illtrlftgatt Neroa Sunday Sunday morning October 5, 1969 Cigarettes: lingering habit in E. Lansing "The population increase might explain Cancer Society started their television campaign against smoking, but sales why cigarette sales are keeping up. There are just more people buying all kinds of recently climbed to a new high, according to manager E. B. Erickson. products now," said Bob Scheffel, part East Lansing cigarette sales seen. owner of Goodrich's Spartan Shop-Rite indicate that many students are reluctant Dale Jones, assistant manager of Market. to "kick the smoking habit and join the Eberhard Super Market, said the Most stores have had better sales on low unhooked generation." quit-smoking campaign has helped to tar and nicotine brands in the last year. While national figures show that cigarette increase cigarette sales. Erickson said Cunningham's sales reflect sales dropped two to three per cent last "I think those ads have had an adverse that many smokers go back to their former year. East Lansing grocery and drug store effect," he said. "Smoking is getting more brands after trying a reduced tar and owners report that their tobacco sales are publicity now than ever before and more nicotine cigarette for a short time. kids are smoking." "Sales on these new brands blow hot and Other store managers have said increased cold, depending on the amount of cigarette sales are part of a general increase in the volume of sales. attention given to the tar figures," he said. Sales of products designed to help people stop smoking vary from store to store. One manager reported that he is selling about 20 times more of these products than last year but another said his sales of the newest stop-smoking aid are "rotten." Random interviews with students seen smoking on campus indicated that many have tried to give up cigarettes. Tom Leonard, Grand Ledge junior, said he tried to stop smoking three or four times last summer but had limited success. "I wanted to quit mainly because of the television commercials against smoking and the cost of cigarettes," he said. "Now that I've started again I sort of put those Are you smoking more now reasons out of my mind. But I don't think I'll smoke all my life." "It's not until you get older that you Philadelphia, Pa. senior, Wes Benner said notice a shortening of breath and a he has tried to quit a few times in the five cigarette cough," she said. years that he has been smoking. Mrs. Hudson said only one MSU graduate "The health hazards of smoking are scary student has enrolled in the clinic since its but then I don't want to live forever anyway," he said. opening in 1966. "1 think our program is too time One coed said she started smoking five years ago for the same reason that she now consuming for most students. Each clinic lasts for a month, during which time we wants to quit. meet for several hours three evenings a "I started to smoke because my old week," she said. boyfriend did and now I'm trying to quit A State News survey of smoking habits because the guy I'm dating doesn't approve of smoking," Janet Myers, Gladwin senior, among doctors at Olin Health Center showed that several physicians have quit said. She said it is especially difficult to quit smoking for health reasons. Of the nine doctors surveyed, three said because her three roommates smoke. "Last year I was seriously thinking about they have never smoked, one reported that he smoked one pack of cigarettes a day and quitting when my roommates gave me a another said he smoked three or four lighter for my birthday," Miss Myers said. "I guess you'd call that social pressure." cigarettes a day and a pipe in the evening. Four doctors said they used to smoke Margaret Hudson, program coordinator but had quit because of the smoking withdrawal clinic at of the evidence that it increases chances of lung cancer and heart Sparrow Hospital, said most young people disease. One doctor said he had smoked for in cla are smoking. not frightened enough yet to stop 46 years before quitting. Landlords lead tug-of-war life make a 10 per cent cash profit," he explained. But for Boettcher, this is nearer 8 per EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a cent; for Metzger about 11. two-part series on landlords in the East Lansing area. Beyond these financial headaches loom the tenants, the flip side of a landlord's Bob Dylan, among other things, has been burden. atenant. He sings: "Landlords and tenants are natural in building "Dear Landlord. Please don't put a price enemies," Hiscox said. "When you tell I on my soul. My burdens are heavy, my someone to do something, you often get a | dreams are beyond control. When that negative response, especially if the two Insi steamboat whistle blows, I'm gonna give parties don't really know each other." you all I got to give; and I do hope you For corporate property managers like receive it well, depending on the way you Hiscox, Zacks and Culver, who deal with