Tuesday MICHIGAN k, /. UNIVERSITY Vol. 63, Number 5 STATE TATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 30, 1970 Americans leave Cambodia; r V C attack ammunition depot SAIGON back if the military situation should opening of a North Vietnamese assault on capturing two. South Vietnamese casualties (AP) — The last American combat deteriorate further. the regional military headquarters at Siem were put at 10 wounded. troops pulled out of Cambodia An American unit in a night defensive A command report Saturday listed 339 Reap. Monday, leaving only a handful of U.S. In South Vietnam, only one major clash position to the west of the sweep operation advisers due to return to South Vietnam Americans killed and 1,500 wounded in the 60-day drive against enemy supply was reported Monday. was attacked by an estimated enemy before President Nixon's deadline of bases in eastern Cambodia. Two battalions of government troops platoon and suffered three killed and 12 midnight tonight. wounded, including a former enemy soldier The American pullout does not preclude sweeping through a valley two miles south As the Americans of the demilitarized zone reported killing serving with the Americans. Two enemy withdrew, Viet Cong the possibility that U.S. air and artillery and North Vietnamese 45 North Vietnamese soldiers and troops were reported killed. troops renewed would continue to pound the border base their assault on the Cambodian munitions areas from which the ground troops depot at Long Vek, 23 miles north of withdrew. Phnom Pehn, the capital, and shelled American guns already have been moved Cambodian troop positions in the Siem Reap ■ Angkor area in the northwest. Premier Lon Nol of Cambodia said he into a series of new fi;e bases on the South Vietnamese side of the frontier and could fire in support of some of the 39,000 Environmental Watch had hoped U.S. forces would remain in his country beyond the deadline, but he South Vietnamese troops who will prolong their operations inside Cambodia. A student father takes time out during a trek across campus to qive Junior some needed attention outside S. Kedzie Hall. added: "We are now can fight with air in a support." position where we He told a news conference he hoped Lon Nol said in Phnom Penh that the Pentagon had assured him of continued American air support for his troops in the takes pessimistic State News photo by Fred Ferri Nixon would send the American forces interior. U.S. officials say air attacks in such thing as an effective voluntary Cambodia are against supply lines, but pollution control effort. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird declined Companies have to be coerced into to say last Friday whether American planes preventing pollution, he said. He cited IEEKEND THEFT also would support Cambodian ground The world cannot be too pessimistic several large companies in Detroit which forces. about its environmental future, speakers at were not originally receptive to pollution The fighting at Long Vek was a the second session of an environmental control devices. When criminal and. most continuation of an attack launched five recently, civil actions threaten the quality institute agree Monday. days ago. Cambodian officials say the After definitions of what pollution is and businesses, they comply, he said. Bookstore funds stol en North Vietnamese hope to capture the weapons in the munitions depot and use them in an assault on Phnom Penh. Informants reported, however, that many of the depot's supplies were removed what causes it were offered by Thomas Mooney, asst. professor of occupation and environmental health at Wayne State University, the present and future One of the most pessimistic speakers was Georg A. Borgstrom, professor of food science, who criticized futurologists, technologists and the ecology profession drawer in the file cabinet, and the situations of air pollution, food, the human By JOHN BORGER room the profit we made." before the fighting began. (please t o page 7) was locked. Police investigating the incident said population, consumption of recreation the More than 1,000 South Vietnamese State News Staff Writer resources, water quality and public health Although the bookstore is insured by the room had probably been entered by marines and infantrymen were reported to O.W. Mourer Insurance were presented by specialists in the Textbook Agency, the policy removing the lock core from a side door. have moved to within 10 miles east and receipts amounting to $700 were stolen from the Man and re Bookstore last weekend, Elizabeth more covers only material assets (books, posters, etc.) which might be lost in a burglary, not stolen money. Scratches on the lock core were the only visible signs of disturbance. Apparently the intruder did not have to make an extensive north of the Cambodian capital, but there were no reports on whether they had been committed to the battle at Long Vek. respective areas. The conference, "Environmental Quality: Now or Never," continues Budget bills inhart, Detroit junior and one of the Mrs. Linhart said the bookstore may try search to find the money in the bank bag through Wednesday. It is being sponsored Cambodian officials said the enemy i nag'TS, said Monday. The money, almost all of the store's to obtain a small business loan to meet operating expenses. Operations will have to "hidden" in the file cabinet. Change money left in a desk drawer in bombarded troop positions around Siem Reap and Angkor with mortars and called by several MSU departments and the Society for Industrial Microbiology. await action ipital, had been left in a file cabinet over be curtailed to offset the loss. the store was not disturbed. Store Although he was somewhat encouraged this harassing action. But Associated Press he weekend, although funds are usually "We were just going to order $500 worth by recent pollution legislation, Morton managers said they did not think the correspondent John T. Wheeler reported leposited each Friday. "Last Friday there was only one girl forking here, so she couldn't leave to go to of paperbacks, because our stock was getting low. Now we can't do that," she said. "We also probably won't be able to (please turn to page 7) from Phnom believed the Penh that observers there shellings could signal the Sterling, director of the air pollution control division of the Wayne County Board of Health, said that there was no in legislature he bank," Mrs. Linhart said. "I'd have »e myself except I had a 12:30 - 4:30 expand our sale of textbooks next fall, as we had planned." By JEFF SHELER ss. "The loss can't come out of profits, State News Staff Write Then I didn't want to take the money because we don't make any profit," he me with me because I didn't want to be said. "We're a cooperative operation to Though the new fiscal year begins t alone at night with that much money," offer an alternative to commerical Wednesday, several appropriation bills still he continued. await final action bookstores." by state lawmakers. So instead, the money was placed in an "We just finished paying off our original Legislators hope to recess late this week to jst Lansing State Bank bag (a canvas bag loan of $2,000," she said. "It took us a campaign for the August primary election. zipper and lock) and put into a year to do that, and that money was all Budget bills yet to be passed include the higher education appropriation passed last week by the House and the state school aid bill which includes a controversial $22 million parochiad provision. Navajos Both bills are currently in conference gain committees but are expected to see final approval early this week. Senate action was expected late Monday afternoon on two appropriation bills to n fight WASHINGTON (AP) - The Navajo Under over commission procedures, fund state public and mental health programs. Approval of a $92 million state income tax boost by both houses Friday broke a idians won a major victory Monday in a Navajos won't get the land. Once the seven - month stalemate over funding the ight to prove title to 40 million acres of precise acreage is determined and the value school aid bill and cleared the way for its western land. fixed as of 1868, the Indians can expect a passage. The Indians say they were.inadequately considerable money settlement. Lawmakers were expected to take up the school aid bill late Monday or early today. compensated for the land if at all, when In a related case also settled Monday, the A final effort by opponents of the % were put on an 8 million acre - ■ commission said the Hopi Tribe of Arizona parochiaid provision to block passage of "eservation in 1868. The Indian Claims Commission agreed could prove certain aboriginal claims of the bill is expected. However, passage of *ith the land outside the 2.45 million acres the the tax increase Friday is interpreted by Navajos that they had roamed President reserved for them in 1882. much of the land for centuries. many observers as an indication of strength It drew boundaries behind the school aid bill, and few doubt it fixing the Navajo's lawsuit stripped the Hopis of aboriginal title" at what one commission In 1937, a exclusive use of 1.9 million acres and gave Touchdown will be passed early this week. The higher education appropriation official estimated would total about 30 bill, million acres in Arizona and New Mexico. joint use of that land to the Hopis and the A member of the Air Barons, a U.S. Navy Reserve tactical flight demonstration team, rolled off the runway at which passed the House last Wednesday set more aggressive Navajos. at $355.3 million, is The government had insisted that Later hearings will determine the specific the Muskegon County Airport in Muskegon Sunday following a demonstration by the team. No onewasjnjured AP Wirephoto conference committee currently where in Senate Navajos could prove claim to no more than in the accident which occurred during the Seaway Festival Air Show. '"million acres. (please turn to page 7) (please turn to back page) Effects of Cambodian campaign uncertain giant strides can be made in Vietnamization, the process of require 850 of the Communist command's biggest trucks, averaging two tons per load, coming down the Ho Chi Minh trail. terrain data on March 10, two days after the first civil disturbances in Svay Rieng in eastern Cambodia and one day By RICHARD PYLE turning combat responsibilities over to the South Vietnamese. before the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong embassies were Associated Press Writer The most optimistic outlook is that the 60 days in Cambodia Nobody knows how many trucks the North Vietnamese have, but 420 of them were captured in Cambodia. burned by Cambodian mobs in Phnom Penh. have broken the back of the Communist command's military SAIGON — The Cambodian campaign, which President Nixon effort in the all • important 11 provinces around Saigon, the 3rd One factor which must be weighed in assessing the statistical Wled the most successful evidence is that U.S. officials admit they do not know what Diplomatic sources in Phnom Penh with direct contact with the military move of the war, is viewed by Corps tactical zone, and at least bought valuable time in the 4th North Vietnamese say the enemy began moving supplies out of JJ'"H,any some observers here as