'70 review' controversy paralleled in '68 By JOHN BORGER being raped by a student on the steps of the Administration State Newt St«ff Writer Bldg., he (Hannah) would be powerless to act against the attacker under current procedures. In the midst of the current (To which Tom Samet, then ASMSU controversy surrounding the board junior member - at large and later ASMSU chairman, replied in a - of trustees' call for a "complete review" of the Academic SN letter: "To inform the rapist that he is suspended, though, is Freedom Report, some students and faculty may find the hardly an effective means of rescuing his victim unless we are situation hauntingly familiar. . . . Less than two years ago, the board being led to believe that only MSU students commit rape.") attempted to abrogate the Now, Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, has argued that the "due process" section of the Academic Freedom Report in a administration would be powerless to immediately suspend a closed finance committee meeting. Now, again in a finance rtudent caught throwing a rock at the Administration Bldg. meeting, the board has called for a review in an attempt to gain * The action taken on the Academic Freedom the power to initiate amendments to the Report by the report. trustees was taken in a closed finance committee The situations are parallel in a number of meeting — * ways: , presumably removed from public scrutiny. It was an election year. * The secrecy of the finance committee * There had been student disturbances the proved counterfeit, and preceding spring the story leaked to the State News. term. In 1968, the disturbances were touched off by campus drug No two situations can be completely parallel, however. There busts; in 1970, the protests centered on the Indochina war and are several the Kent State major differences between September of 1968 and * siayings. June of 1970: State legislators were clamoring for the administration to * In 1968, the board acted at the direction of President crack down on student dissenters. * Hannah. In 1970, the board initiated the review of the Freedom The board was discontent with its inability to suspend Report. protestors in short order. * Two years ago, the board's action affected warren huff In 1968, President John Hannah argued that if a coed were only the student (please turn to page 11) JOHN HANNAH A MICHIGAN . . . long disputB meani both Cloudy STATE MEWS with I parties .re wrong. STATI . . . a chance thundershowers in the morning. of A UNIVERSITY high expected. of 78-84 degrees is oi. 63, Number 11 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 8, 1970 'isit to Vietnam prison liscloses use SAIGON (AP) — American officials have resignation Tuesday, charging that the Luce said Walton told the congressmen i about the "tiger cages" used by group had suppressed its findings of they were committing "a break in South tigon authorities for political prisoners, inhumane treatment in the prison. Vietnamese sovereignty." The embassy [ibassy spokesman said Tuesday, but Harkin said Rep. Donald Clancy, R-Ohio, and other members of the team had argued spokesman denied Walton said this. is only limited power to do anything The U.S. Embassy spokesman said ^out them. that the prison findings would be highly Walton was aware earlier of the "tiger t of the cages — actually stone embarrassing, would overshadow the rest cages" on Con Son when he wrote a fact Lpartments 5 by 8 feet — was disclosed of the trip and be played out of proportion sheet that described the prison as "a r American congressmen visited Con by the media. correctional institution worthy of higher , a prison island run by the Saigon Harkin said findings that lime is thrown (veenment. on prisoners so ratings than some prisons in the United cramped for space that States." |The spokesman could not say whether they cannot stand were stricken from the "The U.S. mission is aware of the n officials had urged abandonment team's report to the House. Hawkins and shortcomings in the corrections program | the cells, but he asserted American Anderson also reported that women's cells here in Vietnam," he added. "Our advisory [ficials repeatedly had suggested that the were filthy and that prisoners complained effort and assistance outh Vietnamese improve prison orbeatings and inadequate water, food knd ar6|designed to help the Vietnamese government to the extent mditions on the island, 140 miles medicines. lutheast of Saigon in the South China we possibly can to improve their system as Con Son, often known by its French rapidly and completely as possible." name, Polo Condor, was established by the He added: "Of course, the control of this Reps. Augusts F. Hawkins, D-Calif., and French in 1862 and now has some 9,000 illiam R. Anderson, D-Tenn., said in system rests with the Ministry of the mainly political prisoners. Interior of the Vietnamese government." ashington they found about 400 The South Vietnamese government has The South Vietnamese government said crammed into the stone stated that the "tiger cages," created by Con Son became overcrowded in the wake impartments, three to five persons in the French, have been abolished. of the Communist command's offensives of ich. The two legislators were members of a 1968, when some correction facilities on Frank E. Walton, chief public safety the mainland were damaged, the U.S. n fact • Finding team from the House corrections adviser to the Saigon spokesman said. f Representatives that just returned from government, accompanied the congressmen idochina. on their tour and opposed their "They say they didn't have any choice visiting the but to have people in that place," the The study team's only staff member, R. Harkin, submitted his cages, according to Don Luce, an spokesman said. Prison interpreter with the group. The spokesman said the Vietnamese had accepted a suggestion that shackles be This is one of the main buildings at the Con Son Island prison, South Vietnam, recently visited by a 12-man removed. House study group. Two members of the group reported finding 400 political prisoners and criminals crammed into small cages in the prison. AP Wirephoto Ruling on setting prof hours sought from attorney general By JEFFSHELER State News Staff Writer hours at technical universities" and colleges and "developing 10 hours at graduate straighten out the conflict." Petitpren said he hoped Kelley would instructors is to teach,' " Fuzak said. "But determine which, if either, of the statutes I think it is to some degree inadvisable institutions. takes precedence. because it doesn't take into account many Petitpren said the hour requirement State Rep. Vincent J. Petitpren, would conflict with contracts already in "If some sort of determination isn't problems and difficulties that arise." Fuzak said the hour requirement would D-Wayne, has asked Atty. Gen. FYank existence between community colleee reached soon, we could have strikes at Kelley to decide if the legislature can set instructors and local school boards. He said community colleges across the state," especially be difficult to carry out in minimum in-class hours for instructors at the provision seemed to contradict another Petitpren predicted, "and the state would graduate courses. the state's colleges and universities. state statute that gives public employes the be to blame." (please turn to page 11) The recently passed state higher right to negotiate contracts. He said he viewed the hour requirement education appropriation bill included a "You have one state statute in conflict an attempt bybjsome legislators to provision requiring instructors at with another," Petitpren said, "so one "inject politics into the administration of community colleges to teach at least 15 classroom contact hours per week, 12 must take precedence over the other or else we'll have to pass new legislation to public institutions." "This type of detail is supposed to be CO standard determined by local administrations and school boards," Petitpren said. "This is the first move of our political arm into home rule of the colleges." not changed Tour agency Petitpren said he had already heard complaints from administrators at several community colleges where contracts are currently being negotiated. in Michigan Two MSU deans said Tuesday their The new classification standards for strands student departments would likely not be affected by the new statute. Edward A. Carlin, University College conscientious objection are not yet effective in Michigan, Col. Arthur Holmes, director of the Michigan Selective Service PARIS (AP) — Hundreds of disappointed Groups were caught in France, Italy, dean, said he saw "no foreseeable Division indicated Tuesday afternoon. young Americans flew home from Europe Switzerland, Austria, Yugoslavia. Greece problem" resulting from the hour The Associated Press reported Monday Tuesday in an emergency airlift arranged and Germany. requirement. that Curtis Tarr, national draft director, for 3,500 students temporarily stranded by "We are well within the guidelines," "It was a bitter disappointment for them, said, "It is not up to local draft boards to the financial collapse of a tour agency. Carlin said. "We have been for years." of course, but decide whether a conscientious objector they took it marvelouslv John A. T. Budge Hyde, acting president of the well. There was surprisingly little Fuzak, associate dean of makes sense — only whether his views are griping." education, said he doubted any problems agency, World Academy, .said in Rome he Valarie Rich, 18, of Mount Clemens, was sincere and influential in his life." would arise since his department, he said, hoped to have all the students home within among those who filed sadly into buses in "I have no idea what the new guidelines five or six days. has been operating on a nine - l.our the 90 degree afternoon heat on their - will be," Holmes said. "I don't react to way Many of the stranded students had to Le Bourget airport and a plane to New newspaper articles." Print p worked and saved for the scheduled four • week study tour costing $1,200 or more. York. "I the Fuzak said he sympathized with "what legislature is trying to do," but said the Holmes said he knew the present °b saw only England of the six countries statute reflects a "lack of understanding of guidelines for classifying registrants as D,et2' 24< ladies his photo - offset press for a run of antiwar The lucky ones had completed two or I hoped to see," she said. "I think when I an instructor's role." conscientious objectors would be modified three weeks when word came that World to in light of the June. 15 Supreme Court Ror-ers 'n a Philadelphia warehouse used by the Philadelphia Academy and four of its subsidiaries were come Army Europe again it will be with the "I think the legislature is saying: 'We are distance. See story on or the Air Force.At least they won't page 3. AP Wirephoto filing voluntary bankruptcy petitions. go bankrupt." telling you that your primary function as (please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, jU|y g I97Q| FTC to examine breakfast cereal industry WASHINGTON (UPI) The Private labels a chain store' well as trade restraints." today that It is being unaert, - whether oligopoly control of an motheTW A^orfi^ totoS" — (?"* 21 per cent and " General Mills Kellogg Co., issued a statem. puffed-up prices and a lack of In order of conduct similar studies of other than those of most other grocery third with 18. Quaker Oats Co. sayJng It was vigorous competition. Arthur T. Anderson, industry s source said. "confidents investigation will reveal Ci the Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, industries," the FTC said in a products, profits were high and "The study will seek of Chicago, National Biscuit The antitrust study marks the analysis chief in the FTC's Mich., Post Division of General brief announcement. Anderson company has not government's first formal look at Bureau of Economics, said Foods Corp., White Plains, N.Y.; declined to name them, but there was little evidence of price competition, determine whether and to what Co. of New York, and Ralston Purina Co. of St. Louis, share any illegal restraint of participated extent the public may be denied has it engaged in trifc J the benefits of most of the remainder. any f.i' vigorous competition because of the According to Moody's misleading advertising or 0 structure of the industry, the Investors Directory, Kellogg deceptive practices. Conine HEARINGS HELD conduct of industry members or netted $42 million profit in 1968 on sales of $466.6 million in the cereal Kellogg Co. *s industry is V| the interplay of the two," the cereals Cu,™ not only with other a nine per cent return. The cereals!! — FTC announcement said. firm's four plants can produce breakfast foods, but with fa "The Train service may study is designed 355 million pounds of cereal a of many types. BY ROBERTA SMITH Lansing residents Wednesday Paul Treska. a be halted lobbyist for the the train, not to mention considered? todetermine whether there is any undue emphasis in the industry upon brand FTC product promotion and proliferation," it said. The said its staff would year, according to Moody's. Mills James P. McFarland, General executive chairman officer, and said chief in virogorous statement said, "our at prices product of competition which V1 cereals provide i State News Staff Writer July 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the United Transportation Union, ii convention and conference traffic, jesting that Minneapolis that rumors of the excellent value for .! Seven story Office Bldg. in . . - . bearing be held into problems investigate "the possibility of investigation had been consumer's - working to continue the service, she said. grocery dollar J Daily train service through Lansing. There are several jobs involved, th , J h b tu r d false and misleading advertising circulating in the industry for spite of inflationary Mrs. Hanley is working with and other deceptive practices as East Lansing to Chicago may be penn Central, which also he said, and there ought to be Treska to ^ R wouId create for MSU. some time. "Hence, the 1 production and discontinued if passengers and this service, has held urge area residents distribution." hearings more mass transportation who use the train to voice their various officials can't convince and is waiting for a delayed systems in existence, not more protests over the proposed Interstate Commerce decision by the ICC to being abandoned. cancellation. Treska hopes that a Gray candidacy receives Commission (ICC) that it is determine whether they A lack of riders is not the high University official, possibly necessary. cancel its Chicago train. for discontinuing the President Wharton, will testify A series of public hearings is If both Penn Central and train, Marilyn Hanley, an East for the necessity of the trains, being held by the ICC in towns Grank Trunk cancel the service, Lansing resident, said. At least Jack Breslin, executive the Grank Trunk Railroad serves there will be no passenger train 200 passengers use the train on its daily Toronto - Chicago president, wrote the ICC in for MSU students and personnel nod daily, and many of the MSU Washington, D.C., when the runs. A hearing is scheduled for to Chicago. Shop Today 12 faculty, students and staff use cancellation noon to 9 p.m.; Thurs. and Friday 9:30 to 5:30 was first from incum appearance. The ticket would to protect the honest and wanted a candidate who then serve as a temporary driving 1U innocent and to keep the gutsy fellow who would permit. dishonest out of public life," out." Gray said the need for public Gray said, HUGE, HAPPY Other Democratic disclosure of campaign funds Hare introduced Gray to the candidal Charle are William R. Blue, of pto Washtenaw ^ - 'ay' ..