Saint: Tuesday MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE NEWS ... a dead tinner, revised and . . . warm and humid with edited. STATE occasional thundershowers. A — Am brow Bierce high in the upper 80's is UNIVERSITY expected. Dl. 63, Number 15 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 14, 1970 ighting a hoax Police continue search in Lansing kidnap case By JEFF SHELER heard the girl scream and saw the man involve "disposing" of two or three State News Staff Writer strike her down twice. possible leads. Police searched the area for hours with "I think it's a matter of eliminating these ,ansing Police Chief Derold Husby patrol cars and a helicopter and set up road we have today and getting on to more iorted Monday no progress had been blocks in the surrounding area. serious things," Husby said. ,de as the search for 16 - year - old "We don't think this is He said police had located a car similar to a very funny Murninghan and her abductor went game when we're dealing with the one thought to be the getaway vehicle a person's o its fifth day. life," Husby said of the false report. and were checking it for finger prints. He diss Murninghan, daughter of former He said the persons responsible had been added that he didn't think the car was rising mayor Max E. Murninghan, has identified and legal action against them was involved in the kidnaping. >n missing since Thursday afternoon likely. Husby said the Murninghan family was en she was kidnaped at gunpoint from a Meanwhile, "doing exceptionally well under the investigations continued using gift shop where she was employed Monday as police checked out tips and circumstances." the summer. other possible leads. Max >0lice are looking for a male, black, Murninghan, the girl's father, who Husby said Monday's activities would has kept a constant vigil since Thursday at .25 years old, six feet tall, weighing the Lansing police station, Sunday wrote )ut 160 pounds and wearing a mustache an open letter to his daughter's abductor. j goatee. "Perhaps you're not a father," ;he man reportedly abducted the pretty Murninghan said in the letter, "but if you ind after he stole $60 from the cash jster and struck the store owner, Mrs. are, you know how important a daughter is Search c to a family. ristine E. Gallagher, on the head with his Police set up roadblocks throughout the "Your capture is of no concern to me," Lansing area Sunday after a report that Laurie Murninghan, kidnaped in tol. he went on, "My daughter's safe release is a Thursday holdup, and her abductor had been spotted on M-78 near Colby Road. This barricade on Kalamazoo lusby called a noon news conference vital to my family's future. Only you have Street near MSU married housing was ended nday to explain the circumstances along with others in the area when the report proved false. (please turn to back page) State News photo by John Carney rounding two recent Incidents in the estigation. lusby denied that an identification of abductor had been made as was lorted by one of the news media wire vices. The report said Mrs. Gallagher had ntified the abductor from a mugshot in Lansing police files. lusby said the mugshot "merely imbled" the abductor, and said the man State Supreme Court rules the picture was located and was found had reasonable alibi, disruption a lusby added that the ill like he did in the man mugshot." "didnt look lusby said another incident involving a lorted sighting early Sunday of a couple eting the description of the missing pair :oved to be a hoax." "wo young men had By JEFF SHELER not The Supreme Court decision reversed a 'free speech' ordinance and warranted affirmance of the search and seizure procedures ruled reported seeing a decision by the State Court of Appeals circuit court. invalid. was on M-78 near Colby Road at 2:30 a.m. State News Staff Writer which overturned the students' conviction The opinion continued that the fact that iday, with a white girl in the back seat The court said the state's The State Supreme Court drew i line on the basis that they were the students carried signs and passed out provision to black man driving. They said they CHIEF HUSBY exercising their toughen search and seizure procedures Monday between freedom of speech and freedom of speech. antiwar literature "in no way diminishes where drugs, firearms and disruption in a decision against four former their guilt as above stated nor excuses it." explosives are The students had said their conviction involved conflicts with the 4th and 14th MSU students. The original sentence from the Lansing was a denial of their right to free speech. amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In a decision to reinstate a 1965 Township Court included $72.50 each in MD denies conducting trespassing conviction of the four war protestors, the court asserted that freedom of speech does not include the right to the "This is stated. a red-herring attempt to becloud issue," the Supreme Court opinion fines and added 30 Halprin costs, and the Circuit Court days in jail for Harrison and and 10 days for Janvrin and The involving for drunken decision a Detroit resulted from a case man who was arrested driving and was later found to "Had the defendents possessed and Dukarm. have a gun in the prevent others from exercising free speech. glove compartment of his The four — Howard E. Harrison, Fred W. exhibited none of the above items (antiwar All four served car. iger only three days in 1965 cage investigation Janvrin, Albert P. Halprin and James J. Dukarm — were convicted in Township and later Ingham County Circuit Court for trespassing in the MSU Union Lansing posters, etc.) and engaged only in blocking and obstructing access to the two booths that would have sufficed to constitute violations of the cited statute ... before posting bond to await the outcome of their appeal. In another Supreme Court decision, a The gun was later against the man, but the Supreme Court used decision Monday ruled the evidence invalid as evidence official of the and state constitutional provision to strengthen and called for Agency for asked," Piatt said. "We are only there in an where they were accused of disrupting a a new trial. :ernational Development (AID) headed advisory capacity." former MSU President John Hannah, recruitment program, "Careers Carnival," Piatt also said that no investigation nied Monday that it is conducting any would be made entirely by AID but that an by blocking access to a Marine Corps booth. three cities hit 'estigation of South Vietnam prisons. inquiry would only be made by the South The defendents — members of a student Robert H. Nooter, a development Vietnamese with the assistance of AID. antiwar group called the Committee for ftcial, had earlier told a House foreign Meanwhile congressional demands Racial disorders flare Students Rights — gathered in front of the erations subcommittee that AID was increased for a U.S. investigation on the Marine booth and began passing out estigating the reported mistreatment of mistreatment in prison camps. antiwar literature and litical prisoners Con Son island. asking for on "Well, I strongly urge we become deeply contributions for medical aid to the Viet William A. Piatt, public affairs chief of and promptly involved in that Cong. in Highland Park Sunday night and early police resumed regular patrols after two iD|S Vietnam Bureau, said, however, that investigation," Chairman John E. Moss, Placement Bureau director John D. investigation of the "tiger cages" on a D-Calif., told the House subcommittee. Monday for curfew violations, bringing the nights of racial disorders. The guardsmen >uth Vietnam Shingleton read a statement to the Highland Park. Michigan City, Ind., and total number of arrests to 95. The dusk to were stationed at a naval armory in a city prison island was being "To rely upon a government which has New Bedford, Mass., remained under - nducted by the South Vietnamese. condoned these practices — and carried protestors advising them to leave or face - dawn curfew was instituted Saturday park and were subject to call by Mayor trespassing charges. curfew Monday night after racial "We will assist them them on — is leaning on a very weak reed." after the fatal shooting of a 24 - year - old Conrad Kominiarek. The Guard was called (the South The students didn't leave and several disturbances in those cities last weekend. in black man, Jerome Lawlah, following an Sunday night after bands of blacks etnamese) in any way we can If we are (please turn to back page) were arrested by campus police. Between 20 and 25 persons were arrested argument with a barmaid over the change roamed the streets hurling bricks and rocks for a one - dollar bill. at cars. Police repotted sporadic fire from Grady Cash, a white bartender at the snipers but no one was hit. Kozy Korner Bar, was arraigned on a Police Chief Leon . Shiparski said the second - degree murder charge. Cash is also trouble began Friday after three blacks part owner of the bar. were arrested in a tavern for disorderly Arsonists set fire to the bar after the conduct. Saturday shooting. Some 150 local, county Disorders broke out in New Bedford last and state policemen used tear gas Sunday Wednesday when police arrested a black on night to disperse and crowd. A small a driving charge and a scuffle ensued. A grocery store was burned the same evening. black youth was killed and three others Mayor Robert Blackwell returned to wounded Saturday night by shotgun blasts the city from Toronto Sunday night to from a passing car. Police charged three meet with police. white youths with murder. "People asked me if the man who did the Sen. Edward W. Brooke, D.