Friday MICHIGAN Warm . . . STATE NEWS and continued cannot help the many cloudy with who ... we are poor, we cannot save STATE i chance of showers by tonight. the few who are rich. -John F. Kennedy UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 54 'U' considers charge cord registration system like to be able to charge their children's their room, board and tuition on Master quarter, and we have already had 1,000 registration system," Terry said. "We late for the word to be spread, so mostly students take advantage of it," Leggett would have to consider any additional educations. in-state students used credit cards to pay Charge and Bank Americard accounts. "We discussed the idea with the banks, said. "We expect a lot more to use charge administrative costs or charges that would for their fall term. Students march through the registration Tuition ... $13 or $31 per credit. maze and, when they reach the cashier's cards next quarter." be incurred by adopting the service." who wanted to charge us for use of their "Going on the credit card system hasn't Room and board in a University window, present their charge card and send Enrollment at OSU this year is 48,000. Any decision on the system is a long way cards," Leggett said. "Finally they decided speeded up our registration yet," he said. residence hall ... $326 per term, or $376 if the bill flying home to Dear Old Dad. Stephen H. Terry, administrative asst. to off, he added, and would be based that it would be good publicity to allow us "Eventually we expect things to go a lot you're anti-social and want a single. MSU's vice president for business and primarily on the cost and convenience of to use their cards and didn't charge us for faster." And, according to Ernest Leggett, asst. to Solution when it comes time to fork over OSU's vice president for business and finance, said Wednesday that the charge using the cards. them." "Someday we may even have each the cash? OSU found the system to be very Most of the cards used belong to the finance, the whole thing is a working card system has already been student give his Bank Americard number to CHARGE IT! recommended for use at MSU and is convenient. students' parents, he said, since applicants us and just send him his success. completed fee card Ohio State University has "We implemented the system on the currently under consideration. "We first considered adopting the system for the charge card must be 21-years-old. without putting him through registration at "revolutionized" its registration procedure second or third day of registration this "It would mean quite a change in our after a number of parents said they would The system was implemented at OSU too all." this year by allowing students to charge Fee reduction ~ AEC reports test results bases grants only on need as expected' in explosion observers were in a concrete bunker 28 "Everything went just about as MONEY. Money for YOU. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (AP) - The If you pay Michigan fees, whether you United States detonated a one-megaton miles from ground zero. The blast was expected." live on or off campus, are single or married, thermonuclear device 4,000 feet reported by radio telephone from Capt. Herbert Glenzer, commander of Amchitka to AEC the naval base on Adak, said he felt the roll are grad or undergrad, you may be eligible underground on the remote Aleutian island an monitoring center in Anchorage. in his office. for a fee reduction under the new student of Amchitka at 5:06 p.m. Thursday. AEC officials say the explosion, equal in aid grant program. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) "We are getting some roll and tremor in power to about one million tons of TNT, is In effect since the end of July, the new said in Washington that "all indications the bunker," the AEC reporter told those to check the feasibility of setting off other fee reduction system is based entirely on were that effects of the test were as assembled in Anchorage. "It is beginning to larger tests on Amchitka, 1,400 miles need, in contrast with the sliding scale expected by the commission." die down but it is rolling, still rolling." southwest of Anchorage. It added, "The test did not trigger a system, which was based on a family's damaging earthquake or tidal wave, and no radioactivity from the test was released to Mansfield "I'm sure there are people who may the atmosphere." qualify but don't know about it," said Henry C. Dykema, director of financial Canada, Russia, Japan and numerous aids. "We want people to apply. We want factions in the United States had expressed to help as many students as possible on this fear the explosion might trigger an program." Dykema said that under the student aid grant program, some students may now earthquake in the tremor-prone Alaskan 4nd Aleutian faults, with a resultant tidal wave. Vietnam WASHINGTON (AP)--Senate Democratic Democratic doves. c These included The blast was delayed six minutes qualify for aid who were not qualified Leader Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont.) said Minnesota's Eugene J. McCarthy who under the sliding scale system. because one of the two KC 135 "flying asserted the President has adopted the Thursday he favors an immediate cease-fire He added that there are also those who laboratory" planes was out of position and in Vietnam and recommended that policies and rhetoric of the Johnson had to change its flight pattern. no longer qualify since the new program President Nixon speed up troop administration. has gone into effect. The Soviet government newspaper withdrawals "He (Nixon) sure as and pressure the South hell wants to get Isvestia charged Thursday the nuclear test Applications for aid must be submitted Vietnamese to form a coalition out," Mansfield told a group of reporters. by Oct. 16. Financial statements which posed the danger of setting off earthquakes government. "He's just finding the ways and means have not been submitted to the College and tidal waves and constituted a United But the Montanan, returning to work difficult." States escalation of the arms race. Mansfield said the United States should Scholarship Service, Admissions- and after a week of hospital checkups, refused AEC spokesmen said it would be three Scholarships or the Financial Aids Office to join sharp criticism of Nixon by other announce its troops would fire only if hours before they could get a preliminary by that date will be processed for winter term. In the interest report on whether a gross amount of attacked, adding, "Maybe the elements are there for a possibility to achieve Grants for fall term will be refunded radiation had been released. Father Groppi sits behind bars in the Dane County Jail after Seven something" in view of a sharp decline in aircraft carrying scientific North Vietnamese infiltration. during the term. For the following terms his arrest on a charge of contempt of the Wisconsin State As¬ through the summer of 1970, they will be equipment were over Amchitka at the time Asserting a coalition government for sembly. He led a three-day welfare demonstration on the state of the blast and five U.S. ships stood by, South Vietnam is the key to settlement, ready at registration. The delay in fall term grants is due to the capitol. AP Wirephoto eight miles off the island. A total of 152 Mansfield said the United States should try fact that the program's process for to get the South Vietnamese officials, the determining needs is the largest in the Viet Cong, and other elements to agree on country, and special arrangements were a new government and South Vietnamese made with the College Scholarship Service in order to handle the volume. Trustee for $1)000 ques elections. "If the spirit is there, the details Dykema said that the new system is more shouldn't be too hard to overcome," he said. fair because it is based a family which medical was very on need. Previously, large or had high mUFi in government Mansfield was asked if he believes President Nixon has a plan to settle the expenses would have been National Assn. of the Partners of the Dept. this week of "chaotic" ineligible for aid under the sliding scale The Agency for International system if it had a high gross income. Development (AID) will decide Alliance (NAPA), a NAPA official said administration and collecting at least "No ," he replied, "I don't think he has a He said that the student aid grant system "internally" whether MSU trustee Warren Thursday. $1,000 in unearned federal vacation pay definite peace plan. He may have thought takes into consideration such factors as the Huff owes the agency six days' vacation Huff, D-Plymouth, was accused by the while he was executive director of NAPA. (please turn to page 19) office of the inspector general of the State NAPA is a small, non-profit organization family's income, the amount of tax the pay drawn while he was employed at the family pays, the number of children, the contracted by AID to promote the Alliance number of children in college, very high medical expenses and unusual expenses. factor the for Progress. James Boren, NAPA director, said he was School reform Another is number of "surprised, shocked and amazed" by the breadwinners in the family. Dykema said criticism of Huff. statistics show that if two people earn a given amount of money it costs more than "At issue is the interpretation of leave, and it only involves whether he (Huff) f aces debate if one person earns the same amount. earned 46 or 52 days vacation during his Gov. Milliken said Thursday he is very A freshman or transfer student who is two years as executive director," Boren encouraged by the response he has received said. "Under strict Civil Service rules, Huff to his educational reform proposals. (please turn to page 19) earned 46 days vacation, but under the Milliken He said he was "reasonably optimistic" AID contract he could have had up to 52 but added that he did not think adoption fc Jury acqu "Huff gave dedicated service beyond of the proposals would be easy. "We're in for a good fight, and we should be," Milliken told a press conference. "We Nude da measure to the Partners," he said. "In my view what this country needs is more Adams Rally should have a large and full public debate." When asked about announced opposition people with the dedication and willingness to make the personal sacrifices in behalf of A rally in support of Acting from the Michigan Educational Assoc. on SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Defense President Adams has been scheduled various aspects of the proposal, Milliken the nation's interest that Warren Huff attorney Ronald Sypnicki asked the jury: had." for 3 p.m. Wednesday at Beaumont argued that it was constructive criticism "Is it really a no-no to take off a bikini and Sen. John Tower. only on some specific points. dance? Should we be that uptight?" Williams, R-Del., who had The rally, sponsored by the He also countered criticism from the The requested inspector general, J. K. 10-man, 2-woman jury then State Board of Education, whose secretary , Mansfield, to review the Huff Student-Faculty Committee for acquitted red-haired Suzanne Haines and Adams, will highlight two weeks of denounced the reform plan as a "power blonde Sheila Brendenson Thursday of administration, announced the charges on the senate floor this week. He also placed a petitioning to have Adams' name grab." lewd conduct in dancing nude at a bar. added to the list of All- University Milliken said it is quite the contrary. document of the detailed charges in the Under the guidance of Municipal Court Search and "It makes the public voice be heard," he Congressional Record. Selection Committee Judge Earl Warren Jr.,the jury had traveled Huff was accused of no illegal activity, (AUSSC) candidates. argued, even though it removes the head of to the bar to watch Miss Haines do her Don Stevens, D-Okemos, chairman but Mansfield recommended that he be the state's educational system from the bottomless performance, gone to a night of the MSU Board of Trustees, said he disallowed excess payments made to him. election sphere. club to see a topless dancer and to a will speak at the rally to state his "The point is, In a telegram to John A. Hannah, AID there is no one person you theater to see a Swedish film which has director, Huff asked Thursday for a position on adhering to the procedures can go to if you are dissatisfied." explicit sex scenes. clarification of the charge of excess leave of the Taylor Report and the AUSSC. Abolishing the State Board of Education After the verdict, Sheila announced her All eight trustees have been invited and stated that if the is not the result of any quarrel with the retirement from dancing to write a book charge were valid he to attend. individuals on the board, he said. "It is a entitled "Naked Justice." (please turn to page 19) quarrel with the system." (please turn to page 19) Warren Huff • STUPe/i 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October 3. 1969 Blacks file housing complaint By JEANNE SADDLER Kostic, administrative asst. to the city manager. McMillan then they desire, we will assist them in filing a complaint with the State News Staff WRiter asked the studetns to meet him at City Hall. Michigan Civil Rights Commission. After a 12:15 meeting with Kostic, the students and the "I would definitely like to see — lose his license as a landlord in Two black graduate students have filed a complaint with the officials agreed that "there is reasc""We cause to believe that the year 1969. In the city of East Lansing, there is no room for Equal Opportunity Programs Office (EOP) and the East Lansing discrimination because of race has ^?y?Ted," as stated in the racial discrimination on housing," McMillan stated in his report. Human Relations Commission (ELHRC) and contacted ASMSU commission's official report. "Those battles were fought and I thought won in the early charging an East Lansing landlord with discrimination. The Conciliation Committee of the commission made the 1960's. The case involves an apartment on VVayland Avenue. All parties following recommendations in their report: "It is my recommendation that we move on this case, and that have asked to remain anonymous. -That it be reported that the committee feels that there is we proceed to move on — in such a way that he no longer According to the complaint filed by the students, they reasonable cause to believe that discrimination because of race qualified as a landlord," he said. contacted the landlord at 4:20 p.m. Sept. 23 concerning an has occurred. The students indicated that they would "absolutely not" be apartment advertised for rent in the State News. After a short --That the city attorney be asked to investigate the complaint interested in renting the property at this point. conversation, the students were told to meet him at the and proceed as he deems advisable. ASMSU has not taken any action on the case at this point. apartment in five minutes. -That the commission notify the complaining parties that if When they arrived, the owner was talking to a mover. After the conversation was over and introductions were made, he began to discuss two available apartments with the students. One was a one-bedroom, basement apartment that the students had indicated they did not want during the phone conversation. The owner, nevertheless, proceeded to show them the apartment. When asked about the other apartment, he said. "You 7 Green Berets dissatisfied are a minute too late." When the students asked him said person. by whom it had been rented, he that he had rented it to a doctoral student He gave the name of the doctoral student, but could not give the name of the other person. and another with Army handling of case they are still tainted with Asked whether he had because he is prohibited from The students then contacted a white student, explained the NEW YORK (AP) - An situation, and had her call about the same two-bedroom attorney in the Green Beret case an"implication of guilt" in the evidence that could have been divulging classified information. said today that seven of the men alleged slayings of a Vietnamese used against the others, Smith However, Rothblatt also said he apartment. She was told that she could rent the apartment and involved are "very dissatisfied" civilian, reputed double agent, said, "I believe the others told the seven men to try to sign the lease with a $50 deposit. The students supplied her with and that Resor should clear their with the statement by Army have thought I did." names by "speaking the deposit and drove her to the apartment house, at which time stated that "there was a He said he did not travel out whenever the opportunity she had no trouble renting the apartment. Secretary Stanley R. Resor in On Sept. 24, they presented a copy of the lease and a receipt ol dropping the murder charges complete, lack of evidence and separately because of any presents itself." that these men had committed division between himself and the On their return, two of the the deposit to Joe McMillan, director of EOP, who contacted against them. no crime." others, but because he was eight said they plan to continue Clinton Cobb, chairman of ELHRC. Cobb referred him to Bill Henry D. Rothblatt of New York said the Green Berets feel "Instead," Rothblatt said, "he delayed by a 3'/2-hour their Army careers while made the unfair statement that conference with his attorney. Marasco said he plans to get out. the Army dropped the charges Rothblatt said in New York Marasco was greeted at only because the CIA would not that one of the other Berets, Newark. N.J. Airport by his Soviets accept U.S. view, testify. "We will try to clear this up before the court of Capt. Robert F. Marasco, 27, Bloom field, N.J., as having fired the fatal shot, told him, "I'd like parents and sister and said he planned to ask for release from active duty. Asked whether he The MSU Drummer boy Marching Band has been hard, at work public- opinion," he said. to tell the whole story because was leaving because he practicing for Saturday's game at Notre Dame. shun Arab - Israeli parleys to Rothblatt made his comments newsmen at Kennedy Airport after returning from Vietnam via the Army has played me dirty." But Rothblatt Marasco would be prevented added that considered his Army career ruined, he said. "I'm not going to give the Army a chance to do A member of the drum section takes time during a break to pause and get that last drill pattern down pat in his mind. California, where he met seven from relating the entire episode that." State News photo by Walter Gyr UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - (AP) -- American to spell this out, the sources said. of the returning Green Berets and Soviet negotiators have agreed not to spell If that approach prevails in the U.S.-Soviet Wednesday. The men have gone out in a Middle East settlement formula just how Arabs and Israelis should go document now being prepared for Big Four on 30-day leaves. VIETNAM CENSORSHIP about negotiating a power talks on a Middle East settlement, it will The attorney told newsmen in peace, U.S. sources said Wednesday night. rate as one of the gains Rogers felt came from his California that the eighth man. Officers Whether .Arab-Israeli negotiations should be discussions with the Soviet leader. reply Sgt. l.C. Alvin L. Smith, Naples, direct, as the Israelis want, or indirect through a third party, as the Arabs prefer, has been a major issue blocking the start of bargaining between the Presumably the Soviets had wanted a formula for the Big Four that would support the Arab demand for no direct negotiations until Israel Fla., had gone to top Army authorities with the story of the alleged killing. Smith took a to Middle East rivals. withdraws from occupied Arab lands. WASHINGTON separate flight home. (AP)-Rep. Chalmers P. Wylie, R-Ohio, said "1 know there has to be some censorship," said Wylie, who said The U.S. informants said Foreign Minister Asst. Secretary of State Joseph Sisco and "Smith was afraid the others Thursday the Pentagon has assured him officers in charge of the he is a former war censor himself. Andrei A. Gromyko, who met with Secretary of Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin are carrying Armed Forces broadcast network in Vietnam will be asked to "The were going to knock him off," question is whether the information being deleted has a State William P. Rogers in a final, third session forward the U.S.-Soviet discussions preparatory Rothblatt said. reply to charges they censor war news. value to the enemy." here Tuesday night, had dropped earlier Soviet to a renewal of Big Four-U.S., USSR, U.K., When Smith arrived at Travis Wylie said he sought the assurance after the U.S. Command in The developments came after Wylie. who had asked last month pressure for a more precise U.S.