Ambition Thursday MICHIGAN Cloudy . STATE STATE NEWS . . . and warm with a 10 per cent chance of rain. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1970 lights, obligations of young ocus of commission's study y JEFFSHELER •To formulate a code to laws State News Staff Writer clarify the legal affecting young people. rights of young people, possibly v. Milliken announced Wednesday the *To review and including lowering the age of adulthood. Milliken told analyze present laws that newsmen that Jon of a commission that ^ill look affect young people. •To solicit opinions from citizens and such as the East problems I'the legal rights and responsibilities of cTo private groups. Lansing voter registration identify inconsistencies and •To coordinate and controversy "would certainly not be ng people in Michigan. inadequacies in those laws. regulate activities excluded" from ^ Special Commisision on the Age of with the legislature in commission's formulating new consideration. ority, Milliken said, would investigate wide range of issues" and make LIFE SENTENCE emendations for possible revisions of e laws regarding young people. MANDATORY people today are increasingly on greater freedom and greater 'iclpation in our political and economic Milliken said in announcing the new " mission. "I believe society must lond by providing greater rights for ing people, but rights coupled with iter responsibility. Fhe present laws of this state, in many Jury finds Co is, protect young people by denying in the freedoms and opportunities open others," he said. "These laws place wnsibility on parents and on society (rally, a responsibility that is too often of first-degree murder |iet by either parents or society." lilliken appointed District Judge Frank ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — John [ner of Cadillac to head the commission Delhey said after Wednesday's verdict that Martin Taylor, deputy director of the Norman Collins was convicted of first • degree murder in the Wednesday the other six killings remain under active Collins from the pictures but later him out of a police lineup. picked Found guilty- slaying of investigation ttiigan Dept. of Commerce, to serve as Karen Sue Beineman, an 18 - year - old The coed was last seen alive Fink said another ground for his appeal is John Norman Collins, 23, of Center Line, leaves Washtanaw [•chairman. freshman at Eastern Michigan 1969. Her body, clad July 23, his belief that moving the trial from Court Wednesday morning after a County ie commission will not deal only with University. only in a pair of Washtenaw County would have jury of six men and six women found The dark haired, 23 - year changed I rights and responsibilities of those - - old sandals, was found in a wooded gully three the outcome. him guilty of first - degree murder in the sex defendant displayed no emotion as he days later. An autopsy showed she had slaying of Karen Sue |ng people whose dramatic and heard the verdict. Collins' mother and been strangled, Beineman, 18, last summer. AP Wirephoto tortured and sexually ketimes illegal demonstrations gain sister were led from the courthouse in molested. pic attention," Milliken said, "but also tears. Collins was arrested [he vast numbers of young people who The verdict came 117V4 hours after the July 31, 1969, and police said he had been a suspect since July EXPANSION TO PROCEED [earning a living, starting a family or case went to the Circuit Court jury at 27 — the day after the body was found. ig to complete an education." 11:35 a.m. Friday. During that time, the Michigan law makes a life sentence six men and six women jurors mandatory. spent 2VA Safeguard debate settled hours locked in a guarded room. Another Fink said the prime reason for his 5Vi hours were spent rehearing testimony is appeal the identification of Collins and judicial instructions. by two Educators' Caucus' Defense attorney Neil Fink said he will women at a wig shop in nearby Ypsilanti where Miss Beineman was last seen alive. appeal. He declared, "There was unspoken , They testified they saw the coed ride away WASHINGTON (AP) - Defenders of the attempts to limit I An "Educators' Caucus" will be held evidence in this case that couldn't be on the back of a motorcycle with a youth President Nixon's Safeguard antimissile have been Safeguard's expansion defeated, the entire system can Other issues still to be decided include the so-called end - the war amendment It 8 tonight in the Sun Porch of the combatted He was being tried for seven they later identified as Collins. - to ... system repulsed a final Senate attack be bargained out of Lnion All precinct delegates from murders. We all know that." The attorney terms existence — if set a Dec. 31,1971 cutoff for U.S. "just horrendous" Wednesday 53 to 45. necessary to win concessions on mutual military Miss Beineman was the seventh young the procedures in which Jean involvement in Indochina, and an JJniversity communities who are woman killed in Washtenaw Goshe, the The vote climaxed a three week debate - arms limitations. amendment to end the draft and create an ttending the Democratic state County in a wig shop owner, and Patricia Spaulding, an marked chiefly with contention over The final round of this year's Safeguard all volunteer Army. - konvention are invited. period of just over two years. No charges employe, were shown pictures of Collins Safeguard's usefulness battle came have been filed against anyone in the six before trying to identify him in a as a bargaining chip over an amendment by Sen. Sen. Margaret Chase lineup. in arms talks with the Soviet Union. Edward Brooke, R-Mass.. to stop Smith, R-Maine, earlier killings, and Prosecutor William The women were unable to The Nixon administration holds that who refused to vote for any identify now geographic expansion