Murninghan body found Monday State News Staff Writer from a West Side who robbed the gift shop store of $60. by a Monday that the search of the area would continue this morning. The police area had not been searched before Monday, but Husby by or not the body was clothed or whether substantial clue that police have had in The body was found Husby said that he had not seen the believed that a group of volunteers police had any new evidence as to the their The badly decomposed body of Laurie by two boys body and he would not comment on the had 11-day investigation of the about 15 feet off a road in searched the general area. identity of the killer. kidnaping. Murninghan was found 4:45 Monday in a weeds. Police would not high grass and cause of death. The clothes on the remote area of Ingham County. reveal the exact He pledged that body were identical "We extend to the location of where the police would leave no to the clothes that Miss Murninghan was Murninghan family Before Miss Murninghan was abducted July 9 body was found. stone unturned until the person or our deepest sympathy," Husby said in his Monday, they had sifted Lansing Police Chief Derold Husby said persons responsible wearing when she was abducted. 10 p.m. news conference through more than 1,500 leads without are found." Husby would not comment Monday. on whether The finding of the body was the first moving closer to a solution to the case. T MICHIGAN uesday UNIVERSITY Vol. 63, Number 20 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21, 1970 Trustee's motion protested in Freedom Report conflict By JOHN BORGER need revision, said any revision should be State News Staff Writer done Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, according to established procedures. said in the trustee hamstrung by the report. It's a reaction to The trustees' review of the meeting Friday that he the whole political flavor in this state Freedom thought the request for now. We have to right Student leaders Report is due to public reaction to student written keep in mind, and I'm Monday opened the confirmation "questions my possibility of suing the board of trustees unrest, Grossfeld said. made him integrity" and sure they keep in mind, that this is an for breach of contract if the angry. election year." board rescinds The trustees have received letters from Both or Buckner seeking confirmation that Buckner and Grossfeld significantly alters the Academic they "We're not expressed Freedom Report without utilizing will follow established questioning his integrity, uncertainty as to the trustees' purpose in procedures in the we're questioning his established channels. review. Only Chairman Don motives," Grossfeld reviewing the report. Stevens, said. "We don't know what he wants." "Right now we have At the D-Okemos, and Blanche Martin, D-East a good system of same ASMSU press conference, "Of jurisprudence on this campus." Grossfeld Chairman HArold Buckner and Cabinet Lansing, have indicated that they will course there was pressure on the follow these procedures. board of trustees," he said. President Bob Grossfeld protested tuition "They felt (please turn to page 8) hikes approved by the turstees Friday. At Friday's board meeting, the trustees tabled 6-2 a motion to establish a student - faculty Report. committee to review the Freedom HIRING PRACTICES REVIEWED "This (tabling) is the seed from which campus violence is sown," Buckner sa'd. ASMSU "We want to work out the differences peacefully, over a table; not in the street." The ASMSU officials suggested that students write letters to the trustees urging Harlan may lose confracf By JOHN BORGER Student government leaders held a Harlan Electrical Construction Co. of press conference Monday and them to follow established channels. In awarded, based discussed their reaction to recent action State News Staff Writer on Hearing Referee H. by the board of response to a question from news media Southfield. whose president is former Franklin Brown's finding last year that the trustees. Left to right, Harvey Dzodin, former ASMSU vice chairman; Hal representatives concerning student action if Democratic trustee and current trustee firm was not in compliance with state Buckner, Alleged discriminatory hiring practices candidate C. Allen Harlan, faces a review board the trustees chairman; and Bob Grossfeld, cabinet president. unilaterally amend the may prevent an electrical company run by equal employment opportunity standards. document, Grossfeld suggested a civil suit. a former MSU trustee from today before the Michigan Civil Rights "Apparently something has happened in State News photo by Terry Luke being awarded Commission in Detroit. Buckner, who said the report may indeed a contract for the State Highway Dept. the meantime to cause them to reverse the The recommendation of the Contract previous recommendation," Schneiders said. Compliance Group staff will be to award He said the firm had hired three blacks, Nixon—no the contract to the Harlan firm. Joe out of 100 persons Schneiders, acting director of public employed at the plant. impose "It's a marginal situation," Schneiders information for the Commission, said said. "We don't know what's Monday. going to happen. The commission could reverse the staff recommendation." ASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon that any cuts in defense spending be at a surprise, wide - consultations, will have great latitude, he of South Vietnam on the political future of (please turn to page 8) ranging news applied to reduce taxes, Nixon said that: said. But Nixon declined to ference Monday that under no "I do not think it would be fair to say what the Saigon government, and at the Paris the instructions he was giving Bruce. umstances would "this administration American people to say we can have a tax talks no coalition government will be Speaking of the North Vietnamese team Student >r an imposed coalition reduction in 1971 or 1972." forced on South Vietnam. at the Paris talks, Nixon said that the ernment" in South Vietnam — nor is it ig to send a "vigilante squad of Dept. of e agents" to enforce desegregation in Some of the points Nixon made in the session dealt with: Paris negotiations. His new chief United States is proposals it makes. willing to listen to any Coalition. The President said there is no "It must be a government selected by the people of South Vietnam," Nixon said. He leader South. negotiator, David K.E. Bruce, said he thought it would be now here for significant difference with President Thieu highly in other matters, the President said that improbable that the makeup of the American ground forces will be used to Jrdict the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos, government would be determined at the Paris conference. Stevens for legarding the Middle East, the President ght to allay any uneasiness over the Jelling i one official recently used about Soviet forces from the area, Lenore takes hard line to Campus peace — Asked what he could do alleviate campus unrest before fall. Nixon said he would rather wait until a Eight student leaders have endorsed Don Stevens, D-Okemos, for another term as MSU trustee. Stevens, currently the chairman of the board of trustees, has not yet announced whether he will seek another term as commission studying campus In letter to Walter Adams, former MSU le said, problems a trustee, but an announcement of his; however, that the introduction under the direction of former Gov. William with student protesters acting president and currently chairman of intentions is expected within a few weeks. Soviet weapons and men in Scranton of Pennsylvania comes the Democratic State Central Committee ■s cause the area up with The Black Faculty Committee has also concern and that if it continued recommendations. But the president said for Education Candidates, the r°uld upset the balance of he was not sure that eight urged recommended Stevens' renomination as power, affect ending the war in Adams' committee to recommend the ions on both trustee. sides and BIRMINGHAM (UPI) Senatorial May, Mrs. Romney said that Vietnam would bring peace to campuses. renomination of Stevens for trustee. possibly lead to - campus The letter cited Stevens for [king actions that could lead to another aspirant Lenore Romney took a hard line disorders are the result of a "permissive "I want peace on the campuses," he said, "The need for leaders of service to the outstanding - Monday on students involved in violent society," combined with "but my main policy is to vision, University in responding to I legitimate bring peace to dedication and responsibility cannot be the needs of the academic lixon said at the outset that action on college campuses, saying they the world." overstated," they said in community, lajor he plans a should "be first, expelled, and second, supporting advocating progressive change, seeking to meeting on national defense Stevens. extend the educational terms of the policy, arrested and prosecuted to the fullest opportunities of all defense budget" at the segments of the population of the state and extent of the law." today Wh'te House in California next Youth is the nation's greatest natural being sensitive to the needs of minority "ere will also be resource, the candidate for the GOP (please turn to page 8) a look at domestic p'cy. nomination for the U.S. Senate told a Rotary Club luncheon, and "most students Pe goal is a balanced have a very honest feeling that Pn said, and he thinksbudget then, things could pved when the economy is it can be at full be better in this country." But Mrs. Romney said that if federal Huber raps PPoyment, with an expected marshals, upturn in troops and state police are ■"conomy in the last half of this year. necessary to keep peace on the nation's |i_. , p Management and a suggestion by Caspar dePuty director of the White Budget office. campuses, then they should be used. In an earlier attack on student protesters during a campaign stop in Lansing last spending of Nstraining order his opponent KALAMAZOO (UPI) - State Sen. Robert J. Huber Monday attacked the Hearing slate amount of money his in their primary battle to Philip A. Hart in November. Republican opponent for the U.S. Senate nomination is spending oppose Democrat on 132 spring "At this stage of the campaign, the most conservative