Michigan Slate News fool bull Bust in C. j Hitler In Peoples EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. TUEM' VY. l)i:ci:.MI!l i; n. • Pershing Rifles Are RIGGS IS NAMED LENGYEL WILL Kems Col. Pickert Hotel Completely Named Inducted by National HEADOF UNIONS Destroyed by Night Fire DISCUSS HITLER Speaker for Annual Officers Here Sunday AT CONVENTION to Bottle Wont Bloio in l.»r.in« Ft^en cootnue in SPEECH HERE Football Bust Here Stulf NUnagtr Elecltd lo Prwi- It* JIM ()t lll.l.O fhird Feature oft Liberal Arts Col Gtorft E. Wiley Conducts Initiation Ceremony as Forty-five dancy of Anociation of Series lo Be at Church Detroit Commissioner ot Police Will Give Ma n Address at Members Are Officially Accepted Into Honorary Collrfr Unioni Toniot.ow iviijht Affair in Honor of A ! State H»eh School Football Players Military Society. Saturday. December Fifteenth Ih^uHm! by Colonel (ieorjfe K. Wiley. CotnmamU i. First FIRST STATE CHAIRMAN WILL START AT 7:30 - j-.y • F'prahinjr Rifles over 45 men were ofliciaiix ac- Honor Culminates Several Yeari Journalist Author Well Quali¬ > PerMhintr Rifles at an iiMallatinn lnm-he« members. President Shaw and Ft.-Colonel ' wore the guests of honor. At the annual convention v |;u»-• \ Newhurger. master of ceremonies, called on 1 thi A s.hi M i h t i * * ti n| College • Wiley as the first speaker. • He welcomed the CnionH. novel in that sessions J* ' .t Company M of the First Regiment. Percshing were heltl mi 1 • • different \. m, . and spoke of the drill'- .an.je.is, . R a > »• «. n d II. a a, .> held in the spring at Riggs. manager «»l the Mich- and The cup. to Will End Service igan State College I'nion. t»ia-. Will I. s»- ii' • I to the winning • donate«l For Co 11 ope Soon \\;i« elected to the president) "n* r.Kitn. was by «11 the national hody. at the ' lilih.tid and Blade. ting on Saturday. , ccmboi Thurs the rut op Km.I H.o i»r. night umber %« • • the aft 1 II Halted** VWCA TO HOLD WAA PLANNING CO-ED PROM TO YOUTH SESSION ANNUAL pARTY TERM BANQUET BE NEXT TERM TO START SOON Ckriitmni Crlrkralion fir Needy Atrardi Will be Pre- Advertiiinf lo be Thenir of Dtlegates to Meet ir Ann Arbor •. «ii.i -1.11 ... 'inn mii cv- Children Will Be Gi»»« Set ■enled »• Co-ed» Thu Party Wbicb Will Bar for First Session of Michigan ... hii|> in nrennliine Satnrday Men Student i urdev. December IS XMAS PROGRAM PANHELL WILL WIU.BE FRIDAY HOLD BANQUET Arnual Function Wdl Take Munr Deperlmml Place Thursday at H O'Clock Arnu.il Preienletion in Gym in Union Ballroom. nanum Thia Week REINITIATES HORT DEP'T LISTS SEVEN MEMBERS WINTER COURSES Five Short Courses to he' Offer¬ nwv 11 Ptrfnrmrd Belorc Statr ed During Next Term Grange Lecturers of Vt.ss Ann lalta-i' <« Th« MM' e large S f..t Ana. I"- M-. i'» and I«oi- Jorgenson. Pan • lai- , ... • • Bowman Ted No <- rain* Haul#, Junr Dell Will la , . . K« •• lu-rch and Jay Morn . permuted •«. ' **"■ ' a initiation iign'i .