Thursday. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Augusthj^ I news Computers foul up summary From the wires of AP and UPI. in Detroit vote ta Hy DETROIT (UPI) - A foul-up check out the programming until were delivered to the wrong in Detroit's new computer election night and then locations. voting system ground vote discovered that when test cards Edwards said the delay in vote tabulation to a halt early were inserted they spewed back tabulation should not cost the Wednesday and left virtually all an additional vote to one city any "significant" amount of of the city vote uncounted. candidate in each precinct. money except for the 24 Five of the six computer Edwards said that rather than election workers who had to counting centers failed to work go ahead with that procedure rema,n on overtime pay and the and only 105 of the city's 111 and then subtract the added $10° " an " hour leasinS fee for "Young people today are being city precincts were counted vote he wouid sacrifice speed some of the computers, subjected to the most profound during the night. The result was for accuracy. 1 e agreement with that hardly any of Detroit's vote „,.«*•»*• u j , Datamedia, the city agreed to temptations and stresses." was counted on any of the The Detroit fiasco had echoes buy 62li units for $847,711 R. Sargent Shriver candidates or issues on the ° ,simi,ar experience in Los whjie the firm agreed to buy ballot Angeles last June. There, one 3 300 of Detroit's old machines (Story on this page) City Clerk George C. Edwards, community did not have voting for $900,000. an advocate of the sophisticated results for more than two weeks jn addition, Datamedia had to analytical counters, could give no estimation when the final a c°mputer sna u. election because of the p0st a $1 million performance bond. It was uncertain whether Big Bro results would be ready. Further Besides the computer problem, Edwards planned to claim for ... is watching, or is he? The portrait of the nation's first "father" found on a dollar bill has adding to the problems was the there were delays in the opening the city all or part of the bond under close scrutiny, the ever - watchful eyes of the Mona Lisa. fact that several of the of some polling places Tuesday in view of the messed - up State News photo by Fred Ferri International News computers were borrowed from because the computer machines election, private companies; and the Rejecting a request by Sen. J. William Fulbright, companies Wednesday morning asked the city to remove the comply with law D-Ark.. the St;ite Dept. announced Wednesday •rctary William P. Rogers will sign, in non - treaty .»rni. Spain. today a new bases - and - aid agreement with Fulbright had served notice Monday that he wanted ballots so they could proceed with computing. their own Purchased by the city on Edwards' recommendation, the business 27 states expects between three and six states on the 18 - year - old controversial than the 18 i he live - year pact submitted to the Senate as a treaty. computer system was WASHINGTON (AP) - Fewer 18 - year - olds the vote, states to defy the provision of voting, literacy tests and old voting, suspension of literacy But a State Dept. spokesman called the document an programmed by Datamedia than half the states have met The Justice Dept. said the act which bans literacy and possibly a new requirement for ■ ■ perhaps the 1 tests is Computer Service Inc. of Dallas. Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell's Wednesday only 21 of the 48 good character poll tests for uniform residency periods in !< pressing! "execlitive agreement." - However, the firm failed to deadline for taking steps to give states now having higher voting - issue confronting the federal I age minimums "have indicated v°ters. Eight of 14 states with presidential elections is expected the tests Soviet and West German foreign ministers met for they will allow 18 - year — said they would be at both the District Court and government because that! The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State voting without a court test of eliminated. Supreme Court levels. three hours Wednesday and achieved "substantial Action against recalcitrant Although somewhat less provision took effect June 22. University, is published every class day during four school the new Voting Rights Act. results" in their negotiations of a non - aggression Texas and Oregon already have terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. treaty, a German spokesman said. Subscription rate is $14 per year presented petitions to the 10th and the longest between the Supreme Court asking that it Riegle wins Flint primary The meeting was the Member Associated Press, United Press International, ban voting by 18 - year - olds east ami west diplomats since the talks opened 10 days under the new act. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Both backers and opponents Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. of the 18 - year - old vote are National News hopeful there will be a final Tenants' attempts to cool their apartments by wiring Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, ruling on the provision's constitutionality before it becomes effective next Jan. 1. by 76.1 per cent margin Michigan. Mitchell sent letters to the his primary opponent, How.,.. "because Riegle supports all of I u g R Donald w Rj , open fire doors may have helped speed flames through states on July 16 seeking written R.F!jnt WQn an overwhelmt publisher James Turner. that which 1 oppose." the upper floors of an 85 - year - old apartment building Phones: assurances o; )f compliance /with Drimarv primary viptorv victory Tllpsriav Tuesday in in wh* what Riegle, considered a maverick Riegle also out - polled both I Editorial the new law setting Aug. 3 Republican contenders for the I in Minneapolis early Wednesday, which killed 11 355-8252 was once believed to be a hotly within the Republican party, has Classified Advertising as the deadliim'for 'liiwfor replies. for persons. 355-8255 contested nomination. called a reordering of Republican nomination for I'.S. | Display Advertising 353-6400 A pit companion of replies national priorities "away from Senate. Lenore Romney, The Minneapolis fire chief said he found the four Business-Circulation 355-3447 showed 21 states state have said they Riegle, an outspoken critic of such things as moon shots, farm Republican "consens would comply with the age the Vietnam war and the Nixon doors on the upper floors wired open, an illegal, but Photographic 355-8311 subsidies and the Vietnam war." . candidate received 10,770 votes J provision without awaiting a administration, took 76.1 per An MSU alumnus, he spoke on from Flint Republicans, common practice in the summer. court test, five said they would cent of the vote to swamp his campus in 1969 during the Oct. opponent, State Sen. Robert I "ofc * * * LIEBERMANN'S not, five sought more time to opponent, John F. Sopt. 15 Moratorium and has been Huber, received 9,722. respond, five are awaiting With 257 of 267 precincts of active in antiwar activities for Riegle's opponent in■ Rep. I manuel Cellar, D-N.Y.. said Wednesday an outcomes of court tests and two the Flint district reporting, several years. November will be lawyerH investigation of impeachment charges against Supreme New indefinite Ten Richard J. Ruhala, who was I Court Justice William O. Douglas has been hampered by shipment from Denmark! gave states did not In responses. reply. addition, the Justice Dept. Riegle led the Republican ticket with 15,789 votes. Gov. Milliken polled 15,540 Flint votes against Sopt had criticized Riegle's liberal stance and said before the primary that he was running unopposed in the Democratic! primary Tuesday. lack of cooperation from some executive departments. Cellar, chairman of the special committee conducting the investigation, said the departments of Justice and State and the Central Intelligence Agency have not MARIJUANA OFFENSES provided evidence sought by the committee to clarify Douglas's position on the bench. The f ood and Drug Administration sharply limited promotional claims Wednesday for widely abused "pep pills" and accused the pharmaceutical* industry of encouraging illegal traffic in the drug through Kennedy youths charged HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) — Two teen-aged Kennedy "This is of course a matter for the authorities to decide. But I overproduction. cousins — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and R. Sargent Shriver III — Bobby is a fine boy. We have always been proud of him and I will I The federal agency said the stimulant drugs known as were charged Tuesday night with marijuana offenses in stand by him. amphetamines should be prescribed by physieans only connection with an incident in Hyannis July 10. "My concern is also for my nephew and the families of the I lor short - term dieting and for relatively rare medical Kennedy, 16, is the son of the late U.S. senator from New York other young people." and former U.S. attorney general. Shriver, 17, is the son of the disorders. The\ are used now for routine dieting and a Shriver, whose wife is the former Eunice Kennedy, oldest Kennedy in-law who stepped down last month as U.S. of Sen. Edwarti M. Kennedy, said in his statement: "We are I wide variety of mental ills from chronic fatigue to ambassador to France. depression. Parents of both boys issued statements Wednesday expressing deeply distressed to learn that our son Bobby has been charged I distress over the charges against the youngsters, who are to appear with the possession of marijuana last month in Hyannis. He has I The drug, according to the FDA. is addictive and can never been involved in any such situation before and we trust he! in Juvenile Court Thursday at 10 a.m. cause marked personality changes and lead to psychosis never will be again . . . Ethel Kennedy, whose husband was slain while campaigning in and death. California in June 1968, said in a three - paragraph statement: "We will help him in every way ..." The spokesman said the boys were given summonses .1 "Naturally I was distressed to learn last night that my son has been charged with having been in possession of marijuana on the homes Tuesday night. Michigan News 10th of last month. Police said the two were among 29 persons, most of them I young, charged in various narcotics offenses going back as far as | Ford Motor Co. announced April in various parts of Hyannis. Wednesday that tentative The statement by Shriver also said: prices of its ll)71 models are being set five per cent ■ 6u;mou ai,3M 3AO| jnoh yioipiM "Young people today are being subjected to the most profound! . above 11>7() cars and its compact Maverick will get a six temptations and stresses. All young persons, especially at this ■ per cent price boost. moment our son and all the other youngsters arrested with him, p have deepest sympathy." Don't resist our The increases, which would total more than SI25 a car. when models go on sale this fall, was announced in a letter to dealers. The letters also said the company will no longer offer an optional five - year, 50,000-mile power train warranty in 1971. The warranty had been We haven't seen leather like this in years! Full bodies . comparison- jBHB MICHIGAN'S H available for SI 5 extra on 1970 cars. tanned to a rich natural golden tan . . . carefully stitched by 1 FINEST and 1 A I 7-year-old Stanton mother who told police her European craftsmen . . casual elegance. Our own import . fabulous price for such quality. styled with a direct, no-nonsense brings them to you at a shop Zales [ MOST COMPLETE H month - old baby had been kidnaped admitted Wednesday that she had dumped the child 28 hours earlier in a corn field, police said. The baby was found TOTE BAG 14" x 11" x 6" CAMPING 1 alive and in good condition. STORES 1 Mrs. Linda I oor was charged with assault with intent to commit murder and was being held in the Montcalm County jail pending her arraignment in district court. The girl was "alive and alert." police said, and officials DIAMOND SOLITAIRE at Sharaton Hospital said she was in good condition. $295 The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UI;WOC) of Michigan said Wednesday that the Weller CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE Sporthaus Pickle Co. of Croswell has agreed to make the union the GRAND RAPIDS LANSING 1 bargaining agent for its 500 workers. Hie agreement with J. Kenneth Weller. head of the ZALES Wealthy at Lake Dr. E- Michigan at Foster 1■ company located in the thumb area of the state, came alter a sit-in by the workers and , six hours of -PACKS-FRAMES-BOOTS 1 TENTS negotiations Tuesday. Ilijinia Rangel, head of the L'l WOC 111 Hie state, said. FOODS-SLEEPING BAGS 1 EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River Lunsing Mull Rangel said it was the first company in the state to Open Monday thru Saturday froi recognize the UFWOC as a bargaining agent for its DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 I'.M. KEEP OUR CAMPGROUNDS CLEAN ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 6, 1970 LuirAGO Community leaders, s Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 6, 1970 5 Chinese Communists split A July issue of the theoretical over priorities chairman By JOHN RODERICK journal Red Flag answers the Mao' of the speculate that he and Chen Yi the tend to run the universities and schools Associated Preis Writer line ..." wreak "We must concentrate on question from Mao's viewpoint. differed with Mao over the The problem is acute because rev l losers, alone, after all. He called on the changing them and pushing them TOKYO More than a year "Our party," it said, "is a the cultural Filling the gaps to have rebuilding the party, but there i: concentrating on building up bourgeois intellectual teachers to forward, stressing ideological - proletarian party, the