Logic . . Monday ... is neither a science nor an michigan Cloudy . . . art, but a dodge. Benjamin Jowett state TATE NEWi — university Vol. 63. Number 4 awaits signature Legislation to broaden public action on pollution By JEFF SHELER complaintant to post $500 bond if the Lockwood said he opposed the bill State News Staff Writer court has reasonable grounds" to believe because of he may not be able to pay the costs of a report last year by Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley that called the proposal prosecuting the case. The days when all a person can do about I m sure that will deter those who don't "unworkable." ,1, pollution is cough or sneeze or have a serious purpose," Anderson said. Huber, a candidate for the Republican occasionally pass out will soon end when I he other nomination for the U.S. Senate, called the amendment protects industries bill "disastrous for Gov. Milliken signs into law a bill passed in cleared of industry" and said a a charge from being prosecuted strong state agency could better the legislature Friday that will allow again for combat causing the same type of pollution. citizens to sue environmental polluters. pollution. In a vote 34-3, the Senate passed House The bill also provides that an accused Hungerford predicted the Bill 3055, sponsored by Rep. Thomas company or agency must show that "there bill would cause the courtrooms to be flooded with Anderson, D-Southgate. The House was no feasible or prudent alternative" to concurred shortly thereafter and sent the its actions and that it "every kook, psychopath and malcontent," poses no threat to attempting to sue industries. bill to the governor for his signature. public safety. Milliken has supported the bill since it Passage of the bill came after long Rep. Anderson explained that this consideration jas introduced and commended the provision recognizes some by committees and after types of public hearings on the bill. legislature for taking a "significant step pollution as being unavoidable and Student groups from Indians toward a quality environment." several state incurable, and that remedying this type of colleges and universities including MSU The bill, when signed into law, will allow pollution would be too costly and time - spoke in favor of the measure at a Delegates to the first annual Michigan Indian Conference, held during the weekend at Kellogg Center performed , iny citizen — who has enough money to consuming. at the hearing inter-tribal dancing and ceremonials in traditional dress at a powwow Saturday evening. employ a lawyer -to take on any industry The provision is Capitol last winter. a safeguard against the State News photo by Terry Luke or municipality believed guilty of polluting possibility of an industry being ordered to the environment. shut down for unavoidable instances of Under present law only state and local pollution. government agencies may prosecute Indians The three senators who voted told of against the polluters. bill were Sen. Emil Lockwood, R-Elm Hall- One of two amendments tagged on the Sen. Robert J. bill by the Senate would require the Harold W. Huber, R-Troy; and Sen.' Hungerford, R-Lansing. Ru.lF&MMCCAnniCD By JEANNE SADDLER , . _ ™ " John Winchester, a Potawatami Indian Michigan Commission on Indian Affairs has and and coordinator of Indian programs at the "Now Iriquois Point is ours," he said. no communication with Michigan Indians. ROBERTA SMITH Center of Urban Affairs, said that the Joseph G. Jorgenson of the University of Representing the Great Lakes Indian State News Staff Writers MCIA had been "ineffective since its Youth Alliance, Pamp said the Alliance was Michigan explained the traditional white folklore that has influenced government establishment in 1965." Winchester, who an informal group to establish Michigan Indians were told over the a voice for legislation concerning Indians], weekend that Gov. Milliken is seeking planned the weekend conference, has Michigan Indians. served "There are still people in the U.S. in on MCIA for the past two years. "The American Indian still has the lowest legislation to increase the budget of the Winchester said that although $25,000 standard of living, the positions of power who influence Michigan Commission on Indian Affairs highest rate of legislation counter to your best interests," would provide for only slightly more than suicide and is the most oppressed (MCIA). Indians had gathered over the minority he warned. "The thrust of American weekend at Kellogg Center for the first one salaried staff member, it was a start for in the United States," he said. "The Indian the commission. youth have to get together because legislation has always been: annual Michigan Indian Conference. we "It is time for "1. to make Indians sever ties with other Richard Haellenbreck, representing the our people to start making need a voice." decisions and The Youth Alliance Indians, governor, said the proposal included a planning programs for recently took over a "2. to "make him move away ourselves," Winchester said. "We know that lighthouse at Iriquois Point "with plans to from his $25,000 increase for the MCIA budget, a land and get an education, the white man has studied us to death." convert it into a $50,000 grant for census, health and community center. He "3. and only then to consider him a education studies and the establishment of Charles (Moose) Pamp, a Chippewa said the Indians had been - trying to bargain 'respectable citizen.'" an Indian study group. Potawatami and Lansing junior, said the for the lighthouse for years. "They always felt if Indians would be just like whites, everything would be all right," Jorgenson said. Jorgenson added it would be appropriate for the government to spend $500,000 a income tax year for Indian programs. John Bosin, a Kiowa from Grand Rapids, who works to preserve the Indian culture and ways among Indians all over the country, said the scars of the last 50 years finance education Parochiaid opponents hoped to block the are slowly beginning to heal through Indian organizations. an "An Indian should live 24 hours a day as Indian, not just one week or one 12-16 mills ceiling on local school district tax tax increase and prevent appropriation of levies, and to allow voters to decide if extra funds needed to finance the they want to keep the graduated income The Michigan Legislature Friday tax. parochiaid program. The added tax funds were proposed to approved $92 million increase in the state The property tax credit repeal will mean Male a income tax to help fund education and balance the state budget. smaller refunds for most taxpayers but it will not affect the tax rate. When undergird the which exceeds this 1970-71 school aid year's school budget by bill mi After a seven - month stalemate on the computing state income taxes next year $140 million. The two ready; bill, the House voted 57-48 to reduce only 12 per cent — up to $15 —of proposed constitutional property tax credits to amendments are intended to help shift the a $15 maximum on property taxes may be subtracted from the the state income tax. state tax. The same limit will be placed on tax burden for education from local The Senate later approved the bill 20-12 city income tax credits. property taxes to state income taxes. and sent it to the governor for his signature. The House also passed two constitutional as Gov. Milliken has endorsed the the "most equitable" way of raising taxes for education. His educational reform measure Supporters of the millage limitation proposal point to more equitable assessment and more uniform prefer p LOS ANGELES (AP) - The men who amendment proposals aimed at setting a package, introduced last fall, included a appropriation of state funds to the schools knocked the midiskirt will get a chance to reduction of property tax credit. as advantages of the amendment. The income tax question will offer voters wear one themselves. Passage of the tax increase clears the way A women's designer here has come up a chance to decide whether finance of for approval of a $980 million school aid with one for men. Many stores are ordering 10-Week Deadline bill which includes a $22 million provision school systems will shift from the property tax to the graduated income tax. it and the designer is confident of its for non - public schools for fiscal year The drops and adds period for the full 1970-71. Should the income tax amendment fail 10-week summer term ends Tuesday. The The school aid and the millage limitation pass, funding of bill, currently in the state's school systems may face serious Phono-fiddle last day for dropping full - term classes with no grade reported is July 27. Half term classes may be dropped with committee, is expected to see floor action early this week. A last ditch effort to difficulties. If the millage limitation fails and the The designer, Rebecca Welles, believes - sabotage the parochiaid provision is It looks like income tax passes, the state's schools the skirt will catch on at resorts, golf a hybrid fluegelhorn, but its inventor, Louis Goldman, seen no grade reported until July 9. The drops expected from opponents of the courses and around the here playing his invention, calls it a would not face financial problems but state swimming pool. phono-fiddle. It is made from parts and adds period for half - term ended but Friday's passage of the tax "I think it would have been better as a of an old indicates approval of the aid bill will i taxpayers might. crank-type gramophone and a guitar, and it is played with a Friday. mini," giggled one teenage girl. violin bow. AP Wirephoto early in the week. (please ti e 9) Sturqis: typical By LOUIS CASSELS UPI Senior Editor full employment, employment, an of Midwest, Silent Ma'\ority an excellent school system, numerous numerous churches and a restaurant that serves steaks as good as any you can find in Chicago. It is a paradise for sportsmen: 20 clear, unpolluted lakes even Even the Even the prettiest apples in the Garden of Eden. The worm in Sturgis' apple may harbor i i worms. growing There v was a snake concern about the national national guardsmen should be criticized for ooenino demonstrating students at Kent State University. "We've got to put a stop to all this burning and rock opening firfire on - are within a 10-minute drive. economic outlook. throwing," he said. "If it takes bullets - well, law enforcement "We've had two plants shut down recently," Harold S. Pringle, officers have a right to defend themsleves." STURGIS, Mich. (UPI) - To a visitor from the urban east, this The crime wave, like pollution, is something the people of publisher of the Sturgis Journal, said. "Our unemployment rate is I asked Grim whether he had children. handsome little town looks at first like an island of serenity that Sturgis" read about in newspapers and hear about on television. still below the national average, but unless business begins to pick "Yes," he said. "I have a son in college. And if he was out there has managed to remain insulated from the turmoil of the modern The actual experience of being robbed or assaulted is so rare that up soon, we'll have a problem. A lot of people are worried that breaking up public property in a campus demonstration and got world. " many citizens need not bother to lock their homes. Police have we're sliding into a national recession." shot, I'd feel remorse but I'd also feel that he got what was But if the visitor sticks around for a while, he becomes aware investigated two homicides in the past 21 years. The snake in