'Operation Intercept' curbs flow of marijuana By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mexican attempts to curb the flow across was scarce before Operation Intercept and it still is. The domestic product appears to Mexican operation and thus much of a dent yet." wouldn't make up in price from $8 an ounce to $15 and said some of the marijuana is being diluted. marijuana grows wild. But a narcotics official said this went on all summer. the border. be The closer the user is to the Mexican Police Sgt. Nelson Murray of San Diego, Besides marijuana, heroin also has been a more than enough to offset the scarcity "Generally, the price is almost doubled," of Mexican marijuana. The domestic border, it appears, the harder he has been Calif., close to the border, said marijuana target of the Mexican border inspectors. A Mexican border crackdown on said a spokesman for Operation Intercept, hit by Operation Intercept - an inspection prices have doubled, and "it appears to be The result, according to Lt. E. L. Kennedy the border check. "But more important is harvest peaked about three weeks ago and marijuana was reported Monday to have system that has been affecting more than 2 the result of Intercept." of the Houston Narcotics division, has been that much of it is unavailable or extremely much of it has been stock piled." created a scarcity and boosted the price of million motorists a week at U.S.-Mexican a "small panic" among heroin users. the weed in areas of the United States near scarce." Most Thomas Carrigan, chief of the Nevada border points. Further east, however, Detroit police the border. marijuana available since Operation State Narcotics Division, said: "We hear In Portland, Ore., home grown stuff was reported: "We haven't noticed any effect Narcotics officials in those areas reported Intercept began is now grown in the from people in the streets that things are here. The price hasn't gone up at all." Heroin was reported still readily available said to be replacing Mexican marijuana, that many users appear to be making do American Midwest, the spokesman said, in Las Vegas, Nev. Police Sgt. Robert getting tight and grass is going up, but we and the scarcity was credited to Operation "The stuff is our most common weed with home-grown pot. and sells for as much as $200 a pound. Behrman said: "But the word's out to are a long way away and it will take time and all they have to do is go out and pick But officials in states more distant from "Man, nobody can tell me there was any Intercept. Police reported prices up 50 per for us to feel the full force of the thing cent. it," said Lt. Joseph Friend, head of the pushers and I expect things to begin getting the border reported little evidence that such thing as Operation Intercept," said an Prices already were on the way up in Omaha vice detail. He added that tight pretty soon." Operation Intercept had yet had an impact unidentified observer at a rock music A Philadelphia narcotics squad Sacramento, Calif., and a state narcotics out-of-state motorists in increasing in the marketplace. festival that drew 40,000 to California's spokesman reported the price and quality bureau official said: "Since Operation numbers are harvesting Nebraska The head of the vice squad in Savannah, The border crackdown started two weeks Sierra foothills. of pot unchanged there. However, he Intercept, it's increased again and the marijuana. Ga., Sgt. Tom Izzo, said he has noted a ago. Several cities in the United States had "We haven't noticed any change in the added: "Of course, shipments due into this Out-of-state traffic also was reported decline in the use of marijuana and an availability of imported marijuana," said a quality is poor." already reported marijuana scarcities and area not have been affected by the converging northern Indiana, where increased trade in heroin. narcotics squad spokesman in Chicago. "It may City police in Los Angeles reported pot on price increases as a result of recent previous Tuesday Our loyalties Cooler . . . . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . must transcend our race, . . . with a chance of showers by our this tribe, and our nation; and means we must develop a STATE tomorrow. mid-six ties. High in the world perspective. -Martin Luther King UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 62 Number 57 Tuesday, October 7, 1969 Polley resigns from post; calls ed. board Edwin Novak, said he would have voted for advocated by Gov. Milliken in his firing him if a vote were taken. educational reform proposals may not be "He has not enjoyed the board's the only answer, his statement as to the confidence for many, many months now," failure of the present system is eloquent, State Superintendent of Public Novak said. He told UPI he let Polley know factoral and states precisely the reasons Instruction Ira Polley resigned from his of his change of opinion Sunday. why I am unable to support this board." post Monday following months of In 1966, it was Novak's vote that tipped He did, however, express appreciation to contention between him and the State the balance of the board in favor of Marilyn Jean Kelly, Charles E. Morton and hiring Board of Education, in which members Polley. MSU Biophysics professor LeRoy several times tried to fire him. Now he says Polley's resignation is in the Augenstein for their efforts and Polley has held his position for two years best interest of education. contributions to the "greater educational and said he gave it up only after Gov. Milliken praised Polley, saying that good." "soul-searching consideration," adding he "by his resignation, (he) has shown Polley said the "conduct of some could no longer support the board because himself, again, to be a man of great courage members in their office has not been a it is "ineffectual and a failure." and integrity. model for either local boards or the young He also criticised "certain members" for "Although I am deeply sorry to see him boys and girls in our high schools and Pipes ap acting in "reckless disregard for the public interest." leave his position, I respect his decision in light of the intolerable conditions under colleges." He mentioned the meeting of July 8 in Jack Breslin, right, secretary of the MSU Board of Trustees, accepts a $60,000 Schlicker pipe organ, Meanwhile, UPI reported that Polley which he has been forced to function." which hundreds of opponents of sex would have been fired at the next State Milliken said the people of Michigan owe education disrupted the meeting protesting a gift to MSU from Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Hart. The recital room in the Music Bldg., which was radically Board of Education meeting anyway. altered to house the organ, has been renamed the Hart Recital Hall. Acting President Adams who was Polley "a great debt of gratitude, for serving proposed guidelines for sex education in The eight-member board had been in a with distinction and dedication under public schools. late in arriving, was told by Hart, "I just gave the organ to another man." 4-4 deadlock for months over the issue, but difficult and distracting circumstances." The development of a "parochiaid bloc" State News photo by Jerry McAllister one of Polley's staunchest supporters, The Michigan Education Assn. was also referred to by Polley, expressing also lamented the resignation of Polley, even his opposition to that movement because though a statement released by the the "constitutional mandate to the board is organization admitted that it did not that it shall exercise 'leadership and general support him when he was appointed in supervision over all public education.' " War breakthrough possibility 1966. Executive Secretary Terry E. Herndon and President Douglas Ward said "has demonstrated a Polley high level of competence and integrity during his tenure Council to act in office. Failure of the State Board of Education resolution to operate as efficiently and within 3 monfhs, says Scott effectively as originally hoped for just five on years ago cannot be blamed on Dr. Polley. "It is most unfortunate for the schools of Michigan that a man of Dr. Polley's ability and courage must be sacrificed to those for moratorium WASHINGTON (AP)-Senate Republican The GOP leader from Pennsylvania, said more than 90 House members have resolution so far has the support of 64 who put-their own interests and ambitions leader Hugh Scott (R. Penn.) speaking speaking to newsmen before the opening of agreed to join in introducing this House Republicans and 44 Democrats. ahead of the public's need for sound the Senate, said he had indications a resolution: against a back-drop of continuing Nixon has criticized Senate legislation educational policy and planning," they congressional clamor against the Vietnam turning point in the war may come from "It is the sense of the House of introduced by Sen. Charles E. Goodell, said. war predicted Monday a breakthrough may either diplomacy or in the military area. "I Representatives that the substantial The MSU Academic Council will consider R-N.Y., which would require a total troop Polley said in letters to the board come in the next two to three months. would shade it a little toward the reductions in United States gound-combat a resolution today to have class scheduling withdrawal by December 1970. members that he had been told in recent At about the same time, a bipartisan military," he said without explaining. forces in Vietnam already directed are in "We here at home must remain unified days that if he did not publicly state that and attendance optional Oct. 15, the Across the aisle, Democratic leader Mike the national interest and that the Presidnet group of House members voiced approval behind the President so that Hanoi can he supported the board in view of student-planned moratorium date for of a resolution supporting withdrawal of Mansfield, D. Montana, said, "I know of no be supported in his expressed understand that it will not achieve a Milliken's proposal to eliminate it, he discussion of the war in Vietnam. U.S. troops from Vietnam "at the earliest secret negotiations to end the war." determination to withdraw our remaining The moratorium issue has been added to victory through default, but that it can would be fired. Scott said White House reaction to his such forces at the earliest possible date." the council's agenda at the request of possible date." But he said he could not "in good And still other members of Congress televised statement Sunday that it is Hastings said he believes a specific- (please turn go page nine) conscience" support it. "While the system Acting President Adams. Thomas Greer, urged support for a planned Oct. 15 possible both sides might be approaching a timetable would handicap President Nixon chairman of Great Issues, will introduce demonstration defacto cease-fire was not "unfavorable." the resolution. against continued U.S. in negotiations. participation in the fighting. Meanwhile, Rep. James Hastings, R-N.Y., Rep. Paul Findley, R-Ill., said the Greer, a member of the Steering Committee of the Faculties and the Academic Council, said it is appropriate that the question of curtailing classes for RACIAL BASIS CHARGED the moratorium be put before the council. "It is a faculty responsibility," he stated, "because teaching is involved. The board of trustees has delegated to the faculty the Eastern High picketed authority to act in this area." Greer president said or a unilateral anyone move by the else to state the University's position on the moratorium would be "usurping faculty prerogative." reported events when he has grabbed schools. Mike Hudson, executive board After the council takes action on the people, including statements from parents. member, and Walter Thomas, East These kinds of actions have to stop in the resolution, ASMSU will be consulted and a Complex chairman of BLF, headed the statement of the University's position will Over 200 Lansing high school students Lansing school system." team of students from Eastern, Sexton and picketed Eastern High School Monday to BLF, working closely with the liberation Lansing Community College. (please turn to page nine) * fronts in the high schools, dispensed a "We moved to have Johnson suspended protest the alleged assault of Roy Williams, a black student, by the school's principal, fact-finding team which met with Stephen until a trial has been set up," Thomas said, Don Johnson. The demonstrators carried Partington, Lansing superintendent of (please tum to page nine) signs demanding Johnson's ouster. Vietnam rally to host The demonstration was organized and led by the Black Liberation Front (BLF), of MSU. "We have accepted evidence of this man's Adorns tops' am University speakers racist actions against blacks and Chicanos, John Donoghue, associate professor of and we will no longer tolerate this man's brutal treatment of these students," said Sam Riddle, an executive board member of as final petition anthropology; Lawrence Battistini, professor of social science; and Harry Chancey, ASMSU member-at-large, will BLF. The petition drive for Acting President a representative of the Search and speak at 1:30 today at the Vietnam rally at Williams was reportedly "detained and Adams is going very well, but there are a the Beaumont rock. Selection Committee. assaulted by Johnson last Thursday night." number of signed petitions that have not A member of the black faculty and a Speakers will include John P. Henderson, He was admitted to Sparrow Hospital early yet been turned in, Tom Samet, ASMSU professor of economics; Don Stevens, representative of the Black Liberation Friday with internal injuries, and was chairman said Monday. chairman of the board of trustees; a black Front (BLF) will also speak. temporarily released Saturday. He is the Students holding these Zolton Ferency, who had been son of the pastor of Mt. Zion Church in petitions are requested to bring them to Samet's office faculty member; and Samet. Samet said that all of the trustees have BLF investig announced to be a speaker, will not attend Lansing. the third floor of the Student Services been invited to attend and speak at the due to a court appointment. on A BLF fact-finding team met Monday with the Lansing superin¬ Johnson, a former wrestling coach, has Bldg. sometime today. rally, but aside from Stevens, Blanche tendent of schools to discuss the alleged assault of an Eastern Donoghue will speak on his experiences been accused of "strong-arm tactics" in the The official signature count will be read in Vietnam, and Battistini will talk about Martin, D-East Lansing, is the only one High School student by the school's principal. The