Rascality . . . Wednesday has limits; itupidity has MICHIGAN Hot . . . STATE NEWS and humid with STATE a high of . UNIVERSITY j 63, Number 6 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 1, 1970 Cooper-Church rider wins Senate approval WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted believes President Nixon should have to downgrade the significance of the vote. This could mean a lengthy conference, he consulted it before sending U.S. sipsdav to impose restrictions on future troops Republican Leader Hugh Scott of said, "but eventually we will have to have a into Cambodia and that Senate (,c operations in Cambodia In an over war policies should be reasserted. authority Pennsylvania called it "largely wasted military sales bill." unprecedented rebuff to an American The Nixon administration, which fought effort," and Griffin said "This has been in Church, however, said many likely large part a political exercise." Senate conferees, including himself, 'to'i'vote of 58 to 37, it approved and the Cooper • Church amendment of the way over the seven weeks of every step Rep. Thomas E. Morgan, D-Pa., chairman the military sales bill unless oppose Cooper • t to a doubtful fate at the hands of debate, of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Church is retained. failed by five votes in a last, major effort to Senate - House conferees the Cooper - ease the amendment. said he is opposed to the Cooper • Church "So far as I know," Church said, "the aurch amendment to clamp limits on amendment and predicted House conferees Senate conferees are going to be very An amendment by Sen. Robert P. Piesident Nixon's powers to use U.S. will oppose it. determined on that point." Griffin, R-Mich., to permit U.S. financing doops, advisers and air power in of troops from Thailand and other Asian dmbodia. The amendment was attached nations in Cambodia, was rejected 50 to to a military sales bill, which then was passed 75 to 20. 45. This came in a tense series of four roll HELL'S HOTTER call votes that saw the administration first Despite some disagreement over win by one vote before late arrivals and language, the vote clearly delivered this switches turned the result around. message: that a majority of the Senate O But the administration did score a lesser triumph when the Senate voted 69 to 27 to accept an amendment by Sen. Henry M. Temperatures soar; Jackson, D-Wash., to permit continued U.S. air support for South Vietnamese and Senate tally Thai forces in Cambodia. In the final showdown 16 joined 42 Democrats to pass Cooper - Republicans chances of Church while the opposition was made By JOHN BORGER up of 26 Republicans and 11 Democrats, all State News Staff Writer and the U.S. Weather Bureau. The official on Cambodia but one from the South. Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, cosponsor of the Cooper - Church amendment with Tuesday was a day for finding excuses for doing as little of just about temperature in the small southern Michigan community stood at 93 degrees, with humidity at 68 per cent. anything as Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., hailed possible. Unofficially, however, a thermometer amendment the outcome as "a great day for the Senate Temperatures hovered around 90 most of and for constitutional government." the day, with an expected high of 95 hanging in the sun in the Hell Chamber of Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of degrees. Humidity was more than 68 per Commerce showed 100 degrees. Montana said that, by passing the cent. And in the midst of those statistics, WASHINGTON (AP) - amendment, "the Senate will have begun Chances for relief in the near future people sweltered. Here is the were to move the government, beyond slim. The 58-37 roll call Tuesday by which the words, predicted low for Tuesday night Pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks of towards the end of the U.S. involvement in was only 70 degrees, with temperatures Senate adopted the Cooper - Church Grand River Avenue almost disappeared. amendment to restrict further U.S. military a tragic and mistaken war, towards the restoration of this nation's tranquility and back to between 90 and 95 Wednesday. There was only a 5 per cent probability Cars gripped along the automotive artery Horsin' operations in Cambodia. well - being." of rain Tuesday night, with 10 per cent in globs and trickles. Getting around a campus is no problem, even when bus service is For the amendment 58: It was a day for dragging yourself across limited and student autos are taboo. These Democrats for (42). Republican leaders, who had probability Wednesday. young ladies from Qkemos concentrated on delaying action until the It campus from Berkey to Natural Resources showed a little creativity and rode their horse to MSU to tour Anderson of N.M., Baynh of Ind., Bible was almost, but not quite, as hot as the otNev., Burdick of N.D., Byrd of W.Va. day U.S. troops finally left Cambodia, tried Hell, hone6t to the Chamber of Commerce (please turn to page 15) State News photo by John E. Carney Cannon of Nev., Church of Idaho, Cranston of Calif., Eagleton of Mo., Pulbrjght of Ark. Appropriation bill Gore of Tenn., Gravel of Alaska, Harris of Okla, Hart of Mich, Hartke of Ind. Hollings of Sc., Hughes of Iowa, Inouye of Hawaii, Jackson of Wash., Jordan of N.C. on Monday to discuss the He later backtracked and said that appropriation cuts to several institutions Kennedy of Mass., Magnuson of Wash., appropriation Upper legislators led by Sen. Joseph S. Mack, Mansfield of Mont., McCarthy of Minn., bill, but few questions were resolved and Peninsula schools would likely come out D-Ironwood. but said nothing had been decided for McGovern of S.D. no meeting was scheduled for Wednesday. with fewer, if any, reductions from the A member of the Legislative Fiscal Mclntyre of N.H., Metcalf of Mont., The state higher education appropriation Lawmakers hope to take final action on House recommendation. Agency, which prepares the conference "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there Mondale of Minn., Montoya of N.M., Moss bill will show considerable cutbacks from all appropriation bills by Friday so He said this would result from committee report, said Wednesday there were cuts to several institutions," he said, they a "tightly of Utah. the $335.3 million House - passed version can recess to hit the campaign trail for the organized" coalition of Upper Peninsula had been "conversations" but added that he doubted the cuts were regarding Muskie of Maine, Pastore of R.I., Pell of when it emerges from conference August primaries. punitive. committee later this week, two members of "The question now is how much money One amendment added to the Hi, Proxmire of Wis., Randolph of W.Va. Ribicoff of Conn., Spong of Va., the committee said Wednesday. is absolutely necessary," one legislator appropriation bill by the House would cut The two lawmakers,-who asked to remain said referring to the higher education bill. the appropriation to Wayne State Symington of Mo., Tydings of Md., Williams of N.J. Yarborough of Tex., Young of Ohio. Republicans for (16): anonymous, said the final bill likely would be similar to the original Senate figure of $329.1 million. He said the committee had discussed dollar cutbacks to several schools "but for financial reasons only." Draft lottery tonight; University by $93,000. Rep. Joseph P. Swallow, R-Alpena, who sponsored the amendment, leveled Aiken of Vt., Brooke of The cutbacks will result from lack of "There has been no discussion of criticism at the WSU administration which Mass., Case of N.J., Cooper of Ky., Dole of Kan. Goodell of N.Y., Hatfield of Ore., Javits state funds and will not disciplinary action on the part of the legislature, they added. represent punitive measures against any school at any time," he went on. "But all schools' appropriations will be considerably less — two million affected he said had disregarded the legislature's request that they "clean up" the student newspaper, The South End. (please turn to page 15) The conference committee had met once close to the Senate version." WASHINGTON (AP) - Some two One member of the conference on how many men are actually available million men born in 1951 share an hour committee said the Swallow amendment and how many the Pentagon decides to and a half of suspense tonight as a national would probably remain on the final draft. lottery assigns them places in line for the appropriation bill. Even for those deferred or exempt, the "But even if it does remain it is entirely 1971 military draft. numbers in Wednesday's lottery are probably that Wayne State will continue Most of them will probably end up either significant; for such men would have to on as it has," the legislator said. "This type deferred or exempt from the draft, or face the draft with those same numbers at of punitive action really can have no effect ready to enlist voluntarily; but for the any time in the future if they should lose on the school's policies. Here we're getting others, available but not eager, the lottery their deferments or exemptions and into the automony question." drawing is crucial. become 1-A. He added that no language in the final bill would reflect cuts in any school's By the drawing of red and green capsules A similar lottery last December assigned from two rotating drums, each man's appropriation for "other than budgetary place - in - line numbers to all men then birthday is matched to a number from one between the ages of 19 and 26. They keep "We're out of dough," he said. "That's to 365. the numbers they got then, and are not all there is to it. You can't spend more Available men will be called for military affected by Wednesday's drawing. money than you have available." service next year beginning with the lowest No immediate committee action is The new drawing, however, was prepared numbers and progressing to higher ones. expected on the bill, another committee in a more complex and cautious way to member said, since other appropriation How high the number calls next year will avoid the charges of inadequate mixing bills are in need of more commiteee go is anybody's guess, depending as it does which followed the December event. deliberation. > Slight' pollution increase I heightens NEW YORK (AP) - Air pollution pollution that are not considered unusually mort and Technology, found sizable increases in levels that are not unusually high, and deaths paralleling relatively slight increases high and for changes in levels that may indeed pass unnoticed." in levels of particulate matter in the air. increases in pollution that may even pass An increase of one unit in the average unnoticed, have been linked in a new study Hodgson criticized what he called the with sharp increases in deaths from heart apparent public aim of setting air quality daily concentration of particulate matter and respiratory diseases. standards only to make sure pollution during a month results in an increase of levels don't reach extreme levels. more than 13 deaths each day from The study, by Dr. Thomas A. Hodgson respiratory and heart diseases for that Jr. of the Cornell Medical College, Hodgson, an asst. professor of public month, the study found. concerned the deaths over a period of 2Mi health, said his mathematical analysis An average increase of two units from years in New York City, from November, shows that it is possible to get estimates of one month to another is not the deaths caused by ordinary levels of air unreasonable, 1962, to May, 1965. Hodgson said - meaning an increase in the ^"mi "Slight or moderate increases in pollution in New York City. daily average of 26.7 deaths. concentrations of air pollution during a That figure would represent an 18 "Such estimates are essential," he said, per Tumbling fate month," Hodgson said, "can be expected to result in increased mortality from heart "if society is to cope with the air pollution and undertake a rational problem of cent increase over the average 150 heart and respiratory deaths per day, according |£"«l capsules to"ft" be used in tonight's draft lottery are tumbled by Mej. Richard Vogel, an official of the Selective and respiratory diseases amounting to program of air pollution control." to the study. I fhe lottery will they were inserted and seeled in one of two plastic drum, to awe,t the random drawing hundreds of deaths. Hodgson's study, reported Tuesday in Hodgson studied the effects of select the order of induction in 1971 of those reeching age 19 this year. AP Wirephoto "And this occurring for levels of the July issue of Environmental Science (please turn to page 15) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Few legislators By JEFFSHELER control and other "non - WRO director, told the group He told the group that they starve or have a place to sleep." State News Staff Writer essential programs." that the United States is a "sick would have to continue to fight When the speeches were over, It was too hot Tuesday to do "Tliat we aren't spending more country" and called for a change if they wanted welfare increases. the group carried the rally into in national priorities. the much of anything, especially if it money on what you are asking office of Rep. James "We are here to tell Gov. "As long as you are quiet and involved standing outside in the for is a crime of the first order," Farnsworth, R-Plainwell, ranking Milliken and the legislature that don't make any trouble," he blistering sun. Vaughn said. Republican member of the their welfare system is a shame said, "no one will give the least House Yet more than 150 welfare Dr. Appropriations George Wiley, national and a mistake," Wiley said. care whether your children Committee. mothers, members of the TTie demonstrators criticized Michigan Welfare Reform Farnsworth for supporting Organization, (WRO), came to Lansing Tuesday with their per month increase in state Prof welfare payments instead of the children, their signs and their concerns to rally on the Capitol steps to support increases in the state welfare program. urges Faculty Club governor's recommended boost of $10.50. The group fired questions at Farnsworth and shouted down They spoke, they sang, they his answers as he attempted to chanted and — temperatures that exceeded 95 degrees — some even danced. despite to assume inner city role explain why he supported the $6 But those who they had When he emerged from the come to persuade there to hear them. weren't By ROBERTA SMITH State News Staff Writer are sent out books are read." or the proofs of our just a start, and that the University should make it an session, Farnsworth said the demonstrators had not affected Capitol ga The University is-ideally suited official policy to his opinion in any way. A few legislators returning The optimum approach to support such Members of the Welfare Rights Organization in Michigan rallied on the steps of the Capitol in to the development of an activity. However, he said he frdm lunch stopped solving inner city problems is to education system in the inner appreciated their concern in Lansing Tuesday and heard Dr. George Wiley, chairman of the National Welfare Rights momentarily to listen as a upgrade its educational level, "Then there would be several city, he said. Its people can get avenues," coming to the Capitol to express Organization, speak. Following the rally, they went inside to speak with legislators. woman stepped to the Mordechai Kreinin, professor of he said. "The State News photo by Dick Warren funds from state their views. microphone and sang "This Is economics, told the Faculty or President can take up the My Country." But the audience Club Tuesday. federalgencies and make program with other universities consisted Kreinin was urging the club to contracts for specific places to and win the state and federal mostly of welfare mothers, newsmen and some get involved as a University establish day care centers that will reach the children at an age