A university . Friday MICHIGAN . . it to mak* young men m Sunny . . . STATC TATE NEWS unlike U th«ir fath«r» m powlbto. - Woodrow Wilson UNIVERSITY L 63, Numbtr 13 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 10, 1970 louse anti-war forces foiled n first Cooper-Church vote the Senate which some members ■ WASHINGTON (AP) - House anitwar be lengthy and expect to which was tabled, said the amendment Cooper - Church amendment." fcrces Were defeated Thursday in their first tough. "does not tie the President's hands." The House originally passed the bill on st vote on the Senate's Cooper - Church Actually members wound up with no But House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford of March 24 with a minimum of debate and time to debate the issue nendment which seeks to clamp limits on through a series of Michigan disputed that and said Cooper - no foreign troop - use amendments. tsidential action in Cambodia. parliamentary moves which appeared to be Church "in effect would hamstring and tie surrounded with confusion. The Senate passed it on June 30 after the hands of the President of the United , action came in tabling a motion But there was some discussion about seven weeks of debate and inclusion by a few States, whoever he is." fthich would have instructed the House members prior to the bill's of the Cooper - Church amendment. coming before Ford said President Nixon agrees with lumbers of a Senate - House conference the House. House action to table the motion "so the fcmmittee to accept in advance, the Rep. Donald W. Riegle, R-Mich., who House refusal to accept the amendment conferees can go to conference and come ttr t s voted by the Senate after offered the motion on Cooper - Church back with good legislation without the sent it to a Senate - House conference Xarly two months of debate. committee on Thursday's vote. ■ The motion was tabled by ia vote of 237 p 153. ■ The vote was preceded by charges from democrats that pressure - type phone calls kd been received by some congressmen lorn employes of the Housing and Urban development Dept. linking projects to Collins jury impaneled; ospective votes on the Cooper - Church ["There isn't esident is any question that the doing everything he can to Indicate the disastrous showing in the lther body (Senate)," said Rep. Donald M. trial set to st aser, D-Minn., who said two others told ANN ARBOR (UPI) — A jury was juror he did not want without having to in about receiving the calls. selected Thursday for the coed murder trial charged with slaying — had been slain in explain why. similar circumstances within two years. of John Norman "So what's new now," replied House Collins, the former Delhey, as he had been doing for some student charged with the last of seven sex But each time, the courts ruled that IjOP Whip Leslie C. Arends of Illinois. time, passed, apparently to force Louisell efforts would first have to be made to pick slayings that victimized this area for two to use up more of his fWe've been through the same experience remaining challenges. a jury here. before, whichever party years. But Louisell stood up and said, "We have is in power." The handsome, square - jawed Collins, a The decision by Chief Defense jends said he had received calls of the Attorney a jury, your honor." 23 • year - old resident of the Detroit ; type during the administrations of Joseph Louisell not to use any of his three Louisell had used up 18 peremptory suburb of Centerline and a former English Dhn F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. remaining peremptory challenges was challenges and Delhey nine. totally unexpected. major at neighboring Eastern Michigan | There also was a period of confusion As the afternoon session of the 21st During the almost five weeks of jury University in Ypsilanti, is charged with first bout whether any members had requested day selection, a total of 294 potential jurors to debate the issue. of jury selection began, it was the turn of had been examined. About one - degree murder in the death of Karen Sue le - third of Beineman, a freshman at the same I The House military sales bill action, sent the foreign vehicle for the Cooper - Washtenaw County Prosecutor William Delhey to exercise one of his remaining these were dismissed because they had they said university. Pullout h — preconceived notions about A grand jury in Monterey County, Calif, seven permeptory challenges to dismiss Thurch amendment — to a conference with a Collins' guilt. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announces a speed-up in the has indicted him in the sex slaying of After Louisell's decision that he was Roxie Ann Phillips, 17, of Milwaukie, Ore., withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam at a Pentagon satisfied with the panel of 12 jurors and press conference near Salinas in June of 1969. The Thursday. Laird said that more than 50,000 American servicemen will two alternates, defcrrc and prosecution ^iruuiiistances of the Vacationing girl's be withdrawn by Oct. 15 and that U.S. forces in Vietnam will attorneys adjourned to the chambers of go below lold-up murder bore similarities to the Ann Arbor - abducts Washtenaw County Circuit Judge William the 384,000 troop ceiling projected by President 'Nixon for Ypsilanti slayings. man Conlin, who is presiding in the case. The jury of seven women and seven men mid-October. AP Wirephoto swore to "well and truly try and true deliverance make" of the case, and Conlin set July 20 as the opening of the trial. He AUDIT REPORT CONFLICT ix-mayor's daughter set aside Wednesday and Thursday of next week to hear a number of defense motions. Throughout the trial, the jurors will be locked up in a local hotel at nights under I The lansing 16 - year - old daughter of former Mayor Max E. Murningham was Gallagher's Gift and Antique Shop on West Saginaw Street has long blonde hair and was wearing a white blouse, blue skirt, the supervision of police to make sure they hear nothing about the case but actual testimony. Conlin said, however, that some arrangements may be made for them to U' officials, legislature lidnapped Thursday during the red belt and brown sandals. visit their families during weekends. Jttempted robbery of a Lansing gift hd clash The owner of the Shop, Mrs. Christine Conlin said he was surprised at Louisell's tuition issue antique shop. IThe girl, Laurie Mumingham, was Gallagher, was hit on the head with a pistol during the robbery attempt, police said. She was reported in good condition at decision not to challenge any more jurors. Although Delhey said he was not caught by over Tbducted by what surprise, Louisell was smiling broadly when Lansing Police described Lansing's St. Lawrence Hospital. court By JOHN BORGER The legislature sees the funds as a part of entirely on State appropriations, including Is a lone male, adjourned. wearing dark trousers and Police set up road blocks throughout Louiseii had made four motions to State News Staff Writer its appropriations to state colleges and tuition, to finance the cost of its teaching, ■ straw hat. 1 Police said they believe he Ingham County and the counties Conlin and one to the State Court of What are student tuitions and fees — universities. The University feels that research and service programs." inall revolver. was carrying a surrounding it. Appeals to have the trial shifted from tuition and fees are entirely separate from The University differs from this view in taxes to be controlled by the state Mumingham was mayor from 1965 to Washtenaw County, where seven young the annual appropriations and that, due to two regards: it does not consider tuition I The girl, who worked as a clerk at women — including the one Collins is legislature or extra money to be the board of trustees as it sees fit? used by University autonomy which is guaranteed part of the state appropriation, and some in the state constitution, the money officials consider the University a "state - derived from tuition may be used at the assisted" rather than a "state • supported" discretion of the board of trustees. institution. Although the second difference of And that is the essential conflict in the opinion is an important distinction for first report of the state auditor general on University officials to make, the tuition MSU finances, which was released conflict is the most critical one in the May 27 after nearly three years of research and report. preparation. The auditor general himself makes the conflict clear: "Michigan State University The conflict is evident from the first maintains that tuition and fees are not part of the State annual gross sentence of the report's preface: "Michigan appropriation and State University is a State ■ supported these can therefore be used solely at the university and as such depends almost (please turn to page 9) Board to stud at next regular year was basically continuation of present programs. No special meeting < f the board of The only major addition, he said, is the trustees will be held to 'iscuss this year's budget, Roger Wilkinson, vice president for College of Osteopathic Medicine. The business and finance, said Thursday. legislative appropriations for this year also included funds to begin a four - year A special budget meeting had been medical school program, scheduled for June 29, but was cancelled which will be reflected in the budget. because the legislature had not acted on higher education appropriations at that time. The next regular meeting of the Work on the budget request for 1971 - board of trustees will be July 17. 