Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 63, Number 33 STATE East TATE NEWS Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 7, 1970 J No. 195 probable draft limit; agony WASHINGTON (AP) (AP) - - 850,000 draft eligible men, the "agony of - Fnr For cnm» of suspense' relieved unpredictable emergency forces a .. . . oldest first basis and were exposed to the then between the ages of 19 and 26. increase in military manpower needs. draft for seven years from age 19 to 26. Those men became the draft pool of suspense" ended Thursday with an Men with numbers lower than 195 This was the "agony of suspense," which 1970. announcement that lottery number 195 probably will be tapped to fill It was estimated some 500,000 of them will probably be the Pentagon Nixon said should be ended by reducing highest reached in calls for an additional 39,000 men in the would be 1A 1970. draft exposure to one "prime"year and or available for service at the That announcement told men closing months of this year. switching to a lottery system of selection. start of the year, to be joined by another who drew Draft Director Curtis W. Tarr said in a higher numbers in the lottery of last Dec. 1 Congress approved the change, and 350,000 — mostly college students — statement that these results, "stand in that they are probably safe from the draft Nixon officially ordered it last Nov. 26. becoming 1A during the year. - not only this justification of the draft lottery system The new draft lottery — the first one since A brand new group of men, those who year but perhaps for the initiated by President Nixon." rest of World War II — took place last Dec. 1, turn 19 during 1970, will face the draft in their lives — unless some Until this year, men were drafted 1971. They were given lottery numbers of on an assigning numbers from 1 to 366 to all their own in a separate drawing held July 1. There has been no estimate so far of how many of them may be drafted. Judge The Pentagon, however, has been grants reducing draft calls in an effort to approach Nixon's ultimate goal of draft. The Pentagon's announcement Thursday a zero of draft calls for the rest of 1970 — 12,000 in Kennedy co in September. 12,000 in October, 8.000 in November and 7,000 in December — makes the 1970 total of 163.500 the lowest draft since 1964, when 107,500 were inducted. BARNSTABLE, Mass. (AP) — Marijuana members and those between the ages of 7 and 17, and In 1965 the massive deployment of U.S. lawyers as they heard the possession charges against two 16 - year - decision by are heard in private. Details are not made troops to Vietnam caused the draft to Judge Henry L. Murphy in a old Kennedy cousins were continued until private session of juvenile court. Both public unless a judge rules a case is serious more than double to 233.200. I Robert Kennedy Jr., 16 boys year ■ old son of the late Sen. Robert September, 1971, Thursday by a judge were charged with being delinquent by- enough to open the files. The draft took almost 365,000 men in I Kennedy, leaves court at Barnstable, Mass., after a hearing on who said he then would dismiss the case if possession of marijuana in an incident last The penalty for possession of marijuana 1966: 219,000 in 1967; 299.000 in 1968 charges of the youths keep out of trouble. in Massachusetts can and 290.000 in 1969. I possessing marijuana. With him is his mother, left, and his uncles, July 10. range as high as 3>j The Pentagon had planned a draft of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and R. With them in the courtroom years in prison, but juvenile first offenders Sargent [ Sargent Shriver and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. Wirephoto Shriver III were accompanied by family were uncle, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D.-Mass., their usually are given a year's probation and 260,000 in 1970 but later reduced its Ethel Kennedy, mother of Robert and released in the custody of their parents. estimates drastically. Since the start of the widow of the U.S. senator from New Police declined to give any information year the Selective Service system has been York and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sargent Shriver Jr. about charges against juveniles. placing a ceiling on the lottery numbers |URY PROBE PLANNED Shriver is a former U.S. ambassador to France. The Kennedy and Shiiver boys night were among five summoned into court in drug cases. Tuesday which could be called each month, in order to make them relatively uniform The judge's action meant there was no throughout the country. ruling of guilt or innocence in the cases. He said the charges against the cousins would be dismissed September State migrant workers Killing 16, 1971, "unless sets off violence they have difficulty of some kind." Murphy, speaking with reporters in the courtroom after the hearing, declined obtain to housing funds further comment, citing state law requiring he who was being taken into custody secrecy in juvenile court cases. |LIMA, Ohio (AP) as planned — A grand jury probe was when the incident started. disturbance call, were arresting the 17 - The shaggy - haired boys spent 20 Thursday in the police killing year - old youth on the near South Side. 'a Negro woman that touched off a One man was jailed on a suspicion of Police said the woman grabbed Pierce's minutes in the courtroom. There were Gov. Milliken signed into law Thursday a is our duty to assure night private conferences in an anteroom before bill that will provide funds him and his family adequate housing," he violence resulting in National sniping charge and another on a charge of pistol from his holster and fired at the for housing for and after the session. migrant workers in the state. said. luardsmen being rushed to Lima. possession of a weapon. officers. They took cover and police said The two were Administered through the Dept. of Other bills the governor signed Thursday ■About 500 troops arrived during the day Three law enforcement officers suffered Boop used his service pistol to return the among 12 juveniles who 1 Mayor Christian Morris said appeared before the judge, including seven Public Health, the bill will set up grants will: they gunshot wounds, one was injured when a fire while Pierce pulled another pistol from • narcotics cases. Judge Murphy said the and loans for employers of migrant Provide for an all encompassing iin "as long as necessary" to patrol car collided with an ambulance and his pocket. The woman was killed. fcvent further outbreaks. Morris also received a facial injury in a scuffle. The other narcotics cases also were workers to be used to build and improve sportsman's license combining several one "They never should have killed the granted three injured civilians all suffered gunshot continuances. migrant housing. hunting and fishing licenses at a cost of ■posed an 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew on the woman," said the Rev. Charles Reid, the Sen. Kennedy declined comment after "Migrant workers are an important SI8 yearly. ■dustrial city of 53,000. wounds. In disorders following the incident black president of the Community Action the session, but the senior Shriver said the segment of Michigan's working • Allow minors to be paid for services in ■Eight persons were injured, six by Wednesday four persons were wounded by Commission. "They shouldn't have done Wire, in violence Wednesday gunfire including two policemen. that at all." judge "heard all the facts in the case" and population." Milliken said in signing the sports and entertainment without having a night after added, "The boys were here in court for bill. "Without these workers our parent or guardian handle the money. Jiristine ■There Ricks, 15. was killed. Roving crowds threw rocks and fire The minister said he interviewed several witnesses at the scene of the shooting. He the first time in their lives and now they're agriculture would suffer greatly. • Prohibit importing protected wild were conflicting reports about the bombs, broke windows and sparked other going home with their parents." "While the migrant worker is animals and birds into the state that are Booting. vandalism. said they told him that police were talking ■Police said Juvenile cases in Massachusetts involve contributing his effort and abilities to our caught or killed illegally out of Michigan. Mrs. Ricks argued with Police raided a Black Panther party to some youths about a bicycle theft when 17 - old youngster came out to see (J® Bbbed arresting a policeman's a 17 • year - old youth, headquarters but found it empty. The incident occurred while a what - year was happening. The Rev. Mr. Reid gun from its holster policemen 1,. °Pened fire. They said she died when Glen Pierce and Ted Boop, responding to a (please turn to page 11) Jilicereturned HWilliam the fire. Williams, 26, the Lima chairman Ttne National Committee to Combat Ittcism, called the death "murder." BILL SENT TO HOUSE B said he lives near the scene of the Booting and he heard seven shots fired. (Asked if he saw the incident, Williams No, but I Marijuana • saw a part of it. There was jreasonor ateven all for them to put five bullets three ' bullets in her," he Miner William Nobel said only one liberalized ' ,V,he Woman- said she died of KpJ.l 8 caused when a bullet Lhu, """thorugh the P,elvis through the left hip and m right hip. By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL County Prosecutor Lawrence The bill, which was high on Gov. William n promised G. Milliken's list of priority a grand jury A bill aimed at increasing convictions for legislation for the August session, was sent back to the ■Ration fl,co. No date of the was shooting and other set to sale and possession of marijuana by House for agreement on the Senate t lowering the legal penalties from changes. at ma ce b00ked Robert L Downton Michigan's current 20-year to life jail In related action, the Senate 17 sentences has passed the state Senate. rejected a bill that would have lowered the | c"arge of resisting arrest and said it On a 28-2 vote Thursday, the Senate mandatory minimum jail sentence for sale 20-year agreed to lower the penalty to anything of hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. less than 10 years in jail or a $10,000 fine. The House foctor raps passed bill would have - The upper chamber also voted to keep the allowed judges to impose a sentence less penalty as a felony instead of lowering it to than 20 years in jail for pushers. Goose a misdemeanor. A traffic jam developed at the site of the Goose Lake Rock Festival near Jackson ned schools At the same time, it rejected a more liberal House version of the bill that would However, backers say they may bring the bill up again for another to a 10-year to vote, amending it 29-year jail sentence. at 9 a.m. Traffic was backed up for a mile in four directions. Music is scheduled to for an estimated 150,000 fans. Thursday before gates opened begin early Friday afternoon have made it a misdemeanor to possess less AP Wirephoto than two ounces of marijuana. The penalty |0r shortage BV ROBERTA SMITH for possession was not more thanone year in jail or a $1,000 fine in the House bill. Robert Richardson, R-Saginaw, Student Sen. residency e News Staff Writer floor manager of the bill, said "more realistic penalties were needed for marijuana offenses" if convictions were P'inHhe5! medical school faculties are expected. r doctor y?1,)toms a"d not the cause of He said judges were very skeptical about By ROBERTA SMITH K wage'"docto'in !r °"n handing out 20-year jail sentences to State News Staff Writer register. However, generally, if he is single they will make him register in his home 'This questionnaire or any form of should definitely not be used selectively," 1850's and was put into t,he 1963 constitution almost word for word the way Barrett, D.O. *««u said reuenii recently that teenagers and young persons for smoking a the election division member said. it had been for 100 years, he said. Judicial £ r ' 1 The clerks of cities where there are large marijuana cigarette. r"c|ne tori™ .0ctors Practicing general "We must give judges discretionary universities have a real problem in sorting When the attorney general came out with interpretations that a city clerk uses in I aPpeal j cause that area has lost power in dealing with marijuana offenders out students who qualify as residents, a general guidelines two years ago, cities Ann Arbor City Clerk Harold Saunders determining whether a person is qualified \e in attraction, and all the instead of forcing them to impose the member of the state election office told began to use questionnaires containing said that students became upset and also go back that far. thought the clerk's office was being if'a'ization m °'ne 's now >n mandatory 20-years of having the the State News recently. questions listed in the guidelines. selective by asking only them particular Now students are more mobile, "There is always the fear in these cities "Ann Arbor has been very successful independent, self - sufficient and politically I^ifbrilS"! T 0r that tieir1 attention on getting L !cal st"dents to into go offenders'plead guilty to a lesser charge," he said. of students taking over the local with this approach," he said. "But East Lansing has questioned each person orally questions. aware isn't as than they were then, and the law applicable, he explained. Other supporters said young persons had government," he said. "The election law has its problems," rtenc0urar*ialty' Wk •kratt said, anyone to go Into and lost respect for the legal system because Several cities in Michigan have this and hasn't been so successful." The questionnaire was originally put out Saunders said. "It needs to be reexamined "The residence section of the election law needs to be amended to show whether general problem, he said, and they have found that in light of present day standards and "they know they will not get the 20-year for students, but it is a student has gained residency while he is if a student is married, lives off campus and now given to cultural policies." sentence" and therefore continue to break makes his own way, that he is qualified to everyone in Ann Arbor. The law originates from as far back as the the law. (please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Haggling continues summary s of AP and UP1. on vote amendment afternoon so lawmakers could V. By JEFFSHELER For these measures to make the deadline to appear on the organize their plan of attack on State News Staff Writer the pile of work they face. November ballot they must be State lawmakers went right to passed before the lawmakers work Thursday on several pieces High on the House priority list recess. Although the legislature's are the three constitutional of priority legislation which they expected to return again briefly amendments. Unless the Senate "/ hope the choices . . . can be hope to dispense with quickly so in September it would then be they can go back into recess past the deadline for ballot passes a House version of the 18 made in a civilized manner." - year - old vote question the sometime today to campaign for printing. lower chamber will likely go the November election. Walter Adams, commenting ahead on a Senate version Facing the legislature are The Senate Thursday quickly sometime today. on Democratic selections several proposed constitutional passed three bills aimed at for trustee amendments that would require controling pollution in the state. The lowered voting age voter approval in November. One bill would require industries question is currently hung up in These include lowering the to help pay the cost of cleaning a political stalemate over voting age to 18, a graduated up pollution in state waterways. whether a Democrat or a income tax proposal, and a The House met briefly Republican will have authorship proposed restriction of property honors for the proposed tax levees for local school Thursday morning and then