Monday am an atheist, thank God. MICHIGAN Sunny . . . STATE NEWS — Anonymous STATE ■ ■ . and warm expected high of from 75 with to an 80 UNIVERSITY degrees. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 17, 1970 speaks at capitol Milliken outlin to prevent d "If we can't have rock festivals without By IRENE PINCKES State News Staff Writer drug abuse then we will not have rock festivals at all," the governor said. Gov. Milliken outlined a seven - point The Governor's plan also requires permits plan Sunday to stop drug abuse and for future mass gatherings with strict prevent "illegal drug sales by persons enforceable regulations. Also a uniform law largely concerned with money and with no enforcement approach is being drawn concern about the drug culture they up by the Attorney General's office to aid foster." He also announced the acquisition local governments in strict enforcement of of the Detroit Marine hospital to provide the law. drug rehabilitation facilities for the whole The Governor added that state. a plan is also Speaking on radio and television from being developed by state officials "for the Capitol the Governor urged parents detaining and processing large numbers of to know for sure where their children arrested persons, if that should become are and what they are doing. necessary." The State Police are also The governor added that "the major working closely share of the responsibilities of with federal narcotics agencies and those in teaching the other states to halt the flow of illegal dangers of drug use rests squarely and drugs into Michigan because the Governor said heavily on the shoulders of parents." that "well over half the drugs at Goose Governor Milliken said he met Sunday Lake came from other states." afternoon with health, law enforcement A weary U.S. trooper keeps an eye open for enemy movement from his forming a blocking position for South Vietnamese troops sweeping and other state officials to discuss the recent Goose Lake Rock Festival and peace symbol - marked tank turret during joint U.S. - South Vietnamese toward them. operations south of Vietnam's demilitarized zone. His armored unit was resulting drug abuse problems. AP Wirephoto He expressed concern about the "blatant flaunting of drug laws at Goose Lake and Coed injured said that State Police were inside the park ntiwar resolutions gathering evidence for drug law violation in air mishap passed charges. The governor said that rock festivals are such a new phenomena on the American scene "that methods of policing them or controlling the size of the crowds for protecting and preventing illegal drug sales, near Pontiac utlining NSA peace tactics for providing medical care have not yet An MSU student was in critical condition fully been developed." Sunday afternoon after the plane which she "Such methods and such proceedures are was piloting crashed at Lake Angelus urgently needed and are being developed Airport near Pontiac. by state officials now," the Governor A Federal Aviation Administration the added. By JOHN BORGER • Help organize National Peace Petition massive nonviolent action, including civil University of Chicago, said delegates (FAA) spokesman said Joan Copps, East must mean what they say in their The plan for cracking down on the drug State News Staff Writer Week (Oct. 3-10) to raise $10 million and disobedience, at the national, local and Lansing junior, was attempting a landing at 20 million signatures to support mass regional level." resolutions and act on them as individuals. problem includes supporting the Jackson the private airport when the crash I After two days of bickering over specific media peace appeals to the American The delegates also instructed and NSA "I am like most delegates," he said. "I County prosecutor and his injunction occurred. Irategies of antiwar activity, delegates to national staff to consult with local and am chicken. I scare easily. There is not against the Goose Lake Rock Festival people; A lie National Student Assn. (NSA) congress • Help coordinate an Emergency regional much of me and I like what there is. currently being planned for Labor Day. preliminary inspection by the FAA groups in planning specific actions indicated that the plane, owned by the "You have just heard a call to physically |jte Saturday approved a resolution which a little bit of National Teach-in on War and Repression, in all the above areas. dismantle the war machine. How many of The Governor made it clear that he does MSU winged Spartans, was a total loss. everything. scheduled for some time this fall; The resolution passed 214-50-13, on a not oppose rock festivals but he is firmly | The resolution mandates NSA to: • roll call vote. you will throw your bodies — or even your Miss Support the Aug. 20 chicano antiwar against the illegal use of dangerous drugs at Copps is in Pontiac General isor or help to sponsor local moratorium in Los Angeles; "The wording of the resolution is unclear (please turn to page 6) such festivals. Hospital. Bducational progralhs for the "promotion • And, as a last resort: "If the war has because nobody knows what the situation f antiwar, antiracism and antipoverty not ended by May 1, 1971, NSA will will be at that point (May 1)," NSA ■tivities." commit itself to a concerted expansion of President Charles