Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan Vol 62 Number 50 Monday, September 29, 1969 Organizers ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Organizers held meetings and handed out petitions Sunday Fleming demonstrators Friday morning who had to remove held the urge At a news conference in Detroit Sunday afternoon, Fleming said he was not very U-M student strike earlier statement destroy me." that the sit-in "may against him, Fleming said, "I'd be just happy being a law professor." as continued, however, Fleming said, "There is a mortal possibility that some student urging the 37,000 students at the Literature, Arts and Sciences Bldg. for 14 concerned about the planned strike since But if it came to the point where he felt He said he did not anticipate further, or will be hit on the head with a club some University of Michigan (U-M) to strike hours to protest the form in which the U-M students were not normally required the whole academic community was worse, violence. If the demonstrations day." Monday in protest of the massive arrest of Board of Regents had proposed setting up to go to classes anyway. One important demonstrators who had seized a building. a university-run bookstore. factor, he said, was that there was "no Mary Livingston, an elected member of Police arrested 107 demonstrators, 97 of faculty support, whatsoever" to the the Student Governing Council (SGC), said them students, and charged them with strikers. a broad coalition of student organizations disruption and contention, a misdemeanor The hardcore dissidents who staged the appeared to have the support of a large punishable by 90 days in jail and a $100 sit-in and earlier demonstrations against part of the student body, though "It's fine. Those arrested were to appear in court Monday. ROTC programs were a "small group" really very difficult to tell at this time how- Miss Livingston said students had signed using the ROTC and the student bookstore many people will actually go on strike." as "vehicular issues to make changes in the But Mike Farrell, also an elected member "several boxes full of petitions" which of the SGC, charged, "The leaders of the read, "We, the undersigned, declare full society," he said. strike and the sit-in on Thursday night are solidarity with our fellow students arrested The three main bones of contention in commited to disruption . . . There can be Friday morning in their demand that the the bookstore issue were how much money little doubt that the intent of the called regents immediately establish should come for it from the student fund, strike is not merely to focus attention on student-faculty control of the bookstore." how the students should handle a the bookstore issue, but to turn the After almost eight years of on-campus referendum to run the store and how it university into a state of chaos." debate, the regents have proposed a should be managed, Fleming said. Farrell said a group called the Coalition bookstore run by the university, but "I wouldn't say we're negotiating at this for Rational Student Power (CRSP) had controlled by an appointed administrator been formed to "combat the tactics helped by students and faculty. The point," he said. "We're trying to think of alternatives that are satisfactory to both employed by a minority of students." students say they and the faculty should run the bookstore with the help of a hired sides." The call for a strike came after about 400 administrator to Relaxed and cheerful, Fleming said, "No, state, Washtenaw County and Ann Arbor ensure that it serves the best interest of students. I wouldn't quit," when asked about an police were called in by President Robin W. Black faculty group backs Adams for U presidency householdsfor many urban and suburban administrative, and humanistic leadership students, the black faculty statement said. "Few necessary for such a job," it continued. Black faculty urged Sunday that Acting men can provide the academic. "The president must be a man who not President Adams be considered "the prime candidate" for the presidency of MSU. A statement signed by Irvin E. Vance, only is an academician but one who has demonstrated in the past an awarness of Temporary president chairman of the black faculty committee, problems in the urban communities in our said that Adams should be country," Robert Green, director of the Acting President Adams, who always seems to be in the right place at the right time, was among added Center for Urban Affairs and member of those on hand Saturday to cheer the Spartans to a fourth-quarter win over Southern Methodist. Many immediately to the list of presidential the black faculty committee, said Sunday. candidates. of those at the game took time out to root for Adams for the job of University president, when several "We can't overlook the fact that most of Mean hile. approximately 5,000 students thousand of them signed petitions endorsing him for the post. State News photo by William Beasley signed petitions over the weekend to retain (please turn to back page) Adams as president. Last week 912 facult\ members signed similar petitions. Dubcek ousted in party Students signing the petitions lauded Adams for his "unusual insight and presence of mind in times of crisis" and for emphasizing "that a university is. above all c!«> a place of learning." 1 iit* black faculty also had words of purge praise for Adams. PRAGUE (AP)-Alexander Dubcek, who Czechoslovak territory or a suppression of person to leave the Czechoslovak news agency, are Deputy "Walter Adams has, in fact, been a tried to give a "human face" to freedom and socialist order in our state." Planning Minister Frantisek Vlasak who Premiers Josef Kempny. a new member, dynamic, innovative, functional president communism in Czechoslovakia, has been Dubcek, 47, still vastly popular in the was expelled as an alternate member. here at Michigan State reportedly slated to be named University," the swept out of the ruling presidium in a country, was retained as a member of the simultaneously as Czech state premier; statement said. major overhaul of the Communist party Centrai Committee, but he and Josef Thirteen conservative communists were Peter Colotka, another new member, and government by the new pro-Soviet Smrkovsky, ^one of his closest aides in elected to the committee, reducing its "His accomplishments as president presently Slovak state premier; Frantisek reflect his basic for the leadership. 1968, were removed as president and vice membership to about 165. Hamouz, also new, minster of foreign concern University resident of Parliament. and for the fundamental problems plaguing The decision on the Central Committee trade replacing Jan Tabacek; Vaclav Hula, A purge list announced Sunday also the poor and dispossessed minorities in Smrkovsky and former Foreign Minister minster of showed that 29 men who backed Dubcek Jiri Hajek were among nine men expelled changes was taken last week but the new planning replacing communities served by our campus," it announcement Frantisek Vlasak; Miloslaw Hurskovic, new, while he ran the nation from January to from the Central Committee -- three of was delayed. Premier Oldrich also remaining as minster-chairman of the August last year have left the Central them Cernik, a former Many of the problems of major urban being thrown out of the party itself. associate of Committee, the second highest organ in the Nineteen other liberals resigned from the Dubcek. survived the communities continue to be reflected on government announced (please turn to back page) Communist party. committee under The 29th by CTK. the large university campuses which serve as Irvin E. Vance pressure. At the same time, the government announced a shakeup of the Cabinet. Nine members were unseated or had their jobs abolished. IN GERMANY Atomic tests Then, in another move in a day filled with political activity, the Communist Coalition rule party issued its long-expected official in China, So justification of the Soviet-led invasion that spilled Dubcek and his reform government from power. to continue WASHINGTON (AP) - The Atomic The Soviet signals were recorded Sept. 26 The party said the invasion of Soviet, BONN, GERMANY (AP) - Computer of the gain was at the expense of the Free Economics Minister Kari Schiller, the two Energy Commission (AEC) announced and came from south of Volgograd, Polish, East German, Hungarian and projections based on early returns in West Democrats and not the leading Christian main opponents in the currency Sunday the recording of seismic signals formerly Stalingrad. These also were Bulgarian forces "was under no Germany's parliamentary election Sunday Democrats. revaluation controversy that heated up from both Red China and the Soviet Union reported in the low-intermediate force circumstances an act of aggression against indicated that Chancellor Kurt Georg The projections indicated that the during the last days of the election which could have been underground tests the people, was it an occupation of ultra-rightist National Democractic party range. nor Kiesinger's Christian Democratic party campaign. of nuclear weapons, although the AEC If the Chinese would get most of the votes but not led by Adolf von Thadden would fall short signals represented an Walter Scheel. leader of the Free would not so specifically identify them. underground -■nough to form a government alone. It of the 5 per cent tally it must have to be nuclear-weapon test, it is Democrats, conceded that the joint effort The AEC said it recorded the signals their first such one. Eight earlier tests were looked as if the current coalition would represented in the 496-seat Budnesteg. of the Social Democrats and Free from China on Sept. 22, and they came from the Tien Shan mountain range in the atmosphere, the latest one on Dec. Drop and add continue. West Germany's parliament. Democrats to break the Christian 27, 1968, when the Chinese exploded a Projections made 90 minutes after the The projections increased the chances Democrats' 20-year rule had failed. adjacent to the Lop Nor area in Sinkiang nuclear device of about three megatons, or Drops, adds and section changes will polls closed gave Christian Democrats 46.5 that the present "grand coalition" of the The results are disappointing for the province, used for earlier nuclear tests. the equivalent of three million tons of continue today through Wednesday. per cent of the vote, the Social Democrats Christian Democrats and Social Democrats FDP," Scheel said. "It is too early to The signals were equivalent to a nuclear TNT. Students should see their academic advisors 41.5 per cent and the Free Democrats 6 would continue. speculate about the composition of the blast in the low-intermediate range, The latest previous recording of seismic- for necessary cards. per cent. This would be a slight increase for Among the first Cabinet members to be new government, but the initiative meaning the explosion had force equivalent signals which may have been a Soviet the Social Democrats, compared to the re-elected in their districts were Finance certainly does not lie with the FDP." to that of 20,000 to 200,000 tons of TNT. 39.3 per cent they won in 1965, but most Minister Franz Josef underground test was on Sept. 11. Strauss and (please turn to back page) STUfe/ir steMATOHes FDR. PResiPeNT AVArAS / / / / / / ^ lo,noo /? // ii no 4,000 H /> /0,000 ? £000 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 f ON ISRAELI TROOPS Egypt claims raid that they probably were fired by warplanes. In a dispatch from an "enemy plane." Washington quoting reliable Spokesmen said they would sources, the newspaper said the Egypt claimed its commandos take newsmen to inspect the President made the decision to inflicted "heavy casualties" in a supply 25 Phantom jets and 50 dawn raid on Israeli troops in In Cairo, spokesman said the Skyhawks in his talks last week northern Sinai Israeli denials "a natural with Prime Minister Golda Meir Sunday, but was Israeli spokesmen denied there attempt to cover their great of Israel. losses in men and equipment." A Jordanian newspaper, the« was any such incident in the Israeli- occupied area. Several hours later, Israel Addifaa in Amman, said Nixon's The Middle East News Agency reported its warplanes made "long bow" to Mrs. Meir in in Cairo quoted Egyptian their 14th attack across the welcoming her to the White canal and Gulf of Suez since House was "disgracing to military spokesman as saying helicopters and planes were used Sept. 9. The almost daily raids America, which is great in its in the attack on at least 600 have been aimed at preventing material strength but small in its repair of the Egyptian radar and moral strength." troops at Masfaq, about 50 miles east of Qantara. artillery implacements shattered "Caught by surprise, the during the 10-hour ground enemy troops did not even try attack 19 days ago. A test of to resist," the spokesman said. A spokesman for the Israeli Residents of West Shaw Hall proved their prowess when they most physical strength. East Sha * residents will try again next side of the line. He added that fires were seen amidst Israeli equipment and military command said the raid Sunday was staged along northern and southern sectors of Talks fall to pull West Shaw over to their vehicles after the two-pronged won a tug-of-war contest against the men of East Shaw Hall. The two teams battle each year to decide which can amass the State News photo by 3ruce Dudley rocket attack. The news agency reported the the Suez Canal "in view of continued Egyptian aggression." to resum retaliation for He added that all Israeli planes MARIJUANA, DRUGS SEIZED "recent continuous aggressions throughout the Suez Israeli returned In safely to base. another incident a wi th Chin front" and added that the Jordanian army spokesman in TOKYO (AP)-The United Egyptian forces returned safely Amman reported that Jordanian States and Communist China Grass curtain lowered border to base. and Israeli forces dueled for 10 may resume ambassadorial talks An Israeli military spokesman minutes with heavy mortars and late this year or early next year,. on said and no no such incident took place Israeli unit had reported machine guns across the Jordan River near the Prince Abdullah Japanese sources said Foreign Sunday. Ministry LOS ANGELES (AP)-Despite protest after he and his wife made," a federal spokesman thousands of Mexicans to be late Bridge, six miles north of the How long Intercept will an Egyptian attempt to cross the complaints about zealous were searched, said, "but by the price of for work in nearby U.S. cities. Dead Sea. No casualties They cited developments in continue its painstaking search Suez Canal. The spokesman said were China the inspectors peeking into the The search is part of Operation marijuana, heroin and other Business along the 0f a|i borde:- traffic is secret, "a few craters of rockets were reported. as reason for their belief. purses and lunchboxes of school Intercept, which has dropped drugs on the market. It is raising Artizona-Sonora border say found" in a desolate part of the The leader of the Popular children and forcing travelers to what their cost beyond the means of reported down 50 per cent, 40 where the front for the Liberation of area Egyptians The 135th U.S.-China strip off their clothing for "grass most young people in America, per cent in Tijuana, south of San claimed the attack occurred and Palestine, an Arab guerrilla Ambassadorial talks were personal searches, the United 2,000-mile border from the "We're positive we're stopping Diego, Calif. At Caliente, the organization, warned foreigners . scheduled last Feb. 20 in Warsaw States said Sunday it has been Pacific Coast to the Gulf of narcotics and dangerous drugs race track listed Saturday's not to patronize Israeli at the from coming into this country, suggestion of Peking. attendance at 6,011, down companies abroad. Mexican-border drug smuggling. crackdown The weeklong crackdown saw on Travelers are complaining of long delays as the inspectors search virtually everything and No large seizures have been made Intercept was launched last Sunday, because 2,000 from the previous week and down 4,000 from two weeks ago. Performing Arts Co. George Habash, head of the group which claims to have hijacked an Israeli airliner, They were called off when a Peking diplomat stationed Netherlands sought political in the 1,824 of the 1.98 million people everyone crossing the border. obviously the big smugglers have The San Diego Chamber of attacked two others and thrown asylum in the United States. checked at searched after border stations, stripping off their Mexican and American border-town businessmen agree gotten the word. "We know we're succeeding," Commerce said the country stands to lose nearly $100 schedules play tryouts bombs at shipping and airline offices in Europe, issued the Washington last July moved to improve relations with Peking by clothes, only 33 persons arrested that stopping drug traffic i he said, "therefore we feel most million a year in Mexican tourist warning in a statement from and 405 seizures of noble < but said tying up Tryouts for the remaining performances of the Performing Arts lifting certain trade and travel, an Americans will agree it is worth trade. Co. will be held at 7:30 tonight and Tuesday in the studio theatre Amman. restrictions. In August secretary unspecified amount of marijuana auto traffic for one to six hours our effort, the manpower and "The disruption of drug 49 of the Auditorium. Habash said the front of State William P. Rogers said and drugs. s disastrous. expense involved." smuggling," said a Treasury considers airline and shipping The Mexican vice consul at "We're measuring our success Mexican labor leaders said Readings will be held for "In White America" and "The offices legitimate targets because the government was ready to Dept. sopkesman, "is a higher Comedy of Errors." filed not approach mainland China on the Brownsville, Texas, a by the number of seizures they plan demonstrations this goal than the possible harm to "they supply a flow of military, week to Preliminary readings for the Spring Repertory Festival will also economic and political power" possibility of resuming protest the border the local economy or people be held. to Israel. diplomatic talks with the United crossing delays, which doing business across the Scripts of the plays States. are available in 149-B Auditorium. The semi-official newspaper A1 discourages tourism and causes border." Ahram reported Sunday that Although there has been no President Nixon has decided to response to the U.S. move from supply Israel with 75 Peking, Foreign Ministry sources said there were grounds enough to believe that resumption of RUSH aambassadorial talks are in the SKULLS offing. 