Students—beware of By LARRY LEE State Newt City Editor avoids or refuses employment location to answer questions and the minimum on job descriptions, amount you can be Lansing - Meridian Chamber of Commerce for "deceptive" practices. It is just as easy to hire on a straight commission basis," he said. "But we thought we would do guaranteed to earn per week or per hour." A Chamber of Commerce something nice for the vimatelv 650,000 students will go without jobs this William MacLeod, asst. director at the spokesman said students need jobs, student." ApP office, said several but called the according to a U.S. Dept. of Labor estimate, but students have quit their company's operation "deceptive as hell." The vice president said the contract could be broken jobs as encyclopedia salesmen, and "Once these companies receive by the (Chamber) membership, they company only for "just cause," adding that failure to make ^"dents should look carefully at some job offers before complaints are coming in at the He said the students rate of one per day. incorporate it in their sales pitch, saying they are approved or does not in itself constitute just cause. "a sale complained that they were misled into recommended by the Chamber of Commerce," he said. "rvf'word of warning comes from the Michigan Atty. General's believing they were to "place encyclopedias" in people's homes, However, that company's chief of operations in East Lansing Salesmen must work from approximately 2:30 to 3:30 (Jsumer paction Division and the MSU student employment only later to find out they were, in fact, salesmen. Charles Boyd of the Michigan Consumer's Council, said the trap denied there is any asserted that the deception in attracting student salesmen and making appointments, and from 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. calling on p.m. company will make good on their contract even potential customers. 01unh the job market tight, as it is this year, door - to - door sales for student salesmen is "the waste of time." if no sales are made. nips such as encyclopedia outlets step up their campaigns, "The companies use them to do their leg work," he said. They He said the contract The attorney general's office received is approved by the Federal Trade a deception complaint C°kfnfistudents for short - term summer help. use them to find prospective customers while another salesman Commission, and the only way it can be terminated is if the early this month from Detroit concerning Spencer International, A Dokesman at the Attorney General's Office said that even will come in to make the actual sale." salesman does not know the material or does not work at all. a division of Grollier, Inc., and the company has fired the reputable encyclopedia companies work with deception, "I think the students get roped in because they are promised The company spokesman also asserted that the salesman involved. Summer earnings for salesmen are often grossly exaggerated. earnings that are just not realistic," Boyd said. will get top three people scholarships of $500, and two of $250, even if that No complaints have been received in the Lansing - East Lansing a Contract promising a guaranteed minimum wage for the "Most quit because they are discouraged or they revolt against Involves only one sale. area, but there have been inquiries about sales pitches promising should be examined very carefully for loopholes the sales techniques. "free encyclopedias" if the customer er They are not illegal. They are just The vice president In buys the annual edition for charge of the company's midwest surnmtting termination of the agreement without the consent of deceptive." organization said the $1,000 guaranteed minimum salary is being some stated period of time. fho salesman, he said. One company with a branch in East Lansing promises students inaugurated this year, and the rate is based on an average of The mandatory purchase of the annuals is nearly the same as The student employment office has put out a memo advising a minimum of $1,000 for a 10-12 week work period this summer. approximately $80 a week made by salesmen in previous years on student "to be cautious of any organization which directly But the company has been denied membership in the East a commission basis. (please turn to page 9) Friday MICHIGAN Vol. 63, UNIVERSITY Number 8 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3, 1970 Senate votes 23-13 to approve revised higher ed By JEFF SHELER funding Of the remaining seven, all but one committee and on to the Senate floor State News Staff Writer administration for "keeping down would receive appropriations somewhere Wednesday night failed when two House enrollments" which resulted, he said, in a between the House and Senate figures. members refused to sign the report because i vote of 23-13 the state Senate high cost - per student figure. The Flint campus of the U-M was the of disagreements over several matters. ■proved Thursday a conference The committee report Thursday showed -mmittee report on a $330.3 million only school that was able to keep a House State Rep. George F. Montgomery, a cutback in the Dearborn figure. recommendation. Montgomery had also criticized the MSU -gher education appropriation bill that Senate passage of the report followed D-Detroit, said he would not sign the ould slate $59.9 million for MSU. report as it appeared Wednesday because of Board of Trustees for "refusing to several days of discussion and bargaining, Though the bill was immediately sent to an appropriation to U-M Dearborn that he cooperate" with the legislature by not House after the Senate vote, action on most of which occurred outside committee said he considered too high. offering "satisfactory explanations" of bill by the lower chamber was not meetings. Montgomery called the circumstances surrounding the MSU Audit proposed xpected until today. Senate action on the measure came soon Attempts by State Sen. Charles O. Zollar, R-Benton Harbor, and conference Dearborn allotment an "inflated figure" which he said he would not approve. Report. The Senate approved the conference Summoned fter conference committee members committee chairman, to get the bill out of He criticized the Dearborn committee report after a brief discussion Students arrested in the Union spring term served President Wharton gned the final report. and explanation of the bill by Sen. Zollar. with a summons Thursday ordering him to appear in court July 21. At The appropriation bill, as it appeared Rep. Marvin R. Stempien, D-Livonia, a a news conference, the group announced they have filed a civil law suit fter conference committee action, showed conference committee member, said House action on the bill likely would come today. against several University and Ingham County officials. utbacks to a total figure that closely esembled the original Senate State News photo by Dick Warren ommendation of $329.1 million. The had recommended $335.3 million. The MSU appropriation was cut back to he Senate figure by the committee. The louse had recommended a $60.7 million llotment to MSU. The conference committee deleted a 132 arrested louse amendment that would have prohibited state colleges and universities setting admission quotas based on religion or nationality. The amendment, introduced by Rep. file suit against oseph P. Swallow, R-Alpena, would have hear the case July 21, and until he has persons at the meeting who were arrested. lissolved a policy set by the University of made a decision, trials of those arrested, The second group is comprised of those Michigan (U-M) Board of Regents to raise including one scheduled for July 9, will be who left before the police came, but who he university's black enrollment to 10 A small group representing 132 persons per postponed. say they were intimidated for going to «nt over the next three arrested in the Union May 19 returned to years. The action specifically questions the A provision in the House version of the meetings of the same type. Five people the site of their alleged crime and held a >ili that would have set a constitutionality of the University trespass were chosen to speak for this group. required number news conference Thursday to formally ordinance on the grounds of vagueness and The third group consists of members of f hours that instructors must I lass instruction also was spend in changed by the announce a civil law suit against several University and Ingham County officials. its also misapplication to the Union scene. It questions alleged intimidation the Action Group to Combat Racism like the second group, charge that who, their ommittee. orr The action, filed in the U.S. District The n techniques University officials used to constitutional rights were violated when conference committee report Court in Grand Rapids, is based on the appease the legislature during its decision they were intimidated for going to the only hat instructors utilize the allegations that the constitutional rights of on higher education appropriations. squired Ml number of hours for classroom meetings. the students, faculty and employes who Three subgroups, representing all the 'contact." were arrested and who attended similar The group is being represented by three Also people involved, have filed the suit to remaining in the bill is a provision racism and political meetings were violated. eliminate Detroit law firms. Robert Zagorin, a confusion. The first group, hat would expel any student who causes District Court Judge Noel P. Fox will consisting of four persons, represents those spokesman at the news conference, said the wilful damage" to firms are experts university property. in this type of The committee report shows cutbacks to proceeding. They also were chosen for he original Senate recommendations their political views and because they are for eight of the 15 four - year state NEXT WEEK the most qualified for the case, he said. nstitutions. Private contributions and the MSU Legal Defense Fund are financing the group's defense. tate Senate Cooper-Church rider Judge Fox gave some of the members the authority to serve defendants with copies of the complaint, summons, brief and mdtions. This was done to save time and according to Zagorin. faces conference fight money, rejects limits Defendants in the case are: the MSU Board of Trustees; Clifton R. Wharton Jr., MSU president; Raymond L. S&>deller, WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate sources protect U.S. troops, and authority for the Ingham County prosecuting attorney; A autonomy proposed constitutional amendment said Thursday the key fight in the Senate • House conference on the Cooper - Church amendment will be over the Nixon administration to pay the bill for Asian nations, such as Thailand, to send troops and advisers to Cambodia. Charles F. Pegg, East Lansing chief of police; Richard O. Bernitt, MSU director of public safety; Kenneth Preadmore, Ingham would take away autonomy from the administration's demand for authority to At stake in the latter point is Section 3 County sheriff; Derold Husby, Lansing e.s. c°Heges and universities was aid Asian nations that want to help of the Cooper - Church amendment which chief of police; Glen Perry, officer In Cambodia. fternoon'" ^ ^ Senate ,ate Thursd#y Backers of the amendment to curb the would bar funds for "entering into or carrying on any contract or agreement to charge of the East Lansing station of the Michigan State Police and Jack W. Jilt res°lution. sponsored by State Sen. U.S. military role in Cambodia say this provide military instruction in Cambodia, Ostrander, asst. manager of the Union. Stl Rozycki, D-Detroit, failed to provision would lead to U.S. employment or to provide persons to engage in any- iirnnH u«ied j required two " thirds vote and was down 15-21. of Asian mercenaries to carry on the fight combat activity in support of Cambodian All defendants are being sued in Cambodia in behalf of the United States. forces." individually and in their official capacities. Ut!ei„reS?lution was designed to give the The conference to resolve the vastly different Senate and House versions of the An effort by Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Another suit filed by those arrested Olinioc ?ture Jurisdiction in determining Michigan, the assistant Republican leader, against East Lansing Municipal Court Judge military sales bill, vehicle for the Cooper - WtutioSs tHe State'S h'8her educatlon Church amendment, is not expected to to modify the provision to permit support of Asian nations was defeated 50 to 45 on William 132, was K. Harmon, who arraigned the settled out of court. The group J.