72 is still in its early stages, Wilkinson said. The Office of the Provost will review "The budget will be approved at the next academic budget requests during the last regular trustees' meeting — I hope," week of this month. Non • academic Wilkinson said, then reaffirmed his requests will be reviewed at the end of statement. "No, the budget will be August. Bound for approved at the next regular trustees' meeting." The 1971 - 72 budget request must be I t: ■" M109 To Israel «elf. propelled howitzer of the type sent by the United freighter at a Cleveland dock amid tight security. Wilkinson, who would not discuss possible increases in student tuition and approved by the trustees at their September meeting, and submitted to the Wednesday. Twenty - four were loaded aboard a AP Wirepho*- said the n»ono«>H hitrtlSnoH declined fn disclose requested information. In Chicago, the executive to would allow professional drivers a_ to accumulate 24 before aj driving points losing driving privileges. accumulate 12 . chauffeur's . points license operator's license before beii o and both i| i RINGS director of the American Library A highly informed Capital penalized. source said Thursday that FREE LIVE MUSIC Association, David H. Clift, said speculations that Gov. Milliken The source said the govern*! The greatest that if IRS agents are allowed will veto the bill are "pretty would probably announce liiil THE "411 FOLK PROJECT1 selection ever, all access to such information, accurate." decision next week. I styles ... all price "they can come in next week The bill, backed Among those who have urged LANSING'S BRIGHT NEW FOLK TRIO. ranges. and ask who's been heavily by the reading Teamster's Union, and the Milliken to veto the bill isl AND A Fancy and plain Secretary of State James V.I designs, swiss cuts Hare, State Police officials ani( SPECIAL florentined styles, matched designs for ^ the Michigan Sheriff's Assn. Hare said the new poinll bride and groom. 2 HOT DOGS system rule could be exploited! Complete line of by non professional drivers who! FRENCH FRIES 75c from Brunswick equipment can license. easily obtain a chauffeur^ BEVERAGE A WHOLE MEAL $19.95 in stock He said anyone would thenbtl allowed by accumulate 24 poinKB thru HOLIDAY before being taken off the roaiLB Sunday The bill would not, Har° said,! LANES exclusively benefit truck andcabB drivers as promoters of the bill Direct Diamond Importers Open 9 a.m. Daily have suggested. Just North of Meridian Mall * Frandor Frandor • THE PERFECT PL A CE FOR YOUR GIFT Lansing Mall 487-3731 FAMIL Y DINNERS, PARTIES AND HEADQUARTERS Billiards • Cocktails 10% Discount to MSU Students FOR Good Food BUSINESS MEETINGS Jewelry . . . Gifts COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES Custom Picture SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. Jacobson's own Framing beauty preparations . FEATURING DELICIOUS CANTONESE FOOD Jewelry & Watch Save up to one-half on our own special skin and hair-pampering beauty aids d BEST FOOD Repair this sale event and treat yourself to luxury. Rosewater-glycerine hand lotion, 12 oz.. reg. 1.50. BEST SERVICE 7 now $1. Cold cream soap, box of 6 bars reg $2, now 1.50 Bubbling Milk Bath. 32 oz., reg. $3. now $2. BEST PRICES 319 E.Grand River Hair spray at y2 price IV 2-6233 East introductory savings: KALAMAZOO AT GRAND Lansing, Mich. Regular spray, 19 oz., now $1. ACROSS FROM CAMPUS] Non-allergenic, FISH TAKEOUT 13 oz., now $1. For only $1.35 you can take out our famous fish dinner with all the extras. And for your convenience, our piping-hot carry-out specials take only seconds to prepare or you can call ahead and we'll have it waiting for —ry*. you. Don't forget that we also offer carry-out service on most of the food items on our menu; chicken instance. If you're in a or shrimp for hurry for excellent food and service, Hurry in to Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn East - 3121 E. Grand River 489-2481 Don't forget our "All you Can Eat" Specials. JacohBoii'B Sunday Chicken Dinner $2.26 Children $1.26 Jacobson's Closed Saturdays through August 8. Spaghetti Dinner $1.60 MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEW UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Nixon misunderstands populace We knew Mr. Nixon was going to sum up Undoubtedly a simpler approach would be systematically destroyed," and there was was, and the Star is upset. FREDERICK J. LESLIE the Cambodian adventure in detail, and we that heroic bit about his willingness to be a It a shock to the remaining hawks, but also to short, the dlvisiveness of the „ advertising manager worried all week lest he should find some himself. He repeatedly says he is not going one - term president. And America being a is reaching intolerable countrv .J flaw in it. Fortunately, we needn't have levels" n "pitiful helpless giant" and, oh yes, the KENNETH KRELL, editorial bothered. Folks, it was a great success. We to be the first American president to lose a war. That is the argument of a weak man promise that "We shall avoid a wider war." three paragraphs with "It is cites Mr. Nixon each tlme: vs on'' ^ LARRY LEE, city editor editor aren't so much interested in that now, trying to act strong, and that is always (Now, the South Vietnamese war is the hard - hat construction for'enL^ JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor however, as in the more subtle matter of dangerous. Indochina war.). Then Mr. Nixon was bashed dissenting workers afX1 JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Mr. Nixon and the American people. We Just out of curiosity we went back and students, for ^3 terribly hurt because, unlike Wilson and Spiro Agnew "in one think there is a basic, even fatal, read the transcript of the briefing before Roosevelt and others, he was being assailed after another;" for demogogic outh1' misapprehension on his part in this the speech. The account was simple and by people with "counsels of doubt and sounding off again., "bums" in colleges and, Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award alliance. He is defensive on every step he direct and persuasive. If you accepted the defeat." Well, well, poor chap! "catering to our darker political in sh0!r for outstanding journalism. takes to get us out of the war — and this is postulates. We were mounting a spoiler raid It would be all so much simpler if Mr. If Izvestia had turned instil. intended to tell him he needn't be. He is to smash a lot of supply dumps and even Nixon could just understand that the Washington couldn't have been Z*' against Brezl trying to be tactful when the public just maybe find the mysterious COSVN public wants to wind down the war and startled. wants out. He was a late convert to (Communist communications center) that instead of rewarding him with Sen. Mark Hatfield, extrication and the inventor of the which, to the Pentagon, is like Cortez's El astonished praise when he carries out this R-Ore., says thitu EDITORIALS ingenious cover story "Vietnamization." Dorado. policy (admittedly difficult to execute) the administration disastrous course the doesn't alter is As a face - saving device it is probably as But when Mr. Nixon had spent a couple they just take it as a matter of course. We and nominate party maydumnhl good as could be found, but the chief thing of sleepless nights writing it up he had could be wrong. But let us offer some somebody else in 1972 for most of us is to bring the boys home. elevated it almost beyond recognition. evidence from highly respectable sources. Nobody can accuse TRB, we • suppose fi( being impartial in a matter like Soviet We have tried for five years to launch the America's "credibility" was at stake, the this so ^ Through them runs criticism of other mistake had hpttpr better Ipavp leave the case to tho men tn a... f South Vietnamese as a nation; now it's up North Vietnamese had been warned and matters that would give a more sensitive But we will say that we l witness to them. must take their medicine; he threw in the administration gravest pause. think Spiro j Mr. Nixon can't seem to understand. revving up fine and will be off the passage about "great universities being Here, for example, is an editorial from the Los Angeles Times, June 7, (which has he doesn't shake off ; generally supported Mr. Nixon and backed w'ng first, ft possibly Cleveland denunciation good him for president): "The time has come for of Harriman, Mayor Lindsay and the United States to leave Vietnam, to addicts of "American defeat" six others! leave it swiftly, wholly and without marks- crescendo