a somewhat more limited achievement. Corps, the Mekong Delta. percentage of the enemy's supplies they got. sanctuaries in commandeered trucks. officers are enthusiastic about the results apparent so Some observers say Nixon, by drawing on the statistical "In order to know that, of course, we'd have to know how ir. much was there in the first place," said one 3rd Corps officer. "If evidence, can make a fairly strong case that the Cambodian These sources believe the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong may U.S. officers, they had year's supply, maybe we got 30 per cent of it. If they awaiting a final assessment that is unlikely to venture has accomplished most of what it set out to do. a have been able to get at least half their supplies out to safety an8e things much, assert it is really impossible for them, or for had six months' supply, we might have gotten as much as 70 per farther north and west in Cambodia. Example: 95 captured tons of small - arms ammunition - basic cent." an«Ton*;' to know just how effective the operation has been. Let's say we estimate that we've knocked the enemy off his load for 20 North Vietnamese battalions for a year; 55 tons of An additional factor is how much the enemy was able to pull U.S. officers in Saigon admit that the Communist command, medical supplies - enough to supply a 320-bed, division - level out of caches in advance of the American and South Vietnamese apparently having anticipated an allied move into Cambodia when f'nsixs f°rto six to eight months," said one officer. "I'll let you know hospital for a year. raids into the Fishhook, the Parrot's Beak and the base areas due the first indications of political upheaval appeared, got away with eight months if we were right." Also 66,787 mortar rounds of all sizes - 12 times as many as a lot of material. Nobody now even seems sure how many weapons, how many north of Saigon. were fired in all of 3rd Corps in the first three months of 1970, Reliable information in Saigon and Phnom Penh makes it jnortar ten from rounds and how much small ■ arms ammunition were and about 1,500 rockets, about 17 times as many as were fired in apparent both sides saw signs of something developing before the That they gave top priority to their most important weapons supply depots in eastern Cambodia. the same area in the same period. and munitions may be indicated by the fact that the 19,000 u>serepancies exjst jn estimated enemy killed: 14,360 according Also 19 303 individual and 2,514 heavy weapons - enough to March 18 coup that overthrew Prince Norodom Sihanouk and individual weapons captured or destroyed by the allies included 10 President Nguyen Van Thieu, 11,341 according to the outfit'between 14 and 16 full - strength North Vietnamese they read them the same way. only 2,300 AK47s, the standard assault rifle used by enemy ericans. and in weapons captured: 26, 399 or 21,817. In Saigon, officials in a position to know say the U.S. Most American officials look regiments. hopefully ahead to several months Figured in tonnage, to replenish the ammunition alone would Command ordered hastily assembled weather and Cambodian (please turn to page 7) relative quiet in the lower half of South Vietnam, during which 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Senate WASHINGTON (AP) — The putting off a showdown the funds for fighting in Indochina tables opposition to widening the Only three Democrats voted Senate voted Monday to White House wanted now. by June 30,1971. Vietnam conflict. against the tabling motion. postpone action on "The By a vote of 62 to 29, the The lopsided vote, however, Allot was opposed to his own Southern Democrats, who Amendment To End The War," Senate tabled an amendment was as much a reflection of amendment which used the normally back the thus assuring more prolonged offered by Sen. Gordon Allott, Senate jealousy over proper identical language of a proposal administration on the war, went debate on Southeast Asia and R-Colo. It would have cut off all procedure as it was of offered several weeks ago by two along with Majority Leader Mike Senate doves — Democrat Mansfield's motion to table George S. McGovern ofSouth because they regarded the Allott Dakota and Republican Mark O. move as an assault on Senate Collins trial judge denies Hatfield of Oregon. Allott offered it under his own name last week as a rider to the procedures, committee system control. including the which they foreign military sales bill that "The architects of this move has been the vehicle for eight have no wish to advance the change of ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The had venue request been shown that "a that the defendant cannot weeks of debate over the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Republicans made no secret of the fact they hoped to kill the amendment," said McGovern. "By bringing it up out of order the sponsors of this amendment sufficient percentage" had been receive a fair trial in this county. are confusing the debate, judge presiding over the John proposal outright, undermining confusing the public and Norman Collins "coed murder" excused in order to prove that "I think it has been administration critics who plan "there is such a feeling in the demonstrated the entire preventing any kind of serious trial decided Monday to — to bring it up later during debate debate that this deserves." continue trying to pick a jury county, and the feeling is so record demonstrates — that the over defense appropriations and here, saying 12 days of jury widespread and general, that it is defendant can receive a fair thus keep pressure on the The only liberal Democrat to •» ''w, selection have not convinced impossible for John Collins to trial," Delhey said. President. vote against tabling was Asst. him that the former student get a trial by a fair and impartial Majority Leader Edward M. would be unable to get a fair trial here. jury." Kennedy of Massachusetts. The Duet Collins, 23, a former student tabling vote was a prelude Washtenaw Judge John County Circuit Conlin ordered at Eastern Michigan in nearby University Ypsilanti, is charged - . .* to winding up the initial two - month phase of debate on What better pair came place to team up for musical relaxation than prepared - with guitar and sheet music. on the banks of the Red Cedar T another 300 potential jurors to with first - degree murder in the Cambodia. state News photo by Terry L, be called, and adjourned the case July 23, 1969, sex slaying of until Thursday, the earliest time Karen Sue Beineman, 18, a the additional jurors could freshman at EMU. The Grand appear. "The court has gone over list of jurors examined and tried to determine whether examinations to date show a two the has Rapids girl was the seventh and last young woman slain under similar circumstances around the the Ann Arbor Ypsilanti area in a • Outsiders' presposei - year period. fixed opinion that would result in the defendant's not getting a The series of slayings, in probe of Jackson fair trial," Conlin said. "together with the publicity, has In presenting his fifth motion permeated the entire atmosphere to have the trial shifted to another location, of the county, and has led the Defense community to feel it has been Attorney Joseph Louisell said victimized," Louisell said. unrest JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A federal grand jury was instructed The May 15 disturbance started with the that 164 prospective jurors had But Washtenaw County burning of a dumn I Monday to consider possible outside influences in the violence truck just off campus and ended when been called for the case and 127 Prosecutor William Delhey, which left two young blacks dead at Jackson State College last front of a dormitory at the authorities opened fire in I of those had been examined in arguing to keep the trial here, month. predominantly black college. I said "the number of jurors who detail. Of the 127, he said 46 had been excused for having have been examined has not "It is a violation to travel across state lines with the intent of Phillip Gibbs, a 20 - year - old Jackson State junior, and James Earl Green, a 17 - year - old high school I been excessive." inciting to riot," Judge William Harold Cox of U.S. District Court others senior, were killed Nine I1 preconceived opinions of the told the 23-member grand jury in the first known public were wounded. He said he did not believe that reference to outsiders in the May 15 disturbance. Gov. John Bell Williams said a state Louisell said he thought that it the rejection rate "demonstrated "This district shall not provide sanctuary for militants, officers fired after being subjected to sniper fire. But investigation showed I anarchists or revolutionaries of any race," Cox told the Gen. Jerris Leonard, who was in Jackson on Asst. Atty I empaneled jury of 13 women and 10men, five of them Negroes. newly Monday, said his I Judge Cox said the identity of witnesses would be kept secret. investigation had turned up "insufficient evidence to establish the I presence of a sniper." He said the jury would be expected to conclude its probe this Judge Cox told the grand jury that no one participating in a week. or civil disorder with civil authorities or The federal grand jury session next week will consider matters refusing to disperse "has I Pantin' other than Jackson State, but the Hinds County grand jury has any civil right to expect to avoid serious injury or even death where the disorder requires extreme measures and hareh The heat East been called into session July 6 to investigate the violence at treatment. summer on Lansing sidewalks can really work Jackson State. up a guy's thirst — and that of his canine companion, too. "Any peace officer in the area under such circumstances has the This dog and his master evidently prepared for their venture Atty. Gen. John Mitchell announced the probe by the special unquestionable right to make the necessary and reasonable use of U.S. grand jury after federal authorities complained into the summer sun with take along refreshments. ■ they were his firearms with live ammunition for his self • protection when it unable to get Mississippi Highway Patrol cooperation in their State News photo by Dick Warren appears necessary and for the restoration of law and order," investigation. Judge Cox said. First ladies view quake ruins LIMA, Peru (AP) - The first Valley in lumbering U.S. Air for the tragedy, it also could apparent when Mrs. Nixon flew honor ladies of the United States and a guard filled the plaza and Force veteran, has flown 55| Force CI 30. serve to improve U.S. - Peruvian into Lima's international airport. foreign ambassadors and other Peru flew Monday by cargo mercy missions into the area,I The presidents' wives then relations. The two countries Mrs. plane and Velasco embraced and dignitaries filed into the carrying tons of supplies to some! helicopter into a boarded White House have been at odds since Peru's kissed her and 3,000 Peruvians cathedral for solemn Mass remote Andes valley to comfort a helicopter, flown to Peru from military government shouted approval. a commemorating the martyrdom of the 800,000 persons homeless by the quake. leftj survivors of the May 31 quake Florida, to visit the towns of expropriated a U.S. oil company Monday morning more than of St. Peter. The CI 30 landed at the tiny that left 50,000 persons dead. 18 months Yungay and Ha Huarez — both ago, ordered U.S. 2,000 persons watched silently President Juan Velasco strip bulldozed out of mud and! Mrs. Richard M. Nixon and destroyed in the earthquake and military attaches out of the as the two first ladies arrived at a Alvarado was the last to arrive. rock that swept through thel Mrs. Consuelo Velasco made the massive mudslides that followed. country and harassed U.S. Roman Catholic Mass in Lima's He sat 25 feet away from his narrow, 80 - mile ■ long vallev.f one • hour flight to Huaylas Mrs. Nixon arrived in Lima fishing boats off Peru's coast. high - vaulted colonial cathedral. wife and Mrs. Nixon, a Quaker. Sunday on a two ■ day mercy The strained relations were not Army bands and a military Members of the military junta mission with two plane loads of relief supplies and $30,000 given that has ruled Peru for 20 months sat around the president. 