Architecture Tuesday MICHIGAN . . . i« frozen mu«ic. Sunny . STATE NEWS . STATI . . . and expected high from 80 warm with an to 85 UNIVERSITY degrees. I Number 40 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 18, 1970 loose Lake Park owner ;ees self as scapegoat' By United Preu International Prior to the festival, Songer said he was Richard Songer, a man who realized his Instructed by police to "play it cool"in attitude with pushers at the scheduled hlldhood dream of building a $1 million, handling drug abuse. He said 100 entrance Labor Day rock festival. 90 • acre park "to give kids a place to go," "chips" were given to the state police for "With the system I've got set up, the lid Monday he is being used as a scapegoat use by plainclothesmen who took pictures luckiest thing that could happen to a )r rising drug abuse in society. of drug transactions for more than 150 pusher is to be turned over to the State "You try to do something for the arrests later. Police," Songer said. "All the kids I talked ounger generation and you get kicked in "I've cooperated in every way," he said. to don't want hard drugs there." l,e teeth for it," the 35 - year - old He said he planned to take a tougher (please turn to page outhfleld businessman told a special 7) Mate investigating committee. The committee heard testimony in the louse chamber throughout the day on the pen sale of drugs at the Aug. 7-9 Goose ike Rock Festival at Songer's park near Are a Democrats :kson. A large percentage of kids smoke these opinions of cigarettes," he said. "I bet candida larijuana) ire's some being smoked in this building jht now." He said kids find it easier to get dope beer around schools and their By JOHN BORGER public schools, said. "This is implicit in the iighborhood hangouts. State News Staff Writer land - grant philosophy." "This park has been a dream of mine ever "Universities have a special ice I was a kid. When I was a kid, I never responsibility jd a place to go like this. I promised Brief summaries of the educational views of candidates for MSU trustee have been in voting their stock in corporations on controversial issues," Downs, an attorney, Economic lyself if I ever had enough dough, I'd sent to all Democratic county and district said. Gov. Milliken met juild a place like this," he said. chairmen by Walter Adams, chairman of Stevens said Monday at the White House with President Nixon and George P. Schultz, former secretary of decisions dealing with labor and now director of the Office of [He said Goose Lake Park, where an the Democratic Educational Campaign specific student disturbances should be Management and Budget. The session was held to discuss measures the Itimated 150,000 young persons gathered Committee. federal government could take to ease the effects of the current economic downturn on the State of t the rock festival, is a year - round Sketches of the MSU and State Board of (please turn to page 7) See story page 2. Michigan. Icility with camping sites, skiing and Education candidates were sent out AP Wirephoto kowmobiling facilities. Monday, Adams said. Wayne State University and University of Michigan candidates' sketches will 3,000 tons of bombs dropped be mailed out Wednesday. "ourt order "We had a lot of new announcing for Michigan and Wayne," candidates Adams said, "and we didn't eet their questionnaires back in time to them parring rock out with the others." off enemy offensive The candidate sketches are based to stave on questionnaires which Adams earlier sent to estival signed all announced or potential candidates. Of the five candidates for MSU trustee, only three returned completed [JACKSON (UPI) --- Jackson County questionnaires. They were Don Stevens of SAIGON (AP) — The entire Pacific Fleet struck a South Vietnamese artillery were wounded. Ircuit Judge John Dalton signed a Okemos, Patricia Carrigan of Ann Arbor of B52 heavy bombers struck the northern battalion less than two miles southeast of Vietnamese and South Vietnamese south Eighteen North Vietnamese of Quang Tri last week. The enemy were reported killed. Imporary restraining order Monday and Tom Downs of Lansing. quarter of South Vietnam Monday in an Fire Base O'Reilly one of the bases used to may be Fire Base Fuller, near the Irring a planned one - day rock festival at C. Allen Harlan of Southfield did not attempt to sidetrack what may be a big check on enemy infiltration. Battalion trying to slip reinforcements into the area zone 30 miles northwest of demilitarized loose Lake being planned for the Labor return the questionnaire, but wrote a letter enemy offensive. casualties were reported light because most from Laos past the allied bases scattered hit by 35 big 120mm mortars O'Reilly, was east of the Laotian border. lay weekend. outlining general views. Alfred Seelye of Despite the 3,000 tons of bombs dumped of the South Vietnamese had pulled out. Monday, but ■But the of Goose Lake Park, Rockford did not return the only light South Vietnamese casualties owner questionnaire. by nearly 100 Superfortresses on suspected Allied officers predicted the enemy's big lichard Songer, said he would go ahead Four ground fights were reported near were reported. Major issues contained in the brief enemy positions, the North Vietnamese offensive would be aimed at Quang Tri, the Kith plans for the festival and fight the sketches include university positions on O'Reilly and Fire Base Barnett in the Fuller was the hardest hit of the bases maintained the barrage of mortars that has provincial capital to the northeast which mountains southwest of Quang Tri. Field Idicial order in the courts. student unrest, the university as an hit allied bases in the north since struck by North Vietnamese gunners seven lies 20 miles south of the demilitarized reports said at least two Americans and |"We've been in court four times before instrument of social change and special Sunday. Sunday. Field reports said Fuller took a lis similar injunctions so zone separating the Vietnams. three South Vietnamese were killed, and on this is nothing consideration to minority students. Most of the shellings, about 300 rounds, There was heavy fighting between North 12 Americans and direct hit on an ammunition dump. The (w," he said. The responses of Mrs. Carrigan, Stevens seven South Vietnamese resulting explosion caved in about 20 IJackson County Prosecutor Bruce A. and Downs showed general agreement on bunkers, killing more than a dozen Barton had requested the order last Friday all these issues. government troops and wounding at least ■ three counts all |ith - charging the park being a public nuisance. One of the "The real value of universities as instruments for social change in the 1970's STIFF REQUIREMENTS twice that number. Several more were counts was based on alleged is to provide solutions to problems, not pread drug violations at the park Associated Press correspondent Willis merely to identify them," Stevens, ring the last festival. Johnson, reporting from the northern currently the chairman of the board of ■ Songer said the Tiisance because "there park was not a public pne outside of the park during the last Wival. There was a problem with drugs was no damage trustees, said. "Universities must play a major role in social and economic change," Mrs. Carrigan, research director for Ann Arbor Loans By JEFF SHELER not feed' headquarters city of Da Nang, said informed sources enemy attacks may offensive against there believe the foreshadow a major the populous coastal lowlands south of the demilitarized wave of bt this is being rectified." State News Staff Writer while zone. according to asst. director of financial aid, following a very general guideline, L. Michael Smith. apply their own qualifications for Enemy field movements, captured documents and prisoners indicate that Many students who have tried to get Smith said the MHEAA program backs obtaining a student loan. "We recommend to the banks that they the prize of the offensive may be Quang student loans under the Michigan Higher up loans granted to students in the event a Education Assistance follow prudent lending practices in Tri, a city of 30,000 people. It lies 90 miles Authority's student dies, becomes disabled or northwest of Da Nang and is (MHEAA) guaranteed loan program have otherwise defaults on his loan. granting student loans," Appel said. headquarters of the U.S. 1st Brigade, 5th Mechanized found that they had grossly misinterpreted He said the Appel said another factor that prevents program in no way banks from loosening restrictions on Infantry Division. the word "guaranteed." guarantees a student will receive a loan. The difficulty in meeting the student loans is a "somewhat massive" In fact, MSU students would find it "Capturing Quang Tri would be a qualifications prescribed amount of paperwork that accompanies by the rather difficult to secure a loan from a military success on which to try to build participating banks — yea, even in getting Lansing or East Lansing bank, Smith said. (please turn to page 7) political progress," one source said. them to hand over an application form — A check of local banks participating in clearly suggests that the "guarantee" does the MHEAA guaranteed loan not mean the student is assured a loan. program The guarantee, given to the lending revealed that loans are granted only to IN STEVENS' BID customers of the bank — that is, to a institutions by the state, is that any loans person who has a fairly long - standing granted under the program will be repaid, account, mortgage, — or to students whose parents are bank customers. "The banks just don't make the off student loans that money they do from other Freedom Report, poll Water types of loans," Smith said. "For one thing, the student doesn't have to pay interest until after he graduates, and if he below goes into the service or enters grad school he can stall it off even more." Smith explained that the government top campaign issues pays interest on the loans until the graduate begins repayment. However, if the Trustee action on General Motors stock completed. The opinion, which was student or his parents, if he is a dependent, standards has an adjusted annual income of $15,000 or more, the interest is paid by the student and on the Academic Freedom Report will be major issues in Don Stevens' campaign for re-election to the board, Stevens said originally requested by Stevens, is expected to be released sometime within two weeks. Stevens said he would fight any such from the date of issue. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Public Monday. telephone action in the future, regardless Health Service said Monday 16 per cent of Basic interest on the loans is Stevens, D-Okemos and currfent chairman of the attorney general's opinion. Such a simple of the board, will hold a press conference 969 water systems tested last year were seven per cent with a market allowance of phone polls do not allow for trustees to potentially hazardous. up to an additional three per cent. Friday in Grand Rapids to emphasize his debate the issue, Stevens said. Another 25 per cent delivered drinking Most banks consider the student loans a concern with those issues. Stevens added that the "disgusting water rated inferior by federal standards. service to their customers, Smith said. Stevens said he hopes that by Friday degree" to which GM was willing to go to The tests were conducted in eight Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley will have issued an discredit Nader simply strengthens his Consequently they normally restrict the metropolitan areas and the state of loans to regular patrons. opinion concerning the legality of the opinion of Nader's organization. Vermont to determine wholesomeness of Walt Appel, educational loan officer for board's approving, by a telephone poll, use Regarding the Academic Freedom the public drinking supply. MHEAA, said he usually suggests that of the University's GM stock proxies to Report, Stevens said he was not opposed to defeat two proposals of consumer crusader a review of the document but The results justify "real concern over the students apply for loans from hometown opposed any Ralph Nader at the GM stockholders' unilateral or secret board action concerning ability of most systems to deliver adequate banks where they or their parents are supplies of safe water in the future," said regular customers. meeting. changes in it. Lib leader James H. McDermott, director of the federal Bureau of Hygiene. "Participating banks primarily, if not The telephone poll spring term reversed He pointed out that a motion of his concerning the report was tabled at the