Volcano Wednesday . . . chewing gum for the eyes. Michigan Hot . . . STATE NEWS - Frank Lloyd Wright and humid with a chance state . . . of thundershowers. The expected high will be from 85 university 90 degrees. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 29, 1970 Final testimony, summations heard in Union trespass case By DAVE SHORT injunction that would bar the University were arrested while attending a Committee Reuling also said that he "probably" told State News Staff Writer from prosecuting 132 people arrested May to Abolish Racism meeting because students they at the meeting that the same 19 in the Union. violated a University ordinance by procedures of administrative warnings Fox is slated to make a decision on the before arrests, used in past occupying the Union past legal closing demonstrations, GRAND RAPIDS - U.S. District Court injuction, filed on behalf of the 132, early hours. would be used again. Judge Noel Fox Tuesday heard final next month. Attorneys for the 132 tried to show Reuling also said that Eldon testimony and summations on an The 132, most of whom were students, Tuesday that the University administration Nonnamaker, dean of students, and Louis was acting in "bad faith" when it ordered Hekhuis, associate dean of students, told the arrests. him in rehashing the incident that outside Marc Stickgold, one of three pressures, specifically from the legislature, attorneys MITCHELL INTERVIEW for the plaintiff, cited several reasons for had been influential in making the arrest the "bad faith" contention. He indicated decision. that the administration made the arrests Stickgold indicated that the because of desires to "get the students" administration reacted in haste and under Self-protection CIited and stop the meeting rather than to political pressure in making its decision. He protect the Union. said that the University ordinance Stickgold said the arrests were an concerning loitering and trespassing was example of discriminatory and improper designed to be vague and to allow police to prosecution. He said the University was use it to prosecute anyone it wants for "out to get the students" because 1. no one anything. "The court in was ever arrested before for decide that the 132 did recent staying can overtime in the building; 2. and a well • trespass but that the trespass wasn't the settled practiced of real reason for the informing student of arrest," he said. "We alternatives before making arrests was feel that the University administration "aboslutely junked" in this case. acted in bad faith." WASHINGTON (AP) — Discussing recent confrontations with police in the past few "The whole normal arrest process was The defense questioned Stickgold's off - campus killings by police, Atty. Gen. weeks. Mitchell said the circumstances junked; a selective use of law machinery contentions. Attorney Leland Carr pointed John N. Mitchell said Wednesday no one could not be compared to those at Jackson took place. The University out that there was a "clear State, where two were killed by bullets trapped them violation of can deny officers the right of self - (132 people) into arrest," he said. trespassing," which resulted in the arrests. from police and Mississippi Highway protection. Stickgold stressed that certain people not "Nobody has challenged anything during "If somebody has a gun in his hand, it Patrolmen, or at Kent State, where Ohio taking part in the this that takes in the state National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of meeting were not case trespass law may be necessary for a policeman to arrested. He used earlier testimony from itself," Carr said. students including antiwar demonstrators. Edmin Reuling, asst. director of student protect himself," Mitchell said in an Carr also indicated that there was no interview. Both incidents, plus the death of sue activities, to back up his contentions. evidence presented proving that the "We have advocated of minimum Negro men during a racial disturbance in Reuling said that he told police not to use University acted in bad faith. force, but it is not the intention of this Augusta, Ga., are under investigation by arrest one student because he had "Past practice gave to the just plaintiff no Battlefield the Justice Dept. A federal grand jury was entered department or anybody else to deny law the building and wasn't constitutional indications that impaneled to probe the Jackson deaths they would enforcement people the right of self participating in the meeting. not be arrested." after state officials refused to cooperate Rock music fans carry a protection." bloodied demonstrator away from clashes Mitchell drew a distinction between the with the FBI. between police and demonstrators in Chicago's Grant Park The two most recent fatal incidents Monday shooting of six students during night. Clashes broke out following interruption of a concert, at which disturbances two campuses occurred in Houston, Tex., where a black on last May and point police were hit by rocks, bottles and baseball bats. Police arrested 165 persons and 135 were injured. AP Wirephoto more recent deaths, most of which he said were a result of "normal police activities." At least three persons have died in mass militant was killed in a gunfight with police, and Lawrence, Kan., where two youths were shot to death by persons still Residence halls to hire unidentified. "I believe police in most instances were |135 INJURED carrying out normal police activities," Mitchell said. "I think you will find out that the individuals confronting police had Education appropriation weapons in their possession." Student employment in residence halls primarily caused by a falling occupancy Concert turns into riot In most of the recent shootings, Mitchell level. will be cut back next fall, Lyle Thorburn, said, "there have been very few residence halls manager, said Tuesday. Also due to the budget tightening, no circumstances that would warrant federal a Thorburn emphasized that no old major alterations will be made in the Two investigation." employes would be fired. The cutback will residence hall system next year, Thorburn I CHICAGO (AP) — A free rock concert Mayor Richard J. Daley and Daniel J. police cars were overturned by the The U.S. attorney in Houston has been crowd. One was set afire. A private auto on be achieved by simply not hiring new said. Maintenance will be limited to s designed by city officials to build Shannon, park district president, said the asked to look into the shooting there, but lamaraderie with youth was canceled three hour clash between policemen and Balbo Drive also was burned. students to replace employes who leave for necessary minor repairs. - Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leonard said, before Near darkness,the melee quieted personal reasons. At the July 17 meeting of the board of ■Tuesday because of rioting at a demonstrators was "premeditated." and the leaving for Houston on other business, "we Thorburn said he could not predict how trustees, Roger Wilkinson, vice president performance Monday in Grant Park in Police arrested 165 persons on charges of youths moved to the downtown area where aren't officially into that one." great the cutback will be, as it will be for business and finance, told the trustees which 135 persons were injured. mob action as a result of the melee. Three they smashed storefront windows along The attorney general said federal officials handled by the individual residence halls this curtailing of maintenance operations youths were wounded by gunfire. Of those State Street and Wabash Avenue. An are still examining possible violations of on a need basis. would be an effective money - saver only I The Chicago Park District commissioners injured, 65 were policemen. official of a glass company estimated federal law in the Kent State shootings, but The cutbacks are part of a general for one year. Over longer periods of time, roted unanimously to cancel four - pop - Shannon said the damage at $35,000. "pop" concerts were (please turn to page 11) tightening of the residence hall budget, koncerts scheduled for the park in August (please turn to page 11) programmed for the youth because former pnd another program set for September in outdoor concerts traditionally presented poldier Field. symphony music aimed at an older generation. Doctors refuse Shannon said chains, rocks, knives and Senate U.4 billio guns persons were brought by "those bent on destruction," who pushed away "the good kids who just wanted to communicate with music." He said the battle was planned by who wanted to break down the "camaraderie" the Park District established By JEANNE SADDLER Associate Campus Editor Officials at the health center and the Ingham County Medical Society will give new time. Officials at U-M and Wayne feared that state funds for medical education patients doctors from anywhere in the States from taking it, although doctors from Canada callers names of physicians who are would not be increased, but simply divided must. Some doctors believe that that with youths. for into three pieces. should be abolished, too," Doherty said. educatio The shortage of doctors has grown more accepting patients. They also suggested The battle started shortly after the acute in the Lansing area recently, with calling doctors who had recently moved to Since the Michigan Health Council began Doherty said the exam dealt with general concentrating on recruiting programs in science subjects which the doctors may concert began at 4 p.m. many area physicians adopting a "no new the Lansing area. J WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate A group of youths stormed the stage and patients" policy. Out of 10 general practitioners contacted Tony Doherty, executive director of the high schools and colleges, the number of applicants have increased in the last four or have taken years beforehand. ^unanimously I education passed a $4.4 billion demanded the immediate appearance of the featured group, Sly and the Family by the State News recently, four refused to Michigan Health Council, gave several reasons * for the current shortage of five years. Doherty also noted the tendency of some appropriations bill Tuesday and doctors to settle in better climates such as ■*nt it to President Stone, which was scheduled to perform at give appointments for various reasons, physicians. The Basic Science Examination, formerly ■ it too expensive. Nixon, who considers California, and the fact that all Michigan 4:45 p.m. three said they were not accepting any new "Seven or eight years ago," Doherty required of all physicians who wished to med schools are state supported, with no I Along with it went a suggestion to the The crowd pelted them with soda, pop patients and three were willing to set up explained, "Wayne and U-M medical begin practice in Michigan, has also supplementary private medical schools. ■ White House from Sen. Norris Cotton, cans and wine bottles. One missile hit a appointments this week. schools were having trouble filling up their contributed to the shortage, according to ■ R-N.Y.: Choose policeman. Most of the doctor's secretaries or nurses classes because most young men wanted to Doherty. The exam has recently been "Michigan is about in the middle of the something else to veto. road as far as the nationwide shortage goes. I A roll call vote of 88 to 0 completed As more police arrived, more of the say that the doctor is "just too full" or go into engineering. That seemed to be abolished. ■ congressional action crowd "can't handle any more patients." "We used to receive letters from We're worse off than some states such as on the bill which began attacking them with bottles, very appealing at the time because of the ■ roosts the Nixon New York and Pennsylvania where they budget by $453 million. stones and bricks. Officers fired shots on "I've been in this area for three years," a space race." physicians all over the country saying that Another appropriations dispute between have one entering medical student per 15 - two occasions, but police said it was not nurse at the Ingham County Health Center Because of the drop in interest in they had decided not to come to Michigan determined if the wounded persons were commented, "and I still haven't found a medicine, Doherty explained, there was no because they could go to other states 18,000 people. Michigan has only one (please turn to page 11) hit by police bullets. regular physician." big push for a third medical school at that without taking the exam. We now exempt (please turn to page 11) II Campaign contributions down/ spending second and final ^OTE: The following part of a series is on contributions from federal taxes. or state i amount, the bulk of a campaign's funds come from 10 per cent of the contributors. Levin has introduced another bill which could contribute any amount. The bill is in Municipalities and Elections. the Committee on In about 300 members up addition, the Democratic party has who contribute A person who did not contribute during $2,000 or more. I ctl°n financing. the year could still receive the tax credit if would set ceilings on candidates or The Republican and Democratic parties In the Democratic party, candidates are he indicated he wished to contribute on his committees acting in a candidate's behalf. contribute to candidate's campaigns by left largely to their own resources with By ROBERT CHICZEWSKI tax return. The Dept. of the Contributions to a candidate for launching campaign drives and offering little help from the Democratic State Treasury would forward the $5 to the indicated governor, U.S. senator or representative incentives to people who contribute. Central Committee. I $2^nti0n.Wlde' camPa'gners spent between party. would be limited to $10,000 each; to other Each party has clubs whose status is The committee does not give financial I in Mi8^ 0 m",ion in 1968. Candidates The bill, which is in the Committee on state candidates they would be limited to determined by the amount they help to a candidate before the primary 1 milHn i spend an estimated $8 to $10 Taxation and Veterans' Affairs, would $5,000, and to local candidates, $2,500. contribute. Each club gives the member because they do not want to support one I likely"/" 8 state election, and spending is become effective Jan. 1,1971, if passed. Although the bill attempts to limit the special privileges and increases his candidate who may lose the primary to I inflation 'ncrease thls year because of A similar bill was introduced into the size of contributions, it may not be totally influence. another Democrat. It would also be a waste state House of Representatives effective. The bill would apply to the The Republican party has a $300 club of money. 1 decr0n«tributions to candidates have been Alfred A. Sheridan, D-Taylor. by Rep. committee but candidates have many whose members receive a special pin and After the primary, the committee I cent f recent yeare- I" I960,12 per bill to encourage citizens to contribute to Election laws in Michigan provide ceilings committees working for him. extra privileges. contributes limited financial help to I contrik°J the votere made political the candidate or party of their choice. that limit campaign expenditures. Consequently, a donor could go over the The Democratic party has a $5 marginal candidates, those whose chances I Michia 8; in 1968. eight per cent. In The bill would allow a $5 tax credit on However, they do not provide ceilings ceilings by contributing the spending limit membership fee, a $15 drive to the Capitol, of winning an election are in doubt. I c°ntributed M°W ' 10 P®r C®nt the state income tax for a person who which limit large contributions from donors who wish to to each committee. The bill also excludes national, state and a $100 club and a $500 club. The club, composed of from 15 to 20 members, $500 One major source of fund from money made at dinner and cocktail raising comes II jubtlf6"' ,Sander M. Levin, D-Berkley, a °ernatorial candidate, has introduced a contributed money to a candidate or party. At present, a donor cannot deduct political buy influence. Although most contributors are small in other official political committees, which began this year. (please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, JU|y 29 , news Trade bill attacked; summary s of AP and UPI. ca lied anticonsumer WASHINGTON (AP) — reaffirmed its stand on at least the President authority to set President Nixon's consumer one section of the measure, quotas on other products. adviser attacked the foreign "The imposition of import "I do appreciate that certain trade bill Tuesday on the eve of quotas will hurt virtually every industries face serious scheduled final House consumer in the United States, competition from imported committee action the particularly M "The President can do whatever on But the committee consumers," said a statement lower - income goods, and I suggest that the he wants in this area (Southeast measure. appropriate relief of released from the office of manufacturer is through Asia) if he can get away with it Virginia Knauer, special liberalization of adjustment politically." Former Atty. Gen. State court presidential assistant for consumer affairs. assistance procedures." she said, She called the bill restrictive Shortly after Mrs. Knauer and described it as in many ways ft) Nicholas Katzenbach released her statement, the "the most significant 'anti - (Story on page 3) reaffirms House Committee Ways and Means overrode the consumer'legislation