-range pla> which will be ;n>•*' building ' Inst •i'ig Farmers' week next d.r. 1 time thi.s • is* Mumw and Roy v. 1 taken indoor# and ' have charge prestc 1 concert The col¬ • x* meeting (if the Student w . - :i be held January 12 a' Miai li!! temain lighted during the program to throughout the holidays "Sec" Halladay's Record ill convene with the;song. " lunge in a joint meeting Chris Th« snip ugr.. r No admission and the public will tie is cordially charged in¬ Is One of Public Service vited the direction of Alice Thompson By Bil l BIBBPATBItB Exoalibur to Sponsor u. , timiously since that time through meeting scheduled which will take place in the Mi- The vacation period which ti ftces of importance, t> ■ Cune chapel. The usual social Hotel s#*My Will dually >1. finally half-hour and supper will precede New Years will this year ful career the service more than the usual signif. by acting as secretary "I Michigan Kxralibur. senior honorary f«»r youthf01 p.>«r* The dramatic group of this or- for Secretary Herman H HaJ .State college, a position which he ricn. announced .yesterday that an U 1 u ■ ' ization will give their play. for it will commence for I naa held since April 1. I $#22 ll-college dance wjll he sponsored throughout "The Legend of the Grail, for the Sigma Gamma Upsilon. prole*- vacation from his work whic Born in January of 1809 at "The i> that organization on Fridav. are mvittd ■ • .e** Marbie district school (east of smnai hotel training fraternity continue for the rest of hi Heights." a farm near Clinton. 4. in the Congress East Lansing) sometime in the will formally induct #*\en pledges Set Haliaday # resignation Union this evening in the hi* office will become effective at .Sec" Haliaday has be. 1 'I he dance will be the first col- recreational <*■*■ iputi-cu. 4 * >■ BUY Baga near future at the iloeely associated with agriculture lege dance of the winter term and nal. and :• ig.. 13 .c- first initiation class since it was the close of the present school and Its problems ever since Aftei will be informal Ticket# will sell cieties, whatex.-r Srforr organised on this campus nine term and the "vacation" which will at last enable attending high tchooi in Clinton for 40 cents per person and may activity, are expecteo and finishing hi# work at Admin be secured from any member of cipate Each orgamiut.v.,r Christmas him to pursue some of the hobbies college, lie taught district school Excalibur, or at the Union desk. titled to two tie legs A feature of the dance will be additional dekrga'.' for every the tapping of new members at members or mayor fr».Tioe tiwre- THOSE GOTTS IN m Egcalibur The names of the new of Credential bianha. to be t^ed men will lie withheld until inter- out and mailed in as -wo *» the LANSING AND EAST cere- delegates are elected, may ae se¬ lf the cured by writing to toe Mimgar LANSING Youth Congress Y M C A hudd- ! ing, 1 Id North Fourth »v»su». Amn HELP i Arbor. Michigan r«irp Two MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tuesday, December 11, 19:j| PROF. TO SURVEY Digest Picture Addition The ■ KAZOO RIVER PLAN Spartan Oracle Places Colleges on Map Passing Show Professor Robfv to Investigate Irrigation Possibilities. Bv JIM Qt'EIXO vox popi i.i of Thtm are Vaguely Portrayed, But if You'll Uslen, arthik FJWWI^ SMALL'S We'll Try to Explain for You. The following epistolary vniscon- '....wiioffered i by the music depart- GIFTS for MEN llege coption reached •nt of Michigan State college ' depart- schnozzle and a "care State When you »ea. ■ -i. State News" IS given in the college gymna- this week the evening of December on (he envelope. O. O open this t«» tir.d 'he Col- ,m on possihili- Mdntyre last week said that "with legiatc Dices' H< ' >uravure and C.'tlain.izoo f(>vv exceptions a columnist's chief fmthw " critic:/ th* pulchr.'ude irrigation!trout)|c .s hi* extreme egotism . . '!