Charity . . . MICHIGAN Monday . it the perfection and Cloudy . TATE NEWS ornament of religion. — Addison STATE . . . The expected with a chance of showers. high is 88 degrees. UNIVERSITY Vol- 63, Number 34 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 10, 1970 18-YEi Vote amendment OK'd; question to go on ballot Passage of the proposal in the state if they intend to comply with the law By JEFF SHELER legislature came despite President Nixon's when it goes into effect in January. State News Staff Writer recent signing of the Federal Voting Rights Gov. Milliken has Act which will allow 18 already answered • year olds to Mitchell's letter stating that The state Senate vote in national elections. - Michigan will adopted a proposal comply unless the courts rule the law Friday that will allow Michigan voters to Concern over the decide in November if 18 constitutuionality of unconstutitonal. - year - olds will the federal statute has led some states to State Rep. Jackie have the right to vote. Vaughn III, D-Detroi challenge the measure. sponsor of the state proposal, said he went The Senate passed the U.S. Atty. Gen. John Mitchell proposed recently constitutional amendment 28-6. The sent letters to call state governors inquiring (please t 3 page 6) House had previously approved the measure. Action on the proposal came quickly and somewhat unexpectedly Friday since the question had been caught in a political stalemate since early July. The vote came moments after Sen. Bill calls on industries George W. Kuhn, R-Birmingham, and chairman of monitor pollution the Elections Committee, Municipalities and reported resolution out of his committee and placed the to it on the clerk's desk. Casualty A number of senators were outside the Senate chamber at the time of the vote and were bill aimed at placing strict controls on the sale and use of explosives in the state. An ambulance prepares to leave the scene of the Goose Lake Rock Festival with a youth who was caught off guard by the swift action. The Senate passed the House bill minus injured when Only after a few came scampering into the The state House of he fell from one of the spotlight towers near the stage. Persons ringing the tower Representatives an original provision to include gunpowder attempted to catch him, but he chamber did the proposal gamer the two - passed legislation Friday that would hand in the list of fell on his back. State News photo by Terry Luke thirds margin required of a constitutional "dangerous explosives." As industry the bill for monitoring their own drafted by Rep. James Tierney, D-Garden amendment. pollution of Michigan waterways. In a 93-7 vote, the House City, the bill would clamp down on ihe passed and sent sale and use of to the governor the bill gunpowder, dynamite, that received Senate approval nitroglycerine, TNT and other explosives. Thursday. The Senate omitted gunpowder from the 1200,000 rock fans disperse The bill would require industries to bill saying that it would place report to the State Water Resources unnecessary restrictions on sportsmen who Commission all products and pack their by-products they manufacture and the amount of water The House later concurred with the they use for cooling and waste removal Senate amendment. that is returned to state waterways or The bill would require a person who wished to purchase an explosive to first after The industries would then Lak pay from $50 Goose obtain a permit from a police to $9,000 annually according to the extent agency. He must give his name, address and Social to which they pollute state waters. Gov. Milliken has voiced Security number and state his purpose for strong support purchasing the explosive. He must also for the measure and had The Goose Lake Rock Festival ended late makeshift tents to hear the placed it on his amplified the confines of the 380-acre rolling and swung over," one girl standing nearby- list of top priority legislation. I Sunday night as 200,000 "lovers of the pulsations of groups such as the Small woodland park. said. "We tried to break his fall with our Also sent to the governor (please turn to page I free spirit" started home after three days Faces, Ten Years After, The Bob Segar Friday was a 6) Myers said the deputies would enter only (please turn to page 2) | of pot, popsicles, watermelon and wine, System, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit if a capital crime were committed, adding, I and, of course, hard rock music. Wheels and Jethro Tull. "We're not going to incite a riot." was really fantastic," Terry Luke, I Detroit senior, commented. " 'Chicago' The Jackson County Sheriff's Dept. maintained a hands - off attitude toward Meanwhile, watched over private security guards the crowd. 'NO CHANCE OF DANGER' I 'Mountain' were the best the goings - on within the private park. groups I Friday and Saturday," he said. However, Undersheriff James Myers said Drugs were sold openly in the park, with I Youths from throughout the nation paid Lethal more than 50 youths were arrested Friday large trucks carrying signs such as "acid" begins trip I the $15 entry fee and clustered in and "hash." Most of the youths spent their mostly on narcotics charges — outside — money on food, marijuana and soft drinks. Near midnight, Friday, milling rock fans broke down part of a fence between the gas The train pulling the gas will include a stage and a meadow where thousands of Amid elaborate safety and security- ultimately break open on the ocean floor, 112,000 college youths were gathered. Security guards on motorcycles prevented anyone from going through the fence, and the remaining few minutes of the program were canceled. precautions, the Army has completed loading lethal nerve gas aboard trains in Anniston, Ala., and Richmond, Ky., and will send the trains through the South guard car for a heavily armed detachment of soldiers, a boxcar with decontamination material, another car with a fire truck and another with two ambulances. the sea harmless. will dilute the gas and render it However, U Thant, secretary - general of In another incident Saturday afternoon, toward a controversial disposal at sea. There has been no official announcement the United Nations, has charged that the [expecfed a wildly dressed youth climbed a 40-foot A Pentagon spokesman said of the routes the train will take United ot Sunday the States will be At the Sunny Point terminal near violating an pole to a spotlight stand, stood for a trains, carrying 418 steel - jacketed international convention and General moment and then plunged to the ground. concrete vaults of chemical - filled rockets, Wilmington. N.C., the gas from both trains Assembly resolution if it proceeds with its will be loaded aboard a "A lot of the people here are the He was taken from the area in a helicopter would depart today. But he said the time barge that is to be plan. The gas is to be dumped in By JOHN BORGER and flown to sunk in 16,000 feet of water 282 miles east fraternity - man types who have just been a hospital in nearby Jackson, was classified. international waters, he said. State News Staff Writer of Cape Kennedy, Fla. influenced by SDS and the long - hair suffering from broken ribs and possible An Army spokesman said there is almost no chance of The Army said it chose a circuitous route And Florida Gov. Claude scene," he said. punctured lung. danger. Kirk, along and then the sea voyage to avoid with three J ST. PAUL, Minn. - The first of an "They're just beginning to develop methods for dealing with the police," he "He just climbed the pole to the platform and just put his hands on the rail Each train will be preceded by a pilot train to check the tracks ahead of the nerve populated areas. heavily Florida congressmen appealed to Defense Secretary' Melvin R. has |!xpect1ed 12,000 delegates arrived Sunday IJ the 23rd annual said, "which is a stage we passed a long gas. The Pentagon says that if the vaults Laird to reconsider. congress of the ■National Student time ago. Association (NSA) amid ■ e confusion of "When I told themaboutthe 132 students registration forms and who got busted at the Union and the suit ■pv»°rS ■ a keynote address later in the ning by Jesse Jackson of the Southern •we've got against the University, they were 1 ,'s !a" Leadership Conference (SCLC). Few of the Big Ten or Ivy League schools Id>„ V Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld, members of NSA. MSU withdrew in 12! .ng after a two • day pre-congress are laid 1 °f student b°dy presidents, th 1968, but Grossfeld attended by invitation. lintnrJ-C?'lgress appeared to be splitting jMorad.caland liberal factions. IsaiH JT the delegates are liberals, he i!?oSt tfle NSA staff are radicals I One °lr People turned socialist." LIS at.ion of the prevailing mood at Soldier cites lot revnf?*S 'S the lack of reaction to talk ■Grossfeld said ^ Var'°US workshops' |w"e thin8 that did go over big," he said, use of drugs |deieoatp..L^Saturday night who told the ■Uphort i , we ve got enough power and lot enm. u a evolution, then we've ■Peacefully V°t0S to chflnge the system Wtni00" gettin* our heads bloodied in Vietnam W I H,: ,ge the system from without, ly to DO? (Umost ,of the delegates are lange tL hair cut and 8° back and PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Drugs, used by ,0«feld saidSyStem ^r°m tbe 'ns'de." a majority of young soldiers in Vietnam, are reducing the Army's effectiveness and ^re'conLm°»St of the de'egates are the are easier to obtain than liquor, a former .