Friday Remember . . . MICHIGAN Sunn/ . . . STATE NEWS and warm with a chance of the, poor, it costs nothing. . — Josh Billings STATE thundershowers. The high will he in the mid 80's. UNIVERSITY I 63, Number 28 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 31, 1970 tlantic site \Army planning to sink 3,000 be carried in slow tons o LsHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 3,000 - moving trains from then be sunk in more than 16,000 feet of storage depots at Anniston, Ala., and water, the Army said. i of old nerve gas, sealed in concrete Lexington, Ky., to a military terminal at "The Defense Department is taking [steel coffins, will be sunk in a ship Sunny Point, N.C. every V about three miles deep in the Atlantic precaution to avoid future sea disposal of X 280 miles from Cape Kennedy, Fla., There, in an area described as remote chemical munitions and does not from major population centers, the coffins anticipate ■Army announced Thursday. any in the future," the statement said. j date was given, but congressional containing 2,675 tons of chemical warfare Because of the elaborate safety materials will be loaded on a hulk. ces said it would be Aug. 10. A precautions, the Army said, the shipments It will be towed under Navy direction to of the 418 concrete and steel vaults from Ijonal Academy of Sciences committee the disposal area about 253 miles off the the Anniston and Blue Grass itiv recommended action without Army depots continental shelf and some 282 miles east "should be safer than the normal of Cape Kennedy. Florida's Gov. Claude commercial e disposal decision culminates more shipments of hazardous Kirk described as incredible the decision to chemicals." a year of study by civilian scientists sink it there. government experts. An earlier plan Coast Guard vessels will escort the towed A total of 305 of the containers are at |blocked on safety grounds. hulk and give advance warning to Anniston and the other 113 at Blue Grass. ;ressing maximum safety precautions, commercial shipping in the area. Rail routes to Sunny Point "will avoid Army said 418 of the coffins The hulk and its cargo of nerve heavily populated areas where possible, and taining liquid nerve gas in rockets will gas will the trains' speed will not exceed 35 miles per hour," the Army said, calling this well below speed ordinarily considered "reasonably safe for trains carrying arthquake hits Iran; hazardous substances." Each of the gas - carrying trains will be led by a pilot train from which specialists will scan the rails and the roadbed for eaths continue to rise previously undetected possible accident. causes of Levin in levity EHRAN, Iran (AP) — A powerful quake confirmed the 100 known dead and about Medical specialists and military Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Sander Levin lets out with a little Bstated of 200 seriously injured. technicians trained in dealing with nonpolitical hot air as he blows up a scores villages in northeast campaign balloon during a press conference in Kalamazoo Wednesday. Politically, the state senator from Berkley Other victims are still believed to be chemical emergencies will accompany the I Thursday, and rescue workers pulled "aired" his ideas on school disorders. under the Debris, a Red Lion and Sun it, the Army said. AP Wirephoto Jethan 100 bodies from the debris. Ifficials for Red Lion and Sun, the spokesman added. n relief agency, said a search of The stricken region, earlier estimated to only rter of the 100 stricken communities cover about 20,000 square miles, is now known to be much larger. Kelley's opinion asked Reports reaching here from the devastated area indicated that the entire )//ce beg region from the Afghanistan border to southeast of the quake. Caspian sea was hit by the A plane load of blood plasma was flown Jto the region Thursday night as troops rive again in trustees' phone poll were dispatched to aid in the massive rescue effort. The epicenter of the quake is two miles south of the Russian border at Meraveh - | riday e East Lansing Police Dept. warned T Tappah, but the more severely damaged villages lie in the rugged territory between Minodasht and Gon - bad - e - Qavos, By JOHN BORGER State News Staff Writer proxy matter, could result in making the legality of all such votes questionable. the stock was tabled. The University's resultant position was that the stock "It is our belief," Stevens' letter "that the telephone vote is said, Brsday that it would start arresting officials said. The attorney general's office Thursday improp* and proxies would not be voted at all. illegal for several reasons." is attending illegal Friday afternoon They estimated that about 100 villages Two trustees have asked Atty. Gen. said a reply to Stevens' letter was being Trustee Frank Hartman, D-Flint, who Stevens' rei between Meshed near the Afghanistan for calling the action Frank Kelley for an opinion regarding the drafted, but said there was no indication of had originally opposed allowing Ann Arbor border to Gorgan on the Caspian Sea were its final content. The reply is expected to illegal include: (those in attendance are charged for the legality of the board's May telephone poll Trust Co. to vote the proxies, later • He was not contacted or if drinks are furnished to anyone hit by the quake. At least 26 villages are regarding the voting of General Motors be completed sometime within the next . requested a telephone poll of the trustees 21, the TG is illegal, he said. Even a known to have been leveled. stock proxies. month. and (please > page 11) changed his own vote. !ction by those in attendance is After a day • long search. Red Lion and A letter written by Don Stevens, The telephone poll in question occurred With the support of Hartman, Frank fcidered illegal. army rescuers sent reports to Tehran D-Okemos and chairman of the board of May 20, following the board's May 15 Merriman. R-Deckerville; Warren Huff, ' mi we have discovered that TG is raising the total of confirmed dead from 40 trustees, notified Kelley of the official meeting. At that meeting, a motion to D-Plymouth; Stephen Nisbet, R-Fremont, o be held, it'rs that we they shouldn't hold them a have been warning the to more than 100. Although the quake hit villages near the protest of the telephone poll by Stevens and Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, and follow past practice and allow the Ann Arbor Trust Co. to vote the University's and Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand Ann Arbor Trust Co. was instructed to Rapids, V surgeons e of their violation of the law," a Soviet border, there was no indication if asked Kelley for an early opinion. General Motors stock — with the result vote the proxies at the May 22 do repair man said. "But this hasn't been the tremors had passed into Soviet "We want to find out whether this is that the stock would be voted in favor of stockholders meeting. >e and now we have been forced to constitutional," Stevens said Thursday. management against several proposals by Stevens. Martin and Clair White, D-Bay arresting people." Damaged roads and bridges have been At the June 19 board meeting, Stevens / consumer • crusader Ralph Nader — was City, were not contacted through the poll. repaired to allow relief caravans to pass said he feared that stretching the phone defeated 4-3. In his letter, Stevens noted several (please turn to page 11) major through to the Soviet border. vote provision, as was done in the GM A second motion regarding the voting of actions taken by the board since October. 1969, which "In some were ot approved by a 5-3 vote. these cases, I personally was submitted to tremendous pressure to on elephant Pro/ecfs to doctor lag? conduct a telephone poll and switch DETROIT (AP) — Mona the elephant is my ease vote," Stevens said. "Had I submitted to resting quietly after a surgical team frur> this persuasion, the MSU sewed her nose back in place. University would be left in utter chaos." She nearly lost her nose when her The actions approved 5-3 which Stevens roommate, Mary, bit her Wednesday in a This program puts the doctor in the kind does not control or run," he said. graduate from here will practice in The medical school staff is anxious to noted included: nasty moment. It took 30 stitches to repair By ROBERTA SMITH of community in which he will eventually Michigan but estimates show that one half , introduce to the students the increasing use • Appointment of Clifton R. Wharton Jr. the eight - foot trunk. State News Staff Writer of those that graduate will end up practice. Flint, Saginaw, Grand Rapids. "When it gets hot and humid, of the allied health professions. Dr. Weil as president of MSU. elephants practicing in the state," Dr. Weil, the Howell, Alma and Lansing have • ing an ultimate goal of 100 continued. Appointment of two University vice get just like people — crabby," said Dr. director of the Dept. of Human participated in this program, that is presidents (Robert Perrin as vice president Robert F. Willson, director of the Detroit ■uating doctors per year from MSU and according to Dr. Weil, more highly In the future the medical manpower P8' community Development, said. situation won't be solved by more doctors, for University relations and Jack Breslin as Zoo. "Anything might happen." programs initiated by A unique program that places MSU developed here thai, anywhere else in the executive vice president). A powerful tranquilizer was ru hed to ■school will but by better utilization of the available help alleviate some of the students in communities throughout the country. • Detroit * and area doctor "Even after the University hospital is doctors, he predicted. The shortage will be Appointment of an assistant Provost Wednesday from Sandusky. Ohio, shortage. Dr. Wil'iam state might increase the likelihood that (Robert Green, who is also the director of and was used to quiet the 30 - solved year - old je'l Jr.,t saidguaranteeThursday. how graduates will practice in Michigan, he built the school will continue to rely group by the doctor's working with a of people trained in the health the Center for Urban Affairs). elephant during the operation. many that added. heavily on community hospitals which it • Moments after the drug wore off, Willson professions who can reduce some of his Appointment of a chancellor for work. Oakland University (Donald O'Dowd). said, Mona used the trunk to consume four |MOM fights •' "We Granting independence to Oakland pounds of hay, a loaf of bread, six apples call these people 'medical and gallons of water. U multipliers,' " he said, "because they multiply the amount of medical care a physician may deliver." 'omen's lib be If this is encouraged at MSU, doctors will more effective when they get into HALLS' POLICIES practice, he said. (Movement ^NEW YORK An program as yet will undefined group medical be started soon by the Survey seeks views (AP) - Men. take heart. A medical school. Present plans call for "w w'»men's group is ready to tackle the beginning with a small pilot group of ■ur!».en's ,ibt'ration movement. It's called married housing families. I Mm 1 MOMs Men 0ur Masters. The families will receive comprehensive says woman's place is in the medical care for a prepaid, fixed fee. on closing, visitation a L?me a(nd that the women's liberationists Through this service the student will learn L„Ven't the vaguest concept of what sex and get experience and will also provide a service, Dr. Weil said. By JOHN BORGER Wilkinson said he does not know how the JMaMen f'glit and die for us," proclaims Dr. Weil said he was not sure at what rate State News Staff Writer sizes of the two groups compare, but the ■a*?! Pasclual(>. a part - time legal the program would expand or to which answers may soon be provided through a ■th I, w'10 funded MOM in March in groups it would expand, but he did One reason for students leaving residence f*\Jew York area. indicate that the service would be geared to halls, whose importance has not yet been survey of parents and students now being conducted through the office of Milton Ithom y suPP°rt us so we may outlive people not now receiving medical care. determined, is the relaxation of hall rules. Dickerson, vice president for student |dn. ancl inherit their money. They hold Lansing's economically disadvantaged areas While open hours, liquor in rooms and affairs. lourS 0pt'n' they he,P us on and off with will probably be the focus districts. plans for coeducational (alternate suites) The ultimate aim of the survey is to |swert°n!S' Pay for our entertainment, say Currently a similar program is being provide variety of options concerning Irih „ ,inKs to us and they even gave us a conducted with the Cristo Rey Community Second in a series a J might be here in the first Center. Consideration is being given to a closing hours and visitation policies so that living arrangements have caused some students will not be forced into any one project whereby the Dept. of Human students to remain in on campus• housing, living pattern, Dickerson said. Development would assume the the same factors have caused others to "The kid with intestinal fortitude will be responsibility for providing medical care in move out, according to Roger Wilkinson, *P|ease ti (please turn to page 11) vice president for business and finance. (please ♦»m tn ruw nt Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 3 news summary Milliken supporters By JEFFSHELER State News Staff Writer he said, "both students and -students." non the day after the November election," Molin added He said staffers three are full working told plans time acquainting in Milliken's record, people with the statewide student responsibility of canv. ^ p^ I I Molin described the . <• .. campaign . r 6 lightheartedly. in deserit Molin described Mn the purpose of "nongovernment - funded action Molin said groups" in central city areas organization is handing over to the campaign ^ird of precincts." tVSr^ ^I l From the wires of AP and UPI. Keith Molin, who heads Gov. as composed of three phases, a Milliken's campaign for P*e ; primary phase aimed at the Michigan for Milliken group "These precincts <■»«, I tory ** II "strictly to enforce the party difference between re-election, told members of building an organization and as , „ ... Drovidin,j for defeat," he said vic£ MSU Students For Milliken here "getting the candidate into the ifJnHfi<£ nonparty identifiers. g Thursday that no one in the field," a post - primary phase Milliken camp is expecting an during the three weeks between easy victory in the November the primary and the state He said several "prominent Democratic officers" and labor CerrjfserR>J "uber .K.Tr0y,ifriu^M leaders have "come forward Mrs. Lenore "The national mood of anxiety election. Republican convention in late early" and working for R„mn uZ I "I would suggest to you that August, and the post are Milliken's re-election bid. primary Democrat and goes on tl ^ I and discouragement can be 1970 is a campaign year when convention phase leading up to Molin said the campaign would Philip H . I altered, not by rhetoric, but by anything can happen," Molin the November election. November, Molin asserted J" I be aimed primarily toward the said. specifying constructive goals and "We hope to unveil cities, with 25 to 30 per cent of showing people a means of Milliken would win the party four' which we will call the'pre - the effort aimed directly at working toward those goals. " inaugural plans' on Wednesday ghetto areas. primary election Tuesday against has from the -Former HEW Secretary his only opponent, James beginning tried! I John W. Gardner Turner, a Howell publisher. replace," Molin said I Molin said the unexpected people ask me if we're goiS I defeat of former astronaut John support Huber, 1 ask when! I (Story on page 5) Glenn in his 1968 U.S. Senate bid in Ohio pointed out that Fear of pill use the last time he Also present at the supported mJ„ JI I public exposure does not was Herbert Jackson, chair? I necessarily insure election. of the Educator's Grout? I International News "Probably the most dramatic hurt studies Milliken, and Tom Koejjl example of a unexpectedly losing is England's person may head of the statewide for Milliken organization. Student I Harold Wilson who woke up one Israeli planes felled four Egyptian MIG 21s over the morning and found he was the Senate hearings on the alleged Suez Canal Thursday as Prime Minister Golda Meir's harmful cabinet continued efforts to agree on the U.S. Middle former prime minister," Molin said. WASHINGTON (AP) California researchers said - Three consequences of the pill," including an alleged risk of cancer. Pillow case East peace proposal. Molin explained to the Thursday that fear of birth students the campaign strategy control pills engendered by The Israeli ministers met Thursday for the third time "Women who for the November election and Senate hearings might prevent would have this week on the American plan under the threat of a walkout by the right - wing faction, if it accepts the discussed the structure of the scientists from pinning down Michigan for Milliken conclusively whether the pills chosen the pill are now opting for the IUD or diaphragm," they said. They added this might bandit looll proposal for a 90-day ceasefire. organization. can cause cancer. He said the prevent scientists from getting a given bad! organization included an "unusually great definite assessment of whether The Soviet Union Tuesday launched an orbital test number of young people" who Researcher Elizabeth Stern the pill can cause malignancy, hold significant positions. and two Los Angeles colleagues REDFORD TOWNSHIP nuclear strike vehicle and then recovered the package Hundreds of area residents |AF|| I. - "Of the 28 full - time staff said the decision - making IUD is the scientific nickname near the Aral Sea launch area after one 90-minute pass Thursday workers in the organization the process among those women for "intra - uterine device," a looked through! around the planet, the Pentagon said Thursday. average age is 24," Molin said. electing to use some form of mechanical contraceptive. jewelry, furs, guns, coins audi The vehicle known as FOBS. Functional Orbital "We certainly have a place for birth control "has recently been Milliken man other items - all part 0|| Bombardment System, was described by a Pentagon young people in the campaign," profoundly affected by the They specifically mentioned $200,000 in loot police say a 261 cancer of the cervix year - old woman took during! - - the lip of Keith spokesman as "further evidence of the continuing Molin, manager of the Michigan for Milliken the womb. But they implied campaign, spoke to the Students for Milliken at a more than 200 house robberies I momentum of the Soviet development and test program scientists might also be impeded in recent months. I The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Wednesday night meeting in the Union. Molin outlined four for strategic weapons." University, is published every class day during four school in assessing whether the pill Mrs. Raymond Najor oil might be linked with certain "phases" the Milliken campaign for re-election will take. Southfield found jewelry and fur I terms, plus Welcome Week .edition in September. State News photo by Bill Porteous other cancers. wraps which had been stolen | Subscription rate is $14 per year from her home. Opposition by most Commonwealth members is Mrs. A baleen Member Associated Press, United Press Harden causing Britian to reappraise its planned shipment of International, daughter, Barbara, found some „inj| I Inland Daily Press Association, Associated arms to South Africa. Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press treasured heirlooms among the I Proposal Britain has 29 Commonwealth members. An Association, United States Student Press Association jewelry displayed at the Redfordl I Associated Press survey showed that 21 are the resumption of limited weapons sales to supremacist government of South Africa. opposed to the white - Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Editorial and business offices at Michigan. 347 Student Services w Township police headquarters Police say the merchandise was found in 25 pillowcases in the I I But the British will probably have plenty of time to Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, attic of Helen Ann Hayes. 26.1 Michigan. who faces an Aug. 111 draftees in combat consider their action, since no definite decision is preliminary hearing on breaking I expected before next year. Phones. and entering charges. The V Editorial Detroit housewife has admitted I 355-8252 Classified burglarizing more than 200 1 Advertising 355-8255 homes Display Advertising A serving in a combat zone after A consent paper would have to during the last 101 National News 353-6400 Michigan congressman Business-Circulation 355-3447 introduced a bill Thursday that Jan. 1. be signed by the draftee before months, police said. They said | Photographic .".".WW" 355-8311 would bar all draftees from Rep. Garry E. Brown, a he could be sent into a combat her husband had no knowledge I A defeat of the Safeguard antiballistic missile system Republican from Schoolcraft, zone under Brown's bill. The of her alleged illegal activities. I Authorities estimated that! told Washington reporters that military could offer incentives to would wreck the U.S. - Soviet arms limitation talks and draftees Mrs. Haynes took items and cash I his proposal could act as a test to induce them into would imperil "the very survival of the nation," the for determining whether an all - volunteering for combat duty, valued at more than $200,000in I chairman of the Senate ArmecJ Services Committee volunteer army would be Brown said. the burglaries with which she is I declared Thursday. effective. Enlistees could adequately fill charged. She is free on bond. Unlike earlier, bills, Brown's the military's combat needs. Sen. John Stennis, D-Miss., told the Senate that a vote proposal amends the Selective Brown said, referring to the against the ABM "means certain death — at this setting Service Act instead of using scaling down of the American at least for the talks in Vienna." force by an additional 150,000, Nations request - military appropriations to bring ABM funding will be part of the SI9.2 billion package about change. making a total of 280,000. recommended by Stennis' committee for If enacted, the legislation "Combat is one of the things weapons buying in fiscal 1971. - would allow the military enough that bothers people," he said. launch rockets time to shift to an all - volunteer The draft should be more army for use in Vietnam or humane than it has been. BRUSSELS (AP) - Thirteen■ other combat areas. The law "Some have said this would West European governments I would take effect on Jan. I, and, jeopardize the all - volunteer have agreed to ask the L'nited ■ since it takes four months to armed forces program," he said. States for American rockets to I Evidence is mounting that industrial dumping of waste train new troops, the cutoff for "If it does, then we should quit launch a European! mercury into lakes and rivers may be only one of several the use of inductees would be talking about an all - volunteer communications satellite,j ways the metallic poison threatens man. about May I, Brown said. armed services." officials said. Information from such remote places as the Arctic Ocean and lakes in Vermont show that mercury can also pollute waters as a fallout from the air. Research from Latin America has established that mercury used as a fungicide in seed treatment enters the body of plants. So. in addition to eating mercury - poisoned fish, man may be threatened by mercury - containing rice, tomatoes and wheat. House Banking Committee investigators have uncovered evidence pointing to "a national scandal of the most sordid type" in the administration of programs to help low - income persons buy homes, Chairman Wright Patman, D-Tex., said Thursday. In a letter to Housing Secretary George Romney, Patman said checks in Washington and Philadelphia Brighten indicated FHA had permitted persons selling houses to government - assisted buyers to make as much as 100 per cent profit on properties bought only a few months earlier. Your Active World with Contact Lenses from Vision Center Michigan News Vision Center's exclusive Verilite Contact Lenses are designed to fit perfectly from the start, to assure maximum wearing comfort with the shortest possible adaptation time. Come in. Let us explain the many DC A DI C The Michigan chapter of the activist Sierra Club has advantages Contact Lenses offer. And, rbAnLL Vision Center prices will prove quality called on the state legislature to repeal the coyote \/|Q|OM f^PMHTFR bounty in Michigan. Contact Lenses are not expensive. ^ lOIUI \l I Cll The conservation group said it has the support of nine ^7 of the 13 members of the House Conservation Committee where a bill to repeal the bounty awaits approval. I he club said 31 states far have FORMERLY CAPITAL OPTICAL STUDIOS so repealed the "outmoded" bounty system. MODERATE PRICES'PROFESSIONAL EYE EXAMINATIONS •DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED I he bounty concept has been thoroughly discredited by competent wildlife management personnel as a predator control measure," a Sierra Club statement said. 31 1 S. Washington, from "And. in view of current research, the predator is across Knapp's .482-1368 recognized as an essential element in a sound ecological M G Stoakes. Doctor of Optometry system." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. July 31. 1970 Testimony in crucial phase ANN prosecution ARBOR (UPI) — The Thursday opened Staff Sgt. Kennard indicating that there was no Christiansen of the Michigan blood there. But "from another presence "Short, of blood." clipped hairs" also Eastern Michigan University, w slain in the Ypsilanti basement were found on the floor, around July 23,1069. the crucial "blood and hair" State Police said he tested paint - scraping that I removed from Christiansen said. The prosecutor contends that phase of its testimony in the c°vered spots in the basement of the floor in the front of the trial of John Norman Collins, state p°l'ce Sgt. David Leik on dryer where I removed the Fingerprints found in the hair found on the girl's panties basement "could have been the came from the basement where seeking to show how his alleged Ju|y 31.1969- substance that was not covered fingerprints of the defendant or Leik's wife cut their children's victim was slain in the basement From tw« samplings, Christian with paint I received a positive the deceased," Christiansen said, hair and that a sample of the of his uncle's home. he got negative reactions, reaction, indicating the possible But police were unable to type A blood. Miss Beineman's determine who they belonged to type, was found there, because "there were too few Local grape Chief Defense Attorney y *, boycott points of identification." By the end of Thursday's session, the eighth day of the trial, 33 of the prosecution's 38 witnesses had testified. Joseph Louisell argued that the hair on the panties was not the same as the children's questioned the accuracy of the blood type. and The prosecution said it would backed union strike Collins, 23. a former senior at present Friday experts who EMU, is charged with first - analyzed the blood and hair degree murder in the sex - SOW samples and compared it to torture killing of Miss Beineman. samples of Karen Sue She was the seventh of a series together," he said. "This is Beineman's Singalong hair and that an of of young women killed in the scene example." No official trustee action members of the Leik family. Ann Arbor - Ypsilanti area in a Washtenaw County Prosecutor two - year period. e Tin Lizzie, formerly Grandmother's, will hold its grand opening Saturday night. Featured prompted the 1968 cessation of Willaim Delney contends Miss No one has been charged in L the Michigan Avenue nightspot will be a permanent five-piece band providing live ragtime, Local participation in the grape purchasing, but Stevens as