vanguard purge so completely h * big ' solid evidence yet to back their little power centers 1, Mao Tse-tung set about of the proletariat. gutted the party and its 17 task. There also this. and lend a hand. struggle and basing our Jbuilding his shattered Only by arming party organizations with million members. Millions are appears difficulty to have been some What is evident, judging from line. laying down their On the party front, he has decreed that party members who confidence on the capability of Smunist party it remains Marxism Leninism believed to have been purged. h.V?!! be!? ,pUrged- over party members who, having subjected Flag, is that the party is the mighty power of Mao Sed over which comes first: Tse-tung thought will We be able Mao Mnrn iKnn Mo«. tha„ l>nIC i.i_ _ « .. orUlln? themselves to criticism and self- sP'il sPlil by by "unprincipled struggle Mao has had to make "made mistakes, including those who Tse-tung thought to transform £ chicken of Mao thought or to insure the implementation of bodv body, thp the 1195-member Central ) rest on their between factions, mountain compromises, as he did with his revolutionary experiment have made serious mistakes," can be groomed for people's souls," said Red Flag, Put f egg of organization Committee, fell before onghold - more cynically, it would mentality, education. In that instance he party membership. That could Though the question may "Some sectarianism appear that Mao has decided J;minor Antral to the to outsiders it is future of the satisfied party because members they have and — factionalism." In other words, bourgeois „ decided that the workers, peasants and teachers couldn't mean a new life for millions of purged party rank and file, "nder the circumstances, to make the best of a bad situation. passed inspection and will not go Philosophy that three years of on summing up their experiences Lltural revolution sought to imoose on Red China, and raising their standards," said Red Flag. "They think they have AMERICAN GRANTS CUT "fit philosophy basically is been "inspected and criticized'; Chinese Stalinism: belt - since they have gone through all tightening and strict domestically, and a posture States depends on a of toward the United and Russia. Its survival controls hostile slavish acceptance Mao's ideas by the mainland's of this, there will be no more trouble." to This sentence may give a clue the unexplained disappearance from the public Jurists' By GEOFFREY ATKINS Associated Press Writer financing commissioners have come from 27 countries on They include two Americans, Judge Dudley B. Bonsai and lawyer eye of two prominent party Eli Whitney Debevoise, both of New York. No 700 million people. GENEVA — The International Commission of Jurists, which government, Mao tore the party apart in has infuriated governments with controversial reports on regardless of its political system, is free from the jurists' lash if Foreign Minister Chen Yi was they find evidence that it has violated 1966-69 in order to get at his "inspected and criticized" on a violations of the law, may soon be forced out of business. the rule of law. enemies lurking within the number of occasions during the Almost its entire budget, averaging around $380,000 a year, has structure. With the close of the cultural revolution. His been financed by grants from American foundations. This sin, year cultural purge in May 1969 and perhaps, that he retained his the grants have all been cut off. The main reasons was appear to be the elimination of his rivals, led wit and his cool. Or, more likely, new legislation removing tax advantages from these grants, an by President Liu Shau-chi, Mao set about restoring the party his nimble brain could not keep a tight rein on a quick tongue. economic slowdown in the United States and increased American preoccupation with internal problems. Where can you get the edifice. Some of the Sean MacBride, 66, a former foreign minister who is secretary - ... things he said The question which seems to during his self - criticisms could general, reckons the body can struggle along two more months nag party leaders is that of be taken as stabs at the Mao without a new source of finance. The main hope is a consortium priority: should new party elite. His functions have been of seven European governments which are members eye first pass through the of the Maoist needle, taken over by Vice Premier Li Hsiennien. aiding the commission. studying ways of A group of lawyers, licensed by the Berlin blockade of 1948 HIGHEST RATE proving themselves pure Security chiefs Hsieh Fuchin's and the general "cold war" policy of the Soviet Union under ideologically, or should primary vanishing act is more difficult to Stalin, was the nucleus of the commission. emphasis be placed on restoring explain. As a member of the When it was founded in 1952 it was a solidly pro-Western group the party organizationally while turning a tolerant eye toward MAO TSE-TUNG Politbureau he had his finger on the dossiers of many prominent whose main aim was to disseminate propaganda spotlighting violation of human rights in Soviet - occupied territory. of return on any type political imperfections? Chinese. It is tempting to It has since graduated into an international body whose 28 LETS NOT USE of bank savings? racist of the ther of Rick t h police said a pursuing By CAMPBELL GARDETT Victim viv« V a.m., she looked out her window atomic weapon — called Little recalls "The whole everybody who outside Hi troubles. and city was flat and was was although she would never have Associated Press Writer saw lone American plane exonerate! a climbing into the clouds. The Boy — exploded less than a mile gray. from June's home in Hiroshima. Were they all dead?" Where was everybody? burned — burned fatally." June and her mother walked used a second — on Nagasaki. AT AB & T OF COURSE! "You don't get into a war nd when i SLEEPY HOLLOW, Calif. sirens had been - wailing every Her brother ana sister were She climbed down from the north, out of the city, to a small hoping you're going to lose," she dell insistei She was June Sasaki and 16 morning for weeks, but nothing out of the city helping farmers rubble and found her mother, house her father had rented. Amendment says. then. had come of it. with their There she found that her whole harvest. Her father alive though her face was She thinks there will never be I to take the When the sirens wound up at 9 The all • clear sounded. June No other bank offers and grandmother were bloodied. The two women heard family, except* her grandmother, another nuclear war. higher rates of Sasaki went back to bed. downstairs in the kitchen. June had survived. interest June's grandmother calling in "It's ironical. There are lots of on any type of savings not even i In another second, her body was on the second floor. the ruins, "Please help me, She returned to the United peace groups, but just talking account or certificate of deposit. iarrison, thi was hurtling through the air and States in 1953. She was born in isn't nilitant. "I then she was buried in debris of Although she is frequently please get me out." going to do anything. The A.B.8( T. is the place to save ... no asked about her experiences in "We begged for help San Francisco and held dual only thing that's keeping us out her home. Below her, through from question about it! Hiroshima and as a worker for some men who seemed to be Japanese — American citizenship of nuclear war is the balance of nd Dowdel the ruins, she heard the screams the Atomic Bomb Casualty in 1945. Her father had taken giving orders. But we were told power. One side won't use the are plan^n and groans of people buried even Committee in Nagasaki, her that we must abandon the house the family back to Japan in bomb if the other side has one." I deeper. Their voices reached a voice still strains with emotion at Fire had begun to sweep 1940 because his import "Hiroshima like slmerica/i once. was an crescendo, then choked and when she thinks of Aug. 6, the business declined. operation — it's going to hurt city." suddenly expired. They had 1945. June and her mother backed She is not bitter about the now, but it will help later. It BANK AND TRUST been crushed to death. "It's very hard to judge how Hiroshima bomb. She says she away from what had been their helped us see. We used it and Today June Sasaki is June long things took that day," she house. They could still hear the probably would have decided to now we know. Let's not use it Weden, 41. She lives with her says. "It was as though we old woman's voice crying for use it in the same circumstances. again." husband, an American doctor, in existed in space but not in help. A minute later, the ruins Sleepy Hollow, a suburban time." were in flames. district in the north peninsula of Closed Saturday Through August 8 She says it was about 20 The women the San Francisco Bay. began walking. minutes before she dug herself The dead and the dying were It is 25 years since the first out of the debris. everywhere. "Just about peasant dreams in the dorm. . .soft brushed IN ITALY acetate/nylon sleepwear entices sweet sleep Posters aid in drug fight with embroidered sprays of multicolor field flowers, bright ROME (AP) — Italians are "uno scandalo." One Rome language, the newspapers are intrigued by an American poster newspaper, misinterpreting the pitching in to help, rickrack and ruffles campaign aimed at drug - taking more arcane meaning of "trip" Penalties for selling or taking youths visiting the country. claimed the posters sought to drugs in Italy are high. Those "Bring snow in Italy and you discourage tourism. arrested often have to wait Green or gold may stay all winter," says one. After a few lessons in hip months in jail before trial. "If you trip out here, it's liable Petite, small, medium to be a one - way trip," another advises. Showing Central Michigan's Most Complete Assortment c A Country shirt Dozens of posters have been jDismissa/ placed in strategic hippie and student meeting places in various cities. PIPESissc Savanelli G.B.D. with bikini $10. - - Comoys - Dunhill B Midi gown $12. l^ged by At first, Italian newspapers Kaywoodie - The Pipe - Dr. Plumbs reacted by branding the And all other advertised brands. seemingly hand - written posters Featuring imported Cigarettes From J5 Countries. Showing Over 100 Brands ■ Tobacco. Showing Over 100 Brands-Cigars. r°m ily North MAC'S Open Till Washington K, ■m,?*• Manson's „ANSELES, - three girl the Sharon Tate ■?rder/ase arose in court said in sing-song |f.W?y'S0 why ^on with INGHAM COUNTY .. Pres'dent Nixon says FAIR lihirhant followed denial of MON., AUGUST 3 THRU SAT., AUGUST 8 ' ■the thirH ?Se mistrial motions, MASON FAIRGROUNDS, MASON, MICH. Ii'TheManson's latest"™ 'r 38 many dayS" h ?"S Weradl,ne °"t of their Tomorrow, Friday, August 7 I B'lv««™Ser a*"d 9 a.m. — Calf Drawing at Scales ■"''Pia? stat°Urs of Nixon's 1:30 p.m. |>hoved fa 8 ement- ^e defense - Harness Racing ■>rks w.,r(imistna1, ^y'nB the ■Ned it anj ^Judicial. Older lotion Tuesday SmiSSed 8 sirn"ar 8 p.m. — Dan Fleenor Hurricane Hell Drivers Jac'obson's Thursday, August 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 6, |97o Report turns WASHINGTON (AP) — Fears "In sum," it says, "there is no became bored with up highly erotic brought surprises a corresponding increase pornography and that that sexy films, books and evidence that exposure to crimes. nondelinquents. magazines are aggravating sex pornography operates as a cause — Studies of sex offenders in crimes and corrupting of misconduct in either youths Other findings in some 300 New York and a midwest prison to stag films, in studies "tin youngsters' morals are or adults." pages of the draft obtained by indicate their maladjustment should also be valid for . _ from sexually repressive people, produced i change y°unget unfounded, says a draft report It says there is no evidence The Associated stems sexual in of the President's Commission that exposure of youngsters to _ ^omen well family backgrounds. aggressiven.. 