At . . . Thursday MICHIGAN Fair any rate thoy seem to have STATE NEWS strangely forgetful of the been STATE UNIVERSITY |L fi3. Number 22 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24 Supreme Court requested to rule war unconstitutional WASHINGTON (AP) - The State of Additionally, the complaint said, the that Massachusetts servicemen may refuse as commander in chief or chief executive Massachusetts asked the Supreme Court state is suffering from inadequate funding combat duty in Vietnam unless there is a that would authorize the executive branch Wednesday to rule on the legality of the of important federal declaration of war by Congress. to commit the United States to fight in programs such as Vietnam war and to declare it urban renewal and mass transportation; Vietnam. unconstitutional. public morale has been impaired; and its Quinn's brief contends the President Without a declaration of war, the state representatives in Congress have been cannot use his constitutional power to Asked by a reporter about his own views, argued in a suit taken directly to the high unconstitionally deprived of an effective repel sudden attacks as legal authorization voice in war decisions. Quinn thought a moment and replied, court, the President has no right to send for massive military action in Vietnam. "The more research we do in the case, the hundreds of thousands of American The suit names Secretary of Defense Furthermore, the brief said, there is troops more convinced we are of our argument into combat in Southeast Asia. Melvin R. Laird as the defendant. The state nothing in the president's other powers that the Vietnam war cannot be conducted The suit was authorized law, designed to force such fhose incident to those in his role by a state law a court test, provides as by executive fiat." enacted last April. Atty. Gen. Robert H. Quinn said he bypassed the lower courts because "we want to get done quickly." "Also," he added in an interview, "we hope the suit will serve as a catalyst to UNION CASE prompt action by the legislative and executive branch." The Supreme Court has declined several times to hear appeals based on the contention that U.S. participation In the war is unconstitutional. Justice William 0. Douglas and Potter First witnesses heard Another By JEFF SHELER key witness, Jack Ostrander, three defendants from the case was Stewart have dissented from this refusal, State News Staff Writer asBt. manager of the Union, testified that, accepted. Lansing Police Chief Derold saying the legal issue should be settled by although he had asked the students to leave Husby, East Lansing Police Chief Charles the court. GRAND RAPIDS — In testimony before "on several occasions," he was unaware of Pegg and Ingham Sheriff Kenneth Before the state can obtain a judgment the U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids the impending arrests and thereby could Preadmore were excused from the case against the war, it must win the court's Wednesday, Ingham County Prosecutor not warn the students before the police when a defense attorney explained that permission to have the suit considered by Raymond Scodeller said that President actually arrived. men from their departments were not the justices. Wharton ordered the May 19 arrests of 132 involved in the arrests and were acting Quinn's brief said, "This court has students in the MSU Union. Attorneys for the students are seeking a under the orders of the Dept. of Public indicated in the past that it will not sidestep His testimony was one of several that permanent injunction of the charges on the Safety. Two felled a question merely because controversial and since this court is the it is concluded the second day of a hearing on a basis that the Union arrests were made "in bad faith." Leland Carr, defense attorney for the motion by attorneys for the students to University officials involved in the case, Two persons were overcome by what, at first, was thought to be a only body which can resolve the present A defense motion Wednesday to excuse gas stop the state from prosecuting trespass (please turn to page 11) leak near Kedzie Hall Wednesday. The construction site between Kedzie controversy definitively, it must do so." and loitering charges against the students. In an accompanying and Bessey Hall was roped off after two workers became complaint, the state The arrests came when the students, unconscious, said it has suffered a loss of human but investigators found that no gas leak existed and that a normal participating in a meeting of the resources in the death of about 1,300 amount of oxygen was lacking in the tunnel. State News photo by John Harrington Massachusetts men in Vietnam and the wounding of about 5,000 others. Committee to Abolish Racism, failed to leave the building at the 11 p.m closing time. Court postpones ruling Meanwhile, District Court Judge Noel Fox, who is presiding over the hearing, agreed to a temporary postponement of the trials of the arrested students until the on Newton bail request unemployment hits hearing is concluded. une Some trials had been scheduled to today. Scodeller said Wharton made the decision begin SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Supreme Court postponed indefinitely The California the jury. His attorney then asked the state Supreme Court to release Newton on bail. to have the students arrested at about Wednesday decisions on whether to The attorney general asked it to reinstate approve bail and a new trial for Huey P. the conviction. 11:30 p.m. two hours before the arrests Newton, who says he is directing the Black cent in Lansing area These were the items on the court's began. per Panther party towards world revolution calender Wednesday when it announced Attorneys for the 132 contend that the from behind prison bars. the postponement without comment. University did not "adequately warn" the Newton, 28, a cofounder of the militant Interviewed at the California Men's students that they would be arrested if Negro group, was sentenced to 2 to 15 Colony, a medium • security prison near According to U.S. News and World about 300 persons from May to June, they did not leave the buildine. By DARYL WALLACE years in September. 1968 for the fatal San Luis prior to the court decision, Report, 650,000 students, or one in four, according to MESC. Scodeller said in similar situations in the will be without jobs for the entire summer. The worst is not over,Fletcher shooting on Oct. 28,1967, of John Frey, a Newton said his thought centers constantly said, white Oakland past students had been given at least five policeman. He was on the revolution which he is convinced Employment figures for June, released since August is generally the month of the minutes warning before arrests were made, convicted of voluntary manslaughter. If you will come in his lifetime. are having trouble finding a Thursday, show a six per cent highest unemployment. mmer but that he is "unaware" of any such The State District Court of Appeals last job, you may find some unemployment rate in the Lansing area, May 21 ordered "It will ' ion in the fact warning given to students at the Union a new trial, saying there be a world revolution." he that you're not the highest for the month since 1961. The (please turn to page 11) May 19. were errors in the judge's instructions to declared. "The police regime, the 1.3 per cent increase over the Pentagon, is too powerful for it to be unemployment rate for May is due largely defeated on a national level to students seeking summer employment, ... All indications are that it will be violent according to Carol Fletcher of the Michigan AFTER TWO KILLINGS conflict, judging from the activities of this a DA reports Employment Security Commission (MESC). Fascist government." Newton asserted that as minister of Through winter term, the MSU defense he still is directing the Panthers. Lawrence quiet, tense Placement Bureau had handled 800 more FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has labelled ontaminated jobs in the MSU area than the previous year. As of this month, however, it has handled 500 fewer than in the same period the group America's most dangerous organization, responsible for much of the i cities and colleges. last year. ood products Last fall 9,500 summer job offers from across the country were received by the By JEANNE SADDLER State News Associate Editor According account. to Dowdell Brandstiter's left the town's unofficial black The officer who killed Dowdell was relieved of duty but is still on salary with An explosion at the Credit Bureau Bldg. washington (ap> a confidential Placement Bureau. But many, particularly cultural center, The Afro House, with a girl the police force. "vi and Drug — Administration report cites in business and industry and government, four blocks from the Univerrsity of Kansas Thursday night. As the couple drove Candidates were retracted due to the current economic campus in Lawrence, Tuesday night, "jouse found cake in a loaf of bread and a through the town, policemen began The following weekend a policeman was ooach in a situation. By June, only about 4,000 jobs marked the seventh night of violence in chasing the car, which the girl was driving. as examples of serious wounded by sniper fire. The MSU Professional Educators for remained open, mostly in camps and that small town where two youths, one When she attempted to turn into an alley ■J"*. problems in the food resorts. black and one white, have been killed in and over - shot it, Dowdell reportedly Peace ends its "Meet the Candidates" series today with a guest appearance the past week. Monday night, the disturbance began on ^?.ra'y halted fo°d inspectors nevertheless surveillance between Last year students held more than 16,000 jobs on campus but "the campus The area was generally quiet except for jumped out and was then shot and killed. Brandstiter said there had been shots Oread Avenue near the university where by Republican gubernatorial candidate April the students, mainly "white radicals incensed James C. Turner. has been greatly affected by budget explosions, Dennis Brandstiter, fired into a local school building earlier -0.j. "ecause of shortage of money, allocations," William Macleod, director of publications editor for the university, told that over Dowdell's killing," according to Turner, who will Gov. -nn'pnf0 the rePort being circulated day, but police (id not say why they were oppose "8 FDA student employment, said. Most the State News Wednesday afternoon. Brandstiter, began setting small fires in Milliken in the Republican Primary for officials. chasing Dowdell. Wire service reports said bushes and trash cans. They also turned on 0 of The violence began one week ago when FDA's 17 districts reported that departments have the same budget as last police were conducting an "investigation of governor, will appear in Erickson Kiva a fire hydrant before police came. every three food firms inspected year, but, since pay scales have increased, police shot and killed Rick Donald reports of sniper firing." Police at first at 11:30 a.m. most departments had no money left for Dowdell, a 19 - year - old University of claimed that Dowdell was killed in an summer. MSU employment dropped by Kansas black student. (please turn to page 11) exchange of gunfire. (please turn to page 11) Justice of military Defendants in minor cases as well as major ones have the right and Spec. 4 Robert W. T'Souvas, also charged with murder, claim wants to courts-m bar as evidence information he might give military -torv ! N *AP) ~ More perhaps than ever before in U.S. to a free lawyer and military defendants are permitted to enlisted men are being used as scapegoats in an attempt to doctors during a psychiatric examination. lied i'ni Just'ce in the military system of justice has been interview all witnesses before trial. whitewash Army and government policy. These are not the only touchy legal issues emanating from the J outJ? q"estion- Major challenges have developed both inside Still, the challenges to the system are multiplying. Some major Vietnam war. d2 he Vietnam war context. ones are these: Command influence Calley, for one. is challenging the right of the Army to hold keth. nn^ny,recent reforms, the system is under severe stress. CALLEY: In U.S. District Court in Washington lawyers for Lt. MITCHELL: In U.S. district court in Austin, Tex., lawyers for soldiers past their discharge date to court • martial them. t ation s campuses, It is feeling the strains of the Vietnam William L. Calley Jr. have moved for dismissal of charges that he Sgt. David Mitchell also are using the arguments of "command murdered more than 100 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. influence" and that the Constitution guarantees civilian trials hethenfo ,^estion confronting military and civilian courts is Calley's lawyers argue that Army officers who would judge him when there has been no declaration of war. Code classification No I** ldler" defendant can get a fair trial. would be influenced by public statements of high officials, Mitchell has been charged with assault with intent to murder The military code classifies the killing of noncombatants as uglas han authority than Supreme Court Justice William O. including President Nixon. The commander in chief has described civilians at My Lai. murder. The Army is certain to have trouble defining ,inewithS(uCOn.cluded courts-martial "tire singularly inept in the incident as a "massacre." noncombatants in legal terms. 'n contw. » n'ce subtleties of constitutional law." Since the Vietnam war is undeclared, Calley questions the HERROD: In the U.S. Court of Military Appeals in Washington Beyond Vietnam, military justice is being tested in several ■""sphere Dou8las said, civilian trials are "held in an authority of the military to try him at all. He seeks a hearing lawyers.for Marine Pvt. Randall D. Herrod are attacking the court major cases. Among them: ^fender/°fn(*UC've to t'le Protection of individual rights." before a civilian grand jury and a civilian trial by jury. - martial system head-on. RELFORD: In the Supreme Court lawyers for Isiah soldier convicted of raping another soldier's sister and Relford, a al to anH - military system say that in many respects it Is TORIES: In a three • judge federal court in Atlanta lawyers for They say the court - martial process deprives defendants of the an airman's of ik 'ln ct' superior to civilian courts in protecting the Sgt. Esequiel Torres are arguing he could not receive a fair trial in right to be tried by a jury of their peers and of protection against wife, seek to strip military courts of authority over peacetime They accused. any military court because of "command influence" from the self - Incrimination. on-base crimes. -foeaSl' for sample, that a soldier or sailor under President on down. Charged with the murder of Vietnamese civilians, Herrod wants Their contention is servicemen as well as other citizens have the Cnnw1 jS allowed to consult a lawyer long before a 1964 Torres, accused of murdering at least four Vietnamese civilians,. right to a jury trial in a civilian court for crimes that are without decision gave this right to civilians. the jury to be selected at random, without recard to rank, and military 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 23 . news Murninghan By United Press International Police late Tuesday refused to disclose the cause of death and of former Lansing Mayor Max E. rural area south of here Monday. Police Chief Derold Husby said A team servic special 16-man investigating formed to look into grieving, was ordeal was over. almost relieve a ™ summary Murninghan, was kidnaped July was Funeral services scheduled the results of an her death, shifting emphasis "1 hate to say are autopsy on the 9 by a gunman who held up her body had been there a it, but wh. , today for Laurie Murninghan, 16 year - old girl's - body, saying Gallagher's Gift Shop on "considerable length of time," from the massive search that visited them there wasasSlj IS of AP and UPI. whose part - time job clerking in the information should known only to the killer and be Lansing's West Side, pistol - and said identification was by followed her disappearance. relief that at least and waiting is over the T ^ an antique shop led to her whipped the owner and took dental X-rays. Her white blouse, A minister said the kidnaping and death following a police. $60. Her badly decomposed red belt and blue skirt were torturing doubts of 'wh " $60 robbery. Miss Murninghan, the daughter body was found in a swampy, found inches from her body. Murninghan family, although Laurie was being harm!!