Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 62 Number 49 Friday, September 26, 1969 GOP Congressman demands total troop pullout before 1971 WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Charles E. Robert F. Kennedy, expressed sympathy McCloskey, Rep. of California, both get the American troops out of Vietnam as Goodell, Rep., New York, signaling for the difficult position of President second-termers. quickly as possible." Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott, "I wonder how wise it is to tell the growing Republican efforts in Congress to Nixon, his one-time rival for the GOP hasten the pace of withdrawal from presidential nomination. Rep., Penn., declining direct comment on enemy," he said to Goodell, "as of a Vietnam, called Thursday for a total U.S. Goodell's proposal, hinted at further moves particular date all American troops will be Meanwhile, a group of House by President Nixon to scale down the war. withdrawn." troop pullout by December 1970. Republicans hopes to send a letter to all "The execution of the with Sen. Charles Percy, Rep., Illinois, praised war House GOP members later this week American Goodell's proposal and said "We must troops must be ended, not appealing for support of a proposal to put "I know that he has in mind further merely reduced," Goodell told a news a Dec. 31, 1970, termination date on develop a positive Vietnam program now." de-escalation as conditions permit" the conference. He urged faster U.S. withdrawals. authority in the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Pennsylvanian told reporters. "I see no Sen. Richard B. Russell, Democrat, Ga., signs that the approach we are resolution, used by the Johnson After Goodell repeated his proposal in a now taking will work in any reasonable chairman of the Appropriations administration to justify its dispatch of Senate speech, Scott's new asst., Sen. way acceptable to the American people." half a million U.S. troops to Vietnam. Committee, said when told of Goodell's Robert P. Griffin, Rep., Michigan, The New York Republican said he will Sponsors of the move are Rep. Donald proposal, "I just think we might be able to introduce legislation to bar funds for said,"The President does have a policy he get out before that." He declined to W. Riegle Jr., Rep. of Michigan and Paul N. has spelled it out very clearly. He wants to elaborate. maintenance of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam after Dec. 1, 1970, and that specific authorization would be required for use of noncombat U.S. personnel after that date. Aid in the form of supplies and CRITICIZES HUFF'S REMARKS military equipment to South Vietnam could continue he added. Secretary of Defense M^Jvin R. Laird rejected the Goodell proposal, saying "We would be making a grave error if we ... set dates we might not be able to deliver on." "I believe we should follow the course of Trustee praises Adams action we are presently on," Laird said in an appearance at a National Press Club for luncheon. "I would hope all Americans, Congress or whether in outside of Congress, will give the President their support." Goodell said that, in addition to his bill work in which would be sent to the generally distinguished people on this campus," Stevens said that he thinks students and antiwar Foreign Relations Committee, he Stevens said. "I respect Adams' view when he says he faculty should sit on the board of trustees. may seek to amend the defense money bill "The later this year. does not want the job," Stevens said, "but provisions of the Michigan Constitution, as it now stands, would not He said the White House had not Don Stevens, D-Okemos, and chairman under no circumstances does this warrant permit a student or faculty trustee to be a commented, and that New York Governor of the MSU Board of Trustees, criticized destroying him. I'm not going to sit by and voting member of the board other than Nelson A. Rockefeller did not comment Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, let a man who has given his entire heart through the normal elective process," he when informed of the proposal. Thursday for making his evaluation of and soul to this University be destroyed." In response to inquiries from reporters, Acting President Adams known to high Huff, who was en route from Wisconsin however, Rockefeller Issued a statement In Uj&. rfficiaJs, promii* t Detroit educators to Detroit, was not available for comments. '1 do not which undermine he said the the plan "can only effectiveness of the and members of the MSU faculty. Huff has said that according to his When he spoke before the board of the Michigan Agricultural Conference would use agree,however, with those who this fact to deny students full Problem access to and voice in the board's President's bargaining position in his criteria for evaluating presidential Thursday afternoon, Stevens had more The first day of classes is confusing even for veterans «in the MSU field, but deliberations through a properly negotiations with the North Vietnamese." nominees, he cannot rate Adams as high as words of praise for Adams. discovering the location of classroom buildings can be an overwhelming chore to constituted non-voting representative of Gov. Rockefeller said that while every the candidates proposed by the "I am heartened by the way in which Dr. the uninitiated. This freshman tries to get her bearings by consulting a map of their own choosing. I think such American wants peace in Vietnam, only All-University Search and Selection Walter Adams has handled the duties of the the campus. the President "has the responsibility and Committee (AUSSC). He rates none of the presidency in the last six months," he said. representation is both possible and State News desirable." photo by Hal Caswell authority under the Constitution for the AUSSC candidates higher than 60 per cent. "He has accepted and met these new and negotiations and decisions leading to "This is a cruel and unwarrented effort unsought tasks during a very trying period to destroy Dr. Adams who, in my opinion, for campus administrators across the a tremendous job, and I think I ASMSU backs Adams Rockefeller, who appointed Goodell to has done nation. the seat vacated by the death of Democrat am joined in my feelings by many "The fact that MSU has remained relatively untroubled by currents of unrest is a tribute to his leadership, dedication, wisdom and ability," he said. Block members House Stevens also told the agricultural conference that he will not propose a candiate for the presidency who has not been supported by the AUSSC. for permanent president "To do otherwise would be to reject both the efforts of the committee and, By CYNTHIA NEAL commend the industry and personal necessary for implementation of the drive. oppose Hayn more importantly, the principle involvement inherent in the formation of the committee in the first place." of % The State News Staff Writer Associated Students of (ASMSU) Board officially endorsed acting MSU sacrifice the members of the committee have brought to the task of preparing a list of candiates for the presidency of MSU. The drive will officially begin at Saturday's football game, and will move to residence halls, Greek living units and administration claims a commitment to law "Because the name of Acting President classrooms Sunday, continuing until WASHINGTON (AP)-Eight of the nine President Adams Wednesday night as the black members of the house joined civil and order," the statement said. Walter Adams was omitted from the initial Wednesday. Three of the Judiciary Committee's 17 man they want to hold the job list submitted to the board of trustees, we rights spokesmen Thursday in urging the ermanently. (please turn to page 21) members were present-Sens. Philip A. now respectfully urge that his name be Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the Hart, D-Mich., Birch Bayh, D-Ind. and SN Open House Bill Rustem, junior member-at-large, read added at this strategic and crucial time." nomination of Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. to the meeting the text of a Roman Hruska, R-Neb. petition The petition also commends Adams on to the Supreme Court. The State News open house has been backing Adams that has been circulating President Nixon's nomination of his "unexpected administrative skill and They said in a joint statement that the South Carolina jurist's record on civil rights Haynsworth was scored, also, by William changed to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. through the faculty. Rustem said that as of that evening, over 900 faculty members unusual insight and presence of mind in V1 group Pollock, general president of the Textile had signed the petitions, and that a faculty times of crisis, and because he has "clearly demonstrates his infidelity to the Workers of America. Students interested in working for the State News should attend. Editors will be member had contacted him about unfailingly emphasized that a university is, principles of racial equality." Earlier, Roy Wilkins, chairman of the Pollock testified that