exclusively, restrict granting student loans an earlier decision of the board not to vote JJrs. B(KtY Friedan, leader of the Women's Liberation fight, speaks on The 1969 survey found that 900,000 of 18.2 million people In the sample area to residents of their own geographic area," the proxies at all. Stevens, Blanche Martin, June board meeting and should be acted on before any other action concerning the £* t0 the Sunday night session of the National Student Assn. received potentially hazardous water. Appel said. "Several (participating banks) restrict the D-East Lansing, and Clair White, D-Bay report is considered. Stevens' motion congress in St. Paul Minn. Mrs. Friedan said women represent Another 2 million drink inferior water. City, opposed voting the stock in favor of would establish student loans to college juniors, seniors and GM. a - faculty lucent of the adult population and that a women's revolution must Potentially hazardous is defined as failing graduate students," Appel said. The attorney general's office commuttee, with members selected by I ;nn • P'ace now because women are segregated into the most menial jobs the government's least stringent health Appel said the program is voluntary as Monday research said ASMSU and the Academic Council, to '"dustry. far as banks are concerned, so the banks on an opinion of the review the operation of the Academic AP Wirephoto (please turn to page 7) telephone poll's legality was »bout Freedom Rppor* 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Dynamite blasts upset calm WE' summary From the wires of AP and UPI. of 2 Midwest communities fled from a suburban shopping several hundred yards. Bv ASSOCIATED PRESS in recent days, a police area following the bombing Berglund made a damage i Explosions shattered the Saturday of two department estimate of $500,000 to the spokesman said. stores in which 20 persons wen1 In neighboring Iowa, three pre-dawn quiet of two building and adjacent structures. Midwestern cities Monday, the injured. The FBI federal office building police departments have been latest in a series of scattered At Omaha, bombed. police, responding has been the scene of several in America's to telephoned report of a One June 22, Des Moines "If Congress believes that price bombings a earlier antiwar demonstrations, heartland. woman screaming, walked into but the only damage done was police were able to dismantle a * I and wage controls are needed . . . dynamite bomb, placed in a tool m it should make such controls A booby - trapped suitcase an empty 24-story frame houstv the spraying of paint on outside . . . box with a booby trap ^ ' exploded in the face of an A booby - trapped suitcase on walls. A new federal edifice, mandatory." Omaha, Neb., policeman after he the living room floor exploded, where the FBI and other arrangement, before it exploded. At Columbus, Harris, 23, of ,V President Nixon and seven other patrolmen were killing Larry Minard, who would government agencies are located, lured to a vacant house by a have been 30 years old is three blocks away. Tonkawa, Okla., awaited (Story on page 3) false distress call. The man was Thursday. Minard was the father At Omaha on June 11, several arraignment in the wake of killed and his comrades were of five children. thousand dollars' damage bombings of a Penney and a injured. The Minneapolis explosion, at resulted to a police assembly Zayer department store in suburban Whitehall. Later, a dynamite blast rocked about 3 a.m., knocked the night building when 10 pounds of a downtown Minneapolis, Minn., After the explosions, Harris watchman Joseph Christy, dynamite blew a hole in a wall was run down by a motorcycle building housing a military unconscious. and broke windows. No one was induction center. U.S. Marshall Harry Berglund operated by Roger Penwell, 23, International News Meanwhile, at Columbus, said the blast involved use of up in the building at the time. A number of "crank calls" have as the Air Force man was fleeing the scene. Witnesses said Ohio, arraignment of Air Force to 20 sticks of dynamite. come from the North side area The Lebanese Parliament elected Finance Minister 1st Lt. William L. Harris was The concussion of the blast Penwell, who started across a delayed because of Harris* originating under a basement parking lot to head off Harris, Suleiman Franjieh president Monday in a bitterly was fired on twice by Harris. broken leg, suffered while he entryway, blew out windows for disputed election that wound up in a fist fight between After being seized, police said, Franjieh and the speaker of the house. Harris showed them the Fighting spread to the house floor and into the location of three other explosive Bomb wound devices containing 62 sticks of galleries before police regained control. Gunshots were heard in the nearby streets, but they were apparently fired by Franjieh's supporters celebrating victory. The fighting developed over the number of votes Milliken, dynamite. They were rendered harmless by a bomb squad. Police said the store bombings Omaha, Neb., Patrolman John Tess sustained leg wounds early Monday when a booby-trapped suitcase dynamite exploded, killing one policeman and seven. Of the seven, only Tess was containing injuring I apparently had been intended as hospitalized, listed in fair required to elect Franjieh as president. discuss eco a diversion to cover a attempt. robbery condition. Another blast occurred in Minneapolis, Minn. APWirephoto National News WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gov. Milliken conferred almost an The government Monday filed suit against Idaho and hour Monday with President Nixon on the national economic PHOSPHATE DISCHARGE Arizona, seeking a Supreme Court test of the 18 - year - picture and the Michigan situation in particular. The governor did not indicate in what specific area the federal old vote and two other provisions of the 1970 Voting Rights Act. The Justice Dept., which filed the suits, did not seek help was sought, other than to say manpower projects and youth training had high priority, but he emerged from the meeting optimistic. "I am reasonably sure we'll get something," he said. States cited in pollution an immediate decision. The court does not come back The Michigan unemployment situation is weak, Milliken's into session until Oct. 5. executive assistant James C. Kellogg said. Unemployment was 6.4 CHICAGO (UPI) - H. Wallace nutrients to the waters which D-Ill., testified concerning a I However the department asked the court to issue an per cent last month and is expected to reach seven per cent next Poston, Chicago Environmental encourage the growth of algae, he has introduced requiring i| month. Control commissioner, testified thereby cutting down the lake's ban interim order which would allow illiterate persons in the on phosphates in detergents, Milliken said he proposed a national clearing house to regulate, Monday that Illinois and supply of self - cleaning oxygen. "Unless we act to control tlx 14 states which have literacy tests to register for the screen and monitor chemicals released by factories into the neighboring states, not Chicago, "I firmly believe that It is environment. The Michigan Legislature has passed such a polluting of our wa Nov. 3 general elections. are the offenders in discharge of extremely important that resources," Pucinski said, ' measure, and he was hopeful of additional assistance from the phosphates into Lake Michigan. phosphates are removed from federal government. Dies The phosphates come, he said, our lakes and rivers," he said. will continue to degrade o Sen. Sam J. Ervin, D-N.C., unveiled a substitute waters beyond the point of n| Milliken said he told the President of the need for more federal Harry A. Overstreet, from elsewhere in Illinois, "What's more, this can be return and lose one of o Monday for the proposed constitutional amendment funds for manpower training programs, and said he was hopeful Indiana, Michigan and done." philosopher, writer and priceless recreational and life | approved by the House a week ago to guarantee equal the President would announce within a few days what specific lecturer, died Monday at his Wisconsin. Rep. Roman C. Pucinski, giving bodies." rights to women under federal and state laws. help could be provided. suburban "This is an excesssive amount "The President made it clear he is sympathetic and wants to Virginia home Ervin, who plans to introduce his substitute bill and continued discharge will outside Washington, D.C., at cooperate with Michigan as much as he can," Milliken said. further accelerate the Wednesday after giving colleagues a chance to join as age 94. He had been in failing co-sponsors, said the House - passed measure would The Michigan, governor as he said he hoped the President may come to did to Chicago recently, to discuss pollution health for months. AP eutrophication process," Poston said. He referred to the process News may be require Congress and the states to make all laws apply to problems. ' Wirephoto by which waste materials add men and women in identical fashion "ho matter how irrational or unreasonable such application may be." on closed-circuit Erwin's bill would guarantee rights, to women, but would exempt them from the military and allow a government action to differentiate between the sexes ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Robert Perrin, vice president communication San. Lacklar V Complete front end repair and for University relations, is University. from It "reasonably designed" to promote their health, safety, "I think this is a worthwi education or economic welfare of women. alignment studying a proposal presented by idea," he said. "We would 1 why 16 * ASMSU Cabinet President Bob cutting Brakes * Suspension Grossfeld that newscasts be willing to make a joii "lomao shown on closed circuit arrangement with ASMSU I * Wheel balancing - diiplaye Hundreds of migrant workers have been jailed in * Steering television between classes. telecast student administration news." southern New Jersey without ever seeing a judge, Presently, music or test - Perrin said he has not ; patterns are run between classes. antipoverty lawyers said Monday. Max Rothman, director of the farm worker division of the Camden, N.J.. Regional Legal Services, charged that LISKEV'S Auto Safety 124 SOUTH LARCH Center Perrin said his office previously considered the idea as had come for the to grips with production costs or procedun telecasts. Til lur IV 4-7346 farmers are intimidating workers with threats of arrest a means of bettering internal department of closed • and the threats are often carried through because the television, which is unJ Instructional Media Service * a ^ farmers often control the local municipal councils and through that control they influence police action. RANDALL'S would have to consulted, according to Perri be close JJ \ So far, officials at closed Vice President Agnew said Monday the Hatfield - McGovern "Amendment to End the War" in Vietnam could bring the United States its first defeat and pave PIZZA S&wwa HEALTH our just door's open in Brookfield across Plaza from the circuit television have not the ASMSU proposal. Both Grossfeld and they hoped the telecast c" Perrin si ANN ARB lird time, (clde whe olllns mur A&P - stop in and start sometime fall term. •tlmony the way for a bloodbath in Southeast Asia. OR onday FOODS as browse thru our omen He told a cheering crowd of 10,000 at the national CARRY OUT IN 8 MIN delit selection of organic >y. Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Miami Beach 10 AND 14 INCH PIZZA After deli that if the amendment is adopted by the Senate and foods. Stevens onday moi passed by the House, it will go down in history "as the SPAGHETTI * * * wanted Teas Grains Sugarless * Natural amendment that lost the war in Vietnam." stimony c backed . * cosmetics "mer room Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., answered the vice * Rice Juices * Dietetic president's claims by saying he reacted in panic. But McGovern also announced that he was changing the SALMIS * Seeds * Honey * Allergy - free * Vegetarian A' that pi ent 15 liberations amendment slightly to pick up the Senate votes needed to pass it by moving back the troop withdrawal deadline six months to Dec. 31, 1971. postal 'ins to dec Asst. Postmaster Gene Michigan News Drop off dry cleaning, Ronald laia O.B. Liee has endorsed! Lee HOB D-Okem murc bid OIof L/on Stevens, f Don Olevciia, y|ng of lg The State Highway Dept. announced Monday the /tUniioMnM A f fhp hoard and chairman of the board *bman Ka It 45< creation of a special unit to coordinate antipollution and antilitter programs along Michigan's highways. 