5. coarse on Pornography. such material harms their moral is evidence sex language in mixed ( It also says the general belief character, sexual orientation or less responsive to any other change in character The 18-member that men are more arroused by pornography than easily attitudes about sexuality, as rroal<»H created hv commission1 by Congress Chairman Robert N.C. Nix, think they w ,„u women may need revision — and D-Pa., of the House postal guilt inhibitions. years ago to conduct a to that tests show women are operations subcommittee trying — Studies juvenile million study of effects ann sometimes aroused to organize hearings on the draft difference extent of without explicit se pornography knowing it. report, said Wednesday he will magazines has not between their experience with obscenity in the United States Political conversatives, it says, concentrate on the use of 23 are not aroused as much as college men in an experiment to dump liberals by such material. measure effects of long exposure The commission's final report is not expected to be ready until late this month but the to stag materials. films and erotic Ocean draft "Frankly, this horrifies me," report has been leaked to a Nix said. "I want to know if by House subcommittee trying these boys' parents approved disputed to line up expert witnesses to their participation in this." challenge its findings at hearings The experiment, conducted at next week. the University of North "Research indicates that erotic Carolina, included use of WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon's No. complete the dumping operation within two weeks. materials do not contribute to instruments to measure the 1 environmental adviser agreed Wednesday the The Army plans to transport the the development of character subjects' physiological responses. Army's plan to dump deadly nerve gas into the concrete Celia casualties deficits, nor operate as a But the draft report — none of Atlantic Ocean is the least undesirable way to coffins from storage centers near Anniston Ala significant factor in antisocial which has been approved by the dispose of it and Lexington, Ky„ on Aug 10 by special'traira behavior and commission and much of which But Russell Train, chairman of the President's to Sunny Point, N.C. A cabin cruiser lies upside down in a parking lot near the waterfront in Corpus Christi, Tex., The coffins then will be loaded on a delinquency says the is being rewritten — says the Council on Environmental Quality, told a Senate barge and after Hurricane Celia roared through the city. Men, right, search through debris of a mobile towed to a spot about 280 miles east of draft report. experiment found the bovs subcommittee, the council believes it is clearly Cape home. AP Wirephoto Kennedy, Fal., where the barge is to be sunk in inappropriate to use the oceans for the disposal water 16,000 feet deep. of any and all toxic material. Although accepting the need for the dumping HURRICANE CELIA that He said knowledge of the oceans is so limited "we cannot confidently predict the Train said the council feels that the question of consequences of placing in them any dangerous impact of the nerve agent on living organisms has not been considered in sufficient details. And materials." he 65,000 families sustain losses noted that if the coffins break up in the sea Train said the ocean dumping appears to offer there the least risk to the environment because the is a possibility that fish, directly used hv condition of the nerve - gas rockets sealed in 418 might pass tnrougn the contaminated zone. concrete coffins is such that speedy disposal is The subcommittee heard Army witnesses called for. testify there appears little danger of any trouble CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. (AP) service to the area and the remnants loosed rains to the The Red Cross said more than travellers except those with He said, as Army spokesmen have, that there is while the gas is being transported to port. - An estimated 65,000 families enthusiasm of citizens appeared northwest. Normally dry ravines 65,000 Texas families suffered specific business. Long lines of a risk that the aging rocket explosives may "We don't think there's going to be a bit of suffered losses during Hurricane undaunted. were running full and flash flood losses, with 8,950 homes cars waited at checkpoints. become dangerously unstable, or that corrosion leakage from the vaults during transportation. Celia's ramble through Texas, warnings were posted. destroyed, 13,850 homes with The city's airport, heavily of the rocket casings might release the deadly We're highly confident there won't be.'' said and insDection of one of the Crook, whose Corpus - ... major damage and 41,800 with damaged, reopened. Docks also Brig. Gen. John Murray. harder h^ areas — downtown Christi apartment was Dr. Robert Simpson, head of mi^or ^ ^ were usable although cargo sheds chemical warfare agent. Undersecretary of the Army Thaddeus R, Heal Cor dus Christi - indicted demolished, said he has no the National Hurricane Center at _ , Destroyed . 8 or . damaged , were have no roofs. Merchants said it would take Due to these dangers, the Army argues that it risk destruction via an underground said that even if the gas escapes into the ocean he Wednesday much would have to intention °f leaving. "I've been Marni^ said here Wedth^ Z52 small businesses, 331 boats thinks it will be effectively detoxified In the silt be rebuilt from scratch here since 1931. We sweated out Ceha was a benign himcane on/t. 91 n fawv, k..iMin«c ..... them 30 lo 40 days to get back nuclear explosive because that would require water in a few hours. XXiSittots ofda^ge B«»W. and Carta. We'll make It •«> 310 fa™ burtd..* in business. niany months of preparations. It hopes to in the Corpus Christi area rose to here, he declared. coast " The Red Cross estimated that $375 million. ... 466 persons suffered injuries, Although the hurricane died in Cambodia troops advance Work crews succeeded in The stQrm took at ,east 32 although some estimates were restoring gas, electric and water the mountains of Mexico, its |jves _ -n rpexas> g -n higher. and 14 in Florida, where the _ _ _ .... deaths resulted from undertows .T^e Red Cro^ was stl11 and rough water created as Celia sheltering 15,000 persons in Corpus Christi Tuesday night in wake of U.S. air strikes moved through the Caribbean. The Texas coast was hit Monday a"d ^etlnesda> - At one point, afternoon. 30'000 were ,n she,ters in the storm belt. A survey of Curpus Chrisit and its metropolitan area by the San Gov. Preston Smith continued SAIGON (AP) — U.S. planes who witnessed the action, said Wheeler said that while the Wednesday night, when asked Antonio Express and News f° 56011 National Guardsmen struck at enemy positions near seven American F100 fighter • troops battled into Skoun's about the Skoun report. He was placed tentative damage at $375 'n*° ,*he area, mostly for skoun Wednesday, and bombers bombed and strafed outskirts, hard fighting probably referring to the command's oft - million and said the total could patrolling and communications Cambodian troops advancing in enemy troops about three miles lay ahead because a strong repeated claim as to the U.S. air reach half a billion. although some helped with the their wake recapture(j part of from Skoun. enemy force is believed dug in mission in Cambodia. cleanup. ^e outskirts of that district A Cambodian officer, there. The official position is that the The tentati ve damage ..... capital 40 miles north of Phnom directing the air strikes from the A Cambodian commander at planes fly interdiction raids in assessment included these figures A city spokesman said debns Penh ground * was asked two Sre Khlong, 45 miles southwest Cambodia "as appropriate i0,rJ0me„ harder - hit areas, would be four to five times as The Cambodians appealed for questions. Were the strikes in of Phnom Penh where the against enemy troops or 1 ^itself, mi"r 1# ,n.„CorpUS Chnstl Peat as any previous hurricane $60 million in crop in Corpus Christi. The city air support when three of their direct support of his troops or enemy cut off Highway 4 battalions which could threaten I' other free world lives in South trying to drive away a were they against enemy supply leading to Cambodia's damage and $20 million loss in applied to pollution control big Viet Cong and North lines leading to South Vietnam, southcoast oil installations for Vietnam." Aransas Pass, just north of officers for permission to burn Vietnamese force on the last which Washington and the U.S. three days, this week said that The air raids came amid light Corpus Chnstl. 1.8 million cubic yards. four miles to the key road Command both insist is the U.S. U.S. planes also struck ^he flghting elsewhere in Cambodia The and South Vietnam. sa\ AH roads into Corpus Christi iunction were caught in a fire air mission in Cambodia. enemy in that region were open. But highway fight "This is direct support for my commander. Col. Oum sharp clash 50 miles southwest of Da Nang at the allied camp at patrolmen turned back all Associated Press battalion, watch," replied the Boumroeun, told correspondents Kham Due 13 miles from L correspondent John T. Wheeler, Cambodian officer, as an F100 the air strikes killed nearly 500 "... ........ The U.S. Command said . dropped two 250 ■ pound of the enemy but gave Tom Stoppard's bombs, after coming in at indication of how he arrived at Americans were killed and 14 Rosencrantz 81 Guildenstern wounded when North Are Dead treetop level. the figure. His troops reopened The Cambodian officer the highway Tuesday, Vietnamese sappers hit their Unforgettable Comic-Drama PROFESSIONAL Tues- THEATRE - Wed/Sun $2.75 S2" Hair Sty directed the strikes in exchange with an American pilot a radio "We have nothing to add beyond our statement," a U.S. night defensive position at Kham Due, moving in under a - GRAND — Thr/Fri $3.00 in an unmarked spotter plane. command spokesman said round barrage of £ - LEDGE - • S.3 mortars. 627 7805 $l'.SO -'$2.50 by Fifteen of the P enemy it Para it Newi 8:30 P reported killed in the two battle, the first serious assault of PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 Doors Open 12:45 P.M. C# - The M00SUSKI Club meets Tues. Kham Due since it was re . August 11th at 7:30 p.m. — 110 Anthony. All new three weeks ago to support allied TODAY . . . Last Times: and old members are urged to attend. Help is operations near the Laotian "PAINT YOUR WAGON" needed now for the Jean Claude Killy appearance border. at Jenison on Oct. 9th. Details will also be given on The camp, once operated by starts our Austria trip. Everyone is welcome. For further the U.S. Special Forces, was TOMORROW! S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN info call John at 351-8647. abandoned in May 1968 under heavy North Viet The Critics Lay It On The Line pressure. Another 16 enemy troops were reported killed For Elliott Gould in American forces in other a "Getting Straight." ftVtH DRIVE IN ; NOW! OPEN 12:45 P.M- "ELLIOTT GOULD IS SUPERB! CANOICE BERGEN IS RE¬ "ELLIOTT GOULD IS SIMPLY GREAT IN THIS FAST, CAUSTIC, h igj Continuous from 1:00 P.M. Feature FRESHINGLY DIFFERENT! FUNNY FILM! THE MOST PRO¬ 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-1 'GETTING STRAIGHT' WILL BE VOCATIVE, STIMULATING MUCH TALKED ABOUT THIS VIEW OF THE CONTEMPORARY YEAR r'-WUUAMWOlf. cut COLLEGE SCENE TO DATE!" "ELLIOTT GOULD HAS ESTAB LISHED HIMSELF AS THE KING OF THE COOL PEOPLE!" Feature "ONE SIMPLY CAN'T SAY at 1:00-3:10- ENOUGH ABOUT ELLIOTT 5:15-7:25- GOULD. A PERFECT POR¬ . . 9:35 P.M. TRAYAL! A REMARKABLY "★★★★(HIGHEST RATING! WHOPPING GOOD!" FUNNY. FRIGHTENINGLY CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL DOCUMENT!" [R>«" Kim DarbyCTrue Grit') Bruce DavisonTl-asl Sl" ^ l-MVBABRECK!^3 • 1970 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 6, 1970 PUTY' TO TROOPS U.S. peace plan Peppard he's himself. going to camouflage he said. the aui W1C absolute to Ashley, became Mrs. Peppard. v disunites Arabs Two leading Arab guerrilla As the Arab leaders squabbled, drama because death By PEACE STERLING "There are two lines of the Other films have included groups vowed Wednesday night Israel, which has accepted the AP Newsfeatures Writer alternative." to thwart implementation of a thought about wearing fatigues. "Breakfast at Tiffany's," "The American proposal, made clear "When I'm choosing parts it all Some guys say wear them, but Victors," "Operation Middle East cease fire even by - that it would keep up the fight MPW YORK - George depends on how I like the attacking U.N. others say, 'no, it's best not to Crossbow," "Rough Night at peacekeeping until the peace operation gets Ld the handsome guy with look like a soldier.' Me -1 think character," Peppard continued. Jericho," "Pendulum," and forces. under way. "Jeriing I woine"blujfrom eyes,15thetoImn 50 I'll go disguised as a bush, but I must look on these parts as characters. If the character in a "Cannon for Cordoba." His The threat was issued in Israeli planes swept across two with my luck somebody will latest is "Hark." Tripoli, Libya, where defense r nver - remember him as war movie is better, and more fronts, striking Arab guerrilla 1001 shoot through me. Peppard has been called ministers of five Arab states met Cord in "The honest, then I'll choose that for bases in Jordan and Egyptian "I've caught a lot of grief moody, and complicated. But in a military strategy military conference as unrest mounted in targets along the Suez about going," he said, serious person he is charming, relaxed Peppard refers to his films in the Arab world over the U.S. Canal, the military command in again. "Some of my friends tell and relaxing to talk such an offhand way that he to. Perhaps Tel Aviv reported. me that by going I'm the complicated label peace proposal. supporting seems both modest comes, the But I don't think the and from the fact that his mind Although uninvited to the In Amman, SStour. H.'cently, he relaxed war. question now is whether we unwilling to plug his own often seems to veer towards the conference, representatives of A1 said two commando sources guerrilla groups, one , New York hotel suite, and should be there. The fact is, we movies. He'd rather talk about deep. Fatah and the Palestine Popular supporting Nasser's approval of jked about the parts he's are, and there are over 40,000 other films he enjoyed, like "All the philosophers Struggle Front showed up in the U.S. plan and the other "Patton," or to reminisce about have Tripoli, held a joint ^tost of the roles have been Americans risking life and limb there daily. I think it's our duty how he sat in a limousine before been concerned with said, adding after death," he conference and declared news their opposing it, fought in north Jordan during the night. u strong man of action type," to support them. the premier of "The Blue Max" "It's a long pause — groups were prepared "to force The informants said the clash commented, drawing on a wondering how he was as much a part of all of us Vietnam bound U.N. observers off the cease "Supporting war is a different go inside and face allgoing to . • oarette and speaking in a soft, those as laughing, crying or making fire line to keep up the fight occurred between the left story," he continued. "I don't people. love. Maybe even Actor George Peppard, whose roles have included - wing l0W voice. "But those because some people go more so, Jonas against Israel." Popular Front for the Liberation support war — any war, but the Cord in "The Carpetbaggers" and traders lack warmth. Those ones who say I shouldn't "Very few professions have life without the others." through a tough pilot in "The Their threat came amid a of Palestine - PFLP - which the movies that have made go have such a potential for Blue Max," will visit GIs in Vietnam USO tour. no answer when I say, 'these are depression," on a widening schism in Arab ranks opposes Nasser, and the Action most money, but those parts he said. "It's so depressing when over Egyptian and Jordanian Organization for the Liberation in't the ones I've liked the our countrymen fighting'." a movie is bad, and you worked of acceptance of the proposed Palestine, which backs him. Discussing the many war so hard on it. It's movies he's just that you cease - fire, strongly denounced talk about the made, Peppard tried so hard. Sources in both the Sara'--typical, "When you by Iraq, Algeria and the groups grows even more philosophical. haracters you like, you're "When you make a film, you Palestinian movement. gave conflicting versions of what rtting into the irception, which I'm not so nod at," he continued. "But area of self - and any "I can't see war 1 don't think humanity can as a a solution don't know man say with you're war making is continued. "But for a some time good one," he at least what I if gory some And rival guerilla groups backing Egypt and others supporting Iraq - clashed in — happened, but both agreed that one front man was killed. good, or worth the cost. But I care about is how the enerally, most of the can't see a world without war. it. people like Jordan. haracters I've liked have been Eastwood The critics aren't so Iraqi resistance to a peaceful western It'll be there as long as people tonic, intelligent, sometimes believe more in the gun than in important to me now." settlement continued despite irdonic. with a wry sense of Peppard's first major success reports of a Soviet warning to the vote." umor. And they've had an was in "Home from the Hill." keep in line or risk the loss of notional sensitivity I like in Peppard added that he doesn't Then came his By ROBERT KIPPER (rattlesnakes, aid. believe that anyone making a starring role in Indians) and will be appalled. The charming eople." "The Carpetbaggers," which State News Reviewer occupy themselves war film endorses it. There checking and modestly gifted actess who Talking about his upcoming grossed some $25 million. It was their passions and Don't let the presence of taking turns was so superb as the touching Peppard, conspicuous in a always will be plays and films soon afterwards that his saving each other's life. With reflecting that kind of conflict, lady in that leading Shirley MacLaine and her mules gamine in "Some Came turtleneck, grins over how movie, Elizabeth ' Miss MacLaine sneaking fool you. "Two Mules for Sister Running," the abused heroine in Eastwood's cigars and whiskey "The Apartment," the flashing Sara" is basically just another whenever she gets the chance Clint Eastwood western with prostitute in "Irma La Douce" and Eastwood enough blood, gore and noisy thinking about all and the slick crook in "Gambit" TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! the money he's action in its , finale to going to make shouldn't have to shake a on the expedition, they manage compensate for its misleading to rattlesnake, shoulder Eastwood's stretches of nonviolence and stay at arms length until the outpost is taken, Miss MacLaine rifle, climb a railroad trestle with dynamite in hand or be expected Allen Funt dialogue. For awhile, I thought Miss drops her disguise and they are to shine in a role as restrictive MacLaine would lend dimension joined in a climactic encounter and shielding of her talents as His first in a bathtub. or at least some spunk to the the nun's habit she is required to Candid Camera 00^ arid become settings, bloody action and tight - lipped acting that have Eastwood the mainstays of His Only Eastwood fans will revel in "Two Mules for Sister Sara." those image, carefully forged by all idiotic Italian westerns, is feature film. westerns. Soon, upheld throughout. Although on however, I realized she is powerless in combating a occasion he utters a complete "What sentence — a rarity — his corrupt genre. Rather than message is usually ignorant Do You Say % '■ elevating the prevailing enough to allow him to maintain dreariness and grimness, she is- buried by it. the mentality he is best known to a for. And the slam bang She plays Sara, a prostitute who masquerades as a nun for — - with a machete slicing a face ending Najked Lady?" as its most grisly moment — is in protection during the Mexican Revolution. She meets Eastwood keeping with the customary quick who saves her from three thugs gutsy sadism. It results What is only Miss MacLaine's THE LaST CRENaDE in mid-rape. Maintaining her admirers (myself included) who can you say? STANLEY BAKER-ALEX CORD disguise, she joins him on an HONOR BLACKMAN expedition to capture a French RICHARD ATTENEOROUGH outpost for Mexico and claim its HELD OVER! ''Two M treasury for himself. 2ND BIG WEEK! ™ ~G CP ** Together, they face the « PHONE ED 2 1042 I Shirley MacLaine and Clint Eastwood star in "Two Mules for Sister Sara," an adventure film hardships of the Mexican desert SHOWN AT 8:20 ANP LATE I about a disguised prostitute and a hired soldier. The film is EXCLUSIVE DRIVE-IN SHOWING SEE IT I * ALSO * I Lansing. showing at the Gladmer Theater in "***★ HIGHEST RATING!" J||£ ONE HonEvmoon MILITANTS TO MARCH AIRPORT ALSO "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S" KILLERS b AT 10:20 ONLY M BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN SERVICE Protestants to defy edict JEAN SEBERG-JACQUELINE BISSET 6E0R6E KENNEDY HELEN HAYES VAN HEFUN- MAUREEN STAPlfTON pELFAST. Northern Ireland sister organization of the 1 ~ Two militant Protestant Protestant LOUIS Orange Order, which ligations announced usually stages Londonderry's Start at 8:27 — Repeated in part due to length Jfnesday ■vernment ban they will defy a parades, has said it accepts the ALSO " COMPANY OF KILLERS" at 11:20 and march in government ban, but declared it CLEANERS M°nderry - the city where Londonderry, a city of 55,100 will hold a meeting and church »s where two out of every three 623 E.GRAND RIVER COME AS LATE AS 10 P.M. AND SEE BOTH bloody religious fighting services Aug. 12. nayear ago this month. people are Roman Catholic, was the flashpoint for the bitter Protestant Unionist Assn. 1 it religious feuding that has torn ENDS TODAY: f asts jnniemorate in expected to a rally 5,000 parade Aug. to this province since last summer. It was the first major city to be tamed by British soldiers and has ATTENTION CAR OWNERS "THE GAMES MEN PLAY" AND "CARESSED" Both 'X' I .e -89th anniversary of remained relatively quiet since * Complete front end repair and ■ oiderry's victory OPEN 6:45 P.M. over the the troops occupied its fire - alignment TOMORROW: Til tho"c forces °f King blackened streets. * Brakes * Suspension Recently Londonderry has Ulster Protestant seen renewed violence. Rioters * Wheel balancing * Steering Mian ■hi"0' ■ ls'ense ihe ■ keJu ,aiso T" declared: ■ »n British ut'nat Glared their ban on parades province. h('aclquarters "If they do a rampaged through the Catholic Bogside district Tuesday night hurling rocks at troops and firing buses. The violence ran parallel with Belfast's seventh successive LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center monique ' I®' ar •»'— assume ~,e wou)d w fo„ow night of unrest. 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Procedures i ' have The Apprentice Boys order, a 0pKN AT 12:15 P.M. 2ND BIG WK! Now you can enjoy it in English |I5 ":] i)-5:1 fj-7:20-9:25 P.M. v , 'HE TYPE OF ROLE THAT MADE HIM A STAR! CUNT EASTWOOD ;,he deadliest al've man 0 takes on a 9:00 P.M. only whole army with l,stlul °f moxuque dynamite1 a Main SMmnq X SIBYLLA KAY JOAN ALCORN DAVID SUMNER an<] a Woman AN AVCO EMBASSY RELEASE in COLOR PLUS:- monica vim IN I married I sh&Jwgod U,HLtY MACLAINE „ ^TECHNICOLOR Fri., Sat., Aug. 7 & 8 FAIRCHILD THEATER - 7:30 P.M. Admission $1.00 v trottfopftiu P^MULES FOR SISTER SARA Tickets on Sale at the door. TtSOI 7:15 & 10:25 In Colm ® Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August ft i97() -SPORTS Former By JEFF ELLIOTT Spartan the Stars put together a devastating ground attack along with a solid defensive unit to finish on top of the Midwest division gridder Kauffman and his charges must now turn their attention to this week's game at Detroit. The game marks the opening of the State News Sports Editor standings with an 12-1-1 mark. They then went on to best the regular season and with only a 10 game schedule, each contest is Great Lakes conference leader, Lackawana, 20-8 for the an important one. championship of the MFL. "In our two exhibition games, we just tried to concentrate on Their colors are green and white. Their head coach is a varsity The championship capped a great season for the Stars who after getting our timing down and perfecting our moves," Kauffman coach at MSU. All three assistants coached played their college said. "But from here on out we've got to go all out in each game. ball at MSU and the team's six cheerleaders all attend MSU. It's dropping their season opener to Lackawana and tying their third game, rolled to 12 consecutive wins. Detroit shouldn't prove too tough but the game will be on their the MSU varsity football team right? home field and I'm sure they'll be ready for us." That mark now stands at 14 after the club's two exhibition Wrong, it's the Lansing All - Stars of the Midwest Football wins the last two weeks. The Stars topped a tough Pontiac team Some of the top performers for the All - Stars who also played League (MFL) who have such an MSU influence in their set-up 25-14 and last Saturday scored on the first play from scrimmage for MSU are offensive linemen Roger Peltier, West, Dave Van that you can almost call them the Lansing Spartans. enroute to a 19-0 win over Dayton. Elst, Tony Conti, Mike Young and Bob Lange; and offensive Robert "Turf" Kauffman, varsity lacrosse coach at MSU, is in backs Charley Wedemeyer, Ken Hines, Jim Garrett, Bill Ware, Kermit Smith and Ernie Pasteur. his second season as the head coach of the All - Stars. Kauffman attended MSU and was a member of the Spartans football squads On defense Nick Jordan anchors down one of the tackle spots in the early '60s. He later served as a student assistant coach of Lions sign three more but— while three former outstanding Spartan players are listed as the the freshman squad under Burt Smith. In June of last year starting linebackers — Ron Goovert, Charlie Thornhill and George Kauffman was named head coach of the lacrosse team when the Chatlos. In the secondary along with Super is former baseball sport officially became MSU's 14th varsity sport. Assisting Kauffman this year are three former Spartan gridders. Karros, Barney still missing player Jqe Gavel, who still holds the record for the most stolen bases in one season by an MSU player — 21 — set in 1969. Handling the defensive squad is Tom Drahnak, a member of the After this Saturday's game with Detroit, the All - Stars return Spartans' 1959 football squad. Starting All - Stars tackle Jerry- DETROIT (UPI) - The were signed Wednesday. home (Lansing Everett High School — Centennial Field) to host _ West. who was named on several All • American teams his senior Ik IVVSt Detroit Lions announced Three players — tackle Alex Wyoming (Mich.) Tickets are available at Duke's Shell Service or JOtT\' year in 1966. is in charge of the offensive linemen, while Bob Wednesday they signed another Karras, defensive back Lem at the game. J Super, three - year letter winner for the Spartans from 1966-68, is four veterans to contracts, Barney and safety Mike Weger — heads up the defensive backs. bringing the number of palyers still have not reported to camp. in camp go 61. The Lions held their first As if having the head coach and three assistant coaches having Bob Super formerly attended MSU, over half (23) of the 43 man squad list MSU as their present or former school. In their first season in the Midwest Football League last year, Running back Mel Farr, scrimmage Wednesday in quarterback Bobby Williams, preparation for Saturday night's linebacker Paul Naumof and game against the Kansas City reserve linebacker Bill Swain Chiefs. Ex-MSU great Adderley retires from pro football the Green Bay Packers again, called head GREEN BAY, Wise. (UPI) - Herb Adderley, and general manager Phil Bengtson to tell him SAVE DURING MURPHY'S o* jc"Oa former three - year letterman for MSU from his decision. 1958-60 and one of three co-captains his senior "Herb has decided to retire. So that question year, made it official Wednesday that he's finally answered," Bengtson said. "He's retired retiring from professional football. ACKto SCHOOL SALE The three - time all - pro defensive back who since last December has vowed never to play for go into sure." business. What the business is, I Adderley, 31, called a member of the media after the Packers' final game December to express his anger at being left o SALE STARTS MONDAY, AUGUST 10th- SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd the pro bowl squad. He charged that the G" Bay coaches had not recommended him for t pro bowl squad, and also accused Way- Robinson, then the defensive backfield coach, being too critical of the players under jurisdiction. Several times in the next few months, Adderl- vowed to retire unless the Packers traded hi Bengtson said Wednesday a trade no longer w being considered. "We attempted to make a trade in response Herb's initial position and we were unable to it," he said. Adderley's status will be voluntari retired, meaning he will stay on Green Bay reserve roster and will not be able to play for" other team without the Packers' permission. "I know this has been a real big thing for y fellows (reporters)," Bengtson said. "But I ho youll keep it to a real minimum. I think th are a lot more interesting things about the 19 Packers than the fact that Herb is not going play." Bengtson said he may look to rookies to fill t hole in the defensive backfield left by Adderley retirement, and indicated Leon Harden, a 1" taxi squad member, or rookie Ken Ellis wou start at the cornerback spot against the N York Giants Saturday night. Other possibilities are A1 Matthews of Texas A&I *" Ervin Hunt of Fresno State. NEW DESIGNS FOR TODAY S YOUNG FASHION SCHOLARS our own CaroleJoanne Adderley is the 10th veteran to depart, eit by trade or retirement, since the 1969 sea" REG. 8.98 JR. & JR. PETITE DRESSES REG. 5.44 GIRLS' DRESSES Herb Adderley ended, although Bengtson did not regard the Wet-look tunic/tweed skirt set, vest/skirt set, POO No-iron Fortrel"/cottons. Some with BUY 2 per cent turnover rate as excessive. jumper/blouse looks, A-line and shift dresses. Scotchgard. Plaids or plaid/solids. SAVE Bonded fabrics and easy-care cotton blends. S/ H'Req. TM Fiber Induttriei 1.88 PERMANENT PRESS "CHARGE IT" Jets ore IM SCHEDULE POLYESTER/COTTON 5 Aktion Jox - Dells REG. 2.99 BLOUSES Joe's not 6 Hand People - Alpha h 7 Polish Artillery - Kits 1 8 LIR's • Giggers 9 Soilers - Perverts By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL 2" Al The New York Jets were dealt a severe blow Wednesday when Atkinson, their highly regarded middle linebacker, announced his retirement from pro football "for personal reasons." 