Volcano . . . Friday MICHIGAN Sunn/ . . STATE STATE NEWS . . . and warm with a chance of occasional afternoon showers. A UNIVERSITY high of 88 degrees is expected. §i01.63, Number 38 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 14, 1970 V' $ Injunction request refused; trials of 132 By ROBERTA SMITH begin next week public safety; Jack Ostrander, manager of start at the beginning of next week. The State News Staff Writer indicated that MSU officials used the the Union and the MSU Board of Trustees 132 have been divided into 13 groups of arrests as a mere pretext for effective U.S. District Court were also denied by Judge Noel P. Fox Judge Fox. The six to 10 persons each. Mrs. Hodge said suppression of speech. Thursday denied a request by 132 persons remaining defendant is Raymond that the court would try to assign one day arrested in the MSU Union for a Scodeller, Ingham County prosecuting per week for these cases and that it would Fox said there was "no harrassment, preliminary injunction against prosecution attorney. take a minimum of two months to under a Michigan trespass statute. Action by Ingham County prosecutors intimidation, or oppression of these complete the trials. complainants in their efforts to exercise was The 132 plaintiffs, who were holding a pending the outcome of the Judge In his oponion, Judge Fox said, he could their constitutional right, but meeting of the Action Group to Combat Fox's ruling. East Lansing Municipal Court not agree with the plaintiff's contention they were arrested and they are Racism, were arrested when they failed to Clerk Verna Hodge said that trials would that a combination of several factors being prosecuted in leave the Union by the 11 p.m. closing time. (please ti o page 11) Tlie 132 filed the federal suit against University and county officials, charging that the actions of police and University officials were instituted purpose of discouraging the exercise of their first amendment MSU loitering ordinance is both solely for the rights, and that the JMC to replace vague and overbroad and thus unconstitutional. Judge Fox abstained from making a decision on the custody of the unconstitutionality of the MSU loitering ordinance and retained case. The state elected not to prosecute the with written evaluations plaintiffs under the MSU ordinance, and will try them only under the state law. Fox to change its system of student evaluation responses of real people," the report said this fact alone would "not for a period of time, as an experiment, and continued. necessarily to substitute for preclude decision of the vagueness issue Justin Morrill the numerical scale a The system will not affect eligibility for College (JMC) will institute but that there is no evidence that the use starting fall term a two - year experimental system that will not only reflect but scholarships, teacher certification, of this ordinance has hindered the valid system of individualized written evaluation encourage more unique and individualized admission to Honors College or other exercise of constitutional rights." to replace the numerical responses of students to the academic honorary - scholastic organizations. system used by He added that there was "no indication the remainder of the challenges presented within the college." At the end of the experimental period of future harassment, and that there was a University. Only "pass" or "no credit" will be JMC students, faculty and administrators, The report said that the committee did strong likelihood that MSU together with the Office of Evaluation Hot line reconsider the text of the would loitering recorded on the MSU transcript for courses a JMC student takes within JMC. A brief not seek less evaluation but more and better evaluation. The numerical method Services, will evaluate the effectiveness and ordinance." feasibility of the system and make their I Military personnel at the Pentagon's National explanatory note will accompany this is "inappropriate for the varied and unique Military Command Motions for dismissal by defendant Glen indicating the nature of the new grading findings known to the University. I Center keep the Washington end of the "hot line" teleprinter circuit to Perry of the Michigan State Police, and a system. The evaluation system will be a | Moscow in operation. The Defense Dept. Thursday permitted newsmen o view the center for the first time. request for a summary judgment by defendants Clifton Wharton Jr., president joint effort of students and faculty. (See story page 6) AP Wirephoto However, there will a numerical grade of MSU; Richard O. Bernitt. director of point average for courses taken by the student outside the JMC curriculum. IT MSA CONGRESS « The decision to adopt. the written evaluation system was finalized in June by the University Curriculum Committee. The proposal was composed and introduced by the JMC Curriculum Committee, composed of five students and five faculty members Antiwar tactics planned from JMC. During a student's last term in JMC a profile of competencies summarizing his work will be prepared. By JOHN BORGER Copies of the State News Staff Writer workshops was radical Rennie Davis. Davis' demonstrators to block access to profile will be given to the student and to speech Wednesday night, which advocated Washington, D.C., to prevent national the college to be kept on file so that it can ■ST. PAIL, Minn — In an emergency national teach-in for fall, as leaders from entering and to workshops and generally stop be made available to the public at the ■formal rap sessions Thursday, well as direct action against the war the entire process of national government. " delegates request of the student. the National Students Assn. machine, formed the basis for much of the The action is scheduled for May 1, 1971. (NSA) A release put out by the JMC Curriculum is began to hammer discussion. "We'll publicize our plans well in out policies for Committee stated that it believes "it is ' actions this fall. "Richard Nixon must be stopped," Davis (please turn to page 11) said Wednesday. "Richard Nixon must important and responsible for the college IA dominant force throughout the down in history as a loser. go "Vietnajp has got to be the priority in agenda for this fall. It is in the interests award our to of this generation that Vietnam win." Davis said the national teach-in would Vetoed $4.4 (ettlement include direct closed circuit connections between National Liberation Front (NLF) representatives in Paris and TV high school and college in the reopproved every country. The teach-in he said, would also Nader suit include Black , Panther Huey speaking on the situation in America's Newton WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon The agencies financed in the larger bill [DETROIT (UPI) °"e"" — General Motors and internal colonies. Another segment would examine key political trials which Davis more - than broke even on two big veto are receiving operating funds now through most persistent critics, consumer battles in the House Thursday, winning on an emergency bill which expires on Oct. called "part of Nixon's plan to win the war _ Ralph Nader, announced an $18 billion bill and losing on a $4.4 15. ■jursday they had agreed to settle Nader's by intimidating antiwar leaders." billion measure. In these latest two vetoes last Tuesday, million invasion of The teach-in would be part of a massive privacy suit against The House re-passed and sent to the the President said the aggregate increase of ■ for $425,000. Among other things. "people assembly" in local communities to Senate the $4.4 billion appropriation bill almost a billion dollars in the bills was r had charged GM hired girls to entrap plan antiwar strategies, Davis said. for the Office of Education for the present inflationary and could drive up prices or "Now is not the time to work within a fiscal year. It will become law over the make a tax hike necessary. B^tuartannounced M- -^peiser, the the lawyer for Nader system that is hurling itself towards President's objections if the Senate follows Nixon vetoed the education bill because settlement, said Nader disaster," Davis told the congress delegate. the House lead and gives it a two - thirds Congress put $453 million more into it ft, to "se the proceeds of the K/u"1' after lef*a' ^ees and exPenses "The war will be ended by disrupting the institutions on which the war is based. vote of approval. The $18 billion bill financing the Dept. than he requested. Much of the extra money was for elementary and secondary Historian font deducted- to help establish a "This time around, we act to cut the war of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Veterans education programs and for aid to schools Mrs. Blanche Coggan of East Lansing shows State News Staff Writer ■oi '-nUous !pJ>a' monitoring of General lines that feed this sick genocide." Administration and a score of smaller crowded by children of federal workers. Jeanne Saddler some of the materials she E rs activities in the safety, pollution has collected as part of her Instead of peace marchers and agencies was killed by the House vote "Congress is not spending more." said studies of the Underground Railroad ■"consumer relations area." candlelight processions Davis called for Majority Leader Carl Albert, D-Okla.. and the black history that is sustaining the President's veto. It does not closely linked with it. go to the Senate. "Congress is spending more wisely." State News photo by Dick Warren ChildBy JEANNE SADDLER slave tended Sarah Shaw caretaker of Shaw farms. Their son. Mat Den' wned brickyard in Mason, The third book will concern what was Associate Campus Editor Lyons Jr. continued his father's work. cording to Mrs. Coggan, and showed the known as the Old Northwest Territory, "Legend has it," Mrs. Coggan said, "that residents there how to make bricks. which includes Michigan. It was "the first the mother, Merrie Patterson, later married In m,,i\f'avemaster decided to sell his an African prince who had gained his "The dark people brought the art of making bricks to America," Mrs. Coggan land set aside, by law, for freedom," according to Mrs. Coggan. fcvnnn! ? child awfly from her mother. freedom after he came to this country." explained. B'elino ,l B'rl and the baby escaped, Tricked away from his African The brickyard is located near Mason The Research Assn. for Michigan Negro Piigan Underground Railroad into motherland by slave - dealers, the prince, General Hospital. History has worked with Mrs. Coggan for whom they named Frank Demas. abhorred Mrs. Coggan's accounts of the last few years, and at their September Mahaly Patterson Lyons, escaped slaves slavery and eventually escaped. The first and conductors on the Underground meeting will announce two new award:; >w f9n,, her ,ife working for the mention of the prince in any historical Railroad weave through every county and established as a result of her work. rmer ^ hoaded by Sidney Shaw, records is found in the Midwest. many small towns in Michigan. After 12 The awards will honor Prior Foster, a iman Plesident <>( MSU. As an older