Ability Tuesday . . . MICHIGAN Hot . STATE NEWS of little account without IS opportunity. STAT! . . . and humid with a chance Napoleon of showers. The expected - high is UNIVERSITY from 85-90 degrees. I 63, Number 25 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 28, 1970 EXPANSION UNLIKELY ilitont shootout Art Dept. overenrolled-- ith office OUSTON, Tex. (AP) - Police said facilities not sufficient nday black militants opened fire on n prior to a shooting Sunday night in Art Dept., can no longer accommodate all Brauner said. "But that doesn't seem likely Ich one black was killed and four other By BRAD SIMMONS the potential art majors. In addition, the in the near future." -ns were wounded. But the militants art faculty cannot devote enough time to Art majors have to spend at least 80 the trouble resulted from police The MSU Art Dept. Is filled to And this creates a capacity. all the students who want to major In art. hours in specially designed workshops "-nee at their rally. problem, Erllng Hied in the ihootlng, In which police Brauner, professor of art and chairman of "We can't expand until we either get a fulfilling sutdio art requirements. Between the Art Dept., said 1966 and 1969, the number of art majors imated 100 shots were fired, was Ctrl recently, donation from the Kresge Foundation or The Kresge Art Center, which houses the grew from 813 to 963, but facilities at mpton, 21, chairman of the People's the legislature grants us more funds," Kresge haven't expanded appreciably since ty II, black militant group that it was built in 1957. d the rally. Police said they found a shot "You can't just move a pottery class to where liampton fell, white Students for a Democratic an English lecture classroom," Brauner said. -lety former leader was among those At MSU, It la relatively easy for a student nded in the shooting. to become an art major, No high school ,.o black militants and a bystander also wounded, police said, n, about 75 persons of a crowd of VD on rise at MSU courses no are required as prerequlaities and portfolios exhibiting previous talent are requested. Students can switch to an art outside the militant group's major from any other program. dquarters were arrested as police of syphilis at MSU Is nil, Furig said, but he "Some form of enrollment control has to red the street. However, police allowed By LARRY MONROE emphasized that health center personnel be Initiated," Brauner said. "Students but 52 to go. watch for It, although their concern Is with should be screened by evaluating their e incident had Its beginnings several gonorrhea. earlier, police said, when two youths Changing moral values and "free The bacterial progress at the end of the sophomore and n wheeling" sexual attitudes are contributors organism which causes junior years. inted a pistol and shotgun at two to increased gonorrhea has undergone mutations and cases of venereal disease on "This would give our faculty more time "cers in front of police headquarters, the MSU modifications which have made it resistant campus and in the nation, and working space so that students at less lice arrested them both, to the basic drug used to treat it. advanced levels can profit as well." according to Dr. James S. Fuerig, director After World War II penicillin was a he rally was called to protest the of the Olln Health Center. Twenty • five years ago, about 75 per ts. Police said two Houston Dr. Fuerig said cases of venereal disease miraculous cure for gonorrhea, Feurig said, cent of students enrolled in art courses lligence Division officers climbed atop but because of changes in the organism the at MSU are up approximately 33 per cent were non • majors. Now, most courses John's Baptist church to observe the over last year. However, he said that this drug has lost much of its effectiveness. offered by the department are restricted to y. There was a time that a single shot of increase is consistent with other colleges majors. Some service courses, such as art fficer O.J. Norris, who was atop the across the nation and that the problem is penicillin would cure a case of gonorrhea, history and art appreciation courses, rch, said the rally had broken up when but at the present time no single drug is a universal. remain open to other students. aw the officers and ran into the cure in itself. Treatment now requires that Dr. Fuerig attributes the increase in VD y's three • story brick headquarters. He a patient remain under care for weeks or primarily to declining moral values. Human a group of armed men then moved values are such that more sexual months, he said. m the headquarters into the street. "Another factor which has enhanced the relationships are being encouraged with a One shot at us," said Norris. "we didn't somewhat free • wheeling attitude, he said. growth of VD in the United States is n the fire then. Two extensive world travel," Dr. Fuerig said. Negro males ran Very few barriers or inhibitors based on is . the street and began shooting at us We shot them. Four more armed Flying moral or religious concepts exist today, Fuerig said. He estimated that 100 per cent "This is clearly demonstrated in the military. "When personnel are assignpd to an area down the street Some water skiing enthusiasts aren't content with keeping both feet in of the VD cases diagnoses at the health came shooting at the which has a high VD rate it is certain that rch roof. We hit one and the rest ran skis, darting in and out of the wake of the tow boat. Skiing barefoot or center are acquired through sexual some of them will carry the disease home. into the headquarters building." on one ski are some of the milder forms of diversion from the relationships. irris said: "We were shooting to ordinary Almost all cases of syphilis can be traced kill. The two most common venereal diseases, while this skier a la kite sailing high above Silver Lake near Jackson is to a foreign contact," he said. were shooting to kill me and I sure gonorrhea and syphilis, are transmitted one of the more unusual. Untreated syphilis will result in 1't going to shoot for their legs." State News photo by Fred Ferri primarily by sexual contact. The existence permanent damage to the spinal cord and brain. The individual may become a complete invalid. Early symptoms include the development of a hard ulcerated sore in mproved Gl physicals urged the genital area, loss of hair and hoarseness of voice, according to Dr. Fuerig. An individual infected with gonorrhea will experience urinal discomfort and discharge. If the disease is not treated in three to five days the organism will move 'ASHINGTON (AP) — Despite attempts Sen. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., Fort Wayne Army induction center In 40,200 men were discharged under the in retrograde motion, utlimately infecting improve its screening the Pentagon released the report by the Government Detroit, charged last May that Improper same circumstances in fiscal 1966 and the prostrate gland and testicles. ntinues to induct thousands of with medical examinations were being given at 1967. The final stage, Dr. Feurig said, is men Accounting Office and called for redoubled qualifying physical defects, Including a efforts to keep men with such defects from the center. "Although I am pleased that gonorrheal arthritis, a painful swelling of ERLING BRAUNER .n with a missing kidney and another being enrolled In the armed services Sen. Philip Hart, D-Mlch., Investigated improvements in the inductee physical joints. This may occur in both untreated formed by polio, a government report the charges. The Army admitted in writing (please tum to page 5) (please turn to page 5) d Monday. Gerald Brown, a medical technician at that doctors at the center were "cutting corners" in medical examinations. Brown has been kept away from the medical section since the investigation, he HOUSE REFORM Mid. He has also been transferred to Fort ew antipollution Jackson, S.C. Brown Interprets the transfer as "punitive" and began fighting It July 20. Some of Brown's charges, which the Anonymous Army admitted, were that: • The ermits citizen Inductees height measuring device was bent and deliberate errors were made to qualify who should have been UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL "Citizens will have recourse through our disqualified. court system to imrpove environmental * Hernia examinations frequently were By WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST being counted only by number. A roll • call vote is scheduled before final Ichlgan Monday became the first state standards." not made. Associated Pren Writer The provision added to the action on the bill, probably late Tuesday. allow private citizens to sue Industries While signing the bill, Mllliken said he • Devices used to test eyes were altered WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted reorganization bill would allow a minimum The entire bill then will go to the Senate iovernmental units which pollute the hopes the legislature will act swiftly on an to favor the Army. Monday to permit by-passing of a of 20 members to force a record vote when and won't become law before next January onmont. administration bill which would require * Testing procedures allowed diabetics to parliamentary gimmick which has allowed the House rejects or adopts amendments to If It eventually gets to the White House and Mllliken signed a bill which sets up industries to divulge what substances they be passed as fit. secret voting on many major matters. bills. Is signed by President Nixon. radically new approach to solving the are discharging Into the environment and Tha Schweiker report found that In flscal It wrote Into a congressional Heretofore, It has been possible to force The successful drive to remove the cloak Demi of environmental Impose a surveillance fee on the Industries 1068 and 1960 nearly 40,000 servicemen reorganisation bill a provision for a printed record votes on amendments adopted but of secrecy from some major House voting pollution. The released within a year of their came as the third week of debate got under J™ Under this iot'H Into effect Oct. 1. for monitoring and Inspecting the environment. were Inductions because of physical defects that public record of how members vote on amendments considered while the House not on defeated amendments - which often are of greater Import than those way. bill, citizens of Michigan will Provided with a timely and forceful tool That bill already haa passed the House had gone undetected during their •Its m a committee of the whole. adopted. Previously the House had voted that Mtibllsh the highest standards of and is awaiting Senate action next week examinations. Much major legislation Is approved or The decision to end the anonymous committees make public any record votes vronmentBl quality for out state," when lawmakers return from the primary Two years ago a similar GAO report, also beaten that way, by teller votes, with no voting was on a voice vote with members taken behind closed doors and now kept 'liken mid Wf,en election campaign trail. done at Schwelker'a request, found that record votes allowed but with members not recorded by name for the time being. secret In most cases. signing the bill. Campaign funding laws full of loopholes BV ROBERT CHICZEWSKI The account must llat each sum spent and received, the recipient and donor and aenator figure Is limited to $126,324.08. This was determined by multiplying by Which method prevails In making ceilings Is determined arbitrarily by Atty. Gen. his ceiling 10 times. become meaningless. In this way ceilings Et>IT0R'S NOTE: The following ll the Item the sum was spent on. $40 each 1,000 votes cast for governor In Frank J. Kelley. The method used is that Committees are often farmed without The law la hard to police because there the last state election in a presidential one which gives the candidate the highest "tefi°n9 •ction °f 8 two • part series on election year. celling. the candidate's knowledge or control. If a financing. are no sure ways to check the candidate's committee goes over the top of the ceiling, honesty In listing a full and accurate Since elections for governor no longer candidate can simply deny knowledge of mluCampa,t[n timei *nd aspiring account. fall In presidential election years, figures The ceilings do not work In actual it. voontrs even tho8e who >11 year An Investigation made recently revealed were taken from votes cast in 1964, the practice. Each celling can be applied twice, Some candidates report they go c r the working within the "system" — once in the primary, and again if the that candidates do not list all their last year the two elections coincided. candidate succeeds, in the general election. top of the spending limit but they are -hnifreat ,en8ths