-Mass., flew shooting was out of jail, and I had to tell to New Bedford from Washington and them he was," Blackwell said. "Then they attended a series of meetings with police, just blew up." city officials and leaders of the black Cash, 61, was released on personal bond. community. About 10Q.National Guardesmen stood The curfew, originally imposed for 72 by in Michigan City Monday, but city hours, was made indefinite. Missing: Dia 22 Dialog '70, where are you? students, He has not yet notified his c Twenty - two students left East Lansing Information Services that the group has for Los Angeles, Calif., June 22 to study arrived. and talk about the problems of large American cities. They called their trip Although there were no reported stops in Las Vegas, Acapulco or San Francisco, it is Dialog '70. doubtful the students would be dazzled by They were due to arrive June 27 but Disneyland or the purple mountains seem to have vanished into the great majesty. continental abyss. Ypsi » The students were traveling with Clyde The trip was sponsored by several A Morris, asst. professor of communications, fireman applies foam to Lansing business organizations and engine of a DC-7 plane after its landing gear- collapsed and an engine burned on landing at Willow Run Airport near extensively damaged. It was carrying no cargo at theHime of the who had contacted organizations on the Michigan cities, but Morris said he had not accident. West Coast. Last year Morris headed the received all the funds promised befor® he YPsilanti Monday. No one was Dialog *69 study group. reported injured, but the plane was AP Wirephoto left, according to Information Services. MICHIGAN STATE NEW' UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD 100,000 Orangemen march; editor-in-chief tight security maintains peacel FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY LEE, city editor BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — practice, did not march with his local lodge parades away from predominantly Catholic nominally a government JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor More than 100,000 men of the Protestant but instead watched the giant security where the Orangemen's banners - turned his speech into an supporter l.I JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor areas att. l ■ Orange Order paraded with fife bands operation from British army headquarters with their pictures of victorious King Chichester - Clark. ack at Lisbum, seven miles from the capital. William crossing the Boyne on his white Of the concessions made squealing and banners waving Monday in a sinr* .. ■ Catholic - based Civil Rights ime recipient of the Pacemaker award massive demonstration of their Almost 12,000 armed troops were on the charger - are considered a provocation. campaign against alleged Assn bMl| >utstanding journalism. determination to remain British. A streets, the largest number since the British took control of internal security Troops manned 100 machine - gun nests along the "peace line" dividing the capital's Northern Ireland, discriminZS security force of 20,000 troops and army McCullough said- have had to endure the police kept watch on major towns of the during last August's bloody riots. main Protestant and Catholic areas. Others humiliation 7*1 troubled As the bands drummed out old manned of road blocks, searching gutless government, province. Protestant battle songs, the men marched scores acting in our conceding demand after demand nil'l EDITORIALS had By late afternoon only three youngsters been arrested Roman in the Orange Order "uniform" of dark every vehicle entering the A litter of bottles alorig city. the route showed pressure from street urchins and ul™ — charged with disorderly behavior in flying Catholics suit, white gloves, bowler hat and blue or that many of the Orangemen had stocked "Lawlessness has been made hoolinli the flag of the Irish Republic to the south. orange sash. The streets were ablaze with up in advance of the government's ban on and sedition glorified. respecSSI We House9s A total ban on liquor sales and a cut in the Union Jack. In some ultraroyalist areas liquor. In outlying districts, the marchers demonstrate that we are sick of rr,,, 'teller the number of rally speeches even the curb stones were painted red, made arrangements with Catholic bars appeasement, and nauseated keep tempers down on this 280th helped to white and blue. across the border to ferry in supplies. concessions and that the by TS government m anniversary of the Protestant victory over Rerouting worked out by The keynote speech at the Belfast rally Catholics at the Battle of the Boyne. government's security committee kept the the came from Sen. Charles express the will of the people Wh0 there." T McCullough. He is hides Reps. The speeches that were given underlined the powerful Orange Order's growing dissatisfaction with the moderate policies Finally, after a quarter of therefore, he can tell his of Prime Minister James Chichester - Clark century, the United States House of constituency whatever he wants and particularly his insistence that reforms Representatives is demanded by the Catholic minority must seriously about his House behavior. This is, in go through. considering updating its internal fact, the reason that the institution Resolutions at the Orangemen's rallies procedures. At the top of the list of of secret balloting has survived as long pointedly omitted the usual declaration of suggested changes is a as it has. support for the province's Protestant - recommendation that would based Unionist government. Clearly it is time for a change. In a effectively abolish the practice of Chichester • Clark, breaking his usual government supposedly "of the settling major issues by secret vote. people, by the people and for the Secret or nonpublic voting has people" it seems odd indeed that the been conducted by the House since 1837. Called the "teller system," the representatives of the people feel a Reform necessity to hide from their present method involves something constituents. It is an open question on the order of a "yea" checklist. The representatives walk - "nay" as to what the public reaction would be if a majority of the citizens of this seeks to down the middle aisle of the nation realized that their government chamber and their preferences are counted - but not recorded. Since was conducted by secret vote. The reaction would be overwhelmingly teller sys there is no roll call vote held on unfavorable. tu «srsr amendments defeated in this The revision WASHINGTON (AP) - The House took of House voting dead aim Monday at its time • revered and manner, the teller system has often procedure is long overdue and we served device politically comfortable practice of settling as a whereby the House would welcome its implementation. many major issues by secret vote. leadership could squelch proposals When the members of the House Death of the present "teller system" of that they did not favor. voting borrowed from the British House begin final consideration of the — The singular value of the teller of Commons and adopted in 1837 — will, proposed changes, it would be well if if nothing goes wrong, be included in a system is that it is politically they kept in mind the old concept congressional reorganization bill now expedient for the congressman. that an honest man has nothing to before the House. There is no written proof of how he hide. Debate began Monday and voting is voted on a crucial issue and, scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday on the first reorganization bill considered by the House since 1946. Leaders of both political parties have Dubcek pays endorsed an amendment to require that members be recorded by name on teller Orangemen march votes if at least 20 of those present demand Protestant Orangemen parade in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Monday marking a The fact of an unsuccessful or Dubcek's tormentors literally have it. The result would be public information. the Battle of victory over Roman Catholics in drawn the process out over years: There is no open opposition to the Boyne in 1690. British troops partitioned Belfast and remained on alert elsewhere to unpopular leader is never one of battles between the Protestant prevent new glory. With an icy disregard the first removing him from one post, change, which would become effective majority and Catholics during the observance. next January /^p wirephoto if the bill wins Senate American pi shuffled Lyndon then another, then another and - approval. But there has been plenty of Johnson off to oblivion as soon as probably leading up to the inevitable private grumbling about the proposal to Discussions, recital, films his term of office was complete. treason trial that comes to take away the system which gives members And it was with a terrible, almost unsuccessful premiers in many parts anonymity on most