Sturgis' garden is the Indochina war. coming to him." that even Some citizens are disturbed about the here, in the heartland of middle America, there is Racial tension also is merely the rumble of distant thunder. apparent inability of the Attorney Robert Boyce blamed the news media for student bitterness, division and anxiety about the future. There are only four black families in town. United States to end the conflict — or disengage from it. unrest. "You glorify rioters and make them out to be heroes," he Sturgis is a good place to listen In on the murmurs of the "silent "We do have hippies," my host told me in a tone that managed "A lot of people want to pull out," said Mrs. Donna Wright, a said. "But you never carry stories about decent youngsters who majority" because it close as any town can to qualifying school teacher and mother of four children. aren't involved in that rabble." as a comes as to combine repugnance with a touch of civic pride. "They feel we aren't typical midwestern community. getting anywhere, and they're sick of seeing so many of our boys Warren Fudge, quiet - spoken superintendent of He pointed out five young men standing on a street corner. schools, said It is located in the killed and wounded over there. They think we there have been no anti - war demonstrations rolling green farm country of southwest They all had long hair and one sported a straggly beard. Last ought to leave and School. "But that doesn't mean our young people are indifferent. in Sturgis High Michigan, 149 miles west of Detroit, 120 miles east of Chicago, 2 summer, the "hippies" shocked the community by using a let the people over there work out their problem." mi'es north of the Indiana line. Kalamazoo, the nearest city of Others are less perturbed by the war than Fudge, wtw has municipal park as a boudoir on warm nights. But the police have by the a son nearing draft age, said his personal view is appreciable size, is 50 miles away demonstrations which college students are conducting against it. all out to win, because that could bring c found a way to stop that: at midnight, lawn sprinklers are turned Sturgis has a population of 9,000, a business district five blocks njlk ' Jack Grim, a grain elevator operator, said he did not think nuclear holocaust; we can't just pull out overnight, because that long, a good dally newspaper, enough industry to provide nearly on m tne parK' (please turn to page 9) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 29, 1970 3 Cigarettes Kodak Color Film H news Israelis counter rocketing 3/95c 126- 127-620 87' ■ summary with air raids guerrillas Limit 1 Bv Bv ASSOCIATED AWnPI ATPrv nnmn PRESS on (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only East (Coupon) Expires After 7-3-70 Lansing Store Only rp, Arab guerrillas attacked under fire of antiaircraft Lebanon and operating from .inrHon „ guerrilla warp strong, guns, "We will agree to 3 2.25 Israeli frontier towns earlv , errr)Pn' southeast Lebanon, mention of casualties on either guerrilla official. b 10% off the ■ Sunday, killing a man anrf minutes, a spokesman side. countries now think they < discount wounding two The Israelis countered other nersnnc IT / a,nd ®!so hi' 8uerri,,f bases The three civilian casualties 6 times during the occurred in the town of Kiryat gang up and make peace o ; Flashcubes with air our heads they are mistaken." price on all raids against across guerrilla locations the borders. «nreturned safely from Shmona, located in upper Lebanese " film Galilee « «-««•-- developing 2 Lebanese frontier. miles from the slammed $119 command als» In Kibbutz Dan, six miles fro "We've got a lot of Cairo, a military spokesman n dough from Arab irreP,lars reported 36 Israeli Phantom and T In . ¥ . _ , . . Kiryat Shmona. There were r 0 Limit 1 no our friends." inTiH f j infiltrated »from Lebanon Amman, Jordan, Palestinian casualties, the Israelis said (Coupon) Skyhawk planes bombed ^ and - Mrs. Richard M. Nixon attacked Israeli border guerrilla leaders said they would police ii Egyptian positions in the Suez upper Galilee rwi try to block any attempt at en route to Peru wounding t\ for 4V4 settlement result f policemen with bazooka fire. hours. The raiders v e brought U.S. peace proposal. 1 1.29 a (See story page 7.) USE QUESTIONED 1 Stretch Panty . Perfect Fit 4. H ! Hose One Size Panty Hoi, , H Internotionol News U' ■ 79' $133 i maintains Israeli territory frontier town of Beit around i the , f Limit 3 Limit 3 i North Vietnam claimed Sunday the United connection with the residence States a.m. and at 8 a.m. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only flf achieved none of its objectives in the military invasion By JOHN BORGER hall program, Wilkinson said. which was released May 27 after No casualties or da of Cambodia. As a state nearly three years of preparation State News Staff Writer institution, the and covers the period reported. A broadcast dispatch of Hanoi's official News Agency said: "That is why a Vietnam campaign of The University still maintains University maintain number of is expected relationships with state to a 1966 had through June 30, 1967, recommended that July 1, non r 1 Ladies' Panties Jergens * H three banks, - community of 12,500. deception has been conducted in the past few days." The news agency also said the statements by the non - interest bank accounts, the use of which was questioned by the state auditor Wilkinson record - said. To keeping, however, only simplify interest discontinued, placed in accounts and interest the funds be hammer Egyptian militar; > Deodorant Soap H South Vietnamese and Cambodian heads of state general in his report on MSU two principal bank accounts are - bearing targets the Suez Canal, declaring the United States' victory were engineered by finances, Roger Wilkinson, vice president for used, other one for for payroll checks, the regular University accounts. At the time in question, the on ! 3/99c President Nixon. business and checks and disbursements. University had nearly $1 million Limit 1 finance, said last week. in four non - interest accounts at (Coupon) J| Other smaller accounts are the American Bank and Trust The Organization of American States reached a virtual Funds at a fourth bank, the kept at banks throughout the Co. (since agreement Sunday to condemn political kidnapings as American Bank and Trust Co., state to maintain good discontinued), the have been transferred to an Detroit Bank and Trust Co., "common crimes whose gravity converts them into relationships and to facilitate interest - bearing account at the Manufacturers National Bank of crimes against humanity." borrowing. Detroit and the National Bank 20c off the same bank. "We balance short term H • But it closed the door of Detroit. the of discount price armed force to prevent such on use a hemispherical "The non - interest accounts should be considered in the full deposits against long - term The University of Michigan has Men's Sox happenings in the future. loans," Wilkinson said. $2 million to $4 million in such on any context of our total banking Wilkinson also said the non - 1 non - interest accounts, A state of emergency went relationship," Wilkinson said. interest bearing accounts were mouthwash into force for three million Wilkinson said. Chileans in the Santiago area Sunday in a government "Those three banks University bonds amounting to hold not inactive. "There Wilkinson said the University QUICK 49' was always a flow of 1 attempt to halt violence during the nation's presidential $37 million at interest rates less funds in and out of those will review its total relationship Limit Limit 1 |^H than four per cent — far below with state banks in the near RESULTS (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 7-3-70 election. accounts," he said, "although future. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only the regular rate." over a long period of time the President Eduardo Frei, who is not running for balance was fairly stable." re-election, ordered all military police forces onto alert Most of these are in The auditor general's report, status in a wave of student outbursts that have in the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State past few days killed two persons and wounded 20 University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Sparklers Coppertone H others. Fifty arrests have been made. Sabine's job spread Subscription rate is $14 per year. Tanning Butter I National News Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, 7' 1 5/8 o, 59' 1 The Senate, moving to end nearly two months of to other departments Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. limit 10 p ■ debate over U.S. involvement in Cambodia, is Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. . East Lansing Store Only being With Vice President for appoint anyone to fill Sabine's offered a new plan to carve out no-cambat Special Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servires zones in Vietnam Projects Gordon Sabine position because he is expected Building, Michigan State University, East 2.25 100 ct. P ■ as a peace initiative intended to scale down Lansing, presently on leave, the to return here. Being on leave Michigan. fighting. responsibilities of his office are without pay and having tenure, Solarcaine Offered to the White House 10 days ago by Sen. being temporarily channeled to Sabine can be away from his other departments within the post for a year. Phones: Paper Plates |j 1 Charles M. Mathias, R-Md., it calls for the creation of Editorial 355-8252 Spray fire-free emphasis zones on in a peace Paris negotiatons. drive coupled with Mathias said he had not received any reaction from new administration. Both the registrar's office and the admissions and scholarships office are reporting to Provost pay, Because he is on obligation to return to the leave without however, Sabine has no University as he would if he had Classified Advertising Display Advertising Business-Circulation 355-8255 353-6400 355-3447 4o, SJ49 9" 49' 1 Photographic Limit 1 President Nixon, but said, "I think this kind of an idea John absence. Cantlon in Sabine's taken a paid sabbatical. 