Plagarists . . . Wednesday . . . are always suspicious of MICHIGAN TATE NEWS being stolen from. - Siinul Taylor Coleridge STATE Cloudy . . . and warm with occasional UNIVERSITY . . . afternoon showers. A high of around 85 is expected. ol. 63, Number 16 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 evenue source House investigating campus speakers WASHINGTON (AP) - The chairman of confirmed the committee survey and gave the reason for it. e House Internal Security Committee !d Tuesday It is surveying payments to Stokes said the committee has asked kers on the nation's campuses on the selected campuses in all 50 states to name ; of evidence that "a considerable their speakers between September, 1968 of revenue to the radical and violent and May, 1970, give the speakers' u,ce "group merits of the country comes from fees identification" and the amount and sources of fees paid them. x speeches." Rep. Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, a member of "The very existence of such documents e committee, accused it of conducting an can unquestionably have a chilling effect bitrary fishing expedition" and advised on the exercise of First Amendment iversity and college officials to ignore freedoms which should flourish most committee questionnaires. abundantly in the atmosphere of higher - Chairman Richard H. Ichord, D-Mo., learning, and give credence to cries of governmental repression which can be used to further divide our society," Stokes said. Ichord said Stokes' charge of olice hu infringement unfounded simply conducting on and academic freedom is that the committee is a voluntary survey. "I don't think Stokes understands the kidnaper for the survey," Ichord reason said, or "because he was not at the meeting at which the committee heard the evidence and decided to conduct it." n sixth The investigation revolve around would presumably speakers like Jerry Rubin — a defendant at the Chicago Seven trial who By JEFF SHELER spoke at MSU winter term. State News Staff Writer Speakers who talk on the MSU campus can be funded from a variety of University he search for 16 year - old Laurie Sunken vessel • funds. Great Issues, for example, is funded nghan and her abductor went into its th day Tuesday but intense investigation through ASMSU and largely supports itself Small craft move about the sunken 349-foot ed to bring police any closer to finding through minimal charges for admission. freighter, Eastcliffe Hall, Nine persons died in the accident, but 12 others clung to the masts which sank in the St. Lawrence missing pair. Seaway near Cornwall, Ont., Tuesday. protruding from the water and were rescued. AP Wirephoto nsing Police Chief Derold Husby said esday that police are becoming "more ' more concerned," for the safety of the Saginaw-bound Canadian freighter nde who was kidnaped at gunpoint ng the holdup of a West Side gift shop ursday. olice are looking for a male, black, 20 - years old, six feet tall, weighing about pounds and wearing a mustache and *tee. usby said police Tuesday were checking runs aground, sinks; nine lives lost o an arrest in Chicago of a Michigan man ' to fit the description of the abductor, he man, who was driving a car bearing chigan license plates, was stopped for "ning a traffic light and was held when MARRISBURG, Ont. (AP) - Divers lice learned he Albert Groulx, 52, of Montreal, who was was named in "several probed the murky waters of the St. proceeding upstream we went aground Montreal, said the ship went down "very, found in the wheelhouse; Chief tstanding warrants" in Michigan. Lawrence River here late Engineer again," he said. very fast." Tuesday, Willie Demers; his wife, The weather 'usby said he doubted the man is searching for the bodies of five Jacqueline, and was overcast and the time "How fast can a ship persons their 6 year - old go down, a minute -nected with the kidnaping, but said the who were among nine who died when a - daughter. The captain's was just before dawn — one crewman's maybe?" Scott said. "It just went down as being checked for 16 - year - old son Alain and four crewmen watch stopped at 4:05 A.M. EDT when he finger prints to Canadian freighter struck a shoal and sunk. awful fast." Ontario Provincial Police were missing and presumed dead. (please turn to page 15) The ship, the Eastcliffe Hall, ran aground reported divers hit the water. Only the tips of the six masts protruded recovered the bodies of the Two of the 12 survivors said the ship's captain, ship "The survivors told me it went down like above the water when the vessel had settled sank so fast that inrushing water a rock," said Provincial Policeman A. at a point about compressed the air in the engine room and Thornton who helped to rescue crewmen eight miles southwest of Massena, N.Y. This was about 60 miles OUSE INVESTIGATION they were blasted through a the river. Others said they skylight into floating on flotsam in the river. fought their way Third Engineer John Scott, 45, of (please turn to page to the surface against the suction of 15) the plummeting vessel. "I think the worst My Lai thing was hearing the kids screaming," Wheelsman Patrick cover-u Tollins, 32, of St. Catharines, Ont., said. Isolation In Montreal a spokesman for the ASHINGTON ssacre of _/on (AP) — The South Vietnamese civilians at 'as covered up at the Army alleged as "to immediately raise a question as to the legal sanity at the time of those men who were involved in it." and recommendations are in a report released Tuesday. They are based 1,812 pages of testimony from 52-page on 152 Hall Corp., owner of the 349-foot said it was "not unusual" for officers to have their families aboard ship. George vessel, boot level, a special House investigating It recommends revision of the Uniform witnesses which were not released. The Eastcliffe Hall, the fourth Hall Line in admi up reported vessel to sink in six Tuesday. Nixon Code of Military Justice to prohibit court - The investigation and report were years, was carrying its t says there load of pig iron from Sorel, was "a concerted effort martial of the men for actions taken in ordered by Chairman L. Mendel R. Rivers, Ont., to ng military and State Dept. officers to combat until a competent authority has D-S.C., of the parent House Armed Saginaw. press all evidence of the Services Committee and approved by him Tollins told police the freighter hit a mud allegation and determined the mental responsibility of the investigation." But it said investigators men at the time of the alleged crime. for release without full committee action, bank off a marina at Chrysler Park near LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - President said there were about 7,500 at the airport re unable to determine when, where and The investigating subcommittee findings (please turn to page 15) here but freed itself within 10 minutes. Nixon told Appalachian governors when Nixon arrived. whom the basic decision was Tuesday made, "About 15 minutes later, as we were that he intends to break his administration Once the President stood on the hood of report prepared by a special "out of the isolation booth" of official the limousine, waving his hands, and then mmittee of the House Armed Washington with ces more top - level visits to leaped to the pavement, almost falling Committee said the action of some the states. down in the process. At another point, a of Americal Division at My Lai Meeting with governors of the 13 (please turn to page 15) rch 16, 1968, were so uncharacteristic Appalachian states to hear their proposal for a new concept of revenue sharing, Nixon said it is important that his administration "get out into the reccr ut i to hear the views of middle America. "Sometimes when I think of Washington country" Entire report and those at the highest level, it is like being in an isolation booth at one of the old quiz shows. The man on the inside on U' women ontinued cannot hear what is said. Nixon said what "we're going on outside," he trying to do is break out of the isolation booth. We to repeat hope made public roubled this in other parts of the country." The governors presented Nixon with a By JOHN BORGER seven - point program, recommending that State News Staff Writer HIGHLAND PARK (UPI) - An 8 p.m. the concept behind the Appalachian —mM™1' cur^ew remained in effect as a Regional Commission, an agency designed The University Tuesday released the aunonary measure Tuesday in this to develop the economically strapped entire report on faculty women and vs oit enc>ave following three region, be expanded into a national women enrolled at MSU, a move for which —n £ nights disturbances which program. Before the session, Nixon twice left his Women's Liberation Front members demonstrated June 30. hite bar ownerlaCk mim W*S Sh0t by " presidential limousine on a motorcade The report wa s not released at that time nTho Rob,ert Blackwell said Tuesday through downtown Louisville hands with the crowd, estimated bv Police to shake because of "internal, confidential toughV" W°U,d remaln at least t least itm°min8' and po6sibly ,on«er- Chief C. J. Hyde "at 50,000 or so." Hvde information," including individual salaries. The report released Tuesday was slightly *"v f P^sons have been arrested, revised 'from the edition submitted to the urL C"rfew violations, since the board of trustees April 17, Robert Perrin, vice president for University relations, said. 4s.CybT^°«"»« ere concerned because the so called Cambodia talk Perrin said the changes were minor corrections in the tables of information - Frank Joyce, past national director of il thP fl .°oing ~ won,t be resolved n thilM.Saturday." Blackwell said, Big turn People Against Racism, will speak on the "Failure of the Cambodian Invasion" at 3 and the elimination of specific salary information, such as when the average sh J!m double is over." p.m. today in 108 B Wells Hall. Joyce salary in a department category had been hooting victim, Jerome Lawlah, 24, President Nixon holds out his arms in greeting to the crowd gathered for his arrival at the Louisville, Ky., airport listed for a category with only one recently returned from Indochina. Tuesday. He was in Lousiville to talk with governors attending the Appalachian Regional Conference. Gov. Louis member. res maintaining order. lies in the realize that It is not the Mrs. Gibson agreed that the campaign The program was sponsored ^ by ^7°".. Cambodia. to end area of state concern," "I'm not going to say 'law and she said, state Senate seat met with order' because of the bad Jondahl, who calls himself a students Erickson and faculty in Kiva Tuesday the S'tWn^wfa'llh^Jo said. But I think live together." we all have to group <**didate," told the they must make peace, SHATTER-PROOF discuss campaign issues. meet Mrs. Gibson, a member nember of the , . i peacemakers," he said. "No Lansing School longer are we coming together as Merc are held seeking nomination by for J5TL2. Jondahl, an ordained minister, their the parties' seat Republican Harold Hungerford of Lansing,who i now to antiwar demonstrators. peacemakers." protesters We Jondahl called young people the state's "greatest resource." or are Plexiglass case is decided "on its own were seldom made because the glass, he said, to li retiring this year. "We must have them as public plexiglass has a Mrs. Gibson said that creating communication channel for .sidewai East Lansing's only servants, not i Some broken windows on merits," factors with being the the deciding building involved and the size of the glass plexiglass was of poor quality. "Now, you'd have to really know what you're looking for to An accurate estimate of the price difference between glass and plexiglass would be hard to structure which in pretty well." keeps tfc^ Solid the state's young people to void sidewalk sale of the year will He called for passage of a bill campus are being replaced with which was broken, Wilson said, tell any difference," Wilson said, material, such J in the state legislature sponsored determine, he said, because the aluminum, may also be used J their views to the legislature i shatter - proof plexiglass. be held today from 9 a.m. to "We don't want to have its Plexiglass has recently become broken glass ranges from replace broken windows Wlh! her "greatest concern." by Rep Jackie Vaughn III Howard Wilson, associate 9 p.m. (the plexiglass') appearance less expensive, too, Wilson said, ordinary plate glass to tinted said. ' ^ "The duty of the elected D-Detroit that would The sale offers the stores' keep director in charge of operation contrast with the rest of the explaining that demand for glass to the relatively expensive official is to Michigan'men from fighting in of the physical plant, said "Most of the listen to the building," he said. plexiglass has increased thermo - pane glass. Plexiglass, on campus now buildings weW people," Mrs. Gibson said. "But re9ular stock at varV'"9 undeclared wars. Monday. Wilson said such plexiglass considerably due to campus were designed!, however, comes in only one be pleasant the problem is that sometimes discounts. Refreshment Another action the state could The plexiglass replacements, replacements have been made disturbances across the country, basic type, with some options in pleasant to to the eye J people don't think you are stands will be set up take he said is to use legislation which are made only when the for almost a year, but have been Companies also provide colored tints, he said, work in," wC said, '"but they're'sitting listening to them if you don't do throughout the sale. Stores exactly what they want." to help reluctant industries original transfer from a war to a peace are window is broken, more frequent since the discounts for bulk purchases. Plexiglass has been used to for vandalism." due! on Grand River and MAC aimed at preventing "extreme rash of breakage" The last large purchase of replace all three types of glass, "That was all She said a lawmaker's final avenues, Albert and Ann economy. repetitions of vandalism, Wilson which began last February. plexiglass was roughly one - half "We don't anticipate much right when tbn decision, Jondahl said he favored said. The quality of plexiglass has wer« built, because we didS however, must result streets and Abbott Road are the price of previous purchases, heat loss by replacing thermo - have the kind of from his own good judgment. allowing the universities to close Not all broken windows are also improved in the past year, although it was still slightly problem * participating in the sale. for a week or two next fall to pane with plexiglass," Wilson do now," he said. replaced With plexiglass. Each he said. Previously, replacements more expensive than common "Rut now* said. '"There may be some, but have to make them safe f^ Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! vandalism and try to Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! keep