Haynsworth "product of a conspiracy among large is a present to answer questions about the ASMSU's sponsoring a similar drive among students. above all else, a place of learning." The board endorsed all of the objectives petition f Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, said Southern textile corporations to suppress paper. set down in the the Haynsworth nomination threatens to Refreshments will be served. Part of the petition reads: petition and gave chairman and to frustrate federal labor law. convert the Supreme Court from the rock on which black faith has rested "into a i "The undersigned appreciate and Tom Samet the authority to take any steps Adorns' pr swamp of delay and technicalities ... He would not have society move until forced A student-faculty committee has been to do so by the inescapable requirements formed to support Acting President Adams of the law." for the MSU presidency. Joseph L. Rauh Jr., the conference The committee is composed of five general counsel, was even harsher, saying "for the first time since the Supreme Court faculty members and five students and is headed by ASMSU Board Chairman Tom outlawed segregation, we have the Samet and John P. Henderson, director of appointment of a man whose belief in graduate programs in economics. integration is in question." Committee members include: Jack M. Rep. John Conyers Jr., a Michigan Bain, Dean of the College of Democrat and a member of the House Communication Arts; Wilbur B. Brookover, Judiciary Committee, read the professor of education-sociology; Harold congressmen's statement. Hart, professor of chemistry; and Leo Seated with him were Reps. Charles C. Katz, professor of statistics. Diggs Jr., D-Mich., Shirley Chisholm, Also included are: Norm Saari, West D-N.Y., William Clay, D-Mo., and Louis Branch senior; Rich Saul, Butler, Pa. Stokes, D-Ohio. senior; George Bullard, East Lansing junior; The statement was signed also by Reps. and Ann Markusen, Washington, D.C. Adam C. Powell, D-N.Y., Robert N.C. Nix, graduate student. D-Pa., and Augustus Hawkins, D-Calif. The committee The ninth and only other black member plans to circulate petitions for the endorsement of Adams at of the house is Rep. William Dawson, £>-111. Saturday's MSU-SMU football game. Conyers said afterward in response to a "We need all the volunteers we can get," reporter's question that Dawson had Samet said. "There is room for everyone; declined to participate. anyone who is available and willing to The black congressmen cited several commit themselves." school cases in which they claimed cases in Samet said that those willing to work for which they claimed Haynsworth, as a judge the committee should report at .12:15 in the U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond, Saturday to the east entrance of the Men's Va., voted to frustrate and delay the I.M. Bldg. before the game. They will be effects of the 1954/ Supreme Court decision outlawing segregated schools. Frat house asked to work for one hour before and one half hour after the game. "The appointment of a judge who has Beginning at 4 p.m. Thursday, Phil Grant of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, and other students interested in raising money for Muscular Distrophy, staged a Yvonne Marks, Grant, James Burck, Dirk Students interested in helping circulate rubber-stamped the evasions of law, which Montgomery. They hope to raise $10,000. rockathon to attempt to break Grant's 104-hour rocking record, which was set petitions should call Samet at 355-8266. everyone knows to exist, is particularly State News nh o bv Bill Porteous unsuitable when we consider that this in another Muscular Distrophy drive last spring. Grant said that he hoped to 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26, 196*9 Real power Vietnam in hands of party chairman By WILLIAM L. R 'f AN AP Special Correspondent News Analysis North Vietnam's National party chairman. As of now, the Marshal Vo Nguyen Giap, the Assembly has designated a new party still lacks a chairman. regime's top military man; Le president to succeed Ho Chi Minh, but in effect nothing Ho Chi Minh, in his later years, Due Tho, an able negotiator de^ense minister and army much has happened. The real appeared to be the arbiter of who often speaks with a voice of commander in chief, is obviously successor to Ho has yet to be factional disputes in the party authority; and Nguyen Duy influential in the collective, chosen and a struggle still cannot leadership and the cement which Trinh a vice premier and though it is doubtful that he has be ruled out. held it together. In effect, the minister of foreign affairs. vault,nS Poht,cal ambitions. His party long beforeHo's death was Le Duan is considered an sympathies seem more toward The selection of 81-year-old ° by collective of Moscow than Peking, Vice President Ton Due Thang was a technicality. The North operated leaders. The top men in this collective influential policy maker. He had the reputation, about 15 years ag0^ Nguyen Duy Trinh is Qf being pro-Chinese, but newcomer to the upper a relative Changable weather may have brought more than its fair share Population find your one and only set of wheels in this Vietnamese constitution are Le Duan, the party's first of stuffy noses and congested lungs to MSU this week, but conglomeration appeared to have shifted toward atmosphere in Hanoi and thus could add a good size headache to your miseries. required the selection. secretary; Pham Van Dong, the pro-Soviet views in the 1960s. there is not a cold capsule around that is big enough to fight unlikely, to outshine any of the State News photo by Charles Bertsch The real power, as in any premier and long the right-hand Pham Van Dong was one of others, the congestion of the bike racks in South Complex. Trying to Communist state, is in the hands man of Ho; Truong Chinh, the Ho's earliest associates. He is of the ruling party, in this case chairman of the National considered pro-Moscow in the the Lao Dong Workers. Ho was a Assembly's standing committee; world Communist quarrel. Truong Chinh, whose name BLACK STUDENTS WELCOMED means "Long March," has been considered pro-Chinese, helped found the Indochinese New identity stressed in play Communist Party in 1930. Le Due Tho has been head of the party's training school which produces prospective leaders. At one time he was considered students and faculty welcomed that their party would be Thomas, an MSU graduate "We want you to succeed and pro-Chinese, but later on has the black freshmen and transfer interrupted by several young student, said that the purpose of demonstrate that black students seemed to lean toward an students to MSU. black revolutionaries who were his play was to "dramatize the can succeed and at the same "The Last Bus Home," a one storming the city. need for survival in the middle time, make the University more "We gonna V hid bum thai wig on let play by Richard Thomas, act The revolution had come and of our daily deaths." relevant." The whole look for Fall yo' gonna do!" These lines first.-that's what head first-that's were what we we shot from the dramatiLd dramatized the met; concerns to black the black phasis from social a man's man's identification .h« 'r4'fmty J"?*" £ The rest of the welcome night *"ha, either with their Tom "oul2 have to come on home people, or cling to was a true "black communion" in the words in Joe McMillan, °^f. Anna Marie Hayes of CUA familiarized the students with the tutorial services that the begins with stage of Fairchild Theatre with himself. what director < Equal center offered, and several was portrayed as a black your hair Wednesday night as the Center The one act play presented the ridiculous identification with Opportunities Center. students and University for Urban Affairs and the black fe^s~ oF\^"Ne"gro'; 7raterni'ty their fraternity. Finally, all of the "Negro elite" rejected their club and accepted the black bTo'ken," he said. "It should be a financial aid. wor life-line that will reach beyond programs and the MAKE MONEY & reality. The Lansing Third World Players, who performed the the university and back into those communities from which Liberation Front, Black faculty members,' including Robert Weil, asst. OWN A BUSINESS play, are a group of Lansing high school students. "We developed to have some Robert Green- d,rector of the Center for Urban Affairs, professor of art, Thomas Gunnings, counseling; James Hamilton, chemistry; and Send in this coupon if you want to learn how to earn a great base to mobilize towards (CUA), welcomed the students Charles Scarborough, instructor deal of money for yourself while operating your own exclusive community needs," explained saying that he was pleased Florence franchise on campus distributing Audio-Lites. Terry Johnson, leader of the troupe. because he had not seen so many black faces since his high school of natural science, spoke to the students about their field of graduation. Hair Salon 209 Abbott Road SENSATIONAL NEW 11 HAVE The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orietation issues in June and SOUND-SENSITIVE YOU LIGHT UNITS September. Subscription rates are $14 per year. above State B ink Building 1L SEEN ONE Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Pre'ss, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press States Student Press Association. 