wiggle through expenses and income, according to James The celling for a U.S. representative from This process doubles the ceilings. rarely prosecuted. According to Chapman, -nAu, e,ect,°n laws in efforts to O. Chapman, election specialist in the Michigan Is determined in the same way it is an unwritten law that violations are Nor h ht''r "PPonents. Election Bureau. but count only the That is not all. A candidate's campaign covered up because of party loyalties. votes cast for governor "hisnn°.laws,y have to wiggle much. "I suspect the Election Bureau is only in the particular district in which a financing is usually controlled by the The attorney gener-' 'ho is Democrat, which are supposed to candidate Is running. The ceilings treasurer of the political committee foi 'u d getting the top of the iceberg," Chapman in various ith campaign financing, are riddled said. districts to support him. The ceiling applies to the said. range from $4,849.56 to Republicans touted either, %nLSCILpe c'auses and technical One law that is hard to police requires a Another law which is meaningless for all $7,782.60. committee, not to the candidate. a. r at make the '®ws practically a candidate to flic an account of his nrHOtlP"' - The canHi«It°r (amPai»n control, ti easiiv u with 8 ,lmlted Pockutbook county wuntu iu uayn auer a 0ffjces per cent of the officer's salary in one year, <- > .(;ns,wamP°d by the candidate primary election and 20 days after a The candid**** for governor which Is $15 000. (please turn to page 6) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Testimony ANN ARBOR (UPI) — A wanted a motorcycle riding that was being driven that day," the motorcycle, puts another man watched television alive on July 23 summary that ovonino iqfi0 former roommate of John lesson, and the two ui of them the jury of seven iwnuci iu"«"iiaic UL ouiiu iiiciii Davis said. uavis ii was warm." saia. "It warm. "In oraer -in order 10 to nae ride a motorcycle moiorcycie .tnrtori Inhn 1 m(,n "lpn and a ~ Norman Collins, charged with went to the garage where there the sex murder of 18 year - old Several witnesses have testified you have to have a mirror on it," Atter tne movie siariea, women, 1 saw the «, were four motorcycles, Davis ™"embered ,f,c Collins was riding a large dark ° and M,ss lineman g0fc - From thewires of AP and UPI. Davis said. "So John had to take coed Karen Sue Beineman a year said. A green Triumph and a motorcycle that dav. day. At least !. J1 g°byo, a a mirror from the large blue ,, « ... T">rcycle after the »j, o, testified Monday that on the larger blue Triumph were among three have said it had a rear view bike and put it on the green time," and Collins went to the shop." v"e 8*rileft night of the girl's disappearance them. mirror. The defense contends bike." Ypsilanti home of his uncle, She pointed out Pnii Collins spent more than an hour State Police Cpl. David Leik, to in the house where the state "The blue one was the one there was no rear view n >r on Davis said he, Collins and feed the animal, Davis said. motorcyclist and saiH It!*" the cirl arrive ... ... contends she was slain. The prosecution contends Miss 1/.20 p.m., she The roommate, Arnold Davis, Beineman was slain in the "gentleman rentleman said thJ» wailing J & testified at the beginning of the basement of Leik's home and outside'" " on a second week of Collins' trial motorcycle that Collins had a key to it. Last Thursday, ^ following testimony by three of Davis testified that Collins used Joan Goshe, owner "of th "The busing of pupils must be the last people to see the girl the key to get into the house the shop, gave judged by educational standards. " alive. essentially th previous day. testimony as Mrs. Spauldin. f HEW Secretary Two of the three pointed out Collins as the man who rode off Mrs. Patrician Spaulding, an she also identified Collin Elliot L. Richardson employe of Wigs by Joan - the motorcyclist. But Mrs * on a motorcycle with Miss downtown Ypsilanti shop where made no mention of a re Beineman the afternoon of July Miss Beineman was last seen mirror. 23, 1969. The third, Carol iul_ Weiczerza, said the girl rode off on a motorcycle with a man but she couldn't the driver. Miss positively identify Beineman's naked, Residence halls brutalized body was found three days She after her disappearance. was the seventh young woman slain under similar and last offer apartments circumstances in the 'twin Nearly 200 residence hall 8re®ter than International News university area of Ann Arbor apartments will be available next occupancy in residence halls,' and Ypsilanti, homes of the Antonio de Oliveira fall in Akers and Fee halls, on'y an 85 per cent level Salazar. a peasant's son who University of Michigan and Eastern according to Lyle Thorburn, forecast this fall, u; became the longest reigning dictator in modern Europe, Michigan University. manager of dormitories and food Wilkinson, vice president died Monday at 81. Miss Beineman was a freshman services. business and finance, said Salazar. a bachelor, was Portugal's prime minister for 36 years until a head injury and a subsequent brain at EMU and Collins there. was a Davis said he first saw Collins senior On hot summer Disturbing days, the high humidity and temperatures get on one's nerves and often The which availability of apartments, occupy more space per week, Thorburn said he p person than the regular 17,000 students will |ive hemorrhage rendered him comatose in September, between 4 and 4:30 p.m. the exaggerate situations. And, on such a day, one tiny fly might prove more disturbing than its dormitory rooms, is largely due residence halls, including 1968. He died without knowing that he was no longer day Miss Beineman disappeared. actual size would denote. Anyone having that kind of day? to decreasing occupancy levels. Graduate Hall, next fall. Collins asked him if he still Previous years have opened with 1969, the figure was more prime minister. State News photo by Dick Warren 18,000. The apartment program is The foreign ministers of West Germany and the Soviet Union settled down Monday to negotiate a treaty to GREAT LAKES expansion of 46-apartment experiment inr last y- promote better understanding between their countries. Five additional wings West Germany's Walter Scheel, on his first day in converted to 130 apartnr Moscow, met twice with Soviet Union's Gromyko for a total of three