>.• da»r-•■! within. ; with added styles touches 11 y State. that go big with men ► West Point, home and young men our column >f commotion Th ^«tettr.lfd Collrsie'.r -lirfi* It. thr first p , Bach tihlr f- • 11 Reralv* "Children" for Action Friday Manhattan White on White llli nit till i:i 1*1 II - Voorhes Names New Corporals In Cavalry SHIRTS vith thus- innd embroidered initial* thr sententious utterances that I The) re favorilAt with men ••tore m\%u« until time tor proper who wnnt Ihc best in style, usage is one that is particularl» in i|tiitltf%. in tuMoring. Ilerc «2» Appropriate for votir clan - "Pail >ou nut> chiNw frnni Lans¬ would keep that ing's lament stock of shirts MiiKI \i: lint:i t in exclusive styles and pat The Ioolbull Bust •em- .ipt>.ir«'iitlv oierli si.nr. to swh:. mur letter—eats For the Student m r better the chief Irouhlr mi thr dark Vessn with thr \oi»e A ROYAL PORTABLE Manhattan This Christmas Pure Silk Pajamas larcurritr hrrutrriter I the l.ier> man likes a bil of luvuri mm and (f% mgj well i then These are pure-dvc silk and famous l> tailored h> Manhattan. He'll real I) KM Mills appreciate these. " Other Manhattan ftaiamas s|» f Ni l I Ml III I ' in maim dmtint tin patterns $2 hi $7.50 i tillilli \ N I > Sill II 111 FRANKLIN' l>F KLEINK CO. Not I H I.I ami N v For Students ond Faculty SMALLS TIES Rail Fares Kiiomm lai mimI Mid.' for thfir >mart GRAINS, x<|UiHiti -ilk- and it-*"! >M.«ti-. i of course,^ Reduced If In- to ■ "mt*s from Small'- -In pba.-'ii Knife, nanri-. ami i" . roua'H m, a. luil not so coarse i. tirwtRigin t.r.iiii V* $1.00 to $2.50 $8.50 GIUM H.lt THE "GOVERNOR" fio IhilM' Umiin.illllit Ihrir fnrr him a Vatloru Imt tiMO tidbitr t'oorsf Hi Ihr ttunr * U a.Mf rubra tiJii of (his Ivrm. ».• wish to rr- Imfhiilrd uout muffin a ■AiM hm .(-alia gimrt KJJd mud thrni thai a knoal- Mu-kiitI brffa amd mla UM rduv of Shorlhund and T>p* fiin aum/mudera HM • V\t-'ii'tVuturing the new i'iter texture inu will br Imiawu an umad or ailk hoar lie ad.anUui'oua J'ran: i epiv.-ent real style leadership i date ticket it purehasrU— oraitcii t > ten tiny*. Return trip must begin ■*» I"! Fall. Mellnwer, softer on your feet. • bin -crkuiu rniphitmrnt. I nu.-ual UeaUiient of hold punching. Fall Ki hjr. ten days. Ticket* g... .1 o\ -r h. r»* wiU be all nred in car.k dure); vn All I Tilings liuldrnull' roaches. •-* m Pullman cars, upon payuicat of IcriUvd h> Vlti.t Acme Business boxing team at Mate icg.iUu Piltji.au v bargev Baggage will be checked emit r thr mail SMALL'S are look Inc height \ll that* interested regsiatkxu- N. vcrtifivatc BURTON'S are asked to hand in their names College In lr« ttortman or Ralph Young 4 at the athlelir ofllre Tentative Walk-Over Shop *32 S. C'«|MtoL Dial 2:111*1 plans fur a have a I read' match with the I nhereJn been made TRAVIl ^aUfi»4 IT >our kU/n/orf m TRAIN .th ys»/ •■II nrath of Wisconsin Well have the Your cotir«in0nce wj'th W..I.IH.UMI \v» UMCAC PAIItNliU ANO IRUMI UNI AMOCIAhON RAithQAOS Tuf|«|1y, December 11, 1934 MICHIGAN STAlt) NEWS