amendment. districts. went into caucus in the Sen. Anthony Stamm, International News R-Kalamazoo and author of the Senate version, and Rep. Jackie West Germany and the Soviet Union have agreed on the text of a historic nonaggression treaty designed to Would-be bullfighters Vaughn III, D-Detroit, who sponsored the House verions, are end the long years of bitterness between them. holding out, waiting to see which bill will get the spokesman hailed it as "an important show off skill, daring A West German event that will help insure peace in Europe." legislature's approval. West Germany has assured the Big Three nations, Both versions of the proposal France, Great Britain and the United States, that the MADRID, Spain (AP) - Two young men were arrested are in committees in opposite of their houses. Both have been treaty does not abridge their rights as victor nations in Wednesday after staging an impromptu demonstration World War II. bullfighting ability atop the 10-story post office towers. approved by their home Manuel Castillo, 20, simulated several passes with a cape while chamber. standing on a narrow ledge. A crowd below booed, cheered and Ambassador David K. Bruce was greeted by a barrage gasped. Vaughn said Thursday that of Communist criticism Thursday as he made his bow at His companion, Sergio Hierro, 21, managed a few veronicas and unless some headway is made on the Paris peace talks with a low - key call for moderation in negotiations. then spread his cape to show a sign saying: "We want a chance." Firemen hauled the two down amid boos and catcalls. freeing his bill from the Senate committee he would go ahead Unsuccessful On the ground, the two told the crowd they were moneyless Friday and work to get Stamm's "Solutions can be found if there is genuine will on bill out of committee so the Unsuccessful in obtaining a mistrial for President Nixon's recent remarks, Charles M. Manson and couldn't get bullfight promoters to give them a chance. heads for court Thursday. A cross on his forehead was scratched there some time ago. Picture is both sides to face realities with sincerity and quiet Police declined to give any information on the case. question will get on the resolve," he said. November ballot. first permitted of Manson since testimony began. AP Wirephoto The Communist negotiators ignored his plea and denounced "American neo - colonialistic aggression." The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Another bloody clash erupted between guerrilla University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. INFLUENCED BY MANSON Subscription rate is $14 per year groups in Jordan Thursday, killing one commando and wounding seven, as disputes raged on in the Arab world Member Associated Press, United Press International, over Egypt's acceptance of the U.S. Middle East peace plan. The clash, the third in three days, prompted an emergency meeting of the Palestinian guerrillas in an Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. LOS ANGELES Girl (AP) - Linda disciple remorseful as he cross - examined Mrs. Mrs. Kasbian testified for the A. Well, 1 didn't know t other peode were in the houi effort to stop the in-fighting before it gets out of state that she was aware only of Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Kasabian testified Thursday she Kasabian for a third day in a three of the Tate killings which and I didn't know Miss late wi control. Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, was remorseful .over the Sharon row. took place outside the mansion. pregnant, and I said, wo Michigan. Tate slayings but went on a "I don't know if you can call killed those people for $70 Miss Tate and another victim Emilio Colombo, Italy's top monetary official for the second murder foray the next it that," said Mrs. kasabian, 21. were slain inside. because Tex took si Phones: night under the influence of the state's star witness, on the > pust> /seven years, was sworn in as premier Thursday Editorial . . 355-8252 Charles M. Manson. stand for the ninth day. Mrs. Kasbian told Kanarek she Q. Did' you feel the events that had occurred? night at the head of a center - left coalition government. Classified Advertising 355-8255 "My intent was to do what Miss Tate, blonde, pregnant learned the Identify of the victims the next day while A. Yes, extremely. Tlite ceremony, conducted by President Giuseppe Display Advertising 353-6400 Charlie told me to do," the screen beauty, was slain Aug. 9, Business-Circulation 355-3447 watching television news. Q. So the next night yoi Saragat in Quirinal Plance. ended a month - long green - eyed mother of two 1969, along with four visitors to . . Q. Would you tell us what was out on another mission? Photographic 355-8311 testified at the murder trial of her rented mansion. Manson and government crisis by giving Italy its 32nd cabinet since going through your mind? A. I was told to go by Charlii the bearded Manson, 35, and the three girls also are charged the fall of fascism. three young girl disciples in his in the killings the next night of hippie - type clan. market owner Leno LaBianca France completed Thursday a series of eight atomic test explosions aimed at defining the final form for the country's hydrogen bomb. Coming "Were you under the hypnotic control of Mr. Manson?" asked defense attorney Irving Kanarek, and his wife Rosemary, victims Mrs. Kasabian said were chosen at random. Professor's wife The Ministry of Defense announced an "experimental device" was exploded above Mururoa atoll in the South Pacific. Like its seven predecessors in the series, it was IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. . dies in Detroit suspended from a balloon over the Mururoa lagoon. JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT Beverly Killingsworth, wife of Charles ('. Killingsworl Like Communist China, France did not sign the professor of labor and industrial relations, died Wednesday! A new concept in nuclear test ban treaty in which the United States, the entertainment. A place is cued to your campus needs and we will be cancer in a Detroit hospital. She was 49. I Soviet Union and Britain agreed to hold only Mrs. Killingsworth had been a resident of the East Lansing ar| designed with Brotherhood in mind. pleased to accept your application for a since her husband joined the MSU faculty in 1917. For the pa underground atomic tests in order to curb fallout year and a half, she had lived at 1581 Sequoia Trail. Okemos. i pollution. Jacobson Charge Account Identification She was born in Lawrence. Mass.. and was graduated lr« Simmons College in Boston. She held an M.A. derive in polity National News Card. Your personal account number economy from Johns Hopkins University and an M.A. i literature from MSU. Live Soul, Rock, Jazz. will speed your purchases and give you Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Mark R . a Rhoij The Army went ahead Thursday with the loading of Dancing. Non-alcoholic Scholar and an asst. professor of economics at Fisk I refreshment. the first of 3.000 tons of obsolete nerve gas rockets greater shopping convenience Nashville, Tenn., and a daughter, Charlotte (Mr aboard railroad cars for their journey to the sea and Oesterle), a student at the University of Michigan. Si;- ^ ;lll dumping in the Atlantic Ocean. Apply for yours soon. survived by a brother, Dr. Julius Kritzman of Boston. Ma f In accordance witfi her wishes, there will be no funeral ■ The loadings got underway as Congressional hearings memorial services. The family requests that, in lieu of f!ow«| continued in Washington on the safety of the those wishing to do so should send contributions to the AmericB controversial disposal plan, dubbed by the Army as Cancer Society. Friends may call at the Gorsline - RuncimanE^ Operation Chase. Chapel from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday. Watch for Several foreign governments have voiced their opposition to the plan. The White House made public and embraced Thursday THE NORTH END SOCIAL CLUB Jacabsoris a presidential emergency board recommendation that For information call 489-8476 the nation's longest - standing labor disputes be solved by the elimination of the jobs of railroad firemen through the deaths and retirements of present workers. The solution, worked out by the fireman's union and the railroads, calls for the combination of fireman and brakeman duties, with no new workers being hired as firemen. Present firemen will be retained until they leave the railroad. Michigan News Two young women indicted on charges of being involved in an alleged bombing plot by the radical Weatherman group of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) were released on bond Thursday after arraignment in U.S. District Court in Detroit. Judge Talbot Smith released Dianne Marie Donghi, 21, of Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and Jane Spielman, 23, of the Bronx, New York, on SI0,000 bond apiece, at least S500 of it in cash, after pleas of innocence were entered in their behalf. The two were ordered Monday to report to Detroit To spot motor trouble and expense before it stops you, after a hearing in New York at which FBI agents said get an electronic test or our complete tune-up. Now is the they were among 13 names in an indictment handed up time for that summer auto check. See us today. HV-V! in .515 by a U.S. Grand Jury in Detroit July 23. The indictment vansm, W'&xVfoir charged the 13 were part of a conspiracy to "use bombs, B._ JLaJir.OyCT destructive devices and explosives to destroy police MORRIS AUTO PARTS installations and other businesses and educational IV 4-5441 buildings throughout the country and to kill and injure 814 E. KALAMAZOO Mon. - Sat. 8 - 5:30 persons therein." MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE MEWS UNIVERSITY Lawrence: Kansas burns again Lawrence "is like a thunder GEORGE BULLARD clouH , „ EDITOR'S NOTE: Lawrence, Kan., overhead. You are kind of editor-in-chief wonde in would seem to be the least likely place something is going to fall out of it •< The change has been a g lf FREDERICK J. LESLIE for terror and death. It is a university sudden Qn# L situated in the heartland said. ™ n»j advertising manager town of "When I was in high America. Now it it wracked by school i h„, number of blacks who were mv nTY KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor violence, and its story may be the Now I can't reach any of them " H LARRY LEE, city editor story of the tensions besetting much Like many older whites in of the United States. Ken Hartnett of Law™ JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor Waisner is puzzled over just what . JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor the AP Special Assignments Team blacks want. ' visited Lawrence. The last of his Harrison is the root cause of black "They yell they want White radicals, for example, took to the freedom B two-part in-depth report follows. unrest. freedom for what? streets near the university in They have m Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Harrison, free on appeal bond after freedom here, especially on the confrontations with police within hours of East for outstanding journalism. The white and black impasse is not the Dowdell's shooting. It was during one of convicted in an extortion case in Wichita, of town, than anyone." IQe was one of the first blacks to speak out Before violence flared, only one confronting the community. those confrontations that 19 • year - old Lawrence hu There is also the glaring cultural Harry "Nick" Rice of Leawood was killed. loudly and sometimes rudely against the already embarked reforms. Two on a number of J1 One radical said Kansas itself breeds city's white establishment. housing programs EDITORIALS difference between the orthodox Kansas community and the white radicals, drawn young white dissenters, especially when Both black and white agree that he has private, the low one public, would add 300 income stock. units 0M| - had a galvanizing effect on young blacks. - An attemot > to Lawrence in growing numbers by the they arrive at the university. "They come to the university, most of Harrison said he is not particularly being made to add black sales and clernl seemingly endless supply of wild marijuana interested at this point in helping the white personnel to the downtown stores free for the picking in the fertile fields of them from a small - town culture that is establishment out of the present crisis. He Efforts are also being made to rock - ribbed Republican Douglas County. inherently racist and oppressive. His life brine in industry that would afford more econom! Twenty-five said he warned the city fathers last April "You should have been here on the style has been defined by that culture. ago: Fourth of July," said one radical. "It would have blown your mind to watch Then he meets a black dude five times as smart as he is and a long hair who blows his that police - community relations were deteriorating and they ignored him. "I told him, 'You're going to kill opportunity to a black comnumm with- median income $10,000 white median. now about one-half n thousands of people straight and serious mind because he's not a bum but a human somebody and when you do, you're going The school system is listening to all the patriotic speeches and being, who also may be five times smarter trying t0 recrul the to make martyr.' " black personnel and more beginning hundreds more stoned on acid lying on the than he is. a improve tKJ "At that point, there goes everything out Now, said Harrison, "come what will, I'll black cultural content In its hill watching the fireworks." curriculum * The radicals augment black strength by the window." just get out of the brothers' way and let $14,000 grant to the police departing If there is any consensus among the town the brothers deal." under the federal Safe Streets Act rising up in support when a racial crisis The day after Dowdell's death, young finance a community relations w0u breaks out In racially mixed East fathers, it is that marijuana is part and program. Twenty - five years ago today the something very close to the raw blacks began laying in ammunition. One And the state Is embarking on a of destruction itself. Lawrence. parcel of the radical problem and Leonard p|; world began to know the measure of essence purchase in Kansas City was reportedly project to see lf It can safely eradicate wil the agony that was Hiroshima. Only In two days the Cabinet would be paid for by a check issued through the marijuana. University of Kansas Black Student Union. "I'm primarily interested in not hav|- a single day had passed since the meeting to consider the impossible Helping in a second purchase, in Topeka, the honey here that attracts the arrival of atomic catastrophe in a things that had happened at bees," was the black assistant to the Kansas attorney Young. first birth-spasm that was death. Hiroshima. It would be too late, for Black consciousness and black insists University dean of men. when the Supreme Council prepared Shortly after the purchases became on the right to define and control what Throughout the city fires still to sit, the Americans would unleash raged. The physicians that remained the hounds of hell a second time - had begun hospital operations in the and Nagasaki would be no more. Hiroshima suburbs but with mixed "They come to the university, most of For as long as there shall be results. There were too many people them from a small - town culture that is histories and historians there will be hideously burned - their flesh those who will ask the awful inherently racist and oppressive. His life literally melted - for the medical style has been defined by that culture. forces to handle. There were, almost question: "Was it necessary?" Then he meets a black dude five times as Perhaps the bomb was a lesser evil unbelievably, tens of thousands of than an invasion of the Home Islands smart as he is and a long hair who blow living corpses