2 s5 In addition to Atkinson's surprise announcement, the Jets also 5 Major Doods - Ossic 6 Geo Gem V - Abbot SAVE 42c have yet to hear from quarterback Joe Namath, who failed to show up for his physical Tuesday. Tailored, long sleeve blouses. Newest col¬ Atkinson, reportedly, became miffed at the actions of some pro Vet. Med. lar styles. Solids, ' players during the recent players' strike and his retirement leaves ashish the Jets with no experienced replacement as the defensive signal H.T. for a ' • white. caller. Namath, is believed to be in New York but has not reported to camp and the club has had no information as to when S Noth. Sac. • Snakes he would report. ~\ 7 Venatics - Soul. Shack "MurphyV Own Brand CRUSHED NYLON PANTY HOSE Forget Something? Nude heel mi- cromesh in fash- We carry over Stretch to fit 5000 titles in 8'/2.M. paperbacks on every conceivable subject. RICH FALL SHADES IN our own Ca™kjoanne HANDBAGS What we don't have, 2.57 > 99 SPORT SHIRTS DRESS-UP JEANS we'll special order for REG. 2.98 Seton grains, crinkle patents in fall col¬ ™ 174 SAVE 83c "167 2 lor $7 No-iron polyester/cottons you—free of extra charge' ors. Shoulder straps, witti'Soil Release. Tapered Polyester / cottons. Solids stripes. styles, long point collars. top handles, totes. COMMUNITY or Solids or stripes. Polyester/cotton. Solids, stripes, plaids. G • C • MURPHY CO. - First Mon. Quality Sat. 10:00 to 9:00 Always NEWSCENTEB LOCATION AT FRANDOR CENTER & MERIDIAN MALL MERIDIAN MALL - - Sun. 12:00 to 5:00 Phone 351-5445 OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Phone 351 7^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 6, 1970 JV EARING END Upward Bound studen Snyder Hall to get closer to students. Students also By FRANK CHILDRESS are Note: Below are short articles introducing black studies making more decisions to get the feel of the program and to learn EDITOR'S NOTE: Upward Bound is on Upward Bound activities courses. ■ The Upward Bound program, a responsibility. professor of journalism. The ranging from class content to River Rouge High School has I ional program for high school Successful students will be a federally Financed education students' writing not only records social events. an Afro history class taught by a IffnU was started at MSU In 11066 The program Is set up to recommended by the program program designed to expose high school students to the daily routine of the program but black teacher. Ecorse High School has an for college and will be given higher education. offers insight into their impression of IL high school students who financial help if necessary. The MSU program, directed by Alex MSU. Afro history course, but it is |f* n't thought about going to There other Cade, has been operating on campus The Upward Bound student taught by a white teacher. I 5*«lnB,e" are Bound programs at Cranbrook Upward since 1966. On this page, the State News shares government consists of an Highland Park High School has with its readers the record of the advisory committee which two black studies courses: Afro 1 n also improves skills and School for Boys, Calvin College, Eastern Part of the program is a beginning 1970 Upward Bound program as represents the students. It gives history and Negro arts. Teachers J builds up weaknesses to prepare Michigan University, journalism class them a voice to tell what they are black. conducted by I you for college. Hope College, Lake Superior seen through the eyes of the want out of the program. Eastern High School In State College, Oakland George Hough III, associate participants. The committee 1 The program is financed by University, Western Michigan was during the past school year and formed Lansing has an Afro history course taught by a black teacher. J J uS Office of Education University and Ohio Wesleyan has functioned during the Sexton High School has an | through the Office of Economic University. summer program. Afro history course with a black Importunity. Alex P'0Pjm I directed by TJ. Cade, I.a The committee consists of six teacher. members all of whom In some high high schools I Imber of the MSU faculty, and served Electives offered in during the school year. They are classes these courses are taken ■ Administered through the Joel Davis, Highland Park; by both white and black | College of Education. Royce McKinney, River Rouge; students. Most of the program courses 1 students at MSU are chosen Denise Lynch and Julie Pawluck, carry academic credit. Some are I from Ecorse, River Rouge and Ecorse; and Gwendolyn Johnson one semester and some are two and Debbie Jones, ■ Lansing Sexton, Eastern and the Latin American Studies humanities. seventh Lansing. A semester courses. ■ Everett high schools. They are By MICKEY HOSKINS Santos and James member, Denise — Albert Johnson Center. Clifford, mathematics, and Sister Chris Dennings, Lansing, ■ recommended by teachers and Natural science was taught by Warren Economics was taught by research assistants in labor and Theusch, graduate student in the committee, but was also on ■ counselors because of their Sixteen elective courses were J. Samuels and John P. industrial relations. mathematics. resigned. Donald J. Weinshank asst. Henderson, both professors This student committee, the ■ economic status and academic taught this summer in the of Journalism , professor of natural science, and economics. was taught by This shows that there are still directors of the program and the A number of interesting social ■ achievement. Upward Bound program. Mrs. Dorice George A. Hough III, associate some unselfish people All those who taught elective Narins, asst. Physics was taught by H. Z. today, teachers propose the business, events and activities were I This year the program has courses volunteered their professor of human Ming Ma, asst. professor of professor of journalism. Modern dance was because these teachers, I have given know, communication and activities of available for Upward Bound ■ moved from Shaw Hall to services to the program. Classes development. physics. taught by up part of their the program. They have students. Everyone was Mrs. Barbara vacation met for hour on Humanities was taught by Roy Labor and industrial relations Rutledge, to render to the meetings regularly. Whenever supposed to participate in the an four instructor in humanities and students of the Upward Bound T. Mathews, asst. professor of was taught by Charles Craypo, students feel that events and activities to raise afternoons a week. Justin Morrill they need humanities, and Kenneth J. asst. professor of labor and College. program their services. On behalf something or want money for the banquet which something [Speakers Psychology was taught by Algebra was taught by Martin of the students and Andrew M. Harrow, asst. professor in industrial relations, and Richard myself, we done, they discuss it among will be held the last day. Barclay, asst. J. Marsden, research associate in thank you. themselves, then take it to the There have been three dances, professor of psychology, and Charles administrative staff. three parties, four trips, two Hanley, professor of Iwarn of psychology. Theater was taught by Frank The Upward Bound committee was selected from their high schools in order to advisory picnics, several visits and "rap" sessions. Music for the on dances campus JMC was prof directs C. Rutledge, asst. professor of relate their student bodies more provided by a band named "The theater; Gretel Stensrud, Jrug use closely with the Upward Bound Soul Systems." There will be a instructor in theater, and Dana program at MSU. dance Friday at the Union with Charet, graduate student in music by "Uhuru Unlimited." Royce McKinney — theater. Students have visited Introduction to business was "Out of 600,000 blacks in Jetroit, 10 per cent will die t of drug addiction this ti," Upward Bound students taught by John W. Ruswinkel, professor of accounting and financial administration. Upward Bound that Upward Bound students report their high schools are Kensington University, Wayne State University. Park, Edgewater Oakland —Dorothy Battle and Audiology and speech was ire told July 18. The Upward Bound program at MSU has been directed taught by Daniel Beasley, asst; I Councilman Edward Browne since its inception by Alex J. Cade. professor of audiology and lot Detroit was the speaker. He He brought Upward Bound to the speech science, and Dawn campus in 1966 with so said that some people take hugs to make up for what they Dickie, Lansing public schools speech pathologist. the assistance of D. Gordon Rohman, dean of Justin Morrill College. In the past five years more than 300 high school students Students offer pidn't have. Others take drugs to American thought and pe reality. language was taught by Mrs. bav«|NUrticipated in the program, a number of them coming I Upward Bound students from ■0 colleges and [tended a conference on drugs universities Mary Tomkins, associate professor of American thought and language, and Mrs. Frances to campus Cade is Morrill for a more full - than one summer. time member of the College and is also a faculty of Justin professor of counseling, notes on activities ■t Oakland University. Twenty - Kolb, instructor in American guidance and personnel services. Upward Bound Was defeated to be making a movie. The students from He has had a private practice in MSU thought and language. Lansing since 1956 doing in basketball for the second time movie is going to be written by Attended. Religion and philosophy was diagnostic work, vocational testing, counseling and this summer by the Math some of the students in the class. I Other speakers were: taught by Fred Graham, consulting. He also does psychological diagnostic work with Institute, 50-43, at Jenison The crew is going to be some of I William Lucas, sheriff of associate professor in Justin the Michigan Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Fieldhouse on July 29. the students in the class. Payne He has also done work for the Office of Economic County; Brooks Morrill College. The game was very exciting. My Wednesday afternoon off vatterson of Oakland County, Introduction to biology was Opportunity, Washington, D.C., and provides consultation There should have been more is a lot of fun. Tid Dr. John Burton, medical services to Federal Training Specialties and Dutues fans from the Math Institute. taught by Harold L. Sadoff, — Alfenia Williams ixaminer of Oakland programs under OEO. Math Institute led the whole County. professor of microbiology and I There was a film on marijuana public health, and Robert J. He has also worked with community action agencies and game, although at one point of Teachers the Ingham County Hospital Rehabilitation Center. working with Vd alcohol narrated by Sonny Moon, instructor the game the score was tied. in Upward Bound students in the lond and Dr. Burton showed microbiology and public health. A native of Mississippi, Cade earned bachelor and master Jimmy Green was the high two required courses have been: ■ides of extreme cases of what Latin American studies was of science degrees at Tennessee State University and a Ph.D. scorer with 13 points. Ralph Larry Hill, who teaches at l»n happen when you use drugs. taught by John M. Hunter, from MSU in 1963. Perry was high scorer for Lansing Sexton High School, I After the conference there was professor of economics and — Yolanda Reyes Upward Bound with 12 points, and Mrs. Judith Hector, East dance for the Upward Bound director of the Latin American followed by James "Tribe" Lansing High School, math. ) they could -get Studies Center, and Mrs. Rose Ridgell and Royce "O.B." Robert Simmons, Holt Junior Hayden, instructor in Romance McKinney with 11 and 10 points High School; Mrs. Vanna Scott, - Frank Childress languages and asst. director of respectively. Albert Johnson had Lansing Eastern High School; eight points and Darryl Walker Lynne Rich, graduate student in had two points to round out the education; Keith Williams, Upward Bound scoring. instructor in Justin Morrill Royce McKinney College; and Mrs. Marcle — Williams, graduate student in Versatility keynotes term On English, communication skills. Wednesday starting at 11:30 a.m. we are on our own. We can do anything we want to because we don't have classes on Smog closes Carol Griffin, Herbert Harris, Connie Lozano, Josie Luiz, Wednesday afternoon. We By ALFENIA WILLIAMS and industrial relations, biology, American thought and language, Charles Hathorne, Luther James, Eastern: Darlene Medrano, Yolanda Gwendolyn Kendrick, Johnson, Shirley Betsy Kenny, mostly go on field trips. The boys go to the Men's IM old newsstand I Everyone in Upward Bound Royce McKinney, Wade Parsons Lynn Brown, Ora Nell Brown, Reyes, Patty Romankewitz. Cynthia Mclntyre, Joyce Moore, psychology, natural science, Jr., Ralph Perry, Curtis Reed, Grace Castilla, Tim Crawford, Building on Wednesday to play BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) •is five classes. Two Reginald Stone and Rosa Linda Yolanda Moreno, Linda Neal, - are required theater, economics, physics, James Ridgell, Eugene Shaw, David Demps, Denise Denning, Suarez. basketball. They played the Abe Sherman, who has run a J" three are electives. The two Glender Stalling, Brenda math kids and lost the game. downtown newsstand here for modern dance, Latin American Andrea Talley, Wallace Turner, Virginia Garcia, Janet Harris. Sexton: ■quired subjects are studies, introduction to business, Charles Turza and Gloria Purdell Hoskins, Greg Hunt, Dorothy Battle, Greg Bullock, Summerville, Mattie Wallace. They are planning to play the 50 years, says he's closing his J»mmunication * classes skills and math. religion, and speech and Walton. Debora Jones, Kathy Leahey, Seltman Hayes, Albert Johnson, Daryl Walker, Alfenia Williams and Ronald Wilson. Math kids again. kiosk because of the smog. The are an hour and 35 We are planning to go on a 72-year-old newsdealer said the _ mtes. audiology. Highland Park: picnic. air downtown was so foul "you U1"** courses are held in the to from 8:30 to 11:45. The purpose of these courses is prepare you for college. 