feel that you live." vast numbers of tenants, the impersonality Dear Bob. Landlords lead a precarious, involved necessitates stricter regulations. Q What kinds of political, social, and academic climates thrive at MSU? See tug-of-war existence between real estate For instance, Hiscox requires all lessees owners and occupants. Responsible to to sign a separate, seven-day eviction pages 4 and 5. both, theirs is the thankless job of property waiver sheet, besides their leases. This form manager or middleman. states that any tenant whose rent is 13 £ A week of hearings on the Vietnam "As fiduciaries, we are required by law to days overdue will be automatically evicted. war are being planned by the Senate be faithful to the men whose money we Hiscox and Culver charge new tenants Foreign Relations Committee to help the last month's rent in advance, in President Nixon "out of the Vietnam represent," said James Culver, president of morass." See page 3. the J. R. Culver Co., a management firm addition to a security deposit for the same handling 1500 apartment units. amount. (Zacks requires only a security For Culver, this obligation extends to % Trustee Clair White, D-Bay City, has deposit.) called former President John Hannah the | "dozens and dozens" of banks, "We make it tough on tenants to get in source of charges of "chaotic partnerships and syndicates. and easy for them to get out," Culver said. Halstead's 189 apartment units. administration practices" leveled against For John Trafelet, resident manager of others do not earn enough rent to He began this policy four years ago when "But this is textbook staff," he asserted. Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth. See an apartment building at 408 Ann St., this completely cover all the multiple tenants started applying their security "The degree of responsibility assumed by mortgages taken out on them. means only his uncle, Curtis Beachum, who deposits toward the last month's rent. He owtis outright the 30-year-old, 11-unit property managers is the key. How much He attributed this to the high cost of allows the latter to be paid over a three profit and how well I maintain buildings, I land here — $4 a square foot near East month period. 0 U-M's President Robben Fleming structure. publicly lambasted the U.S.'s stand on the Arthur Boettcher of Musselman Realty decide myself." Lansing and $2 for the same plot in Until recently, smaller landlords like war in Vietnam recently, and now the stage Co. (24 houses) lists his own partners as Profit is extracted from rent. So too Okemos. are Boettcher, Beachum and Metzger never is set for other university presidents to mortgage payments, "If you're a good manager, utilities, respon sibil ities, and Joel Zacks, property taxes, required a security deposit, much less the follow his example. See page 6. management director for Alco Management insurance, furniture, maintenance costs and advertising, maintenance and management last month's rent in advance. Now Co. (725 units), includes stockholders. management fees. should run about 42 per cent (of gross Boettcher and Beachum collect a standard 0 What happens to a draft resistor in Robert Metzger, who privately operates Hiscox, Metzger and Boettcher said rents)," Culver stated. $50 deposit, while Metzger charges one Michigan. See page 6. four houses and one apartment building, about half of their gross rents goes for Boettcher doesn't advertise. His utilities, month's extra rent. adds his wife and family. taxes and mortgage debts. This costs them maintenance and management costs add up All six landlords hold security deposits in Q Leroy Augenstein, chairman of the Landlords are expected to maintain from $640 to $17,500 a month. to 40 per cent. Then there's furniture and escrow in a non-interest checking account Dept. of Biophysics, has said he t**— Culver said insurance expenses - another 14 per cent. escape the role of the buildings and show a profit, said Richard Hiscox, project coordinator for Lee some of complexes are mortgaged 100 his apartment per cent; "As a rule of thumb, we're supposed to that cannot be used. They said it is possible (please turn to page nine) sidewalks? professor." See page 2. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Sunday, October 5, 1969 2l^UTM[ 7 Augenstein —involvement in society key to problems By CAROL CORRIERE added, "but I don't think we responsible decisions and to take to run for U.S. Senator in the State News Staff Writer should be strictly ivory tower." action to remedty these next election. Involvement for Leroy G. At first glance he doesn't seem problems He has assessed the to be the busy man that he is. upcoming Augenstein, chairman of the "I try to get a lot of people Senate race for the last four to Dept. of Biophysics, member of Slated in his office, he isn't in a involved," he said. And that five months and feels that he's in the state Board of Education, continuous rush and doesn't starts