The . . . michigan Wednesday .. wildest colts make the best Cloudy . . state TATE NEWS horses. . . . with a chance of showers. - Plutarch The high will be in the middle university I 63. Number 31 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 5, 1970 OP Senatorial battle tight, ut Lenore From our wire services holding onto lead =r %\ Tf DETROIT — Lenore Romnev held a unopposed in the primary, had 77,435 votes with 1,350 lady a party "consensus" designation last ady but thin lead Tuesday night in her precincts counted. Some I;#Wl» March. areas stt|e for the Michigan Republican U. S. reportedly were not counting the Huber, who blasted the consensus 'nate nomination to oppose incumbent Hart votes early because he had no contest. proceedings as "bossism," continually The 61-year-old grandmother of 15, n> Philip Hart in November. campaigned against Mrs. Romney's who made her political debut this With 1,503 of 5,878 precincts Victory for Mrs. Romney indicate husband, now U. S. Secretary of Housing year, orting Mrs. Romney had 55 per cent victory for the Romney name in Michigan campaigned on her first name alone, and Urban Development. the vote, while state Sen. Robert as well as for the issuing buttons that said "Lenore" and Republican state party Mrs. Romney, in turn, almost •ber had 45 per cent. hierarchy, which earned the former first campaign literature that left out her completely ignored Huber's existence, husband's picture. | Voters in Ingham County's 57th and th representative districts gave Huber early lead with less than 40 per cent of e tabulated at midnight. MILLIKEN WINS Huber had 3,563 votes to Mrs. mney's 2,733 total. Returns for the th district were not available at press | Incumbent Democratic Sen. Philip rt was unopposed for the Democratic mination and will face the winner of A. Levin leads opponents jmm Romney-Huber contest in November. ' Both Mrs. Romney, the wife of cretary of Housing and (elopment George Romney, and jer, a maverick conservative who was Urban in Democratic primary 1 mpting to beat the party leadership dieted victory before the polls closed. "It's going to be a good victory," Mrs. shoo-in in his bid for a first full term ii "I feel it will be a clear assailing Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, a the chief executive's DETROIT State Sen. Sander Levin spot. Democrat, than his Republican primary Voter — rp'1 "Of c jumped to an early lead Tuesday in his Milliken, who moved up to the opponent. turnout bid for the Democratic governor's chair when former Gov. In early Congressional returns, gubernatorial Voters turned nomination and the chance to take on George Romney resigned early last year incumbent Rep. Donald Riegle of Flint out in unexpected numbers at the polls in the Lansing I Mrs" tRomney, wife of Michigan's Republican incumbent Gov. William to join the Nixon Administration, had led his only Republican opponent, John area Tuesday but the turnout for primary contests around the state was —er governor, held 81,229 votes, Milliken in November. 43,933 votes with 534 precincts reported. F. Sopt, 3,350 - 1,137, with 35 of 295 reported as low as had been predicted earlier in the week. pared to 67,609 for Huber. With 530 of Turner had 13,207 votes, or 23 per cent precincts reported. Winner in the GOP contest will face Michigan's 5,878 of the total.' State News photo by John precincts reported — none in the Harrington i incumbent Hart in the populous Detroit area — Levin piled up Levin, who doffed his heavy-rimmed vember election. Hart, who was glasses in favor of contact lenses and let 46 per cent of the vote. He had votes compared with 31 14,787 per cent, or his curly hair grow longer than usual before the primary, questioned Milliken'f STUTTMAN TOPS DEMS 9,801 votes, for his closest competitor, former Democratic State Party Ch»irman leadership capabilities throughout ar, ommission Zolton Ferency. expensive campaign. A former Democratic State party Pittenger leads in senate Trailing behind were Rep. George F. chairman who stepped down from his Id views on Montgomery of Detroit, with 11 per cent or 3,619 votes, and Macomb County Prosecutor George N. Parris, with 12 per post as Senate Minority Leader to run for governor, Levin faced an identity problem, especially with outstate voters. race cent or 3,722 votes. In Ingham County's 57th and 58th Midway in the campaign, Levin set about telling voters who he was. It appeared late Tuesday night that 3,485 votes; Alvin Dasen had 220; Polly Senate was "to bring an oiice agents representative districts, with less than 40 per cent of the vote tabulated midnight. Levin was leading Ferency by a at Ferency, on the other hand, conducted a shoestring campaign, Democrat Len Stuttman and Philip O. Pittenger will Republican oppose each other Gibson had 2,399; Knight McKesson had 1,253; Paul Younger had 1,602; Hugh of view," to the legislature. ecological point He said he believed that "all social in the November election for state issues fall under he ecological umbrella." more than 2-1 margin. counting on voter recollection of his past Brenneman had 1,302. activities — which included a resounding Senator from the 24th District. Stuttman S ANGELES (AP) — A Levin's total was 2,493, Ferency had shuddered at one point sociology Stuttman led his two Democratic Voting in the Lansing area was heavy, fessor told the President's .Commission defeat in the 1966 gubernatorial race during the campaign when Republican 1,041, Montgomery had 337 and Parris opponents by more than 1000 votes with running against a state wide trend of light against Romney and an anti-Vietnam Brenneman proposed placing nuclear I Campus Unrest Tuesday, that he is had 315. stand approximately 40 per cent of the turnouts. reactors the Great cerned that police undercover agents Milliken against former President Lyndon on Lakes to insure was running at a five to one Johnson. precincts reporting. With those precincts With nine precincts reporting Rep. Jim year-round shipping. "Tommy the Traveler" may be margin over Howell publisher James reporting Stuttman had 3,268 votes; Brown held a substantial lead over ating on some campuses across the Turner in the Ingham County districts. Montgomery plugged away at "Incredible," Stuttman said. identification also, spending about Lynn Jondahl had 1,915; and John challenger Harold Pletz in the race for the Results from the 59th districts Richard were one-third of his campaign time in the Cataldo had 863. Republican nomination for state . Flacks, instructor at the not in at press time. representative from the 59th District. ersity of California at Santa Barbara. Upper Peninsula. Parris was a relative Pittenger led a field of six Republican In the Republican gubernatorial contenders by more than approximately With nine precints reporting Brown political unknown. "The usual students' f is that anyone who advocates nee on a assumption primary, Milliken took a commanding early iead and was expected to be a Milliken, meanwhile, campaigned little against Turner, who spent more time , 500 votes. With less than 40 per cent of the precincts reporting Pittenger had had 996 votes, Pletz had 525. The winner of the Brown-Pletz contest will face Nixon b campus is a police agent." Democrat George Griffiths during the ommy the Traveler," whose real name November election. Griffiths is Lommy Tongai, is a police informant officials at Hobart College in Geneva, unopposed for the Democratic bill limiting . say posed on their campus as a U militant. obart officials said Tucted students on how to make bombs "Tommy" Registration procedures The Pittenger victory in the 24th District state Senate race marked the end of a crowded Republican primary campaign that saw six GOP contenders crop sub questioned at council meet urged them to hold violent vie for the seat being vacated this year by ,ionstrations. Sen. Harold Hungerford, a Lansing WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon county grand jury is currently Republican. endorsed stigating the charges. a $55,000 - per - crop subsidy ~"!s Hungerford is ending his career in the ceiling Tuesday and pushed a once - Ahem, a commission member and Senate due to health reasons. shelved farm bill into debate before a * chief of New Haven, the council to list its specific criteria for "You must recognize that there are some Conn., asked Pittenger, who advertised himself as divided House. ks why any law enforcement agency registering voters. differences in East Lansing from the total "the fulltime representative," was critical Stories and rumors have been circulating It was only after Nixon's position was election law," she said. "This concern has .toe } try to foster campus violence, for some time about the arbitrary methods not been of Hungerford's attendance record in the outlined in a letter that House Democratic elements of police forces The East Lansing City Council Monday suddenly elicited, there has been Senate during several key votes this year. are farm leaders switched signals from the incized," Flacks replied. "They would of East Lansing's registration of voters, for a number of years." day night would not answer any recent charges a concern Hungerford, late last week, endorsed before and agreed to call up the bill. "discredit legitimate protests." that the city clerk has arbitrarily denied Veenstra said. One criteria, students said, Bob Grossfeld, ASMSU Cabinet Paul Younger to succeed him for the But there won't be any "ks students their right to register to vote. seems to be the type of dress a person has voting before testimony was interrupted for when he tries to register. president, reminded the council he had Republican nomination for his Senate Wednesday on attempts to reduce the limit 10 minutes when a Mexican After a somewhat stormy session with seat. - been there before and spoken on the same to $20,000 or on other amendments members of Students for a Democratic "The City Council recognizes your jean youth, Jorge Rodriguez, Angeles, shouted 18, of Society who asked for permission for a concern, and we share it," Mrs. Sharp said. topic. Younger had previously served two because many members were absent due to from the hearing terms in the state Senate. state street dance, Councilman Mary Sharp told "But we have faith that the city clerk is "If it takes court and federal primary elections. gallery that the group is a case a In the Democratic race, Stuttman. The House Agriculture Committee, in ating racism." Rodriguez said a full - capacity gallery that the council doing her best to register people according injunction, we will get students registered who during the campaign termed himself could not answer questions on specific to law." — we will sue the City Council and the city approving the three - year farm bill, placed no Mexican - Americans or "an environmental candidate," topped his a $55,000 - residence voting requirements. Mrs. Sharp said that since 5,000 6,000 per - crop limit on payments to n the commission which was set - up to the hilt." two y President students are registered not all students have opponents easily. farmers who take part in federal programs Nixon to deal with the John R. Veenstra, a representative from "A lifelong resident of East Lansing has Stuttman asserted during the campaign °f student turmoil. the American Civil Liberties Union, asked had problems. that his purpose in running for the state (please turn to page 11) (please turn to page 11) Students By JOHN BORGER report voter Riggle protested that he had lived in the Lansing area all his was in school, so they told n ? I'd have to register back in Three Miss Tew, who works for the State State News Staff Writer Journal, said she had heard life. Oaks. reports of students having trouble registering at East Lansing tsU'.a James Riggle has lived in the Lansing area for 20 "That doesn't make any difference to me," the clerk replied. "But I'm not going to live in my home town after I graduate. City Hall. Expecting difficulty and a possible story, she went to |n East Lansing itself for six months. But when he Riggle said Tuesday he would have been eligible to vote if he either." city hall dressed "as student-y as I could" and asked for Mrs. »as f!!igjStuer to vote at the East Lansing City Hall last month, had been self supporting but was refused because he was not. - Beverly Colizzi, East Lansing city clerk. ■i,„« now d "e would have to vote in Grand Rapids, where his "How much do I have to pay in taxes to vote?" he asked. Miss Arndt said she was also told she would have to provide reside. proof of her residency in East Lansing and change the address on Miss Tew had no contact with Miss Riggle, who has a beard ("I can't think of anything else about Colizzi, however, for one feceiv h °ne 8 number of reports which the State News her driver's license to an East Lansing address. of the deputy clerks registered her. Miss Tew said she did not my physical appearance that would have caused me to be turned dzed Him"06 the aPPearance Monday of an editorial which "I was goiiig to have to renew my license in a couple of know who the clerk was, but that "she was down"), said he has arranged for an absentee ballot from Grand really, really nice." lowino es students encounter while trying to register. months," site said. "And I didn't want to have to pay twice for iffilSt,hfeesuchreP°rts- Rapids, but he had not yet filled it out. "I want to vote, one way or another," he said. the address, so I figured it was too much trouble." She said the clerk asked her if she were self said she was, "except for now and then when - supporting. She V h . attempt at registration during the end of June. "It doesn't look too much like they're in favor of letting my parents send East i7, , that he simply went to the city clerk's desk in students vote," Riggle said. Miss Arndt said she was also told she would have to be self - e clerk1!!"|.City "all and said he wanted to vote, supporting to register. bu that T Marilyn Arndt, Three Oaks senior, reported similar difficulties. Like Riggle, Miss Arndt has registered in her All three seniors are apartment dwellers. ' said he does not remember her name, and About four weeks ago, she reported, she stopped by city hall parents' town and East Lansing City Manager John Patriarche has said him iV he Would recognize her if he were to see her again - u has gotten an absentee ballot. a student were after she finished work and tried to register. Like Riggie, she was "But it's who lives in a dormitory, self-supporting. a big hassle getting an absentee ballot," she said. "I'd fraternity or sorority house or a a e was not and was told he would have to not sure of the identity of the clerk who questioned her. like to register in East Lansing." cooperative living unit is not qualified to register in East Lansing ^ register in "They asked me if I was going to live in East Lansing 'for a In contrast to these because such a student has not made his permanent residence reports is the story of Cindy Tew, Grosse number of years,' " she said. "I said I would be for as long as I Pointe Woods senior. here. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news 37 known dead in wake of CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. (AP) — 15 in Cuba, 14 in Florida and residential areas similarly The storm, packing winds of mountains of Mexico Tuesday storj Th'patWCeUa he|dni summary — the Hurricane Celia was mountains of dying in Mexico eight in Texas. The deaths in Florida were blamed on wrecked. The picture same in surrounding towns. was the 145 to 160 miles per hour, ripped in from off the Corpus afternoon after sweeping across Del Rio Pass, 250 miles to Hurricane Beulah which left the 0 From the wires of AP and UPI. Tuesday after moving across undertows and high waters Late Tuesday, President Nixon Christi Bay Monday night. northwest of here. The Weather populated lower rich, iiuB Texas and leaving this resort city of 335,000 crippled - without caused by Celia as she whisked through the Carribean. declared the Corpus Christi area a major disaster area and Celia was reported battering herself to death in the Bureau said its winds were clocked at 89 m.p.h. V«iley " " suffer £' foods for weeks. <51 gas or electricity and heavily Officials said 90 per cent of authorized federal funds to help inds Beuish^l damaged. were 135 ni.r L ^ downtown Corpus Christi was relief measures. The amount of But Celia's The hurricane, the worst of destroyed or badly damaged, money to be made available was dance the season, left 37 known dead 70 with per cent of the not determined at once. "None of this council has any E.L. objection against any of you ! registering to vote." (Story - Mary Sharp, East Lansing on page 1) councilman permits rlZ\Which Christi, was (;mpties at Si rising rapidly/^| Celia's peak wind si m.p.h. following discussion Monday compared with m-P-h. velocity when it CamJJL Mississippi Coast in m l\ International News Carla's force of 175 m.p.h A it struck Texas By ROBERTA SMITH Shields replied that two citizens in the community had Christi in 1961. north of rwl Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said Tuesday that State News Staff Writer cooperatives were located in complained. , close proximity to the block in Corpus Christi Mayor J| her country will not withdraw from all the Arab Charles Lindell, a member of Blackmon, A request by the MSU chapter question and that the persons surveying territory captured in 1967, and her deputy indicated the of Students for a Democratic the gallery, noted that six years devastation called the I United States had set limits to Soviet involvement in the living in them would m 1 '■ youth center had been "shambles." Society (SDS) for permission to connedting with the dance. He The mayor issued a Middle East war. hold a street dance ignited a added oposed for East Lansing. He that the Ann Street - asked - - the council - what had- - estimate of $200 Mrs. Meir, in an address to Israel's parliament, said series of motions, counter - location would be more motions and several arguments happened to the plan. damage. Israel accepted an American peace proposal and is convenient for his group, There was no over the dance's proposed especially if it rained Mrs. Sharp told him that plans power; 801 willing to negotiate despite doubts about the Arab location at the East Lansing City telephones were out of setviai ..aders' sincerity. e 1U were being finalized this summer Corpus Christi alone and nea In other peace developments, U.N. Secretary - General Council meeting Monday night. pXjS anH thp ™ a k for a center and that students, 100,000 out in the metropolit During the communications TZT like citizens, would have to "give SDS U Thant pledged Tuesday the full resources of the world portion of the meeting, the eq"*nl^r"^ a debate a little." petition area. Gasoline for automobiles organization to help push current negotiation efforts, council swiftly denied a request from Richard O. Shields Jr. for a ^JJlParkS res,aences- ,0Catl0ns near For a time, arguments grew Rick Shields, right, representing the MSU chapter of scarce and there was no nit which he suggested might be a last chance. more heated but a composed Students for a Democratic Society, and Dick Martin, a street dance in the 300 block of "You shoud have gas. Although city officials i the Amid rumors of a U.S. limit on Soviet Mideast Ann Street on Aug. 12. The council reasoned that their opportunity for the dance, and we should give you an accessible l.rl.SSfAS candidate for Ingham County Democratic precinct delegate to the county convention, argued in favor of a street dance water restored, it was supply had i, only a tricklei gt involvement, word leaked out of Washington that Israeli established policy had been to location, but I'm not inclined to Streett [ocation l0catl°n afterafter further further proposed by SDS members at the East Lansing City Council most places. The Red Cross said it... jets clashed with Egyptian planes piloted by Russians permit dances only in the city close a street," Councilman meeting Monday night. State News photo by Fred Ferri parks and that Shields was only James B. Brown said, 30,000 persons Monday over the Suez Canal area on at least two occasions within the past 10 days. representing himself and no "cause." Shields and apparently some Sources described two incidents, the first of which of his fellow SDS members in COLLINS TRIAL was disclosed to the Israeli parliament on July 27 but Later, however, Shields the gallery argued that asphalt addressed the council personally was better to dance on than the which was immediately hushed up by the government. Defense hits key during a period reserved for testimony! grass in the park and that closing vhe second clash, according to the U.S. sources, came persons to be heard from the Parking Lot No. 10, adjacent to July 31 when four jets, at least two of which were flown floor, telling them that the the location proposed by by Russians, were downed over the canal. dance would be open to the Shields, would be an excellent public and that he represented spot for the dance. SDS, a recognized organization National News at MSU. The issue was in limbo for ANN ARBOR (UPI) — clothing was similar to hair in Michigan which lasted a day and a hi! some time while the council and Attorneys for accused coed the basement where the Councilman Mary Sharp Health's Louisell brought out that: West Virginia officials Tuesday demanded an apology council Persons ,n«..* the gdlery discussed slayer John Norman Collins prosecution contends she was Laboratory on the stand for the * Holz had reported the hi from the National Air Pollution Centrol Administration facilities that had been w— given to Tuesday attacked ♦».. the testimony cijjn slain. tWrd day ^ Defense on the panties ranged in lei for erroneously listing Huntington among the 10 cities ttoS the parks, >">uth taken "nd thMe th" because h"d older ot • ** prosecution wltnew - who said hair found - the girl's Will Walter L- Holz» ch,®f Attorney Joseph Louisell from one • eighth of an inch! with the highest rate of sulphur oxide pollution. away on the criminalistics section of the questioned him in detail about half • an - inch, while the hibll The list, which was released Monday, put Huntington Why Pay More! Why Pay More! his complex scientific testimony. the basement ranged from oul in third place, behind New York and Why Pay More! Why Pay More Collins, 23, a former student quarter of an inch to oml Chicago. The at Eastern Michigan University sixteenth. corrected list placed Philadelphia as third. The in neighboring Ypsilantl, is * Holz used tenth-place slot was filled by Wooster, Mass. a book in llj charged with first - degree research on the hair, and tlj Michigan News SAVE $1.47 murder in the torture slaying of petite Karen Sue Beineman, 18, a freshman at • sex book contained saying, "Barber clippings aretbl EMU. least useful in comparisons," * Holz did not mention llr [ A Stanton mother who left her month - old baby girl Washtenaw County Prosecutor at which the hairs were® alone in her car for five minutes returned Tuesday to MENS JACKETS . , find the child and car gone and a note scribbled on a William Delhey contends the until he took the samples to I Grand Rapids girl was slain July Samuel Golub, Debham, MuU piece of grocery bag saying "You'll never see her again." 23, 1969, in the basement of renowned fiber «»— identific Bob Clutte, the Montcalm County undersheriff, said Collins' uncle, State Police Sgt. specialist. * David Leik, while he was on Holz found no wood the mother parked her car outside the Montcalm Central vacation. paper fragments mixed in $050 Bank shortly before noon and left the baby there while the hair on the panties; she went inside for about five minutes. Leik's wife used to cut his and fragments were found in When she returned, she found the note on a nearby their three sons' hair in the basement mixed in with the I basement of the Ypsilanti home, car. The note was addressed to the mother, mentioned the child's name and said only, "You'll never see her and Holz has testified that short books he had referred to tol hairs found on Miss Beineman's research was the World again," Clute said. panties and hairs found in the Encyclopedia, Since the kidnaper knew the names of both the mother basement were "similar in all "That's childitil and the baby, Clute theorized he or she knew the OUR REG. LOW PRICE: $4.97 respects and its is my opinion encyclopedia, is it not?" family. they came from a common asked, * * * 65% polyester — 35% cotton — never needs ironing. Great source." "Not exactly," Holz said. 1 for leisure time at home or on the course. Sizes S-M-L-XL. During his cross examination, for adults, too." Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley and State Highway Assorted colors. Director Henrick E. Stafseth Tuesday said owners of 40 illegal signboards on a 13-mile stretchof 1-69 and 1-94 in Calhoun County were served formal notices to remove them. The order said if the signs were not removed by the Where can you get the owners within 30 at their expense. days, the state would take them down SAVE 30% The action was taken under terms of a 1966 law which bars signs within 660 feet of the highway. HIGHEST RATE Campus News BOYS IACKETS A petition was mailed Tuesday to federal officials of return type alleging that predominately black Arkansas AM&N $000 on any College in Pine Bluff is operating in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The petition claimed that the college's board and officials have maintained a racially segregated faculty and staff in violation of the law and that this has worked to make the college's few white students feel uncomfortable because the faculty is 90 per cent black. OUR REG. LOW PRICE: $2.97 TO $3.97 „ $J50 of bank savings? The college president, Lawrence Davis, said that the ♦Perfect for now or Back-to-School. intention of the act creating AM&N was to create a ♦Choose nylon shells, unlined Dacron® Polyester & Cotton black college, although that was not the wording of the (blend) "Bari" styles, or fleece lined baseball jackets. ♦Broken sizes & colors. ♦Limited quantity, Hurry! A team of student drivers from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena depart today for Cambridge, (AT AO U OF COURSE! Mass., where 60 vehicles cross the starting line this month in a transcontinental "clean air car race." The 3,000-mile race from Cambridge to Pasadena was organized by Caltech and the Massachusetts Institute of TWEED COLOGNE No other bank offers higher rates of interest on any type of savings 99 Technology, the participants in the "Great OUR REG. account or certificate of deposit. Transcontinental Electric Car Race" of 1968. LOW PRICE: $2.75 A.B.& T. is the place to save ... no The 60 other vehicles from 45 colleges and question about itl universities will use a variety of low - pollution power 2 OZ. systems, including hybrid power plants combining electricity, gasoline, natural gas and steam. ■ "The Clean Air Car Race is a competition designed to COSMETICS DEPT. American I focus national attention on possible alternatives to the BANK AND TRUST ■ present day automotive power plants and fuels," Mike * * »COMPANV ♦ • ■ Lineberry, Caltech team captain said. 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 5. 197U Councilman disputes claims if unfairvofer ■■ Tlguities" E ir Ij'ize there By JEFF SHELER | State News Staff Writer 1st Lansing City Councilman Brookover said Tuesday although city officials are in the state voting regarding registration "many Brookover said the state law provides that a person cannot gain or lose resident status being a student. He said the city clerk must determine if seeking to register in East Lansing are residents principally due to their student status. If they are, he by persons were student Lansing district "strictly interpreted," register here. who from would came "East Lansing has been more liberal than that," he said. "The queston is now, 'Where is it said, the clerk is legitimate to bound by law to deny them the to another voting be allowed to say a student has no East Lansing is denying students right to vote. "This is not true," he said. "The law does not student the right to vote. It defines where he will vote." Brookover said the city clerk and other officials "have trying to get the law changed for deny the only been a mf WM ■aliftcations, they are become a resident of East years." Trerless to change the city's right to register In East Lansing unless the Lansing?'" "But the legislature hasn't seen students obtain a writ Juration procedures. "Personally, n of mandamus. I would be fit to change it," he said. Everal students have inclined to allow anyone to "If the State News "In all fairness I think the Tpplained that the East clerk is trying to register if he signs an affidavit wants to put really ^ on Ling city clerk refused to interpret the laws as liberally as she feels she saying this is his residence, that's where It a campaign, should be them to register because 1 f because of the difficulties that are not considered residents can interpret them," Brookover arise otherwise," he said. concentrated," he said. said. "But if Brookover said he was not sure fhe city due to their student "I think it's unfair for the I were the city clerk and I did it was "the city council's ■rookover, an associate State News to tell her to break the law (the clerk) this, I would be subject to law suit by any citizen who wanted to attempt a court test of the state election law. place" hml r of the Center for Urban by allowing all to take me to court." "We students to register," he said. (the and Ration and sociology at MSU, d recent attacks on the a professor of Brookover said that, if the law Brookover said State News registered voters and we editorials suggested that East grievances or. which council) are have no to base a all U.S. senatorial candidate Lenore Romneys city law suit," he said. "And Romney arrived at the husband, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development K and the council by the anyway, polls in Pontiac shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday to cast her who would we sue?" he asked. vote in the primary election. She was George Romney, and son. Mitt, who was voting for the first |te News "unfair" and accompanied by her time in any election. AP Wirephoto ■informed." ■The assumption appears to be I the City of East Lansing can p complete control of the MUNICIPAL WAGE TAX Bk Brookover this is a little exaggerated, said. "I PREVIEW an't change the election House defeats withholding bill tM recalls WASHINGTON (UPI) House defeated to allow a vote — Monday major cities including The necessary under the suspending rules to allow a vote for Rep. John E. Hunt, R-N.J., the door for a commuter tax who led the flight against the throughout this nation." Hamilton, Lakewood, Lorain, MANSON GUILTY. direct vote on the bill. bill, called it "nothing more than Parama, Springfield, Toledo, and Lansing to withhold municipal The Treasury Dept. - backed Many residents of Hunt's a big city pay bill." district in southern New Youngstown Ohio, and fagons wage employes. taxes from The vote was 145-184. A two - federal bill nation involved 41 cities in the with population over Hunt presentation gave an emotional work at the Philadelphia against the Yard. Jersey Navy Allentown, Altoona, Bethlehem, Chester, Erie, Harrisburg, 60,000 which levy such taxes measure, a hot issue in his home Lancaster, Pittsburgh, Reading, thirds majority would have been that are withheld by "Why don't you restrict this to NIXON DECLARES employers. area. He added it would Scranton, and Wilkes - Barre, Pa. id trucks "open Philadelphia and not to the people of New Jersey who are Rep. William J. Green, D-Pa., AGRICULTURAL FERTILIZERS subjected to this unholy tax," Hunt said. chief proponent of the measure said it would avoid the pTROIT (UPI) - General aggravation of the ■s Corp., Monday asked In addition to taxpayers ■s of 3,300 station wagons Philadelphia, paying the entire amount at the other cities which would have Rams Game! Pollution end of the when 1 450 year, they study trucks to return them been affected by the tax are: dealers for inspection might need to borrow for it. r Saturday Wilmington, Del.; Covington, | correction of possible safety Lexington, and Louisville, Ky.; Among those joining Green in Agricultural Baltimore, Md.; Detroit, Flint, support was Rep. William O. recall fertilizers do not campaign, contribute to water significantly same effect as in the soil — that is, making it Grand Rapids, Lansing, Pontiac Cowger, R-Ky., who said current [nrolet division of GM asked pollution, according to a more productive. Small plants and algae begin to and Saginaw; Kansas City, and practices place 0 owners of 1970 model study released Tuesday by Boyd G. Ellis, St. Louis, Mo; New York an "undue professor of crop and soil sciences. grow, reducing the oxygen content of the water. City; hardship" on 15,000 federal in wagons to return them to Without oxygen, fishes die and the Akron, Canton. A study conducted on the Cincinnati, workers in his district. Cowger }ers for replacement of the hazards of farm fertilizers showed that potential pollution over-productive waters become polluted, he said. Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, represents Louisville and is ir jack load rest bracket, [the other recall campaign Blaring banner amounts of fertilizer move from farm fields Into only small But Ellis' study showed th*t- fertllzers' value goes Into mosfr*of the hetptnfc tropsgrm?. tTfe Columbus. Daytpnv, , Euclid, former mayor of the city. a Charles Manson Tuesday held up this headline from the other parts of the environment. Ellis truck division and reported conducted tests on the amount of fertilizers in that nitrogen passes out of the soil relet said one • piece 15 • first edition of the Los Angeles Times and directed it to the more than the water run-off from the tile any other chemical, and it passes off at a rate of drainage systems The State News, the student • 5.5 ■ inch wheels on the attention of jurors in his trial for murder. Later, the jurors under agricultural fields, and from the water newspaper at Michigan State less than 10 pounds per year for each University, is published every class day during four school } model half - ton trucks were polled to determine whether they had seen the acre. drainage from the fields' surfaces. be subject to Phosphorous was second with a rate of less than Ten pounds of nitrogen run-off is terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. cracking, headline and its influence on them. .1 pound per acre. small Subscription rate is $14 per year. |ch in turn could result in a AP Wirephoto Ellis said when an compared to the 40-50 pounds per acre that are re of the wheel. over ■ abundance of often used, according to Dick Dibelbiss of fertilizers get into water supplies, Dept. Member Associated Press, United Press they have the of Information Services. International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press MORS POLLED ON HEADLINE Alt THE BUTTERMILK Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East PANCAKES Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services lotion for mistrial denied YOU CAN EAT Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan EVKRY Phones: ,li,TLES (A?) Z.Th® Juror No- 3- William F. mistrial Monday, the judge S murder" telal Tuesday'0— Jm?1* ^mme.nt®d: reaue8t the court as WEDNESDAY Editorial Classified Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 |f the President declared'\thlnk denled their motl°n' Mffg h,e °®r ttl*1 Display Advertising Tuesday , that, It wanted to review Nixon's provided in the Constltltion to Business-Circulation 353-6400 confront witnesses and cross 355-3447 " Photographic 355-8311 similar motion Charles M. Manson held influence him? "I don't think co"ld make each man has a reality ... I have a banner headline saying; so-" , to do my own reality because I ion He 881(1 he had ordered Jurors Guilty, Nixon No. 4. A,va K- Dawson, don't understand yours es." ' remarked; "I really don't think anything about It. Since I am token and from their hotel ■» track that you're on and the ... the BJteac windows., ,bee" renderfd SSL***" s different. torney Daye Shinn admitted sitting here listening to the trial. I MAGNETIC TAPE SYSTEMS | had placed the newspaper I don't think Mr. Nixon knows °Pacllu®< that it traveled a special me You're on the track of judging from a slanted view. f the headline on a table oKrillt» route to avoid newstands where INTRODUCING THE NEW Manson could get to it, I said he thought he had Nixon! at a law enforcement IJ1" ?"»' ^dSe™i,""d telephone and radio Judge Older, 52, observed that Manson had made "MISS FLAVOR-OF-THE-MONTH"! If you think you can get - previous pved the front page with the rmortereCMondayDwhVUe' saying news media sometimes make televislon privileges for the seven similar motions and they -men - plu. slx been denied, had the world's most advanced heroes of criminals: "Hern is a alternates — had been suspended je judge, after a recess and a man (Manson) who was guilty, for a time. "You are not competent to MINI IULEP stereo tape deck for ■nence in Manson, 35, bearded leader of chambers, ordered directly or Indirectly, of eight represent yourself and it would "s polled on whether they een the headline. murders without reason." Nixon later Issued a statement along hippie ■ type family, is charged with three women be a miscarriage of justice to allow you to represent yourself $664r°°-you're right! ■ she e first, Thelma McKenzie, saying he not" mean'To disciples w'th killing Miss Tate In a case with such saw the headline. Asked guilt and and ^our v'8'tor8 to tbe actress' complications. The motion is speculate could read it, she said: not sure. I think it said, defendants in the case should be J"""® jj* ® denied " *n8on guiltv Nixon presumed innocent at this stage of the trial fours later slaying Mr. and Mrs. Leno LaBianca. lethina n Granted permission by Older, - • - 8 • ' • N,xonv«n Th« ., presidential comment . bringing Jean and 8tlu in the absence of the Claude Killy to M.S.U. For fhat do you think of what «W 8jC* hLufn Manson ar08e and offered further info, i end our l«aw»thetadJ.2k.S Wothinn» and bewildered a» "unprecedented" and shocked a•« from defense hlg motl0n for self - Aug. II, 7:30 p >. 110 Anthony call John 351-8647. meeting Eft', u reDresentation 8he M,d- "It ,Ju»t attorneys. When they sought a repre8entatlon- liJ'Jof®be sway®d bylt? "i e judge then ordered her to F »new the oath all jurors had INGHAM COUNTY FAIR ,Me ' v°w|ng Impartially. she would decide MON., AUGUST 3 THRU SAT., AUGUST 8 IPAIg§ MASON FAIRGROUNDS, MASON, MICH. BWeeKi tr°| No- 2 commended SPECIAL ATTRACTION DAILY Here, indeed, is the ultimate complement to the most - AERIAL ACT MA-HO-PIN PEEP IT sophisticated and superlative high-fidelity systems available today. It starts with three exclusive TEAC Wednesday August 5 technological brea hroughs . . superbly smooth and P'N WITH 1:30 p.m. • Harness Racing - Mich. Futurity responsive symmetrical control system for foolproof operation; phase sensing auto reverse system; and newly designed outer rotor reel drive motors plus a 7 p.m. Tractor Pull PHOIIR - dual speed hysteresis synchronous motor provide pro¬ fessional tape handling. Negligible wow and flutter. Nice from Tomorrow, Thursday, August 6 From there it goes to every feature contributory to true professional quality. If you have a demanding ear, come enjoy this audiophonic excellence. 1:30 p.m. - Harness Racing - Mich. Futurity -0UIS SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT Jr. Stock Sale at Scales Hobie's shakes 4 p.m. I - ■6?icCLEANERS 7 p.m. - Horse Pulling HI-FI BUYS and DISC SHOP 1101 E. Grand River In^GRAND river East Lansing 323 E. Grand River MICHIGAN STATE MEWS UNIVERSITY By ARNOLD WERNER. M.D. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last column for the The Doctor's endangering her unborn child', smoking marijuana? Would th k I summer. 1 Bag will resume in September. Letters may still be addressed to Dr. Werner, greatest pregnancy, during the first or detrimental three!?I at 309 Linton Hall. Would the dangers to the chili/^ birth defects, brain damage, or Is there any reason why a woman, who is normally on a six-week menstrual cycle, In trying to determine what h* shouldn't or couldn't take birth control birth defects, a number of proijl pills for fiwe consecutive weeks instead of Serious birth defects early In the child's life that are i three and thereby keep a natural cycle? uncommon. Most pregnant wnrrJI Since birth control pills prevent ovulation and the menstrual period that exposed to a large number of 2* EDITORIALS occurs with them is artificially induced due that are potential causes of Foremost among these are birth2 to hormone withdrawal when the pill Is the r measles virus and quite rxwiki. l stopped, there is no reason why a cycle of five or even ten weeks could not be viruses. In addition, been shown to produce certain birth def^l dmi maintained. The four - week cycle is after long period of merely a matter of convention as it obsen-ationill Scenic fountai approximates the so-called average menstrual cycle. relationship between the defect substance causing the defect you can see, a substance that been Z, Humans are creatures of habit and drug wouldaJ very slight Increase in the rate companies know this; they package the 0Mj defects might go pills in clusters that make it easy to follow undiscovered toryi, forever. a 28-day cycle. If a woman is taking the Therefore, knowi victim of ov sequential variety of pills it would mean juggling different types of pills to vary authorities recommend greatest taking any drugs during pregnancy Tetrahydrocannibol (THC) the i cutwl 1 from the 28-day cycle. On a single pill it ingredient in marijuana is fat , would simply be a matter of keeping your enters the brain Student pranks are as much a part Unfortunately for all, the fountain own calendar and ignoring the way in rapidly, and undonhi enters the fetal circulation of the college scene as football games is at its most spectacular peak when which they are packaged. It is advisable to rapidly There has been no it is filled with soap suds. So check with the doctor prescribing the pills reported evident! and final exams. Mostly they are damage to the child harmless and mostly they are spectacular, in fact that this has before making any such changes. draw the conclusion but it is mad™,! - that sud tolerated with happened six times in the past year. occurrence Is Impossible. Most good - natured What are the possibilities of a woman subM irritation by all concerned. The trouble with this is that soap causing difficulties have the greatest during the first three months of prei Unfortunately, an occassional few - suds kill fish and plants. There are no TUB FROM WASHINGTON when the fetus and all its probably unintentionally - go astray. more gold fish or plants kept in the In the earliest stages of organ systenjl development J The fountain pool by the Student pool. Also, it takes two days and a influences, notably syphilis andX Services Building is often the sight of such miscarriages of intent.' The gardens surrounding the pool are the great after truth deal of labor to clean the pond a detergent foray. And the sad is that if the pool gets sudsed Recession without inflation or tetracycaline antibiotics among othetil damage later in pregnancy. Incidents oigaret smoking has been correlated! low birth weight. A good rule of pride of the Horticulture Dept. - in many more times the Horticulture Alice and the White Rabbit were talking us all together.' This seemed odd to Alice Him standing by my bed, the pregnant woman is to thumb! no small part because the about the economy. because Spiro kept shouting, "Off with his 'The primary peaceniks framed you, lad. try not tol people of Dept. will have no choice but to drain anything to herself that she would n#l "I have seen a recession before without head; off with his head!" 'I never left,' he said. the academic community, have it - or worse yet, fill it in. to a helpless infant. " observed the rules of maintenance inflation," Alice said. "And I have seen an "See," said the Mock Turtle, as though 'I never left,' he said. The fountain pool is one of the inflation without a recession. But I have he had won an argument, "that shows how and let the flowers be. The climax of .most beautiful features of this never seen inflation with recession." " ' I have problems that make it J helpful Spiro is." McCarthy did you in,' I cried, the Student Services garden is, of campus. It would be tragic indeed if "Pooh, it's easy if you put your mind to Alice supposed this was another example And Kennedy likewise.' difficult for me to breathe through I course, the fountain pool with its in our irresponsible mirth we cut it," the White Rabbit said. "We do it all the of how things were done in Wonderland. He said, 'What they forgot to beat, nose whenever the humidity is vt time in Wonderland." "Dear me," she exclaimed a minute later Went on to Vietnamize. which be most of the time, ill pleasant man - made geyser. ourselves out of a good thing. seems to "But isn't it rather uncomfortable?" with a little shiver, "Isn't that the Ugly Went on to Vietnamize. result, I am often short of breath andlf Alice asked doubtfully. Duchess?" A kind of quiver seemed to go to rely on breathing through it "Not at all," the White Rabbit said. "Just through the group. 