355-8311 (Coupon) Expires After 7-3-70 Limit 1 || is under serious consideration." Summer Orientation Director Marcie Lamarr has taken over all Rep. Gerald R. Ford, House minority leader, orientation responsibilities for predicted Sunday that U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam will be accelerated and hinted that President Sabine. Reports on the disadvantaged students program We're Trial Size Glade Nixon may make such an announcement this week. The Michigan Republican also declared his are given to President Clifton Wharton. Air Freshener Breck Shampoo 1 1 hope that Sabine has been on leave doing the House will reject the Cooper - Church amendment, expected to pass the Senate Tuesday. research for the American College Testing Program since May 1. closed 3o, 17' limit 3 uo, S1«9 Limit 1 f 1 Milton Friedman, a top unofficial economic adviser to Asst. Provost Herman King (Coupon) y said that there are no plans to East tomorrow Lansing Store Only 'East Lansing Store Only President Nixon, said Sunday government spending is, Q much too high and must be cut if inflation is to end. Moreover, he added, taxes are excessive and tax "rates FREE $1.00 ought to come down, but to do so government spending STORAGE Arrid Extra Jergen's Extra B 1 rates must also come down." because of Dry Deodorant Dry Hand Lotion ™ 1 He said he favors cutting funds fr°m agricultural SERVICE subsidy payments and urban redevelopment projects to 4.3 o, 59c ,o, 89< I balance the federal budget. FOR YOUR CLOTHING inventory . . Limit 1 ^ ^ Limit 1 (Coupon) H The New York Police Dept. estimates 150,000 Italian Americans will besiege the FBI headquarters there today to protest what they consider unfair linking of persons with Italian names to LOUIS $2.00 \ 95c ■ Police said 520 organized crimes. buses had been chartered to bring CLEANERS 623 E. GRAND RIVER so French Treat Oltra Brite 1 Protestors from as far away as Florida to starts at noon in Columbus Circle. the rally which EAST LANSING Scented Dooche Toothpaste 1 The FBI had no comment on demonstration. the planned shop 6o, M39 6„, 59c 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 1 Some 3,000 homosexuals marched from Greenwich v|»age to Central Park Sunday to demand equal rights today for East Lansing Store Only East (Coupon) Expires After 7-3-70 Lansing Store Only H ■ H w'th jt heterosexuals, was the climax of what its organizers called "Gay savings on YOUR CHOICE I nde Week." The outside state and week has featured demonstrations city offices to demand an end to books and Tide-Bold-Che er-Oxydol-Gain Laundr;y Detergent 11 a"egcd police harassment of homosexuals. Light in spirit and marked by much cavorting and Poncing, the march and rally were devoid of incident. supplies 2 lb. 4 0, j 6C Litnit 1 I 1 (COI J/t " 7 3 e 70 I Campus News MSU The City University of New York has announced plans State Discount to start training retired policemen and firemen to loin The become registered nurses. ... Officials hope the federally subsidized program Sailing Club ease the nursing shortage, provide second careers tor early - retiring policemen and firemen and change th women's work" image of nursing so other men win 1st Meeting Tuesday, June 30th BOOK STORE Next to the Card Shop 1 enter the field. ... . t Rm. 35 Union Bldg. for more toifornutt®n In the Center for International Programs 307 E Grand River - The first class of 100 policemen and firemen will start call: 339-2836 the 2'/i years of study in September. • '/ MICH IG AN AL CAPP STATE UNIVERSITY Behind the week's lineup GEORGE BULLARD in the 'talk show' editor-in-chief r/ mmxt® ' ' vij \ FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager business RflUm\73 N^ i t EDITOR'S NOTE: Though ole' was ::^1| KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY LEE, city editor JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor fitjitin', snortin' A1 Capp and we here newspaper types have done some sounds familiar..." The producer lifted his eyes tn th I JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor fussin' and feudin', we tfiought it might be beneficial to keep an eye on "" "Sl - ^ the other half. Hence, in the public Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award interest, we will periodicallypresent Al Dartd Susskind, and for outstanding journalism. Capp's weekly column. Hoffman and Jerry David FWe .Jl and Gore Vidal..." Rubin, Trumnct1* 31 "That certainly is as Do you wonder how guests are chosen fresl faces and new ideas as for our popular nighttime TV talk shows? anv ",[1 EDITORIALS Let's look behind the scenes of a popular Cal Affwit program. Z'? Mk V,the popular si«S!"-'J "I have a great lineup for you next week," cried his producer. New faces! New ideas! Shelley Winters and Shelley Berman! David Susskind and David Frye! Jackie iZs&isvsfs&L*" l "It was sharp of you to catch that 'Doctoring' he chortled. "It's the Cal Vernon and Jackie Susann! Steve and Edie! list of the « The other Steve — the one they called BEFORE last." w 'Also the week before Steverino when he had steady work — and that if i „ his wife! Jack Douglas and Jack Carter! correctly," star said, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman! The recalling correctly isn't easy ,)ri "although! ""71 matter a of lawyers for the Chicago 7 and the Panther 21! And, to wind it up on a high intellectual level, Truman Capote and Gore One week seems so "I wonder if it does too?" mused the look. "I wonder if that's „HKh like to Lie,"H producer, with worries audience! Vidal and whatshisname who wrote "Hie why w Newspapers have nearly run out of dangerous to the freedom he out - rated by words to describe Sen. Robert cherished so much. Selling of a President"! Randolph Scott He crumpled all the lists reruns'"' . Huber, Troy Republican and all - Jefferson — perhaps eyeing the day "A great lineup of new faces and new into his wastebasket. and tossed the J I around moral watchdog. But in light when a hidebound senator would "Cal," he cried, "we're in daneer M of his immature attack on the attempt censorship — wrote in 1786: falling into a rut! Let's make a fresh Let's get some REALLY new start! Doctor's Bag - our medical advice faces-somJ column - we found a few adjectives "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that TRB FROM WASHINGTON REALLY new ideas! We have world to the wSI pick from. Everybody wants to! that fit: hidebound, arrogant, prudish and publicity conscious. freedom cannot be limited without get on seems TV talk shows, but no to except the same one e« B - being lost." bores who ai Huber, perchance read, has attacked on the Senate floor the weekly medical column you haven't Huber, in contrast, because he thinks a medical column is immoral, it should be banned. If said that The Middle East, head on always on! "Let's lead off the distinguished star of stage and screen who! week with also has a light side. written by Dr. Arnold Werner, who Someone, say, who I Huber wants to join the U.S. Senate can come up with some Spiro Agnew holds a medical degree among others. America needs a war in the Middle East The strange fact is that the Palestinians, jokes f (and he does badly), he must come East, so be it; but it would be well to find Someone, say, like Shelley Winters! Werner is also board like a hole in the head. Yet every day it whom most Americans haven't even out some of the pertinent facts about the "But doesn't f a certified up with a broader perspective than comes nearer. On or about the time you identified yet, have a dream too; it is a situation now rather than later, as we did Affwit asked. that sound familiar''"II psychiatrist and an asst. professor of he now has. read this, Mr. Nixon will probably have dream of a homeland and of a nation and in Southeast Asia. Sen. Hatfield notes, like "Naturally! Everyone has heard of her.l psychiatry. His credentials are Imagine Huber at the sold Phantom jets and Skyhawks to Israel. they dream it with the mystical intensity Dr. Avineri, that the Palestinians feel that And everyone has heard her unimpeachable; he is well - qualified Constitutional Convention with our No less than 76 senators urged him to do of the Middle East that has produced three they have a powerful cause. In the jokes..." Spiro Agn»wlI to advise readers on medical matters. it; a majority so big and emotional that it great religions. The "homeland" of the miserable refugee camps, he says, the U.N. "But how about youth?" Now enter one backwoods senator founding fathers. Anachronistically, recalls that other time when all but two Palestinians is, of course, the territory Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) makes "The nation needs to hear from Affwit asked. I he would probably label Jefferson a senators youth.'' approved the Tonkin Gulf occupied by the Israelis. available only 10 cents per day per refugee. "Have I got some youths for who attacks the column as "pinko" and insist that freedom of resolution. you!" the ! As Dr. Avineri puts it, "The Middle East What has the United States done? producer said. "Jerry Rubin and Abbie disgusting, unconstitutional and the press hinges upon some nebulous If Americans were not obsessed with conflict has never truly been susceptible of Previously, had influence in the Arab Hoffman! The nationll hear | immoral. It's true. Huber believes moral code. No telling what he Vietnam they would be jumping up and analysis in Cold War terms." Great Power lands. We we them. ItH hear how Spiro Agnew is plenty from! down today with anxiety over the Middle were helping Egypt with its dam, stifling I that Werner's medical advice is would say to Ben Franklin, who rivalry, he says, "is a secondary and and giving foreign aid, which is now all but free speech becuase, after immoral. East. We are eyeball to eyeball with the derivative factor." terminated. Hatfield notes that we do aid fascist, they called him a f other Superpower — and each day tension "There are probably more Marxists in the Palestinian refugees a little; our a liar, a mass murderer, a clown, an I Huber did not say exactly who ignoramus and a pig, he called them effete I mounts. Israel than in the whole of the Arab world, contribution to UNWRA is .002 per cent snobs." 1 appointed him keeper of the We got into Vietnam with the best of all but the Soviet Union could not care less of our gross national product. Canada, "Already," Affwit said, "it sounds like as I Michigan moral code. Certainly the intentions; our object was idealistic. It was about that. Nor is it of any importance France, Sweden and the United Kingdom fresh and as new a an immaculate misconception. And how lineup as any talk I Republican party didn't. that in most Arab countries (including give 10 to 100 times as much show has ever had." I about the Middle East? Joe Republicans don't even want him as Alsop has Egypt) Communist parties are outlawed declared war already. Yet it is one of the and individual Communists rot in jail, proportionately. "But," put in the producer, his face! consensus candidate for U.S. senator. most complex tangles anywhere on earth. Beleaguered Israel spends 40 per cent of clouding, "we need a fresh new face in the whereas Israel is blessed with two its budget on the military; its annual trade band. We must replace the trombonist." And we doubt that God gave him a As anybody who has been there knows, Communist parties, both of them deficit runs close to $1 billion; in a recent "His playing sounds the same as ever to special appointment. Who then? or who has read James Michener's careful represented in the Knesset." month the war took 61 lives, the me," Affwit said. jNo one, obviously. Huber's equivalent of 4,800 Americans in terms of "It's not his playing that has fallen off," criticism springs from his own home population. It is estimated that the world the producer said. "It's his laughing. For I Zionist movement has funneled $4 billions two nights in a row, he didn't grown pomposity. | - slap his knee into Israel in donations since 1948; another while Weekly feature laughing convulsively at yo If Americans were not obsessed with Vietnam, they guess is that half a billion dollars have opening monologue!" The Doctor's Bag has been a would be jumping up and down today with come from the United States since the six - "Fire him!" cried the star. "There's r anxiety over day war of June, 1967. in this organization for traitors! weekly feature in the State News for the Middle East. We are eyeball to room eyeball with the Of around six million Jews in the United (Copyright 1970 by Daily News Inc.) nearly a year. For publicity, Huber other Superpower - and each day tension mounts. States perhaps some 750,000 are Zionists. chose to attack it when he is contesting Lenore for the right to It is poignant to compare the clout of this powerful group with that of the Blacks, Letter policy lose to Sen. Hart in November. who are far more numerous but have The State News welcomes all letters® Running against a Romney must still hardly enough political influence to make They should be typed and signed with thf history, "The Source," irreconcilable So what is the conflict? "Basically and the Nixon administration aware of them. home town, student, faculty ( be a difficult endeavor. conflict has gone on for millennia. ultimately it is a conflict between two Peace depends, Dr. Avineri pleads, on an Dr. Werner's column is similar to standing, and local phone Americans say "Brave little Israel" — and movements for national liberation." And accommodation between Jews and Arabs, included. No unsigned letter medical columns in other with reason! Israel is an island of perhaps today, Dr. Avineri says, "both the Jewish and he offers his own plan. But above all accepted for publication, and no letter wi 2>/ii million Jews in an immediate sea of and the Arab national movements lay claim newspapers. Detroit newspapers, for he says that the younger generation in be printed without a signature except inl 100 million Arabs. Israel is a democracy. It to the same piece of land, historic Israel holds example, print columns geared is technologically modern. And it Palestine." "completely different extreme circumstances. All letters must be] toward is a attitudes" from its elders. There are hawks less than 300 words long for publication! older people. Dr. Werner dream come true, of a homeland If Americans want fathered two that a war in the Middle and doves in Israel, too. without draws on rigorous, professional illegitimate children. existed editing. 