Palmer said. The congress also instructed the INCREASING NEED president of NSA, who is scheduled to be elected Tuesday night, to negotiate a peace Reforms unborn children treaty with (North and South) Vietnamese students. The treaty would be brought back to America for referendum college campuses, and submitted to the United Nations General Assembly. on all Water sources failing Defoliant's "I imagine it'll be something simple like 'We won't fight you if you won't fight us," Palmer said. Palmer has been to Siagon By LARRY MONROE The underground supply of water which wells located surface." about 200 feet below the Local municipalities are aware of this under consideration is the basin. use After it was determined that a particular underground area is suitable for of recharge and spoken with Vietnamese students this problem and they are monitoring the water storing a large supply of water, a basin has served Lansing area residents since the year. supply on a regular basis, he said. would be dug on the surface and filled with on rubber p two Passage of Saturday's resolution followed days of rejection of specific antiwar proposals, the most - discussed of which early 1900s is diminishing and may be a serious problem in 20 years. Niles R. Kevern, chairman of the of Fisheries and Wildlife, said that more Dept. One of the alternative water sources (please turn to page 6) was radical Rennie Davis' plan for massive water is being taken from JNEW YORK (AP) - Rep. Richard L. that deform fetuses — unborn children that civil disobedience in Washington, D.C., wells than is being replaced underground by rain and ■Jttinger, D-N.Y., charged Sunday that the mothers carry — and that's inexcusable." May 1. snow. He says that precipitation, the Dem convention backs »nited States had sprayed Cambodian After the program, Ottinger told Debate on Davis' proposal eventually lubber plantations with Agent Orange, a newsmen those chemical substances had primary source of replenishment, has included over a hundred delegates and remained relatively constant over the years lefoliant that deforms unborn children. been so certified by the Surgeon several featured speakers. while the demand for water has increased. lOttinger, who R running for the U.S. General. "I can't advocate violence because I'm He estimates that at the current rate of T«nate, said that the spraying was done by Ihe Air Force in April, 1969, but that he Ottinger, an opponent of the Vietnam not prepared to lead it," journalist consumption, the underground supply will ■id Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., had just *«ned of it. war and President Nixon's policies in that country, said he and Sen. Nelson would open their own investigation. Seymour Hersh said Thursday. "But I'm afraid it may be necessary." United Auto Workers (UAW) President become a crucial problem in 15 or 20 years. In the meantime, researchers are Stevens for trustee job I Appearing on the WNBC TV program considering other sources of water for - He said the areas where Agent Orange Leonard Woodcock Saturday called the human consumption. Iharctlli8ht, "one ■ stance as " Ottinger of referred to the had been used were "highly populated." plan "an act of fantasy." "In the early 1900s the Lansing area appealing to "latent prejudices" during the the most fearful and The defoliation, Ottinger said, had been "It is an act of stupidity to take on a contained a great deal of swamp land, and primary campaign. |wious defoliants ever know to man. intended to clear dense foliage serving as fight against absolutely impossible odds," tho natural water supply was located just Charles E. "Hap" Brooks, a candidate for ®45 TSCa"ed ABent Orange and it contains cover for Viet Cong and North Vietnamese he said. below the surface," Kevern said. "Today Ingham County Democrats were county commissioner, was criticized for | anc* 24 D, which are known agents troops. Bernie Grofman, a graduate student at water is being pumped from underground successful in their attempt to display party publishing campaign literature that said the unity at the county convention Saturday as commission's job "should not be put in the they reached unanimous decisions on hands of a woman who has figured no several issues and hotly debated only a few. more than the family budget." The delegates, numbering about 500, His opponent in the primary was Mrs. MOuffi not hassled Definitely part of the scene, however, are adopted two resolutions endorsing MSU Board of Trustees Chairman Donald Stevens of Okemos and Pat Ann Arbor for nominations for the MSU Board. the Carrigan of Democratic Jean incumbent November. McDonald. Republican, will Raymond W. Brooks, a former face The delegates turned down part of the Republican Burgess in Jthe!!