'I see him still, applauding Dick This results in frequent sore throatt. uncomfortable to people out of work, and "I wouldn't say anything if I were you," With dominoes falling free. are the causes of sinus problems in to people who can't raise any money." the Mad Hatter said in a low voice, "tapped Says I, 'But Jay, you're two years out!' anything be dona about them witt| City Council "But I should think there would be quite wires, microphones — you know. Back in 'I never left,' said he. a lot of those," Alice objected. Justice —" 'I never left,' said he.'" hav»n# to move*o-»drier climite? "The beauty of having a lot of people It was all perfect gibberish to Alice, but Sinuses are cavities in certain be out of work," her companion said without she noted that they acted more natural "Not quite right, I'm afraid," Alice said the face which communicate with tbeol answering directly, "Is that It shows the after the Duchess had passed. unhappily. "Some of the words have got air passages through small openings. over registration economic brakes are working and that we are holding back the inflation and producing a sluggish economy." "I don't quite understand," Alice said. "In Same man Wonderland," the White Rabbit explained suddenly, who had paid no altered." "It Is wrong from the beginning to the White Rabbit said decidedly. There was silence until Spiro began to end," air circulates through them, they lead anywhere and do not have i relationship to breathing. In humid I dol if The East Lansing City Council shout, "Off (such as the Great Lakes region) M specify what a student's family "And the beauty about inflation is," the attention to the others, and was still with her head! Off with her head!" tend to have large sinuses. Complied promised Monday to review the relationships must be, Mrs. Colizzi White Rabbit said "that if it goes on long explaining how nice the place was, "we "Curiouser and curiouser," Alice thought enough it will make jobs and put all the develop whether the sinuses are lir registration procedures of City Clerk must not arrogantly assume such have one of the most stable governments in small only when the openings bi Beverly Colizzi, who has been unemployed back to work." the world. That is because no matter who responsibility. She has assumed it in Alice was going to object, but the White is elected It is always the same man." closed off and the sinuses become into arbitrarily rejecting students the past and misused it badly. Rabbit suddenly took her hand and began Alice had studied Elementary Civics in P. At that point, severe pain r attempting to register to vote in East If students are eligible to vote - to run. Soon she and all her companions S. 139 and knew that this was wrong. "Oh, Washington is a tax wonderland to many, potentially dangerous situation develoi the infection can reach bone and Lansing. councilmen say many are - then were running, but Alice noticed something no, that's impossible!" she said. "Mr. including the payment of subsidies to into the brain. If the sinuses are inf Pardon strange. Nixon beat Mr. Johnson last time, so it is farmers for not growing crops. There are our skepticism, but the criteria for them should be exactly and the openings remain council has traveled this route the same criteria required of every "We're running terribly hard," she all very different." other loopholes, too, for the astute intact,J panted, "but that oak tree doesn't seem to "Different? Oh, I don't know," the Mad operator, like that utilized by a friend of dripping can result but no serious drf before. Bob Grossfeld, ASMSU other citizen. No more. No less. exists. get any nearer." Hatter said coming over and asking, ours in Virginia who operates a girls' school Cabinet president, charged four In Lansing, it takes 30 seconds to "In this country," the Rabbit said, "you and hasn't paid income taxes in Many people who have difficulty! unexpectedly, "Do you know any poems, years. He months ago that registration register. An applicant signs the have to run hard just to stay in the same child?" always achieves a satisfactory monetary breathing during the summer are suW from a variety of allergies. Pollen c« irregularities were occurring in East residency affidavit required by law place." "Well, I've tried some here, but they deficit while the capital value of his choice run very high at certain times of Lansing. and goes on his way. The Lansing always seem to come out wrong," Allice rural acreage increases. Unfortunately for this area; as well, a lot of dustandw theyj xTea party said in a very melancholy voice. him, his school has grown popular and now Monday night the council registrar does not ask a citizen's As they paused, Alice noted a sign on the "Repeat 'Joe Hill'," the Mad Hatter said. suddenly faces him with the awful also produce allergies. The allergies i professed responsibility for Mrs. lineage, his income or where he eats oak tree that said, "Notice: Standard of "Isn't that about the labor organizer who possibility of a profit. To head off this swelling of the tissues in the nosei Colizzi's actions, but not one council Christmas dinner. If he is 21 and is a Living: Try to Catch Me." Before she could came back in a dream?" Alice asked. disaster our man last year bought some block the passages producing a com® member knew the capricious criteria resident or has declared his intention ask for an explanation they were joined by "He was framed and hung," the March extra rough acreage and sank back happily similar to what happens with a cold. Iw a number of unusual are also endowed with a deviated■ she uses to exclude students from creatures, and found Hare said briefly, "like a picture." into red ink again. His to be a resident, that is enough. That country club themselves having a tea party. The White Alice folded her hands and began: neighbors, however, felt that he should septum, the air passage can alreaW voting. is all the law requires. The affidavit Rabbit introduced her to the King of "I dreamed I saw Elljay last abide more carefully constricted and may be unable to to* night, by the letter of the Incredibly, councilmen were sitting resembles an oath. To lie on it is to Hearts, a formidable person, who glared As real as you or me, law. They instructed him even modest swelling. This caol four months carefully in its surgically corrected. M on - notice of the commit perjury. around angrily. Says I, 'But Jay, you're two years out!' nuances. As a result he has just received a Before moving to a drier climate r« problem and asking for another week "Who is that?" Alice whispered. 'I never left,' said he. nice check from his government for not to look into it. We find them "Oh, don't mind King Spiro," her 'I never left,' said he. growing corn on his new land. the simpler expedient of visit* companion said reassuringly. "Spiro is very physician who may be able to help dj irresponsible but we are forgiving Irrelevant questions " what the problem is. Allergies arc treat11 friendly and likes people. He likes to bring 'Back in New Hampshire, Jay,' said I, THE NEW REPUBLIC souls and will give them that extra Students, die citizens. 1'hey are as are sinus infections. week. entitled to no special privileges and Councilman Mary Sharp spoke for should not be subject to special the council and said "we will restrictions. The council must forbid OUR READERS' MIND attempt to solve the problem so that Mrs. Colizzi from asking students all students who want to vote as questions irrelevant to the residents of East Lansing can vote requirements of the law. here if it is at all humanly possible." Mayor Gordon essentially the same thing four months ago and Thomas nothing has said The council should outline specific procedure for Mrs. Colizzi follow. She should not be allowed to whimsically create questions and to a To the Editor: Physician shortage frightening in the nation. I can certainly confirm her admission to Congratulations to Miss Saddler for medical schools since my foreign • happened. However, we will hold the criteria for students alone. If findings. freshman examinations to which pointing out the frightening shortage of days in college (1949), and the physicians expected to council to Monday's pledge. The working income is a requirement, for After the death of our East Lansing are many outstanding students who had to be council should do no less than family physicians in the Lansing area and physician, my family and I have been themselves If they have any ,■ example, the council should satisfied with another career because unable to find a regular physician, and I they practicing medicine in this county m instruct Mrs. Colizzi that no special were unable to get into a medical fchool. announce publicly that welfare well remember the day my wife spent on I have no indications that one, am willing to take my chances "j requirements should be placed upon recipients may not vote in East the telephone trying to locate one this situation say , a British or German trained PJ7 Kip's , by has materially changed, judging from the '■ even if he can't pass the exams, raw* students. ^ Lansing. Communal kitchens, income, wrong working her way through the yellow pages. She ended up in tears but without a comments of the many excellent MSU students who have asked me to write having no physician at all. Communal kitchens Christmas doctor. letters of recommendation for admission to Every time I hear a »««« dinners, parental To the Editor: announcement on radio or TV Communal kitchens, for example, I find the assertion of Mr. Tony Doherty medical schools over the last 12 ^ relationships, dormitory rooms - Robert Kipper has got to be kidding. to the effect that "seven or eight years years, me and my loved ones to g should not disqualify a student from La Femme Infidele was a ago although I am aware that the total number these are all criteria fabricated by dreary and Wayne and U-M medical schools were check-ups for this, that and anouw of applications received by a medical voting. The law does not require a Mrs. Colizzi and supported by ordinary crime film at its best. having trouble filling up their classes" hard I don't know whether to cut my H City ... school may indeed fluctuate private kitchen any more than the Contrary to Mr. Kipper's analysis, the to believe unless they were operating under from year to die laughing. Manager Patriarche. camera work, music and acting were year. law requires one to own property. one sort of quota system or another. I Such fabrications must stop obtrusive tut it didn't matter anyway To alleviate the present Nor should residence in a ... remember the fierce competition for it is time for further shortage, perhaps fraternity robbing students their civil rights. as there was no story and/or implications study of the system of house or dormitory room disqualify Some have already missed the crucial to dominate. students from voting. The law does primaries because of arbitrary Usually Mr. Kipper's advice is sound. This time it's cacophonous. I'M MOT Y YOU'D ALSO BE INTERESTED WINS THE COMMUNITY "THE COMMUNITY DOESN'T UANT ME t/OU'P ml not home require that or even have you a Income and source of income live in a private private bath. rejections. The Movement for a New Congress (MNC) is adding names to To say that Alfred Hitchcock would this film is like saying that Sen. Robert envy IN MONEY J A TO WALK THE STREETS WITHOUT A LEASH. AND REFUSES TO ALLOW ME TO VOTE IN GENERAL ELECTIONS 6ET TO MEET SOME AIRLINE, $TEWARPE5SES. SEllI an already - long list. Huber admires Dr. Arnold Werner. should not be a factor in determining Again, we urge students to register. Michael Peretz voter eligibility. Nor should students If you are rebuffed, telephone the Long Island, N.Y., graduate student asked their relationship with their State News at 355-8252 Bonnie Perry or MNC at Detroit graduate student .ainily trees. Since the law does not 355-8302. July 28,1970 A Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 5. 1970 umping nerve gas Divers sear ould affect for gas b |eW YORK (AP) - A marine Army's "ridiculous sea concern life BONN, Germany (AP) to the Baltic Sea floor — The Defense Ministry will send divers to inspect sites where Hitler's soon World Sanders said the War II army dumped its poison Tuesday the about secrecy." agist said animal flourishing gas supplies, a spokesman said of nerve gas y-8 handling Sanders is a marine community evolved over Tuesday. biologist millions of In addition, its plan to dump it in the who has studied life at years in an a government - owned ocean research vessel will the environment that is |ntic Ocean off Florida is bottom of the sea for 18 years, constant in such remarkably search the western part of the Baltic for dumped ammunition sites, to guard against further mishaps caused by Ler, unbelievable inefficiency with the last 10 spent things as disintegrating ■ stupidity" that could have a concentrating on the temperature. mustard gas bombs. deep sea. "As a result," he In one of these, a German Lfound effeot on the The marine biologist spoke in animal life has lost said, "this back into the sea and the fishing vessel had to dump its catch Ironment." an interview about the Army's adaptability captain and his assistant were V Howard L. Sanders, because there was noneed to hospitalized for four weeks after they suffered severe skin burns intent to dump 418 concrete |or scientist at the Woods a coffins of GB nerve gas rockets develop tolerance to stress. They Window apparently caused by disintegrating World War II gas bombs. will be much more Transport Minister Georg Leber in a television interview Oceanographic Institute at in the Atlantic, in 16,000 feet of b susceptible to This car window sticker bluntly declares that no stress than life In shallow water i gets off easy in the battle against Monday night announced an investigation of the sea floor to ids Hole, Mass., said the water 282 miles off Cape overpopulation the world's unwanted offspring. close to shore." ... protect all nations surrounding the Baltic. Lt|on resulU largely from the Kennedy. Dumping gas into this stable environment, could have he indicated, vast and INJUNCTION TO HALT DISPOSAL? ike yields unpredictable results. Prof. John Isaacs, director of If MSU st marine Scripps life research for the Institute Oceanography at San Diego, of Calif., said dumping such a toxic Kirk seeks to stop dumping plan gas into sea water could produce' WASHINGTON (AP) "a - Gov. House oceanography no choice but to seek relief charnel house of dead Claude leakage and explosion if it is Kirk of Florida said subcommittee. accept this because a study e body of an MSU student Lake St. Clair and he jumped off creatures." wherever I can find it," he said. allowed to remain stored much committee had reported the gas Tuesday he will seek a court "If the ocean J drowned in Lake St. Clair the raft and swam away from it. There is far more life in the injunction if necessary to stop Coast became along our contaminated East On Aug. 10 the Army is longer. should be destroyed no later Irday was recovered Tuesday As he started back, he yelled deep sea than many people the scheduled to start moving trains Asked how he would destroy than August, 1 where he was last seen. that he couldn't make it and Army from dumping because something went wrong 1970, some 10 anticipated, according to recent obsolete nerve gas rockets into carrying the nerve gas coffins the gas, Kirk said, "I'd rather months distant. — if these missiles released their from get Iineral arrangements for told Miss Saade to paddle storage centers at rid of the gas by atomic studies, Isaacs said. And animals, the Atlantic Ocean some 280 contents in Rep. Paul Rogers, D-Fla., and Iph J. Scallsi, 19, were to be toward him. However, when she he added, are attracted by dead miles off Cape Kennedy. planned — a it manner could not be Anniston, Ala., and Lexington, explosion." Lennon mentioned the Ipleted late Tuesday evening. was a short distance away, he animals. Ky., to Sunny Point, N.C. There Army witnesses testified "Any damage to our disastrous," he said. possibility of hurricanes in |allsi of Detroit would have went down. environment they will be loaded on a barge, Monday that last October the August. Rogers said it is unwise a sophomore this year, "It is quite possible," he — even though it "Unless and until we in towed out to and scuttled in AEC A sheriffs patrol boat arrived said, produced no direct threat to Florida are completely satisfied sea agreed to arrange an to move the gas now because we e Wayne County Sheriffs "that this could lead to a 16,000 feet of water. a short time later but could not human life or health — could that our safety and well being is underground blast but said it do not want to stop the It Patrol said Scalisi and his locate him. perpetual trap, with animal have the most serious economic The Army says it is necessary would require 15 months to movement of these munitions at not being threatened by the jriend, Patricia Saade, 19, going after animal." consequences," Kirk told the presence of this gas, I will have to dispose of the gas quickly because of the possibility of prepare for it. any point because of the dangers |of Detroit, were on a raft on The Army said it could not to cities and communities. Why_Pa y Morel Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay. More! >bberies (eekend :cur over| % PORK YI UI HI ST I'OKK^ £ PORKROAST 49? 