2,000 years only in the training - just as the Detroit authors Obviously Huber's view of morality imagination. The Bible tells the story. do. and the Constitution differs greatly But Dr. Werner, of course, writes from the wiser view of our founding But it is dangerous to chart geopolitics OUR READERS' MIND on a roadmap no later than the Bible. To for the State News' relatively young fathers. the U.S. Bible - belt it is simple as black and white. But it isn't simple to Mr. Nixon. readership. In singling out the Without anguish And it isn't simple to the doves and hawks Doctor's Bag, however, Huber does not cite which medical manual rates In a television interview Friday, Huber mumbled something about in Israel itself. The land is saturated in sunshine and More to morality than the moment a penis more immoral than a varicose vein. Dr. Werner writing about sex hate. Some people think the problem is without mental anguish. The passage insoluble. The United States left a vacuum To the Editor: Huber has a right to his opinion. those men for not insuring peace and today wasn't clear, but we would like to go there beginning with Secretary Dulles' I have attended several meetings held by condemn President Nixon for not educated and of open mind so I ask youB Any man in the United States - no pettish rejection of the Aswan Dam, and those on strike and I have since come to we do not think that your morality is the only! on record as matter how parochial - has this advocating sex without Russia stepped in, probably not caring two the conclusion shirking his responsibility to mankind. right one in the world. It isn't. ■ that they, as the You may reject what I have just said but mental anguish. In no medical or straws for the Arabs but wanting Darryl Grabianowskil right. However, when Huber among administration in Washington, are guilty of I hope that you do not reject the religious manual could we find any other things to reopen the Suez Canal so morality Warren freshman I attempts to suppress ideas (or failing to see the other side of this moral of the other side. We claim to be the best columns) because they somehow doctor or cleric claiming that sex that it can get its ships down through the question concerning our present May 11,19701 Red Sea to India and Cathay. And the last violate his personal code, he violates must be accompanied by mental involvement in Indochina. There is more the very fondly quotes. Constitution that he so anguish to be moral. Perhaps Sen. Huber will enlighten us? small chance of resolving the Israeli - Arab conflict probably turns with some on show of reason whether the hawks in than one type of morality second being immoral. without the Classes should stay open Many of us have been brought up to To the Editor: To Sen. Huber, we make an appeal the Knesset think they can count 100 and universities have definite And when legislators attempt to for tolerance. We ask that he recall cent on American support. per believe that killing is morally wrong and An open letter to President Clifton ^■ that what we are doing contractual obligations to provide reg ■ cut University funds because they in Southeast Asia is Wharton Jr.: the words of Arthur Helps — Am I being anti - Israeli? I don't think morally wrong. But if we examine history, scheduled classes. The purpose ■ disagree with a single medical so. which necessarily shapes the present and Representing approximately 12,000 universities is education, not to p ■ "Tolerance is the only real test of The excellent magazine Commentary is veterans column, they expose themselves as the future, then we can appreciate what we on the campuses of Michigan violent battlegrounds for °PP ■ civilization." If Sen. Huber cannot published in New York by the American colleges and universities, the State of bigoted censors beyond historical Jewish Committee. In the June issue is an as a nation have learned from ideologies. Therefore, we condemn " ■ tolerate the morality of others, Michigan Assn. of Collegiate Veterans actions if iconoclastic minorities ■ parallel. article by Shlomo Avineri, chairman of the Chamberlain's quest for peace in Munich, perhaps he should step down as 1938. It was there, while he was (SMACV) wholeheartedly encourages your seek to tyrranize those students ■ Second death Dept. of Political Science at the Hebrew "securing effort to keep classes open at MSU. senator and allow room for someone University of Jerusalem. Speaking of the peace in our life time" that he and the We have an exercise their right to attend ■ Long before Huber began his who can. Middle East crisis he says, French officials handed over understanding of the issues scheduled classes. Ilvl "Despite . being contested on college campuses today. lackluster career as senator, Thomas Jefferson wrote: In response to his standing on appearances it is not — and never was — a Czechoslovakia to Hitler. We again learned the same lesson when Roosevelt and Yet, because our organization is basically We at the state level support the position unequal of MSU s » "morality" to condemn the Doctor's struggle between the two Great Powers." apolitical, we take no formal position on "I am mortified to be told that in What is it then, for heaven's sake? Let us Churchill gave Eastern Europe to Russia. In the Cambodian situation. organization and feel assured tha ■ Bag, we bring to his attention the go back a bit. The land once populated both cases the appeasers involved have had However, we do veterans will assist you in your e ■ the United States of not condone the actions of the America, the words of Thoreau: to wear the blackest stain National keep classes open. sale of a book can become a of inquiry . . subject "Do not be too moral. You may predominantly by Arabs (Palestinians) was given to the Jews. Never mind the rights or their moral character. Twenty five years ago imaginable on Guard at Kent State The right to w University. dissent uiiBcin peacefully peuueiuuy is JohnG.WK»f cheat yourself out of much life so. wrongs, this is history. Some Palestinians - we condemned undeniable. Even so, we feel that colleges Ah, Thomas would die a second Aim above morality. Be not stayed. But perhaps 1.5 millions fled in the death of mortification if he knew that simply 1948 and 1967 wars. Many of them have a Michigan senator (and several good; be good for something." now lived in refugee camps for two " THEY SAlP THAT A LOT OF THE Y0UN6ER D06S ARE ANXIOUS TO (THAT'S UNDERSTANDABLE If - after contemplating these bits generations. Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., representatives) could make a single of wisdom MEET SOMEONE LIKE YOURSELF - Sen. Huber still has told the Senate the other day, many of column the subject of inane U)H0 WAS ONCE THE HEAD BEAGLE inquiry. hang - ups, we suggest he write to the them (maybe most) have no vocational Jefferson, the great libertarian, Doctor's Bag, c/o Dr. Werner, 301 abilities whatsoever. But they can hate. would The Middle East is where hatred was probably chuckle at the Linton Hall, Michigan State clowns in the invented. The Palestinian guerrillas Michigan legislature University, East Lansing, Michigan (fedayeen) don't care if they precipitate were they not so potentially 48823. World War III or not. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 29, 1970 5 THREE-PRONGED EFFORT Jondahl discusses BSS VC launch n war-economy issue SAIGON (AP) — Enemy forces additional arms for a possible some expect to be the start of Brig. Gen. Ngo Dzu, attacked three important points strike on the capital. mortar and possibly rocket commander of all South near Phnom Penh on Sunday It was the fourth day of shellings against Phnom Penh. Vietnamese forces in the and the Cambodian military attacks on the installation but Informed sources in Saigon Mekong Delta where the marines Jondahl, ordained Jondahl met with the student command said one of the the command said Cambodian said the task force of 1,000 Lynn was to normally are based., has provide for the assaults may be a preparation for forces kept the North South Vietnamese marines had . iSter and "peace candidate" group to explain his views on of the universities." autonomy established what was described L the state Senate, told student several issues and to map — a move against the capital itself. Vietnamese and Viet Cong from moved to within 10 miles of as a "light mobile headquarters" race: "The Informants in *d-"That, ipporters Friday tothat strategy here wartime primary state must Saigon said breaking through the perimeter. Phnom Penh in a tactical shift to at Phnom Penh airport, to he right »«e develop programs that will about 1,000 South Vietnamese Other attacks were reported at offset the enemy threat to the p [hanging ianK'"h from a campaign. guarantee maintain liaison with the to all citizens the marines had moved to Phnom Kompong "ye> Abbi .acetime economy An ordained minister Speu, 25 miles capital. Cambodians. Llnifln f>._ runian 6a rights of equal education, full Penh's outskirts to bolster the southwest of Phnom The Cap aior question to the state. United Church of Christ, Penh, and marines' move to the The heaviest fighting centered employment, permanent housing capital's defenses. at Kompong Chhnang, 50 miles eastern flank of Phnom Penh «We won't get the support of Jondahl told the group his and adequate health The Cambodian command said northwest of the capital. Both an area just north of the South lineup of d, any of the people of this state religious beliefs had a bearing on hostilities and care. Racial a major munitions was understood to be part of a Vietnamese border and Popular st fears must be depot at Long towns are provincial capitals. coordinated South Vietnamese southwest of the tar opposing the war in Vietnam his candidacy but "not in a abolished." LYNNJONDAHL Vek, 23 miles north of Phnom Kompong Speu has been a major Cambodian plan for - important ferry said, "bu ,tjl we can assure them that doctrinnaire sense." landing