Than . . . Monday ... an oyster, there'* nothing MICHIGAN Cool. . . TATE NEWS moister. and partly cloudy, with STATE ■ ■ . — Anonymous brief showers expected in the afternoon. High in the UNIVERSITY 70s. upper 1,63, Number 29 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 2, 1970 * %> m TALK OF REPRESSION ft" v9 'V-' r-->'' Adviser claims Nixon lacks understanding But last Thursday Nixon, in WASHINGTON (AP) - Black educator commenting on the two - month study, called his special James Cheek, a special adviser to President Nixon on campus unrest, said Sunday the campus advisers shortsighted in blaming the U.S. government primarily for student Nixon administration fails to understand that some students and blacks fear protest. University authorities must do a better job of coping with violent dissent, repression by the federal government. An the President said in administration spokesman disagreed. a news conference at San Clemente. "It is difficult for the President to Asked if he thinks the administration is understand us when we talk of repression," anti - Negro, Cheek said: "On that question the Howard University president said. the jury is still out. I do not think the "But this repression is what some V, ■ -•"V. "v students and blacks believe is happening . . administration is consciously anti • Negro but whether it is unconsciously anti - . I think it is extremely difficult for the President to understand it from where he Negro remains to be seen." But Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell a short time later described the repression talk as more rhetoric than anything else. "Nobody New mis says what the repression is," he declared. Mitchell said that to help counter this "rhetoric of repression" administration set for Side trip representatives — including Justice Dept. lawyers — will visit campuses this fall to try I Finally on its way to San Juan, P.R., the hijacked Pan American Airways 747 jumbo jet lifts off from Miami International Airport Juan flight. The plane, the first of its kind to be hijacked, carried 360 to build a better Mitchell said he dialogue with students. also hopes to tour off East passengers. campuses. I Sunday after being forced to fly to Cuba while on a New York to San In contrast to Cheek, who describes CAPE KENNEDY, Fal. (AP) - The AP Wirephoto himself as being "very, very pessimistic" Navy's new Poseidon missile will be tested about the outlook for peaceful from a submerged submarine fo» the first campuses this fall, Mitchell said he believes that time today, although Russian trawlers — colleges will be much calmer and that non which caused postponement a week ago — Fidel Castro greets - violent students will isolate militants are expected to be by watching. urious refusing to join them in demonstrations. The missile is capable of planting 10 Mitchell said he formed his opinions by warheads on individual targets. Previous talking with student groups over the firings have been from land sites and summer and surface ships, using — as in this case — getting to know the campus problems better. dummy warheads. On the other hand, Cheek said student The Monday test, at 11 a.m. from the lijacked jumbo jet in dissent has not abated and there still are nuclear James Madison, is expected to go Havana off in full fiew of the Russians and a lingering effects from the student deaths at Kent State University and Jackson State boatload of American newsmen. College. Last Thursday, just before the first However, Cheek said there still is time to undersea firing was scheduled, a trawler take corrective measures. prowled within 200 yards of the firing ship Cheek and Nixon's chief campus adviser, and the government canceled the test. hN JUAN P.R. (AP) •• The first Prime Minister Fidel Castro made a "He taxied to an isolated runway and was Chancellor Alexander Heard of Vanderbilt A Pentagon ban on news coverage was |cking of a jumbo jetliner ended Sunday personal appearance at the Havana airport accent," boarded by two FBI agents. The only University, recently submitted a report to lifted Sunday, and the Navy announced I the hi jacker • in Cuba and the Boeing and talked with the pilot, Capt. Augustus Bohne. passenger who got off in Miami was the the President which attempted to examine newsmen would be allowed to watch the I, with its other 359 passengers, 19 crew Watkins, about whether the plane could Bohne reported the hijacker pulled a gun pilot's wife, who deplaned briefly to walk the causes of student unrest. firing from the surface ship Observation Bibers and two FBI agents aboard, take off safely. Havana's Jose Marti Airport on a stewardess after the plane left New her two dogs. Island. ■ly in San Juan. does have the facilities the big jets need for York's John F. Kennedy airport at 1:07 I bearded gunman carrying a bag he said normal takeoffs. a.m. The gunman ordered the stewardess to Itained explosives commandeered the e Pan American World Airways plane A Pan American spokesman in Miami said the pilot had reported that the lone take him to the cockpit. She complied and DECISION AWAITED no shots were fired. Sunday on a flight from New York hijacker "resembled Che Guevara," the The hijacker ordered the pilot, Capt. JSan Juan. It spent half an hour at Cuban revolutionary Augustus Watkins, to go to Cuba, so he Stevens' killed in re-ele the then flew to Miami, and mountains of Bolivia by Bolivian soldiers in finally changed course and headed for Havana. It 1 its destination at 10:45 a.m. 1967. landed there at 5:31 a.m. Bohne said one engine was kept running while the plane sat on the runway and that urged the pilot "conferred with Castro facul through interpreter. Castro wanted to be sure in an ights grievance the 747 could get off the could." Jose Marti Airport was not ground at the Havana airport. The captain assured him it By JOHN BORGER who support you and wish you to seek this dean of arts and letters; Erwin equipped Bettinghaus, with special ground units State News Staff Writer office." asst. dean of communication arts; William cf leduled fo prepare explained. usually used to 747 engines for takeoff, Bohne Only the pilot and the hijacker got off Twelve deans or assistant department chairmen and 45 University deans, 14 "In these troubled times," the letter to Stevens said, "elected officials often personal aggrandizement and self - place interest Hawley, assoc. dean of education; Fred Siebert, dean emeritus of communication arts; Clarence Winder, dean of social in MSU graduate who the plane in Cuba during its professors have urged Don Stevens, D - before the institutional or common good. science; Pearl Aldrich, assoc. dean of was fired from his stay there, as a O'Laughlin claims he was fired because which was much shorter than the usual Okemos and chairman of the board of While the faculty is aware that the human ecology; and D. Gordon Rohman, Capitol legislative aide after he of his presence at the antiwar rally, and trustees, to seek another eight members of the board must serve time airliners are kept on the island when ■ year term dean of Justin Morrill V part in an antiwar demonstration will many College. says his constitutional rights were violated. as trustee. audiences, they are also aware that no one P his ease