The only . . . Thursday juccewful substitute for MICHIGAN Sunny . . . STATE NEWS hot and humid with STATE . . . a chance of late afternoon thundershowers. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2, 1970 IN TV INTERVIEW Pfippniiiii; Nixon names negotiator ^1 to Vietnam peace talks LOS ANGELES (AP) - President Nixon He streesed this country's readiness to we can the narrow gap between their I nimed a diplomat of high prestige make terms. position and ours." I Wednesday night to become chief "We have not made our proposals on a Asked if he could give categorical take it or leave it basis," he American negotiator at Paris and emphasized. assurances that he would not send I emphasizd the United States Is ready to Bruce, now in London, is a former American troops back into Cambodia, the make concessions to gain peace in undersecretary of state and ambassador to President said: Southeast Asia. France, Britain and West Germany. "I indicated when this operation was In a nationally broadcast conversation The President will meet at the Western begun . . . that once we had completed our with three network newsmen, the President White House in San Clemente, Calif., with task successfully, clean out jlso gave assurance he has no intention to Bruce and Philip Habib, the veteran career sanctuaries, it would not be necessary to send our ground send U.S. ground forces or advisers back diplomat who has been acting as chief U.S. forces back into Cambodia." into Cambodia. negotiator since the resignation last Withdrawal of the last American troops December of Henry Cabot Lodge. Asked about Senate approval of the was announced Tuesday, two months after At the San Clemente meeting, the State Cooper • Church amendment designed to the incursions intended to wipe out North Department will be represented by cut off funds for further U.S. action in Vietnamese military sanctuaries on the Undersecretary U. Alexis Johnson because Cambodia, Nixon said the war in Vietnam South Vietnamese border. of the absence of Secretary William P. was being fought before he became The President announced he will name Rogers in the Far East. President, adding that the President has the David K. E. Bruce, 72, former ambassador An attorney as well as a seasoned constitutional right to use his power to public to Britain, France and West Germany, to servant, Bruce held senior government protect U.S. forces. become chief U.S. negotiator in Paris. posts in the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy Asked what justification he had for Bruce has served four preceding presidents and Johnson administrations. sending troops there, he said, "A very in missions of prestige. He will take over as chief of the Paris significant justification. It is a case of Nixon said there has been no signal from delegation on Aug. 1 or thereabouts. moving American forces out in a way that S trim mi n' North Vietnam to indicate the enemy "We hope that this move on our part will at the same time we can win a be reciprocated by a move on their just peace . . would respond to his new peace overtures, part," not a victory over North Vietnam but the Students don't disappear entirely on scorching summer Nixon said of the Communist and Viet . days; they congregate at the IM pool. Pool officials have but expressed hope that the designation of right of the South Vietnamese to estimated that as many as 450 students use the Bruce would awaken the interest of the pool at one time during the recent hot weather. Cong representatives. determine their own future." Communists. Nixon was interviewed in a Los Stats News photo by Fred Ferri Angeles studio by three network commentators: ABC's Howard K. Smith, CBS's Eric Sevareid and NBC's John Chancellor. Budget disagreement Asked if he has received any U' officials signal from causes Hanoi or any indication the enemy's attitude has changed, Nixon said, "We have no indication their position has changed." He said the North Vietnamese had meet, discuss indicated through other parties that they felt another chief envoy should be named, By JEFFSHELER State News Staff Writer no final decision had been reached in the Wednesday afternoon meeting. surrounding the audit report, he said, but he said their conditions for a adding that they (trustees) still expect the He said that he and Rep. Marvin R. negotiated settlement has not changed. He State Senator Charles O. Zollar, legislature to hand over state money. Dudget cuts said that now that the new ambassador has been named, he hopes there will be reciprocation from the other side. Disagreement committee members state between over conference the status of the higher education appropriation bill R-Benton Harbor and conference committee chairman, called the committee into a dinner meeting Stempien committee D-Livonia member, would not conference report until they saw and another sign the adequate Stempien said MSU's failure to cooperate has been "embarassing to us all along". Stempien criticized Zollar for' trying to By JOHN BORGER Wednesday night cast doubt on prospects Wednesday changes. "force" Nixon said this country has not made its afternoon to attempt to iron out remaining a Senate oriented committee State News Staff Writer proposals on a take it or leave it basis, and of final action on the measure by the end Montgomery cited several issues — one report on the House members. disagreement in time for final floor action he added: "We are of the week. on the bill involving MSU — that he said had not been "They are trying to beat us over the head University officials spent much of willing to see whether Committee members had hoped the bill Wednesday night. resolved by the committee. with that thing," he said, referring to the Wednesday morning in a closed discussion would be reported out Wednesday After the meeting, Zollar said the He said he was dissatisfied with the MSU Senate of committee members. "But we're legislative appropriations and the conference report was "ready to go." But Board of Trustees for their "failure to University budget. Vandals hit afternoon to receive the legislature's final two House committee members disagreed. cooperate" in not going to go along with it." The approval Wednesday night. answering questions Efforts to reach agreement on the administration, which is still The bill, which went into conference Rep. George F. Montgomery, D-Detroit regarding the MSU Audit Report. conference continued late 'working out policy" in some areas, has Vandals painted antiwar and and member of the conference committee, MSU hasn't seen fit to respond to the Wednesday- with a House recommendation of $335.3 till formulated few antiestablishment slogans on sevan campus night. At press time, final action appeared definite million for the state said the bill had come "unglued" and that legislature concerning the commendations to present to the board buildings and several sidewalks early colleges and unlikely until today. f Wednesday. universities, included a proposed $60.7 trustees, however. million for MSU. The damage to the Recommendations on the total Library, the However, the committee International Center and Olds, was expected to University budget, which includes tuition Kedzie, recommend I million a cutback to a figure Erickson, Demonstration and Wells halls (please turn to back page) was estimated at $2,600. men get positions Young Swedes in lineup for '71 draft calls WASHINGTON (AP) - Some 2 million men born in 1951 got While the lottery was in progress, the Defense Dept. announced visit by HUD their whose places in line for the 1971 draft Wednesday, with those birthdays fall on July 9 standing first in line. The positions were assigned by a national lottery matching the an August quota of 10.000, the lowest monthly figure since last December's 9,000. A Pentagon spokesman, Jerry Friedheim, said it is possible birthdays of men turning 19 this vear with numbers from one to there may be a few months at the end of this calendar year in STOCKHOLM (UPl) — Demonstrators Romney's second confrontation with the 365. which there would be no draft. He said present an plans are that egg, shouted anti - American youthful demonstrators came when he Men will be called in that order to meet military manpower from 150,000 to 170,000 men will be called this year. This and refused to shake hands with visited needs next year. This year's draftees got numbers in a similiar a plant which manufactures compares with a total last year of 289,900. *°rge Romney, U.S. lottery last December. The department said the decrease in draft calls "is attributable id sectetary of housing prefabricated houses at Maersta, north of # urban development, who arrived in Stockholm. See dates, page 12. to the redeployments being made as a result in progress of the p en today for a one - day working visit. Fifth demonstrators outsmarted police Vietnamization program and subsequent reductions in military Komney encountered the first batch of and managed to get into the grounds In this drawing July was a hot month, with three of the four strength." emonstrators where at the lowest numbers, well the highest — and thus "safest" The lottery list airport where they waited when Romney and Holmqvist as as was drawn in two separate procedures — ■ o I Minister of Interior Eric arrived. numbers. birthdates were drawn in red capsules from one revolving mqvist and U.S. Ambassador Jerome H. Before police had time to move in and Number 2 went to Dec. 24 — Christmas Eve — to be followed plexiglas drum, while numbers were drawn in green capsules from Holland met him this another. morning. clear the demonstrators away a small group by July 25 at number 3. and July 29 at number 4. out 12 Low and high numbers alike emerged pro - Viet Cong demonstrators, July 7, however, was matched with number 365; men sharing got close to Romney. Holmqvist tried to unpredictably throughout ponginggroups, to the joint Swedish Liberation get between Romney and the that birthday will be the last ones called, meaning that, as things look now, they stand almost no chance at all of being drafted. the 31 i-hour drawing. The lottery was most meaningful to the waved placards saying demonstrators to avoid a confrontation but relatively small number Komney g0 home» and shouted «u s Romney pushed him gently aside and There has been no official estimate as yet how many men the - perhaps a quarter million —who will be 1-A, available and r tt,„ , from the top of the roof walked up to the youths. He reached out Pentagon will need next year or. therefore, how high up the physically qualified. to shake their hands but they turned away numbers list draft boards will have to go. But those deferred or exempt would step back into line for the and refused. A fair guess — and it's only a guess — would be that the lower draft with the lottery numbers they received if, in the GEORGE ROMNEY future, half or two - thirds would stand a chance of being drafted. they should lose their special status and become 1-A. f^roeHANDBOOK TH*r LITERALLY '28 rules would gag have stood the test, and now are as shining "Who built it? Everybody. You Baptists Cedar, track meets, obstacle races, football lights, they are here to show you the way. listen: Your denomination put $25,000 rush and flag rush. In 1928, there was but one men's into this church. You congregationalists "Coming late in the fall term, barbecue is Boy, if you think it's bad now, you residence hall, Wells Hall, with rooms listen: Your denomination invested the final rites of the natural enmity should have been here in '28. renting from $15 to $24 a term. Rooms $25,000 here. You Methodists, you between the two underclasses and the A pocket - sized Spartan handbook for included electric lights, and wen' connected sbyte ceremonies symbolize the cessation of the 1928 freshman class has tips, with a central heating system. put ii hostilities by burying the 'hatchet' for the regulations and guidelines that would Women, however, were provided with The Spartan handbook pushed the winter term. This does not mean that you gag the 1970 freshman. Women's building (Morrill Hall), Abbot Hall spirit idea at the then Michigan State are any more than a freshman and subject The book advises freshmen to carry it and two other College by printing football cheers. to general subordination. boarding houses, all under with them always to "save you from asking the supervision of matrons, with room and "Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! "Open season on freshmen begins again many foolish questions," other "tips to board ranging from $78 to $96. Michigan State! Michigan State! with increased vigor spring term." freshmen" include: Religious affiliation Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Tradition was hard on the freshmen was simple back then — Learn the college songs and yells. . . . everyone simply went to the People's Michigan State! Michigan State! "boys", for it did not permit freshmen to — Wear your pot (beanie). It is a Church on Grand River Avenue. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! "be seen in company with a coed or any distinction and privilege and should be "Get this! People's Church is THE Michigan State! Michigan State! girl, on the campus or in E. Lansing." regarded as such. STUDENT CHURCH," the little booklet Spartan activities included official class — Be respectful to upperclassmen. They blares. rivalry in tug ■ of - wars, over the the Red (please ti o back page) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2 j Conference aims toward positive approach Strasser of the Office of Science Lord lderness students. The university is the and maintaining technology free enterprise system and the destroy 1 nation or a culture," Earth Day and of and Technology in Washington, varioi' , undiminished by ," Cutler environmental teach-ins primary institute of technocratic without ethics," Nellor said. political and economic systems Iresaid. D.C., who criticized the said, society, he said. It is producing environment that have created the current Cutler was more "Youth may not have all tk inadequate tools and Another speaker, John E. iarge class of people r r„ who _ cop-out on the situation. optimistic about the future the right answers yet, but at |< methodologies used to improve Nellor, asst. ... president for technologically competent, but country's serious social unrest, it "wealthy" young could promise. they're dedicated to A positive approach was the the environment. them," Cutler research and development, He spoke of the contributions goal in the last session of His view also contrasted that not socially competent. is a healthy thing for the "The U.S. has learned that told disagreed with Cutler'tw'c iri»a of "The university is producing well as poverty < they had made to the national conference. "Environmental Quality: Now of Dr. William N. Hubbard Jr., country, he said. It questions the wealth i or Never," but only the speaker vice president and general representing students praised his manager of the pharmaceutical "constituency." division of the Upjohn Co. Recently "establishment" middle resource part thirties, and young people for being the forerunners in the search for of in M. Rupert Cutler, graduate student in development, lauded the his Hubbard suggested that the U.S. should reorient itself from mal - assertion that it is an affluent society and realize that it is a society of shortage, "Man himself is the problem," Hubbard said," — his attitudes the Voting By JEFFSHELER expected to be placed calendar. on today' would urge the amendment Senate to approve the Vaughn