'ROUGH COMPETITION' Joel Davis Jr. The Humanities class is going can taste it." Li ™ch and *° * P,m* we 8° to from 1 to 4 p.m. we Classes are taught in a very EVERY AIRLINE unusual way. The teacher lets Passing from class to class. the students express themselves IN THE WORLD e afternoon courses are an in a special way. Whatever way HAS AN OFFICE >urlong. Bum! vC0Urses f ltles' offered journalism, are labor the express You student would himself, he may may smoke, eat or do like do to so. Area high school athletes IN EAST LANSING anything you like to. In high _y We won't sell you 'students school you couldn't on campus. Here you anywhere have more somebody else's lour offices freedom to say and please. Most of the do as you teachers are attend seminar sessions wx headache. college professors or high school ein on new VWs get our M-point f papers teachers. They treat you as though you are in college. They Some successful high school athletes are in the Upward Bound program. reached six feet at the league meet. As a sprinter he ran on the 880-yard relay team which was the That office is College Travel. So no matter where or when are trying to help you build your All of them come from the roughest sixth best in the state. you want to fly, one call can lurnalismAlfC UPward ttle i Bound were Dorothy mind up to a college level. competitive areas in the state. They come from Lansing Sexton and Eastern high schools, Ecorse Royce McKinney, the only senior of the four, is a member of the varsity football, basketball arrange everything. lache. It'll hurt us more thon it'll hurlyou. Students in the Upward Bound and River Rouge. The first two are Class A and track teams. As a member of the football You pay nothing extra for tot JnK "Johnson Williams and schools and the others Class B. team, he was a sometimes starter as a halfback on this service — travel agencies '68 V.W. '68 V.W. all from Sexton program this summer came from are five high schools. defense and a very capable backup man for all - are paid by the airlines PANEL - READY FOR CONVERTIBLE - LIGHT foes p ° ' Lansi"g; Yolanda Four of these successful athletes are Ralph stater Ken Russaw. themselves. You profit from CAMPING OR HAULING A The schools were Eastern and BLUE, BLACK VINYL TOP kn, b er" Hi*h School. Perry, Royce McKinney, James Ridgell and As a member of the Class B state champion the k n o wledge and TON MATCHING INTERIOR. _N rtece McKinney and Sexton high schools in Lansing, Herbert Harris, all of River Rouge. basketball team, he saw limited action. He was a experience of trained travel $1895 i'erRmi"^88' both from Highland Park, Ecorse and River Ralph Perry is a six-foot, one-inch, 154-pound hurdler on the track team. 3 CAMPERS IN STOCK $1895 [a seventf> Scho°l- Rouge. junior and played reserve football, reserve James Ridgell, 6-feet, 2-inches, 148 pounds, experts. Several Transportation Cars lcCH^memberofthe class, Ecorse: Beverly Balcom, Denise basketball and ran on the varsity track team. He played basketball for the reserves. Though he was Save time, avoid trouble — ALL FULLY '68 '69 '70 V.W.'s - RAMBLERS - 'nSu Was Seated not a starter, he averaged 10 points a game for EQUIPT - TOP CHEVYS BU1CKS - ONE |neanT',°n ,Hi*h School in Lynch, Valerie D. Morris, Julie played split end in football and completed during the season. He the see a travel agent first! CONDITION M.G. FROM $295 iCjr lln .? "ege this fall- oattendUnsing Powlak, Ronie Price. Karen Robinson. several touchdown passes was a starting guard on the basketball team reserves. Herbert Harris, 5-feet, 2-inches, 162 pounds, Collage Travel GLENN HERRIMAN add undefeated in 16 games. During track was a member of the reserve football team where VOLKSWAGEN, INC. ! r pS tLt0,learnin« 'ho* River Rouge: which was 6135 W.SAGINAW ST 130 W. Grand River LANSING, MICHIGAN 48917 « he high jumper and part time he played tight end. His specialty was defense. h !W class v,s,ted the Henrietta Barnett, Debra Ann season sprinter. was a He was a half - miler on the track team and his WO,\L 482-6226 Brown, Vivian Campbell, Frank 351-6010 Lansing's Smallest Volkswagen Dealer ^ As a high jumper he was best in the league. He best time was 2:09 — very good for a sophomore. Childress, Vernon Davis Jr., 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 6 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED But the man worthwhile is the one who will smile. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not permit racial or religious Scooters & FRANKLYSPEAKING Cycles by PhilFmnk For Rent For Sale For Sale CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national FEMALE GRADUATE student BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. SEWING MACHINE discrimination in its Clearanci desires roommate for Fall. Make any size or style. Charli, Brand companies. Compare our rates. new portables "J PSSv advertising columns. The 2205 East Contact Kathy Licari, 2222 332-3848, forenoon or after 9 $5.00 per month. State News will not Michigan, Lansing or Moccasin Trail, Beloit, Wisconsin, p.m. W of Large sZ 505 Albert, East Lansing, recohditioned used accept advertising] which 484-8173.0 608-365-7917.3-8-6 Singers, Whites, * AUTOMOTIVE discriminates VOLKSWAGEN ROOF rack, new. Necchis L against ONE GIRL needed immediately for Bug fastback, $15. Graff, 227 Scooters & Cycles BSA 250 1969: Excellent condition, religion, race, color or 4-man, starting fall. Delta Arms South Case Hall. 3-8-10 Auto Parts & Service helmet and car carriers. 694-8937. national origin. close to campus. 351-0470. S-8-10 3-8-10 Aviation TV SYLVANIA 19". One year old. 489-6448, C-8-6 yVash,~* * EMPLOYMENT EAST LANSING married or faculty: Sewing machine. Overstuffed 150CC VESPA, 1961 Vintage. Will bedroom, chair. Occasional chair. Coffee 100 USED vacuum * FOR RENT sacrifice at $150. Out of Modern, one tables. Table lamps. Pendulum cleaners"^ unfurnished, air • conditioned, canisters, up-rights. $7.88 generosity will throw in helmet. a d Apartments Call 351-6760. 3-8-10 $150. 355-5806 after 3 p.m. 4-8-7 clock. Book shelf. 353-6807. One year guarantee Den,,' Houses FORD, 1965 Galaxie Convertible, 3-8-10 DISTRIBUTING COMPAJy Rooms V-8, automatic. Price negotiable. HONDA 1969 CB 450. Must sell, LEASING $210, FOR 1 Fall. bedroom, 2 bedrooms $160. SONY 6060. Was $399.00 now North Cedar. opp0Slte Market. C-8-6 'r3' FOR SALE 355-1049. 5-8-7 great condition, low mileage, * BURCHAM WOODS, Call $340.00 at MARSHALL MUSIC $650. Best offer. Call Mike, Animals LOTUS 7, fully prodified, for SCCA 351-7492. 5-8-7 between 3 - 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF COMPANY, East Lansing. C-8-7 BEDS sell. STOVES, ABC refrigerator Bu Mobile Homes racing. Many spares. Must sell, J. SECONDHto * PERSONAL G. Hocking, 332-2603. 3-8-6 BRIDGESTONE, 175dt, new tires, FURNISHED STUDIO, 2 man. MAGNAVOX PORTABLE stereo, STORE, 1208 Turner C N Northeast Street, Lansing. AM-FM, year old, $170. Call seat, pistons, battery. Needs POLICE * PEANUTS PERSONAL LOVE FOR Sale. Fiat 850 Spider minimal work. $100 or best offer 489-1277 or 489-0029. 5-8-10 Andie, 353-0613, 351-1080. MONITORS, Sonar 3-8-10 special sale $29,95 u * REAL ESTATE 1969. $1400 cheap. 355-1237. 676-2288. 5-8-7 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 crystals. MAIN ELECTRONIC RECREATION 3-8-10 * Marigold across from campus. MOTOR 5 horsepower. Briggs and 5558 South Pennsylvania BENELLI 1966, 125cc. Helmet, - Avenu •SERVICE MERCEDES 190SL. 1958. Basically Deluxe 2 man furnished Stratton. Good condition. Phone Lansing. C cover, $140, complete. Kristi, apartments. Now leasing for fall. 339-9460. 3-8-10 Typing Service good shape, needs minor work, 353-3852 days. 3-8-6 IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O TX 4010F tape deck. Four tr* $850. Ted, 351-0608. 6-10 p.m. * TRANSPORTATION stereo. 20 - 20,000 5-8-11 FANTASTIC PLASTICS, Inflatable cps. 351% * WANTED Auto Service & Parts CAME LOT APARTMENTS: 4901 furniture. Many styles and colors. South Pennsylvania. Quiet Call 337-9215, noon to midnight. MUSTANG 1966, 289, 3-speed, DEADLINE MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East location for grad students and ANNOUNCING EAST Lansin 44,000, $900. After 5 p.m., newest Men's Shop in style P.M. class Kalamazoo Street since 1940. faculty. One bedroom furnished, 1 one day 332-5657. 3-8-7 . . . DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE, 541 Complete auto painting and $150 monthly. Possession now or WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony E before publication. Grand River. 5-8-11 collision service. IV 5-0256. C September 1st. Call manager model 530 stereo tape recorder. OLDSMOBILE 1964 F-85, deluxe Cancellations one class - day 12 noon before sport coup. Red, V-6 automatic, 40,000 miles, $500. 351-3280. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 'H/Hfll* 0%e OF OT? LAbfMWfil pip „ 393-8657 MANAGEMENT, or FOX PROPERTY 372-1954 Used Akai, Sony, Panasonic stereo tape recorders. 100 used 8 track Animals publication. 4-8-11 KALAMAZOO STREET BODY SHOP. Small dents to large YOU RND1HI5 &P5R//D6HT 14-8-17 stereo Cassette cartridges tapes $2.50 each. FOR SALE, AKC registered tape recorders. Koss fe™ PHONE PONTIAC STARCHIEF, 1964 black, wrecks. American and foreign OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green Pro-4-A stereo head collie, sable and white, phones. cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. Apartments. Ideal for married 355-8255 automatic, good running Garrard turntables $25 up. VM old, loves children 2628 East Kalamazoo. C grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 120 watt 3-8-6 condition, $195. 355-6012. 3-8-7 stereo receiver. Sharp, RATES bedroom, furnished and 30 watt receiver stereo with 1 day 51.50 PONTI AC TEMPEST, 1961. Good Aviation unfurnished, $130 $175 speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker FREE KITTENS, 1 tigei, , ulac 15c per word per day condition, new tires. Nena monthly. Possession now or set. 300 stereo albums 75c up. 351-5070. Call after 5:30 o 332-8647. 5-8-10 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to September 1st. Call 3-8-7 3 days $4.00 For Rent manager, Used golf sets $14.95 up. New and "\3Vic per word per day learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Employment 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY used fans. Used TV sets $39.50 PONTI AC TEMPEST, 1968, 2 door, Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. up. Realistic 55 watt stereo FREE KITTENS, litter trai 5 days $6.50 STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 14-8-17 337-9215 noon to midnight. 2, V-8, 3 speeds, standard, power DIRECTOR - HOUSEMOTHER for amplifier. WILCOX bedroom. Now leasing for Fall 13c per word per day steering, excellent condition, small group home of 10 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East (based on 10 words per ad) $1250. 324 West Grand River. Employment adolescent girls. Supervise 3 Term. Balconies, laundry. Near campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. COLONIAL ARMS for Fall. '/. block Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. - 5:30 SIAMESE KITTENS, 2 ma East Lansing. 3-8-7 off campus. Four man apartments, Sealpoint, 8 weeks old $t assistant housemothers. Over 21. p.m.C O $65. 351-7146. 3-8-6 669-5089. 3-8-10 Peanuts Personals must be Experience with adolescents. Contact Mrs. Tate, 9 - 5 p.m., DATE LINE East Lansing. MSU pre-paid. 4 MAN, $50 month. 9 month lease, COLLIE PUPPY AKC. Female, There will be a 50c service 372-4020. 5-8-11 Fall. 332-4371 after 5:30 p.m Houses students hoard beer in weeks old, $65. Phone 393-267 DENTAL ASSISTANT to train for 3-8-10 anticipation of the Game's and bookkeeping charge if LOVELY FURNISHED 1 and 2 introduction. 0-8-6 orthodontic technician in private this ad is not paid within For Rent bedroom houses, $140-$175 plus office. Experience necessary. OKEMOS 1 bedroom apartment, SAILORS — 7' Sportyak dinghy with one week. TRIUMPH GT6+ 1969. Dark blue, 482-9695 days; evenings, TV RENTALS: G.E. 19" portable, furnished, parking, utilities paid. utilities, 351-5696. 3-8-10 sails. Great car-top yacht. $150 Mobile Homes wire wheels, lots of professionally 339-2458. 3-8-10 $8.50 per month including stand Call 351-6586. 