Soapy'By SHARON TEMPLETON State News Staff Writer "I can't make any statement at this time, until I am officially notified by the board waiting convicted in court or by University officials of disorderly conduct or violence as Williams' military service includes serving a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve for Secretary of State for African Affairs, a position appointed to him by the late forma ^*1 about the recommendation," Williams said. was an "overreaction." during World War II. He saw active duty as President John F. Kennedy. Green polka-dotted ties and soap boxes "I feel it would be presumptuous of me to Williams, a native of Detroit, was born an Air Combat Intelligence Officer on the February 23, 1911, and attended school at U.S. carriers Essex, Bunkerhill, Hornet and He served at MSU? Maybe, if former Michigan Gov. G. say whether I would want the job or not." While attending a seminar on campus Detroit University School. He later attended Salisbury School in Connecticut Yorktown. During his war service, he Philippine Islands and as the U.S. ambassador to the until June of this year, » aiting for an MSU bus on a curb paddy land of the Mekong Delta where allied national committee planning the which will present a proposal for toward ending the senseless war intelligence expects the enemy command to make its moratorium. next week's meeting. i typical winter seen with, perhaps, the same group , in Vietnam." After a roll call vote, the of students still State News photo by Bob Ivins next major thrust, a military spokesman said motion passed with senior Wednesday. member-at-large A1 Mintzer and The government troops, aided by artillery and air ODOrtOCUSS Panhellenic Council TOP OFFICERS IMPLICATED strikes, lost six men killed and 29 wounded in four representative Ann Konde, battles Tuesday that ranged 52 to 120 miles south of abstaining. Saigon. offers services In other action, the board approved the Great Issues fall Intelligence informants reported two North Army club graft charged Spartacuss, an information term program, which includes Vietnamese regiments, totaling 5,000 regulars, were sent agency jointly operated by the the Rev. Ralph Abernathy and into the delta during July and August, presumably to State News and ASMSU, has noted columnist Max Lerner as take advantage of a slack created by the departure of started operations for the term. guest speakers. Serving for two years as an The Rev. Abernathy will 10,000 U.S. troops. added information source and appear on campus Oct. 24, and WASHINGTON (AP) months of anonymous threats in 1965, testified that -- An Army officer and a sergeant once Maj. Gen. general clearinghouse for Lerner, Nov. 13. jailed for stealing slot machine receipts said Wednesday death William A. Cunningham III, then commander of the 24th complaints, a Spartacuss column Last year's senior threats and payoffs helped muzzle a probe' into charges of Infantry Division, refused repeated requests to broaden the scope will appear regularly in the State member-at-large Jeff Zeig came of the probe despite evidence that hundreds of thousands of Willy Brandt and Free Democratic party chief Walter looting servicemen's clubs. News. before the board as a Lt. Col. William L. dollars were being stolen. Scheel met Wednesday for another round of talks aimed George, who said he experienced three Anyone with questions or representative of the Listening at forming a West German government. complaints can write to the Ear, a program founded over the Sears Has Brandt's Social Democratic party and Scheel's Free State News, 341 Student summer to provide a "listening Democrats together won a majority of the 496 Bundestag parliament seats in Sunday's election. The vote gave none of the three parties represented in the Services Bldg., or call Spartacuss, ear" and counsel to those who 355-4560. desire it. Everything Bundestag a mandate to rule alone. The two leaders announced after a meeting Tuesday night they reached agreement on domestic policy and it appeared they would succeed in formulating a foreign Hubbard council WALNUT GRAIN policy acceptable to both. Brandt is now foreign minister. backs moratorium While the government of West Germany is yet the council will reconvene after the meeting and attempt to STORAGE UNITS undecided, the value of its mark soared to a record high draft a resolution concerning on world exchanges Wednesday, setting off a row in the The Hubbard Hall Executive Hubbard Hall's position and European Common Market over the effect on far prices. In Germany, American tourists were paying 27 cents for each mark, which a few days ago had a par of 25 Council has joined the push for MSU participation nationwide Vietnam moratorium in the feelings toward the nationwide proposed moratorium. They will also attempt to pass a resolution NOW on SALE of classes scheduled for Oct. 15. cents. urging Acting President Adams An to call for University The dollar was under heavy pressure all day as the organizational meeting for interested East Complex participation. mark continued to climb. It was down sharply against students will be held at 9 tonight The the mark and eased off in relation to the British pound, Student-Faculty Coalition in the Hubbard Hall classrooms to End the War in Vietnam now Swiss and French francs and the Dutch guilder. It 129-133. is sponsoring a booth on the first These decorator book shelves are as attractive as improved or held steady against other European A flyer, circulated this week floor of the Union where they are versatile. Durable Share-a-Post steel currencies. by the council, asks that students and faculty members construction with push-button post joiner. "everyone in this University may sign petitions in favor of Regular $9.99 4 ft. x 2 ft. x 10-in. shelf. . .7.88 Spain cut telephone and telegraph links with Gibraltar participate and show support to the moratorium. end this war." Regular $24.99 4 ft. x 6 ft. x 10 in. shelf. .21.8; Wednesday as tension mounted between Spain and The flyer also urges all If anyone is interested in . Britain over possession of this Mediterranean territory. students to stay away from participating in the March on In London, the British Foreign office described the classes Oct. 15 and join East Washington Nov. 13-15, he may Use Sears Easy Payment Plan move as "a small-minded restruction." Complex students at rallies and sign a tentative list at this booth; teach-ins. transportation may be arranged Government sources said the Spanish action had not if there is enough interest. Don Buckley, Birmingham affected Gibraltar's communication links with other junior and president of South parts of the world. Hubbard Hall, said that as far as MAD HATTER'S he knows, Hubbard is the first Communist China marked its 20th anniversary residence hall taking a stand on Desk High Steel the moratorium issue. MIDWAY Wednesday with pomp and pageantry-but no new File Cabinet "We may be able to get some pronouncements. momentum rolling," he said. The nation's top leaders, including Chairman Mao Buckley added that even if the CHAIRMAN Tse-Tung and his officially designated heir. Lin Piao, University does not participate 3131 E. Michigan Ave. stood on the red walls overlooking the Square of in the moratorium, Hubbard Shop Monday thru Friday Interested? Call Two letter size drawers, 14 FRANDOR 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Hall will stage some type of Heavenly Peace, as a crowd of perhaps half a million Union Board Office in. deep. Tan enamel finish. Lansing, Michigan Saturday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. activity. Adjustable block for filing. paraded through the vast plaza. The square is part of the So far, he said, the response 355-3355 Forbidden City, site of the nation's seat of government. about the FREE PARKING meeting has been 'fantastic.' National News "I want Hubbard Hall to set a The Nixon Administration has standard for other dorms to signaled a slowdown and stretch-out for the Model Cities urban-aid program follow," he said. liscount records Before the meeting, the by cutting S215 million from planned expenditures this Hubbard Hall Executive Council year. will discuss possible types of inc. The 42 per cent reduction in spending estimates for action to be taken. 225 Ann St. the fiscal year ending next June 30 was prompted by THE ONLY COMPLETE RECORD STORE IN LANSING OR EAST LANSING two realities: President Nixon's call for S3.5 billion in TIME government-wide budget cuts: and a slow start tor the action phase of the Model Cities program. IS JANIS JOPLIN DONOVAN on EPIC The U.S. Parole Board faces Thursday a problem that JANIS IS BACK!! Includes: troubled at least two prior administrations: what to do RUNNING WITH HER OWN Atlantic, Susan on the about James R. Hoffa. The imprisoned president of the two million Teamsters Union members is now eligible for release OUT . . . FANTASTIC BAND BELTING OUT SONGS |}xI[)(,n,|N NV"^ West Coast, I Love My Shirt, plus after having served two years and eight months of an IN HER OWN seven others-- 8-year term for jury tamjjering. The 56-year-old Hoffa's case is before the parole board. FANTASTIC s including two with the STYLE! JEFF BECK GROUP Michigan News c« . Vice President Spiro Agnew talked about the price of peace in Grand Rapids Tuesday, even as minor THIS WEEK ONLY outbreaks occurred on the outskirts of a crowd ot 4,000 I GOT DEM OL' THIS WEEK ONLY BARABAJAGAL and seven demonstrators were arrested. KOSMIC BLUES persons Agnew dedicated the new Sll million city-count building in the downtown urban renewal area Tuesday Make your AGAIN MAMA $3.98 Featuring "Atlantis" $3.32 Including songs she sang ($5.98 LIST) afternoon. The crowds jammed the plaza of the holiday travel at Atlantic City and Woodstock! complex and about 100 sign-carrying demonstrators reservations ON COLUMBIA RECORDS were on the outer rim of the roped, main crowd. More than 200 policemen were on duty. NOW! 1970 Michigan license plates for commercial vehicles and trailers went on sale Wednesday at more than 250 branch offices of the Secretary of State. Passenger and motorcycle plates go on sale Nov. 15. Call College Travel 351-6010 Phone 351 -8460 discount records 225 ANN ST. inc. Mon. - Fri.: 9:30 - 8:30 Sat. 9:30 - 6:00 MICHIGAN POINT OF VIIW STAT! NEWS Remember la Plaza UNIVERSITY de las Tres Culturas WILLIAM B. CASTANIER advertising manager EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Point remain with the survivors who are living of View was written by Salvador Herrera, under pressures. TRINKA CLINE, executive editor Monterey, Mexico, graduate student in The hope of changing the present regime NORMAN J. SAARI, managing editor economics. for a true democracy enjoying the GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor confidence of the National Strike Council DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor will soon become a reality. The process of LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor The inhuman noise of the machine guns bringing about revolutionary struggle to mingled with the painful cries of a make this change in Mexico is looking with JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor thousand voices in misery who had been ardent hope to the future. The traitors Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award unjustly shot down. Mexican citizens here laughed at the blood-smeared bodies. were never condemned to annihilation, but Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1968, at 6 p.m. in La women, children, students and workers Plaza de las Tres Culturas, Octavio Paz the for outstanding journalism. were indiscriminately cut down without great Mexican Poet wrote this poem when chance of defense by a stupid and he heard the terrible news. He resigned his coming power structure. Oct. 2, 1968, and the post as Ambassador to India and from the massacre in la Plaze de las Tres Culturas, Mexican government. EDITORIALS where four centuries Conquistador Cortez suffered his worst earlier the humiliation at the hands of the Aztecs, the same enacted scene was by the pseudo Chicago on civilization of the 20th Century as a sufficient testimony of this battle against the Mexican people. Mexico: The 1968 Olympics An (Perhaps it is worth the trouble injust war, perpetrated by an absolute a tumultuous and despotic social structure, which is ironically labeled democracy. The Mexican of writing it on the cleanness of this sheet of paper) is not pure: Revolution of 1910, with its million dead, is an anecdote of past history. The (yellow and black A little over a year ago the City of is clear that a mistrial should be demagoguerv of the "Big Men" represents: an excess of bile in Spanish) Chicago was in turmoil. Today, the declared. (The defense made a pro-gre-ss", a triumph over hungry and Spread out over the page. effects of that tumultuous motion for a mistrial, but the motion exploited people. The silhouettes of the Democratic National Convention are large buildings are a sad contrast to the was rejected.) still misery which envelopes Old Tenochitlan, being felt in Federal District At present, the situation is volatile. the present Mexico City. All the pains If Court, Chicago. 111. Lawyers have been arriving in an entire nation becomes ashamed It is ironic that the courtroom Chicago for some time trying to it is a lion crouching procedures parallel the demonstrate against the judge, the Ready to leap. (the city sanitation men pandemonium of last August. The trial and the procedures used against wash the blood away 74-year-old judge in charge of the the four attorneys. (Two of the four OUR READERS' MIND in the plaza of sacrifices) has l ook at this purity now case displayed a despicable were jailed.) An organization known attitude, Dcfited including no desire as the Ad Hoc Committee of before having said anything whatsoever to cooperate with the Lawyers to Stop the Trial has been that is worth the trouble. defendants and their counsel. In fact. On mediocre self formed which indulgence will seek the (New Delhi, Oct. 3. 