Monday We must. MICHIGAN Fair . . STATE NEWS . . . . . pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. -Martin Luther STATE . . and cool with a high in the King mid-sixties. Increasing cloudiness UNIVERSITY tonight. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 56 LONG TIME COMING Ky predicts U.S. pullout in ground-combat by '70 WASHINGTON (AP)-Vice President the present pace upgrading the equipment government--in particular, Ambassador of the Vietnamese forces, Ky said: Maxwell Taylor. Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam predicted Sunday the U.S. ground-combat "T am satisfied that the maximum effort "Finally, general mobilization was is being made now to equip our armed decreed late last year, 1968, and the U.S. role in his country will be ended by the forces. On the other hand, I think this government this time gave usits full support < close of 1970. • And he asserted that this might have policy could have been applied at an earlier date. "An earlier start of this plan would have been brought about years earlier if his "In 1965, as prime minister, I proposed a allowed a much lesser U.S. troop 1965 effort to shift the fighting role to the Vietnamese had not met American plan for a general mobilization, and committment in the first place. And opposition-particularly, he said, from Gen. requested U.S. assistance in training and naturally it would have permitted an Maxwell Taylor, the then U.S. ambassador equipment. But my plan met with earlier withdrawal of whatever U.S. troops to Saigon. opposition from the American were here." Kpggave his views in a copyrighted Ky did not say on what grounds the interview with the magazine U.S. News & Americans opposed his plans. World Report. He expressed hope that the rate of U.S. Education Taylor was not immediately available for comment. The State Dept. declined to comment. troop withdrawals can be increased and then said: Asked whether he expects an increase in "In my estimation, by the end of 1970, reform enemy said: activity as U.S. units withdraw, Ky the redeployment will have reached a point when you can say that the U.S. military The most recent intelligence reports Speech Clinic * effort will consist logistical-support functions, and that the Vietnamese will have mainly assumed of all coming indicate that the enemy is preparing to launch a major winter offensive. Undoubtedly they will try to increase their The stance new Hearing and Speech Clinic on Wilson Road was officially dedicated with pomp and circum¬ Sunday. Dr. John J. O'Neill, president of the American Speech and Hearing Assn., told the pressures as American units withdraw." audience at Kellogg Center of the importance of the audio and speech sciences. State News photo | ground-combat responsibility. "As to when we can take over all elements of the war effort, this d Michigan's Legislature returns to Lansing | our success in equipping and training the tonight for a special fall session with most Trustees to shun Adams rally Vietnamese armed forces in the more of their attention to be focused on Gov. I technical fields. At present we are Milliken's controversial educational reform achieving very rapid progress in air and package. naval power. But, as you know, it takes Milliken will probably formally present | time .. ." his program to the legislature Thursday in Asked what effect the withdrawal of the form of several bills. have "observed the guidelines of the Taylor Board Chairman Don Stevens announed persons to attend would be the student I some U.S. combat troops has had, Ky The final package that will come out of Report for months. last week that he will speak at the rally to representatives to AUSSC," he said. replied: the legislature this fall could mean as much "I think it'd be presumptuous of The state his position on adhering to the "One thing I have learned is that students Four trustees said Sunday they will not "Some observers who predicted that the as $200 million more in taxes. State News or the Detroit Free Press or any procedures of the Taylor Report and the want to talk to students. After all, the attend the rally for Acting President I enemy would overrun positions turned In the heart of the issue is Milliken's Adams scheduled for 3 p.m. Wednesday at other paper to try and look beyond what AUSSC. faculty petitions were sent to a faculty over to the Vietnamese forces must have proposed statewide property tax at a Dale Hathaway, chairman of AUSSC, member. I think the appropriate person to Beaumont Tower. we're doing today," he said. changed their minds by now. There has not somewhat lower rate than the present local Tom said that as of Sunday he had not received attend is Mike Giezer," Hathaway Samet, ASMSU chairman, J been one single instance to confirm their average of 24 mills. announced last week that invitations were Frank Merriman, R-Deckerville, said he is an invitation to attend the rally. continued. I tfears." The governor has said he is exploring being sent to the eight trustees and the "not attending rallies for anyone. Hathaway said that even if invited, he is Giezer, the student representative to When asked whether he is satisfied with "I think," he said, "when we get around not sure whether he will find the time to AUSSC since the resignation of Sue (please turn to page eleven) All-University Search and Selection Committee (AUSSC), to selecting a man, we'll do it in a manner attend. Gebelein in September, was not available not involving rallies of this type." "It seems to me that the appropriate for comment. Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, said he will not attend the Adams rally because he Scott backs Haynsworth teaches in Detroit on Wednesdays. But he said he would send a statement to be read Attack Huff involves at the rally. "I will send on a statement reassuring the under White House pressure students that I down in "And I plan to accept the rules set the Taylor Report," Martin said. will also say that I would like to committee but was not ready to say how WASHINGTON (AP)-Senate Republican see Walter Adams' name on the list of salary he would vote the floor. Since then he NAPA on I leader Hugh Scott, R. Penn. said Sunday he candidates. I think he's done a fine job," has received letter from President Nixon va a I expects to support the nomination of he continued. I Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr. to the urging him to expediate Senate confirmation of the disputed appointment. Trustee Stephen Nisbet, R-Freemont, said he will be out of state Wednesday. He , YSupreme Court. The Pennsylvania senator "It would be very wrong to allow is under clear presidential pressure to do has sent a statement to Samet to be read at unfounded allegations to deny this country | that and more. his distinguished service," Nixon wrote of the rally. Scott said he expects remaining questions "My statement says that I agreed to stick I about Haynsworth's financial dealings to Haynsworth. "I intend to do all that I can to secure his confirmation." by the procedures set up at the beginning Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, has News Background e cleared up this week and "I expect to be by the Search and Selection Committee not been charged with illegal activity as a I able Scott, newly-elected Senate minority and I will do so until the end," Nisbet said. to act favorably" when the result of State Dept. allegations last week leader, succeeding the late Everett M. Frank Hartman, R-Flint, said he does not | nomination reaches the Senate floor. Dirksen, commented Sunday on the CBS think it is "appropriate" for the trustees to that he was guilty of irresponsible Last week, Scott had said he would administration of a small, international aid AID, who then requested a special audit of take 26 days both years, or a total of 52 I support Haynsworth in the Judiciary attend the rally for Adams. program. NAPA by the State Dept.'s inspector days. (please turn to page nine) He added that he believes the trustees After auditing the National Assn. of the general's office. The period of time in which he received Partners of the Alliance (NAPA) in June, The inspector general had audited NAPA questionable leave pay, then, was six days. the inspector general's office of the State twice before and found nothing At his $140 daily salary, this amounts to Dept. accused Huff: 1) of collecting at objectionable, Huff said. $840. least $1,000 in unearned vacation pay from However, this special audit showed that Huff has indicated to Hannah that he will NAPA, and 2) of "chaotic" administration the Accounting Dept. did not deduct the remit the pay if AID finds that he has during his two years as NAPA executive right amount of withholding tax from taken an excess. director. Huff's $28,000 salary and that he had To charges of chaotic administration, Sen. John Williams, R-Del., made the taken too iftuch paid leave. Huff replied, "my job was to organize accusations public from the Senate floor Williams hastened to point out that Huff them (state Partners of the Alliance and submitted detailed campaigned for the MSU trusteeship during descriptions of the committees), and that's what I did." charges to the Congressional Record. his leave. He failed to add that this is not NAPA is a private, non-profit Because Huff is an often-talked-of an unusual occurence among organization of volunteers working to gubernatorial hopeful, and because the businessmen-politicians and that the support the Alliance for Progress, Huff charges come more than six months after trusteeship is a non-paying political explained. he resigned his NAPA post, some position. The Washington office has no power over speculate political maneuvering caused the sudden Huff said he will not know whether the state committees. criticism. enough withholding has been taken from "Some states have better committees According to Huff, the situation is this: his salary until his income tax is assessed at than others, but this is determined entirely He (Huff) went to the end of the year. Therefore, he has no Washington in 1967 at by the local people." the request of the Agency for International way of knowing now if the charge about Huff attributes the sudden surfacing of Development (AID) to be executive the Accounting Dept. of NAPA was this criticism to either the work of "a director of NAPA, an AID program for a correct. disgruntled employee" or to "Williams' brief span of time. His short term job, NAPA is organized under an AID own dislike for AID." however, turned into a two-year stint, as he contract which states that annual leave Members of the Inspector General's was continually asked to stay on. may not exceed 26 days. Under strict civil office are somewhat reluctant to discuss In March, he decided that he could no service rules, 26 days vacation is the their audit of Huff's administration. M1 longer divide his time between a job in maximum an employee may receive after Deputy inspector general Howard E. Washington and his family in Plymouth. 15 years of service. Haugerud said the audit resulted from the When he notified NAPA and AID of his Huff had served for 14 years before his dissatisfaction of several state Partners impending resignation, John A. Hannah, first year with NAPA. Thus, under strict And the beat director of AID, "came to me personally civil service rules, he would have been organizations with the assistance they were getting from the Washington office. and asked me to stay." Huff did not stay. entitled to 20 days leave his first year at The Haugerud said he had inspected a number Sunday Funnies and the Plain Brown Wrapper played to a well-mannered crowd of music lovers Some months after Huffs resignation, an NAPA and 26 days his second year. A total of state organizations personally and knew during Saturday's Lake Lansing Pop and Blues Festival, Over 6,000 people attended the festival, office manager of NAPA was fired. He of 46 days in two years. of their dissatisfaction. which ran lOhours. State News photo by Jerry McAllister went to Sen. Williams, NAPA, however, told Huff that he could a long time critic of I please turn to page nine) STUDe/ir 2.0,000 /? !? 15,000 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 Poverty blamed By JEFF SHELER existence of the Speaking poor." to students and believe that there is more poverty than low income, that it to on other benefits federal policy programs that confine to certain locations. 1) The structural inadequacies of many local governments often policy" of "linking up the industrial potential of the poor Government anti-poverty instructors from the School of is something pathological," he Such programs limit the freedom fail to provide adequate with the needs of the nation as a policies are fostering poverty in Social Work, Rainwater said. "Consequently, their of recipients, he said, who may machinery through which whole." the United States, Lee criticized the overall federal programs fail because they are want to move out of an area, but federal agencies can work. Rainwater, Harvard sociologist, program. He said the program is designed to change people's must remain in order to He said that present programs said here Friday. "trying to make poverty easier" habits and not their financial continue receiving benefits. 2) Local governments often "Government programs by providing special services to situations. But these situations He then outlined what he try to avoid the heavy demands designed to create jobs for the poor are inadequate because emphasize the status of the poor the poor instead of eliminating must change before habits and termed "four persisting of federal agencies, sometimes and cater to it," he said. "If what he termed the basis of difficulties in all for political reasons, and they comprise "last resort ways of life change." categorical taken seriously, they assume by poverty, low income. Rainwater verbally government programs" that add produce ineffective, "watered employment." Sufficient attacked their very nature the continued "Politicians and civic leaders low-cost to their ineffectiveness: down" programs. income, he said, must be housing projects and generated to allow the poor to enter the economic mainstream. 