Thursday MICHIGAN STATE I. 62 Number 201 UNIVERSITY East rATE NEWS Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 bjectives achieved'; Nixon lans withdrawal of ■aSHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon ■ the nation Wednesday night "that all ■ major military objectives" in Cambodia that withdrawals have also disclosed that 31,000 American troops who been resumed and more than half the June 30 deadline he fixed a month and that now "we 50,000 ago, ammunition, rifles, machine guns, mortars, can say, with rocket launchers and recoilless rifles. been achieved, and that 50,000 Cambodia "have entered confidence, that we will keep our timetable already returned to "Had this war material made its ^rican fighting men will be withdrawn Vietnam." for troop withdrawals." way into South Vietnam and been used jn South Vietnam by Oct. 15. The chief executive Nixon acknowledged that his decision to American and allied troops," he against I an address prepared for live television - added that all others intervene in Cambodia had said, "U.S. ■o delivery from his oval - including air support, logistics and precipitated an casualties would have been vastly office, he said advisory personnel "unprecedented barrage of criticism" on - will be out by the the home increased." - front and voiced an appeal for He went on to announce that of the solid support for his policies: "We have a program for 31,000 Americans who entered Cambodia, |OLE RIDER peace, and the greater the support the administration more than half - or 17,000 — already have returned to South Vietnam. receives in its efforts, the greater the "The remainder will return by the end of opportunity to win that just peace we all the month," he said. "This includes all desire [First .. . weaken American air move to "As expect long as setbacks the war goes on, we can and reversals, but support, logistics, and military advisory personnel." "The only remaining American following the success of this effort, we can activity in Cambodia after say, with confidence, that we will keep our July 1 will be air missions to interdict the 'ar amendment fails timetable for troop withdrawals." On April 20, 10 ordered American forces into he had announced that an days before Nixon Cambodia, enemy troops and material where I find this is necessary to movement protect the lives and security of our forces in South Vietnam." of JaSHINGTON (AP) — Senate backers Most of the 54 senators who additional Show ■miting U.S. involvement in Cambodia J the firs1 important test of a three - amendment had indicated favor the Cooper - Church opposed the previously they 150,000 American troops would be brought home from the war zone within a Looking back over his tenure in office, Nixon pictured his administration as having of » old debate Wednesday but final amendment. year. "kept every pledge it has made to the By a show of hands, faculty members vote on revisions and bylaws . Ton still Immediately after the vote, Sen. Robert Nixon said that "as a result of the success American people regarding the war in during an Academic Senate meeting Wednesday. The senate voted to appears far off. C. Byrd, D-W. Va., called up his amendment of the Cambodian Vietnam and the return of American vote of 54 to 36, the Senate to authorize Nixon to take operations," Secretary send these revisions and bylaws back to the whatever action of Defense Melvin R. Laird "has resumed troops." Academic Council. a proposal by Sen. Robert J. Dole, he finds necessary "to protect the lives of State News photo by Terry Luke 0 give President Nixon a free hand withdrawal of American troops from United States forces from South fcambodia so long as the Communists Vietnam." Vietnam" and will pull out 50,000 of the Byrd told the Senate that B American prisoners there. "cutting off year - long objective by Oct. 15. Senate funds in the midst of a e vote, first of a series on expected shooting war is The President said: highly dangerous to the security of our rejects "To the North Vietnamese Impts to weaken the pending Cooper - armed forces" and said he will vote against tonight I say §rch amendment, came as Nixon the Cooper • Church again: the door to a negotiated peace 0 address the nation amendment unless it remains wide open. However, if their on is modified. progress answer to our le U.S. operation in Cambodia. "The troop withdrawal program, I the danger of the amendment, as it is and to our offer to negotiate, is to increase House, war critics lost in an effort now written, arises not so much from any for their attacks in a way that student fcttacli a $6 - billion cut in defense effect it might have on the jeopardizes the ■ding to Nixon's request for an increase present safety of our remaining forces in Vietnam, operation," he said, "but rather, it would I shall, as my action five weeks p ■the national debt ceiling. The House guarantee to the enemy complete freedom ago Ed down 273 to 85 a procedural move to return to the border demonstrated, take strong and effective sanctuaries without measures to deal with that situation." 1 would have opened the way for tht feai of luiute auack fron. Bndment. American The chief executive spoke also of home participation in academic government, as to this end presented for the approval of ground forces." front dissension ignited by his decision to proposed by the McKee Report. the Academic Senate contain |Dth sides in the Senate debate claimed Since the stated reason for the current The McKee Report was approved ambiguities commit American forces in Cambodia but The Academic Senate Wednesday by the which should be clarified, contradictions e seeking to bolster Nixon's hand Cambodia operation is to protect U.S. Academic Council earlier this term, but |outheast Asia. forces in Vietnam, the Byrd amendment insisted, "Our differences are over the best rejected changes in faculty bylaws that which should be eliminated, and some means to achieve a would have provided for now faces the council for further revision [t doesn't nullify the Cooper - Church was seen as just peace." greater student before the Academic Senate considers it questionable provisions which should be voiding the prohibitions in the In a text cued to motion picture film, the thoughtfully reconsidered," the Indment," Dole said of his plan. "It just Cooper - Church proposal President talked about again. motion seizures of stated. lngthens the hand of the President." In an appeal to the senate, James B. ■nd Sen. The Academic Senate requested that: Frank Church, D • Idaho, McKee, chairman of the committee that —the Academic Council make ■ponsor with Sen. John Sherman proposed the revisions in the present every effort 4-year'U'College program to complete its further •per, R-Ky., of the amendment to bar faculty bylaws, urged the governing body Is after July 1 for (please retaining U.S. forces to grant more meaningful participation to turn to back page) fcambodia, said their proposal would students. I the President "legislative backstopping "Where students are to participate with I his expressed desire not to retain voice, they are to participate with vote," Auditor asks considered by committee 1 troops in Cambodia after June he said. McKee added that to grant students jBv enacting the Cooper - Church anything less would only be a form of Bndment," Church added, "we would be "tokenism." ■ngthening the President's hand, helping However, the senate, composed of all ercome evasions and foot own - dragging bureaucracy and foreign allies By DIANE PETRYK State News Staff Writer Druse, professor of humanities. Possible outcomes of such a program disadvantaged students process. in the education professors, associate professors and asst. professors of the regular faculty, voted stoppage e already attempting to compromise would include changing present University Druse, chairman of the University against the proposed revision of the faculty limited designs." College courses (American thought and College Educational Policies bylaws that would have left the degree of funds A four and year degree program within sports • Ifteen Republicans joined with 39 language, natural science, humanities and Curriculum Committee (EPCC), said the student participation up to individual University College is being considered as an social science) from required to four year program would be an effort to - 1 to defeat the Dole amendment. alternative for students interested in a elective, departments. Bthe losing side having other colleges of the University "bridge over the disciplines" and Instead, in a motion formulated by C.C. were 25 Republicans and general education rather than training for a general emphasize their interdependence. Killingsworth, professor of labor and ^Democrats. specific vocation, according to Joseph The proposal will have to go through a industrial relations, the Academic Council The auditor general's number of higher regulatory University is now charged to clear up ambiguities and report recommends that annual appropriations to the groups before implementation of the clarify contradictions within the revisions MSU athletics program from the program could be possible. These groups of the bylaws of the faculty. University include the University Educational Policies general fund be discontinued until The motion states that the senate nearly $1 million in surplus funds have either Committee, the University Curriculum endorses the objective of greater student been consumed reduced Committee, the Academic Senate, the involvement in academic governance and or to "a Academic Council and the MSU Board of reasonable level" by paying for current accepts the desirability of expeditious Trustees. operating expenses of the Athletic Dept. achievement of that objective. The auditor's report, which A report issued by the EPCC said the covers the "However, the proposed bylaw i period four - year program would assist students July 1, 1966, through June 30, 1967, was released last week after a year "representing segments of society whose and a half of research and expectations and judgments do not wholly nearly a year of coincide with those of the culture which writing. produced American higher education." Yearbook pickup Most of the recommendations for the The report recommended Athletic Dept., like most of the other flexibility for Wolverine distribution recommendations in the report, the four - year program to allow such question from 9 to 5:30 p.m. today and the of students to make their own adjustments to a.m. use University funds for buildings Friday in 27 Student Services Bldg. and projects which the the University educational process and to legislature did not allow the University to adjust its Proof of purchase or identification approve and the laxity of processes some University card is required for each Wolverine. accounting procedures. (please turn to back page (please turn to back page) UNRUH IN CALIF. Wallace the associated press wins George C. Wallace has That was 51.51 per cent over 48.49 per recaptured Alabama's cent. governorship as his base for national political power and California Brewer led Wallace in the May 5 primary Democrats have picked Jess Unruh, but failed to win a long majority, thus setting one of the most powerful state lawmakers, up the runoff. Wallace hit hard at what he to try and unseat Gov. Ronald called Negro "bloc voting" for his poor Reagan on Nov. 3. showing then. Wallace, after defeating incumbent After the runoff. Brewer said he knew all Gov. Albert Brewer Tuesday (a day of primaries along he coundn't win if "race and a hate in eight states) said his runoff campaign" became the main issue. victory is a warning to President Nixon from the Asserting it did become the main issue, he people of the South to halt federal called it "the dirtiest campaign I've ever interference with southern schools. WALLACE UNRUH seen in Alabama." chancer, of me The former governor, who polled nearly being involved" in another Unruh, 47, a Texas sharecropper's son presidential campaign. Earthquake 10 million votes as third for president in 1968, said he party candidate has "no Wallace said he will and our region" to "speak for Alabama who Assembly was speaker of the California from 1961 until the [«'«ian President Juan Velasco Alvardo. surrounded by jVer ■ ■ — — . . guveiiiiiiciii uinwiwi" ~— town Monday. He was on an inspection tour of towns along national political plans at this moment." He said his nomination as choice in school restore freedom of desegregation. Republicans took over in 1969, swamped Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty. Reagan, J to to viewview one 1600 mile stretch of coastline in Peru the many corpses hnedupm of the one of candidate for governor will "lessen the Democratic With almost complete returns in, Wallace 59, had no GOP opposition ^ ^ massjve earthquake over the weekend. AP Wirephoto had 542,154 votes to Brewer's 510,442. renomination. for 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 Black Panthers speak out 'UNFAIR' Students heQr against racism in America By JACKIE BORDEN State News Staff Writer Observing how whites practice "Panthers are moving whether white people move or not. The so-called white revolutionary can't relate because they are still the people. All the legal means will be exhausted. We will not compromise our convictions for "tricky Dick" or other racists. wtith revolutionary nationalism to free the people. "We will kill anyone who kills us or tries to kill us." Montgomery By ANN HODGE State News Staff Writer Students f0r . racism, Brother Larry, basically racist. The Panther "Field niggers" and brothers Involvement. Sen r ideology," he said, "is not A member of the representative of the Black "off the block" comprise the Universities that raise tuition Panther party in Detroit, said, racist." membership of the party said Revolutionary Council read a scheduled for the ' ,ad after the legislature has unable to "White people don't understand Commenting on the Brother Larry. statement by Tom attend. ,but' imprisonment of Huey P. Hayden, one appropriated money for the year "It's unfair that we're not going to sacrifice Denouncing culture nationally, of the Chicago for Ul Newton, minister of defense for Seven, reiterating are unfair to students, Rep. hit students Bobby Seale." he stressed the fact that the council's with last stand against George F. Representatives from the the party, he said, "He will be members did not have time to racism, Montgomery, D - increases around itk"" . set free by the ultimate power of personal and Detroit, said on campus Tuesday Panthers appeared at a rally Wednesday afternoon to talk because they were dealing institutional. night. Montgomery said suggested that thPv , yett ^ D1 Montgomery, a member of the tuition before acquaint the campus community with the Panther position on the House Appropriations said this a J June 30? hardship» Pentagon Committee, and Wes Beadling, plans 831(1 trial of Bobby Seale and other v- next related aspects of the revolution. budget analyst for the House, universities raise VM led discussion The rally, sponsored by the a appropriations with students. on legislative April 15, the ,'5 Revolutionary Council to The discussion third in *fract the scheduled Combat Racism, drew a crowd series sponsored was a appropriate numbers by Journalism ' of about 300 students. Sam Riddle, member of the executive council of the BLF Gl by Beadling said it job to review three billion budgets dollars js„'t tu ' and speaking organization, opened the rally. for the WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon hopes to expects within two withdrawals from Vietnam if speed up U.S. Congress and administration Program He said the report on auditor ft the n■ "In 1970 a lot of us are seeking budget deficits have forced indicated that to years to slash U.S. Armed Forces protest the illusion of to a level a million men below things go well there and in Pentagon officials to face the racism views followed state MSU f progress. In 1970, reality is not the Vietnam war Cambodia, and this likely would probability of digging deeper procedures. peak, officials mean an accelerated cutback of into the "Monies on college campuses; reality is indicated country's military are not getting shot," he said. Wednesday. total American armed strength to save money. Students and transfer resources community one Riddle introduced Brother Heavier budget pressures are at the same time. Officials said the prospect of residents are invited to exchange gift, account into another! working to accelerate the In his Air Force their views on racism in a Beadling said. "|tv. Larry from Detroit. cutdown of American military Academy stepped - up force reductions ■"egal but they Brother Larry observing how speech, Laird warned U.S. allies program sponsored by the Assn. these should probably the Army will whites still , practice racism, manpower, they said. Speaking at Air they must pick up the slack as Force American uniformed lose some means of its present 17 Budget discussion of Social Workers and the School of Social Work at 8 He transactions." said universities noted the deaths of students in strength divisions, that Air Force Rep. George F. Montgomery, D-Detroit, and Wes Beadling, p.m. divert funds from one Acadeny Kent, Jackson and Augusta. Colordao graduation exercises at decreases in conformity with the squadrons will be retired, that House budget analyst, spoke Tuesday night on the effects Thursday in 103 Holmes Hall. to finance a "White people don't understand Springs, Colo., Nixon Doctrine which stresses the Navy — which already has The topic of the program is program of tuition hikes upon scheduled legislative appropriations legislature didn't approve. that we're not going to sacrifice Secretary of Defense Melvin R. self reliance by such allies and, - lost 175 ships to the economy "Racism and Human Values: "But if you find Laird stated the goal of for universities. State News photo by Chas Flowers reducing as Laird drive where are we going, and what you Bobby Seale," he said. total U.S. arms put it, reduces — will have to sacrifice have the money to complete" "These brothers are strength by as likelihood of committing can we do?" dealing much as a million men, but program, all we can do is everyday by putting life American ground-combat units your wrists when on the giving no time frame. to overseas battle. you ask line," he said. more money." Beadling said "Balcks are still repressed as a A Defense Dept. spokesman told reporters it is possible the At the time, he acknowledged that the United States must TENTATIVE JURORS who Montgomery criticized f "are hard pressed group because of the racism in level of 3.5 million men could be plan to this to give its allies increased country. The political reached during the coming 1971 more than two hours aJ- military and economic aid to ' consciousness of the black spend their time on fiscal year which starts community has increased due to July 1. help them bear heavier defense ventures like research." 9 seated in Collins' trial But other officials said such a burdens. this," Brother Larry continued. "Taxpayers should be assuil "The whole economy development in one year's time Laird's speech came two days of in is not probable. They forecast getting a return on tM America has transcended itself before he is to leave for NATO investment to to a military the ultimate level would be conferences in Venice and said. "Schools are education,"! state. The situation reached by mid-1962, or loaded *i here is like the situation was in perhaps Brussels, where the question of ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Nine deadwood and don't meeti several months earlier. the first two days of the long maintaining the 300,000-man jurors were tentatively seated for the death of have 35 preemptory Nazi Germany," he said. delayed trial. - a 17 - year - old girl challenges needs of students." I Keeping pace with gradual U.S. European garrison is bound the John Norman Collins coed near Salinas, Calif., last June. between them. This means "Panthers are assuming the withdrawal from Vietnam, the they Beadling said money toiJ to arise. murder trial Wednesday amid She was slain can dismiss 35 persons without buildings that have bJ leadership here in this country," Nixon administration Ten other persons were under f he already Although the Nixon strong indications the jury circumstances similar to the Ann having to offer vandalized this year will said. "The struggle in the has reduced the number of administration's long - range would be locked up throughout dismissed, including five women Arbor Ypsilanti killings. for the dismissal. an explanation have] I colonies and in the mother Americans in uniform by who openly acknowledged they - come from auxiliary funds. 