Chance Tuesday MICHIGAN . . . never helps those who do Sunny . . STATE NEWS and continued not help themselves. - Sophocles STATE a . . . high from 83 - warm 88 degrees. with UNIVERSITY I vol. 63, Number 3 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Afrgust 11, 1970 stackable FOR SMi DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Women's rights amendment MA passes WASHINGTON (AP) — The House ended House after 47 years legislatures would put it into the when marriages are dissolved. House Judiciary Committee. A motion to 47 years of legislative foot - dragging Constitution. There is no time limit on Also, it was claimed, the proposed return the resolution to Celler's committee Monday by approving state action. amendment could lead to the drafting of for further study lost by roll call vote of a proposed constitutional amendment to give women The House vote after some women for military service. 344 to 26. *HuBE came legal rights equal to those of men. members voiced fears that rights now The proposed amendment says that Celler, an 82 • year - old widower, wowed It sent the proposition to the Senate accorded women by law might be "equality of rights under the law shall not his colleagues and the packed gallery when by roll call vote of 346 to 15 after limited jeopardized by a constitutional mandate be denied or abridged by the United States he asserted: debate emphasizing that, although there is that there be no legal preferential or by any state on account of sex." "There is as much difference between a a basic difference between the treatment simply because of sex. Champions of women's rights have been male and a female as there is between a sexes, their legal rights should be the same. This could be true, it was argued, in the fighting for the change since it first was horse chestnut and a chestnut horse, and, Should the Senate pass the legislation by field of existing laws protecting women proposed 47 years aeo. as the French say, 'vive la difference.' " two thirds vote as it twice has done in the against onerous working conditions and The opposition Rep. Florence P. Dwyer, R-N.J., - Monday was led by past years, ratification by 38 state dealing with alimony and child custody Chairman Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y., of the conceded Celler's point but said the differences should not be used as "a subterfuge" for denying equal rights. WATCH GAS GO BY "I defy anyone to tell me what equality means," Celler said. He called the legislation a "historic step backwards," after Speaker John W. McCormack, D-Mass., described it as People line "simply another historic step." The resolution's principal sponsor, Rep. Martha W. Griffiths, D-Mich„ told the House existing laws ostensibly designed to trains secret, but congressional sources protect woi i have ii s become By ASSOCIATED PRESS But the Army's chemical experts say there revealed that the train from Anniston restraints. is no danger of leakage from the vaults. Two would pass through the "This is not a battle between the sexes," heavily guarded military trains Georgia cities of Aboard the pilot train from Anniston is a Mrs. Griffiths told the House. "This is a carrying deadly nerve gas began a slow trip Bremen, Griffin, Macon and Athens. living alarm system consisting of a dozen battle with the Supreme Court." to the sea Monday where the vaults Only a few persons noticed as the heavily pigeons, a dozen rabbits and a few guinea The battle wouldn't be necessary, she containing the gas will be sunk in waters guarded nerve gas train, preceded by the pigs. three miles deep 282 miles east of Cape pilot train, passed south through the small added, if the Supreme Court would The Army has mechanical gas leak Kennedy, Fla. communities of Berea and London. interpret the 14th Amendment properly. detectors, but it has been determined that That amendment, ratified in 1868, says no One train, from Anniston, Ala., carried Further south, in Corbin, a railroad town the sensitive noses of the animals provide a of about 10,000 population, the trains state shall deny to anyone within its 305 concrete and steel jacketed vaults of - quick alarm when nerve gas vapors are paused jurisdiction the equal protection of the Silent speakers obsolete nerve gas rockets. The other train, from Richmond, Ky., carried 113 of the briefly to change crews. Six helicopters hovering over the trains present. law. vaults. apparently helped to draw attention and A week after the primary The Kentucky train left about an hour about 200 persons gathered. and still the public is bombarded with campaign propaganda, both from winners and losers. The message continues, long after the public has made its decision, but the billboards before the one in Alabama. They will go to Sunny Point, N.C., and later in the week the rockets will be scuttled. Twelve year - old Stan Key, who sat in a car with his - mother, brother and sister, said that his only worry was that the train Plan proposed to limit don't seem to notice. The Army tried to keep the routes of the might bypass Tallapoosa. State News photos by John Harrington "We were afraid we might miss out on $32,000 NSA DEBT it," said the crewcut, blond - haired youngster, who held a miniature American flag. controversy on ROTC Hundreds of persons lined the tracks in WASHINGTON (AP) - A group of (" each year for three Bremen and many of them waved small House Republicans Monday proposed a American flags as the train came to a halt. major overhaul of the Reserve Office The ROTC facility on a campus would be There were some objections, including limited to an administrative office that Blacks demand some from Mayor Ronnie Thompson of Training Corps (ROTC). They said their proposals would remove the program from would coordinate and counsel cadets, Esch Macon, who said he would not let the train By JOHN BORGER money The demand pass through his city. But he changed his mind after he Anniston. saw the train loaded at campus controversy. The GOP Lawmakers legislation would play down the ROTC's said their said. "This means," he said in a statement "The military presence and visibility on presentation produced an association with colleges but would campus would be sharply reduced from Pilot trains carrying decontamination State News Staff Writer emotionally charged atmosphere in which increase the incentive for college students what it has been in the past." teams, ambulances and medical personnel charges and countercharges were made by to join the corps. ROTC buildings and events have been the NABS' demand followed the precede the munitions trains. J ST. PAUL, Minn. lof Black Students — The National Assn. congress' keynote address by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, NABS representatives and a seething NSA Soldiers occupying the guard cars on Rep. Marvin Esch, R-Mich., a leader in target of sometimes violent attacks. (NABS) Sunday night staff. Most of the NABS charges were made the plan, said that in place of on-campus Although academic credit would be national chairman for both the pilot trains and the trains carrying ■demanded $32,000 in debts from the Operation from the stage, while the NSA national instruction and drill during the year and a eliminated for ROTC programs, virtual the nerve gas had gas masks at their sides. ^National Student Assn. (NSA) to finance Breadbasket of the Southern Christian staff roamed among the delegates They also were equipped with atropine one four - week summer camp, a student year - round financial compensation would *n programs. attempting to tell their side of the story. would attend a 10-week off - campus be provided for cadets, Esch said. syrettes, an antidote for nerve gas. J The money is the remainder of $50,000 (See related story, pap 7) Charles Palmer, who became NSA pledged to NABS at the 1969 NSA president last year with the support of . » in El Paso, Tex. It was to have minority students, was blamed for much of ■been paid on voluntary basis by the the difficulty. NABS accused Palmer of a Leadership Conference, in which repeated I member schools, few of which contributed. "We're not going to leave here until we ■get our money," Bernard Nicholas, ■University of California at Los Angeles references were made to NABS and to the importance of black students' having their own national base from which to describe their own needs. paying NSA's debts to "capitalist enterprises" such as American Airlines before paying the debt to NABS. Palmer, in answering the charges, said he Drug arrests may have failed in carrying out the responsibilities of his office but refused to PROVIDE FOR Guidelines established TALKS take the total responsibility for the NABS situation. The debt, he explained, was assumed by the NSA constituency, not the national staff, yet only about 20 of more than 500 in post-festival crackdown By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL He said some of the arrests were made on festival," Davids said, "only a change in police policy to allow for the deployment member schools contributed at all. Total State Police Monday arrested 123 violations which occurred in the park contributions from the member schools of the investigations and subsequent arrests persons on narcotics charges stemming during the festival while other offenders of persons involved in a manner which was to subpoena newsmen was about $2,500. The remainder of the $18,000 paid to NABS (a payment which NABS places at from the Goose Lake Rock Festival near Jackson. Further arrests were anticipated. State Police Director Col. were nabbed for offenses outside the park and on the highways. the safest for all concerned." Davids said the State Police Dept. was Fredrick Indicating more arrests in the wake of prepared in advance for the festival and set only $12,000) came from the national Davids said all arrests were made outside the three ■ JLOUIS (AP) — Atty. Gen. John N. as quasi-governmental investigators," he staff's already heavily debt - laden budget. the 390-acre lakeside park where an - day festival, Davids said police up a "pre - determined plan" to apprehend are concentrating on the |m antl°unced interim guidelines added. The national staff also contributed office apprehension of ding pushers while avoiding confrontations j estimated 200,000 music fans spent three |.on ,y f°r federal prosecutors to follow Mitchell said he would not oppose "large - scale pushers." in the festival area. equipment and unlimited postage to I n 8 to subpoena newsmen. legislation granting some type of reporter - NABS. days listening to blaring hard rock music. Although police purposely avoided "The many thousands of persons Davids said an undisclosed number of making arrests in the park, Davids said his I escril)'n8 the controversy over a, informant privilege similar to the lawyer - Palmer himself, staff members said, had undercover police agents circulated in the department did not follow a "hands - off attending the festival made it very difficult I n! nas as "one of the most difficult w client relationship. But lacking such law, he donated to NABS his total honorarium as park to gather information on persons who policy." to carry out routine police procedures," I L uU8 ' ^ave faced as attorney general," said, the guidelines would help in reaching Davids said. "It was necessary to utilize reportedly selling marijuana, LSD and "There was never at any time a hands I th» Ca"ed for an immediate study of a "reasonable and workable" arrangement (please turn to page 7) were other drugs. off police policy in connection with the procedures which were initiated for this lfc°ffree Press-fair trial. for newsmen and prosecutors." (please turn to page 7) I . said the guidelines stressed Ions between newsmen and federal I rcutors but that if negotiations fail no I aPprova?S W°Uld bC authorized with his I teal,116 ki3re des'Bned I inn 152 •!!?