Wednesday Comp,romise Cooler MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . and cloudier with a high in the mid sixties. Continued cool STATE tonight. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 3, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 52 AUSSC gives r to faculty said that while acknowledging the petition, He said the Search petition and Selection faculty, students and others will be the Search and Selection Committee has no Committee is "meeting virtually every considered," he said. day" in its attempt to find a permanent Stevens said he was "impressed" by the plans to meet with representatives of the The All-University Search and Selection faculty committee for Adams, headed by president for the University. widespread support of deans, department Committee (AUSSC) has acknowledged John P. But Hathaway refused to name a date on heads and distinguished faculty award Henderson, which the University community can winners in the Henderson committee receipt of the over 900 signature faculty petition supporting Acting President "We have earlier taken the position that petitions. Adams. we don't meet with advocates of any "It's a good cross-section of support See related story, page 2. from the faculty. There's no question that Dale Hathaway, chairman of AUSSC, candidate," Hathaway said. he has wide student support. And many of expect to know the name of its permanent the most distinguished citizens in Michigan president. have come out in support of Adams," Legislator adds support "I think Jean Dixon position to AUSSC say might be in a better that," he said. began considering additional candidates for the position following the Stevens said. "And from my own point of view, I have always rated him among the best available for the office." to Adams movement unanimous passage of a resolution Sept. 10 by the trustees asking the Search and Both Stevens and Hathaway said they believe the next president will be chosen in autonomous institution, must not be Selection Committee to come up with more names in addition to the four names accordance with the procedures set down in the Taylor Report. Number, pl submitted to the trustees Aug. 14. "I have faith that the guidelines will be subjected to legislative interference, Brown Student ID's can be picked up on the second floor concourse of At their last meeting with AUSSC Sept. followed," Hathaway said. noted that the University is in his the Union until Friday, The procedure Is a two-step affair; 18, the trustees recommended Adams, "It is my view that he will be chosen Representative Jim Brown, R-Okemos, legislative district and for this reason he first picking up your ID number, then receiving your wallet former Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Jack according to those procedures. It will be has joined the ground swell of persons was eager that the selection be made beauty. ID's not called for by Friday can be retrieved Monday In Breslin, University secretary, and Durward best for the University if he is," Stevens urging the MSU Board of Trustees to select quickly. said. 142 Hannah Administration Bldg. State News photo by Terry Luke Varner, chancellor of Oakland University Acting President Adams as full-time Brown sent a letter to MSU Board of for consideration. president of the University. Trustees chairman Don Stevens, saying "If Hathaway said AUSSC is considering Although he said MSU, as an seek these names, and others. He said the you logical president, look about Congress unenthusiastic a committee may start interviewing new you." candidates for the position. He praised Adams as "being extremely MSU board of trustees' chairman Don CIA concern well-qualified to head administration. Dr. Adams has proven on the MSU Stevens, D-Okemos, said Monday that no date has been set for the next meeting of about draft lottery proposa various occasions as Acting President of the trustees with AUSSC. Michigan State University that he can "We haven't had any word from the for secrecy handle the job. "He has the respect of student and Search and Selection Committee," Stevens said. "The ball is in their hands and they'll have to toss it back to us." fiarest and simplest way to reduce the faculty and an awareness of the obligation WASHINGTON (AP)-Secretary of he might be called or what his chances Stevens said if AUSSC does not contact a great university has to the people," Defense Melvin R. Laird got a cool present seven-year draft-risk period to one were of escaping the draft. saved Berets Brown continued. " He has the know-how of finance and practical human him about an earlier meeting, the trustees may suggest a meeting on the time of the regular Oct. 16 or 17 at reception Tuesday when he tried persuade Congress that a draft lottery is to year. He said its need is particularly urgent in view of administration hopes to Rep. Alexander Pirnie, R-N.Y., pressed the long-standing argument that removal of relations." monthly board the fairest way to let young men know significantly cut draft calls in the months draft WASHINGTON meeting. uncertainty might reduce the (AP)-The Central their rail up prospects. ahead. motivation to enlist or join ROTC, Intelligence Agency (CIA) feared He is more acceptable than anyone on Stevens said he believes the Search and Reduced draft calls as a result of scaling Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., chairman National Guard and reserve units. testimony at the Green Beret murder trials the selection list, Brown said, even thought Selection Committee will consider the down Vietnam troop levels and seeking of a special house subcommittee hearing Asst. Secretary of Defense Roger T. would have "blown the cover" of secrecy he admitted he has not agreed with Adams recent petitions and statements of support Presidnet Nixon's more volunteer soldiers would raise the Kelley said the rottery system's impact on on some of its key agents and destroyed in every case. for Adams in naming additional candidates. proposal, said the difference between the lottery and a plan probable callup age and thus extend the the volunteer programs would work both their usefulness. "I think the Search and Selection The Okemos legislator has criticized the President could establish without period of draft uncertainty. ways. The CIA refused to say anything about Committee is giving great study to all the Under the Nixon plan, the 365 days of Adams for his handling of a student congressional approval is "tweedle-dum A man who drew a high number might be its action, but congressional sources said candidates and I think the opinions of the coming year would be scrambled and confrontation. and tweeldle-dee less motivated to enlist, he said, but a man this was why the CIA barred its people drawn. Men whose 19th birthdays fall on The lottery plan would still leave most who drew a low number- and thus high from appearing as witnesses before Army But, it would take "someone from the first dates drawn would be the first young men guessing as to just when they draft susceptibility-would be even more courts that were to have tried six Special out-of-state at least two years to become might be called, Hebert said. called, starting the following January. Birth inclined to enlist or join one of the Forces officers on charges of murdering an acclimated to one university, and we dor't dates drawn last would likely escape the And he said removal of the present volunteer programs. alleged Vietnamese double agent. have that much time," Brown warned. congressional ban against a lottery-which draft entirely. Hebert indicated a preference for the Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor "If MSU is to continue to be effective, it is all Nixon asks- would give the President But committee members including "moving age group" system Nixon has said cited this CIA refusal Monday when he must have a leader who is aware of the area Hebert and Rep. Samuel S. Stratton, "a blank check" to abandon the lottery he will establish by executive order if dismissed all charges against the Green and the problems involved --- now. Dr. D-N.Y., said a man who drew a middle Berets. Resor said the defendants could not proposal and establish any system he likes. Congress does not permit the lottery Adams is MSU-oriented and, as such, the "It would be a wide open game," Hebert number, like 260, could only guess when system. receive a fair trial under those most acceptable candidate." said. circumstances. Laird said the lottery would be the Capitol Hill sources familiar with the CIA's thinking said the overriding consideration was protection of its agents in the field. "There are seasoned intelligence officers out there with 20 years or more of 6,000 American experience," said one source. "The government has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to train them. to leave Thaila "Their careers and their usefulness would SIAGON (AP)-The withdrawal of that American troops might be drawn into have been pretty well shot if they had been American troops from the Southeast Asia Thailand's border clashes with guerrillas, required to appear in court and answer cauldron gained momentum Tuesday with asked for talks on a cut in the force. lawyers' questions about their background and their activities." the disclosure of plans to pull 6,000 Although there are some American soldiers and airmen out of Thailand and military advisers working with Thai units, Although Resor had decreed open trial the departure of 1,000 more Marines from the bulk of the U.S. troops are at six Air sessions, he had made it possible for the courts to close their proceedings to public South Vietnam. Force bases where bombing runs are staged view when sensitive security matters arose. Announcement of the impending U.S. against North Vietnamese infiltration troop reduction in Thailand came in a joint routes through Laos. Informed sources say However, these sources said the CIA had little faith that the identity of the agents communique from United States and Thai about 126 sorties-flights by single and their testimony would be kept secret, leaders in Bangkok. It was much larger planes-are mounted out of Thailand daily. even under such safeguards. than had been expected. Earlier reports Of the 45LPOO U.S. troops in Thailand, According to this view, it would be said 1,500 of the 49,000 American military 36,000 are^ir Force, 12,000 are Army impossible to have a truly secret session personnel would be withdrawn through support troops and 1,000 are military with the presence of civilian defense negotiations initiated by the Thai advisers. There was no information on attorneys. The sources suggested the CIA government. what troops would be included in those to felt some of those attorneys might talk President Nixon has ordered 60,000 be withdrawn. American troops withdrawan from South publicly later about what transpired behind closed doors. Vietnam by Dec. 15. More than 25,000 "It's impossible to keep anything really already have left. secret if there are more than two people in The 6,000 American servicemen are to be SN open house out of Thailand by next July, but the first a room," a source said. units will leave within a few weeks. Other The State News will hold an open house The role of the CIA in the alleged troops will follow "as expeditiously as from 7:30 to 9:30 tonight in the execution of the Vitnamese man is cloudy. Some defense lawyers have contended possible, consistent with operation Steffanoff Lounge of the Student Services the CIA ordered the man's execution, but requirements related to the Vietnam Bldg. conflict," the Thai-U.S. communique said. Editors will answer questions about the CIA sources have denied this, saying the agency had no command authority. Three head The withdrawals will leave U.S. military newspaper, and interested in the its operation. Students According to the CIA version, its agent strength at 484,000 in South Vietnam and editorial, advertising or suggested to the Green Berets that the F. Ed^ vart 43,000 in Thailand. photography departments, should attend. rman Herbert, D-La., of the House Armed Services Committee, talks with Selective Refreshments will be served. suspected double agent be turned over to Ice Director Lewis The Thai government, sensitive to B. Hershey, left, and Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, right, at the start the South Vietnamese. W ashlngton hearing on congressional criticism in the United States proposed changes in the draft. (AP Wirephoto) • STUDe/ir ADAtAS. Jim 10,000 If/OOO Wednesday, October 1, 1969 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Milliken to air The commission recommended but the school assessment and redistributed to local districts, 20 mills. If the state-wide property tax a constitutional amendment to collection would still take place The average operating millage were initiated, the average tax The Governor's Commission establish the state property tax. on the local levels. in the state is now 24 mills and rate would drop, but it is not on Educational Reform has If established, the tax would The money would be sent to 75 per cent of the pupils attend known by how much. recommended aid to non-public replace the local property taxes, Lansing where it would be districts assessing at more than schools, a uniform statewide The spokesman said that most property tax and abolishment of legislators recognize the the State Board of Education, it advantage of taxing on a was learned Tuesday. IN EDUCATION statewide millage rate, rather Gov. Milliken will sketch the than locally. He added the report for governor is reasonably Confident Michigan citizens backs that the proposal will get on to Ryan tonight on statewide television. the ballot. The commission calls for two Constitutional amendments to However, the deductions implement its Some legislators will criticize it allowed from the property tax proposals. A it is very general," he said. spokesman for the governor said House Speaker William for being "too centralized," he would cause the state income He also warned that some if approved by the legislature, it Ryan, D-Detroit, said Tuesday added, and combined with the tax to go up. that while he-agrees with the things "are not achievable" and miscellaneous parts of give and could put Michigan in the would not come about as the basic thrust of the report of the The commission also suggested forefront in elementary and commission hoped. take, it is going to be hard to try Governor's Commission on to sell the program to many of aid to non-public schools, not to secondary education. He cited the statewide Educational Reform, he thinks the legislators. exceed 2 per cent of the total tax, which he said "No other state has moved or that it "needs proposed to move this far," he development. property needs "more direction," as one "Republicans and Democrats are going to kick up some public school budget, which at the present rate is $36 million. Your letter said. "It states areas of action, but of those things. The quite a storm," he said. Many of They also recommended paying Faculty Club was given a few inside tips on the prospects of the football the Republican members are lay teachers in non-public season when Duffy Dougherty appeared as their guest speaker. Duffy said that schools 75 per cent of their this from districts where school . year's team has great potential and spirit, with his job attempting to build salaries by the 1972-73 school IN A NEW GROOVE millages are below the state that spirit throughout the entire week for Saturday's game. year. average. State News photo by Don Gerstner "But also, one from a district levying 33 mills said he objects because after figuring the SPEAKS AT LUNCHEON increase in income tax, citizens would be paying more," Ryan At the same time, legislator was concerned that local policy could be superceded by the newly-created regional the Duffy previews 69 l't ready to rank it with the teams MSU had a few years Daugherty stressed the point that the most important part of season He said that the benefits of the ■new turf would be more evident boards. a football team is the mental "when we play a game in bad h.i.s MSU football coach, Duffy "But I won't admit that they attitude of the players. weather. Daugherty, shared football "The players are don't have the potential," he "You've able to run stories and previewed the 1969 got to prepare the faster on this, and that makes football season with members of players mentally and physically "They have the spirit, the all week long." the coach said, for a better game," he said. the MSU Faculty Club at a for her desire, exuberance and enthusia "all year long." The coach added that the luncheon Tuesday. m for a great team. I have great teams adapt quickly to the new The coach said that although "Football games are between For a Ride Call 337-9734 hopes for them" Daugherty said. turf, and said the only drawback this year's team is a good on two teams, and the team who is that the artificial turf retains Daugherty made some win observations on next Saturday's wants to usually does," heat. M. S. U. PROMENADERS PRESENTS: Daugherty said. "On warm fall days it can game when MSU faces Notre He said that the MSU really be bad, because it's Square, Folk & Round Dancing Stadium's new turf provided Unlike some past seasons, he usually 15 degrees warmer on said, this year both teams were better traction than natural turf. the field," he said. Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 rated about the same, adding that "both teams have Room 34 Women's I.M. Beginningers Invited, we'll BANK ON Faculty for how. And it's ZBT AUSSC teach you FREE CALL 332-3565 FOR RIDES eye The faculty committee minor exception, the deans were supporting Acting President against him, too." Adams is petitioning to have In the beginning, Adams ran a Speo/ciiig Of Adams' name added to the list of All-University Search and Selection Committee (AUSSC) one-man show, Henderson said. During the Placement Bureau } confrontation, for instance, candidates, John P. Henderson, Adams handled demonstrators chairman of the committee said. by himself, without the help of Some confusion has resulted the Dean of Students Office. from reports that the petitions But this summer, the urged an immediate naming of University's involvement in the Adams as permanent president, Sharma affair was handled thereby passing over the work of almost entirely by Milton AUSSC. Meulder, vice president for Henderson, a professor of research and development, he economics, stressed that those said. The strike before the signing the petition were rather, beginning of fall term was upholding the AUSSC handled primarily by (Jack) procedures. Signers are Breslin (University secretary) requesting that AUSSC add and (Roger) Wilkinson, (acting Adams to its list of candidates. vice president for business and Down the dusty trail or up the primrose path . . . Adams' administrative ability finance, Henderson said. Adams you'll make the grade in these Apache pants by has emerged throughout his stayed in the background but h.i.s for her. Lead the way with a 'no belt' tenure as acting president, has united his administrative look . . . follow with slashed patch pockets . . . stove Henderson said. team behind him. pipe legs . . . you'll end up ahead of the game! "When Adams entered that Administration Bldg., everyone Sections opened was against him," he said. "With Three sections of Psychology 151 that were previously ft# RUSH cancelled have been reinstated. Delta Sigma Phi SKULLS 0K2 They 913. are Students these sections 9, 12, and originally enrolled in 1218 E. GRAND RIVER FOR RIDES CALL: 332-5035 337-1611 sections may re-enroll today at 7 Olds Hall. NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL Spartan Spirit's Awa October4, 1969 Includes Round Tri & Game Ticket Tickets May Be Sept. 30 and Union Board 9 A.M. - 12 Noon 1 - 4 P.M. CARTWRIGHT SHOES Open Evenings Mon-Wed-Fri till 8:30- P»m« tfSV- 1381 E.Grand River Brookfield Plaza Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 3 Actions of AUSSC NEWS concern ori summary imperfect document in many set down. ways," Sadoff continued. Donald J. "The board has the A capsule summary of the day's events from Montgomery, constitutional right not to SPECIAL our wlrs services. The effectiveness of the chairman of the Dept. of follow the procedures outlined All-University Search and Metallurgy, Mechanics and in the Taylor Report," he said. Selection Committee (AUSSC) Materials Science and a member "I hope, however, in the long will depend on the man chosen of the Taylor Committee, to fill MSU's presidency, one range interest of the University, described AUSSC as "ar they will follow them. member of the committee which necessary experiment." "This will increase the "War is difficult and dangerous designed the search and selection Montgomery, also a member effectiveness of the University business. People get killed in war. This is not to be considered homicide." process said Tuesday. and Harold L. Sadoff, professor of microbiology and public health member of the Ad Hoc of AUSSC, said he thought from the beginning the Search and Selection Committee would have "more trouble than we're having functioning by sharing some of their (the trustees') power with the rest community," of the academic Montgomery SPORT COAT Col. Robert B. Rheault, commander Committee for Selecting the added. Chief Academic Officers of the "We had near unanimity on of Green Berets in Vietnam Richard L. Featherstone, University, (the Taylor the original list of candidates," chairman of the COMBO Dept. of committee), said people will he said. "I didn't think we'd Administration and "tend to forget processes but even have that. Higher Education and member of the remember individuals. "I thought it would take a "In the final analysis," he said, Taylor Committee, said he had year, and it still might," he "the success or failure of this added. hoped AUSSC would be done by International News committee (AUSSC) is going to Montgomery said some September. Democracy, Featherstone said, depend on the man they select criticism of the Search and is the major problem holding up and how effective he is." Selection Committee's the selection process. West German's tiny Free Domocratic party decided Sadoff, as a writer of the operations may be valid. "When people try to use all of Taylor Report, which created "My personal feeling is that in the Tuesday to give Willy Brandt's Social Democratic party competencies of all of the first crack at forming a new coalition government. AUSSC, said he never expected our attempt to protect the the search and selection process candidates and ourselves from people available, it takes a lot But the mini-opposition group, main loser in Sunday's longer than with just a few to proceed the way it has. outside pressure, we perhaps Bundestag election, kept the door open for a possible "As far as I'm concerned, I people," he said. 00 $10 may have been unduly careful in "But I would not want it with alliance with Chancellor Kurt George Kiesinger's never foresaw that there would trying to preserve the Christian Democrats, still the country's strongest party. be this kind of political just a few people," he added. confidentiality of all The liberal Free Democrat leader, Walter Scheel, told shenanigans involved," he said. information," he said. Charles C. Killingsworth, OFF newsmen that the party leadership, with a few "I never anticipated this kind of In response to reports that professor of labor and industrial relations and a member of the exceptions, voted "to negotiate first with the Social political football game. some trustees may abandon the Any Sport Coat "I thought there were built Taylor Committee, said any Democratic party." procedures outlined in the into the Taylor Report certain attempt by the trustees to work Taylor Report, Montgomery said outside the selection safeguards against this political he is hopeful the trustees will guidelines Any Slax would be "unfortunate." Scotland Yard conceded defeat Tuesday in its bid to football, but obviously it was an continue to follow the guidelines "This whole process was get black policemen for an integrated force, because worked out with great care with immigrants won't serve. the Taylor Committee and the "There is nothing we can do if colored applicants do not come forward," said Chief Supt. Kenneth Lee, who U-M back to normal trustees. understand We were that the given to board of Free Alterations Michigan Bankard heads the yard's community relations branch. trustees accepted the letter and "It would seem that colored boys are afraid that if after strike try fizzles spirit of the report," he said. they join the police they will be shunned by their fellows." The University of Michigan Angered by the arrests and the Canterbury (U-M) returned to normal Tuesday after a strike protesting refusal of the regents to National News the U-M administration's policy regarding a proposed bookstore failed Monday. negotiate their demands, strike leaders urged a boycott of classes on Monday, in which less -J than 10 per cent of U-M's President Nixon, who got less than half the votes cast See related story, page 7 37,000 students participated. in the 1968 election, lent his support Tuesday to The most important of the After having their numbers legislation providing for election of the president by a reduced from 500 to less than students' demands was complete direct popular vote. student-faculty control of the 100, the picketers gathered in He endorsed' the proposed constitutional amendment Regents Plaza Monday night to bookstore, rather than university passed earlier this month by the House and urged the discuss future action. control with a student-faculty Senate to adopt it. The leaders of the strike said advisory committee, as approved Acting Majority Leader Edward M. Kennedy and that the purpose of Monday by the regents. Minority Leader Hugh Scott expressed hope that the night's meeting was to "give the measure can pass the Senate this year by the required board of regents a chance" to two-thirds margin. change their minds about how Bridge meeting the bookstore should be To become the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, set for tonight run. U-M officials replied that it the election reform must be ratified by the legislatures of 38 states, a formidable obstacle to its becoming law in was "highly unlikely" that the regents would hold an The Bridge Club will meet at 7 time for the 1972 general election. emergency session. The regents tonight on third floor Union. are next scheduled to meet Oct. The public is invited to attend. After 17 yoars on the launching pad. pay television 16-17. entered the final countdown Tuesday for a launching-unless Congress decides to call the whole thing off. December The mushroomed bookstore into a issue major student-police confrontation last RUSH ZBT "TOPS IN SPORTS" thrifty acres The U.S. Court of Appeals, in a crucial decision, Thursday night when 108 CALL 332-3565 demonstrators "CHATHAM" FIBERWOVEN were arrested in upheld the authority of the Federal Communications the Literature, Science and Arts FOR RIDES Commission (FCC) to permit television broadcasts that can be received in the home only upon payment of a Bldg. after a 14-hour sit-in. 855 Grove St. WASHABLE BLANKET fee. The FCC rules are already in effect and the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State NEW FIBERWOVEN" commission has said it would start authorizing pay-TV operations 60 days after a court decision, unless University, is published every class day and Sundays during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. the blanket It's warmer. It's loftier. It's stronger. It shrinks less. It lasts longer. S339 Congress intervenes. that does It outperforms any ordinary blanket High loft-fluffy blanket i As approved by the FCC, a pay-TV station would Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland you ever knew. new weave. It's wan broadcast a scrambled signal that could be converted Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan stronger - washable into a picture on a home received only with the aid of a Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United 90" size nylon binding. 60% - decoder, for a fee. States Student Press Association. Rayon -30% Purry Polyester - 10% acrylic. Comes in colors of: blue, lilac, gold, Second class postage paid at East Lansing. AFL-CIO leaders said Tuesday in Atlantic City that Michigan. turquoise, rose. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student President Nixon's "blunderbuss" policies of tight money and high interest have failed to halt inflation and Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Services SAVE $2.00 threaten recession. to plunge the nation's economy into a Phones: Editorial 355-8252 THIS WEEK ONLY! Wake up and shine with a I "The government's restrictive, policies, tight money Classified [ Advertising 355-8255 and unprecedented high interest rates contribute to rising living costs, hit residential construction and Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 Lux Electric Alarm Clock threaten rising unemployment and recession," they said. "These policies of general restraint are dangerously wrong," said a report by "the 29-man policy-making executive council of the 13.6-,million-member labor Photographic 355-8311 Men's by Robert Shaw 3ft-' suggests $ federation. |99 GET YOUR PERSONALIZED DRESS Luminous Dial Michigan News $2.29 SLACKS r Jewelry Dept A small group of dissidents at Detroit Northern High School, unable to stir up a massive student protest even with the help of a fire alarm, marched, instead, on the board of education headquarters Tuesday. Furnace Filters $3.97 WITH There they presented a host of demands-ranging from YOUR INITIALS barring all police from the inner city campus to 1" x 20" x 20" replacing all pictures of whites at the school with A lovely pinky ring, so popu¬ 1" x 16" x 20" portraits of black leaders such as Malcolm X. H. Rap 32c lar now, engraved with your Brown and Stokely Carmichael. OUR REGULAR $5.97 1" x 16" x 25" School administrators promised to "look at" the 1" x 10" x 20" „CK demands, but no time was set for another meeting. Your Choice 65% Dacron polyester - 35% 1" x 20" x 25" Avril Rayon. Exceptional Sterling or Gold Filled value. 30 42. A power failure hit two of Detroit's biggest office Sizes: to Assorted colors. You'll want buildings Tuesday morning, but the only persons Headquarters for; several! seriously affected were secretaries who had no juice for *Orange Blossom Diamond their electric typewriters. 55 Why Rings Lights blinked out about 7:30 a.m. at the General Motors Corp., World Headquarters and across the street *Gold Fashion Originals MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. Pay at the 28-story Fisher Bldg. The Detroit Edison Co., supplier of electricity to both office complexes, said the two failures were a freak Diamond & Wedding Rings *Art Carved Wedding Ring Sets gw' Jewelry and s>'* nd (f 5125 West Saginaw & 6200 South Pennsylvania coincidence. The trouble at the Fisher Bldg. was caused * Art Center by a power company cable failure, Edison said, but the Longines--Bulova Watches 319 E. Grand River Ave. fault at GM lay in internal equipment. international Pewter & Silver East Lansing, Mich. W h y Pay More! Why Pay A 7 o Why Pay More! DIANE PETRYK MICHIGAN STATE NIWS GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor A lesson fro m England DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor UNIVERSITY LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Presided over by the winged figure of In many ways England is more liberal power. England has succeeded in this JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Eros, god of love, hundreds of students than the United States. Abortion is legal. difficult task, while forced to live from all over the world gather everyday in among Fashion more free. Art more expeimental memories of a much grander past. And the heart of London to sit and and tolerance more prevalent. Still, now she has become a leader in new philosophize while watching the teeming England remains rational on issues big and ways-fashion, theatre and movies, the city life go by. small, while, America gives way to near arts-and has captured the admiration of Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. The attraction of this Piccadily Circus hysteria over race, poverty and war. the youth of the world of the world. haven is part of the attraction all of While America's problems may be more America could stand to take some lessons England has for young people today and severe, she has not yet been forced to try from her mother counuy the reason it is becoming a world hangout to adjust gracefully to dwindling world for students. Why England and not America? EDITORIALS In a sense, England stands for much of what students are demanding in the United States today--such things as caring for one's fellow man, individual prerogative and Dare we stop non-violence. American contrast with his Almost invariably an visiting England finds the own country obvious and embarrassing. Bring the war home. Give peace a So we've heard it all and said it all On "business as usual" Wednesday Where the average American will let the chance. and what's the use, because it really shall have chance to get rat race get the best of him, the British Support our boys in we a remain good-tempered and polite. And an Vietnam-get them out. hasn't made much difference, has it? involved, a chance to weed from our Englishman is willing to give his help in Sure, we've heard it all before. A The war has become an institution, minds the continual hassle of circumstances where an American probably thousand times, from every and Huntley-Brinkley's casualty hourlies and 8 a.m. lectures, which would not take the time. imaginable character in every reports every Thursday night have For instance, a shopkeeper who sees a certainly resume tomorrow regardless tourist confused with pounds and shillings conceivable situation. From become as much a part of routine as of what we do today. They can wait will often take time out to explain the long-haired hippies to ivy leauged the commercials. a day, but the urgency of the war British monetary system. If it's a question professors. From white haired But do we dare stop saying it? must for one day take precedence of how to get to Westminster Abby from grandmothers to bubblegum chewing On Oct. 15, we have a chance to over routine "business as usual." Trafalgar Square, a stranger is never lost teeney boppers. say it all again, and undoubtedly Above