♦ and other "public funds" to press and said he endorses Gray's County Democratic avert scanda)s |s who opposed U.S. Rep. Donjj chairman announced his «a5undantly candidacy, clear„ „Toda , am endorsing Phnrk Rieg|e in the 1968 congressioni candidacy for the Democratic He ^ tem of disclosure ' j j » election; Billie S. Farnum tf candidate to succeed me, POST-HOLIDAY ' 203 E.GRAND RIVER nomination for Secretary of p , wou,d <• - - - the physical or mental have supported constructive, I M« rAk! »» health were in danger or If there progressive programs and still ■n on . ,?.T health, retirement and social ^ were ' baby would be HK thtt the defective or opposed abortion reform." Academic International News services, which she heads, will be Sired aerec«v« or Freedom initiated June 19 by the board Report 22? T Km '"d °" " also cont»'«®d » "conscience of trustees, chairman Harold J ote short off ? °ne clause" that would protect Buckner announced Tuesday. Ihe United States will replace recent and future Israeli i m passing in May. doctors or from women having Buckner said he is currently | plane losses attributed to missiles fired along the vote „ » "m L fb will be taken on another to perform abortion or having abortions seeking background information >z Canal until Egypt accepts the American proposal against their will. on the review to familiarize himself with the situation. a temporary cease - fire, the New York Post reported The Sunday meeting will be In fhe^ewspaper quoted ■saying that "reliable diplomatic sources" the United States has made "under - the - Bill wo limit the board room on the third floor of Student Services Buckner has not set a definite Bldg. lie commitments" to "quietly replace" the three time for the afternoon meeting, intom jets which Israel claims were shot down by as he hopes to find one which ■face-to - airmissiles supplied by the Soviet Union. campaign costs will be convenient to all board members, and contacted them yet. he Several board members are has not WASHINGTON (AP) — A general election for the specific Communist Command has pulled back troops home for the summer, but j ..1 key forward areas in Laos and the ancient ruins Senate broadcast • passed bill to limit spending by office, or $20,000, whichever is higher. Vandals others have remained near the campus and can be reached. I Angkor Wat in Cambodia. But the weather was candidates for federal offices in — Primary elections: 3'/b cents Slogans iuch ai this one on Wells Hall were spray painted on several Board members and others larded as being partly responsible. general elections was expanded a vote for the office in the last by a House Commerce general election, or $10,000, sidewalki last week. University officials estimated damage at $2,600. campus buildings and Interested in attending Sunday's Ihe pullback from advanced sectors in northeastern subcommittee Tuesday to cover whichever is higher, State News photo by Dick Warren meeting may contact Buckner >s appeared to be more of a seasonal troop movement races for governor and by calling 353-2868. primaries. n a change in strategy since Communist forces The bill would become lally retire to rear bases during the rainy season. 2 Vietnams worlds apart effective next Jan. 1, and would w ' * * * apply not only to candidates for office but to committees formed Britain accused the Irish Republic Tuesday of "serious on their behalf. flomatic discourtesy" in sending its foreign minister The subcommittee made no By THE ASSOCIATED iWnriATPh DDCOO PRESS d troubled Northern Ireland on a secret mission that changes in provisions of the Senate will which would: L caused a furor in Belfast. Between North and South Hanoi, the capital of the North. The Hanoi government's 'Victory By Annihilating VC." At all governmental levels, fclong with the official ruffled feathers resulting from - Require that no broadcaster Vietnam, the gap is awesome. It They writhe in the stifling, -propaganda slogans say, "South - - - .. "VC," of course, are the Viet North Vietnam is run by I diplomatic snub were charges that Dublin was trying can charge any political ,s 8 vold separating two worlds, clangorous, exciting embrace of Vietnam Our Kith and Kin," Cong, South Vietnamese fighting Vietnamese. candidate more than the lowest In the North. water buffalo the motor age. Liberate the South — Defend the government. North Vietnam J get United Nations intervention by turning the charge paid by any commercial Padding In the rice fields typify The North is Vietnamese, not the North Proceed toward hasn't had a civil war since 1954. No rural district in South Vietnam is too small or remote Irthern Ireland unrest into an international incident. advertiser for the same time the Pace of an underdeveloped Chinese or Russian, Unification," "Determined to xhe war in South Vietnam has to be ignored by Americans. period. nation's economy under wartime In the South, Americans are never stopped, whether civil war There are 259 districts, and Italian Prime Minister Mariano Rumor's resignation set ' - Repeal the equal time 8traln- omnipresent, more than 400,000 The South's life splurges with or invasion from the North or every one has a team of U.S. a power struggle Tuesday, with Italy's leftist requirements for president and Hanoi's main streets, at the of_J^emx , variety. Shops bulge with both. advisers, vice president candidates luxuries and crippled beggars sit litical leaders and militant unions ranged against only. A peak of traffic, i^e filled with ._™e Norths austere life Is on the sidewalk outside. Under a ■efs of industry and the centerist parties, suspension of these provisions In bicyclists. V thrifty, and threadbare. 1960 cleared the way for the In the South, $30 billion a government dominantly of army lit stake are the center left coalition that has television debates between year from the United States for • Richard M. Nixon and John F. thf minimal necessities of officers, more than a dozen rival ierned Italy for more than a decade and an economy the war effort creates Plain f°od a"d drab clothing parties *""* woo *the ** *■""* - South's voters. * liously impaired by strikes and inflation. Kennedy. The subcommittee's bill would tremendous power, both to »rom the home front. It Saigon government destroy and build. Technology demands unceasing work and propaganda signs say, "Who set these limits for broadcast blasts and booms, at the same total discipline. Self • sacrifice Destroys VC Is Building the spending. time, In vast fire zones and new [°r v'etnam all Vietnam — Is Nation," "Cooperation with VC General elections: 7 cents Is Destruction of the Perva8lve theme, Ourselves," — industrial parks. for each vote cast in the last The South's major cities dwarf National News youth Republican congressional leaders lite House meeting Tuesday warning against price and came away from a New Left SECRETARIES power' fce controls beingurged by some Democrats. And the ■P spokesmen reported administration confidence It present economic policies are working to halt lation. Iccounts of the session by the Senate and House use EDITOR'S NOTE: Youthful radicals around the 'print It's your day, again! stay flower-fresh with Certan-dri publican leaders appeared to reflect concern that the turning out a variety of material on their presses. Lynn Scheer, of country are roll-on 84-hour anti-perspirant that jmocratic »on and vote him stand - controlled Congress may defy President AP Living Today department, describes the work the young are - by economic control doing to promote their causes. Holiday Inn salutes those gives you positive protection plus Ihority he says he does not want. NEW YORK (AP) — The information officers of the New hard working secretaries American Left have rediscovered an ancient political with a luncheon buffet. gentleness to skin. 2-oz. . ally: print $3. |en. Mark O. Hatfield, R-Ore., formally introduced power. . and a great cocktail ■esday recommendations of a presidential commission All over the country, radical and "movement" organizations hour from 4-8 in the ling for establishment of an all volunteer military by - have spawned their own print shops run by their own pressmen, Batik Room! It July 1. to churn out an increasing number of posters, pamphlets, |ln ltold Julythe1971. the Selective Service Act will expire," Senate. "If we act now, and begin the handbills and flyers. Whether it's to mobilize a march advantages of "Free Speech for GIs" or advertise on Washington, explain the courses at REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. ' Jacobson's 3121 E. Grand River jcess of building a volunteer military forpe, it will not "Omega U — An alternate university," the rebel presses are ■ necessary to perpetuate conscription beyond that rolling. By the thousands, their folded - and - stapled brochures, decorated with crude graphics, are being given away at hastily set up campus tables or sold in the standard subculture outlets. A glance at the mail • order listings of the New Press, a Boston • based group, indicates the scope of the subject England Free Summer Sportswear Sale matter: Che Guevera and Cuba, Vietnam, China, Black History Michigan News "Racism," ROTC, Ecology, Antidraft, Algeria, "Female Liberation and the Sexual Caste System," Anticapitalism. Women's Sportswear 1/2 off Profits are either low or nonexistent — even for the occasional Ijate Sen. Sander Levin, running for the Democratic commercial jobs some do. Salaries rarely go beyond $50 • $75 a Men's Sportswear 1/3 off lunation for governor, said Tuesday the Michigan week. The pressmen are generally highly mobile, nonprofessional students or dropouts whose technical training consists of f ature will have to take "dramatic action" when it from a committed friend. learning jonvenes in August to finish a "massive amount" of With few exceptions, most of the print shops have within the last two to three years — some as recently as the last sprung up Women's Two Piece & One Piece Suits 1/2 off |Thc governor may be satisfied with what's been done few months. And many purchased their first presses and paper 1 I'erence. 