•, ^egUMds to provide new and to protect the rights I »ne»|V es of a free Press," the attorney said- But, he noted, the |Z"ment of Justice will not hesitate to Change in voter attitude cited News Analysis campaign machine into motion. However, the campaign difficulties in the fall for several may reasons. face I warranted "ewsmen or any°ne else where Supporters of a proposed amendment to First, campaign planners difficult to locate sufficient workers may find it the state constitution to lower the voting Monday called upon Michigan voters to effect on the state proposal and that voters on the ■ Mianinombt?r ?f ,egal confrontations are age to 18 are banking on a significant support the proposal. will likely stage a repeat performance in grass roots level, especially if they intend I betwePnUP uhich cou,d harm relationships I tovprnm change in voters' attitudes since 1968 when "I strongly urge all Michigan voters to November and send the proposition down to recruit college students. Many of the news media and the the same question was turned down by a support this measure," Milliken said. "To for the second time. more politically minded students who have 18°v«nment, Mitchell said. two to one margin. act otherwise would be a contradiction of In fact, some state lawmakers, while previous campaign experience will likely be State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit our democratic system of government." busy working for political candidates. havMniHS Journa'ists from all the media voting in favor of the proposal in the and sponsor of the resolution to put the Milliken went on to say he is "greatly Secondly, money is always a problem — *° 'o nriS(T,P/IVately that they wil1 rather legislature, have quietly indicated that they question on the November ballot, says he is impressed" with young people's abilities to feel placing the question on the statewide that is, finding enough of it. The 1968 Thev «,iii y cornPly with subpoenas, convinced public opinion has changed in evaluate and with their concern about campaign was aided financially by the ballot is the surest way to see it defeated. bum thoi » , troV ^eir notebooks and favor of the 18 - year - old vote. government. But supporters of the measure, headed UAW, but it is questionable whether they be used i' • rattler than permit them to He points to President Nixon's approval "TTie younger segment of our population by Vaughn, are already planning a massive will put their money on a proposition that Mitchell" 8 Judicial Proceeding," he said. of the Federal Voting Rights Act, which has for too long been denied the privileges was turned down once two to one. I "rganbaii 88111 more and more news campaign to insure its passage in I events '""' are covering controversial includes a provision to lower the voting age of full citizenship," he said. November One of the key selling points Third, if activities on the state's nationally to 18, as a major factor in However, opponents of the measure — will likely be the President's approval of campuses this fall take up where they left I ""re ihf„ newsmen occasionally have turning the tide of public opinion. and some "supporters" who are less than off last spring, a significant antistudent I■18 to obt"'8*'1tban t*le government is Gov. Milliken has thrown his weight in fervent in their position — are saying the the federal statute. backlash could be expected in the form of an eff *'"• "^he Press views subpoenas favor of the lowered voting age and federal votinp law will have little if Vaughn has already met with editors of by the Bovernment to use them GOV. MILLIKEN anv LS "We hope that a trace of sense would avoid this within two years around Ann However, two nuclear chemists crime," the president told his people. Arbor and Ypsilanti. No one has testified for the defense that Panel selection awaited Mitrione had been held for the ransom of 150 political been charged in the six other they felt the hair on the panties prisoners held by the government. The guerrillas deaths. did not come from the same renewed their demand, putting in danger the lives of two other kidnaped foreigners. Although Oakland University officially became autonomous would likely occur at the university once the new board does take The United States reportedly put no pressure on July 1, the final phase of independence will not come until Gov. over. Uruguay to comply with the ranson request, preferring Milliken appoints an eight - man Board of Controls to take up the "You have to realize that the MSU Board of Trustees and to deter future kidnapings by not giving kidnapers what reigns of the former MSU extension. former President Hannah granted almost free reign several years A spokesman in the governor's office said Monday that, ago," Crowder said. "So we've really been operating almost as an they want. although the board members had not yet officially been independent institution for some time." appointed, they have likely been decided upon. He cited the sometimes drawn out procedure of initiating new - The Israelis fear Arab guerrillas may soon launch a He said the governor may announce the appointments within programs at Michigan colleges and universities as another reason particularly bloody attack to force a heavy Israeli the next few days. Milliken is at the 62nd annual National why the new board probably would not make radical changes at reprisal, thus endangering the Middle East ceasefire. Governor's Conference in Missouri and is expected to return the university. Palestinian guerrillas, vigorously opposed to U.S. tonight. Though board members will eventually be appointed for eight - peace efforts, have pledged to sabotage the ceasefire. An increased record of terrorist attacks on the Israeli frontiers seems to bear out their claim. - Arab year terms, the first appointments will be staggered — that is, two members for two years, two for four years, etc. — to insure that no more than two members will be replaced at one time. Governors Replacement of board members will be by the governor's Asia A cholera epidemic that broke out in Soviet central appeared to be spreading to European Russia. Travel was restricted to cities as far north as the Ukraine and warning signs sprouted in Moscow's fruit and appointment with the consent of the Senate, not by statewide elections as is the procedure for the MSU Board of Trustees. "The creation of the board is obviously the first step toward anything we would do as an independent university," Troy to LAKE OF THE OZARKS, Mo. figcutbacks cutbacks dating to the Johnsoi Crowder, Oakland's asst. chancellor for university relations, said vegetable markets. Monday. (AP) - The nation's governors administration. Larher, thi Soviet authorities announced restrictions to travel to He added, however, that no "sudden or dramatic changes" voted Monday to go to court conference voted 23 • to - 12 to the entire Crimean peninsula. Four industrial cities were against the federal government bacH ,to comm ttee the to prevent highway construction controversial more proposal for a flexible use of the closed last week when the outbreak was first reported. cutbacks. billion annual highway trust They are: Ulyanovsk. Volgograd and Astrakhan on the Earlier they side • tracked a Volga River and Odessa on the Black Sea. proposal fought by highway The interests to permit limited use of proposal has been the Heavy fighting between North and South Vietnamese and trucking was reported Monday in the jungle mountains of the far ItffLLCJ i lie vuic \jII WW tuuii icafc Ui . north near Ripcord. the abandoned U.S. artillery base. highway cutbacks came at the '"J®1"6518' In general, the proposal which More than 1.000 Communist troops were believed to be opening business session of the 62 nd National Governors wou'd 'et eac^ state decide how massing for an attack on a South Vietnamese base. Conference. The measure measure, to sPend its transportation introduced by Gov Harold money was suPPorted by Levander Minnesota g°vernors from industrial states authorizes conference's and °PPosed by those from rural areas. executive committee undertake court action against National News the legality of the federal Convention SKI ▼SALE executive branch's decision to Senate backers of a bid to restrain the Safeguard withhold part of the highway antimissile system said Monday they see the omen of trust fund from the states as an anti - inflation move. victory, a victory opponents say would kill efforts to negotiate arms limitation with the Soviet Union. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana world's finest bridal salons 4960 northwind drive * east lansing Regular $165 Some $300 million of the $4.9 billion earmarked for spending topic this fiscal year has been withheld told newsmen that, while the race is close, he believes Across from Coral Gables by the Nixon administration, the balance has shifted to supporters of an amendment and a total of about $2.3 billion Dem to hold Safeguard to the two sites approved last year. The amendment is sponsored by Sens. John Sherman Now $85 now is backed up due to various mandatory and voluntary road A meeting of Democratic Cooper. R-Ky.k and Philip A. Hart, D-Mich. Take me. precinct delegates from the University community will be held tonight at 8 in room 30 of Chief Justice Warren E. Burger called Monday for a the Union by the five - member vast overhaul of the nation's judicial system to bring it "rom the "cracker barrel corner grocery store age" into Cm yours! delegation from precinct 3, East Lansing. The purpose of the meeting is lodern times. to discuss the role of delegates In the first "state of the judiciary" message in history, from University Village, Spartan the silver - haired jurist suggested the reform begin with Village and Cherry Lane at the creation by Congress of a special judiciary council Ingham County Democratic Convention on Aug. 15. The representing all three branches of the federal convention begins at 1 government and coordinating their efforts to ease the Union Ballroom. burdens on the courts. In particular, Precinct » He predicted that the rate of crime would be reduced delegates said they would like sharply if the courts had the manpower and tools, those who attend the meeting to including more prosecutors and defense lawyers, to try adopt resolutions pertaining to MSU which would then be criminal cases within 60 days after indictment. presented to the county convention. , , A three - juege federal panel upheld Monday the right A member of the convention s of the Army to court - martial two soldiers in the temporary resolutions committee will attend alleged massacre at My Lai, South Vietnam, in March, meeting, according to Georg 1967. Colbum, Precinct 3 captain. The ruling came on petitions filed on behalf of Sgt. MSU faculty members ana Esequiel Torres, 22, of Brownsville, Tex., and Spec. 4 students, whether they are Robert W. T'Souvas, 21, of San Jose, Calif. They are precinct delegates or not, ar two of the 1 2 soldiers charged in the alleged massacre. urged to attend the meeting an voice their views on matters importance to the Univers y community, Colburn said. _ Michigan News FREE Gov. Milliken said Monday that Mrs. Lenore faces "a tough campaign" as the Republican Romney nominee STORAGE for senator and that "anything can happen." l ie gave those comments in reply to a news conference SERVICE question about Mrs. Romney's showing in the GOP FOR YOUR CLOTHING primary last week against State Sen. Robert J. Huber. LOUIS Milliken said she would have polled more than her 52 per cent of the vote if the turnout had not been low. He said she also was hurt by a reaction in suburban areas to reports that the Department of Housing and Urban Development would seek to move black families into those areas. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 11, 1970 3 Rock festival too organized ill Vanden Brink Fully Cooked The Goose Lake Rock commune and a nudist camp. "The people didn't Semi Boneless Smoked Hams Festival, °nce PIanned as a really feel Music it pretext Exciting finish like peace and love," he said. limited event, had become a major one before the live music The pretext for any festival is the music rock Despite the large numbers of people that left early, enough Rod Stewart of the Small Faces said, "Goose Lake is one Whole or Half 0 even began. Bv the time fihakedown the John Drake moved to the but it is presented, present, their stamina and their remained to fill the stage area usually the people for the final determination to keep things Bob Seger System, Mitch Ryder day of music. The of the best organized rock festivals. It's too organized." He, too, said he sensed the audience lb Do revolving stage at 2 p.m Friday peaceful and festive, that makes and Detroit, Frost and Flock lacked a carefree attitude warmed things up, and Savage to begin the first day of music, it worthwhile. If the music is because of the fences and outer attendance had passed the good, the people endure the Grace, James Gang and Jethro restrictions. 3rand Prize 150 000 high as mark. As Ten Years Uer ended Friday's music at midnight, crowd estimates ran as 250.000. V By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer overcrowding in good spirits. But if It isn't, they begin to resent the long lines, the ground under the sleeping the muck of the rocky bags, lake, the stench Tull, performing three encore numbers, brought the festival to its exciting finish. The festival, in retrospect, suffered from a large number of Although heavy and park, Caught outside some drug traffic unrestricted were in caught with was the Beef Chuck Steak Blade Cuts 66 rambling, 350 acre park another 99* The - gave free pre-sale of the mediocre groups. Friday drugs outside by local police. months ago swamp and restrooms, the stockpiling _ samples and another used a garbage and the sight of people evening's excitement (Ten Years "We can't be responsible for farmland, now the site of the biggest rock festival In Midwest microphone to speed business. The going price of a lid of grass, everywhere all the time. So It was at Goose Lake. After's "Going Home" was its high point) brought the festival what goes on outside the publicity director Bobby Mann park," Lean Sliced Boiled Ham history - was swarming with much to the chagrin of the Friday, with SRC and the N.Y. to life, but Saturday's groups said. "Inside no one has been rock enthusiasts and bustling dealers, plummeted from $10 to Rock and Roll Ensemble in the couldn't match it or prevent the busted, hassled 9 varieties 66 or harassed." with the spectacular chaos of a $5 because of the frantic afternoon and John Sebastian, exodus of discouraged people. Most people seemed to ignore major music event. By Saturday morning campers water and had claimed a strip of land activity.) Swimmers, Ignoring the dirty mucky bottoms of the Chicago, Small Faces and Ten Years After at night, the crowds and the confusion seemed The groups Sunday faced a weary, unfestlve crowd and only a few of them overcame the the minimal made the most of the restrictions oblivious to the criticism of it and festival, Spartan Sliced Lunch Meat14 oz. pkg. encircling the stage area, the partially dredged beaches, found exciting. handicap. brewing outside. Save 10c per package! 79c them a welcome respite from the The recurring criticism of the Most seemed to leave in entire lakefront and every But Saturday, with only good heat and, often, the restriction festival was that it was too nearby or field not filled with cars buildings. of clothes. (Skinny - a dippers got big laugh at the expense of the Brownsville Station, Litter, Third Power and Mountain as organized. Fences and gates were highlights, camping areas began everywhere. The extensive spirits and many planned on returning for the upcoming Labor Day Rock Festival which, Echrich-AII Meat Hot Dogs boatful of Jackson measures to prevent gate • if injunctions can voyeurs who thinning out and people began again be Marketplace brought their vessel to within ■ COUPON COUPON binocular view of the leaving in a trickle that became a crashing seemed to tighten up the audience and dampen their skirted, will bring the Jefferson • beaches.) Airplane, Savoy Brown, the Pyshers had streets transformed the inside the park into a All in all, the Goose Rock Festival was about what Lake stream by Sunday morning. Sunday, food stands began running out of food, and water spontaneity. John Sebastian said after his Chambers Brothers, Savage Grace and many others to the Pillsbury Pillsbury bustling marketplace where a most had mind • boggling selection of drug expected: a mad and slightly hoped for and pressure problems performance Friday night that developed in there were too many fences and the restrooms. What had been park for another three day rock festival. - Layer Flour and acid varieties was available. tiresome combination of a thriving community the day a gates to allow the audience to "feel loose." Admission for the sequel will Cake Mixes 5# Bag (Competition was so intense one bazaar, a Christian Day Camp, a before had become be $10. dealer offered a money • back traffic jam, a carnival, a religious sparsely 4/88' ! settled, disjointed pockets of with each purchase; guarantee 33c re- a gigantic hippie campers. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during four school Limit 4 with terms, plus Welcome Week edition in Limit 1 please September. $5 food purchase Subscription rate is $14 per year with $5 food purchase Report hits Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Michigan Press Association, United Association, Michigan International, Collegiate Press, Collegiate Press States Student Press Association. Campbell's Pork & Beans for environment ills Second class postage paid at East Building, Michigan. Michigan State Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services University, East Lansing, 1 lb. can \T The council repeatedly this is a desirable goal." Phones: Spartan Facial Tissue 15c WASHINGTON (AP) - The "Most couples in the United Editorial stressed the economic aspects of . 355-8252 President's Council on States still want more than two Classified White or colored 200 count manmade environmental Advertising 355-8255 - Environmental Quality told the problems. children," the council said. Display Advertising . . . 353-6400 (Limit 3 please) m Monday the best things in Much of the blame, Business-Circulation it said, . 355-3447 lite are no longer free. belongs "to misplaced incentives Photographic 355-8311 "People may ultimately have in the economic system Our to (orego some conveniences and Spartan White Bread . . . price system fails to take into §HierS The MooSUSki Club is holding a 5^/JOO pay higher prices for some goods account the environmental ices" to achieve a livable damage that the polluter inflicts Everyday Low Price 4/89c world, the council said in Its first annual report on the State of the on others." special meeting this evening SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY . . . Also contributing to Environment. Room 110 Anthony 7-10 President Nixon transmitted environmental problems, the council said, are some aspects of pm—This the report to Congress along meeting is of utmost importance as: SPECIAL the tax structure, the American with a call for development of insistence on convenience and national land - use policy, one of 1. Details for this winter's Austria consumer goods, and the trip will be discussed. is examined most closely in the council report. council report demands of technology. Another problem the council 2. Volunteers 3. Nominations are are needed to work at still our booths during registration and activities carnival. being taken for this year's officers. LOW PRICE noted, Is the population 4. We have contacted Jean Claude recommended, for a start, that Killy (the real one) for a show at Jenison Field House the federal government aim Its explosion. on October 9th and need "Two things are clear," said people for selling tickets, etc. as well as some women to work as pants for sewer and water ushers. 66* the council report. "There is 5. projects toward "communities Sign-ups for this year's trips will be taken — A movie will be shown well or project areas which will use some limit beyond which the slide blitz of last as as a special spring's Aspen trip. them to control population should not go; and it Anyone interested is welcome — New memberships will also be taken. development will take a considerable time to rather than to those which achieve a stationary population merely respond to uncontrolled when, and if, it is decided that For further information call John 351-8647 growth." Jacobson's is open again on Saturdays Flying Jib Shrimp Bits Wedneidayi 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. 1 lb. pk„. ggc Twin Pops ■ 6 count 25 altogether now. Longhorn Cheese casual top and 77c a "How about a ham <& cheese on rye?" Random Weight Pkgs. brief in bodysuits by Hollywood Vassarette Michigan Potatoes US #1 designed for that neatly tucked-in look and ^# Bag 77c for your summer comfort Michigan Tomatoes ,29< with crotch 3lb/49c a snap A Michigan Red Haven Peaches Zip-front shirt-style in black or cognac Cantaloupe 3/SJ00 nylon. SM sires $9. B Ribbed tank top on light-control bikini GOODRICH'S SPARTAN Sun beige nylon/Lycra® in S M sizes $14. Jacobson's IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER Harrison at Trowbridge Between Spartan Village and Mon. • Fri. 9 to 9 Cherry Lane Apartments Saturday 9 to 6 MICHIGAN AIR FORCE JUSTICE STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief EDITOR'S NOTE: Below is An an open unjust price for failure in the Missouri Air National Guard. Charlie He was told to pass. He failed. So Charlie trained by the Air Force to be a m , was punished. Who decided that Charlie They transferred him to be a linem^ c letter written by Don Heuchan, went to basic training in Texas, then him FREDERICK J. LESLIE was mentally able to pass? A psychiatrist? no further training, awarded hi *8ve columnist for The Commercial Record attended technical school at an Air Force stripe then two stripes, then advertising manager of Allegan County. His son is still hospital in Alabama, training as a Medic. An educator? A doctor? None of these. His ice for ONE YEAR Past put h?m°ne serving his "sentence" in th« After tech school, Charlie went back to St. commanding officer decided. J!" KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Force. Air Louis and continued his schooling, all the Charlie accepted his 45-days sentence but ENLISTMENT "failed to CONTRACT becaL? LARRY LEE, city editor while attending his regular Air Force before he was sent away, the Air Force learn his military occutZ JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor Dear Charlie: monthly sessions of duty, as well as changed their rules. They now said, "Any skills." Then, why, if Charlie isS'°nal JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor This is a hard letter to write. For a man summer camp. Charlie did not miss any reservist can be activated for a period of 18 months." Charlie said, "Hey, wait a that installing he must radar be punished "TT equipment in i[ el °W who earns a good part of his living by meetings. is 7, ,5 minute, you told me 45 days." But the Air Newfoundland and Labrador'' writing, it is hard for me to find the words Then after a while, the Air Guard Force said, "Sorry, Charlie. It's 18 months policy of the Air Force to let airmen to tell my son that he has been