now in the Congress." objections of Secretary Commerce Maurice H. Stans in of "If, &s many economic experts believe, a trade war results and Battle pol 1968 ruling;I closed session and voted again to maintain a provision whichwould strip the President of the power other nations do retaliate, there will be an even greater reduction in the supply of goods and price Two University of Michigan engineering students help reduce pollution from their special! prepared automobile by attaching catalytic converters to the exhaust system. Richard of Detroit, left, and William Basse of Birmingham are among a dozen U-M students Waggoner prepari International News LANSING (UPI) — The to revise the oil - import control competition and the effect on two entries for a Boston Los ■ to - Angeles clean air car race in mid-August. Michigan Supreme Court program. the consumer will be AP Tuesday reaffirmed its 1968 Mrs. Knauer predicted the bill devastating," she said. Wirephoto Moslie Dayan, Israeli defense minister, voiced ruling that a state legislator would drive up prices and cannot seek another elective or possibly reluctant acceptance Tuesday of a U.S. peace plan for appointive office until he has unable to afford shoes and leave poor families FREEDOM REPORT ISSUE the Middle East and denied a report that he would quit finished his legislative term. clothing. his post if his government accepted the proposal. The decision declared two "Higher prices, fewer product House lawmakers. Democrats choices, Dayan disclosed his position amid mounting signs that reduced competition Prime Minister Golda Meir's government would agree, with some conditions, to the 90 - day cease fire proposed by Washington. James Del Rio and Frank an(j a limited supply of imported Wierzbicki of Detroit, ineligible products are the probable result to run for the off ice of Detroit Qf the City Treasurer until they have legislation," she said, completed their terms in the proposed import - quota Although the President has Trustees By JOHN BORGER Kenneth clarify stands Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, responded with a letter my integrity," Thompson's faculty and student State News Staff Writer letter said. "At no time as a Reinforced Communist troops smashed through legislature. supported textile - quota which ASMSU Chairman Harold representatives in the early trustee have I attempted to discussions of the report Two years ago, the Supreme Two members of the by the government positions on Kiri Rom Plateau and sent halt legislation, he has threatened to more Buckner received late last week, undermine or circumvent ethical Court held that State Sen. veto the bill as it now stands. board of trustees have responded board. He said he wanted to find of the Cambodian defenders reeling down the slope, jn the letter, Thompson offered procedures." out what his fellow trusted Robert Richardson, R-Saginaw, Besides providing for textile to an ASMSU request for to meet with Buckner to discuss military officials said Tuesday. was ineligible to run for circuit quotas and nailing in the oil - clarification of their positions .. . „ ^ . . Buckner Monday said he was thought of the document fin the report "at any convenient The setback at Kiri Rom, a 3,000 - foot resort 50 court until he finished his term surprised that Thompson had import quotas, the bill would set concerning the Academic "I don't think it's miles west of Phnom Penh, was regarded as the worst in the Senate. quotas for shoe imports and give Freedom Report. tl™e-, seen the letter as an attack on neeessaryto| have everybody in at this I ., .. , Buckner said late Monday he point his integrity. government defeat in the war. It has turned into intends to meet with him as in time," he said. "You get I "We intended to imply Cambodia's bloodiest battlefield in the Communist soon as possible. never that," he said. involved in side discussions that I freshme Buckner said he will also meet have no merit." strategy to upset government forces. the country's morale by chopping up 5, 091 with Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, who responded to the student government request through a Thompson said Friday that the Freedom Report situation was being exaggerated, Thompson said • he would no. favor having the board amend I A Soviet trawler arrived in Iceland Tuesday with the report unilaterally, phone conversation with student debris thought to have come from a missing Russian ho»rnH Tr 'Th SZ? "An awful lot of people are added that there was a need for cargo plane. The plane, an Antonov 22, was reported missing over register in Hubbard-Holmes it" «°L Other contacted, trustees will Buckner said. ll ?,l' representative. also Don spo.uti"g. off at the mou.th'" he said. "It's not necessary.' He also said the phrase "secret changes to be made. "A situation should be judged I the Atlantic with its crew of 23 July 18 on a flight from on its merit, not determined by I Stevens, D-Okemos, has already , ® j, A I Freshman orientation, the advised by representatives of the P&st few weeks, he could be the Academic Freedom Iceland to Peru. It carried relief supplies for earthquake .. . ,. . Report," victims. major introductory session for college of their majors, heard telling colleagues of his been contacted. P P P > he said. entering students, ended its entertained with mixers and experiences and the questions he Thompson s letter was in month - long activities Friday, "Road Runner" cartoons and enjoyed because because they response to ASMSU's request for "We're not going to get behind examples of such| but orientation for transfer registered. were so unlike those asked by written confirmation that closed doors and dictate, situations, Thompson cited open I hours in residence ' National News students will be conducted President Wharton spoke to other students. established procedures be said, coeducational 1i through this week. the freshmen and gave them an "0ne student asked me what followed during their review of T. mncnB . The program registered 5,091 opportunity to ask him courses I had to take to become the Academic Freedom Report. "owewr, JLhompson sal rrangements „ and on-campus I Thfc Western White House announced Tuesday the freshmen in three day sessions, questions - and Wharton, at • president," he said last week. "I Stevens and Blanche Martin, would not favor including liquor regulations. federal budget deficit reached a higher-than-expected Students participating in the least, enjoyed it Immensely. h'.m there weren't any, that D-East Lansing, have previously S2.9 billion in the fiscal year that ended June 30. sessions were tested, X-rayed, Frequently throughout the 't was in-service training." said in letters to ASMSU that But perhaps the most -they will follow established In making the announcement, Director George P. Shultz of the new Office of Management and Budget The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State unexpected question came at the end of another session when one channels during the review, "At this time I do not feel it Dance concert ends said he took heart from the fact that spending actually University, is published every class day during four school student asked Wharton: "And necessary to make any fell short of earlier estimates. The larger deficit reflected terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. what's your name?" commitment in writing regarding a fall - off in revenues stemming from the economic slowdown, he said. Subscription rate is $14 per year. MSU Circle series Member Associated Press, United Press ALL THE BUTTERMILK The year's deficit is about S3 billion. International, The Summer Circle Theatre will close out the Inland Daily Press Association, Associated season with a 12- Collegiate Press, A Senate - House conference committee Tuesday Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. PANCAKES part dance concert in the Kresge Court Friday and Saturday. Performances are at 8:30 p.m. agreed on an appropriations bill boosting funds for YOU CAN EAT The concert consists of 12 works in a variety of styles I urban renewal, water and sewage treatment plants and Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. composed for the Summer Dance Theater which is associated with the Circle Theater. | Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services veterans medical care far in excess of President Nixon's budget requests. Building, Michigan. Michigan State University, East Lansing, WEDNESDAY Dorothy Jones of East Lansing choreographed the opening number and will dance in two numbers. Jerome Cushinan appear with Mrs. Jones in a modern "pas de deux." I Exact figures on the total appropriation included in Phones: Cushman is a theater faculty member and the bill were not immediately available, but aides choreographer at I Northern Michigan estimated it would raise the President's recommendation Editorial 355-8252 OPEN University and is also directing the MSU I Classified Advertising 355-8255 Sun. thru Thurs. children's theater program. I by about $700 million. Display Advertising 353-6400 6 A.M. to 11 P.M Other numbers in the concert are Invocation, Sounds of I Business-Circulation 355-3447 Frl. & Sat. Silence, Not with a Big but a Whimper, Lady Lazarus, Marauders, j 6 A.M. to 4 A.M. Dr. Thomas Paine is Photographic Mellow Yellow and Bumper Sticker. resigning as administrator of the 355-1 2820 E. Grand Rlv Admission is free; chair rental is $1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration effective Sept. 15 to resume work for General Electric Co. He had no harsh words for the government as he said recent cutbacks in the nothing to do with my NASA budget "had resignation." absolutely Love Rings. Where can you get the The Army completed a series of ArtCarved named them hearings Tuesday to determine whether Capt. Ernest Medina will be tried in with the alledged My Lai massacre. There indication when HIGHEST RATE was no the results of the hearing would be released. Deliberation usually takes two weeks. In other My Lai developments, the Army announced that it will conduct additional hearings on charges of return on any type against seven olticers because of information raised in the Peters - MacCrate inquiry in which the Defense Dept. attempted to determine reporting the alleged massacre. any wrongdoing in of bank savings? Michigan News Zolton Ferency said recently that if he is elected governor he will establish the office of "ombudsman" at the top level of state government to defend citizens against "bureaucratic ineptitude." Love shows at a glance. In your eyes, your AT AB & T OF COURSE! Ferency, a candidate for the Democratic nomination smiles, the things you do. for governor, said the concept of ombudsman or You'll see love in ArtCarved wedding rings, too. Fascinating textures. Delicate "people's advocate" was recommended by the carved scrolls, floral administrative law committee of the Michigan State Bar patterns', geometries. No other bank offers Come in and take a look. You'll see love higher rates of several years ago. shining interest in many ways. on any type of savings "At the present time, there's really no centra!, account or certificate of deposit. easily accessible place for a citizen to go when he has a Carved the Love A.B.& T. it the place to save ... no , problem or a complaint involving the citizen's Ring question about it I people relationship with his government," Ferency said. Ferency said the office of the ombudsman would save ★Cold Fashion Originals | the state money because it would allow the Diamond A Wadding Ring* governor to tire "the hundreds of governmental apologists and propagandists whose sole function has been to cover up mistakes by highly placed, but inept governmental ★Longitm _ Bulova Watch*] 319 E.Grand River ★ International Pewtor J. misfits." Silvor East Lansing, Mich. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 2y, 1970 3 SMSU cabinet proposes :ommunication program residence halls as a primary system to air "This would include y GEORGE BULLARD means of communication with news during the 20 include all legislation pending campus minutes between classes. before the ASMSU board, the personalities as well as other Editor ASMSU members and their Currently, the 20 minutes are status of all cabinet programs, prominent figures." constituencies. filled with musical interludes any special events that may be Other "direct sweeping program to "This type of meeting should and test patterns. communications" programs ase campus communication be held from the very beginning An ASMSU coming up in the future and a are newsletter, serving calendar of proposed Great feasible, he said. I announced Tuesday by Bob of the term," he said. "It should as Jfeld, ASMSU Cabinet be a normal function of the "supplementary Issues and Pop Entertainment "One such information system ■tudent government system." communications," was also events." Is the recorded Lident. outlined in the report. message T six • P«g® report. Oroaafeld also proposed telephone line . . . that would a using Such a letter, he said, "would The communications package play a recorded message of J«feld urged mass meetings In the MSU closed - circuit TV be published weekly and would would also include weekly current legislation, columns by the ASMSU telephone boajd numbers for further Information chairman and cabinet president and a weekly calendar of events. 'onkin repeal seen printed In the State News, "as "The line will not be used for well as regular publication of board resolutions and legislation. political purposes." Grossfeld's report Tuesday Grossfeld concluded his report culminated six months of with an outline for a speakers research bureau by the cabinet. to provide ASMSU Ihreat to w speakers to anv "dorm, floor living unit" that wanted "The bureau provide information would one. or also for units "The already program been money funded," continued. "And the program will also have high priority in has he my Romney IaSHINGTON (AP) - to protect U.S. troop 'The President can do which wish to have outside upcoming budget. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney liolas Katzenbach, attorney withdrawals or to bomb enemy whatever he wants to do in this speakers come to them and "It's the best investment we 40 Detroit area suburban mayors in Warren gestures as he speaks to about ■eral in the Johnson supply lines in Laos or erea if he Monday night, telling them that "there is not now can get away with it discuss issues or events of can make. We get a terrific and will not be any HUD policy mandating forced racial integration m suburbs." Ministration, said Tuesday Cambodia. politically," he said. interest," Grossfeld said. return." £l of the Tonkin Gulf "It seems to me his only AP Wirephoto fciution would remove choice would be to get out," he Ititutional authority for U.S. said. Manson Katzenbach said he is baffled disciple tells of killings ■lvement in Indochina, lie Senate, with approval of by the administration's I Nixon administration, has willingness to along with repeal. led two measures repealing The administration has taken the | 1964 resolution but the position that the broad grant of Ise has not yet acted. The power to the President as LOS ANGELES (AP) - A God, make it stop," and pleaded Mrs. Kasabian said that after return to Parent's car to serve as a pnistration says it doesn't commander in chief and his duty to protect American troops is sobbing Linda Kasabian testified with one of her two girl the initial shooting the four look-out. Then Mrs. Kasabian P SS?® Then n u' "• * sundown Aug. 8, 1969, and that ft the resolution. Tuesday at the Charles Manson companions to end the walked toward the Tate house, bowing her head in her it was about midnight when Miss continued: hand, Mrs. Kasabian said in a [itzenbach told a House sufficient in Vietnam. to carry on its policies murder trial that she saw the bloodbath. Later she said she watched "I waited 15 minutes, then all muffled voice, "It was horrible." Tate and four others i ign Affairs subcommittee killing of two of the five victims Mrs. Kasabian testified for the Watson cut away a screen in one of a sudden I heard people home, including visiting friends, Katzenbach conceded that Mrs. Kasabian said she and the _ without the authority of the Sharon Tate murders and state that Manson sent his of the windows. He told her to e massacred. screaming and saying 'No, others Ited by the Tonkin Gulf Congress would probably go said she heard screams from the lieutenant, Charles "Tex" were dispatched after (please turn to page 11) Xlution President Nixon along with new attacks and other victims. Watson, and the three girl ■Id not have constitutional bombing of supply lines if Nixon At one point, Mrs. Kasabian disciples on a midnight mission Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! decided they were needed to |unds for launching new said, her horror reached the that ended at the rented house Eks outside Vietnam in order protect U.S. troops. point where she cried out, "Oh of Miss Tate. Mrs. Kasabian then testified she watched Watson shoot to A Very Special Group .ollins' death the first victim, Steven 'best Parent, 18, a visitor driving away from the mansion, and stab and beat to death Wojieich Frykowski, 37, a Polish • born guest whose body was found Of LADIES' SWEATERS istifies before jury later on the lawn. Mrs. Kasabian said that at point the bloodied but still alive Frykowski was leaning against a one Inn " n a ARBOR for a (UPI) - Collins took his "best motorcycle - riding few hours after Karen I Beineman disappeared and John Under cross Chief Defense examination by last summer, testified before the Attorney Joseph jury after Washtenaw County Louisell, Davis said "relays of Circuit Judge John Conlin held a police" questioned him for more trial run of the testimony to than eight hours after Collins determine which pole outside the mansion and "we looked In each other's eyes for a moment and I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Oh, God, make $ parts of it he it stop.'" to remember what was arrested and told him he would allow the jury to hear. 