Blue Key Party Is Crowded as HOME EC CLASS O.J. Drake Has Colorful MORTAR BOARD Livestock Delta Sigs, Hermians, Phi Delts. Judges Fare Hold Last Open Houses for Term STUDIES CLOTH and Versatile Biography PLANS FORMAL Well at International Tear Handle. Groap Abaadened Engineering te Take Up Speech at University ef rw Ti« PW|M Ala Hell P.rtjr; LemMa Chi. Celibate, [>,t, ,j Winter Tern. Party State Team Place. Eighth in Conte.t With Fifteen School. Ea- Snrrey ef Michigan; Tenon it Hi. Hehhy. HardTiaaa Party; Emm* la LMl Week-end Actiritwi. ,, Friday Evening. tered: Individnal Member. Alio Annex Honor.. b» MIKE SMNIOI.O the Norther II. juniv. By FRED f OLDS Michigan State students were amply supplied with en- fabric classt the I know not what course others !tor" ith latest edition of the Inter- „rtainm<"nt this last week end and many of them made direction of Miss Julia Tr may take but as for me give me othf >ols. date for the Mortar al Livestock l,r ,.s week - exposition. !L m0"t "f 'he opportunity, promising themselves to save been making a study of the new » gfVr mo • jf a winter term forma! has been set w,s'k-end cramminir for exams, materials which are now on the ■ ir.ee pas set by had strolled along thc for Friday, January 11. and plans a ititain s»re-1 shaded on both for it are rapidly progressing market, and particularly of the glue Key held one of its usual very successful parties new 'ea' {Caroline Limb is chairman of the ,.;t, the aid of Bronson Scruby's orchestra which is com- ! !•-' V' Ki' could have been heard aWi! r excellence in speech j party with the following eom- ufjtively new to the campus. ln these classes, the care in penetrating the stillness of Bliss- I5''1 •hile a graduate .student {mittees appointed to help her. The crowds filling A,,. Delta SiRs. Hermians, and Phi Delts held their last laundering and pressing which tic Id Milage with the mighty he 1 hosen president of the C jsale of the tickets is headed by u»n were sold Welds Competing iment for $2.- houses of the term. The Sirma Nus and r! Patrick Henry. It was of V ttorical board which has \ Dorothy Langdon with Jane judging team* Hesperians should be given thrse materials is Drak the Brandsten. Alice Wrigglesworth. •ond year that 'r*t hosts at a fall term" . studied, as well as simple tests which can be made at li«»»n»- tn de¬ declaiming our and Doris Reber. assisting her Kidder were week-end Be. blici' pets at the Chi Omega house Forestry club will election tonight at 7:30 Theta program has been , Maiehr/ak lb h of Rochester was connection with the m lay noon by the Kap- freshmcnts will be so Site ' .tinner at the house Meeting of • * * morrow in th mnnd Kai tlptu Gamma Delta Higgs. manage In tie den' Alpha Gamma Deltas had discuss his trip hignn. also flu Regular meeting o .tig party was held at the tonight ;i< 7 !(. . • i w ;.i house Friday nigh: Program by members .. \ evening the Kappi ..! entertain their alumni Dr. Emil Lengyel . Chi Omega Fetes - - * morrow Charter Member night at \lpha he Peoples i With Sunday Tea ,u Tiu , Fowler of Ortnm ille. an -'' dent hook «i f.