W. S. C, 111 binary Eaat lAnoln#, IKch. KAST I.ANSlNt;. AlH UIC/T MenclihoferNamesPerrin. PARIS QUINTET To I.cad So/tli March Tonight , SOPHS FEATUREKnthusiam Lacking in O Hara. Clark, and Hittleft) END ANNUAL 5 JACK MILES AT Eliminations as Finalists For Eastern Debate Trip mc C0URSE i PARTY TONIGHT Arc Picked For Positions ^julr Will Include Coltintliia, ll.utinoutli, Syracuse, and Voting on Freshman Council, Sophomore Council, Arts Board lordham; Majority of Debates to Re on Artists to Appear Here Monday Ditlinrtivr ll.foralionv Will ,nj Uni„n n„ar(, >m| Juninr |Jnion |(ojud Nalionaliration of Munitions Industry. Night Have Been 1'amous torvry Spring Ih-mrlo Prepare, for Thur.dar Final,, in Fiiroj>rni! Centers. Snowbound Spartans. I IV Morulthoii r. i..« luHitU'inl the four t!el ;'K ONLY GROUP OF ITS KIND ' taken thiring sprinp NEAR TICKET SELLOUT 'Z ''''' Unique Musical Organization Winner Names Complete List of Includes Violin. Cello. Viol. Patrons and (juests for Rutf and Hat p. Last Formal. DEBATE RECORD Carairal Chairman IS SUCCESSFUL Good Season Draws (o Close With Meet Against Kala¬ mazoo College. NBC FEATURES YWCA TO HEAR JOB LECTURES ABOUT ALBANIA Vocational Series, Begun March Mr,. Dehimfter to Talk cm 6, is of Interest to Albanian Customs at Meet Co-eds. ing Tuesday : T TEAM SPEAKS AT ALMA CHURCH SUPER WOLVERINE Deputation Team Takes Charge COVERS SELECTED of Sunday Services. Sales and Advertising Promise j Beit Annual in History. THIRD CONCERT EAST WINGERS WILL BE GIVEN HOLD FORMAL Michigan State College Sym¬ Annual Dormitory Danrr Fra ' turn Allradivr Decora¬ phony Orchestra to Present All Wagner Program. tion, Saturday. Jberal Arts Sponsors Z Inquiring Reporter Finds Final Roaster Tuesday Dean of Men is Favored iH Crowd frrwat at La it Siudrnt Fat ultv Affair of I Prof. R. S. Linton Leads in Informal Poll to Find Candidate for Seaaoa in Union Building. Desired Position as Students Offer Opinions. i.5 meeting of it ierios <• WILL DKHATK AT NOTKK MAMK -.'kj .wu sponsored toy t M.oh.gan Stat** coUog, ro«*>t< i» I r« p" t.' it tak,-n uj-1 Mt,.Tt: fbuitDn #and Ph,iad< tpr.ia r*ded by l>e Mend- « k by the frr-i.gjr element »n tlw t«il-1 ri-hestiiir to a auccrssful conci. lege next > car ' j frini Pat ton, the featured *»»!«»— ictduy m the UruoD Lmphaai- "i. the evemr.g's grip- s *t. *U1 fw«> arta* from i<»les »?ge turnout of both ntvi- mg apt* arrd t«- be pi.ued un the ! which he ha* sung *ith the Metro- faculty members frtar lack ,'f »pin« di*played by student# ! ooliUn (ipeia rwmpsny He will *rbi department in at- in attending ennvocations and )>ep js! ? Evening Star* from U«e meeting led by meetings during the past year A j Tanrdiauiwr, and WuUn's ' Fare- mm.inv thvir Stand t.u i• j Mutlrnt ( « «*wr have Prol Krrd Patt >v.tem tor tludrnte j *« J from -[>tr Walkurr " Mr , >|> ai> -t nun .,1 SUS f t •».- !• .1, f tt.»» hrtprul. action a/1»r a rtuirt alu (i.. rn by « wall kn«.*ii ihroualnjul Th« ~ ft vnterUirimvnt Ihr dcnU prr*nt •wli-nt-i A-r1 • M, li.^n suh1 W.Vn I With lh» '.ttl .