Noble . • • Wednesday ancestry makes a poor dish MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . TATE MEWS at table. — Italian Proverb STATE • • thundershowers. ■ with a chance of The expected UNIVERSITY high will be in the middle 80's. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 19, 1970 City council to consider supporting student voting By JEFFSHELER next week to discuss House Resolution clerk has discriminated State News Staff Writer against students by 4303, sponsored by State Rep. Jackie refusing to allow them to register to vote The East Lansing City Council said Vaughn III, D-Detroit, and the possibility because they are not considered of the council's drafting a resolution permanent Monday night that it would consider residents. officially supporting a proposal now in the supporting the Vaughn proposal. "It is important to recognize that we are state legislature that would not addressing ourselves change the (see related story, page 2) to the state law to allow students to vote where qualifications required to vote but rather The council also heard they attend school. City Attorney to the question of which community a Daniel C. Learned state his official East Lansing Mayor Pro Tern Mary P. opinion person is entitled to vote in,' Learned said. Sharp said Tuesday that council members regarding questions raised over East He read his opinion to the crowd, mainly would meet with a group of students Lansing's voter registration procedures. students, that jammed the small council early Students have complained that the city room, stopping occasionally to cast a wary glance at hissing and booing students. He cited the state law which states that a Police person is not "deemed to have gained or help lost a residence for he is "a student at learning." voting purposes," while He said the clerk must decide if any institution of a student at city council "is entitled to claim East residence," and offered he considers relevant in the a Lansing as his list of 18 factors determination Closed doors By JEFFSHELER controversial issues before the council. A discussion of East of residence status. When the meeting was State News Staff Writer Lansing's voter opened up for MSU Students stand outside City Hall Monday night, registration policies and a controversial (please turn to page 11) awaiting entry to hear City Council's charge of While tempers and voices rose inside the discrimination in voter registration. A capacity crowd in the second floor East Lansing City Council meeting Monday rezoning proposal drew more of a crowd - meeting room forced City officials to than East Lansing fire regulations would bar entry. Students waiting outside, however, were admitted evening, the scene outside City Hall was no singly as others left the meeting early. permit into the small council room. City attorney less animated as police closed the doors to State News photo by Bill Porteous Phil Patriarche, East a crowd that had come to discuss two Lansing fire chief, said Tuesday that the council room was filled to the 125 limit set by the fire lists criteria marshal by 7:50 p.m. Monday. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. •enate joins House, rebuffs The East Lansing Fire Dept. instructed policemen to help keep the number of people in the meeting within the limit, Patriarche said. "As firemen, we haven't the authority to forceablyeject a person from a building if for residency The following are criteria that Daniel uxon's veto of education they refuse to cooperate," he said. "So we Learned, East Lansing city attorney, has had to ask the police to assist us." advised the city clerk may use in Plainclothes policemen were stationed at determining residence for the purpose of the entrance to the building to regulate the voter registration: number of people entering and leaving. •Age. ASHING TON Patriarche said that once the room •Lack of parental support. (AP) - The Senate voted two - thirds required to override. All of the Cotton of New Hampshire, senior GOP was appropriations bills or we are going to face filled police were instructed to prevent •Family location. irwhelmingly Tuesday to overrule 16 votes to sustain Nixon were cast by member of the committee which produced the necessity for a tax increase next kident Nixon and enact a $4.4 billion year." people from entering until someone left •Employment. Republicans. the education bill. "The the meeting. (cation appropriations bill despite his federal government cannot • Property ownership. Twenty - three other Republicans, some "I am an administration continue to allocate money which is not in Several persons who were kept waiting • Sources of them showing supporter," of income and percentage signs of political Cotton said. "I am a Nixon Republican and the Treasury," said Sen. Robert J. outside the building complained that derived from each. le vote was 77 to 16 to join the House embarrassment, contributed to the Dole, they I make no bones of it." R-Kan. were treated • Where student bverriding a Nixon veto for the second administration rebuff. unfairly, and, in one case, spends vacation time. Nixon vetoed the bill, All three Rpublicans who "brutally" by policemen guarding the • Whether student's p this year. Among them: Republican Leader Hugh along withan $18 spoke in parents are divorced or billion measure covering support of Nixon had voted for the door. le Senate vote was 15 more than the Scott of Pennsylvania, and Sen. Norris housing and an separated. assortment of other agencies, on measure in the 88-0 Senate roll call which Zolton Ferency, East Lansing •Whether it the decision of the grounds attorney was they exceeded his budget by nearly $1 sent it to the White House in the first and unsuccessful candidate in the student or of his parents to enter the billion, and so would fuel inflation. place. Democratic gubernatorial primary, said he particular institution of learning. Senate Democratic Leader Mike was injured when a police guard closed the •Whether the student intends to return to Cotton said while the education measure Mansfield said the real issue was not federal door on this thumb. his former community upon graduation. KENT STRAIGHT DOWN' was $453 million over the budget, it was spending but government priorities — "not "A guy in a knit shirt and slacks who • Freedom from parental control. $375 million below the level originally priorities by rhetoric, but priorities by identified himself as a policeman refused to •What place he regards as "home." approved by the Senate. action. let me in," Ferency said •Whether he has any other place to return Tuesday. "He "I felt that we had done excellent "It is so easy to vote millions for ABMs started to close the door, and he to in of sickness or domestic an dragged it case job," he said. and SSTs and then to reject money for the right in on my thumb." affliction. Freighter, lethal gas For Scott, the veto decision dilemma between his role as GOP leader and his role as a senator in posed seeking re-election Pennsylvania, where schools a ABCs," Mansfield said. Mansfield three times as said the Senate "has saved much on the military bill we Ferency, who reported his thumb was "badly swollen and discolored" Tuesday, said the officer "paid no attention" when he identified himself as an • Driver's license address. • Other dwellings. • Marital status - if a wife, does she have a residence separate from husband? What is are anxious are now considering as the increase in this attorney for a to have the extra money, and soon. education bill." plunge to sea bottom (please turn to page 11) (please turn to page 11) He voted to override the veto, after saying he would have sided with the President if his vote had been crucial. "I "If it is not needed," he said in will act as the senator advance, from SENATORS RESPOND fOARD USS HARTLEY (AP) R Liberty ship LeBaron Russell -- The "It was almost silent as it went down, but when it hit bottom there was a thud Pennsylvania." Briggs "For the life of me, I cannot agree that I™ controversial cargo of deadly nerve and sounds like parts of the ship and Agnew's accusation hit iPunged to a grave three miles timber breaking up," said Lt. Edward investing money in raising the educational ■Atlantic deep in level of this nation is inflationary," said Ocean off the Florida coast Gibson, operations officer of the destroyer Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, D-Wash. escort Hartley, who followed the Briggs' "Surely it must have the opposite effect." descent on sonar. Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., said The dilapidated World War II freighter, Nixon took a courageous position with the WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., of And Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., said by carrying 12,540 rockets of GB nerve gas -- Stung by an one pxon br and a single cannister of more toxic VX nerve gas in its bowels, was sunk deliberately in a longtime munitions dump veto, and "has the support of the American people in his fight to maintain the value of the dollar." Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del., said "We accusation that they would America's first military defeat, counter attacking senators asserted Tuesday Vice President sponsor • Agnew's prime targets in a Monday speech, said he fears the Nixon administration may be giving up trying to forge a political Agnew to have a history of "querulous fuddy - duddyism," declared: "I know of no precedent for the 283 miles east of Cape Kennedy, Fla. Spiro T. Agnew be settlement of the war and may be seeking a president of the Senate attacking My can't keep on this way may New The Army, claiming the nerve gas had been leaking inside its steel - jacketed increasing these undermining constitutional government. military solution. personally members of this body." He accused Agnew of intimidate senators in "a very dangerous attempting to vaults for months, had said it feared it would only be a matter of time before the perversion of the democratic process." diforial gas seeped into rocket propellant and detonated. And he said dangerous Agnew is potentially more than the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy because he is in immediate line The 442-foot Briggs slipped below the for the i. YORK (AP) - President Nixon surface at 3:53 p.m. EDT, four hours and presidency. Agnew in a speech to a veterans' group I n i .ed'torial board of the New six minutes after a team of ordinance said the so-called end • the - war lei f ' News °n domestic and foreign specialists opened flood valves deep in the amendment could lead to the first U.S. t iror nearly two hours Tuesday. holds of the vessel. *.c P°'nts of discussion The ship reeled slowly at first. military defeat and produce a bloodbath in were not Then, Southeast Asia under a Communist j*0- But Herbert G. Klein, White when about half submerged, the holds takeover. Btt ™!"munications director, told began gulping huge amounts of water and The amendment, sponsored by Hatfield L . "dt the President and about a in 30 seconds the hulk disappeared stern and Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., would lectors of the News "covered all first, leaving only a large geyser of white set a Dec. 31, 1971, deadline for full foam behind. Two tow tugs blasted their withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam. Bl(?S)n was held in the News dining whistles in final salute. "The vice president's speech entails a E, t0p floor " 37th -ofthe u "It went almost straight down," said Lt. Gibson. "At the end there was a lot of direct attack on our constitutional ■hitr h on 42nd street. process," Hatfield told the Senate. let sain"*" Press Secretary Ronald L. noise and rocking for about two minutes before it finished." "Apparently. he either fails to ■that i,, Wou,cl be stretching things to comprehend or simply disagrees with the Gibson said when the Briggs hit bottom II the oj8,8 lhe President's idea to meet provisions of our Constitution," Hatfield FPM fnr'»ur'a' ^oard because he had 16,000 feet down eight minutes later it was said. "I believe any war must be Ption i occasion a long - standing traveling at a speed of 25 miles per hour. determined by the people acting The impact knocked loose 4 of 10 water through Paienino r?? when Nixan was their constitutional processes." P® chilf the White House. bottles that bring samples bottom several hours later. from the This response to Agnew's presidentially I exePiiH,Xecut'w held a similai session supported views came on the eve of Ping St;rl's,of the Washington, D.C., Experts said the remaining bottles would another Senate test on the administration's be studied to determine if any of the gas ariH.i rnonth. And he is program for expansion of the Safeguard Kst ^(Mal ones on a regional basis escaped when the ship struck bottom. antiballistic missile system. ■le tj^ea"d New England. The Army, which manufactured the gas during the Korean War, said most of the A vote is set for Wednesday afternoon of luiui h°r ^ew England session Sen. Edward W. Brooke's amendment to a N fornT" set- Rut 'he Western one agent should eventually leak as the Thousands line up for shots in San Antonio, Tex., pending rrHilary procurement bill. The I"1" his X WPC'< w,1''n Nixon will be concrete and steel coffins erode and are Tuesday for shots as a diphtheria epidemic continued Massachuse' ts Republican is asking that the h , unabated. This line stretched entirely around the San Antonio ''"use Ji* t Uur,l',K ul the Western Municipal Auditorium, used as an emergency proposed expansion of Safeguard to two dt Cletnenie. Calif. (please turn to page 11) headquarters in the drive to fight the disease. \ftirephoto (please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 19 . news Trustees support By JOHN BORGER to vote," Blanche Martin, D-East Rapids, said it would be "more In a student voting small town with a large trustees, said student status within their college summary Slate News Staff Writer Lansing, said. Martin said he was "definitely in favor" of the 18 - year - old proper" for students to vote on matters which related to the place from which they came. college could population, students practically take over, Thompson said. should make registering community. to no difference in vote in a -^longasthestuCu^ also registered elsewhere 1101 From the wires of AP and UPI. Four trustees Tuesday vote and of MSU students' "Students can pull up and "There are things to be said on "I'll do all I can in every way supported allowing students to vote within their college voting in East Lansing, especially move," he said. "If they