N//C EDITOR'S NOTE: On July 1, when had none of doctor th«. these, maintaining they „ Someone got up from gives ' ■ free the country'! most liberal abortion law are unnecessary for safe abortions. He one of the few cards. He looked at the names, and reread _ tjiat of New York - took effect, a said he planned to set chairs in the tiny West Side living room, the medical histories he had taken the Nancy M. — a 25 - year - old practical "Okay then," he said when no on- up an abortion and Doris eased herself down. nurse in a New York City responded. "I think Linda is next." New York City gynecologist clinic where abortions would be done "I feel night before when he first met the girls in knows the doctor; hospital who A tall, lithe blond stood oerformed 10 abortion! without coit for $50 each. wonderful," she said, "but I don't an informal gathering. Among them were: up, and silently think I'm quite Susan P. — an 18 - year - old who came followed the doctor upstairs. They entered his apartment office. The doctor, ready to run around the Cathy B. — a 20 year • old rape victim - block..." with her boyfriend; a small room with an who asked to remain anonymoui, By NAOMI ROCK from Toledo, Ohio, whose aunt had adjoining bathroom. Connie L. — a 23 Linda was introduced to the nurse and to a worked within the new law which AP Newsfeatures The doorbell referred her to the doctor through the • year - old from Writer rang. The doctor's wife Montreal who came with her doctor psychologist who runs a Los Angeles permits any abortion by a licensed went out and returned with two more girls. Women's Abortion Project, a coalition of husband; abortion clinic which claims to have done physician up to the 24th week of 'This is Cathy and this is Sue," she told women's liberation groups; Linda C. -a 25 5,000 successful abortions for $30 each. year - old New York pregnancy. However, he violated city The 8'rl. Marsha L. — a 20 - year ~ - the group. old Chicago hair, steel rimmed glasses, heavyset, dark "They just - came from Ohio. City school teacher who gave up an Linda was instructed to undress, health department guideline! which college student, who had been referred to put on a descended the Cathy wants the abortion." abortion appointment at a white disposable surgical the city was considering adopting into staircase, a broad smile on her face. New York by a women's liberation city hospital for gown, and to sit A group fear that the three week wait down on the examination table. The nurse law. The guideline! permit out - of - "Don't worry," Doris counselled. "I after she could - would put hospital abortion! only when there is ch2*? shouted a a ' dun8arees or dresses, greeting and broke into applause the first and I just got finished. It wasn't was for $500 near home; only find an illegal abortion her past the danger time. then took her blood pressure, and the How do you bad at all." "I think I answered all doctor checked her heart, lungs and extensive equipment including a blood feel, Doris?" Eleanor S. — a 22 - year • old from Ft. your questions "Did it hurt?" last night," the doctor told the breasts, and gave her a pelvic examination. bank for transfusions and apparatus The doctor, a tall slim man in his early Lauderdale, Fla., who called women's lib if there are still group. "But "The for abdominal surgery, and when an "You look great." groups rather than spend any you can either ask procedure is very simple," the 30s, entered the room. He nodded to the $800 for an them now or when anesthesiologist is present. The doctor "Hey, let her sit down!" illegal abortion; you come upstairs. Any girls, smiled and shuffled a group of index questions?" (please turn to back page/ Friday MICHIGAN Vol. UNIVERSITY 63, Number 23 STATE TATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 24, 1970 Guardsmen may face trial in four deaths at Kent State AKRON, Ohio (AP) - An FBI report possibly face criminal charges in the the others hit in the side or back, the paper student who was making an obscene says the May 4 shooting deaths of four shootings. said. gesture and another fired at a a student Kent State University students was "not More than 100 FBI agents have One guardsman was pictured by who was prepared to throw a rock, it said. necessary" and that demonstrators investigated the shootings, which occurred investigators as running around hysterically Robert I. White, president of Kent State, Food value as guardsmen tried to disperse after the firing and shouting, "I shot two lacking harassing National Guardsmen on the campus could have been turned back without gunfire, the Akron Beacon Journal demonstrators. Guard officials have said some 100 troops teen-agers, I shot two teen-agers," the newspaper said. meanwhile, has outlined to parents of students the measures taken by the university to prevent violence on the [ Robert H. Choate, a Washington nutritional specialist, tells a Senate said Thursday. were surrounded on three sides when the The report said one guardsman fired at a campus. consumer subcommittee some of the most heavily advertised cereals - The newspaper said in a copyright story shootings occurred. Officials maintained I including Wheaties, Cheerios and the top brands of shredded wheat and that a 7,500 - page report compiled by the they had run out of tear gas and fired I corn flakes -have little nutritional value. AP Wirephoto FBI said that six Ohio Guardsmen could justifiably, although without specific CAMPUS UNREST orders, because they felt their lives were in danger. The Beacon Journal said a 10-page summary of the FBI report contended that the troops were not surrounded, had not Presidential adviser lutrition expert claims run out of tear gas and were not in danger of being killed. It said that a hail of rocks was not being hurled upon the troops before the raps Nattitude shootings and that none of the roughly 100 :erea/s fail troops involved had been hurt by thrown WASHINGTON (AP) - President In an introductory statement to a objects. The Guard contended that each Nixon's special adviser on campus unrest 40-page document. Heard said he is a soldier was hit by a thrown object during the incident. urged Thursday that the chief executive pay greater heed to views of students and convinced concern over Nixon campus does exhibit developments. serious The FBI said about 200 demonstrators blacks and that he use the moral force of [WASHINGTON (AP) — A nutritional opportunity to provide the right But he said his studies showed that those were heckling Guardsmen and they could his office to reduce racial tensions. iecialist told Senate investigators information to the subcommittee." cereals u 1""J he ranked in the bottom 40 'n would ,J However, in an accompanying memo he have been turned back without firing if Without going into details, Alexander sent Nixon on June 19, Heard made it clear pursday that nearly all the most heavily Choate said a frequent defense of the dry fail as a complete meal even if the amount arrests had been made and more tear gas Heard, chancellor of Vanderbilt University, that at that time he Ivertised dry cereals contain only empty cereal makers takes the form of describing of cereal was doubled. questioned the used, according to the newspaper account. issued through the White House a administration's approach to the campus summary [lories that can keep people fat but not a certain cereal's nutrient value in General Foods said in a statement that Federal agents determined that a total of of some of the recommendations he made upheaval — including killings at Kent State "cereals are one of the best sources of pithy. combination with the milk and sugar it is 13 students were hit by bullets in 11 to Nixon while serving, May 8 until now, as University and Jackson State College — Bn fact, said Robert B. Choate, 40 of 60 supposed to be eaten with. nutrition for consumers of all ages." seconds. Four shot in the front and were presidential adviser on campus disturbances that followed Nixon's decision to intervene fjor types of cereals he has studied have and restiveness. with U.S. ground troops in Cambodia. lout as much nutritional value as a shot I hard liquor. ™>st of the big firms defended their oducts and some of them implied that out* d°eSn t know what he is talking ■"'Leading rj°n nutrition ■general Foods said Choate authorities Just do not agree with Mr. Choate," F a spokesman for the Kelloee On in "has made the a WASHINGTON Congress (AP) - The Senate passed Thursday after more than a year of The provides administration for - backed preventive approves measure detention, floor manager of the bill, said that if the Senate didn't pass it there would be no anticrime bill cent of all rape victims and 86 per cent of all aggravated assault victims in the city are judge found, after a hearing, that their many technical errors" in his controversy a broad - scale anticrime bill no-knock release would pose a serious threat to police searches, mandatory crime control measure for the District this f'imony and "has made a number of for the District of Columbia, which minimum sentences, court - approved black. community safety. pong assumptions about the food President Nixon described in his year. Most of the Senate controversy centered 1968 wire-taps by police and other sections And he said that "to those who say this on the preventive detection section under phy and food marketing. campaign as "the crime capital of the assailed by opponents as repressive and a bill is antiblack, I say crime in this 70 per which defendants Opponents argued that this flies in the face of the |j*'!fseand ean corrected," General Foods world." violation of constitutional rights. cent black city is antiblack." He said that charged with certain assumption that a person is ' when the industry is given an The vote was 54 to 33. But it also provides dangerous or violent crimes could be held presumed innocent until proven guilty and for a complete 86 per cent of all murder victims, 80 per for trial without bail for up to 60 days if a reorganization of the local courts, more |3 INDICTED judges, an expanded bail agency, a public defender system and other steps on which there was general agreement. (please turn to back page) The bill, passed by the House last week Weathermen by a 332-64 vote, is one of 13 crime control to be sent measures prodding Congress to act that Nixon on — to the White House for his has been and the first SDS rally dampened signature. in bombing No one disputed the need for anticrime legislation for this capital city, where more than 56,000 felonies were reported last by steady downpour year including 7,071 armed robberies, 287 — Thirteen members of from Students for a Democratic murders and 336 cases of forcible rape. racism," Beth Shapiro, East Lansing adical Weatherman Society Opponents tried in vain to persuade the By DAVE SHORT graduate student, said. group — the "top during a raucous Chicago convention in Senate to reject the bill, saying it could ivprn!!8 leadershiP" according to one June, 1969. The first was the April State News Staff Writer "Fighting racism is one of the goals in IhuiS official ~ were charged L* with conspiring to commit indictment by a federal grand jury in then pass a separate measure embodying court reorganization and other A consistent rainfall dampened an MSU fighting society. We have to realize that our troubles are the same." Chicago, in which Miss Evans and 11 other Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) noncontroversial features of the legislation. The speakers outlined SDS support ^nations and bombings in four U.S. Weathermen members were charged. But. Sen. Joseph D. Tydings, D-Md., "fight Racism — Support Ghetto three basic demands — year round jobs for The 13 accused and 15 other persons Rebellion" rally Thursday afternoon. for ie a former MSU student and named as co-conspirators, the indictment everyone, decent housing and freedom for The rain forced SDS to alter its rally Mi °e 13 indieted, was also Indicted in said, intended to "use bombs, destructive format. Although the rally was planned for all prisoners arrested during the "justified revolt." st . charges of conspiracy and devices and explosives to destroy police the Auditorium steps, approximately 100 it OrL avei t0 ,nc,te riots in Chicago Oxygen installations and other civic, business and After the speeches in Olds, about 50 people moved to a staircase in Olds Hall to imoji ' She ls only one of 12 educational buildings throughout the hear three student speakers. people marched to the East Lansing Police hJ" J** April indictment to be country and to kill and injure persons SDS had planned to picket Olds Hall, Dept. The demonstrators then marched IA» ed- therein." which houses the School of Criminal through the building and around the block le IndS g*and Jury here handed down Those named In the indictment were before breaking up. f invito? again8t the 13-11 Allowed charged with agreeing to organize a central causes Justice, and the East Lansing police station but decided to save their SDS is planning a meeting Tuesday in the signs until the Union to voice support for a national Par con JPawing out of a secret committee to direct bombing operations regional SDS meeting in Detroit on Aug. 1 December, with members being assigned to Chicago, because of the rain. "Free Bobby Seale" drive. Convicted icurted Id i„ CI Deirolt. CS'JWAtty-Gen-John Jf clted ,n the indictments Chicago, New York N- Detroit, New York City and Berkeley. In addition, the indictment said, the group decided to establish "clandestine and to collapse Although SDS called of blacks In the the rally in support ghettos, only one black, a Former Newark Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and four litigation ,,*6 8t,ce be«an it8 underground 'focals,' consisting of three to A retest of the air in a central campus State News staff member attended the rally. Cloudy . . co-defendants were convicted I Proved ! t!r an exPloslon l«t March four persons" which would be under the command of the "central committee" and pumping station Thursday affirmed that three men w*io collapsed in the area All three speakers at the rally urged the . . . with a chance of showers. Wednesday night on 64 counts of , York city own8tone townhouse in which would carry out the actual bombing Wednesday did so because of an oxygen white Left to become more committed in the fight against racism. The expected low 80's. high will be in the conspiracy and extortion in U.S. BLthe"gainst i*ec°nd major series of "We on the Left have been lax in fighting District Court in Trenton, N.J. 