53? ALMOST BONELESS L (breaking armed and robbery and a case entering FOOD CLUB PORK PESCHKE red in East Lansing over STEAK THRIFTY eekend. CUTLETS Cold Cuts 69 ^ly Saturday morning two LEAN LONG BONE ri men held up an attendant Duke's Shell station, 720 SLICED ligan Ave., and took an jated $200-300. MANY VARIETIES £ BACON ■ployes at the Campus Drug p, 501 E. Grand River Ave., overed Sunday terminable amount of that an drugs 49 5-109 |been taken from the store day night. b office of Dr. Abraham kr, adjoining the drug store, G0LDKIST WHOLE FRYERS 26* 1 was broken into and |cked. It has not been mined what was taken from octor's office. Ith incidents U.S.D.A. GRADE A are under legation. TOP FROST leafed ■ray b FROZEN IIEMONAOE^ I6*H fc Ingham County * « Frandor »t the Frandor Shopping today and Thursday to free chest X-rays to x-ray bus COCKTAIL . pis 21 years old and older, bus Federal's and Sears will ent stores and will be I from noon to 4 p.m. and |5to7 p.m. ceptions y to Include younger be the located age-21 persons IFRIESB 20.oz. wt. bag |must be x-rayed because of JENO'S FROZEN college entrance "ents and other similar HAMBURG f X-ray unit is sponsored by PIZZA Pgham County Tuberculosis npiritory Disease Assn. |nn Arbor 1 abide by ^rt edict f .ARBOR (UPI) - The Jy i °' school district EL uy not t0 aPP^l a Itm* n 9°urt the Michigan which ordered J°l districts in Michigan to lolgumfli t6Xt b0°k8 and EtHJ'8 0thelrrt^»nts. L ^hool district decided Jl8 1" shearing on the ■•yerf 0!."' 14 have L.!. the Sept. 1 T^.^'on date. P'ln Arh°Ur dec,8lon against j K ' iatrlct »ld that h "hidi «oia ot .R. ,d^x'b00ta"it. of tlM 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Black doctors' role outlined J; as discrete problems capable of contribution is dependent on its physicians and by developing By JOHN BORGER dedicated toward the massive State News Staff Writer separate attack. ability to establish cooperative, better health • care services improvement of the black "And neither can we ignore co-equal relationships with the through applied research. community, we could witness an President Wharton in Atlanta, the worsening problems facing community which it seeks to Wharton said. explosive progress." Ga., Tuesday evening told neartj our rural population, serve," Wharton cautioned. "If Wharton also called upon the Wharton defended previous 3,000 delegates to the annupr particularly blocks, but also universities adopt the black doctors to generations of college - educated assume convention of the National. American Indians and Spanish paternalistic attitude sometime! blacks who saw their primary Americans who compose a large assumed leadership, as well as curative Medical Assn. that black doctors by other health roles in the black role as meeting the challenge of must concentrate portion of our long - neglected agencies in the past, progress wil community. upon "the integration. totality of man in the health migrant labor force. We need a be limited." "If only a portion of the "Their successful assault on environment context." The concerted, unified attack." Universities can also help mee available black professional and the white structure is rarely association's membership is Wharton suggested developing health needs by tralnini intellectual manpower is recognized by many of today's largely black. comprehensive community black militants," he said. "I have "We must recognize the health centers to provide argued that there is a great need relationship between poor health desperately needed medical to recognize the importance of and poverty and simultaneously services. Universities such as each pioneer in the process and endeavor to remove the social, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Brown, his contribution to those who political and economic shackles Tufts and Harvard have follow. from inner city health established such centers, he said. "If there is a criticism to be problems in totality rather than "The university's effective made, it lies in the fact that their very success in integrating the white structure — politically, j? Census shows socially and economically — deprived the black community of its scarcest and most valuable Bottle resource — the intellectual talent population drop which Looking much like the tops of sky^rapers the horizon of a metronolis, salvation." is needed for its these often make dollars for antique dealers. on empty bottles liki I' DETROIT (UPI) — While Michigan's population rose, almost a million, that of Detroit and Wayne County — the most heavily MORE, BETTER TREES populated area in the state — fell almost 200,000 during the past decade, preliminary figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau show. Detrc't's population count the 1960 acting regional director for the bureau. was 1,492,937, off 177,000 from tabulation, while Wayne County as a whole recorded 2,641,805 persons for a decline of 24,500, said Bob McWilliam, The Detroit Wayne County count was released Forestry workshop held More and better trees in lumber," according to Dr. James keynote address. Scanning Electron Microti • Tuesday while America's future is the aim of Hanover, associate professor of figures for outstate Michigan had been released a month ago. Mo6t of the 75 papers will deal the First North American Forest Laboratory on campus. m The population for the entire state rose forestry, who is making local with basic research on flowering, 950,000 to 8,773,745 Biology Workshop which will despite the Detroit area's loss. arrangements for the conference. growth, propagation and genetic the workshop, at™ Crime talk _ draw scientists from more than "We no longer simply fertilize 40 forest biologists McWilliam said it appeared that during the past 10 years the improvement of North American interestcdn half of the United States and to make a bigger, statistical methods, county's and city's population was drifting to suburban Oakland stronger tree: trees; others, with matters such Richard Nelson, regional coordinator of the Office of major Canadian provinces to we create trees to withstand the effect of air pollution participate in a dt and Macomb counties, which are as geographically in the greater Criminal Justice Programs, explains how the "Omnibus MSU today through Friday. Quantitative Genetics Disc Detroit area. Both those counties recorded specific environmental stresses," from automobiles and factories population increases, "These are the who he said. Group. according to the census. Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968" is being men are on trees. /i Oakland figures applied in the state. Nelson addressed a group of area law attempting to create trees which "Future Trends in Forest The visiting scientists will tour The workshop and discus, Oakland County's population rose from 690,300 to enforcement officials a Region 6 Law Enforcement and are good for specific Biology Research" will be the Atomic Energy Commission 900,691 environmental conditions group are sponsored by the MS while Macomb County jumped from Criminal Justice Planning Council meeting in Lansing — projected by T. T. Kozlowskl, Plant Biology Laboratory, 405,800 to 612,113. trees for the . Dept. of Forestry in cooper The Detroit Wayne County city, trees for the professor of forestry at Mm Pesticide Research Center, - population slump was sceptically Tuesday. state News photo by Milton Horst with the Society of Ame greeted by both Mayor Roman Gribbs' office and City freeway, trees for forests for University of Wisconsin, ir, i Forest Biology batJoratories and Foresters. Clerk George C. Edwards III. "Those figures are way out of the ballpark," Norman Miller, a special assistant to Gribbs, said. He said there are an estimated Conference 100.000 persons still uncounted in Detroit colls although the census officials flatly denied that so many persons could be skipped. "The Census Bureau operates on the principle that, if 1,000 forms are sent out, then 1,000 forms are returned," Miller said. "This is humanly impossible," he said, arguing the city's point that a percentage of "untouchables" be added to Students' Organization for Black United States citizens regardless Detroit's By JEANNE SADDLER Whether or not the U.S. final report said, "racist, illegal white i population. Unity, a southern - based group. of race, sex or creed, and that all Population decline Associate Campus Editor The resolution, presented by government signs the treaty, the "Pan-Africanism is an ideology Azania," and called for tL the racist barriers that have PASOA resolution suggests that The the Michigan chapter of PASOA, which calls for the complete exclusion of his regime from tl population decline would hurt Detroit most in the A hindered such rights must be African governments guarantee, freedom, reunification pocketbook, as Miller said that every 3,000 felons added to the resolution indicting United States government for its the made charges of physical and abolished at once." from 1970 on, automatic national independence of all and Organization of African Alkrumah return Unitj| figure meant around $1.4 million in federal-fends added during mental exploitation and brutal treatment of peoples of African Secondly, the resolution citizenship to all Africans of the people of African descent The delegates resolved tl the 1970s. 1 descent and suggesting that a treatment of black people in the recommended: "If the U.S. diaspora. This would include arounclthe world." Edwards called the United States since "the Pan-African studei population figures "ridiculous." "We've got slavery government does not sign such a peoples of African descent from The report outlined the 750,000 registered voters in this city and if that census count is treaty be signed between African times, while the United States treaty with the African ihould do anything necessaiyll governments and the U.S. continued to all parts of the world. economical, political and social return Brother NkrumiJ accurate, it would mean there's an amazing percentage of bring more African governments, all African states government was adopted at the students here from the continent |50 delegates Implications of Pan-Africanism. (Kwame Nkrumah) to Ghani"! registered voters here," he said. should sever diplomatic relations The resolution fnrttrai- suggests "The slipshod way this census has been handled is conference of Pan-African for "brainwashing" and with the government of the Other resolutions passed by In another resolution, ( typical of the Students' Organization in the continued to open up diplomatic that a delegation composed of the delegates dealt with the delegates said Nixon administration's way of United States, jyst as they have doing things," Edwards said. Americas (PASOA) July 26 at 25 Africans from the continent nationalization of all foreign students should have decision -| The loss in population for relations with African done with the South African Wayne County meant that 16 of Howard University in and 25 Africans from the bases and corporations the Michigan's 83 counties suffered population declines since 1960. governments. white on naking powers Washington, D.C. regime." diaspora should African continent, the formation Twelve were in the Upper Peninsula. The conference was held with The resolution, which is Any African government conference to deal convene with the a of a continental army and the Studies Centers in this The African students f counttyj addressed to the general refusing to take these steps, the specific aspirations of black creation of one citizenship in condemned "a secretary of the Organization for resolution recommends, PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 should people in the Western world who Africa. They condemned an genocide" the spread of bi STARTS TODAY! African Unity and to the heads of state of all independent be immediately expelled from the Organization of African wish to go to Africa. African head of state, Banda of control devices to Africu| OPEN 12:45 P.M. Continuous From 1:00 African countries, then listed six Finally, the resolution states: Malawi, for recognizing the women by Western powers. Unity. "African heads of state that Feature Shown steps that should be taken come to the United Nations in 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 because of these conditions. commemoration of its 25 th Hart backs 407 E. Grand River Guarantee rights Theirdream was to go to college. Today is "A treaty between the United States government and African governments must be signed," the resolution Nixon's image anniversary, and at all other times, must present themselves in Harlem, and other black communities, as ' part of the plan for flood control LADIES' DAY read, "to social activities of black • guarantee, without ,75c to 6 P.M. . condition, to Africans bom in any in Israel slips organizations that in the are enhancement involved of this country the access to all KIM DARBY human rights guaranteed to all TEL AVIV (AP) - President reUAfrir»netWeeH WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. areas would cover 169,700w SKIERS Nixon's popularity in Israel has Africans olfthe di^nora" Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., Tuesday in the three counties. ("True Grit") MooSUSKI will dropped slightly, a public ThrHowJfJ ^iP > „ ur8ed congressional approval of Hart told a Senate PuJ| thl role meet 110 BRUCE DAVISON Anthony This is - Aug. 11th, 7:30 p.m. opinion poll showed. It reported of AfLan studen'riS a $10 ™»Hon flood control and works subcommittee thatAt a special organizational 51 per cent "decidedly satisfied" it A . , . .. recreation project serving plan would provide ("Last Summer") meeting, so everyone interested is urged to attend: Movies and with Nixon compared to 54.3 education African*hist™ and African history, c,inton- Gratiot *nd Shiawassee control for many of the n slides: info call John 351-8647 per cent eight months ago. and the needed relationship countjes in Michigan. K than 1,000 farms in £| between students, workers and watershed and would | The Federal government two lari,e multi-purpose U 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 5817 peasnats in the African would provide about $5 million revolution. recreation areas, for the project under the Soil "The area is plagued by * .kpu The j*a";Africanism delegates stated Conservation Service's watershed average of four floods a y*l They re young clearly that the ideology of our very program. Known as the East nianv Qr which have occurwB and feel TONIGHTI ALL COLORI struggle is Pan-Africanism," their Upper Maple River Watershed, the flood control and recreation durine growing seasons," Hnfl TODAY... °p®n 6:45 p-m "Harnessing this resourfl everything "THE GAMES will not only prevent damaPjT more deeply., Allen Funt MEN PLAY" ,v, A J MERIDIAN.4 THEATRES crops, roads and residences, also help increase ,n ^ and there's 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. productivity in the area." His first "CARESSED" so much fr THE -g Candid Camera 8:35 «X' to feel FRIDAY feature film. deeply STRAWBERRY about. "What f Jean STATEMENT Do You Say to a have finally found something Naked Lady?" they hare ? JURY PRIZE WINNER in J? CANNES FILM FESTIVAI What common... 1970 can you say ? monique .SrOjUAT/nu alow/david mm "THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT" CUNT EASTWOOD I monica vrrn in SHIRiEYMACWlM [ Starring BRUCE DAVISON • KIM DARBY Co.