Believing his story, four men drew up years of work, she has written three black educator who influenced the |olaterk Carf'd for V°ung Sarah Shaw. official freedom papers for the prince. volumes on the history of founding of MSU. The Prior Foster Perrie Pl,!fme Mrs. John Hannah. Alfred W. Hynes and Abner T. Hendricks slavery in the world and in America, which will be ■veieH tha ler.son, the child's mother. Institute. The institute was one of escaped slave's great - granddaughter, Alta, Scholarship and the Prior Foster Plaque for of Kentucky, James E. Blythe of Indiana published soon. Educational Achievement will be presented Bio Rjv„ ra'lroad north as far as the Michigan's first integrated schools. who died recently. and Thomas V. Moore of Pennsylvania "The first volume deals with the at their She was also given some information by history Sept. 17 meeting. Tnl!s of ia t'len crossed the river on Blanche Coggan, an East Lansing signed the document. of slavery from the time of Abraham," Students who are interested in Foster's P was JI,When she cached Adrian, historian who traced the history of the Mrs. Hannah, who remembered Mahaly Mrs. Coggan now has the original copy of Mrs. Coggan said, "and the second is about story may obtain the booklet written by Bviland I ' n ^ WUak«s who Laura and Charles railroad throughout Michigan, learned Patterson Lyons from her early childhood. the papers, given to her by the prince's the history of slavery in the U.S. before the Mrs. Coggan from Rodney Watts in the owned the Raisin Merrie Patterson's story by talking to the Mahaly married Matthew Lyons who was granddaughter. Civil War." Work • Studv office 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news A/l/ss. shooting g !■ 1 * -tiim A yl by police Bl summary as Stati ; Gov. lit the 1 JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A crowd began moving toward and ammunition. jugs at Mississippi Highway Patrol officers just before the shooting "That's the most unusual kind official said Thursday that law had been disputed earlier during of regulation I've ever heard," officers were justified in firing into a women's dormitory at Jackson State College May 14. the three days of hearings, by Jackson Police Lt. W.M. Magtv who said the crowd was moving said James Ahern, chief of police at New Haven, Conn. "I know of no other police department in thi but he conceded there was no away. the country that allows that." need to fire into a crowd in Jones said no one on his all Charles Snodgrass, .O "Congress is not spending more. front of the dormitory. Inspector Lloyd Jones, the toward Negroes. white force held ill feeling administrative assistant of the highway patrol refused to MP Congress is spending more ranking state trooper on the "If we had wanted to hurt answer questions about the all - wisely." scene the night two young anybody or shoot anybody or white makeup of the patrol on House Majority Leader Negroes were killed and 13 kill anybody we could have left advice of his lawyer. He said this Carl Albert, D-Okla. injured, said he saw a sniper fire 200 or 300 of them lying there." was because of a pending lawsuit ii two shots from the third floor of he said. attacking the all - white nature (Stor sage I) the dormitory. Two members of the of the force. Jones told the President's commission, which finished its Replying to a question Commission on Campus Unrest he was preparing to attempt to were hearings here shortly after noon, Snodgrass said he would not Pollution sharply critical of a recommend that patrolmen disperse the crowd of 250-300 highway patrol policy brought enter future similar incidents less State News Photographer John Harrington floated down the Red Cedar River last week in a black students with tear gas out in testimony allowing the heavily armed than they were at canoe to catch glimpses of trash and drainage systems that are contributing to the pollution of when his men opened fire. use of privately owned weapons Jackson State. the campus waterway. Jones said he saw no need for men although he did not give the order to fire. "There is no doubt in my International News begins deliberation today mind that some of us would Israel accused the Egyptians Thursday of violating the fragile Middle Hast ceasefire by moving Soviet - made have been killed down there," he said. discipline "I see a man no reason for saving his to ury missiles closer to the Suez Canal and demanded that the own life." United States ask for their withdrawal. Jones insisted that officers ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The judgment and a rush for petite girl was last seen riding off the law and after two of the Collins June 23, 1969 that h I There hints that Israel might postpone opened fire only after being P™secution said in its closing judgment against a background on a motorcycle driven by seven men and seven women tortured, sexually abused were fired on from the dormitory and ar£uments Thursday that John in which a community Collins; and that she was have been eliminated by lot. killed her that same dav it appointment of a delegate to the Mideast peace talks if from their rear. One of the Norman Collins was guilty of demanded a solution, chief tortured and killed in the Collins, 23, a former English basement of his vacationU the missiles are not pulled back. Negro youths killed was near the first " de£rpe murder in the said defense attorney Joseph Louisell in his summation. basement of Collins' uncle's major at Eastern Michigan uncle's home in Ypsilanti- tto dormitory, the other across the s,ay'n& of a coed- The defense said in his summation. "And it wasn't a search for home while he was on vacation. University In adjacent Ypsilanti, some of her blood was found i Hanoi announced Thursday that its chief negotiator. street behind the troopers said was 'nnocent. "And it wasn t a search for "As heinous and brutal and is "An hoitmne >ni< -•><< 1- charged -1 with~ finrt degree « _i»«. a. the w-.basement; and that hi! "I Collins' arrest and the charges justice and truth; it was a search unjustifiable the death of found position rv»"."c' as murder in the torture • sex on her panties came fro Xuan Tliuy. will return soon to the Vietnam peace talks A statement by Jones that the aSa'nst him to justify the conclusions Karen Sue Beineman was, it slaying of Miss Beineman, 18, an that basement, in Paris, raising the prospect that the talks may soon reached," he added. would be an equal travesty of EMU freshman ftom Grand Louisell has attacked t The prosecution said it had justice for an innocent man to emerge from their month - old doldrums. Rapids. She was the last of seven credibility of prosecution! proved beyond all reasonable be found guilty in that death," young women slain under similar witnesses; tried to establish aJ At the present time. North Vietnamese spokesman The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State doubt that Collins was guilty. Louisell said. circumstances in the Ann Arbor alibi for Collins; questioned thel Nguyen Thanh Le re-emphasized Hanoi's basic University, is published every class day during four school Using common sense, or "Our job is over. Your job terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. - Ypsilanti area In a two - year blood indentification; 1 condition for any approach to settlement: total and applying reasonable doubt, is it begins. It is not job," Subscription rate is $14 per year an easy period. No one Is charged in the produced three scientists « unconditional withdrawal and a coalition regime in possible to believe there were Louisell's partner Neil Fink said, other deaths said the hair on the girl's pam two men dressed the same way, The jury will begin Saigon that includes Viet Cong representatives. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Through his 50 witnesses, did not come from the! riding a motorcycle in the same deliberating the verdict today, Delhey wght to show that Miss basement. I Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, area at the same time who had Northern Ireland's religious rioters, some limping from Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press after Washtenaw County Circuit Beineman rode off on the back Louisell decided Wednesday! legal access to a house where Judge John Conlin instructs it In of a motorcycle driven bv not to put Collins on the stand! rubber bullets and coughing from gas. went into hiding Association. United States Student Press Association. barbering was performed and ■ where a spot of type A blood Thursday and abandoned the battle - littered streets of Second class postage paid at East l.ansing, Michigan. was found?" Washtenaw County Londonderry to patroling British troops. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Prosecutor William Delhey asked The Army, again the victors in the continuing battle Building, Michigan State University. East Lansing, the jury. of the Roman Catholic Bogside district, pulled down Michigan. In his one • hour closing barbed wire barricades and cut back armed squads patroling the street. Phones: Editorial Classified Advertising 355 8252 355-8255 argument, Delhey went step - by - step through the testimony of his 50 witnesses. Tate witness He said they had shown Display Advertising 353-6400 Collins was riding a motorcycle LOS ANGELES hotel she In a written statemenl Business-Circulation (AP) - Linda undisclosed 355-3447 in the area where Karen Sue accompanying Kasabian, who testified that continued on the witness stand Photographic 355-8311 Beineman disappeared; the members of Charles M. Manson's for the 14th day. Her testimony Manson said, "Several time! National News hippie - style family killed is not expected to end until next daily I am forced to complete™ disrobe to nudity then forced tl Sharon Tate and six others week, The Justice Dept. will see that more than 400 during two murder forays, dress, becoming alternatively Her attorney said Mrs. nude and dressed southern school districts desegregating this fall comply gained her freedom Thursday. Kasabian probably soon will frequently as six or seven times! with the law. Atty. Gen. John Mitchell said Thursday, Murder conspiracy charges head East. Mrs. Kasabian and her day each of my body cavities if and any complaints will be handled promptly. were >ed dropped last Monday husband, have been subpoenaed searched." Mitchell restated that there are no plans to send a task against pigtailed Mrs. Kasabian, by the defense, but are allowed He added that he 1 force of lawyers or marshals into the South to help 21, who has been the state's star 48 hours to come here if called, attorney are forced to interne! monitor the desegregation process. witness at the trial of Manson Manson, 35, meanwhile prospective witnesses through I and three girl disciples. She complained of "unjust and heavy screen that makes vi ' testified she went along on the barbaric treatment" in jail. He difficult, and that a deputy $it| Electric power needs are threatening to run a collision so near he even can overhea| course with the nation's demands for clean air, the whispers. chairman