* Rabbi Philip three Frankel,onS clergymen Wh0 , together Day "They (the students) are sick a $16,500 reward fi and tired of having their campuses as sanctuaries for rock - throwing care center for Laurie's safe "I imagine that no return, said one n0«, radicals or revolutionaries." eligible (for the Frankel reS final said. "Max planning Was in emphatic in providing that! Tii - State Sen. Robert J. Huber, should be paid for the R-Troy Laurie alive." returJ01 (Story this page) A of East Lansing future. Services were on group in the The proposed scheduled for 1 parents, most of whom are independent elementary "free p.m. at the Central Methoi University students and faculty school" would provide children Church. Frankel ik members, are in the final with a continuing child Murninghan told him he « planning stages for conducting a centered approach to education, going to ask the official child day care center in the fall. and a largely self - structured clergymen, the Rev. Howan International News The nonprofit corporation, pursuit of knowledge. Lyman, to quote during t| called the Paul Goodman Smith said that the day care eulogy from the Simon a Community Day Care Center, center will charge each enrolled Garfunkel song, "Bridge 0 The Greek government bowed to Arab commando will open weekday morning child $150 tuition per term in Troubled Water." demands and freed seven Arab prisoners Wednesday to sessions in September if order to pay for a salaried staff It was a favorite gain the release of 53 passengers held hostage seven adequate community response worker, building rental and Murninghan'sdaughter. the rate hours on a hijacked Greek airliner. develops. insurance costs and other said. The plane then flew to Cairo. Gordon Smith, director of the services. The stanza reads: The commandos refused a reported offer from program, said that the group The group has scheduled a "Sail on silver girl, sail on b« plans to enroll about 25 children meeting on Thursday, July 30, Your time has come to Aristotle Onassis. the airline owner, to turn himself over shii* from three years old through in the East All your dreams are on as a hostage during the negotiations Lansing Public tli at the Athens airport. kindergarten age in the day care way. Library at 8 p.m. for any parents center. interested in See how they shine. enrolling their Israeli warplanes struck at Egyptian military targets The day care center will be licensed by the state and will be children for the fall. Anyone interested in the program should Lobbying If you need a sailing right behind. friend, I', along the 103-mile Suez Canal Wednesday. located in the East Lansing area, call Marilyn Uleman or Gordon Student groups get their message across to freshmen early by handing out literature to Like a bridge over troublei Cairo said the Israeli Air Force, which has been Smith said. Smith. orientation freshmen as they exit Olin Health Center after getting chest x-ray«. water, I will ease your mind." The day care center will offer striking at SAM missile sites along the waterway daily children a chance to pursue their for more than three months, sent 54 jets into the attack. own interests and structure their End own learning experiences while National News Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel has asked the Justice Dept. to prosecute industries discharging having adult guidance. Smith said that the group is encouraging parents to get involved with learning in the day their children's care center In Bv DAVE SHORT trustee Ll 4 . control--Huber "At least you mercury, a poisonous element into waterways, it was v^ou.c.p.cltl«,. sJLmSSSm» Zir^n'u. VuSST your senators know some of and enforcement officials be given the needed tools to mount a further from the truth," Huh argued. disclosed Wednesday. A spokesman for the Justice Dept. agreed that his canUr hope"'™ expand?? Into™ control Republican gubernatorial' representatives. You don't know the trustees from the three major drive against organized crime and drug trafficking. "Outalde of Vietnam, the seven problems listed ,(b nt major universities," Huber said Mrs. Romney, speaking before college students In the state) si department has received "some referrals" for Hickel, during an hour interview session a group of 100 Baptist ministers local problems." but said there had been decision yet on the action no TO AID POLICE on Lansing's WITL radio and their wives in Detroit, urged Huber said that the state that would be taken. station's Party Line program. passage of the Nixon students want a "tough "We ought to let the administration's crime bills. president In their universities. anew New York City's eight million residents were faced Wednesday with the spector of power shortages, Ford fund e legislature have more control because the legislature, at least, is more responsive to the Huber was highly critical of the heading present the administrators state's major "They (students) are sick u tired of having their campuieii sanctuaries for rock • throwh after a huge Queens generator broke down for the second citizens," he said. universities. radicals or revolutionaries." NEW YORK (AP) - The Ford The Ford Foundation trustees effectiveness," Bundy said. Huber indicated that the "Some of the presidents of the The students want summer in a row. A smaller unit has been out of service Bundy stressed that police legislators don't have enough Foundation announced decided to establish the fund, major state universities have said legislature to take action to since micUMay. Wednesday the establishment of Bundy said, to encourage departments throughout the control over departmental that the problem (of the care of the universities, Huh nation were meeting with greater spending within a university. students) are really national Indicated but he added that "1 , The twin failures cut Consolidated Edison's, capacity an independent $30 • million innovative ideas for greater "If we were dissatisfied with a to generate power by 15 per cent and left it with much grant • making agency to aid police efficiency which would problems In law enforcement problems. Nothing could be course, we haven't." and the administration of liberal arts college In less than enough current at hand to match peak police in meeting Increasing law not be met by federal anticrime a demands of the past. enforcement problems. funds. The funds will be justice. university, as we surely should Three types of grants will be be and if we wanted to cut McGeorge Bundy, foundation distributed over a five Ebony magazine run . . . ■ year made by the new agency, Bundy them off, we could reduce the president, said the new agency, period, he said. the Police Development Fund, "We hope that the Police said. Large grants for major lump sum of the payments to a Stock market prices closed sightly higher Wednesday will be governed by a board of Development Fund will be a reforms will go to police university," he pointed out. after directors headed by former major instrument to which departments In three or four "But (under the present pulling back from a strong midsession rally. Trading was moderately active. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks rose Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. It police departments can look for cities; smaller grants for a broad set-up), the university could will be baaed In Washington. help in improving their range of police functions In 10 eliminate a medical school, or 12 smaller cities and grants engineering school ... and still 6-page Wharton stor 2.60 points to 724-67. for selective policy education. give the liberal arts school The July Issue of Ebony magazine Includes a six • page text' IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. . . Bundy said the money would money." and pictures feature on President Wharton. not be used for increased Meanwhile, Mrs. Lenore The article chronicles Wharton's experiences prior to coming to The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has manpower, modern equipment Romney, Huber's opponent in the University and describes the work of the All • University JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT or police science programs In the Search and Selection Committee which suggested Wharton for unanimously approved a motion calling on public health upcoming senatorial universities. primary, urged Tuesday that law president. officials to ban sale of 1971 automobiles in California is cued to your campus needs and we will be Also sketched are some of Wharton's duties and experiencesu until they are equipped with adequate smog prevention president. devices. pleased to accept your application for a The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Pictures show the president meeting with the Administrate Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, who introduced the motion University, is published every class day during four school group (vice presidents and high • level University executives), Jacobion Charge Account Identification terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. earlier this week said it was "the only way to bring talking with students, chatting with former president John Subscription rate is $14 per year. Hannah, speaking from the Union steps during the February General Motors, Ford and Chrysler to their knees " Card. Your personal account number disturbances and addressing the Detroit Economic Club. Member Associated Press, United Press International, will speed your purchases and give you Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Michigan News greater shopping convenience Association, United States Student Press Association. Son of ex-tr Apply for yours soon. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Attorneys for Consumer Power Co., have asked the Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, is company Atomic Energy Commission's safety and licensing board Michigan. Former MSU trustee C. Allen officer and/or director of sever for permission to test the Palisades Nuclear Plant on Phones: affiliated and subsidisi Harlan, D-Southfield, is not the Lake Michigan, while conservationists continued in Editorial 355-8252 president of Harlan Electrical companies. opposition. Classified Advertising 355-8255 Construction Co., as reported In The elder Harlan was t R.C. Youngdahl, senior vice president, told the resumed licensing hearing that if testing was completed by Aug. 7, the giant facility on Lake Michigan near Jacabsoris Display Advertising Business-Circulation Photographic . . . . 353-6400 355-3447 355-8311 the State News M. Tuesday. It is the ex-trustee's son, John previous president of Electric Co. and also various positions with Harli Harlan, who is a vice affiliated and subsidiary P" South Haven would be ready for full loading of nuclear president and director of the The elder Harlan fuel by Aug. 21. company. Harlan is also the announced candidate for " The conservation groups contend the heated water president and a director of the Democratic nomination as» Harlan Electric Co. and an discharges from the Palisades plant would endanger MSU trustee. aquatic life in Lake Michigan. Antitrust laws should be administered differently to a Hobie is a whole meal. encourage company pooling of information in safety and pollution control fields, a Chrysler Corp. vice president has said. Introducing a used car guarantee without any eld Qold Fashion OriqiTials One of my subs contains everything "Perhaps, when the probable result of cooperation "y°u pay half, we pay half" nonsense. New . . . from Gold Fashion Originals... romantic engagement and needed for a between competing companies is the saving of lives and wedding rings with the cherished antique look. We call them Most used balanced meal- the the improvement of people's health and well - being, car dealers sell their cars with 50-50 Romantique . . . rings for young people who like their individuality. the antitrust laws should be changed or re-interpreted or guarantees. You know the deal: if anything goes good for lunch, PRICED FROM $150 wrong, you pay half the cost of parts and labor. dinner, & snacks administered differently to encourage meaningful Well, our guarantee doesn't work that way. When cooperation and information - sharing among competing we guarantee a car we guarantee the repair or re¬ companies," Alan Loofbourrow said. placement of all major mechanical parts* for 30 days or 1000 miles. No charge for parts. Labor. Anything. (We don't give our cars a guarantee until all the Mrs. Lenore Romney, candidate for the Republican things that need fixing get fixed.) It saves us—and you—time and money U.S. Senate nomination, said Wednesday that years of in the long run. "diddling by the Democrats" had made the federal government less responsive to the will of the people. # "After more than a decade of diddling by the DINE-IN & CARRYOUT Democrats," she said, government has become more GLENN HERRIMAN VOLKSWAGEN, INC. 930 TROWBRIDGE RD. remote and its elected representatives less 6135 W. SAGINAW ST 211 M.A.C. AVE. responsive as LANSING, MICHIGAN 48917 "men like Phil Hart recklessly spend your PHONE 482-6226 generating program after program." dollars, Lansing's Smallest Volkswagen Dealer 319 E.Grand River East Lansing, Mich. 351-3800 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 23, 1970 3 3 cite Collins as man on cycle ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Three EMU in Ypsilanti, is charged 1969, leaving a wig shop and attractive young women that she was about a half mile square, rear view mirror and pointed with first - degree murder in the climbing on the back of a - Washtenaw County Circuit out John from the wig shop when "he Norman Collins 18 - year - old Miss Beineman s motorcycle driven by a young was wearing off - white levis and Wednesday as the motorcycle - came up on a motorcycle and Judge John Conlin ruled that de»th- man. earlier witnesses said. horizontally striped, bluish riding stranger who approached The five - foot, 108 - pound started to talk to me" at about green and yellow t-shirt, she any testimony about Collins them Sandra Harrera told the jury of noon. said. trying to pick up girls was shortly before the Miss Beineman was last seen seven men and seven women on disappearance of the coed Collins "definitely" was riding irrelevant and would around 12:30 July 23, the third day of Collins1 trial not be Collins is charged with a motorcycle with a prominent In the absence of the jury, admitted. murdering. Despite court instructions to EE A the contrary, one of them - a tall, long - haired blonde - said FEARS REPRESSION Collins tried to pick her up. The others — Mary Thompson and Eileen Gale — said they were in ACLU founder the area that Collins' alleged victim entered shortly after he rode up to them and engaged them in brief conversations. All three said they were shown NEW YORK (AP) - Photographs of Collins by police Roger the whole Bill of Rights for people had been stopped from 1969 it claimed Baldwin, who helped found the everybody." 