with himself. pretty good shape, he said. lecturer and radio personality, watch clocks. His quest to get problems "We're not saying much right begins at home. He's direct, decisive and solved and get people, especially now, though," he said, "because i When he sees something that organized. himself, involved has led him if you mov too fast and don't I needs to be done--a wrong to be We have seen a lot of into politics AUGENSTEIN changes now. He is planning deliver, you're out. I righted or an unrecognized in recent years and can plan on danger to society--he doesn't seeing many more, Augenstein wait around for action from the Senatorial higher echelons; he acts. said. There is still much to be Issues "I guess I'm not the traditional "It usually takes 25 years to Sitting in s offici Leroy Augenstein, professor of biophysics, contemplates professor," he said in a recent become aware of problems and his future and, especially, his plans for running for the United States interview. another 25 years to actually do senate. Wl deciding his future, however, Augenstein continues to be "I think that there is a definite something about them," he involved in variety of community projects. need for the sitting and thinking continued. State News photo by Mike Beasley aspect of academic life," he We Perspective are just beginning to become aware of the many problems our society will have to solve in the future. I feel that aids it is the job of this generation to Program BY LINDA LEWIS set up the apparatus for solving these future problems, he said. In the future we dealing with many philosophical will be EDITOR'S NOTE: "Issues presented the "con" viewpoint of the search and Perspective" rewarding part of his work. "The AUSSC served as a catalyst for the Acquainted Program in which have had continuing week with an MSU coed who questions but in a new way. university to take a long, hard look at itself; to State News Staff Writer In addition to asking what is selection committee's work in Friday's paper. ghetto youngsters spend from relationships for the past two would act as her big sister. decide where»we are going and who we want too For Leroy Augenstein, the one week to 10 days in middle man and why is he here we will Today the "pro" side is investigated. years with our two youngsters, "It would be an opportunity lead us there," he said. class homes. When the be asking what would be like When problem of understanding and and, in fact, if I don't see my for both sides to find out what John Hannah left for Washington last Donald Montgomery, faculty member of the ad man to be? he said, and, more communicating with ghetto Augensteins started the program, little boy every 10 days or so, the other is all March, MSU was faced with an unprecendented hoc committee, said the AUSSC tried to make 28 youngsters and 26 homes about," importantly, we will really be children in a very important one. he's in trouble." task. New leadership had to be chosen and every the selection task a unifying process. involved; Get Augenstein noted. "In some able to make fundamental Augenstein has devoted a large were now The youngsters involved in this cases the girls might be given the segment of the university community had a stake "We were witnessing a transfer of power and a portion of his time to trying to Acquainted has spread to 21 changes. in the selection. struggle was inevitable. The students felt they program range from ages 8 to incentive needed to try to go on solve this problem in the Lansing counties in Michigan. 13. Augenstein estimated that to Augenstein first became Never before had it been quite so important were being cut out of the process, the trustee: "I didn't feel that I really college." involved with the public and area. about 50 per cent of the families that all factions agree on a decision. resented sharing the power they were entitled t~ knew the problems of these with the "messy ethical and Two summers ago he and his and youngsters continue their Augenstein spoke to Many people had anticipated Hannah's and the faculty felt they were better able t~ kids," Augenstein said. "But we moral questions" arising from wife originated the Get relationships. Panhellenic Council last spring resignation long before he officially announced handle the work than anyone else." the advances in science and his plans. The Academic Council had formed an An outgrowth of the Get term about organizing the Considering these attitudes, Montgomery : The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Acquainted Program is program. He reported that technology when he was doing ad hoc committee to set up a selection process he was surprised that eight of the 11 committ" research on how the mind last fall at Hannah's request. Augenstein's effort at sororities at the time seemed members were able to agree on a list of fou University, is published every class day and Sundays during functions. The committee developed the Taylor