to court Wednesday. they are hijacked. It left Havana at 6:23 Department chairmen supporting Stevens Pchael j. Pittenger at that time was responsible for Stevens' decision is expected sometime segment of these audiences should be were: Margaret Jacobson, O'Laughlin, formerly of East this week. family and child Psing until he graduated this year, filed hiring and firing part • time aides to the The plane then flew to served to the detriment of others. sciences; Emanuel Hackel, natural science; legislature. However, he was not Miami, where it Council 7 of the Michigan AFL ■ CIO "On these scores, we believe J early this year against state your Douglas Dunham, social science; William Rep. Philip O'Laughlin's immediate supervisor. also endorsed Stevens Friday. behavior has been exemplary, and that ■nttenger who relieved O'Laughlin of his you Weil, Jr., human development; Mary Student leaders and the Black Faculty |,es after O'Laughlin took part in Pittenger was reportedly seen viewing the SN Delivery Committee have have served the University with dedication, Moore, business law and office patorium activities at the previously issued integrity and personal sacrifice." administration; Dale Hathaway, Capitol in demonstration from a balcony overlooking statements supporting Stevens for another Jober. Deans or assistant deans the Capitol steps. A newsman Beginning Monday the State News signing the letter agricultural economics; Frank Senger. reportedly term. were: Jack Bain, dean of communication journalism; Iwao Ishino, anthropology, sa'^ ttle heard him say, "If I see any of my staff will be delivered to married housing firing had nothing to The 71 professors and administrators arts; ■ h O'Laughlin's presence at the rally. down there, I'll fire them." units in the mail slots at the ends of Gary Frost, asst. dean of James Theodore Brody, pharmacology; Bruce 1 said represent a wide spectrum of University- Madison College; Kullervo Louhi, dean of Walker, anatomy; Frank Blatt, physics; O'Laughlin failed to maintain his The proceedings are scheduled to begin the walks instead of behind the screen departments and members of both political business; Edward Carlin, dean of University Erling Brauner, art; James Soltow, history, KL10. u'e a"d was several hours Wednesday in U.S. District Court in doors. This delivery will parties. In their letter to Stevens, they said College; Ralph Smuckler, dean of and Beatrice Paolucci; acting chairman, Kalamazoo. through the end of summer te they were "only a sample of the faculty international programs; Richard Sullivan, family ecology. EDITORIAL fne City Students refused registration, right to vote of Hast "If you attend school, you usually cherished American right to vote? Lansing openly of the time shall be his or her official while can't register." equally to all residents, little old a student at any institution of |J«s 1. theRepresented civil rights of MSU "We have no particular set of rules; Mrs. Colizzi says it's Michigan Law 168.11. We checked the law and residence for the purposes of this grandmothers living with grown learning. " ' by the city act." . . ■ • 'he city transgresses on the it's up to the (city) clerk. We are found that, if anything, it reinforces children could not vote because their State law According to law. dormitory children support them. Mrs. Colizzi This paragraph guided by state law." the students's right to vote. In part, rooms are legal residences. The law which Mrs. "You have to be self supporting." it says: would also have to prohibit welfare Collizi so liberally uses to exclude does not require that a citizen be We summarized Mrs. Colizzi's "The term 'residence,' as used in recipients from voting because they students from voting requires for weeks, reports have filtered to statements and asked, "Then it's this act for registration and fully employed or self - supporting. are not fully employed. MICHIGAN residency. It is a state voting Mrs. Colizzi not law applies The right to vote never 1st |ate ^ews l'lat Beverly Colizzi, pretty much up to the whim of the purposes shall be construed to mean these restrictions upon students. depends law. IL Lansing city clerk, has been city clerk who votes?" that place at which a person upon income or source of income. It is not intended to prohibit bona Obviously, East Lansing doesn't le ar y Ejecting students who Incredibly, she answered "yes." habitually sleeps, keeps his or her want the student vote only the Except in East Lansing. fide Michigan residents from Jcr ,P| to Agister. The stories were personal effects and has a regular student tax benefits and the 168.11 Mrs. Colizzi also uses section (b) of registering in the district of their ■ect' we f°und grounds for Right to vote place of lodging. student's dollars. to discriminate students. The section reads: against choice as long as they fulfill ■We n stut*ents equally '^Phoned incredible. What law allows a single hidebound "Should a person have more than "No elector shall be deemed residence requirements. Friday. This is part residence . . . that place at which Equal application to If Mrs. Collizi were the law she I at Mrs. Colizzi had to say: clerk to determine who gets the such person resides the greater part If Mrs. Colizzi applied her caprice have gained or lost residence (please turn to page 2) . . . MICHIGAN STATE MEW' UNIVERSITY Election outcome uncertain GEORGE BULLARD in Huber-Romney primary editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor By JEFFSHELER hard line on those who LARRY LEE, city editor State News Staff Writer Campaign also supports the violm» Pn-sident' ,u ^ JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor When for the program and his anti . . state Republican leaders picked and she favors Lenore Romney their "favorite violence. taking a hard linen? " ''^pn '*' Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker as candidate" to face U.S. Sen. Philip Hart in November, some were surprised but few 70s Whoever comes out on ton after what may prove t„ on t award for outstanding journalism. were concerned when one maverick state closest primary' battles be „„ in a I ^ senator from Troy refused to bow out of won't have much time the race. and because she is dissatisfied with the job On the issues she stands behind the since Hart, who is io baik",** No one really thought seriously in terms Hart is doing. Nixon administration on many points becoming a npr fixture in the Senate, is ^ EDITORIALS of an actual contest in the primary although she opposed the nomination to to I favorite believedV^ election. After all, thought many Her campaign is centered around the the Supreme Court of G. Harold Carswell over any But then, who would Republican ! slogan: "Never before has the voice and and favored the Cooper - Church have hi Republicans, with Lenore's name and her amendment requiring total withdrawal of Huber would come as far understanding of a concerned woman been as he h motherly image working to her advantage. U.S. troops from Indochina by 1972. quote an old cliche that fits this Robert J. Huber would be cutting his own so needed," a point stressed heavily in a 30 She favors establishing wage - price Z£l minute campaign film that depicts her as year perfectly: if anything is