'ere riding," the friend could be arrested, too. CLIP THIS COUPON " Davis said he saw Collins lified Tuesday at Collins' When Collins returned from remove a burlap purse, a pair of "er trial. his first interview with police, woman's dress shoes, a pair of Several styles. 100% Orion. Assorted colors. Sizes 34 to 40. IVhat time did he say you "Did he teil you 'I want to help blue jeans and blanket from the them solve this crime, but gosh, Je riding?" asked Washtenaw trunk of his car five days after LADIES' SPORTSWEAR DEPT. |nty Prosecutor William It was horrible?' " Louisell Miss Beineman disappeared. He ey. asked. also said Collins asked him to le said we were "Yes," Davis said. riding in the look after a knife, which he y afternoon," Arnold Davis "Did he also tell you 'They let refused to do. P the jury of seven women and the real killer get away ris, who said when he took they are "Yes." harassing me?' " and now Delhey said the girl was carrying a similar purse when she was last seen. CLEARANCE! stand as the 25th Collins, 23, a former senior at Conlin ruled the bag, shoes, lecution ^ ds," witness he and Collins were "best told Delhey the Monday Eastern Michigan University in neighboring Ypsilanti, is charged knife and jeans had no bearing on the case, but he allowed While They Last! riding with first degree murder in the - Davis to tell the jury about the n took place between about sex slaying of Miss Beineman, a blanket. and 7 p.m., July 23, freshman at EMU. Davis, a roommate of Collins 1 On Monday, Davis said Collins went to the his Ypsilanti home of LADIES' SUMMER vacationing uncle about lubcommittee OKs 11:30 p.m. July 23 to feed the family dog, and spent more than an hour there. DRESSES The uncle, State Police Cpl. ational park statute David Leik, testified that, when 1 Dinner Per Coupon $300 JO $800 he returned from vacation July 29, "I noticed spots of black paint on the basement floor in | SPECIAL SALE washington (UPI) lanimously — A House subcommittee Tuesday recommended passage of legislation authorizing the the laundry room." He said he scraped off one of the spots and I j JULY 28 thru JULY 30 COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE Pablishment of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in the floor beneath it appeared ■chigan. |JeP' Ph'lip E. Ruppe, R-Mich., a member of the national parks red. Leik said he called Collins and Ktntueky » » Half Sizes Daytimers & Dressy Tjcommittee, said he expected approval of the proposal by the asked him what he had painted "ks. House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee within two in the basement. "What paint?" he quoted Collins as asking. fried iJkicken le measure would create a LADIES DEPT. zie 71,000 - acre national park in Leik said he told Collins he 1040 E. Grand River, E.L. and Leelanau counties In the northern Lower Peninsula, was a suspect in the case and 3140 S. Logan St. "ding 64 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline. that he would have to 3200 N. East St. U.S. 27 - I F"Ppe, a sponsor of the bill, said he report the "Id hoped the full House paint to his superiors. Collins 4238 W. Saginaw approve the Droposed park by early September with 1620 E. Michigan said, "Let me know what they nate action coming by the end of the year. find out," Leik said. NEW! r,eepln8 Bear Dunes would become Michigan's third national CLIP THIS COUPON T . joining Isle Royale in Lake Superior and Pictured Rocks in TOOTHPASTE with Green Sparkles E'UPPer Peninsula near Munlslng. puppe said the measure gives "every consideration to local with Fluoride Kurees °Wners whi,e preserving one of Michigan's great scenic and Brightner r°perty owners in the area have opposed the project, while in one Toothpaste ation groups have supported it. Ready Cassette - Go DINNER . . . for your 20'/Jf wW> »Wi everyday hungry gourmet pirn!"** •' Sony's New Model 70 Tap* Recorder for • New Age STRIP STEAK $1.79 GLEEM II .r> AQ Enter the electronic age FRIED CHICKEN 1.39 TOOTHPASTE " ' with Sony's new Model 70 AC/DC portaDle cassette tape recorder. LAKE PERCH 1.19 Com* Am You Arm • No Tipping GRAND RIVER AT OKEMOS RD. Metier <0 Thrifty Acres Coupon 5125 W. SAGINAW at HI-FI MJYS 600 N. Homer st E. Saginaw near Frsndor Shopping Center 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA 1101 B. Grand River Opmn 11:OOA.M. to 9:00 P.M. frrt Lansing Phone 337-2310 MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE MEW! Hanoi help limited: UNIVERSITY Cong must take GEORGE BULLARD # 'V* editor-in-chief over FREDERICK J. LESLIE There has been a curious sort °f advertising manager EDITOR'S NOTE: The following dialofu. I going on in the propaganda KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor news analysis is by William L. Ryan, AP special correspondent. between the two allies. exch.r ' I savs? II LARRY LEE, city editor From the sound of what Hanoi and its FiretL Hanoi radlo, quoting Vietnamese military the Nont, JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor newspaper Viet Cong allies have been saying, the "never before has guerrilla JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor warfare held I southern guerrillas in Vietnam are being important a position as it does now" I u conditioned to accept as inevitable a says, however, that guerrilla warfare prospect of years more of hit and run be developed even more m„! I - - extensively I! I Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award warfare. must aim primarily at for outstanding journalism. breaking up the IIq I It would appear, too, that North Saigon programs of pacification ,fl I - Vietnam has to a point where It Is Vletnamlzatlon In the come has become South, it savju I obliged to cut back somewhat on Its a "long - range" struggle I EDITORIALS enormously expensive participation. Hanoi stresses the Idea that the guerrillas must Then the Viet Cong's uses "Liberation'I almost the Identical words On it. I rely more and more upon themselves, so own, however, It speaks of determinate I far as manpower Is concerned. Presumably to "overcome all difficulties" and hi supplies and ammunition would be struggle on in a spirit of self reliance with I ■ forthcoming Indefinitely by way of the a "sense of urgency," to fa,JI Ends become North from Communist sources. There is a note In recent statements by Hanoi indicating it seeks to notify Its Vletnamlzatlon. Intensifying gu^JTI warfare, It says, would be "the best wi! I for to us repay the Immeaaurabl I southern allies, however reluctantly, that meritorious service" of the North. the North Vietnamese well of manpower Is In the past tense, u If to Thiswu I suggest thatZI jolts not bottomless. The North Vietnamese service In the future might ZI as party not be all have sustained frightful casualties over the great. 11 past five years. Hanoi said that "for more than two yea I In addition, the war in Indochina has taken on a new look since the opening of guerrilla warfare has been developing stu I It has long been maintained - accelerated pace in the South." This from official use of the party the In Cambodia. North hlnti I new arena that perhaps the last really big North! especially in the North - that machinery for a new bid at national Vietnam invests a large amount of Vietnamese effort offensively for sonttl George C. Wallace owns the State of office. manpower in Laos. It expends a good deal Alabama. Indeed, Wallace himself Although Alabama Dems have of it also in maintaining the Ho Chi Minh time to come was at the time of and few months after the disastrous up to I has done little to discourage the taken one step forward, they have a Tet I trail, the supply route to South Vietnam. attempt in 1968. I And now it is attempting to hold a large The Hanoi newspaper went myth of his political solidarity - it taken another directly backward. As of Cambodia which it has overrun through 11 has been useful in the past. All, part of their let's - keep - George - area since that phase opened this spring. That litany of "musts" for the southen I however, is not quiet down on the honest guerrillas. I scheme, the Executive tends to spread manpower and resources a "The plantation and has not been for some Committee has decided that from bit thinly. struggle to oppose the enemy pacification program has become aloni l I time. here on it will select the party range resolute struggle. Localities muttl It was back in the mid-1960s that endeavor to strongly set up a nominee for the electoral college. contlnuil I bloc of primarily north Alabama Previously, the electors have been widespread guerrilla warfare. "Guerrillas must directly take p legislators thwarted Wallace's efforts nominated by popular vote. _ to amend the state constitution to A developing and consolidating militia agj | political party serves democracy guerrilla units, In maintaining in<| allow him another term as governor. only so long as it maintains strengthening leading organs and In closely Now in 1970 the little governor has democracy at the core of its coordinating three programs of attack: been handed another jolt - this time procedures. The appointment of armed, political and troop proselytizing, from Democratic party loyalists. electors by a select committee seems "Omnipresent strong guerrilla unlti constitute not only the central local forest I By a 69 - 28 vote, the newly to betray this ideal. By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. to defeat enemy elected counterattacks, but alio Alabama Democratic We hope that, in their haste to constitute the sharp forces which struggle Executive Committee - which for bind the hands of George C. Wallace, Letters may be addressed to Dr. against the enemy under soy the first time includes a few blacks - will permit you to drink enough beer to the urine. Some men report the desire to circumstances." Alabama Democrats will not ignore Werner, 309 Linton Hall. Names need make you Impotent before any burning urinate following Intercourse; this appears Hanoi also tells the Viet Cong that "to has decreed Democratic presidential their commitment to honor the will not be included unless a personal reply occurs. Then, you will be faced with related to the presence of semen In the electors will be compelled to support of the people. is requested. meet war requirements, guerrilla forces I another decision. urethra. must be very the party's national candidates. The numerous." It would be sad for the people of Urethral burning can be caused by Alcohol definitely decreases one's ability All this would seem to be saying that result would force Wallace to seek Alabama and the nation if a defeat gonorrhea. In such >a case the burning is to perform sexually (and in most other from here on, the southern guerrillas must election as president on a third - of George Wallace turned out to be My appendix sometimes hurts several severe and there is usually a discharge. ways) if taken in excess. This is especially not rely too heavily on North Vietnamese hours at a time. It is not an unbearable Immediate treatment is advised. Other true as one ages (i.e. over 30, alas). One party ticket in his home state. In the seating manpower, which now, after years of ceremony for pain, so I have never asked a doctor about causes of burning can be an overly drink may serve to lower Inhibitions and extremely heavy losses, is spread thin and 1968 Wallace ran and won as a unrepresentative concentrated urine due to dehydration, or make sexual intercourse possible; government by it; but it seems to be happening more multiple occupied in a number of places at the sanr Democrat - this move cuts him off executive committee. the presence of some unusual substances in drinks may serve to avoid intercourse. frequently in the past few months and I time. wonder what it means. Should I see a doctor? AAUP STATEMENT I am impressed with your conviction that Selfish foreign it is your appendix that hurts. I don't want to shock you or anything, but there is quite abdominal a bit of stuff rattling around in your Salary increases last in Big Ten cavity aside from your appendix. There are about 25 feet of intestines, a stomach, liver, spleen, that many departments and inadequate even to meet the rising cost ol draft appears EDITOR'S oppose NOTE: the following pancreas, bladder, miscellaneous other colleges are to receive increases averaging living. The increases this year still do little statement was released by the MSU well below 7.8 per cent, and they have to move the senior MSU faculty salaries things, plus ovaries and a uterus if you are a woman. The chapter of the American Association raised some doubts about the accuracy of out of the Big Ten cellar. appendix is a three to four of University Professors on July 24, inch skinny remnant of the large intestine the reported figure. The AAUP has been The AAUP regrets that the Board ol One of the least valid arguments German armed forces so much as he 1970. unable to obtain the figures, but in light of serving no discemable purpose in man. It is Trustees has seen fit to tie faculty increases for maintaining the draft was given is concerned with what effect it will Reporting on a joint meeting of in - the widespread dissatisfaction concerning to a rise in student fees. Faculty salaries susceptible to becoming infected because it last week by West German Defense have on the future of Germany's is a tube with a closed end. coming and out - going officers and council the differences between the stated salary constitute an integral part of the operating member of the Michigan State University increases and those anticipated by many Minister Helmut Schmidt. American protection. An infected appendix can produce a large budget, no less essential than are coil, In an interview Schmidt stated that variety of symptoms, chapter of the American Association of administrators for their faculties, it would janitorial services, etc., and the One thing is clear: Defense though characteristically the pain begins around University Professors (AAUP), Sigmund appear that specific breakdown of salary responsibility for fee increases should be if the U.S. abolished the draft it Minister Schmidt is clearly appalled the umbilicus and migrates down toward Nosow, chapter president, said, today, that increases by colleges should be made properly placed at the doorstep of the would become impossible for at the thought of Germany's having the lower right hand part of the abdomen. in the opinion of the AAUP both the available immediately along with a legislature which failed to provide u conscription to be maintained in to take on more of its own defense. While the likelihood is you are general public and the MSU faculty have reationale for the patterns of distribution. adequate operating budget for MSU. The suffering been misled by statements issued by the The statement that MSU salary increases Germany and that the stance of After all, it was because the United some ill defined "gas pain" it would none AAUP further regrets that there Office of the Provost on July 17, 1970, to this year are the largest in the Big Ten NATO would be hurt. Exactly why States' protection that the West the less be wise for you to visit a doctor may undoubtedly will be reduction in the effect that faculty salaries would be in fact be true, but the overall position of educational opportunities for many young and have him examine you so your fears this should be so is not made clear. German people could concentrate increased on the average by 7.8 per cent. MSU faculty salaries fell further behind could be allayed. If you are a woman, part people who may not be able to pursue In the same interview Schmidt their efforts on what has become an of the examination the doctor On the basis of an admittedly incomplete most Big Ten schools last year with an their education at MSU as a result of fee performs expressed concern that future "economic miracle." should be a pelvic exam including taking a survey of colleges and departments, it "average" increase of 5.4 per cent, increases. American troop reductions in The people of the United States culture for gonorrhea and other bacteria as Europe could seriously jeopardize are having too hard time getting rid pelvic infections can cause abdominal pain. the Western stance in the face of the a of the present unjust draft OUR READERS' MIND system to Soviet peril. It would not be possible need any harassment from truly for Germany to beef up her armed outside agitators. One of the last I am a 26-year-old man and have Why do Christians shoot people? forces to take up the American slack reasons in the world why the U.S. frequently been plagued with the following because such a buildup would 1) should keep the draft is for the problem: Everytime I drink three or four destroy Germany's present benefit of the military budget of beers before having sex with my fiancee, I negotiations with Poland and the Germany. get a burning sensation in