government. FROM PROVOST, PERRIN black legislators. community in a program that "I am convinced that within State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, would start education for when they need the most help. the University community we D-Detroit, greeted the group and urban youth at the age of two One demonstration of big enough demands are to start said it was "disgraceful" that more legislators had not come outside to welcome them listen to their speeches. and years. "Hie faculty has a role to play," Kreinin ^aid. "We have been too oriented toward our Kreinin's on proposal Lansing's west Friendship Baptist has been very successful. A day care center side at Church something like this," he said. Before Kreinin's proposal the club installed Gale E. Mikles, WLF professor of health, physical These same feelings represent Vaughn welfare professional associations and not started with six children and members and a few male called the education and recreation as the BY ROBERTA SMITH carpeted fourth floor of the their views on the tentative issue the "most basic question" the University, and have too now has 30. Hie waiting list new club president to succeed ^ 1. „ «... State News Staff Wnter . Administration Bldg. and stragglers visited Cantlon release of the report scheduled and criticized the legislature for often believed that the work has amounts to 75 names. Walter H. Hodgson, interrupting an education Tuesday and asked that a report All on faculty women and women for winter or spring term, 1971. spending more money on crime been done when the grade cards Kreinin noted that this was music. they wanted was five policies committee meeting, minutes of Provost John E. they settled for three minute,. enrolled at MSU be released to Receiving no satisfaction from Cantlon's time. A group of Women's the public. their encounter with Shop Today 12 noon to 9 p.m.; Thurs. and Friday 9:30 to 5:30 And after trailing through the Cantlon, Liberation Front (WLF) The report, dated April, 1970, the group wandered to the office has been a WLF issue for four of Robert Perrin, vice president IU for university relations. Liberal abortion law months, according to its core members. They say they believe Perrin, like Cantlon, could not HUGE, HAPPY goes into effect inN.Y. that four months has been too long, and they want the report released immediately. After a verbal bout with satisfy the group's many and varied questions. "The report wasn't done for the public," Perrin echoed, "but PRE-H0LIDAY 203 E.GRAND RIVER Cantlon's secretary, the group what is going on makes it appear NEW YORK (AP) - The most equipment meet the city's rigid extracted a congenial Cantlon (Across from the Student Union) standards. as though there is something permissive abortion law in the from the meeting. United States went into effect in The new law makes no really bad that is being hidden. New York today. restrictions on abortions except "The report is an internal "It is not as bad as a lot of that they must be performed document," Cantlon said A New York people thought it was going to City hospital within the first 24 weeks of immediately. "Until we've had a be when we started," he SALE Were $8 to $16 official estimates that in the pregnancy, unless the mother's chance to ask each department continued. city's municipal hosptials alone, life is at sake, and that the why these figures are what they 60,000 to 70,000 abortions A disgusted majority got patient and doctor must agree to are, we cannot release it." up SKIRTS, SCOOTERS Were to $8 would be sought each year, with another 50,000 women seeking abortions in private hospitals. the abortion. A decision sure to affect the Individual points of salaries admitted and men grade are and left. Perrin said he would get them each a report summary and number of abortions was they would try again tomorrow announced included, he said. This is — thfc time with Doctors, hospital officials, Friday by the , SUMMER internal, confidential appointment. ty" $10" health executives and Associated Hospital Services of TO population control activists all sat back Tuesday and declined to New York, the Blue Cross for New York City and a number of information released. that cannot be SHIRTS speculate. upstate counties. Blue Cross said its directors "If you can arrange to have them released by universities Group to protest denims, cords, flares Rules laid down in recent days had voted to allow payments for by the New York C5ty Board of abortions performed on its throughout the state," he told the group of about 25, "I will be grape sales Health, the municipal hospitals, IEANS, IEANS 1 and Blue Cross left the way open for legal abortions to thousands subscribers in member hospitals, and had voted for the first time happy to give them to you." Cantlon could not of Frandor store in history to pay maternity specifically more women — married and benefits — including abortion say when the entire report The Lansing Grape Boycott 2 FOR $7 "2 would be released. "Ultimately," FOR $9 *9 unmarried, with consent. or adult without and minor, parents' fees — for unmarried females. Meanwhile the City Board of Health, which last month put he said, "except for those two types of information I already the Committee begins a "summer offensive" today with pickets at mentioned. We're not afraid (to Kroger grocery store in the The number of abortions will out abortion _J Others $5.99 to $7.99 not be limited by hospital space, the guidelines limiting release the report)." Frandor Shopping Center from 3 operation to hospitals, to 6 p.m. cottons,j>olyesters, stripes, plaids, solids but may be performed in clinics, reversed itself and A summary of the report has approved David Gal van, a spokesman for whether affiliated with hospitals performance of the operation in been released and examined by the group, said negotiations SUMMER PANTS Were $5 to $8 or not, so long as facilities and certain clinics. WLF members. They are not with the Lansing Kroger satisfied, however, and want the management have been futile in Were $7 to $16 report in its entirety at the trying to convince the store to SUMMER public's disposal. stop selling nonunion picked California grapes. Statistics can be altered and $499 $10" He said other stores selling TO SHELLS See This Coupon? summaries aren't a good nonunion grapes will be picketed representation, they contend. later in " Short sleeves, Were to $23 sleeveless styles SWIMSUITS bikinis, cages and FOR 1 more. All famous labels. FOR *9 Where can you get the $8 T° $16 HIGHEST RATE Were $13 to $28 SUMMER of return on any type SUMMER HANDBAGS It Could Get You of bank savings? DRESSES 1/3 - Started on A Good *650 0 $19 2 fashion shades Thins. PANTY A good thing is a Hobie's sub - seven kinds (tenderloin steak, corned beef, turkey, genoa salami and ham, choice roast beef, tuna salad, and Canadian ham) with fresh French Were $22 to $45 bread, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and a variety of HOSE dressings. We also have dill creamy milk shakes, pop, giant kosher pickles, sharp aged cheese, and the best brownies you SUMMER SETS, ever tasted. So get started on a good thing Hobie's might be together for years. right now; you and AT AB & T OF COURSE! 2 PAIR S3 Were $12 to $20 No other bank offers higher rates of ENSEMBLES interest on any type of savings Hobie's account or certificate of deposit. A.B.& T. is the place to save SUMMER JACKETS no ... M3 to *26 THE SANDWICH PEOPLE question about it! & COATS DINE-IN & CARRYOUT s6 MO i&bnerican student charge accounts invited Free Pair of Panty Hose with Every New Account to 930 TROWBRIDGE 211 M. A. C. PH. 351-3800 BANKAND TRUST I ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July I, 1970 ^ news Water research By JEFF SHELER plan explained summary of State Newt Staff Writer Howard A. Tanner, professor Road, Road. on the south by Sandhill Drive and on the east by Pierce from federal grants and private donations. Tanner said the recycling He would said be the MSU strictly a system research put out nothing." Later in the morning, Donald . or natural resources, explained MSU has received $500,000 in facility and would not be bound J. Montgomery, chairman of entomology. Boyd plans for MSU s proposed water state funds for construction of system should of remove 90 pel to treatment Quotas metallurgy, mechanics and professor of crop G. Ellis, cent the nitrogen and "Som* and soil treatment research center to the Some Havedays we ««. r may put out material science spoke about the the treatment system. The phosphhrous from the science, and Warren Litsky, environmental quality seminar at waste up to eight million gallons," he of remainder of funds will come water. consequences current professor of microbiology at the Kellogg Center Tuesday. said. "Other days we may technology on environment. University of Massachusetts. The seminar, entitled, "Environmental Quality: Now or Never," went into Its second day Tuesday with morning and 'PLOT' CITED afternoon sessions planned for "(This is) a great day for the today. Senate and for constitutional Construction on the proposed government." system should begin this Five charged in ambush - Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho summer, Tanner said, and be in operation by fall of 1971. Tanner explained to the group the techniques involved in DETROIT (UPI) — Two men case removing nutrient particles from shooting of Patrolmen Richard $75,000 each o three separate the treated water which the have been arraigned and are relayed those which sounded might develop," Murphy said Gordon, 24, and Norman counts Monday. MSU plant will receive from the being held suspicious to patrolling, Murphy also said that special on charges of assault Sieloff, 28, shortly after Held under lesser bonds unmarked cars on a special East Lansing Municipal with intent to commit murder in midnight Sunday. The incident Richard Edmonds, 21, Hay ward training - including refresher Treatment Plant. the ambush of two Detroit r\ frequency how occurred as Gordon and Sieloff Wvilln DeVrille, 21, and n 01 nn«l A U/\n,T command Anthony > International News The partially treated water will policemen. Three others were were patroling an east side U/-11- no ii Williams, 28 al of* tw Detroit, who u "Top ' ranking officers of the officers should act in tense be department were on the street in situations -contributed to the sprayed on crop land and charged Monday with possession neighborhood, were arrested still later Sunday, unmarked cars to assure instant recycled through river and lake of dangerous weapons in an Police said their patrol At their arraignments Monday, way police dealt with the car was command response to whatever systems, he said. automobile. fired upon by a man situation Asst. Wayne County prosecutor The U.S. Command announced Tuesday that the The technique will require All five stood mute in hiding in some bushes, and the or men Michael Conner said police 'average daily results" of the Cambodian campaign were more land and more expense, he Recorder's (criminal) Court and two patrolmen were wounded seized in the defendants' 10 times greater than the daily average for the previous 12 months in Vietnam. said, but much of the land involved will be available for recreational purposes. pleas of innocent were entered when they got out of the car to in their behalf. Examinations were scheduled for Thursday. return the fire, White gunbelts with live ammunition, tracer ammunition, 80 steel ^Minors responsible Shortly after the appraisal, the command announced and for government loans Anderson were balls, seven colored marbles, The treatment area will be Lawrence White Jr., 26, and arrested at a home in the slingshot and a loaded .4 that the last U.S. advisers with South Vietnamese forces bounded on the north by Jolly Michael Anderson, 22, both of neighborhood later Sunday caliber pistol. ■ had left Cambodia ahead of President Nixon's midnight Road, on the west by College Detroit, were charged in the morning. Bond Intelligence work, special was set at LANSING (UPI) — Minors at The Michigan Senate gave 30-0 deadline. training and patrols by least 18 years old who took out approval to a bill which would A spokesman for the command explained that the plainclothes officers in education loans would be held make students between 18 and effectiveness of the operation was computed by adding unmarked cars helped avert a legally responsible for them 21 legally responsible for any Communist casualties and captured ammunition and food and dividing the total by the number of days in which the figures were accumulated. weapons, Young businessmen offer "plot to kill officers at random," Police Commissioner Patrick V. Murphy said. Police believe all five men under a bill sent to Gov. William G. Milliken to be signed into law Tuesday. ioans they take out to further their education. arraigned are members of the Egyptian President Gammal Abdel Nasser conferred with Kremlin leaders Tuesday on Soviet aid to press the bust' insurance policies National Committee to Combat Fascism, Black Panther a political Party. arm of the Arab war against Israel. But a U.S. cease - fire proposal The basic Murphy said police had VICTORIA, British Columbia service. An employe says that in $30 fee is for learned of a "plot to kill officers fas believed to be high on the agenda. persons with record of (UPI) — The insurance business its first month of business more no at random," and that Although Nassar has stated his rejection of the plan, and the drug scene are an than 100 contracts were signed, criminal convictions. Individuals command "officer'were warned the Soviets are said to be "not entirely negative." with one conviction pay $50, unlikely combination — but ( of it and told to exercise caution those with two convictions pay In other Mideast developments, Israeli Prime Minister youthful entrepreneurs have (J' offices Open during the weekend. made the jump and are writing $80, and those with three He said many detectives of the Golda Meir announced Tuesday that for the past several more convictions pay intelligence bureau were months Israeli representatives had been meeting with Arab personalities" but without results. She would not "X1"'. from $30 premlum noon hour maximum $125. The contract goes into force patrolling in unmarked c r o to $125 gets the responded to suspicious calls The office of the Comptroller when an individual is charged ay who the Arabs were, but foreign newspapers say purchaser a 12-month policy , 11 announced that the with a drug violagion,, a before uniformed officers did so. that Jordan's King Hussein met with Israeli leaders in providing legal counsel in case of as He said also that officers from arrest on a narcotic charge. following offices will remairt continues until a decision the intelligence bureau The names of the clients are, open during the lunch hour handed down court. monitored calls to police, and as could be expected, kept (noon to 1 p.m.) Monday confidential. through Friday, effective today: . . . . Student fees and scholarship The State News, the student newspaper at The United States turned over to Turkey Tuesday Michigan State Cicil Air Base in part of a general American military ^Payments; «r«.c nwnr student, faculty j £). cards and University, is published every class day during four school division; terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. cutback in the Mideast nation. accounts receivable, cashiers; The base, which cost well over $30 million, was part G.F. and S. Contracting Co. gUff benefit Subscription rate is $14 per year „ Ltd., operating here and m Van of NATO's defense network. It will be used by the bookkeeping; and voucher Member Associated Press, United Press International, Couver, says it will provide the au(jjt Turkish Air Force as a civilian field serving the Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, ixpanding Aegean tourist trade. Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press EVERY WEDNESDAY Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. National News BUTTERMILK PANCAKES Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University. East Lansing. President Nixon proclaimed his Cambodian operation Michigan. success Tuesday, conceded it split the American Phones: )eople and promised renewed efforts toward peace for Editorial 355-8252 'all of Indochina." Classified Advertising 355-8255 For our part." he said, "we shall renew our efforts to Display Advertising 353-6400 'ring about genuine negotiations both in Paris and for all Business-Circulation 355-3447 >f Indochina." Photographic 355-8311 Nixon also said that although all U.S. military ersonnel were out of Cambodia, the U.S. command 'ill continue to order air strikes across the Cambodian order with the permission of that nation to American forces in South Vietanam. protect GRAND OPENING WAREHOUSE The Senate rejected a presidential scolding about fiscal sponsibility Tuesday and voted to override President veto of a politically popular hospital •nstruction bill. The bill, which provides $3.1 billion for 9,780 ospitals across the WIG SALE country, was passed over veto last lursday. making it the first congressional override of ''eto in 10 years. Michigan News NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-Come To 2400 E. Michigan Ave. at Mrs^Senate _• Lenore Romney, candidate for the nomination, said Republican Tuesday she was opposed 'e policy of having American pilots continue to fly jssions over Cambodia, Foster St.-Formerly McClintock's Cadillac Dealership. ve always opposed the Americanization of this Mrs. Romney said in a statmement. "This latest UNBELIEVABLE Com > h cy ,s said, contrary to the president's May 8 statement, WIGS orB ne 'When we come out (of Cambodia), our Pre-S s 'cal »• support and air support will come out, too.' " Romney, wife of the Housing and Urban opmcnt Secretary George Romney, also renewed tyled -Just Shake u lor total withdrawal Compare to $15 sellers - 100% Modacrylic or Kanekalon stretch wigs in curly stretch. Styled in a hundred of American troops from different way sand all are no-care wash 'n 1ani by the end of 1971. wear. Literally thousands to choose from: colors in dark, light, frosted shades and many others. And they fit like a dream - newest Salon Wigs at warehouse prices. mov Stane Dcpt' of Agriculture began a campaign to We're got 'cm all - most fabulous collection ever over 10,000 n igs o i display elves0 products from Michigan retail store name brands from world's largest makers ALL FIRST QUALITY Lc?a'C Bal1, dePartmer>t director, said nine field DOS T CONFUSE WITH CHEA PIES' Stylists on Duty to Help Yo iat -WW sPend the next 60 days checking to see Compare to $20 - Stretch Wigs, Page Compare to $25 - Wigs - pick from Eton Compare to $30 -Sellers The famous i nnrvC Pr°ducts are removed from the state's Boys, Center Parts or Flip Look, London Look, Extra Dutch Boy Style Wig - gO retail stores. styles in hundreds of styles $®99 Long, Thick Curly or at the low warehouse $1799 IthdrJ^ Jhe, department will seek voluntary and colors. Only 0 Straight Styles. Only MO" price of only IL OWever f items from she,ves by retailers- ienn„ ' Bal? aiIVe merch»"«- necessary, it will seek court orders against OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. - SUNDAY 12 Noon to 6 p.m '•unta™ . notices mailed a month ago, seeking LOOK FOR THE BRIGHT ORANGE SIGNS AT •ODenr deration comPliance, have brought commitments of MICHIGAN AT FOSTER ST. - FREE PARKING fr0m many retiailers. MICHIGAN LARRY LERNER STATE HEW! UNIVERSITY Curing the King's ills GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE with o touch of 1984 advertising manager As Sir Robert finished, the magicians KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor The three magicians of Liwithin were looked up only to find the king nodding LARRY LEE, city editor called into the king's presence. TTie king, euphoric-ally in approval. Sir Robert JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor throne - ridden for the past few weeks, was wheeled the king out to the sunporch JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor obviously in a heightened state ol leaving the magicians alone. agitation; he sat, fidgeting and grinding on his fingernails. Melvin, a distant relation to Merlin, circled about the room and was the first to Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award As the three cautiously entered the for outstanding journalism. speak: "It seems obvious that the threat to room, Sir Robert, the king's erstwhile the king's image comes from his enemies attendant, spoke: "Gentlemen, you know abroad. They have instilled a virulent why I have gathered you here today. Our apoplexy within our people making them king has been under great duress in recent solely concerned with humanitarian EDITORIALS weeks. He fears the people no longer consider him one with the gods. There has principles — aiding the poor, cleansing the environment, constructing, what they been extensive talk in the market place of term, a "better society." Yet these lofty the king's uncontrollable inflated ego. ambitions are to be achieved at the expense Needless to say, the king desires a of the king, his stature, place in history and restoration of personal confidence and closest colleagues. Liwithin's royal commander - Total reverence as elimination in - chief." The magicians stood at attention yet "Our object then, sirs, is to create a xenophobic shock wave among Liwithins. We can simply exaggerate the threat humbly, with faces down. After a pause. Sir Robert continued: "As the king's coming from the king's adversaries - mainly the Orientals — thus creating a need yields Today marks round two of the only6/air? informing a prisoner that, magicians - in residence you must work diligently and shrewdly on a plan to counteract this sudden rebellious contagion among the king's subjects." in the people to once again seek out the king as royal protector and benefactor." Alchemist John, who had been surveying deadliest sweepstakes ever conceived henceforth, velvet ropes will be use d two mingled shadows on the sunporch, by man. Today in the draft lottery to bind him - throughout it all he listened attentively but was nevertheless most 19 - year - old American males remains bound. The draft that has transfixed by other thought: "People will have their future decided for been made to much "fairer" by the always turn to the king in times of excessive criminal activity. Whenever them by the chance placement of a "fairer" lottery is an insult to subjects are disenchanted with the slow couple of capsules. concepts of democracy. progress of democratic institutions they The administration assures us that Modern man, without his consent, lose faith in the leader and his is administrators. Hence, they take the the lottery will be different this year being bound by an institution that was conceived to correct an ad hoc initiative, with its concomitant feeling of — that there will not be any hassles woundrous situation spontaneity, and believe over whether the dates were mixed — World War II - a they're on the road to Camelot. properly or not. Indeed, there will generation ago. Further, the very people affected — in actuality the uj ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. "We must destroy this rebirth of be two separate, glorious fish bo wis - only people truly affected by the creativity. It shall be an easy task for it has one with birthdates, the other with draft the 19 - year - olds, have always been a relatively simply process for numerical orders — to insure that - Letters may be addressed to Dr. the king and his representatives to alarm the almost holding something between your teeth, like rhythmic contracting can be alternated only the laws of chance prevail. no say in the "fair" Werner, 309 Linton Hall. Names need a pencil, whichwould make it difficult to community with reports of heinous crimes with contractions lasting for a minute or Above all, the government has gone conscription that is claiming their not be included unless a personal reply swallow! Of course, if you are especially two. These exercises can be done in a and depraved citizens running amuck to great pains to assure us that the lives. Indeed, they may already be anxious you might consider seeking help supporting alien causes and governments." is requested. inconspicuous fashion anytime you are dead by the time the 18 - year - old for that. In the far corner of the room sat our lottery will be "fair." Throughout my 30 years as a functional sitting. vote goes into effect, if it does. I could find no reported cases of If you continue to have difficulty, a third magician with glistening eyes. His But can something like the draft organism I have lived with the realization explosions resulting from not "firing at manner was subdued with the air It bothers us that in the hue and that I have the unique capability to pass a sharp gynecologist should be able to help ever be "fair" in the more absolute will" but cramps could result after a while. statesman of former times. Yet there cry over pollution, over the you further. far greater volume of gas than the average seemed to be extraordinary power within sense? The number that one "fairly" Indochina war, over the inequities of member of my species. An explanation of his nimble, slick frame. draws can be meaningless if you live I have an acutely embarrassing and nerve the lottery, the mainstream of young my gaseous state escapes me because I During the past few years I have in a section of the country with a - wracking problem. I have a very large Sizing up his impatient cohorts, with American thought seems to be losing consume a normal daily diet and can turn experienced a full feeling in my ears, nasal high volunteer rate, and a ticket to vagina. It has been that way since my first genuine deliberateness the last magician sight of one of its greater goals: on with anything from cereal to sexual experience, but it seems to be passage's and throat when I exercise announced: "Our plan shall be simple: burial if you reside in another region abolition of the draft. Had we done sauerkraut. I recently considered a medical strenuously. It is difficult for me to hear divide and conquer; parents against their getting larger. The more sexually aroused I lacking in gung-hos. something before then, perhaps, no examination thinking my problem (and am, the larger is my vagina. what I am saying when this happens. No children. For too long I have been The value of the number is one would be forced to sit the often that of others in the immediate amount of expectorating helps though it witnessing a new generation that values the on My spouse seems rather concerned about ""diluted by the fact that it may vicinity) might be due to a metabolic feels as if I am plugged with mucus. sanctuary of education over good, hare edge of his seat tonight as his future my problem, although we enjoy our sex work. For too long I have been sickened disorder or an over abundance of micro What is it? What I do about it? mean one thing to a resident of a is served up in shining capsules. If we - - life tremendously. I am getting worried can I see the young enter occupations and ghetto, and quite another thing to organisms in my digestive tract. Also, what that eventually it will interfere with our do something in November, then professions only to give off an aura of self are the physiological consequences of the child of affluence. Accidents of enjoyment. I have heard that exercise may You probably experiencing a maybe none of our brothers will ever observing proper etiquette when the are righteousness; they think they can tell ui birth - being born a Quaker intstead have to suffer in this manner again. help - if so, what kind? Please help me. I blockage of your eustachian tubes. This how to plan for a decent, humane society pressure builds and "not firing at will." of a Methou further confuse the try to laugh at my husband's humorous (he tube connects the middle ear (the area as if we had neglected that particular thinks) insinuations, but I am really behind the eardrum) with the pharynx aspect of life in our years running the Gaseousness is a rather common Yet even considerations such as condition. It may be manifested by worried. (roughly translated to throat) and serves to country. flatulence (passing of large amounts of gas keep the air pressure equalized on both "These these represent a sort of Masters and Johnson in their scholarly sides of the eardrum. In some people the pseudo - prodigious youths or flatus through the rectum) as you doublethink, a playing within a opus "Human Sexual Response," published passage way is more winding than in others now digesting and inhaling miracle drugs describe or excessive belching. Some that three have created. in 1966 by Little, Brown, comment at we Yes, system that has not been proven to readers' pristine self - image may be and it may be come blocked off because of length upon the physiological responses of through long toil and time, created these be "right." The draft is not a natural shattered but, most people pass about two the sexual swelling of tissues. This can occur during wonders and children refusini organs during excitement. now see our to three quarts of gas daily. Mercifully, periods of strenuous physical activity and state, a device necessary to the Among their observations is the fact that to work, passing time in the grea almost all of it is odorless and passed rapid breathing. The blocked tube creates a preservation of "our great nation." the inner two thirds of the vagina expand sense of fullness throughout the area. The universities, relying on the laurels of thei silently. tremendously during sexual excitement. parents. Indeed, the case has been adequately There are three basic sources of gas in desire to expectorate is probably created This does not seem to occur in the outer made for the propositions that the our intestinal tract. Air enters when we by the sense of fullness and is very close to "We shall give them a taste of their own one third of the vagina. draft may very well be in existence swallow foods and liquids, carbon dioxide the solution. Try swallowing and yawning. medicine and, in turn, make their parents There are a variety of muscles in the is released during digestive processes and This will pump air through the tubes and revere us and the king for our sa simply to preserve the traditional vaginal wall and surrounding areas which alleviate the fullness. bacteria produces methane, hydrogen and efforts. We can send young extremists wastefulness of the American are under voluntary control. Exercises are hydrogen sulfide their midst, those who canonize revolution military. through fermentative recommended for women with a relaxed processes. The latter three are inflammable. and destruction, and hopefully create When the President informs the vaginal opening as a variant of normal There are metabolic disorders and reaction of hate and disgust in our older, anatomy, or as a result of pregnancy and nation that, this year, the lottery has infections of the gastrointestinal tract childbirth. These helpful exercises are not normally quiescent citizens. We can s been made "fair" it is tantamount to which can produce gaseousness, but by far the spread of the new drugs only commonly used in this country. It may be the most common cause is aerophagia, or air swallowing. A common sign of anxiety, because we have a heritage of secrecy Misplaced ultimately crack down on their extended use. No t one will know how surrounding sex. this condition becomes a compulsive habit Imagining that there is an object in her accomplished our aim; no one will be memos Police educatio in some people. Air intake can accompany increased swallowing of saliva, gum chewing, sucking on hard candy, etc. vagina, the woman tries to squeeze that object and pull her vagina