Tuesday Hell . . MICHIGAN Cloudy STATE NIWS is paved with good STATE with a chance of UNIVERSITY thu ndershowers in afternoon. A high of 87 degrees the is expected. /ol 63, Number 10 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 7, 1970 Tarr memo to draft boards outlines criteria for CO status WASHINGTON (AP) - Draft Director — "The belief upon which conscientious foundation for his belief, "in training, they govern his actions both in word and Curtis W. Tarr said Monday it is not up to objection is based must be the primary study, contemplation, or other activity, deed." local draft boards to decide whether a controlling force in the man's life." comparable in rigor and dedication to the Tarr's directive said boards could not conscientious objector makes sense -only "Solely moral or ethical beliefs" are process by which traditional religious withhold conscientious whether his views are sincere and acceptable even if the applicant himself objector convictions are formulated." classification because a registrant does not influential in his life. says they are not religious. believe in a traditional God or Tarr also reported Monday that some 5.6 — His objection to war must stem from Supreme — "Boards are not free to reject beliefs Being; does not express his beliefs in per cent of men called for induction into beliefs about right and wrong, held "with because they consider them "formal or traditional language;" or does the armed forces do not show the up on strength of traditional religious "incomprehensible." Their task is to decide not belong to a "peace church" schedule, but that at least third of them or other a conviction." whether the beliefs have valid excuses. professed by a formal organization. — The applicant must demonstrate a Of the remainder, he said, less than one - registrant are sincerely held and whether tenth are "identified as known resisters" against the draft. Tarr said one quarter of the "no shows" occur - in California, but he offered no explanation. Tarr: non-reporte Tarr sent local boards an official memorandum setting criteria for have conscientious objector status in light of a June 15 Supreme Court decision. The day after that decision Tarr said a conscientious may v objector must be sincerely opposed to all war, must have "consulted WASHINGTON (AP) - Up to 3.7 per March and April — the first time Selective some system of belief" and must have cent of men ordered for induction into the Service has made such a survey. reached his belief through "some rigorous Army may be deliberately failing to report, In March, he reported, 30,000 young kind of training." Draft Director Curtis W. Tarr reported men were ordered for induction and 1,679 The guidelines announced Monday Monday. or 5.6 per cent failed to report on follow those general principles but appear But many of them may have valid schedule; but more than 600 of them had to broaden the "rigorous training" reasons, he added. legitimate excuses. Of the remainder, Tarr requirement — which Tarr had Tarr said without further explanation, said, some 300 furnished other excuses acknowledged would give an advantage to that most of the "no-shows" occur on the "such those with a college education. West as missing a bus, dates mixed, Coast, with one • fourth of the moved, taking final exams, etc." The In the official version, the applicant's national total in California alone. reasons of some 600 were unknown, and belief must arise from some activity "The vast majority of young men "only 100 have been identified as known "comparable in rigor and dedication" to ordered for induction who do not report resisters." traditional religious training. have legitimate reasons," Tarr said. Similar proportions were found in April Here are highlights of the new criteria for Such reasons include enlistment in the when 36.000 men were ordered for determining whether a man may be armed forces, transfer of their induction to induction and 2,049, again 5.6 per cent, excused from military service on grounds another location and postponement of failed to show up. CURTIS TARR of conscientious objection: induction for a claim of reclassification. — The applicant must object "to all wars In another draft development Monday, Hanging rather than to a specific war." — "the primary test ... is the test of Tarr spelled out points for the granting of conscientious objector status, summarized in one basic criterion — sincerity of belief. AFTER PRIMARY sincerity . . . The board should be A Cambodian soldier moves the body of a Communist soldier hanging convinced by information