^^^ ~ "Amsterdam is your stuff and nobody cares if you are a homosexual." Most of the visitors claim to be students. Other occupations entered on the forms the dozens of hippie havens where the odor The convention also endorsed Lansing resolution that would have withheld the party's support from Brooks but passed a ■thic n ?e' say the hippies who flock into of marijuana mingles with the sound of attorney H.James Starr, who is running for | Dutch city from all parts of the world. Noor is working for an even more include beatnik, minstrel, clerk, writer and a position on the portion that warned candidates against One 17 - year - old German jazz and underground music in psychedelic Wayne State University unfair campaign practices in the future. """n "scene" is the national tolerant climate. He ciies moves to bar newsman. Board of Governors. described himself as an industriekaufman. surroundings. The vote came after Elizabeth Santos, ■the ria"u°n ^am Square. At any time of policemen in uniform from three official Chris, a 22 - year - old veteran Dam ins." Some 1,500 youngsters bed or business executive. The emotional peak of the convention East Lansing senior and a women's •leenin! dreds of lon8 ■ haired kids are "sleep - down in these sleep ins every night. The average Amsterdammer appears to sleeper, said American girls sometimes will liberation leader, agreed to give Brooks a Krni°or there, - came early when county chairman James Taking at guitars. smoking marijuana One official but rough estimate is that regard the hippies sympathetically, but pick up a hippie near the national nomument to escort them on a dive into A. Harrison announced his resignation second chance. She said later she regretted from May through July more than 80,000 usually with the reservation, "It is fine that effective Sept. 2. Harrison, who said he was her concession. LS*,,22 ; year • old American student youthful tourists spent nights here. Many, all of this is possible in our city, but I am the hippie world. They want to see the resigning due to personal problems, then Another issue that drew brief fire was a Paid »Jfnf.ified himself only as Tommy obviously, were repeats. They spent an glad that my kids are not among the hippie hippie heavens like Paradise, Fantasie or left the convention to a standing ovation. resolution calling for records of mental Four, J i1, You know. man. itls free- average of four to five days, but a sleep - in crowd." Milky Way. The delegates then selected fromer MSU patients to be destroyed once the patient "They pay for everything and sometimes r^isheriV',hat y°U W8nt" Y°U know'the official said the number of "long parkers" is rising. Annemarie Vink, 22, one of the people coordinating official care for the youthful buy you new clothes," Chris said. "And president Watler Adams as chairman for the remainder of the convention. had been discharged from a hospital. Arguments over whether the resolution's after three days or so they are off, iitv^,^0^ an official of Amsterdam's The official forms filled in at the sleep - tourists, said only nine Amsterdam families happy with their new experience." quite author was qualified to call for destroying itJt "th dePartment, observed, "The ins show that West Germany, the United reacted when the city government invited Amsterdam looks with indulgence on One of the few divisive moments medical records finally ended when the resolution was tabled. ■elves movement — and the kabouters — States and the Netherlands provided the offers of sleeping accomodation. She bars and clubs catering to homosexuals, occurred when the women's liberation Other resolutions that passed with little Ithich .J* , ~ have created a climate largest contingents, but such countries as agreed that obviously those addresses are lesbians or transvestites. The official segment of the party proposed a resolution Pre h»^fPeals t0 y°uth. You can stroll South Africa, Japan and Israel are well not part of the Amsterdam scene the to withhold the party's support from one difficulty called for: attitude toward drug users is lenient. [ 00t< with dirty long hair, smoke represented. hippies are looking for. county candidate who they accused of MICHIGAN STATE NEW! Congress urged to act UNIVERSITY on student loan refo FREDERICK J. LESLIE The U.S. Congress has been urged to congressmen in the next thm rrnl advertising manager make broad changes in the student loan they can not get loans threp *<*ks q, program to enable more students to receive The the loans. administration has sum*, I KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY Last year Congress added a three per cent National Student Loan Assn £ th,tJ LEE, city editor solve the situation. subsidy to those banks making the JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor guaranteed loans that allowed a total have capital guaranteed by the J? Wouk return of 10 per cent interest. It was felt that interest rates were so high that loaning institutions were not Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award interested in the loans at the seven per cent for outstanding journalism. rate. The Nixon administration will urge Congress into action with two arguments.: * The banks the Council fo gei are becoming choked with EDITORIALS student loans and are increasingly unwilling to make the loans, especially to first - time students. * The cost of loan subsidies is becoming criticism of an unmanageable charge against the federal budget. Math of the Up to this point the administration has not had much success with Democrats who control the Education Committees in the House and Senate. They have argued that: zoning * A chapter of the White There is no persuasive evidence that Panther but for the C many students get the loans. * are finding it impossible to The revisions proposed by President recently established in East