3) The overlap of many urban and suburban This will come, he said, over a governments in long period of time and only if U.S. pays$6,500 poverty areas increases the number of veto points against the government searches out effective action. truly productive jobs for the 4) Problems in defining who is poor. Poverty enforced eligible for what kind of "No crash program will Lee Rainwater drives his point home to an MSU assistance often bog .down any solve audience—government poverty of the poverty problem in this programs are alleged effective action. Vietn country," he said. "It will take enforcing poverty by :atering to it and by making Rainwater proposed a change time for each family to change it easier to be in poor. emphasis to "a more rational in its own individual way." State Ne vs Photo by Jerry McAllister SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. government has paid nearly $6,500 Saigon to protest the move. in compensation to the widow of the Vietnamese man allegedly slain in the Green Beret case, a U.S. spokesman said Sunday. Although the Army had kept details secret, reports said Chuyen He said the woman, Phan Kim Lien, filed a claim with the U.S. had been exposed as a double agent and allegedly was slain June 20 near the Special Forces coastal headquarters at Nha Trang. IN RESIDENCE HALLS Embassy Aug. 23 accusing eight Special Forces men of killing her The body reportedly was put in a weighted bag and dumped into husband, Thai Khan Chuyen, and asking for full information the South China Sea. So far as is known, no body has ever been about the case. Vietnamese women who marry retain their Moratorium support grows recovered. maiden name. Newsman asked the U.S. Army why it had reversed its charges A U.S. Command spokesman said the widow accepted the against the Green Berets. "missing person gratuity" from representatives of the U.S. "There is no evidence that he,Chuyen is dead," he replied. "He Foreign Claims Commission Saturday. is considered to be missing." "The amount of the settlement was mutually agreed upon and By IRENE PINCKES for the Greater "We want End the War Now. Asked how the amount of compensation was derived, he said Lansing every hall at the State News Staff Writer Coalition to End the War Now, The resolution also represents what is determined to be adequate compensation," the each claim is handled on its merit with the number of children in University to pass a resolution in requests spokesman said. Meetings were held last week is also affiliated with the New "that Acting President Adams the family and other factors considered in the settlement. support of the moratorium," The command said Chuyen "has been missing since June 20 in several residence halls, Mobilization Committee to End Ehlmann said. and the MSU administration Saigon newspapers continued to give big play to the case and while on duty with the U.S. Special Forces, Detachment B41, turned up two more alleged cases of missing men in which the including Hubbard and Bryan, in the War in Vietnam. Zolton Ferency, Democratic suspend classes Oct. 15 in Moc Hoa, Republic of Vietnam." an attempt to gather student Ehlmann said that his job is nominee for governor in 1966, connection with the planned families charged that American forces were included. The U.S. Army dropped charges of murder and conspiracy to support for the proposed Oct. basically getting students to will speak at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday moratorium for the purpose of U.S. information officers disclaimed any immediate knowledge commit murder against the eight Green Berets last week. of either 15 Vietnam moratorium on attend a rally scheduled for at the scheduled rally in front of campus discussion and case. Phan Kim Lien made a tearful visit to the U.S. Embassy in classes. Tuesday and obtaining their Beaumont Tower. enlightenment." "What we want to do is end support for a proposed Women's The Fee Hall Council passed a Inter-residence the war now," Pat Ehlmann, moratorium on classes Oct. 15. Council (WIC) has unanimously resolution to "request that the Muskegon sophomore, said in a He said it is important that University support the passed a resolution giving full Hubbard Hall meeting Thursday students do something because moratorium and provide support to the ASMSU request night. people are impressed by large that classes be suspended Oct. facilities for discussion," Ehlmann, campus coordinator numbers. 15. Jacqueline Ur, Carteret, New Men's Hall Assn. (MHA) is Jersey, sophomore and president of East Fee Hall said. expected to pass a similar "Walter Adams is not adamant J PISTOL CLUB Spartan Pistol and Rifle Club resolution at their next meeting, an MHA representative reported. Donna O'Donnohue, Harbert against Ehlmann what we are doing," said, "but we don't know yet if we will be able to will hold their first meeting in the junior and president of WIC, said that WIC will wait to see what get University facilities." Demonstration Hall basement on Don Buckley, Birmingham the administration will do before TUESDAY October 7, 1969, at junior and president of South planning further action. 7:00 p.m. Various dormitory councils are Hubbard Hall, said in concluding Instructions will be given on the Hubbard meeting, "We want Safety beginning to take action in and Firing procedures. support of the moratorium. people in East Complex to talk The about the necessity that the war ' members For Informatio Hubbard Hall Executive Council end" and "change the sentiment > Welcome 355- 2387 or 353-1341 passed a resolution here from one of apathy to supporting the efforts of the Greater Lansing Coalition to Register Now And Win A FREE JOHN ROBERT'S RING* SJs. Come as you are! NOVEMBER 4, 1969 Now's the time to sign up at your placement office for an interview with the Bethlehem Steel Loop Course recruiter. This could be the start of something big! And just what IS the Bethlehem Steel Loop Course? Glad you asked! It's our management development program for graduates with bachelors' or advanced degrees. Bethlehem loopers (150 to 200 every year) spend four swinging weeks at our home offices in Bethlehem, Pa. Then, primed with information about the entire corporation and rarin' to go, they re¬ port to the appropriate plants or departments for their first assignments. Then, onward and upward! Where would YOU fit into the Loop Course? Check your degree or the one most similar to it: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-Engineering or me¬ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING—Steel plant, fabricating chanical maintenance departments of steel plants, fabri¬ works, mining operations, and shipyard electrical en¬ cating works, mining operations, and shipyards. Fuel gineering, construction, and maintenance departments. and combustion departments. Supervision of production Technical and supervisory positions in large production operations. Marine engineering assignments in Ship¬ operations involving sophisticated electrical and elec¬ building Department. Also: Sales or Research. tronic equipment. Also: Research or Sales. METALLURGICAL "Men's Deluxe Large Closed Back ENGINEERING—Metallurgical de partments of steel plants and manufacturing operations. Engineering and service divisions. Technical and super¬ stone quarries, many of which are among the most visory positions in steelmaking departments and rolling modern and efficient in the industry. This 10,000-man Ladies' Sweetheart Ring mills. Also: Research or Sales. activity offers unlimited opportunities to mining en¬ Drawing Held Oct. 17,1969 CHEMICAL ENGINEERS-Technical and supervisory gineers. Also: Research. (in yellow or white gold) NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS— positions in coke works, including production of by¬ product chemicals. Fuel and combustion departments, Graduates are urged to inquire about opportunities in including responsibility for operation and maintenance ^Shipbuilding Department, r>r._ including the Central of air and water pollution control equipment. Engineer¬ r ^ggjgp ancj engineering organi- ing and metallurgical departments Steelmaking opera¬ tions. Also: Research or Sales. OTHER TECHNICAL DEGREES-Every year we recruit INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Positions in steel plants, loopers with technical degrees other than those listed above. Seniors enrolled in such curricula are encour¬ fabricating works, shipyards, and mines. Engineering and maintenance departments. Supervision of steel¬ aged to sign uo for an interview. making, rolling, manufacturing, and fabricating opera¬ ACCOUNTANTS Graduates in accounting or business tions. Also: Sales. administration (24 hours of accounting are preferred) are recruited for training for CIVIL ENGINEERING—Fabricated Steel Construction supervisory assignments in our 3,000-man Accounting Department. assignments in engineering, field erection, or works management. Steel plant, mine, or shipyard assign¬ OTHER NON-TECHNICAL DEGREES Graduates with ments in engineering, construction, and maintenance. degrees in liberal arts, business, and the humanities are Supervision of production operations. Sales Department invited to discuss opportunities in the Sales Department assignments as line salesman or sales engineer (tech¬ Some non-technical graduates may be chosen to fili nical service to architects and engineers). openings in steel plant operations and otherdepartments S ^jj^Ptudent tt S ook tore Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 3 35C l»C lergen NEWS Irish Protesta Emery Boards 17< Deodorant Soap •2 13c Cigarettes 3/79c Limit 6 gassed by (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) A summary Expires after 10-11-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-11-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-11-69 East Lansing Store Only capsule summary of the day's events frorr wire services. Police said 40 persons were 2.00 our The afternoon 1.25 parade was to arrested BELFAST, Northern Ireland mark the anniversary of a Roman during the encounter. Corn Silk Faberge (AP)--British troops used tear gas Catholic civil rights Later, 4,000 men and boys massed outside Paisley's church Liquid Subdue to break up a demonstration of demonstration in Londonderry militant Protestants in the last October that sparked the and, led by four youths Make-up Cologne Dandruff Shampoo second clash here in 12 hours of violence across the carrying Union Jacks, marched Sunday. wave Northern Ireland. through East Belfast streets. The crowd swept past a 99c 99c 69c The second affray came when Police credited an intervention 'There just isn't any substantial cordon of police five men deep, troops were called in to help by Paisley to calm Protestant climbed over a barbed wire coil (Coupon) (Coupon) value in the criticisms being police break up a forbidden tempers with helping to end the across the street and Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 leveled about march of about 250 militant earlier pushed Judge Haynsworth. " riot during which a aside several lines of troops. East Lansing Stores Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Portestants to the new Martyrs soldier was shot in the leg and Police and soldiers broke the Memorial Church of the Rev. Ian another was hospitalized after 10c 1.28 crowd into smaller groups, 2.50 value Paisley. being hit in the head by a brick. however., and the march The Protestants tried to march Both were reported in "a eventually dispersed. Aqua Marine Frito Lay Schick down Templemoor Avenue, to satisfactory condition." the church, inaugurated Moisture Lotion Potato Chips Shave Bomb Saturday by Bob Jones, president of Bob Jones 88c 66c The Viet International News Cong and North Vietnamese launched their University in Greenville, S.C. this All public demonstrations of kind have been banned Coeds sell smooches (Coupon) ,5- (Coupon) Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 heaviest rocket and mortar attacks in nearly three weeks during Northern Ireland's East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only help End the War' East Lansing Store Only during the weekend, concentrating most of them in the religious troubles by the Belfast government. to Mekong Delta southwest of Saigon, the U.S. ceommand A cordon of Royal Marines 49c 26.95 19C reported. Sharp action also was reported near the was thrown in front of the Kiss a coed today and help send a student to Washington, D.C. Cambodian border. procession, however, and when November 15. The MSU faculty members of the Greater Lansing Coalition to Paper Mate Bic Pens Clairol Kindness A communique Sunday said there were 33 shellings the marchers tried to press Saturday night and Sunday, including 20 in the delta. through, a round of tear gas was End the War in Vietnam Now are sponsoring a kissing booth Flairs 20 Hairsetter fired. located in the main lobby of the Union. No wounded. Americans were reported killed, but eight were The crowd dispersed then Eileen Van Tassell, professor of natural science and chairman of 29c 11c 1749 without replying with stones and the fundraising committee, said that they are trying to raise at Limit 1 Limit 3 Limit 6 The stepped-up rocket and mortar attacks-the most brickbats as they had during the least $20 per student for those traveling by bus to the Capitol. (Coupon) Funds are also needed to help pay for publicity. (Coupon) since Sept. 17. when 34 shellings were reported-eame clash earlier in the day. Expires alter 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 The culmination of the fall offensive planned by the New on the second day of a visit to the war zone by Gen. Ci East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam has been Wheeler, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. scheduled for Nov. 15 in Washington and San Francisco. A/1 HA lea At that time, a list of the Vietnam dead will be read. 50% ofl 39c 1.05 South African rightwing rebels, fearing the ruling Nine coeds have volunteered to sell kisses at 50 cents a kiss for Crest Nationalist party leadership is letting South Africa drift students, and $1 a kiss for faculty. HiLiters away from white rule, are preparing to challenge Prime resign; The booth will be open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for several days. on all Toothpaste Minister John Vorster at the polls. sunglasses 19c family Led by ousted Cabinet minister Albert Hertzog, the dissidents are expected to announce soon that they will fills preside The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State sue 69C University, is published every class day and Sundays during field an opposition slate in Parliament elections four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) scheduled for April. The president and vice Subscription rate is $14 per year. Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-1 1-69 president of the Men's Hall Ass. East Lansing Stores Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Hertzog. whom Vorster dropped from the Cabinet last (MHA) have resigned. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inlanc year, was expelled from the party Saturday by the Bob Loerke, Saginaw senior, Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigai 1.15 31c 1.69 executive committee in his district. said he gave up the presidency Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Associa ion, Unitei Political observers said the move was what Hertzog\ for personal reasons. States Student Press Association. followers had been waiting for as a signal to form a new Jim Harvin, East Lansing Scope Scotties Kotex Tampons junior, is ineligible to hold the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan party around him. office of vice president because Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servict Mouthwash Facial Tissue 40's he no longer lives in a residence Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. The UN General Assembly is expected to agree this hall. .2o, 72c 2P~ 26c I23 week, with little or no opposition, to debate a Filling the position of acting Phones: Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 resolution that would have it urge governments to make president for two weeks is Rod Editorial 355-825.. (Coupon) (Coupon) Slutzky. Glencoe. 111., senior and Classified Advertising 355-8255 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 sure that all airliner hijackers are punished. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only for MHA. East Lansing Store Onlv treasurer Display Advertising 353-6400 Eleven countries are sending Sec. Gen. U. Thant a Business-Circulation Slutzky said that a new 355-3447 letter Monday proposing the question be added to the president and vice president will Photographic 355-8311 5.95 39c 'agenda of the assembly's current 24th session. The be elected at a meeting Kodak resolution will be attached. Wednesday night. Clairol Color Film Wool o-lene Cold National News Frost 'n Tip 126-127-620 Water 429 87c Wash 1/ TWD Sen. Hugh Scott. R. Penn. Senate Republican leader, Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 hinted Sunday that a break may be near in effortsto end (Coupon) (Coupon) the Vietnam war. He provided no details. Expires after 10-11-69 Expires aft or 10-11-69 Expires after 10 1 1-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Asked if the war might be moving toward a de facto cease fire. Scott replied. "Yes. it is possible." 2.00 2.25 5.00 MONTHS' Senate investigators are expected to soon bring into the open allegations of improper gun selling by some 7 ft. Scarves Panty Hose Flash Cubes Army officers. At least one high-ranking officer is said by Pentagon sn I19 sources to have been involved. 299 59c Limit 1 This would mark a new turn in the parallel Senate and Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) FREE Army, inquiries, which so far have concentrated on Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10 11-69 charges that a ring of sergeants systematically stole East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only money and property belonging to serv ice clubs, and that some generals shielded them. 10% off the 1.75 Balet The FBI pressed its Waterloo Iowa search Sunday for Discount Virginia Maid by Burlington a missing woman and her two-year-old daughter alter the arrest of an escaped convict charged with Price On All Panty Hose Panty Hose kidnapping them. The search was stepped up after the capture Saturday Film Dsveloping ]29 I39 Limit 3 Limit 3 of Stanley B. Hoss Jr.. who was wrestled to the ground 30 extra abeorbeM li (Coupon) by Waterloo police in front of a cafe as he attempted to Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11-69 Expires^after 10-11Only East Lansing Store -69 # East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only enter a car. were The FBI said a woman's purse and child's car seat found in the vehicle, owned by Mrs. Linda Mae Peugot. 21. one of the kidnap victims. _,1iarT:.; playtex self-adjusting 1.00 Opaque Hose 1.29 Right Guard Anti-Perspirant 1.19 Coricidin In a preview of the coming campaign for control of tampons Deodorant Cold Tablets Congress. Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield argues the Senate has earned "a label of initiative and 69c 69c 67c Limit 6 Limit 1 Limit 1 responsibility," not the foot-dragging description (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) applied by some Republicans. Expires after 10-11-69 Expires after 10-11 69 Expires after 10-11-69 From Hugh Scott. R Penn.. and from the White House East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only We'll send you the $1.69 size of Playtex* itself, have come signals, that GOP campaign strategists first-day tampons for only 50 reputation and prestige as the warrior does Regardless of whether or not you believe force. today." in what he is doing, you have to respect 2.) There is a connection between the America has not to that stage Dean as a person. For, as John F. Kennedy N.Y. Mets and the State of the City of New Unfortunately, Haynsworth, when come York. where it accepts the conscientious also said, "A man does what he coupled with Burger, is a man who must- in 3.) There is a connection between can only reverse the direction of the objector with open arms. Nor does it look spite of personal consequences, in baseball statistics and those numbers and upon draft resistors with loving eyes. spite of obstacles and dangers and court. This means that within 10 Harold Dean, a former MSU student, can pressures-and that is the basis of all human averages coming from Vietnam. NYC is electing a mayor in a few weeks. years, the court may regress 20 testify to that premise. morality." I'd be willing to bet that if the Mets take years. Dean, 22, became a draft resistor Sept. 2 government leader and "Citizen of the Harold Dean, unlike me and most of you, four straight in the World Series, Lindsay the Senate. Charles E. Goodell, Since when he turned in his draft card Year," Harold Dean appeared ready to has found something in which he believes 1954, the Supreme Court has become instant when he will get re-elected with no trouble. The R.-N.Y.. and classification to his local draft board in Bay an success strongly enough to sacrifice everything that Ralph T. Smith. made numerous controversial winning ways of the Mets are a major R .-111.. City, and publicly announced that he graduated in 1965. he has ever wanted or might have been (who just filled the seat of decisions. Many from influential would refuse But Dean's source of happiness for all city-dwellers, military induction. past success made people The irony of it all is that Dean could the late Sen. Dirksen). the forces of circles have expressed the opinion think about his declaration of draft and this will take its total for two mayoral Bay City isn't exactly the most ideal have been a leader of the system which discontent candidates. over Haynsworth's that the Court has put the handcuffs place in which to declare yourself a draft resistance. He couldn't be passed off as just now dominates him. Had he been born 50 another long-haired kid that had been a Finally, baseball statistics are reminders possible presence on the highest on the police, pushed integration at years later, things might have different. that not all Veteran's Day is a "nobody" all his life. To many, it rising statistics are bad. When* court in the land are making their too fast big day in Bay City But Harold Dean born in a pace and been too damned and the city's statue of General Pershing represented a "Richard Cory" ending. was our averages in the battle for a pennant soar, voices heard. The major reasons for liberal on all issues. generation and now few others know the we feel pride. Vicariously, we enjoy the seldom goes without a fresh florral wreath. Many poeple wanted to know what opposition are Haynsworth's meaning better than he of the last verse of decisive defeat of the opposing team. But the nine men in black robes And Bay City is just 20 miles from Dow would make an "All-American" boy Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not conservative views on integration and still interpret the Constitution of our Chemical country become draft resistor. To those who Everyday the rising star of the N.Y. Mets (Midland) which is a Taken"; makes his financial conflicts of interest. committed to the war effort. asked him. Dean explained what had us, their fans, eagerly await country and proceed with "judicial " tomorrow's statistics in the daily One That Harold Dean was the first of happened. .Two roads diverged in a wood, and example of conflict involves review" over the actions of the . . newspaper. We turn to the sports section 23,531 Bay County men registered for the "I turned in my draft card because I can I took the one less traveled by, the now legendary Brunswick slati jcu t i and there we smile. draft to ever turn in his selective service no longer support a politics of oppression," And that has made all the difference." decision. The Brunswick Corp. was What price glory? departments. This is an immense job credentials, also sheds some light on the Dean reflected. "The Selective Service favored in a pending decision handed and should only be attempted by System is just one manifestation of a down by the Appeals court, of which individuals who have the confidence Dean's actions on Sept. 2 created quite a politics of oppression used by the military shock and a furor in Bay City. It wasn't so and political leaders in the United States." Haynsworth was a member. But it of an overwhelming majority of BLF statement much as for what Dean did--although it was To Dean, there are two functions of the was discovered that Hanysworth had Congress. This is not the time to that, too-but what he represented that Selective Service System. The first function purchased, before the decision was confirm Haynsworth simply because announced, shares of stock in the corporation. When asked about his it would disturb or insult the angered most people. If anyone had been asked four years ago to name a Bay City High School graduate is to maintain manpower for the Armed Forces, while the other is the channeling of every male into a prefabricated future Board must be responsive President if he were rejected. who might someday become a draft designed to serve the state and preserve the reasoning behind the purchase of Haynsworth is simply not capable EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Education to become more responsive t resistor, Harold Dean would have been one stock. Haynsworth merely suggested of being an Associate Justice of the statement was released by Stan McClinton, federal law by seeing that discrimination of the last names mentioned. "By channeling, the Selective Service that the Brunswick decision didn't Savannah, Ga., senior, executive chairman does not take place in the Lansing school Supreme Court. Dean had been a kid that Bay City was System arbitrarily defines, through a of the Black Liberation Front system. It's time for the board of enter his mind. It didn't enter his proud of in his high school days. "Athlete system of deferments, the terms to which International. education to begin humanizing the mind. -The Editors of the Year," honor student, student he is compelled to lead his life. The Black Liberation Front (BLF) has Lansing school system in response to social "I said 'no' to one institution in this been informed of incidences of a racial and psychological strains inflicted upon country that oppresses me and my nature taking place in the Lansing school minority group students in the Lansing brothers, and said 'yes' to my own life," system. The most recent complaints have schools. OUR READERS' MIND Dean continued. come from the black and In regards to the conduct of Mr. Yet, after Dean tells his rationals to Johnson, BLF feels that Mr. Johnson's Spanish-American communities about the people, most still say, "But, Harry, why attitude and behavior of Mr. Don Johnson, suspension is long overdue. The only did you do it." Few understand him. principal of Eastern High School. appropriate action for the Lansing Board Olin wait longer than ever But Dean understands himself and his In the years since his high schools days, Roy Williams, a black student at Eastern High School, is undergoing observation at Sparrow Hospital for internal injuries of Education now is to suspend Mr. Johnson, pending the results of a hearing on his conduct in conjunction with the Harold Dean has changed. He attributes of this process, for I was told 1 would see a slightly upset. At 9:45 a.m., my resulting from a conflict between Roy and specific case involving Roy Williams. most of the change to coming to MSU To the Editor: doctor at 9:15 I didn't companion departed. I kept busy until Mr. Johnson. As a concerned Black Organization that> a.m. even mind the because it opened his eyes to the world and rudeness of the 10:15 by blowing my nose and BLF has directed its fact-finding team to has committed itself to the Black nurse who took my coughing. made him think. Most importantly to him, What are the people at Olin setting out to At 10:20 a.m. I asked when I would be investigate the situation immediately. It Community, we want an explanation. We temperature. his views on war and the draft have prove with the new appointment system? While then allowed to see a doctor and was just told has also begun to alert its cadre of stategic want to see the Lansing Board of waiting patiently (expecting changed. This morning, suffering from a head cold, I to that the doctor was still with the first experts to consider direct action. Education act to alleviate the injustices wait no longer than 20 minutes) I talked arrived at the health center at 8:15 a.m.. I The decision to turn in his draft card and BLF has begun to mobilize its forces within the school system. to a young lady who had been waiting patient. At 10:25 a.m. I decided to leave. then had to stand in line to make an to refuse induction came after an agonizing because the Black Community cannot since 8:10 to see a doctor at 9 a.m. We Just as I was walking out the door, my Hopefully the board of education will be two and one half years internal struggle appointment until 9 a.m. pleasantly passed the time until 9:30 a.m. name was called, so I returned and went to tolerate the oppression and unequal as responsive as its recent decision to with his convictions. But, when the time However, I was elated at the completion By this time, both of us were becoming the doctor's office. Now, Dr. Johnson is a treatment their youngsters suffer in provide transportation for the student who came, Dean was ready to stand on his predominantly white schools anymore. had to walk from two to two and a half very nice lady and I am sure she is decision. It's time for the Lansing Board of miles to Walter French Jr. High School. competent, but the two hour and *15 minute wait was very annyoing. SDS needs less paint The propaganda accompanying the system of appointments at Olin has led the new To the Editor: 40,000 students of MSU to believe that the ItojTCEIUEONLYOHifNTte able to do in the near future. What it seems wasted days at Olin of bJOftlP WHO CAM SAVE VSi I do not think that vandalism will ever yesteryear were to need right now is more organization and over. This morning, with an appointment, 1 become a good method for communicating sound thought. It needs less red paint and had to wait longer than I ever have waited political theory. The damage done by outworn cries proclaiming the suffering of in the old days. people who inscribed such important martyrs and madmen. If my experience this morning is typical phrases as "SDS", "COMMUNISM," and Anyone interested in helping to clean the of what the new "VIVA CHE" is typical of certain system is accomplishing, l.M. Building might get in touch with the w let's abolish it and go back to the old immatiin minds involved with the above way. maintenance department. Barbara Sue Eady named group. Daniel Morris Nathan Hudson sophomore I believe in the SDS for what it may be freshman Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 5 The latest thing Kick that butt habit, Several students at MSU queried Nude fold-outs in a college yearbook? by the join smoking study Not quite. But in Rice University's 1969 State News felt that the Wolverine should look into the matter, male and female yearbook-scheduled to make a delayed appearance this week-two seniors are permitting, as a possible way of increasing featured in the buff. interest in the yearbook. Both