hours. They gave no detials of what they discussed. Andrei A. Contamination c replacing 98 which were four ■ man. The elevator lobbies suites, second through sixth floois most o WASHINGTON (UPI) A released Sunday by Rep. commerical fishing and warn after an analysis of three samples Akers were also converted to report that shows mercury Richard L. Ottinger. Ottinger said mercury - U.S. Stratofortresses dropped bombs on both sides of sports fishermen and the general of bass and perch, showed all apartments. contamination in fish taken Charging that his state has containing compounds are the Cambodian border Monday, public. but one contained mercury in Rent is charged seeking out in from Lake Ontario and the St. concealed the full extent of the The regular consumption of discharged into the waters from on a Cambodia base camps the Communists may have set up excess of FDA standards. plants manufacturing fungicides, person, per term basis. Two Lawrence River exceeds by as health danger, the New York such fish cause serious and since the Allied incursion this spring. much as 175 per cent the Democrat urged Gov. Nelson A. Bass, the major sports fish in chlorine and caustic sodas, pulp m«" aPartments rent at $2' permanent physical and The B 52s dropped 1.200 tons of bombs at eight maximum limit setby the Food Rockefeller to close Lake neurological damage, he said. the area, has been described by officials as and paper plastics. He said minor ?h'!Lf°"r for $190 and "ma" 'Partments $205, depe J' and Drug Administration was Ontario and the St. Lawrence to state a "good amounts were also contributed " points along South Vietnam's 820 mile border with The report, 1 prepared' at- ■» - indicator species" ... for a mercury ... runoff -- - from certain . «n the size of the apartment. Laos and Cambodia. Ottinger's request by the Normal residence hall rates sampling program. Perch makes agricultural corporations. Environmental Health up the major fish harvest in Lake $1,080 for a three • Firms using mercury in the Laboratory of Farmington, Ontario with a total catch of including board, Walter Hickel Mich., showed an lake Ontario and St. Lawrence average 146,000 pounds annually, National News concentration of 1.2 parts per according to the most recent ntffncer^ns fWn Allied ■ • ■ million of mercury in bass taken 2Chemical p " Hn^lpr Li VC « leCtlHef report of the U.S. Bureau of h Chemical Corp., Corn.. Hooker n Elliot L. Richardson, secretary of health, education RHYiyjB} WITH "FREE..DILL PICKLE!" from the northeastern edge of CommercialFisheries. Chemical Hooker the lake at the headwaters of the Corp., Faichney and welfare, said in Atlanta Monday that the Instrument Corp., Williams Gold Sections 1 and 2 of Econ— St. Lawrence. requirements of school integration, including those The FDA has set the Refining Co., J.L. Stortz Co., 200 w'» be live lectures due involving "the busing of pupils must be judged on maximum safety level for and Hoover and Strong, Inc. term. Sections 0 mercury at .5 parts per million, The amount of mercury 404 will be T educational standards" rather than on the basis of racial while the World Health dumped by these operations Students registering I balance. Organization has set it at .05 ranged from 20 pounds daily to Economics 200 in But the secretary said his department will continue to five pounds a year, he said. parts per million. keep this in mind. evaluate the racial balance of schools, beyond the Ottinger, the Democratic implementations of present HEW integration plans. candidate for U.S. Senate, said state officials have admitted fish Blaming the Democratic Congress, Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the Republican Senate leader, said from the concentration area in have excess mercury of the Openings available safe limits and have warned Monday President Nixon may be forced to propose sports fishermen not to eat their increased taxes in 1971. Democrats insisted Congress is catches. However, Ottinger said that for nursery school cutting, not raising the Nixon budget. "on July 2, while our samples Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of were being tested, Gov. Openings for 3 • year • old nursery school pupils are >t.l Montana, responding to a Nixon charge of overspending, Rockefeller assured the available at Meridian Cooperative Nursery School. public said Congress has cut the administration budget for last that the state Agriculture Dept. Classes will meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 9 am had uncovered no evidence of to 11:30 a.m. at the Haslett year and this by a total of S8.3 billion and will slice Community Church in Haslett. away more. fish being sold in the state Named Last year the children took field trips to the Meridian Township fire station, the MSU containing excessive amounts of The Rev. Bernard T. Lomas, Museum, Potter Park, the MSU Barns, andi mercury." pumpkin patch. Democrats House fisheries and wildlife 45, has been named president on a He said that the lab report, Anyone interested may contact Mrs. Alex Tulinsky, 1#: of Albion College in Albion. Sherwood Road, Williamston. Mrs. subcommittee Monday accused the Nixon Tulinsky is vice president in AP Wirephoto charge of membership. administration of needless delay in acting against water pollution. They promised to move ahead with efforts of Anybody, even Walter Hickel, who buys a KEEP II their own. Hobie's submarine sandwich DISCUSS VOCATIONAL ED on Tuesday GIEAN WITH Leslie L. Galsgow, asst. secretary of the interior, asked will get FREE one giant kosher dill pickle! the subcommittee to defer action on two bills because ONE HOUR the administration has a study under and a bill of its own Works Committee. way on the subject pending before the House Public Hobie's SERVICE FROM Ag teachers Is it possible to improve "Invariably we are asked to wait because of THE SANDWICH PEOPLE Sessions on individual^ LOUIS some people and their environment instruction and special teac administration study," Rep. John D. Dingell. D-Mich., agriculture from schools across through vocational agriculture? methods will help the teac the subcommittee chairman, said. "But we will expeditiously to present this legislation to the House." proceed 351-3800 CLEANERS A group of Michigan teachers think so and will attempt to the state have held their annual conference on the campus. improve their performance. " 623 