'U' loses by private citizens in the United The crowd outside was orderly States. While Mrs. Nixon's flight to Peru from Los Angeles was Grad named until Velasco Mrs. were Nixon and Mrs. leaving. Then several women broke through travel tax mainly to express U.S. sorrow police lines and grabbed Mrs. in Millik en campai Nixon's hands. A'grey - haired Indian dressed in black kissed Mrs. woman exemptionl Thomas Koernke, a June graduate in communications, has been Nixon's hand. When police University travelers will not! pushed her away, Mrs. Velasco receive federal tax exemptions! named youth director of the Michigan for Milliken Committee, waved for air travel after Wednesday,! which is coordinating Gov. Milliken's campaign for re-election. the officers aside. Another woman handed a rosary the Office of the Comptroller ■ Koernke's duties will involve traveling throughout the state to to Mrs. Nixon. has announced. I discuss government and politics with groups of students and recent federal law! Where A the Mrs. Nixon and President can you get young people. S. John Byington, Committee, said Koernke who heads the Michigan for Milliken was "ideally suited for this important Velasco did not greet each other until the service ended. He eliminated all exemptions from! the transportation tax and alsoj bowed as he was raised the tax rate from five perl assignment." leaving and HIGHEST RATE "Gov. Milliken believes strongly that our young citizens should be given greater opportunities to express themselves on the Mrs. Nixon, still standing at her chair, smiled and curtsied. cent to flight cost. eight per cent ot Universities had been exempt! tK|.1 TONIGHT? critical political issues of the day," the Detroit communications Lima was quiet and nearly from the previous five per cent| Make a date especially if you have too much of return on any type executive said. A magna cum laude graduate, Koernke was president of the deserted for the holiday. The first ladies major religious t8" I have no'idea what the effect I stopped briefly of this measure on individual■ homework. We make it Senior Class Council. The Grayling alumnus was also voted an can manageable by at the National Palace and then outstanding senior of 1970. will be, Ho I increasing your reading rate at least 3 times. The study technique we teach is efficient of bank savings? Before entering MSU, Koernke served House of Representatives. as a page in the State were driven to the waiting CI30. The plane, piloted by Lt. Col. departments Grider, University auditor, said Monday. contract! James V. Beckett of Austin, effective and thorough—a definite improve¬ Tex., took off minutes later in "If it has a tight budget, > ment over unorganized cramming. Schedule a cloudy skies for the one hour may have to cut back on 1 flight to the dirt strip at Anta in - or on other supplies, he said.1 free Mini-Lesson for yourseJf. the center of the valley. "That eight per cent is going ■ have to be made up| Beckett, a white - haired Air somewhere." MINI LESSON Michigan Sta I The State News, the student newspaper at University, is published every class day during four scno terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. UNIVERSITY INN Subscription rate is $14 per year. TROWBRIDGE R AT AB & T OF COURSE! Press, United Press Infer national, LANSING Member Associated HOWARD JOHNSONS MOTOR LODGE " SO. CEDAR AT 1-96 No other bank offers higher rates of Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate rre . LANSING interest on any type of savings Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate re OWOSSO - CHAMBER Ol COMMERCE U account or certificate of deposit Association, United States Student Press Association. N. WATER COMMUNITY ROOM A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. question about itl Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servl'' Building, Michigan State University, East Lansi g. Michigan. EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS 17320 West Eight Mile Road mSM Classified Advertising . .ftn Southfield, Michigan 48075 Display Advertising » Business-Circulation 355-3 Photographic 355-8311 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 30, 1970 3 news More soldiers sent Vanden-Brink sunm&py Semi-Boneless to Northern Ireland Smoked Hams Britain ordered more by —* labor and among the rioting crowds. More management Whole or half troops keep the than 200 persons were injured in Mondav Monday iy to t„ „ as Northern Ire| NwUlem reTicious Ir religious fonnTna fei KX 'nd"slry free of religious Belfast and Londonderry where feudlng By bringing it up out of order the sponsors of this amendment spread Protestant to Roman^Cathofe-'Quit woJk shipyards extremists whprp \ told . 6 C. 3^r?S.Werf a center hatrec'goes J "?l^n™!T^iLg^!-?iUril,g the SSiSSSS!! , »o«tu back centuries to the gwea uotn tcinuiiea tu tut? time ^en t.he.ru,ilJ« En6lish moved Portestant settlers among 68c b (to end the war) are confusing the or be shot." Representatives of shipyard the native Irish Catholics. Herrud reg. or mild debate, confusing the public and The fighting that starts afw V° held urgent talks with Northern Ireland is now about preventing any the jailing of^CatSl i./h! m™! Chichester " Clark, two - thirds Protestant. debate that this - Sen. GeorgeS. kind of serious deserves. " Bernadette Devlin on Fridav subsided on Mondav hut tho min'tet^h .Irela.nd's pnme The spark Friday night was the If!' ?uP?g L Suarantees jailing of Miss Devlin on a Skinless Franks 1 lb. pkg. 59c McGovem, D-S.D. maneuvering in the governments men hank t u bnng the conviction of inciting riots last (Story on page 2) of England Northem lreland a £L? ' v year. But the fighting appeared and the Irish Republic to thP south was intense eho ;n idif P.ersons,^ y'spokesman said to have little to do with the by Sun^ire Catholic civil rights campaign U.S. Good Round Steak 99c International News In London, British defense hL? had that led to rioting 1969 in officials said they were ordering V C1V,"an smpers which about 2"0 persons died. I Laborite members of Parliament re-elected ex-Prime Minister Harold Wilson leader of their party Monday, 500 more Ireland to bring the peace troops to Northern keeping force to an military Ekrich All Beef Franks 89c 76,000 - Overriding calls for an immediate inquest into their eventual 11,000 men. Some 350 luster from power. troops were province Sunday. dispatched to the re ■ Wilson, who was not opposed, promised his followers British Prime Minister Edward Jiat there would be a full inquiry, at the right time, on he reasons for the June 18 Conservative victory. Heath Cabinet sending conferred on the Home with crisis his before Secretary for summer Lipton Instant Tea j Pepsi-Cola or ■Presumptive evidence of a new and fairly powerful Reginald Maudling, the man in charge of law enforcement, | Diet Pepsi loviet underground nuclear explosion, bringing to 39 visit to the province » Slightly more than 16,000 over because registration is still 20c OFF 8 pack -16 oz. bottles e possible number of such tests since the limited test p-f-i-i, * u:„ Tuesday. graduate and undergraduate continuing. In agreement in 1962, was announced Monday by the minhte. .\! ry'J foreign students have registered for "We expect another 500 - Limit 1 79° predominantly classes during the summer term, 1,000 students will register Jtomic Energy Commission two days after it occurred. . , ,un 0 "sh Republic, flew to the registrar's office said before the term is over," James With coupon & $5 food | Limit 1 RriHch t °r WI tb.e Monday- Stoneman, asst. registrar for With $5 food purchase National News Alar, n secretary, Sir The total includes evaluation and research, said. purchase I & coupon approximately 1,714 new "We have special workshops Good rich Shop-Rite j President Nixon and the foreign minister of c n if 5 il- ic workers in students, 940 of whom are and two - week classes and three expires July 4,1970 expires July 4,1970 ommunist Romania conferred Monday afternoon, and oeiiast s shipyards walked off undergraduates, the office said. - week classes going on all io. 051 lixon later reported they talked about proposals for th6 °i tne t failure of a lunc"tlme> signaling prolonged effort The office said the figures will summer," he said. "Many of not be complete until the term is mtual East - West troop withdrawals from Europe. them haven't even started yet, so we won't have final figures for Earlier in the day Nixon talked with Secretary of some time." tate William P. Rogers. The two considered foreign olicy of the future while the last contingent of Ryan forecasts vote Breakdowns of the enrollment figures by class rank, total Mary Ellen "Dipsies" Potato Chips 44c merican combat forces moved out of Cambodia. full • time and part • time status, Before their private talks, Rogers said the President department major, resident and ill launch a new peace initiative in the wake of the ithdrawals. on five amendments non - resident status and other figures will not be avilable until the end of the term, The Senate voted Monday to ban shipment of nerve already won a place on the Such breakdowns are Hawaiin Punch 46 oz. all flavors 28c House Speaker William A. ballot.Three other proposals are P jj e7. 'n the registrar's from Okinawa to the United States and authorized Ryan said Monday there tied up in various legislative *ePort> which is issued for each inds for destruction or detoxification. probably would be no more than stages. term- The action came as an amendment to the five constitutional amendments Ryan said the legislature will lilitary sales bill. The sponsor, Sen. Mike Gravel,' ■Alaska, said the amendment will stop current Army foreign on the November ballot because it was getting too cluttered. try to wind up Thursday in 0fder to have time to campaign CHANNEL STUDENT CONSUMER SERVICE 1 I Libby Catsup 20 oz. bottle 19c "The ballot can't stand many for the Aug. 4 primary. He said ans to ship the gas by ordering its destruction in M-.-M. 1-5,™ more (than five)," Ryan said at It was uncertain whether the :inawa. this weekly news conference. lawmakers will return again in The judge at the Sharon Tate murder trial Monday The Detroit Democrat said he expected the five would: Au|ust or September to handle unfinished business. 