'he group which split (please turn to back page) (please turn to back page) AP Wirephoto Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, jU|y 24 ( news Testimony links Collins/ coed ANN ARBOR (UPI)-One of the last people to see Karen Sue Before Mrs. Ooshe testified Washtenaw When the girl left the wig said Collins wore matched the had straight, dark hair and long sideburns. Collins' them had a testified that nn "I ■ summary description provided by several County Circuit shop, "she went outside and she square rear mirror when she Beineman alive testified Court Judge John W. Conlin went over to the gentleman on other witnesses. In the absence °* 1JUIJ. knew H before he ^81J»l Thursday that, when she ruled that she could not testifv the motorcycle," Mrs. Goshe Conlin had Mrs. uosne go allegedly ki|led From the wires of AP and UPI. Beineman. disappeared, the coed rode off that Miss Beineman told her she said. She pointed out Collins, a During his cross - examination, through a trial run oi ner The mirror is a on a motorcycle driven by John had accepted a motorcycle ride former senior at EMU, as the Fink brought out that Mrs. proposed testimony to see n ne evidence in the key ni^ ,■ Norman Collins, the former from a stranger on July 23, 1969 motorcyclist, Goshe earlier had stated Miss would allow it. former trial 0f ® student charged with murdering ~ the day she disappeared. •And' then what happened?" Beineman entered the wig shop Testimony was adjourned until Eastern Mil But Conlin said the jury could asked Washtenaw County between noon and 12:30 p.m. It Monday, when Mrs. Goshe was University student A . But in vigorous cross - hear testimony that Miss Prosecutor William F. Delhey. was a,so brought out that she to again take the stand. prosecution Collins was witness has Lm examination of Mrs. Diana Joan Beineman planned to return to "She climbed on the had described the man on the Earlier, two motorcycles were driving a moto^l with such Goshe, Defense Attorney Neil Fink the Eastern Michigan University motorcycle," Mrs. Goshe said. Beineman a mirror when |2| "It's just incredible that there brought out several campus on the motorcycle, "And then?" Delhey asked. vehicle. hopped onto 7M""I are no state - supported drug inconsistencies between her Mrs. Goshe said Miss Beineman "They left," Mrs. Goshe said, treatment facilities in operation in testimony at Collins' trial and told her "there was a gentleman description earlier testimony and statements on a motorcycle waiting for Michigan." horizontally striped yellow she had made. her." antj . g,.een T-shirt which she Comedies | - State Sen. Sander M. Levin International News State boards draft slated ii film series Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser endorsed Thursday night the U.S. proposal to "stop shooting - start talking" in the Middle East "attitude and foolishness" clouds any hope for a but said Israel's 994 in August call By United Prtra Two British comedies presented tonight and Saturday will h( random sequence orders „. night as part of the International settlement. Michigan local draft boards to registrants in the July 3; Genesee, 41; Gladwin, 1; Film Series. Gogebic, 1; Grand Traverse, 1; lames C. T "We do not make war," Nasser said. "We want to were ordered Thursday to draft lottery. 994 men during the month of Gratiot, 19; Hillsdale, 1; candidates, r liberate our land and we want the rights of the Palestine Wayne County, as usual, was August, according to State issued the Houghton, 1; Huron, 2; Ingham, "Rotten to the Core." thefim ponsored by people." Selective Service Director Col. largest draft call with 54; Ionia, 1; Iosco, 3; Iron, 1; of the two comedies, is the But even though Egypt has agreed to talk about peace, 162 men ordered. Isabella, 1; Jackson, 13; story Arthur A. Holmes. of a band of train robbers The draft call by counties for who Nasser still holds to his two - point aim: "Israeli Those being called will have Kalamazoo, 14; Kalkaska, 1; try to go modern and withdrawal from all occupied Egyptian territory, and random sequence numbers Au*ust is: Kent, 51; Keweenaw, 1; Lake, 1; make a half - million doll# ILLE recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestine Alcona, 7; Alger, 2; Allegan, 6; Lapeer, 2; Leelanau, 1; Lenawee, success out of their bumbliw Alpena, 3; Antrim, 3; Arenac,2; 2; Livingston, 9; Luce, 1; and ill - fated attempt. people." Mackinac, 3; Macomb, 48; authorized to go as high as Baraga, 5; Barry, 7; Bay, 7; "A Home of Your Own' number 195 in the call. Benzie, 1; Berrien, 28; Branch. Manistee, 1; Marquette, 24; U.S. - South Korean conferees have agreed to shift In addition to the draftees, 11; Calhoun, 31; Cass, 2; Mason, 2; Mecosta, 4; lampoon of the British trades which charts the hazard buildinj more planes to the Asian nation and to modernize its physical examinations for the Charlevoix, 2; Cheboygan, 1; Menominee, 10; Midland, 4; involved in building a youtii military forces but broke up without a timetable for 1971 selective group will begin Chippewa, 1; Clare, 3; Clinton, Missaukee, 1; Monroe, 18; couple's dream house. The film American troop withdrawals. in August. The exams will be 18; Crawford, 1; Delta, 3; Montcalm, 1; Montmorency, 1; uses sound effects, but it BY JEFI scheduled according to the Dickinson, 5; Eaton, 3; Emmet, Muskegon, 29; Newaygo, 2; performed entirely without Before the two-day defense conference, U.S military State New Oakland, 148; Oceana, 3; dialogue. officials said a timetable would be worked out for the Ogemaw, 1; Ontonagon, 1; Future offerings jnsing said departure of one - third of the 62,000 troops in South The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Osceola, 2; Oscoda, 1; Otsego, 5; International Film Series includi irninghan Th Korea over the protests of that naion. University, is published every class day during four school Ottawa, 42; Presque Isle, 1; Gettin' there ."55 Days at Peking" (Americu ler family, terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Roscommon, 1; Saginaw, 25; St. July 31 and Aug. 1; "A Man am Clair, 15; St. Joseph 14; Sanilac, Summer term affords students the best weather conditions ghbors - Subscription rate is $14 per year A Woman" (French) Aug. 1 National News 4; Schoolcraft, 1; Shiawassee, 3; in which to try out novel ways of getting to class. William rhaps never V Roberts finds the unicycle challenging but offering little 8; and "West Side Story iwn close to Member Associated Press. United Press International, Tuscola, 5; Van Buren, 16; Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, room to carry books. (American) Aug. 14 and 15. Dnizing days Washtenaw, 15; Wexford, 3; Tickets will be available atthi had come to A purported Black Panther blueprint for executing Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Wayne, 162. State News photo by John Harrington door. About 800 p< Association. United States Student Press Association. top Illinois city and state officials and destroying Miss Mu communications, power and transportation facilities was idents at Sex Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. presented Thursday at a House internal security Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services TO FINANCE EDUCATION ended the br Central I subcommittee hearing. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, irch in Las The eight - page typewritten plan outline was one of Michigan. irninghan fai several documents turned over to the subcommittee by Die 16 - yeai Jondahl favors Phones: a member of the Indianapolis, Ind., police department Editorial rmer Lansinj 355-8252 who «aid he received them from a disenchanted Black Panther. Classified Advertising Display Advertising . 355-8255 353-6400 income Business-Circulation Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 H. Lynn Jondahl, Democratic candidate for the state Senate and, consequently, stop-gap and inadequate education," he said. hird c The House Agriculture Committee attached to the He called the federal commitment to military expenditures "the (24th District) said Thursday it is imperative that the graduated , food stamp program Thursday new restrictions income tax proposal on the November ballot be passed. including work requirments and minimum payments for "We cannot rely upon the property tax to finance our single greatest barrier to financial ability for educating our young." side recipients. The work regulation requires every recipient between the ages of 18 and 65 to register and able - bodied B.G AL'S educational system. The tax is already too high; it has always been among the least fair taxes and the constant need for additional monies, requiring each time another vote for The candidate also said that vocational education has been relegated to "educational crumbs under the table of educational elitism," adding that 75 per cent of all Michigan high school ' migrate to the Arkansas action would be taken to protect decided" underdoes underdogs in in the the rfenlorahlo" ho ciH deplorable," he said, rul lnursaay w "S1"' " loresi Nj,H_njll wilrtlifp Rpfnap alono fire advancing on nesting ponsored by the MSU Professional Educators for Peace. gubernatorial primary race , ... . And while appearing here at . . Brare State News photo by Bill Porteous their parties. of the ^ of the wh inJ particularly the young, should le time Chicago crane whose ca„ once ^* A. H. Macpherson, the fire move into their nesting the skies of North director of the Canadian Wildlife grounds ILLER STILL AT LARGE America. "We have a critical situation Service, told a reporter the fire threatening the national park is The majeStic four were on ■ foot birds the brink of extinction here," said a spokesman for within few miles of areas when their number dropped to „ Wood National Park, habitat for "which think are important" iow of 15 in 1943, as a result of 50 to 60 of the stately adult for nesting. Lansing bids goodby to Laurie slaughter over 150 years for white birds, the only band still He said the threatened their prized plumage. living in a wild state. There also are mostly wet areas oi Canadian and U.S. laws r iutjo ik#w are some yearlings in the park, edges of ponds and biologists protect the species, and both plus an unknown number that believe the young hatched this countries have programs afoot BY JEFFSHELER Muminghan, who was kidnaped of God hatched this summer. year should be strong enough aimed at boosting the whooping hearts," Lyman Then just before the casket parents, an older sister and two State News Staff Writer during a robbery of the gift shop About 110 troops were called escape, said. taken to the hearse waiting younger brothers — left from crane population to several where she worked, was found He read the words of a Simon in the drizzling out to fight the blaze, one of "I understand the fire not thousand, arising said goodby to Laurie Lyman their isolated position in the dead in a swampy area near and Garfunkel song, "Bridge reminded reported burning over some endangering the very There about a dozen rninghan Thursday, Mason last Monday. balcony and, followed by the 20 000 i the park astride urgently," said Macpherson, whoppers in Over Troubled Waters," i song, "Wherever Laurie is, the sun is other mourners, boarded the captivity ler family, her friends and Her killer remained at large , ■ the frontier between Alberta and , u/hr* 1154 iniioiiitru ai id he said, often sung and enjoyed shining. funeral procession. the Northwest Territories. Five f ^ knew her but . were Thursday ^ Pol'ce reported no by Miss Murninghan: Following the service the A crowd was gathered outside wereout of control, L close to her during the 11 "eW leads !n their search for the "Sail on silver 8ir|. sa'1 on by- Muminghan family - the church as the procession The cranes are nesting in a SXs she wasrtX - rman Wh° abdUCted her July "Your time has COme t0 Shinetheir drove off to Evergreen Cemetery portion of the park that juts into had come t0 say goodby. \bout 800 persons, many who said ^unty Coroner Glen Dunn dreams are i Russia launches Thursday that pathologists »- how they shine , ^TfeVh Y had stiU not determined the "Oh if you need a friend h .ended the brief Tf r.l clr^W C8USe 0f death' but when he "I'm sailing right behind 352nd satellite June«l Central United Methodist service viewe(J the bod he ..couldn.t "Like a bridge over troubled irch in Lansing, where the kiiled uminghan family are members. te„ b looki 6 „ how ghe waters "I will ease your mind, MOSCOW (AP) — Union launched No. 352 in its The Soviet Where can you get the rhe 16 year - old daughter of • The Rev. Howard A. Lyman, "Like a bridge over troubled series of unmanned Cosmos waters satellites , Tass reported. mer Lansing Mayor Max E. paster of the church, conducted the service and delivered a "I will ease your mind." The official news agency said Lyman told the mourners that the craft was orbiting the earth eulogy in which he called Miss Murninghan a "ray of sunshine" "just as we share Christ's anguish every 89.5 minutes at an angle HIGHEST RATE hird of blind who "lived life to its fullest." He said her killer "did not in the garden of Gethsemane so of 51.8 degrees ranging 192 does he share our