resolution the state proposal would offer insurance for state 18 - year - proposal was passed by the legislature he would organize this fall in support of projects, especially the 18 politic- .ye. environmental quality. State News Staff Writer Last week the Senate passe< but said he would wait and see olds in of a possible students to work for voter - old vote," he said. and self seeking ways. case "You have a sophisticated and its own version of the change ii how it fares in the Senate before of the federal statute approval of the measure, "I think it is Cutler urged the conference to overturn important t dedicated younger generation on ignore the view of today' proposed constitutional voting age by approving considering calling back his by the Supreme Court. we provide this type your hands," Cutler said, "a student body that characterizes amendment to lower the voting resolution sponsored by Sen. proposal. "We will work to mobilize laboratory for po|iti generation with many specialties them as an amorphous mass of lined up Anthony Stamm, R-Kalamazoo. Both Vaughn and Stamm said Vaughn said if the state .students throughout the state experience," he added. ranging from those of the Green affluency, laziness and Wednesday for final Senate Passage of the Stamm pride of authorship should not Berets to those of Nader's be allowed to interfere with immorality. Dassage today. resolution cast some doubt on Raiders, a generation dedicated Instead, view today's college The resolution, sponsored by the chances of success of the getting the issue on the to the accomplishment in their students enthusiastically, he state Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, house set off November ballot. lifetime of a whole spectrum of Chances for voter approval of Federal judge rules said, for they are a source of D-Detroit, if passed by the accusations __ _ ____ "political national goals, including great hope for the future of our Senate will go to the governor trickery" from both sides of the the lowered voting age have been environmental quality, which country. for his signature. The question legislature. "vastly increased," Vaughn said, - - •• "'-J our country has set, publicized, "The are equally concerned would then appear on ine weane Jny, however, since President Nixon signed but somehow never quite about the urban wilderness of statewide ballot in November, agreement 5 reached between into law the federal Voting achieved." the slum landlords, The Vaughn resolution was supporters of both versions of Rights Act which would lower war constitutional j Cutler's approach was quite battlefield wilderness of the voted out of committee late the bill. the voting age nationally to 18. different from that of Gabor Pentagon warlords and the Wednesday afternoon and was Sen. Stamm said Wednesday he Both Stamm and Vaughn said united with the presidency in for lack of NEW YORK (AP) - A federal con|>n>ssiona|l dlWli judge in Brooklyn ruled prosecuting the Vietnam combat declaration, that it violated J_ Wednesday that the Vietnam activities, but the reality of the century - old New York State! war is constitutional — even collaborative action of the, civil rights law barring though never formally declared executive and the legislature shipment of its residents! required by the constitution has overseas for any combat by Congress. He said the a lawmakers been present from the earliest not constitutionally approved! Spedcm- were giving tacit consent to the President's stages." and that if sent to Vietnam h< actions by providing necessary The soldier involved argued might become involved ii money and manpower for the that the war was unconstitutional * ^ ^ Lk. ^ The U.S. attorney's office MERIDIAN MALL Ship called the decision a historic Prices Effective Friday & Saturday Only interpretation constitutional mandate that of the only runs July 3rd & 4th. Congress may declare war. Ruling against a soldier who SAVE $10.00 \ sought to avoid shipment to Vietnam on constitutional kills three SAVE $10.00 grounds, Dist. Judge John F. Dooling Jr., said: ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) - A the Black Sea from the Sea 0! "It is idle to suggest that the 31,290 - ton Italian tanker killed Marmara when the rudder broke! Congress is so ingenuous or so three men and injured 10 more at the narrowest point of the! inappreciative of its power working on a six - story building strait — just 500 yards across including the power of when the ship ran aground in the impeachment, that it cannot Bosporous Strait on Wednesday. The Ancona was caught ir seize policy and action initiatives Shipping sources said the ship swift current and si at will, and halt courses of Ancona ran aground when her broadside on to the shoreline. Ail action from which it wishes the rudder broke. She smashed into this point, just north of Istanbul! \ M"- Boy's Deluxe Renegade, national power to be withdrawn. the building.on exactly the same the shore is lined with luxuriotT 20" Girl's Deluxe Debutante, villas and apartment 4 Contour Buddy Saddle. "Political expediency may site as a house which was buildings! have counseled the Congress's demolished by a Russian ship six Workers were busy Hi-Rise chrome handlebars. restoration work in the choice of the particular forms years ago. one Hand - operated front caliper The Ancona was smashed. and modes by which it has was making for brake. Slick rear tire. Regular Price $44.95 12 inch Portable T.V. Black & White, 90 day prompt replacement guarantee. 12" diagonal - 75 sq. in. picture. Regular price $68.88 $34.95 SALE PRICE $58.88 Belle-Sharmee economically Save $1.11 Save $1.37 Save 90< speaking! Deluxe Sleeping Mustang Ice Chest "Cold Pack" 250 Bag 30 qt. panty stocking All Plastic Picnic Jug 36x82" 4 lb. synthetic a sheer all-in-one fiber fill, heavy duty, 1 FREE — 1 gallon water gallon, spout style, blue cotton Spundrill stretch nylon panty stocking container inside. Keeps light weight, rust top and bottom. Flannel proof plastic. cold up to 4 Days. with demi-toe and sandal heel lining. All - around zipper. 18x13x13%. Regular price $7.77 Regular price $2.47 featuring all the meticulous Regular price $6.37 qualities that you've learned SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE to expect in those $6.66 $5.00 $1.57 wonderful proportioned-fit Belle-Sharmeers. Surfside, Cream n' SAVE 66< Sugar, Sahara. Save $1.47 Save $1.00 Woodhue or Brown Dahlia. S-M-MT-T sizes. Swim Suits Girl's one and two piece swim suits. Kitcbcn Maid Regular Price $4.47 Murphy's own KITCHEN MAID chocolates Slide 'N Splash Pool Large Variety. Will 66" Diameter — 14" deep box your choice. Regular price $1.59 pound. $3.00 built-in slide with metal ladder One piece molded. Sale Price 93c pound. Regular price $7.77 MERIDIAN MALL STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10:30-9:30 Sun. 12-6 G. C. MURPHY CO. "CHARGE IT" WITH BANK CHARGE CARDS Jaoobson® Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2, 1970 3 Mniiews mayor summary tof government in Newark NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - "We are beginning a drive to Exchanging shouts of "Right ineveryman" joined the reverse a trend ... This thing is Gibson urged the crowd new city council for to its first meeting. The 2fL t onloc*e™' Kenneth than Gibson became Wednesday the bigger than you and it's bigger return to their "homes and approved seven council nominations me," Gibson said. neighborhoods with a feeling of made first black mayor of Newark. He "It's partly the question of by the new mayor, pledged to unite the city. hope and courage and to work including permanent whether American cities can for a better Gibson, 38, an engineer, was remain alive as centers for city by pulling appointments for police and fire "/ want to leave no doubt on sworn into office on the steps of together for a new Newark " directors and city corporation thousands and millions of people ' one score. I am concerned as all City Hall, before a cheering , 1UI , , counsel. who live in them." visible crls,s through crowd of about 6,000, most of you are concerned, about the them young. Gibson, addressing an ch °urJc,ty has passed in the Gibson also announced his dissent on the campuses. "I want to restore our city's integrated crowd in a city where decade has gravely choice for two deputy racial tensions had been excited mayor - President Nixon good name. I want to make it a iGlb,s?" said; positions. One of the deputy good place to live, work and by the campaign, told his f'ludin8 to the riot in 1967 and mayors will be Ramon Aneses, (weitory, 1) audience, "It's also partly the charges of corruption in city an unsuccessful City Council worship," Gibson said. question of whether men and 8°veniment. He said he hoped The ceremony was brief but candidate last month and the women of all faiths, races and to reverse this decline." first Puerto Rican to hold the brought frequent ovations from backgrounds can find the good After the inauguration Gibson the crowd that included position in Newark. dignitaries from across the country, many of them International News prominent black leaders. Moon fragment miissing Abaent from the Inauguration wis former Mayor Hugh J. J North Vietnam ignored Wednesday President Nixon's Addonizio who was in Trenton at his federal trial on extortion, I eal for serious peace negotiations and denounced his conspiracy and Income tax fledge If Cambodia. to help Asian nations that want to go to the aid I in the first reaction to Nixon's report on Cambodia evasion mayors charges. Outgoing in Newark traditionally do not attend the inauguration from space flight center luesday, Radio Hanoi asserted: of their successors. Gibson, elected two weeks ago WASHINGTON (AP) - A tiny fiftieth of ["It is clear that although U.S. ground forces have been runoff an ounce, was lunar samples were kept in a |ithdrawn. the United States is prolonging and Rolling along contest Addonizio, said, "Rome wasn't with fragment of the moon has disappeared from the Goddard reported missing by Dr. Nicholas M. Short, one of the scientists vault at Goddard. Trending the war in Cambodia through the service of The hot weather has many people doing strange things, but built in a day. Newark, too, did Space Flight Center at nearby assigned portions of lunar one The missing sample was fourth of an inch long. only Le mercenary clique supplied by reactionary authorities how can anyone expect to make classes on time using this not reach its present condition Greenbelt, Md., the National material obtained during the It had been part of a one - overnight, and it will not Aeronautics and Space [i Southeast Asia." unconventional mode of transportation? become the city we want it to Administration said Wednesday, first manned landing on the moon last July. pound fine called - grained gray rock, sample 10020, which later State News photo by Dick Warren become,overnight,either." The material, weighing one • Short notified I Reginald Maulding, Britain's home secretary,- backed the Spacecraft Center, Houston, that Manned was subdivided. This had been examined by other fragment lie Northern Ireland government Wednesday in its get - he discovered the loss lugh policy toward its rioters. But he said he saw PETITIONS ILLEGAL making an inventory of his lynar while scientists before it was turned over to Short. jounds for hope in the strife - torn province. samples last week. His last previous NASA said officials are ■ Maulding. the British official with ultimate inventory, investigating the matter. listing the sample, was made in Isponsibility This Paro chiaid off ballot the for Northern Ireland affairs, was speaking late February, he said. was second lunar I a news conference after a two ■ day fact - finding visit specimen reported missing by A NASA spokesman said the scientists. lllowing a weekend of rioting in which six persons iere killed and hundreds wounded. The State Board of Canvassers has decided petitions submitted Asst. Atty. Gen. Russell Searle said, however, the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State to it to put a proposal way the outlawing parochiaid on the November proposed amendment is worded would conflict with several University, is published every class day during four school ■ Brazilian police rushed a hijacked airliner in Rio de ballot are illegally drawn and that the proposal will not go on the sections of the constitution and that It is therefore terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. not legal Ineiro Wednesday and rescued 41 persons. An ballot. because it makes no effort to resolve these conflicts. The decision Wednesday came on a 3-0 vote after the board Subscription rate is $14 per year Imerican jetliner, meanwhile, awaited the permission of huddled behind closed doors for 45 minutes le Fidel Castro government to leave Cuba. presentation of arguments from both sides of the issue. following the "TTiese petitions are deficient both in form and content," Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated I In other Latin American events, Brazilian military Opponents of parochiaid said they will appeal the board Searle said. "When you amend a section of the constitution you Collegiate Press, losecutors have charged 138 persons, including several decision to the courts, but they said are altering or abrogating that section ana when you do that you Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Presa they are unsure where they have to designate what It Is you are Association, United States Student Press Association ■oman Catholic priests and friars, of belonging to a will file the appeal. changing. These petitions don't do that." The board's ruling concurred with an opinion issued earlier | rrorist group which ' claimed the role of the kidnaping Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley. It agreed with Kelley that the by Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services the ambassadors of the United States and West petitions are vaguely worded and that it Is unclear whether they Building, Michigan State lermany. are meant to add a section to the constitution or University, East Lansing, replace a section Michigan. [ * * * In the constitution. A representative of the Council Against Parochiaid, Jay |A Czech diplomat in Washington has defected and is Wabeklee, told the board the proposed amendment was meant Phunes: Editorial ■eking asylum in the United States, the State Dept. . . . 