The university . . . Monday . brings out all abilities, MICHIGAN Cloudy . TATE MEWS including stupidity. - Anton Chekhov STATE occasional and warmer with showers in the late UNIVERSITY afternoon and evening. A 84 • 92 degrees is expected. high of I 63, Number 14 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 13, 1970 No new leads in kidnaping; kin, police remain optimistic By JEFF SHELER The man reportedly took the him after he took $60 from girl with the cash the couple leave the store and drive away has long blond hair. State News Staff Writer in a late model Chrysler, register and struck the store owner, Mrs. • Plymouth, Late Thursday an anonymous Christine E. Gallagher, over the head with Mercury or Dodge. The vehicle was said to Lansing a resident offered a $5,000 reward for the be royal blue with a Lansing police officials remained pistol. light top. safe return of Miss Murninghan. Ernie At the time of the Mrs. ■optimistic Sunday even though no new Gallagher Lawrence Hospital. was treated at St. kidnaping, Miss Murninghan was wearing a dress with a Boone, editor of the West Side News, in a ■leads had turned up as to the whereabouts white top and red and blue taped announcement for local A resident of the skirt. She is 5 boroadcasters, 16 • year - old Laurie Murninghan who area reported he saw feet 7 inches tall, promised the reward money kidnaped Thursday during the robbery weighs 130 pounds and with no strings attached. He ,.js gave his home |of a Lansing gift shop. phone number and promised that callers I Virtually all area law enforcement IN MASSACHUSETTS would remain anonymous. Lgencies, including the State Police and the The Murninghan family remained FBI, continued to search for the girl and hopeful Sunday that their daughter would lier abductor who is described as a male, turn up unharmed. The girl's father has llack, about 25 years old, six feet tall, spent most of his time, since Thursday, weighing about 165 pounds and wearing goatee and mustache. [ Miss Murninghan, daughter of former a Disorders co at the Lansing police station waiting for something to turn up. Police Sunday continued to investigate a .Lansing mayor Max E. Murninghan, was growing list of tips, mostly from area Ibducted shortly after 2 p.m. Thursday residents, but no new leads had turned up from Gallagher's Gift Shop, at 1010 W. Kaginaw St., where she was employed for ■he summer. three held by late afternoon. By 2:15 p.m. Sunday, Lansing police had received more than 500 tips Lansing Asst. Chief of Police Thomas W. O'Toole said NEW BEDFORD, Mass. The youths were (AP) - A standing in a crowd at an each tip would be investigated. city wide curfew was imposed in New intersection when the shots were fired. O'Toole said the tactics Bedford Sunday night after four Several hours later, George of the nights of Rose, 20, of investigation had changed over the violence which left one black Fairhaven, and Gary LesLauriers, 18, and Rogers talks and three white murder. youth dead youths charged with Ralph D. Brown, 20, both of Acushnet, were arrested and charged with murder. weekend from a sweep operation to a more menial task of tips. checking descriptions and Mayor George Rogers issued a Both towns adjoin New Bedford. He said proclamation imposing the curfew between The city council met in Sunday afternoon no leads had emergency turned up and no theories existed. fith British 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. effective until "We further notice. will do Sunday night meeting after the shooting and obtained a promise from spokesmen for the black "There's simply no basis for any assumptions at present," O'Toole said. everything necessary to community to try- to calm the situation. "One theory is as good as another protect the lives and property of the Another meeting between the council right Festival >n Mideast citizens of New Bedford," said he acted because of the Rogers said. He damage caused by fires and because police and firefighters and representatives from the black community was set for Sunday afternoon in an effort to work out A composite taken from a drawing of the suspect, description of the man by These etchings were part of the exhibits at I LONDON (AP) — Secretary of State solutions to the Mrs. Gallagher has been sent to law Kresge Art Center galleries had been obstructed in doing their duty. troubles. which touched off the 1970 Fine Arts Festival Klliam P. Rogers returned to the United Disorders first erupted The three enforcement agencies throughout the Sunday. The festival, white youths which runs through Friday, includes art seminar and ■tates Sunday after coordinating U.S. and after Wednesday night arrested for country. workshop sessions the arrest on disorderly conduct Saturday night's shooting were arraigned and ■ritish policies on Vietnam and the Middle charges of a black whose Sunday and ordered held without bail for Reported sightings of couples meeting foreign film programs at 11 locations on campus. See related story car was for stopped further hearing Aug. 10. (please turn to back page) on page 5. State News photo by Fred Ferri a defective headlight. Black residents I He also had a 45-minute meeting with asserted that police treated him roughly. Embassadors David K. E. Bruce and Philip Some 16 persons, including 10 Habib at the U.S. Embassy, and policemen, suffered minor injuries in the U.S. replacing Israeli jets nerican informants said he had asked resulting violence. em to go to Washington for a special Groups of black youths roamed the West lieeting of the National Security Council End area the next three nights per this month. A number of stoning cars. 1 Rogers met with Bruce and Habib, who buildings were reported hit by fire bombs. l&ok over the peace talks post after the Tensions soared WASHINGTON (AP) - The United adjusted up or down depending on whether understood to be going to the Israelis is leparture of Henry Cabot Lodge in Saturday night when States is moving quietly to "That doesn't look like defensive Lester Lima, 17, was killed and three replace Israel's the Russians continue to toughen Egypt's built to interfere with radar guidance and December, ahead of his meeting with Prime combat losses of F4 Phantom fighter air defenses with more SAM2 and SAM3 radio commands by which SAM missiles equipment to me," he commented. young blacks injured by a shotgun blast ■ He stressed that "there are no bombers and JCnister Edward Heath and other British ■aders. from a car that sped through the West End. to provide the means to jam missiles and Soviet • piloted MIG jets. are directed to their targets. the involvement of American forces." plans for increasingly effective Soviet built Newsweek magazine said Sunday the first ■ The talks found him in antiaircraft missiles in Officials were unusually reticent about Siscoe recalled that "we are harmony with the Egypt, it was learned shipment under the secret program involves pursuing an lew Conservative government on most Sunday. discussing the new arrangements with important political initiative to try to get big Ra II lands eight Phantoms, including six to be taken Israel, the parties talking," and noted that ■sues except relations with the white The Pentagon refused to say anything from U.S. production quotas. It reported evidently because the U.S. about the matter — did the White House government would rather keep the moves Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasi-er is ■premacist regimes in South Africa and as also that Nixon assured Israel it could Bhodesia. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) - — but government sources described the secret to avoid severe responses from the in Moscow. He indicated the United States count on two Phantoms a month for an Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl Arab world. would have little definite to say, at least iRogers' meeting with the British leaders arrivi'd in Bridgeport aboard a papyrus program as a flexible one designed to indefinite number of months, starting in ■as dominated by discussion of maintain the military balance between the Joseph J. Siscoe, asst. secretary of state until Nasser's return to Cairo. the Soviet boat Sunday, ending a 3,200 • mile August. for the Middle East, appeared on the NBC So far, he said, the Soviet ■ilitary presence in voyage Israelis and Egyptians in the face of - American Egypt. to prove the ancient Egyptians could have Improved radar - guided SAM2 missiles program "Meet the Press" Sunday and was talks on the Middle East in ■ Heath told Rogers that Britain regards crossed the Atlantic. growing Soviet involvement in military are credited with two or three Phantoms are asked about the Newsweek "fundamental disagreement" regarding the ■e Soviet involvement as a support of the Arabs. shot down since June 30. In all. U.S. report. danger to His fragile craft, the Ra II, moored in questions of Israeli withdrawal from lands ■orld peace. In a Use of the term flexible indicated "I can neither confirm generalized way, British Carlisle Bay, Bridgetown's picturesque there intelligence says the Israelis have lost five nor deny the Officials probably is no U.S. commitment to Newsweek report." he replied. "I am not conquered in 1967 and regarding what to reported, the conferees agreed to harbor, at 6 p.m., EDT, after being towed Phantoms among about 24 of their planes do with Arab refugees. Tordinate efforts to counter that provide a fixed number of new F4s to downed in combat since the six day war going to get into details about what we are Soviet the last eight miles by a government • The United States, he said, does not Ivolvement. Israel. doing, or may have done, for Israel." three years ago. tugboat, the Culpepper. There were hints the number will be But he said: "We are going to do think Israel should have to give back all the Electronic war fare equipment whatever is necessary to assure that the territory. He claimed the United Nations balance is not tipped against Israel." Security Council resolution did not make such a demand. And Siscoe said the "involvement of the He said so far the two super • powers had Soviet Union in the area has affected the balance." agreed that all countries in the area — including Israel — had a right to exist and He said there e 8,000 to 10.000 Soviet use international waterways. personnel now nvolved and that U.S. Israeli embassy officials refused all intelligence * has earned that the Soviet The Newsweek article said in part: shipped amphibious equipment to Egypt. (please turn to back page) -ajggQfl"+4 , • JL^J '' n M i ' / iisiStf ll!!!!!!!!!!! ASMSU WKt jiliTU 111111 7m broke until By JOHN BORGER State News Steff Writer through which members could be contacted. ASMSU is operationally brose until "We don't keep a list of our members' December 31 of this year, cabinet names," a representative of the group said. president Bob Grossfeld told the Student The representative said this was because Board Sunday. homosexuality was illegal under Michigan Allocations during spring term had law and because there are FBI agents on overspent the boards general fund by campus. nearly $6,000. he said The deficit was The group also requested an allocation covered by curtailing i'o, s on the budget, from the board to pay for books to Grossfeld said, but "wt h ve to reduce our acquaint resident assistants with spending to approxima v zero until the homosexuals. end of fall term" when a new budget The board suggested that the comes operational. group take its request to Residence Hall "ASMSU, while not officially, is Programs, which handles R.A. training. substantially broke. All the budgeted "Just over - order on their budget," the money has been spent," Grossfeld said. The board now lias board suggested when GLF members said nearly $30,000 in its account, he said, but this is earmarked for they wanted additional books for their office. Pop Entertainment. In a Sunday The item which prompted the meeting which drew only special four voting members (chairman Harold meeting, a discussion of the trustees' review of the Academic Freedom Buckner. off - campus representatives Report, Nancy Hack and Claire Guthrie and was primarily a background session for Hubbard board members. - Holmes representative John Farley), the board also granted summer No action taken Lansing's newest end lergest perking facility was formelly opened cents per half hour and 25 cents for office space in the board room to the meeting. was on the review at the flay by the overnight. Gay The board will be contacting city. The 393-car capacity ramp is located on Albert State News photo Liberation Front (GLF). trustees and administrators to determine et at Charles Street. Parking fees in effect at the structure are 10 by John Harrington The GLF asked for the the status of the review and to discover the space as an information center and as a central space trustees' major points, however. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 13, |97() Protestants BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Protestant Orangemen announced parade in by Home Affairs Minister Robert Porter. He said this peace marched in Belfast and Londonderry Sunday but Northern was done "in the interests of A message from bishop Neil Farren was read in all Roman , peace." Catholic churches in Londonderry Sunday. It called for discipline Ireland's government put a squeeze on bigger demonstration Porter previously had banned all sale of scheduled to celebrate victory over Roman Catholics in the Battle liquor Monday. and restraint. Forbidding the procession in Dungiven is likely to cause ill of the Boyne three centuries ago. feeling among the Protestants in the town, where Roman "Lasting strife must sully the good name of Derry, put its , About "3,000 Protestants paraded to their churches in Belfast Catholics of the Ancient Order of Hibernians defied a similar ban future at risk and. saddest of all, damage the character and without incident. Calm prevailed, too, in Londonderry, where last year. conscience of our youth," the bishop said. 500 Orangemen went first to lay a wreath at the War Memorial before marching on to church. The big test comes Monday when 120,000 Orangemen are expected to take part in processions in 19 towns and cities. But the provincial government banned two parades in particularly sensitive areas, Dungiven and Lackagh. Both are in predominately Roman Catholic Londonderry county. 'Politics '70' com Authorities also ordered extensive re-routing of Monday's big parade in Belfast. urging political involvement The government massed an impressive display of force to avert trouble. A security corps of 20,000 soldiers, police and men of the Ulster Defense Regiment — national guard — were put on 24-hour alert. They had a full array of weapons and were backed UP by squadrons of armored cars and water cannon. Men of Britain's Special Air Service, tough paratroop throughout the country in the students needed information, candidate position papers and commandos, stood by at Belfast Airport with a squadron of wake of student unrest on Politics '70, which By DAVE SHORT put on file for the public in its helicopters ready to rush to any trouble spot. State News Staff Writer college campuses last spring. partisan. collecting office (Office 11, Snyder Hall) The expected 20,000 marchers in Belfast Monday were ordered College students are being background information and within the next two weeks. to avoid predominantly Catholic areas in Springfield, Grosvenor urged to actively campaign for statements Michigan Politics '70 plans to have all of and Crumlin Roads. A candidates who espouse their candidates running for the U.S. its information in order major drive for active by the The whole northern part of the motorway from Belfast to student participation in state views on local, state or national Senate and House of beginning of the fall term. Most issues m order w oraer to bring about Lisburn, where British security forces have their headquarters, urin a of the group's activities now, was shut to all but emergency traffic — security vehicles, Hnrinl^ho their desired social changes. governorship, the state Senate however, are centered around ambulances and fire trucks. The ban on the Dungiven and Lackagh processions been one recommendations oT the majS forwarHd Some colleee a,ready become students involved have in — (24th District - Ingham County only) and the state House of the upcoming Aug. 4 political primaries in Michigan. was political campaigns. But the Representatives (57th, 58th and The group plans to hold majority of students have 59 districts only). seminars in the fall to discuss remained uncommitted. Many All of the candidates are being what is happening in the v unfamiliar with the interviewed Director of Bio Institute candidates or the methods of questions related to getting involved in a campaign, policy. Local candidates are A group of about 40 Justin asked their views on personally about university education campaigns and what some of the participating students are doing. All of the students involved in Politics '70 are volunteers. Some Morrill College students have and the concept of the of the students are gaining class been working together for two university. Candidates for credits for their work. Harold ficcepts U of Texas post months overcome unfamiliarities. in an some attempt of The group, called Politics '70, to these national offices about all are major issues, The candidates about are being polled also asked their views on student Johnson, asst. professor in Justin Morrill, and John Duley, director of field studies in Justin TVilliam H. Knisely, director of the Institute of Morrill, are sponsoring the BJplogy and Medicine, was named Friday vice Anatomy, he new was instrumental in establishing medical dental and nursing schools. has been compiling data and position papers on major participation in their campaigns and the desired steps to be taken group. Politics '70 is open to all Long walk oflaneellor for health affairs for the University of The new vice chancellor serves as a member of Michigan politicians seeking to become involved, students within the University. Hot days, long classes and warn buildings make treks Tfcxas system, effective Sept. 1. the National Advisory Council on Education for election this year in order to give Politics '70 plans to have the down Anyone interested should go to hallways of campus buildings ! ;em as long as the fish-eye *3jn his new capacity, Knisely will be responsible Health Professions. The council advises the U.S. campaign - interested University interviews compiled into Office 11 in Snyder Hall. lens makes them look. fiiu9»> professor of anatomy and mayor of gunshot wound. Kominiarek met during the outbreak of disorders Jfnisely has also served at the University of asst. professor of Michigan City on Sunday after a Mayor Conrad Kominiarek afternoon with a delegation that blacks at a downtown tavernfot medicine at Duke University before joining the n'g"t of fire - bombing and rock spontaneous. Police indicated Kentucky where, as chairman of the Dept. of ordered a curfew from 9 p.m. disorderly conduct, University of Kentucky in 1959. ■ throwing by said it represented the black that there apparently bands of blacks, until 6 a.m. and banned the sale - The mayor said four businesses ■ community. An estimated 12 connection between of alcoholic beverages, inflammables and firearms and per cent of the 38,000 residents were damaged by fire, including of this northwestern Indiana a lumber yard and i ammunition until further notice, community ire blacks. which he said were virtually| 'Responsibility destroyed. He added that n other buildings were damaged by I rocks thrown through windows, to consumer' | All of Michigan City's police and fire units were used talk scheduled quelling the disturbance. ? platoons of the Indiana State "The Police riot division and Responsibility of the National Guard engineer placed on discussed at 2 p.m. today in 102 standby alert Wells Hall. D. S. Hamby, head of the Dept. of Textile Technology at North Carolina State will part make of the University, presentation as Art works MSU's Consumer Seminar Series. The seminar is sponsored by the Dept. of Textiles, Clothing and Related Arts in MSU's College of Home on exhibit Economics. at Wesley An exhibition of original graphics by classic contemporary artists will I* presented by Ferdinand Rotes Galleries of Baltimore, Md. at The Wesley Foundation, Harrison. Exhibition hours 1118jj be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and0 wjj p.m. to 9 p.m. today and Tuesday. Prices range from $5 to Sl.UOO with the majority priced under $100. The exhibition includes over 1,000 original etchings, lithographs and woodcuts by such artists as Picasso, Chagw Miro, Goya, Renoir, RouiJJ Kollwitz and many others. M on display will be a collection 0 outstanding Western sn Oriental manuscript pages the works of the 13th • centuries. A representative of the R°j*" Galleries will be present at u* exhibition to answer « questions regarding graphic and printmaking. Storage, Pick-Up, Delivery LOUIS CLEANERS 623 E. GRAND RlVEL Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 13, 197u 3 news Candidates address NAACP By DAVE PERSON summary State News Staff Writer joined about 18 other candidates for public office in the meeting attended Michigan at by about the issue into the state Senate elected. Other candidates for state if Republican Harold Hungerford. Mrs. Gibson, Stuttman and McKesson showed concern about Gubernatorial present were candidates Democrats Zolton undereducated children instead of spending it on projects such "Hatred, racism, and fear can 60 people. senator from the 24th district Ferency and George N. Parris as the space program, the war in pollution. Stuttman declared and kill, have killed and will kill," H. Lee Canady, chairman of the present at the Republican James C. Indochina and ABM. meeting were himself primarily as an Turner. Lynn Johndahl told a meeting of NAACP Political Action Democrat Leonard M. Stuttman, He said the country is divided environmental candidate. the Lansing branch of the Committee, presided, allowing Republicans Hugh W. Miller stated that he is a Ferency said he hoped that the and it must be put back together National Assn. for the each of the candidates to Brenneman, Alvin L. Dasen, measure of political activity again. speak candidate because he wants to within the NAACP did not end Advancement of Colored People briefly. Polly Gibson, Knight D. know where our tax Parris said the individual wh ■ > money with that (NAACP). Jondahl, Democratic Jondahl said racism is still a McKesson, and American goes. He said he would work for meeting. He stressed has shown on record what he candidate the idea of for state senator, reality, and he pledged to take Independent candidate Leo J. the people getting spending money for can do for the people must b ''A