anguish in miles to 127 miles from the know what he was doing" and Lansing." earth. jside in India "is sick — his mind is twisted." He said people should pray for of return on any type IEW DELHI (AP) - There are hlm- million blind people in the "Our memorial to Laurie rid and one - third of them Murninghan should not be one Indians, said K.K. Shah, THE BIGGEST iter for health and ling. family of rumors suspicion, and racial fears and brotherhood based but let on it be the love IN ECONOMY of bank savings? nu it tm KUM7 mm. 35 I.P.O. art it Mir'1 |MHM prices Kit ttlik km «* GOLDEN FALCON ROOM jm tn SAVE. HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE EVERYBODY'S BUZZING ABOUT ON WINGS: WITH THE NEW GLYCINES NIGHTLY BUFFET DON RODRIGO TRIO AT AB & T OF COURSE! A LA CARTE Rugged. Accurate. Fashionable. Put them Featuring JERI RAY all together they spell Glycine—a very COMPLETE Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. fine watch. Glycine Vacuum —automatic, air, DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. water and condensation resistant. Day . *1715 No other bank offers higher rates of and date feature, $110. "Futura',' 17 jewel interest on any type of savings automatic calendar watch. Gold account or certificate of deposit. A.B.Si T. is the place to save ... no filled, stainless back, $70. MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 question about itl RENAULT DEALER MORGANS Jewelers Since 1876 SPORTS CAR CENTER 121 S. Washington • Lansing 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 482-1226 Meridian Mall • East Lansing Airport) *•"»» FOR RESERVATIONS (FREE PARKING) Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery Arr. GRANDMA'S It's the real thing. Coke. AZales nap* Diamond 'I Sags Jam K) E. Kalamazoo && All That Nbu Couldn't It's Honey - Dipped! DIAMOND SOIITAIKS Al % REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN $1.35 3 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN $1.80 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE jf Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN $2.55 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY ZAL£$ Serves 3 to 4 ^'renothing without your low*. MICHIGAN POINT OF VICW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Are your must we demands perpetuate a system that accepts any If I should consent to take part greater? in this Ask yourselves again if you hftn „ . EDITOR'S NOTE: the following economic extremes? war or any other future war: Will you think I am more demanding than y I FREDERICK J. LESLIE article is part two of a two - part Point Is the description of the "Uninvolved honor me daily as a defender of Answer my questions and 1 am su* I of View submitted by Robert Gliwa, Democracy, a defender of the Fatherland, many of your replies would be J,? I advertising manager American" not basically true of all Royal Oak junior. The Point of View Americans alike? Yes, give a helping hand a defender of liberty and freedom? Or will similar to mine. Our world is obviously I KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor is addressed to the members of to family and friend; but deny that same you only honor my actions, possibly my upon double standards; and this is would wh I life, on one day a year, Memorial Day, our answers differ. I have ad ' LARRY LEE, city eiditor Selective Service Local Board No. 66 hand to a stranger. Is it not really a case of after which you will sunbathe on a beach to and acknowledged the fact which is located in Royal Oak. the Good Samaritan, only with the tha JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor thankful for the day off? duality really exists. You have not or 7/1 JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor protagonist missing? Is this not a country of racism? Why do laws have to be passed Will you forget me as an individual if I you have, you unceasingly try to ignnji I Why must I leave my country to fight in a war across the ocean when there is a to protect the rights of the minority should lay down my life for the values of Why? We are both hypocrites Ye"? I constant battle being waged everyday right peoples? Should color of skin or a deep our nation I would valiantly fight for? Or willing to change while you remain tran>!! I Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award here in America? Is competition not one of commitment mark a man, causing him to will you only remember my individuality in the status quo. apw I for outstanding journalism. Call me an idealist; but the main arteries of this nation's peoples? become a discriminated - against loner? by placing my name on an engraved remember m . Is each man not out for himself first before Obviously no; yet should we permit such a monument before City Hall; Will you visit idealism today may be the realism of 1 the next man? Is this not a country of value system to exist right here at home? me daily, trying your hardest to comfort tomorrow. Yes, I am looking for Utonia I EDITORIALS extremes, with the excessive wealthy on So again I ask, why should I leave the and console me, if I should become totally disabled, losing my most precious object, Utopia nobody has ever found and. I Utopia you say will never be found Do« I one side, and with the downtrodden country to fight, when there is a battle I should give up my search? I that is, my personal identity, my mind? Or that mean impoverished on the other? Not totally being fought daily here in the United — with I States? will you push me to the back of your mind Does that mean I should be content condemn the system of free enterprise, but Small funds as you have done with all of the totally disabled GI's of the previous wars and of the present world and not be build a better world? Are you anxious to I totally hapro I this present war, sighing deeply, saying: with the present world you are living J I the I "It's too bad but it couldn't be helped." Do you want your offspring to live in must I a boon for c and then resume your daily duties? Yes, my demands are great. Yet think about the demands you have placed upon same be world you do? You may say one practical and pragmatic, but for ho long must we put love, peace, and li|e _ Mouse bread and cockroach cake food inspection arm of the FDA is me. You are asking me to fight and second with practicality as the dominant I cannot I first. I am willing to change but I woefully underfunded. In fact, possibly lose my life for something that are not the sort of victuals that one federal inspectors were forced to would ordinarily expect to find on an American dinner table. virtually halt surveillance between Nevertheless, reports the federal April and July because of a lack of Yet do you funds. think the last thoughts of a Food and Drug Administration, dying serviceman are about the cause for Americans are inadvertently exposed Secondly, the inescapable which he laid his life on the line? They conclusion is that many, if not most, to these and many other similar iied with only one thought: I want to food processors and handlers are morsels every year by unscrupulous live. And does war not seem to be food firms. simply not interested in comforming contradictory? We should fight and die in to government standards. The gist of the FDA's report reads order to have peace and life. more like a scene from the Octopus It is a sad commentary on the than a government study. One priorities of this nation that billions can be spent to kill in Southeast district laboratory indicated that better than 50 per cent of Asia, yet there is not enough money should not be. Is life not the most precious unless others are willing to contribute to I this change. compliance samples received appropriated to insure that thing? Is self - preservation not man's greatest drive? Yes, to die for one's Therefore, in good conscience. I ask that I contained contaminants. The report Americans eat clean, country and for future generations is very my name be deleted from your list oil uncontaminated food. Clearly, the cites finds of cockroaches in sweet noble and honourable. possible participants. I ask that my name I Nixon administration's contention be erased until the time wheal cakes, whole frozen rodents in Yet do you think the last thoughts of a comes frozen strawberries^and hundreds of that big business can be trusted to dying serviceman are about the cause for people are willing to work together with I thousands of dollars worth of act in the public interest without which he laid his life on the line? They one another as one in the same, and not P contaminated coffee, nuts and so on. government prodding, is in need of died with only one thought: I want to live. two, totally different. I request that you I serious And does war not seem to be not ask me to defend my freedom duetol The problem is two fold. First, the rethinking. the fact that it is my most basic right as a I contradictory? We should fight and die in order to have peace and live. Do you member of the human race; a right that no I abstain from drink so that you do not one in this world can justly deny. I am told I my enemy is the Communist. This maybcl Passage of perish from thirst? Do you hold your breath so that you do not suffocate? Do you starve yourself so that you do not die from starvation? Then why should one die true; but my own country is also myl ener.y because it has begin to infringe! upon my right to be free, my right to live,[ Peace. would pay politic for his right to live? Thanks to the efforts of a hard - be repetitious because of the already extant statutes. These considerations working congresswoman, one of this nation's more monumental miss the point. The important thing is that once the proposal becomes hypocricies may soon be rectified. Rep. Martha Griffins, D-Mich., part of the Constitution it is virtually announced Monday that she has finally collected the votes necessary to bring a proposed constitutional amendment onto the House floor. If immutable. As such it will cover the entire untouchable, amendment. nation and except by will be further Not living rather living a novel passed and ratified by the necessary Granted, other amendments to the Constitution of the United States A thousand years ago — we are told live with wealth of playing roles to the utmost of their ability. play himself: Audie Murphy. Jackiel three - fourths of the states, the Am I saying that the latter two groups Robinson. through our precious books — man fought passions? As distant or as close as Dumas amendment would guarantee that have been partially ignored or evaded could be to the role of Monte Cristo don't are on the higher rungs on the intellectual This example should not only show uil man with battle-ax, blade and blood-lust. have at times. Soonor or later, however, in fact, parallel Dumas' creative effort ladder and probably in that position due to how topsy-turvy our outlook on history bp women equal rights with men. Through those books we have traveled to we, Such a move is long overdue. The the courts and the people of the land times when, strangely enough, man and with a schizoid behavior (alternating classical and popular, fictional literature? but it should also elucidate my centrr' have caused the amendments to be woman had no serious relations, no novelesque I real) of our own? Perhaps. But it isn't only books and semi - point: just as actors and actresses at amendment was originally domestic quarrels, no thoughts but of war, If I am allowed a conjecture, I would fictional character weavings. professionals at role - playing, so are eack J introduced into Congress in 1923 brought to bear upon all equally and Television. Movies. It's almost incredible of honor, pride. speculate that few thoroughly understand us. and has been a platform plank of fully. That is the importance of the How poorly our history books serve us. what I am saying while most college and that I never realized it before the last few weeks but All of this frequently seems to me vetyH both major parties since 1944. It is proposal. How pitiful is an education system that is high school students are consciously . . . our generation — and, It has been said before, but the unaware that they are really a character in probably to a lesser extent, former unnerving, often depressing, always a bill past time for the government to humbly yet unintentionally geared toward their own, immensely creative novel. generations — is composed of people who frightening. Even if I were to reach thtl cover the political checks that it has fact remaining true that this nation making its brighter students live in and for third group and attempt to proficiently Jc® To express my thoughts in a simple don't think but who are rather playing the drawn on this proposal. freed its slaves - at least in theory — an idyllic / romanticist existence. role of people who think they're thinking. out my roles in habitats aside from though unfortunately misleading manner: Some theorize that women already in the 1860s. Surely, the 1970s is Some of us love our books. We are we play numerous roles. Most people are There is a difference. The difference may Hollywood, I still think that I would bifl not too early a time to insure the neurotic about the purchase and retention be more lucid in this analogical statemenl: consciously aware of my acting. If upooH have equal rights with men. Further, of books. We literally eat books, sleep with totally unaware that they are doing so. In a such a prodigious attempt I found m feel that the amendment may freedom of its women. second category, a great number of people to a great extent when we think of the past some them in our minds, caress them with our are knowledgeable of their role - playings we do so on the basis of the movies we've acting ability quite extraordinary. I dontS eyes, cry them into our often abject lives but can see no way through the quagmire seen. For