of the system to two Safeguard new sites and use all of funds last year because of her lack of faith the requested SI.35 billion on the two sites in the reliability of the approved last year. system, voted to That vote out of the way, and with two linjit it last week but refused Wednesday to other vote for the Brooke amendment. antiexpansion plans already learings rejected,the Senate Three other senators who last week also Kent turned to the first of dozens of other amendments to the voted for an amendment sponsored by on $19.2 Sens. John Sherman billion military procurement bill. Cooper. R-Kv., and This is a bid by Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., to stop spending Eugene McCarthy, for Safeguard expansion, voted D-Minn„ to require a state governor to against the obtain less restrictive proposal. presidential |EN'T, liversity Ohio (AP) students "will — Kent State shot to death and nine others wounded in a confrontation between students and mandate without other authorities. destroying efforts of learned anything as a result of the authorizing use of approval arms and before live They are Sens. Charles not allow shootings. ammunition by National Guard Percy, R-Ill., Pselves to be shot at National Guardsmen sent here in the wake Kent State President Robert I. White, troops Allen Ellender, D-La., again without "I'm not a wild eyed radical. We in the called to quell disorders. and Jennings Pting back," a graduate student told a of campus disorder. leadoff witness, said he was not advised - Randolph, D-W. Va. ■dential commission United States, if things are not Wednesday. Sharoff was a first - day witness before that National Guardsmen were moving changed, will soon face a civil war." P will be only a the President's Commission on Campus onto his campus May 2 and "had not minority," said Steve Sharoff said his father is TO BAR GERM WARFARE Iroff, also a Kent State Unrest which rejected a state request to thought to inquire" if they would carry a police chief be a larger instructor, "but but "I fear policemen Instead of delay its probe on the Kent State campus loaded weapons. . . . minority than before May symbolizing the law, they until a grand jury investigates the Sharoff said student - administration have become the law." Was the date four students shootings. communications have not improved at Nixon asks senators r were White had said earlier he feels no Commission Chairman William Scranton, Kent State. major incident will develop at Kent State next former governor of Pennsylvania, took "They have been terrible and they still fall. note of the upcoming grand jury probe. He are terrible," he said. said the commission will carry out its "The administration has not really (please turn to page 11) |rustees set for treaty ratification WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon probably won't take place until after Labor fecial 2-day formally asked the Senate Wednesday to approve a 45 - year - old treaty barring Day. Sen. George Aiken, R-Vt., the ranking germ and gas warfare. GOP member of the committee, has The United States feels the predicted smooth sailing for t :e treaty in pact permits session continued use of tear gas, defoliants and napalm in said. Vietnam, the administration the Senate. It requires a two - thirds vote for approval. Nixon noted in his message thut 85 other 1 special two day session of the board - Nixon asked that the Senate condition its nations, including all the other major ■rustees is scheduled approval of the 1925 Geneva Protocol with for Sept. 3 - 4, but powers, are parties to the agreement and ■ Meeting will a reservation include only discussion of leaving open possible said, "The United States always has range business with no official action retaliatory use of chemical weapons as a observed the principles and objectives of P'three trustees deterrent. this protocol. asserted Tuesday. Biological weapons would be Ll vSt an en information meeting ," barred completely. "I consider it essential that the United N'sbet, R-Fremont, said. Nixon's one - page message did not go States now become a party to this * • Don Stevens, D-Okemos, and into the question of tear gas and defoliants protocol," he said e Martin, D-East Lansing, said if the employed in Vietnam, but an Although proposed and signed by the Vn inaction arose, the action would be accompanying two - page letter from United States in 1925, it never received L ] ?ublil> meeting which would be Secretary of State William P. Rogers Senate approval and gathered dust in L „ fhe public and the press, outlined the U.S. view. Foreign Relations Committee files. In "It is the United States' ibabl er'Nisbet said any action would understanding of 1947, as part of a house - cleaning, it was the protocol that it does not sent back to the White House jhk. postponed until the next prohibit the along with the the board, use in war of riot other unratified treaties. Sept. 16-17. - control agents and V2fnday Thursday arrangement of chemical herbicides," Rogers said. flame and napalm are also not covered "Smoke, Nixon announced last November, when Cisdav 'S,a switch from the usual the protocol." by he said the United States was renouncing kiistra " Friday timing, due to The U.N. General any use of biological weapons and first - SkS? PreParation for , fall Assembly last year voted 80 to 3 - the United States use of lethal chemical would ask the Senate to approve the weapons, that he for 'ri|0l,ow.ln8 Monday, voted fopjcs "no" and more than 30 nations abstained ftttnr t!'scuss|on at the Sept. in i 3-4 — that tear gas and defoliants are included protocol. But it was held up until this week as ool noc ui f|nanc»ng of a medical within the bounds of the administration officials sought to resolve raise hj ! f()rmation of a committee protocol. But administration