the urethral area Soviet Union, 2) alienate former anti All we can suggest is that if of my penis following orgasm. Could you To the Editor: the "Campus Crusade for Christ." The Nazi governments and, finally, 3) tell me the cause and if it is "What? REAL Christians do not shoot - Schmidt is worried about a serious One day — a Monday in May or June or young man answering had, in every way, the Germany's problem that must be corrected in the near other people!" he returned. the German parliament would not military future, perhaps he would do maybe even April, I don't know when equal of my gift in gab. I broached the future? This was volleyed back and forth w pay for it anyway. well to persuade his local exactly as my psychic scars have no precise turning the other cheek topic. He wearied to its death. Finally we ended tM legislators date embossed on them — I became countered with Schmidt is not so much worried to loosen the purse concern over the salvation conversation which had degenerated into strings. Military obsessed with "turning the other cheek." of my soul. I refused to budge from about what effect an abolition of defense is, after all, a pay How important was the doctrine of turning his still reaching out for my soul and my - as - you - You have a unique opportunity to make turning the other cheek. He was equally continued echoing of "Why do Christians conscription would have on the go proposition. a contribution to medical science. If the other cheek to various sorts of adamant on saving my soul. shoot people?" churches? Given a telephone', I. turn into a We thrust and parried and it became It was done. I was free, in possessionc inclined, you may proceed as follows: Lyndon Johnson type ogre and I was soon almost a religious experience as I sought to Starting with no beers increase your beer my soul, praising God for my escape, >< intake by one bottle each time before busily telephoning ministers of assorted protect my soul from his greediness for freedom and for the sun. 1 you Christian type denominations to find out souls. I looked out my . have intercourse. Note the exact number of living room window By that afternoon I had comply beers that causes the the latest about turning the other cheek. for an eternity as we talked, experiencing forgotten the morning's conversation, COMSAT lo burning sensation. You can then try this with different beers and determine a "burn index" for each What I found out is that Monday is a day of rest for many beleaguered pastors. Those others who have another day of rest the cyclical everness of the the roof of the next sunlight upon building and greening bushes and grass, the shafts of shadow turned irony of on the radio and awful, my question, "Why do sicken"1! Christians brand. You might even find the brand that and shoot other people?" surged through me (or perhaps no day of rest) were rather changing angles of the sun, and I wrestled I heard, and could not believe, that A fable of our times: noncommittal. I found one fellow believing verbally with this young man for American city was closed and barricad bankrolling the COMSAT system - The Communications Satellite that you should turn the other cheek, but possession of my soul. It was still an even Four students shot dead in Kent, Ohio. waited for word from ground control Corporation (COMSAT) spent $13 that all was as it should be in the out Misplaced believing also that he could not push the match but I was tiring. I became "But why do Christians shoot desperate. Karen Marsde" idea in his congregation. million to build a communications other Artesian, - of - this - world. memos Finally, I had the brilliant idea of calling people?" I wailed. satellite. This unheavenly body was July 26,19?" But when the word came it was To: Sen. Beebe to forge one of the final links in an orbiting world communications terribly wrong. COMSAT had lost Re: Hippy Orgies YOUR PROBLEM, CHARLIE BftJldN, 15 YOU HAVE TO TAKE LIFE BY their most THAT YOU DON'T REALLY FI6HT WITH THE THROAT AND SHAKE IT , network. expensive prize somewhere in the infinite reaches of LIFE ...SOU DON'T DOMINATE IT... YOU HAVE TO KICK IT IN THE In spirit the people of 76 nations - Madam - STOMACH! YOU HAVE "ID PUNCH outer space and they could not find Your tickets to Goose Lake have or the governments , at any rate - IT IN THE EYE it anywhere no matter how hard arrived. watched as the rocket carrying the Intersat rose from its pad at Cape they looked. — The People's People V nnedy. The people of 76 nations What we have here is a failure to i that is how many there are communicate. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 29, 1970 5 Militant's death jbeled murder' Major social lOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — Leaders of a black coalition asked riav for an FBI investigation Into a shooting incident in fh a black miHUnt was killed. The Negroes described his h « -murder" by police. 'he Justice Dept. said in Washington it had not received the examined An experimental theater "Earth Song' be Lest but that It had asked the U.S. attorney in Houston to production dealing with the performed twice Monday, performance will be at 8:30 at Ink into" the affair, major social issues of our time __ The afternoon - performance perl the Church of the Brethren, 3020 S. he Houston coalition also called for: will be presented in Lansing and ill take place at 3 p.m. Washington Ave will in the »The resignation of Police Chief Herman Short; East Lansing Monday. p.i Lansing. *"—■— ~ - » The establishment of a police review board; The production, ««p ar. fK oe9,ey Center' Road, and 1118 the S-Harrison The play is free, but evening contributions welcomed. *More black police officers, are Song," is sponsored by the Blacks not to shop downtown. Use of the word "boycott" Lansing Area Peace Council and avoided. the American Friends Service Pollution shrouds ■g hort rejected the coalition's claims that police provoked the Committee. ooting, saying it was something police neither desired nor It explores such themes as the ticipated. Police say the black militants started the shooting. alienation of man from man and t was Sunday night when police undercover agents and from his environment, the gap >mbers of the People's Party II exchanged about 100 shots, between young and old, youth 'ording to two police accounts, near the headquarters of the iup the local equivalent of the Black Panthers, versus "the Establishment" and what kinds of changes and seven-state area phe leader of People's Party, Carl Hampton, 21, was shot to reconciliation are needed. jth Four other persons, one a bystander and one a white The play takes place in and WASHINGTON (AP) — Cities from New York to Atlanta were »mber of the local John Brown Revolutionary League, were around the audience, which sits shrouded in an annoying haze Tuesday as the eastern seaboard minded. No policemen were shot. The coalition Includes 23 groups and individuals and ranges Due in on the floor. The drama is a project of the experienced one of its more visible, but not yet dangerous, sieges of air pollution. im the Central Committee for the Protection of Poor People, Quaker founded national The Weather Bureau at mid - afternoon said "Earth Song," an experimental play or tour under the sponsorship of the American Friends - atmospheric ided by militant black leader Ovide Duncantell, to the Business American Friends conditions in a seven - state area bounded Service Committee, appeared recently i i Ann Arbor and will be performed Monday in East Service by Philadelphia, Professional Mens Clubs, made up of black middle - class Committee and is on a national Atlanta and Chattanooga could cause potentially serious air Lansing ?nd Lansing. tour. pollution problems. Only Philadelphia had contamination levels approaching the point for emergency restrictions on autos, electric power plants and factories. The cause was a stable high pressure mass Pentagon extending from the reorganizati Gulf of Mexico to New England.Little general relief was predicted before Thursday from high temperatures, oppressive humidity and the haze. A virtual calm plus varying degrees of atmospheric inversion prevented the usual mixing and cleansing of air, said Darryl Tyler, ASHINGTON (AP) " The equip their forces comptroller and now director of establish three powerful civilian Agency would be founded to land - based and submarine chief of the emergency Ribbon operation center of the National Air idential Blue , Fitzhugh, board chairman of Fairchild - Hiller Corp., deputy defense secretaries to oversee such work throughout based missiles, bombers and ail Pollution Control Administration. eil3C Panel recommended the Metropolitan Life Insurance contended that instead of supervise a.) all military the military establishment in missile defenses, b.) land - An inversion when occurs a layer of cool air acts as lid to sday drastic overhaul of the Co. of New York, acknowledged decentralizing decision • making operations and a centralized effort to prevent overlapping air conventional forces, c.) a prevent the escape of warm air to heights where it be Ugon's leadership structure that the chiefs are "less than authority its recommendations intelligence setup, b.) all and avoid developing poor - supply distribution, maintenance cleansed. can ed at strengthening civilian enthusiastic" about the panel's on organization should "go in research, procurement, bases and quality weapons, and other logistics. Tyler said pollution in no city had reached the level classified as trol, promoting efficiency reorganization ideas, the other direction." manpower, and c.) all weapons Cranked into the military The panel chairman said an imminent hazard to health. ending serious cost overruns Two of the 14 panel members Urging the most far - reaching and equipment tests and chain would be three new major briefed key members ui "But there will be people suffering," Tyler said. uying weapons. dissented. Wilfred J. McNeil, for Pentagon reorganization in evaluation. multiservice commands to Congress but gave no hint of He mentioned eye irritation from the Chairman Gilbert 10 years Defense Dept. nearly 10 years, the panel would An independent Defense Test control a.) the nation's strategic smog, sinus aggravation # their attitude. and worsening of chronic lung ailments. ihugh, summing up the dings of a year • long study, I ribed the Defense Dept. as | Why Pay More! Why Pay Mor Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! it an amorphous lump . nobody in charge SWIFT i TWER PARTS 'thing." Ine of the group's main iposals - bound to kindle itroversy - calls for stripping Joint Chiefs of Staff of their PREMIUM litary operational functions I creating a separate stations staff under a h ■ ranking officer. Die military chiefs would be single, ROUND SWISS SIZZLER BONELESS FROZIN ARMOUR i with their roles as strategic knners and, as uniformed STEAK STEAK STEAK RUMP ROAST MAIN Ids of their services, their thority to recruit, train and CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE COURSE MEALS acuity TURKEY ROAST """Mr""" ttending TURKEY ROAST BREADED TURKEY ROAST ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY CURED HAM FOR ROASTING ymposium BEEF MEAT LOAF With Gravy lalph Smuckler, srnational programs, dean and two of $' BREADED VEAL ROLLS CURED HAM ROLLS ;r faculty members involved international studies will rticipate in a special bposium on "Economic PEANUT BUTTER 5!75 bwth | Pakistan," and Distributive Justice today through SHEDD'S led by a Ford Foundation CREAMY-CRUNCHY , , the conference is being d at the University of Chester, Rochester, N.Y., in ijunction with the Eastern tes Universities Consortium NESTEA Fresh, bumd *o Top Fresh. O Top Fresh 'O Top Fresh GWWNifi0 ( rnier LEMON FLAVORED 4#i program on South Asia, "luckier will serve as ICED TEA MIX S 23 ORCHARD PEACHES 14* airman of a seminar, conomics Perspective II," and RIPE a member of a panel 1 "Why Put 3forgJ"|jm| ^ing "Policy Options for U.S. No. 1 STOKELY ['National chard Niehoff, asst. dean of l"B as programs, will also chairman of "The FRUIT COCKTAIL Jfs and Evaluation of the CUT GREEN SEANS"?«»' HOME WEET CORN PPosia Seminars." Harry L. ^ professor in the Institute CREAM STYLE or #A|I|| 17-.., GROWN International Studies, will OLE KERNEL %VIVI1 * as a discussant in this (UNHUSKED)' 5 *1.00 linic 3da y se EoT""" SAVE 20c I 20' a fug center I TAVo.1 l*!?1 **tar and an MSU Ml d I ^dent w,u hold «cal adie the Drug .VIViaS Me only 3"2"""\32c sr^sw 20' thrifty e and referrals. No ' treatment is "ssr acres w'|" J lem at *ny the clinic. type of Twin Pops 25c A S'KKXV THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM ss ic »y at may attend and for advice. is held the center. every TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR YOUR SHOPPING HOURS 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY » doctor and staff ® on call at all times "e week and can be bie through the Drug 'or emer8ency 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 I EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Co//oquiun Follow Through to consider! receives HEW allo systems techniques'in Of By DAVE SHORT children's nutrition will also be North Dakota features several cooperation State News Staff Writer involved bedause both breakfast different The U.S. Dept. of Health, and lunch will be prepared for curriculum. projects in its ^pendent be the subject of a collon,,? nl the students there. The Follow Through program 2:30 p.m. Education and Welfare (HEW) Thursday Project Follow Through will is slated as a four - year program. has allotted $108,250 to the K provide education in basic Project directors will receive Columbia Chandler I Michigan Office of Economic money yearly to continue University's ri "I assealkl such more Opportunity (EOP) to fund a learning as language School of Business its progress. will Follow Through Project in the development and problem With 150 students impact of advanced solving. expected to join the program te3l Lansing school district in the 1970-71 school year. The program will feature each year, 600 children will be programs m the and atomic military!5I involved in Follow Through by energy fields thjl Under the heavy emphasis on parental her three disadvantaged program, children 150 will participation in the child's time the fourth year is reached. the - year field studTSI attend four and one-half hour learning process. Parents will The HEW money allotment management technologies in of advaLyl sessions during each school day serve as voluntary teacher aides, will pay for a major part of the and abroad. the United 51 *1 in the academic year. paid teacher aides or as members project. The city of Lansing will contribute $37,000 to the In addition to Most of the students will be of the policy - making board for looking »t», former the project. All parents of program; and EOP officials accomplishments 0f «£■ Project Head Start children in the program will expect $22,500 from Title I of systems, she will also discuSI pupils. But some other low the Federal income non - Head Start decide which one of five Elementary problems that still remain. I children will also take part in the educational curricula will be Secondary Education Act and Mrs. Chandler is the Follow Through Project. used duirng the year. $15,500 from Model Cities of a book entitled co-auth»l The five curriculum programs funds. Large "Manafol Follow Through will offer a wide diversity of learing The Follow Through Project - Scale Sw2l emphasize educational services will recieve an additional Organizations for the FutuiJI but will also provide medical and techniques. dental assistance for children The Institute New York University of amount of money from HEW when the educational cirriculum Threesome of Sponsored by the MSU Labor School! involved in it. Supervision of Studies Developmental curriculum is decided by the parents in Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood and Jean Seberg decide three Your Wagon," Joshua Logan's $20 million musical now Relations, the colloquium and Industrial revolves November. can live together as happily as two in this scene from "Paint be held in 115 wiiil around a series of educational playing at the Michigan Theater i n Lansing. Eppley Center. Bananas used games for learning development. The Hampton Institute curriculum highlights a no - Film viewers in need of prayer grading system, whereas the in supply swap University of Pittsburgh offers an individual instruction model. A "talking typewriter," with QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - which children develop language Ecuador has shipped 6,000 tons skills through using a special By ROBERT KIPPER "Paint Your Wagon" is the story of bananas to the Soviet Union typewriter, is a major part of of two "pardners," Lee Marvin by Eastwood and Miss Seberg, on the other end, adds to the I in exchange for 15,000 tons of State News Reviewer and Clint Eastwood, who share food, shelter, a claim and a responsive environmental misery. ' woman (Jean Seberg) in California Expansive void cement, Ecuador's Agriculture models coming from Kansas There's a scene in "Paint Your Wagon" in which a preacher during the gold rush days. Their life together as a happy triple goes Marvin Ministry announced. City, Mo. The University of arrives in a lawless town and, stunned, prays to the Lord to the nearby boomtown of No Name provides a smoothly as long as seems to have approached the wide screen as an I forgive the people. His prayer is