major votes while laws are being written. brutal swiftness that - according to of the world. The teller system of voting is used when aistom - Harold Wilson was moved Dubcek is currently under the House gets into the amendment out of 10 Downing Street after stage treatment in Prague's Sanops Clinic of legislation. Members walk up the middle festival schedule Labour's defeat at the polls. All of for nervous depression - a aisle of the chamber and are counted -but polite these seeming insensitivities of Western politics appear as nothing, "however, when compared with the way of saying that under the strain. traditional in the he is cracking It has been not recorded — by two colleagues. There is no official record to rely on if a member challenges a published account of on arts Soviet Union to how he voted. methods of political dispatch used in MSU's 11th annual Fine Arts Festival print - making discussion and workshop place political prisoners in The bill would not change the ♦ 128 Natural Science Bldg., films the Communist nations. seniority schedule Tuesday will begin at 9 a.m. in chaired by Aris KoutrouliB from the fros sanatoriums, but in this case it system of advancement in the legislative the Kresge Art Tent with a film Wayne Asia — Korea, Pakistan and Soult - making State University Art Dept. The tragic figure of Alexander appears quite possible that Dubcek's establishment nor would it require discussion headed by Ronald Binks of the Vietnam. The Worldwide Film Festival will Dubcek committeesto make public their votes on present ♦ 326 Natural Science Bldg., films provides a horrifying illness may be real. Rhode Island School of Design. A a feature - length film at 4 p.m. in Fairchild froa legislation or to open committee sessions workshop session will follow. the Americas — Chile, Argentina, Caiui example. The pro - Moscow The slow destruction of Alexander to the Theatre, with shorter films beginning at public. At 1 p.m. in the art 7:30 p.m. in 10 auditoriums on and Guyana. hardliners that seized the Czech Dubcek illustrates in microcosm the tent, there will be a campus. ♦ 114 At 8:15 p.m. in Bessey Hall, films from theislani government following the Russian fate of Czechoslovakia's brief Fairchild, pianist John countries — Australia, Iceland and N'« invasion have not been content with Perry from the Oberlin (Ohio) Zealand. springtime of freedom. As the winter simply taking power from Dubcek. They feel obligated instead to purge of reaction settles ever heavier the land, the scene is tragic indeed. It over Hoover: Weathermen Conservatory of concert will and Chopin. Music will perform. The include works by Beethoven ♦ 104 B Wells Hall, films from Africa countries — Uganda. ♦ 106 B Wells Hall, films from Afrku themselves by grinding away the is a sign of the distance mankind has Perry is the featured artist of MSU's 15th countries -South Africa and Zambia. annual Piano Teachers And the destruction has not Conference that to blame for violence man. yet to go, that today there are been in the form of a clean coup de begins today and runs through Thursday. governments aplenty so insecure He will instruct approximately 75 piano grace they must torture the opposition to death. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Weatherman of the teachers from Michigan and states and surrounding outstanding piano students from the Lansing and Detroit areas. Open faction of Students for a Democratic group's leaders are under Society (SDS) now stands " as a principal indictment on federal charges of state lines to incite a riot. crossing Perry's demonstrations will include the music of Haydn, Schubert and mushrooms Goodbye force guiding the country's violence Beethoven. - prone "The The workshop is sponsored young militants," FBI director J. following month," Hoover said, by the Dent, of Edgar Music. "they For centuries it was unquestionable fact of history that taken as an Egyptians could have navigated the Hoover asserted Monday. Hoover said the Weatherman, a splinter were the Vietnam war and bottles at the in Washington, D.C. by protesting hurling rocks, sticks The locations 10 are: worldwide films and their into rea Atlantic and brought civilization to group of the SDS, were during the last year Department of Justice ♦ 105 South Kedzie Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. "in the forefront of much of the Building and leading screaming hordes Hall, films from violent through Washington's business section, Scandinavian countries HILLSDALE, Mo. (AP) - Police Clw the Americas. Then, a scant few We will probably never know for activity deliberately calculated to provoke -Sweden, Norway, violent confrontations." causing severe damage to buildings and and Denmark. Sterling Thurman of the St. Louis years ago the historians' outward sure whether the ♦ 107 South Kedzie of Hillsdale tear gassed himself and prehistoric Presenting the FBI's report on activities automobiles." Hall, films from veneer of calm began to waiver as inhabitants of the Nile did, in fact, in the fiscal year ended June In the seven months since Europe — Belgium, Germany, The 35 other persons last weekend as 30, Hoover then, Hoover Netherlands and Spain. contrt Viking relics started turning up on sail from Africa to America. We do directed some of his sharpest criticism at said, Weatherman have dedicated ♦ 109 South trying to demonstrate the North American continent. Now the Black Panther themselves to urban guerrilla warfare, while Kedzie Hall, films from methods. know one thing: it takes a party, which he said "continued to be the most Europe - England, France and Portugal. thanks to a courageous Norwegian, it courageous and far - sighted man but dangerous and their leaders have gone underground to ♦ 101 North Kedzie Sterling tried to get off four older tYP violence - prone of all extremist groups," escape prosecution. Hall, films from the CN tear gas pellets in a garage but they appears possible that the Columbian a little time to explode the bubble of He decried financial Of 12 Weatherman leaders indicted Middle East - Iran, Kuwait, Greece and thesis may be forever undone. time - entrenched smug theories that white support by some liberals of the militant black federal grant jury in by a Cyprus. not detonate. He then set off a canisW^ Chicago, April 2, only ♦ 116 Natural Science the i powerful CS < is and A This past Sunday Thor Heyerdahl other men have invented. organization "despite its record of one, 22 ■ year - old Miss Linda Sue Bldg., films from Heyerdahl hate, Evans, Asia - Nationalist fumes quickly enveloped those attend*! and his multi - national crew sailed has illustrated yet again that what violence and subversion." has been arrested, the FBI said. China, Ceylan and Singapore. the open house. No one was injured. their papyrus craft, the Ra II, into Hoover said the Panthers and was taken as fact the yesterday will be Weathermen could be blamed for much Carlisle Bay, Barbados, after a of questioned today - and, possibly, turmoil on the nation's campuses and in its successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, Heyerdahl proved his discarded tomorrow. major cities during the past year. WE HAVE ATTENTION CAR OWNED! We all would do well to remember The FBI director cited as an example of contention that Weatherman violence the the ancient this. in Chicago last October 8 group's rampage -11, for which 12 MOVED * Complete front end repair and to ALCO BLDG. alignment * Brakes FREE PARKING * * Suspension Wheel balancing * Steering Bator Opticians Abbott -M-78 ED 2-5222 LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 241 Saginaw (M-78) 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 14, 1970 3 nsiT news Where can you get the summary UAW hosts GM execs ONAWAY (AP) Auto Workers Union - The United played host woods came two days before the beginning of what observers have Woodcock — was Earl Bramblett, GM vice president in Lake, because the union would like the auto companies to HIGHEST RATE Monday to General Motors' top labor negotiators at the predicted will be some of the charge of the personnel staff, include in their new contracts a union's toughest contract bargaining in educational center which the auto Company negotiators provision under which they UAW reportedly wants the industry history. reportedly invited to visit would contribute one of return were - quarter auto Included industry to help support. The visit to the multi million among executives who accepted the the GM the educational center of Black of a cent an hour towards on any type "They (congressional - invitation — extended last week maintenance of the center. administration critics) have been dollar center in The UAW has spent about $14 Michigan's north by UAW president Leonard million on the complex and harmful because it is a great plans to invest at least $6 million comfort to the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong to find that there MSU A GM spokesman said the of bank savings? are people in high elective who question the efficacy of the offices ag company executives felt that it was a good idea to take a look at the center "because GM I American presence in Southeast Asia." - Vice President Agnew receives employes will be using it." Ford and Chrysler negotiators also were invited