«arring JAMES COCO at 8:20 and Late B«i«d or* Produced by IRWIN "The Strawberry Sutfmtnt"by JAMES KUNIN Screen play by ISRAEL HOROVITZ WINKER and ROBERT CHARTOFF Directed by STUART HAGMANN i ALSO "THE NIGHT I married TWOMULESFJB SISTER SWA I—[ Added! Fun Cartoon & "".ocoto. J THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S" Shown at 10:20 Only uonforfuii technicolor - ^ Novelty today is LADIES day - 75c to BPss-" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 5, 1970 7 Catch 22'~a brilliant, satiric, serious work Lrdless of what Joseph Sn!i»h°o,8 •thi" n t0A !l'ustrat1e' concluded long ago. War is To illustrate Yossarian's flawless 'M*A*S*H" novel may or may not - expects from Nichols. on about the perfection of Alan s flaws arp naws fnrfflunhi are forgivable ,nsane- Strangers are trV'ng to - - dilemma, "Catch 22" alternates 'Catch-22" makes its most When been, Mike Nichols' that result from as are any kill him. P * People are killing satire and , seriousness; using serious blunders. Here, satire too it gets serious, Arkin's performance as ■ch-22" »s a tough, purposeful people and Catch-22" soars with Yoss4rian> the bright supporting Teous and often brilliant experimentation and riarino and daring to profiting ""u by it. "7. even Deaths are sat"re and to exa8gerate the madness ser.ousness to often is reduced to the overdone importance and insieht contributions or comnounons of bod Bob Newhart, [anslation of it. h«» Hiffororif be different. Though m reflective c n ground it with and shock. and obvious. The scene in which distraught parents visit Yossarian Yossarian's hon^al a new R^hard Benjamin, Jack Gilford! occasionally soldier's hideously mutilated Paula Prentiss a°d Robert j film may be different quite elliptical, sees that all he feared thinking he was their dying son body, an old man's shrewd Ba,aban< the sensitivity of Art ■ the novel, it may have Nichols film is neither a shadow is too seriously staged to be of the novel nor a mere visual true, philosophy about survival the Garfunkel< the excellence of Jon Jnsed it, rearranged it and funny and too implausible to be sight of innocent Chilians Voi8ht. the glittering ■ certain liberties with it but reminder of its highlights taken seriously. When Yossarian scarred by war and the shock of (as came™work, the time - inferior to it. some critics have absurdly recieves a medal nude, the never Nately's accidental death are scrambling editing and the bitter h.22" on film, is both contended). On the contrary, it humor fades long before the moments that trouble the mind irony of Play'n8 "Stars and is Eating and entertaining, Nichols' reemphasis and scene ends. and linger therein for days. Stripes Forever" at the film's Ely satiric and deadly rearrangement of Heller's narrative and respect for q*sii _ »i*. StiU, many of its comic scenes One review is conclusion. Best of all, it has only its are hilarious simply not All that, however, will be essence that gives "Catch-22" its - set ud and enough to do justice to the J a work with a cinematic distinct from each other, with a executed with the discussed in October when the tid stature all its own. similar message and similar singularity on film. expertise one richness of this film T could ,J go film opens in Lansing (at the Unlike Heller, Nichols makes it J I discussion or whether or « u characters but different Lansing Mall Theater). Until approaches to both. easy for audiences to understand then, my passing remarks will Achols and associates have Each faced the obstacles of its the intentions underlying the Teachers have to suffice and hopefully st ■faithful to their source is medium and hurdled many of work. In Look magazine, prompt some to make the trek ■ant. The novel and the them in its own way and on itf Nichols summed up his film: to Detroit where the film is now admirable works, own terms. Like any work with "It's about the specific personal playing (at Livonia's Mai Kai fear of dying." Indeed, the film concerns impact of Theater). In October, then, after all had second and third candidate dying and the value each vie ings '11 frong s individual places on his life and Social science teachers from school These the lives of area. problems discussion, others. More throughout the nation are range from city industralization specifically, it deals with human studying the impact of science to country creek pollution." lives threatened by war and with on human lives in a unique men too Field trips to places such as wrapped up in its hectic workshop now underway at automobile assembly lines and lows on activity and call for unquestioning duty to face the MSU. M .. , sewage disposal plants springboards for further sessions, are sobering truths that their li ,? i li. S5?e"ce explains co-director Andrew ballot RAPIDS of 39 citizens voted for (UPI) - P«mary election, which is in the hang ozna Ulslnct- in "the""balance"of each fw,h„h McClary' Professor of neural THE FIRST military mission they undertake, !?"!e ^,ret °'lte k'nd- Its focus is science. They I'wrong candidate" Precinct in at the The name of State Sen. Robert and that> individually, they are Science Human Values " - technology and are Arthur M. Vener, professor of assisted by OF THE Tuesday's Vander Laan was on the ballot. vil^ually powerless to alter However, Vander Laan is in the exist'n8 conditions. Even more n|NrSn„n f °/ the 31 "Some of the participants," social science. SHOCK ROCK! 31st District. The 32nd District ■P«iflcally, "Catch 22" focuses Russ Meyer promised to make candidate is another JonHnnnftrir c continental U.S., Hawaii u 7 and-.♦!?* the McClary "plan to start their the wildest, craziest, funniest, seeks Sen. Milton spotted the error when "I went incumbent, Zaagman, who on bombardier, who Yossarian, threat a"d becomes base a reluctant senses the Out on a limb 5^™* Ca"al chairmen of , ,2i°ne' school high own courses ar* technology McClary related to science said. and "These society," new - the farthest out Musical-Horror-Sex- Comedy into the booth to vote for 013(101811 a"d nuisance by telling departments of social science. courses will Alan help to expand the Arkin, as Capt. Yossarian, watches the funeral of myself." Both are Republicans others about it. R; * public's awareness of the impact Iseparate without primary opposition. Mrs. Ralph Rosema, chairman not ^hat haPPens in the film does mold Yossarian's Instead, the incidents serve only thinking. another bombardier clad only in his combat boots and tags in "Catch-22," Mike Nichols' film version of the Joseph Heller novel. The film, now playing in Detroit, is dog professor of natural science, is :o-director of the institute. According to Krupka, These of science upon our lives." in addition to participants form projects, the methods of the precinct election eachers work on individual officials, to substantiate what he due at the Lansing Mall Theater in October. groups to explore effective ways said the votes weren't lost. problems common to their own Ittlements to use written or visual science technology materials, field trips, community activities and other - 0 ANGELES (UPI) vote for Zaagman. Both our WHALES,# STURGEON ®I¥RWSVI1 aids. Questions examined include: _d Auto Workers President ballots and the machine when * Is it possible to direct or |rd Woodcock said Tuesday checked together, matched. The control future developments in ig Three automakers must their |tiations" for a new it when the ballots arrived." on,y, enror involved lockstep printing error. We didn't notice The ballots were changed. was the Queen waives privileges science - technology? * * If so, who should direct or control? What values would guide this process? |>dcock told a news But to make it more LONDON (AP) — If you find a whale stranded on a British handed down over the centures from Edward II. * How can the public become :e the industry has been embarassing, one of the voters beach, you don't have to give it to Queen Elizabeth II any more. Back in the days of Edward II, who,made a collection of royal involved? |f General Motors in the was City Clerk Ross Weaver, And, it won't be long before you can hook a surgeon close to perogatives, the swan was a delicacy. They were considered so negotiations" since who cast his ballot before the shore without handing over the catch to good in their medieval day that Edward decided to comer the Buckingham Palace. | The union currently is Zaabman caught the mistake. But, stay away from the swans, they're still royal. market. new contract with The Law Commission wrote in a report issued No royal retainer wrestles with stranded Tuesday. "The whales these days |to makers. Weaver blamed it on the public health disposal problem which arises when whales are they did in Edward's time when profit could be made. as numbers game: "We've got 32 washed onto the shore may require immediate action to be taken Edward grabbed few want three separate ballots in this town and all of a farthings, ruling the casual whale who — and it is inconvenient to have to seek royal approval." slid onto the beach under his Inents and not one single them cross my desk. This is what The Queen has indicated she contraband. own power to be kingly I by Sept. 14," Woodcock makes gladly gives up her royal rights voting so confusing." over whales stranded on beaches, despite a royal perogative Besides, it w; the kind of > thing no one could easily slip by the king's officers. Idcock, who succeeded the ■alter Reuther as president missing 10 days 1UAW, was making his first p the West Coast to confer free movie! leaders and the Ibership ■ations. fdcock said the auto about the Kelley's By United Press International car stolen indications that it belonged to the state's chief Bring this ad for one admission to exploring cinema's children's film fest Try has problems of poor law enforcement officer other than a small visor at edgewood church : products but Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, whose state car was asserted stolen 10 days ago while parked outside a card and a telephone. 469 is the n. hagadorn rd. responsibility of the surburban Detroit motel, said Monday the car It was stolen between midnight and 3 a.m., NEXT: J , not of the individual had been found in "reasonably good condition." July 24 from outside a motel in Southfield where ELLIOTT GOULD in p who is not a craftsman. Kelley said Grosse Pointe Park police told him Kelley was staying. aug. 12 - gulliver's travels MATINEES DAILY "At least it's gratifying to know that some aug. 5 - kingdom of the "GETTING STRAIGHT' the 1969 Chrysler New Yorker was found | AT 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:40-9:40 Isaid inspection control by crimes are solved or at least the crooked mirrors aug. 26 music Monday afternoon parked along a residential property's - man (industry was the only street, possibly abandoned there a few hours returned," Kelley said. "Thanks to good police aug. 19 do you keep more Info? 351-0979 PROGRAM INFORMATION- 372-2434 work over 90 per cent of stolen cars are - a lion? - . OPEN AT 7:30 after it was stolen. The car contained no recovered in this state and this proves it, I guess." theatres © SPARTAN |ostly' use of police TWIN WEST NORTHSIDE Drive In Theater Exclusive First Run Showing RUTHLESS MEN PAID TO DO THE DIRTY WORK NO SELF RESPECTING ARMY WOULD UNDERTAKE j festival protested ■AND RAPIDS (UPI) - State Rep. Stanley Davis, D-Grand ATale of Terror and Torture ps, Tuesday sent telegrams to Gov. Milliken and State Police Frederick Davids protesting the "costly" use of troopers and a thingjhat never learned •rotection purposes at this weekend's rock festival at Goose |Park near Jackson. to DIE!! * taxpayer and a representative from the 92nd District, I ^ the costly use of State Police to keep peace that is °""i by the commercial venture at Goose Lake," Davis Held Over! 2ND BIG WEEK INCLUSIVE DRIVE IN SHOWING! SEE IT! THE j_HBT [jRENHDE STANLEY BAKER • ALEX CORD • HONOR BLACKMAN £ RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH-rafer johnson Andrew keir pPORT is TOP FLIGHT flLLTHE WAY!" Reorge Seaton has scripted and raimpn*a«i|jOWMm*i«MhGOROAFiMwiMMiaoN* Shown Twice cou* '°*^ro Nightly - 8:20 and Late fleeted a sure-fire hltr-o^r*^ AND ... ON THE SAME PROGRAM »ROSS HUNTER momciio* airport BURTLANCA8TET• JEANSEKRQ QEORQE KENNEDY DEAN MARTIN JACQUELINE BISSET HELEN HAYES ,T e^ Essy PERSSON • Hugh GRIFFITH Elisabeth BERGNER.w sBL This is the ad Martha Beck VAN HEFLIN TlMKELLYind CHRISTOPHER WICKING • TIM KELLY • G0Rd6n*HESSLER • IOUiTiThEyWaRD MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN Shown Twice at 8:29 and 12:00 p.m. answered that led her _ DANAWYNTER IARBARAHALE to Raymond Fernandez that ** ttchnicolm* £§ ts ■ • l„ 70mm t000*0* led them both to the electric chair. VINCENT PRICE l^ftPORT" Shown First it 8:27 • Repeated in part CHRISTOPHER LEE ALSO * COMPANY OF KILLERS PETER CUSHING SCREAM THE HDHEVmoan KILLERS Shown at iSj^AS LATE AS 10:00 P.M. SEE BOTH ' RATED 'R' 10:20 Only 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday -SPORTS Webster,' 66 Spartan team 'S' JIFF KLLIOTT baseball book! in'Greatest of the 60s'finals | wintswo awards By JEFF ELLIOTT 9-0-1 record, is in the lists for Collegiate Sports Services Football League in 1967. He has the team of the decade MSU's fine sports information State News Sporti Editor along (NCSS), an affiliate of the been selected on the all - pro department with Texas' 1969 won squad, Ohio NCAA. Final results of the awards for publication last weekend, In the State's 1968 and 1969 clubs and team each year since then and annual r n " Three MSU entires have Information Directors of America Notre Dame's 1966 aggregation. balloting among the nation's was recently named as one of (COSIDAt T reached thefinal balloting of a The 1970 Spartan baseball brochure The Spartans third entry is in collegiate athletic coaches and the outside linebackers on the UntU nrQV/lfl for press competition to select the won both awards. 'I'hA Q£.»*a/«A ..MM officials will be announced in a The 36-page printed pre-season f» 1 "Greatest of the 1960V in the contest for game of the early September. all-time AFL proteam dating was named to receive the John H. V* various college football decade. Up for the honor is the back to its existance a decade Kobs prize from .1 Webster was ago. Collegiate Baseball Writer's Association for the h«t categories. MSU - Notre Dame battle of cocaptain of the division baseball book of the year. 1966, the that ended in the Spartans his senior year along George Webster, the Spartans' one with Clinton Jones. He was Webster headed an oustanding The same book also won a first from the Lou All - American roverback in highly controversial 10-10 tie. defensive te< m for the Spartans Information Directors of America In a 1965 and 1966, is one of five Others ih the same category are voted by his teammates as the in 1966 when they won their spring sports brochures. category !? "M* ■ most valuable player on the finalists in the voting for the top the 1969 Texas - Arkansas game, first nine games before Ironically, the Kobe award, named after the 1969 Alabama - team that year and thus received meeting MSU's l player of the decade. The others Mississippi the the Irish in the season's finale. baseball coach, was put Into circulation contest, the 1968 Harvard • Yaie Governor of Michigan a year aeo are Southern California's 0. J. A great deal )6f controversy rose Spartans' baseball book has captured the award Simpson, Mississippi's Archie game and the 1963 Rose Bowl Award. both v«s ^ after the game on the fact that Special tribute should be paid to Sports Manning (who will be a senior game between Southern Webster was drafted in the Notre Dame chose to run out Fred Stabley and his assistant Nick Vista Informal!