BlackBV JEANNE By SADDLER educator _ influenced Associate Campus Editor After , traveling the Underground Railroad out of slaves. The school Kentucky with his wife and buildings also served as a for many MSU students operating a station for several years in station for the Black history, Woodstock Institute is believed to be the Underground Railroad. ■ Jt entering that previously unlighted Ohio, Prior Foster moved farther north to first integrated educational Foster's Eighth Annual Report on the I nnel may ** embodied in distant names Addison, Mich, in 1942. His own family institution in progress of the school listed a library of the United States. I f black men and women who influenced was accompanied by his two brothers and Mathematics, literature 2,000 volumes, 200 acres of farm land, 73 and the arts and sciences were |1 country in other places and times. their wives and children. with manual skills. taught along acres of wild land, five buildings, a fruit I Crispus Attucks - "First to defy, first to "They settled at Addison," Foster's The early awakening of the basic orchard and ornamental forest trees. ■at the Boston massacre; Charles Drew, grandson, Laurence C. Jones , told Mrs. for education of "both hand and need James G. Birney of Upper Saginaw (Bay to whom we credit the discovery of blood Coggan. "This was before the Civil War head," City) was a trustee of Woodstock who when colored according to Mrs. Coggan, was thedominant ■rOasma and Banjamin Banneker, people were not admitted to factor which led to the Helped Foster solicit funds for the school I mathematician and astronomer, are the Second in a series the schools of "Each family Michigan. Michigan Agricultural College founding of and served with him as one of the ■most publicized black historical figures having several children, 10 years later in 1855. near Lansing incorporators in 1948. major influence that Prior Foster and his MAC is now MSU. Birnev, Michigan's led to the People whose families had been involved brother, Levi, started a As Woodstock first presidential n^t MSU students owe much to one little establishment College in 1855. of Michigan Agricultural the railroad had records listing his name in as school Township," near Addison in Woodstock grew and prospered, It attracted white students as well as (please known black educator, Prior Foster, an one of the early operators in that area. he said. runaway turn to page 9) Prior Foster's work in Jescaped slave> 811 d a conductor on the Michigan was When Mrs. Coggan was able to contact "Grandfather Prior Foster often traveled lilndercround Railroad. Many historians discovered by Blance Coggan of East Foster's grandson in Mississippi, she east to New York and Massachusetts and Iholieve the institution he established with Lansing, when her study of the together the history of perhaps one of the pieced associated with William Lloyd Garrison, Underground Railroad Harriet Beecher ■his two brothers in 1844, the Woodstock led her to talk to most important black families in Stowe, Frederick Douglass families in Coshocton Michigan and other abolitionists of ■Manual Labor Institute in Addison, was the County, Ohio. prior to the Civil War. solicited money, that day. He clothing and books, and Thursday MICHIGAN Hoi. 63, UNIVERSITY Number 37 STATE East TATE NEWS Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 13, 1970 Senate approves ABM boost I WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted Soviet Union launched a nuclear first - expansion of the program to two more expanded Safeguard is needed as a strike. P to 47 Wednesday to let President Nixon sites but would have allowed continuation bargaining chip at the Strategic Arms nd the Safeguard antiballistic missile Hie five - vote margin of of work on the two sites approved last victory for the Limitation Talks with the Soviet Union. .m. A little earlier it overwhelmingly administration was surprisingly large in year, in Montana and North Dakota. view of that fact that Safeguard critics have insisted the system move to reduce the ABM a year ago it won by The administration plans now to will not work as go planned, that its radars Jogram to a research - only basis. only a single vote when it sought the initial authorization ahead with two more sites at Warren Air and computers are vulnerable to attack and ■ Then it postponed action on still another for deployment of Force Base in Wyoming and Whiteman can be fooled by decoys and that they fear nendment to curb administration Safeguard. AFB in Missouri. the entire system may cost up to $50 melopment of the multibiliion - dollar The amendment offered by Sens. John In pressing for the expansion, Nixon billion. m intended to protect the missiles Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., and argued that the four sites represent the Philip A. They say the nation's industrial capacity h would be used in retaliation if the Hart, D-Mich., would have barred the minimum requirement to counter a to arm itself against any threat provides its possible Soviet first - strike. And the real bargaining strength at the talks with administration insisted also that the ABM the Russians in Vienna. deployment is essential as a bargaining tool The Cooper - Hart amendment was for the United States in the current designed to offset the bargaining - chip ISA provides Strategic Arms Limitation Talks with the Soviet Union. argument by allowing work on the two sites approved last year Grand Forks, The first amendment, by Sen. Harold Hughes, D-Iowa, would have forbidden N.D., and Malstrom, Mont. — — to precede Exits courthouse on schedule. spending of $984 million to complete work Safeguard funds for account for $1.4 billion paying at two N Safeguard sites approved last year of the total $19.2 billion John Norman Collins is shown in an exclusive and expand the project to two new sites. It military photo as he leaves tne procurement authorization bill for the was beaten by a 62-33 vote. 1971 fiscal year. courthouse in Ann Arbor where he is on trial for the murder of an It would have restricted spending to The bill is essentially Eastern Michigan University coed. Accompanying the former EMU the Pentagon's Student Assn. (NSA) in 1969, culminated research and development of an student his way back to jail are Washtenaw improved shopping lsit for new weapons systems on County sheriff's early Wednesday morning with the NSA system to protect the nation's force of such as missiles, planes, Minuteman ships and tanks. deputies. EMU Echo photo by Roger Bjorkdahl IBT. PAUL, Minn. — The struggle of the Congress providing means of paying the intercontinental retaliatory debt. missiles. ktional Assn. of Black Students (NABS) I full payment of the remainder of the Under the arrangements made at a special Hughes said the amount of money his 10,000 pledged to them by the National legislative plenary, $1,250 will be paid to NABS each month from each of NSA's amendment would save — $984 million — is "precisely the amount the President said DEFENDANT FAILS TO TESTIFY major money - making activities — the motivated him to veto the two crucial NSA record club and the NSA film festival appropriations bills yesterday." Infringement which will term. The amount is begin activities revenue. a tour of campuses fall roughly half of the He said $10 million has already been stripped from the Safeguard authorization by the Armed Services Committee, bringing the total to $994 million, the Coll ins' defense rests ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The defense lentioned in two year period in the area of Ypsilanti, Payments are to continue until the same figure by which the Housing and such sensitive areas as two motorcycles - Urban rested its case Wednesday without home of EMU, and Ann Arbor, home of balance of the debt, $34,000, is recovered. Development and Office of bringing ridden by the handsome, solidly built Under the Education appropriations bills exceeded John Norman Collins to the stand to former the University of Michigan. terms of the Congress college senior, which the mandate, all member schools also urged Nixon's request. testify at his own murder trial in the sex prosecution believe stolen. No one has been charged in the first six Aiss. deaths are were to make a minimum $100 payment to "Our real choice is whether to move slaying of an 18 - year - old coed. Dark - haired and pale after a year in jail. killings. backward into the dark horror of the arms The decision, by Washtenaw But Collins faces murder NABS. County Collins, 23, is charged with first degree charges in the Circuit Judge John Conlin in the secrecy of llACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The commander A $5 - a - room key deposit per delegate race or move forward to help our people his chambers, to grant the prosecution murder in the sex killing of Miss Beineman, similar slaying of a 17 - year - old girl near ■ the Mississippi National Guard told the is also scheduled to be turned over to live better and more productive lives," petite freshman at Eastern Michigan Salinas, Calif., in June, 1969. wide range in cross - examination if Collins Delhey has produced two witnesses who Resi dent's Commission on tdnesday that law Campus Unrest NABS. All funds collected by these means will Hughes said. Nixon has insisted the expansion is vital testified apparently was a key factor in University in neighboring Ypsilanti. She was the last of seven aid the girl hopped onto the back of a officers violated an young women Fwment to leave the be deducted from the $34,000 figure. to protect against an increasing threat of chief defense attorney Joseph Louisell's killed under similar circumstances within a campus of Jackson (please turn to page 9) »te giant and powerful Soviet missiles. decision not to put Collins on the stand. College the night two young Negroes NSA President Charles Palmer pointed wshot to death. out that the arrangement will mean a And in a counter After a one hour and 15 - minute argument, H Gen. Walter G. Johnson refused, further tightening of NSA's shoestring administration backers contend conference between Conlin and both sides a fully in the judge's chambers, defense 'ever, to state flatly that state troopers budget and a probable reduction of its attorney Neil Fink began saying in the hushed and P°l'ce mishandled the situation. services, at least until alternative methods crowded courtroom, "It is our sincere and Med if he thought there would have of funding are found. Early enrollment considered professional judgment that the !njny killing if the operation had been The NABS solution came at a time when •re ?.Ver to might have been." said he ttle m'litary, *»> 'There might not have been or Johnson delegate support for NABS was rapidly becoming personal support for Palmer. Some of NABS' early arguments had been term Early enrollment materials for fall sheets including section reservation are due in the registrar's office prosecution has not sustained ..." But Conlin cut him short, saying, "avoid making speeches, Mr. Fink." "The defense rests," Fink said. Injunction personal attacks on Palmer, and most ■ couldn't make such a Friday. Registration for all students Washtenaw County Prosecutor William delegates reacted negatively to this. today will begin Monday, Sept. 21. (Please turni to page 9) (please turn to page 9) Delhey immediately began calling three rebuttal witnesses who presented their testimony and the trial was then recessed until 12:30 p.m. today. in case Un Conlin said both 'ale sides would present land board U.S. District Court Judge Noel Fox will Ingham County Prosecuting