He that. Tuesday . . Sunny. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . falls in love with himself will and cloudy with a high of have no rivals. Ben Franklin STATE 70 degrees. Cooler tonight and tomorrow. UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 51 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30 1969 DOCTORS ORDERS Colds end ro pair net $1roMD f4, Two MSU juniors ended their rocking pledges to help, but added that after they chair marathon for muscular distrophy dropped out of the rocking contest, they Monday after a visit to Olin Health Center refused to participate. where doctors said their health would be endangered if they continued. Golda Meir, Phil Grant, Eau Clair, and Harold Prentice, Flint, ended 120 hours of rocking and fasting at about 4 p.m., when they were carried by trailer to Olin to ask if they could continue. A doctor said they could not. U Thant talk: In the nearly five days of rocking, $1,400 was raised while the pair sat day and night in near-freezing drizzle, and at times never no progress leaving the chairs. Grant had 10 hours of sleep in all of that UNiTED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) period, and actually went 135 hours -Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir without food. emerged in good humor Monday from a After getting some food in his stomach long, private talk with Secretary-General U and a little sleep, he said, "I would like to Thant on hurdles blocking Arab-Israeli Boycott organizers Monday, failed, however, to draw student support and express my extreme pride and happiness with Phi Kappa Sigma (his Mu Alpha (Prentice's honorary fraternity), Phi peace. But there immediate progress. was no The conference with indication of any A group of students picket Mason Hall at the University of Michi¬ society) Thant lasted 80 and Alpha Delta Phi sorority, who were the minutes--50 minutes gan (U-M) in order to start a class boycott to protest the arrest participation. It was reported that class attendance was reduced official hostesses." more than planned last Friday of 108 demonstrators who occupied a campus building only 5 to 10 per cent. originally. A U.N. Spokesman said it was He said a goal of $10,000 was set for the devoted entirely to the Middle East. in a dispute over a student bookstore. The strike, which began at AP Wirephoto drive because of the other fraternities' Her U.N. appearance, including a diplomatic luncheon in her honor given by Thant, was a highlight of a first day visit in New York after conferring with President U-M class strike in bookstore hassle Nixon in Washington. In Tel Aviv, the Israeli state radio reported Monday that Mrs. Meir had asked Nixon for $1 billion in aid over the next five years. The broadcast said Mrs. Meir made the request while informing Nixon of "the heavy financial burden Israel is facing fails and will face." Officials in Jerusalem to gain significant student support denied knowledge of any such request. As Mrs. Meir was talking with Thant the Egyptian foreign minister, Mahmoud Riad, was telling reporters he would be happy to hear Mrs. Meir say Israel was ready to attendance as a result of the strike was continued, "j can't really say that the strike F.^rpont isn't the greatest human being thought the strike failed for a number of withdraw from Egyptian territory and in the world." Keats said, "but I think that "give back to the Palestinians their rights." reduced only five to 10 per cent. has been successful. However, I can say reasons. his knowledge of financial matters makes He made the statement to U.N. reporters Alan Neff, president of the strike that it is drawing support from extremely "I think that such a small number of A strike Monday supporting complete him very well-qualified to manage the when asked his reaction to Mrs. Meir's coordinating committee, said that the diverse groups, especially from those who people supported the strike," he said, student-faculty control of a proposed book bookstore. "because Monday was a bad day to cut offer Sunday to meet and negotiate with group wishes the bookstore to be run by a have not been politically or socially store at the University of Michigan "Those who complain that Pierpont him (U-M) dynamic in the past. class. Most people either had hourly tests anywhere for a settlement of the 1967 failed to draw student professional manager chosen by the would not serve the students and faculty support and Arab-Israeli war. students and faculty, not a member of the "There seems to be a general agreement Monday or will have them Tuesday or participation. but rather the Ann Arbor businessmen Riad answered questions at a luncheon of The strike began at 8 a.m. Monday when administration. on the need for a student bookstore," he Wednesday.'* don't have a valid argument. They seem to "The U-M regents aren't even making a added, "but there is less solidarity ..iiiim...!................... the U N- Correspondents Assn. Mrs. Meir's a group of approximately 500 people forget that this university is part of the er was made on a TV interview program diffident nod toward student power," Neff regarding the need for a strike." began picketing classes near the U-M Diag larger Ann Arbor community, and that Sunday. Elsewhere on the Middle East said. "They feel that Pierpont is qualified Roger Keats, senior member-at-large of to protest President Robben Fleming's to run the bookstore and we don't. the Student Governing Council (SGC) and what affects Ann Arbor affects them, and Adams petition diplomatic front, U.S. Asst. Secretary of decision to place control of the University vice versa," Keats said. State Joseph J. Sisco and Soviet "It is quite obvious that Pierpont is on former chairman of the bookstore bookstore in the hands of Wilbur Pierpont, "Furthermore," he continued, "those Tom Samet, co-chairman of the Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin held their the side of the Ann Arbor business committee which was recently dissolved by vice president for financial affairs. who are demanding that the bookstore sell Student-Faculty Committee for Adams, third private conference in recent days. establishment," he said. the SGC, said that the matter of Pierpont's Informed sources reported that class everything at a straight 20 per cent has issued a call for volunteers to circulate They got together in advance of a third "As far as numbers are concerned," Neff running the bookstore is only minor. discount are unrealistic. petitions in residence halls and off- campus meeting Tuesday night between U.S. "On some items it is not possible to give apartments. Secretary of State William P. Rogers and that large a discount." Students interested in participating in the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Senate GOP William Dinner, a member of the Ann Arbor International Socialists and the strike coordinating committee, said he drive should call 355-8266. Gromyko. Sisco and Dobrynin will be present also, thus underlining the Middle "est aspect of the talks. 60-day ietup A WASHINGTON(AP)--Senate Republican leaders appealed Monday for a 60-day moratorium Nixon's Vietnam on criticism policy. of President GOP whip, outlook of the told new "The next 30 to 60 the Senate administration is trying to determine the leadership in Hanoi. the days are of crucial leaders who conferred with President Nixon at Camp David, Md., Saturday. Scott said, however, he was not quoting Nixon, or anyone else. di 4 1 importance," Griffin said. He said war critics should drop their They said Nixon needs time and "a common front" in the effort to negotiate a Said Scott: demands for a firm cutoff date on U.S. "Those who really want to help the involvement in the war. peace settlement. But the President might give him a 60-day He said at the end of the period, the prospect signaled by moratorium, or breathing spell, in order to situation can be reassessed. congressional critics of current policy is for present a common front to Hanoi." Griffin said people who propose a escalating pressure, not a letup, in demands for American Scott and Griffin were among the party withdrawal. And outside (please turn to back page) Congress, plans already are far advanced for massive demonstrations on and off college campuses. Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Penn., the new minority leader suggested the 60-day letup, and said it was his idea. He said Nixon Student-faculty group asks should get such a period to test Communist intentions. As the senators maneuvered on the support for war moratorium Vietnam Campus supporters of the national Young Christian Movement, were also pullout question, former moratorium protesting the Vietnam war present. Secretary of State Dean Acheson called on have begun a petition drive to suspend The Americans to give the Nixon group is chaired by Chuck classes Oct. 15. Stockwell, St. Johns junior. Administration "strong enough support to The petition will be circulated by the The student-faculty coalition is related to carry forward what it has to do." He described in a speech to the National Democratic Club the Women's pullout newly formed Student-faculty Coalition to End the War Now. The the Greater Lansing Coalition to End the War Now. This group was begun through Diplomatic coalition, which held its the aid of the national committee planning Mrs. Golda I deadline proposal as "childish, Meir, prime minister of Israel, watches Mayor John V. Lindsay and his Democratic organizational meeting Sunday night, is the moratorium in the hopes of organizing irresponsible as is most congressional made up of about 60 MSU students and a program for Oct. 15 in this area. opponent for the mayorality, Mario Procaccino, shake hands at New York's City Hall where she was criticism." greeted by city officials Monday. Standing beside Mrs. Meir Is Sen. Jacob Javits, R-N.Y. AP Wirephoto faculty members. Representatives from The student-faculty coalition is in the Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R.- Mich., the ASMSU, the New Community and the (please turn to back page) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 3 Henderson deni summary NEWS of faculty petitio Muify DRUG STORES # A cqpsule summary of the day's events from By MARILYN PATTERSON students, I don't imagine. Look Administration Bldg., everyone have no confidence in their our wlra services. State News Staff Writer at about the State News editorials his appointment. But was against him. With minor representatives on th/'AUSSC. Sale thru exception, the deans were 'There is no question of our John P. Henderson, chairman s'nce then, things have against him, too. Since then, he having confidence in our search o[ a facu|ty 'committee changed-" has run a one-man show." and selection committee petitioning to keep Acting Allegations have been made Other criticism of the petition representatives, but of our President that Adams xBICf 12' tirru I nose wno , „ , | Adams in the has no drive is that it puts upon the letting them know what we really want to help the President might give him a preside,^ Monday that administrative experience. trustees the same kind of think now," he said. "Faculty faculty members were not "^he petition says this," pressure than has been put upon members are in a position to 60-day moratorium, or breathing coerced Henderson said. "But when spell, in order to present a common front to Hanoi." petitions. . into signing Rum°rs !*ve ***" circulated, the Adams entered that them by political leaders, and that it demonstrates that signers make their views known, while politicians might not be." PENS Sen. Hugh Scott, R.-Penn. supporting Adams for the NEW JOB PENDING permanent presidency. Henderson, professor of economics, called such TYPING? rumors Dubcek lost # "crazy". International News Germany's decision to yield to international pressuure "Faculty considered to are be normally independent most of the P^P'e PRAGUE (AP) not his abilities PAPER and let its currency find its own value does not affect - Although Strougal said Dubcek "failed use and the American dollar and will help „ ^ned are tenured," he said. purged from Czechoslovakia's to understand the true, experiences." dampen speculation, Of the Treasury David M. Kennedy said fo J* ! ?t!ler toP leadership, Alexander comradely efforts of our friends Uo .. cr_. . n„. . "S Kennedy issued a statement after Pierre-Paul SelecMon'committ "C(AUSSC) °°iM!veJ°u'se','s : refonL/w^ intemi'JLy 72 Schweitzer, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, told the packed first session of four in July. .SrS, Dubcek did not admit that he matte,. Thus. Havlin would not an Form Fitting "No one asked anyone to sign worldwide financial and development groups that the that (the letter) except me," delcared Monday relations with^h^Soviet bloc disclose to what extent the But reformers admitted charges of German government would reopen currency exchange Henderson said. "I know that no Tuesday and stop insuring the mark's value temporarily, one was coerced. Some were another party official disclosed that the man who tried Before Stroueal's address he apparently meant radio letting "counterrevolutionaries" Panti-Hose to liberalize communism in Dubcek had rejected the party's gain a foothold in more enthusiastic than others, Czechoslovakia in 1968 stood current line that the Soviet-led Czechoslovakia. * * ♦ Communist China set off its third three-megaton Jut no one signed it who did not his ground at a party meeting invasion was brought on by Dubcek and Smrkovsky of Enkasheer Nylon, nuclear test in the air early Monday, the Atomic th«t Adams was qualified to Iast week that resulted in his errors of the Dubcek regime, "explained their attitudes, Energy ™,h„ ouster from the ruling Presidium Before the Soviet Union led returning to the post-January Commission announced. thTrumo4 "reSed the 2*. th,eA in™: ^N^fareHht 1,16 l0We< atm<* befian & . of the the invasion deputy STT ' to halt E his 1968 development and their approach to their work," Havlin said. $100 It was the fust such atmospheric test reported since a %ey he should have gone £SJfto0J[ fhTn^on-fmS^wwrul^st say In contrast, Premier Oldrich Sheer beauty, superb fit and three-megaton explosion Dec. 27, 1967. Six earlier to the Academic Council and refused to admit errors in the Before Strougal's radio Cernik "spoke at length about tiny price make these atmospheric tests were of smaller yield. Three megatons is equivalent to the explosive force of ^ s?ou , ® manner in which the party had address, Josef Havlin, a member his own share in the Enkasheer pantihose the best - ^id but, of course it he did expected. of the Federal Press and shortcomings," Havlin added. He value on the market three million tons of TNT. that, the council would have said strougal charged Dubcek information Committee, told today. » ♦ * gave reasons and contributed to Proportioned exactly for you. ! failed to answer 50,116 of the newsmen Dubcek can make a the efforts to expose their real No stocking top. No The 3rd Brigade of the U.S. 82nd Airborne garter Division, PP y e criticism directed at him. comeback if he shapes up. essence. peeking out. Save at Muir's! scheduled to be home for Christmas, will have at least "Because he was removed only one He said Cernik was entrusted more major combat assignment before leaving from the Presidium" —the Judge South Vietnam. with forming a new government, party's highest body - "and not because his appearance at the con Details of the assignment were not disclosed, but the the Central Committee, unit's commander. Brig. Gen. George W. Dickerson, said Comrade Dubcek has been given party session was "honest and a great opportunity," Havlin honorable, even though he Monday the mission "will be to intercept enemy shared in the shortcomings." Kopechne said. infiltrators." "We are deeply convinced that The brigade's job has been to guard the western and Cernik was a prominent he will take to heart the northern flanks of Saigon. That job will be turned over member of Dubcek's team in WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (AP)--- 'Would you want an autopsy "Would aut criticis™ *nd.u shortcomings 1968. to South Vietnamese paratroopers. A judge took under advisement even exposed and will return to the - if there wasn't Monday the latest motion by the inquest?," Brominski asked, collective team of honest, parents of Mary Jo Kopechne to honorable, responsible Nqtipnal block an autopsy on their "Yes," Fernandes replied. comrades. daughter. 'I am convinced that the Dissident lawyers in the Justice ivicinn rh.rnpH Division Dept.'s Civil Rights i Judge Bernard C. Brominski of "An the immediatf Mure is °r £ !*?idiT ,wiU five Co!"rfde charged the wj™ Nixon Administration Monday Common Pleas Court also Dubcek a place of responsibility with taking policy stands that are "inconsistent with reserved decision on a separate J"*"?' Y the where it will be possible to make clearly defined legal mandates." The delay any hearing on the o?e&K a" ^ 10 ' The State News, the student . attorneys-a majority of the division petition of Dist. Atty. Edmund The judge said: "A crucial newspaper at Michigan State personnel-released for the first time the text of a letter Dinis of New Bedford, Mass., for University, is published every class day and Sundays during aspect in this case now is the four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in addressed to their chief, Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris an autopsy until Dinis completes time element," and he asked September. Leonard, Subscription rate is $14 per year. Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell and President Nixon. The dispute first emeiged a month ago after the his young scheduled woman's inquest death. Miss Kopechne, 28, died July into the when the condition of a body might be so poor as to make an Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland BONNIE BELL TEN-O'SIX department asked-and was granted-a delay in court autopsy useless. Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan ordered desegregation of 30 Mississippi school districts. 18 when a car driven by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., Fernandes said only a Press Association, Michigan States Student Press Association. Collegiate Press Association, United BACK-TO-SCHOOL BONUS 10-0-6 is the remarkable fac¬ • • • plunged off a narrow bridge into pathologist could give that a tidal pond on Chappaquiddick answer, and that probably would ial lotion that cleanses deeply, Second class postage paid at East Judge Julius J. Hoffman dismissed Monday contempt Island, off the Massachusetts come at a hearing on the Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student helps clear skin problems, and 350 charges against four defense lawyers in ^he conspiracy Services coast. autopsy petition. trial of eight political activists in Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. normalizes dry, oily or half- Chicago. There was no indication when and-half skin. Now get a 2- Judge Hoffman also allowed the four lawyers to the judge would rule on the RUSH Phones: ounce travel size bottle FREE withdraw from the case of the eight men dismissal motion. It could be by Editorial charged with the end of the week, on the 355-8252 with 8-ounce bottle. * violating the federal anti-riot law by conspiring to incite Classified Advertising rioting during the Convention. 1968 Democratic National second Kopechne motion for the hearing delay. ZBT Display Advertising Business-Circulation 355-8255 353-6400 355-3447 Aluminum Spiral CALL 332-3565 Judge Hoffman had ordered twt> of the lawyers, The Kopechnes moved to Photographic . . .' 355-8311 Ball-Tip Brush dismiss it Aug. 25, but FOR RIDES Michael E. Tigar of Los Angeles andGerald B. Lefcourt of New York City, jailed appear Friday fbr their failure to in court Wednesday, but the 7th U.S. Circuit Brominski turned that motion down on Sent. 3. Dinis filed his petition Aug. 14 ROLLERS Court of Appeals released them on their own recognizance. The other two lawyers Hianiw^ had also failed appear in court on Wednesday. to and amended it Sept. reporting his investigators only leemed of the alleged presence of blood in Miss Kopechne's 19, PICK THE Usual $1.00 Pkg. 6* mouth clothing and nose altar she and on had been her RIGHT FRATERNITY Medium, large or extra So light to wear you they're in your hair. large. forget Spiral Mkfiigam News ball tip brush rollers. in hair Stays securely. State Superintendent of f WE DID. said Monday any reform of"* should include an attack on a Keep Warm, Cozy! "Michigan can no 1 adults who cannot, fundamental skill of i~ Polley told the Exch STADIUM He called for resources on a a pit ye; BLANKET specifically for adults 1 soon. mum With Carrying Atty. Gen. Frank J.J SIGMA Cone- $399 50 x 60" Rayon - Nylon blend. a decision of the F" (PSC) which autho; Lightweight but keeps you good 14i its natural gas and elc "Following our order, it appears company is exci the matter with aA iRStat-ti SiH State _ appeal," Kelley said. Earlier this year IQ the company's rates I them. House Speaker Milliken recommen funds anpually for i governor * turning | from private schools. "If it's his i program," Ryan I "is news conference. MICHK music c< UNIVERi Impi Violence on tel itra . - 'sMNbo* >< Mis ffctt tton. If you run into M* to Mffett to Siwr a llMNhy ftwa > a dm * - yo* bend the brain after -r. tjit rtoikot tomm dhninate thore lntextactioo to Mu* Literature (for according to the fii Eisenhower Comi a new, difficult awwiajMs), iptaiy Histacy of the United Violence. We agree wholeheartedly, but we have morality. At the very You any not need any of them, but they it always takes impossible W n»kes a joke out of the catalog »you from paying 150 per cent of commissions to figure sweep of variance of views on morality in this spine description. Sometimes you don't really me cost oflfeny credits you drap now and obvious facts. f have nation. Television could not be ope if the course turns out not to be what have to make up later to get 180 credits for People wonder why number of produced so as to be completely i credit*, lld you could ydu expected. Lots of times you want to # American can ignore a programs and inoffensive-such programming drop or add at will without affecting your mugged or sit poker-fa< with no fewer tljan 26 would only be pleasing to little old financial situation. the tube as the Vieti situation comedies, ladies in tennis shoes. Under the new system, you need to count soars. thus far has been to check your bank balance carefully before collective head in the There is, however, one rose in the adding a course. Adding an ordinary However, when one wilderness. The various specials-on four-credit course like French 201 costs an pretend that violence in-state bloody fare that is dish the three networks have been student $52. It costs an out-of-state student an incredible $124. magic eye each night, entertaining, possessive of some depth is You also need to consider carefully your become so hard to fathom. as potentially and have even managed to do a financial resources before dropping a The real danger of I dangerous as the everpresent fare of wholesale carnage. A future reasonable job of presenting reality. course. By dropping four credits you may violence lies in the indetes end up paying one and a half of the cost of effect it will have on generation that has grown up iu» WWII UP with witii ^ If programming of this caliber were those credits before you graduate. Petticoat Junction^*0 continued and expanded, there When MSU instituted the generations. The child that might yet be some hope left. new > the Clown may be in for a pay-by-the-credit tuition system, watching the Lone R< shock when the reins of somebody forgot to revise an important bad guys full of holes, n Television is the most powerful little rule about refunds for dropped r are turned over to them, communication medium in the world some interesting id r courses. tolerance and social condi opinion, the proper course today, and it should not be afraid to Hie longstanding rule, stated in obscure path heavily tempered innovate. It is the responsibility of language on page 25 of the Fall Schedule Our hope now lies I judigement-if any can be of the viewer to determine what he and Courses, essentially says that any television networks, in the broadcast media, student who drops a course during the first his children will or will not see. After Eisenhower Commission noremaps, the guideline should be two weeks of the term will be refunded all, it only takes a simple twist of the one half the in-state fee for the course power to enforce its fii reality, presented with good taste. It wrist to change the channel-it is ($6.50 under the looks less than promising, is necessary on a show like Dragnet, new system). For drops time that parents stopped abdicating from the third week until the middle of the the network' marked that the existence of violence be their responsibilities as parents. term, the refund for in-state students is the imagination and grasp of , but it is not necessaiy to same as during the first two weeks. For We out-of-state students, the refund from the feel, then, that there is, indeed, third week until midterm jumps to one half too much violence on television, but the out-of-state fees ($15.50 under the new that the correct remedy is not a Perhaps system). complete ban, but rather a more Under that rule, dropping a course is realistic and subtle presentation. expensive. It seems logical and fair to refund only a portion of the course fees to Granted, there are entirely too many someone who takes a class for two or three gunfights on TV, buf on the other for the titeffiec hand, heaven forbid that we should have 24 hours of Peyton Place a day. weeks. But why should you have to lose $26 to drop a four-credit course on the first or second day of classes? -The Editors According to the rule, no full refund is In the 1930s, the League of Four have fought long and hard to Nations went out with awhinptr. keep nearly a billion inhabitants in But recent innovations may augur a China from tping represented in the far happier future for its world organization. IERS' MIND successor-the United Nations. The condescension and political The 24th session of the UJN. maneuvering on the part of these General Assembly opened two weeks ago with two new faces. One was the ever-youthful Shirley Temple Black in her new position as a member of four world powers will have to end if the United Nations is to be more than just an euphemism for To Hie Editor: We are now on the verge of Bring the G.I.'s home now! marking our been handed down to the American people over the past couple of years, the infamous over 750,000 dead Vietnamese. This being on this campus is affected one way I or another by the hated Vietnam war. And It is tenth anniversary of legal insanity must end. the U.S. delegation. Mrs. Black, over no wonder that President death and Vietnam War still drags on. There are over Herr Nixon says he refuses to be all of us together, in a united front, can the years, has been a consistent Nixon's words at the United Nations murder in Vietnam. With all the promises, 40,000 American dead and over 260,000 influenced by demonstrations and still join in the nation-wide Moritorium Oct. 15 fell on deaf ears. Can the President rhetoric, speeches and general BS that has American men wounded, not to mention and kickoff an offensive which, on Nov. supporter of President Nixon. insists on an "honorable" settlement to the But it was the second face that of the world's number one power war. While American cities sink into deeper 15, will reach Washington and demand our GOVERNMENT to BRING THE G.I.'s squalor, inflation stole the show. Angie Brooks is her name, and allow negotiations, secret talks and bilateral discussions on a wide range Politics mars search becomes as more soars, overt, as as military-industrial establishment increases racism our HOME NOW!!!!! Come on people, join the nationwide offensive to end this war and she's the new president of the of issues, and, in the same breath, To The Editor: its output of annihiliation and genocide, all wars. RIGHT ON!!!!!! of possible candidates. The committee General Assembly. ask the United Nations' delegations our Fuehrer demands an honorable Tom Borin screened and is continuing to screen all South field senior to go back to their respective nations As a member of the faculty of M.S.U. for settlement (as he sips his tea in peace every Not only is Miss Brooks the first nominations prior to presenting names to African woman to be Assembly to wik out ways of aiding the 25 years, I have invested most of my professional life in the growth and the board. morning and plays golf with David while G.I.'s die). He wonders why there are Fans uncouth United States end the war in What now is occurring? All sorts of radicals even though To Hie Editor: president (she is a Liberian), but development of a part of Michigan State. he refuses to be Southeast Asia? It's an impossibility pressure groups are attempting to influence "influenced" by AMERICA'S desire to end she's also given the United Nation a Obviously because of this investment, I am the selection procedures. Pressures are to expect "openness" among nations this war. I am disgustingly appalled by my fellow taste of what it is going to be like in deeply concerned about the future of the being applied to the board by labor groups, when the one nation, expecting that If radicalism means an end to the death students. I came to this conclusion while University. political parties, faculty and student the near future. At the time of Dr. Hannah's resignation machine that controls our lives; if sitting in Sec. 10 (student) during the arrangement, provides the epitome groups. radicalism means stopping the meaningless MSU-SMU game. As I watched, I was U Thant, over the years, has been a as president, for the first time in the of secrecy and behind-the-scenes In my opinion, all such activities are amazed to find that our student body has lone figure at the United Nations history of this University the opportunity slaughter of our brothers; if radicalism inappropriate. A faculty petition is as means a reorientation of priorities for less couth than the drunken alumni for students, faculty and alumni to work asking for peace in Southeast Asia, To be naive enough to think that with the board of trustees became a reality. inappropriate a pressure tactic as is a PEACE rather than DEATH; then, people, across the field. The incredible distaste that settlement of the Arab-Israeli political party petition. In some cases, I am definitely a radical of the highest was voiced in relation to the team's cloak-and-dagger intrigues by, A group of capable and dedicated signatures to certain petitions have been question in the Middle East and a between and among the Big Four individuals, assembled under the title of order. performance (admittedly poor) was sought by means not compatible with the MSU students; it is time for us, all of us, embarrassing to me as a student and an dedication by a« nations in the ca«e ^ ^ AUSSC, spent and is spending long hours democratic spirit under which the original „ to have to take our place alongside the millions of ardent supporter of our team. Quarterback of world peace. Now the detenmned in nonestly seeking for a new president. Search and ferad «eiy little from the past. At Selection Committee was Miss Brooks may make it a twosome The entire academic and alumni poeple in this country and around the Triplett is not a highly paid professional ^ ^ i, abo true that organized These procedures raise a very world who are uniting in opposition to the and, in my opinion, does not qualify for communities were invited to submit names and in turn arouse the deletion important question. animal slaughter in Southeast Asia. It is the screamed obscenities and wholesale , Bj( Four that butts into What really capable individual will be leaders of other member naUons to time for us to talk, indeed, ACT together depreciation by a group of people, the provides the come out for breaking the bamers ^ Mock , Why Haynsworth? willing to associate himself as president with a university where party politics, and FORCE Nixon and his military henchmen to get out of Vietnam. No majority of whom have never worn a jock. I have suggestions for those who cannot that have made the U.N. such an To The Editor: pressure tactics, personal power struggles 0f world oiganization. negotiations and no phoney deals. We're behave properly: (1) Put on a uniform and ineffective instrument until today. and organized undermining of the Only if the Big Four disavow this I suppose that Clement Haynsworth will democratic process sick and tired of this war and the people attempt to rectify all the mistakes you see The take precedent over who continue to perpetuate it in industry. from the stands; (2) Leave the stadium — it reason for United Nations latter policy can they expect smaller be confirmed. Only rarely has the Senate honest recognition of true leadership We, the people want out NOW!!!!!! would appear to be less painful for you and impotence lies with the nations to keep their eyes and ears refused to confirm a man nominated to the qualities and a deep and abiding concern We want Dr. Adpms to give us Spartan a hell of a lot more enjoyable for myself* predominance of the Big Four. open. "Do as I say, not as I do," Supreme Court bench. Hie question is not about the future of this University? Stadium, Anthony Hall or any other and a few others that like to think of Consistently since the United seems to be the highly unsuccessful, so much whether Haynsworth is guilty of My plea is for all persons to recognize the ourselves as something other than "fair building on this campus for a rally for Nations was begun, the U.S.A., divisive watchwords of the Big Four. something or other, 'ftie real question is: inappropriateness of the activities cited peace on Oct. 15. All of us should stay out weather fans." with thousands of eminent jurists in the above and to support the AUSSC rather Soviet Union, Britain and France of classes that day and all of us should talk Unfortunately, student section has When Miss Brooks' recently cut off United States, why did Nixon choose a than hinder its continuing efforts. our a to each other and the have connived, secretly negotiated the Soviet ambassador at a U.N. nonentity for the nation's highest court? people of Lansing and striking resemblance to that of Notre East Lansing in an effort to create a Dame's. on world problems, disregarded General Aswmbly session and The only answer I can think of is that he Coalition for Peace. All of us; every human Steve Smyth accords, regulations and resolutions msisted on continuing with the rest wishes, along with his Southern friends, to and taken into their own hands of the agenda, a turning point may destroy the prestige of the court. If that is, situations which should first have indeed, his intent, he is doing a greater have been readied on the problem of injury to a free society than he probably been discussed by the United time consuming and wasteful realizes. Nations. formalities. Perhaps this will be the It is the court, more than the Congress or We have seen the world come to the Presidency, that has in recent impetus to eradicating the haggling years the brink of World War III because among member nations, which has kept this nation a relatively free country. of U-2s, missiles in Cuba, disrupted inwnNttrsfl the United Nations for Edward Blackman summit meetings, allegations awl far too tag. asst. dean counter-allegations. Two of the Big if -The Editors University College Michigan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 5 By Trustees differ BARBAkA PARNESS or consult villi any Unhrantty meet as often as they can with on value of student member "I think students are becoming students, future students, act on these proposals could would be easier to find a board Trustees Stephen Nisbet, Rep., State News Staff Writer students. Some of MSlTs students to learn as much as more and more interested and alumni, parents of students and discourage students from member to represent the eight Fremont, and Frank Merriman, The Michigan State trustees, however, view they can about what students involved in the workings of the to those in the state who benefit presenting their views to the trustees than to find a student to Rep., Deckerville, said they Constitution charges MSU's interaction with are thinking and about their university, including the board from the operations of the trustees. represent 40,000 other students. believe the board of trustees Board of Trustees with the needs," Stevens said. of trustees." University," he continued. "When student Kenneth W. Thompson, Rep., should not deal directly with requests do "general supervision of the Board He said he personally has met He said he thinks his "Hie University is not for any to in the East students in the University. come us proper Lansing, said he always tries institution and the control and Dem., with sororities, fraternities, responsibility, as a trustee, is to one group. It is the fashion, through the proper to make job of the as many contacts with "I think our dealings with direction of all expenditures trustees should involve reridence hall groups and others the general public as well as to trustees to see that it serves all channels, we have to move," students as he can. students should be primarily from the institution's funds." themselves with the students of this year, making it possible for the students. of the people of Michigan." Huff said. "I don't know how I could get But the constitution does not the UnhrenHy. through the administration. I him 'to learn more about what "I think the University belongs Stevens said the trustees have He said the State News is the more involved because I just don't think it's the intent of the require the trustees to listen to "I think the trustees Aould students are thinking." to the people of Michigan, discussed the possibility of a "best channel" he has for don't have that kind of time constitution to have us as a student sitting as a non- reaching MSU's students and available. I guess I get involved voting sounding board for students," member on the board. that ASMSU does not replfesent as much as possible," Thompson Merriman said. "Whoever the student is, he the "complete spectrum of the said. could leam something," he said. "I think I have quite a few "I don't think the trustee is University." "But I do not think there would If "barriers" exist between contacts because I make elected to reflect the needs and be a great deal the student students and trustees, Huff wants of the students," he contacts," he added. would learn after the first few continued, both groups must But Thompson does not see continued. "They are the meetings." work to break down these meeting with trustees as the laymen who try and interpret Stevens said he would have barriers. most valuable way for students the true values of higher "no objections" to a student "Write letters to me; talk to to air their views. education for the public." sitting as either a non-voting or me," he stated. Actually we are "I think normally students do Nisbet concurred with voting member on the board. more approachable than most get their direction and assistance Merriman's views that the However, he said the state students think. Ill meet with from the University administration should intervene constitution would have to be any group any time and talk administration," he said. between students and trustees. changed if the student was to be about anything." Thompson does not approve a voting member. "We can be available, but we of having students sit on the "I think the trustees are "If the constitution is cannot call up Wilson Hall and board of trustees. interested in students. But actual "I feel any student who wants contact would not be directly changed, I would not oppose it," say we want to talk to you he said. to attend the board meetings can with the students. It is through tonight. At least part of the job Trustee Warren is for the students to ask to do so. I'm not prepared for the faculty and administration," Huff, Dem., us Plymouth, agrees with Stevens meet students sitting in on all board he said. t£em," Huff continued. concerning the importance of He said he does not think meetings, even on a no-vote He said trustees in genera) have involvement with students. having a student sitting as a proposition," he said. "limited time and limited "Trustees have to get the non-voting member of the board "I question the need and I opportunity" for contact with flavor and coloration of the would be very valuable. question the desirability." students. student generation," Huff said. "The student would find it Although he doesn't see any But it is difficult to get this boring." particular disadvantage of having Both Nisbet and Merriman said "flavor and coloration" because "I think it would make more a student on the board, he said, they would object to having an the students who are to put a board member on "there are other ways of gaining MSU student sitting on the willing to sense talk to trustees are not always ASMSU," Huff said. He added it student opinions." board of trustees. Trustee, student representative generation. of their Student involvement in meetings of of Trustees has been increasing. the MSU Board Opinions differ either a voting or non-voting student trustee, al¬ though most do feel that involvement with and by not Huff said the trustees should students be the people to whom take their major SyegMns Of among the board members on the value of having students is important. complaints directly. State News photo by Norm Payea "Trustees have to be very careful that they do not receive complaints directly. TTieir BLUES FESTIVAL contacts with students must be in terms of understanding and dialogue. Complaints should come through the president's office." Amboy Dukes to appear Huff said he believes his own contact with students adequate. "I am always available and very fond of meeting with students," he said. "I do not is Over 10,000 spectators are expected to attend the Eut Lansing Tile Sunday Funnies and the Brownsville think there is any substitute for Station, two groups Pop-Blues Music Festival Oct. 4 at the Lake Lansing Amusement from ^ Arbor perform. person to person contact." P*![k- , , iL . The concert will begin outdoors if weather permits. There are Huff said the board made Sponsored by WVIC, the concert will begin at 2 p.m. and facilities for an indoor show mistakes this year when it failed , continue until midnight. Poow will open at noon. 1 Ikkett are. $3.50, j and can be obtained from in advance to even consider proposals • CO°frt. "P nationally knjwn including the Amboy Dukes, SRC and Jim Schwall, formerly of groups News Marshall Music, Sounds and Diversions or Free brought before it at meetings Spirit with representatives of ASMSU. the Seigal SchwaU Blues Band. Tickets will be $4.50 at the door. He said the board's failure to The Savage Grace, new on the scene, has been — recently at rock concerts throughout the Midwest. Several local bands, the Woolies and the Plain Brown Wrappers, Bank on will also appear. 'YOUR WHEELS' ZBT CALL 332-3565 For Rides Delta Sigma Phi • Prescription lenses 855 Grove 1218 E. GRAND RIVER FOR RIDES CALL: 332-5035 ground 1969 Pontiacs • Sjnglasses DAILY WEEKEND • Repairs while you wait FROM FROM $7.00 plus 7C mile $15.00 plus 7C mile Bator Opticians & Gas 303 Abbott Rd.(Next to State Theater) ED 2-5222 214 So. Capitol 372 16(0 Who's Looking Forward To Meeting Fall Term Rushees? WE ARE! SIGMA ALPHA EPSIL0N 131 Bogue Call 337-9091 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 19(>9 Contributions budget for educational purposes, not only MSU but all major (NSF) has contributed over $100,000 yearly to MSU over contributions in these fields are still relatively small compared to ionger directed toward project research, but are concerned with to stipulations which come with certain grants must be carefully reviewed to insure compliance colleges and universities have the past few years for the ,ar8e sums spent on scientific more relevant aspects of with the goals and standards of Although private gifts to major suffered from a lack of funds continuation of research. While research, at least the public is University life," he continued, the University," Muelder said. state colleges and universities this year. funds are more than adequate waking up to the realization of While not enough importance "While alumni contributions throughout the nation have "While other state institutions for the scientific fields, until the "importance of other fields of has been placed on solicitation to MSU have constituted a declined for the second straight also experienced a cutback from now, little effort had been made knowledge," Nellor said. from business corporations, use minor form of support, the year, MSU has not experienced a private contributors, since to strengthen other departments While the majority of the of funds from businesses to the Alumni Development Fund has serious decrease in such MSU's contributions remained and colleges within the donations given to the University often carry certain contributions. relatively stable, the University University. University are earmarked for limitations, Nellor added. helped fund 10 John Hannah "Although contributions have did not experience as great a Recently a Humanities special purposes, an increasing Professorships," Nellor noted. State funds have remained relatively stable, due difficulty as other institutions," foundation was set up to aid amount of general funds is now "Due to the University policy always to an underdeveloped Milton E. Muelder, vice people desiring research within being given for general of allowing all research materials constituted a major means of solicitation program, the president of research and this field. More attention is now development within the gained with the University support for MSU. Although University has not received the development said. being given to fields of sociology University, Muelder noted. boundaries to be made available many state legislatures have amount of financial support it Some of the largest grants and psychology as people begin "Many of the funds are no to general public, threatened a withdrawal funds if student unrest could," John Nellor, asst. vice given to universities from to realize that more knowledge president, commented. foundations are earmarked for in these fields contributes to the continues, MSU has been With the cutback in funds the from the national government's National scientific fields. The Science Foundation health of "Although a nation, grants and TB tests, x-rays fortunate by not being penalized through a lack of funds. "Due to MSU's policy of attempting to resolve the given in Lansing Chest x-rays and tuberculosis p.m. Times for the other two conflict within its own borders and without help from local or state organization^ the Michigan tests will be administered today, dates are: from noon to 4 p.m. Legislature has refrained from Wednesday and Thursday at the ~ """ and 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday; and condemnation^ campus," Muelder of the^University added. West Side Action Center, 705 W. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to i Michigan Ave. 5 p.m. Thursday. The free x-rays for adults and the free TB skin tests children are being conducted by for HOSPITAL'S INADEQUATE the Ingham County TB and Respiratory Disease Assoc. Out-patient traf The time schedule for today's x-rays and TB tests is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2 a.m. to 5 By CARL P. OLSON II Say you locate a doctor, he organized to serve as a source of poor are ^ complex they State News Staff Writer takes a look and sends you to primary health care for cannot be solved simply by the hospital for an x-ray or individuals and families who You have this pain and can't f'hnriQA lico fho hr*cmtol providing more money to buy J special diagnostic work which he choose to tr% use the hospital in thic . are," the AHA reports. cannot perform to his office. capacity, or who otherwise have "A delivery system must be Whatever the reason, hospital no primary care source. devised to meet as many of the out-patient departments are "The core of the hospital may health needs as possible, becoming the "in" place to go. remain intensive patient care, Last year more than 111 million but its major service to the recognizing that the medical OPEN RUSH visits were made to hospital community should be program must go hand in han 319 Hillcrest Corner Grand River to meet the - more growing 332 1916 demand for services. "Hospitals, according to the may stop cataracts report, "should be prepared and Drugs should be screened more CLASSES AND SEMINARS Finally, it found that pair slacks or vvas effectively for possible chickcns and ducks wou|d t at the HiIIel House cataract-producing effects on the cataracts from DNP eye before being placed oili the starting today, open to all marke Perry . Gehring, MSU ldinitrophenol|. The chemical sweaters dry cleaned used in the 1930.s and 40-s , was or Contemporary Jewish Issues Seminar toxicologic, l„ d a meeting of scientists recently, lo of „ the bod chcmist overweight people. lo detect other Tuesdays 7:30 skirt dry cleaned p.m. cataract-inducing drugs, coming, or already on the market, Gehring discovered that just about any young animal will get HEBREW CLASSES scientists have always turned to cataracts from DNP if the animal the usual laboratory animals, We love active Israeli Instructor. Rsgistration gets the chemical when young, people B 0 active people love us! for Beginners, Intermediate, and such as rats, for testing. At first, Advanced groups will take place however, no animal could be "Similar cataracts occur in 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience | Wednesday, Oct. 1, 4:30 found that was subject to immature animals," he stated,' "because p.m. cataracts. they do not have a 1 2 - 213 Ann Street | sufficiently developed blood-aqueous barrier in their - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road § Jewish Beliefs, Customs and Practices 3 - NorthwinH Dr. Facing Yankee Stadiurr eyes. Most adult animals have a Wednesda/s 7-30 p.m. well-developed barrier." Gehring pointed out that ISRAELI CLUB AND HILLEL mature fowl and young animal tests Israeli Dance Group %allow better screening of cataract hazards to man. After Tuesdays 9:15 p.m. the injection of - sta-ting lorgV a drug, cataract formation sometimes occurs within 24 hours. eryone W.^lc ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * "The need for screening is imminent," he said, proper ''Work Complete front end repair and done in other laboratories, as well as our own, alignment already suggest that certain drugs now on the market andj MANHATTAN * Brakes * Suspension used by man may produce cataracts." DISTINGUISHED "D.Q." SHIRTINGS * Wheel balancing Steering BANK ON For Your LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center ZBT CALL 332-3565 124 SOUTH LARCH "Campus Dress In" FOR RIDES Wardrobe Authentic in every way . . . with "extras" that can't be beat. New Manhattan® D.Q. traditional shirtings have longer 7- Earn Top Returns With button tapered bodies to stay neat and trim in the lower-ris* slacks of today. Amazing "Zip-Clean" finish sheds stains from gravy to salad oil in a single home machine washing without CI/% time pre-scrubbing . . . and permanent press finish keeps them soft and wrinkle-free without ever needing ironing. Precise back pleat and rolled button-down collar of course. White, REDEEMABLE WITHOUT NOTICE colors, stripes $7.00 Here's an unbeatable investment opportunity for all MSU employees: deposit a minimum of $500 in guaranteed 5'^% time deposits for one year and watch your savings grow! I nter- est is paid quarterly—into your share account or directly to you. For complete details on this and the many other advantages your credit union offers, phone or stop by today. msu emplo OPEN TUESDAY 9:30 TO 9:00 P.M. 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30 -5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 Wutch for Our New "Small's" Store To Open Soon in the IVew Meridian Mall, Okemos—Soon Two Locations to Serve You Micnigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 7 Therapy first step on road to sobriety condition, for withdrawal from alcohol, Fred R. Hollingsworth, A forty-year-old man with a chief counselor at the hospital, red face and puffy eyes staggers said. down the hall to a brightly After treatment in the lighted desk, the smell of alcohol hospital, patients are transferred to rehabilitation units. There the seeping from every wrinkle of his dirty, sloppy clothes. patients must attend two He lectures a day, Monday through passes a small, dimly lighted room where a woman Friday, on all phases of alcohol lies, looking half dead, with and alcoholism. These lectures Holly Farms sunken cheeks and suffering are given by staff members. The from tremors, abdominal pain and hypertension. She has been lecture series takes 14 days and the average patient stays about 16 to 18 days at the hospital. Double Breasted Chickens ib. 49c in the same room, in the same (first In a se des) condition eight times before in the last five years. out patient, During the week all patients preferably by receive individual and group Echrich's Chip Meats 3/100 Other * men and women, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) because its therapy is free, therapy by counselors at the Beef-Chicken-Ham-Turkey-Corned Beef ' sufficiently recovered from hospital, Hollingsworth said. l# pk9- 69c available every day and usually staggering and tremor, sit in a large room listening to a lecture effective for those who use it. About 50 per cent also receive some psychiatric counseling. Peter's Franks When a patient is admitted, by a man who is just like them. Patients are also required to One the staff inquires about previous man, looking like a college professor and smoking a convulsions or delirium tremens. They also look to his marriage, week and attend the two AA meetings held at the hospital during the Peter's Hickory House Boneless Ham ib. 89° pipe, listens intently to every clergymen come in on word. His wife, who is visiting, is his neighborhood, education and weekends to lecture on spiritual seated beside him. She looks job for a clue to his illness. Oven Fresh Dr. Bates said while aspects pertaining to alcoholism. relieved and the hopeful for, Bar Angel Food patient is in the hospital he is The patient is encouraged to I perhaps, the first time in Another woman listens with years. given an education about use the recreational facilities! White or Decorative Color ! 