team Included, Vietnamese history. ,past. according to BLF. at the Adams rally at 3 p.m. Wednesday who has so far prepared a statement. "This is not a one-shot thing," Riddle from left, Mike Hudson, Diana Rhodes, Mickey Haskiens and In case of rain, the rally will be held around the rock near Beaumont Tower. At said. "We have seen a long series of Robert Demps. State News photo by Jerry McAllister Wednesday. that time, the petitions will be presented to (please turn to page nine) 2 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, 1969 m Prof Unemployment compares King to Gandhi fails WASHINGTON to (AP)-The halt rising civilian work force, a .5 percent inflation Of the nation's labor force 81.4 million, the Bureau of of One of to, organized Neon's major pledges laborwithout has beenany to By KAREN FITZGERALD State News Staff Writer '"Hie United States would be better off with a majority leader who sought to create a discussed: "How was a m Gandhi influenced?" others like him arise?" "How would he view India today?" Ulrey said the ingredients that nation's unemployment rate increase over the August rate, Statistics n flation experienced last month its The Labor Dept. said Monday it Labor said, 3 million haltt compassion rather than political made Gandhi were "an were unemployed in gains," Subbiah Kannappan, incorruptible father in a corrupt biggest increase since the was the greatest monthly Eisenhower administration, increase since September-365,000 more than professor of economics, said ;^stem and a religious mother." promising to ignite fresh dispute September-October 1960. in August. The Sunday at a program honoring T*11» gave him a spiritual basis, r President Nixon combating inflation. Employment levels, however, . remained . virtually unchanged mained virtually unchanged at highest since the ?2peTrentof 4.2 per cent of virtu^impo^ble J wsharpest tTmake dent in the any inflationary y centennial Mahatma Gandhi. birthday of In comparing the Indian leader he said. Experience gained :~ South Africa, where he faced discrimination and harrassments, The ranks of the unemployed their peak, reflecting a decline swelled to 4 per cent of the the rate of employment growth. TTie figures prompted former F'se !n 18 years without and Martin Luther King, Jr., follower of Gandhi's theory of enabled him to create a program to cope with unjust policies, wr iro, non-violence, Kannappan noted Gandhi believed that AFji.O that while Gandhi led cooperate," (invention, to assert P—n^„a nonsu™ a majority, King minority Kumar said. We must resist evil rPxs= po"c,oi work without tS leader. Held the Union, the by 'Inventing alternate systems of constructive programs." Available slowing °F inflation^ Aver^ Humphrey said Nixon s policy ,ow.pay Jobs to retUTn to school. program was . j described «_„ Gandhi's belief in truth was ){0R.W|CH at o'Ught money and h gh interest rank.sand.file 'workers were is benefitting the wealthy at the week| camj f Dinesh, post doctorate chemistry and organizer of the constantly emphasized. ^Gandhi Roa discussed Gandhi's belief After $117 go ^ increase of $1 29 affair, i simple program to that "God is truth," Raju added expense of the rest of the ' QLtyt Canterbury nation. But a high Treasury Dept. C ^ . • I depict Gandhi. simplicity of Other speakers were Orion that "he played a game with truth on its own terms." official saw the new jobless w 6 PI IO T C O U PI C11 Ulrey, associate professor of figures in a rosier light. Asst. . . agricultural economics, and New Secretary Murray Weidenbaum said they "indicate L ITieetS tOPliant ~~ ^ Dwarfed Delhi graduate students Ashok the \e^Wuon of Rao, system science; Raju, conflict in terms of v that we may be returning from by the Dewey decimal system. A trek through communications; Kumar, losers. He had almost unlimited overheated, The Senior Class Council will . . an overcmployed sociology; and Jefferson, condition to more sustainablel meet at 7 tonight in the the MSU Library's one and a half million books faith and a belief that men are chemical engineering. employment levels." Stefanoff Lounge, Student can be overwhelming. How tall is your reading A crowd of about 100 listened capable of being transformed. If Weidenbaum noted that the 4 Services Bldg. habit? State News photo by Sob Paulson he were here today, Kannappan as three main questions were per cent rate is approximately said, he would not be dismayed that which prevailed just prior to by a nation that showers napalm on fellow men because of his rnvfeteanmofUS 'nvolvement SEEKS LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT faith i "Unemployment normally "He declines sharply between had a technique of August understanding human value, par endorse and September," the Labor Be the talk of the town. and the country too, John Meyer's Donegcl safari coat. $75. in Dept. said in announcing the increase, "but this September it failed to drop." A Labor Dept. spokesman Senator excellence," he said. Roa said "never has history known a man who exercised so security for the sake of few resolution early this week. "No Southeast Asia," he concluded, much power over so • many With cone leg, fly cited as one possible reason for campus radicals and SDS one is forced to take the course, "but I think ROTC is necessary millions of human beings and front pants in Melton the statistical increase: the organizations," Kuhn said. should not disturb anyone to maintain a balance of military yet lived in absolute humility that John Meyer flares survey was taken fairly early in and from the hips for a Sen. George W. Kuhn, The resolution is of special if credit strength for America.' simplicity." September, at a time when a number of young persons ingham, announced interest to University of perfect fit. $24. And on top, an extra rno^ yeT'left theTaboTforce Monday that he will introduce a Mich igan < U -M) ROTC Kuhn explained that the long Merino to return to school Through the first nine months concurrent Senate and House participants because of recent ^solution urging the Legislature anti-ROTC demonstrations •ountry needs the ROTC U Academic Council of'"1969 ""the"1 renor t ""s'ad* to suPPort R^TC programs in all that campus and a faculty study Programs as a source of supply risen hv M*chigan colleges have and committee report made last for future military officers, unemployment of the has about 350,000. Eighty per » among 1 which ROTC in their curricula. now week. The faculty report "Today over 50 per cent of eyes Massey Report entrants into the labor force "I think it would be a tragic recommended that U-M charge the Army's officers come from persons re-entering the force, as mistake to undermine our the Defense Dept. rent for these ranks," he said. "Two of the three Apollo 10 astronauts opposed to those who quit or military strength and national ROTC facilities used on campus The Academic Council will meet this afternoon to discuss the and also strip the program of its were also byproducts of ROTC lost their jobs. report from the Ad Hoc Committee for Student Participation in The unemployment rate academic standing and credit. training." Academic Government. nd other to be NInvpmh&rrlrrifl- I yUVCIIIUei UrUll Kuhn *** he hasa,ready xnt letters to U-M President Robben ROTC performed a vital The report was channeled through the various faculty committees for discussion last June and each committee is service for America in the years nearly double that among the l_ _ /1 im OHA W< F,emin8 and the U"M Board expected to report its findings to the council. white labor force-6.8 to 3.6 per 'O COil U fD 7 UO of Regents asking them prior to World War II, Kuhn The report advocates that students have a direct voice in the - - withdri either financial dded. "Hie same protests „ formation and adoption of academic policies throughout the from MichigasRuP|*f academic ROTC programs there. standing for occurred in the thirtys, but if it hadn't been for ROTC, the University. johnmeyer LANSING (UPI)--Only 906 "ROTC deserves to be an country would never have been It also provides for committee participation for over 50 graduate and undergraduate students on University committees. speaks your language ■ accredited course just like any as prepared for war as it was." Michigan men will be inducted m November into the Army and other course offered at the Members of the committees and their chairmen have been hesitant to comment on their committees' acceptance or rejection Marine Corps, in line with a university," Kuhn said. "I feel it in his resolution seeking of the popularly called Massey Report. is just as important to be directive from President Nixon support for the ROTC program, Until the Academic Council Small wonder: militarily prepared as it is to be the senator stated that any other meeting this afternoon, no formal that the October call be spread ruling can be made on the report and the chairmen of the trained in any other profession, action would only undermine jver three months. committees have remained silent. Nixon ordered the November M The continued the nation's secuirty "in today's Most committees favor the Massey Report as a whole, but harassment Glenn Herriman and December quotas to be and world which is hanging in the object to specific parts of the report. a nee lied and reduced discrediting of ROTC is an balance. A. L. Thurman, chairman of the Faculty Committee on Volkswagen, Inc. for October. This insult to thousands of Americans StudentAffairs, said that the major questions were raised by reduced figure will be divided are alumni of such "j am not eating committee, members who were concerned with the "numbers equally into draft calls for the training," the lawmaker said, expansion of game" within the report itself. three month period. adding he would introduce the as anyone to end Three members of the Massey Report committee agree that there are grumblings from faculty members about the report. Eldon Nonnamaker, chairman of the committee and associate Ask the man dean of student affairs, said that some controversy exists over the terms of the recommendations included in the report. He said that some reacted favorably to the report, while felt the committee's recommendations provided for too much others who never stops student participation. Reviews of the Massey Report will be presented by the Educational Policies Committee, the Faculty Tenure Committee, University Honors Programs, the International Projects going to school Committee and the Student Affairs Committee. The University Curriculum Committee will request changes ii the curriculum and report the addition of —about JEXosl. We teach school. Seven thousand people each year attend our schools. That's a larger student body than 90% of the colleges in this country. But our training doesn't stop there. We want every ./Etna employee to reach his full potential, use all his capabilities, and be the most knowl¬ A New Joint edgeable in the business. So special programs, advanced It's called The Head Shop. And it's all the work of five young men who have study and refresher courses go on all the time. been getting together for years. The Head Shop is where music's been and where After all, it's the caliber of our people that made music is going, all rolled into one. /Etna one of the leading companies in the world handling The sound is electronic. Sound waves split. Senses shatter. A switched-on version all kinds of insurance. They taught us a lot too. of "Sunny" and The Beatles' "Revolution." The masterful "Opera in the Year 4000," a tribal-rock Morality Play as exciting dramatically as it is adventurous musically. Vibrations to turn your psyche around. The Head Shop. Listen to it, if you've got the mind. Once you've been there, OUR CONCERN IS PEOPLE 7c u'll know where to find it. On Epic Records. LI FE& CASUALTY Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. October 7, 1969 3 Firebombs ff^ou^ IB gceug BCOEDH NEWS |M»|g gglMDg IMLUPJSI nLiwJn ^boid|| follow iMiimaMuri liWWNUsl firing MwwrouH summary A capsule summary of the day's events from the entrance the HAMBURGER to campus, our wire services. LOS ANGELES (AP) - to lecture even though they wouldn't receive credit. causing $2,250 damage. Firebombs destroyed an "People are upset and information booth Monday at was fired by concerned over the Angela Davis university regents after she 65' the University of California at admitted affair," said Charles McClure, Los Angeles as the school belonging to a dean of student activities. But he Communist group. University said he opened for fall classes amid didn't know if the Chancellor Charles Young said controversy over the firing of firebombs stemmed from her "I know of no secret Assistant Professor Angela Davis, a Communist. As Miss Davis, a 25-year-old later she would be allowed to remain on the payroll while she appealed her case. case. "She'd better teach or 58' negotiations to end the war. " He said he interpreted the something's going to happen," black, prepared to teach her first said John Parker, editor of the Oscar Mayer Mike Mansfield, D-Montana course, pamphlets supporting regents' ruling to mean she could school newspaper, the her were distributed on campus teach her course, "Recurring Daily and a group of 20 black Philosophical Themes in Black don't think Bruin, "I don't know what. I BACON ib. anybody has professors threatened to Literature," but no credit could anything definite planned." withhold grades from their be given for it. Two firebombs were tossed The threat of black professors SKINLESS FRANKS students. to withhold grades was Miss Davis said she would ask her students if they wanted her before dawn five-by-eight-foot into structure the at explained by Robert Singleton, (all meat) 69c ib. director of UCLA's Afro-American Studies Center: (all beef) ,b> International News Local clergy provide "We will not accept first-class citizenship when one of us is forced to accept second-class Farmer Peet or Hygrade The Australian Christian accused of setting fire to status." Jerusalem's A1 Aksah Mosque went on trial in an Israeli court Monday. pregnancy counseling Miss Davis and her supporters contend she was fired primarily SEMI-BONELESS HAMS Michael Denis Rohan, 28, chuckled and grinned, then The Services offered for racial reasons and not a 1940 whole half Michigan Clergy for include or stared fixedly inside a bulletproof glass booth as the Program Pregnancy Counseling, information and education on regents' ruling prohibiting Communists from teaching at prosecution said Rohan had admitted setting fire to the newly created to serve the sexual programs - personal and state universities. Mosque-revered by Arabs and other Moslems - to clear Lansing area, is attempting to family; pregnancy testing; rumor Brewster's Chef Boy-Ar-Dee control on abortion in the TTie faculty move, Singleton the ground for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. intervene between fear and midwest; and advice on said, was meant "to toss the ball 11 oz. bag Cheese The blaze on Aug. 21 sent rage through the Arab unwanted pregnancies, back into the hands of the Don Ward, a member of the adoption world. Some Arab leaders called for religious war against group, said that it provides "a and legal abortion. regents...the regents' action has not only jeopardized Angela, but Chocolate Morsels PIZZA Israel. free professional and Psychological and psychiatric Sources said there were strong prospects for a plea of confidential referral and counseling and 24-hour counseling service available to answering service are available. all faculty." 