thq pleasant to the eye." Wilson said there was nov» of determining the ^effectiveness of the in plexigi* preventing vandalism. "If somebody comes tlon with a hammer and tries to smash the window and doesn't succeed, there's not of telling unless muchwij we examine t the windows with a magnify™ glass," he said. Owen sets thrifty acres minimum THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR on meals YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY HOURS 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. A minimum purchase plu will obligate residents of Owen Hall to spend $120 per term fa meals starting fall term. The decision to adopt the plu was made spring term. It will give the hall an assured incon* PttUMSTICKS 23* to maintain the types of servk* and selection of food it has in TOTKty the past, George Van Buren, Owen Hall manager, explained. the Residents also were notified ol change spring term. New fill residents were notified recently in a form letter introduction to the hall. ^ COTTAGE CHEESE 118$ Every student living in must pay both cafeteria, the purchases total the $120 minimum fet for food. It may be applied to snack if the more shop and separate than 51) cents for the entire meal. II residents spend more than the HEAD nK#mV Crisp, rtsp, Tender lender Iceberg minimum $120, they will be billed at the end of the tei a PESCHKE'S LETTUCE I7C Festival BONELESS SMOKED featuring HAMS WHOLE OR HALF workshops DiscusBions and workshops ot modeling and drawing are amon| 5KS.S" TOMATOES today's offerings in the FiM Arts Festival. The modeling discussion at' a.m. in the Kresge Art Tent, ww be beyond the traditional sculpture. Forrest R. Bailey ol ideaoj the University of Iowa will lew the discussion. ■R hy Pay More!' |j "Why Pay Mormr* ARMOUR STAR PESCHKE THRIFTY At 1 p.m. in the art Robert Nelson of the Universe tent, FOOD CLUB CHUNK of North Dakota Art Dept. will CHEF BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN CANADIAN SLICED lead the drawing discussion. CHEESE COLD CUTS B.B.Q The Worldwide Film Festiv* MANY VARIETIES SAUCE BACON BACON will present a foreign feat1® film at 4 p.m. in FairchUd PIZZA H — — — | g ANY SIZE PIECE Theatre. Shorter films will * shown in 10 locations beginning 49< 69'I *Oc I 2>QQ at 7:30 p.m. ygJ QQ< 49< ... At 8:15 p.m. in FairchUd, B-oi. pica. 1-lb.pkg. [ *»»'• ^^ ^ baritone Eugene Holmes w"1 present a concert of Nep° spirituals and opera selections He has been featured with w !20'J SAVE 20C ♦ 20 ■15/ ;-«vn>»UiHIMHHnni Metropolitan Opera CompW \:> -aasr- SAVE 15c !.J5i 17'; SAVI 17< I IT. 15>' £*VE15t All festival events are open » *J5'! the public without charge. «—* -\r.=r" Tola. W',h"-=r'd * rP:x.n. T'" i COFFEE ss. S119 • as? Gelatin £ ir 39l Cottage Cheese 18'.."J HILLS BROTHERS York U. offering INSTANT COFFEE 15* f Oept fMeijer & m Expire* Saturday, July II, 1 class on cowboy Thrifty Acres Coupon Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon ica Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon TORONTO (AP) - J Cowboy: An American tu Hero, is the title of a coufff , 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. be introduced this fail at Pennsylvania — Grand River u| at Okemos Road University. It will examine values, the concept of 1>* order and heroism, a said. P'01 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 3 news UAW tells contract goals: summary salary hike, better f'm" doors. Little progress is expected In a communication to the A union spokesman said it has Pimrirtknf . Auto Workers publicly until after the union other 25 members of the assets in excess of $200 million, "Sometimes when I think nr., °| |.I I , Woodcock decides which company it will international executive board, and a target of $120 million in a of P . s union s demands to choose as a "target" to Woodcock said the union's Washington and those at the Motors Corp. concentrate it efforts strike fund should be achieved on. general fund, which is used for before the strike deadline highest level, it is like being in an hunrfttntnrt » JL n" a' On the eve of the contract administrative i purposes is A drop in dues caused by i i isolation booth at one of the old n»«rf„ 7nn nnn0" . cov®r?"8 talks, the giant union was caught operating at a deficit. While he layoffs in the auto and aerospace r quiz shows. The man on the inside «.n,„ ^ ,» .4„e!n.J! ye8 ,n a financial bind that may did not specify a figure, industries was blamed for part of "BwWoodcock „ I j cannot hear what is going on T^ee>uf°Tuakers- will then repeat the force — it to lay off up - cent of its »P to 10 per informed sources put it a the deficit while the performance international staff, $4 million. investment of $18 million in the outside." at Ford Motor Co. Thursday and at Chrysler Corp. Walter and May Reuther Family - President Nixon (story on page 1) Friday. Education Center at Black Lake The new UAW president, also contributed. who assumed the The center was a pet project of after the death of leadership Walter P. Reuther who died in a plane International News Reuther in early May, will be crash with his wife on May 9 presenting while they a list of demands were en route to $mmmfw U.S. officials privately voiced doubt Tuesday that greater than ever before. The inspect the center in northern m " immmmm Indian reports of Soviet interest in a new Indochina total tab in wage increase and fringe benefit demands adds up Michigan. Both UAW officials and " A ■ "wSB conference indicate there is a serious push now for a to nearly $1 billion in the first industry spokesmen have said in recent weeks that they negotiated end to the Southeast Asian conflict. year. hope a One major reason is the apparent failure of either the It includes a substantial hike, restoration of the old pay settlement can be reached and a strike averted. But both sides Repairs Indian or the Soviet governments so far to tell the formula In figuring cost • of - have also stated there would be With student traffic on campus reduced during the si United States about the proposal, although versions living increases on a tough bargaining before the old workmen can take advantage of the situation. Here, quarterly a have been given to the press in New Delhi. basis instead of annually and a contracts expire in mid University employe repairs the porch in front of the Union $500 • a - month, no - time - September. in anticipation of the influx of pedestrians in the fall. limit pension for all workers I U.S. - trained mercenaries began an outflanking with 30 years of service movement Tuesday at Kiri Rom while other Cambodian regardless of age. Hiere also is a troops fought to maintain a toehold on that mountain I resort 50 miles west A dispatch from of Phnom Penh. the capital said three battalions of variety of lesser demands that includes company - paid dental bills. Courts pondering legality I Cambodians from South Vietnam who learned to fight From today until midnight, Sept. 14, when the under U.S. Green Berets, had struck out through the | jungles in an attempt to outflank the 1,000 Communist troops who seized Kiri Rom last Saturday. contracts expire, outsiders industry observers will watching closely to see if a present and new be of My Lai court-martial contract can be worked out Federal judges in two separate against Sgt. Esequiel Torres, 22, without a strike that could have temporary injunction in the Israeli warplanes struck across the Suez Canal in day courts have been confronted of Brownsville, Tex., who is Torres a serious effect on the nation's with the question of case despite government and night raids Tuesday, defying the buildup of Soviet whether the charged with the murder of four complaints that it would cause surface - to - air missiles to hammer Egyptian military economy. After this week's New envoy? Army has a constitutional right civilians, including one by every person being court - opening to court - martial two sergeants hanging, and the attempted martialed for [ positions. round, the bargainers will divide Informed sources said Monday that Emory C. Swank, a charged in the alleged My Lai anything in themselves into subcommittees murder of three others in the My Southeast Asia to seek civil In Jordan, the Palestine Armed Struggle Command said career diplomat, is likely to be named the new U.S. massacre. Lai attack. Torres has also which will work behind closed stays. Arab guerrillas fired rockets or mortars into eight Israeli ambassador to Cambodia. U.S. District Court Judge Jack denied the charges. AP Wirephoto Torres' civilian Roberts in Austin, Tex., took attorney, [ settlements in the Jordan Valley and upper Galilee. under consideration Lawyers for Mitchell have Charles L. Weltner, contends Tuesday a asked Judge Roberts for a that Torres' constitutional rights Prime Minister Edward Heath's month TOO PERMISSIVE plea to stop the court martial of temporary restraining order have been violated in at least 15 - old S. Sgt. David Mitchell, 30, of St. against Mitchell's court martial- instances and challenges the conservative government, which rode to power with Francisville, La., who is charged at Ft. Hood, Tex. A pretrial basic jurisdiction of military warnings of approaching economic danger, with two counts of assault with hearing in the court - martial is faced court - martial in a case involving U.S. intent to murder in a March 16, suffering—Le Tuesday the worsening economic situation it had set for July 21. the death of foreign nationals on 1968 attack by American predicted during the campaign. troops The Army already has been hostile soil when the nation is on the South Vietnamese hamlet enjoined by U.S. District Court not involved in a declared war. Official figures showed that Britain's balance of trade known as My Lai 4. Mitchell has Judge Albert J. Henderson from If convicted, Mitchell could be with the rest of the world, a key to the economic well - denied the charges. by President Nixon that would mixed trying Torres until the three sentenced to 40 years at hard up b taking drugs?" she Meanwhile, in Atlanta, a three being of the island nation, suffered its worst loss in 17 help "clean up" Washington, judge panel decides the labor, a dishonorable discharge months in June. D.C Mrs. Romney said that the • judge federal panel convenes constitutionality of the and forfeiture of all pay and 0Ider peopIe must help the - , _ . . . * s are neefjed but that youth get involved, she said Wednesday to consider the proceedings against him. allowances. Torres could be The United States is suffering legality of Judge Henderson issued the Congress wasn't giving the - martial sentenced to life in prison. National News through a serious crisis in which country the opportunity to use vote. - concerning the 18 ■ year - old But it isn't right to tell many of our systems and them. TTiey haven't even Record Sale them not to be violent on Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said Tuesday the Justice processes are being abused, considered the President's The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Lenore Romney said Tuesday, campus unless they are given an Dept. has set an Aug. 3 deadline for the issuance of proposals, she said. outlet elsewhere. University, is published every class day during four school Mrs. Romney, a Republican Reforms in abortion laws are terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. plans for compliance by the 50 states with provisions, candidate for the U.S. Senate, "TTiey have as much wisdom also needed, she added. Many Subscription rate is $14 per year including 18 - year - old voting, of the Voting Rights Bill spoke on Partyline, a WITL abuses are also occurring here, as the majority of voters," she THE STEREO SHOPPE said. signed by President Nixon. radio question • answer program. "But my concern is in Member Associated Press. Uni'-ed Press "The International, At his first news conference in more than a opportunities and preventing conception, rather Inland Daily Press Association, Associated year, Collegiate Press, Mitchell said the department will take to court experiences that have been mine than promoting abortion," Mrs. Michigan Press Association, Michigan any state could be put to use in the Romney continued. ALL THE BUTTERMILK Association. United States Student Press Association. Collegiate Press that does not supply it with their plans to comply with Senate," Mrs. Romney said. "I Several radio listeners told the new law, even though a test of the lowered age is now before the courts. voting have always been interested in Mrs. social and human areas." Romney that they were concerned about the PANCAKES Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services drug YOU CAN EAT A permissive attitude has problem and asked her what she Building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, taken over in this last decade, could do. She Michigan. The U.S. House refused Tuesday to adopt new responded by she said. Hie judicial system is procedures that would open more of its committee quoting from an in-depth study loaded in many areas, and the of a Phunes; meetings to the public. Berkeley professor. Fifth Amendment has been "Youth aren't Editorial getting a 355-8252 Heeding the views of its committee chairmen, the abused. balanced view on drugs," she Classified Advertising 355-8255 House defeated 132 112 a key amendment to a "We have protected criminals said. "Many Display Advertising 353-6400 - university congressional reorganization bill that backed was a at the expense of law - abiding professors on our Business-Circulation 355-3447 campuses are bipartisan group battling secrecy in House procedures. citizens, and we are too often misinforming our youth and Photographic 355-8311 The vote, ironically, was taken turning the criminal back onto making drugs sound good, by counting votes but the streets," she said. "We have been unable to give not recording them another procedure under attack The country has failed to adequate care to our wounded by reformers. protect the life and property of men returning from Vietnam, its citizens, she said. Citing law What will we do with all these f Michigan News and order legislation proposed young people who become Where can you get the Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley has asked the Michigan Supreme Court to rule on the year - old state law constitutionality of a 57 - which sets a deadline for submitting Panther trial begins citizens' petitions Kelley to said his request change sections of the law. HIGHEST RATE Tuesday was not aimed at blocking putting the question backers of daylight saving time (DST) from on the November ballot this with police testimony year. The State Court of month, ruled invalid a state law Appeals, in a 2-1 decision last requiring that initiative NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - an effort to make him confess he informer, and of return on any type repetitions be turned in 10 Testimony began Tuesday in the was an was bound session days before each legislative trial of one of eight Black and taken to Middlefield to be begins. Panthers charged in the slaying shot. The Appeals Court of another party member as a His body bore bullet wounds decision paved the way for a second vote on DST ourt rules this November unless the Supreme otherwise. Fast time lost by fewer than 500 crowd demonstrated of sympathizers outside the in the head and chest. The Panther Party has of bank savings? courthouse. maintained that Rackley was a v°tes in the 1968 general election. The defendant, 24 - year • old member in good standing. Lonnie McLucas of New Haven, U-ncral Motors listened without visible reaction ake Corp. said Tuesday it expects to air cushions available to the public as optional as policemen and 'firemen testified about the discovery of equipment on 150,000 cars n a by the fall of 1972. the victim's body. letter to Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthal, D-N.Y., GM McLucas is charged with ex Pected ent toEdward N. Cole added that the company kidnaping resulting in death in anclard offer the controversial safety cushions as the slaying of Alex Rackley of New York City, who police AT AB & T OF COURSE! equipment on one million vehicles in claim was suspected of being an P ember, 1973, and offer them as options in the tACSO. informer by party members. "zander °f the 1974 - model line. Assuming that all technical, design and operational Others scheduled to stand trial later include Bobby G. Seale, a No other bank offers higher rates of founder "J™ would have been solved by that time, we co - chairman of the party. and national interest on any type of savings e u mstall the air cushions on all lines as standard The demonstrators — mostly account or A.B.81 T. is the certificate of deposit. bePj?