t Lanaing, Mich Kintt.l lift !>' Hint inqiA *'M #S»1|»J'| ut itiNMUJtii' iVpsJiuil MJiuw|SJapiin I JMIl*'1 HOffWIHIfll MAY. .MAice II r». jberal Arts Division ORATORS MEET Debate Here Wednesday NATURE EXPERT Three Classes Choose To End Roasters with IRISH IN FINAL TO SPEAK HERE Thirty-four Nominees Banquet This Evening CONTEST HERE THIS THURSDAY P°r Annual Elections pernor Fred Pallnn Will Aft as Rnailmatler at Sludrnt No Eliminations to be Required in Junior Class as Sophomores Faculty Affair in Union Tonight. Clark and Perrin Will Rrpre-1 Arthur Pilhbury Will lecture Nominate Sixteen Candidates for Office. sent State in Last Home On "Miracles In *an<}tt<'l. h!I student«. Debate of Season. Nature." . /. alti H ■ •Utf>! tvllji fl I v, hrillllcil 11 > l»i !'|| QUESTION ON MUNITIONS TO PRESENT PICTURES.,, |». tit. •n.i. 1*1*1*11 1*r»f t«•»». il\i'j hii« \ if fn Frof. Cleft Costing, Olivet, to Reels of Flowers and Plants in ' ut, in*Iitig hi th« ittlr ut itt.-t tttui. Judge; 0,ll.ita and llittle to Lapse Time and Tffbni- Debate in Soutb Bend. color to be Shown. i Lecturer Tin* fttial hurtii* ilelwiji* i»f 11*. *vH*a\ will Ik In lit in the I.mi. tlu-utfr of tin- hum.* tr«»- ii"Tiii« ,s l.uililinp nt V ;'»0 tu- Itiiittf uiiivfi'sitv. Mit lntfiiii State will Ik- H'preMcutiil In Seven State Professors Listed in "Who's Who Spartan Prdagocuri From V»rird Drparlmrnls llonorrj , Rook of lllMtrioui Mm. Ill I.AItltV ftlXTlX ,tv . ■ M,| PARIS QUINTET SOPHS NEARING PLAYS MONDAY . ANNUAL PARTY Unique Croup to Present Last n.. ,i r Second Year Men Complete Ar- t Programs by Visit- rangements for Prom ing Artists. - March 8. DRAMATISTS TO STATE FACULTY TO BROADCAST 500 ATTRACTED PRESENT PLAY ATTENDS MEET HORSE AUCTION Y SENIOR BALL Thela Alpha Phi lo Civ* Wil Horticultural Socirty Meeting at Sale to be on Air From 12: 20 liam Conjrfvt'i "Way of Bangor Attended by to 2:00 Wednesday MK- of Paul Trrmainr Provn (he World." Local Men. Afternoon. Popular Amort Studenti Lilt Friday. Sergeant Jerry Meskill Sokolsky Talks on Job Relates Story of Career In Taxi Going Interview Popular Army Man to Retire in AugHtl After Many Yeari of New York Times Active Service. Corresponded Prefer* Writing to Speaking; Gives Attitudes on Problems of Young Journalists. K» DAVID V fllVKY t<» f t ' u>< t ,1 brought to Ununi! r f.m-.-t and withou* .» that the army * iurgest ntgrvgMU'H) made an appear*!)*# in. it- .. lirge ate going to *uf- til about the middle <»f me when »tv for college pat tic* i. n# tiv*- summer he *<> wiit to patrol the M» sunn ro«ed by such people as Thinker* • f *ktll h*» hern in the border He had a group of 13 men and (rtfirge Meredith for it* *u> a company of eighteen. • __ iiu» Itf-'" and for *h# past under him and they had their cinctnesa of style and naturalne>« » girl soloist and an un-. • has been connected with headquarters at flint. Texas. While of dialogue. The Repertory tliea- ' -stern maestro offered fur r t.r tvi < £»•' H iifp has been neb there petroling the border, one of ter of Boston revived the play, re¬ •trtal of Stat** riufUiitA a and fu i t>f expeiwdcea in alVparts Sergeant Meskill* men shot and taining it* literary force and bril¬ -impkp of the type of muwi cf Wa* world. killed a Mexican who was attempt - liancy of wit while toning down cth he made himself fam-; Jerr at.it h;* friends call him, wm ing to hold up and rob one of the the grossneas characteristic of the w one of the most important top."