Thursday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 63, Number 17 STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 16, 1970 Hayakawa calls for program I of mandatory youth service WASHINGTON (AP) - President S.I. characterized student protesters as sincere Hayakawa of San Francisco State College are immature and treat their deaths at Kent State and well - informed and urged the nation colleges like a University of Jackson called Wednesday for a program of to lend them a more play pen. State College, is charged with making compulsory national service for all young receptive ear. He said a recommendations compulsory two or three years by Oct. 1 for easing men and woman at in national campus tensions. age 18 as a cure for Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and service, civilian or military at what ails the nation's the option of the Kennedy told the panel that, "It campuses. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., joined two students and individual, likely would may well result in young be that the Testifying at the opening hearing of the the president of the University of people returning to school only line in the commission's President's Commission with a clear cut report that will have any real meaning for on Student Unrest, Michigan, Robben Fleming, in predicting - purpose in mind. Hayakawa also declared that "draft that campus protests will not cool until the Hayakawa's get - tough views cleirly our colleges and universities is the line that deferments for college students should be astonished some of the reads: "This war must end." war in Vietnam ends. cornmirsion stopped at once." But members, including Chairman William "An analysis of Hayakawa, saying that "bright campus unrest cannot Hayakawa's remarks were in sharp students have been Scranton, former governor of Pennsylvania. look solely at the acts of the principle students as contrast to those of other witnesses who The commission, named troublemakers," said activists by President disruptive and lawless," said Kennedy, who generally Nixon last month in the wake of student is assistant majority leader of the Senate. "They are the ones who face the draft. It is their friends who are dying in the war. It Temporary is their lives and careers that in being are disrupted." Scott, the Senate minority leader, said "I don't believe that values in our society are fatally damaged by the war in Indochina. asked for accused GIs But obviously it disorders the deters and detains done." Fleming declared priorities and things that need to be that "there is such WASHINGTON (AP) were under direct orders to kill deep - Congressmen everyone in Hebert said earlier in an interview that opposition to the war in Vietnam among who have reported there was a coverup of My Lai. the student his staff is studying the population that I see no the alleged massacre at My Lai want He said there was confusion because possibility of possible way of making it soldiers accused of war crimes to be officers expected to find no civilians in writing into military' law a provision to acceptable to given My them." establish temporary insanity as a valid the right to plead temporary Lai and many in the assault unit insanity. thought defense for soldiers accused of war crimes. And one of the they going into battle against He added: "Student sentiment is investigators said were a "This would give the • GIs an echoed Wednesday it is possible that some of the seasoned enemy that had killed many of out," widely in all parts of the population." Hebert said in an interview. troops thought they were under orders "to their companions in the days just prior to "They've got "Somehow, both major political the incident of March 16,1968. no out under Nurenberg. Under parties wipe everybody out" the day more than have got to refurbish their images," 100 South Vietnamese civilians were slain "With all these factors," Gubser said, "it Nurenberg, everybody's guilty." He said the soldier accused of crimes Fleming said. "Young people need to feel in the little hamlet. is possible there could have been confusion that they can change under the mental stress of battle should be things by working Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., chairman that the orders were to through the system." wipe everybody entitled to the same defense of of the investigating subcommittee of the out." legal t. House Armed Services Committee, said he would modify the Nurenberg war trials concept that every soldier is responsible for what he does, even if acting under orders. Another panel member, Dickinson, civilians were R-Ala., Rep. William L. told conference he is convinced more than 100 the news insanity that civilians have. This modification in the Uniform Code (please turn to page 11) He also said youth on campuses are concerned with problems of race. He asked for federal help to recruit students from killed deliberately and Sunny side Hebert said he and his investigators would permit soldiers accused fellow without regard to age or sex after herded together. being f groups. hoppers line the north side of Grand River Avenue during the summer of war crimes to plead temporary insanity- dewalk sale by East Lansing merchants. Goods induced by the strains of combat. ranging from paintings Stevens gets support custom made sandals offered At a news conference, Rep. Charles S. - were during the sale. State News photo by Fred Ferri Gubser, R-Calif., advanced the theory that the accused soldiers may have thought they OVIET INVOLVEMENT of MSU black faculty Mideast step-up noted The Black Faculty Committee has issued enrollment and the establishment ot a a statement supporting the re - election of presidential commission on admissions are Don Stevens, chairman of the board of all significant and noteworthy. trustees. Irving Vance. Black Faculty "The McKee Report on student chairman, announced Wednesday. Gurion told a meeting, meanwhile, that he On "In the last two years," the committee's participation, the Academic Freedom the north along the Lebanese did not expect peace to come to the statement read. "MSU has moved to Report, the Brookover Anti - ? Soviet Union has stepped up its frontier, another clash occurred in Discrimination Judicial Board, are further Middle East until the departure of establish several major and innovative mountainous terrain near the Baniyas tian involvenment to the point that Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser academic programs designed to facilitate examples of new directions. While we "for the first time" is "faced with an River, and the Israelis claimed to have recognize that these are only beginnings, from the political scene. killed three the positive y who is our equal," a top Israeli more mercenaries in a battle development of minority we feel that they are important first steps Ben Gurion estimated there would be near Hebron, the occupied area south of group members both on and off campus. in meeting the needs of officer said Wednesday, minority peoples," another 10 years of fighting between Arabs Jerusalem. Vital to this new thrust was i Gen. David Elazar, chief of Israeli dynamic and the statement read. and Israelis. A military spokesman said Israeli creative leadership, responsive to the needs *ry operations, said the Russians now planes of "During the periods when leadership for attacked Egyptian military targets on the a rapidly changing society." the above programs was vitally needed, assumed direct control over the On the front, Isr «li planes struck war canal for the 88th straight day, "Paramount among these efforts have ational level of the Egyptian side of military positions in Egypt and Jordan on hammering been the establishment of a trustee Don Stevens was always supportive. bunkers, artillery emplaceements and College of In fact, in his role as chairman of the board 'ighting. Wednesday, and Egyptian forces wounded fortifications. They staged another raid at Human Medicine, the creation of told Israeli the of trustees, Mr. Stevens was often an information officers in Tel sue Israeli soldiers in artillery duels along Center for Urban Affairs, and night, and all again returned safely, he said. Equal initiator of positive programs for change. however, that the Jewish state can the canal. In his speech to the Knesset, Opportunities Programs. The latter efforts stand an even greater measure of The Israeli military command also Dayan are all "It is the sincere hope of the MSU Black et involvement. asserted the Egyptians have not yet designed to improve the status of reported an Israeli soldier was killed and American minorities in the areas of Faculty Committee that Trustee Stevens tfense Minister Moshe overrun any Israeli army emplacements health, will soon announce his candidacy for re Dayan, reporting two were wounded by a mine in the Sinai education and welfare. - nesday to the Knesset — parliament — along the 103 - mile waterway despite ROBERT PERRIN election to the board. He will have our full desert. "The the Soviet claims by Cairo. l minority group student support in his efforts for re election." role, said the Arabs have - ercenaries to their cause, did not name countries sending ,js to the guerrillas. He also told Speaker probe elicits little Knesset that the Soviets have heir role in stepped Egypt's air defense, it he !'is had "ded in listed disputed Egyptian claims that 517 been killed and thousands fighting along the Suez Canal, 330 Israeli soldiers and 17 By JOHN BORGER curriculum. Under that exclusion, speakers political beliefs, however, Dickerson said. to the radical and violent elements concern the The current policy was approved ~ at University College Symposium The chairman of the House Internal of the by the killed since the June, State News Staff Writer country comes from fees for board of trustees on Dec. 14. 1962 after it 1967, war. would not be included. Security Committee said Tuesday its r Israeli speeches." had been worked out by students and |j Prime Minister David Ben MSU is of the "selected The committee's letter did not ask for one campuses" survey of university speakers was based on Dickerson said information in the country contacted by the U.S. information only on speakers with certain evidence that "a considerable source of regarding administrators. Dickerson called the speakers' fees could not be provided by the speaker policy a "forerunner of the House Internal Security Committee for University, as the University does not keep Academic Freedom Report." information concerning campus speakers, records of speakers' fees. eform "This was the first instance where the d Robert Perrin, vice president for University- relations, said Wednesday. Perrin said the University has not U' insurance policy Information on speakers' fees would have to be provided by the sponsoring groups. ASMSU, which sponsors the Great Issues whole University community agreed that students could not only form any organization they- wished, but also that responded to the letter yet, nor is any program, has not been contacted by the they could invite speakers and the °gged immediate action likely. "It's not a matter that's agenda," he said. high on our altered by disorders committee, Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld said. He said ASMSU would not volunteer the information even if the University would not attempt to influence their choice of speakers," Dickerson said Wednesday. The committee's letter, which was necessary records could be found. squabble addressed to former Hannah (now director of the based president John Agency for International Washington - By LARRY MONROE destruction of University than $100,000 will have to be paid the University. Anything in excess property less for by of this Under the current University policy, approved in 1962 and outlined in the 1968 Handbook for Students, speaker —1 SNG,T0N (AP) ~ The drive for Development), was received in the Office An MSU administrator disclosed Tuesday amount will be covered by the existing registered student organization may invite any- n u<» nbe, u;°j reform bogged down in rday in " s9uabbl<' the "he of the Dickerson, affairs. President vice and sent president to for Milton student i t iat recent campus Iteration coverage. of disorders have led to an the University's insurance policy. "Ultimately, the cost will go back to the student or the taxpayer," Ballard said. speakers to campus subject only to a few conditions including: • The Apollo speaker cannot urge the audience Dickerson said he intends to return the Bobby J. Ballard, administrative assistant "I represented MSU at an insurance to take Hnnc" inconc'us've two hour debate- letter to Wharton tonight. ti» Executive Vice President Jack Breslin, meeting held in May and the consensus of action which is prohibited by University regulations or federal or state at Capitol ving fn put.the whole subject aside, "I'm not doing anything at all with it," si id that, because of the extensive amount thi't meeting was that all insurance law. Advocating the modification of U.S. »imo?pU day the bi8 battle to he said. of destruction to MSU property in recent companies attach the $100,000 deductible or Michigan forms of government by Columbia, the Apollo 11 command it hp ! USe Procedures to the public. "It's unlikely that the University would months, the University's insurance clause to all university contracts. violence or sabotage is also prohibited. ship will be displayed at the Capitol reform wfi"1 rate' no fina' action on try to provide the type of information coverage has been decreased. "One school already has a $500,000 • The sponsoring organization must k m bill will be taken before next requested (in the letter)," Perrin said. "On May 16 our insurance company deductible clause," he said. make all arrangements for the reservation Aug. 28 - 31, Gov. Milliken said The letter requested information came t'trough with a change in policy The Royal Globe Insurance Co., an of space and furnish a form for Wednesday. University- The ship will be displayed with the "■fiani/atinn" a^®ndment to the pending concerning the name, date, sponsoring increasing the deductible clause from $100 international firm, was the only company records indicating time, place, subject and Would to $100,000. This change did not decrease to bid space suits worn by the Apollo 11 *ive organization and the amount and method on the MSU contract. Insurance speaker. disMnti!I,mittee members more time to of payment for all speakers who appear on the cost of our insurance, however," coverage was accepted with this firm • At meetings dealing with controversial crew, the first men to walk on the "Renting reports to b)||s majority. 3 bills approved by campus, excluding academicians or lectures Ballard said. effective March 1, 1970. issues, ample time for questions and free connected with the regular University Under the new deductible clause. (please turn to page 11) discussion should be provided. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ThursdayJuiv Milliken By United Press International near the Wisconsin border. warns fish-eating e Warren news conference. "This the State officials were testing fish sewage disposal plant at June 26, could also have been the St. Clair and Detroit rivers, 30 years and the compounds is no phantom problem. It is Interior Gov. Milliken warned Tuesday from the Iron River a Caspian, a small mining caused by concentrated acid where fish can be caught, but have not diminished Secretary Wlh in Detroit that the ban on eating determine if 500 trout and other to serious human threat and hazard to community near the river, state solution dumped from nearby must be released. in character, Milliken said. The Hickels sources of mo,eTo> mercury - contaminated fish game fish killed recently may life, and I cannot Health Dept. officials said. iron mines, the officials said. Fishing resort operators and polluted streams and lakes may and file suit mercurv 1 from Lake St. Clair and the St. have died discharge my responsibility as A chemical laundry in Caspian Results of the tests will not be tourists groups have asked that against j- from mercury have to be dredged, he added. who fail governor without weighing that has been releasing known for at least another week, to Clair River may be continued contamination. a quarter - the St. Clair ban be modified to Milliken has appointed a st0D threat." dumping. "for years and years and years "I cannot hold pound of mercury daily into the but if the contamination proves allow fishermen to catch fish and out any The check made on the Iron river, they said. The mercury to be special task force to consider the and years," while the same type immediate hope of even partially extensive, a fishing keep them but not for eating, as Federal action River began after the fish were compound was being used to ban could be imposed on the river possible liability of industrial might h. of ban threatened the Iron River is done on the Ontario side. against the Iron lifting the ban," Milliken told a spotted floating belly up below inhibit mildew in wet wash. firms who have discharged River r.n! similar to the ban Gov. Milliken Industries have been dumping The fish kill, first reported spoke of on Lake St. Clair and mercury into the lake for at least mercury into Michigan waters. Milliken said he supported the Iron River Brule River which emptft Menominee RjVer n0*s2 Students to fill gaps interstate waters. ' " Shopper in Hart campaign Tucker emphasized that there for Sen. Hart to disputes is a possibility that either of the combat," Tucker said. Students re-election involved in campaign for Sen. Vhilip Hart, D-Mich., will be the Republican primary candidates could beat Hart election. Although Mrs. is in spending an outstanding the Romney fall a He stressed the importance of Hart victory in the November election. parking( used to fill the gaps of the amount of campaign "If we win, we'll keep one of Free parking is not statewide Hart organization, money in the best senators in Congress. East Lansing. so (J Don Tucker, the senator's comparison to Huber, both student candidates are running about And, if we win big, we might coordinator, said An Okemos resident parallel in the Republican polls, very well slap Nixon and Agnew who ''uesday night. hard in the face," he said. in the Shopper's "When the Tucker said. Guide statewide Hart "I don't know and else parking in East Lansing >rganization can't do something, no one The next official meeting of be free with a $2 the students will fill in for knows who will win the the MSU Students for Hart will she purchase, found that her Sll them," Tucker told a group of Republican primary. But, both be next Tuesday night at 9 in pu would not entitle her MSU Students for Hart. candidates provide tough points room 34 of the Union. to parking for her total of" Tucker said that it is difficult hours parking. to tell how students can be used She claims the advert' most effectively in the Hart campaign because of national reacton against college students now. He cited New Jersey as an Hoffman misrepresented the free pin A Chamber of Con- spokesman said a shopper instance where campaigning college students were blamed for the defeat of at least one major sit-in sent park entirely free if he enough stamps from stores cover the time he has - Democratic primary candidate NEW YORK According to the East I earlier this month. "But, by the fall, we should leader sentenced Abbie (AP) Hoffman - Wednesday to one Yippie was Columbia 1968. University in April, Criminal Court Judge George Police and bystanders stand in street Slaying Chamber number of stamps i of Commerce, play a very active role in the n ir the spot where blasts from a shotgun recieives depends on year in jail or a $1,000 fine for Braun also imposed a five • as he left his tavern identified by the Hart campaign because we'll be day Missouri State Rep. Leon Jordan w shot to death his participation in a sit-in at sign "Leon's." the purchase and the sentence or $50 fine accepted again by then." on Wednesday. The black political leader v s struck by three stamping the ticket. Hoffman for an incident in AP Wirephoto Michigan students are doing to bulk of the work in the Hart campaign right according to now, the however, student Egyptian April, 1969, when he engaged in a shoving match with police in the Manhattan Criminal Courts coordinator. building. He had been charged coin found with resisting arrest. Missouri Although Republican primary legislator slain candidates Lenore Hoffman pleaded guilty to Romney and both charges and his Robert Huber are actively lawyer, BRIDGETOWN, Barbados Gerald Lefcourt, told the campaigning now, Hart's efforts judge have been low keyed. Tucker (AP) — Thor Heyerdahl, who "the defendant is asking for sailed the Atlantic in the reed mercy." pointed out that, with Hart KANSAS CITY (AP) - Three An associate boat Ra II, said Asst. Dist. said Jordan from the republic and the Inc. in the Negro districts in the running unopposed in the Wednesday he Atty. Kenneth shotgun blasts fired at close usually carried a Jordan's death Democratic primary and the has received evidence that Fribetz told the court Hoffman pistol in his French government. city's East Side and became one range killed Missouri State Rep. hand until he Bohannon as a candidate Egyptians could have made had been arrested 25 times in got to his car, then On his return he was on the of the most high cost of the campaign, the Leon M. Jordan outside his powerful black ballots already being printed: voyages to the West 4,000 years New York, put it in his pocket. A loaded poilitical figures in the sfate. senator's television and although never tavern and adjacent political .38 caliber revolver was found police force a short time again, U»e 8,000 voter district, convicted. - Jordan newspaper publicity won't ago. He received a cable from a "He has headquarters early Wednesday. in Jordan's right trouser then went into business, opened was challenged 'in th£' state law permits reopening completely jell until the week contempt for the Police declined his Green Duck Tavern and in Democratic primary this year comment on a poceket. by list for a five • day period before Labor Day. doctor on the Caribbean island law," Gribetz said, referring to possible motive for the Negro 1958 entered politics. Lee Bohannon, a militant 25 both of Hoffman Jordan was elected to the - Democr Martinique who reported he as "a convicted felon." leader's year - old black. No slaying. They quoted Mi Ho He leader in Freedom Republican Republicans. found an ancient Egyptian coin Braun i filed for the nomination. gave Hoffman one witnesses as saying three Negro while digging near his home last month to obtain money for the Repreesentatatives three times men were in a car that passed year. fine. the and, as head of Freedom Inc., a Green Duck Tavern the Heyerdahl also said he received The one-year sentence for political group, he was a strong news on a jar of similar coins found in the Azores. resisting arrest under the law. was the instant Jordan was hit and that one of the men holding a shotgun. appeared to be candidate for a fourth term in the primary next month. Jordan, 65, began as a school UAW contract demands Thirty members of the Metro teacher, later joined the police LIEBERMANN'S Squad, an elite group of department in Kansas City and, investigators from the city and area departments, law enforcement were called to take after World War II, went to Africa where he reorganized the may hir $3 billion figure Tiny... but terrific police force in the Republic of Liberia. He won commendation DETROIT (UPI) — The United Auto Workers opened the 1970 round of contract talks with the world's largest auto manufacturer *i General 395,000 UAW employes. Motors Corp. Wednesday and began An important factor is that auto sales in presenting a list of demands that could cost the BRAUN MIDGET FUN auto industry three years. more than $3 billion over the next United States this year are expected to below the nine million - mark, including im Bramblett said the company negotiators* As the union began laying its list of demands begin presenting counterproposals sometime? on the table, both Leonard Woodcock, president week, the earliest in recent auto talks that of the UAW and Earl Bramblett, GM vice company has come up with a counterproposal president in charge of personnel, expressed hope The union's demands include a "substan that a settlement could be worked out without strike. a pay hike, restoration of the old formula tofi cost of The Union's president indicated the - - living increases on a quarterly' UAW rather than considers restoration of the pre-1967 cost - of annually, and a $500 • a - pension for all workers with 30 years, r living formula a top issue. He refused, however, of age. to say that it might be a strike issue. Woodcock denied that increasing wages has! Once the preliminaries are completed, the to the inflationary spiral and presented f~ union and company bargainers will begin the showing increased spending in the Vietnam ■ arduous tf.iK of reaching agreement on new, The real inflation, Woodcock said, three - year contracts to replace the old pacts the end of the second dates^ which expire at midnight Sept. 14. quarter of 1965 w"1, Their efforts will affect some 700,000 workers beginning of the huge troop escalation Vietnam. He said expenditures for the in the auto industry and set a basic pattern for increased from $100 million a many other contracts in related industries. GM is billion a year. a Forget Something? Cff We carry over Only 4V4" high, yet the Braun midget fan delivers a powerful stream of air right where you want it. drum type impeller and movable hood directs Unique the flow. 5000 titles in Before a used car Practically noiseless, it won't disturb your sleep. gets our guarantee paperbacks on every we make pretty it won't need it. sure conceivable subject. What we don't have, is. Fords. Chevys. Plymouth! we'll special order for you—free of extra charge ! '65 V.W. Panel • '68 V.W easily converted to camP* $1395 $1795 COMMUNITY ^c^^CAMARO^ EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington NEWSCENTER LOCATION - AT FRANDOR CENTER & MERIDIAN MALL $995 61^L|a™5»?R,MAN VOLKSWAGEN, 6135 W. SAGINAW ST $1795 INC. , Phone 351-5445 LANSING MICHIGAN 4891' OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. I'/IO/Vh 482-6226 Phone 351-7562 l-ansing's Smallest Volkswagen Dealer Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. July 16. 1970 3 news Dual licensing summary From the wire of AP and UPI. vetoed by iken By JEFF SHELER "circumvention of the Michigan State News Staff Writer driver point system," and said it "aggressively and effectively." "It's a tough campaign but I would have conflicted with the think she's conducting it Gov. Milliken vetoed a bill national highway safety effectively," he said. Wednesday that would have program. allowed professional drivers to At his Milliken, who has endorsed the morning news wife of Housing and accumulate 24 traffic violation conference, Milliken said his Urban points before losing driving campaign for re-election was Development Secretary George privileges. "coming along well," but said he Romney, would not comment Milliken called on whether he would run with the dual is taking nothing for granted. "I'm the eternal optimist. " licensing proposal a "backward state Sen. Robert J. Huber, "I'm not complacent about - Lansing Police Chief step in highway safety and R-Troy, Mrs. Romney's contrary to the public anything," he said. "It's going to opponent in the primary Darold Husby interest." be a tough campaign all the The bill would have allowed way, election, if Huber should win the and I'm not taking truck drivers, taxi drivers and all anything, not nomination. other persons one thing, for granted." "employed for principal purpose of operating a the He said Republican consensus Huber, one of the first Republicans to throw his hat Worried motor vehicle," to accumulate candidate Lenore Romney, who into the ring for the U.S. Senate Max E. Murninghan, father of the 12 points is seeking the U.S. Senate seat 16-year-old girl kidnaped a week ago, announced Wednesday on both a driver's and bid, has criticized Milliken for that the reward for information chauffeur's license. now held by Democrat Philip leading to her safe return had been increased to $16,500. showing favoritism in the Senate Flanking Murninghan as he made the announcement were Rabbi Philip Frankel and the Rev. "I believe that drivers who Hart, is campaigning primary campaign. Jerome MacEachin. might accumulate State News photo by Dick Warren maximum points on two licenses could constitute an unacceptable Kidnaping reward motoring hazard," Milliken said. International News He called the bill a Secretary of State William P. Rogers rated Southeast sian peace prospects Wednesday as poor in the By JEFF SHELER State News Staff Writer owner, Mrs. Crhstine E. abductor and no questions will Husby would not elaborate grows on He Gallagher. be asked," he said. "We just what the "other aspects" were. repaeated his appeal to nmediate aftermath of the Cambodian operation. But Police the residents of the tri - county are looking for a male, want to see Laurie brought back Meanwhile, late Tuesday two e still held out hope of a negotiated settlement. Reward money offered for the black, 20 25 years old, six to her area to search their premises, • family." Halslett men were arraigned in safe return of kidnap victim feet tall, weighing about 160 garages, basements Appearing without advance announcement at the Rabbi Frankel said anything Owosso for giving police a "tip" and their entire neighborhoods for some tate Dept.'s daily briefing. Rogers said increased Red Laurie Murninghan totaled pounds and wearing a mustache the abductor might say to a that turned out to be a hoax. and goatee. Ronald R. clue to the whereabouts of Miss hinese intervention has made the prospects for $16,500 early Wednesday, but clergyman would "be held in Schooler, 23, and a there was still no sign of the 16 - Murninghan said the reward strictest confidence." Michale Brown, 28, were both Murninghan. "gotiated peace "not too bright." year - old blond or her abductor. "would be made available to the "If the individual who for fined $100, sentenced to 30 Max E. Murninghan, the girl's abductor," for legal defense or some reason did what he did days in jail and charged $500 In other Southeast Asian developments, Thailand's oreign Minister Thanat Khoman suggested Wednesday ; United States is on the verge of a national mental father and mayor, "tri-Faith told former Laurie newsmen Lansing Murninghan a for his family, "if he turns himself in with Laurie alive." Appearing at a news can hear us, please remember that the church is a sanctuary," he said. "Just bring Laurie back each on M-78 in police they restitution saw near for telling the missing pair Colby Road early- Dialog Reward Fund," had been conference Wednesday with alive and your identity will not Sunday. reakilown that has affected its reliability as an ■ a result "it seems relations between United States will evolve toward a more selective ally. Thailand and created to handle contributions toward the reward being offered either to the abductor, "if he Murnignghan were Lansing clergymen, two Father Jerome MacEachin of St. the East Rev. be revealed." Later, Lansing Police Chief Derold Husby emphasized that Police sent in helicopters, set up road blocks and thoroughly scoured the area before they safe, so Dialog '70 has arrived safely in iis." he said. returns Laurie alive," or to Thomas Aquinus Catholic uncovered the hoax. California. anything a person says to his anyone whose information Church and Rabbi Philip Frankel "It's disgusting to me that Although it clergyman is "privileged was believed that would help find the girl who was of Shaarey Zedek Congregation. something like this could the 22 students who left with ! With a unanimous show of hands, the parliament of information," and may not be kidnaped one week ago. Father MacEachin appealed to used in court. happen," Husby said of the Clyde Morris, asst. professor of le Soviet Union installed Premier Alexei N. Miss the abductor to return Miss hoax. "These Kosygin Murningham was Husby said that though police things are communications, had been d his government Wednesday to a new four - abducted last Thursday from Murninghan unharmed, and inhumane and have no place in delayed, one of the students has year investigations had still proven Gallagher's Gift Shop at 1010 offered the city's churches and fruitless he remains optimistic. this investigation." written that the group is fine. ending speculation about a Kremlin shakeup. West Saginaw, where she worked synagogues as a communications "I'm the eternal Busby said he still believes the Susan Rose, Oak Park | The 1,517 - member body, the Supreme Soviet, also as a sales clerk, by a gunman channel. Husby said, adding that his optimist," missing pair are in the Lansing sophomore, notified her brother, unanimous approval of Nikolai V. Podgorny as who also took $70 from the till "We will be more than happy optimism was based only on area, "for lack of any evidence Dennis Rose, that the group was resident for another five years. GOV. MILLIKEN and pistol whipped to cooperate any time with the to suggest otherwise." the store feelings and not on any- staying in several private homes. particular fact. Tips called into police neared a The State News, the student newspaper at 900 total Wednesday, Husby Michigan State said, but the "pieces to the University, is published every class day during four school National News URGES RESIGNATION puzzle" had not been found. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Finger prints on a car Subscription rate per year The United Auto Workers union is belonging to Michigan moving against a man Member Associated Press. United Press dustrial plants that dump mercury • laden wastes into arrested in Chicago yesterday International, Inland Daily Press Association. Associated ie Tennessee River. | The UAW says a federal ban on fishing in the river cause of mercury pollution Candidate hits McNeely failed to match those of Miss Murninghan. The man, who is said to Michigan Press Association. Michigan Collegiate Association, United States Student Press Association Collegiate Press. Press deprives its members of subventions and sharing of state resemble the description of the Second class postage paid at Kast Lansing, creation and. therefore, is of interest to the union. By JEFF SHELER Montgomery cited a tabulation abductor, was stopped for Michigan error of 6,677 in the of revenue." (editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services The labor program consists of a .letter - writing State News Staff Writer He said his tour of the north running a traffic light and was Warren as an example of other held when police learned he had Building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, jampaign directed at the Interior Dept. and members of census errors throughout the revealed that "the deplorable several 'Michigan warrants Mic igan state. condition of the economy" is State Rep. George F. issued against him. the greater concern of northern Phones: Montgomery. D-Detroit, a "All over the state local Michigan voters. Though the man didn't appear Editorial J Stock market prices, apparently sparked by better - candidate for the Democratic officials are complaining that the He urged the state to "take to be the one police are Classified Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 ian • anticipated corporate earning reports, advanced gubernatorial nomination, Census Bureau failed to count immediate steps" to relieve searching for, Husby said, Display Advertising 353-6400 larply Wednesday. Trading was slow, however. Wednesday said that if he is many of their residents," he further checks are being run on Business-C irculation nominated he will call for the unemployment. him concerning "other aspects" 355-3447 The Dow Jones said. "If they are correct, the "The national government can Photographic average of 30 industrial stocks resignation of state Democratic of the case. 355-8311 nishcd the day up 8.62 short count will cost their help by easing the constrictions points at 71 1.66. Party Chairman James McNeely communities who he said "is not doing his thousands, and upon the supply of money perhaps even millions, of dollars which is currently strangling our job." "He hasn't done any of the decade in economy," Montgomery said. The Nixon administration gave the auto industry two things he said he'd do," HAIR STYLES " tra years to meet HONDA SALE antipollution standards originally Montgomery said of McNeely. "He should i tablished for 1970. resign and let | John T. Middleton. commissioner of the National Air ollution Control Administration, said automakers were somebody in there who will do the job." by Montgomery, who recently jeing given ew the extra time because refinements in the returned from a campaign tour PATRICK Procedure would require them to of the Upper Peninsula and produce cleaner- highly recommends iurning engines. northern lower Michigan, accused McNeely and other Although andards under present automakers have lived up to required purity Democrats of pursuing a DONNA MARX id. new research testing methods, Middleton "no-win policy" in this year's showed substantial amounts of state election by not carrying ollutants were missed in the the campaign to the northern testing. part of the state. 501Vi E. Gd. River Ave. "Most of the people in the EAST LANSING Upper Peninsula haven't seen a Call 332-0904 Michigan News real live candidate in years," Montgomery said. Atty, Gen. Frank J. Kelley Wednesday brought suit "You'd be surprised that some "'inst the Paramount Potato Chip Co. charging the people up there would tell me What Are You lint corporation with anyone would be better than violations of state air pollution Romney," he said. "They didn't gulations. Alley's suit, filed in Genesee County Circuit Court on even know there's a new guy down here, and he doesn't go up Up to Tonight? shall of the there either." Michigan Air Pollution Control Montgomery said his chances ommission. alleged Paramount has failed to comply for Maybe you have a date? Or you're playing cards with the I''th a state order to install air winning the August primary guys in the dorm. Whatever you're doing there's always pollution control devices. — and the gubernatorial time for a pizza break. Why not call Domino's for the best Snn - aSkecl l'le court t0 order Paramount to pay a nomination — are much greater ' than "some Democrats are pizza you've ever had? It's pizza perfection every time with s c°mply with the commission's order and fast free delivery. In order that sut'stactory pollution saying." people in college housing control devices. He said he is confident he will can try our pizza we are offering them a discount. Two Canadian carry the northern half of the cities, recipients of air pollution from state, "because nobody else has he Detroit area, at 1 have bothered to go up there," and COUPON joined an air pollution control - roject (organized said he has a "fair chance" to -Most models in stock - 100 s, 175's, and 350's by nine U.S. communities. , Llr ^'rect and cooperative participation in the carry the Detroit metropolitan DOMINO'S Special discounts - — on accessories when you purchase a r an'\riVcr ,air pollution project will demonstrate to tan citizens "If I can hold on as far as Bay new Honda that there is a sincere effort to reduce City, my strength in the north o«it!|IT"llate a serioils pollution problem in the shortest should carry me said. through," he CIRCLE CAMPUS — Lansing's greatest selection of parts and accessories "t' sii |timCFrUnk Wansou8'1- mayor of Windsor. Montgomery also criticized the DORMS 351-8870 HOUSING 351-7100 Nixon administration for its nartCVe Lawre,)ce Brunet of Sandwich West. Out., said "dismal failure" in conducting L';,pution 'n this project gives the citizens of my the census in Michigan. Good for one free mhin |*11 at its source. 1 tllc opportunity to attack the pollution they "The population figures which have released communities in our state are for some item on your next Domino's Pizza. HASLETT HONDA & SUZUKI Mayor John McEwan, chairman of the about as phony as the troop lie t'i°mas,cltlos 0,1 l'1e will be U.S. side of the Detroit River, said withdrawal figures that they are 1605 Haslett Road, Haslett 5 minutes from used as matching money for a U.S. trying to deceive the American campus ant Good for expected to run more than S60.000. people with," he said. one Pizza only Coupon expires 7/21/70 MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY 10 W3U}> GEORGE BULLARD fiction of victorious death editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE I have always been troubled by the figure. He has, from the moment of his more than one less Jew that the Third The corollary and advertising decision to Reich would have to put up converse manager concepts of victory and defeat and by the defy, become the master of his with. The of this idea is that, despite „k seemingly (or assumed) natural laws of own destiny. In commlting suicide he has Jew's supposed moral and existential scriptures may ay, there b retribution and reward. denied his enemies of the satisfaction of his „r - KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor victory is completely meaningless In terms that guarantees that virtue i LARRY LEE, city editor Take, for example, the caae of a movie death. In dying with contempt on his lips of the here and now. will be rewarded. he has become a hero ■ figure out of Nordic Why do you thinV JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor currently running at a local theater. The The Upanlshads and numerous other many religions stipulate that works th* JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor protagonist Is the stereotype of the sagas - the "bastards" have not ground assure us of the ultimate worth of a life well lived will be defeated man — of the Individual willing to him down. The Gestapo has achieved going out In a blaze of glory. But we Instead of on earth? The found m victory only over his body, but not the all - cannot know for sure that this is a may very well have been Jew |n !L Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Important mind. legitimate analysis. It is possible that dying the L people, yet he reaped nothlnj for outstanding journalism. Czechoslovakia and, as such, Is hopelessly an Ignoble and J? and unknown death completely outnumbered, and thus is There is no guarantee denied any possible chance of asserting that jv^ The institutions will pay off himself. Upanishads and numerous other works assure us if properly observed, If the A time comes — a cathartic moment — of the ultimate worth of going out in a blaze of glory. adhered to. Indeed, If an vlrtuou.1' EDITORIALS when he is confronted with a choice that he cannot escape: risk almost certain death But we cannot know for sure that this is a legitimate performs exactly to Institutions specific,tloL°\ analysis. It is possible that dying the victorious death is probably by accident rather than and defy the Nazi system, or withhold bt^ Pedestrian pian action and suffer ego-death. Why he has to do so is unimportant. The fact is that he has to choose and he chooses the latter nothing more than a fiction for making the dying easier for those who must die. The Indifferent, In rewards than the good - for enemies. fact, tend to rem they £ alternative. As a result of this act, the Reward and retribution i boon for Gestapo according to the laws of < city, apprehends him and, in an But has a victory been scored? To the the victorious death is nothing more than a immortal and timeworn scene, the little "according to Hoyle" as you people sitting comfortably In their theater fiction for making the dying easier for there is someone or prefer) jellyfish of a man defies his oppressors and, seats, the Jew is a noble creature. But what those who must die. Indeed, had It not something« that is taking It all down and weigh, The strip of Grand River Avenue having done so, swallows a cyanide capsule if it had been real life? What if he had died been for historical processes in no way best suggestion to date is the realize that most faiths assert from Bogue Street to Hagadorn proposed and dies. In some alley watched only by the secret truly related to the death of the single Jew such a personality or that til creation of a pedestrian mall on the The traditional analysis is simple. The force, but i Road has been variously described as police? He would then have been nothing in some alley (or staircase as in the movie), significant that he Is always Jew is a hero — a triumphant, not a tragic, part of Grand River Avenue between more than a lump of inert flesh — nothing the Nazi regime could easily have become pictuni the "murderous mile," "deadman's primarily considering things in termsoC Abbott Road and Bogue. the Thousand • Year Reich of which Hitler afterlife or the next life, strip" and "the arena." Regardless of boasted. considerations, * the euphemism applied, this five - The positive aspects of this scheme being unknowable What then the worth of the Jew's irrelevant here. The Jew may be b«^- lane monstrosity remains one of the are many. Much of the traffic defiance? Nothing — simply one less Jew- eternal bliss above the clouds. Then least glorious aspects of metropolitan congestion on Grand River, for silly, not noble, for It will be the Germans he may have ceased to exist. who shall write the histories In the One East Lansing. example, is caused by commuters to remains: the Third Reich goes on as and from Lansing. This flow could Thousand Year Reich — so much organic - The only thing that regulates the It almost seems that the city fertilizer more than likely forgotten, or a of reward and punishment is be rerouted up Hagadorn to M-78, people, planners laid out the road with the few lines on a Gestapo report blotter. why Institutions student in mind, i.e., get as many as thereby directing it away from the Do not dispute this thesis on the accident. tend to functioi grounds People are concerned vfy you can. After suffering the highly populated campus area. While of the inherent "evil" or "inhumanity" of myriad considerations, least of whichi the Bogue - to - Hagadorn stretch the Nazis. Evil is defined by the victor in welfare of their fellow man. It's indignity of standing in the rain or the here and now, i.e., by he who remains. not' for a few minutes as dry of road would remain anyone is out to get anyone else; itV snow open, the fact The karmlc theory of history serves only to that everyone is indifferent. motorists go flashing by, the hapless that Grand River would no longer be Nobodyi pedestrian has the option of taking a throughway would serve to reduce his life in his hands in a mad the traffic flow on the "miracle plunge The usurpers and the traitors, the butchers and for the other side, or waiting another mile" to an adequate and safe bluebeards are remembered only because hour until the traffic clears. There trickle. they failed. Those that didn't fail - and are no driver observed crosswalks or correspondingly got to Further, the mall would probably write the history of their times crossing lights provided. - emerge as great kings enhance, rather than distract from and statesmen, master tacticians and technocrats. Those who are fortunate enough to the business of concerns opposite the have vehicles do not escape the campus on Grand River. Many if not ravages of East Grand River. The balm the minds of the weak and the most of their customers come on to get you; It's just that nobody is out middle turn lane provides ample foot helpless — there is no ironclad rule that instead of in vehicles. The evildoers shall help you either. "get It In the end." Thus Bluebeard goes to the he: opportunity for the driver to test his commuter traffic does these skill at dog-em cars, not to mention I realize that there are numerous partly because of bad luck (he w businessmen no good and endangers the chance to wipe out a station examples that can be cited to show that, wrong place at the wrong time) and - their student customers. because he probably wasn't a yes, trespassers really do get their come • wagon or two a day. It has been We urge the East Lansing uppins. I can, however, cite as many diplomat — he didn't juggle people to City speculated that most of the East Council to give the mall plan serious examples of nefarious activities (by today's advantage. And the saint gets hit Lansing Police Dept. was hired consideration. It is clear* $hat standards, of course — another subjective because he was In the right place it simply to drag wrecks off of the judgment that for the sake of argument we right time and was turning his peen something must be done w soon will take as given) who didn't. To wit: with the way he was "miracle mile." because ihe acting. already seriously Ghengis Knhn. In sum, the fact is that t We feel that it is high time the East overtaxed Grand River routewill only The usurpers and victory, the existential triumph of the' Lansing city fathers did something to become worse as the number of traitors, the butchers was just that: Individual. In his passing and bluebeards are remembered correct this dangerous situation. The vehicles in this area increases. only made himself irrelevant to the here because they failed. Those that didn't fail now which constitutes the only reality - and correspondingly got to write the human beings are competent to deal in. 