at Neak Luong, where ance to Penh, came under a heavy battleground for more than two strengthening the capital's marines and infantry killed 33 last ie country can prosper without "The concerns I have are to niortar and infantry attack in an weeks. It lies on Cambodia's defenses. war economy," Jondahl told bring my faith into an active enemy and captured 12. apparent enemy effort to obtain main highway to the sea. jjout 30 members of the MSU relationship with the problems The government spokesman tudents for Jondahl facing other people," he said, also reported Cambodian rch that, Cal Group discusses army of the ommittee. ;■ Besides his stand against the troops reoccupied Prek Tameak, weel «A man won't vote against the war in Indochina, Jondahl 12 miles north of Phnom Penh at, if i y if he thinks he will lose his explained his views on: on the east bank of the Mekong ib when the war ends," he said. — abortion: "I support repeal River. > 'although Jondahl, who is seeking the of any reference to abortion in students Nearly 200 parents, teachers, Daniel on our and Kruger, professor of were sent to superintendents of A battalion of government show, administrator industrial lemocratic nomination for the the state statues." from relations, told the schools, board of education troops was forced to retreat — parochiaid: "I am opposed schools Michigan another.' >ur lth audience, 4th District state Senate seat )W held by retiring Sen. Harold to any program of parochiaid. I Saturday met at secondary groups in a summation speech. Kellogg Center "There can never be final members, secondary school principals, teachers, parents and across the river from the town several days ago by hit - and ■ Where can you get the think the program passed in the unrest at to discuss academic a worried Hungerford, a Republican, answers, because education is students in 33 Michigan school run Communist command forces V we're the State Board of being ill face Leonard Stuttman, legislature is a mistake, and I Education Conference on life, and there are no final districts with student who reruns?" 1 tossed them irnier host of his own TV iow, and John Cataldo, an East hope it will be repealed." Disturbances, but — higher education: "I think solutions to their they found no School answers in life." Kruger cited a need for better populations 10,000. of more than maneuvering apparently for a closer to the capitol for what were position HIGHEST RATE ansing businessman, in the one of the wisest moves of the problems. communication and the n "We have been danger trying to importance of due process in a faces fresh start! of ug. 4 primary. framers of the state constitution elop understanding, of sensitivity to of disciplinary practices themes which had emerged from as major of return on any type the problems of student ve the whole unrest," the conference. >dy wants to "Adults must trust students," of bank savings? no one ires who are lacement Bureau sets he said. "If we are to have student involvement, students must have the right to make 'ek with mistakes." i screen who Goodwill the on part of say, who Agnew jokes, iters! chedule of job interviews students, parents, teachers and administrators is vital to the educational process, Kruger said. 1 familiar?" The following employers will week at the Placement Bureau Most of the day - long positions. e interviewing from July 6, and in most departments. conference was spent in small July 7 - 9,1970: - eard of her. 970, through July 10, 1970. MILITARY OBLIGATIONS: U.S. Air Force: all majors, all group discussions. Topics Spiro Agn»w June and August Students are advised to interview included the causes of school colleges (B,M) raduates of all degree levels are with employers even July 7 - 10,1970: disturbances, community though ffwit asked. ligible to interview unless they have not completed their U.S. Marine Corps: all majors, involvement in school AT AB & T OF COURSE! i youth." thtrwise indicated. Persons military service. colleges of Agriculture, Arts and disturbances, use of police in the Many employers >r you!" the nterested in an organization have indicated an interest in schools, role of the teaching No other bank offers Letters, Business, faculty, administration and higher rates of and Abbie nust sign up in the Placement interviewing the student plenty from ureau as soon as possible and and after his before Communications, Education^ students in resolving school JUST A SAMPLE OF interest on any type of savings duty with the Engineering, Home Economics, INNUMERABLE account or certificate of deposit. ew is stifling LEAST TWO SCHOOL Armed Forces. Natural Science; and Summer. disturbances, grievance A.B.& T. is the place to save no procedures and the role of state called him i POSTERS ... 1AYS in advance of the July 7, 1970: U.S. Navy Recruiting: all date. and local agencies. question about it! , a clown, ai // Additional New York Life Insurance: all majors, all colleges (B,M,D) them effete nformation is available in the Invitations to the conference majors, College of Business (B) July 8,1970: WE HAVE IN STOCK lacement Bulletin posted each for sales and sales Penn Mutual: all majors, all management >unds like as colleges or Arts and Letters, "When you think of Cards" Business, Communications, Cultural series v ;r, his face face in the ibonist. AAUP presiden Education, Social Science and Justin Morrill College (B) for sales and management positions. Ernst and Emst: Accounting coordinator to CARD SHOP e as ever to (B,M,D). ughing. For acuity salary Albion Public Schools: Art (B) J.H. Vocal Music (B), J.H. Counselor (M), Elem. & J.H. resign July 8 lap his knee learn i a letter to the board of faculty morale and have serious Industrial Arts (B), J.H. at 'There's litors! your r tees. Jack Stieber, president the MSU chapter of the lerican Association Diversity Professors (AAUP), of repercussions," continues. the letter Mentally The board of trustees was to have discussed the issue at its J.H. and S.H. July 9,1970: Union Handicapped - Carbide, (B,M) Linde Virginia B. coordinator of the Cap and Hutcheson, Gown Series has resigned for personal reasons effective July 8. you can to fly vs Inc.) denounced the probable five meeting tonight but the meeting Division: Chemical, Civil, Mrs. Hutcheson will be cent salary increase for has been cancelled. It also was to Electrical, Mechanical have considered replaced Eric R. Jensen who has iculty, Engineering (B,M) and Sanitary cy The letter states that faculty recommendations by the Engineering (M) for research and been assistant coordinator and has a Ph.D in higher education. ;s all letters^palary increases will not amount Faculty Affairs Committee and development engineering. A permanent coordinator will be ned with th< ?n 6.0 the Academic Council that urged July 10,1970: per cent which ty be required to enable a 14 per cent increase. Benton Harbor City Schools: appointed by the board of trustees. lty members to maintain The original Faculty Affairs diagnostician (M) J H and S H Committee recommendation was systemwide openings for The Cap and Gown Series is earnings in line with the a • no letter u ase in the cost of living for a 20.7 per cent increase. This maladjusted mentally division of the Continuing re except iring the past year. was later revised to 14 per cent. handicapped (B), speech Education Service that arranges ters must be "The MSU chapter of AAUP Administrative - professional correction, school social worker, for off - campus performances of publication school music, dance and theater by • trongly believes that any salary employes are to receive an psychologist and djustment which does not average increase of 10 per cent. homebound teacher (M). MSU faculty and students. mit faculty to recoup the loss real earnings caused by the lflation of the past year, and in Idition provide some merit Call It : *£ lcrease, will be disastrous for ent Dutch Boy ' * *^ China Doll with WINGED SPARTANS rabianowskil ?n freshman I Welch Boy ay 11,1970J "Learn To Fly (It's all the same wonderful, brush'n and social andB Go Wig.) de regularly! urpose to provide* oW Accelerated Aviation Gro ndemn opposideR thel $24.95 ities which! idents tend that* theirR Jerome Alexander Hand-Tied TONIGHT 7 p.m. Room 35 Union Bldg. Kankelon Wig. Sale Priced equivocally! this week only Tonight's meeting, sponsored by the MSI' plying Club - Winged Spartans will j's veteran*R include a complete presentation on what's involved for you to start flying this that MSU| r efforts to* iKodacotor $29.95 week, if you wish. Also tonight will be the sign-up for the club sponsored accelerated 5-week aviation ground school. , G. Wackerl iKodachrome $ reg. $39.95 nt-sMAn2| 3,19?0| lEktachrome Come to will be our meeting and find out what learning to fly is all about. Also included introduction to our ground school. ine Open Mon. & Wed. nights until 9:00 Closed Friday, an July 3 at 6:00 p.m. If you can't make tonight's meeting, but would like to know about learning to fly with the Winged Spartans, please drop your name, address, and phone number in N'CO CAMERA SHOPS Open daily the mail to: Winged Spartans Info, P.O. Box 287, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. We'll have one of our flight instructors call you. Come on up! I Downtown - 210 S. Wash. Open M ■ Vv - F Candor Shopping Center East Lansing — AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL SIGN-UP TON'GHT 207 E. Grand River H%s Are Our Business - Not A Sideline 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Spartan's VassBy JEFF ELLIOTT On the 15th hole Vass went one up when placed his second shot on the green, a 180 - yard seven iron shot. wins the remaining three spots on the Spartan golf squad that was to state Executive Sports Editor He missed a six - foot putt for an eagle but compete in the NCAA meet. Woulfe, English and VanderMeiden tapped in for a birdie four on the 459 won the three yard, par five hole. Sumpter landed in a sand trap but spots to join Janson and Lee Edmundson as MSU's Three weeks ago, Denny Vass was in a intersquad playoff with out to finish with a par and the loss of a chipped fivesome in the tournament. four of his teammates. Vass finished last. stroke. The excitement mounted as Spartan Coach Bruce Fossum may have wished Vass had made Saturday, the Bloomfield Hills junior forgot all that as he Sumpter birdied the 17th hole the trip as the Spartans failed to evening the match with one hole to play. On the tension - packed qualify for the final two days of capped a sparkling five days of golf by winning the 50th Michigan 18th green, Sumpter chipped his third shot within four competition, finishing with a team total of 603 for two days, two Amateur Golf Championships with a one-up victory over Rod the cup. Vass almost feet of strokes behind the last team qualifier. Sumpter of Grand Blanc. wrapped it up on the next shot as his 30 - Janson and Edmundson qualified for individual honors the first foot putt just missed and he settled for a The win by Vass marked the second time in three years an MSU par four. two days and thus competed in all four rounds. Edmundson Sumpter only had to sink his four footer to send the match into finished with a 295 (72, 75, 74, 74) for a tie for 17th golfer had won the state's top amateur tournament. In 1968 sudden death, but the ball rimmed the place with Lynn Janson, then a sophomore at MSU, won the crown. cup and stayed out thus three others while Janson was three strokes back at 298 giving the 6-0, 150 pound Vass his moment of glory. (72, 74, But with Janson