Miller. The office is now held by on limited building houses and medical direct (Mideast) by income. elected. facilities and employing He said everyone deserve^ > confrontation is much more possible today than say, six weeks TAX WORRIES quality education whether it be in college, vocational school or ago." technical classes in high schoo1 - Sen. Stuart Symingtom, D-Mo. Turner noted his disgust at th corruption in the judicial a Col umbia asks MNC NEW YORK (AP) - The to leave political systems. He told ti group that they must be willim to accept their individua. responsibilities as citizens. Onlv and universities and 224 other then, he said, "will we be able to Student Movement for a New Some congressmen and others Dennis find solutions to our groups as members In have objected to tax • as asking the Young Democrats, Young problems." International News Congress (MNC) has been asked consultation with the Internal — colleges and universities being exempt organization to leave "in order to Republicans and the like. Various candidates for state to move its regional Revenue Service. fully conform with the But they warn against representative also spoke. used for political activities this headquarters from the Columbia provisions" of the guidelines. He "extraordinary or prolonged us<> J Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir says her government University campus because of If other schools follow suit, It spring and summer and their said the students were of facilities" for activities Diploma Proposed secret negotiations to Egypt two weeks ago fears for the university's tax - could be expensive for the Movement for a New planned use next fall. disappointed in the decision by extend beyond the campus, that even Congress. t never received an answer. exempt status. The organization has been MNC national headquarters at the Columbia trustees. when services are reimbursed. deadline [ in an interview published Sunday in the French So far it is the only one of the nonpartisan providing backing, mainly in Princeton University said "They purport to love it that these students The guidelines are not there is the law, but Tuesday is the final date to nagazine L'Express, Mrs. Meir said Israel had proposed political action volunteer Wednesday it knew of no other are working possibility that submit diploma applications foi organization's 30 centers to be congressional manpower, for within the system and schools that do not follow them kcret negotiations at least 20 times, the most recent candidates who centers threatened with eviction. doing the thus affected by guidelines advocate change on a things rationally, but by this might have their tax • exempt No •eks ago, and never received a response. worked out recently by the of issues spectrum Stephen Golden, Columbia action they're saying, 'you won't status ranging from the sophomore and director of the challenged. J She also said that the Soviet Union is trying to "set up American Council on Education Indochina war to urban New York City area center, get any more support from than a pat on the head and us ■hop" in the Mideast and will use Egyptian President which claims 1,111 colleges — problems. quoted Associate Dean Ward H. verbal congratulations.' " 1.50 flassar's dreams to achieve as much as the United States II let them. Golden said. The center has been using two Cigarettes One Size Farm workers gain offices in a university building. I In the continuing Mideast military confrontation, It is paying for the space and for Panty Hose »raeli planes flew into Jordan twice Sunday to bombard telephones and stationery. 3/95' iuerrilla positions used as staging bases for assaults on Golden said he believed that universities should be considered 75< Israeli frontier settlements. limit 3 differently from other tax • I One of the three U.S. newsmen arrested during a Itiulent demonstration in Suigon said Sunday they were in contract exempt institutions and that he believed Columbia would have good grounds to go against the East LanV^Store Expires attar 7-18-70 Only East Lansing Store Expires after 7-1 8-70 Only guidelines. 2.00 Teizeil because they were taking pictures of police Union fields kick in Activities at the scene. LOS ANGELES (AP) - After five vears of battllnfl tfrane cents an houru forr an aa extra 10 medical mea,tai International eating nonunion emmg boycott nonunion grapes by' d, against those But he said he did not think the center itself has any recourse Mystic Stretch Perfect Fit uniSn tuni:.™e r «, J John Steinbeck IV, son of the late novelist and ... . I.I.J w5?e "ve short of the kind C U..MJ1 growers, the farm workers union urowers. years ?*° "^pathetic to the of ~ # cause. building Panty Hose One Size Panty Hose m_ Spokesman for the group of newsmen, denied charges led by Cesar Chavez suddenly Is was In $1.16 to $1.20 an hour plus, 'The union "says "the boycott takeover sometimes practiced by making giant strides some cases, 20 cents a basket has cost growers 20 per cent other student activists. ■hat they were arrested for taking part in the in incentive. more of the "I suppose if we wanted t lntigovernment demonstration 1 Steinbeck also accused the Saturday. organizing grape industry California's table Growers, individually and in market, with grapes going unsold or being replaced could say v at going to 89c U.S. embassy of failing to In the last three months the /ant to do limit 3 limit 3 lake action when Americans are beaten mistreated by United Farm Workers to terms figure, but concede that.* We don't |outh Vietnamese police. or Organizing Committee has signed contracts ^h^AFLl they have 1 to cause East Lansing Store Only East Lans?ngPStore Expires after 7-18-70 Only which it says, cover 25 per cent ' e growers in California table grapes were $36 The university had no of California's 78,000 acres. the San Joaquin Valley area, million last year. That's a drop long a center of resistance, of 6 per cent from 1968 and 17 National News offeredtocor^ucttalks. from 1966, the year The guidelines, made public 200 off the 1.35 of the nation's fresh per ( last month, do not proscribe use Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo.. said Sunday that there grape crop. Grape pickers now are paid Some observers say Chavez before the boycott started, may unionize the entire industry of university facilities by campus discount price on lergen's $1.75 an hour, with a 25 cents a now a great threat in the Mideast of a direct clash basket Incentive pay, both In within a year or two and any suntan lotion Extra Dry Lotion letween the United States and the Soviet Union because union and nonunion fields. ultimately organize all farm The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State workers in California, if Moscow's increasing military role in the Middle East $4.6 billion annual where the trade in University, is published every class day during four school t*rms, plus Welcome Week edition in September or oil 7o, 89c iiflict. limit 1 agriculture is the state's largest Subscription rate is $14 per year limit 1 "A direct confrontation is much (coupon) (coupon) more possible today East Laming Stora an. say. six weeks ago." Symington said. Dance concert bcK£ Isn't claiming he's won Member Associated Press. United Press International, Expires after 7-18-70 Only East Lansing Store Only Expires after 7-18-70 He also said that that part of the world is a the wi war, but he calls the batch of Inland Dally Press Association, Associated greater contracts Collegiate Press. winning "the big Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press reat to peace than is Southeast Asia. tonight begins battle. Association, United States Student Press Association. .79 Free Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel said Sunday "There's a lot of hope and an Eaton's Corrasable felt electrifying feeling around here Second class po&Uigf paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Bluebook no pressure from the Nixon administration to Arts Festival that after five years our efforts Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Servires Bond Typing Paper iign and that he has no intention of walking away are paying off," he said In an interview. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, with this his job. Michigan. liekel said he became aware only through the news The 11th annual Fine Arts Festival will begin tonight with "We're hopeful all growers will wa"t to recognize the union. But Phones; 49c coupon dia that the administration limit 1 limit 1 the dance program "India, Inda" "'s up to the growers. If they Editorial supposedly was trying to a- his resignation, reportedly because of his criticism at 8:15 p.m. In Falrchild wan* to continue the struggle, Classified Advertising Eatt Lan»°ngBs!ora Expires aftar Only East Lansing Store Only 7-18-70 the administrations's Theatre. There will be no we,N be on'y too happy to Display Advertising Expires after 7-18-70 youth policies. admission charge. Business-dri ulation continue also." The two dancers, Bhaskar and union owes Its sudden Photographic of infectious syphilis have risen dramatically Shala, leading exponents of 10% off the Kodak NHighout the nation and "national the are classical dances of India. projf>™s_ii^^ emergency action" ust be taken to curb it, the American Social Health They have performed In the most of discount price on Color Film 1. said Sunday in New York. Dr. James S. major cities of the world, In McKenzie- films, on Broadway and at 126-127-620 ack. venereal disease director for the association, Carnegie Hall. They gave a all film developing 'I the incidence ring fiscal 1970. of reported syphilis rose 8.5 per cent command performance before limit 87< For the month of June, he said, he Queen Elizabeth II and have no limit 1 been decorated by Prime up 27.3 per cent over June, 1969. East Lansing Stora Only East Lansing Store Ministers Nehru and Shastrl. Expires after 7-18-70 Only Expires after 7-18-70 Two Marines e exploring an abandoned gold mine on 1.75 California - Arizona border collapsed when Glade Air ereome by carbon nday. monoxide and were presumed dead Toni Sun-In Temperatures in the mine reached 150 Freshener saie teams attempted to reach the degrees as Marines at the 600 4.7 oz. aot level. ,°, 17c Sjt9 The two, limit 1 " along with two other Marines, entered (limit 2 "line (coupon) Saturday night. East Lansing Store Only Iiree divers, two of them teen - agers, failed to return $1.09 $1.75 III the 250-foot deep water of an abandoned strip "eSunday. en tructions had entered the pit about 1:30 p.m., with Right Guard Tampax 40's to surface if they ran into any problems, ey had about 18 minutes supply of air. The three 0 failed to return were identified as Nick A. Buento, 4 02 49c SJ19 Dave ;lnta Kan. Witherspoon, 17, and Paul Barlett, 16, all of limit 1 limit 1 East Lans?ng'store Only Expires after 7-18-70 Michigan News 1.05 to overnight curfew was ordered for Highland Park .. a'tcr police had to use tear gas to break lip an Bath Size Crest y morning disturbance by an angry, rock - throwing jj 1, 01 ab°ut 400 persons. Dial Soap Toothpaste est h" ^ark po''ce sa'd at least 30 persons were ... 