12 oz. wt. alcoholism. He is made to realize available while at the hospital.! her head on the table, her face 15C contorted with bitterness at being there. She runs her hand that : -He is a typical patient. These include a nine-hole golfl course, croquet, a small lake, ■ Limit one R.H please with | through greasy hair, pulls down --He can amount of alcohol never drink any shuffleboard courts, billiards, To buy " $5.00 food purchase her dirty blouse and turns away. again. ping pong and card games. All these people are taking -He can achieve lasting Bill Brighton Hospital has a Hart, Northville senior, is awaiting the de¬ their first steps back from the sobriety, but it will be hard to foggy world of alcoholism to do. capacity of 53 patients and cision on whether or not the MSU Bookstore will «IE£?0/> reality and sobriety. They are a few of Michigan's estimated -It will years of some type require about two of therapy to usually has a waiting list of 6 to 12 alcolics. The staff is made up of 40 people. buy his used books. selves loaded Many students found them¬ with books not in use this fall. State News Photo by William Strlbley Del Monte 200,000 alcoholics. These few correct his personality deviations. Fruit Cocktail 5/I00 are at various stages of treatment at the Alcoholism Therapy Unit Sparrow has found that Peas of Edward W. Sparrow Hospital. abstinence from alcohol and The unit at Sparrow Hospital unlimited food works in building the BREAK THE HABIT is one of six in Michigan located patient up physically. in general hospitals. Therefore, the ward has a refrigerator filled with different 5/95< The therapy offer program at Sparrow has a policy of immediate admission alcoholics into an 18-bed ward, Dr. Richard C. Bates, director of of snacks that patients may go to at any time. The diagnosis of alcoholism appears on all records and Anyone Clinic wanting to stop dietary problems, addiction, Tuberculosis and 303 Cans insurance forms, which helps Respiratory the program, said. Sparrow's smoking join the health, show patients that alcoholism is can pharmacology and Disease Assn., the Michigan Alcoholism Therapy Unit tries Interagency Smoking related diseases of smoking. Council on Smoking and Health, to admit every alcoholic in need a disease devoid of shame and Withdrawal Clinic. A meeting the Michigan Dept. of Public of treatment. Most themselves patients to the admit unit attempts to block his wish for anonymity. The encourages the patient to discuss hospital open to the public will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday in 204 "It takes the part of a sincere desire each member," Mrs. Margaret Hudson, clinic on Health, and the Michigan Heart Assn., Michigan Health Spartan Orange Juice Sparrow Hospital. Council. his illness with his minister, coordinator, said. "Some need a voluntarily, Mrs. Mary G. The next clinic, Oct. 6 through doctor and employer, and great deal of encouragement and RUSH Canning, head nurse of the Alcoholism Therapy Unit, said. ,M1 patients must agree to stay treatment wife or husband. often involves the Oct. 31, will meet from 8 to 10 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A fee of $25 will be they receive it from other members in the clinic." ZBT 6°z. 15c lor 10 days and must realize The educational program at "TOPS IN SPORTS" charged for the clinic. The clinic is sponsored by CALL 332-3565 they need help. Sparrow is largely staffed by The sessions will include Edward W. Sparrow Hospital, volunteers such as clergymen, FOR RIDES "When a person is ready to speakers and the discussion of the Ingham County Cancer Spartan Strawberries physicians and members of A A. 855 Grove St. accept our conditions, he usually the psychological aspects, Assn., the Ingham County is physically and mentally sick, The program entails three one-hour lectures or group desperate and in trouble with his discussions a day, seven days a wife, his job, his finances and the law," Mrs. Canning said. "He week. The programs attempt to 1# carton 3/100 Graduate to Better show the alcoholic that he is a Living! often thinks that suicide is his worthwhile person and teach only alternative." him the facts about alcoholism. Having the alcoholic come into the hospital for treatment is the Sparrow works closely with first goal in convincing him that AA and has meetings three times he is an alcoholic, she said. a week in the ward with AA. However, if the patient is able Members of AA take patients to PHI KAPPA TAU Winning Score Gold Bond Football to stay "dry" for five days at a meetings outside the hospital on time, he is often treated as an other days. Sept. 27 Sparrow admits everyone who comes to the unit for treatment MSU 3 'except those who have been Southern Methodist .5 Student GOP patients five or six times before. If the patient cannot pay for his ... treatment, the hospital pays for a few days of hospitalization and to hear head then the patient is put on day of 14th District care, which is free. About 50 per cent of the Tokay Grapes patients at Sparrow maintain lasting sobriety after their first Student discussed revolt will by Richard Durant, be treatment, Mrs. Canning said. A different type of treatment Ciller Republican chairman of center is maintained at Brighton Michigan's 14th District, at the first meeting of the MSU College Republicans. Hospital at Brighton, a private hospital for alcoholics. Michigan Plums It was founded by Harry The meeting, 7:30 p.m. Henderson, a former member of Wednesday in 35 Union, will mark the beginning of many the State Commission. Liquor Control Spinach different club activities. Thomas The patients at Brighton must Bertrand, club president announced, "We will be taking pay their own bills, so that center draws mainly middle-and Yams U.S. #1 positions on various campus issues and acting upon them as upper-income level patients. well." When an alcoholic comes to Later this year the club will Brighton under Hospital, doctor's he stays PANTY HOSE for two to 1» 1» a care host Henry Veryser, Mount Clemens economist seven days, depending on his Regular and Opaque to speaking on "Ending the War", and Bernie Silvers, of Michigan Spokesmen for Capitalism, discussing the grape boycott. Issue papers will be distributed by the club and literature booths Go Greek GOODRICH'S will be set up in the Union and International Center. SPARTAN M.S.U. VETERANS ASSOCIATION We Gjve Gold Bond Stamps" FIRST MEETING IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TONITE Harrison at Trowbrldg* 7:30 p.m. Spartan VII lag, and Charry Lana Apdrtmants CORAL GABLES Rush Tonight SHOWBAR K T For ride call 332-3577 or 332-3578 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 Larrowe distrusts draft ss/Q proposal * By IRENE PINCKES RIVeR economics, added, "President television that he was submitting call without Congressional lurking around the corner ready cancellations and the spreading State News Staff Writer Nixon's business about his proposal for draft reform to permission. to reach out and grab you," out of the October quota for Reacting to President Nixon's withdrawing troops is a sort of The bill would also make all those months. Jerry Stone, another counselor proposals for draft reform, shell game with an aura of A bill introduced last month Charles P. Larrowe, counselor phoniness about it. by Senators John Stennis, registrants who have received for the center, said. exemptions or deferments He said that he did not think At the time of cancellation, however, the state the MSU for East Lansing's Draft "I get the impression that the Democrat, Mississippi, and subject to a prime age group the bill would come out as sent of Michigan had already notified Information Center, said he promises Nixon is making have Margaret Chase Smith, R.¬ liable only until their 26th its October draftees of their thinks the Nixon Administration no real substance," he said. Maine, asks for the repeal of the birthday. "Some people are trying to induction. is trying to pull the wool over Legislation moves slowly. It section of the Military Selective Finally, the bill would clarify forestall the lottery because they Colonel Wilbur J. Myers, WW F the college students' eyes. has been four months since the Service Act which forbids the the definition of age groups. want the whole draft thing to be deputy state director for the LANe ;£ Larrowe, who is professor of President told the nation via President to change the order of "It's scary to have change abolished," the counselor added. Michigan Selective Service, said Stone said that he doesn't that two-thirds of those men think that things are going to have been notified not to report J GOVERNMENT OPPOSITION change much. for duty and will be rescheduled with an oldest-first policy. 1 le, however, for the This plan would benefit those President to decide that men who will be 26-years-old LONDON Hippies(AP)-Leaders of London's hippies paid $4,800 sell a brick. ruined chape] want on the island to American tourists, brick by Congress is enough on reform bills not now moving fast the many draft legislation, including one awaiting around scheduled the time induction they will not be taken. of their because Monday for an option to buy St. Patrick's Island off the Irish proposal to reduce the required mainland and set up a community there. The uninhabited island lies two miles off Skerries, a small resort north of Dublin. Residents already are planning to stave off any 24-month induction period to EAST OF CAMPUS They have eight weeks to raise the rest of the $48,000 asked by 18 months. the island's owner, hippie invasion. British real estate agent Herbert Marriott. New mall to open Marriott said he may be able to circumvent any Irish No hearings have been Frank Harris, spokesman for hippies who recently took over several vacant buildings in central London and were finally government veto on the sale by a form of assignment of scheduled yet and there is no leasehold. He said he plans to visit the island Tuesday. prospect for quick action. removed by police, said he expects to start with 500 British drop "We hope to build a society of love, trust and tolerance, not outs. Larrowe said that it is an based on the values of how much money a man has made," Harris The Irish government, illusion to think one is safe from Benjamin, vice president of M. H. Hausman Co. however, may have other ideas. It has said. "We are setting up a structure to get every last hippie off the of the draft because of Cleveland, developers of the project. power to veto land sales of more than five acres to dole. We will look after our own people." the The shopping complex will have a wide variety non-nationals, and recently thwarted Marriott's own scheme to November and December draft The opening of a new shopping mall east of of stores, four theatres, which will not be ready East Lansing will increase the shopping facilities for the grand opening, and six restaurants. Many within easy access of students, as well as make of the stores will aim at the college set, due to its more student jobs available. proximity to the campus. THETA CM The Meridian Mall, located on E. Grand River at Marsh Road (formerly the Okemos-Haslett The Lansing Metro Lines will run buses out Road), is scheduled to open Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. Grand River to the mall. 1. Almost all of the retail space has been leased Prior to that time, a few of the 48 stores now and applications are being reviewed for the leasing space in the mall may open. Among these remaining store space. The mall will have its own is the Woolco Deartment Store, one of the three central heating and air conditioning systems for largest stores in the mall. all tenants. The Woolco store is scheduled to open The center of the mall will be a huge bronze Wednesday. sculpture and a large pool with fountains. The The other two "anchor" stores are the J.W. rise and fall of the fountains will be programmed , Knapp Co. Department Store and the G. C. to music and changing colors. Murphy Co., a variety store. The Woolco store, a division of F. W. The Knapp store will be somewhat different Woolworth Co., is one of a series of Woolco from its Lansing and East Lansing stores in that stores opening in 1969-70. it will be made up of a series of separate "The Woolco program is geared to the faster boutiques. pace of today's shoppers and the demands of 332-3581 453 ABBOTT RD. The store will feature an "eye dazzling" array in decor and displays, heretofore never seen in customers in all age groups," Raymond F. Schwartz, new general manager, said. central Michigan, according to Roger E. A NEW shorten it. T ry a tan- gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at ARRIVAL no extra cost. ALSO! SUNDAY,OCTOBER 5 Hamburgers THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWSWILL PUBLISH A SUNDAY EDITION. AD¬ Cheeseburgers VERTISING DEADLINE: WEDNES¬ Submarines DAY, OCTOBER 1 3:00 P.M. French Fries & PIZZA MICHIGAN CALL 332-6517 VARSITY STATE NEWS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 Listening Ear provides assistance to callers By SHIRLEY JOHNSON State News Staff Writer to be a valuable asset to the volunteers community during its first two throughout the day. Geiser, publicity director, said, were "During the two months of received during the four Over 70 per cent of the calls hour shift between 8 p.m. and Michigan Clergy ' for Problem Pregnancy Counseling. Over 200 _ . . homosexual or to a personal fear of one's reactions to members of ♦ contorts with assistance,with jj™tacts n pn nip n re J b""*b -- * someone who had recently been 'J • , , .... , . , , Applications for the test may appointment in agreement aj with existence of spontaneous infivmUioc onri oiir*/>otn more possibly signing with the Set first base when it comes St. Lawrence Community approached by a homosexual, to inter-personnei skuis, wnicn tne be picked up at the bureau in cfoff his class schedules. infirmities and allocate o a staff fr* to center in i January medical care " Mpntfli Mental Hpjiith Health ciontoir Center and on/4 fim the fpar fear that a close fVioriri ninco friend woe was a a volunteer will will needneed in in his 142 Student Services Bldg. Appointments can be made up handle them." One of the objectives of the to two weeks in advance. Dr. Feurig has long been new appointment system, Dr. Every student entering Olin on favor of setting up such a system Feurig said, is to foster better a walk-in basis will be channeled through a screening office under PI.AVB0YQ the new system. A screening nurse, formerly night superviser at Olin, will examine him and decide if he requires immediate treatment. AT SPECIAL COLLEGE RATES tew If so, the nurse will send him to the laboratory for any □ 7 months $6.00 necessary tests. Then the student | | 1 year $8.50 is sent to a doctor for further care. □ 3 years $24.00 If the student's ailments are not immediate in nature, he will RUSH SKULLS Woolee 0K2 Department 337-1611 Sttre a new fashion in Meridian Mall Haslett-Okemos Rd. at E. Grand River Ave. 4- <5>J 1 w?