The terrible . . . Monday ones: even what is firm MICHIGAN Sunny . . . and unshakable is being shaken. FATE NEWS Vedic Hymns 167 STATE - UNIVERSITY |ol. 63, Number 24 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 27, 1970 FUNDING PROBLEMS Committee delays action on law school proposal Committee, but the Kalamazoo Republican At that time White said the need for sent it to the Appropriations Committee to A proposal to establish a degree - hammer out the costs of "reasonably priced legal counsel" in establishing the Michigan underlined the need for the MSU granting law school at MSU will likely not program. law program. see legislative action this year, State Sen. The trustees' action on the "The plan last July services of attorneys are Charles O. Zollar, R-Benton Harbor, said came almost three years after the board first began to consider increasingly required by all families in the recently. establishing a law state," he said. The proposal, passed by the MSU Board school at MSU. of Trustees more than a year ago, is A proposal introduced by Trustee Clair If approved by the legislature and the currently being held up in Zollar's Senate White, D-Bay City, in 1966, received the governor the proposal would make MSU Appropriations Committee. board's approval *.id set the third university in the state to Sept. 14, 1969, as offer a "We may take a look at it when we come the opening date for the law school. degree - granting law program. back after the November election," Zollar However, because of other "high said, "but at this time it appears we won't priorities" involving University funds, the act on it this year." program was stalled until White moved that Other institutions to offer law are the Zollar cited funding problems as the the board move "full speed ahead" last University of Michigan and Wayne State primary factor blocking action on the year. University. proposal. "We're real tight on money right now," Zollar said, referring to the legislative budget for the current fiscal year. "In fact for all practical purposes we're out of money." AAUP raps statement He said the proposal would be carried over for consideration next year. A "full speed ahead" motion on the law President Nixon, in California for Nixon t a 10-day stay, takes in the Washington Senators - California school plan received the unanimous support of the trustees July 18, 1969, sending the proposal to the State Board of Education which also approved it and sent on faculty salary hikes By DAVE PERSON Angels baseball it the senior MSU to the faculty salaries out of the game in Anaheim, about 25 miles from the Western White House in San Clemente. At left is Fred Haney, former on legislature. State News Staff Writer general manager of the Angels. The proposal was immediately referred Big Ten cellar." AP Wirephoto to Sen. Anthony Stamm's Education An AAUP The MSU chapter of the American spokesman added Sunday that Association of "if anyone believes that professors (at University Professors (AAUP) issued a statement Friday MSU) are getting rich, they are grossly mistaken." challenging a statement issued by the Arab bloc splits decisions Office of the Provost concerning faculty Herman L. King, assistant provost, said that no matter who makes the decisions pay increases. The statement said that, in the opinion (regarding salary increases) others will of the AAUP, "both the general public and disagree. the MSU faculty have been misled by He said that in the past, the Provost's statements issued by the Office of the Office has received charges of inequities in Provost on July 17, 1970, to the effect the 12-month salaries as compared to American peace 10-month salaries. He said that the provost proposal that faculty salaries would be increased on Dn the average by 7.8 per cent." The report went on to say that "on the basis of an admittedly incomplete survey also has "upper ranks" He added that received were complaints that the discriminated against. salary increases were being By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of colleges and departments, it appears that distributed this year in an attempt to clear srael postponed a decision Sunday on to accept the American proposal without many departments and colleges are to up these inequities. U.S. proposal and would fight on for line defenses with missiles and then renew "But if you correct these U.S. plan for peace in the Middle East conditions, confronting President Gamal "complete liberation of Palestine." the fighting from a more advantageous receive increases averaging well below 7.8 inequities, Syria and Iraq turned it down, created Abdel Nasser with the greatest internal Sources in Amman said Jordan's per cent." somebody will lose" in regard to the crisis in the Arab world since the 1967 position. increase by percentage, he said. s split in Arab ranks. reservations on the plan proposed by U.S. The statement called for a specific Jordanian Cabinet reluctantly Middle East war. Secretary of State William P. Rogers Israelis, although distrustful of Egyptian breakdown of salary increases by colleges King said that he can accept criticism of President Gamal Abdel Nasser's intentions action by the Provost's Office, but when cepted the plan Sunday night after Arab guerrillas, included a condition that the government along with a rationale for the patterns of a through the Central in something is done "in good faith," he irmy daylong meeting that indicated it Committee of the Palestine Resistance could not be responsible for any actions by accepting the proposal, admit that Israel distribution. >u!d have reservations, is on the spot and can hardly say no to the The statement said that doesn't think the integrity of the office Movement, said Saturday night they would Palestinian commandos. although MSU liis left Egypt as the Damascus radio said Sunday that Syria's United States, a chief ally and supplier of salary increases be the largest in the should be challenged with charges only Arab country not respect the cease - fire called for in the may military hardware. "" ~ do little to of dishonesty. rejection of the 1967 United Nations » move 5 VC KILLED Security Council resolution on the Middle East and any political settlement based on it — which includes the Rogers' plan — was "absolute." CAMPUS UNREST S. Vietnamese Baghdad radio, after voicing Iraq's rejection, called on all members of the Arab League to join it in turning down the American proposal. An announcement in Jerusalem said Huber delays report drives Prime Minister Golda Meir and the Israeli into Cabinet which met for six hours Sunday, would hold further consultations Tuesday. Egypt and the Soviet Union announced until after the Aug. 4 primary this month's scheduled release of the report. report of college and university disorders on July 21. IAIG0N (AP) acceptance of the peace proposal last week. Huber, who is seeking the Republican - a task force of 2,500 marines, rangers, civilian irregulars and The Israelis have expressed fear that the Pre-primary release of the study made by To protect his report on campus unrest nomination for the U.S. Senate a special committee to Vietnamese troops swept into militia units known as regional forces against investigate campus "eastern Cambodia Egyptians, aided by Soviet advisers, will from charges of "political motivation," Mrs. Lenore Romney, had planned to unrest could adversely affect the Huber along Highway 1 which normally defend South Vietnamese move quickly to beef up their Suez Canal Sen. Robert J. Huber, R-Troy, is delaying release the contents of state ay in a new operation that boosted villages. a legislature campaign for the U.S. Senate nomination, •f total strength in Cambodia to Huber said. 20,000 The drive centered miles southeast of Initial field reports indicated sue Huber also explained that to release the derate contact. light to Kompong Trabek on the main Saigon by Phil Frank - study now would "cast a shadow of Phnom Penh highway. sources etnamese amese and in the troops field killed said 35 South North The troops, backed by artillery, were said Device political intent" on the report and that the committee had worked too long and too hard to have that happen. Viet Cong troops in the to be about 50 miles southeast of Phnom The report, financed with $59,000 in nil"8 flges of the sweep and found the Penh and 20 miles from the Vietnamese state funds, was compiled by the special , .,0^ 26 others killed earlier by allied border. eight prof soutlleast of Kompong Trabek. - member committee of which Huber nt n Vietnamese losses were reported as wounded. A communique claimed South Vietnamese forces had killed 10,346 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops, stu is chairman. A lengthy staff report detailing findings of the research group was released to the legislature in the £?■*» no American support was captured 1,582 prisoners and seized 19,609 spring. mh ml)0(lianf. thesideSouth of the Vietnamese on the weapons since March 20 when they began spokesman on was to said border, the aim of "search and destroy the the unannounced forays into Cambodia. South Vietnamese losses over the same ore confu Romney calls period were put at 929 men killed and 1,6 ®°uth Vietnamese force included 4,113 wounded. The South Vietnamese peak strength in Cambodia was 43,000 men in June. TUSCON, Ariz. (AP) University of Arizona student, - A mayors for U.S. troops withdrew June 30 after two Michael Pomeroy, says he has months of search and destroy missions Ury indicts along the border area. But the South Vietnamese remained. The new incursion by the South developed an electronic "confusion meter" designed to let students tell a professor they didn't understand his policy talks Vietnamese is not the result of any new lecture without the embarrassment WARREN (UPI) — Housing and Urban 0n of union policy. Saigon's forces are in Cambodia indefinitely. Vice President Nguyen Cao of raising their hands. They could covertly press the Development Secretary George Romney has called on the mayors of 39 suburban Detroit communities to meet with him Ky said in June that Cambodian leaders button had agreed to "Let us launch military on a light - weight tonight to discuss reports the federal r9anizer operations along the border as well as anywhere necessary for our security." transmitter, Pomeroy said, which would register their confusion on a government will try to force communities to move toward quicker integration. In telegrams sent to the mayors after a 