to visit the (See item below) Joseph J. Marks, MSU educational center, but no date extension and University of Wisconsin and has yet been set. research editor, is masters the winner degree from MSU. Contract bargaining between of the 1970 He joined MSU as asst. GM and the UAW is scheduled Agricultural Communications experiment station editor in AT AB & T OF COURSE! Award and cited to begin Wednesday. The present was for International News "outstanding growth and 1962 and was appointed to his three - year agreement expires present position in 1968. As achievement" during ceremonies Sept. 14. project leader, he directs I Israel proposed Monday talks with Egypt of "the most Monday at the 54th meeting of the agricultural and natural The average hourly auto workers now is wage of American Assn. of $4.02, and No other bank offers higher rates of Inofficial nature" to prepare the way for peace Agricultural resources information programs. UAW negotiators have said College Editors Before joining MSU, Marks they interest on any type of savings ■egotiations. (AAACE) at Ithaca, N.Y. was asst. farm director for radio will demand a substantial account or certificate of 1 Foreign Minister Abba Eban told the Knesset, Israel's Marks was presented $500 and increase at deposit. the station WKOW and WKOW-TV, forthcoming A.B.St T. is the place to save no scroll by Louis H. Wilson, vice bargaining sessions. They have ... Parliament, that Israeli and Egyptian delegates could a Madison, Wis., and served on the question about it! not lieet at an agreed place to "prepare the ground for a president for communications of the Fertilizer editorial staff of Gehl Brothers have specified the wage goal, but said 8 Institute, per cent — as |al negotiation, which is the only exit from the present Manufacturing Co., West Bend, JOSEPH MARKS recently granted to union staff Washington, D.C. The national lonflict." fertilizer industry association Wis. He is a member of Phi members would not be i — Kappa Phi, national scholastic I Eban appeared to soften Israel's stand by omitting the and AAACE are joint enough. An 8 per cent hike in American I sponsors honorary. of the award. the first year would "direct negotiations," which Israel has insisted bring the The 16th annual award was wage to $4.58 an hour, including BANK AND TRUST ■ ■pon in its official statements since 1967. won In a 26 - cent hike the union claims competition with other The State AAACE members. News, the student newspaper at Michigan State under a cost of University, is published living formula. ■ South Korean Prime Minister Chung Il-kwon said Marks, 32, also holds the every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in londay he and all 19 members of his cabinet will resign AAACE Pioneer Award and a Subscription rate is $14 per year September. 1 the United States carries out a planned reduction of citation for "outstanding service to JO.OOO troops in that nation. |He declared in an interview that the next two or three 1970 Michigan" awarded during observances. Michigan He holds Week an Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Associated International, Collegiate Press, T0NI stem fcars will be a critical period, with North Korea probing Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press undergraduate degree from the |r ways to attack. J"All 30 million Koreans are against this reduction," he Association, United Stales Student Press Association Second class postage paid at East l.ansing, Michigan. SUN-IN SPRAY WjvWm ■id, because it should be preceded by a period of ■odernizing the army. Wharton Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. [U.S. • trained mercenaries launched mortar and to speak Phones: Editorial 355-8252 tund attacks Monday against a strong Communist Classified Advertising •ce in a mountain resort of Kiri Rom, 50 miles west of Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, in Saginaw Display Advertising Business-Circulation 355-8255 353-6400 355-3447 rhe mercenary force is made up of Cambodians who President Wharton will be the Photographic 355-8311 1 South Vietnam. They were trained and featured speaker Wednesday at paid by Green Berets in Vietnam. Recently they were the 22nd Annual Farm Hair Lightener Anti-Perspirant One Size i into Cambodia to ier Lon Nol. fight for the government of Management Tour in Saginaw. the Wharton will speak at noon at grandstand at the Saginaw Tonight! 4.7 ox. bottle $1.49 Value 3 oz. can $1.09 Value each Stretch Now at Muir's County additional Fair Grounds. information No Popular De West German Chancellor Willy Brandt received Pope ill's blessing Monday for efforts to iween East and West improve relations Europe. The Social Democrat concerning The cast his available at press deadline. of speech "Chesaning was "GIRLS' NIGHT" LISTERINE ancellor had a 55-minute talk with the Showboat" will provide Pope during a entertainment Wednesday. te visit to the Vatican and said ntiff "wished me luck." afterward that the The Farm Management Tour is MOUTHWASH a noon ■ to • noon event Tuesday and Includes Wednesday. The tour 7 oz. Btl. 2 FOP crop and livestock farms in the Saginaw area and is open to the public. 79c Value National News A series of government is week could signal the economic reports to be issued 2 candidates Naturally Pennine ival the Nixon administration is beginning of the business predicting. But it is HYGIENE ¥oss from certain. The most important is the quarterly report of the National Product. The GNP has declined for two on to air views issues DEODORANT $1 Ai "aight quarters and administration 3 oz. $1.50 Value •ping the figures for April, May and June will show increases when they come out policymakers are Folly Jondahl, Gibson and Republican Lynn i A Justice Dept. official said Friday. Democratic candidates, respectively, for the State Senate and STRIDEX PADS epared to use Monday the department is from the 24th District, will BROOKF1ELD MEDICATED PAHS every resource to see that school discuss campaign issues at 11:30 segregation plans, whether voluntary or court-ordered a.m. today in Erickson Kiva. The event is Sale Thru Sun. $1.49 Value lived up to in sponsored by the every respect. Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris onard, head of the Professional Educators for at Use Your d that department's civil rights division, practices such as racially segregated classes or Peace, a campus organization formed after U.S. troops invaded Charge Card Jar of 75 legated seating within schools are Cambodia. clearly unlawful. jury that includes three blacks begins hearing Norman Kagan, professor of education, is chairman of the group. c Shave Cream 790 RISE PURSETTES t Tampons Pkg ol 40 > imony today in the trial of one of , eight Black nthers charged in the slaying of a fellow party 6% oz. Can 2 FOR * ember he trial of >m tlle 14 months ago in Connecticut, Lonnie McLucas is being held separately rest of the defendants, who include Black Drop off dry cleaning, Now Only $1.79 Value i 45* nther National Chairman Bobby G. Seale. 45{ pound ice esident President Spiro Agnew says there is little hope per FACIAL TISSUES ^ Boxes $| Nixon's new ambassador to the Paris ' s etnam.' will be successful >ng short of "the flat as long as Hanoi demands abandonment of South peace 1 skirt 45< M0DESS Box of 12 Regular 47c each 3 1 sweater 45$ J"he•nistrative vice president critics are also said that congressional hampering the move toward tel,'ng the Communists that there are 1 H0X2SHAW RI6HT vern pair slacks 45{ 'Th meu* °^c*a's who disagree with the President. U2. ave been harmful because it is a great at th t,le Nortfl Vietnamese and Viet Cong to find We love active people active people love us! atim I guarp esti u are peoP,e 'n high elective offices who 1I ia x0*1 efficacy of American presence in Southeast ,a« Agnew said. 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience 1 - 213 Ann Street \nSouth American {'r"" antiwar group just returned from a visit 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road 3 - Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza ]j.jc | Vletnam said Monday it had found "extreme :rywhereP,r,eSS*0n" P°,ice ancl P°l'ce agents . • • rson^k'd ^unter sa»d the group "did not find a single neric-' °SUpported Thieu-Ky regime" or who felt 10 oz. jar Deodorant sarranB^d"1'' 13^ presence was necessary, in either $1.45 Value 7 oz. spray [ht-day t °r spontaneous interviews during the While They Last Regular $1.59 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -Tuesday, jul>|J U' urged to a By ROBERT BURNS to affect the textile and garment Hamby discussed the problems federal legislation concerning the said, has become more industries according to D. S. of The communication between flammability of curtain fabrics, concerned about such things as new awareness of Hamby, head of the Dept. of manufacturer and consumer and he said- 85 per cent of the honesty in labeling and quality industry's responsibility to its Textile Technology7 at North of consumer education as ultimate consumer is beginning Carolina State University. part of curtains tested by a government control, but there remain the MSU Consumer Seminar board failed to meet the board's hundreds of small companies Series, sponsored by the Dept. requirements. that need the