140,000 and undermines our own before he was arrested but their doing what they wanted to do — members from all over the American Civil Liberties Union The ACLU to civilization. . . identifications were not based was formed, criticize the war or the 50 years ago, says the nation is country. National policy is set "The second thing that is more on the Baldwin said, "in response to a government or be pacifists — by the board of directors and Study stu subsequent photographs or news pictures. generally terms of more liberal today in very practical situation. So many that somebody had to defend local affiliates decide on their persistent really than anything else belongs in the same politics, morals and them because all they were own what cases to become Pickering, left, a member of the admissions, Four other young women religion. category: that is to suppress doing was exercising their involved in. Most of the ideas and doctrines that you rocedures and standards subcommittee of the Presidential testified they saw the former Baldwin, 86, was one of a citizen's rights." Eastern small attorneys who work for the hate in the field of morals. ^mission on Admissions and Student Body Michigan University group, including Norman Baldwin served as a volunteer ACLU are unpaid volunteers. student along the route Karen "Abortion is one of the recent )mposition, and David Hershey, a staff specialist on Thomas, Felix Frankfurter, director of the American Union Here are some of Baldwin's Sue Beineman had to walk to get Helen Keller and Clarence examples — the liberalizing of Ldmissions, were among persons attending the to her against Militarism, a pacifist views: abortion laws. You destination — a Darrow, who gathered in 1920 organization, until 1918 when run up Subcommittee's meeting on transfer and community college downtown Q. What do you see as the against a terrific resistance when wig shop in to form a "permanent, national, he was sent to prison for (tudents Wednesday. State News photo by John neighboring Ypsilanti. nonpartisan organization with refusing induction into the greatest threats to civil liberties you're doing that — the Harrington Collins, 23, a former the today? resistance of people who don't senior at single purpose of defending armed forces. A. "There are two or three want to see things done a new After his release from jail, great threats. The natural way and who think that freedom Baldwin and some of his fellow instinct of people to suppress is somehow or other involved anel examines transfer, pactifists turned to the wider what they fear and what they with license and with anarchy field of civil liberties and hate. Now, we're trying to fight and disorder . . . founded the organization that a world war against communism "The third threat is the was to become a major voice in aiid eventually we've got to inequality in American life of defending people of all political reconcile the two halves of the minorities ... If you occupy an beliefs in court actions. world But a lot of people . . . inferior status in a society — The ACLU is a private won't come around to that view because of your race you can't je ommunity college students admission procedures and chose areas in which to prepare Robert H. Named Strotz, 47, dean of organization, chartered by New York State and supported by contributions ,At the end of because they hate the idea of reconciling themselves with a doctrine that they think attacks get a job, you can't get a house, you aren't can't get recognition — you a full citizen." isolate the key issues involved in colleges for failing to make the idards subcommittee lissions and Student Body of the brief reports for the next lidential Commission on meeting, scheduled for Aug. 4. The reports will describe those areas. The subcommittee will present a report to the full commission education readily available to everyone in their particularly minority groups. area, College of Arts and Sciences University, at was Northwestern named Summer- term musicians hpositlon Wednesday procedures In admission and early In September, which will president of the university "They should be going down Jnined the role of community recruitment of students on the make tentative Monday to succeed J. Roscoe 'Elijah' to (disadvantaged areas) and Kges and transfer students. Immittee members also undergraduate, transfer levels and graduate and attempt to recommendations commission's consideration. for the saying, 'You can go to college If you want to,' " he said, "but Miller who was chancellor 15 months ago. named to stage program At the meeting Wednesday, they're not." AP Wirephoto Richard Hensen of the The MSU summer term Chorus talented high school musicians associate professor of music, |adicaIs stealing Admissions Office outlined the and Orchestra will present the attending MSU's four • week C0ntralt0i and David Hoiwerda, entire first part of Mendelssohn's University's general criteria and procedures transfer for students admitting from Boys' Nation "Elijah" at 8:15 Falrchild Theatre. p.m. tonight in Youth Music on Campus session. The role of Elijah will be sung by Harold Price, bass. Other tenor " 'Elijah,' » Jones points out, oneJ f th b f . k ' community colleges and other wlolsts will include Cynthia The performance, which Is £ Hand's lilitary oratori« four - year schools. E.L. youth open to the public without Parfltt, soprano; Ethel Armellng, next weapons in Hensen said the determining major factors admissions include the length of transfer The student council president charge, will be conducted by Gomer LI. Jones, professor of 'Messiah.' time a student has spent at the of East Lansing High School was state's Boys' State on the basis music, LIEBERMANN'S [ASHINGTON (AP) - Large - le Thefts from Army posts in of leadership, citizenship and The 80-voice chorus and thefts of U.S. military California have other Institution, whether he has elected president Tuesday in the "demonstrated qualities." included 40-piece orchestra will Include ■itions bound for Vietnam machine guns and completed the basic courses 25th anniversary session of (fed the arsenals of violence lone revolutionary bands in dynamite seized originally from the private (University College equivalents) American Legion's Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. MSU students as well as the We Found them in Denmark! arms cache of an eccentric and major prerequisites, the lfornia, investigating Senators millionaire, the Senate program taken at the other David R. Bruegel, 17, son of k told Wednesday. investigations subcommittee was school and the program at MSU Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Bruegel, told. to which he is seeking admission. defeated a candidate from Charles A. O'Brien, The previous grade point Indianapolis, lnd., by a close 51 |DS rally California's attorney chief deputy general, testified Investigators do not know the average is not a major determining factor, he said. "In general, a student who to 49 vote. held At Michigan's Boys' State, during June at MSU, graduates from a community Breugel was appointed as begin extent of arms thefts from college with a 2.0 can go on to a executive secretary to the military cargoes. "There's a market now for four year college in Michigan," • governor of Boys' State. He was he said. Hensen pointed out that also campaign chairman of the grenades and they're stealing the Aud. staff," testified said O'Brien, who there California has depending schools is some variation, upon the Individual Nationalist ticket he Boys'Nation. ran on party, the same for president at experienced 20 bombings and departments in week ___ _ .. . _ a _ MSU Students for ■ocratlc Society (SDS) will a for the past two months. question. Boys' Nation delegates are STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average Often thefts from military Hensen criticized community from boy. in w « "Fight Racism" rally cargoes go unnoticed, he said. evoryday ro|uctant tipper _/ at 3:30 p.m. on the But thefts from California's 800 N. Homsr at E. Saginaw ntar Frandor Shopping Center ■jtorlum steps. T>S has military posts where munitions focused the rally are stored are also common, he lnd the themes of "Support > 7 rebellions" and "Free Seale." The group li O'Brien testified thieves stole machine guns, dynamite, rifles, : Hair Sty J for support of three pistols and ammunition and Jindi ■oyment for - year . roun(i explosives from a private 70-ton Where can you get the housing •rtJoners arrested Pled revolt." everybody, arsenal. and freedom for during the Just last weekend, he said, thieves broke Into a munitions by P >r rallying storage at the Presidio of 50114 E. Grand River Ave. East at the area Lansing HIGHEST RATE , prlum, SDS plans to picket California and stole 300 sticks of ^ii Michigan F'lce administration school, dynamite and other explosives V en East Lansing police that had been part of the F wd court houie. Thoresen arms cache. of return on any type MICHIGAN'S We haven't seen leather like this in years! Full bodies . . . FINEST and tanned to a rich natural golden tan carefully stitched by of bank . . . MOST COMPLETE savings? European craftsmen . casual elegance. Our own Import fabulous price for such quality. . . styled with a direct, no-nonsense brings them to you at a CAMPING TOTE BAG 14" x 11" x 6" AT A6 H OF COURSE! Sporthaus GRAND RAPIDS No other bank offers interest account on or any higher rates of type of savings certificate of deposit LANSING A.B.& T. Is the place to save no | Wealthy at Lake Dr. E. Michigan at question about itl ... Foster TENTS - PACKS - FRAMES - BOOTS FOODS - SLEEPING BAGS KEEP OUR EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River CAMPGROUNDS CLEAN DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington' MICHIGAN AL CAPP STATE ME" 'S UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD The dil emma of Dogpatch vs. D.Q editor-in-chief The arrival of Ted Kennedy created a we laughed a lot. A few months later, a the Hitler Youth. I said it The kids in charge of the banquet said seemed tom. I FREDERICK J. LESLIE genuine excitement in the ballroom that huge, hatless youth stepped up to me in the excitement was running so high they'd more sane - or safe - to divide A advertising manager made the theatricalities of his advance Logan Airport, in Boston, thrust out his decided to change the order of the man, advisers and claque seem unnecessary hand, and said, rather shyly: "We HAVE and somehow degrading. I'd met him twice program; the presentation of awards to KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor met, Mr. Capp — at one of Arthur And I said I couldn't before. come later, and the Kennedy - Capp agree with o. LARRY LEE, city editor Schlesinger's parties. I'm Ted Kennedy ..." statements to come immediately. Kennedy on another issue: that The first time was at a party In the JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Washington, years ago, celebrating Arthur We didn't meet again for years until the One of the Kennedy entourage asked if way to preserve free speech for all make Spiro Agnew shut JS one more change could be made. On the up. But ] Schlesinger's departure from the Johnson other night at the Young Adult Congress irresistible as was the idea administration. Art Buchwald and I were banquet in that Boston hotel ballroom. program the senator was scheduled to of 'ru The speak first. against Sen. Kennedy, there were joint masters of ceremonies. Writing this, it meeting would have been as thousand newspapers that Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award unremarkable as the other two, if, in the I could understand the sense of changing expected occurs to me that there wasn't anyone for outstanding journalism. that. After I made my announcement, it keep "Li'l Abner" running, some 200 n present that night, who, today, wouldn't preceding week, the press hadn't been full celebrate my departure from the planet. of rumors that I'd been urged to run would give Kennedy a chance .to respond. stations that expected me to keep mvd! "The rumor," I said, "that I am commentary show running, and (Where did I go wrong?) against Kennedy, for his Senate seat, by EDITORIALS I remember that I was surprised that Massachusetts Republicans. I'd told the considering seeking public office has increasing number of papers that exnec Kennedy seemed so much warmer a press I hadn't made up my mind, but that started other rumors. The one that hurts me most in liberal circles is that I am a flag me to keep this column those commitments must be running. AndtSJ honored Idea of bomb personality and so much more Instantly likeable than his brothers. I remember that on the night of the banquet I'd make an announcement. - waver. that A1 There's a smear campaign going on Capp would rather see our flag And so, honored as I was confidence of those who felt 1 by a could m being waved than being burned. And it's against Sen. Kennedy, I could not run true. The senator began with the ritual Sob threatens 'right run "It's true, too, that I have been against Sen. Kennedy by those who urged to Agnew joke. "It really Is a pleasure to appear ou feel that one household word should be same platform with Mr. Capp. There £ been a good deal of talk The award for Repressor of the than enough laws already on the opposed by another household word, and lately that It Week goes to Chairman Charles books - like those pertaining to Siragusa of the Illinois Crime murder - to take care of bombers. Investigating Commission. In Secondly, for Siragusa's restriction testimony before Senate of information plan to work, it investigators Tuesday, Siragusa urged would be necessary to remove every that official federal publications on It's true, too, that I have been urged to article and book on demolition from explosive making be restricted. He every library and bookshelf in the run against Senator Kennedy by those further recommended that new nation. who feel that one household word should federal laws be initiated to restrict be opposed by another household word, The people of this nation have a sales of explosives and to punish and you can't deny that ihere isn't a constitutional right to know - it is violators who "illegally cause damage household in Massachusetts that doesn't only when they act that it may of life, limb or property." have a word for Ted Kennedy. Or for me. become the business of government. We will not disagree with Mr. If we carry Mr. Siragusa's premise Siragusa on the licensing part of his to a logical extreme, it would seem proposal. Considering that in many reasonable to ban "The Naked and places it is much easier to buy the Dead" because it shows how to you can't deny that there isn't a household Capp is thinking of running for the U.SI explosives than to purchase beer or in Massachusetts that doesn't have a word Senate. If he wants to run, I welcome hi fight a war. Or "Tropic of Cancer" for Ted Kennedy. Or for me." to the contest. But I must admit 1 hi cigarettes, there is no argument that because it demonstrates how to I said that the prospect of a debate with some misgivings about his candidacy, nl federal controls would be a good . . . well, Sen. Kennedy was irresistible, and on any can assure you that being a senator leu you get the idea. thing. Our skepticism, rather extends issue since there wasn't any issue I could time for little else (there was a lonelai. to his other two proposals. Hopefully, so will Chairman rightly agree with him on. Even the issue from somewhere in the ballroom, and alal In the first place, there are more Siragusa and the Senate investigators. he and I, as people, represented — the of dirty looks). So it becomes a question J generation gap. I said I didn't agree with priorities. Do we, as a nation, wanttf Sen. Kennedy that those with the smooth sacrifice A1 Capp to politics? Do w skin of youth — like his — were idealists, to lose Li'l Abner, Daisy Mae i Coalition plan and those with wrinkled skin of age — like mine —were reactionaries. Some of the Moonbeam McSwine? Is one vote in a be of 100 senators enough to make us tu our backs on ALL the people of DogpatcHj greatest idealists of our century were those In a Monday news conference rule of the anti - Communist elite with wrinkled skin: Gandhi, Schweitzer, I think not. I think A1 Capp can do MORl uncannily reminiscent of President and denied any chance of there being "My Spiro Agnew watch doesn't keep very good time . . but when I wind Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some of the most for Massachusetts and for his country ij Thieu's appearance on Face the a popularly elected coalition it up it says things like 'effete,' 'eunuch,' 'snobs"... " Neanderthal reactionaries were those with leaving Lil Abner alive, and 1 hope youfl smooth skin: George Lincoln Rockwell, join me in making sure he does." Nation, President Nixon stated that government in South Vietnam. he would not accept an "imposed" The United States cannot use its coalition in South Vietnam. The troops in the Asian theater much possibility of a post-war coalition longer without causing further OUR READERS' MIND which would include Communists ruptures on the home front. Thus was not ruled out provided it could the Nixon Doctrine - As Amended "be worked out by the people . . . - seems to call for a strong and and the elected representatives and friendly regime in South Vietnam elected leaders of South Vietnam." It is very difficult to understand, however, how the now - outlawed that Washington. will continue the Obviously abandoned in all of this war for Rules disorder ideas of order' Communist party could have any is the original American battle cry of chance of making an honest showing "freeing the Vietnamese from To the Editor: about the "rules snd regulations" that allowed in the pool area. I was a little regulations and prohibitions seems to be! in elections supervised by rabid anti - foreign influence." Gone also are the I am a foreigner, visiting at MSU this usually hold for pools, we equipped not disappointed, but it was not that summer, and this moming my family and I national pastime, and though the !oaT Communists Ky and Thieu. precepts of establishing democracy only ourselves and the older girl, but even important, and having put on my bathing population is probably quite used to it M had an experience which I wanted to share the two year • old with a bathing suit and There is still debate for that and freedom in Southeast Asia. • suit, I stepped outside to join the rest of now, It Is hard to believe that after 2fl with your readers, not just because sharing a cap, thus respecting local custom, matter, whether the my family at the pool. I found out that my years or so of somebody being constant™ Saigon