45{ per pound trustees, trustee. for another term Kind July 2 " he la act The special unit, headed by public hearings engineer Stevens announced "turned t candidacy Aug. 5. G. Robert Adams, will work through the department's 1 skirt 45< "People like yourself are ,(«'Pent transportation planning division. short supply," Lee wr0 )•Pi Calif procee Highway Dept. Director Henrik Stafseth said the unit Stevens. "Those who to Mont will be involved in activities ranging from air and water 1 sweater 45< managerial capabilities » insight into human requireme" charge pollution control to billboard and litter regulations as ying of a are needed — especially on '''Salinas they relate to highways. ir campuses of major university 1 pair slacks 45< Lee is a former director ^ time General Motors Monday .announced the final results of MSU's Center for Urban AW '"mony rei its test program to pick up abandoned cars in the resort area surrounding Traverse City. The company said that during the two - month test, a We love active people active people love usl FREE total of more than 3,200 abandoned cars were actually 351-7363 132 N. HARRISON AT MICHIGAN 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience STORAGE counted but that 2,593 were reported. General Motors said it launched the clean-up program to determine whether it could be economically feasible 487-3733 Just 3 lights South of Harrison St. 2417 E. KALAMAZOO 1 2 - - 213 Ann Str«*t Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road SERVICE 3 Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yank«« Stadium Plaza to remove junk cars from areas some distance from - FOR YOUR CLOTHING . processing plants, and recyle them. Roger M. Kyes, executive vice president o£ General 484-4406 1101 W. WILLOW ' Mtors, said "We are convinced that the only effective way to get rid of the estimated four million abandoned cars in the United States is to find ways to make it 484-4555 AT LOGAN TAKE OUT ONLY' 2201 S. CEDAR LOUIS CLEANERS economically attractive for the scrap processing industry Sun.-Thurs. 4 p.m To 12:00 P.M,.,Frl. 8i Sat. To 1 AM , Join Those Who Expert More . 623 E. GRAND RIVER to pick up these deserted vehicles." pact i.anmn^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 18, 1970 3 weather clears Parochiaid issue Gas nears disposal site line, which It must play In and rests with judges of the gas Is ABOARD U.S.S. Hartley (AP) out depending on wave taking. The hulk beneath the surface for four to Weather cleared Monday and its cargo will be sunk By United Pros* International conditions. Traveling in the in six hours. L(ht opening the way for an 16,000 feet of water at the After the Liberty ship has convoy are the destroyer escort An Appeals Court panel made up of two Protestants and one In 'Liberty ship and its 418 Hartley, the Coast Guard cutter disposal site, used for the years by the army as a dump for settled to the bottom, water Catholic judge took under advisement Monday the question of Lofflns of lethal nerve gas to be Mendota and a second bottles will float to the surface whether a proposal to outlaw parochiaid should cuttled In «n ocean grave backup obsolete munitions. at predetermined times. go on the tug, the Port Jefferson. Once an eight • man team has will They November ballot In Michigan. The only passengers aboard be retrieved with nets, and The panel heard final arguments of 30 minutes each from [iUR»lnaysquall8 and choppy seas the Briggs are several caged boarded the hulk and opened scientists aboard the Hartley will flood valvea, the Brigga will sink backers of the amendment and representatives of the Attorney irller slowed the ship and Its rabbits, used to determine if any analyze the water for any General's Office, which has ruled the proposed amendment is L-nvoy, threatening to delay the slowly and won't disappear evidence of escaped gas. illegally drawn up. Linking until Wednesday. Court observers said they expect a T But Navy Capt. A.J. Hamilton ruling by the panel before Lnorted Monday night the Sept. 4. itter weather will enable the ,IP to make up lost time uvernlght. Hygienist shortage noted The judges are Donald E. Holbrook, a Methodist; John W. Fitzerland, a congregationaiist; and Thomas M. Burns, a Catholic. Sept. 4 is the deadline for the Secretary of State's Office to draw up the wording which will appear on the ballot and to send I H»mllton, commander of the the wording to local election boards around the state. The phase of Operation Chase, [aid he expected to convoy to \rive at the disposal site 283 east of Cape Kennedy, in desperate dentist's ad Appeals Court last week ordered the secretary of state to begin processing the petitions containing 321,000 signatures, in case it rules in favor of the parochiaid foes. The antiparochiad forces are by midmorning. The attempting to overturn a decision BIRMINGHAM by the State Board of Canvassers that the proposed amendment is Icut'tling will require several Wanted desperately —(UPI) one dental vowed who the anonymous dentist at the same time she is illegally worded. lours. put the advertisement in graduated. hygienist. last week's They were represented at Monday's hearing by Detroit I In the convoy were the nerve weekly Birmingham "Fifty cent of attorney Salary: $750 for a 12 hour - Eccentric. per the Erwin Ellman, who said the question before the court involved is ship LeBaron Russell Briggs; hygienists are not week, plus potential fringe "You have to offer practicing a "the integrity of the amendatory process. ,e tug Elizabeth Moran, which benfits that include a Cadillac everything year after to graduation," he said. "The question is whether it should be C towing the old Liberty ship, convertible for get one," the suburban The dentist said he had received given reasonably transportation; dentist said. He hospitable scope or be surrounded by booby traps and jnd three escort vessels. free life insurance; a furnished blamed a shortage of dental hyglenlsts on 25 calls from other dentists barricades," he said. "The statutes cannot be read with such I The pacing ship Is the tow tug, apartment, all utilities the expressing solidarity and about slavish exactness to undermine the Lhlch has had to move relatively of paid; use University of Michigan and 350 other calls, some purpose of amendatory a mink stole on the from action." low in the two to four foot full weekdays, a University of Detroit for "cranks." Asst. Atty. Gen, Russell Searle, however, said the Kivm. It is hauling the Briggs weekends.length mink coat on • encouraging dental hygiene Blasts petition is students to study for four years He also got calls from about amend worded so that "you can't tell If this will take the place of or be lid its cargo of 418 vaults of "If I don't get me one with 200 hygienists, from whom he in addition to current amendments. Instead of two. Vice President Spiro Agnaw, Itrve gas on a 18,650 • foot tow this ad, next week I'm believes he will be able to addressing the 71st annual "If this were submitted to the voters and going to He said that puts the hire, adopted, no one potential even with reneging convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars offer a Junior partnership," hygienist In the marriage market on some of Monday in would know how the constitution had been umended until the the Inducements. Miami Beach, said the Hatfield ■ McGovern amendment for Supreme Court had Interpreted It," he said. "They just don't say withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam would mark the anywhere what It is they're changing and you have to do that. first defeat in U.S. history. The law has not been followed in the text of the UNWANTID AUTHORITY AP Wirephoto amendment." Wage control BACK TO WASHINGTON (AP) - 270 to 11 against a establishment President Nixon signed Monday freeze. a bill empowering him to control mandatory Nixon had objections to two prices, rents, wages and salaries other provisions In the bill that of necessarily would affect the negotiation and administration of government utandard* SCHOOL — contracts, power which he didn't request went beyond the mere extension functions SAVINGS for which the and doesn't want. of the law. executive branch is responsible The authority was Injected by One would establish a Cost under the Constitution. Congress into a bill extending Accounting Standards Board A third objectionable the Defense Production Act under the U.S. Comptroller provision of the bill, Nixon said, Brookfield Plaza, Sale Thru Sunday until June 30,1972. General. The comptroller general arbitrarily imposes an Congress insisted on is an agent of Congress, and unnecessary and undesirable $20 empowering Nixon to establish Nixon said he was against having million limit for any single controls at levels no lower than such those prevailing last May 25th in an agency independent of defense production loan r . the executive branch. He said guaranteed under the Defense D rents, prices and pay, even 1.. Production A Act. though the President had made It clear he would not use the ' The State News, the student mBLxt authority. newspaper at Michigan State "If University, is published every class day during four school Congress believes," he said terms, plus Welcome Week edition in Protests cut-in in a statement, "that price and Subscription rate is $14 per year September. wage controls are needed in Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., holds a copy of the today's economy, despite all the Member Associated Press, United Press Lackland Air Force Base newspaper and a photo clipped evident disadvantages, and Inland Daily Press Association, International, Associated Collegiate Press, from It. Ha demanded Monday an official explanation of why 15 airmen armed with 15 razor blades spent a full day against my recommendations, It should face strong Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Key Wound Electric Home Clearasil cutting 10,000 holes In 10,000 newspapers because up to its responsibilities and "someone didn't like" the way a general's picture was make such controls mandatory." He noted that the House voted Second class postage paid al East Lansing, Michigan. Alarm Clocks Barber Kit for Acne displayed. AP Wirephoto Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University. Michigan. East Lansing, $749 77c ury rehears Phones: Editorial Classified Advertising . 355-8252 355-8255 Alarm in molded Ivory case. Extra loud 2-bell luminous dial. alarm. (Main or Professional type; heavy duty clippers, comb, easy instructions. Save SSSSSI 1.2-oz. reg. Medicated, especially teen-age acne. S 1.39 value, made for Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Circulation deliberation Photographic . 355-3447 355 8311 PANTI HOSE FILLER PAPER ANN ARBOR (UPI) - For the haired, square jawed Collins Is uncle's Ypsllanti basement time, the jury trying to brought from his jail cell to the where the prosecution alleged he 51 HtIUH -e whether John Norman second floor courtroom half a tied her up, sexually brutalized Looseleaf olilns murdered a coed, had •tlmony read back to It onday block away. For the first time Monday, his and killed her, and that blood on the basement floor and hair on Restaurant 5-hole type. 500 Sheets. 