™ent. in a11 our passenger cars and light trucks white — gathered peacefully on question about it! place to save ... no bp loiP8 111 September, 1974," Cole said. Those would the New Haven Green across the street from the courthouse, and Tl > mode,s- chanted "free the Panthers" »nJ° 1)ePt- °f Transportation has recommended that a and "power to the people." The I and l'VC restraint" system should be required on front demonstration was not audible Alth CUi SCatS °' a" Passenger cars by Jan. 1, 1973. Jnwrican fl in the courtroom. BANK AND TRUST ■ air °U| • t'le department does not specifically demand Police have claimed Rackley shnu-Vi"°ns' ,0w* the t,1e auto manufacturers believe that system was New York brought to New Haven from City, was tortured in most promise. MICHIGAN GEOROE BULLARD r s"1 C7Va \ UNIVERSITY Pittenger newsletter GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager lacking in basic fact KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Rep. Phillip O. Pittenger's recent LARRY LEE, city editor "legislative memo" attacking President the essence of education JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor Wharton is grounded in half - truths, Pittenger also calls Wharton 'W JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor innuendo and outright falsehood. irresponsible" for "closing MicL Campaigning against universities has for a day in protest over become a common political malady. 01 decision to send Presidents Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award troops into Cambol Phil should be ignored, except that he Pittenger is particularly for outstanding journalism. represents many MSU people in the House not knowing the facts. irrespon^- and presumes himself qualified to be their His stateiZ false. Wharton did not close senator. MSu fot an hour, much less in protect Pittenger's tax - paid memorandum is a Cambodia. EDITORIALS masterpiece of public relations pap. Concerning the one - day teach-in on May day On May 8, education - an internal wasrefocus^- 8, he writes: matter and constitutional perogative of "What I dispute is his (Wharton's) right the Unhr MSU trustees have to stop the operations of a large, tax - unani approved Wharton's handling of the supported institution to further his I Student red" Board personal or political views." Everyone should dispute Wharton on that point — were it a valid one. It is not. including the teach-in. Other inst with less capable down — really shut down - administrators«, for p] Wharton called periods. a teach-in — not an For Pittenger to write that It became necessary to destroy (a) South Vietnam, (b) Laos, (c) Cambodia, operations stop — to discuss and exchange teach-in officially protested the | they're still (d) Thailand, (e) All of the above to save Southeast Asia. information on Indochina, Kent State and admit that he neither read program nor heard the pro-ROTC arguments of the day. And whenWh Cambodia the te /; The spoke to the issues, he ASMSU Student Board is a comptroller it is hardly their fault clear that his personal views repeatedly m,, were r functionally broke until January of if they did not know how much that — his personal views. 1971. This raises the immediate Given that elements of money they had - but kept on Pittenger's question that considering that all the spending it anyway. were false, he may offer one of board does is appropriate funds, does It is important to point out that excuses: * He was badly not this mean that functionally there while the board is broke, the Cabinet * misinformed, c He deliberately lied. is no board? which is a little more relevant to Neither option befits a - The truly perplexing thing about public o the students than the board is not. especially one who desires - a Senate this entire business is that it was the What has been spent is the And a man who spreads lies with general Lj ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. board itself that created this fiscal fund - the dollars that ASMSU has money deserves the official censure o! crisis. Probably, the happening can to colleagues. play around with, the money that Pittenger, remember, be explained - but not excused - was the htr by they use to buy too many envelopes Letters does it cost, how long can sperm be stored, who introduced a resolution the fact that the Sixth Session may be addressed to Dr. upper temperature. The skimmed milk calling for for Water Carnival or resignations of three Michigan univ appropriate to Werner, 309 Linton Hall. Names need should not be boiled but should be etc.) and what is involved in artificial Student Board is green. Being new, help the cause of the yellow - brought presidents, including Wharton. not be included unless to a temperature of 180 insemination? a personal degrees. F. It is He knew they do not realize the intricacies of specked grasshopper in Hoboken. reply is requested. then cooled to 110 degrees F but should well that the resol" My wife and I are very interested in this monetary management - like, f6r The cabinet and its not be allowed to infringed upon the constitutional rightt sundered drop below 106 degrees idea but are concerned about the financial university trustees, but he supported example, one does not spend money programs, including Popular F. A small amount of yogurt culture and esthetic aspects of the I've been trying to make yogurt but I've or, procedure as anyway. Wasted motions seem ai that one does not have. yogurt from store - bought bottle is Entertainment, is still solvent - and run into a few problems: added to a well as its validity. of his career. Because the container. The containers they were new, the will remain so if the board cools it. If the yogurt comes out too thin (I've should be But his last move — erroneously ch members of the board probably did kept in an insulated box (a small that Wharton used MSU for Some student services, of course, tried using just non fat dried milk) is it foam picnic chest would be Human pr - fine) with each sperm banks sound like an motives — is far removed from not understand that just because the have already had to be curtailed fair possible to thicken it by adding more milk container covered with a piece of intriguing idea. To date, the long term books showed a surplus of funds that somewhat aluminum foil. Do not disturb the brew as storage of human sperm cells has not been - Pittenger has misrepresented Wharton1 - Course Evaluation, a crystals, or does it require a certain amount it meant there was one. In fact, public missive bearing a "Michigan projected of fat content in order to clabber? Is it bacteria like to work in peace. Thickening perfected to the same degree that it has expansion of the been for other species. I do not know of of Representatives" headline. ? should occur in about eight anything showing in black has bookstore - to make up for the necessary to bring the milk to a full boil hours; you can someone should attack Pittenger for before letting it cool enough to add the then cap the containers and store them any human sperm banks; in any case, it will probably already been assigned to in the good name of the monetary overdraw of the Student the refrigerator. If thickening does be a long time before there are branch legislature to' culture, or is it just that the milk must be not a personal cause? pay an expected and upcoming bill Board. There will be no problem so occur, it is possible that the milk offices in East Lansing. In addition to was too the of one kind or another. Actually, we long as the board quits spending. If, at room temperature before adding the hot at some stage and all the questions you've asked, the idea of a Pittenger owes Wharton a public ap- bacteria were sperm can see how the board could have culture? How important is refrigeration killed. Also, if antibiotics were bank raises a number of other Nothing less will balance the however, the virtually penniless after the yogurt has been made? Can I add the milk as a contaminant present in questions: slander of the July memorandum. : mistakenly assumed that the fiscal board - driven, no doubt, more by * fresh fruit or jelly immediately, or will this not (unfortunately, Will they pay interest? And since Pittenger has a mania an unusual happening) you will also be year began with the seating of the politics than necessity — decides to make the stuff spoil? out of business. As a last resort Will they have night deposit boxes and resignations, perhaps he should consider new board, rather than in you can try drive-in windows? January, as drop more of the students' tax What other strange and horrible things store bought skimmed milk instead of - own. Resigning the House and withdn is the actual case. We can see, that the Will accounts be insured from the Senate is, dollars on whatever strikes their might be growing in the culture pot if I powdered, dry type. by a federal race would be a di provided we forget for a minute that agency? public service, making him eligible for fancy, then the Cabinet could be in leave it sit out over night? Regfrigeration is important as the yogurt number of humanitarian awards. the And, what would happen if a board members as the serious trouble. can spoil. Fresh fruit or jelly can be added Yogurt is one of a number of sour and after the yogurt is chilled or bookkeeping error were made? Certainly Michigan citizens representatives of the student body before eating. It has been possible to collect Hopefully, the btfard in its infinite fermented milk and cream products of If you are using a different sperm applaud. They don't particularly « are supposed to know this sort of method in samples from a man with low sperm count legislator who publicizes himself wisdom will see fit to Eastern origin. Yogurt derives its taste which you leave the culture get a pots stand out and thing. competent comptroller who can help from the fermentation of milk by selected over night, I would over a period of a few days twisting truth into vote getting slander. - suggest covering them concentrate the number of sperm and use Also, it is probably not the board's bacteria which are introduced into the milk with a piece of foil or cheese to straighten out this mess. cloth to Whether from a previous batch of yogurt. - this to artificially inseminate the man's fault if they were so new at the job keep mosquitos out as they can track in they do or not, however, two Skimmed milk is the starting material of wife. Artificial insemination is very simply that they did not realize that large amounts of unwanted, harmful done. The time of ovulation in a woman is any options remain: the board can choice for making yogurt. In using dry bacteria. corporation needs a comptroller to continue to deficit spend or milk you would be wise to add about 25 determined as accurately as possible and a keep things running smoothly. After sit tight and try to weather the they can 50 per cent more milk crystals than you - sperm sample is deposited by syringe in the Misplaced memo would ordinarily. The fat is not area of the cervix. all, things did come up - like the storm. necessary It has been suggested that the for clabbering to occur, as the curd is a strike and they probably just did combination of - Clearly, the latter option would precipitate of milk protein. depositing sperm in. a To: Board Chairman Hal Buckner not have the time to sperm bank followed get around to represent the greater degree of Maintaining a proper temperature during by vasectomy probably would be an effective means of Re: appointing this official. So, without responsibility, good government the procedure is crucial. You need a Can I get venereal disease from oral thermometer that registers temperature family planning. This would allow the sex? ASMSU budget (or lack thereof) from 90 to 200 degress F. This may be couple to use artificial insemination when Hal - hard to find, but an inexpensive darkroom they choose to have a child. Yes. Syphillis can be transmitted through Maybe we should try bringing thermometer available in any photo store What is involved in depositing sperm in a any type of direct Water Carnival. Required will cover the lower contact with an infected temperature and sperm bank (i.e. where are sperm banks flag a area. Gonorrhea enters the body almost candy and jelly thermometer will cover the located, what is legally involved, how much solely through the genital area. OUR READERS' MIND degrading for Donald J. Richards, a junior high Polemics, on his fellows. To require a person to logic, noteworthy school student in Hickville, N.Y., was school suspended from school for what authorities construe as go of against his conscience for the sake conformity and harmony is to betray the principals for which the To the Editor: not unseemly conduct — he refused to flag stands. Jeanne Saddler's essay, "Black women as "mislead," "totally foolish" stand for the pledge of Leaders people because she doesn't