regime is Washington has decided' instead to it will make me feel better, but because although the requirement to cover the wife had been told not only that the little a representative government or a continue American doninance in there is so much concern In your country nudity of a two • year • old seems one had been forced to part with her tiny bombarded by "don'ti" from all sides, does not accumulate a lot of hostllir 1^ dictatorship covered with a thin Saigon. lately wtlh the rebellion of the young, and somewhat obscene to us. doll, but that she herself not allowed the violence It produces, that any hint at At the entrance to the pool area a long was mostly senseless hostility, Just like i lai layer of dubious constitutional icing. Nixon's new statement has a to take a book with her. part of the restrictions are senseless, or 4 what the sources of this rebellion may be, list of rules and prohibitions was displayed By placing the fate of post ■ war haunting ring of the years - old By that time the little one was crying, best, have some minor Justification, qultr should be of some value. on the wall, and we assumed to find there the older girl was just finding out that I had to governments completely in the hands out of proportion to the "Killjoy" elenur charge that the United States has My wife Is here with me, and to are my the usual rules against behavior that would leave her beach ball behind, and my wife of the current South Vietnamese Involved. "imperialistic interests" in two girls, ages six and two, and since the bother others, or create dangerous and I were wondering what they might I neither burned down the pool o government i.e., seeing that there Southeast Asia. The planners in weather was fine this moming, we all felt circumstances. While I was in the men's - possibly have against a book In the pool nor did I riot In City Hall today, but!M is coalition "imposed" - the like swimming, and we had been told about dressing room, a young man approached no Washington are protecting their the Hunter Park swimming pool In Lansing. area, when a girl came to me and told me very angry and frustrated and If this hr United States has guaranteed current me and told me that the beach ball I had that sunglasses were not allowed. By that "puppet" government in Saigon. So, drove to Hunter Park. Knowing been my country, I would have felt w* we brought for my kids to play with was not time I was somewhat annoyed, and took greater anger. Is this the type of r off my glasses, but the girl continued: "and meant by the "order" • half of the fan POINT OF VIEW you shouldn't leave your towel here, it might be stolen." I replied that I was "Law and Order" slogan? Do people he really accept as appropriate rules tM willing to take that risk and began to sound as If they were formulated by 1 discuss with my wife how we might still clinical case of obsessive • compuWl make the best of It all. When the girl came neurosis? If indeed they do accept then! again, and told us that what she had said then you should thank God for the yc Drafting about the towel had not just been a appeal for people and their rebellion. suggestion, but a rule she had to insist on, Gideon E. Sch' an answers we had enough. We got dressed, were told by a young man that I had broken another rule by not locking up my sandals inside Research Associate in Statist* July Ml the locker, received a refund and drove 50 So with doubt and questions still In alone, a major portion of the time and miles to swim in beautiful Kent Lake. my EDITOR'S NOTE: The protect the interests and beliefs of both the mind, I cannot become totally committed energies of the world have been devoted to Thank you following Now there would be no point to article is part on of a two - part Point proponents of Democracy and of to a specific value system; nor can I war and its destruction? You may say that my whole story, unless I am right in my Communism? Have you not taught me that condemn a specific set of values. Then they all gave their lives so that we may feeling of View submitted by Robert that there is something typical about it. Gliwa, all men are created equal? Do our Christian remain fre^, they died so that the future Royal Oak junior. Selective Service ethics not teach this as being a basic tenet again I ask, will my participation insure Formulating endless lists of restrictions, EVERY man's liberty, BOTH the generations could enjoy the freedom I do. Local Board No. 66 is located in of all religions? Is it not even written in our To the Editor: Royal proponents of Now you ask me to make the same sacrifice Democracy AND of Oak. Declaration of Independence that all men Communism? for the ^next future generations., Are you The people of Man and Nature Books! are created equal with certain unalienable would like to thank the people » Dear Members of Local Board No. 66 rights, those being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Then how can we Will my participation make the world forever safe for Democracy, assuming it is going to ask that future generation to make the same sacrifice for its future A good bag' attended and supported our would like to send an extra special sun benefit, I would first like to request a personal believe this as being the truth while at the generations? American Hurrah to the Backstreet» the best form of government? And will my If that is your argument, appearance before you, so that we can same time we incorporate a double then do you and the Eye See The Light Show Comp work together in participation put an end to this and all agree that no one wants peace, but rather, To the Editor: reaching a decision about standard and deny these rights to a future wars? The answer is no, scoffed at for their far - out performances, and ji as war is a necessary part of life? If that is not Re: State your and my future. Following this News, July 9, 1970, "From the Steve Sunshine for his time and efforts paragraph is my written appeal submitted Communist? being totally idealistic. This attitude, your argument, can you say you still want Senator's Carpetbag" | shared by the vast majority, thus negates our behalf. to give you the necessary assistance in Are we so gifted as to insult the intellect peace? Certainly the silence of guns and all present movements for peace. Why the freedom from wanton destruction All of these people donated t'016' understanding of a Communist by saying our way of life Mr. Bender: myself and the I present. casp is the best way? Are we so endowed that settle for a temporary peace? My would be most welcomed; but are you BRAVO! BRAVO! and energy for the benefit. The books we can ignore the deep commitment the participation will not end this war, or, willing to love your fellow man, give up the Excellent. Please continue. will continue to be open 10 to 10 M°nl I feel I should tell you now that this is Communist feels as being just and right? If because of man's aggressiveness, any of the daily warfare that pervades our world, and through Friday and 12 to 6 on Saturday, n not an ordinary appeal. Rather than a man feels deeply committed to a specific evident future wars. grant everyone, not just the everyone of C. W. Modrack please drop by. J answering any questions I would feel you belief, and another man is unsure of which Look back through the annals of world our nation but also the everyone of the Bloomfield Hills junior Larry Grei«j might ask, I have, instead, asked many belief to claim as his own; can one ask the history. Did the lives of all the world's world, real peace, that Is peace of mind? July 10,1970 LudingtonsenJ July 16, servicemen end the construction of the questions of you, the same of which I have latter to kill the former, and believe it to asked myself. After my list of questions, I be a justified action? foundation this present war is built upon? have then reached my own conclusions, of Did my uncle's life in World War Two which I feel as being totally justified and Can you condemn a man if he be totally contribute anything but a temporary peace appropriate for the time being. Thank you committed, if you yourself have no that disrupted again in world turmoil a few for your greatly appreciated time and personal commitment? Can you take any years later in Korea? Did the life of a grade actions against a devoted man if you lack school friend lost in Vietnam help cooperation. stop the devotion yourself? I am not saying that I building of a Middle East war theater? Why Why should I go to war or even become believe, condone, or justify the then should I sacrifice my life for part of a war machine? Will my Communistic ideals. What I am saying, something no one really wants? participation insure every man's liberty? though, is that I sincerely question and Is it not true that no one actually wants By taking an active part, do my actions doubt many of the ideals of Democracy. peace due to the fact that in this century \ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 23, 1970 5 With Coupons From Yo«r Savings Conquest Mailer J-M economist GET ,o jbouf WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gardner Ackley, the Johnson Administration's " chief economist, said Wednesday his optimism faded and he is now worried about a "genuine recession" possible Ackley was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Johnson to the Democratic administration and now serves as economics adviser National Committee. Kroner 750 EXTRA this year. He told the committee It We Gladly Accapt would be "well worth a try" to revive University of Michigan economics professor, in a generally Top Value Stamps e wage - price guidelines used Federal Food y forecast to the Senate - House Economic Committee, said by the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. But he cautioned that the I still sees a slow revival of economic activity for the remainder would work only if labor and voluntary guideposts FEDERAL Stamps and 000 STAMPS) '/1970, although he acknowledged inflation is easing. and would commit themselves management wanted them to work to Welfare Orders. Prices & Coupon, good But because of investor shock over Cambodia and lack of fight inflation. Thru Sot., July 25. 1970 In roiifidence in administration economic policies, Ackley said he "However, to sell the idea to business and labor will Lansing Id not "rule out the possibility of a severe cutback ot require leadership by government officials who believe that the stment plans that would bring a renewed decline in the achievement is possible, worthwhile and not ideologically suspect. !ond half and a genuine recession." I do not know whether that degree of commitment yet exists in the administration." Ackley strongly opposed permanent wage • price controls, contending they would turn industries into virtual government utilities and result in strikes against the government, rather than private employers. Ackley said he had been a "relative optimist" about the prospects of avoiding a recession but in the had past several months tnmmed back appreciably my estimates of the probable extent of the pick-up in real gross national product during the final three quarters of 1970." He said he may originally have underestimated the lack of confidence, which some feel exists in the business "intangible ' lb -ei Whole Legs or community, that our present leadership is in full control of the economic situation and knows what it is Fry*' Breasts doing. In any case, I surely did not anticipate the Cambodian adventure and the shock that it has caused to the confidence both of investors and Peter's Rolled i Ticc/I Silver Platter Bull Fresh Country Club Brisket of USDA Choice Tenderay Meanwhile, President Nixon's new director of the Office of Budget and Management, argued that a forthcoming budget Boneless Pork Mixed Corned Chuck deficit would be caused by Congressional extravagance. He testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee chaired by Ham Roast Fryers Beef Steak Sen. Ralph Yarborough, D-Tex., who insisted the deficit would be the result of a sluggish economy. 9911 591 331 -691 791 Milliken vows USDA CHOICE TENDERAY t-Z SLICE to halt dumping Reg 79< Lb ^ ^9 ^ m m T ■ ■ Lt | Roast COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) - "The threat to the water Gov. Milliken 50 TV Stamps with coupon and said Tuesday environment is too great to Eckrlch Beef Smokettes or Herrud Michigan was working on a continue such a practice," program to insure that no Milliken said. "We are working Cut-Up Fryers n33( Smok-Y-Links B#, 79< Astre Franks 'p"79< polluted dredgings from with the U.S. Army Corps of Michigan harbors would be Engineers to develop a program to assure that no polluted dredge Swiss Steak Lb 89$ Wieners 2 $1.39 I Bubble gum dumped into the Great Lakes. Milliken, in an address to a spoil from any Michigan harbor Kroger Voc Pac Peter's Regular Thick pa, Braunschweiger Lb 67( is strange stuff, especially when it or Silver Platter Rolled & Tied Boneless panel of the Midwestern will be dumped into the open I around your chin and refuses to rest comfortably on your Governors Conference here, said waters of the Great Lakes this Sliced Baton m 89( Sliced Bologno V" 69( Pork Butt Roost tongue. This Spartan Village resident, however, doesn't the u69c dumping of polluted dredge year." Peter's t0 Varieties Peter's New York or m overly concerned. spoil into the Great Lakes is a Milliken said mercury Country Style Bulk Sliced matter of great concern. pollution is a prime example of Lunch Meats Jtlil 49< Honey Loaf 69< Slab Bacon the need for joint action among Lb 85< the states to implement a 0 SERVE SUBURBS comprehensive pollution control program. Mew Detroit "For at least 30 deadly substance has been discharged in our waters," years this By Unite suburban Detroit communities are: the Wayne Milliken said. "Although serious k Corp. Wednesday announced plans for Eagle, the Westland Eagle, the Garden City problems ofmercury ition of a new daily Guardian Review, the Inkster Ledger - Star, the contamination had occurred in newspaper, the Daily - which will serve western Canton Township Eagle, the Belleville Enterprise other Wayne County, parts of the world, the xecutive Vice President Michael L. Dow said and the Romulus Roman. Dow said the Belleville problem was unrecognized in five of the seven and Romulus this country." weekly Associated newspapers will continue vspapers in western Wayne County will be publication as weeklies for the time being. ibined and published on "Clearly, the mercury problem a daily basis, demonstrates that the nation's ive plans call for daily publication to begin Panax purchased the Associated Newspaper environmental programs were, group in January, 1968. Combined weekly paid and still are, Associated inadequate," said Newspapers serving the circulation is 37,750. Milliken. ill from overdose Boutique Big K Kleenex Towels 3sIL'SrIu $1 Pop Potent Tatty drug kills 2 Armour* Libby Catsup o.~b!i 25< use Kroger 2% Lo fat Milk Vienna Sausage 4*??°;. $1 Kroger Pudding Regular or ~ 1*° Kathleen Augustine, 19, and Sherlock was hospitalized in Wecht's chief toxicologist, Dr. < Pork Beans 6 $1 Kotex atne t? T 11,^ I™ John Dixon, 20, wandering after critical condition and Miss Charles Winek, said Dilaudid is DIXIE OR ■r tiki™? J HI Wednesday ♦ daybreak in a dazed condition Augustine and Dixon were in about 30 times more potent . ' *taut oritiessa|d on a roadway near the park. A fair condition. than morphine. HOME PRIDE. overdose of a potent n>hine type drug. ■ th,rd youthi Keith Sherlock, 20, Wecht said the drug taken was "It's not a street drug. You discovered unconscious in probably Dilaudid, used don't buy it on the street like Reis and „ao Joseph ^e park. hospitals to kill pain. heroin," Winek said. * V. both 18> from ^•**5 *bur8hs Mount Washington or>. died after 8 trom the injecting a their morphine family veins, Allegheny j y Coroner Cyril Wecht" U.S., Korea en Coffee Creamer Cromora Niagara 7* Off Label °lice "'d Country Oven Grahams o Kroger (with £ lemon) 8 witness told them sugar young people, including Salt in es ihi;59* ®is P ' w«e "Shooting drugs" ty at which Reis was was not pullout plan Shedds Poanut Butter 5 3 o.'bI, $1 Instant Tea Angel Food CokeK>°l',39( I'rZ: 49c found dead shortly HONOLULU (AP) - U.S. and South Korean officials before the conference opened. 