'Too hoo, Lyndon!.. Where do you want it?" history of their times — emerge as great I do not like the conclusion t . Narks need kings and statesmen, master tacticians and technocrats. exercise in verbiage has led me to. That might makes right. Soon the East Lansing narcotics Free Spirit. The department has IER squad will be S53.551 richer thanks to a Justice recently discovered that white socks, Dept. grant. We realize shiny suits and trench coats leave that such a large amount of money - something to be desired in the way the equivalent of more than $1 per of undercover agent attire. Flicks: honest student portraya citizen or 526,772.50 per junkie - may cause a number of eyebrows to Secondly, police expense accounts have risen nearly 50 per cent since rise. Lest there be a public the Union raised the price of coffee misunderstanding that could hamper to 15 cents. our law enforcement agents, we Lastly, the street price of dope, thanks to should point out that the narcotics inflationary In the wake of the murder and violence portrayal of an English graduate student in pressures, has risen greatly, which perpetrated at Kent State and Jackson the former and Bruce Davidson's role as Secondly, while the critics have the squad has a number of legitimate leaves our doughty officers with no privilege of equating students with books, hopeless, lacking of responsibility, State come two controversial James Simon Kunen in of a positive goal while loaded down claims on the grant. films: "Strawberry"), alternatives but to pay more for their "Getting Straight" and "The Strawberry there has learning, education, Princeton and alma countless "don'ts" and "things that For example some of the been a concomitant Statement." While the two movies have mater, it seems that they are missing the money evidence. At last report an ounce of denunciation, by the same people, of the fundamental point: students can definitely don't want to do" - whiffl would immediately be spent to been generally well - received by the films' supposed intent: showing students as really be filmmakers have chosen to depict, stems and seeds was outfit the entire narcotics going at $30 per "critics" for exceptional crazy, mixed-up kids; making it seem that equated with "books," "learning," exist two reasons: financial it b squad at cop. acting "education," "Princeton" and "alma - performances (notably Elliot Gould's students demonstrate and partake in riots profits because these students are the mater." The majority of college students to fulfill some sexual need or curious to the movie going ~ inadequacy; are attending college "to get it over with," - >ERS' MIND generally creating the appearance that to suffer through it and get their degree. humane — believe it or not, there are students are more interested in sex, free people in Hollywood who believe They read books (or Monarch notes) to rebellious students may just be the love, wild flings, instant gratification, pass tests and get passing grades — not for smoking pot, etc. some higher sensitive (while frustrated because ol Students principles or for the sake of not affected by train cut Hence, critics we versus have a situation of noted filmmakers. The critics are trying to blast the filmmakers for depicting reading by itself. So it seems the critics are students for a bit of scholarly romanticism defending mediocre, grade / test • P®. mlseducational system) group of we've got. To The Editor: train — indicates that we have other students as an unscholarly, and base, immoral which, in fact, has become largely an A troublesome In Miss Smith's story of better uses for our scarce resources than the Grand Trunk drop $600,000 plus a question: just how July 8, there are group of action - seekers. The filmmakers apparition in these days of .factory - style critics acclaim, rebuke or decry di year, let's tax the money. And give it over "several statements which are erroneous or running this service. Otherwise, we would are possibly attempting to represent "education." In reality the critics are and/or movies for their "intent" as" to the fight on be hunger, urban blight or students "as they are," only misleading. Since her story does concern an paying enough in fares and buying pollution. We are along with the defending those few collegiates amongst critics knew beforehand what the "in important matter — the passenger train enough tickets that the service would break expressing our own self- dark, deep - rooted, instinctive was? It has become interest in wanting to many who dabble profusely in the classics, very ho-hum to service to Detroit and even. When local residents mount keep the train characteristics that do not separate them Chicago afforded a "Save running. But a society that demands a cut their hair and run to critic's vigorous polemics when «. MSU students our Train" drive, they are from all other humans. Washington to by the Grand Trunk — really demanding $600,000 annual subsidy to middle class change the direction of our government know — and that includes the critic- correct information that resources be wasted - he speaks would, I think, be as a special favor students and businessmen has an odd set of and/or SERIOUSLY involve themselves in only for himself and, hence, helpful. to them — i.e., to us. If Quite frankly, it's becoming redundantly we are asking for priorities. an educational rebellion which would only be correct for himself. The Grand Trunk now runs three trains a special favors, let the Grand Trunk simply sickening to see the critics defending rightly return control of the schools to the day in each direction. The State News donate to the MSU students for their supposed scholarly scholarship fund or Bruce T. Allen students and faculty. The winner: filmmakers hands do**; implies that all three are up for some other worthy local cause. Better still, ability / penchant for higher learning. In least, if the "public interest" asst. professor of economics the first place, the critics and their The filmmakers tend to portray students they are doing discontinuance. This is not the case. Only really demands that in a more realistic light: the student who constructive most of the time. Nos. 155 156, an July 9,1970 critiques of movies are only self - righteous _ - overnight train to Port holds a strike sign for lack of usually spend their time uncovering Huron and Chicago, will be affected. Your egoists and ego - trips, respectively. While anything flaws that you wouldn't have noW*| article states, correctly, that this train does the critic may have an acumenic meaningful to do; the male student who ability and goes to strike cared about anyway.) Also, the film® be further endowed by virtue of a meetings and rallies because provide convenient connections in Chicago and affords people of Central Michigan a E.L. shows prejudice writing ability, he only speaks for himself prolific they'll be a lot of females attending; the students playing (often unknowingly) at have an intent — though only they what it is. (The critics spend much°') period. (Kierkegaard would be proud.) — one - day shopping or business trip there. revolution and time telling us how the director True, but it stops in Lansing in the wee To Hie Editor: music and love one another. A Who can tell how many movies have been simultaneously becoming fulfill his intent or the intent of good high entrenched in their role hours and is far less likely to serve MSU The mayor and without grass. destroyed because Vincent Canby voted - playing behavior students off for a weekend than the City Council of East . . thumbs down, whether it be because he because school and classes are a waste, bore was a poor one ad nauseam.) Lansing never cease to amaze me in their This ordinance exemplifies blatant and or, simply, unstimulating. afternoon and evening trains. These trains felt the film was wretched or because his I say: let the people decide, indi* attempts to stifle the youth community. unconstitutional prejudice. It is calculated However, once again we are dealing with are not up stomach felt that way when and for discontinuance, and their The passage of the new city ordinance to restrict and in wildest watching the a minority of students; yet it Is this subjectively, with toleration _ own survival could limits music in the fantasy contain movie? opinions, how they feel about films. ^ ultimately depend on parks to four hours revolutionary flow in this city. minority — those who feel letting the railroad drop the night run. between 7 a.m. and 11 useless, with the critic! Power to the People p.m. Not all music. My protest has been heard at City Hall. Secondly, your article implies that Penn Only amplified music. (Read Rock The first Free Concert of the Central is abandoned the service it renders music). year with I k)0NPER LOHVI LIKED HER Valley Court Park which was used last Ormandy, Plain Brown Wrapper and UJE LAU6HEDA LOT, AND U)E MSU students. True, Penn Central does year for the Free Concerts is the 60 MUCH ? I THINK ITS BECAUSE perfect Universal Family had to be cancelled TEASED EACH OTHER... want to end its Detroit site for them. I due CJE TEASED EACH OTHER... - Chicago runs, but personally talked to the to a time limit of three the closest these get to East Lansing is residents of this area last summer — which hours. Sorry students, you lose. Me too — I organized ^ h-<3~ Jackson. Again, how many MSU students I'm sure the the Free Concerts. will really be affected? mayor of this city has never thought of doing. There were only minor So much for the correction. The complaints (all presence of losses — over placated). I took the Bruce C. Forche $600,000 a ytar interest and time to do so because I cared E. in the case of the Grand Trunk about getting people Lansing sophomore overnight together to listen to July 9,1970 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 16, 1970 5 MSU's observatory is limited new Observatory ready for now $660,000 operations, Albert P. it will not ready for observation," "There are so be used for Linnell general many important said. variations of light in several binary star systems. He expects his observations to middle of their discs. The MSU been Observatory has display the light in bands of color at eve use level. The walls and outside. The optical properties of air Linnell, chairman confirm that the light designed to inclutV a ceiling of the spectrograph room vary with temperature and light of the problems to be worked on that coming spectrograph to use with the are painted black to absorb which enters the Astronomy Dept., has we can't tie up an expensive from a star is not uniform across telescope. telescope and is announced. unwanted light. reflected to the instrument like this just for its disc. Astronomers theorize A spectrograph series of mirrors will The spectrograph room must The observatory, located a visual observing." that stars, like the must not go through a largo sun, are not as transmit light from the telescope also be maintained at a stable mile south of the Graduate students will the bright at their edges change in temperature, explains, campus at use as in the to the spectograph which will Forest and College roads, has a facility for training and research, temperature, close to that of the Linnell. 24 - inch reflecting and some faculty researchers will telescope. The $125,000 instrument is mounted on three concrete use the observatory. HIGHLAND PARK • "My own work will involve the filled caissons sunk 40 feet in use of the telescope in the ground. The rest of the observations of eclipsing binary observatory telescope. "The windbreak telescope," surrounds building acts around Linnell as a the stars," the MSU astronomer said. giant the In a binary system, two stars revolve center of around gravity. a common If the earth is in the plane of HIGHLAND Disturbances PARK (UPI) - Mayor Robert Blackwell said. He early last Saturday morning. Grady Cash, 52, the white explained that slight movements rotation of the system, Linnell Wednesday lifted an 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew imposed for three owner, has been charged with second par of the buuilding from the wind nights on this Detroit enclave because of disturbances touched off • degree murder in t, said, an earth observer can see shooting and was freed on personal bond. would interfere with one star by the fatal shooting of a black man by a white bar owner. The shooting in this town of periodically eclipse the "The major elements that contributed 38,000 touched off sevt observations if the telescope other. This is detectable only by (to the disturbances) firebombings - including Cash's bar, which was destroyed - ana seem to have were mounted to the building a periodic change in the amount subsided, so we decided we could lift the curfew some minor looting. At least 149 persons were arrested instead of the caissons. of light reaching the observer. now," Blackwell, a black, said. three days and nights, the vast during the "Most of the people seem to have decided majority for curfew violations. "Specifications of the building they were not doing Blackwell said he would walk the streets with several aides Linnell will use the new a great service to the are very important," Linnell memory of Mr. Lawlah," he said. Wednesday, explaining the situation to the residents and explained. "For example, the telescope to Jerome Lawlah, 24, was fatally shot at the Kozy Korner Bar them to keep cool. asking distance from the ceiling to the Eying the sky floor in the determined spectrograph room is by the optical properties of the telescope." | Albert P. Linnell, chairman of the out the new Observatory. Astronomy Dept., tries 24-inch reflecting telescope in the MSU the Most of the observation with new telescope will be WEAK-END SALE!!! photographic studies. we were weak when we bought these. 'rof named to head TODAY thru SATURDAY (and longer if need be. I :ollege Fred Veseolani, professor of at U educational of Ark. Jdministration and higher education, has been ■ppointed dean of the University of Arkansas' REGULAR PRICE Veseolani holds degrees from St. Norbert TSollege of Education. ■ A member of the MSU faculty since 1955, College in DePere, Wise.; Columbia University, and MSU. lescolani Ring Binders is widely Joiuributions to Michigan education. recognized ■resident of the Michigan Education Assn., he for A former his He is also a member of the American Assn. of School Administrators, the American Academy *325 >d on the board of directors for the of Political Social Science, the National Council Michigan of Professional Educational Administrators and . of School Administrators for three years vice president of the Michigan Rural Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi professional M.S.U. HatS was societies. (tochers Assn. Great for Golf ■ Since 1958 he has served as chairman of the Veseolani served on the Editorial Advisory Michigan Commission on Teacher Education and Board of the Journal of Teacher Education from Professional Standards, and he served two terms 1963 1966. - EXPLOSIVES BILL DUE Fur Animals $198 Bombing inquir Vinyl Tote Bags $850 |WASHINGTON (AP) - With House Judiciary committee. But of the remainder, he said le opening of two congressional liquifies Wednesday into terror At the Rossides. same time. Eugene T. asst. secretary of the police departments report 56 per cent can be attributed to M.S.U. Basketball Pillows the Nix Treasury, told the Senate disorder on the campus. Administration said it has a Investigations subcommittee In audition, Rossides said his that the task force has been at pecial emergency task force | 'ie bombing problem. Asst. Atty. Gen. Will Wilson on work for several months. Rossides said there were at statistics, based on reports from state and local police agencies, attribute 19 per cent of known • MEMO CALENDARS Any $|00 ie administration is bombers as black extremists, 14 Studying least 4,330 bombings; 1,475 0 REG. $1.00 a new approach that attempted bombings and 35,129 per cent as white extremists of would involve federal regulation bomb threats in the 16 • month both the radical right and left, Selection Bf the explosive industry. and 8 per cent by criminals period beginning Jan. 1, 1969. 10* 1 The task force is iv bill, he Jo Congress next week. I Wilson testified developing before the a The said, to be presented responsible for identity of bombings is unknown in 64 per cent of all those engaged in robberies, and for insurance and extortion. The remaining 3 per cent arson , he : 0 STAMP MOISTENERS REG. 39c cases he said. said, is connected with bombing religious institutions or labor racketeering. PLUS STATIONERY He said breakdown of the >etitions question a . . . bombings indicate 3,335 were • «*.. committed with incendiary devices, including fire bombs known as Molotov cocktails and M.S.U. T- rials on My Lai that 975 were caused by high explosives. "The bombings have been ■ ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - A one by hanging — and the shocking and incredibly cold blooded," Rossides said. But he M.S.U. Sweatshirts Jhree judge federal panel began ■ attempted murder of at least agreed with Sens. Jacob Javits, Jewing_ petitions Wednesday three others. R-N.Y., and Charles H. Percy, Children's Hooded Sweatshirts POSTERS Challenging the Army's right to T'Souvas is charged with two R.-Ill., who said care must be ^ry two of 12 soldiers accused in e counts of premeditated murder taken lest too precipitous a alleged massacre at My Lai and Mitchell with two counts of crackdown cause a general _ td raising fundamental Jonstitutional questions about ■he system of military justice. assault with intent to murder. repression of political dissent. Sparty Banks 1 The petitions were filed KEEP A COOL, COOL HEAD Separately ■sequiel a., and on behalf of Sgt. Torres, 22, Brownsville, WITH S3»5 00 Spec. 4 Robert W. villi _ $i V Souvas, 20. of San Jose. Calif, ■"age John Brown of Houston. ■«-. Chief of the 5th Circuit ■'Ourt of Choice Appeals, ordered the petitions joined. ■niSumilar Petition has been Kn Cy SASgt' Davld Mitchell, W°-ofSt. Bh! I f ■hi0"es' Petition Francisville, La. represented civil '"tervention into E ,Armys jurisdiction over the, Lai case. J The sogers' petitions * Army trial by court ■ contend martial 25? VALUES TO s8i0 (Lht s their constitutional IS'and ask that the Army be Irvinaarntly enioined from ltanJ» j1' °r that the cases be I An! to a federal court, lafe °ng,uthe iss"es to be heard tiemhiw ictina Je hoM If he .KCC0Untable ■ j »r 3 low the armed * rankin8 forces orders to ki». can for murder M.S.U. BOOKSTORE obeys those orders. ■Am«vfeS! I member of the OADE'S PARTY STORE In the Center Ifc IcharL 96?viion , raid on My Lai, is a- 314 S. CLIPPERT Just west of campus Mon. • Thure. 