upwards. The enough to realize that we created the monster only to destroy it. woman can tell when she is doing it To: Senator Bob "Yet, my dear friends, we will be servir People with this condition can also admit correctly as it also results in a tightening the king admirably and perhaps, someday large volumes of air to the stomach during and lifting of the rectum. The contraction Re: State News Columns soon, shall be so trusted by our royal grace a welcome respiration. Aside from an explanation of the process and reassurance, the source I consulted is held for a couple of seconds and then released. The sort of isometric exercise is repeated several times in a row. After a Bob - Don't rap it, Bag' it. as to be able to serve in an even capacity in the future." greater - The Doc recommends exhaling prior to swallowing while a woman develops the ability to Being in essential agreement, the three In a decidely progressive move, the context of any food or liquid. As well, you should contract and release these muscles for eyed each other, uttered a hurried oath and society - they should be eliminate whipped foods and carbonated Detroit Police Dept. has decided several minutes at a time several times a prepared to meet with Sir Robert and the agents of order, capable of soothing beverages from diet. He also suggests that, beginning in 1973, a year of your day. When good control is established, king. over crises, rather than arbitrary college - level education will be a dispensers of a removed and necessity for promotion. To make this directive logistically - and for impersonal law. Some Detroit policemen and their OUR READERS' MIND the patrolman, financially -feasible, unions are less than satisfied with the the Dept. has taken the further step edict. Among other reasons, they say of offering to pay tuition for officers Repeal would deny political voice that the Detroit City Charter who enroll in college. Such a move will go a long way provides that requirements for toward increasing the efficiency and pormotion should be "reasonable." We feel that taking one course a term caliber of the police force. The from now through 1973 - that is To The Editor: modern law enforcement officer Congress apparently is seeking to define what the "one year of college" system. There has been no stauncher needs exceedingly sophisticated skills The current attack on Section 315 the political process and free elections as defender of the use of the ballot for its present course of restricting political requirement would work out to - is (Equal Time Provisions law) is taking place lifeless motions by two almost identical rights, the repeal of Section 315 may iause to cope with a society that is accomplishing peaceful revolutionary social more violence than all the demonstrations certainly reasonable. Many other alongside a general assault on political parties. Is democracy to be replaced by a change than the Socialist Labor party becoming increasing complex every freedoms "two party system" where there are no put together. Minority parties will have no concerns a lot less vital to the public now being waged by the - through its program of Socialist Industrial day. differences between the two major voice at all. government in all three branches: Unionism. In the midst of exhortations to The good require similar progress from policeman without some their employes before they will executive, legislative and judicial. Since parties?" go into the streets, the Socialist Labor knowledge of psychology, sociology 1960, when Section 315 was first Throughout the turmoil of the last party has repeatedly urged, and conducted and other allied fields will soon consider promotion. suspended, our country has been convulsed decade, the electorate has been urged to where possible, peaceful and civilized We hope that the members of the by millions of its citizens seeking relief use the political process to change the become the functional equivalent of political activity. Should Congress follow Detroit police force will realize that from the problems of war, racism, poverty a modern woodsman attempting to the new promotion requirements are and the rest. 5TART OFF (JITH A QUOTATION FROM fell a tree with a stone ax. The proposed suspension of Section 315 THE ONLV THEOLOGY THEY'RE in their own best interests, as well as THE EIGHTH CHAPTER OF FIRST SAMUEL.. is part of the attack on the most basic INTERESTED IN AT THE PAISVWILL Hopefully, a better - educated the interests of society as a whole. A LITTLE THtUL06ICAL REFERENCE PUPPY FARM IS THE 51/PPER DISH- force would help to re freedom — even more so than free speech WILL 6£T VOU OFF TO A 600P START... - establish the concept of the police officer as the Certainly, no craftsman can be truly — the right to free and open elections. successful without the proper tools Through corrupt campaign practices, mediator of social tensions, rather — and failure in the law enforcement unbelievably oppressive ballot laws and than as a ham - handed enforcer of now monopolization of the mass media, business can mean death and the law. This is the proper role of the access of the people to the political law enforcement departments in the destruction. process is being dangerously closed. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 1, 1970 5 Local WLF groups join forces unconvinced or unaware of their usefulness. The members By ROBERTA SMITH Stat* Newt Staff Writer continually try to explain their role and why their group exists. News Analysis Although they are the target of a large amount of hostility, they tronu • willed women came from all parts of Lansing, from have not given up. diverse backgrounds, but with one cause in common: tackle the problems society faces and the problems they They are not the rough, or unfeminine, or uneducated women Jmen's liberation. specifically face as women in society. There are action groups currently as some stereotypes have portrayed them. One woman said she decided she wouldn't go to school this summer. " Monday night meeting of the Women's Liberation working on the release of a "I already have two master's degrees," she said "Lip) to combine the forces of the MSU group and the report on women in the University. "A Compilation of Data on laughingly. She has been home for two years but refused to peg herself as a Fr°lin* area organization. They rapped on politics, abortion Faculty Women and Women Enrolled at MSU." housewife. And this is typical of the WLF. In fact, it is the U. rhild care centers, degrading advertisements and creating Lansing WLF fought fervently for the reform of Michigan housewife and her image they want to help. "rtXatton of the need for WLF. abortion law and put up with mistreatment by legislators and ridicule bv citizens. They believe that establishing day care centers will free more The ' important aspect often Ignored in discussions about WLF is Neighborhood coffees, canvassing and sign - making are planned housewives from the home to express themselves as individuals, they are doing something about each of these things. They by the members to elect political candidates. rather than rely on the perpetual wife - and - mother image for j™ formed both action and what they call "rap groups" to WLF has done all these things and still they find others satisfaction. They also believe that, by getting involved in politics, they can get women elected to posts to make government more representative of the population. COLLINS TRIAL Work for abortion reform by WLF is trying to free women from unnecessary legal and moral hassles. Letters to company presidents are attempts to rid television screens of the annoying selection stereotypes advertisements promote of the woman as virgin, ANN ARBOR Jury (UPI) — Jury examination to date show a there is such a prostitute or fool. The campus and Lansing group also discussed their common problems. Relating to dormitory groups could be compared to public speaking engagements by Lansing members in women's church groups. Talking to University administration officials was feeling in the of jurors who have been •election in the John Norman fixed opinion that would result county, and the feeling is so examined has been comparable to convincing the Michigan Bar Assn. of the need for Jfiunc murder trial will resume in the defendant not getting a widespread and general, that it is excessive." not abortion reform, or the participants in College Week for Women SLsdav. fair trial'" the iud8e sa'd. impossible for John Collins to Although the defense could that joining WLF would help them. The selection process was Defense Attorney Joseph yted for nearly a week while Louisell had argued that "a get a trial by a fair and impartial appeal Conlin's decision, The younger students could relate the problems of discussing Riding high iury-" Louisell said he probably would WLF with mocking high school students to the older WLF From atop his mother's shoulders, this tot Washtenaw County Circuit sufficient percentage" Washtenaw County Prosecutor not. If he did, it appeared members. It appeared to be a great step in understanding and probably feels like judge John Conlin considered a potential )"rors had b®®n a pretty big fellow with a fifth defense motion to move excused in order to prove that William Delhey, arguing to keep unlikely that the State the trial here, said "The number Appeals would overrule Conlin OnTrTof cooperation between the two groups. Their motto is trust, and it was this feeling with which the unified whole departed. world. pretty wide view of the the trial out of Ann Arbor. Conlin denied the request VV/)y Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More Monday, saying 12 days of jury flection have not convinced him that the former student would be unable to get a fair TOP QUALITY triil here. "The court has gone over the Hit of Jurors examined and has tried to determine whether the Center provides CHIQUITA BANANAS. I0< reading courses Sliced Bologna »> 89c SKINLESS FRANKS 2 97* Free summer programs in npid reading, reading and study Ring Bologna »> 79c improvement, vocabulary and listening improvement are being WHY PAY MORE! offered by the Learning Resources Center. Students interested in LEAN & Improving reading or SPARE RIBS communication skills may sign MEATY up for any of the programs In 205 Beuey. 3 to 5-lb. Thi center also offers "mini • courur'in subjects Including art Avg. lb. appreciation, Afro • American lltinture, American literature, ! appreciation and social The ii. courses consist of ihort CHUCK STEAK SIZZLER STEAK CLUB STEAK RIB STEAK tound fllmstripi. - CHOICI- -CHOICI- -CHOICK- choici TINDII TISTI0 MEIJER lb. •1.39 lb. 1.19* 99«,b ICONOMY - -ICONOMY- -ICONOMY- ICONOMY- _ - - ALWAYS PROPERLY AGED U.S.D.A, "ICONOMY" UAN1I CHOICE GUARANTEED TO BE III' NOT QA< TENDER WITH TENDER TEST. TINBH TIITI0" lb. 1.19k 99' ,u HAPPY DIXIE WHITE - 9 Inch PIAHS l| "W hy I'wy .ifor**."* || AND PAPER BANQUET FROZEN FRIED SAFE CHICKEN FOOD MANY VANITIES CLUB COLO CUTS -"a *1.49 i\ SALE i HUNTS Why f»«y More!" SEALTEST IIRDSIYI PROZIN BBMBI | "M Ay Pay Mort!" HUNT S TOMATO PORK N BEANS ICE MILK TASTI KETCHUP i 38' ON ALL OR BARS FRIES Manwich Sandwich Sauce 45,89' 48* STEWED v< summer TOMATOES w». con 5 jx *100 PLAIN OR B B-Q 3 for *i00 merchandise Slack. - $4.00 Up Dre»»e» - $5.00 up Swim Suits $7.00 LIMIT OF 4 - up VALUES up GAYLORD IfMONAOE to $50.00 6 FL. One Rack FROZEN OZ CAN of odds & ends VALUES up to $25.00 NOW I20'» SAVE 20c 120' SAVE tOc $190 to $5.90 TOASTA Charcoal BRIQUETS 89c: PIZZAS 10" Mts Ottawa at Meijcr <£ Thrifty Acres Coupon Mcijer N"' ■ One of the funniest pictures the Italians have sent SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCES Deliciously ingenious and grandly diabolic and along droll. . . and Pietro 1:00P.M. -4:30P.M. -8:00 P.M. lTlhlh°Z!reCtedrd He,Ped WHte with this achievement as a master tHe of farce in announc" himsllf RATED X style. For here anv in KMT MIOSMTI Mr u difficult fV!he and delicated'Tt0r "nd Star have accomplished that very thing of making murder seem an admirable ambition and the would be murderer IGP1<33H SHOWTIMES 7:00 - 8:45 10:30 ■ seem a sympathetic gent, all - without violating reason or RESTRICTED causing really serious moral offense. 3100 E. I ADMISSION 1.00 & worth it Not since Charlie Chaplin's beguiling Verdoux have we seen a SAGINAW I I thought after "Curious Yellow" there was no where bo edZe £ thoroughly boredom Tr so< e*antrd ume- *° condescending in his 351 0030 I to go - I was wrong. "SONDRA" is incredible." - else so suffocating tolls of a woman and pathetically as enmeshed Mr. Mastroianni is here " in the San Boslev Francisco Sun Crowther. New York Times *'ey Tonight at 8:30 P.M. Open 7:30 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 1, 1970 7 pX merchandis 5 CLASSES Free U' offe rings set on WASHINGTON (AP) - 01 block Bailey told a House armed Bv JEANNE SADDLER By JEANNE SADDLPO State New* Associate Editor ?0t 818(1611 There '* for students continue taking courses. to "° PreS8ure attend — than on technical information that the students say is available In any public library or "multi services subcommittee that truck .exchange merchandise it P°?n. mto the Saigon black hijackings and similar thefts The Free University is a group ,',The nrst retponsibility for a megaversitv." diverted about $120,000 worth of students working to "make c'ass rests wl*h the teacher, but Although five classes started Set by the truckload, a PX of PX goods into the ourselves and other* understand the ultimate responsibility for Monday students r told Congress Tuesday. black market last year. He had Saigon that you can learn without the nuking the class Into a learning emphasized that % said strides have been traditional classrooms and rules experience rests with the started at any time if a teacher is "rblnsth.no., no stimate of how much of the that usually surround 8tudent," the coordinators said, interested in offering it. "f.£rely a month goes by that exchange's total $17.5 million education," according to the Free u concentrates on the The times and places that the .