estimate of her (Mrs. Lenore Romney) financial commitment to the show cause" primary alone would be $400,000," Huber hearing will be held at Representatives of the group started a said. "I'll be lucky if I have a hnJiY0day in ^e U.S. District Court in civil law suit earlier this summer against $150,000 available for my primary total of L. . KaPids to determine if a temporary several University and Ingham County campaign. gainingarrested order Tor the trials of the 132 officials. The group alleges that their "My objective is to get reasonable in the Union May 19 constitutional rights and those of other exposure, so that voters will know who I ■I . * continued. students, faculty and employes who were am and what I stand for," Huber taring 111Noeltht>p- Fox will preside' at the court arrested and attended similar racism and not out to said. "I'm dazzle, confuse and 'brainwash' building in Grand • political meetings were violated. the voters. I want to be accepted or rejected on merit -not on how much I am "2fP,eLrsons leetina icism furs ii . , were nested during a Action Group to Combat ed past the regular closing If the restraining order court cannot is continued the proceed with the cases of any Surprise co able to spend." Huber's remarks to an Exchange Club nf President Nixon announces that under luncheon here were part of his attack 1th vini . ^n'on- They were charged of the 132 defendants until the civil coalition government" in South no circumstances would "this administration stand for an imposed the type of on campaign being waged by Mrs. [dinan™ [ """ and state j8 the Un'versity loitering hearing is complete and a decision has been Vietnam at an impromptu news conference in his White House office Monday. Romney. He called her campaign "one of trepassing laws. made on the arguments. AP the costliest primary Wirephoto campaigns ever seen 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, jU|y 2| t WASHINGTON Southern Study doctor (AP) - Monday A operators which of the huge farms produce food and fruit cruelly reveals contrived and highly effective system which has been level of subsistence which he will "Nothing will change until this racism which migrants our nation bestows how little we have done in this blamed "a tolerate — then making certain society thriving on for the nation. devised to extract the maximum rotten system is exposed and upon the migrants." decade," Mondale said. "We greed, cruelty, alienation and "Without them, that he has no means of escape held accountable," he said. com and work and He also noted a similar must see to it that there will be fear" for what he called a system productivity from from a system that holds him in Maid and Snow tomatoes would rot in the fields other human beings for the Mondale noted the hearings documentary, the last Edward no such documentary in 1980." Crop foS of exploitation which deprives migrant farm workers of health and oranges and grapefruit would shrivel on the trees. cheapest possible price. virtual peonage." Sen. Walter F. Mondale. follow last Thursday's television R. Murrow's "Harvest of Mondale said he had invited orange juice, is citrus producer. a ,naP|(1^, "Every effort is directed documentary "Migrant — An Shame." had aired much the officials of NBC and the Coca - care and decent diet. "What is different in Florida D-Minn., has promised during NBC White Paper", which he Mondale said he toward isolating the farmworker the same migrant conditions 10 Cola company to testify about invited Dr. Raymond Wheeler of Charlotte, N.C., said a team of and Texas from the rest of the rural South is the deliberate from the rest of society, hearings to expose who is responsible for conditions said the "documented evidence of squalor, degradation years earlier. reports Coca - Cola pressured the growers represent,^ associations doctors maintaining him at the lowest reported. and "Perhaps our greatest shame is network to tone down its about reported to , < visiting Texas and pressure ^ Florida migrant health centers and concentrations of farmworker families uncovered shocking malnutrition." cases of In addition, he told the Senate Migratory Labor subcommittee the very poor farmworkers are "gross Drugs, influence on young cited subject to diseases wiped out elsewhere in the land. In South Texas, he said, took a polio epidemic three lives this spring. Deafness from untreated ear as rock fest clangers disease, he testified, is common, By DAVE PERSON stopped altogether." She said dangerously beyond this She said she is and so is crippling from rickets, State News Staff Writer that she would like to sit definition. end to these calling, a childhood affliction rare State down with the young people and Mrs. Beebe said that she knew moral "destructiv, elsewhere. Sen. Lorraine Beebe, let them draw it up and do of the MSU rock festival held decaying" rock W R-Dearborn, said Sunday that the because of requests Wheeler participated in a 1967 planning themselves. She said last May 24 which drew a crowd and some from rock festivals would be young adults. study of Mississippi poor people, that the proper solution might of more than 22,000, but was which acceptable if the "bad elements" Mrs. Beebe as sponsored by the Field be for the festivals to be planned not familiar enough with it to added that were removed from them. rock festival Foundation as was the Texas by the youths and supported by form an opinion. , just as anv She cited as her greatest and Florida work. He said: adults. Her concern, she said, gathering for the exchar® concern the free flow of "In 1970, two and one-half drugs Mrs. Beebe said she "hated to ideas, has its and the "infiltration of liberated developed after stories and advantages years later, we have found in think of adults making money reports from a recent rock disadvantages. Florida and Texas, rich and people" who expose themselves and exploiting youth at the same festival in Atlanta, Ga. She said to "young, young people." She said that if she fertile states, other forgotten time." she has talked to some who have gets By "young, young people," chance in the near Americans, living and working in Mrs. Beebe said she meant those She said that rock festivals, been enthusiastic about the rock future,ani they will let her in. sheV near slavery, their children living which started as innocent fun festivals and others who were like to attend and young people in their early teens a rock f ' dying in conditions as who are sometimes runaways. get togethers, are going disgusted and disappointed. herself. dreadful as any previously encountered. we had Faceless She said these young people "should be conditioned until "In Florida and Texas the Members of Students for a Democratic Society met Thursday to discuss their regional they have enough strength to Opening farm worker remains a valuable and plans for demonstrations in meeting August but were camera-shy when State News form their own opinions," as to Photographer s asset to the owners and Dick Warren showed up. what is right for them. Mrs. Beebe also stated her concern for the health of young SUPPORT OPPRESSED people, both physical and 4 mental. She cited as other destructive elements contribution of the festivals to the witnesses SDS to demonstrate juvenile delinquency destruction of property. and Last week, Sen. Beebe said in a letter to Atty. Gen. Frank J. the ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The prosecution said Monday it would prove "beyond a reasonable hair on the slain girl's from the dormitory. panties could have doubt" that John Norman Collins committed Members of Students for a Democratic Kelley, "It would seem to me the The third prosecution Society (SDS) voted to that the protest would last of seven "coed murders" that terrorized witness, Conrad Mas* hold a peaceful demonstration begin in front of Olds Hall, which houses that state authorities should this a physicist at the Thursday in support of ghetto the offices of the Dept. of Criminal Justice, and move from there university community for two University of Michigan te rebellions, the "out of Vietnam now" movement and Black exert all the power they years. that he discovered Miss Beineman's into the Lansing The defense replied it would leave the bodv community. ... Panther Chairman Bobby Seale, who will command to use the law to jury of wooded gully near his home three stand trial in New days after Haven. Conn., this weekend. Discussing the recent disturbances in New Brunswick, Mass.; prevent these degrading events seven women and seven men with a "serious disappeared. Seale will be tried, as were several other Panthers on Michigan City, Ind., and Highland Park, some members from being held anywhere In doubt," which would force them to find Collins Washtenaw County Sheriff a charge of up the effectiveness of demonstrating as a tactic and brought innocent. Douglas Harvey,t' ordering the torture and murder of one of their members, Alex continually Michigan." The statements came as Washtenaw fourth and final witness of the day, testified! Rackly. in New York. Police claim that Rackly was killed because reacting to disturbances. The final consensus was to show However, she said Sunday, "I County he saw bruises on Miss for the urban rebellions while the crises support Prosecutor William Delhey and defense Beineman's he was discovered to be an were going don't want to rock festivals attorney ankles where she informer, but Panther members claim on. see Neil Fink delivered their apparently had been tied up. that he was a member in good standing. They say the police force opening statements. said her "face was battered staged a frame-up with Rackly's murder. Collins, 23, a former senior at Eastern Michigan partly in." In discussing the issues. SDS members said they must move to SEX, NOT RACE University in neighboring Ypsilanti, is charged with first Both Fink and Delhey concentrated o three key issues in the case - the • degree murder in the brutal sex identificat support the oppressed peoples in the ghettoes even if their of Collins as the man who numbers were small at first. slaying of Karen Sue Beineman, an 18 • year - old picked up JL They agreed that they should use freshman at the same Beineman on a motorcycle; hair found their dissent as a means of university, July 25, 1969. onpantiw Lawmaker protecting the oppressed