10 a.m. - 11 p.n jor Intern I Vietnam u Frl. & Sat. 10 a.m. ■ 12 p.m. .the murde' of four oJJ Kalamazoo | tnamese civilians -Including 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Ju|y l6 )< EDITOR'S B,S&T album has mixture NOTE: This out with 'A' and follow up with Taylor's great song 'Fire and "And a couple of other songs "And Steve, you will do the review, written by Steve Allen in 'B' and 'C' with some variations Rain' on them?" What about something gospel vocal on the song you write, on lB' and finishing up with "That would really be great, hypothetical conversational like." 'C'." And something off the Band's your token vocal, I guess." style, is of the Blood, Sweat and "That would be good. We'll General laughter. 'Big Pink' album that nobody get a song like 'Hi - De - Ho' and "And then we should be able Tears' third album, called Blood, "Yes, rock critics should soak else has done yet." to sit back for another year and use a chorus in the Sweat & Tears 3. it up and wh o will know the "Is there anything on that background. a half resting on the laurels we ISuffic Man, we're brilliant." erythir difference — the classical critics album which hasn't been done "And Joe Cocker's 'Somethin' get on this album." ard Is "Come on guys, we have to won't touch the piece of cr*p by another artist?" put out a third album sometime. with a ten inch you know "Maybe not, but let's try Comin' On' was made for David "Why sure, with all of the Jilliant, We just can't sit on our rears what." 'Lonesome to sing." pseudo - jamming that we will Ith Hf Susie' and see what "Wait, have to write arrange meticulously everybody Tality- forever. Besides, the crowd at we some "Now we nee£! something happens." stuff of our will be happy." Vegas want something new; you to do in a classical manner. How "But we can't do that any own, so people can must admit 'Spinning Wheel' is say we write as well as arrange." "Yeah, except us. We know about the Stones?" better than the Band did it." "Yeah, David and Steve. better." getting a little bit old." "Yeah we can do 'Sympathy "No, but a great horn you-all write something, "It will be a great album as "Yeah, you're right, we have for the Devil' off 'Beggars to do something. But what? We arrangement will make people anything. Just make sure that it far as the quality of the music have already put out the most Banquet.' The old satanic think we did it better." fits our previous standards." classical theme. goes, but ..." original commercially successful "Splendid. We can have a album in history. No matter how 'Symphony for the Devil." But good our third everyone is going to say it was not as masterpiece." good effort as is, that one cut does not a rock classical album make.' "Very well put. So we take another song and arrange it so - jazz - Justice Dept. labels "Hold on a minute — I have we have some real classical stuff something. We already wedded ■lestone Tplayed 'Com jazz and rock, but what abou t "And of course the rest of the classical music? No rock group has Pepper." touched it since Sgt. album will be more of the same stuff that sold so well last time." "The customer is always groups \ I1 i\ But wh length ■ the m a "Oh that's really great. And WASHINGTON fcry dan who writes us a symphony to right." (AP) - The controlled the DuBois Clubs before it, but a every More laughter. Justice Dept. put the Subversive Communist party. hearing on the 1966 request, nail perform? And what is sexy Film "OK, have to fill up an Activities Control Board back in ~ The center, organized Aug. 4, ateur filmmaker gets an eye full during the Fine Arts Festival on campus this David Clayton - Thomas going to we originally scheduled for week "Hair" i album with a few more songs." business Tuesday, requesting sponsored by the U.S. Tuesday. Ronald Binks from the Rhode Island School of Design was on hand to aid do while the rest of the group is was postponed students with their the hu "How about another 'Traffic' that two New York - based Communist party, he said, flicks. State News Photo bY classical — beat a tamborine?" indefinitely at Mitchell's request. Terry Luke luth cul song? Here's one: '40,000 groups be declared Communist • Mitchell said "No. What we will do is be in Headmen,' another front organizations. perform 'Smiling investigation" preceded a song in an orthodox Phases' if I ever saw one." The last such request came in filing of the petitions. Figures show minorities manner and then do the "And what has Laura Nyro 1966, when the department The five - member board was experimental stuff at the end." done lately? 'And When 1 Die' asked that the board to created in 1950 to determine, "Hey, that will be fantastic! was one of the alltime biggies." designate W.E.B. DuBois Clubs a upon request by the Justice ,ar We'll just do classical on half of Communist front. one cut so the album will still "Hey, guys, we are going to Department, whether a group have to get some material from In petitions filed with the sell and be a critical success as may be called Communist some other places besides the board, Atty. Gen. John N. front organization r whether an well." Mitchell sought the designation Dse gaining in battle on poverty ones we have already used." individual may be identified as a "And rock critics know what r the real classical music is. You start "Right, man. How about Young Workers league member of such a group. laying sweet baby James and the Center for Market Thirteen cases involving Education. Both are located individuals were dropped last >n i New York City April when the Supreme Court address. declared WASHINGTON (AP) By Unite unconstitutional the — Minority groups are rising out of the The last decade has seen a dramatic decline in Mitchell said the ranks of the poor faster than thenumberi All poli Young designation of individuals whites, but one • third of their poverty - stricken people. The poverty threshold, as Workers, organized Feb. 7, members of Communist front members still are mired in poverty compared to only 10 per cent redefinedb it along! year, is $3,743 for a non farm 1970, is "a Marxist, Leninist of whites, the government - family of four and w organizations. ~ - reported Wednesday. 1959. ,ly Nevertheless, white poor still outnumber the black poor n than two to one. Last year there were 24.3 million poor people in th The com In a look back at the nation's bureau said. Of these, 16.7 million were population, the Census Bureau white and 7.6 mi said median family income in 1969 were of "Negro and other races." pc was $9,433 compared to $8,632 in 1968. The total number of the poor is 12 per cent of the populati ghways This down from 22 per cent in 1959. itorists was a gain of 9.3 per cent — the largest in at least five years Among minority groups, 31 - but because of inflation the real gain, with price increases i the official poverty level last Iving haz subtracted, was only 3.7 per cent. In 1968 the real to 10 per cent among whites. "lighway gain was have larger. 3.9 per cent. This higher proportion of poor blacks to poor whites hi all Median income of white families last remained virtually nove year was $9,794, up from unchanged over the 10 years! In 1959.1 $8,937 in 1968. For Negro families, it was cent of whites were ite highw $5,999, "P from poor while more than half the n $5,360 the year before. population had incomes in the poverty Idges, the The ratio of blacks' category. family income to that of whites has risen steadily since at least 1965, reaching 61 per cent in 1969. It was only 54 per cent in 1965, but jumped five per cent the next year each year thereafter. 'HOT TUNA' Duo cut By JO DENIS By RAY WALSH playing together for a State Ne State News Reviewer they began jam® 'resident "Hot Tuna," the first album with friends while s< idnesday school. Two of the numbers released by Jack Casady and liversity t Jorma Kaukonen, is a fantastic original Kaukonen composite Is withii collection of songs that offer including the long, innovd 'Some p of the best acoustical and instrumental "Mann's F« cause tl bass guitar ever recorded. which closes out the second! of the album. Casady and Kaukonen have long been recognized as two of Most of the other numbffl M< the top pop musicians, performed in the traditio playing standard blues style, except! bass and lead guitar, there is more emphasis or respectively, for the Jefferson Airplane. Their first album has been long - awaited since the s of such an album began guitar Interplay than sparkling vocal work. An example of this can M earlier this year. noticed in the opening cutof The new album is basically a album, the traditio collection of 10 songs that "Hesitation Blues" that hasb Casady and Kaukonen have been recorded ov< numerous folk • artists.1 to applause and cheering l» toward the end of the son more for the guitarwork t Sly Landai the vocal, but the combiMl the carei of the two generates enthusil ng Jr. w and respect for the artists. >tion pict Other songs thr* e country excellently performed o "•tin Luth Tuna" are the traditional "W ginning th Sam's Blues" and the a* pr minute "Death Don't Have undatlon, I Mercy." The second sideol The film, album is even more enjoy* scord . . with the traditional "Know' emphis," Rider" and "Search My W irch 24 in plementing Kaukow "ultaneous original tunes. er 300 cit Will Scarlett joins the justice to their joyous because they have discovered they can possibly Festival fears. It dreams of a life returned plumpish actress, whose vibrant ■urce. beauty in themselves and in their to the basics without maintain it. One is sure the pace voice makes •'Hair" possesses the ability to creative potential. religious will slacken. The score is so "Easy to be Hard" and sexual taboos and an fterwhelm an audience, to The play heralds unrestricted the fear familiar one exceptionally moving of war to inhibit man's expects it to get moment. Mizle it and keep it not only and unendangered life. When its expression. tedious. One A report on Persepolis, the hopes the acclaim modeling or drawing. At 8:15 p.m. in Fairchild ■escapably attentive but Nothing of the sort happens. ancient capital of the Persian The Worldwide Film Festival surrounding "Hair" — the Theatre, there will be chamber *ponsive as well. It is a play a Empire, 15 10:30 a.m. today will present a feature - music Kt would be a theatrical begins the final day of the MSU length concert featuring MSU film at 4 p.m in Fairchild music Testone simply on virtuosity Fine Arts Festival. faculty members. The Theatre and, beginning at 7:30 group will perform works by ■played and energy unleashed. Speakers will be Bernard p.m., shorter films will be shown Mozart, But what gives it its ultimate Goldman and George Booth of Martinu, Barber and in 10 other campus auditoriums. Leclair. length and insures its longevity Wayne State University who There will be a similar film All events ■ the message implied in its traveled to the Far East in 1968 schedule are open to the Friday. public without charge. lery dance step, its every lyric, to photography and study the T every irreverent wisecrack ■d in all its bitter protests. The phtographic exhibit of I'Hair" I the is a musical celebration human spirit as today's "Persepolis" will remain in the Kresge Gallery through Aug. 2. Clip This Valuable fyth cult "Hair" appreciates it. The is beautiful Beginning at 1 p.m. in the art tent, four workshop sessions will be held. Each member of the Coupon - Good at Any audience may choose from film Lansing Kroger Store - making, Candidates print making, Critics ask >se signs $10 billion >n roads I B> Unilt [AH political campaign signs ;s International defense cut it along state highway rights of WASHINGTON (AP) be - Senate promptly torn Pentagon critics te State Highway Wednesday proposed cuts up to $10 billion ENDS TODAY n said Wednesday. "5th HORSEMAN IS FEAR" in the defense budget which (The commission said unofficial already looks austere in the eyes and "GREETINGS" posted along busy of the body's Armed Services Ighways distract and confuse Committee chairman. fDtorists and constitute a The committee reported for ing hazard, Senate floor action next week a highway Dept. maintenance $19.2 billion defense have been ordered to >ve all campaign signs from Detroit procurement cent or bill, down 6.7 $1.3 billion from the per fcte highway rights of way and The tribe expresses its frustration in Nixon administration request of the Detroit of Hair show is the local of the smash ■dges, the commission said. now being performed Detroit Vest Pocket Theatre. v n broadway hit. $20.3 billion. It continues, The basically, the Safeguard ABM program. CLOSELY y Wharton JOHN BORGER has led to services per farmer must also cites U \ WATCHED TRAINS 20 and late Plus: r and increase in again mentioned the origin of problems, since agriculture agriculture has begun to produce agricultural rise," he said. MSU University of Michigan 8:50 P.M. only - the nant dramatic results, especially in DENISE McCOURT productivity, universities no Wharton's speech Wednesday rivalry in 1850 when both Wf occupation for three quarters Asia" he said. "Most of these | State News Staff Writers longer need attention to - esident Wharton in pay agriculture. 1 disagree," Wharton echoed, and in in several places, duplicated exactly, his address schools were establishment competing for the of a college of of mankind," he said. results have been due to efforts POLANSKI'S Saginaw told delegates to the State Farm Wharton said developments in aimed at expertise in kdnesday rededicated the Management Tour. to Farmers' Week delegates on agriculture. food staples such as wheat, rice scientific knowledge to develop applying WILD SWING!" diversity to serving agricultural campus March 25. Wharton did not confine his and corn have transformed the local answers rather than our "The future needs of our The leds within Michigan. president cited the speech to the agricultural needs argricultural programs of many ready made solutions." r society require increased University's historical of Michigan alone. His view of - OONALO PLEASENCE • FRANCOISE OORLEAC • LIONEL STANDSR ,n I'Some people believe that production rates; therefore, contributions to the field of the developing countries into major Roman Polanski's the application of scientific agricultural situation potential contributors to overall input and support agriculture. Parenthetically, he £uL-JE-£aC encompassed air and water development. Only about 500 of the more pollution and the needs of "The application of science than 2,000 tour delegates heard MOVIE THEATRES countries around the world. and technology to traditional Wharton's speech. "We cannot afford to concern ourselves solely with domestic agricultural development at Martin Luther King film home," he said. "We cannot close our eyes to the problems of the developing nations and the millions who go without ' : adequate food each day." ''Although foreign is what to be exhibited this fall agricultural seem our own distant and development may unrelated personal concerns, I to the new freedom of the screen is all about.' firmly believe it lies at the hear t —Richard Schickel, Life Prior to its national exhibition of many of the world's most the career of Martin Luther in the fall, the film will play an immediately following its basic social and economic Il y Landau's monumental film ng Jr. will be exhibited in theatrical exhibition, the film exclusive premiere engagement ition picture will be made available to / 1 PROGRAM INf0RM»tlilN 48S 6W> theaters across at the Astor Theatre on schools, colleges, church groups feraaa e country In behalf of the Broadway in New York, artin Luther and other institutions, as well as King Foundation commencing July 29. to An Ingo Preminger Production [ginring '.his fall, Mrs. Coretta All theaters playing the film television, both in the United r=i States and Color by DELUXE* Panavision5 |ng, president of the will show it in continuous world. throughout the undatio:;, has announced. performances and will charge TODAY ,UUMT ^ I ALSO "THE BOSTON STRANGLER' The film, 3:15-5:15-7:20-9:15 "KING: A Filmed regular admission prices. All icord . . . Montgomery to proceeds, less distribution costs, I em MM THE LAUGHTER FLAG MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES phis," was shown last will be turned over to the irch 