staggering about in the that could have cost millions of his mind. . . " city that was no more. casualties on both sides - but did No one really yet knew what had our manner have to be so bloody? known, the board of regents fired the black good for the black community appears happened. It had something to do What if we had dropped "Fat Man" assistant dean and came within a vote of be in Lawrence to stay. with the Americans, and something in Tokyo Harbor where few would demanding the resignation of the And so do the white radicals, who frot to do with the war. But there was no be harmed and the Emperor himself University's Chancellor E. Laurence small beginnings are building commune known thing in creation that could could have seen so that he might Chalmers. and collectives and articulating a point The university ties to the purchases view especially jarring to tradition scourge the earth like a thousand have believed? Or, alternatively, why raised tempers even higher among the Kansas. suns. It would be a week before the could we not destroy a deserted atoll white citizens of Lawrence, many of whom Lawrence Is finding a truth learned people of Hiroshima would know the somewhere in the Pacific so that the own guns themselves for the popular hard way by far larger cities - that the second horrible gift of the bomb: the Japanese might see the holocaust pastimes of quail hunting and trap are no easy answers, But in a small town oozing sores, the falling hair, the that we held in our hands? shooting. Kansas that truth can be especially palnfu There are no satisfactory answers Just where the turmoil will end no one "If we In Lawrence, Kan„ cannot soh crippling illness that was radiation knows. to these questions - there probably our problems, how In hell can we expec sickness. John Waisner, 19, no radical despite his Watts or Detroit or Cleveland to solv There had been no warning. Even never will be. In Hiroshima 25 years long hair and sideburns, said the mood in theirs?" asked publisher Simons. Tokyo had no clear idea of what had ago people who had been spared the passed. There were reports of a Instant Death were beginning to die city 400 miles away being seared off the horrible Slow Death. Their the face of the earth. There were suffering is over; it is history. reports of people being literally Ours, the world's, has only just vaporized by the immense heat of begun. you go from here? Registration: A couple of days ago around dawn I stopped into a local doughnut and coffee emporium. This is nothing singular — but, and unconscious — remember the hour — I muttered what I felt to be an appropriate curse and asked for coffee. The young like hair, then what the heck is she wor k ing in a shop in a college town. Joe Student pays a great deal more tax than doing Another frustration — comment stated in a tone (the anguish): hell, I got my first haircut in suprem of existentl sadly, neither are the events that followed. lady, apparently offended and irritated at Granny Goodwitch and so I don't see year last week — before the encounttf Dazed from the earliness of it all, I where she gets off putting anybody down. What does Granny Goodwitch want my seemingly bad attitude, stalked away of East Lansing's stumbled up to a row of counters that run perpendicular to the doughnut displays and sat down. The stop was, at the time, being after the harpy. She did, however, bring me the coffee. A number of questions — or more I mean, if she doesn't dig Big ELans then I'm sure that there are any number of positions available in some nearby right - do anyway: shave my head and eyebrow too? It's when you reach this point - whe you just took six inches off your head an maintained by a couple of lovely young probably exasperated comments — come to wing brother • burgs. they still give you grief — that you realiz mind because of this incident. Like: it was Thirdly, what ever happened to that that there is simply no way to plear Several months ago. East Lansing coed-types and a moderately old - to - ancient harpy. This latter personage took me that got put down so why should the great capitalist contention that money "Them," and that they'll nail City Council was alerted that talks and that if you are not a vagrant whenever they get a chance - and at one look at me and stalked off down the coed-type get upset when I got sore? I'm then irregularities were occurring in local counter to talk to some construction sure that she didn't realize that I, like you're "ok" (make a circle sign with worst possible moment (like early in voter registration. As a public thumb and forefinger) with society. morning). workers. many oihers, am not particularly tolerant service, the State News publishes One of the girls cheerfully explained to before breakfast. But, then, I can't see that Forsooth, I had silver aclink in my pocket What really troubles me is that thl below a list of corrective measures me that don't I never mind on accounta I'm in any way obligated to have to have to and I was most certainly the customer — .scenario served to brutally burst a favorit taken she (the harpy) just doesn't like hair. explain this to anyone. yet I was certainly not right, and certainly theory • bubble of mine. You must ha» through last Monday - the Second question: if the old lady doesn't not welcome. heard it a few hundred times yourself date of our editorial criticizing Finding myself somewhere between apalled "ELans is really a drag - I mean like registration procedures. The list Nowhere and there's Nothing Happening' includes the combined efforts of OUR READERS' MIND Wow, but at least we're safe here. I m?" It being a college town and all that, City Council, City Manager John kinda like home base or neutral territory^ Patriarche and City Clerk Beverly Colizzi: Education output unbalanced mean like, better than no matter how bad it is, having to be Out There Only there really is no sanctuary - *' Out There Is also right here. And it * To the Editor: the active discussion which followed is a of Trustees, 1 made reference to (1) the stay here. The intolerant shops and' State News staff writer Roberta Smith difficult task, at best. I would, however, extension of educational opportunities on crooked merchants and the handled well her assignment in covering the appreciate the opportunity to clarify for a broader and more equitable basis, (2) the employes will all remain because presentations made at last Wednesday's your readers the substance of a statement protection of constitutional rights and only here a few years and they're qui meeting of the Ingham County Democratic attributed to freedoms on our campus, and (3) the possibly here forever. And you know tnf me. Committee. To distill on the spot the Speaking about priorities I would work re-direction of our skills and technology essence of several candidates' remarks and you've got to get out of his place .. • bul to support as a member of the MSU Board toward the basic problems of human to .. . where . .. ? . existence, and particularly those resulting I mean, where do you hide and what from poverty, racism and war. you do when even the saintly dougnm Smith not really a person It that was I in the context of the last remark suggested higher education can lady rips you off? provide both training and enlightenment, To the Editor: Szotklewlcz, Clarence Gaston, and Tab but — and this was the key point — we Hunter. A great many people have written in expressing disagreement with the weekly Hopefully, readers will now be able to currently seem to be former at the expense accomplishing the of the latter. I find Misplaced meitioi column of "Terry Smith." I would like to enjoy "Terry Smith's" weekly humor no parallels, In the service to humanity, for column. If there are still any doubters I reassure them: there is no such person as the technological feats of putting men on To: The Secretary of the Army "Terry Smith." The column printed under suggest they watch Bo">.o the Clown on the moon, creating ever more intricate Re: Nerve gas this name, obviously meant to appease an channel 12 and they will recognize weapons of mass destruction and unnamed Republican candidate for the Immediately the source for many of "Mr. developing supersonic transports. U.S. Senate, is just a weekly printout from Smith's" droll witticisms. (Mrs.) Pat Carrigan If we can just get it past Claude Kirl a computer. Each week the computer is fed Richard A. Jansma Candidate for Democratic then it'll be the Navy's problem the wit and wisdom of Ghengis Khan, East Lansing graduate student nomination for MSU trustee - Gen. Bam B°< Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler, and July 28, 1970 Aug. 1,1970 Bozo the Clown. Out of the inner recesses of the overheated computer comes "Mr. Smith's" weekly column. After all, could a human being propose a two-part column and then take us to Armageddon in part one? Only a mystic or Curtis Le May would dare to suggest what happens after Armageddon. Further, when was the last time you met anyone with a name like "Terry Smith"? Real people i/Ja — have names like Bill Grabarewltz, Ken Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 7, 1970 5 Service 40c1ated press organizations ASSOCIATED press are searching searching for are By THH for ways tn wnvs to attract 1 . oriented . programs » members r.„«ht in a" age of youthful generations. from the younger groun group POUp Stands stands tradition1 tradition, i #i w?rldserv.ce increasingly wh.'ch ls becoming - past in becoming onented, Robert Shriners," says organizations in trying to get Kiwanis International, for contributions to youtn groups Kimball, last year's youthful members. example, seems to have an such as the Boy Scouts is ^UesUblishment organizations civic feeUngs, from organizations, „ke the Jaycees, it involves a change fee hev h»v» S ^ g°\Tn administered potentate of Pittsburgh's Syria Shriners Temple. "It is especially In Kansas City, the have Jaycees average membership age concerned," says Donald •itpmational to the of imLe .they have. °ut,ived thelr welfare project called "Jaycee somewhere in the 50s. Covey, president of the Seattle lis International to the of image. For For others it others it programs, thova io oftll there is still aa difficult to be i i ..... appealing to the *. Housing 70" which is aimed r Chamber of Commerce the introduction of more youth mnfhS - usefulness and 8)1 feel youth has need for, and a place within their organization, demand for, younger developing 10 lots in a model "We're youth - oriented 5 far Kiwanis Club. But he adds: "It's private citizen Most of these cities area and bulding low ■ to as spending money an(j still basically a businessman's groups, however, organization." mwilling to undergo any moderate - income housing. Johnson, president - elect of the major break with traditional The Dallas Most service organizations, Jaycees have «1Ve»KiwaIlisc'ub- such as the,cliTte tod.ay to make the need and ways of operation y°uth to attract dropped sponsorshop of the annual Miss Dallas competition Travelers therefore, oriented sponsor activites like youth Little • C.P. League baseball and Boy Scout the demand greater than ever von Herzen, president of because, as Herb Weaver, Jaycee troops. They emphasize what the Los before." Most of these organizations — Angeles Lions Club, says the club's aim is to attract youthful members in secretary says: "We felt the Jaycees ought to be involved with something more meaningful interested they do "for" youth rather than what they do "with" youth. Elk"5'Shrink hlks, Shriners -'^m to seem tnyShave or"^to enhance ouHmage" not tha" a beauty pageant." * The Shriners are particularly indicaTin* indicating they 52?«"13SS!lS5 are having s creaU> offers, he a new says, Qne „ "cultivation of . . "We're getting into projects the ecological in culture proud of their children's hospitals and burn treatment institutes. 19 crippled three the virtues that have made this situation environment, difficulty attracting new members. With the exception of country great." pollution, things like that." MSU students who Shiners point out that one the Jaycees, most members are Because of the age limitation are making I he extensive i for the lack of Jaycees, whose for membership, the Jaycees trips this summer are youthful middle -a ged or older. interested in membership is limited to the 21 have a built in young blood more than just pure Shriners is the prerequisites of A • "It is true people are not as 35 age fun and recreation, membership. One has to become • bracket, seem most factor other service according to interested as they in the active Robert W. Mcintosh, professor were of major civic organizations lack. a Scottish Right Mason or a of tourism in the School of Knight Templar first. Most Hotel, Restaurant and Masons are over 40 years old. Institutional Management. Priest wings 'Although the today has a keen interest in experiencing the recreational student of L|onf International offers four programs President McCullough which Dr. International Robert of Chicago feels D. aspects of a country such as its attract young people. The four beaches and night clubs and are: Leo Clubs, Youth service Kennedy Airport visiting tourist at highlights," organizations for boys and girls Mcintosh said, "he is also age 15 to 21: an international enjoying and appreciating the youth exchange program: a hospitality of local people, the NEW YORK (AP) food, drink and manufactured - The Rev. inconvenience, said, products, Joseph Fox, who says he is Kiwanis is usually left out of - , "everybody wants il but "Many students stay Kennedy Airport's "answer to year old priest who has logged breakfast'" establishments organizations' • the Flying Nun," recalls that the XT nobody wants their and » li- u social side - lore than 400 hours. neighborhood." where local pjcnjcs dances and conventions, sight of planes as a teenager gave He says flying is only a hobby householders him the urge to fly. and he has no desire to pilot provide a home "I was brought up in Rosedale, anything „ other than small atmosphere, he noted. Such P eoples Church Queens, right on the landing aircraft. He says he flies about everything in its power to solve person • to - person contact approach to the old Curtiss helps to increase understanding East Lansing - once a week ii plane borrowed the problem, and with American and Wright Field," says Father Fox, from a friend, ingenuity I'm sure the problem knowledge of home life in a the Roman Catholic chaplain at Father Fox expressed con will be solved." particular country. the international airport's Our about jet noise around Lady of the Skies Chapel. He In addition to his other FIRST ASSEMBLY Flying recently received his commerical pilot's license. airport but said he views it "necessary concomitant evil modern Father Fox finds time to serve as Yq° inchaplain for the Civil Air Patrol duties, OF GOD I The Rev. Joseph Fox, who calls himself the "answer to the Flying Nun," pauses at controls of a transportation "I always wanted to fly and know, it's kind of like Queens and stands ready to 1125 Weber Dr. Lansing I small plane before takeoff. Fox is the Roman Catholic chaplain of the chapel at New York's when I was assigned here three fly on search - and rescue everybody wants progress, but • Blk. No. of E. Grand River at I Kennedy International Airport. AP Wirephoto years ago I decided I would th missions if a priest were needed. Downer EDGEWOOD UNITED Rev. Richard W. CHURCH Bishop, Pastor Religious leaders laud film 469 N. Hagadorn an ecumenical fellowship. 9:45 a.m COLLEGE CLASS Rev. Roy J. Schramm 11:00 a.i . WORSHIP Worship Service 7:00 p.n EVANGELISTIC and Church School 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL |NEW YORK (AP) What films explaining the matter has rega g Israel's present as a major achievement, Israel's Prime Minister Golda - Sermon by t's all the more unusual ints to a kind of interfaith tuurned °ut 7 not by Jews S prime particularly valuable for inter • Meir, after viewing a screening Dr. James M. Decker, :le is happening in a movie - »>«* b>. 