Attorney their closing arguments and he would announce his decision this morning on Raynond Scodeller; Dept. of Public probably charge the jury Friday. Then two of the 14 jurors will be deliminated by lot making permanent an injunction Safety Director Richard O. Bernitt and and the case will go to the jury — one restricting prosecution of 132 persons Jack Ostrander, manager of the Union. year arrested in the MSU union May 19. and 22 days after Miss Beineman's disappearance. The 132 were participating in a meeting 'II Louisell apparently had tried to convince of the Committee to Abolish Racism and ties to U' n Conlin to restrict Collins about his Delhey to questioning activities the day his alleged victim, Karen Sue Beineman, were arrested when they failed to leave the Union at the regular 11 p.m. closing time. The 132 persons, mostly students, were Tally shows disappeared — July 23,1969. charged with violating University loitering ByJEFFSHELER Oakland's Pittenger has board will assume the analysis department chairman for Ford But Delhey demanded the State News Staff Writer Motor Corp. and is a former professor of right to probe ordinances and state trespass laws. responsibilities previously carried out by the MSU Board of Trustees. The university economics at Utica College of Syracuse The injunction was sought on the charge teity Attorney Leland Carr was one was officially severed from the control of University. that the Union arrests were made "in bad ■"liken P^°,ns aPP°'nted by Gov. FMsitv' Wednesd»y to Oakland the MSU board on July 1. Appointment of the Oakland board makes the independence complete. university's Smith is a former Michigan auditor faith." The students arrests also reflect an charged that the attempt by MSI' to 15-vote lead general and Supreme Court justice, and was prevent free speech for the students who Went nf°a/ud u°f Controls- appointed to the University of Michigan The Ingham County Board ot Canvassers toward n ,., board was the flnal "The persons I have selected to serve on (U-M) Board of Regents in 1967. He is on Attorneys for the 132 contend that the released Wednesday the final totals in the pu. Oakland's independence from this board face a crucial period in the future of Oakland University," the the legal staff at General Motors Corn. University did not adequately forewarn the 24th senatorial Republican primary students that they would be arrested if showing Mrs. Polly Gibson trailing Rep. governor said in announcing his Morris, a United Auto Workers regional Philip O. Pittenger by 15 votes. MdM h8S Worked for MSU since they did not leave the building, as had been appointments. "I firmly believe they are director, is a vice president of the OUF. the usual The tally, although not yet formally pis Were ann^'l L" Katke of Bloomfleld highly competent and knowledgeable Mrs. Keys, now on the board practice. I PPointed to eight - year terms. of certified, shows Pittenger leading 7,493 to about university administration and the Cleveland College, is a former OUF vice Mrs. Gibson's 7,478. University Attorney Leland Carr claimed I Smi!!fd f?r 8ix ' Vear terms were Otis vital role education plays in the lives of the president. there was a "clear violation of trespassing," Initial results had shown Pittenger the fCVi Detrolt and Arthur W. people of this state." Lewis, Oakland and U-M Law School and that no evidence presenting indicated apparent winner by more than 200 votes, WuF^kl,n' Mrs- Helen Kyes of Katke is a vice president of the Oakland graduate, served an as a lawyer for the Black MSU acted "in bad faith." Carr said that but write-ins later cut that to 33. tywerp.. ! and Kenn«th Morris of past practice gave the plaintiff no Mrs. Gibson said Wednesday she "plans University Foundation (OUF) and is a vice Action Movement (BAM) W Alan p oP? d to four - ye" terms, during a student constitutional indications that they would on thinking about" a recount, but added, strike at U-M last year. I Uwi> of ,chwartz of Detroit and David president for technical affairs for Ford not be arrested. "I don't know what I'm going to do. Motor Corp. Schwartz, a lawyer, is an OUF trustee T^sus. Arbor were appointed for Saltzman is personnel research and and a U-M and Harvard graduate. LELAND CARR The defendants are: The MSU Board of "All I can say is that it is worthy of Trustees: President Clifton Wharton Jr.: thought." 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August |3 , news Guns used in court killings summary s of AF and UPI. linked SAN FRANCISCO to ex-UCLA (AP) - A the state attorney general's Miss Davis, 26, who the teacherJ. Haley, 65; a convict on trial carbine and a pistol used in a office said Wednesday. Universiy of California regents, before him and a convict witness prisoner escape attempt which A1 Harris, an asst. attorney after prolonged hearings, refused were among those killed, took the lives of a judge, two general, said the California to rehire, could not be reached Another convict, a woman juror convicts and their accomplice Office of Criminal Investigation for comment. She has sued to and wounded. the prosecutor were her job back. were purchased originally by and Identification determined The "No system Angela Davis, avowed the weapons were brought after the Shortly allci attorney guns had been brought of government, no nu gcid a»1 j, u» v v« r 6 oiiUrUY tuc aivuuicj , . matter how totalitarian, can Communist who recently lost Los Angeles gun shops in 1968 general's office announced the ,nt° the c° °°™ by Jonathan prevent alcoholism, or stop crime her job as a UCLA instructor, and 1969 by Miss Davis. weapons had been traced to Miss Jackson, 17, who had been seen in the company of Miss Davis from happening, or keep people Richardson, R-ArcTdia, n£de recently police .said. Jackson from ruining their land, their public in water and their air. Only people confidential memo he prepared Nerve gas trek , can do these things. " for fellow legislators in June on ^halt of three Negro convicts charged with killing a white - Gov. Milliken gun purchases he said were by guard last Jan. 16 at Soledad Miss Davis. (See item below) State Prison near Salinas. Richardson said he circulated One of the Soledad defendants approaches end the memo legislature originally to give the "background" Miss Davis.. He said he began on his George Jackson, 28, brother of Jonathan. The younger Jackson visited his brother on the two days investigation because 1 was before the shooting, said prison Hobo king concerned that Miss Davis SUNNY POINT, N.C. (AP) - gas might contaminate nearby might be purchasing firearms officials. International News Slowed by rain, long shoremen waters. The Hardrock Kid, John Mislen, 68, says he is "the happjest Wednesday loaded the first 53 of In Washington a federal judge and th«n *n Wi 6 . . .J- - - to miiitnnk fn militants. He the!" He cjhH said his his list i Miss D™s . permission ,wf to visit, man in the world" after his election Tuesday as hobo king 418 steel encased vaults of Wednesday ordered a hearing for included two of the three guns Mislen, who says he is a "real traveling hobo" but Egyptian forces on the Suez Canal fired a few rifle month the court refused her originally poisonous nerve gas aboard a Thursday on a suit by Florida's found in an escape van after the request to be appointed as an was from New Jersey, was elected during the 70th bullets at an Israeli patrol Wednesday in the first rusting Liberty ship which is to Claude Kirk and the annual investigator for the defense, National Hobo Day in Britt, Iowa. reported violation of the five - day - old ceasefire along be sunk in an ocean grave. environmental Defense Fund, Superior Court Judge Harold saying she was not qualified. AP the embattled waterway, the Israeli military command Intermittent rain caused the against the disposal of the gas at Wirephoto dock workers to miss nearly sea. said. three hours work as they began The suit, filed Tuesday, seeks A spokesman said no Israelis were wounded and no the careful job of transferring to require the Army to 'FUGITIVE PRIEST' JAILED fire was returned. the steel gray coffins from trains demonstrate in court that it has which transported them to this chosen the safest possible Communist troops attacked a South Vietnamese military port from Army location for the dumping of the and that all possible 3-year prison term beg un arsenals in Anniston, Ala., and gas company manning an outpost 1,000 yards from Fire Base O'Reilly Wednesday and lobbed a tear gas shell Richmond, Ky. environmental consequences „ 0 J . . , . have been considered. into the embattled camp 27 miles west of Hue. The attack was repulsed. JH,!'"8s towing the ancientJ™'? stop T the Col. Jack Osick, ^recto, of chemical and nuclear deputy Father Berrigan, 49, who was "It's under consideration and everybody is in jeopardy in t Lebaron L*uarun Russell Briggs, nusseu rsriggs, io to its lis e A „u:„r „t DANBURY, Conn. (AP) arrested by FBI agents Tuesday About 1,500 North Vietnamese troops massed around at the present time we don't country." intended Atlantic burial place staff, said: y The Rev. Daniel Berrigan, the Asked why he had taken ill the artillery base in the northern part of the country 283 miles east of Cape Kennedy, a"Once ' the gas is exposed to ,~",t "8~i Jesuit priest who eluded federal -1"1 on Block Island, R.I., was know "he said. have been shelling it since Sunday and making probing Fla. authorities for four months, was brought here from the Rhode "I don't fear prosecution," Berrigan, Stringfellow said] the salt water, hydrolysis will Island Correctional Institution "Where is thrusts against outposts guarding the camp. , .... given the khaki garb of a federal Stringfellow said in an interview a person in hi render its harmless within 10 by two federal marshals about Block Island Tuesday. "I situation to turn but to hi But the enemy has not yet made a determined move ,e\eJ' accompanied , by a mBS' Navy Jfn 'JfJh^rmless w,t'tun 10 hours and its toxic effect will be prison Wednesday as he began ^ a three . sente«ce two hours before a planned on know we are in jeopardy, but friends?" to drive out the South Vietnamese defenders as it did destroyer and Coast Guard highly localized. for burning draft files noontime rally for him in Cutter, will not precede until Providence. Theft last month when it forced the Americans to abandon prece they have a 96-hour prediction Father Berrigan, dressed in a Fire Base Ripcord five miles to the south. of good weather. The Briggs is to be scuttled in Destructi sports shirt and trousers, was escorted into the Federal About 12,000 soldiers searched 16,000 feet of seawater, which f i Correctional Institution here by Montevideo., Uruguay, , # rrf fw joining M Army chemical experts say will two marshals who had driven street by - street Wednesday for an American and a >n /-< . mi I rh "CUI U L II 'V LUUll - neutralize the gas if it escapes. III him from Cranston, R.I. They Brazilian kidnaped by urban guerrillas. A delegation of of Qvifick British refused to talk to newsmen as They made lightning raids on many homes and a scientists, with representatives An East Lansing resident was destruction charges stemming they walked about 100 feet from Bermuda and the Bahamas, LOS ANGELES (AP) — Linda Kasabian, "totally exhausted," I church, trying to prevent the execution of the pair if the bound over Wednesday to from window breakage on May from the car to the two • story, ended eight days of cross • examination by Charles M. Manson'sl arrived here Wednesday to view guerrilla ransom demands are not met. Ingham County Circuit Court by 1- concrete prison