0KE However, the talks might be 337-1611 switched from Warsaw to# another city. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day and Sundays during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Phones: Editorial 355-8252 Classified Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 Fly thru college. Open your Golden Passbook account September or December, provided now and watch your time deposit funds have been on deposit 90 grow at our 5% annual rate. • Deposit $100 initially, add pass • You earn interest from day of book deposits in multiples of deposit... credited quarterly. $100. Withdrawals • may also be made • 5% annual interest earned from upon 90 days written notice. date of deposit. • Each depositor is insured up to • You may withdraw funds during $15,000 by the Federal Deposit Our time is an exciting time. the first ten days of March, June, Insurance Corporation. Rock revolution. Electronic music. Space Age go, go, go. If you're young and you like what's happening, then look into the Air Force R07C Program when "Banking That Is Building Michi you get to college. 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See your Advisor and Add AEROSPACE STUDIES 110 NEWS Most U' students moderate our A capsul* summary wiro sorvtcos. summary of th« day's svsnts from according By BARB PARNESS State News Staff Writer about ROTC controversial and to and other timely issues, grads females, undergraduate and graduate students within the survey Only students 16 per felt cent of the the The overwhelming majority of University Bishop said they were sample group corresponded should place no special emphasis MSU students do not subscribe prompted to do the survey by almost precisely with actual on black studies, to radical ideologies of either the the claims of many campus figures as reported in the MSU With regard to the Vietnam new left or the far right, groups that were speaking for "We can't overlook the fact that Enrollment Report for the term. War, only 25 per cent of the according to a recent study by the "majority" of University On the ROTC question, only 9 students expressed extreme most of our students come from two MSU graduate students. students on certain issues. per cent of those responding position, with 16 per cent calling the urban areas. Adams is the The study by George Bishop "We said why don't we expressed a "radical position." for immediate withdrawal of and Bernard Silverman, doctoral actually find out what the Seven per cent favored removing individual who will continue to troops and 9 per cent saying the candidates in the Dept. of so-called provide leadership in this area." majority of students ROTC completely, while two United States should step up its Psychology, suggests that MSU think," Bishop said. "It was a per cent felt it should be made a war efforts and win the war. Robert L. Green, students can best be described as kind of academic curiosity that requirement. Almost 70 per cent felt the director, Center for "a mixture of non-radical grew out of a survey methods Between the two extreme United States should withdraw Urban Affairs moderates and liberals." course we were taking." positions were 34 per cent who "as soon as possible in a planned In May 1969, Bishop and Of the 500 questionnaires favored retaining ROTC as an and orderly manner." Silverman surveyed by mail a mailed out, 82 per cent were extra-curricular activity, 20 per Other subjects surveyed in the "representative body" of returned at the end of spring cent who felt it should be made study included the University students concerning opinions term. The number of males, more academic and kept for admissions policy International News credit and 32 per cent who determiniation of course content favored maintaining the status and the Wilson cafeteria sit-in. Reports Sunday from the U.N. cease-fire observers quo. Bishop emphasized that in show that Israel is bombing Egypt every day with U.S.-made Sky hawk jets while Prime Minister Golda Meir is in the United States to ask for more military Kopechnes The operations of the designing the survey special care Placement Bureau came into was taken to avoid question this spring when some majorities" by not limiting the students opposed the recruiting alternatives to yes and no. He "creating Sometimes Glassy-eyed view thinking about the future can be autopsy equipment. of students by the Oakland said the survey results a real pane, especially If you're staring out a suggest Mrs. Meir will be at the United Nations Police. that "if you have window in the Student Services Bldg. Monday to majorities, lunch and talk with Secretary- General U Thant. However, the these form coalitions." State News photo by Richard Warren WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (APJ-^he case to prevent the opening B ishop-Silverman survey She saw President Nixon in Washington Thursday and of Mary Jo Kopechne's grave goes to court again Monday with revealed that an overwhelming a White House spokesman said she told the President her parents arguing there is no need for an autopsy. 72 per cent of MSU students feel E AD INTEGRATION POLICY Israel would continue to need U.S. arms shipments The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley that all organizations ought to rVR m 1 1 ,Wlf rWL,V 1 "from time to time." Heights, N.J., want a dismissal--or at least continued delay~of a be allowed to recruit on campus. • petition to exhume the body. Eighteen per cent favored A thousand bankers and financial experts sit down It will be the second time this plea has come to Common Pleas Court, where Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, Mass., first filed his request for an autopsy last Aug. 14. conducting an all-University referendum to determine which groups should be allowed to Mrs. King slams Nixon Monday before the massed flags of the free world in their First arguments were heard Sept. 24, when attorneys for the recruit on campus and 3 per cent NEW YORK (AP) — The Mrs. King referred to President Administration on a proposed yearly effort to calm the stormy seas of parents presented their case before Judge Bernard C. Brominski, felt no group should be allowed w,dow of Martin Lu^er King Jr. Nixon's news conference last $3 million memorial to King in international finance. who set Monday's hearing for further arguments. to recruit. criticized President Nixon Friday, when he said he favored downtown Atlanta Governors of the International Monetary Fund are Dinis says an autopsy is needed for an inquest he plans into the Although the question of a s""day for favoring "a middle a "middle course" between she said the board of directors officially making history by voting to distribute the first death which occurred July 19 when Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's black studies program was not a course'ion civil rights. those "who want instant became convinced that it would man-created world money. The IMF's major car went off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island near the major issue during the year on "There is no middle ground desegregation and those who have to be built from private duty will Massachusetts coast. the MSU campus, it was the between right and wrong," said want segregation forever." be to ratify an agreement, made in advance contributions by the major A similar plea to kill Dinis' request had been rejected Sept. 3. It topic of considerable discussion Coretta Scott King. "I think that She said she believed the nations, to distribute $9.5 billion in special drawing RUSH was in that hearing that Dinis said he had learned there was blood and demonstrations at other this administration is really President "is obligated to this rights-"paper gold"-over the next three years. The vote on Mary Jo's body and clothes, but the judge demanded proof campuses acros the country. asking for trouble unless it nation to take a strong moral ZBT probably will come Friday. th»t a crime may have been committed. Eighty-three per cent of those changes its policy." position." "Tops In Sports" "Paper gold" will be good for settling accounts "Our position is no different now than before," said Joseph surveyed favored increasing the She ^'d, "I can't predict what She appeared on the CBS number of courses in black kind of trouble this is going to program, "Face the Nation." CALL 332-3565 between the countries that accept it, just as Flanagan, counsel for the Kopechnes. "It is quite simple-no gold is autopsy." studies at MSU, whether they be be ... I know that the black Mrs. King said help was no FOR RIDES now-hence the name. It won't replace gold, but add to "We are going *o do everything we can to stop the district within existing University community is very unhappy." longer expected from the Nixon the total money supply. departments, within a separate attorney from going on a fishing expedition. He can't seek his evidence in the grave without providing facts that evidence is in College of Ethnic Studies or in there. Let him hold his inquest first." an autonomous black studies The U.S. Army announced Sunday in Vietnam that The parents said Dinis has failed to prove a Massachusetts program controlled by black Col. James Campbell, an Army spokesman who students and faculty members. medical examiner was incorrect in ruling, without an autopsy, criticized the military newspaper Pacific Stars and that death was by drowning. Stripes as the "Hanoi Herald," has been reassigned. Failing disrr issal, the parents want Brominski to delay The Army indicated that a speech which Campbell exhumation until after an inquest into the death is held in RUSH wrote for a Pacific information officers' conference was Massachusetts, which might be a month or longer. The inauest was postponed when Kennedy's attorneys appealed SKULLS the reason for his transfer. The Army said the opinions to the Massachusetts Supreme Court for the right to in the speech "do not reflect the opinion of this cross-examine witnesses, and that tribunal hears arguments on the 0KE headquarters." point Oct. 8. 337-1611 Campbell, who had been chief U.S. army information officer in Vietnam since Feb. 14, was scheduled to take over as editor of Pacific Stars and Stripes in January. There was no immediate disclosure of his new assignment. SAVE No ^ Harold Wilson hands the annual convention of ✓ Britain's Labor party Monday a new "soak-the-rich" program and a new British drive to join the European Common Market. The prime minister and his lieutenants at the same knowledgeable time have prepared a parallel promise of better times immediately ahead for a nation that seems to be 'PLENTY OF emerging from difficulties. years of chronic, labor and production USED BOOKS Rushee ^ The Russian News Agency Tass reported without comment Sunday the forming of new government in Czechslovakia. The Soviet news agency repeated the report by the Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka listing *NEW TITLES members of the new government. This was in keeping with Soviet handling of ARRIVING DAILY Czechoslovak news since Gustav Husak took power and reintroduced Soviet-style communism. The Kremlin has refrained from comment in an apparent attempt to make it look as if Prague decides matters for itself. COMPLETE LIST OF REQUIRED The Church of England's most controversial bishop-Dr. John Robinson of Woolwich- withdrew BOOKS AVAILABLE Sunday from full-time church work and retired to an academic post at Cambridge University. "I believe the religious institution is a dying," he said in farewell article in London's Sunday Times, a few Will Omit hours before preaching a last sermon in Southwark Cathedral. During his 10 years as suffragan bishop of Woolsich, during which some daring new experiments were tried-and some abandoned-in his diocese, Robinson was under almost conservative churchmen. constant attack Bishop from DELTA CM Michigan News It seemed unlikely Sunday that one of the nine radicals arrested in a scuffle with police during an 101 Woodmere antiwar rally near Wayne State University in Detroit would be charged with anarchy as police wanted. A police spokesman said authorities had sought a warrant charging Joseph Jacobs, 22, with anarchy for For Ride Call waving a red flag during the rally. But he said the Wayne 8 S 332-0866 S County Prosecutor appeared unwilling to issue such a warrant. In the meantime, Jacobs, and the six other members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) arrested with him Saturday outside the Detroit Public Library, were charged with resisting and obstructing an officer. ^^tudent 00k tore Two other SDS members were charged with injury to an 421 E. Grand River officer. MICHIGAN IER STATE NIWS Strike on Oct. 15 UNIVERSITY to end a slaughter TRINKA CLINE, executive editor Anticipation is building as we approach received exuberant praise from such men as I the Ides of October. The Ides of October. NORMAN J. SAARI, managing editor George McGovern and J.W. Fulbright and, I The war won't be over by then, but sure as GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor more importantly, has made it necessary I DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor hell it's going to be another Battle of for the once "liberal" Nelson Rockefeller I LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor Gettysberg. to publicly defend President Nixon's war! Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor policies while chastizing his own choice, I JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor I don't know if you can sense it, but all Goodell, for undermining Nixon's position. of a sudden the forces of tor outstanding journalism. opposition to the What irony! What a reversal of political I war are being strengthened--and not just a thought! Rockefeller, the dove,-- the I little. The Sen. Goodell billionaire dove-supporting his proposed to have Dec. 1,*1970, as the date when all U.S. Dick Nixon, the Lionhearted! troops must be out of South Vietnam, is EDITORIALS likely to go down as the straw that broke Yes, this is the and 23 other Democratic beginning. Fred Harris I the Nixon Administration's backward congressmen have I belligerent peace proposals. met and agreed to work for a total I Why? Look at a little recent history. Sen. withdrawal of U.S. G.I.s along the lines of I SST shows Goodell is the man whom Rockefeller chose to replace Robert F. Nelson the Goodell statement. Big deal, one reflect. able to Actually, the Senate will never be muster enough votes for the might I I I Kennedy. The grumblings by Kennedy Goodell supporters, liberals and doves on Vietnam or a Goodell-type proposal. [ still up in were a natural consequence. Goodell was a state congressman from upstate New York However, our attention and hearts are now turned to Oct. 15. | holding moderate to conservative Vietnam Moratorium. Vietnam.! credentials while Moratorium. Sam Brown. David Hawk. being a member of the elephant party. Could such a man fill the McGovern. Spock. Galbraith. Hatfield. The battle lines are being drawn in speed is not important (the SST will shoes of the dynamic, liberal dovish Robert Chavez. Goodell. Goodwin. McCarthy.! Congress tor the latest pet project of tiy at 1,880 miles-an-hour) but Kennedy? We're picking up steam and there is no I the Nixon Administration. This time better transportation lii^ks between stopping us. There's going to be a national I strike and, in case you don.'t know it, MSU I the opposing forces of our highest airports and major cities to make will be a major participant. legislative body will struggle to see if Hying more efficient. You're gonna well over $650 million is spent to forget about hourliesl Many senators, mcjst vocally KEN KRELL because there won't be any given the 15th. I develop the SST (supersonic Hourlies-they really prove a lot don't I William Proxmire, D-Wisc., and J. W. © transport). they? The damned wastes of your time and I Fulbright. D.-Ark„ have been bitter About S500 million because of the high priority the my time! You can't do a lousy thing with I was put into them-you can't. Will you get it through I the project by the Kennedy and Nixon Administration has given the your thick heads that there are Americans I Johnson administrations, but just recently it was up to the President to decide if the entire project should be SST. It is getting more obvious as time goes by that the executive branch of Updating those TV lectures AND Australians AND South Koreans who are can dying every crumby day so that Nixon supposedly eat his lunch in peace. I | scrapped. President Nixon pointed out that in order to States No. 1 in keep the United the area of air government says one thing and does another. Money is tight now and m you Now don't get me wrong. 1 know thatl probably read about the war and are I upset about it, etc. But for heaven's sake, I can't you see the connection between although an attempt to deter Today I finally found out what it really | transport, the SST would have to be inflation began under the Johnson means to be a student at the hourlies, grades, studying and the war in built. big 'U'. It Southeast Asia? administration, the Nixon entourage took me nearly five terms, but after a 7 V lectures year are the final product of a culture that thrives on mass has continued this of diligent searching and unceasing Clue- there is no connection. However, there are signs which policy. But along concentration entertainment and instant classics. It's clearly a result of a culture in with on the matter. 