3/s100 12 1/2 oz. size 39C insanity later in the case. the Lansing community, of The Michigan Clergy for trained clergymen from 10 Problem Pregnancy Counseling number is 332-6410. *HfcPfOQ„ ^ Hi-C A spokesman for the North Vietnamese delegation to denominations." ' the Paris peace talks denied Monday that there had been FRUIT JUICE DRINKS any secret contacts between the United States and Hanoi. 1 Prescription le Referring to reports of such a contact, the spokesman described them as "a maneuver of the Nixon Administration in trying to elude the demands of Mcintosh United States and world public opinion." APPLES A relative lull in ground fighting continued across South Vietnam Monday, despite the heaviest enemy •ocket and mortar attacks reported in more than a month. The U.S. Command said 72 U.S. and South Bator Opticians Vietnamese bases and towns were shelled during the 303 Abbott Rd.(Next to State Theater) ED 2-5222 weekend, but only 31 of the attacks caused casualties or Winning Score Gold Bond Football damage. No Americans were reported killed, but 10 Oct. 4 were listed as wounded. M. S. U 8 Israeli jets and missilemen downed three Egyptian Notre Dame 2 MIGs Monday in a fighting Egyptian air raid across the embattled Suez Canal, military headquarters said. More than 20 Egyptian planes streaked across the pjf northern, central and southern sectors of the 103-mile canal said. to attack Israeli military targets, Israeli officers FREE JS Glo-Coater JOY S National News The Waxer 61 government's proposed safeguards for human • • • subjects of experimental drug tests are woefully 32 oz. inadequate, three medical organizations contended when you buy the Monday. 46 oz. size ipSEi Under attack was the Food and Drug Administration's proposal that peer groups of physicians, lawyers, clergymen and other community leaders oversee drug tests in institutions. Brazo Floor Wax 66' ®§ A federal judge denied Monday the Rev. James E. m stgj Groppi's bid for immediate release from the Dane County. Wis., jail. FOR OUR FOREIGN CUSTOMERS Judge James Doyle said the militant Roman Catholic priest's petition for release did not indicate that he had exhausted remedies available in the state courts. Plantains ib. 29° Groppi, who led three days of welfare protests on the m Wisconsin Capitol at Madison, culminated by an 11-hour takeover of the Assembly chambers, was arrested last Ginger Root ib. M30 week on a disorderly conduct charge. A Green Beret Plantain Chips pkg. 10c captain, sentenced to 24 years in prison for the murder of a Cambodian he suspected of being a double agent in Vietnam, was released from military iggjj prison "on bail" Monday. Large supply of 1 Capt. John J. McCarthy of Phoenix, Ariz., was convicted by a court-martial in Long Binh, Vietnam in January 1968 for the murder of Inchin Hai Lam, A Cambodian who had been working for the Green Berets. McCarthy was released pending final consideration of pair slacks or PUMPKINS available his appeal to the Army's Court of Military Review. 2 sweaters dry cleaned or GOODRICH'S SPARTAN A Soviet-built MIG17 fighter plane, which flew to within spotted by its 65 miles of southern Florida before being U.S. radar, is being returned to Cuba without defecting pilot. 1 skirt dry cleaned The Defense Dept. said Monday that the pilot, Lt. Eduardo Guerra Jimenez of the Cuban Air Fofce, is We love active people active people love us! We Give Gold Bond Stamps" being granted his request for asylum. „ „ 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience | IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER 1 - 213 Ann Street Harrison at Trowbridge Michigan News 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road Between Spartan Village and Teachers in the Detroit Suburban School district of 3 - NorthwinH Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza Cherry Lane Apartments Lincoln Park should return to the classrooms Tuesday after receiving a written court order Monday to end their weeklong strike. The Lincoln Park School Districts and four others in Michigan remained closed or partially closed because of teacher contract disputes involving almost 37,000 students. MICHIGAN GEORGE BULLARD STATE NEWS That meddling UNIVERSITY JAR WILLIAM B. CASTANIER advertising manager legislative finger TRINKA CLINE, executive editor universities as a wedge to meddle Three college editors were soundly NORMAN J. SAARI, managing editor thrashed on WMSB—TV Friday. Perhaps university affairs. GEORGE K. BULLARD, campus editor MSU trustees are elected on a statewide you saw. We absorbed an uninterrupted DEBORAH FITCH, feature editor ballot. They may claim a larger line of criticism from State Sen. Robert LINDA GORTMAKER, Sunday editor Huber and Rep. Jim Brown - our replies, constituency than Huber and Brown KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor when they could be edged in, appeared combined. Like legislators, they also JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor answer directly to the people through the ineffectual. ballot box. The editors came to discuss the function Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Huber said that some college editors lack of the college press. Instead, the for outstanding journalism. conversation boiled around peripheral responsibility. He and Brown cited issues ranging from obscenity to the power obscenity as a cause of much voter dissension. They did not define obscenity, of the people. however. Huber, for example, defended legislative If legislators choose to thread through involvement in colleges and the collegiate EDITORIALS press with the chant "power is with the the first amendment and newspapers, college papers should not be legislate against people." Agreed: power is with the people. the sole target. Laws, if they are passed, However, under the Michigan cannot be so selective in their application. Constitution, the people elect trustees to Words or gestures ruled inappropriate for represent them in university affairs. An appropriate Article VIII of the constitution grants trustees the "power...to supervise their public consumption should be banned from all media. One is respective institutions and to control and repulsed at the historical direct...the institution's funds." arrogance of legislators in even suggesting to the public what they may or may not Nowhere in the constitution are for Adams legislators given direct supervisory power over trustees or an option to ursurp their functions. read. If lawmakers feel to they are that clos** God, I suggest they could better lobbty against poverty, disease and the comi housefly. Yet Huber and Brown suggest that the Opposition to the war is beginning it seems that his silence is, at the legislature is the only voice of the people in Beyond obscenity, the question Friday was one of how Michigan citizens exe to hit fronts which have previously least, unnecessary. university affairs. They use their power over university management. The been silent since Nixon took office The nine month moratorium constituency's complaints about constitution says through trustees. Huber nine months ago. No longer is Nixon Nixon has seen is over. Hugh Scott's and Brown seem to think it is through the hoodwinking the country into plea for an extended sixty day believing that silence is the price period of silence will go largely Brown, for example, suggested internal which shall surely buy us peace in unheeded. His contention that a OUR READER'S MIND adjustments in the management of college newspapers. His suggestions involved the Vietnam. notable breakthrough will come in election of editors and the sale of daily Robben Fleming's (President of U that time is too shoddy to be issues: both purely administrative matters. Advertisement falls below standard of M) statement on the war has had bought. Spiro Agnew has already On distribution, he referred to the State numerous repercussions. A university said he knows of nothing spectacular News and said that students shouldn't "forced" to pay for the paper. president speaking from his office to occur, and neither does anyone The once-a-term cannot be passed off as another else. subscription fee, for his information, was voted in by students. radical student or politics-playing The national moratorium on the To The Editor: man standing by a door, looking at the legs brought to mind a type of psychological Perhaps it was a different set of students, senator who is merely against the fifteenth of this month is as logical a As a student of communication, I would but, then, which of us voted to pay federal of- a girl who is apparently seated on a bed, test called the Thematic Aperception Test, war because the other party is for it. time as any for Adams to voice his like, to criticize an advertisement appearing in the act of either taking off or putting on wherein an ambiguous picture or drawing is income tax? Thus far President Adams has in the Tuesday, Sept. 30. 1969 issue of her stockings. The young man is wearing a Under the present system, cost per State opinion on the issue. Adams is presented to a subject and he tells what he your paper. The ad in question is for the blazer with some sort of emblem, and News is two cents, usually paid with j remained silent on the war, or at believes to be happening in the respected not only because of the Phi. Kappa Tau fraternity. The copy otherwise fully dressed except that his tie registration check pre-signed by the old least made no public statement presentation. 2) It reminded me of the office he holds, but also because his headline reads "GRADUATE TO BETTER man. Two cents a price that doesn't evei is untied. promotional advertising for a recent film, - directed to the issue. The silence has noteworthy handling of University LIVING!", with a photograph of a young The ad reminded me of two things: 1) It the title of which, coincidentally, appears cover printing costs. A small price at ; been understandable for two reasons; affairs, and his rapport with students University where coffee is 15 cents, where in the copy headline, i.e., "The Graduate," Drug laws stale rolls sell for two dimes and where first, being only acting president, gives phenomenal credibility and Adams is certainly in a very different weight to his words. repress young (Though the word is the same, I realize the syntactical difference in each students lose $20 to drop the average position from President Fleming; While others have chosen this time advertisement.) What is my point? If legislators wish to speak as private To the Editor: its kind and firmly established, in sharp second, with the small-town politics to voice their My point is that the advertisement in citizens on university affairs, fine. But they opinions, we also ask Prof. Augenstein's remarks (State News, contrast to Augenstein's comments question is a poor imitation of the original, being played for the presidency, Dr. Adams to respond. The ("experiments should never be done. . ."), offend the public intelligence when they cautious Oct. 1, 1969) about marijuana may have and that the ad as a whole is in bad taste. Adams' statement might be silence he has displayed in dramatic that the drug is safe to study in a jump constitutional lines in the nan the past some impact before PTA groups controlled setting with volunteers. It and a Shock value is a poor substitute for the "people" and chip away at unive misconstrued as political may have been appropriate for the (Is he preparing to run for political office creativity. Appeal to sex is an old and again?), but they need not go unchallenged subsequent study [Science 164, 852 much-used advertising ploy -- and it can be autonomy - when they dip a meddlin|. manneuvering on his part. time, but the circumstances legislative finger into the affairs of in the University community. The first (1969)] involving simulated driving done tastefully, as well as creatively. The But Adams has thus far managed* surrounding the war situation at double-blind pharmacological performance strongly suggest marijuana is university and its newspaper. study of Phi Kappa Tau advertisement was neither to remain aloof from the petty present, and Adams' position, by innocuous and dismissed many popularly marijuana appeared last year I Science 162, tasteful nor creative. Perhaps the image politics. Noting this, and the fact virtue of his office and his character, 1234 (1968)1. This study was nailed in the held convictions about marijuana that this particular fraternity wishes to that he has repeatedly stated he is make a statement in conjunction international scientific press as a model of intoxication. Another recent study [Nature project is one of free love, casual sex, the Red Cedar report not content to babysit the office 222, 434 (1969)] stated "At the moment, Playboy Philosophy. Perhaps a good lay until a permanent president is chose, with the moratorium seem most appropriate at this time. No time for Nixon the only way to know someone is high on can be equated with Better Living - the will Do you think that Judge Haynsworth his subscription to the Wall marijuana is for him to tell you so." point is that, in my opinion, this piece of renew -The Editors Street Journal? To the Editors: As to the "living hell of addiction," our advertising fails to even approach minimal Mr. Nixon and the Dr. standards of propriety or originality. Strangelove he benevolent legislators have defined heroin Proposals have been made to increase imported from Harvard to try to charge up Surely you, as a conscientious, responsible to education in both illegal. This act alone creates an artificial public and parochial his dead intellectual batteries now require person in the advertising field, must have schools by initiating a state property ti price structure and thus directly supports Operation 60 days for reflection about Vietnam. It would be curious if we closed down the universities, the corporations and all of America so that all of us can take 60 days the large volume of crimes of theft by addicts, especially in urban areas. As opposed to alcoholics, for instance, heroin some criteria for the material presented to your readers. I am forced to wonder just what these criteria are. Your comments would be appreciated. that is and by increasing the state income ta Hail Mary, full of grace, taxpayers second place! addicts can function normally as job to reflect about Vietnam. Alfonso Godoy holders, parents, citizens, etc., as long as Say, who is Ohio State's victim this I wonder what happened to the "plan" New Orleans, La., senior in the drug is administered. tempest Mr. Nixon so coyly interjected into the campaign, a plan he could not, of course, divulge to the mass media or to the a In short, laws toward drug use function as means of repression of young people especially. The authors of the first article Operation Intercept may well turn and, at worst, a fraudulent waste of electorate until after the elction. Didn't he have 60 days then or 60 days since his election? mentioned pertinently the opposition to their research encountered from Rightness of whiteness the taxpayers' money. It may be governmental agencies and agents. Both Dr. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following point out to be the biggest tempest in a does not understand what white culture is successful in cutting down the traffic with pay if he'd promise to leave and not Philip Handler, new president of the of view was written by Sue Hughes, or even what it means to be white. White teacup of this year. Under the of marijuana for a time, but as soon return, provided he took along with him National Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Lansing graduate. America is not eliminating racism. And v auspices of the Federal Bureau of his two inept Supreme Court Roger Egeberg, HEW asst. secretary, have as the heat is off, the big Been called a racist lately? cannot eliminate it until we understand Narcotics, hundreds of agents, boats, appointments, his faceless cabinet, the recently called for a long hard look at the I watch people's eyes when what we say we are fighting. dealers-who are undoubtedly strange characters showing up in the use of marijuana and the tone of their they hear radar installations, sundered other that word applied to themselves. There's a Racism is a white problem, a white worldly-wise enough to be laying low regulatory agencies, the ineffable Mr. statements made it clear that they were little shock, a little hurt, a little resentment disease, a primary ingredient of white equipment (and only Nixon knows right now-will go back into business. Agnew and, of course, Dr. Stranginger, critical of the severe penalties now meted and a little anger. If the eyes could talk, culture. how many hundreds of thousands of himself. out by courts. As for stopping the harder drugs they would say things like this: We must learn to see the racism in ... dollars) are being used to seal off the As I watch the boxscore each week in James R. Hunsley, such as heroin, the greater amount of - You can't call me a racist. I'm on the -A belief that black people make good U.S.-Mexican border and protect our back of Mr. Cronkite, I see some 100 or graduate student in biochemistry, Lansing such substances come through New other side. athletes. great country from the fell weed, more young Americans die. In 60 days, or -I don't have anything against black -An I.Q. test. York or California and never get near eight weeks, that could easily total 1000. marijuana. Mexico. AH those in favor of giving Mr. Nixon and Work to end war people. I think they're as good as anyone -A ghetto social worker. else. --A college entrance exam. So far, except for inconveniencing Dr. Strangelove 1,000 young American To The Editor: One theory for the undertaking of I'm in favor of civil rights. --A Johnson's band-aid. corpses so they can spend the next 60 days - thousands of tourists and upsetting -A welfare check. Operation Intercept may be that it is To the Students of MSU: -I agree with every forward step America relfecting on how to kill the people of any number of Mexican Chambers of Vietnam and destroy their land, please has taken to eliminate racism. -A Barbie doll. a pressure tactic to make the The troops in Vietnam often hear of and Commerce, the results of the big stand up and salute. -I'm not from Alabama, you know. I -A history book. Mexican government weed its own read of campus anti-war protests. And, of -A TV program called 'Julia.' bust have been unimpressive. Edward Blackman didn't vote for Wallace. course, they learn of the groups that garden. Thus far the pressure has asst. dean, University College -I want to help black people any way I - A desire to help black people. Admittedly, a reasonable number of support our war efforts so as to offset any We must understand why racism is small-time dealers have been bagged only made Mexico City a bit ticked morale problems caused by "bearded draft off and it is doubtful that they will -I really believe we should treat black essential to the maintenance of the and a reasonable number of "keys" dodging hippies." I can vouch for one G.I. ever make more than a token effort Act against the war in Nam that takes heart when he hears of people as well as everyone else. American way of life, and why it also of the noxious herb have been -You've got no right to call me a racist. I threatens to destroy that way of life. towards marijuana control. The war protests, that believes that those who We can go to lunch with black people, go stopped before they were able to To the Editor: haven't burned crosses on anyone's lawn. want the troops withdrawn are the real raising of hemp as a cash crop is so In endorsement of the Oct. 15 But eyes don't talk. The words aren't to school with black people, go to movies corrupt American youth, but we supporters of the 'boys in Nam.' doubt that the entire operation will deeply embedded in the life and moratorium to end the war in Vietnam, the And I am not alone in my beliefs over said. The resentment grows. The anger with black people, go to bed with black economy of the Mexican farmer that undersigned faculty members of the School here. grows. And the misunderstanding grows people. . .and watch the wall keep growing have any greater long-run effect than of Urban Planning urge each instructor to with it. And the wall between black and between black and white. it is probably more likely that there I hope that the students will not be to aid inflation by pushing the price support the spirit and objectives of the white grows, too. Or we can learn to understand. would be a coup d'etat in Mexico appeased by Nixon's token withdrawal and Been called a racist lately? of hemp up a little for a while. moratorium. In addition, we are strongly in Racism. his cutting of the draft call. The issue of We suspect City before an abolition of marijuana favor of our students and faculty, as well as What comes to mind when you read the And are you wondering why? that much of the could be accomplished. our involvement remains, and at the There those in the rest of the university, involving word? What does it mean to you? are people who want to look at motivation for Operation Intercept present rate of withdrawal, the United that We, therefore, question the themselves in memorial services, rallies or States will have troops over here till Segregation, KKK, lynchings, murders, question with you. They'll be talking revolves around a desire for some law other related activities that will be held about it next week in the Dialogue series at wisdom of Operation Intercept. Its on December 1973. I hope all those who, for dogs, burning crosses, discrimination, white and order grandstanding. No doubt the campus that day. citizens councils. Yes. All that is racist. But 7 p.m. Tuesday at Holmes Hall. They'll major and long-range whatever reason, find our involvement there is a sincere desire among the Stephen Schar that's not all. talk about a concept called "The Rightness accomplishments seem to be mainly wrong, will actively support the of Whiteness" and about what it School of Urban Planning, instructor That's not half, not a quarter of the means to higher-ups in our government to anti-Vietnam war movement. negative. At the very least, the SP/4 G.A. Wesley content of racism. White America does not be white in America.' place severe controls on the drug seemingly archaic leadership of the yet understand what racism is, just as it Come and join them. MSU graduate, 1967 traffic, but it is not unlikely that Federal Bureau of Narcotics has they are receptive to the headlines that such actions can glean. Further, failed yet again to realistically take UiSUMl/LETMEWT,T\ IF there were a merp of and IF voll were the only one into account the changing values of 1 another m.j rab0it5 heaping tmls wav... in the worl.p who coup save drug control has for many years been society-and may make fools out of us,w0ulp you p0 it ? an article of faith to the American themselves in the process. Ten years populace, and is a politically safe ago Operation Intercept, perhaps undertaking in the respect that drug incorrectly, would have been hailed do not form any sort of users cohesive political force. We think that Operation Intercept as a great blow for righteousness, but now in 1969, it is at best f—- questionable. is, at best, a dubious undertaking _xhc r »;♦ - Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, P' Treatment KATHY MORAN surmountable according to John of speech defects improved important to an It is believed there are 8 individual how he sounds to million people in the United He said that research involves the behavioral aspects of speech By transposing them, sounds would be put within the the raised in a noisy environment often becomes deficient in State News Staff Writer J. O'Neill, president of the A man making $50,000 a year American Speech and Hearing others, how he sounds to himself States with speech and hearing - what happens when speaking; hearing capacity of the person, discriminating between speech suffers a stroke and loses his Assn. and how he tells himself he disorders. visual communications -- reading j *u i .. sounds. This often leads to O Neill said the research side readi retardation and othcr capacity to talk. His job, family O'Neill, who is also chairman sounds," O'Neill said. The manpower needed to meet a person's lips; and of speech also mcludes work He said that 10 per cent of the bleras re|ated t defic| t life and social standing hang in of Speech and Hearing Science the demands in the speech and communication and noise - how being done on voice prints, hearing children between 5 and the balance. at the University of Illinois, gave hearing fields fall far short of the to deliver messages in different where a person could be A man with a large family and the dedication address for the 17-years-old are handicapped. Of actual number of people in the levels of noise, identified by his voice as well The new Audiology .ind moderate income finds out he Audiology and Speech Sciences these, 3.5 per cent have speech field, according to Herbert Oyer, Studies are being done on his fingerprints. Speech Sciences Clinic, lo tiec has cancer and must have his Bldg. Sunday in Kellogg Center. handicaps and 1.5 per cent have chairman of the MSU Dept. of compressed speech which can on Wilson Road at Red C< da< larynx removed, losing his Speaking on "The Relevance hearing defects About one-third Audiology and Speech Sciences, make one hour of speech into a Research also concerns current Road, will provide improved capacity to speak. His job also is of Audiology and Speech of these children are not wh0 spoke earlier in the half hour, thus cutting the time issues such as the debate over conditions for the training of severely threatened. Sciences," O'Neill said, "In our recennng help. program. for the learning process in half the supersonic transport system, students, as well as help for A child is 3 or 4-years-old and society, there is a growing O'Neill added that there are 3 f .h hlinri _nri mpn^llv It is argued that the system may clients, has not yet learned to talk. emphasis on personal million adults with speech O'Neill emphasized the O'Neill said cause such excessive noise and The clients from These cases are not as tragic communication. Communication disorders and 2.3 million adults relevance of research in speech retardea, u pressure that it may adversely come ; and hopeless as they were earlier is essential to man's personal and with hearing defects. This is a pathology and audiology to his In audiology, there is research groups and have pi affect hearing. in this century, and are often social conservative estimate. audience, ranging from students being done on "transposing ranging from stutterii adjustment. to leaders in the field to the sounds." This is for people who This ties in with the findings cerebral palsy victims to ch mayor of East Lansing, Gordon can only hear sounds at certain of the Head Start program which with delayed sp< discovered that child who is development and stroke victi BALLET DRAMA Thomas. frequencies. a YOUR WHEELS' The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day and Sundays during The Stuttgart Stuttgart Ballet will give the musical onby Prokofieff. Avon at four school terms, plus Welcome? Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland g^BUDoShi score Union Ticket office. two performances at 8:15 p.m., Two of the company's principal Students with validated ID Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Big hopes Oct. 13 Auditorium. and 14, in the dancers, Susanne Hanke, Heinz Clauss and are featured in may purchase reserved seat ;ickets for $1. Reserved seats for RtMTACM A* Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. It would be difficult for The Stuttgart, on its first the ballet. jw™ he general public are $4-6. 