'Resno, Calif. (AP) — Fernando Meanwhile, action in South Vietnam receiver held by the professor. meeting Sunday with Warren Mayor Ted tapered off to its lowest level since mid - Stuart Hoening, an electrical «ves h" °ffarm union organizer Cesar July after a brief step-up in activity Friday, Bates, Romney said his department's nd iu "as bee« indicted by a federal when more than 100 enemy troops were engineering professor who helped "programs have been jeopardized by )the«^nJcharge8 of refusing induction reported killed in scattered clashes. Pomeroy, said the device, when in erroneous stories about our policies in the Service8- Detroit metropolitan area." 1 Court production, would be far cheaper !. younaeJ PH°nS Ted Thured»y ordere Dist.ll Chavez to appear Aug. 24 in U.S. infantrymen reported uncovering a big enemy cache containing more than 50 than similar devices would be portable now in use and "TDTHOgaiHOfilAIM SA1P£T HUW(OHm I In a series of copyright stories in the past week, the Detroit News reported that HUD C'pf°"rtforarrai8nment. tons late of rice and 10 tons of ammunition Sunday afternoon less than a mile systems are fixed. while present mi i/p m wumomwi!' intends to use its funds to force integration of white suburbs — the City of Warren in ces Apni "23 j^ductlon into the armed from the Cambodian border, about 70 miles northwest of Saigon. (pleas* turn to page 8) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Masterplan for Cambodia summary revealed in Sihanouk letter become two separate countries, PHNOM PENH, Cambodia the three months since the partition of Cambodia into a Communist north and a geographically divided but (AP) — In letters home from be,j>®ne" Vietnamese, government • controlled south. emotionally united smoldering issue of partition. by a Sihannfi'k nrovided °friends Sihanouk says, will recruit and the line would run west from The informants declined to ■ f l with whathethtate train a ,ocal Communist the Thailand border, through reveal what part the prince Ir current Communist <>iirrt>nt Cnmmnnkf underground similar to "the Tattambang, the country's hopes to play in all this. But it is Maquis, the highly efficient second largest city, through the "Right now my impression is masterplan for Cambodia. French underground resistance rich rubber plantation country well known from his radio talks Sources close to the royal out of Peking that Sihanouk has that most black people still believe movement of World War II. to the South Vietnamese border family said that in military terms On the political side, the at Binh Long, not abandoned hope of making a in integration But I'm under the the prince speaks of a strong comeback and reversing the impression that this support is North Vietnamese presence in sources disclose, the prince Thus Cambodia, like Korea, March 18 coup that overthrew i—g* beginning to wane. " ssursT^: ™ his neutralist but left - leaning Sen. Walter F. Mondale, government. D-Minn. Diplomatic sources in Phnom Penh say a strong pro - Sihanouk faction in the French Cabinet is Hart to propose maneuvering, so far without the blessing of President Georges Pompidou, for a graceful return of Sihanouk via Paris instead of International News Peking. Britian's 11 - day national dock strike entered a on misuse of One Communist version - envisions inspired popular uprising installing Queen Mother a crucial stage Sunday with a government board reported Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., completely if a safer alternative believe no pesticide should be Sisowath Kossamak Nearireath Rain catcher ready to urge employers to give in to the longshoremen. said Saturday he will introduce a were available. permitted until proven safe, Hart as head of state and her son. The traditional Present law allows the sale of said this would be a mistake use pf the umbrella was given a new twist I Informants said the board, a court of inquiry, would bill today which would make it a Prince Sihanouk, returning from banned pesticides but does not because of its serious effect on during a recent rain storm as this umbrella - toter enjoyed I recommend that employers start negotiating with the federal crime to sell or misuse a Paris in a subdued role, at least unions on the demand by 47.000 dockers for a hike in government - banned pesticide. allow interstate shipment of the food supply, for a time. the best of both worlds - the usual protection as well aj I them. storage of rainwater, for whatever purpose. their basic pay. Hart said the measure would "Criminal penalties for sale also allow Dept. of ancj misuse would help enforce Agriculture to suspend a total and partial bans on The U.S. Embassy in Saigon has warned its staff dangerous pesticide and to ban any immediately pesticide pesticides," Hart said, Although some scientists WOMEN'S RIGHTS against traveling alone in the city because of what it called recent acts of violence against Americans by at Michigan State Ford backs amendment students or other antigovernment demonstrators. The State News, the student newspaper The warning, which originated at the Army University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Command, grew out of several recent incidents of Subscription rate is $14 per year violence. "We believe there is a rise in anti - American feeling in Member Associated Press, United Press International, both the federal and state drafting of women into the an WASHINGTON (UPI) - petition to get the proposal out Saigon," an Army spokesman said. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, House Republican Leader Gerald of the House Judiciary governments. Conceivably, and equal treatment of w Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Committee where no action has analysts say, this could lead to in selection to militiif R. Ford, R-Mich., announced Association, United States Student Press Association. been taken. such drastic changes as the academies. Sunday he will support a proposed constitutional The Senate has passed the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Israeli warplanes Sunday attacked Egyptian amendment for equal rights for proposal twice in previous years, Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services but the House has never voted Muskegon women. fortifications and antiaircraft batteries along the entire Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, the plan which has been The proposal is due for a on 103-mile length of the Suez Canal, the military Michigan. House vote next month. It needs gathering dust since 1923. command reported. approval by a two - thirds vote Three - fourths of the states But an Egyptian spokesman said that heavy ground fire near the southeast sector of the'canal prevented the Phones: Editorial Classified Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 for House and Senate passage. Rep. Martha Griffiths, must it ratify the proposal before becomes part of the constitution. The thrust of the in Klan incident roily D-Mich., is responsible for planes from carrying out their objectives. Display Advertising 353-6400 amendment is not certain, but it GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - A not a member of the Klanb| forcing the forthcoming House Business-Circulation 355-3447 vote, by gathering a majority of could bar all forms of 26 - year - old Muskegon man was at the meeting, was ch Photographic 355-8311 the House members to sign a discrimination based on sex by was in police custody after he with disobeying an office! The Bank of England is issuing a new 20-pound note allegedly tried to run down a signal to stop, resisting ai which will feature a new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II Kent County deputy sheriff as and felonious assault \ officers arrived at the scene of a automobile. He allegedly trieil on the front and the face of William Shakespeare on the back. MIDTERM WOES? Ku Klux Klan rally in suburban Byron Township. run down Drummond. Deputy Row The note is the first of March. 1968. a new series announced in Where can you get the Kenneth Weir, who said he was Officers from the Kent C( Sheriff's Dept. and the Wyoml A Bank of England spokesman said it may be a few Police Dept. arrived at then! on a farm just as it was breaF days before the new "Shakespeare" note is available at up. Some 50 to 60 persd all branch banks equivalent of S48. throughout the country. It is the HIGHEST RATE including Robert Miles I Howell, Grand Dragon oil Michigan Klan, were attend! the rally where a cross« burned, officers said. National News Officers said they took (to of return on any type the names of 12 M-l rifles in their men who 4 possession! Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Minn., said Sunday the Nixon administration is pursuing half - hearted desegregation policies that are creating a deep frustration and in integration. may drive blacks away from their beliefs of bank savings? "Right now," he said, "my impression is that most black people still believe in integration. But I'm under the impression that the support is beginning to wane." Arthur F. Burns, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, said Sunday he believes the nation's economic slowdown is about over and that inflation is "in the process of unwinding." Burns hesitated to call the slowdown a recession but TAKE THE CURE! AT AB & T OF COURSE! said it would have been if spending and money supplies had not been cut back last year. "We're just about on the right track now," he said. No other bank offers higher rates of interest type of savings Sft C on any Three explosions at different locations knocked out account or certificate of deposit. electric power and disrupted telephone service at Camp A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no McCoy in western Wisconsin early Sunday. There were no injuries. TUDENT^nOOK^^T ORE question about it! of Authorities said the blasts were caused by some type explosive and occurred about the same time. at widely separate locations Across from Olin Downtown Frandor - 210 S. Wash. Shopping Center Hobie's DINE-IN I 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. East Lansing — Phone 351-38001 The White House says the Atomic 421 E. Grand River 207 E. Grand River CARRYOUT & DELIVE"U Energy Commission Open Wed. Til 9 will make available 200,000 to 300,000 kilowatts of power to the Consolidated Edison Co. of New York if a protracted hot spell hits the city. The plan was announced to relieve what the House calls a "critical power White shortage" caused by the Free Your breakdown last week of the utility's largest generator, a one million kilowatt unit in Queens. With a Gerry Kiddie-Pack Michigan News Superb support and comfort for child and parent + Sturdy aluminum tubing frame with no weakening joints or rivets + With the exception of Lake St. Clair, the levels of the Wide web straps + Adjustable seat with cargo space lakes surrounding Michigan continued to rise in the underneath + Padded shoulder straps. past month, the U.S. Lake Survey has reported. Lake Superior, which showed the greatest increase, $ was up three inches from June. Lakes Huron were expected to decline one inch one Michigan and above last month, but inch in the coming month. Lake St. Clair's level dropped one inch in the month and is expected to drop another two inches were past 15 by late August. But Lake St. Clair's level still was 32 inches above the all - time low which was recorded in 1934. 