Platonic . . . Friday love is love from the neck MICHIGAN Sunny , STATE STATE NEWS and a little warmer with a - Thyra Semter Winilow high in the lower 80's. UNIVERSITY 163, Number 18 East Lansing, Michigan Friday. July 17, 1970 UNDER DISCUSSION Proposal f V I to revamp mediation, the first level of judicial action would be one of seven area judicaries. Each complex (Brody, Cedarwoods, East A proposal by the staff of the Judicial Campus, South Campus, Red Cedar, and West Circle) would have a judiciary, with Programs Office currently being discussed by judiciary members could restructure off-campus housing providing the seventh. most of the current "We haven't had as many cases from judiciary. The proposal, which must ultimately off-campus as on-campus in the past," Miss become an amendment to the Academic Tubaugh said. "If one judiciary proves to Freedom Report, before it could go into be insufficient for off-campus needs, the effect, will be discussed in greater detail by procedures would have to be revised." Area judiciaries would have a variable judiciary members next fall before it, or an amended version of It, is submitted to size of nine to 12 members, not less than one-third of whom would be faculty ASMSU, the Academic Council and the or board of trustees. Informal discussion will be held this summer. (please turn to page 9) It was originally distributed to judiciary members at the end of spring term. Due to the timing of the proposal's release, there J.R. Culver it; has been little reaction to the proposal Miss Joy Tubaugh, Asst. Director of Judicial Programs, said Tuesday. Miss Tubaugh estimated that the earliest effective date for the next yet, judicial soon to structure would be "sometime winter term," if all goes smoothly. The proposal attempts to make the operations judicial structure more effective and is based on suggestions made by judiciary By ROBERTA SMITH His likeness members who were dissatisfied with the State News Staff Writer fice President Spiro T. Agnew models a Spiro Agnew wristwatch old structure. The J. R. Culver choice of charities for using the vice president's name in Co., manager of many resented to him by Zelig Robinson and his promoting The structure outlined in the proposal East Lansing student apartments, will wife, right, Thursday, products. At center is E. C. Kip Finch of the Indian Self • Help soon lobinson is one of three manufacturers who would revise or eliminate most of the suspend operations. gave money to Agnew's J. R. Culver is the second Program, one of the charities. current structure up to the final appeal to management Wirephoto the vice corporation in recent months president for student affairs. to do so. The Under the new structure, individual hall State Management Corp. suspended and living unit judiciaries would be operations in late May and gave its iducator says student aid primarily mediating bodies. management responsibilities to J. R. "Hall judiciaries essentially have been Culver. inactive this last year," Miss Tubaugh said. "When all the students have been taken "With the care of when the damage changes in regulations, ~ deposits are solved and we can particularly the elimination of freshman arrange a place to report women's hours, the number of cases has maintenance -- we will suspend fallen off." operations," James R. Culver, owner and ould deny help to 100,000 With president of J. R. Culver, said. living units concerned with The general economy is bad, as is the economy in this area, Culver said. The construction of new apartments has ceased \SHINGTON (AP) • A spokesman for federal subsidy and loan Drop deadline and the business climate is not healthy programs would enough to support a full-time management group applauds President Nixon's wish to The administration's bill also is based on business company, he explained. colleges and universities Thursday be denied aid and would have to go deeply There are only seven days left to d the Nixon administration's student into debt to get their guarantee an education for students from the fallacy, Martin saiid, that $1,700 is the "J. R. Culver is geared to handle a degrees, Robert R. families earning less than $10,000 a year. drop full - term summer courses with large minimal cost for college education at number of buildings," he said. proposals for the poor unrealistic and Martin told a House education and labor no grade reported. "Now, "a three-legged horse." "Regrettably, the administration's public institutions. owners have found it more subcommittee. Students also have to July 27 to profitable to iousands of students from concept, like a three-legged horse, looks With the government supporting Speaking for the American Assn. of State withdraw from full-term courses and manage their own apartment buildings, and lie-income families who need existing good from certain angles, but once it is low-income students without there are not enough to handle to make it Colleges and Universities, Martin said the made to run it will limp along badly until it assisting still receive one - half refund. institutions, colleges would be forced to profitable for our company." finally collapses," he said. cut enrollments to raise tuition, he said. » When State The administration's bill would set up a Management suspended federal National Mortgage Association to (please turn to page 9) HIT TODAY guarantee eligible students low-interest loans of up to $2,500 a year. Trustees di Martin, who is president of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky., said it is estimated more than 100,000 students from families earning more than $10,000 Pakistani students battle annually would be declared ineligible for federal subsidy and loan programs. student fees Martin $2,500 on said a student who borrows the open market for each of his four years of college would have to pay back more than $27,000 over 20 years. for right to go on cheating By JOHN BORGER This would force many potential DACCA, Pakistan (AP) Students swinging hockey sticks put a largely out of the way, today's public — Pakistani examination at Brahmanbaria College. teachers, doctors and others to seek jobs in students are battling for the right to cheat mathematics professor in the hospital with State News Staff Writer meeting was scheduled to begin an hour An examination monitor, writing to a ahead of time, at 9 a.m. industry rather than borrow so much at exams. a broken left arm. He refused to let them Dacca newspaper, described an |iition fees Wuled and residence hall for discussion in rates are money, he said. The battle is a bloody one. copy from their books during an examination in which all the students the open copied from texts or consulted outside the ting of the board of trustees this examination room with people he called tning. "infiltrators." A student fiese student fees, as well as vigilante faculty committee kept an eye on the examiners. ty increases, are part of the discussion Exam candidates ransacked Dacca the full 1970-71 'Hip mag' digs nous University budget, College when they were not permitted to discussions of the budget by crib. A professor at Ananda Moham >inistrators and trustees this Government 11 in closed year has College, Mymensingh, was sessions of the finance mobbed while grading exam papers after imittee. catching a student cheating. He went to the "dget discussion and The paper maintains offices here, in New the oldest staff members, is a former approval has been SAN FRANCISCO (AP) « "We're stoned State "Gator" and Carroll is a former San hospital with head injuries. yed by the state legislature, which did on life," says an editor of the Rolling York and in London, and prints and Newsweek writer and a past editor of the Francisco Chronicle reporter. Police in Lahore rounded up 25 students finalize higher education distributes the paper from all three. San Francisco State College paper, the who broke windows and ripped off doors Stone, San Francisco-based rock'n roll "We're not an underground paper and we IqP .f.'ons ""til July 3. MSU received news magazine. The average employe's age is 25, and the "Gator." He has been with the paper two do a totally different thing. We use at several exam centers complaining that |'on mi'lion, an increase from its $54.1 But in the office of editor-founder Jann editorial staff is drawn from a variety of years. conventional ways of news editing and we test questions were too hard. appropriation in 1969-70, but well Wenner — despite the presence of a plastic Assistant editors Ben Fong - Torres, 25, demand high writing standards," says A student who studied by mail said he backgrounds. lion University's request of $71.1 marijuana plant filling up one corner of the Managing editor John Burks, at 32 one of and Jon Carroll, 26, are Fond Tones is also Bay Area natives. Wenner. was appalled while taking his exam for bachelor of arts he tight room — all is business-like. The sense of - a past editor of the SF in Islamabad. Students budget has created problems "I'd put our writers up against any as far urgency felt in any "straight" newspaper openly copied or received answers from L, trustees- Elliott Ballard, asst. to the office is present. as writing quality