73c 88* as the six men and six mother, Mrs, Loretta Collins, her panties established the omen deliberated for the third not in the courtroom. She basement as the scene of the on was any order of two complete I THIS COUPON »y. was in a nearby church where slaying. After dinners, the lower priced dinner "ft" 4 p.m deliberating 2Mi hours she has spent much of her time The defense tried to establish will be l°nday morning, the jury said since the case went to the jury an alibi, questioned the f //% nrr I M°nd«V"Thurtday wanted to rehear the before noon last Friday, and she Identification of Collins as the l/i Urr R"9U|" KLEENEX Juniors "timony of Arnold Davis, a apparently could not be notified motorcyclist the girl rode off I'mer roommate of with when she At that Collins. point, the jury had of the testimony in time to get to the courtroom. was last alive, attacked the blood typing, seen YAT WAH RESTAURANT Perfect size for Davis had testified Collins gave and produced three scientists ml 15 hours in actual Gives you that sleek, slim look. liberations ""g to decide if in its locked room, Collins, a 23 • him a motorcycle - riding lesson about three hours after Miss Beineman who said the hair on the panties did not come from the basement floor. £ Fashionable hose in fashionable colors. Once you wear pantihose, you'll never wear any other kind. traveling. White only. Box of 75 13c lL o1(* former Eastern disappeared, that Mgan University senior, was Collins went to feed his or innocent of first - vacationing uncle's dog late that murder night at the home where the himan ,18 Karen In " year " the sex old EMU Sue Belneman - prosecution says the girl was slain and that, when Collins Frandor's Back to School TOOTH DROPS ARRID EX. DRY °und July 23,1969. learned he was a suspect, he Dr. Dents Antl-perspirant |freturned he la acquitted, to the Collins will jail cell where asked Davis to remember what time they went riding. :c. Pet Show & Parade Toothache Treatment 39c 6-oz. can. $1.29 Value IV ,1. "" 'Pfnt almost 13 months The jury also asked to see a California authorities photograph of a bloodstained { Proc«odings to extradite shirt found In the home where Prliei, tropiei and gift certificates will be awarded to the Monterey County, Calif. J charged with the sex • Miss Belneman was allegedly slain. winners. Entries will bo judged by Frandor Pet Center and Noah's Ark Pot Shop. Activities start at TEN-O-SIX TOOTHBRUSH Si? "Salinas" In17June, " y«ar • oW girl During Its testimony, the 1969. prosecution attempted to show Lotion by Bonne Pro Brand Jf tlme read the jury has back, the dark • Collins picked up Miss Beineman July 23, 1969, took her to the 10 A.M. on August 20 Bell Cleanses your skin with medication. $3» Med. Adult 69c ea. f for 69c Near Kiddieland at Frandor with WE HAVE and Al Fast characters. a parade, a band,^ Following the contest, there will be a DON'T MISS IT! MUIR'S PRICE BUSTING moved FREE FLEA DIPPING to ALCO BLDG. I Sponsored by Frandor Pet Center It's not necessary to compete It VITAMIN SALE pREE PARKING » Bring your own towel NOW THROUGH SEPT. 27 ON The event will be hosted bv ""'or Optici MUIR'S OWN QUALITY VITAMINS ^ E. KAPPA DELTA SORORITY Saginaw This contest Is not meant to be serious competition. Prizes are for the children, but the Buy 1 Bottle^it Regular Price and Get activities should be fun for all ages. COME ON OVER, AND BRING A FRIEND. 2nd Bottle (Sair? Site) for only 1c. J!^0f Abbott Rd. (M-78) MICHIGAN STATE NEW' UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE advertising manager KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor LARRY LEE, city editor JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor § The new, Movie rating farcical movie rating system (G, GP, R, X) has been so successful that people,' corporations and even nations have begun adopting similar codes. The "GG" — adults 18 or older will not be admitted. (However, in some areas adults 18 years and older will be admitted if accompanied by a child, from the same code expanded have developed an extremely different eating code for its black citizens. The new code stipulates that blacks either under OR over the age of 17 are only allowed to take Its tragic. It's Adults are incredibly continuing to and inhibit their children just by their parents. And. of course traoi„ soc2 ' re% Jth', rep«* th?** JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor following have come to my attention: family, under the age of 18.) out food from restuarants. But blacks thing of all is that most of t^ /0* Chinese restaurants in New York City are Mattel Corp., which manufactures Barbi exactly 17 (of course, birth certificate proof is needed) have the right to be seated don't realize it. Thank college, etc. you Sah8 beginning to restrict the ordering of lobster dolls, has sent to retailers an unusual code for the purchase of Barbi. B--may be at any restaurant. I don't know if it is Cantonese to only those 18 years or older * * * more t» Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award It seems the rationale has developed from bought by young girls between the ages young people are prohibited ftQT th,t for outstanding journalism. children questioning their parents about four and 13. C-may be bought by young It's funny. It's incredible really. Society certain films or that (Zs 2 ^ where lobsters come from while in the men between the ages of 13 and 34. has so many sexual and mental hang-ups. restaurant. In order to prevent arguments MSU has decided to remove all left - Adults think they know best and what IS sssrwhich musi * and lengthy discussions over the dinner handed desks from rooms in which courses best for their children: voila — a movie I don't know if this EDITORIALS table the owners of Chinese restaurants dealing with communism, the Soviet rating code which doesn't allow 17 year what Terry Smith writes matters but about in » J"'* have all agreed to the present decision. Union, Communist China, and New Left olds to see the movie "Woodstock" senous columns about the II s Israel has established a new immigration revolutionaries are taught. However, because some young people (possibly 17 or U.S.S.R. nuclear arms has University officials have reported that made aireidyl policy in which everyone is welcome with restriction: Children 17 or under must there few, if any, left handed younger) were photographed in the nude — as if the human body without clothes shown into movies and - movies ^ one were very - over over again until you S'"I Closure of po be accompanied by parent or legal guardian. However, the parent or guardian must be Jewish by birth AND have desks to remove in the first place. From the producers of the running daytime serial, "The long Edge of shouldn't be viewed or photographed. asleep from boredom. attended religious services twice within the Night," now comes the long - awaited film past year. version "The Edge of Saturday Night and useless as dr Disney Productions has come out with a sequel to "Bambi" called "Son of Bambi" Early Saturday Morning." It stars Dustin Hoffman and Claudia Cardinali and has been issued an "XX" rating at all starring the son of Bambi, Rock Hudson — no one and Nancv Kwan. The movie is unusual admitted. Gov. Milliken's pending crusade because there is a chance that drugs because it's been given a different rating of Georgia and five other Southern states against drug use at rock festivals is may be used. well - intentioned but of Officials are concerned about questionable value. management of such large crowds as OUR READERS' MIND There is no dispute about the the one at Goose Lake, yet there is existence of wide - spread use of Kill them with kindness no concern over the massive knot of illegal intoxicants at the Goose Lake Festival. What is in question is the people that periodically crowd into reasoning and method being used to Tiger Stadium. They are also concerned with enforcing laws in To the Editor: generation who happens to dig beards, combat this phenomena. large crowds, yet every MSU football Barney White'* column In today'i Issue (thought I'd better throw that In lest I The governor is charged with the seems to beg for tome kind of should turn you off before I can state my game sees any number of ignored response. responsibility for seeing that the laws His question, "Where do you go from case) I too am fed up with many members of the state are enforced. It seems a intoxicant violations. here? can only be answered "Nowhere," of the older generation lumping all young violation of the spirit - if not the Closing future festivals will only unlets his present attitudes and reactions people with hair Into one radical, left • letter - of the law to prohibit punish tens of thousands of innocent undergo some change. wing hippie faction. But we can't really people who would have attended. No As a member of the under 30 expect them to change their ways — something because of what "might" • narrow - mlndedness and prejudice have happen. Bars are not closed because problem has ever been solved by been festering for too many years. The there is a chance that someone might sweeping it under the rug. There is answer, then, can only lie with us. Since drink and drive. Nor are racetracks no reason to believe that closing youthful concerts will stop the No excuse LOVE seems to be the byword, why not try using it as our weapon? Kill 'em with closed because of the possibility of off - track betting. It makes no proliferation of intoxicants in this kindness, as the saying goes. To Whom It May Concern: Bamey expects us to accept, without greater sense to ban pop concerts society. Remember Sunday afternoon when you question, the earliness of the hour as his roared down Gunson Street after turning excuse for ru depress to the girl to had off of Grand River? Well, on your way by attempted to sooth his ruffled feathers. He my house you hit my puppy. And you makes no attempt, however, to find didn't even have the decency to stop. He excuses for the actions of the older Illegal 'Orange9 was our to you only 11 weeks old. If house on you had passed foot he would have come up and licked your face. But I guess I wouldn't want him near someone like you. waitress who, too typically. I must admit, behaved only But because this situation IS so typical, it seems to point up a possible solution — if we can only keep ourselves We can't bring him back, but I hope that from reacting as we see "them'' reacting (at a question of youH see this and maybe slow down a little. Next time it might be a small child. Is that what it would take to make you stop? any time of the day or night!) be some hope for the future. there might Lynn E. Hill Holt resident Name withheld by request Aug. 7,1970 In April, 1969, someone sprayed Blame must be laid at the feet of 70,000 acres of Cambodian soil with what is euphemistically called a a defoliant substance known as problem in "command and control." IRENE PINCKES "Agent Orange." That it was Roughly translated this means that elements of the United States Air commanders generally have no idea Force is as well known as the fact of what is going on in the field. This that no one knows under what implies that lower level officials are only gold glitters authority they did so. presumptuously making major The State Dept. has denied any knowledge of this violation of Cambodian territory. Foggy Bottom decisions neutrality of a - in this a case to violate the sovereign nation with blatant chemical attack. Fort Knox: is also in the process of settling a $12 The use of defoliants is one of the million damage claim with the unsung tragedies of the Indochina play pool, grab a hamburger, look You are now entering Fort Knox, the Cambodian government over the conflict. Defoliation is nothing more home of armor nestled in the hills of the magazines or just sit. It is the Ann] defoliation. than a nice way of saying that we are Blue Grass State of Kentucky. The army version of the student union. The Pentagon, likewise, has denied killing all the plants in an area. This, There are a variety of cheap mo» builds men there. It's an open base. The any connection with the chemical in our quest to get at the "enemy," Army hides nothing except the gold. All offered for the privates' viewing pleasu warfare action. Yet scientists we are not only depriving the civilians and their belongings are now Some are over a year old, some are not subject to military inspection. old. In the PX, 3-2 beer is sold, and n estimate it would have taken at least Vietnamese and Cambodian (and the golf course there is a regular bar. Fort Knox Military Reservation — all seven planes, each carrying a payload Laotion?) people of their crops and It's not so bad after all, you may tra civil rights stop here. Hey, buddy. Hey of 7,900 pounds of Orange, to livelihood but poisoning them as you, Joe. Hey, Joe trainee. Privates in basic But any soldier will tell you that it hassle to be alone and to wonder wM accomplish the devastation. Only the well. training don't have rights. They're all called U.S. has this capability. Joe because they all look alike. going on back home. Hopefully, the pending Senate Put down your books and pick up a gun; Facts: in laboratory tests Agent hearings will result in severe Mail call you're gonna have a whole lot of fun. Orange has been found to cause birth limitations being placed on the use One link with back home is mailI « However, it must not be fun to learn how defects. Half of the 70,000 acres of defoliant elements. We have to kill. Privates don't smile. As one soldier described by one soldier as the brights ^ # affected in the raid contained prime already raped rncther earth enough. put it, everyone here, every draftee, is of the day. After dinner the traineessti rt you ca in formation and listen for their nan rubber and fruit trees It would also be nice if they solved miserable. - productivity The soldier who receives the most m is now down 40 per cent in this area. control They all look lonely and they stare at the "command and