Life . . . MICHIGAN Tuesday it an onion, one peel* it Sunny . ■ 63, Number 30 - French Proverb UNIVERSITY STATE rATI NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4, 1970 , ..... E^jj Registration procedures defended by city officials By ROBERTA SMITH here does not make you a resident," he and concerning elector residence requirements said. states that a residence for DAVE PERSON voting purposes State News editor George Bullard is a " State News Staff Writers . . . place at which a person maintained that Mrs. Colizzi screens habitually sleeps, keeps his or her personal students with criteria that she doesn't effects and has a regular place of In response to lodging. Monday's State News apply to other citizens. Should a person have more than one editorial criticizing discriminatory practices The law says that if you habitually sleep residence that place at which such in registering East . . . Lansing voters, East in a place and keep your personal effects Lansing City Manager John Patriarche said persons resides the greater part of the time there then that is your legal residence, shall be his or her official residence." that the State News had been "most Bullard said. unfair" in representing the situation. Patriarche told the State News Monday i "If your personal effects only amount to that criticisms were made The State News attacked the City of East a hat and you by isolating the hang it in a donn room, then two sections of the state law, and that this Lansing and Beverly Colizzi, East Lansing that is your residence," he said. "can't be done." All sections have to city clerk, for "arbitrarily rejecting "No one has empowered either Mr. read, students who attempt to he said. register." Patriarche or Mrs. Colizzi to expand on any The student doesn't Mrs. Colizzi said Monday that "very few of the residence laws," Bullard continued. really consider a students are refused" the dormitory his home, Patriarche said. He right to register "They should work with the system." to vote. One section of the Michigan acts (please t e 8) She added, however, that if someone's (see related story, page 3) main purpose in being in the East Lansing area is to be a student and his other than East Lansing, then he must register to vote in his own hometown is hometown. Students air complaints She used as the basis of this argument Section (b) of Michigan Law 168.11 which states: "No elector shall be deemed to have gained or lost residence . . .w hile a student about voter registration at any institution of learning ..." By JEFFSHELER inheritance from her grandmother. She said Patriarche explained that a student who Ships intersect lives in a dormitory, house or cooperative fraternity or sorority living unit has not State News Staff Writer this seemed to make a little difference with the official but not enough to allow her to Jitish bow of Columbia ferry Queen Soviet of Victoria lies wounded in Active Pass, about 30 miles west of Vancouver, after made his permanent residence in East Local election officials are expecting a register. "It was as if they could e a freighter cut into her hull amidships Sunday. The ferry carried about 500 Lansing and, therefore, is not qualified to light turnout in today's primary election. register me if passengers, two of they wanted to," Miss Hamel said. "They n were killed as the freighter's bow cut into the car deck. register there. The reason, they say. is that it is a AP Wirephoto acted as if it would be a lot of "Just the fact that you hang your hat primary and not a "real election," and, of paper work, and it would be less trouble for them if I course, this is not a presidential year. registered in my parents' district." However, many voting - age students who She said that after she told them about have made East Lansing their lixon remark may permanent her inheritance and about her plans to affect trial address would suggest that local marry soon, they might have registered her registration procedures may partially if she had "forced the issue." account for the low number of voters. "But I shouldn't have to force the issue Students who had been turned away on my right to vote," she said. "When I left from the city clerk's office in East WER, Colo. (AP) President Nixon, Lansing I felt, 'what the hell, why should I vote if — Appearing before reporters on short Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell who was at voiced anger, frustration and bewilderment ■ing the news media of making "heroes notice In jailing last week of two defense attorneys it's so much trouble?' " Denver's federal courthouse Nixon's side when he made the Manson Monday when they learned that being 21 ■of those who engage in criminal found in contempt of court. Nixon said the Calvert B. Thomas, East before attending a conference on law comment, was asked later about the years old and a Michigan resident is not Lansing graduate es," caused a stir Monday by saying enforcement, Nixon pointed lawyers had been "guilty of the most student, said his self - supporting status as a to news remark. enough to meet local voting requirements. Manson is outrageous, contemptuous behavior in the teacher in East Lansing did not > guilty, directly or coverage of the trial and said: "I don't believe the President made a Carol Hamel, Detroit senior, said the East satisfy the bctly, of eight murders. "Here is who courtroom." city clerk who insisted Calvert has no a man was guilty, directly charge or implied one," Mitchell said. Lansing city clerk told her she could not permanent address. I long after Nixon spoke, however, or indirectly, He said of eight murders without Ziegler, asked by a reporter what some press accounts made the register in the city because she was not self Thomas, who is I Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told reason. Here is a man, yet, who, as far as coverage of the Manson trial Nixon had judge, rather than the attorneys, appear to - supporting. She said she was told to during the summer teaching part while he is ■ time n Nixon "failed to use the word the coverage was concerned, appeared to be the villain. taking seen, replied that Nixon had read the Los register in the district where her parents " in mentioning charges against be a glamorous figure." The President prefaced his discussion of voted. graduate courses, is temporarily living in a Angeles Times and the Los Angeles Herald fraternity house which is being rented out . Ziegler said he was, in effect, Soon afterward, Ziegler called reporters Examiner while in San Clemente, Calif. the Manson case by saying he intended no ^liss Hamel then explained to the clerk for the He iting the President's statement. together to make the retraction. In In Los Angeles, Ronald Hughes, one of criticism of the news media. that her income was derived from an summer. has been an East 1 defense attorneys for Manson, on response to a question on the President's four defense attorneys in the Manson trial, (please turn to page 8) ■n Los Angeles in connection with the comment, Ziegler said, "The phrase he told newsmen: I s of actress Sharton Tate and six persons last summer, immediately used could misinterpretation." lead to some case "I'm going to make a motion that the against Manson and the codefendants CONSTITUTIONALITY TEST pneed>e they would seek dismissal of Asked if he was retracting Nixon's be dismissed. The fact that the President of against the defendants on the basis statement, Ziegler replied: "I think I've the United States feels it necessary to |e statement. done that." comment on the guilt or innocence of a defendant in this murder trial shows that »mbs, napalm the case has been prejudiced through pretrial publicity to a fair trial." a point of not allowing Suits on voting The trial jury has been sequestered to WASHINGTON The actions the first to reach the (AP) - Petitions were Mitchell had expressed hope that the protect the jurors from possibly prejudicial intended to lead to an early constititional high court challenging the 1970 Voting decision could come in a suit by or against Cambodian colonel outside comments during the trial. During his remarks on the Manson trial, the President referred to the overnight test of the vote for 18 filed with the Supreme Court Oregon and Texas. - year - olds Monday by were Rights Act which would open the franchise to citizens 18 or older in all states and in all elections. a state — over which the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction — rather than in the New York suit, now before a three - judge The two states said a minimum Ireports U.S. support voting panel here. age of 21 is set by their state constitutions Gov. Tom McCall of Oregon said last and Congress lacks the authority to week his state had been advised by change the it. Justice Dept. that its suit "will constitute »G0N (AP) - a Cambodian officer headquarters that U.S. planes had been Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell had given all the decisive test nationwide of the federal P- S. Phantom jets attacked enemy hitting the plateau for more than a week states until Monday to submit details of T* on Kiri Rom Plateau and he had reports the air strikes killed or what they were doing to comply with the The State of Indiana has told Mitchell it Monday with p and napalm in wounded 200 of the enemy. new law and had threatened court action will not enforce the act, and the North support of his troops Five Cambodian battalions on the slopes Jj> on the slopes ■>«. The U.S. Command denied awaiting a signal to have been cut off from reinforcements against those who didn't. The Justice Dept. said Carolina Board of Elections voted to refuse any Monday it did not at least temporarily to enforce it. ■'edge of the report. since last week, when the enemy severed have a count of the states responding by Although the law would not affect this ¥ Sat Hor, deputy commander of Highway 4 about 45 miles southwest of the deadline, but the Oregon and Texas fall's elections, it would figure in a number Phnom Penh. The plateau lies 10 miles or suits assure the court showdown. |°ng Speu Province, in which Kirl ■ is farther south. Five New York state citizens filed suit of votes coming up across the country at located, told correspondents at his so the local level after the first of the year. Hor said his main objective now was to June 23, the day after President Nixon Consequently, both Oregon and Texas clear the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong signed the bill, in U.S. district court here, attached to their complaints additional from Highway 4 and U.S. planes had been but there is slim chance that it can be motions seeking expedited consideration of fiio to helping in this effort too. Five other Cambodian battalions were ordered to press southwest toward Sre Khlong, near where Highway 4 was cut, in settled before the law goes into effect next Jan. 1. (please turn to page 8) |vesfigafion an effort to clear the vital route. It is the last major road link between Phnom Penh and Kompong Som, Cambodia's only deep polls open until 8 water port and the site of its oil refinery. Kent d As Hor talked in Kompong Speu, fcUS' 0hio (AP) Gov. James ■dm! S announced Monday the state ~ correspondents saw a U.S. Phantom flash overhead, flying toward an enemy concentration farther down Highway 4. Napalm bombs were seen below the wings. Primary candidates fa„speclal pand jury probe Into Asked about the report Phantoms were Bum h dun nf r cnt State University last May. ate 8tudonts were shot to a confr°nt*tlon with Ohio a flying close support for Cambodian troops, U.S. Command spokesman In Saigon said: "We have no reports on that. face voter test today lusL ardsmen who were on the The U.S. Command never said American r^t" disturbances. jets are flying in direct support of It's primary election day — the time of Spartan Village School, 1460 Middlevale; ■ the Jn the latest °f several probes Cambodian troops. Its dally communiques year when usually a small percentage of voters select the field of candidates that Precinct 2, Red Cedar School, Sever Drive; Precinct 3, East Lansing Flrestatlon No. 2, i«° 8 inc'dent, which also left since the U.S. Incursion Into Cambodia last mwounded. spring speak only of "continued the remainder of the state's citizens will Shaw Lane; Precinct 4, Central School, 325 choose from In November. Imissionmen for Resident ed in ,?n Catnpus Unrest Nixon's were interdiction operations against enemy lines of supply and communications In Ordered to Offices included on the ballot today are W. Grand River Ave.; Precinct 5, Glencalrn School, 939 N. Harrison Road; Precincts 6 j f'" the Kent * area this week to Cambodia." . . t tU Jane Spielman, left, and Dianne Donghi enter Federal Court in New governor, U.S. senator, U.S. congressman, state senator, state representative, circuit and 7, Hannah Middle School, 819 Albert; Precinct 8, Bailey School, 300 Bailey St.; commission hearing Aug. Hor said field commanders asked for the York Monday where the two alleged members of the militant court Precinct 9, Edgewood United Church, 469 U S air strikes and Phnom Penh relayed judge, 8th District commissioner and Weatherman faction of Students for a Democratic Society were ordered v°e^tl0n,al *® Quard investigation Into the conducted the request to Saigon. The Cambodians delegates conventions. to the county political N. Hagadorn Road; Precinct 10, McDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham; Precinct Incident claim that South Vietnamese planes, which to appear in Detroit Thursday to face bombing-conspiracy charges. The The polls open today at 7 a.m. and will 11, St. Thomas Aquinas, 915 N. Alton; are free to go anywhere In Cambodia, are f«ip„rr,,,porton'tt too Inaccurate In close support operations women are among 13 persons indicted in Detroit on bombings in New York, Chicago, Detroit and Berkeley, Calif. charges of plotting remain open until 8 p.m. Polls for precints 1 to 14 are located at Precinct 12. Eastminster Church, 1315 Abbott and Precinct 14, Presbyterian (please turn to page and have caused Cambodian casualties. 