goes," says managing monitors, he said. nt, said editor Burks. Thursday several trustees The biweekly paper, averaging 50 pages "The paper is written for people like us. Knapp Co. more money than has been an issue, has boosted its circulation to Longshoreman strike We want to write things we're Kiiiinn» • the administration, but are more than 250,000 since it was started less hip to, that '»ng to increase student really mean something to us, and we use fees to obtain than three years ago, its editors say. necessary funds. The news magazine manages to pay for music as a metaphor," says Burks. The paper, over the past few months, has fever1"'1'011 increase aPPears inevitable, itself, unlike other "hip" productions, by a increased its general news coverage but still plans closing immobilizes England combination of funds from record industry concentrates mtiivT08 committee meeting, which advertising, subscriptions and street sales, on "The music trade looks to covering the music us scene. to see what's ird' Pns at breakfast before the Wenner says. of E.L. p happening," says Wenner. eart f« r™.ay meeting, was srheduled "We try to do all kinds of news. Psychic LONDON (AP) — Queen Elizabeth II One news story on the Charles Manson store ►a V Thursday night. news is as important as hard fact because proclaimed a state of emergency Thursday on schedule. Only cabinet baggage was murder trial, appearing in the June 25 issue 'surer Blath physics professor and it's fact, too," says Wenner, 24, a former because of Britain's nationwide dock permitted. of the paper, resulted in defense motions The J. W. Knapp Co. has announced its erican °a MSU chapter of the student at the University of California at strike. Troops were alerted to keep vital The state of emergency — only the fifth to dismiss charges of murder conspiracy in East Lansing store will cease operations at iUp\ n' of University Professors Berkeley. supplies of food, medicine and the mail proclaimed since World War II — permits the deaths of actress Sharon Tate and six the close of business Saturday. the government to assume minute n|3S rscheduled to make a Wenner, long-haired but intensely moving. special powers other Los Angeles persons brought against A company statement said customers will s had higher faculty salaries, businesslike, says expenses are "running More than 40,000 subject to the approval of Parliament, to k longshoremen tied up deal with the crisis. Manson. The motion was denied. be better served at its 'new and larger' store uence scheduled for a public around $80,000 a month," but the paper the country's 40 major ports for the first Home The Rolling Stone printed an unsigned in the Meridian Mall. irsday nioht18 meetin8> but most of has spent as much as $175,000 in one time since 1926. Secretary Reginald Maudling interview with Los Angeles County Chief The East Lansing store, located at 230 *d final was scheduled for the month during recent expansion. Dockers in London and in announced in the House of Commons that some other Prosecutor Aaron Stovitz, which M.A.C. Ave., has been in rt) meeting ^eetin6- Thursday night Housed in an renovated warehouse near the government will seek the legislature's operation almost ports cleared away perishables already supposedly outlines the prosecution's case 10 years. Pr«>ss inlnce nVe en President °Pen to pub,,c the China Basin wharf area, the Rolling landed. approval of emergency measures Monday. Employment Secretary Robert Carr, against Manson, thereby breaking the Eyde Construction Co. of East Lansing ce Wharton took Stone employs a full-time staff of at least Passengers, so far, were not affected. The "gag" rule for pretrial publicity. Contempt has purchased the building for an undis¬ 'lth 40 persons as well as a large part-time staff Cunard line announced the Queen desparately sought to bring dock employer finance committee charges against Stovitz are being closed amount and has not revealed plans presumably throughout the country. Elizabeth 9 will sail for New York Fridav (please turn to paqe 11) ■"MisidereH for the structure. 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN MICHIGAN a ; . Milliken cites aid to migrants ByJEFFSHELER must "do what it can" for with "the total problems of rural migrant workers during the departments dealing with problems of migrants," Milliken State News Staff Writer poverty;" migrant affairs; said. average three to five months • Establishment of the • An increase in minimum Gov. Milliken said Thursday thev are in Michigan. The conference also heard that the state government had Michigan Interagency wages from $1.25 to $1.60 per "But Michigan cannot directly Committee remarks by Alton M. Shipstead. done more in the past 12 on Migrant Affairs to hour; influence the migrant's life allow cooperation between state director of the Michigan months to ease the plight of • during the seven or eight months agencies that deal with migrant Development of a bilingual Economic Opportunity Office; migrant workers, "than in any that he is in other states," he education program to "preserve Wendell Verduin, Region Five comparable period in Michigan's history." said. "This fact complicates our task and underlies the necessity workers; • Establishment of area the heritage and culture" of Spanish - speaking migrants; director of the Office Economic Opportunity; John T. of t / ' Milliken reported the results of for further federal action." councils "every place in the state • Dempsey, special assistant to the his Task Force on Migrant Labor where migrants work;" And the addition of two Some of the actions the state governor; Ray Anderson, a to a conference of the Area Mexican - Americans to the has taken to aid • Increased appropriations for grower representative from Councils for Migrant Affairs migrants, governor's staff and the Onekama; and Narciso Aleman, which met at Kellogg Center Milliken said, include: migrant camp inspection; appointment of two others to • a migrant representative from Thursday. A $500,000 appropriation the Civil Rights Commission and Mission, Tex. The governor said the state for grants - in - aid for improving the Commission on Agricultural migrant housing; Labor After Milliken s luncheon address the conference went into The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during four school • Increased" personnel in "I have recited this long list of afternoon workshops to discuss specific actions because I believe migrant problems and to Migrant it is important for you and for formulate terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. YOUR GIFT recommendations for Gov. Milliken spoke at a Thursday luncheon in Kellogg Center as part of a all citizens to know that we are state and federal conference on Subscription rate is $14 per year. HEADQUARTERS government migrant worker affairs. The governor outlined achievements of Michigan in the area of responding significantly to the action. aid to I FOR migrant laborers. State News photo by Dick Member Associated Press, United Press International, Warren Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Jewelry ... Gifts Collegiate Press, Custom Picture Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Framing BEFORE COMMISSION Jewelry & Watch Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Repair U.S. tenets questioned Michigan. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Steven Kelman, recent Harvard Phones: ideologies which rc President's Commission on , growing J Editorial 355-8252 graduate and author of the on the campus." Classified Campus Unrest was told book, "Push Comes to Shove," Advertising 355-8255 But "for lu> Thursday that both the declared that an "ideological Studcj Display Advertising 353-6400 319 E.Grand River establishment and to clean student counter-offensive must be Business-Circulation 355-3447 East house it needs encoui. Lansing, Mich. activists have veered dangerously launched M Photographic against the both in word and ft°1 .J such memorable bodies as the people Library West Chester, Pa., junior House Internal Security Committee's House can praise Heyerdahl as being far • sighted any more (since money is the primary Washington, said he's never had any Un-American Activities Committee and still turn up their noses at the Book of July 12,1970 strike It In 28 years he owned it. infamous "speaker probe." — HUAC) would like to discourage Mormon and Its explanation of the real The stated purpose of the inquiry such patronage. discovery of America. THAT LAST LETTER WU SENT TJ is to research evidence that "a considerable source of revenue to the radical and violent elements of the Clearly, such an investigation is in contradiction to the precepts of free Not only Heyerdahl's voyages, but archaelogical evidence, points to the fact that this early migration to this continent WR GlRl FRlfNP AT THE WI5V HILL PVflY FARM NEVER REACHED HER,,. SHE'S NOT THERE ANY MORE,., aaaugghhI is a very distinct country comes from fees for speech and discussion. It is to the possibility. The strong Egyptian influence found in South speeches." credit of the MSU administration American ruins, the presence of crosses and There is little doubt, however, that