1 r tor fhe disturbance, which grew out of the 18' 6 75oZ 69c limit 1 Render "8 °f U bla°k bar patron by a wllite limit 1 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 5°S| ot tlle crests were for violation of a 12:45 a.m. Expires after 7-18-70 Expires after 7-18-70 ConnTll CUrfew imP°sed by Acting Mayor James D. ^ter conferring with lergen. Mayor Robert Blackwell, who town- O'Connell declared a state of State Discount 307 Ir Grand River t ir 111 c^' Pimposed the curfew and ordered another to m. Sunday to 5 a.m. today. Next to the Card Shop MICHIGAN LARRY LERNER STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY (i* GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE We mean: On Strike,Open It Up! advertising manager ROTC on the University's premises to A recent letter to the State News texts, grades, that many believe the answers (woe to those who actually believe recruit for murder AND you can't let throughout college AND, yes, KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor cogently pointed out the vast schools, too LARRY LEE, city editor communication gap which exists not only answers exist) lie with the devising of new, Bobby Seale rot in jail (along with thousands of other political prisoners tried about "turning . . . you can feed the corner in Vietnam" lies?!! JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor between adults and the young but among "exciting" courses. ^ the young as a politically naive The problem with the student who wrote without juries composed of their peers) "de-escalating the war" for Us JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor group. the letter and all those essentially agreeing and possibly be electrocuted AND, at the escalating it for everyone else in Appropriately — in carrying the Asia and probably have these South emblazoned banner of "communications with his position is this: they take the same time, have America's colleges and absurd? strike demands and others coming from the universities (the supposed system of swallowed by the silent Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award breakdown" — the letter's author wasn't can tell us what's right about majority even vaguely aware of his profundity. radical, educational fringe all too seriously education / enlightenment / learning) America au for outstanding journalism. we didn't know OPEN. Basically the letter - writer expressed the while remaining dangerously unaware of Part II: We into a symbol of pro - ... you can make then! opinion that the University couldn't end what the demands are really saying about were merely trying to say administration Dm that you can't allow a government to war as if you didn't know the Indochina war or free Bobby Seale or do very much about eradicating ROTC, but our system, government, etc. Most, if not all, of those involved in the continually hoodwink the American people the American flag was burned every that tj! or draM EDITORIALS whether it be the Kennedy, Johnson, or across somebody's shoulders — he, on the other hand, could supply an student strike, realized that striking it was a sho wouldn't end or curtail the Indochina war, Nixon administration — and expect of contempt for the answer: a new course capable of and allowing students to work in the training nor would it free Bobby Seale, disarm the students to sit idly by in a university which of the ideals of this supposed BASTARDIZATION remains open — open to FBI / CIA you can do all that and more democracy PEACE movement, etc. . . police and National Guard, or sever the University's link with he Defense Dept. via infiltration, open to tampering for political don't expect students to be good Ijm Retort: You know, everybody has got to gain, open to a continuation of factory, Jews on their way to inevitable have a "solution," an "answer." In this ROTC. That's why the demands, in this rote into oblivion. assimilate! °° case and in most others, are non - - learning - type education. We were FBI 'check case, a course. Students partial solution suggested is a new How original! How creative! indoctrinated with negotiable to say . . . because ... we were trying you can't fight an immoral, really trying to say, "ON STRIKE, OPEN IT UP!" only it came out, "CLOSE IT DOWN!" because for too The difficulty in trying to with a Nixon or the student who letter to the editor is that some communicate wrote the are so unconstitutional war AND you can't allow long the of us a» proposals of even moderate students had trying, desperately trying, to re-establish been spurned by faculty and administrators an humane interaction among people. You threatens righ on the other end of communication. We were simply imaginary channels of trying to tell President can't talk about humane a President must deal with wondering whether five or six per cent interaction when statistics, ie Nixon, Clifton Wharton, et al., that it unemployment is beneficial to the The latest assault on civil liberties wasn't that we knew too little — that we economy. profession that many librarians by J. Edgar Hoover's zealots has refused the FBI request, others did taken place in Atlanta, Georgia. not and offered to allow federal Almost unbelievably the encounter The difficulty in trying to communicate inspection of their records. Certainly with a Nixon or the student who wrote involves the Feds versus the libraries. this is a breach of the public trust. The plan was this: the FBI would the letter to the editor is that some By cooperating with the authorities of us obtain check - out records from the in their unjust quest, the libraries in are trying desperately to re-establish a several libraries in that city and then humane interaction among people. You question were striking a blow against carefully scrutinize them. Anyone can't talk about humane interaction when the very precept that they are who showed an interest in checking a President must deal with supposed to protect: the individual's statistics. .. out books on explosives and similar freedom to knowledge without disciplines would immediately be harassment. didn't have all the facts (which, of course, The strike was indeed successful, placed on a suspect list and, thereby The second bewilderment is the only the President alone was privileged to Everyone — that means all the pseudo- take his place along with millions of self - righteous presumption that a know) — but that we understood the revolutionaries, the busy role ■ playing other citizens in the memory banks situation (Cambodia, Vietnam, education, leaders — man may be Interacted and had a feel of typed by the books that the college campuses, repression) far too of the government's omni-puter. he reads. This is no more valid than humanity, being close to other people, well. We knew (and suddenly actualized The reason? the thesis that "clothes make the touching, doing, being, acting, searchir.B, our thought after Kent State) that we crying, laughing. According to FBI logic anyone man." If this idea is carried to its didn't have to wait until President Nixon To communicate with the young who showing an interest in the destructive furthest extreme then it seems disclosed the "true facts of our still believe in solutions, answers, arts is a involvement in Southeast Asia" because, ends, is potential troublemaker and, logical to assume that someone who the objective. President Nixon and friends probably, a rioter - radical. The idea, baby, murder, mutilation and willful are operating checks out a number of works on one wave length; some of of course, is to tag the prejudged bad by destruction are facts of, not life, but death us are on the other extreme — whether it is James Joyce is a sexfiend. Or that the and nobody has to disclose them gUys in advance so that the because every night they're on Walter . . . ostentatiously apparent through acts of person who is well read in Russian government will know who to nail physical destruction or through the Cronkite and we can see them with our history is a Communist. Or that radicallzation of thought and menul when something erupts. own eyes (something many Vietnamese someone with a taste for science awareness. Regardless of its intention, this can't do anymore). fiction is, in fact, a Martian. We Only a fool would prophesy a dearth of project is completely out of line. were only trying to tell the President student strike We are told that, because of the activity in the coming There that, sure, you can kill us yup, you can months. is a point at which FBI ire .. . that was attempts to save our immediately raised, society become tfttf FBI has dropped its library - - thanks to a bureaucracy drunk peeping plan. One cannot be sure, JEANNE SADDLER with the ideals of efficiency at any however, that it will stay dropped. price - a direct threat to it. this point was reached when Probably For the sake of self - preservation it the might not be a bad idea if each of federal government through people's began sorting garbage information. The library project is of the same order. for the 40,000 - plus MSU students checked out a few books on explosives, Marx and The Selling of a Old Glory' sign of new distress President. Then when the There are two Thought It's become so common an addition to majority and the holy robe of Spiro things unnerving Police come around to audit our I'm It is going on despite the patriots' wounded. It no longer matters tc about this entire cars, sure Ford, GM and Chrysler will Agnew. business. First, reading habits, they will not know offer a standard replica of the emblem as romantic veneer. public who is dissatisifed and why. The while it is to the credit of their When there were only black, brown and As a result of this frightening flag - emphasis is who to arrest. an option with their 1971 models. The on repression in the i red revolutionaries, white conservatives waving neurosis, the news media have media as well as in law enforcement, and work clothes, front lawns and garages of only needed to distinguish themselves from begun to respond in the way the silent middle America are all plastered with the like children, we see and hear only what \w the "devil • Reds." But as the Communist majority has demanded. While protesting like. r ed, white and blue, and the woman threat broadened to include a white corps loudly at the charges made against them by Newsmen indeed fiddling while Rome Coke whose favorite color is not are among the of 'pinkos,' 'bums' and an "effete the vice president, they have corps of dully heeded contest famous three has lately found it difficult to replenish her wardrobe. impudent snobs," the threatened majority had to form their own club: his advice. We no longer read, hear or see instant riots, protests and dissension. To burns, centering fortressed more and more oi minds of suburbia. In an America, Inc. expected reaction, the media is responding The American the flag has found a new As the Nixonites media, current American problems to a market, where the customer is always popularity as the main symbol of the most cleverly called for their have become secondary to traditional silent constituents right. 