1 is session, but I'm not," Levin said at a news with help from what they call "liberal money" from neighborhood pacifists. Men's Swimsuits 1/3 off e former Senate minority leader said Gov. Milliken |g2 rece'ved just about nothing of what he wanted; ' Women's Tennis Clothing 1/3 off I ,or act'on 12 areas and the legislature passed Ready IjW c h°ofm'nor bills" in these areas. Men's Tennis Clothing the blame, he said, goes to the "man in a Cassette 1/3 off I 1011 to d° most - the governor." lereH^?otor Co< accused of antitrust violations, was lesd' t tllC ^n'ted States District Court in Detroit mm Go Sale Special n tl/ decision e i 8ef out sPark P,u8 manufacturing. Sony's New Model 70 Tape Recorder tor Bancroft Competition Tennis Racquet strung with our best resulting from a 1961 suit filed by the a New Age $11 string. A $40 value for only $25. Enter the electronic lsidi°Vern!l1ent a8a»nst the auto company and its with Sony's new age ■est .E'ectric Autolite Co., Ford was told to Model 70 AC/DC portaDle Istoria Ohto ^ Pl"8 manufacturing °Peration in ' cassette tape recorder. Sale starts Wed. July I Frppm'0"' 9hief United States District Judge Ralph A at HI-FI BUYS 3nselliSai^its ^or(^ be directed, on a future rf HOI E. Grand River tr, ns are battery factory in Owosso. Both Part of the Electric Autolite Co. fiaat Lansing Phone 337-2310 ^ Weathervane 2283 E. Grand River 351-9494 MICHIGAN JEANNE SADDLER STATE MEW O UNIVERSITY E> GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Black leaders misplace priorities M militaristic country, such a stand seemed so abroad while his people are In an age ot renewal for black people and These black men and women made their slaughtered FREDERICK J. LESLIE unnatural and insane, that one suspects home, his nation cannot help but all oppressed minorities in this country, 64 position appear totally foolish by implying who has guaranteed his personal wonn advertising manager "Black Americans" have called for further that it is possible to bomb an opponent to that even some of our most "liberated safety intervention by this country in another the conference table. Their concluding leaders" are still not past being used by the After some Inquiry, I have still discover any satisfactory reason faiL KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor foreign war. Unbelievable as it seems, these paragraph states, "We urge the United establishment to cut their own throats. The U.S. State Dept. could not have statement. I talked to LARRY LEE, city editor prominent black people published an ad in States government to use its great influence Norman m A nove to help bring the Israelis to the conference written a better rationale themselves. These associate director of the institute ^ medicine JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor the New York Times, Sunday, June 28, JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor entitled "An Appeal by Black Americans for United States Support to Israel." table where they can work out among themselves a just and negotiated black Americans praised Israel for its advanced democracy, political freedom and ttat he. Randolph, and ~BayardWRu^ director of the institute, had visited he appc master cf Israel number of times and had had The full page ad, signed by such notable - settlement. We also urge our government to sophisticated system of welfare services "contact" an with the Arab countries. He medicine. U.S. representatives as Shirley Chisolm, said th Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award believed the issue in the for outstanding journalism. John Conyers and Charles Diggs, to name a conflict 2 Frank J few, was underwritten by the A. Phillip "economic justice." " .is 30-yea Randolph Institute of New York. Well, at least we can't say the research*, his sprin Was it sell-out? Were the names used without the didn't find anything new. While most Was it a sell - out? Were the names used a were under the Impression that of ! nd admi MSU without the knowledge of the signers? How knowledge of the signers? How could blacks encourage a the Arahl he EDITORIALS could blacks encourage a war in which our war in which our involvement would only mean more and Israelis were fighting over investigators describe it as an land, the# Medici osponsil involvement would only mean more black black lives lost on the front lines and a more insecure conflict. Will phantom jets econoiX lives lost on the front lines and a more world for their children? boost th! Khniquei economy up to the conference table? 5 first ■ ; Agnew insecure world for their children? flick The simple issue of "whose side you're on" concerning the Middle East War must be an individual decision, although many Three people can be misled. But 61 other supposedly educated, people follow them blindly in radicj to set reasoniw Dr. T01 rofessor he facu blacks have expressed support for the Arab take steps to help guarantee Israel's right to and foreign aid. Perhaps Israel deserves this conclusions is disgusting. rarks in a million qua nations. In the spirit of Pan-Africanism, Arabs are often included as a black African exist as a nation. For the present this means providing Israel with the full praise. The Arab countries are depicted as "dictatorial one - party states," existing in A few other blind black included Mayor Richard America Hatcher, Guv people. The side with which the signers number of jet aircraft it has requested." extreme poverty and prejudice, calling for Ind.; Horace L. Sheffield, executive vi» 'Our m Vice President Agnew may very aligned themselves is not my real concern Let's get them to talk — after we bomb a the destruction of Israel. Perhaps these president, Trade Union Leadership c c e p to point out that $100,000 will buy: — it is the fact that their statement few more cities. Although this philosophy countries deserve the criticism. But such a Council; Mayor Carl Stokes, Cleveland nthusiasti well be on the way to becoming the More than 600,000 pounds of rice encourages a war that could grow to world describes the direction of this country's completely black and white picture of a Ohio; Roy Wtlklns, executive direct# lid. "The; Silent Majority's answer to "Easy at supermarket wholesale prices. proportions without any consideration for foreign policy in Southeast Asia, it has complicated historical conflict Is a NAACP; and Whitney M. Young Jt xperience Rider." At least this seems to be the About one million quarts of the welfare of their own black American proven a logical and practical failure. For superficial, unconvincing, unthinking executive director, National Urban ork." intent of a 15-minute League Ten yea: celluloid powdered milk at wholesale rates. people. black people, an exploited minority in a approach. It is time for black Americans and whit* These same black Americans have never, Americans to realize that we do not mall ship extravaganza just released by the Approximately five million doses exis to my knowledge, expressed such public in a democratic heaven from which ear • ol< United States Information Agency of * penicillin. support for their own people's causes. must omnipotently intervene in all ;perience (USIA). world Throughout the civil rights marches up to conflicts. In recent years, America has id treatini In the film, which is intended for Thirty tractors. beet our present crises such as the determined chased around the world by the 'Being "faj showing overseas, Agnew is Something on the order of murders of Black Panthers and other black Threat" and our own Insecurity, while edical car thk portrayed as a fearless fighter for 200,000 hammers. leaders, the continued murders and country became desperately in need of tin starvation that we suffer dally in America, revolutions we fought against abroad. civil rights and education. To further enchance his all around apple - pie A number of schools. such prominent black Americans have universal democracy, like univeral But Til - About 10 million doses of Vitamin never found the Intestinal fortitude to communism, has not proved to be tin image, the producers have the movie C. publish such a bold, clearly one - sided answer. narrated by no less a personage than Tens of thousands of textbooks. statement. Despite the strong official support laid Big John Wayne. At least 500,000 gallons of fuel to It is not, however, the USIA's power the tractors mentioned above. somewhat glowing portrayal of the It seems grievously shortsighted While vice president that is at issue here, to send a $ 100,000 celluloid Spiro For black people, an exploited minority in a tudents se but rather the price tag of the film overseas when impoverished people militaristic country, such a stand seemed so unnatural articipatir which, counting distribution costs, need millions of dollars of the items and insane that one suspects that even some of our most a caui comes to $100,000. In terms of listed above. "liberated leaders" are still not past being used by the rongly 1 dollars per minute of viewing time, establishment to cut their own throats. ■arly a se' Entertainment - even Sprio - is 0 position Easy Rider was certainly a better difficult to enjoy when malnutrition mtribute deal. and disease accompany one to fense fui the Just for the record, we would like theater. used to < In foreign affairs, there was the Congo has received from Congress, these nobk ack Pantl crisis, the brutal history of South Africa black Americans should not forget thit New H No grail-quest and Rhodesia, and the Nigerian Civil War, and still there was placid silence from our most distinguished leaders. Where was the America has been known to take neutral, cool conflicts. - headed positions on violent le •prove time, ganizatioi ol "deep concern" expressed by the signers in That's why we're only 10 per cent of tin ^ °rJ Why are we fighting the war in Cambodian soldiers for decoys. The these instances; where was the noble talk population after 400 years. It also explain Southeast Asia? That question has fiery destruction of Vietnamese of democracy, freedom and equality? Indian reservations, ghettos and been asked untold thousands of villages by American bombs. The If a hungry man sees his brother take up "detention" camps described in tin times, and the cause of another man's family while he McCarren Act passed in 1968. as many times has been already imfanous picture of answered with the pat Communists bodies being hung face - starves, he cannot help but wonder what How many black children will starve th* reply: "to sturdy substance has suddenly year to buy a jet? How many of the keep the Communists from taking down in a Cambodian market place strengthened his brother's moral concern. concerned 64 will then over." publish an "appear by nationalist soldiers. And now, an When a man talks of selling weapons in their interest? If one listens longer, the all - investigation of the horrible knowing voice will go on to explain conditions of Vietnamese prison that have we Communists out because they are to keep the camps - there are reports that men are kept in cages - not cells, OUR READERS' MIND cages. inhuman. They will kill innocent None of these things can possibly people. They will disgustingly be written off as the results of the Bookstore deserves student help mistreat prisoners. They will "fortunes of war." These are not mutilate bodies and destroy villages. accidents or unpleasant means to In sum, they will create general "necessary" ends, but rather clear carnage on a massive scale. examples of barbarism. To The Editor: It seems to us that, if this is the If there is such a thing as guilt by campus, the significance of this particular bookstore selling at discount in East side talks. Kindly allow me to make some one may not be fully appreciated unless we a Having had encouraging case, then the United States is association, then the American war observations on the theft in M.A.N, take cognizance of the facts below. Lansing. having a store to sell books at liberal pried Whereas Wayne State University is Now they have been deprived of the mew certainly fighting on the wrong side. effort in Indochina is doomed to the bookstore (State News June 30). Though Of all bookstores serving the University Consider: the use of civilians by fires. there is nothing new in money theft on the operating a bookstore at 10 per cent to realize this dream. Meanwhile, th community, only Man and Nature is non - discount. The be said of Indiana same can program has to be postponed till capital! profit - making. It was set up last year to University. Illinois offers a 4 per cent available to undertake it. prove a point that a community of this size discount while Wisconsin gives 5 per cent When ask For how long are we going to remain 1 deserves a bookstore that places service to •out rebate to customers at the end of the 'captive market' which Dr. Adams term« stut the public before profit. It will be recalled that the present profit - school year. It is worthy of note that there us in 1968? It is about time we accepted intributing are private bookstores in these areas. They the challenge and give massive support# ""Pose, o] oriented MSU bookstore was started in easure have not been driven out of business. this bookstore. With fairly good capia drc 1896 as a non - profit cooperative concern. After a year's operation, Man and Nature from student membership, the booksto# ''Would y Today its policy is geared toward Bookstore decided to increase its service to spond increasing its profit margin. In collusion can set the pace for the rest on the needr with off - campus bookstores, it has kept the public by handling paperback put service to the public before anyt1"" favorably textbooks this coming fall term. It has else. lated stui the 20 per cent mark - up price on new been accused by other bookstores of 'Propriate books while resisting the board of trustees' underselling them and irpose?" recommendation to reduce buy - back and was challenged to 'Bayo Ogunh Lj ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. move off campus. The operators of the resale prices on used books; the excuse bookstore did not Nigerian graduate stut1""' >rable pay attention to these June 6,1 being an alleged threat of legal action by the Off - campus Bookstores Assn. Letters may be addressed to Dr. Arnold With the summer upon us the question of be at risk Pressures brought by ASMSU and the Werner, 309 Linton Hall. Names need not can protect themselves by the safety, if not the cosmetic appeal, of reaction of other student groups since Opinion be included unless a personal reply is requested. sun tanning becomes salient once again. On a number of occasions this year you have adequately shading exposed parts of the body or by using certain skin preparations which screen out ultra violet rays. Many - 1968, when Dr. Walter Adams marched protest on the bookstore with his class, have not in Trustees mock report suggested tanning under sun lamps and suntan preparations do this effectively. yielded many results. In !t becair should fail them. I would submit that How absorbed soon does the birth control pill get outdoors as a cosmetic cover for skin Presumably suntan lamps could produce expressing concern for the off - campus bookstores, the manager of MSU bookstore To the Editor: So Warren Huff and his associates want such a case, the trustees' action would" ij •nducting t into the blood stream after the same effect. However it's hard ost blemishes and small conspicuous veins, etc. to feared that selling at a discount would to revise the Academic Freedom unilateral — and that is precisely the po« student ingestion? I've often wondered if vomiting Some physicians advise most strongly imagine anyone receiving sufficient Report "tributions a few hours after taking the pill would exposure to produce cancer, but severe 'drive them out of business.' He was also (and