instance, Robin Hood isn't really think that that would assuage my innerH with our invisible tears. and distress that they have been forced to Robin Hood. Instead, he's Errol Flynn. doubt that I wasn't really united with® it all thA search So many of those olden characters we Room love — for me Edmond Dantes, the Count of Monte Cristo — are enamored with — create through their roles. The third group by far the smallest — consists of those Marlon Brando is Napoleon. George C. Scott equals Patton. Once in awhile, if by myself. In fact, it would make more ostentatiously clear that divided self, not merely an assortment on I was >■ untruths. They reside in novels yet are we extensively aware of their roles and — some change the character is still alive and roles and masks to put on when bored witliB because of a certain make-up in their lives near Hollywood and can verbalize, on what some say is reality but instead >1 blatant rights any different? Doesn't each of create his or hew own us really novel in which to personalities — always eagerly occupied in a movie-set, his inner roles, someone can marionette — being directed this way anW that, to please one or another, continually aware of the inner theater in which IjW Following the murders at Kent to use the findings in a court of law. operate and the outer theater in whiciB State University last spring, There is one important thing to OUR READERS' MIHD others would view my movements ano| university and state police and note. It is not that difficult to obtain gestures. officials conducted an arbitrary search warrant in the State of a It is sobering presentiment which inform® search of student living quarters on the Kent campus. The intent of the sweep was to find evidence that Michigan - all that is required as "good cause." Reports that firearms are being kept in rooms could be Pedestrian edit misinformed me that the more analytic century are minds of tWB still unborn. Throw in enormity of the technological revolution* could discredit the students and, sufficient to constitute "good the excessive speeding-up of our usuallm To the Editor: The larger problem of course is the when you suggest moving the hazards of short lives and it seems probable that'*■ thereby, deflect public attention cause." principle of external control (The Highway the "murderous mile" or "deadman's extremes of suicide and mass, CON'SCIOWJ Your editorial of Thursday, July 16, from the National Guard guilt. If the ad hoc situation arose where concerning pedestrian hazards on East Department) over solutions of an internal strip" over to a grade school area as a role - playing will be very popular ir The search turned up nothing of the campus police did decide to nature in a given community. This solution for East Grand River. to come. Grand River was well intentioned but particular interest. Notwithstanding, principle is worth questioning. Douglas Dunham search rooms without warrants, it poorly researched and one of the Second, one of your suggested solutions East Lansing Planning Commission How many of us — when we think ®] the authorities exhibited the would most likely be to seize any suggestions for solution was so poorly was to route the traffic up Hagadorn Road Robin Hood, et al — realize that he o collection of keepsake and souvenir thought through that the credibility of a July 16,1970 with a lisfl weapons there, rather than to obtain to M-78. Clearly this proposal was not inaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiii had insomnia, perhaps spoke weapons that they had gleaned from evidence. The rationale would be well - First meaning editorial was suspect. did not bother to find out thought through. It would merely transfer was only a leader because he inherited I someone the problem from one street to another Misplaced memos position from his father, spent much m a the dormitory rooms. Now it appears that it is better to have the guns out who controls the design of Grand River time eating boars and drinking men' y that the authorities may have to pay of the potential action than to Avenue and thus you have directed your and more importantly, if you are interested To: AH you nasty student protestors In safety for pedestrians, you do not solve using his prowess in archery, not only for their police state tactics, and obtain convictions for violations. remarks to the wrong body. Neither the Re: What I'll do if I'm elected, from the rich but probably cUt It by creating a pedestrian problem of a attempted frame-up of the student But, fine City Planners nor the City Council control malefactors numerous heads in the process. points aside, police worse kind someplace else. Your proposal body. In the officials' haste for should have search warrants befoie that portion of East Grand River that you would send all of this heavy traffic down a It Is easier for us to make life d'f write about. It is a state highway (M-43) One, two, three strikes and you're absolution they neglected to obtain entering residence hall rooms. and thus is within the jurisdiction of the street which has three schools located on and complex than to dare to man® ■ It, the Marble elementary schools and the journeys through time simple. s'nce " search warrants. The American Civil Residents have a contract with the State Highway Department. This is not straight • forward. Middle School. Surely you are not serious Liberties Union is now suing them University for their rooms and have unique to the local problem but prevails for this oversight. the same rights as do lessees off throughout the state by state law. ThuB governing bodies of local communities can The same thing could happen at campus. Police would not consider only suggest, recommend or plead for MSU. It is highly unlikely, but it barging into a private apartment. design alternatives, safety Installations of could happen. During a period of They should give the same measure various kinds, etc., but the decision rests of with the State Highway Department. unrest campus police could search protection to on-campus I call this point to your attention not to residence halls for weapons and residents. down play the problem you have pointed temporarily confiscate those that The ACLU will win their case out because it is a very real one and has they find. Without a search warrant against Kent State. The precedent long been recognized as such but not only it would be very difficult, however, will be welcomed. to Indicate that you have the wrong target. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 24, 1970 5 x-convict helps others t A,OU.Wrn » . "culture for ex-convicts that have sprung who> tradition says, visited and he's a well paid, identify with and who has done convicts re-enter workine one, ,ine • design technician for normfl lif*"™" ^h°ck-"iJim "V8- "You've got to up the enuntrv in thp nst across the UD across country in the last reieaiiedVriwners.J __i j __i wuriung "But once he's out, if it isn't time. It makes for a real bond Called H »«/ flnd a Place where y°u <*" ho,e decade, most of them founded been allowed to be i demanded of him, including by j, equipment manufacturer, something only ex-convicts can similarly Lflionally and socially know and share." fLT namL Up and talk w,th somebody that P™*81"' 0n cares and let your mind get used by churches. "Jesus is ai ex-convict too Other such halfway houses have started in numerous a siariea m numerous cities Prison, himself, he'll go back to prison." nocted by his colleagues. In that role, in which he is from nonit^f pasf comes to facing the fact that your body you know," , n observes! "We fince' i"cl"din* *he wid«'y Jfof them know of hi. other known only « "Jim" to avoid tfrar-"- rsrna -zsfexLJ: dSbe^ Sh/t,"8 n° " out of the cage. try to go by a simple truth he taught that often is overlooked. r known St. Mismas founded House in St. by Roman African students sSSSSJS You don't stand try to do something to him. Instead, you stand side by side Catholics, and named for the repentant thief on the cross beside Jesus" with him, and walk beside him Such houses generally have called to Canada leligious ridicule shown on a man-to-man basis. "It works. It's what Jesus did. It's that simple. It's not a new idea. Christ started it." And that approach — achieved dramatic cutting by half or more the ordinary 70 per cent rate of return to crime. results, Four African students from MSU will staff members in the Canadian (CUSO) West Africa Training Program in London, Ont. spend the next month as University Service Overseas In An ex-convict CUSO is similar to the American Peace cartoons of Soviet Union accepting a man must want to fully despite his Corps past record, yet frankly "go straight" to do it," Jim says. The MSU students will teach "This is something a 'square introductory courses in African recognizing it, and backing up languages to help CUSO prepare volunteers for service it l Africa. his efforts to begin honest John' lacks — he does it just out living — is the guiding of habit and convenience Benji Ishaku, a Nigerian doctoral candidate in electrical I principle of the ... vnpK ,AP4 _ The qtar ,'But, the victims are the same - a communications consultant to worsens, he said, it could bring spreading efforts to give because there's more money in engineering at MSU, will be director of the language program in Canada it. An ex-convict has to demand and will also teach In d svmbol of the world's various Jewish groups, including harsher repressions against ex-convicts a new change. Hausa. Hausa is widely spoken, their joint American Conference Soviet Jews. He emphasized that One of the first such centers, it of himself. particularly in Western Africa. est. most hasicallv . miwt basically formative iormauve "m,„, Many anti - Israel cartoons on Soviet " Jews, traveled past experience shows that Leonard's House, Also teaching Hausa will be Ibrahim Wada, a Nigerian senior I most persecuted faith m are reminiscent of the notorious "Self-pity i > sympathy j. is a sign of ridicule today Nazi anti - Semitic extensively Russia in protests from abroad often help. Chocago, was started in 1954 by don't help him. Mainly, he i majoring in geography, and Steve Lucas, a junior weekly, 'Der gathering his ™ data. majoring in ie Soviet Union. Sturmer* " Sturmer'." t._ 6 We must have protests and an Episcopal priest, the Rev. to be treated as a man, so hell geography. He says all _ religions there are JAmes G. Jones Jr. It is named Jt figures regularly in cartoons under restrictions protests," he said. for a 6th century Frankish monk start standing on his own feet From Ghana, John Afesia, a doctoral student in history, will Bjling the state of Israel and Lawrence, former staff officer to some like a man and thinking and teach Ewe, the language spoken in the eastern part of Ghana. T Jewish adherents. of the Un on of American extent, but that Jews are a "special target" of efforts to fThere has been a marked Hebrew Cor gregations and now ise in pressures on Soviet suppress their customs, identity, Environmental but they're no longer convictions and religious observances. ve," says Gunther For example, he noted that ;nce, after three years' other cultural groups such as ch into the matter, Ukrainians and Germans, are y're asserting themselves ,in_ , , „. re today. allowed to have cultural clubs Where c.an con?erned Ronald Wilson, asst. professor of a°d the community. Presently, number going to state legislators "The environment is not going a genocide of the spirit theaters and schools to teach ab°ut environmental quality get natural science. "We serve as a the office is helping students for distribution to their to be improved by having a |ead of a genocide of the their particular histories, but an eco'°8,®J 8Pea* f° a church central clearing house for many plan research and action projects constituents," said the Rev. Mr. carnival every year." said the which says Lawrence, Jews are not permitted to do so. ^ouP or find an article on the of these different groups." deal with the Jackson. Rev Jackson. linguishing the present Soviet He also cites statistics on the greenhouse effect. environmental crises. uurine tn A Apaign from the Nazi mass tiny trickle of Hebrew language - Aft*f J?" ™°nth8 °' February until Another successful function of environmental teach-in, Pthe ev't™tao»n™ thds and the Ecumenical 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River University Lutheran Church ncil. denied as "fantastic ROSES, I nterdenominational 200 W. Grand River Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Division & Ann Streets |geration" the claim that the Worship 10:45 a.m. ALWAYS OPEN I between ■$12.8 billion. "productive capital" $11.2 billion ROSES . . Nursery Minister, Kail Ruffner Campus Min Gary Hawe! 332-5193 332-3035 351-7844 IT $299 DOZEN "Barnabas - Help Free Transportation ■CLEAN WITH Jon Anth We All Need" Dr. Wallace Robertson UNIVERSITY UNITED P HOUR Florists METHODIST CHURCH 1120 South Harrison Phone 351-7030 PIE FROM CHURCH SCHOOL •GUIS Crib through Adults "Is God For Real?" First Church of FISH Christ, Scientist Morning Worship 9:30 TAKEOUT Grand River at Haslett Entrance East Church School 9:30 (for all ages) Lansing Sunday Services lOiOOa.m. LMion - Sermon Subject Christian Reformed Church 1518 S. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Washington "Life" and Student Center Sunday 7 p.m. Dr. Howard F. Sugden 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) Visit our new Student Center - "Close-Up of God" Wednesday Testimonial Meeting* open daily 9 A.M. -11 P.M. Is there an authentic portrait of God? Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 P.M. Free Public Reading Room 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN 134 West Grand River I'Mra. a36 V°U °*n tak# out our f"m0UI fi,h dinner with a" MORNINO SERVICE College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP OMtN In the fireside room fecial,... ,or Vour convenience, our piping • hot carry • out 10:00 A.M. Dr. Ted Ward. Teacher 8:30 P.M. Fireside Room 111 have »8 °"lv 10 P»P«r« or you can call ahead and Weekdays •• 9-5 p.m. Mon. A Thurs. eves. 7 • 9 p.m. » waitinB for you. Don't forget that we alio offer carry Sat. 9 • 1 p.m. Rev. Brink preaching ip for i °" mo,t of th# ,00d ,t#m* on our menu; ch,ck#n or A.M. «The Que8t of Qod" <. u nitanc«. If you'rt in a hurry for excellent food and Rev. J, Herbert Brink, Rev. Alvin L. Hoksbergen, paator campus minister FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Y' Chicken Dinner $2.26 all for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Call 482-0754 for information. eat I - you can Friday, July 24) 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Private GARY, Ind. (AP) - A private announced Thursday that firm Behavioral Research will be refund the $2,400 It got for hired grade school, three out of four experiment is the "gross organized around "learning to r 'joinunigc^ firm has been hired to operate a Behavior a 1_ Res e ajr c h _ paid $800 _ a year per pupil - the teaching that pupil. .... . are far behind in the three R's. underachlevement of our centers" for particular skills, - with the teachers' public elementary school here Laboratories of Palo Alto, Calif., vt—*• amount it costs the school board " "How can we lose?" asked "The longer they are in school *" w-1U'-J " children." with each student moving at his staff will be Its emplovM^ I speed and coming jn will be paid at or over the' t * ... — —v 1 " " * ^ run the mostly black "We are at rock bottom and .. with a moneyback guarantee — will to run the school now. If after McAndrew. "We might as well the farther they fall behind,' own the pupils learn the three R's or Banneker Elementary School three years a student isn't up to let them take a run at it." said McAndrew. must try new approaches to contact "with most of the staff, scale, Behavioral* Resea^11'011 I the school board gets its money under a four • year, $2 - million national norms on tests By the time the 800 pupils at Dr. Alfonso D. Holllday II, educate our children," he said, each of whom will have a While this Is the first L" back. plus contract. The school board administered by an independent Banneker are ready to leave the president of the school board, "We must be willing to be specialty. takeover of an entire school J ■ Supt. Gordon L. Mc Andrew approved the deal last week. said the reason for for the pioneers and no The also will moneyback guarantee * evaluator, the company will kindergarten - through - sixth the no longer say say our jprogram community have been I children can't learn. "If this model works," he concentrate Involvement on with the staff "guaranteed 1 num'ber ?f I Performing 'BABY VICKIE' RETURNS added, "the Contracted expe«ttu to work after hours to contracts for specific such as reading. sm^ I with all instructional needs being contracted — just as we do with Sexploitation' b ares Young musicians other school services." Behavioral Research said it proposes to raise all students up to or above national norms in all holds barred" and everything of the camera offtimes borders basic curriculum areas within Working on the principle that CHERBOURG. Jacques Demy's variety is the spice of life, Beal Films is currently presenting a dynamic duo whose only bared. Writer Price Brown apparently set out to create a film with as on so the inept. Even the basic human elements of the story are grossly overplayed as to lack woeful ballad of young love depends on a hackneyed plot to provide a reason for a modern three years, and to prove "that striking improvement made at no increase in cost." can The reading and mathematics be present concert common element is a screen. many diverse activities as any credulity at all. day operetta. The film is in I can't comment on the acting, programs developed by M. W. The final concert of the Wind Ensemble, Chamber Choir Baby Vickie, the trailers tell possible and as imaginable. The French with English subtitles, and result is a mish - mash of rape, since most of the lines are Sullivan of Behavioral Research Chamber Orchestra of MSU's Youth Music on Campus sessinn us, "was taught that all sex was SIWfM which are often quite amusing limited to grunts and moans and will form the backbone of the will be heard at 1 p.m. Saturday in Fairchlld Theatre. dirty, and (being a good girl) she orgies, whores, lesbianism, when set to the music of the the acting occurs in, on or could enjoy it only if it was masturbation and even an film. Every word of dialogue is curriculum, particularly in the The concert, open to the public without charge, concludes the dirty." The point of whether it occasional ordinary sex act. around a bed. What lines there first year when there are hopes annual four - week training session for high school musicians. sung — a distracting element is dirty or not is an issue of Ignoring the skin for a minute are are for the most part insipid. until one becomes accustomed for great strides in basic skills. About 80 young musicians participated in the individual taste, but let it suffice Baby Vickie is portrayed and Later, the accent can shift to program which (that is, ignoring 90 per cent of to it. Though the score is quite was headed by Robert Clark, asst. professor of music. c nice, the effect is drowned by such subjects as science, black that the film provides an the film and all of Baby Vickie), displayed by Sharon Matt, By MAJA The Chamber Choir of 20 J excursion into the world of one finds very little remaining. whose cinema career has State News Reviewer the stilted result of musical history, foreign languages, voices, conducted by Robert Harri centered around skin flicks and' of Wayne State University, will perform Bach's "Lodet den unusual sexual activities and that The continuity of the film is conversation. music, art, drama and physical the excursion proceeds "no virtually nonexistent and the use whose claim to fame is a close education. Herrn, Alle Heiden" ("Praise the Lord all ye Nations") for four Demy makes excellent use of The instruction will be part choir and cello. 0ur' PROGRAM INFORMATION'482-3905 friendship with Charles Manson. color composition to elicit a Other choral works will include Randall Thompson's "The Best starts TODAY: 1CHIGAN Baby Vickie is melodramatic, corny, flagrant and a poor feeling of harmony in the film. His settings are attractive, as are 'Talent of Rooms," and "Praise Him Oh Servant of God" Werner Zimmerman, a contemporary German composer. " bv Heinz Theatre Lansinq ■ adaptation of the Candy - his actors (particularly Catherine Under the direction of Joseph Parker, asst. conductor of bands syndrome. A sexploitation flick that leaves nothing to the Denevueve). In short, the strength of Umbrellas lies in the set Saturda the Wind Ensemble will perform the modern composition, "Star Gazing" by Donald Erb, which will utilize electronic music and imagination, Harold Perkins' tale visual rather than in the audio. SEBERG of tales is as short on content as Umbrellas of Cherbourg is very The Ice Arena will present a "Talent on Ice" show at 8 p.m. other unusual effects. The Wind Ensemble will also present portions of "La Fiesta it is on coverings. sweet, almost like saccharin. It is Saturday. Ticket holders will be Mexicana" by H. Owen Reed, professor of music; and At the other end of the a romantic, colorful reaction to invited to skate free with the "Symphony No. 3" by Giannini. "A BIG MUSICAL West Side Story only the French cast after the show. Tickets are HIT-IN THE spectrum (and next door) is The Chamber Orchestra, under the baton of Dennis Burkh, asst. THE UMBRELLAS OF could have made. $1; skate rental is 50 cents. WINNER'S CORNER!" professor of music, will open its segment with two movements from Paul Hindemith's "Five Pieces for String Orchestra." BRAMS The orchestra will also present the first movement of Bach's AB V "Double Violin Concerto" and Cimarosa's "L'Impressario Overture." HILARIOUS AND Featured as violin soloists will be Bruce Dike of Okemos and ENTERTAINING... Tfc- IN THE STREAM OF - mL Peggy Silvernale of East Lansing. "SOUND OF MUSIC" PLANETARIUM I "A BIG, BAWDY RIP-ROARING $100 FOR A PIZZA PROGRAM i MUSICAL! HOWLINGLY FUNNY!" SCHEDULE j Fridays 8:00 p.m. j THE CASE Saturdays j EVERY TENTH (10th) PIZZA BOUGHT Added: 2:30 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. j OF THE Sundays i "ISLAND OF THE SUN" 2:30 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. , cartoon • "GEE WHIZ" Complete line of BETWEEN 5 - 9 P.M. COSTS ONLY $1.00 Information — 355-4672. I UFO Brunswick equipment Abrams Planetarium, Science Road and Shaw Lane, MSU, | Is in stock CALL DOMINOS: 351-7100 j our planet being visited by h MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES, MICHIGAN'S FIRST FOUR East Lansing. No Preschoolers Admitted. 1 _,l I spacecraft controlled intelligent creatures from another world? Explore with by HOLIDAY for FREE DELIVERY or 8 minute pick-up SKY SCAN I us the possibilities of highly LANES . RFDUCEO PRICES DURING TWI LITE HOUR I developed life forms on other (Admission Free) I planets. Witness dramatic Open 9 a.m. Daily I demonstrations of some Just North of mysterious UFO accounts Learn the constellations. J and learn some basic types of Frandor • 487-3731 Second Thursday each month TEN is your B observations to perform when September. Next | Billiards • Cocktails you see an "unknown in the I sky." Good Food LUCKY NUMBER '! Exclusive First NORTHSIDE DRIVE-IN THEATRE » HORROR SHOW Coffee & Oonuts! OFFER EXPIRES July 31, 1970 MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES presents TWO BRITISH COMEDIES .._ THE B0UL TING BROTHERS' \ TO THE CORE A Bntnh lion him f/tstntd Br Cmtrni v the Funniest43 Minute Feature ever made! ,10:30 MORE PEOPLE DIE IN DUNWICH EDGAR ALIEN - THAN LIVE wTHe ™ere! ; POE'S uunwicN PREMATORE BURIAL A CINEMA V PRESENTATION »N HORROR®'®W AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Fri., Sat. - July 24 &25 - 7:30 FAIRCHILD THEATRE p.m. SANDRA DEE DEAN STOCKWELL ED BEBLEY Free Coffee Admission $1.00 and Donuts Tickets on sale at the door. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 24, 1970 7 v •». ,i§:~ >iW** 'Heroes'—insensitive "Kelly's Heroes," a film I didn't feel like celebrating "Kelly's Heroes" presents war the insensitivity of the men on starring Clint Eastwood and when the film ended although but fails to isolate what can be the screen and the Donald (MASH) Sutherland, is insensitivity many in the audience seemed to. taken lightly about it from that of the filmmakers responsible labeled a wartime adventure There is nothing appealing about which cannot be. It reaches for for putting them there, comedy, but it is too insensitive a group of men who can take the laughs bat forgets about the "Kelly's Heroes" does have a to succeed as comedy and too deaths of their peers lightly and deaths and the pain it includes, splendid theme song and some ordinary to succeed as shrug off the scores of enemy adventure. for me, the humorous attitude bright moments provided by dead they victimized en route to °' "Kelly's Heroes" palled long Sutherland and Don Rickles, It is the story of a group of riches. American soldiers in World War II who spend their three - day Regardless of how zany or charming the men may be C leave penetrating enemy lines in By ROBERT KIPPER M a risky expedition to steal $16 million worth of gold. The risks involved, they figure, are no State Newt Reviewer individually, their collective actions are callous and It is difficult to laugh at men unfunny. MSU SHADOWS greater than the ones they take the enemy motivated by greed beyond any Parents visiting? Why not have them (although some M stay on campus at the everyday. With a fortune waiting for them beyond personaj are) 0r being punished by the fmblance And of feeling or 11 is impossible scruple to feel American fA, milita KELLOGG CENTER p.