could both sides," he said. "But I that will help assure that those students who come long this effect vote in local elections, they wouldn't want to live in a students have the same right to are House communities, while a fifth distances to school. This could have a strong influence on community in which someone register as anyone else," he said. expressed strong reservations. includes out - of - state students, "Just because a student is a place in which they did not could dictate to me what the Stevens said he would write to he said. ordinances would be." and meet with state legislators to going to school is no reason to pay taxes, did not own property "The vice president's speech make him go Kenneth Thompson, R - Grand -- didn't do anything except go Don Stevens, D-Okemos and help assure passage of bills which 1,000 miles away entails a direct attack on our to school there." chairman of the board of would allow students to register Sen. Anthony 5! * constitutional process... I believe R-Kalamazoo. "I any war must be determined by Stephen Nisbet Rp*. the people acting through their constitutional processes." Milliken praises said the biUsrepreUn^ to which he "wouidnJ? - Sen. Mark O. Hatfield, R-Ore. opposed," but saidTe * * have to see the hills (story on page 1) could make any ^n antidrug efforts Gov. Milliken said Tuesday he is encouraged by the accelerated comments on students to vote them. "I'd be in favor of where alio* they an to schoo," Frank International News efforts of the federal goverment to clamp down on illegal drug traffic into Michigan. D-Flint, said. HarN Milliken met with President Nixon and Atty. Gen. John "I can't make any concord efforts (on behalf Iraq told Jordan Tuesday that its 12,000 troops there Mitchell in Washington Monday and discussed the drug abuse problem in the state. voting legislation) |n „f stu£ will back Palestinian guerrillas in any new showdown Late Monday, Mitchell said authorities in Mexico had arrested right now," he said. "I'd ij^ with the Jordanian army. several persons believed to be major suppliers of marijuana for the that's fascinating -to! - work The warning came a day after Arab guerrillas claimed Detroit and Los Angeles areas. just can't." that King Hussein was massing troops and armor outside He said the arrests were made as a result of the combined efforts of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police and U.S. narcotics Hartman explained Amman in preparation for a crackdown against that hm commandos. officials in Mexico City. currently organizing abuse commission in , JJ * * * "The month - long investigation had its roots in Detroit," cannot take time Flint wS Mitchell said. He said about one ton of manicured marijuana, or away from thit A note found in Brazil warned Uruguay Tuesday that enough to make about one million "joints," was confiscated. guerrilla - kidnapers holding a U.S. agronomist and a "Close federal state cooperation is essential if we are to stem - legislature!* VOt'n® Brazilian diplomat would execute the diplomat Sunday the flow of dangerous drugs into Michigan," Milliken said when However, he said he would he returned to Michigan. State Police are working closely with speak to his local representing at 11 p.m. unless the government frees 183 political federal narcotics agents as well as agents in other states. State and state senator prisoners. imj Police estimate that more than half of the drugs sold at the recent communicate his opinion * * * ontl* Goose Lake Rock Festival came from other states. matter. A State Dept. spokesman described as untrue Tuesday "I'm particularly encouraged by the accelerated federal efforts All-Americans Trustees Warren to halt the flow of drugs into the United States from other Huff Communist charges that the United States moved South D-Plymouth, Frank MerriiW Michigan's entry in the All - American family contest, the Peter W. Forsythes of Ann Arbor, Vietnamese troops into southern Laos. countries, especially Mexico and Turkey." pose with their compact bus and their driver, left, before boarding a plane to Florida where the R-Deckerville, and Clair White The Communists charged that South Vietnamese D Bay City, could not k family of seven including three adopted children will compete against entries from 49 states. reached for comment. troops planned to start an important operation in The SUte News, the student newspaper at Michigan State AP Wirephoto cooperation with royal Lao troops. It described the University, is published every class day during four school alleged move as "a new escalation of the war of the U.S. terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. imperialists." Subscription rate is $14 per year. NOT NUTRITIONALLY DEPRIVED Member Associated Press. United Press International, National News Head Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press not The New York Police preventing a Dept. Tuesday admitted fault in clash between "hard hat" construction workers and peace demonstrators in front of City Hall Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paiu «i Emm Lansing, Michigan. group Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services By JEANNE SADDLER director and associate director, (OEO), and also included that says the education o( last May 8. Police personnel problems and equipment Associate Campus Editor respectively, of the Family and research funded by the campus Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, pre-school children should be difficulties were cited as key reasons for the failure. Child Studies Center and the Head Start Research Center and Michigan. very unstructured," Melcer said. The report, which Mayor John V. Lindsay said he In a study of a group of Head Start Research Center, the Merrill Palmer Institute. Head "But our study shows that Phones: Start children in Pontiac, conducted extensive tests on the "The national medical adviser would give intensive study, admitted that, "much to MSU you introduce structured! Editorial Pontiac children during the to Head Start wanted to know if their chagrin," the police ran into problems they were 355-8252 family and child scientists found procedures to teach cognitive Classified Advertising that the children were not 1968-69 school year. The Head Start children are not prepared to handle. 355-8255 operations, the children will research was part of a national Display Advertising 353-6400 nutritionally deprived and that nutritionally deprived," Melcer learn them." Business-Circulation they do respond positively to evaluation of the Head Start said. "If they are, then all the 355-3447 Previous experience withHea Black militant and avowed Communist Angela Davis Photographic 355-8311 structured intellectual tasks. program requested by the Office money that's being pumped into Start children showed that they Robert Boger and Don of Economic Opportunity their education cannot do any was named Tuesday to the FBI's list of 10 Most Wanted Melcer, tended to do nothing but p" good." when left to themselves, Fugitives. Several studies have Miss Davis, according to Melcer. a former instructor at the University of documented a correlation The research by Boger i California at Los Angeles, stands accused of having between a child's nutritional Melcer also studied family bought the guns used in the Aug. 7 attempt to free three level and his learning ability, structures and socialization of San Quentin convicts undergoing trial in San Rafael, Melcer said. To determine the how the children interacted wit children's nutritional level, the each other and with teachers. Calif. scientists took two blood The goal of their research * samples during the year, one in to design a specific curricul President Nixon described to Senate leaders Tuesday December, and one in March. or program to teach cer" U.S. proposals which one senator said would go "a long Although the Pontiac group intellectual skills in the H way toward knocking out the offensive aspects" of gas showed a very normal level of Start program. But Melct and biological warfare. nutrition, the results will not be not feel this research * The plan would call for the Senate ratification of a signficant until they are change the Head Start prop compiled nationally In nationally. 1925 Geneva protocol renouncing gas warfare. The Washington, he said. "Right now Head Start United States will also, according to Senate Majority The rest of the year was spent concentrating on what each Leader Mike Mansfield, accompany the protocol with a on the local research project of children needs. In onearei note funded by MSU and Merrill money might be better spent" suggesting that the United States will go "a good Palmer. a better food program while deal further than the text itself." "There is school of thought a others it might be spent curriculum development, Melcer explained. Stock market prices, apparently spurred by economic posted moderate gains Tuesday in light trading. Lautrec news, The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks closed Women to c up 7.60 points at 716.66 for a 1.07 per cent gain. Analysts said the Federal Reserve Board's Photographers wage equali Weddings, Parties, announcement Monday of a cut in reserve requirements Portraits- Passports for commercial banks and encouraging remarks by Paul and- Graduations HONG KONG (AP) - McCracken, chairman of the President's Council of Hong Kong government Special rates for Economic Advisers, contributed to the advance. agreed to grant women nu students pay equality with male nurses Call 351-8130 the colony's hospitals, offic Michigan News or 337-7819 said. Rolland L. Stapleton, Inkster city councilman, refused to recite the pledge of allegiance to the American flag at a council meeting Monday night and substituted a pledge of his own. While other council members put their right hands over their hearts and gave the pledge, Stapleton, 26, was Qold Fashion Originals silent. Afterward, Stapleton recited his own pledge, MADE FOR EACH OTHER starting much like the regular pledge but ending: Bridal sets for her and coordinated wed¬ "1 pledge to do all in my power to stop and resist any ding bands for him with the look of and all illegal and immoral military, political or junior dreamwear ... togetherness that reflects the romance of economically exploitive adventures that it (America) with far eastern flavor young love. See our wide selction of unique may embark upon." diamond ring set designs today. Mayor Edward Bivens, Jr. said the council was "fraqkly aghast at what he did" and may consider by Mr. Jac is a delightful sight censoring him. to see lounging around in the dorm The wide border print is a rich blend of Those smoothies who make a profession of fooling the brick/green/gold on soft brushed public will try to fool each other when they gather in Colon today. Kodel® polyester/cotton with white About 800 magicians and their families from around the nation and from, abroad will be there for their frog closings. Sizes 7 to 13. annual four day convention. - It is the 33rd meeting of the sleight - of - hand artists Caftan, $13. Tunic pajama, $16. and illusionists in the city of 1,250 inhabitants in St. Joseph County, called "the magic capitol of the world." mM Jacabsorig The reason the get togethers are held there is because the world's largest maker of magic products and tricks, 319 E. Grand RW«r Abbott's Magic Co., is located there. East Lanslnfl/w,ch' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 19, 1970 3 LiiANIMOUSLY back lenore New Unity marks county GOP ROBERTA SMITH meet to redu By State Newt Staff Writer Fellow Republicans also sat beside one another throughout the uneventful evening with Rep. Charles Chamberlain of the Sixth Congressional District noted the great need for Republicans. Leo unanimously elected chairman of the Farhat, provisions, dissent that condemnation disrupts of the polluti on Irstha*un,ty I the theme of the woui^ Ingham none of the usual political spats and carried out the pledge of the country this fall. "The direction of unity in the state convention, alluded to the superior leadership of Berlo throughout the evening. education financing process of non. institutions of education. ana . state public SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) Sarasota research ■■ scientist A l,ntv Republican Convention, uulty their leaders had urged. depends on what happens this Resolutions supporting Gov. Support of the four year announced Tuesday the signing the convention began, Recognizing the "hard - fought fall," he said "... If our Milllken's programs • of a multi ■ million dollar on program of Human Medicine and L o Plttenger nominated, campaigning." David Diehl and universities ever needed pollution, drug abuse and Osteopathy at MSU. contract for mass production of ■ Aua 4 primary opponent, Richard Ernst carried on In help education a pollution - free engine in they need it now." reform, and his Vigorous enforcement of the liv Gibson, as convention 1968, the convention again condemnation of Datsun automobiles starting mass law and prosecution of violators endorsed them for the MSU with 1973 models. Titan' Plttenger was then Board of Trustees nomination at To strengthen the theme of assemblies with "blatant and in the use and distribution of CLn as parllmentarian and the the unity, the convention frequent flaunting of drug laws" drugs, and establishment of Wallace L. Minto said the £»t side by side throughout Republican Convention, Aug. 28-29. State commended Dave Berlo, were approved by the rehabilitation facilities for engine, used powered by gas now ^convention. chairman of the Ingham County Republicans. criminal offenders. as a cooling agent in Unanimous support was given Support of lowering the voter refrigerators and air to Lenore Romney, candidate conditioners, would drive the age, of establishment of an age for the U.S. Senate, Datsun 100 miles an hour, despite the of legal maturity and of the fact that Mrs. operate economically, have a Romney's lottery draft system. opponent in the primary, Robert The long life and produce "a Republicans declared breathable exhaust." Huber of Troy won 13,190 votes "wholehearted and continued The contract signed in Tokyo in Ingham County, while Mrs. support of the administration's Romney received 12,606. gives only Asian rights to the policy for the de Nissan A resolution to company, manufacturer support Emil Americanization of the of Lockwood, a former state Indochinese Datsun, Minto said, adding conflict with that it Senate majority floor leader and emphasis leaves him free to on the continued attorney general contender, was withdrawal of American Preside . negotiate agreements in the United States, where internal defeated. A resolution to troops." Polly Gibson, unsuccessful candidate for the Republican combustion engines produce an support State Rep. Meldon Other issues in the platform nomination for state senator from District estimated 60 per cent of all air Yeager for the same office was dealt with local and county 24, and Rep. not considered because it hadn't Philip Pittenger, who the nomination, preside pollution, and in Europe. government, labor and job won as The first cars powered by the been presented to the convention secretary and opportunities, senior citizens, parliamentarian, respectively, at all ■ new engine will come off Resolutions Committee agriculture and human rights. the Ingham County GOP convention Monday evening. the production line in 1972. previously. State News photo by Milton Horst Major issue excerpts in the accepted platform include: Rededication toward no verdict yet understanding, correction and control of forces causing the environmental problem. The placing of tax reform and fiscal responsibility as top priority and the maintenance of a balanced budget to avoid a major cause of inflation. Jury ANN ARBOR (UPI) — The jury trying to decide whether John agreement At noon, Conlin asked, "Do Support of goal - oriented Norman Collins murdered a coed said twice you feel there is a reasonable Tuesday, after four probability of jury agreement?" Succumb public assistance programs and endorsement of day - care days of deliberations, that it expected to reach verdict. a unanimous "I feel, your honor, there is a reasonable agreement," said the foreman, whose name cannot be used probability of jury centers for welfare and ADC But the six men and six women recessed their deliberations because of court rules. pveral old buildings in downtown Lansing fall to urban renewal plans underway in one of the mothers. early for the second consecutive day without reaching a verdict. 