5-8-12 The State News will be delivered. Ken, 353-6400 days. installed extras. All service 4 BEDROOM FURNISHED, no Call J R. CULVER COMPANY, S-8-10 TOWN AND Country, 12 x 60, 1961 responsible only for the records. $2200 or best offer. PART TIME office help needed - ONE GIRL starting Fall; $62.50. damage deposit. Perfect student 372-4948. 320 Julian, East $4000, Sycamore Trailer Par first day's incorrect 351-7889. 2-8-7 flexible hours. For interview call Walking distance. 351-1156 home. 351-2237. 5-8-12 Lansing. C COMPLETELY REFINISHED Mason, Lot 61. 882-8317. 3-8- insertion. 351-3702.0-8-7 evenings. 3-8-10 EAST LANSING Duplex. Spacious 2 upright piano, $90. Convertible VALIANT 1962 Signet 200. Power TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free hide-a-bed sofa, $40. Call PARKWOOD 1967, 12x60. steering, brakes. Sun roof. STUDENT WITH nurses training deliveries. Call SELCO 4TH FOR 4-girl apartment, Delta bedrooms, furnished, parking. 393-0829 after 6 p.m. 3-8-7 shed, washer, dryer, $4500. Pho from September 14 through Arms, Fall - Summer. Prefer 21-30 351-6586. 5-8-12 Excellent- condition, 351-J984. COMMUNICATIONS. 372-4948. 487-3960. 4-8-11 5-8-6 October 2. Ed 2-5176. 1-8-6 age. $65/month. Call anytime GIGANTIC MOVING SALE. 332-1423, Marian or Jackie. LOVELY SECLUDED, furnished, Everything from A-Z. Cheap, MARLETTE 1969, 12x60. G« Automotive VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968: genuine JOB OFFERS ARE PLENTIFUL in Tv RENTALS - Students only. Low 3-8-10 ownership care. Minutes MSU. today's Want Ads. monthly and term rates. Call Cheap, Cheapl Material, lace, condition, skirted. On lot. hippie, commi, magic bus, $200. 489-8468, 337-1181. 5-8-11 351-7900 to reserve yours. clothing - summer, winter, suits, 882-5551. 5-8-12 ALPHA ROMEO 1969 - 1300 GT excellent shape internally and WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C dresses, coats, all sizes. Men's suits junior, 24,000 miles, radio, heater, externally, $1900. Call 485-0498, bedroom furnished or WEST END - Large house, private solicitors — no selling for part — size 42, children and baby 22' TRAILER. Bathroom, hot plush interior, excellent condition. after 4 00 p.m. 7-8-7 unfurnished. Balconies, security furnished rooms, kitchen time morning or evening work. RENT A TV from a TV company. clothes. Hats, shoes, bags. Some refrigerator, gas heater, rang All reasonable offers considered. locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call privileges, pets welcome. new with price tags still on. Old For interview, call H. Hunt, $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. Ideal student - camper, $45 351-3918. 10-8-13 VOLKSWAGEN Convertible, 1962. 351-4698, 3'?-3311 and 372-8666. 10-8-14 351 -3700. 2-8-6 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C records from 30's. Small Phone 351-8923. 3-8-10 Dependable transportation, new 351 -8890. O AUSTIN HEALEV 3000 MKIII FOR FAMILY unfurnished, near apo'iances, furniture. 1156 Beech - battery, $300. Call 355-2753. S 1965 Roadster. Very Street, East Lansing. Friday, good Univeristy, 3 bedroom, recreation 1969 HILLCREST, 12x60. condition. Reasonable offer. VOLKSWAGEN'1967. 24,000 miles. Apartments room. Call 393-1253 after 5 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, August 7-9 9 - 7 p.m. 3-8-7 bedroom. Deluxe. Unfurnishe 351-1824. 3-8-10 Very good condition. $1150. Call 5-8-10 Call 625-3520. W 355-2764. 4-8-7 PLANS FOR the Fall? American EAST LANSING near campus. One LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom, KLH CHEVROLET CORVAIR 1964. Acaden bedroom, furnished. Large airy STEREO - FM. radio Rooms Recently muffler, new overhauled. battery good tires. New VOLKSWAGEN 1967: 50,000 SQUAREBACK miles, radio, Cambridge, Massachusetts seeking students, graduates rooms. Beautifully Air conditioned. maintained. Select apartments. 121 Beal. $180-$240, includes 3-8-10 utilities. 351-5696. combination. Best Garrard offer, 332-4756. 5-8-11 changer. FALL $1295. market products full ti clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and 353-6807. 5-8-12 CHEVY II, 1962 convertible, 6, mechanically excellent, Call 339-9443. 5-8-11 Contact Placement Bureau. 8-i __882-6549^q LOVELY FURNISHED women. Any time 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. - 372-1031. O HEATHKIT AR-15 amplifier - tuner, $400 or best offer. Call Jim, LEASES UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and efficiency, across from campus, l automatic, bucket seats, 1966 VOLVO 1960 PV544. Recently IMMEDIATE OPENINGS, as 337-9976. 3-8-7 four man furnished, $185 and up, 915 Lilac $120 plus electricity engine. 351-8280. 2-8-6 rebuilt engine. Best offer professional consultant, VIVIANE $175 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD available August 23. 351-5696. 355-6059 or 353-0841, Dean. WOODARD COSMETICS. Own MORE FUN in the sun with Sun MANAGEMENT COMPANY 3-8-10 CORVETTE 1961, Classic, 283. 3-8-7 hours. Referral appointment Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 351-7910.0 EAST LANSING - Male, 2 blocks 3-speed, $1050. Call 351-0960. consulting only. Valerie, 2615 East Michigan Avenue, FALL: ONE block from campus. frqm Union. ED 2-0205. 443 372-7409. C-8-7 PER MONTH __3-8-7 332-8532. 6-8-7 Scooters & Cycles BAY COLONY: One and two Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 or 3 Grove Street. 3-8-6 CORVAIR 1964. Good condition, NEED JAZZ bedroom, $135 and up, 337-9228. persons. Call 351-6088 between COMPONENT STEREO system, group for Wedding $150. Phone 332-1311 after 3 HALSTEAD 6:30 7:30. 1-8-6 CAMPUS NEAR, single room with C/Mrtlj (Hit HONDA 350, 1969, 4000 miles, just MANAGEMENT - $500 or best offer, and scuba reception. Please call 351-3558, P.m. 3-8-10 tuned up, $600. 355-6319 or after 351-4893. 3-8-7 COMPANY, 351-7910. O cooking, call 351-9237 or diving equipment, Phone 6 p.m., 332-4350. SINGLE WORKING girl to share 2 484-8173. O 4-8-7 332-4367. 5-8-7 FORD 1964 BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, bedroom apartment, Haslett area, Country Squire, 9 SUMMER AND part time HONDA 350 1968. Excellent 355-3454. Ask for Chris, after PLEASANT ROOM in East Lansing passenger station wagon. Good - furnished, $200 and up, Corner of Haslett Rd. condition, best offer, 332-6640 condition. Must sell, school employment with merchant wholesaler. Automobile full • line 332-0965. HALSTEAD 5:30, 339-2216. X-3-8-7 for lady. No smoking, $10.00. ED G0-hf. .CLUBS: 351-2395. Call E*ce"ent $80. and M-78 3-8-10 expenses. 694-8663. 2-8-6 2-1279. X-3-8-6 between 5 - 7 p m MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 4-8-7 required. 351-5800 for SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 351-7910. O information. O Convenient to MSU. One bedroom SUMMER ROOMS at Hedrick House MT. HOPE / South Washington. Very Co-op. Block from fully carpeted, air campus, CROWN NEWS FLASH We have apartments — just clean, 3 room furnished. Utilities cooking, spirit. 332-0844. 4-8-7 received word of a new conditioned, $135. 482-8911. game paid, $125, 485-7702. 5-8-10 3-8-7 approaching the MSU Campus . . . 630 STODDARD, single male, Stand By! 0-8-6 light 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man cooking, $70 immediately. deluxe one bedroom, furnished FULL TIME babysitter for year old 351-9036, 332-0480. 5-8-12 apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 from Toyota ® boy beginning September. Your home or ours. Prefer experience, for 337-Q7RO n .._ or SINGLE - Reasonable. DOUBLE: 237 Kedzie. Private entrance. or concern kids, 355-5922. 2-8-6 Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF Parking. Rob, 351-9584. 5-8-6 ACROSS 1. Pe&r, apple 5. Owns 8. Speoific date 11. Ardor 33. '2. Scrutinize 35. 14. Gave 36. temporarily 38. 15. Trappings 42. 16. Poisonous 18. Ancient 46. 5. Pronoun shaping form, 47. 6. Hatchet 19. Panama gum 48. 1. Skin 7. Long story tree 49. 2. Bread spread 8. Quandary Witch bird The $5000.- Car.... 22. Pulpit 50. 3. Tailless cat 10. 9. Affirmative r- T~ Ti V T~ r~ r- T~ vote ji— that costs only three * — % 73 13. Mother 17. Studies 20. Gist SHAG CARPETING automotive * * NEW FURNITURE UNLIMITED iT~ n Ts~ 21. Sheltered 23. Legal It's PARKING n 5F P 24. profession Unrefined our greatest specialists * * DISHWASHERS AIR COND. 20 21 25. metal Demijohn 82Q N. LARCM * ** 27 zT w ON THE BANK OF 26. Gums THE RED CEDAR to¬ sr 52 27. Trace * $55.00/man 28. Reek rs" w Miscreant 4 WHEELS of Lansing Inc. MODEL OPEN SM % 32. 34. Posture Gainsay DAILY wm 12 mwMMVMwm 37. 39. Part play" 2200 S. Cedar behind the p mv/M 40. 41. Grimace Toboggan W Only minutes from the campus, go west Yankee store r W. 42. Chalice on Mt. Hope, then 2 blocks south on Cedar. CALL 351-8282 (formerly NorthwindAptt.j t W __ 43. Siesta 44. Greek 45. Weir letter n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 6, 1970 11 Student Service DIRECTORY Lenore With 90 squeaks by Huber (continued from page one) per cent of the expressed fears before the one million of the state's nearly support in the Detroit suburbs, precincts reporting, the results primary that voter apathy might four million registered voters while Mrs. Romney fared best in shelves her husband showed >e put their can(jidate in danger went to the polls. outstate, traditionally •r space? • COLLEGE TRAVEL publicans: Milliken, and the apathy surfaced s only Huber picked up his strongest for governor Republican a OFFICE 396,896; Turner, 116,324 (77 to BOB JONES PAINTS ■" i»oo. 23 per cent). has a full line of When Mrs. 130 West Grand River Blvd. 505 Albert, Romney was first Democrats: Ferency, 145,915 unf inished furniture. given Text of Stevens' letter and 2205 the official party (31 per cent); Levin 247,901 (52 351-6010 endorsement last I 08141 Ato<" Lansing. March, per cent); Montgomery, 36,565 ion, 1H4-8 1 7 •{. estimates of Huber's potential (8 per cent); Parris, 44,375 (9 vote ranged around the 20 BROOKS i mported Cars CONTACT LENS cent mark. per per cent), support this growth and the reasonableness is the best In the Lansing area, the search for quality education, The full text of Stevens' hope in the months to HITLER'S ,u KIDDIELAND Sales and SERVICES His phenomenal surge of unofficial totals were: Milliken letter to Democratic party but also to be sure that this "I served as a member of come. -7 RIDES D. M. DEAN, O.D. support was attributed to several 18,885; Turner, 6,298; Ferency, Service and district chairmen is as great institution serves the the factors, including a light primary 4,292; Legislative Advisory 482-1473 210 Abbott Rd. Levin, 8,084; follows: social ideals of our party. We Comrrittee to Study Higher turnout combined with 5014 N. Grand Suite ^16 heavy Montgomery, 85; Parris, 842. have had programs of many River, Lansing conservative support for him and Milliken is the early favorite ii Education; the Michigan 332-6563 "Michigan Democratic party sorts aimed at making higher anti - Romney sentiment built the November contest, Yougb Commission; and as Learn to fly? Sure you I County and district chairman education available to the director of the Franklin D. The style you want up among those George Romney statement issued after his sons and daughters of the [louis beauty SALON Use our Air Taxl-Servlct for that special date' - antagonized during his six years victory, he said the primary Roosevelt AFL-CIO Institute On Buy a new Piper of governor. "Dear fellow Democrat: poor as well as the affluent. I in Pert Huron. I am a Campus showed "that the great majority All at: Elda Diane "I am writing to inform was one of the authors and membjr of the State Civil 226 Abbott Road Perhaps sing this of voters in my party want a you that after considering the supporters of the graduated Francis Aviation antagonism, Romney continuation of the responsible tuition Service Hearing Board and 332-22?° declared a political "divorce" requests for my candidacy plan and of the problem - solving approach that the MSU - University of Capitol City Airport 484-1324 from the East Lansing and present innovative system of Lnthetic and Human Hair Wigs from her husband early in the this government has sought to need oriented financial Michigan - Wayne State campaign, and used only her Ingham County Democratic - provide e I became governor grants which has taken its University Labor Program GEORGE TOTH first name on most organizations, from past and Service Advisory Committee. BEAD CRAFTS, 50c SPECIAL 50c campaign last present elected student place. We now have programs CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP literature. Levin, who has I have served as president of Idecoupage SUPPLIES, Wash up to a 9X12 rug Among those accused leadership, from the Black of special assistance to Local 386 Dairy Workers apprehensive Milliken of weak leadership, is 1 ART REPRODUCTIONS in oui 25 lb. Texas washer. about the effect of "the expected to try to block any Faculty of the University and students who for various RWDSU-CIO. president of from a large contingent of reasons are lacking some of WENDROW'S ECONOWASH victory on the chances of Mrs. Milliken proposals when the the Kent County CIO I Building Specialties 3006 Vine St. 