1968) Judge Hoffman went so far as to impeachment of Hoffman and ask bring contempt of court charges for a mistrial. against four defense attorneys who Not to be forgotten is perhaps the did not appear in court last week most important part of this case: the business man with his To the Editor: beautiful new stress on human concern, socially imposed when the trial material values, The good conscious opened. The judge on testing of the anti-riot bill, passed but somehow such a large push for social and the new self-conscious, only remembers Monday reversed his decision after April 11, 1968, attached to the Civil Of late, I have followed the Barney White reform has occured that many young self- righteous freaks, many of whom enjoying Scotch on the rocks, their chief articles in the State News with boggle the difference between the very past time in defeating the "enemies of the receiving knowledge that the Rights Act. The main charge leveled something people have put their entire identities on approaching relief. He has articulated ideas the line dividing political ideals. important move away from technology and Country." But in our minds, only one defendants wanted the four against the eight defendants is word exists: "Venceremos" (We shall that are obvious to some of us, but amid White's stress on loss of personal identity sitting in a dark apartment smoking, attorneys withdrawn from the case. conspiracy to travel across state lines the confusion of each person's search for is quite right. The young man who sent in attempting contrived discoveries. conquer). For this we must fight and die. This is just an example of what has with the intention of inciting a riot. I can empathize to some degree with identity, many of these sound ideas are the heated letter concerning the oppression thus far transpired in the trial of the both attempts, but moral progress like any Salvador Herrera G. The prosecution will be obscured in the wake of a panic to join the White has supposedly disregarded seemed right side and the movements. to be sincerely concerned, but rather other, implies to me that when something graduate student in economics "Chicago 8." Repeatedly, the hard-pressed (indeed, it may find it doesn't work, you change the operation. Perhaps because of the political changes myopic, as it covered only one side of a Monterey, Mexico defendants have stated that their impossible) to prove the "intent" of What we are neglecting is that the life of a taking place, the emphasis has been on the complex situation, and implied violence trial was beng biased with the the eight men. A definition of terms reactionaries against the radicals, as the and rejection of compromise. student is very flat. Students are under absense of lawyer Charles Garry. is a necessity. What constitutes a middle ground is impotent among the I agree with White completely on his pressures which instill in them a strong Garry has just undergone a gall "riot?" How does one know whether drastic needs our generation is trying to stress on our loss of joy of life, and our sense of insecurity, and because this bladder operation and the defense an individual "intended" to "incite a accommodate, or at least exppse. escapes into religious or political groups. process of learning is complex and This is social and political and has put a He accurately described the search of the demanding, many of us get in ruts that accordingly asked for a delay until riot" before or after he traveled close the gates of another important Red Cedar report such time as Mr. Garry would be able across state lines? learning, that is about life, a practical to continue his function as a member Of course the limits to dissent are wisdom, a joy, a grace, and this process By JIM DeFOREST of the defense. The request was not vague and, hence, calls for another condition; a certain providing relaxed freedom. permitted. additional difficulty in pinpointing Provide As most college students live, the family planning There proceedings, in addition to After watching the team's activities for illegal acts. However, a question that atmosphere is tense and claustrophobic, the past the judge's behavior, convinced the few games, maybe they should let must be raised is this: How can one freedom is sacrificed to "get ahead." us drink in the stadium. defendants that Hoffman was Unfortunately we pick up habits from prove or disprove that the person attempting to "blackmail" them by this formal method of education that some making a speech before a large To the Editor: shortage makes it absolutely essential that of us can't break. Thinking in terms of requiring that they end their audience which upon completion of As the new school year approaches, we Olin Health Center adopt a realistic policy Who is the air traffic controller for would hope that the State News, ASMSU in the area of family planning. finite boxes would be a dead center objections to Garry's absence before the speech goes about and commits Spartan Stadium? lie (Judge Hoffman) would remove and all segments of the student community description of what hangs many people acts of destruction or The University's failure to provide engages in will work to alter MSU's unwillingness to into copying a model that requires them to the contempt citations against the unlawful behavior, is adequate health services is apparent at the threat certain groups as enemies (cops, solely provide family planning services. Nixon wants to four attorneys. county's overcrowded social hygiene businessmen) adopt certain standard group change the draft system responsible for thdf acts of others? There is a severe shortage of medical clinics; it is apparent in the number of and induct only 19-year-olds. If this goes beliefs and forget that not being involved Although this charge is speculative -The Editors personnel in the Lansing area. This seeking through, guys will be celebrating their 20th persons problem pregnancy in the life going on around you is and open to many interpretations, it birthday with as much gusto as their 21st. counselling; and in the number of students self-indulgence of the most mediocre and seeking the services of the Ingham County deadening kind. Lousy beginning family planning center. Concerned Cherry Lane residents ] Lynne Crandall, Owen Hall President Drop Nixon decides to go ahead with and add To the Editor: the supersonic transport. SST-there goes another hundred million. Most of us will agree readily with Prof. Larrowe and others all over the country mind-boggling that a one-day strike would be a dramatic protest against the war. But who needs POINT OF VIEW friends like Larry Lerner, whose childish Williams favorite remarks can only alienate the sympathetic? Remember the days when drops and adds used to produce crying in will most likely pick up another course of, at least, three-credits. One No professor wants to be told that he cannot give an exam on October 15.1 hope not our son buildings, temper tantrums and fits could blame the student for taking a nobody will, but I hope Lerner will shut up of insanity? Well, the new system and not get people's backs up. high credit load of 20 credits, but EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Point Selection Committee. These signatures When Lerner says "hourlies" (when did of View segments of the University community involving complex monetary why should that same student who was written by Harry Chancey, we start using that word at MSU?) are "a Grosse Point senior, spokesman for the concerning explicit presidential search and were garnered by a band of five or six, calculations is just as bad-if not pays an excessive tuition to begin selection procedures. Part of the agreement whose goal it was to measure the concern waste of time," he needlessly offends many worse. with have the extra burden of losing Independent People against Williams for is that the trustees consider only those who are on his side. Does he want to over MSU's next president. This brief MSU President. When the computations are money because he drops a course? protest the war, show that he is a wise guy, names submitted to them by the petition campaign certainly displays a completed, these problems remain: What is needed for drops and adds offend the converted or what? No person whose six digit student All-University Search and Selection significant reaction against both "Soapy" Can't you find real writers? Committee "' not the Democratic nor the for next MSU president and recent trustee 1.) During the first two weeks of is a flat processing rate per course-a number takes priority over a first, middle The Krell piece on TV classes was a and last name is able to escape the Republican "Search and Selection actions. classes, a student (whether in-state or rate that does not distinguish Committees." However, recent news media disgrace. There is a mountain of research de-humanizing gauntlet of academic out-of-state), dropping a course will between the number of credits being on TV classes and his uninformed dithering beadledom called registration. and other sources give reasonable assurance Breach of this particular element of the lose S6.50 per credit. This money is and posturing says nothing significant one to believe that "Soapy" Williams' name, agreement may not necessarily be the first. dropped and/or added. Not only Furthermore, few people are able to the other. It's nice to know he while not being submitted by the The past summer has other supposedly used for processing. Why would this be an equitable system, way or recover quickly from the shock treatment seen plans to drop the course. I hope he decides of being dropped in, turned off and tuned committee, has been under consideration inconsistencies which also can be verified should the processing cost depend on but one which would seem to to drop out of school. out by the I.M. Bldg., which is capable of by the board of trustees, and also that top with a reasonable degree of reliability. the number of credits the course is provide a more simplified process for brass in the political cauldron have been SN is off to a miserable beginning. The eating literally hundreds, but regurgitating However, there seems to be little sense in worth? Is it more difficult to process the applying pressure accordingly. There can registrar. Adoption of this front page story on Monday about the Ann only two and three at a time. being intent on asking questions like the dropping of four-credit format would go a long way in Arbor student strike be no justification for such actions which "where were you on the night that the a course might mean Pressing issues, however, have a way of not only violate agreed selection committee's recommendations than a one-credit coure ? After all, reducing the rising level of University something to somebody if there were no allaying past grievances and injustices by upon it's still other papers in existence. Some of us read striking at the mind's sense of priorities. procedure-but also raise some very heady were leaked out all over the state?" only one course being red tape and needless expenses. questions about "following channels" and There is more pressing business at Detroit papers and don't have to rely on Who becomes the next president of MSU dropped. -The Editors the misinformation and wishful thinking of is just such an issue, and the eagerness "doing it within the system." hand-finding a qualified president to run 2.) Wouldn't it be more difficult to SN. which, in many cases, manifests itself in During the two days of registration, this University. process the dropping and subsequent Either get out a real paper or quit and let bold-face enthusiasm that went into signing 5,000 people took time out to sign a Perhaps if the trustees begin to take this somebody else have a hand at it. petition opposing G. Mennen Williams job seriously and plan according to the adding of a course of the same a certain petition, clearly indicates that G. number of credits than to process Letter Policy Edward Blackman Mennen Williams is not the favorite son of being considered for the MSU presidency agreed-upon rules, they may save what face asst. dean, University College MSU. by the trustees since his name was not they have left before all types of people; the just the dropping of a course? Yet, submitted to them by the Search and concerned-the disenchanted-and the just An agreement was made between all when one drops and adds a course of The State News welcomes all plain angry. the same number of credits, there is letters. They should be tvpod and signed with the home town, no change in tuition and, hence, no loss of money due to processing. student, faculty or staff stand¬ ing. and local phone number in¬ Wisp of resin I CAN'T DRAU) A FARM.. I'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN A FARM ! I D6FV ANYONE IN 3.) A student registering for 20 cluded. No unsigned letter will BESlPES, COldS' LE65 ARE THIS CLASS TO DRAW To the Editor: credits and dropping a three-credit be accepted lor publication, and It is apparent that, should Ohio State IMPOSSIBLE TO DRAuJ... A 600VCOW UE6! no letter will be printed without course during the first two weeks of ever be scheduled to play in Spartan a signature except in extreme classes will generally not add another Stadium again, Woody Hayes will have to circumstances. All letters must- be satisfied with "three yards and a wisp of course. However, a student be less than 300 words long for acrylic resin." previously registering for 14 credits publication without editing. Peter J. Wagner and dropping a three-credit course associate ptofessor, Chemistry Dept. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 2, 1969 5 Today marks centenia of non-violent Gandhi's birth The roots of Among those tentatively scheduled to but Gandhi did not live in fear, although he January 30, 1948, he was fatally shot by imperialism run deep. seemed to half expect that death was near a Hindu fanatic while going to hold his It takes force to remove the tentacles of speak are Orion Ulrey, assoc. professor of daily evening at hand. prayer meeting in New Delhi. imperialism: look at China, Russia, Cuba. agricultural economics; Robert L. Green, director of the Center for Urban Affairs Each, in its own way, ripped out imperialsim with revolution. It takes force. Sometimes. and Herbert C. Jackson, assoc. professor of religion. Green is well-known on campus for his work in the black struggle and Gandhi- his life Mohandas K. Gandhi spurned force, yet Jackson has been a long-time moral critic the wide-scale adoption of his idea of non-violent "civil disobedience" twisted the British lion's tail into Indian of the war in Vietnam. The MSU Library will also honor Gandhi for oil generations of independence. centeniery week with a special exhibit in object of fear, from an image of one sitting Gandhi-better known as the Mahatma, the three display cases on the main floor By ASHOK RAO in judgement of heaven and hell counting which means Great Soul-began advocating lobby beginning today. all the ridiculous trivia of life that are non-violence and self-rule for India as early The cases will display books and I am told that I attended a prayer labeled sin. Gandhi believed in a pragmatic as 1919. In 1930, he articulated his now periodicals with articles dealing with, or meeting of Mahatma Gandhi sitting on my well-known concept of civil disobedience written by, Gandhi Of special interest will approach to religion. He followed the . father's shoulders. That is the greatest be a book of photographs of Gandhi's life example of his predecessor Swami \ against British rule in India. glimpse that I can boast of, for I was three Vivekananda (who was by far the greatest Miraculously, it worked. published by the Indian government. years old when the Mahatma attained In the Mahatma's native India, the saint of this century) who said, "Be strong, Today, nearly 22 years after his death, martyrdom. celebration of his birth has been going on my young friends; that is my advice to Indians and followers of non-violent civil My generation began where an India with all you. You will be nearer to heaven through disobedience will honor the 100th year and will culminate in a frenzy the physical presence of Mahatma Gandhi football than through the study of GITA anniversary of the Great Soul's birth. today the date of his birth 100-years-ago. ended. To this generation is Gandhi merely As in all countries which honor a (nearest Hindu equivalent