that it has not chosen to take part in sacramental rites and baptismal fonts the actual thrust of the before the coming of the white probe is to the inquisition. man, the Welcomlna of Pt*«firn and Porto, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 17, 1970 5 >oliceman requests Creative Giving urges j omb [WASHINGTON (AP) - New tork City's bomb-harried police tommissioner said Thursday he ji no longer guarantee the giving of se If foi Christ By JEFF HUNT keepsake to the American Ward said that he first wrote fety of citizens visiting his own the French Communist party to ieadquartere. State News Staff Writer Baptist foreign missions are the book with the antl - tithing show how dedicated I He urged adoption of new among them. idea in mind. But Ward did not want communism is when compared federal laws regulating the The problems of how only to "Tithing can be a racket and is with Christianity. Ward present these gems that appear quoted a Explosives industry and licensing Christian should sacrifice his In the last two a perversion of religion," he said, party newspaper, which stated kvers ° and sellers of explosives. time, money and even his life for chapters. He The good Christian should give that the good Communist should hie phi.rrh creates a good synthesis of out of mpoii* U[ wouid say this situation has ic »yuu«e»is ui uui ui response to w a real human .cm uuiiiaii P'OP"0""* keep only wnat Keep what is is necessary and eached gigantic proportions." ft a good working over m in "twove Creative HpmanHa 10 «* '» * *"<> the rest for propaganda demands 10 n»r per rant cent o"r nr cr» r\f tha of the "cruna*7AH" "squeezed" hv -ary told the Senate's Giving by HileyHenry Ward by a a rhnrrh church Investigations subcommitee. (Macmillan, 1958, $3.75 beI!ever.s ^income and organization, he writes. This, he writes, is in contrast spontaneous giving, which asks The author, religious editor of with the fit's a threat to the innocent hardbound). Christian belief that Ld defense- less. nothing but total the Detroit Free Press and God expects believers to "move th.V^k..18,0m * _ f"It's almost impossible to decade old, commitment for Christ. The end president ,J * " Religious from < Giving Is even pro »> were first exDressed bv J Martin "in '.heir joint service for Catholic Reformation," fiA.imAn{AAl ecumenical task will be solved 211 __1 9 • ^ Luther, among others, and naming specifically the ministry, first and foremost by the as - Spirit result of which many aspects of •. Christian faith and life now find better expression than they did •:ji before." "To be able to say this in spite of all the differences is a reason Court cond for great joy and hope." with ecumen GASTONIA, N.C. (AP) - A the judge and attorney and [oslem charged with much searching, a copy of the $: ;nonsupport, his Jewish lawyer Koran was produced. After £ a Protestant judge got establishing his belief in the 'together in Gaston County's book, the defendant was allowed District Court on Wednesday to to be sworn in on it. promote the cause of justice. He was found guilty of:-:; The defendant balked when nonsupport and ordered to pay .;:- asked to swear on the Bible. His his wife $23 a week. book is the 3 Koran, he said. He said he left his wife after a S So, after consultation between dispute over his religion. Shack dweller uprooted I PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — For 17 years George Harold "I get $170 from the veterans and $50 from social lleckenstein lived in a tiny board - and - tarpaper shack that went security," Fleckenstein said. "I haven't saved any. I needed it all for ■nseen in steep hillside brush in Washington Park. But someone clothes, tools and food." mumbled on it by chance and authorities moved him out. Police said they might have left him alone in his hillside shack 1 "If it were up to me," said Police Capt. Norman Reiter, "I'd except that the hiker who stumbled on his place reported that the five him alone. He's a clean old guy and causing nobody any recluse made threatening gestures with a golf club. When they I Heckenstein, 67, said that one night in 1952 he started out the investigated they found a .30-06 rifle in the shack. ■oor of the Union Since the Portland Zoo, where two lions were shot last Rescue Mission in the city's skid road area and week, is man nearby, they took the rifle for a ballistics check. It was not the ready to grab him. weapon that killed the lions but by the time that had been | 'So i 'vent back inside and the next day I left," he said, and determined, police said, too many people knew about the old Tadp Wsshington Park his home until Tuesday. man and his shack in the city park. It's the real thing. Coke. Trademark® SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1618 S. Washington Christian Reformed Church and Student Center _ . Sunday 7 p.m. Dr. Howard F. Sugden 1509 liiver Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) "God's Strang# Hand" Visit Student Center - What About the Apparent Tragedies of Life? Is God Able to Prevent Misfortune, open dally 9 A.M. -11P.M. Sorrow, Calamity? Lunch Wednesday 12:30- 1:30 P.M. 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN College Bible Claas FELLOWSHIP MORNING SERVICE In the fireside EVENING SERVICE j room 8:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room Guest Minister: Dr. John Krommlnga, 11:00 A.M. "This Is Your Destiny" President, Calvin Theological Seminary Rev. J. Herbert Brink, Kev. Alvin L. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening pastor Hoksbergen, I for transportation call 351-6360 or campus minister Call 482-0754 for information 882-1425 6 Midugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Fr'dav. July 17 .( British royalty get Gasoline engines President's welcome may berep/ace()| WASHINGTON (AP) - You drive into a service WASHINGTON (AP) - Commonwealth nations it was "a peculiar honor" to be static* ■ attendant asks: "Check the boiler?" Britain's young Prince Charles attended the ceremonies on the invited to stay in the White Or you put out the cat, head for bed, and n»ndt||,| and Princess Anne were south lawn of the White House. House on his first visit to this "Did you remember to wind the car, dear?" your sdou. ^kil I welcomed at the White House The president said the royal country. Such situations may be the result 10 or 15 Thursday with trumpet fanfares visit was "an indication of the He said he has "always longed government efforts to develop a pollution vears from I and Nixon. greetings from President closeness of relations between the United States and Great to come" to this country. engine. free auto"0*' ""^I 1! Nixon said it seemed to be a Steam engines and windup motors are Some 4,500 members of the Britain." historical record that British only two nr I possibilities being studied as competitors for White House staff and their Prince Charles, responding to Princes of Wales visited the today's Jnr I powered internal combustion engine - a major families and diplomats from 22 Nixon's welcoming remarks, said United States about every 50 pollution. source t °'4 I years. John J. Brogan, HEW's project manager said that th» I Charles is the third Prince of engine most likely to succeed is the gas Wales to visit Washington. turbine >i ""B developed for heavy trucks and tried experimentally in GOLDEN FALCON ROOM Several hundred reporters and Brogan said, however, that both engine emissions cars cameramen have been accredited of materials would have to be lowered to make and th ■ by the White House to cover the the eas h,.kC,l practical alternative. 8 HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE three - day visit that includes a Next most likely to succeed, Brogan said, are lUrbl*| ON WINGS: barbecue at Camp David, the and a "hybrid" engine that draws the steam. L NIGHTLY BUFFET WITH DON RODRiGO TRIO presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains nearby 'Airport' and rechargeable electric batteries. Also in the running is another hybrid idea energy from both burni«.i I "I'miB A LA CARTE Featuring JERI RAY Maryland, and a night sight - Jacqueline Bisset and Helen Hayes stage a scene in an attempt to get the bomb Van Heflin is burning engine with some kind of windup engine that combinesit I COMPLETE Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. seeing tour of Washington. clutching in this scene from "Airport," the Ross Hunter film in its ninth week at the Michigan. power, probably by electricity, overnight In the restorinitB DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. garage "8itll Plays, By ROBERT KIPPER Stage films Fairchild Theatre. Admission is on Spartan West. (Not reviewed by M*A*S*H w State News Reviewer SHE STOOPS TO Screen press time). - t CONQUER Iree. antiwar comedy set i AIRPORT - A tense bomb THE FAMILY WAY - Hayley — The second offering of L1TT^E MARY SUNSHINE - • brightened ... If the summertime blues set in . Summer Circle '70 an 18th , ridden flight makes one almost Mills and Hywel Bennett play a by (Capital City Airport) this weekend, you might choose sP°°i of the Nelson Eddy ■ flippant 485-1764 FOR RESERVATIONS century comedy. Performances Jeanette MacDonald operettas, forget the preliminary wallow in young couple who have performances " (FREE PARKING) a play or a film as remedy, cliches and stereotypes. In its Donald Sutherland and EEiJ are at 8:30 Friday and Saturday Performed at 8:30 P ™- at the difficulty "consummating" their Gould. At ninth week at the Michigan. marriage. One of the finest and Meridian evenings in Kresge between Kresge Art Center and Court rLe^ges,. Playuh° _jn Grand Lec*8e through July 26. BOATNIKS - Disney most overlooked films of 1967. (Recommended) NOW! Shown at Productions' latest. PATTON - A gutsv At the Shows Friday and Saturday ; wjth brains and a bi Gladmer. nights in Wells. (Recommended.) 