presented to it He sent draft boards a memorandum to in the central market of that the registrant's personal history reveals guide them in deciding Saang, 20 miles south of Phnom Penh, after the whether an Cambodian army battled its way Monday to full control of the town, AP Wirephoto views and actions strong demonstrate that expediency is not the basis of his claim." enough to applicant for a status difficult is sincere — conscientious a task made objector more Action on voting age by a Supreme Court decision placing moral and ethical objections on an equal level with religious objections. EPORT REVIEW Tarr had asked local boards to tabulate the reasons why men failed to report in delayed u ntil August After unsuccessful attempt late Trustees hit secrecy an By JEFF SHELER State News Staff Writer Thursday to get the House resolution out of committee and onto Friday's calendar, Action by state lawmakers on a proposed Vaughn said he would work for House constitutional amendment to lower the approval of Stamm's resolution. By JOHN BORGER Stevens also blasted fellow trustee voting age to 18 has been postponed until He said, however, that Senate was opposed to the review of the freedom State News Staff Writer Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, for saying, "The after the Aug. 4 primary election. Republicans had scuttled his resolution by report because other trustees had wanted administration feels the procedures for to amend it without an open discussion. The legislature recessed early Saturday holding it in committee. He accused GOP )on Stevens, D-Okemos and dismissal morning to allow lawmakers time to Senate leaders of "playing politics" with chairman of (of students) are unduly He said he remembered when the board '■ board of trustees, said campaign for the August primary. They are the 18 old vote question Monday the complicated." had passed a similar resolution - year - stees might be "a little "Mr. Huff doesn't involving scheduled to return Aug. 6 to take final and charged that they had "no real desire to leery" of speak for the ntinuing secret discussions administration. President Wharton does," suspension of students in the fall of 1968, action on vetoed bills and other pressing see the voting age lowered." of the ademic Freedom at the urging of then ■ president John Report. Stevens said. "The administration has never "The House has had public hearings State News Hannah. Martin was a candidate for the story Monday disclosed made any such recommendations to the Passage of the 18 - year - old vote around the state," Vaughn said, "and has the board had called for boar; at that time. proposal was delayed last week when worked hard to inform people and build a complete board." w of the report in a closed finance Wharton could not be reached for "The big trouble then was that the board legislators could not agree on which of two support for the bill. Then out of the clear nmittee had done it in secret," Martin said. "If we versions should be sent to the governor for blue comes Stamm's resolution in the meeting June 19. comment Monday. The Freedom do anything now, we his signature. Senate. It's pretty obvious that it is sheer Report is all right as far as Milton B. Dickerson, vice president for ought to do it out in m The Senate and the House each passed its concerned," Stevens said, "but I have student affairs, said the administration had the open." politics." objection to discussing it, as not made a specific request for changes in own resolution to put the question on the Stamm denied that his bill was a political cussion is not secret. long as the "Some review (of the freedom report) the dismissal procedures since the fall of November ballot. Both versions are move and said he had in past years We ve may be in order," he said, "but I wouldn't adopted what amounts to a bill 1968. The board had made changes at that want to make changes without currently in committee and are having a proposed two resolutions to lower the ignts for students, and using the tough time getting out. voting age. One would have allowed 19 any changes in it time, which were later rescinded after processes that have already >uld be made in been The House resolution, sponsored by Rep. year olds to vote and the other would have public. student protest. established." h°pe that no trustee is "It doesn't startle me that the board Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, remained in given 20 • year - olds the franchise. thinking of Martin said the board should reserve th£ inaing the Academic Freedom wants to review the freedom