agree with a America. It is even a greater pity that this allegiance to The pledge of Misplace Priorities" which appeared in the lack of - page ad in one of the United the flag. allegiance to the position they hold. It is a pity that Miss knowledge should be allowed to largest newspapers? No, I don't think flag, especially at the junior high July 8 issue of the State News is probably Saddler must pose as responsible publicly demonstrate her journalism in one of Miss Saddler is either unaware, nor" Recently Richards' suspension was school level, is more ritual than more noteworthy for its polemics than it is ignorance of the positions that these same America's better for either its logic or its college newspapers. She is simply irresponsible journalist upheld by a federal judge because he honesty. It is a black Americans have taken an found that the youth's action had anything else. Its primary function pity that Miss Saddler must brand over many Isn't it truly a wonder how so When she poses a question such as, more years than Miss many seems, more often than not, to be to distinguished black Saddler has lived many black children will "disrupted" the class. This finding American men and concerning the plight of the black man in young people believe that the world began starvet; wake up the students in the when they learned to use a year to buy a jet?" she tips her was in direct conflict with a decision morning. Miss Saddler truly be so typewriter? Can completely. She cannot be inc" The Supreme Court has ruled that unaware of the in a similar case by a judge of the positions held by Congresswoman stupid; therefore, she can only one need not take part in Shirley prayer in irresponsible and unworthy of space ® same court. Clearly, something is amiss. The school as a matter of free choice. It would be hypocritical to rule that SST boom disastrous Chisolm, Congressmen John Conyers and Charles Diggs? Is it really possible that Miss responsible newspaper. Tell me, Saddler, how could an influx of nil Saddler can turn her back prosecution's contention was that upon the of dollars into the American econow flag - worship should be treated To the Editor: for the weekend to accomplishments of black men who have the Richards boy's actions were In view of America's go fishing, camping, result in black American children starve differently. ever - expanding hiking and swimming will meet with brought honor to all black men by their disruptive because they resulted in On the other This nation population, it is becoming difficult for any frequent thunders of sound piercing the public utterances and actions such as hand, our giving was created by individual millions of dollars worth of jets to y, "incipient disturbances." The dissidents and nonconformists to escape the amalgam of quietude of the beautiful countryside. This Mayor Richard Hatcher, Mayor Carl Stokes defense held that according to the - its humanity and noise caused by this should not be permitted to occur! and Horace L. Sheffield? Does Miss Saddler newly - found Arab brothers can great strength has been in a pluralism tremendous expansion. truly believe that by the stroke of a bleed money away from our ec°n°my. precedent set by Federal Judge Orrin The SST (Super The SST will cause 2.5 of Sonic Transport) is times the air This letter has taken more of my Judd "the viewpoints. To arbitrarily require going to completely pollution already being emitted into the air typewriter key she can dismiss the years of Constitution does not adherence to rituals and delete all chances of escape forever! work of Roy Wilkins than it truly is worth. But someone n ceremonies by sub - sonic jets. If anything, we do not and Whitney M. recognize fears of a disorderly The SST will enhance our stand up to this kind of tripe and exp is the attribute of pollution crisis need more air pollution. Young Jr.? Does Miss Saddler's arrogance reaction as ground for resisting an insecure, shaky in two ways, through noise and air really lead her to believe that such the writer for what she is. and totalitarian peaceful expression of views." It regime. It should be pollution. An SST on take - off will Mrs. E. Eggert distinguished black Americans can be so a matter of pride rather, than ire approximate the sound of 50 sub sonic Student wife appears that this latter view contains - stupid as to be misled by some charlatan that this country is jets taking off simultaneously. This is July 8, 1970 who would dare to use the greater validity. big enough to their names in a full allow its citizens to refuse dreadful in itself; however, it does not end The prime presumption the here. While in flight, the SST would upon patriotic communion if they desire. cause JUST BECAUSE M3U which this nation sonic booms 25 miles on either side CAN'T 60 - whose symbol is At the very least, there is of its RUNNIN6 OFF TO SEE THAT AND STOP MAKIN6 the flag - was founded is that one flight path. The government is making the 6IRL-BEA6LE YOU MET, YOU question that can be asked: which is claim that these planes will be PONT HAVE TO BE SO LONfrPOTUta PHONE diverse views can and shall be the restricted to OBNOXIOUS greater evil - to allow an flight paths over unpopulated areas. This tolerated. The individual should be individual to refuse to salute the may be true for the present, but rules were allowed to express unpopular or to flag made to be broken, as has been the compel him to do so and in the case in opinions so long as that expression so many other instances. Even if this process bring him to hate all does not serve as a that it promise were kept, the millions of disruptive force stands for? The answer is people clear. across the country who enjoy getting away Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 5 letter .Jacobson'0 I'°ct Sidewalk Sale '"te.afte^ STARTS WEDNESDAY AT NOON resident Nix, to Cambodi, irresponsiy,, ACCESSORIES DRESS SALON wool scarves and hats ^MSUf0t( reductions n Protest i on one of 1.00 each a kind designer dresses is refocusedf, ,atter and switchable sunglasses i )f the Univaj Misses and junior dressy 1.00 and casual fashions ther assorted hosiery institutj, custom sizes ratorswerej .50 to 1.00 |~thatf°r prolog COAT AND SUIT SALON assorted summer jewelry the m fJ Cambodiij the teacK further reduction on 1/2 off >-ROTC i jjj, spring and summer nylon and f when Whu suits and ensembles cotton gloves heatedly mi* ws were em all purpose coats 1.00 and up ittenger'sne straw and leather bags one 0( led, or 1/3 to 1/2 off public offie SPORTSWEAR s a Senate i complete group of f u lies with golf and tennis separates . Seminars: students needed as volunteers are asked to perform J volunteer work. Contact the are supervise 100 people at afiJ tour ides to ,ain and int the service of reading assigned Volunteer Bureau in 26 Student camping weekend July 29J out campus materials to blind students on buil(Jings to foreign Aug. 2. Life Guards, nurses students during bus tours. campus. and bus drivers art J Big Sister: a big sister is 4-H Urban needed for a Deaf Blind 13 volunteers are needed for ProgruB year - old girl who attends the - vanof - recreational progriJ Michigan School for the Blind. throughout the city. Petsoi Big Brother: two black good in sewing, woodvod volunteers are needed for big cooking, conservation i brothers for ten - and eleven leathercraft - are needed. year - old black youngsters. «'M'-'A-'S H' is what Boy's Club of Lansing: Michigan School for the Bli volunteers are needed to « volunteers the new freedom are needed boys in the club from age 6 to to help with visually handicaj youngsters ii of the screen is all about." 18 with woodwork, games, shop, recreational areas. Supernal craft and kitchen. Both sexes includes swimming, —Richard Schickel, Life needed. basketbdf bowling and others. 2& Ingham County Social Service Dept.: volunteers are needed to SCOPE: volunteers ai on Wednesday afternoons J supervise play activities for evenings to s u p erviuh preschool children during recreational activities for parent's interviews at the and girls age 5 - 19 in the El bn| An Ingo Preminger Production r=rn department office. Color by DE LUXE* Panavision4 Lansing Tower Gardens ai OEO Youth Program: Project Reach - Pleasant Vm| ALSO "THE BOSTON volunteers are needed to work Schools: volunteers STRANGLtR with a junior high school students to work with on Saturday kindergarten mi mornings. Activities first grade JAMES LARRY VALERIE DENNIS ■ THE NORTHSIDE NOW PLAYING include field trips, arts, and more. crafts, Volunteer youngsters learning needs in certain works with ai I DRIVE-IN THEATRE 2 TOP HITS Family Service Agency: DONNELLY TAYLOR ST. JOHN HAWTHORNE HAWAftVANS youngsters. Shown Twice at 8:32 and Late '"MA-S-iriS THE BEST PfflTON! THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY Pr. Also AMERICAN WAR — — r a better time to suggest murder...? CHARLTON HESTON MAWALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION THE COMEDY SINCE HAWAIIANS DIRECT fSOM ITS SENSATIONAL RESERVES' SC AT ENGAGEMI Npumrhu GERALDINE CHAPLIN, JOHN PHILLIP LAW, MAKO, ffcHEN SOUND CAME ALECMcCOWEN u 'MICAH HALE* Mum-HENRY MANCINI ScrMnpti OIWC [gpF I'bi JAMES A.MICHENER Prooucto by WALTER MIRISCH i PANAVISION* COLOR by DeLuxe" Unrtad Artists IN!";.p:r,;,ri YOU Kiff AT CAMPUS Co-Hit at STAR LITE /f fIRIMOCF LADIES' DAY - - Wed. is 75c to ( 'IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS Color by DE LUXE® PANAVISION* Shown 2nd at 10:24 MUST BE BELGIUM" 11 P.M. WEDS. & THURS. ONI rURE FAMILY WAY and TO DIE IN MADRID "TO DIE IN MADRID is one of the greatest documentary films I a tender, have ever seen edited . . . incredibly photographed, beautifully spoken and It is just a stunning movie, a movie that is funny, indeed ... remarkable This is indeed a film I think everyone should see. . . . Not terrible an easy experience, but certainly a beautiful one, and an unforgettable one One does not use the word . . . 'masterpiece' ^ wedding lightly. But both as an historic film record and a human document, TO DIE IN MADRID stands out as a masterpiece not to be night. missed." - Judith Crist, New York Herald Tribune. 109 ANTHONY 'The BOULTING BROTHERS Production the FAMILY WAY 8 P.M. family DIE IN MADRID 10 P.M. wayga SHOWN ONCE ONLY HL("Beatle")McCfcRTHEV j BILL("AHie")NAUGHTPN'S|; ADMISSION $1.00 «»)TECHNICOLOR* I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 J 'She Sto The cait of "She Stoops to Conquer," the second offering of Summer Circle '70, held drees rehearsal Monday night prior to the show's opening at 8:30 tonirfit. The eighteenth century comedy portrays the perennial battle of the sexes. Performances run in Kresge Court between through Saturday evening Kresge Art Center and Fairchlld Theatre. State Naws photo* by Diok Warren Goose Lake Park for 18,000 cars - la a leveled taking shape MSV SUMMER FREE THEATRE Wednesday thru Saturday Evenings By ROBERT KIPPBR ■ crashing problem, special chips approaching the 60,000 cut-off by Stan Andrews. The bowl araa plane of dirt and mud. will be sold as admission tokens largest and most ambitious 8:30 P.M. Kresge Court State Newt Reviewer The propoaed mile • long point. of the park, where the crowd that cannot be music event yet planned duplicated. In addition to three days of will listen to the in Between Kresge Art Center and I Carpenters, electrician!, road swimming beach is partially People without chips will be music (from 2 p.m. to around enclosed by groups, Is Michigan Fairchild Theater dredged lakesite with bull dozers stopped at designated points special fencing that guilders, plumbers and lake midnight each day), the Goose will prevent echoing. lining the shore and defiant along the road miles from the Record Sale This Week: Oliver Goldsmith's iredgers have slightly over three . Lake Festival will feature Planners at Gooae Lake reeds dotting the water's surface, expect complete the park. swimming, camping, SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER In short, the lifelong dream of nature to limit the much - discussed I being attempted Those with chips will enter the trails, a motorcycle / dune buggy rock event. Richard Songer, the 36 ■ year • park Whether they It Goose Lake, near Jackson. old and move freely track and a 200 • foot • long succeed or not remains to be T What was once 360 acres of owner of Portland throughout the area. LAST DAY Construction Co., is still very (Once in, slide. Low - priced food stands, seen. Even if they do, the three - THE STEREO SHOPPE Isrm, swamp and wasteland will however, no one can leave free nutritional food standa day rock festival 1:40-3:35-5:30-7:25-9:20 much Imagination and blueprint, without an will be the [iecome a rambling, million • What promoters hope for In Cars will be Important reason.) (sponsored by Open City), "BENEATH THE PLANET OF Jollar recreation area In time - parked within the plastic • like rain protectory free ENDS THURSDAY: planners hope — to August Is not another 7-foot high fence that encloses firewood, and restroom and "6TH HORSEMAN IS FEAR" THE APES" commodate the awall of rock inthuiissts that will arrive for a Woodstock, publicity director the park. Bobby Mann aald. Instead of shower Tokens reportedly are selling provided facilities will be and "QRIITINQS" THURSDAY *•■ At 1:15-3:16-5:lB-7:20-9:15 bins • dsy rock festival Aug. 7 • hug* crowds national fast (get them - f0 -** - at- for 916 The park's $60,000 sound "A gtrl telegrapher whan attention, teduchon It turely one of they plan u» a Hudaons and Orinnell's) and system Is being custom controlled number of people designed the great comic erotic f Thehold Llll revolving Joe band shell that (around 60,000) who can roam itifnencet In film hltlory." Cocker, Jethro - Lift Magatlne lull, ftn Yean After, Savage tha park free of outslda Chioitto John Stbifltltn. restrictions, roitncuoni, appreciate tpprtuiftu* m "beau hunks9* j 8»ger BHC and 12 other 'M'"^ea and added features and CLOBILY iid> lii presently lust a skeletal not fM# th# Inconvenience of WATCHED jsaftiffi! aasijrasssuthit "two tars" Campground Is now a spacious P X A0^ TWAIN! RJ n, parking Mm1.1 - J* Uk« "J P«k will "music box" PLUI - ■ ■ recreational area with numerous M «„ matinee at 2:30 music and activity events tonltel 7:30 lusical £tanned abor Dayyaarly. rock (Inclaentlally, planned for thla festival Is beinga year and three 200 people's church w. grand river e.l, more festivals are In the works 76o or S2 for 4 >n boards for next year.) In an attempt to solve the gate admissions |n/.y l'„v A/Wl, y IVv More.' Why Pay More! Why Pay Mo r > ■SAVE' it Ledges I The Ledges Playhoue* offers li first musical comedy of the ■970 season beginning tonight When "Little Marry Sunshine" lghts up the stage In Fitzgerald T»rk, Grand Ledge. I SPARTAN TWIN WEST FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAQINAW • Phone 381-0030 Clearance! LADIES DRESSES I "Little Mary" Is Ivery other musical. The Kadota Indians, numbering a grand total a spoof of STARTS TONIGHT! three, struggle to survive amid he chaos of the Colorado fountain Rangers and their •capades. Linda Grlswold of Lansing [tars as Little Mary, adopted laughter of Chief Brown Bear, •'»yed by Ernest Wiggins. Ron thrifty acres Tuffy 18 Little Mary's big fcmance, Captain Jim. Chrla ■chneider portrays Nancy ■winkle and ■ester Corporal Billy is Richard McGuire. Claudia Wilkens, often seen in Tore serious roles, will portray x • Ernestine von Liebedich. general Oscar Fairfax, retired, is ■Jichard Thomson and Charles |assell of Lansing will — fmehow - make it as the 10 • Iear ' old Fleetfoot. Yellow lather is played by Peter "oert, who returns to the edges this year. J Jonathan Adair la musical nilWot the Show. t John PMckM will Curtain time is 30 P.m. Students rates are P ICHICAN ?6ir a0™1*"061 at 1:80 - ^10-6:56-9:8Q P.M. -^JLQW A MOTION ncry., . * "OSS HUNTER MoogcT«« AIRPORT H " DUN LANCASTER * MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE * BISSET UNIVIRML FI0TUM 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdi laV'July 15 I, Sidewalk (JmjJoo&e Sale jflbttrin'B The Card Shop LOUIS THE SIEBH) SHOFPE State Disco wit cleaners IV$ SAVE $$$ SAVE «$ SAVE $S$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $1$ SAVE $$$ SAVE I SHEPARDS ANNUAL Knapp's MaE!La" d iscount records 1| SIDEWALK SALE 1 SHOPALLDTJ 1 SBEWAUTSAL£j GANT SHIRTS ♦Housewares JihslfL* Wednesday! 