^don t have a major truck loss wound up in the black market. University coordinators, Sheila, 811(1 crafts and current ■mm or other diversion - Vickie and Dave. informational courses rather So worth of merchandise or Bailey indicated that The East Lansing sophomores «" said Brig. Gen. James A. individual small sales of PX prefer to be known on a first - Sy commander of the goods to the black market, name basis only. Sic Exchange System. "I ye particularly by allies -he named Free U is offering five courses Sown of instances up to Korean and Thai soldiers -have accounted for a bigger flow than this summer including At 8: 45 And Late Elementary ShT steps have been taken the hijackings. Group Vocations for Social Change, Action, riiinst the hijackings and against Bailey said he had Critical University, Rock and Sual figures (tomorrow 1 no sales to black market to indicate the amount of sales Blues Guitar, and Yoga. by GIs and allied War tore The coordinators say that the IWtiBif-ii . Soldiers, Bailey said, there Is by black American soldiers to the teachers and students really I At 1:40-3:30-5:25-7:20-9:20 market, but he said le US. authorities can do surveys indicate the GIs are not George C. Scott, as Gen. Patton, consults Karl Maiden, as Gen. Bradley, in this scene from make the University. Anyone Le the merchandise gets to Patton," Franklin Schaffner's film biography of the World War II hero. who feels he has something to Tlie bizarre world you met in' Planet Of The Apes was onl, buying much in excess of their So Street's black market own needs. at the Spartan Twin East. The film begins todav offer may teach. The students the beginning...WHAT LIES BENEATH MAY BE THE END! stalls. do not pay for courses and are 'Patton' a monumental spectacle aENEATH ,n ARIHURPJACOBS Product-on George S. Patton was _ colorful personality who 4the M ^ Gen. best sense, the film, too, is an worth studying is Scott's performance is not recognized it ANET dedicated to be despised and too belligerent, raging militarist, a PLANET anachronism — magnificent in its performance! He goes beyond will be a classic blunder. World War II hero who loved despicable to be praised. solid structure, Thanks capturing the surface As Omar Bradley, less war and thrived on military to UK v •> Schaffner's a comprehensiveness and calm characteristics - the gritty voice, recognition. disciplined direction, Francis deliberation (qualities flamboyant general who Ford Coppola and Edmund H. virtually the arrogant walk and the counsels and criticizes Patton as He said things like "all real nonexistent in recent style ■ obvious Panavision* r ^1 zmm North's perceptive script and, delight that overcomes friend and peer, Karl Maiden Americans love to fight" and "compared to war all other above all, George E. Scott's reminds viewers of his Color by Deluxe I" 1 forms of human existence shrink magnificent portrayal, Patton competence as a supporting arrives full blown on the wide He actor. He gives firm assistance to GLADMER to insignificance." He was an . . berated pacifists with a . . . LAST DAY . . . "JOHNNY CASH" with each facet of his the film and provides subtle egotistical prima donna who screen vehemence and tf flair for name - contrast to Scott's character bravura kept one eye fixed on history explored. The calling only Spiro Agnew would wd the other on newspaper By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer filmmakers study the man performance. Now Showing! envy (he called pacifists "bilious "Patton" is film headlines throughout his during the war years and deal a controversial career. V— ' with him and his involvement bastards"). conventional enough to be M 43 * PHONE ED. 21042 2 Action Hits He was a shrewd military comprehensively, carefully and thorough and daring enough to tactician but a tactless and self - present a past hero whose establishment, anti - war themes, coherently. convictions deem him unpopular MEET MA BARKER WHO TOOK defeating diplomat. He planned Patton is an unlikely subject for Not since "Lawrence of a campaign and drove his men a multi - million dollar film. Yet Arabia," David Lean's brilliant films). It is unusual — him when planning, executing or today. It is unlikely that a finer HER BIBLE.HER HYMN BOOK AND and surprisingly gratifying — to reaping the rewards of a battle — film or a finer performance will with childlike enthusiasm and here it is, Franklin J. Schaffner's 1962 film that I suspect will be HER TOMMY GUN AND RAISED experience a film that makes no to be seen this year. berated pacifists with a "Patton." And what an considered a classic, 'have present the inner drives and flashy attempts at appearing "up revealing nuances of the man. FOUR SONS AND MORE HELL vehemence and a flair for name ■ oustanding film it has become! filmmakers scrutinized a to date." calling only Spiro Agnew would Without making it a shrine or a historical figure with as much In virtually every scene, be it The music is unobtrusive, and the envy (he called pacifists "bilious crucifix, Schaffner has created a depth, insight and respect. public soldier- slapping the editing is merely functional. bastards"). monumental work. "Patton" is Patton is described "a incident when he confronts 'J.s. comedy as a The photography, though At a time when filmmakers are the rare spectacle with brains magnificent anachronism, a distraught soldier in a military preoccupied with the so-called and guts. It is a remarkable and romantic warrior lost in beautifully panoramic and hospital emotionally unable to textured, is conventional. As a continue fighting ("A hospital is youth market and anti ■ lasting portrait of a complex and contemporary times." In the result, "Patton" looks, acts and "road to bali" color a place of honor," he rages, satisfies like no other film on the "there's no place for yellow with screen today. bastards beside brave men.") or In appearance, direction and bob hope, bing crosby private N. Ireland's Parliament a pause before battle ("I pacing, "Patton" is a slow - love it, God help me, I love it dorothy lamour moving, objectively analytic so"), Scott triumphs. work. It is rarely dull, however. Like "Lawrence of Arabia," it The Academy Awards have "a whoopingly hilarious has a fascinating subject and an made number of mistakes in debates a film, full of pure crazy emergency action intuitive actor portraying him to sustain a modern audience through the longest and slowest the past (how both O'toole's brilliant Mr. Chips and Jon Voight's sensitive Joe Buck Peter situations and deliriously discourteous gags, all SHELLEY WINTERS J- BELFAST, Northern Ireland AP) - Northern 'arliament hastily debated Ireland's arrested, then quickly released at the insistence Cal 1 ag han, of Maudling's James In Belfast and Londonberry, families buried the dead from of scenes. How rewarding and endlessly could be overlooked is still beyond me), but if Scott's played with evident relish and split-second timing." PAT aZEBB'i an the weekend of riots and DON DIANr mergency ight to crack down measure on Tuesday rioters predecessor. Religious friction is at the shootings. Three Protestants shot by =% — the n.y. times HINGLE STROUD VAR ' nd terrorists. heart of the difficulties in this sniper fire Saturday night were The bill provides a minimum province of 1.5 million people — buried as thousands stood in the BRUCE DERN CLINT KiMBROUGH ROBERT DeNIRO ROBERT tonite 7:30 • • • jail sentence of six months for one million Protestants, most of rain to pay last respects. ROGER COOViS • >'-V ■" i= •• .-.••• '• - V ' -. ' convicted trouble - makers, with whom strongly support In people's church Shown Twice at 8:42 and Late Londonberry Joseph alternative of a fine. The allegiance to the British crown, Coyles, a father of eight killed in 200 w. grand river e.l. The SHOCK of it will make you imum penalty for carrying and a half million Roman a fire in the weekend riots, was 75c or $2 for 4 admissions explosives would be five years in Catholics, most of whom favor buried by an honor guard of VINCENT PRICE prison. joining the Irish Republic to the fellow Catholics, including a CHRISTOPHER LEE The bill stopped short of South. do/en men wearing the black Partial law, or exploring cinema society- PETER CUSHING provisions of The latest emergency, three berets of the outlawed Irish Britain's special powers act, days of street riots in Belfast and Republican Army. phone 351-1979 COLOR, - E .e ra SI which allows subversives to be Londonberry that left six dead 2nd at 10:40 detained without trial. and 200 wounded, was touched British Home off by the jailing Friday of the Secretary ICHIGAN Reginald Maudling, the man Catholic civil rights leader, responsible for maintaining law Theatre - Lansirtq Bernadette Devlin. ind order in Britain, denied that Police reported further trouble 'he provincial government had in Stranorlar, across the border «s authority to use the special in the Irish Republic Monday powers act. The act night, when three young men was used during last were injured in an explosion. Catholic - Protestant Two men lost both hands in the rioting here when leaders of the blast. A third suffered eye and insh Republican Movement were facial injuries. AIRPORT BURT "" DEAN UORTHSIDE gJUVt-lN THEATRE low Showing LANCASTER'MARTIN JEAN SE6ERG 2 2 Adult Hits Miles North on US-27 , 482-7409 JACQUELINE BISSET A UNIVERSAL PICTURE humor that everyone enjoy: Alien Fun I your friends NOT TO MISS IT! It's another outrageous comedv from the author of His first Candid Camera feature film. ^ ENJOY "THE ODD COUPLE" and "BAREFOOT PARK." IN THE "What Do You Say 'HAPPY HOURS" paramount pictures presents to a Naked Lady?" JACK SANDY NO ONE UNDER 17 ADMITTED (x) TONIGHT LEMMON DENNIS A NEIL SIMON STORY COI X)R by ik'Uix.' United Ai'tists 8 - 10 P.M. OUT-OF-TOWNERSt&i Shown Twice at 8:42 and Late THE featuring the LADIES' DAY TODAY 75c to 6 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 1, 1970 Paper sale fo Gonnst announced "St fnal °>-,nc- communications i?nv headquartered here, to "ftthe Times Herald Co. of A"" „t was made Tuesday by ffSer chairman and chief fwe of Gannett, and F. Granger Weil, president of the ^Tbe pro'posed' nrnhase 1K^tOCR Ofdefinitive to a transactlon calls by Gannett of all Times Herald. It is agreement Knapp's f corporate approval. East Lansing and taction L final tocontract a be announced Is signed. Meridian Mall Formal closing is expected by Times Herald Co. publishes the evening and Ldav P°rt Huron area newspapers, " with a circulation of rlv 40,000. The company also publishes the Daily Sentinel, at Utica, Mich., with a circulation of 10,000, owns two weeklies and operates an industry printing plant. The Gannett executive said no major changes in policy or personnel are contemplated at the Times Herald. "We are extremely pleased that Granger Weil has agreed to continue as president and editor He and the Times Herald staff will operate the newspaper in line with Gannett's policy of local autonomy," Miller said. The Gannett company is publicly owned and listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It had gross revenues in 1969 of $149 million. Romney continues f my high ravs thought she said ibility that fact-finding HELSINKI (UPI) - U.S. ig publishec housing Secretary George Hornney arrived for a three - day irnal will be visit to Finland Monday night, r magazine'! ending a weeklong tour of four ember, West German cities. ig her James with Chang! Romney told newsmen at ielsinki's Seutula Airport he hoped to study Finnish urban !asn't be n Jevelopment and housing ult of her arojects "as much as possible though the ivithin the time limit I have." circulation strators Romney was scheduled to ontinue his European tour this noming with a trip to Sweden. He earlier told newsmen at lamburg his visit to West Germany had been "extremely aluable." Romney, who visited housing omplexes in Hamburg Monday n the final stop of his West German visit, left by plane for pnfs irraignmei lelsinki Before ormer at 6 p.m. on fhis fact finding tour. - his another leg departure the ■s the son Michigan governor told n l the father airport news conference, ig poison in My visit io West Germany was also with xtrcmely valuable." He said during his tours of The latest inday when Boon, Munich, West Berlin and d he put I Hamburg, "I saw exemplary cyanuric systems for the tackling of the tasks of the future, especially in the field of public transportation." Romney is touring Europe to gather first - hand information urban problems. Barge spills iet fuel into Carguinez straits MARTINEZ, Calif. (AP) - A °arge loaded with gallons of 630,000 jet fuel bucked sday, and fuel began spilling "to the Carguinez straits 25 *«Mriheast °f ■- Jhe Coast Guard advised ships sevp'r!? ,dear of the area for 2 P°ssible fire , °urs because of « hazard. Coast Guard and' Army Corps thev were "eerS sPokes,nen said considering closing shin w waterway, a major Van Raalte bra shapes Warner's Garters Youthcraft's bra slip for stretch comfortable Kiki's brightly colored vgmg route to the Central thought 1? hpW8S. ori*inal|y and flatters yoo Gone panty girdle one piece underdressing Van Raalte bra nylon tricot bikinis seepa" hnt ^ mm°r gasket hull (Wo? !. nge crack in the 3.99 5.99 3.99 2.99 6 pr. 3.99 United ?°Pe Both e"ds of the *2 o7le Co- bar*e were Van Raalte's tricot cup bra is made Elastic inside leg bands keep pmity Dainty underdressing begins with a Lycra^powernet frame lets you You'll love these tiny bikinis in •"ornL "n, umUd by ,ate for women who want a smooth hose wrinkle free and stretch hose lace or tricot cup bra slip. In white move in constant ease. Two section multitude of bright colors or white. a lied un it iH cu ?rge had been look under fashions. Fiberfil lined in place . . . without garters. Light or luscious pastels. Short or average tricot cups. Perfectly simple style The price is even better 12-4673 Shell Oi Sh1ell0il C°-dock. powernet with lace tummy panel. for perfect fit. Sizes 32-36A.32-38B, .. . stock [op Wed. fue' was SP°kesmen s«id the cups. White in sizes 3 2-36A, length in broken sizes. East Lansing up for the year! Nylon tricot fits 32-38B.C. White or beige. S-M-L. only 32-38C. White. body close. 5-6-7. I 9 P.M. Lingerie - East Lansing and Meridian Mall Shop Knapp's Thursday East Lansing 9:30 to 5:30 Meridian Mall 10 to 9. ^Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July \y |97q Gas prices By DAVE WESTOL follows, stands to lose like dominoes "Taking the numbers •No matter how much more down, or 'blanking out', is a gas you sell at, say 25.9 per are down the companies making very much. "About the only aren't '"Rien it turns into kind of a signal to other dealers, since gallon than at 34.9," the advantage tn When dour expressions and a giant chess game," he said. everyone is constantly checking spokesman said, "It won't a price war for mo° mumbled "buck's everyone else's prices during a compensate for the loss of companies," he added, "is th" worth', "Prices continue to drop, with influx of new change to toothpaste smiles and selling at a lower price. customers, and . everybody matching or going rise In the sale of oil an exultant "Fill 'er up!", any lower than everyone else." "People who complain about accessories. J "Most of the price wars are the price of gasoline usually pump jockey worth his squeegee What ends a gas war? "A well-managed station knows that another gas war has initiated by the smaller aren't aware that the companies "h. "The dealers themselves, either indendent chains or stations who have to pay around 11 cents per concluded, "should be able to begun. retain at least 50 per cent of by a meeting, or by taking one stand to gain more than the gallon tax," he said. "Add to the A spokesman for a large or both numbers down off their majors with a lower price," the this your fixed costs and new business brought in by the Lansing petroleum distributor price boards," the spokesman spokesman said. overhead, etc., and when prices price war as regular customers." said gas wars, or price wars, as GOOD OLD FASHIONED they are known in the industry, can begin for a number of reasons, most of which are financial. The spokesman, who declined to be named, said most price wars are initiated by smaller "independents" rather than by the major gas station chains. "Price wars," he said, "are often compared to the domino theory applied to American security. If one chain drops its price, everyone else usually Governor requests more funds By United Press International Citing Michigan's rising unemployment rate, Gov. William G. Milliken this week urged approve President Nixon funds for the more to Injured federally • sponsored Summer Alfredo Picardo, 40, screams in pain while being placed on es injured and recaptured when the escape device, a rope made Youth Employment Program. a stretcher after he was injured during a daylight escape 0f bedsheets and tape, broke during their descent from the In a telegram to Nixon, attempt from the Federal House of Detention in New York three - story building. Milliken said Michigan is running Monday. Three inmates managed to escape, but two were AP short of funds to keep its Wirephoto summer youth programs operating in both urban and Fashions Of The'70's. rural plight areas. "Michigan's present economic reflected by an Surtax death unmourned; . unemployment rate of above 6 per cent since Feb. has made At Prices Of The '30's youth employment, job opportunities and funds in the private sector very limited," Milliken said. seen aid to ailing economy The governor asked Nixon to Congress cut the surtax wartime levy imposed during the SAVE 40% TO 70% ON earmark funds distribution for WASHINGTON (AP) unmourned death at The income tax surcharge died an - midnight Tuesday, marking another — a Johnson administration — when it passed the Tax Reform Act the program based on the milestone in the last