8) AP Wirephoto the following addresses: Precinct 1, Pinecrest School, 1811 Plnecrest Drive. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Celia roars ashore; summary of AP and UPl. win ds hit 138 m.p.h. CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. (AP) christi the storm's path inland immediate Corpus Christi area. — Hurricane Celia slashed across WOuld be through thinly But there were indications that the Texas Coast Monday with populated ranch country. no all would leave, roaring 138 mile per hour winds . , . . and a furious onslaught against There were touches here and Civil Defense sa.d everything in her path th®re of pamc as hurncane " wlse 3,000 to 4,000 persons had been Glass from building and car residonts ned ,the where ordered evacuated from Port C- "Here is a man who was guilty, windows and street lamps such, storms h.ave, wlPed °tut O'Connor, Magnolia Beach and directly or indirectly, of eight showered the downtown streets ?hole towns and where 8,000 to lndianoia - the latter a murders without reason. " of Corpus Christi like fine sleet, f-000 Ppr^"s d,ed ,n a 1900 resurrection on higher ground of President Nixon, discussing Flying debris - parts of roofs, hurricane at Galveston. a once important seaport which the Charles Manson trees and anything loose — Celia already has caused one was a hurricane victim decades forced police to take shelter. death, a man killed Friday when ag°- murder trial. Winds reached 100 miles per |le touched a power line felled (Story on page 1) hour at the Corpus Christi by high winds that hit Cuba. rhe n,ght. rea.C. . . w m?Vor A airport and 138 miles per hour proportion when the Weather Officials ordered the Bureau suddenly raised the Making at the Reynolds Metal Plant at Gregory six miles from evacuation of Port Aransas, predicted intensity of Celia from downtown Corpus Christi Rockport, Fulton, Lamar, 90 miles an hour to 115 and The view from the Grand Trunk railroad tracks provides a wide panorama of An hour before the storm narrow rails wide I . . , . Beach at Corpus Christi — at 10 feet. The coast in this area is beams, the grass-and-tree-lined shoulder and, in the distance, towering campus buildings. crashed ashore, a reconnaissance „ State News photo by Milton 12,000 persons in the flat, Horn International News plane recorded its winds aloft at ' r 141 miles per hour, but velocities on the ground were General U Thant and his Middle East close U.N. Secretary not so great. envoy began a Egypt and Jordan. round of talks Monday on steps to follow up acceptance of the U.S. peace proposal by Israel, Thant and his special representative, Swedish diplomat and Thousands fled their homes in advance of Celia's winds, tides were deluges, although many caught in downpours. Highways out of Corpus 2 raise races William G. Milliken faces only concerns among Romney lawyer had trouble gaining any George Romnev in 1966. Gunnar V. Jarring, held a long private conference during- Christi were jammed with By United Press International the morning and then met with high U.S. officials, vehicles as residents of low areas token opposition. people. momentum and Ferency has Most party technicians» moved to high ground Michigan voters will decide Despite the two close contests, Where they originally were actually maintained a slight lead however, they expect I including Secretary of State William P. Rogers. two surprisingly close statewide however, state election officials talking of a victory of landslide in the latest polls, superior financing t organization to push LevinbZ British Prime Minister Edward Heath told Soviet ccwst^an™ inland.°WeatfiCTmen primary races today with only »y they expect only about one-quarter of the state s million of the stt about 1.1 state's four proportions, they proportions, they now say privately "anything over 55 per _ Ferency was forced out of the the winner's circle, said they could amount to eight registered voters expected to do million registered voters to cast cent" would satisfy them, party chairmanship in December The other two Premier Alexei N. Kosygin Monday he looks forward to inches and warned of possible vt V„UM1 ballots. of 1967 when he began calling Macomb County ProsL, a period of fruitful big power collaboration for the floods. the deciding. for an immediate end to the Geor„e N. Parris and State Ra The hurricane veered from the r Candidates on all levels have Levin, who has outspent security of Europe. contest between Lenore voiced concern about the voter Ferency on an estimated 10-1 Vietnam war and for then - George F. Montgomery, | In a display of the new-style government he has densely populated Houston - president Johnson not to seek nearly unknown Galveston area during the night Romney, wife of Secretary of apathy and are unsure what its basis during the campaign and were o re-election. He has combined the their Housing and Romney, "In any primary you have whose organization is far bigger promised, Heath answered with unprecedented speed a „ Urban effect will be on the outcome. respective constituent- and headed almost straight for antiwar message sent by Kosygin Saturday to U.S., British and Corpus Christi unrisu, a a citv ciiy of oi DeveloPment r Geor8e HllKo, D. Romney, than Ferency's, was considered a then support he picked up with the when the campaign started have lacked the organizationJ aL anA and State Sen. Robert Huber fnr Qon „nhort for apathy, but this year there seems heavy favorite for the same French government chiefs. 335,000. Once past Corpus the identification picked up U.S. Senate nomination. On to be more tKan in the past," A1 Democratic gubernatorial nod while money to mount i the Democratic ballot four men, Boyer, manager of Lenore last spring. But the Berkley running for governor against statewide campaign. National News headed by State Sen. Sander Romney's campaign, said. Levin and former state party Mrs. Romney has the backing Claude Killy to M.S.U. Fo Witness says hairs Officials of the National Pollution Control further info, attend our meetini chairman Zolton Ferency, are of the state Republican Aug. 11, 7:30 p.m. 110 Anthony vying for the gubernatorial organization her primary Administration released Monday the standings for the call John 351-8647. o nomination. battle and is expected to win the 10 dirtiest cities in the nation for two categories, visible The Democratic Senate nomination. But Huber's particulates such as dirt, smoke and soot/^nd sulphur nomination is assured for campaign, which has been from oxides. incumbent Sen. Philip A. Hart, directed against the issues of "party bossism" and Mrs. The top 10 cities in particulate are, in order: Steubenville. Ohio; Charleston, W. Va.; Scranton. Pa.; Incumbent Republican Gov. Romney's husband, has generated enough support to same source Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Bakersfield, Calif., and Syracuse, ANN ARBOR (UPI) — Hair on the last of seven young women opinion they ca N.Y. (a tie); Johnstown Pa; Louisville, Ky.; Milwaukee, slain coed's a panties and hair in slain under similar circumstances common source. Wis.; and Pittsburgh, Pa. The State News, the student \ newspaper at Michigan State the basement where the around Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Last Friday, Holz said fl The top 10 cities for sulpher oxides are, in order; University, is published every class day during four school prosecution says she was killed within two years. No one has found microscopic spots ottj terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. from New York city; Chigago; Huntington, W.Va.:' Subscription rate is $14 per year. came a common source, a been charged in the other A blood in the basen Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh. Pa.; Cleveland, Ohio, and prosecution witness testified deaths. • Another witness said I Monday at the murder trial of Beineman had type A blootLBfl St. Louis, Mo. (a tie); Washington, D.C.; Detroit, and Member Associated Press, United Press International, Washtenaw County Prosecutor John Norman Collins. the defense brought out thitfl Providence. R.I. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, But Walter L. Holz, chief of William Delhey contends the girl per cent of Americans have«T Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press the criminalistics section of the was slain July 23, 1969, in the blood, and no attempt was■ Association, United States Student Press Association. basement of the Ypsilanti home Stock market prices fell sharply Monday in slow Michigan Dept. of Health's to break down the blooding Crime Detection Laboratory, of State Police Sgt. David Leik, basement into its subdivisk trading. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Collins' uncle. Leik and his wife, said under cross examination The defense contends the b| The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks closed Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services that he had never heard of who were on vacation at the on the panties did down 11.16 points at 722.96, a 1.52 per cent decline Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, scientific testimony attempting time, already have testified they from the basement. from Friday's closing level of 734.12. Michigan. to show that hair from a known cut their childrens' hair with Holz was the 35th of 1 Analysts said the market was continuing a downturn that began last week. They said there was nothing in the news background to stimulate much buying interest. Hobie's THE SANDWICH PEOPLE Phones: Editorial Classified Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 source same person. and hair unknown source came from the from Collins, 23, a former student an electric clippers in the basement before leaving for vacation. Collins had a key to the house while they were gome, they said. endorsed prosecution witneiB testify. Washtenaw County * * Judge John Conlin, v * * phone 351-3800 Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 at Eastern Michigan University About 500 "short, clipped" presiding over the case, t< The Senate passed a bill Monday to create a 355-3447 in neighboring Ypsilanti hairs found the CARRYOUT were on girl's under advisement corporation - style U.S. Postal Service that would take Photographic 355-8311 charged with first - degree panties, Holz testified. He said murder in the torture that hair, and hair taken from motion to force the prosecutij over management of the nation's mails. It also provides sex - to call more witnesses. T slaying of Karen Sue Beineman, the basement, were "similar in an eight per cent postal pay raise. witnesses, the defense I | 18, a freshman at EMU. She was all respects," and it was his could account for how Or' The roll call vote was 57-7. spent his time between abontB is The bill was returned to the House, where a final vote expected to send it to President Nixon before week's Really enjoy your and 3 p.m. July 23, time when the 1969-f prosecution^ end. WE HAVE the girl was slain. vacation this The Navy's new multiwarhead Poseidon missile passed MOVED Lautrec its first submerged launching test Monday during a high year... to ALCO BLDG. - seas drama in which a Soviet spy ship nearly collided with a U.S. vessel in a frantic, futile effort to launch debris. pick up FREE PARKING Photograph Weddings, Parties, Armaments experts on the site said the supposed Portraits, Passport! | purpose of the and Graduations Soviet dash for the meaningless Bator Opticians fragments was to determine something about the Special rates for launching submarine's exhaust to develop submarine 241 E. Saginaw students detection equipment. Call 351-8130 end of Abbott Rd. (M-78) or 337-7819 __ Michigan News State Sen. George Kuhn, R-Birmingham, has filed a complaint with the Michigan Fair Campaign Practices Get INSTANT CASH Drop off dry cleaning,| Commission that his primary opponent has been using 45* "complete and outright bald-face lies" against him. 45< per pound Kuhn, in a letter to Commission Chairman Rabbi Leon Fram of Detroit, accused Carl Pursell of seven for a carefree trip difterent types of unfair campaigning. Kuhn said Pursell has misrepresented Kuhn's vote on 1 skirt 45< Enjoy a happier, more carefree vaca¬ everywhere. the state income tax in 1967 and has tion this year with I nstant Cash in your ideal for high-speed falsely said Kuhn Vouchers are has introduced any legislation signed into law by never the governor. pocket. It's available in three forms: loans paid directly into your checking 1 sweater 45( money orders, vouchers, and good old account when you're away from home. He also accused Pursell of unauthorized use of the cash. Or simply stop by before leaving names of individual Republican Republican party party leaders and of the itself in campaigning Instant Cash money orders are bet¬ town for some ordinary Instant Cash 1 pair slacks 45< and ot a ter than ordinary money orders because cash. It's accepted everywhere! "character assassination" campaign. you don't pay for them until after Use painless payroll deduction for We love active people active people love us! Chrysler Corp. said Monday it opposed you've used them. They combine the repayment, if you wish. a proposal by the Nixon administration to advantages of a low-cost credit union Phone today for complete informa¬ reduction in the new car excise tax, postpone a scheduled terming the plan loan with the safety of an ordinary tion on this and the many other services 3 Creat 1 Locations For Your Convenient| "particularly unfortunate at this time." available to credit union families - and - 213 Ann Street money order. They're available in any The tax is scheduled to be reduced from seven 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road per denomination and negotiable almost really enjoy your vacation this year! 3 cent to five per cent Jan. 1, 1971. - Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza "Continuation of this discriminatory penalty on the new car buyer who is already sharing the substantial costs resulting from government imposed standards is grossly unfair." the company said in a statement. ' hrysler said it had supported retention of the seven cent level in past years because of the need for 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 Join Those Who Expect More ... And Sovi added revenue to help finance the Vietnam war. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. August 4, 1970 3 Dormitories been been nravlniiilv previously nmivaii poured ..j and ^ • . ... seek SALE By JOHN BORQER allowed to Mttle. Providing single students who want them rooms for "We may make n«*t fnll " more available continue to be provided by' the employe programs are being" THRU | Newt Stiff Writer .1 r.LAtx.^'aeoi b»?d"?„k -..rtstsss ......n.j state j ildence halls have been lc®- occupancy and made 500 cooking "we>rted originally, but Bell wouldn't ..*• <* University still owed a net debt SUN extra services to make * Provision of linen and bath single utensils provided, reimburse last spring JL for costs of of $65 us - 'rln* . roomsi available available l..t ,w million on mortgage for ■ CjA pleasant 4W more hiubb#ui Hvina mortr for •a to*®ls t this fall term," Thorburn said. don't really need all collecting long • distance programs for residence halls, Iber . that dishware except for the of years, according to L?,t" of. 80,10018 fu charges, so we had to mL..knrn Ltorles and food services. mnnnopr of linen, Thorburn said, "bi linen," fa5 " 1 know. we're the only one short time they re living In an he said. give it up," "Now, Bell realizes there Roger Wilkinson, vice president for business and finance, said. BROOKFIELD PLAZA Jmrburn, who Is In charge of supplies students with ra x,.;. "nd mk,™«^ »|d <*•««»'»«• „r"M ■t is possibly the nation's bath towels- Rent Is charged ' Northern'! 'Ml«t 20/ * on • campus residence Small refrigerators which on a per The greater availability of XUh lndlv dua' halls, Payment listed these features students may lease to keep In their own room, person, per term basis Two-man single rooms and of apartments WU,o ?) t o^ 2 y hair setter Kh have been added to the lence halls over the years: Carpeting residence rmr„ s°;t ^ and $205, depending ElsU breakfast of rolls, juice J*11 con[*?"> the I milk for students who are which 1 m.' even entire ho"8®8 w'th,n residence halls in 8IZ„, , _ upon Ml, with fewer studenU in the halls, there is more space living ££' „°ie" SSSXtS Reg. $14.95 \ students have been willing Nearly 200 apartments will be available. Thorburn said the lower 12' I Lice dispensers to allow *° JW extra ^or the carpeting, operational fall term. Thorburn said he The lower occupancy level has °ccupancy level for fall term No dry heat to take the lents to fill their own glasses Special steak or chicken hopes also caused an increase in does not worry him. life and shine from ^ freshiv mixed juice, rather dinners for small groups in the befaIb,e„t0 ma!c1e residence hall rates, however. At "I'm not disheartened In the your hair. Prevents split i1 u drinking juice which had 8mf'' dining rooms in the residence halls. f?om thifmnL hePf^Q7i from their mnms by fall, 1971. of thfe Ju'y 17 mating of the board least by fall enrollment," he ends. He said Bell trustees, rates were raised said. "There's always a chance of Telephone Co, $105 a year to $1,080 for three would bill the students •» distance terms. something good coming from any difficulty. For example, the YARD GUARP housing •ng calls; Evei ligrant - — . - »iui me rate increase, lower occupancy gives local phone us more service would maintenance" maintenance and student opportunity for single rooms." Outdoor Fogger liolation charged 1 'DISCRIMINATORY' Vaughn raps registration 16»/2 oz- ccm $1.98 Volue #|I RAVERSE CITY (UPI) - orchard camp out as directed by Lr c Tompkins, 70 • year - Judge Brown two weeks ago on ■orchard owner, was released a 49-hour notice and, when he Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, Monday 'university towns,' " he said. COMMAND SALE I jail Monday by Circuit failed to do so, was jailed for rapped the alleged disenfranchisement of MSU "These towns derive many benefits from the Ke Charles Brown after he contempt, students by the City of East Lansing. existence of the university, including state $1.29 Antiperspirant id three days in jail on Tompkins still faces a charge Calling the city clerk's actions "discriminatory, monies resulting from the addition of students to arbitrary and capricious," Vaughn demanded an the town or lempt charges alleging he °f operating the camp without a census figures," Vaughn said. T migrant workers he "cense. The hearing has been set Drop spot ■-nd to "extra - legal criteria which result in the abridgement of students' constitutional rights." "Furthermore, a large percentage of the $1.00 Deodorant ■loved ■ • in unsanitary housing for September. This drop box was set He referred to editorial in the State News community's commercial enterprises depend on the students' trade. Yet, when these Kelley said it was the first up an same _c 20-plus Mexican • prosecution of its type in recently along the drive east Monday about students being unable to register student residents seek to exercise their right of Your Choice: of the on the grounds that they were not self - Iricans who Michigan Atty. Michigan and probably the first Administration self • government, local officials invent 4-oz. Deo T Frank Kelley claimed were Building for deposit supporting, and he recommended regulations which exclude them," he said. fhe country. It has filed by of an 66 interdepartmental investigation of East Lansing voter registration Vaughn has introduced a bill which would under unsanitary Kelley under a Michigan state campus policy. allow college students who are mail p.^.is at the farm, left over law five years a8° to bound for offices and "The illegal discrimination practiced against to establish a legal address at school for qualified electors 5-oz. weekend after Tompkins was uPgrade migrant housing personnel in the Ad Building. citizens of our state, simply because of voting. The bill is still in the House purposes Anti-perspirant i. Their departure ended the conditions in the state, sn photo by Dick Warren they < Committee violation and students, reflects the narrow fears of small on Elections. lempt ci 1204 E. OAKLAND POLAROID grand river rof gai recision t ===~ 0 The MooSUSKI Club meets Tues., Aug. 11th at 7:30 p.m. £ -110 Anthony. All new & old members are urged to attend. Q • Supply Limited W_9 Ivil righ Imports ^ Help is needed now for the Jean Claude Killy appearance at q ^ Jenison on Oct. 9th. Details will also be given on our ^ Austria trio — Ex/ervonp is wplr.nmp Fnr further infn rail BRUSH "Specializing in finer sport cars" roup announces our new location . . . ROLLERS kniel H. Kruger, J School of Labor and $1.00 Value fstrial Relations has been director IV 4-4411 IV2 - 4444 of the lonal Urban League, a civil p organization. rustees is on elected to his three the league's board during its national in New York last 69* Ihigan's is chairman Manpower of a campus sleeper. . . COSMETIC lmission. our plaid set is neat and [rI active the pastin four years, he has a J & J Soff Brand 33 Greater Lansing i League work and has lively-looking way to dress Pkg. off 260 ■loped training programs for In league personnel. in the dorm. It's 794 Value ■tional director of the 60 • a white-topped I - old organization is Jney M. Young Jr. tennis-type shift with a High Fashion Quality a director, Kruger will help three-quarter robe practical, SUNGLASSES new directions and in new pms for the national civil |s agency. easy-care polyester/cotton plaid. Red OR $5 Values or blue. P-S-M sizes. CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN lamp-out $14. 