perhaps the best advice I can give as the Western center of permissive setting expansive void that he, alone, must All with a larger - than lift • I if you insist on seeing this film: "Close thine eyes and hold thy gambling, drinking and whoring. portrayal. Thus, he delivers the most Idiotic, high - pitched I nose." Respectability ajrives performance of his career. r Without sight or smell you might be able to endure this But, with the arrival of cTiurchgding~p&6ple and their aura of As Ben, a bearded prospector, Marvin tries to outdo his Oscar I bustling, brawling and mindless musical. Most of the songs are respectability, Seberg has misgivings and Marvin decides it's time winning role as Kid Shelleen in "Cat Ballou" and ends uj I splendid so at least your sense of hearing won't be assaulted, to leave. He bids farewell to Seberg and Eastwood and their plans surpassing only Its energy while desecrating our fond memories of I although your sensibilities continually will be. for a normal life as Godfearing farmers. its Inspiration. His Ben is a swaggering, obnoxious sideshow of I ■I FORMATION 332 . OPEN 1 • flfl P M . Stwt 1 ■ The story is, to be sure, an unusual one for a $20 million film exaggerated emotions and unfunny flamboyance. I 1,1 ' ^ geared for the family trade. It is also a dull one and little more Eastwood and Miss Seberg, on the other hand, are so placid I 4 SHOWS DAILY - than a flimsy excuse for killing time between songs and filling the they seem transparent. The wide screen demands life size - V all too wide with expensive sets and gorgeous scenery. performances from actors. Anything less reduces them to 1:30-4:00-6:40-9:15 • - screen (Do open your eyes from time to time to savor the view, which, another scene just I - filling prop that the eyes and the mind pass over I Today is LADIES' DAY when Marvin, Eastwood and Miss Seberg get out of the way, is quickly. - 75c to 6 P.M. quite breathtaking.) Being upstaged by a tre* or a cabin is no small feat b„ _ STARTING The love triangle is never dealt with intelligently or Eastwood, an actor afraid of emotion, and Miss Seberg, an actress I ALL the Stars! ALL TKsxafisra \LL the Spectacle! ALL the Songs! imaginatively. The three approach it with a smugness that becomes insulting. The sex involved, vital to the story, is referred to with puritanical allusion and adolescent innuendo. merely seemingly incapable of registering genuine emotion, allow it happen with the unawareness of flash in the pan amateurs. - 'Camelot'director - ■ to I "Paint Your Wagon" wants to be spirited and ribald but it The film was directed by Joshua Logan. He, you ma. BEST PICTURE compromises for the family trade. What might have been a mildly diverting adult musical is instead a toneless work that confuses the kiddies and bores the adults. remember, is the man who put the spirit of "Camelot" to sleep on the screen but compensated with dazzling surface beauty, I I spirited showcasing of its music and glowing presentation of its I HEsYEAR! The acting, by Marvin, on one end of the acting spectrum, and most luminous asset: Vanessa Redgrave. But with "Paint Your Wagon" spirit has always been missing; I I LAST DAY the show was slumbering long before the cameras began to roll. | 1:15-3:15-5:10-7:05-9:05 Without stars with the magnetism of Miss Redgrave or at least the I WALT DISNEY'S attractiveness of Richard Harris or Franco Nero (the other I "Camelot" stars) to give it animation and lacking a spirited story I "THE BOATNIKS" to give it built - in appeal, "Paint Your Wagon" emerges as fiasco and an expected one. At 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:20-9:25 Destined to be a spectacular dud, it became one and not ev beautiful camerawork, fine music and fancy trappings can ma The Deadliest Man Alive one grateful for its arrival. 'AJISWJGnm* ...Takes on a Whole Army! LIONEL BARTS clint EASTWOOD Sunday chipssale Now Showing SHIRUEYmachine EAST imSING ow M 43 *,PHONE ED. 21042 't Limited Engagement ^eooyJOHNWDOLF o^CWOLREED F«nMl(K E« Next Week! "The Strawberry Statement" TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA for Goose EXCLUSIVE DRIVE- IN SHOWING |gpl A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR* • PANAVISION* COME AS LATE AS 10:00 P.M. See To accommodate the thousands .of people unable to attend all I Complete Show three days of the Aug. 7 - 9 Goose Lake International Music I Festival at Goose Lake Park near Jackson the park now has on I MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES sale a special chip for $6 for only the Sunday performance, I .headlined by Jethro Tull. Still available are a limited number of I three day chips at $15. - I Chips may be purchased in person beginning today at Goose I Lake Park office, 30999 10 Mile Rd., Farmington. Chips are also V available at Hudson's and Grinnell's stores throughout Michigan I Exclusive 3 Adult Hits BlISS MEYIB'S VIXEN WIIL RD. A ROSS HUNTER Production ■ JERK your emotions. i 216 AB80TT NOW! *11 Color! TODAY . . . Open 6:45 P.M. AIRPORT STRADDLE your soul. (beautiful they set out to rob a bank BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN Liar your senses. jouou/ . a war . and damn near won insteadi "La Femme Infidele" "Last Summer" ■ ■ IBwooa/todgj WVIC Present* -WNEW-TV W m-Tim* Mag ■ _ JEAN SEBERG RUtt MIYIR'8 JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY INTRODUCING ERICA GAVIN AS VIXEN. VIXEN. starts FRIDAY: In Color at 2:00, 5:30,8:45 HELEN HAYES RESTRICTED TO ADULT AUDIENCES. IN EASTMANCOLOR. 21l (itome*, PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY RUSS MEYER. AN EVE PRODUCTION. VAN HEFLIN mm——"VIXEN" Shown 2nd at 10:30i— MAUREEN STAPLET0N BARRY NELSON 2nd Adult Feature russ meyer'S MASH THEGOME LLOYD NOLAN Finders Keepers... ™Sk»T« "A COCKEYED MEN PUS 0 ZS2S&, MASTERPIECE!!, ITMIMI ILIA DANIEL LUIS SAND""11 litersto Weepers! • iim'minnm askwa"1 ^ ...the one see! 'Uluit tin "» y &lf$rrfng an EVE PRODUCTION « miki'il fmfi#.*"* Kelly's Heroes - STARRING - Anne CHAPMAN • Paul LOCKWOOD • Gordon WESCOURT- Laveile ROBY Clint Eaitwood * Tally Savalai "GNAWING SEXUAL HUNGER, SINCLAIR . Jan Pam • Duncan McLEOD • Robert RUDELSON • Joey DUPREZ COLLINS- John FURLONG EN HUNT Don Ricklei • Carroll O'Connor Donald Sutharland STINGINGLY • Nick WOLCUFF IN I RECOMMENDED FOB ONLY THE MOST MATURE 1 COlORi^hM, 4|°°, t .00, ^ ,|]0.gl0D ^ 90{ CONVEYED IN SLASHING TEMPO I- "BBS" ...ADMIRABLY WROUGHT'' Shown 3rd at 12:00 p.m. Shown at 8:30 • Repe 3rd Adult Color Hit JAMES COBURN —1PP<—wg mtttimw LEE REMICK LILLI PALMER ram, iwwwn ,n BURGESS MEREDITH Shown first at 8:27 - Repeated in Part 2o ROBOT RCDfORQ; Also COMPANY OF KILLERS at 11:10 Hard Contract Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 29, 1970 AEC offers steam power WASHINGTON (UPI) - The plan the Senate minerals, materials to a question by Bible said the Atomic Energy Commission said Also appearing before the an and fuels subcommittee. AEC's own contribution in committee was Chairman John increasingly significant "They also envision producing Tuesday it is studying a plan to In response to questions by manpower would be about portion of the potential energy high - pressure steam by the N. Nassikas of the Federal Power needs produce electricity by exploding in some areas of the Sens. Alan Bible, D-Nev., and $70,000. Commission who said natural injection and recirculation of a nuclear bomb underground, country, particularly in the water through huge subterranean Henry Bellmon, R-Okla., the steam deposits "appear to be self pumping water into the hole and AEC official said no cost figures Kelly urged that a pending bill West," he said. hot cavities or reservoirs created renewing and - using the steam to run an had been developed but that by Bible to provide for lease of relatively The FPC chairman, testifying by electric generator. natural inexhaustible sources of before underground nuclear "the principle looks good." geothermal steam Kelly, said "some explosions," Nassikas added. The study was reported by resources in public lands be energy." optimistic experts" foresee "I don't know how the John S. Kelly, director of the amended to provide for the drilling up to 30 miles into the The economics might work," Kelly "Although scarcely tapped to earth FPC chairman neither A EC's division of peaceful nuclear plan as well. to tap natural admitted. date, they may come to provide energy gave nor was asked for his explosives, in testimony before a Bellmon also asked Kelly sources. evaluation of the proposal. Senate committee looking Into whether areas with "hot, dry the use of natural steam for power underground production. rock" might not be the same ones in which earthquakes URBAN EMPHASIS Kelly said the idea came from frequently occur. AEC's Lawrence Radiation "I'm sure they are," Kelly Laboratory at Livermore, Calif., 'Dialogue' projects begun replied. and the Bate lie Memorial The Oklahoma Republican Institute's Pacific Northwest then asked whether an Laboratories at Richland, Wash. underground nuclear blast might Kelly said the nuclear device trigger an earthquake. would be exploded some The clinic deals with the medical and 6,000 "That's one of the things well By JEANNE SADDLER psychiatric problems of to 10,000 feet underground to look at in great detail," Kelly Associate Campus Editor approximately 150 patients daily. Miss Kumata and Miss break up "hot, dry rock." Water said. Warshawsky volunteered to process patient records. piped into the "chimney of Seventeen students participating in Dialogue '70, a student Several students as well as Morris are Kelly said the study being working with agencies broken hot rock" would be made under an agreement with research project in Los Angeles, Calif., have begun their work related to the problems of criminal turned into steam to power a with several urban social agencies there. justice, juvenile delinquency Brighter view steam turbine electric generator. the American Oil Shale Corp., Salt Lake City, Utah, was The students, 16 from MSU and one from the University of and drugs. Gary Bissell, Haslett senior; Jack Zindel, East Lansing senior; "It is believed that Michigan traveled to the coast with Clyde Morris, professor of fcampus window washers get a hand from extra - long poles potential scheduled for completion in Gregory Johnson, Lansing junior; and Tom Milkovich, Maple Ld hoses during their assignments to give the people inside dry geothermal areas can be February, 1971. Kelly described communications, on his second summer Dialogue program. Last Heights, Ohio, freshman, are interviewing parole officers and found in all the states west of it year, Morris's group traveled throughout the Midwest talking with buildings such as Ag. Hall a clear view of life outside. the continental divide as well as as "somewhat of a paper personnel in Orange County to make a study of juvenile middle aged citizens, State News photo by Dick Warren study" being done on a - attempting to bridge the generation gap. delinquency. Three others, studying the problem of teen drug Alaska and Hawaii," Kelly told This year's project is called "A "no-cost" basis, but in response Listening and Learning Project users, are working with police and county health officials. with Social Problems in Urban Areas." The students Susan Rose. Oak Park hope their sophomore, and Reva Grooms, Fenton work with social agencies in Los Angeles will enable them to senior, are involved with the Orange County of Criminal Justice, t.9 BILLION DEFICIT remedy problems some of Michigan's expanding cities may face in the future. studying their court, policing and detention systems. In the area of social relations, Becky Brenneman, Muncie, Ind., Morris estimates that the group has been in contact with at least sophomore, is studying the treatment of individuals when they 150 individuals and organizations in the past four weeks. are referred to public agencies by a certain Help - Line agency. Karol Kumata, the U-M student, and Other students are studying female Marjorie Warshawsky, juvenile delinquency and '69-70 budget in the red Ishpeming sophomore, are working at the Longbeach Free Clinic. the problems of welfare and the elderly. BAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) - The Western White House Jnounced Tuesday that last year's federal budget was $2.9 pion in the red, worse than expected but not as bad as it might ve been. fen making the announcement, Director George P. Shultz of the There will be Wednesday on a While some members of parallel session at the presidential offices domestic budgeting for the next fiscal year. Congress have been eyeing defense spending with an idea of slashing it to make more funds available for domestic needs, Nixon says it will be very difficult to prune SUMMER BOOK %ice of Management and Budget, told newsmen, "We were the defense budget further in fiscal 1972. bcessful in holding the expenditure line." fchultz, recently installed as the government's top budget - ■king official, described the results as "a strong and satisfactory And the President has said also that exceed defense programs in the 1971 cent. nondefense programs budget by 41 to 37 per SALE !e declined to make any guesses about the deficit je feger. current fiscal year. Many observers believe it will be much expected in NEW HARD-BOUND BOOKS In analyzing the fiscal 1970 outcome, Shultz said the bigger - John B. Rae THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ■ anticipated deficit reflected a falloff in tax revenues Reg. $5.95 Now $1.25 American Heritage & UPI CHURCHILL - THE LIFE TRIUMPHANT seof the economic slowdown. Reg. $3.50 Now $1.25 Herbert J. Muller FREEDOM IN THE MODERN WORLD Jhultz earlier miinar met with the President and four other top Nixon J.P. Hodin BARBARA HEPWORTH Reg. $9.95 Now $2.49 on the Department of Defense budget. Reg. $17.50 Now $6.98 Groucho Marx THE GRQUCHO LETTERS* - Reg. $4.95 fVlow $1.25 Harold J.L. Wright REMBRANDT ETCHINGS Reg. $12.50 Now $6.98 C. Lake & R. Maillard DICTIONARY OF MODERN PAINTING Reg. $8.95 Now $5.98 la gazine Irving Shulman VALENTINO - Great Lover or Myth Stephen Birmingham THE RIGHT PEOPLE Reg. $6.95 Reg. $10.00 Now $1.25 Now $3.49 A.K. Kaganovich ARTS OF RUSSIA: 17th & 18th Century Reg. $29.95 Now $8.98 W. A. Swanberg PULITZER Reg. $8.95 Now $4.75 rsf U' rod A. Daley & J. Arlott PAGEANTRY OF SPORT Wm. Younger GODS, MEN, AND WINE Anton Refregier NATURAL FIGURE DRAWING Reg. $25.00 Reg. $19.75 Now $8.98 Now $4.75 Now $1.25 Karl Shapiro THE BOURGEOIS POET Reg. $1.95 |irty persons, $33 and a loan Praise came from many Reg. $4.00 Now $1.25 ASMSU put together contestants about the Agnes deMille LIZZIE BORDEN: A Dance of Death Reg. $6.95 Now $2.4» 's first intercollegiate rodeo organization of the rodeo, the Meyer A. Zelig FRIENDSHIP AND FRATRICIDE Now $2.49 fepring. Reg. S8.95 magazine article said. The W.A. Swanberg THEODORE DREISEK - An American Genius e rodeo is featured in the Reg. $10.00 Now $2.49 crowds were exciting — so big ANDY WARHOL'S INDEX (BOOK) it issue of The Western Reg. $10.00 Now $3.49 and enthusiastic — one R. Scharff ESQUIRE'S BOOK OF BOATING Reg. $12.50 Now $3.49 contestant said. L. Basserman THE OLDEST PROFESSION MSU Rodeo Reg. $8.95 Now S5.98 Club, a Hans Christian ANDERSEN'S FAIRY TALES |ber of the Great Plains With the experience and Gladys Mann TRADITIONAL BRITISH COOKING FOR PLEASURE Now S3.49 f'1 of the National success of the first Now $3.49 rodeo, the Andrew Turnbull THOMAS WOLFE: A Biography Jiollegiate Rodeo Assn., had club is planning another one, Reg. $7.95 Now $3.49 | organized "r More it a little more than and since it has become solvent Stanley Weintraub AUBREY BEARDSLEY - A Biography Reg. $6.00 Now $1.25 sponsored the Hertha Orgler ALFRED ADLER: The Man and His Work it can help support a team Reg. $5.95 Now $1.25 Ralph Ginzburg & Warren Boroson THE BEST OF FACT B^as the first time, according financially in their travel Reg. $5.95 Now $1.25 Johnathan Bishop EMERSON ON THE SOUL Now $2.49 ■ e Western Horseman, that expenses to regional shows. Reg. $6.75 James Cleugh THE FIRST MASOCHIST ■ one in the Reg. $6.95 Now $2.49 region had Herbert Howarth FIGURES BEHIND T.S. ELIOT Reg. $6.00 Now $1.25 H so far east for an 13 ,, M.M. Marberry SEX & THE BLOOMER GIRL - VICKY ■collegiate Je club rodeo. ICHIGAN A.A. Spectorsky, Ed. THE COLLEGE YEARS Reg. $5.95 Now $1.25 was Theatre • Lansinq Reg. $7.95 Now $3.49 plagued with ■ during the • because of of planning this, but a EL pavilion of Oldsters, TODAYjjjOpenl^OOP^M. •8 ters and I1"V ro ON NEW AND USED PAPERBACKS Feature 1:45-4:20-7:00-9:35 STACK 'EM UP AND MEASURE . . . Happening^ PAY at the /® 25c PER INCH $249 PER FOOT TONIGHT- AT BOTH "HAPPY 8-10 (Jura pooK^OR« Pir^^°UNT wSfflL- VALIDATED PARKING Thursday • Quart Night" ACROSS FROM THE UNION WITH MIN. $2 PURCHASE ACROSS FROM BERKEY Wednesday, July 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Crippled Spartan gridders maintain hope dreaded occurrence that was suppose to be a when artificial grass was surfaced in Spartan thing of the past Stadium. But la*l the the hospital and another cast on his leg. The ironic thing about mishap was that it was Piro's first day of practice since the Williams clearly remembers the play which will c°st 1970 season. him the "I was going around end and got hit by a couple 0 spring the two Spartan backs underwent similar operations only a previous season, when he suffered the same type of Injury in the tne two - time prep all - America said. "As I was goin»down"' week apart. MSU - Purdue game. I