„ enemy lines, they accomplish elated undertaking Cruel amus wha they were unable to do for Uncle Sam and his $50 a month an unauthorized mission the mcn tficome heroes c succeeds. . Close to all MSU activity. Air conditioned. Bruce Davison, Richard Thomas and Barbara Hershey play three teenageri who pass their last a8 well M rich The nim ends , t> Heroes„ ^ Color TV. Reservations 332-6571 jummer of innocence with cruel self amusement. Their summer project is the emotional enemy traps M^MberlS"! ce,ebrati.n* 'he ln«enuity of the comedy because it treats the destruction of a fourth teenager (Cathy Burns). The film is "Last Summer," now showing at the Eu^oDeanTown ^en and .t,he1 mi,ltary Prowess unhappy truths about it so Instead offing ON THE CAMPUS AT State Theatre. instead or being wiped out by V Ca" ?Upay to personal gain. when !t comes Pa"«vely. Superb war films like "MASH," "Oh! What a Lovely War" and "Catch 22" (Mike righten weekend offerings Nichols' near masterpiece now showing in Detroit and due to Corner of Harrison arrive here In the fall) find and Michigan humor in war situations by Isolating the aspects that make 3 films return to local screens them so Insane and pathetically funny. In war, the situation is so "All three fllms shown BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS tonight and Sat." hideous and grim the men The return of "2001: A Space lines spend their off • duty time come off, Stanley Kubrick'a dyssey," "Woodstock" and UMBRELLAS 0 p involved often grope for humor ridiculing the military imaginative and daring tale is so jit Summer" brighten screen ferings this weekend. JTTLE MARY Stage SUNSHINE establishment and each other. At maglficent a failure that It stand* Meridian 1. (Recommended.) PAINT YOUR WAGON - the the multl • million dollar musical Kubrick's above many a success." Of all things written about CHERBOURG - a love story written by Jaques Demy and to music by Michel Wells Hall, Friday and Saturday put Legrand. At t0 maintaln their sanity. Those three fllms capitalized humor and balanced it with sober and sickened on this attitude a BABY VICKIE is back The Ledges Players do all they stunning epic, that is nights. * IU~ —"""* Plus Extra!) Erotic Short Subject starring Lee Marvin, Jean Seberg the most perceptive. Stoned i but the shortcomings of Clint Eastwood finally straight, it's unforgettable. At WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A "The Foam Method" >ir show mute their efforts. A arrives in Lansing. No has Spartan' West. (Recommended). jsical spoof on oldtime been holding his breath NAK^.D and LADY? ~ Allen Funt his candid footage dealing ovies, it is the story of daring anticipation. At the Michigan. T • I • with sex. An experience similar ngers and virtuous maidens. Its (Not reviewed by press time.) IQXI CI J" IV 6 T S to sitting through three "Candid arm wanes before the PATTON — The monumental Camera" shows in a row. At musical) [emissions. "Mary" will be study of a man too dedicated to Meridian 2. Little Mary Sunshine ^ _ rformed through Sunday at Grand Ledge playhouse. be despised and too despicable fetUS© TO STOP WOODSTOCK finest - one of the "Fun for All Ages" Kick Beioyan to be praised. At the Spartan films of 1970 and Screen East. (Recommended.) PROFESSIONAL t"«». J2'75 anv ,„ certainly the most electrifying THEATRE- Wed/Sun S3.25 AivWALIa MN - 2 Anthony fPRIN® Qulnn and comedy aventure. At Meridian 3. ROTTEN TO THE CORE and Police have arrested hundreds of m"" «««*» A HOME OF YOUR OWN - Sao Paulo's and 8tyli8hl Three d*y8 of son88- - GRAND - Thr/Frl S3.SO Si«- S3.IS Bergman play a pair of (Recommended.) two British comedies shown at for 50,000 taxi drivers mud and j°y°U8 chaos are - LEDGE 627-7805 - Sludtnl l.d. KELLY'S ■ aged lovers In this human palls due to Insensitive HEROES - the ------ refusing to stop for r#con8tructed with Meridian amazing >2.00 $3.00 • mantle drama set In the 7:30 Friday and Saturday nlghU passengers. p°»ce <».u said most (D . .. tickets also July15"26 at Paramount News » ountalns of Tennessee. At the approach In this suoDosedlv ,n Falrchlld Theatre on campus, offenses occur near mealtimes 'Recommended.) = mpus. (Not reviewed by funny war comedy. At Lansine 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY— and when It rains because the 1 pp' press Mail Film critic John Fitzgerald drivers like to keep their car a SI'Lvvt™,* BABY VICKIE the , „ darling LAST SUMMER - Frank wrote, "Though It doesn't really Interiors dry. R Perry's beautiful, sad and spring term moviegoing is stunning film about adolescent ck for Beal film group's last cpam of the summer In orueltv cruelty and one of nn«» ofTts Ss Aa >'>. vion^e starts TODAY:0"" 6:45 P.M. film distinguished by remarkable 2 - FEATURES-2 Friday and Saturday acting (Cathy BumS( M the IMiTNiKS B0ATNIKS - . week' victim< is brilliant) and exquisite caronH week, a second mey productions latest, held FEMME photography, it shows with LA "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST!" INFIDELE, last year's —/V. Y. Times- Rex Reed. Holiday pUTCH'cASSIDV'AND THE WSJ***« -Judith Crist. NBC Today SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX ™»NCRE„^DRedrrd2 ui Ross ".,ln -'-—U mi A Psycho-Sexual Study «.«,»« and rarely serious hMp|t„ £ front in murder! ^ mall theatre Feature ^5628 W. SAGINAW 7:10 & late Sat. - Sun. 1- 4:20-7:35- I & late It's Glen and Kim's first movie ptFI*' \ setouT together since True Grit ! ! toroba GLEN CAMPBELL* KIM DARBY | bank... and damn near STEPHANE AUORAN ■ MICHEL BOUQUET MICHEL DUCHAUSSOY • MAURICE RONET .HALWALL.S'f "PLUS:"" . won a CAROL IYNIEY- PAT HIN6LE TISHA STERLING oom d. iuisc • Meredith j war instead! _ _ "A remarkable film!" c „ JOE NAMATH Associate Producef PAUL NATHAN micUE XMolwItanjM PBMwsrafaod MaocoWr SHOWN TWICE 8:30 AND LATE ■ Directed by JACK HALEY JR Clint Eistmod,IdlySavalas, Don Rickles, - ALSO ACADEMY AWARD WINNER CanollOtoimor and Donald Sutherland BARBARA HERSHEY, RICHARD THOMAS. BRUCE DAVISON CATHY BURNS JOHN WAYNE RATED 'G' ja^KEtiyS HEROES" Feature 8:35 P.M. - Sat. Sun. 2:40 • 6:00 - 9:25 BEST ACTOR TRUE CaRIT AT 10:30 ONLY PROGRAM INFORMATION 882 ?4» TTTTTT TONIGHT JGATES OPEN AT 7:30 All Color HELD OVER! SECOND WEEK! MASH'IS THE BEST JMERICAN WAR COMEDY SINCE _ HJND CAME |IN _ ALSO «ASH . — An IngoPremmgef Production Mary Ann Mobley Gila Golan -.Leslie Parrish • James Best ■S'SilS'0 ^ WH' [LU0n GOULD TOM SKERRITT muc MM mummm (SI sawviit ti» Bob Ross am Samuel A Taylor sawo on, sterv t>y Arne Sultan wo Marvin Worth fess I1*''" J81*"" 1^1 Vusic Composed and Conducted by Louis bourn Produced and greeted by Jerry Lewis - C0LUM6IAC0L0R wSSaSK? l%pl ONCE ONLY AT 8:35 DOUBLE FEATURE - 104B WELLS ■wl" BOTH FILMS ONLY $1.00 8 Michigan State News, Last Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Little cut from Buffalo Ken Little, a three year letterman for MSU, team Little had an outstanding high school record was placed on waivers Thursday by the Buffalo having been named captain of the football squad Bills of the American Football Conference. and the most valuable player in the school's Little wasn't drafted by the Bills but signed on overall sports picture. as a free agent in hopes of securing a spot of their Little was graduated from MSU with a degree roster. He was trying out as a linebacker. in radio and television. He was formerly While at MSU, Little was often hampered by employed by WJIM-TV and conducted several sports Interviews around the area for channel 6. injuries, having surgery on both knees during his career. As a sophomore he won his letter with Another Bills' rookie, guard Don DeSalle from 192 minutes of playing time, mostly at a Indiana University left camp Thursday to leave the Bills with 29 rookies. Little still has a chance defensive end spot. to make it in the professional leagues If one of In 1968 he had a fine first half season but again the other teams acquire his rights. was injured and missed the remainder of the Other MSU players who are in their rookie season due to an operation. The Youngstown, training camp are Ron Saul — Houston Oilers, Ohio native was slowed somewhat last season but Rich Saul - Los Angeles Rams, Craig Wycinski - still managed to accumulate 33 tackles, including Cleveland Growns, Frank Foreman - Green Bay 26 solos, and nab runners three times for 29 Packers, Don Highsmith - Oakland Raiders, and yards in losses. Don Law Pittsburgh Steelers. - Arnie thrills ho Need a teams with Jac Any one who has not yet obtained a schedule of the MSU 1970 football season can clip this handy little picture and compliments of the State News. Two months from Saturday the Spartans open up their season at Seattle, Washington against the Huskies. In the four ball, only team A morning - long drizzle State News photo by John LIGONIER, Pa. (UPI) - - Harrington Arnold Palmer, elating his event on the PGA tour, only a bothered most of the early hometown fans with an old ■ team's better ball score counts starters but the skies cleared fashioned charge, teamed with Jack Nicklaus for a ten - under par 61 Thursday to take a three • on each hole and Palmer and Nicklaus finished with 32 - 29 - 61 scorecard that included 11 and the sun broke through just as Palmer and Nicklaus began their round with most of the Syndicate defeats Vets Assoc., stroke first • round lead in the threes and seven fours. gallery of 9,140 following them. Ken Little $200,000 national four championship. - ball Dean The teams of Jim Colbert • Refram and Dave The 61 was two strokes better than the best score Palmer and Nicklaus previously had posted for IM fast pitch championship The game's two most Eichelberger — J. C. Goosie were dynamic stars combined for ten tied for second with identical 32 as a team. "We both had the ball Jim Hilgendorf pitched Thursday's scheduled games Moss, last spring's runner-u 2nd Fun Wk... f^rrnrnra birdies Palmer 6 and Nicklaus 32 • 64s, seven under par over in close quite a lot," Palmer said. - — Syndicate to a 2-0 win over the between the two slow pitch squad in the residence hi 4 — as they missed the the 7,045 - yard Laurel Valley "We teamed very well." Vets Assoc. Wednesday for the finalists. Make It Dirty and division. The Moss men lived At 1:15-3:15-5:10-7:05 L W ■ tournament scoring record by Golf Club. There were four Besides the first hole, Palmer fast pitch championship of the Egyptian Army was postponed Holden 9:05 P.M. V just one stroke. other teams at 65. had five other birdie putts IM softball league. Hall and lost until 5:30 Monday. The game Holecaust from Holmes. Ashore or afloat, they're rocking the boat! ranging from five feet to 22 feet on holes three, six, eleven, Hilgendorf retired the first 12 shapes up to be a match of The Egyptian Army has a sol men he faced before Mike Cain twelve and fifteen. power filters on the two squads, club, comprised of membe Nicklaus led off the last inning with a though the MID pitcher throws a birdied from the old Egyptian Arm nine, ten, sixteen and single. Cain was then erased on a tough ball to hit. team last spring and membew eighteen. "We probably really only lost doubleplay and Hilgendorf got Make It Dirty has several the Delta Upsilon tratemii the last man for a nifty players from the team of C.W. team. one hole where we should have one-hitter. His teammates birdied." Nicklaus said. collected only four safeties off The 65 shooters included the of Vets Assoc.'s pitching but teams of Bob Charles - Bruce bunched them together for two BASEBALL STANDINGS Devlin, Pete Brown - George runs which stood up the entire Johnson, Chris Blocker • Harry Johnson, and Joel Yoldstrand - (night games included) (night games not included) Harry Toscano. The Syndicates are made up EAST ™ L PCT. GB EAST W L pCT CB mostly of the guys who were on Baltimore 59 36 .621 - Pittsburgh 53 43 55-1 _ S3 40 last school year's Syndicate DETROIT New York 51 .570 5 New York 50 44 [533 2 team, winners of the all 49 43 .543 7W Chicago 48 46 '511 4 Boston 45 .521 9W Philadelphia 43 50 4^2 8'/i University independent Cleveland ^ieveiBno 43 „ 50 3U .462 15 „ St. Louis 41 53 [435 u chammpionship. This summer Washington 43 52 .453 16 Montreal 40 55 ,'421 12W the team is also playing in a fast WEST W L PCT. GB WEST • pitch softball league in Lansing. W L PCT. CB Minnesota 58 31 ,652 Cincinnati - 67 30 -69l - California 57 39 .594 4^ Los Angeles 55 39 .585 lOtt YOUR GIFT Oakland 5) 44 .537 jo Atlanta 46 48 -489 19(4 Kansas CltV 34 59 .366 26 San Francisco 44 48 -478 jow HEADQUARTERS Milwaukee 34 62 .354 27ft Houston 42 53 .442 24 FOR Chicago 33 64 ,340 29 San Diego 39 59 -398 jg# A ut< Jewelry ... Gifts THURSDAY'S RESULTS THURSDAY'S RESULTS Custom Picture California 4, Boston 1 Chicago l, Cincinnati 0 Framing Baltimore at Kansas City, night Atlanta at Pittsburgh, niyht DETROIT at Minnesota, night Houston at St. Louis, night Jewelry & Watch Chicago at Cleveland, night (only games acheduled) Acclaimed by Repair (only games scheduled) TODAY'S GAMES TODAY'S GAMES AAA Motor New York at Oakland Atlanta at Chicago Washington at California San Francisco at Montreal, 2, right VY Ntwi Magazine Boston at Milwaukee NO\ San Diego at Philadelphia, night illyt Grean. and Baltimore at Minnesota Houston at Pittsburgh, night F-70 fib Weigh twatchar'i Chicago at DETROIT, 2 twl-nlght Kansas City at Cleveland, 2 twl-nlght Magazine SATURDAY'S GAMES SATURDAY'S GAMES AVT'CINTY* New York at Oakland San Francisco at Montreal, night for hospitality, Los Angeles at New York 319 E.Grand River Washington at California, night San Diego at Philadelphia, night atmosphere, Boston «t Milwaukee and good food. East Lansing, Mich. Atlanta at Chicago Chicago at DETROIT Houston at Pittsburgh ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Kansas City at Cleveland St. Louis at Cincinnati, night Greek Food ysler wii Specialties body, each Saturday dimooth $6 HRS 9:30-8:30 Daily DOWNTOWN LANSING discount records GAR 1967 489-1196 116 E. Michigan :30-6:00 Sat. FREE PARKING 55-10648 5-7 NOW OPEN SUNDAY * YOU VILLSEE * 12-5 225 ANN ST. WHICH WAV "TO THE FRONT? the ultimate trip NEW FROM CAPITOL STEVE GE DAR' 1,000 mile! sbott Road, AND YOU VILL LAUGH. J MILLER CON 1962, •wly tunec 32-6521. JAN MURRAY 2-7 JOHN WOOD • STEVE FRANKEN • DACK RAMBO BAND Shown Twice at 8:27 and Late # 5- ONLY 2" Box Office Opens 12:45 Show Starts 1:00 P.M. Feature at 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 HURRY! LAST 5 A DAYSI There weren't Starts Wed July 29th to be any more Exclusive Drive In Showing surprises in f 0 1964,06 <°or hardt their lives. •00.372-14; "AIRPORT Is ' a great film all the wayl"A| 1 '968, t Chicago Do 11/ N.wi A f' - A ROSS S HUNTER Production then '[Ml000. AIRPORT^ BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN |L3 200I: A SPACE ODYSSEY met each 0 1967~U *d,0P. Red mm 'fission. ^"8296. 3.7 ANTHONY SJEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET • GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES - VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON LLOYO NOUN « I DANA WYNTER • BARBARA HALE [51 *»8srip thii lay the RECREATION Supreme, automatic, console, 1 OR 2 girls needed to finish sun PIANO ACCORDION, 120 bass, new Hall, Monday, Reward. Call AM-FM stereo, new tires. Must 355-7823. 3-7-27 SERVICE term. $50 each. After 6 bellows, with case. $150. sell. 489-0088. 1-7-24 i TEACHERS OPENINGS 332-5320. 5-7-24 351-7295. 1-7-24 Typing Service fields, locations. LOST: EYEGLASSES with case. CLINE TRANSPORTATION OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1963. Power TEACHERS AGENCY, 129 East DESK, EARLY American, Vicinity of Wilson Road on good WANTED steering, power brakes, $140. Call Grend River. 3-7-27 Rooms condition, also assorted other campus, Wednesday morning. Call 332 0053. 2-7-24 items. 339-9379. 4-7-24 355-8161, 355-3444. 