1 Association, United MAIL TO: otlege Distributing Corp. 223 36. De Kalb, III. 60X15 Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Abbott Rd. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Phones: Editorial 355-8252 Classified Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 fen wearing periods of proper lens hy- t a free soaking-stor- individual lens com- partmei the bottom of every 3 Of L Conta It has been demonstrated that lenses are made improper storage between wear- of modern ola; ings permits the growth of bac¬ tics which have teria on the lenses. This is a sure tirely different charac cause of eye irritation and, in STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average teristics than the tissues some cases, can endanger your and fluids of the eye. Conse¬ vision. 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Simple foreign deposits on the lenses one-hand operation lets you record your thoughts as OO soon as they come to mind. Pop in a cassette, push a button, and get up to two hours' verbal note-taking. FASHIONS FROM Mother Nature Complete with a built-in microphone and speaker, the Model 50 is compact and light enough to slip into your pocket or swing on your wrist. Letts Sony/Superscope's Model'50 comes complete with carrying case, personal earphone and one 60-minute cassette. The same identical Sony model that was planned on launched to the moon, less than $125. never EVERY FRIDAY IS You SONY never heard it SUPERSCOPE so good. contact girls' nite! GIRLS NO COVER lenses •JfTONITE DOLLAR FOR GUYS ' Hi Fi Buys music nowmv MrrE -Rum KMAPP^FKBIDS from TAPE RECORDING INDUSTRIES 1101 E. Grand River Ave. East Lapsing 337-2313 :TCe5.-HoTt>oc>Nn5 ;Au.iKM6m"-2s*X Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26, 1969 5 British elite' find place in schools direct competition might Ordinary level exams, the specialize in one subject. This is All in all, Moore's students w — "ANGRY, TOUGH AND DUSnN HOFFMAN FULL OF STING!" -i« .JON VOIGHT RAWand VIOLENT! "MIDNIGHT COWBOY" BRENDA VACCARO BARNARD HUGHES JOHN McGIVER Wn*la>b> WAI.U0.SALT RUTH WHITE SYLVIA MILES a^lonrtu- no«l by JAMES lkohkklihy The Word Was Out... • % & MALCOLM McOOWELL CHRISTINE NOONAN^RICHARD WARWICK DAVID WOOD ROBERT SWANN daSdsherwin Kay anderson 3chael meowmjjndsay anderson Persons under 18 not a COLOR NOW PLAYING b> DeLuxe United Artists PINK PANTHER CARTOON COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ;j(l% p Persons under 18 not admitted unless IX EASTERN TMCATRIS accompanied by Parent or adjlt guardic SPARTAN TWIN EAST Shown Daily a Next Attraction • 3100 EAST SAQINAW • Phone 351 0030 7! 30 4 ^.4° p Peter Fonda in "EASY RIDER' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26, 1969 9 TODAY At the Hie difficulties of growing up movies, a big If. . and develop into an incredibly and photography, tight editing and Producer Michael Medwin's becoming educated in taut, shrieking climax which will fluid staging/ choreography. The film has been deservedly selected today's world are numerous and not leave you unmoved. final scene is classic, almost as the official British well-documented. Most students entry to Underlying the fantasy is an dance-like--forces of change the Cannes Film Festival. "If. have at least occasionally felt . allegory of contemporary indiscriminately mow down the ." is a savage, biting motion mm imprisoned by their schools and society, a statement on many Establishment- and include a teachers. picture you won't easily forget. t h i n gs--1 i beralism vs. special bullet in the head for It's worth a second or even a Many become mentally and conservatism, change vs. that guy who is always saying "I third viewing. emotionally crippled in the stagnation, youth vs. age and understand you!" process. progressive vs. traditional values. Such feelings often manifest The school emphasizes themselves in the form of fantasies which a violent and serve mentally as vengeful defense conformity^ the students strive for freedom. David Sherwin's screenplay is New pipe against tyranny, and physically aided by excellent acting and as a self-pacifier. Common forms weapons of hate. The students superb direction. Malcolm of fantasy include "if only I tyrannized: in class ("you're concert are McDowell plays the rebellious were bigger," "if only I had a stupid"), in sports ("you're Travis with impressive skill. His sc gun." clumsy") and in religion (you're face and manner range from "If ." is an uncommon corrupt"). Inaugural concert on a new pipe organ recently installed in the . . angelic innocence to intense Music Bldg., will be given by Corliss Arnold, asst. motion picture about these The boys escape oppression hate. His professor of performance is music and organist at Peoples Church in East Lansing, Oct. 5-7. common fantasies. Uncommonly through dreams. The fantasy' equalled by nearly the entire A gift of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Hart of Medina, N.Y., the organ ANEW YORK VERSION OF aspect of the film grows slowly cast, composed primarily of will be used for recitals and teaching. It was placed Friction between "children" on the viewer. Seemingly unknowns. All present full and in the choral THE GRADUATE'! IRRESISTIBLE!" room of the Music Bldg.. renamed Hart Recital Hall. and "adults" in a British boys' capricious use of black and distinct Judith Crist. Ntw York Magazmt characters, weli - school is observed. The adults white photography, strange integrated with theme and plot. have force and fear of force on editing and scenes which at first Lindsay Anderson's direction starts TODAY their side, and they use these as appear irrelevant gradually blend is a mixture of pointed i 7:00 P.M. |M]sU56tSTE0 fOII M»TU« JUOUHCIS' X '"GOODBYE. COLUMBUS' IS BOUND TO LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES ^^»x33t-Z8<4 BE A GREAT SUCCESS1 'REFRESHING TO SEE AS IT IS RARE TO FIND! CLEARLY THE WORK OF TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! TALENTED SENSITIVE HUMOROUS PEOPLE!" Broadway hits U' chord Schick*/. U. Magazine '■RARE MOMENTS ...GENUINELY) INTIMATE LOVE SCENES1" DER, LOVING, FUNNY-SAD!" There —Kathlttn Carroll, NY. Daily N.wj This season's Lecture-Concert 'addition to the regular "A" and Tickets are available for are Series will open with several "B" series offered by the individual events beginning Sept. bud cops well-known performed by New York companies in Broadway hits the MSU Lecture-Concert organization. Where do you 29. and there ~~E] auditorium. One of the find Central Michigan's are good top broadway attractions, "I do! I do!", will be finest entertainment? The Harlequin! cops-and performed Oct. 9 as a special presentation. The play will be then RlMffiBEfiJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN«:^^|i^sr^"^" presented as a regular part of the Lecture-Concert Series, Oct. 10. Now Appearing For there's 0~=* NEXT "THE LEARNING VI. Bullitt "Mame," the well-known One More Smash musical of Broadway fame, will be performed Nov. 6 and 7 in 7:00 & later- Sat.-Sun. 3:00-6:55 & later NORTHSIOE EXCLUSIVE the Auditorium. Week ORIVE-IN 1 H EAl RE _ SHOWING! STEVE MCQUEEIM . . Several new Broadway shows 1 Miles Worth on US-27. 4S274Q9jmm NOW THRU TUES. to be performed on campus The Fabulous , include the musical "Canterbury Tales" and "Your comedy AS'BULLITT M»«i: i\ or the \ i »k v Own Thing", a modern, musical version of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.% TOP | PLUS TECHNICOLOR9FROM WARMER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS 2^*7 After the Jan. 26 and 28 production of performances of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are "Hamlet", Dead", a FOUR They're ... young... and they're in love they kill people. humorous paraphrase on 7^ be A . . WAKKEN ■ _ / \ ) $100 cover Fri. & Sat. "Gillian Gish and the Movies" on Feb. 12 will offer the famous y7 \ ONLY. Open 6 n.ghts a EEATT¥ 7%LtQuiij3a film star and some classic silent FAYE film footage. Several of the "specials" 1 » ^ EUlfAWAY ' include the Don Redlich Dance Co., April 7, and music by Guy EONNTCfMEKEre Lombardo and his Royal technicolor* 8:50 only - Sat.-Sun. 1:00-4 :55-8:55 Canadians, April 28. at the Metro Bowl The specials are. presented in NEXT: "THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS" t^ichu^n University I ■fc.hePer^ormi«K| Arts Company ^re5 ^ODUCTIO** the L/citement of l\lov/ThesAre HATRJI Excellence inTheatre Trodu Tp DEAN MICHELE DAVID JONES LEE TOMLINSON HACKETT Herbie BUDDY FLYNN FONG GRANATELLI BILL WALSH DON DaGRADI BILL WALSH , ROBERT STEVENSON TECHNICOLOR' Shown twice at 7:07 and 11:05 FEATURING The Three Penny Opera -- May 6-23 E Please send Book. ny 1969-70 PAC Coupon Brian Keith PLUS: Enclosed is $8.03 (Make check payable to "With Six Michigan State University.) Modern Dance Concert -- April 17-19 You Get Eggroll" w 1 ' i 1 ':st Carroll, Barbara Hershey, Alice Cihostk-v and (ieorge Carlin, with Seven (7) Great Film Classics I he Grass Roots. Directed by Howard Morris. Address Screenplay by Gwen Bagni, Paul Dubov, Harvey Bullock, R. S. Allen. Produced bv Martin Melcher. ( olor by Deluxe. Filmet City State icral Pic 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26. 