-berais anH tu ? factions of the left, the Army information specialist claims. rlleri the tim y re going to vote that way Jon Steinberg, 25, a former Spec. 5 who lvoCln COme8'"hesaid- researched the problem for the Army, was «ew Off?nmaj.0r issues and the election expected to be the lead witness this week before the Senate Subcommittee ict,o'»«v;rMhedu'edu"t",he Investigate Juvenile Delinquency. to Tings about he has learned several The subcommittee has asked him to i mav student - University reations testify on drug use by the military and imoorL U8eful next fal1. such as about possible laws on treating addicts. Festival ),iog of University stock Steinberg's comments were contained in an interview published in the Sunday presented at the editions of the Philadelphia Inquirer. The SRC belts out a number during the weekend Goose Lake Rock States for activities ranging from live performances by popular music * experifn! yet cached MSU's level "Drugs are being used by a very sizable Festival at Goose Lake Park near Jackson. The three - day music festival groups to camping and nude bathing. ns. he said student ■ university (please turn to page .6) drew more than 200,000 rock enthusiasts from throughout the United State News photo by Terry Luke MICHIGAN STATE HEW' UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD Governors' parley begins; seen election issue editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager economy after 10 years m KENNETH LARRY KRELL, editorial editor LAKE OF THE OZARKS, Mo. Governors Conference that state of the economy will be the the be the major issue campaign," said Gov. Warren E. in the taking also no were chances of trouble, providing policemen major issue in the, said, country u IS J LEE, city editor (AP) - Republican governors, Hearnes of Missouri, a Democrat with a practical way of economy and the ability of kP JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor fearing the political impact of key issue in the fall campaign. JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor inflation and unemployment in Democrats are hoping to make who is host for the conference. performing their two - week administration America forward." »toyor'he| November's inroads into the current 32 - 18 If it becomes an issue, retorted annual active duty. election, charged Gov Nelson A. Sunday Democrats that are high - spending responsible for the Republican margin governorships with such in key GOP Gov. Edgar D. Whitcomb of Indiana, "Republicans will the Republicans said they hoped efforts of the Nixon New York, a Rockefeller RepublicanseeLl 01 Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. nation's economic Svoes. industrial bastions as New York, place the blame squarely on the administration to stem inflation would cut the political effects. his fourth four conceded "it isn't a year f Many agreed with their Pennsylvania, Ohio and inflationary policies of the very hanj moment" so far as the Democratic counterparts on the California as leading targets. Johnson administration and the Gov. Robert D. Ray of Iowa, a is concerned, then eron0l eve of the 62nd National "The economic situation will present Democrat - controlled Republican seeking a second two added. ■ "The reason we EDITORIALS Congress." - year term in November, said if inflation today is have «J inflation becomes an issue, "the because in h, Some of the executives fact that the President is trying previous administration expressed disappointment at the to do something about it — there was a budget absence from the conference of proposed h* the President which Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, regardless of the fact that it is about $26 billion of involvorift Senate pot and the fact that the former Maryland governor is no longer taking time and is extremely difficult balance the - should tend adverse political to financing. "Well, this was defij just feeding thj " serving as the administration's force*, of inflation and liaison man with the states. effects." where this 1 Agnew's absence was attributed But Gov. David Cargo of New : and I uiink this - problem came frol Mexico, a Republican retiring administration to "a scheduling conflict." after an unsuccessful Senate bid, has been doing its best to wrong coi reasons, President Nixon expected to attend. also is not said the economic issue, while secondary in New Mexico to with it," added Rockefeller. | Both Rockefeller and said a major problem is HeamJ With formal sessions scheduled that of the Vietnam war, "tends that,# those who have the Missouri The Michigan Senate has managed to remain to start Monday, governors to hurt the political party in executive put itj "the people don't want to demonstrated once again its inability the longest. continued to arrive at this power, in this case the the taxes that are p«| to come to grips with drug use. Last The gentlemen in the Senate lakeside resort, turned virtually Republicans." necessary and week they lowered the penalties for chambers daily engage in nothing into an armed camp by more Six of the governors, appearing vital to the welfare of tlJ than 700 Missouri National on a special hour - long session states." 1 or less than an exercise in marijuana transgressions - but for all more Guardsmen and state highway of NBC's "Meet the Press," split As in the past, the conferenJ the wrong reasons and by all the arteriosclerosis. They are fixated to is expected to press patrolmen assigned to logistical on partisan lines in discussing strongly f0l wrong methods. the American culture as it was 30 and security duty at the the economic issue. a full federal takeover of alL The Senate bill, if approved by the years ago when they grew up - and conference. Gov. John N. Dempsey of welfare costs, plus Preside! Missouri officials, obviously Connecticut, Democrat retiring Nixon's revenue House a • sharing plaifl and governor, would lower when people sincerely believe that a the present penalty for sale and puff of pot would bring on instant possession of the misunderstood addiction and a rapid descent into herb from a mandatory - and absurd 20 years to life sentence to a lesser but equally absurd maximum of 10 the pits of depravity. They have, in fact, appointed themselves the protectors and purveyors of a public Collins trial end]app years or a $10,000 fine. The upper morality that no longer exists, save in chamber also voted to keep pot their own minds. offenses on the felony list instead of v ering them to misdemeanor status. In other action, the august The question is not squelch an unsanctioned intoxicant how may we final witnesses but, rather, how may we best bring body kept the minimum of 20 years the laws - which are supposed to be Friendly bees ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The scheduled to be called by the disappeared, the case is expe in jail for heroin and cocaine flexible rather than immutable - Raymond Presnell of Banner Elk, N.C., was the center of John Norman Collins coed defense, which still has not yet to go to the jury early this weel murder trial enters its fourth and said whether it would have pushers. into with attraction at the annual meeting of the North Carolina tune a widespread Collins himself testify. Dr. Samuel Golub, a fibej The reasoning behind this new Beekeepers Assn. Saturday with his unusupl "beard." To probably final week today, with phenomenon and a new morality. the defense planning to put one identification expert form the beard, he took the queen bee from a hive and Dedham, Mass., is the firl legislation does not involve a sincere The question should not be how to more scientific expert and Regardless of whether Collins desire to bring the laws more in line lock away the Horrible Peddlers of placed her in a tiny box on a cord around his neck. He then several character witnesses on takes the stand to give his witness scheduled to testifl with the realities of society but, poured hundreds of bees from the hive onto his chest and the stand. version of his activities the day today. His testimony is expectel heroin and cocaine, but rather how formed the beard with his hands. AP Wirephoto The witnesses are the last Karen Sue Beineman to dispute key prosecutiol rather, to provide better tools for to cure them - for they are as sick as testimony which sought to shoa locking up the Evil Dope - Smokers. the people who use their noxious that hair found on the Easte™ The present medieval drug statutes wares. HOSTAGE IN URUGUAY Michigan University panties came from the Ypsilanfl are so incredibly severe that many The Senate's repressive and basement where the prosecutor judges justifiably hesitate to reactionary handling of drug reform contends she was slain. administer them. With comparatively and abortion reform, etc. - is Phone call relates - lesser penalties on the books, the Senate hopes to encourage their collective honors to hippie - junkies to the dungeons. send more reminiscent of the fable of the blind men and the Unfortunately, in this parallel the elephant. elephant is the people of the State of MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) - A radio station received a telephone call Sunday deadline, U.S. ambassador Charles W. Adair broadcast dramatic killing released political prisoners three times to win the freedom of captured diplomats, Collins, 23, EMU in murder in a former senior ai neighboring Ypsilanti,® charged with" first her se> J* a mercy appeal over slaying. She was the seventh an Anyone who was present in the Michigan. afternoon saying urban guerrillas at noon Uruguayan radio stations. urged the Uruguayan government last week last young woman slain undej Senate gallaries when the ill - fated There is a ray of hope. For three out shot and killed Dan A. Mitrione, a "The violent assassination of this man, an to do everything possible to obtain Dias similar circumstances within twf abortion reform bill was being of every four years one can only kidnaped U.S. police adviser. innocent victim of circumstances, would be Gomide's release. The U.S. government years around Ann Arbor a debated will understand how the The call was received at radio station high crime not only against the traditions made a similar appeal to the president. complain about the Senate — and a Ypsilanti. Carve 40 minutes after noon — the of western society, but also against state