355-8302 Kraft iet-Puffed Marshmallows 23c Pump $100 million into low — inied a motion to dismiss charges on grounds that and middle income housing lassive publicity has made a fair trial impossible for the developments. our defendants. — Lower the voting age to 18. Attorney for the chief defendant, Charles Manson, id in arguing the motion that the district attorney's fice had launched a campaign to saturate the public — Put saving time. Michigan on daylight All Your Favorite Italian Foods All-Star Ice Milk — Set a statewide property tax % gal. carton ith information about the murders last August because to pay for schools. Delivered FREE! ram the very beginning the prosecution realized it had — Authorize a graduated case against Mr. Manson." A civil rights labor specialist accused the Nixon income tax. The housing amemdment has PIZZAS SMALL $1.70 & 30c per item LARGE $2.50 & 50c per item 65c ministration of destroying the Philadelphia plan for Giant Ham Italian, rbing job discrimination as a "payoff to the building ides for their support of the war in Indochina." Faculty Club SUBS Turkey Beef Mixed Cold cuts (1.25 The government has abandoned "any pretense of forcing the federal guidelines" against job Orchard Grove iscrimination on federal construction contracts, sets luncheon lerbert Hill, labor director of the National Assn. for the idvancement of Colored People, said. the Faculty LASAGNA Fruit Drinks $1.50 The last meeting of Club for this year will be a Michigan News The State Public Health Dept. has rejected a commendation by a migrant housing group that it luncheon in the club parlors of the Union Tuesday. scheduled speaker is Mordechai The RAVIOLI All flavors Vi gal. jugs 3/s1 Kreinin, professor of economics. by licenses to migrant camp owners who are found Kreinin's topic is "A Proposal uilty of five or more health violations. for University Involvement in Home of fine Italian Foods Dr. Maurice Reizen, department director, said a strict Inner City Education." • imit on the number of allowable violations would be 'arbitrary and unsatisfactory." NOW 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOUI ys Fresh Foreign Food The recommendation was presented to Reizen in a six 1317 East Michigan PHONE 372-8120 point petition earlier this month by the United 2412 South Cedar PHONE 487-3657 ligrants for Opportunity, Inc. (UMOI). However, the Health Dept. and UMOI did agree to set Hours: Sun. Thurs. 5 p.m. ■ 1 a.m. Fri., Sat. 5 p.m. - 2 a.n Bitter Melons 'P two state camp inspections each season - once prior Sugar Peas Tomatillos * occupancy and again during the season of occupancy, teen said. Drop off dry cleaning, °n July 21, a special board of the Atomic Energy and much more jommission will again consider granting a license to 'onsumers Power Co. to begin testing its Palisades 45{ per pound luclear Plant on the shores of Lake Michigan near ^uth Haven. 1 skirt 45< Consumers had hoped to begin testing the plant in (id-July, but five conservation groups claim that water Charged from the plant would heat up the water of 1 sweater 45{ GOODRICH'S ^ke Michigan and harm aquatic life. At issue is more than SPARTAN just the immediate future of the $p13& Palisades Plant. Construction of eight atomic power 1 pair Plants around Lake Michigan by 1975. others along slacks 45< wke Erie and one near Midland has accentuated the concern over damage of the ecology of waterways. We love active people active people love us! Campus News 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience "We Give Gold Bond Stamps" Iowa's fourth dynamite bombing in less than two 1 - 213 Ann Street °nths damaged the Harvey Ingham Hall of Science at 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road LI n II DC - Mon,-Fri. 9 to 0 fake University in Des Moines early Monday. 3 - Northwind Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza nUUna. Saturday 9 to 6 No one was injured by the explosion, which nvestigators say was caused by about 15 to 20 pounds high - power dynamite. IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER T^niage to the building was estimated at $250,000. Harrison at Trowbrldfl# * Between Spartan Village and 1 spokesman for the university said he could think of reason why bombers would pick Ingham Hall since Cherry Lane Apartments Join Those Who Export Mor* And Savo ^search which could possibly offend any group was arr'ed on at Drake. m MICHIGAN LOUIE BENDER STATE NE" UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD In the classroom of the streets editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE mother in Medicine Bow died, and the Politics - watchers are keeping their eyes critique them all, and decide the merits of on "Yeah, well, that's okay. 'Bve » advertising manager trained on college students this summer, each, and then rank them. All before the way to the funeral I had a flat tire, and so " 'Bye, now." ' since it has been widely reported that, polls close next Tuesday." of course I have to go to work as a short - Slam. KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor more than ever before, the students will be "Yes, ma'am. I know that, and let me order cook In Dubuque, and there was this "OK, you guys, be quick ah™,* . LARRY LEE, city editor just say that I'm glad you're such a tremendous hailstorm, see ... " take it easy on that out pounding pavements, thumping gas. We've Bott» conscientous voter." a half precincts to JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor lecterns and knocking on doors in behalf of go." 0j|> JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor their favorite candidates. "Don't try to brownnose me, young Knock, knock. man. I've half a mind not to even read your "How do you do, sir. May I have a The thing to remember about these "Strohs, please." literature or listen to your talk. Do you moment of your time to discuss with you people is that, even though they're off "I don't know as I'd serve h,™ , Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award campus, they're still college students. Don't look but about 15 to me " i for outstanding journalism. "Elmer, you shut the hell up befnr, Ring. "Good evening, ma'am. My name run off all my customers." reVf "Hello?" "Whoooee, ole Julie, she's sumn-^ is Sheldon Goldmin, from "Good evening, ma'am. My name is Students for DiPasto, and I'm ain't she, kid?" ,ess"mpm Sheldon Goldmin, from Students for "Yeah, I guess she is." EDITORIALS DiPasto, and I'm calling to talk to you calling to talk to you about the "You look like you need that beer k about the candidacy of Luther DiPasto in Been out huntin' a the upcoming Democratic primary election candidacy of Luther DiPasto in job?" 'k the upcoming Democratic "Nope. Been out campaigning " for governor." "Well, it's about time." primary election for governor." you?^h? Y°U g° °Ut t0 the college, d Free society "Uh, pardon me, ma'am?" "I say, 'It's about time.' All the other "Uh-huh." "Whatcna taking' up, kid?" students have given me the oral and they've "English." turned in their literature weeks ago. Where "English. Never was worth a damn L the hell've you been?" know what that would mean?" the all - important senatorial primary?" English. Math neither. All county SI - "Well, ma'am, I know the election is next "Incomplete campaign?" "Sure." team guard, though. ■ of Hey, kid'" by advent Tuesday, but..." "That's right. Next Tuesday, and do you know all the things I have to get done before then? I've got to go through these over "That's right." "But I'd have to do the whole campaign again, and I graduate before the next election." "Well, then. You see, the fascist state is becoming more and more a reality. Now you have to understand that what this indicates is that capitalism is hi its death "Yeah?" "You one o' them "No, man." hippies?" HEW and The result is "Go around Slowly but surely, an electronic so on. a burning flags, breali, piles of paper all over my desk here, and "Whose problem is that?" throes. Only when the proletariat rises up windows?" " juggernaut is gathering speed and massive complex of data banks, a I've got to read every one of them, and "Mine, I guess. But you see, my uncle's to smash the imperialist policies of the "No, no, nothing like that for me." force in this nation. The creature is supercomputer that merges and warmongering racists in Washington will a "Aren't one of them people's not a thing so much as a concept - it tabulates criminal and non - criminal true people's democracy be possible. The revolutionaries, are you?" . is, in fact, a complex of data in one vast information pool. first thing to be ripped off will be the pigs, No, no. I'm not into revolution! of course, but there is always the danger of Peaceful change is where I'm interconnected computer memory Certainly there are advantages to at YoJ a revisionist insurgency, so " banks containing data on possibly such a system. For one thing, it is ... know, ballots, not bullets. Figure i "Excuse me, young man, but could you everybody would just respect the next eml millions of American citizens "of certainly efficient - especially in the get to the point? I mean, which candidate and the next guy's opinion, there wouldnl interest" to the government. area of law enforcement. It is, do you consider the right man for the be all these gaps you keep hearing abo Further, one need not be a however, this very drive for job?" That's what I'm trying to do this summer! criminal in the popular sense of the efficiency that has inspired "Well, Faltulorn, of course. He's the only break down the communication man running who can promise the eventual between generations. barriej word to qualify for inclusion in the thousands of probably well - dictatorship of the proletariat, the Peacefully." \ massive memory monster. The Secret meaning technicians and officials to withering away of the .. . " "Well, I'll be damned. You're all kid. All right. Julie, Couple Strohs right! Service, for example, would insert an construct this creature. ovef individual into their computer if The question has been raised - by they thought he would Sen. Sam Ervin, D- N.C. among 1) "physically harm or embarrass others - whether such a device and "Don't try to brownnose me, the President or other high procedure might not, in fact, young man. I've half a mind to government officials," constitute a type of subtle coercion not even read your literature or 2) "insist upon personally on the part of the government. If, listen to your talk. Do you know contacting high government officials for example, a citizen writes a letter what that would mean?" fotf the purpose of redress of demanding redress for a grievance "Incomplete compaign?" "That's imaginary grievances, etc." that some bureaucrat has decided is right." 3) qualify as a "professional gate - grounds for entering the omni - crasher" puter, then might not the citizen 4) participate in "anti - American seriously consider not writing the or anti - U.S. Government letter at all? "But he's Democrat." here. By demonstrations." If participation in an anti - a God, kid, I just wish more college! "Yeah, but don't think for a minute that students were like you." t'ne judgment as to who qualifies government rally, regardless of its he's not right on. Why, he ... " "Well, thank you." under; these criteria is made, of aims, will put on the glorious "Young man, I'm glad to have talked "Who you .course, by the Secret Service magnetic tape, then might not one with you, and I'm pleased to see you campaigning' for, anvway?'