1 finalh show the passage of a S96-million supposed controls on inflation discovered that education has come a long which cliches are ready made hv advertising men. national heros are You forget about classes and tests thtl 15th. Damn it, you authorization bill for this fiscal year comes a request for over way. assured a place by their role on the latest TV western, and instant forget about them ancl three-quarters of a billion dollars for Horatio A lger - suceesses are made you strike. I apologize. You don't justl and an additional S662-million more Today I had my first TV lecture. of new actors every season. for the building the development of test models of Many people complain about the strike. You strike hard, very hard tel of two test models eliminate the lack of communication thatl of the supersonic supersonic aircraft which may never impersonality of TV lectures, the "Big jet to be in trouble. Brother" type atmosphere it creates, the "V\ hat have you done. Dr. MSU is so famous for. We're going to findl aid man in the near future. Kilberty?" will exaggeratethe size of the arch Opposition in the Senate is beginning lack of discussion it causes and all sorts of "Well I wrote three books on East Asian cameras in your nose. We'll get our some place on campus and we'll talk! to build u gain st ridiculous arguments against this plastic surgeons Maybe we'll have a celebrity or two to start| the Nixon There is also no reason to request great economics; I did a research study to set up an off the day. After that, it's innovation. But on appointment. You'll have to up t Administration's recommendations, the funds from you and I know better. Ojibiwa eating habits. I Congress on the ." buy new suits, It will fail. Let me tell you some something slightly right now. Itl . . TV lectures are the final and one congressman who supports premise that if we don't proceed product of a "No. no. We mean what shows have is culture that thrives on mass entertainment you more fashionable, like a new going to fail, as always, if you are justl SST done. Ever hostagame show, or a late development has already with development, our No. 1 stature and instant classics. It's clearly a result of a night double-breasted." going to hear somebody say the words! guest show? Ever do any acting, either in "But this is double-breasted suit." you're afraid to say to your neighbor.! predicted defeat. in air transport will be lost The culture in which cliches are ready- made b\ movies or a on stage Surely you've at least "I know, but the style's changes since That's why we are still in this mess half I successful supersonic advertising men. national heroes are The facts on the SST flights of the assured a place appeared on the Mike Douglas Show" '22. Who are your writers? You got any way around the world, because all of us Arel by their role on the latest British-French "Well, ah, 1 called in to one of those |ood good comedy unquestionably support the Concorde and the TV western, and instant Horatio 'speak your once mind' radio shows." men. . .?" so most willing to let the other of us are so guy do it. Only if | contention that the money should be Aleger-successes are made of new actors eager to sit on t "O.K. You'll do, but you'll have to enroll and watch, there will be spent elsewhere. Soviet Union's TU-144 do not imply in speech therapy school. That New York very little Someone once said not so long ago: doing.| But here at the University, we're a little the necessity for the United States to accent won't go over big here in 'he "There are watchers and there are doers. I A "sonic boom" accompanies the behind times. go all out to overtake their efforts. Midwest. You'll have to get a nose job, the iron the course. The watchers watch while the doers do." I SST. The producers of those great TV lectures causing Secretary of 99.9'; of us are watchers. Not so on the | Rather, it is now necessary for the will have to shape up, or their Neilson Transportation Volpe to pledge that U.S. government to 15th. recognize that ratings could drive them off the air next the jet would not be flown over land there is no need for our nation to season. unless the noise could be reduced. The lecture 1 had todav wasn't bad. but a OUR READERS' MIND We are not going to playl This outstrip all others in every sphere of ring-around-the-rosie. We are not going to I would make the SST only number of changes could improve the technology. The quicker the Nixon participate in Simon Says. The name of the I useful over transoceanic voyages for quality of the program. The introduction game is Blindman's Bluff in 1969. We're I the time being. That doesn't sound like an acceptable price for the Administration realizes this, the sooner we'll be able to start feeding was terrible. Credits were only flashed for a few seconds, and I never did get a chance to see who wrote the script. Support moratorium calling Nixon's bluff and the stakes won't I be doubled or tripled. We're going all out. our poor and sick, It's all or nothing. But after the public to pay after dishing out a rebuilding our The announcer created a presentable the role of the 15th, riot-torn cities and university as teacher and nothing will not be acceptable. total funding of close to SI.5 billion. reshaping the visual effect, his suit contrasted with his guardian of civilized values, and as the policies which have led us into war. white turtleneck and came through well on critical and moral Another intelligence which Nothing has been accomplished for too point of reference backs black and white TV, but there should have compels the county, to ponder its courses long. It's tough if all this sounds tritfe President Nixon said recently that he will up the congressional opposition to been an opening monologue. You just can't of action." because there are a lot of trite things in the' not be swayed by anti-war demonstrations the SST. Many experts explain that rush into a routine like that. The Many students and faculty at MSI' will world today. And if people only from his determination to achieve a "just want thought a announcer (or was it a professor) should to join in this nationwide protest. little before jumping to conclusions, take and honorable peace" in Vietnam. It seems maybe a tip from stand-up comedians and May I respectfully urge that you authorize all of us would be on the same side. That's lead gradually into Russian verbs, probable that he was responding to news of the use of the 'Call for a National Moratorium' Oct. University facilities for this the side that says: "Let's talk to each something like, "Say. while I was walking purpose? other. Let's find out why we don't agree." 15. and the anti-war march to be held in down the street the other day, this conjugal verb ran into me ." Washington Nov. 15. Yours faithfullv. . . No doubt Mrr Kissinger has drawn the I'd be willing to lay odds at 2-1 that the I Something has to be done about the answer is that we've studio. I don't know who the prop men President's attention to the report that 500 never understand each other before. On the really tried to | are. but they definitely lack imagination. student body presidents and campus 15th, let's try it and see if we, Nothing but a desk on the whole stage. newspaper editors have already signed the C.P. Larrowe, collectively, can I end the war. Somebody's life Now if they had a soft couch and a few call, and that it has been endorsed by many Professor of Economics depends on I of our respected colleagues across the table lamps, maybe some wood paneling . country, led by J.K. Galbraith. But the announcer made up for the stage The University of Michigan has also with his visual effects. At one point he lit a responded. Last week President Fleming BLACK FACULTY STATEMENT cigarete, and the tension in the classroom offered the use of the fieldhouse to mounted until finally he puffed »way. students and faculty from 11 a.m. to 1 when accomplishment. everyone cheered at his MSU's answer to Johnny Carson was p.m. Oct. 15 for "a massive expression of opposition to the Vietnam war." He added that he would personally carry their Adams prime candidate New regs every bit as photogenic as the original, but the makeupmen should have used more message to Washington. MSU may have responded, also, though FDITOR'S NOTE: The following innovative, functional president here at is the text of a statement released Michigan State University. His r«>uge on his cheeks. The hair stylists unofficially, I have just had word from It is accomplishments as president reflect his always heartening when a set of they've got must be terrible. His part was Dean Jaffe that our errant professor, Sunday by the Black faculty basic concern for the University, and for more than a week's expenses for the out of regulations is made more equitable place. Giacomo Leopardi. has unearthed strong Committee in support the fundamental problems average student. 1 don't know who the talent scout is for anti- militarist sentiment among Italian of Walter plaguing the and realistic. The new Student Motor Adams for the presidency. poor and dispossessed minorities in There are, of course, still some the network, but 1 almost got up and youth at the University of Turin, where his Vehicle Regulation No. 1(> is one communities served by our campus. flaws in Regulation No. 19, but these changed the channel when I discovered Lopresti grant has taken him. Leopardi The selection of a major university The respect that students, example of this. there weren't going to be any guest faculty and are not great. For example, we can confidently expects that on Oct. 15 some president is a most difficult task in 1969. administrators have shown for Dr. Adams By comparison with Regulation appearances on the show. Just one long, 10,000 students will turn out at Turin for see no real reason for having any Many of the problems, fears and anxieties during the past four months cannot be No. 18 of last year, the dry monologue. He didn't even have an an anti-war rally. Leopardi says they'll be new kind o! $25 fine, even for second anchor man to lead into commercials. prevalent in our major urban communities overlooked. We feel that the name of Dr. regulation shows a number of joined by the Veterans of El Alamein,whose continue to be reflected on large university Adams should be immediately added to'the offenses. In our opinion, $10 a crack Come to think of it. the only thing it purpose in marching is to convey to the campuses which serves as a household for list of presidential candidates. marked improvements in style as had "ver Johnny Carson is that there were Moreover, should be quite sufficient to make its South Vietnamese their quaint notion that well as content. They have been fewer commercials. I many urban and suburban students. Few we are of the opinion that Dr. Adams don't know who the Americans are latter- day Nazis. intended point. It might also be vide aden should be considered the prime more concisely written and sponsored the program, but 1 bet the show You may know that the president of candidate arranged. advantageous in future regulations to will get canned next season. Those variety administrative and humanistic leadership for the position of president of MSU. Figuring out what to do with one's Rutgers, has cancelled classes on Oct. 15 necessary for such a man. include a section explaining the shows with a star host never last long. and issued a statement saying: "I hereby Irvin E. Vance car no longer requires a complete If they could get a little more variation in Appointed Acting President Walter Asst. Professor of mathematics functions of the Student Traffic- ask that on Oct. 15, we at Rutgers Adams has, in fact, been a dynamic, knowledge in cryptography. Appeals Court and the proper t^e acts, it would certainly help. Maybe positively and dramatically demonstrate Chairman, Black Faculty Committee It is. however, the changes in the they can hire a band or orchestra to do a procedures for appealing a ticket. few bars before commercials and station fine schedule for this year that we On the whole, we must commend find most appealing. In times past, breaks, with an Ed McMahan type to do the work of the the beer commercials live. the fine for "failure to All-University register and Traffic Committee in The station will have to switch the show coming up display a valid permit" and related with the over to color before long; a black and new regulations, and we crimes has been a flat $25. This year white program will never make it. The urge them to keep up the good work colors on the textbook he was reading the penalty has been reduced to $10 in future years. from would have looked brilliant. for first offense. We feel that this is These new shows will require a new much more reasonable, especially in breed of professor. The Fditors 1 imagine a job light of the fact that $25 is often interview might go something like: Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 Miss MSU come true winning one," she assumes new "My education is very things," she added. of role Michigan. I think this is a critics who view Miss important to me," she said. But Miss Gillespie said the great responsibility," she added. America-type pageants as she concedes that her activities, transformation from Miss MSU irrelevant to the times. Although When television master of "When you While serving the people of first realize that outside of going to class, will to Miss Michigan has changed they are still beauty contests, ceremonies Bert Parks you're Miss Michigan, it's a kind her from a private person to a Michigan, Miss Gillespie believes Miss Gillespie said she thinks a have to be limited this year. she will grow as an announced that Pamela Eldred, of overwhelming dream. At first individual. different kind of Miss "I feel that my activities in the public person. beauty is Michigan, was to be Miss I was extremely shocked," she "I find that Miss "As I go through this year, I sought. America for 1970, one MSU continued. sorority and on campus will be as Michigan limited. I find I won't be able to my life isn't entirely my own. think I'll better know myself "I don't necessarily look at the 'junior was particularly excited. Miss do as much as I'd like to," she But there's lot and find out exactly where I'm outward beauty. A beauty . Gillespie, a retailing a more Suddenly for Sandy Gillespie, major, decided, in spite of her said. excitement and many different going and who I am," she said. contest can be relevant if you new duties as Miss Michigan, to "But I think I'll be able to things happening," she said. "I'll value some things more and can seek a person with high Hastings junior. Miss MSU and handle both "I represent an age group and some less." ideals within, with first runner-up in the Miss stay in school this year as a responsibilities, someone I'm also representing the State She doesn't agree with those intelligence," she said. Michigan pageant, the year has part-time student. picking out the most important changed. Now she role of Miss Michigan. Miss Gillespie, 20, who will be officially crowned Miss Michigan Oct. 25 in Muskegon, was entered in the Miss MSU pageant by Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity after representing Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority in the fraternity's Moonlight Girl Miss MSU takes title contest. Miss MSU Sandy Gillespie will be officially crowned Miss Michigan Oct. 25 in Muskegon. A Hastings junior, she inherited the title when Michigan's Pamela Eldred became Miss America, State News photo by Don Gerstner FOR SECOND WILSON HEARING Trial date By BARBARA PARNESS client does not wish to State News Staff Writer participate in a second hearing. No definite date has been set In his letter to Carr early in concerning the second hearing July Lansing attorney Donald G. for a Wilson Hall employe Fox said Miss Mishler's decision accused of racial discrimination in was no way an admission of during the take over of the her guilt of any of the charges Wilson Hall cafeteria last spring. against her. Duane M. Hildebrandt. Hildebrandt said he has been Lansing attorney for Joseph in contact with Carr periodically Trantham, former food service throughout the summer. transferred to a Summer vacations and the non-supervisory position in absence of key witnesses were McDonel Hall as a result of the major factors in holding up cafeteria sit-in, said the details of discussions on the second the hearing have not been hearing, he said. worked out. He said he hopes the Trantham and Elaine M. University's legal department Mishler, former Wilson Hall will be able to devote more time manager, were offered a second to working out the new hearing hearing by Acting President now that the University's labor Adams upon the dispute has been settled. recommendation of the Academic Council. The first hearing was criticized for the irregularity of procedures followed. Miss Mishler's attorney has since informed Leland J. Carr, University attorney, that his BOOK STORE "The Only In the center for International Programs Official U 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 Foundation wor U carrier service for business only likely to begin By LARRY LEE State News Staff Writer complex, according to a number of the Governor's special capitol by year's end three-building concept to be the members hope that the StayteNjwsYSUffAWrite, The U.S. Post Office handles JSd"' "mC °f year" H°ftoa" This year the Messenger new houses of the state foundation work can begin by your mail, my mail, mv Service has the latest in postage Basically, the stage has been design committee. government, and the architects the end of this year, roommate's mail, mail from her meters» which can seal and reached where the building of Sen. Milton Zaagman, Rep., wf^ instructed td proceed construction He said that part of the male - but who takes care of stamP U>000 Pieces of mail Per can begin without the foundations could begin on Grand Rapids, said the schematic The schematic plans, MSU business mail? The MSU hour. the new Michigan capitol committee has agreed on the plans will be having a final design for the iurther refinements and facade of the buildings, Messenger Service, that's who. An even r-i0re recent arrival is designations of the functions of The buildings will