Senate could arrive at such an attain the same results that one gets deadline set by the kidnapers, but police humanity," Adair declared. appalling position. It has to do with from complaints about the weather. said there was no way of determining "I cannot believe that all who believe in present beaucratic system of This time things are different. On for fans our 200,000 whether the call was authentic. the great human values which we all love, government that rewards not those Nov. 4 we can do something about The telephone caller said two other could commit such a cruel act. In the name who are the most competent but it. captive foreigners would be shot later in of Mrs. Mitrione, and in those of his nine the day. They are Aloysio Mares Dias children and in my own name, I ask you to (continued from page 1) Gomide, 41, Brazilian consul here, and free him so that he can return to his home Richard Songer, chief promoter of tlJ arms, but he fell on his back." Claude L. Fly, 65, a U.S. soil expert and his friends." As the temperatures at the park soared festival which engaged 21 rock band| employed by the Uruguayan government. Adair made his appeal ufter meeting with into the mid-80s, many youths jammed the admitted that drugs were being sold oper The ceasefire: s*ep Police reported they had received no communication from the Marxist guerrilla movement, the Tupamaros. Foreign Minister Jorge Peirano Facio. A spokesman said the Uruguayan government had not given either the U.S. or Brazilian beaches at the edge of Goose Lake, and a few stripped off their clothes for nude on the grounds. to "Our special police have been ins keep it under control," he said. bathing. They were not hampered by the Mitrione, once police chief in Richmond, governments any hope of saving the three. guards but numerous airplanes, including a During the three days loud music froj Inc., was attached to the U.S. embassy as The Tupamaros charged Mitrione was a four records blared through loudspeakej an adviser to the Uruguayan federal police. - engine Air Force tanker, buzzed the mounted on high towers. The in-peison ro spy, an accusation denied by Adair. Their beach. journey The Tupamaros issued a communique bands were scheduled for l' oa a Saturday night saying Mitrione would be announcement that he would be executed was made after police captured the Neither did the guards interfere with the ■ festivities. executed at noon because President Jorge drug - hawkers. A young couple dressed in red. white anl guerrillas' two most important leaders, Dr. Daniel Nauts of the Pacheco Areco refused to release 150 Raul University of blue were married on the final day of tj Sendic, 45, and Raul Bidgain Michigan, who directed a clinic on the political prisoners as ransom. Grossing, 42. The two had been sought for festival and settled down to a one • Once again the ravenous fires that Tel Aviv is fully aware that their grounds, said there No mention was made of Dias Gomide years. were many patients honeymoon on the private estate wil rage in the Middle East have been military edge gleaned from the Six - and Fly. The Brazilian treated for bad trips, minor cuts and 200,000 young music fans. diplomat was seized The Brazilian government, which forced to recede for a time. Israel Day War is razor thin and could be has poison ivy. July 31, simultaneously with Mitrione. Fly and the Arab nations - and easily upset. Thus it was only after was kidnaped Friday. He is from Fort indirectly the people of the world — pressure just short of blackmail by Collins, Colo. have miraculously been granted a 90 the United States that Israel agreed Twenty minutes before the noon - day break in hostilities. The to risk losing its momentum in a question is whether a solution can be found before the three - month ceasefire. The Joker in the Mideast deck is Student-labor ceasefire - possibly the last time out the Palestinian commandos.. They in the game - expires. The chances of any lasting have stated that any they will not accept ceasefire agreement - and then alliance offer resolution of the Arab - Israeli conflict are rated slim by many they will stop at nothing short of the observers - but then it was not so complete destruction of Israel. It is not difficult to see how they have sent to very long ago that the same Nine student leaders from MSU have arrived at this position. As the song speculations were being made about written the president of the Michigan ceasefire. goes, "When you've got nothing, a Considering the AFL-CIO, proposing an "alliance" between you've got nothing to lose." complexity of the Mid-East question students and labor. At least there is a beginning - and it is amazing in retrospect that a Written by ASMSU Chairman Hal most of the bullets have stopped Buckner, the letter asks President August ceasefire was attained at all. flying for the time being. United (Gus) Schoole for reactions to the Egypt if, of course, a prime mover in the Middle East: tangle. It is Nations mediator Gunnar Jarring is suggested alliance. Tent town facing nothing less than a latter - day "This concept," the letter says, "is increasingly apparent that, in light of the failure of Nasser's "war of version of the labors of Hercules - already being explored and put to use in other states, to combat problems in higher Fans attending the Goose Lake Festival pitched tents and makeshift shelters for their three day stay in the park Jackson. - I but without the ancient hero's semi - near Flags of numerous sizes and signifance flew over many of the dwellings. I attrition" against Israel, Egypt would education, urban slumsand unemployment..." divine edge. The letter was signed by Buckner; Susan State News photo by Terry Luke I like to cease hostilities. Cease, that Carter, Women's Inter-residence Council is, if lost territories can be regained, Still, we feel it is to the lasting (WIC) president; Ron Mauter, Men's Hall and if and most credit of the leaders of Israel and the AIRLINE - importantly — Association (MHA) president; Bob Egypt does not lose her self - several Arab states that they have Grossfeld, ASMSU Cabinet president; Harv NOT INTERESTEPIN SjJJ, 1 (JHO FLIES proclaimed leadership of the Arab far Dzodin, former ASMSU vice chairman; come as as they have toward Peter Ellsworth, former ASMSU chairman. world. peace. The road out of the morass of Donna O'Donnohue, former president of Israel, on the other hand, is afraid hate and horror that has marked the WIC; Tom Samet, former ASMSU to move, due partly to a paranoia past two decades in the Middle East chairman, and George Bullard, State News about annihilation that is firmly is long, but at least the first step has editor in-chief. grounded in fact. The government in Scholle could not be reached for been taken. comment Sunday. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 10. 1970 3 a Irasi | news Ceasefire cited a ' ! summary Communist Pravda nlpri«pH Sundav ri,#!? i th c "e^?aPer e Sl°v,et Union w , * and Just East." " called the ceasefire Peace in the that political settlement caused aggression by of the crisis Israel's against bandit Arab ceasefire as a victory for the Arab world and said it could lead to Israeli withdrawal from be "A difficult road will have traversed and numerous difficulties, including difficulties to i pport countries." It made no mention of opposition I From the wirei of AP and UPI. neSrv»L cessary for *H Wfhtt1fT is ^an the establishment at midnight Friday first important the countries." ' " the June, - artifically created by opponents ceasefire from Iraq, Syria, step ... for a The newspaper hailed of peace, will have to be Algeria and the Panestinian overcome before genuine peace guerrillas. is established," Pravda said in its REDISTRIBUTION URGED first comment on the ceasefire. No mention was made of the Weekend LA fact that the United States devised the plan that led to the "The Ed majors get job advice reason we have ceasefire and the beginning of inflation today is because in the previous peace talks among Arab nations administration . . budget proposed by the President . there was a and Israel. "In making a new peaceful robberies initiative Egypt and other Arab which involved about $26 billion the fact that he is $1,100 countries agreed to a temporary of deficit spending." MSU education majors may want to consider the economic area which is preparing for area of interest, Sheetz said. For already over example, most MSU graduates teaching positions. The over supply of teachers is ceasefire precisely to facilitate net - New York Gov. concept of supply and demand supplied," he said" seek employment fn Lansing,^ caused by economic conditions, op„liritv r~lin„n\> vn„omL' More than $1,100 when planning their academic However, the student should Grand RaniHs and Detroit. uL Rapids »nrt He purity Councils November, was taken higher teacher „i.,i« salaries and 1967 resolution, which is the during two armed hold-ups and a programs due to an over supply of teachers in many academic distribution of**- g,eograp,!i.c teachers in his considered ,that,other locations for when applying be unsuccessful Sheetz said. millage proposals, only possible basis safe theft in East the weekend. Lansing over areas. establishment of peace in the Middle East," said the paper. Entry was gained into the According to L. Patrick "It Student Book Store at 421 E. Sheetz, asst. director of placed in a difficult Grand River Ave. to pry open a placement for elementary and secondary education, MSU and other Michigan universities are U' offices to open r position the Israeli rulers who, on facing the danger of full isolation and experiencing the safe and take more than $1,000 Thursday night, police reported. A hold-up Friday International News producing a supply of teachers very more telling blows of the stronger armed forces of Egypt, Clark station. 