for'JIl Primaries: throat politically if he stayed in the race. concerned, motherly woman. guidelines and feels Nixon should take a is that nothing is for But he did stay in, and now state a certain. ™ Republicans are having second thoughts about the primary contest. Although the Romney campaign has O apparently exceeded Huber's effort in a forest of financially, recent indications are that EDITOR'S primary NOTE: races Noncontested have been omitted decisions - such as the fate of the Vietnam War which he opposes. Tuesday's election may be closer than the Romney people would have liked. have Spokesmen for the Romney campaign come down in their estimated win margins from a 70 per cent victory early in Wide-open contest seen the campaign to "maybe 60" or even 55 from the summary below. Ferency has been criticized for in gubernatorial primary per cent. making too many promises - some Huber, of course, is predicting he will of which he may not be able to keep. U.S. Senate We feel, however, that he is the rare Maybe the Romney people are not really It has been said that the right to politician who has chosen to cut running scared right now, but if they By JEFF SHELER vote also includes the right not to the candidates agreeing on most major questions. Liberal through the fog of campaign jabber aren't, at least they are running a little State News Staff Writer on the war, priorities in government spending and the s'ar,ds| vote. Perhaps the maxim should be harder. p and come directly to grips with the The The Democratic gubernatorial race has of the cities failed to draw significant distinctions between kept in mind when considering the campaign to date has been marked shaped up into real :he| problems and issues of the day. by one - way attacks from Huber aimed contest in which few observers are willing to lay money on the candidates. I Republican primary for U.S. Senator: neither Robert Huber nor State Senate not only at Lenore -- "she does not have outcome. Levin has leveled most of his criticisms toward Milliken andthtl In the one day of experience in government" - What began as virtually a two - way contest between State Sen. Republicans — his eyes obviously on November. Fere Lenore strikes us as better qualified competition for the but at her husband, Housing and Urban Sander Levin, D-Berkely, and former state Democratic party done much the same with the exception of his criticism of Republican nomination for the 24th chairman Zolton Ferency, with Levin considered out in front, has and the Democratic party heads concerning campaign Leiin| than Sen. Philip Hart. Development Secretary George Romoey, s| District Senate seat. Hugh W. and the party leadership who he accuses of now turned into a wide - open contest that includes state Rep. regulations. Mbntgomery's campaign has been one based almost! However, if Republican consciences feel compelled to vote. Brenneman emerges as the best "political bossery." George F. Montgomery, D-Detroit, and Macomb County solely on defeating Levin and showing himself as the underdog.l choice - and he's the man who On the issues Huber is thoroughly Prosecutor George N. Parris. who really - deserves - to • win candidate. • I Sen. Huber offers experience that Parris has centered his campaign primarily around the Detroit! conservative, and he admits it. He Though Levin has vastly outspent his primary opponents, he Mrs. Romney does not possess. And proposed that nuclear reactors be supported the sending of U.S. troops into has not been able to slip into his hip pocket the widespread area with a few jaunts to other areas. He faces the problem off if Mrs. Romney were senator, her placed in Lake Michigan to raise the Cambodia, he opposes busing students to support he wias thought to have early in the campaign. poor name identification outside the Detroit area. water temperature for year - around The Republican contest bet ween Gov. William G. Milliken and pseudo - liberal stance would melt attain racial balance, he opposes gun Strong campaign efforts by Ferency and the "old - fashioned shipping. control laws, and he favors expelling hand shake campaigning" of Montgomery in the northern half of publisher James C. Turner, from Howell, is not near!, as under the hot thumb of the Nixon students and Firing faculty members the state have given Levin supporters reason to feel somewhat suspenseful as the Democratic race. Very few if any - state administration. Lynn Jondahl is clearly the man involved in campus disturbances. insecure. GOP leaders believe Turner will garner votes much beyond his Arch - conservative Huber is at With all four candidates from the Detroit area, no one of them home county of Livingston and perhaps Shiawassee where least honest about his position. We for the job in the race for the 24th Mrs. Romney, who says she will not attack a fellow Republican, has aimed her can lay claim to the advantage of being the "hometown boy." carried his "crusade" to clean up the judicial system. hehis| District Democratic Senate The possibility that the metropolitan area will be split into four Milliken's campaign has been aimed solely at November anil often disagree with him. but like nomination. A self - avowed "peace campaign at Hart and the Democratic knowing exactly where he stands. No party. segments would mean that the strongest candidate in the out - against the Democratic party. His campaign literature draws! candidate," Jondahl has been She has said she should be elected state area would walk away with the victory. attention to state issues and to his record of action on them. one is really sure where Lenore straight foreward and honest in his This has been Montgomery's tactic in what he has termed his Turner has directed his campaign toward a "bring tlx senator because she wants to support stands except that it is somewhere political stances. He is in favor of President Nixon, because she feels she can "northern strategy." Yet he also says he will win in Detroit. government back to the people" emphasis and has attacked very near George. be useful, because she cares about America, Issues have not been a prominent factor in the campaign with political and judicial corruption in the state. striking - not changing, striking - Governor abortion statutes from the Michigan law books. He supports the 18 - year - Gov. Milliken probably won't need many votes in the primary, but we urge Republicans to cast for him old vote and a humanitarian end to the Indochina conflict. There can be little doubt that Jondahl is Food poisoning figures anyway. His leadership has proven excellent Senate material. cool and rational during crises. He in nursing home deaths has earned the chance to try for a State House full term of governorship of his own. Harold Pletz should be the man to carry the Republican banner against Zokon Ferency may be the one Democrat George Griffiths for the BALTIMORE Md. (AP) - Salmonella "I'm convinced they prevented an Democrat who has a chance in 59th District House seat. Pletz is not food poisoning figured in the deaths of 12 epidemic." November. Unlike his opponents for unfamiliar with the realm of politics, elderly patients and the illness of some 60 Dr. John DeHoff, acting health others at a Baltimore nursing home last commissioner