-* New York City The,born a Roxbury. near Boston. July local store* For this, the entire century in which Congreve wrote, of the convention *wi * ■ i was extremely well-re- " 188: Ho first collated in the town turned out and rewarded U» making the play acceptable to any i reived with much interest hv th • (.reporter sat demurely in th# mid¬ und the entire party proved j army » i !&<•: at Beaton. Mas* , and .soldiers with beer. pig*, lambs, tor- audience fruit grown* • The Agricultural dle, with SokoUky's great bulk " erything that the seniors j was * nt to Fort Slocum, New tillas and of course Mexican chili, This is to be the only large pre- Outlook for lf»3S" nui tin sub¬ I crushing htm *>n one side and th# usee. York whex* he received hi* pre- In the fall of that year he was ***nt production this term, thus with ail the work and extra time being ject'of the talk to la* given by; had finished complimenting him associate from Columbia, who had - decorations featured * llminary trJn.ng a. a tidier. rrom b»ck e«t and atayed there untU Prof. K V Gunn of tlx- economic-* with ttu* greatest amount of que*, •*» <'! Urge, blue «tar-»p.ngled here he went to Fort McKinley. at he .acriliced a communion and vol- sp*nt on ft, will undoubtedly pro%<- j another friend on his lap. bearing *— Tho department Prof, O I Gregg talk-, turning that has greeted any speak- j down from the other side In ng». with a lilhourtte of' Portland. Maine, and atayed there ur.tecred to go to war in June. 1SH7 ed on "Practical Suggestions «*>' er on the t*»urse so far, Sokolsky ur» in rap and gown re-j until hi. fint en!i»tm-nt waa up He trained at Fort Adam.. Rhode | front with the driver was a fresh- the background A bat-1 At the beginning cf hu seciod en- laiand. fur two month, and aailed j Beautifying the Home Area' and - was willing to tall it a rught. and 1 man reporter who had offered to, ! this lecture was illustrated by tat down on U»# edge of the plat- var,-colored floodlighti i (iatmcnl he waa aent to the Philip- for France with the S.ld regiment alkie* and picture* j collaborate on the interview as an "The Scale form with a sigh to face the ■n top of the projection pine I,land, and while there he of railway artillery In the .ummer, and Curculio Control" waa the topic' minute hecklers Some of last-j excuse for a free ride: be finally the came through with one question: the ballroom provided a .ultad many of the island, in the of that year. He wa. in France for t of Prof. Ray HuUmi of the ento¬ el lighting effect grillers he bluffed, others he an-1 we forget what It was. But five Pacific ocean and learned a great; t» month, and .aw aervke In the mology department. Th# Home Economics course, twered with peremptory logic, a!people can ride for tlie price of, deal about the native cuatocna and St. Milu»l. Meuiu- and Argonne few he di^rfdMcyl with subtle ridi- lone, so there were no complaints, 109, Food Selection and its the racial charrtermiea of the pro- drive., A group of 111 men were Preparation, i* being offered cule; but he carried it off well. "You see, I'm very la/y," the pie inhabiting these island. On hi. under When the Interviewer approach- Speaker e.plained. We