various questions, blegil, ,r?m sources other than the that the U.S. government has officials, proclaiming principally how to affirm U.S. intentions to continue use of Till state"1? ,ur a teachin8 hospital, the already gone beyond the protocol in the chemical and «n the ah Un'versity and a report Visit scene biological warfare field, said the vote has tear gas and defoliants in Southeast Asia. (Mwinsaid'SSIOnS Commission> Nisbet Members of the President's Commission no standing in international law. Administration officials said use of defoliants in Vietnam has declined to 10 to on Campus Unrest view the scene in Kent, Ohio, where four Kent State P^nhelri rtheSe "review meetings" University students died May 4 in a confrontation with Ohio National Htnrd troops. Terry Baker, pointing, a Sen. chairman of the J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark., the Foreign Relations 15 per cent of the former amount and that an end to use of tear rnthem hB°Ilears- No action lsever commission staff member, describes the scene. Committee, said hearings on the protocol gas would increase AP Wirephoto U.S. casualties. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "-""day, August 20 , news Drug treatment centers planned the community rather than in major medical facility in community work situation. identification will be offered in which encoun. I summary By ROBERTA SMITH State News Staff Writer the artificial atmosphere of the institution," Steinhauer said in Lansing. Persons addicted amphetamines or barbiturates to the action center where the addict can interact with others Individual participative to dJJs *Kh| and J p >1 From the wires of AP and UPI. Four community - oriented support of the program. Analyze drugs may use the community action who have the same problem. crisis intervention centers will be According to the Working closely with the center. It provides an This center will be run by the located throughout the comprehensive plan, an detoxification center, the drug opportunity for the addict to addicts themselves with participants win b(. imjl tri-county area under a new individual will enter the program lab will analyze drugs "off the become involved in a peer - professional consultation assistance. Participants and will work for maintenance A funcST**! family education comprehensive drug treatment either through the crisis center street" as to type and quality. oriented, group - structured WM I program being planned by the or with the help of a mobile Although the committee is not activity. Steinhauer said that work was a very good area for together but will not have a residence. separate from these act as a speaker thJSl and Si Community Drug Study crisis team. The crisis center or associated with the local court common bureau disseminate drug Committee. The committee, headed by team may act as a point of and legal system now, it realizes the nature of drug abuse the addict to relate with and to himself. A live-in that will be a place informi'*!I admission and referral or as an that program of an addict can where the fanla? H "The present laws of this Gordon Steinhauer, coordinator of extended care services for St. immediate, readily accessible necessitates a working functions similarly to the assistance or get advice I in state, psycho- social response to relationship when the program is Interaction community action center is the group couJ*! many ways, protect young people by denying them the Lawrence Community Health Clinic, devised a Mental multi ■ individuals problems with experiencing drug use and fully developed, Steinhauser said. Interdependence and multi-lodge. It creates a comprehensive social system on how to problem. relate to uJJjl freedoms and opportunities open phase noninstitutional treatment abuse. "Our program could be an program oriented toward those alternative to jail for a person to others." _ in the different drug cultures of 4 locations who has entered through the PORNOGRAPHY COMMISSION - Gov. Milliken upon the Ingham, Eaton qnd Clinton Under the plan crisis centers court system," he said. "Possibly creation of the Special counties. will be located in the four major a set-up that would enable a Commission on the Age of Majority The committee will attempt to coordinate its activities with existing help organizations. The geographic areas of Lansing in person to have probation, parole store fronts or rented homes. It is and hoped that this type of comprehensive treatment through program the would Final report (Story on page 1) Besides Listening Ear and Drug atmosphere will be more be adapted." WASHINGTON (AP) - The September rather than late this repeal 0f „J Education Center in East President's Commission month. He said the purpose of accessible and comfortable for Referral on pornography laws for adults ,tl Lansing have worked closely the drug user. Each crisis center Pornography has postponed the delay is to give the recommendations ben renortprt ,1 with the committee. will be geared to the culture of After entry into the release of its final report, but a commission members more time No definite plans have been made for funding the $588,761 the area it serves. committee's proposed program, spokesman commission's says outlook has the to review tentative findings and by the commission in elude laws against jL*l The mobile crisis team will be a drug user may be referred to a not recommendations. children to such exposal andit l plan. It is expected to begin in a used when an immediate methadone program working changed, despite criticism from material Wilson said the final report year. problem arises. It can respond closely with a halfway house, a the White House and Congress. will be accompanied by 10 use m public display"! Internotionol News Go to problem quickly and will enter a situation community