Monday Chance . . . MICHIGAN Vol. 63, never Number 9 help* thoae who do it help themselves. — Sophocles UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS ... around 80. zero. Sunny and warmer, . with . Chances of rain . a high near East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 6, 1970 Board of trustees requests review of Freedom By JOHN BORGER State News Staff Writer "Any of the parties to the document should be able to initiate amendments," he living unit less than 100 student petitioners. Report or group governments or by not drafted by the staff of the President of the United States. said. "At the present time, all but the Proposed amendments and revisions "But what if the faculty don't like the taxpayers, represented by the board of In a closed finance committee meeting cannot become amendment?" Nisbet said. "Then we (the trustees, are provided for." operative without June 19, the board of trustees called for a consultation with the ASMSU Student trustees) can't do anything about it." Stephen Nisbet, R-Fremont, echoed "complete review" of the Academic Huff's words. Board and the approval of the Academic If the trustees are to have the power to Freedom Report. "A thing that excludes the board of Council and the board of trustees. If either initiate amendments, the Academic A major aim of the review, according to trustees is a little out of line as far as the of the two latter groups rejects a Council will probably have to approve an proposal, several trustees, is to find a way to give the it is required to send an amendment to that effect. administration of the University is explanation to the board the power to initiate amendments to body that proposed it. "I don't know what we'll do if the concerned," he said Friday. the report, as well as to have final Under current procedures, the freedom Academic Council doesn't provide for approval Conceivably, under the concerning such amendments. present board initiation," Huff said. "Maybe the report may be amended at the suggestion procedure, either ASMSU or the Faculty The review was apparently intended to of the Student Board of ASMSU board will have to reconsider its earlier or the Committee on Student Affairs could be done in secret, as no mention of it was action and rescind the whole document." Faculty Committee on Student Affairs. formally propose an amendment suggested made in the open board Both groups may also Huff said he did not think this would meeting which approve amendments by the board of trustees, much as a senator followed the finance committee meeting. A or revisions to the report proposed happen, however, because he doesn't think motion to by or representative may submit a bill actually the Academic Council will refuse the require a public review, introduced by chairman Don board's request. Stevens, D-Okemos, lost on a 4-4 tie vote. As an example of conditions the trustees President Wharton said Friday he was not "can't live with," Huff said there was no Canadian sure of the current status of way, under current procedures, the board the review because he had turned the matter over to several assistants who had not back to him. "I have no way of reported jet could caught amend the report to allow for summary dismissal of students who are Administration throwing rocks at the knowing the full Bldg. "The administration feels the procedures " position yet," he said. "We're going to move raised. very carefully in what is or is not "A new document is oftenchangedaftera takes vesaboard for dismissal are unduly complicated," Huff said. "In the case of out - and - out violation of University regulations, there is time (of adjustment)," Wharton said. "All no way to dismiss the student TORONTO (AP) - An Air Canada Michael Matyas, who taking his son to they (the trustees) have done is to ask us to was immediately." review it." jetliner carrying 108 persons, many of the airport. "There were flames on the Don Stevens, D-Okemos, said them Americans returning home from the Friday he Two trustees contacted late last week bottom rear of the plane. Then lots of not was opposed to the trustees' discussing said they favored the review and felt the July Fourth holiday weekend, plowed into smoke and something fell off. It looked the Academic Freedom Report, "or the any board should be able to initiate backyard of a farmhouse while like a wing. Then the plane just nosedived other matter." approaching Toronto International Airport right down." "But I am Blazing amendments to the report. A third said he opposed the review because it violated due process. Sunday, killing all aboard. It was the second worst air disaster in Canada's worst air disaster occurred Nov. 29, 1963, when another DC8. the largest opposed to the trustees' amending the Academic Freedom Report without the procedures in the report which The July 4 holiday went out with "We can't live with a document that Canada's history. plane in Air Canada's fleet, crashed near we ourselves adopted," he said. a bang Saturday night as thousands Ste. Therese, Que., killing all 118 aboard. of local residents attended a fireworks abdicates all right of amendment," Warren Stevens also said he opposed the secret display at East Lansing The Super DC-8, on a flight from City Park Huff, D-Plymouth, said Thursday. "I'm not The dead in Sunday's crash included 77 nature of the review, and said any and viewed spectacles such as these presented in Montreal, to Los Angeles, nosedived shortly collage form. talking about the board passengers, 22 Air Canada employes and discussions of the report should be open to State News photo (making after the pilot radioed the airport that one nine crewmen. the public and the press. by John Carney amendments) unilaterally." of his engines was afire. A public relations officer for the airline The five other trustees could not be A police spokesman said the control said most of the passengers were Americans reached for comment. tower ordered the pilot to gain altitude and returning home from the Fourth of July The review was sparked by board jettison fuel and, as he complied, the holiday weekend. The Air Canada discussion of amendments to Article Six engine flew off the plane and fell on the Investigators personnel were mostly on vacations. (publications) and the proposed runway. The crash occurred 3 3/4 miles from the incorporation of the State News. These g "Then in another four or five seconds, another part of the plane went," said airport, which is 15 miles north of Toronto. (Please turn to paga 6) to continue cam J The Michigan Senate has authorized an Huber had told the Senate last year, staff study of campus problems released ■additional $9,000 for the special Senate when $25,000 was added to the original earlier this year. However, the additional ■committee probing campus unrest, bringing appropriation of $25,000, that he would ■the committee's total appropriation to appropriation did not pass without go out to solicit funds from private criticism from a number of senators. ■$59,000. organizations. But last week Huber Sen. Basil Brown, D-Highland Park, said indicated that persons he had contacted at one point that the I Sen. Robert Huber, R-Troy, who heads showed little interest in making donations. report should be ■he investigating burned. committee, had asked for Huber stated that the additional funds "I have not read it and I don't intend 1512,000, but the amount was cut by the were needed, in part, to support ■appropriation committee to $9,000. to," he said. Brown added that he had seen publication and distribution of a two part- newspaper accounts which criticized the report for its lack of solid information. Also critical of the additional iourt tries Sihanouk; appropriation was Sen. Coleman Young, D-Detroit, who asked, "Are we furnishing finances to promote a statewide and candidacy give him exposure?" Huber, who is seeking the Republican >rince sentenced to die nomination to the U.S. his committee and Senate, said that campaign staff were separate. "We have tried to keep campus PHNOM PENH, Cambodia calls Cambodians to committee costs down," he said. (AP) — A on overthrow the pnihUry tribunal found Prince Norodom regime which took over March 18. phanouk guilty Sunday of treason and Sihanouk was found guilty on nine Sentenced him, in absentia, to death. counts, ranging from ecnomic sabotage to SN Delivery J .,. c'vi|ian court president and