LansinH take its first official action members confront the East tonight 2 Nixon to reduce the cost of the program Council Lansing Z about what thev Jj "The Escort would hit hard at the middle class which "selective enforcement of ordinanci? Ingham County Board of 2) John Benke already is bearing a heavy burden on according to David Brinn. acting minto Canvassers released A fisherman casts from the bank of the college expenses. of information. Wednesday the 3) Robert Carr Cape Fear River near Sunny final totals in the 24th senatorial 4) Mary Ann Cooper Point, N.C., as a destroyer escort cruises past. The ship is escorting an College officials will testify this week Brinn said the White Panthers before the subcommittee that deals with feel ft Republican primary showing Mrs. 5) Judy Duley old Liberty ship filled with concrete coffins of nerve gas to a point 282 city zoning commission is attempting tod the program. Polly Gibson trailing Rep. Philip 0. 6) Carol Hamel miles off Cape Kennedy, Fla., for scuttling Tuesday in 16,000 feet of The outcome may hinge on how many away with student houses in East Lansini Pittenger by 15 votes." 7) Steve Harbour water. AP Wirephoto potential students complain to their thereby restricting students to th dormitories or the "luxury apartments." State News, Aug. 13, 1970 8) Charles Himmelright The White Panthers, modeled 10) Tim Mather after tt Black Panthers party, have a The following East residents have complained about not Lansing 11) Mrs. James B. McFarland 12) James L. Peterson 13) James Riggle Nerve gas disposal plan program which communities that services for all. advocates provide free goods 10-poii cultur u being allowed to register as voters in 14) Phil Silva "Because of the post - industrial era th East Lansing: 15) Calvert B. Thomas we are in," Brinn explained, "we couldj 1) Marilyn Arndt this. We could freed of 16) Karen Tiekje even do away with money court restraints Besides 10-point a free program world economy, t| also advocates self determination for all people, a ft Not interested ABOARD THE USS HARTLEY (AP) - Cleared at last of court restraints, a small session at 9 a.m. and at midday announced it was upholding a district court's refusal to grant the injunction sought by Florida Gov. was to allow the appellants time to turn to the Supreme Court. But a couple of hours later the court educational system and freedom fro corporate rule. flotilla put to sea Sunday afternoon to sink Claude Kirk and the Environmental announced the EDF and Kirk had decided in the deep Atlantic Ocean a cargo of Defense Fund. to drop the fight and the no-sailing deadly nerve gas that stirred a national Brinn said that the White Panthers At the same time, the court extended extension was lifted. The Navy lost no time an Congress furor as the Army sought its destruction. in getting to sea after up according to the same communi scor until 10 a.m. Monday the no - sailing that, sailing just The near - derelict LeBaron Russell deadline set by Burger. It explained this before 4. service model as the Black Panthers. Briggs was under taw by a tug on a 300 • mile journey to its pre-selected 16,000 - Human foot deep ocean grave 282 miles off Cape beings are notorious for commission was expected to provide • Kennedy, Fla. believing only what they want to supportive data for the precepts that Sailing of the Briggs and its escorting believe, fact and "truth" to the., "everyone knew" were true. When vessels first had been scheduled for contrary. They also have been the investigation backfired Saturday but was delayed because of a known to go to great lengths to colossally, the effect was staggering. tropical storm that failed to develop fully. protect their sacred right to be Then, late Saturday night, Chief Justice Among the more ludicrous Warren E. Burger directed the Navy not to wrong. denounciations of the commission's sail at its re • set time of 10 a.m. EDT The newest threat looming on the conclusions is President Nixon's Sunday. social horizon is the findings of the He said the sailing must await action by implication that he might not accept presidential commission on the findings because the commission the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington on motion for a permanent injunction pornography. Many of the was apppointed by Lyndon Johnson. conclusions drawn from its two against the dumping. - It is not clear how the genesis of the The appellate court met in a late Sunday year study were most unexpected. $2 million commission could have They include: any bearing on the validity of its • The upsurge of pronographic findings. material during the 1960s brought no corresponding growth in sex If our good government men are Vote que crimes. not prepared to accept conclusions • of blue ribbon commissions, why do Studies of juvenile delinquents show no difference between their experience with "smut" and the they spend taxpayer's money on so many of them? It would be far on agenda easier, and cheaper, to ascertain the experience of nondelinquents. • No cases could be found where laws of the universe by consensus. Once a year, for example, the of city pornography caused sexual aggression, homosexuality government could hold a nationwide or sexual The East Lansing City Council will hold abuse of children. binding