had been voted A staff member of the MSU "Wolverine" Want to join the unhooked "outstanding Although there is no charge study is over, however, his check said that no plans exist to emulate the Texas generation? A research project students," but the speculation at the for participating in this study, in will be endorsed and turned over conservative Houston, Tex., campus is that innovation. that will test ways of helping order to screen out those who to the Michigan branch of the the two will become the most popular "If any nudes are being planned for people to stop smoking needs might not be sincere, each American Cancer Society. students after the yearbook is released. publication in the 1970 yearbook, you'll volunteers. volunteer will be required to give know about it," he said. Researcher Richard D. Marilyn P. Johnson and Dennis R. Bahler, Hark, the experimenter a check for The first meeting is at 7 p.m. "You mean a university is both 22, will appear naked in the actually Counseling Center intern, is $10 at the first or second Tuesday in 212C and 213C Wells "Campanile." Miss Johnson is now a permitting their yearbook to publish looking for persons, truly meeting. The checks will be held Hall. It will last about one and students in the nude? That's dynamite.If the motivated to quit smoking, to graduate student seeking a doctor's degree at until the completion of the one half hours. Second and third State University of New York at Buffalo. Wolverine did it, I would buy one for sure," participate in his study, which study and then returned. If meetings at weekly intervals will one student said. begins Tuesday. The project is Bahler, who failed to receive his degree in anyone drops out before the run approximately one hour. Other students felt the Rice yearbook based June, was back on the Rice campus as a on a series of staffs actions were deplorable and could not senior in economics and business "self-management techniques" administration. see how the administration at that that tested this were summer in To describe the students as nudes "is not institution let them "get away with it." a pilot study. accurate," Conrad I. Boeck, co-editor of According to acting Rice President Frank Vandiver: Campanile said. "The girl does have her picture taken "The Student Senate received editorial without her clothes, however, there only is an inset picture of the boy without his control over "Campanile" several and with that control goes the years ago, responsibility Wandering clothes." He added that there is "definite artistic for taste and judgment. "I deeply deplore what the editors of MIG land IMMEDIATE value" to the representation. "Campanile" are publishing, but will defend "Penny thought she had only herself to staunchly their right to publish it," Vandiver said. in Florida VENTURE CAPITAL give as an outstanding female student. There is no gimmick involved." HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP)--A Soviet-build MIG 17 fighter plane has landed at Homestead AVAILABLE Air Force Base, reports from the Florida White House and the for new businesses Defense Dept. in Washington 'CHARGE IT' said Sunday. A Spanish-speaking pilot flew We are looking for graduate students who have sound ideas for new products or services as well as the the capa¬ plane to the base, the bilities to head up as principals new organizations to Defense Dept. spokesman said, Area stores honor student credit see the projects culminated. but there was no immediate information on where the flight originated. President Nixon's Air Force One transport was at the base, will be checked through before more control." example, the philosophy is that creditors make it. One local waiting to take him back to credit is granted or denied. "if a guy is old enough to go to merchant is quite dubious of Banks, charge cards and Washington after a weekend at "Unless military service, you don't know merchandise Woolco is you've been in the department store with all its at a full competitive line college, he's old enough to pay letting students charge because his bills." A person wanting credit must fill out an he from has found students is that collecting getting rougher personal Most charge possibilities merchants for accounts student will all hold agree credit. that it nearby Key Biscayne. Deputy Press Secretary Gerald L. Warren said he knew nothing ( < *lol: what credit denial is really like." prices. is wise to establish a good credit 25 Broadway, New York, N Y. 10004 application which calls for a all the time. about the matter except that a R. S. Schwartz, manager of the Other stores in the area offer "I can't honestly say that the rating even while in school. Not co-signer for minors, but it is not MIG had landed at the base. He new Woolco store, expressed this credit to students, but often credit only will it improve the UNI)KUWRITERS AM) INVESTMENT BANKERS a hard and fast rule. program has been really said the President was being kept as a plight worse than being a with greater stipulations than Leon G also offers credit on an effective or very good around reputation of the student fully informed. student credit seeker. However, ability to pay. Perhaps the most individual basis worked out with here," he said. "Mainly we try to population, but later on. each he noted that his store does not common of these is a co-signer one will benefit from a good, the applicant. For small get students started through the discriminate against for persons under 21 years. any purchases, they operate on a 30 banks since they have a little long standing credit rating. particular occupational group Federal Department Store day plan, but time payments and offers charge accounts based operates student charge accounts may be worked for larger solely on the person's ability to on this basis. Students over 21 pay. do not need a co-signer, but purchases. Many local merchants, Ladies' Body Shop Schwartz expressed the must have a good credit rating to especially those with small company's philosophy income and ability to pay are that open an account. Jacobson's operates its own operations, prefer the services of REDUCING SALON Michigan Bankard or Don't Envy the Bikini Figure % tviro entirely different things. credit corporation on a Master charge Card. These YOU TOO, CAN HAVE ONE! For example, many students statewide basis, and students include Lett's and Foxwood ► MODERN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT who do not hold jobs at school whose parents have an account Casuals. Campbell's Suburban > NO CONTRACT • REASONABLE RATES have a lot of money saved from in any one of their stores may Shop is also trying to switch to DAILY. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES summer jobs. Others receive a charge merchandise in the East this service because it saves time Drop in or Call 482-3130 steady, sizable "income" from Lansing branch. The only on bookkeeping. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily - Mon . thru Fri. \ their parents. restriction on this is a letter The student credit picture is 4324 W. He said that these people may from a parent stating that he will Saginaw, Kassouff Center not always as good as these be granted credit, while a person not be responsible for payment with a steady job and bad credit of charges the student makes. rating may not be acceptable. A student under 21 may open Even for military men. his own account with a co-signer OCTOBER Schwartz said that "we bend who will be held responsible for over backwards" to give them payment. credit based on their ability to j. W. Knapps also require a pay. parent's signature for students Anyone interested in opening under 21 years. This local an account at Woolco must fill department store used to open out a credit application which charge accounts for high school SWING SEASON students, but no longer offers them. /Free shots at Sears does not require a parent co-signer, but makes certain stipulations on all charge Meridian Hall accounts. "We have requirements that "Because Evelyn Wood discovered a course in 1945 SALE The Ingham County Health people have to meet if they're Dept. will conduct an 18, 19 or 45-years-old," a Sears immunization clinic from 1 3 spokesman said. He added that that - p.m. Wednesday at Meridian when they open a charge Township Hall, 2116 Haslett account they take a credit taught us to read faster with greater Road. application on the individual's Free shots will be given for qualifications, not on his parents diphtheria, whooping cough, or co-signer's. comprehension. As a result, we reduced our tetanus, polio, smallpox and Other stores share Sears measles. Free TB tests will also attitude of credit flexibility. At be available. Redwood and Ross. for home-work by 50% and were able to increase WE'RE LOOKING our grade point average." Who has taken the course? More than 400,000 people from all walks FOR PEOPLE! of life, including the staff of the late President Kennedy, and his brother Senator Edward Kennedy. OPENING SOON! Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics is being taught at more than 20 Ameri¬ can Universities in addition to many high schools and industries. IN THE MERIDIAN MALL Articles about Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics have appeared in News¬ POSITIONS AVAILABLE week, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, Art Linkletter, Gary Moore and Johnny Carson have featured Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics FULL OR PART TIME on their TV shows. Dr. George Gallup, noted pollster, has acclaimed The Evelyn Wood •SALES • RESTAURANT • STOCK -MAINTENANCE • CLERICAL Sportswear, Dresses, Course. Enroll today! Money-back guarantee if you do not triple your reading Coats, Accessories efficiency with equal or better comprehension. ' PAID HOLIDAYS Attend a Free Introductory Mini-Speed Reading Lesson ► ► OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT PAID VACATIONS up to 40% off You will learn what your reading speed is 9 You will discover » SICK PAY ► DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES various study methods • You will actually participate in techniques that will improve your reading and comprehension • Everyone Invited. No Obligation 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK UNIVERSITY INN 1100 Trowbridge Road, East Lansing MONDAY, OCT. 6 TUESDAY, OCT. 7 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8 G. C. MURPHY CO. 12 & 4 & 6 & 8 p.m. 4 & 6 & 8 p.m. 4 & 6 & 8 p.m. fCASUALSJ OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL Call 313-353-5111 APPLY IN PERSON MON-SAT 9-5 nmmtiln* Dynmnt/am Follow Grand River out to Saginaw to For Further G.C. Mo'RPHY A-A 17320 W. 8 Mile Rd. 1986 E. GRAND RIVER Lansing Mall — 15 minutes from campus Information Southfield, Mich 48075 ME RID! AN MALL 6 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 SPORTS from our A/lefs, Orioles take commanding 2-0 leads wire services triumph and didn't allow a hit Ellie Hendricks, a lefthanded by sending up Motton, a onslaught, the Mets barrelled home most of the fans in the over the last seven innings. The hitter who batted for Andy righthander, to hit for into a eight-run lead midway process, when his two-run homer The clutch-hitting Baltimore Etchebarren in the ninth and Hendricks. Motton, who batted through the fourth inning-then Twins have just seven hits in the gave the Mets a five-run bulge Orioles and the high-flying New 23 innings the first two games walked, was due to face the .303 this year in 89 at bats, hit a coasted home. York Mets into moved have lasted. righthanded throwing Boswell liner to right center that just It was no contest from the commanding positions in their when Martin called on cleared the glove of second start although the Braves made The series now moves to New Boswell, who allowed seven York's Shea Stadium where the respective playoffs for a spot in hits and gave up seven walks, Parranoski, a lefthander who was baseman Rod Carew, who leaped it interesting for 50,270 mainly the World Series Sunday when the for the ball. disappointed fans in the bottom Mets will try to wind it up today was constantly in trouble but he losing pitcher Saturday each won their second game With Tommy Agee, Ken of the fifth when a five-run behind rookie Gary Gentry. If managed to blank the Orioles although he allowed just four Cleon Jones outburst cut the Mets' edge to the Mets win, as now expected, against no losses in their league's until Martin decided to pull him hits in 3 2/3 innings of effective Boswell and best of five playoff. in favor of Ron Perranoski with work. homering and Jones, Bud 9-6. they'll meet the American TOie Orioles, playing before a two out and two on in the 11th Baltimore Manager Earl Harrelson and Wayne Garret League champions in the World hometown crowd, topped the Weaver countered Martin's move doubling in their 13-hit Series starting next Saturday. inning. Minnesota Twins 1-0 in the 11th inning on a single by Curt 6008 EX-SPARTAN GARRETT SHINES The Mets, champions of the National League East, struck early with eight runs racked up Lansing bom bs Fire birds, 43-6 for winner Jerry Koosman and hung on to win 11-6 over the Atlanta Braves. Dave McNally, who won the final game of the Orioles' 1966 By DAVE WEST that was! All across the nation, as the score was concerned in yard TD jaunt. touchdown, World Series sweep, pitched a State News Sports Writer scoreboards read upset, upset, the first period of play. But the The second half wi i just more The powerful Lansing defense brUttant three-hitter to gain the For football, this was the week upset. Evenly matched teams tone of the game had been set. of the same. A lot l lore of the 8ot 'nto the action again in the battled to lopsided final scores. Lansing was able to move the same. final minutes as Bob Viney When the Lansing All-Stars ball at will. Garrett scored < ~ a 54 yar(j recovered a Firebird fumble in met the Pontiac Firebirds, the When the second quarter and Tommy Eifert picked the Pontiac endzone. Fourteen weekend format did not change, started, so did Jim Garrett, up the seconds later Ron Edwards Second day starters tied for the rambling 17 yards for the first of Next, Charlie Wedemyer hit Bob nailed the visiting QB in his end leagues lead, met Saturday night three touchdowns. Lange with a 13 yard zone for two more points, It was Lansing's ball game touchdown pass, and Kenney Sunday's starting pitchers Dave Boswell, left, and expecting a hard-fought game. Lansing picked up 489 yards Dave McNally are pictured above before the start When it was over, Pontiac had from this point on, although booted the point after. on the ground, and 125 through been totally destroyed, 43-6. they seemed to have some Then with 2:10 left in the the air, while Pontiac managed a of yesterday's playoff game. Both pitchers were The teams battled evenly as far trouble reaching pay dirt. The third period, Ron Goovert meager 51 yards total offense. masterful, but the Orioles, McNally a little better, offense stalled twice deep in caught the Pontiac punter in the Garrett rambled 167 yards in hurled a three-hit 1-0 win over the Twins. Firebird territory and fieldgoal end for the first of two 14 carries, and Teft added 126 AP zone Wirephoto Why attempts failed- by