Report candidates last August. four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. establishing the Big Sister interested in giving support and He became aware of the which set the pattern for an All-University "It credit to the AUSSC that Subscription rate is $14 per year. Program. This would give a effort to such a project, but as was a we possibilites for mass mind Search and Selection Committee (AUSSC). able to reach this type of agreement," he said. " Lansing girl from 14 to 17 a yet the Big Sister Program has Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inlam chance to spend several hours a manipulation and felt that the Dale Hathaway, chairman of AUSSC, summed certainly thought it would be more difficult." not materialized. public should be alerted to them up the committee's major handicap: "None of us Critics of the committee have argued that th Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigai and other advances that could had ever chosen a president before. The difficult Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Associa.ion, Unite- Miss Mabel F. selection process may prove to be futile as ther Petersen, States Student Press Association. pose ethical and moral problems. part was getting a man capable of handling the is no guarantee that the next president will b Panhellenic adviser, commented, The result of this "Many groups are very excited awareness job to take it." chosen from their final list of candidates. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, about the project, but we just was "Choice," a 26-part He considers the committee' function of However, in that event, he AUSSC could stil Michigan television series. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servici haven't had a chance to " bringing many points of view together as one of prove to be significant in setting a precedent fo: 'Choice' presents a series of its most significant contributions. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. implement it." university decision making. She added that after fall rush specific examples where "This was the first time that a student-faculty It has provided a rare opportunity for students dilemmas must be faced and committee had worked closely with the board Phones: was over, the sorority women faculty and trustees to come to grips with eac1 choices made," a release for the of trustees," Hathaway said. "It was a test of all Editorial 355-825 . who wanted to be big sisters other's concerns--an accomplishment whici Classified program states. elements of the university to work together." should not be underestimated. Advertising 355-825.'i would probably get organized. That pretty Display Advertising well sums up "It was an experiment that had to be tried,' 353-6400 Augenstein said that he hopes Business-Circulation to start a Big Brother Augenstein's position: there are Walt Chappell, graduate representative to Montgomery said. "Even if it fails in terms of it 355-3447 soon lots of problems to be solved; we AUSSC, found the chance to deal with major Photographic 355-8311 Program, similar to that planned original goal, no one can say it wasn't need to begin to make issues confronting the University the most for big sisters. Woo£cv ygjr-. DEPARTMENT STORES s6 900x15, 9" wide. Blue streak les. Knobby tires. 2 Excellent fringe benefits. Apply $8.84 month {including tax], bdrm. apts. Model by Bishops 1966. Excellent meat department, EBERHARD'S. STATE MANAGEMENT I Furniture Call FORD '63. Mint condition, included. $80. 372-2806. IV 4-3000. 3-10/5 S2095. 663-3373. 3301 E. Michigan. 5 lOffe CORPORATION, 444 Michigan j 332-r>094 automatic, power steering. $400 Great condition 351 3861, Ave. 332-8687 2-10 6 or offer. 355-8978 3-10/5 353T75 1. Mark. 3-10/7 STUDENTS. CAN and will APARTMENTS THAT nee English Imports. FIRST CLASS CHEVROLET 1966, 2-door E FORD CORTINA GT 1966. Bucket VOLKSWAGEN 1966. red $795 With honesty find help < For quick .sale. Call 339-8659 seats. 25,000 miles. Excellent HONDA 72cc Scrambler. Still interior. Excellent condition. condition. $750 332-4539. 3-10/6 arranged. Call St. Johns, 224-7911 fellow warranty. 5 months old. Will s S950 882-5037, 518 Maple Hill, 3-10/5 days, or 224-7333 nights, ask for Mr. VOLKSWAGEN 1964 for balance owed, S270. C Radio, new Ditmer, for appointment. 2-10/5 Lansing. 3-10/5 882-2329. 3-10/7 JAGUAR 66E coupe. Green with tan For other features call after 4:30 SAY IT IN FRONT OF 50,000 OFFICE HELP wanted CHEVROLET 1966 -wagon. V-8, 1968 TRIUMPH 650 Trophy, perfect PEOPLE! Talk anbout business 355-3123. Sunday anytime automatic. Good family car Take 372 9431. 3 10/6 THIRD MAN for 2 bedroom deluxe 3-10/6 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East shape. $800. 373-2509, days, services with a Student Service t>ver payments. Balance due: bookkeeping. Will Cambria Townhouse. $82.50 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940 351-3288, evenings. 