-"* the words, "as provided by start until the week of earliest. July 13 at the the fourth of a series of roll call votes just had charged that Judge Harmon ordered he am 8 j60"011 of the state constitution, before the Cooper - Church amendment 'coiKMfn^ment would have removed All but one of the Senate conferees was passed, 58 to 37, Tuesday. 'oards nf" autonomy relative to strongly support the Cooper - Church .Griffin argued that the provision Rozv^Ii u8titution8 of higher education." restrictions. House conferees are expected undercuts the Nixon Doctrine, under (please turn to page 9) he rZ ,ad Postponed the final vote on > On ice to be equally adamant against them. President Nixon indicated in his radio which the President hopes to turn over atherpn«U u" several times hoping to television interview Wednesday night that - responsibility for defense in Asia to Asians Union to close and HoweverUgf SUpport to insure passage, Sitting pretty cool on a 300 - pound block of ice with a frozen treat in he hopes a modified version of the remove combat actions. the need for direct U.S. ndieatprt L .W sen®tors had previously hand Leslie Hiscox, Annandale, Va., sophomore, found a local ice and amendment will The Union and all departments in the teasure egardori wh^0^"06 f°r aPProval of the most °' its opponents fuel company is the coolest place in town on a hot July day. emerge conference and emphasized two points: from the There are some war critics, such as Sen. building will be closed Saturday for ™ <. as State News photo by Fred Ferri punitive legislation. recognition of his constitutional power to (please turn to page Independence Day. 9) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3, |97q Subcommittees formed By JOHN BORGER winter term. This report will a former state senator. hearings," Polley said. "We'll ' to gg< stio study admissions the intend to sit very quietly in the did not take this into Sandy Grebenschikoff • then be submitted to the consideration when it selected working State News Staff Writer Academic All five subcommittees met have at least three of these subcommittees and to the full background and not be drawn in New Jersey' J8 Council, Graduate June 19 and will continue to public hearings, one in Detroit, commission. into the discussion." the undergraduate summer. Polley said h Council, President Wharton and subcommittee The Presidential Commission the board of trustees for further meet until throughout the summer one in the Upper Peninsula and "There's a great wealth of Polley said every effort was representatives. "Three of them (William will (Enrollment Mi!! on Admissions and Student each has completed its one in western Michigan." experience right here in the being made to enable the keep her informed 0f it action. No invitations Rustem, David Snyder, and Body Composition has divided report. are being University community," Polley undergraduate student members progress through the mail The commission consists of 25 will take no final action itself into five six-member The subcommittees, which will extended to out - of • state said. "We want to make use of of the commission to attend Jerry Rupley) are working until sh subcommittees, each of which voting members and five non - consider almost every aspect of organizations, although Polley that." subcommittee meetings, within the state. Their has had a chance to express her will submit a position paper to voting members from various admissions at MSU, are: said if any such organizations "Hie subcommittees will although only one is living in the subcommittees are holding opinion. areas of the state school the full commission late in system. admission procedures and wished to present its views the operate most effectively where immediate area this summer. evening meetings which they Minutes of each subcommittee Of the 25,14 are professors, two commission would hear them. "When the appointments were attend. A fourth (Walter September. standards, high - risk students, those present are just the can meeting are mailed t0 Z The full commission will hold alum fiv minorities and Other invitations made, did not anticipate Thomas) is living near the commission members, "open will be members," he said. "I'm not a we »-■* hearings and deliberations during undergraduate students, three admissions," enrollment mix, extended to professors, students member of any subcommittee holding meetings during the campus." absent subcommittee fall term and prepare its report are graduate students and one is academic goals and future and and administrators to present summer," he said, "so ASMSU The fifth undergraduate, Polley said. lumbers, myself, and when I attend I special programs. The the subcommittees will not be completed with the submission McCORMACK LAUDS SWEIG of their first position papers, Ira Polley, consultant to the president and chairman of the Speaker testifies at aide's trial full commission, said Wednesday. "TTie full commission will review the first papers and make suggestions to the NEW YORK (AP) - Gaunt aide, bound by office rules not for 20 years and said, "I saw him Voloshen had made extensive subcommittees," he said, "and and pale, House Speaker John to go over the speaker's head in in the district office, and use of his office telephones. GKbent,Ja. who fled toNfW York Brazil in fancier then the subcommittees will 1962 but W. McCormack swore under intervening with government occasionally he would see me in There has been prior testimony returned later to prepare a second draft which plead ^uiltv ii oath in federal court Thursday agencies. the speaker's office." that the lobbyist "had the run of a multimillion J~" will include those dollar stock suggestions." that he never was aware that his U.S. Attorney Whitney North The speaker added that he had the office." Seymour reviewed swindle. The suggestions will not come Seymour personally conducted authorized Voloshen to Washington office was used as a never testimony by earlier witnesses solely from the members of the base for influence - peddling by the direct examination, making use either of his two Washington that they received calls on In each case, commission, however. his chief aide, or by anyone else. his first trial appearance since he offices — the one he was entitled behald of various interests by denied McCormack that he had placed "Next took the the fall, we will very "Did it come to your attention over office in mid - to as speaker or the one he someone representing himself calls. He added that office deliberately be extending that someone might be placing January. occupied as a congressman from the barred any member of the policy over telephone as staff invitations to outside calls using your name?" McCormack testified that he Massachusetts. McCormack said McCormack. In one case, the from representing himself over organizations to come to public McCormack was asked on the had known Voloshen as a friend he only recently learned that call was on behalf of Edward the telephone as the witness stand. "No," replied the speaker. • 78 ■ year - old Massachusetts Democrat, who is retiring at the Israelis rescue end of the year after 42 years in August Congress. McCormack was the final government witness in the four Lebanese conspiracy and perjury case to against the speaker's suspended chief administrative assistant, rema HAIFA, Israel (AP) - An Martin Sweig, 48. Sweig is Israeli navel patrol boat rescued four Lebanese fishermen today after their vessel ran aground off accused of acting with lobbyist Nathan Voloshen on behalf of a under variety of favor ■ seekers willing the Israeli coast, informed to pay for the use of WASHINGTON (AP) - Draft sources said. McCormack's and Director Curtis W. Tarr name prestige. The fishing trawler blown announced Thursday a top limit was Voloshen, 70, has pleaded guilty toward the coast after its of No. 195 for draft calls engine to using the speaker's office to in failed during the night, defraud the government and August and said numbers called informants said. for the rest of the year lying about the activity to a probably would not mount much federal grand jury. He awaits beyond that level. sentencing. McCormack said he The August limit of 195 is never knew Voloshen was making only five lottery numbers higher TAKEOUT extensive use of his office. As for Sweig, he lauded him as a tireless, devoted and efficient than the limit set for draft calls in July — an indication, Tarr said, that the draft pool is being replenished, as expected, with Speaker speaks low - numbered deferments. men now losing HEADQUARTERS Court attendants aid House Speaker John W. McCormack under The inflex is composed a rope at Federal Courthouse mostly in New York City where he testified Thursday in the influence • of former college students FOR peddling trial of his suspended losing chief assistant, Martin Sweig. their deferments upon AP Wirephoto Jewelry . . . Gifts graduation. Custom Picture Framing OBSERVERS SAY Jewelry & Watch Repair For only S1.35 you can take out our famous fish dinner with all the extras. And for your convenience, our piping - hot carry • out Peace prospec specials take only seconds to prepare or you can call ahead and we'll have it waiting for you. Don't forget that we also offer carry WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite his top credentials radio - television interview Wednesday night, gave no as a specific - out service on most of the food items on our menu; chicken or diplomat, David K. E. Bruce's prospects for negotiating a details on his instructions to the new U.S. negotiator beyond shrimp for instance. If you're in a hurry for excellent food and Vietnam peace anytime soon are rated by most diplomatic 319 E.Grand River saying they will be very flexible. East Lansing, Mich. observers as poor. In the rest of his hour service, Hurrv in to Holiday Inn. - long discussion, the President argued A basic reason is that Sunday: Chicken Dinner $2.25 all you can eat! ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Washington, Hanoi and Saigon all against withdrawing U.S. troops in the absence of a peace apparently regard time as being on their side - and thus seem agreement, faster than what he portrayed as South Vietnam's unwilling to offer significant new concessions now to break their growing ability to provide its own defense. long deadlock in Paris. In Hanoi and Paris, North Vietnamese spokesmen promptly Nixon, in announcing Bruce's assignment in a nation wide • denounced Nixon's remarks and repeated their demands for a discount records PHONE: complete U.S. pullout and removal of the regime of South Hours: Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu. 351-8460 Daily 9:30-8:30 Sat. 9:30-6:00 CHECK OUR SPECIALS These clashing views appear to have set the stage for essentially more of the same when Bruce arrives at his Paris post by Aug. 1. 225 ANN ST. RACK. Many Great From Washington's standpoint, officials say acceptance of the enemy's pull-out demand before Saigon can stand on its own would be to lose down the drain — through a prospective ONLY COMPLETE RECORD STORE IN LANSING OR EAST LANSING LP's at Low Prices! takeover of South Vietnam — the huge U.S. investment in lives and money. NEW from COLUMBIA and EPIC at From North Vietnam's standpoint, the Americans are engaging in sizable and continuing withdrawals. In Hanoi's view, to bargain now would be to do so with U.S. strength in Vietnam larger than BESSIE SMITH IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY The DISC SHOP it will be later on. From Saigon's standpoint, the government naturally has no 323 E. Grand River desire to see itself bargained out of power. It hopes to gain Open Mon. - Fri. 9 - 9 strength as time goes by. Sat. 9-6 W. Averell Harriman, who led the U.S. negotiators when the Phone 351-5380 Paris talks first began more than two years ago, praised Nixon's choice of Bruce for the job. RENAULT* THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ECONOMY CARS JULY 4th STORE-WIDE SALE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY- All RECORDS ON SAIE! OPEN SAT. 9:30-6:00 LIST 299 40% OPEN THIS SUN. ONLY 12:00 -5:00 4.98 359 OFF LIST PRICE 1715 MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 RENAULT d iscount records DEALER SPORTS CAR CENTER 1200 E. OAKLAND 225 ANN ST. PHONE 482-1226 Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery Arr. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3, 1970 3 news V C: withdraw troops, then talk PARIS (AP) - The North summary Vietnamese and Viet replied Thursday to President Cong talks and in a broadcast Radio Hanoi, the official voice of North Vietnam. by gesture" intended U.8. public opinion. Moscow chimed In by to appease force the Vietnamese people to accept the neocolonialist United Vietnam. States quits South tasks." But he declined to be drawn into a direct discussion of Nixon's appeal for serious peace insisting American conditions at the Nguyen Tanh Le, the North The Viet Cong and North that in whether and when Thuy would negotiations by saying, in effect, appointing Bruce, Nixon conference table." Vietnamese spokesman, and his Vietnamese in Paris called had offered no new Radio first get U.S. troops out of approach to Hanoi repeated a Viet Cong colleague, Duong Mrs. Nixon's appointment Wednesday the peace talks, Binh also returned to Vietnam. but, judging demand that the United States Dinh Thao, held out the vague of David K. E. Bruce, a veteran from his television statements, withdraw its Vietnam, but Thao stressed that That was the theme at the troops from prospect that their chief she still is the titular head of the 73rd session of the Paris diplomat, to head the Paris "expects to conduct the talks Vietnam peace peace delegation on "a routine from the position of "completely, negotiators, Xuan Thuy and Mrs. delegation. Whether she will strength." immediately and Nguyen Thi Binh, might return return Without referring to Nixon's depends on "the decision unconditionally." to Paris after Bruce arrives in taken by our government," Thao call Tuesday for serious "Everyone knows," the August. declared. negotiations, Dinh Ba Thi of the Dairymen broadcast added, Both delegations withdrew The appointment of Bruce "(There will be no peace In Viet Cong delegation told the "that so far as Nixon and his their top delegates when session In Paris the conference clique have Philip chief delegate was "simply a Indochina) until the day when the C. Hablb succeeded Ambassador "can never make any consistently followed the policy »tep Mr. Nixon had to take," United States has taken by Itself, progress" of negotiation from strength and Henry Cabot Lodge, who quit Thao said, "It was not we until the United States who voluntarily, the firm resolution to accepts last year as head of the criticised him for lowering the making the Paris conference a evacuate Indochina," - French President late MSU the Viet Cong peace Said Nguyen Ninh plan and pulls Its troops out of vietnim, Vy of the North Vietnamese delegation; shield to help the U,8, step up its Vletnamlaatien plan," delegation. Habib had been Lodge's assistant, and the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese level of the conference, but American and world public opinion," Neither the North Vietnamese claimed Nixon was downgrading Georges Pompidou "Nixon's pretense of a desire for nor Viet (Jong delegations in Tass, the official Soviet news the talks. GAINESVILLE, Fla, ~ judging contests, was a member peace . . is only intended to Paris would comment personally Le said: "Minister Thuy is still agency, noted the Bruce Woodrow W. Snyder, MSU dairy of the mask the real intention of the appointment and then scientist, was posthumously Committee University Faculty on Bruce, They restated their the head of the delegation of the on Student Affalw United States to seek a commented that Nixon's military view that regardless of Democratic presented the Outstanding and was the author of several victory and a position of Republic of television statements showed the Teacher Award by the American scientific articles and personalities the peace talks can Vietnam. He returned to Hanoi iiiiHMi""lllll,iai1111111111111 iiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiii extenalon strength with which to try to make no progress until the U.S. position at the Paris talks on May 11 to Dairy Science Assn. (ADSA) bulletins accomplish certain was unchanged. on dairy cattle Wednesday. management. International News Snyder died In late January. The award annually by ADSA to the top is His last research work presented member of the MSU was as a team of $969 MILLION scientists that developed an Thailand may be forced to take military action in teacher In its 2,000 ■ member automated milking system. I Cambodia if the danger of Communist incursions School aid bill organization. The presentation, which includes a check for increases on the Thai frontier, it told the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Thursday. Foreign Minister Thanat Khoman, at a closed meeting $1,000, widow. In will go 1969, students at MSU's to Snyder's By United Press International passes Also contained in the parochiaid section is a clause which states of the Seato Council of Ministers, made clear that his College of Agriculture and A $969 million school aid bill for the the legislature intends to seek an advisory opinion from the State coming school year, country does not covet one Inch of Cambodian territory Natural Resources presented including $22 million for private and parochial schools, cleared Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the the Michigan Senate nonpublic school but that it wus carefully appraising Communist actions Snyder with the Outstanding Thursday on a 23-15 vote. The measure payment. Faculty Award for contributions also passed the House later and the possibility of U.S. aid in equipping u volunteer Thursday. to undergraduate education. The bill, which began Its I force for Cambodian duty. He had served MSU for 30 journey through the legislature last October, had its final form hammered out In a House • Senate FISH conference committee which reported the bill out earlier In the I President Georges Pompidou of France said there will be no peace in Indochina "until the day when Thursday years as a teacher and researcher and was an adviser to dairy dav. After winning the crucial vote on whether to adopt the DINNED students for 28 years. conference report, backers of the bill were able to I the United States has taken by Itself, voluntarily, the 31 votes to give the bill Immediate effect. That means the put together "Woody," I firm resolution to evacuate Indochina." students and as he was known to colleagues, served effective immediately upon its signature by the bill is governor, rather Pompidou told a news conference France still favors u as faculty adviser to the MSU than not going Into effect for 90 days after the legislature I wide international conference that would include all Dairy Club tot 16 years, helped adjourns sine die. I interested parties, including Communist China, to seek a to guide the student affiliate It earmarks $638 for basic pupil payments, $176 million for I settlement of the Indochina fighting. organization of ADSA, edited the atudent news section of the teacher retirement, $50 million for for transportation and $17.6 million for special education, $29 million Journal of Dairy Science from disadvantaged children. The detailed parochlald section states that the The Soviet Union no longer insists that peace between 1962-64 and was awarded the $22 million can go only to pay half the salaries of lay teachers In OPEN I Israel and her Arab neighbors must wait until Usrael hus Outstanding Student Adviser schools who teach only secular parochial Sun. thru Thum. I withdrawn from all occupied Arab territory, an Award by ADSA in 1963. subjects. 6 A,M, to 11 P.M. I informed source said Thursday. He contributed to the early The Stste News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Frl. & Sat. 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. This is believed to be the gist of a new Soviet proposal establishment of artificial University, is published every class day during four school 2820 E. Grand River I submitted to the Big Four delegates on June 24. breeding programs in Michigan in terms, plus Welcome Week edition In September. 1944 and served as leader of the Subscription rate is $14 per year MSU education group in Colombia, South America, In Member Associsted Press United Press International, 1952-53. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated National News He also coached Michigan Press Collegiate Press, Association, Michigan Collegiate dairy cattle WOODROWSNYDER Press judging, helped conduct state Association, United States Student Press Association. The nation's jobless rate dropped from five 4-H and FFA per cent to dairy cattle 14.7 per cent in June, the first decline in six months, the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan, Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servires | government The Labor reported Thursday. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Dept. aid the decline occurred almost ■ entirely among adult women, as ■ adult males, married men and teen unemployment for - agers remained Campus thefts mount; Michigan. Phunes; I unchanged over the month. losses exceed $1,200 Editorial Classified Advertising 355-8252 ♦ * * 365-8255 President Nixon acquired a new team of domestic Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 loffieiali Thursday dedicated to reform and controlling Thefts of items amounting to Photographic 355-8311 more than $1,200 were reported ["the cascading How of federal expenditures." at MSU within the last four J Appointed to the newly created position of director lot management und days. budget was former Labor Secretary Two motorcycles, owned by ■George P. Schultz, Replacing Schultz was James L Michael Mers, Battle Creek ■Hodgson, former undersecretary of labor. graduate student, were (FOR reportedly stolen early Tuesday THE TIE The Interstate morning. University police Commerce Commission (ICC) is recovered the abandoned cycles, THAT BINDS... ■undertaking a full • scale investigation of the valued at $800 the same day. I'circumstances surrounding the financial debacle of the A professor reported late A FOX |Penn Central Transportation Co.," Sens. Warren G. Wednesday afternoon that his DON'T JUST WHISTLE! ■Magnuson, D-Wash., and Vance Hartke, D-Ind., WEDDING ■announced Thursday. S3lf 300,clubs In had been and bag, tolen valued from at his TAKE HER FOR A I The car parking ramp number 2. senators, in requesting the ICC probe, suid "the ■American people huve the right to be Informed on this The theft Is under investigation, Late Tuesday night the Snyder 5 diamond band $125. CANOE RIDE ON ■Iwuc before one Hall reception desk was broken penny of the taxpayer's money is Into, Police report the room's FOX JEWE THE RED CEDAR * * * I Million* of Direct Diamond MQN-FRI 2:00-12; 00 SOUTH SIDi Americans headed by automobile SAT-SUN 12:00 12:00 OF BESSIV HALL ■inundity night for summer resorts, national und state Meridian Mall * Frandor Washington * unsinp m»ii ■parks and local ■ Hie National ■ nu 660 persons July 4 celebrations. Safety Council estimated between 560 may die in holiday traffic. The figure 10% PiHoitHf to MSU Students F LEATHER PERMITTING 7 0< vered the 78 hour- period between 6 p.m. Thursday H midnight Sunday. sunshine lotions by Clinique protect Michigan News I Andrew the tenderest kind of skin with allergy tested Manuel, a traveling companion of John fjorinan Collins listed as a prosecution witness in follins' murder trial, pleaded guilty Wednesday on a fragrance-free formulas that encourage |urge ol violating the terms of his probation. a tan and minimize burning I Manuel, who traveled to California with Collins last fummer, pleaded guilty last December to a charge of Sun Stayaway lotion, a Who%ll Catch ■r[CCIu IP- He inversion involving was a trailer taken on the placed on probation but pleaded guilty the Bouquety conditioner 4 oz . $5. Tuesday to not keeping officials informed of his picreabouts and failing to pay court costs. For dreamy bouquets, Golden Apricot tanning floral arrangements and all flower needs lotion 5 oz . "$5. on that special day, Campus News see us . . . then toss the fresh blossoms. ■hell'0 F' Fauri' dean of the Sch°o1 of Social ■rcsiri ",Vers'ty frmm estimate Michigan, has been appointed vice lin„ Cnt state relations and planning, the university Ion Anthony S Hk Thursday. Ihg pnma,ry task will be to get appropriations from Florists I Faun-6 ielgislature for the university. IfSoci'i W 'S 3 former director of the Michigan Dept. Jacobsoris MICHIGAN TERRY SMITH STATE trfQ UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Crafty Huber Right wing Bob, he cannot win assays Pentagon escapade won't hurt appreciably, public mood and which gives the Conservative party readership in the State News, all the vvh i FREDERICK J. LESLIE The Senate seat in and women's lib types will vote Hart en senatorial candidate a chance in New York. striking sensitive nerves among parents Michigan. - On the other hand, Lenore Romney is coeds and other concerned advertising manager Lenore has got the Romney name; masse, simply because Hart's wife is a typ^. 