technical services of Human Environment and The clothing industry, Hamby universities offer. Cambodia talk can Design within the College of Human Ecology. "The academic community," Hamby said, "is in a unique African students slated in Wells position to transcend the various stages of the industry and examine the problems of the Frank Joyce, past national director of the Racism (PAR) organization, will Cambodian Invasion" at 3 p.m. People Against speak on the "Failure of the entire cycle from fiber production to retail distribution systems." hold con ference Wednesday in 108B Wells Hall. He offered several reasons for Free Joyce's appearance will be sponsored by the Council of Graduate transportation will be coordinator, at the African Students (COGS) and ASMSU. university participation in this made available for all African Studies Center before Friday, Joyce recently returned from Indochina. North Vietnam He was traveling in aspect of consumer the university's protection: research labs students who would like to attend the Pan Students are asked to carry African enough funds for room and Seminar and Laos when U.S. troops were sent into - could evaluate products and Students Organization in the board, Panelists at the Consumer Seminar held Monday in Wells Hall listen Cambodia. According to COGS, the talk will cover or to contact the as D. S. in Indochina and include a different developments publish the results; extension Americas (PASOA) national coordinator to reserve Dept. of Textile Technology at North Carolina State University outlines the Hamby of th perspective on the services could be broadened to role of th Cambodian mission than those presented conference, PASOA accommodations if they desire. university in consumer education programs. news media. by the government and > include all consumers and could representatives announced state News photo by Fred F ' collect and disseminate Monday. The conference will be Joyce has also worked as a national coordinator of the New information relevant to ultimate at Howard Mobilization University in Committee committee for Resist. and is a member of the steering consumers; the university would Washington, D.C., July 24 - 26. IN CAMBODIA have no vested interest in the The conference will focus products it evaluates, and could attention on the role of the work closely with what Hamby peasants in the Censors African , vz YAT WAH called organizations." These "standardization are nongovernmental groups which conduct tests of revolution African and students stamina, support and vanguard the in role of giving act as PR men JnJ* Restaurant various kinds on fibers and leadership to revolution, according to PASOA the African PHNOM PENH, Cambodia on security grounds, no matter that government troops, say." He disallowed fabrics and how damaging they may be to on on finished garments, members. Several papers will be (AP) - Cambodian censorship infuriated by their heavy paragraph, together witl any order of two complete I he said. shows little interest in military the picture of the war Saigon this coupon Hamby added that if presented by the students, casualties, had hanged one dead reporting that dinners, the lower priced dinner and Washington wish to present, gover after 4_ p.m more private testing If any African student security and increasingly is being enemy soldier in the central troops boasted openl' will be 1 //> nrr I Monday-Thursday organizations are not moufcuttu, wijwiiibBwwiw instituted, campus would vaiiipuo "UUIU HRC like IU to UiCOt?Ill present « used to put the best face on Here the chief military market area. A smiling censor shooting and stabbing wo l/L UiI , Re9-U,ar| July 14, is. , federal and state government paper, he should contact Maina 8°vernment ml,'tary defeats. spokesman, Maj. Am Rong, said, "That is not a nice thing to prisoners, will intervene. In one instance of Censors say their orders are to routinely reports the dispatch of Kinyatti, PASOA conference prevent unpleasant news from reinforcements often even YAT WAH RESTAURANT undermining the government's drive for political and military before battle they have reached the zone. Meeting scheduled help from other nations. Regulations here are the reverse of those applied by the United States and South almost Censors who monitor international traffic at Phnom Penh's main post, telephone and telegraph headquarters all serve Emigration II on day care centers I 0 Vietnamese commands in almost as press agents protecting • I Vietnam. There censorship is the government's Image abroad. « nrmnC |f|LrCU JV?U \ / A"* I rJ I designed to prevent premature Reporters returning recently UV Q|Q| An i \ organizational meeting will be held tonight for those word of troop movements and from the battle around Kiri interested in setting up more day care centers in the area. military operations, needlessly _r f ^ Rom, a mountain resort 50 miles WASHINGTON (AP) in mother five yj The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in room 30 of the Union. The endangering lives. Military and from Phnom Penh, attempted to MakTve "federal programs for outmlgration should be checta political reporting and analyses report that the 300 - man public is invited to attend. are not interfered with economically * depressed The commission said l except government garrison fled for its Appalachia are aggravating an expenditures to equip the an life after running out of ammunition during an attack by old problem - emigration of its youth with more job skills hi MSU SUMMER CIRCLE '70 1,000 enemy troops. youth But officials say this was s^PPed up emigration. In blocking one reporter's expected and on a short - term "We were led the ine^ basis is even beneficial, from FREE THEATRE story, a censor said such would be "bad for morale and a report The agency responsible for in vocational education i TODAY Wednesday thru Saturday Evenings international administering the over-all aid heR,th have ,n Part helPed ™ 7:00 P.M. opinion." program, the Appalachian y°un« P«0Ple dec'de A reporter filing a story on the 8:30 P.M. Kresge Court fighting at Saang, 20 miles from Regional Commission, is not outmigrate than might othei THE FIFTH Between Kresge Art Canter and Phnom Penh, included the fact surprised Its efforts have h,ve done comml HORSEimill Fairchild Theater contributed to the exodus. But cochalrman John B. Waters til In a report. ISFjEPR This Week: Oliver Goldsmith's NOW SHOWING AT TWO THEATRES?" "In the short tendency to make It possible hi SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER 7:00 and 10:00 P.M. more young people to movent Job opportunities elsewhere si — Plus — the nation was healthy. M "An overground sex-protest film!" reducing the size of the libi| THE HRWflllANS force, we have been able to bit down the unemployment ritilil Greetings Appalachia." But Waters said young people from Appall1' emigrationo(| must be slowed in the next In [ M£onl^ FRIDAY: years. "CLOSELY WATCHED TRAINS" and "CUL-DE-SAC" Marx Brothers featured tonight! in benefit show THE W'RISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY CHARLTON HESTON „TU, Biy#„ A benefit will be held tonl|) »WAITER MIRISCH PRODUCTION THE HAWAIIANS _ In 109A Anthony Hall for tin PANAVISION COLOR by Deluxe' United Artists [GP] Man and Nature Booksto»«| PROGRAM help recover money lost loll robbery the weekend of Jii 26. The bill Includes the Mi Brothers In "Duck Suop" I 7:30 and 10 p.m. and Backstmll LADIES' DAY WED. Co-Hit Starlite In concert plus the I See 75c to 6 P.M. Only "IF IT'S TUESDAY Light show at 9. at CAMPUS THIS MUST BE BELGIUM" CAMPUS - LAST DAY STARLITE LAST BAV - "THE OUT-OF-TOWNERS" 'Beneath The Planet of Apes' 1:15-3:20-5:20-7:25-9:30 "THE^HAIRMAN"^10?3ri n m -(GODFREY RAYMOND CALVIN CAMBRI06E-ST JACQUES-LOCKHART jffiSSSJ TOMORROW AT 7:30 & 9:15 SPARfANTWIN THEATRE m*NDOW SHOPWNO CINTtW >100 tAST SAOtNAW Know iraNMAmces/i DIRECT PROM ITE SENSATIONAL RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENT Thinking about repainting, air condi¬ And when it comes to tioning, adding a family room, putting financing your project, you can't beat the helpful ad¬ up a fence, building a garage, or fin¬ vice and low-cost home ishing the basement? improvement loan rate at your credit union. It pays big dividends in better THE NUMBER ONE NOVEL OF TH living Phone today for an appointment YEAR...N0W A MOTION PlCnWL and resale value to maintain and im¬ «ROSS HUNTER with a loan counselor and start prove the old homestead. turning those dreams into reality. AIRPORT IURT " KJJ MSU 1019 EMPLOYEESI CREDIT Trowbridge Rd.* Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday* Phone !LsJ 353-2280 $ii«EHAUL SCOTT/ MALIH2N iirPATTON**0' LANCASTER • MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TONIGHT AT 8:30 P.M. MATINEES SAT. & SUN. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 14, 1970 5 Automotive Automotive Scooters & Cycles Employment For Rent For Rent tuiCK 19® Skylark coup*. Will PONTIAC CATALINA, 1969 For Sale For Sale TUS«c to «H. 332-3870. hardtop, low 4 door mileage, loaded TRIUMPH 1967. Perfect $800. 351-8239. 