3 Christian group, the Jewish that expression Christian solidarity of religious discussions. thiis spring, said, 'So many Professor of Humanities. MSU circulating in many Billy Graham organization, would come from an "Beautiful, warm, stirring, thanks for picturing our land as WELCOME! For Transportation Call in churches. "It's the best thing of its kind powerful," commented it is. I've never seen it so lit popped in independent evangelical sector. Church Phone 332-8693 484-6640 unexpectedly that has been done either by Episcopal Canon William I. beautiful." 484-2807 lom the sidelines. Made by an The film, "His Land," is a VanMeter of the New York Christians or Jews," Rabbi Marc heart ■angelistic agency, it has caught H. Tannenbaum, director of • tugging masterpiece, Council of Churches, EPISCOPAL SERVICES UNIVERSITY reflecting both the mysterious "Excellent for MS.U. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES p among all sorts of Christians, interreligious affairs of the force of Judaism in human ecumenical SEVENTH-DAY ALC-LCA American Jewish Committee, reasons, too," said Sister Rose LCMS said. "It's a milestone. annals, despite all the pressures Thering of the Catholic Institute ADVENTIST CHURCH for Students and Faculty at for Students at ■ontaneously and heartily Tiplauded by Jews, too. against it, and also the tears, for Judeo - Christian Studies of University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel "In my view, it's the vitality and hopes of a homeland Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road (Yet it involves a tense topic: important Christian document reborn, Seton Hall University. Services at Sabbath School 9:30 religious - historical It features Graham's musical 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. 332-2559 332-0778 Worship Service 11:00 ■nificance of the modern state relationships to Israel si Christian director. Cliff Barrows, and The Reverend William A. Eddy Pastors: Walter Wistzke K. G. Smith, of the state. It's perspective, but grounds it in the Dastor David Kruse Israel. Ordinarily, the deep British singing star Cliff pastor George Gaiser acl of Christian love for the Jewish past and n i f i cat ions have been present and Richards. It has been called a Jewish people, of kinship and links it to Israel's destiny. Meeting at 504 Ann St. WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS fcisidered hard for anyone but "musical journey" into the commitment Various Protestant and Roman (Corner of Division) •ws to fully understand. history, faith, humanity and community." while Call 361-8994 if you 9:15 an> Common Service 1st and 3 rd Comm. heart of (However, they say that one of a nation. need transportation 10:30 am Common Service 2nd and 4th Matins powerfully dramatic [id perceptive documentary ec passages, have acclaimed the film UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN "A Failure At Forty" i 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Je" CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE EAST LANSING |R 'iNiTY CHURCH hthodox leader 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River ALWAYS OPEN E. Eugene Williams, Minister Stanley R. Reilly, 841 Timberlane Drive East Lansing Assistant Telephone: 351-8200 Interdenominational biff) in Bulgaria University Class "How Not To Pray" . Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 9:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. ■L ' ^u'iiaria (AP) — Scores of youngsters church. I can observe this every Sunday. These m°ng the crowd attending young men and woman are searching for new ■ xander Nevski Sunday services Central United Methodist Cathedral, built in gratitude answers. And they do so with great seriousness." Across from the Capitol UNIVERSITY UNITED Tm til rr ^uss'an help in liberating Bulgaria Church officials also register a steady increase WORSHIP SERVICES nwi6 ] alm°st 100 years ago. Incense in religious weddings, baptisms and funerals METHODIST CHURCH L ttle "ch'y sonorous chants of the despite a stepped - up government campaign to 1120 South Harrison ui ra"l> through the lavishly decorated popularize civil rituals. And at the seminary of Phone 351-7030 kofth yo0UnS mother held up her child for Tejrepish, tohere young men are trained for the priesthood, there are always more candidates fore the end "'h°Ur SerV'°e a"d °n'y 8 few left than vacancies. "Those Burdens'" ■taria'te ^ unabated a atheist propaganda, The church, anxious not to arouse official Dr. Howard Lynii Booth oc^ox Church, observing its concern, will not reveal statistics reflecting the Church School 9:45 t Mm J,nt!lversary this year, undergoes a trend. Asked about the total number of Crib Nursery Rev. Wallschlaeger toy Lnai^ance; Doubt and dissent may mar orthodox believers in this country of 8.3 million Ithodnvf j st'an churches, but Bulgarian population, Bishop Stephen had a typical 485-9477 1 mSmS1 e? report that in this Communist answer: "We believe that about 70 per cent of all ■top firming. Bulgarians belong to the Orthodox Church. Our First Churc1 of Morning Worship 9:30 Tion'^st" u finc*'ng its Place in life again," government, which is atheist, estimates the share Dd JJphen' first secretary of the Holy is 40 per cent." Church • state rleations in Bulgaria have been Christ, Scientist Church School 9:30 (for all ages) I"1 intervLSUP^ime body of the church - said k hw„ W; recent times, young people marked by probably less friction than in any ^ owe growingly interested in the other part of Communist Eastern Europe. _J PARENTS VISITING? n — Sermon Subject Christian Reformed Church 1518 S. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Washington "Spirit" and Student Center There's only one place they can stay and still be in the center of campus activity. Reserve 1509 tiiver Terrace s from Hubbard Hall) Reverend Paul Beckwith, Bible Teacher and Musician, them a room at v Student Center — Southeastern Bible College. open daily 9 A.M. -11 P.M. Birmingham, Alabama Lunch Wednesday 12:30- 1:30 P.M. KELLOGG e Public Reading Root 9:45 A.M. College Bible Class in the fireside room COLLEGIAN FELLOWSHIP 8:30 P.M. Fireside Room CENTER Rev. Hoksbergen preaching Reverend Beckwith On the campus at Rev. J. Herbert Brink, Rev. Alvin L. Hoksbergen, Color TV Harrison it Michigan pastor campus minister FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening ^ for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fnday, August 7 1 This Rockfest, fairs is the weekend of the the rest of the weekend activities with the Tommy Cash Show (at vary Claude LeLouch directed this love tale famous for its tender weekend play doom crooks in that meet good spirits. their At for it. At the Michigan. amusement Elliott Gould has received raves (Not sexploitation flick with an X rating and, undoubtedly, a lot of Rydell about s spirited film two ad Goose Lake Festival which Meridian 3. (Recommended.) reviewed by press time.) heavy breathing. At the State. boy, men, a wide " promises to be the biggest rock 2, 7 and 9 p.m.) on Saturday approach, exquisite photography a happy bun and and lilting Francis Lai title song. GETTING STRAIGHT - MONIQUE French THE REIVERS - Mark prostitutes, event in Michigan history. Gates Danny Davis and the - a a shiney car , Nashville Brass (at 2:30 and Former New York Times film hair - breadth victory jn opened yesterday for the long - a h M1 6:30 p.m.) on Sunday. critic Bosley Crowther called the race. Steve McQueen awaited three days of music, film, "A beautiful Crosse and r2 camping and swimming that is Stage and star. Shows with? expected to attract more than ROSENCRANTZ AND sometimes breathtaking Cheyenne Social Club" at i!e 60,000 people. GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD exposition of visual imagery." Lansing Mall Thoa(the — Tom Stoppard's award - Anouk Aimee and Jean Louis (Recommended.) "• Tonight's highlights will be Chicago, the Small Faces, Ten winning comedy will be Trintignant (the inspector in THE performed through Saturday at "Z") star. (Recommended.) STRAWBERnv Years After and John Sebastian. the Ledges Playhouse in Grand BEYOND THE VALLEY OF STATEMENT - a film i Saturday brings Jethro Tull and Mountain to the Goose Lake Ledge. The play, written in THE DOLLS — given a free student protest that is the 2 insulting, unaware fi,m ag stage. If you have a chip for 1967, took the previously hand, Russ Meyer created a film the subject yet insignificant courtiers from that advance word says lives up prodnM, JJ Sunday, you'll hear Savage Its final, devistat "Hamlet" and built entire or down — to its claim: "This — an Grace, Flock, James Gang and Bob Seger System among others. play around them and their is not a sequel — there has never confrontation leave scene tha» S version of what went on those been anything like it." At the you stunned * a Shows are from 2 p.m. to breathless. (Recommended solely forCamp? harness racing (at 1:30 this At the around midnight afternoon) and an auto thrill bouncy days at Elsinore. Spartan East. (Not reviewed by each day. Jonathan Adair and Ernest press time.) JiZ If you aren't going to Goose show tonight at 8. More harness 20 minutes.) Wiggins play the leads. BULLIT — Peter Yates' slick 2001: A SPACE Lake, you have the choice of racing (at 1:30 p.m.) and an ODYSSEY- Screen detective film starring Steve the beauty and terror of two fairs, a play and 12 movies auto demolition derby (at 8 McQueen and featuring a space (six and one half are p.m.) are scheduled for A MAN AND A WOMAN - vividly presented in an eve worthwhile) on the local Saturday. the acclaimed French film, the pulsating autombile chase over filling and mind boggling epjc' - entertainment front. The 10-day IONIA FREE winner of the 1965 Best Foreign hilly San Francisco streets. At At Meridian 2. Spartan West Fairs FAIR, opening today in Ionia, Film Oscar, shows at 7:30 (Recommended.) THE INGHAM COUNTY BUTCH CASSIDY - Paul features stock car racing tonight Friday and Saturday nights in TWO MULES FOR SISTF# Newman and Robert Redford FAIR, in its fifth day, features at 8. Country music dominates Fairchild Theatre on campus. SARA - Shirley MacLaine anc her mules can do little to make this adventure film different from any other Clint Eastwoo* Bill to monitor pollution blood • the Gladmer. WOODSTOCK and - "beautiful people," their sand western Ai too ooo folk rock heroes and their spectacular three - day feat of endurance. Michigan Senate A the Meridian 4 passes The amount of assessment would depend on the volume and (Recommended.) Z winning - Costa - Gavras' Oscar masterpiece abou Greece in the throes of a By United Press International content of pollution. The revenue would help increase the enforcement capacity of the resources commission by about 50 At Fairchild controlled government liberals at the mercy of politics „„u A bill requiring industry to pay from $50 to $9,000 annually to per cent, along with paying for the surveillance operations. suppression. Don't miss the state in return for having their waste materials dumped into Milliken put the bill at the top of a priority legislation list for Anouk Aimee plays a passionate widow in "A Man and a Woman," Claude Lelouch's Oscar - the Meridian Michigan's waters monitored passed the state Senate today on a passage in this August session. winning French film showing in Fairchild Theatre on campus Friday and Saturday nights. (Recommended.) 31-1 vote. Two other environmental bills on the governor's priority list The bill, called by Gov. Milliken one of the most important also cleared the upper chamber during the moming session. Passed on a unanimous vote wasa bill to declare the Great Lakes pieces of legislation to help clean up the state's environment, has already passed the House. However it will go back to the lower shorelands a natural resource and to allow local governments to DRAMi chamber for approval of minor Senate amendments and is protect shorelands from erosion with zoning controls. It also expected to be on Milliken's desk for signing by next week. would provide for studies by the water resources commission to Specifically, the bill requires industries to give the state Water evaluate the shoreline situation and determine what is needed to Resources Commission a list of all products manufactured, a list of by-products produced, and the total number of gallons of waste water — including cooling water — discharged into the waters of the state or to any sewer system in Michigan. control erosion in threatened areas. The third bill passed in the morning would allow of a scenic and wild rivers preservation program in the state. Sponsors said the bill would allow the Dept. of Natural development R&G more man a side th s poof Resources to designate areas of rivers as being valuable in their - splitter of dry wit and does rhetorically captivate those of intrinsics swathed By JO DiGIACOMO use "Hamlet" as the reference receptive to two and a half hours nonsense, natural state and allow the department to purchase lands point for its cast of characters, of constant, intense Lending to the appeal of thei designated that way. setting, and series of events, R & concentration (regardless of the performance in the pleasan o i ""tor^nate that Tom q remajns Stoddard s Rosencrantz and a masterpiece of pulsing level of hilarity.) informality of the barn profound creativity in modern To some it has appeared playhouse striding Guildenstern Are Dead" has drama. characterizations of certain absurd and disjointed and has been referred to almost This roles. By far, Doug Clark, who play by no means been met with frustration, exclusively in terms of it being a addresses a "relax • and - be - confusion and boredom, portrays Alfred, an awkward popular comedy or having entertained" audience, nor one However, depending nose picking, mishap of upon the A^fu uaSfu Although the play UP°" • is indeed "a demanding a good degree of degree of scrutiny placed on humanity, is to be commended. physical action. R&G will every word, phrase and There was hardly a scene that situation, a progressive wasn't stolen as his demented NORTHSIDE Drive-in consistency of conflict may be discerned among the elements of squirmishness seeped through each member of the audience, * /-*■ * * , 11 4. jSTheafn -iSPjeafre time, purpose, meaning and Hamlet, played by John Peakes, control in regard to Life and was comically established Death. large, gaping idiot, swaggering Rosencrantz and Guildenstern through the play. 2 Miles North on US-27. . 482-74Q9 For those seeking tragically come to realize the NOW! EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING fated absolutism of "nonsense" contemplative, complacent and the inability to escape, source of enjoyment than the EDGAR ALLAN P0E resolve or "control" Life. "They are in a coffin, thinking Goose Lake rock festival this weekend, by all means tackle this intellectually stnmilating they are alive when, all the PROBES NEW UHDDnD while, they're really dead," "word - game'" playing at the Ledges Playhouse at Fitzgerald depths of nunnun muses Resencrantz. Park in Grand Ledge through The Ledges' Players do a very Sunday. Curtain time good presentation of this battle p.m. PROGRAM INFORMATION 88? ?4?9 OPEN AT 7 :■'{!) TONIGHT ALL COLOR IN THIS AGE-OF ENLIGHTENMENT YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'S COMING OFF NEXT! PROGRAM INFORMATION 372 243c TONIGHT - TWO DIG HITS! Allen Funt His first Candid Camera RUTHLESS MEN PAID ST TO 00 THE DIRTY WORK feature film. NO SELF RESPECTING 0* ARMY WOULD UNDERTAKE. "What Do You Say to a Naked Lady?" What can you say? _ mAMERICAN INTERNATIONAL picture®!! EssyPERSSON ■ Hugh GRIFFITH- Elisabeth BERGNER.