four treason. The trial lasted three days. ■military judges reached the decision after ■JO minutes of deliberation. The defense argued that the military Students living in married housing units Crash scene -I The former chief of tribunal was not entitled to try Sihanouk are requested to leave their screen doors state remains abroad, A reported in Peking, and has formed a because he is a member of the royalty and unlocked so State News delivery men can pile of rubble is all that remains after the crash of an Air Canada jetliner near the Toronto International 8 vernment - in exile which protected by the still - existing laws of the place the papers between the screen door Airport Sunday. Ninety - nine passengers and a crew of nine were killed when the plane plummeted into a - frequently kingdom. and the solid door. farmyard during an attempt to land. AP Wirephoto Legislature OKs By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL $330.3 unenforceable, legislators told college administrators: to immediately expel — A $330.3 million budget bill designed to ease Michigan's 42 any student who damages campus (All figures in millions) property or buildings. public colleges and universities through the 1970 - 1971 fiscal to revoke the scholarships from any student who is found — year has cleared the legislature and awaits Gov. Milliken's First guilty of disorderly conduct or violence to a person or damage to 1969-70 Governor signature. Request Senate House conference As pas Under the measure, MSU will receive $59.9 million, an increase property while on campus. of $5.8 million over last — that state funds will be withheld from schools which fail to year. University officials said $71.1 MSU $54.1 $71.1 $61.2 million would be needed for this year's operation. take punitive action against teachers and students who disobey $59.9 $60.7 $59.9 $59.9 university rules. The skimmed Coop. Ext. $4.0 $5.5 $4.5 $4.5 $4.5 $4.5 $4.5 measure through the Senate on a 26-4 vote For the first time in Michigan history the legislature also set Friday and won 56-17 approval in the House hours later minimum working hours for college instructors. The bill Ag. Sta. $5.0 $6.3 $5.5 $5.5 $5.5 $5.5 $5.5 following a last - minute compromise which rescued the package from two earlier House defeats. stipulates that full - time faculty members must teach 15 class hours. Instructors at technical schools 12 hours and graduate level Oakland $6.2 $9.2 $7.1 $7.1 $7.2 $7.1 $7.2 Under the final spending blueprint, teachers 10 hours weekly. $284 million was earmarked U-M for the state's 13 public four - year $67.3 $79.3 $71.9 $69.2 $70.1 $69.2 $68.6 colleges — up $31.7 million The entire package reached a temporary House impasse when from the previous fiscal year. lawmakers disagreed over a clause setting a state - wide minimum Wayne State $41.8 $54.6 $46.7 $44.8 $45.9 $45.0 $45.1 and maximum tuition rates for all junior colleges. Reflecting the legislature's "get tough" policy on campus unrest, the higher education budget bill came equipped with three Republican opposition to the proposal helped defeat the stipulations aimed at cracking down on campus violence. package twice, sending the bill into further conference huddles Although opponents warned some of the stipulations may prove that ended in a last minute compromise. - MICHIGAN TATE MEWS UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD Chichester-Clark sees riots editor-in-chief as front for revolution attempt FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY LEE, city editor police put down to arson. The apparent touch off an explosion. There are many riots. JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - The British army brought its strength in object in Dublin is to upset Prime Minister fuses. But, if Miss Devlin is provocation i JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Northern Ireland last week to an Jack Lynch, whom extreme republicans One of them is a 23 - year - old member parades of the hardline Orangemen in th • I unprecedented 11,500 men, charged with charge with playing along too closely with of the British Parliament, Bernadette bowlers, sashes and white gi0Ves '"l Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award the seemingly impossible task of keeping the old enemy, England. The army, although reinforced by more Devlin, a little spitfire who blasted political fame with her off to active and dynamite. drums as The jarring thump 0f they make their annual march«l th?| for outstanding journalism. peace between feuding Protestants and than 3,000 men in the past week, clearly is Roman Catholics. reluctant to use its firepower. persistent championing of the Catholic civil to commemorate historic victories over the Catholics, drive p pr()le,/jl Politicians on both sides of the religious rights movement. " divide agree on only one thing: that Eight months ago the commander, Gen. Out of jail she's a gadfly; in jail she's a Catholics up the wall. Sir Ian Freeland, warned that people symbol. At the moment she's a symbol — Legal they are, however, coming weeks are critical and are likely to and wiiil EDITORIALS add to the bloodshed of the past weekend. throwing gasoline bombs would be shot on sight. In the past week gasoline bombs by serving a six -month sentence in Armagh jail on conviction of rioting and inciting to continue, it appears, until the blockbuster of finale dinJn I The gloom surrounding Prime Minister the score have been thrown at the troops riot. From her jailing sprang the latest a parade, Northern Ireland July 13 Forea'fl James Chichester - Clark's government has been deepened by the belief that the themselves. Not one of the bombers has could have a riot | Trustee amen outlawed Irish Republican Army (IRA), or one of its splinter groups, is now working been shot. But the new British Conservative as a cohesive force. government has sounded the law - and - The weekend's Belfast shootings during order note somewhat more loudly in recent unnecessary which seven persons were killed, were accompanied by factories a series of major fires in and downtown stores. Military days, backing a tougher stand by the provincial government. The provincial Parliament has passed two new laws — one The board of trustees have never become part of the Academic authorities say the fires were started by providing jail terms up to five years for been particularly happy with the Freedom Report. skilled arsonists using sophisticated devices. rioting, and another providing stiff Academic Freedom Report. One Thus the belief in the sentences for inciting hatred and Apparently, the trustees are not provincial of the primary reasons is that the government is that Northern Ireland's dissension. satisfied with this infallible check on troubles have changed their character. The The ideal, of course, would be to seek document really does guarantee a the report and desire to be a body of Protestant - Catholic rioting goes on, but the root of the trouble and cut it out. With degree of "academic freedom." The first instance with regard to behind it, said Chichester - Clark, is an the taproot of Catholic - Protestant hatred board originally passed the report in tampering with the document. This organized attempt at revolution. buried in 300 years of fights and discord, a moment of benevolence. Almost would be, at best, of dubious value. Something of the same kind appeared to this doesn't appear possible. Reason has be going on simultaneously in the been supplanted by passion. immediately, however, they began to There is currently a channel, albeit neighboring Irish republic. Even when a thin plaster of peace can be, regret their move because of the unofficial, available for the trustees somehow, troweled onto the edifice of Dublin, the republican capital, has in the mistaken assumption that guarantees to use in initiation of changes in the past week suffered four major fires which government, the breath of passion may of academic freedom would, in some report. They simply have to phone a inexplicable way, deprive them of sympathetic council member and ask some of their powers as trustees. that he introduce the proposal - this Certainly nothing could be further from the truth. One of the primary rationales for creating autonomous is the same method utilized by the President of the United States to get his programs passed by Congress. Desegregation universities