'right to rally "round the on9 for overpowering wave of American nationalism since World War II. With motherhood and apple pie on the decline with the impending liberation of the flag", the new patriots became aggressively and vocally patriotic, happily following a vice - presidential cheerleader. It was a American heritage and history. The silent majority has found its voice, instructing the media to ignore the voices of the The bureaucratic criticism, customer an sees structure organization a to country with a answer ever)' supposedly clever use of psyche that one has oppressed. devoted to providers of these services, loyalty to to every cause. The customer Ire clearly indicated the fact that a To date this summer, there have a rare, though we are told not was America reigns supreme. respect. been wants to believe that this piece of urban rebellions in Miami; unprecedented, move the Federal number of the questions had more But rather than sell the mind to a Asbury Park, machinery, which he has purchased so But despite the patriotic god N.J., and at this writing Detroit is about to Trade Commission (FTC) has come than one answer and an unwritten frenzy, Old called patriotism, America must face dearly, is functional and efficient. He Glory is simply a sign of a new distress. It the rekindle its unprecedented flames. But the down hard on deceptive advertising. rule required that they all be given to is the security blanket of the second revolution, the twentieth century news media have all but understandably wants to love this silent ignored these contraption and take pride in it. There is The: defendant in the action is the win. that it fears so much. disturbances except to count the dead and no more modern efficient machine in the Coca-Cola Co. and the specific fraud The FTC has ruled, however, that world, and the customer believes that all he in mind is a now - defunct sales - it is quite unreasonable to assume OUR READERS' MIND has must be good — for there i boosting contest called "Big Name that the average American is a skilled comparison. So they wave the Bingo." semanticist and therefore, for all flag and talk of love of Oh the surface the practical purposes the contest was a country — trying to make it real, as the thing seemed song goes, but compared to what? simple enough. One simply had to buy; a carton of Coke or Tab, get the contest card enclosed within and gyp. The possible result of the ruling could be that the Coca-Cola Co. may have to Bill keeps the profs off the streets But soon company and custome' will realize that riot squads cannot disintegrate pay off hundreds of unrest. The country is turning around; it match the spots on the card with thousands of people who got at least To the Editor: will be revolution and renaissance and b. Let's count office hours and sidewalk selected bottle cap liners. Thus, one correct name per question - and A cheer goes up for the Michigan conversations Michigan will be the only one to award in re-establishment, and we all can and should with passing students as Legislature! What better way to placate the its college a B.A. in High School. participate. Saying that our country is hypothetically, "freed the slaves" the tab would be the promised $100 angry people back home and also to solve class time, each of us might lecture our Anyone interested in unionizing our better than most is small comfort in a matched with the Abraham Lincoln prize each. wife at dinner or a student can be world of war and the problem of campus unrest than to assigned profession would have little trouble injustice. botlle It is our hope that the FTC will to each of us with whom we If those who cap liner. What was never force the radical instigators — the could convincing us that here was another are victims of the patriotism converse at lunch. fad want to follow through on its threatened educators — into the classroom where they c. We could double the number example of exploitation. You can bet that cling to their symbols and of hours they will rhetoric, they must begin to force the action and that the action will serve belong! A stroke of enlightened genius, not double our salary to 'G' strung as moment a landmark the case. fact Ignoring for that a indeed craftsmanship a masterpiece of - how is it that the AAUP legislative per week our courses meet and thus the students who now hours a week on a more only go to class 20 put correspond with this increase In our work load. As individuals we have no power to government to remedy the causes of dlssention rather than repress rebellions. most respectable resist - we can The could consider 12 hours as maximum while 40-hour week. only submit or abandon the causes are American problems suffered promotional contests constitute a counseling nine the optimum when State of Michigan, by Americans, they are a part of the as our d. Let's not neglect home letting it become an Family theaters are a failure. At direct affront to the sensibilities and own congressmen, skilled as they are in - rooms and educational wasteland. The country the patriots claim to love so least that was the finding of two educational matters, aware as they are of study halls, in-class assignments and predictable result will be only dearly. intelligence of the American people, projects, field trips, tours and class picnics. hasty and Inferior The M Detroit clerics who opened a the fact remains that something like the intricacies of the teaching professor, preparations, and an end to pursuit of flag is not just the symbol of "old family realized that truly 15 hours of class time e. We can redefine "hour" to mean "20 research and concern glory and past success, but it Is a banner theater two months ago in response "Big Name Bingo" is a fraud, pure minutes" rather than the current for to complaints that none existed in a week is the best? We must not let minutes." Each period then becomes "50 problems and social relevancy; community In short, a that represents the current crises 1|J and simple. Were a private individual students or 2'/i reduction of the overall America. If the "love It or - leave it Detroit. They showed only "G" faculty have time to think "hours" long. quality of ■ • to attempt to perpetrate such a about social problems, "An idle mind is the education in our state. Americans want to Ignore these crises, they If we want to retain our movies. hoax, he would surely wind up in devil's playground." (Playground hours are quality students have seceded from a kind of union that can and faculty, "e." is perhaps the only real Peter A. Facione 8 to 5 at the make a A. week before "Gone with the deep trouble with the authorities. We Capitol.) Instructor in country heal Itself. Maybe they To meet these new legislative obstacles alternative. Otherwise the State of Philosophy should adopt another Wind" was to play, the theater died can see no reason to July 6,1970 symbol, to make why a corporation higher education the following suggest their cop-out clear. with the breeze. Couldn't meet should get off any easier. themselves: expenses. It is a sick society, indeed, that a. Let's double the number of IU IF* VIIM lii / hello? is THIS^ I'M CALLING FOR A FRIEND OF courses •- 1 THE DAISY HILL MINE ...HE WANTS TO 5PEAK TO Must be a moral somewhere. spends its time denouncing external offered or sections of courses offered. This will reduce class ONE OF YOUR D0G5..N0. HE DOESN'T Evefy righteous effort has a moral. threats and, yet, closes its eyes to size, as well as KNOUi HER NAME.. PESCfclBE HER ? The shutdown could be blatant mistreating and produce mild headaches for those who some deity's defrauding of must schedule classrooms and times pervert way of saying that the for a sex - people by unscrupulous newly expanded University program. More even celluloid sex is not advertisers. Maybe the Coca-Cola evil.: - inherently money for class buildings can come from case will mark the faculty pay, funds will become available as His message: beginning of a the sane members leave to enjoy. change. It would be nice. find tolerable working conditions. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 13, 1970 Festival includes foreign films from 40 countries will be shown in 11 locations on preserving mutual understanding among the tM"„s today through Friday as a unique feature of the 11th It is an peoples of the world. especially powerful and appealing force to young people Fairchild Theatre: Sal Fine Arts Festival. today." — Tuesday, "The Skinny Fellow and Some Others," feature vrcU's Worldwide Film Festival, Ali Issari, head of the film Early this year, letters were sent to 116 embassies requesting length, and "The Bag," Polish films, English subtitles. duct ion unit in the Instructional Media Center, said, is the two films representatives of their film industry or ts kind on this campus and perhaps the first on any U.S. More than 60 films from 40 film art. — Wednesday, "Girls in the Sun," feature, and "Journey to the nations have been received. These include feature films and City of Legends," both from Greece, English dialogue. documentaries in color and black and "I1know of no other film festival of such scope," Issari said. white. short subjects from England, Thp I films will be shown from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Monday The films wor» timed and reviewed h Friday at 10 locations on campus. Feature - length films student in television and radio. by Tom Foster, a graduate 111 be shown in Fairchild Theatre from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Monday Friday, "Gain Sons, Not Loosing Daughters," — We received good a feature from cooperation from most countries because the Republic of China (Taiwan), English subtitles. rough Friday. they are interested in this type of cultural e the other Fine Arts Festival events, these showings are Films have been exchange," Issari said. supplied by some of the less familiar nations One program for the entire week is scheduled for each of the to the public without charge. such as Kuwait, Uganda, Tangania, as well as some of the newer other 10 locations. These films will be shown continuously each Facli evening, films from several countries grouped by region African nations such as Zambia. II be shown continuously in each auditorium. A program with a evening from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Issari said he would like to see this type of festival grow and hedule and a synopsis of each film will be provided. eventually expand to include other The locations and their programs are as follows: cultural events. "We could ie intention of the festival is to show our audiences what is have South Kedzie Hall, room 105, films from Scandinavian an international art festival with done in film around the world," Issari said. many nations contributing countries -Sweden, Norway and Denmark. examples of their dance and drama as well as films." Film is surely one of the most powerful means of building and The schedule is as follows: 107 South Kedzie Hall, films from Europe — — Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain. -409 South Kedzie Hall, films from WARDED CITATION and Portugal. Europe — England, France — 101 North Kedzie Hall, films from the Middle East — Iran, Kuwait, Greece and Cyprus. — 116 Natural Science Bldg.. films from Asia — Nationalist Wharton aide honored China, Ceylon and Singapore. — 128 Natural Science and South Vietnam. — 326 Natural Science Bldg., films from Asia — Korea, Pakistan Bldg., films from the Americas — Chile, Denison, consultant to American Public Relations Assn. Argentina Canada and Guyana. sident Wharton, was one of (ACPRA). director of He became University relations, consultant chairman of the East Lansing 114 , Gardeners to the — Edward P. VonderHaar, vice Planning Commission. Denison Bessey Hall, films from the island countries — Australia, university officials who president in 1969. went to Indochina in 1954 with Iceland and New Zealand. Father and son team up to tackle the watering of the family ,,ed presidential citation president for public relations Denison is a former chairman an MSU team to garden plot at Spartan