to the Holy Here at MSU, Gandhi's birth will be the greatest name in the history of the national folkhero, India is producing Bible). These are bold words, but I have to quietly recognized. According to Dinesh, freedom movement of India or a dynamic Gandhi mementos in bulk, which range in say them, for I love you." The younger post doctorate in chemistry who is influence in spite of the absence of the quality from quaint to crass. Gandhi generation is in a state of ferment for they organizing the observances, it will be a emotive response created by his physical humble affair. calendars, bookmarks, greeting cards, read, study and understand more than presence? what their parents did at their age. They "It will be a simple program, because to badges, busts and statues are flooding the I dare not answer this question for I have nation. see through the mistakes of their elders and depict Gandhi is to depict simplicity," no technique by which to assess the Pray for Dinesh said. Things he never did, words he never uttered have been attributed to him, as is opinion of the millions of young Indians. refuse to accept all tradition or slogans that are not backed by valid reasoning. The Scheduled for 7 p.m. Sunday in Parlors But, the very fact that Gandhi's life Mahal-ma A, B and C of the Union, the program will characteristic following the death of a transformed the Indian society itself, contemporary ferment of the youth is, Gandhi, one of the world's leaders for peace, salutes c present Indian and American students and legend. inasmuch as he was also the greatest social therefore, universal. The causes for audience of 100,000 with >a gesture of prayer after an address i Gandhi, born Oct. 22, 1869, the individual agitations may be different, but Bombay's Shivaji Park March 14, 1946. faculty who will describe what Gandhi and religious reformer, implies the impact AP Wirephol means to them personally. youngest son of Karamchand and Putlibai the techniques have to be the same. of Gandhi on the life of every Indian, Gandhi, was married at age 13. He studied The failure of Daniel Cohn Bendit's whatever be the generation. law in London, was admitted to the bar in French youth uprising in 1968 and similar My grandfather was a successful attorney 1891 and practiced in South Africa. failures of radical techniques of violence in whose clients were either Zamindars (rich His jail experiences began in 1908 in other parts of the world leave little choice Brotherhood evades landlords) or rajahs. Being a prominent town Johannesburg for refusal to register under the "Black Act." Thus began his career of civil disobedience and fasting, leading and attorney of the town, Grandfather was asked to preside over the meeting which was to be addressed by Mahatma Gandi. except to adopt Gandhian techniques of protest. Gandhi, who Satyagraha (Truthforce), insisted on its introduced non-violent character. He laid a great stress inspiring workers striking for pay increases This was in 1915 or 1916 when Gandhi and justice, resisting oppression. His had just entered Indian politics and was on discipline. symbol became the spinning wheel for all In 1919 he launched a nationwide mobilizing the people for a fight against Gandhi built for peace is here and the ashram is the to be productive; his dress, the loincloth (of homespun cloth), because he knew some He could afford authored no more. numerous essays and colonialism and injustice. Mahatma Gandhi produced an emotion which could generate such a fierce speech from Grandfather that the next morning he campaign of civil disobedience, but called it off as proclaimed soon that as violence broke out. He he had committed a himalayan blunder in starting a movement EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is stick in a locked glass case. The hut has a headquarters pamphlets, including a lengthy without first assessing the discipline of the of the Hindustani Talim was in._ jail sentenced to six months excerpted from "Blossoms in the Dust," by mud floor, mud plastered walls (bamboo Sangh. This autobiography, "The Story of My imprisonment after being expelled from people. Kusum Nair. Mrs. Nair, a journalist since inside), a white covered mattress and back organization heads the movement for Experiments with Truth." At least two the bar council. How many youth leaders are ready to or 1943 and graduate of Nagpur University, is rest on the floor where he used to sit and "basic education, first devised by Ghandi bombing attempts were made on his life. I have always wondered what power capable of calling off a movement when work, three small tables everything it as a cheaper and more suitable system for a currently on the MSU campus. The — as Mahatma Gandhi possessed that could violence breaks out? It's most probable passages below describe the experimental used to be. poor country like India. transform ordinary men into martyrs. (whether it is India or America) that the village set up by Gandhi as she saw it about The rest of his possessions — the spinning Prayers are held in the evening as usual Mahatma Gandhi had an indomitable youth leaders would pass on the blame for 11 years after his death. wheel, paper-weights (plain stones of just outside his cottage compound. faith in himself and his people. He the violence to the police rather than various shapes and sizes), the three Immediately after the prayers at the incarnated in himself the people. He sought "Bapu Kuti," says there is a board "Ahimsa or non-violence is no i; accept it as their defeat and try to exercise monkeys, ink stand, rosary — are locked in ashram, howeverf there is another prayer to outside a bamboo fence. We enter by a wipe every tear from every age. As self-control on themselves and their another glass case. There is bamboo meeting in Sewagram village, to which the ; wooden or lifeless dogma, but a Jawaharlal Nehru observed, "He seemed to gate. There are., wjoiit. nwm anH ashram is attached. Here over 100 Mahar followers. This is a great disservice that our living and life-living force It is an x .. mattfng on the floor for visitors to sit on. them to link up the past with the future of flowering bushes along the fench; on the Famous quotations, hand-written, hang on families have adopted Buddism in the last generation is doing to the Gandhian attribute of the brave, in Jact. it ; life and ground is just plain gravel. the walls. All is silence, empty. two years. : hope." technique. Inside the mud hut. near the entrance, A ; is their all. It is the special It is disgusting to observe the hundreds Gandhi as a well known American, Now many buildings in the ashram are Japanese bhikku, the Rev. Saiji of people who attend to the rituals of are Bapu's wooden sandals and walking x attribute of the soul. That is why '■;■ Vincent Shean, recorded: "The man had Iving vacant, though the Kasturba Hospital Makino, who does veterinary work at the ashram, conducts their prayers. He has it has been described as the x religion (like attending the church every no equal in our times, this one who treated come from Japan, in search of truth in the Sunday) and claim a place nearer to all men as equals of all that we have highest dharma. The Sun of heaven, if not in the heaven itself, and yet, land of Buddha. known, he was the wisest and the best, as GHANDI INEXPEDIENT Ahimsa carries all the hosts of live in utter disregard to human injustice was said of Socrates in the days of old." In front of Buddha's statue is a bowl full darkness such as hatred, anger -v and suffering. Never has history known a man who of water and incense is burning. The room is crowded. The congregation consists and malice before himself. " • Equally disgusting are the ministers of exercised so much power over so many God and millions of human beings and yet lived in mostly of boys and young I high priests who would die of Block men: see only absolute humility and simplicity. one old man. shock if it be suggested to them that the power- After the prayers are over, we talk. The riioney spent on the religious ceremonies be reduced and the amount be used to buy But, the younger generation in India has failed to emulate this example. In the sense people present in the room express only food for the hungry. of the words of Swami Vivekanda, "I hold unalloyed, violent bitterness. Neither the "An academic grasp without y him a traitor, who having been educated at spirit of Gandhi nor that of the Buddha is These disgusting experiences led me the cost of the poor pays not the slightest ■/practice behind it is like ana passive n here; suspicion. only resentment, hatred and In Bapu's time there used to be a charkha ■ embalmed corpse, perhaps lovely towards atheism. But the interpretations of God that I as given by Gandhi made me realize heed to them." The members of the younger generation of India are traitors. ■: to look but nothing to inspire or '■;[ was fighting the symbol and not the We live in a world of our own making . . . in every home in Sewagram. Today, there substance. For Gandhi said, "God is truth" "Passive resistance is a method of British education, he later came to embrace ennoble. " oceans of poverty and misery around us . . is not a single spinning wheel in the whole and also proclaimed that "Even God dare and realize the wealth of his own Indian securing rights by personal suffering; it is . in which humanity is struggling to reach the reverse of resistance by arms. If I do culture. This "return to his right mind" as village. No one wears khadi, except those not come before a hungry man except in the shore, yet, helplessly we stand who work in the ashram; for them it is the form of bread." not he referred to the change, is much the same obey the law and accept the penalty watching them, at times, laden with sorrow for its breach, I use soul-force. It involves as black Americans' late awareness of their compulsory. Nor do the villagers attend the These words that draw God from are an and sympathy. nationhood. Ghandi condemned the prayer meetings as the ashram, which they sacrifice of self. Everybody admits that sacrifice of self is infinitely superior to nations that had caused the distortions in always did when Gandhi was alive. the first place. As for "basic education" of which sacrifice of the other." (Mahatma Ghandi) "You are very much mistaken if you Sewagram ashram is the center, they say "They don't want to hear that with unconcealed turn-the-other-cheek stuff, now. In imagine that true democracy obtains either contempt: "We do not in America or England. The voice of the send our children to the ashram school Jacksonville, those were teen-agers, they people may said to be God's voice but beyond the fourth class (i.e. primary), were throwing Molotov cocktails. Negroes . . . because those who pass out of 'Nai Talim' have never done that before. But it shows how can there be the voice of God where cannot get jobs. So our boys go to Wardha the people themselves are the exploiters, as you that there's a new deal coming in those in town; they walk the four miles to study in it'll be Molotov cocktails this month and England and America are? They live on the colored races by exploiting a conventional school. hand-grenades next month, and something "We don't want to remain tillers of the else the next month. It'll be ballots or it'll them . . . One day the black races will rise soil for ever. We also want to become be bullets. It will be like the avenging Atila against their white liberty or it will be lawyers and doctors. 'Nai talim' is no good death. The only difference about this kind oppressors unless someone presents to for that is their explanation. of death - it'll be reciprocal." (Malcolm X) them the weapon of 'satyagraha' " Ghandi Saddest of all, the village is riven into used this term to refer to the non-violent Civil rights to black power. Non-violence defense of the truth. two hostile blocks, one of caste-Hindus self-defense. The black liberation Martin Luther and the other of Buddhists, who were to King, Jr. was, of course, struggle, once so thoroughly penetrated by the black people's prophet of non-violence. previously Harijans. There is complete the non-violent philosophies of Ghandi and But after nearly a decade of enduring the segregation and social boycott between them. There has been no improvement in King have fashioned new weapons over the police dogs, billy-clubs, guns, hoses and burned-out churches, the status of the Harijans since they last decade. Black revolutionaries, left in resulted in only token embraced a new religion. They continue to the ghetto furnace perhaps one generation progress, blacks learned the be treated as untouchables. too long, forged a new creed of black implications of the non-violent philosophy in America. And where in Gandhi's time the two reaction to white violence. Can any man sections had lived in amity and oneness, On the surface, this is the apparent turn appeal to the conscience of the creators of since he was insistent on abolition of the black civil rights movement has taken napalm, the mace and the in America. But have black people in stoner rifle? untouchability and caste distinctions, there is bitter and open antagonism now, which America really abandoned the ideas of "Americans are the experts at violence. extends even to the precincts of the ashram Ghandi and King? Or does their spirit still King realized towards the end of his life that you cannot appeal to the conscience school. No work is done together. lurk, ironically, in the flaming cities and rhetoric of 1969? of a General Motors and get it to "Therefore, we have made no progress in "I don't think America has re-distribute its wealth to poor people," development work or anything," I am told, really known Green stated. though the village is covered by the any violence from black people," insisted Robert Green, director of the Center for "King was moving toward the approach Community Development program. "Our of economic condition is very poor; worse Urban Affairs. organizing masses of blacks, like Jesse Jackson is doing in Chicago right now. He than what it used to be." "Black people have destroyed property. The reason blacks have destroyed property realized that only through hard-core Obviously, though the "revolution" came to Sewagram under the personal direction rather than people is because this society boycotts and strikes to paralyze the of Gandhi, himself, it has has demonstrated that it loves property economy would institutions eventually proved to be of a thar. people. When change." wholly transient character. Almost more I think of violence, I think of the systematic violence Today, the black liberation struggle everything that was achieved in the village in Gandhi's time in the social and used by the Algerians to drive the French out of their country," Green said. deals, not violence so or much with a concern for non-violence, but with economic fields is lost already, in less than Leader an a decade after his death. "Blacks have never used this system of expediency. The emphasis is one of calculated violence, but whites have used it positive self-development of nation to the By morning light, in physical appearance a also, Sewagram is exactly the same today Delivering a prayer meeting address during the second day of