2-7-24 deadline SINGLE, MALE, clean, quiet. No OLDSMOBILE Starfire 1965: P.M. one claw day very good condition, loaded. Call air, cooking, cheap. Close campus, 351-0631. X3-7-28 LESLIE ORGAN amp, model 145. Personal Home or band use. Call Jeff lefore publication. 332-1671. 3-7-27 351-8291. 4-7-24 PARAMOUNTS HERE Summer Cancellations - 12 noon CAMPUS NEAR, single room with Term - Booking jobs. Call John, 'P class day before PLYMOUTH 1967 convertible. Excellent condition Barracuda cooking, 484-8173.0 call 351-9237 or SONY TAPE DECK, amplifier and receiver, Voice of Music, also tape 351-0464. 5-7-24 lublication. must sell. Call 485-2993. NEEDED: MORE male undergrads 3-7-24 recorder, brand new. Call after 6 runner-u phone SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and for Communication experiment. p.m., 484-5846. 3-7-24 dence hi PONTIAC women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. $2.00 for 40 minutes. Come to 355-8255 BONNEVILLE 1963 Any time-372-1031.0 518 South Kedzie, 9 - 4:30 p.m. nen lived I wagon. Air conditioning, power TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" porteble, rates rack. $395. 351-4819. 3-7-24 $8.50 per month including stend. Animals for an appointment. 3-7-28 LARGE 4 man basement apartment, Call J.R. CULVER day $1.50 COMPANY, three spaces available. Cooking, SIAMESE KITTENS, Seal ZOLTON FERENCY was right then. RAMBLER 372-4948. 320 Julian, East Point / has a x ; per word per day 1965, Classic 6, wagon. close to campus, very reasoneble. femeles. 8 ZOLTON FERENCY is right now. Lansing. C weeks old, $15 f memb Body and equipment in good 410 Park Lane. 332-2414. 5-7-24 .ays $4.00 For Rent 339-9152. 4-7-28 Vote for ZOLTON, August 4. tian Arm shape. Engine needs work TV For Rent 3'Ac per word per day 351-4211.5-7-30 RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free membem FREE KITTENS. 1 male, 2 females. days $6.50 deliveries. Call SELCO MARRIED STUDENTS. Spacious 2 NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony For Stile 344 Evergreen after 5 p.m. Real Estate fratemii 3c per word per day VALIANT, NEW in 1966. 36,000 COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. bedroom epartments. Carpeting, 3-7-27 and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 used on 10 words per ad) miles, leaving country. Phone drapes, air - conditioning, and bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. AKC 332-0066. 4-7-28 kitchen Make any size or style. Charli, REGISTERED Brussels 3 BLOCKS west TV RENTALS Students only. Low appliances, otherwise MANAGEMENT MSU. Cape Cod, ■ - COMPANY, Griffon. Male puppies. Rare toy eanuts Personals unfurnished. 20 minutes from 332-3848, forenoon or efter 9 Full dormer. 1242 Daisy. must be monthly and term rates. Call 351-7910.0 dog that is sturdy and wonderful VOLKSWAGEN 1962 convertible. cempus in Eeton Rapids. Modern 332-3750. 4-7-24 ire-paid. 351-7900 to reserve yours. with children. To see these little Good dependable transportation. brick building, $160 a month. Call UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to characters, call 339-8911. 3-7-24 here will be a 50c service New battery, good tires, rebuilt Mr. Long, evenings 663-8063. FREE PARKING et rear of store, for EAST LANSING house, 5 acres, 3 Student Union. Fall leases engine. $300. Call 355-2753 5-7-24 your convenience. OPTICAL bedroom, 2-car d bookkeeping charge if RENT A TV from a TV company. evailable. 3 and 4 man furnished. STUDENT NEEDS home for garage, $19,000 5-7-28 35 1-3729. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan by owner. 332-6425. 3-7-24 is ad is not paid within $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. HALSTEAD thoroughbred Great Dane. No NEAR CAPITOL. Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-24 le week. NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Quiet, 2 large MANAGEMENT COMPANY, cost. 355-3144 for information. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent rooms and joint bath. Girl only. 351-7910.0 BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, 4-7-29 HOLT, 4 bedroom, 2'/4 bath, lie State News will be condition. Best offer. 351-1673 TWO BEDROOM trailer. Colby Leke 485-0237. 3-7-28 beautiful family room, built-in sell. ABC SECONDHAND sponsible only for the before noon. 5-7-28 Road - M78. $110 monthly plus KITTENS FREE, box trained, very appliances, 6% mortgage, 5%% in NEAR CAMPUS and downtown East CAPITOL AREA. 4 clean furnished STORE, 1208 Turner. C four years. 5' x 10' snooker table, utilities. Leese. 675-7212, friendly, 332-1742 afternoons day's incorrect rooms. For teacher or two. No or extras, 30 days occupancy or VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 Bug. Good 699-2226. 2-7-24 Lansing, choice location. Grad evenings. 1-7-24 wrtion. students. Parking, 482-9058. WASHER DRYER sooner. condition, Extras. Call 882-5350 students, young marrieds and Lamaraux Subdivision, 3-7-27 COMBINATION. Seer's best model, 882-9877. 1-7-24 5-7-30 faculty. New one bedroom, dishwasher, like naw, moving, $200. Mobile Homes Apartments carpeting, air etc. conditioning, from $155. GIRL NEEDS roommate, for two 332-1305. 4-7-24 Scooters & Cycles Available by August 15, bedroom. East Lansing, house. Car 1968, 12'x50', new skirting, 8'x7' VILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near and neatness mandatory. WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony utility shed. $4800. 646-5381 332-1183. 3-7-28 Automotive HONDA 1967 160. Will sacrifice. MSU. Spacious 2 bedrooms, $15/week. 332-8841. 3-7-27 model 530 stereo tape recorder. evenings. 2-7-24 carpeted, air conditioned. No lease COLONIAL Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo Phone 351-0280 or 351-2391. RIDGE, 15 minutes to required, $165 per month. Phone tape recorders. 100 used 8 track VROLET Mndable, 1961. runs •9399. 2-7-24 Automatic, well. Best offer, 3-7-27 HONDA SCRAMBLER 1969, 489-1719. TF MSU. bedroom Recently completed 2 Westinghouse units, range, feeturing refrlgeretor, WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 bedroom furnished unfurnished. Balconies, security or stereo cert ridges tapes $2.50 each. Cassette Pro-4-A tape recorders. stereo head Koss the FAMiI/ AB4MS~ CL126. Low till fall disposel and air conditioner. Eech locks, laundry. Quiet eree. Call phones. I'VE PECiDEP rM mileege. Two Garrard turntables $25 up. VM VROLET 196I> Impale, helmets Included. unit is fully carpeted, with 351-4698, 332-3311 and ED MOT SUITEP 489-6298. 120 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, icellent, must sell, $6957 325 2-7-27 ceramic bath, large kitchen and 2-2920. 0 TO BE A Brth Pennsylvania. 3-7-24 BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms 30 watt stereo receiver with COMCEST walk-in storage erea. Car ports. furnished. Close to campus, speakers. Coral 30 watt PIANIST., .IM GONNA Located In Laingsburg across from STODDARD speaker summer end fall leeses. 332-0965. APARTMENTS, 1 set. 300 stereo elbums 75c up. NOVA 1969. golf course. Call 651-5942 3E A DEEP SEA Sherp HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT or bedroom. Now leaslngfor FallTerm. Ueed Green. Slack vinyl top, four 651-6011. 1-7-24 golf sets $14.95 up. New end DIVER. INSTEAD COMPANY, 351-7910.0 Balconies, laundry. Near campus. used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 ... ."■■70 fiberglai whltewalls on Call 351-8238.0 BSA 500 1966. A-1 condition, with up. Realistic 55 watt stereo Bl|ve wheels, and remaining GIRL NEEDED for August and / or •12 Watts c< helmet, $650. Call Doug, FURNISHED STUDIO, 2 man. amplifier. WILCOX etory warranty. Must sacrifice. September. Own room In duplex. MARIGOLD h" 485-9131, ext. 495. After 5 p.m., Northeast APARTMENTS. 911 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East "Insta-Loed for distraction- 482-8081. 6-7-24 Street, Lansing. 351-7396.2-7-27 487-5571. 2-7-27 Marigold across from cempus. FREE Operation. 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 Deluxe Michigan, 485-4381, 8 a.m. - 5:30 2 man furnished •Automatic cessette ejection p.m. C NEED ONE man for 4 man apartments. Now leesing for fall. "Volume, tone, end balance YAMAHA 1969 125 Enduro. New 4 GIRLS needed for Immediate apartment. Air IV 9-9651 or 351-1890.0 condition, low mileage, $425. conditioning, pool, OLD 78 record albums, collector's controls occupancy, or starting Fall. for Information call between 7 - 4 332-6984. 1-7-24 Furnished. Beech items. Mostly Classical. Phone Street, THE p.m. 393-8977 or 4 • 12 p.m. IYSLER WINDSOR 1948. Very od 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 AUGUST 1ST. 4 or 6 weeks only 351-7296. 2-7-24 body, mechanically sound 337-1636. 5-7-30 dimooth $600. 351 -2327.3-7-24 NORTON 1968 (Matchless) 750cc, Furnished apartment. IV 2-2937. i Daily 60 horsepower, $875. 351-0903. 2 GIRLS for 4 girl in Cedar Village. TWO MEN needed. Fall. Large four 6-7-27 AQUA LUNG, top neme equipment, GAR 1967. Good condition, $50 of damage deposit paid. 9 must sell everything, offer, STEREO 00 Sat. man. Greet locetion, 351-1014. ' wide oval tires, best offer. CYCLE INSURANCE. Five netionel month lease, $72.50 / month. Call 3-7-24 2ND GIRL needed 351-3617.3-7-27 - neer LCC and ■1064. 5-7-27 collect, 313-822-1193. 5-7-29 St. Lawrence. 1 child welcome. companies. Compere our retes. EAST LANSING POLICE MONITORS, Soner FR103, 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or neer cempus. One Phone Joyce Benks, 372-4138. LASS SHOPPE HARDTOP, 1968, good 505 ONE MAN for 3 man. Fall term. bedroom, furnished. Large eiry 4-7-28 speciel sale $29.95 up plus '•P« Albert, Eest Lansing, Take over payments. Write: Ron Wengerow, 180 Cherry rooms. Air conditioned. crystels. MAIN ELECTRONICS, >2-8160 after 6 p.m. 3-7-27 _ i84:81!3-0 Street, Michigan Center, Michigan Beautifully maintained. Select 5558 South Pennsylvenie Avenue, TRIUMPH 1969 Tiger 500. Excellent 49254. 3-7-27 clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or NEW 2 Bedroom apartments in Lensing. C WHATEVER VOCATION At Nejac of condition, helmet included, $650. 882-6549. O Heslett, furnished end PL DART Swinger, 1969. EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. unfurnished. Beginning et $160; YOU CHOOSE YOU'LL East Lansing WOO mile,. Best COMPONENT STEREO system, offer. 507 furnished FIND A JOB in THE 543 E, Grand Rivtr ™>tt One bedroom apartment furnished AIRPORT NEAR. Single adults, $185. East Lansing $500 or best offer, end scube Road, 332-8288. 5-7-27 TRIUMPH 1970 Bonneville Under - or unfurnished. Summer rates. modern furnished. $15 per week. Realty, ED 2-3534 Ted Steele, State News CON 1962, $150. Good 1,000'miles, must sell, highest bid, 489-7 253. 332-1986. 10-8-5 or diving equipment. Phone WAMT-AP6 337-1300 J0-7-24 332-4367. 5-7-29 engine, call 351-8600. 2-7-24 1 Mv tuned, Gary Langdon, FACULTY AND grad students, 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments, &-6521.2-7-24 unfurnished, one bedroom. 7 summer end fall. Furnished. minutes from campus, very clean, J61-6586. 5-7-24 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS leasing student >ON 1961, 2-door. $95 or '•r. Phone 351 best parking. Call 371-1751; evenings, units. These spacious luxury are apartments now CROSSWORD -4946. 3-7-24 484-2297. 5-7-28 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man are completely 'Lane 1967. Perfect deluxe one bedroom, furnished carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean PUZZLE condition, epertments. Phone IV 9-9651 or WILLOW STREET - furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and ACROSS automatic, snowtires. New 337-0780.0 TRIUMPH 1968 Trophy, customized unfurnished, utilities included. 1. Classified 25. Half boot jSi-T battBrV. $695. Upstairs, references and deposit. individual control - central air conditioning. These four man section 99 tank, mechanically perfect, sharp, 26. Apprentice 7-27 " 10 8-m" 6 " 8 p'm- $825. 351-3617.3-7-24 489-2373. 3-7-24 units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure 4. Frappe 27. Olla TRIUMPH TRIDENT 1969, $1100. SINGLE WORKING girl to share COLLINGWOOD time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 7. Operatic heroine 28. Sun god 30. Refer to [69 Spider 850 Convertible. Call 337-9434 or 337-9090. bedroom apartment. Call (formerly northwind apts.) swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 11. Charged repeatedly 355-2388 or 351-5870. Excellent condition. 3-7-27 355-3454. 5-7-28 want to bo among particle 32. Work strike the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call i,1969 Spider convertible. HONDA 1969 350 Excellent condition, low mileege, Scrambler. LEASING FOR Fall. bedrooms, $160, 1 bedroom. $210 for 2 APARTMENTS today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 12. Whispered 14. Steep slope 16. Cure-all 34. Rubber tree 35. Beret 36. Formerly 351 J51-0355.nlcc,pe' $150°- 355-3890 5-7-24 $650. 393-2891. 3-7-24 Efficiencies, $125. BURCHAM 17. Prefer 37. New WOODS, call between 3 • 7 p.m. 18. Against 39. Leek-green 19. Naught 45. Parched 3. Serpent 1964 Galaxie 351-3118. 20-8-18 quartz 4. Mischiefmaker station MODEL CLOSED wagon, 20. Voter .40. Copycat DOWN 5. Copper symbol insmi., door< automatic 22. Indicator 42. French lily 6. Mistake FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: ndovim. Fair p ,A"condition. pow,r e*cept $140. Auto Service & Parts 23. Compass point 24. At odds 43. Information 44. Heavens 7. Silent ?.28 Delhi, Holt. 699-2184. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 Eest Thanks . . . MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3379 8 Peaceful 9. Agencies Kalamazoo Street Complete euto . . . since 1940. painting end m P! 10. 13. Pastoral poem Chess pieces do?64: G500' 390 horsepower, collision service. IV 5-0256. C We're 100% leased for the * SHAG CARPETING NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES ¥ 15. Regain i * 18. summer. Some choice NEW FURNITURE AVAILABLE. Light bed ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Cell * 21. Butter UNLIMITED Wr'9!?'