-Soviet France-talks expected late this month. Air Force Base, he responded Saigon denied it was investigating the complaints of a broadcast for a military investigation of Maxwell's welfare and his censorship definition on the manner in which Arabs and The Big Four seek to lay groundwork for newsman. "that's not true" when asked charges, received a cable from the U.S. Command. Israelis should negotiate. negotiations they hope will take place between about reports he had been Wylie said he is furnishing the Pentagon with 12 specific cases "A comprehensive review of the situation is under way and you The Soviets appear to have accepted the Arabs and Israelis under the auspices of U.N. since willing to testify against the mid-July cited by Spec. 5 Michael Maxwell of Columbus, will be further advised as soon as possible," said the cable. American view that it would be hotter not to try mediator Gunnar Jarring. Ohio. others. STUCHO A Truly Fine Citizen including: The fourth album is recorded/ Open Up Your Heart Truly Fine Citizen Changes, Circles Spinning Looper Love Song and all is well. Contrary to rumors. Moby We think the group will „ that this is their first cohesive album. agree word So „» . . now you've got . Moby the official Grape is still very Grapec is Ul 15 MMI u cmcL'Perhaps still together. CM,a^ more MIU,e much with us. Produced in Nashville (a first) so than ever before be ore. j0hnston (another first). And with you. And although their now album, "Truly Fine Citizen" has the same Truly Pine Citizen." is their fourth. unity and sense of purpose as m many, many respects it o a first. Dylan's "Nashville Skyline." Columbia Records 9 Available in 8 track ste-eo tape r a'1'icJgf- a-irl 4 track ee to 'eel tape Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 3 NEWS E. Lansing liquor licensing slow By LINDA GORTMAKER opened the Pickwick Pub at 11 a.m. Thursday. license, but Costick said his application is not complete enough summar Sunday Editor Students can shorten their booze runs when Larry's Shop-Rite at 1109 E. Grand River starts selling hard liquor. Larry Fortino, for consideration. "I didn't submit a financial report or one-eighth-inch scale Becoming a "wet" city is not a speedy process. owner, picked up his liquor license Thursday afternoon. He plans drawing of my proposed bar facilities," Rahfeldt said. "It's A capsule summary of the day's events froi East Lansing has been officially wet since April, and now one to start selling goods next week end. time-consuming." our wire services. bar serves hard liquor, one store has authorization to sell Rahfeldt said he thinks the council "seems to be worried The Best Steak House, 218 Abbott Road, is waiting formal packaged hard liquor (along with beer and wine) and one large notification from the state on its tavern or about Grand River turning into a bowery. supermarket sells beer and wine. beer-and-wine-by-the-glass license, and already has city approval. "We're the only full-scale restaurant in East Lansing, and it's And there are several stores and restaurants awaiting either city R.C. Lewis, owner, hopes for increased sales with damn hard to rim a restaurant on food operation," Rahfeldt said. selling beer approval or formal notification by the state. and wine, and has some plans for expansion. Lewis plans to serve He figured adding liquor to his menu would boost sales by 150 "There is nothing improper Roger Rosendale, director of the licensing division for the State to 200 per wine and beer from the bottle and draft beer. cent. about campaigning during Liquor Control Commission, agreed that becoming wet is Lewis is still waiting for the state inspectors to approve his Quality Dairy, 1201 E. Grand River, has applied for a packaged vacation. / don't know why (Sen. "usually a slow process because the town involved must set up restaurant. He said the state contacted him over a month ago and beer and wine license, and is still waiting state approval. The Lost criteria for approving licenses. John) Williams made so much over said they'd be there shortly. Arbor, Inc., a new restaurant to open next year, has gotten "We had over 25 original inquiries for liquor licenses, but only "But 'shortly' seems to be sort of a long time," he said. complete approval, and University Inn on Trowbridge Rd., is it. He seems to have overlooked three groups have approached the East Lansing City Council so Cave of the Candles, 110 Abbott Rd., a sea-food restaurant that the fact that it (the trusteeship) is awaiting state ok. far," Bill Costick, administrative asst. for the city, said. opened last spring, is also attempting to secure a license to serve a non-paying job." The Albert Pick Motor Hotel, 1427 W. Saginaw, became the liquor by-the-glass. The State News, the student first East Lansing establishment to sell liquor by the glass when it Dan Rahfeldt, owner, has submitted newspaper at Michigan State an application for a liquor University, is published every class day and Sundays during Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in NATIONWIDE RITES Subscription rate is $14 per year. September Member Associated Press, United Press International Inland Battle action has International News dropped to the lowest level of the India marks Gandhi's day Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press Michigai, Press Association, Michigan States Student Press Association. Collegiate Press Association United long to go to realize the Second class postage paid at East year with American units fighting only four significant NEW DELHI (AP) - India way likeness were released, and At the main Gandhi memorial, Lansing, Michigan. observed the 100th birth goals the father of the nation has although Gandhi had specifically where the apostle of nonviolence Editorial and business offices at 347 skirmishes within a 24-hour period, the U.S. Command Student Service set before us." stated his distastes for statues of Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. said Thursday. anniversary of Mohandas K. was cremated following his Gandhi In each of the country's himself, scores were unveiled in assassination in 1948, thousands Thursday in simple The four clashes involving U.S. infantrymen ranged nationwide ceremonies designed 600,000 towns and villages, different parts of the country assembled to offer floral tributes Phones: from the demilitarized zone to old battlefields north of Indians took a mass pledge to and abroad. Saigon. The cost for the Americans was two killed and to rekindle faith in the for which the frail, bespectacled causes "continue to struggle for The celebrations took other and prayers. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi rfit0rai Advertising Classified * /j " V 355-8252 355-8255 eradication of casteism and forms in Gandhi's took part in the early Display Advertising ' ^353.6400 25 wounded. independence leader lived and name. morning communalism and every vestige Long-term Business-Circulation died. prisoners were service, joined by the Dalai 355-3447 South Vietnamese military spokesmen also reported of injustice oppression and Photographic little action. pardoned, and all of the nation's Lama, the Buddhist Tibetan ^355-8311 But with the country still exploitation-causes for which he, 17 states observed a dry day - in god-king, and Khan Abdul shaken by last week's vicious Gandhi, lived and suffered token gesture to Gandhi's Ghaffar Khan, a a leading Moslem Top leaders of the Social and Free Democratic parties Hindu-Moslem riots in Gandhi's martyrdom." work for prohibition. disciple of Gandhi. home state of Gujarat, there was Lavish tributes were paid to met Thursday to hammer out together final details of an more soulsearching than Gandhi, who once said he did agreement to form West Germany's next government. Success in the talks would give West Germany its first rejoicing. not want much fuss made about him after his death. GUEST ROOMS taste of Social Democratic rule. President V.V. Giri declared at Special stamps, coins and a public ceremony, "We have a currency notes bearing his Company Coming? Thousands of cheering Argentines lined Buenos Aires' Business Associates Due? streets Thursday to catch glimpses of U.S. Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Michael Collins, there on a goodwill tour. Justice Dept. Delegates to the Paris peace talks disagreed Thursday about the meaning of self- determination in Vietnam, an old debate which produced no new element in the pressured WASHINGTON (AP) - A talk to reporters because he had deadlocked discussions. In the 38 previous plenary to clean out his desk. young lawyer who led a Justice sessions, Thursday's 4'/2-hour meeting gave no hint of a Dept. revolt against the Nixon Greenberg led 65 of the change in anyone's position. Administration's civil division's 74 staff lawyers last rights * * * policy resigned Wednesday. month in sending a protest The resignation was statement to Leonard, Atty. Israel's air force launched three jet attacks on military demanded, it was learned. Gen. John N. Mitchell and targets in Egypt and Jordan Thursday after Cairo Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris President Nixon. Phone 351-5500 for Reservations claimed Egyptian commandos and frogmen staged Leonard, chief of the Civil Reiterating their charge 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 assaults on Israeli troops holding the eastern shore of Rights Division, said Gary J. Monday, the dissident lawyers at Trowbridge Exit Greenberg, 27, senior trial accused the administration of At the the Suez gulf. Campus, Michigan State University attorney in the division's appeals violating "clearly defined legal In a day of heavy ground and air activity, Arab and research section, stepped mandates" on desegregation saboteurs struck three times at Israeli pipelines and down as of 5:30 p.m. enforcement in the South. GUEST ROOMS railroad tracks between Tel Aviv and the port of Haifa Leonard said he had "no An Israeli spokesman said the planes made two raids on comment." Greenberg, who objectives across the canal. promised a full explanation Thursday, said he had no time to National News Secretary of State William P. Rogers returned to Committee Washington Thursday after a series of get-acquainted parleys with foreign ministers during his first diplomatic ✓isit to the United Nations. sets hearing In Rogers' opinion, he packed into his 10 days at the United Nations the equivalent of what otherwise would on v ote I aw have taken a year for a new U.S. foreign affairs chief. The Michigan House of Aides said that in addition to 77 separate Representatives Committee on appointments with foreign leaders, Rogers entertained Revision and Amendments to 38 foreign ministers at two dinners and convened six the Constitution will hold a others at a joint meeting of the Vietnam allies. hearing on lowering the minimum voting age to 18 at 7-9 p.m., Oct. 8, in 38 Union. Forging ahead toward a foregon conclusion, the The hearing will be sponsored International Monetary Fund cast ballots Thursday on a by the Michigan Committee for compromise plan to distribute $9.5 billion in "paper Total Citizenship (CTC) for gold." students, faculty and other members of the community who The vote will be announced sometime Friday, but would like to present rationale fund members are convinced that compromises worked supporting the 18-year-old vote. out last summer assure near-unanimous approval, with Greg Maddex, Haslett only the South African vote in doubt. sophomore, and state chairman of the CTC, said that anyone cable knit, tartan plaid plus scarf. . . A White House nutrition expert wishing to testify should give the singled out Congress issue serious thought before they Thursday as the No. 1 target for a program to educate come and should be well a spirited classic look on campus the nation on the proper foods to eat. prepared to state their views on The average middle aged, overweight, underexercised the subject. "CTC feels that lowering the Imported from England, the cabled congressman, said Dr. Jean Mayer, is typical of the American male most vulnerable to the ills of improper voting age is essential because people between 18 and 21 share v-neck sweater and matching plain-knit diet. most of the responsibilities of those over 21," Maddex said. Two sharp earthquakes jolted a 150-mile stretch of "Sixty per cent work full time 5-foot scarf of fine wool in brown, and pay taxes; 20,000 have been northern California Wednesday night. Some building killed in Vietnam; they can go to walls collapsed, windows shattered, water and gas mains court as adults; sign their green, rust, gold or marine blue. ruptured. Twenty-six persons reported injuries, none insurance contracts and need no serious. A light aftershock Thursday morning eaused no parentalconsent to marry. But The tartan slack is carefree additional damage. they're denied one of this country's basic privileges. "We feel that this exclusion permanent press polyester/cotton. . . AFL-CK) President from the franchise is one of the George Meany accused President major factors alienating youth in Nixon Thursday of trying to fight inflation at the the country today," Maddex blue/grey/red, black/grey, blue/green, expense of workers' jobs. Nixon replied he is trying to stop price hikes from eating away th^purchasing power of the nation's wage earners. red/grey or rust/gold/navy. Soapy story starts 30 40 sizes 14.00 Scarf, 7.00 Californian Casper W. Weinberger, who says he favors special SN series Sweater, S-M-L-XL. 22.50 "aggressiveenforcement of all the laws" protecting on U' candidates consumers, is President Nixon's choice for chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, it was announced Thursday's front page story on former Gov. G. Mennen Williams Thursday. The 52-year-old Jaoobsoi is Republican has been was intended as one of a series California's chief fiscal officer for the past 20 months. of biographical sketches on names being mentioned to fill An effort to block deployment of the Safeguard the position of MSU president. MEN'S STORE antiballistic missile system was defeated by the House Any implication that Williams, alone, is being considered as a 210 Abbott Rd. Thursday, 219 to 105. candidate was not intended. MICHIGAN KEN KRELL STATI NEWS How much fun UNIVERSITY is the War Game? WILLIAM B. CASTANIER advertising manager TRINKA CLINE, executive editor Enter round two of The War Game. NORMAN J. SAARI, managing editor The rules of the game are simple, and the It GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor equipment really shouldn't be hard to even simpler. Take a group of DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor Pentagon generals, 500,000 young keep quiet for 60 days; after all, LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor American males, a few senators who might we've kept quiet for nearly nine KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor be interested and a country in which months while Richard JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor dissent is seething among students, Respectable got used to the politicos and even scattered numbers of Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award midwest housewives. player's seat. And before that, The game we tried to keep quiet every for requires only one player. As outstanding journalism. you'll probably remember, last year about time the last contestant said he this time it was LBJ, but a new player has had card up a his sleeve. But the entered the scene by the name of Richard yawns are getting wider as more Milhous. people get bored with the whole EDITORIALS Richard contestant in Milhous a very got to be the star interesting way. Last affair. year's player couldn't figure out a way to win the game,or even quit playing, so when Richard the Respectable claimed he had a way to end the game (which everyone Whatever h wanted to do since it) a they were bored with lot of people listened. The hang-up was that Richard couldn't tell fantastic the moves as soon as he got used to player's seat. When Richard withdrew a anyone how few of his pawns, everyone cheered and he intended to go about it, but since viewed this as the first step in Richard's nobody liked the moves of the previous scheme to end the game. No one as yet to Thai Kha contestant, they let him take over anyway. For awhile, many spectators of this Ions fiasco thought Richard Respectable really knew how he intended to do it, but the spectators had faith. A great deal of cunning is required to be had his head together and would make successful at the game, and Richard Thai Khac I huyen's body lies clever than the general and managed Respectable is, above all, cunning. So when a-mouldering in the bay, and now we to raise such a stink that Richard removed some of his pawns from will probably never know why every body-in typical government DAVE SHORT the playing field, we spectators assumed he Villainous doublecrosser or martyr fashion-decided to drop the issue had a trick up his sleeve. like hot potato. Then Richard made a speech before some to espionage and inter-departmental a of remaining pawns in which his position rivalry, his fate has* beeome yet So a deal was struck. President changed significantly. Richard's new plan another price of war. Nftxon. A look at possibly after abdicating his TV, 20 was to win the game, not get out as he We do not presume to judge the eight Green Berets held in the Thai responsibility to the people of the United States, has decided to stay years originally promised. Richard, it seems, doesn't want to be the first player ever to case, but we make out of the lose the game. can some mess. Further, in Add to this Richard's crony senators who evaluation of the upper echelons of exchange for statement a by pleaded with the spectators to keep quiet our war machine-and we find them Secretary of the Army Stanley Resor The introduction of television into on the progress of the game for 60 days or highly unprincipled. The entire t hat the CIA is not "directly American society in the late 1940s was space flights and the everyday coverage of so, and it becomes evident that Richard business smells of whitewash and involved" in the Thai incident, the this country's news show the hailed as one of the great innovations of As television importance certainly does have a card up his sleeve. All industry leaders have loudly of television. And the educational value of we have to do now is sit tight for a couple represents a travesty of all our Intelligence Agency has tactfully the 20th Century. publicized, there have been some changes national educational television, NBC white of months. Richard tried to add impetus to precepts of justice. refused to let any of its agents testify Today, some 20 years later, technical in programming in the 1969 fall television papers and other news documentaries this plea by promising not to turn any It can be argued that in a state of in the "interests of advancements and lower sales prices have season. The number of violence shows are national cannot be disputed. spectators into pawns for a while. war certain aspects of due process helped make television a common down, but there are still many left. security." But television has to do It really shouldn't be hard to keep quiet household appliance throughout America. The 1969 programming change came something about must of necessity be No doubt the CIA was not its "vast wastland" for 60 days; after all, we've kept quiet for because the heat was on. Individual writers programming. suspended-especially in the spy "directly involved" in the killing-it But no longer is television necessarily Programming reforms will be slow. The nearly nine months while Richard and scholars and groups of people, such as business. If this argument is sound, is praised for its role in contemporary talent, money and personnel needed to Respectable got used to the player's seat. quite probable that none of their America. The critics of television the national Commission on the Causes and And before that, we tried to keep quiet have make reforms is not then why were the eight arrested in men were there when the trigger was Prevention of Violence, were hurting totally available. increased in their number and in their For the time being, the American every time the last contestant said he had a the first place? It would have been television's image and were calling for people pulled, though they may have given vehemence over the years. will have to suffer along. But, card up his sleeve. But the yawns are curbing actions. they will much