1 liberated woman (out on bail). not only a liberal Republican, she's a wishy parents of children of all ages and Big Phil has got the labor fame. - washy liberal Republican who really sexej Lenore Romney is, like her husband, a Huber's candidacy is not KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor But Bob has made his mark, you see quixotic l could win the nomination. And if LARRY LEE, city editor Left wing enshrined with villainy, hew the nomination, he JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor His dauntless words will ever live Chance against Hart than Mrs. probably has a bet!1" JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor n,lm For us who think c His incumbency (and the might have, for two reasons: ne If concomitant name - recognition (1) as mentioned, the voters we were to subject this bit of deathless Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award poesy to some political - critical analysis, factor) means another good - embracing conservatives more ardently thu for outstanding journalism. some interesting insights into the makeup sized chunk of votes. Even his year than since the early fifties, and of politicians like Sen. Robert Huber might wife s Pentagon escapade won't (2) Huber offers a genuine alternate appear. Huber is what might be called a hurt appreciably, and women's - both ideologically and hard - core American, who sees his native Hart can play the above - it stylistically to H ! lib types will vote Hart en masse, all EDITORIALS land, state and leading institutions of higher learning coming apart at the seams. simply because Hart's wife is a sweat, let - him - Huber must attack, hang out come - to - me g So he vacates a safe state Senate seat for liberated woman (out on bail). Hart's din a higher calling. Nothing with that, linen and hope for some fall t.aJJ except wrong fireworks. It's difficult to envision 1 Romney, a lady in the true sense of t£ (1) the incumbent. Hart, probably could word, rolling in the political gutter Misfocused whip Ted Kennedy here, and (2) Michigan is not quite ready for Huber. Philip Hart is a Democratic senator in a liberal Republican who can count on GOP loyalists and some disenchanted Democrats to pull her lever, if she wins the primary. should take some tips from Mary Beck, the notorious Detroit councilwoman fashion plate, on aggressive campaigning. In and Hart as Huber Huber must do to won't come win, though, Michigan is not ready for Huber. dose berau» Sen C But Hart will demolish her in — wait a other words, 1970 is not a good year for in 1970 is rather like Sen. state where a Democratic momentum has liberals — whatever the party — who aren't Barry in l'%7 minute! politically ahead of his time. of 'br' been building since the late 1950s. He is cause aggressively pro - labor and Catholic; IF she wins? G'wan, it's no contest. well -entrenched, well - financed and well • The New Deal coalition Detroit is his by a landslide. He is not Huber doesn't have a prayer. Does he? coached as campaigners. beJ Don't bet on it. disintegrating in 1968; a major e|em« obnoxiously liberal and straddles enough Second, Huber has a naturalconstituency: and the one that holds the For number of years, the United issues that fair share of Huber has two things going for him. balance a possibility of a major failure which so a independent every voter who holds dear the reactionary Michigan - labor - has begun breaki States has placed emphasis and could produce enforced blackouts of Republicans can vote for him without First, and most important, he's a idea that colleges and universities are for ranks with the Democrats. The feeling vaguely treasonous. conservative riding a national conservative learning, not burning. Huber is consciously workinj priority on technological rather disastrous proportions. His incumbency (and the concomitant tide, the same tide which put conservative man, now middle class in practically ev^ and constantly incurring the wrath of human values. Rockets and other "The nation is facing a crisis in the upset winners onto the November sense of the term, wants stability, fean name - recognition factor) means another Michigan's academic community, and it's a weaponry have been over financed at task of generating enough electricity good - sized chunk of votes. Even his wife's senatorial ballot in New Mexico and Texas smart move. "Frigging college kids, who blacks, distrusts dissent and finds his the expense of housing and food to meet our rising everyday burn up my tax dollars and wear long hair party opposing his every desire. This year the affluent laborer may lib programs for needy Americans. demands." and stink don't like Huber, eh?" thinks the Huber's message but will still vote tht Citizens have voter. "This Huber must be all right." accepted these We have emphasized and financed Democratic habit. If Huber wants to iJ scrambled priorities with the technology and now a presidential Bigotry? Stupidity? The fact that the again in 1976, he may find some penult subconscious assurance that the adviser tells us that technology may ROTC building got the torch at the ballot support behind those blue collars, United States was investing in the fail us. Domestic electricity doesn't University of New Mexico was all New Sen. Huber deserves a lot of credit, future that through science our ills Mexico voters needed to nominate a has placed himself on the right side of - win us international headlines or will be somehow cured. prestige, but it is a vital thread in the Republican conservative over a moderate; right gut issues. He has become a bete nobcl Now, however, Lee A. DuBridge, national fabric. President Nixon's science adviser, Not only have we allowed tells us that a nationwide campaign technology to drain funds from to turn off unnecessary lights may be "human" programs, we have poured Huber is consciously and needed this summer to help avoid that money into programs that do constantly incurring the wrath of "brownouts." not even insure households enough Michigan 's academic Brownout is a euphemism for not electricity for the summer. community, and it's a smart move. enough electricity. It is time for national planners to "Frigging college kids, who burn Reducing electrical usage may focus attention on human needs and up my tax dollars and wear long seem a small inconvenience, but it think less of national prestige. There hair and stink don't like Huber, still is an omen that perhaps science is not much prestige or national eh?" thinks the voter. "This and technology are not cure alls. pride in living through a summer Huber must be all right. " DuBridge continues: without electricity - a service that "And behind it all lurks the has become a necessity. supporters of the 18 • year • old vote in of the Michigan liberal establishment as Oregon attribute its 2-1 defeat to campus result of his taking on the entire studei Lunar loss disorders around the country. It's not a particularly pleasant political dynamic to contemplate, but it's working, and to body of MSU, and by doing created a substantial Michigan conservatives, who following are so he hi of late Huber's benefit. growing species. All this does not mean that Mrs. Romney Huber's not a coward. Neither The word from the Goddard Space American dollars paid for this rock should throw in the towel. The Romney stupid. He's got the public Flight Center in Maryland is that the and it is an insult to learn that name is tough here (it pulled Robert accurately assayed. All he needs is i moon in June does most certainly officials are taking it for granite. Griffin into the Senate in 1966), and and exposure and some crazy to throw make scientists swoon although Lenore isn't George, she's still molotov cocktail into Demonstration llal - especially Certainly, the nation's press will be when they lose part of it. Someone rocked by the avalanche of letters popular, not to mention physically on Aug. 3. attractive, and she is a paragon of morality, obviously bit off as much as he could from angered taxpayers. which still means something in some circles. EDTIOR'S NOTE: this column eschew because a second piece of This entire flaky affair "points up But while she's witnessing for Christ and introduces Terry Smith, a political moon rock has vanished. the need for better security for this Richard Nixon at the ladies' auxiliary, Sen. science graduate student from St. nation's ore bits. We feel that it Bob is publicly giving Doc Werner a lot of The particle in question, it is Louis, Mo., who will become a regular should not take the government crap about how he pushes free sex at his contributor to the State News. charged, was a massive one — quarter more than 28 days to do it. of an inch long and weighing something on the order of one - fiftieth of an ounce - not exactly OUR READERS' MIND what one would call a heavy stone. The fragment - dubbed a "rock-ett" by some people due to its extraterrestrial origins - was originally part of a larger stone that ~3L~i i feisj Draft democratizes armed forces has been subdivided for the sake of science and because Goddard Center To The Editor: involved in Vietnam. It was only when the working - class fathers. The effects of this The draft should be enlarged to inclu* is located in the suburbs. Your concepts of the history and social sons of middle and upper middle class are similar to a mercenary army. We need police work, the National Guard and publk significance of the draft as expressed in America got sent to Vietnam that the war to democratize the police and fill the ranks health — environmental enforcen T Frankly, we think this lunacy has your editorial of July 1 leaves much to be became apparent to the American with college types, even if only for a two - abolish the draft is to bring desired. electorate. year term of service. Certainly police work gone on long enough, and it is time professional army and the miliW] The concept of the draft first appeared in To be sure the lottery is unfair. The can be just as hazardous as the to phase it out. Hard - earned army, and is dictatorship. the French Revolution. Up to that time the exemption system channels able men into just as important in our "war on crime." A nobility waged wars to the detriment of college and graduate schools and others to similar argument can be made for the the peasantry and budding middle classes. war. I could also present National Guard. an interesting Harry PerlsUd The draft was an attempt to democratize argument that men are not born randomly In sum, the draft prohibits a one • class the military. Although attempts at electing throughout the year, and that someone and this is vital instructor in sociolog officers failed miserably, and Carnot had to with a birthdate in late November has army - to our democracy. July 1,1971 a Voting bill w centralize continued. authority, the conscription The problems of an all - military army greater someone chance with But this is no a of being drafted birthdate in mid-March. reason to eliminate the draft. than are also well known. Machiavelli warned against mercenaries. G. Washington In fact, it is imperative for the democracy that it be widened and alternative services Use bicycles for people as progressiv successfully beat the Hessian mercenaries be provided. a employed by King George III. And, until For example, the police are rapidly the big draft in 1965, the professional becoming a lower middle - class group To The Editor: Green Berets were busy getting us deeply filled with the sons of lower middle- and It seems a waste that most of the bicycles they are auctioned off, and I was told® on campus are locked up and not being money goes in the general University jui» Despite some logistical mix-ups it would provide insurance in case the used most of the time. In Amsterdam there Why not the bicycles as they are. appears that the Michigan Legislature Supreme Court throws out the 10,000 bicycles painted wnite and left perhaps we could purchase them all f<" Life: are will soon pass a constitutional amendment to lower proposed federal law. Additionally, passage by a state government would indicate a constructive force for anyone to use. If all the campus were freed I don't believe who needs one would bicycles on this anyone nominal sum to keep the papt"""n straight. At any rate, I think this would be a g , the voting age to 18. If all goes as the existence of popular support for go without. There are also quite e few of them in a idea for our campus, perhaps even as planned, the bill will shortly go to lowering the voting age and could, To The Editor: This alone has convinced building off Farm Lane replacement for automobiles and busCS many men that not being used at the governor for his signature and life must become a constructive and campus which pollute our air. I am conceivably, have a positive effect on Curtis Tarr, selective service director, was all. I was informed by the Public Safety will subsequently be placed on the the national ruling. correct. An "already unfair draft system creative force, not a destructive one. Dept. that once a bicycle is impounded can get a bike fixing and painting t,ns Statewide ballot in November. We applaud the work of the has been made even more unfair." But the (either abandoned or stolen and never going. In light of the recently added element of unfairness develops from claimed) it is governed by a state law federal Voting Rights Bill, this action passed Michigan Legislature in regard to the the guidelines for the conscientious David P. Hohendorf regarding disposal of property and that the Marc Randolph Bristol 18 - year - old vote. It is a progressive objector that he has issued. East Lansing senior law must be changed before these could be East Lansing J""'" at first glance appears to be step that will go a long way toward It seems to me that many young men June 26, 1970 given over to a free bicycle system. Now May 19.1970 unnecessary. Nothing could be correcting one of the greater have arrived at their beliefs or personal further from the truth. moral code through the "rigorous training" ''"THERE HE 60E5..A Quite inequities of our governmental OFF TO 6(VE HIS AS U)E ARE 6ATHEKEC'HERE that . possibly for the first time the 18 daily life affords. When so many RlURTH OF JULY SPEECH - system. Hopefully, the proposed TODAY ON THIS SOLEMN (few persons are in "such desperate haste to year - old vote has a chance of amendment will pass in November TO THE D06S AT THE I AM REMINPED OF A RAW succeed, and in such desperate DAISY HILL PUPPY FARM.. AMUSIN6 5T0RV... passage in this state due in no so that regardless of the ^ findings of ' - enterprises," (Thoreau) we need not study small part to the the high court and the subsequent passage of the ethics, major in philosphy nor paraphrase federal statute. Though the results in other states, the people of other wise men, to "step ("sincerely") to logic the music" that we hear. The waste of ' '1 may appear almost circular in view Michigan will have served the best of the federal law, the state human life that takes place in war would bill interests of their common good. seem the strongest teacher for voung men. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3. 1970 5 mkW National YORK (ap) - a church agency has taken on a new kind church effort are made to the Federal • ion acting as an unofficial watchdog to see that minority Communications Commission challenging Confined mostly to the south in the the broadcaster's license renewal on grounds of past, the effort is now failing to meet being expanded nationwide. But it adds that "criticism of Wrests, usually that of blacks, get a fair deal on broadcast requirements to serve public needs and interests. In a report on its and that the courts have broadcasting was long overdue" 'Television and radio audiences — the most silent of silent activity, Dr. Parker said most stations aimed "paved the way for the exercise of ^Th^operation, sparked by a minister - specialist in the mass majorities — have found their voices," says Dr. Parker. at black audiences "are not licensed blacks as consumers who are to blacks" and often "regard public rights" in the matter. The church agency Dr- Evcrett Parker- made its start six years ago, in the Rev- Adding a boost to the effort was a $100,000 fair game for began its fight against discrimination grant to further it, exploitation by air in1964 when it on the successful court case, but now it has become a national announced this week by the Ford Foundation. unscrupulous advertisers." sought revocation of the license of WLBT-TV Also, "black "".^h^'generated spreading first - hand discussions between The backing went to the Office of Communications of the 2-milhon member United Church of - broadcast news oriented - stations often callously refuse to concerning black activities and interests." '"Jracfkson' J®®., for alleged interests and tastes of blacks. failure to air programs meeting Christ. That office, headed To secure modification of radio stations and audience representatives to work . jon . by Dr. Parker, helps set up the public • such practices, the church I ^agreeable balances in programming, and also in personnel various cities. monitoring systems in helps set up monitoring groups in various tabs on time and contents of agency communities to keep Although the FCC Court of Appeals in twice denied the petition, the U.S. Circuit Washington, D. C„ overruled the FCC in two programs, as a basis for possible lerTthe issues can't be settled by direct negotiations, petitions efforts seeking changes. At present, such decisions written by Court chief justice. Judge Warren Burger, now U.S. Supreme watchdog community groups are at work in The first ruling gave the Memphis, Tenn.; Puyallup, Wash.; Youngstown, public the right to intervene in license S.C., and Chicago. In Columbia, a Ohio; Columbia, renewal proceedings, and the second - petition has been filed revoked the WLBT license. license renewal against This week, the United Methodist Church's Mission to WOIC. Enterprise Loan and Investment Committee Previously, negotiations between stations and put up $300,000 to help an groups have produced agreements community integrated, nonprofit corporation regarding program changes and WLBT until the FCC picks a temporarily run Jackson's employment practices in Texarkana, permanent licensee. Tex.; Shreveport, La ; The new corporation, Atlanta, Ga., and Charlotte, N.C. Communications Improvement, Inc., "There are dangers inherent in which has applied for an interim attacks leveled at license, says it plans to tum over communication organs of any profits to other "non profit organizations engaged in which are government - where the First Amendment licensees, particularly activities related to broadcasting primarily in church agency report. (free speech) is concerned," says the including educational TV and college trainingMississippi" of blacks in — broadcasting. MSU POLLED College campus survey United States was named over of five who named a Copyright 1970 by Unidex Corp. the students' second choice by every today: attorney, clergyman, particular country, the three college professor, physician, more than a three to one While student identity with margin. most frequently mentioned social worker, vice Four ■ hundred - sixteen president of were: and respect for various political students on campuses in Illinois, large corporation?" and United States 54% With a tie between social leaders is probably Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Switzerland 16.7% attorney and college professor, In order more segmented than of among the Kentucky were surveyed the last England 7-4% most general population, they are week of frequent choice, they May and first of June. All Others 21.9 were: almost unanimous their in Interviewers asked —"Name 1. physician opinion that President Nixon has the person whom you feel has The students also were asked 2. vice president of the most difficult job in the the most difficult job large in the about the man end woman United States. In living „ comoratinn fact, United States — " today whom they admired the 3. attorney, college professor recognition of the demands on Answers were— most. While only about half of 4. social worker 95.2% President Nixon outweighed that President Nixon the respondents could 5. clergyman of either of the other two most \&% name one Mayor Lindsay \_2% particular individual, the five Schools polled in addition to frequently Yeomen Warders search the vaults below the House of Snooping almost 60 to 1. mentioned people by Students from MSU and 16 Vice President Agnew Others The collegians were then '2% most of their often mentioned, in order frequency Most Admired Man were: MSU were: the University of Illinois, Indiana University, Ohio mainly a ceremonial duty, but in earlier days it was a other schools were asked about State University, the University Parliament in London Thursday prior to the state opening necessity in searching for plots against Parliament and the which country they felt was the queried about their opinion of 1. Sen. Kennedy of Michigan, Western Michigan by Queen Elizabeth II. In modern times this is which is the most respected 2. Sen. Muskie ceremony monarch. APWirephoto most respected today, the 3. President Nixon University, Notre Dame, country today. For the four out Northwestern, the University of 4. Sen. McCarthy Louisville, the University of 5. Ralph Nader Chicago, the University of Britain to restrict immigration Most Admired Woman 1. Mrs. Martin Luther King 2. Margaret Mead 3. Mrs. Robert Kennedy 4. Prime Dayton, Southern Illinois University (two campuses), the University of Cincinnati, College of Wooster, Valparaiso and the University of Kentucky. | LONDON (AP) - Britain's The address from the throne, He was challenged He said this "would affect not Minister Ghandi of Conservative government written France and West India for her by Prime immediately by former Laborite Germany to Bradford's nonwhite 5. Prime Minister Golda Meir of Central United Methodist Innounced Thursday its Minister Edward Heath and his only the standing of the reach Britain. Prime Minister Harold Wilson, immigrant community also was Israel Across from the Capitol Itention to tighten controls on ministers, outlined the who accused Heath of government but would Detective Inspector Jack discussed at a British Medical white trying to profoundly affect the relations Sutcliffe of Bradford told the Last, they were asked about WORSHIP SERVICES immigration from ■ government's proposed set up a "new class of of all countries within the Association meeting at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. which occupation! offer the le Commonwealth. legislative program. court he had found the Indians citizenship, treating Commonwealth." Harrogate. General practitioner most prestige today. | The announcement was made Later, Heath told the House Commonwealth citizens from crammed into a 20 - by ■ 10 - Maxwell Abrahams said Indian With "The Church and Its Work " The tighter curbs foot cellar. students, as has always been the a speech delivered by Queen of Commons: "There is to be no the old and new were and Pakistani women, with their Dr. Keith Avery, Blizabeth nonwhite promised as police in Bradford case with the older II when she opened more permanent large • scale Commonwealth countries like "As inquiries progressed tradition of generations, session of Parliament. told a magistrates court being kept in the aura about a physician still Assistant to immigration into this country." aliens." an during the day, it was obvious seclusion, became depressed and Bishop Dwight Loder international gang with wide that there was a large ring seems to be dominant. financial hysterical and presented a serious The question was: "Which resources was