203 E. Grand River MEN'S ♦Sherwin Williams Paint * Black Lite Fixtures — V4 off up to 9JV" 9PI( f ♦Car Waxes ♦Lots of Other Stuff Over 50 Pair Casuals. Values to $16.00. Now $5.97 OPEN 50% OFF .... WEDNESDAY Ace Hardware 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 201 E. Grand River across from The Union CAMPBELL'S Over 120 Pair Casuals and Slip-ons. Values to $18.00. I SUBURBAN SHOP Now $8.97 Men's Socks SIDEWALK SALE SPECIALS! Women's Panty Hose Over 100 Pair Over 110 Pair ALL LP's on SALE Reg. $1.75 Reg. $2.00 REG DISCOUNT 96< 96< PRICE qq 4498 WOMEN'S $3.98 li™ $2.98 Over 250 Pair Odd Lots, Dress and $2.16 $1.79 Casual. Values to $16.00. Now $3.97 PLUS EXTRA ONSPECI Over 375 Pair Summer Straws, Fall Dress Shoes. Values to $19.00. Now $5.97 OUR SA NOW... Our Entire Stock of Summer I HANDBAGS $2.97 ALL Fashions Reduced Up to 50% Off! I PRE-RECORDED Over 50 Pieces. $3.97 Shop Hosier's First For the Biggest I Values to $12.00 $5.49 Plus over 2,200 more in other super ■ savings groups. Savings.Jhe Greatest Selection! STEREO EQUIPMENT Famous Swimsuits , DOWNTOWN 326 South Washington Nnepard S I | | EAST LANSING 317 Ea»t Grand River * Av«.^ DEMOS AND OVERSTOCK AT GREAT SAVINGS bikini*, cagei. Reg. to $23 # s8 to <16 RECEIVERS Since 1944 First Choice of MSU Students # ■ < AMPS $$$ SAVE $S$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE *$$ SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE # # SPEAKERS TAPE RECORDERS Knit Tops, Shirts # HEADPHONES hundred* to choose from. Reg. $6 to $8 BARGAIN DAYS AT SBS DUE TO THE HEAT MOST OF OUR SALE WILL BE INSIDE THE STORE. RECORD 2 for 57 2 for s9 •SWEATSHIRTS ' T- SHIRTS ' JACKETS The OPEN leans, Jeans, Jeans •JEWELRY 1/2 denimi, cords, solids, stripes. Reg. PRICE DISC SHOP Mon. - Fri. to $8 •BRIEFCASES HOSIERY 323 E. Grand River Phone 351-5380 9-9 Sat. 9 - 5 2 for s7 2 for s9 •STUFFED ANIMALS -STATIONERY Pants, Bermudas Summer House cleaning All Bay Solids, stripes, prints. Reg. to $16 STEREO TAPE $499 ,0 SJQ99 RIOT! Wednesday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. extra special for Sidewalk Sale only $399 $329 $299 Come Inside for Wool Cool $, Savings on Pants ,oS,e « BOOKS . . . BOOKS . . . BOOKS Every Piece of • Special Library Bound Children's Books "Instant Hair99 Summer Dresses sp EACH in Our Cotton Knits & Prints (Buy 10 — Get one FREE!) Shop. s650 to 524 • Buckram Bound Modern Library Books 5149 EACH (SPECIAL 5 for $7.00) The "Wash Brush 'n Go Wigs from $12.00 Modacrylic Falls at $15.00 The Summer Sets • Pound Sale - Textbooks, Paperbacks, Etc. 50c pound Loop D Loop at $10.00 2 and 3 pc. outfits. Reg. to $26 100% human hair wiglets from •Peter Pauper Gift Book Sale regular$1.25omy s100 100% human hair wigs from $1.00 $17.00 s9 10 s16 100% human hair falls from $25.00 (Buy 10-Get one FREE!) Our wig stylists will be demonstrating Raincoats, Jackets Wow styles at great Encyclopedias (2 sets] Collier 1965 & 1966 • the combing & styling of savings! Reg. to $23 modacrylic wigs on the sidewalk. your choice for only J7 *6 to s16 All display pieces 5c Cokes are reduced by 50% Skirts, Scooters Solids, stripes, prints. Reg. SB S to $10 541 E. Grand River s4 to 56" below Paramount Newt Open daily "tudeni tudent 00k tore 332-3341 - 106 Open M W^F - Panty Hose 2 fashion shades. 241 E. Grand River Reg. $1.59 Across from Olin Wigs Are Our Business +- Not A Sideline 99c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 epards 5k HQ E S Blocks 8»b«l:fcVt of 8hoy 1 Bargains JacobjSoii'8 Trousers NON-PIERCED EARRINGS SELECTED IEWELRY 500 UP TO 75% OFF A* up to i4> celeJtAatutCf, STERLING SILVER 50% OFF SELECTED GIFTS CHARMS EAST LANSING SIDEWALK SALE UP TO 2/3 OFF I CAMPBELL'S SUBURBAN SHOP 500 sltts Leon G is joining Wed. July 15 in the annual one 9 A.M. day sales to 9 P.M. event with some outstanding ALL PARTY SUPPLIES values ... Jewelry ... Gifts ... Prints ... custom Picture Framing ONE BOXED XMAS CARDS EVERYTHING IS REDUCED " HOUR 1/2 0FF 1/2 0FF 15% OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK SERVICE S.B.S. We can't sell diamonds or fine jewelry on the sidewalk but appreciation for your support and to participate in this big event to show our When you think of Cards" ALL LOUIS CARD SHOP OUTSIDE WE ARE REDUCING EVERYTHING IN THE STORE AND INSIDE SALES FINAL BARGAINS NO REFUNDS ENTIRE STOCK OF CLEANERS ENTIRE STOCK A GROUP OF 623 E. GRAND RIVER ACE Hardware DIAMONDS AND WEDDING RINGS 14 KT GOLD FAMOUS BRAND * JEWELRY WATCHES Orange Blossom * Gold Fashion Originals Pins * Pendants * Art - Carved Bracelets * Earrings 40% OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF OTHERS 15% OFF mauru?^ ONE DAY ONLY >ratrtj iiuuHP ENTIRE STOCK ENTIRE STOCK SILVER & PEWTER PRINTS FRAMED PRINTS Everything in the store HOLLOWARE one lot AND WALL u.s, 15% OFF slightly shopworn Sweaters DECORATIONS Jewelry Wedding Rings 25% OFF Diamonds Silver Pewter Gifts Custom Picture framing 50% OFF up to SUPK A selection of ODDS & ENDS Your Choice Wm. Rogers 10 inch 50% OFF Custom Picture Frames silver relish tray with glass Insert 8x18 12x16 11x14 16x20 319 E. Grand River Ave. 12 Inch silver tray CAMPBELL'S 18x24 THE BARGAIN SPREE OF THE YEAR I SUBURBAN SHOP $2.99 to $11.99 Eut Lansing Phone 332-4673 Only $4.95 each . THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN WE REALLY CLEAN HOUSE TO MAKE .. SHARE IN THE BIG, BIG SAVINGSI THIS IS ROOM FOR NEW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY . . . OUR ENTIRE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK GOES AT FABULOUS SAVINGS. phone: Hours: d iscount records 361-8460 Dally 9:30-8:30 Sat. 9:30-6:00 150 SUMMER DRESSES . .. NOW $10 - $13 - $15 225 ANN ST. THE ONLY COMPLETE RECORD STORE IN LANSING OR EAST LANSING 300 PAIRS SLACKS WERE 8.00 TO 12.00. . . YOUR CHOICE $2.00 INCLUDES BOTH SUMMER AND CORDUROYS SIDEWALK SALE SPECTACULAR FROM OUR MOST FAMOUS MAKER . . . FROM COLUMBIA AND EPIC RECORDS 100 PAIRS SUMMER SLACKS WERE 19.00 . . . TODAY ONLY $10.77 rnappying maiden It4 f\ 200 LONG SLEEVE BLOUSES 7.00 TO 12.00 . . . TODAY ONLY $2.00 100 RAINCOATS . . . VALUES TO 40.00 $13 - $15 - $19 ALL REMAINING SWIMWEAR NOW 1/3 OFF! PRE-FALL SPECIAL! 200 WOOL SKIRTS . . . WERE 12.00 TO 18.00 ... TODAY ONLY $4.00 GRAB RACK . . . YOUR CHOICE $1 - $2 - $3 - $4 INCLUDES WOOL SWEATERS, SHIFTS AND JACKETS PURSES, TURTLENECKS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ALL Remaining Famous Maker SUMMER SHOES WERE 12.00 TO 36.00 . . . TODAY ONLY ,$4.00 87 SPRING COATS— '/2 PRICE! MISCELLANEOUS JEWELRY ODDS & ENDS . .. OUT THEY GO . . . 50< to $1.00 CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SPECIALS - TODAY ONLY! GROUP OF BLOUSES VALUES TO 15.00 . . . YOUR CHOICE TODAY 70% OFF rDrr while they last • ALL ANGEL RECORDS $3.69 each rKCt (one to a customer) • SELECTED HELIODOR CLASSICS $1.49 each COLUMBIA our famous maker CLASSIC DRESSES NOW 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! • INCLUDING PANT DRESSES, VOILES AND SHIFTS VALUES TO 35.00 SAMPLER LP . . . SLECTED POp. JAZZ, CLASSICAL, SHOWS FROM SUCH LABELS AS COLUMBIA, LONDON, ANGEL, COMMAND, GROUP OF OUR FAMOUS LABEL RCA FROM $1.98 • • ALL 45's ALL (INCLUDING OLDIES) 67c POSTERS 25% OFF d iscount records 225 ANN ST. SKIRTS - SLACKS VALUE TO 21.00 . . . ... 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! JUNIOR 8t MISSES' SIZES 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday July,. WASHINGTON Hickel (AP) - Hickel gave no indication how threatens indications "that the presence of federal Wki Secretary of the Interior Walter long he would wait, but aides legal action if this proves metal seen in thermometers, J. Hickel threatened quick legal indicated it would not be mercury in much of our nation's to be the case and if occurs naturally in chemical long. water constitutes an Immenent corrective action Is not prompt action Tuesday against industries "The administration is health hazard." taken," compounds found in rocks and the telegrams added. soil, dissolved in water discharging mercury, a developing hard evidence," for He sent They urged or carried poisonous metal, into waterways in telegrams urging governors to find out which in water as silt. Even at relatively use court, Hickel said. He immediate action to the mercury users are unless states low levels in water, discharging — move quickly to added that a team of specialists mercury governors of 17 states: Alabama, stop the pollution themselves. is mercury into waterways and to compounds tend to concentrate pinpointing areas where Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, start abatement action at once. in the flesh of fish and can mercury is a threat and laying the groundwork for its control. Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Officials refused to disclose at become a danger to those Michigan, North Carolina, New eating Incidents of present which waterways and such flsh. mercury York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, which industries were under There have been no reported poisoning have been rare in the Virginia, Washington, Cigarettes United States, posing a threat mainly to people who work with Virginia and Wisconsin. West suspicion. The Geological Survey has cases of mercury poisoning from flsh In the United States. But Each telegram advised the it In industry. begun studies to determine authorities are concerned that governor of "preliminary natural levels of mercury discharges But of mercury in 19c once added to environment, mercury persists the information Arms in . . your . that certain state compounds in the nation's air industrial wastes may build up are and water. Hits would for many years and can build provide a mercury concentrations to Limit 1 Pkg. with each up discharging mercury into basis for judging how much dangerous levels in certain areas, input. waterways. either in drinking water or in Hickel said there mercury is added by industry. ''I am prepared to pursue Mercury, the shinv llauid fish. $1.69 Opaque Panty Hose 89' No Limit (coupon) Kait Lamina St or* Only txplrti Aff r Today BIG SAVINGS ON $1.76 Enkasheer Panty Hose * SWEATSHIRTS 89' * T-SHIRTS No Limit (eoupon) Kait Laming stora Only Men's * JACKETS War Sot A Cambodian loldier holds a itick over a Vietnamese with hit handi tied behind hit and 49< * BOOKS Prek Koy, Cambodia. Centurlei of hatred between Cambodiane and brutal behavior by Cambodian and Cambodia. Vietnamese eoldieri during their Vletnameie military has back In resulted operations in In I I I No Limit AP Wirephoto I (soupon) ■Mt Lamina Stora Only tnplrai Attar T-- * STATIONERY N.Y. $.59 Coated hospital seized, held| Rubber Bands 39' No Limit CAMPUS BOOK STORES by Puerto Rican,militants NEW YORK (AP) - The minister of Information, Yoruba At Both End# J (soupon) Kin Lsmlns Mors Only iwHrsa Aftsr Today of the Sidewalk militant Puerto Rican Young Lords occupied a building at Quitman, 22, told newsmen. "And we are not armed. We Momenta of the community, cannot do the job overnight, f Lincoln Hospital In the South will leave this "Moat of the demands J 131 E. Grand Rlvar Bronx on Tuesday, renewing hospital only by this group are valid. Thill 607 E. Qrind River when It starts serving the their lelf described that they took over ■ Aoroii from Union ■ people," Tad Aoron from Barkay "revolutionary war" to bring About 100 members of the dramatized the situation will power to their people. organization Invaded the nine ■ helpful..." r j)r, Laoot, a Puerto Hlcan.d Toothbrush "We are here with nothing but love for our people," the Lords' story brick building before dawn most hospital aervlm winl 19' PARKING VALIDATION POLICY Record Sale and barricaded the doom. It la one of five Lincoln buildings forming the Hospital complex that interrupted. Hut hp said I MCond floor of the occupk this eoupon worth serves more than building housed s service« ft Hour FrM ♦ 1.00 on any starso l.i», 300,000 South for mental patients and id Parking at any olty - attended lot or new ramp and at private lot next to •Nplrss July la. 1*70 Bronx residents, mostly Puerto "Patient care la being dliru Campui Book Store - 507 E. Grand River. $2.00 minimum Rlcan and Negro. purchase. Be lure to have your THE STEREO SHOPPE The demonstrators demanded an(j endangered." parking ticket for ui to validate. 941 K, Oranfl Wlvit 317-1100 The Lords have publ Improved medical facilities for crusaded In the put for the area, Including a round • the breakfaata for slum chlldM ■ clock grievance ataff at the State hospital, tests a day care center and for tuberculosis and lead "liberation schools," wide m treatment. They have giventM and poisoning, wl.ich are common In own TB tests., collected a distributed used clothing, al Puerto Rlcan slums. They also (jes ^ooK^GRes Discount jackets protested what they called inadequate staffing at Lincoln, sought to set affliction center, Their membership up their own dH and asked more city funds for Next to the Card Shop 50% OFF the Institution. Dr. Antero secret. source They claim the of Income are donatio Lacot, who 307 E. Grand River negotiated with the Intruders, ggie 0f the organlzatloul CAMPBELL'S said conditions at the hospital newspaper and the sail ARSHALL to remedy the situation so we need festival scheduled later i the cooperation of all week. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NIGHT| USIC COMPANY at Xttfeutt 245 ANN STREET, E. LANSING from 9- SALE is TABLE OF SHEET MUSIC PITCHER] BOX OF GUITAR STRAPS DEMO. AND USED GUITARS NITE "Come and sing also featuring - Thursday & Saturday EICO CRAFT ELECTRONIC KITS Ray Carbone on the guitar... direct from Ocean City, Md. Friday ■ Helmut and Werner 'AUDIO SPECIALS Ijrattk'ttfckta BUDGET RECORDS BIG SAVINGS tetmmmt n MtoNgan A Kalamazoo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 11 Inspectors learching for An DDT intensive campaign to .move all remaining DDT inducts from retail stores is rinc launched by the Michigan lent of Agriculture. 'r Dale Ball, department lirector, said nine field 'lectors of the laboratory ivision are being assigned to ck retail outlets in their ective territories for DDT SST-tlmawo 63,000 ail stores in Michigan, about j days will be required to omplete the inspection, Ball Bid The director emphasized iat many stores have already f% Are oluntarily complied with the lepartment's request to remove )DT products from their helves. Director Ball outlined the procedures which will be taken luring the next 60 days: pocks "The inspector will inventory [ttempt containing DDT and to gain voluntary /ou watching dollars rithdrawal of the products. your "If voluntary release is not ibtained, the inspector will [lace the lot under seizure as a nisbranded economic poison, temples will be submitted to the Fboratory for analysis and to be 1 as evidence, and the label examined to that closely now? , he assure product is misbranded. more ; 'A complaint will then be kled seeking a court order of ondemnation and disposition.." Ball said notices mailed a lonth ago, seeking voluntary ompliance, have brought ommitments of cooperation rom many associations of etailers. The current campaign 5 expected to complete disposal is back in f remaining stocks which were n hand when DDT registrations •suited In rere canceled by the rationi epartment a year ago. Virephoto eld \lo cano ^ Then shop and pn riv its pmunlty, vtrnlp mmt d» in ^lld, Thi! /vee kdays The Canoe Shelter has ceased 'rations during the weekdays save today arold M. Jean, asst. manager of a Rlc«n,M win I """" mcessions, announced The shutdown for the summer rm resu|te(i from iack Qf usiness and profit loss and is fective until Sept. 1. 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. "We don't mind if we can and ii ■eak even but we generally lose K" dim 18 - 25 a day," Jean said. "We 'metimes make up for this loss i the weekends, which brings amounts from $45 - 75, but n chill iere still tends to be a profit e given III Labor costs run $36 a day. [l ected The loss is not compensated □thing, v by the University. For [ample, from June, 1969 to EAST LANSING pril 1970, canoe rides lost B41. Jean hopes to cover this f the > donit am the cutback in employe •urs aanlzitlot during the summer. The hours will remain the me for the weekend: 2 p.m. to idnight Friday through unday. The canoe dock is on >e Red Cedar anticlprti As for the near Bessey Hall. .Iday " 'an weekday canoere, said, "Only if there is SIDEWALK SALE °ugh public demand would e Canoe Shelter resume eekday hours. Then it would y be open for a few hours a «y. Collingsworth rati fill English I p.i acinel post Alan m. Hollingsworth, Knapp's ^airman of the Dept. of English, has EH b-o.., nas been elected to heNTr1 thiC CoUege Sectlon on rrr1 CouncU of Teachers ccordit (^CTE) Doctors, . x2, g to Robert F- Hogan, xecutwe JCTE. secretary of the The NCTE is professional "ganization of' 130,000 "dividual and "embers institutional levels of "struction. ncrease th COuncU is to eaching ts lifi. ofeEen » JiChirne8SOf E"gHsh language and 0 furnlchi COlleges- addition sC^'uch teaching aids nips M^rding8 and "terary ■fcSSJST" -2 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesd;ay, Jul, is -SPORTS- Palmer, Seaver, Nixon are ready JIFF ELLIOTT CINCINNATI (UPI) ' embarrassing - Palmer, admitting that it has been Jim for the American League to lose seven unfinished Riverfront Stadium. President Nixon, who threw out the first ball in the 1958 All . star game at Baltimore when straight All - Star games to the he was vice president, was National League, started against scheduled to throw Tom Seaver Tuesday night in the ball 41st All Cincinnati's • Star game spacious, out the first before a sellout crowd of at more than 50,000 fans and a but national television audience. The President was until Wednesday afternoon and he had to leave on a tour and missed the game. The American League team, which has won only one of the also supposed to throw out the first ball last year in Washington, but the game was postponed by rain last 13 All - Star games and trails 22 ■ 17 - 2 in the American series, had a lineup with two ailing starters Manager Earl Weaver of the League said he wouldn't play either baseman Dave Johnson if his Baltimore Orioles were playing a regular Robinson, season whose hampered by a bad shoulder, game. and Johnson, troubled by a bad swing knee, were in the starting lineup rightfielder for the classic. Frank Robinson or second Weaver was scheduled to pitch Sam McDowell and Jim Perry after Palmer finishes his stint But is rooted for the American League," he said. "It's embarrassing straight. indication It's to lose >even not a true of the comparative strength of the two leagues, but still it's a matter of prestige." However, Palmer admitted that the National League might £ Sports Info. Dept readies for It's hard to believe, but six weeks from indidates will report back to campus to take candidates settle some other trivia before the first football today MSlt» their nh day of practice while Gil Hodges, the National "have a few more super stars and And with the season quickly League manager, hoped to pitch overall we can't quite compare approaching, Fred in the Sports Information Dept. find their work „119' ^ facial tissue WALNUT MEATS "»99C hamburg slices .7A" 53( CHUN-KING ... lin,A Fe beef chow mein....»»«?o5 baked beans 36c PIONEER PURE f~ shrimp chow mein!°'V?^.85C WHITE OR YELLOW ^ Af popcorn...'"? 39' , , . MICHIGAN GROWN —MICHIGAN MADE hoppv pop mushroom chow mein *85< instant mashed potatoes ^ 1^31 SUGAR !:f CHUN-KING .11 nmOrC f9n^P*20c COUPONiMiK^ 7 GOOD TOWARDS W DIET PEPSI COLA chicken cjidw mein o'v^° oj pioneer PURE sugar) IO-OZ. 5 lb. 39" 8 * NO RETURN BOTTLE CARTON FANCY m. FANCY HEINZ KETCHUP MILFORD CORN WHOLE KERNEL OR 1LB..4-0Z. 29' (ASDRINKSj=^fc|J ORTED FRUIT FLAVOR WM ^Marshmallo|slvJ Q141 I KRAFT 15* CREAM STYLE Aunt Nellies "m|Q4| BOTTLE #JETPUF WM LB. CAN 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan | WednesdayjU|v,, STATE NEWS Statene*s CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The People Business Cla*Sifisd 355-8255 Automotive Scooters & Cycles FRANKLY SPEAK)NO by Phil Frank For Rent ForSale For Sale JEEP 1967, CJ6 6 cylinder, 4 wheel SUBLEASING aummer Cedar TEN SPEED Schwlnn, excellent, drive. Low 353-1112. 3-7/17 mileage, $1100. Greens, apartment 882-0638. Cheap I 6-7-16 5A. Call $110 3-7-15 new, asking $75. 351-1782. Horn,* NEAR CAMPUS 195R7» * AUTOMOTIVE MUSTANG 1968: sedan, Auto Service & Parts SONY TC 530 Stereo tap* recorder. condition, six cylinder / standard, BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms Scooters & Cycles furnished. Close to campus, Excellent condition $135. 332-0358. 3.?:,,' $1800,353-1202. 3-7/17 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East summer end fell leases. 332-0965. 332-8474, after 1 p.m. 3-7/17 Auto Parts & Service Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 1965 MUSTANG 1967. Very good Complete . . . painting HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Completely Richardson", Aviation auto and COMPANY, 351-7910. 0 TAPE DECK: Roberts 450A, 3 furni|h(d » * condition, six cylinder, automatic, collision service. IV 5-0256. C Must sell, EMPLOYMENT months old, $140. Also cer $2,700 1 power. 351-1949. 2-7-16 Cassette, 351-9261. 3-7/17 351-0945, Jane. 3.7.J7 * FOR RENT ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Houses OLDSMOBILE 1965. Good KALAMAZOO STREET BODY STAR 1968. Apartments mechanical condition. Call SHOP. Small dents to large STUDENTS. Beat up old cottage, 2 GARAGE SALE Friday end excellent 12x50~t\ Houses 332-6820 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 bedrooms. Year around living. $90 Saturday July 17 and 18 Includes condition- * wrecks. American and foreign Rooms OLDSMOBI LE 1964 cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C monthly. 489-1719. 3-7-16 bikes, power mower, 6 yeer crib, grill, electric hot plate, and P*7k;5Mwon 676-5994" * FOR SALE convertible, miscellaneous items. D. Aschom, excellent condition, one owner, GIRL OVER 22 share Animals — large house, 1122 Heslett GREAT LAKES 8x37 $500. Call 332-3161. 3-7-16 VT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Road. Heslett. n private bedroom, many good Mobile Homes 3-7/17 condition \ American cars. If we can't fix it, it conveniences. 882-4691. 6-7-17 351-0751. 4-7 17 PLYMOUTH Satellite 1970: 318 V8, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. * PERSONAL MUST SELL - Leeving the country. >n, two door, 0-7/15 EAST LANSING, 4 bedroom. * PEANUTS PERSONAL Elco amplifier and FM tuner, TWO BEDROOM, 12x56 "iik. Must sell Furnished, rent $210 per month. * REAL ESTATE UTAH 12" 3 way speaker system Equity and take over- 351-8459. 5-7-17 Call between 4 Aviation Itt years old. Cheap. 351-2922. andT * RECREATION 5-7/21 489-6624. 3-7-16 PONTIAC LEMANS . * SERVICE FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to FURNISHED, lovely two bedroom 1965. Very reliable. New top, new ranch type from September to ^969; Typing Service tires. Excellent condition. Only learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. April or June. South Lansing. No KLH MODEL 24 STEREO - FM HILLCREST,12x60 bed room, Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C combination $?00 or best. unfurnubed Minv $795,332-0965. 3-7/17 * TRANSPORTATION drinkers or pets. Gerege, piano, 332-4756. 3-7-16 Cell 625-3520. VV and extras. Ownership Call * WANTED PORSCHE 911, 1967. 37,000 miles, care. Employment 882-3563. 5-7-21 BEDS, STOVES, refrigeretor. Buy, L°*t & DEADLINE i sell. ABC SECONDHAND Found 1 ignition, rust proof, ARE YOU a student wife with SOUTH SIDE 2 bedrooms, garage, P.M. one class day FM radio. Cream puff - STORE, 1208 Turner. C condition, nurse's training? Wouldn't you appliances, carpeted. $140. LOST: One medium before publication. $4600. Call 353-4361, tizMm evenings, like to work Available September 1st. COMPONENT STEREO system end brown with black teil Cancellations 12 351-0127. 5-7/21 just mornings, lr^ — noon 882-9781 efter 5 p.m. No pets. Beck. Answers to Monday through Friday? ED scube diving equipment. Phone nin*of- one class day before 2-7/16 332-4367. 5-7-20 Cell 351-3097. RAMBLER 1966: sedan, radio, _ 2-5176. 1-7/15 2-7/16 publication. PHONE standard, good offer, 353-6900. 3-7-16 IMMEDIATE professional consultant. OPENINGS Vivian as TM w RauSB camiT ee HASLETT: Cottage for 3 students, $105 per month. Phone 489-1719. ENTIRE FAMILY weerglasses?Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 LOST In three vicinity of Kellogg month old Irish 355-8255 Woodward Cosmetics. appointment Referral to «er m." 5-7-16 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. Answers to Rutty. 713 consulting only. C-7-17 Street, 351-3155. 5-7/21 RATES Valerie, 332-8502.5-7-16 1 day $1.50 Rooms FANTASTIC PLASTIC infleteble 15c per word per day SUMMER AND part time furniture. Indoor - Outdoor. Many Personal employment with full HIGH STREET 3 days $4.00 ROADRUNNER 1969. Very good - line - Comfortable, styles, colors. Call 337-9215, noon 13'/2C per word per day condition, low mileage, reasonable merchant wholesaler. Automobile For Rent For Rent quiet. Home privileges. - midnight. 5-7-17 Cell your eppointment. Heir price. 626-6657, 626-6356. 4-7-15 required. 351-5800 foi Reasonable. Phone 484-5149. ell kinds. 355-3359 5 days $6.50 information. O 5-7-15 SEWING MACHINE Cleerence Sele. BUILDING 2 BEDROOM Bpartments, summer. WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near BARBER 13c per word per day TEMPEST 1965 convertible. Power MSU. Brend new portebles - $49.95, C-7-15 Duplexes summer, fall. Furnished, Spacious 2 bedrooms, CAMPUS NEAR, tingle (based on 10 words per ad) steering, motor good, body fair. 5-7-17 carpeted, air conditioned. No lease room with $5.00 per month. Large selection Asking $800. 351-1782. 3-7-15 cooking, call 351-9237 or of reconditioned used machines. Thanks to everyone ir required, $165 per month. Phone 484-8173. O Peanuts Personals r.C Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Laboretory Animal R~ must be PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near 489-1719. TF TOYOTA CROWN 1969 Home & "Meny Others." $19.95 Anetomy, Human Deve pre-paid. sedan. 4 Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished speed, polyglas tires, $1795. SALES PEOPLE needed. All ONE BEDROOM furnished with YOUNG LADIES 5 minutes from to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS end Mr. Walsh's office for leads studios, utilities paid. Private in There will be a 50c service 487-0850. 5-7-15 furnished. Car balcony, security locks, laundry. DISTRIBUTING prayers, cerds anc desirable. Also entrance, $110 a month, plus campus. Completely furnished COMPANY, and bookkeeping charge if some people needed for travel. Graduate married utilities paid. 372-8077 before 4 1115 North Weshington, illness. Eech one deposit. 627-5454. 5-7-17 or students. TOYOTA 1966 Crown. Low Call 351-3700 for 351-4698, 332-2920. 5-7-15 P-m- 10-7-17 489-6448. C-7-2 every step back this ad is not paid within mileage, appointment. O good condition, LANSING: Three rooms and bath Mesick. 1-7/15 one week. immediately. 332-6187, NEEDED: MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 ROOM AND board for responsible 100 USED cleeners. Tanks, phtogenic females, good furnished. All utilities paid, $110/ vecuum The $tate News will be 337-9031. 5-7-21 month. Marigold across from campus. student willing to live in extreme cenisters, up rights. $7.88 THE YEARBOOK is w pay, minimal requirements. Call No children or pets. end up. Deluxe 2 1 to pick up your copy of the responsible only for the 351-2168 before 5 p.m. 3-7-16 Deposit required. man furnished Northwest year guerantee. DENNIS TRIUMPH 1963TR4. 482-7818. Lansing home. No first Totelly rebuilt 5-7-17 apartments. Now leasing for fall. housework. Must have car for own DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 WOLVERINE. Bring day's engine, new IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O North I.D. to Room battery, tires, clutch. transportation References Ceder, opposite City 27, insertion. $700 or best must offer. 351-3573. OKEMOS 2 bedroom, fully be provided. Call Merket. C-7-2 Services, Monday, 5-7-17 carpeted, 406 SOUTH 482-9695, days. patio, family welcome, $175 per Pine, near downtown 339-2458 evenings. 