of vibration. We equivocation." It makes a lengthy, though, if he can rise to the vogftj It's like a bad movie, or maybe a held back and sent little more than powerful case. "Dean Acheson's heights recurring nightmare. Slowly and material assistance to Hanoi. The Then here is an editorial from the college of cowudk Communist containment"? horribly a great power watches reason is simple: they do not want to business executive's monthly, Fortune, no boss will give him lessons. Well, maybe (1 helplessly as it sinks into a quagmire friend of radicalism. "Six weeks ago this get drawn into the mess and risk NOTE: The most of conflict. First aid, then arms, then depressing thing in direct confrontation with the U.S. advisers, then advisers doing some of Besides, they are busy gloating over the shooting, then advisers getting the way that the Americans have killed, then advisers taking over for Mr. Nixon can't seem to understand. managed to get themselves bogged Undoubtedly a an inept armed forces, then the slow down. As American simpler approach would be a shock to the remaining world esteem bleeding of resources and national hawks, but also to himself. He repeatedly says he is not goes down, the Russian smile goes pride as the great power fights a going to be the first American president to lose a war. up. winless war. It happened to the That is the argument of a weak man But the Soviets have not learned trying to act United States in Indochina. It now from this lesson. Or, more probably, strong, and that is always dangerous. appears that the Russians have made the Russians realized all along what the same mistake in Egypt. was happening to them in Egypt as was a divided, frustrated, and anxiety - Moscow tried to maintain its Washington right now is a hole in tin Actually everybody has known for ridden country," it begins. Now a series of ground. It is an enormous some time that the Soviets were in position among the Arab states. The events, including Cambodia, it says, has excavation, thra stories deep, a full city block square, ri^bt the land of the pyramids. Now, Soviets were simply, horribly, unable "plunged the nation to a level of bewilderment and on Pennsylvania Avenue. A building wB to do anything about it. If the fear that it had not rise however, with the Israeli reached in the depth of the great here, 11 stories high. Work started ii announcement of this United States is cool, it will go no 1967 and will be finished in late 1973, Hi past week, we Depression." entire can no longer ignore the fact. Not farther than supplying arms to Israel, building will be taken by the FBI Strong words; but here are stronger: Not education, not health, not welfare: tin then sit back, gloat, and get farther "For the first time, it is no longer only are the Russians installing possible FBI. Cost originally estimated at $60 surface out of Indochina as the Russians to take for granted that the U.S. will - to - air - missiles (SAMs), get million; latest estimate, $102 million; into the Middle East. It is possible somehow survive the crisis that but they are firing them, too. Not grips it." actual, maybe $120 million. Its miles We would think even Mr. Nixon's dull ear that the Russian presence in corridors and two and a half million only are the Russians training Egypt could hear that warning. Here is another squut could be the best thing ever to feet will be big enough for files on Egyptian pilots, but they are flying witness from the Washington Sunday Star, American. These are being collected every air cover over Egypt. The inescapable happen to the United States abroad. June 14, which has not been known to right At the very least one harbor an unorthodox thought since before now by a dozen agencies. Computers wil implication is that Russians have thing is clear: make them instantly available: "A mi it seems to be a law of nature that the days of McKinley. The editorial is already been killed in Israeli entitled "Who Was surveillance system unprecedented superpowers must Planning to Bring Us history" Sen. Ervin calls it. Just a hole bombing attacks and, barring some overextend Together?" Well, you guessed It, Mr. Nixon themselves. the ground, now; soon a miracle, a major confrontation is They seem somehow police pentagon only a matter of time. obligated to stick out their toes so What worries and bedevils that their opponent can tred on them from time to time. That is all LARRY LERNER observers the world over is the Berlin and Quemoy and Matsu have potential for a U.S. - Soviet ever been worth to the United States showdown in the Middle East. In - they provide a way for the Soviets theory the United States, in coming Overheard to bug us when they want to. On to the aid of its Russian - beset Israeli friends could easily invoke an armageddon - like conflict. If, the other hand we can prod them at Istanbul or along the Chinese - Nepalese border when we want. And at a Prez conference however, the haunting parallel with now that they have given us their the United States in Vietnam is presence in Egypt, we have My fellow Americans. Tonight I would Cong from launching a full - scale intrusion followed, this occurrence is unlikely. it meant that such action would something to equalize Vietnam. like to report to you on the into South shorten will learn to live with any decision comity progress we Vietnam from the eastern the war, prevent the loss of more American Our escalating involvement in There is only one problem with have made in Vietnamization of the war. Cambodian border. from the South Vietnamese people - who lives and bring the just Southeast Asia is the sort of thing As you know, I entered the office of peace all Americans by the way, this entire global However, I want the record to be straight are united in are, a wise, good, decent, that World Wars are made of - but chessboard President with responsibility for 549,000 on this and let me make it attaining. sensitive people — as long as it is a decision concept: if perfectly clear has as yet failed to produce one. somebody suddenly American GIs. As you also know, I have that this administration has no plans now As far which is the result of free elections decides not to play by the rules the substantially reduced the number of troops to re-enter Cambodia nor do I forsee as our policy toward Vietnam is supervised by an international body. Instead the Russians have prudently result could be nuclear annihilation. any concerned, let me reiterate the policy that fighting in Vietnam and plan to withdraw possibility of our being forced to re-engage has been stressed over and over to the an additional 150,000 by May, 1971. the enemy in Cambodia In addition, I would finally like but, at the same North Vietnamese in Paris. We are for self - Therefore, you now know, that not only time, let me point out that I would not be mention that should the South Vietnam* have I determination for the Vietnamese people. reduced the United States' so naive as to say choose a Communist government - which that under no Our goal is free elections in Vietnam, TTiat commitment to the South Vietnamese in circumstances would I ever be forced to incidentally has never occurred; means that even if the South terms of total combat reintroduce our forces into Cambodia — Vietnamese history — whether it pertains to the Soviet troops but, by the Refusal increased should, out of their own free will, elect capability of the South provided the enemy provoked a deliberate Union, Communist China, North Korea, to Vietnamese themselves, have been able to turn over the bulk of the fighting to them. attack from the Cambodian have recently sanctuaries we destroyed — because the Communists to serve along with non - Communists in a mixed government, that will be acceptable to us. North Vietnam or Cuba — no Communis government has ever been elected to sen* Now, as of June 30, all U.S. ground President should never put himself in a Naturally, I do not in a free election — we, the American have to point out that it would be more in forces and military advisers have been position in which he would or would not, people, would be willing to live by such the interest of the American only answer for terro removed from Cambodia. Our has been a complete have seized millions ammunition, uncovered numerous enemy of operation military success. We rounds of under any circumstances, be allowed the right and responsibility of returning our forces into Cambodia or, for that matter, for that matter, all free did not choose Communists to people and, people, especially those in free Asia, if the South Vietnamese serve in the decision. But let me be quick in pointini out, this state of affairs is inde# improbable, not concern with no precedent, and shoult resuming the bombing of North Vietnam - South Vietnamese us as we attempt to reach our This past week the sanctuaries and have prevented the Viet not that I see the need for government. Yet, I goal of just peace. General lost on the United States. such action if would like to state a Assembly of the Organization of Secretary — categorically that we of State William P. American States (OAS) issued a call Rogers, who In closing I would just like to point attended the conference for three that do not desire a 'victory' over tb for urgent action on a convention to days, warned that it is important to OUR READERS' MIND we North Vietnamese deal with matters of terrorism. The people. Nor do « distinguish desire to humiliate the North Vietnam# "between senseless basic idea is to declare all acts of But let me say that neither will the United violence directed against the terrorism States be humiliated. The door to a F - including the kidnaping innocent and legitimate of foreign diplomats - international crimes. The immediate effect of such a of social dissent." The clear: there is a manifest expressions implication is worry that Politics activated Report move peace for all remains open to the North Vietnamese. The North Vietnamese In" consistently and continually rejected out the totalitarian To The Editor: peace proposals. But again let me take W resolution would be to regimes that And once again students are deny the dominate many Latin American fighting for And now (to quote make opportunity to stress that we seek a ju» right of asylum to known terrorists. their academic lives. And lo and behold Arlo) friend, while us go back and put that word peace, a peace which will not dishonor nations could easily use the the board of trustees was lookin' 'trustee' in proposed who is our advisery this time but at the the document This is, at best, a touchy matter. OAS resolution to those 8x10 glossy photos of the where it could be seen somewhere America, but at the same time, a pe»<* legitimize the protectors of this institution, the board of Administration by the legislature which will not allow the lives of America The right to political Bldg., and the Union, with a full and all the voters. But asylum in squelching of protest and political trustees. The point in question is the when the time came soldiers to have been lost in vain. For W turbulent Latin America is Academic Freedom Report, but the description of each of the 132 students (and it came by telephone) the North Vietnamese be warned: all a hoary opposition. arrested on the back, some of the they had, not to be outdone we found that tradition, especially since today's substance of the issue seems to be the trustees Americans are united behind the cause ora Still, something desperately needs said, "Kids," they said, "Kids, we found thrown out by U. of M., frustration felt on the part of some trustees the whole revolutionaries could this document and just peace and if for any reason the enemy quite to be done to protect diplomatic that document see." "And in this replaced it with not 10, but only one rule they can't just act in should attempt conceivably be tomorrow's personnel from a god-like document we found the word 'student.' " Thou shalt obey the board to jeopardize government. The South American being unwilling manner with "the small minority of And we answered, "Yes And of trustees." advantageous position of our allied foroe» participants in troublemakers" on this campus. It seems sir, we put that now friends, I ask you, who is attitude has thus been deadly political word in that document." And to be left around to going as a consequent to the success'" to try not to blackmail. It is that some of the trustees are calling this they said, pick up their garbage? Cambodian offend anyone. doubtful that "Kids, we're going to take that word out of intervention, I shall not declaring terrorism "being tied down by the students" or "too hesitate to take an international much power in the students' there and replace it with 'trustee.' " Now Bob Grossfeld strong and effects Regardless, the matter of terrorism crime will significantly cut down hands." I friend, this being an election year, we ASMSU Cabinet President measures to deal with such action. on would prefer to call it and diplomatic jurisprudence. figured that the most thev would do was kidnaping needs the number of occurrences Such a Let us look at this latest move in July 8,1970 Thank you and good resolution . - it is already threatening resolution could, for night. example, place retrospect. We had a few disorders. The to place the entire South American legislature got hopping mad and threatened Mexico or Peru off limits, but Cuba APPA&NTL"/ THERE'S SEEN All i know i« i uentto the diplomatic corps in a state of chaos. would still remain. all sorts of things, i.e., cutting the power of SOME TROUBLE A0OOT P0SS DAiSV HILL PUW FARM ID MAKE The question is whether the trustees. At the same time the BEING SENTTOVlETNAM,ANP any move The conclusion is trustees A SPEECH I SOT IdHOMPEP by the OAS would serve to correct it may very well be that unpleasant, but were answering why a student couldn't just THEN NOT 6ETTIN6BACK... UJlTH A 006 PISH,TRAPPEP IN A the only be thrown out, i.e., he must have a fair this problem or whether hearing, the University of Michigan issued a RIOT, LOST IN THE SMOKE by way to end this ignoble trading is to — misapplication it would serve only "get tough" with the terrorists set of 10 rules. Th<* violation of any of ^ — to - to these rules complicate matters. refuse further trades even if it was punishable by Immediate This latter possibility has not been might suspension. Wowie. Wouldn't it be nice if go very hard on foreign diplomats. we could do something like that. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 10, 1970 5 ewer restrictions Presbyterians offer JEANNE SADDLER sex code By Associate Campus Editor Com ml ttee suggested *1 he^church th^rojSSS. Ministry> discussed all restrictions against the Rev. Mr. Leach explained. agreed with all the suggestions. "There may be « parts ptuls Ulof the ine . !MPee with sterilization of "By end large, these changes rican churches, unmarried adults who wish to statement I would quarrel with ^e mentally ill only because it is are long overdue. I'm glad we're servative —t. and liberal, of live together, approve wide - as a clergyman or as a human Proposed as voluntary, and I see thinking in more liberal terms," the theme of — —s—■ tifully Preacb open abortion laws, conjugal being, but I approve of the way no moral barrier to artificial veand perform the sacrament visitation rights for wives with the proposaf came""aiwut'" "the insemination," he added The Rev. Mr. Wood said he marriage. But between these husbands in prisons, birth Rev. Mr. Leach sensed sacred events comes a very very control control information and OVn»«c.j „„ i ;—' Birth control information is " - that kids were "a lot less """R,uo«» Ln function - sex. The Th« materials Tor both married and "olTtheXS, not openly displayed at the Mt. hun«»P" about sex and that It 3f pre - marital unmarried persons and removal 'X^fc'oTnot aIree that ME* •=» £»! TJT 7_ lortion, romon birth control and less • of any homosexuals stigma feel that they makes are in unmarried peopt" together and that should ^ve ^ Leach' but lt is readily The biggest issue with the _ kids 1 work with is how to g®41 ^ °u™Ch T1" W|"j80 conflict although The h h jrilization or artlflcia with Christian abortion laws should be 8,pon80r 8 "wntatful education," the Rev. emination usually form fellowship. The report also r battleground between the recommended church loosened should re'main some restrictions ' »y t^li°l!ng enUUed, "T11« Chrl.'to confidence Mr' Wood said" ',Kids often ,ack in the future and approve voluntary and eugenic Ethical Understanding of want IU'V.it 1.'M - commented other desperately to work in the while radical youth, still sterilization in cases of incurable situations he had encountered in Sexuality." present." nsidering themselves moral mental disorders, and artificial his work as a clergyman. Much of the work the Rev. Mr. The Rev. Mr. Wood said the ristians, have achieved insemination. "I have had several Wood does with the United group is working on establishing iked nonchalance about homosexual members in Ministry involves high school sexual Although a "People's Education Center" [our v» iditional mores, United most Presbyterian congregations before I came to students, this summer. mbers congregations have not discussed this church who came for Church have the new code, the Rev. Kenneth esbyterian counseling and some just to be - haven t discussed this with Although young clergymen ,sen ted a new sex code to Leach of Mt. Hope Presbyterian to ir annual General Assembly Church, Lansing, and the Rev. members. I wanted them to feel that they l!)e yet»" the K®*- Mr- (em respond favorably to the 1 , were accepted by the ood.sa,d- But it really doesn't . roposal, one senior approval in May. Kenneth Wood of the Lansing . seem to be much of Church, and still God' a problem Presbyterian expressed a sign of for them. Maybe it' their part of the generation gap. phenomena." whole new cultural "A new code? What you called It?" he queried. was that Lakeside communion Although he was pessimistic 'A new sex code, sir." The United Ministry's minister • coordinator, the