plebiscite to determine its regular bi • monthly meeting tonight at In a nutshell: dirty movies are no whether pornography causes social 8 in the City Council Room in City Hall. worse for the public morality than deviation, if pot is addictive and At their Last meeting, council members John Wayne flicks. The presidential whether the earth is flat. promised they would have a report on voter registration in East Lansing. commission has confirmed the This system would have a dual Councilman Mary Sharp, presiding at the findings of the Danish government advantage. On the one hand, it meeting, said that City Attorney Daniel and the opinion of liberal thinkers would eliminate all dissent about the Learned would contact the Atty. Gen. that pornography is simply "no big nature of truth and the hidden Frank Kelley to set up guidelines for student voter registration. thing." In fact, if the Danish workings of the cosmos. On the Several requests will be considered by the experience is to be taken as a sample exercise in unrestricted pronography, other hand it would many members legitimize what of Congress have council including abandonment of the mosquito spraying program, East Lansing King it is fair to assume that the been enjoying all along. noise pollution, permission for a teen Archbishop Helder Camara Pessoa, center, leader of a nonviolent campaign for social justice in Brazil, receives only . . march and also a request by the Fraternal thing that makes pornography And once the nature of the Martin Luther King Jr. award from the Rev. Ralph Abernathv, Southern Christian Leadership Conference attractive is that it is quasi - illegal things was and quasi - immoral. established, Congress could call the heretical bargaining ^gent^for^the Easf Lansing ~ SCLC P^es'dent (SCLC), as King's widow, Coretta, looks on. The presentation was made Wednesday during the annual convention. commission on Police Dept. AP Wirephoto Congress, climbing out from under pornography on the carpet and force a heap of slain sacred cows, has the members to recant. After all, yelled "foul" anyway. The Galileo was forced to do so. East Lansing's ANN ARBOR (UPI) - A jury of six men and six women will resume deliberations Fink sized up the possible outcome "anybody's ball game." Collins' mother, as University in neighboring Ypsilanti where Collins was a senior in education. slain in the basement of a to which Collins had access. Ypsilanti < this morning in an attempt to decide Mrs. Loretta Collins, who has been sitting The petite coed disappeared whether John Norman Collins is guilty or in a front row in the courtroom since the July 23, "You must recognize that there are and in their 1969, and her body was discovered three Washtenaw County Circuit application - be cleared innocent in the slaying of a college coed trial began, smiled with relief and kissed days later — the seventh and last young some differences in East Lansing Conlin instructed the jury up. Mayor Pro Tem Sharp asked that last year. her oldest son, Jerry, as the jurors left for woman slain in the Ann Arbor from the total election law." With % ■ Ypsilanti Collins must either be foun the gallery "please give us (the City Since the case went to the jury Friday the weekend. area over a two - year period. No one has acquitted of the charge. A that statement East Lansing Mayor Council) one week to clear all this up morning, a total of 12Vi hours has been Collins, 23, of Center Line is accused of been charged in the other deaths. spent in actual deliberations and first carries a mandatory sentence Pro Tem Mary Sharp summed up the with the attorney general. Our (East ■ degree murder in the torture - sex In its testimony, the approximately four hours in re hearing prosecution sought imprisonment which can be com "i of growing tension between slaying of Karen Sue Beineman, an 18 - to prove that Collins was the last cause Lansing's) attorney is consulting person only by a governor's pardon after ™1 testimony presented in the four • week year - old freshman at Eastern Michigan seen with Miss Beineman and that she was 20 years have been served. the city and students. with him now." trial. Members of the student That was two weeks ago. City The jurors left their tightly guarded room IUPxUIMILI the second floor of the Washtenaw ME1/, MANAGER WOULD Ht)U CARE IF I PUT ON MV government and other student Council will meet at 8 tonight in on IT'S HOT OUT BIKINI ? AND AS LONG AS I HAP SET BACK OUT THERE interest groups informed the City County Building shortly before 9 p.m. IN CENTER FIELP City Hall. Since Council promised Saturday, but remained under close guard ON /W BIKINI, WOULD M3U CARE IF I , Council that they did indeed that students will have their answer WENT TO THE BEACH ?ANP AS LONG WHERE V0U BELONG.' Sunday to avoid any public contact that AS I'M AT THE BEACH,W0ULP VDl'CARE recognize that fact. They further at this time, we urge all concerned might influence them. The jurors appeared IF I JVSTfOfeOT ABOUT THE 6ALL6AME7 stated that they had asked some time and interested persons to attend haggard and weary after two days and ago that ambiguities in the statutes - tonight. there were reports of sharp and loud y— arguments in the jury room. As they filed out Saturday night without reaching a verdict, defense attorney