.® cV'inder, standard 2 KALAMAZOO STREET BODY SHOP. Smell dents to large locations still left for fall. PARKING container 22. More obscure condition, 45,000 * DISHWASHERS wrecks. Americen and foreign ^000. 351-7164.4-7-24 Clujicfeingtjam * 25. Buddy AIR COND. care. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. RIVER'S EDGE * ON THE BANK OF % P 26. Borrowing ^ 500, 2-door W'th ,t,ndBrd 2628 East Kalemezoo. C THE RED CEDAR 1% P 27. power Preserves •^iwlon V I * $55.00/man and L PRECISION 28. Soviet Union *2-8296. 3.7 24 4620 s. Hogadon 29. Declare IMPORTS ^AR 30. Dank MODEL OPEN "M. Vkp ExcC°up# 19«>. 9,000 WATER'S EDGE DAILY 31. Yellowish brown color "fanty Mum "l1 condlt|on. MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL Y BY 32. Needs ^J70 or 33,^i'«0rCk>n HaM- 332-0540.1-7-24 1915 E. Michigan Ave. APARTMENTS behind the 33. School tests 35. Pewter coin AT MEL'S we repeir ell foreign end Yankee store (next to Cedar Village) 38. Greek letter " ni» but*^o "8rdt°P- Looks American cars. If we can't fix it, it See Don 332-4432 CALL 337-0636 Alco Management Cempany 39.Lever ctr'cal work 0rk' "i, rt,nd 337-9265. ■ 3-7-24 can't be fixed. Cell 332-3255. 41. All right 0-7-24 Friday, July ;4 10 ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY Weathermen indicted In the Detroit indictment, the educational, business and civic registering them They^ were Treasury Dept. proposal (continued from page one) 13 were charged with conspiring property. Rep. raps Nixon ^ The maximum to violate a federal law which accused of violating _ — ~ ...» ••uuumutn nenaih of police stations and other makes it illegal to transport making It illegal to possess onspiracy is conspiracy is five years inL five yfca and a $10,000 fine buildings. Flint Police Chief James W. explosives interstate to damage destructive devices without .nd.iiniwn*. Drl Baltnik, D-Minn. said only led an attack on the proposal, without making changes for the Rutherford on March 18 called WASHINGTON (AP) - A which will become effective Oct. better. on the Justice Dept. to conduct nine major agencies of the more House subcommittee chairman than 50 in the federal 3 unless Congress acts to The idea behind Nixon's plan an investigation, citing bombings stepped up his attack on disapprove it. was to draw all environmental at its December "war council." government with environment activities into one passed But he said Congress is in a control U.S. Attorney James Brickely President Nixon's proposed new environmental agency Thursday, calling it inexcusably weak and a functions had been transferred. It was the second day Blatnik straitjacket because it must vote agency to lead a coordinated the proposal up or down attack on pollution. of the eastern Michigan District said the investigation was Anticrime bad job for reorganization. "continuing very actively." Administration witnesses Abortions in New York provided by court Opponents predicted not now i| before Rep. John A. Blatnik's (continued from page one) decisions or common law increase rather than government operations panel curbsh^ conceded government's that not all the enviromental 15 or 20 minutes to one to three "All finished. You Police nab assumes a judge can predict future conduct. They said the practices. outs with police. can get up answer to crimes committee by related functions were included (continued from page one) minutes. When I'm through I'll if you like." persons on bail is speedy trails. in the proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). doctor circulatory explained. "We check the system for give her some antibiotics just to make sure, and she'll be all right Supported by the doctor and the nurse, Linda sat up and man listed But pretrial Tydings and others said detention already is Lack of oxygen But they said the main anti after a brief rest." moved off the table. She - abnormality since the patient's widely practiced under the guise (continued from page one) The doctor worked as he disappeared into the bathroom, pollution functions are included. blood pressure will jump Real Estate ■ considerably for a short time. "Then we examine the uterus talked and occasionally Linda winced. "It hurts a little," she said, emerging shortly in her own clothes. "Why don't you lie down in by FBI of high bail and said the bill would provide more safeguards for a defendant's rights. deficiency. Police sealed off the station under the University Wednesday following the collapses to provide a period of tta.f w. to make sure it's in normal "but a dentist's drill would be the other room," the doctor ST. IGNACE (UPI) - The no-knock section would any gases present to accumulate and be identified. The area* EAST LANSING, 5 bedrooms, position, and to determine worse. The doctor warned me Lawrence Robert (Pun) then tested by the Chemistry Dept., Consumer Power Co andti bathrooms, study, family room, whether the woman is indeed suggested. "You could probably Plamondon, minister of defense permit police executing search State Health Laboratory with special detection devices that mine would be more painful do with some sleep." arrest warrants to enter separate dining room, 66x165 pregnant. By inserting a blunt than some of the others because "I'll lie down but I don't think for the White Panther party and or No poisonous gases were found at that time, but a treed lot. Double garage. Owner, curette before we start, we can one of the FBI's 10 most wanted premises without announcing oxygen was suspected as a caefse of the collapses, accordim to. lacktf I'm 12 or 13 weeks pregnant, I can sleep. I don't know how to themselves if they had probable 337-0909. TF feel the uterine walls, and there'll be no mistake." and it takes longer to do. thank you. I feel wonderful." men, was arrested near here cause to believe evidence was spokesman for the Dept. of Public Safety. 1 "I know. I could have had Thursday by Michigan State Three persons were hospitalized as a result of the GROSBECK GOLF COURSE r "Our method of vacuum "There's one way you can likely to be destroyed or their deficient, On two beautiful lots. All the aspiration," the doctor local anesthetic, but as the thank me if you're up to it. A Police. lives were likely to be after they collapsed while working in the station. They were (2 room needed for your children t< doctor told us yesterday we're He is charged with conspiracy endangered or the suspect was Eigenauer, safety engineer; Edward Berham, waterwwh play safely. Three bedrooms, continued, "was developed in little later maybe you could better off with a short slight and with destroying government operator; and Don Schaible, electrician. $13,700. Don't delay, call Randy China in 1958, has been used in come in and sit with one of the likely to escape if they delayed. The three men were released Thursday from Sparrow Eastern Europe for several years, pain than with hours of property in the Sept, 29, 1968, Hospital Biggs, 372-7550 or 694-8503 girls. It helps to have moral Opper Real Estate. 3-7-24 and is only now becoming discomfort as an anesthetic support." bombing of the Ann Arbor Police would have to obtain where they had originally been listed in critical conditio? wears off." office of the Central Intelligence court approval for a no-knock Eigenauer, the most seriously overcome, had been in an inter®, popular in the United States." "I think I'd rather do that care unit. 15 MINUTES from MSU. As he spoke he held up the "How do you feel Linda?" the Agency. entry if they knew about these 4-bedroom, 2-bath, fully carpeted, doctor asked. than rest," Linda said. "I'm He became the first modern - Richard O. Bernitt, director of public safety, said that provide abortion apparatus: a foot-long conditions in advance, and ranch. $25,000 or lease "A little weak, I guess. I was going downstairs to talk to the day revolutionary to make the Tydings said this is protection proper ventilation would solve the problem. 1 $200/month. Days: 353-7221. plastic tube about the width of a FBI's list. a nervous. Are you finished?" girls." Evenings, 646-6376. TF plastic straw, attacked to a plastic hose, which in turn was attached to a vacuum instrument Service not much larger than a standard "He then Linda's charge. Call 355-1040.27-7-31 uterus, and reached for the plastic tubes. RIDING LESSONS, English, "The thin tube goes into the Western, lessons by appointment uterus," he said, "and then the or course of ten. Horses accepted suction removes the fetal tissue, for schooling. Equestrian Using this method rather than Enterprises, 16606 Park Lake the standard D and C (scraping) Road, 332-4429. 3-7-24 we aimost eliminate any chance of infection, we reduce the pain, PAINTING AND interior decorating. ancj we cuj down the time from Experienced, reasonable rates and free estimate. Call 355-3833. 0-7-31 BABYSITTING Village IN apartment. my University Experienced, Po/ll/flOD foUDc/ 355-6213. 4-7-24 DRAFT 507 INFORMATION East Grand Center, in dead clams River. Ovftr Campus Bookstore. 351-5283. Mercury pollution may be significant now, but only a year rp I • c • = a6° was dismissed because yping Service researchers had no comparison — standards. PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. Matthew Zabik, asst. professor IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, & of entomology at the Pesticide Service flng',Ho for the most Th8S" PenDiscerning Research Center,J and other . - Master's & Doctoral Candidates researchers found mercury in Free Brochure and Consultation. dead clams in Lake St. Clair last Call CLIFF and PAULA June. H A u G H E v: 337-1527 or "We didn't think a thing about 627-2936. C it," Aabik said. "We had no information on normal COMPLETE THESIS Discount printing. BM typing and service^ background leveis and we had » . ■ . . .. binding of theses, resumes, no way of judging whether our publications. Across from campus, findings were significant." corner MAC and Grand River, •« below Style Shop. Call Hlf/ffm. __ WW COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. C EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do typing in home, electric typewriter, stencils and dittos, $1.00 service charge per printing, pick-up / delivery, insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 372-3729. TO-**"4 p.m. deadline 1 class day before. TYPING DONE by experienced secretary at home. Fast, neat, and SuPer TG- Presented by A.T.O., 451 accurate. 882-2065. 5-7-28 Evergreen, tonight from 8 p.m. - ? Featuring 2 bands, "Sirrocco" and ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith '_Mace" P'u« refreshments. Girls offset printing. Complete service ree' for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. women in married 20 years experience. 332-8384. C *°"sln8, interested Liberation (especially concerning day Women's BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. ffre facilities) should meet in the No job too large or too small. U",on, Room 33 on Monday Ju^y 27 Block off campusT332-3255. C For ndes caM 351 5962 or the heathers are here in a collage of DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term T . u, . „ Papers. Expert typist with degree ^ A " Tami separates for Miss J. . .variety in English. IBM. (Also editing.) " AI-BATROSS coffeehouse: Both nights, a warm andJimmy human — Super folk strummer from South Bend, Indiana. - composer Saturday is the name of the game when Transportation only, Sandy Coffey - neat folk guitar and voice. The hours: 8 p.m. - WANTED RIDER to Seattle, leaving 2 a.m. Your $1.00 donation will keep plaids and patterned knits, us squawking and give you all the August 26. Share expenses, 339-2938. 3-7-24 coffee, tea and pretzels you can consume. C'mon up. 547 E. Grand stripes and solids get RIDERS TO California, Los Angeles River, across from Berkey Hall. or San Francisco, leaving before August 11th, Van, 351-1238. Transcendental Meditation - together in soft, heathery blue Introductory Lecture. Monday, July 27 in Erickson Kiva at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. For more or honey. Sweaters and vests, sizes 36-40. Wanted information call 337-1545. RIDER(S) MAINE via Massachusetts Bring your friends and / or come and Skirts and pant. 5-13. A. Cabled wool vest, $13. Striped make some new friends. The turnpike. Share driving I gas. 355 0800 after 6 p.m. 4-7-24 ALTERNATIVE coffeehouse every Saturday night through the summer, mock turtleneck in tri-tone wool/nylon, $15. Pleated flip BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for 9-12. Coffee, folk rock, dialog, all positive. A negative, B negative expression, friends, Jesus Christ. and AB negative, $10.00. O 4930 Hagadorn (That's across from skirt, solid wool/nylon. $13. B. Cabled wool mock negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Hubbard Hall). Join usl COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507V1 East Grand River, East The MSU turtleneck, $16. TattersaH plaid vest of wool/nylon, $18- Sailing Club will be holding Lansing. Above the new Campus a regatta all day this Saturday. Rides JacabSoriS Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 will be leaving the west entrance of the Union from Solid pant, $15. C. Hibbed zippered-collar sweater, p.m., Monday, Wednesday and 9 - 9:30 a.m. Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Trophies will be awarded to the top p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C finishers. Juice and cookies will be available throughout the day. wool/nylon, $1'5. Bias plaid a-line skirt, $16* The club will also have MxiM a Registration Party this Friday at 9 p.m., at 323 Shown with accessories from our Miss J collection. 23 YEAR OLD female student to Village Drive (Cedar Village), apt. share apartment. Neat. 351-8425. 516. Phone 351-4249. Bring your 6-7-31 owrt juice and cookies.