1969 * SPORTS Spartan defense hopes to harness Mustangs By MIKE MANLEY "They like the challenge and are looking forward to playing the forward pass to move football-gaining 599 yards the triple option "veer" offense can eliminate the fumbles and pass State News Sports Writer him (Hixon). They feel they can through the air compared to a interceptions. Last week two Most football experts will do the job," he said. meager 59 on the ground. As Spartan drives were stopped agree the single most demanding Phillips, Hardy and safety Jay their Head Coach Hayden Fry inside the Washington 15 position on a football team is because of untimely fumbles-a Breslin have been getting about points out, "It's easier to pass that of defensive cornerback. two hours of work each day and for four yards than to run for problem which plauged MSU He has receivers coming at him have voluntarily stayed on the four." throughout the 1968 season. from all angles on almost every No changes are planned on the field after regular practice to With a quarterback like Hixson play, and if a pass is completed work on their defense and to get offensive team for MSU. Bill around it's easy to see why Fry over him, it is the cornerback in some extra running. Triplett, who scored twice last thinks like he does. who must stand alone before The Spartans will use the same weekend on short runs, will be 70,000 fans screaming for his 'split-six" defense that they "He's the greatest passer in at quarterback. Daugerty used against Washington last college football today," MSU expects better passing from his Harold Phillips and Clifton Head Coach Duffy Daugherty talented junior leader after last week, counting on four Hardy. MSU's left and right linebackers and the three deep says, "possibly the greatest week's disappointing cornerbacks respectively, will no backs to defend against the passer ever in college football. performance against the Huskies. doubt have an aftemdon they We look upon the Southwest pass. Allen, Highsmith and fullback won't soon forget when "We have to get a good pass Conference as a great passing Kermit Smith round out the ass-crazy Chuck Hixson leads rush from our front four so that conference, yet he has already backfield. The running attack Southern Methodist into Spartan broken virtually all the passing Hixson will have to hurry his will be bolstered by the return Stadium Saturday for a 1:30 records in the books and has passes," Perles said. "Our of last year's leading rusher, p.m. encounter with MSU. linebackers are playing deeper nearly two full seasons left to Tommy Love, hobbled last week sp§ SMU is 0-2. losing squeekers to also to help out the secondary play." by a leg injury. Love carried the ^ Air Force (26-28) and Georgia on the pass coverage." Hixson has the amazing ability balf only three times but is Tech (24-21) while the Spartans Perles said the Spartans will to rally his team from in the expected to be at full strength knocked off Washington, 27-11, alternate several defensive backs second half -another thing Saturday. in it 's opener. throughout the game to keep Daugherty will have to worry MSU's basic offensive strategy The pass defense has been them all fresh. The backs will about. This season the Mustangs getting special attention all week need a breather now and then have scored 36 of their 43 points against the Mustangs will be ball control. SMU had the ball for an in practice and defensive because Hixson has already in the second half. Last season backfields coach George Perles thrown 100 passes in two games. amazing 95 plays last week against Arkansas. Hixson rallied feels his men are ready to meet In its two previous games, the this squad for 29 points in the against Georgia Tech. the Hixson challenge. Mustangs have relied solely on final quarter-only to lose 35-29. "They're not going to lose Duffy's theory on SMU's many games in which they have MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES comeback ability is simple. "The the ball that many times," opposing players get so tired of Daugherty said. presents chasing Hixson that they run out How does Daugherty plan to 'Tlit of gas in the second half, giving UBCDUCEEVj^ him more time to throw." head off the on passing of Hixson Saturday afternoon? With the defense getting ACADEMY f special attention this week, Daugherty is hoping his new "There is are no doubt that going to complete a lot of they passes. We hope to avoid the Will they get to Hixo AWARD .TOIMITE 8 P.M.. long bombs, pick off a few. capitalize on their mistakes and These five Spartan defensive linemen will have their work i ACADEMY AWARD: hold their right, Wilt Martin, Bill Dawson, Ron Joseph, Ron Curl and WINNER M i £ BEST scoring to cut out for SMU's top notch them Saturday passer as they attempt to hurry or get to Chuck Hixon. They are from left to Gary Nowak. State News photo by Wayne Munn BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY" *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* (Mel Brooks) i # ACTRESS! i BEST CINEMA COMEDY IN YEARS! I Wells Hall Films FRI-SAT ♦Houston officials reject /iii"MI m 11 * * 104B Beol Fine Art Fill bid I I I I I I I I V* * * ROMAN POLANSKI'S hor }to name gym after Hayes TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. * * REPULSION > HOUSTON University of Houston rejected student demands Tuesday to (UPI) - The field house after former "The students know who basketball star Elvin Hayes really helped the school," Hayes instead of Roy Hofheinz, owner said by phone from California, i - UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM » Denvue 75c Students & Staff name the school's $6 million of the Houston Astros. where he is a star with the San * Diego Rockets. Admission $1.00 "If the students feel I deserve I nion Ticket Office and at the door. Te 109 ANTHONY FLICKS- at the honor, 1 have to ,go along * 106B Beal Film G--oup with it. I really appreciate the , * Rudolf Nureyev aid Marget Fonteyn SEPTEMBER 26 & 27 75c students' love for me." NOW! thru. TUE. EXCLUSIVE! Gttitftas FIRST AREA SHOWING SEE IT! ROMEO and I0LIET ALL THE KINGS MEN and The name Regents had approved the Hofheinz Pavilion in honor of the entrepeneur and his late wife who gave $1.5 million BARNEY OLDFIELD's RACE for LIFE toward construction of the What makes her garden grow... 7 aid 9:15 50c no I.D. reqjired 7 and 9 p.m. facility. Hayes conceded the Regents wouldn't you like to know! should "look at the dollars," but should consider other things in What ever happened to Aunt Alice addition. was more terrifying than what Hayes said it was basketball happened to Baby Jane. * stars like he and Don Chaney who made Houston a national Paul sports power. Newman The student senate unanimously passed a bill, later Harper endorsed by The Daily Cougar, 7 and 9:30 student newspaper, which color 50c recommended the Hayes name for the 11,000-seat pavilion to Flash Gordon Iso CHapte ^ be completed in December. >>*★★★★★★ "VASTLY ENTERTAINING! An exquisite cinematic beauty set in an East that is as mysterious and lovely as any Hollywood has ever depicted. It's the last gasp of elegant corruption, of great town houses and country houses as big as forts, of masked balls, of incredible poverty and adolescent prostitution, of exhilarating, finally foolish intrigue. 99 it Canby, New York Times ii DYNAMITE! 'Justine' is beautiful. A stylish turbulent exercise in sensuality. 9 9 —Rex Reed, Holiday a n Geraldine Page Ruth Gordon a Lawrence Durrell's Rosemary Forsyth II 'Justine' is superb movie entertainment, rich in Robert Fuller Mildred Dunnock Theodore texture and so heavily spiced with erotic by Gerald jugrine h. Ursula C u'tir. w-r..r F.-.edf.•*....