> h Ai* sr -Sfl 1 ' LANSING 3 ways • CHARGE PLAN Use one of three easy our charge plans. • 30 Day charge • Revolving charge • Time payment plan CASH Full satisfaction or your A convenient way to hold your money refunded. purchase of the day. HOPPING CONVENIENCI 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 SPORTS Triplett retains Duffy's faith '* a, By MIKE MANLEY "I have confidence in Bill that stands, however, it appears that "I have never had a team that the entire blame days we can put it -ji two games. Don Highsmith leads State News Sports Writer he will do things well. He just belongs on started out with more dispatch," together We better." the rushers with a net of 217 Triplett since he is left holding he said. "We look like world For two games now, MSU's needs game experience and the ball. beaters the first eight or ten Daugherty has cause for yards and a 4.8 average, offense except for an work," he said. "He is not concern jf his offense does not Sophomore speedster Eric Allen, occasional burst of brilliance ~ suffering from a lack of Daugherty is hoping the m,nutes- Then we sputter for a jen in succession the Spartans after two fine games, is second has been unable to move the ball confidence, all he needs to do is passing game gets straightened co"P'e of quarters before we put face Notre Dame Ohio State with 186 yards and a 4.1 with any kind of consistency. get out there and complete three out before the Notre Dame game l<; to8ether ln the last quarter. and Michigan, probably the most average. or four in a row and he will be Much of the criticism leveled this Saturday and the entire «If ^ had the consistency on demanding three-game test any Triplett, although he only at the Spartan offense has been over the hump. He has a good, offense begins to operate with 0ffense that we had on defense, team in the country will face carried the ball a handful of I directed at quarterback Bill quick arm and he will throw the power it has shown in the the first two games would not this season. times m 1 Washington game, Triplett and his failure to certain kinds of passes as well as opening minutes of the first have ^en that close," he said. "I MSU's rushing attack aDDears Emit "P 3 *y3rdS against f complete the necessary number of forward passes. anyone." A glance at last season's games. hoping that one of these to be strong 3L? tt? S to l27 yarl 10121 Some have even hinted that statistics shows Duffy has reason Triplett just is not a passer and for his confidence in his junior maybe a quick search of the quarterback. As a sophomore bench could produce a Triplett completed 52 per cent 3 GOALS IN 4 MINUTES quarterback who could advance of his throws (47 of 90) for 714 the ball through the air. yards and four touchdowns. This season he has not been Duffy Daugherty, for one, is Harris proves he's ready not buying that at all. able to match those figures — hitting only 8 of 28 passes for 59 yards and throwing 3 Detroit spoils interceptions. But as Duffy is quick to point By PAM BOYCE prove that he's back in top the fourth to bring his first-game The Spartan career scoring State News Sports Writer total of the 1969 season to five records are waiting to be broken out, not all of those shape, the fleet-footed Jamaican ruggers opener i ncompletions have been Trevor Harris is back. tallied three consecutive goals in goals. Obviously he believes in by Harris this fall. Named The additional boost to the less than four minutes late in the making up for lost time. Harris first-team All-America in his The MSU Rugby Club dropped Triplett's fault. Several times a a 6-3 decision to Detroit in their Spartan soccer team's forward second period to give MSU a 4-0 was kept out of the booters' first sophomore and junior years, player has brought in the wrong two shutout victories over Harris can become the Spartans' first line was quite visible Friday edge at halftime. game of the season play from the sidelines and second three-time selection if he when one of last year's most Harris then knocked in one in Purdue and Hope College in Saturday. because of a missed assignment, makes the All-America honor list the third order to let his ankle rest. The The Detroit registered all their the entire pass play has broken outstanding booters returned to period and another in action. 5-11, 175-pound senior severely this year. Scoring 29 points last points on a pair of second half down. fall on 15 goals and 14 assists, he scores, while MSU's only score On other occasions it has been Harris was sent into the sprained his ankle last fall and MSU-Kent State was sidelined during the 1968 has only to score 21 points this came on a penalty kick by Rick a missed block or a potential game in the second period to help rack up NCAA tourney. season to become all-time Dickman. receiver running the wrong Coach Gene Kenney said at Spartan point leader. At the The ruggers will start pattern that has caused the points to a meager 1-0 lead the the beginning of the season that present time he holds third place three-a-week practices this week, missed connections. From the Spartans held over Kent. Out to Harris' ankle was not in top with 61 points. In second place form and that he could not rely is last year's other All-America heavily on him. player, Tony Keyes, with 73 "Trevor's ankle is still points, awhile Guy Busch maintains the bothering him so I have no lead with 76 Sideline advice choice but to make my plans points. without him," the coach said a few weeks ago. Harris, who managed to score Despite two rather shakey pass performances in But Harris appears out to 23 goals in his sophomore year, his first two games this year, MSU quarterback would only have to tally 19 this prove to the coach, his Bill Triplett still ranks highly in Head Football teammates and the fans that year to beat the all-time record of 56 goals in a career, presently Coach Duffy Dougherty's book. Daugherty states future plans can certainly inclde him. held by Tony Keyes. Triplett only needs one good game to get him going like last year. State News photo by Mike Beasley Bruin star im Trevor How they stand RUSH offer second OTTAWA, On, (UPI.-The T mtaTa'TnerV^a" American National SKULLS condition of Boston Bruins' star (£>K2 * , , . ureen underwent a iwo-noi EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION 337-1611 eoE" foUowtng W L Pet. GB his —* blood clot Saturday, a day f°<. X-Raltimnrp 108 51 .679 " W 99 61 L Pet. GB .619 71 .553 20 before he was supposed to be DETROIT 91 69 .569 8 73 541 22 released from the hospital. Boston 86 74 .538 13 75 .528 24 Green, an eight-year veteran of Washington 85 74 .535 New York 78 81 .491 30 97 .390 36% lilKHnOEfflMORS: the Bruins and one of the best 62 Cleveland 62 97 .390 46 Montr 52 108 .325 47 defensemen in the National Hockey League, suffered a WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION depressed fracture of the skull Pet. GB W L last Sunday in a stick duel with X-Minnesota 95 64 -597 - Atlanta 92 68 Wayne Maki of the St. Louis Oakland 86 74 538 9 San Francisco 89 70 Blues. He had an immediate California 71 88 447 24 Cincinnati 88 72 three-hour operation for that Chicago 68 92 425 27 Los Angeles 83 76 injury but had been improving Kansas City 66 93 4U5 29 Houston 80 79 Seattle 63 96 396 32 San Diego 50 109 steadily. X-clinched Div RUSH Today's games Oakland at Seattle, night f SAMMIES California at Kansas City, night Philadelphia at St. Louis, night Sign, Alpha Mu Chicago at Minnesota DETROIT at Baltimore, night Houston at Los Angeles, night CALL 351-2453 Boston at Washington, night San Diego at San Francisco, nigh FOR RIDES Cleveland at New York, night (only games scheduled) The fewer the better. How many mponsdoyou use? Maybe you Bftotry MI.DS , It you'll probably use . Fewer trips to the Pow der Room. Fewer "excuse mc's." The few er the better. \lPWm< made differently. That's why. They're made with soft absorbent rayon. First, there's a gentle rason cover. Then a layer of rayon fibers that absorb quickly. Then another layer of f ine rayon storage fibers that absorb steadily. And. in the center, a cushioned layer that holds, and holds some more. Can you imagine? Some tampons are just chunks of cotton. No wonder you probably need more of them. This month try Ml .Ds They come in regular or super, w ith a soft polyethylene applicator. See how much better fewer tampons can be. » the essential qualification Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Seplc:rihci 30, 1969 II SPORTS Meetings, OSU NEW YORK (UPI) - Ohio State, rated the nation's No. 1 near unanimousas yards and a cloud of dust" offense has suddenly become an Rice No. andmore explosive machine under the direction of junior quarterback Rex 42-0, Stanford blanked Oregon 28-0, Alabama destroyed college football team without having played a game, justified its Kern. Southern Mississippi 63-14, surprising Kansas State won its There will be An organizational a meeting meeting will ranking Saturday with a crushing rout. Ohio State is scheduled to meet Washington Saturday before second in a row, beating Arizona 42-27 and Florida State tonight for all members of the be held tonight for all The Buckeyes, defending national champions, demolished edged managers Miami (FLA.) 16-14. MSU of Texas Christian 62-0 in their opener and received overwhelming playing Big Ten opponents in its last seven games. Rugby Club and all fraternity football and Penn State, unbeaten in 21 games and possessor of a 13-game students interested in rugby at bowling teams, along with the support from the 35-member United Press International Board of 7:30 p.m. in 208 Men's IM. Coaches as the nation's top team. winning streak, had little trouble with Colorado, winning 27-3 The United Press International Top 20 major college football managers of all independent while Arkansas blasted Tulsa 55-0 and Texas routed Texas Tech teams with first place votes and won-lost-tied records in football and volleyball teams at Ohio State was named first on 32 of the 35 ballots cast Monday 49-7. parentheses (second week). All 7:30 p.m. in 208 Men's IM. by the board and second on the remaining three for 347 points. students interested in Southern California romped past Northwestern 48-6, Oklahoma Terry Braverman, sportscaster The total easily eclipsed second-ranked Penn State (251). trying out for MSU's freshmen downed Pittsburgh 37-8 and Georgia recorded its second shutout or varsity wrestling teams should for WMSB, will give a color Hie dogfight for third continued, with Arkansas (231) nosing 1. Ohio State (32) (1-0) 11. Michigan (2-0) in as many games by blanking Clemson 30-0. account of last year's IM Softball out Texas (229) and Southern California (187). Oklahoma 2. Penn State (1) (2-0) 12. Tennessee (2-0) report at 4 p.m., Oct. 7, to 208 Purdue turned in its almost annual beating of Notre Dame, Men's IM. championship game. finished sixth with 147 points, followed by Georgia, Purdue, 3. Arkansas (2-0) 13. Michigan State (2-0) Missouri and UCLA. downing the Irish 28-14 and Missouri, heading for an eventual Big 4. Texas (2-0) 14. Florida (2-0) Eight showdown with Oklahoma, whipped Illinois 37-6. Michigan placed 11th, followed by Tennessee, Michigan State, UCLA boosted its record to 3-0 by beating Wisconsin 34-23 5. Southern California (2) 15. Louisiana State (2-0) ATTENTION. .all men who Florida and Louisiana State. Stanford was ranked 16th, with (2-0) All interested freshmen . while Michigan drubbed Washington 45-7. Tennessee broke into 6. Oklahoma (2-0) 16. Stanford (2-0) enjoy contact sports. There will Alabama, Wyoming, Kansas State and Florida State completing 7. basketball players should attend be a clinic sponsored by the the Top 20 by blasting Auburn, ranked 17th last week, 45-17 and Georgia (2-0) 17. Alabama (2-0) the top 20. 8. a meeting Wednesday in 209 lacrosse team, MSU's newest Michigan State handed Southern Methodist its third straight Purdue (2-0) 18. Wyoming (2-0) The Buckeyes turned in their most awesome offensive show in 9. Missouri (2-0) Jenison. Anyone wishing to be a varsity sport, at 7:30 p.m. defeat, 23-15. 19. Kansas State (2-0) years in trouncing Texas Christian. The once slow-moving "three Florida beat Mississippi State 47-35, Louisiana State dumped 10. UCLA (3-0) 20. Florida State (2-0) manager of the frosh squad Wednesday in the dirt arena of should also attend this meeting, the Men's IM. presented by WVIC Buckeyes aren t after FESTIVAL £ \J records, Woody says COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI)-Woody Hayes, Ohio morning for their Saturday clash with winless 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 - 12 State's veteran head football coach, isn't Washington, which lost to MSU 27-11 and interested in records. Michigan 45-7. featuring "Statistics don't interest us very much. "We Esco Sarkkinen, the Buckeyes' defensive end certainly weren't trying to set any records Saturday," Hayes said Monday. coach Washington and veteran scout, watched games and came away with several both The Amboy Dukes But in thrashing Texas Christian 62-0 for their impressions. 15th straight conquest, the defending national "They have monumental dimensions from champions tied one school record and established another. tackle to tight end," he said. They measure between 6-foot-5 and 6-foot-7 and average 240 SRC • Jim Schwall Ohio State passed and ran for 565 yards to pounds. equal the offensive output against Northwestern "Our middle guard (Jim Stillwagon), for last year. The 101 offensive plays went into the record books which underwent a thorough instance, will really have his work cut out for Woolies • Savage Grace him. He'll line up directly against center Bruce revision last year in the Buckeye's perfect season. Jarvis (6-7, 245), while he'U be flanked by Tom "The only thing we're trying to establish is a Nelson (250) and Rick Keely (265). Lucky for Sunday Funnies • Plain more diversified attack. We're more wide open Jim, they're not quite as quick as two winks." Buckeye Brown . than we've been in years. We'd like to establish a 2 to 1 ratio," he said. That means two yards Sarkkinen also pointed out that it will be the first time Ohio State will face the triple option Coach Wrapper Brownsville Station rushing to every yard passing. attack. Ohio State Head Football Coach Woody Hayes smiles and gestures Monday Outdoors at Lake Lansing Hie Buckeyes had 373 yards rushing and 192 "It should help us because our next opponent, Amusement while discussing his team's 62-0 trouncing of Texas Christian Saturday. Hayes Park, Tickets sold yards passing. unbeaten MSU, uses basically the same type of at Paramount News and Marshall Music Ohio State will leave for Seattle Friday offense." was attending his weekly meeting with newsmen. Advance tickets $3.50, Gate $4.50 Announcing... Our New University Branch NOW OPEN AND OFFERING ' Personal and Business Checking Service Travelers Checks, Cashiers Checks, Savings Accounts and Christmas Clubs Certified Checks, and Personal Money Orders Certificates of Deposit Night Deposit Facility Personal and Business Loans Master Charge Card Services ] I COW KM KM LOCATIONS AB&T extends to you a cordial invitation to stop in at our temporary office and meet our MAIN OFFICE 101 South Washington Ave. WAVERLY-SAGINAW BRANCH 3820 West Saginaw Street permanent University branch staff. SOUTH BRANCH 1200 South Washington Ave. AUTO BANK St. Joseph at South Washington Yes! Our office is temporary. We'll be EAST BRANCH 2101 East Michigan Ave. HOLT OFFICE 4308 West Delhi Ave., Holt starting our permanent home at the same loca¬ WEST BRANCH 913 West Saginaw Street WOODRUFF OFFICE DeWitt tion shortly. Meanwhile, we're delighted to CEDAR EVERETT BRANCH 2521 South Cedar Street SOUTHWEST BRANCH Colonial Village Shopping Center begin bringing full service banking close to your home. Will you please give us the priv¬ IMVERSITY BRANCH E of Frandor on Michigan Ave. ilege of serving you ? HOWARD MILLER Branch Manager AB & T UNIVERSITY BRANCH BANK WITH THE HOME TEAM F R A N D O R 1 BANK AND TRUST AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST CO./ UNIVERSITY BRANCH * ** c o m r=> t NOW SERVING THE CAMPUS AREA We want to be Your Banker 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 ' Relief affiliation with the national group$78,500 project conducted by Operation Chamber of Commerce and lower percentage," Kerr stated. organization, Operation Outrage. "Last year we spent about Outrage last year was the women's groups," Mrs. Singh "We feel that as much money $1,000 (approximately 5 per all-University fast. The group said. Children of Biafra, the collected $6,260 when students Davis explained that the main as possible should go to relief," cent) on necessary materials." recipients of $18,500 collected Kerr explained. "We didn't feel The $18,500 collected from fasted for one meal to help feed ideal of the group's work will by University Operation Outrage the national organization was February to June was sent to Biafrans. not be altered this year. last year, will continue to receive Co-chairman "We will work for immediate necessary." Biafra this summer through Mickey Davis, the aid of relief efforts. Detroit junior, cease fire and rehabilitation The national constitution of Canadian Air Relief in said that the With hopes of sending a larger efforts so emotions can cool Operation Outrage requires 40 cooperation with the Joint group will plan another fast this share of collected funds to year if necessary arrangements down and crops can be planted," per cent of the collected funds Church Aid relief group. Biafra, treasurer Graham Kerr, to be used for education with 60 Canadian Air flies materials to can be made. he said. "No man likes to live on Bristol, United Kingdom, Biafra at a cost of $4,000 for a A fall registration collection of charity." per cent sent to relief graduate student, said the organizations. planeload of food. $720.50 initiated this year's Njoku Awa, public relations University relief group cancelled "We can operate on a much The most financially successful activities. Although less than the director of the Biafran Student $2,000 donated at spring Assn. said he hopes that since registration, this collection was the two groups are working for termed successful by Kerr. the same objective, cooperation Block S' games, Notre Dame and Purdue, this year. "This money is quite a help will be more extensive. toward financing our fifth flight to Biafra," he said. "Without this relief effort, many more people would have In addition to the fast, one of died in Biafra," he said. For my 3 Hate waiting in line for your football tickets? this year's goals is to establish a Structural reorganization is the Trying to find a place in your local grocery might have been a bit out of the By turning in your season football pass for a The Block 'S' members are some of the most state-wide Michigan Week for object of a meeting at 8 tonight ordinary, if you stopped at the same store as Little Oscar George last week. seat in the Block 'S' cheering section, you can enthusiastic students at every football game and Biafra. on the third floor of the Union. the cheerleaders visit the section periodically George and his hypei—hotdog were part of a promotional by the Oscar Mayer eliminate the long tedious hours waiting in line "Although Biafra has not been The Biafran relief group invites Co. George is a midget who visited local stores and talked with the "wee patrons." for reserved seat tickets. throughout the game. headline j*ews, the political and new members to attend. The