involved in one arranging their mental health problem here. of the following Ihurch School 9:45 to 11:45 attempting to smuggle nonwhite transfer to the United Kingdom occupations do .utherons While pledging new Crib Nursery liberali immigrants from the and also a vast amount of you feel offers the most prestige Commonwealth into Britain. money immigration restrictions. Heath 485-9477 involved," Sutlciffe said. stressed that his government's Two Indians appeared before The court was told that the aim "is justice to all those the court First Church of charged with smuggled Indians began their already in this country, whatever Peoples Church conspiring to evade immigration journey in New Delhi at the end their race, creed or color controls. The may Christ, Scientist East Lansing family case was heard of April.They traveled by air and be." He )n sex mar following the discovery sea and ended their said he wanted to set the journey in a public mind at rest on this issue. Wednesday of 40 people from yellow cattle truck. India in a Bradford cellar. ■ MINNEAPOLIS, They Police in other coastal areas of 200 W. Grand River Minn. (AP) - body. The LCA is the largest in others as "second class persons were detained in Leeds jail as FIRST ASSEMBLY ■he Britain., including Kent and Lutheran Church in the United States with 3.2 because they're fornicators or illegal immigrants. at Michigan Sussex in the south, Imerica - LCA — adopted million members. A student homosexuals or have other Bradford police said Interpol were OF GOD reported keeping watch on ■hursday a policy statement on commission under the Board of serious personal problems. They had been contacted to make beaches following 1125 Weber Dr. Tx. marriage and Social Minister had worked on need the information Lansing family life that ministry of the inquiries in France regarding the that SUNDAY SERVICE Joves the church to the report some five years. more illegal immigrants Blk. No. of E. Grand River at a more church," he declared. 40 men, who traveled through •>eral stance. were heading for British shores. Downer The statement, as amended, ■ However, an Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor "Freedom Is Now, Man " amendment said: "The marriage covenant, EDGEWOOD UNITED East Lansing Church ■•proved by the 695 EPISCOPAL SERVICES delegates therefore, should be certified by CHURCH of the IMazarene ■»ted the LCA does not a legal contract, and Christian Jmdone 469 N. 9:45 a.m. COLLEGE CLASS or approve premarital Hagadorn 149 Highland Dr. Wallace Robertson a 111 a r i t a 1 participants should seek the 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP sexual an ecumenical fellowship. (between Brody and Frandor) ■tercourse. blessings of the church," the statement says. ■Chiefly, the statement calls for Dr. Robert J. Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship •"eater Marshall, LCA and Church School understanding of ■oblems concerned with president, who presided, told a 11:00 A.M. Church School CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Evening Service CAMPUS ACTION TEAM news conference Marriage, sexual intercourse, the church was Wednesday that Sermon by ■rlh control, abortion and trying to explain sex its role for better guidance of Crib through Adults ■"cation. Dr. Truman A. Morrison ■It is the first such statement pastors and members. WELCOME! Office Phone: 351-7160 For Transportation Call He said church members Rector's Phone: 337-0467 by a Lutheran church should not look Church Phone 332-8693 484-6640 484-2807 down on some university UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN "The Exposure of A Divided Heart" MS.U. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES pptist SEVENTH-DAY CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE 11 a.m. ALC-LCA fhurch ten for Students and Faculty ADVENTIST CHURCH 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH University Lutheran Chu Division & Ann Streets Sabbath School 9:30 East Lansing 332-2559 E Eugene Williams, Pastor Worship Service 11:00 ALWAYS OPEN Pastors: Walter Wietzke K. G. Smith, University Class 9:45 A.M. George Gaiser Pastor David Kruse pastor Minister, Kail Ruffner "Man Alive!" WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS Meeting at 504 Ann St. 6:oop (Corner of Division) Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:30 p 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Worship 332-5193 3323035 "9:15am Call 361-8994 if you Wednesday: Mid-week Discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p Common Service 1st and 3 rd Conim. Free Transportatio Free BUS SERVICE need transportation -See schedule in your dorm 10:30 am Common Service 2nd and 4th Matins , I 518S.Washington SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday 7p.m. Lansini UNIVERSITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Christian Reformed Church Dr. Howard F. Sugden 1120 South Harrison Phone 351-7030 and Student Center "Open Your Mouth" 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) Visit Student Center — n He perform that will solve life's deepest "Quiet Please!' open dailv 9 A.M. - 11 P.M. Rev. Burns Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 P.M. 9:45 A.m. COLLEGIAN College Bible Class '"the FELLOWSHIP fireside room 8:30 P.M. [fr-Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room Fl:00 A M Morning Worship 9:30 Rev. Brink preaching ■ God and Your Worries " ' Church School 9:30 (for all ages) Rev. J. Herbert Brink, BUS SERVICE Rev. Alvin L. Morning and Evening Hoksbergen, pastor campus minister C all 482-0754 for information. for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3 -SPORTS- 10-year-old * Chewing Mark Wolner a wad of bubble gum, of Indianapolis, "This is really great," he said. "We get three hours on the ice a Mark is hoping to Improve his skating and stick handling at the is «ay» Amo ....... most dedicated to *™P™vlng, Bessone, the Spartans already up _ .1 II But Mark I. nlan In hand doesn't plan to hang his skates when school starts. At th« At some the age nc eight of years 10, Mark away iMtll|| fronJ When October comes, he'll be Ind., was complaining about day, and nothing breaks in new M8U hockey school, which runs veteran hockey coach who ii In another college competition. how his new ice skates were ice skates better than a lot of ice in two one - week sessions, charge or the school, back on the Ice for Bl)t| hurting his feet. time." About half of the boys stayed After this school, Mark plans season. Bessone may already [1 But Mark wasn't complaining about the just - completed two - Mark should know. He's an for the full two weeks. Mark is one of those. to attend the Detroit Ked wings school In late August before Mark is the son of Mr. and counting the his years until the davl hour hockey workout which eight - year veteran of skating and a five - year vet of hockey — "These kids that stay the full returning to the classroom Mrs. Howard Wolner of 8211 N. Ice prize pupil takes wearing a Spartan jersey. totheMsJI Illinois, Indianapolis. >ntributed at the ripe old age of 10. At 70 two weeks are the ones that are September. something to his discomfort. pounds and 52 inches tall (without his skates on, which is ^ --_.^ seldom), Mark hasn't found his C INNINGS, 5 RUN5 pint size any handicap. ^ " He has been playing organized Duffy, family hockey for three yaara, two McLain's debut is year# In the Pee Wee League and In the Squirt League of so-so last year off to Europe Indianapolis' Youth Hockey Assn, He recalls his greatest thrill By United Press liHernaiimtitl MSL1 Head Football Coach was last year when he scored a "It took a lot of guts." Duffy Daughorty leaves today total of nine goals in two Denny McLain's first pitching appearance for the Detroit Tigers for Weisbaden, Germany, to take consecutive games. His team, the since being suspended from baseball for associating with gamblers part in a four • day coaching Maple Leafs, won the league title three months ago drew that reaction from Ralph Houk, manager clinic for U.S. Air Force with only a tie blemishing a of the New York Yankees. personnel in Germany July 8-9. perfect season. And from the 63,863 Denny adoring fans who weathered 91-degree temperatures Wednesday night to see their Idol pitch 5 Daugherty and three other 1/3 not good but not bad Innings ... and from his Detroit coaches — Charles McClendon of teammates ... and from his New York opponents ... and from Louisiana State University, John most of the 71 sports writers who witnessed it. Ralston of Stanford and Pepper All Aussie final "I was scared as hell," said the two - time running Cy Young Rogers of Kansas —will also award winner, who pitched more like an old McLaln than the conduct a clinic in London for McLaln of old in his first start in nine months. all Air Force football coaches in in men's singles "Was I satisfied? All things considered, yeah," said the 26 - year the British Isles. - old right - hander, who was touched for three solo home runs Daugherty's wife and their Australia was assured a titlest among the eight hits he gave up. But McLaln didn't walk daughter. Dree, 16, will also be for the third straight year in the anybody and struck out a pair and 57 of the 96 pitches he threw making the trip to Europe. In men's singles competition at were charted as strikes. between the two coaching While McLain's 1970 debut was hardly an artistic success, only Wimbledon as John Newcombe clinics, the Daughertys plan to defeated Andres Gimeno of about one per cent of the fans booed the controversial pitcher visit Spain, Switzerland, and Spain 6-3, 8-6, 6-0 and Ken and, incidentally, Detroit did win the game - though It look f Paris. Rosewall scored an easy 6-3, 4-6, New York, 6-6. The Air Force pays for 6-3, 6-3 win over Britain's Roger "Now I know how important spring training is," a somber Daugherty's trip to Germany, Taylor. The two men will compete McLaln said In his massive post • game news conference. "I should London and bark home and be back to normal In another couple of starts." provides a small dally expense Saturday for the $7,200 first "He looked pretty good to me," Houk said. "I'll take him. How account for him but does not prize. In today's women's singles would you like to do what he did?" Mark Wolner pay him for the actual clinic finals Billle Jean King meets What McLaln went through was the kind of a pressure day he itself or his family's expenses. Margaret Court of Australia. handles as casually as he manipulates a .210 hitter. McLaln was hardly let alone for a minute from the time he walked Into Tiger Stadium until the time he fired his first ball. And In between, he received three standing ovations to cheer and chill him. WL SPARfANtWIN THIATRI 'RANDOM SHOPPING C(N IS 1100 IAIT tAQINAW - PIMM ItlOOM Denny's night finished of beauty, sex and drugs: "The family that slays together Datrolt Tigtr pitcher Danny McLaln (lift) Ii about ready to istays together" depart from tha mound aftar pitching 6 1/3 inning* HELD Wadnaiday night. Alio plcturad catcher Bill Freehan and flret baiemen Al Kallne. ara manager M«yo Smith, AP Wlrephoto OVER POPULAR PfXtS! DIRECT FROM ITS SENSATIONAL A ONCE IN A "More'is tough, "A very beautiful, LIFETIME candid stuff, romantic EXPERIENCE! very New York Timet clearly among the American National good National Observer W L PCT. OB I AST W I. iHiniiiuijmiiUfc 48 43 39 28 31 33 .633 .581 .542 - 4 7 New York Pittsburgh St. Louis 40 41 37 34 37 38 36 36 .500 10 Chicago 36 37 PAT HINGLE • DON STROUD • DIANE VARSI 34 43 .447 14 Philadelphia 33 42 33 .444 Mot COLOR ». moviuab "SMI »■ AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL-|| 40 |4 31 WEST w L per. OB WEST - PLUS Qfl 'V1 (fflUIUii: HAUL Minnesota 47 25 .653 - - California 45 31 (]. 