355-8252 only to "clarify" the constitution and did not make any Classified ■scloscd Wednesday. changes in It. Advertising 355-8255 ■Officials said the request of the Czech scientific affairs Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Ciriulation 355-3447 ■ficer to remain in this country is "under Photographic 355-8311 |nsideration." National News Lawmakers fire LIEBERMANN'S iJerry C. Rubin, a member of the Chicago 7 convicted For quick trips... the J lational a federal jury of inciting rioting at the Democratic Convention, pleaded guilty in Illinois verbal volleys lednesday Anduct. to charges of resisting arrest and disorderly WASHINGTON right • (AP) - A winger's assertion that put out by the National Socialist White People's party, "carry-on" one suiter soma antiwar senators should be to the American Nazi party. fudge Minor K. Wilson of Circuit Court sentenced the Ider of the Yippies (Youth International Party) to 60 •hot between the eyes led Sen. Mike Gravel, D-Alaska, ■ys in jail and fined him $2,000. Wednesday to a verbal volley directed at the Justice Dept. by who brought the message to the Senate's attention Tuesday by Skyway one of the suggested targets. night, told newsmen It And [The Justice Dept. Wednesday ordered an FBI another senator took an represents the kind of extremism oral potshot at Vice President Instigation of a recorded telephone message suggesting encouraged by some of Agnew's lat antiwar Splro T. Agnew. public speeches. senators ought to be "shot between the Sen. Mark O. Hatfield, R-Ore., s." told reporters that when an aide he American Nazi reported the incident to the party, now the National Socialist ite Peoples Justice Dept. he received what party, lists Sens. George McGovern, J. William Fulbright, D-Ark.; and Mark O. amounted to a brushoff from field, R-Ore., as the vanguard of treason and says in Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard Klalndlenst. message they should all be shot. Later, however, Hatfield's Mtice Dept. officials office reported that Atty. Gen. say the message may be in Won of a federal law John N. Mitchell phoned the prohibiting the use of senator to assure him that the estate commerce facilities to transmit a threat. * * * department, the FBI and the U.S. attorney for the Northern joint congressional committee estimates that the District of Virginia all are eral deficit for the fiscal year that started Wednesday Investigating the taped message y be about $9 billion more than President Nixon pects. nstead of the $1,3 billion deficit estimated by the MEA appoints 'sed budget of May 19, the Joint Committee on auction of Federal 80 ^ high as Expenditures figures the shortage $10.3 billion. grad student HOLIDAY It fits under you. And it holds an airliner seat a so you can carry it right with suit plus all your other accessories. Tough Koroseal covering with rigid moulded frame that Michigan News Kal degree Erickson, a doctoral candidate who will complete his in August, has been CHECKLIST holds its shape. In olive or black. 1970-71 budget bill "8s ■ which includes a attached state grant to Detroit passed the $5 million no - named secretary associate of the executive Michigan Make sure you're ready for the big weekend ahead. Check this list and Specially priced at * Senate Education Association (MEA). then check Marshall Music for all your Wednesday on a 30-5 vote, „ addition to the Detroit pt ^ add $250,000 appropriation, in the bill for a a last minute similar grant As head of a new enlarged division, Erickson will direct a field staff of approximately 90 entertainment needs! s19» "amtramck was successful by a 20-6 vote. persons. Its prime responsibility e bill, which has will be In the area of field already passed the House, was sent ^ RECORDS ^ BATTERIES ^ HARMONICAS to the lower chamber for agreement to the services, negotiation services and legal services to Michigan J** amendment and various other changes. teachers. NEEDLES ^ PORTABLE TV'S y KAZOOS iD red this week le|. before Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs Joining the MEA staff in 1959 ^ CLEANING CLOTHS ^ GUITARS V' PICKS the Senate Appropriations Committee as a field representative, v. legislative consideration of the measure, Erickson became a salary ^ PORTABLE RADIOS S STRINGS POLISH a Detroit needed the money to keep its head consultant in 1963 and was water. named assistant executive secretary for professional an|pv°De °n giving Hamtramck a grant came after Sen. negotiations In 1966. He holds a bachelor degree from Central deht D-Detroit, said the city was $2 million payrolls of Michigan University, a master's K" yoffc' were not being met and a threat degree from the University of An a!!1101}8 city emPloyes existed, Michigan, and an educational "EVERYTi music hisg r can * ment to give a11 incorporated cities $2.50 specialist degree from CMU. 235 Ann EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River St., East Lansing Ph. 351-7830 feated 3 t0 Pay po''ce an<* f're pr°tect'on was He and his family live in East Lansing. DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager # As I watch my friends Genesis of the grow older and relatively more affluent, I observe an interesting phenomena: the once - hallowed ideals of hippydom vanish like process wasn't the shock of appear so. I don't sudden by any means, but its recognition makes it really think, however, that this not bourgeois hips so much a process of corruption as a return to a more natural state. At least in terms of the college freak (as opposed to the commune - dwelling hips, one of the founding precepts of our "corrupt" American society - and that I left home originally to get bevy of siblings and sundered 0th« away from I KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor smoke in a wind. Suddenly it seems, there metamorphosis represents for example, who seem to have a measure relatives. er LARRY LEE, city editor of true commitment) hippydom does not Or: "It's not because I don't is no particular nobility in buying your "bourgeoisization" in the popular sense. have the JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor Middle class corruption — the Cain - mark money to afford a decent diet that ] clothes at the Salvation Army, nor shame provide the staging ground for the launch eat JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor of affluence — is supposed to creep upon of a new world or a better way of life, so lots of rice and soup - rather it's (or lack of commitment to hipness) — it's bemuse functionally the same in drinking gin and bespoil a soul that is until that time much as it provides a simple rationale for simple food unadulterated with additives is instead of cheap sweet red. Of course, the unsullied. "Bourgeoisization" of the hips is daily existence. The fact is that it is much better for the health . . Etc. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award awfully difficult to find meaning in the All of these noble sentiments and for outstanding journalism. sudden, comparative poverty very often explanations rapidly dry up when, bv inflicted by the act of becoming a student. accident or design, one's income increases The individual has spent most of his life to a tolerable level. When we were 19 We in middle class surroundings being told that were hippies because when you're 19 and he is an above average sort of fellow (else EDITORIALS - how did he get into college?), and that this have only a year of college you can't job. When we're 22 and almost graduates get a is the magic key to success and the (or, even, graduated) we've become satisfaction of all desires. The college man bourgeois hip because, for the first time is made to inherently believe that he is we are capable of becoming so. The Cambodian some sort of superior creature — yet in contradiction to this thesis finds himself living at a standard below that of his The generate trouble is that this process many kinds of tensions. Our younger and / or not so successful brothers can "inferior" brothers. An explanation must are on us for selling out (I'm not be found or the world (system? society?) personalizing here - I've been trying to sell one step out could cease to have meaning — and meaning and as source of meaning necessary for the existence of human seem to be out for years but nobody wants this really hassels our heads. We know have changed and In so doing tobuy)and betrayed the we kind as air and water. precepts that a scant few years ago we Finally, the United States is out of support to our "allies" as they carry The popular, and perhaps, somewhat Cambodia. The President has kept championed. But three meals a day and on the holy combat against the his word. The war has been Communists. Our ground troops are shortened, we are told, and peace, out of Cambodia but tens of happiness and prosperity are just thousands of South Vietnamese There Is no glory In being poor around the corner. But are they? forces remain. It Is. a condition I hat must be Cambodia may yet prove to be a The implication is obvious: to keep borne, until times and situations Pyrric victory. We know how many his word the President rotated U.S. can be changed. Or if one is guns and bags of rice and rounds of troops out and allied Vietnamese metaphysically inclined it is a ammunition we captured and troops in. Somebody must now fill state to be ignored as irrelevant. destroyed. The military has any the vacuum left in South Vietnam by number of often Whatever else it may be. - changing, ever - the departing troops. We are talking however, poverty is never escalating in value conversion units it for translating the take into glowing appears about a continued groovy. commitment on the part of the Readers' Digest terms - "enough United States -a situation which ammunition to supply a division for seems antithetical to the precept (or a month," "enough rice to feed 400 pap) that the Cambodian incursion juvenile answer Is to glorify and sanctify new clothes are awfully hard to forswi snipers for a fortnight" and so on. will help to We know we have hurt the "enemy" end the American the poverty: "It's not because I don't have after a number of years of deprivation. commitment. the money to buy clothes that I make my (strange how we began to use that The fact Is this: there is no nobility In own and haunt the shelves of Volunteers of word), but we have no idea how we In sum, the generals and diplomats America - rather, I do these things because poverty per w\ There can be nobility In how Individuals react to and within thin may have affected ourselves in the tell us that we have scored a great they show my ability to be self ■ sufficient, to get along without 'the system' and the state, but that Is a different sort of thing process. victory in Cambodia. As proof, they only tangentlally related to this discussion, There are no conversion units and produce some guns and rice and a capitalist system," Ignored here Is the There Is no glory in being poor - It Is a few trucks and hondas. We look, but apparently paradoxical or contradicting cleverly manipulated sliderules to condition that must be bome until times fact that I am using the material and situations can be changed. Or, If compute the negative value of something does not wash because manufactured by or the old clothes our vision is stubbornly drawn to discarded by the so-called capitalist system metaphysically Inclined, It is a state sullying a previously neutral, albeit ignored as irrelevant. Whatever else it in order to create my wardrobe. may left leaning, nation with the pall of - burning villages and crying children be, however, poverty is never groovy. to a neutral nation sucked into the Or: "It's not because I don't have the war. There are no figures to tell us - money to get a private apartment with There is one thing to remember: < the worth of "X" number of people maelstrom of destruction and to adequate heating that I live in this old other hand, there is nothing inherently ! displaced, of villages burned, of ancient hatreds fanned to new flame. house with a myriad other people — rather, good or glorious or noble about being rich 1 ancient hatreds fanned by bringing It seems doubtful that any sort of I believe that the communal spirit is 'Where or even adequately endowed. The only ! it's at' and that a little suffering will make Vietnamese troops into Cambodia, victory has actually been won. advantage that money has over lack of the I me a better (remember the the land of their traditional enemies. The ripple that we have created in person same is that it is easier to cope when ycu I Buddha?)." Ignored here is the fact that Probably we are already reaping the fabric of this planet by our the idea that "adversity builds character" is don't have to spend all your time hassling the rent. | the whirlwind. In theory, within the incursion into Cambodia cannot help technical letter of the word of but return to haunt us some other Richard Nixon, we are out of time in some other form - the world POINT OF VIEW Cambodia - or rather our ground is a closed system and something troops are. It looks more than likely done to one part of it ultimately that we will continue to provide air affects all the rest. SALT negotia EDITOR'S Dishonesty pervades NOTE: several hundred (at least) National Merit began the last week of April with message the following a demand and faculty, and the University agreed Scholars who probably have to quit MSU that the Reserve Officers Training Point of View wa s submitted by John Corps be to suspend classes for one day. to encourage this year because expected abolished. ROTC has been a J. Masterson, associate professor of scholarship frequent a number of 'teach - in' on the war racism, assistance did not materialize. I have target of the militants on many campuses providing spent ROTC and other matters of interest. 'Hie mathematics, on June 23, 1970. some time trying a (unsuccessfully) to find and this year's drive obviously was r I am compelled to comment on the publication of "A Report from the aid for several of my advisees, and in the Honors College now have a full - people a on national effort which May 1." The anti • ROTC was part of to culminate movement on sessions were well attended and, I I elievc. productive." The announcement of a day President" which was distributed to the off came at a time when the strike was time job looking for money and this answering campus was a many - faceted beginning to make serious inroads into faculty recently. Near the end of the the letters of irate parents. The virtual involvement of large numbers of students Slowly but determinedly U.S. and they go along. Now it appears that document, President Wharton writes: student and faculty attendance, as will as Soviet officials seen to be making promises of assistance by the way, which (militant and non - militant) and a some sort of agreement may be in the "More distressing to us is the more inspire the suspension of activities on the helped woo these students to MSU, were significant number of faculty including progress in the strategic arms works between the two superpowers. fundamental problem of skepticism or made in a series of letters sent out part of some departments. To accommodate by the some of the most noted and limitation talks (SALT) now being outright distrust of the 'system' and its respected the teach-in, one room, capacity 600 or There is one thing complicating the Office of Admissions. Again, instead of the campus figures. Those supporting this held in Vienna. Originally begun last channels for change which exist among simple honest statement of fact that should less, was set aside at each hour, to matter - the arms race is speeding movement held views ranging from the many students." He does not seem to characterize University communication, supposedly serve the 40,000 MSU students. year, this round of discussions has all along at such a breakneck speed that realize that the three pages of slanted position of ROTC in the military machine It was not even intended that attendance these incoming National Merit Scholars and American but been crowded from the public treaty agreements could conceivably public relations jargon that precedes this inperialism to the be good. I was a "resource person" at the were the victims of a slick public relations eye by moon walks, pollution and be sentence is symptom and reason both, for incompatibility of ROTC with traditional ROTC teach-in. The attendance, even out - dated before they are job, one for which they might consider independence of the University. (Many relative to the size of the room, was very the Indochina war. and this seems to ratified. Certainly matters are not why students (and some faculty) do not suing