1 policy has been to cut U.S. the trial. "Total destruction gets ! country directly affects the 400,000. forces and U.S. commitments, The nine — six women and thought Collins would have to In questioning one juror, If attorneys fail to pick a jury ire of up J * police state we live in." Laird has made it plain that he provide some proof of innocence Washtenaw from the 350 legislative groups becaJ economy demands from three men — were picked County Circuit - member panel, taxpayers have to carry tj during rather than letting the burden of Judge John W. Conlin said, "It Conlin said he would consider load," he said. "We give you proof rest with the prosecution. may be, and in all probability another' motion to change the III finest universities we can ad Collins, a 22 - year - old senior will be, that the jury will be location of the trial. you burn them down." at Eastern Michigan University sequestered (locked up)." | when he was arrested 10 months ago, is charged with first - degree If 12 jurors and two alternates murder in the July 23, 1969, sex slaying of Karen Sue Beineman, 18, of Grand Rapids. can be chosen, they probably would be kept in a hotel without access to newspapers, radio or People's park plans The EMU freshman was the television. They would not be seventh and last victim of the allowed to talk with the public, "coed murders" which occurred around the twin university and their only contact with their familes would be through last rites celebration communities of Ann Arbor and telephone calls monitored by Ypsilanti within a two - year police. People's park will inform the R-Troy, and Milton Dickered span. University community of its vice president for student affiia All the slayings bore However, although the five impending demise in an "Irish Volunteer bands are especial! similarities to each other, but Wake" to be held tentatively have been seated, Sunday welcome, he said. Collins has been charged only Washtenaw County Prosecutor afternoon at the site of the first The spokesman also reports with Miss Beineman's death. He William Delhey and Collins' encampment near Wells Hall. that other residents of the pal also is charged with murder in Chief Attorney, A spokesman for the will attempt to find their pon Joseph Louisell, the event park said will be to celebrate the confiscated stage and lights! - death of the park. the MSU Salvage "We're dying but we're going Sunday. Yard befoj into a new life," the He said those who stay to M park spokesman said. forcibly removed after spnl He invited all interested persons term as the administration hi to attend the celebration, announced, "will have a moij including Sen. Robert J. Huber, - painful death." End of Shoe Sale Where can you get the You own the sun Last 3 Days Sale Ends Sat., June 6 Child of Aquarius. Sun worshiper... HIGHEST RATE Coppertone takes you back to nature with a deeper, darker, richer tan... faster. WOMEN'S of return on any type And there's a Coppertone tan that's just naturally right for you. Eleven fabulous Over 700 .... $8.00 of bank savings? blends. Make Coppertone a part of your bag.. beach Over 500 pair .... $12.00 „ that is. MEN'S Over 300 pair .... $14.00 AT AB & T OF COURSE! Goppertone Over 100 pair . . . . $18.00 No other bank offers higher rates of interest on any type of savings P.5./For a totally different sun account or certificate of deposit. experience try new Coppertone A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no Tanning Butter (cocoa butter and question about it! coconut oil). Wild! ards e: s Since 1944 ■ First A mong MSU Students I^o/lmericaii BANK ANTITRUST ■ I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS summary Smile—it's By JACQUI MILLER He said that this term has been particularly tense in more Gentle Balloons, flowers and soap bubbles were seen all over ■ capsule summary of the day's events from our wire services. * be-ins and love-ins of the Today is Gentle Thursday, and what better Cambodia, students being shot, ROTC being attacked, I chosen to celebrate the day could be Bobby Seale's trial, pollution of our air and land, and the popularized by The Rag, an underground newspaper at the coming seasion. legislators trying to quiet the campus, he said. University of Texas in Austin. ASMSU, in keeping with annual tradition of "By enacting the especially kind to man, bird and beast one being But, Gentle Thursday traditionally is a day for forgetting ASMSU declared the first Gentle Thursday at MSU in Church Cooper - Thursday in the all grudges and grievances. It is a day to enjoy the sun, the May, 1967. That day parades marched m amendment we would be ""•cnurm-rii spring, has declared today to the 1970's Gentle around the Give away Thursday. trees and the people. Horticulture Garden pool, bands 1 strengthening the President's roll in the candy, carry flowers, string beads, fly kites, Last year Gentle Thursday had a difficult time getting off filled the lawns and balloons dotted played, picnic blankets the skies. grass or do anything else mfr* hand, helping him overcome promote the you feel like doing to the ground. The day was gloomy and drizzly, but as noon There are so many things that one could celebrate on WM evasions and foot - spirit of love. approached, the Placement Bureau was giving away candy, Gentle Thursday, once he dragging by his "It's a day for the students to relax," ASMSU chairman take a while year to finish! put his mind to it, that it might *2£BE own bureaucracy and foreign allies Harold Buckner explained. and the men of Abbott Hall had handmade paper flowers. given the women of Mason Gentle Thursday And then it would be jmj who are already attempting to again. I compromise his limited ^ designs. " Sen Frank Church, D-Idaho .k. International News ASMSU undecided By JACQUI M|LLER Harold Buckner's and contact on 3 items [\stronaut Neil A. Armstrong said h Premier Alexei N. Wednesday his talk state News Staff Writer motion concerning committees discussing the bills concerning their summer operations, for Project Grapevine, a program $2,500 authority given to the Black ASMSU pointed out that one Kosygin encouraged the general compensation for board students. for black students United Front to appoint the of the Office of Black Affairs on and off director of the Office of Black , of space cooperation betweefn the United States The ASMSU Student Board - unanTmnfJiv W3S passed Three allocations were campus seeking jobs and $50 for Affairs, representatives to ASMSU is A) |c! the Soviet Union. tried to tie up loose ends p" L f- recommended for passage from each district representative for A Rivas, a Mexican - American. In the?, A , representative from T"SS , he Armstrong told a conference at the Soviet Tuesday „,gh. at news regular meeting of the term but L,!™ fo "" Agenda d"a o MHdc,n 0 ' Amerlcan student addition, ASMSU.'s previously ademy of Sciences that he believed "space cooYn i • ^ssed ^ the board- TheV Dunng the meetin8> near,y organization , said that his people allocated $1,500 to the Mexican adjourned with three issues left ^ vice included a $4,500 allocation to twenty Chicano students entered - American organization was ■ploration gives us great opportunity to increase our undecided. «i a ™ ?' (! secretary, the office of Black Affairs for the gallery to protest the were not being fairly represented never used. ur Diamond Before June 14th Entire Stock of Diamond jlwo state senators have joined forces with sing group in an effort to a migrant bring civil action against For The Summer Rings on Sale vers who fail to meet state and federal standards set mvwtm- SAVE $39 to $79 ON THESE SOLITAIRES AND BRIDAL SETS Jr migrant housing. ■Sons. Roger Craig. D-Dearborn. and Sander Levin. |lKi kley. along with United Migrants for Opportunity, • have petitioned the State Public Health Dept. to ;lL'k clown on inadequate migrant housing. Craig said the state has the tools for prosecuting llinquent growers, but "the department has followed * procedure of compromising its own charges against Orators by failure to prosecute." In addition to strict enforcement of housing |iulurds, l the group's petition also asks for: ixed standards for pre-season denial of camp lenses and mid-season suspension or revocation of lenses. At least one mid-season inspection annually. Publication of complaint forms and other basic formation for the workers in English and Spanish. We will store your typewriter for you during the summer so you don't have to lug it home. If it needs repairs - from a minor tuneup to a major overhaul, we'll repair it for Campus News you if you'd like. Typewriter Sales, Rentals, and Repair ■Only hours before commencement at the University at the 131 E. Grand River Store Only ■ Missouri, the board of trustees, the curators, told the CONVENIENT Pool's administrators to TERMS forget amnesty pledges made AVAILABLE I antiwar protestors and to suspend those guilty in P'Nonstrutions May 6-13. i ZALES (mpus ^OOK^JOReS JiWlLIM l'lio action repudiated a joint agreement between the fniiiiistrution and a student • faculty committee that We're nothing without your love. amnesty to demonstrators who had boycotted |'sscs for the week. I"11' curators also ordered withheld salaries Irom 32'J S. Washington t°fcssors who cancelled classes and suspended a Across the Street from I'enney's iPartinent chairman who refused to reveal the names PHONE 332-0877 Open Monday & Friday Nights I "'s striking faculty. MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE ME UNIVERSITY FREDERICK J. LESLIE Campus centralization nonexistent EDITOR'S NOTE: The following the general lack of examples for teaching - Point of View was written they have nothing to do with making a advertising manager by Reed learning purposes. It is a poor state of campus an exciting, interesting place to live majority of the nenni„ Dillingham, assistant professor affairs when a design instructor has to students, are MARK EICHER, landscape architecture. of report to his students that the only and work or a facility that stimulates prohibitedVn^01 EDWARD HUTCHISON, managing editor building on campus worth looking at is the communication. If we consider that ^ mustweather degree walk, which can city editor During the past six months the increase education is basically a process of or take th °S BARBARA PARNESS, campus editor in interest locomotive. Good architecture is not a term. (It should concerning environmental and communicating ideas, attitudes, skills, etc., of the be notert abus# KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor visual problems in the world and on this question of money or expensive materials, it is a question of then the school is the place where this only It needs a bus campusest JhatM " GARY campus is encouraging. It is time for the function that the clearly expressing the communication or interchange happens. To class break - system orf?*80 VVALKOWICZ, sports editor students, the faculty and the building is to perform think that education only occurs in the most school? and The planners administration to stop being satisfied with expressing the environment that it is classroom or even the living area is a gross lack of J Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award surrounded by. The poor architecture at pedestrian the poor quality of planning and design distortion of both the process and goals of use of the ar^nS,tivity to o'there^„uiL!TC~S c for outstanding journalism. that exists on the MSU MSU cannot be remedied until the campus. The learning; the whole campus, the whole problems president and the board of trustees educational environment must be a concern not only architecture, stop place which has been mentioned "giving away" architectural commissions to that encourages letters to the editor of this previously in the same old hacks, interchange, meeting and e.g. Ralph Calder, and communication. Although the campus paper, but also the over-all campus planning and site begin appointing designers based on their must have its quiet places, the first high professional ability. One method that "tUe land and EDITORIALS design. Architecturally, the traditional role of has been effective in providing excellent obligation of the University is to bring people together. The MSU campus fails to concentrate their are, in develop, S architecture is the use of seems, has felt the the University has been to innovate and experiment, to number of competitions; a firms are asked to submit fulfill this obligation for two reasons: one is the campus' land even though need to Zt ^ Milliken to develop; it ha* many other unnecessarily large size, the has campuses in this country, both public and private, have fulfilled this role by some of the most providing proposals and the most outstanding of these is selected by a committee of designers and other interested citizens. other is the lack of any identifiable center. The center to a campus is a focus the collective life of the place to inefficient. The which began as World War II gene al fallyJS*ML PerioJ l^*1 °1' interesting architecture Because of the general effect on school, a (1968) into an official was . in the United States place to meet, a place to feel the vitality of what others met this standard. No other today. MSU has not character and the campus immeasurable ordinance. The universe S j large university 40,000 people, a place to symbolize the purpose of of our distinction in this importance to education, MSU cannot to preserve University. We have symbols (Beaumont the country has such afford to continue with architecture spaciousness campus en i 0 Within days. Gov. Milliken will an in assembly of uniformly bad architecture; fact, it is quite safe to say that the present low aualitv. of the Tower, Sparty), but they are either lost in promote and order and landscZ Rhodes, Milliken commands troops. the woods and can't be seen or surrounded unity a!d * his candidacy architecture congestion. announce for an But unlike Rhodes, he does not use on this campus never rises In considering planning, it is by traffic and can't be reached. We also worthwhile goals in Although all of ill encore as governor. When that above the level of mediocre and is surprising to have long - them indiscriminately - expecially frequently find that there are people who think the places; the entrance to the new MSU they have had the proper situ?' anticipated bit of non - news arrives, not for garnering headlines during an campus visual much lower. The general MSU campus is one of the best planned Administration Bldg. which is with the pomposity designed people and facilities too the effect off we will welcome it. quality, as a result, is often physical facilities for a university in this equal to the entrance I he far apart election year. There have been no depressing and more than a little to Arlington National use of a Milliken will enter the race behind country; one can only assume that this Cemetery (I expect zoning ordinan™ university is, in itself, a a sound record of innovation. In his Kent State Universities in Michigan. anonymous. Not only are the unfortunate in terms of the buildings conclusion is based upon the large quantity to see John Hannah's tombstone any day); Zoning began and is still rather"X'. By comparison, the Michigan negative effect of flowers and grass. While these or how about the place of heaviest used prin/ short tenure as chief executive, he on the campus visual character but also for may be pedestrian the Farm Lane has unleashed volleys of reform legislators collectively seem years behind Milliken. He innovates and impressive to the visitor, unfortunately, use (definitely symbolic of — campus life?). To Bridge ^herwise and unliS SopCt ? give credit, we should note that there are building; the city, proposals that can place Michigan in rationalizes coolly; they procrastinate many, wparate, which several very pleasant operating individual! the forefront of modern spaces on the campus and sputter (the Well's Hall quad, and parts of the old acting for their own emotionally. He moves classic case of need best interest I, progressivism. to campus) but these are largely too expansive for control improve statewide education; general f0 His educational reform package, and diffuse to provide the good." The legislators squabble over porkbarrel necessary focus. however, very unlike the University for example, has been hailed benefits for their own bailiwicks. A real center must first of all be to see and meet other a place and administration wield great city the oil nationally as a pilot program that Milliken throws the weight of his people; it must be a the placement and control can be used place of pedestrian concentration even and land use. type of each bif as a model for other office behind Good states mired in educational miasmas. antipollution bills; planning and legislators worry about restrictions Various bills of the program have upon industry. been slowed by a cumbersome Sometimes, of course, we disagree The planners lack of legislative process, but the questions sensitivity to the pedestrian use with the governor. It would be of the campus has been one of the reasons thai have been put forth. The problems the incestuous if we didn't. However, the campus has become so spread out. Another are aired and debate has been curious 1970s already challenge us with reason for this situation is the incredible reserve of healthy. Milliken exerted a long - problems -human problems. University land which stretches south to the highway. overdue, politically controversial Milliken responds positively to the most universities have very little land and are, in effect, pressure to head off educational crisis in Michigan. challenges, irrespective of whether or forced to concentrate their development. not his response is A Republican, the governor is a politically "safe." After voters have absorbed summer maverick. Party lines neither restrict campaign promises from myriad congestion. The only way to achieve such a nor intimidate him. He opposed can operate more efficiently and ft. gubernatorial candidates, we urge concentration is to cluster a number of than a j Nixon's n o m i ita $,i o n s. ip f ^ them to distill the heavily used facilities and activities close zoning ordinance to pursue record from the "general good." It is , Haynesworth and Garswell to the enough to bring a large amount of people a further mtf rhetoric. The record will show that curiosity that MSU is Supreme Court and has repeatedly together in the natural course of their daily probably the : Milliken has already demonstrated routine. These activities should involve University to have enacted such a - criticized Nixon's delay in all ordinance. The result of this ordinance pushing the leadership that other members of the school integration. University community be seen in the monotonous gubernatorial hopefuls merely (students, faculty, administration, staff, regularity Vice President Agnew has come anonymity of South Campus. promise. visitors, neighbors) and at many times of The automobile and its acco under the governor's guns for the day and evening. It does absolutely no in the form of four lane roads unresearched attacks upon the press good to designate a spot as a center unless - and it can really match the situation parking lots is definitely related to the and universities. Deviations from outlined problems of spread and lack of ce above. The plaza in front of party lines obviously do not buy the the automobile were restrict! i from Administration Bldg. is a perfect Milliken support of party stalwarts, of example central part of the cai this; it has only one but his independence will well serve activity, concentration of facilities could o( administration, and it has been designed to well as better Michigan citizens. Our chief seem like a center, but it has no people. development of p! oriented to the pedestrian and face • The important facilities on this spokesman should not be an echo of campus face contact. The exact method have been scattered and partisan politics. spread so that each achieving these goals is one sits not criticalJ A chief measure of any executive's isolated, by itself, and none of now, but it is important that them collect enough w worth is his performance people to provide the University physical focus of a great university. community express during disatisfaction with the crisis. And in recent crises In considering the vast size of the campus campus, involving it becomes architecture and planning, campus unrest, Milliken has apparent that the people that Wharton and the board of trustees so have done the remained sensible and not drifted planning are all people who steps can be taken to improve drive and use cars to with the tide of emotional get around. The deplorable existing situation. legislators who have proposed firing university presidents, cutting educational funds OUR READERS' MIND and crushing university autonomy. Unlike the Hubers, the and the Copelands who roam the Capitol. Milliken would not impoverish entire universities for the violence of Pittengers Liberation: a personal perception a tiny few. And like Ohio Gov. To the Editor: Depending upon the varying mores and self Probably since the beginning of the taboos of the societies in which - admittedly gay. And here was a most they were colorful and complete cross trips; volunteer panels to appear a human race, certain raised, - section of individuals, upon these individuals have found humanity in all its beauty and pathos. request of interested social and rek themselves in states ranging from Flowers and arriving at adolescence, have discovered that upon their sexual interests were focused members of their own sex. sheer hell. In present one a felicity to society so complex as the (Western European tradition), this entire gamut of Some, I learned, could not believe that a gay person could be happy; others somewhat surprised that some of their seemed groups, contact with all interested capable counselors and ministers o area, etc., etc. The wheels keep turning. feelings may reside "brothers" were quite disturbed. Many Now then, the purpose of this plug- within a single individual as he Not miniature confronts the vicissitudes of variously (including myself) have sought various are interested in "liberating a m are the order To the Editor: The Open Air Celebration last much has changed for the better. About one month ago a handful of MSU being. Not psychological consider such services and treatment spite of the commonality of many unnecessary. In others group. Liberation to . is a personal p«V large extent, and « anyone to do anything he does Sunday students, capable, intelligent, and "gay," feelings, the was NOT a miniature Woodstock! It was problem, if it is a problem, is do We do believe that a great numb* ASMSU Chairman Hal Buckner four years ago at the call not a miniature grew tired of semi - audible chatter in the uniquely has of a local anything. The gathering sordid corners of the Union and decided personal and can