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA SPAGHETTI $099 heduled SALADS Indi ans HAIR S JfTlNcs ■Indians from (UPI) - About 'Just Wonderful' 49 several tribes states and Canada will !"Charlton ■ "day on Park Saturday While the old camping They Last! f d of their forefather.. ■ W|J be the 36th Annual uw Muir's Own _ sponsored Kiver American by the Indian Foaming lbal members will cos'umes, demonstrate I ' Perf°i"m dances and sing wear BATH OIL ■)itph°HgS' Their tepees will K a'°ng Thornapple Pck doctors hear talk 77* cofogoriS ^harfon ULTRA IASH fc\,Wharton wi" speak Mascara by in am National Medical I TheNMA i» In11"" black doctors. Maybelline I Of hi nP'c w,» be "The Usual $1 Value Kos." ack Physician in MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE ME1 ■s UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD Senate spawns Nixon's woes editor-in-chief the administration opposes as an over the budget EDITOR'S NOTE: In President territory for the President and is likely to requests in ■ FREDERICK J. LESLIE Nixon's running battle with Congress, become more so before the November infringement on the President's appropriations bill, inviti„„ ^ advertising elections. constitutional authority as commander in possible veto if it gets manager the lines in the House are generally through r drawn on partisan lines. This article, Most of Nixon's problems are in the chief. that fattened condition. "tail Still another veto has KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor second and last of a series by AP Senate, which began the week by giving In the face of such opposition It is little been th. 1 LARRY LEE, city editor Writer John Beckler, looks at the him $453 million more than he wanted for wonder that Nixon took time out on his Nixon If the trade reaches his desk with bill. X ft?! JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor education, and which will spend the rest of trip to San Clemente last week to try to import VSH JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Senate, where the opposition the summer trying to take away money he help a couple of midwest Republican than the one for textile produc?^i consistently includes members of Nixon's wants for his Vietnam War. defense budget and the candidates for the Senate. The Republicans need to pick up only seven seats in requested. Senate Mansfield says that if Majority uJ"! the HW "f own party. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award By JOHN BECKLER The Senate also is threatening to dismantle the family assistance welfare November to take control of the Senate. The White House has played a vigorous reaches the Senate it broadened. will be if" ubst« for outstanding journalism. "A combination of Associated Press Writer reform plan that is the centerpiece of role in seeking the strongest possible produc ts win „ Nixon's domestic program, and to turn the candidates to run against incumbent a combination of senators WASHINGTON (AP) Vietnam and the to fS — limited import quota bill he asked for into Democratic senators, including prodding a devastating majority," said MansfiuM Middle East aren't the only trouble spots a broad protectionist measure that, he says, half - dozen Republicans into giving up safe For the next several EDITORIALS plaguing President Nixon. Capitol Hill also could touch off an international trade war. House seats to make the race. have little reason, if weeks any to N0Ji , rates a red flag on the White House All this, of course, comes after the Nixon has been openly bidding for the Senate of excessive situation map. Senate twice rebuffed Nixon election of a Republican Senate since April billion military spending Ahl With leaders of the Democratic majority nominations to the Supreme Court and on when his nomination of Judge G. Harrold the floor and once procurement bill is^'f again funds h f Britain dumps trying to put a party stamp on the nation's legislative program. Congress is hostile adopted a resolution that would restrict U.S. actions in Cambodia, an action that Carswell to the Supreme Court was rejected. In a statement almost Safeguard antiballistic missile sue!! under attack. The first survived a year AHM a pi! unprecedented for the harshness of its tone, Nixon denounced the Senate "as ago by a single variety of other cuts will be L ■ sought I presently constituted." debate in military expenditures tLfl on new Singapo Now Nixon and administration spokesmen are trying to arouse the voters against the "big spenders" in Congress, an assault the Democrats counter by saying expected to last until Labor by The climax will be reached a bipartisan group of the United States to Day in anattw. senators toM B Despite comments to the contrary, Consequently, the Heath withdraw itswL it appears that Britain's new Tory they are simply trying to reorder the from Vietnam by cutting off the government has come upon a plan national priorities. keep them there. The senators government is going to continue at that may enable Britain to have her Congress added reality to the rhetoric of several hundred thousand haviSI least one project begun by their cake and eat it too. The idea is to both sides this week by sending to the nationwide television dollars [^1 appeal for f. Labour predecessors. Like the withdraw most British troops and proverbial Arabs in the night, place the guardianship of the Malaya England is going ahead with plans to area in the hands of a five - nation fold up what remains of the Empire caretaker force. Australia and New Senate, which began the week by giving and scurry home. Only the rhetoric Zealand would be two of the nations him $453 million more than he wanted differs from Wilson on times. involved, along with Great Britain for education, and which will spend the The latest case in point regards and therein lies the clincher. England rest of the summer trying to take away Malaysia and Singapore. For can keep Singapore and Malaysia in money he wants for his defense budget centuries these territories have been and the Vietnam war. friendly hands without the need to a cornerstone of the British Raj and, continue the present expensive consequently, have known massive one-man show. And Heath can keep White House a $4.4 billion appropriations which they are putting into a campaign! British occupation. The reason is his word least on the surface bill for the Office of Education that - at - public support. ■ based upon a matter of logistics. The not to shut down what remains of exceeded Nixon's budget request by $453 Although the Democrats in the Se island of Singapore and the adjacent million. Most of the increase is for a are the targets of Britain's overseas empire. administration critic, program the President doesn't want to much of Nixon's difficulty has Malay peninsula constitute one of While the creation of a five - power beencat- spend money on at all until it is drastically bv an independent group of RepubliX the most stragetic ponts on the trade consortium would tend to spread out revised. The program fids school districts that provided the dozen votes that routes of Asia their military led! - the military responsibility for the where there are large numbers of federal administration setbacks importance cannot be understated. employes. Congress hasn't altered it one on the SupJ maintaining of the Singapore route, Court nominations of Clement! Great Britain may be willing to bit. Haynsworth and Carswell, and the Cc it is doubtful whether it will give up most of its other possessions Conversely, the bill contains only half Church resolution on Cambodia represent any great improvement in the $150 million Nixon requested for an And it is Republican opposition to J - if the Commonwealth system terms of Asia's interests. emergency fund to aid Southern school family assistance plan that is causing mil actually represents a real "giving up" Neutralization of this area is needed districts under court orders to desegregate of the but the Conservatives reason, she trouble the welfare proposal! by September. - rather than a simple transfer of having in the Senate Finance must maintain some sort Nixon has Comraitt| of interest power from one Western power to raised the possibility of White House officials met with 3 in the Malaya area. This involves, vetoing the bill but Republican leaders on Senate Republican leaders recently to ■ others. Capitol Hill are hoping he doesn't. They what could be done to improve support! among other things, troop The days of empire are couldn't hold their forces in gone line last presidential, policies by Hepublif commitments to shore up the local forever and month when no amount of Congress overrode a veto of a senators. There have been no talks betvnf government against Communist manipulation by Great Britain is hospital construction bill and would prefer the White House and the Democn insurgency. And maintaining "I'm tired of you press people making me out to be some sort of to have Nixon let the education bill leaders of Congress for a long tuJ even going to be able to maintain the clown!" become law without his signature but with however, and with the political ritil something on the order of 35,000 status quo. If the projected plan is sharp criticism of Democratic spenders. between them intensifying, it is unlital troops on the other side of the world carried through the Commonwealth The Senate also has gone $500 million there will be any. is not popular in Britain either will certainly inherit another liability politically or economically. - perhaps even a Vietnam. OUR READERS' MIND Kent State Unjust' military justice just better handled To The Editor: Once again the State News proves itself to be much more of a propaganda sheet For at special court least - the past two decades, all martial offenses (and those David G. Epstein officer, or some other officer to I more serious, of course) have been Lansing graduate student removed from law. Similarly, defenfE than a newspaper. You don't like the July 30, 1970 Maj. Gen. Sylvestor Del Corso is automatically reviewed. counsels are often fresh from R0TC| Guard commander is a most military so you employ the Big Lie to Space precludes the listing of more EDITOR'S NOTE: What is on the without special legal training. exceedingly worried these days. He politically influential personage. And smash the military. military - civilian contrasts, but as far as has good cause. Gen. Del Corso, it a commander that made a very the last two examples are concerned, most military books and what actually Court - martial reviews are often | Quote from your July 28, editorial: happens often differs widely in perfunctory. Usually, no o seems, has been caught in a lie civilian jurisdictions still cannot match the by bloody mistake might not be adverse "American military justice long has been military justice. Summary courts - personally appeals the review. A th not less an entity than the to pulling military system. a few strings to get his infamous for its denial and mockery of all martial are more common than party merely reviews collected papers■ federal government - and with no record cleared. Now as to the action of hair removal: Let it precepts of justice." be specials. In a summary court - martial, and sends back a copy of the court ■ less than 200 militant people as known, State News, that under the defendant is tried by a single Yet dig this State News: controlled circumstances it is martial order marked "approved." witnesses. We are not implying that a state perfectly officer who may or may not be aware Nor do we believe that hustling»I For at least two decades prior to the legal for police authorities to obtain blood Lest we all forget, Del Corso was grand jury would turn out to be a of fine legalities. He may, in fact, be the officer in charge of the troops at whitewash for the National Guard. It recent Supreme Court edict requiring a samples from the very live and vigorous bodies of protesting subjects. I do not the mess hall officer, the motor pool hair sample without a court order "controlled circumstance." isij defendant to be warned of his rights, the Kent State University that murdered should be noted, however, that the doubt that the same legalities apply to hair military authorities were required to warn four students. He states that the Ohio National Guard has made some a man of his rights before accusing him of a samples. Before you so vigorously condemn the military's action you should troops self - were surrounded and fired in defense. The federal pretty shaky moves in the past. For example, right after the slaughter, crime. For at least the past two decades, all first determine what legal umbrella were acting under — if they any. I, unlike you, Publicize salary breakdown! government has said, in effect, that it they reported that they had fired special court - martial boards (sentences up have no doubts whatsoever that if the hair to six months) have been required to just is not so. only after they had been fired upon was obtained illegally it will not be To The Editor: Del Corso has now called for a by snipers. This contention was furnish an accused with a defense counsel admitted into evidence. Military courts are, Members of the University