2-7-16 condition, NEEDED: phtogenic females, good WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments J 669-6079^6-Jj6 Mult Ann (ell. Arbor, Exceptional bargain 764-7374 pay, minimal requirements. Call 351-2168 before 5 p.m. 3-7-16 FOUR BEDROOM home in rural Okemos available September 1, MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, near EXERCYCLE: Used very original cost $400. Will sell $250. little, STAR 1968. 12x50. two excellent condition. bedrooms, Sycamore fcADILl-AC 1963: 41 SCAT carpeted, air conditioned. No lease T d0p*nc^*t>l0' pOwar, cban. 662-6464. 3-7-14 or KITTY. Mini-bike. ~2H family only. Also two room required, $165 per month. Phone 337 0020 after 6 p.m. 3-7-14 Park. Mason 676-5994. $3500 horsepower, $95. 676-5383. furnished apartment now for I 361-2771, aftar9 p.m. 2-7-16 RAMBLER 3-7-16 couple. Phone 351-0426. 5-7-16 489-1719. TF ALTO SAX Evette and 1966: tedan, radio Schaeffer, standard, good condi ONE Paris, France. Used two KHEVELLE, 1969 SS. 160 mllw on offer, 363-6900. 3-7-16 HONDA F 90, 19l_ AIRPORT NEAR. Single adults, BEDROOM furnished with excellent playing condition, $150. years, Personal TALENTED, POISED, creative, balcony, security locks, laundry. L88 engine. ExtrM. 641-6391. condition, two helmets. Moving, modern furnished. $15 per week. Graduate 337-9490. 5-7-16 THE YEARBOOK is experienced, sharp, cheerleaders or married students. call 393-4453. 2-7-15 489 7253. 10-7-24 waiting for you ROADRUNNER 383. Excelled needed for area Pro Football 351-4698, 332-2920. 5-7-15 to pick up your copy of the 1970 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. condition, power team. 351-2627. WOLVERINE. Bring receipt or Chevrolet 1962. Excaiiant automatic. After 5:30 steering pm BSA 1969 650cc Firebird - 2,000 art,7a7~mi7«. 3-7/16 SPARROW, apartment. NEAR - Furnished MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 Brand new portables - $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large selection I.D. to Room 27, Student y mechanical condition. V-8,naw and battery. 361-3666. 366-6762. 6-7-17 For Scrambler, $1100. SALES PEOPLE needed. All leads References, All $30 utilities paid. Marigold across from campus. of reconditioned used Services, Monday, Wednesday, deposit. No 15 ROADRUNNER 1969. Very ^"formati°n call 487-3731. furnished. Car desirable. Also children. No drinking, $30 a week Deluxe 2 man apartments. Now leasing for fall. furnished Singers, Whites, Necchis, New machines. Friday, 9 -10 a.m. Tuesday! Thursday, 11:15 Noon. 5-7-17 good some people needed for travel. or $120 a mon Home & "Many Others." $19.95 - condition, low mileage, reasonable IV 9-9651 or 351-1890.0 IhTvRoTet" 1960inow2 T shift door .tick ,irw' *®° price. 626-6657, 626-6356. 4 7 15 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five companies. Compare our rates. national Call 351-3700 for appointment. O to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING NEED: MALE undergraduate for - 711 BURCHAM. Deluxe 3-man COMPANY, communication experiment. $2 | 351-3823 or 355*297.S TEMPEST 1966 convertible. steering, motor good, body fair Power 2205 East 505 Michigan, Lansing or Albert, East Lansing, SUMMER AND employment with full part time line 2 BEDROOM apartments, summer. Duplexes summer, fall. Furnished, furnished apartments. Now for fall. Phone IV 9-9651 or leasing 1115 489-6448. C-7-2 North Washington for 40 minutes. Come to 518 iHEVY ^960; $100. 361-0903. Call Asking $800. 351-1782. 3-7-15 484-8173.0 merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-6586. 5-7-17 337-0780. O 351-5800 for 100 USED [ Bill. 5-7-20 Auto Service & Parts information. O PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near vacuum canisters, up-rights. $7.88 cleaners. Tanks, TOYOTA CROWN 1969 MODERN and up. TODAY, ERICKSON KIVA, (•ORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 1966. speed, sedan.~4 Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished UNFURNISHED bedroom with stove, 2 1 year guarantee. DENNIS a.m. - 4. Lynn Jondahl, Democrat 11:30 polyglas tires, $1795 studios, utilities refrigerator, I 350 Horsepower, 4 wheel disc 487-0850. 5-7-15 MASON BODY paid. Private DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 and Polly SHOP, 812 East carpeting and sun deck. Lansing. Gibson, Republican, I brakes, 4 meed. Excellent Kalamazoo Street since 1940. entrance, $110 a month, plus 484-1938. 5-7-14 North Cedar, opposite City for State Senate will 1 condition, $2,400. . deposit. 627-5454. 5-7-17 . . 489-9302. Complete auto painting and Market. C-7-2 TRIUMPH 1963 TR4. Totally I 7-7-14 rebuilt collision service. IV 5-0256. C EAST LANSING near engine, new battery, tires, clutch. campus. One WE STING HOUSE COLOR TV. Sony ftoUGAR 1967: Good condition. $700 or best offer. 351-3573 For Rent furnished. All utilities bedroom, furnished. Large airy FREE A thrilling hour of T wide oval 5-7-17 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call paid, $110 / rooms. Air conditioned. model 530 stereo tape recorder. ... beauty. new tir»«, $1200, month. No children For appointment call KALAMAZOO STREET or pets. Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic 484-4519. 355-1064. 5-7-20 BODY TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, Deposit Beautifully maintained. Select stereo SHOP. Small required. 482-7818. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS VALIANT SIGNET dents to large clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or 1966. This $8.50 per month 5-7-17 STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. wrecks. including stand. stereo |A,PLANE GT. 1967 390, 4 speed, spotless slant 6, shiny light blue, 2 door deluxe cars. American and Guaranteed work. 482-1286. foreign Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, 882-6549. O Cassette cartridges tapes $2.50 each. tape recorders. Koss I low mileage. Good condition. compact with 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East OKEMOS 2 bedroom, fully Pro-4-A carpeted, stereo head phones. 882 4180.5-7-16 automatic shift, radio, heater and Lansing. C patio,, family welcome, $175 per Houses Garrard turntables $25 up. VM HAIR CUT the way you want it. 8 whitewalls. Looks and runs like month. - Phone, Larry Treadwell, 120 watt stereo receiver. 5:30 p.m. weekdays. UNION JlAT 1969 Spider convertible. new. Owner no recently married and Aviation TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 332-3534, East Lansing Realty STUDENTS. Beat up old oottage, 2 30 watt stereo Sharp, receiver with BUILDING BARBER SHOP i Excellent shape. $1500. 365-3890 longer needs car. Call monthly and term Company, Realtors. 3-7-15 bedrooms. Year around living. $90 C-7-14 rates. Call speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker or 351-0355. 5-7-17 482-0987. 3-7-14 monthly. 489-1719. 3-7-16 set. 300 stereo albums 75c JalAXIE 1965, Convertible, power VOLKSWAGEN 1965: Convertible, r"pE°R C5°ERO7EE° Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C ™A!TC ROOM luxury FOR one house. man Many in 3 man extras TWO MEN needed $30 / month. No Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 up. Real Estate rebuilt clutch, | steering. v-8, automatic, $800 or good top. RENT A TV from a TV including washer, dryer, color tv, lease, for summer, share house up. Realistic 55 FRANDOR NEAR. Dependable, interior company. watt stereo Sharp, 2 $25/week. Keith Fisher, 882-0261 " ,st offer. 355-1049. 5-7-20 spotless; $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. near campus. 351-8753. 2-7-14 bedroom. leaving country, 482-5419. 1131 amplifier. WILCOX Payments $115 S. Grand. 5-7-20 Employment nejac tv rentals, c or 351-8451.3-7-16 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East including taxes and insurance. §T0 1964 Tri-Powar: very clean, MARRIED HOUSING, August 1 - EAST LANSING. 4 bedroom. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 Low down payment. Phone Lloyd excellent condition. After 6, IMMEDIATE Furnished, rent $210 per month Bergren, 484-9876 OPENINGS or Lee I 851-8366.3-7-14 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK, 1968. Light blue, radio, brand new professional consultant. as Vivian Apartments September 15. 351-4619. 3-7-16 351-8459. 5-7-17 Halstead, Inc. Realtor, 351-0810 Woodward Cosmetics. Referral TRAIN SET, "N" gauge. Complete 3-7-15 jro T 1968: 17,000 miles. Automatic engine. $1200 or best offer. 361-4416. 1-7-14 appointment consulting only. FREE BACHELOR apartment EAST LANSING furnished near efficiency GIRL OVER 22 - share large house with track, variety of ten engines console, yellow with black vinyl exchange for carpenter work. MSU. $120 includes all private bedroom. EAST Valerie, 332-8502. 5-7-16 man' and many auxiliary cars, buildings. LANSING, 4-5 bedrooms, p 351-2032. 3-7-15 332-3226, Mel. 0-7-16 utilities and parking. 332-2446 -4691. 6-7-17 All in very good condition. $50 VOLVO 1968 122S, air conditioned. after 4 p.m. 3-7-16 HOUSEKEEPER AND typist $100 takes it all. Call 487-3096. S-7-14 dining and family rooms. Large |eeP, 1946. Good body and rubber, Drafted must seli, $1400 or best per week plus room and board. EAST SIDE - two bedroom upstairs, CAMPUS NEAR. private yard, double garage. ] convertible top. Runs well, newly offer. Evenings, 677-8521. 5-7-17 utilities SUBLEASING available July 20th. 4 Answering phone requires live in. paid, $125 monthly, summer Cedar or 5 single ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save Owner, $29,950. 337-0909. TF Minted, $500. 694-8584. 