-oom- CRY OF THE BANSHEE Twice At 8:29 - Late A film byAlIen Fufrtr Music and lyrics by Steve Karmefl. Fat Martha, you'll never Assistant Producer Richard BriglM- forget her as one of COLOR by DeLuxe. United Artists THE SHOWN TWICE - 8:20 AND LATh HonEvmoon CINERAMA RELEASING CORPORATION presents A OiMITRI 0E GRUNWALD PRESENTATION ol A JOSEF SHARK PRODUCTION STANLEY BAKER • ALEX CORD • HONOR BLACKMAN AND - ON THE SAME PROGRAM RICHARD ATTENB0R0UGH KILLERS n THIS LcIST CiRENanE rafer JOHNSON • ANDREW KEIR rat««*S MN£r;ss;m FROMUtciNEHAMA REICASINC CORPORATION ..JOHN SHERLOCK HINMIHWARE JMSW'MIU IMl'MIMO JOHNOANKWORTH JOSE f SHAKE L GORDON ILEMYNG ' 10:20 only SHOWN TWICE NIGHTLY ~~q— - 8:20 AND LATE VINCENT PRICE-CHRISTOPHER LEE PETER CUSHING Sh°wn 2nd at 1Q:3R Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 7. 1970 7 ree Fair in Ionia HEW reaffir integration ■The ipens gates Ionia Free Fair, the world's largest free ■ today a.P?pu'ar y°un8 country songstress, will WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot L. Richardson reiterated Thursday that the Nixon adminstration has a commitment to integration and a i 10-day i i that Is round out the goal of fair, opens today for Sunday country fare. ending racially isolated education both North and South. ) draw more than 500,000 fairgoers Danny Fleenor's Hurricane Hell Drivers, rated "There are compelling moral and educational imperatives that ^throughout the Midwest, as the best show show business, roars of its kind in the auto thrill speak against" concentrating minority children in certain schools, e of the nation's largest midways, 11 big - away at 2:30 p.m. Monday he said. "The problem of racial separation may be ignored only at 1 stage shows, auto racing, harness racing, in front of the grandstand. the risk of impairing the education of many students." than 5,000 domestic and agricultural Singer Bobby Vinton, currently Richardson told senators the administration with his riding high expects school Eh hits free morning grandstand attractions and recording of "No Arms Can Ever Hold officials to abide in good faith by desegregation agreements and IImo'lition ■ derby are among the attractions You, stars in the Monday, Tuesday and court orders. e expected to draw record - breaking Wednesday evening grandstand shows with He thus ruled out sending specialists from the Dept. of Health, Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass. Education and Welfare into the South to aid the The Vogues desegregation Hutine the 55th Free Fair off to a fast start at singing group will also perform in process this fall. Nor will the department help the Internal today will be the opening of the Deggeller Revenue Service monitor the m Y Midway and super stock car seven - race Wednesday8 The grandstand shows Monday through schools to be sure that they are burgeoning crop of new private really open to all as IRS requires n the evening that will be capped by the traditional Governor's if they are to enjoy tax - be held Day Luncheon will exempt status, he said. |lap Ionia Free Fair Championship. Wednesday at the Ionia High School with Richardson told the Senate Select Committee on Equal The fair's first weekend features five country dignitaries from throughout the state Educational Opportunity that his department's expected to regional staff attend. d western shows. Tommy Cash, brother of the members ran advise desegregating schools this fall without tendary Johnny and one of the fastest rising Stock car races, with central drivers expected to be on Michigan's leading outside help, barring unexpected workloads. fcuntrv stars to come out of Nashville in some hand, will be In response to a question, Richardson said he didn't know what stars in a 2 p.m. performance on Saturday conducted on the half mile oval in Jerris Leonard, civil rights chief at the Justice - front of the Dept. had in mind J'then shares top billing with the Grammy grandstand next Saturday, Aug. 13 at 2 p.m. Friday at 2:30 p.m and a month ago when he said that 100 lawyers and specialists from t.ard . winning Danny Davis and the Nashville Washington would be sent South this fall. n 7 and 9 p.m. shows. All three Saturday Bringing the Free Fair to a conclusion will be He said his department is investigating more than 500 possible the "World's also feature Stringbean of Grand Ole Opry Largest Demolition Derby" at 6:30 segregation violations in the North, but that the legal spade - Tllee Haw TV fame, and a new Ling duo, Don and Carla. Nashville p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 16. Fair officials overflow crowd for this attraction. expect an Deathwalk work prove is far more involved than in the South in attempting to that past official actions caused current segregation. Kphe Nashville Brass holds the spotlight in the Probably the most interesting and unusual Scaffolding dangles from the Veterans Administration Building in Detroit Thursday after the Sen. John L. McClellan, D-Ark., asked whether busing children ■30 and 6:30 p.m. country shows on Sunday, display at the Free Fair will be the display of aluminum scaffold collapsed sending two workmen plunging seven stories, killing one and away from neighborhood schools is not itself a violation of their lie Homesteaders, one of the top five moon chips presented to Gov. Milliken bv seriously injuring the other. The mishap occurred after scaffold had been moved and before "In the aggregate, the total fctrumental groups in country music, and Marti President Nixon. workmen could be secured with ropes. busing i ' than i AP Wirephoto before," Richardson replied. McClellan: "But that v voluntary busing. I'm talking about compulsory busing." Dead' album cited years best TODAY... OPEN 12:45 P.M. Feature at 1:00-3:10-5:15-7:25-9:35 mm By STEVE ALLEN "The Dead have finally put out a good track in a studio," I recording practices of others. They have put out four albums in State News Reviewer realized. But as the album continued, I realized I was wrong. For little over a year, but how long before the next one? If they wait "Uncle John's Band" is I Occasionally you purchase an album, not expecting too much, just a beginning, an invitation. The whole too long the anticipation will be such that only a masterpiece will end up cupping your hands over the headphones in album is in the same vein as the first cut. gain universal acceptance. Masterpieces are few. The vocals come out as an jeiief. Phrases like "Oh, my goodness, is this fantastic" dance earthy CSN&Y. They employ Rock fans are clamoring for more now. The artists will do well irough your mind as the recording rushes too rapidly towards its harmony, but manage to restrain themselves on the high notes to heed the call. It was worth WHOPPING GOOD!" and do not drown out the waiting nine months for "Sgt. Conclusion. guitar work. The result is higly Pepper." But two years for "Bridge over Troubled Water " Come n album is "Workingman's Dead" by the Grateful Dead. favorable, because the Dead can play. The guitar work is soft, a on, men. A case in point is the arsenal of sign of quality, loo many groups depend only upon volume these Dylan tracks that are ie album has been out for months now. If it hadn't been on sale staying hidden in the archives of Columbia music. The people -WANDA HALE, f JtPenney's for less than three bills I never would have bought it. days. The Dead reject such gimmickry completely in this album. want them and Columbia must want to sell them. Why not release Behind all of this is Garcia hut there it was. cheap Dead; I had to grab it. ■ The Dead have not been a very successful group in the out peddling his steel guitar and it comes just right, because it is almost always in the them? "IT'S BOLD, OUTSPOKEN, ROUGH, never twangs the eardrums; it never tries background. It Jecording studio. Their first three albums received less than ■niversal critical acceptance and were commercial failures. The is used as a to steal the entire show. It supplement, adding instead of creating mood. EXPLICIT. SUGGESTIVE. REALISTIC All of the eight cuts are solid. "New Jroup, however, managed to gain a large following on the strength ■f their live performances. Speedway Boogie" and "Cumberland Blues" start out as rockers, but take the ...THE KIND OF FILM THAT MAKES country 1 Today's concertgoers always yell for more at the end of a route home. The steel guitar sounds best on "High Time" and GOOD FRIENDS AND LIVELY performance. The Dead are the only ones that ever satisfy the "Dire^ Wolf." You never are really sure about to whom the EXCLUSIVE! DON'T MISS IT THIS SEASON' II. An eight o'clock evening concert in Louisville, for example, 2:00 a.m.. when everything else legal closes. group's call of "Don't murder me" Wind" is the least country is directed on the latter. "Easy. EXCLUSIVE DRIVE IN PRESENTATION! ENEMIES!" -ARCHER WINSTEN. f song on the album. Its vocals are I Earlier this year the group finally released a live album "Live rurally oriented, but the instrumental are strictlv rock. ' as a double album and was considerably padded. It "Black Peter" is the sort of a song that you" will play a few 'Elliott Gould is perfection! featured strong renditions of "Death Don't Have No Mercy" and hundred times and get something new out of it each time. The "You will enjoy 'AIRPORT* immensely, —JUDITH CRIST, r in." "Dark Star" and "The Eleven" were enchanting, final cut is "Casey Jones" and it is not the Walt and you will find yourself Disney cartoon talking about it t then there also whole side of "Turn Your theme. "Drivin' that train / high on cocaine was a on / Casey Jones you enthusiastically to your friends." o.nverP„>t "A FILM THAT UNDERSTANDS! Lvelight" and eight minutes of "Feedback" which left much to better watch your speed." You may well find yourself singing the Te desired. The price of the album was quite dear and the Dead refrain to yourself through the day. It is a nercial failures once again even though they had Albums like this one are few and in a perfect ending. way unfortunate. Today's HIGHLY PERSONAL. HIGHLY oduced a better than mediocre piece of wax. top rock artists have developed a habit of not putting out more I When I heard the Dead had come out with a country album I than one album a year. With this album the Dead deserve to join AMUSING!" linced, remembering Jerry Garcia's excessive steel guitarwork on their ranks as a member with full privileges thereof. Reason: this is by far the best album to come out this ie opening of CSN&Y's "Teach Your Children." Even after I lurchased the album, under a friend's recommendation, I had All of which year. "We had 'The Gradu Prepared myself for the worst. the |At this point I heard "Uncle John's Band" for the first time. post-graduate! >e phrases started going through my mind. "Come hear Uncle 's band" came through the speakers with a Latin beat, is superb!" .«„»»»> cu! ic guitar and intricate vocals. ELLIOTT CANDICE |op Entertainment GOULD-BERGEN Pternational Bnian will open recording perform Oct. 10 with Donovan star at which have doubled their prices and/or "sit on their contracts" fg& .'t fa"(concert in ASMSU's waiting for better offers f entertainment series. complicates booking, Randolph weeks later R' hi Webster, asst. director of student «, Melanie and CatfishwiU "ff?irs, fjvi"r to f°P -Jea triple - show Oct. 24 E«tertainment, said Thursday. ■Homecoming ' Due to Donovan's higher fee, tickets to the Oct. 10 concert ip for the third concert, win be priced at $3, $3.50 and ■ hMn °/ ' 1185 not $4. Tickets to the other concerts I»en confirmed. win be the regular $2.50, $3, " '®rge number of groups *md $3.50. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 12nd Big Wk. y 1 |'15-3:15.5:15-7; 2o.9:25 OPEN AT 12:45 P.M. i „. CLINT , WSTWOOD the deadliest m al*Me j*e takes on army with i J. JW0 guns and a I8"111 ol dynamite1 ' -m M > sassasB MULES FOR SISTER SARA Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 7, i -SPORTS JEFF ELLIOTT Kreuger looking for big win Sat Wichita, Kan. latey this month. good games in the playoffs so far and I'm either Ray Herbert or Billy Hoeft against Kreuger. Aguirre and Paul Foytack will be ready Prep footba , The hard throwing Kreuger has picked up two optimistic that he'll do the job for us Saturday. All-Stars - "You can't take Detroit lightly though. if the starter gets in trouble. of his team's four tournament wins, the last one While ITM has an experienced club, the a shutout over Grand Rapids Hines & Son to They're a real experienced club and have added Rick Kreuger, former MSU southpaw hurler, Hank Aguirre to their pitching staff to give them Sullivans have a young club, dominated by eliminate them from the tournament. Detroit will be on the mound for the Grand Rapids four former Detroit Tiger pitchers. With a current college players. Head coach Sullivan calls ITM has already suffered one loss and another Sullivans Saturday when they face Detroit ITM veteran club like theirs, they'll be tough to beat." it "the youngest club I've ever had at Grand defeat Saturday would end their season and put The defeat of the Lansing school millage was dlsaon in a semifinal round of the state National The Detroiters, who finished first in the UBL Rapids." Two Spartans who will also probably Baseball Congress Tournament at Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids in the driver's seat for the during the regular season, are likely to start see action for the Sullivans are Bailey Oliver and news to Lansing sports enthusiasts. Voting down the 'n't"1'118 tournament championship. operating levy Tuesday, the students of Lansing public Kreuger, who led the Sullivans to a second Shaun Howitt. face elimination of all interscholastic athletics Th,> * place finish in the United Baseball League (UBL) Sullivans' manager Bob Sullivan said Detroit Howitt had been playing with Sturgis, S. D., of an T0'1! standings during the regular season, has been very will be going all out to avoid elimination but that the Basin League, but was cut from the squad only hope for sports now is that some concerned citizen ofr the he's hoping Krueger will come through with a community donate funds for athletic u impressive during the playoffs. The Sullivans about two weeks ago. The former Battle Creek have the only perfect record (4-0) in the double top performance. native, who will be a junior for the Spartans next "Rick has been getting stronger each time Possibly the only people who may have been pleased with elimination tournament and need only two more year, will start in left field for the Sullivans in outcome from their out," Sullivan said Thursday. "He's had two real point of view are the personnel conn wins to qualify for the national tournament at Saturday's contest. with the Lansing All • Stars football team. It's not "Shaun is starting to hit that ball for us," that th against high school athletics or other extra curricular active'6 • Sullivan said. "The last couple of games he's been the J ' but with the elimination of high school football in 15 former Sparta hitting with authority." a Coach Sullivan indicated that he'll start Oliver, left - handed batter, if the Detroiters start appears likely that attendance at their games will increase '''" The Lansing and East Lansing areas are football primarily because of the fine MSU teams each year and i orient Herbert, a right handed pitcher. If Hoeft starts. because of the fine caliber of prep football that takes Oliver will be benched in favor of a right handed placeinth" batting catcher. city league and the surrounding conferences. for All-Stars Sa Should the Sullivans win Saturday, they'll move into the finals of the tournament against the winner of the Muskegon - Grand Rapids are But if there isn't any MSU and the Lansing All-Stars. high school football this season nenm going to turn their attention to two other sources '!» The Lansing All - Stars open ' Wedemeyer, and halfbacks Jim find powerful Scott Emlong and Braves game who will battle prior to the Sullivans their regular season of the Garrett and Kermit Smith. Chuck Johnson at the ends, with — ITM game. The championship game would The Spartans schedule doesn't begin until Sept. 19 and thev* Midwest Football League Up front