2 THEATRES NORTHSIDE Now thru Tues. BUTCH CASSIDY comedy adventure of - The two and THE HAWAIIANS - A episodic epic with long performance bv Geor best war fllmTvl Campus - Shown 1:30-4:20-7:00-9:30 Starlite the most Shown 8:35 & late amiable penetrating chancL 2 Top Hits crooks who rob - and compensating strengths and a The ContinnationofJames A.Michenerls Drive In Theater romp their way from the fine performance by Tina Chen. study since "Lawrence j Arabia." At the Spartan Epic Novel... Hawaii American West to Argentina. At At the Campus, Ei (Recommended.) "'MASH' the (Recommended.) Meridian 1. KELLY'S HEROES comedy with - A Donald war TO highly DIE IN MADRID-1 CLOSELY WATCHED (M*A*S*H) praised document^ IS THE BEST TRAINS — The Oscar winning - Eastwood and Don Sutherland, Clint Rickles. At Shows in Wells Friday i Czech film about a young man's Lansing Mall. (Not reviewed Saturday n I g htifl AMERICAN WAR tragic and touching quest for manhood. Don't miss this by Press time.) (Recommended.) THE TWO gentle LET IT BE - The Beatles' OF COMEDY** triumph. (Recommended.) At the State, unsatisfying new film. It offers nothing new and little that is film of ""go " a Jewish "" JFt boy andJ anil SINCE IP * COTTON HARLEM - Godfrey COMES TO particularly entertaining except • Semitic old man. Shows! 7:30 Friday and Cambridge their always fantastic music. At Saturday ni SOUND A stars as a detective. At the Meridian 3. in (Recommended.) Fairchild Theatii| CAME * f TONIGHT WHAT DO YOU SAY TO I NAKED LADY? Allen • Fuitfl IN!" look at people and reactions to sex. Not I All Color original enough to sustain a funny fiiii| length film. At Meridian 2. DANCE-CONCERT "'MASH'IS THE BEST with AMERICAN WAR SAGE COMEDY SINCE at Hoiden Hall SOUND CAME Friday, July 17 Mm century Fo. imems An Ingo Preminger Production IN!' 'aar ALS„ 50c DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD TOM 9:00- 12:00 P.M. SKERRITT Shown Twice at 8:32 and Late Don't trust ANYONE In PLAYHOUSE THE MASH An Ingo Premmjef Production CHARLTON HESTON c_ini Unrt8dA™8 DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD TOM SKERRITT in A WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION "THE HAWAIIANS" GERALDINE CHAPLIN, JOHN PHILLIP LAW, MAKO * KREMLIN CoSt*'rt| sail* MlLfRMAN Product by hoc ttofct# INGO PREMINGER ROBli TINA CHEN.,-NYUKTsiN- ALOCCOWENVMOHHALE- HENRY MANCIN1 ^b, JAMES R.WEBB LETTER PROFESSIONAL Iucs Color by OE LUXE® THEATRE - Based the Novel -HAWAII" by JAMES A.MICHEN'ER Produced b> WALTER MIRISCH OirecU.I „> TOM CRIES 2cx on GRAND p'/' - - X' COLOR by DeLuxe' - LEDGE - SnI'. | ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SCORE BY HENRY MiNCINI AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS Sllown Twice 8:30 and Late 627-7805 | • RECORDS Co-Hit Starlite Only "IF IT'S TUESDAY THIS MUST Panavision* Color by DE LUXE® tickets also at Paramo BE BELGIUM" Shown at 11 P.M. Onl^ 2nd at 10:40 FINAL WEEK. Now Exclusive First Run Adult . . Last 7 Days Program! HURRY . . . SEE TODAY . . . DON'T DELAY! HURRY! Just 800 Car Capacity Don't Miss It! Performances 1:30-4:10-6:55-9:30 Have you met "BLOCK-BUSTING.. .A SURE-FIRE HIT!" Dorothy Manners, - L.A. Herald-Examiner your new neighbors? -The BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET Swappers AHCC gMRGEKENNEOY VAN HEFLIN BARRY NELSON HELEN HAVES MAUREEN STAPLETON LLOYD NOLAN JAMES DONNELLY DANA WYNTER BARBARA HALE LARRY TAYLOR YOU VALERIE ST. JOHN Klff/I DENNIS HAWTHORNE Fk fTFftHGCF DEREKF0R0 STANLEY LONG ■ DEREK F0R0.«o STANLEY LONG • BARRY ® THE SWAPPERS SHOWN TWICE AT JACOBS • ATMNS AMES'FOS release • Color by PERFECT From WARNER BROS SEVEN AlirsVfc B:32 and LATE Once at 10:24 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 17, !Q70 7 Hawaiians'-- long, rambling epic have solved many of the solvable tender at times. By ROBERT KIPPER and static plotting. Had transitional problems. As a Their efforts they lofty nobility he is usually called the husband of Nyuh Tsin. a State News Reviewer are reduced, in limited their scope somewhat result, their epic is sweeping, the last upon to display. His style is still man inflicted with leprosy who visually analysis, by excessive and tightened up the pacing, mechanical and staid, an acting When it was announced that a stunning and even length, wooden characterizations must leave his family and Hawaii they might have produced a approach that has become as for a remote island second film was to be made meaningful and cohesive colony. expected a part of film from "Hawaii," James spectacular. As it is, we must be spectaculars as their length and It is Tina Chen, however, who Michener's sprawling novel, demanding filmgoers and serious readers braced the worst. themselves for The Two grateful success. simply for partial In light of the prodigious challenge imposed by the novel, pretension. In her first role of any distinguishes herself and the film with performance her delicately as Nyuh etched Tsin. we expected much consequence since "Doctor Beautiful and madonna A like in disastrous first attempt at less. Zhivago," Geraldine Chaplin is bringing Michener's screen — titled work to the "Hawaii" and starring a miscast Julie Andrews, sh owing tonight "The Hawaiians" deals with the establishment of two empires lovely and aristocratic as Heston's Hawaiian wife who leaves him to rediscover her appearance, mannerisms and fragile expression, Miss Chen makes her character a movi subtle in in a stuffy Max Von by two strong - willed people. cultural ig portrait of a Sydow and a "The Two of Us," a French One heritage. Mako, the peasant who harbors boorish Richard Harris — made this "warm and humorous attack is created by Whip high film, will be shown at 7:30 Japanese - born actor who aspirations in humble places. Her anyone with a love for films or on prejudice." Hoxworth, an unscrupulous received an Oscar nomination tonight and Saturday night in Future businessman who makes a acting is easily the finest element books quickly place the Fairchild Theatre as part of the offerings in the for "The Sand Pebbles," piays of the film. International Film Series will be fortune by importing pineapple unpromisng sequel on their International Film Series. "films to be avoided" list. "Rotten to the Core" and "A plants and exploiting cheap Set in the Nazi Home of Your Own" immigrant labor. The other is The sequel occupied (British) CHECK OUR SPECIALS - is titled "The territory of France in the spring July 24 and 25; "55 Days at created by Nyuh Tsin, a gentle Hawaiians" and what is so of 1944, the movie deals with Peking" (American) July 31 and Chinese mother who, as Whip's Convincing surprising, now that it has arrived, is that it is not a the relationship between a Aug. 1; "A Man and a Woman" servant, dreams of success for her children and works toward RACK. Many Great disaster. Like the book, it is a young Jewish boy and a (French) Aug. 7 and 8; and I Charlton Hwton triei to convince Geraldine Chaplin to staunchly anti • Semitic, yet "West Side Story" fulfillment of those dreams as a I return home with him in this scene from "The Hawaiians," rambling, episodic and ultimately ponderous work, but lovable, old man. Aug. 14 and 15. (American) cunning grandmother. LP's at Low Prices! the second film based on James Michener's novel, director Tickets will be available at the Tom Grles and Michel Simon portrays the old "Hawaii." The film Is playing at the Campus Theater and doy. screenwriter James R. man and Alain Cohen the boy In at | the Starlite Drive-in. MSV SUMMER '70 The DISC SHOP >raeli official's death FREE THEATRE 323 E. Grand River Open Mon, • Frl. 9 • 9 Sat. 9 • fi Wedneiday thru Saturday Evening Phone 351-5380 lay shake up cabinet 8:30 P.M. Batwaan Krasga Art Canter and Kraifla Court Fairchild Theater BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS I JERUSALEM (AP) — Halm Moshe Shapiro, key minister In Israel's coalition government, died In a hospital Thursday night. This Week: Oliver Goldsmith's He was 68. I SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER Shapiro was minister of the interior and longtime leader of the National Religious party (NRP). 