Rev. Thomas E. Arney, instigated communion about the proposal's chances of service for Well, I can't sun bathing parishioners at Lake Texoma near Denison, Texas. approval, the Rev. Mr. Wood respond to AP Wirephoto After Jimmy' demonstrating ability to handle drama adroitly their scores at precariously on its leading actor. the strength of Ledges splendid. Miss Schneider has a small contributions — a bit clear voice and expressive face ("Slow Dance on the Killing In addition, "Jimmy player's enthusiasm, a well • Ground"), the Ledges players achieve equal success in a switch PANORAMA1 contains a number of supporting Shine" shining performances. that is just right for Elizabeth, a character who toys with choreographed dance step, a well • placed music score — as well as to comedy with "Jimmy Shine," Jimmy's feelings as a fickle its major ones. It is funny William Hurt, as Mike; Dorthea schoolgirl and takes them for mm their third presentation of the without straining and tender Chunis, as Elizabeth's gangly granted as a somewhat hardened summer. without going dead. friend; Claudia Wilkens, as a They have produced a highly prim school marm who becomes enjoyable evening during which "Jimmy Shine," however, is a A fine evening's entertainment "some tomato" after hours; collective success with only one awaits you at the Ledges bright acting and spirited staging Elaine Sherman, as a businesslike bring vitality to the Murray uninteresting moment (that Playhouse in Grand Ledge where porstitute, and above all, Kristie being the overlong fish Schisgal play and do justice to monger "Jimmy Shine"will be performed By ROBERT KIPPER Schneider, as Elizabeth, are scene). It is a product of many both its humor and its pathos. through Sunday. State News Reviewer "Jimmy Shine" is the story of an aspiring artist, short on talent but full of determination, who the friend he idolizes, gives Jimmy the confidence to Turmoil precedes start lives a rather squalid but become an artist. Jimmy and accepted existence in a cluttered Mike make plans to become New Greenwich Village apartment. York artists after high school. Through flashbacks (expertly Mike's business career and executed), the audience learns of Ledges Jimmy's past with its shallow friendships and ambitions. To his peers, Jimmy boyish college education, intervene. Mike postpones their plans and asks Jimmy to be however, of Lutheran convention is considered a loser, but an patient. When Mike steals affable one. He is a poor Jimmy's childhood sweetheart, NEW YORK (AP) - Troubled different regions, the site of the evecfy sue years, to chart over student, a too ■ easily - led friend Elizabeth, Jimmy decides he - and edgy, the world's Lutheran assembly has been changed, all Lutheran policies on relief Jimmy Shine is flanked by his unfaithful friend and his fickle girlfriend in this s must set out on his own. and a bumbling lover. leaders are headed for a quiet most recently in a last - minute work, on "Jimmy Shine." Jonathan Adair (center), William Hurt and Kristie Schneider s Alone in his apartment and means of His hope for the future is French lakeside — but not for switch in June from Brazil to a [ comedy now being performed at the Ledges Playhouse in Grand Ledge. after a climactic reunion' with communicating the gospel, on suddenly brightened when Mike, relaxation. small French town, Evian - les - current social issues, and' on Elizabeth, Jimmy realizes he is The occasion is the Lutheran Bains, on Lake Geneva. approaches to Christian unity better off without his old friends World Federation's fifth The assembly convenes about efforts. alaska and content with life as pseudo - artist and his relationship with a assembly, involving the world's largest body of Protestants. It reluctant but tender prostitute. begins Tuesday in the wake of Jonathan Adair is perfect as ecclesiastical and political First Church of Peoples Church kODIAK, Monk Alaska (AP) — The be Valaamo monastery in Russian to Jimmy (a role Dustin played on Broadway seemingly tailor - made Jimmy is an anti • Hoffman and one for him). hero, a uproars about it that has delegates in dispute. The theme of the assembly, set months ago, is "Sent Into All Christ, Scientist East Lansing the Spruce Island demonstrated time bumbler whose very nature the World." But Ithodox Church in America, in Finland. He and seven other and again his ironically, East Lansing 200 W. Grand Riv ■ unprecedented move, willingness to place prompts audience caring just as planners have had a rough time missionaries arrived on Kodiak himself in opposition to the civil Sunday Services 11:00 a.r plans to The Rt. Rev. his naivete invites many comic even finding a spot in the world at Michigan ■ionize one of its churchmen Island Sept. 24, 1794. Theodosius, authorities of the bishop of Sitka and Alaska, time; to moments. Adair makes Jimmy a where the affair could agreeably Lesson ■ August at Kodiak, an island oppose the policies of his own warm and — Sermon Subject Father Herman had been commented, "long before quirky character with be convened. pn of a few thousand persons people and his own government charm and individuality V the southern coast of Alaska. credited during his lifetime with concern for minority groups was enough Twice, in the face of SUNDAY SERVIC while maintaining a totally to sustain a show that rests "Sacrament" miraculous healings and fashionable St. Herman of oppressive conditions in It will be the first canonization ... peaceful style of life." fried out by the "Ruth A Look newly formed EAST LANSING East Sunday School to age 20 - prch, and it is believed it will university Central United Methodist Lansing Church EPISCOPAL SERVICES at Loyalty" 1 the first time any baptist mee,,n9 FRIENDS MEETING Across from the Capitol of the Nazarene ■ionization has occurred in the WORSHIP SERVICES Dr. Wallace Robertson Astern Hemisphere. church meeting for worship 3 p.m. 9:45 and 11:15 149 Highland a.m. (between Brody and Frandor) ■The ceremonies, All Saints Parish Aug. 6 - 9, "He Knows the Shepherd" P affirm the sainthood of 800 Abbott Road 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship lther Herman of CHURCH SCHOOL Spruce Island, Upper level, corner room 11:00 A.M. Church School ° died on this island Dec. 13, 7:00 P.M. Evening Service Church School Child care provided All are welcome Crib through Adults father Herman was a member Church School 9:45 to 11:45 Phone 351-5145 or 332-2190 |^the original "Kodiak mission" For Transportation or t from the ancient Information call, 337-0241 Pastor: Ellis G. Falk university EDGEWOOD UNITED university christian m„s.u. lutheran campus ministries "The New Law of Life" seventh-day CHURCH ALC-LCA LCMS 11 a.m. CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE ■ adventist church 469 N. Hagadorn for Students and Faculty a for Students at Sabbath School an ecumenical fellowship. 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River lacross from MacDonald's) University Lutheran Churc Division & Ann Streets Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbott Road EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH 9:30 Worship Service 332-2559 841 Timberlane Drive Worship Service 11:00 and Church School K. G. ALWAYS OPEN Pastors: Walter Wietzke Smith, 9:30 A.M. Nursery Pastor David Kruse . pastor George Gaiser Campus Minister, I Meeting at 504 Ann St. Sermon by Minister, Kail Ruffner WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS 1 (Corner of Division) Dr. Truman A. Morrison Gary Hawes "Separated by Distance" 6-.oc 8:15 am Matins Call .161-8994 if WELCOME! 332-5193 332 3035 Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:3C you J 351-7844 9:15 am Common Service Wednesday: Mid-week Discussion and prayer hour at 7:0C np"_d transportation Church Phone 332-8693 Transportation 10:30 am Common Service Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm Christian Reformed Church SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH UNIVERSITY UNITED 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 and Student Center Dr. Howard F. Sugden p.m. METHODIST CHURCH 1509 River Terrace 1120 South Harrison Phone 351-7030 (across from Hubbard Hall) "God In A Restless Day" Visit our new Student Center - . open daily 9 A.M. -11P.M. "And God Created" Minch Wednesday 12:80 • 1:30 P.M. Rev. Burns 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN morning service EVENING SERVICE College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP 10:00 A.M. in the fireside room 8:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room Holy Communion Rev. Brink preaching Morning Worship 9:30 "11:00 A.M. "There Is An Enemy Loose" ■ Brlnk' Rev. Alvln L. Hok.bergen, Church School 9:30 (for all ages) FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Pay°' r<» transportation call campus minister _ 361-6360 or 882-1426 Call 482-0754 for information. * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^rtday, Juiy 10 Weekend offers plays, films Two plays — one free, on fee will be charged if you want At Meridian 1. (Recommended.) tonight