building. — attorney Wednesday with an admission that she stole S5,000 and ■ loading and safety procedures. Associate Municipal Court Judge David Moon, 201 Milford, will About a dozen FBI agents Some island residents fear the Jonathan E. Maire on malicious faqe charges on Sept. 11 for arrested Daniel Berrigan on then joined Manson's hippie style family to take refuge. I allegedly breaking windows in Her attorney, meanwhile, said the state's star witness at the! National News the Administration Bldg. and S. Tuesday at the Block Island Sharon Tate murder trial might be freed from jail by the end of I house owned by William Kedzie Hall. Stringfellow, an attorney and lay the day. He said she plans a new life under a new name with her I The chairman of the Door County, Wis., Selective In a preliminary examination two children. I Episcopal theologian, and poet Service Board No. 16 says his board will issue no Free Needle Save held in Judge Maire's court Tuesday a case involving a Anthony Towne. Mrs. Kasabian, 21, won immunity from prosecution fori testimony that she acted as lookout on two murder forays in I induction notices after Sept. 1 unless the federal The priest had lived in a charge of malicious destruction cramped, one - room former August, 1969, in which she said other family members killed Miss I government "stops letting draft evaders walk the streets Tate and six others. Manson and three women disciples are on I freely." Checkup Yourself against Robert H. Sheldon, Bloomfield Hills sophomore, was stable on the 14 - acre estate named "Eschanton," meaning trial charged with murder • conspiracy. I Board Chairman S.F. Brunswick said his board has Mrs. Kasabian said she took the $5,000 in July of 1969 from I adjourned for 60 days. Sheldon trouble sending men into the armed forces when those Some charged with breaking hope. He slept on a thin mattress on the floor of the 8 - by • 15 Charles Melton, a friend of her husband, who lived with thel windows Feb. 19 at the Campus Kasabian's in the back of a truck. She said Melton got it as an I who refuse to be inducted are "walking the streets." He foot building. said he hopes the move will snowball across the nation Scratch! Book Store, 507 E. Grand River Ave. Asst. U.S. Atty. Everett C. Sammartino said in Providence inheritance but she considered that it belonged to all three oil them, and they had planned to use it to finance a trip to South! until, as Brunswick said, "our courts change the Have your needle On another charge for resisting America. I Wednesday the government was situation." checked today! and opposing an officer, Sheldon The witness, who has said she was having trouble with her I considering charging was bound over to Circuit Court husband at the time, testified that she took the money after! Stringfellow and Towne for A for trial Friday. harboring a fugitive. meeting a member of the Manson family and discussing becominjl military judge rejected Wednesday a constitutional a member. I challenge of a military trial for Sgt. Esequiel Torres, one SALE ON NEW She said she took the money to a movie ranch where the family! of 12 soldiers charged with slaying Vietnamese civilians lived, met Manson for the first time, and gave the $5,000 to| family members. during an alleged massacre at My Lai in 1968. The judge took under advisement, however, several NEEDLES All diamond needles other motions to dismiss the case pending hearing of evidence. specially priced. * * * Sapphire needles A jet airliner carrying 126 persons landed Seattle - Tacoma International Airport late safely at Tuesday from $2.50. Hair St night after the airline paid S25,000 in response to a" bomb threat. The money was paid to a person who called the % by offices of Western Airlines shortly after the flight took off and demanded the money in return for telling the 50Jl/t E. Grand River A ve. East Lansing| location of the bomb. When the plane landed, no bomb Michigan I was found. Call 332-0904 Michigan News Gov. Milliken said, Wednesday, government cannot, by itself, solve the problems facing the country and the world. "What I am saying is that the buck really stops with the individual citizen," he said in a speech prepared for the Ionia Free Fair. "While government can perform great deeds, it cannot accomplish miracles - a fact Before a used car gets which I'm afraid many Americans have not yet grasped. our guarantee we make "No system of government, no matter how pretty sure it won't need it. totalitarian, can prevent alcoholism, or stop crime from Any used cor that con pais the VW 14-point safely happening, or keep people from ruining their land, their d performance test deserves our guarantee. water and their air. Anything that needed fixing was fixed. Before we Only people can do these things." A 16-man police team will continue to investigate the for 30 days or 1000 miles, whichever comes first. Laurie What kinds of cars do we get as trade-ins on our Murninghan kidnap - murder case "until this new Volkswogens? All kinds. Fords. Chevys. Plymouths. thing is finally solved," Lansing Police Chief Derold Even old Volkswagens. Husby said Wednesday. Although it has been more than three weeks since the '66 V.W. '67 V.W. body of the 16 - year - old daughter of a former Lansing Fastback andardl Squareback wagon, local new mayor was discovered, police reported no new leads in car trade, gas heater, AM/FM transmission - - . the hunt for the girl's slayer. radio. $1295 wearing vinyl economical. interior' ' „gg I "The 16-man force is continuing to work as a team '67 CHEVELLE and will keep going until this thing is finally solved," Convertible - 6 cylinder - '67 DODGE DART - Husby said. standard transmission, one Convertible -automatic. - local oni1?g5 II Miss Murninghan was abducted at gunpoint July 9 owner. $1295 from a gift shop where she worked as a clerk. Her body over 40 autos in stock priced from $195. ,r police said she had apparently been dead for "a GLENN HERRIMAN VOLKSWAGENI, INC. fflZeleCc considerable length of time" — was found 11 days later MICHIGAN io in 329 S. Washington Across the Street from Penney's Lansing Mall 6135 W. SAGINAW ST LANSING, | a heavily - wooded area 20 miles southeast of Open Monday & Friday Nights Open Monday thru Saturday f Lansing. Till 9 o'clock 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 I'.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 13, 1970 3 By Democrats rap city clerk JEFF SHELER delegation which meets tonight who will represent the State New* Staff Writer to present it to the East county as group that the Lansing delegates to the state convention was county's university autonomy and passage J group of Democratic City Council as well as to the precinct delegates should be of the 18 - year old vote a in Grand - Rapids Aug. 22-23. certified | precinct delegates from the MSU l.rea agreed Tuesday evening to county convention. The group met Tuesday to They must also elect a county as state be authorized to delegates and represent the proposal. The delegates voiced consensus discuss key Issues In the state convention chairman who will county at Grand Rapids. In liTbmlt to the Ingham County election and the appoint rules, credentials and Besides the voter registration support Trustees of MSU Board of ■ Democratic Convention here upcoming resolutions committees. Chairman Donald conventions, and attempted to resolution, the delegates, most Stevens, D-Okemos, who is ■ Saturday • resolution reach a consensus on of whom were from Precinct 3 ■ condemning the East Lansing candidates. The all seeking re-election to his post, Ingham - important rules which includes most of and | cltv clerk for "tactics of overt County Democrats committee will determine the MSU, Ingham County Democratic will hold their agreed to Chairman Incrimination" against students convention Saturday In the Union Ballroom. delegates. procedure for selecting state support resolutions favoring passage of state Rep. who is James A. Harrison, ■ in the city's voter registration Jackie Vaughn's Student Bill of expected to seek the The convention must decide position of The consensus of convention ■ ^""delegates agreed to the MSU Rights package, support of chairman. Harrison, a liberal, has been |,uDport the resolution and, If It ■ I, passed by the East Lansing county chairman for four years and. ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Rep. 'hiefs Chamberlain, for the 6th Charles R-East Lansing, Congressional E. District seat in 1968. leco/ogica/ Democratic East delegates Lansing have scheduled meeting tonight at 7:45 at All from a Delegates meet Iresolutiori Saints Church in East elect Lansing to officers and discuss the Delegates to the Ingham County Democratic Convention, planned for Ballroom, met Tuesday evening and adopted a resolution condemning the voter Saturday in the Union registration J OSAGE BEACH, Mo. (UPI) - county convention. The meeting is open to the public. practices of the East Lansing city clerk. The delegates expect to convention. present their resolution at the ■The National Governors' State News photo by Terry Luke ■conference, Wednesday, he happiest ■unanimously approved a hobo king. ■resolution sponsored by Gov. It originally ■Milliken to set up a national ' 0th annual Wirephoto ■clearinghouse to register and ■monitor chemicals discharged ■into the environment. ■ Milliken appeared before the German-Soviet ■conference Monday to support ■the resolution, but returned to ■Michigan before the final vote Iwas taken Wednesday. J The resolution asks the federal ■government to ^national clearinghouse to register establish a hope for improved un land pre-screen each chemical as |to possible ecological effects and Fight MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Union and West nonaggression treaty Wednesday that leaders of both hailed as the dawn of a new era. But Germany signed a governments "Part of these realities is that tomorrow of the is the ninth anniversary building of the Berlin Wall. According to official figures, 64 people have been murdered |to continuously monitor the Firemen were called to the Grand River Avenue Wednesday to building which formerly housed the Prince Brothers Market on from each side. notes of discord sounded because of this force. This should be discussed in Moscow with monstrosity of jeopardy in I ■effects after the chemicals have extinguish a fire in a wooden ledge above a doorway. The all the seriousness In the czarist splendor of the Entered the environment. building currently is being remodeled. Catherine Hall, West German Chancellor Grand Kremlin Palace's these facts require." state News photo by Milton Horst Most Soviet newspapers hailed Bonn's ? had taken Premier Alexei N. Kosygin Willy Brandt and Soviet policy of conciliation signed the pact that renounces use of with the Communist Ingfellow s force and recognizes the world, but the Defense Department's person in IRI CLASS PROJECT boundaries. inviolability of present European Krasnaya Zvezda - Red Star - recalled that West a member of the Germany is still m but to The treaty is the "aggressive NATO bloc" with a "revenge - keystone of West German efforts to improve seeking" army. relations with Eastern "With the aid of NATO, and Europe. Bonn's past refusal to grant again under the banner of anti - recognition to postwar boundaries and its alleged communism, anti - Sovietism. West German imperialism and designs to | d [Dining experience offered regain territory lost in World War II have been militarism has been reborn," said the major areas of paper. "The expenditure for discord between West Germany and the Soviet bloc. establishing