privately, yet!) because, among other they are after. The academic communitl against the use of sun-lamps and exposure burns are skeptical about the chances of success of a things, the procedures for dismissing should not permit this intrusion. necessitate taking another one. to the sun on the grounds that this may student trouble The board of trustees' abuse of chant - makers are "unduly cause cancer of the skin (I am not complicated." Huff was chairman of the when it suits their purposes has aire" Birth control pills are rather promptly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. A concerned with aging effects of skin drying). What is the state of medical Letter board of trustees paffair some years during the Paul Schiff back; one would think made a mockery of the intent Academic Freedom Report. Now they of specific answer to your question is not When I was born, my testes didn't knowledge on the carcinogenic effects of that he might have learned his lesson from to circumvent the form, too. Pre"' possible, however, because of the descend the way it should. When I was The State News welcomes all letters. that. Due process is always "unduly Wharton is already doing a 'yes tremendous variation in the absorption of exposure to artificial and natural sunlight? eight old I had to have a "testicle years They should be typed and signed with the gastric contents, in different people. Do artificial and natural sunlight have home town, student, faculty or staff complicated" to the police state mentality routine for the board; let us hope that drop" operation. Now I learned that if - but students, like other faculty has more backbone. If anV However, it would be safe to say that if a differential effects? standing, and local phone number citizens, have a they don't descend there is a possibility right to it. tempted to agree this time because few hours (like two or three) have gone by, included. No unsigned letter will be that the person may be sterile. Does this Huff tells us that he isn't student rights in question, they ought the odds are rather good that the pill has Cancer of the skin can be caused by talking about mean I'm sterile? Where can I find out? accepted for publication, and no letter will the board of trustees realize that it will very likely be theirs been absorbed. exposure to the sun. But before the bikini be printed without a signature except in making amendments Suspiciousness makes me wonder if the brigade becomes alarmed, let me point out unilaterally, but seeks only to have an next time. Dona|d h. extreme circumstances. All letters must be that such alternative if the present channels vomiting you're concerned about might exposure must take place less than 300 words long for publication trustees' amendments could be entered by which bibliographic 1 not be related to the pills. Some women do intensely for prolonged periods of time, without editing. by MSU Libi experience early morning nausea with the and over a period of many years. Cancers When the operation is performed in early 'friendly' members of the FCSA or ASMSU July 6,19' pill. This is particularly common during the of this type are usually seen in farmers and childhood, normal testicular function first few months. It resembles the morning sailors. It is said that airline pilots are occurs at the onset of adolescence. It is felt am i ? i can't see! nausea of early pregnancy and is related to susceptible as they receive more of the that the undescended testicle in adulthood OOPS! what'S that? who the estrogen content of the pill. It is not ultra - violet rays of the sun because is sterile because of the higher temperature touched me ? someone 6ra00fp related directly to the presence of the pill flying at high altitudes they are deprived of in the testicle that results when that organ mypau.' ?? ?? in one's stomach. Therefore, a person much of the filtering effects of the is held in close contact with the body. plagued thus can take a pill before going to atmosphere. Fair skinned people have an Also, an undescended testicle in adulthood sleep and heave to their heart's content the increased susceptibility to the development has a much higher risk of developing next morning knowing that there is no of skin cancers with prolonged exposure to malignancy. tir answers chance of losing the pill. the sun. From what »P°rt you describe you have People in occupations where they might nothing to worry about. 1^(15.1% lol0t SuPP0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 8, 1970 5 Ex-corpsman joins aughtered il lbut wonder safety M failed to MSU med faculty Jon for the novel aDDroach to teaching performed diagnostic tests, In addition to Pn^an Hill ship duty, te' who ^ medicine has begun at MSU with p r es c ''K ' edlcatio Dawson had other ard Rustin appointment of a retired administered shots, kept medical experiences that help him sited mister chief hospital corpsman records and carried out countless job. For five years he served d Israel, "contact" asst. Instructor of other tasks related to the health of the crews of 100 to as the enlisted administrative ■hion — ®J.gp 150 assistant at the Naval Dispensary "prgnk M. Dawson left behind men," Dawson explained, in Norfolk, Va. Another six jonflict 3 his 30-year career his spring to take on teaching with the Navy Dawson's administrative duties include selecting patients with years he spent as part of a team revising and rewriting training researehen e most nd administrative duties with typical Illnesses the students are courses for the hospital ofu, corps. *t the he MSU College of Human studying, as well as making the He received his medical Arab, Medicine. His prime necessary arrangements to see training at the Navy's basic and [" land, these csponsibility is to teach these patients i nearby advanced hospital corps schools, wonouit boost the echniques of physical diagnosis community hospitals, _ . . . in addition to taking a specialized o first ■ year medical students. Dr. Dr. Johnson explained another program table? in Dr. Tom M. Johnson, asst. facet facet ofof Dawson's administrative , But to ri.itins' electroencephalography a. ,rofessor of medicine, one of duties: "As « sophisticated snnhictiDawson is married and has in reasonin radic«| faculty physicians who consumer of health services, family of seven children, ranging Don't ask rorks in close collaboration Dawson can offer valuable in age from 6 to 21 years. The (formation window" in the Student pith Dawson, noted student insights and suggestions on Dawsons lived in Portsmouth, Services Bldg. refers questions elsewhere. America^ ictj0n. health care delivery. He has a Ah, bureaucracy! |cher, Gar,, Va., for 17 years before moving State News photo by Dick Warren ecutive via 'Our medical students have good perspective, being neither to East Lansing. ccepted Frank doctor nor patient." Leadership thusiastically," Dr. Johnson Dawson's appointment may be Cleveland, aid. "They respect the skill and only a beginning, Dr. Johnson |ve director xperience he brings to his believes. 16 " Young Jr, hit • " "We will be evaluating this [ban is and do not exit f which »i in all worli Leagut white ear Ten years as a mall . "doctor" on ships provided the 48 - old ex-corpsman with xperience in diagnosing disease program "Hopefully, carefully with a view to expanding it," he said. men with the training and experience of Frank .NGTON states by tica has bee# nd treating patients. Dawson Dawson can make a valuable Th^»!!JNGf0N Thousands of members of (AP) - the a 2 12 12 - year -' old " year dispute over old disPute and hampering hampering freieht freight traffic. traffic. ' the "Rei Being responsible for all contribution to he field of United Transportation Union restoring firemen's jobs. Trains were idled in The strike Lainst the however, that chairmen of the strike, a federal arbitration ledical care aboard ship meant I medical education." at least 16 Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Tuesday conference's three affected struck three railroads Louisville & board |y, while thi need of the Tuesday in states, stranding some passengers NaSe and KthS? Saclffc hocrinnino beginning in in before actmg on the request. regions were in Washington and told could cut out 90 the railroads the, per cent of the declined j^bs d'LTylrd and ■■ railroads has idled to answer if firemen's abroad. But some 18,800 any e univirai 'lUDENT5 w CrTC UTU members> according to a But Robert negotiations were scheduled freight on engines. The ruling, management spokesman. He said Resor, a there. allowed by a special act of spokesman for the to be the a total of 78,000 employes of Labor The dispute has a long history Congress, expired in 1966. Panthers the three lines were idled. Conference, said "There is no in the railway - management subje IPPort Isrtej Between 1963 and 1966, Rail traffic was halted or meeting in Chicago. We would negotiations. In 1963, know it if there were." He on the eve 18,000 firemen's jobs and 8 ^00 slowed in New York, California, said, " threatened nationwide rail trainmen's jobs were eliminan Maryland, West While most Midwestern No Opinion 23.9% Virginia, COLLINS TRIAL tudents see nothing wrong with 16.6% No include the Indian. University of Illinois, University. tile S'"*', .F'orlda' lndl,n"> I'!inoi5' *""•ohl°- i=y articipating in or contributing cause which they feel trongly about, they reject asked If they felt the Black These students were then 42.9% Don't Know No Opinion of Wooster, the University of Cincinnati, Northwestern stslzsrJS!** Utah, Alabama The and Oregon. president of the UTU, 17 jurors discharged early a seven to one margin the Panthers reflected the mood of 33.2% Charles Luna, accused ANN ARBOR University, Ohio State .... (UPI) — Nineteen potential reposition that their schools the blacks on their campuses, railroads of unfair However, the defense had six peremptory University, the University of bargaining jurors were examined Tuesday in the John challenges remaining, and the prosecution eight. ontribute to Black Panther "Do you feel that the Black Relative support for the Black Notre Dame, Southern Illinois practices. Norman Collins "coed murder trial" — the At least one of those SZtoi «Tcr» tern Panther' partykl-... represenVS'e Pother p^/was^itoTiy University (two cnpuse^VS tentatively seated was , , n.v,. used to defend Bobby Seale, majority of blacks - your higher among the five largest University of Michigan, the Ro^'zUr'Sd ~ ■ ^ePer«d UeTaHthe Labor STeTwhen'tt ™ June t wnen IB were questioned. expected to be dismissed when jury questioning resumed today under lack Panther leader being tried campus or not?" schools surveyed than among the University Dept. is studying the request for Seventeen of the 19 were dismissed for peremptory challenges in [these nobk of Dayton, the a which neither the defense nor prosecution has to forget New Haven, Conn. At the medium or smaller sized schools. University of a special board to probe the variety of reasons, two were seated and one Chicago, Western strike strike. tentative juror, who had been seated on the give a reason for dismissal. le time, nearly half would TTie students responded Other colleges and universities Michigan University third Labor Dept. sources said the day of the trial, was dismised, leaving 14 pprove of interested student ^es where students were surveyed Valparaiso. Those seated tentatively Tuesday included a rganizations or groups raising department would await the tentative jurors impaneled. mechanic and a young engineer. I cent of thi »nds for this purpose. Why Pay More! This was discovered in a recent Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay HI or ilso explain niversity index poll taken Why Pay More! Why Pay Mor$ I and tin in tit mong college students at MSU 2% LOW FJff MIIK 68< nd in Indiana, Ohio, II starve thi lichigan and Kentucky just rior to summer vacations. Four Illinois, FOOD any of thi an "appeal undred and ten students on 16 ampuses in the five state area CLUB ere polled for the survey. Interviewers asked the Mowing question: "Do you feel academic PORK ROAST 43< 47< istitutions should or should not ipropriate money for Black X MKIHKST ^ anther defense funds such as ^VPORIv^ one being raised for Bobby ALMOST BONELESS "Why Pay .More! aging resul iberai pricfl armour.