1120 night at the E. Grand greater than the demand for River were compelled, though with Ave., netted one armed during them by many school districts. I In front lunch robber $80. of a giant statue of the god of peace, on the He said that universities should reservation, to agree to a Two ceasefire." armed men robbed ot Where the last atom bomb used in wartime fell 25 an attempt to redistribute apartment in Capitol Pravda continued that Egypt's Villa of lears ago, Nagasaki citizens prayed Sunday for past education majors away from policy "has met with the $84 Saturday night. surplus areas and into shortage offlces and 433 Hannah Jjctims and future peace. To better meet student needs receivable; staff benefits; ■ There was a protest, too. About 350 leftist students this fall several MSU offices will Admin,stratlon Bld8-will remain payroll; bookeeping, and ftllied near the peace park and then marched about two Academic areas such the remain in™er«H™thrn?,Zh til °Pen for messages and material voucher audit. The cashier's 1.75 Kites to dramatize their anger over the U.S. atom bomb social sciences, as history, English and foreign languages are |unch hour from lu"ch hour, from noon untilnoon 1 droP off- until 1 Als0( 25Q Hannah division will continue to be from 8:15 a.m. open until 4:15 p m. Cigarettes Ugly Buckling ltack on Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945, and over present among %' nyoul,„ Administration Bldg. will serve [meriean nuclear stockpiles. !h.r "h,Chuare informal"™ window point of information, The Research Contract Office Bne Size Panty Hose category. However,theJWrpl1!' demands Z TELreferral and appointment and the Office of Vice President 3/95< exist In the fields of industrial ■ Northern Ireland's Prime Minister James Chichester - arts, vocal and instrumental Services Buildlna «n we^nauction. win Latino to £ 8chedulin8 Registrar for and the the Office of the 0ffice of for Business and Finance are also 8tudying the p088ibUity °f limit 1 99< limit 6 ■ark cut short a vacation in Spain and flew home music and special education. JflnL Admissions and Scholarships. remaining open. (Coupon) (Coupon) Tunday amid bomb blasts and a mounting Protestant Sheetz should said be that universities arranaement* 2«L .i« i£, As Previous|y announced, . East Laming Store Only Expire! After 8-15-70 East Lansing Store Only Impaign to oust him. Some are saying this will be "the concerned with nffw nfdivisions in the office of the The Graduate Studies Office is Expires After 8-15-70 leek of destiny" for Northern Ireland. balancing this situation. T?ri ® [„ JSTm, comptroller which directly serve °Pen thr°"gh the lunch hour. ■ The prime minister, who is under pressure from "This does not student who is in the mean that a rn,in J*?,,8? Coun9e]ln8 C«nt«r * .? ov d? also remain 5" the public and student body will . . f , 1.39 1.19 over - open. These In determining the ability to Jondon to push through reforms in housing, voting and supply area should change his .TI thr°Ugh dlvisions delude: student fees P^v de services Vice President Foamy lbs to meet Roman Catholic complaints, refused to educational objectives. It just th« OftLp nf thi. Pr t in and scho!arship payments; pp^n" ^ iy ^ R°bert Mystic Panty Hose liswer newsmen who asked if he intended to resign means that he should recognize mTllltaS maintain telephone * "J student, coverage of identification faculty, and staff n *rri" exPlamed' the University Shave Cream Because of the campaign against him. cards; accounts |ook .into increased costs and consideration manpower IIsraeli planes struck Lebanese requirements. 89< noz. 69c bases of Arab guerrillas limit 6 limit 1 lunday and rival Palestinian guerrillas in Jordan engaged EFFECT OF ABSENTEE VOTE (Coupon) (Coupon) i another round of fighting. All remained quiet, The "IN" Eait Laming Store Only Explrei After 8-15-70 East Laming Store Only Expires After 8-15-70 on the Suez Canal front on the second , day of Boots for le Middle East ceasefire. .88 | |ln other le * * * Mideast developments, Pope Paul VI ceasefire Sunday and said he hoped a lasting hailed peace Pittenger's margin cut Guys & Gals Frisbee 200 off the discount price buld be founded on the belief in one God shared by An inflex of. absentee votes Dasen, 694. Stuttman, 6,019; H. Lynn Ke former combatants, Christians, Moslems and Jews. and late returns Friday cut State Totals In the Democratic race Jondahl, 5,347, and John E. on any mouthwash Rep. Phillip O. Pittenger's apparent victory margin to 33 late Thursday were: Leonard M. Cataldo, 1,690. 69c limit 1 |West German Chancellor Willy Brandt will fly to votes In his bid Republican nomination to the for the The State News, the student (Coupon) Eait Laming Store Only limit 1 (Coupon) oscow Wednesday to sign a Soviet - German treaty and newspaper at Michigan State Explrei After 8-15-70 East Laming Store Only Expires After 8-15-70 I talk with Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, the government 24th District state Senate seat. University, is published every class day during four school The added votes brought Mrs. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Jinounced Sunday. Polly Gibson, the apparent Subscription rate is $14 per year ■The treaty, initialed in Moscow Friday by the runner-up In the primary 10% off the ■gotiating team, still faces approval by the West election, much closer than first Member Associated Press, United Press International, Kodak Color Film lerman cabinet, but Socialist government sources vote returns had indicated Inland Daily Press Association, Associated lis is likely Tuesday. say would be the final margin. Michigan Collegiate Press, Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press discount price on 126-127 - 620 Late unofficial returns showed Association, United States Student Press Association. Pittenger with 7,489 votes to all film developing |A Peruvian airliner crashed into a hill Sunday after Mrs. Gibson's 7,456. Indications also showed Hugh Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services 87c limit 1 Ikeoff from Cuzco on a flight to Lima. A Cuzco radio W. Brenneman pulling into third Building, Michigan State no limit University, East Lansing, East Michigan. Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ption said only one of the 96 place ahead of Paul C. Younger Expires After 8-15-70 persons aboard survived. ■ who slipped to fourth place. Expires After 8-15-70 I U.S. Embassy official in Lima said he had been told Phones: Unofficial totals late Thursday Jveral ■The radio American students were aboard. were: Pittenger, 7,489; Gibson, Editorial 355-8252 5 Minute — Heel Serv 1.00 report said the plane crashed in sight of 7,456; Brenneman, 3,619; Classified Advertising 355-8255 Trial Size Cheer Teral persons who had witnessed its departure from Younger, 3,580; Knight D. Display Advertising 353-6400 MSU SHOE REPAIR Tanya McKesson, 2,553 and Alvin L. Business-Circulation le airport at Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital 365 miles I'm Lima in the high Andes. Other communications Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 225 E. Grand River Tanning Butter Laundry Betergent ■th Cuzco were interrupted. »«. 59c m spokesman for the Peruvian airline Lansa said the 7„z 9C limit 1 limit 6 ^"risengers ■ engine, turboprop and Lockheed Electra. carried 89 East (Coupon) Lansing Store Only seven crewmen. Expires After 8-15-70 1.05 .49 National News Crest Toothpaste Boxed ■Consumer advocate Ralph Nader called Sunday for a Envelopes J~era' i.iquiry into professional property tax ^ssnvi ts granted to industries in some places. He said 100 >e resv i jn $6 billion annual losses in tax collections. 6.75 oz. 65' 29^ aQer said the extent to which large business limit 1 limit 1 |®P"lics"national fail to pay their proper share of property East Lansi°ngPStore Expires After 8-15-70 Only East Lansing Store Only Expires After 8-15-70 scandal of corruption." 1.29 (in u'l,less 0,1 the question of who shot first in Bath Size f battle that killed a Arrid Extra Bry a kidnaped judge and three U/.0^ le'nained in critical condition Sunday in San Bial Soap Deodorant lV.e'Calif., with bullet wounds in his back. 1,7 witness,' Gary W. Thomas, Marin County asst. L cHattorney. was taken hostage with Superior Court 18c eoz 79c limit 3 limit 1 Ides I Pirate courtroom °'^ "*• Haley and three women jurors Friday in East (Coupon) Lansing Store Only Ea t l (crsr 01 escape attempt. Expires After 8-15-70 Michigan News 1.15 1.00 Im'eri uamaged the interior of the west end of the Head & Shoulders Gillette ■The eC»"ry Fort* Museum Sunday. |om k fC muscum' which houses antiques ranging Tube Shampoo Techmatic Refills Mce U®glcs to steam locomotives, was filled with 2.7 oz. 69c 5s 59c :eSfrnand, workmen pulled many of the vintage limit 1 (Coupon) limit 1 ■useum fr .e threatened area before firemen arrived. East Lanslng'sto're Only I could h *i'a's sajd >t would probably be today before Expires After 8-15-70 Expires After 8-15-70 &mageestfnvt^d11'116^ W^at *tems were £'estroye(^ anc* InilnJfu reported injuries in the blaze fjrp1? suffered cuts and smoke inhalation. were to four State I)iscount 307 E. C3rand River |y "[oke out late Sunday morning and t^ok Next to ttte Card Shop ,ediately deTe l° e*tin8uish- The cause was not 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August m , Switch to gas to cut Dept., said. Natural 'U' pollution Natural gas won't be the solution for the complete elimination alpha r All reei By ROBERTA SMITH gas is much less expensive and causes less 351391 pollution. of pollution, since it may be necessary to revert to coal. For years State News Staff Writer Nilsson said that the price of coal had almost doubled in the the University has hired men to improve the stacks and clean JUSTIN past two years while the price of gas had risen very slowly during them. They will continue this work, as it will be helpful when the 1965 the same time. University reverts to coal, Nilsson said. A University pollution