| taking an active interest in politicss, but "Phuhhhhht. Huuuuuuhhp." personnel. Newspaper photos, letters reconsider exercising his supposedly I'm a Republican." "Hey, kid, what the hell you doin'? What written to government officials or constitutionally guaranteed right to "I beg your pardon?" the hell you got there?" arrest records are the sort of thing assembly? "Yes, I'm a Republican. You see, I'll be "Mmmm. Mmmp. Muupt." that could initially bring a person to The comparisons are endless. The voting in the Republican primary." "Oh. I see. You wouldn't change your "Kid, you okay. Let out youJ the attention of the Secret Service. point is this: the government omni - mind?" goddamned breath and tell me what the| To be sure, such an invasion of puter, whether intentionally or hell you're doin'." "Oh, no. Been a Republican all my life." privacy as is constituted by the otherwise, is rapidly becoming "Well, in that case ..." "Haahhhhh. Ahhhh. Here you go, old! Secret Service files is a threat to our something which - in the wrong "Thank you for stopping by, anyway." buddy. Take a toke for Thornapple." free society — it is, however, not the hands - could crush our free society primary one. into a police state. The hobgoblin in this case goes It would seem in the best interests under the name of data banks." The "integration of Secret Service of the people of these United States to forego a degree of efficiency in OUR READERS' MIND computer, for example, is being return for protecting traditional allowed to "talk" with the FBI liberties - especially when this m4chine, which is, in turn, in efficiency involves tagging and contact which is a with the device in HUD, friend of the computer at watching hundreds of thousands of law abiding Americans. - Students worse than secretaries To the Editor: child. To expect secretaries to deal with I students, Mr. Riegle would not telephone during that ninth hour of the working day! was greatly amused by the their requests, however legitimate, sanctimonious criticism of Economics during Dr. Adams' office during the lunch hour. which is her own, and which she needsinl the lunch hour is equally unreasonable, The State News might legitimately raise order to obtain the rest and sustenance | After quarter Dept. secretaries in Thursday's State News editorial. Students in the Economics Dept. think nothing of telephoning my home at 2 a.m. to ask what time an exam will be rude and culturally uncivilized. I am sure that Rep. Donald Riegle, like the State News staff, knows that University the question of unstaffed offices during the noon hour with the administrators of the University. Some appropriate that enables her to perform efficiently to eight hours? Margaret Y. Henderson | change of policy might be in order, or it faculty wife E given, which I can only view as the offices are closed at noon and, unlike the well may be that those whose Dept. of economics ■ inconsiderate, irresponsible act of a spoiled State News and many of the department's June 26,19701 responsibility it is to establish working U.N. continues hours have found that noon are, for the most part, like those I receive - hour calls and This past week the much - praised belittled United Nations United Nations - the major powers seldom agree and the body has often Yes, and what about...' To the Editor: beyond the limits of common decency during the dinner hour and throughout the night into early morning, the unnecessary and inappropriate demands of the discourteous, the self - centered and the Moon bugged| celebrates its 25 th anniversary. With degenerated into nothing more than To the Editor: i the passage of a quarter century Sen. Huber and Rep. Snyder should not (and are saying, while smacking their lips, irresponsible. Responsible students with . a debating society or, more be surprised that the State News "Yes, and what about "). Besides, I legitimate questions and real problems Due to the nature of your life - on ■ •I sufficient historical perspective may (sorry, I . . . moon editorial, it was difficult to tell I properly, a vehicle for the exchange mean Michigan State Journal) prints imagine you are nearly out of asterisks. contact my husband at the appropriate be obtained to attempt to evaluate of propaganda. articles of "almost indescribable filth." Our On the legislators' basic objection, time and place. whether you were being sarcasto: of I the. success or lack of it on the part The United Nations has been, society has many 'obscene' aspects, and if a however, there can be no disagreement: To direct this criticism, and this ignorant about the United States le 8 V by there is no excuse for the State News' question, to the viable bacteria on the moon. n| of this august body. newspaper is to report fully on that secretaries of the turns, cursed for being ineffective society, it must occasionally lapse into printing of Dr. Werner's disgusting Economics Dept. is merely a further We have already left piles of I Despite what is taught in American and for overstepping its authority - obscenity. information and advice relating to the example of certain students' demands that the moon from our flights there and now' I high schools, the U.N. was never depending upon which side of the The following, for instance, could hardly human b*dy (what could be more one and all'be at their beck and call, 24 see reproducible life existing whe I really intended to be a prototype conflict one was on. Regardless of obscene?), expecially since the column is hours a day, however trivial their requests thought it impossible. What happens1 I world government or a white knight opinion, however, one fact remerges: be reported without becoming obscene: written interestingly and humorously! may be. This kind of petulant tyranny on (I take it for granted that we w.ll continue I striding about the globe fighting for President Nixon ordered American Clearly, the people's right to know does the part of young adults in the University to dump money into NASA) we P I throughout it all, the United Nations tr**ps into Cambodia. not extend quiet so outrageously far as Dr. Mars, where life is realistically suspect truth, justice and humanity. Instead community is much more appalling, and remains and after 25 years is still Evidence shows that Werner assumes. What right has he to let us exist? It is clear to me that we run a a» p i malnutrit**n, more frightening, to me than the political it was hoped that the United Nations providing a forum and meeting place common in our gh*tt**s and rural know how to use effective contraception demands and demonstrations of those of contaminating that planet wi I would be the same sort of body as for the peoples of the world. p*verty areas, can result in irreversible or how to breast - feed a baby, or to allay students who are seriously concerned with types of life forms. us. I the League of Nations mental retardation in children. worries or ignorance about general health real I can't help but wonder what the ^ a delibrative This alone is sufficient to philosophical dilemmas and social justify its Seventeen other countries in the world problems? Dr. Werner should know (the problems such as the morality of war and government would do if an inf, JLng | body where tensions, differences and existence. problems could be resolved by have lower infant m*rtality rates than the American Medical Assn. has known it for the perpetuation of social structures which unknown to us, In the interest ot on I United States. years) that we are better off being ignorant oppress the right of diverse groups and about earth, began to drop their l common agreement and logic - with one major exception: it would be American children are going h*ngry, while food is being dumped to keep up about our bodies. M. Joseph Schaller individuals to life, of happiness. liberty and the pursuit OUrclUeS- Judd Goodman I successful where\he league was not. No time off farm prices. Lansing graduate student How courteous is the student who asks a NewYorkfreshgl June 2, f The fourtding philosophy behind F*shing was banned in Lake St. Clair June 25,1970 secretary to perform her work, unpaid. because of mercury contamination. the Security Council recognized one Bl*ck college graduates earn, on the P SU66EST THAT YOU SPEAK ON of the major faults of the League of Students and faculty will not be given average, less than wh*te high school THE NEW WOMEN'S LIBERATION time off for the Fourth of Nations and tried to correct it. It was July this year graduates. MOVEMENT BECAUSE IT'S REALLY because the holiday is on a THE MOST IMPORTANT 7HIN6 THAT. noted that regardless of any Saturday, the ADC mothers in Michigan are expected Provost's Office said Monday. Classes will to philosophical considerations, nothing provide the food, clothing and all other be held as scheduled both could be accomplished unless the Friday and next personal needs of their children on $37 a Monday. month. major powers agreed on a course of I won't go on with this list, since I action. This has also been one of the imagine some of your more licentious prime faults, efficiency - wise, of the readers have already been stimulated Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 30, 1970 Let it Be--a disappointment 1 ■ ko,e Beatles sing many songs in than " their new film, but Lost it Be ironic is "Don't Let Me humor or varie'ty^of aTnr388^ and ninel(others)- They are n°t bother with originality when m lt is sung halfway (three elements toat coulH h captured "off - guard" or shown they could just record the r h the film - just about Hade the effort wortWhilei thf i« ^ TT Beate doin8 lut>.. Hip audience s film relies solely on tho iwi- ^ ™ k T g impse of the had to do anyway and pass it off music and aDDearanpp ^ f ^ ,t° ?ake the music (and ~ «ther unconvincingly - as a ck about it e've got t*o | Liration tor and presence the Beatles' compensate for the a of the documentary • can no £IW§M* substancp enough to sustain an tor a while f°r its this, I think, is what people go probing film9 enough and their ** lnteresting for)- just another look at the enough, • songs are fine men as they perform their audience music. ... because it . " may „ , 161 lt Be ,s unfortunate be the Beatles' until the T, ... ^ last film together, and because fllthat point, one realizes unonginality of the project mutes this inherent u ^ ^ , ",llvan Show' A their past films have led viewers ,y s N'Sht" and "Help" to expect much more. It is hard LBy ROBERT KIPPER serve appeal. Even him, regret that this time the a scene on a u o me." * have let their audience State News Reviewer rooftop when the Beatles perform and already shown them to like because its makers have W!,th much more used the Beatles' name as a ' up before i The fabulous group, disrput business activity below « achievements on records give the film any extended fails to „t' , doesn't even drawing card to dupe the e's sump'm films have hitherto been made up Let it Be" life. £ack®ge the performance well, audience. The audience shows the Beatles i >. ota8e ,s grainy looking, annarpntlv tr> and tacky - expecting feSfiSS* £3585 stSS SB:*- x.