Greece, Spain Hie United States, which Another group are intellectuals opponents is widespread and the family if they are in need and war. cigarettes. The future is Sean MacBride, Irish Secretary Communist China and Tibet are and Portugal have almost a recognizes conscientious who have publicly protested situation no encouraging letters are sent to appears to be completely obscure. General of the International him. The cardinal rule is that he, left alone because Amnesty feels quarter. So has Eastern Europe. objection, i.e., objection to against Soviet policy, for deteriorating as the number of Amnesty International, a Commission of Jurists in or she, must be a prisoner of its intervention would harm The organization's other main participate in a particular war." example on Czechodovakia." military governments increases." volunteer organization, has painted this picture to try to bring home the conditions of many prisoners who are in jail not for any act of violence, but for what they believe. "What we really want you to imagine is the almost unrelieved boredom of life in a cell," said Martin Ennals, Amnesty's secretary general. At Amnesty's estimate, somerHinG new... 250,000 political prisoners may be held throughout the world. Their "crime," said an Amnesty spokesman, is their religion or their refusal to go to Broken leg not end for horses A race horse comes pounding into the stretch-he suddenly stumbles and pulls up lame. in chocks A diagnosis after the race reveals a fractured leg, and the "In" checks, at Michigan National Bank. The expressive way Ask for "In" checks at either of our "Universityville" offices: sad ordeal of destroying a horse to pay. Personalized checks feature "Mod" designs in warm FRANDOR, 300 Frandor Shopping Center, or UNIVERSITY must be gone through again. "alive" colors. OFFICE, 2731 E. Grand River-Avenue. "In" checks cost just "This just isn't so," said David Ellis, associate professor of Available in quantities of 200 checks. Cover design matches pennies more than our regular checks. Stop by and choose MSU's Vet Clinic. "We repair a your design today. the checks you select. lot of broken legs and fractures in horses. Especially race horses Say "ORBIT" ... "LUV" ... "FLOWER POWER", every time worth thousands of dollars. It costs $300 to $400 to fix them you write a check. up, and they're ready to race again." For people who own horses as pets, the doctors explain the cost and the problems to them, and the owner decides if it's worth the expense. "We fix more than just broken bones," Ellis said. "Last week we sutured up some lacerations on a horse. "We've had them in splints and casts, and operated to remove bone chips, too." The large animal department isn't limited to just horses at the Vet Clinic. They do extensive disease investigation work on swine, hogs and sheep. The clinic is doing research on mass disease in these animals, and the effects of vitamin E deficiency. Veterinary students in training "ORBIT" (color - orange) "LUV" (color - hot pink) call on surrounding farms and deal with all kinds of animals. Occasionally the clinic is asked to check on zoo animals from GREG WILSON the Detroit Zoo, and they also MAYA WILSON check on the animals at the zoo 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD in Potter Park in Lansing. ItB IN AMERICA 10000 epay Veteran Qolf»r$ benefits MICHIGAN NATIONAL. BANK outlined •'— The Veterans Administration (VA) has recently outlined "PEACE" (color - gold) "FLOWER POWER" (color - violet) procedures under which veterans can receive monthly educational payments under the G.I. Bill. If a veteran was in college during the spring or summer semester and returned his attendance certificate at the term's end, he has nothing more to do before his checks start arriving this fall. Veterans who did not return their attendance certificate should do so immediately. Veterans who are enrolling for the first time this fall-or who have changed colleges or programs -must be certain that: -They have obtained a proper certificate of eligibility from the VA. -They have submitted the certificate to the college "DOVES" (color - pea green) "FLING" (color - powder blue) registrar. -The college registrar returned the completed certificate to the VA. "Banking That Is Building Michigan" MSU awards summer skins MSU granted 1,339 degrees Michigan National Bank ASSETS OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS ■ OPEN 'TIL 4:30 P.M. M0N. THRU SAT. ■ MEMBER F.O.I.C. during summer term. The total includes 144 bachelor degrees, 896 master's and 183 doctoral. It also includes 15 education specialists and one recipient of a diploma for advanced graduate study. B12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 25, 1969^ AISLE UPON AISLE OF NEW AND USED TEXTBOOKS ROW UPON ROW OF FAST, SPEEDY CHECKOUT COUNTERS.