be people in the area are strugg 6 proclaimed this very was the largest concert ever held to extremely day as Gentle underground poetry and criticism on a "liberate" the gays of the area. Thus the complicated. Individual attitudes, feelings and for many obvious and Thursday. In respect to this decree it college campus and MSU can be proud that therefore, as to the several aims and subtle reasons are unable publication called The Paper (any it happened here. There Gay Liberation Movement (GLM) was of goals is the duty of was no violence born. Advertisements were the GLM vary and are sometimes spontaneous selves. We have n g every goodly man and similarity between The Paper of amongst the 40,000 placed in the woman to or so people that came State News and many wheels disparate. that they will suddenly feel m* . conduct themselves in 1967 and that of later times is here from all over, to be started At my together and first meeting, after manner most gentle. Flowers and a purely the music. Neither the rain nor the dig turning. "throwing out" a semi - formal at first, upon meeting still somewhat othwgay^ uptight beio coincidental). At that time faulty Since the world of gay of ideas and suggestions, am balloons shall be the order of sound system could dampen the high people comprises the members public meeting. We are not worn and happiness and the day hippydom was in full bloom and the spirits and enthusiasm that the entire range of human personalities, gravitated to separate the crowd committees: that the formerly abstenriiou spontaneity shall dubious bulk of radicalism had not showed on Sunday. stereotypes notwithstanding, the differing counseling, social, be the guiding philosophies. responses to the advertisement cannot be educational, etc. There is, of course, an engage in sexual activity. T is yet eclipsed the light of peaceful Unlike Woodstock, the Open overlapping of interests The pleasant institution dubbed people. Celebration was a calculated happening. At Air stated "to a man." The following groups, but the general attitude of among these individual not responsibility Our ga orgies; they are conduc ed wit ^ simply, "Gentle Thursday" arose least 30,000 people observations, then, are entirely my own. and serious social altruism decorum and emphasis is g Though the times have changed, and were expected here I first appeared at the second public concern which prevails y facilities were thus Drovided to obviates the specific the idea remains sound. The true meeting of the GLM with much assignment of any one general interests of all co accommodate them.Woodstock was aim to any one spirit of gentleness is based upon the unique apprehension. specified Most been much impressed by and there can never be another music suppressed, my Having known, but important, some of the goalsgroup. and ideals atmosphere of acceptance ^ I( precept that all social barriers and festival that can compare to it. Anyone who sexual inclinations for Dr.'s Bag prejudices are to be lowered in a was there must comparison between it and the surely resent the many years, I was rather suddenly confronting a host of those "mythical" which have been counseling; suggested include: draft employment counseling; a of intent. Do feel free to not be easy at first given some good around, information in return. The Doctor's thing and no one else's. Our life's too fine to let it die and WE CAN The first "Gentle BE TOGETHER! Bag will continue with the beginning Thursday" was Idele Ross of the summer term on June 24, 1970. beautiful there is no reason Livonia sophomore the fourth cannot also be. why Arnold Werner, M.D. Ch«H MM Mi Oak Park junior Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 5 I Milliken opposition weak _ By JEFFSHELER "There is something here that 1 News "Gov. Milliken has surrounded State News Staff Writer Analysis does not meet the eye," Turner said. himself with the most ineffective group of advisers imaginable," The race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination will — units over the next 10 years and at least Turner, in his magazine Driscoll said in a January news 10,300 signatures by "Today," has crusaded against conference. "Safe streets and tax for all practical an environmental program to June 16, to get purposes — end their names on clean up pollution in the state. corruption in the state's legal reform in many areas are far early next week when Gov. the ballot. Milliken is expected to announce profession and judiciary system more urgent at this time than Both Turner and Driscoll claim Turner, who announced his crusade that early this year — his candidacy for his first full a parochiaid. "grass roots" support for their candidacy in April, has aimed his took on an official nonprofit "In four - year term as the state's short, what kind of campaigns, but few state campaign at "the lack of legal status and the name "The James muddled chief executive. and political truth, honor and - fuzzy thinking must Repuglican leaders consider C. Turner Crusade, Inc." the people of Milliken, who ascended to the Milliken's challengers as serious fairness in our society." Michigan put up governorship in January, 1969, In announcing his Driscoll, otherwise known as with and for how long?" He contestants. candidacy, "Smilin' when George Romney joined the Turner charged Milliken with Jim", opened his said. Nixon administration, is To win the nomination from campaign in January with a Driscoll has faded from public being "protecting" Atty. Gen. Frank series of "hard • hitting" news challenged for the top spot on Milliken, either Turner view the past few months. No the or Kelley, a Democrat, who Turner conferences in which he blasted one knows for sure if he's still state GOP ticket by two Driscoll must defeat the has accused of in political newcomers, James C. governor in the state Republican "concealing the Milliken and the "liberal - the race, but a spokesman at the truth" about a Turner, a Howell publisher and primary on Aug. 4. But meeting several moderate Republican coalition" Republican State Central they years ago between Kelley and a for applying "middled - fuzzy James Driscoll, East Lansing must first file petitions Committee said he doubted an bearing reputed Detroit Mafia figure. businessman. thinking" in state government. Driscoll or Turner would garner •m mm The governor's campaign is enough signatures to place their Kfc" expected to hit hard on names on the Aug. 4 primary fPTiat educational reform, those parts of the especially package he introduced in the legislature last Native Vietnamese views ballot anyway. fall that have not been acted ) a bathing beauty? This MSU student i upon. e of this sunning coed near Case Hall. obviously not State News photo tongue tied by the by Chas Flowers He is also expected to housing program which is aimed at increasing the number of low push his U.S.-Ind ochina situation and moderate income housing By SHIRLEY JOHNSON independence because the Rather, he said that the imons hall council State News Staff Writer important politicians are Vietnamese have helped the puppets of those who actually American youth to view the The Vietnamese point of view rule the country, Van claimed. situation and realize that on the Indochina situation was He noted that when Americans they have the freedom to explained Wednesday by say they are in Vietnam to build demonstrate their feelings. Survey results rejected Ghuyen Thyong Van. "a spirit of nation" they are Van, a research associate in completely irrelevant since biophysics at MSU, said he is Vietnam has been building part of the upper middle class in spirit of nation for 25 centuries. a Senior named The council Vietnam. Van said that the American Your tubside companion jySHARMAN STEWART conducted the survey but refused to report the Those against reporting the for students Van graduated from the forces will never win in his (State News Staff Writer results explained that 150 of the to represent for freshness. Start off with Emmons Hall general results, as had been originally requested, to ASMSU, the State dorm's 354 residents returned themselves politically. "I feel that this number is University of Saigon received his doctorate from the and country because the Viet Cong are fighting for themselves. among top 50 a wisp of MY OWN Spray. Icil Monday evening rejected News and President Wharton. the survey and that this could University of London. He also commented on the representative of the dorm, if You're confident all I results lucted of a dorm survey that recently "Council members felt that the survey was not representive not be considered of the entire hall. representative you consider that only 200 voted in the election for dorm No important political figure in South Vietnam can honestly "free" through elections various saying means that the by publication day. |it residents' opinions on the ear - old vote, disarming of of Emmons Snyder, Emmons residents," David Hall president, Dave senior, Sworin, Stratford, Conn., asked the council officers. And that only 9,000 out of 40,000 students voted in say he is fighting for elections are rigged to result in a 100 per cent vote for the Steven Auvil, Snover senior, has been chosen as one of the MY s police and other issues. to said. conduct the survey as a means the recent referendum," Sworin government. top 50 chemistry or chemical said. "Some of the council also Union hearings "If himself a person as a was to Communist neutral, he would immediately identify or a engineering seniors across the country by the American OWN. woes feared that if the survey was be shot or put into Chemical Society's Chemical and publication, Hygienic Deodorant Spray., jail." he Engineering News. reported it might be taken to represent the people of Emmons dotes changed continued. This is the fifth consecutive for women only. next According to Van, the year that an MSU student has year," Snyder said. lo stamp hike expected According to the survey's results, reported to the council, No preliminary be held in June for 126 arrested in the Union May hearings will people prisoners in Vietnam have been extremely well treated. While the men may not be as well fed, been given the national award. Auvil plans to enter graduate school at MSU. Monday night, students voting 19, with the comforts Verna they are used ISHINGTON (AP) favored: Hodge, East Lansing to in America, they receive the LIEBERMANNS pay hike would go into effect to The 18 Municipal Court Clerk, said seek - year old vote, the faster General Winton M. immediately on enactment, but a supplemental right of 18 - - Wednesday. same supplies that the Viet Cong appropriation to the year - olds to SPECIAL conceded cover Wednesday the rate - setting authority, deficit. consume liquor The hearings will begin in early kssional legally, the right Van said the approval of an which both bills transfer from of July, although the exact dates protest t The first part of the postal people to maintain the movement was not stamp is unlikely in this Congress to a form of semi have not been scheduled. helping the of - workers' pay increase, a six people's park, the Hatfield - Viet Cong because the in Congress. per | said the Post Office, faced independent postal corporation, would not become effective for cent effect. hike, already has gone into McGovern amendment, the disarming of campus police and All defendants will be notified of the day they are to appear in movement never forces from entering Cambodia stopped the ATLANTIC'S GREAT 1 promise to hike postal up to one year, Blount said. that court. when during campus disorders " bombing the country. SPACE-MATES 5 postal reform The postage rate increases Although the new postal campus police and other law 1 is approved, may be corporation is supposed to enforcement officers should not sought by the administration — a red to ask Congress for 2-cent hike in first operate without a deficit, postal be armed without - class postage permission money if not granted coupled with increases of 50 officials say it will be several from President Wharton and the per fcrity to make interim cent in second - class mail and years after reform legislation is use of more referendums to Icing arrangements, 33 per cent in third • class mail enacted that it will reach the determine resident opinions on fttal reform legislation, tied break - even point. designed to — are I the cover the costs political and other issues. pay of the increased postal salaries Itiations with postal union due to workers when the reform :s last March, is now before legislation is passed. (Senate and the House in A WORTHY CAUSE The reform legislation provides forms. Passage is that postal rates, now set by as early as late Congress, would be established by a rate commission within the 3 promised eight per cent new postal corporation. But until the commission can Donate Your Books function, the Post Office faces ereo stolen the $480 problem of financing the - million - a - year cost of to the the pay hike plus whatever other bmapartment negotiated wage increases might be Union Board Book Drive between postal (Waters Edge Apartment management and the postal t lost stereo For free student equipment use at $840 to a thief He said if there is no interim in the Union Browsing Room Bay night after he left his authority for the Post Office to inent.for a few hours, raise postage itself, the y Bissell, 116 Waters Edge department would be required Think of him as its mother. L told East Lansing Police Deposit at U.N. Lounge I when he returned two SDS MEETING Glenn Herriman an amplifier and a tape (Union Building) or Dorm Drop Boxes. r were missing from his TONIGHT GLENN HERRIMAN Roomy! Light! Tough! Space Mates are made for sky 1^ room. The thief gained VOLKSWAGEN INC travel. It's the future way to - 3 P.M. 6135 W. SAGINAW ST go today. Fashioned of hardy by lifting the patio Union Board Office 355-3355 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48917 Skai vinyl that resists m its track, PHONE 482-6226 scuffing and travel stains. Black or Room 30 Union olive. are Lansing's Smallest Volkswagen Dealer investigating. CHECK-MATE holds 2 suits pollege Regularly 42.50 NOW 3400 travel thanks Grinding? MY SHOP will be open during exams - SPACE-MATE Carry-on 1-suiter Regularly 32.50 NOW 2600 catering especially to those late evening CLUB-MATE [YOU desires for good food, quick service, and Zip duffel a friendly atmosphere. Regularly 16.00 NOW 1280 For a Limited for Hobie's taking advantage of our services Only during the past school year. THE SANDWICH PEOPLE | happy DINE-IN, CARRYOUT& raveling! FAST FREE ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY 930 TROWBRIDGE ■ 211 M.A.C. 351-3800 College Travel DELIVERY HOURS: 4:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Sunday nite |30 W. Grand River EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River 351-6010 DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday Street Corner Society hits warfare in sarcastic skits date, you may have already won "What has 2,000 arms and walked through campus a chance to kill for your beating legs?" on a bass drum rallying students country." "The silent majority!" "It's time to play Draft or A is drawn behind them for the march into name — Gord That did it — Himmelstein Consequences!" Himmelstein — a pause for a Lansing, won his trip to the Asiatic. With the hiatus in the Here to tell us how to play is brief commercial and then on peace A few beeps from a bicycle movement activity they became the head of the selective service with a "battery of magic horn and then on to another dormant but revived to board: perform mystery riddles." skit. at "First of all, a lovely star of "What has two arms, two legs rallies, marches and the "Good evening, I'm Mr. Nixon peoples' park this term, stage, screen and television, and two faces?" and I have a secret — want to see Dorothy Kill - a - gallon, will use "Nixon!" her fickle finger of fate to fetch my secret decoder ring?" Among their more serious "What has two arms, two legs from the fishbowl of fortune a This is the Street Corner material is the following quote: and both feet in his mouth?" date. If you were born on that Society. They burst onto the "The streets of our cities are in "Agnew!" stage and in 15 minutes thay are turmoil. Students are rioting and gone. The audience is left deeply rebelling in the universities, moved and often angry. Communists are trying to take over the country. Russia is Wearing white faces inscribed Former students with the peace sign and dressed in black they bring their political satire to the streets hoping it will threatening "The us with her might republic is in danger, Yes, danger from within and make the audience stop and without. We cannot survive honor professor think. They combine wit, and serious material in a sarcasm series of without law and order. We will restore law and order." — Adolf Hitler — Berlin — 1932. fast moving skits, definitions and Clyde E. Henson, professor of English, was honored recently by former students with a presentation of a rare book collection, the And then into the "The 1909 Deluxe New York Edition of the Novels and Tales of Great Mandella" — "Win or lose song "The Painted Henry James." now, you must choose now. And "I think we try to point up the The Street Corner Henson has guided the students presenting the gift through if you lose Society completes its sidewalk w. And if you horror of killing," Bill True, you've only wasted performance of antiwar wit and sarcasm, with the lose, you've only their master's dissertations on Henry James. Datroit senior, said. "All we your life." 'The Great Mandella." They sing, "Win or lose song wasted you, I Henson. who has been on the faculty of the MSU English Dept. know is that we want peace, and now, you State News photo nearly 15 years, probably has guided the last major group of his by Terry Luke career through their dissertations. He has been in ill health for we all agree that violence is not the way. the past year and has had to cut down his work load. In appreciation for his assistance, the approximately 25 persons "We allow people to laugh but BEGINS IN SUMMER want them to be aware of the found and bought the rare James collection to replace a set Henson had donated to the MSU Library. seriousness — that people are. PAC expands The volumes he donated to the Library were later mutilated dying for little cause as we see productions and stolen, and only nine of the original 24 books are still held by It," he said. the University. Only 156 copies of the deluxe New York edition were printed. and few of these libraries and l existence. Most copies are owned by Occasionally they hit social problems thejr as concentration on other pollution, but on has The Performing Arts Company planned an expanded list of addition, a dance concert will be heM July 29 through professor of theater, and exciting in light of the year- list . .. Aug. 1 in director of "The Comedy of war, the draft and the Productions for next imaginative work he did with This year's The volumes, number 17 out of the 156 printed, was located at _ Errors" and "The repertory prom Bartfields' of New York, a dealer in book collections. The books, administration (which is not ...r those staying on campus The Fall season will open with _ Homecoming" "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf;" was — — will also direct Arthur which took a year to locate, are printed on homemade paper and particularly hard to ridicule, th,s summer, She Stoops to "Look Back in1 Kopit's and "Threepenny Opera" this experience, and the depa - Anger" by John "Indians." that "Indians," that will run Oct. 27 '* is all but two are uncut, which means, in effect, that they have True maintains.) Conquer will be performed Osbome, Oct. 6 17. A hit in looking forward to - ■ - » The society grew July 15 - 18 in the Kresge court, through Nov. 1. The play centers The appealing musical comedy never been read. out of ; both England and the United around Buffalo Bill, his Wild sPring, Rutledge said. "Do you realize what you have done to Wonc™ ,ci,0H tho theater project last spring and AA second second summer production s " " States, the play immortalized West Show and his betrayal of "Carnival" will be produced winter term. Two more plays, to 'We learned a lot al students. "Now I will have to read this entire collection . . .<»in collection again again became active in the antiwar „ „Welcome to the Monkey the character of Jimmy Porter as the Indian. it better," he said. movemenj. jn October at the first American be performed in the Arena The repertory after reading if only two ™use> a comedy by Kurt "the ' the angry anorv vnnno man " young man.' s„ Moratorium. mythmaking is blasted i_ *u:_ in this mi——>.i Theatre, will be i_ inning include unit!— Vonneg"t, July 8 . At that time they 11. In Frank C. announced in William Wychi - Rutledge, combination of high comedy the fall. "mLThe and low farce. Country W The Spring Repertory Shakespeare's "The Temp "La Ronde," a comedy program, a new experiment for 811(1 "The Man written by Arthur Schnitzer in MHA-WiC PRESENTS: PAC, will be continued next Booth" by Robert Shaw. XL _ 1896, uses old Vienna as a setting for a romantic romp. This story of sex and seduction g ) *rfoUt DRIVE IN ; will be brought to the stage Nov. Book exchan ■ fa ■ W [g IV) PS6>« 337 7800 Corner NEWTON Rr^ Ol rg I _ |T 10-21. _ mi HIGHWAY ^7$(SqginowHwu .