3121 E. GRAND RIVER Weathervane The level ot Lake Erie, the lake Open - Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. -10 9 survey said, was one inch above the June figure with a three - inch Tues., Sat. -10 - 6 drop 2283 Grand River expected in the coming month. SUNDAY: FRIED CHICKEN $2.25 Okemos 351-9494^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 27, 1970 3 Belfast Orangemen ignore ban FAST Northern Ireland >|Mttap|t. a leading Orange street, for six months last "I ruled that it was not a (or Inciting riots on marches Bowler hatted degyman and a judge who sent week in an effort to take the march," said Police Chief Londonderry information leading to the arrest special protection for the other member of the British last year and conviction of the bombers, jurists. Parliament. °"'y „7 tta racial to cjundav in The incidents unnpn !leat out of the Catholic - Michael Finn. "There was no Fears for the safety of the two The bombers stepped up their ^our pounds of gelignite, a lgnite ano^r round of bitter But "n''i™lry- b""d' the did "<« «» UP °the' i» the Northern Ireland's joint unce of the provincial w ipute "™tber of bitter Sunday's parade by 2,000 properly, and so I say it was not expressed raids after the government f°rm of dynamite, were found Sunday in a security committee, including refused permission for Miss Sunday near the site of the third ' I m.rchers stepped off after IfriUsh^rnvin!*) British province. troubled village Ojinjmjn through took of Kilskeery the place tiny a Aparade in the accepted sense." government announcement government ministers and police Devlin to leave Armagh jail to go overnight blast, which was at the " A.4Unli/i one Uue of three judges «. -k up a rock - throwing crowd of 200 people, In Peoria, police reported minor damage from who"'Tast" month rejected an tly Puerto Ricans, outside a downtown bar. rock throwing and firebombing Saturday night, was a false rumor of the death of a Puerto appeal by Miss Devlin, 23 - year - 96' re Ihere were no injuries, but a dozen people were old leader of the Catholic civil n injured in a fist fight with a bartender on arrested for violating the curfew which banned rights movement. She had been ay. Four people were slightly hurt and 23 minors from the streets from 9 p.mto 6 a.m. sentenced to six months in arrested. jail SUMMER CLEARANCE DINNED skimos to SALE (WITH COUPON) native t fNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Department, the Bureau of children starting school Indian Affairs and the mo linguistics >me Alaskan villages this fall department of the University of be taught from the start in Alaska. native languages of Yuk Inupiaq. English, to them a gn tongue, will come later, cause the first days of MSU accepts I 1 Dinner Per Coupon ol are such a new and 'times difficult experience ] SPECIAL SALE any child, Alaska educators ded not to compound the physics grant | JULY 28 thru JULY 30 ilem by teaching Eskimo One of two grants from the j COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE iren in English as a first U.S. Atomic Energy Commission SALE uage. Xting the program off the accepted by trustees at their the board of July 17 meeting 50% OFF AND MORE | K«ntu;kif nd has presented problems, ever. There is nothing in the is for the amount of $81,000. It was incorrectly noted in the "When you think of Cards" ! fried ^kiVk«K mo language for a child to State News as being $18,000. I 1040 E. Grand River, E.L. The grant will be administered CARD SHOP I 3140 S. Logan St. >rk is progressing under a by Hugh McManus, professor of I 3200 N. East St. • U.S. 27 t through the Elementary physics, to be used for • 4238 W. Saginaw Secondary Education Act. investigative problems in 1620 E. Michigan physics, including the scattering Across From Home Ec. Bldg. petatlng on the project are State of particles by nuclei. 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 Education L CLIP THIS COUPON Get The Savings Spirit — Stock Up Now! 10" OFF all items in the SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP 20" OFF on all Jewelry in the SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP TShirts MSU Sportswear Jackets Children's wear Sweatshirts Mugs Gift items Greeting Cards Pennants Jewelry Etc. Etc. The MSU BOOK STORE SPARTAN SPIRIT SHOP in the Lower Lobby of the International Center MICHIGAN STATE NE' UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Speaking of the Hollywood scene FREDERICK J. LESLIE Joanne Woodward, who author of "Valley of the Dolls" and "The help needy is married to things he agreed with Agnew on, and some Indians, accordin advertising manager Paul Newman, frequently gives American things he didn't. Love Machine," was Jerry's guest. papers. He couldn't have been * 10 womanhood advice on how they, too, can Mrs. Wineglass said there were some The last time they appeared together, firm much. Or they him make that never woulH l'"1 KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor achieve perfect and eternal bliss. In a things SHE agreed with Agnew on, and one TV critic referred to them as "Mr. and story public ^ LARRY LEE, city editor magazine interview, she said: "A woman some things she didn't. Then she kissed Mrs. Bad Taste." This time they talked Everybody knows you can't hir» JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor shouldn't sleep with a man who has differing political views." Mort, they went back to sleep, and lived about the "Myra Breckinridge" movie. Jerry and Susann agreed that "Myra" sloppiest PR firm Jane Fonda for under to handle a bid J*- JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor happily ever after. $500 The moral is that you can't go wrong if should never have been released because it everybody knows that if needv Mrs. Mort Wineglass read that interview you take Joanne Woodward's advice. lacked taste. were given that $500 a week and tossed restlessly all night thinking , It was like John Dillinger and Bugsy them a lot more than spreadiiw Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award about it. Finally, she woke up Mort. It was Whenever the Tonight Show wants to for outstanding journalism. 4 a.m. He asked what was wrong. make sure Johnny Carson is welcomed Siegel ageeing that A1 Capone shouldn't have been released because he lacked about Indians. how Jane Fonda is fil nelH She said she couldn't tell him until he back, they bring Jerry Lewis on for a week honesty. Ever hear Jane denounce told her frankly what his views were on the hv- as guest host. of our society on the Dick EDITORIALS Spiro Agnew. Mort said there were some The other night, Jacqueline Susann, Dustin Hoffman told a magazine that Cavettsfc while he was filming "Midnight Cowboy" Now that Italian - Amerif,» he suggested an added scene. He said he picketing the FBI for giving them wanted a black to come into a restaurant name, I expect the Greek and sit next to him. Then he would get up be - America! picketing Anthony Quinn for thf Judicial end and move and say, "I won't sit next to no black guy." The director refused. A year later, reason. Quinn the Greek." It comes was magnificient was one of those along once in a lifetime and? in roles Hoffman still thinks it should have been enough. done. As realism. I saw Quinn do "Zorba" again the - result of Nixon Dustin Hoffman was wrong then. He is night. This version was "A Dream I saw Quinn do "Zorba"again the other It is just possible that the Supreme overturn the ruling of a lower court that held that the draft law is night. This version was "A Dream of Court of the United States will be recorded by history as the Vietnam unconstitutional in that some Kings," and he called himself Matiookis Catholics were forced to choose in it, but it was old Zorba, all right. Same peacemaker. This is a most unlikely old philosophy, same old dance, same old role for the august body - and one between their beliefs and prison terms. underwear. In "The Secret of Santa that justices would probably not have. The importance of this case is Vittoria," Quinn assumed an Italian name, but it doesn't fool us old Zorba experts. Traditionally because of obviously not restricted only to constitutional mandates, it has been Catholics. There are few, if any, the legislative and executive branches religions in America that do not pay of the government that have been at least pay lip service to the primarily concerned with the exhortation that "thou shalt not wrong now. White New Yorkers eat with Kings," and he called himself Matzoo" kill." If on the basis of Catholic black New Yorkers, work with them, business of war. And traditionally it, but it was old Zorba, all right. Same marry them. So do white Californians and philosophy, same old dance, same the Supreme Court has tried to avoid theology McFadden can obtain Kansas and Georgians, too. underwear. In "The Secret of ruling on hot issues as long as conscientious objector status, then it The only Americans who persist in Vittoria," Quinn assumed an Italian possible. is only a short step to granting of thinking other Americans are incurably but it doesn't fool us old Zorba e There is more than a bit of good this status to members of any bigoted are "concerned" actors like Dustin Same accent as "Zorba," same phil- Hoffman. .sense here. The Supreme Court has religious persuasion if he professes to same underwear. It may be that only they are. And there is no power to enforce its decisions be antiwar. The sum result would be so no reason for the I to picket Anthony Quinn. He's a G save that power which the people the abolition of