with independent boards To this suggestion trustee Stephen of trustees (and etc.) was to insure that freedom. Academic there In would Freedom agreeing be academic to Report, the the Nisbet, R-Fremont, is quoted as saying: "But what if the faculty don't like the amendment?" Indeed, greeted WASHINGTON (AP) - President William D. coolly Ford D-Mich„ told if none of the scores of members of trustees were doing nothing more Nixon's request for $1.5 billion to help administration witnesses. the Academic Council liked a than reasserting their traditional and desegregate schools has been received The program has not even been embraced lawful role as the protectors of this proposal, then we submit that the coolly on Capitol Hill, particularly by by the Southerners in Congress. Most of amendment is probably completely Northern supporters of integration. them voted against the $150 - million freedom. While the document may down payment requested by Nixon for without merit. Further, it follows Suspicion of the administration's expand the metaphysical mobility of that if motives, based on its desegregation efforts immediate use when the Senate approved no one will introduce the the faculty and students of the so far, has helped dampen the enthusiasm the expenditure recently. change, then it is unlikely that the of the Democrats for the program which The President called for the $1.5 - billion University, it does not do so at the council would approve the change, if would put most of the money in the outlay over the next two years in his expense of the trustees. it was introduced by the board of South. school desegregation message last March. This notwithstanding, the board of There is reluctance also on the part of 'trustees. And The Supreme Court has issued final order trustees has decided to undertake certainly any Northerners a a whose own districts are for an end to dual school systems this amendment - initiating power on the "complete review" of the report. starved for funds to earmark such a September, and heavy added costs are part of the board of trustees would big The catalyst of this decision may be chunk of money for the South when th'e anticipated by the districts affected. the recommended changes in Article require, as a necessity, corollary administration has held down spending for The money would be used as the local Six of othe Academic Freedom approval by the Academic Council. schools generally. district decides, for such things as teacher Hair raiser Any other possibility would serve to And, as hearings before a House training, curriculum revision, repairs or Report that 'vote brought about by education subcommittee have disclosed, minor remodeling of school buildings and completely undo the function and This jumped the curb and crashed into a Kansas City barber shop as the proposea rporation of the State News. The actual thrust of the worth of the Academic Freedom there is resentment at giving what many Northern congressmen see as reward to the transportation services. Under a formula that double counts the car owner was giving a shampoo to a customer. At | - the time of the Report. Southern districts that have resisted minority children in districts carrying out a move, however, is an effort to find a accident, the customer was sitting in the chair at the far right but desegregation the longest and hardest. court - ordered or federally approved way for the trustees to initiate In sum, there does not seem to be moved to finish the shampoo. "We're being asked to pay reparations to desegregation plan, two - thirds of the amendments to the report. any good rationale for investing the some Southern school districts for money would go to the South. AP Wirephoto having Under the existing system board of trustees with the power to inflicted the Constitution on them," Rep. amendments may be initiated by initiate changes in the Academic either the Academic Council or the Freedom Report. Indeed, at best student board of the Associate such an act would only serve to SPECIAL SESSION 'HELPFUL' Students of Michigan State create a comparatively useless University (ASMSU). An amendment bureaucratic channel, where other begun by the student government efficient, though unofficial, channels • requires the approval of the council, whereas, one begun by theAcademic Council may be passed over the already exist. At worst, this power could prove to be the undoing of the entire Academic Freedom Report and the Late 'U' budget Objections of ASMSU. An re-establishment of the amendment originating in either ancient, defunct tradition that the manner must be approved board of trustees giveth and complicates by the the board of trustees before it can board of trustees taketh away. Use of legal By JOHN BORGER State News Staff Writer The guidelines must then be used to establish a workable budget. "We have beginning of January, when the governor® about three weeks of work to establish this submits his recommendations, until thtfl year's budget after the trustees establish end of June — to act on university^ appropriations. provides A most new Late legislative approval of University appropriations will make it extremely difficult for the administration to submit its guidelines," Wilkinson said. Because the next regular trustees is not until July 17, Wilkinson said a meeting "If we could know what appropriations would be in late April oil early May, we could zip right through tlftl interesting case is shaping on a schedule reflecting the ad hoc budget request for 1971-72 by the special trustees meeting to discuss the September deadline, Roger Wilkinson, vice budget "would help a lot." whole thing," he said. I up in the U.S. District Court in needs of the campus dwellers rather In such a situation, faculty and studenti■ president for business and finance, said Such a trustees Grand Rapids. The plaintiffs in the than by some arbitrary and inflexible Friday. meeting had been could be informed of salaries and tuitioul scheduled for June 29, but it was cancelled action are the 132 people arrested in time sequence. The budget request for 1971-72 must be because the legislature had not acted changes much earlier, possibly before the! the upon end of spring term. Union last May 19. The ROGER WILKINSON based on the actual budget for 1970-71, he Further, there can be no doubt appropriations at that time. defendants include such personages explained, and the 1970-71 budget must be President Wharton said that the challenge is being presented Friday the based on the legislative appropriations. trustees as Ingham County Prosecuting properly. Appropriate channels are were being contacted about Attorney Raymond Schodeller, holding such a meeting, but a decision being utilized to the utmost. The whether or not to hold the Ingham County Sheriff Kenneth citizens are once again using the laws meeting had not been made. Preadmore and President Wharton. The court action specifically questions the constitutionality of the of the land in an attempt to attain relief from what they consider an improper rule. The question is now: Africans' visit Since the legislature acted appropriations only Friday, if the board of trustees does not meet until July 17, by on Misplaced University trespass ordinance, Wilkinson's estimated schedule it would be will the system respond as it claims It though the alleged use of around August 7 before this year's budget Memos disturbs will? is completed. Portug intimidation techniques by Because next year's University officials is also Regardless of who wins or loses budget request must To: All men born on July 9, be submitted to the board of this trustees for 1951. considered. What may actually be at action, one fact emerges: final approval before it is student given to the Re: The future stake, however, is the more - establishment LISBON (AP) — The Portuguese African territories since 1961. legislature, this leaves only about six weeks confrontations may never be the government Sunday broke a four - day for Wilkinson's office Boys fundamental question of "who owns "Despite the extreme gravity of such to prepare the — the University" in the functional same again. The young people have silence on a rift with the Vatican over an reports, the Portuguese government budget request. We'll be audience granted by Pope Paul VI to three Wilkinson said the major seeing you. thought it should not alarm the conscience