of Baltimore, said no charges the Democratic nomination. Ferency having served as county week, the Maryland health secretary said would be lodged against the nursing home has not been afraid to take specific- commissioner, councilman and mayor Sunday. which he said was an excellent facility with stands on specific issues. of East Lansing. "There is no question in our minds that good quality food and workers. He favors striking abortion from this was definitely an outbreak of Incumbent Jim Brown - whose the laws of Michigan, thereby making it a purely private matter. district includes MSU -- has failed to adequately defend the University salmonella," said Dr. Neil Solomon, who investigated the illnesses along with federal and city public health officials. Rock concert Ferency has also made public his from legislative meddling. Pletz has He said the outbreak was past at the almost unheard - of belief that pledged full support of university Gould Convalesarium. But he warned, "There may be some more deaths. There in France governors can and should use their autonomy. He should have the positions to influence federal chance to fulfill this pledge. are some very sick patients." The nursing home, which had 136 patients, averages eight patient deaths a month, a city health officer reported. defies r Right Solomon said that since the 12 dead AIX • EN • PROVENCE, France (AP) - patients were over 70 years old and were France's first open • air pop music festival considered seriously ill before last week, got under way Saturday night in defiance they lacked the "reserve capacity" to fight of an official ban. All was peaceful. (continued from page 1) group should be singled out with off the effects of salmonella. An estimated 10,000 hippies, some of special rules and harassment. The normal death rate among salmonella them nude, sat cheering the electronic only thinks she is then a poor Students are legal citizens of East victims is three to five persons in each happening until sunrise under the eyes of Wayne State student who lives at Lansing. They are counted in the 1,000 cases, but the bacteria is particularly hundreds of police there in case of trouble. home in Detroit could not "gain dangerous to the elderly or infirm because No physical violence was reported. census. They supply the town's it causes dehydration and loss of body A virtually continuous relay of long - residency" when he turned 21 livelihood. As the law requires, they simply because of his student status. habitually sleep here and hang minerals, Solomon said. Prevention of salmonella is virtually haired musicians was scheduled entertain the audience for two more days. to Warrior Read more of Mrs. Colizzi's illogic: A personal effects here the greater part impossible, he said. But he noted prompt Events got into stride at midnight with the Montagnard soldier clenches his odd - shaped pipe between his teeth some students can register, she detection of it had prevented a more arrival of Canadian singer Leonard Cohen says, of the time. as he smokes a locally grown weed at a upon her satisfaction that the widespread outbreak at the nursing home. and his musicians, who rode onto the military camp near Pleiku in It's time East Lansing recognized Sdiuth Vietnam's central student is primarily an East Lansing "There was a potential for it building psychedelically illuminated stage on highlands. The soldier is from one of the local students as citizens. Mrs. Colizzi has into a disastrous epidemic," he said. tribes which inhabit the area and work with U.S. resident and student horseback. special forces. a only said, in effect, that because you seek APWirephoto I incidentally. Those students who get knowledge you cannot exercise your rejected are students who Mrs. right to vote in East Lansing. AFL-CIO union backs Stevens Collizi feels are primarily students The law is not the culprit. The law and living in East Lansing only is being twisted to shaft students and incidentally. A check around make mockery of justice. Ingham County revealed that no Students stay in East Lansing an A majority of the trustees County and Municipal Employes other district applied such arbitrary average of four years. That's time By JOHN BORGER (AFL-CIO), praised Stevens as a trade resolution. supported the International Union of the A"18' fj rules. Federation of State, County and M»n-- |J enough to endure two terms of both State News Staff Writer unionist who, in his 13 years as MSU In June, 1966, the trustees approved a Employes (AFL-CIO) and Council"a T Deprive students state and U.S. representatives, trustee, never forgot where he came from. provision in the University's union contracts plus A special convention of the Stevens stressed his support of labor which set affiliate, Local Union 1585. i The law does not permit her to the ineptitude of an entire East Michigan a precedent for numerous other Stevens also pointed out th» State Employes Union (MSEU) — Council throughout his time on the board. colleges, universities and government make such distinctions. She wrongly supported University boycott Lansing city council. No one should 7 of the Michigan AFL-CIO In December, 1964, Stevens said, he agencies. The provision dealt with union a believes that she may deprive a be deprived of voting in the area in Friday California table grapes in Novem 1 unanimously endorsed Don Stevens, introduced a resolution requiring the security, Stevens said, and was approved on student of his civil rights because she which he lives. D-Okemos and chairman of the board of University to award contract printing only a 5-3 vote. 1968. Following student and conim J is not satisfied with the exact The provision protest, University officials ceased «oj East Lansing officials were more trustees, for re-election to the board, if he to printing companies which were qualified was part of contract a California grapes. No official actio nature ot his educational intentions. seeks nomination at the Democratic state to put the union label on printed material. between the than willing to tax students' University and the taken by the board of trustees. There is convention. no justification for incomes. That was considered fair. It "It's a big boost for me," Stevens said HOU) ABOUT THAT ? THE CITY applying working and self - support is equally fair to let students have a rules to students when Sunday. LOAS ALL $ET TO EXPAND THE they are not voice in approving such taxes. Stevens, whose current term as a trustee AIRPORT, AMD NOU) THE PERSON applied to the Michigan populace as The discrimination must stop. If expires Dec. 30, is expected to announce U3H0 0lx)N5 THE LAND WON'T SELL a whole. Wo reiterate that welfare sometime this week whether he intends to you are 21 and wish to vote in East recipients and little old Lansing, go to City Hall and register. seek the nomination for another eight - grandmothers vote without year term on the board. If you are refused, please telephone At the harassment. convention, Jerry Wurf of the State News. Airing injustice Washington, D.C., international president Suffrage is a universal right. No often helps remove the stench. of the American Federation of State, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. August 3. 