1 His death was seen likely to upset Prime Minister Golda Meirs' PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 5485 labinet, with his party locked in lis successor a bitter quarrel over who is to be and what line the party should take. TODAY... At 1:20-3:20 5:15-7:15 9:10 p.m. 7:20 and later Sat. & Sun. 12:45-4:10 7:30 & late CL0SEIV UlRltHED THMIf S t bj rx SIfDt Hi A "R s;* IT ^/(SILVERS ARTHUR JULIAN ' NORMAN FELL- MICKEY MARTY ROTH *««... RON MILLER ut MAflTlN RANSOHOFf tmemsII Roman Polanski's OONAIO PLEAS 00NA10 iski's "POLAftSffi'lS WILD SWfti&P PIEASENCE ■ FRANCOlSE OORU'AC ■ i:3NcL SUNOc!" « . NORMAN TOKAR TECHNICOLOR EXTRA: "PETER AND ADDED! THE WOLF" NEXT: "LA FEMME INFIDELE" -•IE "LAST SUMMER'" Beal Film Group presents in W ells Hall p MMM MfWtlM MATT HELM'S BOLDEST! nsXISftut HMMIlHMt I ^ aUMKK-M Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr>day. July |7 STATE NEWS ^ate news CLASSIFIED If you have tried 355-8255 never a Want Ad to sell something . . . You're missing a good bet. classified 355-8255 Automotive Scooters & Cycles FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil frank For Rent For Rent For Sale FAIR LANE GT, 1967, 390, 4 speed, HONDA S90. Excellent condition, low mileage. Good condition. Cell 351-3613 or 361-7319. WILSHIRE ARMS Apertments near BACHELOR PAD: big home In FRESH SUPPLY Classicel Guitars 77 MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, town. Remodeled with orenge (r0m 882-4180. 5-7-23 C-7-22 cerpeted, air conditioned. No leese sheg carpet, dimmer light control, Starting at #100.00 Mamu HONDA required, $165 per month. Phone completely furnished, setup for MUSIC COMPANY 'E * > FIAT 1969 1967, 160 Scrembler. 2 C-7-17 * AUTOMOTIVE Spider convertible. k.i—♦. ice oono iooc u 489-1719. TF two to four students. $230 per Excellent shape. $1500.355-3890 Scooters & Cycles or 351-0355. 5-7-17 Spartan \/iii«! o2-7-20 cn.T,.n Village. ^>n GIRL NEEDED to sublet, starting month. 372-8684 Cell or Gall SIMON Clusky. REAL SONY Auto Parts & Service Excellent August or September. 351-0633. ESTATE, Okemos Branch, condition ? ■ Aviation 3-7/17 351-2260. 4-7-21 * 18,000 • EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT miles, $2,150, 627-4336. 2-7-17 radio, 5-speed, 0^36^73 OTter. 3B1-6873. 3-7-ZT3-7 2 406 SOUTH Pine, neer downtown GIRL OVER 22 - shere large house, TAPE DECK: Roberts ' Lensing. Furnished efficiency Apartments BSA, 1965, 650 bored to 670. $575. suiteble 1 person, $70 a month. private bedroom, many months old, $140 3) FORD 1967 conveniences. 882-4691. 6-7-17 Houses steering, - Air, automatic, power power brakes, radio. N#ed| 351.7621. 2-7-20 Modern furnished, efficiency $120 ^Cassette, 351-9261. 3.7/17 a month. 1 bedroom Rooms Great buy. $1150. 355-9943. apartment, UPPERCLASSMAN OR gred student GARAGE SALE TRIUMPH 1969 Tiger 500. Excellent $135 a month. No children or to share house with two young Saturday July 17 » FOR SALE condition, helmet included, $650. pets. No leases. Call Richard feculty men ecross from campus. bikes, power mower and l8t 361-7437.6-7-24 6 Animals Albin, 337-2510, 6 8 p.m. only. $66 per month. Call 351-7427 Brill, electric hot' Mobile Homes GALAXIE 1965, Convertible, power steering. V-8, automatic, $800 10-7-17 - after 5 p.m. 1-7-17 miscellaneous items n a' pi,*?' or HONDA 450 custom, swap or sell, 1122 • PERSONAL best offer. 355-1049. 5-7-20 See at 340 Evergreen evenings. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 3-7/17 Haslett Road ' ^ ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL 1-7-17 Marigold across from campus. Rooms HEARSE CAMPER, 1955 Cadillac. Deluxe 2 man furnished » REAL MUST SELL ESTATE Equipped. Sleeps 4 adults plus. TRIUMPH TIGER 500, beeutiful, apartments. Now leasing for fall. - Leaving the K YMCA - ROOMS for young men or Eico amplifier • RECREATION Cempus Texaco, 337-91 32. 2-7-17 196a Original owner, 4.000 IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. 0 and Fm 332-4912.3-7-17 women. Membership privileges. UTAH 12" 3 way speaker •SERVICE JAGUAR XKE Coupe 1969. 9,000 Perking, color TV, lounge, pool, Typing Service miles. Excellent condition. M0T0RSC00TE R, excellent NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony and Princeton Arms. 1 end 2 gym. Phone 489-6501. 20-7-22 IH/Vaars old. Cheap. 35,^ * TRANSPORTATION Warranty. Must sell. Gordon Hall, condition, $175. Call 489-5328, bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD CAMPUS NEAR, single room with 355-8270 or 332-0540. 6-7-23 aft#r 5- 3"7"17 MANAGEMENT * WANTED COMPANY, cooking, cell 351-9237 or 351-7910.0 DEADLINE 7ppP~1QR7 ~r"iRBSA 650 p,u* motorcycle 484-8173. 0 1 P.M. one class day JE6dUM L» ' ,S »""• -48SM"' UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to YOUNG LADIES 5 minutes from of reconditioned Singers, Whites, usee before publication. 353-1112. 3-7/17 after 6 p.m. 2-7-17 Student Union. Fall leases cempus. Completely furnished Home & "Meny NecchoJJ Others.' 519. available. 3 and 4 man furnished. utilities peid. 372-8077 before 4 to $39.95. Cancellations - 12 noon MG7"Grr96rw;;:".7h7 36 1-3729. HALSTEAD 10-7-17 DISTRIBUTING Terms. EDWARD one class day before arKr,on' $150°- ■"•»«*<■ c-» <89-6298- 'Hev naww, MANAGEMENT 361-7910. O COMPANY, p.m. 1115 North COMPaiJ Washi publication. DA<£ IA1H6M YOU W6B2NT AU.0Wfj> WM2 SPARTAN women. HALL singles. Men and 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. 489-6448. C-7-2 PHONE MUSTANG 1968: sedan, excellent CYCLE INSURANCE. Five netlonal 6(R LSIN vaue ROOM P" furnished. Close Any time- 372-1031.0 ENTIRE FAMILY wearfllasses'Ss 355-8255 condition, six cylinder / standard, companies. Compare our rates. to campus, at OPTICAL $1800,353-1202.3-7/17 fiOVNC, AMauc* COZ*/ I30*t A5«v N>/*T. iOU'X summer and fall leases. 332-0965. DISCOUNT, » RATES 2206 East Michigan, Lansing or AAO./tjm HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT For Sale East Michigan Avenue 372.7m 506 Albert, East C-7-17 1 day $1.50 PLYMOUTH Satellite 1970: 318 V8, Lansing, COMPANY, 361-7910. 0 484-8173, 0 16c per word per automatic transmission, two door, POLICE MONITORS, Soner FR103, day TYPEWRITER SILVER - 3 days 5 months old. Must sell special sale $29.96 up plus $4.00 HONDA 1969 90 cc, helmet, manual. portable, Cabin tent 8x10 km 13%c per word per day 351-1958. 3-7/17 376 miles, must sell. Campus Hill Employment For Rent crystels. MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Pennsylvanle Avenue, Cerousel 600, Can 355-081 5 days 13c per word per day $6.50 PONTIAC LEMANS convertible 1985. Very reliable. New top, new Apartments, 3-17-70 103 B after five. COOK WITH experience 4 p.m. 11 WALKING DISTANCE from Thanks . . . Lensing, C BEDS, STOVES, (based on 10 words per tires. Excellent condition. Only p.m. $2.40/hour. Apply In • person campus. Efficiency for graduate UNUSED 24 volume Encyclopaedie sell. ABC refrigerator'ei ad) HONDA S-90, Excellent condition. Mrs. Koberl, assistant Inn SECONDhai $795. 332-0965. 3-7/17 keeper, student. $100 per month. Brltennice Including matching STORE, 1208 Turner. C Includes helmet and luggage Holiday Inn • South, I-96 and We're 100% leased for the Peanuts Personals 351-7283. 1-7-17 World Atles, Webster Dictionary, must be carrier. $195. 355-9912. 3-7/17 Cedar Street, Lansing. 3-7-21 GET NEEDED CASH FAST. Sell summer. Some choice American Literature Anthology, pre-paid. COMPONENT STEREO i\ musical Instruments to eeger band GIRL TO share spacious furnished locations still left for fall. $245. 377-0031. 4-7-21 scuba diving equipment, Pin There will be a 50c service students with TEACHERS OPENINGS various epartment, Fell term. Downtown a Classified Ad. Dial 332-4367. 6-7-20 and bookkeeping charge if 355-8256I Aviation fields, locations. Clina Teachers Lansing. Own transportation. RlCKENBACKER: hollow body Agency, 129 East Grand River. 372-7614. 3-7-22 this ad is not paid within one week. PORSCHE 911, 1967. 37,000 miles, 5 speed transmission, FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn In the PIPER CHEROKEE. 3-7-21 NEAR LOGAN Shopping Center. 1 RIVER'S EDGE guitar, brend new cherry sunburst finish. Best offer, 361-3626 nights. 393-1320 days. condition, BLOND FALL, 26" loi hair. Worn little. $75. 353-091 3-7-21 The $tate News will be transistorized ignition, rust proof, Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C bedroom furnished, 5-7-22 FM radio. Cream puff For Rent monthly. 882-3772. 6-7-23 $125 responsible only for the condition, first $4600. Call 353-4361, evenings, Auto Service & Parts TV RENTALS ELECTRIC STOVE, excellent, $30. day's incorrect Students only Low WATER'S EDGE - 351-0127.5-7/21 OKEMOS AREA sublet beginning Cell 355-9926 evenings or insertion. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East monthly end term rates. Cell August 1. Unfurnished one 353-7148, deys. 5-7-21 351-7900 to reserve yours. RAMBLER 1968 sedan standard. Kalemezoo Street since 1940. bedroom epertment, centre! air UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C . . . 355-0810. 3-7-20 Complete auto painting collision service. IV 5-0256. C and RENT A TV from e TV compeny. conditioning, Normendy Meedows Apertments, merried dishwasher. APARTMENTS WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony model 530 stereo tepe recorder. Animals or greds, 332-4540. (next to Cedar Used Akei, Sony, Penesonic stereo ROADRUNNER 383. Excellent ACCIDENT PROBLEM? $9.50 per month. Cell 337-1300. 2-7-20 Village) AKC REGISTERED English Cell NEJAC TV RENTALS. C The. State News does not condition, KALAMAZOO STREET BODY See Don 332-4432 Spaniel male puppies. 