College shocked disbelief to the statement "J much to their embarrassment - at least as well qualified as was the after all, federal courts — or didn't chapter of the Michigan Association for State News of July 29 by Signiund i o^T state grand jury to clear him and his you - prosecutor. know? president of the MSU chapter o almost immediately disproved. Higher Education (MEA) reacted with men. He states that the National AAUP, casting doubt upon the actlon V Guard is the Office of the Provost. clean, and that an It would be very i( expedient if the According to Professor Nosftw, investigation would prove it. He says federal government - as Atty. Gen. general public and the MSU fac""- that he is "certain that there will be Mitchell has suggested took over GEORGE been misled by statements issuedI y l ^ indictments from a grand jury, but the Office of the Provost on July 17.18 '1 investigation and mediation of the effect that faculty salaries wouraj (he) is confident there won't be any the Kent State massacre. The increased on the average of 7.8 per Guardsmen indicted." resolution of this matter is much too This last statement is Although we have not found anyone J highly important to risk havifig it botched in fact did receive a 7.8 per <*n "L significant. remembers Especially that a when state one National up and bogged down in a mire of a local political boondoggle. Victuals help ease vacuum among the faculty, surely the Provost would not release such asta if it were misleading or untrue! r OfficeJ J] benefit of Doubting Thomases H AAUP, however, our organizationjoi J Double cheese, fries and Coke have been Closer to campus, Cave of the Candles Perhaps. But the pain can be assuaged call of the AAUP for a specific breaKo of salary increases by colleges to be Inflation diet mainstays at the apartment since the offers similar quality, and the menu is often with a meal away from stri every so engineer - cook graduated in June. The rest uniquely seafood. And the Gables' II Forno hustling counter boys in paper chef hats. public without delay, together ■ of Room provides both atmosphere and rationale for them. If the 'a T us can't cook worth a damn. One guy Speedily served hamburgers from clean, snacks or full dinners. A well impossible we would be content wi "J actually and sincerely put a TV dinner in night at the - lighted places are necessities during former. By accident, more than anything the oven with the cardboard still around Holiday Inn or Hospitality Inn can also be hour lunches through heavy traffic. But if spite of it all. people go on having the foil. worthwhile. you have a couple of hours in the else, American society may have found the most universally effective babies. This is contrary to all trends. When cigarets go Every now and then it's party - time Ingham County boundaries have been attend a clean, evening, dimly lit place. Many are Mary President, University Cd'egec * E.To»J| up people stop when someone brings a bag of apples from inexpensive and students seemed to have means of population control it is charged with harboring a cultural vacuum. overlooked them. Michigan Assn. for Higher b ^ smoking or start rolling their own. home. Christmas and Easter are always big July 2". J called lack of money. Latest When hamburger inflates for stale candies and crumbled cookies. estimates indicate that the cost of they switch to fish. And so on. Friday, I wandered into Jim's Restaurant Clearly this having a baby is at an all - time matter of having downtown. The name is unassuming, but national high of $1,607. This figure offspring defies all the food isn't. Black leather booths and red the tenets of the hallowed includes not only hospital costs but capitalist felt walls of the Tiffany Lounge were a system. decent break from masonite tables and other expenditures ranging from But then it is hardly the people's early • American concrete walls. maternal wardrobe to baby fault if no one has yet devised a Food at Jim's doesn't arrive lukewarm furniture. wrapped in foil and a paper bag. Prices are The satisfactory substitute for the great within student budgets and service is unlike interesting thing is that in American pastime. the Union Grill. W- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. August 4. Ii: is Controversial article was rnmnilftri .|A lA/ac compiled hv by Uninup fpntiiro of tkic * . ... Riegle s I Harris, Jim Adams and Riegle's Republican opponent most pressing Peacewatch. The In the July edition of Time Sopt press secretary Mike fail to enforce the law or take to radio .7 aisociate attorney John F. Sopt former Democrat. ' is a He Called for a r organization was originally magazine, correspondent Neil Shrigley said. "If we win this the streets "must be made incumbent's spots exploit brashness the and pU,6d or national nrinriH™ " ° formed to mobilize opposition MacNeil described how Minority primary it won't be so much accountable to the public for the The nominee of the mchthL™a° "way from to the Safeguard ABM proposal Leader Gerald Ford used that the voters want us as it is monies they take under false friction leadership with the House TuHf the Won:, R'c^rdaiiCRPuahrai, a^K^er ZTtolZ" £^P antagonism toward Riegle to put that they don't like what they've pretenses." as one of the nation's 1C Dnmik,. " ~ ' -"ym housing, J " ,,uua,»s. education' ZrSi euucauon, toto* a lid on discussion of the Cooper-Church amemdment. got." Sopt was graduated from Sopt feels that America has developed a dangerous double like At this a point, Riegle still looks winner. If he does win the Republican prior , to primary, he will probably- X[standing young men. as a Democrat. announcing homes, job training a The article makes Riegle Eastern Michigan University in standard. become the first Republican in ■in 1968, Riegle was re-elected • > U.S. House ol RiSrtn Riegle himself if :""TT Although his position has been urrront nmKinmn «« on these House is not based s appear to be an ambitious boob who is manipulated to act 1964 and received a law degree from Wayne State in 1967. "We are told by the antiwar movement that we should Michigan to receive endorsement. the UAW jepresentatives. The Nation u.of txjil?8 a. Republican issues certainly validates Riegle's opposition. against his own interests. At EMU he was a member of immediate withdraw our combat It also seems likely that Riegle o best Congressmen of the =«& "ccldMt th"" * The the < Riegle claims that the Time the Young deciding Democrats that he was until a troops from Southeast Asi& because it would be moralh will be even harder to beat in the 7th District consists of the" story was a terrible piece of general election than in the is year. ww whteh"h« cau^d'the r "L American intervention in reporting and that a number of Republican in 1963. right. However, North Vietnan, primary. ■This year, "I'm *srs a."— -l,h~ his colleagues have written to the magazine to put the matter running," Sopt said, "because Riegle supports all of is permitted to continue its 'civil war' against South Vietnam by He has pre-empted most of the issues that Democrat Ruhala that which I oppose." straight. The damage, however, attacking Cambodia." might use with any other sad» and "the weakest guy on Wle lhe 19b0 cens"S- of the Vietnam situation today President to move is already done, and Sopt is essentially a Nixon Sopt campaigners also expect troops into Riegle's opponent, and in a personality ir side of the aisle. * The controversial incumbent, Republican but of Don Riegle, is a liberal and a ff „°Ppi"g American loss of Cambodia, Riegle turned his opponent is making the most of on many issues to pick up votes from the contest, Riegle will walk away ■Today. voters llf®' R'egle said. guns on the Congress. it. could be classified as more American Independent party, with the grand prize Congressional dove. He has been an outspoken conservative than moderate. every time. ■ichigan s B — ■strict will decide whether he cntic of the administration and — w" hl®0r°",S„0£P°S'ilon to the He said that the congress - .. -- — ,le salu lnal lne Congress In mid-July, while the Riegle He is opposed to lowering the since their candidates are This primary contest in the nominated for of £ar earned him support frequently preached the doctrine staff displayed the dignity and unopposed in the primary. 7th District is one of the most — some congressional —vu.t6.ioo,uiiai practices (jiatuce!) 'r°m students and young people. Qf law and order, but ignored - •> o r-"i" relaxed voter age. "The AIP has endorsed interesting, and perhaps most a"d has made some confidence of the He feels that students who Lotion. i,New "dent * ' Committee for ew rinnlS0m?,tMec/T0r powerful Huber," one Sopt official said, important, in the state this year. ■Riegle is the only Republican enemies in the process. Congress at MSU 3 the basic ,aw of the la"d - the incumbent, the campaign of choose to protest and "and every vote for Huber will It is a "swing district," and the suDnortino i » 'S Constitut'on. The Congress, he John F. Sopt, Riegle's challenger demonstrate rather than study fcfwith jij probably be a vote for Sopt." primary opposition. ■However, that is not the only mid-June, ™SJ°T!ly reelection" candidacy0™**^ inrr.d hls "in ?od a,udeeMv„lU in hifcam"' his campaign hnte.ers","re VO'Uheadquarters. S Sa,d' did "0t ha,e the Sl°mach are active to face up to the questions of in today's primary, went into high gear. should be expelled. He thinks The campaign concentrates on issues are clear. The results of this primary contest should give and listed the issues Ji He has been endorsed by the war and peace. "We aren't kidding ourselves," that presidents and professors who college Riegle's weak points. Sopt political advertisements and a significant picture of what the American voter wants in 1970. 'ROSENCRANTZ, GUILDENSTERN' Tom Comedy due Stoppard's comic drama, at "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead," will run from Wednesday through Sunday at the Ledges Playhouse. unusual play focuses on minor characters in Shakespeare's drama, and relegates the original principal cast to the role of a kind of collective backdrop. Instead of being simply tools for the designs of Claudius' court, Rosencrantz and gentle Guildenstern become heroic, important figures in a powerful new study of life, death and power. Ernest Wiggins, seen as Randall in "Slow Dance the on Killing Ground," is Rosencrantz. Jonathan Adair, who delighted audiences with his portrayal of Jimmy Shine in the Murray Ledges comedy ■ Ernest Wiggins, left, and Jonathan Adair have the title roles of Rosencrantz and ■ respectivfily, in the Ledges Playhouse production "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Guildenstern Are Dead," ■ which opens Wednesday night. The comedy, which runs through Sunday at Fitzgerald Park in (Grand Ledge, is a takeoff on the minor characters in Shakespeare's "Hamlet." ity math Iraws 200 students Vance I By JEANNE SADDLER students said most of the lociate Campus Editor were black, and quite a few Chicano students hundred students in participated as well. eight through twelve ■ticipated in MSU's second An important feature of the lual Inner City Math Program, program is the follow-up work lording to Irving Vance, done by grad students during the Jfessor of mathematics and year. )r of the program. The five Last year, three graduate leek program ended Friday. students visited the inner - city IThe program went quite schools, keeping in close touch P." Vance said, "with about with the students who ~ of last summer's students participated in the program. This liming." fall there will be six graduate is not a remedial students doing follow-up work. Vance stressed. Vance said the students took three classes a day, two in math p bright kids who are lable of doing high - level Chemistry, biology, geology and natural 200 students and 60 science courses were offered. Iraers who The math courses included work 10 participated came Michigan cities. The beyond the students' normal 'gram, funded by the National class level. •e If the students continue to Foundation, the U.S. 1 of Education and the participate in the math program, f for Urban Vance explained, they are often I Affairs, encourage more black and guaranteed admission to the ponty group students to enter University. ■wandscience fields. : he first criteria for getting |o the program is an economic ;• Vance said, "and then we ntrated on minority Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4l STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED A smile costs nothing .... But gives so much! CLASSIFIED 366-8265 366-8256 MFluf ilt A The State News does not Scooters & Cycles FRANKLYSPtAKl NO by Phil Frank Employment For Rent ForRent permit racial or raligious CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national discrimination in its companies. Compare our rates. CHILDCARE: RESPONSIBLE STODOARD APARTMENTS. bedroom, Now leesing for Fell 1 UNIVERSITY ♦our man vILLA~"TK~~*** I advertising columns. The 2206 East Michigan, mature person who loves babies to Term. Balconies, leundry. Neer furn,lh,d I State News will not 505 Albert, East Lansing or care for young baby end do some Call 361 8238. 