1970 3 news Radio 'spots' to By JEANNE SADDLER urge war's end summary From the wires of AP Associate City Editor Podar said, "is that it is very unorganized, and that we all talk to each other. We have to talk to people who don't know what the war is all effectiveness of such to take a a method. The group plans poll of attitudes of the listeners before and after their campaign. One of the group's radio spots reads, "For every South Vietnamese man, woman, and child, we have spent an and UPI. Radio spot announcements average of $3,500 on military urging an end to about." The group has already raised $6,000 in destruction in the last five years. And still the the war in Vietnam will be broadcast in the In a letter sent to 71,000 persons who, the contributions. Lansing area one week from today. bombing, burning, and killing goes on. group contends, are part of the silent majority Tony Randall, actor, and Joseph Heller, author Sponsored by a new peace group, "Americans that includes "millions of troubled confused of "Catch 22," are among the signers of the for Peace," the "Think how much better off we would all be if announcements will be directed Americans who don't like the war but don't letter. Other supporters include Arnold Serwer, toward that money had been spent for peaceful a conservative audience, or the "silent know what to think except what their President progress associate editor of Progressive magazine, and both here and abroad. majority." tells them." Kenneth Smith, Lansing attorney. Two members of the group's board of The silent Americans, they say, do not read the Podar said they need one or two student "Americans for Peace believes that we should directors, Tom Collins and S. Podar, formerly liberal and radical literature that the anti war volunteers who are "really interested in the peace worked on Sen. Eugene get out of Vietnam now, before it's too late, and "I do McCarthy's campaign for group does. campaign." Their job would involve typing, and turn our national energies to the not think the the Democratic presidential nomination. Collins "We want to encourage desertion within the problems of our administration is consciously anti was the general correspondence for the campaign. Any own people. If you agree, help us spread the - McCarthy delegate from New York, and ranks of the Silent Majority," the letter reads, interested students should write or visit him at word. Send just one dollar to Podar worked 'Americans for Negro but whether it is as McCarthy's national secretary. "to weaken and whittle away the public support 3308 S. Cedar St. Peace,' South Point Plaza, Lansing, Podar, the only member of the board of that emboldens President Nixon in his rash and Michigan." unconsciously anti - Negro directors in the remains to be seen. " Lansing area, said Lansing will be wrong - headed policies." used - James Cheek, president of radio anti as one of two or three pilot cities for the The letter then suggests their idea of a self - IN CAMBODIA - war campaign. The directors are supporting campaign of radio Howard spot University presently looking for a student volunteer announcements for peace. Each commericial will interested in the peace campaign to handle the present one thought - provoking fact about the paper work involved. If successful, "Americans for Peace" will extend its radio campaign on a national scale. war, and then ask each listener for a contribution of one dollar to be used to buy additional War by remote commercials. Locally, the SAIGON (AP) The United gathering devices spotting North targets for U.S. B52 announcements will be heard on Podar said there are two major ideas involved -- heavy- WITL, States is conducting Vietnam targets for air strikes, bombers and smaller a country music station. in the campaign: to make the radio fightei "The problem with the peace movement," Cambodia by remote control, knowledgeable informant said bombers. announcements self - supporting and to test the with electronic intelligence - Sunday. thought by Hundreds of sensors of American officers that the North types and other, highly Vietnamese International News IN Army might keep SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY intelligence - gathering left behind by American troops troops in place, e during the two - month U.S. when they pulled out of incursion into Cambodia in May- J|K Uruguayan government displayed little interest Cambodia June 30 pinpoint and June. ■day in negotiating with Tupamaro guerrillas for the W of an American adviser to Uruguayan police and fr.i/ilian diplomat. , President Jorge Paeheco Areeo maintained his Wharton— values needed Cigarettes Kodak Coloi Film ,d never to "negotiate with criminals," there was By JOHN BORGER return him benefits. Life is a matter safely to earth, if the of integrated into 126 127-620 Iculation the government might grant a general State Newt Staff Writer world he returns to Is racked by choices and priorities." a classroom experience, he said. single 3/95' csty lor all political prisoners rather than deal with Science and technology must poverty, racism and the stench begin to consider human needs of urban ghettoes? Universities of must make the Wharton also stressed the need IV "The quality of life is not process preserving or for lifelong education to offset limit 1 limit 1 leanwhile. police continued their search for Dan A. as well as material benefits, improving culture their the obsolescence of formal President Wharton told merely the product of the blind responsibility in both research education, East LansJrig'store Only Past (rione. a former Richmond. Ind.. police chief working nearly 500 graduates of the application of science," he said. and educational roles, he said. Lansing Store Only Agency for International Development, and General Motors Institute (GMI) "Science without values can lead |zilian Consul Aloysio Mares Diaz Gomide. in Flint Friday. to change without progress." "Within the sciences, as well as "Science must be place into a To help remedy the situation, Wahrton the humanities and social 5 X 7 Color 10% off the value context said universities and sciences, planes hammered military targets in Egypt and — into a set of discount other organizations must find Sunday and Israeli gunners shelled Arab priorities human needs reflecting — genuine if it is to lead to their "small cadre of men who Enlargement price on all |itions on the southeast slopes of Lebanon in another permanent and genuine are excited and willing to The two essential ingredients film developing t of Mideast military activity, improvement in the conditions grapple with the broad value la iro radio claimed Egyptian ground fire downed one of man," he said. questions" and involve them in of knowledge and values must be 39' lthe Israeli Skyhawks during an attack along the "The United States is the first interdisciplinary research efforts. limit 1 no limit "While you cannot predict sector of the Suez Canal. Israel denied the claim. I):; the peace front. Swedish diplomat. Gunnar V. nation in history capable of meeting the minimal needs of all accurately the impact of The "IN" Ea« Lansfng'store Ory the citizens and of shifting to research," he said, "some i was due in New York Sunday night to talk about the qualitative," he