sense. seized upon a new and mighty anti - Portuguese African rebel leaders. of the country before a full explanation of system was the hold-up in the legislature, which usually - N.C. Ky & N.V. Thieu I Certainly this matter needs weapon in their battle to change It said it awaited the facts," the document said. takes about six "convincing months — from the resolution. There is something society - the law. explanations" from the Holy See. aesthetically, if This new emphasis is most worthy, A communique issued by the foreign not morally, improper about arresting students for it may ultimately prove to be the ministry said the government has been informed through press reports that "the for assembling in their own Union only truly effective method of leaders of the terrorist movements building on their own campus. challenging the status qu». At the attacking Portuguese borders" were Granted, the closing time had passed, very least one thing is clear - received by the Pope last Wednesday. but the argument can officials may very well think twice The three anti Portuguese fighters — easily be made - that a student service such as the before jumping the gun if they know Agostinho Neto of Angola, Marcelino dos that they will have to answer in Santos of Mozambique and Amilcar Cabral Union should be available to the of Guinea — head guerrilla organizations tudents as needed. It should be run court for their actions. which have been active in Portuguese Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 6, 1970 news Collins jury selection ANN ARBOR (UPI) — The John Norman resumes summary trial resumes today after a recess five potential jurors who were following Collins "coed murder the questioning of dismissed Thursday for a variety of Of the two opinion?, men and three women Jismissed Thursday, two had about the case, one had a job he couldn't be one lives next to a away from, 23 area was in a the seventh of young women in the Ann two - year period. Arbor - Ypsilanti reasons. prosecution witness and the husband of the Circuit Judge John Conlin ordered the fifth works at Milan Prison. summoning of 300 more Four of those dismissed potential jurors Monday after denying a fifth motion Thursday were from previous jury by defense panels and only one was from the list of 300 Collins, 23, a former Eastern Michigan University senior, is attorneys to have the trial shifted to another Michigan potential jurors city. summoned this week in the continued attempt to select an charged with first degree murder in the slaying of Karen Sue • Of the 300 names drawn for the impartial jury to hear the jury panel, 165 were case. Beineman, 18, a Grand Rapids coed at EMU. Her death last July successfully served with notices to appear for jury duty. However only 128 showed up Thursday, and Conlin dismissed all but 57 of them. Only one of that group came under questioning Thursday SUMMER PROJECT leaving 56 awaiting questioning on Monday when the resumes. trial' "Maybe the board will have to reconsider its earlier action and | rescind the whole Academic Freedom — document (the Report)." Trustee Warren Huff A Local drug center open For 'Thumbs Dp' Stereo... (Story I) public Drug Education "Although there on page Center organized by a are other graduate student, is chairman of summer and that they hoped to r» group of facilities for drug information in the board of directors for the continue the students, professors and the Lansing area," Lynn said, "drop-in center" members of the project. idea next year if it is successful, East Lansing "some of those places are just Members of the board said They feel the Albert Street community, opened last Monday too establishment oriented." * - that the community is void of location is good because it is at 131 Albert St., East Lansing. Mike Gieszer, East Lansing any drug information during the close to the downtown area. The center, which is a summer International News project, will provide information . and counseling services to young ON AFRICAN PEASANTS Youths 18 through 20 voted for the first time Sunday people in the East Lansing area. |jn Mexico's presidential election, but the candidate Staffed by a professional Stereo Headphones psychiatrist, students, parents ■ many of them oppose, Luis Echeverria, was expected to and volunteers, the center will win. Echeverria is the candidate of the Institutional also offer guitar, literature informal classes and horseback in PASOA symposium set at HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River IRevolutionary party (PR1) which hasn't lost a major riding. Ed The Pan - African Students Organization in the masses and to share with them whatever ■election since it was formed 40 years ago. Lynn, professor of Americas (PASOA) will sponsor a Student revolutionary consciousness and knowledge psychiatry, said the center's Symposium on Africa's Future at Howard we program will have. emphasize "inter - University, Washington, D.C., July 24-26. The Enemy forces captured most of the district capital of personal relationships and safe, theme is "The African Peasantry and the African "We believe that every African student does 88c and should have a contribution to ■Saang. 20 miles south of Phnom Penh in Cambodia non - judgmental help. Revolution." stated. make," they Cigarettes "We ■Sunday but began pulling out late in the day. are also considering In a letter explaining the conference, I The withdrawal began after the arrival from the capital setting up 'encounter' groups national PASOA officers said, "It is our the For further information contact Maina Frisbee between parents and duty, as Kenyatti, Midwest and West Coast coordinator, students," ■of a battalion of Cambodian troops on buses and civilian ■trucks. The forces never went into action and returned Lynn said. students, to learn from the African peasant African Studies Center. 3/95< 73c in the direction of Phnom Penh late in the afternoon. limit 1 The State limit 1 News, the student newspaper at Michigan State (Coupon) (Coupon) The United States, South Vietnam and their allies in University, is published every class day during four school East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only terms, Expires After 7-11-70 Expires After 7-11-70 plus Welcome Week edition in September. ■Indochina proposed Sunday that "free nations" Subscription rate is $14 per year (consider Cambodian requests for aid. 3.95 A communique issued after a meeting of Secretary of Member Associated Press, United Press International, ktate William P. Rogers and the foreign ministers of Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Hi Liters Couth Vietnam, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Zippo Lighter land Thailand did not make clear which nations they had Bn mind. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services 15c $2<9 Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, limit 3 limit 1 Michigan. (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires After 7-11-70 National News Phones: Expires After 7-11-70 Editorial 355-8252 1.50 Trial Size Classified Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 The new independent U.S. Postal Service has all but ■been created, and one of the first things it is likely to do Business-Circulation 355-3447 Tanya Cheer Laundry Photographic 355-8311 |is jump the price of the basic stamp to eight cents. Tanning Butter Detergent With the mails facing a predicted $2.5 billion deficit ■next year no legislation has been introduced to ULTRA-BRITE TOOTHPASTE, 3 oz. 99C 7 oz. 9C (implement President Nixon's proposed mail - rate hikes. limit 1 (Coupon) ' limit 6 But both the House and Senate cleared the way for "GIVES YOUR MOUTH East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only ■he new independent postal service to boost rates on its Expires After 7-11-70 Expires After 7-11-70 ■own. SEX APPEAL" AND 1.15 .59 STP, "THE RACER'S EDGE" Scores of youths were in jail or out on bond Sunday BRING YOU Coated Close-Up ■alter a night in which police fought pitched battles with Rubber Bands Toothpaste jyouths who rampaged through Russells Point, Ohio, 6.2 39c oz. (smashing windows and looting shops. Nearly ■counties rushed 100 officers to from a dozen surrounding Russells Point and the National The Newport Jazz limit 1 (Coupon) limit 1 (Coupon) t East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only (Guard (the was placed on alert after the trouble broke out, 10th consecutive year in which a disturbance has Festival Expires After 7-11-70 Expire? After 7-11-70 (occurred in this resort town on the Fourth of July. Kodak suggested . . . Complexion Size I The THIS WEEKEND ON Phone 351 3180 world's finest bridal salons Color Film government is planning to build a superhighway 4960 northwind drive • east lansing Safeguard Soap (hrough the soggy bayou land of New Orleans Mafia NBC RADIO'S MONITOR, Across from Coral Gables 126 - 127 - 620 f oss Carlos Marcello and pay his business empire about 1160,000. 