's urban renewal areas. These are located North Washington Avenue. It was the first time the jury had on Support for the concept of They had deliberated a total of 27 hours. given any indication where it stood in its deliberations. After the State News photo by Bill Porteous providing every citizen with a Twice Tuesday, the jury was summoned to the courtroom jurors returned from lunch by and deliberated another four hours, Conlin community college with Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge John Conlin. again called them into the courtroom and asked whether they wanted to continue deliberations until 9 p.m., as scheduled, and whether they still felt they could reach a verdict. Kelley By JEFF SHELER te News Staff Writer to "It is on a record of strength on behalf of the run Levin will lead the Democratic for another Republican candidate Lenore weekend for its state term Announced Democratic The jurors retired to their deliberating room and after seven minutes sent Conlin a note saying, "We do feel there is possibility of reaching a verdict," and that they would prefer to cut short Tuesday deliberations. It was the sixth time since deliberations Friday that the jurors have filed into the courtroom. Three times a good began about noon public interest ticket to a top - to bottom - °omriey. convention. candidates for the secretary of they returned to have testimony read back to them. Another time mocrat Frank J. Kelley that I shall go to the people of victory in this autumn of Levin told newsmen he would He said, the jurors came back to hear Conlin's instructions on the law however, that if state post are William Blue of Bounced Tuesday that he will this state in the weeks to come," decision." not publicly endorse candidates Austin were to announce his Flint, Charles Gray of Ypsilanti, governing circumstantial evidence and reasonable doubt. |k re-election to his position as he said. Kelley said he also looks for the positions of lieutenant candidacy for secretary of state Billy Farnum of Pontiac, Steve The jury must decide whether Collins, 23, a former senior at bhiran's attorney general. Kelley cited efforts his office forward to campaigning with governor and secretary of state "he would be a very strong Toth of Bay City and John Eastern Michigan University in " neighboring Ypsilanti, was guilty Sander Levin has made toward solving U-S. Senator Philip Hart who until the Democratic party contender." McEwan of River Rouge. or innocent of first - degree murder in the sex slaying of Karen ■mocratic gubernatorial problems regarding consumer will seek re-election against meets in Grand Rapids this Sue Beineman, 18. an EMU freshman, July 23, 1969. ■didate, was at Kelley's side affairs, pollution, crime, civil morning news rights, civil liberties, freedom of Iterance to endorse the the press and integrity of the ■rney general's candidacy. i also commented that legal profession. "I believe that the people of lhard Austin, an unsuccessful Michigan want strength in these ■didate for the Detroit areas, and I will do all within my JUeVs 203 E. GRAND RIVER KNITS ARE NEWS lorality, could be a strong power to provide it," Kelley ■tender je contest. in the i the secretary of said. Kelley voiced support for very midst of Levin's candidacy and said he IN GIRLS'SMART ■historic time of testing of the "will be proud to serve on a J of law," Kelley said in a Democratic ticket with Sander ■epared ■paralleled statement. Levin. dangers and "His vigorous campaign has SCHOOL DRESSES »valed opportunities confront transformed what some had ■ side by side. The difficult considered an impossible dream s we must make can lead '"to an impending reality," he S3« t0 n« to disaster and the said. "I believe that Sander Choose her "First hkdown of an ordered Day of School" dress from Acrylic Knits in luscious fall styles and colors our best collection of Orion® 10 progress in a society - and Save! Other styles and teedom. new climate KEEP II fabrics $2.68 to §6.87. ■MSU Cay Liberation presents CLEAN WITH "The HOMOSEXUAL ONE HOUR DILEMMA" SERVICE FROM What Every Heterosexual Should Know ur. I ranklin Kameny "dent, Mattachine Society LOUIS CLEANERS CANNON URDAY, 2:30 p.m. 114 623 E. 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Migrant argument 50 UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief provides new low FREDERICK J. LESLIE To the Editor: no matter what their chosen field r„ advertising manager I seldom see such a decerebrate argument •conglomerated separate ciaJ L,fit in the editorial pages of the State News as enjoy a constant turnover of* """t KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor Terry Smith's column, Aug. 14. I am astounded at the State News' newest low. Indeed, it may better beZ tha? LARRY LEE, city editor It must be believed by the staff that the resultantly treatment for mj" enfo'" obliterate the ' JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor State News has such a low circulation this , occupation "migrant workers" JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor summer that it is OK to print anything. It social cost of continuation self J?1"*"* * is true I have no more love of the liberals than the apparently arch - conservative Mr. it. Well, then they must some other beTu occupation by the dem!^10 Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award 1 Smith and I agree that a boycott of Coke he ne economy. And that mus T.0' for outstanding journalism. is typical of the futile Yossarian - type gestures that our generation of liberals is insured for them work for all by the socE *°,>* capable of. However, Mr. Smith, obviously grandchildren concerned h , ^ of migrant work no more of a migrant worker than myself, thank if us we do it now H EDITORIALS has not considered a very simple truth in his little expose. The lot of migrant workers as an economically deprived subculture must be Aug. 14, is improved now by fast legislation and rigid Trustee Don enforcement. They have been hurt by society's informal, insensitive mandate long No answer enough. Mr. Smith must remember that for To the Editor: society to intentionally or unintentionally On June 4 I read an editorial feu oppress a subculture of itself or even one Ypsilanti Press, signed by John individual as a member is not only president of Panax Corp. which owmT McdJ expertise and antihuman action on the part of aggregate humans, but a self - destructive posture for society to assume, and America is now Ypsi Press. The editorial was hishlv crit of MSU President Wharton. I also felt it was totally unfair, biased a Trustee Don Stevens, backed by a In 1962, the Young Socialist Club capable of murdering itself in the "flames very poorly researched jn sh of change." Even if it means higher vindictive and groundswell of support, faces the invited Robert G. Thompson to sloppy. I communicated unemployment now for them, what counts feelings to Mr. McGoff the followine d«vi Democratic Convention this speak about communism on campus. is that the working migrant workers the form of a letter. enjoy weekend to seek renomination. He Trustees voted 4-1 to ban Thompson the economic benefits they deserve; not to I heard nothing from Mr. McGoff enters the convention armed with from speaking. Stevens was the only mention social upward mobility occurring. June 23, I wrote him another letter sayb trustee who stood up for free speech As for the unemployed everywhere, they, that I was "still awaiting his more endorsements than any other reply." min the good Mr. McGoff had candidate: faculty including black in an academic community. misplaced m letter of the 5th of June. 1 enclosed a Then there were the more cop faculty members, student leaders, Since then, I have still not heard fi conventional issues that Stevens the Ingham County Convention and Mr. McGoff personally. However, m various labor groups. supported, like getting MSU to use McGoff communicated his 'Myra' payoff thin displeasure o? People support Stevens because of his long years of excellent service to MSU. Repeatedly, he has been in the union printers when they contracted jobs. He also actively supported the grape boycott in 1968, long before it as a Reed my letters to Eastern Michigan Univeni President Harold Sponberg, as friends. President Sponberg, never one deal with a problem directly, had they areo o e I became the chic thing to do. Rex Reed, the mo view gossip writer, is vanguard of change, keeping the newly appointed acting vice president! University attuned to surrounding society. In 1966, he supported the first Union Security clause ever to be our last living Louella Parsons imitator. He doesn't look like Louella; she never was Hollywood movie stars, with few exceptions, haven't the reputation of being student affairs at Eastern meet with discuss the matter. me, xti a beauty, poor dear, but he gossips so our most pious group, so I was astonished No action on anybody's part came of tl In April, 1960, for example, incorporated in a university contract much like her that you'd think Louella was and comforted, too, when I saw a movie An opp<> in the United States. This progressive meeting. And as of this date, Mr. McGo Stevens introduced a motion to back if you closed your eyes when Rex w sport* i magazine at an airport newsstand still has not seen fit to answer my chan make ROTC voluntary. At that time, step did away with local archaic Reed is on TV, and many people do. advertising a story about Troy Donahue that he did a disservice to both Whart d*r profe The public at large didn't know who Rex offered every male had to have a two - year '"right to work" rules that allowed finding God, a story about Michael Parks and MSU. ending tl Reed was until he was given a role in titled "How God Made a Man of Me," and As it seems obvious that McGoff n ration of ROTC to get a degree. employers to sidestep union ploritlon "Myra Breckinridge." Now they know who a picture of Frank Sinatra and George not read his mail, perhaps he does read MSI'. Stevens' motion was defeated 4-2. organizing. It gave MSU employes an he is. Burns wearing clerical garb. State News and will find out about Several years later, MSU jumped on a effective bargaining tool. All through the production of the movie, I bought the magazine, brought it onto "Learning whole matter. focus national bandwagon and made Stevens protested the infamous Reed was invited on all the talk shows to the plane with me, but it was a bum trip. It Rob Mus chatter and chortle about it and his costars, turned out that Troy Donahue found God, 1970-1971 Eastern Echo edi ug 2C, m ROTC voluntary, but we had missed "telephone vote" that permitted ve an op| Mae West and Raquel Welch. It costs all right, but only as a filler. He can't seem Eastern Michigan Univers a chance to innovate. MSU to vote its General Motors wictlvItU stock something like $20,000 a minute to plug a to find a girl who can really make him Aug. 7,19 'All inter One trustee opposed making against Ralph Nader. The product on a bigtime TV talk show. Rex happy. But he's still looking, and so I guess >t just ROTC voluntary, saying "we've clowns that conducted and voted in Reed gave "Myra Breckinridge" hundreds God's days with Troy Donahue are Ml to { raised the most spoiled generation ever - these kids need this kind of that poll didn't even contact Stevens. They knew that as board chairman, of thousands of dollars of free publicity while the movie was being made, and 20th numbered. God was useful to Michael Parks, all Sudd en s hift ICtlvitll He 4-H yc he would not have stood for such Century - Fox gave him plenty of promises right, but no more so than a really good discipline." Stevens disagreed. of fattening up his part, and star billing, agent. After he found God, Parks said, he To the Editor: "I'm not one of those," he said, chicanery. and plenty of time off, too, to talk about was able to demand better roles, and in a Stevens steadfastly vowed last year The recent State News article deali For thoie "who doesn't have confidence in how nice they were being to him, on the more manly way. Frank Sinatra and with the increased enrollment in the will b< students." to stick to the search and selection talk shows. George Burns the were biggest sciences as opposed to the natural scier f. we'g Once the picture was finished, and Reed disappointments. Those two gay old dogs Small bits of dialogue are revealing. procedures for a new president, long brought an interesting quote to mind. Li ndball an< was off the payroll, he discovered to his after other trustees were shuffling hadn't, as I had hoped, suddenly seen the almost but not entirely speechless horror error of