Gardens, located off Bennett Road. irds last week from the and development at Xavier ol the information committee of help the South — 104 B Wells Hall, films from African countries Students and faculty members may rent land for Vietnam government solve non • -Uganda. gardening University, Cincinnati, Ohio, was the National Assn. of State military administrative for an annual fee. the other recipient. Universities and Land • Grant problems. State News photo by John Harrington The awards were presented Colleges, founder and president by /KAR begins Parry Sorensen, executive assistant to the president of the of the MSU Press and former Us face confidence crisis University of Utah and president of ACPRA, at the association's mmer series annual banquet in the Denver Hilton Hotel, Denver, Colo. Both Denison and VonderHaar broadcasts are ACPRA. former presidents of Universities are losing the public's confidence because they MSU Office of Institutional Research and now a professor of loses, or even department when the institution They also suggested improved methods budgeting, input and output Denison is have moved in directions that appears to win and systems of a graduate of instructional research and service analysis. Defiance College, themselves instead momentarily." Defiance, serve of at Florida State University. In many 'KAR-AM, MSU's radio Ohio, and held various editorial society, cases departmental according to three The three researchers point to has announced two new posts on the Toledo Times and researchers — two from MSU. autonomy has become departmental autonomy as the detrimental to the university as a >kly radio programs for the the Detroit Free Press between Their findings in a study of 15 culprit in the confidence loss. whole. Con frontation, 1928 and 1940. During 1941-43 he was director of information for the Michigan War Council institutions are new reported in a Dressell, Marcus and Johnson book, "The Confidence explain that their findings Dressel, who recently assumed the presidency of the American exhibition Crisis," published by Jossey • "demonstrate empirically the s with educational, rnmental and social leaders, and between 1943 ■ 45 he served as an officer in the Army. Bass, Inc., of San Francisco. The authors are Paul conflicting priorities which L. appear in the modern Assn. explained for Higher Education, this departmental & sale ol n Saturday. The programs He was administrative assistant university. structure will not break down. e beneath the problems and explore the ion tc the urban dilemma, surface of to Michigan Gov. Harry F. Kelley from 1945 to 1947 and Dressel, director of institutional Each discipline pulls in its own research; Philip M. Marcus, direction and compromises have coordinator of the MSU Urban to be made while overall But he predicted continued development of alternatives such original MICHIGAN STATE policy institutes, centers, residential graphics as in 1947 he joined the MSU staff Survey Research Unit, and F. issues remain unsolved. UNIVERSITY ts include anthropologist colleges and colleges devoted to as assistant to the president and JAMES DENISON Craig Johnson, formerly of the "Too WESLEY FOUNDATION garet Mead, Congressman many university themes. y Clayton organizer Powell, Saul professors focus almost exclusively on their own In ontrol departments, Dressel suggested, lor colleenIPS ■VI UUIIUUu LOUNGE MONDAY, JULY 13 Discrimination cited iskv, Dr. Benjamin Spock, instruction and research and "there should be by regular 10 AM to 5PM show little Humphrey and Julian The will be interest considerable contempt for the and re-evaluations with made when changes • BX 1 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. programs necessary." ■d weekly through Sept. 12 activities of the deans and of the Reforms, Dressel and his p.m. central administration." coauthors explained, should imTnT 1 I'ESDAY, JULY 14 in Stock The authors warn that when 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Exchange include the development of a ur special documentary autonomy is seen as "license to rts management information system 1 Arranged by on projects designed do whatever an institution or to insure that the allocation of mse change in the lives of 'rpriviledged children will be adcast weekly, on Thursday NEW YORK (AP) — The State Human Division has found that the New York Stock Rights because of discrimination charge of by Howard Slepian. in department desires, negotiations degenerate and higher education resources is coordinated with the university's priorities. 1 a stenographic reporting unit at the nings. beginning this week, Exchange refused to hire a man because he was exchange. first two programs examine black. The exchange was ordered to offer him a Mangum said Slepian ordered an investigation escalating epidemic of heroin job, pay him damages, recruit more of Stephen, then ignored the results when they minority- FREE AT LAST! among teen • agers and group employes and submit progress reports for verified information Stephen had put on his job ns across the nation, two years. application. uded is a visit to Odyssey An exchange spokesman called the decision "I find that respondent Slepian decided not to a unique private "not justified," and said it will be appealed. He hire Stephen because Stephen is black and then ent center in New York said 500 of the exchange's 3,000 employes are proceeded to try to find a basis to justify his Other programs in the from minority groups, and a substantial number discriminatory decision," Mangum said. deal with the plight of are above the lowest job level. He said Slepian was acting as agent for the sand Mexican Americans • exchange, and so found the exchange guilty of ew Mexico and the The case was based on the complaint of Collin discrimination. icy of United Funds for Stephen of Brooklyn, who applied to the The exchange and Slepian were ordered to pay ing the poor. exchange for a job as a stenotype reporter. Stephen $500 damages, to offer him a job as Robert J. Mangum, chairman of the Human Rights Division, said Stephen was denied a job stenotype reporter and give him seven days to decide whether to decline or accept. East Lansing given rifle Customer Free Parking unique $3,000'grant from g brazier National Rifle Assn. (NRA) been awarded ishories Jheevergrant and is to Wildlife. the Dept. the first of its System made by the NRA for Purpose of wildlife 'fi'li. George A. Petrides, essor of fisheries and life. said. "This grant money used to conduct a survey «oodCOck p6pulations Qn hig!m northern Uke ht\USe,of "voice prints," a ? ' s °/ taPe of recording the birds, has recently iS'e ped and wil1 be used % numbers, movements Present ticket for validation with ft of Hl«h Isl«"d kins W?n°dC0ClC i! steadily $2.00 minimum purchase. iei P°Pul«lty among Z Vr<8men-In ter™ of seconli second etrldes most said. it is Important ratori Amerlcan webless an] bT birdS' High quehiCoiy que isolated- ' offers lsoiaiea, offers lying thi»ppor,tunltles ■in,1 SpeCleS-u for )jec°t iV68 °f the MSU I l'on. reproductive Eat, drink and be merry Sponsored by: ^cterlstinc"behavloral behavioral ;Z°" «'"*'*Vt 310 W. Grand River The East Lansing Customer East Lansing tor 351-8666 * Newi, East Lading, Michigan Mo"day, jU|y M , -SPORTS- Ron English captures Lansing golf title actually finished him for the day Hp r#» ■ drive to the left on the 190 By JEFF ELLIOTT laneded in a clump of trees. - yard hilly h'l Executive Sports Editor out and over a sand Attempting 1 trap, Behymer clean swing. at the ball and couldn-?°hipI MSU Golf Coach Bruce Fossum is probably then ran his chip shot past the landed in the t 8et| I wishing the golfing season was just starting. The putted for a double bogie, cud and P1|,l way a couple of his players are shooting, they re strokes behind the eventual leavini; hJ*° l wishing the same thing. champion Behymer had a chance for a birdie t*°| Ron English became the second Spartan golfer which would have cut on th I in two weeks to capture a major intra-state he left a 30-foot putt a English's lead ton "I tournament as he fired a final round 71 Sunday second shot on the 18th went couple of feet ch"*'1""! to win the Lansing All - City Medal Play his returning chip was off over the I Championship at Groesbeck. Two weeks ago to the left I Denny Vass captured the state amateur English the championship. > flviii|| championship at Charlevoix. English, who played as the number 3 on most of this past season English finished with a 54-hole total of 212, for the 11 our best string. A $40 value for only $25. |Hk»)-?0«EO..28 MMZ MORE SWO£S Sale continues through Saturday July 18. Weathervone 2283 E, Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 13. 1970 7 state news classified Looking for a home near school, shopping, or in the country? Consult the Want Ads. AUTOMOTIVE Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service Aviation employment for rent Apartments Houses Rooms FOR SALE Animals Mobile Homes PERSONAL peanuts personal real estate recreation SERVICE Typing Service TRANSPORTATION WANTED deadline /I. one class day jefore publication, lancellations - 12 class day before publication. phone 3558255 rates $1.50 15c per word per day 3 days $4.00 l3M>c per word per day $6.50 13c per word per day based on 10 words per ad) Peanuts Personals must be pre-paid. There will be a 50c service Bnd bookkeeping charge if his ad is not paid within week. THE YEARBOOK is waiting for you BEECHWOOD, to pick up your copy of the 1970 rhe State News will be OKEMOS 2 bedroom, fully furnished. Close to campus, WOLVERINE. Bring receipt or esponsible only for the speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker patio, family welcome, $175 per summer and fall leases. 332-0965 Houses set. 300 stereo albums 75c up. I.D. to Room 27, Student Transportation day's incorrect :h. Phone, Larry HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Services, Monday, Wednesday, Treadwell, Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and Scooters & Cycles 332-3534, East Lansing Realty COMPANY, 351-7910. O LANSING - 2 bedroom, used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 Friday, 9 - 10 a.m. Tuesday, EUROPE Thursday, 11:15- Noon. ROUND S150 Company, Realtors. 3-7-15 NEW unfurnished, carpeting, drapes', 5-7-17 collect Jackson, 782-2847 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five MANAGEMENT Bay Colony garage $150, Deposit. 1 child a and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 welcome. 485-9005 3-7-13 p.m. 3-7-13 companies. Compare our rai SWELTERING? COOL OFF 2205 East Michigan. Lansing at PARK TRACE. bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Recreation COMPANY, CAMPUS NEAR. 4 bedroom house Automotive Offering 1, 2, 3 extra 351-7910. O available July 20th 4 or 5 single BAR - M STABLES. English anc Wanted large persons Western instruction. bedroom apartments. Air or family. $300 per TEN SPEED Schwinn, excellent, Cal TRIUMPH 1963 very strong road UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to month. Phone 655-1049. 4-7-14 $110 new, asking $75. 351-1782. 589-8814, oays 355-58'"' conditioned, pool, club house Student Union. Fall leases 3-7-15 evenmgs. 3-7-13 bike. Good condition, $450 or and all the extras. Located available. 3 and 4 man furnished. GIRL OVER 22 best offer. Call 351-3119. 3-7-15 adjacent to Okemos 3 5 1-3729. HALSTEAD private b GIBSON JUMBO RealEstate CK 1968 Skylark 12-string, hard coupe. Will Elementary School. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, conveniences. case, Call 393-6798 Excellent icrifice to sell. 351-7910. O 332-3870, condition. 3-7-13 EAST RETURNING GRAD 59-50 7 9 5-7-16 Call 332-5094 LANSING by owner. 3 student Marine TWO MEN r 406 SOUTH Pine, near downt bedroom, Cape Cod. Walk to MSU IAF*0 RALLY BSA 1969 STAMP COLLECTION, 500 and all schools. from tinker Sport 1967. V-8 - 2,000 actual miles. Lansing. Furnished pate S3,300 down to toy complexes, 650cc Firebird Scrambler, $1100. efficiency i. 351-8753. 2-7-V blocks, 25 sheets, face assume 6Vj% September, Write Shilton, 1463 ick, lifters, glass - paks. Wide suitable 1 person, $70 a month. va'ue mortgage. Phone For information call 487-3731, 351-3397. 1-7-13 332-4083 10-7-23 Neptune, Leucadia, oerg'as tires 351-3895, Modern furnished, efficiency $120 EAST Ca'iforbia 3-7-14 EAST LANSING Farm LANSING, 4 bedroom. 92024. 3-7-13 53-8850.5-7-13 House a month. 1 bedroom apartment, apartment. Couple Furnished, rent $210 per month COUNTRY HOME, Beautiful 5 acre or grad $135 a month. No children or 351-8459. 5-7-17 students only, $125 a month. site, sloping to Red Cedar River, 7 BLOOD DONORS needed. S7 50 for Auto Service & Parts pets. No leases. Call Richard Phone 489-1719. 5-7-16 miles to East Lansing. all positive. A negative, B BACHELOR PAD Big home in Splendid 4 negative and AB negative, S10.00 O MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East FOUR BEDROOM home in rural town. Remodeled with orange negative, S12.00. MICHIGAN Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Okemos available September 1, shag carpet, dimmer light control, IVROlET 1962 . . . ONE BEDROOM furnished with COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Excellent completely furnished, set-up for Complete auto painting and family only. Also two room ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses'Save Quick possession, good 507'/j East Grand River, jrilcal condition. V-8, new balcony, security locks, laundry. two to four students. $230 per financing. East collision service. IV 5-0256. C furnished at OPTICAL and apartment now for Graduate or married students. DISCOUNT, 2615 Call ROBERT ROETHER Lansing. Above the new Campus battery, 351-3656. month. Call Gail Clusky, couple. Phone 351-0426. 5-7-16 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409 REALTOR, 655-1618 1-7-13 Book Store. Hours 9 ACCIDENT 351-4698, 332-2920. 5-7-15 372-4138 or Simon Rea Estate. a.m. to 3:30 PROBLEM? Call C-7-17 Okemos Branch, 351-2260. 4-7-14 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and KALAMAZOO STREET BODY 406 MAC Avenue, 2 bedroom. FRANDOR Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 iVROLET 1963, 4 door. Good SUBLET - PARK Trace • Okemos. NEAR. Sharp, 2 SHOP. Small dents to large Available August 1. 351-6099 FANTASTIC PLASTIC Infll bedroom. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183, C ondition, $225. 355-9915, 3-7-15 Spacious 2 bedroom unfurnished GIRL, DOUBLE ro Payments $115 wrecks. American and foreign after 5 p.m. 5-7-14 furniture. Indoor • Outdoor. Many apartment. Carpeted, air campus, A+P, cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. styles, colors. Call 337-921 5, noon Low down payment. Phone :VR01ET 1963 lot8~mi~ie"s"i«ft 2628 East Kalamazoo. C FOUR MAN unfurnished in Haslett. conditioned, pool. No undergrads. Available August 1st. single 332-1918. 3-7-1* •midnight. 5-7-17 Bergren, 484-9876 Lloyd ;j' needs work $125. 337-0208, $200 a month includes utilities. 332-2754. 5-7-15 % Halstead, Inc. Realtor, 351-0810. or Lee AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 337-2381, 5-7-13 UNFURNISHED BEAUTIFUL WEDDING bedro gown, 'VAIR 1903 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 Automatic, bucket e fixed. Call matching veil, size 10. Very 332-3255. 1007 BARR Marigold across from study, September 1st. Am new a's_ Good, cheap transportation. 0-7-13 - 2 bedroom, Deluxe 2 campus. reasonable. 484-5545. 3-7-13 EAST LANSING, 4-5 bedr 355-5952. 3-7-13 unfurnished, $110. No children or man furnished THREE BEDROOM ample faculty member and will be in apartments. Now leasing for fall. unfurnished. STEREO East Lansing end of July. Writ?: pets. 332-3959, 882-5761. Accessib ZENITH portable, S80, 10-7-22 IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O Twin bed, box spring / mattress dining and family rooms, M. Jack, 5466 South Harper WETTE campus, damage deposit ri CONVERTIBLE, 1 Aviation 484-8196. 5-7-14 $25. 355-1160. 3-7-13 private yard, double g Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615. 927 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-man Owner, S29.950. 337-0909." 5-7-17 WEST Shiawassee - Now 1 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn ini the PIPER CHEROKEE. bedroom, air conditioned, for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or security lock. Quiet, Near Capitol. Special S5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Unfurnished, $150. Furnished, 337-0780. O TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student CROSSWORD $160. 332-3959, 882-5761. MODERN IRLANE GT, 1967 UNFURNISHED units. 390, 4 Employment 10-7-22 bedroom with stove, refrigerator, 2 These spacious luxury apartments are completely PUZZLE carpeting and sun deck. Lansing. carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean IMMEDIATE OPENINGS as SUBLEASING summer Cedar ACROSS 484-1938. 5-7-14 furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and professional consultant. Vivian Greens, apartment 5A. Call r 1969 Spider conveniDie Woodward Cosmetics. Referral 882-0638. Cheap! 5-7-16 individual control - central air conditioning. These four man l. Petty bribe xcellent shape. appointment consulting only. 4. Health resorts $1500. 355-3890 units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure r 351-0355. 5-7-17 Valerie, 332-8502. 5-7-16 WAVERLY, Saginaw Area: One EMPLOYMENT 8. Wood sorrel 33 Fruit decay time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 11. Anne* 34. Transmit BOOKKEEPER - Figure 36.Tense OJ968: Vellow sole 17,000 miles. Au~tomatk HOUSEKEEPER AND typist $100 conditioned, carpeting, drapes, aptitudes are in demand. swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 12. Sentry's command 38. Educational with black vinyl appliances, $130 a month, no 351-2032. 3-7-15 Choose your location and want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 13. Kidney bean Association Answering phone requires live in. children or pets. Phone IV 2-4853. Full time summer and par? time 3-7-14 salary. Experience helpful for today. There 14. Creek 40. Subterfuge 196" are units starting at $70/month per man. Tri-Power; ^"cle.n fall. 351-6729. 3-7-14 full - charge position. $450+. 15. Esthete 43 Movie script S 3C°nid4,i0n- A,ter 6' DIFFICULTY GETTING IN TOUCH FOLKS WITH KEEN EYES for item of interest read the "Personals" ii Phone PERSONNEL, 485-5481. BELLINGER 17. Lobby 19. Prior to 47. Taro paste 48. Dress up with someone? Try a Classified 20. Make pastry 49. Jolly boat 1. Bondman Classified Ads. Check nowl )n'94.6 Good body and rubber "Personal" Ad. Dial 355-8255 22. Pay bills 26 Kermess 50. Linden tree 51. Work unit 2. Miscellany 3. Theater iin,e»Hlblll°P'$50°. Runs weM- newly Nowl MODEL (APT. c - 17) OPEN: 1-6 p.m. every day except Sunday 28. Tsetse 52. Epochal program RECEPTIONIST - Employ • 694-8584. 3-7-15 SUMMER AND your diversified skills where 30. Samovar 53. Expiration 4. Neglect PHONE: 332-6441 standard ' Vermillion. they are needed. Enjoy public ' FALL LEASES - 5 6 % 0 9 •o $16an ' 3-7-13 84'5873- lr|terior, radio 485-9436. Typing experience in at least of the following areas: X-Ray, one contact machines. and operate office $400. Phone NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE " % '2 3 Pathology, or Surgery reports. M BELLINGER 485-5481. PERSONNEL. ■q i %It ST ^ ^Goodlhape. Excellent .incentive salary and fringe benefits. Apply Sparrow % Hospital Personnel. All inquiries confidential. 4-7-14 S150M '7 zo ■8 21 >9 22 %% 23 24 25 PER MON % cel|ent ^'cJd68 conver,ible- i. Car % 28 29 3o % 646-61330n3-7-13h0ne b no"dale. w. C 32 33 4620 S. Hagadori cAivtly ^ (l£i1 - w 35 36 37 35. Massachusetts 332 Waiter 6COpT6°;:i6 ^ SUMMER employment AND with part full time line 38 % 39 %f 42 cape merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800 for COUNSELING MANAGER MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y % „'Lcel,8nt condition. $2200. anytime. 3-7-15 some people needed for travel. Call 351-3700 for appointment. O y//, 45. Spur 46. Frigate bird 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. juiy,3 REPUBLICANS No new leads in kidnaping Alumni unit picks the (continued from page 1) description have been responded to the $5,000 reward certain that ransom * kiSi» received from as far away as Cleveland and Chicago. board hopefuls Chief However, Lansing Police Derold Husby said Sunday there was no evidence to suggest the girl had been taken from the Two Republican candidates convention will give the utmost Lansing area. for the MSU Board of Trustees consideration to Diehl and Ernst Husby said he believed the have been selected chances that the girl will be by the to insure their names on the Republican Trustee Selection November ballot for election to found improve with time. Committee of the MSU Alumni the MSU Board of Trustees." However, he added that other Assn. for nomination at the Two trustees are elected police officials would likely take party's state convention. The biennially on a statewide t|ie opposite view. convention will be held in partisan ballot to serve eight - Police continued to puzzle Detroit Aug. 28 and 29. year terms of office. Trustees over the abductor's motive in Recommended will be David whose terms expire Dec. 31, kidnaping the girl. Diehl of Dansville and Richard 1970 O'Toole said one theory is that are Stephen Nisbet, Ernst of Bloomfield the man panicked when his gun Hills, R-Fremont, and Don Stevens, committee chairman Walter D-Okemos. # Nisbet has discharged as he struck Mrs. Patenge announced. Both men announced he will not seek Gallagher over the head. Though the bullet went into the ceiling, were unanimously selected by re-election this fall, the committee after the man may have thought he many The Democratic committee, candidates had been interviewed, Diehl is a farm operator and chaired by John Bruff of Mt. Sidewalk had shot Mrs. Gallagher and, not wanting to leave a witness, he Clemens, still is interviewing Thi* is the police currently is a member of the candidates and will make their in dampened the Friday activities at the Frandor Sidewalk Sale, sunny skies took Miss Murninghan with compo LAURIE MURNINGHAN sketch of the board of trustees of him, O'Toole said. suspect in Lansing recommendations public shortly. o bargain • hunters to try their hand Saturday. State News photo by Terry Luke Murninghan abduction. Community College. Emst is one Since the abductor has not yet of three partners in the H. R. Terryberry Co. of Grand Rapids, a manufacturer of high school Turkey class rings. Both men are members of the executive board of the Alumni Assn. "The recommendations tantamount nomination committee at to are the not official state ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Turkey, citing "security A Briton who works with the Arctic Institute of North being denied. The group was seeking to threatens the Instead, they Istanbul with are the stranded in claiming the U.S. Central