and four other Spartan golfers in Columbus 72, 78). "I never figured I had him," the competing in the NCAA Golf Championships this past week, Vass Spartan junior said after the John Mahaffey, of the University of Houston, fired a final match. "I knew better than that." made the most of being left behind. After a fine qualifying round round of 68 to win the individual title with a four under Three weeks ago, Vass was in a 72 par 284. Tuesday, (his 21st birthday), Vass defeated in order Steve Presser - hole playoff with Rick Mahaffey's efforts paced the Cougars to the team title, edging out of Huntington Woods, Paul Mcintosh of Detroit, Guy Billings of Woulfe, John Peterson, Ron English and John VanderMeiden for Wake Forest by 10 strokes. East Lansing and Mark Henrickson of Grand Blanc to reach Saturday's semifinals round. In the morning Vass was paired against Mark Christenson, a former No. 1 golfer for the University of Michigan. Vass defeated ASHE, LAVER OUSTED the 23 - year - old Christenson three and two to qualify for the finals against Sumpter, another ex - Wolverine linksman. two In the finals Vass never trailed but could never get more than a - stroke edge on Sumpter. Vass won the first hole and dropped a five - foot birdie putt on the seventh to go two up, his biggest margin of the round. Two upsets at Wimbledon But Sumpter, who had defeated 15 - year - old Steve Cole, a WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) - The outlook for the fast grass here and now that Laver has Jackson Parkside student (the same school Vass for the All England Lawn Tennis Championships attended) in a gone, the field is wide open. He will try to morning semifinal match, started a comeback. He squared the has changed after a pair of upsets Saturday become the first American since Tony Trabert in IM News match on the tenth hole with a nifty birdie putt. eliminated defending champion Rod Laver and 1955 to win the title. Like Ashe, he was a beaten No. 3 seed Arthur Ashe. semi finalist in 1968 and 1969. - All Tennis enthusiasts who First, Laver of Australia, a four - time winner, wish to compete in the student - IM SOFTBALL SCHEDULE was downed by Britain's Roger Taylor in four Taylor's first comment after eliminating Laver was: "It's a bit of a let down to realize I'm only - faculty singles tournament sets, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, 6-1, and then Ashe, Gum in the quarter - final after beating the Rocket." should sign up by Friday. Play Springs, Va., was eliminated in straight sets by Spaniard Andres Gimeno, 7-5, 7-5,6-2. Laver made no excuse for his loss. "I simply will begin July 7. Denny double faulted away the match. I just could not Laver and Ashe were a popular pick to meet in the final, and 24 hours after their ouster before a serve," he said. center court crowd of 15,000, tennis buffs still The 31 year - old Australian, who now lives in - Los Angeles, refused to blame his injured DROP OPENER 8-2 were talking about one of Wimbledon's most right ankle for his defeat. "I'm perfectly fit. I was not sensational days in the 84-year history of the nervous. Maybe that was my mistake," he said. championships. The loss of the $7,200 first prize consequence to Laver and Ashe. It was the manner of their defeat which hurt their was of minor Ashe was equally as frank about his shoeing. "I just couldn't serve, the balls were very soft, the court was very dead, and it all poor Tigers rally in nightcap pride. added up to Gimeno, I guess," the third - ranked Double faults spelled their downfall. Laver U.S. player said. served 10 and Ashe's tally was 13. Against opponents who did not concede too great a handicap. an inch, this was The upsets were not all confined to the men. Three seeded girls failed to take their alloted places in the quarter finals. Cecilia Martinez of for 5-1 win overClevelan America's sole survivor in the last eight is big - San Francisco claimed the biggest scalp of all DETROIT (UPI) - Mickey for - 5 and drove in one run serving Clark Graebner of New York City. He when she beat third seeded Virginia Wade of inning, after Stanley doubled I meets Stanley triggered a five - run while Ray Fosse collected a the first and advanced to Taylor in the quarter - finals and should he Britain with the loss of only five games. sixth inning with a two - run thirdl survive comes up against the winner of the all - single and double to drive in two a ground out. The standard of the womens field, however, double to reward the six hit runs and stretch his Australian match between Tony Roche and Ken remains below expectations and it will take an - hitting Stanley greeted Rosewall in the semi pitching of Mike Kilkenny of the streak to 19 straight games. teammate - finals. Three Australians — unseeded Bob Carmichel, upset to match Taylor's defeat of Laver if Detroit Tigers with a 5-1 win Roy Foster also continued his Fred Lasher,"., came on after loser Mike Pi Australia's Margaret Court and Billie Jean King, Sunday after Sam McDowell hot hitting against Detroit two - time champion Roy Emerson and 1967 yielded a single and a v winner John Newcombe — and Gimeno are the Long Beach, Calif., don't meet in the final. won his 11th game for the pitching with a single and his open the sixth. Stanley's Cleveland Indians, 8-2, with a ninth home run of the season. other half of the draw. Carmichel meets Gimeno down the right field line b. Monday's quarterfinal pairings are: Mrs. Court five hitter in the - Fosse singled home a run in while Emerson takes on Newcombe in the vs. Helga Niessen of West Germany, Miss Shaw opener. in both runs and Cleveland banged out 16 hits the first gave I quarter finals. vs. Rosie Casals of San Francisco, Miss Durr vs. inning as did Duke Sims the lead for the first time in in the opener to hand Earl in Graebner has not looked altogether convincing Miss Martinez and Australia's Karen Krantzcke pinning losing pitcher Earl day. Wilson his fifth loss against four Wilson with his fifth to date, but his power game is made to measure vs. Mrs. King. setback Jim Northrup and NormCi wins. Jack Heidemann went 5 - against four wins. singled off reliever The Indians tacked on two Ellsworth to bring in o more runs in the second when while the other two S( Heidemann's second single off Dean Chance on a pin Come Wilson produced one run and a by Gates Brown and a on up . . sacrifice fly by Vada Pinson off reliever John Hiller brought in fly by Kilkenny, who v fourth game in five decisions. I another. Eddie Leon produced t Ted Uhlaender forced in a run Indians' run in the fourth inn in the third inning, and of the second game \ to the paperback Cleveland added its final pair in the eighth on a forceout doubled to lead off the in by and advanced on fly bi Fosse and Sims' second single. Foster and Fosse, who di mezzanine for in McDowell struck out only five raising his record to 11-4 and down the third base lini two out in the ninth toe* wild - pitched home Mickey his hitting streak to 2 1000's of popular Stanley, who Detroit's second tripled run home in the fifth He is 31-81 in that stretch .375. BASEBALL STANDINGS American EAST W L H-l. New York 38 33 .535 - Pittsburgh 40 35 .533 - Chicago 35 35 .500 2n St. Louis 35 37 .'"!a IT'S WEST W L PCT. GB Cincinnati .708 - A HARD PROPOSITION Los Angeles 51 43 21 30 .589 8W Atlanta 36 34 .517 14 San Francisco 35 37 .488 16 TO BEAT... Houston 31 42 .42 5 20% San Deigo 30 47 .390 learning to read 3, 4, 5 times faster.. .improv¬ SUNDAY'S RESULTS ing comprehension, recall and study skills. Be Cincinnati 3, Houston 2 honest with yourself. Next semester's and study loads will be no easier than this reading Montreal 3, New York 2 St. Louis 5, 3, Philadelphia 4,8 semester. Even your grades will be Pittsburgh 3, 4 Chicago * just about San Francisco 6, Atlant; the same unless you do something about it. Los Angeles 2, San DeigoO Investigate now the advantages of a course TODAY'S GAMES in Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. Besides Philadelphia at Montreal increasing your reading efficiency from 3 to Pittsburgh at New York, nign 10 times, we Chicago at St. Louis, night emphasize study and recall tech¬ Houston at Los Angeles, nigh niques. We teach you "how to learn" more (only glames scheduled) _ easily, more efficiently. We talk about this at a Mini-Lesson. "FREE"—Increase your reading speed on the spot at one of the listed "Mini-Lessons." 6 & 8 p.m. HOWARD JOHNSON'S MOTOR LODGF 6741 SO. CEDAR Ai 1-9 OWOSSO - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DINNER ... for your BLDG. 215 N. WATER COMMUNITY ROOM everyday hungry gourmet Classes forming l the above location RIBEYE STEAK $1.39 LAKE PERCH 1'^ SB S EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS STRIP STEAK 1-79 17320 West Eight Mile Road Com* As You Art • No Tipping Southfield, Michigan 48075 call 35-35-111 (collect) tudent ^^ook ^^tore 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shopping Center 421 E. GRAND RIVER x Opmn 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 29, 1970 7 Theme It,, get at the apparent ——— . ,love with o beneath g of surface Rupert, Waning of "Women in Love," but finds her love marries him between insufficient by wife. He feels lovers and man and of a more flexible, more displaying this theme. Its entire composition makes what to do with their well - £ viewer must look beyond its itself to satisfy him. Gudrun other marriage or any encompassing and less one The open expression of sex, be "Women in Love" the most executed characters or what to Lrusive and almost blinding looks for an intellectual as form of exclusive, directional love. beautiful Pf-ce beauty. There he will 9 as physical relationship with the well channeled love between two it a firelight nude wrestling match between two men or a looking film since "Romeo and Juliet." make of their well - expressed emotions. Alan Bates as Rupert, an absorbing and sensual sullen and rather brutish Gerald people is not enough to satisfy "Women in Love" contrasts Oliver lyrical embrace in a golden field, Reed Gerald and much more simple than but finds one's emotional needs. An added man's inherent sexual drives and The preoccupation with the as him incapable of is made to look beautiful and Jennie Linden as Ursula are intricate surface appearance Droviding it. love, an extra but different bond needs with society's repressive natural visual is, however, misdirected. but it is Glenda Jackson, a sort fine, ht suggest and much more with someone else, is vital. which, I think, is in It dazzles the eye but diverts the "Women in Love" is attitude toward them. TTie film of visual and emotional cross Lit than the overlong and misleading title because the a "Women in Love" seems to presents its characters as sensual keeping intentions. with Lawrence's mind from the significant between Anne Heywood and )e. conscious film seems able story revolve around this need for people, inhibited by their anxiety of the characters. The approaches, with equal Genevieve Bujold, whose {adequately handle. By ROBERT KIPPER concern, the two men and their emotional involvement with culture but relaxed when It is unfortunate that Russell has clouded this theme with whole look is so complicated and textured the viewer loses his performance dominates the in Love," the film Stiate News Reviewer search for love as they have more than one person. It expressing their emotions film. As ■"Women 1 illustrates such perspective on the characters Gudrun, the more aloof „ of the D.H. Lawrence V envisioned it. In fact, it is this