Beineman, 18, a freshman at the other six deaths. pngalong music. State News photo by Dick Warren national boycott of California an individual was highly vocal in grapes played a role, however his support of the grape pickers' small, in the struggle of the strike and of the national ragtime band United Farm Workers Organizing Committee grape growers. against California boycott. Student leaders at the time urged a student boycott of table MSU professor gets HUD award jury seat [Sing along with 'Lizzie' The University ceased buying grapes served in residence halls. California grapes in November, Even as the controversy 1968, following a controversy reached its height, the manageraf Myles Boylan, director of the School of Urban Planning, has involving students, faculty the food stores been appointed to the Dept. of Housing and Urban stopped happy atmosphere with live beams and partial false ceiling a unique placement of the members and members of the University purchasing of the Development's Design Awards Jury for HUD's fourth biennial sing along ; will I e • intimate additional tables acquired during s boar? Durrhasp , purchase of ofof trustees thp concerning - grapes. The action was taken awards competition for design excellence. changed image at the atmosphere than the former i_i; the remodeling. the arnnps grapes. xt... nn Nov 26 1968 The jury is composed of distinguished professionals in the fields rly large dance floor that was The action was taken in of planning, urban design, A permanent five - piece band architecture, engineering and landscape Indmothers. necessary for rock groups. Two composed of piano, banjo, support of the United Farm "After all the furor going on," architecture. The jury will meet in Washington. D.C.. earlv in combination of barnwood floor levels have been added for Workers Organizing Committee's Robert Herron, manager of the August to evaluate the entries and recommend the winners to trumpet, clarinet and trombone strike will play the ragtime music that against the California food stores, said at the time, "I HUD Secretary George Romney. About two dozen winners from patrons may sing to. grape industry. decided the best thing to do was several hundred entries will be given in the two categories, project Ihird death mission The Tin Lizzie will offer a limited menu of submarines, Contracts signed Wednesday by the union and leading table grape growers signaled an end to to stop purchasing them." Herron said the decision personal one and did not result was a DON STEVENS design and urban design. The awards will be presented at the 1970 the American Institute of Planners Annual Conference of (AIP) in Minneapolis on Oct pizza and sandwiches and the five 20. fondue bourguignonne. • year strike and national from a higher University order, iwarted-Kasabian Alcoholic beverages are served. A special dinner sponsored by boycott against the $222 million - a - year industry. . . , „An official_ at Cristo Rey Community Center, an urban the trustees University's objecting to the grape purchasing Boylan has been a member of AIP since 1955. He received a master's degree in city planning and a master's degree in ... Union , , leader _ Cesar Chavez policy. landscape architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Watchhaus of Switzerland in action center, credited student (LOS ANGELES (AP) — Linda Kasabian testified Thursday that, Design in 1949 and 1947, respectively. th seven slayings committed, Charles M. Manson dispatched her celebration of Switzerland'sua announced at the signing that 25 pressure with getting the The Boylan is a native of Newton, Mass. Independence Day will be to 30 per cent of the crop was University to stop the grape University had previously The American Institute of Planners is the yet another murder mission, which she deliberately thwarted, had no specific national professional she also said at one point in daylong testimony that she used featured on opening night, f" not covered< but forecafj Purchase. concerning the purchase of policy society of urban planners and has 6,000 members. e hallucinatory drug LSD some 50 times between 1965 and Anyone may buy tickets for the h.f renaming growers would Cristo Rey had sent letters to California grapes 169. The prosecution asked her about this in apparent event for $20 per couple which fa" ,nto ,me includes dinner and drinks for Don Stevens, D-Okemos and ftticipation of drug use being brought up by defense attorneys in ; examination. the entire evening. chairman of the board of The dinner will be held in the ' trustees. Thursday praised [ Mrs. Kasabian, addressing a jury trying Manson and three girl Speakeasv bar. The main floor student involvement in causing sciples in the Sharon Tate series of slayings last summer, said le clan leader's intended eighth victim was an actor she did not will open at 9:30 p.m. for general admission. the 1968 grape - buying decision. Where can you get the lentify who had been her transient lover. The Tin Lizzie has no cover "There's (.Manson. she said, "showed me how to do it. He said as soon as I charge. no students and labor can't work* reason why he man's residence to slit his throat." - | In stead. Mrs. Kasabian said, she directed the murder party to \e wrong apartment and the mission ■ "Why did you knock on the wrong was abandoned. HIGHEST RATE icent Bugliosi asked. door, Linda?" Deputy Dist. grandma's ■"Because I didn't want to kill anyone," she replied. of return on any type BIG AL'S Will be of bank savings? It's Honey - Dipped! temporarily closed for TAKE THE BOLD STEP AT AB & T OF COURSE! Today's look in wedding sets is bold and REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN gold. All in 14 karat yellow gold. $1.35 inventory 3 Pes. Chicken. Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits No other bank offers Trio sets (include engagement ring plus his and her wedding rings). Emerald cut set, $725. Marquise set, $600. JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN $1.80 higher rates of 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes interest on any type of savings Pear set, $575. Oval set, $550. Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw account or certificate of deposit. Man's wedding ring only, $30. THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN $2.55 A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY question about it! Serves 3 to 4 MORGANS Jewelers Since 1876 I American 121 S. Washington • Lansing BANK AND TRUST Meridian Mall • East Lansing It's the aught real thing with an Coke. untuned I qet° SPOt motor tr°uble and expense before it stops you, II time3f ore,ectron'c that test or our complete tune-up. Now is the summer auto check. See us today. Morris auto parts ^ KALAMAZOO Mon. - Sat. 8 - 5:30 MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief EDITOR'S Money at root NOTE: Relations the Democrats on Capitol Hill are busily fashioning legislative booby traps they of rival strategies overridden by both the House and Senate, with most of his own party deserting him. The bill now is House education being worked subcommittee 0Vp,k HnI byi I I FREDERICK J. LESLIE between the Nixon administration and hope to smuggle into the White House. Republicans, too, have to run for by northerners who regard it as by Nixon to reward the South forr, an?** I advertising manager the Democrats who run Congress, With control of Congress at stake in the re-election. The result was not only a blow I elections the rival strategies are clear: for Nixon personally, but it damaged the facing up to court - ordered deses J!°rty I never good, are getting worse as each side strives to write a record it can run Nixon and his fellow Republicans hope to effectiveness of the veto. It is being drastically revM ?> I KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor on next November. This article, first pin a "big spender" label on the Democrats So disastrous was the veto, in fact, that anything at all emerges it m I LARRY LEE, city editor and blame them for any economic ills that Republican leaders in Congress are advising spreading the money far more widelvV. I of two by AP Writer John Beckler, Nixon proposed and JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor examines the situation in the House. still boset the nation. The Democrats hope Nixon to avoid using it on such popular probably contL I JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor spending programs as education and health. many conditions for getting it th,n,?°| to portray themselves as the party with a heart, putting human values above money They want him to let the fattened-up bills South won't be interested. "* | values — while still rejecting the spender become law without his signature and then On the few occasions when has acceded to Nixon's wishes the Hn I Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award tag. issue a hot blast at Democrats and say he it hashnT I for outstanding journalism. Nixon is at a distinct disadvantage in won't spend the money. - trapped the bills with provisions dZ/' WASHINGTON — The struggle between In its own way, Congress has been to embarrass him. 8™ President Nixon and the Democratic - trying to exercise control over a legislative A bill awaiting House program with the Republicans in a vetoing most of the major legislative action exw| controlled Congress has reached a new level needed authority to control of intensity with the approach of the minority on Capitol Hill. proposals Nixon has sent it. Gathering dust govertZI EDITORIALS Novembe; elections. The Democrats forced him to accept $600 million more for education and $500 in committee rooms are bills dealing with revenue administration sharing by the stockpiles for defense purposes But !| Banking and Currency Committee added I Polit'cal sniping that has popped million more for fighting water pollution states, draft reform, crime, and manpower section giving the President SJI sporadically since the Nixon administration than he wanted to spend last year, and are training. authority to freeze wages, prices and rmJ took office has become almost a daily - authority Nixon neither requested „! I preparing to send him an education Major achievements of the Congress so occurrence and both sides are bringing far — tax reform, a $24.8 billion school aid wants. 91 appropriation bill that is $452 million over Mitchell on heavier weapons into play. Nixon is openly threatening to use his veto power to try to keep Congress in line; this year's budget. Nixon's veto of a bill providing hospital construction funds last month bill, extension of the vote to 18 - year - olds and continuation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — were all engineered by When the Republicans cried "political gimmickry," the Democrats JI they were merely trying to help [i;M "foul"tflji was easily Democrats, frequently over strong President Tight inflation. "This is al administration opposition. They passed indication," said the chairman of thj shake-up or their own $3.2 billion crime while committee. Nixon's program - fighting bill is still in committee, Rep. Wright Pat man of Tex« I "that this Congress is willing to whatever is necessary to end inflation do| and ■ Atty. Gen. John Mitchell - any future action is significant. Nixon's biggest victory in the House — to prevent ruinous recession." f sounding more like the "old" than Perhaps the government would like passage of his family assistance plan with its radically new approach to welfare The House Ways and Means also being generous to a fault Committal the much - reported "new" man - to see representatives of both sides - announced last week that federal National Guardsmen and students - tried so that both sides will be With control of Congress at stake in the laws were violated in the Kent State murders and that the federal satisfied with the proceedings. elections the rival strategies are clear Nixon and his fellow Republicans hope to government would move in if Ohio Possibly, the Mitchell authorities did not act. The rub is announcement foreshadows a pin a "big spender" label on the that the Attorney General did not Democrats . . . The Democrats hope to legalistic cover-up of the Kent State portray themselves as the party with a specify exactly who violated what. events. It is not unprecedented for The initial reaction is to dismiss state officials - under federal heart, putting human values above money this statement as so much PR on the values - while still rejecting the spender guidance - to muck around over a part of the administration. But the tag. case long enough for the public coldly calculating Nixon shock to wear off, then announce administration - vice president that no one in particular is guilty. assistance — is being threatened in the President's view — in the trade bill it bI Senate, which has shown no enthusiasm for about to bring out. Although it gave him I excepted — is not in the habit of Or, in the case of student unrest, issuing superfluous press. There is that "undesirable elements" and it. the import quota on textile products htl too much chance for a foul - up. "radicals" were behind the whole Where Congress has not sat on promised the South in his 1968 campaign,! administration bills, it has undertaken to it has included other quotas he opposes! Part of the thrust of the thing. reshape them so the Nixon label won't and would give him general authority-! announcement can be interpreted as show. again without being asked - to impost! an effort to build a fire under Ohio It would be a good ploy — to A case in point was the recent quotas at his discretion. deflect the blame for the deaths back administration proposal to spend $1.5 Nixon has threatened to veto the bill if it! officials who would like nothing billion to help school districts desegregate. reaches his desk in its present form, but the better than to stay away from the upon the students themselves. It Kent State hot potato. Washington would be easy for the average On the ground that Southern school threat is unlikely to bring about any| districts are