action work center Other sources said they believe volumes of supporting research. unsolicited mail advertiseJI where the drug user is unable or or a multi-lodge. the most controversial This is understood to include 86 Rep. John E. Hunt, r.nj f The entire program is based on said Congress' clear Soviet presence in the Caribbean has been cited to the premise that it is more center. unwilling to come to the crisis The methadone program is recommendation — repeal of all studies conducted on intent hL geared specifically to the chronic U.S. laws against pornography creating the commission thml Congress as reason for maintaining all U.S. naval bases in efficient to go to the problem heroin addict who has pornography's effects, the years ago was to find a for adults — may be modified. extent of distribution in the way to! Florida and close relations with military regimes in rather than ask the problem to If the drug user needs special control seek out the treatment. medical assistance, he will be unsuccessfully tried other means of cure. It will work closely with Dr. W. Cody Wilson, the United States, effectiveness of pornography. condone it, and he not| South America. "More is made referred to a detoxification commission's executive director, present laws, and the results of commission "a sham, a called the! Adm. E.P. Holmes, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, progress working with the individual in center which will be located in a the halfway house that enables users to adjust gradually to a said he now expects the report Denmark's repeal of its more than $2 mji|jon waste oil will be released in mid expressed "a deep concern about our posture in these • pornography laws for adults. taxpayers's money." areas" in censored testimony released Wednesday by the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on inter - American affairs. Holmes also added that he would not be surprised if the Soviet presence became permanent through bases in Cuba. Fighting broke out Wednesday in the northern mountains of South Vietnam, where allied forces have been trying to thwart a North Vietnamese buildup. Field reports said North Vietnamese troops ambushed a South Vietnamese infantry unit near Firebase O'Reilly, one of the allied artillery bases guarding the approaches to the populous coastal lowlands. Israeli planes struck targets on the southwest slopes of Lebanon's Mt. Hermon in a new attack on Arab guerrilla bases used for assaults on Israeli frontier settlements. The 30 - minute raid marked the second time in five days that Israel had crossed the Lebanese border. * * * v J5s ^(i Mtchlgan t0 help ln the over the seven per cent Milliken said his request to a Ron™ey; /ill be a "Band « I** « -rialS for «ub®r1natorial campaign. unemployment rate was the Grand Rapids attorney to seek ca"dldate on,th,e st?.te h?"0*- . fublic action, in in thU nrnhllm this problem „Whiie he said he wou,<* motivating factor behind his the Republican nomination for welcome the President into sudden no indication that Sen. request for federal attorney general did not interest *°g }° h*ve a|) a state office, STUDENT REGISTRATION ef '63 V.W. Vote bill passage KARMANN GHIA COUPE $495 Gypsys" urged '64 M.G.B. ASMSU Cabinet President Bob Grossfeld has written to I Alfred Sheridan, D-Taylor and chairman of the House Committee I on Elections, urging committee approval of a bill which would Rep. Grossfeld said most students participate in the democratic process. and "All that we are asking Is to give us the young people want to ROADSTER $295 Coupon Special Only $3" opportunity to exercise Reg. $5.98 List I allow students to register to vote In their those rights which we have been told are assured us under college communities. our House Bill No. 4303, Introduced system of laws," he wrote. by Rep. Jackie Vaughn, '64 CORVAIR D-Detrolt, would ellmate the confusion over student voting which Grossfeld noted several points which conflict with the recent I Is due to the current vague laws, Grosffeld said. registration law's Interpretation of residency. Among the AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ?Hendrix Band of • Gypsys | I "With the election coming up In November," Grossfeld wrote, questions he asked were: $295 I While l| They Last S3" I "I am sure that you're aware of the sense of "Why are we counted as residents ln the census and money urgency felt by many I college students over voter alloted to the city in our name If we are not resident registration." register to vote? enough to f MUSIC CO. ^ Limit One Per Person "Why does the city allow us to be considered residents for the '64 CHEVROLET » 245 ANN ST. purpose of collecting a higher income tax, yet not allow us to STANDARD TRANSMISSION determine (through the elective process) how that $295 3/ac/c faculty group spent? "Why is the principle of Mn loco parentis' being applied to the money is rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution? "Why, in a time when the call is to 'work within the system,' '65 V.W. MSU - OKEMOS AREA indorses Car does the government refuse to grant the channels which would make that cry a reality?" ONE OWNER SEDAN $795 invites you Copies of Grossfeld's letter were sent to all members of |The Black Faculty Caucus MSU alumni organizations Sheridan's committee. to An Open House flounced their endorsement | tncia Carrigan as a candidate of attests to her concern for Herina board of trustees statement read. Michigan State University," their Karri8 ^ afternoon. Mrs. participation on the Presidential "Her The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during four school '65 V.W. LIGHT BLUE BUG Thursday Evening 6:30 - 9:00 terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. •Jfigan is a member of Commission on Admissions is Subscription rate is $14 per year. [ Assn., president of further evidence of this Lii f,naw Livlnfl»ton concern." Member Associated Press, United Press ■irertnr ,Alumni c,ub and in her campaign pamphlet, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated International, '66 OLDS wborni,kiire8e®rch ^r the Ann Mrs. Carrigan expressed strong Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press CUTLASS 4-DOOR l'IfThePfar!lCtlCh°°i8- , support for minority group Association, United States Student Press Association. the hi!u ! 