their ways. They were year, at an American Society of Physk 11 r i m u behind the scenes to abort the wearing press conference, Kurt Vonnegut w ynchron that his part had been cut to a few passing clerical collars at a party honoring the process. flashes and that a flashlight was needed to d this very same question by newsmei^B'truction goodness of Danny Thomas. They said it I And detect his name in the credits. namely, "Why the sudden shift to more recently, he has been was the only way to dress that was good social sciences?" Vonnegut's re ol, and b Do you think Rex Reed stopped going enough for Danny's goodness. fighting to have the review of the although somewhat simplistic bears gre II be offer on talk shows to talk about "Myra Well, that issue of the magazine was a Academic Freedom Report in public truth: "Well, it's a simple matter Persons pi - where it belongs. Breckinridge?" And do you think that, total loss, but I can't wait for the next one. whether you'd rather help your neighl the gymn although he now talks cuttingly about the There's going to be an article in it titled "Is lend thi The Democratic Convention would way they cut his part and his name, it isn't or send some stranger up to orbit' Marriage on the Way Out?" moon." do well to renominate Stevens. all STILL worth AnnF $20,000 a minute to 20th Century Fox? student' Neither party has another man with - (C) 1970, New York News, Inc. a better record of service. Aug. 16,19 Universities Mtors are at juncture in their history. They are a critical POINT OF VIEW iwtirlum 'All of i stepping from behind ivy walls to work directly with society. In this context, MSU needs Stevens. His expertise, experience and foresight will be a valuable asset Newton article racist, distorting through the next eight critical years. drop those charges after the harrassment is community organizing that the BPP is Let me suggest one possible alternate rec completed. However, once booked, even constantly involved in was not worth The State News may well have run tl EDITOR'S NOTE: The following with the charges dropped, the record hearing about. It is not until the Party is story with a news analysis right behind i Ervin remains. sex am Point of View is by Alan Hurwitz of the Center for Urban Affairs. Outrage involved in a confrontation with the police that they are newsworthy. That news analysis could have dealt v« specifically with the racist, lying, hate xp< "A gun-toting group of Negro youths" as The article goes on to talk about Huey mongering content of the story. Exposii What is considered "normal" is often a description of the BPP is the ultimate Newton's trial. No attention is paid to why the reading public to such example' I racist! Where is the journalistic outrage in racist, hate - mongering the state changed the charges from first - journalistic analysis on a continuing| Q V ( to tllCthe W" would responsibility of the State News? On degree murder and kidnaping to voluntary would be a great cctrv'lOP service tO u/aiiM Kn rrroaf journalism. It is because White America has o create Friday, Aug. 7, your paper ran an AP story concerning Huey Newton's release on bail. the capacity to view the Black struggle for liberation in such terms that assures many manslaughter. It was clear that there was absolutely no evidence to support such community. We are a nation that opera out of secondary perceptions. We Ashing •life The story is an incredible example of of us how racist this society is. Is not the charges. The article also says that "Charles heavily on the mass media to supply Dep Sen. Sam J. Ervin, D-N.C., is out to amendment was to remove the racist, hate mongering lies and distortions. BPP an organization building revolutionary Garry, turned the case to a theme of racial with the information and insight ' 'commit The opening paragraph is inciteful in 'ports leg torpedo the proposed "woman's artificial differences that our culture consciousness in the Black community? Is politics." Outasight! The ruling class was which we form our opinions. tol com rights" constitutional amendment has placed on females. Ervin's bill terms of linking Huey Newton to the it not providing breakfast for hungry systematically trying to destroy the Party Given the nature of articles such as uteri for murder and wounding of policemen. The out of their racial politics. But it is recently passed by the House. Quite would remove legal sanctions for the children of all races? Is it not moving to Garry one being discussed here, our °P'nl0?s. on pi District Court of Appeals in California has institute community control of institutions who is accused of be nothing but racist. Those opin making it a racial probably Ervin's intent is good, but most part but allow the social ones ruled that Huey Newton was not convicted that affect oppressed communities? Is it a incident. There are other dictate our behavior. If we are to elimin nditory r< his actions to remain intact. contradictions, WOCiltt | betray a lack of under fair legal proceedings. Therefore, it is "gun-toting group of Negro youths lies and distortions that could be pointed racism the journalists must develop a . . . Hid E, i understanding of the intent of the The most archly discriminatory speculative, and given the climate of the dubbed the Black Panther party?" out. new perspective of their role. If the Mill amendment. part of the senator's proposal is his country, inflammatory to make such connections as are implied in the The next item in the article is an outright Reasons News is devoid of people who hav th The senator's counter - amendment clause exempting women from the opening lie. Huey Newton did not march into the The most important thing about the sensitivity to racism that will enabl convU.J paragraph. Also, to whom does "few California legislature with a gun. He was article for me is the reasons for the State to see what articles such as the would guarantee that equality of draft. The very existence of such an people had ever heard of Huey Newton" not in Sacramento during that action. It is News having run it. I recognize that it is an Newton one really are, then the State rights are not abridged on account of exemption would serve to shore up refer? Few White people? Few Black also a lie that the Party displayed their AP story and, therefore, the State News must actively recruit such people. sex. But it would also exempt the thesis that there people engaged in the struggle for guns and marched out. The Black Panther did not control its content. However, that This article has been an expression are some things liberation? Few White people committed from compulsory military that "women just can't do." Party read does not deal with the reason for women to social change? a prepared statement dealing running it both fact and opinion on my Part- , service and permit the passage of any with their right to bear arms and the or the manner in which it was run. The be dishonest if I didn't share my emo1 Besides, if conscription became The article describes Blacks involved in State News staff, especially its editor, must law "reasonably designed to promote continuing brutality visited on the Black reaction as well. Being of Jewish ner truly universal, that greatest of social change as dissidents and Whites as community by the ruling class. be held responsible for the conduct of the the health, safety, privacy, education have spent some time reading Inequities the draft, would become radicals. Are not black people committed "Nothing more was heard of Newton paper. Because something is an AP story is atrocities in Hitler's Europe. As; or economic welfare of women." In history overnight. enough to social change to be radical? Or until ..." Is another typically racist not justification for printing inflamratory articles such as the one being disc can the white press only see them as statement. What it implies is that Black racist lies. Journalists have a sum, Ervin still views women as "the dissidents? People who obviously disagree responsibility to be accurate and honest in what am always struck by the trem a weaker sex" that requires special people do nothing that is significant unless they similarities between such articles but have no alternative suggestions. It is in interaction with Whites. The publish. ran tings of Julius Streicher. Smasn consideration and protection by the males of the species. Misplaced memos The article moves on to clarify who the "few" of the opening paragraph refers to. To: The Presidential Commission IF THIS IS THE PACIFIC OCEAN. OF COURSE, IF THIS 15 LAKE We can guarantee that if the Ervin That is the Oakland and Berkeley police. THEN IT'S G0IN6 TO HAWAII... IF GENEVA, THEN IT'S PR0BA5LV amendment is passed the loophole it on Pornography The article does not mention the people of "WIS IS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, GONE TO CHEXE5RES...ON THE the Black communities of Northern THEN IT'S 60NE TO SflMN... provides will be sufficient to allow Re: Your results OTHER HAND, IF THIS IS THE California who knew of, supported and any number of well - meaning GULFOFAQABA, THEN.. were aided by the BPP. A "lesser Gentlemen - police legislators to legislate women back record" does not begin to explain the into Now you've really foul-ed things up. brutality and harrassment Black people are bondage for another hundred years. The sustaining idea in - R. Nixon subjected to at the hands of the police. passing Black people are regularly stopped the antisex discrimination by the police who invent phony charges and then Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. August I1). I <)7Q 5 Joviet build-up worries NATO mni Assn. BRUSSELS (AP) - Military sources at this headquarters of the rth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) worried that (President Nixon's administration will ask Congress to cut U.S. Military strength in Europe beginning in mid-1971. I They arP worried becau!e ^ we Soviet air and naval strength building UP in the Middle ^ast an<1 its military muscle increasing Stevens, Don Stevens of Okemos and C AFL-CIO staff before Jan. 1, Development ? central Europe, while the United States and its allies are Patricia Carrigan of Ann Arbor Fund and of the talking 1971. Presidential Commission Lhout cutting forces. have been recommended as Mrs. Carrigan, a 1950 MSU Admissions, on T Cuts might reduce the strength of the U.S. 6th fleet in the candidates for MSU trustees by graduate with a doctorate from Downs. an Mediterranean. the Democratic Trustee the attorney. is University of Michigan, is presently employed by the »Xhe Soviet navy Is now firmly established In the Selection Committee of the director of research for Ann Michigan Credit Union ■Mediterranean," one source said. "They have good surface to Alumni Assn. Arbor public schools. She is a League a governmental affairs kurface missiles. They have their own tactical planes and pilots on The committee also named member of the MSU representative. e southern littoral of the Meditteranean. There are reports of Tom Downs of Lansing as a Jonflcr range Soviet planes in Egypt, too, though there is some "highly qualified" candidate. iuestion whether their pilots are Soviet or Egyptian. "It does not matter what their mission happens to be at the ''The recommendations committee will be Fear kept Kasabian noment -they are a distraction to our forces in carrying out our communicated to the ssponsibilitles, which is seeing to the needs of the NATO ountries in this area: Italy, Greece, Turkey. They reduce our flexibility." Democratic party leaders and delegates at the state convention fro m telling of deaths I The Nixon administration has pledged no reduction in its (Saturday and Sunday)," chairman John Bruff of Mt. LOS ANGELES (AP) European forces before mid-1971. But Congress has not yet Clemens said. "We urge of five — Linda Kasabian said Tuesday that any appropriated funds for the period up to that date. The delay is the men including Charles M. Manson could have fathered ix i Democratic delegation at the son born last March, but she thinks her husband Robert was the loldlng up discussion within the administration on what to ask convention to nominate Carrigan parent because "I saw my husband in my child's face when it was Jot ifterward. and Stevens." born. |Alio being delayed Is the effort led by Helmud Schmidt, West "That gave me justification for (rouny'i minister of defense, to get the European NATO Stevens is currently chairman believing he was the father." she miberi together on contributions that might discourage U.S. of the board of trustees, added. having Mrs. Kasabian. 21. the state's key witness at the Sharon Tate force cuts. been on the board for 12 years. murder trial, was on the witness stand for the 17th i "Preventing these reductions has become the Number 1 song on He is presently on leave as day under redirect cross lurhlt parade," a NATO officer said. examination by the prosecution and recro,, Strutting education • director of the I Wenlern intelligence also reports strengthening of Soviet and examination by the defense. Michigan AFL-CIO, serving with On trial lllled troop* In central Europe. The Russians are said to be Member* of several Michigan high school bands are attending clinics on campus in preparation the midwest Office of Economic on murder - conspiracy charges in the seven slaying* m Lrea»lng their artillery support In some ground units by one for the fall football teaton. The clinic August. 1969, are Manson. 35. chieftain of a hippie ivpe fanul\ ses*ions, running through Sept 5, are under the Opportunity on a labor and three women followers. bird. This would overcome what NATO commanders consider of Music Dept. faculty members and band directors of the direction leadership training project at the Mrs, Kasabian, 21. mother of i» present superior ratios In their units, participating high school units. University of Minnesota, but he a 2-year-old daughter and n Sfate News photo plans to return to the Angel, born last March, said Monday she didn't report tl-e kiiim- by Dick Warron Michigan Why Pay More' originally because she feared Manson might It w/,y r„y More! Why Pay More! youth Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! t-H ARMOUR STAR Why Pay More! j ARMOUR STAR ARMOUR STAR ARMOUR STAR ARMOUR STAR lo explore l>. H y. ^ M Kim M I'OKK V FRESH PICNIC ALL PORK Country Style Try It With Shake & Bake All Center Cuts Ktivities PORK CHOP | An w opportunity to explore sport* and cultural activities ARMOUR ITAR NOT DOGS SUEY SPARE PORK Stuffed rofetMrfonal direction will red to young persons PORK ROAST . 