-^ if the mem while, o Opinion DEL MONTE ill capital CALORIE REDUCED HOT DOGS to remain ter When ^t student asked their opinions APPLESAUCE 49c ams organizations _ accepted >ntnbuting money for the same > support# bookston the need ' irpose, opposition easure Would !Jpond dropped considerably. —- you say favorably to that the you 816-ox. wt. cans I 0 lb. THE DOCS KIDS LIKE TO BITE re anythii [favorably d student to the Idea that organizations •proprlate funds for this Ogunbi "Pose?" CALORIE SB PEACHES o iate student ivorable REDUCED! [ine 6 ' SLICED or HALVES Fun Franks KLEENEX Reflular Six* 11 ALL VARIETIES 1 1.091 1 JAM !', kcame apparent In U *4 WELCH GRAPE JMl..tudents i the did ev5n ?S, by other 8tudents '"tervlews that not oppose DECORATED TOWELS r JJC| | Archway COOKIES 3 A- 1 or JELLY ° ves to cause may appeal SAVE 30c \30 I ■y to them. However, the SAVE 7c liked ma j0rity of collegians "" readv don»ting money UcZ aPPr°Pr'ated to e o tTn et? t0 ^1 , nSt;tutlon8 8'nce that such a Kotex Napkins 99l K00L-AID 13... w. 1 ;:r ^ PUr(haSe of 2 pkgs. rsonw institute giving a a mi, or contributions y oughfn.;use JPOl wh'ch he might not Mcijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon f Oept IliBMei/er W%& d H - CSif- th« stu. v 4> Jmmimm Thrifty Acres Coupon IH Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon th ft? S8t they wepp * graphic aw SAVE 10c SU Libra ^|y 6, l" ack Per p cent k 80(1 moveme,,t- The IjO' 207 SAVE 20c ire aco?" 8aid that they d with the Black MUNI—*10 W MUSHKOOM m thrifty Other p. 6v "WouKfd Run Were then asked the movement: if Barbeque Sauce "»>O j C with NIAGARA FABRIC FINISH 36c acres do not . "y that you do ,he Bl,ck THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM ^^1^^ loH«rj«y, Jul) TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY rx Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupo Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon I 0ep, Me'jet films field of outdoor education. two people whose lives stopped teasing people sexually, "More" is the type of Smith was selected by a vote destroyed becuase of their The actors match the with sex long ago and went way film one hopes to see less of in f Taft's OTE faculty, inability to control their habits. ineptitude and unconcern of the beyond such pedestrian and the future, (initiations for the 1971 award Unlike "Days," it is a total filmmakers. Miss Farmer makes »received up until Jan. 1, failure as a film, a work as Estelle an unappealing 971 technically clumsy as it is poorly neurotic girl with snythetic Donald R. Hammerman, Taft written. temperament and wind-up lirector said that Smith is emotions. Grunberg presents ,erica's outstanding outdoor Mimsy Farmer and Klaus Stefan as a vulnerable dullard lucator. He is the long - time Grunberg play Estelle and whose passivity makes both Stefan, two young adults EsteUe's manipulation and the lirector of the Outdoor Iducation Project of the Lmerican Assn. of Health, Relating hooked on drugs. "More" details the last six months of Stefan's life as retold by a casual friend domination of drugs over him understandable. Grunberg looks uncertain hysical Education and Mimsy Farmer, Klaus Grunberg and a mutual friend relate together in this who observed Stefan's as an actor and bored iecreation, a division of the scene from "More " as an observer of the film's currently showing at the State Theater and the blue screen of the M-78 deterioration and destruction incidents, National Education Assn. Drive-In. after his introduction to Estelle In a day when even the poorest film is well put together and visually stylish, "More" is an Students •joying a inexcusable exception. It lacks bviously join any sense of direction or dramatic development. The scenes don't build on each other, they simply run into each other. "A sad state of affairs movement to Transitions By RHODA WEISS evident organize i chapter candidates in the running or are jarring, and and LIZ DOUP through the large here, summer on voter registration pacing is virtually non - existent. number of congressmen elected were considered "swing" drives which can "A group of us \ worried districts. have a major The sound borders on the because of the apathy vote," about the way the strike was impact in the fall. These drives inaudible (a blessing, I admit, Channeling student energies Mrs. Santosusso said. "People With Drimarv elections ies.« will focus due to the primeval level of the hrough the political system is don't know their own power, going and the action the strikers than a month awav%SlT< on areas registration is typically low — where he goal of the Movement for a were f . • considering taking," Mrs. „ „ x. .— mm. " - ' away, MSU s j * writing). Jew Congress (MNC), according There seems to be a great deal of frustration now Santosuosso recalled recalled. "Th^v ihey District where iS th\7th the incumbent black. the P°or and the Technically, "More" is a film — people Sally Santosuosso, wanting to end the war, know they Tf" i *lkl?g about h°W Donald Riegle intended is opposed in the Students are needed by the that would cause anyone who the disordes chairman of the movement, 'We want the people to more about the issues and what's ma^iDower manpower once it wasfrLrt once it was freed by R?Publican contest- hv Wayne State and MSU will be Movement to help with publicity ever held directed, wrote, recorded to shudder. or happening on the campuses, but the strike, and distribution, to canvass and a camera r - to - das dentify with the candidates and they don't know how. The "We had chort m r „ working particularly close, work within the districts. Those Unlike most X-rated films, d firebombea the am, heir campaign. onpartisan group that selects Congress is a vehicle which may help to answer these concerns." May 12 with about she explained, "and formed 20pS°" K^a SmJS "SST! "More" doesn't even give the tracks fro andidates on the basis of issues, The MNC originated steering committee. At a coordinators for the entire state fn R^m If of the Un" n'o" viewer much sexplay to fall back and betta ot parties." Princeton University on May point, we decided to become _that andMSU " in fund raising. stop by the MNC office in 312 specifically will work this _ The New Congress isolates the Day of this year, the day after Student Services Bldg. (3 ICHIGAN chapter of the Movement For A ranged up I ey congressional races in President Nixon announced he Mew Congress." Theatre Lansinq- Michigan where student was sending troops John N. Collins, asst. professor >articipation can make a Cambodia. of MSU SUMMER '70 political science, was named lifference. Students work with One of the first actions the the chapter's faculty advisor, ocal candidates for Congress, dentifying with their issues and Movement took was to send volunteers from Princeton to In Michigan, there are fi established New FREE THEATRE lore than ot necessarily with the MNC. Congn THE NUMBER ONE NOVEL OF THE help organize chapters in other chapters — all campus based, Wednesday thru Saturday Evenings t by The New Congress helps flyii| states. Paul Papak, a Princeton well as 332 chapters across t 8:30 P.M. Kresge Court tudents find where and how frit L- - plug into a candidate's student from the Detroit area, came to MSU, a week after the nation. The objectives of the MSU Between Kresge Art Center and Fairchild Theater AIRPORT ampaign. founding of the New Congress Et directof up Movement for the electoral research, canvassing, This Week: Kurt Vonnegut's BURT DEAN who rt candidate endorsement and WELCOME TO THE MONKEY HOUSE LANCASTER- MARTIN [uths jeered )ane on faculty campaigns and planning strategy for the two weeks prior to the November elections. JEANSEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET "We at MSU will work in the 5th and 6 th congressional ballet seminar districts, University of Michigan in the 2nd, Wayne in the 18th and 19th, Kalamazoo and Exclusive Drive-In Showing! $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE SSS SAVE S$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $SS SAVE Fredbjorn Bjornsson, one of Danish television. He has studied Albl°" !" *Jje ehl'r/ When they take you for an out-of-towner, he Royal Danish Ballet's in Paris, London and New York, irightest stars, will teach ballet n campus through July 17. and most recently was in New ^ S " 'jS These were selected from the ' they really take you. | SHEPARD'S t York on a Ford Foundation PSP WP SEMI-ANNUAL S The occasion is the 21st 19 congressional districts grant in modern dance, nnual Cecchetti Ballet because they had strong peace Conference and Seminar, a gist continuing education program of he Cecchetti Council of America and the MSU College of ENDS THURSDAY SHOE SALE I iducation. Under the "AN i Over 9,500 pairs of Famous Brand shoes instruction of IMPERTINENT, > < jornsson, principal dancer and I pos lacher with the Danish DELICIOUS LITTLE SATIRE. group, ome 300 ballet students and MEN'S Greetings eachers from all , ■tired fron parts of the «tion will receive consider training in the Over 225 Pair Current Styles, broken sizes. Values to S22.00 7 T cecchetti method, which stresses ^ in MichigM JACKLEMMON ! now tyii.y 4 k nation^ vork will quality of movement and style. Teaming with Bjornsson will SANDY DENNIS ^ * Patricia A NEIL SIMON STORY Hardy, Cecchetti ► Over 250 Pair Slip-ons, Boots, Current Fashions, Values to $24.00. lance teacher -j n f\ ^ and examiner THEOUT-OF-TOWNERS > London, England; Dixie Shown Twice at 8:37 and Late 5 now 2 ition «°PBm coordinator of the dance at MSU, and Ann THE FIFTH ■Time Magazine — Plus — c £ utchmson, president of the H0B5Emnni5FEHB Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed j> m o logial Jance Notation Bureau in -At 10:45- I | x)ndon. ^member faculty fs'st in instructing the asses or |,Tades, and will seven in other ► WOMEN'S Over 750 Pair Loafers, Dress Shoes, Clunky Heels. Values to $18.00. spects of ballet. <2? O O ^ ^ $ 4 y Now fin5°n yal Danishh«s toured with the < and M.S. loist with Ballet, has been a a ah State group of Danish I from the ,rnri"fS and has made Over 1100 Pair Summer Casuals, Crinkle Patents, City Sandals, Many (tt ~i O O "7 ** "The family that slays together ' Others. Values to $18.00. Now ' nsin, and C n"s. Danish of bal,et for the i stays together" • > < group and for bsf >'n >n Ruling By Uni,ei1 bfedty; GT- pulsions school frew International Prank J- Kelley tes SANDALS Women's Over 400 Pair from Men's Over 250 Pair from Plus Over 6,500 More In Other Super-Savings Croups. tef. 07 Qfj ™ 4 § > m \ > Rh i y the State Board SHELLEY , ^ Winter bttinoUn* ""W 018 ke rules WINTERS in Morrt )r iQf,.,p Procedural safeguards name< he! 1 sch°o1 boards to use PAT HINGLE • DON STROUD • DIANE VARSI Vhepardh Vhltwofl 326 South Washington ^ d\Justin Ave.^J I66- J ,enal and ./Wfl, HELLSPQ HCp E S 31 7 E ast Grand River I leave f<" ' such mOfl0n8 otters and fles for appealing decisions. 0f ,0Cal botrd® may adopt ANGELS DO Since 1944 ■ First Choice of MSU Students :: CAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE XH 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Jmy 8 1( Allen Beckert Perez Kessinger Carty Mays Aaron Bench NEW YORK Aaron, Bench head NL All-Star squad (UPI) - Hank Aaron, Atlanta's 36 - year - old batting wonder, led all the vote - getters when he was Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, in announcing the National Bench received 1,091,134 votes, easily outdistancing all as starters. Beckert received 511,620 votes to beat out Felix League team, said the return of the All Star balloting to other catcher candidates. Joe Torre of the St. Louis Millan of Atlanta, and teammate named to the National League All - Star team for the 11th the fans produced a nationwide total of - Kessinger had 550,959 in time in his career Monday with more than one million 2,034, 724 votes - Cardinals was a distant second with 126,413 votes. ousting Bud Harrelson of the New York Mets. believed to be the largest computerized vote in The closest race involved first base where Richie Allen of Five teams were represented on the votes. any sports poll. the St. Louis Cardinals put on a late surge to edge Willie exclusive of pitchers, who will be selectedstarting team Aaron, who reached the 3,000 - hit plateau earlier this The All Star game will be by National season and hopes to be around long enough to - played July 14 in Cincinnati's McCovey of the San Francisco Giants. Allen got 479,137 League Manager Gil Hodges of the New York Mets. challenge new Riverfront Stadium. votes and will be announced later in the week. Thev Babe Ruth's career home run record, received 1,394,847 McCovey 465,998. Aaron, batting .317 with 24 home runs through Tony Perez of Western Division leading Cincinnati and The All - Star game will be the first for votes and easily outdistanced all rivals for one of three Monday's Carty, who was games, was joined in the starting outfield by teammate Rico the league's top home run hitter this season with 27 was a left off the original ballot and outfield posts. gained selection by a heaw Carty and Willie Mays of the San Francisco Giants. runaway victor in the balloting for third base. Perez write • in vote. The only other player to receive more than one million who has made 16 All Mays, • Star teams and played in 20 All accumulated 839,139 votes to 296,794 for Mays will be the veteran of the All - Star votes was Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench, a 22 - year - - runnerup Ron squad the Star games, polled 585,006 votes and Santo of the Chicago Cubs. veteran Giants player old in his third full season in the major leagues. Bench drew Carty, the National having appeared on 16 teams lo League's leading hitter with a .364 mark, got 552,382 The Cubs infield duo of second baseman Glenn Beckert times as a starter, and has 1,091,134 votes. votes. played in 20 games. and shortstop Don Aaron, Bench and Kessinger are repeaters from last Kessinger also made the All - Star squad year Spartan's Schmitter IM News S' that noon today is the deadline for reminded coaches, of makes Hall of Fame signing up for the IM Golf Where can the hold track you get Veteran MSU Head Fencing Coach Charles Schmitter has een high handicap golfers having lake the a chance The second annual Spartan includes his assistants — James and HIGHEST RATE named to the Helms Foundation prize list. There will be first categories in which players may Track and Field Coaching Clinic Big Ten high jumper tol Fencing Hall of Fame. Gibbard and James Bibbs — and clear is seven feet, and Wilcox,I Schmitter, who has coached taking place this week on former Spartan track stars 1. Student 2. Faculty - Individual gross Ralph Young Field. The session Robert Steele, Gene Washington, now at Corunna High School, I Spartan fencing for 30 years, staff - Individual gross was a 16-foot pole vnulter. of return - will run through this type 3. Student and Faculty - staff - Best on any won seven the state foil championship times, the saber twice and jdent a second one week - week, with program to Michael Wilcox. Bowers and John The clinic, which is limited tol - Individual net be held next week. an enrollment of 200, will focuil the epee once. Steele was the NCAA 440-yard In 1956, Schmitter enhanced The staff, headed by MSU intermediate hurdles champion on sprints, hurdles, field events,I of bank savings? his credentials when he earned a fencing master's diploma from Head Track Coach Fran Dittricn, in 1966 and 1967. Washington, now a member of the Minnesota conditioning, middle distancal and Alms of champions inl the National Academy In Naples, action. Vikings and an employe in the Italy, after studying under world famous fencing master Freehan onl MSU Placement Bureau in the off ■ season, was the NCAA The increase object of the clinic the knowledge is tol and I Giuseppe Mangiarotti in Milan, 60-yard high hurdles king in improve the techniques of track I Italy. 