'midnight slumped in the officials neared the end Wednesday of a defense However, U.S. sources said after the first day's r r?i6r side of 8 car parked conference that centered on American plans to meeting that Deputy Secretary David M. Packard ympia Park, had assured the Koreans that the United States is ■ °t a gathering withdraw almost a third of its 62,000 troops In youths in the middle - the Asian republic. "well aware of provocation and threats to the area. " 0 a Later, Vertullo was South Korean Premier Chung Il-kwon has said national security which the Republic of Korea hospital in the area he and his entire 10-man Cabinet would resign if endures." dead on arrival, Wecht the United States carries out the planned The U.S. plans to compensate for the troop cut withdrawal of 20,000 troops. The subject was by massive upgrading of the South Korean Actives said they found termed non ■ negotiable by top U.S. defense military arsenal. liquor beer wine = to take out= ATTENTION CAR OWNERS • Complete front end repair and pipes - tobacco ♦ alignment Brakes * Suspension First of the Season MAC'S * Michigan Crown Calif-Largest Crown iSlse Vine Ripe Salad Site Wheel balancing * Steering Blueberries 10 on$3.19 e Golden Kernel Cantaloupes 24 Site Iceberg .eh 59< Tomatoes Southern Every Evening Closed Sunday and Holidays LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Swoot Corn Leaf 12'"79* Lattuca Variety Ea 19( Peaches California 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7344 (487-0670) Lattuca Lb 15( Lattuca eo 15c Variety Plums 12*»49< 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan $11 MILLION STRUCTURE August'71 completion date: Life Science The $11 million Life Science :e I Building is scheduled for 1 Building is scheduled for Bldg. goal president of business finance, said "the north wing of the building president of business finance, said "the northwl is expected to be occupied in January, 1971." completion in August, 1971, after 10 years of planning. "We've had the usual labor turbulence in the Part of a future medical complex, the building was started in spring," Huntington said, "with some people on strike, but it has not June, 1969. slowed down construction." Funds for construction include $4 million from the state, The major units of the 186-acre Life Science $4,948,000 from the National Institutes of Health and $625,000 Complex are scheduled for completion in 1975 and are expected to run a cost from the Kellogg Foundation. of $72 million. Bogue Street will be extended south of the Vet Clinic to The $18 million Life Science II building is to accommodate the building and will be constructed after the plans undergo construction in another year if the requested state funds are for the new highway are decided. The building is presently provided. accessible from Farm Lane or Hagadorn Road. The Life Science I building will house the departments of Human Development, Human Medicine and Pharmacology and the Office of Medical Education Research and Development, the School of Nursing, and administrative offices of the colleges of Human Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Church th The future Life Science II and Life Science III will house more administrative offices and contain a teaching hospital with student medical services. After completion, the medical program Life Sciences will allow for a four - year and double the class size to 64 graduate to DETROIT expel (UPI) — The of absence, but friends said they students. clergyman who headed all didn't realize he planned to The nursing program will allow for 90 nurses, doubling the Catholic parochial schools in the marry. number of graduates last year. archdiocese of Detroit faces Before going on leave, Msgr. Since construction is on schedule, Clair W. Huntington, vice possible excommunication Valade, a native of suburban because of his recent marriage, River Rouge, was director of the an archidocesan official said Dept. of Christian Formation. In BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS Wednesday. that post, he supervised all Msgr. Arthur L. Valade, 40, is education work of the Catholic BABY VICKIE living with his wife in archiodese and the parochial now Morristown, Pa., where he is school system, employed by the Philco Division of the Ford Motor Co. in the He also was the last man to Building hold the job of chancellor of the is back Construction on the first Life Sciences Building in the Life house a number of offices and departments connected with college relations department in archdiocese before it was Plus Extra!! Erotic Short Subject Philadelphia. abolished in 1968 in a Sciences complex is progressing toward the goal of an the life sciences, is expected to cost $11 million when Contacted at his office, Msgr. decentralization move. August, 1971, completion date. The structure, which wilt completed. State News photo by Milton Horst "The Foam Method" Valade refused to comment either on the marriage last Saturday or his wife's name. Egypt replies to plar "It's my own personal life and peace I would just as soon let it be," he said. Auxiliary Bishop Walter Schoenherr, vicar for clergy, said Msgr. Valade had met with WASHINGTON The and its contents known to Egypt was the first power to Bartch would not comment on sovereignty, tectorial mtegril Cardinal John (AP) were Dearden, StotT Dept. confirmed only a few in the top echelon respond officially to Rogers' the disclosure in Cairo but made and poUtica independence, archbishop of Detroit, at least three times recently. Bishop Wednesday that Egypt has who are studying it closely. peace plan. Bartch said he would the text of the Rogers letter Israeli withdrawal fro Schoenherr said the marriage replied to Secretary of State Reports earlier from Cairo, not comment on reports that available to newsmen here. tenitones occupied could result in William P. Roger's June 19 stop ■ quoting responsible Egyptian I»ael gave an interim reply Rogers, as was reported earlier, The Eevotian reolv is exopcti excommunication. shooting - and - start - talking sources, said the reply is though >ts ambassador here called for a cease . fire for at gP CPase fl "He must obtain laicization if peace initiative but declined to favorable. Other comments in Yitzhak Rabin. The Israeli least 90 days during which the DroDOSal which Israel in effo this is not to happen," said characterize Cairo's answer. Cairo said Rogers's June 19 embassy denied any such reply U N Mideast mediator, has reiected as unacceptable Bishop Scnoenherr. Laicization The department, press officer letter to Egyptian Foreign Carl Bartch said, had only a Minister Mahmoud Riad did not has been made or that the proposal has been rejected. Ambassador Gunnar Jarring, 3 PrirSr ol forbids a priest to function as a would attempt again to get Meirin aJune 29 s p eec h t oh preliminary report from Donald contain new proposals but was negotiations started under ltis narii»mpnt «.iH tw k clergyman, although it permits „ , ^ him to stay in lull status in the C. Bergus, the senior American aimed at creating the condition Rogers s letter to Riad was auspices. • - essential ---- difference, church and must be obtained diplomat In Cairo. Other for talks between Israel and the made Public ear,ier Wednesday military, "moral and judic from Rome. officials said that Bergus's Arabs. * by the Cairo newspaper A1 The taljcs under Jarring, points of view between theceai Ahram despite Rogers's request Rogers proposal, should aim at Six weeks ago, Msgr. Valade message had the most limited ...... , . Bartch said at his news briefing _ ln his jetter that "everything be - Mutual acknowledgment by - fire as decided by the Securit was granted a six - month leave distribution at the State Dept. the United States will have talks Council and the limited an with other {jone to ^ese proposals in the United Arab Republic, parties on the confidence." Jordan and Israel of each other's conditional cease • fire. Egyptian reply and continue the SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX discussions the on Rogers proposals. 106B WELLS ONE DOLLAR SH?^JIME Free Cambodian o ADULTS no one under 18 8:40 10:15 Storage, Pick-Up, importance o PHNOM PENH, Cambodia President Nixon decided to consequences will be felt (AP) - Maj. Gen. Sisowath Siri intervene, opinion in the United South Vietnam and Thailand. Matak, Cambodia's deputy States thought it was aggression. "We need arms and heir premier, declared Wednesday As a matter of fact, it was not. equipment including tanks mi LOUIS that "if the United States had The true aggression was by the planes. If you cannot give then not intervened we would be in a North Vietnamese and Viet to us, let us at least use them' very desperate position now." Cone." , . . CLEANERS "Events here have not been siri Matak added that "now '0ur struB8le against 623 E. GRAND RIVER well understood in America," he said in an interview. "When that the American troops are withdrawn, there are still vSm'or in Laos*"TIaid Vietnam or m Laos, friendly troops from South "in Viet Nam the problem MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Vietnam staying with us. They are among Vietnamese peo|' will stay for awhile. ln Laos the presents problems Siri Matak appealed to the between Lao and Lao. United States for arms aid on a TWO BRITISH COMEDIES Cambodia it is a probl e?l:,ease basi„8 'i necessary- The area of between Cambodians fighting against foreigners. So now Communist forces now is in Cambodians are determined Cambodia, he said. "If our struggle against the for# fight not successful, the invaders THE B0UL TING BROTHERS' ROTTEN TO THE m " CORE * Bull ill lion film Pitunitd Br Cintmt V IHI UNIKILU or CNUMUK Wntltn .ml Dirtcltd D» JACQUES DEMY S«t to muuc b. MICHEL IEGRAN0 Stamni CATHERINE OENEUVf NINO CASTEINU0V0 ANNE VERNON MARC MICHEL ■ 1 MAC I0DMD MOOUCtlOU 101 fUC f imHUOIKHC FILMS / - - » im LMMU ilium* auiuiw m and SHOWN AT 7:00 & 10:15 the Funniest43 MWe Feature ever made! Columbia Pictures tenis : / JERRY JANET LEWIS LEIGH PRIZE WINNER Mary Ann Mobley • Gila Golan ■ Leslie Parrish • James Best DONALD SUTHERLAND A HOME OF screenplay by Bob Ross ino Samuel A.Taylor eased on a story by Arne Sultan and Marvin Worth ELLIO'IT GOULD I Uus Composed and Conducted by lows Brown. Produced and O.rected by Jerry Lewis • COLUMBIACOLOR * CINEMA V PRESENTATION c TOM SKERRITT Fri., Sat. ONCE ONLY AT 8:35 MAS!Color by DC Ul> _ - July 24 &25 ■ 7:30 FAIRCHILD THEATRE p.m. DOUBLE FEATURE - 104B WELLS ■ A MATINEE AT 1:30-3:30 Admission $1.00 \ L'l TONIGHT 5:45-7:45., 9:55 / BOTH FILMS ONLY $1.00 %A/Twi-UuHr., 6:15-6:46. AdulitSOC^^ Tickets on sale at the door. Thursday, July 23, 1970 7 |l2 awards 'MARY SUNSHINE' Iwon by |'U' editors Operetta spoof amusing, MSU Extension ■n«earch information staff won ivfawards at the recent meeting and well played, but too long Lf the American Assn. of ■Agricultural College Editors held By ROBERT KIPPER Vcomell University. State News Reviewer crisis was ever too grave to . winning magazine press postpone a song and no situation e was written by Joseph J. too grim to dull one's Pollyanna The play's only hope for 5 project leader and "Little Mary Sunshine," the - like optimism. success is in fast pace and s'ion . research editor, and current attraction at the Ledges "Little Mary Sunshine" is, by condensing. So many of the feinhard 1 Divelbiss, agricultural Playhouse, is a delicate little numbers sound alike, the show Kg editor. Mark T. Allen, play about courageous forest nature, a frail creation. Its appeal stems from its distance would be better off with fewer rlnment F" station publications rangers, virtuous maidens, from reality and its careful of them. The characters are edited the winning friendly Indians and the days fidelity to all the cliches and really just caricatures, so much tion and Roger H. when villains were less time should be TV-radio stickiness of early, mindbss spent editor, distinguishable from heroes and entertainment. introducing them. good was distinct from bad. Hence, it is a fantasy. It is quaint and, The Ledges version of "Mary" for many I Marks was also presented the With tongue in cheek and viewers, amusing and (which will be performed in song nostalgic. Ljricultural Communications in throat, the play spoofs the It is not, however, strong or Grand Ledge through Sunday) Eward during the meeting. American West as oldtime movie original enough to maintain falls prey to the its shortcomings of | Other honors accorded MSU operettas were fond of itself or sustain an audience source. Its downhill Lere 86 follows: presenting it when happy completely for two and a half presentation is to disheartening due the fine performances and 'Ifcrfond place award for the resolutions and the triumph of hours. The novelty of the play service for weekly justice preceded each final wears off soon after its first few strong voices that do battle with the elements of excessive LffSpapers, a communications bainine service, an extension 4Little Mary Sunshine9 fadeout Those or climactic sunset. were the days when songs and from then on the whole thing looks strained and and similar tunes length throughout the bulletin on "Michigan Land Use " rangers need only worry of repetitive. Some of the initial evening. and a set of overhead Claudia Wilkins, left, as an eccentric opera star, straining their vocal chords and moments interrupts The scene is from "Little are so inspired the Linda Griswold plays Mary apparencies for training Linda Griswold and Ron Duffy - who play Mary and Mary Sunshine," playing through maidens were concerned merely audience responds warmly when Sunshine faultlessly, giving her Sunday at the Ledges Playhouse in Grand Ledge. with the maintenance of their Extension agents. Captain Jim — as they stroll through Mary's flower garden. virtue and flower gardens. No they are repeated but the all the wholesomeness and spontaneity is gone and it is only cheery mannerisms the role can accommodate. ■ POINT Graffiti marks silent revolt A on islands As Wilkins is other Duffy, the a opera star, Claudia constant delight. In roles, Rick McGuire, Ron Kristie Schneider and Richard Thomsen excel. - - PITRE, "Oui, autonomic," the scrawls in 1946. Along with French The play, to be sure, has its Guadeloupe (AP) A war with scream in red, blue and green on however, appear to cherish an for West Indians to - Guiana in South America and idea of some sort of nationalism. belong to government. Even the smallest Nevertheless, the U.S. black moments. "Little Mary it brushes is being waged in the public walls here and to a the great republic of the Island of Reunion in the Of the France," decisions go through Paris. leader James Forman was well Sunshine" is diverting and he French West Indies. greater extent in Fort de France, Indian Ocean, they enjoy the approximately 300,000 says the Guadeloupe prefect, "We would like at least to harmless, but it is not the inhabitants on each island about Pierre received when he visited the ■ Elsewhere in the Caribbean Martinique. Hours later, Brunon. "Autonomy make the decision of where to another privileges of the 91 continental 92 per cent of Henri Vizioz Institute of Law in completely satisfying eveing one ■mpers and rhetoric sometimes wall painter has substituted his are African would be a disaster." build has learned to departments and vote in French descent. a road, or how much to Martinique four months ago. expect from the ftplode, but in the sleepy version: "Autonomie — White Freshmen, or Bekes — elections. "It is hard to find the truth spend on a hospital," says one Ledges Playhouse productions. (lands of Martinique and miserie." On the university Many blacks admit privately here," a middle - aged black man pronounced beh-kays number — run a council member. a d e I < the walls, the slogans are linked with of shops and Existence of a Black Power their dislike of the French in Point b 1 I the names of Mao, Lenin and - • a - Pitre said. "And I restaurants. i imposed class system, but it Others, usually movement is denied vehemently lemonstrations are!, Che Guevara. speak not in my capacity as a called Metropoles, come to the so far, likely that relatively few government official, but as a by whites. "It is too African for islands for a year or two as |>nfined largely to slogans The islands, formerly colonies, actively desire freedom from West Indian." the population to identify n walls. became departments of France government workers, journalists with," said France. Many more blacks, "This is a great one government opportunity or teachers. The political and official. educational system is identical throughout all 95 government .owell -showboat to offer units. Each island, like departments, has appointed by the French the other a prefect premier. Coming direct from France, the prefect usually governs his black majority as if 'dry Puckett, Union Gap they were rural Frenchmen. The ruling party in both islands is Defense the Union for the of the Republic. Its members voted for Georges By SUZANNE THALER Puckett and his group will present songs familiar to rock fans, such as "Woman, Woman," "This Girl is Pompidou in the French a Woman Now" and presidential election. I Within "Lady Willpower." an hour's drive of MSU are two rare opportunities to Amateur entertainment is also