more practical to have ignored the order to do so. Also, it has to be have to pay for television's "sins." getting wider as more people get bored And never has the television Critics were especially concerned about the entire proceedings—if. indeed, a industry with the whole affair. admitted that there is a potential faced more criticism than it has in the the type of cartoons shown on television. The middle class will continue to have man's life be coldly days in which, columnist Harriet You see, there. is another side to the can so danger of a security breech it CIA 1960s. Increasingly more Americans "The cartoons broadcast by the networks as considered. At the very least, then have come to the conclusion now that, as on Saturday VanHorne once said, "any electrical game. A lot of people have forgotten this, agents forced to testify in an open morning during the 1967-68 but Richard Respectable isn't actually the Thai incident smacks of a high former Federal Communications and 1968-69 seasons the most appliance in the house, including the trial. It is. however, a little hard to were Commission Chairman Newton Minow said vacuum cleaner, seems to offer more playing the game against the spectators; as, degree of bureaucratic bumbling, believe that something could not intensively violent programs on television, a matter of fact, they're supposed to be on' in 1962, "When you watch television, with entertainment possibilities than the TV which reflects badly on our entire you perhaps the least amount of his side. He's supposedly playing against have been worked out had there will observe a vast wasteland." set." redeeming constructive value," the The poor the North Vietnamese. Poor Richard war effort. been a true desire to administer will continue to live in a world The critics say that television kills. of doesn't understand why he should have to The They unreality, poverty and separatism, in problem, it seems, does not justice in the Thai murder. accuse the television networks of The commission recommended a which play against his own team when he thinks being reduction in the number of "violence television offers one of the few really have anytning to do with This jugglijig about of men's lives harmful to America's young and its poor escapes. he ought to tangle only with the other side. whether or not anybody gives a darn cartoons," westerns, action-adventure and } and power perogatives by bulbous because their programs stress too much crime shows on television, and advised And one woritters what a nation that fails Nobody's quite sure of Poor Richard's about Thai, so much as it has to do bureaucracies repulses us. Pluralism violence and too little education. The to understand a current college generation next move, but if we all sit tight for 60 of the critics is justifiable. taking such shows out of "prime time" with a petty power squabble may have its advantages, but when concern weaned on "Bugs Bunny," "Donald Duck" days, he will probably come up with a new and "Popeve" will do when it is attack, and if not then, surely within between the CIA and the Army over agencies of the same America's young and it's poor are Television definitely has a place in the government are confronted with another 60 days, and if not then, certainly who television's most frequent viewers. future of contemporary America. The a generation brought up gets to run the cloak and working at counterpoint then, to the likes of within a couple of years, and if not then . . Television has come to play a major role in significance of the television broadcasts of "Johnny Quest," "Roger dagger business in Vietnam. The perhaps, we have gone a little too far the Ramjet,'' ''G.I. Joe'' and The War Game really isn't much fun, is socializing and the orientating of the the John F. Kennedy assassination, the Central Intelligence Agency has in this direction. "Super-President." it? young during their growing-up process. apparently been using elements of And the worst part of it all is that And no longer is television the Special Forces or Green Berets to now no one will ever know what did ownership representative of the class distinctions that do its dirty work and the Army happen, and whether or not Thai was exist in this country. In a recent OUR READERS' MIND resents this meddling. murdered executed. sociological survey. 97 per cent of all or Further, it The word is that Gen. Creighton the eight Green Berets are innocent families that qualified for aid under the Office of Economic Opportunities owned a Abrams. U.S. commander in South of wrongdoing, they Soon to become third rate? any will, television. Vietnam, demanded the arrest and nevertheless, have to carry the stigma In fact, a comparison of hours spent trial of the eight Berets in an attempt of doubt about with them for the watching television daily finds a member of to embarrass the CIA. Apparently, rest of their lives. a low income To The Editor: -The Fditors family, with an average of virtues however, the CIA was a little more five viewing hours, became meaningless. The typical will take it watching two-and-one Today, many people in the United States Roman became heavily in debt and was anyway" attitude is prevailing. half times as much television the average do not realize what is Already the once-great Britain has b« i as happening to their middle class viewer. society. They cannot understand why a frequently on the brink of ruin. Total debt reduced to a third rate power. Crowds at in the United States today is third rate power like Vietnam can soccer matches and football games are But America's young and its poor are $1,600,000,000,000! least able to discern between the overpower the might of the United States. getting rowdier than ever. Challenging reality Roman taxes at first were comparatively Our wealth, influence and power is rapidly You want to stop the Vietnam war? You and non-reality of television than is low. But spiraling costs and extravagant any diminishing right underneath our noses and want to stop rising inflation, high taxes, we can't see what is (caused by the extravagant spending of the racial discrimination? Then stop causing it. I suggest we being such To millions of middle class look at some of the empires in people) led to strangling taxing of the a pig. It is Americans, history and really the only solution left. television has become a permanent fixture people and weakened the middle class. mutual see what caused their downfall. These problems are not the government's Babylon, on our in their patterns of life. But, to America's Persia, Greece, Rome. Spain and France all nad their turn being the richest nation in Taxes in the United States today take 37 cents out of every dollar. fault, they're yours — and mine. young and it's poor, television is "life." Look at Great Britain! Taxes there are so In the world. But they all fell — why? The Doug Sharp While the world hovers at the brink would several surveys, people were asked severe that a "live it up, the government ordinarily not be moved to whether or not they thought what test is not the wars they were involved in Lansing sophomore of destruction on numerous demonstrate with they or their Gross National a nuclear saw on television was believable. While over Product, but it is fronts-Russo-Sino Border. Middle explosion originating in Nevada, but half of the general public interviewed the intellectual, moral and spiritual said East. Southeast Asia-a character that makes nations great. In normally from the Aleutian Islands! We ask that television was believable, well quiet border may provide the you-in the name of Walter two-thirds of lower income viewers television as voicing reality situations. over saw Rome's case, the specific reasons for its fall Nixon has conscience detonating Fireworks. Adams-to whip out your trusty 1. The breakdown of the family and the drink map To The Editor: or get any relaxation, period? Mr. In case the monumental event of ot the Western The low income viewers said that Hemisphere. Have from rapid increase of divorce. Borin is typical of today's big-mouth television they learn a lot about how to This letter is in answer to Tom Bonn, a Wednesday has escaped you thus far. you located the Aleutians? They are 2. The spiraling rise of taxes and student who knows very little of what is behave with other people, Southfield senior who recently had a letter be advised that by the end of this dating, dressing, extravagant spending. going on except what is heard from others bloody near Canada, by George. talking and courtesy procedures. One of 3. The craze for pleasure and brutal published in "Our Readers' Mind" of this like weekend the USA themselves. It seems this has been may be at So the Canadians do have a point. the principle sources for children as to paper. He quoted the facts of the war, the passed down the line for war-nuclear war-with Her Majesty's Let us also not- forget the what goes on in the rest of the quite a tranquil world is 4. The mounting production of deaths, ours and the Vietnamese. He went distance. Secondly, one notices he does former colony. Canada. border with that of television. with our nemesis to the armaments to fight the increase of enemy on terminology suggesting that not request that the stadium or another All this just from two border north. lor attacks when the real enemy was decay President Nixon was a brother to Hitler more than a century Given the — hall be used for an anti-war rally t He de¬ more positive thinking of this from within. and the entire country was being run by incidents between Michigan and peace with Canada lias been the only mands that acting president Adams"Give":it country's young and its poor towards Ontario, the subsequent injuring of 5. The decay of religion into confusing Nazi's, Communists or whatever. I would him and his followers! And does a deterrant to the age old crisis of television, the type of programming on high television is crucial. A high amount of forms, leaving people without an uniform certainly like to see what progress he school senior know what a one student and the massing of border wars. Why during this ear of college student guide for living. would make in the same place. Our shows with violence in would miss if he didn't go to classes? It 2.000 students in Sarnia, Out'.' them could be good feelings should our government Does this sound familiar? One of the President is a man, a man with a may sound trivial, but how true! Affirmitive. But why all the fuss by highly detrimental. take the initiative in most important things that contributed to conscience, he feels the death of each and In terminating my reply, it seems that destroying a Yet, as one study of television the Canadians? solid the greatness of Rome and the United every one of our men, and he's doing the Tom Borin, if not over the Vietnam friendship? programming in the 1968-69 season States than best he can, and has done a lot more than war, To be entirely honest, the We regret the acts of violence on more anything else was the wcJald find something, anything, to be disclosed, there is a high degree of violent family structure and respect for authority. those before him. Candadians do have radical about. a point. They're the mutual borders of the United content in television programming. But with the loosening of ties to the family And just because he is the number one Pat Hardy all becoming enraged and downright States and Canada, and beseech the In that 1968-69 television that came with affluence, values and man, does that mean he shouldn't eat MSU freshman programming upset about the scheduled U.S. United Nations to survey, it was found that 202 problems of immediately nuclear blast on the island referred intervene before conflict between people that needed a nuclear la trail Fl/ fo aMAT HA?tB6 ill bet Picasso couldn't to as Aschitka in the Aleutians. But resolution were shown in one week of catastrophy envelops the entire globe prime time television (7:30 p.m. to 11:30 drau) a c0u)'s le6 u)hen HE what of it? A nuclear blast is a in a needless destruction of human uja5 in the first grade... p.m.). nuclear blast. Of those life. 202 problems of conflict, 60 Being a blast of sorts, there is a Finally, and in all seriousness, we per cent of them were solved by violent remote possibility of minor ask that the Pacific Ocean be allowed means, 10 per cent were not solved and 30 holocausts such as earthquakes and per cent were solved by non-violent means. to remain pacific. tidal waves occurring. The Canadians Despite the evidence against it, the in specific, and Canadian students. -The Fditors television industry has been dragging its Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 5 of the ROTC have infiltrated the MSU French will let students choose what battalion at MSU. Col. Jean P. Bi left, and Capt. Mar s, right, pre- Dept. A two-year research angle of the language they would sented the honors during an Army cei y Wednesday. program is being undertaken to like to study. The course will be State News completely undo what is being divided into an experimental section and .sections emphasizing reading, writing and conversational French. NEW IDEAS, GOALS Self-evaluation is the program's theme. The student will be taught to learn a language Cadets lead ROTC battalion on his own. He will learn how to correct his own mistakes and to use various language resources. Self-learning will be explored in the experimental section. "No As commanding cadet officers, their duties will involve exams will be given and grades organizing and directing academic as well as non-academic will rest entirely on a contract functions for their men. Army ROTC installed two cadets as leaders of its student between student and professor," battalion, whicjinumbers approximately 300 at MSU. At the same "t ailing in line with academic freedom, they'll be running their own program," Capt. John C. Burke, public information officer, Murphy said. At the time of ceremony, the two received the bars of cadet majors. mid-terms, the professor will said. Col. Jean P. Burner, professor of military science, was assisted confer with each student about Burke noted that up until last year the cadets were organized by Capt. Mac Otis, commandant of cadets, in presenting the bars. his work. The student will then under the structure of a brigade, but they requested the Edward J. Sever, Royal Oak junior, took over the top position of battalion commander with Thomas C. Sturdy. Iron River senior, as executive officer. department to let them form a battalion because they felt the latter organization was more relevant to their situation. indicate a particular area of study concentrate he would on for like to the NV SM* V Sever is captain of Scabbard and Blade, an ROTC honorary, less "The emphasis is now in accord with the new Army policy of order taking and rote memory work, and more remainder of the term and the JimSchwall • Woolies-Savage Grace treasurer of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers decision-making utilizing reasoning and value judgments," Sever grade he would like. and a member of the MSU sport parachuting club Sturdy is affiliated with Xi Sigma Phi, a forestry honorary and a said. The agreement will be drawn Sunday Funnies-Brownsville Station All men enrolled in the Army ROTC program are technically up between professor and member of Pershing Rifles, an ROTC national honorary part of the battalion, although basic cadets do not wear uniforms student. "If the student does X Plain Brown Wrapper or sign a contract with the Army as do the advanced cadets. amount of work of an The battalion may sponsor such projects as a blood drive or a acceptable quality, he will laboratory session to precede the summer camp which the cadets receive the grade he requested," Gates Open at Noon Faculty must attend. Murphy said. pro The men may also make themselves heard to their instructors through their cadet officers, an arrangement much like Insufficient teaching of time hinders the a language. student-faculty committees that have been established in several other University departments. According to Murphy, it is impossible to go into every area Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 5 .*:£ inadequate The AAUP contends that the One of Sever's first moves as battalion commander will be to appoint his cadet staff which will include a personnel officer, an intelligence officer, a battalion operations officer and a supply officer. of French study. To compensate for the lack of time, the student chooses the aspect of foreign culture in which he is most faculty interested. salary adjustment is The position of intelligence officer will be more of an much less than the increase educational nature for ROTC purposes at MSU. The battalion In a statement issued Oct. 1, the American Assoc. of granted to "almost every other operations duties will probably be the most important, Burke occupational group in the University Professors (AAUP) of MSU called the economy; blue collar, white Sever said that a major effort will be made to get the cadets out University's collar or professional." response to their demands for in public more than before so that they may hear about specific The statement added that the higher salaries "totally objections to the ROTC program and also what students favor "announced contribution to inadequate." about it. He would like to see the cadets "advertise" the program Jack Steiber, president for the hospital insurance, which benefits different faculty participation instudent groups and the mass media. AAUP Executive Council, said that the members by varying amounts He would also like to open the channels for closer relationships purpose of the statement was to "indicate that and some not at all, does not between the cadets and the officers. He feels that the new group alter the fact that the real of young the present arrangement is not officers in the department have brought in a lot of satisfactory." earnings of MSU faculty as a good, new ideas. He hopes to increase contact between the I've got my interview set I read somewhere they're solv Straight questions—straight £ whole have not improved as a advanced and basic cadets, especially through extra-curricular Plans for action to be taken between computer lab and econ rapid transit problems and they won't care if the result of the 1969 adjustments." groups. have not been formulated, hurry up bus and helping explore the seas ; bus is a little late Steiber said, however, he added I'll be late for class outer space Get together with Alcoa: that this would be a high wonder if Alcoa's doing anything and working with packaging priority item for the AAUP about traffic jams and automotive applications Oct. 27, 28, 1969 during the year. So when I go in The University decided to I'll tell it like it is—for me contribute toward the cost of and they'll tell it like it is— hospital insurance for faculty for them after AAUP protested against the proposed salary increase last July. In a letter to Acting Preside it Adams and Chairman of tne MSU Board of Trustees, Don Stevens, last June, the AAUP Council said the reported 5.5 per cent average salary increase was "completely inadequate barely sufficient to keep up with the rise in the cost of living during the last 12 months and Norcold □ALCOA well below the level necessary to maintain a real earnings in view Counter Height Compact of the more rapid rate of increase in the Consumer's Price Index since January 1969." with Mica Top Refrigerator Refrigerator with Compressor Kresge to present first its first gallery show; "The Collection" Kresge Art Center will present collection of prints, $99«« $6488 l fi o.. ft Refrigerator. Mica toD. Full defrost range ™ thermostat . . . setting too. Storage door, has paintings and sculpture Oct. and tall two ice cube trays. 20" high x 17" 4-26 in the Kresge Art Gallery. ottle wide x 18" deep with compressor. The exhibit, titled "The 5300 S Cedar Collection", will feature a large Across from Lansing Drive-In portion of MSU's permanent 393-5220 collection, including woodcuts, Also in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, etchings and lithographs of 16th Kalamazoo, and Wyoming through 20th century European Open Daily 10 'til 9 Sat. 'til 5:30 Artistic items from America, the Far East and Africa will also Diamond be featured. The gallery is open to* the Needles public without charge. Hours are from 9 a.m. until noon and 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 7-9 p.m. Tuesday and 2-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Refreshments will be served during the Saturday's opening. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 SPORTS Spartan - Irish clash Saturday rated toss Saturday against the Irish — Sohomore tight end Jim - up especially in the passing Nicholson, 6 ft. 7 in., 265 Wilt Martin, Gary Nowak, Ron department. pounds, is still on crutches after Jimmy the Greek, the Curl, Bill Dawson and Ron "We aren't getting the suffering a knee sprain in the world-renowned Las Vegas SMU game. He will not dress Joseph will see action up front 150-yards a game in the air that oddsmaker, would even hesitate with Tom Barnum, Don Law, you need for great balance," he Saturday. to give odds on a MSU-Notre Mike Hogan and Ken Little said. "We need a passing threat Dame football game - and this Daugherty raises an eyebrow backing up the line. Clifton or Notre Dame will play 11 men when someone mentions this season is no exception. Hardy, Harold Phillips and Jay on the line to stop our running." may not be a top Notre Dame Breslin will once again be in the Whether or not the Irish play team. Although neither team secondary. 11 men on the defensive line of occupies a position in the "This is a big, strong Notre Law, the rugged senior from scrimmage, the rushing yardage Dame team," he says. "And they prestigious wire service Top Ten, p^pPw 'fo • will have to be earned the hard Saturday's clash at South Bend Brownsville, Pa., leads the team are physically tough. We expect shapes up as another in the long in tackles with 24 plus a 70 yard real a tough game from them line of titanic struggles. Game touchdown run with an this Saturday. Certainly, we'll Notre Dame is the time is 12:30 p.m. Lansing time. interception. Hogan ranks leading have to play our best game of defensive football team in the second with 19 tackles and the year by far to beat them. "There's country against the rush-yielding never been a Breslin third with 14. lack-luster Notre Dame-Spartan only 2.4 yards a play. The "I can remember several Notre Irish quarterback Joe longest run from scrimmage Dame teams that lost to Purdue game that I've seen," MSU Coach Duffy Daugherty said. Theisman, who is primarily a against the Irish has been 12 early and went on to finish 9-1," "This won't be either. You runner will present a new yards — which is not exactly a he said. problem for the Spartan'defense. game breaker in any league. know Notre Dame is going to be Last week, with passer Chuck ready for them. We aren't going MSU's running attack will be to hold anything back for Ohio Hixson providing the challenge, MSU used four deep backs to bolstered by the return of GARY WALKOWICZ State." halfback Tommy defend against the air onslaught. Love, who scored twice in last year's win Defensively, exception of the deep backs, MSU will start the same group with the Saturday, defense will have to running game. however, the adjust to a over the Irish. Hampered by a leg injury, Love has carried the ball only three times this year The game that made the thrilling goal line and didn't appear at all a week "Theisman is a great runner, \S'of stand in last year's game after ago against Southern Methodist. the Irish made a first down at he moves like a halfback," a game the Spartan three-yard Daugherty said. "He presents a The starting MSU backfield line. completely different problem will be the same as last week MSU Firing or In case your memory you were out is failing of the Western than Hixson did last week. We have to be conscious of the ran." with Bill Don Triplett at quarterback, Highsmith and Eric Allen on Michigan State University meets the University of Notre Dame football's field of battle Saturday, but at the moment all quarterback ill Triplett, throwing here against Washington, will have to Hemisphere at the time, MSU and the halfbacks and Kermit seems to be quiet on the Midwestern front. strike through the lir Saturday if the Spartans are to move consistently against edged Notre Dame 24-17 in Smith at fullback. There are no spontaneous pep rallies breaking out on the two Notre Dame. what was probably the most campuses, no students passing a football from East Lansing to State News photo by Jim Mead South Bend or back and no attempts to dub the contest as either school's biggest game of the a.) year, b.) decade, c.) century Take TRICKY COURSE AWAITS IU your pick. It's almost as it this was just another game. It had seemed as if the MSU-Notre Dame game was becoming the most important contest of the season for both schools. For most of the past five years or so, Notre Dame carried about S meets Hoosier harriers as much or popularity on the MSU campus as dorm food. Vietnam Soapy Williams. Down in South Bend, meanwhile, "Hate State" most was by far the Over the river and through the effect on Indiana. popular slogan on campus and a favorite Notre Dame southwest edge of the course. woods used to be the way to "But they've got two pretty pastime was attacking members of the MSU band Gibbard expects Indiana to be Grandma's The somewhat lessened enthusiasm for this annual encounter house, but for good runners in Bob Legge and a formidable foe simply because Spartan cross country runners, Scott Hiles," Gibbard continued, of Legge and Hiles. Junior Legge might be partially blamed on the schedule-makers who have made it's just the route they'll run this encounter third game of the season or each team instead of "and they run a lot of hills on was one of the league's top the climatic finale, which every couple of years seemed to decide Saturday when Indiana invades their own course. distance men last year while MSU's home course for the a national title. "So the meet should be rated a soph Hiles, now in his first It was probably the importance of the 1965 and 1966 Spartans' opening meet at 10 toss-up, with the winner being varsity season, was the nation's Irish-MSU season-ending encounters, which livened up this rivalry- a.m. Saturday. whichever team gets the breaks top high school two miler two more than anything else. Spartan coach Jim Gibbard at the right time. If there is any years back. revised the course from last Even if one of the two teams was highly ranked it was sure to advantage, it would be a small But MSU, in seeking its second year's five mile loop and hopes one for us because of the home straight league crown and eight bring to out all the fanaticism that college football could possibly the change will prove beneficial course." produce, but this season neither team looked like a threat to straight dual win, can counter Ohio State's reign as national champion. .to his team, with 1-2 The course continues to cover a punch of Kim "We broke Wisconsin last year Notre Dame was soundly beaten by furdue last week and is in a five mile route for the second Hartman and Ken Leonowicz. going up 'Cardiac' Hill and Both danger of going under .500 for the first time since Ara Parseghian year in a row, but Gibbard had placed in Big Ten track revived Notre Dame's football fortunes in 1^64. MSU can offer ended up beating them by one to change it slightly because of meet and were fourth and fifth point," Gibbard said. "I hope an unbeaten record, but hasn't been land lost to the new faculty in the league clash last fall. especially impressive in the course can have the same either of its first two wins. clubhouse going in at the Expected to be a third big gun Great things were predicted for the Spartans in 1969, but so for MSU is Hazel Park freshman far MSU hasn't performed much better than the 1968 or 67 Warren Krueger, who finished second to Hartman in last week's squads did on their way to mediocre seasons. Kasko signs time trial. The Spartans fourth through KIM HARTMAN Duffy Daugherty's charges have stumbled and funbled through most of the first two games, only to put everything together in the fourth quarters and play like world- beaters. seventh runners — soph Dave with With Ohio State, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana and Purdue appearing pact R Dieters, frosh Ralph Zoppa, frosh Pete Reiff, junior Chuck Starkey — are those who Gonzales in rapid succession on the Spartan schedule, MSU will need more than final period surges if they want to spend New Year's Day in BOSTON (UPI)-The Boston which finished a distant third Pasadena. Gibbard is counting on to win Red Sox Thursday named Eddie MSU's problems this season have been offensive in nature. Kasko as the club's new manager should have done better in- the meets for MSU this year. to retire American League race. Whereas last year the Spartans Tly? defense has to be ranked as one of the best in the country, because of his "commendable Kasko was promoted from lacked depth, with only six men especially after the way they handled Southern Methodist's job" in the Sox' farm system. Kasko, bald and spectacled at Boston's succeed Louisville the deposed farm to Dick on the team, this season MSU's strongest point, as Randy depth is after tourney Chuck Hixson last week. 1 The Spartan offense, however, with its triple option offense and 38, admitted he was something its other formations was heralded as the savior which would lead Williams who was fired last week of a specialist at Kilpatrick, Brian Kent, Tom LAS VEGAS, NEV. (UPI) - communicating for "failing to communicate" Silvia, Mark Maxwell and Barney Veteran tennis MSU to the promised land of roses, but so far it has gone mainly with his players and pro Pancho in circles. with the players. He received a Young round out the Spartans' Gonzales announced acknowledged that the ball club two year contract. 12-man entry. Thursday MSU's offense has most of the ingredients of a high-powered he will retire from competition scoring machine - a line which Daugherty calls "probably our best following his appearance in the ever," a quarterback who is an excellent runner and a capable Howard Hughes Open Tennis passer, some proven runnings backs, plus an exciting breakaway Championships next week. threat and competent receivers. SH&KEYS GEEEIIi INSTANT Gonzales, 41, won the Pacific Southwest Tournament in Angeles last weekend by defeating Cliff Richey in straight Los So why aren't the Spartans scoring 35 points a game, like most other college teams seem to be doing these days? The Spartan's offensive inadequacies are primarily a two-fold problem. First, the execution has been less than acceptable and. ..SEItIG MONEY sets. He was listed a strong second, the Spartans haven't been able to establish any kind of favorite to win the SI2,500 first EMPHASIZED passing attack. prize money in the Las Vegas Assignment mixups, confusion in play calling, and, of Tournament. course, the everpresent Spartan fumbles have oeen grinding MSU This is the sixth time in the offensives to a halt. past 10 years that the veteran The Spartans have had a surprising amount of difficulty in from Malibu, Calif., has delivering orders from the sidelines to the quarterbacks, which announced his retirement. has resulted in the waste of potentially crucial timeouts for the game's closing minutes and the New standOUT possible loss of momemtum in the offensive drives. pocket-model It's perhaps a sign of reference marker overeagerness that the Spartans by Eberhard Faber bringing in the plays have given makes words, titles, the wrong or even non-existent numbers, and main plays to the quarterback, but points stand out. In whatever the reason such textbooks, reports, sloppiness could be very costly to the Spartans in the crucial maps—on any kind of paper. games ahead. Fumbles have been an integral Pocket-size standOUT part of Spartan folklore for more than a season now. goes with you, marks the important stuff a They cost MSU a possible 7-3 or 8-2 season last year and could bright yellow easily lose them a trip to the transparent color for Rose Bowl this season. easy reference. There is no logical way to explain why the malady has Won't show through struck the whole Spartan team paper, either. and thus far has defied all attempts to cure it. At your college Spartan quarterback Bill bookstore. Triplett proved last year he could be an effective passer. standOUT 49^ This season he has been missing his receivers badly, however. It's probably just a matter of hitting a few passes in a row to get his timing back. EBERHARD FABER If he could do that then ■•WILKES BARRE. PA. • NEW YORK • CANADA . GERMANY • VENEZUELA • COLOMBIA maybe MSU would have a good chance of beating whomever it is thai they play against tomorrow. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 SPORTS TWO TEAMS SEEK REVENGE Booters face tough weekend By PAM BOYCE just how good the undefeated their Spartans actually are. season opener would be the undefeated and unscored upon seven goals and two assists in his State News Sports Writer Both opposing teams put a lot perfect way to begin the year. in three games, has also racked first four games, while Narzinski, up 26 goals against its foes. a St. Louis on the line in their The Pioneers, defeated by sophomore, has five games with The Falcons defeated Ottawa goals and four assists to his A rough weekend awaits the MSU this weekend. For Denver, MSU 7-0 last year in East Spartan soccer team in meeting the Spartans tonight, Lansing, have two 1968 University (Kansas), 3-2, in the credit. Colorado. the game is important standouts season opener and went on to Gene Kraay, Massachusetts simply returning to their The MSU booters face beat Wisconsin State, 4-2, St. junior, will be wo because it's their first of the squad this fall. Mystal Elie, a tending goal teams they whitewashed last season. The Pioneers just missed senior from New York, was the Benedict's College (Kansas), 5-2, against the Spartans. Kraay has year, Denver and Air Force, and team's leading scorer last year. and Regis College in Denver, 38 saves, allowing two goals in playing in the NCAA playoffs both of them will be out to see last year, and a win over MSU in The former forward will be 14-2. each of his four games. MSU's defense, relatively The Falcons, 8-0 victims to playing fullback for the defense this Another untested in its first three games MSU last year, had a season season. Pioneer will have to contend with the record of 10 wins and three star, Ole Wilmann of Norway, Ponf/ac returns to his halfback position. Tending goal for Denver will Academy's Dan Ulmer and Dan losses. They are presently ranked Narzinski. Ulmer, a junior from second in the West behind San be New York, has accumulated Jose State. Bjercke Haakon, a sophomore All-Star from Norway. The Colorado Spartans Springs travel Saturday to CELEBRATE VICTORY morning to tackle the Air Force The Lansing All-Stars will bang league-leading 7-1-1 records, and heads with the Pontiac Arrows this game is a "must win" for Academy's Falcons in what should be MSU's most WITH DOMINO'S at 7:30 p.m. Saturday on the both teams. demanding game so far this Lansing Sexton turf, in a game Lansing enters the game with a season. Both teams will be out host which could decide the divisional championship. including of former MSU starting quarterback stars, to extend their unbeaten streaks. The Falcons, who clash with FOR PIZZA The All-Stars and the Arrows Charlie Wedemyer, split end Joe Brigham Young today, are 4-0 enter the game with identical, Gavel of baseball fame, 4-0 this season, outscoring their PEOPLE... Makiri' h halfbacks, Jim Garrett and Ernie Pasteur. opponents 26-8. MSU, Fleet sophomore back Eric Allen puts two here Other MSU grads starting on PERIOD a move or on a Washington the offensive squad are Jerry e en er. Allen has provided the Spartans with their best breakaway threat in West at tackle, Mike Young and ^6arS' State News photo by Bob Ivins Bob Lange at guard and end, FREE COKE respectively. The defensive team includes such great Spartan names as Nick Jordon, Bob Super, Bill Big Ten Football Previews Ware, Bob Viney, Ron Goov^ft, Friday and Saturday George Chatlos and Charlie on any on-campus Thornhill. Ohio State (1-0) at Washington (0-2)--The well-rounded, but the Hoosiers will produce Buckeyes have too much running, too much Lansing will be running its pizza order. enough long bombs to win this one. Indiana, 24; offense off an unbalanced line, passing, too much defense, too much class, too Colorado, 20. much like the 1950 style much depth and too much coaching for the Nebrasks (1-1) at Minnesota (0-1-1 )-Minnesota Spartans. Huskies. Washington's only chance is for the the has been Big Ten's most disappointing "This offense has worked to Buckeyes' plane to crash in the Puget Sound. performer to date, being upset twice. Defense our advantage because it's the Ohio State, 42; Washington, 7. will be the difference in this game. The only one in the league run off an Syracuse (1-1) at Wisconsin (0-2)--The Badgers Cornhuskers have given up a total of 31 to Texas unbalanced line," Coach Turf are winless in their last 22 games, but Wisconsin's A & M and USC. Strong defense is usually a Kauffman said. rebellious sophomores, led by fullback Alan Gopher trademark, but they have given up 83 "These teams see it only once, Thompson, don't believe in upholding traditions. points in two games. Nebraska, 17; Minnesota, and that's when they play us," There'll be joy in Madison Saturday. Wisconsin, 15. CHARLIE WEDE MEYER he added. 27; Syracuse, 21. UCLA (3-0) at Northwestern Arizona (0-2) at Iowa (l-l)--The Hawkeyes (0-2)--Northwestern was no match for USC last have one of the nations most powerful offenses week, losing 48-6. The Bruins aren't about to be (696 yards and 61 points last week). The Wildcats can score, too, so this final could outdone by their crosstown rival. UCLA, 38: Northwestern, 14. HELP US resemble a basketball score. Iowa, 49; Arizona, Missouri (2-0) at Michigan (2-0)--The country's 30. best matchup could be in Ann Arbor this Stanford (2-0) at Purdue (2-0)-This game brings together two of the best passers in the Saturday. Defense is the premier weapon in the CELEBRATE OUR Big Eight and the Tigers play it better than country-Purdue's Mike Phipps and Stanford's anyone. Michigan plays tough defense too, but to Jim Plunkett. This would be an ideal place for the Boilermakers to have a letdown-coming off a win they'll have to get strong performances out of Don Moorhead and Glen Doughty. Home field 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY big win over Notre Dame and with Michigan on advantage may be enough for the Wolverines to tap next week-but the home field gives Purdue a slide by Michigan 22, Missouri, 21. slight nod. Purdue, 30; Stanford, 28. MSU (2-0) at Notre Dame (l-l)-This is the Iowa State (1-1) at Illinois (02)--You analyze 2 Week Sale on game where MSU shows whether they'll become this one like you did the last two presidential a good team or not. They'll have to play much all In-Stock Human Hairpieces elections-try and figure out who's worse. We'll better than they did in their first two games. give Illinois the prize for ineptness. Iowa State. Notre Dame plays tougher defense than either and synthetics. (Ends Oct. 11) 20; Illinois, 18. Washington or SMU, so the Spartans will have to Indiana (l-l) at Colorado (l-l)-The Hoosiers establish an air game in order to win. Stung by Falls from $29.95 Wigs from $19.95 have a lot of offensive weapons and play exciting last week's loss to Purdue and playing at home, the Irish will be psyched for this one MSU, 24; Wiglets from $2.95 football, but they're not a real solid and well-rounded football team. Colorado is Notre Dame, 21. Register for free wig each week -- one given CONTROL DATA Freshmen will be interviewing Do You Want Work in baseball MICHIGAN STATE Lansing's Leading grads meeting All freshmen interested playing on M?jU's baseball team in Ski Shops October 9 should repor at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday tcf 225 Jenison Fieldhouse for an important Look into all the unique opportunities with meeting. Knapp's Downtown the world leader in powerful computers — Control Data. If you're an engineering, and Meridian Mall math, technical M deadl it's an or computer science grad, opening that will let you move ahead in a young, aggressive challenging envi¬ iave you had experience in Ski Shop The registration deadline for ronment. It's the place to grow with 100%> several intramural sports teams elling? tuition refund for graduate work, special is noon Friday. Sports teams which must be registered with MBA and MSEE programs, Management. Have you had experience in putting on the I.M. by this time are Technical and Professional Seminars. It's ski bindings? independent and fraternity time to use your ideas, as you take on new touch football, fraternity Apply: Knapp's Personnel Dept. responsibilities bowling, independent volleyball and open soccer. Check out the opportunities wiili Control 5th Floor Downtown Data. Talk to our representative visiting your campus. Your placement office will reserve time for you. Or simply write or SEE phone: NOTRE DAME-MICHIGAN STATE, Oct. 4 John H. Carstens SEE College Relations. Dept. CN OHIO STATE-MICHIGAN STATE, Oct. 11 Control Data Corpotation 8100 34th Avenue South THE 18 KARAT GOLD SWINGERS SEE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Those old favorites, diamonds and gold, Phone: 612/888-5555 MICHIGAN-MICHIGAN STATE, Oct. 18 in some swinging new styles. Rings clockwise from noon: ON GIANT SCREEN TELEVISION $100. $195. $80. $90. $185. $185. IN JENISON FIELD HOUSE Center pin, $110. CONTROL DATA FULL COLOR AND SOUND—NOTRE DAME GAME KICKOFF 12:30 P.M., ANY ISON MSU three. OR EST ALL DOORS THREE OPEN GAMES 10:30 A.M. AT GYMNASIUM, OR AT THE FIELD HOUSE SATURDAY. FACULTY, STAFF AND ALUMNI, $3 per- game, TICKETS ON ATHLETIC MSU STUDENTS, $2 per game, $5 for all thrifc. SALE NOW FOR TICKET OFFICE, JEN¬ $7.50 for all Q/f{mymb 121 S. WASHINGTON . LANSING. MICHIGAN 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 MIRACLE AT ZEITOUN Egyptians await return of Virgin to site where she appeared' thousands come and pay an admission fees to build shelters the apparition. Only the pews, newspaper. "I don't know what CAIRO (AP)--Hundreds of admission fee of 10 for pilgrims and a rest house for crude benches, have been it is. All I know is that this devout or simply curious piastres (about 23 cents). foreign tourists. repainted. In line with the strange source of light sincerely Egyptians still swarm each day soul at peace." and Piety and curiosity have been a In the meantime, however, the Coptic tradition of devotion, sets my night around the little church itself, apparently, is men and women alike caress the The Coptic hierarchy has boon to the neighborhood not Coptic church of the Holy endorsed the branch of the government's getting any of the money. glass panes over holy pictures. apparitions as Virgin in suburban Zeitoun, Each day at 10 p.m., under authentic, and has given various national single party, the Arab Every afternoon and evening hoping for a vision or for a Socialist Union (ASU). The ASU the visitors come, laden with flickering candlelight, there is a interpretations of them. Two of miracle. these interpretations are that The has taken charge of the area refreshments and sandwiches, religious procession around the church, with its dome, trwers and adjoining the church, and with prepared to sit, gazing at the churchyard, with banging copper they are God's way of guiding cupolas, is where the kettles and rhythmical chants. man back to the "way of Light," lessed Virgin is said to have rare exceptions charges everyone cupola, until dawn - hoping for the 10 piastres. another apparition which, Afterwards, throughout the and that they were meant to appeared to a group of humble inspire the Arabs to overcome parishioners on April 2 of last The local ASU believes that according to the story, revealed night, soft hymns or humming the church and shrine eventually the Virgin as a strange white voices alternate with the their disastrous defeat by Israel All things come to those who wait, or so the saying goes. The Blessed Virgin year, floating in a white cloud in June 1967. atop one of the cupolas. Today, will become an important light image amidst a covey of recorded broadcast, and break does not appear to be immune from this rule as she awaits the completion of suddenly into periods of silence. From the beginning, the Cairo the church has become a place religious and tourist attraction. doves. St. John's East and her new place of honor at a new home. of pilgrimage when, some weeks, The ASU says it will use the The visitors listen to a steady According to a parish priest, press sought to give credence to State News photo by Roger Esckelson stream of hymns, prayers and the Virgin "may appear from the the reported apparition. The devotional sermons, all taped flicker of a second to nearly 30 authoritative A1 Ahram, whose EDGE WOOD UNITED and broadcast over a minutes." The churchyard policy reflects the views of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SBC loudspeaker. Frequently, the visitors - some with cameras - President Gamal Abdel Nasser, CHURCH wait in vain. published front page IRST BAPTIST CHURCH 469 N. Hagadorn crowd joins in a hymn. a - an ecumenical fellowship Sunday Services & Church Schools 9:30 and 11 a.m. to Occasionally, a child, a man or a woman will call out, claiming have seen the vision, or to But, suddenly someone shouts and says he has seen the vision. Hie crowd bursts into fervent photograph purporting to show the white smoke-cloud about the cupola. Some editorialists contended Dedication Church of Christ, held announce a miracle. Every once prayer chanting, pleading and First $250,000 structure will be held Christian Scientists held their in a while a man's voice over the praising. that this showed that the Holy Scientist, will dedicate its edifice at the regular 11 a.m. service and first East Lansing church service loudspeaker assures the visitors One evening, a university Virgin was on the side of the at E. Grand River Avenue and again at a special 4 p.m. service. junday School 9 45 in March of 1941, in a suite of Morning Service 11:00 a.m University Student Group Sundays that any miracle will be science professor said he had Arabs against Israel, and that she Haslett Street Sunday, after 16 In keeping with general Christian rooms in the Abbott Building, Training Union 6:00 p.n 6 - 8:30 p.m. promptly announced. seen a "strange" light. sympathized with the plight of years since the completion of Science policy, the dedication W. Grand River Avenue at Evening Service 7:00 p.n Sunday morning and evening trans¬ Within the church little has "I can't tell whether it is the Arabs whose lands were the building. plans were not formulated until Abbott Road. Many of the 100 Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.n portation, for information call changed since the first report of Virgin or not," he told a Cairo occupied by Israel. Dedication services for the all debts were liquidated. 332-0606 persons present were members Central United Methodist of First Church of Christ, East Lansing First St. Paul Lutheran EAST LANSING Across from the Capitol Scientist, Lansing, interested in Episcopal Services Church of the Nazarene CHRISTIAN Church providing a church for East WORSHIP SERVICES ALL SAINTS CHURCH FRIENDS MEETING 149 CHURCH Lake Lansing Road Lansing residents, particularly Highland Ave. 9:45 and 11 :15 A.M. for students at MSU. (Disciples of Christ) meeting for worship 3 p.m. (between Frandor and MSU) "I Really Care About My at Coolidge A Christian Science 1001 Chester Road reading All Saints Parish Neighbors! Yes, I Do." room was established, providing (1/3 mi. N.W. of Frandor) Services 10 A.M. 800 Abbott Road Holy Communion a place for individual study and ALUMNI CHAPEL 10 AM Church School Dr. Howard A. Lyman Lansing Adult Forum-Sunday School an outlet for denominational Upper level, corner room 11 AM Worship Hour Worship Services Auditorium Road 6 PM preaching publications published at College Fellowship 11 A.M. Child care provided Church School 9:45 to 11 :45 Christian Science headquarters 7 PM Evening Service 0 p.m. Holy Communion and Sermon in All are welcome Pastor Richard Pierson Boston, Mass. For Information and The Rev. Robert C. Gardner Rev. William A. Eddy, Jr. Following initial services, 40 Transportation 351-8541 members withdrew from the call 332-0513 or 355-3444 332-0861 351-7160 Lansing church to proceed with UNIVERSITY formal church organization. Recognition as an authorized EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH BAPTIST CHURC H tempo^ni9n branch came of the denomination from the Church of Christ, * CASTrainsTCR PRCSBYTcman cnunch Wardcliff School Scientist, in Boston in MORNING SERVICE: "The Power of Pentecost" 1315 Abbott Rd. (American Baptist) cost ronsinc. micmcan September 1941. Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor Before moving to the present EVENING SERVICE: "What Jesus Christ is Doing" building in 1953, the SUNDAY SCHEDULE Worship 10:00 the Lampoon Hunt said, "and we shall regard parody and mentions several of it as a mandate to develop a For Reservations - Phone 351-7076 everyday waiter hater unusual items for readers this distinctive red Time border, is an J",* , ^verdi oi edical school that will be truly 110 Abbott Road, across from the MSU Union attractive blonde - a girl friend e r . of them S favor,te selectIons- °ne responsive to the health needs of For instance: of a Lampoon member — the state. The magazine's television wearing only a newsdealer's "We Newsweek apron expect to develop listings include this special — and holding A report in The Nation on the innovative Time new ways of "You Die, Charlie Brown, parody issue schedule for the Apollo 12 educating doctors who will (NBC) 9-10 p.m. The famous cover story: Does Sex astronauts, whose five hours on Sell Magazines. practiCe in Michigan, to continue comic strip characters are at it the moon will "allow time to ...... ... our research in the basic medical again. In this special Charlie Inside are four pages of color talk with the \— president, the sciences, and to develop new Brown kills Linus and Violet photographs of Lampoon men chief justice and the secretary of methods of and providing improved with a ball peen hammer, Lucy girl volunteers from health, education and welfare." health care to more people." falls victim to a child molester Harvard's summer school in and Snoopy is put to sleep. Cambridge, Mass. They posed in the nude and satirized current Repeat." trends in the theater. And in the "Letters" section, under the heading "Man of the Year," is this note: The takeoff magazine also has a on the Time-Louis Harris Higher interes poll, this one done on my "Sir: It is with deepest regret that I must ask you to disregard letter of some months ago. "America's Changing Morality." After a "weekend in Port reduce studen Alligator, Fla." the bogus Harris A. Fortas and his staff found that most Washington, D.C." Americans feel: Actually, it isn't Time Magazine at all, but a parody of "A white grocer who sells Michigan Higher Education loans from banks to students have the Harvard Lampoon, the green tomatoes to a black become less available and more expensive due to changes in customer is worse than a white university's humor and ^social federal reserve requirements. Russian who sells red caviar on club, which went on sale » i.n/i L. Michael Smith, asst. director of financial aids at MSU, the black market a"d 94 per Monday. The 500,000 copies, attributed the cause partially to the rise in the prime interest rate cent believed that if God had reported selling briskly at $1 to 8% per cent last Dec. 1. meant man to take drugs on the each, are being distributed in the "Banks are still making the higher education loans at 7 per cent, United S t ates, other street, he wouldn't have although they are theoretically taking a loss," Smith said. "The invented drugstores." English-speaking countries and money they are loaning to students at this rate could be loaned to South Vietnam. The Lampoon also publishes The Lampoon has done other other parlies at the going 8'/: per cent rate." its own the year. humor magazine during ?rtLrr Tr satwzi strn0:^^ is: previously published pTody of pa^s a" ,lhe i"Steadas°fwaslhepreviously 8ovemme"'4 3 perinterfSt The Lampoon editors received Plavhnv and .hL a and the student cent portion P"cent the case. Playboy a .l„m« James K.,„H an, Bond 007 Time, Inc.'s permission to use Smith said that the total volume of loans is increasing, but not novel. An earlier parody on Ti ne's logotype, and put at the same rate as last year. Time was done in 1964. together a 96-page issue during "Some banks are not taking as many new students on the loan the with summer enough The real Time likes the WIIC satire. program," Smith said. "Some banks are not taking on any new legitimate advertising to net The current issue's "Letter applicants, and some have stopped the program entirely." The Michigan National Bank in Lansing has eliminated the program. Kenneth Fiedler, asst. vice president of the bank, said that the raising interest rate was not the main reason for abandoning the program. "The main cause was the simple fact that the funds are not available," Fiedler said. "The government has been selling notes and bonds on the open market with a higher interest rate than we offer. People are investing their money there rather than in banks, thus depleting out sources of available funds." Iiedler said the student loans are such long term transactions that they are the ones which must first be considered for reduction when such a situation arises. Some easing of the squeeze may be in the offing if a federal bill which is now in conference is approved by the House and the Senate. The bill provides for the government to pay the remaining V/2 per cent interest to banks who have loaned money to students at 7 per cent, below the 8V2 per cent prime interest rate. Cut Out Your Winter Driving Worries Stop in today and slice into our huge stock of that you'll need to make your HILIEL FOUNDATION car winter worthy. 319 Hillcrest at W. Grand River Heater needs *Jumper cables Sabbath and Holiday Service and Kiddush Saturday 10 A.M. AT HiI lei OPENING SUPPER-FORUM Winter weather is closer than you think Sunday Oct. 5 6:00 p.m. PROF. MILTON ROKEACH, MSU Psychology Dept., MORRIS AUTO PARTS will discuss "Value Systems in Religion." Buffet supper. Social. Everyone Welcome. 14 E. Kalamazoo IV 4-5441 8—5:30 Mon -Sat. For rides call 332-1916 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 13 AWS: By SUE BELNIAK State News Staff Writer emphasis Miss Leppek added that future of the organization. "We're gaining more steam this last year on information she had her doubts about the year," she said, "and as long as symposium topics of heated controversy to arouse interest," she said. Tlie present interest of the presidents, however, is not only to we have something to offer women, there will be an AWS." arouse interest in activities, but also in AWS as an organization. On Oct. 20, AWS will sponsor "Who's Who, What's What," an Two years after the functions of Associated Women Students "AWS hasn't taken the opportunity to encourage freshman and annual orientation program to acquaint women students with (AWS) were changed from those of a major governing group to a activities and opportunities on campus. sophomore involvement," Miss Wilson explained. "With a good group concerned with informational programs for women, budget and a good record of hosting and attending national Lantern Night is their annual spring event honoring 50 members continue to express enthusiasm for the future. conventions, AWS should get bigger and better." "I think we have a much, much better organization," outstanding senior women. Last year's AWS-sponsored activities included an idea seminar co-president Georgia Wilson, Oscoda senior, said. "We no longer on marijuana entitled "Is Grass Greener?" Blues festival serve as an open-ended operation for women students." Under the Academic Freedom Report, effective July 1967, In accordance with the national goal of sex education, AWS AWS was removed from the ASMSU Board and its judicial powers began the efforts which brought sex colloquy speakers to the were given to Women's Inter-residence Council and Pan-Hellenic University. Council. A statewide meeting of AWS groups will convene on Nov. 8 at Central Michigan University. At that time the groups will plan offers talent According to the old system, AWS drew from all women's residence halls and sororities. their national seminar program for the year. Present ideas support a panel on abortion, Miss Wilson said. Hie revised constitution requires a 14 member board, with one "I am circulating a petition supporting a bill before the person from each dormitory complex, one representing all sororities, one from off-campus and five elected at large. Michigan Senate on abortion," she added. "When we go to State Day, we will have a better idea of how women students on A Lansing variation of the pop and blues festivals which swept "After switching over to a programming organization last year, campus feel." the country during the summer will be held Saturday at the Lake we're now sort of in a nebulous state," co-president Linda Miss Wilson said hearing what women students want to know Lansing Amusement Center. Leppek, Ubly senior, stated. "Right now we offer girls an The concert is sponsored by WVIC and is expected to draw over about themselves and their future is the fundamental job of AWS. opportunity to get involved with the University." 10,000 spectators for the 10-hour program. "We must get ideas and opinions and then introduce The concert will begin at 2 p.m. and continue until midnight. Doors will open at noon. Milliken proclaims The concert will feature the "Amboy Dukes", a group that gained national prominence for their single, "Journey to the Placement Education Week Center of Your Mind." Weather permitting, the concert will be held outdoors. However, if unfavorable conditions prevail, there are facilities for Soothing waters an indoor show. The engineering majors (B). good way to lose your problems Is to take following employers will Gov. Milliken has proclaimed Tickets are $3.50 in advance and can be obtained from be interviewing Oct. 8-10. If you transportation administration, Location: North Central United sm down to the Red Cedar and either Infect them packaging, chemical, civil, the week of Oct. 12-19 as Paramount News, Marshall Music, Sounds and Diversions or the are interested in an organization, States. drown them, which ever comes first. This electrical and mechanical ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS Patriotic Education Week in Free Spirit in Lansing. please report to the Placement what this pensive lass appears to be doing. engineering, computer science, INC.: Accounting, electrical Michigan. Tickets will be $4.50 at the door. Bureau in advance to sign up for systems science, chemistry, and mechanical State News photo by Walter Gyr an interview and to obtain engineering, mathematics and statistics and mechanics, and metallurgy, additional information. MILITARY OBLIGATIONS: probability majors (B,M), and fin Students should interview with building construction majors administration, general business employers have even though they (B). Location: various. REYNOLDS METALS CO.: administration, administration, industrial marketing, Motor vehicle fines not completed their Accounting, chemical personnel administration, and military service. Most employers engineering and metallurgy, will be interested in the student before and after his duty with advertising majors (B). Location: various. maintain short term loans the Armed Force S. S. KRESGECO.: Computer Student motor vehicle put into a student fund in the Thursday, Oct. 9 science, psychology, accounting, violations on campus totaled Division of Financial Aids and ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC.: economics, marketing, general HOTEL CORP. OF business majors (B). Location: 18,511 during the 1968-69 fiscal Withdrawals. The money is then Electrical Engineering, AMERICA: General business used for short term loans to year, the Dept. of Public Safety- mechanical engineering majors (B). Location: St. Louis, Miss. administration majors and HRIM ^AIN LAFRENTZ AND CO.: reported. needy students. ARTHUR YOUNG AND CO.: majors (B,M). Location: Accounting majors (B,M). Parking violations totaled During the last fiscal year, this Northeast United States. Location: Chicago, 111.; Detroit 14,347, failures to fund totaled All MBA's and accounting register were $86,135.33, THE STANDARD OIL CO. and Lansing, and various. majors (B,M,S). Location: 2,961 and the remainder were including income from the various. (OHIO): Chemistry majors MEAD JOHNSON AND CO.. interest charged on loans. The miscellaneous. CONTROL DATA CO.: (B,M). Chemical engineering, Accounting majors (B,M). civil A student is usually fined for a great bulk of this total, however, engineering, electrical Chemical engineering majors (B). Computer engineering, mechanical vehicle violation. These fines are came from student fines. athe electr Mechanical engineering majors engineering, english, history, (B). Medical technology majors engineering majors (B,M). social science and Mechanical sociology, (B). Biochemistry majors Engineering majors downstairs accounting, food marketing (B,M,D). chemistry majors (B). Location: various. CONTROL DATA CORP.: management, general business (B,D). Microbiology and public administration, marketing, health majors (B). Physical Computer science and HRIM majors, (B). Location: mathematics, electrical sciences majors (B,M,D). Cleveland, Ohio. Zoology majors (B). engineering majors (B,M). 