But then, with Dick just Kenney, over one Firebird safeties. The scoring began again when Gordie Hetrick took the ball m°re. You R minute left in the half, lightning around left end for 30 yards and AFL and NFL Football Round up struck again, as Garrett took the then lateraled to Craig Teft, who ball around left end for ; (UPI)-The World defeated Pittsburg, 37-14. three games under i continued 35 more for the Champion coach So Slow New York Jets broke a Willis Crenshaw scored on Alex Webster. two-game losing streak Sunday touchdown runs of 26 and four Minnesota handed Green Bay A noted publisher in Chicago with a 23-14 victory over the yards for the Cardinals. its first loss of the season, taking reports there is a simple Boston Patriots. The Baltimore Colts, the a 19-7 victory. technique of rapid reading which should enable you to Joe Namath passed for one Jet defending NFL champion, The AFL had a pair of increase your reading speed score and also scored on a rare gained their first victory of the Saturday night contests. and yet retain much more. rollout run, while pro football's 1969 season with a 21-14 At Miami,the Dolphins playing Most people do not realize decision over the Atlanta before an Orange Bowl crowd leading kicker, Jim C)Tumer, how much they could added three field goals for the Falcons. that included President Nixon, increase their pleasure, Tom Matte scored earned 20-20 tie with the Jets. on a a In NFL action Sunday, the fourth-quarter, one-yard plunge Oakland Raiders. reading faster and more Dallas Cowboys for the games winning score. Rookie whipped the placekicker Karl Philadelphia Eagles, 38-7, as star Fran Tarkenton hit Joe Kremser connected on a 39-yard According to this publisher, people, regardless rookie Calvin Hill contributed Morrison with a 26-yard field goal with 5:41 remaining in many of their present 206 yards of offense to the touchdown pass with only 59 the game to knot the score. reading skill, can simple technique to Cowboy attack while playing seconds left to play as the New- The Cincinnati Bengals, who their reading ability just the first half. York Giants knocked off the had been the surprise team of emarkable degree. The St. Louis Cardinals turned Chicago Bears, 28-24. pro football with three Whether reading stories, Tarkentc three pass interceptions and a thr four consecutive victories, were books, technical matter, it fumble the game as beaten recovery into 20 l by the San Diego possibli glance and second-quarter points and Chargers, 2i-14. ■ jconds with Fullback Brad Hubbert taiiied pages this n thod. all three Charger touchdowns on To acquaint the readers of this newspaper with the easy-to-follow rules for developing rapid reading skill, the company has printed full details of its interesting self-training method in a new booklet, "How to Read Faster and Retain More," mailed free. No obligation. Send your name, address, and iing by: The Marshall Agency, zip code to: Reading, 835 Gary Marshall, Mana* 1500 Kendale Blvd. 351-5940. Dept. Associates: Robert Brc ell, Ron Cook, Dorian Hurdato, rsey, 169-610, Richard Shinsky, Jim 1 Choose a look. Norelco will help you keep it. You'll find a future Choose any look. Make it yours. Then Norelco will help you keep it. Because no matter which look you choose, your beard still grows. at Philco-Ford It still needs to be trimmed and shaved. Norelco handles that. Its pop-up trimmer will keep your whiskers and sideburns Your future will be as bold and as bright as your shaped the way you want them. The 3 floating heads will jf imagination and ambition make it. shave the parts of your face you want shaved. And inside Your future will be as challenging as your assignments / ... the floating heads are 18 self-sharpening blades that / and you might work on anything from satellites to shave as close or closer than a blade every day. With communications systems, to microelectronics, to home out nicks or cuts. The Norelco unique rotary action entertainment or appliances. It's your chance to be kee^ffe the blades sharp while it strokes off whiskers. as good as you want to be. You will build an Every time you shave. experience bank that will prepare you for many opportunities. Then, when you're finished, you just push a but¬ Your future begins by meeting our representatives ton and the head flips open for an easy clean-up job. when they visit your campus. Or, write to Now make another choice. Choose the cord model or College Relations, Philco-Ford Corporation, the Rechargeable. Both will help you keepyour look. But C & Tioga Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. 19134 the Rechargeable will lefyou do it anywhere. For up to PHILCO-FORD WILL BE HERE ON Monday, October 20, 1969 three weeks. Because it gives you almost twice as many shaves per charge as any other rechargeable. Look them over. The choice is yours. Even on a beard like yours. PHILCO The Better Idea People In An Equal Opportunity b ©1969 North American Philips Corporation, 100 East 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 19? ' "7" SPORTS Rindt in Lotus- Air Force ties booters wins U.S. Gr as weather hits hard WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (UPI)-Jochen Rindt of Austria drove his Lotus-Ford to Prix. victory Sunday in the United States Grand Rindt savored the first Grand Prix By PAM BOYCE Colorado this weekend was 16:21 of the same period. Mayer victory of his career after a was assisted by Trevor Harris. wheel to wheel contest with newly crowned World Champion State News Sports Writer frustrating in more ways than one. A freak snow storm The two teams battled their Jackie Stewart of Scotland during the first third of the race. The The MSU and Air Force soccer two traded the lead several times until Stewart sprung an oil leak resulted in the cancellation of way through the following two teams were determined to hold in his Matra on lap 35 and was forced to retire. the booters' game with Denver periods and two overtime tightly to their undefeated Friday night, and more periods with neither team able From then on, it was Rindt's race. He flashed across the finish streaks, and as a result, battled inclement weather ended the to dent the opposition's net. line almost a minute ahead of the Brabham Fords driven by Piers their way through snow, sleet Courage. Former World Champion John Surtees of England was Spartans' hopes of making up Playing conditions were rugged and gusty winds to end up with for both teams, who had to third in a BRM, with another one-time titleholder. Jack Brabham the game Sunday. a 1-1 tie Saturday. of Australia, driving a BRM fourth. Air Force, which racked up its contend with a storm that For the Spartans, the trip to It was a sweet victory for Rindt, who had been unable to win a fifth straight win of the season dumped four inches of snow onto the playing field prior to race this year, although he had set the fastest practice lap six Friday by dumping Brigham Fencing hopefuls Young, was able to hold the game time. Also hampering play were 20 mph winds. Grand Prix times during the Grand Prix season. While he claimed his win almost effortlessly, the top names in Spartans' usually powerful offense to just 19 shots on goal. The tie brought the Spartans' motor racing were sitting in the pits. U.S. Grand Prix winner Jochen Rindt (2) of Austria, leads the field around this to meet in I.M. The offense, led by Ernie record to 3-0-1 this season, while Tuchscherer and Trevor Harris, Air Force, rated second in the turn during Sunday's race at Watkins Glen, N.Y. Others leading the field at this All students interested in had averaged over 50 shots on West, is 5-0-1. MSU, defending point were Scotland's Jackie Stewart (3) and England's Graham Hill (1). trying out for MSU's freshman goal against each of its first three national co-champions, has been AP wirephoto FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS ONLY and varsity fencing teams should opponents. rated No. 1 in the country. report at 5 today to 208 Men's The Spartans dropped behind IM Football Schedule I.M. N c experience is necessary in order to try out. fenc at when 4:19 of the second period scored 1969 Dan Narzinski of Air Force booted in the first goal against MSU during the The Spartans saved Wrestlers meet All candidates for MSU's Field 1 Field 2 50% SAVING READER'S DIGEST season. 6:00 Wolverine - Wooster West Shaw 1 - 4 freshman and varsity wrestling % If any interested student is themselves from their first 6:45 Snafu's - 8 Balls Arjungle - Archdukes unable to attend the'meeting, he defeat in 10 teams should meet Tuesday in straight games when 7:30 Arsenal - Arhouse 007 - Nads should contact fencing coach 208 Men's I.M. Check Tuesday's Chicago sophomore Rudy Mayer 8:15 Overkill - Ratzo's Rangers Bacardi - Balder Charlie Schmitter at 355-5272. bootpH in the tving goal at State News for the time. 9:00 Caravelle - Cameron 9:4 5 Peace, Inc - Mama's 1 Emu - Emmortals Deep Purple - Machine LESS THAN 17< A COPY Field 3 Field 4 Detroit rallies 6:00 Eminence - Emperors 6 :45 West Shaw 3 - 5 Wilding - Wimbledon Granny's - Occupants 7:30 Soulful Shack - Uncle Fudd's Winchester - Winshire 8:15 A. J. Spartan Stars Manistee Skyline - Sewer Carp to defeat Clevela 9:00 Bacchus Bardot Tiger Paws Nut Squad - - Cherry Pickers Hedrick CARD Order Cards located in Send no money. college bookstore. Mail your card today. CLEVELAND (UPI)--Mel Farr followed turnovers, and the Eddy's one-yard plunge scored EAST CAMPUS FIELDS SHOP and Nick Eddy plunged for the tying touchdown with 54 Field 5 Field 6 game was marked by numerous fourth-quarter touchdowns as penalties and fights. seconds gone in the fourth 6:00 Hubbard -3-5 Fenrir - Feemales the Detroit Lions took Detroit linebacker, Paul quarter. Five plays earlier Jot1 6:45 Akrophobia Akat Akohol - Akhilles advantage of a bad pass from Naumoff and Cleveland tight Robb recovered Nelson's fumble 7:30 McBeth McGregor McDuff - McLaine Your Host From Coast To Coast center on a field goal attempt, a end Milt Morin were ejected as on the Browns' 41. 8:15 Superstition - Setutes Hubbard 2 6 fumble the Browns struggled to tie the 9:00 Abel • Abaddon Arkarpous - Akrojox and an Munson hit John Wright with a recovery with five minutes to go. 9:45 Whakkers - Caribbean Impressions - Potlickers The Nation's Innkeeper interception to rally from a score 26-yard touchdown pass with two-touchdown halftime deficit The offsetting penalties nullified 3:33 to go in the third, bringing Field 7 to defeat the Cleveland Browns, a 39-yard pass from Nelsen to the Lions within seven points. 6 00 Stalag 17 - Spyder 8:1» Abelard - Aborigines Two Locations In Laming Area 28-21, Sunday. Paul Warfield. The touchdown came nine plays 6:45 Hornet - Hobbit 9;°0 Abdication - Abudweise Farr plunged into the end zone after Mike Widger fell on a bad 7:30 Akua Pahula - Aktion 9;45 Stroids-$ Specials 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. The Browns took a 21-7 from the two-yard line with pass from center at the Browns' halftime lead on two 23-yard 7:39 to go in the game, seven 49 yard line on a Browns' field NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP-HINGE Ph. 489-2481 touchdown passes from Bill plays after Dick Lebeau goal attempt. AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR Nelsen to Gary Collins- which intercepted a Nelsen pass on the Lem Barney set up the first came within 30 seconds of the Cleveland 44. Nelsen to Collins touchdown end of the first half and which One play before the pass when he intercepted both followed Detroit fumbles. touchdown, Nelsen's pass at the one, running SPECIAL SPECIAL quarterback Bill SORRY ABOUT THE Munson ran 12 yards to the two it back 20 yards, only to lose SUNDAY MONDAY after failing to find a receiver on control and fumble. Fred Hoaglin LACK OF PARKING third down. recovered for Cleveland. CHICKEN $725 SPAGHETTI $150 DINNER . ... r. . DINNER V . Volleyball club BEHIND OUR STORE NOW, Children $1.25 All you can eat DON KOPRIVA meets tonight BUT WOULDN'T YOU RATHER kid name Anyone interested in power A volleyball is invited to attend an "WALK A MILE FOR A CAMPBELL" organizational meeting of the MSU Volleyball Club at 7:30 c hop! for mokes tonight in the I.M. Sports Arena. a m p b e 1 Is Suburban S The leprechauns a were long, dancing in the streets of South Bend trip We're New at M.S.U. A good cry cleanses the soul Saturday night. The game was over, and the men adorned in the colors of ttie And We misty blue and glittering gold had held tight on the "Auld Sod" and thrown the knife at one of their own, a likable gent name o' Daugherty. Here To One of their moniker of Joe finest, a young fellow with the un-Irish like Theismann, did everything. That's all there was to Dairij Serve1 it. and the men from the North were left dangling in the small but mighty edifice known as Nowter Deem Stadium. Queen The Most Delicious, Theismann put on the show, and not even the MSU defenders 4 who tossed golden-armed passer Chuck Hixson from Southern Mouth-Watering, Methodist for eight losses a week back could break into the After all is shed and golden aura surrounding the pride of South River, N.J. BRAZIER Foods done, your soul may be The game was over. And MSU had lost. And as the telegram saved but you from the Philadelphia Notre Dame boosters club had announced on Thursday: It was a long and unhappy train ride back to East You've Ever Eaten. need help They need Len¬ sine Lensine is the one con¬ Lansing for the men of MSU. tact lens soluti plete contact care .. preparing But MSU had lost something more than the game. Disregarding We invite you to cleansing, and soaking national rankings, which except to independents like Notre Dame needed two different ien< doesn't mean too much anyway, MSU had lost some of the come on in and or more solutions to properly prepare anc momentum which it would have built up for next week's league maintain your contacts No more opener at Ohio State. But maybe the loss will make MSU better team. Maybe they'll try ou r BRAZIER Lensine. from The Murine Com¬ pany, makes caring fo a lenses as convenient as foreign deposit wearing realize after this that the offense and the defense have to go hand in hand That you can win games against Washington and SMU burgers, hot dogs, Just a drop or two of Lensine And soaking your sme between wearing periods as¬ with fine defense and sputtering offense. and lubricates sures you of proper lens hygiene. coats your lens french fries and get a free soaking-storage You But you can't beat Ara and Joe with a leaky defense and a This allows the lens to float more case with individual lens compart¬ somewhat improved offense, at least as far as points scored are freely in the eye. reducing tearful ments on the bottom of every bot- . concerned irritation. Why"7 Because Lensine BecauN. of ^ Volpone 38,100 Corruption in the Palace of Justice if The Three Penny Opera -- May 6-23 E end me my 1969-7' 900 nclosed is S8.0D (Make < ieck payable t PLUS: lichigao State University.) 