all, don't use the one long-he might even find himself escorted! day Even during rush hour in the subway, the hear much the same things we've We've even heard it from our suspension of normal activity as an British never shove or get impatient. been rapping about for a number of excuse to catch up on the sleep you In a crowd one day there was a little boy government occasionally-usually years-maybe with a new twist, in a hurry to get on the train. lost the weekend before. Use it to whenever it has proven to be maybe from a new source, but in the tell your fellow man what you've "Don't push, dear," his mother said. politically expedient, 'cause that's end still the same message; we must "But we'll miss the train!" the lad the way the game's played. Keep only listened to for too long. Use it protested. get out. to feed your head. your eye on the election "No we won't," the mother replied, "and you come But above all, the moratorium will On Oct. 15, take a break for peace. if we do, there will be another one along." up for next year. be a chance for us to transcend the Sure, you've heard it all before, but Would it happen in a New York subway? But mainly we've heard about the institutionalized complacency with When a small dog dashed in front of an this time why don't you try doing war from students. It was students, which we all too often view the war. English lorry and was unavoidably hit, the the rapping? Oct. 15 is an opportunity to force driver got out, wrapped the dog up while a you remember, who first questioned -The Editors concerned crowd offered suggestions, and the futility and ugliness of war in the stark realities involved into our then took the animal to be cared for. Vietnam. consciousness. Would an American driver even stop? Violence is never romanticized by the British and consequently one can walk almost anywhere, day or night, without fear in England. Policemen carry no guns. In addition to the gentleness of English Making our collective civilization, there exists men a respect among and the belief that the business of life should never transcend human values. Tranquility is more important than Criticism has been mounting This is not the case, however, with insuring that our voices are heard. corporation profits. With a small protest, recently against what some have the wishes of students and faculty. It We can ill-afford to sit idle while the and a few letters to a newspaper, citizens most have stopped objectionable government termed "pressure tactics" in the is, after all, these groups who shall important decision this and big business plans. In England, one can form of petitions by students and most be affected by the trustees' University faces is reached without still win a fight with city hall. This is faculty on the issue of MSU decision. regard to student or faculty especially attractive to Americans, who feel president. sentiment. the whole country could stand on its head Nor do we see student and faculty -The Editors in protest and still find ABM's in their Certain people, notably a few petitions as coercion or pressure backyards. professors, view the petition drives placed ftpon the trustees. It must be currently being conducted as remembered that it is the Search and hampering the Search and Selection Selection Committee who is being Committee's ability to select names petitioned to consider various for submission to the trustees. prospective candidates, not the board. We see this as being As Dena C. Cederquist, chairman, completely within the framework of Dept. of Foods and Nutrition, said in the Taylor Report. a letter to The State News Search and yesterday, selection is, above all, a sounding "Pressures are being applied to the Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at 309 Linton Hall. Names board for student and faculty board (of trustees) by labor groups, need not be included for publication, but only if a personal reply is opinion. We are merely attempting political parties, faculty and student to insure that requested. our collective voices groups ... a faculty petition is as are heard by the committee. The stimuli that calls to mind a previous inappropriate a pressure tactic as is a Is there really a "morning after" You describe the phenomena of deja vu. suggestive of the need for psychiatric petition drives are a communication This specialized form of memory function situation which is not consciously recalled consultation. Deja vu is a close relative of political party petition. pill available? I have heard rumors between students and faculty and is seen in a variety of conditions, but is in its entirety. The previous situation may deja entendu which describes the same that every doctor knows what it is, While it would the Committee, not a usurption of mainly a common occurrence in the not be recalled because of conflicts phenomena related lu having heard things certainly be but none will prescribe it. Is that normal person. It is particularly common associated with it. It can represent a means before. I would choose to have either of unfortunate if a president were the committee's power. because of bad side affects or in younger people who daydream a lot. of not dealing with a current problem and these compared to jaimais vu, which refers chosen out of pressure, pressure, to moral-legal hassles? Is it ever Often, it is merely indicative of being in a when this reaches its extreme form, it is being in a situation that you've been in nonetheless, has already been applied The petition drives began because situation that has some unrecognized usually evidence of unrealistic thinking before and not remembering it. have not been available in case of rape, incest, etc.? to the board from every group we insured that the which trustees will choose to name one of has, or thinks it has, a vested interest in the the Search and Selection Morning after prevention of pregnancy is BARNEY WHITE University. being experimented with at a number of A Committee's recommended medical centers. The fertilized ovum can Pressure from labor groups, candidates. Indeed, since the original become implanted in the uterus only when political groups and Daughters of the list of four was turned back to the the endometrium (inner lining of the American viewed by when the time Revolution the trustees comes as should immaterial to choose be a committee by the board, we have very the little insurance they will follow committee's recommendations. uterus) is in a receptive condition. The receptive state is determined by certain hormonal factors. Morning preparations are hormones which alter the after Everybody's a dealer-man president. We are doing nothing more than endometrium so that the fertilized ovum cannot become implanted, therefore Just about everybody I know is some worked-at least until he got busted. pregnancy does not take place. kind of dealer-and every one has his own And then there's the Cerebral Deal, It is not being prescribed widely because private angle. which is really tough to pull off but people !'> use as mirrors in which to it is still an experimental procedure. The One fellow had the Guitar Deal down to insidious in action. I really can't tell too moral-legal question intrigues some people. a small science. Just about sundown of much about it because I never could get it And we aren't beings of pure energy Such a preparation would be of undoubted capabl» of this ultimate intermingling, so MD rockathon value in cases of rape, and experimental preparations are used in such situations not every day he would station himself in front of the Union on the steps with his guitar in all down, but it has something to do with quoting great philosophers and going about we try to do the best we can with our hand. And after about a half hour's aimless with a cool scowl on one's face. home-trap of flesh. We're all the time uncommonly. In other cases, the night plucking, he would There are numerous more examples that dealing in the vain hope that we may before holds greater promise than the invariably be surrounded by a crowd of teeny-bops and I can think of, but I don't think that it's therein attain some sort of ego-recognition earn big congra morning after. Should epileptics smoke pot? proto-groupies. And soon thereafter, one of the group would always condescend to accompany him to his place so that he necessary to relate them all. Anyway, I got to thinking about all this stuff-I mean, why is every ever-loving and know that we real!} re caught are up not alone. In sum, in the primordial existential hassle of self and other. And the dealer-man will never resolve Muscular dystrophy is a fell disease could show her a few interesting chord being on this planet going around trying to far short of their goal of raising make some kind of time? I think its got this conflict because, like Alice, the faster that affects people of all ages, but Only if they want to get stoned. The progressions. $10,000, we feel that their efforts epileptic on anti-convulsant medication something to do with the very nature of he runs urward. the further back he will especially the young. It is far from a were a success. The singular fact that does not experience more frequent seizures Another cat had the Dope Deal, the human condition. get The de i t's sights have been altered graceful way to go, for slowly, but they tried, and came up with $1,400, with marijuana. It is possible that one through nine, down cold. Every so It's like we are all composed of the same by the pot often after a relative period of celibacy, he life-force-we are all truly kindred spirits surely, the voluntary muscles is a victory in itself. actually possesses some anti-convulsant and we know it. We want to have a features. In the prevailing atmosphere of would come running into the Union deteriorate until the sufferer is not On the one hand, it is a sad mass hysteria surrounding marijuana, it is looking all wild-eyed and spaced out. Then touching of souls, a mingling of energies to much better than a vegetable. Little ourselves that we are not alone, •ut I have no clear idea rarely mentioned that this is a drug with he would slowly scrutinize the available reassure is known about this disease-even its commentary on our apathetic it. The many unique qualities deserving of material and, having chosen a target, he but we are trapped in a cage of bone and only thing that cause is in dispute. campus of 40,000 students that such would stumble up and say: "Hey baby, tissue. We need the knowledge that there the answer may have a comparatively small amount was systematic evaluation. wanna go smoke some dope?" And I was are others which are ) do with prayer, or something really us so that we Much more research and, raised-especially in view of all the therebv define ourselves in the continually astounded at how well it may therefore, funds are needed if it is high-sounding promises that a Can you explain why people to be added to the list of p™/1 ever number of organizations made and sometimes encounter afflictions past. then copped-out on. On the other situations which seem familiar to strange mate it's prmng me crazv!!! as soon as i learn r' .EA?NE; latere I'M ~0 EAT LUNCH ANP one thins, they so on EXPECT ME TO KN0U) It is our opinion that the hand, however, it is heartening to them? Sometimes when I visit a new to something €l5"1 ! " rockathon of phil Grant and Harold know that at least two members of place, the setting, dialogue and Prentice for Muscular Dystrophy was the mindless masses have more colors will match to produce a one of the nobler events that has important things to think of than sensation of familiarity that I know their own petty little hassles. shouldn't exist. Yet the feeling in taken place on this campus in quite such situations is that I've lived the some time. Though they were forced -The Editors scene before. to cut their vigil short, and they fell Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 5 OUR READERS' MIND Pressure petitions To The Editor: through established channels. Door burn equals buffi jcJb It appears to be time for Any attempt by certain interest someone to register dismay with groups to circumvent the deplorable activities of some established operating procedures members of our academic loudly proclaims complete lack community engaged in the of confidence in their duly the 0 e ditor. and burnt toilet paper on the Neither my roommate nor his hand. ' see numerous petition drives elected representatives on the 1 recently graduated from myself, nor anybody in our ErerTafter ray roommate and 1 "oor- or w« pingS below a regarding the selection of a All-University Search and MSU, and, during the summer, suite, smokes, and even if we both explained this to our burn on a door, does not mean I president. The faculty of this Selection Committee. received a bill for $15 from Thomas B. Schwab, Manager of did, it would be hard for us to beloved manager, Mr. Sehwab, kn°w who » sponsible. The University agreed upon a I am hopeful that the Search North Wonders Hall, where I accidentally burn the outside of we were still stuck with a bill, ev'de"ce ,s there l procedure for nominating and Selection Committee will our door. Furthermore, it is very which is entirely preposterous. It . 'J5 .° , . . presidential candidates to the lived for three years. It was for caie board of trustees. And this completely disregard all unlikely that we would be so seems to be the here, that the R.A„ dit to well S,nee he could see my half of a $30 bill for a "burn stupid as to wantonly burn our because he can bill us, he will as as I could. approved procedure did not petitions and pressure tactics. Hip wit nitwit? designed But, if the committee elects to on outside of room door." I The very premise of the own door and, finally, it is US) without any regard to include petitions or ..... assume that some University unreasonable for the University fairness or reason. The whole Umvers,ty blll,r]g primarily for publicity in the glance at the petition, I hope the committee members will regulation currently permits a resident to be billed for the to assign us the impossible task idea of billing us for something something we could not control news media. determine how many of the of guarding the outside of our we did not do and could not ls' ,n ltself' bad; but whe" l!}e Dear Barney White: may be your idea of a good Certainly all of the persons outside of his door, but I also door 24-hours-a-day, preVent is revolting toha11 manager> knowing fully being supported by circulating petitioners responded earlier not I found your recent State thing, I'm scared. Unless good when our elected committee feel that mention that it is' probably the regulation is 7-days-a-week, against any drunk enou2h tha} we were News column quite stupid. people do get themselves petitions cannot become representatives were pleading for ridiculous. who comes by with a cigarette in niegal charged, refuses r0f„c« to invoke the thp together, we are going to president. These unwarranted bill, that is tantamount to Briefly, you make the error of suggestions and involvement of In his reply to my letter, Mr. confusing all the results of continue to get our "pure" but petitions could prove to be the faculty, students and alumni Schwab comes across with this organizational activity with the unorganized asses kicked all over embarrassing to the petitioners in the serious business of Brilliant stratagem brilliant and the country. as well as the persons being utterly devastating results of some organizational rightfully reimbursed, but I just supported, and eventually selecting the president. activity. Organization does not Finally, please don't waste so necessarily have bad much of your's and the reader's hamper the welfare of the "You (Frank) have also stu,d,ent bc abu,sed „the consequences, technology is not precious time by being a hip wit. University. mentioned that "certain persons P?"