13c IV• 1 The Justice Dept. has launched a secret probe of the limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) ■outing of the Interstate 410 bypass through the five East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires After 7-11-70 Expires After 7-11-70 piles of marshes held in the name of two firms (controlled by Marcello. brazier 10% off the discount price 5X7 I President and Mrs. Nixon welcomed back Julie and on alt film Color Enlargements Pavid Eisenhower from Kodacolor negatives onlv Sunday from a four - day trip to developing Japan. (excluding enlargement I The President said he I in law's thought his daughter's and son offer at right) 39c - official visit to Japan and its international no limit limit 5 Exhibition had been a "very successful (Coupon) (Coupon) trip and a very East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1'iective one." Expires After 7-11-70 Expires After 7-11-70 1 e."' J- W- Fulbright, D-Ark., said Sunday Vice 20c off the 20c off the ■ad'' ■ icalf1* .'^p'ro T- Agnew inspires some people to actions, and he discount price discount called Agnew an upstart man. r i, , - v-;. , v • t^ on any deodorant price on any In I 1 tlle vice president's attacks are symptoms of a Shampoo I ';ady t'lal very serious," Fulbright said, tonf I- unit tee irman °f the Senate Foreign Relations was interviewed »*>¥ limit 1 limit 1 on the CBS television - (Coupon) (Coupon) |Wio program "Face the Nation." East Lansing Store Only Expires After 7-11-70 "ast Lansing Store Only Expires After 7-11-70 "9.98 1.29 ■dST r'ghts crusader Ralph Nader has asked Sen. Bob Dylan lie ' ,uskie, D-Maine, to investigate reports that At (wo or?1'0 Energy Commission has been persecuting Panty Hose Self-Portrait (olicies *S SC,ent'sts who have been critical of the AEC 75' double album SVt [ouT IT ,John Gofman and Arthur R. Tamplin, limit 1 pvermo > r • ,^awrence Radiation Laboratory at (Coupon) limit 1 (Coupon) Jcentlv %• . !f*' de,ivered several technical papers East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expires After 7-11-70 ■ far n,Cri' lciz'n8 the allowable radiation dosage limits Expires After 7-11-70 ■t |or nuclear p°wer plants (d'catio^r0te t0 Muskie Sunday that "the available ■*used W°niotinM f ?rC that Gofman and Tamplin have been feresy by an agency so committed to the 310 W. Grand River East Lansing State D iscount 307 E. Gr and River Piation ri 2 :ltomic energy that it has insisted that 351 8666 Next to the Card (toned th tr^ated more as articles of faith to be Shop | an Propositions to be examined continually." 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 6) ,9 Israeli ...E associated press planes hit Egyptian sites By Israeli account, this was the He denied the Cairo claim that near Canal reconnaissance by the Israeli air have succeeded now In Israelis reported that Jordanian The Israeli command said countries third aircraft lost to the two represented planes were shot down. force. hv Israeli warplanes attacked Egyptians in the canal area In six The three aircraft which the stationing a network of modified army regulars joined Arab there also was an exchange with four - man Arab ConciL, Last November the Israelis said SAM2s capable of being Egyptian artillery batteries and days. The Egyptians claim to Israelis admit losing in a week's guerrillas in an exchange of fire Arab guerrillas In the Mt. Commission fr>» ... 101 missile sites along the Suez Canal they had wiped out all Egyptian launched from field sites, the with Israeli units across the Hermon sector in Lebanon. guarantees •0 have downed 11 Israeli planes in time is their highest plane toll in missile sites near the canal. on Sunday, and the Israelis said that period and to have captured a single week since the 1967 sources say. frontier at Belt Shean Valley. No In Amman, Jordan's capital, Palestinian 'evolution" The Egyptians are believed to On the Jordan front, the v Isreali casualties wereb reported. Arab guerrilla leaders asked the spokesman for " the p»iL,1 - one of the planes was shot down three Israeli airmen. Middle East vi Liberation ... by ground fire. The Egyptians An Israeli military spokesman Th Israelis th h . , announced. Organization .. H? 1,0 claimed two jets downed said the plane shot down Sunday ' the Arabs FOCUS: AFRICA The spokesman, • The Israeli report raid the two Kama! said the request Nasser man man mvaui crew nf of ttio aivnvaff the aircraft, OF ITllSSilGS. Two Israeli . • the n —» E8VPtians- They claim to . . because guerrilla was 2 presumably a U.S. Phantom jet, parachuted into built aircraft Tuesday were knocked down by hit Inct last hflye downed 102 Egyptian still believed . "***£ warolanes counterrevolutio. forces In Jordan are Egyptian territory. a A Cairo dispatch reported the capture of an Israeli captain and lieutenant. Soviet - built SAM 2 missiles, the Israelis say. * In Israeli Planes carried lon8 strike on out a day Egyptian targets the southern and central Knowledgeable sources in Tel Aviv have reported that the Israeli government is seriously Journal to debut in fall planning to movement." Cairo claimed strike against the Palestine o resisun« more nw concerned over the recent two isri„ sectors of the waterway, the Phantoms Israeli military spokesman in Tel redeployment of Soviet missiles A student journal of African studies will begin publishing in the Manuscripts should be sent to: "Mazungumzo," Student were and their pilots brought do* in the canal zone despite round - fall, the journal's five student editors announced last week. The Journal of African Studies, African Studies Center, MSU. captured in Aviv said. the clock central sector of the - bombing and publication represents one of several innovations that came out of The "Mazungumzo" editors are John Nabila, Ghanaian grad canal A statement student demands made on the African Studies Center last year. student; Graham De Freitas, British grad student; Maina Kinyatti, distributed bv th. NOW 2-BIG FEATURES , 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION MVRMt / • ' "The African Studies Center affirms its commitment that Kenyan grad student; Chui Karega, Detroit junior, and Shela Middle East News not say how the Agency dj of beauty, sex ffgtma (3BEBB1 African studies must be made more relevant to the needs and aspirations of persons of African descent wherever they may reside," the editors' statement read. "This relevance includes McFarline, E. Lansing grad student. downed. planes « and drugs: > |^i-dn.a-an.R.2S.7:gn.Q.9n Legislator skips meetings, increased participation by persons of African descent In decision • making processes of the center, increased involvement in the more teaching and study of Africa and related areas and the :au>i encouragement of their appreciation of their African heritage." The journal will be called "Mazungumzo," meaning "dialogue" in Swahill. The editors will accept contributions of articles with a major discussion of audit report focus on the African continent and subjects related to Africans of the diaspora. Manuscripts should be on standard - size State Rep. George paper and Montgomery, D-Detrolt, Montgomery, who Is chairman of the Hou* 10-15 pages long. The deadline for fall publication is Sept. 1. failed to appear at two meetings of state subcommittee on higher education legislators and University officials to discuss the appropriations, is a candidate in the Democratic MSU Audit Report, sources said Friday. gubernatorial primary. Rep. Marvin Stempien Montgomery has criticized the board of D-Livonia, also a member of the three ■ man trustees for "refusing to cooperate" with the subcommittee and Montgomery's legislative legislature by not offering satisfactory campaign chairman, sent form letters to nearly explanations of the report. 