> The fall term will end with "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" for ACADEMY I by Peter Shaffer. Peter Landry, instructor in theater, will direct this highly sensitive story of Pizarro's conquest of the Incas. A student book early exchange is being planned for summer AWARD by New Community. Landry's production should be Lynne Shaefer, Mount Clemens sophomore, who h i coordinate the winter and spring term exchanges, is orgar plans for the summer term project. ICHIGAN Because of possible difficulties with WINNER Theatre Lansincj • requirements for hall term and special summer term courses, Miss Shaefer said ihattl exchange will focus its efforts on books for the University CoUq "We hope to give people a last chance to BEST DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS and other books which will not be get something for Al used after si JOSEPH E. LEVINE said. MIKE NICHOLS - LAWRENCE TURMAN AIRPORT The room exchange will run 243 of the Men's Intramural June 9-12. The exchange will held •.ill BURT ~ DEAN will be accepted, Miss Shaefer siad. Bldg. Texts from ATLco LANCASTER • MARTIN The main purpose of the book exchange is to save moneyfi students, she said. The spring term book exchange handledi . This JEAN SEBERG estimated $5,000 worth of sales for is participating students. JACQUELINE BISSET "A people thing" is the way Miss Shaefer described the h Benjamin. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE service. He's ■ 4 MILES EAST Of THE FRANDOR SHOPPING TOlr a little 1:30-4:10-6:55-9:30 worried about NOW SHOWING AT TWO THEATRES! PROGRAM his INF0RMTK)N^64^ I^^JRTHSIDE future. il' il fl PKIVE-IN theatre 2 Miles North on US-27.. 482-7409 At 1:45-3:40-5:30-7:25-9:25 THE GRADUATE At 8:47 and Late ANNE BANCROFT 75c When it comes to killing... ^ DUSTIN HOFFMAN KATHARINE ROSS Mama knows best! CALDER WILUNGHAM-.BUCK HENRY PAUL SIMON SIMON GARFUNKEL LAWRENCE TURMAN MlKE NICHOLS technicolor- panavision® Happy Hour TONIGHT! BRODY HALL 7 & 9:15 P.M. All Night FRIDAY - WILSON AUD. - 7:15 & 9:15 P.M. SATURDAY CONRAD AUD. - 6:30, 8:30, 8e 10:30 P.M. Wed. & Thurs. ALSO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT: Music by The Taste of Grey (Playing what you want to hear) SHELLEY WINTERS the FRIDAY CONRAD AUD. 7:00 & 9:15 - Bloody Miiiiisi unicorn - P.M. SATURDAY WILSON AUD. - 7:00 & 9:15 P.M. - PAT H1NGLE DON STROUD DIANE M.S.U VARSI 4122 N. East St. FACULTY, STAFF, & STUDENTS ONLY NORTHSIDE ONLY at 10:45 P.M. Follow Grand River west I.D.'s WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE DOOR to U.S. 27 North to Unicorn Co-Hit.. ."WILD IN THE STREETS" Just 10 -15 minutes from campus. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 |ew Congress Sensitivity train students "poor, last Lansing will black and young" unregistered be the target for a voter voters iin Lansing on By SHIRLEY JOHNSON forms of registration drive flay sponsored by the Movement to Elect a New Congress, State News Staff Writer experience with confrontation several smaller groups composed flents will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday in the Union Pounding pillows, screaming groups, he has "never found an of 6 students. Ballroom to or Throughout the • sitting quietly with your eyes ngry bla 3 of the term he made u jteer for either a half day or a full day of canvassing. closed are some of the ways in unpredjudiced white." of the small groups in "mien y Santosuosso, Dearborn graduate student and co-chairman which participants share their Winston Oberg, professor of w Congress, said the group will work in areas feeling with each other during management, said that he has "Micro labs" are designed to • where voter - |ration is low. sensitivity group sessions. used the encounter group promote group formation and tri moHprn dehumanized inH.,strv modern industry, MASTERPIECE!' • e school, only three have . , . . , The victim is Valentine Brose, fen 1 MSU, a g f situation f- degrf,!S the who takes a job pushing buttons and reading gJges knuckle under to the machine. ^ whoge defiant spirit will not let him To the exasperation of many, bPr W * ,v> r« M .. I & *;; ^VH ENDS SOON! 'x stil DAILY AT 8:30 NOW! SAT. AT 1:30-5:30-9:30 SUN. AT 1:30-5:00-8:30 v Allen Funis A/h«it Do You Say WOO !oa Naked Lady?" I- v -v ■ ■ ■ •' "W- United Artists PE MINJWAN ST£!N !?IG robertrodan shirlcvparkcr-ihicvrkle-i An Ingo Preminger Production a wadleigh-maurice, pm ltd. production kd Color by DeLuxe" _T technicolor® from Panavision- 1 warner bros. A.v HUNGRY AFTER The MARX BROS MERIAN C. COOPERS 2:00 A.M.? The grandaddy ot all monster movies is Merian C. Cooper's in DUCK SOUP KING KONG. Despite improved HAIL FREEDONIA!! Mernational House of Pancakes technical facilities in the nearly BETTY RUFUST. FIREFLY LIVES!! 40 years since its production, its BOOP HAIL FREEDONIA!! 2800 Last Grand River p< vver. ^k;'! 'id in sheer ability to tl i. i. exciu- . nd terrify re- Both Films only — ~ — 75c . main unimpaired. Whether re- The Original Uncut Version garded as a horror film, a trick Now Open 24 Hours! film or a fantasy, KING KONG TONIGHT 'HoZe"^: THE MOVIES remains a masterpiece by any Showtimes Room and a(| standards 7 Days a Week Masler["'Sc. DUCK SOUP 109 KING KONG Once only at 8:30 7:00 - 10:15 ANTHONY 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, jUne4 War's horrors A strange history accompanies "If there are no concrete I tried to "Johnny Got His Gun." The pull myself away Carson rambled on. novel, written figures ... we are beginning to from "Johnny" I by Dalton as read it. A young man in Carson's Trumbo in 1938 and published get comparative ones. After a while, horror took away audience stood up in front of in 1939, came just after the Proportionately, Vietnam has the possibility of tears, and I the cameras and played Nazi Soviet given us eight times as many became submerged in • pact and the the "Yankee Doodle" on a hollow paralytics as World War II, three soldier's soul. For the two beginning of World War II. In his times as many totally hours pen, held aginst his teeth, and introduction to a 1959 edition, disabled, or so that it took to read Johnny said "hey, that's very 35 per cent more Trumbo writes: amputees. "Johnny," I was sightless, good — maybe our youth really Senator Cranston of California "World War I began like a limbless, speechless — I was a do have something to offer..." concludes that 12.4 per cent of summer festival — all billowing thinking vegetable. So what are strikes, wars Vietnam veterans skirts and golden epaulets ... It receiving Dalton Gumbo's wrjtjng is compensation for wounds what's a little anti Panther was the last of the romantic wars powerful. The characterization is received in action terrorism . . . Kids, you can all are totally strong. There are elements of the join the world's first hollow disabled. • Shortly after the book's initial maudlin, the melodramatic, pen orchestra. Beats the old Johnny Got His Gun might These belong not to fantasy, publication, the publisher sold After have been w"tten symphony of hollow words, 1945 "Johnny" yesterday. It j serial rights to "The Daily sadly, but to reality. From a The insanity has to stop. In a appealed to the "general left." is, simply about a young man, j Worker," and "Johnny" became it Joe who slowly realizes that he purely literary point of view single motion I flicked a couple was out of print "a rally point for the left." during the ^ow absurd!) the book is of switches, instantly turning off After Pearl Harbor, the book Korean War. is totally disabled, imprisoned in admirable. A new introduction appears ii hospital bed, unable Johnny Carson and "Johnny lost its public. One writer the 1970 Joe, the thinking vegetable, Got His Gun." claimed that "Johnny" was have dehumanized edition: Numbers communicate with other human finally wants to become an I checked my sleeping son, banned by the Army, but breakfast s. Over beings. He is a medical miracle — exhibit, to grace the made sure he'd suffer no injury Trumbo does not think so. He coffee w read of al.ive- Yet he can "either live nor die. He is not congressional halls while in his sleep. (Men should be older, does imply that "the public 40,000 American dead unique. He is not wartime "business as usual" is and awake, to suffer.) good" might have required Vietnam. Instead of vomiting, we reach for the toast." even unusual. Through flashbacks, we see carried out. When he finally Tomorrow I would be Yearbook censorship, even though he saw that Joe discovers a means of cheerful. No mother the inherent Dalton Trumbo constructs an had a life and we really danger in censoring communicating he is swiftly believes it will be her son. These pages in the 1970 Wolverine are devoted to c uples who tell each other anything. sedated. Nobody wants to hear (The novel is available amidst fields, the truth of«. i, on stone benches. Love, after all, may be the "Johnny" went out of print, his anguish. Bantam paperback, 95 cents) college education. greatest ' and the American right I finished wing "Dalton the book and took up the book and pleaded Trumbo constructs an realized that the TV was on. I for new editions. Trumbo equation: '40,000 dead young men equals was totally exhausted, numbed received letters from all varieties 3,000 tons of bone and flesh, 124,000 behond grief. of radical right-ers, "Mothers' groups to pro-Nazis." Trumto writes "nothing could have convinced me so quickly from pounds of brain matter, 50,000 gallons of blood, 1,840,000 years of life that will never be lived . . . Do we scream in the Meanwhile, Johnny Carson chuckled along, now and then reminding his guests that he reads and thinks about the world Wolverine lacks freshness that "Johnny" was exactly the night when it touches our dreams? No. We around him. "Kent State was in pictures, worn-out copy! sort of book that shouldn't be don't dream about it because we don't tragic, terribly tragic — Say, did reprinted until the war was at an think about it. . . you hear the one about the...?" end." "These stude- have Ontario junior equation: "40,000 dead young experience some of his pleasant s and legitimate demands There are two things that a freshness and singularity of that rather a multitude of n men equals 3,000 tones of bone but not e trnnrrli na rv "All ngni,right, iroops troops - - are you ye«book must do if it is to year. irritations. Like. for exam and flesh, 1240,00 pounds of experiences. And we are in ip ^ ready to play stump the band?" attain greatness. It must take a Second, the yearbook must the clever idea of awarded $500 brain matter, 50,000 gallons of brain, as he struggles valiantly to hk n his A stump was a„ that wag ,eft unique parcel of time called a take this particular time — entity credits in small putting ph type next blood, 1,840,000 years of life reaffirm his humanity. of the young soldier ... 20 years year< transform it into print and and, somehow, link it with the every ever • loving pictureinl that will be lived old, he was book never ... Do ... and Johnny PaPer and- yet. maintain the timelessness of tradition and the (save group snotsl for floriculture we scream in the night when it touches our dreams? No. We FOR '71 COUNCIL smooth unbroken flow of the continuum of years. Certainly this is pleasing to ego of the photographer, 1 batl don't dream about it because In this latter task the 1970 is most displeasing to the F; Matthew J. we don't think about it... " '' the beholder. Benevenuto, Wolverine" performs Then, niayb.i All this is really an aside. burn has to do with Ontario, Canada, junior, is the adequately — in the former, theiesssJ "Johnny Got His Gun" I By BARNEY WHITE I masterful recipient of a $500 scholarship does not however, it is an abysmal failure. x quality of some ofj 72 describe war or war awarded by the Joseph Shinoda dead. When It's like trying to launch a ^ j photography the senior clas State News Staff Writer or inexplin Memorial the book went to press this use of artsy Scholarship year, skyrocket with wet gun powder photos in th Foundation of the California here were 300,000 Vietnam — all the ingredients are there, be a new approach somewhere — index. Or maybe then ag State Florists' Assn. wounded. Definite information it has not, however, been found the Midwest avant The Senior Class Council of yet, inexplicably, it does not get garj The award is about these men is group. off the ground. The Wolverine in the Wolverine office. effects or the oh so given to scarce. best people ■ • Government 1970 has announced the "We on the council this year available," Tom (and outstanding students in the field agencies are Koernke, senior class president, has faithfully recorded the year embarra.ssing)dialoguest)« of floristry and floriculture on reluctant to release selection of 12 students to fill felt that senior class operations Maybe the yearbook fizzles utilized in the features information, their positions. said. that was. There are pictures of st the basis of academic excellence. and one former information could be just because of unkept promises. The copy. From as effectively run The 12 new members are: the Moratorium, of the near - Benevenuto is the president of source, the surgeon general's more than 75 by a group of 12 cohesive reader opens the book and, Colleen Burcar, Detroit; Brian myriad speakers on campus, of It is possible, too, tha tjie Floriculture Forum. Annual Report, ceased petitioners, the council selected people, rather than an unwieldly the football games, of this and behold, there is color splashed only 12 juniors Grabert, Jackson; Greg Hardke, , gaudily about reader Is wrung out b\ the publication in 1954. marked decrease from last as members, a structure1" as we've operated in Benton Harbor; James of that — but still the bang is- everywhere. A and tii| year's the past. We tried to select the Jackson, rush — and then a crash: the meaningless Waukegan, 111.; John Kessler, missing. One cannot escape the color has been used on pictures accompanies dorm pages and,! Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Gregg feeling that he is thumbing of couples canoeing down the general, adorns the bulk of llF Loria, Southfield; through a tired picture album FCXS Tim Red Cedar, and on scenic shots book. Agreed, any number jl rather than reliving a year via ink Meininger, Chelsea; John and paper. of the snow strewn - campus and organizations do practiciH Roskeimicz, Grand Rapids; the beautiful campus in autumn nothing during the ; Richard Ward, Bluffton, Ind.; Maybe it's because the link - with tradition pcitures are a bit and the glories of the botanical hence, present a rather barrel Rhoda Weiss, Livonia; Paul - field for creative writing. This! too timeless (dare we say trite?). gardens in spring and, lord, is Wenstrom, Grand Blanc; and there no end to this? One's nevertheless, no excuse - Lonnie Williams, Grand At the very least, the Wolverine only Rapids. comment after this rape of can be no excuse - for \vl This group will select gives ample proof that it is due senior class president and vice the time that student photographers sensitivities is to note that, cream (sweet but mostly lifl be banned from the tired Red mercifully, the Wolverine did writing. The Wolverine wonlT president from among not waste have done far better to junk III Cedar River for at least a few expensive color on the themselves. In the past, these copy altogether and ri officers were selected years. Granted, there are certain homecoming queen and her during the court. picture — but, please, ASMSU spring elections. things, like Sparty, which cute pictures of card games require continuing coverage and Finally, it is possible that the the grill and the Greeks ru " i| quite probably the Red Cedar is yearbook falls short of zenith about in another of these, but there must because of fanny outfits andsom| no one thing but 'guy in a co-op cooking di and apartment shots that co have as easily been shot in I 'Vmstrr dorm and all that other stt| that's been done over an PIZZA again for the last 20 years. It is a stock joke i yearbook business that all tlfl CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN OR Med. Pizza students want to see is tWL picture and have something wj WITH TWO ITEMS OFFER all the guys and girls to sign lof 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA was it in high school that that?) If this is the case, thenM GOOD FOR ON CAMPUS 1970 Wolverine has delivered SPAGHETTI DELIVERIES ONLY desired product. The fact is this: the 1^1 SALADS GOOD TUES., WED. & THURS. Wolverine is a good book -»■ spite of all said above there is»■ denying this. The coro'lary m we also hove Footlongs King Burgers is this: in a University of 40,0»| students and with a *1 Ham, Roast running well into five figurfs°_J Beef & would have to work pretty mm CALL: 332-6517 not to putoutagoodboo ^l problem is that we should great book. l#>| Pick-ups Today Through Friday! Accutron Timepieces Caps and gowns for spring term graduation, Sunday, June 14, can he picked up at the UNION start at ^115®® 100% Polyester Slacks Reg. starting Jme /. BUILDING OPEN — $16.00 NOW $8.90 Hours for issue are: Monday through Thursday 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Mon. thru Sat.; 8:30a.m.-5:30 p.m. 3 P.M. TO 12 Polyester Double Blazer Friday. 8:30 a.m. H:30p Midnight Sun. Jackets Reg. $22.00 NOW -UNIVERSITY- $14.90 351-7363 132 N. HARRISON AT MICHIGAN Odds and Ends Rack values to $30.00 $1.90 to $5.90 only FOX 487-3733 Just 3 lights South of Harrison St. 2417 E. KALAMAZOO JEWE Direct Diamond Importers 484-4406 1101 W, WILLOW AT LOGAN Meridian Mall • Frandor 484-4555 TAKE OUT ONLY. 2201 S. CEDAR 203 S. Washington - Lansing Mall To 12:00 P.M.,Frl. & Sat. To 1A.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 , 1 I*' ~ Student researcher recognized An MSU medical student has recieved national and state by constricting the blood vessels, but the constriction also recognmon for research which most may lead to a better treatment for impedes blood flow. drugs now being used for shock cannot do, Hook said. "In cases of hemorrhagic shock it is not blood "Glucagon is already in use clinically," Vander Wall pointed pressure, but out, "but not for the treatment of si!A; Tand^ Wf" °f Grand RaPids> is °ne of eight medical blood flow that is state of shock the important," Hook said. He explained that in a he said, is used hemorrhagic shock." The drug, regularly for petients with hypoglycemia, a AmpH^n c°" y Wln the annual essay award of the body conserves its blood supply for the condition resulting from a kidneys, and, therefore, shuts down flow to lessbrain, , heart and deficiency in blood sugar. Therapeutics Pharmacology and Experimental organs. vital In addition, certain medical research centers, including the Vander Wall's research shows If the shock goes University of Michigan, are exploring its effectiveness in the that in cases of shock from loss untreated, this cut - back in blood flow mood in dogs, the of treatment of postoperative drug glucagon increases blood flow to the progresses from the skin, to skeletal muscle, to the cardiac patients and cases of kidneys and enhances the heart's intestine, and congestive heart failure. ability to pump blood. finally infringes on the kidneys. Should the blood supply to the Further research on glucagon's kidneys be cut off for too long a time, its tissue dies potential as a drug in shock in^r8 Jerrv «n use, ,findinIs '"dicate glucagon could be superior to drugs l R Hnnk Qccicfon< irreparable damage. causing treatment will continue this summer at MSU. <• . Vander Wall's findings indicate that "Should the results from » adviser, said. These glucagon may prevent this succeeding experiments be as drugs increase blood tissue death by opening blood flow to the kidneys, something promising," Hook said, "we may see glucagon being used clinically in shock treatment within the next few years." Nine $1000 Prizes At Kroger ■mam m'J&s Come In And Be Scheduled termination, June 27, 1970. ODDS CHART A Winner As Of May 23. 1.970 Troll these Evans Scholars hooked a mammoth,: pound carp Krhile fishing the murky Red Cedar depths the bridge y Kellogg Center where a troll is rumored to hang out. State News photo by Gary Warr Astro Franks Peter's Rolled & Tied fuel en ts Boneless Hams^99t T"" imonstrations Kroger Wieners 59( Peter's I Copyright, 1970, Unidex, Corp., Bloomington, Ind. When all students were asked Lunch Meats..':?t. 79$ stern students rejected if they had ever taken an a three - to - one margin active Jiffy Frozen argument that part in a campus demonstration, Gravy & Sliced Beef. Salisbury Steak « Three Legged ^nstrations are the only just under half said they had. Grovy, Grow & Sliced Turkey, Country "Have Gravy with Sliced Chicken, Beef Chop means views. At of presenting the same participated in you ever a actively campus Double demonstration?" I only one student in 25 felt Entree istrations fed they become violent. were land opinions about campus are asked justified their Yes 44.6% Dinners 2 Pkg 99! Breosted Fryers [onstrations in a poll "WEEKLY FEATURE" SETsV tided during the first and lid weeks in May. Four - 4.2% .Valid Thru July 18, 1970 §8 s i:\i\u:,ss M si i i r, i \itij;\\aui. "PIECE-A-WEEK" OFFER ■red ten college students The students were then asked if This coupon worth 50C they planned to participate in |ding MSU students, on 15 SUGAR SPOON, s in Ohio, Michigan, future demonstrations: "Do you expect to BUTTER KNIFE Dinner f/V y and Indiana were participate red. in a campus demonstration in & PIERCED > students the near future?" TABLESPOON were asked the Yes Bould you agree the statement nstrations are the only ive means of presenting or disagree that 27.5% '// 3= its' views and desires?" Bo MEL O SOFT SWANSDOWN They answered — Agree 22.2% The students were then asked m TOP VALUE STAMPS VALUABLE COUPON Stain Removing White Cake if their point of view was Disagree generally 1 e represented o f by the Biz Presoak Bread Mixes demonstrations. Though the J Kwick Krisp Bacon J J 9' students split almost evenly, those who felt their views were J Redeem at Kroger >wl f Redeem at Kroger __J students who felt that L mlVmJmmmmZ -US L.. m\mmm ■ nstrations were the only not s of outweighed represented slightly those whose « mm 1 mm m BE presenting their views TOP VALUE VALUABLE COUPON EE I than asked about violence opinions were similar to the views of f course of the protests: the demonstration STAMPS you say these leaders. Kroger lustrations are justified even "In an overall sense, would you Mayonnaise s gv become violent?" say that the leaders of out of five (about demonstrations on your campus 1 J Main Meal Meats J I 39* | per cent of the total generally have or have not ation) answered this represented your viewpoint?" n it in the affirvmative. 