report," the Senate Municipalities and Elections secret, and certainly not Report right to recommend amendments to the (please turn to page 4) Dickerson said. "Since it was a trial Committee Saturday after several by a telephone Academic Freedom Report, provided the ;e> he said. document when we adopted it, I expected recommendations go through channels. unsuccessful attempts last week by Vaughn ''evens was to have the bill reported out. referring to a telephone poll we would keep close watch on it and "When you have a document for the Court work The Senate version, sponsored by Sen. in! ?um whlch resulted in the board's possibly amend it. University, somehow or other the •to! ,Univers>ty stock in General "Everybody concerned (with the report) taxpayers should have a voice in amending Anthony Stamm, R-Kalamazoo, was approved by the upper chamber two weeks Anyone interested in working with irkhni-l" r. of nianagement at a should be continually reviewing it," he it," he said. "This could be done through the Student Traffic Appeals Court this ■ meeting. rather than not voting said. the trustees, but we'd have to ago and is in the House Revision and i as had been decided earlier. go through Amendment of the summer should contact 1 Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, said he channels." PRESIDENT WHARTON Constitution Barney White Committee. at 355-8252 or 351-6003. Agnew portrayed abro-iH , P ~~ ^ new U.S. government film to be shown as The film carries brief excerpts of the vice president criticizing fighter for civil ri righ^ hr V'Ce President sPiro T- Agnew as a fighter for civil students: "encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who whnof . speaks his educat'°n — and as a sometimes - controversial leader characterize themselves as intellectuals." And it shows him saying mind. of the press and networks: "the time for naive belief in their ls vo'ce's heard "tara throughout neutrality is gone." ■ of'cont mrougho the country — sometimes a voice actor ~ praised by some — denounced by others," says USIA's job is to tell foreign populations about the United States focuirJn. yne as narrato» for the U.S. Information Agency and Herschensohn said of the new movie: "In my judgment it's a But 11 "veiled Monday. true picture of Vice President Agnew ... I think he will come who snol'i!' r P0'"1- there is common agreement. He is still a man across as a strong man with high convictions." The Ik smind" Herschensohn told newsmen: diplomat! minute c°lor movie will be sent to some 150 U.S. — Agnew himself has not seen the film although aides have It is imL T!f overseas for foreign showings, passed it. the world " "to *ntro£'uce the vice president cinematically to The project was originally started after the 1968 election with — it Herstho.,- \ US'A's motion pictures television chief, Bruce - a $20,000 budget. But the initial effort proved unsatisfactory and The long - range more than 112 pages — not surprising, Record in different launching foreign satellites on U.S. rockets, higher education," i.e., the state's result and soundly defeat the except that the Senate met for only eight type, clearly setting it placing experiments of other nations on forefront of science and technologici universities. This proposal had been apart from the actual proceedings. advance, rather than working on proposed amendment by a 51-21 seconds that day and the House did not American spacecraft, If such a rule had applied to last sharing moon rocks separate programs, which tend to be sou spawned in the hot - headed times vote. This is the sort of meet at all. with scientists of other lands and responsible Thursday's record, only a few lines of one using years behind what the Americans ait surrounding recent campus unrest in action that makes the The reason for this voluminous listing of page would have appeared in regular foreign ground stations for tracking and people proud type. Russians have done," Paine said. Michigan. The immediate effect of of their elected officials. nonhappenings is simple. It traces to the The "proceedings" in the Senate receiving data from communications, required weather and other types of satellites. "This is an attractive opportunity venerable congressional custom of its passage woiild have been to allow revising only 67 words of text to record. them, and I believe they're going Right on, gentlemen. and extending — inserting in the Record "By pooling the resources of many of consider it very carefully." speeches not actually delivered, editorials, news stories, poetry, recipes or just about anything