sentenced obviously decided they did not need any Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award to 18 months active duty in the Air Force. more Medics, so Charlie was transferred to for you." are being punished for "stupidity" for outstanding journalism. So Charlie hired a lawyer. The lawyer the equipment which detects enl I use the word "sentenced" because you climbing poles, building and installing are being punished for failing to pass a test. electronic gear, such as radar antennas. says this is the only case in the United attack? Does the safety of the entire nS I am sure it will come as a shock to every Charlie's enlistment was for a period of States where a serviceman's term was now trained depend on Reservists who medics but install radar ml extended for failing to pass a test. He as EDITORIALS Reservist in the country to learn that his period of enlistment can be extended by six years. After five years had elapsed, the Air Guard told Charlie, "This unit always maintains the only basis for extending is instead^ anten "nas 18 months at the whim of his superior gets efficiency ratings. We want every when a reservist misses meetings. Charlie, I'm writing your story i„ mv officer. It has shocked those young men to airman in this unit to have three stripes The lawyer also maintains that Charlie weekly column. ™ was extended for 45 days — and after that I hope all Reservists read it whom I have already talked. It has shocked when they finish their enlistment." I hm* others who have sons In the Reserves as it Up to that time Charlie had earned his new legislation made possible extensions everybody on our Lakeshore reads It has shocked the newspaper men with first stripe and then his second. He even for a year and a half — and they are particularly hope Missouri Sen. Tom received a citation for work accomplished. holding him under a law that didn't exist Eagleton reads It he grew up hem Lame duck H whom I have discussed your story. ... when he was extended. summers just as you did. 1 You ask "Why am I being punished for But he failed to pass the tests required for hope forme, They had a hearing before a federal Missouri Congressman Tom Curtis failing to get my third stripe?" You My his third stripe. They told him he'd better I hope neighbor Bill O'Donnell readm "others can riot and get a slap on the wrist try again. He failed. This time the Air Judge. The judge said, "Charlie, you are Vb but I failed to pass an exam. Why are they Guard said, "Charlie, you either pass or not being punished, you are being president of Columbia Broadcasting Co honored." But Charlie said, "But Your reads It. I hope Bill Allen of doing this to me? I didn't burn down any else." WOOD-tv Honor, my enlistment Is up In August. I'll News In Grand Rapids, and Ken ROTC buildings." Charlie found out that the "else" was 45 Showers, reads what'no My editor asked me the same question so I told him your story: days on active duty. So this time, Charlie tried harder. But he failed again. Charlie accepted his 45-days sentence . . . When Charlie reached 18, he enlisted Charlie, you see, had broken the ruleR but before he was sent away, the Air "The Establishment" is a any specific reasons for voting the Force changed their rules. They now said, «* marvelous wonder when it can be way you did? "Any reservist can be activated for a observed in action. Monday, State A: I had period of 18 months." Charlie said, "Hey, some specific reasons, but wait a minute ..." But the Air Force News Staff Writer Jeff Sheler I'd rather discuss them not right telephoned Sen. Harold W. now. said, "Sorry, Charlie." Hungerford. R-Lansing, and asked his reaction to passage of the 18 - Q: Well, don't you feel that as an have served my six years." But His Honor ' elected official you have a said, "Sorry, Charlie." news commentator in Holland, reads it. year - old vote bill. His district I'm sending this account of your problem includes MSU. responsibility to let the people of Charlie's lawyer appealed. It took the to a lot of people who, I your district know where you stand three federal appeal judges six months to hope, will Sen. Hungerford answered exactly decide what should be done with Charlie. acquaint other reservists with what on the issues? as one would expect a biased, Of course Charlie all this time was in the happen to them if they fail a test. A: The people of my district? Mother sends her love and prayers.. as hindsighted senator to answer. He United States Air Force on active duty. I do. Stick it out, Charlie, only 11 more avoided the question and substituted Q: Yes, the people you represent. Finally the appeals judges said, "Sorry, months to go. A: No reads the State News. Charlie." a volley of inane remarks that make one DAD Actually the Court's opinion states that us glad he did not seek re-election. Why should I tell you any anything? Charlie's "failure to learn the military NOTE: Don Heuchan is a former St. This is what the senator had to Q: 1 think you'd be surprised who occupational skills required of him Louis newspaperman who, besides say: reads the State News, sir. A lot of pervaded all of his military • technical writing for the Commercial Record, Q: Senator, do you think the people you represent are involved functions in his squadron." contributes regularly to national with the University and read the Charlie's lawyer says, "I am at a loss to magazines. His "From Mid-America" chances for voter approval of the know where the judge who wrote that column appears monthly in Yachting, recently passed 18 - year - old vote State News. opinion obtained his information; there and he is a representative of the amendment are better than they A: 1 know I'd be surprised. Why was nothing in the record to indicate that were two years ago? I've read some things in the State Charlie had not been performing his Waterways Journal. He sent his column to the State A: 1 doubt it. News that made me sick! If the State routine duties satisfactorily, but only that he had failed examinations he News in hopes that wide circulation Q. Well, do you think that, as Journal asked me that question I was required will help end his son's 18-month extra would give an answer, but I'm not Valedictory Address! to pass." some supporters of the proposal have So let's look at it this way. Charlie was tour of duty. said. President Nixon's approval of telling the State News anything. the Federal Voting Rights Act may Strange. Even though Hungerford carry some weight with public asserts "no one" reads the State AP NEWS ANALYSIS opinion in favor of the state News, he himself has read some proposal? "disgusting" things in it. His A: 1 doubt it. comments on our readership are 0: Senator, you were one of the irresponsible and false, but it is * six who voted against the proposal in the Senate last week. Did you have comforting to know that at least he and Sen. Huber read the State News. Semantic smog surrounds Nixon EDITOR'S NOTE: the following news especially those of political allies. monitors would be barred from checking Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell had been The White House was forced July 31 to compliance unless Invited by local officials. quoted as saying a force of about IOC analysis is by C.C. Thelen Jr., offer yet another clarification of the role Quite the contrary, presidential aides federal officials would move South this fill Associated Press writer. Carrigan fo of monitors following the President's july said: monitors will travel anyplace the to oversee desegregation. WASHINGTON (AP) - A semantic smog 30 news conference. Justice Dept. believes they are needed — An important Nixon backer In the South, is shrouding the Nixon administration's The chief executive had said the number with or without local permission. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., took stronj efforts to explain its school desegregation of Justice Dept. lawyers and desegregation The clarification came too late to save exception, referring to "carpetbagginj enforcement policy. specialists from the Dept. of Health, Jerris Leonard, Justice Dept. civil rights Justice Dept. lawyers." The latest flap over federal monitors is Education and Welfare entering Southern chief, the embarrassment of acknowledging Nixon countered that he "had no a boon for interpreted as the inevitable result of an administration policy with two apparently districts this fall would depend on the volume of requests for help from local to reporters he didn't know what the President meant. intention in to ... of sending vigilante squads... coerce the Southern schools to irreconcilable ends: virtually total school officials. The chief executive also groped with the integrate." desegregation this fall but the least possible Some federal civil rights officials and question of desegregation monitors at a The President, as a result, left the bruising of Southern sensibilities — Southern senators took this to mean July 21 news conference. impression in some Southern quarters that Democrats will soon be selecting The party would do well to also the monitoring force was gounded. No, their nominees for MSU trustee. Two nominate Patricia Carrigan, MSU administration officials said later, the alumna and Michigan educator. Mrs. monitors would still be going. nominations will be needed on the OUR READERS' MIND November ticket, one of which Carrigan has a long history of service The monitor question also occasioned the unusual scene of White Houn should and will to MSU. She now serves on the MSU - justly go to counselor Robert H. Finch referring to incumbent board chairman Don Alumni Assn. Development Board, erroneous Information on b dpsegrpg"'10" Stevens. she is president of the MSU Alumni Club of Washtenaw - Livingston counties, she is involved in sustaining Hypocrisy the primary problem push made public by Mitchell. In previous months, Mitchell hu squelched several desegregation Inltlitw from HEW, when Finch was It# wcnW a club fund which provides assistance Other administration officials have h»< to inner • city MSU students and she To the Editor: This letter Is Intended to offer a possible the mob as he prayed for divine forgiveness Kent State would never have happened. It problems explaining the President's pole) has been appointed to serve on of them. There was a lesson here, too, would never have happened because the of desegregating more than 95 per cent o Blow President Wharton's Commission on solution for Miss question, "Why do Christians shoot Karen Marsden's because Saul, later to become Paul, witnessed this stoning and it was one of the "Establishment" would have been busy Southern districts this fall uslnl ( Admissions. people?" which she posed In Wednesday's finding and Implementing solutions to "cooperation rather than coercion. A commitment to student primary reasons for his conversion to today's problems. They would have been J. Stanley Pottinger, the HEW clvi lijj State News. According to Jon Steinberg, a involvement underlies Mrs. Carrigan's A Christian is a person who follows the Christianity. Where would Christianity be so concerned with the plight of their fellow chief, stressed cooperation on a televsei today if it were not for this educated, man, because of their love for him, that news show. The result, he told aio« former Army Spec. 5. drugs -which service to the University. Like the teachings of Jesus. One of his teachings is to "turn the other cheek" when resisting articulate, Roman citizen and great they would not be looking for ways to afterward, was that he came off looW in Army lingo probably means "pot" majority of students, she condemns Christian? write it off their income tax, or how they evil — don't fight it, but don't neglect it unduly soft. urW - are widely used by younger violence but recognizes that any