For Steve Piro and Jesse Williams, there won't be a 1970 It's been three months since then, and Piro and Williams are "Right now my knee is just a big question mark," Piro said last of the Halliday's helmet hit me In the knee and then fell n °nt football season at Michigan State. now walking normally and working out each day to strengthen week while at work. "Duffy (MSU Head Football Coach Duffy can still see that helmet coming at me." on "• I Oh they'll both be out for most of the practice sessions and their knees. Though their immediate future is bleak, both men Daugherty) has already told me that they'll red shirt me next year Williams spoke with a grin, but you could tell that deeD h they'll be two of the Spartans' strongest rooters each Saturday. have maintained good attitudes despite their injuries. in hopes that the knee is all right for the 1971 season. his slender 6-1, 185 pound frame it hurt to know thik" But to share in the happiness and satisfaction after each win, or MSU Equipment manager Ken Early has made sure the pair "I'll be able to work out on it this fall, but can't take part in wouldn't see any action for the Spartans this fall. For if p! . the agony and frustration after each loss, that's something they'll Injury was damaging, Williams' Injury was crippling to MSII tui! doesn't lose any of the football atmosphere this summer by any contact work. The coaches have said that I'll probably either have to leave to their teammates, this year anyway. hopes this season. The Spartans seem to have found two bl putting the two to work painting the locker rooms in Spartan help out with the scouting team or the freshman squad." Both men are the unfortunate victims of knee injuries, that Stadium. They've been at it for a month now and will probably replacements in George Mihaiu and Mike Rasmussen to fill Long struggle for Piro the need another two or three weeks to finish the job. It's certainly a quarterbacking chores, but other than Henry Mathews noh I CLIP THIS COUPON " worthwhile project as the rooms (dressing quarters for the It's been a long struggle for the Iowa City junior, ever since he looked real strong at the running back spots during the Sn° freshman footballers and home and visiting soccer, track and had his first knee mishap back in 1968 while a senior in high practices. pnn8 Who will yield cross country teams) have never been painted before. school. It almost cost him a scholarship and a chance to play at For the time being, Piro and Williams will have to piav 96 Piro's story is one filled with hard luck. He had been counted MSU. waiting game and make the best of their situations. But do < on to make a strong run for the starting quarterback spot this fall, "I was playing defense the second game of the season," Piro think both men haven't been looking at the 1971 MSU schedi"! I > is name of game but a sharp cut on an end around run this spring, put him back in said, "and was in the process of tackling the runner. Somebody — in between their painting hours of course. came up from behind me and hit the back of my knee, causing it to snap. DINNER in contract talks "I had received several Big Eight coaches, but offers from Big Ten schools and from after they saw that knee injury, a lot of them never came around again. Actually it was my basketball that SALE PHILADELPHIA National Football (UPI) League - may have won me a football scholarship. I recovered from the operation quickly and played basketball that winter so the MSU (WITH COUPON) coaches figured that the knee must be OK." owners and players continued Piro almost enrolled at the University of Iowa where his dad their "who's going to yield" was an assistant coach from 1952 - 1965 under Forest Evashevski game on the fifth straight day of and later Jerry Burns. But the Hawkeyes were experiencing some bargaining Tuesday to work out difficult times then (which have since increased) so Piro decided a new contract. The chief point on MSU. of contention remained an $8 Williams also almost decided on another school — Southern million additional contribution California. He and high school teammate Gail Clark were all set to from the owners to the players' become part of the Trojans' freshman squad two years ago, but pension fund. changed their mind at the last minute. Stick with Gail Morning discussion were held 1 Dinner Per Coupon separately by subcommittees "When we were in high school, Gail and I agreed we would which included player and attend the same school together," Williams said, setting down his SPECIAL SALE owner representatives, but a paint brush next to Piro's. "We had signed letters of intent to go JULY 28 thru JULY 30 scheduled afternoon joint to Southern Cal and were just waiting to make it official when we session was postponed twice to a decided MSU would be a better choice. Actually it was more COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE 7 p.m. (EDT) starting time. Gail's idea than mine, as I had kinda looked forward to going to Kffituikij Guessers could only wonder whether it meant the negotiators California. "I wanted to go to some school where I knew I could play ball for them and be a starter," the Bellefontaine, Ohio native said. "I fHed Chicken were somewhere near agreement or deadlocked more tightly. knew it would be tough at Southern Cal as they always have exceptional runners there and have a lot of junior college 1040 E. Grand River, E.L. transfers. So when Gail suggested MSU, I agreed." The new contract under study 3140 Williams had suffered only one major injury in his career before S. Logan St. contained a large number of 3200 N. East St. - U.S. 27 his accident last spring. items — a score or more — some 4238 W. Saginaw "I had a sprained ankle my sophomore year and missed the of them called tricky, but it was 1620 E. Michigan agreed the main obstacle to game which decided the league championship," he said. "We won * settlement was the pension plan. Jesse Williams though 12-0. The guys said afterwards their slogan was 'Win it for Steve Piro CLIP THIS COUPON -1 the Gimper.' After that I stayed healthy." BASEBALL STANDINGS Leisman EAST EAST W L PCT. GB L L PCT. GB Baltimore 62 38 .620 - perfect 55 45 .550 - DETROIT New York 55 43 .561 52 46.531 6 9 Pittsburgh New York Chicago 53 45 .541 1 50 48 .510 4 is Boston 50 47 .515 10W Philadelphia 46 51 .474 7V4 Cleveland 47 52 .475 14W Montreal 42 5? -*24 12V4 Washington 45 53 .459 16 St. Louis 42 57 .424 12W WEST WEST in 5-0 win] W L PCT. GB ,W L PCT. GB Minnesota 61 33 .649 - Cincinnati 70 31 .693 - MSU junior Dave Leisman put California 58 42 .580 6 Los Angeles 56 42 .571 i2Vi it all together Monday night# Oakland 54 44 .551 9 Atlanta 48 51 .485 21 Kansas San Francisco 46 51 .474 22 he hurled a perfect game againa City 36 63 .364 27W Milwaukee 36 63 .364 27W Houston 45 54 .455 24 Barber Advertising in a City Chicago 35 67 .343 30 San Diego 40 61 .396 30 League baseball game. Hii teammates scored twice in tin TUESDAY'S RESULTS TUESDAY'S RESULTS opening inning and added three Boston at Oakland, night Houston 10, Chicago 4 more later on as the Petroff New York at California, night San Diego at Montreal, night Realty club took a 5-0 decision. Washington at Milwaukee, night San Francisco at New York, night The hard throwing Leisraw Kansas City at DETROIT, night Los Ageles at Philadelphia, night took care of most of the Barber Minnesota at Cleveland, night St. Louis at Atlanta, night Chicago at Baltimore, night Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night batters himself, as he whiffed 13 of a possible 21 men. Of the eight fortunate times Barber men didn't fan, only once did the | ball get hit to the outfield. The win marked the seventh straight for the Lansing Waveriyi SECRETARIES product and lowered his ERA (based on 7 innings) to 1.37.HeI also increased his league leading strikeout total to 82. It's your day, again! FREE STORAGE Holiday Inn salutes those hard working secretaries SERVICE with a luncheon buffet.. FOR YOUR CLOTHING . and a great cocktail hour from 4-8 in the Batik Room! REG. U.S. PAT. OFFT^ LOUIS CLEANERS frontier fringe is on the move in 623 E. GRAND RIVER 3121 E.Grand River EAST LANSING ^ way-out suede things. .it's a $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE . * $ $ $ SAVE $ $ $ SAVE $ S $ SAVE J whole from out of the new scene SHEPARD'S west in rugged-looking suedes that, Tremendous Semi-Annual Clearance turn out soft in warm woodsey Shoe Sale tones. See our herd of wild bracelets, bags, vests and Thousands of Reductions on headbands trimmed up with glossy Famous-Name Shoes for wood beads, shiny grommets and long fly-away fringe Free parking In city ramp MEN have charge with purchase The belts, $7.-$10. Bracelets, $5.-$7 WOMEN accounts Vests, $20.-$23. Headbands. $3. The long necklace, shown at upper DOWNTOWN > EAST LANSING right, $5. Pouch bag. $10. Jacobsoiis » 326 South Washington Since 1944 317 East Grand RiverAv - First Choice of MSU Studenti _ ^$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$saveJ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 29, 1970 9 ■ APPLE. PEACH OR COCONUT CREME ■ I banquet m j/ /mi# couponak^ -full of eating pleasure u.s. fancy western grown new crop banquetfrozen dinners .. §39' W GOOD TOWARDS ^ SNOW CROP FROZEN j ag MILLS BROS. COFFEE* NECTARINES BARTLETT PEARS sweet peas or cut corn...'^17 OVEN READY CHEESE STYLE chef boy-ar-dee pizzas . .. 'EACH* PQC i^\^^"without 41,99' coupon 2-49* 2 TOASTER READY ^ «% d £ LBS. 4 harvest waffles paper maid putes ASSORTED COLORS l >™ l 1 -^95' A f northern facial tissue .... t«f' 21 ASSORTED COLORS ^ df DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW ^61' northern paper towels . tr 794 PINCONNING CHEESE 99c qualityirash bags jf Wea KRAFT CHEiESE SLICES "'T.. special label vets nuggets dog food . i55( til pfc JJ STARKIST TUNA special label j f. wilson's ice milk bars 'ttA,59 ivory liquid for dishes ."ka? 4j 45c 81* .... (irfecnji storage SPECIAL LAIEL « li half gallon carton purpose FOOD CONTAINER 80 ox. Jar WILSON'S ORANGE SHERBET 49c tide-xk detergent o'«°7 bVi-oi. wt. &•* 70c CAN •fine quality foods "-SON ICE CREAM LOWFAT MILK fast friendly service WILSON'S DAIRY mm CARTON 47* '/2-GALLON 4 everyday low prices CARTON 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JVednesdajOui^^ State news state news classified Get the Want Ad habit and save money. Call today and place a money-saver ad. classified 355-8255 355-825B The State News does not Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil hank For Rent For Rent permit racial or religious AIRPORT NEAR. Single adults, EAST SIDE, near Sparrow Hospital. EAST discrimination in its RAMBLER 1965, Classic 6, wagon. LANSING Duple* dTT- modern furnished, $15 per week, One bedroom apartment furniehed advertising culumns. The Body and equipment in good 489-7253. 5-8-4 or unfurnished. Summer rates. School, 3 bedroom, JS* State News will not shapa. Engine needs work. 361-632X0 family only, $195 uti||""N 351-4211. 5-7-30 332-8064. 3-7-31 ' accept advertising which FURNISHED ONE man apartment one block from campus. Availeble BEECH STREET, two possible three • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against TR 3 1960. Mechanically sound. TWO GIRLS Scooters & Cycles August 1st. Call 365-6187. 3-7-31 bedrooms apartment, partially now and / or fji\ " religion, race, color or Body, interior needs work. Best furnished. Phone 484-8173. O bedroom, close t0 Auto Parts & Service national origin. offer over $200. 2416 East Grand 351-2237. X-3-7-31 2 GIRLS needed for 4-glrl in Cedar River, Lansing, 489-2615. 3-7-30 TWO GIRLS now end / or Fall. Own Aviation starting September. Call • Village 332-0386 after 4 p.m. 3-7-31 bedroom, close to campus. MALE FEMALE* ow~n~ be(jra EMPLOYMENT TRIUMPH TR-4, 1963. Wire wheels, $35. No lease 351-2237. 3-7-30 • FOR RENT overdrive, tonneau cover, radio, Lansing, 486-7016. 2-7-30 ,Wy Automotive heater. $650. Phone 372-8130. EAST LANSING furnished efficiency Apartments neer MSU. $110 Includes utilities TWO AND three bedroom houses. Houses DODGE DART, 1962, for sala $200 5-8-4 and parking, 332-2446 after 4 Lake Lansing area. Call 339-8331 SUMMER: Individual TNT7re~~~, p.m. 2-7-30 or 361-8810.3-7-30 rooms klvt; Rooms or trada for motorcycla. VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. privileges. Monthly 0r Z* 393-4593. 3-7-31 Excellent condition, many extres, 332-8903. 4-7-31 • FOR SALE TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS: QIRL STARTING fall, large house, $1650 or best offer. Must sell, Call Animals DODGE LANCER, 1961. subleaee one bedroom furnished own room, block from campus, Mobile Homes Outstanding running condition, J366-6121. 3-7-31 air - conditioned. Phone after 6:30 361-2203. 6-8-3 Rooms $165. 351-2508.6-7-31 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. p.m. 361-2486.3-7-31 ♦ PERSONAL GIRL TO share, two bedroom ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL FALCON 1963, 2 door. Good Light blue, radio, for Information call 351-4416. 2-7-30 LAKE LANSING - five rooms furnished apartment, 484-4388 6 - 630 STODDARD, cooking, $70. single"™ furnished except lights. 8 p.m. 4-7-31 |mmi * REAL ESTATE transportation, $250 / bast offer. Stores 361-9036, 332-0480. 5-8-3 355-7998. 3-7-30 VOLKSWAGEN 1967: Excellent close. 339-8295. 5-8-4 # RECREATION EAST LANSING merried or faculty: condition, includes stereo tape, ♦SERVICE FALCON FUTURA 1962, good $1150. Call 332-4540. 2-7-29 NEW, MODERN two bedroom modern, one bedroom FRANDOR NEAR>n7.~rMm"I Typing Service body, new tires, $175. 337-1178. 3-7-31 apartments. unfurnished. Located Furnished In and/or Perry. unfurnished, eir conditioning, $150, 332-4194, efter 5 p.m. ssy? * TRANSPORTATION VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 Bug. Good Call 625-3366. 3-7-31 3-7-30 condition. Extras. Call 882-5350. THREE ROOMS, 200 , ♦ WANTED FIREBIRD 1968, one owner family 5-7-30 car, $1800 or make offer. Phone APARTMENT ACROSS from COLONIAL ARMS for fall. V4 block DEADLINE 351-7711 after 6 p.m. 3-7-31 campus, inquire after 4 p.m., 113 off campus. Four man apartments, 1 P.M. one class day Scooters & Cycles Louis Street, East Lansing. $65. 351-7146. 3-7-29 CLOSE TO campus on FIREBIRD 1967, V-8 automatic. Sell 10-8-11 ForestSt* before publication. $25, deposit. 3:2-2947. at wholesale. $1,250. Phone LCC, NEAR, bedroom, with 3.7.3, 'sinceNASA 5RWfcIfPACflf one Cancellations one class - day 12 noon before 627-7917. 5-7-31 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national companies. Compare our rates. . H CAME LOT APARTMENTS: 4901 refrigerator, stove, carpet, utilities SPARTAN HALL singles. Men South Pennsylvania. Quiet peid, parking, very nice. IV publication. FORD 1961. Automatic, transportation, $100. 339-9369. good 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or 505 Albert, East Lansing, mis, mm timiahseen senot location for grad students and faculty. One bedroom furnished, 2-7102 or 694-0148. 5-7-31 PHONE __3-7-29_ 484-8173. O ■mesAiue! $150 monthly. Possession now or ROOMMATE NEEDED - Femele DOUBLE: 237 Kedzie Reasonib, 355-8255 HONDA 1969 September 1st. Call manager 23-35. Luxury epartment, own Private entrance. RATES FORD 1964, 9 passenger Country Squire. Power accessories. Good great CB450. condition, low mileage, Must sell, gaMssau 393-8657 MANAGEMENT, or FOX PROPERTY 372-1954. bedroom, no lease, $90 monthly, damage deposit. Ruth 355-5622, 351-9584, 372-4828. 3-7-30 Parking to condition, 332-6640. 3-7-31 $650. Best offer, 351-6212. 1 day $1.50 3-7-31 14-8-17 or 361-9008.6-7-31 ONE SINGLE male, quiet, 1 15c per word per day parking, linens, reason FORD 1964, four door, 48,000 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man YAMAHA 1969, 125 Enduro. New WALKING DISTANCE 332-3094. 3-7-29 3 days $4.00 miles. Clean, good condition, Employment For Rent to campus. deluxe one bedroom, furnished 13Vic per word per day $400. 484-0784. 3-7-29 condition, must sell. 332-6984. Completely furnished efficiency apartment for graduate student, epartments. Phone IV 9-9651 or 5 days $6.50 3-7-30 FIELD CONSULTANT, masters $100 per month. 351-7283. 337-0780. O CAMPUS NEAR, single room'^ GTO 1968, 17,000 miles, automatic cooking, call 351-9237 13c per word per day console, vinyl top, excellent HONDA 1970, 350cc. Leaving for degree, Speech, travel, $9,000. Apartments 1-7-29 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 484-8173.0 (based on 10 words per ad) California. Must sell. 372-7344, CURTIS EMPLOYMENT condition. 351-2032. 3-7-30 bedroom furnished or 2010 East Kalamazoo. 3-7-31 AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-7-29 FURNISHED STUDIO, 2 man. GRADUATE WOMEN. One block Northeast from unfurnished. Belconies, security Peanuts Personals must be MERCURY Street, Lansing. campus. Completely MONTCLAIR 1964, locks, laundry. Quiet eree. Cell AGRICULTURAL: old company car, 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 furnished, utilities and parking pre-paid. V-8, power steering / brakes, 351-4698, 332-3311 and ED travel, fee paid, $7,200. Phone included, $55. 337-2336. 3-7-31 radio, automatic transmission, 2-2920. O There will be a 50c service neat red interior, $550. 332-8246. CURTIS EMPLOYMENT 4 GIRLS needed for immediate For Sale and bookkeeping charge if AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-7-29 occupancy, or starting Fall. NEAR CAMPUS and downtown East 2-7-29 STODDARD Furnished. Beach Street, Lansing, choice location. Grad APARTMENTS, 1 BEAD LOOMS 81 NECKLACES. this ad is not paid within bedroom. Now leaslngfor FallTarm. SECRETARIES, GENERAL office, 489-1277 or 489-0029. 