351-2003. 3 6 1-3729. HAi.r^l ♦ AUTOMOTIVE accept advertisinq which 484-8173.0 Lansing, housework from 8:30 • 4 p.m., Monday • Friday. Faculty home. cempus. management 361-7910. 0 com>I C0VlpANv f discriminates against Walking distance from campus. Scooters & Cycles PERELLI MINI Bike, special 14 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 religion, race, color or Permanent position, good pay. bedroom furnished BAY colony oni Auto Parts & Service national origin. horsepower motor, excellent Call ED 7-0241 after 6 p.m. 4-8-7 or unfurnished. Balconies, security bedroom, $136 and up I Aviation condition, 355-0825. 2-8-4 locks, leundry. Quiet aree. Cell HALSTEAD MAN Apt i?" I * EMPLOYMENT HONDA 1969 CB 450. Must sell, 351-4698. 332-3311 and ED COMPANY, 351-7910. q I * FOR RENT great condition, low 2-2920. 0 Apartments Automotive $650. Best offer. Call mileage, Mike, beechwood Vh;„ 351-7492. 5-8-7 PLANS FOR the Fall? American 711 BURCHAM. Two or three men furnished, 3 32-0965. $200 »H I Houses Academic Environments, deluxe one bedroom, furnished haht.*I Rooms BRIDGESTONE, 175dt, new tires, Cambridge, Massachusetts Is apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 or management c0jp *d i • FOR SALE seat, pistons, battery. Needs seeking students, graduates to market products full time. _ 361-7910.0 COMPANY. | minimal work. $100 or best offer TWO MEN needed for luxury 4 men, PLEASANT two Animals PONTIAC 1963, Grand Prix. Power Contact Placement Bureau. 8-8-11 rc 676-2288. 5-8-7 sterling Fell. 351-1014. 3-8-4 East Mobile Homes steering and brakes, radial tires, Lansing tor |M - ■ red, black interior. Excellent smoking. $80 ♦ PERSONAL condition, $500. Phone 332-4994. HONDA 350 Street Scrambler, 1970. Almost brand new. Phil, EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE solicitors - no selling for part OKEMOS: VILLAGE Apartments. Ideel for married Green ED 2-1279M| * PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-3347. 3-8-5 time morning or evening work. grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 • ♦ REAL ESTATE RECREATION PONTIAC condition, TEMPEST, 1961. Good new tires. Nena For interview, 351-3700. 2-8-6 call H. Hunt, bedroom, unfurnished, furnished $130 and $175 FAIL monthly Possession • SERVICE Typing Service 332-8647. 5-8-10 HONDA 1965 sport 50, For Rent September 1st. Call manager, 361-2439 or FOX PROPERTY now or LEASES RAMBLER 1964, $95. Good tires, looking, excellent 1 • TRANSPORTATION r TV MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. no oil burner. 351-0146 after 6:30 condition, 332-0358. 3-8-4 RENTALS: G.E 19" portable, 14-8-17 ♦ WANTED DEADLINE p.m. 2-8-4 $8.50 per month including stend. Call J R. CULVER COMPANY, 372-4948. 320 Julian, East NEAR CAMPUS and downtown East $175 Lansing, choice location. Grad 1 P.M. one class day Lansing. C students, young marrieds and PER MONTH before publication. TV faculty. New one bedroom, RENTALS. $8.50/month. Free Cancellations - 12 noon BENELLI 1966, 125cc. Helmet, dishwasher, air conditioning, deliveries. Call SELCO class cover, $140, complete. Kristi, carpeting, etc. From $155. one day before COMMUNICATIONS, 372 4948. Available by 353-3852 days. 3-8-6 C August 15th, publication. TRIUMPH TR-4, 1963. Wire wheels, 332-1183. 5-8 4 PHONE overdrive, tonneau cover, radio, KAWASAKI 250 Street Scrambler TV RENTALS - Students only. Low heater. $650. Phone 372-8130. 1968. 3000 miles. monthly and Corner of Haslett Rd. Great term rates. Call 355-8255 5-8-4 condition, call 355-3091. 2-8-5 351-7900 to reserve yours. EAST LANSING near campus. One and M-78 UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C bedroom, furnished. Large airy RATES rooms. Air VALIANT 1962 Signet 200. Power conditioned. Roger Taskev 351-3420 1 day S1.50 A uto Service & Parts steering, brakes, Sun roof. RENT A TV from a TV company. Beautifully maintained. Select Stan Guski 15c per word per day Excellent condition, $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. clientele Lease. 332-3135 or 351-8160 351-1984. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 882-6549. O 3 days $4.00 5-8-6 NEJAC TV RENTALS C 13V4c per word per day Kalamazoo Street Complete auto . . . since 1940. painting and Employment Employment VOLKSWAGEN BUS I: genuine 5 days $6.50 hippie, commi, collision service. IV 5-0256. C PART TIME work for students. Cur IMMEDIATE 13c per word per day excellent shape internally and necessary. Call 351-7319 for OPENINGS, professional consultant, VIVIANE as Apartments ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call interview. C (based on 10 words per Peanuts Personals must be ad) externally, $1900. Call 485-0498. after 4 00 p.m. 7-8-7 KALAMAZOO STREET BODY SHOP. Small dents to large BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light WOODARD COSMETICS. Own hours. consulting Referral appointment only. Valerie, NEED TWO girls for 4-girl University Terrace fall / spring. $63/month. Beautiful, VOLKSWAGEN Convertible, 1962. wrecks. American and foreign housekeeping and cooking, $30 Beth, 361 7659. 4-8-5 pre-paid. There will be a 50c service Dependable transportation, new battery, $300. Cell 355-2753. S cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 332-8532. 6-8-7 LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? HUGE TWO bedroom, unfurnished. Inexpensive, ^ Living room, formal dining room, and bookkeeping charge if this ad is not paid within VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN excellent condition, radio, white 1969 Aviation SUMMER employment AND with part full merchant wholesaler. Automobile - time line See today's Want Ads for a complete listing. breakfast basement, room, $240 finished monthly. Close by & one week. Sociable with red interior, Students welcome, 230 West $1575, required. 351-5800 for 485-7916. 3-8-5 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to SECRETARIES, CLERICAL, general Saginaw, East The State News will be information. 0 Lansing, near learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. office, bookkeepers, Hurryl Phone campus. 351-8144 weekdays. 8 30 responsible only for the Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C CURTIS EMPLOYMENT -5:30.. 10-8-13 first VOLKSWAGEN 1967. 24,000 miles. NEWS FLASH - We have just day's incorrect AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-8-5 Very good condition. $1150. Call received word of a new game insertion. COUPLE Furnished efficiency, 355-2764. 4-8-7 approaching the MSU Campus . . . - Stand By! 0,-8-6 utilities included, $115. Phone 332-2803 or 332-2157. 5-8-7 Scooters & Cycle* ALPHA ROMEO Automotive 1969 - 1300 GT HONDA 350, 1969, 4000 miles, just tuned up, $600. 355-6319 or after 6 p.m., 332-4350. 4-8-7 Your Fun in the Sun Location. . . Join the Campus Hill Mob junior, 24,000 miles, radio, heater, plush interior, excellent condition. All reasonable offers considered. See our furnished model 351-3918. 10-8-13 COLLINGWOOD More than just a pad to hang your hat there's lots of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that because CAMARO Z28, 1968. excellent (formerly Northwind Apis.) takes you (5 round trips a day) from apartment door¬ condition, disc brakes, radial tires. step to classroom eliminating parking problems, ex¬ 372-8577, 332-5248. 3-8-5 pense and tardiness. Like: a romantic "social area" CHEVELLE SS 1969. 396, 4 speed APARTMENTS with picnic tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more features than you'll ever get . Hurst, Polyglas tires 26,000 miles, and dig this $2000. Sunfield 5657, 3-8-4 . . . from only $180 a month. M Central Air Condtioning ■ All Utilities included except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes M Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen featurirg ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer FORD CUSTOM. ■ Dishwasher ■ 1966, good Laundry facilities ■ Storage and condition, standard shift, $500. ■ Unlimited Parking. 355 0825. 3-8-4 ;%tmi'- * SHAG CARPETING * NEW FURNITURE * FORD, 1965 Galaxie Convertible, UNLIMITED V-8, automatic. Price negotiable PARKING 355-1049. 5-8-7 * DISHWASHERS * AIR COND. APARTMENTS FORD CUSTOM, 1965. 6 * ON THE BANK OF cylinder, Model Apartment 202-A good condition, automatic, $595^ THE RED CEDAR Must sell, 355-8524. 5-8-5 * MODEL PHONE 351 0782 $55.00/man On Grand River at Okemos Rd. LOTUS 7, fully prodified, for SCCA racing. Many spares. Must sell, J. MODEL OPEN Practically next door to Coral Gables. G. Hocking, 332-2603. 3-8-6 DAILY MGB 1969, red wire wheels, tonneau cover, excellent behind the condition 351-3781. 3-8-5 Yankee store 1 CROSSWORD CALL 351-8282 MODEL HOW CLOSED VV,;Hi ■ N PUZZLE TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now student units. These spacious luxury apartments are leasing 1L 28. Curb STORY 29. Black completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive 1 luwfiinglwn 31. Portion Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a 33. Scepter dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - 34. Electrician 36. Gr. letters central air conditioning. These four man units have up 38. DATSUN SALES to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 43. Clumsiness Girl's name 3165 E. MICHIGAN has been adequately planned for with a giant heated RENTALS BY APPOINTMENT 15. Famous falls 45. 46. Grasping Boring tool One Block From Campus swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. FOR INFORMATION CALL 47. Abstract being If you want to be among the first residents of 48.Advance TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units $70/month per man. starting at MARSHA CHANEL 372|r797 49 Chinese pagoda 50. Consumo .51. Tractable DATSUN STATION WAGON PERFECT SIZE FAMILY WAGON 4620 S. HAGADORN Disc Brakes, '2265 Whitewalls, Standard management exclusively by: ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4, 1970 SPORTS For Rent For Sale Tigers LlE WORKING girl to share 2 just miss n apartment, Haslett area, ,4 Ask for Chris, after WESTINGHOUSE COLOR model 530 stereo tape TvTsony ■oNIAL ARMS for Fall. v4 block Used recorder. > little hope. After Bill Freehan popped out, That brought up Mickey Stanley with the man ■if campus. Four man apartments, Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo Don Wert coaxed starting pitcher Bill Zepp for a bleachers, a drive well over 400 feet. tape recorders. 100 used 8 of the day, Kaline, on deck. Most The pre-game ceremonies were memories that •5 351 7146. 