be placed on Six carriers serve nearly every the new inserting machine, and in each building. a raised plaza west of the present department on campus twice which inserts mail in envelopes MORE INTERVIEWS The committee will now Capitol, with service functions daily, according to Clarence G. and stamps the letters Hoffman, messenger service — all in one operation. consider the exterior design, under the plaza serving all three supervisor. These University Most of the machines are less Zaagman added. buildings. Placement Bureau employees handle some 15,000 than five years old. "I usually Governor Milliken established the 21-man committee to letters daily. Hoffman says this replace one machine a year," Hoffman develop the capitol design after a Duffy to speak Local deliveries service has the U.S. Post no connection with Office, except for says, services increase wave of public controversy when some preliminary sketches of the proposed buildings were to Faculty Club A the student employe sorts letters that on-campus mall clearing house in the Central come into off-campus business mail which is sent to the U.S. Post Office. The Sabine named Messenger Service is The 1968-69 year was one of increases for MSU graduates, Johu The Faculty Club will meet at Services Bldg. The Central Services mail room strictly for University business D. Shingleton, director of the Placement Bureau reported recently. It consists of representatives, five senators, 10 fi noon Tuesday in the Union Parlors. Coach Duffy Daugherty handles all University business mailings (15,000 letters daily) that are to be delivered on campus, and cannot student-to-student be used on basis. a vice president Employer-student interviews increased 22 per cent over last private citizens in the will discuss MSU's 1969 football with deliveries twice a day. Hoffman says students wishing year, he saidt and the average starting salary at the bachelor's architecture and design fields, and the povernor as chairman of prospects, State News photo by Norm Payea to send a letter from one residence hall to another should for U relations' degree level rose 6 per cent. Master's and Ph.D. degree-holders the group. either take it to the residence also received higher salaries than last year. Gordon A. Sabine, vice hall or send it via the East Graduates in packaging, engineering, physics and accounting The committee has visited IONS ACCEPTED president for special projects, Lansing Post Office. has been names to replace James received the highest average starting salaries at the bachelor's capitals in North Carolina, New degree level. The beginning salaries were $10,000 or more. Mexico, Texas and the city hall OK™"'. Office employee,3 f°riKU has been P°Su A" *Denn'isont0 '^director *"of S' with as complex in Toronto, Canada. University relations, Other increases reported by Shingleton include efforts by the Placement Bureau to "serve minority groups in the field of career lanning, both at this Universtiy and at others.'' The nation's newest Hawaii, which has drawn praise capitol in ASMSU lists the Messenger Service four years. He estimates the service has been in existence at least 30 years. The announcements Sabine«s appointment was made at last week>s MSU Board of . of since its completion this year, Up to three years ago the Trustees meeting. Last year, some 600 students as well as representatives of was not visited by the Applications for appointments Committee, University Library East Lansing Human Relations IlulIiail Messenger Service monger oervice was lucaieu in located in . f , . business, industry and government attended MSU's first Black committee, but Zaagman visited to the following ASMSU Committee, and Academic Committee, East Lansing-MSU the basement of the Student A former newsman and vice Student Career Night. A similar program is planned again this it three years ago committees will be accepted at Council. Laison Committee, East Lansing Services Building, and before Pres,dent since tor sPec,al ProJects 1960, Sabine will have the year. Zaagman said the coir mittee the ASMSU secretary's office on the third floor of the Student Standing Committee on the City Council, East Lansing that it was in the former title of vice president for special Rights and Responsibilities of Planning Commission, East Administration Building. It now Services Bldg. from today Students, Lecture Concert Series projects and University relations. Lansing Traffic Commission. makes its home in the Central His new duties include heading through Monday. Advisory Committee, Services Building the Your Host From Coast To Coast University Curriculum A11 U niversity - Traffic East Lansing Chamber of Hoffman rates the Services. Dept. of Information Committee, University Committee, Advisory Board to Commerce, Ad Hoc Committee Administration Building, Kellogg Sabine succeeds Dennison, Educational Policies Committee, the State News and Wolverine, on Student Participation in Center and gppley Center as oau.»c 1^""" The Nation9s Innkeeper University International Projects itaffic Appeals Court. Academic Governance h buildings that receive who asked to be relieved^ Two Locations In Lansing Area AII-University Radio Board, Student Library Committee, the Hp g£atest mai| th . loBads. th ,lnjvprejfv diretlor^t after 22 years Uni.ers'ty^ re'aUons in the post. 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. OPEN RUSH of OI Commerce LanSi"g uommerce. Chamb" spent |n abL $380,000 the jast flsca| year in po^ asst. to President continue at MSU ^Hannah, will *as consultant "Fall term is alway Ph. 489-2481 to th^fpresident. Sabine was dean of the College Chick's Chicks ARE YOU INTERESTED of Communication Arts from 1955 to 1960. He came to MSU from the University of Oregon, SPECIAL SPECIAL The Little Sisters of Evan's Scholars SUNDAY MONDAY IN where he had been dean of the journalism school. Wednesday and Thursday 8 p.m. CHICKEN DINNER Children $1.25 $725 f . SPAGHETTI DINNER All you can eat $150 ■ . 243 Louis Street RECREATION? RUSH SAMMIES for information and rides call 337-9703 CALL 351-2453 CALL 353-2462 FOR RIDES Greek letters that stand for a tradition — for something that makes you more than To be a Greek — a decision made -- an opportunity realized. I've got my interview set I read somewhere they're solving Straight questions—straight answers between computer lab and econ rapid transit problems and they won't care if the hurry up bus and helping explore the seas and bus is a little late I'll be late for class outer space Get together with Alcoa: wonder if Alcoa's doing anything and working with packaging about traffic jams and automotive applications Oct. 28, 29, 1969 So when I go in I'll tell it like it is—for An Equal me Opportunity Employer and they'll tell it like it is— A Plans for Progress Company for them Change for the better with Alcoa □ALCOA Vke Men ahplA^jO*7cm Omec^a C&uilaLLf,9+uute lf sti11 hurting for satisfied to take his chances on technical talent- industry and schedules talk the year- presidential elections next even an ocean P°rt- Whereas the takeover of IPC But in some military and Was extremely popular in Peru, on crime issue civilian eyes, President Luis any action against Gulf Oil may Dining in Martin niamnnrf r.f Piarpmrmt ®1®S Spinas, now in find resistance in the lowland Cafeteria lines In the Men's College will speak on 6X| !" f \ ab,llty to area around Santa Cruz where residence halls "The Problem of Violence" at 3 \o°kS'^the^id o^oS Ik® °" r'eldsfare )ocated' A™°"8 are usually long and tiresome, and this coed p.m. Thursday in Wonders Kiva. toderbox of tebir wtlm ^ T7" ?' and appears to be thinking just that. The forum for his talk will be Rmre Bruce Miller's Miners snprial tonics p"obler^ Pr"Diems- tl ? $?J™,'' y°" in royalties from the U.S. firm. State News photo by Richard Warren special topics According to reliable course on crime and violence. information, a group of young Diamond has been honored on civilians and miUta officei| the cover of Time as one of who had been admjri thg FOR GRAD STUDENTS 10 outstanding teachers in American higher education. He Peruvian revolution began and Herbert Garfinkel, dean of thinking Bo,ivia is needed the James Madison College, co-authors of "The Democratic Republic." the Thus, Ovando led troops into vacant presidential palace CIC offers stud before dawn Friday and took over. CIC "passport" in hand, any up of 11 universities - including common market. Ovando released a manifesto qualified graduate student will MSU - has been in operation for By providing the student with six years. which bears many similarities to find doors opening and the "passport", the program ZBT that delivered on Dec. 6, 1968 unlimited opportunity for study During this time, more than helps him cut the usual red tape 700 graduate students have been CALL by Gen. Ernesto Montagne, now bursting forth. and take advantage of resources able to state and Peru's prime minister. Even the The CIC, Committee cross at other universities. 332-3565 wording is nearly identical. Institutional Cooperation, made institutional lines for short-term The resources might include a work in highly specialized areas course offering, a distinctive on neighboring campuses. laboratory or research facility or The purpose of the CIC is to a professor who is a top Psi U is rated make it as easy as possible for authority in his field, qualified graduate students to To begin the procedure for take advantage of obtaining the passport, the course-offerings or other student requests permission academic resources available on from his graduate adviser to another campus, but not on his No. 1 fraternity at study on another campus. own- The adviser makes the Since no single university can arrangements with the host have a fully array of outstanding university and seeks approval resources, the 11 universities from the dean of the two that form the CIC find it graduate schools, profitable to join this academic If the student is admitted, he remains in registration at the 3 AN K < home university and pays only the fees of the home university. Graduate students interested ZBT in the program should contact # INTIMATE APPAREL CALL 332-3565 their advisers or C. W. Minkel, FOR RIDES associate dean of the School for Advanced Graduate Studies. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Do You Like A Place With Atmosphere ? Elegante W iggery •Good Food •Soft lights •Good Music Monday night-Two for one Pizza (after 6:00 P. M.) Sportcoat attire suggested Vl Cocktail Houi—Everyday 4:30-6:30 ■! (♦Based on a non-random sample of admittedly biased members of Psi Upsilon, 810 W Grand TOWN* River.) Call 351-4686, 351-4687, 351-4688 PUMP I 307 S.GRAND IV 5-1609 DOWNTOWN LANSING °Pen 10 a-n MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 7 - 10 P.M. But You Get the Gifts During Our NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL 2 Week Birthday Sale . . . Sept. 29-Oct. 11 All in-stock, specially reduced. top quality 100% human hair w'gs, wiglets, falls Spartan Spirit's A (Just purchased $20,000 more inventory-selection is good). October Wiglets from $2.95. Falls from $29.95. Wigs from $19.95. .You'll also save on all ordered hairpieces .Curly and straight synthetic wigs also reduced .Register for free wig—one given each week $11 Includes Round Trip .Break our birthday balloons for over 100 free gifts We specialize in Wiggery for You! That means personal, in Tickets May Be dividual attention to "Instant Hair" your needs, We welcorr your "sick" hairpieces for expert-careful styling and servic Sept. 30 an Elegante Wi Union Office Board 9 A.M. - 12 Noon 1-4 P.M. 'Wigs are our business-- Not a Side line" OHU Open 10-6 Da'ly, Wed. 10-9, Sat. 10-6 Lawaways Welcome MNJ Next to Paraphernalia 332-3341 m Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 9 October entertainment from space to pop The schedule of events during "Camelot," with Vanessa King," with Orson Welles, will Auditorium. artists, in concert at 8:15 p.m. Society, in connection with the collection of the month of October will range Redgrave and Franco Nero, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Oct. paintings and results of meteorites, will be Oct. 9-10, the Broadway Oct. 12 in the Music Bldg. from be shown at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2-3 Royal Choral Society Players, sculptures and prints in the shown during October in the pop entertainment to 6 in the Auditorium, in musical "I do! I do!" will be Oct. 13 - 14, the Stuttgart will give a performance at 8:15 ballet and space programs. in the Auditorium. entrance and north galleries. Abrams Planetarium. Shows for cooperation with the Dept. of presented at 8:15 p.m. in the Ballet will perform on campus in p.m. in the Auditorium. The International Film Series Oct. 4 in the Auditorium, the The exhibit will be open from the general public are held at 8 Humanities. The movie will also Auditorium. the Auditorium. On Oct. 13 the A lecture will be given at 8:15 9 5 p.m. Monday will present "Ulysses" at 7:30 World Travel Series will be shown at 3 p.m. Oct. 7 in A recital of vocal a.m. to p.m. Friday, 2:30 and 8 p.m. compositions ballet will present "Romeo and p.m. Oct. 29 on "The World of commence with "Portraits of the through Friday; 7-9 p.m. Saturday and 2:30 and 4 p.m., Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 in the Fairchild Theatre. by German composers from Juliet". The play, The Taming of p.m. Orient" Carl Sandberg" in Fairchild University Auditorium, in by William Moore. The Lecture-Concert Series Tuesday; and 2-5 p.m. Saturday Sunday. early Baroque to contemporary the Shrew" will be given Oct. Theatre. conjunction with Justin Morrill Travelogues will also be shown will present Mantovani and his and Sunday. times will be given by John Wiles 14. Oct. 4-26 Kresge Art Center Oct. 11 and 18. "Oedipus the Orchestra at 8:15 p.m. in the "Fire in the Sky," a program Program Information 332-5817 College. and Joseph Evans, faculty will present MSU's permanent designed to explain the causes ■on 482-3905 NEW CHORUS EFFECT ► The following weekend, the ASMSU pop entertainment series will begin its fall schedule HfllCHIOAN G FUS with a vocal group, The 2nd WEEK! Feature Green River'flows Association. The Jenison Fieldhouse. group scheduled to appear at 8 p.m. is in ✓"20th Century Fox presents" ■ ^Lawrenc^Durrell's > 1:10-3:15-5:20-7; 25-9;30 i"GO!-FORTHE FURY. FORCE AND FUN OF TODAY... (S|SUGGESTED 7:30 P.M Km MAT jRf AUCHlNCt recently, joining Shango's "Day unfortunately edited great deal The Prague Symphony is STEVE Jucfine The third album by the a of instrumentation that made scheduled to appear on campus ifJI-.oc Creedence Clearwater Revival is Aft,er Day (It's Slipping Away)" a collection of nine numbers in providing warnings about the earlier albums stand out; Oct. 27 for a concert at 8:15 M Panavision* ^ "ANGRY, TOUGH AND I*1CCUEEI\ performed in the group's upcoming earthquakes and they could have added another p.m. in the Auditorium, L*L_ FULL OF STING!" l AS unmistakable Louisiana blues disasters. song to make up the difference. Oct. 27, the Royal ChonI "A PICTURE YOU MUST style. Also included on the album is Next! 2001 A Space Odyssey[ SEE THIS YEAR IS BULLITT' "Lodi," which has been recently house "Green River," their long-awaited album, includes the recorded by A1 Wilson and seems to be SN open set PARAMOUNT PICTURES TECHHJCOLOR' FROM WARNER BROS SEVER ARTS 9:30 P.M. only W title song as well as three of their repeating the Revival's latest hit records, and adds four new songs by John Fogerty. lead guitarist success the song. with his soul version of "Tombstone Shadow" has for Wednesday AT 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 MEMORIAL ENTERPRISES FILM PLUS: The State News open house will be held at 7:30 p.m. Also included for good Fogerty singing about his fear of Wednesday in the Steffanoff Lounge of the Student Services measure is their version of the lurking death-'Every time I get Bldg. classic "Night Time is the Right some good news, there's a Students interested in working in any capacity for the State it ririiF Time." shadow on my back.' News should attend. Editors will be present to answer questions COLOR A PARAMOUNT MRE E "Cross Tie Walker" is about about the newspaper. Plus Fun Cartoon Fogerty's powerful vocals in "Night Time" are backed up by boarding a freight train 'just to Refreshments will be served. TECHNICOLOR « FROM WARNER BROS SEVER ARTS W I NEXT "ALICES TlCWCttOR- A PAWM0UN1P11HJRJ his brother Tom's rhythm guitar, take a ride,' while "Sinister RESTAURANT" 7:30 P.M. only Doug Clifford's drums, with hurried life of the city, returning to a Purpose" describes the feelings quiet and peaceful and relationships of a man MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES NEXT GORDON PARKS "THE LEARNING TREE" Soon-"Easy Rider" Next: BATTLE OF ALGIERS' Stu Cook on bass. For the first time in any of their albums, the worry-free place. "Commotion" towards his girl. presents emphasizes this theme with vivid Most of the songs on the THE WALTER READE. JR/JOSEPH STR1CK PRODUCTION group uses a chorus effect. word pictures of the rushed Notice to Students The title song and album are about three minutes life-freeways, traffic and the in length-but the album as a "Commotion," currently on the national charts are on side one, increasing amount of whole is four minutes shorter and deal with the same basic meaningless communication. than either of the previous "Bad Moon Rising" was releases. Fantasy Records theme: escaping from the noisy, especially popular in California JOYCE'S Distribution es For Reserved Seat Tickets To Begins Monday, September 29, Union Ticket Office Hours 8-5 Programs In Fall Quarter ENDS TUESDAY Gregory Peck 'MACKENNA'S IN Omar Sharif IjSTUDENT ADMISSION $1.00 WITH VALIDATED ID * (Students mus* have validated I.D. Each student allowed to or fee receip1, to purchase Reserve Sea^ Tickets) GOLD' pick up four tickets. 