the University. (If you are unaware more than we "militants" trust the 'system.' are interested in be the way the SALT delegates want of the degree of the unfulfilled poor. being helped by the administration's promises or maintaining some form of independence In the first paragraph he states: "I was it. near - promises made, ask the Admissions from the military as this Moving on to another quote: "At an decision to go ahead with the SST. very impressed to find, for example, that Office for a copy of Gordon country creeps The negotiations are a very touchy missile emplacements and rocketry MSU enrolls more National Merit Scholars Sabine's toward fascism.) evening meeting in the Union building, letters to incoming freshmen.) some of the affair, and hence, could, it is felt, be than any other University." This false group left to resume window- research. A totally dishonest statement, I apparently quote again from the President's smashing while those inside again refused damaged by the beam of the public In fact, this sort of thing could impression of one of the University's most written to placate the masses, occurs on document: "Nevertheless, concern over the to recognize the official closing hour." This serious problems must be galling to the the second page. "At MSU, the spotlight. The process involved is very well be construed by the difficulties issues was extensive among both students is the latest rephrasing of President almost painfully slow because both Russians as a breach of faith Wharton's attempts to make the large - were sides arc defining the ground rules as number of people meeting in the Union, it not for the fact that they are doing who had remained peaceful throughout the the same thing. It is interesting to OUR READERS' MIND strike, responsible for, and in collusion notice that one of the rationales for with, the few students who went to break the ABM circulated, at least windows. He seems to find this necessary Bike' puzzle needs calling to do in order to create a reason for unofficially, that if explanation hurried Noon up was and built the system, then we we the police to handle meeting in the Union. people peacefully would have one more poker chip, so to To the Editor: I have dealt with the dishonesty and dear speak, when it came to placing minutes later he left the lots. Very worried, We welcome the bets on the table. In sum. this On June 23, 1970, between 4 and 4:30 extemporaneously to fit his young moods misrepresentation of facts and have ignored news from the our I turned around the lots to ponder about and his untamed whims or he liked to test the whole aura of loaded rhetoric tha Office of the p.m., I went to Quonset 104 in order to this strange gentleman and his regulation. his will power on a Comptroller would be the functional equivalent foreign student. At any surrounds the President's message since ' find out where my bike could be, since it announcing that of wearing an extra pair of socks in a Fortunately enough, some policemen rate, he was in want of the kindness and did not intend to write a book on the some University had disappeared from the rack situated happened to be there. I asked them to the sense of duty of other offices will be open from noon to I game of strip poker. behind Owen Hall. policemen that I matter. open the lots and they did; I asked them met and whose behavior I admire. What is p.m. The offices are those which Certainly, the SALT talks are one The second gentleman sitting at the right about the regulation and they explained to the raison d'etre of that I close with a quotation of President serve students, of the very bright rays of hope on an hand side of the entrance told me to gentleman being Wharton's that should apparently make us faculty and staff and - go me that there is no such regulation. All was there? and look for it in the lots A, B and C all feel better: "Nor are all those who really need to be open when otherwise bleak horizon. We without allowing me to enter the lots. suddenly clear. Thai Van Can I wonder whether that young gentleman chose to rally or march or students, faculty and staff have time sincerely hope that the reports of Vietnam graduate student speak to Despite my explanations concerning the invented that so-called regulation considered budding criminals." to visit - during noon hours. success from Vienna are. in fact, true June 25,1970 impossibility to identify a bike from the Thank you, Mr. President. However, there are myriad other and that a binding agreement can be fence he refused to suggest a feasible University offices which still adhere reached with the U.S.S.R. that could solution to that illogical situation that AS L0N6 AS THIS IS GOIN6 "ID BE only THEN I'LL TELL LATEST ANTI-CAT to the archaic noon shutdown. Deans begin to the he could solve. Ironically, a few minutes A FOURTH OF JUIV SPEECH, I THINK JOKE ..THE D06 AUDIENCE IdILL LOVE I HAVE THE WORLD'S LARS^ reverse deadly arms later, I saw him unlock the doors to the I SHOULD SLIP IN A FEU) DIGS A60UT THIS 0NE...HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE! COLLECTION OF ANTI-CAT J0K& and department chairmen should race. POGS NOT 0EIN6 ALLOWED 70 VOTE ..WE lots for another person who seemed to take a cue from the comptroller and Further, it is CAN BE DRAFTED INTO THE ARMY, our hope that the look for his bike, too. I walked over and BUT (OE CAN'T VOTE... arrange staggered lunch schedules. It administration will appreciate the asked that gentleman to allow me to enter • seems a small, no - cost maneuver ramifications of these discussions the lots to identify my bike, while they ^ that will were open. With a threatening voice he keep offices open and and attempt to demonstrate some measured his words. "You are not allowed permit a continuous business day. sign of good faith here at home. to be here, this is a regulation." Some Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2, 1970 5 ri nnM Cambodian soldiers fAP) — Cambodia next two weeks at three 200 miles northeast of to train in S. Vietnam l,S I*1"? about 10,000 troops to Vietnam in the coming Vietnamese training facilities. The Instructors will be A second Saigon. contingent is scheduled to report a week later a spokesman Command said for he the had U.S. no Cambodian stock born in South Vietnam who have been sent to charged primarily with defending Phnom Penh. correspondent John T. Wheeler reported from Phnom Penh that regiment from the South Veitnamese 9th division, which ■ South receive combat Vietnamese army personnel, the to Chi information on whether they Cambodia since the North In war action Wednesday, field a South Vietnamese Lang training center only would be involved in training the task force had been operating near Takeo, Vietnamese and Viet Cong began ISw. ■ Wednesday' M sources added. The first Cambodian elements a few miles from the Cambodian border west of Saigon. Cambodians. In recent battling the army of Premier Lon Nol in March. reports South said elements of the Vietnamese 1st Division of more supported than by 5,000 armor, troops, swept 40 miles south of Phnom Penh. Nearly a brigade of 2,000 South are scheduled to arrive about days, a group of were engaged in heavy fighting northwest and northeast of the Cambodian officers and non - About 800 more of these Vietnamese marines is also Monday at west of Quang Tri, just below The South Vietnamese Due My Ranger American advisers normally Cambodian capital, but there taking part in the operation. 1L sources reported the School and Lam Son Infantry are assigned to the South commissioned officers were seen Cambodians, trained by U.S. the demilitarized zone. were no reports of contact with The U.S. Command reported JInits will begin work in the Training center near Nha Trang, Vietnamese training camps, but observing troop training at Quang Trung center north of Green Berets, arrived in Phnom Penh, Wednesday from South Government militiamen also were said to be involved in the the enemy. South Vietnam sources in that two American helicopters were shot down Saigon. Vietnam. battle, but first reports gave no Tuesday just The Cambodian trainees While some of these forces. further details. Saigon said the task force south of the Cambodian border. are in included the armored cavalry Old wash addition to soldiers of have taken to the field, they are Associated Press Eight Americans were killed and regiment and one infantry wafer five wounded. may prove useful SHOP FROM Recycling of wastewater has JS potential for man in his which the wastewater flows, Such treated water can be used wastewater recycled nutrients into useful can be and Kroger And Top Value's for irrigation of agricultural and Ffttle to improve the forest crops The crops are then economically valuable products environment, according to an At the same time, you reduce MAILERS harvested for food for farm the level of nutrients CwT become increasingly animals or for other uses. By such lakes and streams entering (where they .ware of the degradation of our a procedure, are not wanted). environment, there Is an urgent need to reorient our thinking to Lud as resources many things And Get Up To 1: now wantonly discard as wjstes," says Robert C. Ball, Bookstore plans film Sector of MSU's Institute of Water Research. Ball believes that man must to recoup losses 3 STORES OPEN ON THE 4TH. 1721 N. Grand River 9075 EXTRA direct his technology toward ecvcling these "wastes" Into Man and Nature Bookstore will sponsor a benefit July 13 and 3222 S. Logan 2825 E. Grand River TOP VALUE STAMPS 14 to help recover iconomically valuable and useful nearly $800 which was stolen from the When You Redeem Mailer ,roducts. "Perhaps there is no bookstore last weekend. OPEN 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Coupons Two Prices Good thru Sat., July 4, 1970 in ,l»ce that recycling of resources showings of the movie "Duck Soup", starring the Marx Lansing us greater application and Bros., will be featured each night, one at 7:30 p.m. and the other at 10 p.m. in 109 jotential than In wastewater Anthony Hall. treatment," he adds. Intermission entertainment will be provided by Backstreet and Wastewater has traditionally the Eye See the Light Show Co. indergone treatment for Tickets are $1 and are on sale at Man and Nature, Sunshine Art emoval of materials that reduce Supply, Drop-in Center, Free Spirit Tapestry Shop and Minority he oxygen in the waters into Book Store. All Beef Wieners Herrud Franks 2 Pkg $1.35 3 Who I. o six. $2.89 5 si*. $4.69 Mixed Fryers Regular or Mild Semi-Boneless Hanu 9 si*. $7.79 Herrud Franks PRIDE OF GEORGIA u" > Freestone Peaches Wide +1 A 1] ■ Ever wonder what the MSC smokestack would look like from ant's perspective? PI u * Top^H an Possibly, Valu. ^something like this. State News photo by Fred Ferri 29-OZ 1 ■ WT AFGHANISTAN CANS Religious leaders TOP VALUE protest mini-skirts stamps ) ■KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The religious "The Communist party put me in prison," he °fs of this proudly Islamic nation are on the said. ath ~ against communism, coeds, miniskirts ■. The centenary of Lenin's birth last April 22 Buttermilk Bread 4$i°/,99e Cream Pies w,4e°c\ 19$ Right Guard ■Th i symPtoms of the 20th century. touched off the latest and fiercest round of 57t 1h !i °ly w«th recently prompted marches i demonstrations by the mullahs. Ir Afghan i,?"1 ^roonstrations and retaliations from Their anger boiled over when the local army. At least two persons were communist party weekly, Parcham, published I®0 in clashes between the mullahs, or poetry that practically deified Lenin and called jwchers, and students In Kabul. him "darood" — usually reserved only for the ■ »>e religious uproar was the most defiant Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam. T,on, to Afghanistan's steps toward Protesting mullahs poured in from the E ion since Wn« Mohammed Zahjr Shah countryside, where they are most numerous and influential. In one Kabul demonstration they 11965 °0Untry 8 fair'y democratic constitution jammed a six - lane highway for half a mile. 'constitution proclaimed, among other In addition to demanding action against the "sacreligious" Communist paper, they sought a ban of Afghan women baring their limbs and an l«t th end to coeducation at Kabul University. Hems ■e Hai? vation ever 8lnce has been going from fell and dancing couples at the chic 25 Hour Club WSS the to Peyt°n Place. United States most people are went underground. Kabul police penned the protestors for three ,Ho..mini8klrt»" asserted Slgblatullah days in the capital's largest mosque until itlmnH 8 mullah and leader of the Slgblatullah announced an end to the lam »!"! movement- Slgblatullah - his name demonstration. the nnt°t Jed by faith" — spent three months But protests erupted in the provincial towns of Sugar Sw..t 27 Si x.-Luseious Rip* C.orgiaWhit. Wh States In 1969. Jalalabad, Kandahar and Herat. TOP ,us!n®man is excited when he sees this dress, The army was called In to quell protestors who Whole Watermelons£o88t Fresh Cantaloupe 2^98$ Marble Chips 4 5b0:" $5 a in an i"? adult*ry," the 42-year-old mullah burned schools. movie theaters and attacked girls' Informed the regime R.dRip. Sunkitt 140 Six. Sw..t N' Juicy 84 Six. VALUE; JbeminiskTrr^' "Marr,age ,s the 1x581 answer carefully notified sources say neighboring Pakistani Santa Rosa Plums3^*89$ Lemons 10 Fot 69< Nectarines 6 69$ ll"1Ust touch our faith," he authorities before sending low - flying MIGs to Sun Blush.d 88 Six. Val.ncia W.sfrnBing -.minism 't must be with communism, if break up one mob. Fresh Peaches left t0 Now that the dust has settled, some Afghans 3"»79< Oranges 8 69( Cherries 69c thep^op^ Afghanistan, nothing will say that Sigblatullah's demonstration was a l» 7w!lah' who today lives in considerable government - blessed effort at neutralizing 6000 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES jwhy ;'pZarr!!ted 'n 1959 for plotUng to kill January's communist - led demonstrations te visit ir yg?'' here Khrushchev, who paid a ' communist mullah was jailed for against visiting President Spiro T. Agnew. the But, even if the government did have a hand in upheaval, no one doubts the sincerity of the ADVERTISED SPECIALS TOP VALUE STAMPS Settle For Less? lfliement S6Ven months, often in solitary mullahs' righteous fury - which could easily explode again. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Self Portrait-Dylan's best by far his best performance. On By STEVE ALLEN what a live Dylan performance must be evaluated as a country State News Staff Writer "Copper Kettle," "Alberta" and must be. One can only hope that artist, not as a leader of the "It Hurts Me Too" Dylan sings Bob Dylan remains very much a live Dylan album is in the underground music avant beautifully, which makes these works. Of course, there are also garde. In this role, Dylan is Dylan's "Self Portrait" is more in Nashville in his newest release, the best cuts on the album. than his 15 cuts that he did with Johnny brilliant: he has already interpretation of "Self Portrait." In fact, on a The background instrumentals himself. Dylan has portrayed Cash; and it is reported that composed the best country number of cuts, Dylan goes too are also America. He sees us as we are, outstanding. Among the Dylan and George Harrison music since Hank Williams. The far to Nashville as he emulates men in the studio are Charlie violent at times, but always well recorded together recently. The fact is that from the standpoint the likes of Porter Wagoner, Bill McCoy, A1 Kooper and all five master has left much for his of talent, Dylan is the best meaning and usually self - Anderson and other country low members of The Band. They add public to anticipate, country artist going, with the reliant if please. - lifes. Songs like "I Forget More a great deal to the album. As for the work at hand, much Than You'll Ever Know" and "Self Portrait" has a number of it is a very enjoyable listening "Living the Blues" lead the of novel aspects. For one thing, experience. It is simply what it is listener to expect "Okie from Dylan sings the works of other labelled, a self - portrait. Dylan Muskogee" next. in * However, the album succeeds spite of the masochistic effects the steel guitar. " Rock" Country music is very distinctly American. In fact, it artists. Boxer," Paul Simon's "Blue Moon," and the classic country ballad "Let It Be Me" "The Rodge^s and Hart's is telling the world what his musical composition is. Showing his background, that is, works by others who have influenced Faculty me have often wondered has great deal in common with all done by Dylan with to a are present him and his times, is only how to use the instrument rock, the basic difference being varying degrees of success. appropriate in this sense. effcCtively: and Dy,a" Provides tone. Dylan has for the most But Dylan There are also live cuts on the The first cut is "All the Tired us where American jloes tell part still shied away from singing album which serve only to whet Horses," a simple lyric repeated through his nose like Buck the listener's appetite. Live by a group of female vocalists to Scientific papers by 31 East American Society of heading, for better or Owens, but he is no longer performances by Dylan are rare orchestrated backgrounds. It is Lansing agricultural scientists. Agricultural Engineers is the While other rock performers squawking the days of and costly; most 29 of them from the faculty of technical, people have not "Ballad of a Thin Man," Mr. professional and search through the blues for ne Highway 61 Revisited." In fact, never seen him perform in Jones, but if Dylan is being MSU, will be presented at the educational organization of inspiration, Dylan has found from the standpoint of the person. The live cuts barely sincere, the days of socially 63rd annual meeting of the engineers working innd for home in the country. quality of Dylan's vocals, this is begin to indicate the thrill of significant lyrics are over. Dylan American Society of agriculture. Self portrait Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) in the Leamington Hotel, PLAN CAMPSITE Minneapolis, Minn., July 8 - 10. Study cites Research in the area of pullution prevention will receive special attention at the ASAE meeting, where nearly 300 'U' diissuaaes campers scientific papers on every phase of face of engineering related to Although no new regulations have been established since the Dickerson, who said he "'doubts a repeat of the situation" that agriculture and food production will be presented. Approximately 2,000 in last remnants of the people's park were removed June 8, anyone arose spring term, indicated he does want to see a permanent agricultural engineers and their member 65 years of age o older has trying to set up a tent on campus would probably be "stopped camping area established. families from throughout the The complexion of poverty is declined over the nine already affected the slums.! immediately" under present camping ordinances, Milton B. "We still want students to work with us to set up a permanent United States and many foreign shifting. Dickerson, vice president for student affairs, said Wednesday. campsite for those with a desire to camp closer to campus than, countries will attend the A MSU economist's research period from 1.86 million oy®fl2 Looking at picture. Dr. Verway rxpbinJ the "We don't want to end up with that kind of a situation again," say, Jackson or other camping areas around the state," he said. meeting, where concurrent shows "the emergent poverty million, but they constitute 4i 4 na{jona| he said. "But it can't be done in the middle of a busy classroom area sessions will be held in the five pattern is female - dominated rising share of P°verty declined •suit of | "We'd take the first person to set up a tent, where there are no facilities and where the campground detracts major of interest of the and urban • oriented: older like within 10 ^•inTgsg, on areas minutes," Dickerson said. "We wouldn't wait until there were 15 from the general appearance and causes at least minor damage to ASAE - power and machinery, women living alone and younger 22 per cent of all or 20 of them all set up." the grounds," Dickerson said. soil and water, structures and ones w>th dependents." families below the poverty ^breadwinners threshold headed by environment, electric power and David I. Verway, research were processing and food engineering, associate in the MSU Bureau of persons 65 years of age or older, With the increased cost of Business and Eco and in 1968 24 per cent of the "In 1959. nearly 39 i farm labor and the need to Research, reports these findings total fell in this age category. Americans, 22 per cent i produce more food at lower in an article, "Poverty's "The most socially disruptive total population, livi mechanized handling of Changing Face," in the current poverty problem households v broken homes in the black slums below the crop planting and harvesting will issue °f the Michigan Economic po "ty threshold of the large cities. For the Nine be stressed, together with Record, a monthly report of the y the total w automated beef, swine, poultry, bureau. moment, unfortunately, the around 25 million; about one and milk production. "True poverty's incidence," outlook for progress on this every eight citizens was livi. front Founded in 1907, the according to Dr. Verway, "is has been clouded by below the poverty threshold,! falling among these groups in declining labor demand, which he said, most of the nation's geographic sectors with the exception of the black slums of Chicago, Long Beach, York. Los Angeles and New But because of its Crime proposal increasing racial and geographic concentration, it has become, in the important social invidious." He explains that t the major held in committe* part of the poverty hard i A Republican backed voted against reporting composed of elderly ladies proposal to set up five • man proposal out. without families to provide for state crime investigating The them. S Stuck in a Hmisp proposed jmujuim-u constitution! wmsuiuuoi Dr. Verway also noted that 'dnesdav h1*2, lament, Gov. Milliken, strongly backed poverty families with the head picked up o seven of the eight needed to be sent out of til House Judiciary Committee an to the House floor. Milliken said the live investigating commission v give Michigan a legal t»« reducing the threat of oi<:ai crime and public conur Foes of the plan, howeu the commission could opei way for political witchhunts Backers of the measure < bring it up for a second t the judiciary committee attempt to draw at least oi the three absentee votes t< side of the pioposed < commission. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. July |')70 7 Maf/on facing crisis Ex-aide named in ins ANCELES(AP)-LeeA. use of urtailing e He said the nation is "facing a VISTA director WASHINGTON l.\P) n Rrid£t' Resident Nixon's partial crisis in the task of generating I See adviser, said Wednesday ..... shutting enough electricity to meet our I^hi nationwide campaign to a down certain industrial plants, rising every • day demands," and I off unnecessary lights may n DuBridge said. added: And behind it all lurks the "As ■ be new1"1 this summer to help "And behini nation, we have a possibility of a major failure promoted the use of electricity |,void brownouts. would also which could produce enforced for a" < le pleas to reduce the disasti homes, conditioners and other proportions. Fortunately, the utilities have taken steps in policies which keep the price of ■ electrical equipment lie Senate for the s.58.000 I minimum. DuBridge said. mm..... recent years to great,y minimize electricity down and thereby further encourage its use. be thep youngest v man ever to hold a post at .•Even more drastic measures the risk of a total blackout such The • appointment of Blumenthal. be taken, such as as occurred in New York in "We have now reached the an i who ( > the White House staff las lions, which have 1965." point where keeping up with the Daniel P. Movnihan, comes at a time when demand is straining our national of ferment. generating capacity to the very Much of the dissent in VISTA, which limit. arbitration to settle "We are facing during this summer the danger in many director since July 1. 1968. when Willis become ambassador y to Australia, i.s du< by Rumsfeld. parts of the country of He dire substantial power shortages, or lunion wage question brownouts as they are now called. toward a less scrapped VISTA's pol for draft political "These will be avoided - eligible male olunte* only if Local 1585 of the American The union will go into binding we do not have long spells of hot Many of VISTA's s 1,700 volunteers beli ■Federation of State, County and arbitration, Taylor explained, administration is int< ■Municipal Employes (AFSCME) because it had failed to reach an weather or if we have no major unanticipated breakdowns in our Musicians n ending the ig the poor to achieve specific yoals. agenn ■will soon begin binding agreement with the University electrical generating systems, or A group of art and graphic students got together Tuesday between Kresge Art Center and the tement issued by the National Vista ■arbitration with the University by June 15. Any decision will be if we have no coal or railroad Red Cedar River, and this jam session resulted. rs "should be allowed to participate i ■to determine wages, Gene retroactive to July 1. strikes." State News photo by Terry Luke activity. even to the point of arrest." ■Taylor, union president, said rs bo permitted to help form VISTA polic ■Wednesday. which represents Board The union, maintenance and transf ,1 campus Ervice employes, recently lost En unfair bargaining practices Espute with he University. It Wiled charges in March with the (Michigan Employment Relations approves (Commission following a dispute lover the reclassification of Allen, Icampus bus drivers which ended agricuitui Tn a four-day work • stoppage East February. I Joseph B. Bixler, trial (examiner for the commission, Lid he felt the University did (not plan any further action on (that charge. FIRST All-female crew A oh- Appea th I on WALLACE, logging Idaho (AP) team No one, let alone the men who al KO-KO Bar! - From a distance it looks like any work in the rugged north Idaho fcther slash crew: five workers wilderness near the mining town wearing denim shirts, jeans and of Wallace, would have believed Teavy gloves clearing and burning it was a job for girls, but the five pebris from a logging operation. J On closer inspection, enthusiastic young beginning to change some minds. The Fabulous Incongruities appear — long hair "Originally the plow gleaming hard hats and hesitant about the women doing Biggies and occasional shrieks this work," said Fred L. Rounds, TOM SIMPSON [hat identify the first all - girl fire control officer for the logging - cleanup crew in the Wallace district of the Coeur listory Tervice. of the U.S. Forest d'Alene National Forest. "But now they're'tickled to death. JAZZ QUARTET better adapted Trustee, printer to it and have a are more persistent. We hard time getting them to with take a break." Join E. Lansing, The five, 18 to 25 years old, make a minimum of $2.22 an VOCALIST RICHARD SNYDER hour, which means, as one put Meridian C-C it, "We're in it for the r KO-KO BAR Paul A. Decelle, Wallace •—•<:•»»» district ranger, said if things lAn MSU trustee and a firm continue to go well the v Kalamazoo and S. Clippert S Which prepares State News pages may be trained as firefighters ^>r printing have joined the East and be stationed i g^nsing ■lumber Meridian Area permanent summer of Commerce remote for them JELMACC). J Blanche home in Wallace, Martin, D.D.S., and ■illstaff Inc., a subsidiary of Apparently, not everyone is •Renville Printing, which prints satisfied, however. State News, are One mother wrote the district among 13 Jew members of the ELMACC. ranger that she had put her ■'"staff is represented by daughter through two years of Ipager The new ■Jul membership Ronald Feeley. members brought the to more than college '"and I'm not having her work as a laborer in the field." Her daughter joined the crew Get Your Holiday Money anyway. ENDS TODAY "THE LION IN WINTER" At 7:15 & 9:35 TODAY FRIDAY 2 BIG FEATURES Your - I of beauty, sex and drugs: MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION will be CLOSED FRIDAY Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday! * MSU EMPLOYEES UNION * )i> 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 7^ 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2, i9?() -SPORTS- Mrs, King only U.S. player in finals JEFF ELLIOTT 1 - WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) The biggest cheer of the day, Billie Jean King of Long however, was reserved for British Australia's John Newcombe in since the Australian beat Mrs. who has won the title three BiUie Jean looked in great S' grid picture today's men's semifinal matches. King for the 1963 title. Their times. form early when she took a 2-0 Beach, Calif, and Margaret Smith lefty Roger Taylor who needed Graebner lost Tuesday's first victories set up a final match The women will play for a lead. Then her agony began. In of Australia, the top - seeded 20 minutes to complete a 6-3, players who have won the title 11-9, 12-10, over Graebner. The two sets 6-3, 11-9 and was between old rivals on Friday. $3,600 purse. The losing eight of her 11 service games she looks dim—on paper trailing 8-7 in the third when the Mrs. Court who played with semifinalists earned $960. was taken to deuce, five times between them since other semifinal place was won rains came. Resuming with his pain - killing injections and a Mrs. King, 26, won the title Miss Durr broke back in the 1963, qualified Wednesday for by Spaniard Andres Gimeno, a service, Graebner saved seven heavily strapped left ankle three times between 1966-68 fifth game when the Califorrian •s singles in the 84th 6-1, 6-2, 6-4 winner over the match points but blew the showed ill effects from the served' doublefault All no and was losing finalist in 1963 J ^ Don't look now all you football jocks going to summer school England Lawn Tennis unseeded Bob Carmichael of eighth by blasting a backhand injury sustained in her winning and last year. Mrs. Smith, a year advantage to the French girl, but Championships. Australia. Both matches were volley over the baseline. He had but you've only got about two more months before Duffy blows quarterfinal Monday against older, won in 1963 and 1965. Mrs. King broke again in the Mrs. King became America's interrupted by rain in the third saved the whistle to start fall drills. And if this humid, two match points Germany's Helga Niessen and She lost to Brazil's Maria Bueno eighth game when Miss Dun was swelterine last hope for a singles title after sets on Tuesday. weather is around Sept. 1, maybe Duff will even let Ron Josenh Tuesday. she'll be favored to beat Mrs. in 1964. over the baseline with a lob. fifth seeded Rosie Casals of San Taylor meets Australia's Ken Either Mrs. come out. After all, how could a guy not lose 40 pounds - King or Mrs. Court King, who was unrecognizable at Billie Jean played like a Deuce was called three times in playing final place times Wednesday as the v football in this heat! hesitant beginner, however, the ninth game before Billie Jean I was reminded that fall practice is just around the corner against a girl who toured with wrapped it up with a winning when Mrs. Court, the top seed, I received a copy of the 1970 Big Ten Football Prospects her on the pro circuit for two volley. from cruised by Miss Casals 6-4, 6-1 in 1 the conference office Wednesday. The 15-page booklet contains years. Although Miss Durr only Mrs. King, who rarely ventured a 50 minutes, while Mrs. King short resume on each team — their spring accomplishments once got the better of Mrs. King to the net, explained why later, took 70 minutes to dump strengths, problems yet to be solved, alignment changes, a couple on the circuit during that time, "My first service was not going unseeded Francoise Durr of she would have made it easily in and when that happens you of quotes from the coaches and a list of who the Big Ten's France, 6-3, 7-5. Wednesday if she had anything keep away from the net," she outstanding players are likely to be next year along with a " approaching a normal first said. "I guess I did not play separate section for promising sophomore candidates. You've got to be wary of publications like this as they particularly well." can IM Schedule sometimes be quite misleading. On paper last year, the Spartans looked like sure title contenders. But on the field they looked THURSDAY - JULY 2 like sure pretenders. Field 5:30 5 Runner's Up - Schticks 6 Bad Grads - Loads 7 Graffiti Potters Putouts - MIS trial According to the 1970 brochure, the Spartans do lead all other teams in one category - most seniors on the team with also rank second in the conference with most sophomores with 31, but 8 Water's Edge - Aktion Jox 39. In between are 26 juniors. 