his consistently in the Ku Klux Klan and the fullest realization of all the aspirations of fast as any other to force communal peace in India, Gandhi squats before a Algiers Motel incident." any man. But, in this philosophy, tolerance village in the area — drab mud of more violence or discrimination walls, dirty lanes with cattle, bullock cart microphone in New Delhi wearing a loin cloth and prayer shawl, Ghandi was not unaware of the violence against wheels and and dirt Jan. 22, 1948. AP Wirephoto perpetrated against all black and dark black or any oppressed peoples is not manure heaps included. everywhere. peoples. Although he received a completely 6 Michigan State News, East 1 raising, Michigan Thursday, October 2, 1969 PICTURESQUE CHECKS Tourism classed: Bank goes new profession By SHARMON STEWART communication and foreign Beautiful people, advocates of Linda McReynolds, an campus are the only ones to flower power and war dissenters employe of the bank, said that carry the checks." State News Staff Writer "Tourism is all have their Mrs. McReynolds reported becoming an can causes there are six different designs, that the most popular symbol Tourism has gone beyond the important industry in many expressed in symbols printed on each of a different color. underdeveloped countries and, their personal checking account was that of the dove. bounds of an international "We began this service mainly Also available for scenery pastime and is now actually hopefully, these majors will aid checks. in forming international tourism The for the college students," she lovers are checks with eight classified as a profession. Michigan National Bank and trade organizations," said. "They symbols of flowers, different scenes of America MSU is the first University to started the service Sept. 1 for doves and other designs appeal Bloomstrom said. persons who desire more printed on them. provide a four-year program individuality in their financial to the younger people. The two There are mountains, prairies leading to a bachelor's degree in Dr. Robert W. bank locations on either side of tourism. Mcintosh, HRI transactions. and farmland scenes included in The program was professor, believes tourism has this selection. developed to become a leading industry in 45 "The service is designed meet industry demands for of our 50 states and holds great primarily to allow people to add professionally educated economic managers. International promise for the the personal touch to their world's implications may stem from the underdeveloped checking accounts," Mrs. countries." McReynolds said. "These checks program according to Robert L. add a touch of color and Bloomstrom, director of the Graduation requirements for individual ty." School of Hotel, Restaurant and the degree will include a The checks are available for a Institutional Management. minimum of 800 hours of paid (HRI). experience in a company slight extra cost in quantities of 200 or more. What a Majors will be trained in oriented to tourism. The business management, initiative for finding these Of the available designs, there fraternity Rushees at a keep a close eye on the punch being poured for marketing, mathematics, positions rests on the student are only doves offered to them. Fraternity ush is infullswing this week. computer quantitative-statistics, and may be found on a national, persons concerned with the war. State News photo by Carl Welti geography, economics, law, regional or international level, The hawks are out of luck. according to Bloomstrom. "In the past, students have AGAINST NUCLEAR TESTS gotten jobs and then the schooU approval. We hope to change the system to allow the school to move the students toward thp«> Student the it o o j- • - • U.S.-Canadian crossing points to * * areas," Bloomstrom said, Placement service for school s graduates will be through the University Border incidents at two points Wednesday as Canadian students crowd of students that had Windsor with Detroit a Placement Buiteau. where Michigan meets Ontario massed to protest a planned U.S. blocked the border. Detroit River. There were protest Thursday's scheduled nuclear blast on the Aleutian The HRI staff will left at least one person injured nuclear test. The woman driver was known injuries, eventually and five others under arrest At Sarnia, Ont., across the St. arrested. Though the 2,000 students, Island of Amchitka. be built up in connection with Clair River from Port Huron, a At Windsor, Ont., at least four massed at the Sarnia end of the Canadian officials said they the program, but no immediate youth was dragged 336 feet youths were arrested as they Blue Water Bridge, succeeded in feared the blast would touch off plans have been made. The when a car bearing Michigan slowed heavy traffic at the halting traffic into Canada for an massive earthquakes and tidal University's facilities, as they are BARGAINS hour, the Windsor license plates plowed into a Ambassador Bridge that links waves. now, are able to accommodate demonstration only slowed cars The students carried signs the new program, heading into Canada. Most of reading "First Hiroshima, Now Where do you find Central Michigan's the participants were from the Canada" and "Damn Uncle Completion of the program finest entertainment? The University of Windsor. Sam" as they marched. will open doors to travel FOR Harlequin! The border blockades were Two of those arrested at agencies, tour companies, part of a planned series of such Windsor were charged with promotional groups, state and FRIDAY and SATURDAY Now demonstrations obstructing traffic, one with governmental tourist Appearing Nightly at several - obstructing police and one with departments and travel bureaus disorderly nduct. 1 by major oil companies. Stan Gunn and ^AilFUS THE [AST DAYS OF * BEAL Presents Tonite Only FILM J^ the Sons of "GO!-FOR THE FURY, John Ford's Tragedy—Comedy WANDA FORCE AND FUN OF * TOBACCO ROAD * Gunn "ANGRY, TOUGH AND FULL OF STING!"_uff yL 7-9 P.M. Thursday In 109 Anthony 50c Admission—No I.D. Required HANCOCK Jack-of-Diamond" ^ Friday and Saturday ' ■ "A PICTURE YOU MUST recording stars ill SEE THIS YEAR IS if-." J* The Wrong Box and Lazie ^ Shown in Wells Hall )r SHOP PA^MOUNT PICTURES ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MEMORIAL ENTERPRISES FILM FINE WOMEN'S APPAREL 203 E. GRAND RIVER AYE. SUNDAY. Doors if. COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE EAST LANSING,MICH. Across from the campus 1QU1N Plus Pink Panther Cartoon 1100,000 GOING at the Metro Bowl ALICE'S RESTAURANT OUT OF BUSINESS SALE DONT MISS THE LAST FEW DAYS 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM G.O.B. PERMIT NO. 3967 ngWIRttNN Ideas and people make our business We're in the retailing, food and personal THING services business And YOUR IDEAS can help us do a better job. Here's where YOU come in. We re changing. And growing And we re look¬ ing for bright young people who can help us make our changes work. YOU are one of the new-idea people we're ■W looking for. HERE S OUR OFFER: You can start out in management right now. You make good money. You put your own ideas to ALL SALES FINAL ■ NO REFUNDS - NO EXCHANGES work and evaluate the results. You move up fast. You work almost anywhere in the world, with opportunity to travel. s550 BLOUSES 99c NYLONS s1200 LAMB You're a big part of our operation. And FUR HATS you accomplish whatever your talents lead you to work toward. That's it. $2»8 49 ,-$£88 YOU have the opportunity. We have openings. Let's get together and see if our ideas are in the same bag. ALL ITEMS ADVERTISED SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE Our representatives will be on campus soon. See your placement director and To M900 DRESSES s9°» GOWNS S300 BRAS sign up for an interview NOW! ,n%e following fields WE LL BE INTERVIEWING: $468 $548 $]88 . . retailing BUYING OCTOBER 10, 1969 . accounting s46o° r COATS s200 PANTY HOSE s32°° DRESSES . auditing If you can't make our scheduled inter¬ Better dresses go at only view date, don't sweat it. Write us direct and find out if our ideas are in the same merchandising $2788 . $J58 $17#. bag. Write to: COLLEGE RELATIONS MANAGER DEPT. NP . vending s s12°° SKIRTS s400 SUPS *7M SHELLS ARMY & AIR FORCE EXCHANGE SERVICE . . personal ser^c management engin neer»ng $288 . warehousing b transportation THE 3911 WALTON WALKER BLVD DALLAS. TEXAS 75222 STTRE RXl /RES FOR SALE Equal Opportunity Employer Thursday, October 2, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Actors sort Justine's' confusion of (though the photography itself I confused by Pandro love and politics. Anouk Bogarde). They all get together, to an extent by the story's is, for the most was Aimee plays one half of a part quite good) Berman's motion picture do their thing with each other melodrama. The conflict in the story becomes gun-smuggling team (her and come out looking like a English-held Palestine is so impossible. "Justine" when, outside the As the young lady said, the husband, played by John cross between "The Valley of haphazardly developed that it Michigan Theatre, I overheard a Vernon, is the other half) and the Dolls" and "Peyton Place." loses any hint of drama, story is, indeed, difficult to girl who had seen it tell a girl follow. So don't who was about to that "Justine" moonlights as seductress par The actors are hardly to Director George Cukor In the case of try to follow it. excellence. By the film's end she blame, however. Fans of Anouk manages, somehow, to take a "Justine," the is "bad, awful, spastic, you can't only consequence of has successfully destroyed two Aimee will probably love the relatively simple story and follow it, the acting is terrible nderstanding is boredom. and it's just a lot of sex." or three men, as well as her film for she acts strongly and render it intelligible by joining _ Thinking about her beautifully husband's smuggling operation, convincingly throughout, as do characters and events loosely *ou '* a better time with In the meantime, we are the rest of the cast. Anna Karina and often irrelevantly. Coupled show if you forget the story expressed thought, I realized that I absolutely agreed with her treated to any number of seedy is expecially good as the with photographic incoherence and Just watch^the acting, people and the places where hashish-smoking prostitute, excepting on one point -acting. they get together to have a good Michael York and Dirk Observing a poorly conceived time. There's the sensitive young aiso display their talents well. production acted with skill is "Justine" is based on poet(Michael York) But the acting is about the enough to confuse anyone. But Lawrence Durrels "°ve down-and-out bell- belly dancer "Justine" goes out of its way to Alexandria Quartet Set in oniy interesting thing in the ( (Anny Rar Karina) flnd even an and flick, andeven that is washed out confuse you even more. Alexandria in 1938, it s a story • incestuous diplomat (Dirk VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Sense! Brown belt blues Kim, fourth degree black belt, and Mary SEC offers teacher training By DELORES MAJOR students with in-classroom teachers aides. education majors a chance to see Jo Fitzgerald, third degree brown belt practice State News Staff Writer teaching and tutoring The program includes working how well they like teaching their judo technique. The brown belt is getting the Student Education Corps o.t experience, needs 300 more with elementary and secondary before they actually go through worst of It, to the amusement of the audience. (SEC), and MSU-based volunteer „ volunteers this term. school students. student teaching. State News photo by Brian Dodge organization that provides MSU Johnathan Bacon, coordinator Bacon issued a warning to all "Anyway, by the time they go of the program, said that, thus who volunteer for the programs, through student teaching, it's far. an estimated 25 students "Some people who volunteer too late for them to change their 'FACULTY NEWS' have signed up for the program, are afraid of children, afraid that minds. The deadline for sign-up is the children might bite them and Friday. they could very well do this. I Students interested in finding Bacon said that although most just hope that they're bold out more about the entire Staff has The MSU Office The new paper volunteers are education majors, this isn't program. "As a a qualification for the matter of fact, some of enough people so that this program should call 353-4402, doesn't matter to them. Bacon said that students Bldg. participating in the program or go to 26 Student Services Staff Bulletin, issued staff changes and more detailed our best people have been must have an entire morning or Information Services has begun publication of a weekly faculty **ott every Friday, scheduled for the includes events following eight items, will be printed Faculty News. the non-education majors," he said, Volunteers work in schools afternoon devoid of classes. He added that SEC offers starts TODAY days seminars, colloquia and The first issue of the Faculty At 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:20-9:25 P.M. primarily throughout the Program Information 332-5817 informal notices are submitted News was published this week. Gene Rietfors, associate news Lansing area, as tutors and bureau by all departments. 482 "3905 This motion This is one editor, said that the , iu ... ,, t ends tonight < INFORMATION » four-page tabloid will print news °Pe U ..^' ,e ° Feature at i:00-3:05- IICHIGAN of our satisfied picture is the . of interest and concern to the information," Rietfors said. 1? I tfutfv customers. faculty and provide a means for " more efficient communication. Several items formerly starts friday beat Hin He nearly died... "The Faculty News will be published the Staff Bulletin, in town laughing! TODAY... 7:30 P.M exhibitions, board of trustee QsuGGESTED fop mature aud,ln<£Sj STEVE I*1C©UEEI\ IFC, Panhel AS Greek Week BULLITT' TECHNICOLOR' FROM WARNER BROS SEVEN ARTS W Petitions are now being accepted by the Inter-Fraternity 9:30 P.M. only Council and the Panhellenic Council ~ for 1970 Greek Week PLUS: committees. NOW SHOWING Students Metro Goldwyn-Mayer presents A Carlo Ponti Production starring can pick up their petitions in 101 Student Services ALL COLOR PROGRAM Bldg. until Oct. 13. David Hemmings Joanna Pettet in Greek Week is scheduled for % EimAWAY spring term. i ONE EYED MAJOR AND IIS ODDBALL HEROES! 14 tin m Friday & Saturday 75q Burt Lancaster "The Best House in London" ms October 3 & A MARTIN RANSOHOFF S PRODUCTION Castle Keep » TECHNICOLOR ®FROM WIRIER BROS.-SEVER ARTS 7:30 P.M. only W stamngGeorge Sanders Dany Robin Warren Mitchell original screenplay by oems Norden Coming - "LEARNING TREE" Eastmancoior4 Next: 'BATTLE OF ALGIERS A Vincent Price Festival ALSO DEAN MARTIN AND ANN MARGRET in Masque of the Red Death and The Pit in the Pendulum MWDER£KS'R9W 'CASTLE KEEP" 7:07 & Late "MURDERERS ROW" 9:20 Free Money From Your Bookstore Fri. — Vet Clinic Auditorium 7:00 & 10:00 Masque Red Death of the Bg The Big Bread Winnei 8:30 Pit in the Pendulum Sat. 109 Anthony On This Campus 7:00 & 10:00— Maszue of the Nothing to buy Red Death Pick up entry form in your 8:30—Pit in the Pendulum MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES FREE Term Planner presents and Pocket Secretary at your bookstore, Today (Limited Supply) BEST PICTURE!' Winner of I Academy Awards! 