of the Federal Power Commission said Joining him in the motioi Thursday. were defendants Susan Atkini 21, Patricia Krenwinkel, 22,nil "I may be necessary to defer environmental standards Leslie Van Houten, 20. to meet our energy standards." John N. Nassikas told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee. Vice President Agnew will make a nine - day tour of ONE Eastern and Southeastern Asia later this month "to demonstrate the President's continuing personal interest HOUR in that part of the world." the White House announced Student's budget Thursday. SERVICE Agnew will visit South Korea, the Republic of China, Thailand and South Vietnam. H HI-FI £ast Lansing BUYS 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 LOUISI CLEANERS I Michigan News E GRAND RIVERj Gov. Milliken has signed a bill to permit imposition of a five per cent utility users' tax by the City of Detroit. Milliken said Thursday he signed the bill "because it is Free requested by the He source mayor and administration of the City of Detroit and because it is necessary to approximately balance the City of Detroit budget for the coming fiscal year." said, however. "1 do not consider this to be a wholly satisfactory solution revenue to the Delivery ON CAMPUS VrttfeCaBS# Ptea. Treat problems of the urban area or the city." CALL f uneral services were pending for prominent west 337-1681 OFF CAMPUS Michigan historian and author Willis Dunbar, 68, who died Wednesday of an apparent heart attack while CALL 337-1631 vacationing in Petoskey. Dunbar, a Western Michigan University professor and member of the Michigan Historical Commission, was an author, former radio commentator and former vice EASY CREDIT TERMS! mayor of Kalamazoo. •fr 10% Discount to MSU Students I lie United Auto Workers and General Motors said fhursday they will exchange contract termination notices shortly as required to end their Meridian Mall three - year labor contract at midnight Sept. 14. George Morris, director of labor relations for GM, said this is a "procedural thing" and does not represent any deterioration in the current new contract negotiations. I lie UAW's current three - the Bijj lhree midnight Sept. 14. year contracts with all of GM. l ord and Chrysler ' expire at FOX'S Direct Dimond Importers '203 S. Washington Frandor Lansing Mall Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Milliken hits o.. iffFSHELER wJEFFSHELER open ■ drucj use State New« Staff Writtr Fe«tiyal was said. "But I'm absolutely a lot of bloodshed," he said. timing of the charees there Milliken said Thursday anj u f a1. intolerable, determined to stop this open He said police were in the park "could very well have been a „t ;hP open thp the ooen sale and use of sale and i ^1Hhe toPled*ed could to prevent it do allfromhe drug traffic and peddling. It's an gathering information on drug appalling thing." partisan motWatlon" fw thJ Lp at last weekend's Goose happening again in Michigan. Milliken said he has law violations during the festival attacks. 0rth® Im not directed He added that further arrests can Milliken said he anticiDate* saying there will the State Police to a develop all be expected. "good camDaien" aSd said hp it hHid "Mult wa^to^'th1'. 'i* evidence. they possibly can Milliken terms "regrettable" children ® i L . ls put to to bring charges cP"vi?tlons" for and drug get law the recent charges that his opposition to a proposed Cassius "very optimistic" November election "However, as I about have the said , # P' violations at the Goose Lake Clay - Joe Frazier boxing match before, I am taking absolutely mii/am Milliken told newsmen he ^va1, in Michigan was based on racial nothing for granted," he said Ut? \JIYdl realized the Goose Lake Festival, |.he governor denied that discrimination. He said he is "not coine to which drew an audience of P°lice authorities at the festival Clay, otherwise known as change or become a about 200,000 young package persons, fal,ed to do their job by not Muhammed Ali, was stripped of candidate" to appease brea Ic fasts was apparently the peaceful" rock festival to date. "most enterinB the park to make arrests. his heavy weight champ title in 1967 when he refused induction conservative wing of the The state's the party, conservative "1 think rock totiv.1. ,re . of black students will have |A group developed into an inflaming attempt by Detroit „• «'°ng breakfast program for ^ idea without the d™88. he situation and could have caused promoters to allow Clay to fight Frazier in the showing in the between Mrs. Lenore close Senate race liidren at the West Side Motor City, despite opposition and conservative Romney state *0 m Center beginning from the Michigan Boxing Robert Huber of Troy. Sen. Inday. The program will be Commission, was unsuccessful. When asked if he would offer Lsored and coordinated by "It Is regrettable that charges of Huber a position on the state e Black United Front (BUF). racism would be made , BUF members who will against a ticket Milliken said he would not state official," Milliken said. "It speculate, Irticipate have received their is a great disservice to the fact "You be assured that the Louis t Kod handling cards and food that in this state we have taken positions can the state ballot will Irmit from the Ingham County great steps toward Insuring equal go to on the Gov. Milliken attended the Joe Louis tribute in Detroit Wednesday night He is shown with Mrs (aith Dept. BUF was granted rights for all people." most Individuals for the positions " qualified Louis at she extends a hand in greeting to Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs. Louis was i to run the program He said that, hospitalized, unable to attend the program. L 90 days on a trial basis by considering the Milliken said. State News photo by Dick Warren L park Board Wednesday, fceorge Fleming and Sybil coordinators of the 400 MEN NEEDED logram, said that the project is V of BUF's community lolvement program. They plan [continue serving breakfasts Jer round. y - four rationale is," Fleming Ingry "that children during the need adequate food in the aren't just' school year; By U September "should be approximately the April." coll Kalamazoo, 17; Kent. 11; Lake. Oceana. 1: Ogemaw. same, though they will fluctuate "As of Aug. 31, the shortages 2; Livingston. 3; Luce, 1: Michigan Draft Director Col. a little." Ontonagon, 5: Otsego, e students plan to serve a Arthur A. Holmes said should have been filled," he said. Macomb, 37: Manistee. 1; Ottawa. 8: Thursday He said one Roscommon. u of cold cereal, milk, and the draft call of 400 men issued reason the According to Holmes, the Marquette, 4: Mecosta. 2; September call is so Saginaw. 8; St. Joseph. i or fruit and toast. They for September is the lowest call much boards have been instructed not Menominee. 6: Midland. 6; smaller than that of recent Sanilac. 3; Shiawassee, Iped to serve about 75 of the year. months is that "in some of the to select registrants with random Monroe, 4; Montcalm, 5; Tuscola, 1: Van Buren, ■ldren per day. Holmes said the figures for the sequence numbers above 150. Muskegon. 1; Oakland. 36; Washtenaw. 10: Wexford. 1. recent calls we had to make BUF sponsored two dances up How nder remaining months of 1970 shortages from January through term, one on campus and executive order, the boards have the west side community been authorized to induct RENAULT n . any Jraise funds for the breakfast available registrant who has fcroughout They plan raising monthly dances the year. Uhuru, Opponents urge failed to report for the armed forces physical examination. A total of 3,971 men will be >/£ tfiaGFSr BJR&AIV (limited, a black combo on ordered for physical ECONOMY CARS halt of dump plan Tnpus. has volunteered to play examinations in September to | the dances, determine their acceptability for itial financial support has Hit chin9 post induction. from the Black Business As usual, Wayne e County was n„ Friendship Baptist, A sign at the curb of a street in Cleveland, Ohio, was WASHINGTON (AP) given the highest quota to fill — While stevedores went methodically- lurch, the MSU Black Faculty appropriately placed in front of the Marriage License Dept. ahead with the with 119 men. loading of 418 nerve gas rockets aboard an old No quotas were set for J1 the Brothers and Sisters of of Probate Court, pointing out the "hitching post." Liberty ship, a federal judge was urged Thursday to halt the Alger. Widen Hall. State News photo by Bill Porteous Army's plan to sink the vessel with its deadly cargo at sea. Antrim, Baraga, Branch, Counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund Charlevoix, Cheboygan, argued before Crawford, Dickinson, Eaton, U.S. District Judge June L. Green in Washington that^ there are Emmet, Gladwin, Iosco, Isabella. better ways of disposing of the gas. The fund's lawyer, Lola Lee, contended the Kalkaska, Keweenaw. Lapeer, Army had given Leelanau, Lenawee, Mackinac. short notice of its plans and was acting on a "false assumption" Ma M i s 'o urt OKs petiti that a ship scuttled in 16,000 feet of water will not break before it reaches bottom. up Montmorency, Newaygo, *172S She challenged the Army's theory that the slow Osceola, Oscoda, Presque Isle. settling of the St. Clair and Schoolcraft vessel would be followed by a gradual By United Press fntcrnatioi jl Gen. Frank J. Kelley. breakup, due to ocean pressure, and would result in a slow leakage of the gas from the Quotas set for (he State Court of Appeals Thursday ordered "This court takes the above action upon its concrete caskets in which the rockets are enclosed. counties as were follows: other MICHIGAN'S NO. 1 Secretary of State's Office to begin own motion so as not to cause prejudice to either The Army's plan to tow the ship out to a point 282 miles east ;ssing petitions it has received to party in terms of timing in view of the of Cape Kennedy, Fla. and sink it next Alcona, 2; Allegan, 5: Alpena. place the Tuesday brought Florida's RENAULT 3; Arenac, 1; Barry, 3; Bay. 1 Jochaid question on the November ballot. forthcoming election," the ruling issued Gov. Claude Kirk into the case on Miss Lee's side. Benzie, 1; Berrien, 17; Calhoun DEALER t issued the order so that if it decides Thursday said. "However, the true validity and While Judge Green heard the arguments, the loading of the gas 5; Cass, 5; Chippewa, Clare, 1 prIdthebequestion should be on the ballot, there sufficiency of the petitions is a question vaults aboard the surplus Liberty ship LeBaron Russell Briggs e no procedural roadblocks to doing so. Appeals Court said it will make a final specifically saved for determination by this court at a later date." went forward at Sunny Point, N.C. The vaults were being lowered into the ship's hold by two 50 • Clinton, 1; Delta, 3; Genesee 13; Gogebic, 4; Grand Traverse 8; Gratiot, 3; Hillsdale. 1 SPORTS CAR CENTER jion on the validity of the petitions after Kelley's opinion said the wording of the foot cranes, which lifted them gingerly from the trains that 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 482-122G ■ring oral arguments from both sides in the amendment proposed by the petitions would Houghton, 4; Huron, 1; Ingham "ition Monday. brought them east from arsenal in Kentucky and Alabama.