1969 Pontiacs this youngster to fake a American tour, will present . "Taming of the Shrew" will Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. "Romeo and Juliet" Monday, as star Stuttgart's prima ballerina, Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services pass, but he seems more concerned with merely the Series "A" attraction for the Marcia Haydee from Brazil, and DAILY WEEKEND Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Lecture Concert Series program. premier danseur, Richard Cragun holding on to the ball and DEAR C.S.: FROM FROM Under the Series "B" program, from Sacramento, Calif. Phones: running all the way with Editorial 355-8252 Tuesday, the ballet company Sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti it himself. will offer "Taming of the will YOU'RE : $7.00 plus 7C mile $15.00 plus 7C mile Classified Advertising 355-8255 provide the musical score State News photo by Jim Shrew." for "Taming of the Shrew". & Gas Display Advertising 353-6400 Mead "Romeo and Juliet" will use Tickets available at the THE : Business-Circulation 355-3447 214 So. are APPLE : Capitol 372-8860 Photographic 355-8311 East Germany's IN MY ; GARDEN OF : attracts Commun LOLLIPOP * BERLIN (AP)-Communist arrival ceremonies at launching two days of party and brass from around the world Schoenefeld Airport, reserving government celebrations that TREES « gathered in East Berlin Sunday particularly warm embraces for will be climaxed Tuesday with a to exchange bear hugs with Dong, Husak and Mongolian massive parade in East Berlin's Love, « Walter Ulbricht and celebrate leader Xuvzhagin Tsedenbal. "Little Red Square," the L.M. East Germany's 20 anniversary As the delegations stepped Marx-Engels Plaza. as a Communist states. from their planes in crisp, fall sunshine, national anthems The spade-bearded East German Communist leader, now played, a helmeted honor guard presented arms and dignitaries 76, personally greeted and embraced party chiefs Leonid I. trooped the line along a red Brezhnev of the Soviet Union, carpet. Pioneer children, the Communist version of the Boy Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia, Wladyslaw Gomulka of Poland, Scouts, brought flowers. V - Todor Shivkov of Bulgaria, Brezhnev, bareheaded, took time out to corpfc (his hair as the I Janos Kadar of Hungary and ' honor guard goosestepped. North Vietnamese Premier Pham The ceremonies were followed Van Dong. by a motorcade into downtown Brezhnev did ACE HARDWARE! some hugging of East Berlin before tens of 201 E. Grand River his own during the two-hour thousands of spectators. architecture, ^ biology, physics, m hot dogs 7-* business law, j V/ political science, are \ ^ finance, history, english this How long. long it is our School Lacks YOUR Venture: Use a love call One Important Course And that course is Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. A course that teaches you to read 3 to 5 times shorten it. Try a tan- to count bacteria. faster with greater comprehension and recall. A course that will help you achieve better grades and -educe your homework by 50%. gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All Don't you think you owe it to yourself to add this amazing course to your curriculum? More than delivered Instantly at The lampyridae beetle family. artificial glow by mixing luciferin now get a digital readout of bacteria 400,300 people have, including the staff of the late Pr esident Kennedy, and his brother Senator no extra cost. Delight of small boys. 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Cheeseburgers fireflies, but synthesizable. Adeno¬ bacteria, they designed a means of new materials and putting them to Dr. Geroge Gallup, noted pollster, has acclaimed the Evelyn Wood Course. Submarines sine triphosphate (ATP), a common measuring the reaction. work, using research and engineer¬ French Fries energy-yielding substance found in The result is the luminescence ing to create the ideas and products triple your reading efficiency with equal or all biometer—the first really basic im¬ of the future—this is the venture living cells. Those are the three main ingre¬ provement in bacteria-counting Du Pont people are engaged in. Attend dients in lampyridae's love light. methods since the time of Louis You can become one of them, Free Mini-Lesson 9 a You will learn what your reading PI22A And because ATP is common to all living cells, university researchers Pasteur. Rather than waiting days for a culture to demonstrate growth and advance professionally in your chosen field. See your Du Pont speed is ^ You will discover discovered they could produce an density, a doctor or technician can Recruiter. Or send us the coupon. CALL 332-6517 various study methods ^You will actually participate in techniques that will improve your reading speed and comprehension VARSITY Du Pont Room 7890, Company Wilmington, DE 19898 I'd like your latest information on opportunities at Q Everyone Invited £ No Obligation Du Pont for graduates with degrees in UNIVERSITY INN Nam 1100 Trowbridge □ Reading Soehpt Tt/ood Read/ Dynamics n Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F) Ventures for better living. 6 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, 1969 SPORTS and Amazins', The incredible New York Mets the powerful Baltimore two-run homers by two obscure singles hitters-Ken Boswell and were Mets typical of the heroics the got all year when they Gary Gentry starter who failed was Orioles the Met Monday, but overwhelmed Twins, 11-2. the Minnesota The sweep gave the Orioles Tony Oliva dropped his fly ball for an error, and Elrod Nolan Ryan came on and Hendricks doubled to drive in Orioles swept to the National Wayne Garrett. needed them. their second championship in Boswell hit just three homers stopped the Braves' on three both runners. Ttien Buford and American League pennants, The Mets had never finished hits-one a two-run homer by four years and sent them into singled to score Hendricks and respectively, Monday with their this year and Garrett had only above ninth before this season, Orlando Cepeda in the fifth the World Series against the Mets give Palmer a 3-1 cushion. third straight victories in the one, but their timely homers but won 100 games while inning-over the last seven Blair doubled in the fourth best-of-five league winning the Eastern Division championships. crown. innings to get the victory. inning after a triple by Mark The two teams will meet in the Wrestlers hold The Mets-Braves series was The two-run homer by Boswell Belanger and a walk to Buford World Series, which will begin supposed to match the Braves' gave the Mets a 3-2 lead in the Frosh baseball to score both runners and made it 5-1 for the Orioles, and he Saturday in Baltimore. meeting in I.M. hitting against the Mets' fourth, which was wiped out by Cepeda's two-run homer in the batted in his third and fourth The amazin' Mets, continuing to defy logic and tradition, won All candidates for the pitching. But, while each of the Mets' starters failed to finish, the fifty. But Garrett's two-run blast meeting tonight runs in the eighth with a homer the National League pennant freshman or varsity wrestling Mets scored a total of 27 runs in gave the Mets a 5-4 margin in the after Buford had singled for his World Series fever is hitting with a 7-4 victory over the teams should meet at 7:30 the three games and banged out fifth and that's all the help Ryan fourth hit. everyone and MSU's baseball Atlanta jBraves on a pair of tonight in 208 Men's I.M. 37 hits. needed although the Mets added In the ninth, Blair capped a pair of insurance runs. Tommie coaches are taking advantage of another three-run inning for the The winners it. All enthusiastic frosh wishing Agee, who led the club with 26 to Orioles with a double which BOLD. SHOCKING. PARING—THE MOST REVEALING. homers, also had a solo blast in try their hand at bat this scored Belanger from first base. New York Mets' Tom Seaver leaps on top of a pile spring should report at 7:30 OUTSPOKEN MO.ION PICTURE EVfR MADE! the third. tonight to 225 Jenison. of his celebrating teammates after they clinched When Garrett threw out Tony the National League pennant with a 7-4 win over Gonzalez for the final out of the Atlanta at Shea Stadium Monday. Also joining the game, the field was mobbed by throng around pitcher Nolan Ryan (30) is catcher many of the kids in the crowd of with a 7-0 record in post-season Sports of Sorts Jerry Grote (15). At left is Wayne Garrett. Second 53,195 fans at Shea Stadium. games. In 1966, Baltimore swept from left is Ed Kranepool. But since school was in session the Series in four straight games, Coach Duffy Daugherty told Ap Wirephoto and the crowd, studded with against the Los writers on football press day Angeles celebrities, was more subdued Dodgers. that Spartan Stadium will be the than normal Met crowds during Blair's performance, and a only un-domed stadium in the IM Football Schedule the season, the post-game four-hit game for left fielder country to be air-conditioned. celebration on the field didn't Don Buford, made the game an According to Duffy, "we plan to match the wild scene the night easy task for pitcher Jim Palmer, put a fan in every seat." Field 1 Field 2 of Sept. 24 when the Mets fast and wild throughout the 6:00 Emerald - Embers Wight - Wivern clinched the Eastern Division game, who scattered 1- 6:45 Graffiti - Hobbit Shikari 10's Men - The "Paul Bunyan-Governor crown. Minnesota hits for the victory. 7:30 Woodbridge - Worst Baal - Bayard of Michigan Trophy" has gone Paul Blair lashed five hits and Palmer was pitching downhill ^:15 Skids-PLA Owls Brand - Brinkley batted in five runs to highlight to the winner of the after the second inning, in which 9:00 Schular Cubs - Football Team West Shaw € an 18-hit assault by the Brooks Robinson doubled, Dave MSU-Michigan game each year 9:45 Evans Sch. - Potent Ones Berserk - X Eights Baltimore since 1953. Orioles which Johnson reached base when Field 3 Field 4 6:00 Winjammer - Winecellar Pooner - Eno ,NrO.-»T.ON ► 482-3905 6:45 Deuces - Brutus El Birdo's - Good, Bad, Ugly MSU Lecture - Concert Series MICHIGAN 7:30 5 Spot - Brewery 8:15 Harrad - Outhouse Worthington - Woodward Regent St. Gang - Fat Follies I UU A T Feature TODAY at 1:4°- 9:00 6 Pak - Brougham presents 4:15-6:55-9:30 p.m. 9:45 Wild Bunch - Manor Hie Wildcats - Monstermen HGM mam* STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION Cowboys Homebovs -.AHA EAST CAMPUS FIELDS "A REMARKABLE MUSICAL HIT." -LIFE MAG. 2001 FIELD 5 Field 6 6:00 Hubbard 1-4 Felloe Felch DAVID MERRICK presents a space odyssey 6:45 Fensalir - Fern McRae - - McKinnon SUPER PM/WtSIO**— HETROCOLOR 7:30 Satans - Snark Hubbard 7 -10 PHIL MIMI FORD HINES Field 7 "I DOl'l DO! * WED! LOOKING 6:00 House - Horrendous 6:45 McCoy - McTavish 7:30 Fegefeuer - Feral FOR PEOPLE! 8:15 Hubbard 8- 12 9:00 Holocaust - Housebroken Varsity Club Engineers: OPENING SOON! The MSU Varsit> Club will IN THE MERIDIAN MALL hold i^s first meeting of the year Join the POSITIONS AVAILABLE at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Stadium Room. All the* club members should attend. diversified world ...TOM JONES FULL OR PART TIME >,„«>, HARVEY SCHMIDT of Martin Marietta Based on "The Fourposter" by Jan tfe Hartog •SALES • STOCK • CLERICAL GOWER CHAMPION •RESTAURANT -MAINTENANCE Oct. 18, 8:00 p.m. SFECIAL - Thurs., Oct. 9 Jenison Field House Series A - Fri., Oct. 10 • PAID HOLIDAYS Tickets: • OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT • $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Reserved Seats $6.00, $5.00, $4.00 PAID VACATIONS • SICK PAY MSU Students: $ 1.00 v ith • DISCOUNTS ON PURCHASES At: Campbell's, Marshall's, Union validated I.D. 1. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 2. WE WILL TRAIN YOU! Presented by: UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 8:15 P.M. 3. TRAINING SESSIONS EVERY WEEK ASMSU Tickets Sale at Union Ticket Office Union Building G. C. MURPHY CO. on OPENING SOON — MERIDIAN MALL APPLY IN PERSON MON-SAT 9-5 at G.C. MURPHY A-A 1986 E. GR AND RIVE R MERIDIAN MALL and help create tomorrow's technology in: Missile the Systems, Launch Vehicles, Space Exploration, cpo classic Advanced Electronics and Communications Systems. outer shirt We're Here's outerwear styling looking for qualified Aeronautical, Electrical, that's really "in" with Electronic, Mechanical and Civil Engineers. We offer today's fashion look! them deep and rewarding involvement in significant, In husky, rough-and-ready wool, it features side vents long-term Research, Development, Design, Test, Eval¬ . . comes in country checks uation, and Production programs in the fields listed and classic plaids. above. Sizes S.M.L.XL. We have major facilities in Baltimore, Maryland; Den¬ ver, Colorado; Orlando, Florida; Wheeling, Illinois; and field operations at Cape Kennedy and Vandenberg AFB. Each location offers opportunities for continuing education with financial support. Representative on campus Tuesday October 14 For interview, contact placement office. If unable to schedule interview, please send resume to: Step in a little closer. Yees. Now what the bottle and Charlie McCarthy. This Director, College Relations album is one hour of many of Fields' you see here is W. C. Fields' world-famous Aerospace Group Dept. 115 elixir and curative. Known the world famous routines never before recorded. Martin Marietta Corporation The famous Snake Story,The Pharmacist. over as a guaranteed cure for ague, Friendship International Airport coughs, gout, stuttering, and the common Promotions Unlimited, The Temperance Maryland 21240 cold "W. C. Fields on Radio" is 100-proof Lecture, and the most poisonous of W. C. at the height of his radio popularity, the famed Fields-McCarthy feuds. MjafZ-r/Af Af>l#7/E7T4 as he takes swipes at sacred cows. Watch for our new "Small's" Store ~ to open in the new An Equal Opportunity Employer—Male or Female On Columbia Records Meridian Mall, Okemos — Soon two locations to serve you. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, 1969 7 LansingBy MARK LERNER State News Reviewer at all. pop No generation gap was evident Rather, the whole thing crowd. crowd-bummer likely to be submerged in a large of reaffirmation that, yes, there is a youth culture, and, no, it I have no solid idea how to make the next Lansing area Tlie Lake Lansing Pop and looked vaguely like a chamber of But it seems, nonetheless, that isn't dead yet. festival more than just another Blues Festival was only my commerce beer Wast or an office a rock concert is not the place My point is this: If we're going party. Perhaps it's all up to second experience with music picnic party. for ego, for walking around to have a unique generation of Woodstock was chance, or perhaps the Lansing festivals. My first was this friendly, trying to show off how "bad" people with unique goals and area just doesn't have the summer at the Woodstock gregarious. Lake Lansing, though you are. philosophies, let's have unique necessary frame of mind. Festival held in New York State. perhaps not overtly, was almost Hie two major ingredients of a "happenings" (or whatever) There is absolutely no hostile. Woodstock was one big pop festival are live music and whenever we get together. Let's Of course, I could be wrong. comparison. community. Lake Lansing was live people. It should bring not merely move the apartment Maybe everybody there was The Lake Lansing concert last dozens of little ones. people together, turn them on to party, complete with stereo cool. Indeed, I never saw more Saturday was, in my humble and Perhaps I'm unfair. My each other. It's a happening sound, to the countryside. sideburns in my life. destined-to- be disputed opinion, observations are necessarily where you can feel the closeness a drag. subjective, based on the "feeling of other people, the oneness of Granted, some of the groups in the air." Of course, a group of humanity with the aid of the "UTTERLY HILARIOUS" were quite good (Savage Grace 6,000 is not going to behave universal language, music. The If, Cue Magazine was my favorite). identically to a mass 500,000 music festival serves as "One of the Best Films about The crowd, however, was a strong. Perhaps ego is more Aquarian gathering place, a rite bummer. Woodstock had a style; Young People Ever Made." Pop scenes it had a culture distinct from the cultures of the people who came Immunization to it. TTie people lived a life-style Over 6,000 people went last Saturday to hear 10 hours of music at the Lake Lansing Pop and Blues Fesltval. While band members filled the air with music, the audience grooved to the emotions. State News photo by Jerry McAllister different from their previous lives. Lake Lansing, on the other scheduled for hand, The Ingham County Health will be available. Mothers are was completely cultureless. People did precisely Dept. will conduct an urged to have their children what they'd do anyway on a Immunization Clinic from 1 to 3 immunized, Saturday night. The majority of p.m. Wednesday at the Meridian TENNESSEE WALKERS them got drunk and mashed on Township Hall, 2116 Haslett Program Information 332-5817 the grass. High school as well as Road, Haslett. college students participated in Free shots will be given for diphtheria, whooping cough, Horses set pace the back half of the crowd where the drinking was heaviest, tetanus, polio, smallpox and the music forgotten. measles. Free tuberculosis tests By KAREN UNGER must be registered in the Stud 3-years-old were required to do Tennessee Walking horses from Book of the Tennessee Walking the rocking chair center, a fast four states competed Sunday in Horse Breeders' Assn. of gait which, despite the rocking the Sixth Annual North Central America, and be nominated motion of the horse's head, is before his birth. By nominating very smooth to the rider. Walking Horse Breeders' Futurity and Show in the MSU his horses, a breeder expresses confidence The Victor Bucknell Memorial STEVE in his breeding Challenge Trophy Judging Pavilion. Twenty classes were judged at program and the continued was awarded at the close of the show to the I*1CQLIEEI\I excellence of the walking horse. the show, ranging from Weanling - horses under one year -- to In the Futurity show, horses winner of the Championship Stakes. Grand AS _ "ALICE'S RESTAURANT" ARLO GUTHRIE PAT QUINN - JAMES BR00ERICK PETE SEEGER • LEE HAYS BULLITT' sw * >*<■■■ , ... Grand Championship, with over were evaluated on their ability This year's winner was Dell GEOFF OUTLAW • TINA CHEN • KATHLEEN DAHEK «:»• „.r,C>>,,i Wll 11AM OBANHFIN u.,««¥»k », «B10Gl $1,000 in prize money and to perform the running-walk Rush, riding Limousine's ^.VENABLE HERNDON ARTHUR PENN - — with speed, style, grace and a TECHNICOLOR- FROM WARNER BROS SEVER ARTS WV trophies offered. Warrior, owned by the Brass Show secretary Leo W. Barth minimum of "bouncing" to the 9:30 P.M. only. ^.MILLARD ELKINS.JOE MANDUKE .ARTHUR PENN Forging Co. of Ferndale. of rider. They were also judged on PLUS: COLOR by Deluxe Freeport, said that the purpose of the Futurity was to performance of the flat walk, a ^•BEATTY help maintain top breeding gait somewhat slower than the Tues. Oct. 7 8:30 P.M. ® Persons under 18 not admitted unless with Parent or adult guardian the running-walk, but retaining its standards continued and insure quality and improvement of the horses. smoothness. Horses over Civic Center J COMPUTER * 14 MMIE> QAMPUS at Starts Wed. 1:00 P.M. In order to be eligible for the WED. is LADIES' DAY - 75c to 6 P.M. Futurity, a horse's sire and dam Tuesday, October 7, 1969 3 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8253 Here's A Great Way To Create More Space ... Sell your don't needs with a WANT AD 355-8255 Automotive Automotive FRANKLYSPEAKING byPhilFmnk Automotive Auto Service & Parts Employment VOLKSWAGEN 1963, Excellent WHATEVER YOUR skills, male or BUICK 1968. Special Deluxe. FORD 1968 Thunderbird, 2 door. shape. New tires. Very female, we have temporary Automatic, 350, V-8. Power Factory air, .all power. $15,000 English Imports. With honesty, employment for you at KELLY dependable. Will sacrifice at $450. miles. 372-1537.4-10/9 tteerinfl, brakes, radial oval tlret. Call 332-2273. 5--10/7 reliability, reasonable prices. Give SERVICES.' Demonstrators, Tinted windows, many extras. us a try. Ask your fellow student, clerks, typists, stenos, and $1,895. 882-7581, evenings. MODEL A Ford Completely VOLKSWAGEN 1964. One owner, he has probably been here and is experienced keypunch operators. 3-10/8 satisfied. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, Also general laborers. Call • AUT0M0TIV1 reconditioned. $1200. Phone low mileage. 100 per cent 482-1277 669-3027. 3-10/9 Call 415 South Cedar. 485-2047. • imploymsnt CHEVROLET 1963, Impale. mechanical warranty. Dale 5-10/12 10-10/7 • pou hint Hefty, 482-6226. 3-10/9 Automative, power steering, 1967 MUSTANG. V-8, automatic, • for sal i brakes. In daily use. Good Aviation WANTED APPRENTICE meat power steering. 487-6141, ext. VOLKSWAGEN 1967, Camper bus. e lost & found condition. Sacrifice. $450. 238 or 882-8631.3-10/9 Fully equiped with pop-up top cutter. Full tir^) iso counter • PIRSOMAL 489-5879. 1-10/7 and outside tent. Open for FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to clerks, par' V J- days and learn in the PIPER CHEROKEEIII evenings £V^Vay union wages. • fkanuts personal inspection at GLENN Excellent fringe benefits. Apply CHEVROLET 1961, 2 door hsrdtop. HARRIMAN VW INC. 6135 W. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C • rial rstati meat department, EBERHARD'S. Dependable end cleen. $250. HUDSON 1954. Super jet liner. Saginaw, Lansing. 3-10/9 • scrvice 489-5146. 5-10/12 Mechanically sound. 4 speed 3301 E. Michigan. 5-10/8 • transportation Hydro. $100. 355-5921. 3-10/9 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Komki Bus. Scooters & Cycles • wanted CHEVROLET 1968, Impala TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED One owner. 31,981 miles. Call convertible, white, black top, red Frank Morrison, 482-6226, 3-10/9 stenos, typists, office machine OLDSMOBILE '66 Custom interior. SS-427. 15" wheels, operators. Short and long DEADLINE Vista-Cruiser 9 passenger, assignments. $1,60-$3.50/hour. 4-speed, radio, rear speaker, power Automatic with power steering. WOULD YOU like a SHARP car in HONDA 350 Scrambler, 1968. 4300 My Gal Friday Office Service. 1 P.M. one class day be¬ steering, power brakes. Very 339-9219. 3-10/9 sharp. Best offer over $2,250. the $1,000 bracket? We got 'em. miles. Must sell. Best offer. 484-7771.3-10/9 fore publication. CAMPUS AUTO MART, 2515 482-7969, 1630 Cooper Avenue. Slingerland Krupa four piece drum Cancellations - 12 noon one OLDSMOBILE 1969 Delta 4-door East Michigan Avenue, across set and cases. 351-3280. 3-10/9 WELDERS PRODUCTION. Must be X2-10/8 claas day before publica¬ hard top. Air, accessories, low from the Post Office. 484-2345. C experienced. Good benefits. Thor tion. CHEVROLET 1967. V-8, automatic mileage. IV 2-0215. 3-10/8 YAMAHA 250cc Big Bear. Rebuilt Fabricators, 521 North Cedar, transmission, radio. One owner. anvertible. Black and engine. $300. 355-9453. 5-10/9 Lansing. 5-10/12 Call Jock Neller, 482-6226. 3-10/9 OLDSMOBILE 1960. 4-door, power i owner, Excellent PHONE steering, brakes. $150. WOW! $1195. 339-2509. HONDA 72cc Scrambler. Still in YOUNG MAN for 3 to 4 hours each CHEVROLET 1964, Impala. 355-9490 5-10/9 warranty, 5 months old. Will sell day. Mornings or afternoons. 355-8255 Automatic, power steering, for balance owed, $270. Call Apply in person to PRINCE BROS brakes. In daily use. Good TAKE ME home and love me. For 882-2329. 3-10/7 PROVISION, 120 Reniger Court, RATES OLDSMOBILE 1959. Excellent condition. Sacrifice, $450. condition. New carburetor and sale, 1965 Porsche. Very good East Lansing. Just west of Brody 489-5879. 1-10/7 Offers. Phone MOTORCYCLISTS DREAM: 400 exhaust. $200. 351-5516. X3-10/7 condition. Dormitory off Michigan Ave. l day . . 11.50 332-1343. 7-10/10 Norton for less than 75c a cc. Boulevard. 3-10/7 15<£ per word per day 351-2196. 3-10/8 3 dava CHEVROLET 1961, 2 door hardtop. $4.00 Dependable and clean. $250. OLDSMOBILE 1964 convertible. Auto Service & Parts 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. 13 1/2# per worn per oay WANTED: WAITERS and waitresses 489-5146. 5-10/12 Excellent condition. $675. Call 5 days $6.50 Automatic, power. Take over at The Dells. Starting wage $1.75. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 676-2758 after 7 p.m. 10-10-8 payments. Balance due S694.80. 339-8685. 5-10/12 13# per word per day Spyder, turbo KALAMAZOO STREET BODY CORVAIR, 1964 Phone Credit Manager, IV 9-2379. charged, good condition. 6-10/10 SHOP. Small dents to large (based on 10 words per ad) 882-0477. 3636 Lockmoor Dri< wrecks. American and foreign Employment There will be a 50< service 3-10/8 OLDSMOBILE 1959, cheap. Campus cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. LINE UP your fall job now. Earn to and bookkeeping charge If Mobil Service, 1198 South 2628 East Kalamazoo. C Automotive learn in your spare time. Car this one ad it not paid within week. Harrison. 351-1548.2-10/8 1963 OLDSMOBILE 98. All power, 1963 TRIUMPH TR-4. Good TRIUMPH 1967, TR-4-A IRS. Wire 4 cylinder motor, with 4 speed necessary. Subsidiary of Alcoa. Equal Opportunity Employe^. Call HELP heater, 351-7319 for interview. C The State News will be new rubber. 626-6703 after 4 p.m. Condition. Low miles. $850. Call wheels, many extras. transmission in rear end. $100 2000 1969 Roadster Excellent condition inside and responsible only for the DATSUN 4-10/10 351-1396.3-10/7 641-4042. 3-10/7 Lifeline for Biafrans 17,000 miles. Must sell, $2400. out. School prompts sale. $1785. first day's incorrect inser¬ 914 East Shiawassee, Apt. 5, after 372-6029. 3-10/9 Had any LOVE PONTIAC 1963 Catalina convertible. TRIUMPH 1963, TR-4. Needs some tion. 5 p.m. 3-10/9 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East $250. 337-9602. 2-10/8 body work. 56,000 miles. $975. 351-0942.5-10/9 VOLKSWAGEN C AMPMOBILE: Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. lately? FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. Bargain. Used only 5 weeks. Seats Complete auto painting and TONIGHT 8:30 $1800. Days, 355-2388, evenings PONTIAC LEMANS 1966, 7, sleeps 4. 332-0545.5-10/12 collision service. IV 5-0256. C STEREO 101 482-4589.4-10/10 V-8, radio, console TRIUMPH TR-4 1964. Excellent Union Rm. 30 The Sute Newt does net convertible. WXYZ FM permit racial or religious shift, power steering. 487-0433. condition, must sell. Make offer. VOLKSWAGEN 1965: Good SPIDER Convertible 1968. 7-10/10 Call Kerry, 351-1654. 3-10/9 WHERE IS LOVE? discrimination In its ad¬ FIAT condition. $600 or best offer. Call vertising columns. The Leaving country. Best offer. Calf 627-2886 after 4:30 p.m. State News will not accept 393-1726. 5-10/12 weekdays. 3-10/8 1963 PORSCHE. Excellent TRIUMPH TR-4-A 1966. Red. advertising which discrim¬ STEREO 101 big. condition. Must sell. $1900. Call Radio, 2 tops, winter and summer. FIREBIRD - 1967, 2 door hardtop. VOLKSWAGEN' KARMANN Ghia, inates > against religion, Jerry ,482-1333, between 3-7 p.m. Great condition. 351-3861, 400, V-8, 4-speed, power, vinyl 1967. 23,000 miles. $1200. WXYZ FM race, color or national or¬ roof, wide oval tires. Teke over 5-10/9 353-175 1, Mark. 3-10/7 355-9770 after 5 p.m. 3-10/9 igin. payments. Balance due $1,894.80. Phone Credit Manager IV 9-2379. 6-10/10 University Villa FORD STAR-Liner, 1960 hardtop, Aytomotiivt itz s: r.27c2rit,?on; ALFA 1959, ROMEO Sports Ceri. 1962, both 332-0586. 4-10/10 $750. Larry, appointment. 5-10/12 FORD GALAXIE, 1966 convertible. cAhrh oivi Apartments AMX 1968 390. 4 speed. Excellent Good condition. 655-2663, after 5 p.m. Call 2-10/8 Marc, Student / Aporl condition. Call 882-2675, Khris. 4 -10/10 337-9265. 5-10/7 Big rooms, big closets, big features, little price. That's North Pointe. Swimming pool. Air conditioning. Carpet. Draft clause. Apartments for 2*3-4*5 persons from $55/month/person. Call the J.R. Culver Company today. BARRACUDA 1968 340-S 4-speed, fsstbsck. Croger wheels. Excellent condition. 351-1658. 3-10/9 ^.31. BEL-AIR 1962. Runs very well. $250. Call 353-3663 after 4 p.m. 3-10/7 'i LOVE is here Are you? STEREO 101 WXYZ FM 217 Ann St. - next to Min-A - Mart 351-8862 □□□□□ noon CROSSWORD PUZZLE □□□□Ennnann □□□n nanra □□ new. 1. Caress 4. Moslem title ACROSS 33. Possessive adjective nan iisaci mna BG3 niaBa srann 8. Fruit of the 35. Scepter unna gnann 36. North wind 38. Theoretical force ramnra hobb CAMPUS 15. Sniper 17. Forbidden 46. Appreciative 49. Old card game 3a aamaajBrnaan BSGSB 0HBH3 19. Long way 50. Arctic bird 20. Parent 51. Turkey buzzard DOWN 5. Chick-pea 52. Wire HILL 22. Gaelic 25. Eng. bullfinch 28. Both measurement 53. Diocese 54. Coaster 1. History 2. Large toad 3. Sepulcher 6. Highly seasoned stew 7. Tarsus • 4 blocks from campus 30. Marquisette 2, 3, 4 person apartments 31. Page 55. Cunning 4. Purpose 8. Boy's pet 9. Frigate bird (2 bedroom flexible units) r- r- 5 6 8 9 10 10. Indite 1 « If you thought Campus Hill was great before, come • 9 or 12 month lease 16. Peddle see our Furnished A 18. Toward the sky NEW models. Larger apartments with twin dressing Party lounge. Central air. Groovy furnishings. The best rooms. • Color coordinated appliances II 11 •s % i6 21. About 23. Cadmus' Carpeted nr 4-mans in town. See CAMPUS HILL today. Model open 2-6 %i 1$ daughter daily, Apt. 201G. From $58.75/month/person. Air Conditioned v/a % 24. Food fish f '7 • Individual heating & cooling 25. White vestment ii 23 21 26. "The Lion" Garbage disposals controls JT w $% wI 26 55 3d 27. Share 29. Yearning 'WaUr - From $55.00 per person 31 w % 43 34 £4 y4 35 32. Accomplish¬ ment 34. Therefore % r 37 v4 37. Regions Halstead Management %% MO m 4 4& H9 39. Serve 41. Positive 43. Charity 44. Labor 52 s6 '/a ft) 45. Sacred SM 46. Nitrogen 217 Ann St. - next to Mln-A-Mart 635 Abbott Road 351-7910 53" A 47. Herb of grace 48. Youth Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, 1969 9 Employment For Rent f Employment For Sale FINANCIAL TRUSTEESHIP R.N.'s, L.P.N.'» With medications UNFURNISHED MOBILE home, DRUM SET COOKS, DISHWASHERS, busboys, LARGE FURNISHED apartment for Ludwig, seven piece, bellmen. All shifts. Apply in course. Part time. 7-3:30 3 girls on Albert. Utilities paid. 2-bedrooms. In country, children gold sparkle. Excellent condition. 