- , : • • • d that beer with the Beatles. Rather The f'Let lt Be'" "Get Back,' Long and Winding Road" documentary sparked the Beatles'other films look and that but finds only a pedestrian and - privileged, behind - the scenes unambitious work, - gning." rough texture to make it appear or any sense of lacking style the singular virture. college, informal and unplanned. „ 'Let Be'i officers shot Everything shown and sung in But why go to all that trouble "Let it Be," except for the wo to make everything look continual presence of Yoko authentic and detached when Ono, has been shown and heard the Paul McCartney is caught in playing at the Campus Theater. a pensive mood in this scene from the new Beatles' movie, n Jrth Beatles' a damn camera glances, before, county secojd' smugness, empty chatter and forced clowning makes it all too n Detroit ambush obvious that the camera is molding their actions? go backstage, anyway, when all you see is the same action And why AG EXPERIMENT fags, breakii you ETROIT (UPI) - Five black two of the suspects were seen 90-year-old seeds for me." faced arraignment today on fleeing the scene of the shooting, Saturday night - hours before th^ °n television and in the shooting movles" grow ■ Prior to the People's stemming from the police said witnesses told them shooting, they had split up, "Let it Be" masquerades as lush of a Detroit police about that time, Chief Nolan said. Two were arrested at an intimate profile of the private 'to revolution pi car Sunday which left two Inspector Anthony Bertoni, one of the houses under sides of four public figures, but ... , On April 20, scientists dug up I'm at. Y0 te officers wounded, H" rankmg officer in the surveillance and the other three >t adds nothing to the audience's then buried at a depth of 18 that moth mullein is the only MSU scientists will grow the bottle of seeds which had been ets. Figure of the men, held Detroit Police Dept. "A another inches with the mouths slanting one to survive the test of 90 moth mullein plants which came house under knowledge of them. Instead of *"'"1 buried the MSU campus for ct the next liminary charges of route to the scene of the shooting surveillance, he said. informing the audience even 90 years. downward so that water would years is not unexpected. "There from the 90 - year - old seeds b held not collect in them. there wouldn mpted murder, 1 driven by Central Patrolman Gordon After careful preparation the weren't very many plants of the and then study them to ) hearing abou ds of $25,000 each. Three ja,led .Pendl"g District Inspector John Bowyer. only policeman still under filmmakers^ exploit' their seeds were planted, and MSU represents the oldest continuing other two species in 1960, which indicated that they might determine if exposure to 90 o this summer » were That car was also met with hospital care Monday. He was affection for the Beatles The botanists are now the proud years of natural soil radiation ication barrie stigation of conspiracy to gunfire, police said, and Bertoni listed in satisfactory condition experiment at the nation's oldest be nearing the end of their has had any effect on their promoters must have assumed parents of 90 year old weeds, unit murder, but - - college of agriculture. longevity," he said. •illy." ou're all ased later Sunday $1,500 received, a „minor le& wound, apparently fromshattered with gunshot wound's at Detroit that any film with the Beatles This experiment, begun by — The -bottle - of seeds dug up in genetic structure. Since theories indicate that the DNA current glass General Hospital. - . right would attract crowds. Whv W.J. Beal in 1879, is now the le Strohs from the windshield. April of this year has yielded Beal's farsighted experiment molecules of the seeds had ormal warrants \ still Police arrested the two suspects granddaddy of American seed only one species of plant - has not vitality studies. In his own Verbascum blattaria, a weed only yielded important undoubtedly sustained damage ig sought Monday, in the shooting at a house that information on seed vitality and from natural words, Beal said that he wished commonly called moth mullein. radiation, the study total of eight " jnally arrested following the dent, but three were set free were patrolmen had seen them enter carrying rifles. The six other arrests came about 45 minutes Class sched "to learn something : "In 1960 there regard to the length of time the species which germinated," says seeds of longevity, but it also has implications that he never dreamed of. will provide insight to the ability of genetic itself. material to repair writs of habeas corpus when after the shooting. had insufficient common plants would remain Attorneys for the five men dormant in the soil and yet media, which to hold facing arraignment Monday filed TODAY from 7:00 P.M. writs of habeas corpus in Detroit on germinate when favorable conditions." exposed to Feature 7:05 and 9:25 olice said Patrolmen Richard Recorder's (criminal) Court To accomplish this, Beal, 23, and Norman Sunday, but they were denied In connection with the communication, will professor of botany, selected 50 loff, 28, were fired upon by in bushes when their by Judge Robert Evans. - November election, the School include theory and research WINNER! 3 ACADEMY AWARDS i At Sunday s court hearing, I of Journalism will offer a course methods of mass including BEST ACTRESS Katharine hepburn rol car was stopped at u Be light on Detroit s east side „ .. Asst. Wayne County Prosecutor Jay Nolan testified that on Media and Political Mass communications as well as JOSCPH e L6V1N6 *„.™ AN AVCO 6mbassy police Communication fall term. laboratory in the analysis of rtly after midnight Sunday, intelligence officers had received The course was set up under P6T6ROTOOL6 KATHARIN6 H6PBURN oth wounded when information that mass political communication. were an unidentified the assumption that there is t a| _ ium^ed ?rom thei* car and group planned to attack and kill close correspondence between communication imed the fire, police said, policemen at random. the pace and character contemporary political affairs other cruisers responded the subsequent trouble call, Nolan watching said the police began five suspects political and 'andThe content willf bef emPh^ed by the instructor, V.W. Mishra, '"WIMTgP | professor of journalism. Mishra NEXT: "PUTNEY SWOPE" and "MORE" was among the 25 recipients of the 1969 National ARRIED IN PARIS Science Foundation Award in political and mass communication has directed three media SPARflNTWiii THEATRE 1S1-00J0 research projects. He may be you go, old Dr. SaIk weds artist contacted for further details about the course. lapple.'' ARIS (AP) - Dr. Jonas Salk, Institute of La Jolla, Calif., # between California, where Salk reloper of polio vaccine, and separated from his first wife in has executive responsibilities, incoise Gilot, former mistress 1957. Their divorce became final Pablo Picasso, were married 1968. Monday after advancing the a painter, lived United States, Germany and to avoid the glare of with Picasso for 11 years, Italy. Her paintings have been ilicity. bearing him two children. She acquired by both the Paris and alk, 55, and Miss Gilot, 48, then was married briefly to a - the New York me out of hiding and had the French painter by whom she had modern art. Soft " ' " " itmony 10 days before the third child. She later wrote the - spoken, publicity - shy — orted date. They had feared best selling book Life With Salk once said he would hold a InOTTOlM would be marred by an army news conference "to satisfy the photographers, newsmen and Salk" wore the ribbon of the curiosity" about the marriage. But after the wedding, he French Legion of Honor, which it was, only one reporter he received in 1955. on his dark decided to drop it. she needs in d sustenance >ne press • photographer were suit. Slim, brunette Miss Gilot The handful of others wore a silken dress of stripes and "I really don't have anything to say. POPULAR PRICES! fficiently for ent were relatives and angles in green, white and {. Henderson ate friends. think it turned out very lavender, ^QIGRHTIC te The couple met some years faculty wife 'beamed Salk after a round ago through a French scientist }f economics hugs and kisses from his three who had gone to California to une 26,1970 wn sons and Miss Gilot's work with Salk. The scientist's fe children. "But I still think wife, a friend of Miss Gilot, H take the side door out. We invited them both to dinner ged •Ik, head hidden around the of the Jonas Salk when Miss Gilot was visiting there. They plan to divide their time seaeius nilt to tell FL0W8P iarcastic or A IN COMM. 1:45, 3:41, S:4S, ates leaving ' garbage on ere and now I where we ppens ,ill when continue we explore It Only Happens on uspected to •un a danger When they take you t at the with our intelligence U.S. for en out of towner, they really take you. Tuesday Nights at the of learning TOMORROW! ,ir *#** on SPARTAN TWIN EAST THEATRE 6 i Goodman k freshman SPARTAN WEST jne 2, WO WALT DISNEY'S "GIRLS' NIGHT" §teepingBea$j "jVTECHHICOIOH - TKHIimMM " ^ 1/2 price on all girls' drinks COMING SOON 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June ^ „ STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Want Ads are filled with brand new items at prices to fit your budget. CLASSIFIED 3558255 355-8255 FRANKLY SPEAKING byPhilFronlc For Rent The State News does not Automotive Employment For Rf>i Jitodfafir permit racial or religious discrimination in its FORD GALAXIE 1963. Automatic, SUMMER AND part WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near ONE OR two m«n7 ~ advertising columns* The low mileage, good condition. Call employment with full - line MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, Apartments, ' bo'?" 351-0305. 2-6-30 carpeted, air conditioned. No lease State News will not merchant wholesaler. 351-5800 351-2316.3-6-30 for information. O required, $165 per month. Phone accept advertising which GT-6 TRIUMPH, 1968. Dark blue, 489-1719. TF ' GIRL needed faii * AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against AM-FM radio. Wire wheels. 6 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car Cedarbrooke erni 0 cylinder. Excellent condition. Call BEDROOM 351-0982. 5-7-2 Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or necessary. Earn and learn in your 332-8239 after 5 p.m. 10-7-9 campus, to sublet for summer Auto Parts & Service national origin. spare time. Call 351-7319 for only. Call 351-6586 office hours. 3 ROOM furnished Aviation interview. C 1-6-30 Gr*P Discount for 0 * EMPLOYMENT YOU CAN make $3,000 in 2V4 351-7969. 3-6-30 2 BEDROOM apartment near campus * FOR RENT Automotive months thi* summer. Lease private resort at Alward Lake near to sublet for summer only. Call ONE GIRL wanted~tn ■ Apartments Houses 1969 390, extra clean, lots of Lansing. Fully equipped. Has been 351 -6586 office hours. 1-6-30 apartment. Air Pool and own ror- . co^e,deli -,i0ni> Call 675-7188, Perry. operating for several years. Good as. YOUNG MAN wanted to share large 484-0160. 3-6-30 Rooms swimming site. Bath house, picnic MUSTANG 1965, 289 stick, 6 tires 4 bedroom house, with swimming * FOR SALE grounds, lunch counters. Phone asking $600. Call Ed 332-1026. MCKAY pool, with 2 other professional REALTY, 484-7726. Animals Mobile Homes AUSTIN Needs HEALEY 1956 body work, runs good, lots of extra parts. 