the revenge - seeking Bundeswehr are three times Communist East Germany, long higher than the ones used by Hitler in regarded as wary about preparing for World War cordiality between Moscow and Bonn and the possible resulting loss of its influence, chimed in with The treaty approval. is viewed on both sides as the starting point for spices, how much money to take in and "If students The East German Communist party was served African • style are going to be newspaper Neues developing cooperation in various fields — economic, scientific, in a metal pot from which each how much to spend. professional foods people, Deutschland called the treaty "a success for all who want technological, political and cultural. they and relaxation of tension." peace read, person served himself. "All of these meals could be should learn what food Brandt sought to assure West Germans that the ie menu "Prepare is In Bonn, Rainer Barzel, treaty in no way- iy exhausted," rself for an adventure in The main course, popular in prepared and sold profitably in a sophisticated and what is parliamentary leader of the opposition affects Bonn's ties to the western alliance. he said. not," Christian Democratic party, took s M. Manson's can eating. The meal is not many West African homes, restaurant for less than $3," a potshot at the treaty. >le $5,000 and (tended to lend itself to the contained a mixture of chicken Powers said. Powers added that it is not "Big words are being exchanged in Moscow said Barzel and rice. This was followed "Government propaganda is manufacturing a LIEBERM ANN'S 1 m style of by The weekly dinners began with important for the students to uge. dining." for the German people. The Christian feeling of detente I The weekly Tuesday night chippolatta, a gelatin like cake, a typical American restaurant leave the class Democratic party will not fitness at tl for dessert. - knowing how to allow the sound of these words to obscure the by the end of I SPECIAL SELLING at meal and progressed prepare 10 to 20 meals, but the realities. Kellogg Center, to a The Tuesday night dinners are importance is in |name with her Sponsored by the Hotel, Portuguese dinner, a New creating the Restaurant and Institutional "an experimental format of an Orleans style dinner and a dinner meals. osecution for HRI 435 course which has been of all cold foods. The next "There will be The State News, the student anagement 435 class was a new a demand for newspaper at Michigan State rder forays in Bining experience. taught somewhat differently for dinner will be an all - Jewish those restauranteurs who can University, is published every class day during four school at the years," Thomas Powers, asst. lers killed Miss 1 Guests were greeted meal. think creatively," he said. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. isciples ar " y safari heimeted waiters professor of hotel management, Powers said that the real focus Subscription rate is $14 per year. kid ushered into a dining room said. of the course includes all the of 1969 Tecorated with bamboo screens, "Previously, Member Associated Press, United Press from] laboratory steps required to prepare the Inland Daily Press Association, Associated International, jived with the tropical plants and flowers. experience was gained in meal. Collegiate Press, Michigan in [o got it as an all three of trip to South ■ Using Reci'""spes,prepared authentic African dormitory kitchens," he added. the experimental HRI Following the new format, a is assigned "Students in a senior class in a professional school should know what they are level Storage, Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Association. United States Student Press Association. Press a four ■ course management team pble with her] which ■Wrican delicacies as included such ground nut two weeks in advance to plan the meal, handle the work doing by now," Powers added. "There is usually only one trial Pick-Up, Second ciass postage paid at East Building, Michigan Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services > money after I Toup, aboioo bread, jolof rice, schedule and forecast a profit. run meal, done their State University, East Delivery on own Lansing, Michigan sing becoming Jtfari tossed salad and The students must determine time. Pippolatta. I The soup, Phones: LOUIS a blend of poultry, Editorial matoes, C to receive ground nuts and ATTENTION CAR OWNERS Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 353-6400 * Business-Circulation Complete front end repair and 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 alignment faqui support * Brakes * Suspension |!^HDADembassy " (AP) - Iraq will * Wheel "n for the Viet balancing * Steering . . i "Provisional evolutionary Government" as a Xture ■Siamese of support "struggling for for their LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center T " against colonialism and 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 PPenalism," an official Lansing} ["ouncement said. cliigan I 315 SlMsHmTbtf Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES IfCIiNKS Swing along with inside pockets . beige. . . one of these handy tote Bags whether you go by plane or car. Outside pockets . lots of room inside. In grt^en, blue or . . . . . SAVE $5.00 >l$C£. BlftCHjWoulALMP BLUE Town Tote CARRY OUT PHONE 351-3800 groovy (Regularly $19.95) NOW 1495 SAVE $5.00 kipskin Floral Tote DINE-IN: 930 TROWBRIDGE RD. (Regularly $19.95) NOW 1495 TREESPimr IN DOUtf town Wism.o?Lti j >tt0N.|2-q G-Atwrnp Tu£.-TH24R,il-9 A E*Rl. ll-rt»DNiri w&~ L«OH . S^SATIO-S^O \SU£PE (SxoeS jS^WOW 4 EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington MICHIGAN TUB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEWS Nixon at the 'extreme center' UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief I was sitting on a bench in Pershing At his press conference in i™ , FREDERICK J. LESLIE Square, Los Angeles, the other evening, and again at Denver, the President J"* advertising manager thumbinc through a paperbound expert, facile. He does not try but deliver ^Undl "Plutarcn" from a secondhand store and can a lawyer's briefaim quei)l KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor thinking about Mr. NiXon. I had from San Clemente. I had been at his come up msnwry. But hiS my betrays him. Reporters gliEt>a'» at LARRY LEE, city editor LoS •fter he h.d told JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor televised press conference. At the last , ,UMU™ minute the ballroom sound amplification rejected a "forced policy" of JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor went dead (though it was all right for TV) and I saw him waiting grimly in back to integration, knew that have to be explained. If it something had «*°J march up to the mike. It was a situation to Hagerty, now, he would have w! " Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. try anybody. Here he was booked for there in the hall the instant was over, theCl01 prime time and already a minute late and cleaning things up wi h ? the dam' thing wouldn't work anymore authority from Gen. Eisenhower Rutu Nixon always delays and than it will at your next Kiwanis Club luncheon! He had prepared for the ordeal mistakes. compoundH EDITORIALS for 24 hours, always insisting that he be Mr. Nixon went through law school physically present overnight at the place knows a man is innocent till proved ^ where he is questioned. So, three minutes late, he marched down the long aisle. yet in Denver he lectured the then handed down a pre«? The scowl came off 10 feet down, then defendant on "guilty" trial for murder verdict f! Ins he tried on a tentative smile for size, then, instantly correcting the small but 1U(_ as he advanced and we all rose, the full blunder, which every reporter ft gleaming smile was attached and frozen on recognized, the President waited till ho! like a woman's permanent. We see President Nixon a lot be we don't back to Washington. "e*1 It can be dismissed as see Richard Nixon often. We did see him just anoth. unfortunate slip, or put in its for a few minutes at the so-called "last fact is the nation is under context 5 press conference" in 1962 when he was almo intolerable strain. It is being bitter from the disastrous defeat for subjected to "fire storm of change" as Alvin governor of California. The customary Toffc cautions, protective covering was gone and says in his new book, "Future Shock the real man who lurks under the Every form of authority is under attacki controlled and cultivated TV image was we conscnpt youth to tight conscript youtn fight inin Asia. Asia,"PWp| there. Jules Witcover tells about it in his move instinctively from the center. Athens had its gods; periphery' new analysis, The Resurrection of Richard «; America hu hii new tutelary Nixon. deity - "a 47 year. o| ■ Here in the park I had time to ponder. housewife from the outskirts of Dayto The sun was down, the heat over, a pigeon Ohio, whose husband is a machinest," Messrs. Scammon and walked under the bench, the dirty pool We see President Nixon a lot but we don't Wattenba reflected buildings upside down, a fire personify the "extreme center" in see Richard Nixon often. Real Majority." She wants law and orde truck roared by and electronic chimes told lurtroor the hour from the Temple Baptist Church. Mr. Nixon is against coddling criminal irmoil V We were a fine relaxed crowd on the Yes, but how about Mr. Nixon? He alleged differences with President Thieu He accused the Supreme Court of doi benches, some from skid row, some from bothered me. On these election year trips were "purely a matter of semantics." that in 1968. His two rejected Supi the Biltmore Hotel over yonder. Every now _ he shakes hands but doesn't really see But reality breaks in. At an indoor rodeo Court appointees agreed. His "modi and then a wrinkle - faced woman on the at Salt Lake City, an unbroken horse anticrime law legalizes no-knock rti many people; he carries isolation with him. right got up and made aggressive speeches Always in the background of his few bucked into a wall. The huge crowd in preventive detention, mandatory sentenc to nobody in particular; across the pool tiered seats gasped in horror to see the Fine! says the new Mrs. America, stopovers a sprinkling of antiwar two men shouted arguments about the demonstrators carry signs but the crowds cowboy on the ground, arms and legs forgives him for finding the cult - le Bible; a girl leaned her head on a boy's in front are warm and friendly. There are quivering in convulsions, while almost guilty. He is guilty, isn't he. she asks; shoulder; the man beside me put down his few Negroes. One way to forget that one under the President's box the injured horse why all the fuss? So are the Black Pantha stick, stretched out his game leg, surveyed American in 10 is black is to travel with staggered, heaving, tortured. It fell, with a So are the long-hairs. So (between you i the yellow chrysanthemums and said the Mr. Nixon. look on its face like one oMkuirier's horses me) are the minorities in general. weather wasn't what it used to be. in hell, silent and accusing. The The highbrows, the idealists, the eli We were a community, a club, we all Plutarch said "the Athenians were in the embarrassed crowd lacked the aplomb of object. Spiro takes care of them. Mr. Nix knew each other. A shirt - sleeved man habit of disguising the unpleasant aspects Spaniards at a bullfight; the announcer goes back to his polished TV image tried to tempt my attention for dubious of things by giving them endearing and extemporized awkwardly. An ambulance careful, cautious, responsible lawyer, purpose, but I tapped "The Rise & Fall of charitable names and finding polite took out the rider, and they forced up the friend of the forgotten man. Athens." I was the only one reading equivalents for them." At his press horse to be led out, I suppose, and Plutarch. conference Mr. Nixon explained that any destroyed. THE NEW REPUBLIC FROM THE THIRD FLOOR Solutions for the common bond EDITOR'S NOTE: The following operated Co-op. Food, clothing and books I'm not a business major, so I'm not school considerably. What do you think article is by Bob Grossfeld, ASMSU could be obtained at prices way below that Like the idea? Don't like it? Interest# completely familiar with the entire set-up. Cabinet president. The third floor of which we must currently pay. How does it I do know that this whole idea makes Let me know so we can work things ou the Student Service Building houses work? sense. You and I, as students, working Write. Call. Visit. Send smoke s In any business the profit is made by together, can reduce our costs of attending Peace. among other things, the offices of the student government. buying things cheaply and by volume and selling them at a mark-up. Is there any As students we all have one thing in reason why students, all 40,000 of us, can't common; basically we are poor. Not in the buy things in volume and sell them at cost Appalachia or ghetto sense of the word, (or a little above to cover overhead)? I but we are poor to the extent that we are don't think so. constantly being exploited by the How do we do it? merchants in the surrounding communities. 