envied. Some receive no mail at all- girls with an expression of remembrance of It is not known what the long - range problem" so that some overzealous dear - John letter is no joke, it's a co happier times with the girl back home. You fear. ecological effects of defoliation are second lieutenant can not start look back and you know that there are so . . Another link with back home is tiw - but certainly they are not good. World War III. many other places they would rather be. Ma Bell. Telephone booths are scats throughout the base but not in conf areas. The privates who have perm'*81 Lucky private make a call stand in line and lucky private, after training until SALT The Nixon: noon free. Saturday, has the rest of the week Maybe he will receive post privileges. Everything in the army is hurry up wait. Joe Trainee is a nothing, That means he can leave his company area regulations say hair can be at the_ but cannot leave the base. three Inches long, but not for the "What do you do then?" I asked a ■ As one military barber put it,there® J or ABM bo Charlie Company private. "Oh, that means we can go to the Service Club and get a Coke," he replied. "We hippies in the Army. And the wore «- about the haircut is the private m""" "But all I could see were the men $1 to get scalped. can't drink Coke during the week." For the first time in many years The Army shows its trainees mo well be that we are at the dawning of Some privates, who score well during the dying," a Charlie Company private said. the White House is reported to be the age of cooperation and, finally, week in quick • kill shooting or rapid fire "their lives ended." help build their morale. The Army and physical training, will receive a 24-hour esprit de corps. One such film w "extremely optimistic" about the disarmament. On the other hand, it how the great American Army chances of arms limitation. It is all pass. This means they can travel within a 50 cents. Other soldiers have fast The is possible that the American people 50 - mile radius of the base. champagne. The champagne was $20 per cars. this country from the Revolut because the ABM "trading chip" bottle. campus VW is replaced by the GTO or to Vietnam. are being built up for a great fall. One private who wanted a pass because Back on base, most soldiers walk other cars of equal stature. „..* ' theory supposedly is paying off and The White House could be he had visitors didn't get one. Other The Army tries hard to amuse its men. "But all I could see were the men ^ everywhere or else pile into yellow taxis a Charlie Company private si the Russians have been surprisingly fostering an aura of optimism so that privates who had passes didn't go that take them anywhere on the post for There are Service Clubs where they can anywhere. There just isn't any place to go, ended." cooperative. if anything goes wrong the Russians was the explanation. The big deal now being discussed will emerge as the scapegoats. It is The big city is Louisville. The road from involves stopping development on even possible that they have not Louisville to Fort Knox is old, with narrow the Safeguard defensive missile really been lanes bordered on both sides by cheap so "surprisingly system in exchange for a curb on the cooperative," after all. motels, restaurants and bars. Some bars Soviet SS9 offensive missiles. The Whatever the case it would be nice pay girls to nestle up to soldiers and get them to buy expensive drinks. One private choice is up to the Russians. if President Nixon cashed in his ABM borrowed money to go into Louisville. There are two possible "poker chip" before the American Another said a girl in the bar asked him lo interpretations of these events - one people have to pick up the multi - bright, the other black. It mav very hillion dollar tah for »♦, buy her a drink. He did and then she w^nte'1 Mm to buy her a bottle of Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 18, 1970 5 End--dead before conclusion State News Reviewer screenplay of the John Barth nOV!1 about Jake Horner, a incidents^haTsUrtle^hTsi^t of seeing insane m„nf„i J!?!"8 K With °* a 8 ^wking °f 3 ,atal search for himself and his story of a madman trying to W j shock is perhaps the easiest graduate t who Deonle u . strxxPe to adaPt " ^ver lends adjust to a mad society and filmmaker can elicit university moves from wind in a countrv asvlum- th abo'tlon In which the patient continuity or plausibility to the filmmakers working not for response a to asylum to a trial sight of a wS7iT; !! t0 death on her own film' 0ne cares »"le for Jake involvement ' or point making |from »n*JiSe8i°1! ^hlnA,)?b ln loerception or originality, just enter society. his attemPt to control°of the MylLtaiuLely V°™« The narrative .u-. that connects lnd..rarely mana?es for the shambles compassion but shock effect alone. - of ■Lough talent to present a himself; a shot of a man these grotesque scenes he makes of his "End of the Road" is a - Jake's life and the lives of rruesome situation realistically a married disjointed work that couple he meets. masquerades as a significant Jnd enough guts to record it One gets only the one. [without flinching. fragmented It takes itself so seriously the filmmaker has nothing viewer is inclined to think he is new to say or nothing profound missing something. But if you -to illustrate, he usually settles lor the cheap effect of catching Texas cut through the confusion, pretension and shock value, you find only impotence —a film lus off guard, shocking us instead Cf enlightening us. Such that doesn't know what to say, accepted where to go or even how to end. Filmmakers rely on our weak It rambles for an hour and a ■stomachs rather than our half without crystalizing on one Intellects to produce their effect, few films grip viewers' in unifying idea until it approaches ...n y way that some perceive a that shocks as a strong one. Iphey admire its directness rather by Knise its ending. Then, make the audience preliminary action led probably to feel the to an deplore its lack of restraint, something, the film settles on William H. Knisely, director of the rather conventional dilemma jt what they laud as a strength the Institute of Biology and of an unwanted Ef the Rim is really just their Medicine, has pregnancy. Jake Twn weakness (their been appointed gets the wife of a friend vicechancellor for Lnerability to a gruesome jolt). at the health affairs pregnant and arranges for an abortion. Cloum family I So it is with "End of the University of Texas, beginning Sept. 1. The lady, Coco the Clown, 40-year circus veteran, load," a new film about a choking on her own adjusts a plastic vomit, concludes the film but it nose on Raymond, his four - year - old son who performs as Yollege graduate who has trouble «■_. . is anticlimactic. "End of the Coconut. Raymond's father hopes he Adjusting to his society. It eventually will carry . „OII . hocks but there Is little that is ._K-?'*ly.Safne from the * MSU In 1963 Road» chokes and expires on lts on the family circus tradition as Coco IV. Coco III, born University of Kentucky own pretension Admirable about It. It lingers In medical center, where he served long before the Michael Polakovs, is a third • generation clown with actual ending. Iiemory but only because It Is as first chairman of the Ringling Bros, circus. APWirephoto Uncompromising and graphic. It Anatomy Dept. )g been prlased by some critics {cause It Is relentless, not STUI Kecauie It Is honest or He was Instrumental in the Committed or Intelligent. formation of the College of J it Is surprising that three Lrlters collaborated for a film ■hat provides so little to Human Medicine at MSU and served on the board of trustees of the Michigan Tuberculosis MSU Game marketed lialleng© the mind as It stuns At the State and Respiratory Disease Assn. By the time ie eyes. Dennis McQuIre, Terry He was also a member of the you get through met with enthusiasm in college drinking compose the two • hour Southern (who co-authored Broadway itari Stacy Keach and James Earl Jones registration bookstores throughout the play patient and doctor in "End of the research If it's fall term, you 11 be hot, period it takes to play the game. ■Easy Rider") and director Road," Aram Avakian'i film now showing at the State Theater. Midwest. Xhe registration procedure was exhausted and belligerent. But If The registration procedure is the only part of the game that is you're playing a new board game more than vaguely familiar. It taken entirely from MSU. Other invented by three MSU students, IT OKEMOS BARN you'll be "pretty well on the and the board design, done by local artist Phil Frank, make the parts of college life are general that the game ran hi* way" to drunken oblivion. game especially fun for MSU marketed in a large number of The MSU Game, or "College students. Daze" it is called college towns. Celebration' as on other A crowded campus bus, boas campuses, is a collegiate drinking Kenealy said that the MSU drinking, moving from class to Game was a "door opener" for game similar to "Pass Out." class — maybe to Berkey to the college line that will be Mike Kenealy, Bloomfield Bessey - drinking, handing in handled by Collegiate Hills senior, Mark Doble, Troy last term's paper for this term's can't understand why Enterprises, the firm the three >nted actors would risk performances last year and will play. To say the least, he is whom it mayconcem) a lot of assignment and still more have started. assume the female lead in the utterly hysterical. He is such an former student got the idea for :rificlng their reputation as skin. first PAC production this desienine the eame SDrinc term >d performers by taking part fall, uninhibited nut, that he makes Under the direction of Mike "Look Back in Anger." In every line and gesture meet with and within about a month it was Oberfield, a play that, as a whole, falls a former MSU compete ' >tt of their own particular formance. The play and the PANORAMA1 "Celebration," Julie plays the rolling - in call-girl, fortune • bound starlet pandemonium. the aisles graduate assistant, this show is done by the Community Circle f , , . „ >rs should be inter - related — «k. i wh»i. «u;„ Plavers at the niromnc Rim >nH K.npjllv Kenealy sain. J ™\u7., It s a p,.t lot more" shouldn't make up for the ler, nor steal undue credit >m the other in overpowering outlined by the playwright, So, although the play lacks however, Julie thematic appeal, there's quite a ["Celebration," weekend at the which opened beautiful, tormented creates human a bit to make up for it: Russ and : Okemos l, is another very Incoherent, spirit. Not only is she Julie's magnificent By Jo DiGIACOMO iconsistent play but boasts State News Reviewer penetrating in her seductive performances, a terrific, ie superb acting. It tries hard sensuality at the onslaught of harmonious chorus counterpart the play, but throughout her belting out the theme song, present a conflict of bstracted virtues and vices by change • of • heart crisis in the "Celebration," in hand second act, she radiates pure, clapping jubilation, and (to snting a conflict of abstract changing into a ratty hippie, ' a«. "diates pure laracteri (i.e. Rich Man, Angel, garbed in long • john underwear) ^in'nef®ren'ty inJ s? ."£■"? -zr-KXfMfs rather its brilliantly impressive out of her head. ■ecemeal activity ' and performance. To these ,uss? Howes, another MSU leffective devices. . chivalrous souls, the play does k«JE!?Z!L |lff someone hadn't who had read the no justice. told me that the The Angel is played by Juliana i is supposed to be 16 Boehnlein, an MSU junior who s old, I'd still be captivated audiences in her PAC I he was eight or 28. wondering ■Of course, David Holmes, who Pyed the Orphan, didn't help Ptters. He walks thorugh the >'e play in a Jolly - Green - ant jumpsuit with this goofy, • fixed stare, and then you to buy his sionate love scene with a ft* Jimmying tart. Between ^5 stupor and the lines in his >ou can't even tell if he y's the innocent, childlike foeiu of simplicity or some Ijjpous "e freak. Rich Man, MSU's Emest PjnB, has the same problem. fs. h!s lines point towards J: ,t that he is a hard-nosed. ■ ey> miserable tycoon, mpted by some of the PO play's !iJ|Ppeal^jievices(Le., I^HOCRAM^FnRMtTIQN 33; 6944 v I Mi. 12p45 START 1 Feature P.M. L'-i 0-5:25-7:25-9:30'^ nth gore vidals myra iRIDGl 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JTucsday, Augus, „ state news classified All ads must be pre-paid now through end of term — Room 347 Student Services Bldg. CLASSIFIED 366-8265 355-8256 The State News dots not FRANKLY SHAKING ky Phil talk For Rent For Sale permit racial or religious Employment CANOE, SCUBA, Royal Typewriter, discrimination advertising columns. The In Its TWO NEIGHBORS need babysitter for 6 school age children. Would OKEMOS, LARGE furnished house, 1 year, ownership care. Phone 337-2106. 