24 in a special one night - foundation to help perpetuate ISUP! nultaneous performance in the ideals and works of the late er 300 cities lited States, throughout the civil rights leader. presents raising more than Mrs. King also disclosed that million for the Martin ng special Fund, n making the announcement, Luther DANCE-COIMCERT WINNER 10 :s King stated that the with undation had decided ? ease film into to place general theatrical SAGE AIRPORT following thousands of luests received at BURT *"*" DEAN from all areas the Holden Hall LANCASTER'MARTIN country since the single )Wing in March. In the Friday, July 17 JEANSEBERG months since s King said, "events in the then," 50c JACQUELINE BISSET lited States have made the ition picture 9:00 • 12:00 P.M. even more d significant." timely free pick up MSU SUMMER and delivery °NE hour FREE THEATRE service Wednesday thru Saturday Evenings 8:30 P.M. Kresge Court Fri., Sat. July 17 & 18 LOUIS - - 7:30 p. r Between Kresge Art Center and Fairchild Theater ZALES FAIRCHILD THEATRE CLEANERS This Week: Oliver Goldsmith's Admission $1.00 329 S. Washington ~-623 E GRANn RIVER SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER Across the Street from Pennoy's Tickets on sale at the door. Open Monday & KriJay Nights 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursdi Campaign seeks to quell nationwide VD epidemic NEW YORK (AP) - A new consider words like prophylaxis means of campaign against venereal examination and treatment. or preventing them disease prophylactics as dirty words not dirty procedures and — now a nationwide Cave, in discussing what he and never to be discussed medically epidemic — was announced sound." meant by prevention, said that publicly, and refusing to admit Wednesday for New York City, a when he spoke about VD to a that an campaign hoping to teach people group of young adults understanding of these The campaign will use that the use of prophylactics is one recently terms could save thousands from neighborhood volunteers, person objected to his use of sickness. medically sound, "not dirty." the word "prophylaxis." community organizations and "It is hoped that this campaign private "Let's come up front and tell "Needless to say," Cave will educate industry. All educational it like it ought to be told," said people to the fact materials will discuss the continued, "there are many that syphilis and gonorrhea are preventive Dr. Vernal G. Cave of the New more aspects as well as the people like this who not dirty words and that the medical aspects. York City Health Department. The educational effort was announced Venereal by the New York Alliance for the Eradication of Disease, a private Levin proposes group; the New York State . Pharmaceutical Society and the Health Department. "The latest statistics," Cave said, "show us that venereal disease is to restructure graduating from an epidemic to plague status. Sixty DETROIT (UPI) — State Sen. Sander M. Levin, ♦ Return to the cities of state - five of the nation's largest cities Democratic candidate for the gubernatorial property taxes are in the throes of a venereal on telephone, telegraph and railroad facilities for nomination, Wednesday proposed a four - point which the cities must now provide services. This disease epidemic." , program of reforms to provide Michigan cities would be worth $48 million to the cities swan The alliance said the new with the revenues they need to provide campaign in New York, where adequate annually, Levin said. Fredjborn Byornsson, star of the Royal Danish services to their residents. Ballet, held on VD is especially serious, will be instructs ballet students from all over the campus through Friday. More than 300 Levin made his proposals in a position paper on ♦ Expansion of the tax authority of local country at the students and ballet teachers will receive unique in stressing what has up state governments to give them a flexible range of 21st annual Cecchetti Ballet Conference and Seminar training durinq the to been - city fiscal relationships. being seminar. now one of the "If cities throughout this state local tax options. He said this will allow cities to State News photo by "unmentionables" in VD our are to be Terry Luke saved, the state must start providing the funds reduce their dependence on the property tax as a education. It was only recently that we and supporting the services to which the cities means of revenue. critical of stands are entitled," Levin said at a mid have included in our venereal - morning news ♦- Establishment of a new formula for conference. disease literature explicit distribution of state levied and collected taxes, "There must be a realization in Huber blasts Lenore information on venereal disease Lansing that such as the income tax. The current formula the cities are the lifeblood of the state," he said. prevention. takes into account only resident population of "If they decay, so will the whole state. We will "We have come to the the city. all be the losers. Levin's four major recommendations for Levin said true fairness of distribution communicable disease can be requires CHARLOTTE (UPI) - State Lenore Romney, his opponent restructuring state • city financial relationships consideration of such factors as the number of Sen. Robert J. Huber said sharply different than those of Hart on two issues brought under control by people who come to the city for work or Wednesday he supports the for the Republican nomination his opponent. President Nixon - the agijj treatment alone. The logical ♦ Expansion of state reimbursements to local recreation but don't live there, for the U.S. Senate. "Like President Nixon, I Church amendment Coopgl sequence of an effective venereal governments for services to non • residents, or for population continued use of American air density, per capita income, local tax efforts and power to support Vietnamese consider American air support Cambodia and the nominate dealingvjJ disease control program should The Troy Republican, in services that the state provides in other the city's contribution to overall state tax an essential to Vjetnamization of made go from educating the public troops in Cambodia — a position address at a Kiwanis Club the war in Southeast Asia," he by the President tod communities. collections. U.S. Supreme Court. he said was opposite from luncheon, said his views are said. "Mrs. Romney, on the I "If I other hand, wrings her hands in win the RepublitJ nomination for U.S. senatoti vague alarm." the Aug. 4 primary, I pronj Meet the candidates Citing Mrs. Romney's there will be no such designation as the "consensus ambijfl candidate" on my part," Huber said. l3 of the Michigan complete contrast in philosopj GOP, Huber said some Michigan between me and Phil Hartn Republican leaders "must be be made crystal clear. The East Lansing Democratic suffering morning - after pangs By ta state or county offices who will time voters make their {J Club will hold a "Meet the sending representatives. The order to attend the as they see Mrs. meeting, Ingham positions on the issues."Romney's appear on the state Sen. Sander Levin, and candidates decision primary ballot in three candidates in the state Leonard Luker, club president, for the on the U.S. SenateJ Candidates" session at 8 tonight East Lansing have been invited Karl Mark Paul will represent senate race (24th district) will said. County Board of He also attacked his in November, they will kid in the meeting rooms of the All to the meeting. Appearing for Zolton Rep. George F. Montgomery at Commissioners. opponent precisely where I stand nil Saints Episcopal Church, 800 participate in the meeting. Ferency will be James A. in the Aug. 4 Only one gubernatorial the meeting. primary for siding respect to Sen. Hart. Presifa Abbott Road. George Parris, Macomb Harrison, Ingham County State Senate candidates Each speaker will be given five with Democratic Sen. candidate will be present, but County prosecuting attorney, are H. Philip A. Nixon and the issues." All Democratic candidates for Democratic chairman. Winthrop minutes for opening remarks. the other: three candidates are has arranged to fly to Lynn Jondahl, Len Stuttman Lansing in Rowe will speak on behalf of and John Cataldo. Then the audience will be asked to submit questions by card to Other Democratic candidates who the moderator. are without opposition in the Aug. 4 primary will be The session is open to the introduced at the meeting. They NEW! HOT! public and refreshments will be are George Griffiths, 59th served after the meeting while District and Tom Helma, Gerald candidates meet residents on an Seelhoff and Josephine Martin, informal basis. examines HAM Complete front end repair and alignment come Unidentified flying objects — what are from? A program at Abrams Planetarium will they and where do tW attempt to identify tin unidentified in "The Case of the &CHEESE UFO," running Friday Brakes * Suspension Saturdays and Sundays through Aug. 16. Visitors to the plaiietarium will be taken on a journey throujl Wheel balancing * Steering space and into the future. "The program deals with the historical background and definition of UFOs," Leron Cobia, planetarium specialist, said "We will look at objects that have been reported, both tho* which have been identified and those which have not. 124 SOUTH LARCH "The term UFO came into existence, or at least made national headlines, in 1947, when an Army - Air Force pilot saw a l# light he couldn't explain," Cobia said. "This event is what people interested in the possibility of life in outer space aM pj! unidentified flying objects." Because of numerous reports in the early 1950s, tl* government funded a study, "Project Blue Book," whichw* intended to collect all the reports and try to identify t« supposedly observed objects. "There was another rash of reports in 1966 and until then then had been no scientific study or effort to explain the natural origin of them," Cobia explained. "It was these reports that fiOT prompted a thorough study of UFOs." The results of these two studies will be discussed in M program. Public programs given at 8 p.m. Fridays, are 2:30 and P-®- Saturdays and 2:30 and 4 p.m. Sundays. feportijaug Hanging: 24 HOUR RESTRINGING SE No other bank offers higher rates of interest account on or any type of savings certificate of deposit. ■FULL TENNIS SHOP- A.B.& T. is the place to save RACKETS- IN EAST LANSING: ... no FROM $£50 0 m question about itl DRESSES - UP 1141 E.Grand River Burger Kvmg V* mile east of campus IN LANSING: SHORTS - MF10-9 T-W -Th 10-5:30 HOME OF THE WHOPPERi 3706 S. Logan Tennis Lessons Available i S 9 • 5 4510 W.Saginaw 3012 Northeast St. (Highway 27) SPORTHAUS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Thursday, July 16. 1970 9 j- t 27 ROOKIES REPORT fef: Worried BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. opens Schmidt said, opening a (UPI) - A worried Head Coach camp pending with the NFL Players' The Lions' first exhibition without his veterans for the Assn. hurt," Schmidt said. "If "t1r Joe Schmidt greeted 27 rookies game is with the Super Bowl they second time in his four years at A total of 27 rookies checked only miss two or three it won't Wednesday as the Detroit Lions the helm of the Lions, in champions, who are also in be as bad." opened their training camp. Tuesday night but one, wide jeopardy as far as their Schmidt said he wasn't aware I "I just hope the kids come to their senses before long," National owners sessions Football barred veterans from while negotiations League are receiver bad knee Phil Thompson of Kentucky, was judged to have a during physical impending clash with the college all - stars is concerned should the of the status of the talks "I have no jurisdiction, because so It's veterans not come to an examinations. Two members of useless for me to know agreement with the owners. White House claims the taxi squad last year, Hoey of Michigan and Jim Carr of Jackson State, both George "If they (the veterans, due to check in by Sunday) miss five, anything about it. "The people that need union are the coaches," Schmidt the stayed or six or seven days it will really said with a laugh. away, apparently at the request Nixon 'right on time' of the veterans. San "We've got a lotta things to WASHINGTON (UPI) - The White House is used to news stories but rarely those on the sports page. denying accomplish," before too Schmidt somberly. "Aug. 8th will be here long and if we're said Diego buys With a bit of banter but deadly serious to make his going to face experienced Detroit's Wilson an point, Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler rejected a report in the Washington team like Kansas City, we've got Post Wednesday that President Nixon showed to get to work." up late at the All • Star Baseball Game In Cincinnati Tuesday DETROIT (UPI) - The night and delayed the Boston Red Sox. He starting time by seven minutes. Detroit Tigers Wednesday sold compiled a "The President arrived at 8 p.m. EDT and was met IM News righthanded pitcher Earl Wilson 64-45 record with the Tigers and by Baseball has a career mark of 120 wins Commissioner Bowie Kuhn," Ziegler said. He went on to in a waiver transaction to the and 103 losses. say that All students, at Kuhn's request, the presidential party waited until 8:11 p.m. faculty and staff San Diego Padres of the National who would like to play in the IM Wilson pitched one no-hitter in EDT — the appointed time for Nixon to League. emerge from the stadium his career - a The culprit onto the Held. "So Golf Tournament July 25 should sign up in the IM office by July Wilson, who has a 4-6 record victory against the Los Angeles Angels on June 26, everything occurred right on schedule," the press secretary 22. Anyone who was scheduled with the Tigers this season, will 1962. A Cincinnati policeman takes a firm hold on Morganna Roberts said. report to San Diego in time for and along with five other to play in the tournament last Noted for his policemen escorts the exotic dancer off the field in Tuesday night's all • star Ziegler said that Kuhn backs up his timetable completely. slugging skill, Saturday which rained out, today's game against the Wilson has collected 34 homers game after she Then was leaped onto the field in the first inning. The National League went onto win Ziegler said that "the President enjoyed the game very should call the IM office if he Philadelphia Phillies. in his career, three below the name 5-4 in 12 much. It was a very exciting game." the innings for their eighth straight win over the American League. still wishes to Wilson, 34, came to the Tigers major league record for a AP yvirephoto participate. in a June, 1966, deal with the pitcher. :ormer Spartan pitcher July \Mifte~Sale Is 4-1 for Grand Rapids I Former Ireuger continued Itching Sunday for lapids MSU Baseball League as he hurled a . pitcher hit shutout in leading the Jullivans to a 4-0 win over Battle JKreuger struck out four and Rick his fine the Grand Sullivans of the United Baseball Congress in Wichita, Kan. The Sullivans currently hold a 1V4 game lead over the second - place whose team, Hazel Park ITM, top pitcher is former Detroit Tiger hurler Billy Hoeft. Grand worse sweeping Rapids than a a can tie championship this Saturday by clinch no for doubleheader from Muskegon. Hazel Park would then have to win five games to tie the Sullivans. the straight CHENILLE BEDSPREAD Our Own Triple Check Bedsheets Long Double Size $1.92 each 2 for $3.00 reg. price $2.17 jl or full fitted lidn't walk any in the seven S. 3.33 EACH 2 for S5 lining contest. The Grand • BASEBALL STANDINGS VI 1.66 on 2 2.57 KA. 72 x 108 Long twin size or fitted twin Rapids native, who pitched for $1.72 each 2 for $3.40 Spartans last season, has Poly»»t»r Rayon the Sullivans' No. BLANKET reg. price $1.97 ..en over as T hurler upon the departure of American National RIG. 3.49 42 x 36 pillow Larry Ike. Ike Is now pitching SAVE 1.98 on 2 reg. 97c pkg. of cases two : Sturgis, S.D., In the Basin L PCT. EAST W GB |. of two 77c ague. Before he left, the Ipartan frosh had pitched 20 Baltimore DETROIT 54 47 33 38 .621 .553 - 6 Pittsburgh 2 lor 55 New York New York 46 |inings and struck out 29 while 39 .541 7 Chicago 43 42 .506 5 lompiling a perfect 0.00 ERA. St. Louis 39 Philadelphia 36 JKreuger has picked up the Cleveland 38 Montreal 37 Back for the Sullivans who jurrently lead the UBL with a ■4-2 record. In the seven games Minnesota pat he has appeared, the hard • 54 Jhrowing southpaw has pitched California Oakland 51 47 Bl innings, allowed 14 hits, Kansas CHy 33 ?e walks and one earned run a 4-1 record. I Krueger and Ike were both Inembers of last year's lhampionship team which WEDNESDAY'S WEDNESDAY S RESULTS participated in the National (D) DACRON1 FOAM PILLOWS Dw. TOPU SCHICK* |)-M--MSU game (G) MATTRESS PAD & COVER TODAY'S GAMES TODAY'S GAMES mo.,. 