through the openly, spontaneously. stunning surface beauty. and distressed sister, she is _____ > Rupert's particular search, rather distress and longing discontent Lawrence's murky theme seems "Women in Love" is full of and the theme. As a result, he deals with four people superb. than that of either of the two all four main to cry out for human sexual visual wonders: lush leaves the threater full of 7'thelr pursuit of love in the friends, Rupert Birkin and characters beautiful images but confused "Women in Love" contains a Gerald Crich, pair women, that comes closest to experience in their interactions. liberation from the unnatural countrysides, pastoral river j world to match their off, and test out Lawrence's restrictions of his society. scenes, authentic and teeming about the intentions behind it solid, personal theme that would JSividual conceptions of it. their theories on love and probable Rupert is searching for a theme. Through their longings and Director Ken Russell fills his cityscapes and meticulous all. have made a more thought - |Two sisters, Gudrun and marriage during their shaky affairs with them. Ursula falls higher love to supplement the misgivings, the story displays the film with a prevailing sense of attention to details. The It is too bad that the intuitive provoking film had its surface jula Bragwen, meet two in conventional romance that exists inadequacy of exclusive, apprehensiveness and passionate photography by Billy Williams is gloss been subordinated to that conventional love and the cast is at the mercy of theme rather than the other, purity rhythm that is precisely right for nothing short of breathtaking. filmmakers who are unsure of unsatisfying, way around. Rioting flares in N. Ireland '•STjk - He did not identify them, but BELFAST, Northern Ireland Protestant, Bamsley Estate leader and member of the British poured from two British - owned the outlawed Irish (AP) — British troops began district was carried out under Parliament, who has suggested department stores. Republican evacuating women and children Army - IRA - and the rock attacks from Roman he visit her in prison where she is Waiting rooms in hospital Protestant extremists in the Sunday night from western Catholics in adjoining 8 slx month's sentence. casualty wards were packed as Ulster Volunteers are known to Belfast, besieged by Protestant _ _ . Ballymurphy Estate. The Her imprisonment Friday people sought relatives missing have stocks of arms. Roman Catholic mobs evacuees were moved Into nt8ht for her 1:016 ln the 1969 from their homes. hurling stones and schools and halls In a safer riot8 ,n the Bogs'de district of At the height of the gasoline Deputy Prime Minister rioting, bombs. district. Londonderry sparked this bands of young Catholics The Faulkner, who attended a roamed the city shouting "release Northern Ireland weekend's demonstrations of The . . government security meeting, government said It was faced l,TS. b"£S ■HP*"* Saturday's denounced the rioting as "acts Bemie - you bastards." tip with attempted revolution and warned that persons firearms would be shot carrying on sight. ®pPG®.ls dfcl"ln8 Be)f««t giJow"of""strength pTradeTby BfnS? Md.. „ I J y °Ui ofnibound8 t0 Protestant Orangemen In Belfast. on the Belfast on Sunday morning of hooliganism of the worst kind, backed up by organized gunmen." Miss Devlin Is being held In the women's wing of Armagh Jail, 48 miles west of Belfast. Two nights of rioting left five inJL'S?. away res!dents to stay fr°m the ten8G hours wag uttered with rubble after 48 of violence. persons shot dead and more than lar 200 Injured after Catholics were enraged by the jailing of their civil rights Roman noiareaSi Security forces stopped at the outskirts, and searched for arms, Shops ln four districts had been looted and burned, a hotel was destroyed, and smoke all approaching cars to prevent *nley doubled champion, Bernadette Devlin, 23 - year • old member of the gun - smuggling. anced to third British Parliament. Lt. Gen. Sir Ian Freeland, The mobs were in the streets British commander of troops in *eted Sisters form 1 Lasher, w again Sunday night In both Ulster, met provincial Prime Jsnnie Linden, as Ursula, and Glenda Jackson, as her sister Gudrun, discuss their views on love Belfast and Londonderry. loser Mike fl Minister James Chichester - and marriage In this scene from "Women in Love," Ken Russell's film version of the D.H. The evacuation of hundreds of Clark in an emergency session ' and a walk Individual tickets for the Lswrence noval. Tha film is playing at the Spartan Twin East. women and children from the and then sounded this warning: Stanley's doul Michigan - MSU football game at ield line brou| . ... . Ann Arbor Oct. 17 have been All civilians seen carrying nd gave Detn 80ld out u.M tlcket manager firearms or using first time in I OR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS way whatsoever firearms in any are 1 able to be Don We„ ha8 announced. ,n fly balls 1 capitalism and communism. it lady as her hostess, could president, an attractive woman ', who doubl 50,000 persons perished take the strain off U.S. - just turned 50 - the mother of base line wi in the first hours of the 4,000 eruvian relations in addition to four children. linth toextei - plus • mile flight to Lima, Mrs. t to 20 garni Nixon endorsed checks for last ■ ;hat stretch' minute contributions to the rince Brothers relief funds, bringing the total collection to around $30,000. "We've got a lot of dough from our friends," she told )ut of business reporters aboard the plane, adding that the contributions included one from her husband. nal George and Larry Prince ended coupled with the sale of the , . The sum was not disclosed. feost 25 years in the grocery Prince Brothers Provisions Co. Peruvian newspa^re, including usiness last week when they last April, left the brothers with those controlled by the mlHtary losed the Prince Brothers Shop " ~ - no business concerns. The provision company provided cut g^nment, have column to Mrs. N^°n s v sit tote meats and frozen foods for area and to the nine tons of donated The Prince brothers sold their restaurants. re,ief 8UPPlles- flcery stock to the Goodrich The provision company was Significantly, nothing has been PCT. GB partan cited twice in the past two years Shop • Rite and published for nearly a week .708 ictioned off store by the Michigan Dept. of - .589 814 equipment about Cuba's relief effort. It has tot week. A spokesman for the Prince Agriculture *for selling " ground 50 doctors, nurses and sanitation beef containing too much fat. expert8 |n the mountains and a Where said that they closed The company was convicted ol plane j^eg every three days Mr business for retirement the charges both times. from Havana with clothing and urposes. He said that the Approximately 15 employes medicine »«rket had been a profitable worked at the Prince Brothers »ncern, but that the brothers Shop • Rite Market before it delphia 4, 8 grocery closed. All but one employe have reportedly found other The closing of the market, lanta 4,2nd g« jobs. Deigo 0 THE LUNCHE0N Reservations accepted for private luncheon parties. Call 3371311 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 291, 1970 9 For Sale Service ID.fjt U' EQUIPMENT, MODEL complete excellent condition, used |;'ttie. Call 351-9122. 5-7-2 530 stereo tape professional leather 2IRI ^ioo HOME H cleaning OKFMncN0VV b8in9 Hamilton , OF suede" and refinishino 0,fered °RYRoad,CLEANERS. 332-0611 THE and at Catholics VATICAN CITY (AP) - One dozen flags and pennants that protest der, Slightly used, $169. PROFESSIONALS. O thousand hymn the traditionalists sang, in Latin, them not to intervene, lest an poured into Rome by plane, organizations in half a dozen iled westinghouse color TV, - singing had been carried in the front of "Christ Wins." incident be enacted, traditionalist Roman Catholics train, bus and automobile for countries, vowed not to [,95 ' Big screen, plays real good. YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION marched straight the procession as it crossed St. Organizers of the conservative Earlier in the day, several the demonstration, expected to contribute to the modernized AKAI Sony, Panasonic through the Peter's Square virtually under group said some of the marchers thousand traditionalists joined in tape recorders, players, CONTINUES! doorway of St. Peter's Basilica conclude Monday after the all - church, not attend new style- ,s Koss Pro-4-A stereo Sunday night to bring their Pope Paul's windows. The traditionalist Catholics, would stay in St. Peter's Square an old - style Latin Mass in night vigil in St. Peter's Square. Masses nor permit their children M W F 9:00 A.M. protest against church all night in a vigil of prayer that Rome's ancient Colosseum in The conservatives, members of to be trained in the new jphones. Used twice, perfect - 10:00 A.M reform most of them from France and the Pope repeal the new liturgy tion Garrard turntables, £ROOM J '1:15 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. ' into Christendom's largest protest against modernization of Catholic traditionalist catechism. up.' Used V-M, 120 watt 27 STUDENT SERVICES church for the first time. Germany, proceeded to the for the Mass and other the liturgy. Altar of the Sacraments, the , receiver. Sharp 30 watt Vatican gendarmes made no modernizing reforms he has That was the start of the BABYSITTING FULL time Basilica's main altar, and sang enacted, receiver with speakers. Coral effort to stop the iggest demonstration here l0^ rt'vvatt speaker Lnteed 8 track stereo tape set. 100 used and Spartan Village home. orderly line of the Latin hymn, "I Adore You marchers, led by nine priests, With Devotion." Italian police in jeeps took up far in the restless church for so an Indian conference irtridges $2.50 each. 300 stereo 3-6-3o'enCed Sitter" 355 1223" who had trekked across Rome. More than 5,000 tourists v positions around St. Peter's Square but took no action to end to liberal reforms and a return to traditional rites, (continued from page one) all the participants agreed that a Basilica police took away half a Kums, 75c, up. 25 used portable in the Basilica and the Square stop the marchers. Vatican Conservative priests and month," he said. "We must be second one should be held," he ^writers, latest models, $24.50, TUTORING IN French, Spanish and when the protesting Catholics prelates reportedly have asked laymen from many countries Indian the year round." said. Used golf sets, $14.95, up. English. Phone Ann the scene. The marchers La'rsen came on Louis R. Bruce, commissioner The conference had brought and used fans. Used TV sets, 351-4687.2-6-30 ' Tax boost seemed to arouse little curiosity. of the U.S. Bureau of Indian about a few encounters between 50, pieras, $9 95, up. stereo Used Realistic 55 amp. up. Polaroid Used 35mm GUITAR LESSONS. Private - Rock" (continued from page one) The Basilica's archpriest, Paolo Cardinal Marella, was conducting special vesper services on this eve Sturgis typifies Midwest would say they support Nixon Affairs (BIA), said the "father - knows best" concept of dealing - with American Indians had been Indian youth and their elders. An especially controversial issue I.R cameras by Canon, Minalta, MMr,^Semi'Classic- MUSK: MARSHALL If, however, both should fail of St. Peter's feast day at the far (continued from page one) was the red flag several of the Leon and others. Used COMPANY, 351-7830. state would leave chaos behind us; i and his Indochina policy. erased in