67'- RIBS CUTLETS •ndlng the 1970 4-H Youth iplorstlon Days, Aug. 26-28. AMSU. ■"Learning for Leisure" will be \ forti* Wednesday evening, MEAT CHOPS lug. 2C, when young persons opportunity to explore 391 ive an w activities. ["All interested It young persons, just 4-H members are LB. mud to participate In any of LB. LB. LB. e activities," C.H. Wamhoff, lie 4-H youth program leader lid coordinator of the event, ARMOUR STAR id. STUFFED youngturkey ■For those athletically inclined. Here will be instruction in judo 14-lb. irate, weight lifting, paddleball, PEPPERIDGE FARMS fcndball and squash in the men's Avg. litramural Building, knehronized swimming fctruction will be given in the "Why Pay Morm!" Women's Intramural Building j —PmV |— || I'ay More!" || bol, and bowling and billiards COLDKIST 111 be offered at the Union. PILLSBURY ■Persons preferring the theater LIPTON QUARTERED ^ the gymnasium are invited to HUNGRY JACK »nd elebrstlon." the musical at the Okemos play, INSTANT TEA INSTANT POTATOES FRYERS m Theater to see how a play I "aged. Cost Is SI.50 per 79 IC WITH 33' IVliltor* pnitirlum show, can ■"All of thttw activities are also see a CO'JPON 2 £ 19' fw to both guys and gals l SUM MANS* Ifi W\m of age." Wamhoff mud < ld«d Skinless Franks & * 79c > Top Fresh f^'iin c > Top Fresh < > Top Fresh <««»'»» ^ > Top Fresh ICKSIC* IMOROAf MC Beef Cold Cuts 101 IVAN'f FARM JtZ 97c No. 1 MICHIGAN ■peaches reatment Skinless Link Sausage HIRRUD'I 79c Smoky Links [xpansion HIRRUD'S ROIIIH 01 Roasted Sausage USES J,';;.. 77c » 89c Jdvocated ARMOUR 5TAR CHUNK IIONA OR Braunschweiger 59c ■Washington (upi) PIICHKI'I WMOU bananas - The Wtlce Dept. told a Senate Ring Bologna 69c a,mi,a » ■committee Tuesday It MlARIKI'i T70"' legislation to expand community treatment Skinless Franks 59c • 'or criminal offenders MlARIKI't LB. Lm .on Prol}atlon, parole or Polish Hot Dogs 59c P PJlory release, Top Fresh twwn"' < > Top Fresh "w**"11 < > Top Fresh ^ 1 < > Top Fresh C > Tog yte ,ld Deputy Atty. tontarelll (Jen. „ "1"1,0,11,1 told the penitentiaries 15'; Jf SAVE 15c Willi »W» UMiit »w n4 115' 10/ SAVE 10c - JJlMae the Justice Dept. a0f rtw wfmw •* ■■ Il» uPd lh,t 11 (**pan»lon) ■ 12 Pkfl. of Pillibury Pjvld*«significant tool to R•>"""» «" Unsweetened Funny Pace Drink Ml* •« - «• 15' PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT ^Ubli»h 1 the center#, rsii limliiJ II tiiuiiif, MWfver A«i»« mm, 11, fi II" JtS rf u " l0H1 by the hplillI vmfvrwwj, -r-r I Con, k'n* "nd «*panded ICT* m \m under the ^•'Prisoner Rehabilitation BindeL only to whlle serving their 1$! Q SAVE 20c wlfh ihli tmpiti Hwni 120' | )d "ownf *atd Pr°bationers f denied the k"r0N i" 70^ lough i'n I*Program "even universally thrifty acres Erasr-Si* K-Sjr THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 AM TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY ndantTany '"stances, HOURS 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. s «lon or nt, "0t p,aced on | added P„ ®°ner8 paro'ed," simP'y because Pliit* r' |"ot|v.ilabF'n,ty rMource# I 5125 W. Saginaw — 6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, August |«, , Projects study students' By IRENE PINCKES educational research responsive to local needs. more $10,000 and within 18 months. be completed college students perceive their role in society since 1929, and over the last few described in the political attitudes decades." abstract as student political activity will produce changes in the structure of future relationships between in student perception, the study will center around data collected from Harvard and the University War, a particular crowding of schools general in 1 «ap'I . State News Staff Writer accompanying the request for tensions The Regional Research The MSU research programs also to study what effects a low socio-economic environment has funds. students and faculty members of Wisconsin. Student are not satisfaeto^1 MSU and more than 130 Program is funding two research were begun in April and are and administrators in American The research study seeks to activism projects currently being slated for completion by on the political beliefs of fifth The project, being investigated hypothesized, shou,d' colleges across the country have conducted at MSU. December. The two combined grade students. by Shlomo Swirski, graduate higher education. prove the explanations for the •associated with a ^■ been participating in a Focusing on structural changes student movement nr regionalized program sponsored Administered by the office's research projects received The purpose of the college assistant in political science, in higher education and changes current centering around "the Vietnam change begun decades" that will over the'2?' I by the U.S. Dept. of Health, National Center for Educational approximately $30,000 in student study "is to relate hypothesizes that continued the future. rontinS^' """nuem, Research and Development, such federal funds to study the present student political activity Education and Welfare (HEW) to make federal support for projects must cost less than changes in the way American to a process of change begun "The analysis will foc.K I periods in which stud 1^1 conflict,directly n- involved HI either within ,#l IN CHOOSING WINES university or outside of it " JI abstract explains. "*1 Fifth grade students are h*. I studied to determine .hjl Taste important factor the elementary SfJ!| an environment "may impeded! promote the cognitive, and evaluative affej I developmental By JOHN WALTER where there there. are three wineries. Most Michigan wine is produced St"den'**Jitical as described in oriental Jt the abstract Who's the best judge of wines? You are, says Frank Koval of the Michigan Wine Institute. There are Moreover, a number of wine sampling rooms at they're free. these wineries. Utilizing research questionnaires investigator Altai L There used to be rules about wine drinking, Koval said, but Your taste, says Koval. is the important thing in choosing a they are old fashioned. Arkley. graduate assistant in political science, will measmJ I good wine. - Moreover, price is usually one of the poorest indicators of a "When you find a wine you like, stick with it." he said. students on their politJJ| The old rule, he said, was to have a red wine with red meat and orientations good wine. Koval, however, did have a couple of suggestions including attitiifcl white wine with white meat. toward the nation. about how to go about finding a wine you will like. His first suggestion is to start a wine appreciation group. a This is unnecessary. You have to enjoy wines without figures, laws, elections authJ|1 Get a group of people together and meet once a month or so. complicating things, he said. political parties. At your meetings have several types of wine. Remove the labels Domestic wines are far superior in terms of the technology used If the organizational to produce them. of climatctH these and have everyone taste and rate the wines. This way you will be able to find a wine you can be This is not, however, to detract from imported wines, some of elementary affect the students, the schools! which are very good, he said. will study! comfortable with fairly inexpensively. be used to »ail Koval also suggested getting a group together to go to Paw Paw In blind taste tests you find either a very good imported wine nes, ivines, wines administrators and teachers inl or a bad one. Very seldom do you find a bad domestic wine, he said. And the choice is all yours (if you're of age). An authority on wines suggests that the best (and designing and revising suitable! patterns of organization and! oday Through improved technology the United States, especially in f inexpensive) ways to pick your favorite wine is to join or form a wine - tasting group or most administration for elemental! some areas, can produce a grape that is consistently good. Napa visit the hospitality room of a winery. State News photo by John Harrington schools." Valley in California and southwest Michigan are two very good areas for grape growing, he said. Because we can grow consistently good grapes, particular years important when picking domestic wines as they would TRAFFIC SAFETY mall theatre are not as be in choosing foreign wines, he said. Moreover, most of our domestic wines are mixed, blended to 5628 W.SAGINAW' 484-4403 Todayas usual LADIES PAY 1 yield a certain kind of flavor, whereas many imports are not. That's why only one out of four years is a vintage year and why you almost have to know that vintage year to get a good imported wine, Koval said. Season increases work mm until 6p.m. Summer is a time for the Highway Traffic Safety jurisdictions. To insure that In other critical areas, suchl relaxation and leisure • time Center coordinates its work these operators remain highly as education, field service i activities for most Michigan toward reducing traffic deaths qualified, the center coordinates research, the center continue;.. / HIGHEST RATING! citizens. But for members of the MSU and accidents, and increasing the efficiency of traffic flow in one programs, day recertification in which the operators provide instructors, to provide! field service to local, state and A thriller of human interest, IEEMARVIN Highway Traffic Safety Center Michigan. receive further training and national organizations and traffic safetA thtfl humor and suspense galore!" summer has meant problems and To meet these challenges, the testing, to add to — Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News ciwEASTWOOD work. when For summer is the time center engages in five basic many of the state's six activities : research and studies, contributed This program to has an greatly ever store of knowledge needed combat rising traffic statistics tofl onl "BLOCK-BUSTING...ASURE-FIRE HIT!" jean SEBERG million drivers take to the road. to make vehicle travel safer and increasing arrest rate of drinking both the state and the nationall More cars on the road and efficient; driver education, drivers in Michigan. levels. — Dorothy Manners, L.A. Herald-Examiner more more miles traveled usually to prepare teachers and better BMNT means an increased traffics qualify drivers of all ages; in - YOUR WAGON accident and death rate. In 1969, for example, there were over service highway training, to prepare traffic managers; U.S. air surveillance 330,000 traffic accidents in the conferences, to train specialists H0WLINGLY FUNNY!' citizen leaders field state, in which 110,000 persons and and were killed. injured and nearly 2,5000 service, to diagnose and solve local traffic problems. over Suez disclosed 0„ 11.4 00 4 30. Adults 90C^, Michigan motorists traveled over 50 billion miles last year, All of these simultaneously at the center, occur WASHINGTON (AP) -- The supposed to be at a militaryB A cademy A ward much of that during the summer with its 16 specialists constantly United States officially disclosed standstill, thus breaching thiB months. moving from one accident - Tuesday that it is flying truce which took effect Aug. 8fl Winner So, instead of summer's being causation area to another. reconnaissance planes high over U.S. sources said the aeriaff Omar Sharif a slack period for MSU's traffic A good example of one of the the Suez ceasefire front to watch cameras are well able to takf AIRPORT safety specialists, it has meant conter's present training and for violations of the Mideast photos of the Egyptian a added emphasis on their wide field service programs, this one truce. from the area six miles or m BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN DOCTOR scope of accident prevention activities. As a division of the in the area of alcohol and traffic safety, is the police Breathalyser "They're flying on the east east of the Suez line, wh (Israeli) side of the ceasefire line, Israeli planes are allowed to flyfl JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET said Robert J. McCloskey, State The U.S. officials contend the® Continuing Education Service, operator training and GEURGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES ZHIVAGO recertification activity. Dept. press officer. air intelligence is better thaf VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON \ PROGRAM INFORMATION 3i? 6944 Since passage of the Implied The main object of the U.S. Israel's, At 1:30-S: 15-8:30 BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN _ I ri., Sat., Sun. ^moit'siuoint! Consent Law in 1967, the center, surveillance is the other, McCloskey, howev< R. 2:00-5:30-9:00,;^ f in cooperation with other state Egyptian side of the Suez line, to go into any detail beyond I Mon. Thurs. L_J- Israel claims Egypt has been bare announcement of the liithel wed. sat. sun. 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Twilite Hour Adults 90c . - agencies, has trained over 1,400 1 /\ 2:00-5:30 Student with, Breathalyzer operators for state, building up its missile strength to secret U.S. operations. I other days 7:00 & 9:30 ' 0 /W'l -8:45 A.M.C. I.D. ( Jg-WiK 00^30,^ 2nd BIG WEEK! Boxoffice Open 12:45 county and local police within the 32-mile zone He said that the United State! as sponsor of the stop • shoot® Continuous from 1 P.M. - start • talking Mideast pea® Feature effort, feels there is "inherentne bv np Dy. inmates at the State „ ...— — i- The prints were selected from Various techniques are Bands from 20 Michigan schools will polish their skills in „ of Southern Michigan, is preparation for marching appearances at fall football games and more than 200 done in a displayed, such as paper stencil, display at Kellogg glue stecil, ditto stencil, tusche for concert performances. noncredit course in serigraphy, and Participating in the first clinic this week glue, crayon and Cray • Pas. are bands from Alma, 'ft, exhibition, touted in the sout .», 1 fnrriHnr features 22 i te artists It is SsVCo't"!,,h"Ti,e uy lne mou uePl- 01 Art and Continuing RHurfltinn Sorvipo Continuing Education Service, y »««•»"!"