1. The Stock Method. This would involve HIGH PRICES. This is what I am talking selling each student a share of stock in the about. How do we solve this problem? "MSU Student Corporation" at, say, $5 a Well, there seems to be a few possible share, with a limit on how many shares one answers: person could buy. The income from the 1. We could just stop eating, reading and stock would go toward the initial costs wearing clothes. involved in setting up the corporation and 2. We could rent a fleet of buses to drive stocking the store. people into Detroit to buy things. Once established, prices would be fixed 3. We can set-up our own stores and way below the local standard and would be reduce costs. open to everyone. At the end of the year a Frankly, I tend dividend would be declared on each share to lean towards the Flag of stock. So, not only have we saved statutes third choice. Off-Campus Council and the money on individual purchases, but we a return on our initial investment. 2. Another method would involve get ASMSU Cabinet selling memberships in the corporation at $2 Michigan laws say it is a enforcement and pseudo - legal have been working apiece. This would entitle the member to a misdemeanor to "place or cause to harassment. on this question 10-15 per cent discount. There would be be placed any word, figure, mark, for quite a while. no dividend. All others who wished to The United States Post Office daily buy The answer seems at the store would pay prices well below picture, design, drawing or violates the spirit of the law - by owned and the standard but not the full discount. advertisement of any nature upon causing a "mark" to be placed across any flag ... of the United States." A a flag every time it cancels a flag "flag" as defined by the same law as stamp. Such desecration, however, is OUR READERS' MIND . . . any copy, picture or "legalized" by a loophole in the law. representation. . . of (the) flag, Citizens seem little concerned standard, color, ensign, coat - of - about the number of Disposal irresponsible flags defiled on arms or shield of the United States. newspaper mastheads each day and . then sold in this city. There is no Because of this statute Bill Strait, outcry about local - and taxpaying To the Editor: East Lansing merchant, was arrested establishments utilizing the stars The following letter has been sent It would appear to me to be much more to or more specifically his bus got and stripes design in their Rep. Charles Chamberlain. plausible to investigate and research, if busted. The vehicle in question is necessary, ways of decomposing the nerve advertising. Dear Sir: decorated with a stars and stripes gas into more or less inert ingredients. A number of I am writing in reference to the Army's motif across which is emblazoned questions come to Certainly this would be more appropriate mind. Is a flat - painted bus any plan to sink nearly 3,000 tons of nerve gas, than simply dumping the containers of the words "The White Monkey." sealed In concrete and steel coffins, in the active gas into the good ol' ecological East Lansing police state that they more disrespectul to the national Atlantic Ocean. standard than Raquel Welch in an wastebasket. served a summons on Strait for flag My concern over this plan is based on the "Old Glory" bathing suit? If a flag following coslderatlons: (a) long ■ term "The last thing I would do is defamation after receiving a number Richard L. Doty prejudice the legal rights of any person..' of decal on an automobile warps from geological changes, such as earthquakes, Colorado Springs, Colo., graduate student complaints about his bus. sediment shifts and underwater landslides, the weather does this constitute a Aug. 1,1970 It seems probable that Strait's cannot be predicted well in advance of defiled ensign? If Strait's bus is their occurrances, arrest was triggered by citizens' and such unforseen officially a flag does this mean that AN6yON^jy I STOOD THERE FOR FORTY-FIVE desire to harass long - hairs - he has a beard and long hair rather than to remove the design and thereby factors, within the next few thousand years, spell danger to the entire ecosphere of the Atlantic and adjoining areas; (b) the MINUTES, AND THEY NEVER PAID ANV ATTENTION TO ME! (the stop "violating" the law it will be anything else. Michigan flag statutes allowance of one more dumping of waste are so vague as to be necessary for him to burn his completely materials into a "wastebasket" which really open - ended. They leave the flag/bus? does not (or should not) exist is an definition and application up to Within existing laws, ludicrous irresponsible move which only prolongs individual law enforcement agencies. anr.vcrs can be applied to each of our (development and consideration of better answers to the world's waste The result has been selective these questions. problems. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 13, 1970 5 PARK OWNER'S DECISION lilliken denies )ias in fight ban GOOSE RockLAKE fest plans (UPI) - three days, from 150,000 to rock weekend, although one had Richard Songer, 35, operator of unsuccessfully to get an DETROIT (UPI) — Gov. Milliken denied Tuesday "state Goose Lake 200,000. been tentatively planned for injunction to stop last weekend's I fficials were racially motivated in their failure to sanction a fight Park, said Tuesday last weekend's monster rock But Songer said Tuesday there Sept. 5-7. festival, estimated Tuesday I Michigan between Cassius Clay and Joe Frazier." festival was a "financial failure" were only 100,000 young He said police have confiscated close to ■ in a statement released from his Detroit office, Gov. Milliken persons there and half of those the 390-acre park and called off $100,000 in marijuana, LSD and I 'd "to suggest that... is totally unwarranted. more plans for any rock weekends. sneaked in without paying. might have "one or two" rock assorted drugs from 150 persons ■'Any allegat'on that race or religion played in the decision of "We had maybe 50,000 in paid groups "a couple times a arrested outside the Songer, owner of a Southfield month." He said 'he spent more park. Barton •ate Boxing Commissioner Chuck Davey or the State Athletic attendance," Songer said. said he will give advisers to construction than $1 million to build the park Gov. I Board of Control is completely unfounded and untrue," the company, said "Another 40,000 to 50,000 Milliken enough evidence "so profits from the three day rock as a permanent rock festival site ■ statement said. - younsters just snuck in. They there will never be another rock festival amount but "from now on, it will be I A er°uP c)f Michigan's leading black politicians, including two $25,000 only to about didn't pay." festival at Goose Lake IB nnitressmen, had urged the state to stage the fight after it had of the to $35,000. Estimates Songer said it wasn't worth the operated as any other park." anywhere else in Michigan." or 2 scrapped in Detroit. crowd, who supposed to pay $15 a head for were "headaches" and "24-hour Jackson County Prosecutor Milliken had ordered advisers "Unless a prompt, fair and proper determination of this issue is days" to promote another big Bruce A. Barton, who tried to I ade t,lis state w'" stan<* condemned for its openly racist investigate denying permits latitude toward one of the finest athletes (Clay) in this country," for such festivals and Atty. Gen. |* id the statement signed Monday by Congressmen John Conyers NIXON-CONGRESS BOUT Frank J. Kelley said will use injunctions to Tuesday he ■and Charles C. Diggs, plus other black Michigan political figures limit the land labor leaders. size of such events. I "Cassius Clay's race was not a factor in the decision and to ■suggest otherwide is at best unthinkable in a state rightfully ■ pUd to claim Joe Louis and other black boxers as native sons," ■the governor's statement said. I "When the fight was first proposed," Milliken said, "I indicated Spending showdown WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House set was Songer also said police and newsmen drug "vastly overestimated" use at the no more festival. "There dope use in the But the real struggle raged behind the scenes as ■that I would not stand in the way, assuming a favorable review of grappled with a Democratic Congress Wednesday park than you find on any city members prepared to vote to override or sustain ■all legal, technical and other licensing factors." in a showdown battle over government spending. Nixon's veto of a $4.4 - billion education bill and street or at any school. If I'm ■ "I concurred in the position of the board (which advised against guilty of promoting drug use, Telegrams and phone calls went out to members an $18 - billion appropriation for ■sanctioning the fight, after which the promoters withdrew their of both sides rounding up support for Thursday's welfare and other activities. housing, then every school principal and l&L-_ ■application) as expressed by Commissioner Davey. My position House votes on President Nixon's veto of two The general appraisal of the outlook was school board member in the lwas based upon the recommendations of my legal advisor and was appropriation bills that would add nearly $1 the $4.4- billion appropriation for the that country is just as guilty," he ■taken after consultation with the Attorney General's Office," billion to his budget. Office of said. Education would be repassed over the President's ■Milliken said. - In a verbal cannonading over Nixon's action, veto but that his veto of the $18 - billion "The policy at the park was Speaker of the House John W. McCormack Independent Offices measure stands a better set denounced the vetoes as "indefensible," and by the local law officials and Organize chance of being sustained. the State Police. We handled the ferawl in court Randy Bodwin, East Lansing sophomore and chairman of Democratic asst. leader Hale Boggs of Louisiana told the House the country was shocked. It takes a two thirds vote of both the and the Senate to - override,and the Democrats House drug use the way they wanted us to handle it. It was our belief MSU Students for Hart, addressed an Speaking for the administration side, Rep. don't have that many votes in either branch. that organizational John B. Anderson of drug use could be Lalfs students' meeting of the group Tuesday in the Union. State News photo by Fred Ferri position courageous. Illinois, chairman of the House GOP Conference, called the President's They were counting on some support from Republicans, especially in the House where all members are up for re-election this year. controlled. But I didn't want to interfere with work," Songer said. anyone else's ■CHICAGO (AP) - A circuit Two policemen and a bailiff Turtroom was thrown into were injured. Sixteen persons, noil Wednesday as police and including four women, were officials battled arrested. |efendants and unruly Soon after the lectators at the start of the trial Goldstein orderedfighting ended, those arrested 11 University of Illinois charged with direct contempt of Judents charged in connection court, and started hearings nth a campus disturbance in immediately. lav. ■About 35 policemen and Eleven were given jail liliffs fought an estimated 65 sentences ranging from 30 days lung persons, most believed to to four months. Five were I students, in the courtroom of acquitted. Kagistrate Mayer Goldstein in The trial of the 11 defendants Ke Cook County Building for in the campus disturbance was lore than 30 minutes. continued to Sept. 16. Goldstein ■Police said they were forced to said he postponed the trial ^sort to the use of the chemical because he "may have become bring the brawling prejudiced" as a result of the lowd under control. outburst in his courtroom. 