7-7-31 students, young marrleds and Make eny size or style. Clwl one week. MGA 1961. Good condition. Best 50cc GOT clerical jobs in abundance. Start Balconies, laundry. Near campus. you down? Must sail faculty. New one bedroom, 332-3848, forenoon 01 offer. Steve, 332-5035 after 4 The $tate News will be p.m. 5-8-3 175cc, $145 cash. 351-6021. now. Call CURTIS 2 GIRLS for 4 girl in Cedar Village. dishwasher, air conditioning, __Call 351-8238. O p.m. W 4-7-31 EMPLOYMENT, 482-0783. $50 of damage deposit paid. 9 carpeting, From responsible only for the etc. $166, MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 3-7-29 month lease, $72.60 / month. Call Aveileble by first day's incorrect MGB 1964. Wire August 15th, Marigold across from campus. ROBERT'S TAPE recorder modd wheels, Tonneau collect, 332-1183. 5-8-4 insertion. cover, MG mitten, engine rebuilt CHILD CARE responsible mature 313-822-_n93. 5-7-29 Deluxe 2 man furnished 771X. Excellent condition, C» 2-70. Extremely clean, $775. Call NEED ONE man for 4 epartments. Now leasing for fall. 332-0318. 3-7-29 person who loves bebies to care man SMALL UPSTAIRS after 4 p.m., 351-3280. 4-7-31 apartment, IV 9-9651 or 361-1890. O for young baby and do some apartment. Air conditioning, pool, South side. Private entrance, housework from 8:30-4 Monday for information call between 7 • 4 utilities paid, $115 a month plus NEW 2 COLLINGWOOD MGB 1967. Black with red interior. Bedroom apartments In - Friday. Faculty home, walking p.m. 393-8977 or 4 - 12 p.m. deposit, references. 484-6684. Haslett, furnished and Excellent condition, low mileage, norton 1968 (Matchless) 750cc, distance from campus. Permanent 337-1686. 5-7-30 5-8-4 i. Automotive one owner. Call 372-6372 after 6 60 horsepower, $875. 351-0903. position, good pey. Cell ED unfurnished. Beginning at $160; (formerly NorthwindApis.) p.m. 3-7-29 5-7-29 7-0241 after 5 p.m. 6-8-4 QUIET furnished $185. East Lansing FURNISHED apartments JUST OFF South AUSTlW • HEALEY 3000, MKIII, with utilities and Washington, Realty, ED 2-3534 or T-* St<*»le. garage. 1 attractive, one bedroom, utilities 1965. Exceptionelly good body. MUSTANG 196 Co- ertible, 3-speed V-8. Low mileage, $1250. Auto Service & Parts babysitter references, - twin own transportation, babies, 2 - bedroom, $130; 2 bedroom, $150; Close, driving distance to campus. paid, furnished. Phone 485-7702. 3-7-31 332-1986. EAST LANSING 10-8-5 APARTMENTS 355-9943. 5-8-4 neer cempus. One MASON BODY"SHOP*, 81~2 _E« ? -P£' 5 d'V' 1 WMk' 337"749B- West Bernes. 484-0497. 3-7-30 bedroom, furnished. Large airy Kalamazoo Street since 1940. OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green Air CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE MUSTANG 1966. 4-speed . . . —---- WILSHIRE ARMS Apartments near rooms. conditioned. Complete auto painting and THREE FULL time men needed, Apartments. Ideel for married Beautifully maintained. Select 1963, 327, 4-speed. Good body, convertible. Excellent condition, 6 MSU. collision service. iv 5-0256. C Specious 2 bedrooms, grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 top. 373-4428, 351-3229. 1-7-29 cylinder, 351-7279. 5-7-29 High pay, 371-1913. C clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or carpeted, air conditioned. No lease bedroom, furnished and 882-6549. O ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call required, $165 per month. Phone unfurnished, $130 $175 CORVAIR MONZA MUSTANG 1966, automatic, new SUMMER AND part time convertible, 489-1719. TF KALAMAZOO STREET BODY employment with full line monthly. Possession now or 1962, 4-speed transmission, tires, brakes, shocks, must sell. SHOP. Small dents to large merchant wholesaler. Automobile September 1st. Call manager, Houses excellent running condition, $225. 355-8235. 3-7-30 BEECHWOOD, 2 bedrooms wrecks. American and foreign 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY IV 4-8713 or 484-8483. 2-7-30 required. 351-5800 for furnished. Close to campus, ONE GIRL cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. information. O MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. needed, private room, OLDSMOBILE 1968: 442, 2-door, summer and fall leases. 332-0965. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 14-8-17 $50/monthly. After 6 p.m. CORVAIR, 1965, 2 door with vinyl hardtop. Fully equipped. hm'tead management * SHAG CARPETING __332-532a 5-8^1 automatic transmission. Excellent Call 482-0285. 3-7-29 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and For Rent ( -.1-7910.0 ONE AND TWO bedroom * NEW FURNITURE transportation, $495. Phone 2 BEDROOM house furnished, * OLDSMOBI LE 88 4 door hardtop American cars. If we cen't fix it, it epartments, summer and fall. UNLIMITED 694-8936. 3-7-31 N~" .NAGE, T Colony cerpeted. Fell term. 411 Clifford, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Furnished, 351-6586. 5-7-31 PARKING 1965. Clean, good condition, a. w Princeton m 1 and 2 489-6476. 3-7-31 CORVAIR $750. 337-0517. 3-7-30 0-7-29 monthly and term rates. Call * DISHWASHERS 1964: well cared for, bedrooms. 337-9228. HALSTEAD 351-7900 to reserve yours. * dependeble, no rust, friendly. MANAGEMENT AIR COND. UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C COMPANY, * $290. 355-3232. 4-7-31 OLDSMOBI LE 442, 1969, W30. Aviation 351-7910.0 ON THE BANK OF Must sell. Phone 351-5778 after 5 THE RED CEDAR RENT A TV from a TV company. CORVAIR 1965, 140 horsepower, p m. 3-7-30 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to * $9.50 par month. Call 337-1300. UNIVERSITY VILLA, 4 blocks to custom-made $55.00/man good condition, $150. leern in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Student NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Union. Fall leeses Volkswegen chassis with OPEL 1967 Super Kadett. Sport Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C available. 3 and 4 man furnished. for you transmission, $75. Will sell coupe. Relley red, 4 speed, $800. 36 1-3729. HALSTEAD MODEL OPEN separately. 351-5751. 3-7-30 TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free IV 5-1373. 3-7-29 MANAGEMENT Employment del iverias. Call SELCO 361 -7910, O COMPANY, Choose from our selection of 15 styles that will make the finest quality, most comfortable sandals you'll ever DAILY CORVETTE 1960, stored 3 years. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1968. Yellow COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. wear, New 327, beautiful condition. PART TIME work for students. Car because they are made to fit you. behind the with black vinyl top, bucket seats. LEASING FOR Fall. $210 for 2 Might consider larger cyle in part necessery. Call 351-7319 for bedrooms, $160, 1 bedroom. Yankee store trade. 351-3258. 3-7-29 Excellent condition, $1800. Call 351-1727.5-8-3 interview. C TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, Efficiencies, $125. BURCHAM Parisian Shoe Repair $8.50 per month including stand. WOODS, call between 3 - 7 p.m. CALL 351-8282 CUTLASS 1964 Convertible. Very BARGAINS ARE always sprouting BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light Call J.R. CULVER COMPANY, 361-3118. 20-8-18 _501Lj!1&randjllyer_ 332-4074 (Below Campus Drugs) up in the Want Ads .. read them housekeeping end cooking, $30 372-4948. 320 Julian, East clean. Power steering and brakes, . everyday. weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 Lansing. C $600. Phone 337-9430. 3-7-31 CUTLASS 1967, 4-speed automatic, TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student CROSSWORD units. These sharp condition. Make offer, spacious luxury apartments are completely PUZZLE 393-2400, 8 - 5 p.m. 3-7-31 PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and ACROSS CUTLASS S 1968, hardtop. Very 29. College cheer good condition, 35,000 miles. Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. individual control - central air conditioning. These four man 30. Medical 1. Folds over Must sell, $1800. Call 332-8160 STA TE NEWS will bill you later. units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure examiner 5. Owns after 6 p.m. 3-7-31 33. Heron time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 8. Demijohn 11. Dill seed 36. Sindbad's biro swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 12. Ratite bird 37. Herb eve 13. Hail 38. Lure the FAMILY APAMS want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 14. Blood fluids 42. Revision today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 15. Dismissal 45. Heb. month MOM,DO rc>U REMEM66R 17. Pang 46. Be obligated THE RESOLUTION VOL) 47. Sesame 19. Adept MADE ABOUT" MOT 20. Tigress 48. Roman tyrant Consecutive Dates to Run_ 3. Persian fairy Blowing up at me 21. Moslem leader 49. Flower plot MODEL CLOSED 4. Posture 24. Meantime 50. World Warll WHEN X DO 5. Unbeliever Classification 28. Universal area 50METMIN6 WR0N67 FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 6. Rice paste language 51. "Lights out" 7. Poisonous MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3370 shrub i r~ r- r- ' 1 9 14 '8. Spear " ■i % ■§ 9.Grape 10. Congeal NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES m IB % f> 16. Wood sorrel % 1 AVAILABLE. 17 IS 4 K!Sdi» bb % JT %% IT IT 23. Because 24. Irascibility V/, v//< $ 25. Pester Ctopcfemgfiant 55 25 u % 3Sv4 So 11 % !. tr Y/, 26 26. Prospered 27. Cultivated cherry . 10 Words or Less: Peanuts Personals 1 day $1.50 mutt be placed in person. 4620 S. Haggdorn Si ir SH 1 3b ■A 31. King Arthurs lance' 32.45' angle Over 10 Words Add: 15c per word 3 days - $4.00 40c per word 6 days - $6.50 65c per word hz % Hi % it 34, 35. Midiamtew Judgment I YOU'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER □ □ □ MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: % 39, Concept 1 Tt-(E TERRIFIC RESULTS MDU'Ll SET WITW Mail to. Michigan State News % £0 1 4a ■40. complain 41. Love god % M9 ir 42. Fruit juice [State News WANT-APS 347 Student Services Bldg. Alco Management Company Va 43. Farm amn" MSU East Lansing, Mich. 44 River island Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 29, 1970 For Sale For Sale UjENT ^ r Lit367. 5-7-2® best STEREO offer, end scuba equipment. eyatam, Wioni . EXCELLENT CONDITION: 8 2 bedroom furnished. Behind Poplar*. 351-0817. 3-7-31 FURNISHED 8' x 42" home. x43', Good Economic necessity, politics- condition. 1956 West Wood, near campus, 351-3839. 5-7-30 Kj5 after 2 p.m. 5-7-31 1 LOST: 9 week old gray fluffy kitten, in vlclnitv Grand River and Cedar. considerations in tuition hikes Bv JOHN BORGFR undergraduate and resident more rigorous fcrss -as.ss. entrance services and the Experimental graduate student fees rose $2 per L curler, (ueed), old fHa c'"33'€64;3-7-3' Personal Economic necessity may have credit hour, to $33 and $15, News Analysis requirements). The situation is not limited to Station, however. respectively. Graduate out - of - Major share Lets, hair dryer, five pound forced tuition increases this state fees rose $3, to $34 per MSU. Indeed, even the $33 per credit hour figure (or roughly |rtbbeiis, bongos, light brovtm EXPECT|NG? next Lamaze year, but political consideratons credit hour. increases is not an amount to be Huff pointed out at the July 17 $1,485 per year) merely places The federal funds provide a ir 33 ■ 3.7-31 childbirth preparation classes PIayed a considerable role in The increases will bring nearly shrugged off, especially if the board meeting) are substantially the University in the center of major share of the University's begin August 3rd. Information determining how those increases $2 million in additional funds to budget is as tight as University more expensive to maintain than the Big Ten non - resident $41 million research activities InTkylARK guitar amplifier 393-5427.1-7-29 ' were distributed. the University, bringing the total officials have described. Yet it is undergraduate programs. tuition rates, above Iowa but add little to the general Iwatts, plus 2 microphone.. All V"~~- Resident undergraduate fees revenue from student fees such a relatively insignificant Such arguments have merit, ($1,250 operating fund. The $385,000 IS65 1 $6 351-9018 or 3614217. F0UR VOU B*RBfRS 8 on du,v 5:30 p.m., Monday to xry/e rose only $1 per credit hour, to (including fees for off - campus figure compared to the total but they fail to consider several per year) and Minnesota annual allotment from the land - $14. Both out of ($1,263 per year) but well below - Friday. UNION BUILDING - - state and the college of Osteopathic budget that it cannot be ascribed questions. How significant, for Ohio State grant Morrill Act is the major — y,—. solely to economic necessity. ($1,680), Wisconsin federal contribution there. . SAL£: LiTfa (aleotlon BARBER SHOP. C-7-29 rrtffcmri Medicine, not included in the $2 example, is the "tax support" of ($1,798) and the University of University officials, when _ million figure) to $29.88 million a student who lives in Michigan Another proposal is for states feeing toys, *d contributed by 10 famlllw. ZOLTON FERENCY weight" for 1970-71. pressed, have attributed the only long enough to establish Michigan ($1,800). Private schools generally avoid to establish revenue - sharing ZOLTON FERENCY is right „„„ higher rates for graduate and the necessary six - month the educational plans, through disparity, but their fees are rssu,or 2olton' «• $1 per credit hour increase had non - resident students "political considerations." to residency requirement before he uniformly high rather than which, for example, Ohio would -aqe MSU. Corner of Marigold registers? pay Michigan a set amount for uniformly low. ■ Kalamazoo. 1-7-29 FREE A thrillinc $1°° SerV'C® charflB It is fairly understandable: More importantly, the Since the out - of - state each Ohio student in a Michigan This is less than the $500,000 nearly two - thirds of the budget arguments fail to consider that, university. tuition situation is nationwide, trustees set aside for financial comes from legislative due to the substantially smaller This plan could conceivably solutions might logically be aid to offset the tuition appropriations. State legislators numbers of out of state and work well between states which SSgo- «w> E"» ««■»■ The Black Theatre Class Production increases. -and the trustees — are elected - - graduate students, fees must be expected on a national basis, through greater federal support receive nearly equal numbers of And it is less than half the by the people of Michigan and raised many times the amount for state institutions. However, students from each other. Other presents "You Got It In Y'our $1,149,504 which the University are primarily concerned with paid by resident undergraduates states which sent about as many Real Estate Soulness," Tuesday August 4 at 8 received through the $1 increase Michigan needs. to obtain the this does not appear likely in the students to Michigan as they p.m., in the Arena Theatre beneath same income per near future. ■en TABLE with 4 chain, for resident undergraduates And even on a strictly received from Michigan in fall, the Auditorium. group. h and matching chair, t " ' FRANDOR AREA For alone. financial The - basis, the reasoning Appealing arguments University currently 1968, included North Dakota, I lamps. Must sell, 351-0805. approximately $2,000, you can The goes, why shouldn't non receives approximately $27 Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Alaska assume a 6'/a% mortgage, with following Free U classes will - Still, the arguments are meet today: Vocations for Social Operating budget residents and graduates pay appealing to many, and political million in federal funds, or and most of the southern states. payments of $114.75, including more? Change, 3 p.m., Man and Nature The total operating budget for Michigan residents considerations cause higher fee roughly one - half the state None of those, however, were t CORN, 5789 North Okemos "*M insurance. Sharp, Bookstore (328 Student Services), 1970-71 is $94,458,435. support the University through scales for these student minority appropriation. Most of this is exact matches. j house north of remodeled, 2V4 bedroom home, Horses 3:30 p.m. - 131 Albert, The $428,861.50 which the taxes, after all, and graduate e Station, EO 2-4826, Excellent resale area, cheaper than - groups, particularly the out - of - specifically earmarked for And states which send more Drugs - 7 p.m. - 131 Albert, Critical |b-8463. 3-7-31 apartment living. More room, University gained by unequal fee programs (as Trustee Warren stater (who must also meet far research projects, extension students than they receive will privacy. Full University 7:30 p.m. - 215 be reluctant to lose money basement, garage. Evergreen. ■LASSES, SAFETY, or Phone LloVd Bergren, 484-9876 which might have gone towards i any Optical residence; 351-0810 office. Lee improving their own educational OPTICAL DISCOUNT, Halsted, inc.. Realtor. 4-7-31 GLM members are urged to attend facilities. Self-protection East Michigan Avenue, _ 71 important meeting this Thursday. B7409. C-7-31 EAST LANSING, just listed. Come office in Room 309 DOCTOR. Majm. H£LosyoU to our Clencairn school. 