* bureaucrats whose philosophy is: "If there is a rule necessarily bad, and the bow and Even the dull people stopped All students, faculty and Louis J. Boyd To The Editor: well. Perhaps a charge for a class on the floor were in the habit, so not talking like that several years alumni have had ample that says I can, I will, and arrow are necessarily jlessor. College of Agriculture dropped after registration is to speak, of lighting toilet paper let the ago. opportunity to suggest names and Natural Resources I would like to commend the students be damned!" weapons. justified; but in order to be in the halls, burning ceilings and John Kochevar and make recommendations administration for their highly While retirement in Florida consistent, I suggest that the deliberately burning doors with efforts to administration should Frank J. Jonelis either matches or candles.' You seem institutionalize halving Alumnus make the above mentioned to know who these 'certain extend its benefits l° ali San penalty for a student mistake people' are and this, then, Francisco, California out-of-state students, an in-state student registers for equal for in-state and becomes your responsibility." out-of-state students, or begin This is the logic one would four-credit class and drops it charging out-of-state students 20 expect from a baby, or a moron, during the first two weeks cents for MSU cokes. or even a baby moron, not from following registration, he must still pay half of in-state tuition a manager of a $6,000,000 hall Pi Kappa Phi Robert J. DeLap at MSU. Just because I could for the class, or $26. An Midland junior come in some Saturday night For a Ride Call 337-9734 out-of-state student in a similar situation pays half of out-of-state tuition, or $62 for this class he does not take. The board of trustees is certainly worthy of our admiration for finding this new source of revenue for Michigan State, Inc. It is only just, of course, that an out-of-state student should pay more than an in-state student for services not rendered. I thought it particularly enjoyable to observe the brilliant stratagem employed by the administration in not even describing this new gambit in the official publication "Summary of Student Fees and Other Expenses, MSU, 1969-70", thus catching even more people with their computer cards down. Quite seriously, MSU is an excellent school despite its BY Miim administrative misadventures. It w has attracted many instructors and advisors who are not only outstanding in their fields, but humanistic and concerned, as JimSchwall * Woolies-Savage Grace z .. Sunday Funnies>Brownsville Station CALL B Plain Brown Wrapper 332-3565 FOR RIDES T » Come In And FREE One Year's Complete Shoe Wardrobe Of Your Choice All Students Eligible - No Purchase Necessary Drawing Will Be During The Last Week Of October DOWNTOWN 326 South Washington ards EAST LANSING 317 East Grand River Ave E S Since -1449 First Choice 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigai} Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Charges dropped, Green Berets head home BIEN HOA, Vietnam (AP)-With the traditional V-for-victory sign, seven of the eight Green Berets arrested in the alleged "I'd just as soon have completed my tour," the 43-year-old Rheault, dressed in jungle fatigues and a green beret, said on wrapped in be a sack and dumped into the South China Sea, never to found. Attorneys for the Green Berets had said the U.S. pressed so vigorously to have the men tried and what, if any, role Gen. Creighton W. Abrams Jr., commander of all U.S. forces in slaying of a Vietnamese spy headed home Tuesday after the department. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) approved the slaying after Vietnam, played in the decision. Army dropped all charges against them. Capt. Robert F. Marasco, 27, of Bloomfield, N.J. who had been Chuyen was discovered to be working for North Vietnamese and Rheault told newsmen Tuesday that the case involved a The eighth member of the group in the secrecy-cloaked case named by the Army as the alleged trigger man in the case, said: Americans at the same time. The CIA denied any such "penetration agent"--a spy who had infiltrated the American remained behind because he had not completed processing, "It's great to be going." involvement. intelligence network. Asked if the spy was Chuyen, he replied: "I military' spokesmen said. The widow of the allegedly slain Vietnamese agent said: Army Secretary Stanley R. Resor announced Monday that believe so." Led by Col. Robert B. Rheault, commander of all Green Berets "The soul of my husband will follow those who killed him. The Rheault and five other Green Berets specifically charged with in Vietnam until the case broke, the departing Special Forces Americans are worse than the Viet Cong! I'm going to blow up murder and conspiracy could not be court-martialed, because the officers were put aboard a charter plane carrying 212 other the Americans. They are more cruel and savage than the CIA refused to furnish witnesses. homebound servicemen to Travis Air Force Base in California. The eight Green Berets are due to go on leave while the Army decides their new assignments. Communists." Chuyen was reportedly slain June 20 near the Special Forces Though the charges against the still swirled around the case. men were dropped, controversy Customs headquarters at Nha Trang and his body was weighted in chains, Among many unanswered questions was why the Army had praise drug SAN YSIDRO, Calif. (AP)-Operation Intercept, the Nixon 6 Administration's crackdown on narcotics traffic from Mexico, is \von9 drawing protests from both sides of the border- but not from the men who implement it. © "For my money, the whole operation is a great idea," says customs agent Sanuel May, who inspects pedestrians and vehicles at this major California checkpoint between San and Tijuana, Mexico. Diego, Calif., "If it cuts the supply of dope to the smalltime dealers who push it to the school kids, that's reason enough." The 35 customs agents regularly assigned here are getting help from 30 borrowed from stations around the country. They're all getting a workout. A few have been temporarily overcome by • fumes from engines of lined-up cars. Some have suffered backstrain from lifting hundreds of hoods and trunk lids. Operation Intercept, aimed primarily at drying up the flow of marijuana and, thus, making it too expensive for young people, has been criticized by businessmen on both sides of the border. Protests have been heard in Congress. And Mexican President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz has termed it a "bureaucratic mistake" that has "raised a wall of suspicion between our two peoples." Ryan in disagreement Brotherhood is: with page's statement • Friendship and Underspending By LARRY LEE statement and it is not correct. • Growth and awareness State News Staff Writer "There are 110 legislators and • A statement by a Michigan all have different philosophies. A Watching the house grow • House of Representatives Chipping in when needed page page cannot choose which things that he was a "legally hired he will not do • because he Running for offices slave" is not grounds for disagrees with a particular • Pledging and Tradition discharge, House Speaker philosophy at the time.' • Developing individually William Ryan said Tuesday. He referred to a situation • Working together^ He was responding to a call by where Cornell and another page • Planning a pledge program Jim Brown, R-Okemos, that objected to passing around a • Building a house Philip Cornell be dismissed resolution praising the Ferris because of that statement he State • Rushing University president for his made in an interview with a actions • Parties concerning a student State News reporter in • Talking with brother about August. disturbance. a a problem But the regular session is over, But when told they had to • Your second home so the pages are no longer circulate it, both did, Ryan • Unity working. Ryan said he does not added. "There is no evidence of Pride yet know who will work for the insubordination." special session to begin Monday. If Cornell were to be hired However, Ryan said, "I again, Ryan said he would want disagree with the page's to "sit down and explain the facts of life with him: if you are hired for a job, you must do it." But he added that Cornell has already worked two years as a i, which is more than most, and doubted if he would apply again. Alpha Epsilon Pi Delta Sigma Pi Phi Gamma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Sigma Phi Epsilon 424 Michigan 217 River Street 239 Oakhill 207 526 Sunset Bogue 351-2066 332-2591 332-5053 332-8696 351-4160 Pi Kappa Phi Tau Delta Phi Alpha Gamma Rho Delta Tau Delta 121 Whitehills 220 Cedar Street 432 Evergreen 330 N. Harrison 332-0834 Phi Kappa Psi 337-9734 351-0250 337-1721 522 Abbott Alpha Kappa Psi Delta Upsilon 332-5039 Psi Upsilon Theta Chi 123 Louis 1504 E. Grand River 810 W.Grand River 453 Abbott 332-5040 332-8676 351-4687 332-3581 Phi Kappa Sigma Alpha Tau Omega Sigma Alpha Epsilon Theta Delta Chi 451 236 N. Harrison Evergreen 131 Bogue 139 Bailey 332-0846 337-1611 337-9091 332-2563 Beta Theta Pi 1148 E. Grand River Sigma Alpha Mu Theta Xi 351-3921 Phi Kappa Theta 275 Northwind 501 M.A.C. 2ft Evergreen 351-2453 351-0665 351-9601 Delta Chi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Chi Triangle 101 Woodmere 128 HasJett 729 E. Grand River 242 N. Harrison 332- 0866 332-0841 337-9020 332-3563 Delta Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Tau Zeta Beta Tau Sigma Nu 1218 E. Grand River 125 N. Harrison 855 Grove 332-5035 332-3577 332-2501 332-3565 During Rush Call The Houses for Rides OPEN RUSH TONIGHT -- 7 to 10 P.M. Fraternity Council Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 7 Official Confrontation-that almost final decision should be left to a possible discounts," Neff said. was f°r us succeed in other areas, Harvard Strike Shirt WHITE "T" SHIRT $2.50 professional manager," Fleming "Under pressure last week," he If we do> however it will be News Background said "and the office of the continued, "Pierpont said that it eas,fr exPand the 185116 of The University of Michigan's university's vice president and that the store should st"dent P°wer to encompass operate on a non-profit basis, °^er areas. - - - - - (U-M) student bookstore, little in ^ statement released after little agreement regarding the chief financial officer, SIZES: Sm-34/36 "For example," he continued, more than a low-pressure dream the meeting, SGC said that "the strike's success, future "They fear that any i other but there is no assurance that "1RV"' Md-38/40 since 1929, threatened last primary purpose of the strike implications or even'necessity; policy will cause the store to when the time comes for a final ^Uf f°'ft! Lg-42/44 week to become hurricane of student protest. the newest (was) to demonstrate the need for a more democratic most parties involved did feel beeome financial* vulnerable, that the most important point and that there may then be *= U,at the dee,s,on would ^suc^ofjhe^n XL-46 Citing actions by U-M University where students and who should run* the liability on the part of the "Under the SGC proposal,"he removing ROTC from the STRIKE—STIX President Robben Fleming, faculty can control areas of bookstore, university," he added. added, "the decision on policy ,nitiatmg 311 o^11 (stick to anything) which were termed "not in the primary concern to them" Reming and the U-M regents Fleming'also cited'the results would be made by a board of admissions policy building 8 for $1.00 best interests of the students and At 8 a.m. Monday, ad previously subnet ted a of a survey conducted students and faculty, the *ow:cosi student-faculty faculty" by a group of approximately 500 proposal stating that the throughout student bookstores representatives of the ou^ng' J^o wg oc food approximately 2,000 students, plans were set in motion to demonstrators began picketing 13 major classroom buildings, bookstore was to be under the in the Big Ten and five Michigan co"s"mers " schools. At none of the schools,' the William Dinner, , ^omtmction of newTtrLuS a a member of construction of a new intramunU auspices of ausDices oi Wilbur wuDur Pieroont nerponi, vice vice organize a strike for the purpose By 3 p.m. less than 100 the report stated does the strike Coordinating ° building which will be financed of demanding increased student president for financial affairs. J"B by a $30 student assessment." STRIKE SHIRT picketers still remained. A rally The Strike Coordinating manager repor to the students "What we are striving for," Box 6-MS Power. In a special session late Sunday held Monday night for the purpose of discussing further Committee, headed by Alan The report also noted that all Neff, wished that the bookstore stores« showed a profit for the ' °^d Clted thecontrol nee^ over for students to Dinner added, "is merely control constituency of which Glencoe, III. 60022 night, the Student Governing strike plans ended in small . ...... —+ be run by a student-faculty Past five years (except Michigan / i — assume that which over 131 consuiuency oi wmtn affects them. we are the members." council (SGC) voted 6 to 1 to shouting matches, appointed manager. Tech's), all sell textbooks at list support the proposed strike, While there appeared to be The students seek a price to students (except Wayne Since students are the student-faculty controlled State, which gives a 10% constituency of this institution," IT'S what'S. bookstore operated by a discount) and professional manager, an self-supporting. arrangement which we feel will be Neff deferred comment responsive to our regarding the financial aspects of all are Dinner said, "it seems absurd to refuse them power over their own decisions." Dinner also noted the HAVEN'T YOU MADE UP Bfpbkng more needs," Neff said. "The issue the report, but did make here," he exception to other parts of it, continued, "is one of student most notably the idea of control, that control to be discounts. jmportance of the bookstore issue in relation to other problems. If we do not win the YOUR MIND ALREADY? exercised over a student The regents' bookstore bookstore issue," he said, "it The Fisheries and Club will meet at 7:30 Wild Life Dean Willis W. Armistead^ service. In a dissenting statement released the same day, Fleming noted that the regents were not proposal makes no mention of make it much more difficult Go College of Veterinary Medicine, PHI tonight in in favor of sponsoring a 223 Natural Do You Want Work in Resources Bldg. will speak at 7:30 tonight at the student-faculty bookstore run Slides of last spring's canoe trip meeting of the Pre-Vet's Club in by a professional manager. and summer employment 100 Veterinary Clinic, "They (the regents) believe the opportunities will be shown. A * * * movie will also be featured. Anyone student * * * knowing a blind needing help with The Women's Field Hockey Team will practice at 3:30 today and Thursday at Old College Field. Allowances will be made SN correction: Alpha Delta Pi Lansing's Leading KAPPA reading should call 353-3456 to arrange reader. for a Tower Guard for class conflicts when necessary. Everyone welcome, * * * aids MD drive Ski SIGMA Shops * * * The In the story published Tuesday Bridge Club will meet at 7 The MSU Promenaders on the rocking chair marathon will tonight on the thrird floor meet for square, for muscular dystrophy, Phil folk and round Union. Public is invited, Grant thanked the Alph < Delta dancing from 7 to 8:15 tonight. * * * Pi sorority for their help, not the Beginners may be given lessons. The Green Splash Students and faculty are invited. * * * Synchronized Swimming will hold a dry land meeting at 7 Alpha Delta Phi sorority, as reported. Knapp's Downtown The Scabbard and Blade will tonight. Swim clinics will be hold an organizational meeting held at 7 p.m Oct. 6, 8, 13, with and Meridian Mall at 8:30 tonight in the Captain's Room of the Union. tryoutsat 7 p.m. Oct. 15. Events will be held at the Women's I.M. GO * * * faculty lounge. Have you had experience in Ski Shop The Hillel Foundation will * * * selling? hold Hebrew classes registration The Students for a Democratic at 4:30 today at Hillel House, Society (SDS) will meet at 8 'SKULLS" 319 Hillcrest. Classes are all. Also Jewish beliefs, customs open to tonight in 31 Union. Discussed will be the Oct. 4 march on R Have you had ski bindings? experience in putting on and practices class will meet at Chicago. 