- 5; Ionia, 1; Iron. 1; Jackson. 2 Open Mon. & Thurs. Til 9 Overseas Delivery An. conflict with several sections of the constitution Col. Robert D. Reid, Sunny Point commander, said the » State Board of loading Canvassers ruled earlier the and that it is therefore not legal because it makes should be completed today or early Saturday. > submitted to put the proposal to no effort to resolve the conflicts. On Sunday, commercial tugs are due go start ■w parochiaid on the November ballot were He said the hauling the rusty wording makes it "impossible for a old hulk seaward toward Come to the a watery grave. pllythedrawn in and that ballot. Its the proposal should not signer to said petition to know with any degree of certainly exactly what amendment was Army chemical experts say the obsolete gas must be disposed of decision concurred with an as soon as possible because it is believed to be er opinion leaking and might on the matter issued by Atty. proposed by said petition." seep into the rocket propellents, with a chance of detonation. ROM THE TOP KIN GRAND OPENING ''m (3u itting ,he Clothing during the week Business of August 16 - 22 To Expand My Gant Shirts Corbin Trousers featuring 30 Varities ** 50% OFF 40% OFF of Italian Sub Sandwiches Alteration on you COLLECTION BLUE DIAMONDS IN tHE Here FIVE MOST WANTED SHAPES Alan Paine Sweaters Sportcoats and are five beautiful ways to pop the Raincoats a .. 9uestion. From our special folio of ection Blue diamonds —selected for their outstanding ' e fine color. All in 18 karat Vm NOW 10.00 ecirP\ NEOPOLITAN PIZZA gold. From the top: Round cut, $395 By the tray or by the slice herald Marquise, cut, $475. Oval, $550 Pear, $675 $750. Others from $150 Sperry Top-Sider Canvas Shoes 20% OFF HOURS; Mon. - Thurs. 11-1 Fri. & Sat. 40" Square Pizza 20" Square Pizza S3.50 11-2 $1.75 Sub Villa Special 40% qFF Watcbstraps Sun. 3-11 40' pizza with all the trimmings S5.00 MORGANSJewelers Since 1876 Socks (Free piece of pizza with each sub) 121 S. Washington Meridian Mall • Lansing FOH TIIV MAN WHO HAS TWO OF KVEHYTI HNCOHTHK MAN WIIO IIAS NOTllINf; AV« WANTS TO (. ICT STAHTEO: < :ampbeu's| suburban shop 321 (AST GRAND RIVER 4980 NORTHWIND DRIVE Ph. 351-4731 • Eesl Lansing EAST LANSING, MICH. 4M23 (across from Yankee Store where - Big Al's used to be) MICHIGAN TKRRY SMITH STATE NEW! Liberal solutions hurt migrants UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE One of the American economic advertising manager pressing problems of the day SUcc foreigners know what the Coke for which there seems to be practical is than what the L! KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor unanimity about a solution is what to do Coke probably American flap u l 11 for the migrant worker. The migrant employs LARRY LEE, city editor around the world than JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor worker is a major contributor to the business any other a H JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor Michigan farm economy, and his problems enterprise But recall*" are clearly Michigan's problems. It is not leftwing premise that success economic success, is n 18 ' quite so clear that his problems demand immoral t ?J that Coke's of the Pacemaker award liberal solutions. achievements' disreputable, and that Coke's al l Six-time recipient The American liberal establishment, nr!! 1 for outstanding journalism. sincere in its concern for the migrant's low therefore boycottable. Pr°duct ■ pay and poor housing, has obtained federal Second, Coke is a n™, I and state legislation to improve migratory commodity. No one NEEns^i housing and is seeking legislation to include Therefore, because the EDITORIALS the migrant in a minimum wage - eligible produces something that does benefit mankind Coca-Cola , not d'l job classification. In the process it is forcing the Michigan farmer to mechanize (disregard the fact employs hundreds of thousands of L 1 w| his farm, eliminating thousands of jobs. Coke has no social conscience Who is the liberal really helping, then? Utl'UTlOW That's a potent combo: an immor,: ■ boyt0u'ul Rationale, And who is he hurting? Consider the amoral industry. Wow, let's comments of Milton Friedman on this never again drink Coke and make subject appearing in the July 27 Isaue of nobody else does either by settin. 1 Newsweek: cherry bombs in the coin return "Farmers clearly hurt. Hie cost of the vending machines. And slot,„fl this is J are migrant labor has been raised. That is why we'll eventually ABMs as pok they are mechanizing. The machines limit the rise In cost but do not eliminate it. accomplish: 1) We'll raise the price of Coke point where nobody will want to to J ■ Costs would be lower if farmers could hire buy j Never let it be said that warfare is migrant labor on terms ^that would be mutually satisfactory to them and the 2) Since nobody will Coke won't want to make want to buv J not good for the economy. In laborers. But they are not permitted to do Ml will have to lay off or fire its much of i J least skill, passing a bill Wednesday to expand so. or fahms workers, so , antiballistic missile the system "Consumers are clearly hurt. At the 3) In our great humanitarian boycotting Coke, we will be gesture J (ABM) the Senate promised U.S. higher costs, less food will be harvested, so making food prices higher than they that Coke dismiss thousands demandil defense contractors up to $50-billion skilled workers who will, of serail our In J otherwise would be. The American liberal establishment. more business. Why they did so is . . by "Migrant workers are clearly hurt. It is return to the cotton has obtained fields not immediately clear. small comfort to an unemployed migrant . . . legislation to improve unemployment office. We or i need not en From its conception, ABM has worker to know that, if he could get a job, migratory housing and is seeking think about the thousands in Africa mi promised to be the greatest white he would have better housing.. legislation to include the migrant in a Asia for whom bottling and distribute "True, the housing formerly available minimum wage • eligible job classification. Coke is perhaps the only elephant and government alternative J may have been most unsatisfactory by our In the process it is forcing the Michigan subsistence farming. 1 boondoggle this nation and the standards. However, the migrant workers Isn't It marvelous what farmer to mechanize his farm, eliminating fine tniiu world has ever known. ABM has liberals do In the been rationalized in a myriad ways clearly regarded It, plus the accompanying thousands of jobs. humanity? Of name of helpl jobs, as the best alternatives available to course, was one of the more ludicrous the Coke boycol by an administration that frequently them, else why did they flock to Michigan? sideshows J "It Is certainly desirable that they have the whole May strike carnival and changes explanation themes. better alternatives available to them, but therefore be dismissed out of hand, ci In the beginning ABM was billed as neither Isolated nor aberrant behavior. until they do, how are they helped by The migrant worker "solution" is moil the Great American Protector. Great Friedman's analysis reminds one of a eliminating alternatives, however problematic, however, because it, and th] population centers, it was claimed, unsatisfactory, that are now available? "The harm Is far less visible, much more similar Issue, perhaps even doser to home other programs which continually pop ot would be made safe from the That is simply biting off their noses to save than the migrant laborer: the of that great liberal bag of indirect, much harder to connect with the Coca-Cola boycott of last spring. campus tricks, li nefarious designs of the Soviets. If our faces. regularly done harm to the people tl course just to maintain the balance good • hearted action. Besides, the harm is "Producers of mechanized farm Those who supported the boycott would were supposed to rescue. the Russkies launched a sneak attack of terror. Never mind the overkill. mostly to someone else." equipment are helped by having a larger have us believe that by not Maybe someday it will dawn - and "everybody" knows that that drinking on II This argument finally won a narrow market The only other people who are This is a serious Indictment of the liberal America's favorite we would be that the unfortunate among us will . . . striking a is the sort of thing that Soviets and grudging Senate approval - not helped are the do-gooders responsible for approach to problem - solving, and were it blow for anti imperialism, justice, be uplifted by government isolated aberration of an otherwise patronizing. would do - then our good American least of all because Congress had, this type of legislation and for these an equality and a hot lunch for orphans. What The liberal's welfare state destroys effects. They have the high • minded sensible way of doing things, it would REALLY behind the Coke boycott? thg rockets would be there to sweep after all. promised the military that was ability of people to help themselves. Onil their atomic armada from the sky. satisfaction of promoting a noble cause. perhaps be excusable. Quite obviously, it is First, Coke is the international symbol of people can help people help themselves. they could have this new toy. After which, of course, we would Since that decisive vote last 'dust off Russia with a few hundred the White House has been negatons of our own summer, casting about for a way to whip an AP NEWS ANALYSIS This argument held sway just long unwilling Congress into building enough for somebody to point out more nuclear pyramids for Pharoh U.S. help delights Cambodians that ABM just could not be truly Richard. When the Strategic Arms efficient with present levels of Limitation Talks (SALT) finally got technology And even if we started, the administration saw its could knock a significant majority of big chance and went for the jugular. enemy missiles out of the sky. it EDITOR'S NOTE: The following news Poker chip Officially, Cambodia has adopted the commanders in Vietnam have always said would not mean a grearcli working with rare Etruscan Economics 899 and 999, both answered the call. and Italian wine," commented and caused extended absenci^1 Giacomo director Leopardi, ubiquitous of the University's AVENIDA CAURIMARE COLINAS DE BELLO MONTE manuscripts in Abruzzo, Italy. research courses. His research is financed by the Leopardi first came to the His former superiors have Adrian Jaffee, currently dean MSU some community to membe^ J? J** ■ praised Leopardi. of the faculties, at Kirkland qu Estruscan languages program, CARACAS■VENEZUELA Lopresti Foundation of Holt, an University in the early 60s after existence, a seamen» . "He's a combination of great College, Clinton, N.Y. Jaffee was apparently has an entire college named in his honor. organization which prefers to he met former President Hannah keep its work unpublicized at a poetry