100 university officials throughout the The source said University officials invited state, asking them to circulate nominating petitions for legislators to the University to discuss the audit Montgomery. report shortly after it was released. Another MSU did not circulate the petitions. discussion was later held at the Capitol. "(Not circulating the petitions) may not have Montgomery was invited to both meetings, the hurt us, but it sure didn't help us any," the source said, but did not attend either. University sources said. CAMERA SHOPS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 6, 1970 5 Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent For Rent For Sale Personal Service 4-door sedan, aqua. MARLETT MANOR, 3519 South SUMMER AND part time BOARDING Jl NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony Cedar. FENDER "P.A. 4100" HORSES: Pontiac and Buick, 828 Rooms for gentleman. 100 watt Clean S .hw'j Grand River, Phone IV employment with merchant wholesaler. Automobile full • line and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 Private bath, with maid service. amplifier. One year old. 339-8362 surroundings, plenty of pastures and good Typing Service MUSTANG 1969 250 3 bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD $21 per week. Phone 5-7-9 housing. $25 a month, speed 882-0261, 2-9776.5-7-6 $1600. 351-9261 after 2 required. 351-5800 for MANAGEMENT COMPANY, no answer 351-8451. 5-7-7 year around. 641-6353 5-7-6 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. pm information. O WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony 3-7-8 351-7910. O No job too large or too small. ::'"sKVLARK. 2-door gmn »C.K model 530 stereo tape recorder. CATS, DOGS, boarded. MSU *ite, Crosby'* Pontiac and SALES PEOPLE needed. All leads UNIVERSITY SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo 337-7776, 351-2126. Clip area. Block off campus. 332-3255. C ? rk 828 East Grand River. TEMPEST 1966, blue, 4 door. furnished. Car desirable. Also VILLA, 4 blocks to women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. and save. 5-7-10 SStvWW. M-6 Overhead cam, six, automatic. Good condition, $650. Call some people needed for travel. Call 351-3700 for appointment. O Student Union. Fall available. 3 and 4 man furnished. leases Any time - 372-1031.0 tape recorders. 100 used 8 track stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. DISSERTATIONS, THESIS, Term Papers. Expert typist with degree 351-8426 after 6 p.m. 3-7-8 35 1 3729. HALSTEAD Cassette tape recorders. Koss NEEDED: MALE under in English. IBM. (Also PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near graduates editing.) MANAGEMENT Pro-4-A stereo head for communication experiment. 351-8950. O COMPANY, Michigan Avenue. Study and sleep phones. NEED INTELLIGENT person with $2.00 for 40 minutes of time. 351-7910. O in quiet Garrard turntables $25 up. VM 6036^ or 485-6758 before 5 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE pleasant voice for telephone work. room 627-5454. 5-7-10 for $15 a week. 120 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, Come to 518 South Kedzie PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation ! 5-7-7 1965. Rebuilt clutch. Good top, runs Good pay. Flexible hours. Call MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 30 watt stereo receiver with between 9 and 5 to set IBM Typing, Multilith well. 482 5419. 3-7 8 351-3820 Dianne after up Printing. & 1 p.m. Marigold across from campus. speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker appointment. 5-7-10 Hardbinding. Complete Thesis JFVELLE 1964 convertible, blue, 2-7-7 Deluxe 2 furnished set. 300 stereo albums 75c up. man Service for the most ,«cedent runninjj condition, new Discerning Scooters & Cycles apartments. Now leasing for fall. Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and Master's & Doctoral Candidates. transmission. 351-4914. 6-7-6 NURSERY TEACHER HASLETT IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 Peanuts Personal Free Brochure and Consultation. Coop Nursery. Tuesday, GIRL'S up. Realistic 55 watt stereo Call CLIFF VAN 1964. In good CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national SINGLE room, 3 blocks and PAULA Thursday, mornings starting 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-man from amplifier. WILCOX TAURUS, HAPPINESS IS Mr. HAUGHEY: 337-1527. C Union. 337-1448 after 3 $600. Call 351-5070. . . companies. Compare our rates. . condition, September. Qualified teacher, furnished apartments. Now leasing SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Flood's Party and red roses. Virgo. 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or p.m. 3-7-8 5-7-8 prefer experience. 351-8578. 3 7-8 for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 505 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Albert, East Lansing, 337-0780. O SINGLE ROOMS, with offset printing. Complete service KVROLET 1963, 4 door, $100 484-8173. O cooking. Two cash. George Warren, 351-6367 For Rent SOUTH blocks from campus. $12 $ 15 per 1969 KLH 60 watt amp with Garrard Real Estate for dissertations, theses, BSA 1965 SIDE, near Potter Park, / week. 351 9504. 3-7-8 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. after 7 p.m. 5-7-6 - 250cc Scrambler. Needs unfurnished, utilities turntable. 2 speakers, dust cover. paid. 20 years experience. 332-8384. C some work. $225. Call 351-8108 8 months old, seldom used. Must HASLETT 3 bedroom brick ranch, $125/month. 484-3009. 3-7-7 YOUNG LADIES 5 - ask for Randy 3-7-6 minutes from garage, den with fireplace, fenced IEVR0LET 1939 four door sedan, campus. Completely furnished sell for best offer. 355-5863. 3-7-7 TERM PAPERS good shape, 4 new tires SUBJECTS FOR backyard, carpet, drapes, patio, quickly and two hour hypnosis utilities paid. 372-8077 before 4 accurately done. 1156 Burcham RIVERSIDE 1968, 125cc. 2800 UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C REFRIGERATOR, $20; stove, $30; appliances available, by owner, and new battery. Can be seen at research. Call 351-1755 or p.m. 10-7-17 call 337-2737. 3-7-8 miles, excellent condition, $200. dinette set, $30. 332-5831 after 5 $19,900. FH A 2082 Northeast Delhi, Holt, 351-7823. 3-7-7 available, 332-6246, evenings. O RENT A TV from a TV 5-7-8 339-2812. 5-7-9 #4-0773.3-7-8 $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. company. ROOMS FOR girls. Single or double. p.m. COMPLETE THESIS service. WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments Discount KAWASAKI NEJAC TV RENTALS. C near Cooking. Near campus. 351-6586 EAST printing. IBM typing and mVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963 500cc. Excellent MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, 5-7-10 PENTAX SPOTMATIC fl.4 50mm, 6 LANSING, 4-5 bedrooms, binding of theses, spacious older resumes, .speed. Runs well, $150 or trade condition, $800 or best. Drafted, carpeted, air conditioned. No lease months old and 450mm 'T' mount home. Study, publications. Across from campus, TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, or motorcycle, 355-0926. 3-7-8 must sell. 351-8165. 5-7-7 required, $165 per month. Phone soligon, 351-8526. 3-7-6 dining and family rooms. Large $8.50 per month SINGLE, DOUBLE, clean, quiet, corner MAC and Grand River, including stand. 489-1719. TF private yard, double garage. Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY parking. Rob, 372-4828, below Style Shop. Call IRVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1965: STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, Owner, $29,950. 337-0909. TF 351-9584, 237 Kedzie. 5-7-6 COPYGRAPH 377 365 horsepower. Many Aviation 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. Beds, Buy/Sell. ABC 337-1666. C SERVICES, Call 351-9282. 2-7-7 One bedroom apartment furnished SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to CAMPUS NEAR, single room with Turner. TF Service or unfurnished. Summer rates. cooking. Phone 351-9237 or FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. IRVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 351-5323. O 484-8173. 5-7-6 ownership! See the good home DRESSMAKING, Horsepower, 4 wheel disc Special $5.00 offer. 484 1324. C Apartments MASTERWORK TAPE $30; Zenith record player, $25; recorder, ALTERATIONS, formals. Experienced. Reasonable buys in the Classified Section s 4 speed. Excellent YOUNG MAN needed to share home, condition, $2,400. 