facing the most difficulties in changes. would like very much to have Ohio American to see apparent logic in the desegregating, Nixon proposed an At this stage, however, veto threats,! handle the case so that federal hands proposition that had there been no allocation formula that would put about blasts and counterblasts between the White! can remain clean. But, regardless ol riot, there would have been no need two - thirds of the money into the South. House and Capitol Hill are aimed more at! Ah MADE y'all and ah can BREAK y'all!" for guns - and so on. But Southern school officials had better the voting public than at the targets at tl*| . the consequences, Washington wants not start counting it. opposite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. an end placed upon the incident. Of course, had there been no guns, The fact that Mitchell did not then regardless of what transpired, •indicate who would be prosecuted in there could have been LARRY LERNER no shootings. Very present The meaning of understanding requires promp This is a different column today. Today breathing now? Is it difficult? Are you constantly analyze the psychology of Questions: When you write do yon! you will do the work of analyzing and thinking about these words and what I'm others by their actions and non - actions usually have the impetus to use difficult«■ What will it take before the In the face of this vaporous plague critiquing not what I say but what you're saying or about something else? — an only to refrain from analyzing your own semi - esoteric vocabulary words in ord«F American people truly believe that an emergency condition has been doing with what I say. exam? — a girl or boyfriend? psychology and outer and inner actions / to impress others with your pseudo I they are in danger of polluting It's a bit frightening to sit at this I have, what some might consider, the thoughts? proclaimed by Mayor John Lindsay. acumen? Why? Do you like to read «■ themselves right off this planet? This typewriter and never really have much peculiarity of trying to understand myself My central purpose in writing these recite poetry or are you still resentful-*■ Unnecessary - and some necessary - inspiration to type something positive or through everyting I read and do. In other articles is to make people think. question is of deadly importance. burning has been prohibited. construe ideas which impart a good Are you thinking about how I am — that the school systems mate* words, when reading any type of book or poor I am at For almost a year every faction in Nonessential automobiles and other connotation. Do you feel trapped in a having any interaction with another getting my ideas across to you? Are you poetry into a chore of recitation «■ memorization in front of a classroom, or® this nation from far right to farther vehicles may be banned soon. Yet all nondeliberately established system of person, I use the words, themes, actions thinking that this particular column is a out left has been climbing on the negativism? Do you do things because you visualized or received through the senses in waste of time because I am not chore of picking apart hidden meaninfB of these acts are really only stop - presenting that only the poet was originally awareoFB want to do them or because they appear to the process 0f comprehending my own data, research, environmental bandwagon. There a cynical indictment of gap measures. The people of New have been a myriad discussions, York must find their salvation in rain be the lesser of negative evils? words, thematic structures, actions toward national leaders which you, the reader, Another positive suggestion: listen to! Personally it's very difficult to type now others. could attack? If your answer to the last the Moody Blues. thousands of analyses and uncounted or wind or something. because the air is considered "unhealthy" Do you read and thoroughly enjoy plot, question is "Yes," why do you continue promises from leaders that they will The question is, how many more by New York City weather officials characters, character sketches only to reading? If your answer is "No," why do Questions: Do you despair in knowinfl that only through excessive despair cano«B "do something." Yet New York City calamities will it take to truly open (meteorologists?) and when each breath is abrogate any chance of using these literary you continue reading? feel great happiness? Are you really try"1® is smothering under a miasma of such a fierce effort you can readily feel like devices in piercing the darkness and This next suggestion is a this nation's eyes? Everybody pays positive one: to understand what I'm saying or are y<*B giving up. Are you conscious of your confusion of your own mind? Do you listen to the Moody Blues. smog that ranks among the worst in lip service to environmental cleanup merely reading the words and their ofWB history. - but still they really believe that "it definitions? Do you feel I have any right &>■ It is a scenario out of some science subject you to this sort of analyt*B can't happen here." fiction movie. Visibility is down to OUR READERS' MIND thinking; Is this analytic thinking? Ha«B A solution to this literal mess does you ever attempted to just let thoi#H two miles from atop the Empire not lie in halting burning and turning manifest in your mind?; have you «**■ State Building. People on the streets attempted this FREE "free association. ■ are covering their faces with away automobiles. Nothing short of When you were younger, say in g""® Micronesia editorial misinformed wet handkerchiefs. Out - of - towners a major overhaul of transit systems school, and an answer was given would J ■ and power generation facilities will remain silent when you weren't sure !»■ gasp and gag and stagger about from the accomplish the desired task. Clearly, others would laugh at you or considery<*B unaccustomed burden of these projects must be begun at foolish if you raised your hand ■ breathing. And over the entire To The Editor: alive and well. They are active in the clarification? While you are in college a J once. are Hayden G. Jones this metropolis there hangs a yellow-gray Your editorial on the likely fate of the Colombo plan, ECAFE and the United East same pattern repeat itself? Lansing graduate student cloud that casts a sulfurous hue on The suffocation of New York City Micronesian islands amazes me. That the Nations. "Those who know do not tell, July 28, 1970 the landscape a color of death, not should dispel any doubts about their only other alternative to a Commonwealth Those who tell do not know. life. - type relationship, independence, "is not urgency. Not to set the tongue loose but to cunj even being seriously considered" provoke the retort, "why not?" Size of population, area and income should have nothing to do What E.L. really means it, Not to have edges that catch to" L | Oil blackm with whether or not a people or country should be independent. These have not To The Editor: Flourish and Grand Huzzah! And three way to spend their tax dollars. Built remain untangled, Unblinded, been considerations in Europe where we ostensibly as a parking facility, the new cheers for the City of East Lansing. Having structure in reality provides the citizen Unconfused, have such countries as Monaco (370 acres), succeeded in the creation of a grotesquerie The word has leaked out that American infinite hours to ponder why aesthetics and Is to find balance. government has ordered the Vatican city, San Marino, Andorra, which even surpasses the vintage billboard American consumers can expect to East Lansing don't mix. And he who holds balance beyon American companies to cut Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. at Abbott and Albert, the city fathers May it live long to immortalize all that East of love or hate. pay more for gasoline in the fall. production to try for higher prices. And they have not been considerations in deserve a pat on the head for their efforts. Lansing really means. Increases of one cent or more per The list of Mideast the South Pacific where the following The magnificent new parking facility Beyond reach of profit or loss, governments gallon are expected. nations have gained their independence: recently erected for what I suspect are Beyond care of praise or blame, using oil manipulation to get even ^ The problem lies with the political with the United States goes on and Western Samoa (a political embarrassment exegi monumentum purposes now provides John C. McConnell Has attained the highest post in to the adjacent U.S. colony of American the citizens with a brand condition of the Middle East. A - spanking - new East Lansing graduate student world." _ Samoa), the Dominion of Fiji (the main eyesore .. and what a wonderfully typical number of Arab governments are island of which is the size of Jamaica), the . July 25,1970 retaliating for the United States' This continuing petroleum Kingdom of Tonga and the Republic of stance with regard to Israel and the blackmail indicates the problems Nauru (with the highest per capita income IF VOU KNOW AHEAP OF TIME in the world although in area smaller than THAT NO ONE IS 60IN6 TD LISTEN Mideast War. caused by depending upon other, MSU). TO V0U, OOHV SPEAK ? In Syria, for example, the great not necessarily friendly, nations for Furthermore the United States is under trans - Arabian pipeline was broken in May in a bulldozer "accident." critical materials. The United States an United Nations obligation to grant rx has the capacity to become self - independence to Micronesia-. Significantly, Syrian officials have sufficient in energy sources through Finally the one example you gave of the not let oil "short and unpleasant" life - span of a company personnel in to conservation. It is time to seriously micro - state -The Maldive Islands — belie kfix the break. In Libya, the anti - consider utilizing this potential. your whole argument. The Maldive Islands Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. July 31, 1970 ' Gardner WASHINGTON (AP) - John quits post to Gardner will resign as head of Society" adequately. !l«7XL*dlhe"0mt . . sltu""on " cities. locked into a kind of personal crusade. with the task of redesigning our feels, which scuttled the war on Instead of leading a third , National Urban Coalition to "I "I never never talked talked about at__„ whv i ..From HEW' he went to he»d Gardner has turned down society. poverty by draining off the party, Gardner hopes to offer an citizens movement aimed left » left," he said eow i-.». i(■_ later, "because y !I the , ine new Urban Coalition, prime political appointments "In recent years we have seen "The national mood of money. alternative within the two formed i„ iqci w - • ■ * ■ - ,Iormed In 1967 by civic, j . u j men turn on their institutionsas ' tho natinn'c shaking up the nation' felt that mv lonvino ,.,„c i. and university posts and brushed anxiety and discouragement can Next on the list is the party system to "the lack of if to Joiitical system. of a commcniani ry on ° my haken bus'n«ss and government leaders aside suggestions that he might destroy them in a fit of be altered," he said, "not by "overhaul and revitalization of confidence in the parties, the by racial rioting in the make a good president. He is impatience,"he noted in a recent rhetoric but by specifying ■ ■ Gardner, who was secretary of speech. "Men have come to government at national, state of la constructive goals and showing aith, education and welfare in demand more and more of their and local levels to create independent vote and the j,e Johnson administration people a means of working effective and responsive question of where the Lfore going to the Coalition, institutions, and with greater toward those goals." institutions and processes." independent vote's going to go. I move shortly to the new intransigence. Gardner has a list of goals, or Gardner's "third force" — "And what we are saying, in "Unless we are willing to see a an agenda as he calls it. At the Ionization, " The Associated final confrontation between which so far has no other name effect, is the independent vote ss learned Thursday. top is an end to the Vietnam war — will try to accomplish all this ought to go back into the two movement, loosely institutions that refuse to change and with it the arms race and a - and critics bent by bringing concentrated party system. But you ought to scribed as a citizens' lobby „ on destruction," marked reduction in defense pressure to bear on and through shake up those parties and make he said, "we had better tentatively named the get on spending. It was the war, he the system. them worth going back to." J^mon Cause, will be an Iffshoot of the Urban oalition's Action Council - a CANONIZATION CELEBRATED |>bby ing arm carrying the Joiitical clout of the liberal wing ■f the nation's business Itablishnient. ■ Gardner has Reparations for organizing the Jew movement, which he calls a ■third force" rather been directing than a third Orthodox conference set Three bishops of the Eastern Orthodox Church will lecture at conferences and concelebrate the Jgrtv. the 17th annual Eastern Orthodox pontifical divine liturgy durinj ■ Behind a deceptive studious Catechetical Conference Aue. the conference. 3 7 at T business suit facade and - Kellogg Center. The observance of the canonization of Father Herman, a I'd., Gardner has long been The conference will also celebrate the canonization of the first Russian priest - monk who, as a missionary from Russia, n shaking up the country saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church of evangelized the Indian and Eskimo people and established America, which will many J) get action on social problems. take place in Alaska churches in Alaska, will include a lecture on his life and work during the week of the conference. and ■ in a speech early this symmer, The a liturgy at St. Andrew Church. 