conference in classicist with an formerly director of MSU's University supported University's top p0sl hirnlj dut Colegia Giacomo Leopardi was because "being so close to a Constantinople. Hannah urged uncompromising dedication to comparative literature program, search for a new pr^"^ examination book bearing the surprised that Leopardi has a the land grant philosophy. He's in which Leopardi also worked. discovered by Walter Adams, large campus, we'd be inundated Leopardi to bring culture to the summer. - school's name and address: school named after him. In his professor of economics and for philanthropoidargess." "Letters Avenida Caurimare, Colinas de "Without President" column former MSU president, while Bello Monte, Caracas, demeaning colleagues," he said, "1 think it my Often described as "the last Adams last S1 % attending a seminar in Caracas, Renaissance man." Leopardi has responded to a Venezuela. is safe to say that Leopardi has Venezuala, in April. Adams' first indication of the However, Adams said he never the greatest international ranged far afield of Etruscan concerning persidential qualifications Leop.JJ? the school itself, and does reputation of any faculty languages in his University ' school's existence was a school saw services. "Giacomo Leopardi has lon> not know when it was founded. member." served bus bearing Leopardi's name. Adams said he was not Leopardi has been from Last spring term, for example. the - and with distinetiT1 Later, he obtained an away Leopardi was listed in the on unofficial faculiv "» h»SU'h has headed "'ndeij said- nroarZ our Etruscan languages, whjch Kremlin-Pentagon received little attention but in some regions |0ca? of yJ enjoys the highest repute, approbation. "Whi|e it is against „ literary Principles to deprecate relays a rani and • file professor 1 confess that Dr. simply not Leopardi spent enough fmeon J this campus to be able star lu deal WASHINGTON (API - The so do we," said Air Force Capt. On first glance, the room general or rear admiral in could charge. effectively with the multifarious Pentagon took the wraps off its Robert Makinen. pass for the corporate constituencies of the The hot line is not, as some headquarters of a big steel Surrounding the Current presidential supersecret war room Thursday Action Center are various rooms office -i.e., restless students, with a message to Moscow at 10 believe, a telephone. It is similar company or insurance firm. contentious to the teletypes used by the Pentagon reporters given a housing elaborate faculty. i,arasM(| a.m. quoting Robert Frost's communications equipment. administrators, cantankerous news services. The Washington tour of the room found no poem, "Desert Places." trustees, inquisitive An hour earlier the Kremlin end is not in the White House. It dimly lit rooms with huge With a few exceptions, the legislator, and the muckraking State is located inside the Pentagon's plotting boards. briefing room for the Joint News cabled Washington a short story ' 'Leopardi's Chiefs of Staff resembles a greatest about birch trees. National Military Command There was no air of tension, no contribution will continue to Center where Makinen and other corporate board room. be The messages, sent every hour, alarms, bells or buzzers. research and controversial. They are Russian language experts stand Men worked quietly to the Tight security is evident. A scholarship rather are never than top level used to test the Washington - by 24 hours a day to relay any sound of music in the Current ramrod stiff guard stands - administration," Adams concluded. actual crisis message to the Action Center where the outside. A bell chimes pleasantly Moscow hot line, installed in Despite his frequent absences when a door opens and lights 1963 so the American president closely guarded command post, Pentagon keeps track of crises, Leopardi has been known to could be in instant touch with where the Joint Chiefs of Staff ranging from a revolution in splash on a red security condition board and green Heads lawyers quietly slip into town for an the Soviet premier during times keep in touch with American South America to a tidal wave or Academic Senate forces around the world, is a far suspended from the ceiling. meeting and of crisis. earthquake in the Pacific. Edward L. Wright, right, of Little Rock, Ark., confers Wednesday with outgoing American Bar sign his name on the faculty cry from the fantasy depicted in The center is staffed around Another electronic board "The Russians like to illustrate Assn. president Bernard G. Segal. Wright is the new president of the association. attendance sheet. the movie "Dr. Strangelove." the clock, always with a one - shows the readiness condition of the beauty of their language and U.S. forces AP Wirephoto and a missile PROGRAM INFORMATION SM-iW* detector. OPEN AT 7:30 CARTOON AT DUSK DESEGREGATION TALKS • "If a missile registers." explained Adm. Thomas H. Now! All Color Moorer, chairman of the JSC, the call men on duty "immediately Nixon, aides due in South people. They don't ask questions." MONSTERS 200 FEET TALL WEIGHING 55 MILLION TONS THUNDER ACROSS THE SCREEN! NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Nixon and three Cabinet government can assist school districts in their effects to achieve a GIMT EXCITEMENT! GIMTnffiDRf members seek to smooth the way for stepped • up school unitary system this fall in the massive desegregationprogram desegregation next month by meeting today with biracial citizen Meeting with the President Friday afternoon will be prominent groups from seven southern states. black and white citizens from North Carolina, South Carolina,] Several of the advisory groups have been to Washington to Goergia, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. discuss desegregation problems but they "suggested it would be Nixon is scheduled to arrive here accompanied by Mrs. Nixon as better for us to go to them," said George P. Shult/., director of well as Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, Secretary George Komnevof the Office of Management and Budget and vice chairman of a Housing and Urban Development and Secretary Elliot L special Cabinet committee on desegregation. Richardson of Health, Education and Welfare. The meeting drew criticism from some educators in Loi 1 response to this request," JIM'S TIFFANY Fred Tennehill, president of the Louisiana Board of Education who was not invited to attend the sessions, said neither lie ni anyone he knows in state education circles had been invited. Louisiana School Supt. William J. Dodd said that both he and LOUNGE the governor's office were "in the dark about the whole thing." "It would seem to me that if I were going into a state to discus I w » NOW! Open 12:45 school problems, I would be in touch with the chief administrator j of the schools," Dodd said. Continuous from 1:00 P.M. Feature 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:25-9:30 Held Over! Acclaimed MAE WEST :0TII CENTURY-FOX Prescnls JOHN HUSTON QAMtM » PHONf |0 ? 1042 3rd Big Week hospitality, atmosphere and name good is food. "The unassuming, RAQUEL WELCH but the food and "**** HIGHEST RATING! service isn't." A thriller of human interest, For a dinner treat MYRA BRECKINRIDGE humor and suspense galore!" Greek specialties served - Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News each Saturday evening. "BLOCK-BUSTING.. .A SURE-FIRE HIT!" — Dorothy Manners, L.A. Herald-Examiner DOWNTOWN LANSING - r The book that couldnt THE OF THE YEAR-NOW A MOTION PICTURE! 1 NOVEL _ „ „r 489-1196 116 E. Michigan |m be written is now iflgk UQ A *UNITED PRODUCTIONS OF AMERICA the motion picture )& Released by A Subsidiary of DEI INDUSTRIES. INC. FREE PARKING fifh that couldn't be made! COLOR ^ Distributed by MARON FILMS LIMITED "GARGANTUAS" AT 8:15 & LATE —~ "WASTER ZERO" 10:15 ONLY TONITE OPEN 7 30 P.M.-SEE THE EINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! AIFRF=>OFl"r BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES_ AlF REDNVWMAN'-AR THUR HAILEY ■GEORGE SIAT ON • «0 - ' A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • Tli HNIfni IR" ■ Produced in /0MM MD! " *" SHOWN TWICE AT 8:15 AND LATE ALSO it true! COMPANY. OF KILLERS At [! Heiriind Wi'M sm,t MiivIUKI> )(H (,OII I / IS// ill. (>l llll I K( 11 i LXJ IOIII \ 1)11 on :().(, ( «muiy-F,.» R,-u.nl, J 11:00 P.M. NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 14. 1970 7 'MYRA' ARRIVES "Myra arrived. Breckenridge' Breckinridge" has Reed to be on the phone almost others, placing them in such a fi her lines (which she wrote), Its arrival, after ail the continually to his lawyer to , way to reduce them to straight An exception is the scene in protect him from certain scenes men for his dirty jokes. He turns which she writhes through her publicity and scathing critical and Huston to become a dressing reaction that preceded it, seems their innocent, memorable lines office full of handsome n room hermit whenever he was into leery double entendre that horribly anticlimactic. For says to her assistant, "We got a not in a scene because of the is nothing short of sacrilegious, months, word from Hollywood big mob and I'm tired — one of was rocking with news of its madness on the set. Mae West, who appears those guys will have to go." One can easily understand the Let! ; Allen, the head of That's the Mae West movie buffs filming, of the tension created actors when its legendary co-star, Mae outrage. Director Michael an ac , -ment knew and loved. Same takes sport not only in needs outside West, tried to upstage its star, ,o help "Myra Breckinridge" can be Raquel Welch, and of the public insulting his audience but in destroying the audiences' fond best summarized by borrowing a disassociation expressed by Miss insulting his reluctant actors on memories of her. She does it line spoken by Miss Welch. the screen as well. He puts his Welch, author Gore Vidal. Rex by herself, Arriving at her uncle's bizarre cast through scenes that i With relaxed censorship Reed and Jphn Huston. " " ' that acting school, she describes it in When it opened in New York, degrading the actors look as didn't exist in her heyday, Miss a way that is perfectly adaptable critics embarassed doing them as the West is so blunt and vulgar she to the film as well. She calls the were ripe in their "Everything you' heard about audience feels in appraisals. Judith Crist wrote "it 'Myra Breckinridge' is true." seeing them. gives the impression of an over - studio "a Disneyland of emerges, the work of an infant This film hallucination of the We, who have been insulted so sexed, overweight strumpet. perversion." smearing i its o excrement." Vidal novel about 0ften' "by makers, will Once she only alluded to sex; Indeed, the film combines the Time blasted, is an insult to becomes a woman (I think). But will Miss now she spells it out. The color and gaiety of a circus with "act out intelligence, affront to his fantasies" and dedicate his Welch, Reed c Huston ever live blowsy charm and purred i assortment of depravities that this down? delivery that made her immortal, makes the whole thing a sensibility and ambomination new life to "the destruction of glossy bad enough that Same is devalued by the frankness of freak show. t0|Thfeye Unfortunately, ti e> the furor that ... fhe male and all his particulars" .8, if anything, worse then the mocks his actors but how could surrounded the film is Twentieth Century Fox have infinitely actors entrapped by i more interesting than the mind could be. ''Myra Brecken boggling gallery of perversion and idiocy that dares show itself The film is so tasteless that w"hic"h"he" includes"™ film clips; I Raquel Welch, Mae West and friends pose on the set of the long ■ awaited and much - discussed °" i , no» i.