else a member wants printed. Romney9s hea The Record, incidentally, costs page to print. While a number of House members are $116 a IRIISJNIE S Agnew's rhetoric will unite but his frank speaking may make concerting legislative efforts to turn a bland reorganization bill into a real updating of House rules, there is practically BOB PY1AH SELF PORTRAIT no chance that . . . America. Would you believe? revising and extending will Well, a contribution." be abolished. that's what George secretary of Romney, U.S. housing and urban Romney, remember, was One of the members active in the Rep. Thomas M. Rees, D-Calif, effort, commented \m\ '-3 Prescription lenses 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA C. SCOTT/MALM-IV ground • DAILY AT 8:30 Complete selection SAT. 1:30-5:30-9: in'TATTON" offrames, SPAGHETTI SUN. l:30-5-8:3( ■ » Sunglasses Repairs while you wait SALADS Where can you get the 0LKSWAGE Tonight! Bator Opticians 965. Rebuilt well 482-54 . P opular HIGHEST RATE —D 303 Abbott (Next to State Theater) ED 2-5222 '01V0 1969 "Before you of return on any type GIRLS' NIGHT" ; MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES 482-3608! i buy a pizza check prices. our of bank savings? Dum, Dum!" OPEN-- 11 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Mon. thru Sat. 3 P.M. TO 12 Midnight Sun. _l 1 Kl 1 \/C DC |Jy AT AB & T OF COURSE! *1 •351-7363 132 N. HARRISON No other bank offers higher rates of AT MICHIGAN interest account on or any type of savings certificate of deposit. Hie! Datsun/: 487-3733 Just 3 lights South of Harrison St. 2417 E. KALAMAZOO A.B.& T. is the place to save question about it! ... no ,ures anc overheai miles pe 484-4406 1101 W. WILLOW AT L03AN Safety shift, flov fr fun in thi 484-4555 TAKE OUT ONLY- 2201 S. CEDAR Sun.-Thurs. 4 p.m . To 12:00 P.M.,Frl. & Sat. To 1 AM. *2095 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 7. 1970 5 Automotive Scooter8 & Cycles Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent CYCLE INSURANCE For Sale f or Sale |:;;AROME° I.. tras 1962. incl companies. Compare Five national our rates. NEED HELP in my stereo 406 SOUTH Pine, near downtown o < department. $4.75 per hour. Call SPARROW HOSPITAL near 3 YMCA ROOMS for young FENDER "P.A. 4100" 2205 East Michigan, Lansing - — men or 100 watt STOVES, REFRIGERATORS. or 371-1913 between 9:30 12:00. C Lansing. Furnished efficiency bedroom, furnished. Security amplifier One Beds 505 Albert, East Lansing, - suitable 1 person, $70 a month. women. Membership privileges. year old. 339-8362. Buy / Sell. ABC SECONDHAND deposit required. 351-7028. Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, 5"7"9 484-8173. O Modern furnished, efficiency $120 5-7-13 STORE, 1208 Turner. C gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 BIrAMABO RALLY Sport 1967. V-8 BSA 650 LAW ENFORCEMENT DIRECTOR a month. 1 bedroom apartment, 50 NEW volumes of the world's stick. I "ters glass ■ paks. Wide 1966, Mark III, Specal $135 a month. No children or FOUR MAN unfurnished in Haslett great SONY TC 560 tape recorder Excellent shape. Call MARLETT MANOR, 3519 South classics. S290. 351-3315. 3-7-9 Excellent 351-3895, 393-0595 pets. No leases. Call Richard $200 a month includes utilities. condition fiberglas ',r 3-7-9 Macomb County Law Enforcement Cedar. Rooms for gentleman. 17? f>990 $225 Albin, 337-2510, 6 5 7 10 353-8850. 5-7-13 and Criminal Justice Commission - 8 p.m. only. 337-2381. 5-7-13 Private bath, with maid service. WIRE FRAMES' Many styles, white 10-7-17 u/icrto.^n are seeking the services of $21 per week. Phone RIVERSIDE 1968, 126cc. 2800 a Law SUMMER FURNISHED 1 block to 882-0261, or yellow gold at OPTICAL MAS_[ERWORK TAPE recorder, ■cAMSn,9s628ooo'ofb«rrr 1-5036, or 485-6758 before 5 miles, excellent condition, $200. 332-6246, evenings. O GIRL 21 ! to share large 2 2 working girls. campus. Air conditioned. Very reasonable. 216 Beal no answer 351-8451.5-7-7 DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan A>»nu., 3?2-7<08. C-7-10 f,; Zenith record PlaVer, $25, Street, SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and I. $60. 339 2883. Apartment 2A, 351-6088 or women. 5:30 7:00, 351-9286. BABY-NYLON HONDA 175 1969. 1571K Spartan - mesh playpen, 8 " -—> planning groups and 332-0641.2-7-8 Any time - 372-1031. O Village. Call 355-3226 ■CAMARO 1967 . 327 40,(WO n $1400 or best offer. 355-8 2-78 after 4pm enforcement agencies within County. Applicants NEED GIRL for 3 man sumn FURNISHED, UTILITIES paid, condition Padded6'' sat"?™ Animals Close, pool, KAWASAKI 500cc. Excellent qualifications acceptable to the 351 1280 or air - conditior 351 1967.4 7-9 parking. 