3-7-16 Full time deposit. 351-7159. 5-7-20 Greens, apartment 5A. persons summer and part time Call or family. $300 per at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 882-0638. Cheap! 5-7-16 Scooters & Cycles fall. 351-6729. 3-7-14 ONE month. Phone 655-1049. 4-7-14 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. Service KlDSMOBILE 1965. Good GIRL to share 2 bedroom C-7-17 1 mechanical condition. Call TRIUMPH 1963 very I'M LOOKING for a student who is apartment. 484-4388, between 6 - WAVERLY, Saginaw Area: One three bedroom ample parking, I 332-6820 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 strong road 8 p.m. 3-7-16 bedroom luxury apartment, air unfurnished. DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, bike. Good condition, $450 or willing to work very hard for the Accessible to FANTASTIC PLASTIC inflatable next eight weeks on the lowest conditioned, carpeting, drapes, campus, damage deposit required. furniture. Indoor Outdoor. Many formats. Experienced. Reasonable best offer. Call 351-3119. 3-7-15 appliances, $130 a month, no 484-8196. 5-7-14 - charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 JlDSMOBILE 1969. CutlaasS, V-8. hourly wage allowed under the minimum wage law. She will not children styles, colors. Call 337-921 5, noon tatic transmission. Power or pets. Phone IV 2-4853, midnight. 5-7-17 - I steering, radio, 15,000 actual only have to work 6 days a week 3-7-14 TUTORING: MATHEMATICS 108, Excellent condition. for only $75, but must also up. Rates negotiable. s. $2200. be conditioning, parking, laundry. 1007 KLH MODEL 24 STEREO - FM Groups or i 393-8833, anytime. 3-7-16 talented. Talents: Utilities except electricity. BARR - 2 bedroom, 332-1918. 3-7-14 combination individual. 355-1054. 5-7-14 decorating, Call $200 or best. HONDA 1969 90 cc, helmet, manual. ED 2-1703. 3-7-16 unfurnished, $110. No children or helping to select, repair, finish and 332-4756. 3-7-16 375 miles, must sell. Campus Hill pets. HASLETT: Cottage for 3 work 332-3959, 882-5761. JlDSMOBILE excellent 1964 convertible, Apartments, 103 B after five. on furniture finishing old (supervis pieces of EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. 10-7-22 $105 per month. Phone 489-1719. students, BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, Typing Service condition, one owner, 3-17-70 This person must One bedroom apartment furnished 5-7-16 | $500. Call 332-3161. 3-7-16 15 will i k July or unfurnished. Summer rates. 927 WEST Shiawassee Now 1 sell. ABC SECONDHAND COMPLETE THESIS service. - BACHELOR PAD: Big home in STORE, 1208 Turner. C Discount YAMAHA 80cc. Good condition, bedroom, air printing. I E*M typing and F you NEED MONEY sail things $165 or best offer. September 15. See P.ul -l5Jl5^P_ - conditioned, security lock. Quiet. Near Capitol. town. Remodeled with orange binding of theses, resumes, you don't need now. Dial Nights, Kacer, at the Northwind Bam, 406 MAC COMPONENT STEREO system and 372-6338. 3-7-16 2843 Avenue, 2 bedroom. Unfurnished, $150. shag carpet, dimmer light control, publications. Across from campus, I 355-8255 for fast action I E. Grand River, Easi Available August Furnished, completely furnished, set-up for scuba diving equipment. Phone corner MAC 1. 351-6099 $160. 332-3959, and Grand River, Lansing. 1-7/14 after 5 p.m. 5-7-14 882-5761. two to four students. $230 per 332-4367. 5-7-20 10-7-22 below Style Shop. Call month. Call Gail COPYGRAPH Clusky, APARTMENT SERVICES, 406 SOUTH 372-4138 or Simon Real Estate, - HOUSEHOLD 337-1666. C Pine, near downtown sale: Tuesday evening, Your Fun in the Sun Location... Lansing. suitable Modern 1 Furnished person, $70 a month. furnished, efficiency $120 efficiency Okemos Branch, 351-2260. 4-7-14 Rooms 6 - 10 p.m., 1316 Lansing, apt. 232 B. Furniture, humidifier, golf clubs, lamps, July 14th, Westview, East for a month. 1 bedroom apartment, $135 drapes, appliances. 1-7-14 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. a month. No children or HIGH STREET 20 years experience. pets. No leases. Call Richard — Comfortable, 332-8384. C BEDS, DRESSERS, chair, work Albin, 337-2510, 6 - 8 p.m. only. coffee tables. - PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. 10-7-17 Today only 2 - 7, 353-8138. 1-7-14 IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, & Hardbinding. Complete Thesis FURNISHED APARTMENT Service for the most one CAMPUS NEAR, single room v Discerning cooking, Master's & Doctoral call 351-9237 Candidates. immediately. Call 355-6187. 484-8173. O Free Brochure and 5-7-15 Consultation. Call CLIFF and PAULA YOUNG LADIES 5 HAUGHEY: 337-1527 BAYFIELD APARTMENTS - 2 campus. r Animals 627 2936. C or Completely furnished utilities paid. 372-8077 carpeting, before 4 SAINT SECRETARY, WOULD appliances, washing P.m. 10-7-17 BERNARD f like books, facilities, pool, near shopping and thesis, etc. to type. Call 351-0940. bus. 393-4857, Mrs. Fulkerson. YMCA 5-7-17 — ROOMS for young men or 10-7-22 women. Membership privileges. BARBI MEL: Typing, Parking, color tv, lounge, pool, multilithing. NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony No job too large or too small. gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 ADORABLE COCKAPOO puppies, and Princeton Arms. 1 Block off campus. 332-3255. C and 2 black with white, bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD reasonable, with ROOM AND board for MANAGEMENT responsible 339-8455^2-7-14 351-7910. 0 COMPANY student willing to live in extreme Northwest SCOTTIE PUPPIES. AKC registered, Transportation Lansing home. No 4532 Don Street, Holt. Best housework. Must have car for own Offer PIDER TO Los Angeles area. Share university villa, 4 blocks 5-7-20 to Student transportation. References must expenses. Leave July or August. Union. Fall leases be provided. Call Phone 351-5578 after available. 3 and 4 man furnished 339-2458 evenings. 3-7-15 482-9695, days. Mobile Homes 3-7-16 5pm 3 5 1 -3729. halstead GREAT LAKES 8x37, near management company GIRL'S campus, SINGLE room, 3 blocks good condition. Make 351-7910. O offer, from Union. 337-1408 after 3 351-0751. 4-7-17 Wanted p.m. X7-15 BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms furnished. Close to campus, JNFURNISHED 2 bedroom SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and summer and fall leases. 332-0965. apartment or 1 bedroom with women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT study, September 1st. Am new Any time- 372-1031. O COMPANY, 351-7910. O East Lansing end of July. Write: MEN 21 and 1962 SUBLET - PARK Trace - Okemos. over. Clean, quiet HILLCREST,12x60, Deluxe.2 M. Jack, 5466 South Harper rooms. Cooking and Spacious 2 bedroom unfurnished parking. bedroom,unfurnished.Many extras. Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615. apartment. Close, reasonable. 487-5753, Call 625-3520. W 5-7-17 mine and twelve Carpeted, air month leases available conditioned, pool. No single undergrads. Available August 1st. 332-2754. 5-7-15 For Sale CROSSWORD Baa gang TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing PUZZLE student units. These POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive MSU SPECIALS special sale $29.95 up plus ACROSS 30. Fishing tackle 31. Coin Spanish Mediterranean furniture. '57 FORD crystals. MAIN 5558 South Pennsylvania ELECTRONICS, 1. Municipal 32. Man's title ago Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - Station Wagon $79 Lansing. C Avenue, 6. Make precious 12. Palm cockatoo 33. Podium 35. Card game ana nan B an central air 13. Optical illusion BBBgrnr a P conditioning. Th«* four man units have up STEREO COMPONENTS: receiver, 37. Squeeze '61 COMET 14. Principle 39. Convene jo 3 parking "as been spaces per unit. The student's leisure time MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN jyg $75. KLH 17" speakers, $55 each. Sony 350 tape recorder, $180. 15. Idle 40. Airplane adequately planned for with a giant heated EVERYDAY 1-6 Dual 1015 record changer, $75. 16. Catnip shelter swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. CLOSED SUNDAY 64 Whole system, $400. 351-5217. 18. Slender finial 43. Striped J. You want to be among the first residents of OLDSMOBILE C1 QC 1-7-14 19. Generous Phone 332-6441 Station Wagon ^ I JJ 23. Son of Seth 47. Rundown *™/[CKINGHAM »70/month call today. There are units starting at 26. Chopping tool condition 3. Front per man. 27. Geraint's wife 48. A versary '62 Station CHEVROLET tfOQC SUMMER AND 29. Oil-yielding 49. Oppressor 4. 5. Peace goddess S'ipplied food Wagon 50. Link 6. Australian bird 65 DODGE DART FALL LEASES 2 ' b % 6 7 9 7. 8. Baseball team Stone fruit $495 12 f .3 9. 10. Comfort Majority ®topcfemcj;J)am IM 13 .11. Communistic 64 DODGE 4-door $495 si5o«i %%% 19 20 21 <6 % 22 'S 23 2q % 25 |17 Fright 19. Cooking fat 20. Corn lily '64 CHEVROLET 26 27 % 28 29 21. Neophyte 22. Beans Impala 2-door $595 30 % 24.Death notice 4620 S. HAGADORN 31 it 25. Rail '64 chevrolet fcnc 33 % 31 35 36 28. 34. Habitue Super Sport 4-speed Greek letter 36. Make amends management exclusively by: % 37 3a % %'#< % 38. 