'HAMMERHEAD' ALSO FALL QUARTER CALENDAR This Program is Rated "M" PUBLIC ADMISSION < MANTOVANI & HIS ORCHESTRA October 8 $3.00, $4.00, $5.00j Most distinctive personality in the world of light i "I DO, I DO" October 9-10 $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 \ Hit Broadway Play ENDS TUESDAY STUTTGART BALLET 2 ACTION HITS! "Romeo & Juliet" October 13-14 $4 00, $5.00, $6.00$ Oct. 13; "The Taming of the Shrew" Oct. 14 'WILD WHEELS' Tues. & Wed. PRAGUE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA October 27 $3.00, $4.00, $5.00jj Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Vaclav Smetacek, Conductor AND UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM-7:30 P.m. ROYAL CHORAL SOCIETY RUN,ANGEL, RUN!' This Tickets Admission $ 1.00 on Sere at Union Ticket Office 90-voice choir October 30 accompanied by the Royal Chore $3.00, $4.00, $5.00^ Program is Rated "R" Society Players. Wyn Morris, Conductor. AFRICAN DANCE COMPANY Of GHANA Nov. 4 $3.00,$4.00,$5.00 j N\ichgfcn University 45 dancers, and musicians in a dance spectacle featuring drummers, flutists, singers. thePer^ormin^ Arts Company N.H.K. SYMPHONY November 24 $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 J Hiroyuki Iwaki directs Japan's most distinguished musical ensemble. Validated I.D. card must be presented at door with ticket. BROADWAY HIT AT SPECIAL STUDENT RATES * "MAME" - Broadway's best musical! November 6-7 Special student price: $3.00,$4.03,$5.00 Public Admission $4.00,$5.00,$6.00 UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM - 8:15 P.M. FREE • WORLD TRAVEL SERIES ■ Saturday nights Show validated I.D. at the door Public $1.00 ' "BY-WAYS OF MEXICO & GUATEMALA "EGYPT, GIFT OF THE NILE" Robert Auburn Sept. 27 Ralph Franklin Oct. 18 j Excellence inTheektre Trodu "PORTRAITS OF THE ORIENT" Willian Moore Oct. 4 "PACIFIC SHORES" Norm Wakeman Nov. 1 the L/citement of Nlov/The^re ^ "IRAN—LAND Colin Wyatt OF THE PEACOCK THRONE" "NORTH OF THE CIRCLE" Oct. 1 1 Capt. Finn Ronne Nov. ( "EXPLORING AFRICAN WONDERLANDS" FEATURING John Goddard § For assured seating and choice of the Nov. 15 best seats, order your 1969-1970 PAC coupon book TODAY. If Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf -- Oct. 21-26 ^ In White America -- Nov. 4-15 , 11 Save $15.50 over Individual Ticket Prices 1ECTDRE ENTERTAINMENT "THE WORLD OF CARL SANDBURG" Oct. 29 The Comedy of Errors -- Nov. 18-23 A company ' of 3 brings to life Sandburg's colorful world of word and song in sketches^ ^ The Madwoman of Chail lot--Feb. 24-Mar. 1 ■ ■ DETACH AND MAIL TODAY TO: k soliloquies and musical Interludes. PLUS: In Repertory If Performing Arts Company Admission: Validated I.D. Card only Michigan State University Volpone ■■ East Lansing, Michigan 48823 FAIRCHILD THEATRE Corruption in the Palace of Justice K « my 1969-70 PAC Coupon The Three Penny Opera -- May 6-23 L Enclosed is $8.03 (Make check pa/able to INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES PLUS: Michigan State University.) Admission $1.00 April 17-19 ^ Modern Dance Concert -- w UHIVERSITY AUDITORIUM -mop*. „ Seven (7) Great Film Classics Term ticket $4.00 for five great films including 'OEDIPUS THE KING," "THE PRODUCERS," "CAMELOT" 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29. 1969 SPORTS Iowa 61 Michigan 45 Purdue 28 Southern Cal 48 Minnesota 35 UCLA 34 Ohio State 62 California 17 Notre Dame 14 Texas Christian 0 Indiana 14 Washington Northwestern 6 Washington 7 State 35 Ohio 35 Wisconsin 23 Final statistics SM FIRST DOWNS (Total) Rushing Passing Penalty RUSHING (Number of Rushes) Yards Gained Rushing Yards Lost Net Yards Gained Rushing PASSING (Number Attempted) Number Completed Number Intercepted By Net Yards Gained Passing TDTAL PLAYS (Rushes and Passes) TOTAL NET YARDS GAINED PUNTS (Number) Average Yards Had Blocked FUM3LES (Number) Ball Lost Fumbles PENALTIES (Number) He flies through Yards Penalized KICK RETURNS (Punt returns, num'.ei The safest p Punt Returns, Yards Looking as graceful as can be, is Spartan defensive tackle Ron Curl. CurlV Kickoff Returns, (Number) all-out effort resulted in this MSU blocked punt. Other players are kicke Kickoff Returns, Yards SM., halfback Daryl Doggett doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get up Bicky Lesser, and blocker Daryl Doggett. No. 97 is the Spartans' Wilt Martir INTERCEPTION RETURNS (Number) Spartan defenders Wilt who spent most of Saturday afternoon in the Mustang backfield. Martin, left, Ron Joseph, center, and Ron Curl t Yards Returns ground. Doggett eventually did and went on to lead State News Photo by Bob Ivin: Mustang ball carriers yar s and carries. State News Photo by Wayne i S' defense sparks late grid surge, 23-15 running 64 yards on the third launched in the two previous ignited the Spartans. With MSU out - and suddenly the Spartans carrying at one time or another, Triplett led the MSU ground 6 of 16 for 37 yards in the game, play of the game to move MSU games - completing 17 for 244 trailing 15-7 in the fourth had the lead, 16-15 with just the Spartans drove to the five. attack - which totaled 292 yards but he was back to his old tricks to the Mustang 15-yard line On yards and one touchdown. Only with net of 122 yards on 22 quarter, and unable to generate On third down Triplett faked a offense, running the swing • under seven minutes remaining. on MSU's bruising defense the next play, halfback Don once before in his 13-game SMU any kind of offense. Phillips carries. Allen The two-point conversion fullback Kermit Smith into the and Highsmith option to perfection. breathed a little life into the Highsmith bolted into the end career did he throw for fewer intercepted a Hixson pass on the attempt caused Daugherty to line and when all 11 Mustang picked up 72 and 69 yards "We have to stop stopping worn out football saying, "A zone and the Spartans looked yards. 32 and carried it to the 19. defenders swarmed respectively while Smith added ourselves. We had a couple of cringe, however. The wrong unit on him, like they would drive their The only time he burned the Three plays later Gary Boyce 37 in 7 tries. fumbles right away and they good defense will always beat a went on the field and under Triplett fired to end Bruce good offense," before 72,189 opponents back across the Spartans was in the third period booted a 36-yard field goal and NCAA rules they have to run at Kulesza for the score. Bovce took the gas right out of us. We Mason-Dixon line MSU's passing attack, were moving until then." witnesses Saturday at Spartan following a fumble by Eric Allen the Spartans were back on the least one play. So with Steve kicked the point and the Then the attack however, was less than Stadium. bogged down at the MSU 41-yard line. Hixson scoreboard. 15-10. Piro at quarterback, Daugherty Spartans had a little safer 23-15 Daugherty said. Led by and it took a pair of last period hit receiver Gordie Gilder the Moments later the defense got impressive. Daugherty had While the offsense sputtered, end Wilt Martin, an on had to improvise an option play lead - with three minutes left. fumble recoveries by Ron following play to give the the planned to go with two tight the defense was overpowering MSU defense kept ball back again. This time which failed. But the Mustangs, known for brilliant. Aside Joseph and a pass interception ends against SMU because the from Southern Methodist's passing Mustangs a 15-7 lead. Hixson the thief was massive Ron their late charges, were not harrassing Hixson, the attack bottled up all afternoon by Harold Phillips to spark the scored the first SMU touchdown Joseph, who fell on a Hixson Only two plays after SMU through testing the Spartan Mustangs in previous games had SMU kicking teams had took the use da small defensive and forced three crucial fourth Spartans' second comeback win on a one yard run. fumble after a bad center snap Spartans' ensuing defense. Hixson led his team back problems with the Spartans. period turnovers to lead the in as many weeks. "I thought the defense played on the Spartan 35. kickoff. they lost the ball again. quickly to the MSU 11, but on opposite the tight end. Ralph Wieleba blocked the first A strong pass rush, led by the well," coach Duffy This time it was halfback Darvl fourth Spartans to a 23-15 win over the very Triplett carried on five of the down his pass to Doggett When 6-7, 265-pound Jim extra point attempt of the Mustangs. 232-pound Martin, left its mark Daugherty commented after the next seven plays - his longest Doggett who couldn't find the fell incomplete and MSU took Nicholson was hurt in the first Mustangs. Later Ron Curl It was the third straight loss on Hixson, although he did pick game, "and we did it mostly gain going for 19 - to move the handle on a pitch-out from over on downs with blocked a field goal attempt and a minute quarter. Daugherty had to for the Chuck Hixson-led aerial up enough yardage to break with a four man line. We gave ball to the SMU 15. Highsmith Hixson. and the ever-present left. abandon that idea. Triplett was a punt. circus from the Southwest and Doak Walker's career SMU total the game ball to Wilt Martin. He took care of the remaining Joseph fell on the loose ball at offense mark. Martin and Co. probably did the finest job of the Mustang 22. probably the most frustrating. yardage in two blasts up the The game looked like a carbon dropped him eight times while putting the rush on Hixson middle the last from five With everyone in the backfield copy of last week's Washington passing and forced him to hurry although the whole line did a - yards Big Ten Football contest from the opening several other throws. good job. I think our defense is whistle. The Spartans started Hixson could get off only 31 as good as anyone's." By GARY WALKOWICZ Ron Johnson, ran for 191 yards in 29 carries. passes far below the 100 he It was the defense that finally Executive Sports Editor In all, Michigan rolled up 581 yards in gainint strong again with Bill Triplett - Defending national champion Ohio State madr its second straight win. its first 1969 appearance in defense of its title Iowa's offense ran wild in smashing Washington Saturday and the results weren't encouraging to State. 61-35, at Iowa City. Triplet's 64 yarder contenders for *he crown. Despite nlaying in a steady rain and on a muddy field, the Buckeyes crushed Texas Christian 62-0 before a record crowd of 86,412 in Columbus. The gained Hawkeyes a ran up 36 first downs and schocl record 696 vards in total offense, which doesn't even include a 92-yard touchdown return of the opening kickoff by sophomore Levi Mitchell. longest of the day Ohio State scored at least two touchdowns in California came from behind with 10 points in every quarter and rolled up 564 yards in total the final quarter to nip favored Indiana. 17-14. offense, while holding TCU to just 196 yards. Steve Curtis fired a 61-yard touchdown pass to Fullbacks John Brockington and Jim Otis Ken Adams for California's winning touchdown. By JEFF ELLIOTT scored five touchdowns between them to lead the Hapless Illinois was no match for Missouri's State News F"nny, the Spartans' first Sports Editor game action injury is a knee powerful Tigers, falling 37-6 in a game played at The game's "hardest tackle At Purdue, the Boilermakers knocked off St. Louis. Bil1 injury on the much-publicized Triplett broke off the award" intra-state rival Notre Dame for the third year in Another Big Ten team was partially upset as goes to Sparta*1 Tartan (cuts-knee-injuries-in-half) game's longest run of the day. a succession--this time 28-14. Ohio University came from behind in the final linebacker Tom Barnum. The Tur*-. Jim Nicholson, the 64- yard scamper that set up the 6'1", 231 pound junior from Spartan's big Hawaiian end. Quarterback Mike Phipps scored one period to tie Minnesota 35-35. Spartans first score. Triplett Spartan frustration touchdown and passed for another to lead Los Angeles' powerful duo of USC and UCLA . Lake Odessa really socked it to suffered what doctors term "a ; later described his run like this: Purdue to a victory that was even more one-sided were too much for Northwestern and Wisconsin Southern Methodist's Gordie strained knee." The 6', 7", ; "It was a form of the option Not everything was for the Spartans Sat¬ than the final score indicated. in the other Big Ten games. Gilder and stopped him at the 267-pound sophomore had iust rosy play. Bruce (Kuleza) threw a urday in their 23-15 Quarterback Don Moorhead and halfback Glen Clarence Davis, USC's replacement for O.J. line of scrimmage. Barnum caught his first pass of the win over SMU, Right, quar¬ good block for me and I just cut terback Bill Triplett is Doughty led Michigan to an impressive 45-7 rout Simpson, went 73 yards for a TD on the first inside the end. The last defender season midway in the first stopped by two Mustang of Washington at Ann Arbor. , quarter when he was hit by defenders and left, Gordie Gilder scores on a play of the game, and gained 165 yards in all as (SMU's Larry Tunnell) had the Moorhead hit on 14 of 19 passes for 160 the Trojans whipped Northwestern, 48-6. ' SMU's Mike Nekuza. Nicholson's pass from Chuck Hixson. yards angle on me- I was just hoping and ran for 128 yards, while Doughty, U-M's UCLA stopped Wisconsin, 34-23, after getting status for this week's game State News Photos by Bob Ivins and Ron (Saul) was going to catch replacement for departed All-America halfback off to a slow start. against Notre Dame isu"certain. up with me and take care of Wayne Munn nne figure which doesn't always show in the statistics is the number of times that the opposition "gets" to the We hate to potent weapon, but nublicize such Spartans' best ways to stop the one of the a Lansing All-Stars Detroit Cowboys, 35-6 opposition from scoring what is quarterback. Saturday, the Spartans dumped Hixson eight generally considered "sure over points" is to bring on Ralph times, at least half of which wpre Wieleba. The junior linebacker by defensive end Wilt Martin. from Dearborn has blocked two The Lansing All-Stars, coached The key to ihe All-Star victory "This has been kind of the Last year, the most Hixson was week for us to let down, extra points in the Spartan's first by MSU Lacrosse coach Turf was their ground game, as they dumped was 11 times all year. two games and just missed on Kauffman, pushed their season picked up 166 yards, and eight Kauffman said. "After winning a several others, causing opposing record to 7-1-1, as they eased by of their nine first-downs rushing. tough game last week against kickers to the Detroit Cowboys, 35-6, in a The Cowboys limited Lansing's Lackawana and looking to the One (among several) phases hurry their best. Ron Curl, however, is apparently out home contest played on the air attack to only 36 yards. Pontiac game next week, this the Spartans need to improve on this week is getting signals the ratch Wieleba, having Lansing Everett High School "We had a well-balanced effort gave us a chance to rest a little, blocked a punt and an <*xtra field Saturday night. a I c ith lot of and work in some of the men .straight between coaches, "Detroit wasn't all that who haven't been playing quite point Saturday. players and player renlacements. strong," Kauffman said. "The so much," Kauffman said. Twice Saturday, and several could score have been much times 'ast week against Washington, the Spartans were forced to call time out because of not enough men oh the field, Could the playing the Spartans possibly be role of Indiana's Don Detroit drew blood first as Chester took the ball in from the three yard line. Spartan spo or too many. MSU football school 1967 Cardiac Kids who pulled so The All-Stars then took games at through the Higher control of the ball game and Michigan have drawn eight of Education Opportunity many victories out of the fire in the ten largest crowds since Commission in the Motor City, the fourth quarter? In their two pushed across five touchdowns. official national attendance and then reported for ball. Talk about loyalty, Texas high Barm wins this season, coach Duffy Quarterback Gordy Hetriek lead the attack with two records have been maintained. ^school football players sure must Daugherty has seen his squad scores, while score 50 points, 36 of them in Ernie Pasteur, Craig Teft and Tops is the 103,234 total that 'like their state. No less than 72 the 1959 game. of Southern Methodist's 80 named the squad's most improved this spring, assisted on the final 15 minutes. The other Jim touchdown. Garrett each Garrett's added a saw MSU ranks seventh in the Quite a face full two touchdowns were each score came listings of the nation's top major man squad played their high four other tackles as well as scored in the opening minutes of on a 64 yard rur The Spartans' Ralph Wieleba is about to get a face -jschool ball in the Longhorn college football teams in full of football as he blocks SMU's conversion covering halfbacks on passes. the games. Dick Kenney completed the MSU first-string football won-lost percentages over a State. Only one Spartan, Kermit Now if Duffy can just find a scoring for the sparkling devensive back Harold Phillips of 25-year period running through attempt following their first down. The blocked Smith, c alls Texas (Baytown) his kick Wieleba's second in two games. home town. scoring punch during the middle All-Stars as he made good on all Detroit was not recruited by- 1969. State has a 160-65-7 mark was of the game five conversion attempts. State News photo by Wayne Munn . . . Spartan coaches He came to for a per '711. Monday, September 29. 