20% DISCOUNT ON TYPEWRITER REPAIRS FOR MSU STUDENTS AMERICAN DUSINESS MACHINES 9 N. East St. (U.S. 42 38 W. Saginaw 27) 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 1620 E. Michigan HONDA SALE <5 7 You're on TOP with A B &T Mother's little helper ... a checking account from AB&T. It's the top way to shop. And each month AB&T sends you a state¬ ment that's itemized, accurate and on time. And all your checks are imprinted with your name and address free at AB&T. person.» -Moit model! In stock ~ Special diicounti new Honda on -100'«, 176'i, and 750'« accessorial when you purchase Lansing'» greatest selection of parts and accessories c I * * &4mertcan BANK AND TRUST * COM PAN Y MEMBER: F.D.I.C. * * * 1 HASLETT HONDA & SUZUKI 1605 Has'ett 5 minutes from campus Road, Haslett 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, August 13 , Governors rap TO BE SYNDICATED Nixon veto LAKE OF THE OZARKS, Mo. (AP) - The new chairman of the National Governors Conference, Democrat Warren E. Hearnes of Missouri, charged Wednesday that President Nixon's veto of education and housing money bills is "a political move" to put lb FKONl 4NN UNPfftfl 'Doctor's Bag' a public, or that are humorous or happen "to big hit state Senate that Dr. Werner's co|umn By ROBERTA SMITH obscene and then had it the blame for inflation on Congress. Two other Democrats, John N. Dempsey of Connecticut and State News Staff Writer catch his eye." He also answers those inquiries that he knows other people would Senate Journal. read in^ ? nt0 'he I : wouldn't ask "It was funny Marvin Mandel of Maryland, also criticized Nixon's move. "I think the word 'inflation' has become an excuse rather than Dr. Arnold Werner didn't expect his new be worried about themselves. but Werner commented, . . . very "if amusing Cpn n. {*• :! I the reason," Dempsey said. Mandel said what is needed from the Nixon administration is a f column, "Doctor's Bag," to be a great success when it started a year ago. His hardest task is questions In such a way so as not to to answer the thought it was so obscene, he public dispersal of It." addedfoSf 5 0 ttle clear statement of its priorities "so that we in the states would But he was wrong. During spring term frighten others. He calls or writes each Meeting with the many visitor, , know whether the federal money is going to be used for health ]I week Dr. Werner received up to 25 questions a person who asks him a question unless he is answering the numerous phone Sf and education programs, or the supersonic transport, or the space for his weekly medical advice column especially busy. Then he answers only the resulting from the column may uk«. the State News. This summer he aroused much of Dr. Werner's time program." The conference, winding up its 62nd meeting, called for sharp I 1 the ire of one state senator for his widely most Important or critical questions. The public has been enthusiastic about that he enjoys doing the but he?" increases in federal spending for education and urban renewal — I read advice. In fact, his column has become the column. Dr. Werner was surprised that anything else in his professional column more £ work > popular that many people suggested he two targets of Nixon's veto action Tuesday which may be community people and faculty members "It puts me in touch with more peonio by the Democratic • controlled House and Senate. | syndicate it. would show so much Interest in the than before " he said, "and overridden The final business session of the three • day conference adopted "I take the popularity as meaning that column. He has received almost 500 letters write in and give me advice on the people a ff a controversial statement sidetracked earlier in the week, seeking question people do have bona fide concerns and no about It, and fewer than 10 have been have answered are especially fun'• future use of some federal highway aid funds for other types of one to turn to," Dr. Werner said. "I try to critical. This fall MSU will be one of sever,1 transportation — such as mass transit — according to a state's fill this gap." Probably one of Dr. Werner's most schools to publish the Doctor's IS Dr. Werner selects the column's questions need. The action, opposed by auto clubs, truckers and car that he feels are of general interest to the notable critics was Sen. R-Troy. Huber announced June 24 to the Robert Huber, Collegiate Pre,, Service Werner s column. will syndM'■ manufacturers, was revised to provide assurances that separate mass transit and airport funds would come into being and that any transfers would have to take place at the state level. Announcing E. Lansing's Newest Men's Shop Two 'unrest' films slight issues Gould's splendid to admire a film simply because teach him — a man whose purpose and delude themselves performance! in Style By ROBERT KIPPER State News Reviewer ambitious until audiences tired Qf excusjng films that tackled it approaches a vital issue, individuality threatens the into believing they understand and Candice Bergen's assistance to give it appealing partiijl I Two films have because the line between conservative professors young people and are doing distinction. H 1 opened complex, timely issues without precariously holding on to the what's best for their future. exploring it and exploiting it is recently about student unrest perception or competence, It is unfortunate that both DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE and unresponsive academic It is far better to ignore a such a thin one. Unless the viewer leaves the theater with academic power "Getting Straight" is also about structure. films are so unaware most of Serious side institutions. 3oth are the type of pressing subject than deal with it time, because at moments they Gould, who hitherto displayed! 541 East Grand River film that used to be considered by simplifying it. It is difficult new insights there is really no a campus romance between the only his comic stridency on the I to film that tells reveal the excellence they are reason see a non - conformist and his easily him what he already knows and led girlfriend. capable of. screen, shows a serious, 1 (next to Paramount News — where Paraphernalia used to be) takes his money to do it. reflective side as well in the role I PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 5817 LIQUOR BEER WINE Within a week, Both Stuart suppression use the campus drama of leading to violent Finale devastating of Harry, a man aloof of the establishment ana the strikers, I I Hagmann's "Strawberry confrontation as a backdrop "The Strawberry Statement" who is dedicated only to! ENDS TODAY: Open 6:45 P.M. I "MONIQUE" X and "I = TO TAKE OUT= Statement" and Richard Rush's against which their personal has a devastating finale that teaching as he thinks it si "Getting Straight" have opened drama unfolds. The leaves its audience stunned and be. I MARRIED YOU FOR FUN" X backdrop In 216 ABBOTT RD. PIPES - TOBACCO (the former just completed a run each case, at the Campus, the latter unrealistic, the however, is so breathless. The scene violent confrontation depicts scene a as Harry is conditions a man he who views! detests as| continues to primary drama play at the lacks validity. police replace the peaceful Yossarian does in "Catch-22."L 203 203 Michigan in Lansing). What MAC'S Like! chants of students occupying a His is a personal rebellion. North North makes them similar are their campus building with the sounds Yossarian, Harry has little faith I Wash. failures in dealing with the same Insulting Wash. of night sticks finding human in collective action, preferring I A HITS topic. What makes each worth "The Strawberry Statement" insults anyone who has ever targets and the oozing of tear instead an individual, quixotic! Every Evening seeing are their differing gas. joust with bureaucracies he! strengths. seriously been involved in The knows he can't defeat. It is al Closed Sunday and Holidays scene begins with a campus protests. It portrays (487-0670) students as a bunch of frightening tableau of both sides role ideally suited for Gould's! "A bewilderment of riches...demands to be seen!" Both Stereotypes misguided, shallow - thinking in the fearful calm that precedes scraggly appearance, irreverent| approach the problem of children who protest whenever the chaos and ends with a smugness and outspoken m campus turmoil by reducing the relentless spectacle of human of delivery and he uses all and I "One of the chilling episodes among they're not making love and more people involved to easily view their involvement as merely anguish. It is a stunning screen adds sensitivity to make thisT fictional treatments of a woman's life and love! analyzed stereotypes. Neither moment and as realistic as the performance the finest of bisl seeks to probe the issue or even a lark, a chance to be "in" and evening news. It makes the film soaring career. to deal with it an opportunity to get on as hard to forget because of its Gould's acting and the balance! television and impress their "WILDLY FUNNY!"