Neil Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 17, 1970 3 news UAW chief blasts summary From the wires of AP and DETROIT (UPI) — United Auto Workers Woodcock said Sunday the Vietnam war States 8.8 million man - President Leonard has cost the United years of labor, has reduced workers' real benefitted American workers by jobs. He admitted the creating 1.5 million additional and other economic factors and the Woodcock said. neglect of domestic needs," UPI. wages and has intensified jobs have been added, but said "at the time of "To begin with the heaviest cost, we believe that the unemployment problems. the Vietnam In a 75-page statement submitted at the request of the Senate buildup, one economy albready was expanding working rapidly, unemployment was steadily falling and there were still people of America have borne more than their proportionate Foreign Relations Committee, Woodcock focused on the share of the direct human cost of of the Southeast Asian war on impact sufficient unmet needs in the military participation — the the American country to have provided a civilian deaths, the woundings" and intensified social problems, he said "The cost has been workingman. job for every person able and willing to work." very great for the American Increases taxes, inflation, short work weeks said. "Just in economy," he Working people have felt a disproportionate share of the war's and a loss of money terms, it has been at least $150 billion. overtime — all traceable to policies But far more impact through unequal draft and tax measures, resulting from the war — have important has been the waste of manpower, not unemployment caused workers' real buying power to fall, he said. only through the number of men put into the number in both uniform, but through "The American people aren't government and private servicing and supplying the Vietnam war," employment Lawyer hopeful of acquittal blind. They see the signs. the UAW president They 're said. worried, and I'm convinced that The almost nine- million there are millions manyears of wasted labor otherwise of people who could have been used to "produce goods and services for the use are ready to act of the American constructively and people," Woodcock said. / think Woodcock suggested numerous that is the changes in national reason for which he said would policy help meet the nation's real needs. hope." - John W. Gardner, chairman of the National Urban Coalition He began with a reiteration government to develop a conversion workers an alternative to the maintenance of payrolls. of the UAW's proposal for program that would offer military production and would insure Unemployment, he said, is greater for Manson's co-defendants (See item below) that the official count of LOS ANGELES (AP) - The approximately four million. "Women have a vastly better than Adding persons not counted under present three young women guilt," says Fitzgerald, people from the ranch are the techniques of the ignore chance of getting "They Dept. of Labor would raise the true total "closer to 5.5 Charles Manson and sit clustered are vibrant and nicest people I've met in this he said. million," in court around acquitted,"says Fitzgerald. "It's exuberant. The jury will have a case. They a slim young a reflection of our society as a really love me." Other hard time believing that these With the trial on, suggestions offered by Woodcock were aimed at attorney — whispering, giggling whole. Only two women have Fitzgerald problems of manpower policy, and passing him notes. little girls went out and works an 18 hour day. But relocation of workers, protection of technology, training programs, Paul ever died in the California gas committed these crimes." - workers' civil rights, full Fitzgerald gives the there are benefits. chamber. "A lot of employment, a price - wage review board and overall national women defendants in the Sharon "If the jury should decide that people have "It's an interesting murder International News planning. Tate murder trial hope and but for Manson these offenses criticized me for involved with the family " he becoming case," he says, "a case with Woodcock also disagreed with the encouragement. He voices hopes social and maybe contention that the war of being able to might not have occurred, they says. Then, smiling he adds political get them off. might give the girls a break." "Since implications . . . LSD is on trial; I British troops sent to Belfast to control political - RUNS DOWN GUNMAN Fitzgerald, 33, who quit his this February, when I took the commune life style is on case, the defendants and the trial. Youth is on trial." lligious rioting turned to relief work Sunday as record $25,000 - a - year job in the Ijnfalls Hooded towns and villages in Northern Ireland. public defender's office to represent Patricia "Katie" ■ In Belfast's lower Falls and Springfield Road areas, lajor trouble spots during city riots, troops in rubber inghies chased furniture floating from flooded ■ouseholds. Soldiers set up emergency kitchens to feed Cyclist hero Krenwinkel, 22, says he has become caught up in the cases of all four defendants — but particularly the three women. Cigarettes 10% olf the discount price on Branded families. Water in parts of West Belfast was two COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A