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS S' booters Spartans suffered from the same 20:53 after the ball bounced off rout period, during which four goals The Golden Flashes' two goalies stigma that plagued them in the cross bar when freshman were added to the Spartans 8-0 combined had 21 saves, while their first two encounters — Lennox Robinson, playing his score. Harris left-footed the goal MSU had four. Goal-tending Kent State was the latest team failure to get the ball through first varsity game, kicked it in on an assist from sophomore duties for the Spartans were split to fall victim to Coach Gene the opposition's net. Although toward the goal. Robinson fullback Steve Twellman. At this between junior Les Lucas, who Kenney's defending national the booters threatened several received the assist. point Kent's junior goalie, Nick played the first half, and co-champion soccer team as the times in the first period, it At 2:41 of the third period DiGrino, was replaced by sophomore back-up Tony MSU booters routed the Golden wasn't until 21:16 that Ernie Tuchscherer scored his second sophomore Ted Wagner. Five Gouveia. Each had two saves. Flashes 12-0 for their third Tuchscherer, the team's leading goal of the game on an assist minutes later, however, Coach Kenney, in commenting straight shutout of the 1969 scorer, kicked the ball through from junior forward Dave Trace. sophomore Rudy Mayer, on his team's romp over Kent, season. two Kent players and past Three more goals were scored sophomore forward, kicked in said he was much happier with The Spartans, extending their Kent's goalie for the game's first during the period, the first the tenth goal from 20 yards in the Spartans' passing. unbeaten streak to 10, were led goal. coming from Harris on an assist front of Kent's net. Senior Barry "The team started to move the in their scoring attack by The Spartans got the ball by senior Alex Skotarek. Tiemann assisted on the goal. ball better this game, especially two-time All-America rolling, though, in the second Skotarek put in the seventh goal At 11:38 of the final period, when Trevor (Harris) got into center-forward Trevor Harris. period when they scored three of the game on a direct free kick Ontario sophomore Sandy the game," the coach said. "He The game was the first of the times to make it 4-0 at halftime. awarded for pushing. Moffat scored after an attempt has a good finish and season for the Jamaica senior, All three goals were sent in by The next goal, at 15:31 of the by Houska bounced off the cross consequently got the ball in who has been resting a Harris, who entered the game in third, was scored by John bar. One minute later Houska, previously injured ankle. His the same period. The first was Houska, who kicked the ball 30 yards in front of the Kent Kenney was concerned with initial appearance of the season kicked in at 17:05 on an assist toward the goal following an goal, kicked in the twelfth and the team's failure to get the ball proved last year's se ond leading by Tuchscherer, while the assist from Trace. The ball final goal of the game on an into the nets in the first two Spartan scorer to be in top shape second, also on an assist from bounced off Kent's co-captain assist from Ken Hamann. games. Although the scores of as he tallied five goals before Tuchscherer, was headed into Leo Longo and right into the In the same lopsided statistics the first two games were 8-0 and the center of Kent's goal at net. which characterized the first two 6-0, Keney s»id he felt the being removed in the final period. 18:57. The third goal of the games, MSU had 52 shots on players missed many scoring In the first period, the period was kicked in by Harris at goal compared to Kent's four. opportunities, something they improved upon Friday. Trevor back Friday's game saw MSU IU-MSU HARRIERS utilizing the new NCAA rule allowing freshmen to participate Trevor last two Harris years displays the form which earned him All-America hono as he drives the ball past two Kent State players. Har on varsity level. Kenney put in five goals in his firs^ appearance of the 1969 season. Laid out on the Jamaica freshmen Lennox is Kent's goalie, who kept busy in MSU's 12-0 romp over the Flyin Whose kids are better? Robinson and Nigel Goodison By DON KOPRIVA Four of the five (one is fourth "youngster" in the top year away from contention, but State News Sports Writer injured) are in Gibbard's top eight. the Hoosier team is confident it eight at the present time and will Gibbard was pleased after the Whose kids can win. In addition to Legge, are tougher, time trial and mentioned that make much of the difference for much of the weight will be stronger, meaner and faster ? MSU as the Spartans shoot for the Spartans are ahead of where Or put into simpler terms, will placed on IU soph Scott Hiles, MSU or Indiana win their 10 their second straight league they were a year ago. the nation's top prep two miler a "Our frosh are starting to run a.m. confrontation Saturday at year and a half ago. Forest Akers Golf Course? Warren Krueger. two-time prep up for us now. But freshmen are cross country titlist from Hazel like puppy dogs; they're cute, Gibbard figures that his team Going on returning runners, Park, has emerged as Gibbard's but you never know what can be in the running for the perhaps MSU has a slight edge. Kim Hartman and Ken top frosh thus far and they're going to do," Gibbard crown if the frosh come surprisingly nipped senior said. through. He emphasizes that it is Leonowicz, the 4-5 finishers in teammate Ken Leonowicz in last a big 'if' but keeps in mind that last v ear's B i <* Ten Indiana freshmen also have with the Spartans' blend of championships, return for Friday's five mile time trial on been running up, and after a the Forest Akers Course, as both experience in the uppesclassmen Spartan coach Jim Gibbard. recent time trial, freshmen ran behind junior Hartman. and raw talent in the "kids", Only Bob Legge, third in the occupied three of the top seven Ralph Zoppa. from St. Louis, another Big Ten crown could be same meet behind graduated Hoosier positions. was the Spartans' fifth runner, heading MSU's way. teammate Mark Gibbens, returns Bell thinks his team may be a for new Hoosier Coach Sam Bell. just behind Arlington Hts., 111., But each coach is basing his soph Dave Dieters. hopes for the meet on the Pete Reiff, another frosh from Elmhurst. 111., was MSU's sixth UP TIGHT "kids", the sophs who are in their first varsity season and the man, while junior Chuck Starkey took seventh. Center Line Frosh talented freshmen on each side who can now run as varsity Randy Kilpatrick was Gibbard's squad members under a new Big Ten and NCAA rule BANK on Gibbard had perhaps his finest recruiting year pver and managed to nab five top high school* ZBT runners from Michigan and CALL 332-3565 Illinois. FOR RIDES HEAD 8170 Super Pleasure SKIS & 99™ RELAX AT X Miljaua "When you think of Cards" In the y of Middlebur> Middlebury. Vermont 05753 CARD SHOP Across from Home Ec. Bldg. Phone: 802 ■ 388-4451 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 Who's Looking Forward To Meeting Fall Term RusheeS? WE ARE! SIGMA ALPHA EPSIL0N 131 Bogue Call 337-9091 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 THIS IS FRATERNITY RUSH WEEK Last year 96% of the men who rushed said that rush was a worthwhile experience.1" Why not decide for yourself if the MSU fraternity system is for you? If you are going to get the most out of college you owe it to yourself to see what the challenging Greek world is all about All Houses are Open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7-10 pm -Clip This And Save_- Phi Gamma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Sigma Phi Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Pi Delta Sigma Pi 526 Sunset 207 Bogue 424 Michigan 217 River Street 239 Oakhill 332-8696 351-4160 332-2591 332-5053 351 2066 Pi Kappa Phi Tau Delta Phi Alpha Gamma Rho Delta Tau Delta 121 Whitehills 220 Cedar Street 432 330 N. Harrison 337-9734 351-0250 Evergreen Phi Kappa Psi 332-0834 337-1721 522 Abbott Psi Upsilon Theta Chi 332-5039 Alpha Kappa Psi Delta Upsilon 810 W. Grand River 453 Abbott 123 Louis 1504 E. Grand River 351-4687 332-3581 332-5040 332-8676 Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Theta Delta Chi Alpha Tau Omega Farm House 236 N. Harrison 139 Bailey 451 Evergreen 1*31 Bogue 151 Bogue 337-1611 332-2563 337-9091 332-0846 332-8635 Beta Theta Pi Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Mu 1148 E. Grand Rivei 715 Grove 275 Northwind 351-3921 Phi Kappa Theta 332-5092 351-2453 215 Evergreen 355-8250 Delta Chi Lambda Chi Alpha Between 2 and 5 p.r Sigma Chi Triangle 729 E. Grand River 242 N. Harrison 101 Woodmere 128 Haslett 337-9020 332-3563 332-3808 332-0841 Zeta Beta Tau Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Nu 855 Grove 125 N. Harrison 332-2501 332-3565 332-3577 During Rush Call The Houses for Rides * Based on Dean's Office questionnaire of 1968-69 Inter Fraternity Council Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 ]5 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED When You Have Something To Sell, Tell The Public About It With A Want Ad CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING byPhilfttmk Auto Service & Parts The State News does not PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. Good VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 1968-dark MASON BODY SHOP 812 East CORVETTE 1969. White G. M. permit racial or religious condition. $175. Phone 882-4041. blue, 4-speed. Radio, excellent Kalamazoo Street Since 1940 tchwBBowypu Executive. 300 hp. Automatic, discrimination In Its ad¬ 3.08 positraction. AM-FM radio. 3-10-1 condition. 355-1045. 3-9/29 Complete auto painting and vertising columns. The Luggage rack. Chrome Luvers. collision service. IV 5-0256. C State News will not accept $4,100. 355-0871. 2-9-30 PONTIAC GTO 1964 c •tible. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. 10 passenger advertising which discrim¬ STUDENTS. CAN • AUTOMOTIVE condition. 337 1026. 3-10-1 inates against religion, CORVETTE 1960. Both tops. All • EMPLOYMENT race, color or national or¬ extras. Very sharp. Phone • FOR RENT 393-6481, after 5. 3-10-1 VOLKSWAGEN 19 65 1 500-S. • FOR SALE igin. PONTIAC- 1969 Firebird. 2-door Radials, sunroof, gas heater, $995. Ask your fellow student, he has • LOST ft FOUND CORVETTE 1965 burgundy coupe hardtop, power steering, power 487-0850. 5-10-3 probably been here and is 300 hp, 4-speed positraction, brakes, 350, V-8, automatic, satisfied. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. • PERSONAL AM-FM. Excellent condition. radio, vinyl top, rally wheels, VOLKSWAGEN 1965-Bahama blue, 415 S. Cedar. 485-2047. 5-10-6 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 1.200 miles. 882-7777. $2500. Phone 485-9625 or sun-roof, extra tire rim. 882-0684 • REAL ESTATE Automotive 489-7089. X3-30 3-9/29 3-9/30 • SERVICE Aviation • TRANSPORTATION CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE DELTA 88 convertible 1969. PONTIAC LEMANS VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to • WANTED 1963. Stick. Owner. Excellent Beautiful green with white top. 1966-convertible, V-8. radio, condition. Beige. Call after 5, learn in the PIPER CHERAKEE'!! condition. 351-3300. 5-10-3 Lady driver. 7,800 miles, sacrifice. console shift, power steering. 351-2576. 5-10 3^ Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Phone 372-2658. 3-9/29 487-0433. 5-10/1 DEADLINE CHEVROLET 1961. Good running VOLKSWAGEN 1969-beige with transportation. Has looked better DODGE CORONET 500, 1965, gold, PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. Good brown interior, automatic stick, Scooters & Cycles 1 P.M. one class day be¬ $75. 882-2765 after 5 p.m. buckets,V-8, automatic. Excellent condition. $175.00. Phone radio, rear window defroster, disc fore BSA 650 Spit Fire Scrambler. publication. 39-30 shape. 882 1 888 2-9/29 882-4041. 3-9/29 brakes. 5,000 miles. 676-5317 Cancellations Semi-custom. Must sell. Moving. - 12 noon one 3-9/29 $475. Call 355-8047 after 6. 5 10/1 class day before publica¬ CHEVROLET 1966 DODGE- CORONET 440, 1966 1963 -wagon. V-8, PONTIAC Hardtop. 389, tion. automatic. Good family car Take Excellent condition. Low mileage. 4-speed. Blue metal flake. $400. WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in HONDA S-90 with Scrambler bars. over payments. Balance due: $1,200,484-1826. 3-9/29 355-8767. 3-9/29 the $1,000 bracket? We got em. CAMPUS AUTO Knobby rear tires and new $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, MART, 2515 PHONE IV 9-2379 C FIAT 1968 Spider convertible. Free PORSCHE 1963-Excellent condition East Michigan Avenue, across battery. Extra tires and 2 helmets included. 4,800 miles. $200 plugs, top cleaner. Call 393-1726. mechanically. Good body. Must from the Post Office. 484-2345. C 355-8255 CHEVROLET IMPALA 88-1963. 5-10-3 sell. $1900. 339-9236 3-9/29 353-7941 X10/2 RATES Automatic. 355 1120. 3-9/29 FIAT -1968 850 Spider convertible, RAMBLER 1964, 1968 HONDA, 450 Scrambler -- 6-cylinder, Excellent condition. $675. Call new tires, radio. Excellent. standard transmission. Mint I day S 1.50 355-5987. 5-10/1 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10/8 CHEVROLET 1961 4 door Good condition. Call 393-3060 . 5-10/1 15tf per word per day Auto Service & Parts transportation Make offer. Call 3 davs $4.00 355-5271. 3-9/30 FIREBIRD '67 OHC. 6, stereo, ovals, T ALWAYS WATeP MY PARENT& F N4WUS RAMBLER 1963-3 seat wagon, Had any LOVE 13 1/2# per woru per aay many extras. ED 7-7945 after mJUDY-UNTIL I (JOT MY D0RM ASSI6MMENT'.' radio, heater. Good condition. 1 ACCIDENT PROBLEM' Call 5 days S6.50 5:30 p.m. 3-9/29 KALAMAZOO SHOP. Small STREET dents BODY lately? 13< per word per day to large FIREBIRD 1967 -8 cylinder. 326 cu. wrecks. American and foreign STEREO 101 (based on 10 words per ad) Automatic power steering, air- RAMBLER 1963-3 seat wagon, cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 conditioning, mag wheels. AM-FM heater. Good condition. 1 owner. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C WXYZ FM There will be a 50# service CHEVROLET 1967 -Super Sport, and tape player. Original owner $250. 351-8385, after 5:30 p.m. and bookkeeping charge if 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, 23,800 miles. $1,750, best offer 3-9/29 this ad is not paid within or trade. 485-7972. 5-10/1 Automotive power steering and brakes. Take RED HARDTOP Automatic 1965. over payments. Balance due: DLDSMOBILE 1967 Cutlass Impala. Power $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, FORD FALCON 1 960. JAVELIN. 1968 6 cylinder, steering. $1,000. standard Good condition. $1650 Supreme. 4-door hardtop. 14,000 Call 355-7702. 2-9/29 The State News will be IV 9-2379. C Transportation. $90.00. Call miles Air conditioning, power 351 3599 After 5, 355-8171. Call 355-8009, after 1 1-9-29 responsible only for the CHEVROLET WAGON, 1964 5-10-1 RENAULT R-10, 1967. Radio, first day's incorrect inser¬ KARMANN G H I A 1 Excellent condition. 1 owner. 968, tion. 699 2726. 2-9/29 FORD 1958-Excellent mechanical tic-stick-shift. One owner.' brakes. 339-9367. 5-10/2 it condition. Peter Hens. condition, good transportation. 5 5063 3-9/29 CHEVROLET 1959 Good SIMCA 1964-Low mileage. Good $125 firm. 351-0631. 3-9/29 Automotive condition. S90 Call after 4:30 condition. For information, call OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1967-4-door, IV 2-8977 until 5, after 6, IV p.m. 3517117. 2-9/29 FORD - 1967, custom 500. Standard V-8, automatic, power steering 5 6988 3 9 30 and brakes. Excellent condition. CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968 must sell, best9 offer. $1,000 CMrtU (P,: Take over payments. Balance due: SUNBEAM convertible, power steering, 372-5934. 3-9/29 ALPINE--1967, AMX 1969, V-8, 4-speed. New. 950 $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV brakes, new wide oval polyglas convertible, good condition. miles. Full warranty 882-1888 MUSTANG 1967 289.3 9-3279 C $1,150 Call 332-0948. tires. 1 owner car. $2,275. FORD CORTINA GT 1966 on floor, 5-10/1 Bucket 882 1888 2-9/29 485-4752 5-10/1 seats, 25,000 miles. Excellent OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS '63. tires $1,550. 355-6021. 5-10/1 TRIUMPH T R —3 1961 Good condition $750. 332-4589. 3-10-1 Excellent condition. $575. AUSTIN HEALV 1967. All extras. CHEVY machine. II- 1967. 2-door. street 327, bored 060' over, MUSTANG 1966 289, V-8. 351-1243 after five. 4-10/1 condition. Convertible/hardtop. Must sell. 694-9252. 3-10-1 Sti lent > Aparfrmr nts "Must sell, best offer. ED 2-0060. - 3-9/29 bajanced, clearanced, chrome FORD 1969 -Fairlane, 2-door, 3-speed, console, radio, snows and wheels. OLDSMOBILE '68, Vista Cruiser. hardtop, power steering. Excellent One owner. Excellent TRIUMPH 1965, Spitfire. BUICK ELECTRA cc ;rtible, 1961 oil pan, 5 lb. aluminum Schafer condition. Make offer. 489-6281. condition. 699-2548, after 5 30 Extra clean Reasonable price. new tires. Tape player. Excellent Radio, Apartments for 2-3-4-5 persons Excellent conditu Phone 393-2913. 3-9/30 Best offer. flywheel, nicky and speed. 5.12 P-m. 3-9/29 condition. $800 339-8540 3-10-1 2-9 29 332-3866 after 6 p 5-10-/1 positraction gears, over S3.500 • invested. Best offfer, over $1,800. 1966--2-door OLDSMOBILE 1956-restored. TRIUMPH TR-3 '63. Excellent Swimming pool • Huge closets FORD hardtop, V-8, Mint condition. * BUICK CONVEflJIBLE 3«r«ou»-o*lls only 465-7379.3-9/24 automatic, power steering. Take North $500. G 50. HObfcard Hall." 353-5246 condition. Soon to be a classic. Carpeted • Air conditioning mileage, excellent condition Must sell. 353-2751. 2-9/29 ' Balance due: $950. Emily, 332-5031 5-10/1 COMET 1961 with 65 Falcon over payments. $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, MUST SELL 1963 Sunbeam Alpine 3-9/30 Draft clause * Big rooms engine. Engine excellent Excellent body and mechanical TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1964 Red. IV 9-2379. C CADILLAC 1963 - 4-door, hardtop condition 482-6711. 1-9-29 shape. New rubber and 35,000 OPEL KADETT Rallye 1967. Gold Slight body work. Call 351 2053 ► 9-month lease at no extra charge Full power, and air. Excellent actual miles. Call 351-3312 after with black strips. No rust, $395. 2-9/29 condition. Take over payments. CORVAIR MONZA -1964 Good FORD 1964 6. $600. 5 10-3 excellent condition. 25 40 per wagon. Automatic, Balance due: $987 Phone Credit condition. $350 610 Bartlett. power steering and brakes. Phone gallon, no oil, 33,000. $1645 Call Manager, IV 9-2379 C Lansing, IV 9-4930. 3-9/29 627- 7075. 3-9/29 Fred, 332 1437 3 10 1 OPEL 1968 Rallye Flame red. 102 LOVE is here Water's Edge Apts. hp. New dunlop radials Many extras 694 8387. 353-6675 Are you? 3-9-29 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1964 Low mileage. Excellent condition. STEREO 101 Bucket seats. Convertible. Make WXYZ FM offer. 372-4084. 3-10 1, 2, 3, or 4 man. We will find you a roommate. From $70 per person. y/. Immediate Occupancy 217 Ann St. - Next to Min-A-Mart- 351-8862 CALL 332-4432 esq fflfflara aaa or see res. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 0HH HHE@ Sag Manager-Apt. 103 River's Edge 28. Town near □SD ECHOED cuauBjiaq ACROSS Padua 29. Pitcher gHHH HI20KI0E3 1. Bridge bid 31. To no degree gagao HEd n HIS Nil ^ 5. Hail 33. Chop 8. "The Rail 34. Ice pinnacle IICJtJEDQSS BQCa Cedar Villa Splitter" 36. Estuary E!HM3 aEBSH 38. Matter-of-fact 11. Inlet 43. inhabiting an HEsasEHS nag 12. 13. Counter Purchase island @SH HEEU EBB 14. Venerable 45. Gusset nana BOS 15. Sandy 46. Eggs 17. Cruel 47. Scion DOWN 5. Desert 19. Cap 48. Ireland 1. Begone! 6. Ruffed lemur 20. Proved 49. Congeal 2. Sluggish 7. Construct 23. Yelp 50. Confirm 3. Avouch 8. Nullify 26. Kettle 51. In case 4. Decoration 9. Public coach 2 BEDROOM 6 17 10. Needle aperture i 16. 18. 21. Nostril Pinch Fr. season 2 MAN APARTMENT 22. Moisture in drops 23. Assent IIP P* 24. Windmill sail 25. A thorough reading 27. Anguish $ p 2oo°° /m°nth W- i- pi 46 m m 30. 32. 35. 37. 39. Rajah's wife Aunt: Sp. Ill humored Cherub Oklahoma Indian PHONE 332-5051 40. Ripped 41. Rainbow e information, call (name and phone). David H. Waldron is your NML agent on this campus. Call him at 351-0990 for more specifics. i 42. Coin 43. Egg drink 44. Twilight Scooters & Cycles Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment For Rent For Rent GIRL STUDEXTS (only) needed t STOCK boy: Morning YAMAHA DT 1B 1969 - Enduro. BABYSITTER NEEDED for one EXPERIENCED COOKS wanted, GROCERY TRANSMITTER ENGINEER: 1st TV RENTALS-Students only. BEAL STREET: Large 2 bedroom j Good shape. Call 355-6100. child, 1 year. East Lansing, close hours to be discussed. Inquire at Fred Harvey, Inc., Capitol City sell Clas. telephone. 8 //y^ds over hours th p« preferred. Call in person. PRINCE BROS. 555 E. Grand River, East class FCC lie rise required, full or Low 484-2600 monthly and term rates. Call to reserve yours. 2-9-30 to campus. Own transportation. part tim employment. Call 332-0188. 5-10/1 Airport, Lansing. 485-1764. Ask week. Call 355-0^0 3-5 p.n Lansing. 5-10/1 482-1333. UNIVERSITY TV. C 13-10/10 '1969 Ducati. 350. High pipe. for Mr. Jensen. 3-9/30 MECHANICALLY MINDED men<3), RENT A TV from Knobby tires, big sprocket. Phone STUDENT COUPLE to live in and DAYTIME WAITRESSES: Needed MOTHER'S HELPER: Weekday Now Leasing for machine helper on AMF 355-9971.3-10-1 DIETICIAN ADA registered or babysit, 2 weeks during winter through lunch hours. Apply in afternoons and early evening. Company-$9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. NEJAC TV RENTALS pin-spotters and general registry-eligible. Opportunity to person at Grandmothers. 3-10-1 Homelike atmosphere. 332-6714. • maintenance. Flexible hours, term. Occasional weekend. 2 Left - Reduced Rates HONDA 175 Scrambler. 1969, blue. participate in progressive 332-3468. 3-10-1 Mint condition. 2400 miles. 15-30 a week. Marvelanes, 2120 patient-education program in all DENTAL ASSISTANT for East M-78. Mr. Bertrand. forms of short Fifteen NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented 355-5416. X9-29 term care. orthodonic office. Experience BABYSITTER WANTED Wednesday LINE UP your fall job now. Earn to 337-1383. 3-9/29 mins. from campus. Paid 1-6 p.m. fall term, my home. preferred. Must be able to type. learn in your spare time. Car only to MSU students and faculty. THE CHALET 1968. Blue-Cross Blue Shield life $8.84 month [including tax). SUZUKI 500. Low mileage. 351-4598. 1-9-29 Call 482-9695 days, 484-0702 HAVE FUN TEACHING necessary. Subsidiary of Alcoa. STATE MANAGEMENT Take over payments. 641-6949. evenings. 3-10-1 Equal Opportunity Employer. Call 3-10-1 SKIING WINTER TERM. jn. Apply CORPORATION, 444 Michigan 1200 E. G-and River Ave. STUDENTS NEED extra 351-7319 for Ave. 332-8687 Go To Summer. Personnel Dept. St. Lawrence LANDSCAPING, FULL or part time C income? 15-20 flexible hours TRIUMPH 1969-Trophy 500, Hospital. X3-9/3Q SUGAR LOAF help. Male. Own transportation. , weekly. Phone Fuller Brush TRUCK DRIVERS, 2-3 nights Scrambler. Perfect condition. ED 2-6311. 3-9/29 a TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" 332-6197 $925. Call 372-7061. 3-9/30 COOK FOR fraternity house. Will 485-6634, between 2-8 p.m. week, 8 hours per night-good pay. is accepting applications for ski — portable--$8.50 per month 1-9-29 Apply 427 Albert St., 3-5 p.m. instructors. Male or female. discuss wage and compensation. EDUCATION OR Psychology major including stand. Call J.R. HONDA 305 Scrambler. Excellent Call 351-3318. 3-10-1 CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. Room & board. Need not be EXPERIENCED BARTENDERS part wanted-Male . lie, to work FACULTY APARTMENT.' condition. Five hundred dollars or certified. Contact Bob 217 Ann Street, East Lansing. C best offer. 355-9757. 3-9/30 HOUSEKEEPER/BABYSITTER 2 time, Tuesday and Thursday as assi-.^ \V» *^ner, in nursery GIRL: TO care for Pre-schooler in Unfurnished. No pets. EAST Knight, Traverse City. (616) ' nights, 6 - 2:30. Tuesday and school, o mornings a week. Phone Professor's LANSING MANAGEMENT. school age children. % days. house. Light 947-9894. PARKING: EXCELLENT location, Phone 332-2627. C HONDA 350 Scrambler, 1968. 4300 351 3445. 2-9-30 Thursday afternoons, 11-2. Call 332-4796. 3-9/29 housevwrk. Live in or out. behind Campus Theater. Within miles. Excellent condition. Phone Monty's Bar Mrs. Lange, ED 484-6703. 4-9/30 351 3280. 3-10 1 NURSE Receptionist. East Lansing 2-4781. 5-10-3 WHITE HILLS Marathon needs easy walking distance of most MALE: EAST side, furnished. 2 Doctor's office. Must type. INTERESTED IN Computer service station attendants. Full points on campus. Lot well room Studio and 2 bedroom with training? Interviews in room 512, NURSES -R.N., LPN, Roselawn 1968 HONDA 450* Scrambler. Experience desired but not RECEPTIONIST. ATTRACTIVE and and part time. Inquire Lake maintained. $25 per term. Hurry! shower. Private. Ample parking. Computer Center. (Phone Manor Nursing Home. 7 a.m.-3 Excellent necessary. Salary open. For very personable. Enjoy working Lansing Road at Abbott. 9-5 P.M. Call 351-3635, after 6:30 p.m. 1214 East Kalamazoo. 3-9/29 condition. $675. Call 3-2040). Must have Work-Study. p.m., 11-7 full or part time. Ideal interview-appointment call /ith college seniors. Some college 3-9/29 5-10/1 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10 8 2-9-29 working conditions. Excellent 351-5000. 3-9/30 711 East Apartments edu Full FULL-time employment and salary. 707 Armstrong Road. Call GARAGE STALL for rent. Excellent 71 1 Burcham Employment ABYSITTE R , MATURE BAR BOY-Bus Boy from 11:30 a.m. college terms. Contact Mrs. Egger in Placement part-time throughout the school Mrs. Jolly, Director of Nursing. location. Near Bogue Street. New deluxe 1-bedroom to 2:30 p.m. Apply in person at Bureau, Student 393-5680. 5-10/1 332-1918. 1-9/29 WANTED: PART and full time dependable for 2 boys. Lunches year. $2.50 $3.00 per hour. Male furnished 2 or 3-bedroon Grandmothers. 3-10^1 Services Building. Interviews waitresses. No experience and after school. Glen Cairn applicants only. Apply to apartments.Available now Monday, Tuesday 9 to 5., for A. I $5 week. WILL RENT school East Lansing. Own Personnel, STARR by woman's English for 9-month necessary. HORNE'S area. NIGHT COOK. Experience C. Nielson Co. Chicago, III. 2-9-30 or 1-year leases. preferred. COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, 3-9/29 bicycle. $8/term. Basket. RESTAURANT. 393-0400, ask transportation. Call 351-0545 489-9651 351-3525 Apply in person at Grandmothers. A I b i M i 332-8498. 1-9/29 for Don Heaman. 5-10/1 after 6 p.m. 3-9/29 COOK NEEDED for fraternity. Top R .N 3-10-1 (517-629-3988). ,'s, L.P.N ,'s with medications 10-10/8 ONE ROOMMATE needed for pay. Excellent hours. Call course. Part time. 7-3:30 332 3581. 5-10-3 4-man. 126 Orchard, after 5. HOUSEWIVES: OVER 100 positions 3:00-11:30. 1 1-7:30. Call 2 9/30 available between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332-0817 NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom STUDENT WIFE to work 3 mornings 10-10/8 Apply at SCHENSULS trailer. $50 Must have WANTED. One man for 3 man a week in East Lansing home. CAFETERIA in Meridian Mall UDENT MOTM-R duplex. $58., monthly. 351-6939. Must have own transportation. needs transportation. Call Trinka, from 1-5 No Saturday, $2.00 hour. Call 332-0204. 5-10-3 Sunday, p.m. or Holidays. And lousekeerpi^^EW •art time * — Full or children. 355-8252. S-9/30 3-10/1 Summers off. 10-10/8 NEEDED 2 seniors WANTED: BUS boys. Breakfast and or graduates for 4 CAPITOL VILLA man apartment. $60. furnished noon meals. Contact, Miss n Cdrs r the Fre and utilities. Call after 3 Krueger. 355^510. 3-10-1 E«' "Vry*' GROCERY CASHIER, woman, full APARTMENTS p.m. .\ \ 0 per hour time. Call in person, Prince 351-8929. 3-10/1 Call 332-1154, PART TIME Employment for MSU Brother's Market. 555 East Grand 5-10/1 Married, post-grads,and sen¬ GIRL NEEDED for new Cedar students during fall term with River, East Lansing. 5-10/1 iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ Village Apartment. Desperate! WAITRESSES AND waiters. Lunch ments. From $!50-$l65.Near Call 351-2043. 2-9/30 wholesaler. WHATEVER YOUR skills, male or Outstanding hours, split and full-time. No Excellent experienae. female, we have temporary Campus. For Information call • Sundays or holidays. Some lile required. For further employment for you at KELLY experience necessary. Must be SERVICES. ' Demonstrators, 332-5330. ALBERT neat and dependable. 489-1196, clerks, typists, stenos, and for appointment. JIM'S MALE STUDENT for 3 man. No RESTAURANT, downtown experienced keypunch operators. deposit necessary. 731 Burcham. APARTMENTS Also general laborers. Call Call 351-2463 after 5. 1-9/29 Lansing. 5-10/1 482 1277. 10-10/7 551 Albert Street 2 MAILING ROOM work--Temporary MARRIED COUPLES. $160. Month. apartments still available for DRIVERS OVER 21. Full or Part full or part time, 20 hours. Apply Completely furnished. Walk to immediate occupancy. time. Also dispatcher. Apply in person, 3308 South Cedar Suite VARSITY CAB COMPANY. Side campus. Halstead Management. 11, Lansing. If hired you will 351-7910. 5-10/1 O b 1 door. 122 Woodmire. 3-9/29 n t c fr begin immediately. 3-9/29 ONE campus-deluxe 2 bedroom MAN for 2 man $82.50, WANTED: HOUSEBOY apartments. Newly carpeted GIRL- HOUSEWORK and motel or man, utilities included. Phone 351-0255. flexible hours, benefits. Call Steve and. furnished. Air maid service. Hours 8-12 a.m. Call 2-9/30 332-0881. Leave telephone 351-4168. 2-9/29 conditioned, balconies, reserved parking. number and best time for employment manager to call. 5-10/1 DENTAL HYGIENIST to work in WHERE IS LOVE? East Lansing. ED 7-0351 or ED See model apartment, MALE or female cashier help. 2-5737. 3-9/30 or phone: Monday through Friday, 10-2 or STEREO 101 332-0255 DENTAL ASSISTANT for East 11-2. Burger Chef Drive-In, Frandor. 489-1346 . 5-10/1 Lansing officel Write P.O. Box WXYZ FM 351- 2-9/29 If ilisnt 01731... II isn't. Mi Model Now Open 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. mat's why there were 141 more girls there this summer. Tues.- Wed.-Fri.- Sat.-Sun Seven Thirty One has everything. Available for fall leasing Closed Thursday Study or socialize...privately. Phone 332-6441 Enjoy sound conditioning. Twyckingham Apartments aro now leasing student units for the fall of Air conditioning. 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and Out of sight furnishings...psychedelic interiors. furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has Wall to wall carpeting...SHAG. a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute Dishwasher and two door refrigerator. drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been The Pit...billiards, cards, color television and parties. adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and Swimming pool. private balconies. If you want to be amongthe first residents of Twycklng- Basketball. Barbecues. Balconies. ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. Complete Social Schedule...TGs regularly. Billiard tournament. Planned ski week-end. Co-ed basketball and touch Two and Four Man Leases. football. Water basketball. Fashion shows and cosmetics clinics. MODELS OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY, NOON - 9:00 p.m. PLAN TO SEE THEM NOW. THEY'RE OPEN TODAY. At 731 BURCHAM DR. EAST OF ABBOTT RD. ?? ^ 4A90 4620 Unn<-,J GOT S. Hagador FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES TWyCKINGHAM APTS. Management Exclusively By: / B*IATCUFf= Pff. ALCO Three Month Leases Now Available! Management Company +rr»Qfii ZQ. Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29, 1969 J7 Wanted For Rent FRANKLY SPEAKING by PhilFmnk For Sale For Sale Personel Service BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and KITTENS, GOLD 8 weeks old. Free RECREATION -LEISURE HORSES BOARDED - Individual 1 GIRL to share 2 girl, 2 bedroom for all positive. A negative, B engagement ring sets. Save 50 per to good home. 332-6324. 1-9/29 EDUCATION. Is it your bag. Call box stalls and paddocks with apartment. Bogue Street $90. Judy 353-2462. 3-9/29 negative and AB negative, $10.00. cent or more. Large selection of pasture. Indoor arena. 10 miles O Furnished. Mary. 351-3826.3-9-29 negative, $12. MICHIGAN plain and fancy diamonds. $25.00 ONE year male Alaskan from campus. $55/ month. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX Malmute. Good with children. NOW OPENED-LANSING SOUND CAREER WOMAN to share 655-2885. 5.10/1 507% East Grand River, East furnished SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 351-0098,351-9228.5-10-3 STUDIOS. Professional 4-trade apartment. Okemos. Lansing. Above the new Campus Michigan. 485-4391. C recording. Commercial, pop, References required. 355-2263. MOTHER WITH children in school, Book Store, hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 industrial. 4806 S. Logan. 3-9/30 Mobil* Homes would like full time babysitting in p.m. Monday Wednesday and WOLLENSAK 4 track stereo. $225. 393-3600.5 10/3 , my home. Prefer small infant. Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 ONE GIRL needed. Luxury Several prerecorded tapes, 10x46 FOOT, 2 bedroom on lot in BLUES LEAD Guitarist. Join/start 1 407 H Spartan Village. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C apartment. $57.50. Soon as included. 484-1263. 5-10/3 King Arthur's Court. Excellent 355-0807. 2-9/30 band. Have played professionaly. possible. 351-3656. 3-9/30 condition. First $2300. Cash takes 2 TICKETS to MSU-UM game. 4 ROBERTS STEREO taperecorder. 332-0751, after 6. 4-10/1 it. 489-3433, 372-1077. 5-10/3 MSU-OSU tickets. Willing to trade MALE STUDENT for 3 man. No Ideal for component. Only $120. either group for MSU-Notre Dame deposit necessary. 731 Burcham. Call 485 2716 ^ 3 9/30 CEDAR RIVER MOBILE HOME Real Estate PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: game. Call Steve, Madison Heights, a unique , Call 351-2463 after 5. 1-9/29 PARK AND SALES. Homes from 313-585-1105. KLH SYSTEM. Model 15. Less than OKEMOS 3 Bedroom contemporary quality thesis service. IBM typing, $4,495 up. Rent $45. One quarter 3-9/29 1V4 baths. 2 multilith printing and hard UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. year old. $225. Rick McFarland fireplaces, family mile north 1-96 at Fowlerville exit. binding. 337-1527. C Couples only. $125, Near Campus. 353-8320. 29/30 room, trees. $29,900. 351 7490. SAY IT IN FRONT OF 50,000 1-223-8500. 5-10-1 332-4686 after 5. 3-10/1 5-10/1 PEOPLE! Talk anbout business ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 100 USED vacuum cleaners. services with a Student Service KROPF, 1967. 60'x12' on the lot, offset printing. Complete service 1 MAN needed for Meadowbrook Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 539 PARK LANE - Beautiful Directory ad. Cass Judi, 355-8255 Trace. $93. month. Call 393-0447 completely furnished. For 3-bedroom colonial, with large year guarantee. $7.88 and up. today for details. after 6. 1-9/29 DENNIS DISTRIBUTING appointment call 484-5840. 5-10/2 attic. Zoned student rental. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Potential 20 years experience. 332-8384. C COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. $350/month MEDICAL STUDENT needs GRADUATE STUDENT: 3 rooms, Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C Lost & Found Remodeled. Carpets, drapes, 211% MAC. 351-7018 from 10 5-10/1 dishwasher, etc. $26,500. Typewriter temporary lease. living quarters. Prefer single room. No Call a.m.-5 p.m. 5-10/3 FOUND: BLACK male cat, with ED 2-6680. 5-10/i (E lectrlcs) 351-2095. 3 10/1 white points. WOODMERE APARTMENTS. Just GREEN SECTIONAL couch $20. P-m. 332-5459, after 5 EAST LANSING all brick Repair 5 10/3 Blue/green large wing chair. $65. 3-9/30 Foreign & Domestic completed. Deluxe 2, 3, and 4 355-6131. 3-10/1 3-bedrooms, family room. Louis E. IT MAY NOT BE LOST FOREVER! man. One block from campus. Call Finished recreation room. May,Sr. ED 2 -0877 LOST: ACCUTRON watch, Campus Book Store- Advertise for lost items witll a 351-9036. 5-10/2 8 TRACK Stereo-Cartridges custom Convenient to shopping, schools Across from Union Thursday on MAC Reward Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255 now. make; $5. single, $9. double. Call 351-2329. 3-10/1 and MSU. Built 1959. Low down TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general 'GIRL NEEDED for 4-man. One Rich 353-8334. 3-10/1 payment. Call owner at 332-6642 WILL TRADE 4 ND tickets for 4 typing. Dictaphone or tape you weee/me:RVINS • block from campus. 351-1082. 3-9/29 when wo mo DAVENPORT TRADITIONAL LOST: Fraternity ALPHA Tau Omega Pin, In the vicinity or 482-4678. 5-10-1 transcription. 393-3663. 20-10/24 OSU 3-10/1 tickets. Call 353-7423. rose/beige. Good condition Grand River. Reward. 337-1327 Service 1-2 Men Needed; Delux apartment. $ 72.50 monthly. 203B ajteeix .eof&i _ 351-8990. 3-10/1 Pat Stephanian. 2-9/30 ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking TYPING: EXPERIENCED work MEN. Leslie. 3 $67, bedroom month. house. 316 485-8363. Americana. Phone 351 2366. done, on IBM Electric. BEDS COMPLETE $20. MANILLA FOLDER w/important by experienced seamstress 5 10/3 3-9/30 Reasonable. Phone 485-5575. Refrigerators $30.