So, a true Christian would never take the could use it to better their political goals, Elliot L. Richardson, the new either. There are two prime examples of soldiers in Vietnam and are easier to group - including students - has the life of anyone — be he Christian, Buddhist etc. The "Antagonizes" wouldn't have secretary, made headlines in the South I putting this teaching into practice. The or atheist. But how many true Christians been there because they would have been week when he told an Atlanta audie" get than liquor. At least that is what right to peaceful dissent. first one was when Jesus asked forgiveness he told the Senate subcommittee to "Peaceful dissent," she said, "can for those who attempted to take his life. do we have in today's world? (They are a busy gaining an education to better that desegregation requirements shou The second is the stoning of Stephen by very small minority In the world's understand the problems and offering stress educational needs more than ra investigate juvenile delinquency. be a powerful tool for change, but population.) How many actually love their reasonable solutions. They would have balances. This is hardly a startling revelation. when it is not effective, when the neighbor and show compassion to his been showing love to the "Establishment" HEW aides said later Richardson wai For years massive numbers of good red • blooded American boys have system fails to respond to it, less constructive forms of challenge are To the Editor: Guilty fellow man as Jesus taught and asked us to do? How many are actually ready to follow his teachings and Imbibe in the spirit of in the form of patience and understanding. It has no easy solution! It is not easy because it must begin with the individual — fully prepared for the questioning on rights and did not intend to downgrade necessity of large - scale desegregation. been turning on to the bounty of inevitable." While bathing in Indochinese blood, them? Doesn't it seem as though many and there is no one more difficult to A seasoned federal civil rights of JJj Vietnam - and finding that about Mrs. Carrigan is also committed to Richard Nixon has the audacity to declare profess to be followers, but are not? change than oneself. It Is diagnosing the recent week of w my opinion, the only difference between a good expanding higher education to Charles Manson guilty of murder without So the primary problem is one of however, that we will never have a true, confusion, alluded to the President benefit of a trial. This kingly decree drag and a shot of booze is that the include students otherwise ignored hypocrisy; we say we are Christians, but we lasting peace until each of us finds peace penchant for the phrase, "Let me indicates the contempt that chrome - aren't really. What we really are, I guess, Is within himself. one thing perfectly clear." former does not give you a hangover. by "the system." Toward this end, . plated Richard Nixon has for justice, unless No doubt the senators will now she has contributed time and it serves his own purposes. I see no opportunists. We wait for the guy ahead of Fredrlc R. Haines "What we've got," the official 88^' ^ us to slip so we can take advantage of It. Glen Arbor special student policy of making one thing Pel attempt anyway to devise methods energies to the admissions difference between these two commanders If we were true Christians the episode at Aug. 2,1970 unclear." to curb this supposed excess. We commission. - in - chief, except that Nixon's murders are submit, however, that such a drive is During the convention, when those ostensibly legally sanctioned. He, too, is made a hero by engaging in criminal PIP HW HAVE A <3000 TIME? PIP ALL I SAW CJERE 5H0PPIN6 CENTERS IT DOESN'T already hopeless and they would do smoke - filled rooms begin to fog activities in Asia, and is indirectly guilty of "flu SEE ANYTHING INTERESTING? ANP MOTELS... EVERV 10UN YOU'VE NEVER LEFT. better not to waste the taxpayers' Democrats should remember LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER T0U)N.. over. far more murders than Manson. If money. that Mrs. Carrigan has the Let he who is without sin cast the first History may record it as one of the qualifications and the commitment stone. Whether sin or guilt, Richard greater ironies that the legalization to serve as trustee. She is an educator Nixon's place is near the end of the line, of marijuana will be brought about sensitive to the needs of MSU. Her right in front of Lyndon Johnson. John Clarry small measure as a result of the point of view would be a welcome St. Clair Shores senior Indochina conflict. as^.t to the board. Auc. 5.1970 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 11, 1970 5 Consumers Co., -jtizens at Automakers cited renting MIDLAND (UPI) - Consumers Power Co. Monday found itself I the center of another environmental controversy concerning the construction and planned operation of atomic power plants in major waterways. Soortsmen and housewifes, at a hearing before the State Water I B«ources Commission, demanded tighter restrictions on cooling luxury models WASHINGTON (UPI) — The automakers' old but little at cut rates I Iters that would be discharged from a $300 million publicized practice of leasing luxury cars to favored which exists on paper but has not met in years, has no budget or I nuclear facility being built at the southern edge of this community greatly reduced rates now appears to involve nearly one - fourth legislators at office and has no Senate members. Ibv Consumers. the membership of the U.S. Senate. Feighan, the committee's last chairman, told UPI he drives a I While the conservationists contended that radioactive wastes Continental but declined to say whether he had received a I nyld seep from the plant into the Tittabawassee River and After a series of interviews, UPI a week ago identified 11 preferential lease. Itricaer "irreversible and Irreparable contamination" of the river senators and 16 representatives who confirmed they were taking On Capitol Hill, Ford privately leases its cars only to those in land all that is in it, Consumers researchers argued that enough advantage of the special offer by the Ford Motor Chrysler Corp. Co. or the leadership posts or to chairmen or ranking Republicans of ■safeguards would be taken to prevent any damage to the committees. Chrysler, apparently, makes no distinction to rank (environment. Since then, Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., and Rep. Dan influence. or I The company is also battling several conservation groups in Rostenkowski, D-Ill., have been added to the list. Hartke sits on the Senate Commerce ■southwestern Michigan in its attempt to license its recently Committee, writing laws Of the 12 senators, governing automobile safety, air pollution and trade. I competed Palisades Nuclear Power Plant on Lake Michigan, near five, including Hartke, say they are driving Chryslers. But a Chrysler source said his On the House ■South Haven. Hearings concerning that issue are being held in conpany has 17 cars on side, Commerce Committee Chairman Harley O. lease to senators, Ifalamazoo by the Atomic Energy Commission. are meaning 12 additional but unidentified senators enjoying luxury transportation at cut rates. Staggers, D-W.Va., on UPI's original list, has announced he is turning in his $750 - a year leased Continental lest any questions I Consumers representatives have stated that the operation of be raised. Other - tomlc fuel facilities can offset a potential electric power The new UPI inquiry shows that 23 senators are leasing either saw participants in the special leases have said they ■shortage. top • line Chryslers or Lincoln Continentals for between nothing wrong in the arrangements. u $750 and warned Mrs. Mary Sinclair, head of the Midland opposition $900 a year. Another is leasing a - t, In the judiciary, plush Mercury Marquis for $600 however, only the chief justice rates a u,vws, "thl» 's the mo8t dangerous source of environmental a year. limousine paid for with government funds. ^contamination that technology has yet devised." The rates, which far less than the cost of The Supreme Court asked Congress earlier this year, in a closed I Mrs. Sinclair, a mother of five and head of the Citizens are comparable - door session with a House appropriations subcommittee, for JCommlttee for Environmental Protection, haR held that Black royalty commerlcal leases, usually include Insurance and major maintenance. Chrysler and Ford said the Identities of their $4,800 so the other eight justices could rent Chevrolets for $600 ■dangerous radiological wastes could be accidentally released and favored customers confidential Information. a year. But the House turned down the request. Faith Ellana Hood, 23, of Detroit wai chosen Mlit Black was ■ingested by humans In drinking water or In the fish food chain. 1 ' Many ecologUU confess to Ignorance on effects of low level Michigan during Sunday's competition in Detroit. Members The list does not include Cadillac • limousines which the jradioactlvlty and heated water," she said. of her court are, from left, second runner-up Joann Morgan government officially leases for the six House and Senate leaders. I Consumers scientists have stated that "radiation exposure is less of Ann Arbor; first runner-up Jackie Ford of Detroit; last It appeared that Rep. Michael A. Feighan, D-Ohio, might be Lrom a nuclear plant than that from natural radiation background year's queen, Gloria Green of Kalamazoo; fourth runner-up another beneficiary of the private car offer as the presumed Imposed by living In different parts of the country; or residing in Althenia Vanias of Detroit, and third runner-up Cassandra chairman of a committee that has been defunct for several years. different types of structures." Wardlaw of Detroit. A Ford spokesman said one Lincoln Continental was charged to AP Wirephoto the House - Senate Committee on Immigration and Nationality, New Ledges com ■ Whenever anyone refers to and panting moods turns Are Dead," he now directs this, sexy Southern dra-a-wl saturates |The Odd Couple," I remember "lunatic" over Sophie, their new Certainly his talent, when each scene. lends a comical contrast Lck Lemmon in his apron, a blonde Dixie - whistling blended with that of his three For an evening of pure, Lid game, a few lines and scenes neighbor. Dark, lanky Bill Lyman is a whimsical entertainment, head well - chosen cast Kat I laughed very hard and that members, has clown when it comes to zany for the Ledges Playhouse at Seeking to win her heart, he Produced a hilarious hit. Elaine uninhibited expression in his ■thought it was "really funny." Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge ■ Seeing another Nell Simon dauntlessly tries everything from Sherman plays Sophie every gesture and grimacing where "Star Spangled Girl" /, "Star Spangled Girl," treetop ukelele serenades, to Rauscnmeyer, the cheerleader - wince. Rick McGuire, who opens tonight and runs through igs it all back. It's not one of gourmet baskets of assorted fre8!1 "femme fatale" whose portrays Andy, the sedate, book Sunday. .se experiences that stays with kumquats and tiny watermelons, to near • teasinR zest and terrifically low, - wormy brains of the operation, Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. iu for the rest of your life, nor drowning her cat in the toilet while mopping up her ie that bears any great social ^ freshly waxed kitchen floor. Jgnificance, but it sure is a heck But ■a good time. alas, Sophie, a physically the short while the perfect U.S. Olympic specimen, ' mance is going on, forget i already engaged to be married, ENDS TUES. - 2 BIG HITS! Irerything my tiling and auu let .C its ..gut, their class at Dartmouth, share whereby her response becomes _ lipping, irrelevant plot carry an apartment which they've also s^thing, urge - to - kill rage — Th<- through a lot of laughs (and established as the publishing until, that is, she gets the hots ~ don't even have to think house for their subversive, *or Andy. >ut it). [Norman and Andy (no, not lother "odd" pair), two-man protest magazine. Norman, the master - under - having 14 • names writer of the man. John Peakes is Hamlet Having as a just an very funny portrayed idiot in G» iduated first and second in organization, in one of his hot "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern It kresge ALSO CRIME CHILLER THE HONEYMOON KILLERS Rated "R" 10:10 only _-n Faculty works exhibited exhibit of art works Open at 7:30 - Cartoon ai by Gamble, James McConnell and noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Monday ■mbers of the art faculty will Irving Taran. 