*H« during filming it caused Miss Welch to frequently lock herself Sarne splices his fllm wfth vintage shots of Marilyn Monroe, lk MARVIN MARLO c be said except in her dressing room to I film, "Myra Breckinridge." The film is now showing at the Campus Theater. be believed: of stay out that disgusted her, Shirley ™ Hardy, cuntEASTWOOD THOMAS jeanSFBERG By Weekend movie fare mixed ROBERT KIPPER BWNT ® YOUR WAGON HOWLINGLY FUNNY!" Rp 33 ALAN. ALDA it is without peer. At the artistry. Maurice Jarre' performance makes this film let me warn you, he sings ii State News Reviewer Spartan East. CHISUM — John Wayne in his and photography Freddie Y< vital about campus disorder and an individual bucking reluctant scene. At Meridian 1. WEST SIDE STORY - People STAR SPANGLED GIRL - Neil Simon's entertaining but 0 2:00,4:00 6:00, Kith first post • Oscar film. At the very lasting comedy. "West Side Story" and the script by Robert institutions acceptable strictly as forget the because that it looks dated in | as j,JgtJ Zhivago' Spartan West. (Not reviewed by entertainment. At the Michigan. the Seventies ^vent,K that in 1959 thls fnoe^"^e"t p^ri^e.Michi8ar! r .. . „ and the arting by 0mar Playhouse in Grand Ledge Breckii film burst on the screen with I'yond the Valley of the ^DOCTOR DOCTOR ZHIVACO ZHIVAGO - David Shar'f' JuIi believe. EVERY FRIDAY y young people. 5 P.M. - 8 P.M. "IT S JUST POSSIBLE THAT There t young people, Wright ELLIOTT GOULD IS THE I Opt Iin in tho mt Beyond Glenn Corbett ■ Ratric KnowlesAndnevv FYineRic liard laet kel LvndaDay-AndtotrtxiiangGe lose all three games ii one year.This could be a feartening boost to Duffy as all three te< jams are ranked in the top In in a pre • season national poll. ITwice (1951 and 1965) the Spartans l all three games. In e memorable 10-10 tie the Irish kep; the Spartans Tigers, McLain sweep. Losses to Ohio in 1959 and 1960 also ted MSlJ •eps. fall the three seasons r. I the three games, State has only won one beating to Brewers |ehigan in 1967 and last MILWAUKEE (I'PI) - Marty P Notre Dame in 1968, while Pattin fired - hitter and |ingthe other two. May hit tie - breaking s homer in the fifth inning much as N'otre Dame is Thursday to lead the Milwaukee almost the a football power, the Brewers to a 3-2 victory over the have actually giving up two 'lle Sl"cess had Detroit Tigers and ailing Danny when playing the McLain. Muring ' the '50s and '60s. teams have won 13 ' times, 2nd tied once during the V two decades. Before that u8h. it was all Notre Dame 15 of the 17 11 games took the mound and managed to attempted sacrifice squeeze by the two schools o dating 1S97 In the overall F1' the Irish lead 19-15 with "ie tossup in 1966. Brighten Your Active World GOLDEN FALCON ROOM with Contact Lenses from Vision Center hospitality DINE AND DANCE Vision Center's exclusive Verilite Contact Lenses are designed to fit perfectly from ON WINGS: WITH the start, to assure maximum wearing comfort with the shortest possible adaptation NIGHTLY BUFFET DON RODRIGO TRIO time. Come in. Let us explain the many A LA CARTE PPADI C Featuring JERI RAY advantages Contact Lenses offer And, ' tAnLt COMPLETE Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. I PINNFRS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. FORMERLY CAPITAL OPTICAL STUDIOS MODERATE PRICES'PROFESSIONAL EYE EXAMINATI0NS*00CT0R'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 311 S.Washington, across from Knapp's #482-1368 ■17a, P W (Capital City Airport) j?4 FOR RESERVAtiomc , (FREE PARKING) M G Stoakes. Doctor of Optometry Fnday, August 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 14 state news STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Nothing moves merchandise faster than a want ad. Try one today and see. classified 355-8255 355-8255 Auto Service & Parts FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Rank For Rent For Rent The State News does not permit racial or religious ONE MAN for 3 man. Campus Hill. ENTIRE FORMER MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East STODDARD APARTMENTS, 1 fraternit discrimination in its Now leasing for Fall Fall through spring. $50. Days - for lease Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. bedroom. on vearlv hi h°u* advertising columns. The Complete auto painting and Term. Balconies, laundry. Near 353-6461. evenings, 351-3689. Michigan, ideal fo,5'8' 334W« State News will not collision service. IV 5-0256. C campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. approximately 20 9,°Up 01 accept advertising which Completely furnished Ph'1"1*"1 • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call ROOMMATE NEEDED for 3 man ONE MAN to shere 4 man 646-6000 M, edr,Phw»»« Chan KALAMAZOO STREET BODY apartment, $41.50/month. 302 9-8-21 Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or SHOP. Small dents to large starting fall. Walk to campus. $71. MAC, 332 6916. 3-8-17 Auto Parts & Service national origin. wrecks. American and foreign 351-1014. 2-8-14 TWO GIRLS for house F Aviation cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286 TWO GIRLS needed for luxury •pring terms 1 ,xtf8 2628 East Kalamazoo. C EAST LANSING Marble School area. apartment. Fall through Spring. Close, 351 7659 3 8 14 »EMPLOYMENT New deluxe duplex. 3 bedrooms, 351-4845. 3-8-14 * FOR RENT deposit, carpeting, 12 month Automotive Rooms Apartments lease, $200. 351-9036, 337-2437, LOWEBROOK APARTMENTS. IV 5-4869. 7-8-21 1300 East Grand River. 1 and 2 Houses Rooms FIAT 1968 interior, verv black good with brown condition, OKEMOS ONE bedroom apartment, bedroom, furnished. 2, 3, 4 man. SPARTAN women. h7LZ-^ZT** 5:30 • 7 on Walking distance to MSU and « FOR SALE $1495.355-6348. 3-8-17 furnished, parking, utilities paid. shopping. From $180. 351-5289. _ Any time- 372-1031.0 6 Animals 351 6586. 5-8-19 10-8-25 MEN: Mobile Homes CLEAN, qu~~ " FORD 300, 1963, 6 cylinder, 3 on AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green MICHIGAN W. - 4 room upper, Cooking. Onn block to cim"" PERSONAL 2 door sedan Excellent. Supervised, 48 7-5753 ♦ ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL floor, S350. 484-4846. 2-8-14 American cars. If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. 0 Apartments. Ideal for married grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 garage, utilities paid. refrigerator furnished. Working Stove, 486?£ REAL ESTATE bedroom, furnished and couple. $125. 489-5020. 5-8-20 • IMPALA SUPER SPORT 1964, unfurnished, $130 $175 men - ROOMS, cooking do- # RECREATION Automatic, tires. Must bucket seats, snow sell. Call 355-2738. Employment monthly. Possession now or DOWNTOWN NEAR 2 bedroom, available September 7-9566.5-8-17 Call c* ED ♦ SERVICE 2-8-14 September 1st. Call manager, lower floor. $130 monthly plus 351-2439 FOX PROPERTY water and lights. Also security Typing Service or deposit. 343 E. St. 10 minutes iron, •MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. TF Joseph. • TRANSPORTATION MERCEDES 1961. 220SB, black, red AM-FM, $350. Call 484-1608. 5-8-20 completely before 4 furn.shed, 37TZ' leather, p.m. 10-8-25 * WANTED 627-6794. 5-8-18 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE sitter BACK - TO SCHOOL ITEMS DEADLINE needed, starting September 21st, • are MERCEDES BENZ 300SE 1957. for 7 month baby, 5 days per easy to find in the Want 1 P.M. one class day Ads, Body and engine in very good week. May sit in my home or before publication. condition. Sun roof AM-FM, FURNISHED EFFICIENCY automatic transmission. Best offer yours. Call 353-6823 for details. apartment, East Michigan Avenue, For Sale Cancellations - 12 noon 10-8-25 over S500. Can 355-8197. 2-8-14 Lansing. Near university All one class day before utilities paid. Call 372-5529 after RECTILINEAR MINI-III HIRING COLLEGE students for full Brand publication. new. Acoustic. Maximu PHONE MG MIDGET condition, no 1964, red. rust. Top $625. time work now and part time during school year. Fantastic job, '&&%> a quick m\, UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three and LEASING FOR Fall. 2 bedrooms 100 watts m.p./ channel, lulu# sell. $160 for both. 351-6488, after 5 p.m. 5-8-19 good pay. Call 371-1813 between 332-3848.ft 355-8255 8 - 12. C four man furniihed, $185 and up, $210, 1 bedroom, $160. 35 1-3729. HALSTEAD BURCHAM WOODS, Call CANOE. SCUBA, Roya RATES OPEL KADETT 1968. Reliable MANAGEMENT COMPANY between 3 - 7 p.m., 351-3118. TF 1964 Oldsmobiie. transportation, good mileage, PART TIME telephone work. bowling bin 1 day S1.50 $950. Call 332-5291, 1 until 5 351-7910. O assorted books. 882-8026 after | Morning hours 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 15c per word per day WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 p.m. 3-8-18 p.m. 5-8-14 evening hours 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. 3 days $4.00 Call Scott Johnson, 393-6210. For Rent For Rent BAY COLONY One and two bedroom furnished or bedroom. $135 and up. 337-9228 YARD SALE 13V2C per word per day 2-8-14 unfurnished. Balconies, security TV-Magnavo* |J" HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT cribs, bookshelves, toys, be TV RENTALS, S8.50'month. Free NEW ONE bedro arpeting, locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call 5 days $6.50 COMPANY, 351-7910. O plants. 946 Lilac Avenue, Frid PART TIME evenings. Hours 6:30 - deliveries. CaH SELCO Westinghouse appli 351-4698, 332-3311 and 13c per word per day 10 7, Saturday 10 • 7 1-8-14 - 9:30 p.m. Public relations work, COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. dishwasher, air conditioning, etc. 351-8890. O (based on 10 words per ad) Furnished or unfurnished. Choice BEECHWOOD: Three and four man, Lansing. Call Scott Johnson, YRA DRUM location, for young marrieds, grad furnished, $200 and up, set. Gold RAMBLER CLASSIC 1965, two 393-6210. 2-8-14 NEEDED ONE Peanuts Personals TV RENTALS Students only. Low 332-0965. HALSTEAD man for 2 man cymbals, high hat, l must be - students, or faculty f.'om $155. door hardtop, automatic, light apartment. Have own bedroom, $200. Can be seen at 41 MANAGEMENT COMPANY, pre-paid. blue, good condition. $400. HEADSTART Follow - through monthly and term rates. Call Phone 332-1183 5-8 17 3517900 to reserve 351-7910. O period August 12 to September after 6:30 p.m. 3-8 18 social work coordinator, must yours. There will be a 50c service 353-6959 after 6 p.m. 3-8-17 15. Air conditioner, pool. Phone UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C EAST LANSING near campus. One have car, license, some college WALK TO campus. 