had glid¬ this coming spring term, be¬ cause of the number of people ed him in the anteroom ot thet)uf tw0 houra before. "And who were unable to get in the church lie wa. lighting a long and „ j dislika lecturing. I'd much class during winter term. This aromatic .logic in the .hadow of rtther write it out for the paper several formidable "Po«ttiveIy NotA]„)# j no „r outline; Smoking" algna. He waa reluctant jthal make. it a bit harder." He! HFM.'S I (Continued on page 2) MICHIGAN STATE NKW> TiiPsiirty. Mttreli 5, Hi ;-, Strictly Soph Publicity 'classified:; Michigan Stale News ■SCK.AI* HOOKS COLLEGIATE COWVHISTS m 107 South Wailiinttnn \«< I Display of llund-knit Models and Yitrn- Wednosday, March ti tinlllliH Y«rm mih! liulrurllim* Slock of Yarn for ImmnlUle IMIvrr> KAST I.ANSINfa DRY GOODS I tor ot tit II. Teel STUDENT PULSE Spartan Oracle lly JIM OTt t TO Tin. I. GINGGIRL VTmI Madcap in Plaid Gingham *|65 Full ef song and full ot danca! A> gsv and lilting a drm as you will find this Spring! Hstt puff sleeves' Standing ruflls nock I Valvst ribbon bowl Wright bunch ot charries t And a swirling skirt yju SOKOI Sht INTl llUt w» l> can't kssp still In I And they're only Sl bi. 1)1 KIM. TWI JOl'KNK* SUU U IO IS I'iinwmI by a Faux Pas? /<<«ur bridal just | i» jot» j«i «rrarr alxwl ul-«u to ankle iknin tV ank.lv doun the tklrah!r .,. ... ijon't don't program will he given at 4:13 p m.; i ,«* .1.. • i. Irt the C|»*a4e ^ . _ , M|*-l \im. Take time out for a » rt«m m hvmie economics jI ■ "M Ml^1 ?tHI* t"iM* Out for a •Gilding, as ioBewrc • ■»month mnn> ^monOi winny OW OH Cold. And presto! presto!.♦ *. . YouTl You'll feci $2.50 tax included Masonic Temple, 9-1 .nW^SrS^t^S; serene again. Darn clever «*• *»« . . . these O. G» C S. Duriford \ » March 7—-^Fonrlgto Trade and! . _ _ *' f** ^ r.n« w»«.- b; h. s. p.wi.' AT TRYING TIMES .... TRY A jaicoM OLD GOLD . ..lily. Mnri-h 5,1fW> MICIIICAM STATU NEWS jlugo Cniwrf Dances In Strains of State Theater SEVEN STATU I'lMES LISTED IN "WHO'S WHO" Paul Trcmaine's Kami at Annual • ART SHORTS Senior Ball in Lansing Friday Nile r>„ i i I . Im*« |mrt,v lor I hi- wiiinrs of "'lift Miiri-il Itm-lf n«»y «•'»»> 11 I"!*.- rl'oUll ,,f S|HUli.ni fltljllK till' Ma- ' n-ple lo iIiiihi- In iho nin-.ti i f |'nut Tri-miiiu- ihi- higgi-al piirlii-s oi Hi,, vi'ttl'i Ihi- Si-ninr hull fi-ii r mill llirhlniK I Mi l l> • irt I,Inf. „||,| Bilvi-r. I.lmk ,.f - I in cure liuni-'ligiiri-s of |hr nmn mill (fill in mp „• "lliili won-mi Ihi-pn-Ki-.-iiii-i fur lln: pnrty. Aniiuiil -Mill nilVf'f Hint-, up i , (i, , . , fni mala of .the week I (OKLHCJK i , , !Iii> Hermian »limie c; iBULLETINi ROYAL Standard mmiJl':' 0,»":!lloilU' Kf Dept. Will i!!"n1 "fff 0|M'H Courso Portable Typewriters In I''o iti nM Beating Rfiline hy on^..d p..i«,on. Rrrord in Winninii 8S„ Spartans. Yard Sprint. Records Cmsh Cuff (lean 63'i for Ne\» Standard While Ottev Dashes Mile in 4 28 ft for f»uests; Scare, Marquette 61' •. State 47. FIEND DETROIT FENCERS BEATEN BY FROSH Y'rarlinp D»l»«t Inwrrrtf In- itilutr in Hrrr \vmi • 7;;r « Broadway Bill' •I I Msrrird .1 S.t¥jf£r! PLANS SET FOR BILLIARD MEET National Tournament Will be Held Telegraphically March 7 ; eliminations Held ! make for nprlmj health. atul u mm hero n t«w mtfhts SyCv!a k»H*p fit. RAINBOW-RECREATION POLOISTS TO OPEN AGAINST CHICAGO