™-' California and Wisconsin. for their only this year but throughout the last decade and fine» * for Ole Miss this year), Kansas' first round by the Houston the clock In the last few minutes Gale Sayers and Colorado's Bob The competition is being Oilers and was named rookie of fortunate to have two such a half of the game with the score tied capable and knowledwahu Anderson. conducted by the National George Webster MSU's 1966 team which had a the year in the American Instead of going for a win. figures as Stabely and Vista who year after outstanding brochures as well as provide the year » background and pictures sports m ' on Spartan athletes. Spartan baseball players Defensive line coach George Preles is summer football camp at West Branch for players. Perles took over the camp this year coach currently conducts talented pren» : when Msr Henry Bullough signed on as a coach with the R.i Colts. making strong showings Next week Perles and Spartan linebacker will be speakers at the 25th annual Ohio Coaching School in Canton, Ohio. The 'S' coaches line drills and rushing the coach Joe C High School F- will sneik Several members of the MSU baseball team, Shaun Howitt, a hard - hitting sophomore from passer. Also on the program Uram, head coach at Butler High School who willT which finished a strong third in the Big Ten last Battle Creek, was leading Sturgis in home runs Rich and Ron Saul. Uram will helped MSU spring thanks to a double header sweep of Ohio and RBIs, but was speak on off season progranu. recently released by the club. The Minnesota Vikings and the New Orleans Saints will State on the last day of the season, are making Howitt had a .226 average and had eight extra the Friday prior to the coaches clinic in the "Hail of Fame strong showings in fast collegiate leagues this base hits (3 doubles, 1 triple and 4 homers) in 62 kick off the week's festivities. The a™ clinic will be summer. at bats. the annual Ohio high school all-star climaxed game, Aug. 14. Larry Ike, Grand Rapids sophomore, is Spartan assistant baseball coach Frank Pellerin currently the leading pitcher on the Sturgis, S. D. said he was puzzled over Howitt's release and According to the University of Minnesota sports team of the Basin League. Ike who had a added, "I just can't understand how you can MSU was the most successful depart release your top long - ball hitter." conference athletic team last sensational season last spring In - compiling an 8-3 a recent issue of their "Gopher Chatter," published by record as a freshman hurler, has won five of his Junior hitting stars Ron Pruitt of Flint and school's Athletic Dept., a story appeared which said team's 13 wins to date while 2.05 in 56 innings. posting an ERA of Rob Ellis of Grand Rapids are hitting at a .320 clip for Bloomington, III., of the Central Illinois Quartet of accumulated 92.5 points to Minnesota's 90.5 the Gophers for first place In the all - points to edge sports competition. Collegiate League. Flint's Phil Rashead who'll be These four heavyweight boxers The discrepancy between Minnesota's Before he started at Sturgis, Ike tabulation and pitched for the a senior this fall, is also batting a respectable .320 indulge in friendly byplay Tuesday during the weigh-in for others In the conference (all fe which are Grand Rapids Sullivans in the United Baseball for Springfield, 111., of the same Tuesday night's bout between George Chuvalo, left, and unofficial - league. Pruitt is George Foreman, in coveralls. Looking produce them just so us writers can have League and hurled 16 scoreless innings to tie for on are Jerry Quarry, right and Jimmy Ellis, second from right. about) is that the Gophers gave Michigan tenthsomething to an outfielder / first place in pitching based on ERA. catcher, Ellis an infielder and Rashead a catcher. the two sports they didn't enter - place rankings AP Wirephoto fencing and cross co ~ Awarding a team ten points for first, nine for second, eight Secretary Week is gone... AT BIG DISADVANTAGE third etc., a school that didn't enter all of victimized. the sports would I like this set-up better than the one MSU uses to determine but Secretary Day is.. ail - sports champion. After winner says it right in the name — all all, the basis for determining Lions know sports. If a team d- how enter a sport that at least five other schools are they should be penalized. Otherwise schools could just competing TODAY! their funds and donations to several them. sports and concentrate allocate BLOOMFIELD HILLS (UPI) champions Kansas City Chiefs. If you're going to have an all - the best we can and take It as we The National Football sports winner, make it just Somehow, It all brings back But the Lions will be in League — a school that is an all — nearly go." - sports winner. the memories of Denny the same position for their first gave players until 6 p.m. It would be nice if the Holiday Inn salutes those McLaln's debut this season, even "It'll be rough," commented Tuesday to sports information directors in contest of the 1970 season as report to their conference could get together and set hard working secretaries with quarterback Greg Landry, "but up an official if it is football. McLain was for his, that is, respective camps. Thomas said a a luncheon buffet special I'm anxious to play them $100 per day fine will be levied category. That way you would eliminate your two "unofficial . .. The professional football coming into the game against an all and a great cocktail hour anyway." unless a player has a - sports champions. strike over, the Detroit Lions opponent who's had more time legitimate from 4 - 8 in the Batik Room. now can get down to serious to get ready. "They all have legal contracts excuse. are expected in work Detroit will have had four and camp," said Russ "I'm happy it's preparing for their Saturday night exhibition game one - half days of formal Thomas, Lions' general manager. Flanagan, the over," Ed Lions' player BASEBALL STANDINGS "I anticipate that 90' per cent of against the Super Bowl workouts while Kansas City representative said. "The phone After work today .. drilled all last week and our players will be in by todav." ringing has been driving me and played the College All - Stars last my wife crazy. All the players EAST Friday are happy to be back." W L PCT. GB W L PCT. G! night. The Chiefs missed only Moosuski's 1st meeting will be one day of practice before the IM SCHEDULE In all, twenty teams will be in action Pittsburgh New York 58 49 57 49 .521 .538 - Vi Baltimore New York 66 57 39 47 .629 .548 - M strike was settled early this Saturday. The Tues. Aug. Uth, 7:30 p.m. 110 Monday. Chicago 55 52 .514 3 DETROIT 57 48 .543 « 3121 E. Grand River Anthony. New memberships will "We don't have a choice," 5:30 Cleveland Browns' game in Los Philadelphia 49 55 .471 7V4 Boston 53 50 .515 H REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. be taken. For more info, call John head coach Joe Schmidt said, 5 Road Runner - Nerf Bars Angeles against the Rams, St. Louis 48 58 .453 9V4 Cleveland 51 55 .481 351-8647. originally set for Friday night Montreal 47 60 .439 11 Washington 48 58 .453 l»* ordering double sessions until at 6 Nobels Prizes - Waters Edge least Thursday. "We'll just do 7 Potlickers - Loads was moved back 24 hours to 8 Polish Peasants - Cumquats give SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$ SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE 9 Engineering - Mickies Mice the teams an extra practice day. WEST W L PCT. GB WEST W L PCT. GB 10 Rapid Transit - Psychotics Regular - season play begins Cincinnati OC1 Great Outdoors - Sept. 20. 74 35 .679 - Minnesota 65 j|7 .637 - Runner-Up Los Angeles 60 45 .571 12 California 60 O.K. M.S.U ■ w ■ -- You Asked For It! OC2 Random Variables 6:30 5 Hot Dogs - Primo Carnival Cartings IM News Atlanta San Francisco Houston 51 56 50 55 47 60 .477 .476 .439 22 22 26 Oakland Milwaukee Kansas City 59 40 39 ?7 .557 ! 68 .370 67 .368 21 6 - San Diego 43 65 .398 30V4 Chicago 38 71 .349 30# Lushwell AC - Sunoco Sluggers 7 Make It Dirty - Triangle Bar No. 2 J Entries are now being taken for the TUESDAY'S RESULTS Perennials TUESDAY'S RESULTS Ms 8 Bad Grads - IM tennis singles tournament. Entries New York 4, Chicago 0 epardis 9 Nosoconlao - Grunt Balls California at Oakland, night 10 Smashed - Chem. Grads will be accepted through Aug. 10. Pittsburgh at Montreal, night Milwaukee at Minnesota, night Students and faculty are reminded St. Louis at OC1 Graffltti Pittsburgh, night Kansas City at Chicago, night - Typhoon they can compete in the second five Atlanta at Houston, night week's Softball throw between 5:30 San Francisco at Los Washington at DETROIT, night Angeles, night H

A CHOICE BEEF MICHIGAN GRADE ONE ... hunts fruit cockail »& baby dill pickles | shall end rib roasts peters chunk bologna CLIFF HOUSE mandarin oranges ^ VLASIC U.S.D.A. CHOICE sweet gherkins i american leg of lamb . peters polish sausage STAR CROSS 4% j| r Hi D A. CHOICE AMERICAN MICHIGAN GRADE ONE 0 french's potato flakes HOUSE FREEZE-DRIED lamb shoulder roasts peters ring bologna FRANCO AMERICAN I MICHIGAN GRADE ONE PESCHKE'S MICH. GRADE ONE maxim coffee prepared spaghetti hygrade roll sausage . sliced all beef bologna CAFFEINE FREE OLD FASHION GOODNESS MICHIGAN GRADE ONE sanka instant coffee oscar mayer beef stew : peschke all beef wieners greaTnorthern ■EST MADE | beans plastic drink cups IEST CUTS OF MICHIGAN VIAL J4 10 PESCHKrS MICH. GRADE ONE OPIN KITTLE veal shoulder roasts u i sliced cooked salami HEAVY DUTY 25 FOOT ROLL b&h baked beans . ^ reynolds aluminum foil Clean Burning YOUNG PORK CHARCOAL HEN TURKEYS BOSTON BUTTS ROUND STEAKS OVEN READY to U.S.D.A. BRIQUETS 10-TO 14 roast 59* CHOICE 35* 4 POUNDS I WOKTED FLAVORS LB. LB. CHEF-S FROZEN LB. SPECIAL LABEL 10-16. BAG 49* i mcdonald's I WILSOK S yogurt frenci WILSONS J3C vets nuggets dog food < $239 L, SNOW CROP FROZEN CUT CORN or SPINACH SWEET PEAS, 19c BOUTIQUE PRINT SNOW CROP FROZEN BABY Lofat cottage cheese half and half 3f 29c LIMAS OR ...< QUARTERED kleenex facial tissue WHITE AND ASSORTED COLORS MIXED VEGETABLES 27c keyko reg. margarine FROZEN CONCENTRATE J* dixie bathroom refills 47c WILSON'S WHITE CLOUD realemon lemonade 10c assorted toilet tissue 27c HALF AND HALF ... CHERRY HILL ASST'D GLENDALE, MICH. GRADE ONE WILSON-"T" A c FOR FAMILY unfurnished, near of reconditioned used machines. FORD, 1965 Galaxie Convertible, cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. 1968, 12x60 Custom Living kitchen FEMALE Univerlsty, 3 bedroom, recreation V-8, automatic. Price negotiable. 2628 East Kalamazoo. C Apartments desires GRADUATE roommete for student Fall. room. Call 393-1263 after S p.m. Singers, Whites, Nacchls, Naw Home & "Many Others." $19.96 end dining aree. New skirting, 8x7 ONE HAWAIIAN dancer for W 355-1049. 5-8-7 Contact 6-8-10 utility shed. $4800. 646-5381, RESTAURANT Kathy Llcarl, 2222 to $39.96. Terms. EDWARDS AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and EAST LANSING evenings. 3-8-7 neer cempus. One Moccasin Trail, Belolt, Wisconsin, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, night, Cell efter 5 p.m., 485-71 FORD CUSTOM, 1965. 6 cylinder, American cars. If wa can't fix It, It bedroom, furnished. Lerge airy WEST END - Large house, private 608 -385-7917. 3-8-6 1116 North Weshlngton, ALMA MOBILE Home 1969, 10x60, 6-8-5 good condition, eutomatic, $595. can't be fixed. Call 332-3265. rooms. Air conditioned. furnished rooms, kitchen 489-6448. C-8-6 2 bedroom, on lot near Must sell, 356-8524. 5-8-5 0-8-5 Beautifully maintained. Select campus. ONE GIRL needed immediately for privileges, pets welcome. 678-1684. 5-8-10 clientele. Leese. 332-3135 or 372-8666. 10-8-14 iLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 4-man, starting fall. Delta Arms - 100 USED vecuum cleaners. Tanks, all positive. A negative, B ' LOTUS 7, fully prodlfied, for SCCA Aviation __882-6549. 0 close to campus. 351-0470. S-8-10 canisters, up-rlghts. $7.88 and up. Lost & Found and AB negetlve, $10.00. racing, Many spares. Must sell, J. Rooms One year guarantee. DENNIS G. Hocking, 332-2603. 3-8-6 HUGE TWO bedroom, unfurnished. THE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 negative, $12.00. MICHI" FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man Living room, formel dining room, LOST: TIGER kitten, naer Albert COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTE learn in the PIPER apartments. Block from Berkey, North Cedar, opposite City MERCEDES 190SL, 1958. Basically CHEROKEE. breekfest room, finished SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and Street with white belly end paws. 507'/a Eest Grend River. E Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF Market. C-8-6 good shape, needs minor work, basement, $240 monthly. women. 6:30 • 7:00, 351-9286. Rewerd. 361-1766. 3-8-6 Lansing. Above the new Ca" $850. Ted, 351-0608. 6-10 p.m. Students welcome, 230 West MT. HOPE / South Any time - 372-1031. O ORIENTAL RUG. Red 2x6 runner. Book Store. Hours 9 e.m. to3: Saginaw, East Lensing, Washington. Very LOST: TIGER cat, July 31. Mondey, Wednesday 5-8-11 Employment campus. 351-8144 waekdeys, 8 30 near clean, 3 room furnished. Utilities Book binder 332-2947. 2-8-6 design, $260. Ceder Village, 361-4603. Reward. Vicinity p.m., Friday. Tuesdey end Thursday, •5:30.. 10-8-13 paid, $126. 486-7702. 6-8-10 MGB 1969, red wire wheels, tonneau PART TIME work for students. Cer 3-8-6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C cover, excellent condition, necessary. Call 351-7319 for 351-3781. 3-8-5 NEW 2 Bedroom apartments in interview. C Haslett, furnished TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS MUSTANG 1966, 289, 3-speed, unfurnished. Beginning at $160; and ire now leasing student CROSSWORD FT-MU BBSS 44,000, $900. After 5 p.m., BABYSITTER - FULL time. Light housekeeping end cooking, $30 UNIVERSITY VILLA: four man furnlahed, $185 and up, Three end furnished $185. East Lansing units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely saararjraaSsEffl 332-5667. 3-8-7 weekly. 882-0531. 10-8-5 35 1-3729. MANAGEMENT HALSTEAD Realty, ED 2-3534 332-1986. 10-8-5 or Ted Steele, carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has PUZZLE lanpHpOBBI tinra HHELffliii COMPANY a dishwasher, garbage disposal and SUMMER AND part time 361-7910. 0 individual control - central air conditioning. These four man ACROSS 30. Last queen employment with full line units have up to 3 of Spain merchent wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800 for BAY COLONY: bedroom, $135 and HALSTEAD One up, end 337-9228. two COLLINGWOOD time has been parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure adequately planned for with a giant heated 1. 6. Lunch wagon Oodles 31. Slmurgh 32. Torch _ Information. O MANAGEMENT (formerly Northwind Apis.) 12. Mountain crest 33. Is able PONTIAC STARCHIEF, 1964 black, COMPANY, 361-7910. 0 swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you SAXAPHONE, TRUMPET for 13. Fooyong 34. Unclean: automatic, good running want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call Chicago-Type music. "The 14. Breakfast Hebrew condition, $195. 355-6012. 3-8-7 Rogues." Phone 882-2604. 1-8-6 BEECHWOOD: Three end four man, furnished, 332-0965. $200 end up, APARTMENTS today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 15. Curio 16. Understood 36. Asian lunar New Year PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1961. Good HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 18. Artificial 37. Embrace condition, naw tires. Nena COMPANY, 332-8647. 5-8-10 361-7910, 0 language 38. About 19. Silent 40. Girl's name MODEL CLOSED President 42. Ethically PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1968, 2 door, 21. Which one neutral V-8, 3 speeds, standard, power FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 23. Self-satisfied 46. Pangolin steering, excellent condition, 27. Candlenut tree 49, Present $1250. 324 West Grand River, MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3370 28, Of aviation East Lansing. 3-8-7 r- T~ JT TT r- r-rr- r r- sr lr Escape from ordinary apartment living to the luxury of North * il~ IS Pointe. And while you're basking In SHAG CARPETING NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES * the luxury of air • conditioned, NEW FURNITURE nr 13" carpeted North Pointe living . . . * UNLIMITED PARKING AVAILABLE. ir~ n VALIANT 1962 Signet 200. Power think of the economy. Rentals from $175 per month. * * DISHWASHERS AIR COND. T9 20 jr T TT TT 5S P steering, brakes. Sun Excellent condition, 351-1984. 5-8-6 roof. * ON THE BANK OF THE RED CEDAR 27" % w. ■Jo" * 5r $55.00/man ir sr VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968: genuine 4620 S. Hagadorn hippie, commi, magic bus, 5T" sr w excellent shape internally and MODEL OPEN externally, $1900. Cell 485-0498, after 4 00 p.m. 7-8-7 DAILY MA NA GEMENT EXCL US/ VEL Y BY: XwmsMwmm WMPM Hi wr ¥8 behind the VOLKSWAGEN excellent condition, SEDAN~~~1969~ Yankee store radio, white with red interior, $1575 Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 CALL 351-8282 Alco Management Company ?r _ — — '86-7916. 