8 a holder programs in universities and $795 Mlcitivf »acatJemic degree is student participation In making Second class postage paid at East Lansing, E? of her Intellectual * •• decisions - that 5.--— affect them. Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services ' Mre. Carrigan also has been active participation in Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, '65 BUICK endorsed by the Alumni Assn., 3653 W. Arbutus Michigan. SPECIAL - COUPE 3546 Hiawatha Park Democratic Advisory (Hiawatha Park Subdivision) \ I* ^ Z Committee, the East Lansing $495 (Off Jolly Rd. Hiawatha Park Sub.) - J. Phones: 2 Fireplaces — Outstanding rec-room with full • ' 7 C I I ^I /O Democrats and the State News. Editorial 355-8252 bar. A Beautifully cared for home with a Brand New Ranch, beautiful professional f The Black Faculty statement interior decorating. Family room and formal Classified Advertising 355-8255 fantastic price for this beautiful Okemos was signed by Irvln Vance, Display Advertising area. dining room. Loads of space Inside. 353-6400 tas after chairman, and members of the faculty and administration. four other Business-Circulation Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 '64 M.G. 1100 SEDAN Now $37,900 $295 Misi ision Free tloT fatalm°torcycle t collision Storage, ATTENTION CAR OWNERS • '66 RAMBLER NICE CAR Tuesday for a Complete front end repair and ljettman. $795 L"V°ge1' 26, succumbed to Pvolvin,, fureceived in collision Pick-Up, • Brakes alignment * Suspension Glenn Herriman Kdiim XJ.and a car JL m°torcycle he was Delivery driven by Mrs. • Wheel balancing * Steering Volkswagen, Inc. 4415 Calgary Blvd. 4820 Hillcrest (Okemos) Henderson, 25, of '133 W. SAGINAW ST. (Shaker Heights, Okemos) LOUIS lUnslni' a?cord'n8 to East LANSING, MICHIGAN 48917 Big family, 5 Bedroom home. Large Really sharp little Cape Cod with new carpeting CcurrpH P? Le' irr|gJD the The accident Intersection of LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center PHONE 482-6226 familyroom, 2x/i baths. Central conditioning, beautiful screened porch. Now air in the living room, kitchen, rec-room, and bath. Pretty area. I The Road and Forest, CLEANERS 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 vacant — move right in. $21,900 .li co"lslon is belne "fated, police said, ' 623 E. GRAND RIVER Simon MSU-Okemos Branch MICHIGAN TUB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEWS Of UNIVERSITY eft GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief Temporizing on segregation A s FREDERICK J. LESLIE Most discouraging are the obscure and let's not be been It is really too bad that President Nixon picayune; Nixon is busy with more bussing, i„ chnd advertising manager is so preoccupied with mincing words from Nixon himself who big, thundering foreign affairs, and this was . WASHI foreign affairs, because in a couple of weeks one of still appears to hope that he can obey the intended to buy him time and it succeeded. comb# /ashingt< KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor America's Supreme Court without alienating Strom And the same thing on the economic Sen. Inouye, D-Hawaii un for a toughest domestic problems is went h lenied p« LARRY LEE, city editor going to erupt — the start of what may be Thurmond. Well, it can't be done. Sometime next month we are pretty sure front.. While Nixon cries against inflation, (Chronological list of the surprising flip - flops. admin??*" ^ ce P«* JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor the most decisive school year in the South big power groups are pushing it. Kennedy to get a showdown one way or another. and LBJ denounced such grabs. Nixon has Jerris Leonard, head of his sec JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor since the Supreme Court outlawed .. the The Poi segregation 16 years ago. The die - hard segregationists know what's coming: Every president has to temporize. There have been a couple of examples of this here an almost metaphysical reluctance to intervene. Economist Walter Heller called division said ui nwwuiiB a 100- would man federJlS* go south to ushtt, ersonall) school year; July ? ■wsmen Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award private segregated academies are 17, Strom The via blew his top; July for outstanding journalism. blossoming out like a cotton crop, and the said 18, Atty. Gen S* lore thai stake in many communities is simply whether the public school system will Nixon doesn't want to be nasty to the Leonard premature;" July 19. Robert statement^ ere reci individuals. So he has devised a system House counselor, denied ouse an1 survive. there wlft 1 whereby the Council of Economic Last EDITORIALS Here, if anywhere, the situation calls for strong, compassionate moral leadership Advisers issues an "inflation alert" to a any large augmentation" 0f f«JL > 20, Nixon told his press confereS',^ , ported would be no 1 the from the President himself. There is some new body, the National Commission on "vigilantes;" House press explainer Ron sign that the administration is overcoming earlier confusion and formulating a Productivity, which does something or Nixon's remarks. Ziegler ' c'uIS another with it. Manpower coherent, if halfway policy. One can't be sure. The most encouraging thing is that Nixon's two most able and most