39,000 39,000 ^ Modern Dance Concert -- April 17-19 500 Seven (7) Great Film Classics w Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 9 Scott backs Haynsworth Student teachers (continued from page one) right of presidents to select Scott declined to speculate on nominees and said he had estimates that there may be as television-radio "Face to travel abroad program The Nation." supported President Lyndon B. many as 40 Senate votes against "I, Johnson during the controversy Haynsworth. He said GOP Wb«p myself, believe him Robert P. Griffin, R. Mich., is over the Abe Fortas nomination (Haynsworth) to be a man of honor and integrity," Scott said. as chief justice. Fortas later conducting a count, which is not By SHARMON STEWART Mott Institute for Community "I am waiting for some further resigned from the court. complete. State News Staff Writer Improvement. "I do not say I would have Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Applicants interested in clarification on questions of appointed him (Haynsworth)," said Sunday the controversy judgement in investment in over Haynsworih MSU student teachers have securities. Scott said. "This is a different is a "tempest and agencies focusing on gone universal. The Dept. of "I really do believe they are matter. I don't agree with some in a teapot." Education has inner-city problems developed a contact Thor Peterson Oct. 10 in should of his judgements, decisions, but Agnew appeared on the ABC being cleared up and that is why program of "new horizons" in 253 Erickson. I expect to be able to act I am not the appointive power television-radio panel program student teaching that is Students with the Detroit favorably on the nomination," and I do think the President is "Issues and Answers." justified in standing by his "There just isn't any the Pennsylvanian added. appointment." substantive value in the two and one-half hours a week. Scott said he supports the Mexico, will host teachers from criticisms being leveled about American schools for six or Applications will be taken Oct. 10 in 253 Erickson. Judge Haynsworth," Agnew weeks * e of i* full-time , . The f,X1practices relevance of current „Th,y in teacher education in Attack on Huff said. "I'm totally confident that the MSU student H teaching staff "On the contrary, Judge Haynsworth is going to be there was will serve as coord,nator of the program thnjugh * proie€l (continued from page one) expanding interest in NAPA confirmed,'' said. Haynsworth, Agnew sponsored by MSU, the Lansing "There was a lot of activity on while Huff was here," Boren a South Individualized programs will s ... J _ - - - Carolinian and currently chief Teacher's Assn., Lansing School the state level against Huff," said. "When he left I asked him be worked out with the school Administration and the Lansing Haugerud said. "We don't pay a to stay." judge of 4th U.S. Circuit Court, administration and teaching staff man $28,000 not to do his job." is being opposed on his rulings Board of Education. Four The previous audits of NAPA and student teachers will be on civil rights and labor cases. teaching terms will be set up. Haugerud had earlier alleged just "did not get into public housed with families in the host His ethics also have been Teams will be made up of one that during the Huff regime, print," Haugerud said. "Sen. country. Candidates will be chosen for Lansing teacher, one MSU member, one MSU Creamed interest in NAPA was reduced in Williams made this many states and completely not our job to let the news public. It is challenged because his extensive security holdings have included interest in gaining living lac"lly eliminated in others. stock in some companies having graduate student intern and four media know of the findings of experiences in a second culture. teachers at the When West Shaw men challenge anyone to a shaving cream fight, they don't James Boren, NAPA director, our audits." direct or indirect interest in Experience will not be limited student mess around. The London Hall coeds discovered that during a contest Saturday said he did not know on what cases before his court. near Bogue Street Bridge. Maybe the foamy white stuff stings the eyes, but It basis Haugerud made this major field of interest. Student , . 00 _ . , , , , .. c ,, teachers will engage in 4:15 p m- Fnday in 22 Enckson cou,d be the anSwer for problem hai statement. Tues. Oct. 7 8:30 P.M. observation of instruction of the Civic Center (f^AIMIPUS different grade levels, work in ■ ... Ifcfl HCCD Last 2 special programs of remedial LIb B IVI UvwR ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY Days reading, counseling, student 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 activities and production of A MEMORIAL I teaching materials. holds major role ENTERPRISES | done Knowledge primarily in English. of lenguages will prove beneficial, but is not required. Instruction in overseas American schools is foreign Working By MARIA SAMARIN doctors in woman the Soviet Union are the profoundest gratitude, Stalin's birthplace and the only automobiles. They Were very /BEST MUSICAL-ALL AWARDS FILM COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ®« city in the USSR in which his impressed by car performance of Starts Wednesday Cost of the student teaching program depends on the country If the women of Leningrad fell sick on the same day, the all women. Included in the itinerary was a Grebenshcikov recalled, While in Leningrad, tejypncha "UTTERLY HILARIOUS." ( JHE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM) —Cue Magazine chosen for study. The city would come to a stop. six-week stay in Leningrad, Grebenshcikov attended a Other aspects of American life Guadalajuara trip will not So says George Grebenshcikov, where the students studied at church service at one of the two which particularly interested exceed the cost of a term on East Lansing graduate student Leningrad State University. This presently functioning Russian Grebenshchikov found the them, Grebenshchikov said, were All Seats reserved campus, after the round trip who has just returned from the was followed by a six-day stay in Orthodox churches there. The . , ... . . _ ... . . $3 $4 $5.00 plane fare of $200 is paid. USSR. Grebenshcikov acted as Moscow and a four-day visit to more significant ones have been 1 - - Sale Interested students are requested group leader for 20 MSU Soviet Georgia. converted by the state into Tickets on to attend a meeting at 4:15 p.m. students who spent eight weeks Grebenshcikov found the museums. in the country. This is the city Since both radio and television Civic Center Box Office Thursday in 226 Erickson. this summer studying and Soviet people he came in contact The church was filled to which serves as the style center are government-controlled, these The Rome trip will cost $400 touring the USSR. with kind and hospitable. TTie capacity, but the worshippers, for the people. Just as in the media are not too strong on Open daily 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. plane fare, plus the regular cost In most of the Soviet cities, he Soviets, he said, are trying as Grebenshcikov said, were for the TO - - . , , . . - HURRY FOR CHOICE SEATS of a term on campus. Further explained, it is the women who much as possible to be helpful to most part, older women. There vff ' the. Sovlet women are entertainment value in information can be obtained at hold jobs ranging from tourists visiting the country. were, however, more youth than s^,e-consc,ous, and bright colors skirts are short USSR. To listen to Western predominate popular 5:15 p.m. Thursday in 226 street-cleaning, construction One of the questions he had expected-mostly young Q" on the streets. .. r Erickson. work and streetcar conductors Grebenshcikov was most girls. Also, the clergy officiating Of the cities he visited, stations. The Western type of Teaching in Flint and Detroit to high administrative posts, frequently asked was about the was relatively young-in their Moscow had the most cars and music is kept to a minimum in is also being offered through the Approximately 90 per ent of the circumstances surrounding the 40's and 50's . 0 A. - assassination of the late John F. Grebenshcikov also visited tr_affl^ Jams ^er? are...not broadcasts. Kennedy. There continues to be Gori in Georgia-a city not Lansing pop much admiration among the generally included in the Russian people for the late itinerary of tourists. This is president, he said. The gift of a attracts passiv EDITORS' NOTE: Mark Dukes, SRC, Savage Grace, the Lerner, State News reviewer, Woolies, Plain Brown Wrapper attended the Lake Lansing and Jim Schwall. and Blues Festival this weekend. Many in attendance avoided Tuesday he will offer some ticker-takers by rowing boats thoughts on the activities there, across Lake Lansing to and on the role of music festivals festival grounds. The crowd was in the youth-rock-drug culture, generally passive throughout the More than 6,000 people 10-hour performance, swarmed to Lake Lansing Though some di Amusement Park Saturday to occurred, the primary stimulant partake of pop rock and blues was alcohol, sneaked aplenty. Amidst atmosphere, a youthful crowd listened to the sounds of eight, locally prominent groups. The 2 p.m. concert began a half-hour late with the Brownsville Station and the Sunday- Funnies, an(f ran through midnight with the Amboy 482-3905 IICIHIGAISb ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WALKEI 3N THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF US, "2001" IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE LIKELY TO GET. STUDENTS WANTED as participants in a Motivational Research Program Good Pay-Flexible Hours Interested students should call Dr. James Phillips Monday - Friday 9-5 at 353-7256 10 Michigan State University, Hast Lansing, Michigan Monday. October 6, 1969 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Take Advantage Of The "TREASURE CHEST" Column - Call 355-8255 Today CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fa Phil Frank Employment Employment For Rent CHEVY II Nova Super Sport. 1963 TRIUMPH 1963, TR-4. COOKS, DISHWASHERS, busboys, BUSBOY LUNCH Good top, floor shift, EAST LANSING-Lansing Like your body work. 56,000 r bellmen. All shifts. plus $1.00 da> Apply in 351-0942. 5-10/9 3-10/7 person Holiday Inn. North of Frandor. 10-10/13 1966. Red. • AUTOMOTIVE FALCON 1963, 6 cylinder, COOK FOR fraternity. Prefer • EMPLOYMENT 351 3861, professional, but will consider Air-conditioning. Security • FOR RENT 355-5787. 3-10/6 9 353-175 \ Mark. 3-10/7 HRI seniors. Part-time. 351-9086. Parking. Beautifully maint • FOR SALE 3-10/7 8:30 p.m. Apply at SCHENSULS 1967, 2 door hardtop. VOLKSWAGEN 1966, 332-3135 or 882-6549. • LOST & FOUND CAFETERIA in Meridian Mall 4-speed, power, vinyl For quick sale. Call 339-8659. • PERSONAL : oval tires. Take over 3-10/6 from 1-5 p.m. No Saturday, For Rent • PEANUTS PERSONAL • REAL ESTATE Balance due Phone Credit Manager IV 9-2379. $1,894.80. VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Radio, new off. X-V10/19 SAY IT IN FRONT OF 50,000 PEOPLE! Talk anbout business northwind SERVICE 6-10/10 tires, engine overhauled last fall. • For other features call after 4:30: OFFICE HELP wantei services with a Student Service FARMS • TRANSPORTATION FORD Receptionis Directory ad. Cass Judi, 355-8255 Faculty Apartments 1966-2-door hardtop, V-8, 355-3123. Sunday anytime, • WANTED bookkeeping. Will train. Ag today for details. steering. Take 3-10/6 30-55. OR7-3461, 351-7880 Balance due: OR7-4693. 3-10/6 DEADLINE $987.44. Phone Credit Manager, VOLKSWAGEN 1963, Excellent TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" IV 9-2379. portable- $8.50 per month r fall job n 1 P.M. one class day be¬ it $450. including stand. Call JR. Call 332-2273. 5=-10/7 CULVER ;. 655-1609. 3-10/7 fore publication. COMPANY, 351 8862. Cancellations - 12 noon one 217 Ann Street, East Lansing. C Equal Opportunity Employer. Call class VOLKSWAGEN 1965: APARTMENTS day before publica¬ 351-7319 for ir THAT nee tion. FORD FALCON 1963 very good PARKING CONVENIENT, close to condition $350. 337-9130. campus. Commuters welcome. find help < 5-10/6 LOVE is where Several spaces left. 351-2196. PHONE 2-10/7 1953 Ford. One family car. V-8, VOULD YOU like a SHARP car in you find it... 355-8255 radio, heater, 77,000 miles $100. the $1,000 bracket? We got em. NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented 711 East Apartments Call 355-2852. 3-10/6 CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 STEREO 101 only to MSU students and faculty. 71 1 Burcham RATES East Michigan Avenue, across WXYZ FM S8.84 month [including tax], New deluxe 1-bedroom FORD 1968 from the Post Office. 484-2345. C STATE MANAGEMENT I day furnished 2 or 3 man 11.50 CORPORATION, Factory air, all power. $15,000 444 Michigan apartments.Available no\ 15$ per word per day miles. 372-1537. 4-10/9 965 CHEVROLET, two door Super Ave 332-8687 C Part time. 7-3:30 or 9-month or 1-year lease 3 davs $4.00 course. 13 1/2# per woru per aay mi mwryoor wmmr at 3:00 1 1 :30. 1 1 7:30 . Call TV RENTALS-Students only 489-9651 351-3525 PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332-0817 5 days monthly and term rates. Call 13< ...... per word per day $6.50 cwpbutHStf-TH cmwrl... . Low 484-2600 to reserve yours. ONE GIRL for 4 man. Reduced TRANSMITTER ENGINEER: UNIVERSITY TV. C rates New Cedar Village (based on 10 words per ad) 351-8216. 5-10/8 OLDSMOBILE There will be a Black and 50# service Full power. Vinyl roc Excellent and bookkeeping charge if extras. Excellent L< Scooters & Cycles SUBLET .FEMALE. Winter, spring this ad is not paid within Rick, 353-2184. 5-10/6 car 339-2509. Employment HAVE FUN TEACHING Starting Dec. 15th. SKIING WINTER TERM. Cedar Village Call r one week. WHATEVER YOUR skills, n OLDSMOBILE 1969 Go To Summer. 332-3848, Cheryl. S-10/7 TAKE ME home and love The State News will be sale, 1965 Porsche. Ve employment for KELLY responsible only for the mileage. ?V 2-0215. 3-10/8 condition. Offers. MOTORCYCLISTS Norton for less than 75c DREAM 400 SERVICES. ' you at Demonstrators, SUGAR LOAF 2 or 3 of a Kind 332-1343. 7-10/10 a cc. is accepting applications for ski Cambria Townhouse. $82.5' Vacancies for Guys or Gals first day's incorrect inser- 351 2196. 3 10/8 OLDSMOBILE. 1963 Holiday 332-6029. X 10/6 At 731 c experienced Also general keypunch laborers operators. Call instructors. Male or female, Room & board. Need not be j ; walk to campus) 332-2824 5-10/6 Auto Service & Parts 482-1277 certified. PARK TRACE Luxurious, completely Contact Bob furnished & carpeted apts. ACCIDENT PROBLEM7 Call 10-10/7 Knight, Traverse City. (616) APARTMENTS OLDSMOBILE 1960 4-door, power KALAMAZOO STREET BODY HONDA 72cc Scrambler. Still in 947-9894. Swimming pool & fully- The State News does not equipped party-game room. steering, brakes. $150. WOW1 SHOP. Small dents to large warranty. 5 months old. Will sell YOUTH-GROUP leaders with Okemos, E. Lansing. MSU. permit racial or religious 355-9490 5-10/9 wrecks. American and foreign for balance owed, $270. Call : required for Spacious garden style. 1, 2, & See model at 731 Burcham. PART TIME employment for MSU discrimination In Its ad¬ cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 Transportation 3 bdrm. apts. Walkout patio Open daily & Sun. 4-9 p.m. vertising columns. The OLDSMOBILE F-85. 