3-7-15 Fridey, 9 • 10 a.rr TALENTED, POISED, month. Phone, Larry Lansing. Furnished efficiency WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony Thursday, 11:15- Noon. Mi VOLKSWAGEN 1959: creative, Treadwell, suitable 1 experienced, sharp, cheerleaders 332-3534, East Lansing Realty person, $70 a month. GIRL'S SINGLE room, 3 blocks model 530 stereo tape recorder. condition, sun roof, rebuilt needed for area Pro Company, Realtors. 3-7-15 Modern furnished, efficiency $120 from Union. 337-1408 after Used Akei, Sony, Penesonic stereo NEED: MALE undergrade Football 3 The State News does not engine. Call 351-1589.1-7/15 a month. 1 bedroom apartment, communication experi— team. 351-2627. 3-7/16 p.m. X7-15 tepe recorders. 100 used 8 track FIRST FLOOR 842 $135 a month. No children or stereo cartridges tapes $2.60 eech. „for 40 minutes. Comt permit racial or religious Huntington VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Blue. Road, two bedrooms, small study, pets. No leases. Call Richard Cessette South Kedzie be discrimination in its SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and tape recorders. Koss Excellent condition. $1500. 745 For Rent unfurnished, utilities included. Albin, 337-2510, 6 - 8 p.m. only. women. 5:30 Pro-4-A stereo head phones. eet up eppointment. 4-17-70 advertising culumns. The Burcham, No. 45. 351-1673 $190 per month, married couple 10-7-17 - 7:00, 351-9286 Gerrerd turntables $26 up. VM before noon. 5-7/21 TV Any time-372-1031. O State News will not RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, only. Call Darlene after 1 p.m., 120 watt stereo receiver. FREE A thrilling hour of $8.50 per month Sherp, . .. accept advertising which including stand. 351-6479.3-7/17 NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony YMCA 30 watt stereo receiver with For eppointment call A: VOLKSWAGEN 1965: Convertible, Call J. R. CULVER - ROOMS for young men or discriminates against rebuilt clutch, COMPANY, and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 women. Membership privileges, speakers. Corel 30 wett speaker MERLE NORMAN C good top. 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East TWO OR three Man deluxe one set. 300 stereo elbums 75c religion, race, color or Dependable, interior bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, up. STUDIO. 1600 East M spotless; Lansing. C bedroom furnished apartments. MANAGEMENT Used golf sets $14.95 C-7-2 national origin. leaving country, 482-5419. 1131 COMPANY, gym. Phone 489-6501.20-7-22 up. New end Phone IV 9-9651 or 337-0780. O 351-7910. O used fens. Used TV sets S. Grand. 5-7-20 TV RENTALS - Students $39.50 only. Low up. Realistic 55 watt stereo monthly and term rates. Call SUBLET MEN 21 and Nice 2 bedroom UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks over. Clean, quiet amplifier. VOLVO 1968 122S, air conditioned. Drafted must sell, $1400 or best 351-7900 to UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C reserve yours. apartment. Children allowed. Call Student Union. Fall leases rooms. Cooking and parking. SE CON DH AN D WILCOX STORE. 509 E ast SUMMER AND A utomotive 351-6482 Okemos. 3-7/17 available. 3 and 4 man furnished. Close, reasonable. 487-5753, Michigan, 485-4391, 8 offer. Evenings, 677-8521. 5-7-17 a.m. - 5:30 35 1-3729. 485-8836. O p.m. C BUICK, 1968 Special deluxe station RENT A TV from a TV $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. company. GIRL NEEDED to sublet, starting MANAGEMENT HALSTEAD COMPANY, FALL LEASES ALTO SAX wagon. Radio, automatic, power. Scooters & Cycles August or September. 351-0633. 351-7910. O Evette and Schaeffer, Excellent condition, NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 3-7/17 ForSale Paris, France. Used two years, original excellent pleying )M owner leaving country. Will SUZUKI, 1968. 80cc. Good ROOM SUBLET - PARK Trace Okemos. POLICE MONITORS, Sonar condition, $150. FOR one in 3 - 337-9490. 5-7-16 sacrifice. 337-1413. 3-7/17 condition. man man Spacious 2 bedroom unfurnished FR103, s150" $175. 1103 H luxury speciel University Village, 355-5787. Apartments house. including washer, dryer, Many extras color tv, apartment. Carpeted, air sale crystals. MAIN $29.95 up plus ELECTRONICS, BUICK 1968 Skylark 1-7/15 conditioned, pool. No single sacrifice to sell. coupe. Will EAST SIDE, near Sparrow $25/week. Keith Fisher, 882-0261 undergrads. Available August 1st. 5558 South Pennsylvanie Avenue, Animals 332-3870, Hospital. or 351-8451.3-7-16 Lansing. C PER 669-5079. 5-7-16 HONDA S-90. Excellent conditioi One bedroom apartment furnished 332-2754. 5-7-15 SAINT BERNARD Includes helmet and or unfurnished. EAST LANSING puppies. AKC, CADILLAC 1963: all luggag Summer rates. near campus. One ELECTRIC STOVE, excellent, $30. chempion power, carrier. $195. 355-9912. 3-7/17 351-5323. O bedroom, furnished. FURNISHED sired, excellent Large airy APARTMENT one Cell 355-9926 dependable, $595, cleen. evenings or markings, shots, $150 $175 C>4£rtij ^ (Ik- - block from campus; evailable 353-7148, days. 5-7-21 351-2771, after 9 p.m. 2-7-15 339-8583. X-7-17 FREE BACHELOR . immediately. Call 355-6187. exchange for carpenter work. 5-7-15 UNUSED 24 VOLUME CHEVROLET 1962. Excellent Encyclopedia SCOTT IE PUPPIES. AKC mechanical condition. 332-3226, Mel. 0-7-16 Britannica. Two years old, red registered, V-8, new HONDA SCRAMBLER BAYFIELD 4532 Don Street, Holt. Best Offer. tires and 1969 APARTMENTS - 2 royal binding, including battery, 351-3656. CL125, Low EAST SIDE-two bedroom matching 5-7-20 3-7-15 mileage. Helmets included. Call 489-6298. Two upstairs, AIRP°RT NEAR. Single adults, bedroom, central air conditioning, world atlas. 3 volume Webster utilities 3-7/17 paid, $125 monthly, modern furnished. $15 489-7253. carpeting, eppliences, washing International Dictionary, 2 GET NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell CHEVROLET deposit. 351-7159. 5-7-20 10-7-24 facilities, pool, near shopping and volume 1960 2 door stick Anthology of American musicel instruments to Roger Taskey 351-3420 shift bus. 393-4857, Mrs. Fulkerson. literature and 1968 Book of the eager bend — new snow tires, $80. BSA Victor 1966 ONE FOUR students with e Clessified Ad. Stan Guski 351-8160 351-3823 Scrambler. GIRL to shere 2 bedroom BEDROOM home in rurel 10-7-22 Year. $245. 337-0031. Diet or 355-8297. S 5-7-21 355-82551 Excellent condition, 4,600 Okemos available September miles, apartment. 484-4388, between 6 - 1, $600. 351-1658. 1-7/15 8 p.m. 3-7-16 family only. Also two room CHEVY II, 1963. 6 cylinder 1969 furnished apartment now for factory engine, new tires. $175. HONDA 1969 90 cc, helmet, manual. UPPER UNFURNISHED couple. Phone 351-0426. 5-7-16 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are 355-9874. 3-7-17 now leasing student CHEVY 1961, Four door 375 miles, must sell. Apartments, 103 B after five. Campus Hill two 824 bedroom, deposit required. East Oakland, 1007 BARR — 2 bedroom, units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely CROSSWORD 485-8856 New transmission 1-7-15 unfurnished, pets. $110. No children or 332-3959, carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a Spanish Mediterranean PUZZLE 353-8138. 1-7/15 882-5761. dishwasher, garbage disposal YAMAHA 80cc. Good condition, EAST LANSING 10-7-22 and furnished efficiency $165 or best offer. near MSU. $120 includes individual control - central air conditioning. These four Nights, all man ACROSS 22. Unbleached 372-6338. 3-7-16 utilities and 927 WEST Shiawassee units have up to 3 parking. 332-2446 - Now 1 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure 1. French friend 23. Clairvoyance after 4 p.m. 3-7-16 bedroom, air - conditioned, time has been Sable 27. Constraint CORVAIR HONDA security lock. Quiet. Near Capitol. adequately planned for with a giant heated 7. Word of 29. Entreaty 1960: excellent exceller IF YOU NEED MONEY sell condition, automatic transmission, things Unfurnished, $150. Furnished, swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If approval 30. Negative vote 355-3226. 2-7-16 you don't need now. Dial $160. you less than $200. 351-6989. 3-7/17 332-3959, 882-5761. want to be 11. Game like 31. Memorize 355-8255 for fast action I 10-7-22 among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call TRIUMPH napoleon 32. Bonbons TIGER 500, beautiful, today. There are units starting at $70/month 12. Imitate CORVETTE, 1968 red convertible, 1968. Original owner, 4,000 miles. per man. 35.Lather 350 H.P., 4-speed. 17,000 13..Geraint's 36. Potpourri miles. 332-4912. 3-7-17 COUGAR Radial tires. 393-6909. 3-7/17 1967: Good condition, MOTORSCOOTER, excellent MEN NEEDED FOR beloved 14. Characteristic 16. Advance 37. Origin 40. Solitary 41. Spotlight condition, $175. Call 489-5328, 17. Social insects 42. new wide Pipe fitting 3. Mars PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH oval tires, $1200, after 5.3-7-17 355-1064. 5-7-20 MODEL (APT. C -17) OPEN: 1-6 18. Seeps 43. English river 4. Data p.m. every day except sunt 19. Great care 44. Cheer word 5. poisonous"1 FAIRLANE GT, 1967 390, 4 speed, 21. Grampus 45. Firmament 6. Unit of PHONE: 332-6441 low mileage. Good condition. reluctance 882-4180. 5-7-16 NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES 7. Tricycle FIAT 1969 Spider HONDA Mechanically SUPER 90 1967. perfect. $225. Rob, Earn $2.00 for one AVAILABLE 1 8. Girl's name 9. Honeysuw" convertible. 351-0608,351-8108. 2-7-16 Excellent shape. $1500. 355-3890 hour's participation. 10. Computes _ or 351-0355. 5-7-17 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national 15. Slurs companies. Compare our rates. .18. Alternatives FORD 1967 - Air, automatic, power 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or % 19. Through Ctupcbmgfjam steering, power brakes, radio. 505 Albert, East 20. Expert Lansing Great 3-7/17 buy. $1150. 355-9943. 484-8173.0 1 '21. Smallest Call 353-8675 integer SCAT KITTY. Mini-bike. 2V, ■23. Creeper GALAXIE 1965, 4620 S. Hagadorn Convertible, horsepower, $95. .24. Stemware steei i • automatic, $800 power or 3-7-16 676-5383. 1 25. Pronoun best oil. . oi>5-1049. 5-7-20 GTO 1968: 17,000 miles. Automatic i 26 Sunburn 28. Stingaree console, yellow with black vinyl call 393-4453. 2-7-15 For an appointment. MANA CEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: I 31. Meal * Fi"y >1 nil • _ top. 351-2032. 3-7-15 33. Medic* » 34 Baseball188 JEEP, 1946. Good body and rubber, TRIUMPH 1963 very strong road bike. Good condition, $450 or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alco Management Company 35. Antitoxins $50QP 37. Needle!®1 painted, 694-8584.' 3-7-15 best offer. Call 351-3119. 3-7-15 U W 38. Kind 39.Foxy Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 15, 1970 15 Peanut* Per&onal . twin? Little Now that you're going « mother, can I still be you 8. 1-7/16 Communists escalating in Cambodia PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The Communist command is accomplished South Vietnamese just that with troops little ammunition for a NDOR near. Sharp, 2 apparently escalating the The major only a reconnaissance in adroorn. Payments $116 Cambodian war casualties comparatively light News Analysis battle. The unit was overrun they see a major blow force; by an weaknesses, If Hanoi has -ludinfl taxai and inurance. many government with the survivors begun to turn the s p an s suppo y to un ts suffered in what fleeing into entire division in the making. payment. Phone Lloyd the meat grinder, Cambodia's poorly n cause massive casualties to are called themselves in human jungle. The Hanoi forces have used 484-8876 or Lae major battles here wave July 5 a government battalion of In classic Vietnam style the trained and Cambodian units with an aim to surprised assauUs thele time s since the June attack to equipped troops will Inc. Realtor, 361-0810. some with long experience heavily defended about 300 suffered 35 relief force be in for a hurt morale and fighting spirit. in nq « — —- — sent to Kiri Rom vi long hard monsoon Vietnam prepare the battlefield, move in onfm P?Siti^nS co?f,derfduth® — — Those An offensive In South Vietnam watched e n t i whn n h»H , "— killed and about 50 wounded in ■—«>«• !nf,my to 1)6 operatlng at about two days of heavy fighting. Such «« wuunueu ... ambushed —.. andjiriven back with . huge amuunu „UBe amounts of ui supplies and ana season even South with the suDDort of during the winter of 1964 r P « r t h serious casualties, just how many Vietnamese troops and LANSING, 4-6 bedrooms, jus older homa. Study, - 65 Vietnamese battalions d^trov troy ha'fKspeed Then in h«re- the battle for Saang casualties _ , o destroy a unit's nn onee is is savin* saying. probe the Siem Reap garrison U.S. jet fighter - bombers. combat effectiveness and leave If Hanoi's strategy follows that , and family rooms. Large wounds to morale that yard, double garage. are long seen in the past in Vietnam, the in healing. $29,960. 337-0909. TF v phase will aim at destroying Kidnaping still *r, -LETT three bedroom brick unsolved Although command the military high attempts through government units more than capturing strategic territory, E.L. to get inch Attached garage, all censorship and news management One of the most publicized -pliances, fenced yard. $21,800, to suppress much of such news, battles in Cambodia was the one East Lansing will receive discount for cash. Call the word has traveled a grants will go to the Detroit (continued from page one) have the authority to do through around Siem Reap and the $53,551 federal grant or don Mosley 337-1641 aft* so, go and said "Laurie to help set Police Dept. to hire a full time government units, - determine If Miss Murningham 'nto their premises and search is in Scott's Woods,"Mujrninghan Angkor Wat region in early June. , our,. 489-3029, HILLEY INC., squad police legal adviser. -EALTORS. 