Turkey's to crackdo\ convention," Patenge stated, reasons," has barred Noah's Ark America, Lenton said the expand on explorations by a six equipment, Intelligence Agency is involved smuggling of ancient t "However, we trust the hunters from Mt. Ararat where expedition made it clear they shipped from America at a cost in the project. expedition applied last April for - man expedition that climbed Republican delegates to the the book of Genesis records that permission to climb Ararat with Ararat with hoped to be able to identify the of nearly $2,000, -The government's sensitivity survivors simple tools last year wood as remains of the ark that Although large sections of ibout landed after the excavating equipment this and removed several pieces c" possible foreign museunjs. the Bible says Noah and his Ararat are military restricted involvement Biblical flood. summer. in resurgent hand - hewn wood from under three sons made by hand Turkish officials would not areas, there possibly were other separatism among Minister of They received i Kurds who Education 0„ Israel elaborate on why they refused to allow an American expedition said, until several members of the 11-man team arrived in , he glacier at the 14,000 ■ foot level of the mountain, The Search Foundation said shelder their families during 40 days and 40 nights of rain. factors besides security in Turkey's refusal, including: live in the eastern Turkish — Nervousness in Moslem a Oguz permission threatened for Sunday all ti (continued from page 1) to scale Ararat, which looms They planned to climb the — The present Turkish Turkey about the connection of archeologists to work in Turkey this month and the wood was variously dated "In wake of news that two mountain with portable drills, government's shaky political will be "reviewed }6>9?6 feet the heavily told by Turkish Interior Ministry from 1,500 to 5,000 years old chainsaws and other equipment situation and fear of criticism. a Israeli planes had been shot fortified Turkish Russian officials their application to the for excavation and research. necessary, canceled" unless»i — Articles in down over the canal by Soviet border. opposition papers Another factor could be antiques are returned. SAM2 missiles, President But n Ralph E. Lenton, chief of Richard Nixon secretly ordered the expedition organized by the the Pentagon to rush a shipment Search Founcation of of F4E Phantom jets - and Washington, D.C., said he is highly classified electronic attempting to have the decision equipment — to the Israeli Air „ *>y aPP}y|ng to the Force. Turkish Foreign Ministry. "Though the administration attempted to keep the arms deal under tight security wraps for fear of inflaming Arab opinion, MUSIC COMPANY Newsweek's Lloyd Norman learned last week that Mr. Nixon 245 ANN STREET had agreed to supply Israel this $1.00 service charge per month with a total of eight insertion to be pre - - paid. 12 Phantoms — two of them already p.m. deadline 1 class day before. U.S. will take from production - - - ■ MSU Students for Levin meeting Wednesday night July 15 at fszxs-r \ lines earmarked for its 8 p.m. Room 34, Union Building. All force. students interested in helping to elect "The six planes from U.! stocks will compensate Israel for its air Senator Sander Levin governor of this state are urged to attend. We are hear your views and Nki addition, assured the President also months. In Israel that, starting in opinions. For information please call 487-5935 and ask for Sylvia 351-8076 and ask for Sharon i « August, it will receive two Amy. Phantom jets each month for the indefinite future. MSU STUDENTS FOR HART v "In an equally significant " 1 rovp move, thP the ITS U.S. 1J last week Tuesday, July 34 i , of airlifted 130 sets of top - secret interested in becoming immediately electronic jamming gear which involved in the campaign are urged to has been used by American attend. Also all non - students and pilots with great effectiveness over North Vietnam." ir of Senator Hart's statewide Asked about the Newsweek ign staff will attend and we account, White House press Wllf Plan for faetory ing, fund secretary Ronald L. Zieglersaid: raising, fall registration and fall term r"""na " ran"trat" activities. We need lots of "We have made it clear that we people. Call Randy at 332-4908 or Jim at are not going to comment on 372-2654 after 6 p.m. for more this type of speculative report." information. Where can you get the HIGHEST RATE MULTIPLE RECORD SETS □ IB-6000 Puccini: La Bohime. De los Angeles, Bjoerling, □ IC-6044 - Six Chamber Masterpieces (Faur6, Debussy and Mendels¬ sohn). Cortot, Schnabel, Casadesus, Busch, others. (3 discs) □ 60063 - Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 3/Haydn: Sonata No. 52 in — Merrill, E Flat. Horowitz, London Symphony Orchestra; Coates. Amara. Dresden State Opera Chorus and □ IC-6045 - Six Legendary Pianists (Bach, Handel and Schubert). Orchestra; Beecham. (2 discs) Cortot, □ 60073 - The Art of Dennis Brain Vol. 2 (Mozart, Berkeley and □ IB-6008 - Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana. Gigli, Simionato, Fischer, Gieseking, Hess, Schnabel, Solomon. (3 discs) - Bechi, □ ID-6047 - Mozart: others). Brain, with other instrumentalists. La Scala Opera Chorus and Orchestra; Complete Piano Music Vol. 1. Gieseking. (4 discs) Mascagni. (2 discs) of return - □ ID-6048 Mozart: Complete Piano Music □ 60076 - The Art of Alexander Kipnis - Vol. 1 on any type □ □ IB-6009 - Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci. Gigli, Pacetti, La Scala Chorus and Orchestra; Ghione. (2 discs) IE-6012 - Wagner: Die Walkiire. Modi, Rysanek, Klose, Suthaus, Frick, □ □ IC-6049 IC-6051 (3 discs) - Mozart: - Schubert: Die - - Vol. 2. Gieseking. (4 discs) Complete Piano Music Vol. 3. Gieseking. (3 discs) Winterreise/Schwanengesang. Hotter, Moore. □ Wagner, Schubert, Brahms and Wolf). Berlin State Orchestra; Kipnis. 60077 - (Mozart, Rossini, Verdi, Opera Chorus and Debussy: La Mer/Nuages ft F^tes/Prelude to the Afternoon Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; Furtwangler. (5 discs) of a Faun. Philharmonia □ IC-6015 - Beethoven: Symphonies 1, 4 & 6/Mozart, Beethoven and □ ID-6057 - Massenet: Manon. De los Angeles, Dens, Orchestra; Cantelli. Legay, Paris Opira- □ 60082 Wagner Scenes (From "Waftiire" and "Siegfried"). Flagstad, Brahms Overtures. BBC Symphony Orchestra; Toscanini. (3 discs) Comique Orchestra; Monteux. (4 discs) - of bank savings? □ IC-6016 - Verdi: Aida. Gigli, Caniglia, Stignani, Bechi. Rome Chorus and Orchestra; De Fabritiis. (3 discs; Opera □ IB-6058 - Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci. De los Angeles, Merrill, Robert Shaw Chorale; Cellini. (2 discs) Bjoerling, Warren, □ Svanholm, Philharmonia Orchestra; Dobrowen, Bohm, Sebastian. 60086 Tauber Sings Opera Arias (From - "Bartered Bride," more). Richard "Rigoletto," "Rosenkavalier," □ IC-6018 - Beethoven: Symphonies 3, 5, ft 7. Vienna Philharmonic SINGLE DISCS Tauber, with orchestral accompani- Orchestra; Furtwangler. (3 discs) □ 60003 Wagner: Gotterdammerung - Selections. Flagstad, Vienna □ 60094 - Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel; Don Juan; Death and Transfigura¬ □ IB-6019 - Giordano: Andrea Chinier. Gigli, Caniglia, Bechi, La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra; Furtwangler. tion. Vienna Philharmonic Chorus and Orchestra; De Fabritiis. (2 discs) Orchestra; Furtwangler. □ 60009 - Schumann- Piano Concerto in A Minor/Etudes □ 60112 - The Art of Aksel Schiptz - Vol. 1 (Nielsen □ IC-6022 - Beethoven: Fidelio. Modi, Jurinac, Windgassen, Symphoniques. Songs). Schi0tz - Edelmann, Hess, Philharmonia Orchestra; Schwartz. tenor. Schock, Vienna State Opera Chorus, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; □ 60011 - Brahms: Two Sonatas for Viola & Piano No. 1 in F Minor, □ 60113 - Great Voices of the Century (Opera Arias). Melba, Muzio, Furtwangler. (3 discs) No. 2 in E Flat. Primrose, - □ IB-6024 - A Wagner Concert. From "The Flying Dutchman," "Tann- Firkusny. McCormack, Gigli, Chaliapin, Caruso, others. □ 60013 - Mozart: Exsulate, Jubilate/Bach: Jauchzet Gott in alien Lan- □ 60114 - Liszt: Sonata in B Minor. Funtrailles. Schumann: Toccata, hauser," "Lohengrin," more. Vienna and Berlin Philharmonic Orches¬ den. Schwarzkopf, Philharmonia Orchestra; Susskind, Gellhorn. Arabesque, more. Horowitz. tras; Furtwangler. (2 discs) □ 60017 - The Unashamed Accompanist. (Piano and narration) □ 60115 - The Art of Artur Schnabel (Mozart, AT AB & T OF COURSE! □ IB-6026 - Verdi: Un Ballo in Maschera. Gigli, Caniglia, Barbieri, Bechi, Moore. Gerald Weber). Schnabel. Schubert, Brahms and Rome Opera Chorus and Orchestra; Serafin. (2 discs) □ 60036 - Canti Sacri ("Ave Maria," "Agnus Dei," "Adeste Fidelis," □ 60116 - Haydn: Piano Concerto No. 26 □ IB-6027 - Puccini: Tosca. Caniglia, Gigli. Bargioli, Rome more). Gigli, with orchestral accompaniment. ("Coronation"); Harpsichord Opera Chorus Concerto in D. Laodowska, with orchestral and Orchestra; De Fabritiis. (2 discs) □ 60040 - The Art of Dennis Brain accompaniment. - Vol. 1. (Beethoven, Mozart, □ 60117 Beethoven: Sonata No. 3 in A. Schubert: Sonata in A Minor □ IE-6030 - Wagner: Die Meistersinger. Hopf, others). Brain, Moore. Dukas, - No other bank offers higher rates of Schwarzkopf, Malaniuk, ("Arpeggione") and more. Feuermann, Hess. Unger, Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra; □ 60044 - The Art of Gerald Moore (with Schwarzkopf, Hotter, Fischer interest on any type of savings Karajan. (5 discs) □ 60120 — The Art of Joseph Schmidt (Opera arias from "Martha," "Tur- □ IB-6032 - Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor. Callas, Di Dieskau, De los Angeles, othors). Moore. andot," "Rigoletto," others. Also popular Stefano, Flor¬ songs). Schmidt, with orches¬ account or certificate of deposit. ence Festival Chorus and Orchestra; Serafin. (2 discs) □ 60046 - Wagner: Wesendonck Leider/Brahms ft Grieg tral accompaniment. Songs. Flagstad, A.B.& T. is the place to save □ IC-6037 — Bellini: Norma. Callas, Filippeschi, Moore. □ 60124 no Stignani, Rossi-Lemeni, - The Art of Alexander Kipnis - Vol. 2 (Arias from "Faust,' ... question about itl La Scala Chorus and Orchestra; Serafin. (3 discs) □ 60051 - Vienna, City of My Dreams (opera, operetta, song). Richard "Don Carlo," more. Songs Tauber, with orchestral accompaniment. by Brahms and others). Kipnis and Moore □ IB-6038 - Puccini: La Bohfcme. Albanese, Gigli, La Scala with orchestial accompaniment. Chorus and Orchestra; Berrettoni. (2 discs) □ 60054 - The Art of Beniamino Gigli (Arias and ensembles from "Don □ 60125 - Monteverdi Madrigals. Nadia □ IC-6041 Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier (abridged). Giovanni," "Lucia," "Rigoletto," more). Gigli, other artists and orches¬ Boulanger Ensemble. - Lehmann, Schu¬ □ 60127 - Chopin: Fourteen Waltzes. Cortot. mann, Vienna Philharmonic Chorus and tral accompaniment. Orchestra; Heger. (3 discs) □ 60135 - Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D; Romance No. 1 in G. □ IC-6043 Six Concertos (Bach, Mozart, □ 60060 Opera Arias (From "Otello," "Tosca," "Butterfly," "Lohen¬ - Beethoven, and Brahms). grin," "Manon" and more). Lotte Lehmann, with orchestral Menuhin, Philharmonia Orchestra; Furtwangler. Kreisler, Thibaud, Casals, Schnabel, Serkin, others. (3 discs) accompani- □ 60140 - The Art of Aksel Schi0tz - Vol. 2 (Schubert; Die schone Miillerin). Schiptz, Moore. Plus over 25 more titles - While they last!