3:00-11:30. « 11-7:30>. Call Call 694-8266.4-10/10 welcome. Call 313-632-7749. 484-3850. 3-10/8 Holiday Inn. North of Haynsworth person PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 332*0817. 2-10/7 Frandor. 10-10/13 10-10/8 PARK TRACE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North: STEREO TURNTABLE Harman-Kardon and speakers. TEMPORARY HELP wanted. APARTMENTS Furnished studio. Utilities paid. PART TIME employment for MSU 337-0727. 5-10/8 Mailing room work. Full or part students during fall term with Private entrance. $100/month plus time. Car least 20 hours week. Okemos, E. Lansing. MSU. deposit. 627-5454. Midwests' largest full-line 310/8 3/4 SIZE mattress, box spring and solution flict Apply at 3308 South Cedar, Suite merchant wholesaler. Outstanding Spacious garden style. 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. Walkout patio frame. Sleeps 2 nicely. 337-0727. 11, Lansing. 3-10/9 income. Excellent experience. CAMPUS NEAR. Furnished. Living Best offer. 5-10/8 or balcony. Now available. Automobile required. For further room, bedrooom, kitchen, bath. 2 MALE part-time grill cooks. Hours Also taking applications for 1 information and personal Call ED 2-5374. 5-10/10 and days very flexible. Experience bdrm. apts. Model by Bishops DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and interviews phone THE SOCIETY Furniture Rental. Call WASHINGTON Ronald L. Ziegler asserted that preferred. Walt Koss, 655-2175. engagement ring sets. Save 50 per (AP) - The personal interest in any case that CORPORATION. 337-1349. O ONE GIRL needed for 4-girl house. Walt's Restaurant & Lounge. 332-5094. cent or more. Large selection of White House announced Monday no one in the administration had came before the Supreme Court. Reduced rates! Super! 351-0851. 5-10/12 plain and fancy diamonds. that Judge Clement F. suggested such a move to the Sens. Roman L. Hruska of TRANSMITTER ENGINEER: 1st 920 North Pennsylvania. Unfurnished 3-10/7 $ 2 5 - $ 1 5 0. WILCOX Haynsworth Jr. has volunteered South Carolina jurist who is a Nebraska and Marlow W. Cook class FCC license required, full or except stove and refrigerator. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East to put his financial holdings RN, LPN with wealthy man. of Kentucky sent a study of » needed part-time 3 to 11:30 p.m., part time employment. Call Carpeting, garbage disposal, utilities FACULTY APARTMENT.' Michigan. 485-4391. C under a trusteeship to avoid On some occasions in the past, ' 11 to 7:30 a.m. Apply Provincial 482-1333. 13-10/10 paid. $110. Phone for appointment. Unfurnished. No pets. EAST Haynsworth's labor decisions to LANSING conflicts of interest if he is executive appointees upon House. Call Mrs. 1-625-7177.5-10/12 MANAGEMENT. every senator, accompanying it Parker, ENTIRE FAMILY Glasses? confirmed as a Supreme Court 332-0817. 110-10/17 Phone 332-2627. C wear taking office have established with a letter assessing the facts. COOK FOR fraternity. Prefer Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, justice. such trusteeships under which 2-BEDROOM duplex. Haslett Road. TTie next report will be on 2615 East Michigan, 372-7409. This disclosure came some 2 OR 3 men for 3rd shift, 16 through professional, but will consider Refrigerator, stove, carpeting and management of their financial HRI seniors. Part-time. 351-9086. C-10/10 allegations that Haynsworth's 24 hours per week. $2.50 per hour basement. $160. Plus utilities. hours after two Republican affairs was conducted by the decisions have retarded civil 3-10/7 351-0837. 3-10/9 senators had issued a detailed trustees without to start. No experience necessary. :omplete house. 6 people. NEW GUITARS, Martins, Gibsons, consultation rights progress. The third will Contact David Colemann, Completely furnished. All utilities defense of Haynsworth's labor with the man establishing the deal with questions of conflict 711 East Apartments Fenders, etc. Rap with Rich, 334 Manager. Mobil Retail For Rent paid. Call NE J AC 337-1300. c Michigan, Apt. 12, or call rulings and declared that trust. Such trusts normally are of interest. Development Center, 2818 East 711 Burcham criticism of the nomination dissolved when the official leaves 337-0703. 3-10/7 Kalamazoo. 489-8467. 4-10/10 SAY IT IN FRONT OF 50,000 New deluxe 1-bedroom "The AFL—CIO THREE BEDROOM house. results from "misinformation or 'appraisal' of PEOPLE! Talk anbout business furnished 2 or 3 man little knowledge of the facts." Judge Haynsworth's labor Unfurnished. $115. 417 North As far as known, no such steps services with a Student Service apartments.Available now opinions is unfair, inaccurate, PLACEMENT COUNSELOR Francis, Lansing. 485-4917, In announcing Haynsworth's have ever been taken by a Trainee, Receptionist in Directory ad. Cass Judi, 355-8255 for 9-month or 1-year leases. 372-4747. 5-10/7 incomplete and misleading," the offer to set up a trusteeship, federal judge. today for details. 489-9651 351-3525 Hruska-Cook report said. temporary Placement Division. NIKON NIKKOREX F with FI.4 at White House press secretary Haynsworth, now judge of the Knowledge of general office skills 50 mm and F2.8 at 135 mm. 4 th U.S. Circuit "By no 'objective' evaluation SOUTH SIDE -private home, Court of important. This is a permanent TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" OKEMOS: NEAR MSU. $195. 332-1901 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. of Judge Haynsworth's labor furnished. Will accommodate 5 Service Appeals, has run into heated ( staff position. Phone Marge portable--$8.50 per month Semi-furnished, four bedroom, 1V4 students. $16/week each, utilities 5-10/10 opinions can one conclude that » Penny: 484-7771. MY GAL including stand. Call JR. baths. Family preferred. $250. controversy over his nomination . . . . , . ____ he is 'exceedingly antilabor,' " it FRIDAY OFFICE SERVICE. CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862 Plus utilities. 351-8535. 5-10/12 parkm9 485 5227 CIDER MILL open. Sweet cider for ALTERATIONS ON dress making by by Nixon for a post on the nation's highest added. O-10/8 217 Ann Street, East Lansing. C sale. Corda West, 5817 N. Okemos court. The Road. 337-7974. 26-10/30 objections have ranged from his The report also said that the NURSES R.N., L.P.N., opinions in labor and civil rights 4th Circuit Court NEW G.E. Portable and stands rented "completely ROSELAWN MANOR NURSING cases to his financial only to MSU students and faculty. holdings in or substantially enforced 93 per HOME. 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. 11-7. Full NORTHWINO MATURE MALES: 2 rooms, two connection with two cases that cent of the National Labor $8.84 month [including tax], or part time. Ideal working MANAGEMENT FARMS miles from campus. Call after 6 MINIATURE POODLES, AKC. came before the Relations Board petitions before conditions. Excellent salary. 707 STATE p.m. 332-3376. 3-10/9 appeals court. CORPORATION, 444 Michigan Faculty Apartments Black males. Wormed, shots. $75. Roomate Service Ziegler explained that the it in 1968-69 as compared with Armstrong Road. Call Mrs. Jolly, Director of Nursing. 393-5680. Ave. 332-8687. C 351-7880 After 5 p.m. 482-8466. 1-10/7 judge feels that with his holdings only 81 per cent for all circuit CAN HELP YOU! 5-10-7 in trust, he would not have a courts during 1963-1968." 541 E. GRAND RIVER TV RENTALS-Students only. 351-3558 FULL-time employment and Low monthly and term rates. Call For Rent part-time throughout the school 484-2600 to reserve yours. For Sale NEED UNDER GRADUATE MATH UNIVERSITY TV. C MALE DOBERMAN 1 year old. All year $2.50 $3.00 per hour. Male EAST LANSING-Lansing. Like you TUTORING? Call 353-7122. If no FENDER shots and AKC registerable. Likes Breakthrough fine home. New deluxi TREMOLUX applicants only. Apply to own answer, call 355-0980. 5-10/10 RENT A TV from a TV building. Large airy rooms Amp-Epiphone, Sarrento double kids, but good watch dog. Personnel, STARR guitar, both excellent buys. 487-0202. 5-10/10 COMMONWEALTH FOR BOYS, Company-$9.50 per month. Call Carpeted. Fine Quality furniture ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking. 337 1300. NEJAC TV RENTALS • Colored appliances Complete, $400. 351-3285. (continued from page one) engaged in Vietnam WE IMARANERS AKC registered All kinds. European experience. (517-629-3988). 10-10/8 Air-conditioning. Security locks 5-10/7 indefinitely." $75. Males and females. Elliot, Call 355-0850. 5-10/7 Parking. Beautifully maint; achieve peace through He called for large-scale 351-0720. 11=-10/17 ELL GREAT BOOKS OF THE Apartments Select clientele. Lease. Call SEWING MACHINE clearance sale! negotiation," Hastings said. participation in the moratorium. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O Brand new portables~$49.95, But Sen. Alan Cranston, Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., WESTERN WORLD: (not WEIMARANER PUPPIES, AKC, LARGE UPSTAIRS, 1 bedroom. $5.00 per month. Large selection has announced his Foreign encyclopedias). Work part time. TYPING: Experienced work, done D-Calif., urged in a news $*35. 2-bedrooms, ground level, of reconditioned used machines. stud, field trial experience. Female PARKING CONVENIENT, close to conference that Nixon order the Relations Committee wil! hold By appointment only. Excellent large basement, utilities included, has CD and World Dog Award. on IBM Electric. Reasonable. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New training. Call 484-1336 between campus. Commuters welcome. Home and "Many Others," $19.95 Phone 351-0238.5-10/8 Phone 485-5575. 3-10/10 Joint Chiefs of Staff to prepare a hearings soon on the Goodell parking furnished. 325 North Several left. 351-2196. 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Only ask Pennsylvania Avenue. 351-3969. spaces to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS plan for disengagement "as proposal and all other legislative 2-10/7 issues involving the Vietnam for Mr. Cutler. 3-10/8 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, DALMATIONS: PUPPIES and grown DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term rapidly as the safety of our 1115 North Washington, dogs. COACH ACRES, 1113 papers. Anita Warren; SCM troops will allow." situation. HOUSEWIVES AND Students: Over 1 GIRL for 2 girl apartment. Own Electric. Call 351-0763, 351-7086. 489-6448. C-10/9 Tihart Road, Okemos. 339-8930, "Only such a declaration, 100 positions available between 9 CAPITOL VILLA bedroom, fireplace, beautiful X6-10/10 C-10-9 am.m to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to accompanied by larger scale, location. Call 351-7396, between ENTIRE FAMILY wear Glasses? more rapid withdrawal, will 8:30 p.m. Apply at SCHENSULS CAFETERIA in Meridian Mall APARTMENTS 4:30 and 6 p.m. 4-10/10 Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, MALE DOBERMAN 1 year old. All COMPLETE THESIS Service. convince the North Vietnamese Stewardess fired 2615 East Michigan, 372-7409. Discount printing, typing and from 1-5 p.m. No Saturday, Married, post-grads,and sen¬ 1 MAN winter/spring term. New C-10/10 shots and AKC registerable. Likes we really intend to end our binding of theses, term papers, Sunday, or Holidays and s iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ Cedar Village Call today, kids, but 487-0202. 5-10/10 good watch dog. resumes and publications. Lowest involvement in that terrible because of hair off. X-10/19 ments. From $150-$ 165. Near 351-1243. 3-10/9 prices available. Located across war," Cranston said. UNFINISHED FURNITURE: Bar Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, Campus. For information call stools, night stands, from campus on corner of M.A.C. CHICAGO (AP) -- United Air Weimaraners AKC registered $75. said at 4BUSBOY LUNCH and dinner. Meals THREE ROOM furnished bachelor chest-of-drawers, bookcases, and Grand River, below the Style a separate news Lines announced recently that it Males and females. Elliot, plus $1.00 day. Call 351-9086. 332-5330. apartment. Private bath and prefinished picture frames and 351-0720. 11-10/17 Shop. Call COPYGRAPH conference he gives full support has fired a black stewardess who 3-10/7 entrance. 655-1609. 3-10/7 SERVICES, 337-1666. C to national observance of more. PLYWOOD SALES, 3121 refused to alter her Afro hair MEADOWBROOK TRACE, 2 Vietnam Moratorium Day Oct. South Pennsylvania. TU 2-0276. C bedroom luxury apartment to Lost & Found PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: a unique 15. style. A sublease. 882-1373. 3-10/9 An airline spokesman said the new position ONE GIRL for 4 man. Reduced LOST: SMALL black rabbit. Near quality thesis service. IBM typing, "My purpose in being here New Cedar Village BEDS-SINGLE; 3 chairs; lamps; multilith printing and hard stewardess, Deborah Renwick, for LOVE... WOMAN to share deluxe. 2 bedroom rates. High School. 5 year old's pet. Call today is to help demonstrate 351-8216. 5-10/8 large gas stove, $160 or best offer. binding. 337-1527. C 27, was fired recently at the end apartment at Eagle Crest in Holt. 351-5795. 1-10/7 that bipartisan opposition to the 337-1714. 4-10/8 of a 21-day suspension period. STEREO 101 694-7341.4-10/10 war in Vietnam is still alive and He said her hair style did not SUBLET FEMALE. Winter, spring living in the Congress of the WXYZ FM term. Starting Dec. 15th. New COMPLETE SET of Ludwig with fit the airline's short-hair look United States," Church said. Cedar Village. Call now. cases. Less than year old. and that Miss Renwick had made d issertations, i He said he believes recent 332-3848, Cheryl. S-10/7 393-0334 before 4 p.m. 6-10/7 no effort to change her Over 7 yea announced troop withdrawals 351-9507.00 have not been for the purpose of appearance during the HOLT A RE A-studio apartment. 8 TRACK Recorder-Player for the suspension. Unfurnished, ground floor, one home. Makes tapes for your car, FREE ... A thrilling hour of beauty. ending U.S. involvement in the Miss Renwick of Chicago had bedroom, couples only. No For appointment, call 484-4519. war but instead have been a too. Sony and Viking. $129.50 up been an airline employee for six MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS "formula WANT AD INVITES children or Pets. $100. month. 