E. GRAND RIVER prove it as they meet at MSU Challenging the teachers at the Other highlights include today through Friday. opening session will be Clarence description *-********-*** * * ***************** ***** Bundy, chairman of the Dept. of Agricultural Education at Iowa guidance materials, tours MSU's Pesticide Res" Michigan News > State University. He will speak on agricultural education in the Center, Veterinary Clinic Natural Resources Building LEADERSHIP! A small private plane crashed into 46 feet of water in next decade. Edwin the presentation of awards Devil's Lake 20 miles west of Adrian Monday, killing St. John, Michigan outstanding teachers and t the two Detroit - area men aboard. acting deputy director of chapters, vocational education, will report The dead were James Young, 23, of Detroit, the pilot, The Michigan Dept. on what's happening in Education and Michigan Ass. and Carl Powell, 41, of Troy, authorities said. vocational education, Teachers of Vocation Witnesses said the plane came down, flying "fairly Robert Pangman, vocational Agriculture are sponsoring flat." and the pilot then tried to pull it up again but it education consultant, will event, In cooperation with was "too close to the water and he couldn't make it." discuss the statewide plan for MSU Colleges of Education developing area vocational Agriculture and Natu education programs. Resources United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock said WE HAVE Sunday it is up to U.S. automobile manufacturers to stop inflation by not reflecting in their wage increases being asked by the UAW. prices the MOVED Woodcock, at a news conference, said basis for the union's demands is a large across - thQ - board wage Hugh W. Brenneman to ALCO BLDG. increase immediately. He said the only wage matters that State Senator FREE PARKING are negotiable are increases over the second and third years. He said the auto industry is the richest (Republican) Bator industry in the United States and works on a 20 per cent profit rate Opti after taxes compared with a 11.9 per cent national Contributed by Brenneman for Senator Committee 241 E. Saginaw ED 2-5222 end of Abbott Rd. (M-78) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Foes of amendment T.F.S. seek free TV time WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., said Monday he has requested a D-S.D. the are principal sponsors of amendment. They, along with other senators who oppose of conflicting political views. Earlier, Senate Democratic Leader | ('TOTAL FOOD SAVINGS' Now, you can get TOTA L FOOD SA V/N'GS at Shop-Rite Mike Mansfield of number of television stations to present without cost the views the Vietnam war, organized a Montana requested and received | of those drive to collect money to buy network television time to :j: When we went out of the gift stamp business we promised to help who oppose an broadcast time to respond to respond to an economic speech you fight inflation with lower prices. amendment to end the war in administration statements, by President Nixon. Vietnam. including those of President Included in a partial list of The amendment is pending Nixon, on the war. stations running the end - the ■ | Here's just a sample of the items that mean TOTAL FOOD through a military procurement Dole's efforts to get free time war spot announcements and to authorization bill. It sets a in response to the paid spots was SA V1NGS at Shop-Rite. They are now lower in price. which Dole made the equal time timetable for withdrawal of all the latest round in a growing request was one Michigan U.S. troops from Southeast Asia. controversy over the broadcast station, WOOD in Grand Rapids. "I have written the television ij: Here's proof that you can save money when you Sliop-Ritc stations currently running or scheduled to spot ) All Hi-C Fruit Drinks 46 run advertisements purchased by the 'Amendment to End the War oz. IV Committee," Dole said. The senator said that, under the fairness doctrine, a Union hear All Spartan Fruit Drinks, 46 oz. 26c broadcaster "is required to Unconventional University of British Columbia architecture students Egil present contrasting views on all issues of public controversy." "That obligation to broadcast resumes t j All Wagner Fruit Drinks, quarts 27c Lygen, left, Russ Chernoff and Darel Jensen stand in front of the geodesic sphere they propose as ths frame for an unconventional house. They say the idea would shake the opposing views applies, regardless of the availability of Testimony resumes today In and loitering charges against 132 j All Kellogg's Pop Tarts 38c conservative building Industry but may be 20 years away from practical use. AP Wirephoto paid sponsorship," Dole said. Sens. Mark 0. the U.S. District Court hearing Hatfield, concerning a motion to stop the R-Ore., and George McGovern, state from prosecuting trespass people arrested during "Committee to Abolish Racism" a | Northern or Charmin Tissue 39c meeting in the Union May 19. U.S. District Court Judge Noel | Miracle Whip, quart 49c JETROIT YOUTH SLAIN Fox reopens the hearing In the Grand Rapids Federal Bldg. at 2 p.m. Fresh U.S.D.A. Whole Fryers Kidnaping ends in death Attorneys for the 132 are seeking a permanent injunction of the charges on the basis that the Union arrests bad faith. were made In LB. 27c I SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) - coroner's report said he died of hands behind him and binding The suspects were described as The 132 were arrested during Ifhe body of a Detroit youth, skull fracture and drowning. his feet together, and tossed him about 30 years old. The girl their "Committee to Abolish Keaten and bound hand and Boot, Tere Monday. was found in a creek near The girl, whose name was not revealed, told authorities she and Nabors were kidnaped from in dying into the water, authorities said. The provided authorities with a detailed description of each. Racism" meeting when they failed to leave the Union at its Grand Prize Beef Chuck Steaks Blade Cuts 68c girl was then raped, police Sheriffs officers said the 11 p.m. closing time. Attorneys front | Police said Harold Nabors, 18, of a downtown said, before the men fired a Federal Bureau of Investigation for the 132 people contend that Las apparently the victim of two moviehouse in Detroit late bullet from a small caliber gun at had entered the case. Spartan Skinless Franks $ tnen who abducted him and his girl friend from a downtown Sunday night. She told St. Joseph County her. The suspects then fled in Nabor's car, a 1964 tan Dodge iiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiii the arrests reflect a University attempt to prevent free speech for the group. 