«• Peter N Produced by Robert Aldrich Directed b/Lee H. Katzin Color adventure that one can almost inhale the stuff. vv From the American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. |m| s^ss"'*1 • Sho i twice at 7:08 an d 11 i Ii JUSTINE' IS A PERFECT PICTURE TC SEE. There is Plus 2nd first Run COLOR Feature something for everybody. You've heard of the DAREDEVIL PILOT... G picture that has everything? Well, believe me, WILD BEAUTY... pitted 'Justine' does have everything in the way of love — adultery, homosexuality, incest. And, to really shock HUMANSHARKS! you — two people who actually love each other. UNIVERSAL See the movie. vv —John Bartholomew Tucker, ABC-TV Berman George Cukor Production ot Lawrence Durrell -UUSTINE starring ANOUK AIMEE. DIRK BOGAROE ROBERT FORSTER. W, PHILIPPE NOIRE I MICHAEL YORK, co starring John Vernon Jack Alberlson. George Baker. Michael Dunn Produced by Pandio S Berman. Directed by George Cukoi. by Lawrence B Marcus Based on "fie Alexandria Quartet by La«flence Ourrell. Music by Jerry Goldsmith. Panavision* Color by De Luxe SEE IT TODAY! Feature a' 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:40 (Except Sunday) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26, 1969 11 .SPORTS HAMMOND TOP SMU RECEIVER Big Ten Football Previews EDITOR S NOTE-Throughout the 1969 football season, the State News Sports Dept. will be offering their forecast on be Don made up of Jeff Elliott, Walkowicz, Mike Manlev, Pam Boyce, Kopriva and Dave West. Whoever Gary Mustang end fills Levias' shoes By GARY WALKOWICZ State News Sports Writer but after two games the in high school, has already "We respect his speed and will Arthur, Texas native, is excited who they feel will win among the Big picks the most right games each week Mustangs scarcely notice that caught 16 passes covering 210 have to play him a little looser over the prospect. will receive a bonus and will write the Skeptics thought that Levias is gone. Ten teams and Notre Dame each Southern Methodist's pass-crazy yards in his first two games. than we do his SMU's receivers," "They tell me you can be real Saturday atfternoon. "Big Ten Football" column the offense would be shot down this Sophomore split end Gary Levias, incidentally, caught MSU Defensive Backfield Coach quick on this turf," Hammond Hammond has more than only 18 passes in his entire said. "That's what I want more following week, with their individual season with the loss of George Perles said. adequately filled in for Levias as sophomore season. Saturday's game will be than anything else — quickness. The regidar sports staff this ter mil predictions about the games that week. All-America Jerry Levias as a Hixson primary target. The confident sophomore has Hammond's first chance to play Then you can break for the target for Chuck Hixson's passes, Hammond, a great quarterback made the switch from passer to on artificial turf and the Port quick play." receiver without much difficulty. "It seems like I've been playing there for quite a while," UCLA at Wisconsin-After two years of Hammond said. "I don't even Comeback," but the Hoosiers will prevail. IU, 28; hibernation, the Bruins are back with another California, 24. think about the possibility of strong team and Wisconsin's fine sophomores Illinois at Missouri-Illinois is another team not catching the ball. I don't aren't quite ready to pull off a big upset yet. with some good-looking sophomores, but they think about the chances of UCLA, 38; Wisconsin, 20. don't have nearly enough of them to compete dropping it. I'm Northwestern at USC--There's no O.J. Simpson enjoying with the class of the Big Eight. Missouri, 35; myself." in sight, but USC is just as tough overall as last Illinois, 7. "Hammond's been doing a season and Northwestern is just as weak. USC, Washington at Michigan-Jim Owens could have good job filling in the gap left by 30; Northwestern, 14. found a better place than the State of Michigan the loss of Levias," SMU Coach Texas Christian at Ohio State-Woody Hayes for his Huskies to spend the early autumn weeks. Hay den Fry said. "He's also • used to consider all non-conference games just Even Tartan Turf can't speed up the lumbering doing some running with the ball "exhibitions" and his teams often played like Huskie offense. U-M should do unto Washington and is a passing threat. Against they were, but national titlists have to beat as they were done unto by the Spartans. Georgia Tech he completed a everyone and King Woodrow isn't about to pass for 27 yards to set up a Michigan, 28; Washington, 17. abdicate his throne. Rex Kern won't need many touchdown." Notre Dame at Purdue-This shapes up as a of his magic tricks to win this one. Ohio State, battle between the rugged Irish defense and Split end Hammond has 44; TCU, 13. Purdue's talented offense, which moves on the excellent speed and is SMU's Ohio at Minnesota-Ohio is the power of the arm of Mike Phipps. Notre Dame's seeking primary deep threat. improving Mid-American Conference, but they're revenge for the beating the Boilermakers gave His 52-yard reception against in over their heads against the Gophers, who them last year. The home field won't mean much Georgia Tech is the Mustang's would be snarling after the thrashing Arizona in this game, which looks like Saturday's top longest pass completion of the State gave them last week. Minnesota, 21; Ohio. contest. Purdue, 24; Notre Dame, 22. year. 10. Hammond can run the 40-yard SMU at MSU-The Mustangs are 0-2, however, Washington State at Iowa-Iowa is a much they have enough offense to beat any team in the dash in 4.4 seconds, which is just better team than they showed last Saturday country. MSU's defensive backs will be in for Clifton Hardy Brad McLee as fast as Spartan flankerbaek Jay Breslin Harold Phillips against Oregon State. Their high-powered offense their roughest afternoon in many years, but the and track star Herb Washington. should get untracked against the Cougars. Iowa. Spartan offense should find the going easier than 35; Washington State, 22. they did against Washington. Fumbles and California at Indiana-Cal has a good defense, interceptions mav verv well be the deciding but not good enough to hold down IU's scoring factor in this one. MSU, 27; SMU, 24. machine. It Here's what your first year may take another "Cardiac Marxisms or two at IBM could be like. You'll become involved fast You'll find we delegate responsi bility—to the limit of your ability OL7-916B EASY TO ASSEMBLE At IBM, you'll work individual THE WILDLY UNPREDICTABLE ANY SIZE IN MINUTES ly or on a small team. And be en MARX BROTHERS IN EXCERPTS This unique METAL SECTION FROM THEIR GREATEST MOVIES. FRAME is the latest development couraged to contribute your own ALL THEIR FABULOUS "BUS" and most exciting design innovation ideas. You'll advance just as fast ON ONE INCREDIBLE ALBUM. in the 20 year history of modern and far asyour talents can takeyou. FROM THE ORIGINAL MOTION frames. PICTURE SOUND TRACKS TO Metal sections in 28 sizes ^ $3.25 to $6.25 Here's what three recent grad¬ DECCA RECORDS. THE DELUXE PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES A uates are doing. FREE 18X24 INCH POSTER. Available on tape. Phone t 332-4673 TIME MARX'S Shop Wed. ON! 'till 9 p.m. Doug Taylor, B.S. Electronics Engineering '67, is already a senior associate engineer working in large- scale circuit technology. Aided by computer design, Doug is one of a five- man team designing integrated circuits that will go into IBM computers in the 1970's. Soon after his intensive training course, IBM marketing representative Preston Love, B.S. '66, started helping key Iowa commissioners solve problems. Like how to introduce school kids to computers, without installing one. His answer: share one in Chicago by phone cable. W.SHANHOUSE SONS INC. belts the bush jacket. With big pockets. Leather-like buttons. And Soon after his IBM programmer plenty of ribs.(The birds'll training, John Klayman, B.S. Math '68, love it.) All cotton Cone corduroy called Plush Life. began writing programs used by a For men only. In computer system to schedule every five colors, sizes 36 to 46, event in the Apollo tracking stations. about S22.95 at fine stores And when the finished programs were everywhere. Cone Mills, turned over to NASA Goddard Space 1440 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018. Flight Center, he was responsible for making them work. Cone ON CAMPUS Visit vour placement office and sign up for OCT. 8,9 an interview with IBM. An Equal Opportunity Employer Plush Life corduroy. Its groovy. IBM 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. September 26. 19691 FACE REAL TEST TODAY Spartan booters host Kent State By PAM BOYCE State News Sports Writer anc 6-0 scores, meet Kent's Golden Flashes at 3:30 p.m. 4-7-1 record last year. Coach Kenney, however, is taking little Tuesday's defeat over Hope. "We didn't look real good. Our today is Trevor Harris, last year's second leadirg scorer and 1968 club - tough, hard-nosed This is the first confrontation stock in last year's statistics. Ho shots were wide and we need All-America pick. Harris has Leading the Golden Flashes Today's soccer game with between the two schools' soccer been sidelined ihe first two will be co-captains Leo Longo of Kent State will mark the first claims this game is important in more continuity in our play." real test for the Spartan booters determining the Spartans' Although the booters have games to allow his ankle, Bridgeville, Pa., who plays this season, says Head Coach Although the Spartans have potential, stating that Kent scored 14 goals against their two severely sprained last spring, to fullback, and John Castellana of Gene Kenney. already met two opponents, represents the first really tough opponents, the players have also recover sufficiently. Kenney said West Caldwell. New Jersey, missed many opportunities to that although he is not planning playing at center forward. The booters, who have shut today marks the opening game opponent for State. of the 1969 for the Kent increase their leads. to start Harris, the Jamaica Another player which the out their first two opponents, season