72 felt the demonstrations Have 42.9% L Ji) L.. ."ris not be justified if marred Have Not TOP VALUE VALUABLE COUPON Moyonnnise 39t lence while eight 3 opinion on per cent the matter. 11% No 46.1% Opinion/No Answer m STAMPS ony 2 pkg. of , J 125 2-Ply Sheet Roll Kleenex Towels ■ J (125 2-Ply Sheet Roll) Kleenex Towels..2 with coupon 49( leaving class wove Cube Steaks : 249* : Flavor House Dry Roasted Peonuts L .'££-i£1".°.. ■■SB 39( woman's career Country Oven Iced TOP VALUE EE Shortbreod*.. 3 By PAULA BRAY TOP VALUE in I«1 Dexter. Over the State News Staff Writer weaving 30 years ago opened the door to a career for years, this East Lansing resident has STAMPS any 2 pkg» of g ED STAMPS Kroger $1 |in demand to teach weaving classes, to give talks on weaving with the purchase of ony 6 pkg« g Pork & Beons.. 6 $1 |° Publish articles about the things she has woven. Pork Steak ■ Kroger Puddings Peter Pan Smooth ^ i mother and father came from Sweden," Mrs. Dexter said. kept on weaving in Sweden even after the machine age." 3d Pennut Butler 89< ►n the Lansing Recreation Dept. offered a weaving class, l°ok advantage of the chance to learn the art. |_ I M FULL GOLDEN Tj 1 day that I wove at the Recreation Center I was so KERNEL TOP VALUE EE TOP VALUE J" J^Rht ,'. stle sa'd. "I thought I learned to weave. Now, 30 years j1 'ind out that there still is much to learn. " Dexter ■ she will Adult later worked part time at the Recreation Center Education Classes in weaving for 11 years. In : STAMPS >f 4-lbt Col lencia Oranges, 5-lbs Flori. m STAMPS Sweet Variety Lettuce Patch teach weaving in her home. Oranges or 5 pock ■f, P*onsin ■sne saw .Mrs. Dexter spent nine days in Rome on a University alumni tour. She said she hopes to commemorate there in her weaving but hasn't got around to it yet. ■! Fresh fri Red. Lemons JKroger Orange Juice £ Corn feaUy go in more fQr pract|ca| things," she admitted. ■fup,of weaving is to make functional things that are TOP VALUE 9CTOP VALUE I fl °.f weavin8 varies. One of Mrs. Dexter's smaller looms ■» H°St at $3oj whiie pnipany that manufactures 0 her largest one sells for about $350. small weaving looms asked Mrs. EH STAMPS with the purchase of o 50-lb bog Pin, Bork Mulch, 50-lb bog White Marble A# STAMPS write bulletins her work. Last year two of the on four Chips, 3-CU ft bag Red Wood Bork o> Iss published by the company were devoted entirely to Mrs. 5 Head & Shoulders 2 weaving. °nypkB Rose Bush I. ^Xler. t weaving is very easy to learn. One of the nicest th ru un e it, she noted, is that there is satisfaction at any level I dement the weaver reaches. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -sports- Thursday, Juned MINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI) Stewart — New York Ranger describes Stewart was questioned Wednesday about the rightwinger Ron ■ Terry took much worse falls on the Ice and he always Castellano said. "No blows fight which led to bounced back. Then he were struck. Sawchuk the death of his hockey teammate, trips on top of me and his life is ended. It Ron, and Ron kept trying to hold him off Terry Sawchuck, as a doesn't make sense it's all like a bad dream when I look back Was B'abbii Sail preliminary to grand jury proceedings next week. . . . "I've heard all the witnesses, and their testim Stewart said that the April 29 the fact that it was entirely an dream." fight now seems "like a bad Stewart's attorney, Nicholas Castellano, who accompanied him The attorney said he feels sure acciedent." °"y B'Ves truth to I to Cahn's office, said the scuffling arose from a semi • serious the grand i.m,.. The 37 - year - old Stewart and exonerate" Stewart. ' ^ Rosemary Sasso, a 24 - year • argument over which of the hockey players should clean up the will enti^., I old nurse described as a friend of Castellano said his client told his, were closeted for 50 house in East Atlantic Beach. Since the Cahn that he minutes with Nassau County District hockey season had ended, home in Barrie, Ont., two Attroney William Cahn. Afterwards, Cahn said they were both "most cooperative" and they were planning to give up the house and return to their of his family was about to days after the fight hpretUrned 10 kii homes. undergo an operation 3 membet answered "all the questions I asked." "He told Sawchuk he was The district attorney said Stewart had "No punches were thrown by either Sawchuk or my client," there anything I can do for you?" leaving, and Ron «ih , immunity and to testify before the grand jury at its agreed to sign a waiver of Casetellano said 0 tom/lil session Monday. He said six other witnesses will opening the taking oi testimony appear, and that probably can be completed in one day. 1ST TIME WINNER Cahn had estimated Tuesday that it might take the grand jury all next week to hear testimony in the case. Legal experts said that if the grand jury hears all the witnesses MSU group enters next Monday it is drags unlikely to return an indictment in the case. Sawchuck, who had been a National Hockey League goalie for 21 years, died in a New York hospital last Sunday at the age of 40. He had spent a month in hospital, first on Long Island and Last Sunday was race day for later in New York, and had position in NHRA's G/stock Lakewood, Lake Wood undergone three operations. the student students and the Itni.™ I The exact cause of death has not been branch of the class. Industries, Demmer Corp., and • stated, but it was club spokesman believed to be Society of Automotive The organization was aided by said, a result of a scuffle with Stewart which Denny's Sunoco. Since the Sawchuck himself described as Engineers (SAE) at MSU. donations from manufacturers In the future, the club hopes project Ready to testify "horseplay." Stewart said he and Sawchuck had scuffled several times on the The group took their G/stock including Goodyear, Motor to expand in racing to the point originated this number of year Yli„ evening of April 29, at first in a bar in Long Beach, N.Y., and Oldsmobile to Saginaw's Tri-City Wheel, Hurst, Air Lift, Kendall of building a nationally stud'en ® New York Ranger Ron Stewart and Rosemary Sasso, a later in the backyard of the rented house the two hockey players Dragway for two days of racing. The Oil, Kustom Header Co., A.C. competitive racing machine. This Huh Club is „the Pt°^. seeking facilities.. friend of Stewart's, arrive for a meeting with District shared in East Atlantic Beach. car provides an outside and Thrush Performance hope can be realized if members who are Attorney William Cahn in Mineola, N.V. Wednesday. Both Stewart said Sawchuck's injuries resulted from an activity for students interested Products. The club was also enthusiasm and cooperation is interested! accidental in drag racing. Last weekend aided donating their time and Stewart and Miss Sasso are expected to appear next week fall, when Stewart stumbled over a barbecue grill in the by Stewart Warner, shown between interested MSU s first racing at and Sawchuk and a friend who was backaryd climaxed two terms of program. a grand jury probe into the death of Terry Sawchuck. trying to separate them tripped over him. preparation but opened the AP Wirephoto "He (Sawchuk) fell on me " Stewart said. possibility of an expanded "Through his Montreal's R ... program for the future. On the first outing, the car encountered minor difficulties, 3 club presidents support but overcame them and took lashes class eliminator, bringing home the trophy. The car knocked SA of a second off its elapsed time to race out a HOUSTON (UPI) — Rusty Staub of the Montreal Expos said baseball's consistently in the low 13 Wednesday he hopes Jim Boudon's book, "Ball Four," is "damn clause second bracket. good becuase it might be the last one he writes." reserve On the second morning, bad luck beset the run Sunday Staub, the former Houston Astro bonus boy who was traded to Montreal 18 months ago, said he did know Bouton and was not NEW YORK (UPI) project when the transmission mad at him, but he didn't like the idea of Bouton revealing all the - Robert $3.5 million, which gave them publisher of the failed. This called a close to the 0. Reynolds, president of the title to 28 Cincinnati system up to this time has behind - the - scene incidents of players. players. Inquirer, testified during the worked well. I like weekend's racing, but a new California Angels, testified in it very "To me Jim Bouton is just another ball player," Staub said. trial that the reserve transmission is federal court Wednesday that Reynolds, who played system much." being "I've never batted against him. I think writing a book should be enabled him and his associates constructed, preparing the car the antitrust laws professional football in the early to his perogative. But it's a shame he did it to make money that exempting 1930s, said the purchase the Cincinnati baseball Topkis then asked: "You for attempts at the mid-12s this baseball were a prime reserve clause for don't want to see any changes at way." football the weekend. consideration in was same as baseball franchise in 1967 because "the Bouton said most of the players don't like his book. buying the at that all, do you?" and the witness The car is a 1969 Oldsmobile American time. There was reserve system assured us that League franchise in no replied, "Yes," meaning he Cutlass, running a 350 CID "They think I've written some things I shouldn't have," the 1960. playing out the option rule as our players would stay with the wasn't in favor of any change. Houston Astros pitcher said. exists in football team." engine with the factory's ram air today. Court will resume at 10 a.m. option. This combination was Bouton, whose book deals mainly with his former New York Under direct examination, he chosen because it placed the Yankee teammates, also has been attacked said he was aware that baseball Francis Dale, President of the Earlier, John McHale, today with Reynolds back on by sports writers in Cincinnati Reds, joined the list president of ths the stand. machine in an advantageous New York. Columnist Dick Young of the New York Montreal Daily News was outside the scope of the criticized Bouton again in Wednesday's column. of witnesses who contended that Expos, said that he had bought a federal antitrust regulations and the reserve system is an integral $100,000 interest in the "That's three times in a week," Bouton said of Young. "I'm he knew, too, that this could be part of organized baseball. franchise, which cost changed only by an act of million. He also claimed that the $10 BASEBALL STANDINGS delighted because when people get that angry over a book they're very, very scared and, when they're scared, thay feel it is a very Congress. He said he was Dale, also part owner of the study of the antitrust laws important book. partners with Gene Autry when Cincinnati Bengals of the regarding baseball was a vital Jim BoiltOll they bought the franchise for National Football Am ericon b*&£& League and factor in the purchase of the National League franchise. Notional VERN BUFFEf ' McHale was against arbitration EAST PCT. CB in the settlement of ATTENTION CAR OWNERS .565 salary New York 25 24 - disputes between a club and a .510 2V4 Veteran St. Louis 22 24 .478 NH 4 player but admitted that it Pittsburgh 24 27 * would take a team of 12 Complete front end repair and each watching one men, Philadelphia Montreal 20 game a day, alignment to gain more than a statistical TORONTO (UPI) Vern continue * WEST position, either at the NHL Ml Brakes * knowledge of a player's ability. w L Buffey, a National Hockey capacity. in the minor Suspension Otherwise, he said, there would Cincinnati 37 14 League referee for the past 11 "I have >r league system. F * be simply statistical Atlanta 28 19 thoroughly enjoyed Wheel balancing * Steering figures from Kansas City Los Angeles .580 years, Wednesday announced his my association as part of the Buffey played goal which a player's dollar worth 19 28 .404 San Erancisco 24 27 retirement as a league official. officiating staff of the NHL for the Toronto Marlboro Junioisl Chicago 18 30 375 .could be estimated Houston 22 29 .431 Buffey, 41 without Milwaukee 1 5 32 .319 - year - old native the past 11 years and wish my and then turned lo officiating in LISKEY'S Auto San Diego 32 Safety Center 23 .418 taking into consideration his of Toronto who refereed two former colleagues much success the Toronto Hockey League. actual value to the team for his games in the 1970 Stanley Cup 'n the future," Buffey aid. "I lo| the early '50s, he joined th efforts. TODAY'S GAMES Playoffs and then was sidelined ^ee' that I have contributed Ontario Hockey Assn. as 1 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Bultimore at TODAY'S GAMES Oakland, night Montreal at Houston, by an attack of gastritis, said a much to the game, and it, too, linesman in Junior "A" and 1 Asked by Jay Topkis, DETROIT at California, night night attorney New York at Atlanta, chief reason for his retirement for Curt Flood, who brought a Cleveland at Milwaukee, night Los Angeles at night Pittsburgh, night not his health but worry has-been extremely good to referee in Senior, Intermediate] $3 million suit against baseball, Chicago at Washington, night (only games scheduled) was me." and Junior "B." At the saw Kansas City at New York, about what he thought of the reserve night injuries. Buffey's statement said he time, he worked as a part • time Minnesota at Boston, night . , ... . hoped to join a hockey team in linesman in NHL games a! system, McHale replied: "The My retirement has nothing to SOme administrative Toronto. Hair do with my health, Buffey said or scouting g Sty Jones charged in a statement distributed by the Rookie guard picked| Showing Central Michigan's Most Complete A ssortment of NHL. "I underwent I medical a check-up following my illness drunken driving by PIPES ISSZ LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Los and the doctors assured me I am in perfect health." Savanelli Kaywoodie - G.B.D. - - Comoys - Dunhill The Pipe - Dr. Plumbs Angeles Rams defensive end David "Deacon" Jones was freed on recognizance Buffey aid his tendency to be injury reasons - prone was one of his for leaving the NHL by Pistons in trade And all other advertised brands. bond officiating staff. Featuring imported Cigarettes From 35 Countries. Wednesday after his pre-dawn "If gets mow difficult as the DETROIT (UPI) - The to take either a member off ttel arrest Detroit Pistons today acquired 6 Showing Over 100 Brands Tobacco. - on a misdemeanor years go Bucks' regular roster or a drro for games, he said. y«?JlrSf Showing Over 100 Brands Cigars. drunken driving f°ot • 4 John Arthurs, all - time charge. „ . On top of " choice, Police said Jones was scoring iea(jer at Tulane, from "driving that, I found myself worrying "Considering the way tin 203 erratically" when he was the Milwaukee Bucks Considering t|nl| MAC'S Open about injuries In injuries, in inethe Milwaukee bucks, recent expansion draft went# North stopped. Officers said he told completing a deal made during last few >ns, I suffered our sienine signing of rookies W Washington them he was on his way home several bothersome injuries the winter_ winter. nroeressed 01^ ^ ^ a THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT from the election of Assemblyman Jess headquarters Unruh. which forced me to miss games. Officiating, of course, requires The Pistons, on Feb. 1, traded Walt Bellamy to the Atlanta Hawks in return for a player to u,"vks another Coi| pjst0ns guard," explained Ed general manager. ' at complete concentration — game itself and there is no room for other named after the National Basketball Assn. season ended, sixth by the Bucks .. Arthurs, 22, wh0 w h drafted! ■ with| Take A Becuase Milwaukee 11 Skafeumm Relaxing owed played Buffey said he would miss the AUanta action but hoped to a player from a prior "Milwaukee in 19B» • transaction, the Pistons agreed going into the National Guajl native of New Orleans, Ar»» ■ from averaged 20.3 pointsa at J g«JJ Better Grades For ■ his three seasons Read the record ^! 8 - 11:30 p.m. where he scored a points. In his short stay w J books Bucks, he average SJ P ■ you've been meaning Busy People s Notes - g The Pistons currently three veteran «uards list°^l r,l Howie Konu J PITCHER to - mean a lot in better Clill's Notes are famous for to the point scene or literature grades fast, straight- help. You get expert sceneby chapter-by-chapter commentary. Bing, Jimmy Walter - and one backliner, Sev.ra Brown M You get valuable, DePaul. easy to understand dis NITE "Come and sing and have plot structure plus a helpful Don't fight literature-' it with Cliff's Notes. bibliography ... free" also featuring - Saturday — along with us." a fun storage Ray Carbone on the guitar. service] . direct from Ocean City, Md. . Friday - Helmut and Werner summer! Over 175 Titles Always Available. FOR YOUR CLOTHING | only $ 1 Scaimmmt 220 & Howard St./next to X-way between Michigan & Kalamazoo COMMUNITY NEWSCENTER Phone 351-5445 LOCATION AT FRANDOR CENTER & MERIDIAN MALL At: MSU Book Store in the Center LOUIS CLEANERS OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Phone 351-7562 RIVER 623 GRAND ____ for International B, Programs Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 11 » SENSATIONAL SALE OF TOP STEREO L.P. S C0> EFTTmW ILJ RESTARTS THURSDAY!!! V LXjUiJ. sr— —IINL 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday '■ 1970 Poor called castof By PAULA BRAY State News Staff Writer Bonnen gave four reasons that advancements In 1965 the Office of Economic are taking place, Opportunity account for poverty in rural fewer people are said that 34 million Americans were living in areas: racial prejudice; isolation being Although 41 per cent of the poverty. It defined poverty as a $3,000 income employed. Combining that with of rural society from the rest of a poor live in rural areas, poverty for a family of 4. James Bonnen high rural birth rate, the outside the central city is not gave the Bonnen said he used 1965 statistics because he society; the changing nature and solution is following statistics from the OEO in his speech scale of the inescapable. finds some of the more recent ones community in an Someone has to migrate." often discussed, a professor of inconsistent. industrial society, and the agricultural economics told the SECTOR % OF THE POPULATION tremendous and "These are the people left Family and Child Science Dept. stunning behind by RURAL THAT IS POOR technological changes. progress. As I said in colloquy. Farms 25 "In the beginning, you and I are James Bonnen, professor of forestry, mining and in more Rural Non • Farms agriculture, while technical responsible for their agricultural economics, said the URBAN situation than they are." communications media give the Small communities impression that all the poor are Metros (50,000 or o\ SUNday' aims blacks or members of minority population) groups. Seventy to eighty per -central city cent are Caucasian, he said, but —suburbs 10 46 per cent of the black popluation were considered poor per cent; and the female with In 1966. without money. Poverty Is not togetherness Bonnen said. children, 21 "Thirty million Americans live said these In poverty out of 200 million," per cent. Bonnen stastlslcs refer to just material. It has a psychic basis," he said. television may Even though exaggerate the good life, this Is the Impression at heads of households. he said. "This is evidence of the Things were not so bad when the poor have of It, he added. falture in society, of the social "Many of the poor today are everyone was poor becuase no In the past 26 in a higher standing of well - years, an "The Idea Is to get people of sense of deprivation or failure system, that you and I are more average of one million people a understanding between students the Lansing area, both residents responsible for (In many ways as being than were our existed, Bonnen explained. In and people In the Lansing area, year migrated from the rural and students, to sit down and educated Americans) than are grandfathers," he added. the 19th century the poor often area to the cities; most of will take place Sunday In Valley eat Many people will point to this lived In Isolation and never saw these together - break bread as In the poor." people are poor, Bonnen said. Court Park behlng People's fact and say these individuals how the better half lived, he He said Biblical times - talk over the Bonnen said about half of the he asked poor in Harlem Church at 200 W. Grand River should to work, he said. Bonnen said. problems confronting them," poor cannot be expected to be and Southside Chicago why they Ave. said this is true, but It is also "You can't be Ignorant of how didn't Douglas S. Solomon, Valley self • sustaining. These include irrelevant. go back to the rural areas, The event, planned as a pclntc, Society Is different other Stream, N.Y., junior, said. the elderly — those over 66 who people live today," he and they said things were worse was announced by two Juntln than it was a couple of generations said. account for 19 per cent of the there. Bonnen said Morrill College students at a The picnic and rap session will ago, he said. when poor; the disabled male, seven Television presents the poor someone is last from 10 poor In press conference at the Capitol a.m. to dusk and "The poor are not juit people with a window to the world. he starves Mississippi, last week. folk to death. entertainment will be provided. Persons