« • as a whole, is its lack of Grandville, Grosse Isle, Hastings, Hudsonville, Jenison, Lee and North Muskegon. The second session, Wyoming fen throughpublic, - of slick styling Aug. 24-29, will include the bands from or affectation," tothe daily, until 9 with Michigan the financial stance of Buchanan, Grand Haven, Lake Odessa Lakewood, Ovid Elsie L m Sept. 8. the ^rts Council for the ^amb]e honest and "°^S- ",Th® appeal." direct in its work,* Portland, St. Johns and Trenton. Bandsmen from Jackson • , I The work is colorful and Gamble points out that a Parkside, Dearborn Riverside, Petersburg Summerfield, print Wyoming Inusual. The titles William S. Gamble, associate medium was selected as the basis Park and Flint Beecher are expected for the third clinic, Aug. 31 - Impressive: "Peace on Earth," professor of art who has been for instruction in the course Sept. 5. "Black Coalition," advising on the prison's art While on campus, the because of the comparative ease high school musicians will receive 12 ■•Such is Life," "Freedom," "I program since 1962, said he feels hours of training each day, under the with which art work can be leadership of their directors. > Loved Even You, Judas," that the technical Assisting will be members of the Music proficiency of submitted to exhibitions and because serigraphy is a technique Inmates9 prints specialists. Dept. and other that has good commercial Following each clinic will be a Saturday morning marching Silk screen prints by 12 inmate artists at the State Prison of show potential, on Old College Field, each of which is open to the public at giving a special Southern Michigan will be on rehabilitative value to display through Sept. 8 in the south corridor at no charge. learning Kellogg Center. The display, "Serigraphs from the medium. Within," can be viewed until 9 p.m. daily. Sponsoring the clinics for the seventh year are the Dept. of State News photo by Bill Porteous Music and Cap and Gown -Cultural Activities. Rothschilds': poll "Hair" rejects materialism; By JO DiGIACOMO Dramatically, the play leaves a gestures. through Sept. 12, is on its its Premier, the show is "Roths" worships it. "Hair" credibility gap bordering on State News Reviewer Nathan, the dominant son, pre-premier a guaranteed to repulse New protests and spits at the absurdity. Try picturing a family played by Paul Hecht, who to nu i j • York's discriminating audiences, established power - class; with five sons ranging from 5 to starred in Philadelphia before opening Any city that wil, launch and "The Rothschilds," a musical "Roths" envies and fondles Broadway's "1776," is it, 12 years old scurrying into their supposed to be the star of the in New York. Unless rewritten, christen "Hair," has got to biography of that wealthy begging to be a part of it. cellar for two minutes. The next Jewish family, opened last week play. If this con-man is to recasted, and reproduced before murder this. "Hair" recognizes a moral thing you know, the family is eradicate his father's at the Fisher Theater in Detroit. attitude, the strength of ethical walking out of the cellar crawling It is the story of a "sell - out" to self conviction, the individual's - struggle by supplanting strength ENDS THURSDAY: whom the end always justifies apparently 16 years later, the and dignity into the Rothschilds' unflinching will towards sons having been replaced by efforts, then Hecht's "END OF THE ROAD" 'X' the means. What I'd like to portraying 7:00- 10:40 P.M. recognition and respect for his different actors who are now know is: what justifies the end own standards of meaning and a boorish, brazen, blow-hard has bearded and three feet taller fallen short of "BELLE de JOUR" 'X' in this play? the role's Doors humanness; "Roths" flounders than they were two minutes ago! Open 6:45 P.M. 9:00 P.M. only An incredible man and his intentions. in slimy deception, a This starts FRIDAY: bending incredible time The mother, Gutile, played by sons, the Rothschilds achieved backbone to scrape wealth out all that their culture commanded inconsistency cripples the entire Leila Martin, who toured as that they should not achieve — of hard - to • reach crevices, and play, since the story attempts to Maria in the National Company when Harry told God a greedy, take - what - you - can span 50 years. of "West Side Story," offered power, wealth, prestige. "The Rothschilds" tried to - get obsession that allows for no Somewhere within this agony the only possible strand of where to go, creed, nor any truth but in you find yourself wrestling with meaning and warmth to this create an Horatio Alger for the Jewish nation and failed. The personal profit. "Hair" prays to God for brotherhood, peace and the steady background of hollow performance —and even guess where Harry went? historical events affecting the she sold out. Leila Martin was real sin of this play, however, good will among men; "Roths" Fired does not lie in its failure to create such a legend, but rather in its "desire" to create such a prays to God for personal superiority and wealth over men. The music was composed play's action (which the audience never really does become aware of.) Hal Linden, who played the non-commital all the through. Though prompted .to discourage her husband's cold way "scratch Harry" tale. by and task - oriented disposition Bock and Harnick, who did father, Mayer Rothschild, has through emotional, from - the - Sgt. Jim Palmer, right, of Lackland Air Force Base, Fort Horatio Alger is dead. "Fiddler" variations of my sympathy. As strong a heart lines, she backed down. Worth, Tex., was fired as asst. editor of the base newspaper This play hits me right situations and character character as he tried to be She stiffened and denied herself Monday after a general's photo, which was closely cropped, between the eyes as a middle - class retaliation to "Hair," which interpretations, the through his austere presence and a credible motherhood in / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 185-6*85 W - - OPEN AT 12.45 P.M. was cut from 10,000 copies of the paper. At left is Sgt. "Rothschilds" score had such dynamic, full - of conviction a - choosing to extract an John Polich, who wrote Sen. William Proxmire after base officials ordered the picture cut. AP Wirephoto would be its only successful dimension. Certainly a polarity of principles has been defined. tendency to "Fiddler" motif that one slip into the couldn't help but be aggravated voice, he still made himself with bland an idiot of jabs at interpretation of stoical restraint. rrtSEa-a LAST DAY! 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:25 supposedly humorous lines, and "The Rothschilds" playing at at its "THE MOONSHINE staggering replication and watery physical expressions and the Fisher Theatre in Detroit (25,000 OIL PAINTING appalled at its pollution of a THURSDAY . . . WAR" COLOR masterpiece. This score consisted TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME entirely of coarse, convoluted lauds to wealth without even IT'S HERBIE AND THE Masterpiece display one hummable melody in the JUNGLE SWINGERS! on whole show. Take a look at some of the song titles: "I Will I The most valuable painting in the Bow," "Mayer's Fine Coins," tferbfe will honfc *ay lnto yo"r Jh( Jhe Kresge Art Center collection, sculptured qualities of the Baroque style which is "British Free Enterprise figures. masterfully portrayed by Auction" and "Gold Smuggler's ■The Vision of St. wauda" Anthony at The faces are simple forms Zurbanan. Gavotte." WALT DISNEY by Francisco de which contribute to the mystical productions' ■urbanan, is on display, in the intensity of the painting. The Jfasge gallery. figures hardly move at all and Held Over! I This permanent showpiece, are isolated in an individual lalued at $25,000, is an oil on reverie which strengthens the ! EAST LANSING ON M 43 * PHONE ED 2 1042 4th Big Week lanvas representation of the visionary power of the subjects. prly phase of Spanish Baroque This was the early Spanish Jrt. Zurbanan, an ascetic Hurry! Hurry! Last Chance painter At 12:45-3:50-6:55-Late W religious images, created his fnasterpiece in 1630. 2ND BIG DISNEY HIT! I The son of simple laborers and • completely individual painter, WALT DISNEY'S The ■urbanan considered -JungleBooK "" secular Paintings a complete waste of 'He. His style was similar to V* TECHNICOLOR" at of _ Caravaggio and his still ■lfes rank with those of Cezanne, At 2:30-5:35-8:45 P.M. shared the honor of being punter to King Philip IV with p close Ntemporary, Velasquez. friend and • NORTHSIDE Dnvs-m ■ Zurbanan did most of his . * * * ■ /.i]>P3ea*.re J i fainting jn Seville, but later P°ved to Madrid where he rare wmnv. ~ 'or better commissions. 2 Miles North on US-27 482-74Q9 ETcr' emissions were not ■^coming, and his later years NOW! EXCLUSIVE SHOWING! 2 HITS Kurk Prbanan's SPent in poverty. works are nor |l5smed m°St imP°rtant ll TAKES THE TUIO BIGGEST UMLL-BUSTERSIS MEHH THROUGH THE FORTRESS |.7h* Vision of St. Anthony at ■urk8 .is an sample of Til 80 s style. Insuring 7J by 44 and one ■the n.?°!?es' tflis Painting shows If ngeffl The finals of the 1972 NCAA our defeat at East Lansing last year. We played bad and dewnw basketball tournament will be to lose. V held In the 16,000 - seal Los l»i "Actually that game was our turning point, as Hilly (TiJ'tal Angeles Sports Arena. was just getting over his Injury and finished out the seawn fori in great fashion Hut I'm C Bill, (ilenn ( Douglitjin^l (Moorhead) will forward to this year'* Schembechler added kiddlii Though he didn't and say it In so many »<" rowj think there's u fire still h . Inside Schembechler for 1 defeat last year which coitB squad un outright Hlg If'j'L 3 I STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average Put It this way •• Burnln Bt| more than once remind f squad of a certain 23-12 * from the time the gun sound! B • ■uments. w, paper, |r Periodica i everyday waiter hater Purdue to the opening w_hisl| You're foom use. on TOP with A B &T 600 N Homer at E Saginaw — 5001 W Saginaw Michigan Stadium On. !"• fowels, Bical educat 1 Shop loc mi and Mother's little helper ... a checking account from AB&T. It's ip *<* vials for v Porkbook: the top way to ment that's shop. And each month AB&T sends itemized, accurate and time, you a state¬ rW, Frandor's Back to School ■rials for sc ■field stud on And all your checks (hed to earr e guildlim are imprinted with your name and address free at AB&T, Pet Show & Parade ^relations Prints, tropin* and gift certificates will be awarded to the winners, Entries will be judged by Frandor Pet Center and Noah's Ark Pet 8hop, Activities start at 4mctica 1 o BANK AND TRUST 10 A.M. on August 20 * * • COM PAN V « * * Near Kiddieland at Frandor with a parade, a band, ^ and Al Fast characteri. Following the contest, there will be a FREE FLEA DIPPING Sponsored by Frandor Pet Center It's not necessary to compete low Bring your own towel The event will be hosted by KAPPA DELTA SORORITY This contest is not meant to be activities should be fun for all serious competition. Prizes are for the children, hut ages. COME ON OVER. AND BRING A FRIEND. ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. August 19, 1970 9 Bill Jr. campaigns By CHRIS MEAD pleasing manner and thrives on and talk with students as they go ited Press International the northern Army as an information In Michigan outdoor by," he said. "I think with a specialist at Michigan, he joined his with," Bill says. "Obviously he's remarks he made about students Fort iam G. Milliken Jr. grins scene. young person doing this, there is After the Knox, Ky. mother and his younger sister, a very astute politician." an insult to my intelligence." Army he enrolled in describes himself as "an Unlike his father, he prefers less likely to be any hostility." Colorado Elaine, who is an art history However, the younger Milliken Bill said he has found political ,e kid home from college colored shifts, wide ties and When he finishes his College, a private major at the University of didn't for campus school with an enrollment of care a Levin Leaflet campaigning to his liking and takes "a more moderate view" tour, Bill will return to his own Michigan. which referred to "the Milliken regrets about 1,600 students. having to leave JapsTs'right. antiwar comedy He loved mov.e of what's going on with people. young campus. He plans to leave Aug. 29 immediately after the state Bill came back to Michigan in The some young campaigner has definite impressions of Agnew ticket." "There is no Milliken midstream. "When i first started June in time to be in - Agnew traveling *S*H, 1°°^ Par^ a The recent Goose Lake rock GOP convention. when his father Lansing State Sen. Sander M. Levin, his ticket." Bill said. "My father has around the state, i thought it announced his pful campus march mourning extravaganza, which drew an He began his college career at father's Democratic challenger publicly disagreed with Mr. was ostentatious to have staff candidacy. He drove to Michigan a Kent State deaths, has estimated 200,000 music fans, a Western Michigan University just alone in his 1968 auto for the governor's chair. Agnew many times, and i am handling my arrangements," he and slept L|e with geometry and host of drug hawkers and the before a two • year hitch in the in it on the way. "I am very aware of the new certainly no Agnew supporter. i said. "Now i realize that that's Hn't have minded going to "outrage" of the governor, is a look Sen. Levin has come out consider those derogatory the only practical way to do it." Si,other the Ute Bo* resli».l. hand, he's "not good example. "When all this about Goose UD" on baseball, attended a . White House reception for ■nd's Prince Charles and Anne - and his father is Lake came up, I tried to Dad's emotions," Bill said. "We talked about it for quite a while and I think it temper 7 A^ Jgjjtl ess helped. "I don't condone overnor of Michigan. drug use, but 1 \ 4 the drug thing didn't bother me Milliken is d now that Gov. ini: for his first full term as as much as it did Dad," he said. "1 don't go for the idea of p BIG E EBERHARD'S igan's chief executive, Bill going HAMBURG BUNS in and busting kids who are Inds himself in a new role as just users, but I do think the pushers npaigner. new duties brought him Colorado College in should be prosecuted." Bill said the Goose Lake r"" 19' WILLIAM MILLIKEN JR. ,rado Springs and dropped episode made him realize he can in the middle of a rigorous heard some criticism that his best help his father's campaign jaign circuit. Since then, the hair was too long, but he smiles by serving as "sort of an ear to GALS AND STUDENTS WHO ARE GOOD AT MAKING ENDS the lger Milliken has been this off as a minority attitude. generation gap." MEET always shop Big E! They not only get Miracle Discount ing across the state Actually, his blond hair is neatly Bill, 23, plans to finish up his Prices, but also weekly money saving coupons on family pleasin' jrming such functions as trimmed, revealing plenty of campaign tour with a campus foods. We're close to campus, too! fninga local queen in Imlay blitz across the state in the forehead, all of both ears and and riding in an Honor the nape of his neck. "Michigan for Milliken" van. PET-RITZ FROZEN rica Day parade in the Like his famous father, Bill Jr., "We hope to