7:30 tonight at Hillel House. Apply: Knapp's Personnel Dept. CALL 3371611 The Adv K FOR RIDES 236 N. HARRISON ory 5th Floor Downtown The Little Sisters of Evans Committee (SAC-MATH) for the Scholars will hold their open Math Dept. will meet at 7:30 rush at 8 tonight and Thursday tonight in 138 A Wells. The at 243 Louis Street, East MATHELP program will be Lansing. Moon Globe the Petitioning for vacant seats Court Petitions Bldg. Student will are Traffic continue available ASMSU office, Student Services Appeal at on today. the RUSH z B Exciting "earth" new 6-inch diameter moon globe and "far" side reproduced photographs. Illustrates the moon's craters, "seas" and mountains in detail; naming all major features. Locates Apollo Belt where U.S. manned landings have and will showing both from actual occur. Ideal for following the future events and seeing the ALPHA TAU OMEGA IS TheMSUColony Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority actual areas being explored. Comes with brass finished will meet at 7 tonight in 37 half-meridian and smartly styled base plus 16-page book Union. "The Story of the Moon" by well noted authority. $3.50 + CALL 40c postage and handling. Michigan residents add 4% sales A from lawyer will be at ASMSU Wednesday 1 to 4 p.m. this term. every Call 332-3565 FOR RIDES T tax. Graylines Express 4465 Janice Lee Dr. Okemos, Mich. 353-0659 for appointments. The MSU Rodeo Club will hold its first meeting at 9 tonight at the Pavilion. New members are welcome. The MSU College Republicans will hold the first meeting of the year at 7:30 tonight in 35 Union. Richard Durant, chairman, 14th District Republican .Club, will speak on "The Student Revolt." wamsw's 48'm MI Our regular order of Buttermilk Pancakes only 49c Bring along all WInning A Trophy A Saturday Afternoon your prospectors. For Chi Omega Sorority Barbeque OPEN Sun., Thru Thurs. Members Of M.S.U. • Top Competitor In ► Scholastically No. 1 Nationally 6 A.M. To 11 P.M. Athletic Teams I.M. Sports Fri. & Sat. ► Socially Active Members 6 A.M. To 2 A.M. ► Members Of ► Winner Of Community ' Members Of Numerous 2820 4i Student Government Service Awards Campus Organizations E. Grand River 37 Wednesday, October 1, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Board helps he state believes can the best way promote treatment the Michigan's 200,000 alcoholics Marie, Battle Creek Hospital and to be instituted jointly by St. Joseph's Hospital in Mount William Beaumont Hospital in State mental hospitals should establish treatment programs for motivate a new philosophy for life. stick to his living by program of following AA's 12 programs is to get behind the Clemens. Royal Oak and Pontiac mentally ill alcoholics, Daniel AA is based on the idea that iteps. The state subsidized five of the' 'Osteopathic Hospital. said, but they are too overloaded the major cause of alcoholism is One local center that works Alcoholism is now recognized local programs with financial as an illness and many support and assistance in six alcoholism programs initially, Detroit is behind the rest of to handle a program like this a defective personality which is closely with AA is the Lansing Alcoholism Information Center. communities are instituting planning, rather than have one Daniel said. the state with no general adequately. emotionally immature. The ~ programs which deal with central state program. In the future, more alcoholism hospital with an alcoholism In the future, the alcoholism secret of the program's success is Earnest Condell, director of alcoholism rehabilitation. Six general hospitals in treatment programs will be set therapy center, Daniel said. board will be moving into the that one alcoholic will listen to the center, said he believes AA is To help the estimated 200,000 Michigan have treatment up in general hospitals. Plans are The alcoholism board allows area of alcoholism treatment and another. the best organization for alcoholics in Michigan, the state programs at the present time, being made for a program at each hospital to develop its own traffic safety. The driving record AA members believe 50 per recovering sobriety. has set up an alcoholism board Daniel said. These six are Clinton Valley Hospital in program, Daniel said, though of the state will be improved cent of the battle is won when a Part of the work that the to deal with treatment, Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Macomb County. Also, plans are often the board does assist in the when alcoholics are given proper new member understands why alcoholism center does, Condell education and research. Hurley Hospital in Flint, St. being developed to establish a planning of the programs. If the treatment, he said. alcohol was attractive to him said, is to refer alcoholics to AA Ralph Daniel, director of the Luke's Hospital in Saginaw, War treatment program in Muskegon alcoholism board did not like a Some local alcoholism groups an^ that he can never drink and their spouses to Alanon, the state's treatment programs, said Memorial Hospital in Sault Ste. and another in Oakland County program, they would not finance are now working with industry. again. The other half is LAST IN A SERIES spouses' division of AA. it, he added. These groups contact employers when the alcoholic is able to Every community of 75,000 Michigan University to teach about employees and try to help or more should have treatment about alcoholism, buys films for them maintain sobriety, resources such as an out-patient lending libraries, makes abstracts Daniel said that Alcoholics STUDENT EXPENSE program and therapy program, of all literature written about Anonymous (AA) is a resource Daniel said. alcoholism in the last 12 years that should be used by all WHO'S REALLY No. 1? in The alcoholism board helps finance nine information centers the state, including one in available in the state library and publishes Alcoholism the "Michigan Review" and a hospitals, for every county has such a group and every member 0f AA acts as a therapist. The $10 per SAE Rated First Lansing, to help citizens learn about alcoholism and where to go for help with the problem. supplement. Daniel said that programs should alcoholism board works as ideally, state closely with AA, as any public operate agency can. called ge The board also subsidized a through local programs, though AA is a group that is interested By SHARON STEWART the Ann Arbor area, University In Fraternities treatment training program at admittedly the programs may jn the rehabilitation of chronic State News Staff Writer of Michigan students are Wayne State University, not seem very dramatic. alcoholics. It is a group of If your allowance while a expected to spend $15 a week, subsidizes a professor at Western In the future, however, the former alcoholics By College Survey state may have to change its together because they cannot who band student at MSU is above $10 a week, consider yourself above alio increase in the average Sigma Alpha Epsilon has been program somewhat to impress alcoholism alone. The ranked the nation's number one the legislature and, therefore, get therapy process used by AA is a fraternity in the forty-second an¬ nual COMPARISON OF NATION¬ AL COLLEGE FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES compiled by the College Survey Bureau of Los RAP! more of the funds they need, combination Daniel said. Board could probably get more money program of The Alcoholism psychology and psychiatry. religion, core Qf AA js spiritual and with a central state 1S designed to bring change that was more through the realization of a financial a college aids, set $10 a week as generous expense students account for after the fraternities call for extra money for dues and for the wardrobe for a formal party. Angeles, California. dramatic, he said. spiritual experience and thus The College Survey Bureau, founded in 1912 at the University If you're spending below the of Missouri, conducts an annual average, before you pat yourself nationwide survey on the "im¬ with pride, realize that you're portance, prominence, and pow¬ not alone. Laura Andonian, er" of fraternities on each college Kalamazoo sophomore, spends campus. The results of the survey $5 a week. are then published each spring. Writing home for money is Sigma Alpha Epsilon rated somewhat obsolete on the MSU "number one" for 30 of the 42 campus. Students prefer to earn years the survey has been con¬ money through jobs, usually at ducted, received a "quality rat the residence halls or through ing" of 84.87c. checking accounts that have been built up during the The COMPARISON OF NA¬ summer. TIONAL COLLEGE AND SORORI TIES also computes a "Total Na¬ If this average allowance shows tional Strength" scale based on you to be extravagant, the only the size of the national fraternity alternatives are to give up one or times the quality ratings. In this pleasures. Dorms do not category SAE received a total of Sunday night meals, so an 1230 points. average of $1.40 is spent on a pizza, a week of satisfying your thirst with colas totals $1, and if you are one of the few with a car, you probably spend $3 a week for gas. Grills on campus make an average of $1.80 a week for each student, according to George Fritz, asst. manager of the residence halls. Considering that all students' meals, except Sunday dinner, are provided, this is a large amount. Guys are probably saying $10 a week is fine for girls, but what about guys who have to worry about dates. University officials do not distinguish between expenses for boys and girls. They feel dating costs are offset by a girl's extra personal needs. Checking accounts offer the - threat to the average allowance. The checks are used to prevent loss of money, but they also make spending easier. Many students find it harder to keep track of money that they don't actually have. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 9 Army WASHINGTON (AP) — A senate witness accused the Army Tuesday of muzzling a probe into the rigging of slot machines at accused Ribicoff is presiding at hearings of a Senate investigations subcommittee which for eight months has probed allegations that who managed the than 2,000 of Beard testified Army investigators found many slot machines had been equipped with a jumper, a device used to prevent them from paying jackpots. hushing convictions had been lacking. But he said he became convinced the sergeants "were engaged in a criminal conspiracy which involved systematic larceny of U.S. servicemen's clubs because of fear the facts might implicate some sergeants more Army its top non-commissioned officers (NCO) and embarrass a former recreation clubs around the world conspired to loot them. Beard said the Army required the gambling devices to return a nonappropriated funds, property and services for their own chief of staff. Johnson was chief of staff in 1966 when Wooldridge was profit from 60 to 70 per cent. He said his check over a four-year benefit and enrichment." Irvin A. Beard, a former Army criminal investigator, testified elevated from his position as divison sergeant major at Augsburg period showed an average profit of only 52 per cent. He labeled Wooldridge "a leader in the criminal organization." and brought to Washington to be the Army's top enlisted man. under oath his inquiries led him to believe former Sgt. Maj. "My statistical analysis convinced me that the custodians, And he said the results of his investigation were swept under an David Thomas, attorney for Wooldridge and two other William O. Wooldridge was a leader of a clique of sergeants he managers and other personnel connected with the club system of official rug by an order which closed the case with a single, said skimmed up to $350,000 a year from slot machine profits at sergeants, told reporters after the hearing he may advise his the 24th Division were stealing between $300,000 and $350,000 clients to invoke the 5th Amendment "if they are asked locally filed police report. He said normal procedure would have clubs of the 24th Infantry Division at Augsburg, Germany. questions annually from the slot machines in the Augsburg-Munich area which may tend to incriminate them." He characterized Beard's required a full report to officials in the United States. Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., said he would send copies alone, and that the theft had been going on for an extended , of Beard's testimony to Gen. Harold Johnson, former Army chief testimony as "opinion, speculation, conjecture, and very He said the decision to stop the investigation was made at time," Beard said. a of staff, and invite him to testify. definitely unfair." Beard added that evidence sufficient to bring criminal meeting of military police officers in Frankfurt in May 1967. History experiment set for S The men of Shaw Hall are someTHinG new... taking part in a University experiment. A series of classes on Historians 'Views of Problems in American Foreign Policy' is being offered on a pass-fail basis. The classes, instituted at the request of Jim Emery, East Shaw Hall sophomore, and other Shaw Hall students, are being 'in'CHeGKS offered through the College of Arts and Letters. The class is one hour of credit. Shaw Hall is populated mostly by engineering and science students who do not have time for four- or five-hour regular courses, Paul Varg, dean of the College of Arts and Letters, said. The men of Shaw Hall petitioned the college to make "In" checks, at Michigan National Bank. The expressive way Ask for "In" checks either of our "Universityville" offices: more courses available to them. to pay. Personalized checks feature "Mod" designs in warm FRANDOR, 300 Frandor Shopping Center, or UNIVERSITY A different professor will "alive" colors. OFFICE, 2731 E. Grand River Avenue. "In" checks cost just lecture every Wednesday on a topic related to American Available in quantities of 200 checks. Cover design matches pennies more than our regular checks. Stop by and choose foreign policy. The first lecture your design today. will be presented by Dean Varg. the checks you select. Classes on this basis will also be offered winter and spring Say "ORBIT" ... "LUV" ... "FLOWER POWER", every time terms in Shaw Hall. There are no you write a check. plans for expanding the program to include other living units. GREG WILSON GREG WILSON MAYA WILSON MAYA WILSON 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD ANYWHERE IN AMERICA ANYWHERE IN AMERICA 10000 Please pay Please pay 1:0 ?ii" 1:0 ?&!,'•• U 7!«•: 7H" "ORBIT" (color - orange) "LUV" (color - hot pink) GREG WILSON GREG WILSON 128 MAYA WILSON MAYA WILSON 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD ANYWHERE IN AMERICA 10000 Please pay \ MICHIGAN NATIONAL, BANK YOUR i:o?&!*»' i1?m: ?«" HUNGRY? "PEACE" (color - gold) "FLOWER POWER" (color - violet) shorten it. Try a tan- GREG WILSON 101 GREG WILSON 113 gy pizza or one of our MAYA WILSON MAYA WILSON great sandwiches. All 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD 100 PROVIDENCE ROAD delivered instantly at ANYWHERE IN AMERICA 10000 ANYWHERE IN AMERICA 10000 Please pay Please pay ALSO! \ MICHIGAN NATIONAL, BANK Hamourgers \ MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK Cheeseburgers Submarines French Fries i:o7&u«'U?M: ?"■ ii?m: i?»■ & "DOVES" (color - pea green) "FLING" (color powder blue) PIZZA CALL 332-6517 "Banking That Is .Building Michigan" VARSITY Michigan National Bank ASSETS OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS ■ OPEN 'TIL 4:30 P.M. M0N. THRU SAT. ■ MEMBER F.D.I.C. Wednesday, October 1, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan - -SPORTS Saul By MIKE MANLEY State News Sports Writer faces who is about a mere 6-2, 230, talked McCoy and the problems Saul says that McCoy relies mainly on strength to harass the football 'huge' so it interesting confrontation. should be an task he will face on Saturday. quarterback and plug up the Ron Saul, MSU's right running plays. Saul and his offensive line "He's a big strong kid but he is offensive guard, mates Don Baird, Dave Van Elst, is going to not real quick," he said. "What I "If he makes up his mind to go renew an old acquaintance will have to do is hit him below right or left or straight ahead, Craig Wycinsky and Tom Beard - will have to work overtime Saturday at Notre Dame but it his center of gravity, around the he's gonna go that way. He will most likely go unnoticed by Saturday to open up holes for thighs, and keep working him." doesn't try to finesse you. The the Spartan backs. the majority of spectators. only way to stop him is to beat While the paying customers "The main thing is just to him. You stick him and then B.Y.A.^intil the whistle blows," work, work, work," he said. After Tuesday's practice, half W\GH\G^N STATE have their eyes riveted on the Saul said he unraveled the of which was held on the old glamour boys - the backs and as ends - Saul will be banging heads tape around his hands. McCoy spearheads a defense grass practice field and half with the Irish's mammoth that has allowed behind locked gates at the opponents only "This is the third year I've Stadium, Duffy Daugherty 70 defensive tackle Mike McCoy. It 2.4 yards a try on the ground. will be the third straight year been over McCoy and I feel I've talked about the workout: The longest gain from scrimmage these two have met helmet to in the first two games against the "We had a real spirited helmet. Irish defense has been only 12 preparation, the physical part is workout today with lots of | McCoy, 6-5, 270 pounds, is done. It's mental from here on enthusiasm. Tomorrow we will called by many the finest defensive lineman in the out. About Thursday 111 have to The Spartans, on the other get a little more technical. i ( country. He ranks second on the really start concentrating on hand, have had to rely mainly on hope the spirit holds up until the ground game to move the Saturday." squad in tackles this year with 25 and has dumped opposing quarterbacks four times already. After practice Tuesday, Saul. Athletes wanted: HELD OVER! 2ND BIG WK. newest varsity sport DAREDEVIL PILOT... By DAVE WEST were good atheletes in high The highlight of the evening State News Sports Writer school, the kind of guy who will be when the lacrosse teams GRAND PRIX QUIVER wasn't quite big enough to play don their equipment once more The oldest, truly American WILD REAUTY... college football," Kauffman for a half field intra-squad sport has finally come to MSU pitted against on newest a full scale. Lacrosse is the varsity sport on the MSU said. "The key to the game is speed, scrimmage. "Our Spartan su agility and a desire for lots of biggest need this year HUMAN SHARKS! campus, and if Coach Truf contact," Kauffman said. will be to develop some new MSU offensive guard Ron Saul takes the low road to take out the Washington Kauffman has anything to say "My biggest worry about this attackmen," Kauffman said. Huskie lineman during the Washington-MSU game. Saul will have the job of about it, it is here to stay. Kauffman has scheduled a clinic is that we will be getting a "The loss of Larry Berger and keeping Mike McCoy, Notre Dame's huge defensive tackle, out of the Spartan lot of competition from the Ron Winter has left us a little backfield Saturday. State News photo by Jim Mead lacrosse clinic for all men who short in that position. fraternities having rush this are interested in a good contact week. I certainly hope that "Another thing we need to im sport, letter and possibly a varsity to go along with the action. The clinic will be held at anyone interested in playing lacrosse will be able to work in develop this year is more depth in our midfield, those boys have Senator asks resign "What Ever COLOR 7:30 tonight in the dirt arena of an hour and a half with us on to do Kauffman said. a lot of running," Wednesday evening," he said. Happened the Men's I.M. To Aunt Alice?" "I'm looking for the men who The clinic planned is simple and to the point ... to create interest in varsity lacrosse. "At many schools, lacrosse, as a spring sport, draws more fans than baseball does," Kauffman of Iowa athletic Color Shown Twice At crc 7:08?