8(;0TT/ M/UJIKN Oakland 44 33 .593 4 Los Angeles "PUTNEY SWOPE" DAILY AT 8:30 SAT. 1:30-5:30-9:31 in'WION" Kansas City Chicago 36 37 48 50 ,S7| .3(1 .311 5M 32 33 DAILY - SUN. AT |:00-4;30-B P.M. The Truth and Soul Movi© X SUN. 1:30-5-8: 30 SAT. AT 1:00-5:00-8:30 P.M. Milwaukee 36 50 .343 33 THURSDAY'S REULSTS •S RESULTS NORTHSIDE Boston 5, Washington 0 Now Thru California 10, Milwaukee 7 lontreal, night Philadelphia, 2 DIVORCE PRIVB-IN Oakland 10, Chicago 6 EXPLICIT! THEATRE Minnesota 5, Kansas City 3 (only gurnet scheduled) I WIUi North on US-27. ■ 482-7409 Tues. New York at DETROIT, Cleveland at Baltimore, night night TODAY'S GAMES TODAY S GAMES ITALIAN St. Louis at Montreal, night Oakland at California, night New York ut Philadelphia, nigh Kansas City at Milwaukee, 3, twl-nlgh Sun Diego at Atluntu, 2, twinig "I AM SONDRA" penetrates deeply Allen Fun I Chicago at Minnesota, nighl DETROIT at Baltimore, night (TV) Houston ut Cincinnati, 2, twl" Pittsburgh at Chicago into entirely new areei of Sexual Experience. It reveal* the Twisted STYLE His first (iaiuiicl ( Washington at New York, night Cleveland al Boston, ni£u Los Angeles at Sun Iraiulsv" Hungers and Unnatural Passions. Best Comedy Award Now Showing! It i» intended itrietly for adult viewing, l<»nttir<» film. The degree to which it is graphic precludes Cannes Film Festival 2 Action Hits it« acceptability for all those under 18, ■ » Marcello Mastroianni MKLMASARKIB WHO TOOK HtR BIBLE, HER HYMN BOOK AND IN COLOR 3rd & FINAL ' 104 B Wells 7:00 -8:48 -10:30 "What Do You Say HER TOMMY GUN AND RAISED FOUR SONS AND MORE HELL taxational directed by Pietro Qermi to a Naked Lady?" THAN MOST OF THE MOBS Day the master of IN CHICAGO, BLACK COMEDY Whiil can you say? "10 BEST" New York Times N.Y. Herald Tribune Time Magazine A film by Allen Flint. Saturday Review Music and lyric s by Stovi? Karmcn. National Board of Assistant I'mtdtjcrr Richard Hri^lia. Review (.()I,()R by Del uxe. IImteif Artists; SHELLEY WINTERS Admission $1.00 Twice at 8:42 and Late - Plus - illllllllUAlUIIIUlga PAT DON DIANE FRANK ROSS- "One of tin< funniest pictures the Italians have sent along HINGLE STROUD VARSI . . T.FT. I"*1''" ii'mi Deliriously ingenious and grandly diabolic and droll. and Pietro ■ ' ' 'i hk1ot71 BD"3C ' COLOP . . PRODUCTIONS (lerml, wlto directed and helped write the script, announces himself BRUCE DERN • CLINT KIMBMOUGH • ROBERT OeNIRO • ROBERT WAlDCN with this achievement as a master of farce in present any style. For here, in , RATED X 18 106B WELLS this nifty frolic, the director and star have accomplished that difficult and delicate thing of making murder seem an admirable verv c- ambition and the would ■ he murderer seem a sympathetic gent, all SHOWTIMES 7:00 - 8:45 - 10:30 without violating reason or causing really serious moral offense... ADMISSION 1.00 & worth it Not since Charlie Chaplin's beguiling Verdoux have we seen a E- um; '*• VINCENT PRICE deliberate wife killer so elegant and suave, so condescending in his COLOR y Dul United Artists CHRISTOPHER LEE I thought after "Curious Yellow" there was no where else boredom, so thoroughly and pathetically enmeshed In the PETER CUSHING to go - I was suffocating toils of a woman as Mr. Mastroianni Is here. " Bosley wrong. "SONDRA" is incredible." - San Crowther, New York Times — 2nd at 10:3 COLOR IV MOVIILMe from. — an outstanding men also noted "isolated group series of X-rated treats. In film biography of the fascinating Stage Wells tonight. and instances" of couples engaging in klMY SHINE - a comedy despicable World War II sexual intercourse. "They were M*A*S*H — the hilarious war figure. George C. Scott perfects it an aspiring painter and his under blankets all over the comedy returns to East Lansing every nuance of the man who |nwich Village life. The work with Elliott Gould and Donald loved war and the chance if place." Murray Schisgal, the author Sutherland as "two surgeons afforded for power, recognition "Of course we didn't check rLuv," "Jimmy Shine" will who cut and sew their ind the chance to fulfill what he way the identification of erformed through July 12 at felt was his estiny. The best film everyone," through the front lines, he said. Ledges Playhouse in Grand snatching love and laughter since the Oscars. At the (Not reviewed by press Spartan . between amputations." At the East. (Recommended.) Meridian 4. WOODSTOCK Screen MORE (Recommended.) - igain so nobody has an excuse Held over Fun to Spare ecent studio BOY NAMED CHARLIE — a well • received film Pre-Vue 123 howls of laughter were for missing it. The film is a m - the first full length and "Putney Swope," recorded for this 100 minute an comedy. It's the kind of GOBOWLING - dazzling display of cinematic humor that everyone enjoys Hie Brown film continues at occasionally original satire, regardless of age. When /irtuosity . . . shows at the State. and a faithful you see it, you'll want to see it Lansing Mall. ■ecording of the social again . . and you will tell MAN CALLED HORSE - Everyone knows ('.oldie Hawn your friends NOT TO MISS THE OUT-OF-TOWNERS - phenomenon that was IT! It's another pnusual film and one of didn't deserve an Oscar for this, outrageous Neil Simon's least creative work, Woodstock. At the Spartan [e and haunting beauty. The though an appreciative pat on comedy from the author of West. (Recommended.) iality, the back for saving this plodding a story of a simple Ohio couple "THE ODD COl'PLE" and simplicity and Bntry of show is in order. At the Meridian "BAREFOOT IN THE an Indian cation is 3. Performances 1:30-4:10- PARK." carefully recreated 6:55-9:30. Sunday 1:20- fovide authentic background Ihe story of a white DIVORCE ITALIAN STYLE ICHIGAN 4:05-6:55-9:30 P.M. man Theatre • (.anting PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS — Marcello Mastroianni plans to Nrd Harris) captured by rid himself of his wife, Italian |ns. At the Meridian 2. pmmended.) style. A bright comedy. Shows "So spectacular! Every¬ JACK SANDY pEATH I APES THE PLANET OF thing about 'A IRPOR T' is Inating - the and sequel to the ingenious KEEP IT larger than life, including Complete line of LEMMON DENNIS the roster of stars!" Brunswick equipment |et of the Apes." Let's hope 1* good. At the Gladmer. CLEAN WITH Cosmopolitan mag. in stock A NEIL SIMON STORY ^reviewed by press time.) pCH CASSIDY AND THE ONE HOUR HOLIDAY PANCE KID - the tale of Imaging crooks and the Ventures and the violence I share. tgraphed and Though scored, the well SERVICE FROM Open 9 LANES a.m. Daily THE OUT-OF-TOWNERSlhi LOUIS survives on the charm of Just North of its I Robert Redford Frandor • and Paul 487 3731 Pan (in that order). At the Feature at CLEANERS gaBB pan 1. Billiards Cocktails now! • (Recommended.) 1:15-3:20-5:20-7:25-9:30 |CTUS FLOWER - 623 E. GRAND RIVER Good Food Added! Cartoon & Novelty BURT DEAN SNA'1 LANCASTER'MARTIN BBiuis ^« JEANSEBERG Starts at 8:45 JACQUELINE BISSET taowJwJT" Madison Ave Down ^ •jfisjai GEORGE KENNEDY ^ f "ATlNIt: 1:30 3-10i 00 5 10 aduitsw, HELEN HAYES VAH HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLET0N BARRY NELSOH |IJ3 peaetus A LLOYD HOLAN XlfFed'newman"" arthur'haTley GToRGE'sE AT ON" ROSS HUNTER UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR" Produced In T00D-A0* PUTNEY SWOPE of beauty, - Plus sex - and drugs: "5 ^ ^ ^Ftowep , L R £1 Twi V.I. Hi" & IS MS A >tna Ciwnt Ttp«i more, 8 . m of"' irandorshopping" 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid{.y.Juin STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED Want Ads are filled with brand new items at prices to fit your budget. classified 3558255 355-8255 The State News does not Aviation FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil frank For Rent For Sale l*>st & Found permit racial or religious discrimination in its FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to MARLETT MANOR, 3519 South FENDER "P.A. 4100" 100 found. on campus ... learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Cedar. Rooms for gentleman. amplifier. One year old. 339-8362. Shepherd, 6-8 ™>nthS, 501 advertising columns. The 5-7-9 3-7-6 u Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Private bath, with maid service. State News will not $21 per week. Phone 882-0261, accept advertising which 351-8451.5-7-7 WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony * AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against A uto Service & Parts no answer model 530 stereo tape recorder. Personal Scooters & Cycles SPARTAN HALL Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo religion, race, color singles. Men and Auto Parts & Service national origin. or MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East women. 5:30 - 7:00. 351-9286. tape recorders. 100 used 8 track BOOK comics, SALE: Re^OuT"! Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Any time-372-1031.0 stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. science ' 7 Aviation . . . Cassette recorders. Koss miscellaneous. Todav '! Complete auto painting t tape n * EMPLOYMENT collision service. IV 5-0256. C Pro-4 A stereo head phones. 338 MAC. 17-3 f ROOM - very nice. Kitchen and * FOR RENT laundry privileges. $15. 332-4796. Garrard turntables $25 up. VM boarding Automotive ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 2-7-3 120 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, HORSES ~ Apartments KALAMAZOO STREET BODY 30 watt stereo receiver with surroundings, plenty 0f Houses and good CHEVROLET 1965 2 door Biscayne. SHOP. Small dents SINGLE, DOUBLE, clean, quiet, speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker year around. housing $25 a a Rooms Very good rubber, good running, dependable car. $300. Can be wrecks. American and foreign cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. parking. Rob, 372-4828, set. 300 stereo albums 75c up. Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and 641-6353. 5.7^| » FOR SALE 351-9584, 237 Kedzle. 5-7-6 Animals shown on campus any day or early 2628 East K used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 Real Estate evening this week. For further CAMPUS NEAR. singleXoom with up. Realistic 55 watt stereo Mobile Homes information call 353-9589. XS-7-3 cooking. Phone 351-9237 or amplifier. WILCOX HASLETT - 3 bedi SECONDHANDSTORE, 509 East brick r J * PERSONAL 484-8173. 5-7-6 garage, den with fireplace COMET, 1961, 6 cylinder stick, Michigan, 485-4391. 8 a.m. -5:30 backyard, carpet, drapes * PEANUTS PERSONAL $175. YMCA ROOMS for young men or Dependable. See 340 - appliances available, bv »REAL ESTATE Evergreen. 3-7-3 women. Membership privileges. $19,900. FH A av * RECREATION Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, 30 watt amp with Garrard 339-2812. 5-7-9 CORVAIR 1964 gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 . 2 speakers, dust cover. * SERVICE convertible. Nice 8 months old, seldom used. Must Typing Service shape, rebuilt engine. Call Charlie, 482-2395 after 6 p.m. 5-7-3 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and YOUNG LADIES 5 minutes from sell for best offer. 355-5863. 3-7-7 EAST three LANSING, house, five~J bedrooms, $19 000 u American cars. If we can't fix it, it * TRANSPORTATION campus. Completely furnished Abbott, 355-1883 c can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. utilities paid. CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1964 372-8077 before 4 4-7-3 * WANTED Hurst 4 speed. Excellent i 0-7-3 p.m. 7-7-3 EAST DEADLINE $1600. 351-8526. 3-7-6 LANSING, 4£ MEN SINGLE with audio accessories. Complete stock spacious 1 P.M. one class day Employment cooking and one older home""' without. 1 block from Berkey. at MARSHALL MUSIC dining and DODGE 1968 Polara 500 family rooms before publication. 351-9504. 4-7-3 COMPANY, East Lansing. C-2-7-3 private ite 44 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car yard, doubl Cancellations - 12 one class day noon before power, air, $1600. Roger Lane, 353-4377. 353-6865. 5-7-8 magnum, necessary. spare Earn and learn in your time. Call 351-7319 for 'cK&NI Hex IMGOT AW - For Sale BEAUTIFUL WEDDING gown and Owner, $29,950. 337-0909 tf veil. Size 8. Worn once. Good LARGE FARM publication. DODGE 1966 iml UIH4T?' price, 371-1199.3-7-6 Mason area with 5 40M 27 STUDF.NT SERVICES ove The police cleared him of the murder charge after Tabakov explained the man he killed was a wanted criminal. They allowed always fair. The last Soviet amnesty was in 1967 on the 50th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. ■ PLETE THESIS service, CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP) the NAACP called for massive continued economic fscount printing. IBM typing and The National Association for the - aid to Nigeria and other black South boycott of Africa FOR WIVES, of theses, resumes, and economic ns. Across from campus, Advancement of Colored People African developing countries, sanctions against Rhodesia. MAC ' and Grand River, (NAACP) Thursday asked the Style Shop. Call federal government to return all |0PYGRAPH SERVICES, troops from Southeast Asia and Europe as soon as possible. The resolutions, approved by Cooper-Church STUDENTS, Wanted 3,000 delegates to the 61st (continued from page one) annual further national convention, asked that the funds Stuart not Symington, D-Mo.,whoare yield on some written into the of the restrictions military sales AND THE SILENT spent on the military be used for necessarily opposed to the program. 