Block 'S' section is sponsored by the State News photo by Jerry McAllister The Block 'S' pass enables you to forego the civil strife has not ended and Union Board and during the rest of this week, long lines each week of the home games, for children are still starving," Davis section 16, located in the end zone, (sophomore tickets may be exchanged for Block 'S' passes said. seats), is reserved each week for the Block 'S' from 9 a.m. until noon and from 1 p.m. until Co-chairman Susan Singh, East students. The students comprising Block 'S' also receive first chance to purchase tickets for the two away 4:30 p.m. at the Union Board Office. For more information, contact the Union Board office at 355-3355. Lansing graduate student, cited community interest and involvement as a second goal. "We hope to set up a closer Anti-war group mobilizes By CYNTHIA NEAL students of James Madison affiliation with Lansing State News Staff Writer Approximately 115 national nation wide anti-war sentiment. College Sunday night. groups are represented on the' He said that if the war is not The SERVICE of Kings Community College, the Program Information 332-5817 Representatives of the Ann Arbor branch of the New The purpose of the meeting committee, virtually all radical was to gather support for the and liberal organizations except ended within one following the first strike, the month committee at MSU and to the SDS, he explained. These committee will call for Mobilization Committee to End a the War in Vietnam met with organize students and faculty to groups include the Student two-day strike in November and Whether plan activities for the national Mobilization Committee, the a three- day strike in December, War Moratorium Day Oct. 15. Los Angeles Peace Council and if necessary. "The committee is actually an the Communist party. Barry Cohen, senior at the eat ou enlarged mobilization committee The New Mobilization University of Michigan (U-M), which organized demonstrations Committee organized the said that there has been a shift in in April 1967 in New York and demonstration in Ann Arbor the mood of the people since or sit ENDS TUESDAY at the Pentagon. Since then we have gone following the football game from protest to Sept. 20. Gladstone said that last year, resulting in a decrease in public support for the war. Gregory Peck Omar Sharif IN resistance," Gene Gladstone, they had predicted a crowd of "It's gotten us a cut-back in STEVE 'MACKENNA'S Ann Arbor resident and national 6,000-10,000 for the march the draft," he said. "What has WITH l*lcojEEI\ GOLD' committeeman, said. from the stadium to the Diag. really gotten us the cut-back? but the marchers numbered Fear of escalation of dissent." ALSO '«► 485-6485 25,000, making it the largest Gladstone pointed out that for 'HAMMERHEAD' anti-war demonstration ever held lot of people, regardless of BULLITT' a Across from Brody on Harrison TECHNICOLOR' FROM WARNER BROS SEVER ARTS )i7 This Program is Rated "M" QLADMER in Ann Arbor. The Ann Arbor demonstration how they politically, the align themselves war is a focal 9:30 P.M. only was one part of their national point. and "You have the sentiment," he project, a fall anti-war offensive. Other action included the Los said. "You can organize it with 2417 Kalamazoo Street Angeles Peace Council's the greatest of ease." demonstration at the California Cohen said that a measure of ENDS TUESDAY White House. the committee's success is the Sir 9l2tA For the War Moratorium Day, number of people now against BCNNIE 2 ACTION HITS! the committee is calling a the war. national strike to shut down "We forced Fleming (U-M 'WILD WHEELS' daily business in protest of the president) to speak at the TECHNICOLOR « FROM WARNED BROS SEVEN ARTS Vj war in Vietnam. It is also urging AND teach-in, we forced him to offer 7:30 P.M. only local groups to organize anti-war us university facilities free of Next: 'BATTLE OF ALGIERS' RUN,ANGEL, RUN! demonstrations to express what charge and we'll force him to This Program is Rated "R" Gladstone feels is massive. shut down the university on Oct. We're a diversified company. A phy, the Collier Trophy, and the This is where you ought to be 15," Cohen said. big one. Our sales will run more Doolittle Award. if you're an AE, EE, ME, or IE According to Gladstone, the than half a billion dollars this Our chief exec is a recon¬ with a thing about airplanes. presidents of Rutgers University, year. structed test pilot. We've got Talk with our campus rep New Brunswick, N.J., and They'll come from computer more fighter jockeys in manage¬ when he comes to your school. ENTER HERE Amherst College, Amherst, service, education systems, heli¬ copters, farm equipment, space systems, all kinds of technical services. ment than any other company in the country. Besides our attack airplanes, we're involved in the 747, S-3 He'll be the guy with the long white scarf. Or sit down and write us to¬ night. Address: College Relations MEN . . . GO-GO Mass., have agreed to close their schools Oct. 14. "They must be afraid of the students," he concluded. And airplanes. and the DC-10 and the SST pro¬ Office, LTV Aerospace Corpora¬ Anyone interested in working with the committee may call Airplanes turn us on. We've built them for going on sixty grams to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. tion, P.O. Box 5907, Dallas, Texas 75222. We're an equal opportuni¬ -Bahamas Craig Sharrow at 355-6870 or Our simulators are the finest in Pat Ehlmann at 355-6737. years. ty employer. Our planes scored the nation's industry. So is our schedule per¬ Campus Interviews: top kill ratios against Zeros and formance. And our titanium capa¬ Rock concert again against MiGs. bility. And our record of coming TUES., OCT. 14, 1969 We've won ttie Thompson Tro¬ up with growth designs. photo correction . The free rock concert last Thursday, depicted in a State Airplanes 8 Round days — 7 nites News photo in newspaper, was presented by the Friday's trip air fare New Community to welcome turn you on? transfers-to airport— hotel-ai rport new Spirit, MSU students, not Free as reported. On hand with the music were the Plain Brown Join the club. 179.00 based < 4 to Wrapper, the Backstreet and the Ormandy. - INFORMATION ► 482 "3905 Studentours of IICHIGAN Grosse pte. Tom Price 882-1369 Bill Kropf Next! 882-1369 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY 60 GREEK: .. . THAT YOU BECOME BETTER MEN! BETA THETA Theta Delta Chi PI 139 BAILEY ST. 1148 E. Grand River FOR RIDES CALL: LT\/ AER03PACI 332-2563 Call 351-3921 Fo.r-Rides A quality company of Lmg-Temco-Vought. Inc i-"rv Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 13 Probation officers needed by Volunteer Bureau Volunteer Action: Does LANSING RELOCATION PLANNED PARENTHOOD: EMERGENCY SERVICE MSU students. Time and place COMMISSION (CCC): Help out academically profitable as mutual sharing experience. constructive social action hit OFFICE: Get out into the nitty Help keep the count down. CORPS: Coeds, make this to be arranged, in a Lansing elementary school, possible. Make your tutoring home? If so, take a closer look gritty of life. Paint, repair and Assist in the dissemination of immediate assistance program keep kids off the streets, advise skills available. CAMP HIGHFIELDS: Socially meaningful volunteer furnish apartments for the information to interested available to meet family ELDERLY WIDOWED in interest club and teach crafts adjusting boys need you to help experiences offered through homeless. Hammers and citizens. tragedies and short term child HOMEOWNER: Needs someone on Saturday. Adult education VINCENT HOME FOR them develop and to beat the Office of Volunteer band-aides provided. care needs. CHILDREN: Provide that extra your to help wash outside windows and teen programs too. influence of the pack. Be a pal, Programs. Students, faculty and SCOPE: Help man a community and make minor putty repairs, care that an emotionally tutor or dance teacher. staff are invited to join the MSU center in the Tower Gardens READERS TO THE BLIND: INGHAM COUNTY JAILi Help adjusting child needs. A smile, a Projectionist urgently needed Volunteer Action Effort which BOYS Readers are needed for blind CAMPUS i-i— CLUB OF LANSING: area. Recreational programs COMMUNITY make detention— time __ as chat, ~ *-— its all part of a includes those opportunities Volunteers needed to work with provided Wednesday and MICHIGAN SCHOOL FOR THE listed below and others, boys 6-18 in a variety of Saturday for community youth. BLIND: Team up one-to-one Contact: MSU Volunteer activities and special programs. Bureau, 26 Student Services Energetic and enthusiastic MAN AND NATURE 'IT RESEARCH TOOL with world a youth that "sees the from another vantage." Bldg., 353-4402. leadership is needed. BOOKSTORE: A student Recreational and educational directed, discount bookstore in experiences abound. Nuclear OPPORTUNITIES: HEADSTART: Volunteers need of researchers, orderers, INGHAM COUNTY PROBATE COURT: court make it socially. Help One a ward of the academically and to one needed to teachers one-half four Lansing schools. assist day at Headstart one of accountants and salesmen. YWCA: Coeds needed leadership roles in high school girl clubs. Also to assist in for reactor radiate organ samples for cancer During completed installation, every serving on a nuclear submarine BIG BROTHERS AND BIG SISTERS: Be a surrogate! Help a lad without a dad, or a girl who d.°€sn't she can ,hav.e look upa moth™OT. to. "The li sisterf relationships as tutors and OPPORTUNITY HOUSE: Ten research. conceivable condition that might f°r two and a half years and is child is too great a specialized activities dancing, one lead to a dangerous situation was ful,y licensed operator. . . . ,, Possibilities exist for graduate tutor-friends. Volunteer girls from a less than ideal home drama, etc. setting are learning a new way of A new research tool has and undergraduate courses to checked, from the wind Commenting on the recent PLEASANT VIEW SCHOOL: life. Volunteers are needed for FRIENDSHIP nAYPARF become available to MSU begin soon for those interested direction above the building'to opposition some New Yorkers Volunteers are needed to work assistance in their academic and CENTER: scientists since installation of the in working with the reactor. the soil below it. The building have raised to the installation of with neighborhood youth Supervise play and YMCA: Volunteer leaders are social development. headstart-type activities for kids Triga I nuclear reactor was F°r those who are concerned also has an evacuation alarm. a nuclear^, reactor at Columbia kindergarten through third needed for youth group of working welfare mothers who completed here March 21. about the dangers of radiation or The equipment itself was University, Brockbank said, grade, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. recreational ^ programs ^ at the Y HOLT HOME INC: might otherwise be left alone Housed in the Engineering explosion as a result of havin^uK-^xtensively checked, as were the People are often frightened by Tutoring assistance is to be and Gray-Y clubs after school friendly visitor to the aged. Care during much Df the day. Bldg., the reactor has been used nuclear reactor on campus, suppliers' credentials. Weekly what they really don't provided in language and hours. Volunteers are also and concern is needed for those in several projects so far, but has Brockbank assures that, "this is inspections are made of the understand. We haven't had any arithmetic and some recreational needed in the Y's Urban Action in the home without families or SOCIAL SERVICE HALF-WAY not yet been used extensively. about one of the safest reactors adjacent labs for radioactive comP'aints here." supervision is needed. friends. Reactor experiments could be y°u can get." samples that may have been left Program. HOUSE: Tutors are needed for a pilot program designed to useful in areas that have not obtained two years ago from ou,|- .. .. MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES been thoueht it's what's prepare youth of the home for even of according to Edward Brockbank, yet, the University of Illinois, which . Even 'f a raioacUve sample present GED testing. nuclear reactor operator here was lnstainng an eve„ larger one, Is foun,d- Brockbank said,harm THE WALTER READE. JR/JOSEPH STRICK PRODUCTION the 250-kilowatt reactor's 66 )«st done. put it back. There's "This is because the reactor is lnn BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL: fue, rods sit ^neath a cushion relatively new -- both at MSU of 6 000 gallons of water 25 ft. Anyone who operates a Give a last chancer a chance. and as a research tool, he said. in the United States Counsel, tutor, teach art and At present it is being used to deep. The water will act as a ac or must be licensed to do so. coach sports. radiation shield in the rare event Brockbank received his training of a leak. LANSING DROP-IN AND ACTION CENTERS: Tutor, supervise recreation, help The Little Sisters of Evans The Block and Bridle Club will pre-schoolers and drop-outs, be a Scholars will hold their open meet at 7:30 tonight in 131 block leader and organize rush Wednesday and Thursday at Anthony. All interested persons tenants. 243 Louis St., East Lansing. are invited to attend. * * * * * * STUDENT EDUCATION The Early Movement for A "Peoples General Store" CORPS (SEC): Give a half-day Kennedy (EMK) will hold an sponsored by People Church to a Lansing area school. Be a important meeting at 9 tonight Woman's Society, will be held teacher's aide, tutor, special in 37 Union. All members are from 7 to 10 p.m. today and education aide or work in COLOR i Dt-I-uxe C J urged to attend. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the headstart programs. Don't wait * * * social hall of Peoples Church in to student-teach to see if this is The New Community will East Lansing. Sales will include your bag. meet at 7 tonight in 323 Student men's, women's and children's Services Bldg. * * * clothing, linens and bedding, games, sporting equipment, VFW EATON NATIONAL HOME - RAPIDS: Big Sisters CHARLTON JESSICA The Israeli and Foundation will hold an Israeli Hillel shoes, housewares. Features of and Big Brothers are needed for HESTON WALTER special interest include the the youngsters at this home. Dance group at 9:15 tonight in ®>rii "Emporium" shop, with gifts. Recreational, academic and Union Parlor A. Everyone is casserole cookbooks, old social involvement is available, invited. fashioned dry goods store decor, * * * picklt barrels, crocks, antique stove. Coffee will be served. Ftor The Performing A rts Company Tues. & Wed. Do you have three to five further information, call Mrs. Sept. 30', Oct. 1 hours a week you could donate Ray Schaubel, 332-2301. United Artists [m] UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM-7;30 P.m. to help a foreign student learn conversational English? If you * * * Campus Action will meet at 9 Campus Wide Tickets on Admission $1.00 Sale at Union Ticket Office do, please call the English tonight in the Union Gold TRYOUTS Language Center, 3-0802. Room. The speaker will be * * * Loren Cunningham, director of The Baptist Student "Youth with a Mission." There Fellowship will meet from 7 to 9 tonight at the Baptist Student Fellowship, 332 Oakhill Ave., E. Lansing. Petitioning for vacant seats on The African Studies Center will present an African Film Series at 7 Tuesday, Sept. 30 7:30-10:00 P.M. new things to set hungry over. p.m. Wednesday in 102 B the Student Traffic Appeal Wells. Films on East Africa will Room 49, Auditorium Court will continue today. be shown with commentary by Petitions are available at the Ronald J. Howard, asst. Readings for: ASMSU Office, Student Services professor of geography. BROILED 5TEAK/22RNED IN WHITE AMERICA SUES IN The Orchesis, (modern dance RUSH club) will hold auditions at 7:15 tonight in the dance studio of SKULLS 'THE COMEDY OF ERRORS ADDfflON THE the Women's I.M. 0K2 'GRs^rr roast eeeF MSU intercollegiate bowling 337-1611 ALL STUDENTS WELCOME team tryouts will be held for men at 7 p.m Thursday. Women's tryouts will be held at !D TURKEY 5UK>. 9:30 a.m. Saturday. All tryouts will be at the Union bowling lanes. For further information, call 5-3357. College Life, the weekly meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ, will be held at 9 tonight at 544 Abbot Rd. in the College Life House. All are welcome. For rides, call 337-2505. The MSU Chess Club will hold its first meeting of Ihe year at 7 tonight in 104 Bessey. All interested persons are welcome. Please bring a chess set if CAMPU«s Is he?*" ""'Or isn't he? "GO!-FORTHE FURY, Only his draftboard and his girlfriend know for sure. FORCE AND FUN OF if--too. "ANGRY, TOUGH AND FULL OF STING!" "A PICTURE YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR IS IT_" FMMOUNT PICTURES \ AMEMORIALENTERPRISES FILM •j v JMV COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE THEG4YDECEIVERS In Absolutely Divine Color. Pink Panther Cartoon KEVIN COUGHLIN • LARRY CASEY BROOKE BUNDY ioas" Next "Alice's Restaurant" soon "Easy Rider" ST^V¥76M6rrowS 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1^69 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 3 p.m. TODAY for the STUDENT SERVICE DIRECTORY. Call Judi 355-8255. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 FRANKLYSPEAKING by Phil Frank Automotive Automotive Automotive The State News does net FORD CORTINA GT 1966. Bucket OLDSMOBILE 1962. Runs very PONTIAC 1964 2-door hardtop. permit racial or religious seats, 25,000 miles. Excellent 421 tripower. 4-speed. New paint, discrimination in its ad¬ condition $750. 332-4589. 3-10-1 351-7621. X3-10/2 tires. Best offer. 351-3146. 5-10/6 brakes. 339-9367. vertising columns. The State News will not accept JAGUAR 1968 with OLDSMOBILE, 1963 Holiday coupe. PONTIAC 1964 LeMans - yellow coupe - SI MCA 1964-Low mileage. Good, black leather interior. Air V-8, automatic, power brakes and convertible. 