Kenney has spent the past senior will see plenty of action. Purdue and Hope College, bv 8-0 booters, who turned in a dismal week "Our shooting has got to get Spartans must concentrate on is trying to iron out left wing Dave Neeson of Cedar problems which he feels better," Kenney emphasizes. Harris' stand-in, however, Grove. N.J. hampered his team during their The coach praised the Chicago sophomore Rudy Mayer, has been impressive so Tending goal for Kent is junior Do You Like A Place S first two games. The one-sided scores do not necessarily testify performance of Catain Ernie Tuchscherer, who has accounted far this season, and the coach is Nick DiGrino of Ohio, who split team's excellence, and for half of the goals scored so considering moving him around goalie duties last vear. With Atmosphere ? m to the far. in the line-up. Coach Rudy Bachna has had Kenney feels the players have a Good Food *Soft lights • Good Music S few improvements to make ' Ernie has been outstanding," "He's too good to sit on tile his team scrimmage Hiram before they can be classified as Kenney praised the Chicago bench." Kenney commented. College this fall in an attempt to — ^eYeVop'™, f°r °ne P'"a potential NCAA champions. senior. "He has been moving the Ken prepare for today's game. Kent described Kent State's State Sportcoat attire suggested 1 "We missed all kinds of goals," whole forward line." won, 5-0, under normal i a "real hustling ball : '.r> Cocktail Hour--Everyday Kenney says in commenting on Expected to be back in action game conditions. ■ 4:30-6:30 TOWN MAKE YOUR Trevor APPOINTMENT PUMP 307 S. GRAND IV 9"6614 Irish, U-M to renew football rivalry in 1978 i DOWNTOWN LANSING °Pen 10 a-m--2 hmummh ANN ARBOR, MICH. (UPI) - which first met in 1887, last The University of Michigan played each othe; in 1943, when (U-M) and Notre Dame Notre Dame won 35-12. The University will renew a Wolverines had an 8-2 edge in long-dormant football rivalry the 10-game series. with a four-game In recent years, the Irish have home-and-home set beginning in ' built up a powerful rivalry with 1978. Athletic Directors Don M.JiigM-i State, playing before capaci. Canham at Michigan and E. W. 'Moose' Krause at Notre Dame, The new schedule caili ,.jt » announced the schedule games at Notre Dame Sept. 23, simultaneously Tuesday here 1978, and at Michigan Sept. 15, and in South Bend, Ind. 1979, with dates for 1980 and The two football powers, 1981 to be set later. mrfK&itut6 HAIR FASHIONS J at Across From Married Housing Spartan Shopping Center SIGN UP NOW TO HAVE YOUR YEARBOOK PORTRAIT TAKEN Room 32, Union Bldg. - Open Monday thru Friday 353-5292 9:00 - 1:00 & 2:00 - 5:00 Introducing 914 Southland St. Seraphim In Southland Commerce Center Lansing 882-2700 Great Recordings of the Century Landowska. Caruso. Schnabel. loom Lehmann. Hess. Feuermann. Schi0tz. Hotter. Moore. Fischer. Gieseking. Boulanger. Cortot GREATEST Schumann. Casals. Gigli. Kreisler. Chaliapin. McCormack. Schipa. WROTH Melchior. Teyte. Thibaud. and only79C \ Little Boy Solomon. Heger. Moyse. Busch. The Justrite pen by \ Casadesus. Melba. Muzio. Serkin. Eberhard Faber is a great writer. Writes more and f easy-care new TheyVe all here. mm mm writes better, without blotting, smearing or glopping. Because the Clicks. Wheezes. Nipped noses. Whooshes. : i y point is a slick tapered back Swishes. Distortions. Flatness. Lustre loss. Tonal vagaries. Under water pn o. carbide ball. Has many other Imbalance. Muddiness. credentials: See-Thru barrel that reveals wigs by Mr. Henri everything (like how TheyVe all gone. na mm much ink is left) ... Self-cleaning ink eraser... Plastic cap The Golden Age Resumes. that profects the point 27.95 On SERAPHIM ... A handy clip. And the Justrite is better-looking, too. You'll never need to t these delightful, Top-quality New Pressings mm s, Medium point washable stretch wigs. C urly top Angel or sleek Little Boy has tapered back to look Honest Original Sound 'mm (illustrated) just 190; fine point, 250. Four ink V like your natural hairline. Both available in a full range of life-like colors. For a mere $2.19 colors: Red. Blue. Green. Black. At your college bookstore. Miss Roni, Knapp's experienced wig stylist, d iscount records vvll assist you with selection of color and style. C^SERAPHIM^ J inc. B,,v" hrs DAILY 9:30 - 8:30 mu ii,\i ky : rai l j 1117 r / \sr Lansing SAT 9:30 - 6:00 EBERHARD FABER 225 ANN ST., E. LANSING - Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 26, 1969 13 SPORTS MSU rated 9th - Title repetition harriers goal; girlwise that is Keep those skirts mini and the smiles wide gals, for you've been frosh add needed depth to team rated the ninth best-looking football girls in the country, according to ABC. team, as well as the rest of the lurking in his top seven. cross country course, which this Andy Sidaris, director of the ABC television coverage team each the Big Ten three mile in time has three week, has come out with his Top 10 schools girl-wise. They are, outdoor track, appears to have Big Ten, Gibbard thinks, will be Warren Krueger from Hazel trips on "Cardiac in order: A year makes a lot of the inside shot as third man. the performances of the Park, Ralph Zoppa from St. Hill", dubbed that for obvious reasons. 1. UCLA 2. Miami 3. Alabama 4. LSU 5. SMU 6. Oklahoma 7. difference, and nowhere will it But the deciding factor for his freshmen and sophomores. Louis, and Pete Reiff, from be noticeable than the The rest of the schedule finds Texas 8. Tennessee 9. MSU 10. Duke more on The sophs, who were the last Elmhurst, 111., are three frosh MSU cross country team. who should give Gibbard the Miami (Ohio) here Oct. 11, MSU It is a major breakthrough for the Big 10 and the Atlantic Coast group of frosh unable to Last the at Minnesota Oct. 18, Central season Spartans, compete as first-year men, are depth he needs after his top five. Conferences, which managed to ease into the last two spots. For years, Sidaris and his roving pals have been particularly appalled under first-year coach Jim IM officia largely unproven, as are the Randy Kilpatrick, a freshman, Michigan here Oct. 22. an invitational here Oct. 25, MSU by Big 10 girls. He hopes others now will follow MSU's lead. Biggard, were seeking to climb many talented freshmen which and soph Tom Silvia fill out the at Notre Dame Oct. 31, Eastern up from an eighth place finish the league's top cross country Top Ten at the present time. "Big 10 girls dress like something from 1940 Joan Crawford movies," said Sadaris. the previous year, and with only meet Su schools — MSU, Minnesota, Gibbard figures that Minnesota Michigan here Nov. 7, the Big six the Ten at Indiana Nov. 15, the runners on team, the Wisconsin and Indiana — will be MSU's closest rival as the "They're so unstylish it's unbelievable. It drives one of our IC4A in New York Nov. 17, and jump from eighth to first seemed managed to snare. Spartans bid for their 13th announcers, Bill Fleming, up the walls when we start discussing There will be meeting for all Big 10 girls, but it's true. insurmountable. a touch football officials at 6 p.m. Dave Dieters, from Arlington conference crown in 18 years of the NCAA meet again in New York Nov. 24. Jim Gibb Yet MSU won the Big Ten Hts., 111., is currently the only competition. Wisconsin and Fleming's a fanatic University of Michigan man and now his title, and with his top two Sunday in 208 Men's I.M. school's state rival is the first to trot out some girls who don't now, sophomore in Gibbard's top Indiana also are heavy with frosh runners back and a host of seven, but Brian Kent is rated as and soph talent and could look like fugitives from the Olympic wrestling team. talented freshmen and a potential member of that elite threaten, while Illinois and Ohio Said Sidaris, "You see Big 10 girls on the campus and they have sophomores providing the same style as the Green Berets and brogans." . . . everything but camouflage much-needed depth, Gibbard Frosh cag group after recovery from a slight leg injury. But the frosh State should rate as dark-horses. The Spartans first meet will be can look at 1969 with a mixed are Gibbard's pride and joy, and Oct. 4, as Indiana invades a Spartan coeds only chance to live up to their ninth place ranking is to journey to Iowa City Oct. 25 when the Spartans and degree of pessimism. optimism and meet next currently he has three of them newly-remodeled Forest Akers Hawkeyes will play before a national audience as the Game of the Gibbard All interested freshman figures that with Official Week. senior Ken Leonowicz and basketball players should attend If not there, let's all hope for the cameras to focus on the Green junior Kim Hartman heading the a meeting Wednesday in 209 and White come this Jan. 1. squad, he has as good a 1-2 Jenison. Anyone wishing to be a Swim candidates Judo meeting punch as anyone in the league. Junior Chuck Starkey, fourth in manager of the Frosh squad should also attend this meeting. Harvard WHITE "T" SHIRT $2.50 to meet in I.M. The MSU Judo Club will meet Strike Shirt There will be a meeting today at 7 p.m. Monday in the judo lunch for all varsity swimming room at the Men's I.M. candidates at 3 in 208 All those interested are invited Men's IM'M p.m. to attend. lunch SIZES: Sm-34/36 Md-38/40 Lg-4 2/44 lunch XL-46 THREE'S A CROWD PLEASER Man & Nature Bookstore at the STRIKE—STIX (stick to anything) Trio sets in 14 karat Left to gold. 8 for SI.00 right $375. $50' " 15% - 20% Discount on JEWELERS SINCE 1876 in the ILFORNO ROOM 121 S. WASHINGTON . . MICHIGAN Paperbacks Daily "Luncheon Buffet" $1.75 per person and our regular menu * Mem bers li ip $2.00 in the RATHSKELLER Sandwich Bar (for a beer &. sandwich) J2tt Student Services Bldg. Hours: 12 - 9 After the game try a PIZZA Little Caesars TREAT upperclassmon identify with Pringle of Scotland classics. .. the full fashioned, saddle shoulder sweaters traditionalists collect. Sizes 38 to 46 Left: English Shetland wool crewneck. Copper, |ade, light blue, champagne or orange Right: Fine gauge lambswool ON CAMPUS V neck. Navy, red, blue, FREE, QUICK champagne, whiskey, mocha 337-1681 DELIVERIES TO DORMS brown, cedor green 1071 TROWBRIDGE RD. or mustard. 