* „ ^m-dnlr atuJ a list of ■ Win ntiumrfor ihc many can- knew lew about chooa- i •»'«! aeiuan he ha. auix with idn.n ri»-f>attfjM r»t itceiving tWiU^. ! n«.ul«i Ufc* My persoti- i the U..»t.a., Cleveland and Detroit ■ benefit by Dean Em- in« ..arrato than the .ludenta rw,»t vote* In thv nomination for at feelings and Aptitudes were ru>t * ' -Tr Pattor then made a Dr R M OUn. eol!e|c health j vrjanuahona ,n "Ihe Walkur-- « 1«; Around the wall* *«r> vkywrap he position mnjudcred t mton who is a g«md , dirrrlor i0 replying to the current | ll<" l,1*' ^lh' M"-'- following arc the rep lie* of the Joe arid really knows his voca- ^-a.g, on the aerrouvnev. ar.d jhe medical artv-1 ™pc.UUn, Philadelphia, CrncinnaU ML?] ers cut (n black cardboard and put twW'iits to the inquir y ' f>* you tmnal guidance would make the ?T-*" - "■ polwlea that tuch a a» tetween rtudenU and fac- ,rc of the college, aaid th.at if »tu-1 oUxt '"*"«*« opera com- over lights which shont >hink we alK'uld have a rieuii f< ;.kl; • r>? P«l[e Two MII'lllliAN KTATM NEWK Friday, Marrh M, Hi; genWttl nit'etinn A A U W ;llr»ri" by Thornton Wihtti, Tile Interestin*%)/lventurist NAME CANDIDATES hlic rermiiiiii'iiflril pai l ifuImiTv Experiment in Autohingraphi Michigan Stale News "The PtttV* ami |S«em» W S II i ii ii<* Spartan Wiuneti » l^raftiu- muiii- >, • j. ROYAL Standard Portable Typewriters NAME CANDIDATES FOR WAA OFFICES 'iiinirlU Weaver «n»l l.tuiaine , Kauli In lontcit Preiidencf 3 I'illsbttry Entertains Former Price :::» With Moving Pictures Our Price $42,511 • - - i Nnlrtl Naluralist PrrtrnO I'rnuivl Pregr.tm at Peoples lot March IHlU I'hurch on Miiilent lecluir .Seriei lKur»tl«v YOl SAM. • - - SI 7.511 ii« t» till II i k *■ ■ i 1 TFKMS S.">.00 CASH I'KK MONTH No ( art ring I harir woMN-wNnt mun r FRANKLIN DEKI.E1NI. CO. 3tm iirnnd * laiiiMing, Micb. PhoAr MRAA AAI'W Neophytes Hear Talk About Fortune Telling I'an-llell Formal U A.MITS HAKItKU | To He Sponsored '*«»• SHOP In I uion .Mar. 15 khuhihi iimi> mw I I'wuti AUhoi aw*l iiunil Khft f i>l MI N I VVOUI D HI Kl toaimillfo Afpwatod hv Pr«r- drnt (0 Mafl<(f Allan MaJml ». ll tfou ma? TUIHO V r TI.MK PUT THE SHOT BEVERLY'S"H here Uie tint ro.Hinjt »r«uinl lo rU«'» »"•' wl Thrifty Shop ami Saw" ill llir lull Kuril, up rurrn* l«»" ^u" """ miuri.hiiU!. ••■»!-l«wU*<'»l OfAsmrst* iivk your \ou want t>> IUk*" f"r ■ . Inst in that Tr> , b.,.1 or Krtlo»'* t"r" new Sjuiiik t>uttit. KKVERLVS take groat deligrht in lin »h(a.l lom-rrou. You'll Itt- J - rrunrhi. pot,ten CUWe.. Add ,«« U helpinir you jret the most in style, lifllrr tlurinfi ll»r ^*1' quality ami appearance. We're proud of our eolieire sriri trade. IViV riplil. •»«. IU.I .nock be'"" Dr. Brvakvy lo Spv«k On Ur*l«ny lo rrlirr. Afla-r « .U..r.. or . !«"« willt llu* i-udi- Mirv help J-«- SOI'US Wll I. IK ATI HK **•95 fauM* Vhc) d««rM «' «■»«?• JACK .MIIT„S AT I'KOM l>MlUMr«i%e Sl>lr> m A A AN.,.(r-h^rri.p.in^i»-"^X .- .H \ >«••-• . •. . . «■ fruUti-w ihrvH«« \sf\u k m ... wt\>kjtfL> -4i«* *•*' 'OWHW* IMWII * "*>'-* wU! !»e hvtitdim} tout JJ : J, SiNPet and tart i MIte* ▼#•7# TTrM-yM^h?Kr..uWi»^"'tW .v'^-i r, •.• r,,-. »■* Uw W*v. **?v -V $h**\ Secretary Jlohn' >f >VW* AR* «•**«*»" ?U;mch. IVao Lltxað CNUTML Jf V v>i.-. ... i-H xvnv-hi i\t * nisrtfft v-? *4mmmk«4 t>> th« nrwly '* * Jv*sv Mat to t>\i\ Senate* and Mr* %l Glfi MA Itn, I. H }! Millinery... Hose .... Coats.... and Suits .•o lYv.mvxU«: Ciwft. The i'k-*NX;. Cam and Mrs. H. F New- ««v. «* cw«« 50: M ihv 5tt 4vh4vW«cd for T.?0 m * ' 0*'tn ■' **d Mrs. K **•<< N« A'fcrtl H. Mm J: %{ There's Not u Winter Garment I .eft at CORN AU ^ Mr*. MiWs W Ckttrl, Mr NIA\ BROS. to t*, *■ v »j \TKr lUt siutv cT IRe TuWn* . lh i* ... W _*.., Spear** WtorconwaVj ,*tN* Mi Mr*. Mn It. Kotvs. Mr w*3 R J C©hmvticK Mr. and Mr* ! n Unxilv Mr. and Mrs. CX J : }| jj }| HAKES. 