a part of the two - hour show. A Locally elected representatives Ixperience the forgotten Showboat Era of the 19th to the islands' General Councils century. different act will be featured each night, I Two small river towns, including acrobatic are rubber stamps Chesaning and Lowell, annually offer a dance, folk music and solo singing. for the central leek of showboat entertainment in July. ■t. Johns; Lowell is just off 1-96 near Grand Chesaning is north of Traditional local entertainment features the Endmen and Mr. iThe Lowell showboat, in its 38th Rapids. Interlocutor, with typical Southern songs and sometimes off - year of production, will color jokes. The Showboat Chorus, composed of nearly 100 local Tature Gary Puckett and the Union Gap Monday through people, will dance to "Dixie" and sing several numbers with the fednesday. Steve Allen and Jayne Meadows will perform Endmen. The whole company performs an impressive grand Ihursday through Saturday, July 30 to Aug. 1. finale. |Chesaning's showboat was held July 13 - 18, and featured Jo Reserved seat tickets are available at Wurzburg's downtown and i Castle a the rag-time piano. The Chesaning showboat rates on Lansing Mall for $4, $3 and $2. a smaller budget than the Lowell production and fncentrates more on local talent. ■Both showboats were begun as community projects. The Lowell •owboat has grown to a huge professional production with an Bnual budget of several thousand dollars. ■showboat profits are used for Tiowboat community projects. Lowell Corp. gave several thousand dollars to the local YMCA | help build an outdoor community swimming pool. Both ' sidize local Little League projects. Patients at Grand Rapids 'M A4'S H' is what repexted y rree Bed Hospital are m i IN PART guests of the Lowell Showboat. _ I he showboat productions are a nostalgic rendition of the old the new freedom late ■ssissippi River showboats of the 19th Century. Very few of the screen is all about. fjiges have been made to preserve their authenticity. T notal)le exception is the depiction of the endmen. Formerly, fy were black faced - actors, singing and dancing in the dialect 2 Qt L y'e typical of black entertainment a hundred years ago. endmen are white ® stereo-typed Southern gentlemen. Permanent outdoor stage of the Lowell production is I most °f the year. Decorated with colorful lights and ■ttoiin co'oret* '°H. the huge showboat is propelled around Kat !1 ,d River nightly one week in July. When the lived the band strikes UP "Dixie," and the old days are \fMt pwvein; NOW! Children Under 14 FREE! Starts at 8:40. I BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:30 • Xitywtf MOST WWSgon LUXUR¬ IOUS COLOR by Deluxe* mwson* DRIVE TKHMcooir m\i M [K!«B» UnrtadArtmta AtoAMcmnciuill THEATRES COME OUT "RSRAHWl HftWCRB TONITE! DSUARS -wiomSTcoSOST. aim? Thursday, JU|y 23 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 -SPORTS- BUT WANT ALL-STAR GAME NEW YORK Owners refuse (UPI) - National Football The Players Association had hoped to get player demands "These points are broad but very basic," demands can be met by the same dollar League owners refused to yield to player together with the owners Wednesday night the joint statement said. "They leave the club owners with three obvious questions: 3. How can we bargain in the face of the good fff demands during an all - day session at a meeting in Washington with the federal association's 11 mediation and conciliation service, but the 1. How have the players been misled into tendency to renege? Wednesday and predicted a lengthy strike, The lack of replies but the owners agreed to make an effort to owners rejected that proposal In favor of a thinking the game is administered -iw the clubs and the players resolve the contract dispute in order to meeting at a later date in or near New York improperly? days and D0lsiKi save next week's college all - star game. City. 2. What possible grounds can the players have for thinking that dual economic weeks apart and the impasse solutions. with no vSy IDIe The owners agreed to open the Kansas In Washington, J. Curtis Counts, director City Chiefs training camp to veteran of the federal mediation and conciliation players who have been locked out so they service, confirmed the owners refused to can prepare for the July 31 charity game with the college all - stars in Chicago. The come to Washington, but would meet anywhere else. Counts said the players still Former S' football manager wanted to hold the meeting in Washington. players previously had said they mightagree to allow the Chiefs players to return to "These attitudes are disappointing," Just in case , camp so the all - star game A joint statement by could be saved. George Halas, Counts said in are obviously at a statement. "The parties an impasse." killed in automobile accident Hunt said the owners believe the players ... the Players Association and the NFL owners reach an agreement owner of the Chicago Bears and National Conference President, said: "The club have been "mislead in the economic soon, George Sauer, left, and Steve Thompson go through their James Orr, 26, football manager for the owners of the National Football League situation within the clubs." individual training at the New York Jets training camp at Adelphi 1966 football squad, was killed In an forsee a lengthy strike by the Players He added that the club owners are left automobile accident Wednesday in Detroit. University in Garden City. AP Wirephoto Association because of the extreme with three questions that leaves us with Mr. Orr, who was graduated from MSU in seriousness of the current impasse." "no visible solutions." 1967 with a degree in Recreation and Youth Leadership, worked 2'/i years at the IM News Late night swimming at the outdoor will end tonight according to Frank pool Ex-MSU coach BASEBALL STANDINGS Holiday Inn in Lansing upon graduation. Two months ago he was transferred to the Holiday Inn in Livonia. (night games not included) (night games not included1) Three companions who were In the car Beeman, IM Director, Economic problems resigns at Tulsa EAST W L EAST W L PCT. GB with Orr were listed in satisfactory PCT. GB and lack of good weather and attendance Pittsburgh 52 43 .547 - Baltimore 56 36 .617 condition. They are James Tague, the have caused for the pool to close at the - DETROIT S3 39 .576 4 New York 50 43 .538 1 Chicago 47 46 .505 driver who is employed at the Holiday Inn regular closing time of 6:00. The pool had Former MSU defensive backfield coach Vince Carillot quit as New York 51 43 .543 7 Philadelphia 43 50 .462 8 in East Lansing, Stanley Emschweiler, been open from 10:00 to midnight four head coach of the Tulsa Hurricanes Wednesday four weeks before Boston 48 44 .522 9 St. Louis 41 52 .< days a week. the start of the fall practice. Washington 43 51 .457 js 11% originally from Lansing; and Jerome Cleveland 42 50 .457 15 Koberal. Beeman said the cleaning crews were also Carillot, who graduated from MSU in 1950, later returned to WEST W L PCT. GB Mr. Orr and Richard Miller were head having difficulties keeping up with their his alma mater as an assistant for seven years. At the conclusion WEST W L PCT. GB Cincinnati 29 schedule and disposing of the algae that Minnesota 57 31 .648 - 67 .698 _ managers of the '66 team that went of the 1968 season he left MSU to take the head coaching job at California 56 38 -596 4 Los Angeles 54 39 .581 j|V4 undefeated and played Notre Dame to the was forming on the side of the pools. Tulsa. He had served only one year of a five - year contract. Atlanta 46 47 .495 19ft Oakland 50 44 .532 10 famous 10-10 tie. The five weeks fast pitch softball ended Carillot said it was personal feelings and a result of the Kansas City 34 58 .370 25 San Francisco 44 48 .478 21 Houston 41 53 ,436 Mr. Orr attended Mt. Pleasant High Wednesday night with the Vets meeting the allegations made by the NCAA concerning his staff's football Milwaukee 34 62 354 27 25 Chicago 33 63 .344 28 San Diego 38 59 .392 29*4 School where he won two letters in each Syndicate for the title. Tonight at 5:30 the recruiting policies which made him decide to resign. finals of the slow pitch league will take football, basketball and baseball. He "This in no way is an indication that the NCAA allegations are WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS attended Central Michigan University for place. The finalists were to be determined true," he said. "In fact, the only wrongdoing on my part was that Boston 7, California 4, 1st Philadephia 5, San Francisco 2 after semifinal games Wednesday. California at Boston, 2nd, night two years before transferring to MSU in of providing transportation for a prospective student - athlete in a Chicago 10, Cincinnati 2 Milwaukee 4, New York 1 1964. All first five week teams that have not Atlanta at Pittsburgh, night private plane." Baltimore at Kansas City, night Houston at St. Louis, night Funeral services will be held today at 11 contacted the IM for second round play Offensive coordinator Claude "Hoot" Gibson was named DETROIT at Minnesota, night should do so this week. New entries can interim coach. He is a former assistant coach at Boston and Chicago at Cleveland, night Montreal at Los Angeles, night New York at San Diego, night a.m. at the Episcopal, Church in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. James Orr also sign up the remainder fo the week. Buffalo. Oakland at Washington, night Gifted according to a report in this and intellectual children children are ends of the educational the state level, services provided lost spend at least part of his time in measure the abilities of to inthe lowest common By JEANNE SADDLER week's McCall's magazine. being lost in the wholesale spectrum," Durr said. "The for the gifted child by special classes," Durr said, "but nonverbal or culturally deprived denominator; it can frustrate the State News Associate Editor "The gifted child is presumed shuffle of mass education." departments of education are he must also learn to work with children," McCall's said. gifted have a right to extra help brightest youngsters to belong to an elite group that William Durr, professor of just as others do — help that is "nonexistent or extremely children at other levels." Teachers themselves are biased becoming chronic daydreamers, Although the school will 'get by' some how, anyhow, education, called this analysis designed especially for them." inadequate" in more than three when asked to identify the misfits and troublemakers." drop-out is usually considered an with no help from us," the By official definition, the term "absolutely correct." Durr in McCall's reported that funds quarters of the states. gifted: they often make the easy apathetic anti - intellectual, article stated. "The smug feeling 1965 wrote "The Gifted Child," earmarked for gifted students But Durr does not feel that "gifted" applies to those who choice, and the wrong one. They Norman Mirman, founder of a about 80,000 of the country's score 130 or above on standard is nationwide and prevails at our (Oxford University Press). federal or state funding is tend to pick the clean, polite, special school for gifted children represent only a "miniscule more drop-outs each year are peril. There is ample evidence "There are children that fraction" of the total federal the answer.1 intelligence tests. But the article orderly child who is least trouble in Los Angeles told McCall's intellectually gifted youths noted that IQ tests provide only that many of our most creative deviate from the norm at both "Teachers must challenge to them." "It's this distorted idea expenditure for education. At a crude measure of human them andjplan several kinds of "Even the taliber of a child's democracy. You have coaches activities so that the potential, and no meaningful schoolwork can be misleading," for athletes, ^uniforms for the gifted child measure of latent can choose from them," he said. creativity. the report said. band. But if you set apart the Although Durr said he felt "Minority groups point out "The paralyzing monotony of gifted, you're accused Michigan teachers and schools that the tests now in use cannot the standard curriculum panders elitism." generally did a better job than I I •-Changes in personnel approved by trustees EDITOR'S NOTE: The Aug. 1; Ronald C. Simons, associate July 29; and James A. McClunj professor, psychiatry, Oct. 1; Cyril associate professor, management following is a partial list of M. Worby, associate professor, June 24 • July 29. personnel changes approved psychiatry, Aug. 1; Stephen James Hill, asst. professor, astronomy, April Promotions by the trustees at their July 1, 1971; Brian Moss, visiting asst. The board approved the followin 17 meeting. professor, botany and plant academic promotions fror Other appointments included: pathology, Sept. 1, 1970 • Aug. 31, Instructors to asst. profusion Ching - chung Chou, associate 1971; Frederick M. Bernthal, asst. Roderick D. Rightmire, TV professor, physiology, July 1; Harold professor, chemistry, physics, Sept. radio, July 1, and Paul P. Sor W. Drane, asst. professor, psychiatry, 1; Ahsan U. Khan, asst. professor, American Thought and Languajt chemistry, Sept. 1; Charles M. July 1. Spooner, asst. professor, geology, Leaves Sept. 1; William C. Brown, asst. professor, mathematics, Sept. l;and Sabbatical lea' : appro" Byron Drachman, associate professor, for: John F. Foss, associi math, Sept. 1. professor, mechanical engineerin The board approved appointments Sept. 1, 1970 - Aug. 31, 1971. for: Joel H. Shapiro, asst. professor, study at Johns Hopkins Univcrsit mathematics, Sept. 1; Mary K. John H. Hart, associate profess® ;Crabtree, instructor, nursing, Sept. 1; botany and plant pathology, Sept.1 Charles K. Groty, asst. professor, 1970 - Aug. 31, 1971, to study labor and industrial relations, Sept. 1; Australia; Peter A. Lappan > Frank L. Schmidt, asst. professor, professor, mathematics, Sept. psychology, Sept. 1; Richard D. 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972, to study Rodefeld, Instructor, sociology, Sept. England; and Denton E. Morrill* 1; Donald R. Adams, asst. professor, associate professor, soclolog) July anatomy, Sept. 1; William E. Jones, • Dec. 31, 1971, to stud^ in ihe »• asst. professor, anatomy, Aug. 1; The board approved eaves Patricia W. Julius, instructor, William Pitt Root, asst. professor American thought and language, English, Sept. 1, 1970 Aug. M Sept. 1; Allan J. Abedor, specialist, 1971, Guggenheim Fellowship; J< director's office, Instructional H. Hoagland, professor, managm™ Development Service, Oct. 1; and Sept. 1, 1970 - Aug. 31, 197'. Paul R. Stimson, consultant, study and conduct research in") counseling center, July 1. U.S.; Darab B. Unwalla. Also given visiting appointments professor, management - . were: Joseph F. Dominic, asst. 1970 - Aug. 31, 1971, » compl professor, dean of arts and letters' projects at Florid; Atlantic office, English, June 24 - Sept. 4; University; Janet E. Alii. ,, Douglas Brown, instructor, English, professor, elementary anil spe July 30 - Sept. 4; William A. Johnson, education, Sept. 1, 1970 • Aug. asst. professor, English, June 24 - 1971, to study at the University " July 29; James Lee Mitchell, Washington; and John M. Mas associate professor, accounting and professor, elementary and spe financial administration, July 30 - education, Sept. 1, 1970 - May ^ Sept. 4; Phillip Lee Carter, asst. 1971, to study at N professor, management, June 22 - University. ^Save$J.70at With Kroger" This Coupon! Keep cool, bring the family and your skates. Ticket holders may skate free with the cast after the show. Tickets $1.00 per person. On sale now - arena office. Rental skates available 50c. Michigan State Ice Are SUMMER MARSHALL'S ecord 245 ANN ST. EAST LANSING EVERYTHING FANTASTIC POP N'ROCK L.P. SPECIALS YOU'LL WANT TO GRAB AN ARMFUL FROM THIS HARD-TO GET HIFI ASSORT¬ MENT FEATURING ORIGINALLY THE ANIMALS, 3.98 • 4.98 THE COWSILLS, YOUR CHOICE CONNIE FRANCIS, BILLY VAUGHN, FAMOUS LABEL - FAMOUS ARTIST SHOWS, ROCK, JAZZ AND HARD SOUL ALBUMS E-Z LISTENING, INCLUDING WES MONTGOMERY, VOCALS AND THE RIGHTEOUS BROS., STAN GETZ, INSTRUMENTALS JIMMY SMITH & SCORES MORE. GALORE! SPECIALLY PRICED NOW FOR dIG SAVINGS V' .. r\-inq fHaidcn It| A £**<'U(U MC0"M pt a IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY- DONOVAN BREAD - BLOOD, SWEAT 8. TEARS "MARRYING MAIDEN" "OPEN ROAD" "ON THE WATERS" "3" COLUMBIA RECORDS EPIC RECORDS COLUMBIA RECORDS ELEKTRA RECORDS SERIES 4.98 SERIES 4.98 LATEST SERIES 5.98 SERIES 4.98 STEREO COMPARE AT SERIES S5.98 ALBUMS S3 V * CaprtoJ. i * GRAND FUNK "CLOSER TO HOME" BREAD CAPITOL RECORDS ELEKTRA RECORDS SERIES 4.98 SERIES 4.98 YOUR CHOICE instod BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS "3"COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE GRAND FUNK ■ "CAPITOL STEREO TAPE GINGER BAKER AMPEX DAVE MASON "ALONE TOGETHER CRT BI LE THUMB STEREO TAPE Thursday, July 23 10 Michigan State News, mst Lansing, Michigan 1970 ^tate news STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Tell the whole town about your garage sale by advertising it with a Want Ad. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING lyPhilftqnlc For Rent For Rent For Sale The State News does not MtatMds permit racial or religious discrimination in its TRIUMPH Removable SPITFIRE 1966. 2 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 2ND GIRL needed - near LCC and St. Lawrence. 1 child welcome. SEWING MACHINE Brand new portables Clearance I izussa. m hardtop, Marigold across from campus. $4q'* I advertising culumns. The convertible tops, $800 or best Deluxe 2 man furnished Phone Joyce Banks, 372-4138. $5.00 per month. Large sei-c, I State News will not offer. Evenings, 339-2914. 2-7-23 apartments. Now leasing for fall. IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O 4-7-28 of reconditioned used Singers, Whites. Necchi, L I rrj^ I accept advertising which NEW 2 Bedroom apartments in • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against VALIANT, NEW in 1966. 36,000 Home & -Many Others." $,g* I furnished and Scooters & Cycles color or miles, leaving country. Phone TWO MEN needed. Fall. Large four Haslett, unfurnished. Beginning et $160; to $39.95. Terms. edwadS I religion, race, 332-0066. 4-7-28 man. Great location, 351-1014. DISTRIBUTING CoS I Auto Parts & Service Aviation national origin. VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 - dark blue, 3-7-24 furnished $185. East Lansing Realty. ED 2-3534 or Ted Steele, 1115 North 489-6448. C-7-23 Was?'' 1 $1600 or best offer. Phone EAST LANSING near campus. One 332-1986. 10-8-5 * EMPLOYMENT ♦ FOR RENT 351-6428 or 393-3223. 1-7-23 bedroom, rooms. furnished. Air Large airy conditioned. 100 USED vacuum cleaners Tank I Automotive Houses canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and Un V Apartments 1962 convertible. Beautifully maintained. Select 1 VOLKSWAGEN year guarantee. OENNic L Houses FAIRLANE 1967. Perfect condition, Good dependable transportation. clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or FOR RENT - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1 I Rooms 6 automatic, snowtires. New New battery, good tires, rebuilt engine. $300. Call 355-2753. 882-6549. O furnished house, study, lerge North Cedar, Market. C-7-23 opposite '£ tI brakes, new battery, $800. fenced in yard, neer University. • FOR SALE 5-7-28 AUGUST 1ST. 4 or 6 weeks only 355-4115, 8 - 10 a.m., 6 - 8 p.m. Occupancy September 1st - June Animals 5-7-27 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Bug. Excellent Furnished apartment. IV 2-2937 6-7-27 30th 1971, 184 Maplewood Drive, LESLIE ORGAN amp, model 1« I Mobile Homes East Lansing 351-0296. 4-7-24 Home or band use. Call J for around town, $300. 332-8405. 351-8291.4-7-24 FAIRLANE GT, 1967, 390, 4 speed, ONE MAN to share large 4 bedroom * PERSONAL 2-7-23 ALLEGAN FRESHLY painted, 3 low mileage. Good condition. house, with swimming pool, with - ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL 882-4180. 5-7-23 VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent two other professional type men. bedroom, $130/month plus SONY TAPE DECK, receiver. Voice of Music, also a"mpTifi^~ ♦ REAL ESTATE $90/month. 482-2911. 3-7-23 utilities and deposit. 485-0237. tan, I RECREATION FIAT 1969 Spider 850 Convertible. condition. Best offer. 351-1673 3-7-23 recorder, brand new. Call aft* e I * before noon. 5-7-28 p.m., 484-5846. 3-7-24 1 $1850. 355-2388 or 351-5870. WEST BARNES, Clean 1 bedroom BACHELOR PAD: Big home in ♦ SERVICE 5-7-24 furnished apartment with garage VOLKSWAGEN 1969, Bus. 7 town. Remodeled with Typing Service 7 passenger. Much fun. $1900. space. Utilities included in rent of shag carpet, dimmer light control, orange WESTINGHOUSE COLOR Tv'L model 530 stereo tape ♦ TRANSPORTATION FIAT 1969 Spider convertible. 332-2116.5-7-23 $130. Sorry no children or pets. record# I completely furnished, setup for * WANTED Excellent shape, $1500. 355-3890 484-0497. 3-7-23 two to four students. $230 per Used Akal, Sony, Panasonic stereo tape recorders. 100 used 8 I or 351-0355.5-7-24 c „ o n i month. Call Gail Clusky. track f Scooters & Cycles HASLETT, NEAR - On Haslett stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each L DEADLINE 372-8684 or SIMON REAL Cassette 1 P.M. one class day FORD 1964 Galaxie station wagon. Road nearly new, 1 bedroom, air ESTATE, Okemos Branch, Pro-4-A tape stereo recorders. Ko« I Four door, automatic NORTON 1968 (Matchless) 750cc, conditioned and carpeted. head ( 351-2260. TF Garrard turntables $25 u before publication. transmission. All power except 60 horsepower, $875. 351-0903. 655-2079. 3-7-23 ■ Cancellations - 12 noon windows. Fair condition. $140. 5-7-29 sukc x sAve -mac 1 OR 2 girls needed to finish summer 120 watt stereo receiver. 30 watt Sharp" I with V 4276 East Delhi, Holt. 699-2164. WAVERLY SCHOOL District - 3 stereo receiver one class day before term. $50 each. After 6 p.m., 5-7-28 TRIUMPH 1969 Tiger 500. Excellent 101)THINK r THIS CAA/CEGOT fc. bedroom apartment, carpeted 332-5320. 5-7-24 speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker I publication. condition, helmet included, $650. with full basement. 655-2079. set. Used 300 stereo albums 75c up I PHONE FORD 1964, G500, 390 horsepower, 351-7437. 6-7-24 3-7-23 SINGLE, MALE .clean, quiet. No golf sets $14.95 up. New and I 355-8255 4 door hardtop, automatic, air, cooking, cheap. Close campus, used fans. Used TV sets $3950 I $400,372-1423.3-7-24 YAMAHA 350, 4200 miles. AIRPORT NEAR. Single adults, up. Realistic 55 watt stereo! 351-0631. 3-7-27 RATES 351-9017.3-7-23 modern furnished. $15 per week. amplifier. WlLCOX I 1 day $1.50 FORD 1968, 6 cylinder, standard 2 489-7253. 10-7-24 Rooms SECONDHAND STORE, 509East I door, good condition, 45,000 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m 15c per word per day miles. $1000. 351-7164. 4-7-24 companies. Compare our rates. p.m. C NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony 3 days $4.00 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or Employment For Rent and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 CAMPUS NEAR, single room with FORD 1967 Galaxie 500, 2-door 505 Albert, East Lansing, DESK, EARLY American, good ■ 13%c per word per day bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD cooking, call 351-9237 or hardtop. Red, 390 with standard 484-8173.0 484-8173.0 condition, also assorted MARRIED STUDENTS. Spacious 2 MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 5 days $6.50 transmission. Take over payments, SUMMER AND part time items. 339-9379. 4-7-24 bedroom epartments. Carpeting, 351-7910. O 13c per word per day 882-8296. 3-7-24 employment with full - line TRIUMPH 1970 Bonneville - Under LARGE 4 man basement apartment, merchant wholesaler. Automobile drapes, air - conditioning, and (based on 10 words per ad) 1,000'miles, must sell, highest bid, kitchen appliances, otherwise UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to three spaces available. Cooking, POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103 I required. 351-5800 for JAGUAR XKE Coupe 1969. 9,000 call 351-8600. 2-7-24 unfurnished. 20 minutes from Student Union. Fall leases closa to campus, very reasonable. special sale $29.95 up Peanuts Personals Informetion. 0 must be miles. Excellent condition. cempus In Eeton Rapids. Modern available. 3 and 4 man furnished. 410 Park Lane. 332-2414. 5-7-24 crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS' I pre-paid. Warranty. Must sell. Gordon Hell, BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light brick building, $160 e month. Call 36 1-3729. HALSTEAD _ 5568 South Pennsylvsnis Avsnui, I There will be a 50c service 355-8270 or 332-0540. 5-7-23 housekeeping and cooking, $30 Mr. Long, evenings 663-8063. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, SPARTAN HALL singles Men and Lansing. C ' 5-7-24 women. 6:30 7:00, 351-9286. weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 361-7910. O - and bookkeeping charge if Any time - 372-1031. 0 MGA 1958 Classic Hardtop. Looks FOLK GUITARS from $34.50 st ■ this ad it not paid within real nice but could stand a little TEACHERS OPENINGS various FACULTY AND gred students, BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY, f electrical work. 337-9265. 3-7-24 East Lansing. C-7-23 one week. TRIUMPH 1968 Trophy, customlied fields, locations. CLINE unfurnished, one bedroom. 7 furnished. Close to campus, For Sale TEACHERS AGENCY, 129 East minutes from campus, very clean, summer and fall leases. 332-0966. The State Newi will be MGB - GT 1967. Wires, leather, tank, mechanically perfect, sharp, Grand River. 3-7-27 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT COMPLETE DOUBLE bed, drawn, I responsible only for the parking. Call 371-1761; evenings, BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. radio, excellent condition, $1500. $826. 351-3617. 3-7-24 484-2297. 6-7-28 COMPANY, 361-7910, O dining room table / chairs, buffit, I first 332-1898. X3-7-23 PART TIME work for students. Car Make any size or style. Charll, china cabinet, 2 piece living room I day's incorrect - insertion. TRIUMPH TRIDENT 1969, $1100. necessary. Call 361-7319 for 332-3848, forenoon or after 9 suite, kitchen, table / 2 chiiri,| 1 OR 2 men needed for 3 man. LEASING FOR Fall. $210 for 2 MUSTANG 1966. 4-speed Call 337-9434 or 337-9090. Interview. C p.m.W floor lamps, tresdle Summer and/or Fall. 487-6987 bedrooms, $160, 1 bedroom. convertible. Excellent condition, 6 Excellent condition. 3-7-27 between 12-2 p.m. or contact In Efficiencies, $125. BURCHAM machine, mlscelleneoui, 6211 cylinder, 351-7279. 5-7-29 Kedzie Drive, Eest Lansing, ED I person, 711 Burcham, No. 2. WOODS, call between 3 • 7 p.m. HON DA 19C9 350 Scrambler. 361-3118. 20-8-18 2-3480. 1-7-23 3-7-23 » OLDSMOBILE F85, 1965. Good Excellent condition, low mileage, BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, Automotive body, excellent running condition. $650,393-2891.3-7-24 BED: COMPLETE double with dirkI Must sell immediately. Call For Rent WILLOW ^TREET - 2 bedroom, sell. ABC SECONDHAND wood headboard, spring I unfurnished, utilities included. STORE, 1208 Turner. C AUSTIN HEALEY 1958, 100-G. No 351-3719. 4-7-24 mattrass, $22. 351-8668. TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, Upsteirs, references and deposit. rust, good running. Gear, new CAPITOL AREA. 4 clean furnished ENCYCLOPEDIAS_ new sets, one 489-2373. 3-7-24 tirei. 332-4785. 3-7-23 OLDSMOBILE Starve 1965: air, $8.50 per month including stand. rooms. For teacher or two. No for children. Private owner. OLD 78 record albums, collector's I very gooc condition, loaded. Call Auto Service & Parts Call J.R. CULVER COMPANY, SINGLE WORKING girl to shere two students. Parking, 482-9058. items. Mostly Classical. Phom| CHEVROLET 1961. Automatic, 332-1671. 3-7-27 372-4948. 320 Julian, East 3-7-27 67JBJ905. 3-7-23_ 361-7295. 2-7-24 bedroom apartment. Call Kris, dependable, runs well. Best offer, Lansing. C FREE PARKING at rear of store, for MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 356-3464. 6-7-28 OLDSMOBILE 351-9399. 2-7-24 1965, convertible. Power steering, new tires. Anxious Kelamazoo Street since 1940. TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free GIRL NEEDS roommate, for two your convenience. OPTICAL AQUA LUNG, top name equipmint, | sell . . . bedroom, East Lansing, house. Car DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan must everything, CHPVROLET 1965 to sell. Call 355-2578 after 5 p.m. Complete auto painting and deliveries. Call SELCO FURNISHED STUDIO, 2 man. Impata. and neatness Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-24 361-3617. 3-7-27 1-7-23 collision service. IV 5-0256. C COMMUNICATIONS. 372-4948. Northeast mandatory. Excellent, must sell. $695? 325 Street, Lansing. $16/week. 332-8841. 3-7-27 North Pennsylvania. 3-7-24 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 WASHER DRYER COMPONENT STEREO system, ■ OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1963. Power ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call CHEVROLET 1960 2 door stick steering, power brakes, $140. Call KALAMAZOO STREET BODY TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 4 GIRLS needed for Immediate WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 COMBINATION. Sear's best model, $500 or best offer, and scuDi" monthly and term rates. Call bedroom furnished Ilka new, movInQ, $200, shift 332-0053. 2-7-24 SHOP. Small dents to large occupancy, or starting Fall. or diving equipment. - new snow tires, $80. 361-7900 to reserve yours. unfurnished. Balconies, security 332-1305.4-7-24 332-4367.6-7-29 351-3823 or 355-8297. S wrecks. American and foreign Furnished. Beech Street, UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call PICK UP TRUCK cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 Cemper 1969 361-4698, 332-3311 and ED GMC, V. ton, V-8, 10' self • 2628 East Kalamazoo. C CHEVY NOVA 1969. Sharp RENT A TV from a TV company. 2-2920. 0 contained cab over 2 GIRLS for 4 girl In Cedar Village. Do - It • Yourialf Pregnancy Teit Rallye Green. Black vinyl top, four camper, $9.60 par month. Call 337-1300. $3150. Need cash. 337-9057 $50 of damage deposit paid. 9 new F-70 fibergles whltewells on between 2:30 3:30 Thursday Aviation NEJAC TV RENTALS. C month lease, $72.60 / month. Call STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 Rellye wheels, end remaining - bedroom.Nowleaslngfor FallTerm. only, 1-7-23 collect, 313-822-1193. 5-7-29 A brand new pregnancy test has been made available by a factory warranty. Must sacrifice. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to TWO BEDROOM trailer. Colby Lake Balconies, laundry. Naar campus. Call 482-8081. 6-7-24 learn In the PIPER CHEROKEE. Road - M78. $110 monthly plus major pharmaceutical firm and Is being offered to the public PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1963 utilities. Lease. 676-7212, ONE MAN for 3 man. Fall term. _ Call 361-8238. 0 by Population Services, Inc. A non ■ profit family planning Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Write: Ron Wangerow, 180 Cherry wagon. Air conditioning, power, 699-2226, 2-7-24 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments, organization In Chapel Hill, N.C. If you would like to know rack. $395. 361-4819.3-7-24 Street, Michigan Center, Michigan summer end fell. Furnished. more about this test which Is so simple, It can be used at Employment 49264. 3-7-27 361-6686. 6-7-24 home, write: CHRYSLER WINDSOR 1948. Very good body, mechanically sound PLYMOUTH 1967 Barracuda SALES PEOPLE needed. Ail ieads Apartments EAST SIDE, neer Sparrow Hospital. 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man end smooth $600. 351 -2327 3-7-24 convertible. Excellent condition, furnished. Car desirable. Also One bedroom apartment furnished deluxe one bedroom, furnished Pop. Services, Inc. must tell. Call 486-2993. 3-7-24 WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near some people needed for travel. or unfurnished. Summer rates. apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 or 106-M N.Columbia COUGAR 1967.. Good condition, MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, RENAULT 1968. Body ugly, engine Call 361-3700 for appointment. 0 361-6323.0 337-0780.0 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27614 new wide oval tires, best offer. carpeted, air conditioned. No lease beautiful. Must sell Immediately, required, $166 per month. Phone 356-1064. 5-7-27 NEED BREAD? Have a car? $400. Call between 10 - 6, 489-1719. TF send $6.60 for or a full test kit CROWN Immediate cash, variable hours. CUTLASS HARDTOP, 1968, good 393-5960, ext. 43. Other times, 489-9440. 2-7-23 This Is not sales. 337-0210. 1-7-23 shape. Take over payments. REMODELED OLDER home for 332-8160 after 6 p.m. 3-7-27 rent: Sheg carpet, oak wood TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1907,~Ni"vy 2 AND 3 bedroom houses, Lake penellng, stainless steel sink and r-x-M-: rjHwnnnn DODGE DART Swinger, 1969. blue, good shape. 361-1194. 3-7-23 Best offer, Lansing area. Call 339-8331 351-8810, 2-7-24 or full besement In town. $150 per CROSSWORD IIHHIZJ f-ianrjugn month. Call Gall nraa ana 18,000 miles. Best offer. 507 Abbott Road, 332-8288. 5-7-27 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Crampton's Sunoco, Jerome 1967. See at at HOUSEKEEPER room and $45/week board, plus live-In. 372-8084 ESTATE, or SIMON Okemos Clusky, REAL Branch, from Toyota PUZZLE □□nn I=#hm w cjw mrara HnrariB j Pennsylvania Avenue. 1-7-23 361-6729. 