10 C&MEKOX or deposit this entry form in Bookstore Sweepstakes Box within 4 weeks from start of classes Name Jl Address College Participating Manufacturers CAMPUS STEINS Qnm Eaton's zodiac Stationary ~G^| "BLaDES I jp j§| BRODY HALL Eaton's corrasaM* Bonn iStclrcd FREDERICK LOEWE • ALAN JAY LERNER ■ JOSHUA LOGAN • JACK i WARNER «r Attache H ®/ , TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION FROM WARNER BROS. SEVEN ARTS rr_l. Cases ■ (juatfinlmf H Thur. Oct.,2nd Brody Hall 6:45 & 9:15 Fri. Oct, 3rd Wilson Aud. 6:45 & 9:30 Thurs., Fri. - Oct. 2 & 3 - 7:30 P.M. ^CliffiSvSotES. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Sat. Oct 4th Conrad 6:45 & 9:30 Admission $1.00 Campus Bookstores STUDENTS & FACULTY only, I.D.'s REQUIRED 131 133 E. Grand River Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office - 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 2, 1969 Plans for E. Lansing hotel hit financial the snag country, Boettcher said he thinks the finance people are eager for the hotel to become a reality, mainly to broaden the tax Zoning was another preliminary problem. East Lansing was not base and take some of the tax burden off the property owners. zoned to accommodate a 17-story hotel (the original plan), so the "asking too much." Aside from this advantage to East Lansing residents, the hotel The hotel developers had already completed one feasibility process of changing the zoning to allow for such a Plans for East Lansing's high-rise hotel have been put on hold idea helped clear the path for East Lansing liquor licensing. structure-which involved a series of public report-a document which predicts the success of the proposed hearings-also handed endeavor-and have now been asked by the finance people to until financing kinks can be worked out. A representative of the East Lansing city manager's office said setbacks to those eager to begin construction. that the hotel planners, an Ann Arbor development firm, would draw up another one. Arthur Boettcher, vice president of the external affairs build in East Lansing on the condition that the liquor law was Now that both problems of liquor and zoning have been Boettcher said the feasibility study is a method of surveying the committee of the East Lansing Chamber of Commerce, said that overcome, the question of financing is the only obstacle left to needs of the community and how well they would be fulfilled by the hotel developers are experiencing the same problem prevalent changed and the city went "wet." The same spokesman said that the developers were instrumental in the moistening process by bringing in the bulldozers and the hard hats. the proposed hotel. in financial affairs all over the country-tight money. Unfortunately, it presents an indeterminable delay. "Each of those reports is about an inch and a half thick," Financing problems are the latest in a series of delays which convincing the city to add the liquor issue to the ballot last November. Boettcher said that he could not predict when financing would Boettcher said. have plagued proponents of the hotel idea since its germination be approved. The prospectus on "We already have one dry hotel in East Lansing-Kellogg the building itself has changed slightly since approximately a year and a half ago. Center," the spokesman said. Despite the "tight money" situation plaguing investors all over planning began. Despite the setbacks, Boettcher said that everyone concerned is The original proposal was for a 17-story structure; revised plans are for a 15-story building. For Big Savings This Week, "Plans now include a request for more open space," Boettcher said. "it 11 look a lot nicer." The planned building is hexagonal and includes a restaurant on the 15th floor. A pool on the second level will be available to both hotel and apartment tower patrons. Boettcher said that plans also include a mall with space for several shops, a large conference room with an adjoining kitchen Shop from and several smaller conference rooms. "Plans for the building sound fantastic," he said. our Relations with the City of East Lansing have been good, Boettcher said. "Everyone is anxious to get this thing going and everyone is cooperating," he said. "I think city officials have been exceptional in their handling of the liquor permits," he added. "They have been very cautious." Travel series We Reserve The Right To Lin Quantities. Copyright Kroger Co. 1969 The 10 page mailer Portrait of The MSU Travel present "Portraits Series will of the Orient" by William Moore at 8 p.m. incongruities of mixing the old world and the East. new in the Far If you have not received your Mailer, your Store Manager has one for you. Saturday in the Auditorium. Hong Kong, Seoul and Taiwan "Portraits" will feature aerial will be featured in the first of views of several Eastern cities, the travelogues. PULL SHANK HALF along with a tour of the cities by Tickets are available at the MSU Union ticket office or may SMOKED be purchased at the door. WABX Presents HAM JUDY CO Masonic Auditorium Detroit Sat., October 4th - 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $3.50 - $4.50 - $5.50 Tickets: Masonic Temple Box Kroger Tenderay Brand Office and all J. L. Hudson Beef means grain fed beef, Grade USDA Choice and carefully aged in special rooms LIEBERMANN'S- where Climate-Control PETER'S ROLLED & TIED WHOLE SILVER PLATTER BOSTON BUTT PORK Speeds-Up Natural ROAST OR Tendering Action. No OR PORTION DOUBLE BREASTED OR Boneless Haniu,99c other beef so fresh be so Tender. can Enjoy fall sports wjth 3-LeggedFryers 43( Pork Steak u,69$ BONELESS ROLLED & TIED BOSTON Butt Pork Roast 79( Hot Dogs $1.49 VALUABLE COUPON HYGRADE WEST VIRGINIA SMOKED PET ER'S REGULAR OR THICK VAC PAC Pork Chops $1.09 Sliced Bologna & 69( Kroger Coffee 32-07 WT CAN WW PETER"; HERRUD Hot Dogs $1.79 Astro Franks 79( MEL-O-SOFT White Bread 5 »r loaves *, REGULAR OR DIET DEL MONTE Peaches DEL MONTE CUT 4 ™s PEPSI I FRUIT Green Beans 11 DELICIOUS FLAVORS 5 *'tc&s COLA I COCKTAIL Kroger Gelatin ,1™ CLOVER VALLEY Keep warm in any weather with one of Margarine wtpkg our colorful wool stadium blankets. Choose famous Pendletons in bright tartans or PAC PAC ... traditional "State" robes in green and 32-OZ AAl Kroger Coffee WT CAN WITH COUPON • PENDLETON ROBES 450 EXTRA TOP 52"x70" with ^ VALUE STAMPS carrying case 1600 WITH HE MS BELOW 'STATE" ROBES ;»iO 50 FLAME RED 62"x84" with felt"S" 1295 Tokay Grapes 3 69( with chenille "S" j ^ ^ 5 0 krVgER tVa BAGS FRESH and felt binding 1895 25* ' m a 50 "L'HMe Celery ST GOLDEN RIPE ^ 50 ^ELLCJGGTPOP tarts j#ji a so n BANANAS vegetables mutt b Sun,.se-Fresh you buy .1. If you o EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand Riv DOWNTOWN- 107 S. Washington Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 2, 1969 9 The Student Mobilization One-sexclothesin Designers demand boldness two-sex size& Committee will meet at 8 EDITOR'S NOTE: State News with it the ability to create a here-unisex clothes. So many restaurant - where orders have to tonight in 39 Union. Discussed Staff Writer Diane Petryk wrote gleaming, clinging wet-look from be shouted twice to be heard the British couples have taken to will be anti-Vietnam fall actions.' following story this summer jumpsuits and dresses to coats over the music. Speaker will be Mike Smith, G.I. while studying in London under and boots. The traditional ideas "I love vulgarity," Miss Quant wearing identical clothing that defense lawyer. the MSU American Language most large stores here now have concerning underwear are being said recently. "Good taste is According to the manager of and Educational Center abandoned in favor of sheer death, vulgarity is life. Our departments with clothes for "Way-In," the one-sex clothes (AMLEC) body stockings. modern clothes indicate both sexes. The "His and Hers" craze is logical in program. that England. The Scabbard and Blade will in boutique on Carnaby Street LONDON-American women Not all designers are women are charge of their meet at 8:30 tonight in the in favor sexual lives." caters to the desire to look alike. "Women and men are more Captain's Room of the Union. will continue to follow of the more revealing fashions, equal here than in any other Total acceptance of bolder Organization for school year England's fashion lead, predicted however. It is being debated "One-sex clothes in two-sex country in the world," she said. 1969-70 will be discussed. a spokesman here for "Bazaar," whether women will actually dress, however, is not yet in the offing, but as in the past, often sizes" is the advertising slogan "Perhaps women even dominate the boutique where the wear such clothes and if somewhat-unisex they the greater the initial disgust for for "Way-In," part of Harrods, clothes do mini-skirt started. should. London's tend to be more feminine than The UCM will hold an idea, the greater the eventual world famous a general If true, Americans can prepare masculine" meeting-CHAOS 69--at 8 Designer Barbara Cartland success. One London male is department store, and probably themselves for fashion trends of the largest boutique shop in the tonight at the Albatross, 547 E. seyerely criticized the idea of optimistic. He decided to close And while in Grand River. For further increasing boldness. down his corset shop and open a world. Besides unisez clothes, England, one Designers here continue to revealing clothes, calling them only has to speak to a male information please call the New "Way-In" sells records, hippie demand that more and more of unattractive, unglamorous and gymnasium and sauna. telephone operator and watch a Community office, 5-8266. unalluring. jewelry and makeup by Mary the female form be revealed. girl pumping gas to come to the Another fashion kick has Quant. It even offers a computer Having gone just about as far "Girls who wear these clothes conclusion that she is probably already taken a firm hold personality service and mini as possible in shortening skirts are mad. The whole point of right. The Student Duplicate Bridge and transparentizing blouses, wearing clothes is to make a Club will meet Sunday in 141 they are now turning to the idea woman look feminine. Men like Akers. All players are welcome. of skin-tight clothes. illusion. The human body is No previous duplicate His 'n hers Popular already is the rarely well-proportioned and experience is needed. For body-hugging knit or crocheted bottoms, in particular, are not," information call Mike, 489-2133. A new fashion craze which has taken a strong hold dress, easy to hand-make and she said. reminiscent of a more romantic in London is matching outfits for male and female. age. But the new stretch fabrics The "unisex" look has even led to the develop¬ seem to be creating the most The MSU Amateur Radio Club will hold its opening meeting at ment of store departments with clothes for both excitement. 7:30 tonight in 339 sexes. State News photo by Diane Petryk Stretch patent has arrived, and Engineering The Inter-varsity Christian AWARD WINNERS Fellowship will hold meetings as follows at 9 tonight: for east campus-McDonel Kiva, where a pastor from the East Lansing Trinity Church will speak. For west campus-Wonders where Glenn Blossom, minister Kiva, Film shorts coming Eight award-winning film shorts will be on our society, to "Soldier," in which a man is at at South Baptist Church, will presented at 7 and 9 p.m. Oct. 8 and 9 in 109 oneness with nature until materialism injects speak. The topic of discussion at another both meetings will be Anthony Hall. reality. Each of the film shorts, lasting from 7-15 The program is sponsored by Plymouth Corp., "Priorities." For rides, pi call 3-1531. minutes, have received international acclaim which is bringing the program to university from film festivals throughout the world. campuses across the nation in an effort to find The eight shorts capture different views of what students are concerned with. Delta Phi today's world, ranging from "Pop Show," in There is no charge for admission. Doors will professional and honorary which a psychedelic drama comments graphically open 15 minutes before the show. fraternity for those interested in international relations, foreign trade and the foreign hold its open rush at 7:30 tonight in 33 Union. Dr. John Hunter, professor of economics, will speak on "The Student in South American Universities." Sound Shop All interested persons are invited A COMPLETE COMPONENT CENTER to attend. Little Sisters of Evans Scholars SONY. 6050 will hold open rush at 8 tonight at 243 Louis St., East Lanmag^ FM stereo/FM-AM receiver Petitioning for vacant seats on the Student Traffic Appeal Court will continue today. Petitions are available at the ASMSU office, Student Services Bldg. Friends of the New Community Paper will meet at 9 tonight in The Joint--23 Student Services Bldg. Come as you are. The Women's Field Hockey team will practice at 3:30 today at Old College Field. Allowances will be made for class conflicts when necessary. Everyone welcome. Thursday, October 2, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Visiting professors seek fast The revolutionists are at a stage of working out what American English see the Vietnam American history. war pace as one of a series of wars in ideals represent to them. "Kids are the same today. The only difference is in how they see the American ideal," Toulmin said. "England isn't fighting a war, we have no draft, no strong British professors Steve and June Toulmin, educators and As teachers, the Toulmins find that people of 45 or 50 do not ethnic problem and the American struggle of the overly rich acid authors collectively, as well as independently, are starting their know what is happening on the college campus. When they underly poor is unheard of in this welfare state," Mrs. Toulmin first term as permanent visiting professors at MSU. encounter this, the Toulmins explain to those people that asserted. A major difference in British and American disorders is their Hiey will lecture and teach each fall term on the MSU campus students are merely Americans working out America's ideals. and then travel to England, elsewhere in the United States or to Toulmin said that the Americans did not have to learn to handling. "A tighter hold is put on the use of teargas by English Europe to continue their writing. protest. In the 1840's the country was faced with the same policemen," Toulmin said. "We've come to America to be shaken up. When we tire of the combination it has today. "Drug taking and hippiedom were The Toulmins were impressed, while in the United States last fast pace, well go back to England for relaxation. England moves there." The difference today is that marijuana is substituted for year, with the young McCarthy movement. at a much slower pace," Mrs. Toulmin said. opium. Toulmin is currently working on a book, "Human Having taught at Harvard, Wellsley and numerous English The radical movement is not uncommon in England. There is a Understanding." In the book, he is trying to ask the questions universities, the Toiilmins have come in contact with a wide less "violent movement" that stretches back to the