^1:( I - 2nd At 9:18 - RUSH SKULLS There will be a display of equipment and demonstrations of technique from the men said.' "And now that varsity status, I think we have we our can DES MOINES, Iowa (UPI)-An Iowa state senator said Tuesday being second any kind of a critic or guesser," Sen. William Reichardt contended Evashevski's comments on the make a real home for the sport Reichardt, D-Des Moines, said. radio and TV shows were returning from last years squad, University of Iowa Athletic The remarks which Reichardt along with a short film of one of here at MSU." Director Forest Evashevski upsetting to Nagel, although MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES 337-1611 the games. should resign because his objected to have been made Nagel "has done a tremendous criticism of Football Coach Ray during Evashevski's job under the circumstances. presents THE WALTER READE JR/JOSEPHSTRICK PRODUCTION TODAY IS LADIES DAY ... 75c From 1 to 6 P.M. RUSH Nagel and the Hawkeye squad commentaries for a Des Moines "There are many people, and radio station. The athletic I'm one of them, who feel he SKULLS was undermining the school's athletic program. director does "color" reports (Evashevski) should resign," 6K5 "I strongly feel . . . that the during Iowa games and also Reichardt said. 337-1611 athletic director has no business participates in a Sunday night In amplifying his remarks television program. about Reichardt's request for his Evashevski said Reichardt was political endorsement* ME & DEM retaliating refused to because support he the had Des Evashevski said: "Bill asked me if I would Moines senator for governor. support him for governor. I told GUYS "I've got a longer contract him that if a ding-a-ling like him 9 than Bill Reichardt has," were elected, I would move out Evashevski said. v of the state." ARE BACK FOR PERFORMANCES^AND PRICES O THE SECOND o COLUMBIA PICTURES «l o RASTAR PRODUCTIONS present FABULOUS 8:00 Tm ' *2-50 o barbra omar Sundays, 7:00 p.m. 52.50 " WEEK > ° STREISAND - SHARIF • Saturdays & Holidays, MelroGoldwyn-Mayer David Hemmings -Joanna Pettet in BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER O ° 2:00 P.m. °Sundays, 2:00 p.m. *2-5 vl ts "The Best House in London" 3 Lansing FANTASTIC SOUND mall theatre WGiM. Jhis is one x ALSO 5628 W SAGINAW • 484-4403 TECHNICOLOR* PANAV.SION* of our satisfied Persons SEE THEIR NEW customers. ™d^tted TONIGHT FANTASTIC LIGHTING UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM - 7;30 p.n Admission $ 1.00 NO COVER CHARGE Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office 3 starring George Sanders Dany Robin Warren Mitchell WEDNESDAY OR THURS. NOW PLAYING! 50C On EXCLUSIVE . Campus j FRIDAY.SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2 ADULT HITS - BOTH IN COLOR "ENORMOUSLY INTERESTING! UNUSUAL, t MSU Cine J NOW SHOWING OFFBEAT... A FAR, FAR ABOVE AVERAGE 7:00-9:15 FILM ABOUT WAR! IT'S IN A NEW BAG!" 106 B Wells Thurs.-Fri. 5 ALL COLOR PROGRAM A ONE-EYED MAJOR AND * HIS ODDBALL HEROES! Alfred Hitchcocks * Burt Lancaster MARTIN RANSOHOFF S PRODUCTION * ,n 50C Burt 39 Steps No I.D. * CastleKeep a Lancaster ALSO * * nnnnAivuiii/uuiAiinnAiiniuuuuuuuuvuuinAnivjuinnAAAAnnAn. ALSO DEAN MARTIN AND ANN MARGRET in in IWP1IN RANSOHOFFS PRODUCTION Castle Chapter 2 Flash Gorden }* MbkB!*ERS 'CASTLE KEEP" 7.07 & Late "MURDERERS ROW" 9:20 r»w Keep NOW SHOWING "Castle Keep" Shown Twice at 7:07 - 11:17 - Plus 2nd Feature - Beal Film ALL COLOR PROGRAM Dean Martin as Matt Helm presents swings with tonight only 109 Anthony .The Carry On Nurse Wrecking 7 & 9 500 witi. i.D. Crew Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 ]] Linebacker Olson By GARY WALKOWICZ Olson has recorded 32 tackles tackles this season have again stars Olson is also versatile enough for Irish signal-caller three time? when he in a very tough situation, after Executive Sports Editor in the two Irish games to date, shown him to be an excellent to be used by Parseghian to was attempting to pass. we were behind 10-0, in getting which is seven more than any competitor. He has the fill-in at defensive tackle in third "His blitz in the passing the defense together and With most of its offensive stars other Notre Dame player. instinctive reaction of knowing down-and-long yardage situations was extremely stopping Northwestern," the departed via graduation, Notre than two when to look for the run and situations. effective," Parseghian said. "He's Irish Coach noted. "After In little more they Dame, MSU's next football The seasons, Olson has 259 tackles, when to drop back to defend performance of the very strong against the run too, got that lead, they couldn't opponent, has based its hopes for a successful 1969 season on ranking him No. 1 among all against the pass." six-foot, 226-pound senior in and he's so hard to block that he score again." Irish players since 1956. Notre Dame's season-opening has leverage on the ball carrier. an experienced and talented 35-10 victory over Northwestern He was very instrumental in our defense. "During his sophomore and Football tickets Leading the Irish defenders in junior seasons, Bob showed earned him United International's Midwest Lineman Press goal line Northwestern stands had when several Frosh cagers body and spirit this season has himself to be a top, hard-hitting on sale Friday of the Week Award. chances to score. linebacker," Irish Coach Ara to been right linebacker and Parseghian said recently. "His 32 Olson contributed eight solo The Irish players apparently meet co-captainr Bob Olson. Students unable to buy season tackles, four assists and an knew what they were doing passes for the home football intercepted pass to the Irish when they elected him All games are still in luck. defense. interested freshmen co-captain for the second He left his calling card on basketball players should attend consecutive season. gri Bill MSU ticket OpU to Beardsley, a meeting at 4 today in 209 p manager, announced that, due to Wildcat the strike last week, an open sale Shel bourne quarterback Dave as he personally Olson's leadership during the Northwestern game earned Jenison. Anyone wishing to be a manager of the frosh squad and top dr rd on student held from 8:30 season tickets will be a.m. until 4:30 nailed the Northwestern praise from Parseghian. "He displayed great leadership should also attend this meeting. p.m. Friday, at the Jenison The 72,189 fans crowded into fans, 10,000 more than were ticket office. Spartan Stadium to view gathered in East Lansing. Southern Methodist battle MSU At the Notre Dame-Purdue The price is still $8. Students the second clash in Indiana, 68,179 fans were largest are required to have their fee contingent in the country were gathered, while 66,331 watched Texas A&M at nebraska receipt cards. gathered at a football game this weekend. and 65,201 viewed Texas Tech at Texas. According to figures compiled by the National Collegiate Sports Services, however, the Program Information 332-5817 largest crowd of the weekend was gathered in Columbus, Ohio, Irish bu to see the No. 1 ranked Ohio State Buckeyes trample Texas Christian in front of 86,412 Wed. Notre Dame's star linebacker Bob Olson (36) wrestles MSU quarterback Bill Triplett (17) to the ground Olson, during last season's Spartan-Irish game. an Irish co-captain, leads the team in TODAY... 7:30 P.M QsuGC.ESTFO fOR MAHIRE AUDHNCES] nite tackles this season. STEVE State News Photo by Jim Richardson at I*1CCUEEI\ AS the S' booters No. 1 ON THE MOON. FRIDAY ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WALKED FOR THE REST BULLITT' TECHNICOLOR' FROM WARNER BROS SEVEN ARTS W OF US "2001" is AS CLOSE AS WE'RE LIKELY TO GET' 9:30 P.M. only in latest PLUS: rankings NEW YORK (UPI) - MSU's undefeated, untied and unscored upon soccer team earned the top ranking in the Intercollegiate National Soccer Ratings, as voted upon by college board of coaches. latest Team 1. Michigan State 2. Maryland 3. San Jose State 4. St. Louis University 5. Brown University ^■EEATTl? M ElINAWAY i < vjiiii TECHNICOLOR * FROM WARNER BROS SEVEN ARTS 7:30 P.M. only Next: 'BATTLE OF ALGIERS W 6 is here! The 6. Southern Illinois Spartans, NCAA 7. Navy co-champions the past two 8. Hardwick seasons, outpointed Maryland, who tied MSU in last year's title game, for the top spot. 10. Springfield College J featuringJ BEST PICTUREl J "THE BASOOTIES" * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Winner of 10 Academy Awards I HILARIOUS... Coughlin and Casey are the oddest couple since Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau and their 'marriage' is just as funny." -kevin thomas,l.a.times is under COLOR*Deluxe |V.,1 t admitted. United Artists 7TH BIG WEEK! -SHOWN DAILY AT- 1 - 3:15 - 5:30 - 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. SPARTAN TWIN EAST FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 3 When you have MHA-WIC PRESENTATION WELLS HALL 7;30 TONIGHT 75C GIRLS like these... I.D.'S REQUIRED - STUDENTS & FACULTY ONLY AJMFUi | 332-6944 | UtCOint 3rd Week! MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES | Today is LADIES' DAY . 75c to 6 p.m. | presents GO!-FOR THE FURY, FORCE AND FUN OF CSMJIMBT ANGRY, TOUGH AND FULL OF STING!" A PICTURE YOU MUST SEE THIS YEAR IS if." -WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT LET IT SUFFICE TO SAY THAT iff—IS A THE DRAFT BOARD? MASTERPIECE THE MOST LAURENCE INTERESTING FILM SSSmx p CAMELO AMELOT ALAN JAY LERNER FREDERICK LOEWE MOSS HART j ^ SO FAR THIS YEAR.".. THE (y/> DECEIVERS -^ —-- —— S In Absolutely Divine Color. ' MtSRTICTED—Persons ui not hu admitted. Unless acco Parent or adult guardian FREDERICK LOEWE • ALAN JAY LERNER • JOSHUA LOGAN ■ JACK L WARNER ^TECHNICOLOR- PMAVISION' FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS WV KEVIN COl CiHLIN • LARRY CASEY • BROOKE BUNDY JO A\N HARRIS |MKH.M I (.REF.R| Thurs., Fri. - Oct. 2 & 3 - 7:30 P.M. malcolm Mcdowell Christine noonan richard Warwick david wood Robert swann fox eastern theatres UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM david SHERWIN LINDSAY ANDERSON MICHAEL MEDWIN. LINDSAY ANDERSON COLOR ® --rr— b ft PARAMOUNT PICTURE 1' SPARTAN TWIN WEST STARTS TODAY! X Admission $ l .00 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phone 3510030 TONIGHT AT Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office "Alice's Restaurant" 7:15 & 9:30 P.M. Wednesday, October 1, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Vietnam News Background momtorium have different kinds of matter-of-factly never seen such people so dedicated and "If we hadn't organize when and where we did, it would have happened started to the moratorium press conference stressed personal situations and feelings. The student reach that areas of certainty in me ideology and debate and pla There are things most people know are good, like gentleness, Moratorium means end, dead .... politics can't. They launched the accepting other people and . . unified as I did at the press anyway. The attitude of the representative said, "We are the discussion from the belief that yourself, honesty, dignity, stop, declaring something is Dissenters are asking students 15, g!ven omcjai^o^inon conference for the Vietnam people at the press conference ones who end up dying in this finished. That is how anti-war to stay away from class to to the protest. there are things most people respecting your own feelings and groups to East Urcin, and protest the war Oct. 15 ■ t£e moratorium this week. Many was one of spontaneity, urgency war." The faculty member know are bad, like violence, convictions, enough not to bluff within thp ITmvpr&itv nhmit of a national movement to DUt £ working people ITAW also intend such to ohserve the as this there spontaneityJ go a„1 warmih'*73,"TK pressed the tea, that students i r__i „.i a.% i . fear, lying, forcing others against or apologize. It made me feel in" .. „ , . . , and others feel when they begin . , . . interested the moratorium East Lansing group said. the war in Vietnam. They just aside "business as usual" in day. Two similar movements are '"j'fnnnH nut ahnnt P9ph nthor their will, putting on a front, more alive just to talk to them. They seemed to have a lot to think about the future. want to have it end. To give an opposition — unified opposition planned for November, and accj(jent conviction and compassion, not There was a tiny, authoritative example of what they mean, -- to what they feel is a grave three in December. Before Oct. _ The East Lansing Coalition to "ideological" but with a ladY sitting next to me and they intend to boycott classes national travesty. 1&, petitions and leaflets will oe End the War Nqw had its first compatible mixture of feeling talking and moving around a lot. and even businesses Oct. 15, and spend the day protesting. Several universities _ already cancelled classes for Oct. have distributed, and a rally will be held Oct. 7. tw~ weeks agoTnThe and'reason. An East Lansing Out o} curiosity, Uhought I had Edgewood Church. The Student Coalition representative, better ask her what she did. She Volunteer Action and Faculty to End the War Gunther Pfaff. said that the main didn't like the question, and told Now had its first meetings Sept. importance of the organizations me they tried to stay away from as "people getting together." official titles and be "just Does constructive social action Childrens Club meets from 9 to Nearly everyone that spoke at people." hit home? If so, take a closer 12:30 p.m. Saturday, The whole attitude of the moratorium movement seemed look at meaningful volunteer Supervisors for recreational to be "facing up to fear" — fear experiences offered through activities needed. Community HELP US of other human beings, fear of the future, fear of ourselves. your Office of Volunteer Programs. Students, faculty and Organization aides needed to assist staff in neighborhood staff are invited to join the MSU Titles and posturing and organization) afternoons and Volunteer Action Effort which CELEBRATE OUR officialness are a form of fear, and a form of self-hatred. A fear includes listed those below opportunities and others. Saturday, involving collection, compiling and general data of thinking you are not as good organization work. Research Contact: MSU Volunteer as you are, and as you feel, and project needed for 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY as you see things. These people seemed to be Bureau, 26 Student Bldg., 353-4402. Services senior citizens project gathering information and assisting in field very much for themselves, for NORTHSIDE ACTION work. A housing project talking in their voices and for CENTER: Tutors needed for provides an opportunity for 2 Week Sale volunteers to get involved in on knowing that their own feelings, education program that meets at beliefs and ways of seeing things 7 to 10 tenant organization. Ladies Club p.m. Monday, all In-Stock Human Hairpieces were important. They seemed to assistant needed from 1 to 3 Wednesday and Thursday. and synthetics. (Ends Oct. 11) p.m. Wednesday to assist with arts and crafts activities. Falls from $29.95 Wigs from $19.95 LANSING MALL LANSING SCHOOL DISTRICT: Wiglets from $2.95 Volunteers needed to work with Register for free wig -- one given each week and supervise pre-school CHILDS youngsters while their mothers attend classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for two WORLD hours. WEST SIDE ACTION CENTER: Big Brother and Big Sisters needed to work with complete line of adult games, chess 6-15-year-old youngsters in a sets, stuffed animals, and records. one to one relationship. Black business -- not a sideline" 5528 Saginaw Highway Phone A\ volunteers are specifically needed. W h v P a\ More! Whx Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! SMOKED "Why Pay PKMCS'.35t Food Club {MM COTllt 9 CAKE M XES « 95< PILLSBURY MIXES FOR STING »«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■> 3 -I- 95* save 9c r & Thrifty Acres Coupon *30' :r save 15c 30'/ save 30c \*j 'J5 [14 / 14' OFF with ad coupon on 114*T* ■ Pillsbui lungry Jack PRE-S0AK 85c Pancake Mix 24' S ANY SIZE PIECE OF FOOD CLUB »» all coupont rodoomablo with $5.00 purchato or mora or all coupont redeemable with $5.00 purchato or more S SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE excluding boor wino. cigarotto itomt oi coupon itomt. excluding boor wino, cigaratto itomt or coupon itomt. I Any or all coupont rodoomablo with $5.00 purchato or more Limit ono por cuttomor. Expires Sat., Oct. 4, 1969. Limit ono per customer. Expires Sat., Oct. 4, 1969. | excluding boor wino, cigarotto itomt or coupon itomt. Limit ono per cuttomor. Ixpirat Sat., Oct. 4, 1969. Muijer & Thrifty Acres Couponi ■twj® Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon Melier & Thrifty Acres Coupon save 10c 5125 W. Pillsbury Hungry Jack Ini with Mashed Potatoes, coupon & thrifty acres all coupont rodoomablo with $5.00 purchato or more ixcluding boor wino, cigarette itomt or coupon Itomt. Limit ono per custom*.. Expires Sat., Oct. 4, 1969. THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR Mei jer & Thrifty Acres Coupon 6200 S. Penn YOUR SHOPPING CONVE NIE NCE. SUNDAY HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mot Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday,October I, 1969 13 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Look for details on the "THE TREASURE CHEST" State News FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank Scooter* & cycle* Employment Employment The State News does not FULL-time employment and JAGUAR 1968 SUZUKI 500. 