2S5 (F) Thermal BLANKET O REG. 3.98 TWIN SIZE Cleveland at Kansas City, night DETROIT at Chicago, night Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night Atlanta at St. Louis, night REG. 4.98 * '! REG. 4.98 FULL SIZE 2 *7 Inother sellout Minnesota at Baltimore, night Chicago at Houston, night SAVE 2.96 on 2 E California at Washington, night New York at Los Angeles, night ■MSU's allocation of tickets for Oakland at New York, 2 Philadelphia at San Deigo, night SAVE ON SUPER VALUES IN BEDDING . . . BUY AND SAVE MORE (only games scheduled) t Michigan - MSU football (A) 72x104" TWIN SIZE or (B> CHENILLE BEDSPREAD ID) BED PILLOWS e at Ann Arbor Oct. 17 has 72x90" BLANKETS FRIDAY'S GAMES FRIDAY'S GAMES TWIN FITTED BOTTOM SHEETS (C) BLANKETS 81x104" Full Siic n sold out, Athletic Ticket (G) MATTREfS PAD & COVER Cleveland at Kansas City, night Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night (E) Full Fitted Bottom SHEETS ■anager Bill Beardsley DETROIT at Chicago, night Atlanta at St. Louis, night ■inounced Wednesday. Minnesota at Baltimore, night New York at Los Angeles, night 2 s4 California at Washington, night ■Michigan Philadelphia at San Diego, night announced its own 2 s7 Oakland at New York, night Montreal at San Francisco, night »llout of these tickets about 2 s5 Milwaukee at Boston, night l°nth ago, thus a Chicago at Flouston, night 2.57 assuring the Prd straight sellout for the ■M FOR ■■ EACH •nual classic. FOR ■Hi FOR for Jm 2.17 EACH ■Beardsley also reported that Viere remain a limited number Attention M.S.U. Students 3.57 EACH V Notre Dame and Ohio State Jme tickets." These two games This Ad Worth $1.00 To You ■II be played at ■ct. 3 and 10, East Lansing on ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY firestone® ■Band Day at respectively. Spartan Stadium PRICED REG. 1.29 BED PILLOWS 's fall is '•y eardsley. The sale, also having a according opponent for the good to PIPES $6.95 AND OVER Polyurethane foam softness. Satin er. 3 colors. cov- SAVE 32c 97° ■Pt- 26 contest will THIS OFFER VALID TO M.S.U be the M.S.U. STUDENTS ONLY Washington State Cougars, r !fnty of good seats are still 203 friable • >v- and <• for the Iowa game, Oct. the Purdue The Iowa game on game is North Washington MAC'S Open 'Till 11 o'clock QUILTED SOLID COLOR 4 PRINT REG. 1.77 LOUNGE PILLOWS REG. 67c YARD SOLID AND PRINT FABRICS P>mecoming. BUY 2—SAVE 54c f% (A SAVE 44c or, 2 Yds. Ideal TV, car, sofa or / 1 . The den pillow. Soft poly ^ doth, duck, sail- $1 Sidewalk REG. 98c BATH TOWELS foam filling. 17x24". 1.57 6d. 2S1 Yds. continues thru Big, fluffy beauties fringed. Bold stripes . . or . some florals WW WW ^M *M £• FLUFFY RAYON in the latest decorator shades. J g OUR OWN TRIPLE JJJ CHECK BOLD REG. 39c MATCHING WASHCLOTHS, 27c REG. 39c SK. RUG YARN 70 YD. SKEINS Rayon/cotton. 100% FINE COTTON Popular colors. 4 SKEINS 99C PILLOW CASES SOLIDS a PRINTS—36 45" WIDE 3 More REG. 2.99 SHAG RUGS Big Days To Save! REG. 1.49 REG. 59c YD. FABRIC Modacrylic Wigs 1 Stamped patterns . . SAVE 50c 99' Hopsacking, Osnaburg, BUY 2—SAVE 1.98 Rounded corners, non-skid M ready to embroide Hemstitched hems. linene prints Easy-care blends. or solids. 44® latex back. Bright colors. In wM 'or ■[ from$12.00 $17.00 YARD heavy shag rayon. 2-27 each j41 E.•'aramount °* Grand River Open daily Ne» G. C. MURPHY CO. First 332-3341 OPEN FRIDAY NITETILL 9 P.M. 0|*„M-W.F - Quality Always MERIDIAN MALL 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursd, l2LLu|yi6i, STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Tell the whole town about your garage Renews 365-8255 sale by advertising it with a Want Ad GLASSIFieo The State News does not Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Rank For Rent permit racial or religious For Rent For Rent discrimination in its PORSCHE 911, 1967. 37,000 miles, EAST LANSING furnished efficiency WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near SOUTH SIDE 2 advertising columns. The - 5 speed transmission, near MSU. $120 includes ell bedroom. MSU. Specious 2 bedrooms, appll.nces, State News will not trensistorixed ignition, rust proof, utilities and parking. 332-2446 carpeted, elr conditioned. No leaee zirptZ' accept advertising which FM. radio. Cream puff condition, after 4 p.m. 3-7-16 882-9781 Sep„m. HM • AUTOMOTIVE $4600. Call 353-4361, evenings, required, $166 per month. Phone ' afttr 5 \M discriminates against 489-1719. TF Scooters & Cycles 351-0127. 5-7/21 FOUR BEDROOM home in rurel religion, race, color or Okemos available September 1, 406 SOUTH Auto Parts & Service Pine, near downtown national origin. RAMBLER 1968 sedan standard. family only. Also two room Lansing. Furnished efficiency Aviation Excellent condition. Cell furnished epertment now for suiteble 1 person, $70 e month. * EMPLOYMENT 355-0810. 3-7-20 couple. Phone 361-0426. 6-7-16 Modern furnished, efficiency $120 men 21 end over • c FOR R rNT a month. 1 bedroom apartment, rooms. Cooking an RAMBLER 1966: sedan, radio, AIRPORT NEAR. $135 month. No children or Close, Apartments Automotive Single adults, e reesonabiB standard, good condition. Best modern furnished. $15 per week. pets. No leases. Call Richard 486-8836. 0 Houses offer, 353-6900. 3-7-16 489-7253. 10-7-24 Albln, 337-2610. 6 - 8 p.m. only. CORVAIR 1960: excellent Rooms #FOR SALE condition, eutomatic trensmitsion, ROADRUNNER 383. Excellent BAYFIELD APARTMENTS - 2 10-7-17 YOUNG campus. [ADIEsV^ - less then $200. 351-6989. 3-7/17 condition, MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 Completely power steering, bedroom, central air conditioning, Animals Mobile Homes CORVETTE 1966 - 350 H.P., eutomatic. 355-5752. 5-7-17 After 5:30 p.m., carpeting, appliances, washing Merigold ecross from campus. Deluxe 2 man furnished niTo.7p,i7 372-8o7'X| 4-speed, AM-FM, polyglas tires, facilities, pool, near shopping and apartments. Now ieesing for fall. ♦ PERSONAL 35,000 actual miles, 2 tops. bus. 393-4857, Mrs. Fulkerson. IV 9-9651 or 361-1890. 0 TOYOTA 1966 Crown. Low mileage, 10-7-22 cooking, cell ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL $2,500. Call 8 • 5, 355-5116. 351-9237 1 After 5 332-8844. 3-7-20 good condition. Selling 484-8173.0 J * REAL ESTATE , SMALL FURNISHED epertment, immediately. 332-6187, after 5, FIRST FLOOR 842 Huntington $80 month. 211% MAC YMCA • RECREATION CORVETTE, 1968 red convertible, 337-9031. 5-7-21 Roed, two bedrooms, small study, per Avenue. Cell Duke, 361-9391. - ROOMS for younV^l •'SERVICE 350 H.P., 4-speed. 17,000 miles. TRIUMPH 1963 TR4. Totally rebuilt unfurnished, utilities included. $190 per month, married couple 6-7-22 women. Membership Parking, color TV, lounu p'jT- Radial tires. 393-6909. 3-7/17 Typing Service engine, new bettery, tires, clutch. only. Cell Darlene efter 1 p.m., BVm. Phone 489-6501.20.i'.jjl $700 or best offer. 351-3673. 351-6479. 3-7/17 Houses • TRANSPORTATION COUGAR 1967. Good 5-7-17 SPARTAN HALL * WANTED 355-1064. 5-7-20 $1200, TWO OR three Man deluxe one STUDENTS. Beat up old cottage, 2 women. 6:30 sinflliij^ 7 ■ 00. 36lM For an appointment. 332-4912. 3-7-17 MOTORSCOOTER, excellent filled promptly and s|50°° 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. condition, $175. Call 489-5328. dependably at after 5. 3-7-17 State Aviation FRANCIS AVIATION: So eesy to leern in the PIPER CHEROKEE. GruMhftilA 1105 E. GRAND RIVER of Gunaon Drug WALGREEN cAt. CROSSWORD Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C ED 2-2011 AGENCY PUZZLE ACROSS 26. Japonica 30. Tibetan Roger Taskey 351-3420 1. Stan Guski Salamanders antelope 361-8160 5. Buddy 31. Function 8. Bone 32. Meal 11. Missile 34.Sash 12. Some 36. Boundary thg FAMlty ARMS, 13.Japanese outcast 37. Subsidize 39. Ostrich X CAN RIPE IT IN 14. Diva's solo 43. Etiquette 15. Covered 47. Bill of fare THE WINTER. NOW.' vehicle 48. Work unit X POORER 17. Heafh 49. Steep DOWN 5. Moccasin . See what 73 hp ANTl- FREEZE ALL OVER IT L 18. Majority 19. Medicine bottle 50. Golf club 51. By birth 52. Answer book 1. Cheese 2. Gambling game 3. Threesome 5. Anecdotage 7. Kind of glockensp1'1 I | 23. Formerly 53. Examination 4. Go hungry g. Retaliation 1 < (iii do for (i small economy 5- 9 Eskimo car 2 5 T~ 7— S- r~ 7T 10 P-f' >' 1 " n — 16. 20. Gone b, Unfortunate I . ~ '5 21. Astringent Come in mid tyft p 22. 24. Wi mkle Dove's note L . check (he shape... j■■■ % L 25. New-born IJ" | sr ir 26. Apprentice the statistics... WHEEL CENTER wamm 27 28 w t Jo~ 27. Ibsen character E.T. - INTERNATIONAL I 32 28. Mixture 29. Behave DURACHROME- ROCKET WINS - i 33. Recluse 4 WHEELS of CRAGER M.T. HOLLYWOOD - m■■ i m■■■ 7A 35. Stannum Lansing Inc. - 38. Secretary wmmwmmmwuM 40. Present 2200 S. Cedar Onl\ minutes from the ALL SIZES WHATEVER TU6 SEASON 41. Son of Sew 42. Relative campus YOO'LL FIND WHAT 43. Laborers '.•> West 14x6-15 x6- 15x8 44. Square on Mt. Hope, then 2 hlocKs South YOU NEED IN THE on Cedar 14 x 7 - 15x 7- 15x 10 measure State News WAMT-ADS SSSUd Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 16. |Q70 ^ Student For Sale For Sale DIRECTORY FRESH SUPPLY Classical of Handmade Guitars from Spain I Starting at S100.00. MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY, East BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, sell. ABC STORE, 1208 Turner. SECONDHAND C Speaker cites Cambodia Lansing. C-7-17 Need more shelves COMPONENT STEREO system and or drawer spacef BOB JONES PAINTS has a /ull line of COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE The small ad That says GARRARD SLX-2 Magnetic cartridge and dust included. $50. Call turntable. cover 361-6846. scuba diving equipment. Phone 332-4367. 5-7-20 as 'brutal' U.S. precedent 130 West Grand River so much 2-7-17 unfinished furniture. Blvd. .,. Animals Joyce spoke to about 100 By JEANNE SADDLER 6 77-8141 Mason 351««0i0 Joyce 355-8255 UNUSED 24 volume State News Associate Editor students Wednesday afternoon Encyclopaedia AKC should be because Britannica REGISTERED English Cocker in Wells Hall. of the including matching Spaniel male puppies. 10 Indochinese character of war. World Atlas, Webster ■ TERRAC 18 hole miniature BROOKSi1,Imported Cars' American Literature Dictionary, Anthology, old. All shots. Show weeks quality. 1011 The invasion of Cambodia U.S. by "What the United States seem Giving a historical background $245. 377-0031.4-7-21 Mitchell, Lansing. IV 5-0262 troops was a failure, incapable of understanding is for the U.S. involvement in BUTLER'S KIDDIELANO or $ * Sales and• 337-0325. 3-7 20 according to Frank Joyce, past that the Vietnamese cannot be Indochina, Joyce said he felt we -7 RIDES S«rv!ce D. M. DEAN, a a national director of pacified Frandor STEREO COMPONENTS: receiver, SIAMESE People or de-Vietnamized," were in Cambodia for the same 210 Abbott Rd. $75. KLH 17 speakers, $65 each. KITTENS. Three Seal Against Racism (PAR), because Joyce said. "The Vietnamese 1 daily parties 482-1473 reason we are in California. open Po'nynates. $7.50. Call 372-2866. rather than reduce Cambodian _ 8014 N. Grand Suite #16 Sony 350 tape recorder, $180. have always been successful in "White western males have | 351 4054 ^SI^OIIJO River, Lansing a 332-6563 Dual 1015 record changer, $75. sanctuaries, the entire country the long run — they have high capacity for self delusion- Whole system, $400 SCOTTIE PUPPIES. AKC has become a defeated every strategy." Leant to fly? Sure you I" * X-1-16 361-6217 4532 Don Street, Holt. Best registered, sanctuary. and fantasy," Joyce said, "We've LOUIS BEAUTY SALON Use our Air Taxi-Service The style you want Offer been seeing the light at the end for that special date' - 5-7-20 Citing alleged contradictions in of the tunnel for 15 On Campus Buy a new Piper SONY TC 530 Stereo ti the government's claims about years." 226 Abbott Road All at: Elda Diane Excellent condition $135. the Cambodian Joyce said that Nixon should 332-8474, after Mobile Homes campaign, Joyce not be afraid of Beauty Salon 1 p.m. 3-7/17 said that the 13,000 casualties being the first 332-2369 Francis Aviation Completa hair cara American president to NEAR listed could only have been preside TAPE CAMPUS, 1956, 10x45, good Lnthetic and Human Hair Capitol City Airport 484-1324 Abova Cunningham's DECK: Roberts 450A, 3 over a defeat, because lft| ,EP_2^416_ 210V; Abbott Rd. months old, $140. Also Cassette, 351-9261. 3-7/17 car i, furnished, carpeted, 332-0358. 3-7-17 $1.00 service charge per civilian casualties because the U.S. forces also claimed that Eisenhowever had done that insertion with Korea. BEAD CRAFTS, BUD'S — to be pre - paid. 12 they never encountered the 50c SPECIAL 50c GARAGE 1965 deadline 1 class day before. Nixon is not an exception, but IDECOUPAGE SUPPLIES. AUTO PARTS Wash up to a 9X12 SALE - Friday and RICHARDSON 10x50. p.m. enemy. he may be a culmination of rug Saturday July 17 and 18 includes Completely furnished, carpet. our Late Model Motors and in out 25 lb. Texas "The level of brutality in the [ ART REPRODUCTIONS washer. bikes, power mower, 6 year crib, Must sell, $2,700 or offer. The Coalition Committee for Day foreign policy, he said. parts a speciality grill, electric hot 351-0945, Jane. 3-7-17 Cambodian invasion has no Joyce said that the Vietnamese Building Specialties WENDROW'S ECONOWASH plate, and Care for the MSU Community will Halfway between Holt and 3006 Vine St. 7 miscellaneous items. D. Aschom, hold precedent in the whole of the now feel that it is time for STAR 1968. 12x50, two a peaceful demonstration }93 M-43. Okemoi, 337- Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 a.m.-11p.m. 1122 Haslett Road, Haslett. bedrooms, Vietnam campaign. There was people in the movement to 1 block " " Friday, July 17 at 9:30 a.m. (while keep west of Sears. 3-7/17 condition. Sycamore the Board of Tru absolutely nothing left in the 21 up with the war and plan their TWPTBFPr MUST SELL - of Adm - mile area where troops invaded action accordingly, and to Frandor Shell Station Buying Golf Clubs? Leaving the country. — no villages, no civilians," sometimes take the initiative. Eico amplifier and FM Major repairs Including Why not check at tuner, Joyce said. "They feel that it is entrtely UTAH 12" 3 way speaker 196S HI tune-up and brake work Indian Hills Golf Shop system LLCREST, 12x60, Deli 154 years old. up to us to see that this | Wide World of Sports mechanic on duty Cheap. 351-2922. bedroom,unfurnished.Many e Although the entire economy Okemos - 332-6925 5-7/21 Call 625-3520. W of Cambodia was government does not decide1 to All State Road Service destroyed by use nuclear 351-8811 Indian Hills Golf Course, the campaign, according to weapons again,"; he 3024 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. said. "That's the E^agnaw^^ 489-8010 Okemos Brand new portables - $49.95, GREAT LAKES 8x37, near good condition. Make campus, Joyce, the Communist troops can't control." only thing they I $5.00 offer, gained more freedom of Cycle Insurance per month. Large selection 351-0751. 4-7-17 tk>mpare our rates 5 This Space of reconditioned used machines. movement for their military GOLF DRIVING RANGE Rational companies, Singers, Whites, Necchis, New TWO operations. FOR RENT BEDROOM, 12x56, like :lights fcendrickson Insurance MINIATURE GOLF Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Equity and take over new. t d Paris 505 Albert, East to $39.95. Terms. Call open. Detroit to London departs July Joyce referred to President EDWARDS between 4 and 2206 E. Joyce Fairway Golf Range, Grand DISTRIBUTING and 6 26, returns September 13 for $219. Nixon's televised speech April COMPANY, Detroit to Paris departs August Michigan, Lansing. For 355-8255 River Avenue A few minutes - 1115 North Washington, 9, 20, pointing out that it was a returns September 1 for $239. Information. 484-8173. east of MSU. 332-8745 489-6448. C-7-2 couched admission of a halt to Stand-by applications for Tokyo Lost & Found depart, July 24, are being accepted. troop withdrawals passed off as KLH MODEL 24 STEREO FM increased withdrawals. - For further information call UNION combination $200 or best. LOST: One medium sized male dog, BOARD, 5-3355. One way and 332-4756. 3-7-16 brown with black tail and Although Nixon promised to For Sale For Sale throat, bring For Sale Back. Answers to name of Chevis. arranged. more troops home, he also ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save Call 351-3097. 2-7/16 halted any troop withdrawals for 11° SAr.x Evstteandgchatffer. M|N| FLEA MARKET at comer of RICKENBACKER: body at OPTICAL MEET THE CANDIDATES: 60 days, Joyce said. " DISCOUNT, 2615 The Elizabeth and Haslett Street. guitar, brand East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. East Lansing Democrats invite Privete sale of goods including cherry sunburst finish. Best offer, C-7-17 Personal meet Democratic candidates for you to state It was an announcement of Woodward bar cart, covered car 351-3626 nights, 393-1320 defeat and set back," he days. - top carrier, shelves, dart Go-Cart, 5-7-22 claimed. "The allied forces were |PEWRITER SILVER - Reed bicycle, skiis, skates, etc. Friday, FANTASTIC PLASTIC inflatable at the All Saints. The following le. Cabin tent 8x10, Kodak really in trouble at that time, Saturday RICKENBACKER 6 string. furniture. Indoor Outdoor. Many ■ Carousel 600. Call 355-0610. and Sunday, all day. Mint - will be present State Senate: John and there were approximately 2-7-17 condition, best offer. 