days of philosophy would ask if it were to start from scratch and see what society would end up with in 20th Century terms. variety of student interests. The only way to cope with the nuclear disarmament. students is to give the "damned best pouring lecture you can "In England, you don't expect political assassination. England Aside from teaching philosophy, Mrs. Toulmin will be lecturing on historical biology and give," Mrs. Toulmin said. is a society with extremes. biological thought. The Toulmins feel teaching cannot be done in a vacuum. The "Hie revolts found in England now are not in protest of her Upon completion of the fall term, Toulmin will address the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science in Boston. professor should be open to comments from the students and be own. but the world's problems," Mrs. Toulmin explained. The prepared to re-express his methods accordingly. TTie adjustment to university life is easier for a British student. According to Toulmin, the educational system is more specialized and students are forced to consider a particular field between the TURNSTILES GONE ages of 13 and 16. Americans can have an easy life at 13-16 and are not prepared for the shock of college. Library Toulmin feels the purpose of American education is not only to create doctors and lawyers, but to create Americans. The creation of Americans and their ideals is the reasoning behind the campus revolutions. checked out. If someone tried to revises of the graduate use stacks. To "All anyone who finds a book get out with a book that hadn't get this permit, a student fills he wants has to do is go to the ATTENTION CAR OWNERS been uncharged, the buzzer out an application and has it circulation desk and they will Teaching team Electrically charged books are sounded and the turnstile signed by a professor in his call it in. The professors are Mr. and Mrs. Steve Toulman have arrived at MSU * gone from the MSU Library, the locked. department. Complete front end repair and graduate stacks are now closed Richard E. Chapin, director of At the circulation desk is usually very cooperative about from England to teach philosophy courses this returning books," Chapin said. fall term. The couple said that theycameto America alignment and some books remain checked libraries, said the charge plate another method for getting out after two years. system did not work as planned. books out of the research stacks. to be shaken up. State News photo by Jerry McAllister * Brakes * Suspension Last year the Library began a The first shipment of plates Borrowers give the call number new method of preventing books installed in the books did not and name of the book to a * from being taken out work. After new plates were library employe at the desk, who Wheel balancing * Steering improperly. This year librarians received, it discovered that a was puts this information slip into a have gone back to the old way of metal bar under the Library was pneumatic tube. It is sent to the LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 checking all briefcases and books when a person leaves. Electrically charged metal plates were put in the books and causing the turnstile to buzz for things other than books -- like umbrellas and typewriters. "I liked it. I wish it had appropriate floor of the research Library. The book is found and delivered in the book elevator. "This is often faster than if a Placement uncharged when the books were worked," Chapin said. "It gave student got them himself," The following employers will System-wide openings exist for: the students more freedom of Chapin said. be interviewing Oct. 8-10. If you art and engineering (B,M). Location: special education general Southfield. movement, but there is a This is the only method open are interested in an organization, majors (B). Location: Flint, tremendous loss of books if UNION CARBIDE no to non-students, who may not please report to the Placement KRESGE ART CENTER GALLERY PRESENTS Michigan. CORPORATION: Accounting, one is checked." check out books from the Bureau in advance to sign up for HOOKER CHEMICAL economics and financial an interview and to obtain CORPORATION: Despite the big fuss last year research stacks but can use them Civil, administration majors (B,M). additional information. electrical and mechanical at the Library. Location: various. THE the graduate stacks are closed to undergraduate browsers, he said. As one looks through the MILITARY OBLIGATIONS: Students should interview with engineering majors (B). Chemical U.S. BUREAU OF PUBLIC engineering majors (B,M). ROADS: Civil engineering Books are still available to all computerized sheets of books employers even though they Computer science majors (B). majors (B,M,D). Material science members of the checked out of the Library, it is have not completed their University Chemistry majors (B,M). majors (B,M). Location: various, COLLECTION community, Chapin said. apparent there is an military service. Most employers Location: Niagara Falls, N.Y., overabundance of books which will be interested in the student including o Three methods are available and Detroit. have been out for two before and after his duty with for getting a book out of the one or KRANNERT GRADUATE U.S. CIVIL SERVICE the Armed Forces. graduate Library (research years. Many of these have been WEDNESDAY SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION: All majors, all stacks). One day stack permits checked out by faculty members colleges (B,M). Location: AMERICAN EXPRESS: ADMINISTRATION, PURDUE who are not fined for overdue October 4-26 are issued at the undergraduate library on the second floor. All books. MBA's, business economics, general administration, and UNIVERSITY: Agricultural engineering majors MC GRAW-EDISON POWER that is needed is a reason for Chapin said that many of these marketing, accounting, financial (B,M). All majors of the college of SYSTEMS DIVISION: Electrical are lost books that haven't been administration. engineering (B,M). Opening: Saturday afternoon, Oct. 4,2-5 p.m. using the stacks. (B) Location: Astrophysics majors (B). and mechanical engineering! There is a terip stack permit taken off the list. Those left are New York, N.Y. Refreshments will be served. B A STI AN-BLESSINGS Biochemistry, biological science, majors (B). Location: various. for term papers and extensive books or journals that are not in COMPANY: HRIM (B). biophysics, chemistry, very great demand. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Location: Various. entomology, geology, PETER ECKRICH AND SONS mathematics, physical sciences, INCORPORATED: Food physics and statistics and INTERNATIONAL science major (B). Location: probability majors (B,M). Location: Lafayette, Indiana. BUSINESS MACHINES Fort Wayne, Indiana. v LEVITT AND CORPORATION, DESIGN AND FLINT COMMUNITY SONS, INCORPORATED: DEVELOPMENT SCHOOLS: Early and late Building construction majors (B). Civil ENGINEERING: Chemical, elementary education majors and (B). Junior high school: general science majors (B). Junior and engineering majors (B,M). Location: North east and north Location: vario (B.M)1 central United States. IMMEDIATE senior (vocal), high school: music physical education THE MANUFACTURERS INTERNATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: (women) and mathematics BUSINESS MACHINES Accounting and general business VENTURE CAPITAL majors (B). Counselor majors (B). Senior high school: administration Marketing and majors (B). personnel CORPORATION, ENGINEERING Civil, electrical * . FIELD journalism, biology, driver administration and mechanical engineering, education, business education, majors (B,M). AVAILABLE industrial arts, art/English, social Location: various. MICHIGAN DEPT. OF computer science, science, material mechanics, systems studies/home economics and science, chemistry, mathematics, STATE HIGHWAYS: Civil for new businesses mathematics/science majors (B). physical sciences, physics and Diagnostician majors (M). engineering majors (B,M). Location: Michigan. statistics and probability majors NAVAL SHIPS SYSTEMS (B,M). Location: various. We are looking for graduate students who have sound COMMAND; NAVAL ideas for new products or services as well as the capa¬ i recision ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL bilities to head up as principals new organizations to COMMAND; NAVAL SHIP BUSINESS MACHINES see the projects culminated. Imports ENGINEERING CENTER: CORPORATION, MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES: All Electrical and mechanical Reply only in writing, submitting detail plans. Do not 'specializing in finer MBA's. All majors of the college include confidential in formation. engineering majors (B,M). of engineering (B,M). Chemistry, sports cars' Location: Washington, D.C., and mathematics, physical sciences, Volvo metropolitan area. Jaguar PITTSBURGH-DES MOINES physics and statistics and Triumph Lotus probability majors (B,M). STEEL COMPANY: Civil and Alfa Romeo MG Location: various. mechanical engineering majors INTERNATIONAL (B,M). Location: Pennsylvania. BUSINESS MACHINES SEIDMAN AND SEIDMAN CPA'S: CORPORATION. Accounting mu < PROGRAMMING: German and 25 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004 (B,M). Location: various. SERVICE Russian, linguistics and all BUREAU "Financing Available" CORPORATION: MBA's. All majors of the college of business UNDERWRITERS AM) INVESTMENT BANKERS (B,M). Computer science, 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 majors of the college of systems science, chemistry, The mathematics, physical sciences, physics and statistics and JOINT probability majors (B,M). EXTRA! Location: various. folk music - basement NOTE: Additional scheduled for Student Services 8:30 EXTRA! 75C interviews will Thursday's State News. appear in GET THOSE ITS HERE! ITS HE HARD TO NEW FIND PAPERBACKS BEATLES L.P. YOUR AT IS WAITING SUNDAY-SUNDAY SO GOOD TO YOU COMMUNITY DISC S DISC SHOP SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS WILL NEWSCENTER LOCATION - AT FRANDOR CENTER 323 E. Grand River E. Lansing 351-5380 PUBLISH A SUNDAY EDITION. AD¬ OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. OPEN VERTISING DEADLINE: WEDNES¬ Phone 351-7562 Mon.-Frl. until DAY, OCTOBER 1 3:00 P.M. OPENING SOON AT MERIDIAN MALL 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 2, 1969 11 SPORTS- Irish hope for fast By MIKE MANLEY Ara Parseghian, took over the of the eight losses dealt Notre hard-running backs to grind out match in one game, completing drives while the Irish sputtered. : State News Sports Writer " reigns of the downtrodden team Dame since the era of Ara began. yardage rather than the aerial 20 for 241 yards. His primary We weren't able to make the in 1964 and skillfully guided the This is why Parseghian and his route taken by Hanratty and Co. receivers-Tom Gatewood and important third down play and [ The very foundation of college once-proud Irish back to squad are worrying. The heir to Hanratty's throne Dewey Poskin--are both when you don't, you give up the [football would quake under the national prominence. is a slender junior from New newcomers. strain. The fabled Golden Dome This is a rebuilding year of ball," Parseghian said. Purdue dropped the Irish in Jersey, Joe Theismann. On the ground the Irish have In order to win, the Irish have would be reduced to mere sorts at South Bend. Gone are rather easy fashion last week, Theismann took over last season churned for 406 yards, with had to rely mainly on a solid tarnished rubble. such Irish heroes as Terry when As strange and improbable as 28-14, and now Parseghian must Han ratty and Jim Seymour, who Hanratty broke his ankle 213-pound halfback Ed Ziegler defense. Eight of 11 starters get his team ready for MSU this and guided the Irish to two wins leading the way with 136 in 24 return from last season's 7-2-1 it sounds, Notre Dame is in engineered the powerful Notre Saturday at South Bend. Dame offense for three years. against Pittsburgh and Georgia carries. Fullback Bill Barz and team, including AU-America j danger of losing its second Never before have the Irish Tech. and a tie with powerful halfback Denny Allen have tackle Mike McCoy and fierce [straight football game. That's faced the two teams back to The Irish, 1969 style, have Southern Cal. picked up 87and 82 yards on the linebacker Bob [something that hasn't happened back. But the Spartans and the switched offensive tactics, This year, he has thrown 38 ground, respectively. Olson,^n Irish since the Irish's gridiron savior, co-captian for the seconffyear in Boilermakers have inflicted six relying more on a flock of times a figure Hanratty would Parseghian has expressed a row. concern over his teams inability Other top Irish defenders to make the crucial third-down include tackle Mike Kadish and end Walt FOR ND, U-M, OSU GAMES plays. Dame Against made Purdue, Notre only three first sophomores, Patulski, linebacker both Larry downs on those situations, while Schumacher and deep backs Purdue hit on 13. Result: Chuck Zloch and sophomore Purdue could keep up sustained Clarence Ellis. Telecast tickets available For students OPEN HOUSE of Christian Science and friends Plenty of tickets are still available for Saturday's live, Faculty, staff and alumni can obtain tickets at $3 apiece or Irish threat closed-circuit telecast of the MSU-Notre Dame football game. Tickets for this telecast, as well as the telecasts of $7.50 for all three. ASHER STUDENT the The games will be telecast vialnterstate Broadcast Network, Inc. Notre Dame quarterback Joe Theisman (7) scram¬ MSU-Michigan and MSU-Ohio State games, may be obtained at and will be seen in full color and sound on a 34- by 22-foot screen bles away from a pair of defensive linemen. The the MSU ticket office in the lobby of Jenison Fieldhouse by any MSU student, alumni, faculty or staff member. in Jenison Fieldhouse. FOUNDATION running and passing of Theismann will be the key Seating in the fieldhouse will be on a general admission basis. These three contests have been sellouts for several months. In order to demonstrate to interested persons the to Notre Dame's offensive success against MSU in quality of the Telecast tickets are available at $2 per game for MSU students telecasts, there will be a free variety show telecast over the Thursday, October 2 Saturday's game at South Bend. or $5 for a set of all three. screen at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Jenison Fieldhouse. Films and tapes of various kinds will be shown in the one-and-one-half hour show. 6:30 p.m. 620 Abbott Road Printed programs with rosters and lineups will be on sale at the S' booters take to the road; For information and rides 332-3507 telecasts Saturday before the game. Handling the game play-by play will be Bruce Martyn, radio voice of the Detroit Red Wings and a long-time football announcer, while Lansing radio personality Erik-0 will do the color. battle Starting time for the Notre Dame is 12:30 p.m., and doors will will open at 10:45 a.m. JOIN THE FUN U-Denver, By PAM BOYCE State News Sports Writer The smaller field will bring the five times to lead the MSU rout. Other top scorers for MSU this Sites and dates set - % play closer together and may season have been juniors John slow down the Spartan's Houska and Ray Korkiala. one The MSU soccer team faces of its toughest tests of the free-wheeling offense. Kenney has had his booters and Houska a has tallied two goals team-leading four assists, for baseball playoffs 1969 season this weekend when practicing on a 59-yard wide while Korkiala has two goals and it goes on the road for the first field this week in preparation for two assists. Playoffs for the American and Stadium and Shea Stadium for time and plays two games in less the game. National league championships the third game, and the fourth than 24 hours. Kenney indicated that he will will begin on schedule Saturday and fifth, if necessary. The Spartan booters meet The Spartan Coach will most take two of his star freshmen, in Baltimore and Atlanta. The World Series will open in Denver Friday night in Denver's closely be watching the play of Lennox Robinson and Nigel Atlanta became the fourth and the home park of the American stadium and then travel to his defense in the weekend's Goodson, on the Colorado trip. final team to clinch their League champion, Oct. 11 and Colorado Springs to face the Air contests. "This is Denver's first game of division title when they defeated continue with a game Sunday. Force Academy's undefeated With MSU's offense keeping the season, while the Air Force the Cincinnati Reds, 3-2, The two teams then take a day team the following afternoon. is undefeated in four games," Tuesday night. off for travel and rest before The Spartans, 3-0 this season, play in the opposing end of the field for better than 75 per cent Kenney said. "They're two good They now battle the New resuming on National League will put their 10-game winning of the teams and I know they'll both York Mets for the National grounds. 