problem will be substantially reduced when Power Plant 65 is converted in the fall for use of natural The price of coal per one million B.T.U. is 60 cents; for the In addition, the University buys coal with a very low sulfer same amount of gas it is 42.7 cents. content so that a minimum of polluting sulfur gases are emitted. gas. MSU will be supplied with natural gas by Consumer Power Co. Because of the great difference In price, the $120,000 cost for An investigation Is being made now to determine the economic on an interruptable basis. Consumer Power Co. could not conversion to gas will be recouped in the first few months of feasibility of converting the remaining plant on campus to natural guarantee that It would be able to supply enough gas throughout operation, Nilsson said. the year to run the power plant. The University may have to revert to coal for as many as three months a year. Coal fuels Power Plant 65 now and causes pollution In the form of ash and sulfur gases spewed from the plant smoke stack. Delbert Rector, who regularly checks the two power plants on campus for the Michigan Dept. of Public Health, noted that the conversion to gas will be a significant improvement. Occupational Health, the division through which Rector works, Legislation seen as solution jHEVROLI Recentl muffler, 363-680 was most concerned about Plant 65. "The other plant on Shaw Lane Is generally not a problem," he said. "It is bad on occasion but is usually in compliance with the Michigan air pollution rules and regulations." Rector said that the University was most cooperative in to environmental correcting and preventing its sources of pollution. crucial problem in the the environment in Michigan, head a committee on Forensics wjh help lawmakers to come up The Occupational Health Division makes regular checks on the environmental crisis is the lack Show damages and Environmental Law for the with the type of legislative particulate emissions from the power plants. They never give the of communication between the "Previously, to sue someone University's Center for solutions environmental University a blank statement that the facilities are in compliance, sciences and the legal system, an who was polluting a stream you Environmental Quality. problems require, Leighty said. but put their OK on an "unless something changes" basis. MSU environmental law expert, to show in court that you The Center for Environmental The major shift from coal to natural gas was done for two said. had personally suffered Quality is a unique pool of Legislation solution irakes, reasons, Paul Nilsson, superintendent of the Utility Services Leighton L. Leighty, asst. pecuniary damages from the representatives from all colleges "Environmental problems engine, 1 professor of resource pollution of that stream," said and other groups on campus should be solved with offer. < national general theatres development, said that scientists Leighty. "Now anyone can sue collectively working on legislation " Leighty said Forest far ahead of the law in the polluter." Universi are , environmental problems. But Unu, the mechanism to Road. C 70 MM & finding answers to But while he called Michigan s According to Leighty, the new create such legislation is found, 6-8-14 environmental problems. new environmental act good committee will assemble a many of Michigan's Stereophonic Sound "Some of the legal remedies legislation for the present " meaningful body of knowledge environmental I0RVAIR problems will be for this sort of thing date back Luei£hty a,d. This Jaw °?ly related to the legal aspects of ^yed in the state's judicial $150. P the ultimate trip to William the Conquerer," he shifts the burden of decision environmental quality. 3-8- said. » C legislature to the system under Public Act 127 This new law, Leighty said, Smoking stack p.m. 200l: , ,, „ Leighty noted that Michigan s courts. Joint efforts simDlv recognizes that the Smoke billows from the smokestack of Power Plant 65 on new environmental protection th® J™''e 8a,d- "We want to encourage joint environmental problems won't Service Road. The power plant soon will be converted from A SPACE law is a step forward. '"e courts w'» have to make the research efforts between lawyers Wa it for the leslslative coal to gas fuel operation to reduce pollution in the form of The law, Public Act 127 of the decision as to what actually and experts in the technical ash and sulfur gases. ODYSSEY Public Acts of 1970, allows constitutes impairment of aspects of the environment," he mechanism them needed to solve State News photo by Milton Horit IUTLASS citizens to sue those polluting natural resources. If an said. "We'd also like to find 351 630e Individual sues a factory because lawyers and scientists who are It is dumping wastes in a stream, then a court must decide If, In interested in this subject area to serve on the committee In a ■HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI' this particular Incident of public service capacity." pollution, a feasible alternative Another task of the committee exists and If the factory's TV film marks will be to develop new conduct Is consistent with the public health, welfare. The court might require law the factory to install costly interdisciplinary courses at the safety and University to combine studies of and environmental bombings OVE FOR problems. 'NET Journal'' Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945, killed One 1969. SI segment of Soxin down completely or fit take no u here There are at least six which are attempting to courses commemorates the anniversary 100,000 and injured another documentary records 3-8-10 ac ion a a . do this now. But they are not of the bombings of Hiroshima 100,000. Three days later, comments of contemporary and Nagasaki with a 60-minute another bomb was dropped on Americans concerning the • >ti, Aren t equipped adequate and we have to do documentary, "Hiroshima - Nagasaki, killing 50,000. bombing. The reactions were 7 equipped to do this," he said. £ally he said. JiEventually, the committee will Nagasaki," Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The honor which ensued is taken from vistiors to the and Friday Aug. 21, at noon on 'Hiroshima and Leighty holds two law degrees develop a mechanism between vividly recorded In a 16-mlnute Nagasaki' iri hoc WMSB (Channel V 10).' exhibition at the New York and has fPrnnHv been nnmoH recently hpon named to the eniaMMAd sciences and nnJ the u,(> law ...kuu which The , bomb , , , film, featuring pictures taken by * ° dropped on .. PnUnval Cultural Center, U~1 J l«... held May 12 1 ft Japenese cameramen after the "I. bombings. This film, confiscated by the U.S. Army, was released Segments from the BBC film USTANG only a few months ago. "Building the Bomb" also in 17,000 n Call Lin. Included on the program Featured are Interviews with flvi scientist* who attempted to -DSM0BII •'how politicians the sport cou consequence* of using the bomb 40,000 n gki®rS The MooSUSki Club is holding a These physicists reflect on the events which led to th» special meeting on Tues. Aug 11th bombings and tell why their advice went unheeded, 'EL KA[ ransporta Room 110 Anthony 7-10 pm—This S950. Ca meeting is of utmost importance as: 1. Details for this winter's Austria trip will be discussed. India's 2. Volunteers are needed to work at our booths during registration and activities carnival. 3. Nominations are still being taken for this year's officers. hit by "4. We have contacted Jean Claude Kllly (the real one) for a show at Jenison Field House NEW DELHI (AP) - India'! ushere r P6°Ple 8e"ing t,cket8' etc" M wel1 88 some wor"en to work as President V.V. Glri 5. Sign-ups for this year's trips will be taken — A movie will be shown as well as a special complained that $9,000 of hll p^OTA slide blitz of last spring's Aspen $16,000 annual salary goes to trip. Anyone Interested is welcome — New memberships will also be taken. taxes. He told a New Delhi audience: "Nobody Want is For further information taxation. 1 also do not lih "< Shift, gooc 6 P.m., 33 IMMat'ON 4linir DlKSWAG Very gooc PLEASURE 355-2764. OUSWAG READING '967 : 50, Call 339", IS Scoofi RIGHT WAHA 1! ^,rV gooc J250. Phor EMPI ecreta; PPortunlt typing ab f>ce kno 85-5481 i U SCEPTIC "tonality *. Ma [nth light Wng skil "THE BESTSELLERS" (400. ph,, 1. The Godfather - Puzo 2. Portnoy's Complaint - Roth 3. The Pretenders - Davis 4. Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home - Kernel man 5. The Crazy Ladies - Elbert BElllh 6. Ada - Nabokov CRsor ft SCR c | At either of our two Locations C°UNSEL Ma*v ^^^tudent ^^Took tore : brazie 310 W. Grand River, East 6724 S. Cedar at the X-Way, Lansing or Lansing 117 W. 421 E. Grand River Across from Olin '■■■■■■I Monday. August 10, 1970 ^ Automotive Scooters & Cycles For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale The State News does ■ ■A . PHA ROMEO 1969 - 1300 GT BSA, 441, 1967. Single and double TV RENTALS Students - only. Low STODDARD 630 not 24 000 miles, radio, heater. seat, aluminum and chrome APARTMENTS, 1 STODDARD, single male, light BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, permit racial or religious ' monthly and term rates. Call bedroom. Now leasing for Fail BEAUTIFUL 1970 12x60 Buddy h interior excellent condition. fenders. Excellent condition 351-7900 to cooking. $70 immediatsiu sell. ABC SECONDHAND Classic Early American. If you can discrimination in its J,5 reasonable offers considered. 489-9564. 3-8-12 UNIVERSITY TV reserve RENTALS. C yours. Term. Balconies, laundry. Near campus. Call 351-8238. 351 2003. STORE, 1208 Turner. C beat this buy, I'll give it to you. advertising columns. The 351 3918.^ 8'^ HONDA S90. Full size O POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, Mr. Banks. 655-3828 or Mr. State News will not knobbies. and RENT A TV from a TV Elliott, 655-2684. Willow Village, ITmqTIN - HE A LEV 3000 MKIII scrambling handlebars. $175. Call $9.50 per month. Call company. For Sale special sale $29.95 up plus accept advertising which l^ubRoadster. Very Qood 332-4977. 