the draft as it now Jane Fonda's "Cover-up? - Don't be silly! - We were just husband, Roger Vadim, has problem. cede to it through respect and exists. The implications that this been paying a public relations firm to could have on this nation's efforts in giving them a decent burial!" handle the publicity on Jane's tradition. The Court has never campaign to Copyright 1970 by New York News' forgotten the Marshall - Jackson Southeast Asia are obvious. debacle which ended when President TERRY SMITH Jackson is reported to have said Massachusetts case something like: "the Chief Justice made the ruling - now let him The second hearing of importance enforce it." is the now - famous Massachusetts Circumstances stripping away are, however, the Supreme Court's chances for inactive retreat. The case. The State of Massachusetts has asked the Supreme Court to rule on a state law passed earlier this year The misfunctional world view nation is plagued with a paralyzed that would prohibit Massachusetts Congress that only lately has been citizens from being compelled to EDITOR'S NOTE: The America adheres to her commitments. mak'ihg a few feeble efforts to have serve in legally undeclared wars. In following is Japan and India are good places to start. endeavors of state. Israel, for example, America's allies would be naked In the face Both nations have nuclear fact, however, the high court is being pert two of a two • part column by long had a technology a capability and a respo some say in the Asian carnage. of imperialism and aggression from all Terry Smith. capable of building nuclear weapons which foreign policy, but without a c" Following historical precedent, the asked to rule the Vietnam conflict quarters; neutrals would have to start have to date not been utilized because the American nuclear shield as a last executive has come to the fore and unconstitutional. In April when the We must stay in Vietnam long enough to worrying about how long their neutrality United States has demonstrated that it will case of general Mideast war, would guarantee that that country can survive would be guaranteed. forced to develop the bomb. assumed the dropped reins of statute was passed by the fight for the territorial Integrity of her Massachusetts Legislature, observers indefinitely after our departure, as a friends. And then, of course, so would E, government from the Congress. The nonCommunist sovereignty. At stake is our Turtle When both nations perceive America to who would Immediately become problem is that while the thought that it would amount to credibility as a guardian of the free world, Big deal, you say, let the nations of the be unwilling or unable to provide for their inquisitive baby with the live hand gr administration is doing something, it nothing more than a token protest. a role we play because no other non - Third World start worrying about their What does Egypt have to lose in a - defense, they would posthaste tool up so is doing it in such a bumbling and Now, experts are not so sure of the Communist nation can or will. own problems. The shortsightedness of this that they can provide it themselves. After exchange with Israel? The leaky hamhanded way as to make matters The reason why the Soviet Union doesn't point of view is that we won't have to LET Dam? The Cairo mosque? outcome. all, China, whose history of expansionism get pushy in central Europe is because they them start to worry about their own is particularly gruesome, is but minutes camels? But she has everything to gain: worse. The net result is this: the Vietnam BELIEVE that we would not hesitate to problems; they'll do It without our lost prestige, moral (?) leadership of war is being assaulted "through away from the capitals of both nations by use tactical nuclear weapons on any prodding, once they see that our symbol to air. Arab world, and Palestine (a radi" Vacuum channels." The pressure is on the Russian or Warsaw Pact armored column the world is no longer the Eagle, but the wasteland but nevertheless Hebrew- executive and the Congress to end caught rolling toward Rotterdam. Turtle. Treaty Swell. It is into this functional vacuum the war now. If they do not speedily The reason why we didn't invade Cuba in So what, you ask. If we don't have our But what about the Nuclear 1962 to get rid of the missiles (and Who is going to tell Nassar he can't the end the war, it appears likely that troops and guns and especially our nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? It would be less Supreme Court has been coincidentally put Castro out of business) weapons scattered all over the world, we his Bomb? And who is going to assure: than worthless If one of the signatory unwillingly drug. A literal barrage of the government may reap a was because we BELIEVED the Russians are telling the Russians that we are indeed some Egyptian pilot hopped up on nations which has the Bomb isn't willing to war - inspired cases has come before constitutional crisis of the first had it in them to push the Rubicon button peaceloving and dedicated to coexistence, come to the aid of signatories which don't. Thoughts of A1 Fatah won't decide the high bench in the last couple of magnitude. in order to protect their only foothold in right? Not so. That's implicitly the whole point behind the incinerate the Zionist dogs singlehan' the Western Hemisphere. The Soviets, who understand power and years - and the rate of filing appears Historically it has been the duty of Now this is impressive, not so much for treaty. to be the judiciary to check and balance power vacuums much better than they Yet Japan and India have a great deal to Boggle increasing with almost a its impact on the major powers, but most understand Marxism, would be ecstatic lose in a nuclear war; both are industralized geometric swiftness. Last week two the excesses and insufficiencies of importantly for what the nations under the without bounds were the United States and in positions of potential political more briefs were placed before the the other And who in Israel can be sure it* two branches of Soviet and American nuclear umbrella shown incapable of backing her power In their respective regions. They Egyptian bomb. Maybe it was Iraq' court for consideration. The topics government. Thus it would be think. commitments. would have, in other words, power with Syria's. Israel would have to strike covered in the two are different but What would have happened to Soviet But let's not even talk ibout this aspect entirely in keeping with our system responsibility, and probably could be everywhere and ask questions later. If the cases have one thing in common: of government for the influence in the closely watching of an American humiliation in Vietnam. counted on to avoid provocations which was a later, that is. It boggles the mind, high court to non-nuclear nations if she had permitted a Let's talk about the smaller nations which they were brought forth by the war rule on the war. If the might lead to a nuclear exchange. there are several other areas of the Supreme successful American invasion of Cuba in it affects right away, particularly in terms But then there are other nations who Court finds against the government besides the Mideast where power and, if the court finds against the 1962? Precisely the same thing that would of America's discredited policy of nuclear now have the capability of government in both, the conduct and with regard to Vietnam and the happen to American influence if Vietnam protection of the free world from developing a rationality are just as bitter enemies® nuclear arsenal, nations in which foreign the belligerent nations. complexion of the killing in Vietnam administration takes no action as a goes under — no one will believe that aggression. policy making is among the least rational - This scenario is, of course, not could be radically altered. result, then it will clearly be inevitable product of an American In the of James Francis President Nixon alone who is Vietnam, but it is assuredly a case OUR READERS' MIND in McFadden the U.S. government is circumventing proper channels and likely outcome than a global peace.0' seeking to have the high court the law of the land. armistice. And we haven't even beffl consider what the Soviet Union woui Presbyterian article misleading on her own if America withdraws mw shell. People who don't believe in get" . U.S. coalition To the Editor: After reading the article entitled The Assembly gave no supporting recommendations to the paper as it now convinced that very few, young or older, would condone the present approach of the bottom of things but instea pressing issues with verbiage and m° trash, demonstrate only two thir"c" "Presbyteria is offer sex code" which stands. If it is discussed at next May's the Church and Society Committee's 1) that solving the problem at appeared in the State News on July 10, it General Assembly, it will be because it is report. I am also convinced that no really important to them, and plays into Ha was quite clear to me that the writer article must certainly have been unaware of all the facts concerning the code. The article, as it stood, was of the proposed sex re-presented by someone present. The concluding paragraph of the State News article made a generalization which I also feel is invalid. It stated that "young member of the clergy would suggest that the present day problems involving sexuality should be Ignored. 