1 featured in the Kresge Art through Friday; 7 to 9 p.m. ENDS TUES. The 1970-71 series of exhibits • ALL COLOR Inter Gallery during August Tuesday, and 2 to 5 p.m. will open In October. Id September. Saturday and Sunday. Allrn hulls Contemporary paintings from __________________ exhibit, open to the the Winston Collection and I STARTS TOMORROW! "Wli;«l Do You Sny Iblic without charge, includes recent acquisitions In the 1 —* | ton N.ikrri Lady?' fc'ljc paintings on canvas, Permanent Collection will be COIOR by IH'Uixi ■wings and prints. featured Oct. 3 • 25. X Uniipif Artists TTie faculty artists represented Gallery hours 8:20 And Late J Anthony DeBlasi,, James ALSO "THE NIGHT THEY fey. Clifton McChesney, RAIDED MINSKY'S" Jncy Stackhouse, William Rated 'GP' 10:15 Only NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP HINCE AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR! OR I MYRA CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN RIDG 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA SiUa\J> My* ®j rm Quitting SPAGHETTI SALADS v» tuul the Clothing Business To Expand My Smoke Shop MAE JOHN Gant Shirts Corbin Trousers WEST HUSTON 50% OFF 40% OFF RAQUEL WELCH Alteration on you cGORf. VIDAL'S——— MYRA Alan Paine Sweaters Sportcoats BRECKINRIDGE^ Raincoats (X: isand OPEN 12:46 Continuous from 1 P.M. over Vm NOW 10.00 % Price 351-7363 132 N. HARRISON AT MICHIGAN Feature 1:15-3:20«5:25-7:25-9:30 Sperry Top Sider Canvas Shoes 20% OFF 487-3733 Just 3 lights South of Harrison St. 2417 E. KALAMAZOO Neckties Watchstraps is!!s 40% OFF Socks 484-4406 1101 W. WILLOW AT LOGAN LAST DAY SOUTH- i^£SL*00-IO:lO-- "THE STRAWBERRY IridayT— STATEMENT" 'R' j SUBURBAN SHOP 321 EAST GRAND RIVER 484-4555 TAKE OUT ONLY' 2201 S. CEDAR P^iTHE Rflfll 1:10-3:16-7:26-7:20-9:30 EAST IANSINO, MICH. 4S8 To 12:00 P.M.,Frl. k Sat. To 1 A.M. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ' 19?0 state news state news classified Looking for a home near school? Consult the Want Ad pages for fast results. classified 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not Scooters & Cycles FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil ftnnlt For Rent For Sale For Sale MbntJbts permit racial or religious discrimination in its BSA, 441, 1967. 8ingle and double THREE BEDROOM carpeted duplex. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables - $49.95, WESTINGHOUSE COLor t^:- Garage, patio, basement and model 530 stereo taoe seat, aluminum and chrome r. v advertising culumns. The $5.00 per month. Large selection Used State News will not fenders. Excellent condition, appliances, $200. 372-5781 after 6 p.m. 3-8-11 of reconditioned used machines. tape Akai.Sony.PanasonS' recorders. 100 489-9564. 3-8-12 uwd Singers, Whites, Necchls, New stereo cartridges tapes accept advertising which & "Many Others." $19.95 tj « • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against UNFURNISHED THREE bedroom Home to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS ■££»?* Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or A uto Service & Parts house. Clean, couples only. 1 or 2 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Pro-4-A stereo head oh^*l Auto Parts & Service Aviation national origin. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East children. 10 minutes to campus. Call 484-3513. 3-8-11 1116 North 489-6448. C-8-13 Washington, Oerrard turntables $25 120 watt stereo receiver. ^L Sh|IB II 30 watt stereo Kalamazoo Street since 1940. WEST END - receiver ' • EMPLOYMENT . . . Large house, private speakers. Coral 30 Complete auto painting and furnished rooms, kitchen 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, watt jn.*"1' f * FOR RENT collision service. IV 5-0256. C privileges, pets welcome. canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and up. set. U*Kl 300 stereo albums 750""' Automotive golf se,s$14.95 * Apartments 372-8666 10-8 14 1 year guarantee. DENNIS Houses ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 used fans. Used TV sets X up. Realistic 55 watt KALAMAZOO STREET BODY North Cedar, opposite City OPEL KADETT 1968. Reliable EAST LANSING Duplex. Spacious 2 Rooms SHOP. Small dents to large # FOR SALE transportation, good $950. Call 332-5291, 1 until 5 mileage, wrecks. American and foreign bedrooms, 351-6586. 5-8-12 furnished, parking. Market. C-8-13 SECONDHANDSTORE'sooc" I Animals p.m. 5-8-14 cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo. C WORLD'S GREATEST Classics. 50 hardbound Michigan, 485-4391.8 8.^5; I Mobile Homes ENTIRE FORMER fraternity house volumes, Classitron PLYMOUTH 1968 Roadrunner, V-8, for lease on yearly basis, 334 West record anthology, 6 album set, # PERSONAL power steering, low mileage. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Michigan. Ideal for group of one month old, unused. Mary, Animals • PEANUTS PERSONAL $1400. 393-4502. Americen cars. If we can't fix it, it 361-2254. 4-8-14 After 5 p.m. approximately 20 students. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O KITTEN FREE, «REAL ESTATE 372-5187. 5-8-14 Completely furnished. Phone 313 646-6000. SONY 6060 Receiver, 50 watts RMS trained, call 484-4203 after « RECREATION PLYMOUTH 1963, 4 door. Power 9-8-21 Mr. Chamberlain. per channel. Was $399.96, now t'p° * SERVICE steering / brakes, V-8, easy Aviation $349.95 at MARSHALL MUSIC Typing Service starting, good condition, no rust, FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to FACULTY UNFURNISHED: three COMPANY, East Lansing. C-8-11 BEAUTIFUL SEAL Point"*!.™* « TRANSPORTATION $250. 337-0409.4-8-14 learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. bedrooms, two baths, study, DESK AND chair, $10. Sofa and kittens, $12.00 332-8778. 5-8-14 each ' c!' Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C garage, $225. 337-7533. 3-8-13 * WANTED TOYOTA LANDCRUISER chair, colonial style. Dresser $30. ATTRACTIVE WILLIAMSTON 2 Excellent condition, 332-0188. Cheap type vehicle. Excellent buy. DEADLINE Phone 372-8989. 2-8-11 Employment bedroom duplex. Appliances, 3-8-12 1 P.M. one class day 5^ carpeted and private yard. PART TIME work for students. Car Pleasant home, $150. 655-1689 TIRES, TWO 9.00x15 premium 4 ply before publication. TRIUMPH 1964, GT 6+, owner in Mobile Honiei Cancellations - 12 noon service. Call 663-6331.3-8-13 after 6 p.m., necessary. interview. C Call 351-7319 for I E€ALI2E 1H£ RUUTCN 16 FRenV 3-8-12 nylon. 2,000 miles. Half price. 351-5465. 3-8-12 1969 one class day before THERE ROpeSOfc, BUT Rooms HILLCREST, bedroom. Deluxe 12*60. 21 publication. VALIANT 1963, 6 cylinder standard PIANO. Bush and Lane Cecillan. Unfurnishi PHONE shift, good condition, $250. After 6 p.m., 337-2365. 3-8-12 TW6 THeBlhCKBOAP-nX THE WINDOW/ SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and Highest offer 5-8-14 over $25. 351-1417, _^ell 625-3520. W 355-8255 PLANS FOR the Fall? American women. 5:30 • 7:00, 351-9286. 1965 LIBERTY 10x50. condition, air conditioning Vxcellentl Academic Environments, /jty AitiBy/sriMri. Any time - 372-1031. O CRIB, PLAYPEN, table, highchair, VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, campus. 351-4650. 5-8-13 RATES $10 each. Stroller $3.00. Call 1963 - running condition, needs Cambridge, Massachusetts is MEN: CLEAN, quiet 1 day $1.50 some work. $150. 351-0241. seeking students, graduates to rooms. 332-8778. 5-8-14 15c per word per day 3-8-13 market products full time. Cooking. One block to campus. LIBERTY 1968 12x50 furnished.aiiI Supervised, 487-5753, 485-8836. conditioned, wall to wall can Contact Placement Bureau. 8-8-11 SIMMONS. HIDE-A-BED, 3 days $4.00 For Rent For Rent green, Excellent condition. Close VOLKSWAGEN 1963, 67,000 miles, good condition, $75. 351-3197. 131/ac per word per day campus. Moving, must good condition, $550. 351-8223, PHARMACY CLERK wanted for full 5-8-14 STODDARD APARTMENTS, GREAT ONE bedroom unfurnished MEN ROOMS, cooking, close in, immediately $3500 or best of 5 days $6.50 after 6 p.m. 3-8-13 or part time work. Must have 1 - 655-3440. 3-8-11 bedroom. Now leasing for Fall apartment close to campus. Air available September. Call ED 13c per word per day pleasant personality. Both HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Term. Balconies, laundry. Near conditioned, dishwasher, garbage 7-9566. 5-8-17 (based on 10 words per ad) Scooters & _ transportation .. and . expenence matching couch, chair; table, MARLETTE 1969. 12x60. Goodl Cycles campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. disposal, fully carpeted, etc. Nine month lease, $165 per month. Call IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, Sublet chairs, china cabinet. 393-3207. condition, skirted. On lot. Phone I Peanuts Personals must be 2-8-11 882-5551.5-8-12 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT til end Summer. Discount YAMAHA 1965 250cc. Roadbike. pre-paid. WALK TO campus. 4-man, two (Mrs. Pecic) 351-7910.4-8-14 $13/week. Judy, 351-9054 near Very good condition, new tires. ART MAJOR full or part time for SUNGLASSES, SAFETY or FOR LEASE, with option There will be 50c service bedrooms, two baths, utilities campus. 2-8-11 a $250. Phone 355-1063. 3-8-12 our custom framing dept. Contact paid. Call after 6, 489-1893. GIRLS TO sh8re apartment 4 blocks tempered lens or any optical 10x50. $45/month. Mr. Banks,I and bookkeeping charge if Mr. Paul Mires at Leon G., 319 5-8-14 from campus. Call between 7 - GENTLEMEN: QUIET ,cozy room, needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 655-3828 or Mr. Elliott!! this ad is not paid within BSA 250 1969. Excellent condition, East Grand River across from 2615 East Michigan Avenue, 655-2684.3-8-12 1:30 p.m. 332-0143. 3-8-13 east, with parking. IV 2-8304 372-7409. C-8-14 one week. helmet and car carriers, 694-8937. campus. 4-8-14 WANTED GIRL for 4 man starting early mornings. 3-8-12 The State News will be 3-8-13 fall. Chalet Apartments. $67.50 HART SKIS 205cm $35. Component BEAUTIFUL 1970 12x60 Buddy] LISTEN TO CURTIS month. Call 351-9188. 3-8-12 Classic Early American. If you cai hi-fi, bookcases, miscellaneous. beat this buy. I'll give it to you.fl responsible only for the HONDA 350, 1969, 1900 miles. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WILS Call 351-8629 after 6 p.m. 3-8-11 first Street bike, $625. Call 351-4456 Radio 6 nights weekly 12:01 - 3 Mr. Banks, 655-3828 day's incorrect UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and NEW ONE bedroom, carpeting, insertion. after 6 p.m. 5-8-17 a.m. to find the job you want. four man furnished, $185 and up, 630 STODDARD, single male, light ANNOUNCING EAST Elliott, 655-2684, Willow Village! 3-8-12 Westinghouse appliances, Lansing's Williamston. 3-8-12 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD dishwasher, air conditioning, etc. cooking, $70 immediately. newest Men's TRIUMPH CUB Shop in style - - good condition. MANAGEMENT COMPANY Furnished or unfurnished. Choice 351-9036, 332-0480. 