489-9302. A uto Service & Parts 406 SOUTH Houses Magnavox AM-FM radio, $35 charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 Pine, near downtown private bedroom, fireplace, rec 332-2154. 3-7-8 Lansing. Furnished efficiency BACHELOR room and bar. Near Frandor. $55 VACUUM MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East suitable 1 person, $70 a month. PAD, big home, in town, remodeled with orange shag per month plus utilities. Call CLEANERS, Electrolux. Sales, Service and Parts. 351-0158 Wanted IRVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1964 speed. Excellent condition, Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. Modern furnished, efficiency $120 carpet, dimmer light control, 487-6295 or 339-9060. 3-7-8 Animals anytime. 5-7-10 Complete auto painting and a month. 1 bedroom apartment, I. 351-8526. 3-7-6 completely furnished. Set-up for 4 collision service. IV 5-0256. C $135 a month. No children or to 6 students. $230 / month. Call GUITAR LESSONS. Private pets. No leases. Call Richard Gail For Sale DOUBLE YELLOW - head parrot Folk - Rock - 393-4841. 4-7-7 YOUR thing in rebuilt rail DUNE Clusky, 372-4138 or Simon with cage, stand, $65. 332-5831, - Semi-Classic. MARSHALL ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Real Estate, Okemos Branch, 353-7148.5-7-8 MUSIC COMPANY. 351-7830 BUGGY 1962 Volkswagen tach, KALAMAZOO STREET BODY POLICE MONITORS, Sonar 351-2260. 5-7-8 FR103, C-7-6 GRAD STUDENT wants small il gauge, reinforced frame, 11" SHOP. Small dents to special sale $29.95 up plus furnished house with /ersize rims, 4 syncro trans, large SAMOYED PUPPIES AKC. Good yard or wrecks. American and foreign GIRL 21 or over to share crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, outdoor inch seats and I'll do mine with large 2 CARPETED 3 BEDROOM $50 per 5558 South Pennsylvania with children. Also non PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and area to keep large dog. cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. bedroom, with 2 working girls. person plus deposit. Room for 4. Avenue, leather cleaning and Needed starting September. 213 ,ourdough. 351-3946. 3-7-8 2628 East Kalamazoo. C Lansing. C registered beagle puppies $5 each. refinishing - A short drive to service. Now being offered at 934-6110, collect. 5-7-10 campus. 339-8587. 3-7-6 IDGE 1968 Polara 500 487-3055. 3-7-6 KENWOOD TK-40 receiver, $100. OKEMOS DRY CLEANERS, AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and SENSIBLE 2155 Hamilton Road, 332-0611. SHOPPERS check convertible, white 44 magnum, American cars. If we can't fix it, it KLH-22 speakers, $75, mikes also. NEED GIRL for 3 man summer. HOME Classified for big values in late 489-9130.5-7-6 OF THE power, air, $1600. Roger Lane, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255 model cars. Turn to the Want Ads Close, pool, air - conditioned. PROFESSIONALS. O 353-4377, 353-6865. 5-7-8 0-7-6 351-1280 or 351-1967. 4-7-9 SONY TC 560 WHY LIVE in a crowded apartment? tape recorder. Mobile Homes RED CROSS swimming lessons given IDGE 1966 4-door, V-8, Excellent condition, $225. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for imatic, power steering. $695. -5115. 3-7-6 Employment Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished near Spacious immediately home in for Marble School rent 372-6990. 5-7-10 I' x 32' Elcar, 1953, 1 bedroom. all positive. A negative, B negative studios, utilities paid. Private Near campus, $850, cash or terms, and AB negative, $10.00. O EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car area. Phone 677-1495. 3-7-7 BRONICA S2 2'/4" x 2'/." entrance, $110 a month, plus SLR, $300 may rent. 351-5401 anytime. TUTORING: JUNIOR - Senior High negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN necessary. Earn and learn in your or best. Never used. 351-8165. deposit, 627-5454. 5-7-10 SHARP FURNISHED four 5-7-6 / College students. Experienced COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, spare time. Call 351-7319 for girl, near 5-7-7 campus, summer - fall. 351-1325, English teacher, recent Master's 507Vi East Grand River, East PRIVATE 1 bedroom, partially MSU. 355-6211 after 5 p.m. S-7-6 Lansing. Above the new Campus AT 1969 Spider convertible, furnished apartment in Eaton 5-7-9 OLDSMOBILE RADIO, pushbutton Lost & Found Book Store. Hours 9 NEED GOOD WORKERS? a.m. to 3:30 ceilent shape, $1500. 355-3890 Help Rapids. 20 minutes MSU. Near EAST FOUND: ON campus, part German TRANSLATION: FRENCH or p.m., Monday, Wednesday and 351-0355. 5-7-10 Wanted Ads in Classified get'em LANSING, 595 Spartan, river. Available German to English. Tutoring: Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 fast Dial 355-8255 nowl immediately. duplex for 4. Furnished, for Shepherd, 6-8 months, 501 MAC. 663-4800 or 351-2140. 5-7-10 3-7-6 French. 355-8186. 5-7-10 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C IRD GALAXY summer, 485-6222. 5-7-9 1963, automatic, NEED HELP in BEAUTIFUL WEDDING gown and ileage. Good condition. Call my stereo ONE TWO men needed starting fall 351-0305. 2-7-6 department. $4.75 per hour. Call for 4 man. Meadowbrook Trace. Rooms veil. Size 8. Worn once. Good EMPLOYMENT 371-1913 between 9:30 12:00. C - price, 371-1199. 3-7-6 Call Tom, 351-1708. 3-7-8 MEN 21 and over. It takes Clean, quiet BOOKKEEPER WAITRESS WANTED at 2314 East rooms. MARTIN TENOR Saxaphone. 6 - figure •LKS WITH KEEN EYES for iten 2 Cooking and parking, a Man Michigan. Hours 12:30 7 a.m. BEDROOM apartments, summer. Close, reasonable. months old. Excellent condition. aptitudes are in demand. rest read the "Personals" - Duplexes summer fall. Furnished, 487-5753 Choose your location and tomeeta Apply between 7 a.m. 2:30 p m 485-88."?fi r> $250. Call 355-0090, extension Classified Ads. Check nowl - 351-6586. 5-7-10 3-7-7 41, between 8 - 5 p.m. 5-7-4 salary. Experience helpful for Challenge. YMCA ROOMS for young men or full ONE - - charge position. $450+. MAN for 2 man apartment. women. Membership privileges. Phone BELLINGER Burcham Woods, 351-1673 before noon. 5-7-10 Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 MEN PERSONNEL, 485-5481. SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA area, deluxe 2 Six years after graduation furnished bedroom or apartment, unfurnished. SUMMER AND will you have RECEPTIONIST - Employ Carpeting throughout, draperies, your diversified skills where they are needed. Enjoy public air - conditioning. Clean, quiet building. Call 882-9117. 0-7-31 FALL LEASES 1. Earned a total of $63, contact and operate office 680.00? machines. $400. Phone FRANDOR NEAR. 1 bedroom, BELLINGER PERSONNEL. )M 2. Piloted a jet aircraft furnished, $150. Immediate 485-5481. occupancy. Phone 351-9083. capable of speeds in 13-7-10 BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms si50°o excess of 1600 MPH? BELLI MGER furnished. Close to campus, PER MON 3. Traveled worjd wide? summer and fall leases. 332-0965. PERSOMMEL HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT You can do all of this COMPANY, 351-7910. O and more in Naval SERVICE EAST LANSING near One campus. Aviation. bedroom, furnished. Large diry ny Bbllinoi rooms. Air conditioned. ELING MAN/ Beautifully maintained. Select clientele. 882-6549. O Lease. 332-3135 or FLY NAVY 485-5481 EAST SIDE. Furnished, $80-$95 apartments. Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 Placement Placement July 7 - 10 summer rates. CAM July 7 - 10 351-5323. Q-7-10 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. furniture. These Each spacious luxury apartments are completely carpjted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and BICYCLE individual control - central air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If a giant heated you SALE want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 4. Disadvantage 11. Family next Th'» i» it. this ii where the life is good . . ... where there today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 16. Burmese door friendi... where there are good times. umbrella finiai 56. Diocese 17. Biblical high 47 Japanese salad This is where plant you can live the way you should .. . with get - 4. Put on cargo 'Ofletheri in party rooms, 48. Diva's solo watching the "tube" or just 49. Oriental weight 5. Adhesive ,9 in the lounge areas. Cook-outs, pool games, 2. 