2-8-11 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 337-1300. 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, Williamston. 3-8-12 discriminates against Reasonable offer. deluxe one jon bedroom, furnished BEAD LOOMS & NECKLACES. 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Phone IV 9-9651 religion, race, color or 351-1824. 3-8-10 TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. f7m 337-0. or Make any size or style. Charli, Lansing. C Personal national origin. deliveries. Call 332-3848, forenoon or after 9 ",'ck 1962 Invicta convertible. SELCO WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony FEMALE SUBJECTS needed for Automatic, * good condition, $550 COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 model 530 stereo tape recorder. psychological research. Earn $2.00 best offer. 332-4043. 3-8-12 (Formerly J. R. Culver Company.) Marigold across from campus. MAGNAVOX PORTABLE stereo, Used Ak»i, for 1 SUZUKI 1970 250 Sony, Panasonic hour participation. Call Savage. Under Deluxe 2 man furnished AM-FM, year old, $170. Call stereo 2,000 miles, $650 (was $825 new) apartments. Now leasing tape recorders. 100 used 8 track 371-1828. 3-8-12 Service ~wY II 1962 convertible, 6 372-0525 after 3 p.m. Art IV 9-9651 or 351 1890. O for fall. Andie, 353-0613, 351-1080. stereo cartridges tapes $2.50 each. 'I automatic, bucket seats, 1966 Fossum. 5-8-13 Apartments Cassette tape recorders. Koss HOROSCOPES. ACCURATELY cast COMPLETE THESIS service ngine- 351-8280. 5-8-14 CAME LOT APARTMENTS: 4901 Pro-4-A stereo head phones. — $5.00. Written analyses - Discount printing. IBM typing and YAMAHA 1969, South Garrard turntables $25 $20.00. Astrology lessons, $5.00 binding of CT-1, Endoro Mb 1 LANSING near Pennsylvania. Quiet up. VM theses, resumes, campus. One 120 watt stereo receiver. per 2 hour class. 351-5628. 1-8-10 publications. Across from campus, 175cc, excellent trail bike bedroom, furnished. location for grad students and Sharp, 489 7820. Large airy 30 watt stereo receiver corner MAC and 1-8-10 rooms. Air faculty. One bedroom furnished, with Grand River, conditioned. Beautifully maintained. Select $150 monthly. Possession now or VOLKSWAGEN ROOF rack, new. speakers. Coral 30 set. 300 stereo albums watt speaker Real Estate below Style Shop. Call HARLEY SPORTSTER 1964. Good clientele. Lease. 332-3135 September 1st. 75c up. COPYGRAPH SERVICES or Call manager Bug fastback, $15. Graff, 227 Used golf sets $14.95 condition, $700. 2010 393 8657 or FOX South Case Hall. 3-8-10 up. New and OKEMOS BRIARWOOD 337-1666. C East 882-6549. O PROPERTY - IhEVBOLET T needs brake1962. perfect engine work, $150. Call Kalamazoo, 372-7344. 3-8-12 MANAGEMENT, 372-1954 used fans. Used TV sets Realistic 55 watt stereo $39.50 premium 1700 square foot ranch WALK TO campus. 4-man, 14-8-17 TV SYLVANIA 19". One up. house. Owner. 2145 Arundel two 482-2808.3-8-12 HONDA 350, 1969. 4000 miles. Just bedrooms, two year old. amplifier. WILCOX Place. 351 4956 after 6 p.m. baths, utilities Sewing machine. Overstuffed tuned up, $600. 355-6319 or paid. Call after 6, 489-1893 OKEMOS: VILLAGE SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East weekdays. 4-8-13 |hEVELLE 1970 350-300,^4-spwd 6 p.m., 332-4350. 5-8-14 after 5-8-14 Apartments. Ideal for grad students and Green married chair. Occasional chair. Coffee tables. Table lamps. Pendulum Michigan, 485-4391, 8 a.m. -5:30 faculty. 1 and 2 clock. Book shelf. em.c"^n( condition, $2795. Call BSA 250 1969: Excellent condition, WANTED GIRL for 4 man bedroom, furnished and 3-8-10 353-6807. starting | 332-5857.3-8-12 helmet and car carriers. 694-8937 3-8-10 fall, Chalet Apartments. $67.50 month. Call 351-9188. 3-8-12 unfurnished, monthly. $130 Possession - $175 REFRIGERATOR - Autopoint. 6.5 cubes. Used 4 FREEZER. garage. Convenient to MSU, bus, IqHRVSLE B 1964 transportation September 1st. Call now or SAILORS — 7' Sportyak dinghy with weeks. $80. 351-9148. 3-8-11 shopping. Assume 6'/j% mortgage T bargain Power steering and 150CC VESPA, 1961 Vintage. Will AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY til 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY manager, sails. Great car-top yacht. $150 $114.75 monthly. Low equity. J good rubber, excellent delivered. Ken, 353-6400 EXPERIENCED TYPIST; electric brakes sacrifice at $150. September 1st. Furnished dishes, MANAGEMENT, 372-1954 days. Phone Lloyd Bergren, 484-9876 I engine! dependable, $300 or best generosity will throw in helmet. Out of etc. $25/week. - 14-8-17 S-8-10 Animals or 351-0810 at HALSTEAD typewriter, reasonable rates, 1 offer. Contact manager, Arbor Walking distance. theses, dissertations, papers. IV Call 351-6760. 3-8-10 Days, 353-7293. 1-8-10 REAL ESTATE. i Apartments next to ANNOUNCING EAST BEAUTIFUL SEAL Point Siamese 9-4839. 5-8-11 LEASING FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms Lansing's rsity Inn on Trowbridge CYCLE INSURANCE. UNIVERSITY $210, 1 newest Men's Shop in style — kittens, $12.00 each. Call ARCHITECT DESIGNED h Five national VILLA: Three and bedroom, $160. . 10 [ Road. Can be seen 9 companies. Compare our rates. four man furnished, $185 and up, BURCHAM WOODS, Call DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE, Grand River. 5-8-11 541 East 332-8778. 5-8-14 2205 East 35 1-3729. between 3 - 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF Michigan, Lansing or HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT loRVAIR 50. 1964. Good condition, Phone 332-1311 after 3 ^4^173'^' E8St Lansm9- 351-7910. O COMPANY FURNISHED Northeast STUDIO. 2 man. DESK AND chair, $10. Sofa and chair, colonial style. Dresser $30. after 6 p.m. 5-8-13 Transportation _____ Street, Lansing. Excellent condition, 332-0188. 11'3 8 A uto Service & Parts BAY COLONY: One and two 489-1277 or 489-0029. 5-8-10 3-8-12 Mobile Homes Service RIDER NEEDED to Seattle. Leaving bedroom, $135 and up, 337-9228. IoRVETTE I960. Beautiful, new HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Houses 1969 HILLCREST, HOUSECLEANING OR ironing, September 1st. Share driving 1 327 stored. $1195 firm. Phone MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East TIRES, TWO 9.00x15 p 12x60. 2 355-9795. 3-8-12 COMPANY, 351-7910. O bedroom. Deluxe. experienced, temporary, have own 1 351 3258. 3-8-11 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. nylon. 2,000 miles. Unfurnished. . . . THREE BEDROOM carpeted Call 625-3520. W transportation. Call 351-3126. duplex. 351-5465. 3-8-12 Complete auto painting and BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, Garage, patio, basement and Wanted fcjTLASS 1964: convertible, has collision service. IV 5-0256. C furnished, appliances, $200. 372-5781 after MARLETTE I player, must sell, $400. — $200 and upi 5 p.m. 3-8-11 PIANO. Bush ai 1969, 12x60. Good GUITAR LESSONS. Private, Rock, I 351-6305.3-8-12 332-0965. HALSTEAD Highest offer o condition, skirted. On lot. Phone BLOOD DONORS needed. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call 882-5551. 58-12 Folk, Semi-Classic. MARSHALL $7.50 for MANAGEMENT COMPANY 5-8-14 KALAMAZOO STREET BODY UNFURNISHED THREE MUSIC COMPANY, 351-7830. 1964 Country Squire, 9 351-7910.0 bedroom and AB SHOP. Small dents to large house. C-8-10 negative, S10.00. O Clean, couples only. 1 or 2 CRIB, PLAYPEN, table, highchair, 22' TRAILER. Bathroom, hot water, negative, $12.00. | passenger station wagon. Good wrecks. American and foreign EAST LANSING n children. 10 minutes to campus. $10 each. Stroller refrigerator, gas heater, MICHIGAN t offer, 332-6640. cars Guaranteed work. $3.00. Call range. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER 482-1286. Modern, Call 484-3513. 3-8-11 I 3JB-10 2628 East Kalamazoo. C unfurnished, o ai 332-8778. 5-8-14 Ideal Phone student - camper, $450. Typing Service 507'/i East Grand River. East $150. 355-5806 after 3 351_-8923. 3-8-10 Lansing. Above the new Campus fORD 1965. blue, 2-door. """""""""""T-"-" SIMMONS, HIDE-A-BED, green, ALMA MOBILE Home PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 1 Economical six, good condition, at Mb L 5 we repair all foreign and good condition, $75. 351-3197. 2 bedroom, on lot near 1959, 10x50, IBM Typing, Multilith Printing, & p.m., Monday, II 353-0957. 3-8-1 1 American cars. If we can't fix it, it THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 Wednesday and —.. man 5-8-14 campus Hardbinding. Complete Thesis riday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 be fjxed CaM 332.3255. O apartments. Block from 676-1584. 5-8-10 Berkey, m. to 6:30 p.m. Jove FOR Sale. Fiat 850 Spider Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF Master's & Doctoral Candic 337-7183. C EAST LANSING Duplex. Spacious 2 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: TOWN AND Country, 12x60, 1968. Free Brochure and PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR - 38.,o 31400 cheap" 355-1237, Aviation 4 MAN, $50 month. 9 month lease, Fall. 332-4371 bedrooms, 351-6586. 5-8-12 furnished, parking. matching couch, chair; table, chairs, china cabinet. 393-3207, $4000. Sycamore Trailer Park, Call CLIFF Consultation. and PAULA 501 E. Grand River 332-4074 after 5:30 p.m. Mason, Lot 61. 8828317. 3-8-10 HAUGHEY: _ FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 2-8-11 337-1527 or Only complete shoe service iERCEDES 190SL, 1958. Basically |earn in the PIPER 3-8-10 627-2936. C in town offering: CHEROKEE LOVELY FURNISHED 1 and 2 1965 LIBERTY 10x50. Excellent ^ good shape, needs minor work. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324 C OKEMOS 1 bedroom bedroom houses, $140-$175 plus SUNGLASSES, SAFETY or condition, air conditioning, near BARBI MEL: Typing, * 3 minute heel service ). Ted, 351-0608. 6-10 p.m. ^ apartment, multilithing. * I 5-8-11 furnished, parking, utilities paid. utilities, 361-5696. 