-s GIVE spent the week-end «• "Hitlei and the lint I.K \ I'llKK I,.M.IIS h Tau Alpha house 'n»n Sorority Honor! Mr. H. H. rdav night the pledge and Hallxdsy. Who Leave. : their annual I'l '. t- December meeting >! Here Sooo. R N.Im was a dinnn' •usi Monday nigh' • Kappas will ente - ■> f harlea D Jones Bitum; • ,«r.. /ip INirlfolios ■ind Hie old Hunter at dinne "i. LmulMlu-.l Am-1 alt Zip Note ItiMiks Sl.il.*> lo S!.!»."> BAGS Alpha \. Delta SI.(Ml |o $:>.(! The Alpha Xi^ I Tuesday Military 9 lives ni Mlpha Fht Brush The Sets Style Shop's Carlo Cable of S2.95 to $:>.(Mi Fashion Hints l ifted Mrossinu (uses #:t.."ifl to X| It.INI Kill I old SelN The Delta Sign held ith last dam* - ' '• Kelt* nre reariiiif "■ r head* in Pari* at reinbei 8 It tu I lot hen Kru-he 1-A -rt.nf lady will CLASSIFIED State Theatre <1 hians l ighters up vtassiv by a local orchestra XI.IHI up a spurts ■ Tohneeo Douches Mis Merit Byen. I "die up ., nur clever silk ment ii.«- gone n. Pitts ..dies' o'Nile t ase- . Chines*' It"!*', f 'i.95 up. American Vocational «>s-v !■!, K «. . sfATI THI %IDR BtMlKIM.-s • liargr l«.r tnltialoig T«*a» «nl% Wake I p and Ptu Eta chapter of Mu Ideam " «Urnng law I •lum ► IM »*. Roger l*rtor June Knight Choa. MM. ori»> was delightfully en tM-'1 Heaaon- i„..„ Sunday evening at a supi Res-tat i Phone s| .* rRling given by the Alumna* (in The affair wa> he f Mo Harold h • .m ...t,* fi . f l til lege state Congrega firm.-, a ar. ; 14.1s <>f the leading turai interrats of th«* stair Tin ffatladay horn ' Sec completely on slipped fi and Htm Jtlful mind until he was reminded of i oilegse aclivitiea." In I Jr. a part of the col¬ I I burs 7 JO in R.«n- 100 of th** Ag Hali lege r-quipment " It is this denv»- George Aider too. sj>orts edit or •> trati» and int;rr.a*e feeling which the I among StaU* Journal, will U ii. ^.iKt Mrs Hai.'aday fjosseju*. and tlx speaker the keen interest which they have evincad in all campus activitien. AM Ibaae ulrroM in the for- *hi in the office of I>an My tolitge work continu al charmed by t propob Huston Ser " "has been very pk-aaant, to the secret xr.d I >iiail always ictain an inter- wca.'tb and :> epted A si i p- The Pan HeUrmm banuael a ill r*i >r, Michigan State a^d do what- > uker telb the whole plot' b* held in the Union Tliumday. c-.er I *ar. for it It s a gregg in- wmch start, fireworks and December U at 6 34) p m Tk k- Utution'" And *J>e fceiing w ith . c . ting the picture eta are on vale at all sorority which those sentences were ut- climax, houses for the price of 6j cents T®* Phyaisa f lab wiP meet ai tered shownd clearly the depth of sincerity beneath them ' Sec and Mrs Prof H H ~ - of the shnuld choose a throat ease Haliaday will a ; >*ulturai engineering d**jjyit- mgiit at 7 oclock. Prof C. W leave tor Florida ivxin after th rent tin.-* week to: cigarette •» prc--.ent.ng Chapman will speak on the T V fir,- .1 the >eai. und return u. ' ■ Afruulluial Aswa u.tion at Authority at 8 o'clock in the Phy*- Michigan in the -.urtog, althoag Everyone .» in-> they have not decided as yet upon R-«ygd* tlw aitickr> on tne Povsi- . . c.'r annual meeting a* Grand ( ,, v > a definite future location. j !oiltMas J Oil.ties of of Weih Weils for hngittUm." ' for lirntahou." THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS State Downs Aggies PLAY by PLAY NATIONAL SPORT SUMMARY ByEasy 26-13 Score In Last Period Drive Edward. / ■■ ■ "• r::' " „ -tn ■' • si."1: *£j v.'' 7^ BULLETIN BILL PORTER