5-8-24 1904 Oldsmoblle, bowling bell, assorted books. 882-8026 after 0 always openY.T-JBll Monday throuoh Fri*. State News will not like housecleanlng also. Prefer p.m. 3-8-18 own transportation. Generous EAST LANSING,, 3 bedroom accept advertising which LYRA DRUM set. Gold. 3 drums, • AUTOMOTIVE terms. 361-1819. 6-8-21 duplex. Fireplace, carpeted, stove, discriminates against Scooters & Cycles basement, excellent location. 1 cymbals, high hat. Like new. religion, race, color or REGISTERED NURSES: Roselawn block to Wardcllff school. Family $200, Can be seen et 411 Fenton Real E*tate Auto Parts & Service national origin. efter 8:30 p.m. 3-8-18 Manor Skilled Nursing Home, 233 only. $196/month. Call 361-0117. • Aviation EMPLOYMENT beds. quellfled Positions nurses. evelleble Choice of shifts, for 3-8-20 BEDS, STOVES, refrlgeretor. Buy, attention new have several homsii« 7ku:A LTYJ • FOR RENT full or pert time. Apply 707 Armstrong Road or call 393-6680, Rooms sell. ABC STORE, 1208 Turner. C SECONDHAND M8U with are .er.r.^ljH unbeatable. i.,!0"4 Automotive For Apartments Mrs. Jolly for appointment. 6-8-21 SPARTAN Men and Toml Rain., ^>1 Houses MG MIDGET 1984, red. Top SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST HALL singles. woman. 0:30 - 7:00, 301-9286. POLICE MONITORS, 8oner FR103, spatial sale 029,00 up plus i'M realtor WALTER "SI Rooms • FOR SALE oondltion, no rust. 361-6488, after 6 p.m. 6-8-19 $826. position depertmentel equivelent secretary to In Any time- 372-1031. O crystals. MAIN ELECTRONICS, 6668 South Pennsylvenie Avenue, SPECIALIZE HOMES. 0-8-17 in V'• ACuL1 I Animals responsibilities end remuneretlons. WOMAN, OKEMOS area, neer Lensing. C Meridian Mall. $8 par week. Phone Mobile Homes MUSTANG 1965. 289 3-speed. Must References preferred; vacancy 301-0729. 9-8-28 COUNTRY. Nev^ou7b^Tl • PERSONAL sell, $450 or 332-1026. 2-8-19 bast offer. ED August 24th; Interviewing now. Cell mornings United Ministries in 10 WE DO most broken repelrlng end replace frames. OPTICAL bath ranch. 846-6376.0 Carpet* ElJ ,3!« MINUTES from campus, • PEANUTS PERSONAL Higher Educetion. 332-0861. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan PLYMOUTH 1968 completely furnished. 372-8077 Avenue. 372-7409. 5-8-21 Wagon. V-8, X-3-8-18 • REAL ESTATE before 4 p.m. 10-8-25 • RECREATION AM-FM radio, cruise control, Service S1750. 485-7042. 5-8-24 FIGHT WATER pollution. Five WEBCOR STEREO record pleyar, SERVICE openings. Part or full time. $45; Royal portable typewriter, BABYSITTING • Management, For Sale $70, 355-3202. 3-8-18 IN my PORSCHE 1966, 912, blue with red high income Village home for Typing Service interior, AM-FM, 5-speed, potentiel. Merien Ottow, 4310 2 yeers. children new 355-0808. JJ. J • • TRANSPORTATION Mill St., Grendville. Mich. 3-8-19 SONY COMPONENT, turntebla, ELECTRIC GUITAR semi hollow tires. Cell 332-8726. 3-7-19 ■ speakers, one month old. Still Hagstrom, fender precision bess, TV AND radio • WANTED under werranty. 337-2568. 5-8-24 repairing Reil CURTIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY cases. 361-0966. 5-8-18 rates. Phone Ed DEADLINE hes fee peld, fee negotieble jobs 332-2425. 5-8-18 for STOPPED SMOKING: good pipes for P.M. clasi generel office, secreterles, 1 one day clerical help. Phone 482-0783. sale, V, price. Call 332-6294. Animals bafora publication. Scooters & Cycles Canoallationi - 12 noon 3-8-19 '/VEOfcDlNtf W FWeR.THS DT 1-8-18 FREE: HEALTHY male kittens to _ Typing Service MUST SELL, leevlng town, stereo good homes. Call 301-7020. ona dan day bafora MATCHLESS. cylinder, 500cc. Single BEST WAY TO SAVE TIME I Shop for your next euto in the im wBeeh iue&koec^n equipment, furniture, beds, men's 3-8-19 COMPLETE THESIS mM publication. runs well. Phone Discount printing, ibm ,¥p|JI phone 361-0901. 3-8-20 Clesslfled Ads. Check nowl mm m mm a clothing, other goodies. 1841 Coolldge Road, Tuesdey end SEALPOINT SIAMESE kittens, box binding 0f theses. publications, Across from cinJ rWu«J Wednesday, 11 e.m. - a p.m., trelned, Cell 332-8778, $12 eech. 355-8265 CYCLE IN8URANCE. Five netlonal corner MAC companies. Compare our rates. For Rent trimuo 332-6294. 1-8-18 7-8-21 below snd G„„0 pj Style Shop. rM RATES 2206 East Michigan, Lansing or TV RENTAL8, $8.60/month, Free KENMORE HUMIDIFIER $30.00, GERMAN SHEPARD puppies - Copyqraph se r vied 1 day $1.60 606 Albert, East Lansing, deliveries. Cell SELCO 363 0944, Vou will need this this Registered, $80. 0 weeks old. __337-1000 C '■ 16c par 484-8173. 0 word par day COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. winter, 2-8-19 Oood watch dogs. 487-3907. BARBI MEL: Typing, muitilln 3 dayi $4.00 For Rent For Rent -i*!?— No |ob too large or too NORTON Ml, 760cc. Very cleen. imfl 13Vfre par word par day Block Off cei-;;,.. ,|j; . 1 I860, Owned by mechenlc. TV RENTALS - Students only, Low OLD ENGLISH sheepdog: 0 months, SOUTH END: Furnished, utilities STODDARD 6 dayi 13c par word par day $6.60 361 8923. 3 8 18 monthly 301-7900 end to term rates. Cell reserve peld. Boys only Perking. IV APARTMENTS, bedroom, Now leasing for Fell 1 all shots. Registered. Moving to Colorado, 337-1700. After 0 p.m., THERE 18 A HEAL BUY todey's Want Ails, foryejj|" yours. EIGHT TRACK stereo tepe pleyer 1967 TRIUMPH 060, eustom pelnt 2-0077, 3 8 20 Term, Balconies, leundry. Neer IV 0-0300. 2-8-10 (baiad on 10 words par ad) UNIVERSITY TV RENTAL8, C end B8R Mini • chenger, Both job, $460, 361-8394 after 0 p.m. campus. Call 301 8238. 301 2003. ANN BROWN. Typing„„ GIHLS, OVER 22, «hBr» house, never used. 301-8430. 2-8-19 Paanutf Parionali 6-8-19 RENT A TV from e TV compeny, 0 8CHNAU2ER PUPPY, 11 weeks old. offset printing, Complstt n,r muit ba private bedroom, many Partly housebroken. Cell for pre-paid. $9.00 per month. Cell 337-1300. conveniences, 882-4891. 3-8-20 EAST LANSING Studio apertment. dissertation!, YAMAHA 180, electric stert, good NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 882-6182. 2-8-18 menuscrlpts, general typing. igi_ There will ba a 60c service Furnished. Married couple. condition, $260. Cell 361-4490. 20 years experience 3-8-19 FEMALE GRAD student needs 351-5800 or 339-9234. 3-8-20 33283M.| and bookkeeping charge if roommete(s) sterling fell. Cell Sue FRESH SHIPMENT of Folk Gulters. Mobile Homes this ad it not paid within Apartments efter 6 p.m., 361-3125. 3-8-20 ONE MAN to share 4 man All styles and prices at PROFESSIONAL Thesis I one week. Aviation 711 BURCHAM. Two or three man apartment. $41.50/month. 302 MARSHALL MUSIC, East 8x45 ROYtRAFT eir - conditioned, IBM Typing, Multilith Printing! ONE GIRL to share 3 man. Near M.A.C., 332-6916. 3-8-20 Lansing. C-8-18 carpeting, newly furnished. Ideal Hardbinding. Complete Thsf The State News will be FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to deluxe one bedroom, furnished campus, cheap. Call 351-5829. for couple. 351-9249. 5-8-18 Service for the most Discirnil apartments. Phone IV 9-9651 SANDALS MADE Master's & Doctoral CsndiditJ responsible only for the learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. or 3-8-20 TWO MAN Burcham Woods, 9 first day's incorrect Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C 337 0780.-0 month sublease, new furniture. WHILE-YOU-WATCH. 1969 HILLCREST, 12x60. 2 Free Brochure and Consultstiol Call CLIFF LEASING FOR LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? Call 332-4917 after 5 p.m. 3-8-20 Custom-made to fit you! insertion. Fall. 2 bedrooms bedroom. Deluxe. Unfurnished. HAUGHEY BE AMAZED by the splendid values See today's Want Ads for a 337-1527 $210, 1 bedroom, $160. PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR Call 626-3620. W 627-2936. C In household goods edvertised in complete listing. BAY BURCHAM WOODS, Cell COLONY, one and two todey's Clessified Ads. between 3 • 7 p.m.. 361-3118. TF bedroom, $145 and up. 337-9228. 501 E. Grand River 10x50 GENERAL. Bachelor pad or Auto Service & Parts GIRL OVER 21 need for duplex. THIRD GIRL wanted for Spartan Street apartment. 9 months. Write Coleen Crane, Route 1, Fennville, HALSTEAD COMPANY, 361-7910. O MANAGEMENT [BetowJkmjJusJ)^ Ideal for married couple without children. 361-9287 between 8 - 10 FALL WESTINGH0U8E COLOR TV. Sony Automotive MASON BODY SHOP, 812 Eeat South Pennsylvenie, no lease. 393-2909. 6-8-21 Mlchigen 6-8-21 or cell 616-581-2383. NEED ONE girl. Meadowbrook Trace. No car necessary. Call model 630 stereo tape recorder. Used Akel, Sony, Panasonic stereo e.m. delly. 5-8-18 LEASES CAMARO 1967 327, 4 speed, vinyl Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. 332-4371. 6-8-24 tepe recorders. 100 used 8 track Lost & Found 1 Complete euto peinting end EAST LANSING duplex, own top, many extras, new tires, wes COLONIAL ARMS Apertments for stereo certrldges tepes $2.00 eech. collision service. IV 6-0268. C bedroom, leundry facilities, $4000 X-6-8-20 when new, 361-4377. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Cell 361-6894 after 6 p.m. 2-8-18 rent. 4 men (women). V, block from cempus, $66/month, 9 or 12 month leese eveilable. 351-7146. WANTED GIRL for 4 men fell term. No damage deposit. Neer cempus. Cessette Pro-4-A tape stereo recorders. head Koss phones, LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial 366-8266 now for a quick - action Classified Ad. $175 MICHIGAN W. - 4 room Cell 332-8162 after 8 p.m. 2-8-19 Garrard turntables $20 up. VM KALAMAZOO STREET BODY upper, CHEVROLET 1967, 2 door, good 3-8-19 120 wett stereo receiver. Sharp, SHOP. Smell dents to large gerege, utilities peld. Stove, body. 410 Buick engine. 30 watt stereo receiver with wrecks. Amerlcen end foreign refrlgeretor furnished. Working LADY'S NICE single room, prlvete Personal 487-0171. 3-8-18 couple. $120. 489-8020. 0-8-20 speakers. Coral 30 watt speaker cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. entrence, close, $15/week or shera CHRYSLER 1948. Very good 2628 East Kalemazoo. C DOWNTOWN NEAR 2 bedroom, large house with 3. Close set. 300 stereo albums 70c up. Used golf sets $14.90 up. New end FREE tL OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green IBB/month. 301-6700. 1-8-18 ... A thrilling hour of beeuty. condition. Your next cer, $460. lower floor. $130 monthly plus used fans. Used TV sets $39.00 For eppolntment call 484-4519. AT MEL'S we repair ell foreign and Apertments. Ideal for married 361-2327. 3-8-18 weter end lights. Also UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three end up. Realistic 00 watt stereo MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS American cars. If wa can't fix It, It security grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 four man furnished, $185 end up, Corner of Haslett Rd. can't be fixed. Cell 332-3265. O deposit. 343 E. St. Joseph. amplifier. WILCOX STUDIO, 1600 East bedroom, furnished and 3 5 1 -3729. Michigan, and M-78 CORVAIR 1965. New 484-1808. 0-8-20 HALSTEAD SECONDHAND STORE, 009 East C-8-20 engine end unfurnished, $130 $176 MANAGEMENT COMPANY Michigan, 480-4391, 8 a.m.-0:30 tires, great shape, $600. IV monthly. Possession 6-1010. 7-8-19 Employment COMBINATION LIVING room - September 1st. Call now or manager, 361-7910. 0 p.m. C EXPERIENCED DRUMMER for wanted Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 bedroom, kitchen • beth, two girls. 361-2439 FOX established rock bend. or PROPERTY PART TIME work for students, Car BEECHWOOD; Three and four man, BEDROOM SUITE with 2 twin beds, 361-6473, 361-3067. 2-8-18 Very cheep plus few hours work MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. TF necessary. Call 361-7319 for weekly. ED 2-0977. 0-8-21 furnished, $200 end up, modern rocker, corner table, 3 Interview. C 3 32-0965. HALSTEAD antique tebles, lamp, 9x12 wool EAST LANSING Marble School aree. CUTLASS power - S 1969. steering, G/een vinyl top brakes, conditioned, 19,000 miles, In elr CAST YOUR EYES on the wide selection of velues In the Went EAST LANSING bedroom, neer furnished. Air cempus. One Lerge airy New deluxe duplex. 3 bedrooms, deposit, carpeting, 12 month MANAGEMENT 361-7910. 0 COMPANY, rug. Moving must Mil. 301-2770. 3-8-19 EVERGREEN rooms. conditioned. leese, $200. 351-9036, 337-2437, 2 Bedroom • 3 man apartment Ads todeyl warranty. $2726. Roger Lane Beeutlfully maintained. Select IV 5-4869. 7-8-21 Houses 9 month laasa • $232.50 per month. 363-4377, 353-6866. 2-8-19 clientele. Leese. 