2) that they are willing to toleraw creation of large numbers of m . more serious problems, solutions to I hope that these few comments very help to probably aren't particularly imPor At just about the same time that outlawed the Viet misleading and has given a number of clergymen seem to respond favorably to clarify the present status of the report, and them either. the black comedy team of Nixon and - Cong has people many false impressions. the proposal," but that older Presbyterians that It Is now understood by readers that smilingly indicated that they could And thus faced with such a d Thieu were nixing an "imposed The report presented to the reflect the "Generation Gap" by refusing the Presbyterian Church is not condoning get along with most anyone, except Presbyterian to respond at all to problems Involving sex. inability to cope with reality, the. General Assembly in May was drawn up by unrestricted sexual activity in society. coalition," the Viet Cong were South Vietnamese President Thieu. stop thinking and start crying, in " a subcommittee of the Church and Judging from my own conversations with Susan J. Dersnah that emotionalism makes things bet ■ stating their willingness to coalesce This is hardly surprising Society with almost anyone. considering Committee. There was strong opposition to Midland alumna themselves and their tortured souls, Probably, the his rabid anti Communist stance. the report by eight members of the denpminations for that matter), I am July 18,1970 For the world, never. timing of the announcement was no Maybe the VC are sincere in their committee itself. Their objection was based accident - the VC are old hands at generally upon the fact that although the statements, though more probably making propagandist hay out of report seemed to describe the problems they are yet again playing Jekyll to American ineptitude. involving sex which are present in society America's Hyde. At the very least one today, all of the suggested solutions do not While the U.S. - Saigon axis has all comment can be made: it is more approach the problems from a New but ruled out a coalition with the than a little Testament Christian point of view. The disheartening to see the Communists - it is hard to imagine United States continually remaining members of the committee play into presented the report to the General Communists winning anything in the hands of Hanoi's propaganda Assembly where a very small margin of "free elections" where they are machine. votes sent it to the churches for study. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. July 27, 1970 5 Republicans By JEFF SHELER fall campaign president according to club Ben Neuhausen, activities. set qrganization and to plan fall as fall plans more or far less 'do your own thing' as the campaign is He said other activities in the fall, subject to membership State News Staff Writer Southfield senior. "We're not making any final involved." approval, may include some The Republican group had its plans right now," Neuhausen He said the group's activities canvassing and pamphlet first meeting of the summer said, referring to the fall during the summer are distribution. The MSU College Republicans are offering students a chance to Thursday evening to acquaint campaign. "It really depends on somewhat limited since they are "do their new members to the what the members want. It's not allowed to campaign for any own thing," during the candidates before the Aug. 4 primary election. "That is why we haven't had Hart, Griffin any previous meetings," Visiting Neuhausen said. split votes en Deborah Ludlow, Port Huron senior and a member of the group, said the members of the on organization the fall in may D.C. crime bill attend conference decide committees to to break up campaign individual candidates. This has been done in past campaigns, she into for WASHINGTON (UPI) - Michigan's senators split their Plan fo Improvement of the telecommunication system which connects all parts of Europe and the other nations, including Yugoslavia and Spain. It said. Neuhausen described the votes Thursday in the 54-33 vote plans to begin the manufacture of central office approving a controversial crime Mediterranean is the aim of four electronics switching equipment. group as "loosely knit," and bill for the District of Columbia Members of the MSU College Republicans met Thursday to organize their campaign plans for "not as structured as some other engineers who have come 5,000 miles to containing authority for police the fall. The meeting was the group's first of the summer. State News photo by Bill Porteous "In Italy, there is only one telephone for every political groups," continue their education at MSU. especially to enter residences without 10 people in comparison with one phone for those Gianni Grazia, Mario Caporale and Alessandro supporting individual knocking under court warrant every two people in the United States," Grazia candidates. Bellman, now participating in MSU's annual relates. "In other countries, such as Yugoslavia and for judges to jail defendants He said the membership Telephone Engineering Conferences, are Researcher claims plants and Spain, there are even fewer." up to 60 days without bail prior carried over from spring term is employes of the $30 million - a - year Telettra to conviction. Corp. at Vimercate, Italy, just outside Milan. A The engineering quartet is part of the team expected to near 120. fourth employe, Sebastiano Corra, will arrive which has the job of projecting for Telettra what Thursday the group planned a Voting for sending the bill to later. fall membership drive which, the White House was Sen. the need for switching equipment will be in the Telettra manufactures telephone transmission Neuhausen said, would be Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., and next five years, the next 10, in Italy and in the -espond to human emotion equipment which it sells in Italy and exports to Mediterranean. centered around registration in September. opposing it, Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich. J SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - Your Vogel described an experiment in which he wired a plant to a schizophrenia, paranoia, manic states and the like. ■plants are't doing well, you say? device that electrical Vogel said he is preparing ■it could be the petunias simply measures scientific a ■need a pep talk, says chemist impulses. Vogel said when he paper for a technical thought intently that he was journal on his plant experiments. ■Marcel Vogel. about to burn the plant, the I Vogel. author, inventor and -CLIP THIS COUPON—"• ■researcher with International ■Business Machines' Advanced device showed a plant reaction. In a sense, said Vogel, it is 50% 96< extrasensory perception by the ■Systems Development Division, plant. He said he has repeated ■says he has proved plants this experiment before witnesses ■respond to the emotions of several times. ■humans. recent 12 A major use of this week course he phenomenon, he said, would be and more a - DINNER _ i.. ■conducted for colleagues on to use plants "to catalog the ■ "Engineering Creativity," Vogel aberrations of people." Thus a ■ said he scored a breakthrough in standard could be I "contacting" plants through which certain reactions I bioelectric ity. measured in I Man emits a minute electrical human mental condition, he developed in plants indicate SALE (WITH COUPON) OFF ■ field, as do plants because of said. ■ their moving protoplasm. When A catalog of standard plant ■ man's electrical field cuts that of reactions to various human ■ the plant, he said, a measureable emotions could, for example, ■ response can result. point to specific maladies: on these items ' ASTROCOM/IMRLUX 1 Dinner Per Coupon SPECIAL SALE In the Main Store JULY 28 thru JULY 30 COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE fh'ed #ki«k«n IS WITH US. 1040 E. Grand River, E.L; MSU T-SHIRTS 1.00 3140 S. Logan St. at Hi-Fi BUYS 3200 N. East St. - U.S. 27 1101 E. Grand River 4238 1620 W. Saginaw E. Michigan Golf Hats .50 &ast Lansing Phone 337-2310 —J CLIP THIS COUPON MSU Tarns .50 Extra Sp Your C Sale Ring Binders 33c Jacobson's Own Reg to 3.35 • Mugs Panty Stocking • Beaumont 1 65 NOW 3 pr. 4.80 Etchings Priced To Go!! Regularly $2. each 33c • MSU Plaques As marked July 27 through August 7. While they last . . • Sparty Banks Your favorite Enka stretch • Peg board shelves ponty slocking, now at timely • Art paper savings. One lean, • MSU stationery lithe line of perfect fit • in spice, seashore, cream, Other items added brown, taupe or each day \ smoke. Sizes S,M,MT,T. • 45 Records vr MSU BOOK STORE Jacobsoi "Right" in the center of campus 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 27 , 'Walk'—soap By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer lover, and middle - the above - board aged romance that opera the finest and poorest of actors, should be forced to sit through wonder Miss Bergman couldn't resist him.) drivel inspire fleeting moments of warmth in the process. . keeps all indescretions primarily the film as many times as he says Miss Bergman, on the other It is a monument to her "A Walk in the Spring Rain is in the imagination rather than "ain't" in it in repentance for his hand, should be given a strong professionalism that she can face the kind of story one used to Qn the bed. performance. (Film critic Judith film role, one which would Quinn and hear a line like "I find in the McCalls or the Ladies To say audiences have tired of Crjst called him "Zorba the capitalize on her mature beauty ain't never gonna bring you no Home Journal: romantic drivel SUch storylines and such one Hillbilly" and, indeed, he's a and dramatic conviction. After harm" or "I could love a woman that aims at the tear ducts rather dimensional characters is to state fighting, cussing yeoman who's all, it takes a real trouper to until the roof comes off the than the sensibilities. the obvious. To say Quinn, Miss an expert on moonshining, endure a film like "A Walk in house with happiness" and not I doubt if even the Bergman and we deserve better frogging, goat care, firebuilding the Spring Rain" and maintain crack up or throw up on the handkerchief brigade will accept js to state a certainty, and semblance of women bathing > dignity and spot. this story of Libby (Ingrid _ . .. 4 . Bergman), a middle - aged wife Writer Stirling Silliphant (an with a brat for a daughter and a Oscar winner for In the Heat of boor for a husband who finds the Nl8ht ) sh°u,d surrender his romance and temporary respite from dullness in the arms of Will (Anthony Quinn) a down ■ to - ^Pewnte'.J°r wr' g .th,s dialogue. (Did he really write a ,ine Losing one s se'f Fish culture development earth clod she meets in passes as quiet y as Tennessee. narshmallow in hot cocoa?' In "Walk," one finds all the characteristics of soap opera: the valiant, suffering heroine; her Director Guy Green's fate should be a confrontation with actual Tennesseeans, no doubt i aid to dietary problems? last chance for happiness; the outraged by the way he ridicules unappreciative husband; the them in this film, Developing inland fish cultures The problem is where to get the concentrated area. He noted that selfish daughter; the simple Anthony Quinn, who can be might be one step toward easing fish. 