set up Peninsula. the latter excursion, Bill has a broad, engaging smile, a smooth, outgoing, crowd information conspicuous spots tables on campus in CREAM PIES POLLY ANNA DUTCH APPLE OR I CHUCK ROAST CHERRY PIE J I .ourse schedu I? in outdoor survival By JIM ADAMS California, has been a Mountain Rescue Specialist for Los Angeles County and a Ranger Naturalist kckbird and grubs for breakfast, mice and with the National Park service. (weed for lunch and cattails and snakemeat "We will be placing strong emphasis on the five keys to survival: water, fire, shelter, signals and Jdoesn't sound very appetizing, but it is the food," Risk said. this fall for students in Park and Some of the topics for Wilderness Survival will |eation Resources 480, Wilderness Survival, be fire making and cooking, edible and poisonous e course will teach students methods of plants, trapping and preparing animals, water al so they will have security and ability in a procurement and signaling. Swift's Proten CHUCK STEAKS |erness situation, according to Paul H. Risk of The course will not deal exclusively with Swift's Proten BEEF RIB STEAKS )t. of Park and Recreation Resources, who survival in Michigan, according to Risk. 99' beach the class. "We will be using military training films to Fe will be trying to help the student develop learn how to cope with wilderness areas in many REDEEM COUPON SAVE 20c ON Standing RIB ROASTS *»" 88' lling for the out of doors," Risk said, other parts of the world," Risk said. • le three • credit course will be meeting this During fall term the class will take an all day • Rose CANADIAN BACON - >>,99' ■ from 7 to 10 p.m. on Thursdays in the ■ral Resources Bldg. ■he course is open to field trip on a Saturday to learn firsthand some of the survival methods. Risk will set traps and KILLS COFFEE Morrell SMOKED BRAUNSCHWEIGER 49' anyone," Risk said, 1 it is geared to students who are heading for attempt to capture small animals, rodents and even insects during the outing. Herrud's SLICED BOLOGNA lb. 89' loor careers such as forest or park ranger." "Anything that moves should be considered Isk. who previously taught the course in fair game for survival," Risk said. Lean And Fresh - All Beef |chools sent guidelines HAMBURGER free public education' S United Cress International charge book rentals, but may handed down inning this fall. Michigan's July 17 by the require a "reasonable and schools must provide Michigan Supreme Court. The refundable" damage deposit if court's students with unanimous decision free necessary. looks and declared unconstitutional supplemental However, under the guidelines, Blies. but may charge fees for charges for books and fees for schools may continue to charge Berials used jn extra activities which are required for • for admission to school dances, ■cular activities. graduation. contests and plays, class and 1 an eight • point guideline club dues, outside tests such as ■ to all public school officials To speed implementation of college entrance exams, the high court's "free public ■&>'. the State Board of yearbooks, lunches, gym shoes, education" ruling, the board ■ation said a recent Supreme caps and gowns and insurance t! ruling requires schools to requested the attorney general's fees for interscholastic activities. opinion detailing the scope of |ide without cost: The free textbook ruling was the decision. ¥ jjoom use. •paper, crayons, band Pments, weekly readers and Peri(>ditals if required for ALL THE BUTTERMILK PANCAKES NEW POTATOES 20 [0«els. locks and lockers for YOU CAN EAT Jtal'">Peducation classes. SPARTAN FROZEN REDEEM COUPON - SAVE 20c materials, drafting and home economics EVERY |, ■ or vocational classes. orkbooks and WEDNESDAY POT PIES Homegrown Tomatoes laboratory ■J °r science classes. , ISs,udy ,riPs that B lo earn course credit, are ^ LBS. FOR ||^C 7S.OZ. $11. Ndlines, based f.'"relations on an prepared by the Beef, Chick, «y general's office, also ■ Or Turkey « RED HAVEN I that - HOMEGROWN PEACHES Shop leDQrds W6 E MARGARINE 6100 Vhep< HCpES All Three Great Locations Eberhard 21/? Size BREAD POLLY ANNA ENRICHED WHITE SLICED OR HALVES Jeno's Frozen fOWNTOWN T 6 s' AVANT GARDE Sausage or Big E Pink Washington 120 s. Washington CHEESE PIZZA LIQUID DETER. I" t 31 f-omily Shoe Store- EAST LANSING V"ro 'v Fasl"""5" ;city h purchase. 317 e. grand river "Family and Campus Shoes" y (hiii-go Accounts Welcome. :F Pkgs. Ea. 59c +' Since 1944 First Choice o) HSU Students Prices Effective Thru Sun. Aug. 23 • - Quantity Rights Reserved 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, AugUst m STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED Pay all classified ads now Room 347 Student Services Bldg. classified 355-8255 355-8256 brador ihone HMNKLYSHEOKIWO ty Phil frank For Rent For Rent )ua'itv Si The State News does not Employment WantMas permit racial or religious discrimination in its PART TIME work for studtnts. Or COMBINATION LIVING room - EAST SIDE lovely 2 bedroom ranch, THE GAME IS~HERP|~pk U.P0INT breezewey garage, lovely yard, bookstores. 0 -8-21 ' necessary. Cell 351-7319 for bedroom, kitchen • bath, two girls. completely furnished. References. rained. Ci advertising columns. The W&sfT Interview. C Very cheap plus few hours work 7-8-21 393-4624. 5-8-26 ONE State News will not weekly. EO 2-6977. 6-8-21 APARTMENT",^" ™*lne. On. t«ln accept advertising which THREE BEDROOMS, excellent sprlnga b« "!> KITTI » AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against MARIGOLD APARTMENTS. 911 location across from campus, 9 and mattr.„ ^ utch avai Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service religion, national race, origin. color or PART TIME job for BARKER SHOE STORE downtown, 485-7514. Marigold Deluxe across 2 man from campus. furnished month 3-8-21 lease. Cell 361-6749. 55a«r'-i,5 151-3765. apartments. Now leasing for fall. Aviation Ask for Mr. Marshall. 3-8-21 IV 9-9651 or 351-1890. O Mob * LOVELY FURNISHED one EMPLOYMENT * FOR RENT HIRING COLLEGE students for full LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? bedroom houses. $140-$160 plus utilities. Also 2 bedroom Palm, L.n, ,', ,® WESTW Automotive time work now and part time See today's Want Ads for a edroom Apartments during school year. Fantastic job, complete listing. epartmant, $200. 351-5696. STEREO E-V 12" 3 . « 51 0985 a 'n finished Houses MG MIDGET. Green, excellent good pay. Call 371-1813 between 8 -12. C OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green __3j8-21 351-6877.3-8-21 cabini,?'jS*** /p*< 65 SCHU Rooms condition. Call 351-8384 after EAST LANSING,, 3 bedroom Apartments. Ideal for married urnished. E . FOR SALE 5:30 p.m. 3-8-20 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE sitter duplex. Fireplace, carpeted, stove, MODERN DESIGN 51-3064. : Animals MG MIDGET 1964, red. needed, starting September 21st, grad students and faculty. 1 and 2 bedroom, furnished and basement, excellent location. 1 block to Wardcliff school. 3 drawers, excellent "maho"^ VJLt*' Top for 7 month baby, 5 days per Family $35. 355-3142. Lost Mobile Homes condition, no rust. $625. unfurnished, $130 - $175 only. $195/month. Call 351-0117. 3-8-21 M' week. May sit in my home or * PERSONAL 351-6488, after 5 p.m. 5-8-19 monthly. Possession now or yours. Call 353-6823 for details. September 1st. Call manager, __3-8;20^ ^ T: TOMi * PEANUTS PERSONAL 10-8-25 Brand MUSTANG 1965, 289 3-spe«d. Must 351-2439 or FOX PROPERTY OKEMOS, LARGE furnished house, « $5.00 Portables - jJ* * REAL ESTATE sell, $450 or best offer. ED SUMMER AND part time MANAGEMENT, 372-1964. TF 1 year, ownership cere. Phone of per month Large MiJr' * RECREATION 332 '026. 2-8-19 employment with full line 337-2105. 5-8-24 reconditioned u.ed nJJ SERVICE merchant wholesaler. Automobile LOWE BROOK APARTMENTS. Singers Home & White,, Necch^ * PLYMOUTH 1968 Wagon. V-8, required. 351-6800 for 1300 East Grand River. 1 and 2 Rooms "Many Other, "'J* 55-8255 n Typing Service AM-FM radio, cruise control, Information. 0 bedroom, furnished. 2, 3, 4 man. DIST^iBUTINr"1'' EDWAi « TRANSPORTATION $1750. 485-7042. 5-8-24 FIGHT WATER pollution. Five Walking distance to MSU shopping. From $180. 351-5289. and SPARTAN HALL singles. Men and 5:30 - 7:00, 361-9286. ?mR,BNUo™G «■«! Pe * WANTED 10-8-25 woman. 489-6448. C-8-20 PORSCHE 1966, 912, blue with red openings. Part or full time. Any time - 372-1031. O DEADLINE interior, AM-FM, 5-speed, new Management, high income 100 USED vacuum tires. Call 332-8726. 3-7-19 THE MARMAX, 225 Division, 4 man cleaner, potential. Marian Ottow, 4310 GENTLEMAN: QUIET, cozy room. 1 P.M. one class day Mill St., Grandville, Mich. 3-8-19 apartments. Block from Berkey, canisters, up-rights. $7.88 and UD East. Parking. Early mornings, IV One year before publication. RAMBLER AMERICAN 1964, 220, Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF guarantee OENMis 2-8304. 3-8-21 distributing company Cancellations - 12 noon fair condition, $75. Phone CURTIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY one class day before Portland. 647-4795. 2-8-20 has fee paid, fee negotiable jobs EAST LANSING Studio apartment. Furnished. Married couple. 10 MINUTES from campus, North Cadar, Market. C-8-20 oppo^'S' publication. for general office, secretaries, clerical WE ARE TY nl Mi W APARTMENTS MODEL OPEN % *7 % V<< furnished, 2 bedrooms, MCOILSat HEN r AL OlFICfc MANA CEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y DAILY io % 52 next to Cedar Village omn a jo j, jo MONDAY TMROUOH FRIDAY behind the % SEE DON 332-4432 in Water's Edge 731 BURCHAM URIVE Alco Management Company Yankee atore CALL 861-8282 54 % in 1 ss Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 19, 1970 11 For Sale ■qrADOH PUPS AKC with shots, Ihone Portland. 647-4795. N. Viets continue raids in the south glitv Standard and mutation SAIGON (AP) - North the north, U.S. B52s jnchillas also available. 2-8-20 Vietnamese troops attacked a were out as coastal lowlands. an usual. Fifty of the enemy buildup in the The Viet Cong's Liberation South Vietnamese force near big bombers Associated Press photographer a spokesman for the U.S. plans no major operations across ti POINT SIAMESE kittem, box Fire Base flew raids, mostly on the Horst Faas reported from the northwestern mountains the Laotian border. along Radio charged Tuesday night Command said: "We have no the border. ■trained Call 332-8778, $12 each. O'Reilly Tuesday, but Laotian side of the border. that the United States had reports." The U.S. northern Command also B-8-21 heavy rains reduced ground The North Vietnamese headquarters city of Da moved South Vietnamese troops struck Informed sources said North announced that Marine Wing action elsewhere in South South Vietnamese forces Nang that the brief battle into southern Laos to "launch South Vietnamese military Ice KITTENS, four now, new Vietnam's northernmost miles west of Fire Base eight between company - sized units Vietnamese strength in the region had increased from five an important operation" in spokesmen were unavailable for Support Group 17 began pulling out of Da Nang Tuesday as Tatch available in three weeks. provinces. one of seven allied O'Reilly, was indecisive. comment on the Viet Cong part 51-3765. 3-8-21 artillery bases In regiments to seven during the cooperation with Royal Lao of President Nixon's fourth Despite low clouds blanketing guarding approaches Saigon, the South forces. Asked about the charge, charge, but usually reliable to populous Vietnamese military spokesman past six months. phase withdrawal of American sources said South Vietnam claimed 38 of the forces. Mobile Homes killed and said one enemy were soldier, 10 Jj) WESTWOOD Deluxe Kdroom ■51-0985 after noon. furnished. 10x55. 2 6-8-25 Near. Criticism hit weapons and 300 blocks of TNT were captured. One South Vietnamese soldier was (continued from wounded, he said. 5 SCHULT Custom interior, page 1) dissengagement from a cruel and The action occurred 'nished. Behind Warren Poplar's. sites be blocked but that mistaken war are at a painful where the U.S. Command near ^51-3064. 3-8-21 > more all requested ABM funds be disadvantage," McGovern told reported the 101st Airbone an audience at American Division lost & Found devoted to development of the discovered the bodies two sites approved last University. Monday of 34 enemy soldiers year. He said more extensive tT TOMCAT, dark greyish - The Senate already has publicity was apparently killed by artillery, air given to Agnew's strikes and rifle fire. brown tiger. 1" tail, sore under defeated two other amendments attack on the amendment than The U.S. Command said there ar. 351-3765. 3-8-21 which would have curbed has been given to the was Safeguard to a greater degree. no significant ground JaTE LOST PETS fast. Dial amendment itself "in all the It is expected to be several fighting involving American T©5-8255 now for a quick - action weeks before it votes on the end weeks since we introduced it." forces, but two U.S. soldiers iified Ad. "We should be - the war amendment. - discussing this were killed and five were amendment in a rational and wounded McGovern said Agnew by booby traps. Personal apparently has so intimidated temperate manner rather than Another GI was killed and 31 the press using it as an excuse for partisan were wounded in six he can command political bomb throwing," said shellings, the command said. enemy A thrilling hour of beauty. unlimited and - unprecedented Sen. Allen Cranston, D-Calif., Jr appointment call 484-4519. The daily raids of B52s — each ■ERLE NORMAN COSMETICS publicity for his own ideas. another "We who cosponsor of the of which carries 30 tons of pilDIO, 1600 East Michigan. are seeking measure. bombs — are aimed at blunting (b-20 _ JeRIENCED DRUMMER wanted established rock band. fcl-6473, 351-3067.2-8-19 ■lE SUBJECTS eriment 34-6766. X-3-8-21 needed with hypnosis. Call for Council to consider vote now we are located in Khe Student Union? UNION (continued from page 1) iuiLDING BARBER SHOP. Grossfeld, who early in the hope that you will join me in public discussion, students meeting suggested that the that," he told the students. voiced their disagreements, council back the In earlier action the council anger Vaughn fcFT INFORMATION CENTER, and frustrations over the city's resolution, later demanded a held a public hearing concerning registration procedure. direct answer from the council. a proposed J07 East Grand River. Over change in zoning of a Campus Book Store. 