attending are advised to bring enough food for themselves and for another to share. "It cannot work unless people come," Solomon said. Gov. Milliken said last week that he hoped the "SUNday" program would stimulate similiar projects communities. in other Michigan Greetings The event is supported by the Two bony friends exchange salutations before a class Lansing city government, the meeting. By the looks on their faces, it appears they're not Lansing Council of Churches, making any bones about the long handshake. the Jaycees, President Wharton and ASMSU. State News photo by Rob Porter Business progra execs managemen By BILL HOLSTEIN home, Louhi said. an MSU screening ( State News Staff Writer Randolph said many of the which makes final admisri] classes require work with case decisions, The Advanced Management histories. The men are given' "We are very enthusid mf8tor,e8;i Th* ■» *ven' about the program," Miller of Program sponsored by MSU's m/ormation about Miller said men with Graduate Administration School of Business Rationssolutions with and asked to to come up those undergraduate degrees who sho techoq provides .. . .. ability to move up I executives with added skills for advancement within their paIr"°",f In the winter quarter of the managerial positions, companies, executives and MSU second yteaJ' in students designed the generally picked for administrators maintain. program take a course program. The six - year old program provide them "with Executives in the classes,so provides r . about 65 'private . appreciation annlvinu applying of the problem nuhlir public nnlmv policy of eXDe, tn to with than experience in business, 15 yeJ provifl industry executives each year with 12 required courses over American industry." many challenges t two years, William F. "The (graduating) mar theory in "very n Randolph, director of the program in equipped educationally to class discussions, Randolph sa Detroit, said. compete much more effectively Randolph said the n highly motivated and do The courses include subjects i°r,°ffs ?cur>" tremendous of such as industrial relations and S'L Corp. Motors r (GM), hGT, who helps during the two amount years it « >gram. Detroit s Mercy College. program, said. You have to devote yo The The more than 100 private whole life to it," program's purpose is outlined in its bulletin: companies involved in the excecutive said about "We propose to improve the program nominate executives to program. participant's planning and decision - making abilities . . . We expect to return the graduate to his firm with his attention focused on new skills rather than upon self • congratulation. The Black politician's win degree is not an accolade but a challenge to enlarged and imaginative business leadership." Recently, MSU alumni in the Chrysler Corp. persuaded their may have wide effec company to donate 20 acres of land LOS ANGELES (AP) - effect on the entire nation. in Troy to the program, Ronald V. Dellums, a young "It brought up the new Kullervo Louhi, acting dean of black politician, says his Graduate School of Business primary old generation issue, war defeat of Jeffrey Cohelan, a six - peace, open versus open Administration, said. term white liberal The Troy land is only a first congressman, politics," Dellums, 34, said«' in the heavily Negro step toward a more permanent Berkeley - Democratic primary view Democratic Oakland district "will have ™ Tuesday over Cohelan, 55. The race in the district th. encompassed the home o Black Panthers and UniveW TERM-END California radicals was d watched for its implications other areas. "I think if there » Mon. ■ Thurs. ■ Fri. SPECIAL significance to the race it people now clearly un e Tues. - Wed. - Sat. in this district that this co® 10-5:30 on can no longer afford the1^ of expedient l|bcr Dellums said. HANG TEN By this, he said, he "policies to alleviate SPORTSWEAR fiFTli Fcore' Ma^gave^' lumon in CHARCOAL I 2320 E. Michigan Ave. Southeast Asia. Cohelan has no comment. support,' Coupon Sale "My greatest fW Earrings, brace- lets, necklaces and pins. 20 lb. bags Dellums from the acknowledged,^ minorHy poP ^ Negroes comprise 40P „ the district and there ( 99c 5)50 off numbers of _Onenw Mexican - Americans. ^ \ AT MURPHY'S "I challenged Mr. "CHARGE IT' with what I called h.s expj WITH BANK CHARGE CARDS G. C. liberalism, where. beinl MURPHY CO. First Quality 0f - Always *!ves .theJrr alleviate liberal just to J MERIDIAN MALL Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 - 9:S -secures rather than ( with fundamental causes. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 13 Survey By STEVE WATERBURY State News Staff Writer different proposed All - Events ranked fifth. proposals. puts The Bldg. survey included fine professor of Sociology, aid the items on State arts Administrators News also political ranked news bldg. first teaching effectiveness should the most important factor, be collective bargaining for Highest approval of "important issues facing us at graduate assistants. Faculty coverage as less objective than Research activities rpi . „ , ,. , the All • Events Bldg. was given MSU." did faculty, graduate students or and members however, were MSUasan athSfrJ8 ,maget°! by administrators, who ranked it "This is of the first publications were ranked higher favorably disposed to the Sut o^wt hSIhhT third" one endeavors any major university undergraduates. Although approval of the by the administrators faculty than by establishment of collective survey conducted whiter and students, bv tern HStud®nts' faculty and administrators combined ranked has ever made to use survey data to window • breaking tactics used who stressed the importance of bargaining rights for the faculty. thp iinivoroitu'c it k improve communications and by demonstrators winter term academic Faculty members responded Research (SnLr advisement of to Survey search the e!ght alternatives in the understanding among all parts of was insignificant collective Center following order priority: the institution," Marcus said, administrators, 14 among per cent of students. Graduate a bargaining rights for faculty question as follows: 25 students members oMhe msii! „h construction of a nne fine artsarcs The ine survey revealed tnat that bt> 65 undergraduate and graduate reacted polled per cent favor to a great extent, communitv rank rnnctn^f em'f cultural center, improvement of per cent of the administrators student respondents approved of establishment favorably to the 22 per cent favor to a a new fine Tts slight of rpn£ University library faci,ities' surve*s view*d State News the tactics to collective L\ t f ? 1 fundinS of a Center for editorials as either radical left or Respondents some degree. were asked to bargaining rights for graduate student extent and 27 per cent do not favor at all. preference for the oronosed n°ew En vn;on mental teaching assistants. Only Quality, very liberal, while 38 per cent of indicate how much priority 23 per cent of the All FvpnK RiHu attracting additional faculty, the undergraduate respondents graduate When asked to characterize - should be given to various students A miotHnnnoL not at all in favor were ,„Qc t t. construction of a new All - characterized State News factors when considering faculty their general political annrnvim^t i ? Events Bldg., expansion of the editorities in of this proposal, approximately o 2,500 students * these two salaries. Administrators, faculty orientation, the results for 500 Center for AFfairs, categories. Administrators and faculty faculty members and 450 construction of and students all agreed that were inclined to undergraduate students were: 5% adm an East Campus oppose radical left, 22% very liberal,' n.strators, randomly Intramural selected by computer. Bldg. and 38% somewhat liberal, 16% construction of a new ice arena. The results, based middle of the - road, 15% Newsman's - - on a °-f ponse ■ administrators, •' * rate of revealed over faculty 70 per that George Bishop, New Haven, Connecticut, graduate assistant, said this question was asked to and determine what various b somewhat conservative, right. conservative, 3 % and 1% very radical undergraduates would rate groups the feel the cultural center top priorities of the funds if a proposed $10 student tax were approved. Graduate students ranked the priority for University should The question was be. primarily to determine whether the "designed others believed political character a t i members of the academic Administrators cultural center third, behind Our man improvement of community felt the University NEW YORK (AP) - A freshly served in New York, Warsaw and In a statement Richard S. conservative in their self University should commit its funds and du8 &rave has yielded a body Washington. He was graduated - t C. Zimmerman, Detroit sophomore, is Mr. MSU. library facilities and the funding Salant, president of CBS News, characterization, although only of a Center for Environmental resources to academic and believed to be that of George fr°m Columbia University where said all 20 per cent were in categories to ectly behind him are the first and second runners up for cultural priorities or to non reports indicated Syvertsen, a Columbia he majored in Soviet studies. the right of moderate. I title, and behind them are the members of Mr. MSU's Quality. Syvertsen had been killed. He - academic priorities," Bishop Broadcasting System Syvertsen worked formerly for Respondents were asked to added that "George's death is a said phiiip M correspondent The Urban Survey Research indicate how much priority Marcus the missing in The Associated Press, as did loss to all of us in journalism and State News photo by Mike Beaslev should be given to each of urban Survey Research' Unit Cambodia, CBS reported Mlller- Both had been employed to all Americans who want to Center was started in January, eight coordinator and associate Wednesday. at one time by the Middletown, and is affiliated with the MSU exercise their right to know." -. „ N.Y., Times - Herald. Social Science Research Bureau. The National , J . „ Broadcasting Co. said that it had a report that Welles Hangen, GRANTED SINCE '68 an correspondent, and two other American NBC crewmen, a Japanese soundman and French cameraman, were alive and held liquor licensing faces city prisoner by the Viet Cong. The four were among eight newsmen and technicians in two television crews — one from CBS and the other from NBC — y LINDA KNIBBS license. The East Bstate News Staff Writer Lansing City The city manager investigates reported missing since Sunday Council is informed of the Before this year a liquor the after they drove down Route 3 applicant's character through license would not be issued to an application and the formal character references and from Phnom Penh. Apparently East a establishment within 500 feet of Lansing citizens investigation of the applicant history of his business activity. they ran into an ambush by Viet a church or a school. Since the |ved the sale and and his establishment begins. The applicant must submit law was recently Cong and North Vietnamese Bnption of liquor within There are six different types of drawings and a written license can be granted with the changed, a forces about 35 miles south of Ity limits two years ago, liquor licenses: class "C" permits discription of the establishment approval of the church or the the Cambodian captial. Iffieials were faced with the liquor sold by the glass; a tavern where the beverages will be sold. school Among the missing are Genald ■task of approving and license permits the sale of beer board, Roy Olson of the Miller, a CBS The building must pass an Liquor producer - Control Commission ■ing liquor licenses. and wine; Hotel "A" permits the inspection by the fire said. l, and three other CBS the Nov. 5, 1968, sale of beer and wine; Hotel "B" department and the building Once all the investigations are In, 11 licenses have been permits the sale of beer, wine inspector. The Cambodian driver with I by the Michigan Liquor and liquor, a SDM license allows Among other completed by the city officials, the NBC specifications the building must the findings~&re' reported to the crew, Chay You Leng, Commission to the sale of beer and wine for have exit signs for the doors and ascaped from capture Tuesday East Lansing. city council. The council then n Each take out and a SDD license is - adequate restroom facilities. during an attack by Cambodian k applicant is investigated for the sale of beer, wine and approves or denies the forces and returned to Phnom The police department checks le commission and the city liquor for take - out. application and passes a Penh with word that the three with the FBI and the resolution to that effect. This I final approval is given. An applicant must be at least Michigan NBC men and two Japanese State Police for any criminal resolution is then sent to the 21 years of age, a U.S. citizen members of the CBS crew had I applicant first notifies the records the applicant might Liquor Control Commission. r Control Commission of and have been a resident of been taken prisoner. have. The applicant is also When all all the investigation ; for a finger Syvertsen, 38, a native of New specific liquor Michigan for a year. printed and photographed. data has been studied by the York City, had been covering Liquor Control Commission, the the Vietnam war on a decision to grant rotating the license is basis since 1967. Before that he IINISCENT TONES made. After a license is issued to a person, the Liquor Control \gnew chides Commission investigates the establishment at least once a month regulations to determine if all The only beer that are being upheld. derided as callous, corrupt and Olson said investigators |T POINT, N.Y. (AP) - The vice president awarded always tastes light irrelevant. . . sometimes are asked to check ^President Spiro T. Agnew "This is a time when the the "e U.S. Military diplomas to the top 37 cadets in complaints aginst the business. Academy's charlatans of class, including the No. 1 feting class Wednesday that peace and freedom Jack C. man, Zoeller, The number of liquor by the Is an era when "criminal eulogize foreign dictators while Cheektowaga, N.Y. glass licenses for a city is |s of society are glamorized desecrating the flag that keeps determined by the population, enough to have another. them free." It was West Point's 171st >t men die in Asian William M. Much of the nation's present commencement. Looking down Costick, (paddies to preserve the discontent, Agnew maintained, on a sea of graduates in gray and administrative assistant to the m these misfit* abuse." white dress city manager, said. East Lansing is "contrived confusion brought uniforms, Agnew told them: is allowed 29 licenses according ■tones reminiscent of his on by a clever, sustained assault to the 1960 census — one per on America's system and "Our hopes for you who are ■ attacks on the militant 1,500 people. institutions." graduating today stem from ■r bloc, Agnew declared: "a time when application, Military police and security America's greatest need . . . No limit has been set for the agents were spotted throughout There is a need for balance in number of SDM licenses. The nent and success are the stadium. one's concept of his role in rule of thumb for the SDD society. With such balance, licenses is one for every square 'doing ■cycle Safety Week your own being responsible for your actions. thing' includes own mile of urban area. One SDD license, four SDM dicenses, one Hotel "B" license, It means being self three class "C" licenses and two jgins with inspection ■bicycle inspection and parade will highlight Bicycle Safety controlled, self self - correcting, Agnew said. - motivating and tavern licenses have been issued in East Lansing since 1968. fc sponsored by the Parent - Teacher Organization of Spartan Bge School. le inspection will be held at 12:30 p.m. Friday at the school e safety talks will be given and reflector tape issued for all Over |eNorated Program, directed by Paul J. Rooney, will include a parade bikes, trikes, scooters and wagons Saturday at 10 ■ starting from the school. I® by a Michigan State Police car, the parade will wind around at Jjan Village. Ijginal posters, poems and stories related to Jsplayed in the main hall of the school all week. bicycle care will Last While you're FISH jumping around DINNER wildly, books off the bouncing walls Remember Oade's FRIDAY — _ 5 - 8 P.M. $1.09 for everything you'll Ree need celebrate PANCAKE^ HOUSE 1 $195 THE END. to OPEN Sun. thru Thurs. 6 A.M. to 11 P.M. OADE'S PARTY STORE 314 S. CL1PPERT Fri. & Sat. Mon. - Thurs. 10 a.m. • 11 p.m. Just west of campus 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. • 12 p.m. off Kalamazoo 2820 E. Grand River 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, ]Une4 STATE NEWS 1:00 state news CLASSIFIED Today is the Deadline for All Ads. 347 Student Services Building classified 355-8255 The State News does not FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank MfontAds permit racial or religious A utomotive Automotive Automotive Scooters & A vi discrimination in its CORVETTE, 1963. White MUSTANG: BEAUTIFUL burgundy Cy^ ;kc,s'av„ advertising culumns. The convertible. ROADRUNNER 1968. One owner, in the PI m&sfl Needs engine. $850. yamaha. body, 1965, 289, power steering, State News will not 337-7526. 3-6/5 automatic, new tires. 353-0611, automatic, power. Must sell. Call 355-5752. 3-6/5 Competition. EXCel|Bn,' I Jei i l *5 00 * AUTOMOTIVE accept advertisinq which 372-8117. 4-6/5 882-5972.2-6/5 6 COndil Scooters & Cycles discriminates against CORVETTE 1964. Good condition. Hurst 4-speed. $1650. 351-8526. SUNBEAM ALPINE 1967. Excellent 1969 Empl religion, race, color or condition. Must sell. 351-1655. BONNEVILLE ~ 4 00<^~ Auto Parts & Service 4-6/5 $1100. Excellent national origin. 3-6/5 351-7663.3-6/4 condT " Aviation CORVETTE 1« * EMPLOYMENT Exceptional condition. Contact TRIUMPH 1969 GT 6+, dark blue, * FOR RENT h.p., 4 speed, disc brakes, AM/FM. Excellent condition. $2275, John DeBow at MSU Employees Credit Union. 353-2280. 3-6/5 extra instrumentation, konis, 1968 suzuki 2 500cc! Excel Apartments Automotive 351-0950. 3-6/5 CB57, radials, wires,CIBIE' lights,' parts. 351-7850. 3-6/5 he|mets, tools JL winged knackoffs, rear window Houses OLDS CUTLASS S 1969. Power defroster, stereo tape, AM/FM CORTINA GT triumph 1969 AUSTIN HEALEY Spr 1967. Excellent steering, brakes. Toronado color. radio. All service records. Tiger 650 Rooms condition. Many condition. $1050 mileage; good new parts. Fog Immaculate condition. Must sell. Evenings, 351-7889. 2-6/5 Inferred. A( * FOR SALE lamps 3-6/5 price. 353-1498. 3-6/5 - gauges. Economical. $750 353-6838 after 6 best offer. 351-9576. 3-6/5 p.m. 3-6/4 ■Doe south Animals or TRIUMPH 1968 GT-6. V ng. 3-6/5 BUICK SKYLARK, 1962. Excellent OLDSMOBILE F85 1962: excellent Radial tires. Mint Mobile Homes condition, power steering, 1 DART, 1969 GTS convertible. 340, condition, automatic, $300. 353-1596. 3-6/5 * PERSONAL owner. $395. 339-8413 after 5 Hurst 4-speed, AM/FM, deluxe 351-2752 after 5. 5-6/5 * PEANUTS PERSONAL p.m. 3-6/5 interior, power disc brakes. 8:30 TRIUMPH 1968: Roadster TR 4A, - HONDA 350, 6000 6 p.m. 373-3886, after 8 OLDSMOBILE 1964 Starfire, navy wire wheels, Dunlap racing tires, mj|( * REAL ESTATE p.m., location. $650. Call BUICK 1967. Excellent condition. 485-5544. 4-6/5 blue, excellent condition. $500. 18,000 miles, one owner. See after after 4. 2-6/5 * RECREATION $1400. LeSabre 400. Call 1960 Dodge, green, $200. 4:30 at 228 North Hathaway St. * SERVICE 487-3141.2-6/5 DODGE CHALLENGER 1970, 626-6930. 2-6/5 Lansing, 489-9190. 3-6/5 Typing Service BSA 1967, clean. Call Spitfire~Mark~IH~\ 393-5357. 0 travel? Hii BUICK SPECIAL convert e 1965. deck, polyglas tires. Call 355-7093 OLDSMOBILE 1966, 2-6/5' * TRANSPORTATION Stick, bucket seats, w 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 2-6/5 power steering, power brakes, * WANTED Maroon out, black 351-8118. 3-6/5 $550. radio. $200. 351-3729. 3-6/5 SUZUKI 1967, Must sell. 351-8309 pe7fec7c7ndi| or 3T?a1 p C0UNSE DODGE DART 1965. Automatic, 2-6/5 95 DEADLINE radio, $500. 351-0918 after 5 OLDSMOBILE, 1968. 442, 4-speed. VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN, 1963. New 1 P.M. class CADILLAC 1962 Coupe DeVille. p.m. 2-6/5 Buckets, console, sport wheels. engine, good condition. $450. Call one before publication. day Good condition, new tires. IV Low mileage. In excellent shape. 355-8122. 3-6/4 SUZUKI miles. 1966 Great X-6~HuSt|er~~3 2-5951.2-6/5 DODGE 1965, Polara station Phone 694-8493, after 5:30 p.m. shape. Cancellations - 12 noon wagon. 9-passenger, automatic, power 3-6/4 VOLKSWAGEN, 1963. Excellent one class day before CHEVELLE MALIBU 1967. Small. steering, condition. Radio, heater. Leaving power brakes, new tires. publication. V-8. Stick. Positraction. $1150. IV 9-6622. 5-6/5 OLDSMOBILE 88, 1964. 9 passenger country. Call 353-6834. 3-6/4 PHONE 627-4868. 4-6/5 DODGE DART 1969. 340, 2 door 'I THINK 111 FIBWJS IV QsWe wagon. Good condition. $750. ED 2-0451. 2-6/5 355-8255 hardtop. 4-speed. $1795. Call m£ nm ID'BomiP HONDA 1969 CB160. between noon, 9 p.m., 485-1166. Electric sj RATES 3-6/5 Aa/ATo/MY aS&fsSu OLDSMOBILE 1965 442. 4-speed, positraction,chrome reverse.Phone signals, $450. saddlebags, top shl 353-6976, 332-5934. 2 m Experience 1 day $1.50 CHEVROLET 1962 353-8416. 2-6/5 VOLKSWAGEN UNKEMPT body, ^ sary Call I DODGE 1966, 3 seat wagon, ,501. 2-6/E 15c per word per day mileage. Rebuil automatic, V-8, hitch. $850. IV OLDSMOBILE mechanically excellent, Meet 739A Wells Hall or Call Ann $200. CYCLE INSURANCE. F^, 3 days 332-6148. 1-6/4 1962, F-85 companies. Compare $4.00 2-5229. 2-6/5 Arbor, 662-2686. 3-6/5 2205 East cu, convertible. Automatic, Michigan, LansinJ 13y*c per word per day Automotive Automotive heater. Good radio, CHEVROLET IMPALA ECONOLINE transportation. 