1 streak on the line in these games time, they haven't really be laying for us." League pennant, while Baltimore If necessary, three games will received much of a test. against a pair of teams that MSU faces the Minnesota Twins for be played in the NL champions Soccer Coach Gene Kenney calls As an extra incentive for the American League flag. park before the series returns to "very tough". Denver and Air Force will be the The playoffs will be best three the American League for any The Spartans are coming off latest collegiate soccer rating, out of five series. Games will be remaining games. their most impressive Starting goalie for the Spartans which showed MSU ranked No. played in Baltimore and Atlanta performance of the season — will be junior Les Lucas, who ERNIE TUCHSCHERER Saturday and Sunday. The sites that 12-0 romp over Kent State has been in the Spartan nets for will then switch to Metropolitan last weekend. two and one-half of the three MSU, unscored upon in their Spartan games. three victories to against a date, will be up pair of unusual Leading MSU's offense will be MSUSPORT PARACHUTE CLUB obstacles in their two games. Chicago senior Ernie Tuchscherer, the hooter's Training Meeting First of all. both games will be Free Fall Flicks leading scorer this season with played at high altitudes, to nine points on six goals and ^which the Spartans are three assists. TON1TE--7:00 P.M. unaccustomed. Star center forward Trevor At Denver, they'll be playing 208 Men's I.M. Building Harris will be in the lineup for 5,200 feet above sea level, and at the weekend. Colorado Springs they'll be For information call 372-0289 7,200 feet up. Harris saw his first action of 355-5794 The thinner air at these the season in the Kent State altitudes could cause the game and got off to a 355-8019 Spartans to run out of gas in the spectacular 1969 start by scoring latter portions of the games. MSU's attack may be hindered somewhat in the Denver game, JOINT since they'll be playing on a folk music - basement 58-yard wide field and not the Student Services-8:30 regulation 75-yard wide field on which they usually play. 75c Zales Puts SHA W MIXER The Finger On Wedded Lore Friday, October 3 9-12 P.M. ■> in the Lower Lounge FEATURING JACK AND Remember-Your MSU I.D. Card Saves you money at Zales MEN 50< ADMISSION ZALES We're nothing without your love. GIRtS ADMITTED FREE 207 S. Washington--Lansing Thursday. October 2, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Check our "STUDENT SERVICE DIRECTORY" for your Needs 355-8255 355-8255 FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Rank Automotive Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Cycles" The State News does not TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1968. SUZUKI X-6, 1969. Engine in DODGE 1965, Custom 880. Vinyl Excellent condition. Low mileage. permit racial or religious excellent condition. $300. Call roof, 2 door. Good condilion. Reasonable. discrimination In its ad¬ Phone 882-2248 339-9140 after 5. 3-10/3 355-6131. 4-10/3 —& 3-10/2 TO vertising columns. The KAWASAKI 1967 - 350cc Avenger. State News will not accept FIAT 1968 Spider convertible. Free Recently tuned. Excellent • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ plugs, top cleaner. Call 393-1726. condition. $450 or best offer. See Potter Park Shell Station, 1440 • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, 5-10-3 at race, color or national or¬ VALIANT 1964, V-8, 2-door, t South Pennsylvania. 3-10/5 • FOR RENT FORD 1962, Galaxie 4-dooi igin* $400. 332-4455 after 5 i • FOR SALE cylinder, automatic transmis 3-10/2 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1960 1967 VESPA scooter. 1,000 miles. • LOST & FOUND Good transmission. Motor bug-eye. 393-1793, after 6:30 Like new. Phone 332-8901. • PERSONAL transmission recently overhai p.m. 3-10/5 VOLKSWAGEN 1963, Excel 3-10/3 882-1819. $225. 2-10/3 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 1968 TRIUMPH 650 Trophy, perfect • REAL ESTATE Automotive shape. $800. 373-2509, days, HONDA, MOTO-Sport 90, 1969. 500 • SERVICE 351-3288, evenings. 3-10/5 miles. $325. 351-6650 after 6 • TRANSPORTATION p.m. 3-10/3 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE VOLKSWAGEN 1967-Really sharp. • WANTED 1963. Stick. One owner. FORD FALCON 1963 very good 650cc TRIUMPH, 1967 Bonneville. $1,300 or best offer. 337-1181, HONDA, 1968, 350- mint condition. Excelllent condition. 351-3300. condition. $350. 337-9130. Cream-Puff! Cheaper in fall. 351-1325. 2-10/3 $450. Call 351-2236 anytime. 5-10/3 5-10/6 $800., or best offer. 355-9395. DEADLINE 4-10/6 3-10/3 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER - 1964. FORD CORTINA GT 1966. Bucket 1 P.M. one class day be¬ CHEVROLE Inside good. Engine needs work. SUZUKI 250 X-6, excellent "sold.!": cc Excelle 1 m. $300. seats, 25,000 miles. Excellent S300. 355-1126. 1-10/2 TRIUMPH 1969, Bonneville. 650 cc. fore publication. condition. $750 332-4589. condition. $425. 484-7505 after 6 Cancellations - 12 694-8141 befoi 3-10/2 3500 miles. 355-0626, Kirk. p.m. 3-10/3 noon one 3-10/5 VOLVO 544. Sedan 2000 miles 2-10/2 class day before publica¬ CHEVROLET 1966 -wagon. V-8, HONDA 160 Scrambler 1966. Good tion. FORD 1966--2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic. Good family car Take HONDA 305cc. Helmet and other Condition. $220. Call Harold automatic, power steering. Take over payments. Balance due: extras included. $295., 353-4261. 353-8800. 3-10/3 $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, over payments. Balance due: PHONE $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, 3-10/2 IV 9-2379. C VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good IV 9-2379. C 355-8255 condition. Beige Call after 5, 351-2576. 5-10 3 Scrambler. CHEVROLET 1967-Super Sport, 966, Fairlane 500. 1968 HONDA 450 RATES 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, Excellent condition. $675. Call KAWASAKI 1967- 250cc. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1965, 1500 676 2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10 8 power steering and brakes. Take condition. $350 Low mileage. I day Notchback, radials, sunroof, gas 11.50 over payments. Balance $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, due. SAY5 HERE THAT C heater. $895. 487-0850. 3-10/3 372-2981. 3-10/5 15tf per word per day 1967 YAMAHA, 305 Big 3 davs $4.00 IV 9-2379. C me A 6R£ATINFLOEAl 1968 BEIGE Volkswagen. Very good TRIUMPH 500 Scrambler-1966. 13 1/2# per worn per aay 3,500 miles. Knobby tires. 2 5 days $6.50 CHEVY II, wagon. 1963 Automat.c, or offer 355-8978. 3-10/5 OTHERS'GRADE'S!' condition. 9,000 miles left on $400. Call 351-6217. 3-10/3 excellent condition, clean, after 5 warranty. 351-6021. 3-10/3 Excellent $625. IV 4 3000. 3-10/5 13< per word per day p.m. 393-3219 X3-10/3 1968 SUZUKI 120. JAGUAR 1960. 3.8, 4-door sedan (based on 10 words XK WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in per ad) twin cam engine, beautiful 355-1197. 5-10/6 CHRYSLER 1964, Convertible 300. the $1,000 bracket? We got em. condition. 353-1438 3-10/3 Greyhound Bus Departures to There will be a 50# service Bucket seats, white interior S350. CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 HONDA 1966 305 Scrambler Detroit from East Lansing. and bookkeeping charge if 627-2079. 3-10/3 East Michigan Avenue, across JAGUAR XKE 1964. New paint, Excellent condition. Must sell. Bus Depot, 308 W. Grand this ad is not paid within Automotive Automotive from the Post Office. 484-2345. C CORVETTE 1968, Coupe silver, 350 top. Offer nearest $2,000 one week. * 332-6148 3-10/5 h.p., 4 speed, posi, more 19,000 OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1963 V-8, PONTIAC 1967 -Grand Pri miles. Clean, mechanically perfect. Auto Service & Parts automatic, power steering and The State News will be JAGUAR 1968 yellow coupe with HONDA 250 Scrambler. Blue Barnett Under $4,000. Call George - brakes $275 489-5250, after ACCIDENT PROBLEM7 Call responsible only for the black leather interior. Air clutch, two helmets. Excellent Mornings 351-5379. 3-10/3 midnight 1-10/2 AM-FM stereo, one KALAMAZOO STREET BODY first day's incorrect inser- conditioning. 16,000 miles. Will running condition. $325. $2,245. Call 351-0953, SHOP Small dents to large 332-5930. 4-10/5 CORVETTE L969 coupe medium, take best offer. 393-1561 after OLDSMOBILE 1968-Delmont 88, p.m. 3-10/5 wrecks. American and foreign blue, 350 hp 4-speed Power 5:30 p.m. 4-10/3 2-door hardtop. $2,195. Phone cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. BSA 1967 Lightning 5,000 miles. steering and brakes. AM-FM. Call 882-2629. 2-10/2 RAMBLER STATION wagon 1965 2628 East Kalamazoo. C Excellent shape 351-1327 after 6 355-2701. 4-10/3 MUSTANG 1965 Fastback. 1961 Automotive 1959 Cheap 3-10/3 Cadillac. Both in good condition. OLDSMOBILE studded snow tires. Good MASON BODY SHOP 812 East CORVETTE COUPE 427, 1969. Best 482-3185 3-10/2 CAMPUS MOBIL SERVICE S600. 355-5958. AUSTIN HEALEY: 1960 condition. Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. offer. 35 1 8 9 3 2 372-0509. 1198 South Harrison 2-10/2 5-10/6 and . Completely rebuilt. Call Complete auto painting 5-10/5 MUSTANG, 1965 Dark green, white collision service. IV 5-0256. C 337-9265 5-10/7 WE'RE LOOKING interior, 289 V-8 automatic. OLDSMOBILE 1962. Run- RAMBLER WAGON 1963. Good BUICK LASABRE 1964 -power-tires CORVETTE 1963 Coupe, 4-speed, 627-5237. 3-10/3 well. Must sell, best shape. Call 351-9792 after 5:30 STUDENTS. CAN and will service Make 351-7621. X3-10/2 like new. Good runner, new posi-traction, tape deck. p.m Ask for Dick. 1-10/2 your VW. Also, English Imports. FOR PEOPLE! mufflers. $400. offer. 351-0877. 3-10/5 355-7440 Mr MUST SELL 1963 Sunbeam Alpine. With honesty, reliability, Weaver 3-10/5 OLDSMOBILE, 1963 Holiday coupe 1965 RAMBLER Classic 550. 4-door. Excellent body and mechanical CORVAIR, 1964, Monza. Stick, new V-8, automatic, power brakes and Economy car. Very clean in shape New rubber and 35,000 Ask your fellow student, he has BUICK 1963 brakes, tires, pain S495 steering. $400 332 2824 5-10/6 882-3485. 3-10/5 LeSabre 4-door, 351-3825. 5-10/6 actual miles. Call 351-3312 after every way. probably been here and is OPENING SOON! power, good condition. Must sell 6 S600. 5-10-3 satisfied. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. OPEL KADETTE RALLYE 1967, S425. 882-7252 or 393-3644 415 S. Cedar. 485-2047. 5-10-6 Gold with black stripes. No rust, 3229 Palmer. 3-10/3 CORVAIR 1965 4 speed transmission. Excellent condition. OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS-S 1969. excellent condition 25-40 miles IN THE MERIDIAN MALL 4,200 miles. Immaculate special 485-6151 after 5 p.m. 4 10/3 Toranado colour. Full power, per gallon. Many extras. Call Fred Aviation 332-1437. 2-10/3 other extras. Must sell. Assume POSITIONS AVAILABLE FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to CORVAIR 1962 4 speed. Good payments 353-6838 after 5:30 TRIUMPH 1965, 1200 Sedan Low RENAULT R-10, 1967 Radio, learn in the PIPER CHERAKEE11! CADILLAC 1963 transportation.' Call after 4 00 p.m. 3-10/5 mileage Good body. $395. Call Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324 automatic, michelin radials, disc C FULL OR PART T IMF 355-5781 2- 10/3 Harold 353-8800. 3-10/3 brakes 339-9367 5-10/2 condition. ike over payments. Tak OLDSMOBILE Ramrod, 1968. Balance due. S987. Phone Credit DATSUN 2000, 1969, Roadst 15,000 miles. Excellent shape. TRIUMPH TR-4 1963, Excellent Scooters & Cycles * SALES • STOCK • CLERICAL Manager, IV 9-2379 C Call 694 0526. 3-10/5 PONTIAC 1964 - 2-door hardtop. condition. Must sell 351-4922. S2600. 355-5093. 3-10/2 421 tripower. 4-speed. New paint, 3-10/3 •RESTAURANT "MAINTENANCE tires. Best offer 351-3146. 5-10/6 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS. 1968. DELTA-88, 1963 convertible , Full power. Vinyl roof, other extras. Excellent car. Low price. Com ion 355-5083.3-10/2 Water's Edge Apts. Rick, 353-2184 5-10/6 » f AID HOLIDAYS DODGE DART 1964. 2-door sedan. » OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT 6 cylinder. 5 new tires Excellent ► OLDSMOBILE F-85. 1967-4-door, PAID VACATIONS condition. Best offer. 355-8533 V-8, automatic, power steering ► SICK PAY 1-10 2 337 0348.3-10 5 and brakes. Excellent condition. ► DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES DODGE DART Take over payments. Balance due: 1, 2, 3, 4 1963 4-door, slant CHEVROLET 1964, 4-door, 6; cylinder, automatic, Biscayne. 6 White. Good shape. $350. $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV 9-3279. C or man. 1 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 355-7440, Bob Miller. 4-10/3 2. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! radio snow tires included. Good 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK 2nd orjstudent transportation. We will find you a roommate. car S350. 332-8535. 1-10 2 h Before you buy any CHEVROLET 1968, convertible, white, black I m pal a top, red G. C. MURPHY CO. interior. SS-427. 4-speed, radio, rear 15" wheels, speaker, power From $70 per person. OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL APPLY IN PERSON MON-SAT 9-5 sharp. Best offer over $2,250. at 484-7969, 1630 Cooper Avenue. 2-10 3 G.C. MoRPHY A-A CHEVROLET hard-top. 1961. Excellent $365 332-4780 3-10/3 2 door condition. 4 WHEELS of Lansing Inc. Immediate Occupancy 1986 E. GRAND RIVE R ME RID.'AN MALL CHEVROLET 1964. Stick, 6, sharp 2200 S. Cedar CALL 332-4432 or see res. CROSSWORD burgundy finish. Excellent Only minutes from East Lansing & Okemos condition. 