10 power steering, stereo certrldges tapes $2.50 each. permit racial or religious automatic. After SHOP. Smell dents to old. All shots. Show quaiit< 5:30 p.m., Cassette lerge TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" porteble, tape recorders. Koss discrimination in its 356-5752. 5-7-17 wrecks. Amerlcen end 1007 BARR Pro-4-A Mitchell, Lensing. IV 5-0262 foreign $8.50 per month Including stand. - stereo heed phones. 337-0326. 3-7-20 advertising columns. The cers. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. Call J. R, CULVER COMPANY, unfurnished, $110. No children or Garrard turntables $25 up. VM TEMPEST 1986 convertible. Power 2628 East Kalamazoo. C BAYFIELD APARTMENTS pets, State News will not 361-8862. 217 Ann Street, East - 2 332-3959, 882-5761. 120 watt stereo receiver. Sherp, steering, asking, $760. 361-1782. bedroom, central air conditioning, 10-7-22 SCOTTIE PUPPIES. AKC regists Lansing. C 30 watt stereo receiver with accept advertising which 3-7-21 PRECISION carpeting, appliances, washing speekers. Coral 30 watt speaker 4632 Don Street, Holt. BattO1 discriminates against IMPORT8 facilities, poo!, near shopping and 927 WEST Shlewessee - Now 1 sat. 300 stereo albums 76c up. 6-7-20 TOYOTA 1988 Crown, Low mileage, bus, 393-4867, Mrs, Fulkerson. religion, race, color or Service, repslr, body bedroom, air national origin. good ' condition, Sailing II foreign csrs - Apartments 10-7-22 ■ conditioned, security lock. Quiet. Near Capitol. Used golf sets $14.96 up. New and used fans. Used TV sets $39.60 Mobile Hornet Immediately. 332-6187, after 6, moving loon to new Unfurnished, $160. SMALL Furnished, up. Realistic 66 watt 337-9031, 6-7-21 Laming location FURNISHED epertment, SWELTERING? COOL OFF $160. 332-3969, 882-6761, amplifier, stsreo $80 per month, 211 Vfc WILCOX NEAR CAMPUS, 1060, 10x46 1915 E. Michigan Ave. MAC at PARK TRACE. 10-7-22 SECONDHAND STORE, 609 East TRIUMPH 1983 TR4. Totally rebuilt Avenue. Cell Duke, 361-9391, condition, furnished, care Automotive angina, new battery, tires, clutch, AT MEL'S wa repair all foreign and 6-7 22 Offering 1, 2, 3 extra Michigan, 486-4391, 8 a.m. -6:30 washer, 332-0368 a-7-17 $700 or best offer. 361-3673. large Houses BMW, 1988, modal 1800. AM-FM American cars. If we can't fix It, It bedroom apartments. Air 6-7-17 EAST SIDE - two bedroom ■ 1906 RICHAHDSON. II radio, good condition, $1700. can't be fixed. Call 332-3266. upstairs, conditioned, pool, club house GARRARD utilities psld, $126 monthly, SLX-2 turntable. Completely furnished, 0-7-17 and all the extras. Located GIRL, DOUBLE room, Summer, ci 361-4467,3-7-21 VOKSWAGEN BUS 1963. Complete deposit. 361-7169. 6-7-20 neer Megnetic certrldge end dust cover Must Mil, $2,700 0' 1 cempus, A&P, cemper, guaranteed engine, needs adjacent to Okemos Kitchen, Included. $60. Cell 361-6848. 361-0946, Jene. 3-7-17 BUICK, 1968 Special deluxe station perking. 332-1918. 3-7-20 2-7-17 paint. Must see. Steve Brecht, Elementary School. wagon. Radio, automatic, power. 1148 Eest Grand River. 3-7-21 Employment EAST LANSING neer cempus. One bedroom, furnished. Large airy 1969 HI LLCREST, 12*60, Dili Excellent Call 332-5094 HELPI ROOMMATES needed, cer MINI FLEA MARKET et corner of condition, original PART owner TIME sales clerk for shoe rooms. Air conditioned. Elizabeth end bedroom,unfurnlshed.M«nv < leaving country. Will VOLKSWAGEN 1969, Bus. 7 FIRST necessery. Country House, Heslett Street. sacrifice. depertment, ALBERT'S, Beeutlfully melntelned. Select FLOOR 842 Huntington PEACE, 337-7776. 2-7-17 Privete sele of goods Including Call 626-3620. W 337-1413.'3-7/17 passenger. Much fun. $1900. clientele. Roed, MERIDIAN MALL. Non-student Leese. 332-3135 or two bedrooms, smell study, Woodward ber cert, covered car 332-2116. 6-7-23 CHEVROLET 1960 2 door preferred. Apply In person. 2-7-17 __8_82^549, 0 unfurnished, utilities included. REMODELED OLDER home for top carrier, shelves, dert Go-Cert, HOMETTE 1987, 12x56. Co"! stick $190 per month, merried shift - new VOLKSWAGEN 1959. EAST SIDE, neer Sperrow couple rent: sheg cerpet, oek wood bicycle, skiis, sketes, etc. Friday, furnished and skirted. snow tires, $80. Excellent Hospltel. only. Cell Derlene efter 1 p.m. 361-3823 or 355-8297. S condition, sun roof, rebuilt TEACHER NEEDED One bedroom epertment penellng, stainless steel sink end Seturdey end Sunday, all day. Arthur's Court, 485-8024. furnished 361-6479. 3-7/17 full besement In town. $150 2-7-17 sail. 6-7-23 engine. Call 361-1589. 2-7-20 or unfurnished. per St. John Vlanney Summer retes. month, Cell 361-5323. O Gail Clusky, Junior High TWO OR three Men deluxe 372-8684 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Sunroof. one or SIMON REAL RICKENBACKER 6 string, Mint MARLETTE 8x42 furnii Social Studies for bedroom furnished epertments. Excellent 3 ROOM upstelr epertment. Adults ESTATE, Okemos Brench, condition, best offer. 361-1901 or Nesr campus. Excellent condition, $1360, Phone IV 9-9851 or 337-0780. CHEVY NOVA grades 7 and 8. only. Privete entrance. Utilities 0 351-2260.4-7-21 Rally* Green. 1969. Sharp Block vinyl top, four 351 -5455 or 353-9489. 3-7-20 Call 313-232-8355. peid. Deposit, references. $115 a __35l-5614l5-7-22_ _ _ Ressonsble. 351-4150.1-7-17 SUBLET Nice 2 FANTASTIC new F-70 fibergles whitewalls on month. Phone 484-6684. 5-7-22 bedroom FOLKS WITH KEEN EYES for items PLASTIC Inflatable VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Blue. epertment. Children ellowed. Cell furniture. Indoor Rallye wheels, end remaining Excellent condition. $1500. 745 2 BEDROOM of interest reed the "Personels" In • Outdoor. Meny GREAT LAKES 8x37, near 1 epertments, summer. 351-6482 Okemos. 3-7/17 styles, colors. Cell 337-9215 noon factory warrenty. Must sacrifice. Classified Ads. Check nowl B°°d condition. Make Burchem, No. 45. 351-1673 Duplexes summer, fell. Furnished, Call 482-8081. 6-7-24 before noon. 5-7/21 • midnight. 6-7-17 ' 361-0751.4-7-17 351-6586. 5-7-17 SALES PEOPLE needed. All leeds CORVAIR 1960: excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1965: Convertible, furnished. Car desirable. Also PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE near TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are condition, eutomatic trensmission, rebuilt clutch, good top. some people needed for trevel. Michigan Avenue. 2 furnished now leasing student less than $200. 351-6989. Call 351-3700 for appointment. units. These spacious 3-7/17 Dependeble, interior spotless; O studios, utilities paid. luxury apartments are completely leaving country, 482-5419. 1131 PVivate entrence, $110 carpeted and furnished with distinctive CORVETTE 1966 350 H.P., S. Grand. 5-7-20 PART TIME work for students. Cer a month, plus Spanish Mediterranean - deposit. 627-5454. 5-7-17 furniture. Each unit has a 4-speed, AM-FM, polyglas tires, necessary. Call 351-7319 for dishwasher, garbage disposal and 35,000 actual miles, 2 tops. VOLVO 1968 122S, air conditioned. interview. C AIRPORT individual control - central air NEAR. Single adults, conditioning. These four man $2,500. Call 8 - 5, 355-5116. Drafted must sell, $1400 or best modern furnished. $15 per week. units have up to 3 parking After 5 332-8844. 3-7-20 offer. Evenings, 677-8521. 5-7-17 SUMMER AND part time spaces per unit. The student's leisure , 489-7253. 10-7-24 employment with full - line time has been IF YOU NEED MONEY sell adequately planned for with a giant heated COUGAR 1967: Good condition, things merchent wholesaler. Automobile you don't need now. Dial required. 351-5800 for swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If new wide ovel tires, you $1200, 355-1064. 5-7-20 355-8255 for fast actionl informetlon. O the FAMliy A&MS want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. CUTLASS 1969. Excellent condition. Green Hurst, slots. Call 372-4865. 6-7-22 MEN NEEDED FOR rU) CAN'T KIP MC,... ME'S Nor HYPNOTIZED MODEL CLOSED SUMMER AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH ASLEEP ( FOR RENTAL MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 INFORMATION CALL: or 482-3379 FALL LEASES t- i S T- Earn $2.00 for one :LLJI r % NINE AND TWELVE MONTH -- LEASES hour's participation. AVAILABLE. >//, li $150°o .5 '7 //z If % t % % ©uyefungfjam 20" 21 PER MC % p 22 Call 353-8675 N i3 2M 25 26 % /? 4620 S, Hagadorn 20 i9 30 % r 32 33 Corner of Haslett Rd. and M-78 For an appointment. WE'RE KicTT KIDDIM& MANAGEMENTEXCLUSIVEL Y BY. 35 It % 37 3M EITHER. .IGLTLL <&CT % Roger Taskey 351-3420 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. .. FAVT RESULTS WI7W 1 38 39 40 Stan Guski 351-8160 Alco Management Cnmpany State News WANT-APS %% Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 17, 1970 Personal CAP A thrilling hour of beauty, appeals Kelley ruling pointment call 484-4519. : norman COSMETICS 0, 1600 East Michigan. The Council Against "If Parochiaid (CAP) Wednesday thf°rmal retirements are constitutional requirements," Atty. Gen. Kelley's opinion "is office." petitioned the State Court of rn'd not declineinT? to place a proposed E1irnnStated" The petition not on,y inconsistent with The complaint states Appeals for an order that would format was decisions of the that constitutional amendment on Michigan Atty. Gen. appointment. 