1216 Greencrest, Lansing, conference, which will deal with sacraments and liturgical lardner said public confidence traditions of the Orthodox Catholic concelebrated by the three bishops on the Church, is expected to day of the I the two major political parties attract about 100 lay leaders and canonization. shaken that there is a clergy of the Albanian, This and other celebrations of the divine i Bulgarian, Greek, Macedonian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, liturgy at 7:30 a.m. lossibility of a third and even a Syrian and Ukrainian jurisdictions of the church in eastern and each day, Tuesday through Friday at St. Andrew, are open to the lurth party gaining strength. midwestern America. public. ■ Gardner spent 19 years Priest - theologians from several states will join with the bishops The bishops participating will be Archbishop Alexis (van der lierseeing the philanthropies of Aid in teaching throughout the conference, a continuing education Tie Carnegie Corp. fecoming secretary of health, before Bearded Martin iviills, 22, and his lefties Mensbrugghe) of Philadelphia, Pa., a world • famous liturgiologist from the Russian Orthodox Church; Archbishop Valerian (Trifa) activity of the MSU Committee on Church Related Programs, in cooperation with the Eastern Orthodox Catechetical Assn. brother, Chris, 20, hold their catalog, "The Left Hand," of the Romanian Orthodox n and welfare in 1965 Episcopate, Grass Lake, who heads which features articles for sale to the left - hander. the Romanian Church President Johnson's The brothers, operating out of a Boston throughout the United States and Canada, suburb, hope they can market the products for profit and a social and Bishop Gibran (Ramloui) of Australia, a representative of the First Church of P eoples Church ^ministration. He left abruptly who writes funny, throws breakthrough for the person Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of New York, with jurisdiction in o years when he decided differently and has a problem with a corkscrew. East leither Congress nor Johnson Australia and New Zealand. Christ, Scientist Lansing AP Wirephoto The trio will lecture, serve as panelists, hold personal UNIVERSITY 200 W. Grand Riv Church influential BAPTIST CHURCH rarQ G. Te,T Phillips, Pa Lesson — Sermon Subject "Love" and baroque. Mdina it acts IVALLETA, Malta (AP) - Old has one as Malta's morai guide, woman can get a prescription if cross the street in a cassock. "Looking Like n crumpled white suits sit cathedral and two other mixing stern puritanical she says she needs the pill to churches for the 988 souls who Within hours Archbishop Gonzi h School 11:10 a, A Christian" sun at the terrace of the standards with allowances for regulate periods of fertility. was on the governor • life Premier, spiking their bitter live there. human failing. Like the tramontana, the wind general's The Maltese The doorstep to complain. We were pffee with a fruit paste called say that at clergy recently pushed that blows out of the north, not allowed to wear clerical Rev. David Robertson They talk sometimes independence from Britain in through a bill against indecency: change is coming from Europe. dress outside the cathedral. the Roman Catholic 1964 the Catholic Church women cannot enter churches in The Rev. Gordon Hyslop, canon "All this has been completely est Grand River kurch and its influence in owned five • eighths of all the short - sleeved dresses. of St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, lalta. Divorce is forbidden, yet a changed. We're on the friendliest FIRST ASSEMBLY OPEN CHURCH SCHOOL property on Malta. A spokesman says: terms with the priests and the for the archdiocese calls that man can get legal separation (They will tell you about the an a "For years we were never archbishop. Gonzi has attended OF GOD a village that had exaggeration but won't say what and take up residence with accepted as Christian ministers worship services in St. Paul's. Crib through Adults 1125 Weber Dr. Lansing Insistently voted for the Labor the figure is. another woman. Sale of pills for by the priests here. Only 20 "By the way, the old boy's not As the island's official church, contraception is unlawful, but Blk. No. of E. Grand River at prty. He put a big crucifix a years ago my predecessor dared as bad as he's made out to be." >ss the path to the polling Downer :e for the 1962 election. Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor ■ "If you want to vote," he told EDGEWOOD UNITED Robe' mocks West, COLLEGE CLASS ■ch newcomer, "you'll have to CHURCH 9:45 a.m. "Sustaining Power" \ 11:00 a.i lep across the Body of Christ." 11:00 a.m. CARL SNOWMAN did, ■rchbishop Michael Gonzi had and more didn't, an 469 N. Hagadorn ecumenical fellowship. & 7:00 p.m. YOUTH FOR CHRIST DIRECTOR, E. EAST Eugene Williams, LANSlNG~][RiNITY CHURCH 841 Timberlane Drive glared it a mortal sin to vote Worship Service PORT HURON Minister East Lansing and Church School cites Eastern ways ISince then the Stanley R. Reilly, archbishop has 9:30 A.M. 7:31 Assistant Telephone: 351-8200 Jellowed. s made Now 85 years old, he his peace with the Sermon by Interdenominational lalta Labor party, in a treaty Dr. Truman A. Morrison University Class 9:45 a.m. tyed last year with Vatican thought and culture makes the world from the point of view of For "How Great A Dare" 6:00 p.m. book worthwhile reading. another WELCOME! Transportation Call ■couragement. culture, another Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 7:30 p.m. J4-6640 484-2807 ■The party has been let out of Western clothes which make mentality. The spiritually dead Church Phone 332-8693 Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Ts spiritual ghetto. The fact that the female form, according to culture of the West is given a The sensitivity of childhood ■ took the Church to do it says Rampa, too alluring, warfare and thorough lambasting while the M.S.U. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN and the mystical experiences of Imething about it as the single a boy struggling to become a even constipation are spiritual values of the East are aC-LCA LCMS "st important influence on the condemned. extolled. CHURCH for Students and Facult for Students at CAMPUS HOUSE nds. high lama in Tibet are woven But as he criticizes the gross University Lutheran Ch Martin Luther together in "The Saffron Robe," Rampa relates a conversation Chapel 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River [On the outer walls of the by T. Lobsang Rarnpa (Bantam, between two monks about materialism of the West, Rampa Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Roed re icons, on street 1970; 19V pages, 75 cents World War I. unavoidably presents his own 332-2559 332-0 Jjfners statues of the Virgin. paperback). the country for critiquing. How Pastors: Walter Wieuke ALWAYS OPEN ■The largest s v r about," asks many Americans would care to building in most In this autobiographical George Galser Nursery Bwns is the church, big, sturdy, narrative have crushed barley mixed with Rainpa recounts his WORSHIP HOURS hot tea and butter and cooked Minister, Kail Ruffner boyhood in the bleak, "Oh, never mind what the war with cow crap as their only 8:15 am Matins windswept land of the is about," answers another. jeliicle stolen; Himalayas. His awe and wonder at the immensity of the universe, his first experience of travel "Western people don't need any food, the reason to fight, they just fight." himself. reader might ask 9:15 10:30 am am Common Service Common Service 332-5193 332-3035 lansom asked outside of the physical body to The author doesn't offer any Central United Methodist ■SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - An worlds of more than three dimensions and the humdrum practical cure for the causes of war (other than the spiritual Across from the WORSHIP SE R VICES Capitol SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH WJ ulance was kidnaped early and rigidity of monastery life are development of humanity), but S. Washington Lansin; ■jURday, he does give the remedy for a „ ■nicies two police said, and the all described through the eyes of Sunday 7 p.m. • way radio was a child. Extrasensory perception stuffed-up bowel. Drink plenty rd to announce of water, he writes. And in this Robert Regal. Baritone, the ransom is presented as though it were as Scofield Memorial Church, process of sneaking bits of ■The thief cruised around, normal as cooking crushed advice to the reader, he also Dallas, Texas ■omising over the two • way barley with Yak dung. manages to give instruction in Dr. Howard But the underlying purpose of Lyman Pastor Glenn Blossom preaching B 0 to return the ambulance the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Pr money, the "Robe" is not so naive. Rainpa's Church School 9:45 to 1' highway patrol The end result is a look at 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN subtle mockery of Western our Crib Nursery College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP 485-9477 in the fireside room 8:30 P.M. Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room fUROPEAN SPECIES UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY 0 A.M. Mr. Regal and Pastor Blossom ADVENTIST CHURCH Elm trees res Sabbath School 9:30 FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and E\ Call 482-0754 for information. Worship Service 11:00 f1)r°pean trees with a resistance to Dutch elm concentrated on foreign species. By the end of K. G. Smith, F&se have been found by MSU and University lsc»nsin foresters. These trees could be the the summer of 1968, they had received more than 600 seedlots of elms from Japan, India, pastor Christian Reformed Church UNIVERSITY UNITED Meeting at 504 Ann St. Rumania, Russia, Austria and other European METHODIST CHURCH ;r to Dutch elm problem in the United and Asian countries. • (Corner of Division) Call 361-8994 if you and Student Center 1120 South Harrison Phone 351-7030 As soon as the seeds arrived they were planted. laram I "tee n°Wthatposs'^'e to give a 75 per cent Now two years old, the trees were inoculated need transportation 1509 riiver Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) some types of elms will survive J„ 's!as,e„tor 40 years, report Gary Long and with spores of the Dutch elm disease fungus early EPISCOPAL SERVICES Visit our new Student Center — this June. Twenty - five thousand trees were "The Unknown Tomorrow' ■"Thic" bright, MSU forestry researchers. inoculated. open daily 9 A.M. • 11 P.M. res^ surv'va' rate may be adequate for city First results from the inoculations have been Lunch Wednesday 12:30 • 1:30 P.M. fcuDi.5* but homeowners who plant only a obtained. Nearly all trees belonging to one fcvivni trees want practically a 100 per cent European species died. Another European Rev. Wallschlaeger •H h.Buarantee" Wright said. "To get this, species, the smooth- leaved elm, showed much "er time conc*uct experiments for a much higher resistance. A Japanese species also showed considerable resistance. es'thl?"! and Wright are optimistic. Several Wright predicts that within five years we could Rev. Hoksbergen preaching Morning Worship 9:30 Jorldin i, Ught in from different parts of the pi °mkBpromis,n«- ' have varieties for forest planting. Wright points out that breeding of disease - Rev. J. Herbert Brink, Kev. Alvin L. Hoksbergen, Church School 9:30 (for all ages) lfeeti ,uy researchers have concentrated on resistant varieties is only one approach to the pastor campus minister Icape I th ne occ«slonal American elms that Dutch elm disease problem. for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 disease, the MSU researchers have Friday. July 31, 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 24TH SENATE State senate title One of his prime concerns, he sought by 10 contenders By JEFF SHELER says, is to "make Michigan a State News Staff Writer year - round state," in tourism, commerce, land use, agriculture Hugh Brenneman and education. He proposes placing nuclear reactors on locations along the HUGH W. BRENNEMAN. Great Lakes "where they will do Republican, East Lansing. Age the most good" by keeping 54. Alma College graduate, MSU water temperatures at a level advanced studies. that would allow year - round Employment background: shipping. Educator; Public relations. Executive director of Michigan He would have farmers State Medical Society; No appointed to planning PITTENGER YOUNGER previous partisan positions. commissions to help determine BRENNEMAN Brenneman says he "strongly land usage in a way that would favors" maintaining university prevent farmlands "from autonomy and calls attempts to disappearing and upsetting the autonomy and asserts the state w ^ The universities should be . , "real issue" in real issut in the campaign h is Younger says he behoves that Employment background; I MM V university autonomy "should be Ordained I remove it, "sheer demagoguery. ecology." r constitution was "drafted"7n . =_ writing their own policies," she A III gilt MeKpSSOn ta"We°n minister in Inited The legislators who promoted correct form" on this question, said. "The legislature should not have become the preserved." Church of Christ; co director J - Concerning agriculture, ... V ^ " ho said He "But at the same time 1 think the Christian haith and High* I this thing (removing autonomy) "I don't think there is a need write ^the policies for any were appealing to a 'kill the kids that the will soon "have to feed the United States for strong reprimand of the school." KNIGHT D. MCKESSON'. JJ^Sled fir "two a - year campus property should be Education Institute for [w| She" sa • d ' a.n * ^'"fv e^s i/y", says she favors allowing attitude," he said. He says he favors the 18 - year - whole world, not just ourselves." universities by the legislature," he said. "The administrations She jortions abortions in the first three [lepuj)llcaJ' " V«adi income or property tales income "property taxes autonomous universities cannot Michigan and California!