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of catfish the food problem that exists in Tack said he believes the ocean can be produced per acre by some parts of the world, is not the answer. Because of its building these ponds on land according to Peter Tack, MSU size, the concentration of fish in where nothing else exists, fisheries and wildlife expert. certain ocean areas diminishes as "Not to° many other animals "We know of a lot of people these areas are fished out. So, can ^ grown in this Romantics - who starve with a full belly harvesting the ocean becomes concentration," Tack said, because they have carbohydrates more difficult and more '"There are vast areas where we but no protein in their diets," he expensive. could grow fish but couldn't Ingrid Bergman finds momentary happiness with Anthony Quinn in the drama "A Walk ir said. As an alternative, Tack grow much of anything else." Spring Rain," currently showing at the Campus Theater. By increasing their fish recommended inland fish consumption these people could cultures in which large numbers get the much needed protein. Qf fish can be raised in a F T IA4 pool popular cool spof Between 800 and 2 000 from students not knowing the in the diving area. The pool hasil 10-meter diving tower, two three! mj&xsjz iy„s.£ is the Men's Intnm.r.1 outdoor nock ,0 the outdoor po°l - meter diving boards and low boards. tvo| The most commonly broken P°°l- oiiL i„ thn Jrules are: no cut-off pants are may swim in the Olympic - size The temperature of the w pool at one time. permitted for swimming, the requirement of bathing caps for is kept at 80 degrees, but on hot I Despite large numbers, the days it may rise to almost 85. pool doesn't present any great people with long hair, no shoes are to be worn on the pool deck problems. and the prohibition of glass "The only real problems come NOW! Open 12:45 P.M. Show Starts 1:00 P.M. .. . .. , gate, staff the office and guard I Feature at PROGRAM INFORMATION The depth of the from four to eight pool ranges *wimmers guardl feet in the 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 'INGRID (3 ICHIGAN Theatre Lanninq ■ main swimming area to 16 feet / 1 PDOGRtM imORMaflQN 4856485 a.m. Regular hours to 7 are from p.m. except when the pool opens at 1 p.m. 11:301 Sunday,I I AMMM BERGMAN QUINN/ rxssssz "A BIG, BAWDY RIP- ROARING MUSICAL: HOWUNGL Y FUNNY!" [qSBBI 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 and closes at 6 p.m. is Free use of the pool facilities! restricted to students and! - Wanda Hale, N. Y. Daily News IIWITDISNB" faculty. Guests pay 50 cents. I jMiSlk FAINT MSU students not enrolled tot I summer term can use the pool I in the for a 25 cent fee. Spring^Ilpin YOUR WAGON LEE MARVIN CLINT EASTWOOD c*.6 — , JEAN SEBERG - NEXT - IWMMSBK* IKHNKOLOT OLIVER A IMAM0UNT NCTIK Transcendental QUICK GLEN CAMPBELL RESULTS KIM DARBY ,, NORWOOD • JOE NAMATH itation Shown at 8:30 and ALSO AWARD WINNING JOHN WAYNE IN "TRUE GRIT" SHOWN AT 10:30 ONLY aas. as taught by JC.V.WIH11\ - fcrvua 1 UbS. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi MASH An Ingo Preminger Production Color by DELUXE* ' ' PANAVtSION* plus iqsi AT 8:30 - REPEATED IN ['ART LATE Also Tony Curtis as 'THE BOSTON STRANGLER' SUMM* I, Lecture By 10:30 Only AT 8:30 ONLY! Frank Huss HUGH'S FOR MSU! Transcendental Meditaltion is a natural spontaneous technique which allows each individual to TONIGHT HUGH W. BRENNEMAN expand his mind and improve STATE SENATOR 7:30 p.m. his life. (REPUBLICAN) ERICKSON KIVA Contributed by Brenneman for Senator Committee Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. July 27, 1 *>70 7 state news STATE NEWS classified Got a boat, 355-8255 a camper, a motorcycle you want to sell? Place a Want Ad! CLASSIFIED 3558255 The State News does not permit racial or religious Service discrimination in its BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light SINGLE, MALE, STUDENT NEEDS home for advertising columns. The housekeeping and cooking, cheap. Close EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do cooking, $30 camp thoroughbred Great Dane. No State News will not weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 351-0631. X3-7-28 typing in home, electric cost. 355-3144 for information. typewriter, stencils and dittos, accept advertisinq which # automotive discriminates SPARTAN HALL singles. Men a printing, pick-up / delivery, against 372-3729. 10-8-4 Scooters & Cycles women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-921 SIAMESE religion, race, color or KITTENS, Seal Point Auto Parts & Service national Any time - 372-1031. O females. 8 weeks old, origin. $15 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Aviation 339-9152. 4-7-28 offset printing. Complete service ♦ employment For Sale for r.C dissertations, theses, • for rent BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Apartments Automotive SUMMER AND part time Make any size or style. Charli, 20 years experience. 332-8384. C employment with full - line 332-3848, forenoon after 9 Houses or OLDSMOBILE Starfire 1965: merchant wholesaler. Automobile Mobile Homes Transportation Rooms very good condition, loaded required. 351-5800 for | ,for SALE 332-1671. 3-7-27 information. O OUIJA BOARDS, beautiful 10x50 GENERAL ,bachelor pad or ideal for young married cojple WANTED RIDER OR ride to Animals OLDSMOBILE 1968: 442, 2-door, without Mobile Homes For Rent children, beautiful to leave July 30th. Call 9-11 vinyl hardtop. Fully equipped condition, near campus. 351-9287 a.m., 332-3577 ask for John .PERSONAL Call 482-0285. 3-7 29 TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free evenings. 5-7-27 3-7-29 LESLIE ORGAN AMP, model 145. ♦ peanuts personal OPEL deliveries. Call SELCO 1967 Super Kadett. Sport Home or band use. Call Jeff, FURNISHED 8' x 42' home RIDERS TO California, Los Angeles . real estate COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. coupe. Ralley red, 4 speed, $800. 351-8291. 3-7-29 condition. 1956 West Woo or San Francisco, leaving before I .RECREATION IV 5-137 3. 3-7-29 campus, 351-3839. 5-7-30 August 11th, Van. 351-1238. TV RENTALS Students only. Low 3-7-28 - WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony .SERVICE RAMBLER monthly and term rates. Call model 530 stereo tape recorder. 1965, Classic 6, wagon. Typing Service Body and equipment in good 351-7900 to reserve yours. Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo Personal , TRANSPORTATION shape. Engine needs work. UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C tape recorders. 100 used 8 track Wanted ZOLTON FERENCY was right then. 351-4211. 5-7-30 stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. * wanted RENT A TV from a TV company. ZOLTON FERENCY is right now. CAMPAIGN WORKERS for Richard Cassette tape recorders. Koss Vote for ZOLTON, August 4 $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. O'Neill, MSU student, candidate deadline VOLKSWAGEN 1962 convertible. Pro-4-A stereo head phones. 10-8-4 for State Representative 58th Good dependable transportation. NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Garrard turntables 1 P.M. one class day $25 up. VM District. Call 393-2579. 3-7-29 New battery, good tires, rebuilt 120 watt stereo receiver. Sharp, NEEDED: MORE male undergrads before publication. engine. $300. Call 355-2753. TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, for Communication experiment. OLDER $8.50 per month including stand. GRAD, wife, small dog, Cancellations - 12 noon 5-7-28 speakers. Coral 30 one class day before Call J R. 372-4948. CULVER COMPANY, 320 'ffir IT BODW-1'IIE A^EADV 50T set. watt 300 stereo albums 75c up. speaker $2.00 for 40 minutes. Come to 518 South Kedzie, 9 -4:30 p.m. need term house or apartment, only. William Skinner, 739E Fall VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Julian, East Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and for publication. A fWfcKNS ON B.'' appointment. 3-7-28 Excellent an Owen, 353-7105. 3-7-29 phone condition. Best offer. before noon. 5-7-28 351-1673 Lansing. C 3,SSCTlOtiIBIBL used up. fans. Used TV sets $39.50 Realistic 55 watt stereo . BLOOD DONORS needed $7.50 for 355-8255 amplifier. WILCOX Real Estate VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 Bug. Good Apartments SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East and AB negative, $10.00. O rates condition, Extras. Call 882-5350 Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 1 day $1-50 5-7-30 MSU. 507'/i Spacious 2 bedrooms, East Grand River, East 15c per word per day carpeted, air conditioned. No lease ' BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, Lansing. Above the . Double garage. Owner, new Campus 3 days $4.00 Scooters & 13%c per word per day Cycles required, $165 per month. Phone 489 1719. TF For Rent For Rent sell. ABC STORE, 1208 Turner. C SECONDHAND Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and 5 days $6.50 Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 NEAR CAPITOL. Quiet, 2 large POLICE 13c per word per day and WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 MONITORS, Sonar FR103, Service p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C rooms joint bath. Girl only. bedroom furnished or special sale $29.95 up plus (based on 10 words per ad) 485-0237. 3-7-28 unfurnished. Balconies, security crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, NEED INEXPENSIVE DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, mixer. Call Joe, 35 Peanuts Personals must be NEAR CAMPUS formals. Experienced. Reasons 4 GIRLS needed for immediate 351-4698, 332-3311 and ED Lansing. C Lansing, charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 23 YEAR OLD fem prepaid. occupancy, or starting Fall. choice location. Grad 2-2920. O Furnished. students, young marrieds and COMPONENT STEREO I There will be a 50c service Beech Street, system, ban the bare-foot! 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 faculty. New one bedroom, STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 $500 or best offer, and scuba and Let us repair that favorite bookkeeping charge if NORTON 1968 (Matchless) 750cc, dishwasher, air conditioning, bedroom. Nowleasingfor FallTerm. diving equipment. Phone this ad is not paid within 2 GIRLS for 4 carpeting, etc. from $155. Balconies, laundry. Near campus. 332-4367. 5-7-29 pair of shoes for summer 60 horsepower, $875. 351-0903. girl in Cedar Village. $50 of damage deposit paid. 9 Available by August 15, Call 351-8238. O comfort. le week. 5-7-29^ month lease, $72.50 / month. Call 332-1183. 3-7-28 AQUA LUNG, top name equipment, PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR The State News will be CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 must sell everything, offer, 501 E. Grand River 332-4074 collect, 313-822-1193. 