3-7-23 361-2260. TF FALCON 1962, $150. Good engine, usinaro™ wwgg newly tuned, Gary Langdon, ACROSS 29. Pretense 332-6521. 2-7-24 1. Misleading 30. Common salt HkiHRra EBB FROM KAMINS STEREO SHOP 6. Knlckknack 31. Ladles own ara RW J VNOOO',stoc* 12. Fictional bell 32. Sweet 13. Sprightly wit twice-baked auu nrm mm 14. Mortar Inserts bread ST\L\-S 16. Radiated lilfelHMfclilP] Si! the FAMlty A3MS crosbv Come in and browse around 17. Overhead 33. Bridge bid 35. Finch 19. Has obligations 37. Coffee houses JIMMY'S PAP HAS A in Lansing's most complete 20. Venerable 39. Carpenter's MICROSCOPE AND YOU auto and home stereo and 22. Geyserites tool 4. Hair net OUbHT TO SEE ALL fifth *24. Cape 42. Thoroughfare 5. Centuries tape center. Over 1,000 tapes 25. Hardship 6. Exist THE SQUIGGLY LITTLE THINGS SWIMMIN6 IN IMeMsion in stock At least 26. That man 44. Irk 45. Scooted 1. Adeps 2. Sweet drink 7. Onager 28. Of me 46. Fed the kitty 3. Spears 8. Support PeiNKlNCi WATER ; .p.*- The $5000.- Car I r* T" *- & 9. Foreheads 10. Contour & l& $1.00 OFF 9 11. French a i9 summers that costs only three YA 18 1 15. Lies 18. Mayfly s*o>N % LIST %% 17 11 w 20. Limb 21. Happy C^SSi»' cWm to 332-2369 Complete hair care Safety Richard O. Bemitt and * fcBta'c? S°tfu2«kJ„Tri.''en .continued from page 1) The food inspectors' $17.4 - Knthetic and Human Hair Wigs Capitol City Airport 484-n:u during the Are, three month, of SJ*" ■decoupage bead crafts, BUD'S AUTO PARTS Jc SPECIAL 50c iiSrSfrs content of the investigating the the Black- a ass photos because sanitation regulations. "One district stopped until the beginning of fiscal year, July 1, the The report concedes that the FDA's own checking is limited supplies, Wash up to a 9X12 rug receives some Student Union student fees. Gov. laboratory reported that of 60 compliance Report said" and "consumer complaints Late Model Motors and in our 25 lb. Texas ^ cessation was I ART reproductions washer. spite of continue to provide the basis for 1 Building Specialties parta a speciality WENDROW'S ECONOWASH contend the arrests JJSrt reflect a for an SSSTTKi investigation ^rnipies examined during the that most districts feel 1713ny district actions." Halfway between Holt and 3006 Vine St. 7 i ? that they should be spending FDA Commissioner Charles C. 103 M-43, Okemos, 337-7505 Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 1 block a.m. -11p.m. th* . . *he outPut of 13 .d,str^t foo<* more not less time on this Edwards says federal food west of Sears near (-)read Avenue were discussing racism. where Rice was killed" is problem," according to the inspection lags 10 years behind d66Ti>Kl'£ The heanng was suspended calling contamination, "according to the document comparable policing of drug Lincoln National Lit# Home of The Grad Plan Frandor Shell Station Buying Golf Clubs? Why not check at until early next week. for students to arm themSves! The - Nixon administration has manufacturing. Watch for "THE HAT" on ABC-TV Major repairs Including according to the Daily Kansan! million The report mentions finding a tune-up and brake work Indian Hills Golf Shop "frozen rodent in 30 — a - pound Wide World of Sports mechanic on food operations in the current duty Okemos - 332-6925 can of straberries." Unemployment 351-8811 ^ State Road Service Indian Hills Golf fiscal year. It said i o»v, 3024 E» Saginaw Course, 489-8010 Okemos "During the third quarter, 33 discovered in a loaf of bread food products were seized fading federal and state because of adulteration with inspectors to a Pennsylvania For Sale Real Estate listings 200 to 300 available filth, 220 imported food bakery that "showed extensive Service (continued from page 1) c students dislike this type of . detained for the rodent and insect infestation.' jobs Animals EAST summer, my Macleod one „me said last work." A number of buiacb .t and criminal ^he firm was not named. LANSING, 6 bedrooms, 2 COMPLETE THESIS service. Despite Now « sjl strikes m in the Lne a special r--jeedings were The FDA's Kansas City district bathrooms, study, family room, Discount printing. IBM typing and employment drive, only y°U35 only 30 to 35 jobs are listed and building trades have reduced the 30 — instituted against eight food °^'ce found a "whole cockroach REGISTERED Brussels 66x166 binding, of theses, resumes, summer jobs were obtained in bE Jobs matterrenuinof dayson but Possibilityworkof in the the construction fori. Male puppies. Rare toy publications. Across from campus, more than 11,300 onn -li- phone calls to uuaras not a Lm.T'r area. Arms... "the FDA said. small chocolate • covered MAC >0 that Is sturdy and wonderful and Grand Rlvar, "clii uea employers. Fourteen of a matter of hours. Also an anticipated United Auto In addition, the food Industry ^®®Lcake-"hhasT,he unname<| instituted oh^.t of """lufacturer on. To see these llttla below Style Shop, Workers since corrected strike about 7R 75 rAvails recalls of m GROSBECK GOLF COURSE It may still be possible to find will displace call 339-8011. 3-7-24 near. COPYGRAPH SERVICES these were In state government. extensive cockroach On two beautiful lot«. All _337;1866. 337-1666. C C ' The drive was ine anve conducted in was conaucteo in eariy early iob jod in one" of in_ ",,cone oi the area tne_ «•»<= area those students who have contaminated products during the - J"" ■» »"=» manaaaA mun.aiiH tn uu. i "it aBma nori^ Hnslna frn£ iniesianons infestations in tne .... . the vicinity of the , ■kMESE KITTENS, Saal Point room nMdad for your chlldran to June by MESC and the National hospitals, Fletcher said. But It 1 lhe "e" X™e«goods line." line," Ifimaiei 8 weeks old, $16. Buimmm.At maybe required that the ttudent °< P P^ Some IBM Typing, Multlllth Printing, & $175,00 39-9152. 4-7-28 $13,700. Don't delay, Biggs, 372-7660 or 694-8603 call Randv Hardblnding. Complete Thesis present only a few jo£ school year. Other prediction of job opportunities to make a 24 000 frozen pies. " " co^mln^Bra^l ^nutf Service for the most in various categories file the The National Academy of flIbert8 and n„UntS; possibilities " for' "employment t thefr!" this fall, accordTr.gto Sciences said the FCA inspects Jno'ooo wo"rth of^ffee Oppar Raal Estate. 3-7-24 Discerning ^ Milter's & Doctoral Candidates. at MESC. ■CHSHUND 16 MINUTES from MSU. 4-badroom, 2-bath, fully carpeted, New Free Brochure and Consultation. Call CLIFF end PAULA The Placement Bureau Include domestic workand jobs had in the skilled trades. service supervisor at MESC. But, interstate food °f - processing StaStaiSj^Orleans The boa d cited n!t«nrM ' of AKC. Ona lhslrsd, one short halrad. Famala. long ranch. $26,000 or lease HAUGHEY: 337-1627 or he said, "If you use today as a plants subject to federal contLlS ^ i . "I wouldn't neglect sales,' basis for forecast, It doesn't look |S5Q. 694-3861.3-7-23 $200/month. Evenings, 846-6376, Days: TF 363-7221 627-2936. C Fletcher said, "but often too promising." checking each year. And the agency itself estimates that 20 peooer. oreasno rhllP ^ll!c ACME TYPING. AmaJtlng celerity. Mobile Homes Term papers end theses. Phone Service 482-0094. 1-7-23 Your blueprint for Luxury.. _ ^8, 12'x60', new skirting, 8'x7' BARBI MEL: Typing, multlllthlng. $4800. 646-6381 DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, service No |ob too lerga or too small. charge WnlflQi, 2-7-24 formats. Experienced, Raaeoneble - to be pre . Block off campus. 332-3266. C • peid. 12 charge. Call 366-1040^7-7-31 deadline 1 class day before. IMETTE1967,12x66. Completely Ifurnlshad and sklrtad. King DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term RIDING LESSONS, English, lArthur'i Court, 486-8024, Must all. 8-7-23 Western, lesions by appointment rn,Prn,niP.hXP,,r^VP!,i,Wlt^*Br,r ooill edltlnQ.) MSU Coll,f meeting tonight, 7:30 ^'Publican p.m., Club Gold or course of ten. Horses eccepted 361-8960.0 ft for Room, Union Bldg. New students schooling. Equestrian ~ ' ~ and liilsnt condition - Anderson 8 x Enterprises, 16606 Park new members are especially Lake TYPING IN my home. Fast and Invited to attend P2, complitsly set up on lot. Road, 332-4429. 3-7-24 efficient service. 40c a page. Call 94-8527. 3-7-24 TUTORING • K • 4 grade. AM __882^07814-7;23 THINGS TO DO: Return card o BRLETTE 8 x 42 furnished, T.V., subjects. Experienced, reasonable ANN BROWN: Typing and multlllth ^,NI0!y| ?°AaR° ®",33" t0, r,M Poor csmpu«, excellent condition, ratal. Phone 361-0779 from 3 • 6. offset printing. Complete wrvlca p , Activities Carnival, Make "31-4160. 3-7-24 8-7-23 for dissertations, theses, "rt,'n lnc«>mln8 freshmen and manuscripts, general typing, IBM. tr,n,t,r» know about your tAT LAKES 8 ~x ~ 37, near PAINTING AND Interior decorating, 20 years experience. 332-8384. C or8,n,l•tion,• >u«. Good condition. Make Experienced, reasonable rates and or, 351-0761. 6-7-24 fraa estimate. FIGHT RACISM: SDS will hold e 0-7-31 Call 366-3833. Transportation rally today at 3:30 p.m. on the steps J60 QENERAl .bachelor l"'1 ,or voung marrlad pad or BABYSITTING IN WANTED RIDER to Seattle, leevlng of the Auditorium around the themes of Support Ghetto Rebellions and couple my University Plthout August 26. Share expenees, Free Bobby Seele. Show chlldran, beautiful Village apartment. Experienced, your fono tlon, near campus. 361-9287 366-6213. 4-7-24 339-2938. 3-7-24 determination to fight racism. winlngs, 6-7-27 The Free U class on Women's Wanted Liberation will meet today et 3:30 Lost & Found Cempus Bookstore. 361-6283. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.60 for p.m. at 131 Albert. 3-7-24 ell positive. A negative, B negative The MSU Sailing Club will be holding [• BROWN brlefcesa in Bessey -J— - -. and AB negative, $10.00, O e regatta all day this Saturdey. Rides Mondsy, Reward. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN '823, 3-7-27 Call Typing Service COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, will be leaving the west entrence of 507V4 East Grand River, East the Union from 9 - 9:30 e.m. eyeglasses EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do Lansing. Above the new Campus Trophies will be ewarded to the top with case. — ty of Book Store. Hours 9 finishers. Juice and cookies will be ■ Wilson Road on typing In home, electric T«oU,!;.W#dn8,d,v m°rnlng. Call typewriter, stencils end dittos, %. Monday, Wednesday and ,v,ll,bl> throughout the day. |66-8161, 355-3444. 2-7-24 printing, 372-3729. 10-8-4 pick-up / delivery, Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 P.m to 6:30 o m 337-7183 C ~ , . • Rtfliitratlon . female Siamese: ^ l_\ Party this Friday at 9 p.m., at 323 J'lrouchks, Grand River / Haslett TYPING DONE by experienced RIDER(S) MAINE vie Massachusetts cilia9ot,DrlV#«?#!?^«Viiiege), apt. Pr«. Call Marguerite, 366-3464 secretary at home. Fast, neat, and turnpike. Share driving / gas. 516. juice Phone 361-4249. Bring ei i cookias. your RENTALS BY APPOINTMENT MODEL HOW CLOSED n Bp.m. 2-7-23 accurate. 882-2066. 6-7-28 355-0800 after 6 p.m. 4-7-24 FOR INFORMATION CALL ■ 7/K gray Tiger kitten, white ' underside. Vicinity Cedar Place Your 372 2797 MARSHA CHANEL ■ B„H,ck'353-6418 before TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing or l"i^723"* 351-3311 ,ft,r 6 PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD student units. These spacious luxury apartments are Today . .. Just clip, complete, mail. completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Personal STA TE NEWS will bill you later. Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - ■^0uNtS~~hYre Summer central air conditioning. These four man units have up 484 5 7 24 |0b,' C*" J°hn' to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated KiTnFMEcrNCY WM r|Hht ^en. swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. T,T°N FERENCY Is right now. If you want to be among the first residents of )4 Z0LT0N. August 4. TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at Consecutive Dates to Run_ $70/month per man. ar hri"ln8 hour of beauty. ■ERLF M«ment eal1 ^84-4619. Irun,. °R^AN 160° East COSMETICS Michigan. 'e are located In tha |jCKs west MSU. Cape K^4 1242 DB,cfungf)am fdroomSljG houM' 5 #erM' 3 Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 4620 S. HAGADORN t^&rr^:''000 10 Words or Less: 1 day $1.50 3 days • $4.00 40c per word 5 days 65c per word - $6.50 APTS. Over 10 Words Add: 15c per word □ □ □ management exclusively by: J"" vesrs s ™ort0age, 614% in 0x10 ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Vtras. 3Q' snooker table, Mail to. Michigan State News K°ner , "vs occupancy or 347 Student Services Bldg. fJ'987? 2 7.23UX Subdivi,,on- MSU East Lensing, Mich. Thursday, July 23 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 Role controversy By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS by being organized to develop the technical help — doctors, 'power block' leads to VISTA uprising organization without one or more specific At the same time, similar meetings were being planned or unique in that 2,500 sets of its statement were mailed to volunteers from six 10 regions. of VISTA's together, - year ■ old said Jarlath VISTA HUnie * vol? Sharp disagreement between community power to tilt with teachers, engineers — to solve held in Gary, Ind., Frederick, projects where most of the They organized the alliance, from Seattle who Worb £ some young VISTA workers and local institutions and elected immediate problems in poor poverty - related issues to sustain nation's 4,600 VISTA's work. provided the initial funds for a Rochester, N.Y. it. Eliminating community Md., Rose Hill, N.C., Kings Tree, their directors over how to help officials. neighborhoods. the nation's poor has led to an The poor themselves, precisely organization will tum VISTA S. C., Memphis, Tenn., Orlando, Discussion of that document Washington office and called the VISTA's were so involvedS? uprising in the organization, the The older Washington because they are poor, have into a band • aid pacification Fla., Waterloo, Iowa, and in transformed the meeting July conference. they never trends and saw the n.25 planned for Gary into a much "Brevard and Chicago were the they hesitatedtoT domestic version of the Peace administrators, sensitive to the mustered no united voice to program that will do little more upstate New York and on the complaints from local politicians West Coast. larger conference in Chicago first times volunteers from up time from their Corps. make clear where they stand, so than make superficial changes in and power groups about the self But the Brevard meeting was June 8 attended by 250 across the country put things projects." I0C« The young, street - trained both camps claim their support. a few people's lives." - assertive poor, see another role volunteers argue that the VISTA volunteers from for VISTA. They would provide powerless poor are best served isolated, forgotten places across the nation are coming to FOR LOW-INCOME FAMILIES Washington July 27 - 29 to bring the issue to Congress and their supervisors. The Alliance, July convention was called by the National VISTA the first national organization of volunteers since the program began five years Greater WASHINGTON (AP) - The does not undertake a housing came from a housing panel headed by administration has taken no step The other report ~ by a l™. ago. White House made public program for the poor and for moderate - income families. Washington economist Miles L. Colean. to date to impose federal headed by Raymond J. SaulIZ housing recommended that - The alliance was formed after Wednesday two reports urging programs on greater^ the director of the Office of greater efforts to provide Made public at the same time "Because of the prevalence, communities by threatening be made of the mass economic Economic Opportunity, Donald housing for low - income was a similar report from a magnitude, and urgency of denial of aid in that and other possible through factory Rumsfeld, told an April news families — with one White House task force on low - urban problems and the areas. However, an housing transported to b conference that the Volunteers recommending denial of all income housing that called for apparent inability of states and administration official said the sites. in Service to America program federal aid to cities failing to consolidation and simplification cities to find solutions for them concept is one of a number of federal efforts toward that without outside aid, the plight apparently under consideration. It said money would be was going to recruit more undertake such programs. One of the two fact - finding end. of our cities is a matter of The idea is that restricting and more homes built professionals and reduce the | number of young volunteers panels, named by President The recommendation that national concern and requires a areas to low - cost housing only inspectors at the fact