December. The tax was originally 10 per cent on top of other government's attempt to revive the sagging MEN'S QUALITY CLOTHING, number of persons currently unemployed in each eligible economy. income tax, but was reduced to 5 per cent in January. Today it is dead altogether, and there appears to be little state. In addition, personal tax exemptions increased to $650 a year sentiment on Capitol Hill or elsewhere for reviving it. The Nixon from $600, and the new low income allowance came into SPORTSWEAR & FURNISHINGS! "I cannot over - fact that it is emphasize the urgent that last year's Tax Reform Act takes wider effect. being as administration was committed to letting it die. Its end means another $9 billion in spending money for the (Famous Brands Included) Michigan receive significant The results will be at least slightly fatter paychecks for almost public over the course of this year. summer youth monies if we are everyone. It is only part of a wide $18-billion loosening of the fiscal r< to come to grips with present and potential problems that we "Dropping the surtax may be just about the right thing to do at Congress and President Nixon have ordered in an effort to help the economy, which has seen unemployment soar to the highest men's suits face," he said. the right time, although it wasn't exactly planned that way," one government economist said. rate in five years. $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$» SAVE SSS SAVE $$t SAVE Some of the loosening came about in spite of government $$S SAVE SS$ SAVE $S$ SAVE Regularly $75 ' now $79 # 5 SHEPARD'S > opposition, such from their brief strike. as the pay raise for postal employes that resulted Treasury officials estimate that the 15 per cent increase i > Social Security benefits retroactive to January will pump $4.4 Regularly $79.95 & $85 now $39 3 SEMI-ANNUAL S billion into the economy. Federal pay increases are figured at $3 billion. The personal exemption boost, they figure, is worth $1.6 Regularly $85 & $89.95 Regularly $95 & $99.50 now now $49 *t / *59 I uj SHOE SALE Over 10,000 pairs of Famous Brand shoes j > billion, while the low - income allowance will provide another $500 million or more. The administration still is exerting pressure in an effort to curb the inflation that results from robust price and wage increases. Two weeks ago Nixon appealed directly to business and labor to hold down prices and wages and he set up a new board to sport coats spotlight inflationary trends. | On the other side of the tax ledger, an increased tax on aviation Regularly $39.95 now $20 *W ~ MEN'S Over 250 Pair Current Styles, broken sizes. Values to \ and airline tickets goes into effect this week. The administration has conceded its budgets will be in deficit for the 1969 70 fiscal year — which ended Tuesday — and for ^ $22.00 • Regularly $45 now *25 Km *0 97 next year. Although keeping the surtax would have reduced and perhaps prevented entirely a deficit in the new fiscal year, the Regularly $49.95 now $35 vj w Over 300 Pair Slip-ons, Boots, Current Fashions, Values to $24.00. Now (tk T O W ^ f\^7 • > ™ Over 1200 Pair Summer Casuals, Crinkle Jfcatmmot Patents, City Sandals, Many ^79 ** Dress: reg. $13 & $14 now 797 f uj Others. Values to $18.00. Now *JP-L^i9j7 ( £ from < 9 11:00 p.m. 1197 I - Dress: reg. $16 & $18 now | | SANDALS \ I WOMEN'S t- „„ S PITCHER Famous Dress Shirts: reg. $5 to $7.50 Over 500 Pair from J v* Swimwear: reg. I97 ft J g < MEN'S Over 300 Pair from ^ g $6 to $9.50 J Bermuda Shorts: reg. $6 & $7 397 J S- lu Plus Over 7,000 More In Oilier Super-Savings Groups. £ ^ NITE "Come and sing (Plus Many Un-Advertised Items) ! / , s also featuring - Thursday 8t Saturday Ray Carbone the guitar on . . . a,on8 direct from Ocean City, us" Md. Friday Helmut and Werner WEBSTER \ nennrn q - M > downtown ~ LANSING MALL West Saginaw at Elmwood MERIDIAN MALL E. Grand River at Marsh Rd. £ 326 South Washington )/ hVK ^ | 1 vl/ I* C ^ST LANS,NO £ 317 East Grand River Ave.™ fcnkn^tnn Both Stores Open 'til 9 Every Night OKEMOS UJ > " Since 1944 ■ First Choice of MSU Students > tefcumwt 220 & Howard St/next to X-way $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE S , between Kalamazoo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 1, 1970 ]] STOCK-UP NOW FOR OVffl THE 4TH !l BLACK ^ BING CHERRIES WASHINGTON J LARGE SWEET I flHA LB. ATI I ALL FLAVORS 5EG0 LIQUID DIET FOOD..^2j COACHILLA VALLIY F1RLETTI ^ COFFII INN FROZEN SEEDLESS GRAPESHR...>*3T COFFEE WHITENER... CARTON 19* MICHIGAN GARDEN FRESH A f%r ' HIGHLY DIGISTllLI RED CRISP RADISHES...,.^.10 HYGRADt SMOKED CRISCO Oil U.S. N*. I FRISH FIRM A SEMI-BONELESS HALF HAM 79' EASY MONDAY SUFIR CONCINTRATI 37' GREEN PEPPERS "?rlU HYGRADE SMOKED FABRIC SOFTENER.... U.S. N«. I FRISH JUICY A #|r CENTER SLICED HAM FOR SFARKLING CLIAR WINDOWS 53c JEWEL GREEN LIMES.... .«*?? 10 HYGRADE WINDEX AEROSOL U.S. N*. I FRISH JUICY A #|r PARAMOUNT BALL PARK FRANKS •89' SUNKIST LEMONS »^lU SHANK FORTION POTATO CHIPS FRESH HAM ROASTS 69' CALIF.TOMATOES 29° IUTT FORTION MARIO MANZANILLA FRESH HAM ROASTS • 79' STUFFED OLIVES 15 IVi TOI LS. SIZES SALAD STYLE A MEATY SPARERIBS ,69' OLDS MUSTARD ^.STl 9 FARMER FEET S SMOKIE LINK SAUSAGE ..1 ?79' HARVEST ENRICHED GRAFETreserves °".. 37c FARMER FEET'S t,S|29 WHITE FOULD'S THIN SFAGHETTI OR , . . J ^C HICKORY CHUBS ELBOW MACARONI ™4S MICHIGAN GRADE ONE ^ Mb., 4-oz. Loaf HOT DOG OR HAMIURG SLICED ,.iIK1^^C SKINLESS FRANKS FKG$^89 HARVEST BUNS r™15 OCOMA COOKED FROZEN U.$179 FOIL WRAFFED FROZEN ^ Af CHICKEN-IN-ABASKET ... • OX | ASHER'S GARLIC BREAD.. MCDONALD'S SUGAR OR SUGAR NUT ,, rr ^ fit jp$o FRUIT DRINKS L- FARMCREST CRESTIX Collectors Item NAIISCO PECAN SHORTBREAD )4>oz gZfltk vlasic Classic KOSHER HUNT'S KETCHUP DILLS Spirit Of 76 PAPERMAID 1-LBJO-OZ. DECANTER 33* WHITE 9" PLATES LettuceSaver v a; SWEET. HAMIURS OR HOT DOG 14 0AC 150pkg! Q OZ 79* VLASIC RELISHES<&£ «ZI ♦ICT.7-OZ. ASSORTED 2(1C YLASIC SWEET COLD CUPS J7 BUnER SNAX 1-PT., 10-OZ. JAR. HUNT'S HANWICH |j£l SANDWICH SAUCE SftAl .tfjaranu 25' PREAM CREAMER * . jouhnai. coupon without fj. coupon - iZ* 1® MOcCOUPON GOOD TOWARDS "10f- pi Heinz Barbecue Sauce fj U ■L m rsra«« WITH THI1 COUPON ■—■ ^ be yM Mb., 4-OL JAR 49* 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July i 197Q -SPORTS- JEFF ELLIOTT Rains save Graebner—t £ All eyes WIMBLEDON, Eng. (UPI) — Australians John Newcombe and Ken Rosewall gained the semi - finals of the $100,000 Wimbledon for the day because of rain. Graebner was the only American to final matches Billie Jean King of Long Beach, Calif., against on Denny get as far as the quarter - finals in the men's singles. It will be his Francoise Durr of France. Open Tennis Championships Tuesday while the United States was only one game away from losing its last men's representative serve in the 16th game when play is resumed. Taylor had a chance of winning in straight sets when he served Newcombe came within a whisker of elimination by Emerson, the 1964-65 champ, but he pulled out the big service when he in tonight's game when rain offered a temporary respite. for the match at 5-3 and with a light drizzle falling. He appeared needed it most to survive. Newcombe, the 26 - year - old second seed and 1967 to serve an ace but a fault was calleu. This momentarily threw Newcombe later admitted the first game of the fourth set was Wimbledon champion, rallied for a brilliant 6-1, 5-7, 3-6, 6-2, him and he netted a volley. A forehand pass and a netted the key to the match, adding, "But when I got to 5-all in the fifth The only thing that remains to make Denny McLain's return to 11-9 decision over two - time titlist Roy Emerson of Australia, forehand gave Graebner two points for the equalizing break. I felt I had it won. Roy had not been able to put the match away baseball tonight complete is to have Commissioner Bowie Kuhn and fifth seeded Rosewall turned back compatriot Tony Roche, - In the 12th game Taylor had two more chances when he had and I felt he had given his best." cancel the other 13 major league games tonight and invite them the No. 4 Seed, 10-8, 6-1, 4-6, 6-2. two match points. He lost the first when he was just British southpaw Roger Taylor, the conqueror of Rod Laver on long with a Rosewall, beaten as a teenager in the 1954 final by Jaroslav all to Tiger Stadium. With all the excitement around town, some lob that had left Graebner stranded, then was inches away with a Saturday, led ninth - seeded Clark Graebner of New York, 6-3, vicious forehand cross • court pass. Drobny and by Lew Hoad two years later, said: "I planned to clubs probably wish they had the night off in Detroit. keep the ball away from Tony's dangerous backhand. Everything Don't bet that the Baltimoie Orioles won't be keeping a close 11-9, 8-7, and 14th - seeded Andres Gimeno of Spain led Rosewall meets the winner of the Taylor - Graebner clash with Australian Bob Carmichael, 6-1, 6-2, 1-2, when play was halted worked fine." watch on the scoreboard to find out how the ole maestro js Newcombe hanging on the verdict between Gimeno and The veteran Australian, who missed Wimbledon during his peak Carmichael. Margaret Court, the top women's seed from Australia, withdrew years in the early 1960s when professionals were not welcome, d(The Orioles and Yankees will be especially concerned because BASEBALL STANDINGS from two doubles events Tuesday because of an ankle said, "The slow court helped me. Fast courts do not suit my for the Tigers, a healthy Denny McLain from here on out could injury game." make them a serious pennant contender. The Yankees will get, suffered in her winning quarter - final Monday against Germany's Newcombe's game fell apart in the middle sets, but he was still bird's eye view of the 24 - game winner as they'll be McLain', Helga Niessen. She is a doubtful starter for Wednesday's semi - able to laugh while bringing titters from the crowd when he first competition since last Sept. 27 when he beat Boston, 2-1. final against Rosemary Casals of San Francisco. The other semi American National - shouted to himself, "Try using your feet." But the O's will get Baltimore for a three their chance and soon, as the Tigers invade - game series this weekend (all games on EAST W L PCT. G1 EAST w L PCT. GB four - game series the following weekend at Tiger Baltimore New York DETROIT 46 43 37 28 29 33 .622 .597 - 2 New York Pittsburgh St. Louis 39 40 33 36 .542 .526 - 1 AARON, MAYS & CARTY TV) and then a Stadium. .529 7 The last time there was this much baseball excitement around Boston 34 35 .493 9Y. Chicago 3s 36 ^493 Motown was in '68 when the Cardinals came to town for the Cleveland 32 38 .457 12 Philadelphia 32 39 .451 World Series. Many experts are saying that a "good" performanc< NL's outfield appears set Washington 33 40 .452 12 Montreal 28 44 -389 by McLain tonight could help maintain this excitement the rest WEST . L PCT. GB WEST of the season and possibly lead the Tigers to another world series W L PCT. GB Minnesota 44 25 .638 - Cincinnati berth. 52 21 .712 - California 45 30 .589 3 Los Angeles Oakland 41 33 .554 5V4 Atlanta 43 31 .581 9V> NEW YORK (UPI) - With 325,632 and Carty 309,407. The positions, Chicago's Glenn Leaders in the American But one game isn't going to make Denny McLain. Nor will two 36 35 .507 15 Kansas City 26 45 .366 19 only a week remaining for fan nearest competitor is Pete Rose Beckert has a comfortable lead nor three, nor four. It'll take half a dozen contests at least to Chicago San Francisco 36 37 .493 16 League vote announced Friday 27 47 .365 9*4 Houston 32 43 .427 21 voting on the 1970 All - Star of Cincinnati with 271,720 for the second base berth, but determine if McLain has lost any zip on his fast ball or dip to his Milwaukee 25 48 .342 are: Detroit's Bill Freehan at San Diego 30 47 .390 24 teams and 1,099,627 votes votes. teammate Don Kessinger is being slider. Everybody said Mickey Lolich was going to have a catcher, Baltimore's Boog Powell good already tabulated, the race for The races for other positions pushed a little harder in his bid at first base, Minnesota's Rod year when he won his first game. Then everybody said he was positions in the National League are also shaping up decisively. for the shortstop slot. Carew and Harmon Killebrew at going to have a great year when he won his first four of five TUESDAY'S RESULTS is beginning to become Cincinnati's Tony Perez, the Beckert, with 273,080 votes is games. But look at Lollch now - at 6-9 he's got one of the worst TUESDAY'S RESULTS second and third base New York at DETROIT, night Philadelphia at Montreal, night conclusive. National League's home run and safely out in front of Atlanta's won ■ lost records in either league. California at Milwaukee, night Atlanta's Henry Aaron, the RBI leader, has surged to a wide respectively, Chicago's Luis Pittsburgh at New York, night Felix Millan with Kansas City at Minnesota, night Chicago at St. Louis, night 197,249. Aparlclo at shortstop, and Frank It will be good to have McLain back, though, no matter if he Oakland at Chicago, night Atlanta at Cincinnati, night top vote • getter thus far In the lead over Ron Santo of Chicago Kessinger, however, has 291,746 Robinson of Baltimore, Frank wins or loses. For one thing, he's a colorful player (but Cleveland at Baltimore, night Houston at Los Angelas, night latest figures released Monday for the third base position, votes while being chased by Howard of Washington and Carl obviously he carried it a little too far last year In the off season), and he Washington at Boston, night San Dlago at San Franclico, night by Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, 445,143 to 184,327. three rivals, Los Angeles' Maury Yastrzemski of Boston for the can't be any worse San Francisco's Willie Mays and Even more assured is the race than some of the pitchers the Tigers now hive Wills (187,058) New York's Bud outfield. Aaron's teammate Rico Carty for catcher where Cincinnati's sitting in the bullpen. Harrelson (177,868) and Kuhn announced that the final appear to have sewn up the Johnny Bench is outpolllng St. Houston's Denis Menke vote will be announced McLain does seem to have more things going for him than starting three outfield positions. Louis' Joe Torre 614,631 Tuesday, to (172,491). July 7, and that any ballots against him. His teammates, other than possibly Bill Freehan, Aaron, leading all comers, has 74,144. The only position that still is received by the computer center have all remained pretty neutral over their star pitcher's half' 670,379 votes, while Mays has In the battle for the keystone definitely "too close to call" is in the first mall Monday, season suspension. Now that he's back and ready to help the club, first base where San Francisco's July 6, would be counted. they're all likely to welcome him back with open arms, even Willie McCovey has moved ahead Freehan, who has more of an interest in the club's welfare and its of Richie Allen of St. Louis by a doing well than he has in the personal life of any player. slim 15,000 - vote margin. IM Schedule And to get McLain started off on a good note, you can bet the McCovey, who was the National Tigers regulars will be going all out tonight, giving a little bit extn League's homer and RBI leader Field S:30 on each play and hoping for a hot night at the bat. last season, has 256,603 votes to 5 Random Variables - Gas Allen's 241,744. 6 Son's of Liberty - I think a lot will depend on the crowd. If the fans give Denny LIR's 7 Great Outdoors - Engineering rousing ovation when he walks out to the mound, It could be. 8 Abbott Hall - Microbes big lift to the young (26) hurler. But if a chorus of boos and FREE PICK-UP 9 Psychotlcs - River House Mystics catcalls and jeers greet him when he first appears, It could havei 10 Vet. Med. - Potent Ones Old psychological effect which he might not be able to AND DELIVERY College first night anyway. 