at the State. (Looks campus, and the other well chairs. worth the price of admission in DARLING - Julie Christie promising.) JIMMY SHINE - A comedy Grand Ledge - supplement plays an amoral model who KATERINA IZMAILOVA - with many large strengths — The becomes disenchanted princess screenfare this weekend. a A Russian opera. At 7:30, Murray Schisgal script, the in John ("Midnight Cowboy") Friday and Saturday nights, in acting by Jonathan Adair and Schlesinger's excellent drama. Fairchild Theatre. Stage Kristie WELCOME TO MONKEY Schneider, the expert Miss Christie won an Oscar and M*A*S*H — A hilarious romp HOUSE — The first production staging — and many small ones. the film was named the year's with "Hot Lips" and the gang. A fine and funny of Summer Circle '70, a three - evening's best by the New York Film Winner of the top prize at the entertainment at the Ledges Critics (1965). On campus, in show series presented by the Cannes Film Festival. M*A*S»H Playhouse in Grand Ledge where Wells. (Recommended.) continues at Meridian 4. Dept. of Theater. "Monkey it will be House" is an adaption of six performed (at 8:30 short stories by Kurt Vonnegut. p.m.) through (Recommended.) Sunday, DIRTY bloody war DOZEN fUm - with Gusty. Lee ^""oS^^ERS Simon tries to pass off old - N.I1 Each member of the cast, made Marvin. In Wells. up of students and area discarded theatrical material as a Screen FUNNY GIRL — Barbra's residents, is required to play a fresh film but fails miserably. At A BOY NAMED CHARLIE back doing what she does best: number of roles using only the the Campus, Saturday nights outdoors in the BROWN — Charlie and the gang, playing Fanny Brice. She makes simplest of props and costumes. Kresge Court between Fairchild PATTON - Don't miss this held over again at the and frequently stops the show "Monkey House" will be Theatre and Kresge Art Center, Lansing probing biography of World War Mall theater. with her vocal perfection n's "magnificent anachronism," performed at 8:30 Friday and Admission is free but a $1 rental AIRPORT - Helen Hayes' ("Don't Rain on my Parade" a general who hated the quirky performance as a and "My Man" are riveting complexity of twentieth century stowaway and some exciting moments), comic finesse and warfare "and the airborne scenes make this one dramatic diplomatic assurance. Worth seeing demands it places on even its Student b almost worth seeing. At the Michigan. A MAN CALLED HORSE - A again. At (Recommended.) the Meridian 3. GREETINGS and THE FIFTH most dedicated soldiers. At the Spartan East. (Recommended.) SLEEPING BEAUTY - Cartoon stars good and unusual film about a HORSEMAN IS FEAR - Two Disney's animated treat. At the The Peanuts gang become i iovie stars in "A Boy Named Charlie Brown," currently white man captured by Indians. acclaimed foreign flicks open Spartan West. the Lansing Mall theater. playingJ to meet S A strangely and savagely beautiful film. At Meridian 2. (Recommended.) BENEATH THE PLANET OF FILM TOO LONG The ASMSU Student Board will meet THE APES — Don't scrutinize it; Sunday afternoon to discuss the review of the Academic Freedom Report initiated June just see it and revel in its charm, 19 Peanuts gang by the board of trustees, chairman Harold Buckner said loses its appeal simplicity and spirited sense of Thursday. adventure. At the Gladmer. Buckner said he expects the (Recommended.) meeting to draw a quorum of board members, despite the summer recess. BUTCH CASSIDY - Good The Sunday meeting will be in the board room on the western fun with Robert And here third By ROBERT KIPPER they are, on the wide goat." As all Peanuts devotees transition to the movie floor of Student Services Bldg. and will Redford and Paul Newman. screen. "Fantasia," begin at 5 p.m. State News Reviewer screen at last: Charlie, the can guess, Charlie ends up the yes, but i Worth seeing but not praising. perpetual loser! Snoopy, the The film is more padding than film about a puzzled boy, J latter but, as always, he learns to Since their inception 20 years spirited and high strung beagle; substance. The story could have neighborhood friends and J LAST 5 DAYS! live with disappointment. ago, the Peanuts characters have Lucy, the girlish nag; Pig Pen, made a dandy short but as a full spelling bee. 1:15-3:20-5:20-7:25-9: spread from the comic pages to the walking dustcloud; Linus, The question is whether film audiences, - length film it becomes strained, books, toys, records, stationery, the thumb especially the static and, at times, dreadful. "A Boy Named - sucking blanket youngsters, will learn to accept Brown" has its . posters, greeting cards, lunch holder, and all the rest. "A Boy Named Charlie Lackluster songs (by Rod moments!! Another outrageous comedy boxes, party decorations, They're all involved in another Brown," McKuen) and startling stylistic none better than those alret the long overdue and from the author of television and even the tale about Charlie's plan to ultimately digressions are included. Rather presented on television. Thejl gain disappointing first Peanuts film. too "THE ODD COUPLE"and Broadway stage ("You're a acceptance with crowd pleasing than enhance the simplicity of - mature Schultz characiF Restless youngsters will are charming and, hence, "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK." Good Man, Charlie Brown"). It was inevitable that the success. He enters a spelling undoubtedly find it overlong. its characters, they obliterate it. always fun to watch. But w| they3 PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS charming competition and places himself The rest of us can lament the There is just no place in a makes them brood would someday find their again in the traumatic position fact that the priceless Charles Charlie Brown film for a charming - way into films. of openness and simplicity being "the hero" or "the Schulz characters have lost much surrealistic sequence with renders them unable to - JACK SANDY of their simplicity — and, hence, • £\assical much of their appeal — in their music and colors and images. contorting In "The with the stylistic clutter coi. ti confronts them in LEMM0N DENNIS Yellow Submarine" or Named Charlie Brown." A NEIL SIMON STORY THE0UT-0F-T0WNERS •e »vNBL SIMON P oducK: . MIL NATHAN o ARTHUR MILLER .c-OUINCV JONES Prodwctd b, jAifw productions mc COLOR By MOVIELAB A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Starts Wed. CharltonHeston "THE HAWAIIANS" GP Take twelve condemned men. . Fuee their vfolence.lgnlte It. When It* reedy to explode- tum them loose .onthe Nazis! MARVIN BORGNINE BRONSON BROWN CASSAVETES QEORQE TRIM RALPH ROBERT TELIV OLINT JAECKEL ROBERT KENNEDY LOPEZ MEEKER RYAN SAVALAS WALKER WEBBER NUMWJOHNSONmllJKAS HELLER S KENNeTh"hW#I ROBOTA&RICH S10010" t 106B Wells Showtimes 7:00 & 9:30 ONLY 750 Fri. & Sat. only DARLING 104B Wells ONLY 750 Showtimes 7:00 8(9:15 Recommended for . Adults % Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 10, 1970 7 Legislator By JEFFSHELER kdllPC issues whinh It which was rlitrisirt divide in the us us. TU!- il This is the very essence of education. spirit of this objective that the MSU ~ May criticizes umi. » "The decision to cancel classes and have the . . unilateral decision by teach - „ later moved to East Complex, was a violation of University State News Staff Writer administrative officers and I agreed to suspend classes on Friday Wharton," Perrin said, "but included the ordinances. May 8 for the purpose of an all faculty steering committee, the MSU chapter of the AAUP ■ University teach - in." "The ordinance may or may not be a Rep Phillip 0. Pittenger, R-Lansing, in an open letter to Wharton went on to (American Assn. of University Professors), the MSU Assn. of good one," Pittenger said, say that the discussion topics of the teach - Black Faculty and other "but I think he (Wharton) as is of the 58th District, accused MSU President Clifton R. n would not be limited to faculty and student groups." president must enforce the Cambodia but would include "campus ordinances or be thrown out." "ton and other state university presidents of encouraging • police relations, ROTC, racism, tools of effective President Wharton In the letter was unavailable for comment. Pittenger said he wrote the letter in response to "an avalanche" " detrimental to the educational process." external pressures that bear protest and Pittenger also criticized Wharton for failing to take on University decision making." of letters and newsletter, entitled, "An Open Letter on Campus - "emphatic action" to stop "the spectacle of the so - called 'Tent telephone calls from irate citizens. tiers" singled out President Wharton for making an said^ii»r^.'