3-8-5 Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 Y/,u Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 5, 1970 ^ Farm bill ■continued from page 1) Pay hike, better equipment acreages planted in „Twheat and feed grains, f-resent there Is no limit on ■lount a fanner can get lr the fedral program for not seen ahead for controllers Kjng crops. In 1969 there WASHINGTON (AP) — Worth and Atlanta. The lower individual payments of than $1 million under the Secretary of Transportation capacity systems currently used ncrease safety, reduce the John A. Volpe said burden on air traffic controllers , wheat and feed - grains Tuesday pay at these places will be moved to and prepare the country for the ms. ^°°8t® than 1,300"fjnairthetraffic wo'ks for more centers serving smaller volumes handling of the greatly increased n in his letter to Rep. controllers of traffic. air traffic of the future." Heretofore, controllers have as a result of new policy changes had to serve Belcher, R-Okla., said ' ' FAA Administrator John H. Volpe said the FAA is making mandatory waiting .designed to brighten career periods of at least ceiling is in the Shaffer said, "We are well' better*"ot 'the —» • skUlT"®! months in e^ch^s"^^^^^" before ■ - a now - - prospects lCe of Congress and he ... . on our way toward a highly experienced controllers by . Obviously bearing in mind the automated promotion, regardless of I abide by its judgment. controller system which will moving them into advanced slowdowns and qualification Nixon said he does jick- outs that on several ije to the analysis by the Committee and Secretary occasions have crippled HIGHEST SINCE <65 riculture Clifford Hardin transportation, Volpe also announced the award of , $55,000 to be the contracts totaling more than $25 t acceptable ceiling. City jobless million to the International ,on wrote "It would poorly the country to develop a program, then impose so Business Gaithersburg, Machine Corp., Md., for computers and allied equipment rate rises e a limitation as to impair to be installed at Federal WASHINGTON (AP) - Four The ''persistent" Elizabethtown, Roxboro (fectiveness." Aviation Administration traffic more larger cities were added unemployment designation is and on said he is aware of the control centers and stations. Tuesday to the government's list Whiteville, N.C.; Barnwell and given to areas that have average spread desire for a much figure, and it is easy to Astronauts One oTthe'lBm contracts, for ot™i°r. metropolitan areas with 6 per cent or higher jobless rates Georgetown, S.C.; Erin, Greenville, Rutledge and Sparta, , $16,676,890, is for complete substantial unemployment of six for a year and have been at least Tenn. , that desire" but he agrees Three high school pupils, who with high - capacity, high -speed Hardin that "this could be 17 others have been participating for the past 18 months in PCT ce"t. or. m°'e ™rk 50 per cent higher than the the constructive farm an aerospace class in Chicago, sit in a simulated space capsule Tuesday as they prepare to blast computer systems for the Los f°rce, bringing the total to 24 national average rate for several Three large cities a off on a 12-hour mission. Behind AngeK Wash,,*™ „d previously pending before the control panel, "technicians" make last-minute adjustments. City, Mo., centers, and partial The latest cities of SSTi 50,000 or years. The 27 newly classified smaller had been classified "persistent" unemployment as AP Wirephoto systems for Indianapolis, Fort more population to win the areas of "substantial" or areas. They are dubious distinction on the Labor Oakland, Calif.; "persistent" joblessness are Newark, N. J., and Cleveland. Dept.'s list were New Britain, Cullman, Ala., Berryville, Ark.; The 24 major areas of Conn.; South Bend, Ind.; Ansonia, Danielson, and ir Force substantial unemployment aiding Cambodia Portland, Ore. -including Clark Torrington, Conn.; Bedford and include 20 cities with County, Wash.; and the jobless Lawrenceburg, Ind.; rates ranging from 6 to 8.9 per Springfield - Chicopee - Holyoke Georgetown, Ky.; Coldwater and area of Massachusetts. cent, two with 9 to 11 per cent The total of 24 larger cities is Jackson,_ Mich.; Baudette, - Seattle, Wash., and Muskegon, Brainerd, Princeton and Walker, Michigan - and two with 12 per the highest since 25 s- Minn.; Greenville, Lucedale and cent or more April, 1965. Richton, Miss.; Norwich, N. Y.; Ponce in Puerto Rico. - Mayaguez and ith daily bombing attacks The "substantial unemployment" listing of 6 per cent or more compares with the national jobless rate of 4.7 per cent of the civilian labor force. A total of 4.7 million workers were listed as unemployed in City Council '?°N (lPiLrT ®aid °ne U'S- v,her free J0'1*1 ,ives in South !\?fSigns 2! Vietnam. But officials necessary to protect the lives and security of our men in Meanwhile, Cambodian troops th^Nbcon administration trok decision on the matter, Mrs. Jay that the twenng Cambodian requests U.S^Ab Force Associated , f correspondent T. Jeff „ D Press indicated that the planes are also South Vietnam." patrolling Highway 4, 50 miles southwest of Phnom Penh found office aamlnlstratlon took (continued from page 1) Sharp told the group. The Williams striking at Viet Cong and North In addition to the larger cities Wlp by sending up to 50 reported the bodies of 11 civilians, one had trouble registering just Council has the alternative of bombers on dally raids Monday from Vietnamese troops. His stated policy seemed to the department said 27 smalls becauseuse he is young," Veenstra finding another one if she isn t Market , », Kompong Speu that U.S. Air • "If the Cambodians apparently a European, killed by labor say there rule out direct air support for areas were added then said. "The city denies you carrying out the policieslof the 50<* ned sources said the .. .. *orce Phantoms had been is an enemy troop concentration Cambodian forces, but was a Viet Cong ambush on At last report, enemy forces Sunday to the lilt of thre with registration just because you are council. But this won't happen, dropping bombs and napalm on or supply area at a "substantial" or "Dersistent" young dress in she said, each carry about eight Viet given point," ambiguous enough to allow a still or an Cong and North one source said were reported holding unemolovment Tuesdav unconventional manner." We have faith in city lof bombs and rockets on Vietnamese forces who had held na Tuesday, "and wide latitude of interpretation Skoun, 40 miles northeast of our U.S. ibombers go into —, ^ brinrine the total of such areas Under the election law the city clerk. daily missions over Highway 4 since Saturday, interdict, by U.S. field commanders. Phnom Penh. this seems well within President to 575. clerk has the right to a last "Please give us week to cutting off Phnom Penh's access Nixon's ground rules." clear all this up with the responding to to Cambodia's only oil refinery On June attorney general," Mrs. Sharp 3, Nixon set |ne's request in for interdiction the on the south coast. guidelines for remaining U.S. said. "Our attorney is consulting Williams reported Tuesday military activity in Cambodia with him now." that Highway 4 had been after An attempt will be made to the withdrawal of reopened by Cambodian forces. American solve the problem so that all The ground troops there — U.S. Command has a move finished June 30. students who want to vote as declared that American attacks The President said there would residents of East Lansing can in Cambodia are aimed at be "air missions to interdict the vote here if at all humanly "enemy troops or material movement of enemy troops and possible, she continued. which could threaten U.S. and material where I find it is "None of this council has any ice cnarga - par' o be pre • paid. 12 objection against any of you ■dssdline 1 class day before. registering to vote," Mrs. Sharp said. Grossfeld George Bullard, editor of the State News, asked the council if they were really aware of the problems that people encounter trying to register down on the employment lower levels. "They are rejecting students for not being employed." he said. ASMSU Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld has written to Lyle "We only question as to Thorburn, manager of residence halls, to protest the reduction in whether or not you are a the number of student employes for fall term. resident of the community and "Students cannot understand the logic involved in the recent decisions to raise the cost of living in a residence hall and then only this," Mrs. Sharp returned. "We are responsible for every reduce the services offered," Grossfeld said. office of the city," Councilman paring Club will be flying at 1 Grossfeld said it does not make sense for the the cost of attending MSU and then to "kill off the for students to earn the increased costs by University to raise opportunity Listening Wilbur Brookover said. "If you are meeting any discourtesies we working." Councilman Mary Sharp, left, presides Monday over East will correct them." a picnic - dinner at 6 Residence halls are losing money because the University is an Beverly Colizzi. Mrs. Colizzi is seated at the left corner of Lansing City Council meeting, during which students "Just give us one week to r own food) at Ionia the council table. admitting fewer freshmen, Grossfeld said, but students should not consult with the |Airport. J Memberi and any be expected to pay for this both through increased costs and the protested the voting registration procedures of City Clerk State News photo by Fred Ferri attorney , Per«on$ are welcome. general," Mrs. Sharp repeated. loss of job opportunities. IT'tion r'dei will be given "As students we have not been responsible for this situation, n. Call 351-7625 or ' information and yet we must pay for it." he said. "This deplorable manner of Nutrition of cereals cited and rides economic irresponsibility cannot be allowed to continue." Place Your PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD WASHINGTON cereal (AP) - The industry snapped back "These said. are health pluses," he cereals with vitamins could be dangerous. wheat "No grain. one I know of advertises eaten with it. Today Just clip, complete, mail. Tuesday at assertions that its "Any hog feeder knowns skim "The protein of milk . .. milk and :ereal with milk as the complete Henderson made a particular products lack nutritional value, com provide a good supplements the protein of STA TE NEWS will bill you later. breakfast," Stare said. point of what he said is the telling a Senate subcommittee a combination," declared Dr. L. cereals and the result is breakfast built around dry cereal M. Although Moss did not make danger of over-fortifying foods Henderson, head of the combined protein of high and noted that the Food and is as good as, or better than, any comment at this point, no University of Minnesota's nutritional value," said Stare. other witnesses bacon and eggs. department of biochemistry, challenged a Drug Administration announced Stare vigorously defended later statement of his in which last week With five specialist witnesses it is considering testifying for General Mills, Inc. Shredded Wheat which Choate he said that he knew of no cereal and lengthy statements from the The massive industry guidelines that might result in response ranked at the bottom, saying it which was advertised with the the removal from the market of major companies, the industry before the Senate consumer is made from vitamin-rich whole advice that other; some highly fortified cereals. described earlier testimony by subcommittee was prompted by things be Robert Choate as Incomplete, an appearance by Choate last Consecutive Dates to Run_ misleading, confusing, week in which he said most dry PRESIDENT'S ACCESS CITED meaningless and dangerous. breakfast cereals contain empty Classification "Quite frankly," declared the calories with about as much Kellogg Co. spokesman, "we fear Unequal nt Ad Here: nutritional value as a shot of that his testimony has dealt a staggering blow to the whiskey. Choate displayed a chart of 60 use improvement of nutritional cereal brands, ranking the WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. J.W. literacy." bottom 40 all but worthless Fulbright, broadcasters to give time to opposing points of "Breakfast cereals with milk because, he said, they contain D-Ark., said today that easy presidential access view. to television represents a contribute importantly to the only a few of nine major "dangerous, unchecked Fulbright testified as the subcommittee opened nutritional quality of the total nutritional requirements. power." hearings into a bill he is sponsoring to require "There is nothing In the Constititior, breakfast," said Dr. Frederick J. The industry built its rebuttal which television networks to provide says that, of all elected officials, the President Congress and the Stare, Harvard nutrition around three main points: judiciary a minimum of four free opportunities alone shall have the right to communicate with professor, newspaper columnist — That Choate had rated dry oacb year to lay their views before the public. the American and government consultant. cereals alone without people," declared the chairman of Fulbright introduced the measure earlier this the Foreign Relations Committee. Cereals, said Stare, testifying considering their nutritional spring in the midst of a rash of presidential "That privilege was a Paanuts Pwsonals must be placed in person. for Kellogg's and the National value when combined with milk. gift of modern reports and announcements over nationwide Biscuit Co., "provide technology, coming in an age when chronic war television. Democrats had f Words or Lew: — That Choate evaluated and crisis were already difficulty obtaining 1 3 days $4.00 5 days • $6.50 approximately the same amount cereal as a whole inflating the powers of time to reply. *10 day $1.50 - breakfast in the presidency," he added. Words Add: 16c par word 40c per word 65c par word of protein and calories as a itself when in fact, the industry "Although the bill does not say so expllcity," bacon and breakfast." Fulbright, commenting i n testimony said □ □ • - eggs contended, no one ever has said prepared for a Senate Fulbright, "it is implicit in the proposal that □ He said cereals provide that cereal is sufficient without communications congressional access to the media would subcommittee, said that if television had existed not substantially more calcium, in simply be a matter of responding to presidential Mail .to: Michigan State News riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and adding milk, juice, toast or the 18th Century the framers of the Constitution would have included speeches or interviews. 347 Student Services Bldg. iron and something else. something like substantially less the "Under this bill Congress would have Federal Communications Commission's the right MSU East Lansing, Mich. saturated fat. — That overly to report to the nation on its own fortifying fairness doctrine which initiative," he generally requires said. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, BIG E-EB^RHARD'S A/fotodfe 7)t4COtOt£ Y-AD - BIG EVE-J&Ctl/PAfimcft YRE-EBERHARD'S ^/^-EVERYDav BEEF TO BRAG ABOUT - SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN n|G JUSTAFEW BLOCKS at 3301 E. MICHIGAN OFF CAM» ■ AVF 4 CUSTOMERS HAVE GIVEN US ONE COMPLIMENT AFTER ANOTHER. OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 A in. t PLEASE TRY ONE OF OUR MANY DELICIOUS STEAKS OR ROASTS - ^OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A.M. 5 ' THEN TELL US HOW YOU LIKE THIS TENDER FULL FLAVORED BEEF! FRANK SAYS: YOU SAVE $$$ WITH OUR COUPONS WHY DO WE ADVERTISE WITH COUPONS EACH WEEK? WE BELIEVE IT MAKES OUR ADVERTISING ALIVE INTERESTING. EYECATCHING, AND PRODUCES SOME REAL CASH SAVINGS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. OUR CASHIERS WILL SHOW YOU HOW YOU RECEIVE YOUR SAVINGS ON YOUR CASH REGISTER TAPE. our way of saying THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO BUY AT "BIG E" EBERHARD'S IF YOU CAN USE ALL FOURTEEN COUPONS OR MORE SHOWN BELOW