recently recently. The administration is pressed the 13 per cent truckers' Chicago strike And on July 30 told the press, " have a forced . (San Clements . We policy in this area "® m Nl#, ditorial I >nied th Ti promoted assistants, Elliot Richardson, about the environment, so the President settlement an "outrage;" we agree. No left Ziegler, July 31, to do L^ olicy w result of prison head of health, education and welfare, and George Shultz, director of the Office of whipped up a three - man commission and hey, presto, the commission in three comment from Nixon. Sen. Proxmire called the 6 per cent pattern - setting price explaining in confrontation with the a sharp press 45'S S? irndown Ten re| Management and the Budget, are moving in months got out a report. It was a splendid jump of the Ford Motor Co. "a major Ziegler gets A for effort, but is handed and lacks the fi* mew an with firm support. They even seem to have enlisted Atty. Gen. Mitchell, up to a point. report, it said just what had to be done; the blow;" we agree. No word from the White with his boss, who vouchsafes necessary intS' e earl The American judicial system is in are crowded into cells designed for only thing left out was how to do it. Well, House, Nixon doesn't want to be nasty to presenta few; Jim Hagerty, for example, intimacy to severe danger - not from outside half that many. Almost all these individuals. So he has devised a system wouldl! attack or premeditated revolution, men, some of whom have been jailed whereby the Council of Economic Advisers Intervened Instantly to Elsenhower if he had made prompt S but from imminent collapse under its for as long as two years, have not issues an "inflation alert" to the National Commission on a new body, the Manson trial.) a gaffe aho!. Productivity, own inertia. In Chief Justice Burger's been convicted of any crime. They which does something or another with it. Well, a similar record of on again • * first "State of the Judiciary" he are in the Tombs awaiting trial. The first "alert" sounded Aug. 7. No names mentioned. It just told the again could be written about wh^ compared the court system to Any number of studies have 'e«re«ation scademiei housewife and others that perhaps they get federal. tax exemption or not. Tint "trying to operate a cracker - barrel proven that our present prison system seems to be cleared ought to be mindful that prices are going up: tney do corner grocery store with the serves only to turn first offenders up here and there, in case they hadn't exemption if they profess not to u methods and equipment of 1900" in into hardened criminals. The concept noticed it. segregated. Strom Thurmond ml the age of supermarkets. satisfied that the Justice of rehabilitation is completely lost in Well, in fairness, it did cite some areas Dept. won't dm WASHIN the verification very hard. Years The recent riots at New York the morass of brutal guards and where things are worse than in others, with tests may of Z ing cheai hang on this issue City's Hall of Correction - otherwise overcrowding. No, this known as the "Tombs" okesman - amply Here's our contribution from the fourth A complete revamping of the lucaton underscore Burger's point. grade history book "Know Alabama": fers to Understaffed courts, insufficient present prison system is absolutely "The Klan did not ride often, only when rippling' appropriations and antiquated imperative. Nothing short of massive it had to. But whenever some bad infusions of funds and a thing Fifty ye procedures were all partial causes of was done by a person who II suffer the intolerable conditions that restructuring of American judicial thought the and m process will be effective. carpetbagger law would protect him, the prevailed in the Tombs. white - robed Klan would appear on the arging t The facts: The cell blocks of the Alternatives are more riots and the liversity : streets..." "A releas Tombs are infested with rats, lice continued waste of manpower and Donald and roaches. Almost 2,000 inmates human resources. a promise that later the Productivity itional ' Commission might slap a wrist or two. It The NAACP writes that It ii collccttn iplied E had all the excitement, as MIT economist !A, puts samples of prejudiced textbooki, Hm Robert Solow said here recently, "... of a our contribution from the fourth pi 'It does notice from the Weather Bureau saying of history book "Know Alabama": "ThiKl omen Air Force s that It rained last Thursday." But Nixon Is concentrating on world affairs and It did not ride often, only when it hid I But whenever some bad thing was donsl terms 01 th their I bought time. a person who thought the carpetbaggerli ents." * * * would protect him, the white • robed K1 U.S. Dep Unfortunately, the school showdown would appear on the street!. They w 1 million exercise iifJa next month won't wait. Elliot Richardson told a Senate committee about It, and we go to the person who had done the w and leave a warning. Sometime! .. ! home. ( ifet, says thought he did a fine job. For almost the warning was enough but If the person ki We are continually reminded - airmen in the newspaper office to first time a member of the administration on doing the bad, lawless things, the Kl pick up IS razor blades and begin showed signs of moral conviction In the usually by the government - of the •came back again. They held their courts matter. Mostly the approach is technical the dark forest at night, they paw superiority of our Armed Forces. slicing. After all, someone later u and legal; just how fine a line can be drawn sentence on the criminals and they carrii Yes, we have an Army that has never explained, the original trimming job 'The postal reform bill? ... I thought YOU had it!... I mailed it In interpreting the high court's orders. But out the sentence." been beaten. We have a Navy