said. "If we conscious effort must be made Boots for 1.75 ing liis work as U.S. special representative for are to succeed, we must begin to 1.65 |ii< - Israeli peace talks. develop improved systems of implications of any research so communicating and implanting that society is conscious of the Guys & Gals Barnes Hints 1 ampax new knowledge and we must potential costs as well as ■he Soviet Union has embarked oil Tlsland a high - risk policy inject value questions into the Wetting Solution 4th reclamation" in Far Eastern rivers bordering realm of science and research." FREE .zo2 (! China, one of Asia's most volatile frontiers. For too long, Wharton said, society has been content with 5j(< -1* . announced purpose is agriculture, but it could a confrontation between the two Communist the material benefits of science, STORAGE limit 1 without considering its social Eyt Lansing Store Oniy East Lansin'Se Only e sites of the projects will be on many small islands costs. "What is gained in the long SERVICE lthe Amur and Ussuri rivers, some of which are run," he asked, "if we can build FOR YOUR CLOTHING 1.75 1.79 pied by both countries. faster, sleeker looking automobiles, if a byproduct of Virginia Maid Burlington Ballet i LOUIS that progress is an increase in ;ekly French news magazine Express reported deaths on our highways and lid ay that the leaders of the Communist Khmer greater pollution of our air? Panty Hcse Panty Hose luge - Cambodian counterpart to the Viet Cong - "What is gained in the long run Jcted the leadership of exiled Prince Norodom if we with can send a man to the moon CLEANERS 623 E. GRAND RIVER -1" ■V ■aiiouk at pinpoint accuracy and EAST LANSING limit 3 a stormy secret meeting in Peking last limit 1 ■nth. East Lansing^Store Only lihanouk's troops fought a bitter jungle war against The State News, th*- student newspaper at 1 Khmer Rouge for years. When Sihanouk was ousted Michigan State University, is published every class day during four school Downtown — 210 S. Wash. 5 Minute 1.15 i Cambodia, he called for the union of all "anti - terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. — Heel Servi< Frandor Shopping Center |>erialist forces" under his leadership. According to Subscription rate is $14 per year Scope iohrscn & ichnson tiie Khmer Rouge refused. HSU SHOE REPAIR East Lansing — 207 E. Grand River Member Associated Press. United Press International, Mouthwash Baby Oil Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press, Collegiate Press J |iged by Communist Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap to "step Association, United States Student Press Association »«. 77' 40. 59 war of resistance," limit 1 limit 1 heavily reinforced North Second class postage paid at East itnamese and Viet Cong forces launched fresh assaults Lansing, Michigan Kditorial and business offices ai 347 Student Services •lay against the encircled Cambodian provincial t;il of Komponh Tliom. Building, Michigan. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Where can you get the l'lc Cambodian high command said its forces repulsed 1.09 1 attacks with the help of fighter - bombers during the Phones 2fl( oft the Editorial 355-8252 White Rain |°iid day of the Communist command's offensive on Classified Advertising 355-8255 HIGHEST RATE discount price 1 northern front. Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 Shampoo Photographic on any suntan lotion National News 355-8311 49' |llL' first black candidate for Alabama governor in of return on any type limit 1 limit 1 irs. nominated «• said by a primarily black group ol Sunday he could beat George Wallace it Quality Xerox copies... I People will just look at the record. Jt ^°',n (asliin. picked Saturday to challenge Wallace of bank savings? Masking 20C off the I November election, said, "it all depends on the , Tape discount ptice Uethough # ■j1^' otallow 1 Of Alabama." Casliin is the given little hope of winning, the move is to create voters to elect black ■11-1,1 s w'thout splitting their ballot. a totally black ticket county and local 10{ East 39' limit 1 Lan^ingPstore Only on any deodorant limit 1 ltt)m> seas began to crash against the Texas coast per copy TcV'1 at'vai1Ct; of Hurricane Celia, howling through AT AB & I OF COURSE! I STEREO At BUM SAIF Jilt of J\r.rica,k> and gale Mexico with winds of I 15 miles an hour. warnings posted along the ■ S|anj and |ei1se Texas were coasts in advance storn which is expected to of the small but Quantity discounts available No other bank offers higher rates of Priced 5.77 Now 4.09 m thee i churn ashore today 4.77 3.89 llPPer Texas coast. interest on any type of savings 3.77 account or certificate of deposit. 3.09 I'". A.B.81 T. is the place to save no lin lit 1 director Roman Polapski was all but written off ... . ! question about it! ^^tuden^^^OOK^^i Stm11 neU,S ' ,X)tential state witness at the trial of four numbers accused of murdering his actress JORE L'ln '^St' AttV- Vincent Bugliosisaid the Polish - P'ornVt^' 'S turope imtI wants tlic sfi,te ,ot State Discount I Nil ' '1's roun(J" tr'P a'r 'arc to L°s Angeles L... y t•he prosecution turned him 'own saying "it 307 E. Grand River 421 E. Grand Rivar Across from Olin Next to the Card Shop A Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, AugUsf 3 . Drug center By ROBERTA SMITH carpeting and money to set up the center. advice sessions, during which a local physician and a medical installed pinball machine or just Because the goals of the three sit on the front porch and view are somewhat similar, several State News Staff Writer At the Drug Education Center student give advice on anything busy Albert Street traffic. members work in two of the advice on any available drug -- its the inquirer might ask about. The Drug Education Center is three organizations at the same East Lansing's Drug Education potency, the consequences of There is constant activity in similar in many ways to the time. In addition, the three Center, 131 Albert St., which taking it, the length of Its effect the center during its noon to Listening Ear, a crisis depend on donations to survive, started in June to distribute and what to do if the drug puts midnight hours. The center, in intervention facility; and The Para - professional and educational materials on all its user on a "bummer" -- are addition to its drug information Raft, a temporary home for professional counseling service is types of drugs, is threatened by distributed to users, parents or service, acts as a drop - in center juvenile runaways. The three provided for the center by a 20 ■ a shutdown due to lack of funds. where anyone can stop and chat, anyone who drops by. staffs, composed of University member staff of local The center has only $200 More than 30 people use the read a wide selection of Marvel and community persons, are psychologists, physicians, MSU remaining to cover its expenses, center daily and up to 10 have comic books, attend Free given empathy training through students, and high school and needs additional funding attended the weekly medical University courses, play a newly the MSU Counseling Center, students. At least one of the just to remain open until the psychologists can be reached at start of fall term. any time during any day. This