16.00 NEAR HARRISON RD. OFF CAMPUS AND OFF CAMPUS HOUSING HOURS CALL SIZES MON - THURS 4p.m.-1a.m. SMALL 10' FRI 2p.m.-3a.m. 337-1631 MEDIUM 12" 16' SAT 12 NOON-3a.m. LARGE SUN 12 NOON-12p.m. 1203 E. GRAND RIVER 3 BLOCKS WEST J-----COUPON--- J | $1.00 OFF 16 pieces! ON A EXPIRES OCTOBER ! I ON -COUPON 50< OFF A MEDIUM OR LARGE ; • JacobSorig MEN'S STORE OF HAGADORN I HOUSE-FULL OF CHICKEN | ■ PIZZA PIE I 210 ABBOTT ROAD Friday, September 26, 1969 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ROTC gets By CYNTHIA NEAL State News Staff Writer revisions have eliminated leadership lab from freshman the term. "We change of command feel that the revised department will send additional information supporting its language, customs, literature and history. When he returned to the supervision carried out. to see that Burner is also faced with the it is The MSU Army ROTC and sophomore requirements, curriculum will have greater program to the Army. Burner is confident that it will academy, he taught Spanish for problem of student dissent, program is under a new and wearing the uniform has appeal and challenge, and that which has been been made optional for these we can retain more students be accepted because "the Army two years and French one. He openly command this fall. men. next term, although our wants ROTC to be flexible, spent the summer of 1955 at the antagonistic to the ROTC Col. Jean P. Burner, assigned from last tailored to the specific university University of Paris studying program. He believes that ROTC here in July, has replaced Col. Although the new curriculum enrollment is down is the most immediate scapegoat was devised and approved before. year," he said. and to incorporate the desires of French, and the following Robert Piatt, who retired from for anti-war sentiments among the university into its program." summer taking Spanish courses the Burner assumed his position, he He explained that the revised Army, taking an at Middlebury College. students. administrative asst. position in enthusiastically endorsed it and curriculum was approved by the Although the curriculum From 1957 until now, his "When they think of war, they the College of Human Medicine. is optimistic toward its success. Academic Council last spring revisions closely follow the tours of duty have taken him to think of ROTC," he said. He Aside from a new chairman, Burner believes that the and has been sent to the Dept. anti-ROTC demonstrations of of the Army for approval. last year, Burner said that they both Germany and Laos. While hopes that the U.S. withdrawals the Dept. of Military Science changes will favorably affect from Vietnam might quiet the The not direct in Laos, he worked closely with will operate under a revised ROTC freshmen enrollment, new course work will be are a response to student dissent. the Laotian government and dissent. curriculum in the basic program which has tended to drop implemented this term, although armed forces as an assistant He believes that the ROTC of the first two years. The drastically from fall to winter approval is pending, and the The changes have been needed for some time, and the Army has Army attache. programs, which turn out about been working on modifying the Burner's decorations include two-thirds of U.S. Army officers, are valuable because BOOKSTORE BATTLE program he said. The Army has been experimenting with new the Air Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with two they produce good citizen Oak Leaf Clusters, and a Legion soldiers with broad backgrounds. programs at various universities of Merit, which is being The service academies, he the country. ASMSU retreats across A native of North Conway, forwarded to his present explained, have liberalized their N.H., Burner attended command for presentation. curricula, but they still operate He has attended several under greater discipline and Northeastern University for one officers' training centers and has cadets have a more channelized The Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) A Sept. 1 deadline was set by the board for year before receiving an written two Army publications, outlook." Board has voted to respect a request by the MSU bookstore revisions. appointment to the United "Long Range Reconnaissance Another advantage of the Bookstore to delay any action against the store The Advisory Committee to the MSU States Military Academy. He Bookstore met once during the summer and no graduated from the academy in Patrols" and "The Division." University ROTC programs is until Nov. 15. May 26 the board issued a series that the 1947 with a B.S. in military Burner's assignment to MSU cost of training an of demands to the vice president for business and revisions were established. science and engineering and was followed an interview with officer is one-tenth that of an finance. The demands included an end to Tom Samet, ASMSU Board chairman, Herman King, assistant to the academy graduate, Burner excessive profits by the bookstore, with the explained that an extended deadline was granted commissioned a second lieutenant in the regular Army. provost, and approval from the noted. Col. Jean P.Burner because the absence of students and faculty adoption of patronage dividends and the establishment of a new policy on the return and members limited the power of the advisory He was stationed in Japan and University, plus Army approval. committee. the United States until 1953, "I'm a great believer in going resale of used books. when the Dept. of the Army out where the action is, and the appointed him to a teaching position at the United States said. action is in the classroom," he AT HOLMES HALL Military Academy (USMA). He noted that the easiest thing Dialogues Before assuming this post, he to do is give an order which is spent a year at the University of only 5 per cent of a job, while Madrid studying the Spanish the other 95 per cent involves resume student groups will be formed to 8 p.m., By DONNA WILBURN Oct. 9. 15% Student Discount State News Staff Writer discuss in presented. detail the issues Tony Lush, Sunny Vale, Calif., A dialogue series to junior co-chairman of the The dialogue series is slated to at current issues which confront begin at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 6 with a dialogue, hopes that these American society will again be programs will facilitate a Sunshine Art Supply presented by Holmes Hall throughout fall term. controversial topic: "The Rightness of Whiteness." This two-way between communication black and white discussion will be a two day students and that better racial The programs will attempt to . Lansings most complete art ! program with questions raised relations will be explore communication on a gained. 201 1/2 E. Grand River #12 the first meeting and possible Oct. 14 Dr. Del mo Delia-Dora, variety of levels by having each series open with a half-hour solutions offered the following of the Wayne County panel presentation by noted evening, Oct. 7. Intermediate School System, authorities. Staff members of the will discuss the "Urban Later, smaller University's Center' for Urban Education Crisis." An employee Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Volunteer Placement will take part in the program. Bureau in Detroit will also speak The other side of the issue, to show the correlation between "Racism: Black Points of View," education and employment will be on the dialogue agenda at problems. —A The boot s the thing! . . . Your thing in all The Hay Gefope Forever that's nitty-gritty-new for Fall! Sweet antiques imports posters jewelry thing! Bittersweet man-made uppers. BEAUTIFUL SHOES You're in charge of building the float, decorating the house 214 South Washington and dressing up the party. So you need Pomps, the flame- Lansing, Michigan resistant decorative tissue. You can decorate anything beau¬ tifully with Pomps, inside and out, and do it faster, easier, better. Pomps don't cost much. They're cut 6* x 6' square, ready to use, come in 20 vivid colors that are virtually run- proof when wet. Buy Pomps at your bookstore, school supply Whatever dealer or paper merchant. And ask your librarian for our booklet "How to Decorate With Pomps." If she doesn't have it, just tell her to write for a copy. Or, order your own copy. Send SI.25 and your address today to The Crystal Tissue Company, Middletown, Ohio 45042. ——^ Vr pomps 107 North C»dar StrMt lon*in«, Michigan 48933-489-1229 J Your , How to Wrecognize a Wreal Wrangler.