2# pkg. "j 29 hetroit theater and raped and Sheriff Elmer Sokol two white convertible. ■hot the girl. men forced Nabors to drive west of Detroit for about 40 miles, The bullet did not penetrate Poetry Defendants in the case are Del Monte ] The bizarre crime first became the girl's skull. She was released President Wharton, the board of wn when the girl stumbled then commandeered the car j the farmhouse of Daniel while the young couple sat in from Memorial Hospital to aid sheriff's officers in the sought trustees, Ingham Prosecuting Attorney Raymond County llowicki Itorv. and sobbed out her the back seat. At a point southwest of South investigation. The girl led investigators to the The State News is seeking Schodeller, Dept. of Public Safety Director Richard Bernitt, Cream Style Corn original poetry for its fall [ A short time later, volunteer Bend, the men apparently beat spot along the creek where she State Trooper Glen Perry and retrieved the youth's Nabors unconscious with blows Welcome Week edition. Whole Kernel Corn 19° said her escort's body was Jack Ostrander, manager of the body from Grapevine Creek. A on the head after tying his dumped. Poetry should be submitted Union. before Thursday, to Welcome Week, 341 Student Services Individual trials for the 132 Cut Green Beans Bldg. arrested have been postponed Peas 1verpopulation until the outcome of the U.S. District Court hearing. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Fruit Cocktail 2Y University, is published every class day during four school Its terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. COUPON 1 focuses on Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Del Monte Tuna Spartan world overpopulation, a point Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, By ROBERTA SMITH they desire a larger family). ZPG has made Its duty to Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press State News Staff Writer disseminate. • The U.S. government must support the idea of two - Association, United States Student Press Association. 6% OZ. White Bread J Its local membership may be Ismail (30 -35 members), but ZPG is a national organization, centered in Los Altos, Calif., children family with the same Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. ■Zero Population Growth, Inc. ■(ZPG) has a strong and that has focused attention on the population problem. Its enthusiasm that they have used in the anti • The smoking campaign. government should Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 25c 20 OZ. LOAF ^frightening 1 A message. movie, "Multiply ■Subdue the Earth," shown at its . . . and members, thousands, totaling maintain United States must take steps in that the the enact restrictions laws on that have contraception and no restrictions of abortions no Michigan. Phones: Limit 2 with $5 purchase 4/89c Editorial 355-8252 ■Sunday meeting vividly immediately to stop its own (there must be a "back up Classified Advertising 355-8255 jdisplayed the consequences of population growth, both to measure" when contraceptives Display Advertising 353-6400 preserve the quality of life in the fall). The government must also Business-Circulation United States and to set an adopt tax 355-3447 French Ice Cream Three 'U' a structure that example for the rest of the Photographic 355-8311 encourages smaller families. world. The film showed what ZPG talks about: the Save 15(! 99c commercialization of popular reports vacation areas destroying ecology, hoards of enclosed city • folk seeking country repose in jet award camper nature • trailers, trying to enjoy but eliminating it. in the process Don't let bills Orchard Grove 1/a GAL. Clumps of algae grow in Lake I Three Tahoe, one of the world's MSU publications have clearest lakes, because man has Orange luice 59c PILE c'ted for excellence by the disturbed the area's ecology. The l^merican College Public film also criticized the suburban Illations Assn. in that home developments that rob the ionization's publications annual country of fertile agricultural Leadership Awards Pmpetition. lands. Watermelons Ill® locations P b9 award . winning were: "Forestry as The deviancy of man increases his overpopulated, world ecologist becomes lam UP - 7it» edited by Robert f .nck- associate University McHarg said as he toured the country. Cantaloupe I? ' and "The World of Tj-onomics" and the University " The film provided proof for the necessity of ZPG's three while you're away ft "Chang>ng to Meet New Michigan Potatoes . ■5?®' both edited by Mrs. proposals: | luh heHne Baume, asst. erS'ty editor" AU three • Every family in the United States must be informed of the from home — use... iober? I" T Brentre designed of the by population explosion and of the ■ervice staff. design necessity of limiting a family to * jfc::- /'l"V two children (adopting more if " AUTOMATIC BILL-PAYING SERVICE FOR MEMBERS TRAVELING ABROAD GOODRICH'S SPARTAN YAT WAH Now you can be away from home for long periods and be assured that recurring Restaurant bills will be paid - on time and automatically - by your MSU Employees Credit Union. Phone today for complete details about this and the many other —/order of two complete I this coupon dinners, the lower priced financial services available for traveling members. "Bill-matic" Wl" be dinner |Good after 4 ?,m - just one more 1 /A nrr I Monday-Thursday reason it pays to be a credit union family. 1/2 OFF r"**30 "We Give Gold Bond Stamps" IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER YAT WAH RESTAURANT Harrison at Trowbridge HOURS: Between Spartan Village and Mon. - Fri. 9 to 9 Cherry Lane Apartments Saturday 9 to 6 1019 Trowbridge Rd.» Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 MICHIGAN GEORGE BULLARD STATE NEW! refreshing contrast UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Jondahl: a FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager Lynn Jondahl, candidate for the or the election will be a cakewalk for any Listen and you will hear him define the KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Democratic nomination to the 24th Senate one candidate. system as unresponsive. It may sound like LARRY LEE, city editor District, harbors few illusions about a His approach to the race is rare among another political pitch until you hear his JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor tough primary campaign. 