A group of adults in the IN MASON cooperation exists partly community have launched a because the center works closely $20,000 fund drive that will with a dean of a student drug stay in County fair today enable the center to education project at MSU. operation. The center is completely The opens A free and friendly atmosphere pervades at the Drug funded by area residents, who Ingham County Fair promise to offer a wide variety type show, Dan Fleenors' Education Center. Only one rule originally gave paint, furniture, opens today in Mason with its of entertainment for all ages. Hurricane Hell Drivers, will be -- that no drugs of any type are In addition to its regular part of the Friday evening fare, allowed •• has been made and, midway attractions, the fair will An auto demolition derby because of the center's nature, is continue its agricultural exhibits, offering prizes of up to $500 always kept, harness racing, horse and tractor will conclude the fair on •pulls, an auto thrill show, a Saturday evening. demolition derby and rodeo. On Tuesday evening the . . fic .. A special feature of the fair is Diamond "S" Rodeo and Wild J®",®un h, f MA HO PIN, an oriental aerialist West Show will present a wide Amer can Journal of Psychiatry, Fire drill who will appear twice daily at variety of "wild West" clowns. a"df.a £ ° Iiter^ure the grandstand. The fair runs today through the Governor's Off.ce of Drug New recruits of the East Lansing Fire Dept. get fire - fighting practice at a training session During afternoons, Wednesday Saturday. A single admission is **"?*• Mn°ns' i 'S Thursday. The recruits practiced rescue techniques for use in automobile blazes at the c through Saturday, harness racing $1. Children 12 years old or a"d *w° State News photo by John will be the main attraction. The 15th running of the Michigan under are admitted free. 2Sli.nHlhlJ understandable terms. garage on Merritt Road. Carney Futurity Races will be held on M - —- - —. Wednesday and Thursday. 19C BELIEVED DEAD Harness racing purses total W Overload c/i else would be found alive. One think there something in the was right, flipped over and demanded an i m mediate Coast Guardsman said there was excess of 200." disappeared within five minutes, investigation. nothing left in the water but "a One survivor,* Herman he added. lot of debris — and a lot of Uddenberg of St. Kitts, said the Nevis Paris said that the boat was Assembly Chairman sharks." boat acted top - heavy from the Frederick Paris, standing in a government - owned and said the The ferry, the Christena, went time she left Bassterre and that crowd of about 200 outside a sinking could stimulate down after leaving Bassterre, the when she suddenly began to hospital where survivors were sentiment that already exists on capital of St. Kitts, on a 10 - tilt, everybody just went to one being treated, charged that the Nevis to break away from the mile trip to the town of side." The vessel then leaned to boat was overcrowded and central government in St. Kitts. Charleston on Nevis. Most of the passengers were residents of the two islands. One U.S. Coast Guardsman said an unidentified official in St. Kitts had sent a message Med student cites demand saying: "I heard the boat was a I • I • • • nsertion. bit overcrowded. It started leaning, and the people flocked to one side with the result that it new medical priorities __ capsized." because many people are being programs to meet this need," treated for illnesses despite an Barnes said. American Medical Assn. Medicine's downfall statement that health care is a "incompetence in distributing iti "right of the people." abilities in medicine to all people "Therefore, our present and preventing disease from system is failing in this very occurring in the first place," basic demand placed upon Barnes notes. medicine. I feel it should be one Physicians should be of the top priorities of medical knowledgeable in t education to produce physicians distribution of health care, a who are both competent and In the areas of pollution and responsible to develop new overpopulation, he continued. Barnes will attend Northwestern University medicil school to complete the last year of study necessary for his M.D. degree. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 3, 1970 5 state news classified National Smile Week state news 355-8255 . August 3 - 8. Loosen up facial muscles and put on a happy face! CLASS|F|«> The State News does not Scooter,* Cycle, FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil honk permit racial or religious For Rent discrimination advertising columns. in The its CYCLE INSURANCE. Five companies. Compare 2205 East our national rates. AIRPORT modern NEAR. furnished, $15 Single adults, per week For Sale Ferry hit State News will not Michigan, Lansing or 489-7253. 5-8-4 by Soviet 505 Albert, East accept advertising which Lansing, # automotive 484-8173.0 NEW WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony Scooters & Cycles discriminates against 2 Bedroom religion, race, color or PERELLI Haslett, furnished Auto Parts & Service MINI Bike, special 14 unfurnished. Beginning at $160; and J1*™1*" ^ freighter national origin. horsepower motor, excellent ~ n'w Aviation furnished condition, 355-0825. 2-8-4 $185. East Lansing recorders. 100 "sed 8 ti # employment Realty. ED 2-3534 or Ted Steele *,Bre° cartrid9es taPes « HONDA 1969 CB 450. 332-1986. 10-8-5 "Pe Must VICTORIA, B.C. (AP) # for rent great sell - The Automotive condition, low mileage] i faciwr cno c Garrard turntables $25 Br'1'5*1 Columbia Ferry Queen of Apartments $650. ud vm Houses FORD, Best 351-7492. 5-8-7 offer. Call Mike b«lrooms, ^ 160 fTed^m stereo reclver^Sha^ Victoria and the Soviet freighter 1965 Galaxie Convertible, Efficiencies, $125. burcham 30 watt 5tere0 receiver "ith Sergl Yesonin collided Sunday in Rooms V-8, automatic. Price negotiable! WOODS, call between 3 7 p m speakers Coral 30 watt speaker Active Pass about 30 miles north BRIDGESTONE, 175dt, new tires, - \, for sale 355-1049. 5-8-7 seat, pistons, battery. Needs 351-3118.20-8-18 set- 300 stereo albums Used g°if sets $14.95 75c up. up. New and of here. At least two ferry Animals minimal work. $100 or best offer LAKE passengers were reported FORD CUSTOM, 1965. 6 LANSING five used ,ans- Used TV sets $39.50 cylinder, 676 2288. 5-8-7 - rooms injured. Mobile Homes good condition, automatic, $595! l personal Must sell, 355-8524. 5-8-5 HONDA 350 Street f"rnish®4 ®*cept 5.58 lights- 4 Stores am ?alfiStiC 55 rfi rtere° 11 was not known immediately Scrambler, 1970. [peanuts personal Almost brand new Phil MARIGOLD SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East h°w many persons were ab°ard MGA 1961. Good < 351-3347.3-8-5 APARTMENTS. 911 Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. 5 30 f, ps' i - real estate offer. Steve, 332-5035 after - Marigold across from campus. P.m. C Vancouver radio station- l recreation p.m. 5-8-3 Deluxe 2 man furnished CKNW said a Canadian Coast" apartments. Now leasing for fall. FROSTED HUMAN hair wig. New, Guard hovercraft had taken the; ► service MGB 1969, red wire wheels, tonneai IV9-9651 or351-1890.0 $30. Wil1 sell for $18. Sue, two injured passengers to, Typing Service HONDA 1965 sport 50, good 777.7 351-2431 2-8-3 Patricia Bay Vancouver " l transportation 351-3781.3-8-5 ' condl,lor looking, excellent running CAMELOT South APARTMENTS: 4901 on Island for transfer to a hospital. * condition, 332-0358. 