that on the picture was "very Richardson said, yes, segregation Is harmful to you last Thursday!" Lucky It only rodewhen it had to. rules the Seven Seas. We have an Air inappropriate for a general." for black children. Yes, he said, there's THE NEW REPUBLIC Force that just burned 120 man - The razor blade incident illustrates hours cutting 10,000 holes in 10,000 a number of interesting items : in< newspapers. . . What?! noncommissioned officers have a Yes, strange as it seems, the U.S. great deal of power - and not a great Air Force is now in the newspaper deal of discretion about how they clipping business. The hapless journal use it. In the "civilian" Air Force of in question is the Tailspinner, the Lackland Inexplicably, Air Force Base when the Aug. 7 paper. a democracy, a general is apparently considered a deity of sorts. The Air Force is not the least bit hesitant: St. Herman of Spruce Island edition was distributed, there was a about violating freedom of the press to outl three - column by two and one-half and wasting taxpayers' money. St. Herman of Spruce Island, Alaska 1, was He was a dissenter, genuinely concerned after his release, he continued to fight Infantry sweeps high altitu Mexico wi inch hole in the center of page five. The Air Force is supposed to be venerated last week as the first saint in the for the welfare of Alaskan natives. He bombings. $3.2 mi exploitation. Somewhat later the story finally the most "civilized" and least Orthodox Church in America. Herman, an detested exploiting human beings and The U.S. military doesn't 1 in char Orthodox monk from Finland, arrived in repeatedly opposed civil authorities who concerned that attacking a "sus[ trickled out of the base public boondoggled branch of the service. If Flip history forward 170 years to 1970. Alaska in 1794 to work among the Indians. ruled Alaska during the 1800s. Students lead a protest against an unjust enemy position" might uproot fani information office. The mysterious the newspaper incident is a measure Another monk. Another saint. Not really Herman once publicly charged a trading from ancestral homes. Politicians fail toi :h $1.4 war, against killing. They are genuinely lion gap was originally occupied by a of its capabilities and priorities, then significant unless you knew Herman. Like company with mistreating natives. For that concerned for Vietnam and Cambodian the tragic irony in gutting an entire natl annu "to make it safe for democracy." tax colic picture of Lackland's commander, we shudder at the thought of what many saints, he fought the status quo. bit of civil protest, he was arrested. But, natives who are treated tragically by jungle Maj. Gen. John S. Samuel, receiving must be going on in the Navy, the Students, like Herman, are outraged Hp a medal. The only significant thing civil authorities ignore human suffering" Army or, alas, the Marines. find legal excuses for inhumanity. about the photo was that someone Three conclusions: 1) no wonder )ERS' MIND Society has taken 170 years to recogn had done a less than masterful job of we are losing the war in Vietnam. 2) the validity of Herman's humanity cropping on it. No wonder no one wants to enter message. Unfortunately, his saintno the armed services. 3) No wonder it won't do 19th century Alaskans "" This, however, was sufficient good. grounds to throw a senior takes so many billions of dollars to however, Stevens friend of La Causa Victims in Indochina, noncommissioned officer into a maintain the present questionable suffer. Vietnamese families stare blankly purple rage. He ordered the 15 efficiency of the armed forces. homes "burn for democracy." Parents 1 children to sleep in bomb craters bec« democracy required a village be d"c,"iv Edward R. Murrow called 'The Harvest of Modern students carry Herman To The Editor: For these reasons, we who were involved Shame." He went on to say that he was Into peaceful demonstrations: with the boycott in the Fall of 1968 want Nearly five years ago, when the grape joining the clergy of all faiths and elected to express support for exploit fellow humans - lives are sac your effort to be boycott began, Caesar Chavez appealed to leaders of several major cities in the United re-elected to the University Board of And unfortunately, President N peoples' consciences with the statement States and Canada who are actively Trustees. We feel that your continued chooses to play a role similar to e supporting "these exploited farm workers Alaskan governors. He does not listen. that, "... all grape workers are asking for public service will mean that the "people is what most people in our society take for in their efforts to gain the rights under left behind" will be assured of an effective granted -some control over the conditions Federal labor laws that have been enjoyed advocate for their cause. Now roll history forward another of their own lives and a level of living in by most workers for over 30 years." Viva La Causa! years. In 2140, some college editor Thanks, Mr. Stevens, for being willing to read of the Indochina war and won®'. keeping with human decency and dignity." Though difficult to believe, this purpose help the grape workers in particular and Ruben Alfaro Americans did not stop it. He may tn and the movement following from it farm workers generally at a time when they Manuel Delgado all the human suffering that could Father Jack Foglio been prevented. immediately became controversial and urgently needed it, Your awareness and remained so through the life of the concern about injustice in the California (formerly, St. John's Student By 2140, history will have v. boycott. grape fields has paralleled your Center staff) protesters. But the war refuse, thesu" The breakthrough in the California commitment to working people here in Mike McCarthy Vietnamese and