3-10/5 Directory ad. Cass Judi, 355-8255 30 55. OR7-3461, 332-6029. X 10/6 $992.46. Phone Credit Manager. VOLKSWAGEN 1963, Excellent Complete auto painting and JAGUAR XKE 1964. New OR7-4693. 3-10/6 today for details. IV 9-2379. C collision service. IV 5-0256. C 650cc TRIUMPH, 1967 Bonneville. 332-6148 3 10 5 Cream-Puff! Cheaper in fall. A new position Aviation $800., or best offer. 355-9395. for LOVE... HOLT A REA-stu LE 98 1968 VOLVO ! FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 8:30 p.m. Apply at SCHENSULS learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE!!! KAWASAKI 1967- 250cc. bedroom, couples only, STEREO 101 Special $5.00 offer. 484 1324 C condition. $350. Low mileage. from 1-5 p.m. No Saturday, children or Pets. $100. m WXYZ FM $2700 489-6718 372-2981. 3-10/5 Sunday, or Holidays and summers 646-6811 after 5 p.m. 7-10/8 WHERE IS LOVE? off. X-10/19 WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in, Scooters & Cycles □as □□□ □man STEREO 101 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS. the $1,000 bracket? We got em. CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 968 SUZUKI 120. Excellent COOKS, DISHWASHERS, busboys, bellmen. All shifts. Apply in CROSSWORD PUZZLE □aa 3Q3 nana Vinyl roof, Full power. extras. Excellent car. Low East Michigan Avenue, across condition. Helmet included. person Holiday Inn. North of □□□ nnaaaoaa WXYZ FM 31. Military cap Rick, 353-2184. 5-10/6 from the Post Office. 484-2345. C 355-1197. 5-10/6 Frandor. 10-10/13 1. Playful □aaoi aaaj 7. Releases 32.Renegade 12 Candytuft 34. Fedora 3G3D 3QG3HHQ 13. Examine 37 Woman's title DHQSQCHIB HQS Place Your accounts 38.Epoch asa aanaaiiBa 14. Unsocial 41. Timorous PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD person 15. Array 16. Asian lunar 43. 45. 46 Military sword Praises Yacht basin □asnaaaa aaaa aaaa amn Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. New Year 47. Dose [imam rasa aaa 17. P. I. negrito 48. Click beetle □□□a □□□ san STATE NEWS will bill you later. 18. Half score SOLUTION OF YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE 19. M. France DOWN 23. Hardhearted 1. Abandon 4. Unwrought 8. Fixed routine 25. One millionth 2. Wood-wind metal 9. Redact of a meter instrument 5. Knight's title 10. Ireland 29. Broadcasting 3. Half man half 6. Plural ending 11. Brit, gun channel 2 BEDROOM •• r~ 4 5 T~ 7 8 9 % 3 20. Salamander ■i 21. Scaremonger Consecutive Dates to Run . 12 %15 22. Reverberate 23. Calcium symbol Heading •M % 24. Smallest P r i nt Ad He re: 2 MAN APARTMENT 16 %% '7 %22 ■ 8 State: abbr. 26. Cheese dish % 19 20 21 25 % % 26 27 27. Roger 28. Denial 2q % 31 30. Play area 33. Exists 29 % 34. Sentry's 10 Words or Less: Peanuts Personals must be placed iYi person. $20000 /month %% % in 35 36 52 % $7 33 M3 d 38 4 39 % MO command 35. At a distance 36. Factual 39. M. Coty Over 10 Words Add: m % 40. Sandarac tree PHONE 332-5051 M6 42. Ohio college Michigan State News 45 % 46 town 43. Chemical salt 347 Student Services Bldg. M7 % 44. Macaw 46; Myself MSU East Lansing, Mich. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Sunday, October 5, 1969 ^ For Rent For Sale Service For Sale MALE OR couple, e STEREO COMPONENTS. Nar ALTERATIONS ON dress making by PIERSMA TYPING SERVICE, Landlords RENT PER MAN COMPARISON 337-0880. 10-10/9 Reasonable charge. Call 355-5855. 0-10/7 AQUARIUM. 29 gallon. Pist FURNISHED APARTMENT Pump. All filters, Nev A good place to eat! for tenants to recover these (double (single 351*7889. 3-10/6, deposits, provided their apartments are not impaired THE BEST STEAK HOUSE house) house) 694-8266. 5 10/7 SLOT CAR track, beyond "normal wear and tear." No. 16 GIRL 21 or over to share 4-man PHOTOGRAPHER TO cover YOUR 3020 East Kalamazoo They listed cleaning as the $80.50 $57.50. Call 351-1043 after 5:00. largest threat to a tenant's (double 5-10/7 RECORDER Soni 4 track Lansing (2-man TAPE security deposit. apartment) model 600-D. $175. 1800 foot IT MAY NOT BE LOST FOREVER! reels tape, $1.50 each. 485-6521. "We'll clean your apartment for items with Advertise lost z 3-10/6 Recreation $1.54 until you're satisfied with it," Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255 now Filet Steak: Hiscox said, "but when you DRUM SET Ludwig, seven piece, Sirloin Steak: $1.49 HAYRIDES: ALL private p Jumbo Fried Shrim p: $1.50 Wanted leave, you leave it clean to my gold sparkle. Excellent condition. satisfaction." 484-3850. 3-10/8 Ocean Fried Perch: $1.35 BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 Roast Chicken: $1.25 Hiscox claims it costs $80 to STEREO TURNTABLE Special Steakburger ■: $. 89 negative and AB negative, $10.00. clean a dirty one-bedroom O negative, $12. MICHIGAN apartment. Culver estimates COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 507V? anywhere from $6 to $150. East Grand River, East Both allow tenants to shampoo 7 days a wet;k. carpets themselves. 100 USED vacuu Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 year guarantee. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C 10 Michigan State University, Hast Lansing, Michigan Sunday, October 5, 1969 SPORTS Theismann, By MIKE MANLEY State News Sports Writer He threw lrish/ from all field, sometimes while flat on „„„ his Theismann, who could have quit after the first half and had trample play catch-up football all day," "Against Notre Dame we had Daugherty moaned. "The shock to play the running first and the back. SOUTH BEND - The names that defense didn't second and linebackers Notre Dame went on the an outstanding day, came right was our pass our may take getting used to but board first when Theismann hit back at the Spartans after the contain them. They made a lot were committing themselves too Notre Dame has uncovered an intermission. of fullback • Bill Barz with an third down plays." soon," Duffy added. explosive new Combining his passing with the 11-yard swing pass the second Hanratty-Seymour combination. time the Irish had the ball. running of halfback Denny Scrambling junior quarterback MSU tied the score when Allen, Theismann moved the Joe Theismann and sophomore Irish 64 yards to the MSU 7. defensive tackle Ron Curl end Tom Gatewood led the revived Irish offense to a blocked an Irish quick kick on Then, on a beautiful bootleg JEFF ELLIOTT the Notre Dame 10 and carried play, Theismann sprinted seven one-sided 42-28 win over MSU it to the five. Two yards for the score, making it Saturday here. plays later, 28-14 with 5:31 left in the third Theismann ran around, passed, Tommy Love scored from the four. quarter. Triplett and thoroughly confused the MSU scored quickly same MSU defense that had Theismann then marched the following the kickoff with Eric Allen Irish downfield like a drill overwhelmed Washington and Southern Methodist in their first two games. Theismann completed 20 of 33 passes for 294 yards and sergeant — — over from the one. 85 yards in 17 plays scoring from the four. The key for the score with Barz play in the 69 yard drive was a going 46-yard pass from The Spartans, aided by two Gordy Bowdell. key passes irom Bill Triple tt to Following the score Triplett to HWelcome home Bill Triplett. but team three touchdowns and made the Theismann did in the Spartans We knew you were around and would soon arrive -- just too Bruce Kulesza, got that one back 59,075 screaming fans forget for good. He hit Gatewood, who bad you couldn't experience the sweet taste of victory when you in a hurry. about the famed Terry Hanratty. came home. Highsmith capped a Jim beginning to look as good as was Don "Theismann had a remarkable The Vicksburg, Miss, junior has been loudly criticized for his 71-yard drive with a five yard Seymour ever did, for 35 day," MSU Coach Duffy run with 2:17 yards to the MSU 40. shaky performances in the Spartans' first two encounters. Maybe Daugherty said after the game. remaining in the Theismann Saturday's game will shut up some of his critics and turn them half. then ran for 11 "He kept the pressure on us all into followers. Here, the yards into MSU territory. One day long. He is a fine Spartan defense Catch-up ball is hard to do, especially when you're playing on seemed to relax and play later he threw his third quarterback." — Notre Dame's home field. But the Triplett-led Spartans were Theismann touchdown to^ Gatewood, a Playing only his third game for promptly burned forced to do so all day Saturday. Their second-quarter drive was them. He moved the Irish to the 25-yarder to put the game out of the Irish, Gatewood, a 6-3, 205 reach. by far the best. MSU 29 in quick order and then pound split end, caught ten ND scored They moved the ball 71 yards in 12 plays, eating up nearly five hit halfback Randy Ziegler with on a one yard run minutes of playing time. It was by far the finest offensive drive passes, good for 155 yards and by Barz to run the score to one score. Most of those catches a perfect scoring pass to give the Spartans have put together this year. You can cite the Notre Dame 42-21. Bowdell then scored the quick in a 21-14 halftime scores in the Washington and SMU came key situations, lead. final touchdown for the games as good teamwork, but sustaining Notre Dame drives. that was before the Mustang or Huskie defense got oriented to "In my Spartans on a 35-yard pass play It was an extremely long and opinion, that was the from the green and white attack. turning point of the game," Triplett. frustrating afternoon for the Triplett never looked sharper than in those five minutes lamented Daugherty when it was 'We ed flashe Spartans. Saturday; he hit Kulesza on two quick passes in the middle of the The 42 points by Notre Dame offensively but we just had to drive and picked up 15 yards on the ground himself. He turned were the most scored against an what looked like a sure loss into a two-yard pickup on a broken MSU team since the opening play. You can see Triplett's confidence building after his 