5 days $6.50 1962 - van, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. 337-9585. 1-6/4 Excellent automatic good paneled. 4 s 13c per word per day - running condition. Deluxe. 6200 actual condition - $250. Bill 351-1895. Carpeting. Good 350 (based on 10 words per ad) 2-6/4 351-7813. 3-6/4 355-0887. 3-6/5 OPEL 1959. Good condition. Best offer. 351-9388 running miles. Radio. 337-9373. 3-6/5 YAMAHA condition. $500 1968. - offer i^ET-FLUT Peanuts Personals 1963. Good, 3-6/5 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Bug. Sun roof, 355-8950 evenings. 3-6/4 gck.shows. 33 must be CHEVROLET 1966 FURY, 1959, air conditioning, radio, Impala coupe Best offer. 339-9120 radio. Very good condition. pre-paid. power brakes, steering. $150/best ic, power $1050. steering offer. 355-9887. 3-6/5 after 6 p.m. 3-6/5 PONTIAC CATALINA 1965. Power $1085. 332-1437. 3-6/5 HARLEY, 1952, 74. Rigid fi |WER EMP There will be 50c service 355-5807. rebuilt. Must a MGB steering, brakes. Fair condition. VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1966. Deluxe. 332-8354. 3-6/4 sell. Make ofl pest's larg and 1966: Florida car, bookkeeping charge if KELLY BUICK - 445 North Cedar, Must sell. $375. 351-3280. 5-6/5 Sun roof, low mileage. Original Lired. Part condition. AM/FM, roll this ad is not paid within Mason. 1 block west of 127 CHEVROLET, 1968 Chevelle, 6 extras, $1595. owner. $1,295. 351-6105. 3-6/5 Auto Service & one week. passenger Automatic station wagon. FORD COUPE, 1934, restored. Buick engine. $1950. Must see to Expressway at Mason - Cedar Street exit. Save $$$$ on Buick's 353-4066. 3-6/5 Cal PONTIAC, 1962. Good condition. Power brakes and steering. $280. Parti lion 351 The State News will be transmission, power Call 353-0076. 3-6/4 VOLKSWAGEN 1968, Fastback,Sun steering, low mileage. Excellent appreciate. Call Betty after 2:30 Opel's, American Motors. Watch ACCIDENT PROBLEM? | REGISTERE MUSTANG 1! roof, radio, new muffler, 2 new responsible only for the condition. Contact John DeBow p.m., 351-5519. 3-6/5 for "outstanding" buys in this tires. KALAMAZOO STREET Manor, steering. Vinyl top. 15,000 Best Offer. 351-8159, first n PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1967 SHOP. Small day's incorrect at MSU Employees Credit Union, 353-6839. 3-6/5 482-8881. 3-6/5 dents tc has oppc convertible. 4 speed. Excellent wrecks. American and ied nurse 353-2280. 3-6/5 FORD, THUNDERBIRD 1968, 4 *.337-1327.5-6/5 VOLKSWAGEN cars. Guaranteed work. 48 door. Power 1966. Excellent steering, brakes and JEEP UNIVERSAL 1967 4-v MUSTANG 1966, 6 cylinder, , condition. Sun-roof. $700. Call 2628 East Kalamazoo. C windows. Air conditioned. Good - drive, good condition, ex standard transmission. Call RAMBLER CLASSIC 1966 sedan. 332-5612 or 694-8465. 4 6/5 condition. Contact John DeBow 351 -4026 after 6 p.m. 2-6/5 355-7894. 3-6/5 at MSU Excellent condition. Radio, Best Employees Credit Union, Automotive 353-2280. 3-6/5 MERCURY 1962: automatic MUSTANG, 1966, 289, four-speed, offer. Days, 353-7533: after 5 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Excellent 6, fair p.m. 353-3513. 3-6/5 condition. Must sell. Call condition, good gas mileage. $150. vinyl top. Excellent condition, AUSTIN CHEVROLET, 1966 V-8, ORD must sell. Thursday, Friday: 393-4387. HEALEY Sprite, 1966. shift, radio. Excellent c< FAIRLANE 1966. 351-0863. 3-6/4 Colin, 332-0836. 5-6/5 Excellent condition. Low mileage. Call days, IV Convertible, automatic, V-8, PS ROADRUNNER '68. 2 door TRIUMPH TR-3, TR-4 many $875. 337-0537 after 5. 2-6/5 9-1229, < air MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966, 337-1153. 3-6/5 - conditioning, 1 owner. No hardtop. Automatic. Good VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Excellent complete engine. Call 351-13 rust. $1095. 351-5549. 4-6/5 289, 3-speed. Excellent condition. $1550. 882-3068. condition, radio, 30,000 miles, 351-1204. 2-6/4 $850,351-8254. 2-6/5 2-6/5 $995. Call 641-4054. 4-6/5 Dusekeeper, Ok s .If we can'tVxi Graduating? II work if yo Scooters & Cycles i Call 332-3255, If you've been BSA, "500." 68 options. Tight and SHOP, 812 E DON'T FORGET WE HAVE sharp. Helmet. Excellent $825 condition. best or offer. 487-5571.2-6/5 * Film • Cubes \/ 5 0256. C waiting around •Flashbulbs (juHiva/iA • Processing too! SUMMER for lower rents, 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunson ED 2-2011 IrFvfv'™ nutiii EMPLOYMENT Male - Female HELP •I9l3betwee i (now interviewing) Openings for Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and ^ Planning a long drive home? Ohio. Some immediate earnings openings available. Average summer up to $3,000. Contractual agreement if you qualify. 75 year old major industrial firm with new concept in marketing, Toy Let the helping fight inflation. Bonus and incentive Here are the new reduced experts at KAMINS plan. Full training provided. Call immediately for rates for employment director of university division. Call 351-3700. Campus Hill for fall. . . sign up now! service department make This is the price break you've been CROSSWORD mn an sure it's a safe drive! PUZZLE waiting for. . . there won't be another 12-MONTH 9 - MONTH 6 - MONTH 3 - MONTH 6 cyl. Tune-ups Pair Shocks ACROSS 1. Jacksonville bowl25. Rumen PER APT. . . 24.95 Heavy Duty PER MAN* PER APT. PER MAN* PER APT. PER MAN* 6. Admirers 27. Aviator PER APT. PER MAN* 8 cyl... 29.95 10. Elm fruit 31. Fuel ships Installed $220 $55.00 $230 $57.50 $240 $60.00 ] includes name brand points, plugs, & condenser $ J ^88 11. Dismounted 12. Unlawful 35. Additional 36. Tint 13. Buckwheat tree 37. Suffices $225 $56.25 $235 $58.75 $245 $61.25 j GUARANTEED 14. Wolframite 39. Masculine Brake 15. Linden tree 40. Mellows $230 $57.50 $240 $60.00 $250 $62.50 D Mufflers 17. Kidney bean 18. Sinful 42. Elks 44. Unclothed NOTE: New Building - Add $5 Per Reline 20. Pillaging 22. Return 45. Gambles 46. Gaelic . Diplomacy Apartment Per Month Save $4 to 9 Save $6 to 20 24. And not 47. Compound ether . . Bay window Allotment Tallow, n KIoj . Summer Leases As low as $795 5Sd,ed from $1895 m . . Excuse Radon 1 . Smart Still Available campu; Drudge i . Cake froster Pil:rgLgT3 . I i stitch Call for an % . Tatting From hill I Fortune $37.50/ month* ' immediate . I service , Prune jAamins 1 Regretted appointment! % if Catnap i% p Saunter Florentine ins Social function! sPraT automotive Anglo-Saxon warrior fWHE Omen specialists Requires Capitals Petty quarrel m Diocese Famous general G°Westoi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 15 j/lo Service & Paris ment For Ren For Rent For Rent For Rent JftfWAGEN COLLEGE STUDENTS For Rent For Rent Komp'ete'V re Full time work all summer 1027 EAST Grand River, 1st floor 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. DUPLEX 2-4 TO ASSIST furnished summer 2-man furnished man, ACROSS FROM campus, 1034 FURNISHED FOR 4 students in SUMMER MANAGER term Call apartments utilities paid. Pets allou„, SUBLET, 4-m»n, 351-7234.4-6/4 includes heat. $62.50 to $80 to Road. Furnished, quiet neighborhood. Walking Americana Apartments. Block "f'0 $3,000 cash scholarships; , $90 room, furnished. No lease. 1 mile distance. Aviation $15,000 in scholarships and over 4 15th per man. Leases and starting June from campus, 332-6320. 3-6/5 ir apartment. Ideal for 2 3. Call 332-4426.4-6/5 351-9561.4-6/5 Parking. Fall term. campus. 9-6/5 Reduced. 361-1177 $35,000 in prize awards September 1st. Days such as - Frand°r$55 487-3216, Evenings, 882-2316. C AVIATION: So easy to trips all over the world new cars TF WANTED: 1 girl for Waters Edge 1 3T73,9Nr™*""'l,"le'2 HOLT, 2 bedroom. Carpeted, air color GIRL needed for new Cedar LARGE, 2 he PIPER CHEROKEEII TV's, etc. Pleasant work Apartments party furnished with plenty of for next year. conditioned, stove, refrigerator, Village, fall, winter, spring. Call (5.00 484-1324. C time for sports EAST SIDE furnished. Summer 3 353-7305 efficiency, $130. Summer only. or 353-7319. 3-6/5 laundry facilities, play area. 351-3080. 4-6/5 Air boating, fishing, parties, etc - conditioned. Close to NEED months, Fall 9 months. Several 1 Utilities except electric. Lease. ONE girl campus. IV 4-1328. 9-6/5 ^Employment PROTECTIVE SALARY PLAN Twyckingham. Cheap. 355-8697. summer bedrooms, 337-0409, 0 from $70. Call TWYCKINGHAM sub-lease. 4-man. SUMMER Pool. Air 2180 Meadowlawn. 669-3676. TF 694-9234, PRIVATE ENTRANCE in a private home. 2-bedrooms, 2 students, SUMMER SUBLET, discussed work in sales at interview. Interview conditioning. Reduced. 351-7821. - $90 each. 4 students, $50 each. 1-3 glrl».~A* IrANlST NEEDED. Beginning fall promotion, sales. No Beal Street 2-6/5 conditioning, pool. 351-9481 after Apartments Call 332-4889. 4-6/5 6 p.m. 5-6/5 Haste'1 Community Church. experience necessary. Will train GENESSEE, NEAR LCC. 1 and 2 Earn up to $500 room kitchenettes available, June 5,339.8478.3-6/5 every week in commission. Neat appearance a 16. 5 room, 2 bedroom apartment Summer, 1 block from 5-6/5 GIRL OWN bedroom, clean, NEED 1 man for summer. C«dar carpeted, modern, inexpensive. KTeta'RY. EXCELLENT must. shirt. Haircut, shoe shine, tie and RICHARDS COMPANY available September 1st. Will to girls 9 lease 126 MILFORD STREET. 2 man 351-6245. Near Yankees. 4-6/5 Village. 337-1284. 5-6/5 flortunitv for experienced INC., Call Mr. Gilbert for persona! or 489-1276. 2-6/5 12 months. Phone Street, Ap 351-6088 deluxe, air conditioning, 2 blocks more ads on page 16 Kg nsible woman. Must be appointment between 9 332-0641. from campus. Summer and Fall TO SUBLET unfurnished, 1 bedroom Krior typist. College graduate a.m. - 1 2, 3, or 4 persons. Call after DOWNTOWN LANSING. 414 South leasing. $170. 372-5767, apartment near campus. Air Llerred 489-1656. Days, 484-1579. TF South App'v in person at Cedar, Suite 11, DETROIT OFFICE 962-4346 PONTIAC OFFICE 335-8170 332-0625. 2-6/5 5pm Pine. 1 bedroom furnished apartment. All utilities paid. $110 15th. 337-0364. 2-6/5 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 2 or 3 conditioned, pool, reduced 355-8490 or 351-1639. 4-6/5 rate. Yes, We Have FLINT OFFICE 235-8564 NEEDED for 4-gi per month, plus deposit. No furnished apartments. Now le irTHAT SCHOOL summer IS OVER last job. Earn up TOLEDO, Ohio OFFICE 241-5185 3-6/5 355-2370, 351 -8709. 2-6/5 children or pets. Want to rent immediately. No more than 2 for Summer and Fall. Phor 9-9651 or 351-3525. O EFFICIENCY; 1 girl, $95. Furnished. Location... persons. Also Garage. Lease. 332-3398. 4-6/5 have [j3000. No books. No pots and DENTAL ASSISTANT. Full time, STUDENTS: WANT to be a little bachelor RIVER'S EDGE and lo magazines. No Bull. Call permanent position. fussy about where you live, get Call >nly, $ Richard call Chris, 353-4581, 351-1097. TWO GIRLS, three - m~an.Tumm~en WATER'S EDGE APTS. Regular . < Pool, near campus. $50. 351-2528 hours. Phone 484-6941. away from the mobs and 3-6/5 3-6/5 enjoy after five. 4-6/5 on the river, 1 block some peace and quiet? I have from campus, 2 RESPONSIBLE MARRIED maintain small office coJp7e~to apartments like this for two's and three's. Summer rates now in APARTMENTS FOR rent. 2 from blocks ONE GIRL for El Verr furnished. Close to campus. From building near campus. Summer, Fall. Apartment, Efficiency. Call I $50 bathrooms, balconies, downtown Lansing, in return for effect. Special rates for married 351-6586. 3-6/5 per man. 351-7910, Runquist, 332-3534. 4-6/5 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT See Don in Waters Edge rent at couples on yearly leases. Call C. f COUNSELORS male same location. Phone COMPANY. 351-0705. 0 372-9890. 3-6/5 Beachum; Home 332-8760, Office 332-4432 >r front and spo SUMMER RENTAL. 3 MARRIEDS, LIVE cheap. Large 332-3583. 2-6/5 man and 2 summer rental furnished 1 bedroom $50 per man Jh™Camp. Central New Yo man. 126 Milford Street $150. Fall apartment, We Provide Roommate Service [ft 1268. 1-6/4 For Rent 2 BEDROOMS, lower 372-5767 or 489-1656.0 occupancy. Manager, 351-3177. 3-6/5 Call duplex, furnished, Summer, Hagadorn NEAR lySlTTING 5 weeks Summer TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" Portable area. Quiet neighborhood. SPARROW. 1 bedroom „ $30. Monday. Wednesday, $8.50 per month including stand! It's that time of year. Time to - 12:10, 355-7815. Call grab those rays, slip ii JR. CULVER CO. for a quick dip, and finally shun the sun in ai 351-8862. 217 Ann Street. East NEEDED 1 man. Luxury i GIRL conditioned comfort. Picture yourself all wet Close to FOR NEAT, MATURE girl for ... a LjfANT COOKS For Camp. 2 campus. 351-1976, Spring, Wa First half Summer. North Pointe. TV RENTALS 332-6528. 2-6/5 ,5 needed to assist in camp - Students only. Low 3-6/5 351-1300. 3-6/5 i 13th - September monthly and term rates. Call kgi Experience helpful but not 351-7900 to reserve SUMMER RATES yours V Call Rex Miller, WMCA, UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 01.2-6/5 JlHEROF 1 would like to babysit RENT A TV from a TV $9.50 per month. Call Company. CAPITOL VILLA APARTMENTS 337-1300. III time weekdays in her Spartan NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 1664 E. Grand River e. 355-1279. 2-6/5 — Non Student - — EDROOM s180 2 Bf JllPET - FLUTE player available, Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments lifessional experience in jazz, - From $160.00/month li, shows. 337-0801 . 2-6/5 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham. 2-man furnished apartments Air Conditioned Swimming Pool llMER EMPLOYMENT with includes heat. $62.50 to $80 per t's largest full line man. 135 Kedzie Carpeted Ample Parking Drive, $85 to it wholesaler. Automobile $90 per man. Leases Furnished & Unfurnished Free Maintenance starting June 15th and September 1st. Days Heat & Water Included 487-3216, Evenings, 882-2316. | REGISTERED NURSES Manor, skilled nursing UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP MODEL OPEN Corner of Haslett Rd. and M-78 Apartments is opportunities for well Phone 332-5330 1-5 p.m. Contact Roger Taskey 351-3420 Beautifully i Daily or Stan Guski 351-8160 clientele. Le 882-6549. O Four Parking Spaces Per Apartment UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to Student Union. Reduced summer rates. Fall leases available. 2, 3, RIVERSIDE EAST APTS. Your blueprint for Luxury.. . LE OR female hairdresser for and 4 man furnished. 351-4694. inted 1310 - 20 East Grand River beauty salon. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT ■«IR FASHIONS. 4-6/5 1114, PATRICIAN COMPANY, 351-7910. O Summer Fall - 4 Man Units from rates - - $160.00 $230.00 WlofoF Phone: 332-8292 eek. Phone 351-6729. Under New Management to S3000 this summer. Car CAMPUS VIEW ime. Call 351-7319 for APARTMENTS (TED COCKTAIL ^ THE UNICORN, )ay, uniforms good Waitresses. working furnished. 372-8971. Exclusively for girls under 21; supervised apartment. Across n Williams Michigan Ave. One unit left aPPr Hall on Admit for Fall. $75 a month, with 9-month lease. Call Resident |D HELP in my $4.75 per hoyr. Call 3between 9:30 12:00. C - stereo manager. 332-6246 it. llbyota Corolla You want all the comforts of a luxury apartment for a fair price. Northwind Apartments offer you two bedrooms, air - conditioning, dishwashers, NEW NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN carpeting, NEW furniture and NEW furnishings, LIMITED SUMMER LEASES NOW ACCEPTED EVERYDAY 1-6 unlimited parking and many other extras. CLOSED SUNDAY Phone 332-6441 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing All this for only $57.50 per month. CALL student units. These spacious luxury apartments are Northwind Apartments before you sign a fall lease. completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - central air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. See what 73 hp |f«H do for a small economy car Come in and check the shape... the statistics... Model Open Daily X^®tuj>ctungfjam n * 4620 S. HAGADORN TWyCKINGHAM WW APTS. H WHEELS of Lansing Inc. . 2200 S.Cedar ffPTS 2771 Northwind / management exclusively by: Only minutes from the campus ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 't on Mt. Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar (kiMnd Yankee Stadium) 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Junc 4, 19 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent GIRL, WALK to campus. Nice NEW MANAGEMENT. Bay Colony EAST LANSING 908 East EAST __ For R(> near LANSING. Faculty FURNISHED 3-bedroom BLOCK OFF Michigan Avenue. apartment. $48. 372-6128 and Princeton Arms. on faculty Duplex 2 bedroom. 3 or 4 people. 2 CLEAN. or 1 and 2 Mount Hope. 1 or 2 quiet grad Sabbatical leave, tyust lease house. house. September 1 - January 1. Furnished. Very large with vaulted 204 Shepard. Room for 6 quiet —■ 351-1280, Laura. 3-6/4 bedrooms from $130. 337-9228. students or a couple. Furnished Available Living room. PriVato n's August 16th for the 1 Vi blocks from beam ceiling. Fireplace. Patio. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT basement apartment. $85 single, academic campus. cooking. Parkj ,e year. Modern, furnished. 351-9460. 2-6/5 Summer. Close room, dining room, kitchen. All EAST SIDE. 2-bedroom furnished COMPANY 351-7910. 0 $105 double including utilities. to campus. 332-4709. 3-6/5 9 Utlllt'® Very reasonable. Call 332-4672 351-5313. 3-6/5 furnished, new carpet throughout. apartment. Near Sparrow 351-0085 332-3161. 1-6/4 DUPLEX 4 people. Summer and or evenings. 1-6/4 - IV 9-2089. 3-6/5 Hospital. $135 per month for CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. Single Fall. 3 - bedroom. Call 372-1629. SPARTAN SSTSr Summer. $165 per month in Fall. Utilities not included. No girl to share 2 girl, large 2 bedroom, furnished ATTRACTIVE 2 man. 227 Bogue. Summer / fall. $75. 351-589. THREE MEN, Summer and/or fall. 10-6/5 AVAILABLE SUMMER and Fall. women. 5:30 361-9286. Anytime Sln^ apartment. Individual furnished. children. Call 372-3520. 10-6/5 rooms, Lovely, furnished one, two and Air conditioned. $92.50, 2-6/5 351-5683. Cheap I 2-6/5 SUMMER, $185 month, 3 blocks EAST three bedroom houses. $140 LANSING luxury duplex, - 489-5922. 6-6/5 MSU, 2-3 bedrooms, 351-4745, FOUR MAN luxury. 3 men needed. completely furnished for $230 plus utilities. 351-5696. KAPPA Chalet Park. Pool. $51.25. CEDAR APARTMENTS: 2 FEMALE GRADUATE wanted, fall. Cedar Village, Sue 353-3599, 4 BEDROOM house for porch, family. Yard, 351-7846, 351-4874. 2-6/4 Reduced summer 4, rates. Call after 3-6/5 DELTA~SOBon,T; available for f( like swimming - you can swim. Limited number of 2-bedroom apts. available for summer from $160 Q. What If w already own a cottage al A. Find out bout our 5 day plan, Q. How backyard pool? A. For the price of a backyard pool, you could swim Red Cedar Hills and let someone else do the maintenance for 30 unu And then, who wants to swim alone? 217 Ann St. Next to Min-a-Mart 351-8862 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 1970 17 For Sale la ROOM furniture, desk, rugs, Student Service For Sale Peanuts Personal Service Wanted record player. 355-4669, DIRECTORY Mobile Homes PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and leather WANTED: ONE bedroom cleaning and refinishing 196° HI service. Now being offered at the country cottage. Married students ■ toiNG Gibson. Mint condition. LLCREST, 12x60. Deluxe. 2 renting June 23. After 6 p.m., Kg! 351 8445 5 p.m. 3-6/5 bedroom,unfurniihed.Many Call 625-3520. W extras. OKEMOS 2155 Hamilton DRY CLEANERS, Rd., 332-0611. 339-9470. 3-6/5 BRANSON BAY 50c HOME OF THE KaGE SALE- This Sunday, June SPECIAL 50c SUMMER IN EUROPE? LATE 1966 Marlette. PROFESSIONALS. O LOOKING FOR something to do GOLF COURSE and Wash up to a 9X12 12' 50'. 2 CHRISTOPHER JOHN: for ■, 1 to 5 Stereo, sofa-bed, kitchen x rug bedroom. Fully carpeted. Skirted times now Love, BROWN let a Want Ad find a DRIVING RANGE in our 25 lb. Texas washer. August 3 - September 3. $230 and past. part - time furnished. 10 minutes from EYES. 1-6/5 BATON CLASSES now forming for job for you. 6'/2 miles W. of or England package plan, Columbus Rd. phone 663-4144 Mason o.. SDR0W'S 7EC°NOWASH 3006 Vine St. $279 complete. Call Alan campus. 694-9571. 4-6/5 Excellent condition. summer. Small Beginning girls classes, small age cost. 7-12. Call 2 BEDROOM h a.m. -11 p.m. Kaufman at 351-4928 or near campus. Rent $120 - $150 1 Susie. 625-3459, this weekend. P'ock west of Sears for 2 girl 351-0384. 1965 RICHARDSON 10'x50' 2-6/5 grads. Summer / fall. c°py quick Furnished, $2,700 351-0589. 2-6/5 or offer. 1(85-0650. 2-6/4 printing superservice louis beauty salon 337-0962 after 6 p.m. 3-6/4 CONSOLE: Beautiful Save printing dollars . . . Low Latest in Hairstyles BAUTEL'S 1968 CHAMPION Typing Service FULL TIME babysitting in my prices on camera and Hair 12x50 furnished. University Village home. Summer I,4inet, Garrard turntable, large ready copy Shaping Excellent DISSERTATIONS, Cash and . . , hooking, knitting, weaving condition. Skirting. Theses, Term term. Experienced. 355-5944. IJers, ^st see to believe. Call 2316 E. carry 226 Abbott Kd. crocheting Available September. Windsor papers, ANITA WARREN: SCM' 2-6/5 1)51.1747 . 3-6/5 Michigan, Lansing 487-0??7 "pen 332-2369 2916 Turner Estates. 646-6025. 3-6/5 ROSCOE, PINNED? ONLY acertain Electric. 351-0763, 351-6086. evenings by appointment could know. C-6/4 GRADUATE WANTS single, c _rv,, 52 point new diamond HOMETTE Maybe. •**. 1966. 12'x60'. New foment ring. White gold. 1 storage shed. Many new features. __1j6/4 TYPING TO do in home. my ileges. Prefer Kind solitaire. Wedding ring Lincoln National Life Home of The Grad Plan CONTACT LENS Excellent condition. 355-0996. CHERIE, NANCY, Nora, Sue, A Experienced. Please call, $600. Sell 1st $350. COLLEGE TRAVEL , Value Watch for "THE HAT" SERVICES 3-6/5 roommata is understanding,caring, 489-9750. 