326, automatic, For information, catl • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ condition. conditioning. 16,000 miles. Will steering. $400. 332-2824. 5-10/6 power steering and brakes. Bucket IV 2-8977 until 5, after 6, IV • EMPLOYMENT inates against 'religion, take best offer. 393-1561 after seats. No rust. Best offer under 5-6988 3-9/30 • FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ 5:30 p.m. 4-10/3 OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1967-4-door, $700. 882-3275.1-9/30 • FOR SALE igin. V-8, automatic, power steering SUNBEAM A LP I N E --1 967 , • LOST & FOUND and brakes. Excellent condition. KARMANN G H I A 1 968, convertible, good condition. Take over payments. Balance due: PONTIAC LEMANS • PERSONAL Automatic-stick-shift. One owner. $1,150. Call 332-0948. 5-10/1 Excellent condition. Peter Hehs, $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV 1966--convertible, V-8, radio, • PEANUTS PERSONAL 9-3279. C console shift, power steering. • REAL ESTATE 337-1311. 4-10/1 TRIUMPH 1965, Spitfire. Radio, Automotive 487-0433. 5-10/1 new tires. Tape player. Excellent • SERVICE OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS '63. MUSTANG 1967 -6-cylinder. condition. $800. 339-8540. 3-10-1 • TRANSPORTATION Excellent condition. $575. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Excellent condition. Will PONTIAC GTO 1964 convertible. 351-1243 after five. 4-10/1 • WANTED 1963. Stick. Owner. Excellent New guarantee. Must sell. Call Greg, tires, battery, clutch, TRIUMPH TR-3 1961. Good condition. 351-3300. 5-10-3 332-6304. S-10/1 4-speed. Make offer. 337-9091, condition. OLDSMOBILE 68, Vista Cr.uiser. Convertible/hardtop. Steve Howard. 3-10-1 Must sell. 694-9252. 3-10-1 DEADLINE CHEVROLET 1961. Good running MUSTANG 1967. 289.3 Extra clean. Reasonable price. on floor, Phone 393-2913. 3-9/30 1 P.M. one class transportation. Has looked better power steering, oval and snow RAMBLER 1964, day be¬ tires. - 6-cylinder, TRIUMPH 1964 TR-4 red, in good $75. 882-2765 after 5 p.m. $1,550. 355-6021. 5-10/1 standard transmission. Mint fore publication. OLDSMOBILE 1956-restored. shape. Call Rob 351-4127 V 3-9-30 condition. Call 393-3060. Cancellations 12 noon one M'nt condition. $500 5-10/1 337-9091.1-10/1 - MUSTANG 1965 Fastback. 1961 G-50, class North Hubbard Hall. 353-5246. day before publica¬ CHEVROLET 1966 Cadillac. Both in good condition. -wagon. V-8, We don't put this guarantee tion. 482-3185 3-10/2 3-9/30 automatic. Good family car. Take over payments. Balance due: OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, 1968. $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, any old car. PHONE Full power. Vinyl roof, other on IV 9-2379. C extras. Excellent car. Low price. 355-8255 MUST SELL: 1963 Sunbeam Alpine. Rick, 353-2184. 5-10/6 CHEVROLET 1962, station wagon. Excellent body and mechanical Before a used cqr can get our guaran- ] RATES Excellent condition. $300. OPEL KADETT Rallye 1967. Gold tee, it has to pass the VW 16-point safety 1 shape. New rubber and 35,000 694-8141 before 5 p.m. 3-10/2 with black and performance test. Then, if anything actual miles. Call 351-3312 after strips. No rust, 1 day S 1.50 6. $600. 5-10-3 excellent condition. 25 - 40 per needs fixing, we fix it. So you know the CHEVROLET II, wagon 1963. gallon, no oil, 33,000. $1645. Call isn't all used up. 15<£ per word per day car 3 davs $4.00 Automotive, excellent condition, clean. 355-1772. 3-10/2 "lEtefiRAM TOM TW£ t/NI VS^TT/, &WY - OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1964. Fred, 332-1437. 3-10-1 Then we give it our 100% guarantee. [ 13 1/2# per woru per aay 5 day# $6.50 ITm-'STOP PACKING!' Sssjbubsh. Low mileage. Bucket seats. Excellent condition. Convertible. Make PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. condition. $175. Phone 882-4041. Good To repair or replace all major mechani¬ cal parts* for 30 days or 1000 miles, whichever comes first. CHEVROLET 1961 4-door. Good 13# per word per day offer. 372-4084. 3-10-1 3-10-1 And you know we wouldn't give any old car a guarantee transportation. Make offer. Call 355-5271 3-9/30 like that. (based on 10 words per %d) Automotive •engine, transmission, rear axle, front axle assembles, brake system, electrical system. There will be a 50# service CHEVROLET VIPALA 1968 CORVETTE 1960. Both tops. All FIAT -1968 850 Spider V • WE'RE LOOKING and bookkeeping charge if Ph°ne this ad is not paid within one week. oval car. polyglas $2,275. 393-6481. after 5. 3-10-1 355-5987 FOR PEOPLE! fouOxt d 485-4752. 5-10/1 CORVAIR 1965 4 FORD TORINO 1968, GT Fa; - transmission. Excellent condition. V-8, 289 3-speed, rad.o, VOLKSWAGEN' INC. The State News will be CHEVROLET 1967-Super Sport, 485-6151 after 5 p.m. 4-10/3 steering. Very good con 2845 E. Saginaw Phone 484-1341 - - Lansing. Michigan responsible only for the Yours for what OPENING SOON! 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, we first day's incorrect inser- power steering and brakes. Take CORVAIR. 1964, Monza, Stick, new 489-5425. 2-10/1 brakes, tires, paint. $495. NEW ENGLAND... over payments. Balance due: $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager 351-3825. 5-10/6 IN THE MERIDIAN MALL FORD 1958 - Excellent mechanical IV 9-2379. c condition, good transportation. Automotive DATSUN 2000, 1969, Roadster. POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMET $75. 1961 New good transportation. battery and parts. 372-7052. 2-10/1 Excellent condition. Low mileage. $2600. 355-5093. 3-10/2 $125 firm. 351-0631. 3-10/2 FORD 1966, 500. what a LIFE! FULL OR PART TIME :ic; red DELTA-88, 1963 convertible. All CORVETTE L969 coupe medium, Good BUICK ELECTRA c power. Automatic. Good blue, 350 hp 4-speed Power on. 655-2642. 3-10/2 •SALES STOCK Condition; 355-5083J3JJV2_ • • CLERICAL steering and brakes. AM-FM. Call 332-3866 after 6 p.m •RESTAURANT 355-2701. 4-10/3 DODGE DART 1963 - 4-door, slant FORD "MAINTENANCE FALCON I9 60. 6. White. Good shape. $350. BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1964. Low Transportation. $90.00. Call CORVETTE COUPE 427, 1969. Best 355-7440, Bob Miller. 4-10/3 mileage, excellent condition. 351-3599. After 5. 355-8171 offer. 351-8932. 372-0509 $950. Emily, 332-5031 5-10-1 5-10/1 DODGE 1965, Custom 880. Vinyl 5-10/5 roof, 2 door. Good condition. ► f AID HOLIDAYS CADILLAC 1963 - 4-d 355-6131 4-10/3 FORD 1966--2-door hardtop, V-8, CORVETTE 1969. White G. M. ► OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Executive. 300 hp. automatic, power steering. Take » PAID VACATIONS Automatic, condition. Take < FIAT 1968 Spider convertible. Free over payments. Balance due: 3.08 positraction. AM-FM radio. » SICK PAY Balance due: $987 Phone Credi $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, Luggage rack. Chrome Luvers. plugs, top cleaner. Call 393-1726. » DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES Manager. IV 9-2379 C 5-10-3 IV 9-2379 C Ron Cook $4,100. 355-0871. 2-9-30 jim Litt)e Robert Brockwall 1. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 2. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK Dick Shinsky Dorion H-irda^o G. C. MURPHY CO. A surprising exclamation over the pictures of five East Lansing men? Not when you think in terms of the founder of mutual life insurance in America. Our contract contains the finest OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL combination of provisions at any price. This is especially APPLY IN PERSON valuable as you live with your life insurance and wish to MON-SAT 9-5 convert to an income-producing plan. No finer change-of-pian at clause exists than New England Life's. G.C. Mo'RPHY A-A 1986 E. GRAND RIVE R MERIDIAN MALL Gary Marshall NEW ENGLAND LIEE n America - 1835 1500 Kendale Blvd. 351-5940 Hiaan DHH naa If You Thought CAMPUS HILL Was CROSSWORD PUZZLE Great Before.. Student / Apartments aana maa raata □aaa uaauaaa aaauuunauia Take A Look At Our NEW Models Apartments for 2-3-4-5 persons ACROSS 1. Overseas 26. Indigenous 28. Leveled 30. Work clothes HIl'J USUSE address ana laan raaos -Features- 4. Improvise material rararera c su aian • 8. Edward 31. Iron symbol # twin dressing rooms (for that 8:00 A. M. rush) Swimming pool • Huge closets Kennedy 32. Linden tree aaaua ana _ • Carpeted • Air conditioning 11. Gender 34. Respiratory raraBsranmnnH • Draft clause 12. First man sound raaatiMUH aaaa # • Big rooms 13. Fr. friend 35. Imperil aaa aan aana groovy furnishings 14. Artist 37. Wry face • 9-month lease at no extra aais aaa hlms charge 16. Chimney pipe 39. Trafficking 42. Reflux 17. Autocratic # swinging party room 19. Piece of 43. Butterfly-lily 3. Produce a jewelry 44. Pipe fitting copper film 21. Implement 45. Tether 4. Tubs 22. Plural ending 46. Poems 5. Expert # individual closets (even an extra one) 24. Reddish brown 47. Still 6. Strand 7. After noon 2 3 8. Soapstone # central air conditioning m 9. Ratite bird 10. Wither P 15. Pitcher plant 16. Refined # from $58.75 month/person 18. Natterjack 19. Head cook Follow the boulevard to our 20. Bathe new Model #201G i 22. Malicious 23. Starred. Her. 25. Smirk Model open 2-6 p.m. daily 27. Silliness i: 29. Lost weight 33. Huge 35. Hose i 36. N. Mex. art center 37. Converged 38. Jap. girdle 40. Formerly 217 Ann St. Next to Min-a-Mart 351-8862 called 217 Ann St. 41. Acquire - Next to Min-A-Mart- 351-8862 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 30, 1969 15 Automotive Automotive Scooters & Cycles Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1968. STUDENTS. CAN and will service YAMAHA DT 1B 1969 Enduro. GIRL STUDEAtS (only) needed to GROCERY STOCK Excellent condition. Low mileage. BABYSITTER EXPERIENCED COOKS wanted, boy: Morning MEN WITH VW. Also, English Imports. Good shape Call NEEDED for one cars to^i^/er the Free Reasonable Phone 882-2248. your 2-9-30 355-6100 child, 1 year. East Lansing, close hours to be discussed. Inquire at sell Clas/V/.Ads over the preferred. Call in person. PRINCE Press. E^.» \ 0 per hour With honesty, reliability, 3-10/2 to campus. Own transportation. Fred Harvey, Inc., Capitol City telephone. 8 s hours per BROS. 555 E. Grand River, East for car r 351-3280. 3 10-1 part time sun-roof, extra tire rim. 882-0684. WHATEVER YOUR skills, male < in Placement Bureau, Student employment. C. BAR BOY- Bus Boy from 11 30 a.m. Services Building Interviews 4821333. 13-10/lu 3-9/30 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. to 2:30 p.m. Apply in person at Monday, Tuesday 9 to 5., for A. More Classifieds VOLKSWAGEN 1965 1 500-S. Excellent condition. $675. Call C. Nielson Co. Chicago, III. 2-9-30 Grandmothers. 3-10-1 Radials, sunroof, gas heater, $995. 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10 8 R.N.'s, L.P.N.'s with medications on Back Page 487-0850. 5-10-3 NIGHT COOK. Experience preferred. COOK NEEDED for fraternity. Top course. Part time 7-3:30 experienced keypunch operators. 3:00 11 :30. 1 1 7:30 Call TRIUMPH 1969-Trophy 500, Apply in person at Grandmothers. Excellent Call . , , Also general laborers. Call pay. hours. Scrambler. PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332-0817 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good Perfect condition* part-time throughout the school 3-10-1 482-1277. 332-3581.5-10-3 10-10/8 A new position condition. Beige. Call after 5, $925. Cs*ir372-7061. 3-9/30 10-10/7 351-2576. 5-10-3. year $2.50 $3.00 pc hour. Male Manager Wanted for growing STUDENT WIFE to work 3 mornings DENTAL ASSISTANT for LOVE... for HONDA 305 Scrambler Excellent applicants only. Apply to computer dating service. Send GIRL-- HOUSEWORK and motel a week in East Lansing home. orthodonic office. Experience Personnel, STARR resume to: I.D.S., P.O. Box 2137, maid service. Hours 8-12 Call WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in condition. Five hundred dollars or COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. 332-0881. Leave a.m. Must have own transportation. preferred. Must be able to type. STEREO 101 the $1,000 bracket? We got 'em. best offer. 355-9757 3-9/30 telephone $2.00 hour. Call 332-0204. 5-10-3 Call 482-9695 days, 484-0702 CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 M i 5-10/6 number and best time for evenings. 3-10-1 WXYZ FM SUZUKI 500. 1968. Low (517-629-3988). 10 10/8 employment manager to call. 5-10/1 East Michigan Avenue, across mileage PART TIME Waiters, waitresses, from the Post Office. 484-2345. C Take over payments. 641-6949 kitchen help. Apply Polo 3-10-1 NURSES R.N., LPN, Roselawr Bar, 662 MALE or female cashier, help. West Grand River, Okemos. ED Manor Nursing Home. 7 a.m.-3 Monday through Friday, 10-2 or Auto Service & Parts p.m., 11-7 full or part time. Ideal 7-0057. 1-9/30 11-2. Burger Chef Drive-In, 1968 HONDA, 450 Scrambler ACCIDENT PROBLEM7 Call Excellent condition. $675. Call working conditions. Excellent Frandor. 489J 346. 5-10H Cedar Village 676 2758 after 7 p.m. salary. 707 Armstrong Road. Call DENTAL HYGIENIST to work in KALAMAZOO STREET BODY 10-10/8 DAYTIME WAITRESSES: Needed Mrs. Jolly, Director of Nursing. SHOP. Small dents to large East Lansing. ED 7-0351 or ED through lunch hours. Apply in 393-5680 5-10/1 2-5737. 3-9/30 wrecks. American and foreign HONDA person at Grandmothers. 3-10-1 305cc. Helmet and other cars. Guaranteed work 482-1286. extras included. $295., 353-4261. 2628 East Kalamazoo C 3-10/2 MASON Complete BODY Kalamazoo Street SHOP, auto 812 painting collision service. IV 5-0256. East Sirtce 1940. and C HONDA 1967, Completely chrome plated, low 305 mileage. 332-5284 2-10/1 drea ve Water's Edge Apts. Do you have a in the "Student Service business that should be Directory" each 1, 2, 3, We will find you a roommate. or 4 man. Y 2 BEDROOM Thursday? Barber Shop u. Beauty Salon 2 MAN APARTMENT Optical Service ? HiFi Repair Insurance Typewriters & Service From $70 per person. Cleaning Centers Laundry Service Auto Repair Real Estate $2QQ00 /month Paints & Supplies Gasoline Station the Student Service appears each Thursday, Each ad is 1 Directory column x 1 inch at a nominal cost of $3.50 per Immediate Occupancy PHONE 332-5051 insertion. Deadline is 3 p.m. Tuesday. For further details call Judi, 355-8255. IV^gnday thru CALL 332-4432 or see res. . Nlgnday thri Friday. 8 a.m. 5 p.m. *«=■ -4- Manager-Apt. 103 River's Edge ifilisnl al 731... II Isn't. Model Now Open ' mat's why mere were 141 more girls mere this summer. 1 p.m. ~ 6 p.m. Seven Thirty One has everything. Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri.- Sat.-Sun. Study or socialize...privately. Available for fall leasing Closed Thursday 1 Enjoy sound conditioning. Phone 332-6441 Air conditioning. Twyckingham Apartm ^nts ar-j now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious Out of sight furnishings...psychedelic interiors. ry apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit h Wall to wall carpeting...SHAG. a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ Dishwasher and two door refrigerator. ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute The Pit...billiards, cards, color television and parties. drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately Swimming pool. planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and Basketball. Barbecues. Balconies. private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycking¬ ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. Complete Social Schedule...TGs regularly. Billiard tournament. Planned ski week-end. Co ed basketball and touch Two and Four Man Leases. football. Water basketball. Fashion shows and cosmetics clinics. MODELS OPEN DAILY SUNDAY, NOON - 9:00 p.m. & PLAN TO SEE THEM NOW. THEY'RE OPEN TODAY. AT 731 BURCHAM DR. EAST OF ABBOTT RD. fc ^ 4620 S S. HaaaHnrn Hagador TV/yCK/NGHAM APTS. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES Management Exclusively By: If ALCO Management Company BtlAeCUFF Pfi. Three Month Leases While They Last! 482-3379 fit/I. I trr-HOp/ #D. Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 Tuesday, September 30, 1969 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Employment For Rent For Sale For Sale Real Estate OKEMOS 3 Bedroom contemporary Senate GOP leaders BABYSITTER FULL time - 2 BEAL STREET: Large 2 bedroom DALMATIONS PUPPIES and grown GIRLS TO share 3 bedroom house NURSERY SCHOOL sale, ask letup in Vietnam garage V& baths. 2 fireplaces, family in; Spartan apartment. % block from campus. dogs. COACH ACRES. 1113 children. Come and expenses. Call 485-8363 or Cribs, dog pen, much clothing and room, trees. $29,900. 351-7490. 9 or 12 months. 351-2253. 4-9/30 TihardRoad, Okemos. 339-8930, Village. 355-2860 after 6 p.m. 484-2132. 5-10/2 miscellaneous. From 9 to 6, Sept. 5-10/1 4-10/3 30, Oct. 1, 2. 646 John R. East $25.00 ONE year male Alaskan CAPITOL VILLA LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom Lansing. 2-10/1 MAIDS HELPER for sorority. One Malmute. Good with children. 539 PARK LANE - Beautiful (continued from page one) Sen. Edward M. house. 2 to 4 students. Wi miles 351-0098, 351-9228. 5-10-3 3-bedroom colonial, with large Kennedy D-Mass., spurned the day a week. Female. 332-3457. APARTMENTS from campus. $170 to $190 FENDER BASS amp, Wurlitzer attic. Zoned student deadline for U.S. withdrawal--a rental. GOP suggestion. He said policy 3-10/2 month, plus utilities. Lease. electric piano. Farfisa mini-combo Potential $350/month income. category which includes GOP Deposit. 351-5696. 5-10-1 organ, cheap. 332-2650, 6-7:30 Mobile Homes critics have made constructive Married, post-grads,and sen¬ Remodeled. Carpets, drapes, Sen. Charles E. Goodell, R. WANTED. WAITERS and waitresses p.m. 3-10/2 and positive contributions to the iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ dishwasher, etc. $26,500. N.Y.