3-8-10 tempered lens or any optical campus. 351-4650. 5-8-13 No job too large or too small. shoe dyeing * shines needs. OPTICAL * Employment Call 351-6586. 5-8-12 ATTRACTIVE WILLI AMSTON 2 2615 East Michigan DISCOUNT, Avenue, LIBERTY 1968 12x50 furnished, air Block off campus. 332-3255. C doctors' prescriptions filled PART TIME work for students. Car ONE GIRL bedroom duplex. Appliances, 372-7409. C-8-14 r^nditioned, wall to wall carpet. starting Fall; $62.50. Walking distance. carpeted and private yard. Excellent condition. Close to necessary. Call 351-7319 for 351-1156 Frae with your rent ■USTANG 1968. 6 automatic, interview. C evenings. 3-8-10 Pleasant home, $150. 655-1689. 3-8-12^ FANTASTIC PLASTICS, Inflatable furniture. Many styles and colors. campus. Moving, immediately $3500 or must sell best offer. Seven-Thirfy-Ona 4TH >=OR 4-girl apartment, Delta Call 337-9215, noon to 655-3440. 3-8-11 | 17.000 miles. Like newl $1500. PART TIME. Public relations job for FOR FAMILY midnight. '.all Arms, Fall - Summer. Prefer 21-30 unfurnished, near 5-8-12 Linda 353-6400. After 5 people who like people. Hours 6 - Univeristy, 3 bedroom, recreation I960, 10x50 General furnished two i.m„ 351-2054. S-8-13 9 p.m., Monday - Friday. No sales, age. $65/month. Call anytime room. Call 393-1253 after 5 p.m. bedrooms excellent salary plus bonus program. Call 332-1423, Marian or Jackie. PIANO IN good condition. . 6-8-10 Behind Gables. Call 332-4511 Scott Johnson, 393-6210. 2-8-10 3-8-10 1541C |LDSMOBILE 1964 F85, deluxe TWO BEDROOM house unfurnished Spartan Village. Call after 5 p.m. 5-8-11 3up. Red, V-6 automatic, 355-3002. 2-8-10 1 40,000 miles. $500. 351-3280. GENERAL OFFICE, secretaries, WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 near campus, family only FOR LEASE, with option to buy, clerical jobs in abundance. Phone bedroom furnished or $ 110/month, plus utilities. HART SKIS 205cm $35. Component 10x50. $45/month. Mr. Banks, CURTIS EMPLOYMENT unfurnished. Balconies, security 393-5471. 3-8-11 Hi-fi, bookcases, miscellaneous. 655-3828 or Mr. Elliott, AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-8-10 locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call Call 3518629 after 6 p.m. 3-8-11 )PEL KADETT 1968. Reliable 655-2684. 3-8-12 transportation, good mileage, 351-4698, 332-3311 and Rooms "" LISTEN TO CURTIS 351-8890. 0 "ill 332-5291, 1 until 5 I EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Wl LS SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and p.m. 5-8-14 Radio 6 nights weekly 12:01 - 3 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom, women. 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. a.m. to find the job you want. apartments. 121 Beal. $180-$240, Escape from |LYM0UTH 1968 Roadrunner, V-8, 3-8-12 includes utilities. 351-5696. Any time-372-1031.0 apartment ordinary iteering, low mileage. 38-10 JOB OFFERS ARE living to the I 51400. 393-4502. After 5 p.m., PLENTIFUL in luxury of North Pointe. And I 372-5187 MALE AND FEMALE help wanted. 5-8-14 . Mailing OVELY FURNISHED while you're basking in the room work, starting efficiency, across from campus, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, Sublet luxury of air - conditioned, pNTiAC TEMPEST, 1961. Good mid-September. Apply in person 915 Lilac $120 plus electricity til end Summer. Discount carpeted North Pointe living ' _ new tires. Nena $13/week. Judy, 351-9054 . ■ 332-8647. 5-8-10 at 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, available August 23. 351-5696. near . . think of the economy. Lansing. 3-8-12 3-8-10 campus. 2-8-11 Rentals from $175 per ■VOTA LANDCRUISER 1969. ONE GIRL needed immediately for GENTLEMEN: QUIET ,cozy room, month. I Cheap type vehicle. Excellent buy. 4-man, starting fall. Delta Arms - east, with parking. IV 2-8304 Three Man or woman Luxury Suites ■ Phone 372-8989. 28-11 close to campus. 351-0470. S8-10 early mornings. 3-8-12 ■ALIANT 1963, 6 cylinder standard PLANS FOR the Fall? American $66*- J Mt, good condition, $250. After Cambridge, Massachusetts ■ 6 P.m„ 337-2365. 3-8-12 seeking students, graduates market products full tirr PUSWAGEN 1967. 24,000 miles. C/Vex-tlj Contact Placement Bureau. 8-8- I ■ i«V,900d 355-2764. condi,ion, $1150. Call DENTAL ASSISTANT to train for 5-8-14 orthodontic technician in private fesWAGEN ■ '967: 50,000 SQUARE BACK miles, office. 482-9695 Experience necessary. Corner of Haslett Road and M-7 8 ■ radio, days; evenings, mechanically excellent, $1295. Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 ■ Call 339-9443. 5-8-11 SUMMER AND part time employment with full - line I Scooters & Cycles merchant wholesaler. Automobile TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS required. information. O 351-5800 for units. These are now teasing student CROSSWORD spacious luxury apartments are completely ,J65 250ce- ■ I■ i%n v. f°d "SO. Phone condition, Roadbike. new tire*. carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean PUZZLE 355-1063. 3-8-12 furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and ' El ACROSS individual control - central air conditioning. These four man RA'Yj Cultivate land 32. Maintain OM EMPLOYMENT .. units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure i. Entertainer 33. Golf club AN time has been adequately planned for with !. S-shaped 35. Room a giant heated Live on campus- swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you molding 37. Pasha Harvest iVElW JJTARY tfWtun.ty for - Unique steno with want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call bark goddess 41. Near [oc'c^u'e IDs e b|y~i Ito" ability C, an<* general "ow how. $500. Ph. ... off-campus... at today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. i. Candlenuttree 42. Father i. Malt brew 44. Plague '.Scull 45. Surveyor's J Bellinger Personnel ). Public notice instrument Inception ist Tuhii?1»/ to welcome lit .' ^ature thinking one WDino il'„ bookkeePing and - Friendly flMPfS 111 APARTMENTS MODEL CLOSED FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARSHA CHANEL 372-2797 or 482-3379 ). Prohibit !. Indisposed I. Hirelings i. Small stream 47. Schism 50. Elocution 52. Arrow poison 53. Reject 54.' " 6 1 8. 9. Idealistic Profession Exists Tw;nge Ron dI for busy office. 3 S *-] ? 8 5 10 10. Tissue % 2 irJi 485-5481 ^Hnger Live it up! Join the Campus Hill mob. More than 11. Lord Avon * SHAG CARPETING just a pad to hang your hat . . . because there's lots of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus that takes you (5 NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES 12 1 15 18 Unit of * * NEW FURNITURE UNLIMITED round trips a day) from apartment doorstep to class¬ room eliminating parking problems, expense and tardiness. Like: a romantic "social" area with picnic AVAILABLE. 14 »7 1 15 '9 i 16 20 21.Annoy 22. Falsify PARKING tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more V/% % 24. Legislative PELLIMGER * DISHWASHERS features than you'll ever get . . . and dig this . 21 22 % JT7 24 25 VA group ®U)j)cfetngfjam . . * AIR COND. 25. Yellow ocher from only $170 a month. PSONNEL * ON THE BANK OF THE RED CEDAR ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included 26 32 27 33 34 29 30 31 27. Boom times 29. Older 30. Refrigerate * $55.00/man SERVICE J Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen 4620 S. Hagodori 35 36 37 31. Firmament MODEL OPEN featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer ■ Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ % 41 42. % <0 34. Fourpocter 36. Word af mouth Storage and 38 39 % % 38. Aroma |t%:SoTM7N"AQE„ m Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room DAILY 185-5481 behind the Model Apt-202-A I PHONE MANA CEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: SO 1 51 45 1 «7 49 39. Sterile 40. Smartness 43. Diva's solo HWJJTWj Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. I 351-0782 52 L"Z' wllsdale d Yankee store 46. Change color Ugj|l|g||] On Grand River West of Okamos Rd. 53 54 f MlCMIOAN CALL 351-8282 9HBB9S Practically naxt door to Coral Gablas. Ales Management Company 48. Gratuity 49. Spread to dry (formerly Northwind Apis.) 51. You: Italian 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August |0 , R.R. Club plans Randy Paquette, Saginaw senior majoring in electrical to While rebui making plans for the "1225," MSU Raii One of the University's familiar relics will be put to practical regulations, rail rights and mapping plans for converting the use, when the MSU Railroad Club rebuilds the 240-ton Pere engine so it can be used for passenger service. engineering and a prime mover in the Railroad Club, explained members are also making plans for themselves The, ^ When the "1225" is rebuilt, MSU students hope to use it to that, once the locomotive is operative, it is expected to be self • trained by persons skilled in operating steam locomotL? S Marquette steam locomotive. The locomotive, one of two of its kind in existence, has been transport students, as well as team members, to selected football supporting and will be run on a nonprofit basis. General fan trips can qualify for licenses to operate the "1225." 