-$100. Ranges Reasonable charge. Call 355-5855 papers. Urgently needed. Believe 5-10/1 $25. $60. Occasional chairs left in 0-9/2£ NEED One non-stude GIRL NEEDED for new Cedar library, Thursday. $4.-$12. Chest $12-$25. Lamps 355-1075. 1-9/29 COMPLETE THESIS Service. Michigan-MSU gam Village Apartment. Immediately. For Rent $1.-$3., large bookcase $12. TEL-ALARM Discount printing, typing and 3-10/1 Call 351-1372. 2-9/29 Closets $8$ 12. Much, much Do you need a wake-up binding of theses, term papers, 413 WEST Hillsdale. 2 men needed DRAPES- [SPARTAN Village 1 more. Stop out soon. Bob & Dave. service? Let us wake you by resumes and publications. Lowest for 4 bedroom. $35 monthly. bedroom]. Couch slipcover, bath 4216 S. Cedar. 393-6025. 1-9/29 ORGAN AND Piano player, looking phone. For details call prices available. Located across 2-9/29 carpeting. Used Cornet. Cheap. 339-9278. 24 hour a day from campus on corner of M.A.C. for Rock group, or will sell Farf isa 355-0896 after noon. 5-10/1 2 EACH service. Also remembrance and Grand River, below the Style 4 BEDROOM house, near campus, ► Combo-compact. Real good and appointment service. Shop. Call COPYGRAPH completely furnished, plenty of condition. 351 -1996. 3-10/1 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. SERVICES, 337-1666. C WANTED: One man for four man parking. IV 9-7226, after LICENSED CHILD care, in Spartan apartment. 242 Cedar. Apartment 6|>.m^ 3 1968 edition. Complete set with $400. Call 676-2758 after 7 JABERWOCKY. THE Blues Rock Village Home. Monday thru BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. RENOWNED Li case. philosopher and all-i 1.351-2295. 2-9O? Band. Booking fall. After 5 p.m. Friday. Phone 355-9910. 5-10-1 No job too large or too small. GIRLS TO share 3 bedroom house 337-0308. 5-10/3 fellow, desperately LARGE UPSTAIRS, 1-bedroom, and Block off campus. 332-3255. C expenses. Call 485-8363 or $135. 2-bedrooms, ground level, lai 355-8252 Afternoons 5-10/2 484-2132. 5-10/2 utilities included, parking, TUTORED TOTS PRE-SCHOOL BABYSITTING In my Spartan Transportation furnished, 325 North Pennsylvania SAIL BOAT, British Zenith class. PSYCHEDELIC LIGHTING Avenue. 351-3969. O LUXURY DUPLEX: Completely Village home. Full time only. $30 2 cubic foot rivate nursery program using new WANTED: RIDE to Downtown f furnished for 4. 487-3387. 595 14%', fun, fast , easy to handle. 353-6839. X2-9/29 MANUAL ! Make your own hair $5. Excellent shape. New spinnaker, developments in education and Lansing after my 8:00. 372-9485 light machines, strobes, color FURNISHED Apartment for 3 girls Spartan Ave. O 2-9/29 psychology to guide learning after 4:30 p.m. 5-10/2 good racing record. Call evenings, BABYSITTING IN my home. organs, slide effects, etc. Send 21 or over. 5 blocks from campus, experience for' 2% to 5 year olds. or weekends. 339-8028. 3-9/29 Spartan Village. Fall term only. $3.00 to Lightrays Company, sufficient parking, $65 each girl Now accepting enrollment for fall COMMUTOR FROM Battle Creek to AMPEX STEREO tape deck $100. 3550895. X4-9/30 713Y Pine plus security deposit. 694-8266 Street, Heathkit oscilloscope, capacitor Phone 332-4796. 3-9/30 Animals Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 5-10/2 GIRLS: SINGLE room, near campus. checker, signal generator, tube Cooking. $8 per week. 351-9504. checker, $45 GP-7 100 watt DOBERMAN PINSCHER - pups, EAST LANSING-Lansing. Lik 3-9/29 transmitter $25. Components. $150. AKC registered. 5 waaks, own fine home. New 351-4315. 2-9/29 males and females. 351-8266.3-9-2! GlRL-OKEMOS area. Cooking Carpeted. Fine Quality furniture. facilities. Part time office work COMPLETE DARKROOM with can pay for room. 351-6729.4-9-30 Colored appliances. 35mm enlarger, $29. 1518 DOBERMAN PINSCHE R-pups, Air-conditioning. Security locks. Parkvale, East Lansing. 351-4315.1 $150. AKC registered. 5 weeks, Parking. Beautifully maintained. SINGLE SUNNY ROOM: Light cooking, girl 2-9/29 males and females. 351-8266. Select clientele Lease. Call student. Reasonable. 586 Gunson. 3-10/1 3-9/29 332-3135 or 882 6549 O BEDROOM SUITE 5 piece, blond, excellent condition. Price, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE -North. $100.00.694-0357 3-9-29 DALMATIONS PUPPIES and grown Large furnished studio Utilities dogs. COACH ACRES. 1113 paid. Private entrance. $100 TihardRoad, Okemos. 339-8930, WOMAN: FREE room and board in . month, plus deposit. 627-5454. exchange for staying with polio 3-9/29 oatient ineventngs337-9318 or ! TRACK Recorder-Player for the 332-0403. 3-9/29 APARTMENTS THAT need home. Makes tapes for your car, COMFORTABLE ROOM. Quiet. For too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up EMPLOYMENT of room-mate, can find help at male graduate. Parking. IV at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 ROOMATE SERVICE 541 E. 2-8304. Good Location. 3-9-29 South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C Grand River. 351 -3558 6-10/3 UNFINISHED FURNITURE: Bar stools, night stands, SECRETARY-Executive Houses blocks ED ■ Lin chest-of-drawers, bookcases, calibre skills needed in VIP prefinished picture frames and position. Public contact. FURNISHED: ABOVE more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 Professional staff awaits. $ South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C open. Call 485-5481 Bellinger Accomodates Personnel Service. clean. Deposit r WIRE FRAMES? Many styles. White after 5 p.m. DOUBLE, CLEAN, quiet, parking. RECEPTIONIST-Divided or yellow gold at OPTICAL Reasonable. Private entrance. 237 duties and merit increases DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Kedzie. 351-9584 5-10/2 describes this Avenue. 372-7209. C-10/3 permanent Need 2, 3 men for house, Haslett, position. Accurate typist with $50. month. Call Dan 339-9326, FEMALE: ONE block from busline. STEREO COMPONENTS. Name good phone voice. $350+. 353-8914, 1-9/29 Near Sparrow and MSU. Call 485-5481 brands at discount prices. Call Bellinger 485-4690 3-9/30 Personnel Service. FOSTER STREET, 2 bedroom 337-0880 10-10/9 duplex. Appliances, carpeting, If You ONE SINGLE Thought Campus room basement. $145. plus utilities. STEREO EQUIPMENT 2 rooms for 482-8564. 2-9/29 Deposit required. 627-2393. 1-9/29 BELLINGER For Sale 4TH GIRL needed for 4-bedroom PIANO: STORY & Clark. Mahogany Was Great Before... house $60/month, utilities paid upright. Fits in married housing. 568 CorneM Denise, 355-8252. $150. 489-8002 after 6. 3-10/1 S 10/1 STUDENT taI -furnished 3 ELECTRIC Bass guiti Call ED 20590 shape Best of 1 A new position after 6:00. 3-9/30 694-8251 for LOVE... ONE MALE roommate. Veteran graduate preferred. 393-2695 after 5. 3-9/30 or WOLLENSAK STEREO tape-recorder. Cost-$220. Will sell for $139 337-0727,351-8415. 5-10/1 STEREO 101 WXYZ FM 485-5481 Take A Look At Our NEW Models OKEMOS SCHOOL. Farm house. -F eatures- Semi furnished 2 bedroom. 10 minutes from campus. Family • twin dressing rooms (for that 8:00 A. M. rush) preferred $100. 332-0509 9/29 Complete ho Completely furnished. All PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD • groovy furnishings paid. Call NEJAC 337-1300. C Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. ONE MAN nesrioH - " bedroom STATE NEWS will bill you later. • swinging party room house. V RENT ED 172^3140 FURNISHED house Across from • individual closets (even an extra one) m Am. campus. Reasonable rates. Phone 332-2462 X3-9/29 IE A R F RAN DOR-2 bedroom, 0 central air conditioning modern, furnished, newly painted, Consecutive Dates to Run . parking. 3 students $150. plus Heading • from $58.75 month/person NEAT GIRL needed Share house Own bedroom. Close to campus. Follow the boulevard to our new $50. and utilities. 351-1362 3-9/30 Model #201G LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom Model open 2-6 p.m. daily house. 2 to 4 students. IV> miles from campus. $170 to $190 Peanuts Personals must be placed in per month, plus utilities. Lease. Deposit. 351 5696. 5-10-1 3 5 10 Words or Less: 1 day - $1.50 days - $4.00 days - $6.50 15£ per word 40if per word 65£ per word Who is Brother Over 10 Words Add: John? Mail to: Michigan State News 217 Ann St. STEREO 101 347 Student Services Bldg. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 WXYZ FM MSU East Lansing, Mich. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 29. 1969; Dubcek ousted it's 11 b what'swnni aA i (continued from page one) Rendek, new replacing Jiri Jan Kraus and finance Josef Inffi Committee for. Technical and Pyol; industry, Joseph Krejci. Gajdosik were ousted and their former; agriculture and food successors will Investment Development; and Karol Laco, retained from theold stuffs, Koloman Boda, former; government. transport, Jarolsav Knikca, new, The office of press and Duplication of deputy replacing Frantisek Rehak; post information headed by Jaroslav and telecommunication, Karel Havel ka was abolished. Its premierships with other posts was an innovation apparently Hoffman, new replacing Milan functions of controlling the intended to strengthen control Smolka; and ministers without press and radio are reported Petitioning for vacant seats on the Student Traffic Appeal over critical economic activities portfolio, Hobuslav Kucera and being taken over directly by the Court will begin today. Jan party and state governments. Petitions are available at the ASMSU and overcome lack of Pauly, both unchanged. office, Student Services Bldg. The new Cabinet also includes Hoffman, the coordination between the Slovak new postal and Dr. Ralph Nicholson of the Anthropology Dept, who has just and Czech state governments Lt. Gen. Vaclav Dvorcak, communications minister, was returned from a year of research in West Bengal, India, will hold a created only last January. undersecretary of defense: culture minister under Stalinist discussion seminar sponsored by the Asian Studies Center at 7:30 The other Cabinet ministers Majer, undersecretary of the President Antonin Novotny. Cart-In are: national defense, Col. Gen. interior; and Mrs. Vlasta tonight in 106 Center for International Programs. He will also show slides taken during his studies. All interested persons are Martin Dzur, a former member; Brablcova, undersecretary for The Central Committee invited to attend. Supporters of the grape boycott held a cart-In at an area supermarket Saturday. interior, Jan Pelnar, former labor and social welfare, all statement on the invasion The Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) will hold its Demonstrators walked around the store with only one item and a grape organizational finance; Rudolf Rohicek, new unchanged. repudiated the Aug. 21, 1968, meeting at 7:30 tonight in 34 Union. Mike Smith, G. I. Defense boycott card in their shopping carts. Other customers were forced to wait replacing Bohumil Scuharada: Andrej Barcak is the new party declaration condemning Attorney and YSA member, will speak on "The Fight for until store employes could locate free carts. labor and welfare, Mihal Stancel, undersecretary of foreign trade the invasion "because it (the Socialism in the United States." State News Photo by Jerry McAllister replacing Ludvik Ubl. declaration) is non-class, former; federal prices committee The Student Education Assn. will hold a general organizational minister Undersecretaries of foreign non-Marxist and fundamentally - chairman; Ignac meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Erickson Hall fifth floor faculty affairs Vaclac Pleskot, planning incorrect." Black group backs Adams "The entry of allied troops lounge. Discussion will center around the College of Education as it under the situation which arose pertains to secondary, special and elementary education majors. (continued from page one) Upon the request of the board The Folklore Society will meet at 7:30 in the summer of 1968 was tonight in the lower our urban students come from the areas," Green said. of trustees the All-University Search and Selection Committee trustees committee a presented list of four the men Coalition rule motivated defense by the interests of the of socialism in lounge of the Student Services Bldg. All interested persons are invited to attend. Officers will be nominated next week. who might be added to the The Free University will hold an open "Adams is the individual who (AUSSC) is now considering new original list of candidates. (continued from page one) The only reported election day Czechoslovakia against 7 tonight in 326 Student Services organizational meetinjat continue names to add to the list of disturbance was in Hannover, Bldg. All interested in will to provide The four were Adams, former right-wing, anti-socialist and persons candidates. Kiesinger was elected in his where four young men were working for 'Free University' are invited to attend. leadership in this area. He has Gov. G. Mennen Williams, district counter-revolutionary forces, by shown a concern and empathy The original list of top by an overwhelming arrested during a The MSU Judo Club will meet at 7 tonight in the Men's I.M. demonstration common interests in the security candidates included Clifton R. University Secretary Jack Breslin majority. One of his opponents in the downtown Bldg. All interested persons are invited to attend. highly related to those who have and Oakland University was Beate Klarsfeld, the area. About 50 of the socialist camp, by the The Little Sisters of Evans Scholars will hold an been put in such a plight. Wharton, economist and vice demonstrators, carrying placards class interests of the workers and Open Rush at 8 Chancellor Durwood Varner. 30-year-old leftist who got a p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at 243 Louis Street. "The University cannot president for agricultural reading "Parliamentarians communist Student petitioning for Adams four-month suspended jail - movement," the The MSU Boxing Club will hold an express the needs and wishes of development at Counseling Inc.; Traitors," said they wanted to committee said. organizational meeting Stephen Kemp Bailey, professor will continue at University sentence for slapping him in tonight at 6 on the fourth floor of Jenison Fieldhouse. the elites.'' Green, the asst. storm a polling station. The party thus accepted the of political science at Syracuse residence halls and classroom public a year ago. The Spartan Guard All-University Drill Team will hold provost, said. She ran on the ticket of the Officials said it Brezhnev Doctrine that an open buildings through Oct. 7. appeared smoker at The black faculty said that the University; Edmund D. Students interested in collecting Leftist Action for Democratic voters turned out in record sovereignty of Communist lhe 7:30 tonight in 11 Demonstration Hall P respect that students, faculty Pellgrino, vice president of Early Movement for health sciences the signatures may contact ^Tom Progress, which the projections numbers and would top the 86.8 countries is limited by the Kennedy (EMK) will hold and administrators have shown at State for Adams cannot be University of New York at Samet at 355-8266. show running at less than 1 per cent of the vote. per cent participation in the last election 1965. over-all bloc. interests of the entire rC.omatnlat 9 P m' ~ overlooked. Stony Brook; and William Despite Adams' stand that he Bevan, vice president at Johns does not want the presidency, Hopkins University. the black faculty feels that he could be presuaJed to take the Bevan has since withdrawn his RUSH TRIANGLE SPARTAN SPORTLITE name from consideration. job, Vance said. At a Sept. 18 meeting between "Otherwise we wouldn't have the AUSSC and the trustees, the with TERRY BRAVE BRAVERMAN snd JIM ADAMS made this statement," he said. c Student defens TW MSU-SMU Run-down highlights on Notre Ujuk,- Dame tests aspiring Lineman Criag Wyeinsky 242 N. HARRISON Aspiring student lawyers may test their judicial acumen as members of the Student Defenders Assn., organized under the CALL 332-3563 for Ride. Legal Aids Division of Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU). Also, anyone interested in sharpening his legal defense skills may take Education 415. student leadership training, the section for student defenders, taught by Louis Hekhuis, director for student activities. Hekhuis is also an asst. professor of education. A series of speakers will make presentations to the class, and discussion will follow each presentation. The class will meet every LARGEST SELECTION OF ROOTS Wednesday at 7 p.m. in 335 Student Services Bldg. Petitioning will begin Monday for positions in the Student IN MICHIGAN Mm Defenders Assn., and for legal aids secretary. The idea of student defenders was adopted last year to provide II competent people to defend students in University judicial Petit s may be picked up in 335 Student Services I Register for NOW AT HEAR THE THIS STORE FROM THE WITH THE TOP-HINGE RED DOOR 11 1 FREE BOOTS As seen in Yesterday's New York Times Magazine Section We have our something fresh at Whiff & Puff Bar- / N ^ MEN AND WOMEN'S (No purchase necessary) LOOKING FOR A SOLID FRATERNITY? The ultimate in Smoking Satisfaction... ^ minute heel serviee CONSIDER FARMHOUSE Hand-Mad* Cigars by MSU SHOE REPAIR MACANUDO hand-made cigar 225 E. Grand River THE OUTSTANDING NATIONAL FRATERNITY tradition. P,-iced . SCHOURSHIP? The Best scholarship record of any fraternity at M.S.U.— a 3.11 last Spring, the enviable distinction of being first scholastic al¬ ly for the last twelve terms. Majors in every college except Home Econonrvcs. SOCIAL LIFE? Come on over and let little sisters our explain our well rounded social program ATHLETICS? FarmHouss consistently among the top ten Greok houses in I.M sports. PLEDGING? M.S.U.'s most progressive fraternity—no hazing, no blackball. From the start, we treat a pledge as a brother. We realize that you here to are get an education, and heavy pledge duties are not a part of our pledge program. FarmHcuse invites all underclassmen to stop by our Home at 151 Bogoe on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 7 to 10 P.M. even if you're only curious abouf what a good frate-nity is like. Call 332-8635 for rides.