^ ' "be abie ( n ate hand|e such problems then Jondahl, who calls himself, old vote but stipulates that students should be allowed to In education he keeping public schools open year proposes should nppHpd to work out the imnrovements" months of pregnancy "I think there has to be a legal Employment hmpioy nilhi:„ background: rations- 15 new "U'S 'Zritls priorities in S siaie maybe some other body can." Younger says he might support "peace candidate." has said he for a woman to have an strongly favors university vote only in the area where creating better "they have responsibility.' round and vocational education programs. Dasen favors abortion reform, "but not abortion repeal." way abortion if she needs it, she yeans Mwspap ^Tne^pV>et work; president HGraham government spending, he said. ^ liiniu>d reform in autonomy he is for "striking "Our ahortion laws have said. °l .*v* Michigan's abortion laws but not abortion from the state statutes" Mlhl,_ r„i9tinns firm r.i r»-.. a complete repeal of the and favors the 18 year old vote She said a new state abortion - served our "Rut societv society well." he said. has'changed and so law should also include a Assoc"^ Mcis-esso P "ridjcuIous" Philip Pitt€llger abortion statutes. because, he said, it will "openup removine "I think if it were probably a the system to more residence requirement to prevent the co^ people, the law must change" p universities PHILIP O. PITTENGER. deformed child there Jondahl Campaign He said he believes the New York abortion law 'goes a little "overnight abortions." Mrs. Gibson says she favors a aU.°° y « « move ,f seeking and self - Republican. Lansing. Age 45. hea|th or factor for the mother was a favorably of has new also spoken health care for the too far." and he would not lowered voting age and would sewnjm bv ^legislature y Hudson High School graduate; attended short courses at MSU then a decision to have an programs, reordering national abortion shou|d be made priorities to a more support that form of abortion support the 18 - year - old vote^ tothe atte^administration p j and U-M. 70 reform. He says he favors giving 18 • But she says she would prefer a 19 - or 20 - year • old voting age. universities," he said. of the Employment background: between the woman and her doctor." Younger said. humanitarian concentration and ending the v r in Indochina. He I opposition to I year - olds the right to vote and parochiad. would support a measure to enact the lowered voting age. "I believe there is a definite Len Stuttman Brenneman predicts that all Alvin Dasen place in our society for the 18 - states will eventually have year - old vote," he said. Michigan primar liberalized abortion laws and LEONARD M. STUTTMAN.I Dasen says he considers fiscal says he would support abortion Democrat. Lansing. Age 44.1 ALVIN L. DASEN. Republican, responsibility and taxation as MSU graduate, MSI' advanced! reform in Michigan if it includes "adequate legal and medica ^ Unsing Age '4o. Owosso issues "of great importance to of studies in communications. h Schooi graduate, attended our area productive society." protection for the mother, "The elderly, for example, are Employment background:! Lansi Community College and Naturalist: photographer! husband, physician and fetus. Central Michigan University. especially suffering from "But to consider abortion as a increases in property taxes," lecturer; "The Many Worlds oil birth control measure Emp|oyment Len Stuttman," WGNTV.l consider aborticide," he said. He said he is "not completely Chicago, and WJIM-TV. Lansing:I control "The problem with giving the "There should no State employee, managerial; director of Nature Way Assn | "Popluation control must * Fted' Age"ncTfrom call for a "thorough study" by through contraception, Legislative 'olds"i7that relationship" between the elected to state House of decided" about the 18 - year • until filing for office. occur )Q|R hg ^ | tQ run for the legislature of state revenues ha,f Qf them are stiU in high universities and the legislature Representatives in 1966 and old vote question, and said there Stuttman says ho opposes! family planning and, if all else services were not other issues he could school," she said. other than appropriations," he 1968. removing university autonomy® fails, regulation," he added. university eliminate wasteful and added that college said. Pittenger says he does not think of to discuss. and calls it "unconstitutionalT unnecessary taxes and programs. She students should vote in their McKesson says he favors favor giving the legislature the "It's the state's responsibly! hometowns rather than where abortion reform but that it responsibility "bears a lot of research." of disciplining universities. He has said such a John Cataldo to finance education and it'sthe^ they attend school. universities' responsibility II Pollr Gibson Mrs. Gibson says her primary misery concentraion is with state "I have seen some of the move by the legislature would be children caused by unwanted a violation of the state and the economic constitution. JOHN E. CATALDO. Democrat, East Unsing. Age 48. make and execute Stuttman said. Stuttman says policies,"| he favoal THE BIGGEST 8>MG*IN POLLY GIBSON (Mrs: Robert affairs. problems that result," he said. He is undecided on both the 18 Boston English High School abortion reform and calls it i| N., Jr.). Republican, Lansing. ... I--" He believes a new abortion law ia,., . year old vote question and graduate. matter "of law, not a matterolj IN ECONOM ghe has ken out on the He bel include resident . abortion law reform. Employment background: Age 53. Appalachian State needA f()r „,oaHn« creating "mpnninoful "meaningful should _ _ morality." sales and management in Dili It tm Kaiway tim, IWHm University Boone, N.C. graduate, —mT.I.ISK "5SS5? j*"'*™""?"*"? P"""* petroleum industry for 20 years; He says the original for the law was one of purport media1 35 M.P.C. and it MV'i MSU advanced studies. *.♦««« npnnle and the for ProPer n i tt Wound: ^veCeT^Pott,™ ^cUns Olll ounger . prices Hit think lo* net I ± currently vice president of Great jm e» SAVE. Employment precaution for the mother us Lakes Petroleum. .. Teacher; bookkeeper not a concern for the fetus. legislation and improving the McKesson says he favors the PAUL C. YOUNGER. Cataldo says he is "against any ^ partner, Holt Lumber Co.; "Under present HEM mTmto „fULansrng"Board"of state education system. 18-year-old vote and would Republican, Lansing. Age 60. attempt to remove autonomy condjtions the reason Education since 1961, president ,tj think our future depends on support such a proposal. MSU and U-M Law School from the universities." abortion law ceases to exist,' for two years. "I have no fear that it is going graduate. ''However, if the how much or how well we Mrs. Gibson favors keeping the educate our young people," she to change anything," he said. Employment background: administrations cannot keep stuttman universities autonomous. "In fact, I'd take it one step Lawyer; state senator from control over their campuses, }owerjng the voting age to H ^ suspect we haven't been further and say lower the Livingston and Ingham counties then perhaps other measures and ^.,5 18 - year - oH as good a job as we drinking age to 18." from 1957 to 1964; Ingham should be taken," Cataldo said. ..are better informed than al Free However, McKesson says the County prosecutor, 1951 to 1954. Cataldo is opposed to lowering the Voting age to 18 and says it is of 40 . year - olds." don't think anything 1725 Storage, much if we'hid 4 "too young" to assume such a change too FISH TAKEOUT responsibility. year - old vote,' "I don't go along with the said. MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 Pick-Up, argument, if you are old enough to fight, you are old enough to Another one of his he says, is to have governfflj RENAULT Delivery For only $1.35 you can take out our famous fish dinner with all the extras. And for your vote,' " he said. "I don't see why these kids want to grow up any officials communicate "educate back to DEALER convenience, our piping-hot carry-out specials take sooner than they have to. I'd constituents." , prefer seeing how voting at 20 himself J LOUIS Stuttman calls only seconds to prepare or you can call ahead and SPORTS CAR CENTER PHONE 482-122G we'll have it waiting for you. Don't forget that we also offer carry-out service on most of the food works, and if it does then maybe we can lower it more." Cataldo is opposed to abortion "environment candidate. 1200 E. OAKLAND CLEANERS "My purpose i items on our menu; chicken or shrimp for law reform and calls it "a step is to bring Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery Arr. 623 E. GRAND RIVER instance. If you're in a hurry for excellent food down in current moral the Senate 0J a state government an ecolow and service. Hurry in to Holiday Inn. decline." sensitivity," he said. "R'g However, he said he might we are legislating our own» iPetjudo I?4ugu&t Holiday Inn East - 489-2481 3121 E. Grand River consider abortion it to acceptable for an be performed if a destruction." Stuttman says he vlcW . — woman's health is in jeopardy. Cataldo of the problems facing society* says his main concern environmental problems. W Makes a Happy Birthday! Don't forget our "All you Can Eat" Specials. in the state is that the "All social issues fall unde'1! government "is not getting a dollar's value for a dollar spent." ecological umbrella," lu* s®" I Sunday Chicken Dinner $2.25 "What we need is greater Children $1.25 productivity in all levels of Monday government," he said. L(>0 Spaghetti Dinner $1.50 LEO J. MILLER Am^ Lynn Jondahl Independent party (unopr Lansing. Left high sch< H. LYNN JONDAHL. 1920s to go to work. discount records HRS. Democrat, East Lansing. Age 33. Employment - - DAILY 9:30 - 8:30 . for University of Iowa (Iowa City, began w.° ,q.,4 as SAT. 9:30 - 6:00 Iowa) graduate, Yale University SUN. 12:00 5:00 Motors in iw ei - Divinity School (New Haven, tradesman; retiring • (continued on page 225 ANN ST. THE Doors ABSOLUTELY LIVE OPEN 2 RECORD SET Sun. thru Thurs. 6 A.M. to 11 P.M. Fri. & Sat. COME IN AND CHECK OUT 6 A.M. to 4 A.M. TODAY THRU SUNDAY 2820 E. Grand River KILLER L.P. of OF THE DAY Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 31, 1970 ,ihon hits • ^pending Candidates jriorities ■ j0hn Jndidato Cihon, Democratic for Congress, has been in government Impugning as a peace Jndidate. In November, he will ■jaiienge the incumbent, Rep. society," Nelson told the audience of nearly 30 persons. "We should solve people problems lharles E. Chamberlain, R-East by Arising. bringing together a sincere effort." Howard Jones, candidate for iCilion has criticized national Six Democratic primary candidates for the the 58th District, reminded the representative in lies set up by the Nixon meeting of House of Representatives, a candidate for the propositions in the Democratic platform. ilstration. MSU Board of Trustees and a U.S. congressional > have to dirc-t America Alluding to incapabilities of the Republican candidate urged Wednesday at the monthly candidates. Jones pledged to work for a a new path," he said change meeting of the Ingham County Democratic in national priorities. jcontly. "»nd make people the Committee that new national priorities be £st priority. adoped. Bomb money ["Nixon refuses increased funds John Cihon, running for the U.S. Congress in "Money spent on bombs and bombers can't be education, yet approves the 6th District, set the pace for the candidates' spent on the housing shortage in Michigan," Billions for the ABM system." Jones said. "I look on the war talks by attacking Charles Chamberlain, the 6th as a tragic wrong |0n other issues, Cihon says he District's incumbent, and by backing a reordering and I will move quickly to right this wrong." i federal program of Contenders of the nation's priorities. Another candidate for the 58th Richard O'Neill, said that District,' enough isn't being dilution legislation Republicans Jim Brown and Harold Pletz sit with Democrat state Cihon pointed out that 1970 is an excellent done in the legislature representative from the 59th District, during its sessions, and laraiitced minimum income George Griffiths during a political meeting last week. year for unseating Chamberlain because of that many legislators vote on issues unopposed for the Democratic nomination t< they know |d abolishing the draft. Brown and Pletz are seeking the Republican n dissatisfaction with the Republican very little about. administration and massive unemployment. There is a definite need to attack problems Full benefit long before they become crises, he said. He 59TH DIST Pat Carrigan, a candidate for the board of strongly urged the establishment of rehabilitation facilities for drug addicts and alcoholics. trustees, told the Democrats that every American should have access to the full benefit of Critical need society. 3 in for House Higher education is the passport to many "The critical need of our time is to make the benefits, she said, and the opportunity for it democratic system work," Tom Walsh, the third race seat should be extended to more people -- young and old and those who have not gotten it because of economic limitations or prejudice. candidate for the 58th District, said. "This will determine whether or not we survive in our present form of culture." Teacher, Walter French Junior Republican, East Lansing. Age Jim Brown High school since 1955. 