-*™* realistically because both try to ending as it is hard to forgive Miss Bergen lends as his girlflendl peers. be about other things as well. because of the ineptitude of all gives "Getting Straight" the! "BRILLIANT! "The Strawberry Statement" "Getting Straight" allows the that preceded it. depth as entertainment it lacks| wants to involve the viewer with insult to spread to instructors "Getting Straight" has Elliott in contemporary relevance. a youthful romance between and college administrators, "One of the best films of the llsl 1 Kim Darby and Bruce Davison. presenting them as unaware, "Getting Straight" is also about bland, insensitive men who cling "Dazzling... Stunning... Rogjten a non be a - conformist who wants to teacher unlike those who to their power structure for survival, minimize student Partial lunar "Devastating and riveting!'' expected on Sunday A partial eclipse of the moon completely emerges from it N will be visible from the Americas 11:30 p.m. 1 Sunday evening, an MSU "The circular edge of I astronomer says. earth's shadow may be « Mid eclipse will occur at the upper portioi • projected on 10:23 p.m. EST Sunday when the umbra, or the dark central of the moon at maximuraj eclipse," Victor explained. "It portion of the earth's shadow, edge of the shadow appea will extend two-fifths of the quite indistinct, so a darkeninj distance across the moon. of part of the moon will bf "The eclipse will only be evident for perhaps half anhout partial," says Robert C. Victor, before and after the period ol staff astronomer of Abrams Planetarium. "The moon, which umbral eclipse. L "Since the earth's shadow 4 must be full at the time of a not uniformly dark, but i lunar eclipse, begins to enter the darkest at its center, we do no umbra at 9:17 £.m. and see a sharp outline of thj shadow when we look at tt moon during eclipse." The next lunar eclipse will t Feb. 10, 1971. That event* be a total eclipse, and wiJ"!L visible from all of NoflJ America. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan inuisaay, August 13, 1970 7 impson files $3 million suit |rnrmer MSU basketball star the Rockets two months ago. At attorney, Richard Suhrheinrich, here In Detroit this summer. It's otherwise I never would have £nh Simpson has filed a $3 that time however, Dolph said contend that there is no valid good competition as several pro signed." lEon suit in a U.S. District It he would void the contract rule or clause which prohibits players are In it, including Dave Suhrheinrich is claiming that m Detroit against the between the Rockets and Simpson from playing this year. Bing and a couple other the Rockets and ABA are Lnver Rockets, the American Simpson, who signed under the The ABA and NBA were in the Pistons." damaging Simpson's future by Lketball Association (ABA) "hardship" clause. Dolph process of announcing their Once the legal matters are not letting him play, that his i aba Commissioner Jack claimed that the MSU standout merger when the Simpson news cleared up, Simpson feels it'll be crowd drawing appeal and his was ineligible until after he had broke. There was a threat the a smooth road from then on basketball finese would suffer if ifmpson,scoringwho record set a single In his completed his college education — two years from then. merger would be called off because of Simpson's "I'm not worried out. about he were forced to sit out the next two years. Suhrheinrich »n signing, making the grade in the pros," homore year la8t w,nter» In the suit, which was filed last but it fell through and there's he said. "I'm sure I can play was unavailable for comment a $1 million contract with Wednesday. Simpson and his currently one professional professional basketball — Wednesday. basketball league. Contacted at his home in Detroit Slmspon said he wasn't really Involved In the aspects of the suit, but Instead legal Nite of the Stars' was getting ready for the coming D*nv,r .tir» in IM Bldg. tonight liferent III be there," Simpson A week's work of new routines, Intensive coaching and a lot of Mid Wednesday. "I've been hard practice will all be wrapped Into one show tonight for 200 playing a lot of ball In a league gymnasts attending a summer clinic at MSU. "Nlte of the Stars" will be presented tonight at the Sports Arena of the Men's IM Bldg. beginning at 7:30. Admission is $1 IM SCHEDULE for adults and $.50 for children. Gymnasts of all ages will perform In tonight's show. The clinic, 5:30 which has been under the direction of MSU Gymnastics Coach 5 Dell. 6 ■ Wroniky Warr. Impreiiioni • No Nam* (F) George Szypula, has attracted some of the best youngsters who are assisting Szypula. 'With a litt . 7 Olggari - Hand People S Oao. Of ma • Perverti Among the events which will be staged tonight are floor 9 Solleri - Klti Korpi exercise, side horse, high bar, parallel bars and trampoline. Two From my friends, "a young lady successfully completes her flip on the trampoline while several 10 Abbot-Pollih Artillery MSU gymnasts, Charlie Morse and other coed gymnasts look on and wait their turn. The above OC1 Potency - B.T. for a N. Randy Balhorn, will also performers and many more will be Cong. display their gymnastic skills. features in tonight's "Nite of the Stars" show. OC2 Jugornoti • OakhiU Met! State News photo by Bill Porteous 5 Haihlih - Hart Attack* 6 Soulful Shack - Pig Pen Ten 7 Cameron - Mlcrobei 8 Wilson Staff - Venatici 9 Block Buiteri - Nerf Bari 10 Oiiiclei • Caribbean OC1 Whakkera - Aktion Jox 0X2 Carting* • Potllckari 7:30 5 Major Doodi- UFO 6 Load* • Graffiti Ralph Simpson S' players lead leam to state title tich Kreuger showed Boston The Sullivans, who won the d Sox officials they made a state title last year, will now |und investment by signing him a professional contract as he move on to the national tournament in Wichita, Kansas. rled a two • hitter Wednesday The Grand Rapids club will leave lead the Grand Rapids for Kansas soon where they will |llivans to an 11-0 win over the compete with 32 other teams in rand Rapids Braves in the state the double elimination lateur championship game. tournament. Kreuger was in control all the fty, striking out 12 and walking 1 The only hits off the hard - IM News ■rowing southpaw car*.a in the ith and ninth innings, singles The deadline for entering the JBipedLarryhimself Gross. Kreuger also IM Golf Tournament to be held at the bat, as he this Saturday at Forest Akers lllected a single and a double has been extended to noon Id 2 RBI's in four trips, today. Golfers must pay their but the hitting hero for the green fees at the IM office when ■Ivans' another Spartan was registering. Student fees are J»yer, Bt Shaun Howitt. The lean $1.75 and faculty/staff $2. powerful Howitt had four P in Wednesday's game, ■eluding a two - run homer, and peked In three of the Hivans' 11 runs. Howitt had » playing for Sturgis, D.S. is summer, but was released Jt his weak hitting. ■Kreuger and Howitt were both Tilled to the all ■ tournament LEDGES PLAYHOUSE 'il Simon ■HESTAR-SPANG^D GIRL' Comedy AIRPORT Unforgettable Comic ■ Drama BURT " DEAN ■r°fess10nal Tues. $2.25 1 'HEatre ■ -GRAND- - Wed/Sun $2-75 thr/Fri $3.00 LANCASTER • MARTIN ■ -LEDGE- Sat. $3.25 1 '27-7805 atudent l.d. JEAN SEBERG IS,'8!10 »' l'aramountSNew°j JACQUELINE BISSET h» 6:30 P.M. GEORGE KENNEDY i HELEN HAYES A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR* Produced lnTODO-AO« •ALSO "COMPANY OF KILLERS' - At 11 P.M. -OTH CENTURY FOX _____ NOW! *11 COLOR! Pre*nis GORE VIDAL'S liANfEXCITEMENT!GIANTTERROR! liHl Thursday, August 13 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1970 STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED Get into the swim . . . Use the market place of millions ... Place a want ad now! classified 356-8256 Scooters & FRANKLY SPEAKING by PHI frank For Rent For Rent The State News does not Cycles MfoatJkto permit racial or religious discrimination in its 1957 TRIUMPH 650, custom paint STODDARD bedroom. APARTMENTS, Now leasing for Fall 1 LEASING $210, FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms 1 bedroom, $180. TWO GIRt-S needed »0r advertising culumns. The job, $450, 351-8394 after 6 p.m. Term. Balconies, laundry. Near BURCHAM WOODS, Call Fal1 throuoh State News will not 5-8-19 campus. Call 351-8238. 361-2003. betwaen 3 - 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF 351-4845. 3-8-14 accept advertising which ALLSTATE 1958 - 175cc. Good MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 LOWE BROOK APAR^r^ * AUTOMOTIVE condition. $100. Phone 355-6517. 1300 East Grend discriminates against Marigold across from campus. Scooters & Cycles 2-8-14 OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green bedroom, furnished 2 ■> . religion, race, color or Apartments. Ideal for married Deluxe 2 man furnished Auto Parts & Service apartments. Now leasing for fall. Walking distence to'iuin"""' national origin. HONDA 350, 1969. 4000 miles. Just grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 Aviation bedroom, furnished and jyj>$661^r_3JMj»aO tuned up, $600. 355-6319 or after * EMPLOYMENT 6 p.m., 332-4350. 5-8-14 unfurnished, $130 $176 EAST LANSING, one block from * FOR RENT monthly. Possession now or Berkay. 2 room efficiency with furnished Automotive September 1st.. Call manager, cooking. 351-9504.0-8-17 apartment, East F|ClENcy crnc|. Apartments 361-2439 or FOX PROPERTY Michigan *«. Houses CORVAIR 1965. New engine and MANAGEMENT, 372-1964. TF ONE MAN for 3 men. Campus Hill. Lansing. N#ar utilities paid. Call univZ,, Starfire. Mint 372-65% Rooms tires, great shape, $600. IV BSA 1968 250 GIRLS TO share apartment 4 blocks Fall through spring. $60. Days - 6 p.m. 3-8-14 J'^5529 tf,w 5-1010. 7-8-19 condition. Call 351-3056 after 6 363-6461. evenings, 361-3689. « FOR SALE from campus. Call betwaen 7 • Animals CUTLASS 1970 Deluxe seden. p.m. 5-8-14 1:30 p.m. 332-0143. 3-8-13 6-8-19 WANTED; soul GIRL~t7ro7mwl,hthrM sisters. Cimpui ■ Mobile Homes Sharp. Power, automatic. Owned SUZUKI 1970 260 Savege. Under ONE MAN to shere 4 men 361-4633. 3 8-14 by retired engineer. 489-7763. 2,000 miles, $660 (was $825 new) epertment, $41.BO/month, 302 # PERSONAL 6-8-17 372-0626 after 3 p.m. Art MAC, 332-6916. 3-8-17 • PEANUTS PERSONAL Fosaum. 6-8-13 FIAT 1100D • 64, $300 firm. Call UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three end # REAL ESTATE Bobby 332-3574, great 1969 four men furnished, $186 and up, # RECREATION SMALL Chopped Benelli transportation. 1-8-13 36 1-3729. HALSTEAD Roadster, with custom Triumph • SERVICE goodies, $300. 353-4055. 3-8-13 MANAGEMENT COMPANY 4TH GIRL for 4-man. Ceder Village FIAT 1968 black with brown 361-7910.0 Typing Service interior, very good condition, Apartments. 9 months. Call CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national 361-8718. 3-8-17 • TRANSPORTATION $1495,355-6348. 3-8-17 BAY COLONY: One end two companies. Compare our retes. » WANTED 2205 East bedroom, $136 and up, 337-9228. ROOMMATE NEEDED for 3 man Michigan, Lansing or 505 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT starting fall. Walk to campus. $71. DEADLINE FORD 300, 1963, 6 cylinder, 3 on Albert, East Lansing, 484-8173.0 COMPANY, 351-7910. 0 351-1014. 2-8-14 1 P.M. one class day floor, 2 door sedan. Excellent. $350. 484-4846. 2-8-14 BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, EAST LANSING Marble School area. before publication. furnished, $200 and up, Naw deluxe duplex. 3 bedrooms, Cancellations - 12 noon IMPALA SUPER SPORT 1964. 332-0966. HALSTEAD deposit, carpeting, 12 month one class publication. day before Automatic, tires. Must bucket seats, snow sell. Call 355-2738. TRIUMPH CUB - good condition. HAieiHe R&ceHT /WI-R-OTjC. MANAGEMENT COMPANY, leese, $200. 351-9036, 337-2437, IV 5-4869. 7-8-21 2-8-14 First $200 takes it. Call 355-8124. hx/p pewfcr- _ 351-7910. O PHONE 3-8-13 APARTMENT ACROSS from OKEMOS ONE bedroom apartment, 355-8255 MERCEDES 1961. 220SB, black, red mrr not .cm.?' campus, inquire after 4 p.m., 113 furnished, parking, utilities peid. * SHAG CARPETING leather, AM-FM. $350. Call HONDA 1970. CL350. Low mileage. /X4 Louis Street, East Lansing. 4-8-14 * RATES 361-6586. 5-8-19 NEW FURNITURE 627-6794. 5-8-18 Two helmets, $700. Phone * 485-1219. 2-8-14 UNLIMITED 1 day $1.50 EAST LANSING. Large quiet EAST SIDE furnished utilities peid, PARKING 15c per word per day MERCEDES BENZ 300SE 1957. furnished apartment for 3 or 4. two rooms, shared bath $85 - $95. * Body and engine in very good Auto Service & Parts For Rent DISHWASHERS 3 days $4.00 condition. Sun roof AM-FM, Employment 332-3107. 