14 steps to be exact Mechanical Engineering majors Microbiology and public health FRIDAY, Oct. 10: and pharmacology majors (B,D). (B). Location: various. AIR FORCE LOGISTICS FOSTER WHEELER CORP.: General business administration COMMAND: Packaging majors Chemical engineering majors majors (B). Marketing majors (B,M). Civil engineering majors (B,M). Civil and mechanical (M). Location: Indiana. engineering, computer science, (B,M). majors engineering Electrical (B,M). majors engineering Mechanical (B,M). mathematics, accounting physics majors and (B,M,D). MICHIGAN TREASURY: DEPT. Accounting majors (B). Location: Michigan OF forthe BEST CATALINA MARTIN* Public administration majors PENN MUTUAL LIFE makes it with Cone Metallurgy majors (B,M). Location: various NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS (B,M). Labor and industrial relations majors (M). Economics, financial administration, general INSURANCE CO.: All majors, all colleges (B). Location: CORN BEEF corduroy. Wide track ribs. Clean lines. Center vent. CO.: Financial administration Michigan. Compact body with pile majors (B,M). Marketing majors (M). Chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering majors industrial personnel administration, administration and RADIATION INC.: engineering majors Material science majors Civil (B,M). (B,M). SANDWICH lined interior and zip front. Your choice of seven colors. Catalina Martin's (B). Civil engineering majors (B). transportation administration Electrical engineering majors majors Computer science majors (B). Wright-Patterson Foods and nutrition and general (B,M,D). Location: AFB, Ohio. (B,M,D). Mechanical engineering majors (B,M,D). Systems science in town! choice... always Cone cotton corduroy. ARMY-AIR FORCE majors (B,M,D). Location: home economics majors (B). Sizes 36 to 46, about $50. NEW EXCHANGE SERVICE, OHIO Southeast United States. Location: North central United States. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO VALLEY CENTER: AREA SUPPORT Accounting majors UNITED STATES DEPT. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND to the Style 24038 at fine stores everywhere. Cone Mills, 1440 Broadway, marketing (B,M). Chemical and mechanical WELFARE- AUDIT AGENCY: Rathskeller- CO.: Food New York, N.Y. 10018. management, general business engineering majors (B,M). Accounting majors (B,M). administration, marketing and Retailing majors (B). Food Location: North central United advertising majors (B). Location: marketing majagenemt majors States. A SANDWICH various. (B,M). HRIM majors (B,M). THINGS UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Personnel administration majors SWING BAR! GRADUATE SCHOOL OF (B,M). Purchasing majors (B,M). BUSINESS: All majors, all Transportation administration IN THE colleges (B). Location: Chicago, majors (B.M). Location: various. RATHSKELLER 111. DANA CORP.: Chemical, WESTVACO CORP.: electrical and mechanical Chemical, civil electrical and engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering majors material science, mechanics, (B,M). Location: Northeast and southeast United States. systems science, mathematics WHEELABRATOR Marketing, chemical mechanical engineering majors CORP: and and physics majors (B,M). Location: North central United States. OF EAST LANSING phone 337-1311 Plush Life corduroy It's groovy. (B). Location: Mishawaka, Ind. J.I. CASE CO.: AVCO LYCOMING Agricultural economics majors and DIVISION: Mechanical marketing majors (B). Location: North engineering majors (B,M). central United States. Location: Stratford, Conn. J.I. CASE CO.: SPERRY FLIGHT SYSTEMS Agricultural DIVISION: Electrical and mechanical engineering majors (B,M). Location: Southwest United AND FRIDAY, AK1HUK States. THURSDAY Oct. 9 and 10: ANDERSEN AND Ladies' Body Shop Who's CO: Accounting majors (B,M). REDUCING SALON got the Secretarial Administration majors (C). Computer science Don't Envy the Bikini Figure ball? Who cares! majors (B,M). Systems science YOU TOO, CAN HAVE ONE! majors (B). Mathematics majors • MODERN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT (B,M). Location: various. • NO CONTRACT • REASONABLE RATES Who's got the Coke? E. I. DU PONT DE DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES NEMOURS AND CO., INC.: All Drop in or Call 482-3130 Coca-Cola has MBA's, accounting, financial Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily - Mon thru Fri. > administration, general business . administration, industrial 4324 W. Saginaw, Kassouff Center the refreshing taste administration. marketing you never get tired of. KRESGE ART CENTER GALLERY PRESENTS That's why THE things go better with Coke, COLLECnON after Coke, after Coke. October 4-26 Opening: Saturday afternoon, Oct. 4,2-5 p.m. Refreshments will be served. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED • Coca-Cola Company byi Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Michigan 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 Pop and Blues Festival jazzes The weekend activity with the greatest potential for both good and bad entertainment is the directs this spellbinding story solitude and compassion. ot fantasies of boys at an English boarding school, with an underlying theme of revolution all-star cast. Though most of the idealism and bite--as well as the music and lyrics -are still intact, Film Series. Admission $1. up weekend Finally there are a about which I know little, but should provide, nonetheless, m few films , Vincent Price Masque of the Red Death" and; Festival. "The Pit and the Pendulum" will'! "The' "Bonnie and Clyde." Excellent and violence. Well-done, a little bit of Hollywood sneaks "Bullitt." Steve McQueen stars quality entertainment. Beal Film be featured Friday at the Vet! WVIC-sponsored Pop and Blues Festival, to be held Saturday at photography and direction brilliantly|icted* throughout. in. Starring Richard Harris and this detective story. Plot is Group will present "The Wrong Clinic and Saturday in 109» combined with stunning * * Vanessa Redgrave, "Camelot" contrived, often unbelievable. Box" and "Lazie" at 7 and 9 the Lake Lansing Amusement Anthony. "Masque" will be! OTHERS: "Camelot." Lemer will be shown Friday night at but the chase sequence will keep p.m. Friday and Saturday. Take Park. It's potentially good performances by Faye Dunaway shown at 7 and 10 p.m. and; and Leowe's Broadway hit 7:30 the Auditorium, riveted. With "Bonnie and 50c to Wells Hall. No because of the fine lineup of and Warren Beatty make you "Pit" at 8:30 p.m. both nights.' "Bonnie and Clyde" one of the brought to the screen with an Sponsored by MSU International Clyde" at the State Theatre. required. "Flicks" is presenting a Admission is 75c. locally and nationally prominent best movies of the decade. groups. Its potential bad arises Arthur Penn directs, and Michael through no fault of its own, but rather the weather's. Should it J. Pollard and Estelle Parsons co-star in the violent and bitter STRONG PERFORMANCE rain, however, the 10-hour concert will begin at 2 p.m. (I won't say poignant, but I'll think it) storv of the infamous Mountain' dares blues-rock Sunday, instead of Saturday. Tickets to hear the Am boy killer- thieves. At the State Theatre. Dukes, SRC, the Woolies, Plain appearing in the Lansing-East Brown Wrapper and others may Lansing area this weekend. "West Side Story." The music the retrain"Your childhood is; be obtained at Paramount News YOU MUST SEE: "Midnight most of which Auger and the Trinity. of Leonard Bernstein and were written by by Bob Dylan, which is so "Look to the Wind' behind you/It won't come back Center, Marshall Music or, Cowboy," playing at the Spartan Jerome Robbins' Pappalardi and West. powerfully performed it though more expensive, at the Twin choreography through with an optimistic more/Today you East. Newcomer Jon The only non-original song is surpasses the version recently gate. make this updated version of Voight gives veteran Dustin Mountain, a new group "This Wheel's On Fire,"'written recorded by Julie Driscoll, Brian Flick fans never had it better. "Romeo and Juliet" a classic. Hoffman a dramatic run for his featuring Leslie West, has come Some really Involvement is stressed in I fine films, some old, money as a Texas hustler come forth with an album that turnip npw some classic, are to the Natalie Wood are less than than "Better Watch Out": "You're big city. John Schlesinger challenges the legacy of the late inspiring as the ill-fated lovers, out of step/You're out of time Cream in the blues-rock field. The Association . the dance numbers, music and The world ain't Tremendously successful at . . getting any performances and prices photography more than make up the Woodstock Music Festival in younger The world's gonna leave ' for them. Bear in mind as you you behind." Columbia pictures*! New York in August, Mountain RASTAR PRODUCTIONS preset watch that this film is about 10 The message of "Storyteller was formed by the Cream's years old. "West Side Story" will Man" is that repetitive tales of BARBRA STREISAND-SHARIF OMAR be shown at 6:45 and Friday and Saturday at Wilson 9:30 former producer, Felix Pappalardi, who's group. on bass in the in pop entertainmen male prowess boring after hearing the soon become same and Conrad, respectively. And stories told and THE WILLIAM WYLER West's artistry on lead guitar over over again. 75c is certainly not too much to "Dreams of Milk and \ ft RAY STARK PRODUCTION and his rasping vocals are backed By CYNTHIA NEAL Golden Records, awarded by the me best seller list. Honey" pay. Students and faculty only. sounds like a cross between the up with Norman Record Industry Bring your I.D. Knight on State News Staff Writer Assn. of In March 1967, the group ploamV" «wh;* d » fas: 5 fnRoom„ an Volpone ■■ Corruption in the Palace of Justice k 1969-70 PAC Coupon The Three Penny Opera -- May 6-23 L Enclosed is $8.03 (Make check pa/able to PLUS: N » Michigan State University.) Modern Dance Concert -- April 17-19 " f aral l- w Yifn<" M<""°'byGia Samlri * DanVadis ^ r r3nl^ VVOlI Directed by Vance Lewis Produced • Infascelli in Metrocolor mgm Pnriumi by Roberto Duc ted by Vance Infascelli Lewis and MassimoCualdi in Metrocoior ^ Seven (7) Great Film Classics Address H • d. [mJ City State SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCES "A STRANGER IN TOWN" At 7:07 and 10:30 "THE STRANGER RETURNS" At 9:00 only Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 15 SELECTA VISION Tips for better TV tapes coming not study a chapter a week. Tobias' approach is to examine information PRINCETON, N.J. (AP)-RCA The film is the same kind of could operate it at regular speed, retention from three aspects; Critical Mass, the announced Tuesday plastic used to wrap meat in stopped motion or fast forward, "If you are having a wonderful time studying Free Ride, and Diminishing Returns. Critical development of a color supermarkets, and because the A half-hour tape of a color like crazy, put down this horrid little book Mass is the amount of information a student can television tape player that it says image is reproduced in program js expected to sell immediately If the perfectives of Russian verbs absorb, Free Ride, the number of questions he will put "personalized ... of motion turn you on, whoever gave you this can get right merely from redundancy it is not affected by initially for about $10. application of previous television" within the reach of dust, scratches or even The previously announced book is trying to corrupt you, probably because knowledge, and Diminishing Returns is Tobias' most families in about rftwo punctures. CBS electronic video recorder is he is envious. If you are No. 4 in your class rank theory that amount of time spent studying is not years. RCA said a player, not much expected to sell initially for and want to move up to the No. 3 slot, give this directly proportional to assimilation of The Selecta Vision player will book to No. 3." information. larger than a slide projector, will about $800 and black and white enable an individual to tailor his sell for less than $400. It was taPes for about $14. CBS is Thus Andy Tobias, a recent Harvard graduate, Tobias discusses "high school guilt feelings" — viewing to his own cultural and described as virtually foolproof aiming its EVR for industrial sets the stage and tone for his student guide to a entertainment the feeling that one must tastes at low and official said child a°d educational markets. study all the time. an even a more enjoyable college education. cost, said Robert W. Sarnoff, The book is "Honor Grades in 15 Hours a Despite the fact that college really is and should be different from high school, president of RCA. Week," or "How to Keep Studies from many He said the system, which Interfering with Your College Education." college students continue to read every assigned would provide a permanent Although following all the suggestions in the page, feel guilty if they skip classes and lose sleep library of programs on tape book probably won't earn you honor grades in over the difference between a B and a B— recorder-size cartridges, could only 15 hours, neither will it entirely keep Tobias has written a good chapter on replace pay television as an studying from interfering with your, education. examsmanship, or "How to B.S. Your Way alternative to commercial The book does provide numerous pointers on Through Four Years of College." television. how to breeze through courses with the least Exerimental models of the possible effort. The book contains the information all players were demonstrated at a Most of the shortcuts Tobias discusses are professors dread students may someday discover news conference at the RCA learned eventually by the average college student -- that among the worthwhile academic laboratories. but why wait two or three years for what could endeavors college offers is interwoven piles of The players use a laser beam to be learned in a few hours? unimportant, irrelevant and uninteresting translate an invisible image No longer need a student waste three years garbage. The time you save in useless studying by embossed on a half-inch vinyl learning that the best way to remember material reading the book is more than worth the $1.25 film into a color image on a for an examination is to cram the night before, and two or three hours it takes to read. television screen. FUi LAST Strick weaves Ulyssess' 5 DAYS! into unified web on life The stream of consciousness stark colorless images make the yes; but enjoyable never. Yet approach to writing provides heavy air present from the despite the fact it is much more difficulty for the author as well introductory music even thicker. than worth the time and money as for the reader; James Joyce's it takes to go see it. The techniques he liberally famous and infamous novel "Ulysses" directed and rill.KSlW.KK l'R(>1)1 'CTION employs (such as having the "Ulysses" is no exception. But produced by Joseph Strick. to convert such a technique into screen go black when Dadalus closes his eyes, or Executive Producer — Walter □USTIIM HOFFMAN b 1 interspersing Reade. Screenplay by Joseph i ( comprehendable movie is nigh to statues with people, or Strick and Fred Haynes. Music JON VCMCHT alternately blurring and focusing impossible, and which, vital objects, or any of a dozen by Stanley Myers. Starring Milo •MIDNIGHT COWBOY* fortunately for the viewer, O'Shea as Leopold Bloom, others) add greatly to the Joseph Strick magnificently Barbara Jefford as Molly Bloom, achieves. psychological impact of the film. Maurice Roeves as Stephan His painstaking details in sets "Ulysses" is a thoroughly and in flashed shots weave a web Dadalus. Ulysses Film oppressive and depressing look of unity based on the trivialities Productions Ltd., 1955. into a day in the lives of several is coi.ou IM,iixe stalwart and diverse Dubliners, superb, in spite of the extremes of everyday life. One thing in particular is interesting to note: Lecture Concert rpjUmted blending both their thoughts and of expression required by skips the entire - EVERYBODY'S TALKING actions into one unbroken from reality to fantasy and back dialog of "Ulysses" Mantovani and his concert tends to diminish the characters, ABOUT IT! sequence. again. In addition, Milo O'Shea orchestra will perform at 8:15 while Strick retains some of Leopold Bloom is a timid, deserves special mention for his their prestige by shooting them p.m. Oct. 8 as part of the •SHOWN DAILY AT • henpecked little man whose fine overacting when such is 1969-70 Lecture-Concert Series from below making them seem 1 - 3:15 - 5:30 - 7:30 AND 9:45 o.n fantasies deal primarily with sex called for by the script. program. malcolm Mcdowell Christine noonan richard Warwick david wood Robert swann and his more impressive. Mantovani's performance is a own persecution Strick applies an immense All in all, "Ulysses" is hardly 1 david sherwin LINDSAY anderson michael medwin.-lindsay anderson color complex, while his wife Molly variety of visual effects to the what one would call an Series "B" attraction. Pmk Panther Cartoon SPARTAN TWIN EAST concerns herself almost total presentation of his enjoyable movie. Captivating, Tickets are $1 for students with a validated ID, or $3, $4, or g ^ . param0unt picture FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phone 3510030 exclusively with the former. characters and plot. Perhaps his thought-provoking, sinister — $5 for the general public. Starts Wed. "Alice's Restaurant" Stephan Dadalus, on the other greatest stroke of genius is the hand, amuses himself with a choice of black and white over religious flaggelation which color photography, as this belies his boyish grin and prevents the entire film from NORTHSIDE generally innocent air. The becoming a gaudy bag of tricks. acting on the part of each of Transitions from mental to these three main characters is physical are also relaxed, and the ORIVE-IN THEATRE When you have GIRLS 2 Miles North on US-27.. 482-74091 NOW SHOWING! THRU. TUES. like these. What makes her garden grow.. WELLS HALL FILMS wouldn't you like to know! WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT THE DRAFT BOARD? bryaim forbes PRODUCTION 0' Geraldine Page Ruth Gordon Rosemary Forsyth * Ethe wrong box John mills ( ANTHONY QUINN Robert Fuller Mildred Dunnock $,,«*.pi0, b, Theodore * ralph ALAN BATES IRENE PAPAS Shown Twice at 7:08 and 1 1:08 « richardson « MICHAELCACOVANNIS 2nd Color First Run « [michaelcaine PRODUCTION GRAND PRIX DRIVER... WILD BEAUTY... PETER COQK * DUDLEY MOORE ZORBA « NANETTE NEWMAN THE GREEK" Pitted against a pack of * tony hancock • --JE\_ HUMAN SHARKS! i .peter sellers * EASTMAN COLOR * * 106B 7&9:30 p.m. 50c No I.D.'s Required 4 4 108B 7&9:30 50c ID's Required THEG^TDECEIVERS In Absolutely Divine Color. 4 Flash Gordon, Ch 2 at 4 Flash Gordon, Ch 2 at * 9 6:30 Only Only « KEVIN COUGHLIN • LARRY CASEY • BROOKE BUNDY joannharris |MK'HAELC,RHHR| PRODUCED by JOE SOLOMON associate prow o r PAIL RAPP directed by BRL'CE KESS JEROME WISH story by ABE POLSKYandGIL LASKY Beal Art Film Series Presents 0: the Hilarious French Comedy FOX EASTERN THEATRES NOW PLAYING! ZAZIE SPARTAN TWIN WEST TONIGHT AT directed by Louis Malle (The Lovers) 7:15 & 9:30 P.M. FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phone 351-0030 Shown 2nd at 9:18 MATINEES SAT. & SUN. n 104B 7, 8:40 & 10:20 75c 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan YAC from speaks for Michigan youth each Michigan, major club one from city youth councils and a small percentage or the Michigan legislature, the The council council issues a report expressing investigating its point of view. is presently educational problems within schools and the council under the guidance of Erwin Bettinghaus, asst. dean of communication arts, to study rmingham explained. The third stage freshman, of the project Earlier this year, the YAC Student Rights Code of set for completion is a pamphlet When the Michigan Youth of unaffiliated persons comprise smoking patterns of pre-teens. directed its comments on a Michigan. The survey covered suburbs, program. The council will Advisory Council (YAC) speaks, the 60 members. "We have extensive juvenile delinquency report "We want to point out not inner city, rural and fringe areas, provide plays, posters and the voice is projected directly booklets to local repared by a committee of the only problems within schools, Completed in late August, a groups to from the state's young adults. membership," Miss Mittino said. but also obligations, rights and ncourage production of governor to the Michigan Youth packet of 10 commercials have Organized by the governor in "Representatives come from Commission. responsibilities of students been circulated to 180 Michigan anti-smoking programs. 