1965. Bowers, who now teaches and field athletes in high schoolil In his years at MSU, Schmitter has had 12 Big Ten individual on AL All-Star at Bronson High School, was the and colleges. champions and in 1963 his team won the conference crown. Bill Freehan, who easily out - distanced his He is a founder and past rivals, was the only Tiger named to the American nearest catching BASEBALL STANDINGS president of the National League's Fencing Coaches Assn. starting All - Star team announced Tuesday by Baseball AT AB & T OF COURSE! Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. Freehan No other bank offers Free was a landslide choice as the starting catcher as he polled 944,601 votes to runner-up Elrod Hendricks of Baltimore American National higher rates of who had 148,647. Freehan is one of four interest on any type of savings repeaters from last EAST Storage, year's squad, the other three being Frank Robinson and Ww L l PCT. rti. GB L account or certificate of deposit. Boog Baltimore 50 30 .625 PCT. GB | Powell of Baltimore and Frank Howard of - 36 A.B.& T. is the place to save no Charles Schmitter Powell led the league in total votes, Washington. New York DETROIT 44 35 .557 New York Pittsburgh 38 .550 .542 accumulating 1,007,930 to 6W ... 42 35 545 question about it! Pick-Up, beat out the first base runner • up Norm Cash of the Tigers with 200,276. In the closest vote, Chicago White Sox Aparicio edged out Rico Petrocelli of the Boston Red Sox shortstop Luis Boston Washington Cleveland 40 37 34 37 44 44 '.SI9 .457 .436 8Vi 14 15 Chicago St. Louis Philadelphia 40 38 34 40 41 46 -599 .488 .425 4 5 10 Montreal 29 .401 13 Delivery 33 Sport quiz mere 11,801 votes. by a WEST W L PCI. GB Rod Carew of Minnesota, who WEST easily won the second base spot Mlnneiota 50 26 .658 - W L PCT. CB | What visiting team to with 878,101 votes, will be unable to California 48 Cincinnati 58 23 LOUIS Tiger compete, having recently 32 .600 4 Oakland Los Angeles 48 32 Stadium last year drew the most undergone knee surgery. Runner ■ up Dick McAuliffe of Detroit 45 36 .556 7V4 Atlanta 41 38 will also miss the game in order to rest Kansas City 20 50 .367 22V> fans and how many? his injured knee. Baltimore San Francisco 37 42 second baseman Dave Johnson will Chicago 28 53 .346 2AVt Houston CLEANERS start at second. He was the Milwaukee 28 53 .346 24Vt San 34 28 .41$ 24H | sauiea auju ui subj choice of Oriole Manager Earl Weaver who Diego 32 52 .381 068'9IZ will pilot the AL stars. 623 E. GRAND RIVER 'saiouo 34oiun|«a :H3MSNV At third base will be Minnesota's Harmon Killebrew while Robinson, Howard and Carl Yastrzemski will start in the outfield. TUESDAY'S RESULTS TUESDAY'S RESULTS Minnesota at Oakland, night Chicago 10, Montreal 7 Boston at DETROIT, 2, St. Louis at New York, night twi-night Kansas City at California, night Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, night Chicago at Milwaukee, 2, twi-night San Francisco at Atlanta, night Washington at Cleveland, 2, twi-night San Diego at Cincinnati, night New York at Baltimore, Los Angeles at Houston, night night TODAY'S GAMES TODAY'S GAMES Minnesota at Oakland, night St. Louis at New York, night Boaton at DETROIT, night Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, night Kansas City at California, San Francisco at Atlanta, night night Chicago at California, night San Diego at Cincinnati, night Washington at Cleveland, night Los Angeles at Houston, night New York at Baltimore, Montreal at night Chicago, 2 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NIGHl| at Srafcun from .v 9 - 11:00 p i | a delicate hint of glint is the beauty of our PITCHER I pierced-look earrings of 14-karat yellow gold. NITE The slim circles use their own natural tension to stay •ho featuring. Thu„d.y & s.tUr j7 TOPO'THEGRADE I B.r-B-Q'd Splcod > ^TfC fresh split broilers..."51 Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS MUSHROOMS BUTT PORTION fresh ham roasts. •75c THE ALL FAMILY CES AND DRINK juicy t-bone steaks....l sr3 1 Qt. 14-0z. CAN 25' »23< TOP U.S.D.A. CHOICE beef rib steaks I Wall Trimmrt) top u.s.d.a. choice boneless sirloin tip steaks....."- " <4 37 | black tea bags *SfH wieners d60°r6 bologna ml* NABISCO . top u.s.d.a. choice "f Ar beef chuck steaks '17 green'tea bags . 72c top u.s.d.a. choice boneless S 4 29 UPTON'S (RISK top round steaks i black tea bags . ?57< ' UPTON'S BRISK bulk black tea . 77c elbow macaroni. i2c kava coffee . S-J38 scrap bags 45c plastic'film 46c U.S. No. I ALL PURPOSE winesap apples « U.S. No. I GARDEN RICH FLAVOR green beans 6-PAK 12-0Z. CAN MICHIGAN No. I CRISPY FRESH ^ boston lettuce ....lf COKE OR SPRITE GRADE ONE ZESTFUL ECONOMICAL michigan escarole YOUR DEN FRESH CHOICE ♦ COUNTRY FRESH green onionsrok... TATER LAND BRAND GRADE A LARGE CARTON instant potatoes . EGGS SEEDLESS del monte raisins. KEEBLER COOKIES A FRESH TIP TOP DAINTY MAID lujiiij.hjiaiiij.iji WHITE SLICED BREAD y 13-ox. 13-ox. SWEDISH KREMES GERMAN CHOC white radishes. ffiS WORTH 25' M-oi. 14-01. PECAN SANDIES RICH 'N CHIPS 4 I-LB. 4-OZ. qqc LOAVES JJ ft A TOWARDS THE PURCHASE -hase ofOF YOUR y/ JUMBO SIZE CHOICE 12'Cake/Pastry lb. 13 oz) OSCAR MAYER (9 lb. 13 oz.) 3li§l —" VIENNA CONCENTRATED a IT Only * SAUSAGES CAN mm mm WITH THIS COUPON pi\rr 1.84 ONLY AT _ £ HAMADY BROS. tin LADY scon FACIAL TISSUE 200 Ct. pkq. TOILET TISSUE 2-Roll Pkg. WITH OUR COUPOr YOUR CHOICE 23c EASY MONDAY m Fabric Softener t|0 PKG. NO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS PLEASE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 8 THRU JULY II. 1970 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 8| l9?() STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED One-man businesses grow and grow when Want Ads tell the public about their service. 355-8266 C^'™D The State News does not permit racial or religious Automotive WMNKLYSPiAIQNO ly Phil frank For Rent For Rent ForSole discrimination in Its VALIANT SIGNET 1066. 6 cylinder, SPARROW HOSPITAL neer - 3 YMCA - ROOMS for young man or FENDER "P.A. 4100" advertising columns. The automatic. Body and motor In bedroom, furnished. Security women. Membership privileges. amplifier. Ona yaer old. State News will not excellent condition. Phone deposit required. 361-7028. Parking, oolor TV, lounge, pool, 338-83^ 3B1-7787. 3-7-10 6-7-13 gym. Phone 489-6601. 20-7-22 accept advertising which STOVES, REFRIGERATORS • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against VOLKSWAGEN BUG. 1967. Clean, FOUR MAN unfurnished In Haslett. MEN 21 and over. Clean, quiet Buy / Sell. ABC Scooters & Cycles religion, color excellent condition. Includee tap* $200 e month Includes utilities. Cooking and perking. SECOND^' Auto Parts & Service race, or 337-2381.6-7-13 rooms. STORE, 1208 Turner, c N° national origin. pleyer. 332-4640. 2-7-8 Cloea, reeeoneble. 487-6763, 486-8836. O Aviation VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Good tlras. SUMMER FURNISHED 1 block to REFRIGERATOR. $20; dinette eat, $30. 332-5831 stove~~|* • EMPLOYMENT AM-FM, naw battary, rear shocks. cempus. Air conditioned. Very PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE neer p.m. 6-7-8 sftsTi5 • FOR RENT No rust. $1196. 361-0978. 3-7-10 reasonable. 216 Beel Street, Michigan Avenue. Study end sleep Automotive Apertment 2A, 361-6088 or Apartments VOLKSWAGEN 1966, Squereback. 332-0641. 2-7-8 In quiet room for $16 a weak. 627-6464. 6-7-10 TYPEWRITER. OLYMPIA pice. Good condition ponsbi." Houses CHEVELLE, 1969 SS. 160 miles on Motor just overhauled, body In $a0 882-8697. 1-7-8 Rooms L88 angina. Extras. 641-6391. excellent FURNISHED, UTILITIES paid, condition, $1100. MAN'S SINGLE room, 3 blocks from 6-7-14 361-7037 after 6 2-7-8 perking. 3 men or women. ED • FOR SALE p.m. Union. 337-1448 efter 3 p.m. 2-3161, 1137 Albert. 4-7-10 Animals CORVAIR 1963, 2 door, good tlras, 3-7-8 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE Mobile Homes factory air. Also 1948 Hlllman, 2 1966. Rebuilt clutch. Good 406 SOUTH Pine, neer downtown GIRL'S SINGLE room, 3 blocks top, runs Lensing. Furnished SEWING MACHINE Cleerance • PERSONAL door wagon, reasonable. Phone wall. 482-6419. 3-7-8 efficiency from Union. 337-1448 efter 3 Sele 332-4668 efter 6 p.m. 3-7-9 suitable 1 person, $70 a month. Brand new portables 3-7-8 - $4995 • PEANUTS PERSONAL Modern furnished, efficiency $120 p.m. $6.00 par month. Large selection VOLVO 1969 Model 142. Excellent of reconditioned 1 • REAL month. 1 bedroom epartment, ESTATE CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963 condition. Best offer over $2000. e SINGLE ROOM8, with cooking. Two 1 machlnn, • RECREATION 4-speed. Runs well, $150 or trede $136 e month. No children or Singers, Whites, Necchii, Nsw 482-3608. 2-7-8 blocks from cempus. $12-$ 16 per Home $1 for motorcycle, 355-0926. 3-7-8 pets. No leases. Call Richard "Many Others." $1995 •SERVICE /week. 361-9504. 3-7-8 to $39.96. Albln, 337-2610, 6 - 8 p.m. only. Terms. Edwards WILL SWAP 1967 Honda 450 for Typing Service CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 10-7-17 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Volkswagen. 627-5187 efter 4 YOUNG LADIES 6 minutes from 1116 North • TRANSPORTATION 350 Horsepower, 4 wheel dlec p.m. 3-7-10 GIRL 21 cempus. Completely furnished 489-6448. C-7-10 Weihinjton' or over to share large 2 brakes, 4 speed. Excellent utilities peid. 372-8077 before 4 • WANTED bedroom, with 2 working girls. condition, $2,400. 489-9302. p.m. 10-7-17 Leke front, pool. $80. 339-2883. DEADLINE 7-7-14 Scooters & Cycles 3-7-8 1 P.M. on* claai ROOMS FOR girls. Single or double. 1 day CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1966: BSA 650 year guerantae. DENNIS before publication. 321, 365 1966, Merk III, Special. EAST LANSING Cooking. Neer campus. 361-6688. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 3ij horsepower. Many near campus. One Excellent shepe. Cell 393-0595. 6-7-10 North Canoallatiom - 12 noon extras. Call 361-9282. 1-7-8 bedroom, furnished. Large airy Cedar, opposite city 3-7.9 Market. C-7-10 rooms. Air conditioned. ona clan day bafora 8PARTAN HALL singles. Man and DO YOUR thing In rebuilt rail DUNE HONDA Beautifully maintained. 8elect women. 6:30 ■ 7:00, 361-9286. publication. S-90. Absolutely perfect. TRAIN SET, "N" gauge. clientele. PHONE BUGGY 1962 Volkswagen tach, oil gauge, reinforced frame, 11" Including helmet end luggege carrier. Asking $226. 366-9912. ■aav, I'll HGO T/jotoc 882-6649. 0 Lease, 332-3136 or Any time -372-1031.0 with track, variety of ten Compi«, englnn and many auxiliary cars, 355-8265 oversize rims, 4 syncro bench Mats and I'll do mine with trans, 3-7-10 Benen.Be b&uwolH MODERN UNFURNISHED 2 YOUNG MAN needed to shere home, All In vary good condition. building, |5q bedroom with stove, refrigerator, private bedroom, fireplace, rec takes It all. Call 487-3096. RATES your dough. 351-3946. 3 7-8 CYCLE IN8URANCE. Five national room end ber. Neer Frendor. $65 s-7-14 companies. Compare our retes. carpeting end sun deck. Lansing, 1 day $1.60 484-1938. 6-7-14 per month plus utilities. Cell STEREO DODGE 1968 Polara 600 2206 East Michigan, SALE: Jensen TF26 15c par word par day Lansing or 487-6296 or 339-9060. 3-7-8 convertible, white 44 magnum, 606 Albert, East Lansing, speakers, ware $89X3, now $74.96 3 dayi $4.00 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 eech, Sony Model 650 power, air, $1600. Roger Lena, 484-8173.0 Employment For Rent Marigold across from campus. compsct 13ftc par word par day 363-4377, 363-6865. 5-7-8 Deluxe 2 For Sale stereo, was $379.95, now HONDA 176 1969. 1671K Sparten man furnished $322.96. Harman - Kardon slim 6 dayi $6.50 CONGREGATION SHARREY EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. - epartments. Now leasing for fall. POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, line Stereo, was $199.95, now 13c par word par day Village. Cell 365-3226 efter 4 p.m. Zadek seeking experienced One bedroom epartment furnished 2-7-8 Sunday IV 9-9651 or 361-1890.0 $179.96. While they lestl HI-FI School teechers, for fall. Call Mrs. or unfurnished. Summer rates. special sele $29.96 up plus (baiad on 10 words par ad) BUYS, East Lansing. 3-7- iO Gladstone, 351-9596. 6-7-13 crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, FALCON 1961 Wagon. Stick, 6, CUSTOM 1966 750 Norton. _ 361-6323. 0 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-men 6668 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Peanuts Personals must be Excellent condition, $650. Phone furnished epartments. Now leesing $2.00 TRADE-IN, on all mechenically okey. No oil burner. NEED HELP in NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony Lansing. C phonograph pra-paid. 3567 Zimmer Roed, Williemston. my stereo for fall. Phone IV 9-9661 or needles. One week only. HI-FI 361-1068. 3-7-10 and Princeton Arms. 1 end 2 depertment. $4.75 per hour. Call 337-0780. O 655-2209 after 6 p.m. Make offer. 371-1913 between 9:30 -12:00. C bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony BUYS, East Lansing. 3-7-10 There will be a 50c service MANAGEMENT model 530 stereo tape recorder. COMPANY, and bookkeeping charge if Aviation 351-7910.0 WILSHIRE ARMS Apertments neer Used Akal, Sony, Penasonic stereo KENMORE PORTABLE waiher, 1 FIAT 1969 SUMMER AND part time this ad is not paid within Spider MSU. Specious 2 bedrooms, tape recorders. 100 used 8 track year old. Warrenty. Bunk b«di Excellent shape, $1500. 355-3890 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to employment with full - line one week. UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to carpeted, air conditioned. No leaee stereo certrldges tepes $2.50 each. 361-3517. 