332-3130 or Campus Near, 227 Bogue. HIRING COLLEGE students for full 882-6649^0 Small one bedroom furnished LOWEBROOK CUTLASS 1970 Power, eutometic. By Deluxe. Sharp. retired time work now and during school year. Fantestlc job, part time MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 APARTMENTS. 1300 East Grand River. 1 and 2 MEN: CLEAN, quiet Cooking, One block to campus. rooms. apartment. Carpeted, air conditioned, laundry, $125. $775° PER MAN engineer. 489-7753. 5-8-24 good pay. Call 371-1813 between Marigold across from campus. bedroom, furnished. 2, 3, 4 man. SupervlMd, 487-5763, 485-8836. We pay the heat bill!! Deluxe 2 furnished Walking distance to MSU and TF Larger one bedroom 8-_1_2_C men furnished, $150. Married apartments. Now leasing 8ELEQTEQ MANAGEMENT DO FAIRLANE SPORT COUPE, 1963. for fall. shopping, From $180. 351-5289. SUMMER AND part time IV 9-9661 or 361-1890, O couple only. Phone 489-5922 10-8-26 ENTIRE FORMER fraternity houM High performance 289, 4 speed, employment with full • line or 393-4366. $250. 351-3227.3-8-20 THE for leaM on yearly basis, 334 Wast merchent wholesaler. Automobile MARMAX, 226 Division, 4 men Michigan. Ideal for group of 444 E. MICHIGAN 351 required. 361-6800 for MERCEDES 190c 1962, very good informetion. O approximately 20 students. Completely furnished. Phone 313 condition, $600. Phone 351-3718 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 646-6000. Mr. Chamberlain. or 353-7738. 4-8-21 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE needed, starting September 21st, sitter bedroom furnished or 9-8-21 CROSSWORD unfurnished. Balconies, security MG MIDGET. Green, excellent condition. Call 351-8384 after for 7 month baby, 5 days per week. May sit in my home or locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call PUZZLE 351-4698, ACROSS 28. Beseech 5:30 p.m. 3-8-20 yours. Call 353-6823 for details. 351-8890. O 332-3311 and Free with your rent 10-8-25 1. Collection of 29. Clenched hand anecdotes 30. High railway CEDAR GREENS 4. Passing 31. Salt tree Fall Leases 2-Man fashion 32. Grunting ox STORY One Bedroom 7. Attire 33. Dollar bill ■ Furnished 11.1 do 34. Pronoun $160 - $170 12.Pagoda 35. Italian Phone 361-8631 ornament daybreeie 13. Stead 36. Menagerie DATSUN SALIS 14. Lizard 37. Parlor game 15. 41, Haunt 3166 E. MICHIGAN m. .TWO JOHNS 17. Sight-seers Dusk 44, Promissory 1. Affirmative 5, Soldiers overseas Ona Block F^fSm Campus 19, Pllfir notes vota PER APARTMENT, 20. 22, Challtnge Ampersand 45, Yarn measure 46, Eggs 2. Ship-shaped clock 6 address Daily don smooth 23, Canticle 47, Harbor 3. Reference H Three told and balconies * mark SHAG CARPETING 26. Dlscordla 48, Lamprey * NEW FURNITURE 27. Greek letter 49, Totem pole 4. Garden party sloths * 9. Steep UNLIMITED too . . . * PARKING m 0 public coacn 6. Scepter DISHWASHERS * AIR COND. 1 P 8. Garment 0. Outface at ^, * ON THE BANK OF THE RED CEDAR 1 1. Elaborate melody %-TON DATSUN PICK-UP RIVER'S EDGE * 4 MAN $220 Mo. 1P 1 % 2. submissive Three Man * Convention' GET 40% MORE POWER FOR 90% or woman * 3 MAN $210 Mo. 2 MAN AND 9 I 3. 4. Spanish surrealist OF YOUR JOBS. and $66 MONTH LEASES ALSO 5. Watch" Muscovy due M875 WATER'S EDGE • Private patios, b»lc< Short walk to Campi Air conditioning AVAILABLE i 8. • Party lounge m furniture Will Carry 1-Ton Load Under Warranty APARTMENTS rpeting, appliar model open 1w 1 Murmur daily 8. furnished, 2 bedrooms, MODELS Si HEN f AL Of Fl 1 9 Robot pW behind the 1 OWN S M S JO Shelter 1 next to Cedar Village 0. THROUGH FRIC Yankee store 2 girl's nam# SEE DON 332-4432 in Water's Edge CALL 351-8282 m i 3. Burmese Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 18, 1970 7 Senate refocuses on ABM LasHINGTON (AP) - the disrupted near noon when Vice President Spiro Agnew accused The amendment by Sen. Miami, Fla. knate rejected Monday a bid to William Proxmire, D-Wis., would In Brooke, R-Mass. It would rthe Pentagon to its fly - Senate sponsors of the so-called another Monday restrict the geographic expansion have required the Defense ■fnre yo« " buy 8Pendln« "Amendment to End the War," Dept. development, Sen. Eugene of the Safeguard antimissile - to file reports with Kicv then turned to a third of fostering a policy that would Congress McCarthy, D-Minn., offered an system to two new sites but whenever it deems it ■jj' 0n the Safeguard lead to the first military defeat in American history. to depart from this policy. necessary amendment to the procurement bill which would require that a spend all the requested funds two sites authorized last on Opponents argued this C^'Sm'ofa6 senatorial day of The amendment, one of dangerously restrictive. would be state governor get presidential approval before sending National year. [eeehes and one vote was dozens to the pending $19.2 - billion military procurement bill, Sen. George McGovern, Guardsmen with weapons and The Agnew speech studded with scornful criticism was would set a public cutoff date D-S.D., one of the authors of the live ammunition end - the - war amendment "against the of the amendment sponsored by Service for U.S. military action in civilian populations of their McGovern rejected Agnew's and Sen. Mark Indochina. accusations, states." declaring it would Hatfield, R-Ore. McGovern "money worries After hearing a recital of waste "to recognize that we have be no defeat In separate action, the Senate characterized it IjODBYE. Sell no longer used in defense spending, the Senate been agreed to vote at 1 p.m. EDT as panic - prone on a mistaken hypocrisy coming directly from ■Appliances for cash with Classified voted 43 to 22 — with a third of has course . . . that Wednesday on an ABM Nixon. Hatfield said he will ■ Ads. Dial 355-8255 nowl its members absent — against an needlessly sacrificed amendment by Sen. Edward reply American life." Tuesday. amendment to tie the Pengaton But President Nixon Transportation formally to its announced fly - his vice supported president's position, C)ER TO Seattle or points west. before which • you - weapons buy policy under prototypes saying through secretary, Ronald his L. press Witness' 'm J Leaving end of August. Share would be thoroughly tested that Agnew Ziegler, £ expenses. 339-2938. 3-8-20 before the government is administration views when he expresses JO USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, ■canisters, up rights. $7.88 and up. committed to dollar production orders. multibillion speaks and did so Monday in his speech to a veterans' group at to unmask ■One year guarantee. DENNIS LOS ANGELES (AP) - The "I'm not positive, but I ■distributing COMPANY, 316 ifB state's key witness testified Xorth Cedar, opposite City ^ IIB WHAT'S. wnmaA i thought I heard him say; 'Don't Monday that she sees herself as let them know you're ■Market. C-8-20 going to HfflHG an "emissary from God" on a kill them.'" mission to show the world that JJvi (rand NG MACHINE Clearance Sale, new portables - $49.95, Charles M. Manson is "the devil" She was originally charged in Czech ex and a "false prophet." the Soviet K5.00 per month. Large selection slayings, but has been infantry, in a mock attack, are supported by tanks during joint field maneuvers with the reconditioned used machines, But Linda Kasabian added that if granted immunity from Czech army. The maneuvers ended Monday and will be followed by a military parade at the lingers, Whites, Necchis, "I don't think I'm an angel. I prosecution in exchange for her Bohemian spa of Karlovy Vary. Photo from the Czech news Home & "Many Others." $19.95 $1.00 tonight at 7 know I have a lot of agency CTK. service charge per p.m. in American Legion testimony for the state. AP j $39.95. Terms. edwards insertibn - to be pre - paid. 12 Post 205 in East Lansing (located imperfections, so I don't see Wirephoto Distributing company. p.m. deadline 1 class day before. behind Arby's and the Dairy Queen how I could be." North Washington, off Grand The petite, blonde mother of River). The new Federal agency criticizes 59-6448. C-8-20 constitution will be voted on, the fell two was on the witness stand for term convention and dance will be the 16th day for recross - DERS WANTED to Miami leaving The following Free U classes will discussed in addition to the summer examination in the trial of 6, returning Sept. 15. meet today: Guerilla Theater, 3 p.m., term picnic, fall membership drive 131 Albert; Marvel Comic, 7 Manson and three young women 55-3207. 3-8-20 p.m., and other activities. All veterans are 131 Albert; Astrology, 7:30, the followers for the slayings of welcome and encouraged to attend. actress Sharon Tate and six Wanted Albatross; Rock and Blues guitar, 7:30 p.m., 131 Albert. Yoga meets A smoker will follow the meeting. others last August. |eD -8-19 PLACE to park small trailer \leed im, access to water, electricity. 489-2860. every morning at 7 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., and Saturday morning at 9 - 11 a.m. in the Green Room of the Union. You are invited to. attend one or all of "Magic" at Movement's 8 and p.m. for Gay first "Proud performing live this Saturday, August 22 Union Dance. Only 500 tickets will be sold Flesh" Liberation Ballroom Mrs. Kasabian, 21, said she had "a vision" as she looked into the eyes of one of the victims, Wojieiech Frykowsky, as he was dying. It was then, she said, that Pentagon buying practices these meetings. for this last scheduled rock show / WASHINGTON (AP) — A |oOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for dance of the summer, available now she stopped believing Manson, federal watchdog agency and retain a competent and next decade and says only a "The Defense i. A negative. B negative 35, was Jesus Christ. says highly motivated procurement major effort will reverse the Department's The MSU Sailing Club will have a at Man and Nature knd AB negative, $10.00. O Bookstore, 328 "All of a sudden I saw within the efficiency with which the staff. trend. procuring activities are not picnic • meeting today at 6:30 at the Student Services Building, Brother $12.00. MICHIGAN Pentagon spends billions each The General The GAO report, its release attracting and retaining many club site on Lake Lansing. Shore Gambit Slick Trading Company, and myself what Charles Manson was Accounting fcoMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, year may be suffering seriously Office young, high • quality people," school will be held right after the any Gay Lib member. The $2.50 doing and that he was leading predicts the situation Monday coinciding with Senate the report says. "This condition f07'/i East Grand River, East meeting. Rides will be leaving the donation will also benefit the myself into self • destruction," because it has failed to develop probably will get worse in the debate on a $19.2 billion Lansing. Above the new Campus west entrance of the Union at Defense Fund, The Listening Ear, the Legal she said. is likely to cause a critical pook Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 6:00. military procurement bill, Raft for Runaways, Man and Nature echoes criticisms made often by shortage of experienced Aonday, Wednesday and Hughes asked if she had ever Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C There will be a regular Testimonial Meeting of the Christian Organization 6:45 tonight Science in the Bookstore, and Women's Liberation. Everyone is invited to attend the dance, which includes a psychedelic heard Manson members of his nomadic order any family Goose Lake 'scapegoat' Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., who has said Pentagon buying procurement personnel," it said, because nearly two • thirds of the entire procurement work Alumni Memorial Chapel. to kill anyone. practices are slipshod and light show in addition to the two live (continued from page 1) force will reach retirement age in |RK AND SHOP. Park yourself in bends: for further information, call She said she had, on the wasteful. the next 10 years. hair and shop the Want GLM's phone 353-8859, any day second night, when Leno and Songer said he has been called everything from a "drug "There is a need to develop a "GAO found that the present Ad way today I from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Rosemary LaBianca were killed. monger" to a fast - buck artist. competent procurement work - "I'm being used as a scapegoat," he said. force with the system of selection and capacity of development of He said estimates of the festival's crowd size, nudity and drug exercising more initiative and procurement abuse were inflated by the news media. personnel was preventing both judgment in making ITour Fun in the Sun Location.. "The press was out there to see civilians and military officers something big and it wasn't procurement decisions," the from having full and