1970 candidates: he uses calm reason. But analysis of unresponsiveness, applied to a JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor don't let a low-key approach lull you. His cross section of the populace, including Along with other candidates, he>seeks the nomination to fill the seat of retiring savvy carves to the heart of the issues — elements that "have it made." Harold Hungerford. Hungerford's eschewing bloated promises and long - Ask him a question. He fton't hedge on Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award withdrawal leaves the race wide open — no winded dissertations. an answer. Probe him on transportation for outstanding journalism. one has an incumbent's edge. Jondahl is young (33), articulate and his problems, for example. He won't only Jondahl is moving cautiously toward insights jar audiences into listening — really define the problem but will begin carving listening. toward a solution: break down statutes Aug. 4. He knows that neither the primary EDITORIALS that channel gasoline tax into highways . . . use the money for long range transit programs . . . amend tax laws to permit flexibility . . . Spring pollution on him. You won't get a Armed forces stock answer. Jondahl man's frankly admits pessimism on depraved drive to destroy environment. But in the concern is anquish and urgency. Imagine 38 Jondahls in the Michigan Senate: 38 Jondahls wouldn't a denial of leave massive loopholes in pollution laws. They wouldn't give industry 10 years to cease polluting (remember the wench who gave a molester 10 minutes to stop?). Listen to Jondahl digress briefly into his There are many reasons why an In civilian life such a scenario love for sailing. Watch him grimace and increasing number of young would probably never have taken describe the flotsam filth in Lake Lansing. Americans are repelled by military place - evidence obtained in such a As you listen to the digression, a question manner could quite likely be thrown forms. What is a nice minister like Jondahl service. The recent case of Army out of court. In the military, doing in a brawl for a Senate seat? Capt. Jeffrey MacDonald gives an The answer arrives from all sides, almost classic illustration of one such however, this is not necessarily the embedded in each of his answers: "... cause. case. Indeed, the very fact that legislation is not enough . . . new Capt. MacDonald is currently officials would pull such a alternatives are needed ... the system is under investigation in the murder of gangbusters move as forcing the car closing .. . civil rights threatened. . . " Absorb the answer and make a mental off the road sheds doubt on the hist wife and two children - he note to vote for Jondahl. In the pessimism chums the atrocity was committed validity of the entire proceedings. over a bumbling legislature, perhaps if just LYNN JONDAHL by a band of drug - crazed hippies. This is not the first time that such one senator were there to apply cool For some time the Army has been reason to the proceedings a thing has happened. American Jondahl himself piques curiosity. An . . . seeking unsuccessfully to obtain a worked as campus minister at CalifoJ military justice long has been hair sample from MacDonald to infamous for its denial and mockery ordained minister, he is completely free State College at Los Angeles. Since 19(1 from the pomposity and sanctity that he has been co-director of the ChrisM compare with evidence found at the of all scene of the crime. On the advice of precepts of justice. The clerics enjoy wrapping around themselves. Colored shirt, sideburns he could be Faith and Higher Education based on campus. Institif MacDonald case is only one page in a ... his lawyers and in the absence of a mistaken for a young corporate executive. In his announcement statement - continuing chronicle of injustice. M_, court order - the captain has As a minister in the United Church of Jondahl appealed for help in promotinjll declined to supply the sample. Clearly it is time for a change. Why Christ, Jondahl has been an activist, campaign. In return he offered to ad4T must a citizen lose all of his civil and focusing his effort on struggles for racial himself to change. He's not part of a »(l This past week in a Gestapo - like oiled political machine. He's fighting [J human rights when he goes to "serve justice and self determination of minority move the Army decided to take peoples. He applies Christianity to human the bottom up. his country?" The inequity is matters into its own hands. A problems. Christians haven't done that Make a point to hear him. You w jeepload of MPs forced a car that especially grievous when one since the exodus from the catacombs when hear foot - stomping, fist • clenclJ considers that most soldiers were Constantine made the whole show legal in emotionalism. The voice will be subdu contained MacDonald, his two forced to enter service involuntarily. "All that talk about me still having presidential 313. quiet. But the message is attorneys and an escort officer off After getting a B.A. form the University ambition is just nonsense.' " sentences are laced with logic. Absorbtfl the road. They threw one attorney It is an interesting study of of Iowa and a B.D. from the Yale impression. It contrasts pleasantly with! to the ground and the other up, semantics to note that in 1970 University Divinity School, Jondahl stale illogic common to legislative pursi against the car and spirited v involuntary servitude with a * MacDonald away. When the captain suspension of civil rights and due was returned to his barracks later in process is called "the draft." BARNEY WHITE the day, he was minus one hair A hundred years ago we would i sample. have called the same thing "slavery." Life:a broken pinball machine Commonwealth There is a world view that holds that life people that get to make the decision about I see the origins of this inhuman And they judge this imperfect briell is rather like a broken pinball machine. No you are insulted because you had the condition as being more subjective in terms of their own human foibles. Withol matter how many dimes you pump into it, unmitigated