1 Polish Artillary - Dells 2 Vets. Whikkeri (fast) 6:00 ONE HOUR SERVICE - The fans are an Important part of the game to a player In the 6:30 Road Runner - Smashed spotlight like McLain. They can often make or break his game, {Specials • Sunoco Sluggers especially in tense situations. Prlmo Carnival Gotta Want It LOUIS • at HI-FI BUYS Wronsky Warriors - Master Batters Reltneys - Baumadiers I'm inclined to think that McLain will get a rousing reception tonight, even if he's knocked out of the box in the second Inning, 1101 E. Grand River Lushwell AC • Egyptian Army Sure he made a mistake In his personal life, but he should still W CLEANERS 7:30 East Lansing Phone 337-2310 as great a pitcher as he was last year. The fans will take this into 5 Nobel's Prize • Louis St. Cards 623 E. GRAND RIVER consideration and welcome him back. But my little round cryiti 6 Hand People • Vets. Assn. ball tells me It might not b« that easy for the rest of thi JACOBSON'S SUMMER CLEARANCE Tigers. I see McLain going 7 2, innings before Msyo take* hln out with the Yankees going to win 8*8. Whatever happens tonigh Important Denny McLain will be on tin spot. He says that's the way likes It. It'll be Interesting to m If that's so. Savings oday, bring the boss along... to Secretary Day is Women's Coeds are reminded that todi the deadline for enterir DRESSES Luncheon Buffet — Cocktail hour 4-8 in the Batik Room teams In the Women's IM slo pitch league. Games will beg 3121 E.Grand River Juniors, Misses and Custom Sizes REG. U.S. PAJ, grr7* Monday. SKIRTS PANTS SHIRTS IT'S A HARD PROPOSITION COATS SUITS MILLINERY BLOUSES TO BEAT... PANTSETS PANTDRESSES SHIFTS learning to road 3, 4, 5 times faster... improv¬ ing comprehension, recall and study skills. Be honest with yourself, Next semester's rending and study loads will be no easier than this MISS J SHOP DRESSES and SEPARATES semester. Even your grades will be just about the same unless you do something about It, Investigate now the advantages of a course In Evelyn Wood Reodlng Dynamics. Besides Increasing your rending efficiency from 3 to 10 times, wo emphasize study nnd recoil tech¬ SHOES niques. We tench you "how to learn" more nnsily, more efficiently. We talk about this at Dress pumps, casuals, flats and sport shoes from the finest a Mini-Lesson. names In footwear. Styles for your vacation and summer "FREE" — Increase your reading spaed on the spot at one of the listed "Mini-Lessons." fashion wear. HILL AND DALE, now *17 ATTEND A Mil Ksitv m 100 TROWBRIDGE RD. \nsing_ JOYCE and CARESSA, now S14 Wit 6741 SO. C VOSSO -.5 N. - WATER CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BLDG, OLD MAINE TROTTERS, now *8 and *10 COMMUNITY ROOM Classes MATCHING HANDBAGS, i /2 forming in the above location EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS 17320 West Eight Mile Road r>outhfield, Michigan 48075 call 35-35-1 ll(collect) JacdbSoriS State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Wednesday, July I, 1970 13 -SPORTS hockey schools developing for the future No one can fault MSU for not promoting among youngsters at an early age. hockey second week. Boys can stay either one week or the Minnesota and Michigan, are countering this full two - week period. A total of 45 boys have been More than 90 youngsters, ages acceleration with more emphasis on eight to 16, will here since the start of the first session, June 22. Most competition at attest to that. The young hockey enthusiasts are the high school level. of the youngsters are housed in East Yakeley Hall, currently attending a one - week summer program while those who live in the immediate "There are more good American hockey players under the direction of head Spartan area can stay at Hockey Coach home. breaking into the National Hockey League, long a Amo Bessone, Asst. Coach Alex Terpay and Canadian stronghold. It (the NHL) is going to have to graduate Bessone, who will be in his 20th year as Spartan assistants Michael Jacobson and Rick Duffet. give the American boy a break." coach this winter, says most of the U.S. skaters The boys skate two periods a day of one and one - half hours each. There are games with groups of their compare favorably with Canadian younsters up until During the summer sessions at the ice rink in high school. Demonstration Hall, such basic skills as skating and own age and level of ability, and training films, chalk "It's when the Canadians begin teenage amateur stick handling are emphasized. The MSU instructors talk and free skating for the boys at night. hockey that they accelerate past the American boy," also bring out the necessity of good The program is a two - week course, sportsmanship currently in its he said. "But many states, especially North Dakota, and sound physical training. INVENTORY IS OVER & BOY DO WE HAVE... Future Spartan MSU Head Hockey Coach Amo Bessone and Asst. Coach Alex Terpay are currently conducting a hockey clinic for boys 8-16 years of age. Above, Bessone (back row, far right) and Terpay (back row, far left) take time out to pose with a group of youngsters attending the clinic. State News photo by Bill Porteous Bt. Louis Blues IM News > MSU alum Students who enjoyre the midnight opening of the Men's IM pool last term will be I A 1963 graduate of MSU has as assisting "the president and happy to learn that the pool is een hired as an assistant to St. executive vice president, Sid going to be open at the same hours (10 /iuis Blues hockey president, Salomon III, in varying facets of p.m. - midnight) summer term tdnev Salomon Jr. Missouri Arena Corp. business." beginning tonight. The same [Gary Ronberg, who majored in The Blues also announced that policy will be followed as last Toumalism and served on the Managing Director Lynn Patrick term; students should come t his senior year, will has been given the title of vice dressed for swimming and have [ecome Salomon's new right - president. Patrick was the first their I.D's. Students will still be jtnd man. Ronberg has worked man hired by the Salomons allowed to bring guests with r United Press International when they received the St. Louis them. Kd has been a hockey writer for franchise in the NHL and also The pool will be open the late Iports Illustrated since 1964. has served as coach and general hours Monday through Friday, I Ronberg's new job is described mannager. weather permitting. *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * ★ ★★★★★★★ Get Your Holiday Money ; TODAY | * Your } MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION } will be | CLOSED FRIDAY } * Best Wishes J for a * Safe and Happy Holiday! MSU 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open EMPLOYEES 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CLEARANCE Hundreds of 'em! We've Men's Sportswear And Furnishings got grey green sweatshirts, T-shirts, striped nightshirts, sweaters, jackets, mugs ... all designed to help you show your MSU colors. 25% off original prices All this and more at the Spartan Spirit Shop. SWIMWEAR - CASUAL SLACKS JACKETS - SPORT SHIRTS - GOLF SWEATERS BERMUDA SHORTS - SWEATERS - NECKWEAR KNIT SHIRTS - DRESS SHIRTS - ROBES BOOK STORE Jacabson's In the Center for International Programs iiwCv! Wednesday, July j ,97q 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS classified If you have never tried a Want Ad to sell something . . You're missing a Good bet! CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 For Rem The State News does not Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Rank For Rent For Rent permit racial or religious MEN AND women's WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near 1 GIRL needed, fall term only. rooms Su discrimination in its FIAT 1964. Excellent condition, Cedarbrooke Arms. Call rates, three blocks from MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, Uni^l advertising columns. The $200. 600-D. 351-8796 ask for carpeted, air conditioned. No lease 351-0982. 5-7-2 337-1408 after 3 p.m. B.7.2 'nlonI State News will not Bill. 4-7-3 required, $165 per month. Phone accept advertising which 489-1719. TF WANTED VETERAN or grad MEN SINGLE with cooktog and7 ■ • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. student, share 4 man, 2 bath without. 1 block from 361-9504.4-7-3 Berk.?! Scooters & Cycles White with black top. 351-0906. NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony apartment. Meadowbrook Trace. religion, race, color or 3-7-2 and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 Call 882-3250. 5-7-3 Auto Parts & Service national origin. FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD SINGLE ROOM male. cieln~7u?« I Aviation MANAGEMENT COMPANY, MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 cheap. Close to campu, ?'■ • EMPLOYMENT Take over payments. 373-2369. 351-7910. O Marigold across from campus. cooking, 351-0631.3-7-2 ' °B After 5 p.m., 694-9976. 3-7-1 * FOR RENT Deluxe 2 man furnished Automotive FIAT 1969 convertible. 6500 miles. UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to apartments. Now leasing for fall. SINGLE, FURNISHED^ privtt»| Apartments Student Union. Fall leases IV 9-9651 or 351-1890.0 kitchen, near campus, $54/month I Houses BUICK 4-door sedan, aqua. Snowtires. 351-6653 after 5 p.m. available. 3 and 4 man furnished. 351-1294. Summer. 3-7-2 1 - 6-7-3 Crosby's Pontiac and Buick, 828 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-man Rooms SINGLE, DOUBLE, clean~ East Grand River, Phone IV MANAGEMENT COMPANY, furnished apartments. Now leasing • FOR SALE 351-7910. O for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or parking. Rob, 372W1 2-9776. 5-7-6 Animals 337-0780. O 351-9584, 237 Kedzle. 5-7-6 " Mobile Homes BUICK SKYLARK, 2-door, green GIRL OVER 22 share large house. CAMPUS NEAR, single room and white. Crosby's Pontiac and Own bedroom, many 2 BEDROOM duplex. Aveilable * PERSONAL .882-4691.3-7-1 immediately. Very reasonable. cooking. Phone 351-9237 TB Buick, 828 East Grand River. • PEANUTS PERSONAL Phone IV 2-9776. 5-7-6 332-4589. 3-7-1 484-8173.5-7-6 ■ * REAL ESTATE MG SEDAN 1967, liquid suspension. IEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms SINGLE OR DOUBLE for » RECREATION CAMARO 1968 Z-28. Excellent Pirelli cinturatos FWD. 351-3329. furnished. Close to campus, Houses * condition. $2000 or best offer. 2-7-2 summer and fall leases. 332-0965. Near Union. Cooking, partZI ♦ SERVICE HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 332-1895.3-7-2 '■ 351-5036, or 485-6758 before 5 ONE MAN needed for 4 man house. Typing Service p.m. 5-7-7 COMPANY, 351-7910.0 $45/monthly. Own bedroom. ROOMS FOR girls. Close tocampujl * TRANSPORTATION CHEVELLE 1964 convertible, blue, FRANDOR NEAR. 1 bedroom, 332-6871. 3-7-2 Cooking privileges. 351-65% I 3-7-1 ■ * WANTED excellent running condition, new furnished, $150. Immediate FURNISHED 3 fi. 351-4914. 5-7-6 OPEL CADET occupancy. Phone 351-9083. September 1 to January 1, 1V4 DEADLINE 1965. Good shape, must sell, $275. 146 Haslett, Jim. 13-7-10 blocks from campus. 351-9460. For Sale 1 P.M. one class day CHEVELLE 1965 mi 3-7-1 3-7-3 before publication. convertible. 6 cylinder, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near SUNGLASSES, SAFETY Cancellations 12 noon red $600. 353-0938. 3-7-2 PORSCHE Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished 3 BEDROOM house for lease. Five tempered lens or any OpticalH — 1959. Excellent studios utilities paid. Private minutes to MSU campus. $300 per needs. OPTICAL mechanical condition. Best offer DISCOUNT ■ one class publication. day before CHEVROLET 1961 ? door hardtop. Dependable, $125. Steve Brecht, over $450. 351-6213 after 5 p.m. 'W, I £WNT imNT7CMAIce entrance, $110 a month plus deposit. 627-5454. 3-7-1 month. 351-4780. 2-7-1 2615 East Michigan Avenue. C-7M 2-7-2 PHONE 351-0241.2-7-2 A BET , NOJJ BEAT stoves, refrigerators! 355-8255 CHEVROLET 1961 Impala, 2 door, PORSCHE 1953 1500cc. New paint, APARTMENTS FOR rent. Close to Beds, Buy/Sell. abc'I RATES automatic, $125, 353-0947 after 1 body work, complete overhaul. In storage 5 motor campus. 3-7-1 Summer, Fall. 351-6586. EAST SECONDHAND STORE, I20e| LANSING: Duplex p.m. 2-7-2 Chrome and interior not 1 day $1.50 bedrooms, unfurnished ex reassembled. Being transferred. COUPLE, 1 bedroom furnished. stove, refrigerator, 15c per word per day CHEVROLET 1963, 4 door, $100 Utilities Must sacrifice immediately. $850. included, $125. $195 utilities paid. 332-8064. 3 days $4.00 cash. George Warren, 351-6367 Scooters & Cycles Employment 332-2803, 332-2157.3-7-1 Rockford, Michigan, 6-7-1 after 7 p.m. 5-7-6 13%c per word per day 616-866-0591 weekends. 3-7-1 MWF 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 TRIUMPH 1970 650cc, TR6R, 2200 SUMMER AND A.M. 5 $6.50 part time WEST END. Groovy old large house, days 731 T T 11:15 A.M. - 12:00 A.M CHEVROLET 1965 2 door Biscayne. RAMBLER CLASSIC 1964, 2 door miles. Call 351-9176 after 5 p.m. 13c per word per day employment with full - line private room, kitchen privileges. ROOM 27 STUDENT SERVICES Very good rubber, good running, hardtop. Must sell, best offer. 5-7"2 merchant wholesaler. 351-5800 Pets welcome. 372-8666 after 5 (based on 10 words per ad) dependable car. $300. Can be 351-4202. 5-7-3 for information. O East Lansing's Finest p.m. 7-7-2 shown on campus any day or early SUZUKI 1967 X-6 Hustler. 250cc. Student Residence STEREO; GARRARD table, Peanuts Personals must be evening this week. For further Runs well. $275. Call 351-6315. TR-4 1966. Excellent condition. Will NEED HELP in my stereo Now Renting for EAST LANSING. Near MSU. old, excellent condition, $701 pre-paid. information call 355-9589. S-7-3 trade or sell for $1200. Cell 3"7"2 department. $4.75 per hour. Call Summer & Fall Furnished, for lease until 351-1879 after 6 p.m. 2-7-2 351-0956. 3-7-3 371-1913 between 9:30 -12:00. C There will be a 50c service September 20th. Married couple CHRYSLER 1948, bullet proof, fast, 4 5 students. No children. and bookkeeping charge if Aviation or or this ad is not paid within and comfortable. fi, $600. 351-2327. 1-7-1 Excellent TRIUMPH Removable SPITFIRE 1966. hardtop, 2 convertible FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to SALESMEN WANTED part time or full time to sell unique backyard *60 No pets. Dial 332-4076. 5-7-2 one week. tops, $809 or best of,er- sports equip.nent. Excellent 1, 2, 3 man/woman BRONICA S2 254" x 2V SLR.MOOl learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. EAST LANSING 595 Spartan, COMET, 1961, 6 cylinder stick, 339-2914, evenings. 2-7-1 commission plan. Pick your own Pool and Party Lounge or best. Never used. 351-81651 The $tate News will be $175. Dependable. See 340 Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C • Walk to Campus duplex for 4 furnished, for hours. Call IV 7-5055. 5-7-2 5-7-7 Evergreen. 3-7-3 summer. 485-6222. 5-7-2 responsible only for the TRIUMPH TR3B 1963. 36,000 i Sponsored resident parties first day's incorrect miles. Excellent condition, Auto Service & Parts •Luxurious furniture, carpeting, STANLEY CAMPER 8' CORVAIR 1964 convertible. Nice 351-3299. 3-7-2 GUITARIST FOR rock group. appliances FURNISHED, UTILITIES paid, 1 to with refrigerator, - cab ov*| insertion. Excellent opportunity and money. 4 students, 882-5536 after 5 p.m. gas rangtB shape, rebuilt engine. Call Charlie, Call 882-2604. 1-7-1 MODELS, RENTAL 4-7-3 furnace, porta - pony, $900 B 482-2395 after 6 p.m. 5-7-3 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East OFFICE OPEN 351-2572.3-7-3 Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. FEMALE PART - time phone room 11-7 Mon.-FRI. DODGE DART 1966, GT, yellow, Complete auto painting and work. Excellent working 731 BURCHAM. Rooms FOUR YEAR old let of McGregor! Automotive convertible, 6 cylinder, stick. collision service. IV 5-0256. C conditions and pay. Call 694-2148 E. LANSING. golf clubs. Light use. Complttil 351-2685 after 6 p.m. 3-7-3 Scooters & between 12-4. 3-7-3 PHONE 351-7212 MARLETT MANOR, 3519 South tat. Cart, bag balls. Excellent! ALFA ROMEA 1969 Spider Veloce. Fuel injected, white convertible. Cycles ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Cedar. Rooms for gentleman. condition, $110. 