motorcyclist who braved pistol Twenty persons required hospital treatment as a result of explosion, Charged conspiracy with along murder with Miss • 3/95< all film developing let deep. fire to run down a gunman was the blasts Witnesses said Penwill was fired Krenwinkel and" Mansnn Saturday night in credited Sunday with bringing to Whitehall, a suburb of at twice but only veered and kept after the gunman, running SuLn "Sadie" Atkins 21 and I Palestinian guerrillas accused King Hussein's regime in an bombs end a were robbery plot in which set off in two busy Columbus. Officers said him down about 100 yards from Leslie Van H^ten ' M The site Jordan Sunday of moving more tanks and artillery to department stores as diversions packages of dynamite found in three other locations In were the explosion site, says the Manson's command. women killed at They are Expires after 8/22/70 ositions around Aman as a prelude to a military for robbery, police said. The first explosion, shortly charged in the Aug. 9, 1969, the community. after 7 p.m., caused extensive Jackdown on guerrillas. An Air Force lieutenant at damage to department slayings of actress Sharon Tate ■ They also claimed Lebanon was collaborating secretly fk • | . nearby Lockbourne Air Force and adjoining liquor store in a a store and four visitors and the the killings Kodak Color Film Safeguard Soap ftjth Jordan in "bracing for an antiguerrilla showdown ^^^ Q W •I pfI Q O IhIII ®ase> William Lewis Harris 23, shopping center. However, there market next night of wealthy T the two countries." w |sJ was arrested at the site of the were no reported owners Leno and 126-127-620 Complexion Size second robbery Rosemary LaBianca. bombing after being run attempts in that shopping "The conduct of these down by girls is (Brazilian and Uruguayan police tried Sunday to the motorcyclist, center. more consistent with innocence 87c 13< ermine the authenticity of a communique which again near police said. Harris, who The second blast about 20 ninutes later shattered a limit 1 limit 3 s the Uruguayan government until (Coupon) Tuesday morning lice officers. Classified Advertising During the Aug. 3 test the spy 355-8255 ■John Gardner said ship maneuvered to within 3,000 yards to watch the firing and, Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 MSU SHOE REPAIR Virginia Maid Burlington Ballet Sunday there is an electric charge | discontent in the nation which he hopes to galvanize after the launch, raced toward the debris. In doing so it cut Photographic 355-8311 Panty Hose Panty Hose constructive reform path with a new political Jtion group, "The Common Cause." across the bow of the submarine's support ship — the Observation S| 19 sp Island ■"The American people aren't blind," Gardner said. American vessel — and forced the to reverse its A54 East Lansing Store Only LjISiTor. They see the signs. They're worried, and I'm convinced E..< Expires after 8/22/70 Only iat there are millions of engines to avoid a collision. people who are ready to act instructively and I think that is the reason for hone." .44 the Defense Rocket Cello 100 off the «Dept. is taking a close look at an lergency warning system that would put the President Tape discount price I touch instantly with every American in hearing W on ■Jjjnce of a telephone, radio or television. »he patented system, x 1500" 23° any toothpaste costing nearly a billion dollars, limit 1 ■u'd ring telephones, and turn on radios and jevisions full volume at times of national emergency. stSSSkax nation's top narcotics officer conceded Sunday .59 1.75 P the government has not been able to reduce the l°ant ot heroin available in the United States. Coated ■win E. Ingersoll, director of the Justice Dept. Bureau Psssst Dry Shampoo ■ Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, said cutting off the Rubber Bands PPly at the border is virtually impossible, so his si" »eau's aiming at the overseas sources. ■ngersoll also said the bureau does not use undercover 39; 7 oz. | East LanCs°nUgPStnore Only Expires after 8/22/70 Stereo Al bum Sale Michigan News Albums Priced Sale Price Parges of alleged fraudulent practices in the 3.77 2.99 lie cfration of the Medicaid program by Michigan 4.77 3.89 I Jn ld wi" be investigated by the Wayne County 5.77 4.09 citizens' grand jury, it was reported Sunday. lit 1 Ire!' - Frank Kelley has been investigating the East Lansin g fcial ^ a"egec' fraudulent billing practices since a Sto^Oniy Ihk !v.lch'8an Senate committee turned over evidence U office last fall. ■esti 1C rcP°rtedly can go on further in the Vkf" because of his inability to subpoena State Discount E both d°ctors and Michigan Blue Shield. A I ,ry would have such 307 E. Grand River power. Next to the Card Shop 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August |7 >97O| HEW funds finance My Loi blames education program By JOHN BORGER State News Staff Writer eventf I to fill in in other areas where with adequate training to help By JIM ADAMS there are shortages," Pfau said. meet teacher shortages in several Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize "As it is the EPDA education fields. winning journalist for his publication now, J^ • of his b Dept. of "Severe manpower shortages of the My Lai 4 Education and Welfare v th-,s this Prevents a person from continue