4-man, two 351-7289. 3-8-14 and bookkeeping charge if bedroom, furnished. Large airy T-BIRD CONVERTIBLE 64, power background, 40 hour week for 50 bedrooms, two baths, utilities this ad is not paid within RENT A TV from a TV company. rooms. Air conditioned. SANDALS steering, brakes, tape player. New weeks, start $6,000, maximum paid. Call after 6, 489-1893. $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300 Beautifully maintained. Select one week. paint. Call after 6 p.m., 625-3859. $7,000. Follow through NEJAC TV RENTALS. C clientele Lease. 332-3135 or __5-8J_4_ Houses The only hand-madp 3-8-17 secretary, high school graduate, The State News will be 882-6549. O MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 sandals are made for you i some secretarial training, 40 hour WEST END REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Don't — Large house, private responsible only for the TRIUMPH 1969, GT 6+, owner in week for 42 weeks. Start $4,400, THE Marigold across from campus. furnished Parisian Shoe Repair be without this fall. Reserve yours MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man Deluxe 2 rooms, kitchen first day's incorrect maximum man furnished service. Call after 6 p.m., $5,100. Follow apartments. Block from Berkey, 'leges, pets welcome. now. CAMPUS COOLERS, apartments. Now leasing for fall. insertion. 663-6331. X-3-8-17 through teacher, 32 hour week for Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF 351-5652. 2-8-14 IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O 38 weeks, $7,500 - $8,500. VALIANT 1969 4-door. Standard 482-0719. 3-8-17 4TH GIRL for 4-man. Cedar Village EAST LANSING, one block from shift, condition. radio, heater. $1295. Excellent 882-4012. SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Apartments Apartments. 351-8718. 3-8-17 9 months. Call Berkey. 2 room efficiency with position equivalent to cooking. 351-9504 0-8-17 departmental in 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man Automotive secretary deluxe one bedroom, furnished APARTMENT ACROSS from BIJICK RIVIERA 1970. Full power, VALIANT 1964 radio, tires, good condition, $275. 1524 G Spartan responsibilities and enumerations. References preferred; vacancy apartments. Phone 337-07RQ n IV 9-9651 or campus, inquire after 4 p.m., 113 Louis Street, East Lansing, 4-8-14 YES. .TWO JOHNS air August 24th; interviewing now. - conditioning, Hammond organ, 88 keys, $700. <=69 3008. 3-8-14 $4,500. Village, 2-8-17 355-3118; 353-8764. Call mornings United Ministries in Higher Education, 332-0861. CEDAR GREENS PER APARTMENT, 3-8-18 Fall Leases 2-Man and balconies, too. VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Paneled paint RIVER'S EDGE APTS. CAMAflO 1967 327, 4 speed, vinyl job, 14" wheels, over • size tires, One Bedroom • Furnished SUMMER AND part time WATER'S EDGE APTS. top, many extras, $200, new tires, headers, $350 or offer. Call Mike employment with full - line $160 • $170 was $4,000 when new. 351-4377. after 8 1 Block from campus p.m. 332-6118 or merchant wholesaler. Automobile 5-8-19 Phone 351-8631 SEE DON 332-4432 332-0386. 1-8-14 required. 351-5800 for information. O CHEVROLET 1963. Good condition. $200. Automatic, Scooters & Cycles CAST YOUR EYES on the wide 4-door. Phone 35E.-2784. 3-8-17 selection of values in the Want NORTON P-11, 750cc. Very clean Ads today! Escape from ordinary CHEVROLET 1957, 2 door! good $850. Owned by mechanic. body. 410 Buick engine. 351-8923. 3-8-18 apartment living to the 487-0171. 3-8-18 luxury of North Pointe. And CYCLE INSURANCE, Five national while you're basking in the CHEVY IMPALA, 1961. Dependable transportation. $125. Call companies. 2205 East Compare our rates. Michigan, Lansing or Thanks . . . luxury of air - conditioned, carpeted North Pointe living 351-8362 after 1 p.m. 3'8-14 505 Albert, East Lansing, . 484-8173.0 . . think of the economy. CHEVY II, 1962 convertible, 6 * SHAG CARPETING We're 100% leased for the Rentals from S175 per automatic, bucket seats. 1966 1957 TRIUMPH -650, custom paint * NEW FURNITURE summer. Some choice month. engine, 3S1-8280. 6-8-14 job. $450, 351-8394 after 6 p.m. * UNLIMITED 5-8-19 locations still left for fall. PARKING CHRYSLER 1964 transportation * bargain: Power steering and DISHWASHERS * brakes, good rubber, excellent AIR COND. engine, dependable, $300 or best offer, Contact manager, Arbor RIVER'S EDGE * ON THE BANK OF THE RED CEDAR Forest Apartments cAL-tU next to HONDA 350, 1969. 4000 miles. Just * $55.00/man University Inn on Trowbridge Road, Can be seen 9 • 5 p.m. tuned up, $600. 355-6319 or after 6 p.m., 332-4350. 5-8-14 and 6-8-14 MODEL OPEN CHRYSLER 1948, Very good BSA 1968 250 Starfire. condition. Call 351-3056 after 6 Mint WATER'S EDGE DAILY condition. Your next car. $450. Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 351-2327. 3-8-18 p.m. 5-8-14 HONDA 1970. CL350. Low mileage. APARTMENTS behind the Yankee store Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 CROSSWORD CORVAIR, transportation. 1 962. Good Standard. Two helmets, $700. Phone (next to Cedar Village) PUZZLE 485-1219. 2-8-14 See Don 332-4432 CALL 351-8282 Excellent body. $200. 351-5873 (formerly Northwind Apis.) Free with your rent at 3-8-14 Seven-Thirty-One ACROSS CORVAIR 1965. New engine and ? -6. Tvvc. tires, great shape, $500. IV 27, Repaired shoes A Reminder 4. Notion 5-1010. 7-8-19 28. Hasten js. fairy queen CUTLASS 1970 Deluxe sedan. 11. Propran. 29/Scoffs 13. Slender finiai 31. Woof Sharp. Power, automatic. Owned FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to 14 Acquire 32. Approaches by retired engineer. 489-7753. learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. •15. Stone: 33 Rolled tea 5-8-17 Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C To All 17. Abstract being 34. Ragout of 18. Spanish game gentleman 35.Canapes FOR SALE BY OWNER 19. Screen Vegetable 38. 39. Eskimo Paper 2. White Large custom-built brick ranch on 12Vi acres of rolling hills. Students 2a High i.i music M Flower bract 25 Toward 41. 42. 43 Gender Yemenite French marshal. 3. 4 vestment Newest Nilebi") 5. Clangor Country living in East Lansing School District with 3000 sq. ft. of gracious living area. 4 large bedrooms, 2Vi baths, 2 3 - 2 T" 9 r* IO 6. High f8|W> sunken living room with exquisite Indiana limestone 7. Changed ALL advertisements " fr1 13 g. Ot-"'^ fireplace. Large family room with fireplace, cork walls, and for IN ADVANCE frc 9 Appetitf' wood beam ceiling, Kitchen has all custom features plus 32 the end of thi TT" 10. Encore cubic foot refrigerator and freezer. % Ground level laundry room, stereo throughout, and AM-FM %% 19 it % IA % n radio intercom, thermo windows, large closets, electronic Three Man or woman 20, Estrange air filter, zoned heating, master control lighting, 23 2M custom draperies, full basement, large patio, landscaped and carpeting, *66*- 26 % TT % ih 21 Picket'' 22, Rhyme' hundreds cf trees and evergreens. (Will reduce acreage to 29 % 30 % (l 24 OUa - suit buyer). % 13 Owne. desires to leave area immediately. Will sacrifice and P % ¥ sell to person making Highest, Reasonable, and Bona Fide offer by August 26th. ~ % i') ftoo.1 SIM"' Call Al Mikulich, 2566 Lake Lansing Road, % 35 332-6380. v//< % 3? Pi**' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 14. I()7() ]| For sale wiiBinicvmaY; ■boor STEREO KTs K 366-3202. 3-8-18 Eod«i ■used Royal portable triNGHOUSE COLOR TV. Sony 630 stereo ,ap* r#cord*r Akai.Sony, Panasonic stereo record pl.y.r, UTOL»»»" 0 GENERAL. Bacnelor pad or Hardbinding. Complete Thesis constructive student political activity." "The fact that the 11:30 arrest decision was not communicated to those in the building en'351-9287ebeUtweerr°lO Wily. 5-8-18 Mas,er's & Doctoral Candidates ^ree Brochure and Consultation. The steps taken by MSU "more consistent with a officials desire were much to prevent indicates that officials desired that arrests be - Call CLIFF and PAULA effectively carried out," Judge Fox said. potential violence and deter further epidodes of There was no attempt to mislead plaintiffs in Lott & Found c occupation of MSU buildings than with a the unanswered plea by the group of extend purpose to chill political discussion," Fox said. Union hours, he said. "The most the evidence The group lacked direction and was constantly establishes is faulty communication.'' changing in composition. Judge Fox said. This Regarding the MSU ordinance. Fox said, "It is gave officials little assurance, despite the good essential that reasonable iules be established and RIDE WANTED: From Jackson, fall intentions of the Action Group to Combat enforced for the maximum use of university ■ J NEAR Wells Hall: key ring term, Monday and Racism, that it would remain this way. resources. Without such rules a Staining 5 keys 2 American 1-517 • 783-4163. 3-8-14 P'ox said that "perpetrators of violence could university runs ,0fs the risk of becoming a scene of chaos rather than ! keys, 2 house keys, one — have sought anonymity in the large group a seat of /S. kev' vellow identifying learning." '9- Wanted Please call 355-2796. 1 8-14 W C!° WEDD|NG band Cherry BABYSITTER FOR 2 boys after Laundry. Call 355-8035, sch00' in our aPar,ment- 355 3206 3 8 14 Personal SOflal LIVE in POSITION needed near Antiwar tactics Lansing. Male 23. Call Bobby PRE cun 332-3574.1 8 14 Wednesday, the congress voted |2 SUBJECTS needed tor (continued from page 1) l Jb to 4y to create a special seat ivit,h hypnosis. Call colleges into NSA. NEED PLACE to park small trailer advance," Davis said at a on its National lt4 Supervisory Opponents said the special fall. Need access to water, workshop Thursday, "and to Board (NSB) for a representative seat, which Pale bathroom electricity. 489-2860. those who gives a special CI,Dir decry possible of community ■ Dsvrhn, SUBJ£CTS needed for 5 8.19 colleges. interest group representative llg, i!°^Cal.r"se3rch- Earn 52.00 , violence, we have a very simple answer: if the war is ended, we Community colleges are also equal standing with the 10 |R°oni 2o"p?"I!,'Cr,ion' S'9n up BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for call the whole thing off." eligible to participate in the representatives of geographical I~ 20,SALE PSych Research. 3-8-14 8|| positive. A neg8tlv(, B negative Some delegates supported regular NSB elections, which are based on geographical areas. areas. stts a dangerous Large assortment ,nd AB ne9«tive, S10.00 O precedent, and they forecast Davis' proposal, while others The ■ soon 3nd adu't clothina negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN guaranteed seat is demands by other special I5T"* et,U'P—'• household COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTE R, Beats w protested that such tactics temporary, with continuation interests groups for guaranteed It, T60"- E»" G,";° """■ „E" would lead to counterreactions subject to the approval of next seats on the NSB. |,„ '»»« „ s.,u,d., A young, barefoot Cambodian soldier sits atop a civilian taxi on which he rode to battle enemy which could turn the entire country against the peace Co congres i ty o 11 e The arrangement is similar to the Office of Black Affairs' two forties at Kiri Rom, 60 miles southeast of Phnom Penh. Hole in the road in background is the movement. iid 1 appointive seats on the ASMSl'r result of a Viet Cong blast. AP Wirephoto In a legislative plenary student board. 