351-1901 or styles, colors. Call 337-9215. noon Cataldo, Lynn Jondahl, Len 1,200 air attacks on our forces 351-5514. 5-7-22 midnight. 5-7-17 - WE ALSO have hair spray, tonics, Stuttman, State House of Reps.: from April 1 to 20." shampoos and combs. UNION George Griffiths. Governor: Jim BUILDING |Your blueprint for Luxury... BARBER SHOP. Joyce said that anti American - C-7-16 Ferency, Win Rowe representing feeling in South Vietnam was THE YEARBOOK is Sander Levin, Carl Paul representing high, even among the people waiting for you to pick up your George Montgomery, George Parris, who opposed the Communists. copy of the 1970 MSU Board of Trustees: Patricia WOLVERINE. Bring receipt or Criticizing the Paris peace "grgroir I.D. to Room Carrigan, County Board of 27, Student Services, Commissioners: Tom Helma, talks, Joyce said that the United Monday, Wednesday, Josephine Martin, Gerry Seelhoff. States had never appointed an Friday, 9 - 10 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, 11:15- Noon. 5-7-17 Everyone is welcome. Refreshments. ambassador after Henry Cabot Lodge resigned, that the FREE A thrilling hour of There ... beauty. bombing of the north had been For appointment call 484-4519. resumed after the talks started MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS because of the unconditional STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. halt in bombing, and said that C-7-2 neither Laos or Cambodia were FRANK JOYCE NEED: MALE undergraduate for Thursday evening at 8 p.rr represented in the talks as they communication experiment. $2 for 40 minutes. Come to There will be a Michi 518 South Kedzie between 9 and regional ANTI-WAR 5 to -17-70 Saturday at 10 a.m. ir deRoy auditorium at Wayne State University. Anyone E Bill gives Alaskans Peanuts Personal carrying antiwar movement ir summer and planning BRIDGEPORT KID; Dear Lord, Guide her, protect her, love her. I do. Jim. 1-7-16 demonstration is welcome. Come SDS meeting tonight for details a ■ record land payment There will be an SDS WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill calling for the meeting tonight biggest land - at 8 in the Captain's Room, Union. claims payment in the nation's history — There SI billion to Alaska will be a discussion of natives — sailed through the Senate Wednesday. The bill would settle aboriginal land claims of Alaska Natives b\J authorizing: J -* Congressional appropriations totaling $500 million in 13 Real Estate Royalties totaling an additional $500 million from oil Service other mineral production on all Alaska ancj EAST LANSING, 4-5 bedrooms, public lands; ♦ Land spacious older home. BARBI MEL: Typing, grants totaling over 10 million acres, including 5.$ Study, million cares to 200 native dining and family rooms. Large No job too large or too small. villages, 3 million to services RENTALS BY APPOINTMENT private yard, double Owner, $29,950. 337-0909. TF garage. Block off campus. 332-3255. C corporation for timber production and other use. 635,000 acres for individual homesites and MODEL NOW CLOSED FOR INFORMATION CALL HASLETT - three bedroom brick COMPLETE Discount THESIS printing. IBM typing and service. campsites, and 500,000 acres to North Shope natives. hunting, fishing and trapping! I 372-2797 ranch. Attached garage, all binding of theses, resumes, MARSHA CHANEL publications. Across from campus, TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing or appliances, fenced yard. $21,800, student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive FHA, discount for cash. Call Gordon hours. Mosley 337-1641 489-3029, HILLEY INC., after below COPYGRAPH Style Shop. SERVICES, Call Insanity plea Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a REALTORS. 3-7/17 337-1666. C (continued from page one) dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - of Military Justice was recommended in the subcommittee's! central air conditioning. These four man units have up Service Wanted report to its parent House Armed Services Committee released! to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time Tuesday. ; has been DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, "That no charge involving an alleged adequately planned for with a giant heated formats. Experienced. Reasonable capital offense, committed | swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 during a military action against an enemy, shall be referred to; '• you trial by court martial until a want to be duly appointed competent authority ; among the first residents of has determined the mental TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at responsibility of the prospective; 351-9248. 3-7-20 accused at the time of the alleged crime." $70/month per man. The subcommittee recommended also consideration of civilian • RIDE FOR 2, California (Bay trials for crimes allegedly committed while in the Area), service by a ■ Typing Service about August 1st. 351-1453. Ask for Harvey. 3-7-20 veteran who can no longer be reached by military justice. Hebert said his staff is studying the complications of writing the • PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. two revisions into legislation to put before Congress. IBM UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom Typing, Multilith Printing, & Asked how the legal insanity defense could be Hardbinding. Complete Thesis apartment or 1 bedroom with kept from Service for the study, September 1st. Am new becoming so broad as to prevent prosecution for any crime a 1 most Discerning soldier commits against civilians in combat, Hebert said it Master's & Doctoral Candidates. would East Lansing end of July. Write: be no broader than the civilian's Frae Brochure and Consultation. present right to plead legal ; Call CLIFF and PAULA M. Jack, 5466 South Harper insanity. HAUGHEY: 337-1527 or Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 60615. "These things are not that widespread." he said of war crimes, i 627-2936. C 5-7-17 He said in the case of the My Lai incident — which has led to ] ANN BROWN: charges against 12 soldiers including murder, maiming and rape — J Typing and multilith DIFFICULTY GETTING IN TOUCH the U.S. troops were offset printing. Complete service with someone? fighting in a known Viet Cong stronghold Try a Classified after weeks of seeing their buddies killed and maimed. for dissertations, theses, "Personal" Ad. Dial 355-8255 4620 S. HAGADORN manuscripts, general typing, IBM. Now! 20 years experience. 332-8384. C TWycKNMMM ACME TYPING. Amazing celerity. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 foi all positive. A negative. B Term papers and theses. Phone negative management exclusively by: 482-0094 2 7-17 TERM PAPERS. Dissertations, SCM and negative, AB negative. $10.00. O $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN (continued from Policy altered 507Vi East Grand River, East page one) increase of $130,700 Electric, pica, experienced. Call "In the '60s everyone wanted over tht< AIM UlMGriirilT Lansing. Above the new Campus prior three r — ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Sharon, j83-4234 1-7-16 SECRETARY, WOULD like books, Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and our business," Ballard said. The current contract, which according to Ballard. Damage to MSU year period] property thesis, etc. to type. Call 351-0940. Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 will expire on Feb. 28, 1973, since Jan. 1 has been estimated 5-7-17 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C cost $280,000. This is an at $68,000. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. jU|v„ From Your Conquost Saving Mailer MSU scientists study fish WITH COUPONS _ |_ GET "pT# using cyclotron, computer A group using of MSU physicists their cyclotron and computer facilities to explore are parts of the particles. These radioactive emit gamma rays which are isotopes they ricochet,. When the difference can be measured. scientists study the between the two Dept. from Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pa., is studying the feasibility of x-ray We Gladly Accept 850 EXTRA Top Value Stamps the amount of mercury in unique for that particular energy levels they can tell what fluorescence. Federal Food contaminated fish. isotope. Observing the gamma kind of atoms were struck by "It's an expensive business," ."We're trying to find more rays, scientists can tell exactly FEDERAL I Stamps and the particles. Kelly reliable and accurate methods of how much mercury is present. said of the budding iFOODSTAMPSl Welfare Orders. Pricee & Coupon, good Elastic Thru Sot., July II. 1970 scattering analysis program. "The magnitude of this analyzing traces of heavy The new process should be should be able to In Lansing elements in various measure project is such that we will have biological more sensitive than present fractions of a part per billion to compounds," William H. Kelly, buy a fair amount of analysis methods, according to according to Raj K. Jolly, equipment. Projects of this kind SILVER PLATTER CENTER CUT professor of physics, said. Kelly. Charles E. Gruhn and Carl J. generate lots of data and we'll Kelly, with Ray Warner, also Maggiore, MSU physicists who Pork "We're just at Chops the very use special analysis techniques of the Physics Dept., and beginning of our studies," Kelly are studying elastic scattering. with extensive use of computers. William Mc Harris, associate said, "but the results obtained so Under proper Kelly said that the program circumstances, professor of Chemistry, have far are quite promising." the sensitivity had been inspired by the current been of the third testing a process called Two other analysis processes process being investigated, x-ray trend of interest in environment "activation analysis with charged and that the initial focus would using the cyclotron are being fluorescence, can approach one particle beams." considered by the physics team part in a trillion. Kelly said. be on detecting mercury elastic Here, particles accelerated by compounds in fish. — A specimen of fish is placed in scattering and x-ray fluorescence. "I think people should realize a stream of charged, helium the cyclotron are used to knock that basic research nuclei from has developed the cyclotron. In elastic scattering, particles out the electrons in the a wide variety of techniques and Mercury atoms contaminating accelerated by the cyclotron are innermost orbits of the atoms of tools which can be applied to the fish sample are "activated" fired into the sample to be the specimen. When this or changed some of our problems today. by the particles into tested and rebound when they happens, the atoms begin to give But most of these tools and radioactive isotopes of thallium strike atoms in the sample. The off x-rays which are or lead. This occurs when the characteristic of the element. techniques are unknown to energy of the particles as they nuclei of the mercury atoms are fired into the specimen is people other than those actually absorb the helium particles or doing the basic research," he known, and their energy, after said. Herrud Regular or Uid, Pork Eckrich Sliced Sausage Franks 2*97*1 USD A CHOICE TENDERAY Rib Jit Steak USD A Choice Tender a Center Cut Smoked Rib Roast 95< Pork Lb Chops u $1.0) Tasty Miracure Bacon # 89< Astro Franks 79( Corn Dogs u 89| Silver Platter Quarter Sliced Country Style Bulk Sliced Pork Loins ls 79< Slab Bacon 79< Sliced Chicken Herrud 12-Oz Wf Luncheon 89( or 1-Lb Farmer Peet Party Assortment nk9 99< Liver Sausage Ring Bologna u "l Mary Pop Leavenworth, Kan., residents do doubletakes these days tricycle especially built to carry groceries. It's her only when a Mary Poppins - s type figure goes cruising by. But of wheels. Mary Poppins she isn't. She's Mary Oliver who had the APWirephoi Kroger USDA Grade A PARODY OF U.N. Medium Eggs 2 88< Cherries 3 $1 Cookies 3 Pk" $1.09 Laundry Rinse Co/den Grain StroganoH Romanoff or Dawn Fresh Sta Puff "&r 99* Dinners 3»,'??„*, $1 Steak Sauce Youth Assem ch oos DiMPickles Si-/,1, 48( Nabisco Toastettes 38* Toddler Flasbabyes or Medium 51.05 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. representatives from 113 world problems and would new approaches and steamroller (AP) — It is apparent the World countries, has done little either perhaps be able to discuss them tactics rather than conciliation. Youth Assembly is not turning for the image of youth or of the in a friendlier atmosphere than Some older observers were out the way its sponsors had United Nations. the official shocked by a lack of tolerance One veteran spokesmen of hoped. diplomat described it as a governments usually encounter. for opposition viewpoints. This Some diplomats are asking parody on the performances of was reflected in such actions as privately whether the United their elders in the U.N. General Instead the assembly has been the refusal of the leftist - Nations blundered in setting up Assembly. marked by ideological disputes, dominated majority in the Peace the meeting as part of the stereotyped speeches, procedural n is to Children Love T T Carnation organization's 25th anniversary. The sponsors had Kroger Cinnamon Dutch Apple L hoped that bickering and nearly chaotic representatives of South or Many believe that the the younger conditions. Emphasis has been Mr. Bubble 3 $1 instant Breakfast oil 59< assembly, attended by some 600 generation would offer fresh ideas for dealing with on political attacks rather than Vietnam, South Nationalist China. Korea and Instant Raisin Bread 3 Frozen q Buttermilk Oldsters also disturbed were Nescafe Coffee $1.39 Sr?.'. Pino Dortlna's by the lack of respect on the Kroger Non-Dairy 59< Bread 4 99( part of many for rules of Kroger Dawn Fresh Survey shows Saturday Kroger Ice Cream procedure and by heckling and Coffee Creamer interruptions even during 49( Cottage'JrfcCheese wlo,' 49< Sandwich Bars statements by presiding officers. One of the major problems was representatives, mainly from ^ US #1 NEW CROP MICHIGAN HOME GROWN dangerous time to drive Communist representing left organization, who above the countries 25-year - were age wing or far limit * White Potatoes BLOOMINGTON, 111. (UPI) - Other data compiled from the insured's vehicle and some sort suggested by the U.N. planners. The most dangerous time of year State Farm records indicated: Some of the of fixed object, such as a participants were on the nation's highways is at 6 ♦ Drivers under 30 and over described telephone pole or bridge by protestors as J10 69 * p.m. on any Saturday in August abutment. "professional youth." or November, according to a It quickly became apparent The reports listed "improper survey by State Farm Mutual that many were being coached Automobile Insurance Co. driving" as the primary cause of ♦ About four of every five 56.9 per by the U.N. delegates of their The conclusion was drawn cent of the fatal crashes drivers involved in the fatal studied. country and that, at least in the from a study of 2,828 fatal auto crashes during 1968. It showed accidents was a man. The head - on collision was important Peace Commission, the leftists Jpt ■ that about 40 per cent of all the were firmly in -r Three types of crashes listed as the most common type control. fatal accidents happened during accounted for almost three of accident fatal to drivers; of - They elected a Palestinian the weekend, with most of these quarters of the 1968 State Farm the drivers killed, 31.4 per cent Arab as chairman and chose four occurring on Saturday. fatalities. These were broadside were involved in headon crashes. rapporteurs Ccllhnlm 27 SI.. The hour of 6 p.m. was the including East collisions, running off the road Data on seat belts in the cars Germany, Cuba, Mali and J most common time for a fatal and head - on crashes. involved show that seat belts Pakistan, which obviously Jumbo Cantaloupe e. 43( Eldorado Plums 18 r°-79t accident, with 1 a.m. nearly as ♦ About two of five (41.8 per were available in nearly half provided little political balance. RedR,p* Each Yellow-Red Juicy Tomatoes 8 Full Golden Kernel high on the "crash - by - hour" of the fatal cent) crashes (45.5 per cent) of the vehicles The assembly's steering Whole Watermelons 89* Wickson Plums 18 ^,79* chart. involved collisions between two involved but they were being committee had no Red Ripe Santa Rosa Sweet Corn SF n August was the month during automobiles and about one of used in only one out of four cars representation from the United Sweet Red .which most deaths occurred. L0-Co/ No Cyc/omofe. Asst five (19.8 per cent) involved the equipped with them. States, Britain and France. Hu"» 18 79< Mariposa Plums 18^ 79< Fruit Drinks'"" 2 o"»l-