2-6/5 summer / fall. Around $45, )one 882-8270. Leave return on ABC-TV D. M. DEAN, O.D. OFFICE giving. One is a treasure, but four, 355-9639 / 353-5922, Alex Yui. jnber.3-6/5 Wide World of Sports 210 Abbott Rd. 1970 MOBILE Home, $3100. what more could one have asked 2-6/5 130 West Grand River 12'x44'. Ideal for Blvd, students or f MODEL 530 stereo tape I 351-8811 Suite #16 newly married or late lot. Added Companera Numero Cinco. 1-6/4 SCIENCE FICTION paperbacks, Reorder. LaFayette 125 watt ■ 332-6563 351-6010 built in desk and drawer space and hardbacks, magazines wanted! amp - pre-amp, with tuner. SDT GRADUATES: Hope your Learn garbage disposal. Phone 677-7831. Trade or sell! Call Ray, |!yl model 1010 stereo turntable. to fly? Sure you I ~ Need more shelves 2-6/5 future brings the best of 337-0490. Comics bought. 2-6/5 IaKAI model 1710 stereo tape Use Buy our Air Taxl-Servlce or drawer space? The style you want - everything. Love your Sisters. l/HY PAY more? Superior typing at larder Mayfair stereo tape a new Piper bob jones for that special date.' 1-6/4 sane prices. Phone 351-1765. Igcorder. Mayfair stereo 4 and 8 All at: paints has a full line Elda - Diane Lost & Found 0-6/4 icK cartridge home tape player of Beauty Salon Id speakers. Reel to reel tape Francis Aviation unfinished furniture. CLIFF & PAULA Complete hair care LOST: GREY and white cat, HAUGHEY orders, $9.95, up. Cassette tape Capitol City Airport Professional Thesis Preparation SOUND SELLS fast! Cash for \ 484-1324 677-814J declawed. Call 482-1435, days. srders! $19.95, up. Stereo head Masnl 351-4627, evenings. 2-6/5 For Master's & Doctoral wes $9.95. up. Used 8 track Candidates. Professional Thesis Call 355-8255 to place your ■fridges. $2.50 each. Stereo bud's GOLF DRIVING RANGE FOUND - KITTEN, gray with white Typing, Multilith Printing and fcnograph, $24.50, up. Stereo auto parts paws. Call Michigan Humane BRIAN - CALM is restored. Looking Hard Binding. Free Brochure and ■piker sets, $15.00, up. TV sets, Late Model i Motors and MINIATURE GOLF Society, 371-1492. 2-6/5 forward to August. Love, Kaye. Estimates. Call 337-1527. C ■{49.95, up. Clock radios, $5.95, parts a 1-6/4 " ioroid cameras, $5.00, up. speciality Fairway Golf Range, Grand LOST: MAGNAVOX tape recorder. TYPING DONE in my home for ■cron Topcon Yashica SLR Halfway between Holt and River Avenue A few Substantial reward for its return. JIM FOUR months of happiness. See students or business. 40c a page. Movie cameras and Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 - minutes Call Brian, 355-6376. 1-6/4 Quality typing. 882-3078. 4-6/4 east of MSU. you in September? Love, Cam. BLOOD DONORS Needed. $7.50 for 332-8745 ■mjectors. Adding machines. Pool 1-6/4 all positive. A REWARD: KODAK 124 I BARBI MEL: Typing, negative, B negative jes Golf clubs. Chrome and mag LIFE multilithing. liteels. Typewriters. Electric fans. INSURANCE TERRACE GOLF camera lost Open Air Concert. GREAT STOMACH. Happy belated No job too large or too small. and AB negative, $10.00. O Plan your Future now mock negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN . We buy, sell, Free Information and 353-1476. 3-6/5 birthday. Your Navigator friend. o«_campujJ332-3255, C COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, your Michigan literature BUTLER'S KIDDIELAND 1-6/4 building specialties TERM PAPERS, dissertations, etc. 507% East Grand River, East ■sink Card or Master Charge Card Call Licensed -7 rides LOST: MINIATURE COLLIE Agent Electric. Experienced. Call Sharon Lansing. Above the new Campus; 693 M-43 (Shelty). Female. May 29th. Near i wilcox SECONDHAND STEVE KAUFMAN Frandor BUTCH, HAPPINESS is a very special Rimek. 393-4234. 5-6/5 Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 bflore, 509 East Michigan. Okemos Marigold and Kalamazoo. No infantry captain to follow. Love p.m. Monday, Wednesday and 353-7708 337-7505 |(854391,8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C collar. Reward. 355-6450. 3-6/5 forever from lieutenant. Sandy. 1-6/5 your almost COMPLETE THESIS Discount Printing. IBM typing and Service. Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C LOST: MAN'S red lindy star UK 8 track cartridges and title BROOKS i mported Cars Buying Golf Clubs? GEORGE TOTH Natural Resources Bldg. Reward. ring in binding of thesis, resumes, Ms, dust bugs, tape cleaners, Why not check at JILLO - CONGRATS! Thy seven - publications. Across from campus, NOTHING BUT nothing will find a CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP 489-3662. 3-6/5 gs and jacks galore. All at Sales and Indian Hills Golf Shop league boots surely be fine; but corner MAC and Grand River, buyer for your sporting goods alog prices. MAIN Service below Style Shop. Call more Okemos 332-6925 quickly than a Want Ad. lilECTRONICS, 5558 South 482-1473 - Personal stitching mine? Schof. 1-6/4 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Dial 355-8255 now. tansy Ivama, 882-5035 _C 337-1666. C ^nation STEREO 8-track 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing FREE A thrilling hour of Real Estate TYPING: TERM PASSENGERS WANTED leaving ... beauty. p For appointment call Lansing June 10th or later for 484-4519. Rapid, acc EAST LANSING, Marigold, 4-5 California. 355-5951, 351-5038 lifi1 seeking radio. Fast foward. Auction MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Experienced. 393-4075. 10-6/5 2-6/5 Sunday, June 7 at 2 bedrooms spacious older home. Happy ' - r $225. Best offer. COCOOOOO STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. p.m. at Holt Auction Barn, 1726 LULUU-ILU TYPED & Study, dining and family rooms. ■351-8907. 5-6/5 S. Cedar, Holt, '/i mile S. of NEED SPACE in your closets? A light Large private yard, double garage. |ynolds CONTEMPORA, Holt. Household items, |§§5§5!5 PRINTED YOUR YEARBOOK is here. Pick Owner. $29,950. 337-0909. 5 6/5 Want Ad will find a buyer for OOOOOOOO $4/100/PG up "DON'T NEEDS." Dial :, excellent. 2 Bach 1 Vacchiano mute, Graduation LULULULU CdCdCZOtl oo71KO7 337-15^7 your or Wolverine now. Bring receipt I.D. to Room 27, Student EAST LANSING, Baldwin Court. your 355-8255. (distom case. 882-5477. 5-6/5 Services. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4-6/5 $23,000, 3 bedroom Cape Cod. Assume 6'/»% mortgage. Phone iL CAGE, wire. 4'x2'x2' with BAND. SATURDAY nights through 332-4083. 2-6/5 $10. 2 KLH speakers. For Sale the summer. No country western Transportation For Sale , 332-3848. w For Sale or rock. Trio preferred. 646-2201. HASLETT, by owner, 10 minutes 5-6/5 from MSU. 3 bedroom brick. Den • with fireplace, fenced in yard. 7%, VOLKSWAGEN GOING to Seattle- STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, beds. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CEDAR GREENS WANTED: WHEREABOUTS of $21,000. 339-8583. 5-6/5 Buy/sell. ABC Secondhand Store, brands, 30% off list price. R owner of British make Cortina, 1208 Turner. TF gas. 337-1493. 3-6/5 337-0703. O license FLW 219. Met hitching. HASLETT, A-Frame, 2 Bedrooms, Pool MOVING SALE, TENT CAMPER. Sleeps six. Call 100 R.M.S. watt power - amp plus Call 353-5224, 355-4958. 2-6/4 fireplace, wooded lot. $16,900. LIFE CAN be beautiful with the Summer Leases versatile pre - amp. Were $700 339-2938. 3-6/5 clothes, size 8, 353-7899 before 5 p.m. 651-5747 great sporting goods you find in new. Now $230. FM stereo FOUR BARBERS on duty to serve household items. 355-9887. 3-6/5 after 6 p.m. 4-6/5 tuner, the Want Ads. Check now. $40. Jensen speakers, $50, pair. you. 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday - EAST LANSING Pinecrest area. | One Bedroom - Furnished Acoustic guitar, $25. 353-7520. Friday. UNION BUILDING Spacious 3 bedroom - brick and MORE FUN in the Sun with Sun ONE VOCAL Master PA by Shure. 3 BARBER SHOP. C-6/4 aluminum ranch. Panelled family Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, microphones and stands by Shure, 1_-6/4 room with built-ins, 1 % baths, Call 351-8631 2615 East Michigan Avenue, $550. Daytime 1 - 782-3332; 1970 ARNOLD Palmer clubs, custom fireplace, tiled basement, 2 car 372-7409. C-6/5 evenings, 1 - 764-0989. 4-6/5 made, must sell, $225. 355-6274. Peanuts Personal Beautiful 372-7924. 3-6/4 garage. landscaping. 3-6/4 Must be seen. $28,500,337-7084. BASS. Good blonde bass including THANK YOU, Tiger, for the most 3-6/5 BARGAINS ARE always s MOVING?? bow. Call evenings, 655-1048. SEWING MACHINE Clearance sale. fantastic past eight months. Next 3-6/4 Brand new portables - $49.95, year will sure be long and lonely EAST LANSING house, 5 acres, 3 everyday. $5.00 per month. Large selection without you near. I.L.Y. KAREN. bedrooms, 2 car garage, $19,000 FURNITURE, ANTIQUE: Bed, chest Send your Discards of drawers, 4 chairs, 2 tables, 3 lamps, vacuum cleaner. All of reconditioned Singers, used machines. Whites, Necchis, New Home & "Many Others." $19.95 1-6/4 by Owner. 332-6425. 5-6/5 OKEMOS BRICK 3-4 bedrooms, Wanted PAXTON QUIGGLEY. together, $150. Big TV set, PLANT A Want Ad today and watch to Rehabilitation Ind. General Electric, 351-4759, 5-8p.m. 1-6/4 $50. Call to $39.95. Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Congratulations. We all love The attic. 1-6/4 you. 6'/.%. Low 30's, 1606 Forest Hills, 351-6632. 4-6/5 it grow into results. Dial 355-8255 to plant your Want Ad. 1115 North Washington Call 484-1319 for pickup. UTILITIES TRAILER 4x6 enclosed, 489-6448. C-6/4 PAT, BECKY: Classrooms, cottages, Independence You're already Recrertion SUMMER SUBLET, two pool, air conditioning. $125 - bedroom, Say what you want to say to buy or sell, rent or hire, to a $250. Hoover portable washer, . . . SUMMER IN EUROPE? August 3 - 12 STRING GIBSON guitar. Crush missed! Kathy, Pat. 1-6/4 total of 50,000 people with a "Our Product is People" almost new, $125. Electric guitar, 6-string, one month old, $60. proof case. Excellent condition. $300 or best offer. Bob Terry, ALLAN: WHOLE lots bunch September 3. $230 or England package plan, $279 complete. Call $130. Will pay all in advance. 332-3565. 3-6/5 State News Want Ad. It is 482-8162.2-6/5 - Jack easy to speak your piece 372-1810, 9-5p.m. 3-6/4 Lapelle at 351-1042 or . . . probably even morel Forever, Pat. all you have to do is dial 1-6/4 _J5V0384_TF^ 355-8255. We'll help you Animals FOR PROPERTY, 2 lots on 2 lakes SPRUCE UP FOR word and place your summer! Tal SUMMER JOBS totaling 2.5 acres in U.P. Call IV 4-8840 after 6 p.m. 3-6/5 advantage of the servic low-cost, fast-acting Want Ad. advertised in today's Want Ads. DAVID, WYOMING to California. DRIVE PARIS - Bombay 25th, $100. Summers are letters swafol. Love Peter, 14 Hendrie, Detroit. 48202. ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel travel. Mary. 1-6/4 3-6/5 puppies. AKC, black and white. FOR STUDENTS Only a few left. 332-2935. 4-6/5 ^plications now being accepted for summer jobs with major corporation. Students 18 yfs. of age & over wanted to learn marketing, sales promotion, & brand identification techniques during summer period High level executive management training courses given SIAMESE KITTENS. Ready in 2 to qualified applicants. Salary $115 per wk. for first 3 wks. $145 per week plus bonuses starting 4th week. AKC $20. 351-8907. 5-6/5 ST. weaned Bernard puppies. Will be in 5 weeks. $100 - 200. 339-8583. 5-6/5 The Movement For A New Congress I SCHOLARSHIPS HIGH PAY WANTED: GOOD young cat. summer home for 351-0530 after 4 p.m. needs your Earn at least $1500 for the sumn 2-6/4 . . . help to campaign for Peace Candidates this summer & fall. If you'll be in Win one of 30 $500 scholarships. student — make $3000 and mo Lansing this summer you can AFFECTIONATE KITTEN to be help out here ... if you're going home or out - of - state let given away. Call 332-1457 after 4 us know — We'll put you in touch with New p.m. 2-6/5 a Congress Movement there. Any contribution you make will help us and help end the War-even if it's only a few hours TRAVEL SEE HAWAII REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES - Show Stock. Best in breeding, a day. General meeting Thurs., June 4, 104B Wells. 7:30 p.m. Work anywhere in U.S. or in Win all expense paid holiday good dispositions. Ready to show. Canada. Qualified students may Hawaii for an entire week. Boxstall accommodations for work overseas. boarding. Inside and outside riding arena. Tack and trailer storage inside. The Dutchman, Julius Vos, r, 626-6 I. 15 rr of Lansing. 2 6/5 Other contributions will also help: Movement for New BEST POSITIONS GOING FAST! a Congress REGISTERED IRISH setters. 4 Call Today For Appointment months old. 223 Bates Street, □ I pledge $10.00 312 Student Services Bldg. Grand Ledge. 627-6555. 2-6/5 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. □ I pledge $5.00 ASMSU Offices TWO FREE kittens, box trained, 1445 Biscayne Way, Haslett. □ I pledge $1.00 East Lansing, Mich. 339-9486. 2-6/5 Grand Rapids, Mich Miss Olney 616-459-5079 □ 48823 Mr. Pol 517 372-6313 SANDALS MADE Lansing, Mich. Mr. Vermillion 616 381-7467 WHILE-YOU-WATCH. Kalamazoo, Mich. Custom-made to fit you! (make payable by check to above) PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR 501 E. Grand River Below Campus Drugs)332-4074 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 4, 197Q Auditor calls for fund halt (continued from page!) earmarked for buildings, John All-Events Bldg. 1 e rink." ranging from $100 to accounted for and The report notes that nearly Laetz, athlet The report also questions the $1,000, could be the report says. audited. In spite of those $1 million "is accumulated in manager, said Wednesday. This is of blanket allowances to several "Annually," it states, 'the minutes, we were denied auxiliary accounts ... for money which would have been University personnel, including athletic budget provides coaches to the records on the basis that operations and future capital the athletic department's A the president, secretary, provost, with quarterly allotments which this v n alumni rather than improvements and additions to portion of the funding of the ssistant to the president, _ represent blanket payments for m University function. the athletic physical plant while proposed All-Events Bldg., if Information Services personnel, out - of - pocket expenses for "We recommend that the . the University general fund that structu: had been placement personnel, alumni, tertainnient, refreshments, athletic council board clarify the subsidizes the athletic program approved, and Athletic Dept. personnel, c., which according to position of the University in annually in excess of $300,000." "This money 1 i only be used The Athletic Dept. provides j The surplus money in question ^ University policy may not be regard to the football busts and gs and annual allowance of $7,800 for mulated from properly reimbursable under establish at what point the $2 improvements," Laetz said. "We its personnel, which is spread other situations. Un ty responsibility 28 coaches with allotments Laetz said most of these for were accountability of minor expenses which could not t h be put on an expense accounts. penditures." "Say you buy a guy a drink or The report recommends that something, you can't put that commercial airlines be used for xpensi ount," he travel when this is less expensive explained. "Or another example: than renting state - owned a recruiting prospect may be aircraft, that the athletic budget coming in late at night and the identify expenses coach wants to buy the kid a specifically and that the but all the campus University the status of facilities closed. So he takes him out." sports financial clubs and assistance discontinue to those . x % These allotments subject to clubs which are not sanctioned income tax, Laetz said. The report asks for University programs. It recommends charging rental Winchester speaks clarification of the University' based on costs to on-campus and position on football busts, off-campus groups which use John Winchester speaks t ft group of students in the Museum auditorium during banquets which Laetz said Jenison Fieldhouse. At present, Group seminar Tuesday. a Minority primarily furnish funds which only nominal rate is charged. off-set "what we can't afford for traveling." "Football busts have been held throughout the state for years," the report says, "the proceeds from which are turned several Four year program Essay winners over to the University and used for extraordinary items by the (continued from page 1) programs to fulfill their desire excellence we must strive for." program and variations Taking honors in the recent Dept. of Humanities essay contest are (left to right) James head coach. and structures to the needs and forjnereased knowledge. These principles are: option and "The board minutes of the This extra load 1. There must be much some degree 1 Blackiston, Wilmington, Del., senior, third prize ($25); Joan Worley, Tripp City, Ohio, aspirations of the students. as structure. athletic council indicated that The program University College may requii flexibility in the sophomore, second prize ($50); and Michael Pehanich, Westchester, III., junior, first prize would also allow Dther program 6. To a high degree, faoulj colleges ithin ($100). the football busts under adults who want academic University to share the burden good consultation and advice shoul State News photo by Walt Gyr the experience without the scholarship. be involved, both in jurisdiction of the University, the of general education. This will 2. The program must satisfy strurturiif it's what's.^ A A mm am na i u money was fullv allow University Co University requirements, the program for the student and in the provision individu] to become electives. although remaining accessible to reading courses In a statement of their designed HAPPENING xpected changes in them. rationale for the program, the The Bylaw changes rejected committee members said the student resents restrictions on his curriculum choice and seeks include, year, some program probably sort of in ought the last "capping' to 7. A broad spectrum educational experiment part of the faculty should experience, selected by the encouraged, together with » reduction in the number of student from (continued from page 1) for greater student involvement a broad range of constant charge per Lansing or at Quonset reviewing regulations concerning required and an increase choices, such in academic governance. as a thesis, forthcoming results. - to be pre - paid 1 d project We have ac.ce' considerations and action intercollegiate athletics at MSU. inJiis options. deadline 1 class day before. In other action, the Academic President Wharton then named The four interning, laboratory research, 8. There should be at least p.m. Move's etc^poss^bie'09 S te br'19 time to permit , . . - year program in the work period, social service, atresubmission MSU Gay Liberation Movement is an the proposals the fall 1970 of defeated a motion three new members to serve on University College would be « creative work, etc. new degree designation ( implemented by the Academic the Athletic Council for the designed for flexibility and close perhaps several) to differentia organization for students who are SUNday, June 7, is a day dedicated meeting of the Academic Senate. Councji that would have opened 4. Grading should be as the graduate of the dialogue between MSU students interim. term July 1, 1970, to June 30, adviser - st"dent student relationships, flexible as the progra transsexual range the meetings of the senate to the 1972. They are: John W. according to Willard Warrington, University from those of more traditio of h uality. and members of the Lansing Area. departments, schools regulations permit and the 208. public. Zimmer asst. dean of the College assistant dean of the University majors. SUNday will be at Valley Court Park colleges procede with planning student desires. 9. There should be The senate meetings will of Natural Science; Leo V. no sti ihind People's Chur negotiations along College, There should be at least at last meeting. a.m. - dus urged t( 'ring a apnoral linoc inrii/xitcH h th closed, remain ciuseu, nonmembers iiuiuiiemuers may Nothstine, professor of civil The EPCC report also upon completion of the progra Enter adopted three available forms of in a fixed period of time, \H ZERO POPULATION GROWTH - all day am !. present proposals while attend only by invitation of the engineering;^and Fred Vescolani, nine professor of administration and general principles for the proceeding to the degree: total should be possible, unc Lansing recognizing the possible need for program which it said "would be option Chapter will meet, 7:30 question the ideas of others. More some The" senate approved the higher education. the vehicle for highly average conditions, to complt p.m., Sunday, Koinonia Rm of the communication is wha revisions following final establishment of the interdisciplinary it in the customary' four University Methodist Church, 1118 meaningful change. action by the Academic Council, a University yea S. Harrison. Dr. Lawrence Krupka the Committee on Faculty SUNday. Talk, listen, q Academic Senate and the "Some Aspects of the board of trustees. Compensation and Academic We're To help, or act as a dis Popula Crisis " For rides or all 355-6219. please call 355-4786 Come to Doug all concerned 1 , mil 1971, — parties accept the target for the implementation of plans date Rud£t an(J granted additiona, powers to the University Faculty Tenure Committee. Shaking the Money Tree The tenure committee's decision on matters involving interpretation of tenure rules Indian rockets from involving deviation tenure rules will binding to the administration and the faculty explore space concerned. Under the old faculty bylaw, member the tenure committee served only in an advisory capacity. John Fuzak, chairman of the Athletic Council, submitted his council's report to the Senate and invited the members of the senate to confront him with questions at a later date. He reported that the Athletic Council has most recently been More Money For Your Books Everyday s ^^tudent 8 oolc Open Mon. 421 E. Grand River Sat. Til 5:30 Wed. 'Til 9:00 s tore