40 Hurt Chapeau STORY 42 43 45 yA 46 41. Some ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY olds-datsun Roger Taskey 351-3420 "7 4ft 42 44. Deserter King 3165 E. Michigan Ave. Phone 351-0400 Stan Guski 351-8160 49 i So 45. Hawaiian baking pit _46JFrench_nvejii_ 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, JUjy l4 -SPORTS- All-star CINCINNATI lineups are named GRAND PRIZE Beef Chuck Roast (UPI) - Hodges said he hasn't decided 14-5 and has a seven Seaver. - game Frank Robinson will play right Righthanders Tom Seaver of the which pitcher will follow Seaver New York Mets and Jim Palmer of the Baltimore Orioles were to the mound. Both Seaver and Palmer will winning streak. Palmer last pitched on Friday Weavers team will American start with League Luis with Howard in left. Robinson sat out Sunday's Blade Cut night when he lost to the Detroit Aparicio, followed officially named Monday as the come into the game well rested. by Carl doubleheader with the Tigers Tigers. He is 12-6 for the season. Yastrzemski, Frank Robinson. with an ailing shoulder, and starting pitchers for the 41st All Although Seaver pitched to one The two managers also named Boog Powell, Harmon Killebrew, Star game tonight in batter Sunday, he hasn't pitched Weaver said, "Frank isn't right, Beef Chuck Steak - their starting batting orders. Frank Howard, Dave Johnson. Cincinnati's Riverfront Stadium. a nine inning game since last but unless the doctor tells me he Hodges will lead off with Bill Freehan and Palmer. - Managers Gil Hodges of the shouldn't play, he'll be in the Thursday night when he blanked Willie Mays, followed by Richie Since there is no natural Mets and Weaver both named the Baltimore's Earl top the Montreal Expos on three hits and hit the first home run of his Allen, Hank Aaron, Tony Perez, centerfielder in the AL Rico Carty, Johnny Bench, Don starting lineup." The AL has lost seven straight Blade Cut pitchers on their own staffs for lineup, Weaver will play games and has won only one of major league career. Seaver is Kessinger, Glenn Beckert and Yastrzemski at the position. the last 13. the honor of starting the game. Weaver said he would follow Palmer with Sam McDowell of Meat Loaf (Beef & PorkJ the Cleveland Indians and Jim Perry of the Minnesota Twins. He hopes to pitch each pitcher Training Interne, three innings if they are Slender Sliced Meats for effective. IM News rookies iln yours! 3 oz. pkg. CHICAGO (UPI) — George S. Halas, owner of the Chicago I The IM Golf Toumey Bears, announced Monday that National Football League owners COUPON scheduled for last Saturday was had decided to open their training ffl i camps to rookie players only postponed due to heavy rains and the closing of Forest Akers. and to bar veterans pending negotiations. Halas said the 26 team owners came to the decision Sunday Mi v*: i i Michigan Spartan The after being informed that the NFL tourney has been Players Assn. had instructed $•:; I I^Kuri rescheduled for Saturday with a new entry deadline of its members not to report to the today. training camps, due to open Mj Beet Sugar Bread Wednesday. Halas made the announcement in his role as Those who had previously entered need only to National Conference of the NFL. With him at the news president of the 5 lb. bag 20 oz. loaf I^HRe conference was Lamar Hunt, owner of the world phone the IM office for confirmation Kansas City Chiefs and president of the NFL's American champion || j f^Krb to play in i^Kivi Saturday's match. New are welcome by paying fees at the IM office before entries greens noon Conference. Committees for the NFL and the players association were meeting in New York in an attempt to reach an agreement, but 44° 4/89* i^Hch c Wednesday. Softball entries for the second their contract negotiations appeared to remain stalled. Halas defined a rookie player eligible to enter training camp as ! Limit 1 please one who has not yet played in a with $5 food purchase everyday five weeks of play are now regular season game for any NFL being accepted at the IM office with a deadline of July 24. Those teams team. IP presently entered need only phone the notification of re-entry. IM office for Search continues Scotties Facial Tissue event Students are also reminded of the softball faculty is open to all and throw currently being conducted by the IM. The staff at students, MSU. (continued from page 1) the power to make our whole again. In the name of God, please react to this release Laurie unharmed." family and "The only thing he has to do is release Miss Murninghan alive," the donor wrote in a letter to Father Richard Currier of the TODAY and every Tuesday: a free giant dill pickle with White or Assorted 200 count (Limit 3) 19' Also Monday an anonymous donor offered $1,000 to the Lansing Diocese Pastoral Office. "He does not have to surrender each Hobie's submarine! Pepsi Cola 8 pack 10 oz. $1.00 service charge per abductor for legal aid if he would release Miss unharmed. Murninghan personally, though I advise surrendering not to compound the error he has made." Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Diet Pack only 69' insertion p.m. — to be pre - deadline 1 class day before. paid. 12 Tiger cages 930 Trowbridge Road and 211 M.A.C. Ave. Oreos from Nabisco >r r man interested in information about the MSU Gay Liberation Movement may call 351-2745 today from 6 to crowded 5 - (continued from page 1) Meanwhile, the two congressmen who told of discovering the by 8 - foot tiger cages called on President Nixon to investigate the conditions there and send medical and other supplies to Con Son. phone 351-3800 HOURS 11 A.M. -12 P.M. MON. thru SAT., 1 P.M. -12 P.M. SUN. 15 oz. pkg. 39' The presidential investigation was urged in a resolution introduced by Reps. William R. Anderson, D-Tenn., and Augustus Del Monte Catsup 25' F. Hawkins, D-Calif. Rep. Frank Horton, R-N.Y., accused U.S. officials of an effort to keep people from finding out about the tiger cages and told 20 oz. bottle d in thi Nooter the AID investigation should determine whether there was All an attempted cover-up. tion students are invited. A The 500 prisoners held in the tiger cages were described as staff v\ r of Senator Hart's campaign ill attend and we will plan for "hardened Communist criminals" in a U.S. the State Department obtained by Moss' embassy fact sheet to subcommittee. Spartan factory canvassing, fund raising, fall Nooter, assistant AID administrator for Vietnam, said registration and fall term activities. Call Randy at 332-4908 or Jim at treatment of the more than 9,000 other "liberal." He said 3,789 of the 9,976 prisoners at Con Son was Strawberries 00 372-2654 after 6 p.m. for more information. MSU students for Levin will hold sentenced by province chiefs under prisoners there had been emergency wartime authority without trial and 75 were listed as unsentenced. Nooter said he does not know whether 10 oz. pkg. 4/M a tiger cages — rows of meeting Wednesday night, July 15 at concrete pits with bars over the top — exist in other South 8 p.m., room 34, Union Bldg. All Vietnam prisons. students interested in Anderson and Hawkins said three to five helping elect Senator Sander are urged to attend. Levin for governor We are anxious crowded into each of the and that none of the men prisoners were tiger cages, built by the French in 1862, Orchard Grove could stand as a result of to hear your views and opinions. For confinement. long information please call 487-5935 and ask for Sylvia or 351-8076 and ask Moss said a U.S. investigation should not be conducted by Frank E. Walton, head of AID's Fruit Drinks for Sharon and Amy. whom Moss accused of prison program in Vietnam, All flavors 3/sp PIZZA SfrVMQfr being "apparently more concerned with ■ !4 gallon Christian Science Organization will breach of protocol" surrounding the congressmen's inspection of hold its regular weekly testimony the tiger cages than with the conditions. meeting tonight at 6:45 p.m. at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. The following Free U Classes will OR meet today: Guerilla Theater p.m., 131 Albert, Rock and Blues - 3 CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN Hot House Guitar Astrology - 7:30 p.m., 131 Albert; - 7:30 Albatross. For more information p.m., The on 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA Tomatoes lb. 39' Free U, call 3-6633. MSU STUDENTS FOR SPMHETn Celery Hearts 29' MILLIKEN sums meet Wednesday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gold Room, Union Bldg. Don't wait until fall! Join now! We need aggressive people to get it together. and imaginative Peppers — Cucumbers Wanted Large Yellow Onions Fresh Grapes 3/29'11 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive. A and AB negative, B negative negative, $10.00. O Red or Green lb. 49' negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN GOODRICH'S COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507'/a East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C SPARTAN FREE STORAGE 351-7363 132 N. HARRISON AT MICHIGAN • viaGive Cold-Bond SERVICE Stomps" FOR YOUR CLOTHING 487-3733 Mon. Fri. HOURS: 9 to 9 - Saturday 9 to 6 LOUIS CLEANERS world's finest bridal salons 484-4406 1101 W. WILLOW AT LOGAN IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER 623 E. GRAND EAST LANSING RIVER 4960 northwind drive * east lansing 484-4555 TAKE OUT ONLY- 12201 S.CEDAR Harrison Between Spartan at Trowbrtdg* VllloQa and Across from Coral Gables Sun.-Thurs. 4 p.m. To 12:00 P.M.,Frl. & Sat. To 1 A.M. Charry Lan«< Apartments