57. MSU graduate. "The 18 • year - olds," he said, "should be entitled to vote Pletz reform. also favors abortion "It is a high priority for me that higher It is necessary that the nation raise the sense of along education meet the consequences of suffering," |m brown- Republican, Griffiths said he fully supports Employment background: with other responsibilities -- to "We need abortion reform. It's she said. "Higher education can offer training dignity and personal worth of every person by MSU graduate. eliminating the degrading factors of poverty, ill complete autonomy for President, Pletz Motor Sales, sign legal contracts and things of a moral and religious issue and and enlightenment," she continued. health, racism, physical and mental ■Employment background: Michigan universities. Williamston; owner, Pletz and that nature." should be placed there with the and isolated old age, he said. handicaps president, Panax Corp; "At MSU," he said, "I see Son Body Shop, East others." "We should all work first for the end of the Lansing. "If a law will allow them to in Vietnam," John Kopp, candidate for the newspapers and radio eight men (trustees) elected by Ingham County Board of vote, that's fine. He added that a resident war George Griffiths, the only Democratic in Michigan; president, the whole state. That is where But, of course, 57th District, said. "I don't see that we can meet candidate for the >ns Commissioners (1949 - present); requirement should be part of 59th District, said that an a constitutional amendment Echigan Press Assn., incumbent the authority lies." East Lansing City Councilman, would be less easily rescinded." the program. the challenges of society until the war is brought "enlightened" legislator was needed in his two years in Michigan He favors the 18 - year • old 12 years; mayor of East Lansing, On tax reform, Pletz sees need to an end.' district. He asserted that some legislators face ;e of Representatives. 1959-61. for an analysis between taxes Pletz fully supports the Kopp advocated an end to racial and sexual complex problems with simplistic solutions, and IVoting record on key issues; "I've always been in favor of Pletz is running against constitutional autonomy of paid and services provided. discrimination and to the property taxes that that he would operate in a more efficient way. ■nimum wage. No; Off - track it. As a school teacher, I am part incumbent Jim Brown. "We must make a critical discriminate against those of low income. Michigan universities and "I shudder at any greater amount of Itting, No; Parochiaid, No; of a concerted effort to interest Pletz favors the 18 year - old - believes that each should govern evaluation of the services which Earl Nelson, also running in the 57th District, repression," he said. "We must attack the lllution suits, Yes; Citizen youth in our political system, vote, abortion reform and a its internal affairs. taxes provide and reform the said that the country's greatest need is to bridge problems of poverty, war and racial injustice, but lend jury, Yes; Cigaret tax, Yes; Some adults turn 23 before they graduated income tax in "It's not the legislature's job," structure to align taxes with the gap of two different generations. not by making new laws that cause more lual licensing, No. are allowed to vote in a Michigan. he said. services rendered," he said. "We have made ourselves a crisis - oriented repression." ■Brown has listed priorities for presidential election." I'll as: His views on abortion reform Redistricting Michigan's are simultaneously complete and Bngressiunal districts according terse: "I would like to see all Challenged incumbents 1 the 1970 census. aborti [• Property tax relief, which he completely oved from "the root cause of criminal law." is, indecision and lack of Griffiths s ard motion in our repression , |condary schools." large for the next legislature." By CAROLE EBERLY encouraged by the support I've The most clear - cut issue • be loyal to a-democratic * Other priorities to "wean He termed President Nixon's UPI Correspondent gotten." oriented Democrats are vying for the contest will be in form of government they must [ople off welfare rolls," a crime bill for Washington, D.C., Although more than one half Petitpren is basing his Republican Sen. Lorraine d part of its ut-Lisiuii decision matting chance to mn November. The through on pollution as "horrendous." - optimism in part on the results Beebe's 12th District « making . , nt and reassessment of "Nixon intends it as a model of the Michigan Senate is facing of the last House election, when Dearborn, Dearborn of process and the weight of their Wlde open race resulted from for state legislatures," Griffiths primary opposition Tuesday, he picked up 82 per cent of the Heights, feelings must be felt." Sen. Harold Hungerforri's |e"eeducational process. optimism is rampant among vote in Inkster and Redford. The most crowded race is in announcement he would not seek said that he is undecided said, "but the law appalls me." Faust's hometown of incumbents Abortion reform it the 18 • year • old vote. "We need more observance of that they'll be Westland. Lansing's district, where six re-election to the seat he's held around for the November race. Mrs. Beebe, chairman of the Republici id three for four years. the Bill of Rights. We should ;ampaign In another House - Senate Cvorge Griffiths quit treating the symptoms "I'm confident," said challenge, Rep. Jack Faxon, a Senate Health, Retirement and Social Services Committee, has pEORCE L. GRIFFITHS. rather than the causes." Republican Sen. James Fleming of Jackson, one of the 20 for the Detroit Democrat, is running after Sen. Raymond Dzendzel's led the fight for abortion reform (unopposed), East senators in the legislature for two GOLDEN FALCON ROOM being challenged. 7th District seat. Dzendzel, an years. Jnsing. MSU graduate. Harold Pletz Fleming, a prime fighter 70s eight • year veteran in the She is facing an opponent who says "no one has the right to (Employment background: HAROLD F. against abortion reform in the PLETZ. Senate this Senate, was Democratic leader take a life, even if it is unborn." year, said he did not until he was dumped last HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE year "The think his stand would hurt him. battles will be in districts where for more liberal leadership. main issue in this ON WINGS: WITH "I don't believe that one issue incumbents are being opposed Five other House members are campaign is abortion," said Miss of by House members. Not only are Helen Gotawka, a secretary for NIGHTLY BUFFET DON RODRIGO TRIO out 4,000 decides an hoping to make it to the Senate election," he said. "There are the challengers familiar with the Ford Motor Co. "I cannot agree A LA CARTE in the primary by beating out Featuring JERI RAY records of their colleagues across with Mrs. Beebe and I want to many, many other issues the opposition. However, none is COMPLETE Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. candidat give the voters the Capitol building and how to real choice." 10 involved here." a challenging an incumbent. A second issue contest based DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. However, Fleming's opponent, use them, but they have the 43 - year - old Jackson Mayor incentive that, if they lose, Closest race on experience vs. youth is being Maurice (Bud) Townsend, is they're out of a job. waged in Sen. L. Harvey Lodge's The closest race in the campaigning on a program which Rep. Vincent Petitpren, district, which includes suburban senatorial primary may be in the Democratic chairman of the Pontiac. Lodge, 67. who has I'n includes support of abortion 15th District where Democratic senate reform and intends to make an issue of it. House Colleges and Universities Committee from Westland, for Reps. Daniel Cooper and Albert Kramer are after the seat now served in the legislature off and on since 1947, is being In the eastern part of the state, instance, is pouring on the heat held by Sen. Sander Levin, who challenged by a 23 • year - old Sen. in the 13th Senatorial District. who says it's time to Alvin De Grow, a is running for governor. put a Republican from Pigeon who Petitpren, who has been in the young person in Lodge's seat. be better spent by Both Cooper and Kramer are (continued from page 6 was elected in 1968 to fill out House since 1965, is running "The young are alienated implementation of the articulate Oak Park attorneys because they have no real stake following: "1) a policy of the unexpired term of retired against Sen. William Faust, who have aggressively piled up Sen. Frank Beadle of St. Clair, is elected to his first term in 1967. in the system," said James 1 in tool repair, advertised and solid legislative records in their competitive | favors giving the bidding by qualified vendors and also confident of victory. "We've been out campaigning four years in the House. They Brinev, a recent graduate of Mature Olivet College. "If individuals responsibility for contractors for all purchases and "Everything is really going every day, all day long," said both chalked ipline up impressive on campus. He also construction. 2) An immediate quite well," said DeGrow. "I'm Petitpren. "And it looks real victories in the last general ring the voting age to withdrawal, and also the fortunate enough to have Frank good now. Trying to predict the election, with Cooper running | and believes abortion law discontinuance of investing of Beadle as my finance chairman outcome of the primary is like almost 2 1 ahead of his 1204 E. OAKLAND state - held trust funds in and he swings a lot of votes." predicting if I'm going swimming opponent and Kramer near the e Relieves tax dollars could Perhaps the hardest fought next May 15, but I'm real 3-1 mark. fluctuating securities." recision POWERFUL, INIEW.Si Imports NOVEL MEAL "Specializing in finer sport cars" by Little Caesars announces our new location . . . "voluptuous" — v. vittles now . . . major and minor anto repair "satisfying" -1. Till: PERU-XT PL AC1.1 OR sauce complete tune-ups Tamil y dinners, parties and "tantalizing" — a. roma electrical work a specialty- h usi ness meetings OFF CAMPUS collision repair and restoration ( ompl ete ha nquet i-a c n. ities onccaalmlpus CALL 337-1631 337-1681 all under _ Maturing delicious cantonese food one roof at 1204 Oakland |BEST FOOD COUPON ON A MED. import need servicing? call for an appointment today! Financing available BEST SERVICE little Caesass 50$ OR LARGE PIZZA WITH ONE BEST PRICES OR MORE IV4-4411 OFF ITEMS. Free Delivery 1^2-6233 kalamazoo at grand EXPIRES AUG. 3 IV2-4444 Complete parts department 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, Juiy 3| SPORTS- JEFF ELLIOTt Lions, other teams vote to strike £ Paddleball Until Sunday or Monday, Flanagan said the organization and the Dallas quarterback said he Association," said Collins. By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Lion's players would continue holding informal National Football League players seemed drills twice a day, as they have been doing for would back the union. Quarterback Bill Nelsen of the Browns also said Co - Browns Captain Jim Houston, who said the will not report, said that "We are Pairs youth'oged' more than a week. "After that, we firmly entrenched behind their Players might break he'd like to go to camp but would support the completely unified. The only exception were Association Thursday after the union declared a up and make it once a day," he said. Association. three or four teams who were unable to get full ■ scale strike against the league. The club already has cancelled an intrasquad "I don't want to see it fold," said Nelsen. together with their representatives in such a short It'll be youth and speed vs. the experienced older gene The strike was announced Thursday after club scrimmage scheduled for Saturday because of the "Having just some people go to camp would split time." owners voted Wednesday night to open training uncertainity of having enough players on hand, the team." Reports drifted in all day Thursday today in the finals of the IM summer UUUDli'S ... *»!*. ou.iiiuc-i doubles nadduSS nflfMl l ■ camps to players at 6 p.m. EDT Thursday. The first apparent rift seemed to open "If we go in, we might as well abandon the voted not to report. as teams championship. Herb Olson and Gayle Mikles, the current ri k I Veterans had been locked out of camp during the Wednesday night when Craig Morton of Dallas state champions, will meet Steve Keeley and Andy Homa t I reportedly announced that the Cowboys had the top college players in the state, for the IM title The I previous month • long negotiations. will begin at 11 a.m. on court two in the Men's IM malcl11 Ganokas/ voted to report to camp. But that was squelched Bailey, In Detroit, the Lions voted unanimously to support the National Football League Players Thursday when Ralph Neeley, the Cowboys' Olson and Mikles have won the state open division the Dast I 'Association and not to report to camp Thursday, player representative, called Players' Association years. Both men are instructors in the HPR Dept. 01 Ed Flanagan, the club's player representative President John Mackey and advised him, "Weare Keeley and Homa, the latter the only lefthander of the QUart I paddleball u I were probably the top two players on the MSU said. 100 per cent behind the association and we will last year. Keeley was very instrumental in not be in camp." forming such "There's always the possibility we might close several years ago. our camp," said a spokesman for the club. we have to wait and see." Flanagan said he polled the 40 - some veterans "But Earlier on Wednesday, Morton had opened possibly the first gap in the players ranks when he announced that 25 Cowboys had voted take honors in I'll have to bypass my generation and go with the of the two to win today's championship match. SDeetatn* invited to watch. "aKed"r I R#,l I on the team Wednesday and Thursday, and they "nearly unanimously" to report to camp. John Bailey, Gus Ganakas, Ed voted 100 per cent to back the NFLPA. "I'm not pro - owners," said Morton. "I'm pro MSU golf team in 1968, won the three shots back, was the team "We hope they don't close down the season," - me and pro team. We can't wait any longer. We Palmer, and Fred Petrovich student low gross division with a °f Dan Webster and Jakad. The MSU Alumni Assn. is sponsoring a five - day "Snart. I have to get started. We're heading for camp." walked away with the honors in 72, edging Bill Jakad by one A total of 79 participants took Flanagan said. "I'm not looking forward to a closed down season. We're all depending on the Morton's anxiety, however, was quickly stilled last week's IM golf tournament shot. It was a climactic finish by part in the first of two scheduled Football Holiday" to Seattle, Wash., to see the MSU - University I as NFL players voiced solid support for their at Forest Akers golf course. Bailey