from the The first two prosecution on the girl's body; and Collins' violence of the local police forces. witnesses — Sheri After some debate over whether the held on the campus or in the demonstration should be Lansing community, it was agreed NEW YORK - The cite Greene and Kay Anne Knowles - they were Miss Beineman's roommates at the time she disappeared. Both testified that between noon and 3 p.m. Delhey said Diane Spaulding, employes of a Goshe and Ypsilanta wig shop, Patriai country's "Being the first black woman still strikes nearly all men — girls said Miss would say that Miss Beineman was at the shop first black and, Beineman ate lunch, then left the congresswoman elected to Congress had made I am afraid, most women — as 12:30 p.m. to go to the dormitory about around 12:30 p.m., and that Collins, WE HAVE asserted today that in politics me some kind of "being black is much less of a she said. "There phenomenon," bizarre," Mrs. Chisholm said. Under cross examination wig shop. by Chief Defense motorcycle, drove off with her. are nine other The hair found on the drawback than being female." "Part of the problem is that Attorney Joseph Louisell, Miss Knowles said, panties came from the blacks in Congress; there are 10 basement of a home owned MOVED U.S. Rep. Shirley Chisholm, other women. I was the first to D-N.Y., writing as guest overcome both women in America are much more brainwashed and content "We may have" clipped each other's dormitory room. hair in the State Police Cpl. David Leik, by Collins' Delhey said. columnist in the current issue of once. Of handicaps at with their roles as second class The prosecution intends to show "I believe the proofs in this case will to ALCO BLDG - the two that Miss McCall's magazine, explained being black is much less of handicaps, citizens than blacks ever were," Beineman died half an hour to three both the testimony of Mrs. Goshe and Mb a she wrote. hours after that during her political career, drawback than eating lunch. Louisell's question about hair Spaulding worthless, and that in fact, the m being female." "When the motorcycle was not John FREE PARKING she has "faced undisguised "That there is prejudice a bright young woman clipping apparently was an attempt to show that Fink said. Norman Collins, hostility because of my sex." graduate starts looking for a job, against women is an idea that why is the first question always Bator Opt 'Can you type?' A history of prejudice Funding bill becomes lies behind ATTENTION CAR OWNERS that 241 E. Saginaw end of Abbott Rd. (M-78) * Complete front end repair and question. "Women have not even reached the level of tokenism lav/ that blacks are reaching," she * Brakes alignment * Suspension said. "No women sit on the Supreme Court. Only two have held Cabinet rank, and none at with Milliken's signature * present. Wheel balancing Gov. Milliken signed into law Where can you get the * Steering "The women of its morals, its a nation mold million higher education religion and its slates $59.9 million for MSU. Sunday a $330.3 appropriation bill that scholarships of students found guilty disorderly conduct or found damaging propyl LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center politics by the lives they live. At present, our country needs women's idealism and The bill, a product of a debate over how long and drawn - out tough the legislature should get on campus and to remove staff or other disruptions. any faculty memw employe involved in camp' 124 SOUTH LARCH determination, perhaps more in with student HIGHEST RATE IV 4-7346 protestors politics than anywhere else," administrators," includes three provisions aimed Mrs. Chisholm wrote. at clamping down on campus turmoil. and "gutless The governor also signed a $969 million pu® school aid bill that includes a controversial Sfl million parochiaid provision. The bill requires the state's Aimed at undergirding the salaries of J? universities to expel students colleges and teachers in nonpublic schools, the who cause "willful Par°CJ' of return measure must face damage" to university a Supreme Court test beio» on any type property, to revoke taking effect. of bank savings? Hobte's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Drop off dry cleaning, 45« 45{ per pound FREE ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 1 skirt 45< 1 sweater 45< AT AB & T OF COURSE! 1 pair slacks 45< No other bank ffers We love active c higher rates of people active people love us! interest on any type of savings account or certificate of A.B.& T. is the place to save deposit. 3 (wreat Locations For Your Convenient ... no question about it! 1 - 213 Ann Street 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson 3 - Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yankee Road Stadium Plaza I c^nerican I BANK AND TRUST ■ Join Those Who Expert Mor• And 5ov« Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. July 21, 1970 news Midwest governors summary From th« wire, of AP and UPI. assembled in Ohio COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) - and another The warning of possible "Either we quit Midwest Governors "economic and social disaster." fooling around Conference with shotgun and band aid opened Monday Gov. Warren E. Hearnes of • with one speaker programs and get the heart of cautioning Missouri, the conference the matter with a well • against "alarming the public," chairman, opened the three - day planned restructuring of education," meeting noting that Rhodes said, "or we face "exaggeration seems to have Norwegian economic and social disaster become the American fashion for beyond anything we have seen "Nothing will change until this discussing public issues in to date. rotten (migrant labor) recent years." system is "I submit to you that we, as ship "But that will not be the exposed and held accountable." governors of America's great Sen. Walter F. Mondale, s pattern to be followed at this conference," Hearnes added. heartland, should redouble our efforts to make this our first D-Mlnn. Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes priority." (Story on pig* 2) after then welcomed the governors to his state and urged them to highest priority to programs that give Eleven of the 13 midwestern governors who had Indicated they would attend the would eliminate the welfare SANTA CRUZ DE conference were present for TENERIFE, Canary Islands (AP) cycle. He said each of the states opening ceremonies. Govs. Arch must develop comprehensive A. Moore of West Swept by fire from bow to — Virgltlia and lllllll IIIIIIH IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIt III HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III stern, the cruise ship Fulvla sank vocational In 2,000 fathoms and education programs on a "grand technical William Milllken of Michigan were expected to arrive Whatsit Monday off scale." either Readers may well be asking themselves thi these Islands. later e question. Avid moviegoers, Monday or early today. fooled by this enlarged photo of popcorn. however, won't be State News photo by Milton International News Her 721 passengers and crew, Horst brought here Sunday night by a rescue vessel, lost their personal Drug control llationalist China is building air bases belongings when the ship sank. on Taiwan Many of them arrived in Santa fable of handling B52 bombers, apparently in hopes ■ strengthening Ind the U.S. commitment to defend the bastion, Senate testimony disclosed Monday. Cruz wearing night clothing. The passengers, among them a dozen Americans, were waiting r here for transportation to WASHINGTON (AP) Two least two Nationalist bases were involved in the Milan, - entry" would be a better name Italy. Cabinet officers urged Congress for the provision under which peddler the opportunity to action that would cut down the bansion. but U.S. diplomats sold in the United States "has said they did not Most of the passengers who Monday quickly to pass drug • destroy the evidence at the same importation of drugs, from ■mote the projects and did not ask the government of agents could get a warrant time." moved quite far down the road" talked to newsmen said they had control legislation — citing an Turkey or anywhere else, we allowing them to enter premises Rep. Charles A. of control. Growing of the pang Kai-shek to explain them. more fear of leaving the ship in epidemic of drug abuse by the unannounced if a judge found Vanik, would be for it," Mitchell D-Ohio, a committee member, opium poppy from which heroin lifeboats than of the fire itself. young. such action was needed to avert replied. has suggested that the threat of a comes been restricted to They explained that It appeared Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell the probability of destruction of He said Turkey, described broad crescent of Communist attacks trade as seven provinces and controls are , developed at first that the Norwegian crew contended the no-knock evidence or danger to life and embargo or limitation the major source of illegal heroin Inday south and west of Phnom Penh, with some had brought it under control and provision of the administraton limb. might bring about better tightening to restrict production- lrting reported only 19 miles from the Cambodian would soon have It out. package has been widely Mitchell said use of no-knock cooperation from foreign fital. The Fulvla caught fire in the misunderstood, and would not as a catch phrase in news media countries originate where illegal drugs The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State t was believed that the attacks early hours Sunday following an authorize police to break into has led or are shipped to the University, is published every clnss day during four school were launched from to erroneous United States. explosion in the engine room. private residences at will. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September J nearby mountains by North Vietnamese and Viet She was heading for Santa Mitchell told the House Ways interpretations, but "without "As far as the Justice Subscription rale is $14 per year tg troops in search of food. There were large rice Cruz from Genoa, Italy. and Means Committee "quick no-knock his life, an agent not only risks but gives the drug Department is concerned, any Ires in two of the towns taken in the raids. legislation or administrative Member Associated Press. United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Prpss, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press FAMILY FRIEND Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan Editorial and business olfices at 347 Student Services National News Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Man held in Michigan year to A. the day after he first set foot on the moon. Armstrong and his Apollo 11 crew were reunited nday with their burn - scarred spaceship Columbia, nd during the brief but rousing ceremonies in PONTIAC (UPI) — Edwin Anderson, standing quietly in district girl's death The child's body was found Phones: Editorial Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 353-6400 terson City. Mo., the astronauts court at Clarkston, was arraigned Monday in the sex slaying of his Sunday morning by James Barnett, . picked up a new 34, of White Lake Township. "I found this pair of Business-Circulation 355-3447 business partner's seven - year - old green shorts" . lor. Gov. Warren E. Hearnes daughter. in the swamp which had "10 inches of Photographic presented them with the The half - nude, sexually abused body of Dorothy Morrissey water and a couple of feet 355-8311 t "Missouri Mule Skinner" of muck. Then I felt an award, a chrome - plated was found Sunday in a muddy swamp sheltered under a willow object with my foot and it was the little leshoe mounted on a walnut tree some 40 feet from Anderson's home. girl," he said. plaque, he Apollo capsule was in Missouri as a The little girl's mother had Dorothy's mother became hysterical when the youngster's part of a brought her to the Anderson home tee-shirt clad body was recovered. ional tour. It will be on Saturday morning so she and Anderson's wife could Deputies later disarmed the display at the Michigan laundromat. Dorothy went across the road to go to a girl's father. Gerald, because he was "threatening revenge" against litol Aug. 28 - 31. play with Donna the 27 year - old Anderson. • Clements, 6. Soon after Dorothy returned to Anderson and Morrissey grew up Anderson's, the Clements girl together and were partners in resident Nixon's top economic adviser told a junk car business. Police said followed to bring back a bracelet that before Anderson was arrested. Congress Clements reported his daughter came Dorothy had loaned her. Gary Morrissey, who owned a 12 gauge shotgun and an automatic nday there are strong signs that the national running back saying - Dorothy rifle, was hunting for him. nomic decline is about over and that the was screaming and crying for her father. country will Clements said he paid no attention because he Authorities said they believed the child, who would have been n see the signs of an upturn. thought the child in the second was being disciplined. Shortly after this, Clements said he saw grade, was strangled at Anderson's home. aul W. MeCracken, chairman of the Council of Anderson come staggering out of the house and When he was asked to momic Advisers, said "An evaluation of the basic head for the join the search for Dorothy Saturday bushes and then go back in the house. evening, Anderson drove away in Morrissey's car, but he :es which will be When the two women arrived from the surrendered quietly 24 hours later. . shaping the course of the economy laundromat, the house the period ahead leads to cautious was empty and a search for Dorothy wasn't launched until several He was being held without bond on an optimism" that hours later. A date for the open charge of murder. iness conditions will preliminary examination improve in the second half of was to be set later. 0. t. William L. Calley Jr.. charged with murder in the ged My Lai massacre in 1968, asked 'Privilege' Really enjoy your Monday for a to general court - martial proceedings against him dismissal of the charges. this is denied, ranteed Calley asked for a "trial by the Constitution," which by jury would be as in joini vacation this PIZZA S&iwiwx Elks cited a lian trial. year... OR CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN No one has a right to be an 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA Elk; it is a privilege bestowed Michigan News upon members when they applv that's official word from the SPAGHETTI — national headquarters of tho i an expected move, a cross - section of Michigan's Benevolent and Protective Ordev ck 1 leadership Monday enthusiastically Sander Levin's endorsed state candidacy for the Democratic of Elks in Chicago. The Elks gained national attention last week when they SALADS 'ernatorial nomination. voted to keep a restriction lr leaded by Congressmen Charles C. Diggs Jr. and John their constitution barring blacks nyers Jr., the from becoming members. More group issued a statement saying Levin as *ded demonstrated the progressive leadership so sorely in the governor's office." than 3,000 delegates attended the national convention in Los Angeles. Get INSTANT CASH jw. An official at the national Milliken's proposed constitutional amendment to up a state crime ects- a fighting commission has "numerous Republican lawmaker said Monday. office, who asked to remain unidentified, told the State News Monday that they were for a carefree trip ate R(-'P- Dennis Cawthorne, who cast the deciding not violating anyone's civil Timittee vote rights. Enjoy a happier, more carefree vaca¬ everywhere. against the proposal, said his recent "The private right of tion this year with Instant Cash in your cstlgation of similar commissions in New York and Vouchers are ideal for high-speed association is guaranteed by the w Jersey "confirms the wisdom" of the committee's pocket. It's available in three forms: loans paid directly into your checking Constitution and several "sal to decisions money orders, vouchers, and good old account when you're away from home. report the amendment to the House floor, by the Supreme uificials of those two states Court," he said. "Aliens, women cash. Or simply stop by before leaving ects in pinpointed numerous and minors under 21 are not the Instant Cash money orders are bet¬ town for some Michigan version now under eligible cither." ordinary Instant Cash .ration," Cawthorne said. "I am more than ever The lodge's position has never ter than ordinary money orders because cash. It's accepted everywhere! lv'nced that we did been you don't pay for them until after the right thing in temporarily challenged by any Use painless payroll deduction for V'ng judiciary government agency, according to committee approval." you've used them. They combine the repayment, if you wish. the official. octors at Walter Grabow, secretary of advantages of a low-cost credit union Phone today for complete informa¬ iiea the University of Michigan Hospital Monday the Lansing chapter of the Elks, loan with the safety of an ordinary tion on this and the many other services results of tissue tests before deciding refused to comment on the ner to money order. They're available in any available to credit union families — and begin the state's sixth heart transplant decision. denomination and negotiable almost Grabow said the Lansing Elks really enjoy your vacation this year! man who has had two attacks. spend more than $67,000 The annually on charitable programs olin tPotential donor was Gary Wright Jr., 23, of and their Christmas projects. ly "on.*,., who was injured in an auto acccident "We get the names of all the ichin ^0cly 'las ^een kePt clinically alive with a people we help Christmas," Grabow said, "and I during vsir? and dru8s since 7 p.m. Saturday when believe that more than half of 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday reversible "d *he deterioration of ,lis brain was the people we send food to are • Phone 353£280 Negro families." MICHIGAN ASMSU PRESS CONFERENCE STATE MEWJ UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD Trustees violate faith in System EDITOR'S NOTE: On Monday, July peaceful change, requiring the approval of editor-in-chief Bossism Interestingly enough, one 0f 20, 1970, members of ASMSU held a students, faculty and administrators. It is mentioned the «. ■ FREDERICK J. LESLIE press conference to react to recent Indeed ironical that students must now cry The reason mentioned is that Mr. Stevens as Mr. Harlan, was replacement forI advertising manager actions by the MSU Board of Trustees. out in agony to the Trustees to work failed to play ball in making former one of the loudI The following statement was issued at within the System. Governor, Ambassador and Assistant the Academic Freedom students having a voice in Reoor? 04,011 Our plea to the Trustees to work within Secretary of State, G. Mennen Williams, anvth,*1"1011 KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor the press conference by Harvey the System might sound strange to the the new MSU president. This was philosophy is intolerable to us and anarchroniS^I LARRY LEE, city editor Dzodin, former vice chairman of the political paranoids of the Right — the Sen. impossible because Stevens, a longtime so-called "Democratic" should be t HI JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor JEFF Student Board. Hubers and Mayor Daleys — and those on Williams supporter, and each and every party as well I ELLIOTT, sports editor My name is Harv i, jdin and I was Vice the Left - the Yippie fringe J - yet it is other trustee of both parties had I respect Don Stevens and his Daram I President of the Student Body at Michigan State in the 1968-1969 school year. I am made in desperation and in earnest. Our system of government is under its severest unanimously agreed to work within the System by abiding by the decision of an Interest in Michigan State hope not to mourn his passing 1 \11 UniveS*"! Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award « now a student at the Harvard Law School for outstanding journalism. and Harvard Business School and have test since the Civil War and before that the Revolution. At the heart of the problem is All Committee University Search and Selection which included students, servant because of base considerations and the 21 hurried back from New York and am of fellow trustee of the rumored att I faculty, administration and alumni. This missing work today because I wish to speak the Ideals / Reality gap which is the huge credibility gap between what we are told Committee did not favor the former a party to become Chairman of ''Demo!51 the B> " to you about the attempted rape of and what is done; and between "what is" six-term governor for the job. For working getting rid of Mr. Stevens. EDITORIALS Academic Freedom at Michigan State University. and "What should be." within the System, Stevens is in danger of losing his tenure as MSU Trustee. Students It is said that history believe that the rumors of repeats itself v»,H After months of discussion involving all Unreality will not tolerate such blatant political political demise Mr stw 'I are only later chaDte»!? I segments of the University community — Those who are our elders, wearing the bossism. continuing battle. ""I students, faculty and administration various hats of parents, politicians, trustees (including the Trustees) the Academic and administrators, constantly sing the Freedom Report was passed by the Board A dubious praises of the System which we say, due to Sowing the violentseej of Trustees in March of 1967. The purpose maof this document, as fundamental to the some Divine wisdom, makes for progress and morality. Yet when we measure the University as our Constitution and Bill of ideals against reality we find the worst: Rights are to our Nation, was to spell out internationally, with the Indochina war; EDITOR'S NOTE: The following send the process of change at MSU while making ARVN nationally, with an Administration who the power to amend the clear the rights of students. document fa have a jumbled list of national priorities statement was issued at the would be like giving Nixon the The philosophy was simple: to promote and which speaks with the forked tongues conference by ASMSU press Board Initiate and then sign law Into p0Wlr^ exiittj# There is a good probability that orderly change at the University while of Mr. Nixon, Mrs. Mitchell, and Splro T. Chairman Harold Buckner. That is not democracy. It hu tit post - Cambodia days. After all, it giving students a responsible voice in the Agnew; and locally, in the University within the next two weeks there will earmarklngs of repression. was not so much the illegal invasion policies of the institution which concern community, the Trustees are trying to play At the June meeting of the Board of We have polled the Trustees be an "Allied" invasion of Laos, a la of Cambodia that horrified the our lives. This is nothing more than a the same games. They tell us to work Trustees a review of the Academic as to whether indivlduifo they would or would m* Cambodia. There will be one people of the United States as the process for allowing peaceful change while through the channels and be very patient. Freedom Report was called for. This support this contract. Dr. Blanche Muty difference: American troops would fact that American troops were used working in the System — something 99 per We have tried to make changes by use of document has Insured, to a great extent, and Chairman of the Board, Mr, cent of us students believe desirable and the machinery and are somewhat satisfied the integrity and academic freedom which D« not be "directly involved." That is, to do it. Secondly - and Stevens, were the only two men who possibly proper. The June attempt by the Trustees with the modicum of responsiveness. is needed for a viable academic had the courtesy to answer. Both they would not rnov onto the soil more important - the universities In seeking a review of the Academic Just at the point where some real community. mennid of Laos, they would support this document tnd* per se (ignoring for a are out for the summer and this Freedom Report is flagrant violation of the progress is upon us, an attempt Is being It alao Includes judicial procedures for applaud them. moment that the CIA has been there means that the youthful opposition very process they approved Is driving made to pull the rug out from under ui and cases involving students. It has aided In We are willing to sit down and iron on for years), but rather would provide is responsible students to the very limits of the faculty as well. Self government and helping to prevent what has happened on ths differences which exist at temporarily dispersed. toleration. academic freedom are key cornerstones of any tin two campuses of late: Kent and Jackson But It must be done logistical support for a hoard of From all this the true meaning of our nation. If the Trustees State. It has the channels written down for through the syittt South Vietnamese invaders. Tried before destroy this and which both side* have agreed upon, the so - called Nixon Doctrine is I don't believe we can let them — I'm all to see and adhere to. notili If properly orchestrated, such a This Is not the first time the Board of telephone conferences or closed meetlnp. emerging. It is not a matter of "Asia willing to bet that all Hell will break looae But the report Is not perfect. Like all This time we, the students, ire thrust would be a masterpiece of Trustees have attempted to rape the calllai for the Asians" so much as an as It did when the British tried the ume good laws or systems, It needs revision at upon the Trustees to follow the chi Academic Freedom Report and clobber a things on the colonlsta — until 1776. times. Now political expediency. On the one exercise similar to letting colonial might be a good time for such and adhere to the recognized system. student body committed to working within This Is disturbing enough, but It la not a review, but It must be hand, the generals would get their troops fight a war for us. There is a system In which we have placed our trust according to the When Mr. Stevens moved that all. To add Insult to Injury, reports I have procedures outlined In Article VII of the Trustees follow the Report, their contnsl long - awaited chance to slash at the little difference between the British — but due to such betrayals, with been getting from sources close to the report. This Is the same article which the with the students, they voted 6 • 2 (or Ho Chi Mihn Trail and Communist use of Sikh decreasing confidence. On Sept. 20, 1968, heart of the Michigan Democratic party are troops to put down Board of Trustees approved and passed. It tabling the motion. This Is the wed ton enclaves in Laos. Previously, such an rebellions in India at the turn of the by a 6 to 2 vote, with Trustees Don saying that the present Board Chairman, la a contract between the University and which campus violence Is sown. We wantto action would have been wrought Stevens and Clair White dissenting, the Mr. Stevens, will not be renominated, but the students. century and the United States Board passed a resolution allowing the work out the differences peacefully, ovsri with hang - ups, but since then the that the party will choose two other We now hear that the Board would like sending the ARVN into Laos. table; not In the street. suspension of students until given a people, one of which is former MSU Cambodian invasion has Ignored in the vast debate over the hearing. THis guilty - until • proven - Trustee, C. Allen Harlan. The more demonstrated that such merit of the Nixon Doctrine is Innocent philosophy was the request of optimistic informants are only willing to considerations are of a secondary another, more valid, concept for war former President, Mr. John Hannah, and concede that the nomination fight will be nature. was done In a secret meeting. After "a real bloodbath," This Is cruel blow - the idea of the Universal Soldier. a — a concerted peaceful action by the students, poignant illustration of the Ideals / Reality On the other hand, the American It matters little whether a yellow or homefront should remain a good faculty and Stevens and White, the secret gap. white finger pulls the trigger - the resolution was rescinded. We are told that public officials are deal quieter than in the immediate man at the other end of the I would have thought the political sights chosen by free and open discussion at the will be equally dead when the bullet Machiavellians would have learned tfidr. party convention by delegates — not lesson. But now there is a move by the dictated by bosses beforehand. The strikes. Similarly, there is little betting Trustees to review the Academic Freedom in the party, as it difference between appears to me, is that Mr. a South Report in flagrant violation to the Report Stevens is out — an honest public servant Vietnamese invasion of Laos while whose Article VII provides machinery for chewed up by political machinery. the Americans guard the Thieu-Ky kingdom, or an outright American incursion into Laos. President Nixon, who seeks no wider war, has made the Vietnam war the Indochina War by brokering The Legislative friend lives in Cambodia. The greedy EDITOR'S NOTE: The following occurred on Michigan campuses, or just eyeballs on Pennsylvania Avenue and statement was issued at the press simple ignorance of the costs of higher across the Potamac River in the conference by ASMSU Cabinet education, which have guided our men in Pentagon are now turned on Laos President Bob Grossfeld. Lansing in their supreme deliberations. We and another escalation may soon do know that students and their families come. This press conference was called because will not endure another tuition hike to of recent actions of the Michigan State offset the Legislature's blunders. We urge One question comes to mind. Will this next step make it the Asian War? University Board of Trustees. Last Friday, all students and their parents to send an two points were raised which have caused itemized list of college costs to their state Or the World War? Or maybe just the much concern among the Student Body at representatives. Show them how much It Last War? Michigan State. The two points which we hurts. wish to discuss deal with the raise in the As for the State Legislature, perhaps if costs of attending MSU and the recent they spent a little less time witch - hunting threats to the Academic Freedom Report. among our halls of ivy; and a little less time First, the new costs of attending MSU attacking our campus newspapers to gain Day care requ have added to the already heavy burden felt by over 40,000 students and their parents. This University has again, in raising the costs of tuition and dormitory publicity; and a little less time cutting education appropriations as reprisals