2 bedroom, Student Services today for details. Howell Projector. Very Ceaeortable, Super 8 movie id Honeywell Elmo dual £epe $21,500. Cod- 351-5753.3-7-30 1135 beautiful Sunset trees, Lane. Your help is needed now, for next added "our action will depend , /Hinn/>urr CHURCHES-ACCREDITED *rrDPlMTCn UIOCDITAI HOSPITAL Campaign " © 15473.3-7-31 G MACHINE _ Clearance Sale. Service - Lansing Area Peace sponsoring a play Monday, August 3, at 3 p.m., Wesley Center, 1118 S. Council to some extent on what the county prosecutor does down 1°"^ rum GEHRAL-tiOSPIfflb 9521^ (continued from page 1) parties. The Democratic party new portables - $49.95, Harrison Road, E. Lansing and 8:30 there." has five scheduled dinners which ,er month. Large selection DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, p.m., Church of the Brethren, 3020 will cost up to $40 a nditionad used machine* formals. Experienced. Reasonable On other topics, Mitchell said couple. The S. Washington, Lansing. "Earth Whites, Necchis, New charge. Call 355-1040. 27-7-31 he expects far fewer campus Republican party has 25 $100 a Song" an original drama with music plate dinners scheduled for May ie & "Many Others." $19.95 disturbances this fall than last will be presented by American ■$3995. Terms. EDWARDS GU|TAR LESSONS. Private, Rock, and June. Friends Service Committee Summer spring; believes it is not Candidates in the ■TRIBUTING COMPANY, Folk- Semi " Classic. MARSHALL Drama Troupe. Admission free, but neefssary to get out of Vietnam Republican ■5 North Weshlngton, MUSIC COMPANY, 351-7830. in order to re$Qn domestic party receive help from the 8. C-7-30 C"729 Republican State Finance tranquility and acknowledged Committee. that he has authorized The committee's n cleaners. Tanka, PAINTING AND interior decoreting. The MSU Soaring Club is having use of contributions comprise from 50 bters, up-rights. $7.88 and up! Experienced, reasonable rates and Flying at 1 p.m.; Picnic - dinner at 6 wiretaps against revolutionary to 60 per cent of a guarantee. DENNIS fr8# ••"mate. Call 355-3833. p.m., on Wednesday July 29 at Ionia domestic groups. campaign's Airport. (Bring your own food). funds for gubernatorial and U.S. |RIBUTING COMPANY, 316 O"7"31 The senator candidates. Cedar, opposite City ' Members and anyone with an interest attorney general said C-7-30 NtED A in soaring welcome. The club will be campus militants "are being it. Drawing? Biological medical According to Jack I. Slater Jr., illustration. Peter H. Carrington, running Demonstration rides isolated from the student core" | OF Music, ie AM-FM receiver recorder. Call 484-6846 ,f ' 353-4545. 3-7-29 —- ■ ' ' ' beginning 1 p.m. Call 351-7625 or 882-3250 for information and rides and "will not have the aid and comfort of as many of the Medical executive first stage director, this is the in a new program a.m. 4-7*3i to Ionia. student body" as they had in the A billboard along U.S. 127 near the Cedar Street designed to coordinate campaign Typing Service • e t urges doctors to take up residence and wake of last spring's Cambodian practice in the City of Mason. financing from a centralized MSU STUDENTS FOR MILLIKEN State News photo by Milton Horst office. 114', 25 horsepower Johnwn ^^6^10^," THKEsTreTm will hold a joint organizational invasion and the deaths at Kent State and Jackson State. 1 489-5550 p. oy bbbu. 3 3-7-30 7 30 ' P«P«rs. Expert typist with degree meeting with "Statewide Educators New patients refused |f) Eng|j|h |BM (A|jo , for Milliken," Wednesday, at 7:30 In addition, "the centrists of p.m.. Gold Room, Union Bldg. Keith E SALE: Bookcases, kiddie 361-8960. O ^ students have come to the Molin, Gov. Milliken's campaign conclusion It is rather lellaneous 3fiS9 COMPLETE THESIS service. manager will address the group on nonproductive to burn down >ue. East Lansing. 4-7-31 g"»unt binding pri.ntinfl' of 'BM tvpinfl theses, and Student Involvement in the ROTC or administration (continued from page 1) Doherty said they woud like to reduce the time of graduation resumes, campaign. All interested students and buildings," Mitchell said. entering med student per 28,000 people." from high school until graduation from medical school to six oergias sailboat "Sea Swinger" publications. Across from campus, faculty members are invited to Doherty said this may be because there are several privately complete scuba diving gear corner MAC and Grand River, attend. MSU Students for Milliken Asked whether he ■Jim, " 339-9445 4-7-31 below Style Shop. Call will have general work sessions after thought supported medical schools in the East. "By doing away with unnecessary, time - consuming subjects COPYGRAPH unrest could be alleviated The state average for medical doctors is one for SERVICES. close of Wednesday's meeting, also every 973 many students have had in high school, and by creating a without a total U.S. withdrawal people, according to Doherty. [BOARDS, beautiful hand 337-1866. C Thursday night, same time and place. from Vietnam, Mitchell combined intern - residency program, we could cut the time to replied: In separate parts of the state the breakdown is: Upper when he actually starts practicing to 6-8 years instead of 10-12," i °Mad«Ul t0d<,|f«*' rA!! PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. Paul Goodman Day Care Center "Yes, I do." Peninsula, 1/1344; north - central 1/925; west - central, 11042; he explained. |1746 I mornings W-7-31 IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, 8. meeting Thursday, 8 p.m., Meeting east central, 1/1323; south - west, 1/1109; and Detroit 1/846. "The education of a doctor is a life time thing anyway," "People - - Hardbinding. Complete Thesis Room, E. Lansing Library. Interested are coming to and will I Service for the most Discerning to realize that Including osteopaths, the ratios of physicians to citizens around Doherty said, "if it's not, he's no good anyway." ORGAN amp mM.i he parents of children, ages 3 thru come everything I or band u S « Ma,ter's & Doctoral Candid#tBS- kindergarten, are invited to come to the President is doing, every the state is 1/792. The other approach involves attracting more young doctors to do their internship in Michigan. Doherty said the ■291 r 17 90 a UM Free Brochure and Consultation. discuss enrollment in the Paul promise he has made, is directed The Michigan Health Council has a two - fold plan to remedy the Michigan Health Call CLIFF and PAULA Goodman Day Care Center (morning toward shortage which concentrates on the state's medical schools and Council has started a program to attract more interns to terminating the war in Michigan. Out of 600 openings, Michigan only trains 350 [GHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony 337'1527 0r session only) which will open this Vietnam," Mitchell said. hospitals. |l ■ Akai 530 Sony, tape recorder -J™36!*! staraoPanasonic stereo EXPERIENCED TYPISTS will do September. Tuition will be $150 per 10-week quarter. The center will Mitchell said he has authorized "We'd like to up the number of students graduated from all three schools to 500 - 600 per year," he said. "We'd also like to annually. "We also want to encourage the legislature to provide funds to expand next year into an elementary a number of wiretaps against shorten the length of time the student spends in medical hospitals which train interns," he said. ■"--rt ridges ia! 100 UWd ® tr,ck tapes $2.50 eech. typing in home Electric free school. domestic subversive groups and Doherty said it is hard for hospitals to expand their programs typewriter, theses, dissertations, training." tape recorders. Koaa added: "They are productive." because it ups the costs of services for their patients, who are stereo stencils, and dittos. Printing, Approximately 300 - 350 students graduate yearly now. head phones. Pick-up / delivery. 372-3729. already complaining. f'd turntables $25 up. VM t stereo 6-8-4 meeting and the regional receiver. Sharp. —— demonstration on August 1st. , t stereo receiver with ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith disciple testifies ■er«. Coral 30 Manson watt weaker offset printing. Complete service stereo albums 75c up. for dissertations, theses, ■ sets $14.96 up. New and manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Baseball Excursion to Detroit. The 1I*" «ic n. m V"* 55TV watt 1811 $39B0 20 V*™ experience. 332-8384, C MSU Veterans Association is stereo ----- sponsoring a basecussion to Detroit W I L C 0 X BARBI MEL: for the Tiger - Minnesota game Typing, multilithing. (continued from p CH.A.^STORE, 509 Eaat No job too large or too small. Saturday night. The price is $8.00 • 3) everything belongs to granted immunity in the case in suspicion on blacks, and thus saying Manson liked to be I" ',BW39,.8a.m.-6:30 and this will include eir conditioned everybody." return for her testimony as the hasten the confrontation which referred to as "God" or as Block off campus. 332-3255. C - The witness said that she was bus, reserved seat to the game end state's star witness. She was on he hoped to survive by leading "Christ." not aware when they set out "Charlie came to my side of cold liquid refreshment. These tickets the stand for a second day. his family into the desert. One The black white ■ STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, Transportation can be purchased between 3 - 5 p.m., that the assignment was murder. the car," she said, "and told us to leave a sign. He said, 'You Mrs. Kasabian testified that of the words scrawled on the confrontation was given the lnc SECONDHAND at room 14G Student Services today "I thought we were going on a girls know what I Manson was obsessed with the murder scene was "pigs," a term code name "helter skelter" by 1^208 Turner. C WANTED RIDER OR ride and tomorrow or by calling 353-9645 creepy - crawly mission . . . mean — idea of "a revolution where militant blacks often use for Manson, Mrs. Kasabian went on, California, share expenses. Wt ask for Phil or Tom. where you go Into people's something witchy.'" blacks and whites are going to to leeve July 30th. Call 9 - houses and take things that The killers left behind the police. after the title of a Beatle record. Ink $29 <* UP a.m., 332-3577 ask for Jol Women's Liberation meeting tonight actually belong to you because words "helter skelter" scrawled get together and kill each "Charlie said they're not going Before dispatching the mission ELECTRONICS, 3-7-29 8 p.m., Women's Lounge in Union. other." to crucify him this time like the night of the Tate murders, in blood — a term Mrs. Kasabian Inn r 0nnsv'vanie Avenue, Meeting of "Support Group" said held great significance in the The state claims that Manson they did the last time," Mrs. Mrs. Kasbian said Manson "just delegates for setting up of new ordered the Tate murders staged Kasabian added. Members of the came out and said, 'now i& the Wanted far - out philosophy of Manson, orgenizational in such a manner as to throw Residence halls family 1 time for helter skelter.' " 35, leader of their communal have been quoted as Animals OLDER Comic books & used science fiction cult. GRAD, wife, small dog, need house or apartment. Fall books have now been edded to Man (continued from page 1) She named the lieutenant in pED PERSIAN MttensTor term only. William Skinner, 739E & Nature Bookstore. Come on up major alterations become the car as Charles "Tex" Watson, 9u#"ty end and relax with friendly books, people 24, accused in the Tate murders $4.4 billion OKed P't'on. Owen, 353-7105. 3-7-29 necessary, he said. 351-6864. 3-7-29 and a peeceful atmosphere. We're and two Thorburn said the employe slayings the following BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for located in the Student Services night. He is fighting extradition Hd FSE,«' 6 wwk' 0,d- Box all positive. A negative, B negative Building, Room 328 and we're open cutbacks would primarily affect new students attempting to find from Texas. ■302 „!Swneae. Mary, and AB negative, $10.00. O from 10 to 10 weekdays, noon to 6 "Charlie told me to go with f--^t_tr_5p,m. 5-7-31 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Saturday. jobs. Tex and do whatever Tex told (continued from page 1) less important purposes," he said. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, "We can't just eliminate jobs, Despite the Nixon complaint about th ■^ANlhnlAL P°int 4 607)4 Eaat Grand River, East Last UNION BOARD flight to depart but we have to get more me to do," she testified. the Republican administration and the education bill, there was no attempt on th kSj, ACFA- *** Laming. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 August 9 to September 1 for Paris, $239. A September 13 departure efficiency," he said. "This can Also in the car, the witness said, were Patricia Krenwinkel, Democratic Congress seemed close House - Senate negotiators agreed behind, as Senate floor to block the appropriatior be achieved through job to a $541 Republican Leader High Scott said he assume from London may be erranged. One 22, and Susan Atkins, 21, who |^'TlErtN: ?old. K- 6 month* old, ®r,i,n- 361-7015. p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 way flights departing August 9 may also be arranged. Call 5-3355. performance as well as the number of employes. are on trial with Manson on murder and conspiracy charges million budget increase in an $18 providing funds for housing, urban renewal and billion bill Nixon would either refuse to money, or would make reductions elsewhere i spend all th p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C assortment of other agencies. "And with fewer students in an the budget to balance the increase. in connection with the series of Nixon on July 18 cited the education money the residence halls, we'll need The appropriations bill includes Hous (d <84-0160. femelee, SHELTERED PLACE to store 17' wanted fewer people to serve them." slayings that claimed The fourth defendant seven lives. bill as an example of ".a persistent and growing provisions designed to bar the use of feder: 2-7-29 canoe near campus. 355-0818. Thorburn said on trial, tendency on Capitol Hill to approve increases in funds to force school closing, the busing c previous Leslie Van 3-7-31 employee would definitely not Houten, 20, is expenditures without providing the revenue to students or pupil transfer over parental protes Mobil# Homes ORAD married, be fired. He aaid he expects the accused only in the slayings pay the costs." "solely to achieve racial balance." STUDENT, no cutbacks to come through the subsequent to the Tate deaths of But Cotton told the Senate "I hope and believe The administration said those provisions woul children wants 2 bedroom house Leon LeBianca, 44, a CAMPAIGN WORKERS for Rlcherd normal turnover in personnel. wealthy that the President will not veto this .. not impede school desegregation efforts. Bt 8'*'2' . 1 third or duplex in East Lansing under market owner, and his wife, "I just think that ... he will not choose the O'Neill. MSU student, candidate Students who leave their jobs Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R- N.Y., called them "tl $200/month for September 1st. for State Representative 58th would simply not be replaced, Rosemary, 42. educational funds for veto when these other Call collect efter 6 p.m., Mrs. vestigial remains of separate but equa 313-262-5038. 3-7-31 District. Call 393-2679 3-7-29 Kasabian. 21, has been appropriations are coming on its heels for much coo<«to4 creation. Wednesday, Juiv 29 , 1^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan d GE-EBE e E-EBE *\ BicJk 3301 E. MICH. AVE. m .makes when it a comes from good big e PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEIM - rULL SLICES SUNDAY, AUG. 2 ROUND STEAKS 3 LB. PKG. OR MORE fiA EBERHARD'S FINE QUALITY LEAR HAMBURG FRESH MEATY BREASTS OR LEGS SMALL BACK & RIBS ATTACHED . 5 FRYER PARTS • CI CMHCD ECKRICH SLENDER 4 GORDON ROLL PORK SAUSAGE EBERHARD'S UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE'— 49c EBERHARD'S 46 OZ. WT. Can $1 FARMER PEETS LUNCHEON MEATS REDEEM SLICED COUPOrJ - savb IOC REDEEM COUPON SAVE 23c COUNTRY FRESH 3~ 'I 47c SKIMMED MILK 3 big E - 8 PACK ORANGE JUI JUICE JENO'S FROZEN HAMBURG BUNS CHEESE PIZZA -02 691 REDEEM COUPON SAVE 9c EBERHARD'S SOFT $ '1 - JENO'S FROZEN pkgs.of 13% oz. 79c ^ SAUSAGE PIZZA ^Bur/ SLIM JIM FROZEN FRENCH FRIES wt. 20 wt. Bag oz. 39c 1 1 MARGARINE© JG SPARTAN FROZEN 20 OZ. Country MixFreshor CORN OR PEAS WT. BAG 39c CLIP FOR SAVINGS! Of#*/ DEL MONTE - 6% OZ. WT. CANS CHOCOLATE MILK S? 3>=or$I HALF & HALF SS* *£ chuhktuha 4'l 8 OZ. DELMONTE UNPEELED SOUR CREAM CTN. HERRUD SLICED APRICOTS HALVES 16 OZ. WT. 3f°r$I DIP N'CHIP 8 OZ. CTN. COLD MEATS DEL MONTE - 16 OZ. WT. CANS SOT.V FRUIT COCKTAIL ^ FOR $ j COUNTRY FRESH WHIPPING CREAM CTN. 7* DEL MONTE TROPICAL Hfct. I-Hbsi1 IM" UUUU EUbHHAHU'S FRUIT SALAD £ 3 CAMPBELL'S 28 OZ. WT. CANS COOKIES SALAD GREEN PORK & BEANS ^ FOR 5| SUGAR, CHOC. CHIP, ALMOND WINDMILL. DRESSING PEAS BIG E - 8 PACK 25 OZ. WT. JAR ICED COCONUT. OR HAMBURG BUNS PEANUT BUTTER BARS 32 OZ. WT. JAR 16 OZ. WT. CANS \BUY/ KRAFT MUSTARD 33c 4 "sp $|oo 9 £ 1 7 OZ. WT. JAR CORONET OLIVES KRAFT GRAPE JELLY ST. REGIS WHITE 32 OZ WT. JAR 49c 59c oz. PKGS. bnMr t, UnMIMOt, vui-n, H • 34 nvw I uuun, wiikiiii I CANS H COUNTRY FRESH CLIP FOR SAVINGS! -i*. COUNTRY FRESH PAPER PLATES 89c ICE CREAM SKIMMEB MILK SUN'GLO POP-49 PEACH OR CHARMIN 3 2StF SI00 PEPPERMINT STICK 59c J 1 39c 160 CT. CTNS. PAPER NAPKINS HALF GAL. PKG. fresh 5 AVE J Michigan ENDIVE MICHIGAN GREEN CABBAGE CUCUMBERS j ESCMOLE BUNCH RADISHES MICHIGAN' MICHIGAN PASCAL CELERY CWEN PEPPERS BLUEBERRIES OR ROMMNE FRESH HOME GROWN WEEN ONIONS 3 - 89c !i EACH ONLY «)QC LI ZUCHINI OR SUMMER SQUASH - 19' | LARGE SIZE MICHIGAN'S LIMIT ONE PER FAMILVjl LIMIT THREE PER FAMILY COUPON GOOD THRU SUN. AUG. 2 | BEST HEADS GREEN OR WAX BEANS « 29< COUPON GOOD THRU SUN.