Washington. Instead, younger Indians carried that lawmakers will have their end of the church. The service v°un8 nui^Birniture, bunk beds, dinettes, work cut out for them when left with only one sensible But further questioning often he said, the bureau would their parents said they felt , desks, and chairs. New and reveals they understand that become a service rather than a SENSIBLE SHOPPERS they return to symbolized communism. beds, spring and mattress. check session after Classified for big values in late summer recess. policy to call for complete management organization. The older Indians agreed that IILCOX SECONDHAND After their hymn „ the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Indians would be provided the the cause should have a symbol, The He said he believed President fORE, 509 5-4391,8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. C East Michigan, rTowl8' C#rS' TUm t0 the Want Ads legislature is expected to Sacrament recess late this week to allow the more Altar, which than 50 yards from the Nixon was committed to gradual Indochina within a year or so at opportunity to take over any or but the red flag generally the most. Many are visibly all BIA programs. connotated undesirable things to lawmakers to return to their vesper s DRESSMAKING, ~ALTE~R~ATIONS districts to campaign for the crossed over to a ^n^ti^ withdrawal . were spnf. int.n until U.S. forces HamhoHia "Now sent into Cambodia. "Nnw distressed when told that the Other participants in the many. This was not the extent formals. Experienced. chapel President has not, in fact, made Reasonable primary August 4. I don't know what to think. I conference were Joseph of tension between the Indians. charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 containing the remains of Pope . . i.„ any definite pledge about a McMillan, director of Equal Disagreements over life style to extricate Pius X, the early 20th century hf stlH hopfefairly quickly but we'll timetable for complete U.S. Opportunities Programs; Charles and hair length were voiced in A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Pontiff who enacted the us fa,rlv a" — withdrawal. Cleland, associate professor of "rap" sessions. Winchester said .M. - 12:00 A.M. Typing Service Wanted traditional Catholic catechism. have to wait and see what he "The people I talked to are Anthropology; Danial Jacobson, that some of the youths needed M 27 STUDENT SERVICES The conservatives vowed to actually does." Sturgis is Republican country, supporting Mr. Nixon because professor of the Social Science leadership and guidance. As a ANN BROWN . Typing and multilTth use only this catechism for their and voted overwhelmingly for they have gotten the impression Technical Institute, and Paul result of the conference, TOOLS, tools, offset printing. Complete service power children, not new versions from his statements and Melcher of the Bureau of Indian representatives from both types food for dissertations, 1968. Most of its ing gear, ture, 489-1513.3-6-30 preparer, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. theses, written in recent years. Nlxon citizens, if confronted by broadcasts that he means to get Affairs, Minneapolis, Minn. of groups will share conference In front of the Pius X Altar a all of 20 years experience. 332-8384. C LICENSED CHILDCARE li public opinion pollster. our troops out of Winchester was optimistic at steering committee activities for Spartan Indochina fairly soon," said the conference's conclusion. next year's gathering. Village home, Animals BARBI MEL: Typing, information call 355-9910. S-7- it's lis* what's wnni =» publisher Pringle. "It was concluded at the multilithing. No job too large or too small "If this war drags on and on workshop summary that the BBPffiBffi ■ SALE Siamese blue point, seven Block off campus. 332-3255. C PERSON TO come to Spartan and we still have a lot of men i. Call Eaton Rapids, to give 14 year old Village boy rock guitar there this time next year, I conference was meaningful, and the FAMILY APAMS |63-4372. 3-7-1 Professional Thesis Preparation. lessons. Call 355-0825. 2-6-29 think you might see a drastic BOY IBM Typing, Multilith CAN* YOU 2 DAYS ONLY! Printing, change of political sentiment in , ■ BERNARD puppies. AKC & Hardbinding. Complete Thesis SANDER LEVIN has openings for IMAGINE THE *=>IZE tered. Ready now. Loveable Service for the most Discerning responsible people. Candidate for 'J Sturgis." OF THE RIN6 AfiDUND 339-8583. 5-6/30 Master's & Doctoral Candidates. governor needs volunteer aid in THAT WHEN THEY $1.00 service charge Mobile Homes Free Brochure and Consultation. Call Cliff and Paula Haughey: canvassing and other work. Peter Elliott, 400 Michigan Building, insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 per ATTENTION. summer! meet The Free U is alive following class will this SALE PULL THE STOPPER! 337-1527. C Bagley Avenue, Detroit, 48226 p.m. deadline 1 class day before. today: Elementary Group Art — 4 p.m. Man and Nature X6-30 — HI LLCREST, 12x60, Deluxe. 2 Bookstore. CUSTOM-MADE oom,unfurnished.Many extras. COMPLETE THESIS serviced Yoga will be meeting Discount printing. IBM typing and DIFFICULTY GETTING IN TOUCH every morning from 7 - 8 a.m., SANDALS ill 625-3520. W with someone? Try a MSU Volunteer Bureau is Tuesday and Thursday from 7 - 9 binding of theses, resumes Classified now (Regularly) publications. Across from campus, "Personal" Ad. Dial 355-8255 recruiting for summer programs until p.m., and Saturday from 9-11 a.m., Marketing a product Nowl Thursday, July 16. Please apply in all in the Green Room in the Union. which is useful, is fairly $14.00 - $17.00 |TUS 32x8'. Good shape 1956. corner MAC and Grand River Room 26, Student Services, Monday Behind Gables. John below Style Shop. Call BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for priced and is available Today & Tomorrow 51-7219. 5-7-1 COPYGRAPH - Thursday, 9 - 11, and 2 - 4. Fridays SERVICES, all positive. A negative, B negative are reserved for assignment pick-up. for immediate delivery (June 29 & June 30) 337-1666. C and AB negative, $10.00. is a good rule to follow O |»MPI0N 10x48' two full size negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN The Women's Lib Campus Group is if you want to be a Near University. Phone 332-0665. Wanted COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507'/a East Grand All students interested in becoming involved in the campaign to re-elect invited Force by of the Women's Lib Task success in business. River, East the Greater Lansing Lansing. Above the new Campus Senator Philip Hart are urged to Community Organization for a joint GET NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 attend an important meeting of the meeting at 7:30 p.m. on June 29 at It's the same good rule musical instruments to eager band p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Students For Hart on Tuesday, June Edgewood United Church on which has made Want Ads PARISIAN SHOE Lost & Found students with a Classified Ad. Dial Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 30 at 9 p.m. in Room 34 of the Hagadorn. The purpose of the the world 355-82551 P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Union. Many people are needed to meeting is communication and to a success Serving a over. useful function REPAIR YOW5-CAN'T IMA6INE AT Persian work on voter discuss joint goals and activities. with Siamese registration, NATIVE GERMAN to converse wil FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home Rides will be provided for those who at a low cost, Want Ads 501 E. Grand River the quick results Markings and color. Reward. canvassing, fund raising, and bumper ■51-6056. 2-6-29 2 or 3 hours a week. I will pc ownership! See the good home sticker and button distribution. Call are at the Abbott Entrance of the are as available as (Below Campus Drugs) YOU'LL SET WITH small fee. Call Bill, after 5 p.m buys in the Classified Section Randy at 332-4908 evenings for State News weekdays, 355-5856. 3-7-1 information. today's newspaper! 332-4074 WANT APS | Real Estate JEMOS, ALL brick ranch. 3 Monday, oms, 12 study, - 4 rec room, 6'/4% low $30,000. Open p.m. 2 car 1606 Forest Summer's the time. .. Is, 351-6632.3-6-30 | Ipacious T LANSING, ining and family fivate older yard, 4-5 bedrooms, home. rooms. double Study, Large We've got the Place! garage, toner, $29,950. 337-0909. TF 5T iwner. LANSING, Okemos schools by 4 bedroom home. LIMITED VACANCIES NOW FROM $160/MONTH 51-4255. 5-6-30 131,50 . For details phone Haslett Arms Close to Berkey Hall » ELY SIX room home near » Air Conditioned ropus. Two car attached garage, baths. Ideal for faculty. IV » Carpeting 135- 145 Haslett Street 0371.5-6/30 Lowebrooke Arms • Wood paneling, Bookshelves 1300 E. Grand River University Terrace » * Air Conditioning Wood paneling 414 - 424 Michigan Avenue CedarbrOOke Arms - Nearcentraicampus ► Air Conditioning t Carpeting 208 Cedar Street AND LOVE IT! You can't beat Meadowbrook Trace for living. It's good Evergreen Arms • » V2 block from Large apartments Campus Air Conditioning it's convenient living ... We've , living . . . it's fun living . .. 341 - 345 Evergreen Street A pretty foxy got a swimming pool, barbecue and picnic areas, billiards, tennis courts, playgrounds, lounge area with color tv and we're always working on more. Edgewood Apartments Tpus way to get cash . . Across Mich. Ave. from „ Mayo Hall „ „ Apartments We've got furnished and unfurnished beautiful apartments with rents probably as low as you are paying now. -sell things you We've got a location so central that students, professors, families with chool children, businessmen .. . everyone ... can get to where they're going ... and fast. And don't need with Meadowbrook is really going places because this is where to really live with good friends and family. This is a livable place and you'll love it. a Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 Meadowbrook 217 Ann St. Next to IVIin-a-Mart \ now. TRACE by Kassuba: the apartment people 4925 Dunckel Road, Lansing Jolly Exit, 1-496 Phone: 393-0210 ] 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M°nday,juitt,0 r The Fish-eye fish-eye lent takes a Akers Hall wide-anfl|e irmL on East Campus. at State News photo by Dick WarrBn SAN Rogers: FRANCISCO Secretary of State William P. (AP) - so- peace He said, also, a renewed initiative would be made S. After meeting with President foreign policy conference of Nixon Sunday night and this editors and broadcasters. Viet means on a of placing more emphasis negotiated settlement. and this will be troops followed on June 30 against Communist effect' Wednesday by a television supply lines in Cambodia. "it 'win hel th Rogers said Sunday that South by President Nixon this week morning at the Western White The secretary flies to Manila "We are not going to announce Vietnamese troops "obviously" appearance. ml)01 following the withdrawal of all House in San Clemente, Calif., later today for a SEATO Nixon will file a written report what we are not going to do but will remain in Cambodia as long U.S. ground forces from Rogers will return to San ministerial meeting, and to to the American people on the government, but our Rogers said that America is obviously if interdict the as North Vietnamese troops do Cambodia on Tuesday. Francisco today to speak at a Saigon for a meeting with the Cambodian operation Tuesday, doing so is to sunnort " ^ countries contributing troops to going to use air support after supply lines, this will ill have »a dual s