for student unrest, which hasn't occurred, maybe then they could listen to their own living, caused the present economic strain advisors, the University, and the Governor Friday, a number of picketers working to put her husband through on all familys much more difficult indeed. as to how much it costs to run a major proposed - and the board of trustees school. But we cannot blame the administration academic factory today. The legislature largely ignored - a request for day and Board of Trustees, entirely. We find looks to the colleges and universities in Time considerations thus the major fiend in this case to be the State car centers in the married housing Michigan with beaming pride. Perhaps they complexes. It is extremely effectively bar the student wife from Legislature. should look into the campus as an We do not know whether it was a unfortunate that the board chose its continuing her education. This is a economic venture which they have created "...How...??" reaction to campus unrest, little of which and sort of social discrimination of the are obligated by law to support. course of inaction in relation to what first order that has no is a legitimate request for critical place in the services. academic community. Generally it is the husband who is With the overdue realization of the OUR READERS' MIND enrolled full - time and has his time worth of women in modern society, taken up by term papers and the it is only a matter of time until day like. The case can easily be made, care centers become a fact of life however, that the student wife bears an equal if no greater part of the family burden. In most cases she is taking care of the family and/or throughout this nation. It would be to the lasting credit of the trustees if a center University now. were begun at this To the Editor: Hayakawa misses from Hayakawa's remark that "activists root issues The recent comments of S.I. are situation is created, you see, by the lack of Hayakawa at the opening of the President's Commission immature and treat their colleges like a mental rigor and discipline among the Francisco State University as gospel on ■ on Student Unrest led one to wonder where play pen," and his mandatory youth word users," who get a free ride subject of "campus disorder." The so ■ service proposal, is that everyone will be through of student unrtst are so ubiquitous J ■ that eminent scholar has spent his college simply by making good use of their academic career. Surely it was not on a happier once the activists have a larger play glib - tongued ability. Prof. Hayakawa tells recognizable that one can only w0 1 Licensing vet college the seriously inanities. campus, for no one familiar with American utter college today would Professor Hayakawa's pen to trash. Another of the tam o'shantered pet theories is that it is the "verbalists" (i.e., English and their ilk) who are causing sage's us he knows this is so "verbalist" himself! Of who bend an attentive ear to very own campus Odd Job are because he is a course, those of us Gov. Reagan's why President Hayakawa fails to per ■ them. They are the very same are f0[ce* I tearing apart American society: '1 Racism and Poverty. It is time - W hej,l■ all of the stink inclined to — to deal with these issues and not Seven children were killed in a endangered when bad drivers - San Francisco State's illustrious president on campus, while the wonder. engineers and other quantitative types In surface manifestations. L°n * Pennsylvania school bus accident last irrespective of status - are allowed proposes, for example, that a program of all stout - hearted patriots who are home are sum, It is a naive President's week. The driver had a yard - Commission on Student long to continue driving after a 12-point mandatory youth service be instituted. booking it when crash comes to bash. This Unrest that list of traffic offenses, Apparently this would be in the form of accepts President Hayakawa of San including nine probation period. accidents. group therapy, since Hayakawa claims that Gov. Milliken deserves a measure student radicals are (angry at an insane of credit for It is interesting to juxtapose this incident with the Legislature's thwarted attempt to Michigan all, it was vetoing the bill. After Teamster - sponsored and a lot of Teamsters will be voting in war? incensed by racism? psychologically disturbed. Moreover, from what Professor Hayakawa tells us, it do well to subject the more No!) might £&T«$g| November. gifted students allow professional drivers 24 to "intensive treatment," for Nevertheless, the legislature should according to violation points before having their the learned semanticist, it is the allow the governor's veto to stand. "bright license suspended. students who have been the Nothing less than human life is at principal Moral of juxtaposition: lives are troublemakers." stake. The only conclusion that can be drawn Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21. 1970 5 utomakers hear Jbecui Gwiiom&i, AW pact positions /ld> in the moit gho^x-Hiie dioA^e, w^e licute aiwa>yi tAied to a p^/i^onaily depute you ■)KTR0IT (UPI) — The fanfare of the opening cost of efficient and eamcumcal w~cufA. • • living clause to its original form, a wage ■jto behind them, negotiators for the United Workers and the automotive Big Th-ee increase unemployment benefits, and improved were supplemental Ma*ty yeaM, a^o £ho>p,-(lUe dioA&L we/ie the jjiMt to. cjive (me itled down Monday for the hard bargaining ded to reach new contract agreements, Monday. t ord and the UAW presented by GM you, qua mztued cudlonteAA,, wanted dianvpA. hetalks got down to the hardcore issues more lil'tlv tha l in past years as the UAW continued variety began discussions of a wide of noneconomic issues the UAW made a while at Chrysler, full presentation of the them to you- dtasytspA, and w^e/ie hapypA^ to cjiu-e ,resentation of a number of position papers expanded insurance program it is ring a w'de variety of economic and the Big Three. seeking from „ieconomic issues. The UAW wants the automakers to pay the full Hut thlnc^i chancre cw&i the yeaAA. /Id in^ioytum had, With the present contracts with General ttors, Ford and Chrysler expiring at midnight, cost of dental care costs for home and and also pay the worker's : the doilaA, dieadtiy eroded Int 14, negotiators met behind closed doors to and review each side's position. The UAW When the union the auto doctor's office visits. completes its presentations, company bargainers will respond with dtasnpA kec^cui to lo&k leU and leu attA&cUae. listed "substantial" wage gains and counterproposals. The talks will most PuMiic apinixm duAv-eyi haw will take place on the tion Friday and Saturday Lake Superior State College as director of performance. pageant portrayed as a helpless frontier people," the 'massacre of 66c [:30 p.m. and at 2 p.m. release said. Coca Cola 6 pack Poww 69c fga a I Unemployment Hi C Fruit Drinks loitation jmunity, the hiring of the local Indian 25c 'or who ns in a portrays American of a in economic stereotyped manner • and the failure of the GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) — Democratic int Committee to sponsor. gubernatorial candidate Michigan Sander Levin says Michigan is in much I time for. a real Indian deeper trouble than the Milliken administration has dared to admit. »w," the Youth Alliance ■ment said. Levin, on a quick visit to this western Michigan city Monday, pointed out that the state's 7.7 per cent unemployment rate, Head Lettuce ■though Indian history and ■"^ are emphasized in the ■ant's advertising, the Youth higher than the national average, "doesn't include those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits, or have dropped out of the job market persons who altogether." '/29l ^nce claims that they do not I 'he 60 or more The 38 ■ year • old state senator, who served as Michigan Senate Indian minority leader in 1969 and Democratic state chairman in 1968, Jiipantswhite ' who ■ area benefit. perform, and businessmen in This is the said creeping "under • employment" is a factor in the stt Chiquita Bananas 2 V 25c nl s Levin, who is expected to face Gov. William G. Milliken at the second year. polls this fall, said his administration "has not provided for IS for the • pageant programs malized without diversification of industry to lower the state's vulnerability to Pascal Celery 19c the : turndowns." Peaches 'LB/ 49c GOODRICH'S SPARTAN "We Give Gold Bond Stamps" linilDC' Mon. - Fri. 9 to 9 nUUIiw. Saturday 9 to 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- NEW YORK Outlook (UPI) - Football Commissioner Pete Rozelle met "But it was more in the nature of is dim for q Monday with some of the National Football League's biggest stars feeling out the situation. We their support for the Players Association. Attending the meeting million per year for the next four years, and the have never questioned his own power to be able to force both sides to were Mackey, Gale Sayers of the offered contributions of $1.6 million annually In an effort to get the stalled contract negotiations In motion come together If he ever has to prove he has that power." Chicago Bears, John Brodle of „ H:ffS the San Francisco Giants, Larry Grantham of the New York Jets, $2.9 million per year. t>renWof again. A lawyer for the Players Association said that Rozelle has been Fran Tarkenton of the New York Giants, John Hadl of the San "It was our hope that we could get some But after the meeting was over, John Mackey, president of the response |Y,lm requested to sit In on discussions between the players and Players Association, showed little optimism that a contract would and at a meeting with the federal owners, Diego Chargers and Jim Houston of the Cleveland Browns. proposals," Mackey said. "We have reduced the dirferonr 0U/1'1 be signed quickly with the owners. mediation and conciliation "Regardless of whether the lockout Is lifted or not," said our original proposal, but the owners have replied that service will be held In Washington on Wednesday night. The Grantham, who was late for the conference because he attended a them were unrealistic. There was no nl0* "Commissioner Pete Rozelle did come over this morning for a response owners also have been Invited to attend the mediation session, workout by the veterans at Adelphl package proposal." on 0 