5-8-12 DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE, 541 East First $200 takes it. Call 355-8124. MALE AND FEMALE help wanted. 351-7910. O location, for young marrieds, grad Grand River. 5-8-11 3-8-13 Mailing room work, starting BAY COLONY: One and two students, or faculty from $155. For Sale BEDS, STOVES, refrigerator. Phone 332-1183.5-8-17 Buy, mid-September. Apply in person bedroom, $135 and up, 337-9228 sell. ABC SECONDHAND Automotive at 3308 South Cedar, Suite 11, HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT RECTILINEAR MINI-III speakers. OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green STORE, 1208 Turner. C Brand new. Acoustic. Maximum Lansing. 3-8-12 COMPANY, 351-7910. O Apartments. Ideal for married 100 ALPHA ROMEO 1969 - 1300 GT watts m.pJ channel. Must POLICE MONITORS, Sonar FR103, SUMMER AND part time grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 sell. $160 for both. 332-3848. W junior, 24,000 miles, radio, heater, 1969 SMALL Chopped Benelli BEECHWOOD. Three and four man, special sale $29.95 up plus employment with full line bedroom, furnished and plush interior, excellent condition. Roadster, with custom Triumph • furnished, $200 crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, All reasonable offers considered. goodies, $300. 353-4055. 3-8-13 merchant wholesaler. Automobile 33 2-0965. and HALSTEAD up, unfurnished, $130 $175 COMPLETE ZEBRA Skin D~u7n"iet, 5558 South Pennsylvania Avenue, 351-3918. 10-8-13 required. 351-5800 for monthly. Possession now or great shape, sacrifice, $105. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, September 1st. Call Lansing. C WHAT'S IT worth information. O manager, 363-4055. 3-8-13 to you? 1966 351-7910. O BUICK 1962 Invicta convertible. 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY Triumph 500, Charianti Forks. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER. Automatic, good condition, $550 GENERAL OFFICE, secretaries, MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. TF HOOVER WASHER, portable, - 11,000 miles. Submit offer by OKEMOS 1 bedroom or best offer. 332-4043. 3-8-12 clerical jobs in abundance. Phone apartment, avocado, used 7 months, owners Autopoint. 6.6 cubes. Used 4 Friday, 1 p.m. Also rooms to let. furnished, parking, utilities paid. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 weeks. $80. 361-9148. 3-8-11 CURTIS EMPLOYMENT moving, $90. 356-9784. 4-8-14 Rob, 237 Kedzie. 3-8-13 Call 351-6586. 5-8-12 CHEVY II, 1962 convertible, 6 AGENCY, 482-0783. 3-8-12 Marigold across from campus. Deluxe 2 furnished FALL man automatic, bucket seats, 1966 KAWASAKI 250 Street Scrambler UNIQUE ODDS and ends Including THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man apartments. Now leasing for fall. engine. 351-8280. 5-8-14 Oak teble top, phonograph, 24" 1968, 3,000 miles. Asking $350. For Rent apartments. Block from Berkey, IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O 355-3091. 1-8-11 boy's bike, porteble easel, antique CHEVROLET Recently CORVAIR overhauled. 1964. New HARLEY SPORTSTER 1964. Good TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF APARTMENT ACROSS from Houses _jcupboerd. 337-7833. 2-8-12 LEASES * * SHAG CARPETING NEW FURNITURE muffler, monthly and term rates. Call FANTASTIC PLASTICS, Inflatable * UNLIMITED new battery good tires. condition, $700. 2010 tOM East 351-7900 to campus, Inquire after 4 p.m., 113 furniture. Many styles and colors. 353-6807.5-8-12 reserve yours. PARKING Kalamazoo, 372-7344. 3-8-12 Louis Street, East Lansing. 4-8-14 EAST LANSING, Cell 337-9215, UNIVERSITY TV 3 midnight. $175 RENTALS. C room, bath, noon to * DISHWASHERS washer, dryer, garage, walking 5-8-12 CHEVROLET 1962, perfect engine, HONDA 350, 1969. * AIR COND. < RENT A TV from EAST LANSING. Large quiet distance to MSU. After 4 p.m. a TV company. furnished apartment for 3 or 4. 332-6048. 3-8-13 * ON THE BANK OF $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. PERM NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 332-3107. 3-8-13 THE RED CEDAR * CHEVELLE 1970 350-300, 4-speed $55.00/man CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national TV WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 posi RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free • traction, vinyl roof, bedroom furnished or excellent condition, $2795. Call companies. Compare our rates. deliveries. Call SELCO 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or unfurnished. Balconies, security MODEL OPEN 332-5857. 3-8-12 COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. locks, leundry, Quiet area. Call 505 Albert, East Lansing, (Formerly J, R. Culver Company.) 351-4698, 332-3311 and DAILY 484-8173. O CHRYSLE H 1964 transportation 351-8890. O Cornar of Haslett Rd. behind the bargain. Power steering and and M-78 brakes, good rubber, excellent HONDA S90. Full size knobbles, and LEASING FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms engine, dependable, $300 or best scrambling handlebars. $175. Call Apartments $210, 1 bedroom, $160. Yankee store offer, Contact manager, Arbor Roger Taskey 351-3420 332-4977, 2-8-11 BURCHAM WOODS, Call EAST LANSING Stan Guskl 351-8160 Forest Apartments next to near campus. One between 3 • 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF University Inn on TrowbridQe BSA 1968 250 Starfire. Mint bedroom, furnished. Lerge airy Road. Can be seen 9 • 5 p.m. condition. Call 351-3056 after 6 rooms. Air conditioned. 711 BURCHAM, Two or three men 6-8-14 p.m. 5-8-14 Beautifully maintained. Select deluxe one bedroom, furnished clientele Lease. 332-3135 or CORVAIR 1965. New engine and SUZUKI 1970 250 Savage Under 882 6549. O epertments. Phone 337-07Bn n IV 9-9651 or CROSSWORD tires, great shape, $500. IV 5-1010. 7-8-19 2,000 miles, $650 (was $825 newl 372-0525 after 3 p.m. Art PUZZLE CORVETTE 1960. Beautiful, new Fossum. 5-8-13 Free with your rent at Seven-Thirty-One 327. stored. $1195 firm. Phone ACROSS Protect 351-3258. 3-8-11 CUTLASS 1964: convertible, has MSU SPECIALS 1. 6 Humiliate Horned viper Alter 30. Poorer 9. Changed Anglo-Saxon record player, must sell. $400. 351-6305. 3-8-12 '67 OLDS 88 4-dr., V-8, power $795 Live on campus- 11. 13. Shape Click beetle money 32. Mud volcano CUTLASS S 1969: 2 door hardtop in 14. Chord of three 34. Lagoon excellent condition, V-8, Ralley 11 wheels, 4-speed transmission, bucket seats, 372-0075. 2-8-12 '65 VISTA CRUISERtCQC Green wagon, 9 pass. IpUtJ J ... off-campus... at 16. 17 tones Kindred llnexploded 36. Mortar beater 37. Commercials 40. Seal shell 42. Nut candy 19 Antagonist 44. Game fish 1. Pose lor 3" mm mil CUTLASS 1970 Deluxe sedan. '66 TORONADO 20. Noted violinist 45. Generator artist Sharp, Power, automatic. Owned by retired engineer. 489-7753 2-dr. hardtop. $1295 22. Uncle in 46. Shank 1. The birds 5. Harebrained Spanish .47. Dried orchid 2. Tropical island 6. Astern __5-8-17 '67 23. Dear; French 7. Rail bird CUTLASS tubers 3. Yemenite FORD 1965. blue, 2-door. 2-dr. hardtop. Red. $1695 APARTMENTS 8. Typographer rr- r- r- r- r~ T T- 10, OH cylinder pj Economical six, good condition. 353 0957. 3-8-11 Live it upl Join the Campus Hill mob. More than 9- 10 7/ •i 12. Morning MERCEDES 190SL. 1958. Basically '69 MALIBU 2-dr. hardtop. Power $2495 just a pad to hang your hat . . . because there's lots of bonus extras! Like: a Mini-bus thpt takes you (5 14 % 16 15. prayers Electrical good shape, needs minor work, $850. Ted, 361-0608. 6-10 p.m. round trips a day) from apartment doorstep to class¬ room eliminating parking problems, expense and tardiness. Like: a romantic ''social" area with picnic it' n % 19 rectifier 18. Papa '66 RIVIERA 5-8-11 2-dr. hardtop $1395 tables and B-B-Q pits and stuff. Read below for more features than you'll ever get . . . and dig this . . . % 20 % * 20, Biblical character _ Three Man or woman Luxury Suites from only $180 a month. 25 w % 2* a % 17 21. Paper venders 23. Quirts ■ '66 OLDS 88 *66— ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities Included % 24.BUVI! 4-dr. V-8 power. $795 except electricity ■ Carpetlna Throughout ■ Drapes 2d" it SO ?5. (>lad ti East Grand The following Free U door or call 332-0825 or visit East people for many years and feels minimum contribution per member school to River, East classes will shows a definite commitment on the delegates' meet Lansing State Bank and branches at "it is my responsibility to see NABS to pay the debt. A previous motion to Lansing. Above the new Campus today: Guerilla Theater 3 p.m. 131 Albert, Marvel Comics 7 - Okemos, Haslett, and Brookfield that their lives part. NABS passed collection bags among the Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 - are protected table discussion of the debt until - p.m. - Plaza, Jo-Ann Fabrics and Washburne Monday was delegates Sunday night, but no estimate of the p.m., Monday, Wednesday and 131 Albert, Rock & Blues Guitar - Travel in Meridian through appropriate legislative defeated 99-114. 7:30 p.m. - 131 Albert, Mall, Cartwright's action." money obtained was available. Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 Astrology - Several suggestions were made for p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C 7:30 p.m. - The Albatross. Shoes in Brookfield Plaza and Holden A second state senator, Basil raising the Delegates pointed out that many of them have Reid in Frandor. money from the member schools but no definite no authority to pay anything without Brown, D-Highland Park, said he plan was formulated. The most popular plan authorization from their full student was "outraged at the lack of seemed to be to raise national dues $100 action on the part of" Milliken, per governments. And that some of their local black four Fun in the Sun Location Davids, Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley and U.S.^ enforcement officials school, giving that money to NABS. National dues were lowered congress because many schools were refusing to at last year's organizations would rather keep the NABS payment for their own purposes. Most of the delegates seem to want to do "the responsible for pay them, enforcing state and narcotics right thing," but are not sure how. Some would Many de rather give the money to the Black Panther party laws. before sum "It is obvious to anyone who r than to NABS — and some NSA staff members well as attempting to find ways to raise funds for read .1 * about this i.uj. agree, but add that since the NABS commitment NABS immediately. Plans for the latter ranged has been made, it should be met. NIXON ACTION A FACTOR Change in attitude cited voting age. The late Sen. Robert (continued from page one) who have pictures running proposal will depend on many F. Kennedy, Arizona Sen. Barry through their minds of young things — not the least of which is a "no" vote on the amendment. Goldwater, former President people taking over cities, how successfully the state's Though campus radicals make Lyndon Johnson — and the list especially college towns, and students and other young people up a minority of college students goes on to include Nixon — making radical changes in can convince their parents that who themselves are a minority apparently failed to influence society. the ballot box may prove to be of young people ages 18 - 21, state voters. It seems unlikely that President Nixon has gained However, some of the more the "proper channel" they have campus violence in the fall could cool • headed observers have spoken of so often. prevent the enfranchisement of enough stature to do better than suggested that the new voters about a half million new voters. they did two years ago. would likely fall into traditional SKIERS The greatest threat to the MooSUSKl will meet HO trends of voting behavior, likely Finally, if the main selling passage of the amendment in Anthony - Aug. 11th, 7:30 p.m. point for the proposition turns November, however, can be assuming the views of their This is a special organizational out to be Nixon's parents, and thereby maintaining signature on accurately described in the word the status quo. the Voting Rights Act, the "fear." Even some "lukewarm" The success or failure of the measure may be sold short. supporters of the measure have During the last campaign a said that they favor lowering the pamphlet was distributed voting age because they don't statewide government listing celebrities who favor all officials of the and lowering the think it will much. change things very ATTENTION CAR OWNERS! Apparently there are people * Complete front end repair and alignment MODEL NOW CLOSED ij* * Brakes * Suspension YAT WAH * Wheel balancing * Steering JYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing Restaurant IT UnitS' These spacious luxury apartments are LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center ' Pletety carpeted and furnished with distinctive n any order of two complete I this coupon "isn Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dinners, the lower priced dinner |Good after 4 p.m washer, garbage disposal and individual control - Monday-Thursday 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-734* _ral air conditioning. These four man units have up parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 1/2 OFF R«9"ia' MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. mimmtng6en adequate|V pool, recreation Planned for with a giant heated rooms and private balconies. EVERYDAY 1 -6 CLOSED SUNDAY YAT WAH RESTAURANT 136 W. Grand River Across from . . Mary Mayo Hall Vyy°uKINGHAM want to be among the first residents of Phone 332 6441 or 372-2797 Take Out orders & Reservations 351-5712 JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT call today. There are units starting at MARSHA CHANEL 5~'—X c— wmonth per man. is cued to your campus needs and we will be pleased to accept your application for NOW: A STEREO CASSETTE a Jacobson Charge Account Identification DECK GOOD ENOUGH TO COME FROM SONY! Card Your personal account number will speed your purchases and give you greater shopping convenie MODEL 125 Apply for yours soon. 4620 S. HAGADORN management exclusively by: AtCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY JacobSoriB Tuesday, Augusl, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Grand Rapids baseball clubs tie in state amateur tourney The Grand Rapids Sullivans, defending state spring, Rob Ellis, the Spartans batting leader next spring. Shaun Howitt, who clouted half a amateur baseball champions, battled the Grand with a .380 mark, and Ron Pruitt, the hard - dozen homers for the Spartans last season, and Rapids Braves to a 2-2 tie Monday in the swinging sophomore outfielder for Danny Bailey Oliver, a freshman catcher used mostly in Litwhiler's nine last year will all become part of reserve last spring, are currently listed on the BROOKFIELD PLAZA championship game of this year's tournament. the Sullivan's team. ' Sullivans' roster. The teams will go at it again Wednesday starting all over from the first inning. Ike was pitching for Sturgis. S.D., in the Basin League this summer, while Ellis and Pruitt were IM SCHEDULE Take the The Sullivans had a chance to wrap up the title previously with Bloomington, 111., of the Central Sunday but lost a 6-5 squeaker to the Braves for Illinois Collegiate League. 10 Wilson Staff - Hashish s:30 their first tournament loss in the double OCI Abbot - Perverts With the addition of Ike, Ellis and Pruitt, the s Typhoon - Potllckers MUIR CURE OC2 Polish Artillery - Soilers elimination tourney. Sullivans had the Newest Red Sox opportunities as they stranded 14 men on base, Grand Rapids club would contain six^ MSU 6 Whakkers bt for N. - a but couldn't get the timely hit. players who will be returning to Litwhiler's club 7 Geo Gems. Korps 8 Loads - Curlings Rick Kreuger, who finished his eligibility Should the Sullivans win Wednesday three 9 Potency - Dells 5 Major Roods - Jugornots 6 Hart Attacks - Soulful Shack with MSU last spring, signed a professional MSU players will join the Sullivans for their cuf Lee from 7 Ossicles - UFO contract with the Boston Red Sox Sunday. quest of the national title later this month in Wichita, Kansas. Pitcher Larry Ike, who had an Colts roster 8 Aktion Jox - Wronsky Warr. 9 Caribbean - Oakhill Mets For High Prices Kreuger is a hard throwing southpaw from 10 Venatics Pig Pen Ten Grand Rapids. outstanding freshman season for the Spartans last Former MSU halfback Dwight - player roster well ahead of the OCI Smashed -Cumquats Lee was one of three players cut Thursday deadline. OC2 Polish Peasants ■ Hot Dogs by the Baltimore Colts Monday as the Colts got down to the 60 who lettered Spartans from 1965-67, had for the 7:30 (1.49 SCOPE Tigers 7 run ninth inning IM News gone to the Colt camp after being let go by the Atlanta 5 Chem. Grads 6 - Primo Giggers - Sons of Lib. 7 Hand Peop. • Potters 89 Falcons. not enough in Boston win Chuck Hartenstein struck out The Tigers scored their first Entries for the IM's second five week's golf tournament is noon Wednesday. Participants must pay their green fees in the Barney, two others Supply Limited BOSTON (UPI) - Billy IM office when they sign up. Bill Freehan to end the game. run in the second on back - to - Conigliaro highlighted a 17-hit Boston attack with a three - run homer, but the Red Sox had to Sonny Siebert, who won his 12th game against six losses, had back doubles by Freehan and Student fees are $1.75 and Don Wert and added two more faculty $2. The tournament will be held at Forest Akers Golf report to Lions camp K0DAC0L0R FILM been sailing along after a shaky runs in the third on Jim CX 126(12) use three pitchers to put down a Course this Saturday. BLOOMFIELD HILLS (UPI) — Star comerback Lem Barney, a seven - run Detroit rally in the ninth before edging the Tigers, 11-10. start until the Detroit explosion. After giving up two singles, a double and a walk with only one Northrup's homer following a single by A1 Kaline. All tennis enthusiasts are reminded that noon Wednesday holdout since the end of the National Football League players' strike, reported to the Detroit Lions training camp Monday. $1.40 Value 99c out, he was relieved by Sparky The Red Sox scored what is the deadline for the IM tennis A team spokesman said Barney still had not signed his 1970 Trailing 11-3 entering ninth, the Tigers sent 11 men to the Lyle, who gave up two more singles and another walk before proved to be the winning run in the eighth on singles by Don Pavletich, George Thomas and singles tournament. Entries can call the IM office Thursday to find out their first round contract but took part in both morning and afternoon drills. Two other players reported, kicking specialist Jerry DePoyster, who played for Detroit in 1968 but spent last season in the '1* NO DOZ the plate and had the tying run giving way to Hartenstein, who Stay-Alert Tablets Billy Conigliaro. opponent. - Army, and Glen Keppy, a defensive tackle from Wisconsin State - on first base before reliever got the last out. Platteville who was acquired on waivers from Pittsburgh. The Lions also released three players on waivers, defensive Box of 36 Great for long trips 77< backs Jerry Todd of Memphis State and Bill Cortis of Wayne MISTRIAL MOTION DENIED State and defensive tackle Larry Martin of San Diego State. CAMPY Witness granted • yogs The MooSUSKI Club meets Tues., Aug. 11th at 7:30 p.n 1<*5 i Popular Si *e f/) I 1/ £ I\ J LOS ANGELES (AP) The The defense argued that, Manson is on trial charged of Linda Kasabian. It would be court — formally granted Monday lacking such assurance, she with murder - conspiracy in the best for her to stay in custody." 110 Anthony. All new & old members are urged to attend. Brands jFOR W Linda Kasabian's promised tailored her testimony to win it case, along with followers Susan We have full faith and credit f Help is needed the Jean Claude now for Hotailc 9th. Details will flkn Oct. Qth on Ort Killy also hp appearance be fli\/Pn given OH at immunity from prosecution in and her story thus was tainted. Atkins, 21, Patricia Krenwinkel, thic this witnocc' testimony,'" witness' tacfimnn\r .lonicnn Jenison on on Ollf < 22, and Leslie Van Houten, 20. Stovitz said. "She'll tell the J Everyone is welcome. For further info call UNBURN SPRAY return for her key testimony at Austria trip - the Sharon Tate murder trial. In her role as the state's star The judge's grant of immunity truth whether or not she's kept • John at 351-8647. The judge then denied a witness, she told of joining was at the request of the in custody the rest of her life. defense motion for a mistrial on Charles M. Manson's hippie type defense, which said the action She'll continue to tell it as it is." For Sunburn Relief grounds that her immunity family, of acting as lookout would provide Mrs. Kasabian should have been formalized before she took the witness during the killings of the actress freedom to recant her testimony and six others a year ago, then of if she wished. 4 oz. Can $1.98 Value $|39 stand two weeks ago. fleeing in terror. Irving Kanarek, Manson's attorney, said in arguing his mistrial motion that Kasabian "is a liar," and that the Mrs. CHEW BONES Black Student Aide state did not grant formal Rawhide Bones immunity earlier due to a "blind desire price." for a conviction at any for dogs. Regular 39c each. 3 Bones *1 Kanarek added: "When this program established witness was on the stand trying to bury a codefendant, her very physical welfare, her very life, Thirty • eight MSU students the importance of trying to hold students in the depended on currying favor with the prosecution. The only relief FACIAL have been selected to participate minority in the Black Student Aide University mce they had been available is for your honor to 5 #/ admitted. declare a mistrial." program this fall. This fall the black aides will be Chief prosecutor Aaron According to the director of minority students, Don enrolled in a special leadership Stovitz countered that the state Coleman. 36 of the aides will act as resident assistants in campus training structure, course on University delayed formalizing the matter because "we fear for the safety 371 Value Ea. BOXES)XBS • living units and two will participate as area coordinators. Started last year, the student WE HAVE aide program was formed to provide a black staff person to MOVED HAIR TRIMMER work in residence halls with black students in Save on hair cuts solving problems. The aides, who are to have a working knowledge of the to ALCO BLDG. Trim hair at home $f Uses regular razor blade University and its structure, will combine practical know - how FREE PARKING with empathy with the problems that can come with being black. "If we begin to utilize Bator Opticians $1.59 BUFFERIN resources available, every student will have an opportunity 241 E. Saginaw Buffered Aspirin to complete his education," end of Abbott Rd. Bottle of 100 (M-78) Coleman said. He emphasized Gives Fast Relief Students Inter Drop off dry cleaning, Meditation Socie 45< per pound 45< 1 skirt 45< 1 sweater 45$ 2nd Introductory Lecture On Transcendental Meditation COMPARISON SPECIAL 1 pair slacks 45$ Lecture by Marty Milligan JSL ft BRfCK CREME Makes your hair so easy fflBI # aj We love active people active people love us! rn 3 (*reat Locations bor Your Convenience 7:30 PM Tonight August 11 jrSjaS I 691 1 2 3 - - - 213 Ann Street Corner of Harrison 8. Wilson Road Northwind Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza Erickson Kiva CREME ■#[ n-r„:3i2oi co race's Bo*, j 7 Personal instruction will be given August 12-15. t ) For information call 337-1545. Compare Size! Price! Quality