3-8-6 track walk ending Zepp's day on the mound. people were stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. Former MSU pitcher Ron Perranoski then picturing the perfect ending — a walk to Stanley Kaline will never forget. Right from the first Cassette tape "A1 would have come to load the basis and Kaline Pro-4-A recorders. Kom through; I just knew he came on for the Twins and coming through with presentation, a congratulatory telegram from stereo head phones. would have." got pinch - hitter a base hit, scoring the Garrard tu.ntables $25 Elliott Maddox to line out to left field. But Ike tying and winning runs. President Nixon read by baseball Commissioner up. VM That was the general reaction of But the Tigers luck and the fans hopes ran out. most of the Bowie Kuhn, down to the last honor, a I laundry facilities, so receiver. Sharp, 40,113 fans who disappointedly filed out of Brown, in another pitch - hitting role, singled to With two strikes on him, Stanley reached for an song 30 w left to load the bases, dedicated to him, ("Thanks for the Memories") ite occupancy. $145 per Tiger Stadium Sunday after having watched the bringing to bat the winning outside fastball and lifted an easy fly to >hone WALTER NELLER speakers. Coral 30 watt run in the person of Dick McAuliffe. Tony Kaline humbly received with gifts, fighting hard speaker Minnesota Twins hang on for a 4-3 win and Oliva in right who put it away to wind I'oMPANY, 489-6561, set. 300 stereo albums 75c up spoil In all due respect to up Kaline to keep back the tears. or Used golf sets $14.95 Al Kaline Day. Minnesota, the game Day on a sad note. up. New and It almost seemed that fate was should have ended four pitchers later. Mac hit Among the presentations made to the Tiger used fans. Used Oliva did more than just end the TV sets $39 50 Kaline going to give what looked like a routine grounder to first Tigers' last - star and his family were $20,000 in college up. Realistic 55 a chance. With the Tigers inning threat. Prior to that he collected three watt stereo trailing 4-1 baseman Rich Reese, but the ball hit one of scholarships to be used by his two sons, Mike and ■ALE GRADUATE student amplifier. WILCOX going into the bottom of the ninth, a good share hits, including his 18th homer in the first inning, Mark; renamed streets in Lakeland, Fla., and SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East of the those rough spots (that McAuliffe himself has roommate for Fall. crowd, including Gov. Milliken, started drove in two runs and scored twice. His Detroit; a clock from his teammates and many Michigan, 485-4391. 8 a.m 5 30 been complaining about lately), and scooted off Kathy Licari, 2222 - heading for the exits. Norm Cash drilled a teammate and another Tiger nemesis, Harmon other symbolic gifts. P.m. C Reese's shoulder into right field grounder through the middle, however, to perk allowing two Killebrew, spoke highly of Kaline during the Gordie Howe of the Red Wings and Wayne MORE FUN in the sun with pre-game ceremonies, but showed no favoritism Walker of the Lions also were on hand to honor Sun Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, once the game got under way, as he hit a two-run "a truly professional athlete." Former [ GIRL needed immediately for 2615 East Michigan Avenue homer in the fifth to increase the Twins lead to who also showed up to honor Kaline were Hank Tigers starting fall. Delta Arms - 372 7409. C-8-7 3-1. Killebrew's drive carried into the centerfield , campus. 351-0470. S-8-10 (please turn to page a) GE imarmax, 225 Division, 4 man REFRIGERATOR, good condition, $25, 337-1215. 422 Jjartments. Block from Berkey, tet. Call 351 -5143. TF IdED: ONE girl now - 18" MAC Avenue. 3-8-5 ZENITH portable tv. black Call and 393-3415. 3-8-5 white Homa, Keeley team leptember 15th, New Cedar BEDS, STOVES, for paddleball ' e 351-3163. 1-8-4 refrigerator. Buy, sell. ABC STORE, 1208 Turner. SECONDHAND C crown POLICE MONITORS, Sonar Using an old Green Bay Packer twice in the three sets did Mikles lid, $125. 485-7702.5-8-10 FR103, special sale $29.95 up plus theory of "hit at your receive an opposive serve. crystals. MAIN opposition's strength and keep 5558 South Pennsylvania ELECTRONICS, With 90 degree weather Avenue, hitting there," Andy Homa and outside and close to 100 degree Lansing. C Steve Kelley did just that last temperatures on the playing GOLF CLUBS: Excellent $80. Friday as they won the IM court, the two teams were 351-2395. Call between 5 - 7 p m paddleball doubles forced to change courts after 4-8-7 championship over the favored each set to be free of the team of Gale Mikles and Herb wetness on the playing surfaces. ORIENTAL RUG. Red 2x6 runner. Olson. Book binder Homa and Kelley, members of Mikles lost nine pounds while design, $250 IsiNG FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms 332-2947. 2-8-5 the MSU Olson and Homa bedroom, $160. paddleball club, dropped eight in the two hour match. ■ uRCHAM WOODS, Call dropped the first of three sets, 21-7, but won the next two by n 3 • 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF Kaline IniSHED STUDIO, 2 man. DATE LINE East Lansing. MSU Al Kaline humbly bows his head and accepts the applause of the fans Sunday as they honored accepting fans 21-8 and 21-17 scores. Olson, who is probably the Street, Lansing. the 18-year Tiger veteran in strongest individual player of the 189 1277 (PORT NEAR. Single or 489-0029. 5-8-10 adults, pre-game ceremonies. Pictured along with Kaline are Gov. Mrs. Kaline, Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn and Mark. (far right) and Kaline's two sons, Milliken, Mike (left) State News photo by Dick Warren quartet, received a real workout, as the winning team constantly directed their shots at him in an Where can you get the rnished, $15 per week, SAILORS — 7' effort to wear him down. Only J9-7253. 5-8-4 Sportyak dinghy with sails. Great car-top delivered. Ken, yacht. $150 353-6400 days. ROSELLE HELPS OUT irnished. Beginning at $160; S-8-10 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. HIGHEST RATE NFL pension ished $185. East dispute Lansing ty. ED 2-3534 or Ted Steele, Brand new portables - $49.95, over 132 1986. 10-8-5 $5.00 per month. Large selection of reconditioned used ■E |jrnished LANSING - except lights. five rooms Stores Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Home & "Many Others." $19.95 machines. NEW YORK (UPI) - The bitter five - month pension contract provides for increased of return on any type to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS National Football League dispute Monday under The players' e. 339 8295. 5-8-4 pressure payments for pre-season games negotiating DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, owners and players ended their from Commissioner Pete Rozelle committee was summoned to and expense money while the 1115 North in a 22-hour New York on Sunday from their Washington, bargaining session players in 489-6448. C-8-6 are training, 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Service by agreeing to contract, allowing players to a $19.1 million amounting to million annually. a total of $2.6 strike headquarters Washington for the "final hour" session. The owners made in the of bank savings? canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and up. report to training camp Despite the misgivings of the first proposal, and the players One year guarantee. DENNIS FOLKS WITH KEEN EYES for items immediately so the first 10 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 of interest read the "Personals" in exhibition games can be played players and owners, however, countered with one of their |IE10T APARTMENTS: 4901 North Cedar, Classified Ads. Check nowl as scheduled this weekend. Rozelle again proved his ability Pennsylvania. Quiet opposite City Market. C-8-6 to get action with the preseason n for grad students and SANDALS MADE Although neither side believes "We could tell from the it can live happily with the new schedule rapidly approaching. owners' first response then that One bedroom furnished, WHILE-YOU-WATCH. One player refused to say that nonthly. Possession now or four - year contract, each they were under a great deal of iber 1st. Call manager Animals Custom-made to fit you! showed obvious signs of relief Rozelle was impartial and pressure to settle," said one of 57 or FOX PROPERTY PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR that the ordeal is over so the suggested that he might have the players who sat in on the ered female Management, 372-1954. season can begin on time. favored the owners in the meetings. After three b, 7 months 882-5817. 501 E. Grand River Below Campus Drugs)332-4074 "In a situation like this there is negotiations, but the rounds of offers more and counter AT AB & T OF COURSE! no winner, only commissioner succeeded in proposals, agreement," the owners' Houses I & W PHOTOGRAPHY portraits, said John Mackey, president of hammering out an agreement committee presented a proposed portfolios and comprehensive the Players Association and an while only last week meetings contract to the representatives f GIRL needed, privat Mobile Homes resumes for models. Call Jim, end for the Baltimore Colts. with the federal mediation and of all 26 teams. After an hour 50 monthly. Summer tei 351-2168. 4-8-7 No other bank offers higher rates of The contract calls for conciliation service ended in and a half of deliberations, i., 332-5350. 3 8 4 MOBILE HOME, 1967. Very good they interest on any type of savings $4,785,000 failure. pame back with an agreement. condition. 12x54. Furnished, annually and account certificate of or deposit. $3,200, 3-8-5 675-7305, 625-3039. Typing Service insurance benefits and provides an annual contribution of A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. $250,000 annually "to improve question about it! 8' 45' ROYCRAFT, near campus, ATTENTION CAR OWNERSI x IBM Typing, Multilith or implement such items as air conditioning, carpeting, cheap. Printing, & 351-9249. 5 8 5 Hardbinding. Complete Thesis disability payments, widows family unfurnished, Service for the most Discerning benefits and maternity and * niveristy, 3 Master's & Doctoral Candidates. bedroom, recre SKYLINE 10'x55', 8'x12' third dental benefits." In addition, the Complete front end repair and |>°m. Call 393-1253 after 5 bedroom, washer, disposal, in Free Brochure and Consultation. Sycamore Park, $2900. 361-4602. Call CLIFF and PAULA alignment HAUGHEY: 337-1527 or * 58 4 627 2936. C Brakes * Suspension 1968 RICHMOND 12x50, 2 * bedroom. AM-FM DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Tei Wheel balancing * Steering intercom, Papers. Expert typist with unfurnished, natural gas, garbage degr in English. IBM. (Also edit Rooms disposal and completely carpeted. jltan hall singles. Men and Best offer. 676-5810. 3-8-6 ALMA MOBILE Horn 351-8950. O EXPERIENCED TYPISTS will do $1.00 insertion service - to charge be pre - paid. 12 per LISKEVS Auto Safety Center men 5:30 1959, 10x50, ■ 7:00, 351-9286. typing in home. 124 SOUTH LARCH "•~>e 2 bedroom, on lo Electric p.m. deadline 1 class day before. IV 4-7346 372-1031.0 676-1584. 5-8-10 hle " double 237 Kedzie. The following Free U classes will Reasonable. Private entrance meet today: Guerilla Theater - 3 p.m. Lost & Found 6-8-4 '^n_9_Rob, 351-9584. 5-8-6 - 131 Albert, Marvel Comics - 7 p.m. - 131 Albert, Rock and Blues Guitar • Lansing LOST: MAN'S COMPLETE THESIS serv - Male, 2 blocks catseye ring in 7:30 p.m. - 131 Albert, Astrology - "lion. ED Discount printing. IfciM typing 2-0205, 443 playground near 1447 Spartan 7:30 p.m.-Albatross. Village. Reward. Call 351-3088. binding of theses, resur 2-8-5 publications. Across from cam| The MSU \ s Associai fSANT ROOM in East Lansing LOST: TIGER kitten, near Albert corner below MAC Style and Granc Shop. Call 'ting 1 night a ImluMsmoki"9- $1°°-ED Street with white belly and paws. Reward. 351-1756. 3-8-6 COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES Legion Post 205 Building, East Lansing. Post 205 is |PUS NEAR, single room wTth located behind Dairy Queen and Arby's facing the park. Robert ■°0kon9, call 351-9237 or ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Piersma, assistant director in charge [M-8173.0 offset printing. Complete service of scholarships will talk on financial aids for veterans. Other items of !r/rR ■ East man' Grand over Revco s,ore- Personal manuscripts, general typing. IBM. business: Summer picnic, IM Sports, River. X-5-8-10 20 years experience. 332-8384, C Student / Faculty tea, Fall activities. All student veterans are welcome and f.MnER R00MS D Block at Hedrick House from ZOLTON FERENCY was right thei BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. encouraged to attend. A smoker will campus, ZOLTON FERENCY is right nov 9-spirit. 332 0844. 4-8-7 Vote for ZOLTON, August < |°UATE SrioijC,°r A,,rac,ive STUDENT room or for Wanted Christian holding Science their Organization regular weekly testimony meeting tonight, 6:45 p.m. •alkin 9 StUd6nt in lovelv home- at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. distance to campus. 1 exchanged. 