IUr " lengthy discussion," Mackey, an end for the Baltimore Colts, said. but they have not Indicated whether University, "We would not they will be there. attend any organized team workouts until the contract is "If I believed the The two sides have not sat down signed." Tarkenton added, money wasn't together for a week. The Some of the other players also said they would not attend h owners have locked out the veteran fight the Players' Association, but I believe these pro! ri players from training camps, workouts until the dispute is settled. Tigers' , Szotkie but most of them have been practicing at temporary training camps. They have expressed concern, however, that the negotiations may cause the cancellation of the annual stalled "To the man, we are 100 per cent behind the Players Association," Hadl said. "We just want to get to camp and get realistic." put on disable game between the college all • stars and Kansas Chicago on July 31. Mackey said there has been some discussion of charity City Chiefs in football going again by settling this dispute In a manner." However, Sayers said he would be "willing to sit out professional a little BASEBALL STANDINGS""] allowing the while If that's what It takes." world champion chiefs to play In the DETROIT (UPI) — Rookie ligament in his left knee during not settled, but he added that no game even if the contract is decision has been made. Attorneys for the Players Association showed a chart of the American At an afternoon news money situation In the stalled talks. According to the chart, the shortstop Ken Szotkiewicz will the second game of the Tigers' conference, many of the top stars voiced players have requested that they get pension plan benefits of $4.6 be placed on the 21-day disabled doubleheader sweep over Kansas list and (not Including night gumoi) a replacement brought City Sunday. The knee was EAST W L PCT. announced Detroit Monday. Tigers placed In a cast by doctors at Henry Ford Hospital. MSU TO FINISH 3RD? Baltimore DETROIT 56 52 .'B . .578 New York 49 42 .5.18 Szotkiewicz strained Described as a severe strain, Boston 47 42 .528 Dr. Edwin Guise said Cleveland 42 48 .467 OSU, U-M Szotkiewicz' knee would remain coaches pick Washington 42 50 .457 in the cast two weeks. are west Minnesota 56 30 .651 - Gn w? t0.uthn, available - the Big Ten /°Uu 6n football In the P°U of coaches. Ohio next in line, while the trio California 55 3b t State received firsts and of Illinois, Northwestern and Daugherty Is tied for second In °'k,,nd„„ Vt tt ! aches it has — determined that on November been three seconds hile the Wisconsin were rated lowest. years (starting his 17th) and Is " 60 second in the won lost Wolverines received just the Contrary to the best of - Chicago 32 .2 .. 21, before 84,000 - plus fans in - department with a .586 reverse, three firsts and seven football tradition Michigan's Bo Columbus, Ohio, Michigan and votes for the runner-up percentage on 58 wins, 41 losses Ohio State will battle for the spot. Schembechler and OSU's Woody mondavs results and 2 ties. Detroit league's 75th championship. Purdue, Minnesota and Hayes both showed extreme ?lty, night Minnesota's Murray Warmath Cleveland aui Minnesota, night ncveiana That was the conclusion of (surprisingly) MSU were confidence and named their win aiso Baltimore at Chicago, night determined to have the next best * for the title. begln his 17th year as Milwaukee at Washington, night poll of the grid leaders following the Gophers' head coach. opportunity to challenge the All the coachM looked for w,muth ha. compiled«60-48-3 i asked to evaluate their efforts and to name the top four -*>»■ l?p I DAY TICKETS ONLY. NO READ- Twice at 8:32 La'-' MITTANCE WITHOUT NEW AD¬ — Also - MISSION TICKET! Tickets avail¬ * SALON PRODUCTION ry-Fox able now by Mail: Send ticket order, along with large, stamped, A TRANS AMERICAN FILMS RELEASE ■ COLO* BY MOVIHABI*!^ TWf Shown Twice at 8:32 and self-addressed envelope to: Goose Lake Park, Inc. LatP KREMLIN 30999 Ten Mile Road Once You Kiss A Stranger PANAVISION ® LETTER Farmington, Michigan 48024 Color by DE LUXE " Tickets also available at all Hud¬ Once at 10:-lu son and Grinnell Stores out through¬ Michigan. Make check or money order payable to: Goose Lake Park, Inc. GATES OPEN THURSDAY A s available] It's "Happening" Every Night "Direct" Buses Will Be Leaving From Michigan State University. at the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21, 1970 ^ Automotive Automotive Aviation For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent t|N " HEALEY 1958, 100-G. No PORSCHE 911, 1967. 37,000 For Sale miles, FRANCIS AVIATION: t good running. Gear, new 5 spaed So easy io TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free GIRL NEEDED TO sublet Cedai MARRIED STUDENTS. Spacious 2 332-4785. 3-7-23 transmission, learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. ONE MAN needed for 4 man. Own ,s. transistorized ignition, rust deliveries. Call SELCO Village. Reduced rates. 351-9077 bedroom SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale proof, Special $5.00 offer. apartments. Carpeting, bedroom, air conditioned. $45 FM radio. Cream puff condition 484-1324. C COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. 2-7-21 Brand 1968, model 1600. AM-FM drapes, air - conditioning, and month. $12/week new portables $49.95, $4600. Call 353-4361, 332-6871 fcj0 pod condition, $1700. evenings' kitchen appliances, otherwise 3-7-22 $5.00 per month. Large selection 351-0127.5-7/21 p.445713-7-21_ Employment TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" porMble, $8.50 per month including stand. AUGUST 1ST. 4 Furnished or apartment. 6 weeks only IV 2-2937 unfurnished. 20 minutes from campus in Eaton Rapids. Modern of reconditioned Singers, used Whites, Necchis, New machines. TEMPEST I^ROLET 1960 2 door (tick 1965 convertible. Power SECRETARIES, GENERAL office, Call J. R. CULVER COMPANY, 6-7-27 brick building, $160 a month. Call Rooms Home & "Many Others." $19.95 steering, asking, $750. 351-1782. clerical, jobs Mr. to $39.95 Terms. new snow tire*, $80. in abundance. Start 351-8862. 217 Ann Street, East Long, evenings 663-8063. EDWARDS 3-7-21 CAPITAL (1 3823 or 355-8297. S now. Call Curtis, 482-0783. 3-7-22 Lansing. C NEAR, Married couple 5-7-24 CAMPUS NEAR, single room DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. either with working or students cooking, 1115 North TOYOTA 1966 Crown. Low call 351-9237 or Washington LrOLET 1961. Good engine, mileage, DIRECTOR OF food service. 5 Apartment, everything furnished ONE MAN wanted 484-8173. O 489 6448. C-7-23 good day Parking. 484-6072. 2-7-21 to complete 4 condition. Selling week, 2 meals. Degree, food pendable transportation. $125. 6-9876. 3-7-22 immediately. 332-6187, after 5 management preferred. CAII Apartments man in Cedar lease starting Fall. $70 Village. 9 month 1 LARGE 4 man basement apartment, 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, 337-9031. 5-7-21 per month YWCA, 485-7201. 3-7-22 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South Call Dale three spaces canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and up. AIRPORT 489-4803 after 2:3C available. Cooking, NEAR. Furnished tpOLET 1961 Impela. Power TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, modern furnished. $15 Single adults, Clean and studio, utilities paid p.m. 3-7-22 close to campus, very reasonable. 1 year guarantee. DENNIS per week. quiet, private entrance DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 enng, automatic, 6 cylinder, 1967. Navy TEACHER NEEDED 489-7253. 10-7-24 $110 410 Park Lane. 332-2414 5-7-24 Ly battery. Excellent tires, $100 blue, good shape Best offer a month plus deposit 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man North Cedar, opposite City L. 337-1818. 3-7-23 351-1194. 3-7-23 St. John Vianney 627-5454. 4-7-23 YMCA — ROOMS for young Market. C-7-23 deluxe one bedroom, furnished men or WALKING DISTANCE to Junior High campus. apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 women. Membership privileges. VOKSWAGEN BUS 1963. Complete Social Studies for Efficiency apartment for graduate 1 OR 2 men needed for 3 or Parking, color TV, lounge, pool, LESLIE ORGAN amp, model yy NOVA 1969. Sharp student, $100 / month. 351-7283. man 337-0780. O 145. camper, guaranteed engine, needs Summer and/or Fall. gym. Phone Home or band use. Call llye Green. Black vinyl top, four grades 7 and 8. 487-5987 489-6501. 20-7-22 Jeff, paint. Must see. Steve Brecht, 2-7-22 between 12-2 p.m. or contact in 351-8291. 4-7-24 w p.70 fiberglas whitewalls on Call 1148 East Grand River. 3-7-21 313-232-8355. person, 711 Illy e wheels, and remaining Burcham, No. 2 SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and 3-7-23 SONY TAPE DECK, amplifier and fctory warranty. Must sacrifice. TEACHERS women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. VOLKSWAGEN OPENINGS various |il 482 8081. 6-7-24 1969, Bus. 7 fields, locations. Cline Teachers GIRL TO share spacious furnished MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 Any time - 372-1031. O receiver, Voice of Music, also tape passenger. Much fun. $1900. Marigold across from recorder, brand new. Call after 6 332-2116. 5-7-23 Agency, 129 East Grand River. ONE MAN to share large 4 bedroom apartment. Fall term. Downtown campus. p.m., 484-5846. 3-7-24 M960 $100, 351-0903. Call 3-7-21 Deluxe 2 man furnished L 5-7-27 house, with swimming pool, with Lansing. Own transportation. apartments. Now leasing for fall. For Sale two other professional type men. 372-7614. 3-7-22 VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1964. Rebuilt IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O engine, new exhaust system, $90/month. 482-2911. 3-7-23 POLICE MONITORS, Sonar WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony JaR 1967. Good condition, gas FR103 NEAR special sale model 530 stereo tape recorder. wide oval tires, best offer, heater, $900. 355-0886. 3-7-22 LOGAN Shopping Center. 1 $29.95 up plus a t 1064. 5-7-27 WEST BARNES, Clean 1 bedroom bedroom furnished, $125 Houses crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo SALES PEOPLE needed. All leads furnished apartment with 5558 South Pennsylvania tape recorders. 100 used 8 track VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Blue. garage monthly. 