1968. BABYSITTER permit racial or religious - yellow coupe with Low mileage. NFF£Tq for one part-time throughout the school discrimination In Its ad¬ black leather interior. Air Take 3-10-1 over payments. 641-6949. child, 1 \\^U"-,V.jing, close year. $2.50 $3.00 per hour. Male conditioning. 16,000 miles. Will applicants only. Apply vertising columns. The take best offer. 393-1561 after to State News will not accept 5:30 p.m. 4-10/3 1967 YAMAHA, 305 Big Bear. COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, advertising which discrim¬ Excellent condition, low mileage. have fun teaching • AUTOMOTIVE Albion, Michigan' inates against religion, KARMANN G H I A 1968, $400. Call 351-6217. 3-10/3 SKIING WINTER TERM. • EMPLOYMENT (517-629-3988). 10-10/8 race, color or national or¬ Automatic-stick-shift. One owner. Go To Summer. • FOR RENT Excellent condition. Peter Hehs, 1968 SUZUKI 120. Excellent • FOR SALE igin. SUGAR LOAF EXPERIENCED COOKS wanted, 337-1311. 4-10/1 condition. Helmet included. hours to be discussed. Inquire at • LOST ft FOUND 355-1197. 5-10/6 is accepting applications for ski Fred Harvey, Inc., Capitol City • PERSONAL MUSTANG 1967 -6-cylinder. instructors. Male or female. Airport, Lansing. 485-1764, ask • PEANUTS PERSONAL Excellent condition. Will HONDA 1966 305 Scrambler. Room & board. Need not be for Mr. Jensen. 3-10/3 guarantee. Must sell. Call Greg, Excellent condition. Must sell. certified. Contact Bob • REAL ESTATE Automotive 332-6304. S-10/1 $375. 351-3170, between 3-5 • SERVICE p.m. Knight, Traverse City. (616) SHOE SALES: Experienced 2-10/2 947-9894. • TRANSPORTATION MUSTANG 1965 Fastback. 1961 preferred afternoons, evenings and CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968 Saturday. Hours flexible. Salary • WANTED Cadillac. Both in good condition. HONDA 250 Scrambler. Blue Barnett TEACHERS TO staff liberal boarding' convertible, power steering, 482-3185 3-10/2 school in the Caribbean. More and commission. 372-7770 Ext. brakes, new wide oval polyglas clutch, two helmets. Excellent important than degrees and 366, between 9-4 p.m. Ask for Mr. running condition. $325. DEADLINE tires. 1 owner car. $2,275. MUSTANG 1967. 289.3 on floor, 332-5930. 4-10/5 certificates, is the capacity to Pasant. 1-10/1 485-4752. 5-10/1 power steering, oval and snow enjoy working and playing with 1 P.M. one class day be¬ tires. INTERESTED IN Computer CHRYSLER 1964, Convertible 300. $1,550. 355-6021. 5-10/1 BSA 1967 Lightning 5,000 miles. small groups of healthy, intelligent fore publication. Excellent shape. 351-1327 after 6 children. Low pay. Large amount training? Interviews in room 512, Bucket seats, white interior. $350. Computer Cancellations - 12 noon one MUSTANG, 1965 Dark green, white of personal freedom. Parent type Center (phone 627-2079. 3-10/3 p.m. 3-10/3 class day before publica¬ interior; 289 V-8 automatic. 3-2040) Must have work-study 627-5237. 3-10/3 3-10/3 tion. COMET 1961 good transportation. SUZUKI X-6, 1969. Engine in qualifications and a paper on the $75. New battery and parts. excellent condition. $300. Call subject, "What is wrong with our THREE PART-time men wanted, 339-9140 after 5. 3-10/3 present school system." To Box 372-7052. 2-10/1 PHONE A-1 State News 3-10/3 approximately 18-22 hours per week. The 4 students now with us CORVETTE L969 coupe medium, MALE part-time grill cooks. 355-8255 blue, 350 hp 4-speed Power MUST SELL: 1963 Sunbeam Alpine. Hours and days very flexible. average $87.22 weekly. Call Mr. Marks at 372-6522. (One full time steering and brakes. AM-FM. Call Excellent body and mechanical RATES Experience preferred. Walt Koss position open.) 3-10/3 355-2701.4-10/3 shape. New rubber and 35,000 655-2175. WALT'S actual miles. Call 351-3312 after 1 day RESTAURANT & LOUNGE. . . S 1.50 CORVETTE COUPE 427, 1969. Best 6. $600. 5-10-3 BAR BOY-Bus Boy from 11:30 a.m. 5-10/6 15^ per word per day offer. 351-89 3 2 . 372-0509. 1967 VESPA scooter. 1,000 miles. to 2:30 p.m. Apply in person at 3 davs J 4,00 5-10/5 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1964. Like new. Phone 332-8901. Grandmothers. 3-10-1 SERVICE STATION 13 1/2# per worn per aey Low mileage. Excellent condition. 3-10/3 Part-time, Tuesday, Thursday and NIGHT COOK. Experience preferred. 5 day» $6.50 CORVETTE 1968, Coupe silver, 350 Bucket seats. Convertible. Make Saturday, 3-12 p.m. CAMPUS h.p., 4 speed, posi, more. 19,000 offer. 372-4084. 3-1 a 1 Apply in person at Grandmothers. 13< per word per day HONDA, MOTO-Sport 90, 1969. 500 MOBIL SERVICE, 1198 S. 3-10-1 miles. Clean, mechanically perfect. miles. $325. 351-6650 after 6 Harrison. 2-10/2 OLDSMOBILE 1959. Cheap. (based on 10 words per ad) Under $4,000. Call George. p.m. 3-10/3 CAMPUS MOBILi SERVICE Mornings 351-5379. 3-10/3 SERVICE STATION attendant to Manager Wanted for growing There will be 50# service Automotive a 1198 South Harrison. 2-10/2 Automotive HONDA, 1968, 350-- mint conditio work 8 hour shift, 6 days/week. computer dating service. Send and bookkeeping charge if $450. Call resume to: I.D.S., P.O. Box 2137, CORVETTE 1960. Both tops. All 351-2236 anytime. $2.16/hour this ad is not paid within OLDSMOBILE 1968-Delmont 88, TRIUMPH STUDENTS. CAN and will service plus commission. 1965, 1200 Sedan. Low 3-10/3 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. extras. Very sharp. Phone your VW. Also, English Imports. one week. 2-door hardtop. $2,195. Phone mileage. Good body. $395. Call 5-10/6 393-6481, after 5. 3-101 With 489-0444. 3-10/3 882-2629. 2-10/2 Harold 353-8800. 3-10/3 honesty, reliability, SUZUKI 250 cc X-6, excellent reasonable prices. Give us a try. The State News will be CORVAIR, 1964, Monza, Stick, new condition. $425. 484-7505 after 6 BABYSITTER TO live in, 6 nights a Ask LOVE is where - TRIUMPH TR-4 1963. Excellent your fellow student, he has OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1967-4-door, p.m. 3-10/3 responsible only for the brakes, tires, paint. $495. condition. Must probably been here and is week. Rent free. Call 485-1886 or V-8, automatic, power steering sell. 351-4922. first day's incorrect inser¬ 351-3825. 5-10/6 and brakes. Excellent condition. 3-10/3 satisfied. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. HONDA 160 Scrambler 1966. Good 351-7363. 3-10/3 you find it... tion. 415 S. Cedar. 485-2047. 5-10-6 CORVAIR 1965 - 4 speed Take over payments. Balance due: Condition. $220. Call Harold transmission. Excellent condition. $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV TRIUMPH 1964 TR-4 red, in good 353-8800. 3-10/3 DAYTIME WAITRESSES: Needed STEREO 101 shape. Call Rob through lunch hours. Apply in 485-6151 after 5 p.m. 4-10/3 9-3279. C 337-9091. 1-10/1 351-4127 or Aviation at Grandmothers. 3-10-1 WXYZ FM Automotive person DATSUN OLDSMOBILE, 1963 Holiday coupe. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 2000, 1969, Roadster. TRIUMPH V-8, automatic, power brakes and TR-3 1961. Good learn in the PIPER CHERAKEE!!! Excellent condition. Low mileage steering. $400. 332-2824. 5-10/6 condition. Convertible/hardtop. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. 969 $2600. 355-5093. 3-10/2 C Ducati, 350. High pipe. Must sell. 694-9252. 3-10-1 WE'RE LOOKING Knobby tires, big sprocket. Phone OLDSMOBILE 1962. Runs very BUICK ELECTRA convertible, 1961. DELTA-88, Sorters & Cycles 355-9971. 3-10-1 Excellent condition. Best offer. power. well. Must sell, best offer TRIUMPH 1965. Spitfire. Radio, FOR PEOPLE! 332-3866 after 6 p.m. 351-7621. X3-10/2 new tires. Tape player. Excellent 5-10-/1 Condition. 355-5083. 3-10/2 HONDA 350 Scrambler, 1968. 4300 condition. $800. 339-8540. 3-10-1 miles. Excellent condition. Phone BUICK 1963 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS '63. LeSabre. 4-door, DODGE DART 1963 351-3280. 3-10-1 - - 4-door, slant Excellent condition. sell' $575. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, power, good condition. Must 6. White. Good shape. $350. 351-1243 after five. 1968. OPENING SOON! $425. 882-7252 or 393-3644. 355-7440, Bob Miller. 4-10/3 4-10/1 Excellent condition. Low mileage. 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. Employment 3229 Palmer. 3-10/3 Reasonable. Phone 882-2248 Excellent condition. $675. Call OLDSMOBILE 3-10/2 WANTED: PART and full time DODGE 1965, Custom 880. Vinyl CUTLASS, 1968. 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10-8 IN THE MERIDIAN MALL BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1964. Low Full power. Vinyl waitresses. No experience roof, 2 door. Good condition. roof, other mileage, excellent condition. 355-6131. 4-10/3 extras. Excellent car. Low price TR,4 1964 - rebuilt engine, new top necessary. HORNE'S $950. Emily, 332-5031. 5-10/1 Rick, 353-2184. 5-10/6 tires, battery. 332-1654. 5-10/5 TRIUMPH 1969, Bonneville. 650 cc. RESTAURANT. 393-0400, ask POSITIONS AVAILABLE 3500 miles. 355-0626, Kirk' for Don Heaman. 5-10/1 OPEL KADETT Rallye 1967. Gold 2-10/2 CADILLAC 1963 - 4-door, hardtop. VALIANT 1964, V-8, 2-door, bluf with black strips. No rust, FULL OR PART TIME Full power, and air. Excellent $400. 332-4455 after 5 p.rr condition. Take over payments. excellent condition. 25 - 40 per 3-10/2 HONDA 305cc. Helmet and other LOVE is here gallon, no oil, 33,000. $1645. Call extras included. $295., 353-4261. Balance due: $987. Phone Credit Fiat -1968 850 Spider c Fred, 332-1437. 3-10-1 3-10/2 Are you? •SALES • STOCK • CLERICAL Manager, IV 9-2379. C VOLKSWAGEN 1968. 10 passengt bus. Auxiliary heater. Exceller •RESTAURANT ^MAINTENANCE PONTIAC 1962 Catalina. Good condition. 337-1026. 3-10-1 HONDA 1967, 305 dream. STEREO 101 CHEVROLET 1961. 2-door condition. $175. Phone 882-4041 FORD TORINO 1968, GT Fastback. Completely chrome plated, very WXYZ FM hard-top. Excellent condition. 3-10-1 VOLKSWAGEN low mileage. 332-5284. 2-10/1 $365. 332-4780. 3-10/3 V-8, 289 3-speed, radio, 1965, 1500 power steering. Very good Notchback, radials, sunroof, gas condition. PONTIAC LEMANS CHEVROLET 1964. Stick, 6, sharp heater, $895. 487-0850. 3-10/3 ► PAID HOLIDAYS 1966-convertible, V-8, radio, burgundy finish. Excellent console shift, power steering. ► OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT condition. $450. 393-4815. VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good » PAID VACATIONS 487-0433. 5-10/1 5-10/6 condition. Beige. Call after 5, FORD FALCON 1963 very good ► SICK PAY condition. $350. 337-9130. 351-2576. 5-10-3. » PONTIAC GTO 1964 convertible. DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 5-10/6 New tires, battery, clutch, 1968 BEIGE Volkswagen. Very good 1963. Stick. One owner. 4-speed. Make offer. 337-9091. 1. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Excelllent condition. 351-3300. FORD FALCON 1 960. condition. 9,000 miles left on Steve Howard. 3-10-1 2. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! 5-10/3 Transportation. $90.00. Call warranty. 351-6021. 3-10/3 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK 351-3599. After 5. 355-8171. PONTIAC 1964 2-door hardtop. CHEVROLET II. wagon. 1963. 5-10-1 WOULD YOU like a SHARP in 421 tripower. 4-speed. New paint, car Automatic. Excellent condition, clean. 355-1772. X 3-10/3 FORD 1966, Fairlane Convertible, V-8 automatic; 500. red tires. Best offer. 351-3146. 5-10/6 the $1,000 bracket? We got 'em. CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 East Michigan Avenue, across G. C. MURPHY CO. RAMBLER 1964, 6-cylinder, CHEVROLET 1966 with white, power top. Good from the Post Office. 484-2345. C -wagon. V-8, standard transmission. Mint OPENING SOON — ME RID'AN MALL automatic. Good family car. Take condition. 655-2642. 3-10/2 condition. Call 393-3060. 5-10/1 over payments. Balance due: Auto Service & Parts APPLY IN PERSON MON-SAT 9-5 $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, FORD 1966-2-door hardtop, at V-8, RAMBLER STATION wagon 1965. IV 9-2379. C automatic, power steering. Take ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Rebuilt engine, carrier and G.C. MoRPHY A-A over payments. Balance KALAMAZOO STREET BODY due: studded snow tires. Good CHEVROLET 1962, station wagon. $987.44. Phone Credit Manager 1986 E. GRAND RIVER condition. $600. 355-5958. SHOP. Small dents to large Excellent condition. $300. IV 9-2379. c 5-10/6 wrecks. American and foreign MERIDIAN MALL 694-8141 before 5 p.m. 3-10/2 cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. FORD CORTINA GT 1966. Bucket RENAULT R-10, 1967. Radio, 2628 East Kalamazoo. C seats, 25,000 miles. Excellent □□0 nana ana CHEVROLET 1967-Super Sport, 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, condition $750. 332^589. 3-10-1 automatic, michelin radials, disc brakes. 339-9367. 5-10/2 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East CROSSWORD POZZLE □a□ □□□□ nan power steering and brakes. Take JAGUAR 1960. 3.8, 4-door sedan SUNBEAM A LP I N E--1 967 , Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. 22. Natural □annnaa sana over payments. Balance due: , Complete auto painting and environment XK twin $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, cam engine, beautiful convertible, good condition. collision service. IV 5-0256. 24. Fragile IV 9-2379. C condition. 353-1438. 3-10/3 $1,150. Call 332-0948. 5-10/1 'tr> w mwe.artificial ACROSS 26. Sneaky aaiia msb □□ 1. Sign of the 27. White lie □□aaa □□□□□□ A new position zodiac 30. Concluded aaaaaa aaaaa CLEANERS for LOVE... 4. Hornet 32. Organize □a nana anaa 623 E. Grand River 8. Circuit 34. Light tan □□□aaaaH LOUIS East Lansing ll.Kava 38. Closed car STEREO 101 12. Name for 39. Faint □ana aaaaaaa WXYZ FM . ss From Student Services Athena 40. Termite Sua saaa DB@ 13. Eskimo 41. Distort ana araaa aaa 14. Kidney bean 44. Compute 15. Cowardice 45. Eng. river Water's Edge Apts. 16. Damage 46. Cupid 17. Narrow-minded 47. Understand 3. Dog's skin person 48. Vicia orobus disease 19. Excu*« 49. Peeress 4. Float 21. Prain wave 50. Craggy hill 5. October brew — 6. Ocean I 2 3 T~ r- T" ~s~ 1, 2, 3, 4 9 ,o or man. " n TT" 75~ 7. 8. Fable Restricts MT Eg rr~ TS~ 9. Moorish kettledrum We will find you a roommate. ir- III n T9~ 3o 10. 18. Equality Dolt ir~ U- 20. Chin, weight r 22. Suspend From $70 per person. Is _ JT 23. Staff officer iF r~ 27 1 29 Jo" •H 25. Extended subscription JT ML w ii *H 3JT 3r 37 27. 28. Front Mangle Immediate Occupancy 29. Beasts JT 31. fir i Light moisture 35~ 33. Wire Service sr W ■ 35. 36. Shoreline W Roundup W ■% 37. Beneath 53~ Look for details CALL 332-4432 or see res. ■% 39. Brisk Friday, October 3rd 42. Chalice Manager-Apt. 103 River's Edge 43. Fishing pole Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 1, 1969 J5 Steal Estate Service For Sale For Sale OKEMOS 3 Bedroom contemporary 100 USED Vacuum Cleaners. Tanks, JUDO Gl-Clothes rack. Solid oak Mobil* Homes 1% baths. 2 fireplaces, family canisters, uprights. In good desk- 19 cubic foot ,reezer room, trees. $29,900. 351-7490. PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: a unique condition. $7.88 and up. Dennis 372-5025 after 5 p.m. 5-10/6 10x46 FOOT, 2 bedroom on lot in 5-10/1 Distributing Company. 316 North quality thesis service. IBM typing, King Arthur's Court. Excellent multilith printing and hard Cedar. opposite City Market. UNFINISHED FURNITURE: Bar condition. First $2300. Cash takes 482-2677. C stools, night stands, Real Estate For Sale binding. 337-1527. C it. 489-3433, 372-1077. 5-10/3 chest-of-drawers, bookcases, 509 Moores River Dr. STEREO SPEAKERS. 2 month old prefinished picture frames and ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith CEDAR RIVER MOBILE HOME offset printing. Complete service Wharfedale 60's. 355-6772. 3-10/3 more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 PARK AND SALES. Homes from ATTENTION COLLEGE for South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C dissertations, theses, $4,495 up. Rent $45. One quarter manuscripts, general typing. IBM. PROFESSORS mile north I-96 at Fowlerville exit. 20 years experience. 332-8384. C PANASONIC AM-FM, s radic WIRE FRAMES? Many styles. White 1 -223-8500. 5-10-1 Turntable. $140 or yellow gold at OPTICAL Three bedroom home across 355-9446. 3-10/3 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan from Moores Park with 2 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term Avenue. 372-7209. C-10/3 1959 VANGUARD tOx 35 furnished papers. Anita Warren; SCM on fenced in lot. 351-7924 after 6 room separated Art Studio, Electric. Call 351-0763, 351-7086 OLYMPIA TYPEWRITERS pica or p.m. 309 Trailer Haven. 3-10/3 Study, or Office. Has been C-10/2 elite. $70 and $100. IV 5-5998 CANNON - FT - QL with booster. used as an attorney's office. before noon. 3-10/3 Great deal. ED 2-5157 after 9 Call V.M. Courry Realtor, p.m. 2-10/1 KROPF, 1967. 