355-31O0| KALAMAZOO STREET BODY GIRL. OWN bedroom. East Lansing ONE MAN needed for 3-man. Pool. Private bath, with maid service. evenings. 3-7-3 Call1 '337-2081 after 4:30 p.m. CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national SHOP. Small dents to large duplex. Laundry facilities. Call Lake. Air conditioned. Near $21 per week. Phone 882-0261, companies. Compare our rates. wrecks. American and foreign Haslett, $68.33. Call after 6 LIVING ROOM, bedroom - 351-5894 after 5 p.m. 1-7-1 p.m. no answer 351-8451.5-7-7 i 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. 339-9360. 2-7-2 dining table and chairs. 4 505 Albert, East Lansing, 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 7.36x14 tires. Name your SUMMER AND part time SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and 484-8173.0 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA area, 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. 332-1211.1-7-1 employment with full - line women. merchant wholesaler. Automobile deluxe 2 bedroom apartment, HONDA 125 1969 Street Scrambler. Any time-372-1031. O furnished 3600 miles. Excellent condition. required. 351-5800 for or unfurnished. INFLATABLE RUBBER boat, ij information. O Carpeting throughout, draperies, LARGE MULTI accessories, 850 pound caf Call 332-0364. 5-7-3 air - conditioning. Clean, quiet Private entrant $50. 355-8002. 1-7-1 MWF 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. HONDA 305 1967. Most versatile TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS: building. Call 882-9117. 0-7-31 Call 355-2312 or 337-0412. 3-7-1 T T 11:15 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. fall openings many states. Cline EXQUISITE BRIDAL gown, si bike around, $350 or best offer. ROOM 27 STUDENT SERVICES Teachers Agency, 129 Grand EAST LANSING $100; Gibson 6-string guita Call 351-1476. 3-7-2 near campus. One River. 3-7-2 bedroom, furnished. Large airy case, $120. Call 351-1487. 3-7-11 AT ME L'S we repair all foreign and HARLEY SPORTSER XLCH, Beautifully maintained. MARTIN TENOR Saxaphone. excellent condition. Call can'Vbe "fixed, For Rent clientele. Lease. Select 332-3135 or months old. Excellent conditic 372-4016. 3-7-3 0-7-1 $250. Call 355-0090, extensi 882-6549. O MEN 21 and over. Clean, quiet TV RENTALS — Students only. Low rooms. Cooking and parking. 41, between 8 - 5 p.m. 5-7-4 HONDA 450cc, custom NEED GOOD WORKERS? Hel monthly and term rates. Call YOUNG MAN wanted to share large Close, reasonable. 487-5753, chrome. $650. See Wanted Ads in Classified get'ei 351-7900" to reserve youcs. 4 bedroom house, with swimming KITCHEN CABINET with formi fast. Dial 355-8255 nowl UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C Evergreen. 3-7-3 pool, with 2 other professional top; portable automatic wast* YMCA - ROOMS for young men or RENT A TV from type men. Phone 482-2911. C-7-2 curtains, drapes; useful in marri HONDA 1969 350cc. Excellent a TV company. women. Membership privileges. Employment $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. AVAILABLE TO married couple. 4 Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, housing. 351-6493. S-7-1 Reasonable NEJAC TV RENTALS. C gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 price. 372-9791. 1-7-1 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car rooms, fireplace, private home BEAD LOOMS, will make any ! necessary. Earn and learn in your with private entry. Parking. Ask for Charli, 332-3848, or l( TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, YOUNG KAWASAKI 250 LADIES 5 minutes from Road, 32 spare time. Call 351-7319 for $8.50 332-3980. 5-7-6 per month including stand. campus. Completely furnished a message. S-7-1 horsepower, best offer. Call Stu, Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, 351-2468. 3-7-3 utilities paid. 372-8077 before 4 EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER. $30 per 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East One bedroom apartment furnished p.m. 7-7-3 POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FRIOll Lansing. C cnATial cnlp sK"r"s»»" panaso"ic FREE KITTENS - friendly, very gentle, used to dogs and children EAST LANSING, spacious older 4-5 bedrooms, home. consumer relations bureau will be disappointed. Due to a lack Tuesday. No location had been set for the meeting as of committee will p.m. meet Thursday at 453 Abbott at 6:30 Call 332-0732. 1-7-1 dining and family Study, of personnel, Channel One is not Tuesday, but Rd. to discuss participation in rooms. Large information may be obtained private by Cihon's campaign. All interested ^ used twice, perfect WOOLY MONKEY 8 months old. yard, double Owner, $29,960. 337-0909. garage. operating during the summer, calling 355-8302. students are invited. Excellent health, $100 or best TF despite advertisements in the „ Used V-M, '20 w«tt offer. 615 West Grand River, East EAST State News. •reiver Sharp 30 watt Lansing. 2-7-2 LANSING, house, five acres, The Channel One office is now -r with speakers. Coral Mobile Homes three bedrooms, Abbott. 355 1883 4-7-3 $19,000. 16600 or 332-6425 being used by the Movement for a New Congress (MNC), which is (continued from Senate tally page 1) f a^r,$2850re1ch. 300 stereo promoting student political Sparkman of Ala., Stennis of of N.Y., Mathis ■""JV UP- 25 ^d portage writers, latest models, $24.50, CIRTUS 32x8'. Good shape $995. Behind Gables 1956, John Service activism for the fall elections. John Cihon, a candidate for Packwood of Ore. of Md.. Talmadege of Ga. 351-7219. 5-7-1 the U.S. House Pearson of Kan., Republicans against (26): of Percy of III.. PROFESSIONAL Representatives from the 6th Saxbe of Ohio, Schweiker of AUott of Colo., Baker of 8' 32' Elcar, SUEDE and Pa., Used Real flic 65 x 1953, 1 bedroom. leather cleaning and District, will talk with Smith of III. Tenn., Bellmon of Okla., Bennet Near campus, $850, cash or terms, refinishing stereo amp. Polaroid service. Now being offered at movement members tonight, Stevens of Alaska. of Utah, Boggs of Del. $9 95, up. Used 35mm may rent. 351-5401 anytime OKEMOS DRY CLEANERS, Against the amendment Cook of Ky., Cotton of N.H., 5-7-6 (37): ameras by Canon, Minalta, 2155 Hamilton Road, 332-0611. Democrats against (11): Curtis of Neb., Dominick of HOME OF THE Allen of "e bunk beds, dinettes, ATLAS 1961 10x55 with 9x3 PROFESSIONALS. O Service Ala., Byrd of Va., Colo-, Fannin of Ariz. Eastland of Miss., Ellender of Fon8 of Hawaii, Goldwater of 2yUd«ks, and chairs. New and expando. Carpeted throughout, air conditioner, other conveniences. GET ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith La., Ervin of N.C. Ariz., Griffin of Mich., Gurney NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell iTlrOX ^SECONDHAND Close 3-7-3 MSU. Phone 337-2437 musical instruments to eager band offset printing. Complete service for Holland of Fla., McClellan of of Fla., Hansen of Wyo. dissertations, I ORE, 509 East MicMBan. students with a Classified Ad. Dial manuscripts, general typing. IBM. theses, Ark., McGee Wyo., Hruska of Neb., Jordan of Tg54391,8a."'- 5:30 p.m. C__ 1969 12x60 mobile home 355-8255I 20 years experience. 332-8384. C Idaho, Miller of Iowa, Murphy at King of Calif., Prouty of Vt. King ■' MACHINE Clearance Sale. Arthur's Court. Best offer DRESSMAKING, Scott of Pa., Smith of Maine, ables $49.95, 489-3968. 2-7-2 ALTERATIONS, BARBI MEL: Typing, n formals. Experienced. Reasonable No job too large TTiurmond of S.C., Tower of or charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 Block off campus. 332-3255. C Tex., Williams of Del. ss, Necchis, New Lost & Found Young of N.D. TUTORING: JUNIOR Senior FOLKS WITH KEEN EYES for it< Not voting but announced as iy Others." $19.95 High / College students. Experienced of interest read the "Personals' J"$39,96. Terms. edwards LOST: BETWEEN Kellogg and Wells English teacher, recent Master's Classified Ads. Check now! $1.00 charge per !»ired- pairs are used to denote Distributing company, pair of men's bifocal glasses. If MSU. 355-6211 after 5 p.m. S-7-6 insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 ;he opposing positions of found please call 393-0217. 3-7-3 senators when one or both are p.m. deadline 1 class day before. 8,0-7-2 1|3ccnt. CHILD CARE in my licensed home. Wanted Personal Infants and pre - schoolers. Near Nelson, D-Wis., for, Lone, vacuum cleaners. Tanks, up rights. $7.88 and up. campus. ED 2-4307. 3-7-2 NATIVE GERMAN to converses D-La-against- 2 or 3 hours a week. I will mailed earlier r guarantee. DENNIS or call 5-3355. Tell us . . f IsTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 SENSIBLE small fee. Call Bill, after 5 i et.C-7-2 Cedar, opposite City Classified model cars. for SHOPPERS check big values in late Turn to the Want Ads weekdays, 355-5856. 3-7 1 p linTrvco^he«^'d«TS House refuses and topic and we will see that it gets LICENSED p"b"shed J) SAX; Maple dressers; Glider; Spartan CHI LDCARE Village home. in my For MSU Volunteer Bureau is amendments information call 355-9910. S-7-1 now ftllywood bed; Desk; China recruiting for summer programs until 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. it. 337-1182. 3-7-2 TT 11:15 A.M. - 12:00 A.M. Thursday, July 16. Please apply in WASHINGTON (AP) — The ROOM 27 STUDENT SERVICES Room 26. Student [lOOD TK-40 receiver. $100. GUITAR LESSONS. Private Folk - - Services, Monday House refused Tuesday to accept 22 speakers, $75, mikes also. Rock - Semi-Classic. MARSHALL 3-7-2 Fridays Senate amendments to a $4.1 FREE A thrilling hour of beauty. £9130.5-7-6 For ... appointment call 484-4519. MUSIC COMPANY, 351-7830. }ick-up. billion appropriation bill Mourners MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for eliminating original House IsALE. One arm chair, $10; one STUDIO. 1600 East Michigan. all positive. A negative, B and negative Thing. Bring your "J*— «... " Sin9 • banjos, provisions to soften federal chair, $5. Solid walnut AB negative, $10.00. school desegregation programs. 00m bed headboard and frame, C-7-2 Typing Service negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN O nose flutes, voices, < evening of singing, playing, listening, or an The bill now goes to a Senate - An estimated 250 members of the Hells club head for the funeral of their vice Angels motorcycle 42 piece set of Wedgewood COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, House conference for president Monday in BOARDING HORSES: Clean 507'/a East Grand . . . Every Wednesday nightl At the bargaining San Diego, Calif., under police escort. Andrew i S10. Baby buggy, $10, River, East ALBATROSS, a coffeehouse that over the provisions. Horn, 26, surroundings, plenty of pastures Lansing. Above the bounce chair, $3. 351-7575. new Campus feels Human. 547 East Grand The was slain in a gun battle with rival club last week. and gctod housing. $25 a month, River, southern backed a Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 across from Berkey Hall. year around. 641-6353. 5-7-6 publications. Across from campus, provisions were included in the AP Wirephoto p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Office of Education MIYA Secor 500DTL corner MAC and Grand River, Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 The Free u class in vocations for financing IS YOUR hair unruly? A hair cut below Style Shop. Call p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C bill when it passed the House in Wi" right angle finder, $150 c could be the cure? UNION COPYGRAPH SERVICES, .beflin this APril- They would prohibit offer. 353-6625 9 E BUILDING BARBER SHOP. 337-11 >6. C FACULTY WOMAN v - l°i™ ""o* sng freedom vrs of choice ^ Hot weather strikes 11-3052 evenings. 3-7-2 to lease / sublease is< d country Student Services). A riass class on Critical in PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. University will begin tonight at 7:30 selecting schools. No need to throw IBM Typing, Multilith Ownership care. C 489-2143 The House action Tuesday was Printing, p.m. at 911 Grand River Avenue at I away your old shoes. Peanuts Personal & Hardbinding. Complete Thesis evenings. 3-7-3 the foot of Bogue Street. Everyone's on a motion to kill a directive to 7 Have them repaired Service for the most Discerning welcome. the House conferees to go today! Master's & Doctoral Candidates. FEMALE SEEKS along (continued from pece 1) employment guarded by glass - patched with _ I Parisian Shoe Repair JC with the Senate action. The - — SORRY there's no 3rd of July Free Brochure and Consultation. domestic or general office duties. 1 501 E. Grand River MSU Gay Liberation meeting for motion carried by roll - call vote through 90 degrees only to find - cardboard doors (sijent card, but I don't know your Call Cliff and Paula Haughey. 15 -20 hours / week. 353-5631 that your classroom had been air reminders of the brief moments [Below Campus Drugs) address. Miss you. ASD. 1-7-1 337-1527. C after 3 p.m. 3-7-3 Contact Core Group for place. of 191 to 157. - conditioned to what felt like of violence during the spring 20 degrees. term strike activities.) So you froze. And 50 minutes It was a day for wondering the FaMO/AW1S later emerged from the building how much it would cost to place Summer's the time. .. ^APPy vVHEN : rCLD HtR -vas sc to be steam - thawed It was a day for moving classes out of doors under the shade of an air - conditioned geodesic dome over the entire campus. It may even have been a day YOU SAID r COJlD Ave - trees along the Red Cedi.r. for being willing to pay for such her cat she sa.d i It was a day for walking with a dome, whatever the cost. [We've got the Place! can -M,T Redeemable with $5 or more purchase excluding coupon Items, purchase excluding coupon I | Items, beer, wine and tobacco products t July's. Pr°ducts' 98 1 through Sunday, J through Sunday, July 5. LB. 3 LB. CAN SWIFT'S PROTEN BONELESS SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1 BIG E FRESH, CRISP j COUNTRY FRESH ! IMPERIAL ROAST 99° CANNED HAM SWIFT'S PROTEN BONELESS FARMER PEET'S BONELESS ! POTATO CHIPS FRUIT DRINKS DELMONICO STEAKS LB. 51« BONANZA HAMS !S0R 1 ST 44c 'V",T 1 3 s;ti 85c | ECKRICH j! J Redeemable with FARMER PEET'S 12 OZ. Redeemable with $5 or more purchase excluding coupon Items, ( $5 or more j GERMAN BOLOGNA CHUB. 89c SLICED COOKED HAMS 1 through Sunday, July 5. ] through Sunday. July 5. " dUCts' J ECKRICH 12 OZ. 20 OZ. WT. LOAVES AVES A jm 0k MB* ALL MEAT FRANKS WT. 69' KcswiiiiiMimu iigcawiMKmi ALMOST A FOOT LONG TENDER KRUST A xf s SAVI HERROO'S LONG DOGS SWIFT'S PREMIUM JkI; 99c WHITE BREAD 10c OFF POLLY ANNA WHITE OR *1 Of -it CORNISH HENS 59c CHOCOLATE PICNIC CAKES -oz 69' INSTANT TEA DAR B O SAUCE 10c OFF POLLY ANNA BROWN N'SERVE MINI LOAVES 4 pack 35' r 79c r 29c V- Jeemable with $5 or mo BROWN N'SERVE BACON LOAVES 2 »ack 45' r, wine and tobacco product Jugh Sunday, July 5. BROWN N'SERVE CINNAMON DREAD 2 pack 55. RED - RIPE, WHOLE * FRESH, TENDER M Jjgfe WATERMELON sweet corn 10 59 77' RED - RIPE HOT HOUSE tomatoes • COMPARING IS BELIEVING! 39 THEY ARE BIG E*EBERHARD^^S MIRACLE MIRACLE DISCOUNT PRICES PRICES/^W 1 ST. REGIS WHITE VLASIC SWEET OR 10 oz. PAPER PLATES 59c HOT DOG RELISH WT. JAR 29c ST. REGIS WHITE VLASIC HAMBURG ^ REG. 29c COUNTRY FRESH 32 OZ. C.' CHOC. DRINK WT. CTNS. COUNTRY FRESH RED, WHITE AND BLUE PAPER PLATES 88c DILL CHIPS J 16 OZ. WT. IAR 39c REG. 59c SPARTAN DECORATED ^ REG. 59c SPARTAN UNCLE SAM'S WITH PUMP-12 OZ. WT. JAR WtBREAKFAST TREAT HALF GAL. PAGE NAPKINS 31£ FRENCH'S MUSTARD 29c REG. 49e FROSTY FROZ. POPS WIND PRUF KRAFT JET-PUFFED WHIPPED TOPPING - REG. 59c TABLE CLOTH 19c 10 OZ. WT. 19c MARSHMALLOWS NEW ORCHARD GROVE FRUIT DRINKS - 10 OZ. WT. BTLS. S5S& 12 PACK 39 PAPER MAID 7 oz. COLD CUPS 79c SENECA BAG 32 FL. LEMON JUICE OZ. 43c 12 FL. OZ. CANS i—t A ^ 6.5 0Z. WT. SENECA MclNTOSH fi OFF AEROSOL BOMB 79c APPLE SAUCE 35 OZ. WT. 43c 1 cocacola/7 • JAR 8.5 OZ. WT. AERO CAN SENECA MclNTOSH CINNAMON 6-12 INSECT REPELLENT 791 APPLE SAUCE 35 OZ. WT. JAR 49c