882-3772. 5-7-23 Avenue, Excellent condition. $1500. furnished. Car desirable. Also space. Utilities included in rent of REMODELED OLDER home for Lansing. C stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. \SS 1969. Excellent 745 some people needed for $130. Sorry no children or NEW MANAGEMENT rent: shag carpet, oak wood Cassette tape recorders. ition. Green Hurst, slots. Call Burcham, No. 45. 351-1673 travel. pets. Bay Colony Koss before noon. 5-7/21 Call 351-3700 for appointment. O 484 0497. 3-7-23 and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 paneling, stainless steel sink and ENCYCLOPEDIAS new sets, one Pro-4-A stereo head phones. full basement in town. $150 for children. Private Garrard turntables $25 up. ViVI bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD owner. EI-4865. 5-7-22 per SUMMER AND HASLETT, NEAR On month. Call 676-1905. 3-7-23 120 watt stereo receiver. part time - Haslett MANAGEMENT Gail Clusky, Sharp, IE DART Swinger, 1969. Scooters & Cycles employment with full - line Road nearly new, 1 bedroom, air 351-7910. O COMPANY, 372-8684 or SIMON REAL 30 watt stereo receiver with 000 miles. Best offer. 507 merchant wholesaler. Automobile conditioned WASHER speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker tt Road, 332-8288. 5-7-27 and carpeted. ESTATE, Okemos Branch, DRYER required. 655-2079. 3-7-23 COMBINATION. Sear's best set. 300 stereo albums 75c 351-5800 for UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to _ _3_5I".?26a 4-7-2! like model, Used up. information. O Student new, moving, S200. golf sets $14.95 up. New and JlaNE 1967. Perfect condition, WAVERLY SCHOOL District - 3 Union. available. 3 and 4 Fall leases FOR RENT — 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 332-1305. 4-7-24 used fans. Used TV sets S39.50 automatic, snowtires. New PART TIME work for man furnished. furnished house, study, large TRIUMPH 1969 Tiger 500. Excellent students. Car bedroom apartment, carpeted 35 1-3729. up. Realistic 55 watt stereo ikes, new battery, $800. necessary. Call HALSTEAD fenced in yard, near GARRARD SL-95, S75 or Pioneer condition, helmet included, $650 351-7319 for with full basement. 655-2079. MANAGEMENT University. amplifier. WILCOX 6-4115, 8 • 10 a.m., 6 - 8 p.m. interview. C COMPANY Occupancy September 1st June 3-7-23 351-7910. - PL-41, $80. Turntable and Fisher SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 351-7437.6-7-24 O 30th 1971, 184 Maplewood 700T amp $150. 351-3316. 3-7-23 Drive, Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 • FULL AND part time East Lansing 351-0296. 4-7-24 TRIUMPH help for new EAST LANSING 1007 BARR p.m.C |.ANE GT, 1967, 390, 4 speed, BONNEVILLE, 1969. fast food restaurant. East near campus. One bedroom, furnished. Large airy — 2 bedroom, DESK, EARLY American, mileage. Good condition. Perfect condition. $1100 or best Lansing unfurnished, $110. No children or ALLEGAN good area. Must be neat in rooms. Air pets. - FRESHLY painted, 3 condition, also assorted other b-4180. 5-7-23 offer. 351-5873. 3-7-21 and appearance conditioned. 332-3959, 882-5761. bedroom, $130/month items. 339-9379. 4-7-24 UNUSED 24 volume Encyclopaedia efficient. For appointment Beautifully maintained. Select 10-7-22 plus utilities and deposit. 485-0237 Britannica including HONDA 50. Needs tune up. Good call 484 4167. 3-7-23 clientele. Lease. matching 332-3135 or 3-7-23 ELECTRIC STOVE, excellent. S30. World Atlas, Webster Dictionary, running condition. New tires, $75. 882-6549. O 927 WEST Shiawassee Now 1 - Call 355-9926 American Literature Anthology, Phone 485-0815 after 2 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER room and $45/week piu"i EAST SIDE, near Sparrow bedroom, air - conditioned, SHARP FURNISHED for 4, 353-7148, days. 5-7-21 evenings or $245. 377-0031.4-7-21 4-7-24 board, live-in Hospital. security lock. Quiet. Near Capitol. One bedroom apartment furnished $70/person. Rec-room 489-8468 1969 Spider convertible. __351-6729. 3-7-23 or Unfurnished, $150. Furnished, 337-1181 6-7-28 unfurnished. Summer rates. $160. 332-3959, :ellent shape. $1500. 355-3890 COOK WITH experience 4 882-5761. p.m. - 11 351-5323.0 10-7-22 ^51-0355. 5-7-24 p.m. $2.40/hour. Apply in person BACHELOR PAD: big home in 3 ROOM upstair apartment. Adults town. Remodeled with orange t, 1966 convertible. New paint, 390 stick, $800. 694-0339 HARLEY SPRINT 250. Fine reasonable, must sell. bike, Call only. Private entrance. Utilities paid. Deposit, references. $115 a BEECHWOOD. furnished. Close 2 to bedrooms campus, shag carpet, dimmer light completely furnished, setup for control, Beautiful, 351-2128. 2-7-22 summer and fall leases. Inexpensive, r 5 p.m. 3-7-22 month. Phone 484-6684. 5-7-22 332-0965. two to four students. $230 per HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT month. Call Gail Clusky, 1968, 6 cylinder, standard 2 HONDA S90. Excellent condition. For Rent SMALL FURNISHED apartment, COMPANY, 351-7910.0 372-8684 or SIMON REAL $80 r, good condition, 45,000 is. $1000. 351-7164. 4-7-24 Call C-7-22 351-3613 or 351-7319. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Avenue. 5-7-22 per month. Call Duke, 211V4 MAC 351-9391. 1 AND summer 2 bedroom apartments, ESTATE, 351-2260 4-7-21 Okemos Branch Close by & and fall. Furnished monthly and term rates. Call |AR XKE Coupe 1969. 9,000 Excellent condition, CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national companies. Compare our rates. 351-7900 to UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C reserve yours. BAYFIELD APARTMENTS bedroom, central air conditioning, - 2 351-6586. 5-7-24 1 OR 2 term. girls needed $50 each. to finish summer After 6 p.m., Sociable ranty. Must sell. Gordon Hall, 2205 East Michigan, WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near 332-5320. 5-7-24 •8270 or 332-0540. 5-7-23 Lansing or carpeting, appliances, 505 Albert, East RENT A TV from a TV washing MSU. Spacious 2 Lansing, company. facilities, pool, near shopping and bedrooms, 484-8173. 0 $9.50 per month. Call carpeted, air conditioned. No lease HOUSE, ONE block from campus, 3 337-1300. bus. 393-4857. Mrs. Fulkerson. :URY CYCLONE 1966. 390, NEJAC TV RENTALS. C required, $165 per month. Phone bedrooms. Furnished. 351-6586 10-7-22 irrei, 4-soeed, dual axhauit, HONDA S90, 489-1719. TF 5-7-24 1968, excellent 0.882-3770. 1-7-21 condition. Knobby on the back. ED 2 0009.-3-7-22 MOBILE F85, 1965. Good V, excellent running condition, t sell immediately. Call Auto Service & Parts Your Fun in the Sun Location... Join the •3719. 4-7-24 MOBILE 1970 Vista Cruiser, 3 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Campus Hill Mob fully equipped, $3,900. Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. See our furnished model 1-1310. 3-7-22 Complete auto painting and colliilon service. IV 5-0256. C More than just a pad to hang your hat . . . because •/I0BILE there's lots of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that 1967, 88 hardtop, ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call takes you (5 round trips a day) from apartment door¬ iir, 31,000 miles, $1675. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY step to classroom eliminating parking problems, ex¬ pense and tardiness. Like: a romantic "social area" [•5963 evening. 3-7-22 SHOP. Small dents to large AC wrecks. American and with picnic tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read LEMANS convertible foreign 5. Very reliable. New cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. below for more features than you'll ever top, new get . . . Excellent 2628 East Kalamazoo. C and dig this from only $180 a month. . condition. Only . . . ■ Central Air 15. 332-0965. 3-7-22 AT MEL'S we repair all Condtioning ■ All Utilities included CAN be beautiful with the ' foreign and except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes American Cars. If we can't fix it, ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units t sporting goods you find in it can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen ■Want Ads. Check now. 0-7-20 featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer ■ Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and ■ Unlimited The wise, old sole Parking. - mender says: You can tell a man by his shoes. { Take a look at yours... Are you that kind of APARTMENTS a person? Come in today for clean - up and repair. On Grand River at Okemos Rd. Service "while - you • wait." Practically next door to Coral Gable PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR 501 E. Grand River CROSSWORD (Below Campus Drugs) 332-4074 MODEL NOW CLOSED ! K PUZZLE n business Anti Perspirant 67< or 1970-71 meeting to be held friends of mine in 627-293B.rC Wednesday, July 22, fi " 12 30 • the party who connections which affected his 5 oz. Reg. $1.09 . 2:30 p.m. in Room e been close to," Harlan said University position. International Center Cafeter a* at the time- Although Harlan was cleared ihe the and Harlan was first seated on the of board by Williams in 1957, Kelley said he could not the charges against him LISTERINE Breath A $1.00 Value Spray 69' appointed to replace resigning him for re-election to hesupport board S|S| Trustee William Baker. in 1968. Relief for Sunburn ONBORN $1.49 4 oz. Spray Can • rfj* YAT WAH VO 5 SHAMPOO 7 Ounces $1.15 Value 7 Restaurant on any order of two complete I THIS COUPON B COMPLEX With Vitamin C Muir's Bottle of 100 $2« | dinners, the lower priced dinner |G<" will be 1 It) Arr 1/2 OFF Re9u,H I Mond«»V-Thursday ALCOHOL Muir's 70% Isopropyl Pint Bottle just 21! HEAD and SHOULDERS DANDRUFF SHAMPOO YOUR CHOICE 29| NATURALLY $1.49 6 oz. bottle of lotion; $1.57 4.3 oz tube or $1.77 5 oz. jar. Helps to rid vour hair of dandruff. No limits on Dippity Do this special $1 FEMININE 8 oz. Jar Cepacol $1.25 Value, Now Just Mouthwash Hygiene Deodorant 77c mouthwash and bottle. gargle. 20« _ $2.25 Adorn $1 89 13 oz. Can Plus Free 'Kicky' Comb s1.29 MUIR'S COMPARISON SPECIAL! Compare Size! Price! Quality! DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT POWDER * Fast relief for hot, tender, tired feet. Helps to prevent athlete's foot by helping keep C3c feet dry. 3V2OZ. JJ Muir's SALAC FOOT POWDER A powder for application un the feet or in the shoes to give protection to the feet. Why pay 20c MORE for 1 Vi OUNCE LESS. BUY SALAC & SAVE! 5 OZ. 33£