gall to run in the first place. nature. It's not that the system is working realizing it, the man on your left! no matter how many points you rack up It is the college campus that holds one of formulating a negative opinion of yT a chance at you never get the promised free game. The premise is that everything is input with no the ultimate contradictions. America is the land of the independent man — only, you against you, but, rather, that it simply is not working for you. Nobody's out to get you — it's just that nobody's out to help because subconsciously he's bothd because you're taller than he is. And® output, that everything is misfunction, and can only do an independent thing in some you either. girl on your right is seeing you ^ f there is no payoff as promised. cloistered place like a campus because out That's basic fault of favorable light — not for your good m The list of life's treacheries is almost a our society. We are and accomplishments — but because! Not many people have ever heard appears to be the one offered by the in the regular world the flag decal boys will taught that the system if played properly of Micronesia, let alone know where United States Dept. of the Interior endless. You'll spend longer in jail for a kick the heck out of you. So you do your will always pay off. Life and endeavor are subliminally remind her of her boyfrie# it is. The names of a few of the major joint than for running over somebody thing on the campus, only you can't even immutable form of karma And so on. last week. This proposal would have with seen as an your car. Even though a clear be independent there because people will administered by trans • human gods - good islands - Saipan, Turk - bring back the Micronesian islands enter into a majority of the people favor it, the take it personally if you don't do their works are rewarded, purity of heart will get Way out hazy recollections of the Pacific commonwealth relationship with the legislature won't pass an abortion law. thing. For example, consider the case of Even though it's a "free country" you'd its just deserves, etc. There is a way out of the awful ma»B campaign in World War II, but little United States, probably a la Puerto the poor long - hair that didn't support the best stay out of the Lake Lansing bars if Such a system would work — if it were existence, but it involves becoming a tnF more. To the 100,000 Micronesians, Rico. In essence, Micronesia would strike. There are numerous other examples administered by cosmic computers, or free agent. The primary realization« you've got an improprietous amount of that can be called forth to support this however, the more than 2100 islands have local political and cultural must be attained is that the system | hair. thesis. impartial deities. The fact is, however, that beaten and can be sidestepped. In fad spread over thousands of square autonomy with U.S. supervision and And there are other less physical burn Answer courts and legislatures and boards are made thousand institutions of mankind J miles of ocean represent home - and protection in the international arena. jobs that the system hands down to plague up of people with all their failings. The a home that is struggling to find its The the unwary. All your life you've been told Why such a set of conditions should exist people on the board passing judgment on created only to structure the lives oil only other alternative, that you might as well try something is not easy to answer. Most the - world - is • you don't know the 20 - odd years that unimaginative and, thereby give W place in the twentieth century. independence, is not even being a - pile - of - dung sayers seem to ascribe was you as the security (No one, or at least veff'L because "what have you got to lose?". In hypothetical Masters of One of the most pressing problems seriously considered. The lifespan of fact, "they" go on to say it's rather noble this state to an inherent attribute of Dharma would — all your judges know is really want to believe that the makiM is to determine a final political micro - states - like the Maldave to strive against all odds to try to attain the existence. Its almost as if there is a vapor thatMnfinitesimal fragment of your works their lives is actually in their own ha"! solution for the islands. Currently Islands have emitted by society that naturally messes and personality and Time that has come to that in the final analysis there are nc - generally been short apex. But horribly and ignobly you wind and all bets are off. There is too ® and unpleasant. the mind and brings down woe. their attention. Micronesia is administered by the up losing and getting burned because the anguish at the a'oneness of the whole HI United States under a 1947 United We would support the proposed for the aver«b: person to bear.) L Nations trusteeship. This de facto plan if it is, indeed, all it is If, however, one can purge himself V colonialism is, however, rapidly trumpheted to be. The Micronesian systematic hang - ups and lea™ F outliving whatever utility it had and people must be allowed to maintain OUR READERS' MIND manipulate reality then he may I successful in terms of getting wha I the future is now in doubt. their culture and find their own way The most promising suggestion in the world. wants. There is, however, one car • Chabrol has taken the familiar Claude ordinary human being. happened. action was probably just a approach and in the fjj plot gimmicks of an unfaithful There are no real villains In temporary rebellion from the complexity development of JJN wife and her jealous husband, a The shock lies in seeing a "La Femme Infidele" and this, routine of her 11 • year • old and CJ murder created and an tense arrest, and and typical circumstances person to driven by a criminal like the normalcy of its tone and setting, increases the film's marriage, X,"lon ht ■«*? a calmlv action he would never otherwise disturbing quality. "La Femme Infidele" portrays gruesome film around them. To ^mmit'^The"husband"leads" commit. The husband leads an The viewer can sympathize people making mistakes that heighten the grim suspense, he acting to unobtrusive presented the affair, the murder orderly, sane life until he with the husband, pity his fate circumstances and secrecy turn allow ' the and the subsequent police story investigation in an uncluttered Implications to' (Stephane Audran as