3 men 2-3151, 1137 Albert. or women. 4-7-10 ED condit,oCna35T43a79d3P7a9 ^ D0UBLE YELL°W with cage, " W* $800 or best. Drafted stand, $65. 332-5831, IrHEVROLET 1960. Runs well. , Crime Commission and have some 627-5454. 5-7-10 BRONICA~S2 2%" 2'/4"s"lr;$300 $125. Call Bill, 351-0903. 3-7-9 II. 351-8165. 5-7-7 experience with the Components MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 or best. Never x 363 7148 5 7 8 Marigold used. 351-8165. of a Criminal Justice System. across from campus. 5 7 7 ,, . .. ~ Deluxe 2 man furnished Mobile Homes ■CHEVROLET 1964 . Aviation nower, V-8, tinted glass, runs well, qualifications. Maximum" apartments. Now leasing IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O for fall. REFRIGERATOR, all lou, 393-0250 from 8 a.m. - 5 $15,000.00. Send resume to: $20; stove, $30; MAYFAIR 1966, 2 bedroom. 12x45 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to Edmund dinette set, $30. 332-5831 after 5 wi,h expando, all .m. 3-7-10 learn in the PIPER Schmidt, Chairman PRIVATE 1 711 GIRL'S SINGLE room, 3 blocks, extras, CHEROKEE. BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-man p.m. 5-7-8 Furnished. Custom made furnished from Union. 337-1448 after 3 Special $5.00 offer. 484 1324. C furnished apartments. Now leasing 332-2302. 3-7-9 JHEVROLET 1939 f< Rapids. 20 minutes MSU. for fall. Phone IV p.m. 3-7-8 Commissioners, County Building, 9-9651 or good shape, 4 ne WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony i and new battery. Can be A uto Service & Parts Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48043. 337-0780. O SINGLE ROOMS, with cooking. Two CHAMPIOn 7961 GoodTo'ndmon 2 Northeast Delhi, blocks from campus. $12 $ 15 per TdJSlA?3°cS,ere0n Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic ,3Pe reCOrder' stereo ex,ras' Kin9 Arthur's Court, be moved. mutf WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near 351-5264. 5-7 13 -0773. 3 7-8 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East ONE /week. 351-9504. 3-7-8 tape recorders. 100 used 8 track TWO men needed startii MSU. Kalamazoo Street CONGREGATION SHARREY Spacious 2 bedrooms, stereo . . . since 1940. for 4 man. Meadowbrook cartridges tapes S2.50 each. , Zedek seeking experienced carpeted, air conditioned. No lease . p id Complete Sunday YOUNG LADIES 5 Cassette tape recorders. LOSt t OlUHl bizarre auto painting and School teachers, for fall. Call Mrs. Call Tom, 351-1708. 3-7-8 required, $165 per month. Phone minutes from Koss OC collision service. IV 5-0256. C campus. Completely furnished [heater in Gladstone, 351-9596. 5-7-13 489-1719. TF utilities paid. 372-8077 before 4 Garrard turntables S25 up. 2 BEDROOM < VM LOST: LARGE friendly reddish ACCIDENT p.m. 10-7-17 120 watt stereo receiver. ■ PROBLEM? Call Duplexes summer fall. Furr EAST SIDE. $80-595 Sharp, brown male dog, Friday, 30 watt July 3rd. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY 351-6586. 5-7-10 stereo receiver with SHOP. Small dents For Rent ROOMS FOR girls. Single or double speakers. Coral 30 watt Kedzie Street area. Reward to large 351-5323.0-7-10 speaker 351-6950 5-7-13 wrecks. American Cooking. Near campus. 351-6586 set. 300 stereo albums 75c and foreign up. TV RENTALS Students only. Low 5-7-10 Used golf sets $14.95 cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. - up. New and LOST: ONE Tiger 2628 East Kalamazoo. C monthly and term rates. Call Houses used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 neutered torn cat, very talkative name Jefferv 351-7900 to YOUNG MAN n Realistic I0RVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963 reserve yours. up. 55 watt stereo and also black and white UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C BACHELOR PAD, big home, in pink >ed. Runs well. $150 or trade EAST LANSING amplifier. WILCOX nose neutered Employment torn near campus. One town, remodeled with orange shag room and bar. Near Frandor. $55 cat named motorcycle, 355-0926. 3-7-8 bedroom, furnished. SECONDHANDSTORE, 509 East Leighton. Both' lost in Bogue and RENT A TV from a TV Large airy carpet, dimmer light control, per month plus utilities. Call Michigan, 485-4391, 8 rooms. Air a.m. - 5:30 East Grand River area. Reward EARN UP to $3000 this summer. I $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. conditioned. completely furnished. Set-up for 4 487-6295 or 339-9060 3-7-8 P-mC lORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1965: Beautifully maintained. Select to 6 students. $230 / month. Call 351-5792.3-7-9 necessary. Earn and learn in y< NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 'ted a simi 377 365 horsepower. Many clientele Lease. 