3-8-4 Pennsylvania. Quiet BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, |i wanted MUSTANG 1967 Convertible, location for grad students and sell. ABC SECONDHAND was not The extent of their injuries- known 3-speed V-8. Low mileage $1250 faculty. One bedroom furnished, store, 1208 Turner. C deadline 355-9943. 5-8-4 A uto Service & Parts $150 monthly. Possession now or vpitho, Neither "t"" the . ferry nor the. , .. J1 P.M. one class day September 1st. Call manager POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, freighter, which nosed 10 feet; publication. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 393-8657 ■ before OLDSMOBILE 1956, or FOX PROPERTY special sale $29.95 up plus into the ferry's port side, seemed • Kalamazoo Street since 1940. MANAGEMENT, ■ Cancellations - 12 noon transmission, snow tires and radio. . . . 372-1954. crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, to be in danger of sinking. Good Complete auto painting and 14-8-17 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, ■ one class day before running condition, $75 Persons on the scene said the * collision service. IV 5-0256. C 393-2343. 1-8-3 Lansing, c —— —— ■ publication. , freighter appeared to be trying Z ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Houses X. . -I If to nud8e the ferry out of the ~ phone Mobile rlomes pass and its strong current. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY £ 355-8255 SHOP. Small dents to large HELP Pl&iJ...EfiroUC£1 significant Al Kaline Day in Detroit ends in 4-3 loss to Twins New DETROIT (UPI) — Harmon Killebrew and Minnesota Twins to a 4-3 victory the Tigers' run. Freehan was Tony Oliva " ~ " ~* thrown out at the plate trying to The facade of the new Jacobson's store takes shape behind the barrier of the pedestrian teamed up to spoil Al Kaline score from first base on the hit ■ walkway on Grand River Avenue. The three - story building is scheduled for completion in fall. to center. State News photo by Dick Warren Bill Zepp pitched 8 - 1/3 uns in leading the inning and singled home a run in the fifth to hand Joe Niekro his innings to pick up the victory. STEAK AND 4 ... for your avera ninth loss against 10 wins. The Tigers scored two runs in INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE Killebrew made his 33rd home run of the season a titanic shot the ninth which Cash opened everyday hungry gourmet with a single. 600 N Homer al E Saginaw - 5001 W Saginaw into the upper deck bleachers in centerfield directly over the 400 Wedding ends ■ foot mark. It came after Olivia opened the eighth inning with single. a INGHAM COUNTY FAIR Norm Cash walked and Bill JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — was attended by some 200 marriage license two weeks ago worlds, but MON., AUGUST 3 THRU SAT., AUGUST 8 "We're merely two people in guests. was blocked by a state court now you are going ^rechan singled in the third love," said Roger Mills, a white "It's nothing new," said Mills, out in a unified world together." before Don Wert doubled home MASON FAIRGROUNDS, MASON, MICH. injunction secured by the law clerk, after his marriage a native of Boston, after the Southern National party, which Sunday to a 24 - year - old black ceremony at a Negro Methodist contended the marriage would SPECIAL ATTRACTION DAILY woman, ending a two week church. "It's been - AERIAL ACT MA-HO-PIN battle • happening for violate state laws. A federal THE SOUND OF MARANTZ IS THE SOUNO OF MUSIC AT ITS VERY BEST against the state's years, but this is the first time in district court judge permitted antimiscegenation laws. the State of MONDAY AUGUST 3 The formal church Mississippi ever the marriage to take place as Model 26 wedding of officially sanctioned it." scheduled by ordering the Mills, 24, and Berta Linson, a 2 P.M. - PONY PULL T, . license issued on Friday before file clerk in Mills'Jackson office, I heir application for a the clerk's office closed for the 8 P.M. - WALT "KING" KORAZ AUTO DAREDEVILS weekend. ^ iit's i n what's. wm nn a ■m ^ Mills said, "We wanted a quiet wedding but the Southern HI National party prevented it by TOMORROW, TUESDAY AUGUST 4 - stepping in." The party is a new Now! A Marantz AM/FM Stereo conservative political 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. REDUCED PRICES ON RIDES organization with headquarters Receiver For Only $219! here. 1 P.M. - CHILDREN'S DAY CONTESTS $1.00 service charge The Rev. Rims Barber of per Christian Science Organization 8 P.M. DIAMOND S RODEO AND WILD WEST SHOW insertion — to be pre - paid. 12 holding their regular weekly Greenville, Miss., performed the at HI-FI BUYS - p.m. deadline 1 class day before. testimony meeting Tuesday, 6:45 ceremony and told the couple 1101 E. Grand River p.m. at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. they were an example for the The Black Theatre Class Production world to follow. East Lansing phone 337-2310 presents "You Got It In Your TODAY is the LAST DAY to get "You come from two different Soulness," Tuesday August 4 p.m., in the Arena Theatre beneath at 8 calendar information UNION BOARD. Drop card off at in to the GERRY CWD Backpacking the Auditorium. Free admission. the Union Building or call 5-3355. Lansing Area Peace Council sponsoring a play Monday, August 3, at 3 p.m., Wesley Center, 1118 S. The meet following Free today: Education U - classes 3 p.m. will - SPAGHETTI? Backpacking, travel on your own two feet, is by far the least expensive, most independent and enjoyable way to see the country. Backpacking 131 Albert, Elementary Group Art - no longer means "back breaking." Gerry Harrison Road, E. Lansing and 8 30 p.m., Church of the Brethren, 3020 4 p.m. - Man and Nature Drugs - 7 p.m. - 131 Albert, Rock Bookstore, all you can tat * lightweight equipment means a comfortable light pack that makes your hours on the trail S. Washington, Lansing. "Earth & Blues Guitar - 7:30 p.m. - 131 enjoyable sightseeing. Song" an original drama with music Albert. will be presented by American Friends Service Committee Summer Gerry CWD TRAVELER SACK Fits MSU STUDENTS FOR Drama Troupe. Admission free, but JONDAHL Gerry K Frame or similar frames. invite all students who have worked contributions accepted. on Lynn Jondahl's All-nylon materials for durability. campaign for the Crown "wing sweep" zipper to Students for a Live State Senate to a victory celebration prevent Christianity will tape wear. A most comfortable meet in the Union Lounge, on election night. Celebration will be rig for tonight at at Lake of the long trips or for those who must carry 7:30 p.m. Discussion: Hills Apartments' "We Want Revolution Party House starting at 8 p.m. Rides considerable gear. - Now!" Everbody £22 00 will leave from the Union invited — Share your opinions. lobby at 8 30 and 9:30. Gerry K-frame A rigid aluminum frame that's stronger than welded frames. Completely repairable. Lightweight. Permanent sack studs can't get lost. $22 00 Weathervane 2283 E. Grand River brazier Eat,drink and be merry! 310 W. Grand River East Lansing 351-8666