9 Geo's Gems - Potency Two categories which MSU ranked rather low in are 10 Poncho's Villa - Typhoon Old College 1 Impressiops - Syndicate (Fast) ( 2 Soilers - Nothing Sacred on W MSB starters and starters lost. The Spartans have only 10 first team players to Purdue's nine — and MSU lost 12 starters- • returning returning Mid again second to Purdue's conference high of 13. So if we're to go Michigan racing enthusiasts will have a chance tonight to television by what appears on paper, the picture appears anything but 6:30 see highlights of qualification runs held earlier in the "rosy" for the Spartans next fall. Perennials UFOs - day for the Michigan International Speedway 200 - mile All of the comments from the conference coaches seemed to Major Doods - Wilson Staff Potlickers - Polish Peasants championships to be held July 4. follow a general pattern, i.e. "We need work here and work Oakhill Mets - Kit's Korp MSU television station WMSB (Channel 10) will cover today's there, we're weak here, we switched this player to this position, our NSF Biol. Pig Pen Ten - time trials and present a summary of the afternoon activity on Make It Dirty - Cumquats spirit is good, but we do have a tough schedule though etc," "Here, There and Everywhere" at 7 p.m. Hosts for the half - hour All of the teams except one — Ohio State. ... Soilers - Nothing Sacred program will be Terry Braverman, WMSB associate sports editor, Here's the general run down on OSU and you can draw your and Karen Carr. own conclusions: 7:30 The WMSB mobile unit will be in the pit area of the two-mile MIS 5 Snakes - Hot Dogs ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF SPRING - Had only two positions 6 Unorthodox Greeks • Chem. Grads. Billie Jean Reaching f oval to catch the qualification action, scheduled to take place between 2 and 6 p.m. The course itself is located at Cambridge Junction southeast of Jackson in the Irish Hills. without returning lettermen . .. and found replacements.. TEAM STRENGTHS — Experience . . . speed . . . . depth. 28 that Friday King of Long Beach, Calif., gives it the ole college try as she reaches for this shot lie for signing up for the The July 4 MIS attraction features a pair of 200-mile races players remain from Rose Bowl team of two seasons ago. Three faculty tennis singles during her semifinals match Wednesday with Francoise Durr of France. Mrs. King went on to All • Americans back — quarterback Rex Kern, middle guard Jim beat her opponent to move into sanctioned by the United States Auto Club. One is a Play will begin Tuesday. Friday's finals against Margaret Court of Australia. Stillwagon and defensive back Jack Tatum. Four other All Big ■ AP Wirephoto championship sprint with Indianapolis cars and the other is a Ten selections also return. 100-lap dash with USAC late model stock cars. Officials at MIS PROBLEMS YET TO BE SOLVED - Need to develop depth in Introducing say this marks the first time two different major races will be held middle of line, offensively and defensively. Writers earn on the same day at one track. A1 Unser, winner of this year's Indianapolis 500-mile classic, and ALIGNMENT CHANGES - None planned. Same offense. the good old car. such other top drivers as Mario Andretti, A.J. Foyt, Lloyd Ruby, and Joe Leonard are expected to drive in the big-car event. COACH'S QUOTE — "We expect to have a first • rate team. We lost some seniors who are going to be hard to replace but our sophomores - to - be show promise in certain areas. Some of the ride to HOUSTON (UPI) - Joe Pepitone switched his vote to break a 12-12 tie and give the Houston The vote was 12 -12 with one player abstaining. Then Pepitone, who was absent during 13-11 BASEBALL STANDINGS other teams in the conference look stronger than a year ago." If It sounds impressive, it is. I love the part where it says the Buckeyes need strength in the middle of the line, offensively and defensively. After all, just because their middle guard Stillwagon was an All - Big Ten and All - America choice, and their offensive Houston baseball writers a 13-11 the original vote last week, center Brian Donovan was All - Big Ten last year, that doesn't victory as the Houston Astros voted to let the writers ride the switched his vote to the writers. AmPr/CCUl National mean they're strong in the middle does it? Come on Woody, quit The one that passed the VW that we'll repair or replace all would phi, Um trying to make up weak spots. team bus again, The Houston The Buckeyes are, in fact, so weak that they're m 16-point safety and perform- major mechanical parts* for except for wrjters bejng Qn the east w l pct gb EAST w l pct. gb Donovan to guard so that Tom DeLeone, an All - Big Ten once test. Any car that's enough like new ever comes first, 30 days or 1000 miles, which- The6 palayers"voted 24-0 last Yankee firet ^iSnSd^^ ^ I New York Pittsburgh 40 41 34 37 .541 -526 - J honorable mention last year, can take over at center. Now that' week to prohibit the writers to pass our test is a good old- That shows you what we think from riding the bus to and from ' ^n°,T 34 36 '.486 10% St. Louis Chicago 37 35 37 -500 3 really weak. I'll bet Duffy would like that kind of weakness. car. of a car that doesn't act its "They wrote about Phil Washington 34 40 .459 12v4 Among the Spartan lettermen who were listed as outstanding the ball park. Some of them Philadelphia 32 If gets our 100% guarantee age. playing his harmonica and Yogi Cleveland 32 39 .451 13 Montreal 29 .397 10V4 players are: Gordie Bowdell at end, Tom Beard at center, • tranimlwlon • r«or aula • front oxl* m>«mbli«i • brat* • •toctricol iy»l< changed their mind and asked (Berra, then the Yankee WEST halfback Bill Trlplett and flanker Eric Allen. On defense the w pr_ Gb for another vote at a pregame manager) getting upset. He got a WEST w l PCT. GB '69 VW Minnesota 45 2s 643 - Cincinnati st n .703 Spartans had their three tough defensive linemen all mentioned - '68 VALIANT meeting in Los Angeles Monday lot of publicity and it made Phil California 43 31 !ssi 4 Los Angeles 43 - Wilt Martin at end and tackles Bill Dawson and Ron Curl. Ghia convertible 32 .573 9tt night. a wealthy man." Oakland 42 33 .560 5W /Miania 37 35 .514 Six MSU sophomores - to-be were named, however, second Kansas 14 City 26 46 .361 20 San Francisco $2495 27 48 .360 20V4 37 38 .493 15V4 high to Purdue's seven. On offense were end Brian McConnell, Houston 33 43 .434 20 21 guard Joe DeLamielleure, quarterback George Mihaiu and LIQUOR BEER WINE San Diego 31 48 .392 23ft '64 VW '66 VW fullback Mark Charette, and on the defensive listings, end John TODAY'S GAMES Nine passenger wagon Squareback, heater, AM/FM WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS Shinsky and safety Brad Van Pelt. gas r; California at Milwaukee $1395 $1195 = TO TAKE OUT= Kansas City at Minnesota Oakland at Chicago Pittsburgh 4, New York 3 San Francisco 12, San Diego 7 New York at DETROIT, night Philadelphia at Montreal 2 (twi-night) GLENN HERRIMAN 6135 W. SAGINAW ST VOLKSWAGEN, INC. LANSING, MICHIGAN 48917 PIPES - TOBACCO Cleveland at Baltimore, night Washington at Boston Chicago at St. Louis, night Atlanta at Cincinnati, night Texas Southern fires PHONE 482-6226 Houston at Los Angeles, night FRIDAY'S GAMES Lansing's Smallest Volkswagen Dealer 203 203 Oakland at California, night MAC'S TODAY'S GAMES Kansas City at Milwaukee, 2, ti ni«ht North North St. Louis at Montreal, night Wash. Wash. Chicago at Minnesota, night DETROIT at Baltimore, Night (TV) Washington at New York, night New York at PhUadelphia 2 Atlanta at Cincinnati, night (only (twi-night) head football coach Cleveland at Boston, 2, games scheduled) Every Evening twi-night HOUSTON (UPI) — Texas Conference Championships, tied Closed Sunday and Holidays Southern University Football for runnerup twice and finished (487-0670) Van Dyke Photo Studio Coach Clifford Paul says he put his fourth last year, job "on the line" to stand behind a "kid from the ghetto." But although the team finished CLOSED FOR position. the outlook brighter for — "It was has to be a personality type ^a"' The four victories came July and August: will situation, Tuesday when he learned he had just been fired. "It was a real Paul said . in their last five games and 16 of . , __ - last year s 22 startere were 10 . „ (n difficult thing, a real cloak and rePort for fa" Practice- Where REOPEN Sept. 15th dagger situation. A lot went on But because ol can you get the behind the scenes " Paul was TSU's head football dismissal, not that show UP when dri,ls re,sume; n Van Dyke Studio of Grand Rapids coach for five years. During that LarrV Foster>one of Texas ™°" HIGHEST RATE 209 Abbott Rd. East Lansing Phone ED 2-8889 span record, he compiled tied a 27-16-4 two ""tf* after ..... " " u'"u high Quarterbacks two years ago, and school Southwestern Athletic quarterback David Mays, holds all the. school'! of return on any type who passing records, met with other members of the team because Free they and upset \jffleCaasa«&j were "unhappy of bank savings? over the firing. "If I had anything to do with Delivery it, I would terminate football this year," Mays said. ON CAMPUS CALL Pizza Treat • 337-1681 OFF CAMPUS CALL 337-1631 AT AB & T OF COURSE! No other bank offers higher rates of interest on any type of savings account or certificate of deposit. July 4 Camp Out - Race In A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no Spend Friday night July J question about it! under the stars in the seen Irish Hills and wake up Saturday to the biggest names in auto racing. Andretti, Foyt, and Unser lead the pack at the "Michigan Twin 200's". Special student rate $4.50, available at the trac* or call 355-0778 for further information Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2. 1970 ^ IN WHITE SUBURB "onsumer , ided Black nationalist lord bi tggsSSS buys posh home ^happens to the cards after B.J1 Se them if a bill BLOOMFIELD HILLS (UPI) "I believe we will move toward If Milton Henry, president of the — roved Tuesday by the black nationalist Republic of separatism because that's the way becomes law. the nation is moving," he said. fch'gan-House Housea^87 0 ^ ^ New Africa, has moved into a "But it has nothing to do tmed to the Senate was a bill $58,000 home in this wealthy, neariy all - white suburb of whether I talk with white people IS exempts holers of Detroit. or live with them." solicited credit cards from Henry, Henry said he could not get a an attorney, said ancial liabfit^y if they lose the Wednesday that "people have mortgage from a white and someone else runs up a been company, "because they think very nice" since he moved I'm a batf risk," and «HtUn in th. into his newly purchased ranch finally house on a two arranged a mortgage through a acred wooded Kate by Sen. Harry De Maw, - black firm. site last week. "I don't see ■Battle Creek, would also make anybody ready to burn "I'm a special nigger," Henry 1;I misdemeanor for companies our front lawn. a cross on Everybody said. "I had the $58,000 to buy send unsolicited credit cards seems to be very civilized." the home." III they make it clear in Cool s He moved into the A black leader should live with AIR MATTRESS Etjn2 that the consumer is not inhabited mostly by white area, his people if he can, Henry said. Csible for what happens to Curling up under a tree near the Horticulture Bldg. makes studying less of a chore and more a businessmen, from Pontiac's "But you have a hard time part of summer activities for this coed. mostly black South Side. finding a nice home in a black Pull »l* fo«t Two air state News photo by John Harrington area." velvet, oft* for pillow, ant for 88 "If a black leader chooses to mot. Strong, hoovy gougo vinyl. buy a house, he should be able Bright, non-foxing tolof. lullt iPro/ecf to buy one without black people In pillow. 72"*27". » homely baby mink, Its Artificial Insemination to sperm. A few hundred thousand improve dictating where he has to live," Henry said. "I want to have a little peace In life before I die." BEACH TOWELS The next step will be to freeze s vous. barely open, was a little The scientist holding (breeding) of large animals, like cows, has been going on for are enough to breed the female. Diluting the semen sample with bull mink semen (this Is already done and, to some extent, economy. "Half the cost of a mink coat Governor L little rascal was delighted. L tiny "kit," one of a litter ■ four, was the first ever born 1 an artifically bred female years. But with cattle, farmer can see when a cow is "in heat" — ready to be bred. The mink gives no visible clues. the makes It possible to breed six or more females instead of one. The next problem was to semen) so it can be packaged and shipped around the country. This way, mink get ranchers could have their pick of Is In Aulerich. "It pelts to make the fur," a takes explained about coat, and all of these have to be 'let out' (cut in 75 may $139 the semen into the female's the best males to use on their Ink. To work out the artificial reproductive system when she best strips and sewed together). breeding technique, Aulerich females. Artificial Mow, with artificial breeding, male can breed 100 a and Ringer first developed a was ready to ovulate. To MSU scientists "mated" the do this, "services" would cost far less than purchases of live, high "Furthermore, mink difficult to handle and expensive are House Jnaies - six times ■ as many as technique for electro - female with a sterile male to quality males. to raise. They're nervous and could naturally. By selecting vicious. Gov. William G. Milliken lies with the best fur quality Aulerich and Ringer admitted indicated Wednesday he might With artificial 1 breeding purposes, the odds they have a long way to go breeding veto a bill passed by the House I high quality mink coats are MSU scientists expect their research will before techniques now developed, the perfecting artificial MSU scientists hope they can Tuesday to give cities the Katly Improved. improve fur quality and make mink more breeding of mink to the point breed more calmness Into mink authority to declare states of fhe scientist holding the tiny |nk wai Richard Aulerlch, J mink researcher. He and economical. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii where It can be commonly used across the country. For they're now example, trying to artificially either or by selecting for this trait by cross • breeding with closely related, but calmer, emergencys and Impose curfews. The bill, which still must clear the Senate, gives the cities of AYDS jert K. Ringer, MSU poultry ejaculating intlst, had spent nearly two Collected the semen male was mink, put stimulate Immediately ovulation. stimulate ovulation afterward, the hormones, Instead of using the with animals. Michigan powers exclusively by the governor. now held Reduolng Candy developing a way to Immediately Into a vial, female was artificially Impractical sterile male But the mink's relatives aren't "My position in the past has ■tlflclally mate the Solutions were added to dilute inseminated, technique they used In this too desirable. The mink Is a been generally unfavorable to hperamental, lout mink. nervous, f hadn't been easy. Male mink sperm only often during and "extend" the semen, since than half a drop. The equipment used to breed study. Female mink naturally the average ejaculation was less the female mink was the same ovulate only three times, about type of pipette used for eight days apart, and only during carnivore. Its shlrttall relatives include martens, weasels and ferrets. that Milliken type of legislation," said. "The responsibility should reside with the governor. I know of no basic Ijm v«|M vltkaat dialing. Taka aft fit vltkaat Biting a*ary naal an ag- $029 artifically breeding - a March. tailing lattla. Laaa walffct with However, the minute amount cutdown versionturkeys The ferret yaar Irch. Females ovulate only might be a situation in the past where the ttrtt lax of the ar aaaey rafindad. i male has mated with of semen collected from the instrument used possibility. Aulerich and Ringer governor has not carried out his to artificially The MSU research effort is male contained 3.75 million breed are seriously thinking about responsibilities. cows. aimed at improving fur quality trying to cross one of these with "The governor has a much the mink to see if they can get better perspective on offspring that have the ferret's disturbances," he said, "and I calm disposition and the mink's situations where this still Swedish Tanning iody metabolism may drive can see high fur quality. could create problems." Secret 85c P/2 Ox. Butter 57c pmpletely artificial heart YORK (AP) - New was produced in experiments for the first time about a year Normal human power Doubling this would yield Joratory experiments have ago. requirements of the heart vary enough power to build a Rfirmed Tested that the body's own food and inhaled In the least few months, two companies working with the from one to five Harmison watts, Dr. prototype for testing. said, depending on The Leesona device, TANYA fgen can be used to produce government's program have the level of activity. announced Wednesday, employs Jricity to drive a totally generated significant amounts of Both the Monsanto Research two sets of electrodes in the fuel Rlanted artificial heart, electricity. Crop, laboratories in Boston and cell, one to react with organic $1.75 Value ■he research described Dr. Lowell Harmison, assistant the Leesona by the Corporation's material such as gulcose and the ■ficial heart program of the head of the artificial heart Leesona Moos Laboratories other with oxygen. Ponal Heart and Lung program, said it might take "a Division in Great Neck, N.Y., ' as a significant step couple of years" before fuel cells have recently generated five , the hoped • for are developed that produce a milleamps of electricity per Free plopment of an artificial watt of power. square centimeter of electrode. ft, perhaps ne of the most as soon for an artificial as 1973. promising Storage, TAN1ASTIC heart that wd need no links to an Hair Pick-Up, OIL, LOTION OR PUTTER Sty ■side power source is a fuel 1 that would burn oxygen the blood stream and Delivery $1.00 2 oz. Size 59' a sugar from produced | he fuel cell "e aorta, the Jfy, at the location would be grafted body's major of the by P LOUIS £0'www flow to heart. The electrical the , 501'A E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing SUNBURN COOLER Michigan ■, ted heart, giving It the by tyEDIQUICK. Regular $1.50 valua. Vgy to pump blood. Instant spray. Stops sunburn pain for I tiny 89' amount of hours. 3-oz. can. Don't go to tha oot> electricity GET IT NOW! taga, beach, your vaoation without a oan of SUNBURN COOLER. GERRY CWD Backpacking DAILY N.Y. Times Miami Herald MUln'S COUPON Chicago Tribune Backpacking, travel on your own two feet, is by far the least expensive, most independent and enjoyable way to see the country. Backpacking THIS COUPON IS WORTH no longer means "back breaking." Gerry lightweight equipment means a comfortable light pack that makes your hours on the trail enjoyable sightseeing. Gerry CWD TRAVELER SACK Fits Gerry K Frame or similar frames. All-nylon materials for durability. Crown "wing sweep" zipper to prevent Hundreds Mor 50( OFF tape wear. A most comfortable rig for The Regular Price of long trips or for those who must carry considerable gear. $22.00 $3.62 and $4.62 Value iong play All books in alphabetical t author Gerry K-frame A rigid aluminum STEREO ALBUMS frame that's stronger than welded frames. Completely repairable. Lightweight. Permanent sack studs can't get lost. $22.00 COMMUNITY We carry Just a RCA, Columbia, Dot and many others. few of the name brand records we carry. Weathervane NEWSCENTER LOCATION AT FRANDOR CENTER & MERIDIAN MALL Don't miss this bargain. 2283 E. Grand River Phone 351-5445 OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Phone 351-7562 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2< |97q STATE NEWS state news When you low cost Want Ad. ] classified CLASSIFIED have two of something .... Sell the extra one with a 355-8255 355-8255 Scooters & For Rent For Rent For Rent The State News does not Cycles Employment For Rent permit racial or religious discrimination in its SALES PEOPLE needed. All leads VILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near YOUNG MAN wanted to share large MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Q,~ advertising columns. The furnished. Car desirable. Also Apartments MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, 4 bodroom house, with swimming Marigold across from camn 361-2468. 3-7-3 some people needed for travel. carpeted, air conditioned. No lease pool, with 2 other professional »■» 2 State News will not required, $165 per month. Phone Call 351-3700 for appointment. 0 GIRL OVER 22 share large house. type men. Phone 482-2911. C-7-2 apartments. Now leasing for accept advertising which KAWASAKI 500cc. Excellent 489-1719. TF IV 9-9651 or 351-1890.0 ' » automotive discriminates against condition, $800 or best. Drafted, FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER. $30 per conveniences, 882-4691. 2-7-3 WANTED VETERAN or gred BEECHWOOD. 2 bedrooms shere 4 man, 2 bath Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or must sail. 351-8165. 5-7-7 week plus room and board. Live-in furnished. Close student, 11 BURCHAM. Deluxe" Vm" Auto Parts & Service national origin. required. $70 per week extra If CEDAR VILLAGE, second 5 weeks, to campus, apartment. Meadowbrook Trace. furnished apartments. Now i-«.!" summer and fall leases. 332-0966. Call 882-3250. 5-7-3 for fall. Phone IV Aviation TRIUMPH 1967 Bonneville 650. you can type. 361 -6729. 2-7-2 2 men, $50 each. 351-3548. 1-7-2 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 9965, '? • employment Excellent condition, except needs COMPANY, 351-7910. 0 GET NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell J337-0780. 0 0r rear brake. $750. Call Terry, NEED HELP in my stereo 1 MAN, summer. Share 3 bedroom musical Instruments to eager band * FOR RENT 351-2910. 1-7-2 department. $4.75 per hour. Call luxury apartment. Meadowbrook ONE MAN needed for 3-man. Pool. GIRL needed, fell term ~7~ Automotive students with a Classified Ad. Dial 371-1913 between 9:30- 12:00. C Trace, $75 month. 393-0487. Lake. Air conditioned. Near Cedarbrooke Arms r\ Apartments 3-7-3 355-82551 351-0982. 6-7-2 Haslett, $68.33. Call after 6 p.m. Houses CHEVROLET 1965 2 door Biscayne. FEMALE PART • time phone room 339-9360. 2-7-2 Rooms Very good rubber, good running, ONE MAN needed to share 4 man work. Excellent working dependable car. $300. Can be apartment, $41.50 month. BICYCLE per # FOR SALE shown on campus any day or early conditions and pay. Call 694-2148 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA area, HONDA 305 1967. Most versatile between 12-4. 3-7-3 302 MAC, 332-6916. 3-7-3 deluxe 2 bedroom Animals evening this week. For further bike around, $350 or best offer. apartment, call 353-9689. XS-7-3 furnished or unfurnished. Mobile Homes Call 351-1476. 3-7-2 SALESMEN WANTED part time or CLOSE, FURNISHED, air Carpeting throughout, draperies, ♦ PERSONAL full time to sell unique backyard conditioned, pool. Own bedroom. air - conditioning. Clean,' quiet COMET, 1961. 6 cylinder stick, $80. 361-8972, call 6 7 p.m. • PEANUTS PERSONAL sports equipment. Excellent • building. Call 882-9117. 0-7-31 $175. Dependable. See 340 Aviation 6-7-2 SALE commission plen. Pick your own * REAL ESTATE Evergreen. 3-7-3 hours. Call IV 7-5055. 5-7-2 EAST LANSING near campus. One # RECREATION FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony bedroom, furnished. Large airy CORVAIR 1964 convertible. Nice learn In the PIPER CHEROKEE. and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 Air SUMMER AND time rooms. conditioned. ♦ SERVICE shape, rebuilt engine. Call Charlie Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C part bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD employment with full - line Beautifully maintained. Select Typing Service 482-2395 after 6 p.m. 6-7-3 merchant wholesaler. Automobile MANAGEMENT COMPANY, clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or * transportation CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1964 Auto Service & Parts required. 351-5800 for 351-7910.0 882-6549. 0 ♦ wanted information. O Hurst 4 speed. Excellent condition UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to SWELTERING? COOL OFF $1600. 351-8526. 3-7-6 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS: Student Union, Fall leases at PARK TRACE. deadline Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. fall openings many stetes. Cllne available. 3 and 4 man furnished. 1 P.M.' one claii day DODGE 1968 Polara 500 Complete auto painting and Offering 1, 2, 3 extra large Teachers Agency, 129 Grand 3 5 1-3729. HALSTEAD collision service. IV 5-0256. C before publication. convertible, white 44 magnum, River. 3-7-2 MANAGEMENT COMPANY, bedroom apartments. Air ■ power, air, $1600. Roger Lane, Cancellations - 12 noon ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 351-7910. 0 conditioned, pool, club house 353-4377, 353-6865. 5-7-8 and all the extras. Located one class day before KALAMAZOO STREET BODY FRANDOR NEAR. 1 bedroom, publication. DODGE 1966 4-door, V-8, SHOP. Small dents to large For Rent djacent to Okemos wrecks. American and foreign furnished, $150. Immediate Elementary School. automatic, power steering. $695. PHONE 651-5115. 3-7-6 cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low occupancy. Phone 351-9083. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 13-7-10 Call 332-5094 355-8255 monthly and term rates. Call DODGE DART 1966, GT, yellow, 351-7900 to reserve yours. RATES UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C 6 cylinder, stick, NEED GOOD WORKERS? Help 1 day $1.50 i after 6 p.m. 3-7-3 Wanted Ads in Classified get'em 15c per word per day fast. Dial 355-8255 nowl RENT A TV from a TV company. 3 days $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. $4.00 a Prescriptions NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 13V&C per word per day 5 days $6.50 FIAT 1964. Excellent condition, Employment TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, 13c per word per day $200. 600-D. 351-8796 ask for EARN UP to $3000 this summer, $8.50 per month including stand. (based on 10 words per ad) Bill. 4-7-3 necessary. Earn and learn in y Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, filled promptly and Bicycle Sale: Monday, July 6, 1970, 1:30 PM at Salvage spare time. Call 351-7319 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East Yard, 1330 S. Harrison Road, Michigan State University Peanuts Personals FIAT 1969 850 Spider convertible. interview. C dependably at must be Lansing. C Campus. Various makes and conditions. All items may be White with black top. 351-0906. pre-paid. seen July 2, from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., July 3, from 3-7-2 There will be a 50c service State 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., and July 6, from 8:30 A.M. to and bookkeeping charge if this ad is not paid within one week. FIAT 1969 convertible. 6500 miles. Snowtires. 351-6653 after 5 p.m. 6-7-3 Toyota Corolla (jldSixttilA 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunton Drug WALGREEN 1:00 P.M. Terms: Cash The State News will be ED 2-2011 AGENCY responsible only for the first day's incorrect MG SEDAN 1987, liquid suspension. insertion. Pirelli clnturatos FWD. 361-3329. OPEL 2-7-2 CAOET 1965. Good shspe, Your blueprint for Luxury... must sell, S275. 146 Haslett, Jim. 3-7-3 Automotive PORSCHE 1959. Excellent ALFA ROMEA 1969 Spider Veloce. mechanical condition, Best offer Fuel Injected, white convertible. over $450. 361-6213 after 6 Call 337-2081 after 4:30 p.m. p.m. 2-7-2 __4-7J__ BUICK - 4-door sedan, aqua. RAMBLER CLASSIC 1964, 2 door Crosby's Pontlac and Bulck, 828 hardtop. Must sell, best offer. East Grand River, Phone IV 361-4202. 6-7-3 2-6776. 6-7-6 TR-4 1966. Excellent condition. Will BUICK SKYLARK, 2-door, green trede or sell for $1200. Call and white. Crosby's Pontlac and 361-0966.3-7-3 Bulck, 828 East Grand River. Phone IV 2-6776. 6-7-6 TRIUMPH TR3B 1963. 36,000 Wd^on miles. Excellent condition, CAMARO 1968 Z-28. Excellent 361-3269. 3-7-2 condition. $2000 or best offer. 361-S036, or 486-6768 before 6 p.m. 6-7-7 Scooters & Cycles See what 73 hp CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national CHEVY VAN 1964. In good companies. Compare our rates. condition, $600. Call 361-6070. 2206 East Michigan, Lansing or van do jar a small economy car 6-7-8 506 Albert, Eest Lansing, 484-8173.0 CHEVELLE 1964 convertible, blue, excellent running condition, n BSA 1965 - 250cc Scrambler. Needs trensmlssion. 351-4914. 5-7-6 some work. $225. Cell 361-8108 (iome in and CHEVELLE 1965 Mall ask for Rendy 3-7-6 chock the shape... convertible. 6 cylinder, automul red $600. 353-0938. 3-7-2 HARLEY excellent SPORTSER condition. XLCH, Call (he statistics... 372-4016. 