to plague vocational - expose massacre, told delegates to the some which were not jL? summer is financing the training retraining in a different area." The Lansing grant includes technical and early childhood National Student Assn. (NDA) suitable for "good entertainment"' entertainm«.n» « ciea> n fa® of 15 MSU students who will 5ooks for education," Don Davies, tujtion and the congress in St. Paul, Minn., Hersh's account sic, u ! teach pre - kindergarten and associate commissioner for trajneeS) fees for experts and Thursday that wartime atrocities massacre of 431 w• ™ early elementary children in the professional consultants and educational development, said. the result of the "very Lansing area this fall. are Including 112 children ""N The project is part of HEW s salaries for liaison personnel who The EPDA grant to Michigan corrupt institution" which is the young to walk "• someto| work with the trainees, for the coming fiscal year has Army- 0ne development whi.i, Head Start and Follow through according to Jack Griffith, already been announced as "Collectively, there is coming to liaht programs. The purpose of these director of the intern program $579,893, seventh highest in the something very evil," Hersh said, that two days after th m"1' 1 programs is to place qualified for Head start and nation. Nevertheless, Lansing "But when you try to break it teachers in schools located in massacre, flve office* yL* Followthrough. officials fear that the city's grant . T down, it gets very vague." South Vietnam to r urban or rural poverty "Three thousand dollars of the may be severely reduced, f • 1 1 I Hersh said he does not believe incident. The The cost of the program is j t g|-ant will be used to evaluate the i(^e are nervous about 1 riSll flooded the soldiers involved in My Lai 4 which came out of that J being met by a $43,794 grant program," Griffith said, whether or not we will get any * should be found guilty as however, failed to nmH 1 which was awarded to Lansing The project will train teachers future grants," Griffith said. A British soldier aids an Irish policeman in removing a car from a flooded street in Belfast, individuals. investigation. by HEW for Head Start and for 15 classrooms in six Lansing "There are rumors that there Followthrough, according to Ed schools and three public housing will be changes in the program Northern Ireland, Sunday as record rainfalls flooded towns and villages. The British soldiers, "They weren't murderers "Fourteen different a Pfau, Michigan HEW sent to Ireland earlier to control political - religious rioting, turned to relief work in the wake of when they went over," he said, three Vietnamese aiT"* projects. coordinator. > with. al1 the repeal of abortion laws. delegate shouted during debate. roll call vote, complete with calls conrect form of a resolution, for for delegate credential checks the complete overthrow of the SERVICE College the Cheap Way: and elaborate identification existing governmental system, In Jail during the reading of roll call nJ°hn L,"dsay (St. Cloud Water ("New Jersey, home of C°Ilef' introduced JJ>nn.) the motion581(1 ,he failing "). . . . don't miss „ as a ploy NSA defeat of Davis' plan to keep Davis' proposal from water from a (continued from page one) nearby river or lake. This water would be cleaned as means Other support relatively little, however, groups the are massive likely to disobedience in any event, and civil being watered down with other amendments. His plan failed, but a sizable minority — perhaps 20 LOUIS CLEANERS Sept. £*qui it flowed per cent — of the congress voted through the soil to the storage area below. Water for even the resolution approved 623 E. GRAND RIVER for his motion. public consumption could then be pumped from this source. Kevern said that recharge basins could be successfully located near Lansing's Potter Park or Sycamore golf course, as well as other areas. Steac H $ Human consumption of chemically treated surflfe water from rivers and streams is discouraged because of the high cost involved in processing it. The economical, he said. recharge method is Massive construction projects such as more practical and the Meridian shopping brazier complex have influenced the shortage of underground water, Kevern said. The Meridian complex takes up nearly 200 acres of land which is almost entirely covered with buildings or concrete. I his prevents the natural flow of water into underground wells. Instead it is piped away from the area into a nearby river or LAST WEEK FOR... The TEAC Model A-1500U Stereo Tape Deck is enhanced by an automatic reverse system to provide effortless bi-directional long play by eliminating the need for reel turnover. A rugged three-motor drive system, four TEAC techno-built precision heads, instant off-the- tape monitoring, built-in mike-line mixer, sound-on-sound and stereo echo recording, choice of walnut cabinet or portable case, and numerous other features assure outstanding performance and versatility. SUMMER CLEARANCE SAVINGS Sold exclusively UP TO 50% OFF at HI-FI BUYS "When you think of Cards" 1101 E. GRAND RIVER CARD SHOP Across From Home Ec. Bldg. THE DISC SHOP 323 E. GRAND RIVER 310 W. Grand River East Lansing 351-8666 309 K, Grand River Ph. 332-6753 BOTH OF E. 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