46-yard toss game of the 1947 season, when to Gordie Bowdell in the third quarter. Five Mets, Birds take Michigan beat the Biggie plays later Eric Allen Munn-coached team 55-0. took it in for the score to narrow the Irish lead to seven points. Even though the Spartans dropped the It was also the most points game, Head Coach scored by the Irish against MSU Duffy Daugherty cannot help but bepleasedby Triplett's showing. since 1921. The combined total Earlier in the week, Duffy said Triplett would need a game where of 70 points set a one-game high for these two arch-rivals. But the afternoon Theismann, a skinny kid who belonged to playoff openers he would complete a dozen or so passes for 150 yards. The 6 ft. 2 in., 185-pound junior had such a game (nine completions for 178 yards), but will need at least that type of performance when the Spartans meet Ohio State next week. everyone said was primarily a Paul Blair, the centerfielder five-run eruption in the eighth running quarterback. He did drafted out of the Mets' inning Saturday as the Theismann a top scrambler for 51 yards, but it __ ^ , his organization seven years ago, rags-to-riches Mets beat the passing that broke the Spartan dumped a perfect bunt 10 feet Atlanta Braves 9-5 in the defense. fr01" home plate in the 12th It's really too bad the defense had such off day when opening game of the National an inning Saturday to give the League's championship series. Triplett generated the offensive attack. High-flying Orioles a 4-3 victory over the Minnesota Twins in the first The Eastern Division champ Mets went into the eighth TTie defensive linemen looked like the offensive line in the Spartans' first two games — strong at times but for the most part, While attempting to hurdle the MSU line, Notre Dame running back Ed Ziegler is SPORTS IN BRIEF game of the American League trailing 5-4, with Atlanta pushovers. The line, which had been "saving the secondary" for grabbed in midair by MSU defensive end Wilt Martin during Saturday's ~ Playoffs. the most part in the Washington and SMU games, fell apart knucklegballer Phil Niekro Irish-Spartan game at South Bend. Led by the all-around brilliance of Joe Blair's bunt on a 1-1 pitch having retired 10 of the previous Saturday. Theismann, Notre Dame whipped MSU, 42-28. MSU'S Duffy Daugherty They gave Notre Dame's Theismann up to four and five seconds AP Wirephoto scored Mark Belanger from third 11 batters. doesn't like to talk about game base with two out when both in which to look for a receiver. As Duffy Third baseman Wayne Garrett always says, "If you give prospects other than the pitcher Ron Perranoski led off with a soft double down even the average quarterback that much time, hell burn you." immediately ahead, but his and catcher John Roseboro the third base line that barely The defensive ends, Wilt Martin and Gary Nowak. who have PURDUE WINS 3RD response was quick writer asked him how he viewed when a dashed rolled futilely for the ball that to eluded Clete Boyer's glove and been such mainstays in the Spartan line last year and this year, performed far below their capabilities. The closest Nowak came a stop tied it up when Cleon Jones State game to Theismann all day was to along the third base line and followed with a single to center. congratulate him after the game. Columbus Oct. 11. couldn't make a play. Time after time the Irish had one blocker on him either Jones, moving to second on knocking "We have them right where v him down or out of the play. Finally, defensive line coach Belanger, who hit an infield Art Shamsky's third hit of the Henry Missouri blitzes them," he declared. want single off Harmon Killebrew's Bullough pulled him in favor of Gary Halliday. an inexperienced game and then stealing third '^Between Michigan and Notre glove at third, moved to second when Braves catcher Bob Didier sophomore. on a sacrifice and to third threw to the wrong base, scored groundout, scored the run that the go- ahead run when Orlando 'S' defense falls apart Ron McBride Wisconsin continued its snapped a 3-3 deadlock and gave Cepeda threw into the dirt at highlighted a non-conference foes. The Theismann certainly didn't make it any easier on the defense 24-point Missouri second quarter winless ways, and although a wOTT . , MSU has surpassed its Spartan .. c, . the Orioles the first game of-the home after making a putout at Wildcats, with a killer schedule . . e .. , 5. , ' either by dodging and scrambling away from the front four all with a pair of short touchdown six-point favorite, lost to a ,. Stadium .. .; F best-of- five playoffs for a berth first. tormenting them, lost to UCLA seating capacity of in the WrtpIH World Series. day. Showing signs of a scrambling Terry Hanratty and the runs Saturday which carried the mediocre Syracuse team, 43-7. An intentional walk loaded the 36-9 while hapless Illinois lost to 76,000 on ten occasions from J.C. Martin's bases-loaded bases and Mets Manager Gil