351-1605. 7-7-8 100-4. 2-7-1 OLDSMOBILE 1964 Jet Star 88, 4 5-6-30. type men. Phone 482-2911. C-7-2 AVAILABLE TO married couple. 4 East 731 » PERSONAL YOUNG MAN with back - of - the - Lansing's Finest door. Air conditioned, FM radio, - rooms, fireplace, private home Student Residence counter burger stand experience * PEANUTS PERSONAL AUSTIN HEALEY 100-6 1958. New 3 new tires, very clean, $575. to train as supervisor for our chain with private entry. Parking. Now Renting for #REAL ESTATE 332-8152, 355-8296. 3-6-30 of ice cream parlors. Contact Mr. 332-3980. 5-7-6 Summer & Fall * RECREATION Thomson, Miller Farms, Box 100, OLDSMOBILE 1967 standard, V-8, EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. Eaton Rapids. Phone 663-2411. PRICED » SERVICE Typing Service BUICK - 4-door sedan, aqua. air, radio. Call 531-6628 after 5 p.m. 4-6-30 5-6-30 One bedroom apartment furnished or unfurnished. Summer rates. FROM *60 PER * TRANSPORTATION Crosby's Pontiac and Buick, 828 East Grand River, Phone IV PORSCHE 1953 1500cc. New paint, SALESMEN WANTED part time or 351-5323.0 1, 2, 3 man/woman Pool and Party Lounge vacanciJ full time to sell unique backyard 2-9776. 5-7-6 • Walk to * WANTED body work, complete motor sports equipment. Excellent SWINGING LANDLORD needs rent Campus • overhaul. In storage 5 years. commission plan. Pick your own money for 2 bedrooms Sponsored resident parties I DEADLINE BUICK SKYLARK, 2-door, green Chrome and interior not hours. Call IV 7-5055. 5-7-2 unfurnished with stove, • Luxurious furniture, carpetinl 1 P.M. one class day and white. Crosby's Pontiac and reassembled. Being transferred. refrigerator, sundeck, garage. appliances ' Buick, 828 East Grand River. Must sacrifice immediately. $850. 484-1938. 3-7-2 before publication. Phone IV 2-9776. 5-7-6 NEED HELP in my stereo MODELS, RENTAL Rockford, Michigan, OFFICE OPEN Cancellations - 12 noon 616-866-0591 weekends. 3-7-1 department. $4.75 per hour. Call ONE MAN wanted, share deluxe two 371-1913 between 9:30-12:00. C 11-7 Mon.-FRI one class day before CHEVELLE 1964 c man apartment. Air conditioned, 731 BURCHAM RAMBLER CLASSIC 1964, 2 door publication. excellent running condition, n beautifully furnished. Upper class E. LANSING PHONE transmission. 351-4914. 5-7-6 hardtop. 351-4202. 5-7-3 Must sell, best offer. NOW FOR"ITB 1R0&0R SUMMER employment AND with part full - time line undergrad, veteran. Call grad 351-5494 student, or PHONE 351-7212 after 3 merchant wholesaler. Automobile WANTED 355-8255 CHEVELLE 1965 p.m. 3-7-2 VETERAN ROADRUNNER 1969. required. 351-5800 for convertible. 6 cylinder, Very good RATES red $600. 353-0938. 3-7-2 condition. Low information. O mileage. 1 day $1.50 626-6657. 3-6-30 CHEVROLET 1963, 4 door, $100 TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS: 15c per word per day fall openings many states. Cline MAN MARRIED desires 3 days $4.00 cash. George Warren, 351-6367 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. Scooters & Cycles Aviation Teachers Agency, 129 Grand MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 pi after 7 p.m. 5-7-6 Removable hardtop, 2 Marigold across from campus. leesing agent for sum 13%c per word per day River. 3-7-2 tops, $800 or best offer. Deluxe 2 man furnished complex or apartment manajer fl SUZUKI 1967 X-6 Hustler. 250cc. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to fall. Experienced in 5 days $6.50 CORTINA GT 1968, English Ford, 339-2914, evenings. 2-7-1 Runs well. $275. Call 351-6315. learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. apartments. Now leasing for fall. property aiT real estate management. Call 13c per word per day 2-door sedan. Excellent condition, 3-7-2 For Rent IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O Tol TRIUMPH TR3B Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C K. 351-3261. 2-6-30 1963. 36,000 (based on 10 words per ad) $1195. 355-2794. 3-6-30 miles. Excellent condition, 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-men HONDA C8350. One year old. 3000 TV RENTALS Students only. Low Peanuts Personals must be CORVAIR 1964 convertible. Nice 351-3299. 3-7-2 miles. $595. Northwinds No. 14. Auto Service & Parts - furnished apartments. Now leasing NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colorl monthly and term rates. Call pre-paid. shape, rebuilt engine. Call Charlie, 3-6-30 351-7900 to reserve yours. for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or and Princeton Arms. 1 and I 482-2395 after 6 p.m. 5-7-3 VOLKSWAGEN BUG, 1968. Good UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 337-0780. O bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEaI There will be a 50c service condition. Many extras. 882-5350 MANAGEMENT COMPAN# after 1 p.m. 2-7-1 WANTED: GIRL to share apartment 351-7910.0 and bookkeeping charge if RENT A TV from a TV company. at 224 Highland. Call Fabian this ad is not paid within $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. one week. VOLKSWAGEN MICROBUS, 1965. TRIUMPH 1970 650cc, TR6R, 2200 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Realty, 332-0811 or 337-1038, UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks Student Union. Fall t| FIAT 1964. Excellent $1300 or best offer. 484-6094. . . . evenings. 3-7-1 condition, miles. Call 351-9176 after 6 p.m. The State News will be 3-6-30 Complete auto painting and available. 3 and 4 man furnishi $200. 600-D. 351-8796 ask for 5-7-2 TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, collision service. IV 5-0256. C ONE MAN for 2 man apartment. 35 1-3729. HALSTEAl responsible only for the Bill. 4-7-3 $8.50 per month including stand. Scooters & Own room, utilities paid. $65. MANAGEMENT COMPANJ first day's incorrect FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. Cycles HONDA S90. Good condition. Two helmets. 353-4330 after 1 p.m., ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East 351-6034 after 2 p.m. 3-7-1 351-7910. 0 insertion. White with black top. 351-0906. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY HONDA 305 1967. Most versatile Sue. 3-6-30 Lansing. C GIRL OVER 22 share large hi SHOP. Small dents to large FRANDOR NEAR. 1 bedroom, 3-7-2, bike around, $350 or best offer. Own wrecks. American and foreign IF YOU NEED MONEY sell things furnished, $150. Immediate bedroom, m Call 351-1476. 3-7-2 YAMAHA 100 Twin tuned exhausts, FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. occupancy. Phone 351-9083. conveniences. 882-4691. 3-70 new paint, clutch, chain. you don't need now. Dial Take over payments. 373-2369. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 13-7-10 Automotive After 5 p.m., 694-9975. 3-7-1 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national 393-3223. 3-6-30 355-8255 for fast actlonl PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE i companies. Compare our rates. BEECHW0OD, 2 bedrooms Michigan Avenue. 2 furniihi ALFA R0MEA 1969 Spider Veloce. 2205 Eest Michigan, Lansing or HONDA 125 1969 Street Scrambler. NEED GOOD WORKERS? Help PARKING SPACES. $15/term. Close FIAT 1969 convertible. 6500 miles. furnished. Close to campus, studios utilities paid. Prlvit^ Fuel injected, white convertible. 505 Albert, East 3600 miles. Excellent condition. Wanted Ads In Classified get'em to campus. 131 Bogue. 337-0091. Snowtlres. 351-6653 after 5 p.m. Lansing, summer and fall leases. 332-0965. •ntrance, $110 a mo Call 337-2081 after 4:30 p.m. 484-8173. O Call 332-0364. 5-7-3 fast. Dial 355-8255 nowl Call John or Pete or stop by. 6-7-3 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT deposit. 627-5454. 3-7-1 4-7-3 3-6-30 COMPANY, 351-7010. O ONE MAN needed for 4 man house. APARTMENTS FOR rent. Close to| EAST LANSING near campus. One campus. Summer, Fall. 351-61 $45/monthly. Own bedroom. Summer's the time... bedroom, furnished. Large airy 3-7-1 332-6871.3-7-1 rooms. Air conditioned. Beautifully maintained. Select COUPLE, 1 bedroom clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or Utilities included, $125.| Apartments 882-6549. 0 332-2803, 332-2157. 3-7-1 We've got the Place! MARRIED STUDENTS. Spacious 2 bedroom apartments. Carpeting, drapes, air - conditioning, and SUMMER kitchen appliances, otherwise unfurnished. 20 minutes from campus in Eaton Rapids. Modern LIMITED VACANCIES NOW FROM $160/MONTH brick building, $160 a month. Call Mr. Long evenings 663-8063. EMPLOYMENT 6-7-1 Male • Female MAN needed for 3 man apartment, Close to Berkey Hall (now Interviewing) Haslett Arms • Okemos area. After 5 p.m. call » Air Conditioned 351-6264. 3-6-30 t Carpeting 135 -145 Haslett Street EAST LANSING. One bedroom, Openings for Michigan. Immediate openings available. furnished, parking, utilities paid Average summer earnings up to $3,000. Contractual except electricity. Reasonable. agreement If you qualify, 75 year old major industrial firm Lowebrooke Arms :^;;ij,r„rpus 332-5167.3-6-30 with new concept In marketing, helping fight inflation. Bonus and incentive plan. Full training provided. Call Wood paneling, Bookshelves CLOSE, FURNISHED, air 1300 E. Grand River • Immediately for employment director of university conditioned, pool. Own bedroom. division. Call 351-3700. $80. 351-8072, call 5 - 7 p.m. 5-7-2 ► Opposite Campbell Hall University Terrace • ► Air Conditioning Wood paneling GRADUATE Albert. WOMAN. Completely Haslett furnished, / CROSSWORD 414 - 424 Michigan Avenue utilities and parking included, TWO $55. 337-2336.J3J3J30_ MEN needed for four man. PUZZLE Cedarbrooke Arms :^„nri27us Pool, air conditioned, 330-2753 after 5 p.m. 4-6-30 1. Grampus ACROSS 33. • Carpeting 4. Felines 35, 208 Cedar Street 8. Bounder MSU SPECIALS 11. 12. Buddy Corn lily ,K J0' 38. Evergreen Arms ** • l/i block from Campus '65 VISTA CRUISER 13. Past 40. 341 - 345 Evergreen Street • • Large apartments Conditioning 9-passenger wagon $695 14. Sugared 16. Young swan 18. 42. Parched 43. '65 MUSTANG 20. Turf 46. Edgewood Apartments 2-door hardtop $595 21. Skyline 49. :g5£°-»- Efficiency '66 CHEVROLET 24. 27. Small monkey Exist 50. Across Mich. Ave. from Mayo Hall Apartments 2-door $695 28. 30. High nest Failure 52. 53. 31. Varnish 54. 64 PONTIAC Tempestl ingredient 55. 2-door $495 i 3 r~ i 7— S T~ T~ " 13 '64 OLDSMOBILE Station Wagon $295 %IS 12 16 % •7 '62 CHEVROLET Ift % Station Wagon $295 %21 % 22 19 % 23 20 24 %% 25 lb '65 DODGE % 2-door hardtop $395 27 31 % 32 ii 33 19 % 56 S5 % 217 Ann St. Next to Min-a-Mart MjHEVROLET Jjgjj S6 37 % 36 39 no %% % w Ml % STORY *•3 «7 50 % SI si OLDSDATSUN 53 i s* 3165 E. Michigan Ave. % Phone 351-0400 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesda\ Supreme Court ruling limits jailing WASHINGTON (AP) Supreme Court closed out its - The Burger cited "the basic demand that justice be applied equally to case from Texas accepted for review raises this already October, they put off until next term further consideration of action suggested followed by the the path Nixon - review Refused unanimously to the second • degree of poor physician sentenced to life in prison in the 1966 slaying of his in PhillipSburB indicated the en!.