1951, YAC advises the Michigan such groups as the Christian The next topic scheduled for "Our criticisms were themselves," publicity chairman radio stations. Youth Commission, adults Youth Organization, B'nai investigation by the YAC is drug responsible to the governor for B'rith, Latin-American Council recognized and reviewed," Miss Sherry Fenner, Plainwell "We wrote and produced the Mittino said, "and the report's freshman, said. commercials, hoping to stress initiating programs dealing with and the National Assn. for the "Drugs problem the problems of youth. Advancement of Colored approach to juvenile The YAC's major project last those things about smoking, are one delinquency was changed from year was centered around the such as cost, which concern almost all youth must face at Council Chairman Lois People." correction or punishment to theme "Why Smoke?" youth," communications some time," Miss Fenner said. Mittino, Allen Park Freshman, When issues dealing with prevention." A survey was prepared by the director Mark Factor, Liberalization of sex education explained that two delegates youth come before the governor and abortion laws and changes in FEATURE t- > 482-3905 draft also cited laws were by TODAY MICHIGAN council concerns members of youth. as major Within the council itself, the Only two men have problem of representation from inner city inadequate walked on the moon. youth emphasized organizations by membership was chairman Lois Bernstein, For the rest of us, Southfield freshman. "We have to plan conferences "2001" is as close as keeping location in mind so that finances are not a constant Join the burden," Miss Bernstein said. we're likely to get. "Travel expenses may be what's limiting inner city membership." Petitions all over for Adams campus. as president are showing up Richard Osterich, New York The next statewide conference signs one in an elevator in Holmes " A fantastic movie about man's future! l ;c voga State News photo by Richard Warren will be Dec. 5-6 at Kellogg nan. "Some of the most dazzling visual happenings and technical achievements in the history of the motion picture!' . WITH NEW CONTRACT Union gets available to union members only Nominations to hea fill these As a result of the successful here. positions will take place at the "withdrawal of services" that Local 1585 This new plan includes membership meeting won Local 1585 of the at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Metro American Federation of State, coverage of x-rays and Goldwyn-Mayer presents A Carlo Pohti Production starring prescriptions. Although Physical Plant lunchroom. County and Municipal Employes Another result of the David Hemmings -Joanna Pettet in (AFSCME) a new MSU contract, premiums for all such plans are higher, MSU management has ratification of the new contract a new hospitalization plan and its contribution to is continuing negotiations 'The Best House in London" new elections currently under way. of officials are increased such premiums. regarding pay increases for AFSCME workers at Hubert Hill, president of Local certain MSU. The new hospitilation plan. 1585, asks that all members who Blue Cross-Blue Shield MVF-1 have no insurance or are insured Although the contract ratified Master Medical, which union under the formerly used by the local as a result of the American Plan enroll recent strike contained spokesmen call "the best plan in the country," has been made immediately for the new provisions for a 7 cent pay increase for skilled workers, no hospital plan. Enrollment can be made by calling 351-4879, agreement could be reached 351-9007 or 351-9366. concerning the unskilled union As a result of the members. George Sanders Dany Robin Warren Mitchell THE JOINT beginning-of-term previous nominations elections of union officers and strike, and on As a the submit the result, both parties agreed revised contract, to problem to binding artibration. The arbitration talks S) O CL Fall Term Opening of the the 1970 Negotiating Committee are now under way. have been set aside. MSU Folklore Society's Hall Assoc Coffeehouse Friday & Saturday 75c intervresidenc- Appearing this Friday night at 8:30 pm; Red Cedar Clan. Dick Jennings FUCKS October 3 & 4 PRESENTS Saturday-Berni Pedit. Steve Edmunds A Vincent Price Festival ELMS 0/9-7 Located in the basement of the Student Services Admission only 75C - Free Coffee Bldg. Masque of the Red Death and The Pit and The Pendulum EVERYONE WELCOME Fri. ~ Vet Clinic Auditorium 7:00 & 10:00 Masque of the EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING! Red Death Gfteort# |~EAST LANSING ON M 43 ★ PHONE ED. 2-1042 | 2--TOP ADULT HITS- Just 4 miles E. of M.S.U 8:30 The Pit and the Pendulum Sat. 109 Anthony 7-00 & 10:00— "Give'Castle Keep'a high mark! Epic, earthy and thoughtful! 8:30— Masque The action is furious!" of the Red Death 'Fascinating, intel¬ MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES presents ligent and imaginative! Definitively set apart from most war movies!" CSMEIOT "ONE OF THE BEST!" "Bitter, ambitious, and often magnificent! A FRIDAY SATURDAY savage,stunning movie!" WILSON HALL CONRAD HALL -LIZ SMITH, COSMOPOLITAN mm 6:45 &. 9:15 6:45 & 9:15 CAMELOT "ALAN JAYLEPNEP ffetutRCKi'OEWE MOSS HART J SCOT! WILSON TONY Bill ASTRlD HEEREN AL FREEMAN JR JAMES PATTERSON BRUCE DERN and InBIBT lolK FREDERICK LOEWE • ALAN JAY LERNER ■ JOSHUA LOGAN-JACK t WARNER DlVtL'i'lOASH El u$\>: : ■ - »S5-tS-: ■„ N.F.L. Game of theWeek - SvONjyPC',ljO^ • • .» - "Sr- TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION* FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS WV Minnesota 6:1 5 only | Shown Twice at 7:07 and 1 TONIGHT 7:30 p.m. vs Baltimore UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM M.S.U. STUDENT & FACULTY ONLY- - I D.'s REQUIRED Admission $ 1.00 Plus Dean Martin in "The Wrecking Crew" at 9:i8 Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 17 state news ^ . state news classified See details on the TREASURE CHEST on Page 19 in today's paper. classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Rank Automotive Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Cycles The State News does not CUTLASS S 1968. Automatic, power permit racial or religious steering and brakes, vinyl top, discrimination in lis ad¬ bucket seats, chrome wheels, TO vertising columns. The stereo tape. $2200 489-9375. VOLKSWAGEN 1966, red. $795. HONDA 250 Scrambler. Blue Barnett KAWASAKI 1967 - 350cc Avenger. State News will not accept 1-10/3 For quick sale. Call 339-8659. clutch, two helmets. Excellent Recently tuned. Excellent advertising which discrim¬ 3-10/6 running condition. $325. condition. $450 or best offer. See • AUTOMOTIVE DODGE DART 1964, 2-door sedan. inates against religion, 332-5930. 4-10/5 at Potter Park Shell Station, 1440 • EMPLOYMENT 6 cylinder, 5 new tires. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER '64. race, color or national or¬ South Pennsylvania. 3-10/5 • FOR RENT condition. Best offer. 355-8533, Excellent condition. $1200, or BSA 1967 Lightning 5,000 miles. • FOR SALE igin. 337-0348. 3-10/5 best offer. 351-9457. 1-10/3 Excellent shape. 351-1327 after 6 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1960 • LOST & FOUND p.m. 3-10/3 bug-eye. 393-1793, after 6:30 DODGE DART - 1963 - 4-door, slant t PERSONAL VOLKSWAGEN 1963, Excellent p.m. 3-10/5 6. White. Good shape. $350. • PEANUTS PERSONAL 355-7440, Bob Miller. 4-10/3 shape. New tires. Very VESPA 150cc $145. Good dependable. Will sacrifice at $450. transportation and fun. Call SUZUKI X-6, 1969. Engine in • REAL ESTATE Automotive Call 332-2273. 5=-10/7 * 355-0978. 1-10/3 excellent condition. $300. Call • SERVICE DODGE 1965, Custom 880. Vinyl 339-9140 after 5. 3-10/3 • TRANSPORTATION roof, 2 door. Good condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1964. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Radio, new TRIUMPH 1969 Trophy, 250 355-6131. 4-10/3 • WANTED 1963. Stick. One owner. tires, engine overhauled last fall. Scrambler. Perfect condition. Excelllent condition. 351-3300. For other features call after 4:30: $675. Call 351-5200. 3-10/6 FALCON 1963, 6 cylinder, heater, 5-10/3 355-3123. Sunday anytime. deadline 355-5787.3-10/6 3-W6_ CYCLE RIDERS, trade your bike for 1 P.M. one class day be¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1967-Really sharp. a nice warm car. '56 Chevy, just fore publication. FIAT 1968 Spider convertible. Free $1,300 or best offer. 337-1181, painted. Good transportation. Cancellations - 12 noon one plugs, top cleaner. Call 393-1726. 351-1325. 2-10/3 Money exchange also discussed 5-10-3 353-7563. 3-10/6 class day before publica¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1965, 1500 tion. FORD 1962, Galaxie 4-door. Notchback, radials, sunroof, gas HONDA 250 Scrambler, Japanese CHEVROLET 1961. 2-d< cylinder, aum- : transmiss Cream-Puff. Two bucos. $350. HONDA, MOTO-Sport 90, 1969. 500 heater, $895. 487-0850. 3-10/3 351-2327. 3-10/6 miles. $325. 351-6650 after 6 phone hard-top. Excellent condit Good t cQLU . Motor 3-10/3 $365 332-4780 3.10/3 ftfci ~JHB LOIC of MOMs/tfPLZ Pi£ VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good p.m. 1967 YAMAHA, 305 Big Bear. 355-8255 And TUe AMHRI^A/V) UJAV -6,O /tto&peg. condition. Beige. Call after 5, Excellent condition, low HONDA, 1968, 350-- mint condition. CHEVROLET 1964. Stick, 6, sharp 351-2576. 5-10-3. mileage. $450. Call 351-2236 rates burgundy finish. Excellent t^at fink nomea $400. Call 351-6217. 3-10/3 3-10/3 anytime condition $450. 393-4815. 1968 BEIGE Volkswagen. Very good 1 day 5-10/6 condition. 9,000 miles left on 1968 SUZUKI 120. Excellent S 1.50 SUZUKI 250 FORD '67 Fairlane. Stick, 6 cylinder, warranty. 351-6021. 3-10/3 condition. Helmet included. cc X-6, excellent 15tf per word per day condition. $425. 484-7505 after 6 CHEVROLET 1966 -wagon. V-8, radio, heater, new white walls. 355-1197. 5-10/6 3 dovs $4.00 p.m. 3-10/3 automatic. Good family car Take VOLVO 544. Sedan 2000 miles on 13 1/2* per woru per aay 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. over payments. Balance due: Snack Bar, Metro-Lanes, 5141 new engine. New paint and 5 days $6.50 Excellent condition. $675. Call HONDA 160 Scrambler 1966. Good $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, South Logan, Lansing, or call exhaust. Only $465. John: 13f per word per day IV 9-2379. C 694-9562. 1-10/3 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10 8 Condition. $220. Call Harold 353-7020. 3-10/5 353-8800. 3-10/3 (based on 10 words per ad) FORD 1966-2-door hardtop, V-8, 1968 TRIUMPH 650 Trophy, perfect CHEVROLET 1967-Super Sport, WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in There will be a automatic, power steering. Take $1,000 bracket? We got em. shape. $800. 373-2509, days, 50tf service 2-door, hardtop. V-8 automatic, the over payments. Balance due: CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 351-3288, evenings. 3-10/5 and bookkeeping charge if power steering and brakes. Take $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, East Michigan Avenue, across this ad is not paid within over payments. Balance due: Automotive IV 9-2379. C 650cc TRIUMPH, 1967 $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, from the Post Office. 484-2345. C Bonneville. one week. IV 9-2379. C OLDSMOBILE 1969 Excellent Cream-Puff! Cheaper in fall. FORD CORTINA GT 1966. Bucket $800., best offer. 355-9395. The State News will be seats. 25,000 miles. Excellent condition. New carburetor and Auto Service & Parts or 4-3000.3-10/5 CHEVROLET 1966, with power, exhaust. $200. 351-5516. 3-10/6 4-10/6 condition. $750. 332-45S9. responsible only for the radio, vinyl roof. $1200. One ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 3-10/5 first day's incorrect inser- 482 3586. 3-10/6 OLDSMOBILE 1960. 4-door, power owner KALAMAZOO STREET BODY ARE FORD steering, brakes. $150 WOW' SHOP Small dents to large Had any LOVE FALCON 1963 very good 355-9490 5-10/9 YOU condition. $350 337-9130 wrecks. American and foreign 5-10/6 RAMBLER STATION wagon 1965. cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. lately? OLDSMOBILE Ramrod, 1968. C HUNGRY? Automotive 2628 East Kalamazoo. STEREO 101 CHEVY II Nova Super Sport. 1963 FORD '63. 15,000 miles. Excellent shape. studded tires. Good Mint condition, snow Biafrans are convertible. Good top, floor shift, Call 694-0526. 3-10/5 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East AUSTIN HEALEY 1960 automatic, steering. $400 condition S600 355-5958. black leather bucket seats. First power Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Lifeline for Biafrans WXYZ FM Completely rebuilt. Call or offer. 355-8978. 3-10/5 5J0/6 . 337-9265 5-10/7 S200 takes it. 339-9370. 5-10/8 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, 1968. Complete auto painting and ROLLS ROYCE (Bently S-1) 1957. collision service. IV 5-0256. C 1953 Ford. One family car. V-8, Full power. Vinyl roof, other BUICK LASABRE 1964-power-tires Automatic transmission, power radio, heater, 77,000 miles $100 extras. Excellent car Low price. steering, power brakes. Touring STUDENTS. CAN and will service Call 355-2852. 3-10/6 Rick, 353-2184. 5-10/6 mufflers. S400. 355-7440. Mr your VW. Also, English Imports. big. Weaver. 3-10/5 OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1967-4-door, With honesty, reliability. JAGUAR 1968 - yellow coupe with steel body Maintained by Rolls in V-8, . black leather interior. Air automatic, power steering BUICK 1963 LeSabre 4-door, CHRYSLER 1964, Convertible 300. London. New, $18,000, Ask and brakes. Excellent condition. your fellow student, he has Bucket seats, white interior. $350. conditioning. 16,000 miles. Will power, good condition. Must sell take best offer. 393-1561 after Take over payments. Balance due: probably been here and is S425. 882-7252 or 393-3644. 627 2079 3-10/3 $5,100 G76 5308 3 10/6 satisfied. IMPORT AUTO PARTS. 5:30 p.m. 4-10/3 $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV 3229 Palmer. 3-10/3 9-3279. 415 S. Cedar. 485-2047. 5 10-6 C 1965 T Bird convertible. Black and CORVETTE 1968, Coupe silver, 350 h p., 4 speed, posi, more 19,000 JAGUAR XKE 1964. New paint, OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS-S 1969 miles. Clean, mechanically perfect. top. Offer nearest $2,000 S1195. 339-2509. 332-6148 3-10/5 4,200 miles. Immaculate, special Under S4.000 Call George. c(1i Toronado color. Full power, other BUICK 1964 Skylark, gre Mornings 351-5379. 3-10'3 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to JAGUAR 1960. 3.8, 4-door sedan itomatic. All learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE!!! power mvi . CORVETTE COUPE 427, 1969. Best XK twin cam engine, beautiful uindows and seat. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C offer 351-8932. 372-0509. condition. 353-1438. 3-10/3 332-1343. 7-10/10 5-10/5 JAGUAR 66E coupe. Green with tan OLDSMOBILE, 1963 Holiday coupe V-8, automatic, power brakes and TRIUMPH 1965, 1200 Sedan Low A new position Snv:: / Apartments CORVETTE 1963 Coupe, 4-speed, CADILLAC 1963 - 'l-door, nardtop. 372 9431. 3-10/6 steering. $400 332-2824. 5-10/6 mileage. Good body. S395. Call for LOVE... posi-traction, tape deck. Make Harold 353-8800. 3-10/3 offer. 351-0877. 3-10 5 OPEL KADETTE RALLYE 1967, Balance due: S987. Phone Cred.t MUSTANG, 1965 Dark green, white Gold with black stripes No rust, TRIUMPH TR-4 1963, Excellent STEREO 101 CORVAIR 1962. 4 speed. Good interior, 289 V-8 automatic. excellent condition. 25-40 miles Manager, IV 9-2379 C transportation. Call after 4 00 - 627-5237. 3-10/3 condition. Must sen. 351-4922. WXYZ FM per gallon. Many extras. Call Fred 3-10/3 355-5781 2 10/3 332-1437. 2-10/3 Big rooms, big closets, big features, little price. That's CHEVROLET 1968. Impala MUST SELL: 1963 Sunbeam Alpine. North Pointe. Swimming pool. Air conditioning. Carpet. Excellent body and mechanical Draft clause. CORVAIR 1965 4 speed PONTIAC TEMPEST 1961. 4-door. Apartments for 2-3-4-5 persons from shape. New rubber and 35,000 transmission. Excellent condition. $55/month/person. Call the J.R. Culver Company today. 485-6151 after 5 p.m. 4-10/3 actual miles. Call 351-3312 after 6. $600. 5-10-3 $99. Call 355-6074 after 5 p.m. 3-10/6 BE FOXY sharp. Best offer over S2.250. CORVAIR, 1964, Monza, Stick, new 484-7969, 1630 Cooper Avenue. OLDSMOBILE 88 1963, convertible. Get your winter 2-10 3 351-3825. 5-10/6 PONTIAC 1964 2-door hardtop. Power, automatic. Mechanically tune up needs taken 421 tripower. 4-speed. New paint, good. $250. 355-5083 110/3 care of before the cold, Introducing the tires. Best offer. 351-3146. 5-10/6 PONTIAC LEMANS 1966, snowy weather arrives. WHERE IS LOVE? convertible V-8, radio, console Come in today. We have all shift, steering 487-0433. BMW power 7-10/10 the parts you need for a STEREO 101 WXYZ FM 1965 RAMBLER Classic 550. 4-door. Economy every way . car. Very clean 882-3485. 3-10/5 in 800 E. KALAMAZOO KRAMER complete tune-up. fmm/fa/tu 6-cylinder series WE'RE LOOKING 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A - Mart FOR PEOPLE! □□BOS HHQCra CROSSWORD OPENING SOON! new. PUZZLE nnniOTR □a □□□scnaaa ej3e nan anraal □ntunn 1. Scepter 29. Supplement rennn □□□ ehb IN THE MERIDIAN MALL 4. 7. Knock Exhibit 30. Wild banana 31. Helmet-shaped aaona ang ana eehhs I 11. Self-esteem 33. Confidence □□0 ssa aann A Not new new cars class of in a car. class. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CAMPUS 12. "The Rail Splitter" 13. Aperture 35. Encounter 36. Army detachment □□□a □□□ ana OBCsaciQaau as FULL OR PART TIME 14. Fortify 38. Begone! ranrarara □asaaa 15. Apportioned 41. Trusted pupils For 53 years, Germany's famed Bavarian rararciran aaaaia money 45. Parson bird HILL Motor Works has established new standards •SALES STOCK 17. Baker's shovel 46. Black • • CLERICAL in international automobile design. Now we 19. Auto shoe 47. Clear gain •RESTAURANT •MAINTENANCE proudly present their masterpiece the BMW 20. Heavy swell 48. Sea bird 22. Frankness 49. Containers 1. Harvest 4. Reckoning 6-cylinder series A car designed to cruise all 5. 26. Detained 50. Firmament 2. Bugaboo Adjoin day at 120 mph ...a car that combines racing 6. Peduncle in port 51. Period of light 3. Housewifely car performance and maneuverability with 7. Luster If you thought Campus Hill was great 2 3 5 5— 7 8 9 ■o before, come see our every nuance of a luxury sedan's floating i i Torrid • PAID HOLIDAYS 8. • OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT NEW models Larger apartments with twin dressing rooms. 9. Bravo 1 smoothness. Nothing but the feel of tins ear 11 " 12 13 • in your own hands can fully acquaint you PAID VACATIONS Party lounge. Central air. Groovy furnishings. The best 10. United • SICK PAY 4-mans in town. See CAMPUS HILL today. Model open 2-8 i5~ 16 16. Ratings with the BMW personality." Come in today. • DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES daily. Apt. 201G. From $58.75/month/person. ___ 18. Shelter 16 t9~ 21. Silvery 1 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 20~ 21 22" 1 p 23 2MT 23. 24. Discovered Gr. unit of 2. 3. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK 26 Yi 1 28 39" weight 25. Carmine G. C. MURPHY CO. //. ■//. fjttJve/? 35" W 3M 3i~ 35~ 26. Provisions 27. Formerly 28. Countries 32. Roman bronze OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL 34. Devastation BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS 37. Long journey APPLY IN PERSON til at MON-SAT 9-5 rj z\ _ _ _ W//M LM 39. Turkey buzzard 40. Small Phil Gordon G.C. Mo'RPHY A-A pi 2 w r□ 41. Confronted t□ _ 1986 E. GRAND RIVER 5*r 42. Jap. sash 2924 E. Grand River Lansing 484-2551 MERIDIAN MALL 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A-Mart 351-8862 Qj 222 r 43. Negative prefix 44. Porker's home Friday, October 3, 1969 IS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Scooters & Employment For Rent For Rent For Sale Cycles Employment STEREO COMPONENTS. Name TAPE RECORDER Soni 4 track FURNISHED MOBILE home. MALE OR couple, e< KAWASAKI 1967-250cc. Excellent SCHOOL crossing guard needed for WHATEVER YOUR skills, male < 100 USED Vacuum Cleaners. Tanks, 2-bedrooms. In country, children brands at discount prices. Call model 600-D. SI75. 1800 foot condition. $350. Low mileage. city of East Lansing. Grand River canisters, uprights. In good reels tape, Call 313-632-7749. 337-0880. 10-10/9 $1.50 each. 485-6521. 372-2981. 3-10/5 and Hillcrest crossing. $6 per day. employment for you at KELLY condition. $7.88 and up. Dennis 3-10/6 3-10/3 Apply Personnel Office or call ED SERVICES. ' Demonstrators, Distributing Company. 