50 they at a projected cost of $10-$12 for a 100-mile round trip will be This is particularly important, Paquette said on display for several years on Stadium Road, south of Spartan games and for periodic excursions to MSU athletic events. h> Stadium. the primary source of revenue. "1225" is a fuel economy running engine and608"* 11 Of the two, the "1225" is the only one which is nearly Hard work comes first, though. dependent, to a large degree, on the operator. °osts « To aid in the rebuilding, Michigan State Fair officials offered He explained the locomotive is more operational. Railroad Club members have spent the past nine economici the "insides" of the "1223," the only other original Per* conventional diesels, as far as fuel is concerned months checking state and federal operation and boiler but th th,t Marquette still around. This will not destroy the appearance of maintaining track is more than 50 per cent higher anri JCostof the "1223" and it will provide the much - needed parts. is involved. The "1225" will need to The "1225" also needs to be converted for passenger pulling. more water and every 300 miles to take on stop every 150 •?tinie additional coal fo' Mammoth skull Paquette explained that, when the locomotive was donated to MSU in 1957, it was generally believed to be a passenger - pulling engine. "Of primary importance," he said, "is '1225.' Unless decade, the some building a positive action is taken within th '1225* Will have deteriorated bevonri ! shelter h* "ext "It simply is not equipped to pull passengers," Paquette said. condition." aisP'«y "We need to install a signal line and a steam line for this function, Presenting the locomotive is located found in Kansas on a campus sidino j as well as generally update the locomotive for use. under the direction of the Museum. It is open for "Major repairs include replacing the lead truck, which was by the public on weekends during the school year close insn^t U ruined when the locomotive developed a 'hot box' while being 11 The engine club members are selling chrome - plated ra towed to MSU from Grand Rapids, and putting rings in the to raise funds to repair the engine and build a shelter An MSU paleontologist, with to help to more accurately the aid of three students, has determine the age of the deposit pistons." excavated the nearly complete and provide information on the skull of a mammoth from a enviornment in which the gravel pit in Trego County, Kan. mammoth lived. At present, it is 18-YEAR-OLD VOTE J.A. Holman, museum curator not known whether any other of the vertebrate paleontology parts of the skeleton remain at Senate OKs amendment and professor of geology and the site. zoology, uncovered the huge The fossi, WflS originaIiy found skull while doing research on by Claude U. Austin Jr., who fossils of the western Kansas was removing gravel from the area. (continued from page 1) success or failure of the federal site with a loader for the Trego "insurance" in the event the Stamm, R-Kalamazoo. The skull of the mammoth, an ahead with his resolution "so law." County Highway Dept. Holman, courts rule against the Federal The Senate passed Stammi enormous prehistoric with Bernie Franks of that 18 - year - olds in Michigan He said the amendment to the resolution and. sent it to Voting Rights Act. t| elephantine animal, was Barberton, Ohio junior; Merald will vote regardless of the state constitution would add House creating a deadlock complete except for the tusks. A similar proposal appeared on tli Clark, Howeel and Carl was not broken until Friday. a statewide ballot two years ago Drugs used in Vietnam ' " excavation immediately, and was substantially defeated. about 3 feet, 5 feet long, before the ^ ^ be dest^yed by and 18 inches high. The Trego County fossil mammoth is thought to be at weather. Because the bones were very (continued from page 1) proper added. treatment " Steinberg However, Vaughn said Friday he believes that, since that time, voters' attitudes have changed in Pollution majority of the younger soldiers favor of lowering the voting age. (continued from page 1) least eight to 10 thousand years soft, the skull had to be hardened with twelve pounds of in Vietnam and the drug According to Steinberg, the He said Nixon's approval of the old. Study of small snails and . . . ... he fa at , drug problem among young federal statute has likely J su shells that occurred in the sane shellac and encased in 100 problem in Vietnam measurably soldiers is paralleled by too The police agency would I with the mammoth may be able pounds of plaster of Paris before Inside view reduces the U.S. Army's much drinking among older "shifted the weight of public it could be moved. In its cast, effectiveness there," Steinberg opinion" in favor of the allowed to deny a person career soldiers. permit if there is "reasonab the skull weighted Two campus visitors peer into the depths of the 240-ton contends. proposal. approximately 500 pounds. Pere Marquette steam locomotive displayed on Stadium "The military .has taken an Despite the award for his cause" to believe the explosi The Senate of the would be The skull, after several months Road. The locomotive one of two of its kind in existence, , unrealistic look at the problem. »°rk- ln"la!.'y resolution ended a political put to illegal use. of preparation, will be exhibited is scheduled to be rebuilt by members of the MSU Railroad ... doesn't recognize i, as a In other legislative stalemate that resulted when action, tl in the Museum. Club. problem and Senate defeated 12-22 GIs" he submitted a story to the duplicate versions of the $1i00 service charge per Army Reporter, a paper with a proposal were introduced in the ProP°sal to place a ceiling insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 circulation of 200,000 which House and Senate early this lev'es lw p.m. deadline 1 class day before. BARE FEET PROHIBITED Steinberg labels the "house year. school districts. ' organ" for the Army The House first The proposal, part of Go The following Free U classes will commander in Vietnam. . meet today: Education - 3 p.m. - 131 _ The story was set in type, he Vaughn's resolution and sent it Milliken's education refo to the Senate. However, the package, was aimed at putt Albert, Elementary Group Art - 4 I J I 0 said, when he was informed by Senate was already considering the weight of funding pub Albert. A will begin new class in Tarot Cards tonight at 9 p.m. at the Students refused Army printed. officers that it was "incorrect" and would not be an identical introduced by Sen. resolution Anthony education upon the -taterat than local school districts. Albatross. Everyone is welcome. Bare feet are enough to make company has the policy," she According to Dr. James Feurig places, and they stay around for The MSU Ski-Club will hold a special some East Lansing businesses said, "but the sight of of Olin Health Center there is a a long time, meeting Tuesday, to handle the turn you away. somebody's dirty feet while I am real danger in going barefoot in "The ' problem is similar to that upcoming year's business. Discussion public bath house, students have eatin8 is disgusting to me." public. Kill* hApP°earhancedl,n|atJeranin,aUtJe complained that a number of A spokesman for the Campus 'Jh.fK aflw^ the dan8« added" "M?ny bath ,houses JL. insm dS, ?„ m East Lansing business Theater said that they follow the £•'tarefooted penon mil require people to wear clogs to transmit fun8> from his feet prevent the spread of athlete's - Movies and slides will establishments refused to serve policy to protect their be shown anyone interested is them because they had bare feet. customers. when he comes in contact with foot and other diseases of the welcome. New memberships will be other people," Feurig said, foot." There is no state or county taken - as well as some trip sign - "All Butterfield theaters have "0ften these fungi are very It would seem that the best public health law that requires this policy to prevent people resistant to detergents or other idea is to wear shoes, or risk not people to wear shoes in any from cutting their feet on cleaning agents used in public being served, The Christian Science Organizatioi public place, even a restaurant. broken glass or stubbing their holding its regular weekly testimony meeting Tuesday, 6; 45 However, a business that serves toes," he said. "This is nothing Parlor C of the Union. the public has the right to refuse new. We've had the policy for Get Down to customers with bare feet three years. Most other indoor Now that Lenore Romney is the according to the county health theaters have it, too." Business with a Republican choice for the U.S. Senate, the re-election of Sen. P. Hart dept. . ... . , . .. Sony 120 is even more important. MSU Thls decision IS left up to the KEEP IT STUDENTS FOR HART meeting management," John Ruskin of Tuesday, 9 p.m., room 34 of the the Ingham County Dept. of Union. All students who are Health said. "This right is similar CLEAN WITH interested in immediai campaigning to the right of certain are urged to attend. We \ 11 be restaurants to refuse to serve planning for canvassing, customers without ties." ONE HOUR registration, computer lists, fall term East Lansing businesses give registration and leafleting of all MSU home football games. Call 355-3490 various reasons for prohibiting SERVICE FROM SONY fmilTfTlM between 3 and 5 or bare feet. further information. The Manager of the Big Boy Workshop Rainbow." Irish Summer Musical lore and Southern restaurant Avenue said that company on policy barefooted people out. Grand to River it is strictly keep LOUIS CLEANERS at HI-FI BUYS £ast Lansing 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 sharecroppers blend musically. "I don't know 623 E. GRAND RIVER why the August 13, 14, 15, 8 p.m. Okemos s Center. Tickets $1 at the door or call 332-0825 or visit East MooSUSKI Lansing State Bank and branches at Okemos, Haslett, and Brookfield Plaza, Jo-Ann Fabrics and Washburne Claude Killy is to bringing further info, attend our meetin M.S.U. Jea Fo yHiwduCMtf, Travel in Meridian Mall, Cartwright's Shoes in Brookfield Plaza and Holden Aug. 11, 7:30 p.m. 110 Anthony o :all John 351-8647. The Count Lorenzo Reid in Frandor. Wigs - finest Kankelon fibre available The Part Boy (pictured here) ' $34.95 - Sides swing from a natural skin part. We welcome all your "Instant Hair The Shag at $29.95 The Mia at $34.95 for styling & service The Gina at $34.95 by our 3 trained wig stylists. 541 E. "When you think of Cards" Grand River below Paramount a CARD SHOP Across From Home Ec. Bldg. 332-3341 Wigs Are Our Business -Not A Sideline 1 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332 6753