332-3135 or Gail , spare time. Call 351-7319 Clusky, 372-4138 or Simon '6. Howev Call 351-9282.2-7-7 TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, 882-6549. O Real Estate, Okemos For Sale Branch, Stamm $8.50 per month including stand. 351-2260. 5-7-8 SUMMER AND d Mc opinia I0RVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 350 Horsepower, 4 wheel disc Call J. 351-8862. R. CULVER COMPANY, 217 Ann Street, East FRAN DOR furnished. NEAR. $150. 1 bedroom, Immediate POLICE MONITORS. Sonar FR103, special sale $29.95 up plus Thanks . . . « voting Presidcg jrakes, 4 speed. Excellent Lansing. C occupancy. 13-7-10 Phone 351-9083. crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, FAIL LEASES :ondition, $2,400 489-9302. to law 7-7-14 332-8064. 4-7-10 We're 100% leased for the NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony >M YOUR thing in rebuilt rail DUNE NEEDED: PART time drivers anc Apartments and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 SHARP FURNISHED four girl, near GOLF CLUBS, 4 Haig Ultra summer. Some locations still left for fall. choice BUGGY 1962 Volkswagen tach, Woods, gauge, reinforced frame, 11" pizza makers. Apply after 5 p.m at DOMINO'S, 966 Trowbridge Road, (Spartan Shopping Center.) SOUTH deluxe PENNSYLVANIA 2 bedroom area, apartment, bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 351-7910. O COMPANY campus, summer - fall. 351-1325, 489-8468. 5 7-9 7 Spalding Top Flight irons. Good used set. 351-0608. 2-7-8 W u ich seats and I'll do mine with ur dough. 351-3946. 3-7-8 furnished or unfurnished. Carpeting throughout, draperies, UNIVERSITY VIL 2000 pre-amp. Sony 3120A A/er amp. Must sell at good RIVER'S EDGE PER MON air Student WAITRESS WANTED at 2314 East - conditioning. Clean, quiet Union ce. Call 372-9558 after 6 30 Polara JODGE 1968 tible, white 44 magnum, 500 Michigan. Hours 12:30 Apply between 7 a.m. 2:30 p.m. - 7 a.m. building. Call 882-9117. 0-7-31 351-3729.d" HTLSTEA D EAST LANSING, 595 Spartan, i. C-7-7 and power, air, $1600. Roger Lane, - BEECHWOOD. 2 bedrooms MANAGEMENT duplex for 4. Furnished, for COMPANY 10 353-4377.353-6865. 5-7 8 3-7-7 furnished. summer Close to campus, and fall leases. 332-0965. __351/791°. ° summer, 485-6222. 5-7-9 MARTIN TENOR Saxaphone. 6 months old. Excellent condition WATER'S EDGE NURSERY TEACHER HALSTEAD SUBJECTS FOR two hour hypnosis $250. Call 355-0090, extension Corner of Haslett Rd. MANAGEMENT Coop Thursday, Nursery. mornings Tuesday, starting COMPANY, 351-7910. O research. 351-7823. Call 3-7 7 351-1755 or Rooms 41, between 8 5 p.m. 5-7-4 - APARTMENTS and M-78 I AT 1969 Spider September. EAST SIDE, near Sparrow MEN ,21 (next to Cedar converti Qualified teacher, Hospiti and over. Clean, quiet OLDSMOBILE RADIO, pushbutton Village) Excellent shape, $1500. 355-3 prefer experience. 351-8578. 3-7-8 One bedroom apartment furnish« SOUTH SIDE, near Potter Park, rooms. Cooking and Roger Taskey 351-3420 parking. See Don 332-4432 or 351-0355. 5-7-10 or unfurnished. Summer unfurnished, utilities paid. Close, reasonable. StanGuski 351-8160 rate 487-5753, NEED 351-5323.0 $125/month. 484-3009. 3-7-7 485-8836. O INTELLIGENT person with OIKS WITH KEEN EYES for iter pleasant voice for telephone work. (rest read the "Personals" Good pay. Flexible hours. Call Classified Ads. Check nowl 351-3820 Dlahne after 1 p.m. AACH I, 1969. Red, beautiful, 3 speed on the floor. V-8 351. IV SALES PEOPLE needed. All leads 9-3662. 3-7-9 furnished. Car desirable. Also some people needed for travel. Call 351-3700 for appointment. O SUMMER AND part DLDSMOBILE 1968 FO 85. Power employment with full ng, automatic transmission 2 merchant wholesaler, 353-1289.2-7-8 required. 351-5800 information. O ONTIAC BONNEVILLE WAGON Air conditioning, deluxe 0 miles, $575. 351-4819! m IDY DENNIS tRor Six years after graduation VNERS will you have Novelty 1. Earned a total of EMPEST 1961. Excellent $63, 680.00? mdition. $300. Call 337-0729 ter 6 p.m. 2-7-8 2. Piloted a jet aircraft capable of speeds in 'OLKSWAGEN BUG, 1967. Clean, excellent condition. Includes excess of 1600 MPH? tape Player. 332-4540. 2-7-8 3. Traveled world wide? 'OLKSWAGEN 1966, SquarebaclT. Motor just You can do all of this exeel overhauled, body in lent condition T 1. pokWp)) nUUnO. Saturday 9 to 6 SWES OU SALE lA IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER cnm TU&CVOK Harrison at Trowbrldg* Join Those Who E; B«tw««n Spartan VII lag* and Ch«rry Lan* Apartment*