3-8-13 Also furnished private one apartment, bedroom $110. * AIR COND. 13%c per word per day automatic transmission. Best offer EAST LANSING * ON THE BANK OF MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East TV RENTALS Students only. Low near campus. One DELIVER SALT to water softener - 337-0409. 2-8-14 5 days $6.50 over $500. Call 355-8197. 2-8-14 Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. customers. Flexible hours. Can be monthly and term rates. Call bedroom, furnished. Large airy THE RED CEDAR Air * 13c per word per day 351-7900 rooms. conditioned. WALK TO $55.00/man Complete auto painting and adjusted to your schedule. Make to reserve yours. campus. 4-man, two MG MIDGET 1964, red. Top Beautifully maintained. Select (based on 10 words per ad) collision service. IV 5-0256. C application MICHIGAN SOFT UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C bedrooms, two baths, utilities condition, no rust. $625. clientele Lease. 332-3135 or paid. Call after 6, 489-1893. WATER at 3230 Northeast Street. Peanuts Personals must be 351-6488, after 5 p.m. 5-8-19 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call RENT A TV from a TV company. 882-6549. O 5-8-14 MODEL OPEN (U.S. 27). 3-8-14 pre-paid. KALAMAZOO STREET BODY $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. DAILY MUSTANG 1968. 6 automatic, 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man CEDAR GREENS SHOP. Small dents to large STUDENT TO live in. Room board NEJAC TV RENTALS. C There will be 50c service deluxe one bedroom, furnished a 17,000 miles. Like newl $1500. wrecks. American and foreign Fall Leases 2-Man behind the plus salary in exchange for apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 or Call Linda 353-6400. After 5 and bookkeeping charge if cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. childcare. Near campus. 351-3364 REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Don't One Bedroom Furnished Yankee store this ad is not paid within p.m., 351-2054. S-8-13 2628 East Kalamazoo. C evenings. 2-8-13 be without this fall. Reserve yours _J»7-07aQ-£_ • now. CAMPUS COOLERS, THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man $160 - $170 CALL 351-8282 one week. OPEL KADETT 1968. Reliable AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and 351-5652. 2-8-14 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE sitter apartments. Block from Berkey, Phone 351-8631 (formerly Northvind Apis.) The $tate News will be transportation, good mileage, American cars. If we can't fix it, it Quiet. Call 351-6143. TF needed, starting September 21st, $950. Call 332-5291, 1 until 5 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O responsible only for the for 7 month baby, 5 days per p.m. 5-8-14 Apartments first insertion. day's incorrect PLYMOUTH 1968 Roadrunner, V-8, Aviation week. May sit in my home or yours. Call 353-6823 for details. FALL Free with your rent at Seven-Thirty-One 10-8-25 LEASES NEW ONE bedroom, carpeting, power steering, low mileage. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to $1400. 393-4502. After 5 p.m., PHARMACY CLERK wanted for full Westinghouse appliances, learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. 372-5187.5-8-14 dishwasher, air conditioning, etc. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C or part time work. Must have i Furnished or unfurnished. Choice pleasant personality. Both location, for young marrieds, grad ALPHA ROMEO Automotive 1969 - 1300 GT RAMBLER door blue, good CLASSIC 1965, hardtop, automatic, condition. two light $400. Employment transportation and experience essential. Call 351-8407, after 7 p.m. 3-8-13 students, or faculty from $155. Phone 332-1183. 5-8-17 $175 353-6959 after 6 p.m. 3-8-17 PART TIME work for students. Car junior, 24,000 miles, radio, heater, Call 361-7319 for SUMMER AND time Yes, We Have necessary. part plush interior, excellent condition. T-BIRD CONVERTIBLE 64, power interview. C employment with full • line All reasonable offers considered. merchant wholesaler. Automobile 351-3918_H^8-1 BUICK RIVIERA 1970. Full power, steering, brakes, tape player. New paint. Call after 6 p.m., 625-3859. HIRING COLLEGE students for full time work now and part time required. Information. O 361-6800 for Location... c4£v 3-8-17 air during school year. Fantastic job, RIVER'S EDGE and conditioning, $4,500. Hammond organ, 88 keys, $700. TRIUMPH 1969, GT 6+, owner in good pay. Call 371-1813 between WATER'S EDGE APTS. 669-3008. 3-8-14 8- 12. C For Rent service. Call after 6 p.m., on the river, 1 block 663-6331. X-3-8-17 from campus, 2 CAMARO 1967 327, 4 speed, vinyl PART TIME telephone work. TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free Morning hours 10 e.m. - 2 p.m., deliveries. Call bathrooms, balconies, top, many extras, $200, new tires, VALIANT 1969 4-door. Standard SELCO See Don in Waters Edge was $4,000 when new. 351-4377. evening hours 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. shift, radio, heater. Excellent 332-4432 5-8-19 Cell Scott Johnson, 393-6210. condition. $1295. 882-4012. 2-8-14 2-8-14 CHEVROLET 1963. Good condition. $200. PART TIME evenings. Hours 6:30 - Automatic, VOLKSWAGEN 1963 - good 4-door. Phone 355-2784. 3-8-17 9:30 p.m. Public relations work, condition, luggage rack. New T| O M o i A Lansing. Call Scott Johnson, battery, tires, moving to Germany. CHEVY IMPALA, 1961. Dependable $400. 361-8141, after 5 p.m. 393-6210. 2-8-14 Three Man or woman Luxury Suifs transportation. $126. Call 351-8362 after 1 p.m. 3-8-14 2-8-14 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, HEADSTART: Follow • through social work coordinator, must $QQ&~ have car, license, some college CHEVY II, 1962 convertible, 6 1963 - running condition, needs • Privets petlo*. balconies • Short walk to Campui some work, $160. 361-0241. background, 40 hour week for 60 • Swimming pool • Air conditioning 1 automatic, bucket Hats, 1966 1 3-8-13 weeks, start $6,000, maximum engine. 351-8280. 5-8-14 $7,000. Follow • Party lounge • Lukuhous furniture, through carpeting, eppiisncti secretary, high school graduate, • Autometic dishweshers VOLKSWAGEN 1963, 67,000 miles, CHRYSLER 1964 transportation some secretarial training, 40 hour good condition, $550. 351-8223, MCDEIS ft REN fAC 0MICI bargain: Power steering and week for 42 weeks. Start $4,400, after 6 p.m. 3-8-13 OftN 1.30-130 brakes, good rubber, excellent maximum $5,100. Follow • MONDAV THROUOH FRIDAY engine, dependable, $300 or best through teacher, 32 hour week for offer. Contact manager, Arbor Scooters & Cycles 38 weeks, $7,500 - $8,500. 711 BURCHAM DRIVE PHONE 3517212 Forest Apartments next to 482-0719. 3-8-17 University Inn BSA 250 1969. Excellent on Trowbridge condition, Road. Can be seen 9 5 p m helmet and car carriers, 694-8937 DRIVER OVER 21. - - Apply 6-8-14 __3-8-13 WHAT'S IT worth to you? 1966 VARSITY CAB COMPANY. 122 Woodmere. 1-8-13 CROSSWORD CORVAIR, 1962. transportation. Good Standard. Triumph 500, Charianti Forks. 11,000 miles. Submit offer by CAST YOUR EYES on the wide PUZZLE Excellent body. $200. 351-5873. selection of values in the Want Friday, 1 p.m. Also rooms to let. 3-8-14 Rob, 237 Kedzie. 3-8-13 Ads today I ACROSS 29. Bearing 1. Mark of a 30. Educator wound 33. Fine china 5. However 36. Man's title From Kamins Stereo Shop 8. Convened 11. Heraldic bearing 12. Eggs 37. 38. Sesame Radio interference 42. Source of 13. Candlenut tree aluminum Our Larger and Bet 14. Proclamation 45. Corruption 15. Most f46. Beard of wheat Automatic 17. Assimilate 19. Shade tree .47. Seaman 48. Later 20.Inlet (49. Vermilion The McClintock Bldg., 2400 E. Radio Michigan Ave. 21. Terrace ■24. Complaint 150. Last queen of Spain 1. Couch 28. Craggy hill 2. Manger ju$t past Frandor 51.Mjjrqgee 9 $34.95 (former Cadillac Dealership) (not an oft brand] —OPEN TODAY— ;! 1 This machine has: wavMmm * 10 Transistors * 6 watts output per Come and S mwimmwwm channel * Loudness, balance, and tone controls & * Automatic channel selection 4 WHEELS of i 1 Lansing, Inc. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 13, 1970 9 Student For Sale CITRUS WORKERS AFFECTED DIRECTORY WANTED: LAVENDER or blue point Siamese male to uee for stud. 351-9288.1-8-13 W *" v1', $1.19 consultant to the Norwegian USD A Choice Tenderay T a*ty Vandmnbrlnh Institute of Agricultural Economics, the U.S. Agricultural Rump Roost b $1.19 Corn Dogs Lt89< Ham Loaf 2 At $1.69 Reserach Service and the U.S. Armour Mlraeuro Herrud 12—ox wt Luncheon or 1—lb Farmer Poet Dept. of Agriculture. His awards include the MSU Bacon W 89< Party Assortment Pk999t Ring Bologna J9( Distinguished Faculty Award, Country Stylo Bulk Sliced Peter'* JO Vorletle* the American Farm Economics Assn. outstanding research Slob Bacon Lb89< Lunch Meats Jt>°4 49< Sandwich Spread M',59( award and election to Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic honorary society. Johnson was an agricultural economics statisician for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and professor of farm economics at the University of Kentucky before joining the MSU staff in 1953. Dale E. Hathaway, professor GLEN JOHNSON and chairman of the Dept. of Rash of purse thefts results in loss of $386 A rash of purse thefts thought to be attributable to one 24 HOUR Freshlihe Pea* or Carrot*, Easy Monday individual have amounted to losses of $386, Capt. Adam Zutaut RESTRINGING SERVICE of the University police reported Wednesday. Fabric Softener The thief has taken 11 purses or wallets in Giltner Hall, the Big K Library, Linton Hall, Wells Hall, Anthony Hall, the Biochemistry I' building, the Administration Building, the Computer Center and FULL TENNIS SHOP 10< Applesauce 6J>c«.$l Canned Pop Olin Health Center. Kroger Red Tart Pitted Furniture Pollth RACKETS- ™ Zutaut said that the campus had been plagued with more purse thefts this year than any other, and warned employes to take DRESSES - $650 ^ 79< Cherries Favor " precautionary measures. SHORTS - IOC OFF l He urged office personnel to lock their offices or desks, or to take their purses with them when they leave the office, and to LABEL J FRESHLIKE m notify the police of strangers who appear to loiter or to have no apparent business in the area. Tennis Lessons Available Gain Peas or In the event that any loss is suffered, Zutaut said, it should be reported immediately to his office. Up to five such thefts have occurred within a one-hour period, Zutaut reported, so that it is SPORTHAUS Detergent Corn important that the police be contacted as soon as possible. 2320 E. MICHIGAN Fre*hllke Carrot* or 10$ Off Label —Ap pi an Way Llbby Spinach 6 tfc0*;, $1 Pizza Mix 2 79< Catsup 25( HOW MUCH DOES GET IT NOW! Country Oven 99i Value-Hair Spray Kroger Regular or Honey Potato Chips ifiik'g 49< Aqua Net ft-fc 481 Graham Crackers 3 J'pfc v fruit Frethlike Pea* & Onion* or Kroger Mel O Soft IT COST TO USE Drink 4 o?c". $1 Corn'n Peppers 4 J/c2.*.$l Buttermilk Bread4$i°*$1 A TRAVEL AGENT? Washington Post L.A. Times WEEKLY Saturday Review Time Magazine Newsweek New Yorker Life and Many More We are paid by commission from the airlines, steamships, hotels, and tour companies. & hardbound I You pay the same price but j profit from our travel I knowledge and save valuable | time. I COMMUNITY 99< Delicious Filled With Honeydew Melons Sherbet-5 S,z'^. cd-oW ! COLLEGE TRAVEL NEWSCENTER Jumbo Rof re thing Tatty-S Site In Unit* LOCATION AT FRANDOR CENTER & MERIDIAN MALL Of 12 Each C. Casaba Melons e-*™ • (6 For 39i) Breakfatt Dellght-S Si mo Jumbo Phone 351-5446 OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Phone 351-7562 h 89t Persian Melons