>err'n' vice President for University relations, City* soon after the first stake was driven." "I admit that by attacking the university presidents it sounds Wednesday that Pittenger's charge that Wharton closed the like I'm passing the buck," Pittenger said dible move" in closing the University for a one-day teach - University to promote his own beliefs "is Wednesday Pittenger said the people's park, an impromptu Wednesday, "but as a legislator I have flowing President Nixon's decision to send troops into absolutely false." campground that appeared spring term next to Wells Hall and no say in how the universities are run. What am I supposed to say when taxpayers ask me, 'Well, idiot, what are the'letter Pittenger said he did not dispute Wharton's right to FOR VA WORK you doing about it?" Pittenger's letter was paid for by state funds opinion with Nixon's Indo - China policy. letters per month allotted each as part of 6,000 t J dispute is his right to stop the operations of a large tax legislator to correspond with residents of his district. ported institution to further his personal or political views," wrote. Morse receives ,ger enger said Wednesday that he had heard President Wharton on a television news broadcast, that he was closing the srsity, "in objection to the decision to enter Cambodia." t the text of Wharton's statement on May 8, two days before By SUZANNE THALER contribution to their re-entry speaks fondly of "myboys" and as a liaison between employer were to be suspended, included the reasons for the move: into normal life, and at a July 2 of how pleased he is with the and BOTTOM future employe, he visits hile the University is only a single institution with limited James F. Morse likes rces and influence over national policy," Wharton said, "the people. manager's staff meeting in progress of a blind double often to check on progress and Especially veterans. Detroit awarded Morse a Public amputee In Coldwater or a to remind them that someone are of such grave contention that they cannot be ignored. The Veterans Administration Service Award in Community multiple disabled veteran • ' does care. we are to survive as a University and, even more recognized Morse's extra time "Nations. Morse said he can training as a radio rapairman in rtantly, as a society, we must confront constructively the "My major concern is the with veterans as a valuable remember hearing of only four Gaylord. or five such awards in his 24 disabled veteran," Morse said. "As far as I'm concerned, the POPULAR PRICES! years with the VA, 19 of which "My biggest challenge is to others are a lower priority. he has spent at MSU. convince them, to convince their high "Of course there are some who 0 school „ 1, psychologist Administration , t f consulting of the Veterans Counseling families and to convince their potential somebody employers they're here that's worthwhile," Morse said. Acting just can't be helped," he added. "Then I visit often and try to convince them of the worth of Center in room 14 of the at least being alive." Student Services Bldg. He said give he enjoys working with the men concert on campus, talking with them, referring them to the MSU MSU SUMMER '70 Wayne State University, and a chamber orchestra Counseling Center and helping FREE THEATRE oncert featuring music for band, chorus and ,themand children of veterans Wednesday thru Saturday Evenings will be presented at 2 p.m. Saturday, in conducted by Dennis Burkh, asst. itra •- professor ui v of 1? three 8ny ?8Jlue f0urths of his ?? y hild Theatre. music. working 8:30 P.M. Kresge Court (.KOlMil- HAUL The Wind Ensemble performance will performers will be the 80 high school - age include u? spe"t hfre' , Between Kresge Art Center and CStXITT/MALDKN "Marriage of Figaro Overture" arranged by ^ service, Morse Fairchild Theater ipants in the Youth Music on Campus f . those OPEN AT 1:30 P.M. in'TATTON" im at MSU. Admission is free. Slocum, "Prelude to Act One" of Verdi's "La disabled Traviata" arranged veterans around the state who SHOW TIMES AT: TONIGHT AT 8:30 P.M. by Falcone and "The This Week: Kurt Vonnegut's )ert Clark, asst. professor of music and Universal Judgment" by De Nardis. need his help to get started 2:25-4:40-6:45-9:15 MATINEES SAT. & SUN. living WELCOME TO THE MONKEY HOUSE of this year's program, says, "most of The Chamber Choir's performance will normal life include again. This oungsters are very serious, advanced music "Two Motets" by Zimmerman. may include counseling the nts and have come here intrated musical experience, ime," he says, "are actually playing their for a very The orchestra "L'Impresario Overture' will , ^■Ssr& «..u ouiie ior fKof. - - . TODAY from 7:00 P.M. NORTHSIDE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Orchestra" by English composer Gordon Jacobs. iments as much as four hours per day." \ 2 David Prudon of Mason will • FOREIGN FILMS! ! students also receive applied music lessons perform the violin solo in Beethoven's "Romance for Violin K Morse ..^>ends. ,more and training in music theory from members of Orchestra " Central Michigan north ISU music faculty. Future concerts will include a performance of Mackinw City Thl. week he "A STUNNING, BEAUTIFULLY MADE FILM- urday's concert will feature the Symphonic Mendelssohn's "Elijah" on July 23, Ensemble under Leonard Falcone, a Music and MSU musicians, and the final using Youth P ^ . vetera"s in St. ONE THAT YOU WILL NOT FORGET!" iber Choir directed by Robert Harris of Music Concert on July 25. Youth gn/% ? to stoP and Elsie on the way back- He at Gaylord LUCILLE RALLHENRY FONDA Ydurs, Mine and OURS VAN JOHNSON cou»*o*„.. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 19701 STATE NEWS state news Get a better for your vacation. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 car See the many terrific offers in today's Want Ads. classified 355-8255 The State News does not Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING ly Phil frank For Rent MatM* permit racial or religious discrimination in its MAVRICK For Rent For Rent smiMmiuwj 1970, standard, vinyl Interior, radio vermillion, SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA area, ONE BEDROOM furnished with HIGH STREET advertising columns. The deluxe 2 bedroom apartment, balcony, security locks, laundry. quiet. Home $1680. 484-5873, 485-9436. State News will furnished married students. accept advertising which not 3-7-13 or Carpeting throughout, draperies, unfurnished. Graduate or 351-4698, 332-2920. 6-7-16 !.£Trblr Phon# 484S| • automotive discriminates against MERCEDES 180, 1960. Good shape. elr • conditioning. Clean, quiet Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or Best over $500. 316 apartment 2, after 5 p.m. 3-7-13 Gunson, building. Cell 882-9117. 0-7-31 SUBLET - PARK Trece - Okemos. Spacious 2 bedroom unfurnished CAMPUS cooking, N«A«r^S"^| call 351-9237 ■ national origin. NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony epartment. Carpeted, elr - 484-8173.0 J7 -■ Aviation and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 conditioned, pool. No single • MGB, 1964. Snowtiras. Car cover. EMPLOYMENT Needs body work. 355-3095. bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT undergreds. Available August 1st. 332-2754. 5-7-15 PENNSYLVANIA Michigan Avenue. AVENUE""""! • FOR RENT Automotive 3-7-10 361-7910.0 COMPANY, in Quiet rOOm fnr Study t I Cancellations - 12 noon 351-4819. CHEVROLET 1963 lots miles left, 4-7-10 furnished apartments. Now leasing one class day before but needs work. $125. 337-0208. BAYFIELD APARTMENTS - 2 for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or publication. 3-7-13 bedroom, centrel eir conditioning, For Sale ROADRUNNER 1969. Very good condition, low mileage, reasonable S«r0DS.WUNDER. ARBSST carpeting, appliances, washing 337-0780. 0 PHONE idr BeiNupje. Phone 351-0426. 5-7-16 are friends . . . where there are good times. FOUR MAN unfurnished in today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. Haslett. $200 a month includes utilities. This is where you can live the way you should .. . with get - _ 337-2381. 5-7-13 17. Locales togethers in party rooms, watching the "tube" or just 406 MAC Avenue, 19. Sun disks 2 bedroom. talking in the lounge areas. Cook-outs, pool games, Aveileble August 1. 20. Reflected 351-6099 swimming parties and a lot more is part of this good life. after 6 p.m. 6-7-14 sound MODEL (APT. C -17) OPEN: 1-6 p.m. every day except 21. Requital Sunday 23. Foam This is where the apartments have all the comforts and conveniences. . . and the price is right. PHONE: 332-6441 SUMMER AND 25. Man's nickname48, Longing NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES *12 Watts continuous power 1 F- 3— 4 r- 4— T~ Come out and see Meadowbrook Trace and the months ahead plan ahead for AVAILABLE •Insta-Load for distraction- FREE Operation. FALL LEASES V/ 8-r TS~ .. . and have some fun I •Automatic cassette ejection $ T" •Volume, tone, end $ balance •5 1 controls >» 'ISO00 >r Meadowbrook (Etopcftmgfjam THE PER MON V/. % 11 3t " - TRH0E 4620 S. Hogadorn STEREO mmmmm WMW%>W//s cAL-tl, ^ 7/t 99 JT st by Kassuba: the apartment people MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: SBQPPE At Nejac of Corner of Haslett Rd. 55 Mo % ft vr 4925 Dunckel Road, Lansing ■nd M-78 East Lansing w Jolly Exit, 1-496 Alco Management Company 543 E. Grand Phone: 393-0210 Rlv«r Roger Taakey 361-3420 w 337-1300 Stan Guild 351-8160 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 10, 1970 9 ForSale For Sale Service r7 frames? Many «v£.whit. or yellow gold #t OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2616 East Michigan SSnue. 