satisfying there. When there was nothing else to do, GAO report says. "The mass of they started sensationalizing," he said. detailed instruction^ currently in careers," the report says. He said Gov. Milliken's Sunday statement that he use is no substitute for a It reports one reason is that supports rock highly concerts but would try to stop the Labor Day event was competent and motivated officers enter procurement at a incongruous. middle rank with no prior procurement work force." "It's very confusing to me and to the kids when Stating caliber of the people experience, and are expected to they hear statements like this going from one end to the other, who do the work is "the most be adequate key supervisors. coming out of the same mouth," he said. single important ingredient in Although the work is vital, it In other testimony, an attorney for property owners around the defense procurement," the GAO said, officers in procurement Goose Lake area, said drugs were peddled openly along "freak says a 1965 effort to upgrade assignments often get passed street" in the park to anyone who had the money. the procurement field was never over for promotion. "I could see a haze of marijuana smoke as I entered the fully implemented. Civilians on the other hand park," Vincent Stapley said. "I was offered marijuana and speed. "Nor was constant pressure enter procurement at low levels, "I made my way to the beach where exerted from the top advance in grade and experience, people were swimming in to ensure the nude. that the program was but "are carried rarely allowed to "When walking back to the band area, I observed a fellow out," the federal auditors add. progress to top management standing by the entrance gate completely nude smoking some The report casts doubt on the levels .. . long contraption." ability of the present "Many trained people tend to However, he said damage to property outside the park was procurement system to function leave, particularly those who are "relatively light." adequately. younger." SPACE PROBE Soviets launch Venus 7 MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Monday, continuing efforts to the moon race. Union Announcements of previous launched its seventh beat the United States in deep The Russians claim to have Venus probes have used similar unmanned flight to Venus space exploration after losing accomplished three landings on language. the fiery planet while the By noon Monday, Tass said, I Americans have only flown close the craft was 26,082 miles from s g * msu 1 ♦ Water failing standards to it. If all goes well, the Soviets' Venus 7 spacecraft should take the surface of the earth. Ever since Apollo 11 beat the d about four months to complete Russians to the moon last year, TWYCKINGHAM "dent units. These APARTMENTS are now leasing spacious luxury apartments are 1 1 jLuNr.1 r£r (continued from page 1) standards for chemical and Included in the survey were all water systems^ in Vermont and its 217 million - mile journey, Tass, the official Soviet scientists have proclaimed that their main effort is J Cuivfkmqtwm ' those news agency, completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive now serving the standard concentrated bacterial purity. said Venus 7 was launched at on exploring Spanish Mediterranean metropolitan statistical areas of planets in space. furniture. Each unit has a Inferior means failure to meet New York City, Charleston, S. 8:38 a.m. Moscow time, 1:38 the most stringent standards. While admitting that the ""washer, garbage disposal and individual control - c., Charleston, a.m. EDT., "in a trajectory close Russians have accomplished .'antral air conditioning. These four man units have up have Inferior water is safe, but may bad taste, odor or CinciniwtT'Crisis City," New' J?, .prf0"e this indicated " Although more with their Venus probes 10 3 • - - Orleans, Pueblo, Colo., and San -- the launch was not parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN the Public Health than the U.S. Mariner program, been appearance, Bernardino Riverside Ontario, - • dead. °.n' scientists pound American scientists dispute the adequately planned for with a giant heated EVERYDAY 1•6 Service said. Calif. control presumably have Soviet claims of actually dimming pool, recreation and CLOSED SUNDAY The water systems of small equipment sophisticated enough landing ' rooms private balconies. Lists of the hazardous and to on the planet. Vou want cities and villages were found the inferior make course corrections as to be Phone 332-6441 or 372-2797 systems among the first residents of most often were not the They said the Soviet craft seriously released, flight progresses. ,CK|NGHAM call today. There are units starting at MARSHA CHANEL substandard. stopped transmitting radio *'0/month per man. No system serving a city of signals soon after diving into the 100,000 or more was labeled atmosphere of Venus and potentially hazardous. The most frequent causes of Candidates' opinions probably burned up before reaching the surface. the potentially hazardous label (continued from page 1) were bacterial contamination made by administrators on the scene, not by trustees whose and excessive lead from pipes in, "judgment would be distorted by time, distance and a lack of the system or Hazardous arsenic, in homes. quantities cadmium, chromium, of personal 'feel' for the situation." Willfull destruction and violence cannot be condoned, but Student loans peaceful dissent should be protected and encouraged, Mrs. (continued from page 1) berium, fluoride and selenium also Carrigan said. were found. The Illegal protest such as burning buildings should be punished participation in the program. survey uncovered through the regular judicial processes, Downs said. However, legal "It's more than what a lot of 4620 S. HAGADORN numerous instances of badly protests, such as peaceful picketing, "must be permitted even banks want to handle structured and maintained water though it is annoying and irritating to university administrators." considering what they get in systems, of infrequent water The three also supported return from the loans," he said. sanitation and sampling and of special encouragement and top management exclusively by: poorly trained personnel. priority to enrolling and educating disadvantaged minority students. Stevens and Mrs. He said that MHEAA The federal Carrigan stressed that this includes not encourages participating banks government only racial and ethnic minorities, but also young people from to continue standards are not enforceable on granting loans as a ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY state and local governments. But many jurisdictions have adopted impoverished backgrounds. "I do not favor quotas but special consideration should be made for the Negro," Harlan, an industrialist and former MSU means pursue of helping students their educations despite the fact that student loans are them. trustee, said. less lucrative than other loans. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, AugUst |g Buy with Confidence .. . Serv GRAND PRIZE BEEF CHUCK ROAST BLADE CUTS GRAND PRIZE MSU's John Thuerer Beef Chuck Steak S' swimmers in AAU meet has had his sights on this meet for some time," Swim Club at the meet, two other MSU swimmers Hickory Smoked Picnics WHOLE 4-8 lb. By JEFF ELLIOTT Fetters said. "I know he's going to give it everything and last year's co-captain also are expected to be State News Sports Editor he has and we'll need to in order to get into the participants in the meet. Mike Kalmbach, who was Two members of the Spartan Swim Club along with finals. John's best chance is the 1,500 meters — the graduated last year after setting a school record in the Coach Dick Fetters leave today for what they hope longer the race, the stronger he gets." 50-yard freestyle, will compete unattacked in the 50. SPARTAN will be successful and rewarding trip to the West Dilley will compete in the 100 - meter and 200 - Representing the Foothill Acquatic Club in Palto Coast. John Thuerer, Rhinelander, Wis., junior, and Alan meter backstroke. The brother of former MSU great backstroker, Gary Dilley, Alan had the Spartans' best time in the 200-yard backstroke last season, 2:02.0, Alto, Calif., will be Jeff Lanini who will swim in two breaststroke events. Lanini, a junior, set a team record in the 100-yard breaststroke last season. SLICED BACON Dilley, Champaign, 111., sophomore, will represent the MSU club in the national AAU Long Course only six seconds slower than his brother's school Coming across the country from New Jersey will be Championships beginning Thursday and running record. the Spartans' top butterflyer last year, Ken Winfield. through Sunday. The meet will be held in the Los Angeles Coliseum Pool, site of last weekend's AAU The Spartans haven't had an individual champion in the AAU meet since 1967 when Pete Williams won the 400-meter individual medley. The meet attracts The Little Silver, N.J., product set school records in both the 100- and 200-yard butterfly a year ago as a freshman and will swim his specialties in the national 2 *i» Diving Championships. Thuerer, holder of two varsity records at MSU, will the top swimmers in the state of California and the meet. Winfield will be representing the Shore swim in the 400 - meter freestyle and the 1,500 - University of Indiana always sends a host of AquaticClub. meter freestyle. With some of the best swimmers in representatives. This year, IU Coach Jim Councilman Another MSU swimmer who may be in the meet if the country present, Thuerer will be up against some has gotten Gatorade Co. to sponsor his club and pay he qualified last weekend is Puerto Rican George tough competition, but Fetters is optimistic about his for their trip to the coast. Thuerer, Dilley and Fetters Gonzales. If Gonzales did qualify, his country will ALL FLAVORS long - distance swimmer. are paying their own way out. pay his way to the AAU meet. A member of the "John has been working real hard all summer and 3 7c Royal Gelatins While there will only be two spartans from the Puerto Rico Olympic team in 1968. oz. Pkg. I Ex-MSU skater a Hobie qualifiesis a whole meal. Nestles Morsels 12 Pkg. oz. 44' tryouts One of my subs KEEBLER'S FAMOUS for final Olympic contains everything needed for a balanced meal- "Red Tag" Cookie Sale "Look for the Red Tag" 3/!1 "I didn't think I had a chance . trial, "mentally I didn't think I good for lunch, had a chance of making the final dinner, & snacks tryouts." But a former MSU icer, Norm Gaffney, underestimated his Cream Pies Limit 4- Please 10° I / each Penalty killing was Gaffney's ability when trying out for the forte during the past two Michigan selections to the 1970 Spartan ice campaigns. MSU SPARTAN Olympic hockey team last Hockey Coach Amo Bessone Chicken weekend. The 5-11, 170-pound Port described Gaffney excellent skater and a rugged individual who gives 100 per as "an Meat Pies Beef Turkey 15c IJ each Huron product who was cent every game." graduated from MSU in June made his bid for the Olympic team in the Michigan tryouts An outstanding skater in high over the weekend in Detroit. He school, Gaffney was named to HOME GROWN Hobie's was attempting to qualify for the 1965 All - National Midget the berth along with 24 amateur Tournament team. Gaffney 351-3800 hockey players from the state. Gaffney was notified Sunday that he and two other icers were majored in political science while at MSU and will teach this fall in Hastings. SWEET to report this week to Minneapolis, Minn., for final tryouts. CORN "Physically, I was fit," Norm Gaffney Gaffney said after the Detroit 49 Green or Red Cardinal Grapes Seedless |b 39° California Oranges ,13SIZE DOZ. 69' California Nectarines «. 5l» 4-ROLL PACK ORCHARD GROVE Charmin TTissue 190 Limit one with $5.00 food purchase [ Limit one Butter 59C with $5.00 food purchase ■SHOP-RITE" SHOP-RITE--"" We now have COLD BEER Thinking about repainting, air condi¬ And when it comes to financing your GOODRICH'S tioning, adding a family room, putting project, you can't beat the helpful ad¬ SPARTAN up a fence, building a garage, or fin¬ vice and low-cost home improvement ishing the basement? loan rate at your credit union. It pays big dividends in better living Phone today for an appointment and resale value to maintain and im¬ with a loan counselor and start turning prove the old homestead. those dreams into reality. IN SPARTAN SHOPPING MSU EMPLOYEES [CREDIT? I UNION Harrison at Trowbridge CENTER HOURS: Between Spartan Village and Mon.-Fri. 9 to 9 1019 Cherry Lane Apartments Saturday 9 to 6 Trowbridge Rd.* Open 9:30 -5:30 Monday thru Friday Phone 353-2280