4-7-7 domestic priorities. use of mercenaries — but who MAJORITY " feel congressional approval With Congress in adjournment iJLTY WOMAN with "We cannot help noting that should one child be sought for such for the Independence Day billions of dollars are being spent Jlease / sublease 'Villiamston isolated country in a cruel, inhuman and unjust activities. weekend, reaction to the area, That is really what the President's interview was ivnership care. Call 489-2143 war in Southeast Asia in which substance of Cooper - Church is: minimal — and predictable. |enings. 3-7-3 SEEKS employment more than 30,000 of our young men have been killed thousands of others maimed and and a move approval States to require congressional before the United undertakes future As long as Americans die in Vietnam, Mansfield said, "the DOMINO'S, ic INC. or general office duties. 3 hours / week. 353-5631 crippled, while the nation is combat, advisory and air Senate will pursue a cooperative ®r 3 p.m. 3-7-3 spending a mere pittance to operations in Cambodia. effort between the Congress and eliminate the poverty that exists the »administration under the Some Senate conferees have within its boundaries and is Constitution in order to do what SHOPPERS check said they would prefer to have issified for big values in late doing little to alleviate the the military sales program, it can to sustain the President's Pdel cars. Turn to the Want Ads conditions of thousands of our desire to curtail the spread of ON CAMPUS CALL which they dislike, die rather citizens who suffer from hunger than yield on Cooper - Church. the war and to bring about a 351 7100 and malnutrition." The negotiated settlmement of this Senate conferees, I'D DONORS needed. $7.50 for Continuing foreign affairs, ■ Positive. A negative, 8 on however, will be prepared to tragic involvement." negative AB negative, $10.00. O Cmmm, IMMUNITY $12BLOOD0°- MICHIGAN CENTER ■'< East T'7Store. Above Grand River, the new Campus East PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD fyaAi tf-iee Hours 9 a.m. to 3 30 Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. »LMT°nd8V' ■ V. Tuesday and Wednesday and STA TE NEWS will bill you later. Thursday, 12 ^ 10 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C It's the real thing. Coke. I Y0(J OFFER PH.A. Consecutive Dates to Run _ Dancing ? Classification Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 10 Words or Less: 1 3 days $4.00 5 days $6.50 day $1.50 - 15c per 40c per word 65c per word Over 10 Words Add: word □ □ □ Mail to: Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. Bottled under the authority of The Coca-CoU MSU East Lansing, Mich. Company by: Coca-Cola Bottling Company 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3 DESPITE INCONVENIENCE Officials should foster free speech-Mitchell SAN ANTONIO, Tex. folio exercise First Amend (AP) - Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said Washington and which I believe should be considered by local rights, regardless unpopular the cause " hP 7H Thursday police cannot expect political demonstrations "to be and state authorities. "Realize that most f' conducted like prayer "Encourage the people to political demonstrations ? ;i|: meetings." entail a certain amoV Nevertheless, Mitchell said, inconvenience to local resi "Merely to tolerate freedom of of Iraq fired his information may be obscene," he hostil^1 :j:j expression is not good enough," said w $ Mitchell said in remarks for the minister Salah Omar el-Ali he added that police must .1 Texas Bar Association. Thursday, the Iraqi news agency protect the rights of the demonstrators. n«? "There is more freedom of announced. No reason was given speech and more freedom of for the dismissal. "I reject the notion , assembly today than at any time The move comes a Hay after persons exercising freedom :j: in our nation's history," Mitchell Bakr told a peasants' congress speech have a right to shut do, . said, "and so long as I am counterrevolutionary forces a community any more thn Wet and wonderful attorney general I will do "backed by imperialism" had community has a right to U out everything within my power to been caught plotting against his demonstrators," Mjtci bet see that these rights continue to two year old regime. said. ' in just about anything containing w - - flourish." seeking relief. He outlined guidelines for State News photo by John Carney and Milton Horst g dealing with demonstrations "that we in the federal ONE FOR THE ROAD head SONY NEA urges MODEL 20 CAR CASSETTE SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Helen Pate Bain, new president of the steps that they ought to go through to try to maintain or to the National Education Assn. (NEA), says that, if educators don't Q. Do you think a curriculum should be decided by parents, get their jobs back, and the services that are available. teachers and students? speak out on issues concerning the country, "we are not carrying They can make an individual application for assistance, and this out our A. Sure I do. If I'm a student, I should certainly have a voice in duty." can take on the form of our bearing the cost of a court case to try The pert blonde, who has been an English and speech teacher in what I think I ought to be taking. Now we tell a student who to get their jobs back or to try to rectify the says wrong. he wants to go to college that he has to take four years of Nashville, Tenn., for 25 years, is the spokesman for two million Q. What concerns do you have in the field of human relations? school teachers. A native Southerner with a soft Tennessee drawl. Mi's. A. I have a concern on the national level that educators have English, a year of American history and so forth, and we stack it up to such a point sometimes that we don't leave him enough at HI-FI BUYS Bain, not been asked to help in drawing up the guidelines for how 1101 E. Grand River time to take art, or music or theater, driver's training or married to a schoolteacher and mother of two teenage sons, is an government money will be used, and a concern on the local level typing. advocate of integration and a firm believer that educators should Q. How do you feel about teachers' strikes? &ast Lansing Phone 337-2310 to see that this kind of money is spent for some kind of human A. I don't think a group of teachers just off the top of their be active in politics and social and economic issues. relations work with students and with teachers. She took over her post from George Fischer, who, in one year, heads should strike, but at times there is no other way. When gave the NEA a new image, put leadership into the hands of the Q. What role do you think teachers should take in local, state they have tried all other ways and they have to strike, the NEA and national politics? will certainly be there to help them. elected leaders and pushed the giant teacher organization into controversial issues not directly related to education. A. I think every teacher should belong to a political party, and Mrs. Bain has been active in local, state and national politics belonging is not enough. They should become precinct workers, and in community affairs. and a precinct worker is one who can deliver a block of In an interview, Mrs. Bain outlined her objectives and votes. When you can deliver a block of votes then philosophies: you have a voice in that party, and when you have a voice in that Q. The past year the NEA has been very aggressive in speaking party you help elect the committee men and women. out on controversial issues such as integration, Indochina and I think teachers should be as political issues. Will you continue to do so? deeply involved as they have the time and money because our A. We will continue to speak out on any issue that concerns the country is based orf the political life of this country. If as educators we do not accept the responsibility to participate, we are not carrying out our duty. processes, and, unless we are going to become involved in that process, we are losing by default, and the country is not having Where can you get the the benefit of some of its best educated citizens. I think teachers - Q. Some issues cross political and philosophical lines. Does this not only have a right, they have a very definite responsibility to HIGHEST RATE bother you or you; organization? become involved themselves and to teach their students how to /. Are you talking about integration of schools? I think organize to work for a cause, how to become involved politically. integration of schools is a national problem. People just say it is only in the South. The problem is all over. You can pick any state and look. We don't have true integration of schools. Q. Do you have a program to help fight discrimination against of return on any type black educators and students in schools forced to integrate? A. We have opened an office in Jackson, Miss., and one in Baton Rouge, La., and we are having printed a booklet — simple and to the point — that can be handed to educators in very of bank savings? both those states, particularly, and others, which will give them GOLDEN FALCON ROOM HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE After a Scientific ON WINGS: WITH NIGHTLY BUFFET A LA CARTE COMPLETE DON RODRIGO TRIO Featuring JERI RAY Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. Tune-Up from AT AB & T OF COURSE! SPREAD YOUR WINGS DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. Morris No other bank offers higher rates of We took one look and bought these new Glycine watches. Now it's your turn. Transmission Work interest on any type of savings But, you know what they say about Fuel Pumps Spark Plugs Starters account or certificate of deposit. the early bird. Baguette style in Brakes Mufflers Generators A.B.& T. is the place to save 14 karat textured Shocks Tail Pipes ... no gold, $165. question about it! Oval dial i" K~3uette case, $60. To spot motor trouble and expense before it stops you, get an electronic test or our complete tune-up. Now is the time for that summer auto check. See us today. MORGANS Jewelers Since 1876 MORRIS AUTO PARTS 121 S. Washington • Lansing (Capital City Airport) 485-1764 FOR RESERVATIONS (FREE PARKING) 814 E. KALAMAZOO Mon. Sat. 8 Meridian Mall East - - 5:30 • Lansing GRANDMA'S PARENTS VISITING? Reserve a Room at the 1900 E. Kalamazoo KELLOGG CENTER It's Honey - Dipped! Week for: And have them really KINGDOM 2:30 p.m. 8. 4:00 p.m. j IN THE Become part of MSU Information — 355-4672. ' Abrams Planetarium, Science Road and Shaw Lane, | MSU, SKY East Lansing. No Preschoolers Sure, there are lots of places that visitors to the c. I REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN $1.35 \ Admitted. The story of selected Greek Lansing area can stay, but only ONE - KELLOGG 3 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, CENTER - is in the center of the MSU Action. On Free SPECIAL LECTURE sky-myths, portrayed as never J Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits Thursday, July 9, 8:00 P.M. before seen. Planetarium campus, and only minutes away from all University JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN $1.80 I 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes (Replaces Sky Scan this equipment will bring the Gods buildings . . . % block south of Michigan. Dini"9 , month) "THE ROLE OF to life before your facilities in the State Room. eyes. • Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw 1 ASTROLOGY Review the Greek concept of IN THE THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN $2.55 HISTORY OF creation then witness J 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY | ASTRONOMY" will be dramatic stories of the sky. | Serves 3 to 4 I presented by Dr. Henry C. I 1 COLOR TELEVISION AIR CONDITIONING King, noted author, lecturer, RESERVATIONS, PHONE 332-6571 COMING JULY 10: Historian of Science. The Case of the UFO