for the Stars will be former MSU standout Nick then be Sunday at 4:30. Both the Braves and be in Seattle, Wash, that day for a game with the I'niversitv of Saturday when they travel to asst. coach Jerry West and Dave Jordan and Dave Porter at the Muskegon have one defeat, so one more loss by Washington. The next three Saturday though they'll be in the Detroit to take on the Cowboys. Van Elst at the tackles, Mike tackles. Porter was an either team and they'll be eliminated. friendly confines of Spartan Stadium facing Washington State and The two non - Spartan starters Young and Roger Peltier at the outstanding wrestler for the If the Sullivans lose to Detroit, the two teams two formidable foes in Notre Dame and Ohio State. on offense for Saturday's game guards, and Ron Ranieri at University of Michigan in his will flip a coin to see who will have to play the But Sept. 26 is an awful long lime to wait for the football will be right end George Shafer center. Tony Conti, Cal Robbins college days. winner of the other semifinal game. The team season that actually began July 31 with the college all star - who attended the University of and Lou Lambert should also see At the linebackers are a trio of that wins the flip automatically moves into the - Kansas City Chief game. Thus, the people in line to gain for Richmond and fullback Jim plenty of action. former Spartan players. Ron championship game Sunday, which will then be the lack of action in the area appears to be the All - Stars. West who previously went to the At the other end spot is Bob Goovert and George Chatlos will played as the second half of a doubleheader, the Air Force. Lange, a 1967 letterman for the man the two outside posts while first game deciding who makes it to the second. They have home games August 15 and 29. Sept. is and iq,nj Joining West in the backfield Spartans. Charlie (Mad Dog) Thornhill will Rick All games will be held on Valley Field in Grand Oct. 10. If they keep playing like they have been, they mav soo! will be quarterback Charley The front four on defense will be in the center. Kreuger Rapids. be filling Centennial Field, just as Everett High School v they were playing Lansing Sexton. East Lansing «)r La™™ PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 Eastern. nsin? NOW SHOWING! Duke Waldro. owner and president of the All - Stars still Tigers edge Yanks 2-1 in 1st of two; fW|s that the Lansing Schools will have a season however. OPEN 12:45 P.M. Continuous From 1:00 "They'll find some way to finance it." he said. "'If you Feature Shown get funds for your football season it will almost cover most of the 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 other school sports. But if they don't play high school 407 E. Grand River Indians help by blanking Baltimore Lansing this year, it should really help our attendance. "We're playing good football right now, and 1 think we'.. 6W11| to have even a stronger team than we had last year. We don't havi NEW YORK (UPI) — Jim Tigers a 2-1 win over the New Chance tossed his 33rd career the break away threat anymore since we lost Craig Teft and Tom Northrup's sacrifice fly scored York Yankees in the first game shutout to pace the Indians win. Eifert, but we've got a real strong line and a hard • KIM DARBY Mickey Stanley with a fifth • of a twi-night doubleheader. defensive squad. We'll guarantee inning run that broke a 1-1 tie Stanley opened the fifth with the people a good excitin ("True Grit") Thursday giving the Detroit a double off starter and loser Duffey looking football game each week." Mel Stottlemyre, moved to third Turf Kauffman, head eoaehi BRUCE DAVISON on A1 Kaline's grounder and the All - Stars has expresse ("Last Summer") scored when Northrup hoisted a similar comment, saying fly to fairly deep left field. squad might even conside Mike Kilkenny, a substitute starter for Les Cain, allowed the Rose Bowl l playing their games on nights instead of the Yankees just four hits. Saturday night. Stanley also scored the first Guess who's going to lunch with some mightly prestigious "I hate to see high school Tiger run in the third when he people? The man is MSU Head Football Coach Duffy Daugherty football curtailed here and the important people are Pasadena's own Rose Bowl officials. | tripled with „two out. Two Daugherty along with Stanford bead coach John Ralston will be Lansing," Kauffman said, "but ' ^pitches later, Stottlemyre, whose it is, we're hoping people wil 'They're young the featured speakers at a lunch next Wednesday in New York ' record is now 10-10, wild - come out and watch us. Because and feel everything JIM'S TIFFANY pitched Stanley home. on New York tied it in the third a Michael, leadoff single by Gene a sacrifice, a grounder City. Daugherty will discuss the 1970 outlook for Big Ten football while Ralston will give a preview of what to expect in his conference, the Pacific Eight. Both men and their teams are eligible to go to the Rose Bowl people consider are used to watchinj games on Friday night we playing our games then. Our only problem wouli more deeply.. LOUNGE and Thurman Munson's The win boosted the single. this year. Should they meet on New Year's Day, it would be a first, as neither team has gone to the grandaddy of the Bowl be that some guys have to work Tigers jnd there's back into second place games the same year. The teams met in 1955, 1956, 1961 and on Friday nights at their regular job and wouldn't be able to 50 much temporarily, depending on the 1962 during the regular season with the Spartans winning the first for us." outcome of the second half of three, before the Indians won the '62 contest, 16-13. to feel the twinbill. Detroit now trails The Big Ten and Pacific Eight conferences have provided Rose So unless Lansing people come Bowl opponents since Jan. 1, 1947. up with a tidy sum of n league leading Baltimore by nine deeply Acclaimed hospitality, atmosphere for full games. Daugherty will be entering his 17th year as head coach of the the next month or so. high lbout. and good food. The The Orioles were blanked in Spartans, the longest tenure by a head grid coach at MSU. The school football in the Lansing name is unassuming but the first half of their twinbill popular after - dinner speaker will be after his 100th win since area will be a thing of the Thursday, 4-0, by the Cleveland taking over the head job from Biggie Munn in 1954. Going into in which case Lansing All ■ Star the food isn't. Food at Indians. Tony Horton belted a the 1970 campaign, his green and white clad elevens have won 94 football will be a thing of the Jim's doesn't arrive three - run homer and Dean games, lost 53 and tied four. present. lukewarm wrapped in foil and a paper bag. COMEDY - ACTION DOUBLE FEATURE Prices are within They make their own laws at "The Cheyenne Social Club' student budgets and NATIONAL UKRAl PICTURES PMSEKTS GOLDEN FALCON ROOM §JUHV $ service is unlike the JAflES STEWART 'V CANrtcS FILM PRIZE WINNER FESTIVAL^ Union Grill. HENRY FONDA > HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE ^ m ON WINGS: WITH For a treat each NIGHTLY BUFFET DON RODRIGO TRIO Saturday evening Greek RAY specialties are served. 1 "THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUB | A LA CARTE Featuring JERI COMPLETE Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. Sat., Sun., Wed. 2:00 - 5:45 - 9:25 Other Days 9:20 DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. ALSO "THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT" DOWNTOWN LANSING Starring BRUCE DAVISON • KIM DARBY Co-stamng JAMES COCO B.,«w Tht Slr«wbcrry Statement" by JAMfcS rUNIN Screen play by ISRAEL HOROVITZ 489-1196 116 E. Michigan Steve McQueen @fansing Produced by IRWIN WINKLER and ROBERT CHARTOFF D.rected by STUART HAGMANN Q FREE PARKING "The Reivers" m- Added! Fun Cartoon & Novelty , 5628W.SAUIMAW/11M-M03 ABRAMS It's the A 1>J 485-1764 FOR RESERVATIONS (Capital City (FREE PARKIN'*) Airport) real thing. PLANETARIUM Now you can ENjoy it in Eisqlish Coke. PROGRAM SCHEDULE Fridays 8:00 p.m. Saturdays THE CASE 2:30 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Sundays OF THE 2:30 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. Information — Abrams Planetarium, Science 355-4672. UFO Road and Shaw Lane, MSU, Is our planet being visited by East Lansing. No Preschoolers spacecraft controlled by Admitted. intelligent creatures from another world? Explore with a Man academy awards , ii SKY SCAN us the possibilities of highly developed life forms on other planets. Witness dramatic ANd a Woman winner Tj | (Admission Free) demonstrations of some mysterious UFO accounts Learn Second the constellations. | and learn some basic types of Fri., Sat., Aug. 7 & 8 Thursday each month i observations to perform when FAIRCHILD THEATER - 7:30 P.M. except September. Next session: Aug. 13, 8 P.M. you see an "unknown in the Admission $1.00 j sky." Tickets on Sale at the door. »«m«< und.tlh. »f Iln Cw«-C»*» by. ^oca-Cola Bottling Cor I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 7. 1970 !ar on judg es Lenore claims bias, rumor |n probes urged I L ct nosal LOUIS, Mo. (AP) - The nation's chief justices heard a Thursday that judges be barred from serving on national P ctioative groups like the Warren Commission and from of HUD action hurt support Cidine at war crimes trials. DETROIT (AP) — Lenore Romney said Thursday Mrs. Romney won a narrow victory over her opponent, State r Former California Chief Justice Roger J. Treynor, chairman of discrimination against her as a woman and fear that the Sen. Robert Huber, in I American Bar Association committee drafting a new code of Dept. of Tuesday's primary elections. With nearly Housing and Urban Development, headed by her husband, would all the state's precincts counted, she polled 247,814 to Huber's force integration of Detroit suburbs lost Idicial ethics, said judges need "protection" against arm - the Michigan her numerous votes as 231,099. Listing by presidents. Republican party's candidate for the U.S. Senate. However, unofficial returns indicate she lost the "Many heavily I He said' he would bar work on such panels as the Warren men told me I might be very well qualified but they populated Detroit metropolitan area to Huber by about 3,000 Commission and the commission that investigated the attack on wouldn't vote for a woman," the 61 - year - old wife of HUD Jr. n'arbor as well as service at the Nuernberg trials. Secretary George Romney said. "I can discuss issues until I'm blue in the face but when I mention To a number of observers, the story of the primary race was not I TheCalifornian stressed that this was his own, personal belief. anything about the home or in the victory of the wife of the former morality, they think it's because I'm a woman." Michigan governor but in I expressed it while outlining the code at the 22nd annual the closeness of the race which was decided Wednesday. inference of the states' chief justices. Given her politically well - known name and the official backing I At the same time, Treynor said he did not believe judges should of the party, which chose her as its preferred candidate for the V required to make public their investments and their "diamond nomination several months ago, Mrs. Romney was expected to Mother win by a bigger margin. ieCklaChe . said, "We strongly believe the public has a right to irticularly any money everything the judge does while he is a judge and he makes out of it. We want this fully charged Some party leaders had said Mrs. of the primary vote to have a chance in won only 52 Romney needed 60 per cent November. However, she per cent against a primary opponent who entered the race with little statewide exposure. ^Warren, the former U.S. chief justice, was persuaded by in She admitted that her kidnap hoax poor showing around Detroit was due, in m President Lyndon B. Johnson to head the national part at least, to reports published shortly before the election that Kommission that Investigated the assassination of John F. HUD officials were considering withholding federal funds from Icennedy. STANTON (UPI) - A teen several suburbs as a lever to force integration. Her husband flew baby blanket when officers from Washington, D.C. to Warren ■ Earlier, Owen Roberts, a Supreme Court justice, served on a aged mother who first reported eight days before the election found her. to meet with about 40 suburban Immission that investigated the Japanese attack on Pearl her month • old daughter had When she cooed and smiled as mayors and explain HUD's position. He denied the federal agency would force bor And Robert H. Jackson, then a Supreme Court Justice been kidnaped admitted officers picked her up, her "Our indicators were way integration. bench for more than a year to serve as a judge of World up until that hit," Mrs. Romney said. the Thursday that she abandoned mother — who had shown no "People I'arll criminals. the child in a cornfield "to save were frightened by the reports." emotion up to that point — She said that the rumors of enforced integration, and not the 1 Comprehensive changes In the 46 • year ■ old canons of judicial Hurts my marriage." began crying and ran from the appearance of her husband to explain HUD's Ithlcs, being proposed by Treynor's committee, are being so good After leading authorities to the cornfield where little Amy Foor cornfield. Medical officials some vote losses. position, caused ■jcussed at bar meetings here. The committee was formed in the Mary Ann Wych screams at Jim Wakefield carries her over a credited the tall corn for The Romney - Huber contest i i the tightest of the major was found lying in aeven • foot - like of scandals over outside Income and judicial moonlighting. stream during a recent outing. high corn, Mrs. Linda protecting the child from the Michigan primary election races. State News photo by Fred Fcrrl Foor, 17, cold. told authorities she and her Lrossfeld Mrs. Foor first told authorities husband, Gerald, 19, had been attending having marital troubles because she found Amy missing from her car when she returned from a of the baby. visit to a local bank In this mid - "I did It for us," she told FBI Michigan community. Her agents, State Police and local husband THE BIGGEST BARGAIN was on a job in Ohio NSA authorities. "Gerry didn't like holding when she reported the child had being tied down." been IN ECONOMY CARS Mrs. Foor, who was charged kidnaped but returned home Immediately. with assault with intent to Thl« li thi iconon) Police said they suspected the ,.ie National Student Assn. - In 1968 because It felt NSA was said Palmer told him NSA is Speakers at the main commit murder, finally broke down Wednesday afternoon and kidnaping because Mrs. might be Foor showed a hoax 35 M.P.G. and at todajr • prlcii )«t think hi in em SAVE. I organization which President becoming too involved in led authorities to the cornfield no shifting its emphasis from trying conference Include Charles emotion throughout the ordeal. Burton helped to found while national issues and neglecting after they convinced her the \ was attending Harvard In the the campus. to influence Congress to with * campus dealing Garry, attorney for the Black oriented Panther party; U.S. Sen. Charles child could still be alive. She bond was released Thursday on after $2,500 being RENAUlTf (401 and from which MSU ASMSU Chairman Harold programs. Goodell, Amy was still dressed In a blue arraigned the charge before v In 1968 - Is holding Buckner said Thursday he has R-N.Y.; Seymour on and green one • piece sleeper and District Hersh, the reporter who wrote Judge Benjamin I annual student congress at received several telegrams and ASMSU has no plans to rejoin the first stories on My Lai, and wrapped In her white and yellow Franklin, icalaster College in St. Paul phone calls from NSA President the organization. Grossfeld is Leonard Woodcock, president of nn.t Aug. 9-19. Charles palmer, urging MSU to attending the leadership the United Auto Workers |Cabinet President Bob rejoin the organization. Buckner conference as an observer. (UAW). i attending convention a for GRANDMA'S Irkihop t" body presidents today bough Sunday. fcroufeld plans on ■tlonal Academic Service! and to attend a the cooperative Discrimination suit filed WP* 1725 MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 I talk with other student RENAULT i while at the convention, NEW YORK (AP) - The dlicrlmlnatlon case 1900 E. Kalamazoo DEALER * |laid1SU Thursday. federal government Thursday ever, the action an effort by the withdrew from NSA brought biB(K,gt b'ggest hou8lna ;rln^SyH0rk?ty?Jarge8J Nixon administration to "take h0U8ln« Prtv'to ilamJlord and others of h XL other kblacks shunting flaCk,8 I to selected eyes off the South by making 8"2 headlines and being aggressive l! It's Honey ■ Dipped! SPORTS CAR CENTER 1200 E.OAKLAND tu0 Mnrth " PHONE 482-122G fW owner charged apartment buildings. The landlord, Samuel J. . . . .. „ . . . Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery Art. Lefrak, denied the allegations. * "And ?h° better< ,uhe a8^. "than picking on the city s rith flag defamation In The Justice U.S. Dept. filed District Court a suit In lar*e8t 'andlord?" &- Brooklyn charging that Lefrak Nam Harry Strait, 22 Fun to Spare ■old owner of the • year "White Chief S.D. Naert. The the boutique also name of was Joluntarlty ^eHmin^^racial I J 3REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN Inkey" Boutique on Abbott discrimination in i*n Khimi«»o $1.35 G0B0WLIN6 superimposed on the flag motif, with 21 000 aDartmpnt.! Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, V was charged with defacing The maximum fine for the with 21.000 apartments. Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits * American flag in Municipal misdemeanor is $100. A spokesman for Lefrak called JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN $1.80 irt Thursday. 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes trait was released on $100 Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw I'd. and his 15. trial is set for Presiding Judge ROSES, j THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY $2.55 ii Harmon entered a plea | Serves 3 to 4 guilty for the defendent. ait was arrested after Wents complained about his several ROSES, I JP> fedVolkwagen lite and white stars on a blue van painted stripes with field, ROSES . . lotding to Deputy Police Complete line of Where can you get the $299 DOZEN Brunswick equipment [Ian to J on Antho HOLIDAY in stock HIGHEST RATE loncession Florists LANES Open 9 a.m. Daily rofesfed of return on type Just North of Frandor • 487-3731 any 8 th«t the Titration Hall cafeteria Lr"close have spurred a Lm 12 i by University staff TS that work on the of bank savings? fade of campus, e empioyes discount records say that they '"her HRS. accept a price DAILY 9:30 ■ 8:30 J!, inB Demonstration SAT. 9:30 • 6:00 Mho!l ? prices ln llne SUN. 12:00 • 5:00 lon»|0fnthe Unl°n and liwlch I... and tf j than drink machines, use 225 ANN ST. FOX'S reP'ace the hot food TODAY, AT A6 & T OF COURSE! SATURDAY, Storage, and SUNDAY No other bank offers interest on higher rates of any type of savings account or certificate of deposit. Direct Dimond Pick-Up, ONLY- A.B.& T. is the place to save question about itl ... no 10% DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS Delivery ALL WARNER BROS. Meridian Mall* Frandor RECORDS (touts 1 823pChEANERS k^lQRAND Rivro ASSOCIATION - LIVE 2-RECORP SET ONLY 1/3 OFF LIST Downtown, 203 S. Washington Lansing Mall 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan frjday^ugust7,1970 state news STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Loosen up facial muscles and put on a happy face! classified 355-8255 365-8255 The State News does not Scooters & Cycles FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Rank For Rent For Rent For Sale permit racial or religious LEASING FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms SHARE ROOMY house with four discrimination in its CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national $210, 1 bedroom, $160. grad men. Private room. Parking. /r!W/W^ advertising columns. The companies. Compare our rates. BURCHAM WOODS, Call 489-3174. 1-8-7 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or between 3 7 p.m., State News will not • 361-3118. TF 505 Albert, East Lansing, TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished accept advertising which 484-8173.0 WESTINGHOUSE • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against FURNISHED STUDIO, 2 man. near campus, family only model 530 .tereo COLORVvT Northeast Street, Lansing. $110/month, plus utilities. tan. Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or HONDA 1969 CB 450. Must sell, 489-1277 or 489-0029. 6-8-10 393-6471. 3-8-11 Used Akal, Sony, P8n Auto Parts & Service national origin. greet condition, low mileage. tape recorders. 100 u*d Aviation $650. Best offer. Call Mike. ONE GIRL needed Immediately for Rooms stereo cartridge, t8pM $® '« • EMPLOYMENT 361-7492. 5-8-7 4-men, starting fall. Delta Arms - close to campus. 361-0470. S-8-10 Cassette Pro-4-A tap. stereo record", 7 head Dh. • FOR RENT BRIDGESTONE, 175dt, new tires, SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and Garrard turntable, Automotive seat, pistons, battery. Needs woman. 6:30 • 7:00, 361-9286. $25 Apartments minimal work. $100 best offer or Any time - 372-1031. O Houses FORD, 1965 Galaxie Convertible, 676-2288. 5-8-7 Rooms V-8, automatic. Price negotiable. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 630 STODDARD, single mele, light 355-1049. 5-8-7 HONDA 350, 1969, 4000 miles, just • FOR SALE Marigold across from campus. cooking, $70 immediately. Used golf set, $14.95 Up Nt u tuned up, $600. 355-6319 after or 351-9036,332-0480. 6-8-12 Animals FORD 1964 Country Squire, 9 6 p.m., 332-4350. 4-8-7 Deluxe 2 apartments. Now leasing man furnished for fall. used up. fans. Used TV Realistic 55 vy„, Mtl g" Mobile Homes passenger station wagon. Good IV 9-9661 or 361-1890.0 SUMMER ROOMS at Hedrlck House amplifier w • PERSONAL condition, best offer, 332-6640. Auto Service & Parts Co-op. Block from cempus, SECONDHAND STORE Moe 3-8-10 CAME LOT APARTMENTS: 4901 cooking, spirit. 332-0844. 4-8-7 Michigan, 48 5-4391 8 • PEANUTS PERSONAL South 6 FORD 1965, blue, 2-door. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Pennsylvenla. Quiet • REAL ESTATE Economical six, good condition. Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. location for grad students and PLEASANT ROOM In East Lansing • RECREATION 353-0957. 3-8-11 Complete auto painting and faculty. One bedroom furnished. for lady. No smoking, $10. ED SAILORS — 7' Sportyak di collision service. IV 5-0256. C $160 monthly. Possession now or 2-1279. 1-8-7 sails. Great car-top • SERVICE September vacht.'s" 1»t. Call manager delivered. Ken. 353-6400 I Typing Service ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 393-8657 or FOX PROPERTY For Sale S-8-10 • TRANSPORTATION KALAMAZOO STREET BODY MANAGEMENT, 372-1954 • WANTED MERCEDES 190SL. 1958. Basically SHOP. wrecks. Small American dents to and foreign large 14-8-17 BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. ANNOUNCING newest E AST Men's Shop in "T.nii, OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green Make any size or style. Cherll, hvu DEADLINE good shape, needs minor work, cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo. C Apertments. Ideal for married 332-3848, forenoon or after 9 DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE 54't $850. Ted, 351-0608. 8-10 p.m. Grand River. 5-8-11 1 P.M. one class day grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 before publication. PRECISION bedroom, furnished and BACK TO 'me a nice in themm as. SCHOOL ITEMS • ■ Cancellations - 12 noon MUSTANG, 1967. 3-speed, V-8, unfurnished, $130 $175 VOLKSWAGEN ROOF reck, new. t to find in the Want Ads. IMPORTS Bug fastbeck, $16. Graff, 227 one class publication. day before vinyl top, $1395. Call 339-9254. 3-8-11 on vice and body work all foreign cart — R5PR0 JI£T PR/NKTHE [VKT monthly. September 361-2439 Possession or now 1st. Cell maneger, FOX PROPERTY or South Case Hall. 3-8-10 PHONE MUSTANG 1968. 6 automatic, New location. m0?'/ MANAGEMENT, 14-8-17 372-1964. TV SYLVANIA 19". One year old. Sewing mechine. Overstuffed 17,000 miles. Like newl $1500. 1204 E. Oakland 355-8255 chair. Occasional cheir. Coffee Call Linda 353-6400. After 5 RATES tables. Table lamps. Pendulum p.m., 351-2054. S-8-13 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Houses clock. Book shelf. 353-6807. American cars. If we can't fix it, it Iday $1.50 3-8-10 MUSTANG 1966, 289, 3-speed, can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. 0 . 15c per word per day LOVELY FURNISHED 1 and 2 44,000, $900. After 5 p.m., 3 days $4.00 332-5657. 3-8-7 For Rent For Rent bedroom houses, $140-$175 plus SONY 6060. Was $399.00 now 131/2C per word per day Aviation utilities. 361-5696. 3-8-10 $340.00 at MARSHALL MUSIC TV RENTALS - Students only. Low STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 COMPANY, East Lansing. C-8-7 5 days $6.50 OLDSMOBILE 1964 F-85, deluxe FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to monthly and EAST LANSING Duplex. Spacious 2 sport coup. Red, V-6 automatic, term bedroom. Now leasing for Fall 13c per word per day learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. 351-7900 to reserve yours. Term. Balconies, laundry. Near bedrooms, furnished, parking. MAGNAVOX PORTABLE stereo, 40,000 miles, $500. 351-3280. (based on 10 words per ad) Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. 351-6586. 5-8-12 AM-FM, year old. $170. Call 4-8-11 Andie, 353-0613, 361-1080. Peanuts Personals must be RENT A TV from TV company. WEST END - Large house, privete pre-paid. PONTIAC STARCHIEF, 1964 black, automatic, good running Employment a $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. 4 MAN, $50 month. 9 month lease furnished rooms, kitchen 3-8-10 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Fall. 332-4371 after 5.30 privileges, pets welcome. There will be a 50c service condition, $195. 355-6012. 3-8-7 372-8666. 10-8-14 MOTOR - 5 horsepower. Briggs and 3-8-10 Stratton. Good condition. Phone * SHAG CARPETING and bookkeeping charge if PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1961. Good interview. C 339-9460. 3-8-10 LOVELY SECLUDED, furnished, * NEW FURNITURE this ad is not paid within condition, new tires. Nena COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. ownership care. Minutes MSU. * UNLIMITED one week. 332-8647. 5-8-10 DIRECTOR HOUSEMOTHER for COMPLETELY REFINISHED • $200. 489-8468, 337-1181. 5-8-11 PARKING The State News will be small group home of 10 upright piano, $90. Convertible * PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1968, 2 door, adolescent DISHWASHERS girls. Supervise 3 hide-a-bed sofa, $40. Call responsible only for the ONE GIRL starting Fall; $62.50. THREE BEDROOM ci * AIR COND. first day's incorrect V-8, 3 speeds, standard, power steering, excellent condition, assistant housemothers. Over 21. Experience with adolescents. Apartments Walking distance. 351-""" ' 393-0829 after 6 p.m. 3-8-7 * ON THE BANK OF insertion. $1250. 324 West Grand River, Contact Mrs. Tate, 9 5 p.m., evenings. 3-8-10 GIGANTIC MOVING SALE. THE RED CEDAR • EAST LANSING near campus. One East Lansing. 3-8-7 372-4020. 5-8-11 * $55.00 bedroom, furnished. Large airy Everything from A-Z. Cheap, man 4TH FOR 4-girl apartment, Delta rooms. Air conditioned. UNFURNISHED THREE bedroom Cheap, Cheapl Material, lace, TRIUMPH GT6+ 1969. Dark blue, Arms, Fall - Summer. Prefer 21-30 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS, as Beautifully maintained. Select house. Clean, couples only, 1 or 2 clothing - summer, winter, suits, wire wheels, lots of professionally age. $65/month. Call anytime dresses, coats, all sizes. Men's suits MODEL OPEN professional consultant, VIVIANE clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or children. 10 minutes to campus. installed extras. All service WOODARD COSMETICS. Own 332-1423, Marian or Jackie. - size 42, children and baby 882-6549. O Call 484-3513. 3 8-11 DAILY 3-8-10 Automotive records. $2200 or best offer. hours. Referral appointment clothes. Hats, shoes, bags. Some 351-7889. 2-8-7 FOR FAMILY unfurnished, new with price tags still on. Old consulting only. Valerie, UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and near behind the WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 ALPHA ROMEO 1969 - 1300 GT 332-8532. 6-8-7 four man furnithed, $185 and up, Univeristy, 3 bedroom, recreation records from 30's. Smell VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968: genuine bedroom furnished or room. Call 393-1253 after 6 p.m. Yankee store junior, 24,000 miles, radio, heater, 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD appliances, furniture. 1156 Beech hippie, commi, magic bus, unfurnished. Balconies, security 5-8-10 plush interior, excellent condition. MANAGEMENT COMPANY Street, East Lansing. Friday, excellent shape internally end NEED JAZZ group for Wedding locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call All reasonable offers considered. 361-7910.0 Saturday, Sunday, August 7-9,9 externally, $1900. Call 485-0498, reception. Please call 361-3558, 361-4698, 332-3311 and 351-3918. 10-8-13 • 7 p.m. 3-8-7 after 4:00 p.m. 7-8-7 351-4893. 3-8-7 361-8890. O BAY COLONY: One and two AUSTIN - HEALEY 3000 MKIII bedroom, $135 end up, 337-9228. 1965 Roadster. Very good VOLKSWAGEN Convertible, 1962. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT condition. Reasonable offer. Dependable transportation, new COMPANY, 351-7910. O 361-1824. 3-8-10 battery, $300. Cell 355-2753. S CHEVROLET CORVAIR 1964. VOLKSWAGEN 1967. 24,000 miles. PLANS Academic FOR the Fell? Americen Environments, BEECHWOOD: Three end four men, LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom, apartments. 121 Beal. S180-S240, Thanks . . . Escape apartment from living ordinary to the Very good condition. $1160. Call furnished, $200 and up, Includes utilities. 351-6696. Recently overhauled. New Cembridge, Massachusetts is 332-0965. HALSTEAD luxury of North Pointe. And 365-2764. 4-8-7 seeking students, graduetes to 3-8-10 muffler, new battery good tires. MANAGEMENT while you're basking in the COMPANY, We're 100% leased for the 363-6807. 5-8-12 merket products full time. VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK Contect Plecement Bureau. 8-8-11 _ 361-7910. O LOVELY FURNISHED summer. Some choice luxury of air - conditioned, 1967: 50,000 miles, radio, efficiency, across from campus, carpeted North Pointe living CHEVROLET IMPALA 1966, 2 door FURNISHED ONE bedroom locations still left for fall. . mechanically excellent, $1295. 915 Lilac $120 plus electricity . think of the economy. PART TIME. Public relations job for . hardtop, V-8 automatic, very good Call 339-9443. 5-8-11 ' apartments near downtown available August 23. 351-5696. Rentals from condition, 355-8059 after 7 p.m. people who like people. Hours 6 - Lansing. Air conditioned, $175 per 3-8-10 9 p.m., Monday - Friday. No sales, carpeted, laundry facilities. 1-8-7 VOLVO rebuilt 1960 PV544. engine. Best Recently offer salary plus bonus program. Call Scott Johnson, 393-6210. 2-8-10 Immediate occupancy. $145 per month. Phone WALTER NELLER SINGLE WORKING girl to share 2 RIVER'S EDGE month. CHRYSLER 1964 transportation 355-6059 or 353-0841, Dean. COMPANY, 489-6561 bargain: Power steering brakes, good rubber, excellent and 3-8-7 SUMMER AND part time weekends and 1-8-7 evenings, 393-0206. or bedroom apartment, Haslett area, 355-3454. Ask for Chris, after and employment with full line 5:30, 339-2216. X-3-8-7 engine, dependable, $300 or best Scooters & - offer. Contact manager, Arbor Cycles merchant wholesaler. Automobile 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man WATER'S EDGE Forest required. 