4-1 / fu place on the November ballot an approved by the Secretary of Supreme Kelley's opinion ,p the ballot because he thinks it State's Office May 8. Court, but also "races headlong Yearbook is waiting for you amendment to the Michigan Constitution forbidding the use fede The complaint charges that inconsistent with prior issued by the Atty. General's opinioS predetermined to conclusion its unencumbered by Jpick up your copy of the 1970 of public funds for nonpublic authority and unembarrassed by legal §i_verine. Brin8 receipt or schools. Room 27, Student logic." The complaint notes that CAP leaders recently filed at Monday, Wednesday, least two other petitions with the secretary of opinions 9 - 10 a.m. Tuesday, issued by Kelley in the area state of 11:15-Noon. 5-7-17 containing more than education have been reversed 320,000 signatures, about by the courts. 75,000 more than required to place the amendment on the ballot. The Board of State Canvassers subsequently declared the petitions invalid on Elks vo the strength of Atty. Gen. Frank Peanuts Personal J. Kelley's opinion of May 26 which declared that the form of to remai the petition does not meet state constitutional requirements and applicable election law. The CAP lawsuit asks that the oil white YOUR dream of home court order the Secretary of SAN FRANCISCO lershipl See the good home (AP) - the Classified Section State's Office and the Board of Delegates of the Benevolent and Canvassers to "show cause" as to Protective Order of Elks voted why the amendment should not Thursday to retain the lodge's be placed on the ballot. The suit Real Estate whites - only membership also asks that the court rule on requirement. lansing, 4-5 bedrooms, the case before the The vote, by a show of hands printing of ious older home. Study, election ballots. during closing ceremonies of the ig and family rooms. Large CAP attorney Erwin B. five - day national convention, ite yard, double garage, Ellmann stated in the suit that was estimated at 1,550 - 22. er $29,950. 337-0909. TF the defendants, by their actions in refusing to place the Attached garage, all amendment on the ballot, "are Strategists "Fun to Spore" res, fenced yard. $21,800, censoring what political issues be submitted Students for Levin met in the Union for may Wednesday night to organize prior to hitting the sidewalks GO BOWLING discount cash. Call • to the electorate. They are of East Lansing don Mosley 337-1641 after violating to campaign. East Lansing Sidewalk Sale patrons were the their legal obligations." targets of the . 489-3029, HILLEY INC., campaigners. State News photo by Bill Porteous lALTORS. 3-7/17 Service |SMAKING, !. |rge. Call 355 1040. 27 7-31 alterations, Experienced. Reasonable rr\ i • rif)f)ltl . , Levin foes: war, foxes . someone?1 T^a'"cimifM With a 30 Pound Pack on her back, Jacquie Douglas, a 21 - jrsonai" Ad. Dial 355-8255 year " °'d divorcee, passes through Huntington Beach, By DAVE SHORT Calif„. en route from Costo Mesa to San Francisco on her law and office State News Staff Writer a campaign against war, high administration, to be a campaign between two made his remarks at a Students ■RIENCED mother She plans to make the 400-mile journey in five taxes, and other social ills rather Will do for Levin meeting in the Union. advertising companies," he said. fitting in Spartan Village weeks on a $50 budget. than against any other Complete line of Rowe said that Ferency, who, "We want the election to be a Brunswick equipment e. 353 0957. 3-7-21 AP Wirephoto candidate," Winthrop Rowe, Ingham County coordinator for along with state Rep. George F. referendum on where this in stock 3 LESSONS - English, Levin, said Wednesday night. Montgomery, will oppose Levin country is going." :ern. Lessons by appointment "Here in Lansing, we're not in next month's Democratic flee ■ The HOLIDAY really running against Zolton primary, was a "nice guy" but governorships are the key Judici that Levin was the man needed to the 1972 presidential Ferency or Bill Milliken. We're J, 332-4429. 1-7-17 ' ussion running against war, high taxes, in the governor's seat. election, Rowe pointed out. He LANES The Ingham said that the Republican and other problems that have County Open 9 coordinator criticized Milliken governors, not Richard Nixon, a.m. Daily |)RiNG K - 4 grade. All (continued from page 1) according to general procedures to approval by the vice president come out during Nixon's for his re-election won the 1968 election by , reasonable staff. One staff member each for establishing the membership administration," Rowe campaign. He Just North of Phone 351-0779 from 3 for student affairs. indicated that the November winning the major gubernatorial s. - 6. would be nominated by the dean Qf faculty standing committees. emphasized. Frandor • of students and the dept. of The All-University Judiciary "A new sense of priorities has election should be determined posts in 1966. 487-3731 •«» would seem logical that, would be the final appeal residence halls to each judiciary, body to be brought to Michigan. We through issues, not television "If we are to win in 1972, we Billiards • Cocktails when an academic department is under the vice president for commercials. believe Levin can bring them." Typing Service Students would be nominated by their living units with the based within an area (as with the student affairs. AUJ would Rowe, professor of business "We don't want this have to win the this year," Rowe said. governorships Good Food residential colleges), that consist of six students (three campaign appointments made by the department would have a faculty juniors, three seniors) serving individual area judiciaries, and representative on the judiciary," two-year terms, five faculty confirmed by the All-University IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. ations. Across from campus, MAC and Grand River, Judiciary. Miss Tubaugh said. The powers of area judiciaries members three-year serving terms staggered and two . . GRANDMA'S Faculty members would be would be strengthened by the administrators ^ Style Shop. Call serving two-year IPYGRAPH appointed by the chief academic proposal. Their judicial terms. SERVICES, powers JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT officer in the area or selected would be the same as those of One administrator would be ii*All-University Judiciary: finding appointed by the provost and is cued to your campus needs and we will be JiROWN: Typing and multillth the case "not proven," finding one would be appointed by the printing. Complete service the case "proven" and dean of students. pleased to accept your application for a recommending no further Student-Faculty Judiciary, the ripts, general typing. ibm. action, issuing warning or present equivalent of AUJ, Jacobson s experience. 332-8384. C Charge Account Identification disciplinary probations, setting consists of seven faculty |1 SSI ON A L~Thesis~P~eparaTlon~ Typing, Multilith Printing, & $10° insertion Mrvice - char9e to be pre - paid. 12 special conditions for probation, and suspending students subject members, four students and administrators. no Card. Your personal account number It's Honey - Dipped! u:nding. Complete Thesis p.m. deadline 1 class day before, will speed your purchases and for the give you most s & Discerning Doctoral Candidates, p Brochure and Consultation. greater shopping convenience Longshoreman Bring your friends and/or come and _ CLIFF and PAULA make some new friends. The ■UGHEY: 337-1527 or ALTERNATIVE coffeehouse, every Apply for yours soon. B'2936. C Saturday night through the summer, _ 9-12. Coffee, folk rock, dialog, (continued from page 1) JP.TARY, WOULD like books, expression, friends, Jesus Christ, o type. Call 351-0940. and union delegates together in another search for a 4930 Hagadorn, (that's across from compromise. Carr told the House of Commons he had set up a commission of REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN . . .$1.35 inquiry with full powers to find a way of ending the dock tieup. 3 Pes. Chicken. Mashed i TYPING. Amazing celerity. The commission had been instructed to Potatoes, This weekend at the ALBATROSS, report back to him "with Phone coffeehouse a Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits , that feels Human I maximum speed." JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN Gregorio Camus and Mike Leach, a The state of emergency proclamation was drafted for the . $1.80 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes talented duo, on Friday. Saturday: P MEL: Typing, queen's signature at a special Cabinet meeting Thursday morning. Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw i°b multilithing. Super instrumentalist (guitar) Glenn The queen signed the proclamation shortly after her return THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN too large or too small. Scott, and neat folkstrummer Sheila! . $2.55 sk off from a royal visit to Canada. Such "orders in council" can 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY campus. 332-3255. C The P|ace is 547 E- Grand River, only ?—-— l / rmivrw.r-#-.