3-7-3 CHEVROLET 1961 2 door hardtop. Dependable, $126. Steve Brecht, nine and twelve month leases available HONDA 460cc, custom, black, 361-0241.2-7-2 chrome. $650. See et 340 LIMITED SUMMER LEASES NOW ACCEPTED CHEVROLET 1961 Impale, 2 door, automatic, $126, 363-0947 after 1 Evergreen, 3-7-3 4 WHEELS of Lansing Inc. P.m. 2-7-2 2200 S.Cedar TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing !tudent units. These spacious luxury apartments are CHEVROLET 1963, 4 door, $100 Onl> minuti's from the rumpus YAMAHA 1968, 180cc. Needs minor cash, George Warren, 361-6367 i Wcsi on Ml. completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive after 7 p.m. 6-7-6 repairs, $200. Call 361-7603. (i Hope, thon 2 hlockN South on Cedar 1-7-2 Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control ■ central air conditioning. These four man units have up 4th of JULY SPECIAL to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at S $70/month per man. MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN EVERYDAY 1-6 CLOSED SUNDAY A Phone 332-6441 V E $15 ®Uj|>cfemg j)am 4620 S. hagadorn § wycKweMM PORTABLE AC/DC 8-TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER operates on 117 volt, 50-60 Hz home current or 8 self - list price contained "D" batteries. A cigarette Kamins management exclusively lighter adapter cord permits this unique tape player to be used in cars and boats sale price with a 12 volt positive or negative ground electrical source. $74.95 Stereo Shop ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 2, 1970 ^ Student For Rent For Sale FMNKLY SPEAKING byPhilFronk [ Service EAST LANSING. Near MSU. DIRECTORY MARTIN TENOR Saxaphone. 6 Furnished, for lease until months old. Excellent condition. TUTORING: JUNIOR Senior High t September 20th. Married couple / College students. Experienced"* $250. Call 355-0090, extension or 4 or 5 students. No children. 41, between 8 5 p.m. 5-7-4 English teacher, recent Master s ' No pets. Dial 332-4076. 5-7-2 MSU. 355-621 I after 5 p.m. S 7 6 STEREO; GARRARD table, 2 years or drawer space? COLLEGE TRAVEL GOLF DRIVING RANGE Rooms old, excellent condition, $70, CHILD CARE in my licensed home Infants and pre ■ schoolers. Near 351 1879 after 6 p.m. 2-7-2 BOB JONES PAINTS OFFICE MINIATURE GOLF campus. ED 2-4307. 3-7 2 MARLETT MANOR. 3519 South has a full line of 130 West Grand River Blvd. Cedar. Rooms for gentleman. unfinished furniture. Fairway Golf Range, Grand 351-6010 River Avenue A few minutes - Private bath, with maid service. $21 per week. Phone 882-0261, Typing Service (,71-1)141 east of MSU. 332-8745 BRONICA S2 2 V x 2VSl;' SLR, $300 no answer 351-8451. 5-7-7 COMPLETE THESIS service. or best. Never used. 351-8165. Discount ^TERRAUt GOLF BROOKS Imported Cai 5-7-7 printing. IBM typing and CONTACT LENS SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and binding of theses, resumes, women. 5:30 7:00, 351-9286. Sales and SERVICES Any time - 372-1031. O STANLEY CAMPER 8' cab over corner MAC and Grand River] D. M. DEAN, O.D. with gas refrigerator, range, below Style Shop. Call 482-1473 210 Abbott Rd. YMCA ROOMS for young men or furnace, porta - potty $900 COPYGRAPH 351-2572. 3-7-3 SERVICES, Suite #16 women. Membership privileges. 337-1666 C 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 332-6563 Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 FOUR YEAR old set of gym. McGregor PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation ' Learn to fly? Sure you I ™" golf clubs. Light The style you want use. Complete IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, LOUIS BEAUTY SALON Use our Air Taxl-Servlct YOUNG LADIES 5 minutes from set. Cart, bag balls. Excellent & Hardbinding Complete Thesis for that special date' condition, $110. On Campus Buy a new Piper campus. Completely furnished 355-3100 Service for the most Discerning All at: Elda - Diane utilities paid. 372-8077 before 4 evenings. 3-7-3 Master's & Doctoral Candidates. 226 Abbott Road Beauty Salon Free Brochure and Consultation. 332-2369 Francis Aviation Complete hair care — STOVES, REFRIGERATORS. Call Cliff and Paula Haughey PLEASANT ROOM in East Lansing Capitol City Airport 484-1324 337-1527. C Synthetic and Human Hair Wif for lady. No smoking, $10. 332-1279. 3-7-3 BUD'S Buying Golf Clubs? BRANSON BAY MEN SINGLE with cooking and one AUTO PARTS Why not check at without. 1 block from Berkey. GOLF COURSE and Late Model Motors and Indian Hills Golf Shop 351-9504. 4-7-3 DRIVING RANGE parts a speciality Okemos audio accessories. Complete stock - 332-6925 SINGLE ROOM male. 6*2 miles W. of Mason o Clean, quiet, at MARSHALL MUSIC BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Halfway between Holt and Indian Hills Golf Course, cheap. Close to campus. No Ifolumbus Rd. phone 663-4144 Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 Okemos cooking, 351-0631. 3-7-2 COMPANY, East Lansing. C-2-7-3 'LtXKC Lite 3 of No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C NORTON'S Frandor Shell Station 50c SPECIAL 50c SINGLE, FURNISHED, private BEAUTIFUL WEDDING gown and veil. Size 8. Worn once. Good mum> 4U&C& &OP kitchen, near campus, $54/month. Major repairs including Wash up to a 9X12 rug 351-1294. Summer. 3-7-2 price, 371-1199, 3-7-6 ■JO4 AiMfy 'criMi Ma, 1u02 Wanted in our 25 lb. Texas washer. tune-up and brake work I Wide World of mechanic WENDROW'S ECONOWASH SINGLE, DOUBLE, clean, quiet, Sports on duty All State Road Service 3006 Vine St. 7 a.m. -11 parking. Rob, 372-4828! I 351-8811 3024 E. 1 block west of p.m 351-9584, 237 Kedzie. 5-7-6 393-4841. 4-7-7 Saginaw 489-8010 Sears. For Sale Personal CAMPUS NEAR, single room with This Space BEAD CRAFTS, cooking. Phone 351-9237 or SCUBA 484-8173. 5-7-6 EQUIPMENT, complete FOR RENT DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, very little Call 351-9122. 5-7-2 iHendrickson Insurance ART REPRODUCTIONS SINGLE OR DOUBLE for women. FREE . . A thrilling hour of beauty. I Agency. 505 Albert, East Joyce Near Union. Cooking, parking PENTAX SPOTMATIC fl.4 SONY MODEL 530 For appointment call 484-4519. 50mm, 6 stereo ■ Lansing and 2205 E. Building Specialties 332-1895. 3-7-2 tape MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS FEMALE SEEKS ■ Michigan, Lansing. For 355-8255 months old and 450mm 'T' mount recorder, Slightly used, $169. STUDIO, 1600 East 693 M-43, Okemos, 337-7505 soligon, 351-8526. 3-7-6 Used, Westinghouse color TV, Michigan "information. 484-8173. MEN AND women's rooms. Summer C-7-2 9 $195. Big screen, plays real good. ROLL-AWAY BED. sofa - bed, desk, Used AKAI Sony. Panasonic 337-1408 after 3 p.m. 5-7-2 BOARDING HORSES: Clean and chest, dishes - 52 stereo tape recorders, players, pieces, surroundings, plenty of pastures utensils. 372-6992. 1-7-2 Koss Pro-4-A For Rent For Rent For Rent MEN 21 and over. Clean, quiet cassettes. stereo and good housing. $25 a month, headphones. Used twice, perfect rooms. Cooking and year around. 641-6353. 5-7-6 parking. OLDSMOBILE RADIO, pushbutton condition. Garrard turntables, r Sparrow Hospital. GIRL. OWN bedroom, Eas CARPETED 3 BEDROOM $50 pi Close, reasonable. 487-5753, $25, up. Used V-M. 120 watt duplex. Laundry facili person plus deposit. Room for ■ FOUR BARBERS on stereo receiver. Sharp 30 watt duty to serve BLOOD DONORS needed. S7.50 for 351-5894 after 5 p.m. X you, 8-5:30 p.m. stereo receiver with speakers. Coral Monday all positive. A negative, B negative 487 3055. 3-7-6 Friday. 30 watt speaker set. 100 used and UNION BUILDING and AB negative, S10.00. O BEDROOM duplex SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. BARBER SHOP. C-1-7-2 guaranteed 8 track stereo tape negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN WINGING LANDLORD n immediately. Very Brand new portables - $49.95, cartridges $2.50 each. 300 stereo COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, bedrooms 332-4589. 1-7-2 $5.00 per month. Large selection albums, 75c, up. 25 used portable Real Estate 507'/i East Grand of reconditioned used machines. For Sale Singers, typewriters, latest models, $24.50, •sing. v Cami Whites, Necchis, New up. Used golf sets, $14.95, up. EAST Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 EAST Home & "Many Others." $19.95 LANSING, Pinecrest area. LANSING 595 Spartan, New and used fans. Used TV sets, p.m., Monday, Wednesday and to Spacious 3 bedroom brick and duplex for 4 furnished, SUNGLASSES, SAFETY $39.95, Terms. EDWARDS for or $39.50, up. Used Realistic 55 aluminum ranch. Paneled family Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Houses summer. 485-6222. 5-7-2 tempered lens or any Optical DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, watt stereo 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C amp. Polaroid p.m. to needs. OPTICAL 1115 North DISCOUNT, Washington, cameras, $9.95, up. Used 35mm tifully furnished. Upper class BACHELOR PAD, big home, in WEST END. Groovy old large house. 2615 East 489-6448. C-7-2 Michigan Avenue. C-7-3 SLR cameras by Canon, Minalta, SENSIBLE SHOPPERS check rgrad, grad student, or town, remodeled with orange shag Topcon and others. Used Classified for an. Call 351-5494 after 3 100 big values in late carpet, dimmer light control, uum cleaners. Tanks, POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and up. completely furnished. Set-up for 4 study desks, and chairs. New and EAST LANSING, house, five acres, to 6 students. $230 / month. Call special sale $29.95 up plus 1 year guarantee. DENNIS used beds, spring and mattress. three bedrooms, S19.000. i6600 | YOU don't NEED MONEY sell things need Gail Clusky, 372-4138 or Simon ONE MAN needed for 4 man he crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 WILCOX SECONDHAND Abbott, 355-1883 or 332-6425. now. Dial $45/monthly. Own 5558 South North Real Estate, Okemos Branch, bedrc Pennsylvania Avenue, Cedar, opposite I 355-8255 for fast action I 351-2260. 5-7-8 332-6871. 3-7-2 Lansing. C Market. C-7-2 City STORE, 509 East Michigan. 485-4391, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. C the FAMILY A^MS EAST LANSING, 4-5 bedrt I'M TRYING TO FOR SALE: One arm chair, $10; 01 spacious older home. S PEC IDE bedroom chair, $5. Solid walnut WMETMER dining and family rooms, Summer's the time. . . twin bed headboard and $20. 42 piece set of Wedgewood china, $10. Baby buggy. $10, baby bounce chair, $3. 351-7575. frame, private yard, Owner, $29,950. 337-0909.1 double g< I LlkE YOU enough to BLCM MY WHOLE 3-7-2 ALLOWANCE.. We've got the Place! CAMERA MAMIYA Secor 500DTL 35mm, 6 months old, with case and right angle finder, $150 or down. 694-9751. 2-7-3 best offer. 353-6625 9 5, Service 351-3052 evenings. 3-7-2 DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, LIMITED VACANCIES NOW FROM $160/MONTH ALTO SAX; Maple dressers; Glider; formats. Experienced. Reasonable Hollywood bed; Desk; China charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 cabinet. 337-1182. 3-7-2 SUMMER FUN for preschoolers. 9-12 daily. Okemos KENWOOD TK-40 receiv Community Haslett Arms Close to Berkey Hall Church. Phone 332-4796. 2-7-3 • KLH-22 speakers, $75. r » Air Conditioned 489-9130. 5-7-6 RED CROSS » Carpeting swimming lessons given 135-145 Haslett Street in your own pool. 353-4158. Animals PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and Lowebrooke Arms • Air Conditioned leather service. cleaning and refinishing DEClVE NOW TO | • Wood paneling, Bookshelves 353-7148. 5-7-8 OKEMOS Now being offered at DRY SELL THOSE OON TI 1300 E. Grand River CLEANERS, \BEPSy' REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES 2155 Hamilton Road. 332-0611. with a I - show stock. Best in HOME OF THE •State News WANT* AD '.I breeding, good PROFESSIONALS. O University Terrace : Opposite Campbell Hall Air Conditioning Wood paneling dispositions. Boxstall Ready accommodations to boarding. Inside and outside riding show. for 414 - 424 Michigan Avenue arena inside Tack THE and trailer storage CROSSWORD DUTCHMAN. Julius Vos owner. C>6-6923 15 minutes PUZZLE Cedarbrooke Arms • Air Conditioning west of Lansing. 2-7-3 SAMOYED PUPPIES AKC. Good " ACROSS |DODO|ENATE ElEK 30iE ~ with 1. Cle?r p.iin 30. Beetle T children. Also non - 4. Mmce 31. $m yy/ Potential mei w /// •M i" | I '7 i ■91 L % 2C j 22 23 2s 26. Watch pocket W.V/M w 27. Spate sf. Sft. n a flag mounted on a baton, are running from feature memorial and patriotic services at the A propose! Williamsburg to Washington and plan to be there Lincoln Memorial, and a gala stage show ending M would tt in time for Saturday's Honor America with blasts of fireworks above floodlit tate's colli observances. monuments. 'efeated in tl Negro leaders in Milwaukee have organized It is, the sponsors say, a day for Americans to 'ternoon. three days of soul food picnics,gospel singing and show their love of their country. dances to honor black people who have died in , The resolut $1.00 service Heading to Washington are hundreds of New >tanley F. p charge per war. The affair climaxes Yorkers aboard the "Honor America Express," insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 July 4 with a parade for a'n the requi Crispus Attucks, a Negro patriot killed in the five busloads from Indiana and several from "riled down p.m. deadline 1 class day before. Boston Massacre just before the start of the Massachusetts and other areas. The resolut In Boston where much of the unrest 24 HOUR Revolutionary War. against SERVICE ,7 'egislatu MSU Volunteer Bureau is now British rule emerged during colonial RESTRINGING Independence Day will be celebrated a day days, ,ol'cies of t recruiting for summer programs until Richard Cardinal Cushing has ordered the early in Perry, Iowa, so that, says a civic leader, ringing "stitutions. Thursday, July 16th. Please apply in the of bells in Roman Catholic churches at 11 festivities won't conflict with holiday plans. Room 26, Student Services, Monday - Thursday, 9-11 and 2-4. Fridays are These events are part of America's celebration to coincide with the Washington activities. a.m., FULL TENNIS SHOP \ adding ?w" to a sec reserved for of her birth as a nation when the Declaration of In the nation's youngest state — Hawaii — an assignment pick-up. ,e amendm Independence was signed 194 years ago. The Honor America parade will be held Saturday RACKETS- FR0M c°nstitutior At the Celebration. Albatross, Both a July Friday 4th and traditional fireworks displays, bringing to mind the "rockets red glare" and the "bombs morning in Waikiki. The parade chairman, DRESSES - $65® up "fdsofinst Saturday, featuring 3 NEWSREEL in air" of the National bursting Robert E. Cole Jr., says it will be a "flag - SHORTS - Rozycki hai Anthem, will be set off in carrying" march, "there will be no banners, no films: "Off the Pig," a Black Panther communities across the country. signs, just flags." M F 10 9 L "therresoluti° 10-5:30 enough documentary; "Yippie." "Amerika," November Moratorium Washington, etc. Don't miss them, at But more than in most years, Independence Day observances will center around the nation's Jazz musician Louis Armstrong's 70th will be celebrated and the wives and birthday families of OADE'S PARTY STORE Tennis Lessons Available T-W-Th S 9 - 5 However "Seated mu< f capital where thousands of persons will gather Albatross Coffeehouse, 547 E. Grand American servicemen missing in action 314 S. CLIPPERT toasure, wh River, across from Berkey Hall, 8 n will p for Honor America Day national birthday party.- activities, a giant captured by the enemy in Vietnam will be honored prior to a fireworks show in the Rose or Just west of campus off Kalamazoo Mon. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 11 Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. ■ 12 p.m. p.n SPORTHAUS egarded as pi ir rent (hopefully). The Honor America project, led by entertainer Bowl at Pasadena, Calif. 2320 E. MICHIGAN