5-7-29 responsible only for the companies. Compare our rates. 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man Marigold across from campus. 351-3617. 3-7-27 (Below Campus Drugs) 2205 East Michigan, Lansing deluxe one bedroom, furnished Deluxe 2 man furnished $1.00 service charge per first day's or ONE MAN for 3 man. Fall term. GUITAR LESSONS. Private Rock - 505 apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 apartments. Now leasing for fall. - insertion to be pre insertion. Albert, East Lansing, Write: Ron Wangerow, 180 Cherry or — - paid. 12 337-0780. O IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O Stereo light. Mode Folk - Semi-Classic. MARSHALL 484-8173.0 Street, Michigan Center, Michigan needle. $125. IV MUSIC COMPANY, 351-7830. p.m. deadline 1 class day before. 49254. 3-7-27 COLONIAL ARMS for fall. % block 2ND GIRL needed - near LCC and 5-0815 >.m. 5-7-31 C-7-29 TRIUMPH TRIDENT 1969, $1100. off campus. Four man apartments. St. Lawrence. 1 child welcome. Call 337-9434 or 337-9090. BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms furnished. Close to $65,351-7146.3-7-29 f*hone Joyce Banks, 372-4138. COMPLETE DOUBLE NEED A Drawing?Biologic* medical Excellent condition. 3-7-27 campus, summer and fali leases. 332-0965. 4-7-28 dining room table / . Carrington, Automotive HALSTEAD LCC, NEAR, one bedroom, with 353-4545. 3-7-29 MANAGEMENT AUGUST 1ST. 4 or 6 weeks only tHEVY 1960: $100, 351-0903. Call — A uto Service & Parts COMPANY. 351-7910. O refrigerator, stove, carpet, utilities room suite, kitchen table paid, parking, very nice. IV Furnished apartment. IV 2-2937 chairs, floor lamps, treadle sewing PAINTING AND interior decorating. 6-7-27 Experienced, reasonable rates and Christian Science Organize 2-7102 or 694-0148. 5-7-31 machine, miscellaneous. 621 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East FACULTY AND grad students, Kedzie Drive, East Lansing. ED free estimate. Call 355-3833. having their regular weekly te Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. unfurnished, one bedroom. 7 0-7-31 meeting Tuesday, 6:45 fORVETTE 1960, stori ROOMMATE NEEDED - Female 2-3480. 1-7-27 p.m., Nev^ 327, beautiful Complete auto painting and 23-35. Luxury apartment, own Houses Memorial Chapel. Might consider larger cyle collision service. IV 5-0256. C parking. Call 371-1751; evenings, bedroom, no lease, $90 monthly, trade. 351-3258. 3-7-29 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 484-2297. 5-7-28 damage deposit. Ruth 355-5522, GIRL FOR house starting fall. Close. HONEYWELL DUAL projector, new, never been used. 8 movie Typing Service MSU STUDENTS FOR I 351-9008. 5-7-31 $55, double room. 351-2625. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY or Going into service, must sell. Call JOUGAR 1967. Good condition, SHOP. Small dents EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. 2-7-28 372-4874 after 5:30 p.m. 2-7-28 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term Tuesday at 9 p.m. in Room 34 'w wide oval tires, best offer. to large One bedroom apartment furnished TWO MEN needed. Fall. Large four Papers. Expert typist with degree Union. Take a break from >5-1064. 5-7-27 wrecks. American and foreign or unfurnished. Summer man. Great GIRL NEEDED. 236 Haslett Street. in English. IBM. (Also studying and come to this rates. location, 351-1014. ROBERT'S TAPE recorder model editing.) m< cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. Attic, $30/month. 351-8950. O Don Tucker, Senator H 351-5323^0 3-7-24 Sally, 771X. Excellent condi 2628 East I 332-8172. 1-7-27 IUTLASS HARDTOP, 1968, good shape. Take over 332-8160 after 6 p.m. 3-7-27 payments. AT MEL'S v r we all foreign and can't fix it, it LEASING FOR bedrooms, $160, Fall. Efficiencies, $125. BURCHAM $210 for 2 1 bedroom. CAPITOL AREA. 4 clean furnished students. Parking, 482-9058. 2 AND Lansing 3 bedroom area. houses, Lake Call 339-8331 or 332-0318. 3-7-29 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C Call 332-3255. WOODS, call between 3 - 7 p.m. 351-8810. X-2-7-27 Eaton County Fair, computer cross - 351-3118. 20-8-18 COMPLETE [ODGE DART Swinger, 1969. THESIS service. 18,000 miles. Best offer. 507 GOLF CLUBS, Haig Ultra, complete checking, fund raising and fall term Abbott Road, 332-8288. 5-7-27 GIRL NEEDS MALE, FEMALE, own bedroom, set. Best registration. All non - students and SINGLE WORKING g 1 offer, 332-6080, bedroom. East Lansing, house. Car $35. No lease, immediately. 332-3581. 3-7-28 Aviation publications. Across from.qampus, and Lansing, 485-7016. 2-7-27 rOOGE neatness mandatory. OutstandingLANCER, 355-3454. 5-7-28 corner MAC and Grand River, running $15/week. 332-8841. 3-7-27 campaign work for everyone. Fqr *'"5. 351-2508.5-7-31 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to Animals m below Style Shop. Call more information, call 355-3490 any learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. ONE AND TWO bedroom NEW MANAGEMENT Bay Colony Rooms COPYGRAPH SERVICES. weekday between 3 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 apartments, and fall. 337-1666. C JAIRLANE 1967. Perfect condition, Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C summer and Princeton Arms. 1 and 2 REGISTERED PERSIAN kittens for Furnished, 351-6586. 5-7-31 bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD CAMPUS NEAR, single room with sale. Excellent I brakes, quality and PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. new battery, $695. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, cooking, call 351-9237 or | 355-4115 8 - 10 a.m., 6 - 3 p.m. Employment GIRL NEEDED for August and / or September. Own room in duplex. 351-7910. O 484-8173. O disposition. 351-6864. 3-7-29 IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, & Hardbinding. Complete Thesis FIELD 351-7396. 2-7-27 KITTENS, FREE. 6 weeks old. Box Service for the most Discerning CONSULTANT, master's UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to Master's & Doctoral Candidates. IREBIRD 1967, V- degree. Speech, travel, $9,000, Student Union. Fall leases NEED ONE man for 4 351-1302 after 5 Free Brochure and Consultation. « wholesale. $1,250. CURTIS EMPLOYMENT man available. 3 and 4 man furnished. Phone Call CLIFF 627-7917 5-7-31 AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-7-29 apartment. Air conditioning, pool, ONE SINGLE and PAULA . 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD male, for information call between 7 - 4 HAUGHEY: 337-1527 or MANAGEMENT COMPANY, ORD AGRICULTURAL old company car, p.m. 393-8977 or 4 12 p.m. 627-2936. C 1961. - 351-7910. O 332-3094.3-7-29 Automatic, good 337-1636. 5-7-30 transportation, $100. 339-9369 travel, fee paid, $7,200. Phone 3 7-29 CURTIS EMPLOYMENT TYPING DONE by experienced Unio AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-7-29 NEW 2 Bedroom apartments in secretary at home. Fast, neat, and at 8 EAST LANSING near campus. One accurate. 882-2065. 5-7-28 bedroom, furnished. Large airy Haslett, furnished and TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student 332- unfurnished. Beginning at $160; rooms. Air conditioned. units. These furnished $185. East Lansing spacious luxury apartments are completely emission. All power except CURTIS Beautifully clientele. maintained. Lease. 332-3135 Select or Realty, ED 2-3534 or Ted Steele, carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean CROSSWORD I windows. Fair condition. $140. East Delhi, Holt. 699-2164. 482-0783. 332-1986. 10-8-5 5-7-28 EMPLOYMENT, 3-7-29 882-6549. O furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and PUZZLE individual control - central air conditioning. These four man ACROSS 28. Disturb 1964, TEACHERS OPENINGS various units have up to 3 four door, 48,000 fields, locations. CLINE EMPLOYMENT COLLINGWOOD parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure 29. Golfer's Iiarm ,„Cle8n' 900(1 *4°0. 484-0784. 3-7-29 condition, TEACHERS AGENCY, 129 East Grand River. 3-7-27 (formerly northwind apts.) time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 1. New York baseball team 5. Sweetheart 31. warning Over there 33. S-shaped worm rG,B '967. Black with red interior k*cellent condition, low mileage the FAMILY APAMS BOOKKEEPER top with - prestige Move to firm. APARTMENTS want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKIiMGi 1AM call today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 10. Overlook 11. Followed 34. 36. Corpulent Half score £ owner. Call 372-6372 after 6 Payroll duties add diversity. 13. Condolence 38. Attribute 39. Broken $450. Phone BELLINGER 14. Prong 44. Tellurium |^qSTANg 1966. 4-speed PERSONNEL, 485-5481. 15. Exists symbol 1■ cylinder. rui Ve.r"ble' Excel|ent condition, 6 MODEL CLOSED 17. Thin dagger 45. Extinct bi 351-7279. 5-7-29 SECRETARY 19. Horned viper 46. Brandish - Busy executive needs dependable 20. Compass point 47. Sphalerite 1. Cleaning ai FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 21. Coffee 49. Saintes: abbr. 2. Emanate assistant. Shorthand skills MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3379 23. Performance 50. Chasm 3. Buckwheat helpful. $475. Phone BREW BELLINGER PERSONNEL. 26. Branch 2 3 4 51. Tug 5 7 " 485-5481. % % Y/< 5. Gaiters MASTERS! * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES % '*■ S Alfonso s * AVAILABLE. 13 W V' queen UNLIMITED N°W YOU can make PARKING ~ W your own BELLI MGER * DISHWASHERS % A GTtopcfuntrtam * for less AIR COND. 20 f/A THAN 7c Per PERSONNEL BPS * ON THE BANK OF P% zs 11 26 bottle THE RED CEDAR * $55.00/man 29 W, WINE, TOO! SERVICE % f' % 4620 S. Hagodor to 35 36 c'»npletc equipment a'»l supplies MODEL OPEN 38 3$ Ml ML % 40 Affixes counselor-manager 485-5481 DAILY behind the MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVE!. Y BY % Hi 41. Fi|i chestnut 42. T,e score 43. Escritoire *7 ** .45. Social bud 117 W. HILLSDALE Yankee store CALL 337-0636 Alco Management Company % 50 * abbr % % 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 27 i Super 12' seek gains for blacks use her skills to "strengthen the community." education for black children is for black graduate school to study the politics peoples. nf a,. Arr,c*n | I By JEANNE SADDLER Miss Finch participated in the late Martin elementary school teachers to stop warping kids "Most black organizations are Associate City Editor Luther King's march on Selma, Ala., and several minds with the white racist education they really i»oi their political tactics," Kirkland said "d?