3-7-10 or 351-0355. 5-7-10 merchant wholesaler. Automobile leern in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Student required, $166 per month. Phone Cessette required. Union. Fell leeses tape recorders. Koee The State News will be Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C 351-5800 for 489-1719. TF Pro-4-A responsible only for the FORD VAN, 1963. Good running information. 0 available. 3 end 4 men furnished. 35 1 -3729. stereo head Gerrard turntables $26 up. VM phones. Animals HALSTEAD first day's incorrect condition, $650. Cell 3 - 4 p.m., Auto Service & Parts SALES PEOPLE needed. All MANAGEMENT Houses 120 watt stereo receiver. Sherp, DOUBLE YELLOW 641-6742.3-7-10 leeds COMPANY, • head psr.ot insertion. furnished. Cer desirable. 351-7910. 0 30 watt stereo receiver with with cege, stand, $65. 332-5831 Also MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East some people needed for travel. BACHELOR PAD, big home, In speekers. Coral 30 watt epeeker 363-7148. 6-7-8 FOLKS WITH KEEN EYES for Items GIHL NEEDED for North Side 300 stereo elbums 76c up. Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. Call 361-3700 for appointment. O town, remodeled with orange sheg sat. of Interest read the "Personals" in Complete auto epertment. $45. Call 489-6481. carpet, dimmer light control, Used golf sets $14.96 up. Naw and FREE Classified Ads. Check nowl painting and KITTENS, Blsck, Calico, collision service. IV 6-0266. C 3-7-10 completely furnished. Sat-up for 4 used fans. Used TV eets $39.60 Tiger. 6 weeks old. Call 655-3272 For Rent to 6 students. $230 / month. Call up. Realistic 65 watt stereo evenings. Free delivery. 3-7-10 Automotive MACH I, 1969. Red, beeutlful, 3 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Cell Gail Clusky, 372-4138 or Simon empllfier. WILCOX speed on the floor. V-8 351. IV TV RENTALS Students only. Low Real KALAMAZOO STREET BODY - Estate, Okemos Branch, SECONDHAND STORE, 609 Eeet 9-3662. 3-7-8 | t monthly and term rates. Call 332-4689. 3-7-10 361-2280. 6-7-8 ALFA ROMEO 1962, Nice with SHOP. Smell dents to lerge Michigan, 486-4391, 8 a.m.-6:30 wrecks. American and foreign 361-7900 to reserve yours. many extras Including an additional car for parts. 332-0586. MGB, 1964. Snowtlres. Car cover. cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C EAST LANSING, 3 room furnished NEEDED 2 people Immedletely. Needs 4-7-10 3-7-10 body work. 355-3096. 2628 Eaat Kalemezoo. C RENT A TV from a TV apartment, $126 e month, utilities Individual rooms. Cell 361-6683. Mobile Homes company. paid. Close to campus. Married Very cheepl 3-7-10 CAMARO RALLY Sport 1967. $9.60 par month. Call 337-1300. couple preferred. Aveilable 1969 HI LLCREST. 12x60, Deluxe. 2 V-8 AT MEL'S we repelr all foreign and stick, lifters, gless • psks. Wide OLDSMOBILE 1963 Cutlass NEJAC TV RENTALS. C immediately. Call 332-8064. WIRE FRAMES? Many styles, white bad room, unfurnlshed.Meny extra. American cars. If we can't fix It, it flbergles convertible. Clean and good 3-7-10 or yellow gold at OPTICAL tires. 361-3895, can't be fixed. Call 332-3265. PARKING SPACES. % block from Call 826-3620. W i. Phone 625-4282. DISCOUNT, 2616 East Michigan 363-8860. 6-7-13 1-7-8 0-7-8 Union. Supervised. $8/month. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-10 MOBILE HOME: 2 bedroom, 10x50. OLDSMOBI LE 1968 FO 85. Power 361-4089 evenings. 1-7-8 Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished Close to cempus. Cell 337-70E5 CAMARO 1967. 327, 40,000 miles. $1400 or best offer. 355-8025. steering, eutomatlc transmission 2 door. 363-1289,2-7-8 Employment TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, studios, utilities paid. Private entrance, $110 a month, plus BABY-NYLON mesh pleypen, 8 bottle 3-7-10 4-7-10 sterilizer, excellent EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car $8.60 per month Including stand. deposit, 627-6464. 6-7-10 THREE BEDROOM emple perking, condition. Podded cer seat, plaid 1969 12x60 Amherst et King PONTIAC BONNEVILLE WAGON necessery. Eern end leern in your Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, canves carriage and pad. unfurnished. Accessible to Good Arthur's Court. Immedisti 1963. Air conditioning, deluxe spere time. Cell 361-7319 for 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East PRIVATE 1 bedroom, partially cempus, damage deposit required. condition. 361-4379. 3-7-9 options, excellent Interview. C furnished apartment in Eaton poseeesion, for belt offer. condition, Lansing. C 484-8198. 6-7-14 489-3968. 3-7-10 68,000 miles, $575. 351-4819. Rapids. 20 minutes MSU. Near MASTERWORK TAPE CHEVROLET 1964 convertible, « 4-7-10 rlvar. recorder, NURSERY TEACHER Available Immediately. $30; Zenith record player, $26; MAYFAIR 1966, 2 bedroom. 12*45 power, V-8, tinted glass, runs wel - HASLETT EAST LANSING, 696 Spertan, 683-4800 or 361-2140. 6-7-10 cell Lou, 393-0250 from 8 e.m. - PONTIAC 1965. Reliable. Excellent Coop Nursery. Tuesdey, Apartments duplex for 4. Furnished, for Megnevox AM-FM radio, $35; 332-2164.3-7-8 with expendo, ell extra. p.m. 3-7-10 Thursday, mornings starting summer, 485-8222. 6-7-8 Furnished. Cuetom msds. condition. Many options. Must ONE TWO men needed starting fall September. Quelified teacher, SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA eree, 332-2302. 3-7 -9 sell, best offer. 332-0965. 3-7-10 for 4 man. Meedowbrook Trace. CHEVROLET 1939 four door seden, prefer experience. 351-8578. 3-7-8 deluxe 2 bedroom apartment, Call Tom, 351-1708. 3-7-8 FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home in very good shape, 4 new tires furnished or unfurnished. CHAMPION 1961. Good condition, TEMPEST 1966, I ownership I See the good home end new battery. Can be seen at ASSISTANT TEACHERS Cerpeting throughout, dreperies, extres, King Arthur's Court, mult Overhead cam, 1 for 2 BEDROOM buys In the Clesslfled Section 2082 Northeast September. eir SHARP FURNISHED four girl, near be moved. 361-5264. 6-7-13 Delhi, Holt, Good condition, $650. Dey Cere Center. - conditioning. Clean, quiet Duplexes summer fell. today I 694-0773. 3-7-8 351-8426 after 6 p.m. 3-7-8 College degree, building. Cell 882-9117. 0-7-31 Furnished, campus, summer - fall. 361-1326, previous 351-6586. 5-7-10 experience with pre-school 489-8468. 5-7-9 SONY Lost & Found TC 560 tape CHEVROLET 1963 4 door. Good TEMPEST children preferred. Cell BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms recorder. 351-6177 ONE MAN for 2 men apartment. Excellent condition, $226. 355-9915. 3-7-10 3-7-10 furnished. Close to campus, condition, $225 LOST: ONE Tiger, neutered, torn summer end fall leases. 332-0965. Burcham Woods, 351-1673 before noon. Rooms 372-6990. 5-7-10 cet, very telketive, name Jeffery CHEVROLET 1965 2 door Biscayne. NEEDED: PART time drivers and HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 5-7J0 and also black and white, pink Very good rubber, good running, THUNDERBIRD CbMPANY, 351-7910. O 406 MAC Avenue, SINGLE OR OLDSMOBILE RADIO, pushbutton CONVERTIBLE pizza makers. Apply after 5 p.m. 2 bedroom. DOUBLE, private dependable car. $300. Can be deluxe em. Fits 1960, collectors item. Excellent Available August 1. entrance, cooking, cell 332-0063 most. List: shown on cempus any day or at DOMINO'S, 966 Trowbridge EAST SIDE. $80-$95 351-6099 $72.88, sale Leighton. Both lost In Bogue and early condition, $350. Phone 351-3286. after 6 p.m. 5-7-14 afternoon. 3-7-10 $34.95. Jerry, Eest Grend River erea. Reward. Road, (Spartan Shopping Center.) Furnished, summer CAII 355-6437. 6-7-8 evening this week. For further 5-7-14 2-7-8 rates. informetion cell 353-9589. S-7-14 351-5323.0-7-10 361-6792. 3-7-9 TWYCKINGHAM CHEVY VAN 1964. In condition, $600. Cell 351-5070. good APARTMENTS are now leasing student CROSSWORD rOSS mm BHBE8 □□nra Sflg 5-7-8 units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely PUZZLE sag PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean DIFFICULTY GETTING IN TOUCH furniture. Each unit has a Today Just clip, complete, mail■ dishwasher, garbage disposal and 22. Blind impulse izwa naao en with someone? Try a Classified . . . ACROSS individual control central air urease HHiinag "Personel" Ad. Diel 355-8255 STATE NEWS will bill you later. - conditioning. These four man to ri Nowl units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure 1 Chantilly 23. Play area Hacnacira unmg time has been 5. Occupy a place 24. Nurse □a nuns aaora adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If 7. 11. Primates Firmness 26. Syllable ol aaaiairasEL r. hesitation Hants uocnispEE the FAMliy AflMS, Address _ want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call you 12. 13. Chopping tool 27. Suffice Rattan sraa raanH uc®. 29. Circulate YOU'D HAVE LOST City today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 14. Shirrs . 30. Gael raid!-] nfoua aaa 15. Permit 32. Prior to YQUf? 8ALL foR SURE 17. Scientist's TF •34. Undisclosed r HADN'T FOUND Consecutive Dates to Run_ workshop 38. Tool '43. Learned 47. Leg joint THPiT WOLL UP TNeRE 18. Besides 39. Necessity 44. Went horseback 48. Accordingly And filled it up1 19. Father 40. Bitter herb 45. About 49. Flirt MODEL (APT. C 20. Lengthen 41. Apart ■ 17) OPEN: 1*6 p.m. every day except Sunday 46. Dollar bills DOWN PHONE: 332-6441 1. Cotton thread r- Tm r r- r- T- y 2. Regional % 7 10 NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES 3. Broncobuster AVAILABLE " TT" 4. Abstract being •M n T5~ n ,b 5. Lay 6. Live 7. King topper n ft" w~ 8. Bearcat to" 21 9. Sword-shaped 55- 2T 5T 1 33 5T* vr 10. Farm machine 16. Forced 18. Stranded 21. Old horse Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 4620 S. Hagadori mmmmmkwmmwm IH 35 ir IT 25. And not 27. Leave a ship 10 Words or Less: 1 day $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 38~ 5T1 28, Prayer Over 10 Words Add: 5T" 15c per word 40c per word 65c par word T: 30. Hi-fi set 31. Wearisome YOU'LL FIND a WHOLE □ □ MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVBL Y BY Ml MJ ~~1 «3 □ 33. Piano study SECTION OF 6OOP W 35. Evil glances BOYC, IN TODAY'S Mail to: Michigan State News 36.Thrush 347 Student Services Bldg. Alco Managtnent Company w n — State News w 37. Peewee of WANTAPS MSO East Lansing, Mich. — baseball 42. Formerly called 43. Court Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 8, 1970 11 lost & Found ;^t'~lABGE friendly reddish townK.dzie Street 351-6950. male dog. Friday. July 3rd. 5-7-13 area. Reward. - Art Dept. plans festival events Personal "Man: The Mark Maker" is the ancient palace city of Persia theme of activities presented by called as they relate the basic theme, professor of film studies at the DOGS, boarded. MSU area. the Art Dept. during MSU's 11th Persepolis. "Man: The Mark Maker." Rhode Island School of Nelson, chairman of the ancient Judaic art and The public opening of the Design, University of North Dakota Art 337 7776, 351-2126. Clip and annual Fine Arts Festival, July exhibit will be Sunday from 3 to A graduate of the Royal will lead a discussion on iconography. 5-7 10 12 -16. University of Oslo, Norway, Parr filmmaking at 9 Dept. Booth, who holds B.A. and 5 p.m. headed the American Museum a.m. Tuesday in All four workshop groups will M.F.A. "We hope to address a wide To promote involvement and the Art Tent. meet at 1 p.m. degrees from Wayne eeded: MALE under graduates range of questions which center from 1942 to 1959. Under his A print - Thursday, and State, has received numerous communication experiment. interaction between the making discussion members of the audience will be awards for his photographs from «O0 for 40 minutes of time. on the concept of 'marks' that audience and the guest and staff leadership, the museum evolved will be conducted by Aris free to select * man has used and evolved in his into an institution with broad topics for the American College Public - 518 South Kedzie artists, all the Art Dept. Koutroulis, asst. professor of art discussion. and 5 to set ecological concerns. at Wayne State Relations Assn. up attempts to communicate with sponsored activities will take University, at 1 Goldman and Booth Jr. will 5-7-10 his Tuesday and Wednesday will p.m. Tuesday. All Fine Arts Festival lectures, . world," Roger Funk, place in a large tent along the present be devoted to discussions and a report on their exhibits, films and concerts are associate professor of art, said. Red Cedar behind Wednesday, at 9 a.m., Forrest collaborative study of LfCAN cut; we can trim it. But you "These marks will vary in size Kresge. workshop sessions dealing with R. Bailey, an instructor of art at at 10:30 Persepolis open to the public without "This setting will provide a a.m. Thursday. have to keep it combed. UNION and importance from a four areas of specific "mark - the charge. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. tick, unique and more University of Iowa, will lead Goldman, who holds a Ph.D. The Kresge Art Center such as one might make on a stimulating making" concern. MSU art a discussion on Gallery C-7-8 environment with the natural modeling which degree from the University of is open from 9 a.m. to noon and ballot, to an earth scar, which faculty members will assist guest will go beyond the traditional aural, visual, tactile and artists at these discussion and idea of Michigan, has published 1 to 5 p.m. Monday A thrilling hour of beauty. might reach the scale of a city, sculpture. through pec or a city itself," he said. olfactory inputs, to say nothing workshop sessions. A drawing discussion at 1 extensively on his studies in near Friday; 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and For appointment call 484-4519. of natural air p.m. eastern art and also authored FORREST BAILEY MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS During most of July, the conditioning," Ronald Binks, associate Thursday will be led by Robert 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Funk said. "The Sacred Portal," a book on STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. Kresge Art Center Gallery will Sunday. Festival activities will begin at C-7-10 feature works from each of the 10:30 a.m. Monday in the guest artists participating in the ience fiction, religious, Fine Arts Festival. Kresge Gallery with an L western books: Book illustrated lecture, "Marks of The Entrance Gallery will be Man 338 MAC today 10-3 p.m., on the Landscape of 337-0490. 