372-7409. C-7-10_ FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home ownershIpl See the good home buys in the Claaeified Section DRESSMAKING form,.,. ALTERATIONS Ex^'rienci.SSSSi cherge. Call 355 1040.27-7-31 TRANSLATION: German to FRENCH English. Tutoring: Conflict over audit report French. 355-8186. 5-7-1" (continued from page 1) aid, health center operations and Legislature for future capital started in earnest yet, however, have a section within the report the athletic program (used to discretion of the Board of outlay funds or maintenance nor will they until a budget for the next time such an audit is nVES REFRIGERATORS. Beds, TUTORING: MATHEMATICS 108, compensate for free student costs without their prior this year done. The University would use Trustees. We are of the opinion has been established, ,1 /'Sell ABC SECONDHAND up. Rates negotiable. Groups or that such items are part of the admission to most home athletic approval." he said. this section to respond to any ITORE, 1208 Turner. C individuel. 355-1054. 5-7-14 events). — "We recommend that the SAINT BERNARD puppies. AKC, State gross appropriation for However, Wilkinson said the major recommendations or A major share of the 5HER MARANTZ Clearance Salt. champion sired, excellent annual university general fund University obtain prior approval board's use of student tuition policy changes which might be markings, shots, $150 - $175. Helf recommendations in the audit for all new construction." See Larry at MARSHALL MUSIC. - masked, female $100. 339-8583 VACUUM CLEANERS, ElectroluJ. Sales, Service and Parts. 351-0158 operations." report tell the University it — "We recommend that the would probably continue. contained within the report. "We East Lansing. C-7-10 The University has used funds "The University must have a could have done 10-7-22 anytime. 5-7-10 should not have spent money from student tuition to finance University recharge adequate working relationship with the something like that this year this way, or to try to correct autiful WEDDING gown, REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES and/or construct Olin Health utility costs to all facilities legislature," he said. "However, under separate cover," the vice matching veil, size 10. Very - SHOW STOCK. Best in breeding, NOTARY 935-D PUBLIC Cherry on~campu7 Center, the intramural buildings what the legislature considers to be constructed without legislative the University must retain its president said, "but it would condition. For reasonable. 484-5645^7-13 good dispositions. Reedy to show. Box stall until 10 p.m. TF Lane, 355-8091 and Student Services Bldg. a example: poor authorization and capital outlay autonomy. have been better to have it all accommodations for Money is also taken from appropriation." "In my opinion, the past under the same cover." £RE0 ZENITH portable, $80; boarding. Inside end outside riding — "We question whether the — "We take exception to the decisions (on the use of tuition Wilkinson said he did not tuition funds to i bed, bo* 355 1160. luring / mattrett, 3-7-13 erena. Tack and trailer Inside. The Dutchman, Julius Vos, storage Typing Service allocations to the Union, student provide Legislature intends for the university practice of using funds) were correct, and the think the audit report hurt the university to use operating general fund monies for capital money was used on proper University too much in this owner, 626-6923. 15 minutes west PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. appropriations for capital outlay outlay projects which is not in year's appropriations, because Ny TC 560 tape recorder. of Lansing. 2-7-10 IBM Typing, Multilith University needs." Excellent condition, $225. Printing, & except as provided in the accordance with the intended Wilkinson suggested that the University officials had several 372-6990. 5-7-10 rcRCYCLE: Used very little, Hardbinding. Complete Service for the most Thesis Discerning Master's 8t Doctoral Candidates. Policechief appropriations act." — "Such allocations university general fund operating of use of legislative appropriations." And so on. operating fund answer to the conflict might be "just better communication with the legislature." discussions of the report legislators. Wilkinson said many of the with $400. Will sell $250, Free Brochure end cost Consultation. revenues for capital outlay To 3-7-14 Mobile Homes Call CLIFF help resolve this basic "If we asked them in advance, recommendations in the 245 convicted - 337-0020 after 6 p.m. and PAULA circumvents established HAUGHEY: 337-1527. C conflict, and others in the audit there's a good chance that the page audit report were minor legislative procedures." report, the board of trustees legislature would points. ■ TO SAX Evette and Schaeffer, 1969 HI LLCREST, 12x60, Deluxe. 2 — "We recommend approve the ANN BROWN: that the and University officials will be of student fees for projects," "A Paris, France. Used two years, bedroom,urrfurnished.Many extras Typing and multilith use good number of the playing condition, $150. offset printing. Complete service university request prior approval holding discussions of the policy he aid. recommendations in the report excellent 337-9490. 5-7-16 Call 625-3520. W MOBILE HOME: 2 bedroom, 10x50. for dissertations, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. theses, of perjury from the Legislature for the construction of facilities and matters in the report and will establish guidelines by which the Wilkinson cited legislative as a approval precedent of a were simply that certain spending should have been in I/O ACOUSTIC Research AR-3A Close to campus. Call 337-7055. 20 years experience. 332-8384. C commitment of operating funds University will operate in the "construction fee" included another fund," he said. "The speaker systems. Excellent 3-7-10 SEATTLE (AP) connected therewith." future, Roger Wilkinson, vice among student fees at some of important thing is whether the >n. 351 1689. 3-7-14 TYPING DONE in - A federal — "We recommend that the my home, court president for business and the smaller state universities. University should have spent the 1969 12x60 convenient location, reasonable jury found Asst. Seattle Police Chief M.E. Cook guilty of university Amherst at King not enter into wing machine Cleerance Sale. rates. IBM electric finance, said last week. Wilkinson also said he felt the money or not, not how it ended Arthur's Court. Immediate typewriter. Call agreements that will obligate the Brand new portables - $49.95, These discussions have not University should be allowed to up in the accounting record." possession, for best offer. 485 1543. 2-7-10 perjury Thursday on charges $5.00 per month. Large selection 489-3968. 3-7-10 that he lied to a grand jury reconditioned used machines, BARBI MEL: Typing, about knowledge of a police multilithing. jers, Whites, Necchis, New CHAMPION 1961. Good No job too large or too small. payoff and shakedown system. ne & "Many Others." $19.95 condition, Block off campus. 332-3255. C extras. King Arthur's Court, must The 12-day trial shook the $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS be moved. 351-6264. 5 7-13 Seattle Police Dept. as a distributing COMPANY, DISSERTATIONS, THESES. Term 1115 North Washington, Papers. Expert typist with degree procession of officers, tavern owners and bartenders testified 6448. c-7-10 Lost & Found in English. IBM. (Also editing.) to 351-8950. O a payoff system under which USED vacuum cleeners. Tanks, officers may have received LOST: LARGE friendly reddish - misters, up rights. $7.88 and up. brown male dog, Friday, July 3rd. COMPLETE THESIS service. $140,000 a year for 30 years. year guarantee. DENNIS Kedzie Street Discount printing. IBM typing and area. Reward. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 binding of theses, resumes, 351-6950. 5-7-13 Market. C-7-10 Cedar, opposite City IF YOU NEED MONEY sell publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, Who's things you don't need below Style Shop. Call now. Dial AIN SET, "N" gauge. Complete COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 355-8255 for fast action I track, variety of ten engines 337-1666. C LATTY ERICKSON, E. and many euxiliery cars, building, Personal junior to Dan Goodwin, very good condition. $50 t all. Call 487-3096. S-7-14 Transportation Sirad st CATS, DOGS, boarded. MSU a iREO SALE: Jensen 337-7776, 351-2126. Clip SHARE RIDE TO Ann TF25 Arbor, rs, were $89.50, now $74.95 save. 5-7-10 Tuesday through Friday. Leave around 8:30 a.m. return to East Sony Model 550 compact wes $379.95, now NEEDED: MALE Lansing by 4:30 p.m. 353-5916 $322.95. Herman - Kardon slim - after 6 p.m. 1-7-10 ireo, was $179.95. While they lastl HI-FI $199.95, now EUROPE ROUND trip, $150. Call collect Jeckson, 782-2847 after 5 Meridian Mall BUYS, East Lansing. 3-7-10 between