# I r»nsportatlOn _____ across from Berkey Hall, 8 p.m. - 2 a m- Your $100 donation will help pay our August rentl Coffee, tea and be signed by the sovereign at a meeting of the body composed of top government ministers which advises the privy council, a queen on state business and also acts as the highest appeal court Jacabsoris Serves 3 to 4 e pretzels you can eat are on us. of the Commonwealth. [ED A rider to San Francisco. C'mon upl Squawkl The strike began at the end of Wednesday's shift after 80 $35 and driving. Call larbor 616 Q3S ar-w _ ^ . , „ Dance - Concert with Sage at Holden delegates rejected a compromise offer from employers against the advice of their union leaders. The vote was 48 to 32. BRAMS AB 9^5-4638. Hall, tonight 9-12 p.m. 50c. The men voted to maintain their original demand for an increase in basic pay from $27.92 a week to $48. Flights to London and Paris are still ^anted open: Detroit to London departs Longshoremen, the employers insist, are among the best - paid THE BIGGEST July 26, returns September 13 for manual workers in Britain. $219. Detroit to Paris departs August Instead of increasing the basic pay by the amount demanded, INECONOMY CARS 9 returns September 1 for $239. the port employers offered a guaranteed weekly minimum of THIS It tlx economy cHitp, Stand-by applications for Tokyo $48, plus increased holiday pay. depart July 24, are being accepted. For further information call UNION BOARD 5-3355. One Food supplies with Discussion: "Are Miracles a Thing of the Past?" automotive industry, the nation's prime earner of foreign OF THE 1st. Am new currency. ■|llV ¥ member and will be in Orthodox Shabbos Services, 10 a.m., London docks idle. The only presented a desolate picture. Scores of ships lay Information 355-4672. UFO , , Sl"9 end of July. Write humans visible were policemen guarding the Abrams Planetarium, Science Int Saturday, at Hillel House, corner of *1715 , 5466 So"th Harper Grand River and Hillcrest (2 blocks dockyard entrances. Road and Shaw Lane, MSU, Is our planet being visited by |17 • Chicago, Illinois 60615. west of E.L. Bus Depot). All Jewish East Lansing. No Preschoolers spacecraft controlled by students, faculty and local residents Admitted. intelligent creatures from fel°rs r,eeded- $7 An ' e9a,iv«. B 50 for negative urged to attend. The Coalition Committee for Day J.R. Culver SKY SCAN another world? Explore with us the possibilities of highly- MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 ative ^ $100° O Care for the MSU Community will developed life forms on other RENAULT [mmu'nitv m|chigan hold a peaceful demonstration (Admission Free) planets. Witness dramatic fci"yJSSKiSnSi '■ Above the h».A> r Friday, July 17 at 9:30 a. Board of Trustees is me operations, J. R. Culver took on decide to dissolve completely, Learn the constellations. demonstrations mysterious UFO of some accounts DEALER r^Hou*BX£5S the building, of fundi for day care from the 1970-71 their obligations until each owner could "get on his feet" he said. It all depends on the economic situation and on Second Thursday each month except September. Next and learn some basic types of observations to perform when you see an "unknown in the SPORTS CAR CENTER and run his own building, he several other factors in the session: Aug. 13, 8 P.M. 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 482-1226 ■ p University budget. Bring your picket sky." 337-7183. c signs. said. community. Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery Arr. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Jmy [7 lf —SPORTS- EIKE All-stars return to camp (night American games not included) National (night games not CHICAGO (UPI) - College All - Star football EAST W L PCT. GB EAST players decided "We have decided that we have accomplished what we decided Baltimore 54 33 .621 w Wednesday night to end a one - day strike and report for practice to accomplish by striking one day in backing up the player's - Pittsburgh ;0 j, ci DETROIT 47 38 .553 6 New York Thursday to continue preparation for their game with the association," All • Star spokesman Steve Tannen said, "but we New York 47 40 .540 7 47 National Football League Champions, the Kansas Chicago 43 Boston 45 41 .S23 City Chiefs. also felt duty to the All • Star game and to the people who are gy, St. Louis 39 The action to end the strike, in which the Washington 40 48 .455 i4Vi Philadelphia players had refused helped by its charities, so we felt it best to resume practice." Cleveland 38 48 .442 j(, to report for practice to show their |JK Montreal support for the National The All • Stars voted Tuesday night to boycott organized 37 Football League Player's Assn. in its dispute with club came at owners, practice sessions in a meeting in which they heard from Detroit WEST W L PCT. GB a meeting which was attended by All • Star coach Otto Lion defensive lineman Alex Karras, representing the WEST W Graham. player's Minnesota S* 28 - Cincinnati l ptt association. California 51 35 *95 5 62 ?6 In New York, John Mackey, spokesman for the player's Oakland Kansas 48 41 City 33 52 539 9W -388 Atlanta 51 35 H\ J association, released the following statement: San Francisco " I Vass, 4i 44 Gallas "We recognized that the All - Stars need more time than Kansas City to train before the game. Therefore a decision was made Houston San Diego 37 51 Ja «' "»l # t jointly Wednesday night by the NFL Player's Assn. and the All - THURSDAY'S RESULTS THURSDAY S Stars to return to organized camps. By RESULTS I walking out of camp Oakland 8,1, New York 2,4 in local golf Wednesday the All - Stars demonstrated that all football players support the NFLPA. Boston 6, Milwaukee 5 (10 inning*) DETROIT at Chicago (night) srsssssa Atlanta at St. Loui. (ni.h,»*• I "There is no difference between a rookie and a veteran. Now Cleveland at Kansas City (night) Philadelphia at San Die™ 1 . I Denny Vass, MSU senior, and the championship with we are all football players, together, fighting for what we believe Minnesota at Baltimore (night) California at Washington (night) Chicago at Houston (ni (only games h, ni«") | his partner, Emil Gallas, won 21-year-old Dick Schmidt of is right. TODAY S GAMES scheduled) their quarterfinal match Cleveland at Kansas City, night TODAY'S GAMES Washington, D.C., in 1966, is57. "To show support that All • Stars gave to the NFLPA through Thursday to move into today's Another MSU golfer, Lynn their one DETROIT at Chicago, night Cincinnati at Pittsburgh - day strike was a credit to the All - Star players and Minnesota at Baltimore, night Atlanta at St. ni.i semi-final round of the Janson, and his partner, Ward their association. We believe, however, that to hold these players California at Washington, night Chicago at Lou„. Houston, nigh?* championship flight play in the Barnum, were defeated in their at a camp while other rookies being allowed by the NFLPA to Oakland at New York, night New York night I Country Club of Lansing match Thursday, are Milwaukee at Boston, night at Los An«ei„ „i k I participate would be unfair. Invitath Tournament. Monueil ataSanSKn I Vass and Gallas posted a four and three win over Michael :> ' , 1 Mleko and Frank Ellstrom. The winning duo had defeated the Bud Reniger-Otto Schubel team, WEAK-END SALE!!! the tournament favorite, in the Former 'S' captain opening round Wednesday, Lynn Janson, captain of last spring's Spartan golf team, one-up on the 19th hole of play. Vass, who won the state we were weak when we bought these. exhibits the form that's made him one of the amateur crown at Charlevoix state's top several weeks ago, is amateur players. only 21 while partner Gallas, who won Tigers bring up TODAY thru SATURDAY (and longer if need be. Reed from Hens DETROIT (UPI) - Right - hander Bob Reed was called up Thursday by the Detroit Tigers from their Toledo farm club in the International League to fill the vacancy created when Earl Wilson was sold to the San Diego Padres. Reed, 25, of Flint, was 9-9 with the Mud Hens and had a 2.83 earned run aveage. He was THE PERFECT PLA CE FOR leading the IL in starts, 20, and FAM1L Y DINNERS, PAR TIES AND innings pitched, 143. BUSINESS MEETINGS Sport quiz COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES What Big Ten team holds the FEATURING DELICIOUS CANTONESE FOOD Fur Animals record for the most NCAA swimming crowns? BEST FOOD •saiw "91 8|9 wSibjjs oi paqqwg suq pue (sdiqsuoidurBip aajq; Xjuo sji) MOi 8 ui sjcaX aajq] jsed am umok> at{j pajn^deo 'jsasmoii BEST SERVICE Vinyl Tote Bags $g50 'sen eueipui 'UBjhipii^ dn-iauuru ubh; ajoui auo 'sauii} ZZ saw* BEST PRICES uiims ibuoijbu paan;dBD seq a}B}s oiqo 'BUBipui jou s,}! 'adofj IV 2-6233 KALAMAZOO AT GRAND M.S.U. Basketball Pillows $|98 MEMO CALENDARS REG. $1.00 Any $|00 the shag bags with flyaway fringe add western excitement to the Selection young fashion long fringe and trim scene. leather 8-inch bags with Suede wood bead swing from their STAMP MOISTENERS STATIONERY REG. 39c lot PLUS . . . A. strap handles. MSU. TShirts Drawstring pouch. B Shoulder bag M.S.U. Sweatshirts $8. Children's Hooded Sweatshirts POSTERS Sparty Banks 5395 Your Choice $100 25< values to s850 M.S.U. BOOKSTORE 'CTacobsoris In the Center for Intern