1-7-8 devoted to "Persepolos," an exhibit developed by Bernard Europe," by D. Newton Glick, associate director of MSU's CO standards Real Estate Goldman, professor of art School of Urban history at Wayne State Landscape Architecture. Planning and (continued from page one) University, and photographed by At 1 p.m. in the Kresge Art George Booth Jr., photographic Tent, Albert E. ruling, but said he had no idea to what extent. He said Parr, director the production manager at WSU. emeritus of the procedure would be held in abeyance in backyard, carpet, drapes, patio, The exhibit deals with the American received the official document. Michigan until he appliances available, by owner, Museum of Natural History, will $19,900 FHA available, history and development of the talk on "Art and Environment" 339-2812. 5-7-9 According to press releases, the conscientious objector must object to all wars rather than a specific war and must convince his ifB aan WHAT'S. wna« SB _ i board that his views are sincere. It was also revealed ST LANSING, 4-5 bedrooms, that solely older home. moral and ethical beliefs will be Study, mm s acceptable and that boards are dining and family rooms. Large not free to reject beliefs because they consider them ; yard, double garage, "incomprehensible." Reports also indicate that the CO status will r, $29,950. 337-0909. TF not be withheld because a registrant does not believe in a traditional god or supreme being. tSLETT, IMMACULATE Pine ake Country CluB. $1.00 service charge per The Movement for a New Congress lprovements, 100' lot, 2 car insertion to be pre will have finished - - paid. 12 a general meeting Tonight Hours decision sought tached garage, p.m. deadline 1 class day before. at 7:30 p.m. in room 35 of c. room, 2 fireplaces, carpet and the Union drapes. Call Building. MNC is a non - partisan stom George itroff, 485-7174, evenings group working to elect peace Union Board FLIGHTS: Detroit to candidates. 4820064, PETROFF REALTY Campaign strategy and :0MPANY REALTORS. 3-7-9 London, July 26 to September 13, tactics will be discussed. All people u rom page one) $219. Detroit to Paris, August 9 to the Movement, please Rep. Petitpren said Tuesday he "It would be most difficult hoped Kelley would respond EM0S, 2 bedroom 154x282' lot, all extras, central air ranch. September 1, $239. students, faculty, staff and their Open to Ancient and almost impossible to set a quickly to his question to avert immediate families. Call 5-3355. required number of class hours "foreseeable crises" from arising itioning, custom ST. Charles The public is ir ted to see NOT ME As part of the Fine Arts Festival, July 12 - 16, the Art on the doctor and master l. Call George Petroff, ALONE, a ne 1970 color movie Dept. will display a collection of level," in the state's community 485-7174. photographs depicting the capital of Persia. The exhibit is entitled "Persepolos." he said. colleges. ITROFF Evenings, 482-0064. Service sthod of childbirth REALTY COMPANY hared childbirth. It REALTORS. 3-7-9 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term 8 p.m., Saturday, Papers. Expert typist with degree July 11 at the University United COSTA NEAR. Vacant lands with Methodist Center, 1118 S. Harrison, in English. IBM. (Also Freedom Report review tream and river. 40 to 200 acres, editing.) 351-8950. O E. Lansing, and sponsored by the lottage, $5500 to $30,000. Call Association for Shared Childbirth. itay Realty, IV 5-2211. 3-7-10 Donations of 50c: per couple will be GET NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell musical instruments to accepted. For information call eager band 882-7457. Service students with a Classified Ad. Diel 355-82551 (continued from page one) the "disruption" section, adding MSU GLM Wednesday's unanimously to study further the disciplining meeting will three new sections detailing approved a R-Deckerville, cast the lone ESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, NOT be held. Next meeting is suspension section of the report. recommendation that the board of students in 'ormals. Experienced. Reasonable COMPLETE THESIS service. offenses. emergency dissenting vote, Sunday, July 12. What It's What's Now the entire document is of trustees repeal its suspension situations. iharge. Call 35&-1040. 27-7-31 Discount printing. IBM typing and "Taxpayers have the right to Happening. potentially "up for grabs." Sept. 16 At ruling. Oct. 17 — Suspension ruling binding of theses, resumes, — a weekly expect that a few misled publications. Across from campus, breakfast meeting with top Oct. 3 — Trustee candidates was rescinded by the trustees students do not have the right to ANSLATI0N: FRENCH or "A Hummin * - Strummin - Sing - Perhaps most importantly, University administration, Blanche Martin and Warren Huff 7-1. Frank Merriman, i to English. Tutoring: corner MAC and Grand River, Thing" at the ALBATROSS two years ago disrupt the University," he said. below Style Shop. a the board acted President Hannah (who had been issued a joint statement 355-8186. 5-7-10 Call coffeehouse that feels Human. 547 E. urging COPYGRAPH SERVICES, immediately prior to the on vacation for a large part of the revocation of the Grand River across from Berkey Hall. suspension TARY PUBLIC on campus. 337-1666. C Guitars, banjos, flutes, rubberbands, beginning of fall term, and it was the summer) first mentioned the ruling-. . 5D Cherry Lane, reversed after protest by faculty, 355-8091 voices, ear possibility that he might ask the "The attempt at secrecy," the til 10 p.m. T? trustee candidates, two trustees trustees to give him the power to Transportation The following Free U classes will (including the chairman) and a suspend MSU students pending statement read, "implies that the board majority does not trust CUUM CLEANERS. Elactrolux. student "Sales, Service and Parts. 351-0158 meet today: Vocations for Social body newly aware of its the outcome of established the faculty and students, a view NEED ELIGIBLE chick for ri Change - 3 p.m., on the mattress in potential for activism. Now, the 1.5-7-10 judicial proceedings. we reject." trip to California. M Men and Nature Bookstore (325 board has acted at the beginning Oct. 8 — The Academic 485-4916. 5-7-14 Student Services), Critical University of summer term, with student Sept. 20 — At the request of 'TAR LESSONS. Private - Rock - - 7:30 p.m., 215 Evergreen; and Jazz President Hannah, the trustees Council, in its first meeting open Semi-Classic, MARSHALL government on recess and a to all students and Piano - 9 p.m., 215 Evergreen. For passed (6-2) a resolution stating faculty and SUBMARINE SANDWICHES MUSIC Wanted traditionally less - active student Hobie's COMPANY, 351-7830. more information on Free U call with t hree student "that the President of Michigan CARRY0UT& DELIVERY 3-6633. body composition. representatives (two non • voting State University or his designee, PHONE 361-3800 RIDER WANTED to N.Y.C. July In journal form, here are the confronted by an instance where undergraduates and one non - T0RING: MATHEMATICS 108, 9th, Thursday. Call 337-2315 or Environmentalists UNITE TO Rates negotiable. - major events which led up to the activity of a student voting graduate student), moved Groups or 353-7229 immediately. 1-7-8 SAVE OUR STATE. Come together ''dual. 355-1054. 5-7-14 behind a candidate who is "right-on" and followed the board's action constitutes an immediate threat SUBJECTS FOR the issues of war, ecology, and in 1968: to the normal and . two hour hypnosis orderly typing Si ervice research. Call 351-7823. X-3-7-9 351-1755 or student freedom. A meeting to discuss the role of the student in the Len Stuttman legislative Jan. 10,1967 — The Academic authorized to Council approved the Freedom student operation of the University, is suspend such The Perfect Wedding Begins at campaign pending outcome of the BROWN: Typing and multlllth >"«et SENSIBLE SHOPPERS check will be held on Thursday, July 9th at Report. The Report guaranteed established procedures set forth printing. Complete sarvica Classified for big values In late 7:30 p.m., in Union Room 35. LEN students the right to counsel, in the Academic Freedom dissertations, theses, modal cars. Turn to the Want Ads Stuttman needs your help. Jleiti ripts, general typing. IBM. hearing and appeal when charged Report." •s experience. with the violation of a 332-8384. C MSU Soaring Club meeting tonight The trustees GRAD STUDENT wants small 7:30 p.m., room 30 Union. Regular University regulation. were apparently caught unawares by the request. S'ONAL IBM Typing, Thesis Preparation. furnished house with yard or meeting. Feb. 28, 1967 - Academic The whole business took only Multlllth Printing, & outdoor area to keep large dog. Senate approved the Report. Hardblnding. Complete Needed starting September. 213 - What's your bag? Make it known to "about 10 minutes," Clair Thesis March 16, 1967 - The Board Service for the 4000 White, D-Bay City, said in a SN most Discerning 934-6110, collect. 5-7-10 incoming freshman and Masters & Doctoral Candidates, transfers at the of Trustees approved the story, Sept. 27,1968. ACTIVITIES r™ Bfochure and Consultation. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for CARNIVAL. Return card mailed Report. CLIFF and all positive. A negative, B negative earlier or call Union Board, 5-3355 to That story says, "White adds PAULA HAUGHEY: 337-1527. C and AB negative, $10.00. O reserve a place. Spring term, 1968 — Drug that the first time he or any of busts. Arrests. Demonstrations. the trustees, as far as he knows, " negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN pAPERS quickly and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MSU Students for Milliken will hold Eighteen students and three heard of the resolution was that first former students ^'v " 337-2737. done. 1156 Burch 507Vi East Grand River, East meeting of Summer Term arrested for Friday morning. It had been 3-7-8 Lansing. Above the new Campus tonight, 7:30 p.m., in the Gold violating the "disruption of over two months since the board ' Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 Room, second floor. Union Bldg. All University activities" section of had last met. And neither he nor MEL: Typing, students interested in contributing to multilithing. p.m., Monday, Wednesday and University ordinances. Don Stevens, the two trustees Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 this effort are urged to attend this 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C very important meeting. June 14 — The trustees revised casting the negative votes, had so much as talked about the issue Rankly SPEAKING by Phil Frank before the board meeting.'' Sept. 26 — Story first appeared in the State News. Fall classes began. Sept. 30 — Protest rally held at Beaumont Tower. Crowd estimated at 1,500. Board chairman Don Stevens told crowd he wanted to see the Sept. 20 resolution rescinded at the next board meeting. Protestors burned more than 1,000 copies of the Freedom Report on the front steps of President Hannah's home. Oct 1 — President Hannah (who returned from Germany late Sept. 30) effectively OPEN MON.& FRI. suspended the suspension TIL 9:00 P.M. resolution, announcing he was putting the resolution on the Save up to Oct 18 board meeting agenda and said he was "ready to urge the trustees to suspend it and 50% on put It on the shelf pending all action by all groups that want to SUMMER GOWNS participate in discussion of it." AND VEILS LANSING, MICHIGAN Oct. 2 4 BLOCKS WEST OF STATE — The Faculty Comittee on Student Affairs PHONE ED 4-5359 CAPITOL ON OTTAWA 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 8, 197q 'OUR BUDGET" PRICES GOOD THRU SUNDAY. FARMER PEET'S LEAN, TASTY fife SMOKED PICNICS PESCHKE THRIFTY 35£&& Jftk SLICED BACON• SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED ~ 49 BRAUNSCHWEIGER eckrich slender meats eckrich smorgas pack eckrich smorgas pac oscar mayer bologna herrud sliced bologna gordon link sausage RED-RIPE COUNTRY FRESH FUDGESICLES COUNTRY FRESH TOMATOES BUTTERMILK COUNTRY FRESH BL. RASPBERRY Vfir/ ice cream HALF 1^ EBERHARD'S SOFT w/ margarine GAL. 16 OZ. 7 WT QCc £ .COMPARING Sbr ™*™«« z*»- IS BELIEVING! RED-RIPE WHOLE WATERMELONS 9? J CTNS. 7J miracle wscouhtmices SWEET HOME GROWN _ BLUE BONNET 16 OZ. SCOTT VIVA MORTON HOUSE vfew, W/GRAVY 2 - v our* margarine KRAFT AMERICAN 3WTCTNS. 12 OZ. 0J ketchup KOBEY SHOESTRING 33c napkins w 39' sliced beef j,2ts'«oz 55< BING CHERRIES 59c BROOKS DRINKING CALIFORNIA WT. L(\ c MORTON HOUSE sliced cheese PKfi "7 potatoes WT°Z 19c water & 5 BUY 3 - SAVE 20c - POLLY ANNA CATSUP WESTERN BREAKFAST a j salisdury MORTON HOUSE 16 OZ. WT. SUNKIST LEMONS FOR 39c orange drink 25c cold cups as,"- 79c pork & beans SPLIT TOP BREAD MORTON HOUSE 4™"s1 9c OFF LABEL - AQUA, GOLD. PINK, WHITE MORTON HOUSE BEEF hot dog relish-02 29c beef stew wt°2' 59< sloppy ioes — 59c DIAL BATH SOAP 3 s' 85 APPLE SAUCE 8c OFF POLLY ANNA cinnamon rolls 10c OFF - POLLY ANNA 24 OZ. EBERHARD'S UNSWEETEI ORANGE IUICE 3.« 5/ - BT fresh apple pie WT. 59c EBERHARD'S SMOOTH, CREAMY "CHARLIE THE TUNA' RADIO SALAD DRESSING t Only $4.00 and 3 Star-Kist Tuna labels FAMILY FARE Fits right in the hand! Ready to play, b< tery included! High impact plastic, 7 tra sistors, 3 diodes. The.. SHORTENING £ \fie\ G»t dttalh In t EBERHARD'S ,5tar-n£^ starkist 6% OZ. WT «C chonk tdna CAN LIQUID BLEACH