who scored a hole in tournaments by the IM. The of Washington game. The tour will leave Detroit Sept. 1G fortw 1 money." • - nights in Las Vegas and then on to Seattle, returning to Detroit I Bailey, co - captain of the one on the 18th hole (184 second tournament has been set Sept. 20, the day after the game. The tour price is $299 1 yards) to beat Jakad. Earlier for August 15. Entries will be inclusive. For detailed information, alumni can call Alumni! this month Jakad set a course taken anytime from Aug. 3-12. Director Robert Shackleton at 5-8314. ■ CHECK OUR SPECIALS record by a left - handed golfer with a 68. Green fees MUST be paid when signing up. RACK. Many Great Bailey also had the low net Three individual contests were Maxie Baughan, middle linebacker for the Los Angeles Ram I score, 69.5 to Jakad's and Brian held while the tournament was recently ended his brief retirement and rejoined the club forth! LP's at Low Prices! Walker's 70.5. being staged. At the sixth and 1970 season. This isn't of much importance to MSU it means one more man Rich Saul will have to beat fansexcentl In the faculty competition, twelfth holes, golfers competed on the Rams' club. out for as Palmer won medalist honors to see who could put their drive at with an 80, one stroke ahead of the closest to the pin. Brian Saul, co-captain of last year's Spartan team, was picked by LaH Fred Petrovich and Larry Sierra. Walker won on the sixth hole along with several other linebackers in the winter draft. But i)k| The DISC SHOP Petrovich won the low net score w'th a shot that landed three way the contract talks are progressing between the owners am!I however, with a 72. Sierra was feet from the cup, while Jack the NFL veterans, Saul may not even get a chance to beat out I 323 E. Grand River scond with 72.5. Keating put his drive 21 feet anybody. A strong possibility exists that the entire NFL will be called off. In that case, Saul may have to put to u< season! Open Mon. - Sat. 9 - 6 Fri. 9 - In the student / faculty best fro,m the on the twelfth social science degree he received last June. Phone 351-5380 ball competition, MSU Head 1 ' Basketball Coach proved he On the thirteenth hole, golfers knows what to do on the competed for the longest drive, fairways as well as the Burly Steve Newman unleashed The committee in charge of A1 Kaline Day this Sunday hasgontl NORTHSIDE Dnve-in hardcourt as he teamed with a Jack Nicklaus belt of 275 all out to bring in some top people to honor the Tiger's gren! ' Bailey for 70. In second place yards to win the contest. outfielder. Among those who are expected to attend are Gov! /,& . * * ,jj • 7.&SPJeaVf a Milliken; Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs; Bowie Kuhil commissioner of baseball; Joe Cronin, president of the America! l.BM. jjRfli They make their own laws \ League; John Fetzer, president of the Tigers, and Jim executive vice president of the Tigers. Canptd| '■ NOW! 3 ADULT FEATURES at "The Cheyenne I'm a little late on this one, but congratulations are in order fori Social Club" the Joe Carruthers family on their newest addition to the family,I ? Only today's a 10 pound, 8 ounce boy. It was the third son for the asstl j demented football coach and his wife, Sarah, who also have one daughter,I The newest Carruther was born July 14. j society could | make such I an animal LBRAMS! I a woman... I Or such a I woman an I animal. RUSS MEYER'S , \ i PLANETARIUM I VIXEN. SHOWN 2ND AT 10:30 PROGRAM SCHEDULE I j Fridays 8:00 p.m. j THE CASE Saturdays j 2:30 p.m. 1 8:00 p.m. | Sundays i OF THE 2:30 p.m. 4 4:00 p.m. j Information - 355-4672. ' UFO Abrams Planetarium, Science | Road and Shaw Lane, MSU, Is our planet being visited byl East Lansing. No Preschoolers spacecraft controlled bfl Admitted. intelligent creatures from another world? Explore withB PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 TODAY... 0pe- us the possibilities of highln developed life forms on othaB (Admission Free) planets. Witness dramaticH demonstrations of somB mysterious UFO accountiB II you've never seen one oi 'THOSE' movies... Learn Second the constellations. Thursday each month and learn some basic types«■ observations to perform whew Fimlers Keepers except September. session: Aug. 13, 8 P.M. Next you see an sky." "unknown in tlx! LQ/Vers Weepers! ^ the one to see! , PROGRAM INFORMATION 372-243CDF=iT plete with two seasoned and ealing troupers: James TODAY... 3:15-5:15-7:20-9:20 BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN 'art and P.M. Henry Fonda, 'he Cheyenne Social Club" is THE TYPE OF ROLE THAT MADE JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET Jt a whorehouse HIM A STAR!! CUNT GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES EASTWOOD VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON ...the deadliest man BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN DS rally alive...takes on a whole army with DANAWYNTER BARBARA HALE two guns and a :heduled listful ol dynamite! )r Detroit FiOR*"ROBSON PAUL LUKAS • • JOHN IRELAND ■ HARRY ANDREWS LEO GENN • ROBERT HELPMANN *KURT KASZNAR ELIZABETH SELLARS • JACQUES SERNAS ■ .'EROME THOR •DIMITRI TIOMKIN regional demonstration by ARDGORDON mciioi.NICHOLAS RAY- «maoi,SAMUEL BRONSTON '"SSmVENIEROCOuS&INMOORE VAN HEFLIN | MAUREEN STAPLETON | 8ARRV NELSON lents for • ALLIED ARTISTS | LLOYO NOLAN | DANAWYNTER | BARBARA HALE I a Democratic "AIRPORT" SHOWN TWICE FRI. & SAT. AT 8:27 AND «ty (SDS) will be held 12:40 Friday, Saturday, July 31 & Aug. 1 Irday in Detroit's Grand ALSO "COMPANY OF KILLERS" IN COLOR AT 11:10 sPark at 12:30 Fairchild Theatre 7:30 p.m. p.m. - ' will demonstrate for four ' demands: Admission $1.00 •nited States out of Vietnam clint EASTWOOD ' with no negotiations. Tickets on Sale at the door [uPPort ghetto rebellions. SHIRLEY MAC lain k year-round employment TODAY OPEN 1:00 P.M. loyment for all. TWO MUlis FOR SISTER SARA Show Starts 1:30 P.M. fupport for the possible 4 SHOWS DAILY [rniing UAW strike. TECHNICOLOR - RATED'GP' 1:30-4:00-6:40-9:15 [. f°r s anyone wishing to Fpate will be available at umon Saturday at 9:30 a.m. PROGRAM INFORMATION 882-2429 HURRY! LAST 5 DAYS To see all the stars! All the spectacle! l^her information, call All the songs! Exactly as shown in its long run roadshow engagements! TIFFANY THEY SET OUT TO LOUNGE ROB A BANK.. . AND DAMN NEAR ^29 WON A WAR Acclaimed by INSTEAD. AAA Motor News Magazine and Weightwatcher's Magazine CM Eastwood. Telly Savalas Dai RcMes 9jr2npcr0r2? ,or hospitality, [•(jpi and Donald Sutherland in KELLYS HEROES $ a,niosphere. and SHOWN TWICE TONIGHT & SATURDAY 8:30 AND LATE good food. AND ... ON THE SAME PROGRAM (Shown at 11:00 Onl; Greek Food Metro Goldwyn Mayer presents A Kat/ka Berne Production starring Specialties In ®aCh Saturday James Garner • Gayle Hunnicutt jniiw ouwffitL. iS is\»f Lansing Marlowe" f^'mcatF rtSHANIMLLS.%* •ritoittmtyMCM'i mt»l|fcrti*t>ll(MLB JSafflaSoH (A Carrol O'Connor Rita Moreno William Daniels Starts :-**% i- . "the strawberry STATEMENT" At 6:30 and 9:15 Sat. and Sun: 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 Wed. Fnday. July 31 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 state nevvs -STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED The coolest place in the world to get a good buy . .. the Want Ads ... Naturally! classified 355 8255 355 8255 The State News does not Employment FRANKLYSPEAKING fcy Phil frank For Rent For Rent For Snle MhnUteL permit racial or religious discrimination in its PART TIME work for students. Car AIRPORT NEAR. Single adults, modern furnished, $15 per week, CAMELOT South APARTMENTS: 4901 Pennsylvania. Quiet VOICE and tape OF Music. AMFMre: recorder. Call 40!?;" I advertising culumns. The necessary. Call 351-7319 for 489-7253. 5-8 4 location for grad students and after 6 p.m. 4-7-31 ^I Wasfl State News will accept advertising which not interview. C FURNISHED ONE man apartment faculty. One bedroom furnished, $150 monthly. Possession now or PHILCO 7 transistoi ra<)in », ■ * automotive discriminates against BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light one block from campus. Available September 1st. Call manager excellent condition " I Scooters & Cycles housekeeping and cooking, $30 August 1st. Call 355-6187. 3-7-31 393 8657 or FOX PROPERTY 332-4773.1-7-31 ^I religion, race, color or weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. Auto Parts & Service national origin. 2 GIRLS needed for 4-girl in Cedar 14-8-17 ROOM FOR man over FW„ ' Aviation LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? Village starting September. Call 211H East Grand RiverJS47 See today's Want Ads for a 332 0386 after 4 p.m. 3-7-31 * EMPLOYMENT Houses * FOR RENT complete listing. BOX SPRING and bed «)«>, $80. Call 351 i,Jn)e n " I ■ EAST LANSING near campus. One Apartments Automotive STUDENT HELP. Some experience ONE GIRL needed, private room, bedroom, furnished. Large airy Houses PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1968. Yellow in Histotechnique, also animal rooms. Air conditioned. $50 monthly. Summer term. After 6 p.m., 332-5350. 3-8-4 COMPONENT STEREO $500 or best offer an, \l~~A care. All of August and part time Beautifully maintained. Select ' " Rooms with black vinyl top, bucket seats. during school year. Pay: $2 - $3 clientele Lease. 332-3135 or FOR SALE Excellent condition, $1800. Call SHARE ROOMY house with four * per hour depending on experience. 882-6549. O 351-1727. 5-8-3 355-4640. 1-7-31 grad men. Private room. Parking. Animals APARTMENTS. 911 489-3174. 1-7-31 STEREO DYNACO pat-4, Mobile Homes MARIGOLD stereo7i I RAMBLER AMERICAN convertible, PLANS FOR the Fall? American Marigold across from campus. Garrard SL55. Utah speJ I * PERSONAL 1963, 3-speed, bucket seats, radio, Academic Environments, Deluxe 2 man furnished TWO GIRLS now and / or Fall. Own Retail, $425 will sell SI * PEANUTS PERSONAL mechanically excellent, $200. Jim Cambridge, Massachusetts is apartments. Now leasing for fall. bedroom, close to campus. 355-1043. 7-8 7 SI Salisbury, 351-9648 after 5 p.m. 351-1890. O 351-2237. X-3-7-31 seeking students, graduates to IV 9-9651 or * REAL ESTATE 4-8-4 market products full time. MISCELLANEOUS OLD * RECREATION Contact Placement Bureau. 8-8-11 NEW Bedroom apartments in 2 BEDROOM house furnished, furniture, space heater, , carpeted. Fall term. 411 Clifford, hair curler, (never * service Haslett, furnished and used), old t,it ■ Typing Service IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. as unfurnished. Beginning at $160; 489-6476. 3-7-31 cabinets, hair d,v,.r. five poll professional consultant, VIVIANE furnished $185. East Lansing dumbbells, bongos, ligh, ^I SUMMER: ENTIRE house / short * TRANSPORTATION TRIUMPH 1965, $595. Call ED WOODARD COSMETICS. Own Realty, ED 2-3534 or Ted Steele, individual wig, auburn fall 4 ,5 mirror. 332-3171. 3 7 31 I 2-4673 or 484-5861, ask for hours. Referral appointment 332 1986. 10-8-5 rooms, kitchen * WANTED privileges. Monthly Barney. 3-8-3 consulting only. Valerie, or weekly. 332-8532. 6-8-7 332-8903. 4-7-31 GIBSON SKYLARK guitar DEADLINE TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS: amp|l(l,| 20 watts, plus J 1 P.M. one class day TRIUMPH TR-4, 1963. Wire wheels, sublease one bedroom furnished minonhorws ■ I TRAINEE IDEAL for student part before publication. overdrive, tonneau cover, radio, time assistant manager. $75 per air - conditioned. Phone after 5:30 Rooms for $65. 351-9018 or 351-521? I heater. $650. Phone 372-8130. week for 15 - 20 hours. Flexible p.m. 351-2485.3-7-31 Cancellations - 12 noon 5-8-4 hours. Must be sales oriented. SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and REALISTIC AM FM stereo one class day before Inside sales located next to LAKE LANSING - five rooms women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. 2 8" speakers. Stereo light. publication. VALIANT 1962 Signet 200. Power furnished except lights. Stores Mo<* I campus. Full time available. Call Any time- 372-1031. O steering, brakes. Sun roof. Mr. McDonald, 351-3700. 0-7-31 close. 339-8295. 5-8-4 switch, tuning needle, $125. |y I PHONE Excellent condition, 351-1984. 630 STODDARD, single male, light 5-0815 after 2 p.m. 5-7-31 5-8-6 355-8255 SUMMER AND part time NEW, MODERN two bedroom cooking, $70. Immediately RATES VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968: genuine employment with full - line apartments. Furnished and/or 351-9036, 332-0480. 5-8-3 SWEET CORN, 5789 North OkemoiI unfurnished. Located in Perry. Road. 2nd house m merchant wholesaler. Automobile hippie, commi, magic bus, 1 day $1.50 excellent shape internally and required. 351-5800 for Call 625-3366. 3-7-31 SINGLE - DOUBLE: 237 Kedzie. Meridian Fire Station, ED2-4825 1 15c per word per day Reasonable. Private entrance. ED 9-8463. 3 7-31 information. O externally, $1900. Call 485-0498, EAST LANSING married or faculty: 3 days $4.00 after 4:00 p.m. 7-8-7 For Rent For Rent modern, bedroom Parking. Rob, 351_9_584J»-8-6 one SUNGLASSES, SAFETY, 13%c per word per day unfurnished, air conditioning, CAMPUS NEAR, single room with tempered lens on any Opwl VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 SPACE FOR two girls in 8 girl house, 5 days $6.50 Excellent condition, many extras, $150, 332-4194, after 5 p.m. cooking, call 351-9237 or needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT,! bedroom. Now leasing for Fall 1970 - 1971 school year. Walking X-7-31 484-8173. O 2615 East 13c per word per day CHILD CARE responsible mature Michigan Avei $1650 or best offer. Must sell, Call Term. Balconies, laundry. Near distance, 351-7969. 2-7-31 372-7409. C-7-31 (based on 10 words per ad) 355-6121. 3-7-31 person who loves babies to care for young campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. GRADUATE WOMEN. One block baby and do some WOODS IDE APARTMENTS, New 1 from BELL AND Howell Super 8 m Peanuts Personals must be housework from 8:30 - 4 Monday campus. Completely pre-paid. Scooters & Cycles - Friday. Faculty home, walking bedroom furnished or furnished, utilities and parking camera and Honeywell Elmo