351-6286. FREE A thrilling hour of beauty. The Black Theatre Class Production ... For appointment call 484-4519. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS AMBITIOUS SIXTEEN year old boy Soulness," tonight at 8 p.m., in the STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. wants work; willing to work hard, Arena Theatre beneath the Cj8-6 355-3180. 1-8-4 Auditorium. WE CAN cut; We can trim it, But you ONE HAWAIIAN dancer for DINES The MSU Sailing Club will have a have to keep it combed. UNION RESTAURANT annual Luau picnic - meeting to night at 6:30 p.m. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. night. Call after 5 p.m., 485-7179. at the Club Site on Lake Lansing. 5-8-5 Shore school will be held right after i».LA*E pop fes,ival - 4 Service the meeting. Rides will be leaving the 337-0203, bLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for west entrance of the Union at 6 p.m. 2'38"8. Peace. W-8 all positive. A negative, B DEPENDABLE EXPERIENCED negative and AB negative, $10.00. O MSU STUDENTS FOR JONDAHL mother and teacher wishes to care erNEw Magnavox record for children full time in her home. negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN invite all students who have worked )8jc To40' stereophonic. 337-9589, beginning after on Lynn Jondahl's campaign for the 507'/i East Grand River, East State Senate to a victory celebration September 4th. 3-8-4 Lansing. Above the new Campus Election Night. Celebratit I^NENt t STEREO system TV-STEREO Service: Fast service Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 on b<*< offer, .nd scub. and reasonable rates. Ask for p.m., Monday, Wednesday and mg a 'quipment. Phone Randy between 11-1 p.m. and 4 - Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 wilMeave from p.m. to 6:30 ptfn. 337-7183. C 8:30 and 9:30. 8 p.m., 332-4646. 3-8-6 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4 i SN, E.L. officials at odds PEOPLE WILL TALK HERE IS WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS HAVE BEEN SAVING ABOUT in registration controversy (continued from page 1) student attending school," he about older person an living with determine where the student's goes home for vacation and he continued, "and the law says his son or daughter, he said. It home or residence is, he said, registers at the University from that the student doesn't gain a just says this about the student. "There are a number of his home. residence under these The questions the city clerk questions we ask that attorneys "Lodging at the University is a conditions." asks, such as "Are you self • have told us it is perfectly all temporary residing place for a But the law doesn't say this supporting?", are simply used to right to ask," Patriarche said. The city clerk makes the last determination and she is given this right by law, he added. Voter registration If East a person is turned down in Lansing, he can go to a higher authority — the circuit court — and get a writ of (continued from page 1) issue him a registration card Benke said the clerk told him mandamus order requiring the Lansing resident for two vears he ggjd He said the clerk told him which would allow him to vote, the the registration" that "meant cannot fraternity be house ' Thomas called it a "token considered a boarding house and said. Many people have done this considered is city to register him, Patriarche a and been allowed to register, he SHOP-RITE HAS LOW PRICES ON fraternity considered house his could not be permanent nothing/' Jon . Benke. a June graduate permanent address, He said he then called Atty. continued. Bullard countered Patriarche's Aluminum Foil smH thTrnfnr/'hl"rAii'|ljl from Wyandotte, said he was Gen. Grank Kelley's office to order by saying that no one not register to vote Thomas said he couldn't also denied the because of his residence. to register residence inquire into the legality of the should have to get a writ of rule but was referred mandamus to exercise his right Baby Food to the East Lansing city to vote. understand considered a why he was not permanent resident Benke, who has lived in East Lansing since last September, attorney Mrs. Colizzi did not have Canned Fruits when, he said, his teaching Job moved into , fraternity house in T]* «ity he."o'ney Senke said,• of tip,res .iv.iiable on the number Detergents , requires that.h„ h» he „ he be a resident. ,t„ne June .b» where he he nl.n. plans to stay „„«i until told him flo,a n™ n* must musi have iu - u. students who have registered nave aa full He said the clerk finally he begins work in September J " v job and be self - supporting to vote recent^ She saidtha in addition to being permanent she does not separate students - - allowed him to fill out a with a local life insurance a registration form but would not agency. resident However, of Benke East Lansing, said, the from others registering to vote. In reference to the State News Fruit luices attorney "assured" him he would editorial, Mrs. Colizzi said, Six appointed to fill "look into the matter." At least five other complaints "Whoever wrote misquoted me that editorial in about every Cooking Oils from students who have been case." denied registration have been received during the past month She added that "anyone quoting someone else should Paper Products and MORE! MEA field positions by the MSU Movement for a take the entire quote and not New Congress. Most of the just take parts of it" so that he Six assistant executive secretaries have been appointed to direct complaints state that the East can put in his own meaning. Lansing clerk would not allow She said that she thought the Fresh Ground Hamburger recently expanded field operations of the Michigan Education 58' Assn. (MEA). the students to register because person who interviewed her 3 lb. or larger package of their financial or residential resided in a fraternity house and The six are Goerge Auzenne, Cecil Elmore and Ron Jensen, all of East Lansing; BruceAbms of Jackson; Richard Croll of Garden status. she added that this is not a lb. City, and James Sisung of Royal Oak. Any student of voting age who proper residence for someone is refused registration in East wishing to register to vote. Auzenne, a student at MSU, joins the MEA after work with the Lansing should contact the State None of the State News Lean Pork Steak 58c Michigan Dept. of Education's bureau of research. He previously : served as deputy director of Fivecap News at 341 Student Services summer staff members reside in : (Community Action Program) and as an instructor in special education at MSU. Bldg. or phone 355-8252. a fraternity house. Flat Bone Cuts He was assigned to the Mt. Pleasant office. The immediate task of the six appointees is to assist local associations in the selection and assignment of the various area directors under the expansion. This phase of the program is Baseball Pork Roast—Boston Style expected to be completed within a year, increasing the field staff from 13 to 90. This will allow one staff person for every 800 teachers. (continued from page 7) for Aguirre, Billy Hoeft, Harvey attentively on the top step of Kuenn, Reno Bertioa, Frank their dugout and standing up for the Tiger great by sitting Boneless & Tied 68' House, Paul Foytack, Jim the three ovations Kaline got. Bunning and Dick fracewski, as This was probably one of the Eckrich's Slender Slices Kent State deaths (continued from page 1) Rhodes said he reluctantly A grand jury probe of the Kent disorders was urged last well as three of Kaline's former Kaline was at a lost for words Twins' greatest tributes a player can coaches, Frank Skaff, Bob receive — when the opposition Scheffing and Jack Tighe. pays you such respect. The when all the gifts were finally especially gratifying as compared performance looked All varieties 3 oz. pkg. 3/sr COUPON chose to have the state take week by Adj. Gen. Sylvester T. presented and it was his turn at to the Tiger player's who, up jurisdiction of the grand jury Del Corso, Ohio National Guard probe. He said this allows the commander. the microphone. »j know i should have had a until Kaline's ride around the stadium — the last event of the Ivory Del Monte Catsup state to assume the cost of the Del Corso predicted such an speech prepared," he said. "But program — sat well - hidden in 14 oz. bottle investigation would clear jury. Hearing dates at Kent State for guardsmen of blame in the the President's commission are shootings, but result in sometimes, you know, you can't their dugout mildly applauding remember the words that you've been thinking about for almost a their own teammate, Liquid 2 Aug. 2 was a day long overdue tentative. The commission, indictments against a number of month. to honor Kaline. The fans and headed by former Pennsylvania others. «j ^ want t0 thank everyone Gov. William W. Scranton, also Portage County prosecutor iiere on the field and everyone players payed him their respect before the game. If Stanley had Deal has set a tentative date of Aug. R°nald J. Kane had asked the whQ has participated in these gotten on base in the ninth, you Limit 1 with $5 food purchase ' 10-12 for a similar hearing at Jackson, Miss., State College. governor s office for $100,000 to cal1 a regular Portage County ceremonies and has worked so hard to make this a very great just knew Kaline would have said thank you for this day in the Pack COUPON "The people of Ohio," Rhodes said in announcing the state gfand jury to investigate the disorders, but Rhodes said the day life." . . . the greatest day in my way he knows best — a game - winning hit. ij probe, "and of the nation are entitled to know what, if any money available without could not be made special Though the opposing Twins showed no generosity in the game 100 off Herrud Smok-Y-Links ! criminal acts took place at Kent legislation. itself, they showed their respect State and who should be charged with perpetrating them." IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. label 10 oz. package 49c . . Suits filed JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT Tommy Tomato 38c is cued to your campus needs and we will be Limit 1 with $5 food purchase (continued from page 1) the case. The Supreme Court is pleased to accept your application for a in recess until Oct. 5 but could hold a special session. Jacobson Charge Account Identification Del Monte Mitchell has established a special task force, headed by Card Your personal account number Whole Kernel Corn Solicitor Griswold, to handle Gen. Erwin N. the will speed your purchases and give you Cream Style Corn Pineapple Juice government's defense of the and said he hopes to have act the greater shopping convenience Green Beans 19< Tomato Juice 29C issue settled by Jan. 1. Mitchell is acting under the Apply for yours soon. Peas Pineapple Grapefruit wishes of President Nixon, who THE SANDWICH PEOPLE said he signed the bill with some reservations as to its Spartan Dinners Michigan constitutionality and wanted quick court test. up The measure, should it stand in court, would give the vote a Hobie's DINE-IN Chicken Turkey - - Beef Macaroni - Pascal Celery 15° to 11 million young people in Phone 351-3800 and Cheese time election. for the 1972 presidential Georgia and Kentucky already allow the vote Jacobsoris 2^c Green Onions at 18, Alaska at 19 and Hawaii at 20. Heatherwood The issue of whether to lower Bunch Radishes the voting age to 18 by state INGHAM COUNTY FAIR ^{pRIZES)r Plain Skim Milk action is on the ballot in at least 13 states In the Nov. 3 election. FAIR r..™ >4 sol. 3/51" Green Peppers Cucumbers 2/19' MON.( AUGUST 3 THRU SAT., AUGUST 8 svc\£RS Moosuski's 1st meeting will MASON FAIRGROUNDS, MASON, MICH. ©Week be GOODRICH'S Tues. Aug. Ilth, 7:30 p.m. 110 Anthony. New memberships will be taken, for more info, call John SPECIAL ATTRACTION DAILY - AERIAL ACT MA-HO-PIN 351-8647. TUESDAY AUGUST 4 10 A.M. 5 P.M. - flf-l SPARTAN - REDUCED PRICES ON RIDES FREE PICK-UP 1 P.M. - CHILDREN'S DAY CONTESTS AND DELIVERY 8 P.M. - DIAMOND S RODEO AND WILD WEST SHOW ONE HOUR SERVICE Tomorrow Wednesday, August 5 LOUIS CLEANERS 1:30 P.M. - Harness Futunty 7 P.M. - Tractor Pull Racing - Mich. IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER Harrison at Trowbridge Between Spartan Village and Mon. HOURS: - Frl. 9 to 9 Cherry Lane Apartments 623 E. GRAND RIVER Saturday 9 to 6 %