J"., s. C. Library East Lansing, Ulch VST I.ANSINC. Mil lilt;AN, Tt KsHAV, MAIM t! I:1 Thursday's Ballot use SYMPHONY ANNOUNCE CAST | WILL PRESENT FOR CONGREVE'S All-College Elections to THIRD CONCERT FAMOUS DRAMA Be Held Here Thursday; Orthfdra to Offer Final Num btr Here Tomorrow "Way of World" to be Given by Polls Open at 10 o'Clock Diet* Alpha Phi Fri¬ Night. day Nii^ltf. Cla»»e» to Ballot en Student f X'uinincr' f. ,f ' Bavid Clearv and Wdliam Kirk- Council. Union Hoard and patton to be soloist admission to be free Liberal Arts Board. Wolverine Manaiff- P,,rir'1 lo State News Editorship. Michael Preti Will Conduct Stu- Mori Members nf Cait Have drrl Muiiriani in Recital Appeared in Previoui PRFDICT RECORD VOTE MURRAY VS. HUGHES Campus Plass. Melville Voting All Day Will Climat t© Oppose Hutchinson The thin) in this sphmum's The VVnv .»r the W'nrhl" i< Wtrk of Electioneering as for News Managership; uhiRan Stuff college s\ m Fatal Day Draws Near. Nosai Unopposed. jmbv orchestra series of IIIHK .il • 'II the'l.iltle then- nirrt s will he |>rf s«*ntf«t t»,!n»>tlny night in the »«>(- gymnasium nt 7 :",n. The vhestr« will be under the , - t of Michael Press. and GET OUT AM) VOTE I* the dav when the all -college pIppUoha foe mrttihrr* t ourtl. the l.iberal \rh llourd. trie Student t otuit il, an These position* are derided entireh In the hallol of the rullrgr It t* not onlv the frriyttege tnit »lv member* of the tttudenl liodt to r*rh iw their right «■ HepresrnlatH e* In tne student rouin tl are to In- e! elans II It Important that no inlnnnit tandidate i nihility of Kurh » situation bring created can onh the tnllni of all student*.- It is to the iidtanluxr of the student Body to see that the most aide CONFERENCE IS ratulidatrs 11 are selected for the I'lilon and I.literal Arts Hoard caiti/.atinns control student aetlvitt*■* and regulate the rspenilitiii e* These SORORITY BALL SET FOR APRIL The office of trhimtKing editor and New* are business manager o| the State probably two of the mum! Iinnonalit student positions 01. the SET FOR FRIDAY campus. \htht» to fulfill the duties of these off lies should he the fore Pan-Hellentc Forma) Will Fea Will Hold Annual Collrgintf candidate for the editorship Many time* in (he past, the feeling has been repressed among a large ture Grecian Setting in Country Life Meeting number of students that there is no pse of going to the poll* in the all Union March 15. Here on April 27. college election as the fraternity pollu< cuts have the outcome already i* 0* far a rreatrr numher of independent* than there are affiliated students in this institution The independent sole is not subordinated to the organized sole. Iiul tt I* the I. Hols o| the Unaffiliated students thai actually decide the eleitiou*. fS»k<* Interest in your sctiowt. baviw real «..liool spirit VOI '.T Till %l I. 4 OI.I.H*! M.HTION* ON Tilt KMttY till OFFER CONTEST AWS FINALISTS FOR STUDENTS ARE ANNOUNCED Courier Service Sponmri Con- Wrigglrsworth. Androi and An¬ ted for Wrilrri of Eoayt nn ihuny Will Run lor NeNw York City. Prrndrncy. W. A. A. BANQUET WILL BE FRIDAY EARB00KT0 ADD Co-eds Will Dine Amit St. Pat¬ NEW SUPPLEMENT rick » Decorations. 'ilvcriu. Will Include Section •f College Diviiiooi. 1 RIKA'S lar ger than the 1944 it j* partly lo a special ■*•*> devoted to the divisions of the ntf Ira Murray, wh«i is wind- ftp the work on the fraternity f •jrority write-ups, w ill handle i writing end of this tectum, for, Carl Jorgensen is now busy kdectom photographs * rest of the book Is rapidly fif shape. 