1967-4-door 2628 East Kalamazoo C required. Call or balcony. Now available. (Model phone 351-7212) Larry Rice, Midwests' largest full-line State News will not accept Also taking applications for 1 650cc TRIUMPH, 1967 Parkwood YMCA, 332-8657 merchant wholesaler. Bonneville. Outstanding bdrm. apts. Model by Bishops advertising which discrim¬ and brakes. Excellent < 3-10/6 J R. Culver Company cylinder Cream-Puff! Cheaper in fall. income. Excellent experience. Take over payments. Balance due: inates against religion, $800., or best offer. 355-9395. Automobile required. For further 217 Ann St. 2^51-8862 race, color or national or¬ $1,675. Phone Credit Manager, IV 641-4042. ; d personal 9-3279. MALE HELP. I igin. CORPORATION. 337-1349. O OLDSMOBILE 1964 Who is Brother Take Tuesday morning and about 3 wer. over John? Balance due $694.80. 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. Phone Credit Manager, IV 9-2379. you. Phone 332-0881. 3-10/6 Automotive STEREO 101 Excellent condition. $675. Call EMPLOYMENT 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10 10 8 ; AUSTIN HEALEY WXYZ FM WANTED APPRENTICE meat I Completely r ebui I OLDSMOBILE 1959. Excellent cutter. Full time. Also counter RECEPTIONIST-GENERAL 337-9265 5-10 7 Employment OFFICE Dictaphone ). 351-5516. X3-10/7 STUDENTS. CAN evenings. We pay union wages. experience with good AUSTIN HEALEY 1966 3000. Must YOUNG MAN for 3 Excellent fringe benefits. Apply . sen, best offer. 393-3546. 4-10 8 telephone voice a must. day. Mornings or afternoons. meat department, EBERHARD'S. PONTIAC 1964 2-door hardtop. Diversified duties and public Apply in person to PRINCE BROS 3301 E. Michigan. 5-10/8 421 tripower. 4-speed. New paint, PROVISION, 120 Reniger Court, contact brings $420. Call tires. Best offer 351-3146. 5-10/6 485-5481. East Lansing. Just west of Brody Dormitory off Michigan Ave. PLACEMENT COUNSELOR TEMPEST 1961 Boulevard. 3-10/7 Trainee, Receptionist in BUICK 1968. temporary Placement Division. SECRETARY--Professional 355-6074 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East BABYSITTER FOR 2 children, 2 Knowledge of general office skills staff needs poise and proven 3-10 6 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940 . . office skills. Heavy dictation. Complete auto painting and furnished. 351 5186. 3-10 7 staff position. Phone Marge Prestige PONTIAC LEMANS 1966, position in plush collision service IV 5-0256. C convertible V-8, radio, console Penny: 484 7771. MY GAL office. $500 plus. Call 3-10 3 FRIDAY OFFICE SERVICE. shift, power steering. 487-0433 485-5481 Bellinger Personnel 20. Pick up O-10/8 tADILLAC 1963 7 10/10 Aviation Brush orders. I Service. details. 2 10/6 1963 PORSCHE. Excellent FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to SELL GREAT BOOKS OF THE condition. Must sell. $1900. Call learn m the PIPER CHEROKEEH! anted for BELLIMGER Manager growing Jerry,482-1333, between 3-7 p.m Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C dating service. Send encyclopedias). Work part time. 327. V-8 engine, 5 10-9 RAMBLER STATION wagon 1965. Scooters & Cycles I.D.S., P.O. Box 2137, >r, Michigan 48106. training. Call 484-1336 between 1 30 p.m and 4:30 p.m Only ask PERSONNEL Pg. Rebuilt engine, carrier and 5-10/6 for Mr. Cutler. 3-10/8 SERVICE 1968 SUZUKI 120. studded snow tires. Good MALE je S2095 663-3373. condition. S600 355-5958. 355-1197 5-10/6 5-10/6 Experience preferred. Walt Koss TRIUMPH 1969 Trophy, 655-2175. WALT'S year. $2.50 S3.00 per hour Male CHEVROLET 1964. Stick, 6. sharp ROLLS-ROYCE (Bently S-1) 1957 burgundy finish. Excellent Scrambler Perfect RESTAURANT & LOUNGE. 485-5481 condition. $45 0 393-4815. $675. Call 351-5200 3-10/6 Personnel, STARR steering, p COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, 5-10 6 CYCLE RIDERS: trade your bike for a nice warm car. '56 Chevy, just NURSES R.N., L.P.N.. (517-629-3988) 10-10/8 CHEVROLET 1966 -wagon. V-8. painted Good ROSELAWN MANOR NURSING automatic. Good family car Take HOME. 3p.m. - 11 p.m. 11-7. Full over payments. Balance due: $992.46. Phone Credit Manager, 353 7563 3-10/6 IV 9 2379. C . Excellent s Armstrong Road. Call Mrs. Jolly, CROSSWORD PUZZLE WHERE IS LOVE? 1963 TRIUMPH TR-4. Condition. Low miles. $850. Call 351-1396.3-10 7 Good HONDA 250 Scrambler, Japanese Cream-Puff. Two bucos. $350. 351-2327.3-10/6 Director of Nursing. 393-5680. new. ACROSS 1. Herring 28. October birthstone 6. Old Siamese 29. Aspirations STEREO 101 Place Your 10. 30. Wire Service Spiraea 13. Auricles 32. Shoshonean WXYZ FM 14. Corrosive 33. Caama CHEVROLET Bel-Air, 1965, 2-door PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD CAMPUS 15. 17 Sun god Outstanding 34. Back 35 Lily palm 18 Golf club 36 Atop hard top. Best offer 355-9119 Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. 19. Man's 37. Scot 110/6 STATE NEWS will bill you later. nickname 38. European 20. About 41. Cowardice CHEVROLET 1965 Biscayne. Stick SOLUTION OF YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE shift, 4-door sedan. S600. Excellent 882-8469. HILL 21. 22. 23. Fruit decay Frustrate Afflicts 42. Fencing DOWN 3 Unique 4 Public notices 7. Counterpart 8. Etivvard 24. Foal 1. Smirch 5. Toward Kennedy 25. Imposts 2. Harmony 6. Broad scarf 9 Compass poin CORVAIR, 1964 Spyder. 11 Mtrcha idi&e 8 9 6 %% 5 % 2 3 4 12. Tiack game 3636 If you thought Campus Hill was great 882 047 7 before, come see our 12 16 Friend Consecutive Dotes 3 10/8 to Run . NEW models. Larger apartments with Party twin dressing rooms. lounge. Central air. Groovy furnishings. The best •o '4 % 18. 19 Misfortunes Sacred Heading 4-mans in town See CAMPUS HILL today. Model open 2-6 daily, Apt. 201G. From $58.75/month/person. •3 % 'S 19 21 2? Statement White lies Balance due: Print Ad He re: 17 % 21 %22 - $1,387.08. Phone Credit Manager, IV 9 2379. C 20 %23 %2M 24 Notoriety 25. Racetrack ' %Va f/, 26. Visual //• 27 CHEVY 4-speed, II 1966 Super Sport, V-8, new tires. Very good Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 25 26 %% 30 31 ?7. 29. Buffalo In motion condition. $995 Charlotte, Michiaan. 2-10/fi ie % % 3H 30. 31. Regional Voting places 10 Words or Less: 32 33. Tapir CHEVROLET radio, owner 1966, vinyl roof. $1200 482 3586 3 10/6 with pov ( Over 10 Words Add: □ □ fm m/t an if 35 38 % 39 36 37 34. 36. 37. Destiny Person % 39. Wildebeest About Michigan State News 1% UZ : CORVAIR, 1964, Monza. Stick, i brakes, tires, paint. $' 347 Student Services Bldg 351-8862 % 40. Past tense ending MSU East Lansing, Mich. 217 Ann St. - next to Min->^-Mart 351-3825. 5 10/6 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 ]] For Rent Service Typing Service Doform hill LARGE FURNISHED 4 man LARGE UPSTAIRS, 1-bedroom, STEREO COMPONENTS. Name WILL THE person(s) who borrowed ALTERATIONS ON dress making by ann brown: Typing and multilith llvlUI III lllll apartment. 9 or 12 month lease. $135. 2-bedrooms, ground level, lai brands at discount prices. Call the 2 black sweaters from the experienced seamstress. offset printing. Complete service Call 351-7319. 5-10/6 for dissertations, theses, utilities included, parking, 337-0880. 10-10/9 State News business office. Please Reasonable charge. Call 355-5855. (continued from page one) furnished, 325 North Pennsylvania NIKON NIKKOREX F with FI.4 at return them S-10/6 O-10/7 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. HOLT A RE A-studio apartment. 100 USED Vacuum Cleaners. Tanks, 50 mm and F2.8 at 135 mm. 20 years experience. 332-8384. C Unfurnished, ground floor, one canisters, uprights. In good $195. 332-1901 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. NOW OPENED LANSING SOUND IT WORKS! IT REALLY WORKS "other combinations" of taxes bedroom, couples only. No FACULTY APARTMENT' condition. $7.88 and up. Dennis 5-10/10 STUDIOS. Professional 4-track FAST! Sell household goods with children or Pets. $100. month. BARBI MEL; Typing, multiiithing. to replace the loss of revenue Unfurnished. No pets. EAST Distributing Company. 316 North recording. Commercial, pop, a Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255 No job too large or too small, from property taxes and to 646-6811 after 5 p.m. 7-10/8 Cedar, opposite City Market. CIDER MILL open. Sweet cider for industrial. 4806 S. Logan. today. LANSING MANAGEMENT. Block off campus. 332-3255. C 482-2677. C sale. Corda West, 5817 N. Okemos support the additional school Phone 332-2627. C 393-3600. X5-10/7 Road. 337-7974. 26-10/30 spending, but it appears that an furnished apartments TAPE RECORDER Soni 4 track PHOTOGRAPHER TO cover YOUR found a dog, lost a cat? increase in the state's flat rate 100 cleaners. Check today "Lost & Found" Coming USED vacuum s income tax is likely. model 600-D. $175. 1800 foot event, party or rush. No fee. Pay Tanks, canisters and uprights. 1 $55. per man reels tape. $1.50 each. 485-6521. only for B & W prints. 6-9 p.m. The Governor's Reform 3-10/6 year guarantee. $7.88 and up. Call 482-0365. 5-10/6 (4-man apts.) DENNIS DISTRIBUTING TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general Commission actually admitted $160. married couples LOVE is here COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. 482-2677. C RUMMAGE Church, SALE: 800 Abbott All Saints Road Tuesday typing Dictaphone or tape transcription. 393-3663. 20-10/24 that eliminating the property tax altogether had some appeal as a Are you? Clothing, miscellaneous household "more equitable approach," but 4 blks. to Campus — said it was "impractical." Completely furnished. All utilitie items. Tuesday, October 7. paid. Call NEJAC 337-1300. STEREO 101 6:30 9:00 p.m. October 8: 9 00 Wanted If a statewide property tax is Ph. 337-0298 or am-2:00 of the end p.m. 2-10/7 approved by the legislature, it WXYZ FM HALSTEAD Mgt. Co. LOVELY house. FURNISHED 2 bedroo 2-4 students. 632 Peanuts Personal of Biafran Starvation blood doners needed. $7.50 ^ ^ ^quire ^ Q'f Soul 351-7910 Francis. 351-5696. 5-10/6 AQUARIUM, 29 gallon. Piston negative £d abnegativT$Taoo. institutional amendment by Pump. All filters, stand. Breeding o negative, $12 michigan the people. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Another GRAD STUDENT upstairs apartment THREE BEDROOM traps, vacuum, many extras. New SPRINGER SPANIELS, AKC key issue that is house. 507% East Grand River, East 351 7889. 3-10/6, certain to stimulate spirited in Okemos. Share bath and Unfurnished. $115. 417 North champion stock. Fine pets - ______ ALTERATIONS AND dre kitchenette. $70. per month. Call Francis, Lansing: 485-4917, SLOT CAR track, Revell hi-bank. Hunters. 6 weeks. 351-0988 after LADIES REJOICE! W. Ed W. Call 355-0850. 5 *10/7 ££s,o™ToU! 9™.'SS the governor's decision 332-0914.3-10/8 372-4747. 5-10/7 5 p.m. 5-10/6 happily announces dis-engagement p.m Monday. Wednesday and to 'MS™ some kind of of Friday Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Parochiad. NEED UNDER GRADUATE MATH UNFURNISHED MOBILE home, SOUTH SI DE --private home, POODLES, TOY AKC, black males, jsing with wenches. 1-10/6 P.m to 6 30 p.m. 337-7183 C The commission report 2-bedrooms. In country, children first shots, wormed. 5 weeks old. TUTORING? Call 353 7122. If no recommended salary support for furnished. Will accommodate 5 DRUM SET Ludwig, seven pieo welcome. Call 313-632-7749. students. $16/week each, utilities gold sparkle. Excellent conditioi S75. 676-5351. 3-10/6 DELTA ZETA Actives: Ready. ans™er, call 355-0980. 5-10/10 BUS BOYS or Bus Girls needed at . ,ay teachers of secular subjects 2-10/7 paid. Lots of parking willing, and eager! Delta Zeta Jack Tar Hotel. Will arrange hours in non-public schools, but added 485-5227 484-3850. 3-10/8 5-10/7 DALMATIONS: PUPPIES and grown Pledges. 1-10/6 Typing Service to fit your schedule. Apply that the support should not dogs. COACH ACRES, 1113 personneii office. 5-10/9 exceed 2 per cent CAPITOL VILLA STEREO TURNTABL of the public OKEMOS: NEAR MSU Harman-Kardon and Tihart Road, Okemos. 339-8930, R ecreation TYPING: Experienced work, done school budget. speaker: 339-8666. X 6-10/10 Semi-furnished, four bedroom, 1 on IBM Electric. Reasonable. BABYSITTING IN my licensed 337-0727. 5-10/8 APARTMENTS baths. Family preferred. S250 plus HAYRIDES: ALL private property. Phone 485-5575. 3-10/10 Married, post-grads,and sen¬ utilities. 351-8535. 5 10/6 3/4 SIZE mattress, box spring and FREE KITTENS. 7 weeks old. Will for choice. Call Bonfire areas available. Also LoTan-MtFUHopenadreaP^485-3383. While the Pr0Posal has already frame. Sleeps 2 nicely. 337-0727. deliver to you horseback riding by the hour. 12 5.10/8 come under fire for giving any iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ 655-3272, evenings. 3-10/6 aid to Best offer. 5-10/8 npus. 489-5153. COMPLETE THESIS Servic non-public schools, ments. From $150-$ 165. Near printing, typing and 3-10/6 OPENING, IN my south side licensed criticism came from another Campus. For information call WOMAN: QUIET single room GAS STOVE, 4 burner, large oven. WEIMARANER PUPPIES, AKC, binding of theses, term papers, home, near Ingham Medical direction when House Speaker Kitchen. Two blocks Knapp's stud, field trial experience. Female Real Estate resumes and publications. Lowest Hospital for 1 2 children. William Excellent condition. S100, or best or Ryan, D-Detroit, 332-5330. 332-0647 after 5 p.m. 3-10/6 offer. 339-9370. 5-10/8 has CD and World Dog Award. prices available. Located across 393 0399.3-10/6 denounced the 2 per cent Phone 351-0238. 5-10/8 8 ROOM house. 4 bedroom, 1% from campus on corner of M.A.C. and Grand limitation as not being enough. baths, den, living room with large River, below the Style PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE WHITE VELVET wedding gown v h WANTED 2 general admission A third North: MALE DOBERMAN 1 year old. All bay window 2 car garage. Shop. Call COPYGRAPH major point of chapel train. Two formals, size 93me Furnished studio. Utilities paid. shots and AKC registerable. Likes Tamarisk Subdivision. Located SERVICES, 337-1666. C contention will be the proposed 9-10 Also one 3/4 size roll-away Private entrance. $100/month plus kids, but good watch dog. North Harrison and Lake Lansing elimination of the State Board bed; portable stereo and Beucher deposit. 627-5454. 310/8 487-0202. 5-10/10 road. 636 Tarleton. Shown by trombone 393-6463 3-10/6 Typewriter NEED DESPERATELY one coupon of Education, also requiring a appointment 332-3828. 10-10/10 JUDO UM-MSU game Steve 355-9355 constitutional amendment. CAMPUS NEAR: Furnished. Living Gl-Clothes rack. Solid oak /eimaraners AKC reg^tered $75. (Electrics) p#/) 4-10/7 desk. 19 cubic foot freezer 1612 RIVER Terrace bedrooom, kitchen, bath. room, Call ED 2-5374. 5-10/10 372-5025 after 5 p.m. 5-10/6 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and Males and 351-0720. 11-10/17 females. Elliot, - $22,500. Live in the country, walk to campus. Repair „m_ ,wx . Before tackling the education engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Large selection of 2-bedroom with large shaded lot Foreign & Domestic hi blockl. f° from man Berkey apartmentOne 337-08^7 however, the lawmakers MALE OR couple, e FENDER TREMOLUX cent or more. by FHA with low down payment Louis E. May,Sr. ED 2-087' 3 10/6 v OJ/UO// must take » i. i care * -«/» L-.. of 16 bills left . plain and fancy diamonds. Lost & Found Campus Book Store- over from the regular session, Furnished. One or two Amp-Epiphone, Sarrento double and monthly payments like rent. Across from Union $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX with shower, parking All private. guitar, both excellent buys SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Call Bob Homan 351-0965; or BASS GUITARS-Experienced for which ended in mid-July. 1214 E. Kalamazoo. 