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. Romney in the fall was Milliken. legislature reconvenes for a short faculty encompassing the traditional college Council, as a vice president of individuals from deans preparatory work and other j3 M-43. Qkemos, 337-7505 1 block west of Sears. "The work is cut c this period beginning today. the Michigan CIO Council. I through classroom teachers, steps are being taken to am a member of the NORTON'S camapign for her," Milliken said. "I intend to give the people of and by the Michigan State recruit students from all Lansing "It's going to be tougher than Chapter of the American Civil Frandor Shell Station Pre Labor Day Sale Michigan an alternative to the Employes Union, Council 7, communities in our state. anticipated earlier." weak and vacillating leadership Liberties Union and of the Major repairs including Buying Golf Clubs? AFL-CIO, I have decided to "In addition to this Milliken also attributed at least of William Milliken," Levin said NAACP. tune-up and brake work Why not check at seek renomination to the constant attempt to make the mechanic part of her poorer than expected in his victory statement. "Currently I am director of I Wide World of Sports on duty All State Road Service Indian Hills Golf Shop showing to "the fact this v All 19 of the state's incumbent board of trustees of Michigan University relevant to the needs of the poor as well as an AFL-CIO sponsored Indian Hills Golf Course, State University. I have been 351-8811 3024 E. Saginaw relatively small turnout." members of the House of a member of the board since the rich, I have tried to be project at the University of 489-8010 Qkemos 332-6925 - Hart, who is running for i Representatives, including active in Minnesota, but it is my >n, 882-5817 third term, was unopposed for January, 1958. During this supporting the intention to return on Jan 1., Marsh Quaint Shop • EYES EXAMINED minority leader Gerald Ford of period, the University has had legitimate rights of students BUD'S the Democratic nomination and Grand Rapids, were renominated 1971, when my leave of 1 antiques, many chairs jVJ • GLASSES a vast growth, both in the size and faculty to freedom of AUTO PARTS heavy favorite going the for another term. absence ends or possibly tiger, 1 black • CONTACT LENS Only four of the physical plant and in speech and due process. I ter 5:30 p.n ISZL. DR. I.L. Collins, Optometrist Late Model Motors and parts a speciality general election campaign. Milliken spent almost no faced any opposition and were threatened. the number of students it has served. Whole new colleges believe that no one could call himself a Democrat and do sooner to Michigan AFL-CIO the staff of the — where, ,0743 I'ctruvillc Highway Co-Optical Services Halfway between Holt and money or time in the primary The final outcome of the have grown up; the Labor and less. I have tried, within the on Aug. 12, I will start my 2 miles N. of Eaton Rapid., yet 25th year. I shall campaign 5218 S. Logan 393-4230 Mason easily defeated Turner, Romney - Huber race remained Industrial Relations Center !ridrmgnhtd2C8 on N. Cedar 699-215-1 whose campaign was directed in doubt until early Wednesday has been founded, the Center legal responsibilities delegated to the trustees by law, to full time in Michigan. more against Democratic Atty. afternoon as the result of the "For the last three years, I i. 2 male for Urban Affairs and the provide for participation for have been chairman of the Gen. Frank Kelley than against computer breakdown in Detroit. ks Equal Opportunity Program students and faculty in the old. $11 For Sale Milliken. Only 105 of the city's 1,111 has been founded and a decisions that most nearly Michigan State University In contrast. Levin spent at precincts counted board. I believe that my were by Medical School has been put affect their lives. I belieye C. Female, estimated $200,000 - 250,000 ii daybreak. It wasn't until after into operation. In all of this that no one could call himself experience as a trustee and as SO, 10x50 General furnished tw< chairman could be valuable one 393-267' uphill campaign which s i that a second bloc of votes a Democrat and do less. I as growth, the University has the University moves forward the final from 264 city precincts made believe that this emphasis on a conscious effort to in a new era of expanding reported in, providing the votes stress a growth in quality as both justice and participation needed to the has helped us to keep order at remove possibility well as in mere size. of a come - from • behind win by "As a member of the board, the University and that a "Sincerely, "Don Stevens, Chairman Huber. I have tried not only to combination of firmness and MSV Board of Trustees. Romney strategists had Your blueprint for Luxury.. . fftq£o] 1071 tPi! hi LIVING ROOM KITCHEN I 12x 15 8/12 8 6/12 x 12 10/12 -=4 (O I.J: MODEL NOW CLOSED RENTALS BY APPOINTMENT FOR INFORMATION CALL TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing 372 2797 student units. These spacious luxury apartments are MARSHA CHANEL completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive 482 3379 Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control central air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time ~~7 has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. CUSTOM-MADE FIT VOU! r; Uelatest si J Its Print Ad Here: _ v.-- - 15 to J rom "ll> prime Made of finest leather. Ejred ®topckmg;f)am to your foot will fmfortabi let wear?e'11 m°St 8,8 you'" fete'swhat t, do: 4620 S. HAGADORN |30 'D1manylinie- « a.m. t< Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 7V//CKW6HAM 0nS.turdaylekdayS' 8 U APTS. 1 3 days • $4.00 5 days $6.50 Conie in today! 10 Words or Less: day $1.50 • Over 10 Words Add: 15c per word 40c per word 65c per word management exclusively by: □ □ I Pi'i,ian Shoe Repair □ E. Grand 332-4074 River Mail to. Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. I Mr. nop! RD. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Campus Drugs) MSU East Lansing, Mich. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, AugUsl6 , J 'SOULNESS' With Coupons From Your Savings Conquest Maj| 1 Upward Bound students GET »• <• express black experience Reserve The Right To L irr Quantities. Copyright The 700 EXTRA written by the students soul, as it pertains to life in conga drums and a bongo Kroger Co. 1970 Got In Your themselves. The literature was presented dramatically with several songs black communities. "Soul is getting a pair of sandals — for Christmas," one drummer. Hathorne began an interesting expression of the black man Prices & Coupons good Thru Sot., Aug. 8. 1970 In Lansing Top Value Stamps Soulness," a theatrical including "Respect," sister noted. "Soul is six kids woman relationship with his production staged by 16 Upward "Freedom," "Swing Low, Sweet sleeping in one bed. Soul is the presentation of "Tortured Bound students Tuesday night, Chariot," and "The Whole World wind and rain coming through Lover." His woman had just was a beautiful expression of In His Hands." the walls of a two - room shack. done him wong —and he felt so reality and feeling. Eventually, the cast seemed to Soul is having a prostitute for a bad, but his sorrow was For those who have tried to be a natural community, mother and a pimp for a father," presented humorously. commercialize those ingredients responding to each other others added. Ralph Perry, who recited the and sell them as "artificial soul," without any pretense. They also "Slums" by Pepsi Brown was a Hughes poem, added life to the this production was a glowing actively and confidently drew sketch of a wino philosophizing rest of the production. example of the real thing — the the audience into their scenes. about high society and the poor "Freedom" was the last song feeling that unites. Two highlights of the program folks in the slums. Not only was of the show, and one of the The audience immediately were "Soul IS" performed by it well done — but she was most became a part of the students' the entire cast, and "Slums," by swinging. The young black dramatic effort as the cast came telling the truth. students took that old black Pepsi Brown. in singing "The Whole World is a The cast was lead in most of spiritual and made it express "Soul IS — I don't know!," Stage." Poems by noted black the cast sang, expressing the the songs by Betsy Kendricks, their determination to be free. writers such as "What Happens Joyce Moore and Cynthia "And before I'll be a slave, I'll abstract qualities and the to a Dream Deferred," by multitide of experiences that are Mclntyre. They were see whitey in his grave, and go Langston Hughes, were within one word. Each person accompanied by Joel Davis on home to biack people and be interspersed with the poems then gave a few definitions of guitar, Charles Hathorne on free." Kroger Vac Pac Bacon Sliced Bologna ?p" 69( Boiled Ham wW, 69$| 10 Varieties—Peter's Country Style Bulk Sliced Wishbone Cornish Lunch Meats Slab Bacon <_<, 89( Peter's New York or Honey Loaf ~p% 69( Sliced Chicken w">°'9 89(| Pefer's Chunk Liver Sausage or Astro Franks Lb 79( Braunschweiger u 67(| mel-o-soft "You Got It In Your Soulness," a production written, Soul sister Tuesday evening in the Auditorium Arena. White Bread produced and presented by students in the MSU summer State News photo by Milton Horst session of the Upward Bound program, was presented 20-oz WEAKENS ANTIWAR EFFORT SDS By BECKY BELLINGfR speaker hits racism "ghetto rebellions." The news clothing, and that in this society. She said that the K 1 media promote two major lies unemployment for black youth police protect the property of Corn Peas 5J,6c°n* 87< M 39(| "We must stop fearing the militancy and leadership of when reporting black rebellions, is close to 40 per cent, are not slumlords and merchants but or Spray Starch 49< Ketchup that of senseless violence and mentioned in reports of black don't serve the majority of the Kroger Chunk, Crushed or Sliced P. 0.0. Instant Henri blacks who can see most clearly that of racial violence, she said. rebellions," Miss Sjorgen noted. people in this society. the contradictions of this system and can lead the struggle against "Black rebellions are a the "We must see that it is in fact "This is our major struggle. A struggle which must deal with Cold Medal Chocolate Drink who* 44< Tastee Dressing o6,"e// 59(| it," Leslie Sjorgen, New York, courageous and militant struggle same enemy and the same internal racism that N.Y., sophomore, said Saturday against the basic contradictions fight," she said. our own so Flour 10£ Klear Sl~cFa'n 89( Formula 409 Sl'cL at the in this society," Miss Sjorgen The main reason behind ghetto we may build a strong and regional SDS demonstration in Detroit. said. rebellions is that unemployment powerful movement which can The facts that one out of three is a necessity to capitalism and smash racism altogether," Miss Ignoring racism is the major weakness in the antiwar black families live in substandard that it is mainly the black Sjorgen said. del monte movement. Miss Sjorgen said and housing, that blacks pay 10 per workers who have to carry the Approximately 25 other MSU brunt of this fact, Miss Sjorgen students attended the regional explained the reasons behind cent more for housing, food and said. The major demands that SDS National Day of Fruit have arisen from these uprisings Demonstrations. The issues of are: the demonstrations held in Cocktail * Full round major cities around the country Network heads year - employment for all. were, full - year employment, loutique (500 2-Ply Sheet Roll) Kroger Lemon or Orange * Decent housing for U.S. out of Southeast Asia • no Bathroom *5Angel 8,WFood Cake everyone, including an end to urban renewal. negotiations, support for ghetto rebellions and support for local 3 K39t| hit broadcast bill * United Auto Workers strikes. 4o'V$'jI Freedom for all political prisoners arrested as a result of Other speeches at the rally Tomato Juice 3o4z6c™s87< Skim Milk 3o"c». $1 Sandwich Buns these justified rebellions. Miss were on building SDS nationally Kleenex Boutique Kroger Frozen 79« Value-Colgate Sjorgen said. to fight racism, realizing that WASHINGTON (AP) — Heads thr three major broadcast networks Wednesday opposed a bill to give Congress free air time "The school at police administration MSU is one of the reformist movements must be connected to the struggle for Napkins 4 oflo $1 l*ozenLemonadeo6z7conlO< Shave Cream m'cl 39<| socialism and tha liberal as "unnecessary, simplistic" and a "straitjacket by legislation." largest of its kind and is a CALIFORNIA 27 SIZE The proposal, by Sen. J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark., would require leading innovator in police politicians will never fight for boardcasters to give at least four prime - time periods each year to tactics," Miss Sjorgen said. socialism and on the sanitation the Senate, House and judiciary to explain their views on whatever issues they choose. Conceding there are many problems inherent in the proposal, Sen. John O. Pastore, D-R.I., asked and received assurances that She stressed must understand the that students police role strike that has been proposed for Detroit. Jumbo Cantaloupe networks would consider voluntarily donating Congress some air time on an experimental basis to see if the format could work. EveredyCookware Save $2.00 * CBS President Frank Stanton said the Fulbright proposal is 3 98 "dangerously simplistic," full of unresolved problems, and would "violate the intent and spirit of the First Amendment," which With This Coupon! guarantees freedom of the press. "We think this is an unnecessary requirement," said NBC President Julian Goodman. He said he thinks Congress should leave decisions on what is newsworthy to the networks. ABC President Leonard H. Goldenson testified present regulations are adequate to assure that Congress gets its say and that the Fulbright proposal might not achieve its intended effect. "Instead of placing the networks and broacast stations in a Jumbo-Sugar Sweet Easy To Freeze. Fresh California 70 Site Jumbo | straitjacket by legislation which seeks to achieve balanced presentation according to a rigid formula, we urge the Watermelons Vine Ripe Salad Size „M. 89$ Blueberries Southern Sun Blushed 10c»$3.19 Nectarines Assorted-6 Varieties * 5"| .fl.l subcommittee to reaffirm, as it did in 1959, the FCC's 'fairness Tomatoes doctrine,' " he said. The Federal Communications Commission's fairness doctrine Golden Ripe £ach 6( Peaches Red. White or Blue Lb 19< Plums Western 135 Sin i2ForW| .-J requires generally that opposing viewpoints on controversial issues get equal exposure. Bananas 2 29< Grapes Lb 39< Bartlett Pears