* J ' i I 1969 - 70 -term with new all persons." issue. two cases hinging on the administration, that the higher w|fe, Carmela. stiffer stand on murder conviction of Dr. Carl nationwide restrictions on the The decision came in a Chicago questions of whether young men court steer clear, at least until Coppolino, 38, Sarasota, Fal.. - Disapproved, 6-1, a merger merger as it hSma" Meanwhile, four plan for two commerical banks jailing of poor defendants. While leaving unsettled major case where a convicted thief, Willie T. Williams, was sentenced justices, who are ethically opposed to the William O. Douglas, William J. Vietnam conflict but not to all lower courts pass judgment on consolidation of lar^f new desegregation plans for draft, obscenity and school to 101 days in jail to work off Brenna, Byron R. White and warfare may be classified as North Carolina's school districts. integration disputes, the justices $500 fine. a Thurgood Marshall said in a conscentious objectors. Justice Hugo L. Black SINCE CONVENTION took a large step toward He had already served a year in concurring opinion that they are Similarly, the justices dissented. equalizing the way the law deals jail, the maximum sentence for already convinced "the postponed a judgment on the At the same time, the court Kennedy fearful Constitution prohibits the state Swedish movie "I am Curious with the poor and the rich. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger delivered the 8-0 ruling that a petty theft prescribed by law. Burger said Williams was penalized for being poor. from imposing a fine as a sentence and then automatically of underground newspapers. rejected an appeals court an appeal by the Yellow," and on the suppression Norfolk, Va., school board from ruling that it Joan poor man cannot be kept in jail The next step could be a converting it to a jail term solely In an interesting sidelight, must draw because the defendant cannot Justice Harry A. Blackmun in his up a new plan to beyond the maximum sentence ruling that no man can be desegregate elementary schools to work off unpaid fines. A recognized conservative, required to serve a jail term for failure to pay a fine. A traffic pay. As the justices recessed until first opinion objected to the and summary reversal of obscenity convictions of two St. the junior high schools. In other areas, the court: — Declined to rule on the right of attempts on Ted's li Paul book store clerks. This may of public school teachers to presage a stricter view of sexy strike. NEW YORK (AP) - Joan Kennedy, wife Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, says of in u1 b,eJieu?Jn she said. It giving him al1 was a the supnorti J material by the high court. — Declined to reconsider an accident." very unfortunate "•••ti 1 a magazine interview, "Frankly, I worry all the On the school front, the justices deferred consideration order of last June, that El Paso time whether Ted will be shot like Jack and Saying her husband probablv sUuL of a nationally significant case Natural Gas Co. completely divest itself of Pacific Pipeline, Bobby. notified police sooner about Kennedy added, "I think the acSl from Charlotte, N.C. The 8-1 "It's odd, but my fears for Ted's life really Co. circumstances would be in didn't start when Jack and Bob were killed — at "It a confused ?r least, not consciously," said Mrs. Kennedy, 33, in was a very brave thing for himTjJ an interview in Ladies' Home Journal. keep diving down to rescue Mary Jo»*1 Rood empl — "They began — and I remember it quite clearly while I was watching the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago," she said, "I got "I'm lucky he came out of it Of Kopechne the speculation that alive at'J? 1 Kennedy may have been headed for a mi swim when the accident LI occurred Mrs k very, very scared at the thought of Ted being said: ' ™ return to thrown into that — and I guess I'm still scared." Mrs. Kennedy, mother of three and wife of the "No, I'm sure they weren't. Ted left early so he could get a good night's sleenT th.J senator since 1958, said her husband "tries to ready for the next day's sailing race " i Mrs. Kennedy said public life ST. JOHNS (UPI) — Some 40 Clinton County Road keep things from me — serious threats against his meant too J life, that kind of news — but I know what's going to her husband to be Commission employes pledged to return to their jobs today after "frightened of on. denied "all this you hear about staging a one - day strike Monday in sympathy with an overtime the R work issue involving 12 workers. "And I know he worries about it too," she family pressuring Ted to run for president""" The 12 workers, members of the county's construction crew, "What family? What's left of said. the KenMj Besides Ted, only women and had been asked to work 10 hour days until a backlog of work is - "This is such a painful subject with us that we children "You don't seriously think we want'T^Tl "sCj cut down. They had worked the overtime for several weeks, but can't even discuss it. But we both know it's Monday said they didn't wish any more overtime. there." president, do you? atoB Moving ba Walter Oliver, president of Council 55 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes, met with year Asked about the Chappaquiddick accident last in which Mary Jo Kopechne drowned after a "I never wanted Ted to be she said. "I don't think Ted has president J ever want^B British troops stand guard on a Belfast, Northern Ireland, street Monday as a bulldozer n county representatives Mondayandsaid the workers would return car driven by Kennedy plunged from a bridge, be president, either. P "He has said he will not run in a wrecked car used as a barricade in the Catholic section of the city during rioting last to their jobs. He said a meeting will be set up tdiscuss the Mrs. Kennedy said, "I believe everything Ted foolish to speculate beyond that," she 1972 and I overtime issue. said. said DETROIT McLain returns to face Yanks opening his season in the middle June trying to recapture the About 50,000 fans — and trailed first - place Baltimore by Smith has said, "we're going to (UPI) - Denny McLain, leaving at an unknown match, having missed 71 of the form which made him the possibly as many writers — are 8-10 games most of the past be on somebody's tail." time on an unknown flight for a Tigers' 162 games. winner of the Cy Young Award expected to find out what month, in the 20-25 starts he "Nobody knows how hell The man selected by Manager in the American League in 1968, McLain can do without having can expect to get under normal do," one teammate said. "But if less than precisely determined Ralph Houk to become the most as well as most valuable player, faced a major league hitter since conditions the rest of the way. anybody could pitch a shutout, destination, is scheduled to - hated or most - loved in the plus co-winner of the award last his last start of the 1969 "If he wins 15 games for us," it'd be Denny." arrive in Detroit today to get ready for his first pitching start baseball world — depending on year. campaign. since his preseason suspension. the individual's feelings about He was scheduled to slip into "'t'l! bn g"od to have him the controversial McLain — is Detroit ananymously and stay at There's a lot of speculation on N>Y bar};," said catcher Bill Freehan, Gary Waslewski (1-1). who zinged a few well • aimed McLain spent the month of an undisclosed site until due to go to Tiger Stadium Wednesday. just how can win many games McLain for Detroit, which has ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * poison darts at his illustrious Complete front end repair and Detroit Tiger teammate's off - the - field antics in his recent SHOW OF UNITY alignment book. "He's got to help us." * Brakes • Suspension Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn suspended McLain for * Wheel balancing * Steering three months March 31 for his associations with known Welfare rally planned LISKEY'S Auto gamblers. The suspension last until July 1. "If the was to suspension lasts until 124 SOUTH LARCH Safety Center July 1, that's the day Denny will The The rally is part of a statewide groups in half a dozen cities to IV 4-7346 Michigan Welfare Rights pitch," Detroit Manager Mayo Organization (WRO) will stage a show of unity for the discuss unifying the welfare Smith said on the day he learned rally on the Capitol steps at 1 organization's effort to "achieve movement. he'd be without his former p.m. today, Mrs. Louise Bryant, adequate income, dignity and Delegates from Cleveland said 31-game winner for three WRO chairman, announced. justice for all poor people in this they were planning a march on months. "And he'll probably shut them out, too." The principal speaker will be state." the state capitol June 30. The other delegates decided that GOOD VISION priced! The New York Yankees come George Wiley, executive director Other speakers include Mrs. their groups should hold similar l/MB | of the National Welfare Rights Jane Hart, wife of Sen. Philip A. $150 into Detroit today for a three - demonstrations on the same day, series, and McLain is Organization. Hart; Mrs. Louise Bryant, i Prescription lenses game partly to express solidarity with chairman of Michigan WRO; the Ohio demonstrators, ground and Mrs. Ora Mae Vaden of the ► Complete selection partly to protest their own local Lansing WRO; Mrs. Joyce welfare problems. of frames, Bill s await action Ashford, chairman of the Detroit Metropolitan WRO; Mrs. Mamie Blakely, secretary of the » ► Sunglasses Repairs while you wait (continued from page 1) National Welfare expected most of the dickering Oargnization, and Rights Father Bator Opticians members hope to return the in conference committee to be Phone 351 3180 world's finest bridal salons Norman Thomas, chairman of figure to the original Senate over figures rather than words. version which was $6.1 million Final action on all Citizens for Welfare Reform. uw uiuwirajffl 303 Abbott (Next to State Theater) ED 2-5222 *4960 north wind drive • east lansing | less. Across from Coral Gables appropriation bills technically Today also commemorates tne The House version, which should be completed by the end "official birthday" of the slates $60.7 million for MSU, of the fiscal year midnnight national welfare rights included several amendments Tuesday. However, a special movement in the United States. ORGANIZATIONS aimed at clamping down on resolution to extend payment of campus protests. state programs — and paychecks The movement dates to May, Though the amendments were — to prevent a budget 1966. At that time the Poverty / not a part of the original Senate catatstrophe, will go into effect Rights Action Center assembled version. Sen. Charles O. Zollar, if the deadline is not met. the leaders of welfare recipients' R-Benton Harbor, chairman of Boost your club membership next fall—invest in the Senate Appropriations a Welcome Week Committee, said '"st week he FOR STUDENTS ONLY advertisement in the State News. The cost is surprizingly low — Congregations 20% DISCOUNT ON Call Display Advertising now at 353-6400 and find out for to celebrate TYPEWRITER REPAIRS From small adjustments to major overhaul FREE summer storage yourself. NEW YORK (UPI) - Black congregations and clergymen £ALL FREE pickup and delivery across the country celebrate Black Liberation Day Sunday as AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES a protest against "super - patriotic" July 4 celebrations Saturday. "J_jlv