6. Armpit MODEL (APT. C -17) OPEN: 1-6 50. Cosmic cycle Anecdotage p.m. every day except Sunday 7. Good name swimming parties and a lot more is part of this good life. 51. Friable 3. Charged 8. Learned men PHONE: 332-6441 limestone particle 9. State Thi* '* where the apartments have all the comforts and ' 2 3 5 6 7 0 9 IO conveniences ... and the price is right. NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE i 12 13 10. 15. Recolors - - • de France Come out and •4 % 15 1 16 19. 20. Bloods fluids Preserves see Meadowbrook Trace and plan ahead for 21. Worldwide h8 month* ahead ... and have some fun I n 18 workers' group '9 % %% 2o 21 22 23 24 22. Racketeer % %% 24. Hatred ®topcfungf)am 25 2b % 27 • H 28 29 26. 28. Boy's school Form of rummy Meadowbrook 4620 S. Mogadon Bicycle Sale: Monday, July 6, 1970, 1:30 PM at Salvage Yard, 1330 S. Harrison Road, Michigan State University 30 %% 33 3\ % >1 4 32 35 29. 31. 34. 36. Curved letter Boulevard Egg drink Tufted plant TRACE Campus. Various makes and conditions. All items may be seen July 2, from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., July 3, from 36 40 37 4> m 42 38 39 % % 43 44 45 37. 39. Fencing sword Pretense hy Kassuba: the apartment people MA NA GEMENT EXCL USJ VEL Y B Y: 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.. and July 6, from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 46 % 47 48 42. Old name of Tokyo , 4925 Dunckel Road, 49 % 51 43. Italian commune Jolly Exit, 1-496 Lansing Alco Management Company Terms: Cash % % 44. Kerosene 45. Sign of the - Phone: 393 0210 zodiac () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, JU[y 6 ^ City s Runaways get counseling, missing' residents home at volunteer center By JEANNE SADDLER "We all had to deal with Raft won't find 25 Al' ° the ^rk and needed to prepare the Students who were out of the Associate Campus Editor understanding adults to fawn runaways frequently," Miss use was done hou* city of East Lansing during the arrives, it will by junior high! ~ Kehde said. "And we realized over him. When he spring census are being urged to If you're really in a hassle that there was no facility in East be possible for him to talk to a high school students. So contact the city offices to report with the family scene and want member of his peer group - high their residence. City officials to "leave the crib" for a while to Lansing to deal with this type of school and junior high students iRa.?„\bein| individual donations problem." believe that this year's low "get your head together" and who have undergone a training support from churches and ot count due learn to deal with Miss Kehde explained that the institutions. census was to your volunteers at The Raft work on program. Miss Kehde said the Miss students leaving the area during estimates household problems, The Raft is the place individual and family counseling. young volunteers were trained in e the spring break. to go. will be around $1,000 listening skills, the legal aspects a m0 hi The Raft is When the runaway arrives, there The house parents Although census a newly established is an initial "rap session" with of runaways and have had are Rj counseling center and eventually to problems and Hazel enumerators canvassed the area, the person during which he is orientations Woudenberg , Gary Hayes and Teme officials residents, counted 11,000 below only 47,392 their will be a temporary home for local runaways. The directors informed of all of his involving sex and drugs. UVbJ alternatives and told he must estimate of 58,500. hope to get their state license as a housing institution for the 420 make his own decision. Mike Conlisk of the Planning Evergreen Ave. residence within "If he decides to stay," Miss Dept. said the decrease could a week. Kehde said, "he must agree to cost the city $2 million in tax vVr The Raft is staffed by 24 para try and work on his problem and . rebates. He said those who called f>, «¥> - professional and professional parental contact must be made." would be sent an official "Were * * volunteers from the entire The person is then helped with You Counted" form. Residents who were out of the community and is open 24 hours a day. Four house parents are on call for 12 hour periods each to personal problems and those within the family. Where can you get the city should call Conlisk or Bill - But a young visitor to The Costick, administrative assistant receive new runaways and to the city manager. Police counsel others. HIGHEST RATE Meanwhile, Conlisk said, they Susie Kehde and Teme FREE will Members of the South Oakland County Police Officers Assn. picketed the Michigan Capitol Levbarg said they realized the try to obtain data on the Thursday, demanding to need for such a house while they STORAGE of return any type Gov. Milliken because of an arbitration dispute. number of students from the University. enrolled see AP Wirephoto worked as volunteers at Listening Ear for a year. the on SERVICE of bank savings? Freedom FOR YOUR CLOTHING (Continued from p s V made by vice - chairman Frank Merriman, R-Deckerville, and amend the adding, review "This motion review by and Repo At Huff's suggestion, seconded was tabled for further study, by Hartman, the proposed until the full Academic Freedom LOUIS CLEANERS amendments had gone through seconded by Huff. discussion will be in a public incorporation of the,State News Report has been reviewed, 623 E. GRAND RIVER the amendment channels Stevens then attempted to meeting." The motion was ~~~"""~~~~^~~ EAST LANSING outlined in the Academic seconded by Blanche Martin, Freedom approved Council in Report, having been by the Academic Strontium 90 D-East Lansing. The motion approval failed to win 4-4 tie. Favoring loin The YOUR GIFT May, and had the on a HEADQUARTERS the administration. Discussion of the amendments down from 68 the amendment were Martin, Huff and Clair White, D-Bay City. Opposed were Stevens, M. S. U. Jewelry FOR . . . Gifts AT AB 4 T OF COURSE! Merriman, Custom Picture No other bank offers eventually report. covered Huff volunteered to second a motion the entire reportedly LONDON (AP) - The content of radioactive Strontium 90 was R-Grand Stephen R-Fremont, Kenneth Thompson, Nisbet, Rapids and Frank SAILING Framing interest account on or any higher rates of type of savings certificate of deposit. to review the entire document if lower last year in British milk Hartman, D-Flint. Jewelry & Watch someone motion. would make the than in any year since 1961, a government report said. It The original review motion was then approved 5-3. Huff, CLUB Repair A.B.& T. is the place to save question about itl ... no Picnic Meeting - Tuesday, July 7 A motion to that effect was reported Strontium 90 levels Merriman, Hartman, Nisbet and were down 10 per cent from 6:30 p.m. at the Club site on Lake Lansing Thompson voted to approve it; 1968 and only one Rides leaving west entrance of Union at 6 p.m. - quarter of Stevens, Martin and White the 1964 level. opposed the motion. Everyone Welcome! ANNOUNCING JUST ARRIVED . .. . $1.00 insertion service — to be pre charge - paid. 12 per CHILDREN'S p.m. deadline 1 class day before. GLM members interested in watching BOOK SALE U of M's GLF perform at their freshman orientation tonight call 351-9734 between 12 and 3 today. meeting call this number during the All students interested in securing the TITLES INCLUDE re-election of Senator Philip Hart are Charlie Brown's Reflections urged to attend a meeting of the STUDENTS FOR HART at 9 p.m. Charles M. Schulz on Tuesday in room 34 of the Union. Leaves of Grass Plans will be made for weekend fund Walt Whitman - raising, fall term registration, AND MANY, MANY MORE summer activities, and the fall pop concerts. We need lots of people. For information call Randy at 332-4908 or Jim at 372-2654 any evening after NEW FALL STATIONERY Sft c The Free U class in Elementary Group Art will meet this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Man and Nature Bookstore "When you think of Cards" (328 Student Services). Anyone UDENT^^MOKj^VORE CARD SHOP interested in starting a Free U class contact Sheila at 3-6633. There will t 9 Critic 'ting Across From Home Ec. 421 E. Grand River Across from Olin 309 E. Grand River Bldg. Ph. 332-6753 Special Purchase th — Kankelon — Wash,Brush 'N Go $12.00 while supply lasts. We now have the Dutch Boy without bangs. Come in and try it on! 541 E.Grand River below Paramount News 332-3341 Wigs Are Our Business - Not A Sideline