3-10/6 LOST: PAIR gold wire rimmed Rock-Blues Complete, $400 351-3285. Simon Real Estate, 372-1130 group. Call Doc., Michigan. 485-4391. C glasses, vicinity of Journalism 5-10/7 5-10/7 482-7b/7 after 11 p.m 4-10/3 Among them is a bill that FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3 building. Expensive lenses. combines abolishing the girls 21 or over. 5 blocks from ENTIRE FAMILY wear Glasses? Reward 393-5837 2-10/6 Service husband and wife want office one-man grand jury and Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, sufficient parking. $65 campus, each girl plus security deposit Form 2615 East Michigan, ^372-7409. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS. bmd,n9- 337-1527. S,: converting the 23-man grand jury into a 13 to 17-man unit. 694-8266. 5-10/7 C 10/10 and gowns. Reasonable charge. TWO GIRLS for 4 man apartment. A Experiencedi. 6 Guys and 5 Gals DRUM SET: Ludwig, gold pearl LOST: PRESCRIPTION sun glasses 355-^040. 8-10/10 p|ERSMA TyP|NG SERVICE, °ne ^locl; from Berkev A liquor bill would eliminate Needed to fill single L ifeline S350 for complete set or will Dark grey. Week ago Reward SUEDE AND Leather refinishinq tvp'"9' Prmtm9 and bin. the 500-foot buffer area ___ break up set. 351-7615. 1-10/6 between vacancies at 731 for 393-6942 3-10/6 a church and a (walk to campus) Starving T iu r pac,kaged goods store or bar Luxurious completely $20 351-5124 7-10/10 under certain conditions. furnished & carpeted apts. Biafrans $25. DEBBIE, BEING 21 ling r Swimming pool & fully $50. Many refrigerators and ranges equipped party-game room. - S25-S80. Beds - $20 complete. See model at 731 Burcham Rockers S8-S40 Many many Open daily & Sun. 4-9 p.m. (Model phone 351-7212) UNFINISHED stools, FURNITURE: night stands, Bar things. new Bob and South Cedar. 393-6025 GUITARS, Mart Daves: 1 1/6 4216 A new for LOVE... position University prefinished picture frames and more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 COUPLE ATTRACTIVE furnished - South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276 C two bedroom. Basement, garage soft water. Direct to Campus $158. 663-8418. 3-10/8 BEDS-SINGLE; 3 chairs, lamps; GIRL 21 or over to share $57.50. Call 351-1043 after 5 00 4-man large gas stove, 337-1714. 4-10/8 $160 or best offer. GREEN SPLASH COMPLETE SET of Ludwig with 5-10/7 cases. Less than year old. 393-0334 before 4 p.m 6-10/7 IT MAY NOT BE LOST FOREVER! Clinics, October 6, 8 and 13th Advertise for lost items with a 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255 now 7 P.M. home. Makes tapes for your car, too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up ONE GIRL needed for 4-girl house. at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 Tryouts October 15th 7 P.M. Reduced rates! Super' 351-0851 South Pennsylvania, Lansing C 3-10/7 TV 19 inch Zenith. Purchased nev July. $110. 337-1028 3-10/6 furnished. Introducing the Had any LOVE BMW BAY COLONY APARTMENTS. 1 bedroom apartment, FOR RENT lately? furnished or unfurnished. 6, 9, or 12 month leases. Call 337-0511. STEREO 101 Corner of Haslett and Hagadorn Roads. 24-10/31 WXYZ FM 6-cylinder series big. J? ^ pAivt-k Not new cars in a class. A new class of car. ..." ' > . * For 53 years, Germany's famed Bavarian • Student / Apartments Apar Motor Works has established new standards n international automobile design. Now we proudly present their masterpiece the BMW 6-cylinder series. A car designed to cruise all 2, 3, 4 person apartments • 4 blocks from campus day at 120 mph a car that combines racing car performance and maneuverability with (2 bedroom flexible units) Big rooms, big closets, big features, little price. That's every nuance of a luxury sedan's floating • 9 or 12 month lease North Pointe. Swimming pool. Air conditioning. Carpet. smoothness. Nothing but the feel of this car Furnished Draft clause. Apartments for 2-3-4-5 persons from your own hands can fully acquaint you • Color coordinated appliances $55/month/person. Call the J.R. Culver Company today. Carpeted with the BMW personality Come in today. Air Conditioned • Individual heating & cooling Garbage disposals controls H J. From $55.00 per person BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS Halstead Management Phil Gordon 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A - Mart 351-8862 2924 E. Grand River Lansing 484-2551 635 Abbott Road 351-7910 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 6, 1969 Yorktown-college haven for student freedom social activities. The athletically colleges are competitive with Yorktown students' methods, Students protested against and class within a particular division "Specialization is not allowed," meets university requirements. Miss Rock said, Until exams professors employ exams as an are abolished, take home alternative. the symposium and the cultural committee," explained. Miss Rock dissent. Movement The dissatisfaction and York Sunday expresses alienation Creation of a each other. There is outside closed down, last year,the only Canadian classes are arranged Miss Rock is determined to Freedom at Yorktown has not within the no compulsory education class the on a yearly basis. The first year Exams at the university are university. The non-multiversity atmosphere competition. add uniqueness to her role of extended to the non-student protest isn't as loud as the SDS with increased flexibility and student identification is being The headmastership forthcoming College E on the of c,~re „oft,eti,JP1nv r T^caTi^" headmaster. A participatory democracy will be evolved in university newspaper. "Excalibur," is run by salaried at MSU because the Sunday Movement really has no issues, fostered by former MSU Miss Rock's college. There will people hired by the York Yorktown campus has been Miss Rock said. Professor Virginia Rock at be no student council. The only Student Federation. Radicalism given to Miss Rock. The college Miss Rock was at MSU Friday Yorktown University, Toronto. Yorktown, a haven for campus is currently being housed in old buildings on campus until NEW FACULTY authorization will be given to two and anti-administration notions appointed people with the are spread by the paper, which is speaking book. on her forthcoming liberals' ideals, has discarded the completion of its facilities in right to sign checks. These completely ignorant of students' While headmaster of College E, impersonalization that horrified Wi ves welcomed 1970. Naming the college, which people can use that priviledge views, according to Miss Rock. Miss Rock intends to reside Miss Rock while at MSU. A student-oriented paper is will house an art gallery, a only after decisions are made in off-campus. "I prefer a little "The arrangement of library and a theatre, will be up an open meeting. published by each college. distance. It more somehow compulsory classes was to the students. "The only committees are Despite its innovations, relieves student-professor depressing. I felt a hopelessness The population of each college Lansing. going to be voluntary, such as Yorktown is not free from tensions," Miss Rock said. of never coming close to the Wives of new faculty will be Tidje, president of Newcomers is divided to keep each unit as New faculty wives who have student and seeing him grow," welcomed to the University Club. different and fluent as possible. The calendar of events will not been contacted are invited Miss Rock said. Miss Rock community this year at a series First year students will be of socials sponsored by the MSU begin with desserts at 8 p.m. to call Mrs. William Sharpe Jr., taught ATL at MSU. required to take one ungraded 337-0525, or Mrs. Maurice The increase in personalization Faculty Folk and Newcomers today in the homes of Mrs. to be chosen from a list THIS CAN course Lawrence Von Tersch, 4282 Vitosh, 351-0268, hospitality at Yorktown has led to less of classes compiled by each disruption, Miss Rock said. Colleges within the Canadian include college. Topics covered will contemporary and to New arrivals will be introduced Tacoma Blvd., Okemos, and Mrs. club members in their J. R. Brandou, 1035 Shelter neighborhoods and will be given Lane, East Lansing. chairmen of Faculty Folk and Newcomers, respectively. The final events will be GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER university are not academic. popular music and puppetry. At 8 p.m. Tuesday, desserts desserts at 8 p.m. Oct. 15, in the Each college is a living unit packets of historical and MSU protestors of compulsory will be given by Mrs. Charles homes of Mrs. Sadoyoshi practical information about offering students cultural and classes should take note of the MSU and East Lansing, said Mrs. Omoto, 4711 Kingswood Drive, Cress, 1918 Tomahawk, Frederic Dutton, president of Okemos, and Mrs. C.L. Winder, Okemos, and Mrs. William B. Faculty Folk, and Mrs. James 1776 Hitching Post Road, East Hawley, 609 Walbridge, East I1*B WHAT'S Lansing. mi Lead your own life. Free University offers Enjoy it. Don't let life let you down because of a silly head¬ wide range of study ache. Happiness is as far 1118 S. Harrison; away as an Anacin® bottle. Free University classes will Mysticism-Kin Chowchoveck, 7 Anacin is twice as strong Green Splash Synchronized Swimming will hold swim clinics at begin this week, offering a much wider variety of subjects than in p.m. Monday, location in the specific pain re¬ 7 tonight in the offices of Green Splash, Women's Intramural undetermined; Philosophies of Building. the two years of previous Anarchism liever doctors recom¬ and operation. Organizers hope for mend most as the other an enthusiastic response that will Libertarianism-Michael, 7:30 Young Filmmakers, a series of six programs produced by well known extra strength filmmakers of the p.m. Monday, Mural Room of ghetto, begins at 7:30 tonight in the East facilitate expansion of the Union. Lansing Public Library auditorium. Also on the program are two tablet. program. documentaries: "Pitcairn People" and "Sled Dog Race." Courses offered, instructors, Anyone who wishes further Anacin may not bend Admission is free. information or is interested in times, dates and locations for your mind, but it sure will Free University classes scheduled becoming an instructor is asked First meetings of Free University classes will be tonight as to contact the Free University get your head together. follows: are as follows: Office at 355-8266 between 1 "Doctor Business" — speaker, Alan Barnes; at 7 p.m. in 301 Oriental Philosophy and and 5 p.m., Monday through Religion-Charles Hoagland, 8 "Film Making" — speaker, Gunther Pfaff; at 7 p.m. in 309 p.m. Thursday 111 Bessey; Friday. Bessey. Self-Improvement and Basic "Free University Togetherness" — speaker, Doug Morton; at 9 Modeling- Dee duMont, 7 p.m. IN THE OCTOBER p.m. in 310 Bessey. Wednesday in 208 Bessey; "Philosophies of Anarchism and Libertarianism" — at 7:30 p.m. in the Mural Room, Union. Science Fiction-Ray Walsh, 7 p.m. Tuesday in 304 Bessey; and A The Doctor Business-Alan Barnes, 7 Spartan Crops and Soils Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in 309 Agriculture Building. There will be a review and discussion of p.m. Monday in 301 Bessey. > The Fight For the President's activities. Mind — And the Men Who Also offered are: Won It by Townsend Hoopes The University Theatre Performing Arts Company will hold Filmmaking-Gunther Pfaff, 7 > The Oakland Seven by Elinor tryouts for student-produced plays from 7 to 10 tonight and p.m. Monday in 309 Bessey; Tuesday night in 9 Auditorium. There will be tryout readings for Contemporary Literature-Renee over 20 student-produced plays and opportunities for more than > The Young and the Old: 100 actors and £ Fransway, 7 p.m. Wednesday in Notes on a New History by 301 Bessey, and Peace - Tom Robert Jay Lifton The Women's Varsity Swim Team will practice from 5 to 6 Moore, 7 p.m. Wednesday in 301 ...and, Dan Wakefield on The Great Haircut War today through Thursday in the Women's I.M. pool. All coeds are Bessey. invited to practice any of these days. Free University Togetherness-Doug Morton, 9 The Fencing Club will meet and practice from 7 until 10 p.m. Monday in 310 Bessey; tonight in 118 Women's I.M. Building. All interested persons are Drugs and Drug Addiction-Ron welcome. Fishman, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 111 Bessey. General Evergreen Wiv^s will me at 7:30 tonight in the Activities Guitar-Robert Carr, 7:30 p.m. Room, Natural Resources 1 Ig. The meeting is open to all wives of forestry Wednesday in 141 Music Bldg.; students. Group Dynamics Sensitivity-Bill The M.S.U. Administrative-Professional Assn. will hold their fall Szafarszyk, 7 p.m. Thursday, meeting at 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday in Kellogg Center Auditorium. The Stephanoff Lounge in Student agenda includes an election to fill five vacant director-at-large Services Bldg. seats on the Executive Boards and a motion to include Health Foods-Frank Pavia, supervisory personnel as members of the association. The meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 309 for For the Bessy. Contemporary Jazz-Gary Kilner, 7 p.m. Tuesday in 219 New Music Bldg. Campus Action will meet at 8:30 tonight in Room 38, in the Community Life Styles, Union. Loren Cunningham, head of Youth with a Mission, will UCM-Sue Russel, 7 p.m. speak about "The Justice of God." Thursday, Wesley Foundation Youcan't wear pants all the Do you have to give up your identity The style that's leading the new Fashion Renaissance A complete selection of Edwardian coats to make it in abig corporation? You've heard the stories: fossilized that they're scared of people who developed the high-energy liquid JHEm One big corporation forbids you to who don't fit the "norm"? laser, who came up with the sharpest wearanything but white shirts. Not this company. color TV picture in the world, who pio¬ male Another says it wants you to be"crea- tive"—and gives you a 4-pound rule book telling you exactly how to do it. Yet another doesn't want you to buy a more expensive car than your boss because "it wouldn't look right'.' Weare not hung upon trivia likethat. The advances General Telephone & Electronics has made didn't come from people hiding behind organization charts and smi I ing at the right time. They came from people who used neered instant electronic stock market quotations, and so on. We are looking for more people like this—people who aren't afraid to stand up and try themselves out. We are an equal opportunity em¬ snap Is this really happening in American their brains: ployer: business? People who revolutionized picture- All you need to make it with us is a Paraphernalia' 541 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE 541 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. next to paraphernalia Havecompanies become so rigid and taking with the Sylvania flashcube, good head on your shoulders. next to the male shop MON-FRI 10-9SAT 10-6 General Telephone & Electronics Hours. Mon.-Fri., 10-9; Sat ,10-6