160 pages now ready I Nominees for Year Book Editor * the printer, with material for Nominated for Managerial Post *?rw V«rk and to writ* an ea«a> ■-wring this itinerary. Th«- mm gestion-hst compiled by the Cow ■ | Support the advertiser* in tho TMiehigan State News; they sup¬ port your college newspaper. CONCERT DATE CHANCED Attention has been called to the tad that the symphony eon- cert originally scheduled for Thursday night will be. given Wednesday Right instead, in tho gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock Tho ticket m the student books (up the concert will be food. rp» W«»o iMtui at Twieai^i i ■!fK MK'llH.AX ST.V I'K NKH X s. w. u ualujt X)lancing Hack in j«£££■"!£up&Cl THE PARIS QUINTET S])Jlt'tilll All'lclls rol.'s this unk. that Michigan State News nr All-tnllne Klcrlion. joi raua iwkuC.i e-:a... if .. -iw. .... •» «"■ w Spartan Oracle fly JIM QI'ELLO CLOSES SERIES Si r C nairman. VIrr-CTiairtnan, p»,iyrr* m the re!!cge chapel every ill Another all colte«r election h Large Crowd Hears Final Con- Off". Ho", .1.1 rsir.!.! ' • cert Number in Course Which -a: ' •. N..M K... loll.. c.t 111 l.urrairu- r>e\V\uv|e ' the chooses i • the college boarding hull and to ia HIHt 1 * H I'll Mr 11 T. oracle to maintain Features Noted Musicians. .. 1 '• v,! H."J H«M> tzsrL£rr.J g""H' ?;lr ftsssi , latV vawd ?h« Pan.H , 1 ! i a - They art* not permitted to absent Hit'. J. k Wot...- 1.1,' 1.1 B-.tr. iLnM.UI. Thunvdav Its ureat to t»e 4 Burirrsi Monti" P"'N M M«INTGOMFKV Cult-1aniu Majrhrznk |.;r|'li..(i, M*l» i I'lhMWPhfs from the college ^ ^ n .1!I umivi-im! pi .1- tier- ;iliil ' \ ' '' ,"1 'hui -1' U 0|; Olili it };>*!■ II to tin- ill- CLASSIFIK Y|t KK \* % 1KIN- M 1*11 I inn that has Olid . !.l >lf\ !•" I Ml* A Message from SMALL'S to Fellows Heading Home for Spring Vacation Ill-fore * mi l.'"—iir immediately upon your rrl urn tfltf niak in: Ihe " f 'HI h » \N»n:l»f t.tr.i • on lh< "fkivernor.'' mme In SM O.I.'S. latn.inK'i. Slyk- I enter. :m l .,•!«•'. »««»u mm «h.t appreciate ,'ttilhintirils of «l>lt< ami line m.iieriil ••ifh- STRAIGHT FROM FASHION'S SOURCES I rrallr proved hr ^ 4 H CLUB NAMES KRAI SS COME THE Aiu.r PRESIDENT FOR MX T YEAR I'Ulili Miid Jt'UN liolUH NEW SPRING STYLES BY Robert Surrey EarfmiiK /r.4r?I SCHAFFXER & MARX Snhsi I) VIM III. VI H. lloUtKiMHl. Nrxmirt. jlhamptun. Wall Street. fume 1 Over 100 I on pies ton. >ak-: the I'.,k. lield of lai Uliind. ami Hit national ttol ... Attend Women s ... • <•' STUDEXT PULSE Dished liv a Dilemma? leiildiim Formal Decoration* Feature Annml Dior r Dantr Held . . /u/A/ a// OA/ C/oA/ ||t lon.trurtion. If w Hi LAMBS CLUB '25 : s30 I The LAW CLUB \ vruig i , • * rtyh w«* mtd luiin*** at tlv* I giving frnnkwtt for 4ct . *25 .»s35 HEW SUM HEN CMOMR MAIS *150- $5 he Han ai d Ivan bun tmli a Im* «.f age. MASAI '.*•* ti»ve Jj *Ux* Uxi$ oat at »i tours, lis thtzi tsT.Ur Ik- U RceTpiy, Tread Vpaa the Toes Weal Irak- aimfiirtm, llie« O. Or! SMALL'S 211 S. Wmlmt*m 4m. - Sbmd 4t—it TIXINC TIMES....THY \ SAncot/i OLD GOLD Tuesday. March 12 MICHIGAN STA I t: NKLlft Stars Shine Serenely as Sophs SIGMA I'l SIGMA Present Pleasing, Popular Prom; COLLEGE Stale Theater . n... . n . T Miles' Musicians Make Melodies ; BULLETIN offered here • <:«M' the light ot the height anil shining moon, to ireva®w§ miotic of Jmk Miles ami his Baml of Bands, (ho soph- Portry Reading Contei! to B . ended lho social season of the year with Held April 10 in Little „vs ... This was otic of iho largest parties of tha flvhijr sTm nonKivo* saasno downtown Masonic tampla was dec,.rated with star, all m.l anil a large moon in tha middle of tha stajm lii-i.l, moon was a siihonatta of a couple ami tha numerals unci the stage_ ware trees ' more star** and at the for the part \ wore Prof. anr>. \>.t t-, ^- Oh the cover was painted ^ " «» every w«> The dn STAG BROWN - I ■P -#c > Rough side out for style and service • The Meinour* smartpst *buc with tweed* ami odd jacket out- lil*. Ami the moat fttactintl! Hiking through French mud. the A. E. F. proved that rrvrrnn/ coif can Maud the gaff, latter the world'* Htile-Neltiug Prince up* pearetl iu brow ti biick.WalL-t Iver combine* I lie* two idea* — poe* them one better. Mag Brown P.I i k Limit d reverse calf. the ability lo *tand up and lake it. 1 our choice of *t\ lew. I hi* one » the to AI t.l \ sr».r»0 and $(>..">(1 GRADS TO MEET IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Meeting to be Held in Connec¬ WALK- O" tion With Gathering of Alumni Secretaries. BURTON'S WAI K-OVt I'll never let you down Discuss Plans for %.Sy! Proposed Lectures On Social Training s9 m \joun ^iu/rvc(& ALL-AMERICA BASKETBALL POLL There's not In n ^ XjAv^Sfouhz friendly aUiut the mellow-ripe center leaver. And 1 tlurp. luttrr sting of unripe top to- am made of these fragrant, expen¬ totu leaves. "| here's nothing frirrully sive i enter leaver,'only. a 1 unit the gritny, flavorless bottom I'll not irritate your throat. I II LEARN TO leaves. Out there's a Health of friend¬ liness, of mildness in the rich, never friend. let you down. I'm your Iwst I am your Lucky Strike. DANCE ART GRAD IS LAUDED FOR UNIQUE MURAL PAINTING Mix* K*Uw-rin* '.Ifctfdcn, who sp aduticcl from the art depart* men* here l*#t June, has /uckuoi- piufu'l an mtUUr feat arhM.fi i» ,_r^-ei-v mg w,rkL»y of Hue old hulk storage founded in {£24. Thus mu¬ THE CENTER LEAVES '"'***■* ral u> done in common hou <*■ paints) with oil tint* She is planning to CENTER LEAVES GIVE VOU THE MIIOEST SMOKE do anoliier on the opposite wall; representing the firm as it i* to* I day. Muw Mofden is taking Mi** ■ JetMde Clark* place in teaching the 7tyySfoTtdfo. history of art while Mis* Clark I* ; ig If tan an appaicU*,- j tomy at the Itarper hospital m Dp- , MICTLKIAN STATE NEWS Ttie« Evening. ambition is to get i mi«* twcr «.r twice on an rtpeco.: 5.000 Fan* Turn Out to See Genson and Vecerelle Win Only *'\RRV Wis Ml. It more women interested in bit- mtneute *hot. I fee! no di«apf*.:r •. hards.' Charles Peterson, world s nvnt. t-.r tf< «T*rUtors mv. tK Matches for Spartans as Experienced c«j»rhi»* Youngm asteel^ champion h.ll.ard player. toW in ;*M«nt; r ? • tic res: attempt .. « Wisconsin Team Wins. suuuj of i>. uh« attended .m interview following his first ** RreaVr pleasure out of exhibition here Monday Pet. r- it made * lirin — Lsjtnr Ihemun — tUil Pair Irk FRIDAY %M> miKPu HEIIT WIIKKI.KR and ROBERT WlKH.StA Bowling 'KENTUCKY" KERNELS' SPORT COMEDY t ARTCMIN RAINBOW RECREATION ROYAL Standard Portable Typewriters and buck of Chesterfield then is more than 85 million dollars invested in miId ripe tobacco... tfv/fc/t/ for milder better taste Because you cannot make a good cigarettf Former Price S60.00 from just one year's crop there are today 4 • Our Price miles of warehouses filled with cigarette tobac¬ - f «r Mar* h Only S42.50 cos from the crops of 1931-32-33-34—most of vol* SAVK SI 7.50 it for Chesterfield cigarettes. Just as money accumulates interest, two TERMS - $5.00 CASH and a half years of ageing makes these tobaccos $5.00 PER MONTI! or my other milder and naturally sweeter. No Carryltti ( barge through be *ure and *ee Think what this means—an eigktj-Jivt mil- me and I will try to show you our umnderfut country. Please show ■ lion dollar ruuon why men and women who FRANKUN DEKLEINE CO. th'it h tu r to Rattfi and Van Faa- *en, two great players on a great smoke Chesterfields will always enjoy a milder, 300 N. Grand — Lansing, Mlrh. team. With kindest regards, T am ITione 2.I85S Sincerely. Umtt * Mrm Tamcso Co. A. P. RUPP. i