3-7/17 had been in the car. there also," Husby said. an area on Saang was followed by At the time the government project. Gov. the city's south side. massive assault considered it an attack aimed at The grants are administered He said the prints were en Husby also asked that anyone Saturday announced Hoever, the ensuing search by Tuesday. through the 1968 NTRY home. Beautiful five acre route to Lansing late Tuesday who was 'n the vicinity of the police on motorcycles and on about 300 men defending Kiri overrunning the strategically and omnibus crime te sloping to Red Cedar river, 7 and the results would be known R01"' a niountaintop resort. The historically important area, control and safe streets act by shoP at the time of the foot failed to turn Another $15,000 in federal the U.S. Dept. of Justice. to East Lansing. Splendid Wednesday morning. hold-up Thursday and had not evidence that the girl had up any troops had poor fortifications Intelligence officers at Siem r bedroom 2% bath homa. Husby repeated his belief that talked to police to contact the in the area, been 1111(1 r'ghting positions and too n"ar* Reap *""" say fl"> M" the attack i rooms, two large the girl and her abductor are still Lansing Police Department. ireplaces, entrance hall, fine —' Another tip received in the the Lansing area. "Any information, no matter mail told Lansing Police to ondition. Closing estate. Quick ossession, good financing. Call "We have no evidence 'to how insignificant it may seem, check basements in the 0BERT ROETHER REALTOR, suggest otherwise," he said. be helpful in the Charlotte rarea. Husby said a :c-1618.1-7/15 Husby asked area residents to investigation," Husby said. search of the Charlotte area was search their premises and Tips called into the Lansing under way Tuesday afternoon, Service neighborhoods, especially Police Department neared the wooded areas or near abandoned 800 mark late Tuesday with SSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, cars, for anything "unusual" each each one being checked in hopes mats Experienced. Reasonable that may offer some clue to the that the magic one" will turn whereabouts of the missing pair. Report arge. Call 365-1040. 27-7-31 "If you know of a friend Early Tuesday an anonymous ING lessons: English, Western, relative who is away, and if vou caller phoned the essons by appointment or course Lansing Police f 10. chooling. Horses accepted EQUESTRIAN for 52 ifB WHATB^ ^ (continued from page one) NTERPRISES, 16606 Park Lake Hi The report has also been d. 332-4429. 1-7/15 submitted to the Committee TAR Lessons. Private, rock, folk, Against Discrimination (CAD) li-classical. and to individual department MARSHALL USIC COMPANY, 361-7830. heads. CAD is responsible for action in the area of $1.00 service charge per Any woman discrimination. The department or i insertion heads are responsible for hiring Typing Service - to be pre p.m. deadline 1 class day before. - paid. 12 "wmbership or information about faculty. Ms.^ °!v0^!^er8tion may call 351 -2745 today from Movement 6-10 The report consists primarily FESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. M of tables detailing the relative Typing, Multilith Printing, & srdbinding. Complete Thesis standing of men and women in for the most Discerning the University in regard to i & Doctoral Candidates, The tenure The MSU Soaring Club will hold following Free U classes will status, salary levels, s Brochure and Coniultation. its meet regularly scheduled meeting tonight today: Vocations for Social recruiting practices (both by the CLIFF and PAULA change, 3 p.m. on the mattress in AUGHEY: at 7:30 in room 30 of the Union. University for faculty positions 337-1627 or Man and Nature Bookstore (328 and by employers visiting the 7-2936. C Student Services), Critical University, Placement Bureau), rate of Service 7:30 p.m., 215 Evergreen. Yoga class promotion and other areas. meets daily at 7 a.m., Tuesday and Tables also show trends in the COMPLETE THESIS Thursday evenings at 7 - 9 p.m., and service. number of women students Discount Saturday mornings from 9-11 a.m. printing. IBM typing and All in the Green Room in the Union. receiving degrees and financial binding of theses, resumes, You aid. are invited to attend publications. Across from campus, any or all BROWN: Typing and multilith meeting. A summary of the corner MAC and Grand River, report, t printing. Complete lervic* included in the report released b#low Style dissertations, Liscripts, general typing. IBM. theses, COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C Shop. SERVICES, Call MSU Students for Levin will hold meeting Wednesday night, July 15 at a Tuesday, was released in April. The full report simply breaks Crowded campers years experience. 332-8384. C 8 p.m., room 34, Union building. For down the Information by Campers - more than 6,500 families had gathered at the - information please call 487-5935 and Camping and Hiking Assn. convention. About 30,000 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. ask for departments and provides more sprawling Juniper Hills campgrounds near Adrian No job too large or too small. Sylvia or 351-8076 and ask detailed information. by persons were expected at the convention which ends for Sharon and Amy. Tuesday to participate in the festivities of the National FAMILY APAMS Block off campus. 332-3255. C Sunday. AP Wirephoto AY8E I SHOULP Join MSU Students for Milliken. SECRETARY, WOULD like books, There will be a meeting WAVE TOLD YOO thesis, etc. to type. Call 351-0940. tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Gold Room, Union. Houses needed FIRST.. I'VE GOT 5-7-17 v\V PET FROG IM Cogs and ASMSU will sponsor a talk V PA J AM A POCKET on "The Failure of the Cambodian Wanted Invasion" by Frank Joyce, past director of People Against Racism, (continued from page one) UNFURNISHED who has just returned from North been adopted by the U.S. 2 bedroom Dept. apartment development and unless there is dramatic change Housing projections to the 0f Agriculture as its official a North Central region. The mean T apartment or 1 bedroom with Vietnam and Laos. 108 B Wells, 3 - 5 mobile homes will continue to in living patterns. study, September 1st. Am new tonight. Admission $.50 year 2,000 for single, multiple lumber volume used per p.m., to go and mobile home units have been housing projections, shows that: fulfill the majority of the ♦ In the 1980s an absolute sample faculty member and will be in to PAR. house was 17,614 board feet; East Laming end of made by the Forestry Dept. ♦ Due to the large number of housing needs. Multiunit decline in the number of July. Write: structures will probably account plywood use per sample house M. Jack, 5466 South Harper The East Lansing Democrats invite A study by Hiomas Marcin, households that will be formed households for those under age was 6.890 square feet. for 50 per cent of the Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615. you to meet Democratic candidates forestry researcher, which has in the early 1970s, large scale housing 25 is projected, resulting in a If past trends in material blend 5-7-17 for state and county offices built from 1970 to 1975. Thursday likely over - capacity of and technical evening, at 8 at the All Saints ♦ A large potential market for apartments by the mid-1980s. design continue, total lumber and plywood used SMALL Air compressor built by Church, 800 Abbott Road. The some type of moderately priced Not only will the demand for students at 1-7/15 college. Call 393-2428. following candidates representatives will be present: State Senate: John Cataldo, Lynn and their Jondahl, My Lai cover-up single - family housing will build up in the mid-1970s as the number of households for housing increase, but these houses of the future will be per house is expected to rise to 19,555 board feet and 7,252 square feet respectively by 1985. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for Len Stuttman, State House of Reps.: larger, according to a study of The method of analysis used in (continued from page one) people in the 25 to 34 - year - all positive. A negative, 8 negative George Griffiths, Governor: Jim Saigon in violation of standing single family homes in the North Ellefson's study can be applied The investigating committee old age group increases rapidly. Central region done by Paul and AB negative, $10.00. O Harrison representing Zolton orders, leaving no record of field ♦ to other sectors of the forest negative, $12.00. Ferency, Win Rowe representing said this is its normal procedure. investigations and By the 1980s the number of Ellefson, another MICHIGAN warning households for people in the 30 forestry economy such as nonresidential COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Sander Levin, Carl Paul officers researcher. Hence, there will be a representing Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., and enlisted men construction. Such applications OO'RE IN FOR 507Vi East Grand George Montgomery, George Parris, who headed to 44 - year old age group will greater demand on the nation's River, East the four - man involved not to discuss the - will result in Ui?Pf<\SE WHFN YOU Lansing. Above the new Campus MSU Board of Trustees: Patricia incident. increase by nearly a million a timber comprehensive panel, said its members had resources. models of fIRST USE A Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 Carrigan, County Board of year. Since this group Data on use of wood per house regional timber agreed not to comment on the It said the only written report, markets and could ultimately be p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Commissioners: Tom Helma, traditionally occupies a high were obtained by Ellefson "teNews WANT-AD Jesephine report until Wednesday for fear a five - page report by Col. Oran used to evaluate national timber Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Martin, Gerry Seelhoff. percentage of family housing through a 1968 some comment might K. sample of 100 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Everyone is welcome; refreshments. Henderson, then 11th Brigade units, there will be a tremendous newly constructed homes in supply and demand overshadow the report. the commander, was found in an increase in requirements for relationships. The subcommittee draws no intelligence sergeant's drawer, single - family housing units conclusions on what actually and no trace was found of four PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD happened at My Lai except to other alleged written documents. say it was "a tragedy of major The proportions involving unarmed Henderson's report, ordered by subcommittee said Freighter (continued from Today Just clip, complete, mail. Vietnamese, not in uniform." the page one) . .. American Division southeastof Ottawa and about 150 miles northeast of STA TE NEWS will bill you later. It makes no reference to Syracuse, Commander, Maj. Samuel W. (continued from page one) N.Y. criminal charges against specific Koster, said that only 20 hand shaker nearly pulled him The river forms the border between Canada and the officers or men for the murder civilians had been United killed by from the limousine. States at that point and the of at least 102 Vietnamese freighter went down just inside the artillery and helicopter assaults A small group of antiwar Canadian limits. civilians. preparatory to ground assaults, demonstrators chanted slogans Provincial Police said it was at least 100 The subcommittee accuses that yards south of the allegations of wild at the airport but were drowned buoy - marked channel. ranking Americal division and indiscriminate firing by ground Scott said he and Second out by the cheers. A few antiwar Engineer Marcel Gendron, 42, of state department officers in the troops were not substantiated signs were seen along the Batisca, Que., were in the engine room when the ship struck My Lai area of suppressing the and that Capt. Ernest L. Medina motorcade route. Chrysler Shoals. Consecutive Dates to Run_ alleged massacre under "a had shot a woman under combat Air pressure compressed blanket of secrecy" by making Noting them, the President by the water rushing into the ship circumstances that required no from a hole torn in the bow, held the no report to the said, "We are working for the engine room doors fast Classification headquarters in further action. kind of peace that when they tried to open all Americans them, Scott said, and then the want, and we are going to get it, compressed air burst into the engine room and blew them through the glass skylight into the river. At the closed Scott said the captain "may have been knocked Curfew holds governors proposed creation of regional commissions across the meeting, the wheelhouse by the jar of the ship could have happened to him." out" in the running aground "or anything country to put more flexibility Hie survivors all commented on the (continued from page one) Blackwell said strong suction of the water the curfew will not be buried until would affect the entire 38,000 in federal grant - aid programs. swirling down after the ship as it plunged to the bottom. Under the plan, governors "I was sucked down and had Saturday, and Blackwell said persons in the community, but quite a job coming back up," said comprising a single commission Deckhand Edwin Fudge, 32, of Ramea, Nfld. emotions still were running high security would be tightest along would share responsibility with "I was asleep and in the black community. Grady Hamilton somebody woke me up and told me to put on Avenue, a major the federal government for my life belt," said Deckhand Melvin Harris, 27, of Burnt Cash, 52, the white, part - owner thoroughfare through the city Islands, of the Kozy Korner Bar where which is surrounded by Detroit. planning and funding projects. Nfld. "The next thing I remember I was fighting my way to the The key to the proposal is surface." the shooting occurred, was Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. Originally, the curfew had local planning, as it is under the Everett Zoller, master of the Eisenhower charged with second - degree been from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. but Lock, said the 10 Words or Less: murder and remained free on officials decided to , Appalachian Regional Eastcliffe Hall radioed a passing vessel — the Liberian 5 begin it one Commission. Taron freighter 1 day $1.50 3 days - $4.00 days $6.50 bond. hour earlier at 3 a.m., that it was grounded but in no apparent 10 Words Monday so the Add: 15c per word 40c per word 65c per word The The governors hope that danger. shooting allegedly streets could be cleared before it Nixon will adopt the idea as the TTie other Hall vessels which have sunk in □ □ occurred after the two men had became the past six years □ dark. Up to 250 main concept in his "new were the 730-foot Leacliffe Hall, which went argued over a $2 bar bill that officers from Highland Park, the down Sept. 5, 1964 federalism" proposals for with the loss of three men 65 miles from Mail to: Michigan State News Cash and a barmaid said Lawlah Wayne County Sheriff's Dept. Quebec City after owed for a round of drinks. and the revenue sharing with the states. colliding with a Greek ship; the Lawrencecliffe Hall, which sank 347 Student Services Bldg. Michigan State Police After the conference, the Nov. 16, 1965, at the Isle of New Orleans in the The bar was gutted Saturday were on alert St. Lawrence MSU East Laming, Mich. Saturday President left for Cincinnati and River without loss of life, and the night by a fire bomb. through Monday evening. Stonefax, which sank Oct. 14, the rtll - Star baseball game. 1966 in the Wetland Canal-, also with no lives lost. ^ ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, jU|H mr. sAvi: saw m. mm bonanza;