316 North clerks, typists, stenos, and AQUARIUM, 29 gallon. Piston WIRE FARMES? Many styles. White 7-1731. 3-10/3 Cedar, opposite City Market. Employment experienced keypunch operators. PARK TRACE FURNISHED APARTMENT for 2 Pump. All filters, stand. Breeding 482-2677. C or yellow gold at OPTICAL Manager Wanted for growing Also general laborers. Call APARTMENTS girls 21 or over. 5 blocks from traps, vacuum, many extras. New DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan COOK NEEDED for frs campus, sufficient parking. $6E 351-7889. 3-10/6, computer dating service. Send 482-1277. Avenue. 372-7409. C-10/3 pay. Excellent I resume to: I.D.S., P.O. Box 2137, 10-10/7 Okemos, E. Lansing. MSU. each girl plus security deposit 332-3581. 5 10-3 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Spacious garden style. 1, 2, & 694-8266. 5-10/7 SLOT CAR track, Revell hi-bank, GARRARD 40-MKII changer. Stereo 5-10/6 3 bdrm. apts. Walkout patio many extra accessories. 351-7889. NEED EXTRA money? Full and cartridge, dust cover. $35. STUDENT WIFE or balcony. Now available. 3-10/6 part-time work for college student ACULTY APARTMENT.' 355-3031 after 5 p.m. 2-10/3 LT FILLED; 2 MALE part-time grill cooks. Also taking applications for 1 as Drive-Way Salesman. No Unfurnished. No pets. EAST $50. 337-0779 1-10/3 Hours and days very flexible. bdrm. apts. Model by Bishops FOLK GUITAR, (modern furniture, experience necessary. Will instruct LANSING MANAGEMENT. EKO VIOLIN type bass. $120. Super $2.00 hour. Call 332-0204. 5-10-3 Furniture Rental. Call women's) winter coats, ski jackets, Experience preferred. Walt Koss you on proper selling procedures, Phone 332-2627. C BICYCLES: MEN, Women. Fair Beatle 332-5094. ice skates. 393-3157. 1-10/3 amp; 3 channels, reverb, 655-2175 WALT'S and will schedule you around your condition. Reasonable. 351-3373, HAVE FUN TEACHING vibrato, 2-15" J.B. Lansing RESTAURANT & LOUNGE. classes. 882-9505 after 4-6:30 p.m. only. 3-10/3 5 p.m. ONE GIRL for two speakers. Covers included. $530. SKIING WINTER TERM. 5-10/6 3 TYPEWRITERS (one portable). 3-10/5 Apartments. I Randy, 351-8419. 3-10/3 Go To Summer. Set of Michigan law books. FENDER TREMOLUX 351-3806. 1-10/3 607 Virginia.. 3 bedroom, basement. leaders with 372-7061. 3-10/5 Amp-Epiphone, Sarrento double SUGAR LOAF YOUTH-GROUP For Rent Family, $185/month 353-0729, USED STUDIO beds. $50. Will recreational skills required for ONE GIRL needed for new Cedar guitar, both excellent buys. 332-0480. 5-10/9 deliver. Call 332-0641, after 5 is accepting applications for ski afternoon work. Transportation Village. Immediately Call SMITH-CORONA Classic 212 manual Complete, $400. 351-3285 TV RENTALS-Students only. 5-10/7 p.m. 2-10/3 instructors. Male or female. 351-1372. 1-10/3 portable typewriter. Year old. Low monthly and term rates. Call LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom Room & board. Need not be $75. Pica or elite. 12"carriage, 484-2600 to reserve yours. house. 2-4 students. 632 South TAPE RECORDER 4-track stereo. certified. Contact Bob power space, removable type. Call ROYAL TYPEWRITER. Excellent UNIVERSITY TV. C CAPITOL VILLA Francis. 351-5696. 5-10/6 351-7732. 5-10/9 condition. $55. Women's wire Automatic stop. New condition. Knight, Traverse City. (616) 332-2761 between 5 and 7. 4-10/3 947-9894. rims. $15. 355-5839. 3-10/5 INTERESTED IN Co RENT A TV from a TV APARTMENTS Complete house. 6 people. Company-$9.50 month. Call 21" TV and stand. Decent condition. 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS: Minimum per Completely furnished. All utilities 337 1300. NEJAC TV RENTALS Married, post-grads,and sen¬ paid. Call NEJAC 337-1300. $10 or best offer 351-8565 after 6 home. Makes tapes for your car, of 4 hours per day. Must be at • C least 21 years of «ge, possess good iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ p.m. 3-10/5 too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up SMALL FAMILY at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 ments. From $150-$ 165. Near "-.droom, near NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented UNFINISHED FURNITURE. Bar 100 USED vacuum cleaners. South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C only to MSU students and faculty. Campus. For information call campi0 C.y,,ing, garage. stools, night stands, Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 $180. rioes utilities. 351-6479. 58.84 month [including tax). 4-10/3 chest-of-drawers, bookcases, year guarantee. $7.88 and up. STATE MANAGEMENT 332-5330. prefinished picture frames and DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPLETE SET of Ludwig with cases. Less than year old. more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. average $87.22 weekly. Call Mr. CORPORATION, 444 Michigan FURNISHED HOUSE Across fro OKEMOS: NEAR MSU. 393-0334 before 4 p.m. 6-10/7 Marks at 372-6522. (One full time Ave. 332-8687 C South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C campus. Reasonable rates. Phoi Semi-furnished, four bedroom, V/2 Tuesday morning and about 3 position open.) 3-10/3 332-2462. 1-10/3 baths. Family preferred. $250 plus month When call 19" times a we utilities. 351-8535. 5-10/6 you Phone 332 0881 3-10/6 N U RSES R.N.. L.P.N, SECOND MAN for 3 bedroo deluxe Cambria Townhous THREE BEDROOM house. ROSELAWN MANOR NURSING /ANTED APPRENTICE meat HOME 3 p.m. $82 50 332-6029. 3-10/3 Unfurnished. $115. 417 North - 11 p.m. 11-7. Full Cedar Villa cutter Full time Also counter or part time. Ideal working Francis. Lansing. 485-4917, 711 East Apartments 372-4747. 5-10/7 Clerks, part time, days and conditions. Excellent salary. 707 evenings. We pay union wages". Armstrong Road. Call Mrs. Jolly, 711 Burcham Excellent fringe benefits Apply Director of Nursing. 393-5680 New deluxe 1-bedroom SOUTH SIDE- meat department, EBERHARD'S 5-10 7 furnished 2 or 3 man 3301 E. Michigan, 5-10/8 apartments.Available now GIRL TO care for pre-schooler in for 9-month or 1-year leases. professor's house. Light 489-9651 351-3525 FIRST CLASS license radio announcer Part time hours can be 484-6703 2-10,3 NEED ONE gir NEAR CAMPUS, furnished house, arranged Call St. Johns, 224-7911 JNFURNISHED Apa students. $55 each, plus utilitii days, or 224-7333 nights, ask for Mr ERVICE STATION attendant. Full Couples only. $125. Near campus. 351 -6479. After 5 p.m. 2-10/3 Ditmer, for appointment. 2-10/5 2 BEDROOM time. Holt Standard Service, 1943 332-4686 after 5 p.m. 2-10/3 South Cedar Street Holt OFFICE HELP wanted. Mason. 40 694-0202. 2-10/3 ONE GIRL for hours. Must type Receptionist, rates. New SLEEPING ROOMS. Gentlemen. bookkeeping. Will train. Aqe 351 8216 5-10/8 MEADOWBROOK TRACE, Parking available. No cooking. 418 2 MAN APARTMENT 30 55. OR7-3461, nights lable b Clemens IV 2-7598. 4-10/3 OR7-4693. 3-10/6 3 NEEDED ONE man for 2-m sublease. 882-1373. 30 0/3 to p.m. and 4 8:30 p.m. Apply at SCHENSULS it. Cedar Greei GIRL NEEDED to take over Fall CAFETERIA in Meridian Mail Prefer grad. 351-2460 GIRLS: 2 bedroom, fireplace, ri lease, for single three weeks paid. from 1-5 room, ba' 351-3373, 4- 6:30 p. Carol ED 7-9944 Room 39. p.m No Saturday, year $2.50 S3.00 per hour. Male Sunday, 3-10/3 1-10/3 or Holidays and summers applicants only Apply to off. X-10 19 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Personnel, WOMAN: QUIET single $ 200' STARR LARGE FURNISHED 4 m room. COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, Kitchen. Two blocks Knapp's. BABYSITTER TO care for 11 month apartment. 9 or 12 month lea Albion, $55. per man 332 0647 after 5 p.m. 3-10/6 Michigan old. Monday Thursday, 11 to 5 Call 351-7319. 5-10/6 <517 629-3988). 10-10 8 p.m University Village. 355-6147 (4-man apts.) after 6 p.m. 2-10/3 MAN NEEDED fall te EXPERIENCED COOKS wanted, rate. Meadowbrc $160. married couples 393-6018. 5-10/6 PART TIME office girl. Room and PHONE 332-5051 "red t. Inc., Capitol City board plus S20 salary for 10 hours 4 blks. to Campus For Sale ising. 485-1764, week a plus answering phone. in. 3-10 3 WANTED GIRL JUDO Gl-Clothes Solid oak 351-6729. 3-10/5 Ph. 337-0298 or Village. Wint desk. 19 cubii 372-5025 after 5 5-10/6 SERVICE STATION attendant work 8 hour shift, 6 days/w< S2.16/hour plus commiss Phone for app 489 0444 X10/5 WANTED WAITERS and waitres at THE DELLS Starting wai SI.75. 339-8685 4-10/3 Holiday Inn North r. 10 10/13 Air-conditioning. Security locks. Parking Beautifully maintained. MALE GRADUATE students: LANDSCAPE LABORERS Rober Select clientele Lease Call Furnished 2-man apartment. $100 Landscaping Inc Full time n< TRANSMITTER ENGINEER .nil January 1st Pays time a haif. Can 484-5421. 8 a.m. to class FCC I I, full it or Call GIRL 332-3135 or 882 6549 21 or over to share 4-man O month, also 1 372-8876 or man efficiency $75. 489-7282 4-10/3 II 482 1333 $57.50 Call 351-1043 after 5 00. 3-10/10 5-10/7 3-10 5 APARTMENTS THAT need BUSBOYS NEEDED- Phi Gamma Delta. 239 oakhill roommates or people in the need BABYSITTER FULL Apply 10 4:00 1 iaD Ask for Lina. 2-10/3 of roommates can fmcj help at ROOMMATE SERVICE 541 E WANTED SALES ORIENTED Grand River. 351-3558 X6-10/6 HOLT AREA-studio apartment. L CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES Unfurnished, ground floor, one to BEDROOM promote low priced coed bedroom, couples only. No LARGE UPSTAIRS, children or Pets. S100. month. 1-bedroom, //7y//' r f $135. 2-bedrooms, ground level. Ia> ONE 646-6811 after 5 p.m. 7-10/8 GIRL apartment wanted University for 3 girl Terrace. furnished, 325 North Pennsylvania Avenue. 351 3969 O [L \13 L 351 1277 1-10/3 GRADUATE LOVE is where STUDENT 3 rooms, 211'/» MAC. 351 7018 from 10 you find it... a m.-5 p.m. 5-10/3 ' Thursda\r * c\vA- ,n< IT MAY NOT BE LOST STEREO 101 FOREVER! A-1 State News 3-10/3 Monty's Bar Advertise for lost items with a WXYZ FM 24781 5 10 3 Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 now BABYSITTER TO live in, 6 nights. week. Rent free Call 485-1886 o 351-7363. 3-10/3 LOVE is here Are you? R.N.'s, L.P.N s with medications course. Part time. 7 3:30 STEREO 101 3:00 1 1 :30 PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332 0817 1 1 7:3C Call 10 10/8 •JVXYZ FM if it isn't Model Now Open 1 p.m. " 6 p.m. Mon.-Tues.- Wed.-Fri.- Sat.-Sun. N Available for fall leasing Closed Thursday at 731 it isn't. Phone 332-6441 of . . Twyckingham Apartments ar? now leasing student units for thi 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit han a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute That's why there were 141 more girls there this s drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately whole new concept in college living. Truly luxurious planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and apartments. Deluxe appliances. Complete social private balconies. If you want to be amongthe first residents of Twycking¬ schedule-TG's, sports, fashion shows, cosmetic clinics. ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. Pool. Party lounge. In short- INVOLVEMENT in a whole Two and Four Man Leases. new way of life. Models open daily and Sunday noon-9. Seven-Thirty-One. From $69/month/person. CIRCLE^ SOUND LA*£ V with FM AM Stereo FM Radio Model Z590 • 1 ^ 4620 S. Hagadorn J-*- (Yu/ver g twckwgMM FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES Management Exclusively By: APTS. ALCO Management Company Of East Lansing T BtlATCUFF Pfi. Three Month Leases While They Last! NeJac's 543 East Grand River Phone 337-1300 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A-Mart s | MT.HOp! DO- Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 3, 1969 19 Fw Sale For Sale Vietnam cease-fire CIDER MILL open. Sweet cider-for ALTERATIONS ON dress making by DINETTE 5 piece $20.; chests $12.; (continued from page one) forthcoming student antiwar Dressers $25.; antique dining sale. Corda West, 5817 N. Okemos demonstrations and he talked of he had a plan.. room suite $50. Many Road. 337-7974. 26-10/30 Mansfield said the President" "going to the country" if efforts refrigerators $25 - $100; ranges to force policy changes are $25-$60; lamps $1 - $3; occasional AQUARIUMS 5 and 10 gallon. apparently tried to put portions unsuccessful. NEED POSTERS? For any event, 11 of a plan into operation, adding. chairs $5 - $12. Sofa and chair Complete set up. 351-3475. x 17. Low prices. Call 355-5958. But he was vague on whether $25; wood rockers $8 - $40. Beds 3-10/3 "The results are not those which 3-10/3 he would make a second $15 $50 complete. Metal had been anticipated. It just cupboards $10. Hide-a-way beds WOLLENSAK 4 track stereo. $225. hasn't worked out as he had presidential bid in 1972. IT WORKS! IT REALLY WORKS $35. Many, many things. Stop at Several prerecorded tapes, Asked about President Nixon's included. 484-1263. 5-10/3 FAST! Sell household goods with hoped." Bob & Dave's 426 South Cedar. statement that the forthcoming a Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255 Earlier, talking to reporters Phone 393-6025. NEW THINGS deomonstrations would not before the Senate met, Mansfield DAILY. 1-10/3 affect U.S. policy, McCarthy said proposals such as that by said he hopes "as these things Sen. Charles E. Goodell, R-N.Y., ROBERTS' 4 track stereo recorder. A build up, the President will Brand new. Retail $265. Sell for good place to eat! to set a specific deadline for withdrawal of all U.S. troops are respond to what is clearly the $175. 351-396310/3 counter-productive. But he public resolve with regard to the THE BEST STEAK HOUSE LONG FALL. 100% human hair. added he is war." opposed to , Brown. Excellent condition. $40. No. 16 The senator was asked about Mary 351-8090. 3-10/3 Republican Leader Hugh Scott's $25.00 ONE year male Alaskan 3020 East Kalamazoo Scott's statement Wednesday proposal for a 60-day Malmute. Good with children. moratorium criticism. quoting Nixon as determined 351-0098. 351-8229. X6-10/5 Lansing on not to be "the first president to Asked how he feels about GOP characterizations of Goodell's preside over an American SPRINGER SPANIELS, AKC defeat." champion stock. Fine pets - withdrawal proposal as "bug If the quotation is accurate, PANASONIC AM-FM, stereo radio. Hunters. 6 weeks. 351-0988 after Filet Steak: $1.54 out" and "cut and run," Turntable. $140 new. $80. 5 p.m. 5-10/6 Sirloin Steak: $1.4,9 Mansfield said "I don't like it. McCarthy said, "This is language 355-9446. 3-10/3 Jumbo Fried Shrimp: $1.50 which I think no president It's too reminiscent of the past." Ocean Fried Perch: $1.35 should use. AFFECTIONATE PUPPY needs a That was Sen. Eugene OLYMPIA TYPEWRITERS pica or Roast Chicken: $1.25 "It means he would sacrifice good home. Call Darlene, McCarthy's assessment of all of elite. $70 and $100. IV 5-5998 351-5037. 3-10/5 Special Steakburger: $. 89 Nixon's efforts. "It's almost as almost anything to preserve his before noon. 3-10/3 place in history. He would though we were back in 1966," DRUM SET Ludwig, seven pii FREE TWO year old female cat. Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. he told a news conference. prejudice the whole country to Spayed, declawed, distemper shot, make his mark on history on gold sparkle. Excellent condition. no fleas, housebroken. 351-4627. 7 days a week. McCarthy said he supports 484-3850.3-10/8 doubtful grounds." moves such as Goodell's, 3-10/5 • STEREO TURNTABLE ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking. Harman-Kardon and speakers. KITTENS:: GIVE AWAY, 1 long All kinds. European experience. 337-0727. 5-10/8 hair, Julie 353-8780, before 5, 393-0937. XI-10/3 or Call 355-0850. 5-10/7 Huff questioned 3/4 SIZE mattress, box spring and frame. Sleeps 2 nicely. 337-0727. POODLES, TOY AKC, black males, (continued from page one) non-paying trusteeship testifies Best offer. 5-10/8 first shots, wormed. 5 weeks old. TYPING: I am experienced and would remit the to the caliber of people we have $75. 676-5351. 3-10/6 reasonable Near MSU. Phone excess GAS STOVE, 4 burner, large oven. 351-1765. 1-10/3 payments. attracted," Boren said. Excellent condition. $100, o KITTENS FOR adoption. Box Huff said as yet no The charge of chaotic formal offer. 339-9370. 5-10/8 trained. Call after 5 p.m. TYPING: Experienced work, done claims had been made administration came because the against 351-8214. 3-10/3 on IBM Electric. Reasonable, records if NAPA were in WHITE VELVET wedding gown chapel train. Two formals, size with NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies, THE TREASURE CHEST Phone 485-5575. 3-10/10 The around excess leave charge centers Huff's having spent 26 disorder, Howard E. Haugerud, deputy inspector general said. 9-10. Also one 3/4 size roll-away AKC registered, 8 weeks old. Male BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. pay days in October and Haugerud said the bed; portable stereo and Beucher and female, 3 years old. 482-2164. is a new column which will appear every Friday in the Classified Section of No job too large or too small. November campaigning for administration of NAPA has trombone. 393-6463. 3-10/6 3-10/3 Block off campus. 332-3255. C the your STATE NEWS beginning Friday, October 10, 1969. trusteeship in Michigan. been of concern to the inspector REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE, GERMAN SHEPHERD pupi COMPLETE THESIS Service. Huff said those 26 days were general's office "for some time." white 28"x64". Good looking, gjven away. Call after The Treasure Chest will contain items to be sold for S25.00 less. Discount vacation days, Mansfield said "While the concept is sound, or printing, typing and condition. $40 484-4893. 1-10/3 332-6043. 3-10/3 the administrative side has been binding of theses, term papers, Huff was due only 20 days and resumes and publications. Lowest had already used 14 of them. chaotic," Haugerud said in a 15 VOLUME International Library letter to Williams. prices available. Located across "There is nothing improper of Music, by University Society. FREE KITTENS. 7 weeks old. Will from campus on corner of M.A.C. Huff said the Cost $175, sell $75. Phone deliver to you for choice. Call about campaigning during inspector and Grand River, below the Style 626-6690. 1-10/3 655-3272, evenings. 3-10/6 Only SI.50 for a minimum of 15 words. vacation," Huff said. "I don't general's office has reviewed Shop. Call COPYGRAPH NAPA twice before with no 10c for each additional word. know why Williams made so SERVICES, 337-1666. C evidence of WEIMARANER PUPPIES, AKC, much over it. He seems {o have "mismanagement of DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and stud, field trial experience. Female overlooked the fact that it (the has CD and World Dog Award. Call 355-8255 today to place an ad for your Treasure Chest item or items. engagement ring sets. Save 50 per trusteeship) is a non-paying Haugerud said the earlier Large selection of Phone 351-0238. 5-10/8 reviews cent or more. just "didn't get into plain and fancy diamonds. "Huff's public print. $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX running for a REGISTERED % Arabian colt. TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan. 485-4391. C Raffles line, flashy sorrel. Gentle. For Sale Lost & Found Personel typing. Dictaphone or tape 1 2 or 3 of a Kind 6 months old. 339-2825. 3-10/3 SECOND MAN for 2-bedroom house trailer. Near campus. No lease OST: CHECKBOOK, driver's FREE ... A thrilling hour For appointment, call 484-4519. • 0f beauty. transcription. 393-3663. 20-10/24 who's whose1,Nude dancers Vacancies for Guys or license from Venezuela, Monday. Gals Mobile Homes MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS IBM TYPING, printing and binding. (continued from page one) required. $50. Over 21. 351-3674. Please call 355-9911. 3-10/3 At 731 STUDIO. 1600 East Michigan. Quality service for thesis, "There's ROYCRAFT - [j stop in at our temporary office and meet our MAIN OFFICE 101 South Washington Ave. WAVERLY SAGINAW BRANCH 3820 West Saginaw Street permanent University branch staff. SOUTH BRANCH 1 200 South Washington Ave. AUTO BANK St. Joseph at South Washington Yes! Our office is temporary. We'll be EAST BRANCH 2101 East Michigan Ave. HOLT OFFICE 4308 West Delhi Ave., Holt starting our permanent home at the same loca¬ WEST BRANCH 913 West Saginaw Street WOODRUFF OFFICE DeWitt tion shortly. Meanwhile, we're delighted to CEDAR EVERETT BRANCH 2521 South Cedar Street SOUTHWEST BRANCH Colonial Village Shopping Center begin bringing full service banking close to UNIVERSirY BRANCH L ot I your home. Will you please give us the priv¬ ilege of serving you HOWARD MILLER Branch Manager -*■ BANK WITH THE HOME TEAM M t s-. r R A N D O R W Qt SHOPPERS a FAR ! GRAND¬ MOTHERS N mm M • C H OAS AVENUE AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST CO./ UNIVERSITY BRANCH NOW SERVING THE CAMPUS AREA We want lo In' Hanker