® other political activities in the South. But today received," he said. "White instructors need to go she looks to Stokely Carmichael and Charles people need three things to be free D clt ■ For the past five weeks, MSU has been host to through some sort of re-education process on - the "Super 12." Hamilton as black leaders who represent courage that level, too. economic and social tactic^." P°nticu | The Super 12 will leave campus this If you didn't notice their extraordinary powers and have brought about significant change. week k some hope to return to MSU for when you first met them, it was probably Alona Riley of Bowie State College, Bowie, an instructor is," grad srhL® because they look very "Clark Kent" normal on Md., admires blacks who "can learn how to fight "I don't care what color political science. asc1oolij Prout said, "as long as the student can learn the outside. the system and win, without selling out." Jim Nevels of the Center for something from him and he can learn from the Urban Aff I "Our biggest problem is getting together," Miss coordinated the program. aiR I Well, almost anyway. The Super 12 are black students." juniors and seniors from colleges all over the Riley said, "and one of the tools for getting Guy Kirkland of Hampton Institute, Hampton, It was the unanimous decision of the ■ South who participated in a five - week seminar together can be our art." Va., says he will either go to law school or to that the program should continue "forever" P' in political science sponsored by the Center for Corporation law is Miss Riley's field until "she Urban Affairs and the Political Science Dept. gets a feel for the system" — then she will retire The Super 12 are so named because of their to become a free lawyer for her people. Miss Riley and another student from Bowie, unique ambitions and dedication. Their belief in BENGAL BATS BUCKLED the need for change and revolution within the Tony Prout, expressed concern over the loss of American system runs deep, and if it is still black schools in the South because of the possible that change can be affected within the integration directives, and also the recent crime system, the Super 12 may supply the manpower. "The two most important things for black people in America today are re-education and the bill passed in nearby Washington, D.C. "You don't know how hard those people fought that bill," Miss Riley saidJ'Now it will just John blanks Tigers 4-0 dissemination of information," A1 Green of be a model for cities all over the country. Southern University, New Orleans, La., said. "I Washington is just one big ghetto, controlled by a DETROIT (UPI) - Tommy and Chicago added three runs on Bill Freehan dropped the ball committee of bigots." John won his fourth straight only two hits. Bob Spence singled home,* hope to eventually become a political science game with a seven - hit shutout Aparicio singled and May second run off reliever professor so I can teach and still have time to The D.C. crime bill includes such measures as k I work in the community, too." no-knock, search and seizure for drugs and legal Sunday as the Chicago White walked before Duane Josephson HiHer and the third tally came!! Sox took a 4-0 decision from the bunted and Timmerman's throw on Ken Last Berry's .forceout. ■ meeting "I believe that education has to be active as well as passive," Green said. Green runs a detention on suspicion of having committed a misdemeanor. Detroit Tigers in front of a ball - bounced off Don Wert's glove at John escaped a bases Jin McClure spoke to day crowd of 49,631. third to load the bases. Syd loaned ■ members of the Ingham County political education class in the black community Prout, a sociology major, hopes to eventually Ferency for Governor group which met Thursday for its of New Orleans. work in the administration of an all • black O'Brien brought in the first run one-out situation in the thirdkl Carlos May supplied John with with a sacrifice fly, on which retiring McAuliffe on a short hi final meeting before the Aug. 4 primary election. Virginia Finch of Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, college. the only run he really needed and a forceout. ■ "The most important thing that happen in Aparicio scored when catcher State News photo by Bill Porteous Ala., wants to go into public administration and can with a single which scored Walt Williams from third in the sixth inning. Williams reached second when his grounder went between Cigarettes 10% off the second baseman Dick | Ferency bid in last stages discount price on f McAullife's legs for an error and moved to third sacrifice by on a 3/95c Luis Aparicio. Mickey Lolich gave way to Tom Timmerman in the eighth limit 1 all film developing no limit |1 Local work in such heavily Republican local Ferency group said and George Parris in the race for campaign went on. But, if (Coupon) (Coupon) I supporters of East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1 Democratic gubernatorial districts in the past as Okemos Thursday night in an the Democratic gubernatorial anything, Levin is fading; we're Expires After 8-1-70 Expires After 8-1-70 | and sections of Lansing organizational meeting that their nomination. still leading in the race," the candidate Zolton Ferency began their final drive for Ingham Township, however. candidate is still leading Sander "People said Ferency was spokesman said. County voter backing this One of the spokesmen for the Levin, George Montgomery Jr. supposed to fade as the Although the local Ferency 2-25 1 weekend in preparation for the people were optimistic about the Kodak Color Film candidate's winning chances in Aug. 4 primary election. the primary, they admitted that Flashcubes 126 Jondahl 127 620 Ferency backers posted yard • - it would be a close race. They signs and distributed handbills throughout the weekend. They also plan to hand out more brochures at local union halls pro said that Detroit. two primary votes will - thirds of the come from 87< limit 1 S j 19 limit 1 I H and welfare centers throughout YOUR GIFT (Coupon) (Coupon) H lower health the week. East Lansing Steve Only East Lansing Store Only I Traditionally Democrats don't HEADQUARTERS Expires After 8-1-70 Expires After 8-1-70 § "vote very heavily in primaries. FOR However local Democrats say Jewelry ... Gifts .88 1.39 I they are expecting a better State Senate candidate from work to identify funds for the responsibility. For too long turnout at because of the polls this year the gubernatorial the Jondahl, 24th District, H. Lynn a Democrat, Sunday Social Services Act to enable persons with inadequate income have left professionals we Custom Picture Framing Frisbee Mystic Stretch 1 Ferency work 19 supporters plan to key precincts in Ingham called for a voluntary pre-paid medical care program to lower to be aided i participating in such a medical program. I will responsibility for determining, designing and providing our Jewelry & Watch Repair Panty Hose 1 the 'incomprehensible" health also actively support priority medical care." County on election day in hopes of mustering more votes for care fees. appropriations for medical Jondahl said he had uncovered THE SANDWICH PEOPLE 69c 89° Speaking to an Ingham County education facilities and no barriers to such a limit 1 limit 6 I Hobie's their candidate. They won't Democratic Women's outing, programs," he said. participant - funded voluntary (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only I 1 Jondahl said the program should program, and said that adequate Expires After 8-1-70 Jondahl termed the health health care could be provided Expires After 8-1-70 || be HUD talks or organized regional on a metropolitan basis and be structured similar to the Kaiser crisis profound as "fundamentally moral crisis a in "only when health care we understand that services must be a »*T CENTER 319 E.Grand River DINE-IN 1.75 (continued from page 1) Plan in California under which leadership and values. public utility - available on the East Phone 351-3800 Arrid Fxtra Lansing, Mich. particular — as a key starting families pay a fixed annual fee. "We have in this country, an basis of need, not on the basis of ACROSS FROM CAMPUS CARRYOUT& DELIVERY Ugly Duckling Services are then available frequently to intolerably high mortality rate wealth." among infants," Jondahl said. "We have people in every One Size Panty Hose Dry Deodorant 1 necessary without additional in many of the communities surrounding the city. Under present HUD prohibitive costs. I would like to spend some of income bracket who are able to receive medical attention — of whatever quality — only at the FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9ntnont of critical illness. We have whole segments ONE HOUR SERVICE the (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only 1 ■ Expires After 8-1-70 Expires After 8-1-70 || city must agree to provide open "working with labor unions, community whom no housing opportunities, award community organizations, medical services are dependably Lioness. contracts only to opportunity employers when federal money is being spent, establish machinery to handle equal businesses and public agencies to identify potential participants, seek private funds for initial underwriting of the program and available, "The primary problem with respect to the delivery of health services is not scientific or LOUIS Jerome Alexander's answer the new fashion freedom. to Perfect Fit 1.79 Trial Size Cheer 1 housing complaints and establish human relations councils. get it underway. "Within the legislature I will medical but a matter of public policy for which you and I have CLEANERS 623 E.GRAND RIVER Young and free. 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The 3-in-l 1.05 11& 1 Wig Crest Head 'n Shoulders P by NuLook Toothpaste Dandruff Shampoo | Kankelon fibre $19.50 6.75 oz. 65C limit 1 2.7 oz. 69' limit 1 01 East (Coupon) (Coupon) II Reg. $24.95 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store only ■ Expires After 8-1-70 Explr« After 8-1-70 .49 Free I Flair Pen Dlue Book H 29c with this coupon 1 limit 3 limit 1 H 541 E. Grand River East (Coupon) (Coupon) ■ oeiow Paramount News Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store On'y ■ Expire* After 8-1-70 Expires After 8-l-70^^B 332-3341 310 W. Grand River East Lansing 351-8666 Open daily Open M 10-6 - W - F State IMscount 307 E. Girand River 1 1 Wigs Are Our Business Not A Sideline - e Card Shop