-are at THE DELLS. Starting wage: SMALL FAMILY; 2 bedroom, near 10x46 FOOT, 2 bedroom on lot in 5.1 q/ , contributing to a Vietnam discussion. ments. From $l50-$l65.Near ED 2-6680. $1.75.339-8685.4-10/3 air conditioning, garage. NEW GUITARS, Martins. Gibsons. prolongation of the war. He said he favors a general* campus, King Arthur's Court. Excellent Campus. For information call $180. Includes utilities. 351-6479. Fenders, etc. Rap with Rich., 334 Griffin said that because of it condition. First $2300. Cash takes debate of Vietnam policy. EAST LANSING all brick the Communists come to believe MOTHER'S HELPER: Weekday 4-10/3 Michigan Apt. 12 or call it. 489-3433, 372-1077. 5-10/3 afternoons and early evening. 332-5330. 337-0703.3-10/2 3-bedrooms, family room. they can win by waiting for That could be a product of the Finished recreation room. Goodell proposal. The Senate Homelike atmosphere. 332-6714 1620 GREENCREST, Duplex, CEDAR RIVER MOBILE HOME withdrawal. EAST LANSING. Unfurnished 2 Convenient shopping, schools unfurnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. MICROPHONE, EV model 664. PARK AND SALES. Homes from to Foreign Relations Committee is bedroom, carpeted, drapes, stove, and MSU. Built 1959. Low down to discuss Tuesday a possible $200. 332-0480. 5-10/6 New- never used Best offer. $4,495 up. Rent $45. One quarter refrigerator, garage, central air 339-9310. 1-9/30 mile north 1-96 at Fowlerville exit. payment. Call owner at 332-6642 Service round of Vietnam hearings, conditioning. Couple preferred. or 482-4678. 5-10-1 WHERE IS LOVE? No pets. $175. Includes all SPACE FOR 1 girl in 8 girl house. 1-223-8500. 5-10-1 keyed to the Goodell measure. Walking distance. 351-7969. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Meanwhile Goodell reaffirmed utilities. ED 2-0104.3-10/2 Service 2-10/1 STEREO COMPONENTS. Name KROPF, 1967. 60'x12' on the lot, No job too large or too small. in his home state his advocacy of brands C STEREO 101 FEMALE. Winter, at discount prices. Call BABYSITTING "lN my ~Univ^shy~ Block off campus. 332-3255. fixed withdrawal date-in the SUBLET spring completely furnished. For a EAST LANSING: (Students) 2 337-0880.10-10/9 term. Starting Dec. 15th. New appointment call 484-5840. 5-10/2 face of criticism not only from WXYZ FM Cedar Village. Call now. bedroom house and 3 bedroom Transportation Nixon but from the mar 332-3848, Cheryl. S-10/2 duplex, for 3 or 4. Completely PIANO: STORY & Clark. Mahogany furnished. Call Claucherty Realty, upright. Fi Lost & Found WANTED: RIDE Downtown appointed him to the Senate? For Rent $150. 489-8002 after 6. 3-10/1 BABYSITTING IN my home. to Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. APARTMENTS THAT need nings, ED 2-5900. Spartan Village. Fall term only. Lansing after my 8:00. 372-9485 FOUND: BLACK male cat, with after 4:30 p.m. Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, TV RENTALS-Students only. roommates or people in the need white points. 332-5459, after 5 355-0895. X4-9/30 5-10/2 said Democrats do not intend tc* Low monthly and term rates. Call of roommates can find help at Who is Brother 484-2600 to reserve yours. ROOMMATE SERVICE 541 E. P.m. 3-9/30 Planning on going home??? COMMUTOR FROM Battle Creek to convert the Vietnam debate into John? Export baggage and parcels UNIVERSITY TV. C Grand River. 351-3558. X6-10/6 via the Great Lakes Direct to share cost and/or driving. a partisan issue. LOST: WOMAN'S University of 965-3113. 3-9/30 destination. CALL Kennedy agreed. RENT A TV from a TV STEREO 101 Florida class ring. Reward. Steve, FOR LUXURY DUPLEX: Completely STUDENT Rental-furnished 3 355-6273 4-10/3 SERVICE: W.R. Filbin & Co. They were among 12 Company- $9.50 per month. Call furnished for 4. 487-3387 595 Wanted Democratic senators who met 337 1300 NEJAC TV RENTALS • . bedroom house. Call ED 2-0590 WXYZ FM Inc., Book Bldg., Detroit. Spartan Ave. O 5-10/3 after 6:00. 3-9/30 LOST: ACCUTRON watch, Phone 313-963-8421, Export Friday at a session arranged by TWIN BED, BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 i _DepL Sen. Fred R. Harris, D. Okla., DELTA ARMS-Need 4th girl. 9 colonial fra Thursday on MAC. Reward. for all positive. A negative, B NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented NEAR FRANDOR-2 bedroom, 351 2329. 3-10/1 LICENSED CHILD care, in Spartan the party's national chairman, to month lease. Call 351-9450. 3-10/2 negative and AB negative, $10.00. only to MSU students and faculty. 3-10/2 modern, furnished, newly painted, Village Home. Monday thru discuss a new round of policy O negative, $12. MICHIGAN S8.84 month (including tax] parking. 3 students $150. plus Friday. Phone 355-9910. 5-10-1 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, dissent. 100 WATT amplifier twin 15" STATE MANAGEMENT ONE GIRL for 3 man. No deposit. utilities. 351-3969. O 507% East Grand River, East speakers. Call 489-0425 after 6. CORPORATION, 444 Michigan Fall through spring. 351-8489 3-10/2 TEL-ALARM Lansing. Above the new Campus i. 332-8 3-10/2 Do you need a wake-up Book Store, hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 PARKING: behind EXCELLENT Campus Theater. Within location, SLEEPING ROOMS. Gentlemen. Parking available. No cooking. 418 for Rock group, or will sell service? Let us wake you by phone. 339-9278. For 24 details hour a day call p.m. Monday , Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Coalition Farfisa easy walking distance of most NORTHWINO Clemens IV 2-7598. 4-10/3 Combo-compact. Real good service. Also remembrance (continued from page one) points on campus. Lot well TAPE RECORDER 4-t condition. 351-1996. 3-10/1 and appointment BASS GUITARS-Experi for FARMS service. process of planning a rally for maintained. $25 per term. Hurry! SINGLE ROOM. Mal£ student. stereo. Automatic stop, Rock-Blues group. Call Doc. Call 351-3635, after6:30 p.m. Faculty Apartments Linens furnished. Near campus. condition. 332-2761. 4-10/3 JABERWOCKY. THE Blues Rock 482-7677 after 11 p.m. 4-10/3 Oct. 7 to solicit student support 5-10/1 351-7880 Call 332-1682 3-10/2 Band. Booking fall. After 5 p.m. and interest for the Oct. 15 337-0308. 5-10/3 moratorium. V RENTALS: G.E FACULTY APARTMENT.' ROOM FOR rent. V4 double, male. MEDICAL STUDENT needs portable--S8.50 per Unfurnished. No pets. EAST Free Parking. Near campus. COLLEGE LIFE! What's it all about' The group is also planning the temporary living quarters. No JR. including stand. Ca LANSING MANAGEMENT. 332-3094.3-10/2 FIBERBOARD WARDROBE, 48 Come tonight to find out. 544 lease. Prefer single room. Call campus Oct. 15 program, whictf CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. Phone 332-2627. C inches, walnut finish. New. V4 Abbott Road. 1-9/30 MOTHER WITH children in school, 351-2095. 3-10/1 tentatively calls for a teach-in 217 Ann Street, East Lam nt. Call price. $15.00. Call 351-4348 would like full time babysitting in 5-10/3 with speakers against the CAREER WOMAN to share 5-10/9 evenings. 3-10/2 FREE A thrilling hour of beauty. Vietnam war. The group hopes ... my home. Prefer small infant. Apartments furnished apartment. Okemos. For appointment, call 484-4519. 1407 H Spartan Village. WILL TRADE 4 ND t : for 4 to be able to use a University References required. 355-2263. DOUBLE, CLEAN, - arking RUMMAGE SALE: Oct. 1-3 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 355-0807. 2-9/30 OSU tickets. Call 353-7423. 3-9/30 Reasonable. Private STUDIO. 1600 East Michigan. facility, such as the Auditorium, NEED ONE girl for 2 bedroom s. 2346 Raby Road, 3-10/1 for this event. Kedzie. 351-9584 5-10/2 C-10/2 trailer. $50 Must have Park Lake and North Typ'ng Service transportation Call Trinka, Okemos Roads. 337-2147. To handle the bus line. organization 355-8252 S-9/30 1 Household goods, furniture, PHOTOGRAPHER TO cover YOUR PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: a unique Leslie. $67, month. 485-8363. and i MSU. clothing, paperbacks, dishes. event, party or rush. No fee. Pay planning of both the 3-9/30 quality thesis service. IBM typing, October 7 and 15 programs, the UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom. 1-9/30 only for B & W prints. 6-9 p.m. multilith printing and hard WOODMERE APARTMENTS. Just Call 482-0365. 5-10/6 NEED One non-student coalition has established ticket for - A. ppliances, laundry, binding. 337-1527. C completed. Deluxe 2, 3, and 4 GIRL-OKEMOS cAking PARACHUTE TU new silk, jumped Michigan-MSU 339-9177. committees to work on both, air-conditioning, carpet. Logan - game. man. One block from campus. Call near Jolly, $140. Phone Ken, only 6 times. Call 393-1562.5-10-1 WANTED: 2 tickets to MSU - OSU 3-10/1 along with a publicity and 351-9036. 5-10/2 1.351-6729.4-9-30 football game in Columbus, Oct. financial committee. A steering 372-5000, extension 252. 3-10/2 2 EACH, 11. Name your price. 351-1153, WANTED: BUSBOYS. Great meals. committee 71 l East was set up to NEED ONE for 3-man. East Apartments SINGLE SUNNY ROOM: 487-6111. 1-9/30 Flexible hours. Call 351-8901. man coordinate the four committees 71 1 Burcham cooking, girl student. Reasonable. 2-10/1 Lansing. Chalet Park. S68/month. and come up with plans aimed at New deluxe 1-bedroom 586 Gunson. 3-10/1 TUTORED TOTS PRE-SCHOOL 21 or over. 339-9360, after 6 p.m. 3-10/2 furnished J or 3-bedroon GREEN SECTIONAL couch $20 receiving broad student support sing f DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term in the next two and a hair apartments. Avail able now Blue/green large wing chair. $65 papers. Anita Warren; SCM PARK TRACE APARTMENTS. for 9-month or 1-year leases. 355-6131.3-10/1 developments in education and weeks. Electric. Call 351-0763, 351-7086. 489-9651 351-3525 psychology to guide learning Okemos, East Lansing, M.S.U. C-10/2 RENOWNED Li Spacious garden style -1,2, and 3 For Sale 8 TRACK Stereo-Cartridges custom experience for 2Vz to 5 year olds. ONE GIRL needed. Luxury Now accepting enrollment for fall philosopher and all-i good The presidents of both bedroom apartments. Walkout make; $5. single. $9 double. Call apar.ment. $57.50 Soon as ectional. Best Offer Phone 332-4796. 3-9/30 DISSERTATIONS, THESES' Term fellow, desperately iheap Columbia University and patio or balcony. Now available. Rich 353-8334 3-10/1 Also possible. 351-3656. 3-9/30 $18. 485-8795 papers. Anita Warren: SCM ney: Rutgers Ijniversity have already taking applications for one Electric. Call 351-7086. C-10/2 355-8252 Afternoons 10/2 called oft classes in support of bedroom apartments. Model by 3-9/30 DAVENPORT TRADITIONAL NOW OPE NED-LANSING SOUND UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. STUDIOS. Professional 4-trade the moratorium, and President Bishops Furniture Rental. rose/beige. Good condition WANTED: TO r : that Couples only. $125, Near Campus. ELECTRIC Bass recording. Commercial, pop, Robbeq 332-5094.5-10/6 332-4686 after 5.3-10/1 351-8990. 3-10/1 COMPLETE THESIS Service. ,m Fleming of the shape Best industrial. 4806 S Logan Discount printing, typing and 351-4922. 3-10/2 University >vof Michigan has 3-9/30 393-3600. 5 10/3 MALE GRADUATE students: -2 Men Needed; Delux apartment. WOLLENSAK 4 track s . $225. binding of theses, term papers, agreed to allow students and Furnished 2-man apartment. $100 Seve >rded month, also 1 man efficiency $75. S 7 2.50 monthly 203B DRAPES-- [SPARTAN ed. 484-1263. 5-10/3 BLUES LEAD Guitarist. Join/start resumes and publications. Lowest inting faculty members to use the Americana. Phone 351-2366. band Have played professionaly. prices available. Located v cross Can university fieldhouse from 11 Utilities included. Phone bedroom]. Couch sMpi from campus on corner of M.A.C. a.m. to 1 p.m. for 372-8876 or 489-7282 4-10/3 3-9/30 carpeting. Used Corn Cheap. ROBERTS STEREO taperecorder. 332 0751, after 6. 4-10/1 expressing and Grand River, below the Style displeasure over the war. 355-0896 after noon. 5-10/1 Ideal for component Only $120. Shop. Call COPYGRAPH Call 485-2716. 3-9/30 Peanuts Personal SERVICES, 337-1666. C STUDENT TO c •use. 5 hours, Now Leasing Activities Phone ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Wednesday or Thursday. the \ISU 627 2401. 3-10/2 1968 edition. Complete set with KLH SYSTEM. Model 15. Less than REMEMBER THE meatball under organization planned include $1.75/hour. 351 6864 2-10/1 2 Left - Reduced Rates case. $400. Call 676-2758 after 7 year old. $225. Rick McFarland "the table at Cowles House. Benny. TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general manning two booths, one in the* GIRL 21 share 4-man 353-8320. 2-9/30 S-9/30 typing. Dictaphone or tape Union or over to GUITAR TEACHER f and one in the $57.50. Call 351-1043 after 5:00. 10 10/8 transcription. 393-3663. 20 10/24 intermediate boy. Sight readii International Center. The THE CHALET 5-10/7 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and FEEANCY-TWO years ago today, folk and rock. 351-686' 2-10/1 coalition members will discuss SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! engagement ring sets. Save 50 per 1 ago today, ____ their projects for Oct. 7 Bra.nd new portables-$49.95. TYPING: EXPERIENCED work and 15, cent or more. Large selection of ago tomorrow. I love you - Your SITTER FOR 2 children. 11-1 $5,00 per month. Large selection done, on IBM Electric. out leaflets about the 1200 E. G-and River Ave. plain and fancy diamonds. feeonkey. D.B. 1-9/30 of reconditioned used machines. $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0 WILCOX Reasonable. Phone 485-5575. collect LARGE UPSTAIRS, 1-bedroom. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 5-10/1 351-6864. 2-10/1 contributions. $135. 2-bedrooms, ground level, lai Home and "Many Others," $19.95 ROBE RTO-lt's been a 332-6197 Michigan. 485-4391. C utilities included, parking, to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS Many more cominc furnished, 325 North Pennsylvania DISTRIBUTING COMPANY.1115 better everyday, ONE MAN for 2 man utilities included. Phone 351-9255. $82.50, Aver !. 351-2 FURNISHED Apartment for 3 girls North C-10/2 Washington, 489-6448. you, Annie. 1 -9/30 The Psi U's think they have 2-9/3C 21 or over. 5 blocks from campus, WINCHESTER 1200 12 Ga. 3-inch DENNIS DISTRIBUTING KeOI tSlOte MARRIED COUPLES, S160. Month Completely furnished. Walk to sufficient parking, $65 each girl plus security deposit 694-8266 5-10/2 MAGNUM. Sacrifice New. $110. 351 1746. S-10/2 unused. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C 8 ROOM house. 4 bedroom, 1% baths, den, living room with large bay window. 2 car the best fraternity at MSU Halstead Management. BIRTHDAY CAKES-7" garage. campus. - $3.64. 8" - Animals 351 Tamarisk Subdivision. Located 7910^5-10/1 $4.18, 9" - $5.20. Delivered. North Harrison and Lake KWAST BAKERIES, 484-1317. FREE: 2 cute kittens. 8 weeks. Lansing ONE ROOMMATE needed for C-10/2 Pretty colors. Call 485-9612 4-man. 126 Orchard, after 5. Carpeted Fine Quality furn 1-9/30 2-9/30 100 USED Vacuum Cleaners. Tanks, BEAGLE P UPPIES 1612 RIVER Terrace - $22,500. Live Air-conditioning. Security I canisters, uprights. In good AKC. WANTED One in the country, walk to campus. Parking. Beautifully maints condition. $7.88 and up. Dennis Championship stock, Hunters, duplex. $58., inthly. 351 6939. 2-bedroom with large shaded lot Select clientele. Lease Distributing Company. 316 North pets, show dogs. 339-2938,3-10/2 3 10/1 by FHA with low down payment 332-3135 or 882-6549 Cedar, opposite City Market. and monthly payments like rent. 482-2677. C REGISTERED % Arabian colt. NEEDED 2 seniors or graduates for 4 Call Bob Homan 351-0965; or Raffles line, flashy sorrel. Gentle. man apartment. S60 furnished CANNON FT QL with booster. Simon Real Estate, 372-1130. - - 6 months old. 339-2825. 3-10/3 and utilities. Call after 3 p.m. 5-10/7 Great deal. ED 2-5157 after 9 351-8929. 3-10/1 FURNISHED: ABOVE p.m. 2-10/1 SEALPOINT Siamese kittens. 8 Accomodates 4 GIRL NEEDED for new Cedar clean. sti 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the weeks. Call Gary, 351-8907. LOVE is where Village Apartment. Desperate! Deposit requir - 3-10/2 Call 351-2043. 2-9/30 home. Makes tapes for your car, too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up you find it... BASSET PUPPY year old. House at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 IT MAY NOT BE LOST FOREVER! South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C broken. Wonderful with children. Great STEREO 101 Advertise for lost items with a personality. Must sell. Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 now $75/best offer. 339-9310. 1-9/30 WXYZ FM NEED 3rd UNFINISHED FURNITURE. Bar man No lease. 40acres, 2 stools, night stands, garages. Huge house. Close campus. 489-2446, 9 to 3 p m chest-of-drawers, bookcases, ALBERT prefinished picture frames and 3-10/2 more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C DELTA SIGMA PI APARTMENTS 1 MAN needed for 3 man house. 127 551 Center Street. East 5:00. 4-10/3 Lansing, after WIRE FRAMES? Many styles. White MEANS BUSINESS Albert Street 2 or yellow gold at OPTICAL If that just sounds like conceit, apartments still available for TWO DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan ROOMMATES for three think immediate occupancy. bedroom house. Well furnished, Avenue. 372 7209 C-10/3 A PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY again. You wouldn't join FOR THE YOUNG BUSINESSMAN fireplace, carpeting, tv, washer, 200 South Hay ford St. 1-9/30 STEREO EQUIPMENT a fraternity that thought less of b 1 < c k f r a campus-deluxe 2 bedroom itself. Would you? Complete house. 6 people. about any brand. New and us apartments. Newly carpeted Completely furnished. All utilities Come visit us and furnished. Air Call Dick at 351 1523. 2-9/30 tonight or tomorrow PSI UPSILON paid Call NEJAC 337-1300. C conditioned, balconies, reserved parking. Had any LOVE LOVE is here 7-10 p.m. at 217 River Street See model apartment, Are you? or phone: lately? 810 W. GRAND RIVER 332-0255 STEREO 101 CALL 351-4686, 87, 88 STEREO 101 Call 332-2591 for rides Tuesday and Wednesday 7-10 P.M. WXYZ FM WXYZ FM