running of OSU's Rex Kern (who will probably give Bullough ninth-ranked (by UPI) Tigers to Always strong Nebraska kept Big Eight team Iowa State 1957 through 1968. a 40-17 Minnesota off the winning track, oinch hit single highlighted a Hodges, going for broke, pulled nightmares all week), Hieismann engineered four Notre Dame "upset" win over 48-20. drives for over 75 yards each, and they weren't "fluke" bombing the Gophers 42-14 25-game winner Tom Seaver and drives, Michigan. as each one requiring at least 10 plays before the touchdown. Missouri held a 24-3 halftime the Big Ten team swatched its gambled on Martin. Martin laced a hit to center, The defense was "up" for two weeks straight and carried the lead over the Wolves, who were season mark drop to 0-2-1. ranked 11th nationally by UPI and were favored by one point at home. Michigan fought back Iowa's potent scoring machine kept rolling merrily along, as the Hawks belted Arizona 31-19. Hartman paces runners scoring two runs, and when the ball got away from Tony Gonzalez, another run scored -- offense. This week the offense finally showed it can move the ball and score. Unless coach Duffy Daugherty gets the two units to play their best ball, next Saturday's game against the top-rated Buckeyes in the third quarter, and closed But Indiana's giving the Mets four unearned to 21-38 win over Indiana scorers were their big inning. could prove to be a Spartan disaster. the gap to 24-17 on a derailed in Boulder as Colorado pair of one-yard plunges by right tackle embarrassed the Hoosiers 30-7. fullback Garvie Craw. Two other Big Ten losers. needed to insure a victory. performed." But junior mike Bennett broke Northwestern and Illinois, fell to Si Senior Ken Leonowicz, sopn Gibbard Bring Your Bicycle Problems To through to block a Mark Werner now counts four frosh Dave Dieters and freshman Krueger, Paced by Kim Hartman's Zoppa, -- punt and Missouri recovered on Reiff, Warren Krueger finished within Kilpatrick « in his top seven the U-M 12, enabling Henry record-breaking win, Jim Brown to kick his second field Gibbard's young cross three seconds of each other In other games of country interest behind IU soph Steve Kelly. goal of the day from 24 yards around the country: squad romped to a 21-38 victory out. Brown's first field goal, a Bowling over Indiana Saturday morning Wrapping up the win, Green. 21; Western Michigan, 26-yarder, tied the game at 3-3 at Forest Akers. freshman Ralph Zoppa, Pete Booters hope At 10, Penn State, 17; Kansas State, College Schwinn Cycle and triggered the Tigers' second 14, Texas A & M, 20; Hartman, a junior, finished in Reiff, Randy Kilpatrick and Army, 24:52.5 over the hilly five-mile junior Chuck Starkey took to meet Denver quarter blitz. 13 Arkansas, 24; Texas A 48 yard punt return by coruse and obliterated the 25:44 eighth through 11th places to Christian, 6, Georgia, 41; South Barry Pierson plus a timely Carolina, 16, Florida, 21; course mark he had set eight give MSU a 49.5 second split on after snowstorm penalty that nullified a 22-yard Hordia davs earlier in a time trial. State, 6, Oklahoma Hartman provided the glitter Gibbard MSU's soccer team was loss enabled Craw to score praised his team, State, 17; Texas ' Tech, 10, and glow in the Spartans snowed out of Friday night's Michigan's first touchdown. A Clemson, 21; Georgia Tech, 10. eighth saying that "everyone did a against Denver. They were <#j> straight dual win dating back to tremendous job. It was a nice game recovery of a McBride fumble in the ensuing Missouri series set up Villanova, 57; Santa Clara, 8 Virginia, 32; Virginia Military, 0 the first, a 28-29 win over these same Hoosiers a year ago today, "The freshmen did just a great scheduled to meet Air Force in Colorado Springs late Saturday. Oldest Bike Shop in East Lansing the second. Boston College, 28; Tulane, 24 but the next seven MSU runners job," Gibbard added. "I couldn't Gene Kenney's crew will try Tim Killian had kicked a Auburn, 44; Kentucky, 3 gave the hosts the punch they with how they again today against Denver. 40-yard field goal in the opening quarter to put Michigan ahead for the only time in the game. We always jj| Eighth-ranked ^Purdue continued winning, upping its record to 3-0 by edging upset-minded Stanford 36-35 at on service Lafayette. Senior quarterback Sunday. Mike Phipps passed for five touchdowns and 429 yards, 232 of them in the fourth quarter .. sell n which saw Purdue score 15 points, two of them coming on a Our dining room - Phipps to Greg Fenner rent LUNCH . . . for your the IL FORNO room there's no place around mere where v0u can get everyday hungry gourmet is and a pizza after midnight ! RIBEYE SANDWICH $1.39 Open every Sunday HAM n CHEEZ BOWL 990 for family dinners, trade. PERCH n BUN 890 and singles too! Come As You An • No Tipping phon 144 N. Harrison, East Lansing Hey Dog! Call Little Caesars. 337-1631 600 N. 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