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Atipus, ! hn0 Microprobe aids "J|| Proposed s in plant research By LARRY PACKARD broadcast spendiing WASHINGTON (AP) - A new out differences between party line split flared in Congress Senate and House bills refused oftta, i„ The MSU Dept. of Horticulture is the only plant research Thursday as Democrats to sign the final product. It was t ni® Hous< (>\ j Wl foundation in the United States to own an electron X-ray hammered out a compromise bill approved on straight party line include primaries that would limit broadcast votes of 3-2 by both the House microprobe. governors and ^ spending by major political and Senate conferees. governors This complex instrument was purchased in 1968 for candidates, starting with Sen. John O Pastore, D R.I., approximately $100,000. contracts signed after Aug. 12. tried vainly to bring the bill up The microprobe is being used to learn how to grow plants so "They're changing the rules of at once for final Senate action, that they can withstand a hostile environment. This instrument the game," said Senate The earliest voting time he could allows researchers to study the microstructure and chemicals in Republican leader Hugh Scott get was next Thursday "I think it represents a rather There was nothing definite on plant surfaces. president, vice president sl frantic effort to help their whether the House would House, governor and 1*2 By this method, they can determine which plants are resistant Democratic candidates." consider it before starting to which toxic substances, leading to the combination of the governor 11,11 Ed Edmondson, 3' /week recess Friday, The bill also would: resistant qualities of several species into a single plant. rman of the House The House passed its version Specify - This instrument can see a volume as small as one cubic micron lluit m> hr„il(|(. Congressional of the bill Tuesday, 272 to 97. It - a millionth of a yard - or as large as 100 cubic microns. Its ean charge any n0rr candidate more than magnification range is from 4 to 10,000 times. r Of> robe think this will get at a lot of measure would have taken effect ■•barge paid by any o, a{jV( the-1 " the ■ Vivion Shull, supervisor of the Microprobe Laboratory, operates the new electron microprobe spending." 30 days after enactment. Study pollutants in the Horticulture Building. The microprobe is being used to improve resistance of plants to Republican members of a joint This dispute was the central The microprobe can also be used to study pollutants on or in disease and hostile environments. State News photo by Dick Warren conference committee named to issue during two closed Repeal the plants and the effects of disease on plants. With this information, conference sessions. When it was requirements researchers will be able to produce crops that can withstand the president1 ri. chemicals with which man is now polluting the air. over, the 30-day after enactment and vice presidential' candidal H. P. Rasmussen, associate professor of horticulture, was the 'GAY' AUTHORITY TO SPEAK clause proviso remained was but a added under which new only, The package also includes person responsible for the microprobe's acquisition. only broadcasting contracts provision under which "I was working at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment entered into after Aug. 12 would sti may. by law. decide to GLM all-day seminar set Station studying cigar wrapper tobacco," he said. "When I be covered by the bill. bi, other state officers realized that maybe this instrument could help discover what the The original Senate bill was under ' leaf crystals were made of, I took some samples to Dearborn. "The results on the microprobe there were successful. Franklin Kameny nationally gatherings were so popular with the Msu Counseling then can discuss homosexual "When I returned to MSU with information instrument, its acquisition became our number one priority," he said. about the renowned authority homosexuality and president of on University and area homosexuals that a club was formed the amount Listening Ear to 20 hours. Center and that will Members relations members. with nrosnw-ii^ PLAY IT SAFE' the Mattachine Society, will in terms of the interest it has speak at MSU Saturday, Aug. aroused, GLM has been very Electron stream 22. successful. More than 350 The microprobe has as many knobs and switches as an airplane cockpit. Its 30,000 volt generator directs a stream of electrons Kameny heterosexuals will discuss should what know homosexuals from Flint, Kalamazoo and Detroit Lansing, Voter enrollment bill onto a sample which gives off X-rays. These X-rays are then about homosexuals. attended a picnic held in May. photographed for the researcher's use. Kameny is being sponsored by This instrument is so popular that the Dept. of Horticulture has no trouble renting 50 per cent of the available time to off - the Gay Liberation Movement, an organization that began last one It was a member said, great breakthrough, "It was the first time I have initiated in Congress campus users from other states and Canada. Available time has spring to help homosexuals been able to be gay outside of a WASHINGTON (AP) — Twenty House and Senate Democrats already been booked through December. decide whether they wanted the dingy bar." introduced bills Thursday to provide for federal enrollment of The microprobe was invented in France by a doctoral student voters every four years and to make presidential election day a gay life. In addition to dances, rap to use in metallurgy and animal biology studies. It didn't become The group national holiday. of students initially groups and other social functions, commercially available until 1961. gathered to discuss the GLM has formed panels to talk The measures, introduced in both chambers, are designed to There are only four microprobes in the world being used in restrictive sexual atmosphere in with head advisers and resident swe" the well the voter turnout beyond the 61 per cent in voter turnout in 1968. Both plant research. Two are in Europe, one in Israel and one at MSU. the residence halls. The ~ assistants in residence halls. were recommendations of a Democratic reform c Few adviers have answered Making presidential election day a national holiday, sponsors GLM's request to speak to them. said, "would solemnize a most important occasion, serving both a The four who did asked GLM to practical and symbolic function." ... Get a Scientific A/1 ercury conta return in the fall to speak with the students on the floors. GLM's aim was to convince The enrollment but provides that the Census Bureau would conduct a door - to - door drive every four years to enroll all eligible voters not otherwise registered to vote. It is strictly Tune-Up from Morris. tha advisers that the voluntary, said Rep. Morris Udall of Arizona, a sponsor. One of the main reasons for the low voter turnouts of past To spot motor trouble and expense before it stops you, "homosexual is alive and kicking newly discovered at MSU." "Just because many people don't recognize or say that they years is the many restrictive requirements in the states the sponsors said. Estimated first year cost of the enrollment bill is $50 million. - It would set up a national enrollment commission and staffs in get an electronic test or our complete tune-up. Now is the time for that summer auto chnck. See u« today government," the New Republic contended, "It »re there *re problems with Companies like Dow Chemical on the St. Clair Ri\er have been dumping into Michigan has failed to enforce strict water quality being gay in the residence hall, each state to handle the work. The Census director would national enrollment director. serve as MORRIS AUTO PARTS waterways up to 200 pounds of mercury a day standards." a member said. IV 4-0441 for 40 years, but scientists ddin't know that the "Let's see how fast our government can move," ®.y being organized, GLM Among senators and representatives sponsoring the bill are Sen. 814 E. KALAMAZOO Mon. - Sat. 8 • a:)0 ele iient could become a poisonous contaminant. attorney Ralph Nader said recently, "Mercury believes it ca" helP people Philip Hart and Rep. John Conyers, both of Michigan. ' Elemental mercury in itself is not harmful," pollution is too serious to be permitted." declde wh?ther wa"1 to * Thomas J. Pinnavaria, professor of chemistry, State and federal agencies have been given the |ay ?r not' numbers will fringed suedes make their move in aarthtones said. "Chemists thought it would be all right to responsibility of researching the problem of g"ven counseling training by dump because it would sink to tn. bottom and mercury pollution. I stay there." Michigan, a pioneer in mercury pollution LUnQl STON6 to bring off the brave look of accessories research, is helping other states with research # . . But recent probes have found that bacteria problems. Lake Champlain in Vermont is one y|0|QS OXY Q6I1 today The fringe is long and !nrAy. 4ho transform the inert metal into lethal methyl such example. ' t *3 mercury, which is then able to concentrate in Federal regulations have set the maximum fish and animals. romf fapi - ri™.nni suedes soft and tough at amount of mercury that may be disposed of at Mari a Universjt f R People may have been undergoing mild one pound daily - that amounts to one chemistry professoyr says hp The deerskin beret 'in tan. $7. mercury poisoning from eating the fish and drinking the water for some time, the New "Its a new area, and it takes time," Donald A. rock^bv heaUns ^"t 3 imfn Gloves of tan deerskin. 6J4-7J4 Republic said recently. Symptoms are muscle tremors, nausea, nervousness and depression. Muentener of the State Agrieluturel Dept. said, „ centi £ in a°vacu™ "The major fault lies with the federal ^«rkfp?oT,sS"80,,,g,"lte ^ '° ,h" ^ Shoulder bagb fiom collection, in black brow. West Side MSU Sailing Club Regatta r Story final movie or gold sueded cow' offered in summer film series Lake Lansing 1 The final entertainment event of the summer term in 1st Annual Summer Regatta A International Film Series will be the Academy Award - winning Sat. Aug. 15 10:00 A.M. £ /\ production of "West Side Story." Showings will be at 7:30 tonight and Saturday night in Twilight Regatta J'—. Fairchild Theatre. Thurs. Aug. 20 4:00 P.M. Starring in the production are Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Bamblyn, Rita Moreno and George Chakiris. The story for this updated version of the Romeo and Juliet theme is from the Everyone W elcome book for the successful Broadway production by Arthur Laurents, and music is by Leonard Berstein, famed composer and For information Call Bob 339-2826 former conductor of the New York Philharmonic.