23A H. Aw. *rki v\\»vh, wants hi* center* l. KriiUv. March R, 19,'lfi MliTlltiAN HTAI I-; NKVts Sopli Prom Will Climax Formal Party Scanon Tonight Presenting HOME EC CLUB State Theater ro,I™;r "'*i PROFESSOR HUNT mrstk CLASSIFIED BULLETIN ! ADDRESSES C.G. A. H«K»Mh tI.I students Music of Jack Miles and His Rand PUNS MEETING - UK-II acroM Pswiews li.no « aoi|Mit> Kit* h< netu* avail- at.I. *1 Ml to $200 IIM y/*4l I'mlrirla*nmcii will hnvr their Ainu InnlKlit mm .luck Mile Talkt Heredity al Sunday ,tl,| III" Hnml »f Hull,||> hwiiik Into town fin the tlnnl 1,1k fnc- Pirturrique Tableau to Hrpirl siwOrm .in, |,.,I I... on V.l,-',, ,..1^' ''Inn" ma| „f the HfAMnn. The teem will end next week with the IV) Hellenic formal In the t'nion. History of Home Ecnnoiuiri The only other formal tonight will he the Alpha Chi Omemi uphn.ire in the Hotel Olds with music hv Kertjv'n hand. The us!roils for the dinner dance will Is- Prof nnd Mrs. I'red Put I,in ami Oeiili nnd Mrs. II. II,O Pnk- Mean Kllsnheth Con- j Include Desn Elisaheth anil Msdmn (,,i II It. Kiel,I, Prof. Ilntli 'h.nrscl. Miss Hnlh Juhmlmi siul Johnston nnd Mrs. hililu Nev- ll Ir risl.t. la» w ill lm (unata. 11,'ttri Sltrmn Phi Will have ! A,llhj 'Imlrron I'l ... CORSAGES Ihrii formal In Ihe* main hnlh Alpha ondrrnn Pi riiterislned J Ordci them ;it votHu of the Olds tomormw niplti Mortimer WoUlo of Lansing' (rim Prof. and Mrt A J Clark iindjjmi M,h •'• win .lokl t»f hoffalu N (»,„( ,out Mrs It s Linton «« pn Y nlnnet Thumdav rutiing ( tiwei Ms million to Amu*! See vmir Arm* dealer today Akko* ( 'mm If,itit-1" #/r. ,f/» An on Short* Arrow t utter shirts cUth they ;;//* you /«//«/** (i.V lift r»(it a ji Wilda Holies to ARROW UND LEWIS, INC Address Campus (•iris* Assembly Social Semtr Head to Speak al Church I hit TAKE ME ALONG A. *9m rum t-IM« 9^r-Xck^S0uJu ll« W. AUap Chtyrisp for yotir bottom leave*-. Neither shotild Cafeteria me torn- panion. I don't tolerate the yott. I j;iv«: yiitrexclusively the: Dining Service bittcrncia, the acrid stiny of fragrant,exjH'ten et orter h.a.ves undcvcloix'd top leaves. Why —tin mildest, t|>c" iH-st-tastinjJ High Quality Foods should you? I don't tolerate of all. They permit me to sign At Rearm*«Mr Price* the harshnestiof gritty, tough, myself "Your Best Friend."- Special Nooa Lundieon 25c LUCK IE S use ONLY CENTEI CKNTM LEAVES - MiriMC.W STATE N'EIVS Friday. March ft, 10a-, Hermians Take First RIFLEMEN ARE TENNIS TROUPE Place in Inter-Frat NEAR1NG FINISH1 CAGE.IJORNEY T/ ; 1 II* \! TVtm.MC AREA WINNERS HPS! VISITS LANSING CM,. | X U,i,".°n >Fehlgnn Stale's Opponents v|r(ory ^ ^ ^ R|f|i, Tilden, Vines, Lott, Nimliin Swimming Tourney Aim Win ' In Enter National Tour ney March 16. Play at Vocational School March 12. Phi Delts Place Second, lambda Chis Third and Delta Sigi Fourth Final Relay F.vent Pecidei Winner of Annual Tank Meet nems* Barratt's Shoe Riinm i»vu> \w t oi Repairing on 1(11 |«Kt (irand R»*rr l'nd«r llnr.l Female Fearers Flash Fierce Foils Co'fd* Start Work in (ivm V ARMI \ I'll 1 I K I TROPHIES TICKLE TANKFULTANKERS Dtubert Duhe* Delighted Dol ph'iu |)«R(Jv (ipraliom Ihir Nothing else tng Dinner — they Satisfy! v^igarcttes arc made lor your pleasure and lor your enjoyment . nothing else. And when a cigarette gives you the enjoyment that Chesterfields do th^rc arc no "if*" "ands"or"buts"ahoutit... i lit! it\i. \kvs iummoN wil i.sitissoit Htnsiut Drop in to Mary Stewart's for Hot Chocolate Support the adveruwrt in the East Lansing, Mich. Michigan State News; they sup- ] port your college newspaper. ?