351-5283. Some students related personal "You've been telling us all parcel of land in the M-78 and evening that you are not Abbott Road area. The proposal experiences encountered at the city office. Others they offered had clerk's opposed to students voting in to change the private residential East Lansing but that area from an R-l status into an Five 105mm Howitzers Firepower legal you are stationed atop a flattened repeated attack since Aug. 9. The North Vietnamese are arguments and still others only complying with the state R-6 to allow construction of mountaintop in South Vietnam respond to North ■uiTY law which you admit is expected to try to get Allied forces to abandon their fire HOME: large fireplace, repeated familiar rhetoric. vague," multi - family apartments was Vietnamese mortar and recoilless rifle attacks. The base. i bedrooms, screened back ASMSU Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld said. "Well, here's defeated by the council. base. Fire Base O'Reilly, 27 miles west of ninute walk MSU, low your chance to show us that Hue, has been under AP Wirephoto you ner leaving country. mean what you say. Here's your •II351-8629. 8-8-28 Woman granted chance to take the vagueness out of the state law." STUDENT-DESIGNED VEHICLES Real Estate Mrs. Sharp answered, saying E 921 Evergreen, East church post she refused "to be railroaded" into Second clean - adopting a resolution insing. $21,000. 3-bedroom . Living room Stove and refrigerator with STOCKHOLM Rev. Dr. pioneered women into the (AP) Margit Sahlin, 56, who entrance the - The Swedish of Monday night that would have put the council on record in support of the proposed law change. car race' a CAMBRIDGE, MASS. from the University of Michigan, but are allowed to enlist priesthood 10 years ago, has "I refuse to act capriciously (UPI) — Students will go racing one JlNTRY. New four bedroom, 2 become the first woman rector simply because you want me across the from Wayne State industry help — and other Henry said. Henry, 21, a senior h ranch. Carpeted, $25,000. country Monday in University and a fourth from outside aid from San Francisco, operates the of Sweden's Protestant National to," Mrs. Sharp said. cars powered — for donations of I46-6376. 0 by almost every Oakland University. This year all entrants start at Caltech team's test bed facility, Church. She was chosen over a She agreed to meet later with means except the rubber band - equipment and operating funds. The U-M and Wayne State with Michael Lineberry, male nominee. other councilmen and a group of just so long as it doesn't The primary eligibility rule is Cambridge and will be using a 23, a Service pollute entries are powered by modified that vehicles must comply with dozen differnet power sources. graduate engineering student students "to give the council the air. from Pomona, Calif., in internal combustion engines, the 1975 The charge members a chance to study the It's the second annual federal exhaust experimental propulsion running while Oakland's entry will be an of the entire Caltech f D HELP moving into that new resolution (HR 4303)" before of the Clean Air Car Race, with all electric car. emission standards, which are systems include electrics, electric project. ^lartment? Have truck and time, - much stricter than those in gasoline hybrids, steamers, One unusual entry from MIT is all 339-8455. 3-8-21 deciding on whether they would 44 colleges and two high schools The race is expected to take turbines back the proposal. force today. and cars with called "an electric motor with a fielding about 60 vehicles in a seven days, but because of The first Clean Air Car Race conventional internal seat." It is a pickup truck JTAR LESSONS. Private - Rock Councilman Wilbur R. 3,600 mile race from Cambridge, using a Brookover said he personally Mass., home of Massachusetts anticipated breakdowns of the ■oik Semi-classic. MARSHALL was held two years ago between combustion engines burning low 1,000 - pound electric motor ■USIC COMPANY, 351-7830. $1!00 service charge per student - designed cars, vehicles battery powered electric cars - pollutant fuels such as propane, capable of insertion - to be pre - paid. 12 would be in favor of changing Institute of Technology (MIT) are expected to be "stretched - producing 500 from Caltech and MIT compressed natural gas and horsepower. It gets its the state law. to Pasadena, Calif., home of out across a thousand miles of departing charge p.m. deadline 1 class day before. "1 am perfectly willing to California from opposite sides of the cryogenic gases, and assorted from a gasoline driven turbine Institute of highway." country bound for their rival's combinations. Typing Service MSU Soaring Club will be flying at 1 publicly state that I would vote Technology (Caltech). at any time for a change of the Under race rules, the students campus. generator unit. Michigan will be represented in themselves must design, build, MIT'S car arrived first but Among the more interesting The race committee said Ij^BROWN: Typing and multilith atp.m.,6 Ionia County Airport. Dinner law," Brookover said. "And I the race by four vehicles — two test and drive their own vehicles, '1 p.m. (bring your own food) because it had been towed so entries is the one being worked winners would be selected in printing. Complete service — on by a dozen Caltech students each for rides or information, call of the ' various dissertations, theses, — a 1970 sedan ripts, general typing. IBM. 882-3250. operating on classifications by a panel of rs experience compressed natural gas held in 12 independent automotive experts, 332-8384. C scuba tanks that replace the The following Free U classes will based on the vehicle pollution Bl MEL: meet today: Vocations for Social auto's normal fuel tank. emission Typing, multilithing. rating, vehicle Jo job too large or too small. Change, 3 p.m., Man and Nature performance and time elapsed. Bookstore; Horses, 3:30 p.m., 131 Gas flows through a two - ■ock_off campus, 332-3255. C Each entry in the race will be Albert; Drugs, 7 p.m., 131 Albert. stage regulator that looks like JJPLETE tount THESIS service, the one on a household gas assigned a followup car carrying printing. |fcM typing and MICHIGAN STUDENTS FOR meter. From there it goes to an an official observer, maintenance *9 of theses, MILLIKEN The last meeting of Plications. Across from campus, resumes, - adapter which feeds it into the men and spare drivers. the term will be held tonight at 7:30 carburator. Everything from MAC and Grand in the Oak Room of the Union. River, p.m. that point is stock equipment, *low ■OPYGRAPH ■'•1666. C style Shop, SERVICES. Call Plans will be discussed for term break and activities outlined for fall term. All old and new members are except for a catalystic reactor replacing the muffler. This Criteria encouraged to attend. Also students afterburner, using platinum as (continued from page 1) PESSI0NAL Thesis Preparation. will be able to register for attendance the catalyst, is designed to other residence? Which residence M Typing, Multilith Printing, & at the State Republican Convention further reduce pollutants before is resided at the greater portion Tdbinding. Complete Thesis which will be held August 28 and 29. they of the time? escape into the CVIC® ,ef's 'or the most Discerning atmosphere. •Motor vehicle registration. & Doctoral Candidates. "The Homosexual Dilemma": what • Other facts Brochure which the and Consultation. every heterosexual should know." "We expected to reduce applicant or the clerk feels will ■Auruc'JF and PAULA Dr. Franklin Kameny, President of pollutants to about 10 per cent be of assistance in I»J?,EY: 337-1527 or Washington, D.C. Mattachine Society of what they are now," Jim residence. determining will speak to parents, teachers, legislators, students, and all interested individuals, this Saturday, transportation 2:30 p.m., room 114, Bessey Hall, on HR,T0 Sea,tle or points west. the Auditorium corner of Road. Farm A Lane and deaf sign Police limit crowd l*wJ! ^ 0f Au9ust. Share interpreter will be present during [Wnses. 339-2938. 3-8-20 speech and question / answer session. Informal reception following at (continued from I WANTED 5:30 p.m. in Stefanoff Lounge of page 1) station an obviously untrained, Keeping to Miami leaving Student Services Building. Call Gay uneducated patrolman at the person involved in the rezoning Liberation office 353-8859 from 10 door of a city council meeting to controversy and said he had a.m. to 9 p.m. daily for further Kansas City Zoo residents, Eski and Mo, cool off with recently have ranged around 100, and a fund drive for a come to speak for his client. make contact with the public," information. 9,000 pounds of donated ice. Temperature at the zoo polar pool is underway. AP Wirephoto "I think it's very foolish to Ferency said. * anted East Lansing Police Sgt. The MSU Speed Chess Tournament Robert Foster, who was L ^ CE ,0 Park small trailer will be held tomorrow Union. It begins at 7:00 in the night in the Gold stationed at the door, said he fchroZ aCCeSS 10 wa,er, tried "at first" to reason with Freighter, , Room (second floor). Anyone who lj.,9 ' e'ectricity. 489-2860. can play chess may enter. Please the crowd and explain about the nerve fire regulations. bring sets and chess clocks if you "But after awhile they started §e#yDchS|HOP- Park yourself in have them. acting like a herd of wild fwavtoda;rd Sh°P ,he The SbS will have a meeting tonight group of conservationists who Within 15 minutes, an eight - trip from North Carolina. animals," Foster said. He said he at 8 p.m. in room 39 of the Union to (continued from page 1) man team of specialists went rudder, which had been partially kept the door closed until miSE** needed- $7.50 for m AB discuss plans for registration fund raising. Everyone welcome. and subjected to the extreme sought to prevent the dumping. The ship sank in a graveyard aboard the Briggs. It was headed The team rigged hydraphones and depth charges as a means of visible as the stern filled quickly than the bow. more people began to leave the building. n ne.9a,ive- B negative due east of Cape Kennedy where by Navy Lt. A. A. Schiavone checking "lative »®9a,lve- $10.00. O pressure of 7,200 pounds per the Army has been dumping from the Naval Ordance the sinking rate; "I think Mr. Ferency was Open Duplicate Bridge session each square inch at that depth. Depot, removed salvageable equipment, JNnitv^°' ►>* Eas, r MICH|GAN Wednesday evening, 7:15 p.m. sharp. The chemical experts contend obsolete arms and munitions, Earle, N.J. disturbed when 1 didn't let him "NTER. including the rabbits, and at After that the condemned ship in after he identified himself," MSU Union Building, The S9. AbovG/7 River' East Parlor A second floor, air conditioned room. the gas, presently in liquid form, but not gas, for several years. team first checked the 11:45 a.m., turned wheels on settled fairly evenly and the Foster said. "But I told him I J1*"1 Store Ho "ew c»mpui will be neutralized when mixed The Liberty ship was towed holds, where six white rabbits the deck to open seven valves waves gradually covered six - didn't care who he was. He had £ ">*30 The MSU Sailing Club will hold a with sea water and will be here from the Sunny Point, had ridden as the only deep in the bowels of the foot high red letters which to wait his turn like everybody PV TU9M,: w®dnesday and Twilight Regatta this Thursday, rendered harmless within 10 N.C., military port by the tug passengers on the gas ships. freighter. spelled "Caution Explosives" on else." hours. Elizabeth Moran and arrived at "We have six healthy rabbits Sea water rushed into the each August 20 on Lake Lansing. All side. The tug. Port Ferency here," Schiavone radioed. It was was eventually Skippers should meet at the Club Site Federal court accepted the the site at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday cavernous holds, but the sinking, Jefferson, remained attached for admitted into the meeting but Ch#ck at ,ht at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Army version and overruled after a two and one-half day reassuring since it meant no gas process was slow. several hours with 600-foot oot until after the had leaked a hearing on the BvY.O. Florida Gov. Claude Kirk and a voyage. during the 345 mile First to disappear was the tow rope. rezoning proposal had ended. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Au»„.. „ en fltoaiB Sane HAMADY BROS > 11 (f i . Lansing Mall 5210 W. SAGINAW HWY (ompCete^oott (enteU Yankee Center 930 W. HOLMES RD Meridian Mall 1982 W. GRAND Rived 1 Top o' The Grade creamery^%, butter SLICED OR CRUSHED * ■ 25° CLIFFHOUSE PINEAPPLE ...'ST CLIFFHOUSE GRADE A FRYER PARTS 10c MANDARIN ORANGES OSCAR MAYER & 35° SPECIALTY DISHES WITH MOTHER HUBBARD NOODLES CORNED BEEF CHICKEN GIZZARDS . SPECIAL LABEL TYSON'S GRADE A 28-OZ. AVERAGE pA COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS . . .u 79C ASSORTED COLORS CHARMIN NAPKINS 15c IVORY LIQUID FOR DISHES ' Km* -45c CORNISH GAME HENS ,. 59 SHANK PORTION IHOCK OFF) g SPECIAL LABEL. ALL TEMPERTURE • ASSORTED FROZEN A A. MICHIGAN GRADE ONE HYGRADE BALL PARK FRANKS AJfc FRESH HAM ROASTS bi NEW CHEER DETEREGNT .. !'.L'i BANQUET POT PIES >%\J ,,'.07 BUTT PORTION ALL VARIETIES J A. MICH. GRADE ONE (ANY SIZEI J>A. FRESH HAM ROASTS l IT SPECIAL LABEL ENZYME 65c BANQUET COOK-N BAGS L&Al CHUNK LARGE BOLOGNA lB $9 VERY LITTLE BONE aa FROZEN PAN READY *A< 99 SPECIAL LABEL NEW tf.Sft.A. FRESH SLICED LEAN HAM 75c i.ijV CHOICE BEEF t (I ? 1 u MICRO ENZYME GAIN BIRDSEYE FRENCH FRIES BONELESS RUMP ROAST | BOTTOM ROUND t A JQ SNOW CROP FROZEN U.S.A.D. CHOICE BEEF FOR SPOTLESS DISHES JAf Ui.D.A. CHOICE CUBED STEAKS | 68c ^ 47 e A }Q u CASCADE FOR DISHWASHERS'.™ SLICED STRAWBERRIES 1 . BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK .,, DAILEY'S BUTTERFIELD whole or sliced QUEEN FROZEN kosher irish ^osher ojlt6|1 entrees leg of lamb dills potatoes U.S.D.A. CHOICE YOUR CHOICE american FRESH PAK 97* i0< lamb , Lb. Box LB. QUART JAR 14-OZ. CAN 15' PILLSBURY'S KRAFT PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 29' BUTTERMILK BISCUITS SPECIAL LABEL ... ,£l PKGS. I * McDONALD'S QUALITY CHEKD WHIPPING CREAM . ay GOLDEN WHEAT KEYKO MARGARINE .. , PKG ?3C L* DAIRY FRESH LOFAT ELBOW HAMADY BROS. grade a wilson's milk MACARONI miracle large eggs CLEANER ^-GALLON CARTON 39* Gallon JUG 2" 33^ * FAVORITE FILLER-UPPER FOR FLAVOR AND COLOR I-LB. CELLO Multi-purpose FOOD CONTAINER £ U.S. No. 1 NEW CROP YAMS HOME GROWN FIELD FRESH 2J9 A U.S. No. 1 CRISP CARROTS ,i 2J9" -V- 12" f». MICHIGAN GRADE ONE Cake/Pastry i LARGE PASCAL CELERY STALK I 3 GARDEN FRESH LEAF LEnUCE 2J9* $149 JkJ SUN-BLUSHED ORCHARD FRESH U.S. Ho. 1 SWEET JUICY CHEF PIERRE"*" u.s. 1 peaches watermelons cherry pies FROZEN 3'35