* BLOW YOURSELF UP Taste Send any black & white or color photo up to 8" x 10" (no nega¬ tives) and the name "Swingline" cut from any Swingline stapler or staple refill package to: Poster- Mart, P. 0. Box 165, Woodside, N Y. 11377. Enclose cash, Well-mixed to everybody's State News. Of check or money order (no course, there's sport's News, Woman's News, C.O.D.'s) in the amount of $2.00 News abojr your special interests. There's for each blow up, $4.00 for Amusement and entertainment, for students blow up and frame as shown. and faculty. The State News Is your Market- Add sales tax where applicable. Place, too, where Advertisers ha/e the op¬ Original material returned All of our jeans have the portunity to offer their selections & Services undamaged. Satisfaction "W" stitched on in plain guaranteed. Allow 30 days to you. Treat yourself. .. .visit your Michigan State Ne sight, but we're a little more for delivery. modest with other kinds of Wranglers. They're made just as well and they fit just as well, but the "W" is tucked away on a tag or label. You'll find it's worth STAPLER The world's largest selling looking for. stapler yet no larger than a This permanently creased and pack of gum ONLY 98* -Open House- permanently pressed canvas ' weave jean is $5.50. Pile lined, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 Western jacket $15.$5. Shirt 7:30 - 9:30 about $5.00. Hondo® perma¬ STEFFANOFF LOUNGE- Student Se nently pressed continental slacks $5.00. Knit shirt $8.00. All in carefree Fortrel polyester and cotton. Wrangler® Jeans and Mr.Wrangler®Sportswear in Celanese Fortrel® Meljers Thrifty Acres Rudy's Mens Wear Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan. Friday, September 26, 1969 15 Tickets get booze from fans issued The appearance tickets were another statement in the article with a thermos jug will get away the football games this season," DON T WAIT! "appearance tickets" requiring them to appear in East issued Saturday for the first time, although they have been in which quoted him as saying that "the guy who drinks from a with drinking is leading the Zutaut said. "They will be TURN IN .... Bringing Dooze to MSU home Lansing Municipal Court for public astray," Zutaut said. atrolling outside the stadium existence for more than a year. thermos jug and doesn't get "There will be a number of and will deal football games this fall can be violation of the University strictly with pretty risky business. ordinance prohibiting the They require that the person to loud, doesn't have to worry." officers assigned to a liquor situations involving whom they are issued or his "To even suggest that a person detail before, during and after alcohol."' Seventeen fans found that out possession or consumption of counsel appear in court within last Saturday when they were alcohol on campus. 72 hours of the time of issue. If the person fails to appear, 5,000 SIGN PETITION he will be notified by the court and given 10 days to appear. After that time, if the person still fails to appear, he will be issued an arrest warrant. The crackdown on drinking Soapy' we thought he was totally out." Young Republicans and Leftist o stems from last year's student The Turn In to Morris Auto Parts. petition states that the students able to relate to the protest that there was a double signers are "opposed to G. issue. We have ai expert tune-up standard regarding student and A group of MSU students will Mennen Williams being They decided to extend the specialist, on djty 6 days a wa alumni drinking before the circulate petitions at the football considered for the presidency of petition drive at the stadium to serve you football games. bat*Gr. game Saturday opposing MSU by the board of trustees because of the wide Students complained that the continuing consideration by the without being recommended to representation of taxpayers alumni were ignored when they MSU Board of Trustees of the trustees by the throughout Michigan and alumni drank before the games, but the former Michigan Gov. G. AU-University Search and students were arrested. Mennen "Soapy" Williams for Selection Committee." who would be game, Chancey declared. attending the MORRIS AUTO PARTS Captain Adam J. Zutaut of the the post of MSU President. "We hope to tell Soapy by Petitions are now circulating in Dept. of Public Safety, said that The students, calling public opinion that he is not the fraternities and he said he COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS hoped although the ordinance has been themselves the Independent best of all possible persons and they would soon be in sororities in effect for sometime, there People against Williams for MSU he should withdraw himself and dormitories. IV 4-5441 were never enough police President have aiready collected from consideration," Chancey Chancey also indicated a need officers to enforce it as it should 5,000 student signatures at said. for more students to handle the 814 E. Kalamazoo 8-5:30 Mon.-Sat. have been enforced. registration this week, according He added that the petition is a petitions at the game and He said that he was misquoted to Harry Chancey, Grosse Pointe common cause that runs the interested persons should meet in an article in the Lansing State Senior, a spokesman of the political spectrum from the Left at noon Saturday between the Journal earlier this week as group. saying that although the "We are doing this because of to the Right, with both the stadium and the Men's IM Bldg. \bure going to spend a lot of ordinance had been in effect for the violation of due process," some years, it had never been Chancey said. "The Taylor time with your wedding band! enforced "uniformly" or Report was an agreement by "consistently." "That faculty, students and the quotation was trustees to set up a committee to Let's join forces. completely erroneous," Zutaut suggest names from which the said. "What I said was that we board would choose the have not been able to enforce president." the ordinance to the degree that He said the drive began it demands due to a lack of Monday because of reports by personnel." the news media "that Williams Zutaut also took issue with was still being considered when A - C0RSA Contest emerges THE for NAACP head BATTLE CREEK--A four-way race is developing behind James Watts for the presidency of the Michigan National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Selection of the president will be made this weekend at the SPEAKEASY Shouldn't you spend a little time picking it out? We have your very own annual state conference in Battle Creek. The front runner Watts is wedding band ... just waiting for you to a UAW union leader from Detroit. come and find it. Your ring is in Jerome Sorrell of Grand Rapids, Nancy Waters of East Lansing our unusually large and varied ArtCarved and Lansing residents Stuart J. Dunnings Jr., and Vence Bonham collection. It includes many stunning have been reported to be considering candidacy. new designs. Did you know that ArtCarved Sorrell was reported by sources to be the closest competitor to has spent more time with wedding bands than any other ringsmith? Since 1850, Watts. He is currently the president of the Grand Rapids chapter. more brides have chosen ArtCarved bands Mrs. Waters, the administrative asst. to House Speaker William than any other. Please... allow yourself Ryan, is associated with the NAACP as a state officer. some time to pick out the ring you want. Dunnings, a Lansing attorney, is the past president of the Lansing NAACP and a member of that chapter's executive board. HRED CF lurkiugarcmd DORM And allow us to help you. Bonham is presently the president of the Lansing NAACP. MINERS ? You D0MT HWIETO ANY¬ Carve d MORE- GRANDMOTHER'S '5R5Ne\SY WEDDING RINGS ATTENTION |5 OFEM TO YOU WHO ARE IJND6R2I Students with Cars have what you need... fRIDAV SATURDAY MITE5 KIRiWNK DIRECT DIAMOND ...we IMPORTERS Pushbutton Selection of Hot and Cold FRDM9, WITH AM UTRL FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Beverages From Your Auto's Dash CWJj£RiOORiREFfiE5HMENT5 H066 See your Advisor and Add DOWNTOWN FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION AND SAMDWIOiCS- 6IRL5 0*GUY& *1. AEROSPACE STUDIES 110 203 S. WASHINGTON INFORMATION CALL Ken Working or Richard Cross 355-5798 677-5312 SHOP AND SAVE 25% BUY USED BOOKS FROM OUR SECOND HAND TEXTBOOK DEPARTMENTS New and Used textbooks for all MSU classes Come In And SCHOOL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLIES MSU CLOTHING FREE One Year's Complete Of Your All Students Eligible - No Purchase Necessary Drawing Will Be During The Last Week Of October Vnepar