60'x12' on the lot, 489-6469 . TYPING: I am experienced and ANTIQUE 6 piece dining suite completely furnished. For reasonable. Near M.S.U. Phone (Perfect to antique) $30. Rockers 100 WATT amplifier twin 15" appointment call 484-5840. 5-10/2 351-1765. 1-10/1 8 ROOM house. 4 bedroom, 1% $15-$40. Sofa and chair $20. speakers. Call 489-0425 after 6. baths, den, living room with large Chest $12-$20. Dresser $25. 3-10/2 Lost & Found bay window. 2 car garage. COMPLETE THESIS Service. Refrigerators $30-$100. Few beds Discount printing, typing and Tamarisk Subdivision. Located left. $20-$35, complete. Much, LOST: t binding of theses, term papers, Much, more. Bob and Dave's 4216 S. Cedar. 393-6025.1-10/1 Thursda FOUND" £ North Harrison and Lake Lansing road. 636 Tarleton. Shown by resumes and publications. Lowest 351-2329. 3-10/1 prices available. Located across appointment 332-3828. 10-10/10 from campus on corner of M.A.C. FOR SALE: Automatic Maytag and Grand River, below the Style washer and dryer. Good LOST: CHECKBOOK, driver's ^1612 RIVER Terrace - $22,500. Live Shop. Call COPYGRAPH license from Venezuela, Monday. in the country, walk to condition. IV 5-2964. 1-10/1 campus. Please call 355-9911. 3-10/3 SERVICES, 337-1666. C 2-bedroom with large shaded lot BRAND NEW Panasonic by FHA with low down payment 8 LOST: WOMAN'S University of DISSERTATIONS, THESES' tape recorder, with tap mike. 882-4916. 1-10/1 SEALPOINT weeks. Call Siamese Gary, kittens. 351-8907. Ftorida class ring. Reward. Steve, and monthly payments like rent. Call Bob Homan 351-0965; or papers. Anita Warren: Term SCM Show an 3-10/2 355-6273 4-10/3 Simon Real Estate, 372-1130 Electric. Call 351-7086. C-10/2 LONG FALL. 100% human hair. 5-10/7 Examining the set of teaching aids donated to the Instructional Research Center SPRINGER SPANIELS, AKC by the 3M Company are, left to right, Jack Remor, a 3M sales representative; Brown. Excellent condition. $40. TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general champion stock. Fine pets - Mary 351-8090. 3-10/3 home, 3 baths, 2 car typing. Dictaphone or tape James L. Page, director of the center; and Ted Hale, 3M district manager. Hunters. 6 weeks. 351-0988 after I.M. t Building. 355-2543. 1-10/1 garage. Modern kitchen, living The set of printed transparencies was given to the center for use as teaching 5 p.m. 5-10/6 transcription. 393-3663. 20-10/24 LUDWIG DRUM set, with room, dining room, recreation aids and instructional material for teachers and students. accessories. Portable organ. Bass room, laundry. Move in now. GERMAN SHEPHERD pup - female. State News photo by Bob Ivins amp. ED 2-3793. 2-10/2 $40,000. Owner can arrange TYPING: EXPERIENCED work Registered, shots, worm* ORGAN AND Piano player, looking financing. Walnut Heights. East done, on IBM Electric. quality. 669-9963. 1-10/1 DOUBLE BED; ski jacket, men's for Rock group, or will sell Farfisa Lansing. Call 351-6351. 3-10/3 Reasonable. Phone 485-5575. medium; ski pants, women's 8R; BEAGLE Combo-compact. Real good 5-10/1 PUPPIES AKC. Augenstein questions Hart army uniforms. 882-7036. 1-10/1 condition. 351-1996. 3-10/1 539 PARK LANE - Beautiful Championship stock. Hunters, 3-bedroom colonial, with large pets, show dogs. 339-2938,3-10/2 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. BICYCLES: MEN, Women. Fair JABERWOCKY. THE Blues Rock attic. Zoned student rental. No job too large or too small. condition. Reasonable. 351-3373, Band. Potential $350/month income. REGISTERED % Arabian colt. Booking fall. After 5 p.m. Block off campus. 332-3255. C 4-6:30 p.m. only. 3-10/3 Remodeled. Carpets, about marijuana statement Raffles line, flashy sorrel. Gentle. 337-0308. 5-10/3 drapes, dishwasher, etc. $26,500. TWO CHESTS, 2 beds-1 double, 1 6 months old. 339-2825. 3-10/3 ED 2-6680. 5-10/;.. Transportation rollaway. Cheap. 482-0454. CRAZY "C" KITTENS FOR adoption. Box WANTED: RIDE to Downtown 2-10/2 EAST LANSING Leroy Augenstein, MSU "Since "I challenge the senator to trained. Call after 5 p.m. all brick Lansing after my 8:00. 372-9485 no knowledgeable, 351-8214. 3-10/3 RIDING STABLE 3-bedrooms, family room. after 4:30 p.m. professor of biophysics, Tuesday humane person would advocate either explain exactly how his COMPLETE SET of 5-10/2 Ludwig with Finished recreation accused Sen. Philip Hart of Less than room. the human tampering needed to proposed research can be done, cases. year old. Convenient to shopping, schools 393-0334 before 4 p.m. 6-10/7 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies, HAYRIDES, horse-drawn and MSU. Built 1959. Low down Wanted doing a great disservice to young do the really controlled or else to retract his statement AKC registered, 8 weeks old. Male sleighrides, boarding, lessons. payment. Call owner at 332-6642 people by his uniform and experiment, we will continue to and then get to work decreasing 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the and female, 3 years old. 482-2164. Group rates on riding. 4 miles or 482-4678. 5-10-1 BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 potentially misleading be uncertain about the real the skyrocketing use of drugs by 3-10/3 statements Sunday about the home. Makes tapes for your car, for all positive. A negative, B hazards and must make decisions younger and younger children," too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up Service negative and AB negative, $10.00. dangers of marijuana. without all the facts we would he said. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy to be O at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 negative, $12. MICHIGAN In a statement on television like to have," he explained. Speaking at the PTA groups of given away. Call after 9 p.m. FOR HARD working'soul - E.W. and LICENSED CHILD care, in Spartan COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C and before a church youth rally He concluded that Hart's Farmington last week, 332-6043. 3-10/3 THE MOTIQUES. 393-3500. 1-10/1 Village Home. Monday thru 507V4 East Grand River, East in Jackson, Hart called for a Friday. Phone 355-9910. raising doubts about marijuana Augenstein stressed the need for ——— 5-10-1 Lansing. Above the new Campus 100 USED vacuum cleaners. DALMATIONS PUPPIES and grown Book Store, hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 study by the U.S. surgeon might mislead some youth a crash educational program on PLAIN BROWN WRAPPER Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 dogs. COACH ACRES. 1113 p.m. Monday Wednesday and general "to settle once and for "teetering on the brink of drug abuse to lower the year guarantee. $7.88 and up. _ A good place to eat! , Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 all the question of whether indecision to take the first step incidents of drug addiction in DENNIS DISTRIBUTING nn . A1 . available for bookings. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C marijuana is a truly dangerous toward the living hell of elementary and high school Opposite City 3M16k Cn°MTcY't Market. t°™rC 482-2677. C $2 —EGo- r children^ 351 _QQ98 ^ g228 5_1Q,3 THE BEST STEAK HOUSE PARKING SPACE for one car drug or a relatively harmless substitute for a cocktail." addiction. youth. No. 16 needed. Near Mich. Ave. Call Augenstein, a consultant to 3020 East Kalamazoo Rich, 355-5300 after 6:30 p.m. the drug section of the National FREE . . A thrilling hour of beauty. 3-10/3 Health for . Institute of Mental Guards turn back For appointment, call 484-4519. Lansing MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS DESPERATE: NEED one man the past few years, criticized the STUDIO. 1600 East senator's statements as Michigan. misleading to youth. if it isn't C-10/2 Immediately! 337-1028. 3-10/3 Filet Steak: $1.54 "Hart doesn't know what he's PHOTOGRAPHER TO event, party or only for B & W prints. 6-9 p.m. cover YOUR rush. No fee. Pay Sirloin Steak: Jumbo Fried Shrimp: $1.50 Ocean Fried Perch: $1.49 $1.35 BASS GUITARS-Experienced Rock-Blues group. 482-7677 after 11 p.m. 4-10/3 Call for Doc., talking about," Augenstein said, "when he implies that the effects of cigarets and marijuana welfare marchers Call 482-0365. 5-10/6 Roast Chicken: $1.25 may be the same, or at least can MADISON, Wis. (AP)-Helmeted police backed up by National at 731 ... it isn't. BLUES LEAD Guitarist. Join/start band. Have played professionaly. Special Steakburger: $. 89 RENOWNED Litterateur, philosopher and all-around good be studied in the same way. "While additional studies of the Guardsmen with fixed bayonets Tuesday repeatedly turned back welfare demonstrators who marched on the Wisconsin Capitol for 332-0751, after 6. 4-10/1 Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.n effect of marijuana on brain and the second straight day. fellow, desperately needs cheap muscular activity,vision, The rebuff brought a switch in tactics by the protestors led by 7 days a week. accommodations. Barney: NOW OPENED-LANSING SOUND the Rev. James E. Groppi, militant civil rights activist from 355-8252 Afternoons. 5-10/2 breathing, etc., could be of STUDIOS. Professional 4-trade value, they won't answer the Milwaukee. recording. Commercial, pop, BAGEL ROUTE Sunday mornings. WILL TRADE 4 ND tickets for 4 critical question — does smoking A brief sitdown produced a monumental noon hour traffic jam That's why there were 141 more girls there this summer. A industrial. 4806 S. Logan. Home or Dorm, delivery. Call OSU tickets. Call 353-7423 marijuana lead to addiction on on the highways circling the capitol in the heart of Madison's 393-3600 5-10/3 351-1290. 3-10/3 3-10/1 whole new concept in college living. Truly luxurious harder drugs as now seems to be business district. Then they halted their march for a prayer apartments. Deluxe appliances. Complete social MEDICAL STUDENT needs suggested?" he continued. meeting at the feet of police and guardsmen who started straight Peanuts Personal schedule-TG's, sports, fashion shows, cosmetic clinics. TEL-ALARM temporary living quarters. No He criticized the senator's ahead in stony silence. Pool. Party lounge. In short-INVOLVEMENT in a whole Do lease. Prefer single Call you need a wake-up room. suggestion for a study into the Demonstrators vowed to keep marching around the building new way of life. Models open daily and Sunday noon-9. service? Let us wake you by 351-2095. 3-10/1 effects of smoking marijuana on until the legislature restores welfare appropriations slashed from Seven-Thirty-One. From $69/month/person. 5-10/3 phone. For details call the basis that "it would involve the state budget proposed by Gov. Warren P. Knowles. .N.B. HAPPY Birthday. Hope your 339-9278. 24 hour much human But their chances of a replay of Monday's one-hour takeover of a day WANTED: TO rent heated attic that so manipulation sun keeps shining. Love, Buzzard. service. Also remembrance that the Assembly chambers, thwarting a joint session of the can be made livable. Jim experiments should never 1-10/1 and appointment service. 351-4922. 3-10/2 be done. legislature, seemed to have been dimmed by the show of civil and NEED POSTERS? For any event,-11 military force. Recreation x 17. Low prices. Call 355-5958. MADRIGAL SINGERS wanting Wanted Moreover, Circuit Judge William C. Sachtjen signed a temporary WELCOME BACK Students. Riding, 3-10/3 more Madrigal Singers. Call injunction obtained by Atty. Gen. Robert Warren barring Groppi 353-4377, 351-8162, 355-6058. and his followers from disrupting government activities in the hay rides, and party room for 3-10/2 appointments. Planning on going home??? capitol. //..//. 'fcA*, Call 677-0071. Leslie. $67, month 485-8363. WHITE Export baggage and parcels During a third confrontation at the Capitol doors, Groppi was BIRCH STABLES & via the Great Lakes Direct to STUDENT TO clean house. 5 hours, SHOP. 3-10/3 served with copies of the temporary restraining order. destination. CALL FOR Wednesday or Thursday. NEED One non-student The priest glanced quickly at the order and announced to the SERVICE: W.R. Filbin & Co. $1.75/hour. 351-6864. 2-10/1 ticket for Real Estate Inc., Book Bldg., Detroit. Michigan-MSU game. 339-9177 crowd he would consult with his attorney at the church he has Phone GUITAR TEACHER for 3-10/1 been using as his headquarters two blocks from the capitol. 313-963-8421, Export EAST LANSING, 1518 Parkvale. 3 intermediate boy. Sight reading, "We don't know what's in here," Groppi said. "We will decide bedroom ranch, _Dept. WANTED: 2 car garage, full folk and rock. 351-6864. 2-10/1 BUSBOYS. Great meals. whether or not it shall be obeyed." basement, 2 fireplaces. Washer, HORSES BOARDED Individual Flexible hours. Call 351-8901 - The two houses of the Legislature met today as guardsmen dryer, refrigerator, stove included. box stalls and paddocks with SITTER FOR 2 children. 111, 2-10/1 Assume $24,800 FHA mortgage ringed the Capitol. Members -ailed for emergency steps to 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A-Mart pasture. Indoor arena. 10 miles Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. prevent a recurrence of Monday's occupancy of the Assembly with $2,000 down. Phone owner from campus. $55/ month. $9/week. Own transportation. Call chamber. 351-4315. 10-10/12 351-6864. 2-10/1 655-2885. The governor 5-10/1 sent a message to the lawmakers saying he hoped the demonstrations would not affect their deliberations on his proposed $33 million wlefare and urban aid package. PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD MSU SOARING CLUB Today . . . Just clip, complete, wail. Ch ina offers Moscow STATE NEWS will bill you later. FIRST MEETING OF THE YEAR talks to ease tensions WED. OCT. 1, 7:30 P.M. TOKYO (AP) - Communist China, celebrating its 20 th high-ranking Soviet leader that "the Chinese side seemed to be anniversary against a backdrop positive toward solving frontier of two new nuclear weapons problems and other questions." Parlor C union building explosions, advanced Wednesday The delicacy of the in what might be interpreted as a China-Soviet feud situation was gesture toward its political foe, demonstrated, at the same time, the Soviet Union. It suggested by ceremonies in Communist readiness to open negotiations North Vietnam marking the TWO FILMS: SOARING over the alps on the tense China-Soviet border issues. Peking anniversary. There, the new leadership succeeding, Ho Chi Minh carefully balanced its An anniversary eve editorial, tributes so as to straddle the introduction to soaring given added weight by issues between Moscow and publication in both People's Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. Peking and give offense to Daily, the main party neither. newspaper, and Red Flag, its The border disputes between 10 Words or Less: authoritative theoretical journal, China and the USSR have was distributed by Peking's New Over 10 Words Add: China-Hsinhua News Agency and brought a spate of shooting incidents in recent times, the monitored here. most serious of them this year. Mail to: Michigan State News The editorial coincided with A willingness to talk on Peking's 347 Student Services Bldg. the report of a Japanese trade part might suggest some sort of MSU East Lansing, Mich. union representative in Moscow, realignment in the Chinese who said he was told by a leadership. BIG E MIRACLE DISCOUNT PRICES E BE RH ARD'S CREAM STYLE OR E BE RH ARD'S E BE RH ARD'S JUST A FEW BLOCKS OFF CAMPUS AT 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. WHOLE KERNEL APPLE CUT OTHER STORES AT GOLDEN CORN SAUCE BEETS 15487 NORTH EAST ST. HWY. 27 921 WEST HOLMES RD. AT S. LOGAN t open weekdays 8 a.m.10 p.m. open sundays 10 a.m.-t p.m. We reserve qucntity rights prices effective thru Sunday Oct. 5 15 DOZ. $1.77- SAVE 51$ ■ ✓ m, DOZ. $1.77- SAVE 27$ 3 DOZ. $ 1.47-SAVE 24c 16 FL. OZ. NO-RETURN BTLS. EBERHARD'S SLICES OR HALVES raWS' peaches 25 DOZ. $2.97 SAVE 48c EBERHARD'S EBERHARD'S GARDEN SLICED CUT WAX PEAS BEETS BEANS EBERHARD'S FRESH, CRISP AAA POTATO CHIPS 38' 0 - 17 "• HUNT'S FAMILY SIZE f TOMATO CATSUP ■ 24 DOZ. $1.77 - SAVE 27c DOZ. $1.97 - SAVE 43c g DOZ. $ 1.77 - SAVE 27c DOZ. $2.17- SAVE 47c SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN SAVORY EBERHARD'S CUT sirloins green beans i 116 EBERHARD'S f EBERHARD'S EBERHARD'S GRAPEFRUIT 0RAN6E TOMATO PEANUT SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN STANDING SECTIONS BUTTER MO ROASTS 89 " 45 ... 3 LB. PKG. OR MORE All BEEF SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMBURG -58 I" A HA 27 DOZ. $3.17 - SAVE 31c DOZ. $5.27 - SAVE 61c DOZ. $3.17 - SAVE 55c SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY CORNISH HENS ..59 EBERHARD'S FINE QUALITY QUARTERED M| GEN. MILLS total cereal EBERHARD'S salad dressing margarine BIG E MIRACLE DISCOUNT PRICES 15 DOZ. $1.77 SAVE 48c 8 oz. 24c 32 oz. -jjc L"; FLAME RED TOKAY 2 wt. pkg. with coupon and $5 grapes or mo with coupon and $5 or nrv food purchase food purchase thru Sunday, Oct. 5 thru Sunday, Oct. 5 apples RED-RIPE MICHIGAN j| gfttk tomatoes 12 BREAST-O-CHICKEN EBERHARD'S chunk tona liquid dleach bring your own baske 1AC LIMIT 6 wt. 1/2 can oz. » ■ 3 25e Bu. S1B TABLE QUEEN, BUTTERNUT, BUTTERCUP OR Ncw CROP with coupon and with coupon and $5 or mi $5 or m: food purchase thru Sunday, Oct. 5 food purchase thru Sunday, Oct. 5 HUGBARD SQUASH lb. 9* YAMS LB. 13"