351-5800 for SPARROW HOSPITAL, Apartments next to deluxe one bedroom, furnished SUZUKI 1970 250 Sauage. Under' informetion. O Convenient to MSU. One bedroom University Inn on Trowbridge Road. 6-8-14 Can be seen 9 - 5 p.m. 2,000 miles, $650 (was S825 new) 372-0525 after 3 p.m. Art DENTAL ASSISTANT to train for apartment,. Phone IV 9-9651 or apartments conditioned, fully $135. carpeted, air 482-891 1. APARTMENTS Fossum. 5-8-13 orthodontic technician in private 3-8-7 (next to Cedar Village) THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man CORVETTE 1960. Beautiful, new office. Experience necessary. apartments. Block from Berkey, Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 BSA 250 1969: Excellent condition, See Don 332-4432 482-9695 days; evening,,' Quiet. Call 351-5143 TF 327, stored. $1195 firm. Phone 351-3258. 3-8-11 helmet and car carriers. 694-8937. 339-2458. 3-8-10 Roger Taskey 351-5.420 Stan Guskl 351-81M 3-8-10 EAST LANSING married or faculty: CORVETTE 1961, Classic, 283. 150CC VESPA, 1961 Vintage. Will EXPERIENCED CHEERLEADERS Modern, one bedroom, 3-speed, $1050. Call 351-0960. $150. Out of needed for our pro-football team. unfurnished, air - conditioned, sacrifice at TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student 3-8-7 Call 351-2627. 1-8-7 $150. 365-5806 after 3 p.m. 4-8-7 generosity will throw in helmet. units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely CROSSWORD CORVAIR 1964. Good condition, $150. Phone 332-1311 after 3 SEE TODAY'S WANT ADS for the carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean PUZZLE 3-8-10 furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and p.m. best buys in town. Free with your rent at Seven-Thirty-One individual control - central air conditioning. Theso four man ACROSS 1. ice pinnacle units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure THE VERY BEST time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 6. Hypnosis 12. 0;t genus 13. Exodus swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 14. Hinge want to bo among tha first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 115. Kitchen utensil today. There are units starting at $70/month par man. 16. SJudy 17, Bibyl. sky god 38. Boulevard '18. Anguilla 40. Muscle 19. Through 42. Rumor DOWN 20. Fireplace 43. Heppen 3. Osydreem MODEL CLOSED ??. Riddle 44. Wears a 4. Later 24 Wander 45. Skeptic 5. Puma FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: r~ r- r- TT jr n r- ar " I 6. Strap MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3379 % 7 Rejected SONY MODEL 130 TT* 8. Soason STEREO CASSETTE SYSTEM V/ u 9, Baseball tn 10. Algonquin A complete cassette atereo system In a beautiful walnut cabinet NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES V/, U! 11. Nobleman i*~ TT ie~ 17. Memorablli • True atereo sound with two Sony/Superscope full-range • Stereo headphone Jack. • Stereo balance, tone, and ] AVAILABLE. 1 ir 19. Footlike pa' 20. Juvenile speakers. volume controls. 127 5*r IT 2T 27 21. And so fori" • Microphone and auxiliary • Complete push-button 23. Billfisl1 Inputs, • Pause control and tape counter. 3-dlglt operation. • Tape Sentinel lamp to cate end of cassette. Indi-I Three Man or woman Luxury Suites $66*- ®U)j)tbtngf)am W i So" Si w W 25. Love story 26. Beginner 27. Hankerini 29. Snaffle W" sr THE STEBIO Ift walk to Campus 4620 S. Hagadorn 33 35" IT *0 r P In 31, Vegetable ■33. Rodent conditioning ■urious furniture, 5T i 5T 34. Finished 35, Gourd fruit Check our 'petini, appliances MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: 37. Vermin MNalar nCJdl 0,l",Lin"ni 5431. Grind River "GOLDEN | MCDILS 4 HIN TAL 5T i iIT _ — — 39. Greet 40. Sun Phone 337-1300 GUARANTEE" J OHN I K S Alco m. 21 ) mln AP N 77! I.JO 41. Twist"1 *m our nonpleta line of sti 731 BURCHAM DRIVE PHONE 361 7212 MONOA>THROUOh Management Company 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Hriclay, August 7 [J: i^o Detroit recalls Independent 4 board members DETROIT (UPI) - Four liberal Detroit members who voted to speed integration have been recalled in a vote split along racial lines. "I hope everybody in this community Board of Education of the city's schools has learned a lesson," gets OK from Congress governors on!), WASHINGTON (AP) - i into operation but can go to postmaster general by „lajoril said Aubrey J. Short, chairman of a committee that organized a Creation of a new independent on a j&te iinJ:rea^e Mail rates - which are to The postal governors, how petition drive to get the recalls on Michigan's primary ballot. U.S. Postal Service designed to *immediately and is likely to i cover all operating costs will in hnnct can boost rates up to onen!" It was the first such recall in the 128-year history of the city boost the six cent letter stamp be set by an independent five - on a temporary basis on h end political and mechanical - be the first time a majority of the school board and believed to board of a major U.S. city has been removed by recall. troubles of the mails passed to summer. eight cents by next spring or man Postal Rate Commission, The commission must hold own not if the rate approve a commisslVfi^ rate Voted out were Board President Darneau Stewart, vice Congress Thursday and went to - President Nixon. The new postal service will be public hearings, its rate increases request within 90 days president Andrew Perdue, A. L. Zwerdling and Peter Grylls. The bill turning the $7 - billion under an 11-man board of can be challenged in the courts Mailmen's pay and worn, In white areas of the city, up to six - to - one margins in favor of recall were noted, while black areas were against the move. Post Office system over to the governors and day day and they can be overridden by conditions will with postal unions be negotS 8 With 583 of the city's 1,111 precincts reporting, the votes new corporate - like federal management under a permanent the cost • conscious postal were: Grylls, 58,677 for recall, 37,411 against; Stewart, 53,677 agency — and boosting mailmen's pay eight per cent — for recall, 36,303 against; Perdue, 53,676 for recall, 36,681 against, and Zwerdling, 54,211 for recall, 36,263 against. passed the House 339 to 29. Backers called it monumental Zwerdling, Stewart and Grylls were elected to the board in New book relates reform and House Republican 1964 on a team platform of integrated education. The board adopted the high school integration plan April 7 as part of a legislature - ordered plan to decentralize the 292,000 student Leader Gerald R. Ford said it may go down as "one of the finest achievements" of the 91st struggle system, the nation's fourth largest. Congress. A hastily formed citizens committee for better education started the recall campaign. Zwerdling, a labor attorney who once served as administrative assistant to the late Walter P. Reuther, The most sweeping reform in the postal system's 81 - year - history, the bill is to take the to better living in Pakista said the angry opposition resulted "because for the first time we mails out from under the control are not only sending black students into white schools, but we are of 535 congressmen and a The vicious circle of poverty, Parcels of half an acre or less. Incomes were higher w also sending white students into black schools." politically appointed postmaster debt and inevitable fatalism can But he does not keep all of his villagers were persuaded the, general and turn them over to be broken. harvest; if he is a landowner, 40 new ideas had potential, The legislature has since thrown out its own previous action and the school board's integration and decentralization plans. independent, professional Since East Pakistan per cent of the crop, on the Even more important, "Rutl Short said Wednesday "I hope voters will make it a pointwhen management. Academies for Rural , average, goes to the Development in Action" relaU It also provides for moneylender; if he is a tenant, how the traditional apathy they elect a new board in November to select someone who modernization, authorizing the Development were established in |ia(f goes to ian(j|ord." villagers disappears when the represents the views of the people so we can turn the schools into new service to sell up to $10 1959 with funds from the Ford see the verv real nn«ihinn~ ^e verytheirreal . what we think they should be." billion in bonds, to end tieups Foundation and advisers from Through the academy and the ^ changing possibles living ronditiom The committee indicated it may also seek to fire Two students seem immune to the threat of lethal halitosis like the massive postal MSU, some answers have imagination of the Bengalis, The academy was establishe Superintendent Norman Drachler, who was appointed in 1967 from the giant tongue in the giant mouth parked near breakdown in Chicago five years gradually been found to rural officials and people in the as a laboratory for social because of his strong advocacy of integration. He recommended Kresge Art Center on campus. ago. problems. thana, the agonizingly slow economic research that wou the busing plan to the board in April. State News photo by Fred Ferri The new system has a year to The struggles, failures and Process change moved in an enlist the villagers, the staff; successes of the academy in uPward spiral. government officials Comilla "thana" are detailed in Through a new village • based program ^ of research "Rural Development in Action," AG EXPERIMENT STATION published by Cornell University cooperative system, irrigation and rural electrification, family experimentation it has become a workab Press. planning programs and prototype for the rest of Et The work is authored by experiments in rural education, Pakistan. The Arthur Raper, retired MSU there were positive results, continuing, Agricultural By ANN HECKER "There emphasis has placed been on more the faculty, three research associates, 58 technicians, 142 In the past year, a studie Botany Wildlife Field Laboratory with an Analytical Laboratory and the Pesticide professor, with the assistance of Harry L. Case, Richard O. Niehoff, The William T. Edgar A. Schuler, all of MSU. authors, who served as processing of convenient foods graduate assistants and 43 accompanying well for crop Construction for $90,000 advisers in East Pakistan, Automated Milking Parlor has studiously record their research Thev \ have develoned a new for home use and use of more clerical workers. irrigation was completed at a been approved and will reduce findings over the last 13 years. . phppco cturfieH technology and science in all The station conducts research cost of $96,000. " Their of Comilla thana, a the sniHW ratoc in Mirhiaan fields of agriculture," Sylvan H. in the fields of food sciences, A Swine Housing and Waste the labor required for milking by county story - sized rural area serving «vntho«i™rf milk nrntein and' W>ttwer, director of the business and marketing, human Management Unit was built at a one - half. home for a quarter million rWlnnprf a trinlniH nninsettia Agricultural Experiment Station, resources, animal sciences, cost of $165,000 and is used for The coi . These are iust a few of the said- poultry, mink research, swine, the study of problems of waste information bank in significant people, depicts an excruciatingly m,mr mctt'c The Agricultural Experiment plant sciences, crop control, management, physiology and research • extension hard life. Here, the food short in T^LiH?,aiCln Station had a 1969 budget of human health, waters and nutrition. developments. was n aani nnrtor the Hntnh approximately $10 million. wildlife, soil science and forestry A $2 million Pesticide The station's future plans call supply, sickness was common Act of 1887 the station Funds are appropriated from and forest products. Research Center, with adjoining f°r L ' comprehensive research and life a struggle for existence. In the forward, David Bell, conducts research bearine on the the fed"al and state It has laboratories, headhouse and greenhouse,and managementin and se, is programs animal waste utilization, vice president of the Ford agricultural industries of the g°vernments> g^nt ■ in • aid greenhouses, experimental plots now fully operational nutrient recycling, air pollution, Foundation, explains, "The from governmental agencies, and other facilities at the houses scientists the departments of Entomology, biodegradable pesticides and average farmer in Comilla thana Agriculture is stin a very interest from bonds provided by Universityoperates farms in the • Horiculture, Botany, Crop and herbicides and integrated pest owns or leases about 1.7 acres of imDortant Dart of the US the Rackham Research It also <_ " ' ' " " ~ " — ■ control. '"~J land, '—*— broken —up into several* production. But it has shifted to F°"ndation, T. rnrnnrnfinnc individuals, Upper Pen insula and Soil Sciences, Fisheries and biMeTTnd "bet'terlar^and corporations and associations. . ar experimental stations S usTol^hnoIo® » throuehou. .he Lowe, Penmsuta. TAKE OUT A FISH, For TONIGHT... only $1.35 you can take out our famous fish Diggs, Conyers gain spots dinner with all the extras. And convenience, our piping-hot carry-out specials take only seconds to prepare or you can call ahead and for your we'll have it waiting for you. Don't forget that we START A NEST ballot with also offer carry-out service on most of the food on easy wins items on our menu; chicken or shrimp for instance. If you're in a hurry for excellent food and service. Hurry in to Holiday Inn. Our very popular wedding sets, the Swinging Sets. Fiom top: Textured bridal set with diamond cluster engagement ring, $595. DETROIT (UPI) — Detroit's two black O'Hara of Utica — also were easy winners. Holiday Inn East 3121 E. Grand River Textured set with round and marquise diamond congressmen easily brushed off primary In the state's closest congressional race, Ann - opposition and were ensured spots on the Arbor Attorney Michael Stillwagon beat Bruce 489-2481 engagement ring, $350. Overlap bridal November general election ballot with Michigan's A. Neal by 157 votes out of 18,000 cast to win set with solitaire engagement ring, $250. 17 other representatives in the U.S. House. the right to face Republican Rep. Marvin Esch in Don't forget our "All you While solid returns finally came in for Detroit the general election. Wednesday afternoon, they showed incumbent Democrat Charles C. Diggs. the state's senior August Michigan (Gus) Scholle, AFL-CIO, won president the three of the Can Eat" Specials. Sunday MORGANS - way Jewelers Since 1876 balck congressman, had shrugged off David democratic race in the 18th District and will take Chicken Dinner $2.25 Boston's challenge by a 6-1 margin in the 13th on Republican Rep. William S. Broomfield of Children $1.25 121 S. Washington • Lansing District, while Democrat John Conyers Jr. had Royal Oak in the fall. Monday Meridian Mall • East Lansing piled up the same victorious edge over Willie Gerald R. Ford of Grand Rapids, the House Spaghetti Dinner $1.50 Baxter in the 1st District. Reg. U.S. Pal. Off. Minority Leader and Michigan's senior It was apparent from the early returns both Congressman, was unopposed in his bid for a would win, but a computer snag delayed returns 12th term. as Detroit made its first attempt to count votes Altogether, 55 candidates entered the election by computer. and 42 emerged to fight again in November, The only other incumbents who faced including the four American Independent party opposition — Republican Rep. Donald W. Riegle Jr. of Flint and Democratic Rep. James G. nominees who faced no opposition in the races they entered. Jacdbgoris Free Delivery VpeCaesa^ Pizza Treat Will Be Closed ON CAMPUS CALL All Day OFF CAMPUS 337-1681 CALL 337-1631 Saturday Through August 8 So that all of us may enjoy a longer weekend during the summer months, Jacobson's will be closed all day Saturday. Store hours on all other days will remain the same ... 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Open Wednesdays, 12:00 to 9:00 p.m.