5-10/6 S450. 393-4815. Go West Manager-Apt. 103 River's Edge PUZZLE on Mt, Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar ACROSS 27. Yellow tuber 29. Huge 1. Mr. Marner 31. Largest Selection Of Prestige 6. Masticates 35. Mass 11. Star-shaped 38. Fabulous bird Cedar Villa figure 40. Information 12. Of the ear 41. Instigate Car Stereo Equipment In Lansing 13. 14. 16. Achieve Ancestry Deity 43. 45. 46. Place of refuge Hubbub Plaintiff 18. New-born lamb 49 Hypothetical 19. Phase force 20. Sponsorship 50. Abscond 22. Vine 51. Quagmire 24. Crumb 53. Renovate 25. Cuttlefish 54. Fashion 2 BEDROOM 2 3 M 5 e 5" % 6 7 ,o STERO TAPE " 1 (2 PLAYERS 13 •M % 15 FROM $39.95 % 2 MAN APARTMENT 16 20 ■7 % 21 18 22 & 19 24 Radios <:'om \ p.m. 4-10/3 LANDSCAPE LABORERS: Robert's Landscaping Inc. Full time now C Oivifc Today . . . STATE NEWS will bill you Just clip, complete, mail. later. / Hill until January 1st. Pays time and half. Call 484-5421, 8 a.m. to 5 Student Apartments Apar p.m. Monday through Friday. Equal Opportunity Employer. 3-10/5 If you thought Campus Hill was great before, come see our ALBERT Big rooms, big closets, big features, little price. That's NEW models. Larger apartments with twin dressing rooms. North Pointe. Swimming pool. Air conditioning. Carpet. Consecutive Dates to Run . Party lounge. Central air. Groovy furnishings. The best Draft clause. Apartments for 2-3-4-5 persons from APARTMENTS 4-mans in town. See CAMPUS HILL today. Model open 2-6 Heading ___________ $55/month/person. Call the J.R. Culver Company today. daily, Apt. 201G. From $58.75/month/person. 551 Albert Street 2 apartments still available for immediate occupancy. campus-deluxe 2 bedroom ist be placed i apartments. Newly carpeted and furnished. Air conditioned, balconies, 10 Words or Less: 1 day - $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 reserved parking. 15£ per word 40£ per word Over 10 Words Add; 65tf per word See model apartment, 332-0255 Mail to: Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A-Mart 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A - Mart 351-8862 MSU East Lansing, Mich. Thursday, October 2, 1969 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale For Sale For Sale Real Estate Palme na For Rent 1518 Parkvale. 3 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS, GIRL WANTED: Room 332-1760. Close to for rent campus. JUDO desk. Gl-Clothes rack. Solid oak 19 cubic foot freezer. 100 USED Vacuum Cleaners. Tanks, canisters, uprights. In good SEALPOINT weeks. 3-10/2 Siamese Call Gary, JABERWOCKY. Band. THE Blues Booking fall. After 5 337-0308. 5-10/3 Rock p.m. EAST LANSING, bedroom ranch, 2 car garage, full basement, 2 fireplaces. Washer, and gowns. Reasonable charge. 1428G Spartan Village 355-1040. party chi 372-5025 after 5 p.m. 5-10/6 condition. $7.88 and up. Dennis 1-10/2 dryer, refrigerator, stove included. 3-10/10 GIRL WANTED. Room for rent. Call 100 WATT amplifier twin 15" Distributing Company. 316 North Cedar, opposite City Market. BEAGLE PUPPIES A K C . DRAFT INFORMATION Assume $24,800 FHA mortgage Planning on going home??? in Sweden CENTER with $2,000 down. Phone owner speakers. Call 489-0425 after 6. 482-2677. C Championship stock. Hunters, Export baggage and parcels 351 -6240. $50 a month. 5-10/9 3-10/2 pets, show dogs. 339-2938,3-10/2 351-4315.10-10/12 via the Great Lakes Direct to STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- 507 E. Grand River Olof Palme, opponent of the SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! 8 ROOM house. 4 bedroom, 1% destination. CALL FOR DOUBLE, CLEAN, quiet, parking. SERVICE: W.R. Filbin & Co. U.S. war in Vietnam, was named UNFINISHED FURNITURE: Brand new portables-$49.95. KITTENS: GIVE AWAY, 1 longhair, Suite 205 351-5283 baths, den, living room with large Reasonable. Private entrance. 237 leader of Sweden's ruling Social $5,00 per month. Large selection Julie 358-8780 before 5, or bay window. 2 car Inc., Book Bldg., Detroit. Kedzie. 351-9584. 5-10/2 garage. of I jsed i 1 to 5 p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. Tamarisk Subdivision. Located Phone 313-963-8421, Export Democratic party Wednesday, 393-0937. 1-10/2 prefinished picture frames and Singers, Whites, Necchis, New North Harrison and Lake Lansing I Dept. clearing the way for him to For Sale more PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 Home and "Many Others," $19.95 KITTENS FOR adoption. Box sdssdssdssdssds road. 636 Tarleton. Shown become the country's prime South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS by Typing Service TWIN Call after 5 p.n appointment 332-3828. 10-10/10 minister. BED, mattress, spring and colonial DISTRIBUTING COMPANY.1115 351-8214. 3-10/3 Palme succeeds Tage Erlander, frame. $15, 484-3612. PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: a unique North Washington, 489-6448. 1612 RIVER Terrace 3-10/2 cleaners. - $22,500. Live who resigned after 23 years. 100 USED vacuum C-10/2 SDS NATIONAL ACTION in the country, quality thesis service. IBM typing, NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies, walk to campus. At 42, the American-educated Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 . 3 TYPEWRITERS Set of Michigan {one portable). law books. year guarantee. $7.88 and up. WINCHESTER 1200 12 Ga. 3-inch AKC and registered, 8 weeks old. Male female, 3 years old. 482-2164. meeting 8 00 tonight 2-bedroom with large shaded lot by FHA with low down payment binding. 337-1527. 9 C Palme-Kenyon College, '48-will DENNIS DISTRIBUTING MAGNUM. New, unused. and monthly payments like rent. be the youngest chief of 372-7061.3-10/5 3-10/3 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Sacrifice. $110. 351-1746. S-10/2 Call Bob Homan 351-0965, or government in Sweden's history. SMITH-CORONA Classic 212 manual Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy to be Simon Real Estate, 372-1130. His rise to power means the BIRTHDAY CAKES-7" $3.64. 8" sdssdssdssdssds portable typewriter. Year old. 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the - given away. Call after 9 p.m. 5-10/7 party's old guard hierarchy will $4.18, 9" - $5.20. Delivered. 332-6043. 3-10/3 be $75. Pica or elite. 12"carriage, home. Makes tapes for your car, KWAST BAKERIES, now opened to a new 484-1317. power space, removable type. Call generation of radical Social too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up C-10/2 351-7732. 5-10/9 DALMATIONS PUPPIES and grown at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 TYPING: Experienced work, done Democrats. dogs. COACH ACRES. 1113 The 7 DRAWER desk. Driftwood finish. South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C WOLLENSAK 4 track stereo. $225 Tihard Road, Okemos. 339 8930. IN THE daedalus of night, Ulysses e on IBM Electric. Reasonable. prime minister-designate Several prerecorded tapes, Phone 485-5575. 3-10/10 has been a controversial figure 19"x39". $25. 351-4808. 3-10/5 al finneganned away. Come back $40,000. Owner can Ludwig with included. 484-1263. 5-10/3 REGISTERED % Arabian colt. arrange since COMPLETE SET of little Vikings. Vico 1-10/2 almost 1963, when Less than year old. Raffles line, flashy sorrel. Gentle. financing. Walnut Heights. East MEL: Typing, multilithing. 21" TV and stand. Decent condition. cases. BARBI Erlander appointed him as a 393-0334 before 4 p.m. 6-10/7 6 months old. 339-2825. 3-10/3 Lansing. Call 351-6351. 3-10/3 $10 or best offer. 351-8565 after 6 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and DRUMMER 8 years experience. Car No job too large or too small. personal assistant. p.m. 3-10/5 engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Nice drums. Jazz, blues, rock Block off campus. 332-3255. C Shortly after he was appointed USED STUDIO beds. $50 Will LONG FALL. 100% human hair. cent or more. Large selection of Mobile Homes Needs full time work. Will joir Service education minister, Palme deliver. Call 332-0641, after 5 Brown. Excellent condition. $40. plain and fancy diamonds. group or organize. Call Al, or leavi ALTERATIONS ON dress making by walked side by side with North p.m. 2-10/3 Mary 351-8090. 3-10/3 $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX ROYCRAFT TRAILER 10'x50' word, 485-6293 after 5 p.m SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Vietnam's Moscow ambassador fully carpeted, two bedroom. 3-10/5 LUDWIG DRUM set, with Michigan. 485-4391. C in an anti-U.S. demonstration MICROSCOPE: STUDENT quality, Excellent condition. No deposit. excellent condition. See at accessories. Portable organ. Bass 694-0612. 3-10/5 through downtown Stockholm. Giltner. 487-0514, evenings. amp. ED 2-3793. 2-10/2 FIBERBOARD WARDROBE, 48 DISSERTATIONS. THESES' Term Swedish-American relations inches, walnut finish. New. % 10x46 FOOT, 2 bedroom on lot in A papers. Anita Warren: SCM have steadily worsened since 1-10/2 King Arthur's Court. Excellent good place to eat! Electric. Call 351-7086. C-10/2 that time. The Swedish price. $15.00. Call 351-4348 condition. First $2300. Cash takes WIRE FARMES? Many styles. White evenings. 3-10/2 government recognized the it. 489-3433, 372-1077. 5-10/3 THE BEST STEAK HOUSE or yellow gold at OPTICAL TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general Hanoi government and opened DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan CIDER MILL open. Sweet cider for DRUMMER WANTED. Must be very PARK ESTATE 1967, mobile home No. 16 typing. Dictaphone or tape its doors to U.S. military Avenue. 372-7409. C-10/3 PANASONIC AM-FM, stereo n sale. Corda West, 5817 N. Okemos good. Heavy. Call 332-0751 after 12'x60', 2 bedrooms, dishwasher, 3020 East Kalamazoo transcription. 393-3663 20-10/24 deserters or draft evaders. It Turntable. S140 new. : Road. 337-7974. 26-10/30 6 p.m. 2-10/3 disposal, carpeted. To see, announced this week a GARRARD 40-MKII changer. Stereo 355-9446. 3-10/3 627^018. T10/2 Lansing COMPLETE THESIS Service. $40-million aid program for cartridge, dust cover $35. AQUARIUMS 5 and 1 355-3031 after 5 p.m. 2-10/3 OLYMPIA TYPEWRITERS pic 1959 VANGUARD 10x 35 furnished Discount printing, typing and North Vietnam. elite. S70 and $100. IV 5-5998 on fenced in lot. 351-7924 after 6 binding of theses, term papers, before noon. 3-10/3 309 resumes and publications. Lowest TAPE RECORDER 4-track stereo. p.m. Trailer^Haven. 3-10/3 Wanted Automatic stop. New condition. | Filet Steak: $1.54 prices available. Located across SECOND MAN for 2-bedroom house of M.A.C. op- i 332-2761 between 5 and_7. 4-10/3 DRAPE RIES-NEWLY cleaned, mint j ! Sirloin Steak: Jumbo Fried $1.49 from campus on corner BASS GUITARS-Experienced trailer. Near campus. No lease Shrimp: $1.50 and Grand River, below the Style for green, 4 panels, 47"x88" each. required. $50. Over 21. 351-3674. FREE ... A thrilling hour of beauty. Rock-Blues Call Doc., EKO VIOLIN type bass. $120. Super Reasonable. IV 2-3583, after 6 2-10/3 For appointment, call 484-4519. j Ocean Fried Perch: $1.35 Shop. Call COPYGRAPH group. 482-7677 after 11 p.m. 4-10/3 Beatle amp; 3 channels, reverb, Roast Chicken . $1.25 SERVICES, 337-1666. C p.m. 1-10/2 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS vibrato, 2-15" J.B. Lansing KROPF, 1967 60'x12' on the lot, STUDIO. 1600 East Michigan. j Special Steakburger: $. 89 speakers. Covers included. $530. completely furnished For C-10/2 T ransportation Randy, 351-8419. 3-10/3 RENOWNED Litterateur, appointment call 484-5840. 5-10/2 <. Watkins $25.00 ONE year male Alaskan PHOTOGRAPHER TO cover YOUR WANTED: RIDE to Downtown philosopher and all-around good FENDER TREMOLUX Amp-Epiphone, Sarrento double Glen, New York Malmute. Good with children. Lost & Found event, party or rush. No fee. Pay 7 days a week. Lansing after my 8:00. 372-9485 fellow, desperately needs cheap Call Bill Haywc 332-0841 351-0098, 351-8229. X6-10/5 only for B & W prints. 6-9 p.m. after 4:30 p.m. 5-10/2 accommodations Barney guitar, both excellent buys OST CHECKBOOK, driver's Call 482-0365. 5-10/6 355-8252 Afternoons 5-10 2 $400. 351-3285. Venezuela, Monday. ALTERATIONS, AND repairs Complete, license from Wanted 5-10/7 Please call 355-9911. 3-10/3 Peanuts Personal PARKING SPACE for STEREO COMPONENTS Nam 353-1057. 1-10/2 one car BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7.50 needed. Near Mich. Ave. Call ROYAL TYPEWRITER. Excellent LOST: BICYCLE Schwinn, it 337-0880. 10-10/9 for all positive. A negative, B Rich, 355-5300 after 6:30 p.m. condition. $55. Women's wire ALTERATIONS AND dressmal rims, $15. 355-5839. 3-10/5 332-2921. 3^0/5 All kinds. European experif negative and AB negative, $10.00. O negative, $12. MICHIGAN 3-10/3 FENDER BASS amp, Wurlitzer Call 355-0850. 5-10/7 AFFECTIONATE PUPPY needs COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, electric piano. Farfisa mini-combo LOST: WOMAN'S University DESPERATE: NEED one man TAPE RECORDER Soni 4 track good home. Call Darlene 507V4 East Grand River, East organ, cheap. 332-2650, 6-7:30 Florida class ring. Reward. St BAGEL ROUTE Sunday morn apartment close to campus. model 600-D. SI75. 1800 foot 351-5037. 3-10/5 p.m. 3-10/2 355-6273 4-10/3 Home or Dorm, delivery. Lansing. Above the new Campus Immediately! 337-1028 3-10'3 reels tape, $1.50 each. 485-6521 351-1290. 3-1 C'3 Book Store, hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 3-10/6 SPRINGER SPANIELS, AKC LOST: HEMMI bamboo slide ruI p.m. Monday , Wednesday and WANTED: TO rent heated attic that BICYCLES: MEN, Women. Fair champion stock. Fine pets NEED POSTERS? For Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Chemistry Building. Mon, condition. Reasonable. 351-3373, Hunters. 6 weeks. 351-0988 after Reward. 355-9158 after 5 i Recreation p.m to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C 351-4922.3-10/2 f 4-6:30 p.m. only. 337-0703. 3-10/2 5 p.m. 5-10/6 3-10/3 WELCOME BACK Students. Riding, MADRIGAL SINGERS wanting hayrides, and party room for more Madrigal Singers. Call appointments. Ca11 677-0071. month. 485-8363. 353-4377, 351-8162, 355-6058. WHITE BIRCH' STABLES & 3-10/2 SHOP. 3-10/3 Model Now Open Available for fall leasing cio^d Thursday Phone 332-6441 Twyckingham Apartments ar-s no*, leasing student units for the fall of u.s.d.a. choice Mich. u.s. No. 1 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. carpeted and Each unit ha', RIB STEAK lb. POTATOES 1058« a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ball park u.s.No. 1 MAC. or JONATHON ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute HOT DOGS lb. APPLES Q J 3-LB BAGS $100 I drive puts you on campus. The student's .leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and peschke 14 oz. wt pkg HILLS BROS. private balconies. If you want to be amongthe first residents of Twycking¬ ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. SLICED BOLOGNA COFFEE M45 Two and Four Man Leases. apple KRAFT PARKAY CIDER gallon MARGARINE 16 oz. Quarters IQC I J Open Monday » ^ 4620 S. HagadorHaaadorn thru Saturday FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES 9 AM to 9 PM TV/ycK/tfGWAM Management Exclusively By: APTS. where our Inw everyday prices / HLlArCUFF P*. Three Month Leases While ALCO Management Company They Last! Open Sundays 9 AM to 6 PM Htf lustpl iin monotonous 482-3379 I %D- Now Accepting Nine Month Leases