646-6811 after 5 p.m. 7-10/8 at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 STUDIO. 1600 East Michigan. 300,000 for keeping American up to years, the first three years in the South Pennsylvania, Lansing. C troops reservations office. C-10/9 CANINES TO GRAD STUDENT upstairs apartment TWIN OR bunk complete. $70. BIRTHDAY PARTY in Okemos. Share bath and 339-2589. In good condition. RUMMAGE SALE: All Saints The following Want Ad ap kitchenette. $70. per month. Call 332-0914.3-10/8 4-10/10 Church, items. 800 Tuesday, Abbott Clothing, miscellaneous household October Road. 7. BARBI No MEL: Typing, multilithing. job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C Eastern High picketed THUNDER JAGUAR guitar. Best peared in the London, On¬ 6:30-9:00 p.m. October 8: 9:00 superintendent's attitude "very GIRL 21 or over to share 4-man reasonable offer. Call Russ, tario, Free Press: $57.50. Call 351-1043 after 5:00. 351-2065. 3-10/9 am-2:00 p.m. 2-10/7 TERM PAPERS, evnelopes, general (continued from page one) uncooperative." "Honey, Cocker Span¬ 5-10/7 typing. Dictaphone or tape The members of the iel inmate of modern "There has been no NEW MOPAR Car radios for sale. LANSING SOUND transcription. 393-3663. 20-10/24 fact-finding team met last night dog-house and larfe NOW OPENED investigation made, but we feel to plan their investigations and run at 985 Treherne BAY COLONY APARTMENTS. 1 $90 value for $25. 351-1080, call STUDIOS. Professional 4-track that as long as Johnson stays late. 5-10/12 there, the situation will be strategies St., invites the canine bedroom apartment, FOR RENT recording. Commercial, pop, concerning the population of this furnished or unfurnished. 6, 9, or industrial. 4806 S. Logan. Wanted detrimental to the students," incident. block only to a Pard 12 month leases. Call 337-0511. 12 STRING guitar with case. Good 393 3600. X5-10/7 Party on Thursday af¬ Corner of Haslett and Hagadorn condition. Reasonable price. BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7.50 Hudson stated. ternoon June 28, 3 p.m. Refreshments served. Owners are Roads. 24-10/31 353-0343, Karen. 5-10/12 Peanuts Personal for all positive. A negative, B negative and AB negative, $10.00. team The other members of the said that the Petition tally ROLL-AWAY Bed frame and O negative, $12. MICHIGAN superintendent seemed to take (continued from page one) requested to bring Who is Brother mattress. Excellent condition. JAN: CONGRATULATIONS to our COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, the incident as a joke, and at and pick up guests. "Many trustees have been John? $15.00 351-1672 after 6 p.m. newly affiliated fellow flamer. We 507Vi East Grand River, East first flatly refused to suspend —"Honey" Brownlee" speaking recently about 3-10/9 couldn't be happier! Your K.D. Lansing. Above the new Campus "Honey's" owner says the Johnson, saying that "the communicating with students on sisters. 1-10/7 Book Store, hours: 9 to 3:30 birthday dog-party was a STEREO 101 a.m. thought had never entered his issues vital to the University," BIRTHDAY CAKES -7"-$3.64. p.m. Monday , Wednesday and pleasure to watch! WXYZ FM Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 ASMSU Vice Chairman Chuck 8"-$4.18, 9"-$5.20. Delivered. Johnson told the students that p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Mostov said. "To my mind, this KWAST BAKERIES, 484-1317. he was scheduled to meet with C-10/9 is a test of their real willingness the school board's fact-finding to meet with students and BUS BOYS or Bus Girls needed at CLARINET, BUNDY. Excellent Real Estate Jack Tar Hotel. Will arrange hours committee last night and would become better acquainted with condition. $80. Call ED 2-1162. fit contact them afterwards. the students' point of view." 8 ROOM house. 4 bedroom, 114 to your schedule. Apply Hudson PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD 5-10/12 personnell office. 5-10/9 called the Samet said that with this baths, den, living room with large bay window. 2 car garage. opportunity provided for the NEW RANGE hood with fan and BABYSITTING IN my licensed Tamarisk Subdivision. Located trustees to meet with students, Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. lights, bronze tope, $25. Call North Harrison and Lake Lansing home. Full and part time. he would be very surprised if 655-2727 days for appointment. Logan-Mt. Hope area. 485-3383. STATE NEWS will bill you later. 5-10/12 road. 636 Tarleton. Shown by 5-10/8 they did not attend. FLUTE, EXCELLENT condition appointment 332-3828. 10-10/10 1612 RIVER Terrace SECRETARIAL POSITION - Moratorium Samet also recognized the student responsibility in support Gemeinhardt. Used 2 years, $80. $22,500. Live (continued from page one) of this rally. in the country, walk to campus. Experienced, plus associate Call 332-8008.5-10/12 be '"Hiose students who have 2-bedroom with large shaded lot degree. Need job afternoons. released, Adams said. by FHA with low down payment 337-0279. 3-10-9 Adams said he will take this signed petitions, those who STEREO AMPLIFIER Knight. 75 intended to but watts. Top line. New tape deck. and monthly payments like rent. action "rather than imposing my didn't, anyone Call Bob Homan 351-0965; or WANTED: 2 general admission with any favorable feeling Magnavox sound on sound, sound unilateral flat judgment." Simon Real Estate, 372-1130. tickets to UM-MSU game. towards Adams as president, with sound. Call Bill, 353-2751. Meanwhile, students are 5-10/7 351-7613. 5-10/8 should be there," Samet said. 3-10/9 continuing to make plans for the moratorium. "It's one thing to sign a petition, ONE HUNDRED used Service WANTED: 1 man for 2 man but another to demonstrate to vacuum A teach-in will be held in apartment. Close to campus. Call cleaners, tanks, canisters and Fairchild Theater on the show that feeling." DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS, after 5. 351-2367. 2-10/8 uprights. All in good condition. 1 Mostov said that, of and gowns. Reasonable charge. morning of Oct. 15. as year warranty. $7.88 and up. Dennis Experienced. 355-1040 8-10/10 MALE STUDENT desires studious The teach-in will consist of Monday afternoon, more Distributing Co., 316 students had signed the petitions North Cedar (opposite City SUEDE roommate. Trailer behind Gables. analyses of U.S. involvement in AND Leather refinishing After 6 p.m. 351-4579. 5-10/12 supporting Adams than signed Market.) 482-2677. C-10/14 Vietnam by an historian, an service. Move up to the last economist and, hopefully, men year's petition against professionals cleaning service. WANTED: TICKETS or coupons for Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. OKEMOS CLEANERS, 332-0611. from the sciences, Tom Samet, disturbances, and more than MSU-UM game. Call after 5. 10-10/15 ASMSU board chairman, said participated in MSU's mock 351 2367. 2 10/8 Monday. presidential election, Choice '68. 10 Words or Less: NIKON NIKKOREX F w ALTERATIONS-HEMS, coats, "We could have WANTED DESPERATELY, 1 The main program will be held 20,000 50 mm and F2.8 at Over 10 Words Add: $195. 332-1901 6 p.m dresses, and men's trousers. bedroom or efficiency apartment "around midday" in the signatures by Wednesday," Reasonable, will pick up and Mostov said. 5-10/10 deliver at dormitories and sorority to rent until January. Call Auditorium, Samet added. ASMSU "It seems inconceivable to houses. 882-2576. 3-10-9 353-3345, Cheryl. 1-10/7 anticipates a me Mail to: Michigan State News that the support Dr. Adams has procession from campus to the 347 Student Services Bldg. STEREO COMPONENTS. Name GUITAR LESSONS: quickly WANTED: FOOTBALL tickets OSU received from within, as well as Learn Capitol steps to focus MSU East Lansing, Mich. brands at discount prices. Call by ear. Most any style. 355-9770. vs. MSU. Will buy. Call without the University, can community attention on the 337-0880. 10-10/9 3 10/9 351-6124. 7-10/10 moratorium. possibly be ignored," he said. 10 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 7, 1969, Opportunities Does constructive social action hit home? If so, take a closer includes those opportunities NEWOPPORTUNITIES: listed below and others. open one-to-one with for volunteers a TUTOR: For a 13-year-old St.'l?. „ , kids of working welfare mothers Help man a 63* radio clubs and a variety of who relieves blemishes. meet at 7:30 tonight at Coral activities. Wednesday afternoon, might otherwise be left Gables Show Bar. AH M grades 1-3, and Friday the special activities and programs at commun'ty center in the Tower alone much of the day. new Administrative-Professional boys club. They need you, Gardens area. Recreational 98^ 1-ounce tube. members are invited. afternoon, grades 4-6. For information from Assn. will hold their fall meeting CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES however, to help provide needed programs are provided more Wednesday and Saturday for the Office of Volunteer The MSU Marketing Club will at 7:30 tonight in Kellogg INGHAM meet at 7:30 tonight in the Teak Center auditorium. The agenda j jyj community youth. Programs, see Wednesday's Room at Eppley Center. Richard includes an election to fill five Loescher, general manager of vacant director-at-large seats on PROBATE COURT: One-to-one relationships as tutors, CENTERS: Volunteers are YMCA URBAN PROGRAMS: paper. LOVE'S Fresh tutor-friends and volunteer commercial products, Kimberly the executive board, and a Clark Corp. will be the guest motion to include supervisory probation officers -- beckon volunteers interested in helping a Lemon Cleanser speaker. personnel as members of the association. The meeting i for Earn Top Returns With for a sparkling * * * ward of the court make it The Greater Lansing members only. For the academically and socially. Community Organization Task convenience MICHIGAN SCHOOL FOR Force against White Racism will meet at 8 tonight at Edgewood a d m inistrative-professi personnel desiring to join, there THE BLIND: Volunteers are clean complexion Church, East Lansing. Projects for the coming year will be discussed and organized, will be cards availabli door. Refreshments served. the be needed to supervise recreational and MSU academic students. experience Team for up C1/7o Has fresh lemon in it to make your face shiny, sparkling, super clean. That Interested persons are freshness you feel is the lemon juice in invited to REDEEMABLE WITHOUT NOTICE it. Skin is lighter, brighter, less oily. Circle Honorary will meet at 7:30 tonight in Old College Hall in the Union Grill. The agenda ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Here's an unbeatable investment opportunity for all MSU employees: deposit a minimum of $500 in guaranteed 5'2% 6 fl. Only oz. $275 includes election of committee Complete front end repair and time deposits for one year and watch your savings grow! Inter¬ chairmen and discussion of plans est is paid quarterly—into your share account or directly to you. alignment for hthe year. For complete details on this and the many other advantages your Attractive R0LL-A-D00R The Women's Varsity Swim * Brakes * Suspension credit union offers, phone or stop by today. Team will practice from today through Thursday in the 5 to 6 * Wheel STUDY Women's I.M. pool. All coeds are balancing * Steering invited to the practice sity Performing Arts Co. will hold tryouts for student produced Theatre LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center MSU 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • EMPLOYEES I CREDIT ^JNIoJ Open 9:30 -5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 DESK Regular $19.99 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 plays from 7 to 10 tonight in 49 Auditorium. Tryouts will be held student-produced plays. are opportunities for 20 There $1488 what's. The MSU Sailing Club will hold shore school at 7 tonight in Parlor B, Union. A meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight in Parlor Warm THERMAL - WEAVE First meetings University classes will be held of Free BLANKETS tonight as follows: happening to Contemporary jazz-7 p.m. in 219 New Music Bldg. with Cary Kilner. Tenants' action group--7:30 $399 p.m. in 102 Bessey Hall with Lenne Brenner. Drugs and drug addiction-?: 30 p.m. in 111 Bessey Hall with Ron Fishman. Relieve Colds! Science Fiction-7 p.m. in 301 Bessey Hall with Ray Walsh. CONTAC Ma Bell 89 The Alliance to Seek a Newer World (SE£K), formerly EMK, will meet at 9 tonight in the Mural Room, Union. All CAPSULES members are urged to attend. $1.59 Pkg. of 10 Lifeline for Biafrans, formerly Operation Outrage, will meet at 8:30 tonight in 30 Union. The Muir's Own meeting will be devoted to acquainting new students with Guaranteed the purposes of the organization. Quality Spartan Bowman archery club will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Men's I.M. Bldg. Ladies are welcome. For further information, call Bob Burcan, 393-5395. COLD CAPSULES Formulated to release The Home Economics IT medication slowly over a long Education Club will meet at period of time. Fast acting and 7:30 tonight in Room A. Home prolonged relief from nasal Economics Bldg. A panel of area congestion, runny nose, etc. superintendents and principals will be present. Lovely, natural-looking The Student Education Corp ill volu applications through 4 p.m. Friday. Because of the number of requests, more volunteers are Instant NAILS needed to tutor or otherwise assist teachers and students in Cover Broken Nails Instantly area schools. Transportation is provided. information, For please further call Just press 353-4402, or Student Services Bldg. come to 26 them on! The Spartan Big Ten and ROTC rifle teams will hold their organizational meetings at 7 tonight at the ROTC rifle range, $joo Demonstration hall. Times for Set of 14 Nails fall practices for both events will be scheduled at this time. Plus Adhesive The MSU Chess Club will hold the first round of intraclub competition at 7 tonight in 104 Bessey persons Hall. are All interested welcome. Please bring a chess set if possible. Cologne Sale I Tri-Beta will meet at 7:30 p.m. Delightful, light, Luxuria Golden Wednesday in Union, Parlor C. Chance Cologne. Values up to All members, including $2.00 Now only provisionals, should attend. The Outing Club will meet at 7 tonight in 116 Natural Science 99' Bldg. Jerry Borofsky, graduate student in clinical psychology, will show a movie, "Climbing the Matterhom." The Council " of Graduate Students will meet from 7 to 9 tonight in 338 Natural Resources Bldg.