Cambodians, will valleys this summer reminds all of us of the Michigan. Further, you have lived this Gilberto V. Martinez dead as Herman's Alaskans. Vina debt we owe to many people who assisted concern at Michigan State University Barney Offerman will not help them. . the boycott in the Lansing area. Seldom do through your efforts to expand educational Demetrio Saenz "Too bad," the editor will thinK, people who take positions on issues and opportunities for those often excluded by Lansing Area Grape Americans did not heed dissenters accept the risk involved ever receive custom or circumstances, particularly Boycott Committee of jailing them." adequate credit. Twenty - one months ago, minorities. Aug. 18,1970 Indeed. Too bad. when MSU students and the Lansing community attempted to face this issue, Don Stevens helped them do it. Mr. Stevens said, at that time, that "he supports unequivocally" the grape boycott. In a public statement issued Nov. 25,1968, he declared in part: "On this Thanksgiving Above is the much-disputed Day, while enjoying our bountiful dinners, picture of Maj. Gen. John S. Samuel 'center). The lines indicate the way the picture was let us give some thought to the exploited : cropped for its workers whose labor under miserable wages oearance in the T|iese Tailspinner. and conditions has produced what the late st "ash at Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1970 5 osf, S eft out Svetlana finished writing- sian WASHINGTON (AP) - The 'ashington Post and Baltimore ?! for a second time have been living quietly in Wisconsin SPRING GREEN, Wis. (AP) - nied permission to travel with They were married April 7, "What is this bra - burning just 20 days after they met at r-pp President Spiro T. Agnew business?" aska a bewildered Taliesin West, J his second Asian tour Mrs. William Wesley Peters. Foundation's the Wright winter The Post said it learned Agnew "I don't understand this. I am nally approved which headquarters near Phoenix, Ariz. a conservative, a convinced She had been invited -wsmen will travel with him. conservative. I think to be a wife by Wright's widow, Olgivanna, and The vice president s office said is a good job to have. I don't his daughter, Iovanna, who were _re than 40 requests for space agree with women that it's not jre received after the White intrigyed by Svetlana's book, enough." "Twenty Letters To A Friend," mise announced the trip. Relaxed and tanned Svetlana £ December, the Sun Alliluyeva, daughter of Josef an account of her life in Russia under her father. It was written ported it had been omitted Stalin, has begun to settle in 1963 and published after she -m the travel list and quoted without fuss into what she calls came to this country in 1967. lew's press secretary, Herbert "just the usual life of a "I had been invited Thompson, as saying one housewife" in rural just for a Spring two - week visit," she says, son Was Agnew didn't like the Green. almost apologetically, "but ■itorial policy of his hometown Wisconsin, and the lush, rolling .„er Thompson subsequently things worked out differently." countryside around her new The wedding was a .nied that the Sun's editorial home reminds her of Central simple Quaker ceremony, conducted by l|iCy was a factor in the Russia, she says. a Unitarian minister. imdown. The quiet, sturdy - looking After a trip to the Grand Ten reporters will go with woman who walked into the mew and five of them went on Canyon and the Rocky American embassy in New Delhi, Mountains, the couple arrived e earlier Asian presentatives of the New York trip - World walkers India, asked for over three years ago and here at Taleisin, headquarters for The Kunst brothers, Dave, asylum in the United the architectural imes, The Associated Press, right, and John, who plan to States, is the wife foundation, walk around the world, were stalled in Minn., adventurers planned to leave the mule in New York now of just two weeks ago. BS News, ABC News and the Pittsburgh Tuesday and William Wesley Peters, chief after their pack mule wore out fly or take a boat to Europe. "She got so sick of the its shoes. The Waseca, architect of the Frank Lloyd APWirepholo mountains," Peters recalls, "that Wright Foundation. when we got to the lush, green landscape of Wisconsin — " His Schools wife finishes the sentence: " for — I bias effects felt peace of mind." Svetlana's second book, "Only One Year," told of her decision to flee Russia, her SVETLANA ALLILUYEVA trip to the United States and her life in WASHINGTON (AP) — The educated woman is white men with less than Though the press regarded a high school education them equal education and Princeton, N.J. "Stalin's daughter" as ig cheated in the job department. who earn $7,000. equal employment per cent of the principals are male. And a She insists she has no something opportunity, contributing to a second plans to of a curiosity after her arrival No this is not a woman's libeiation movement class 1968-69 Higher Education Directory notes that do any more writing: "Two - Fewer than two per and !0kesman sounding off. It is the National cent of the working image." almost no women are college presidents outside books were though she submitted women make more than $10,000 a year. enough trouble," she recently to a "Meet the Press" ducaton Assn. (NEA). One of NEA's experts The report says discrimination is even of Roman Catholic women's colleges. In a says. "I am planning to do Many educators more survey session in television — "That was Cfers to discrimination against women as a are taking a look at noticeable in graduate and professional schools of 2,841 colleges, only 211 are headed nothing except be a good wife to discrimination against one third of the by torture" she says - Svetlana has crippling" process. - working which may account for the fact that only 5.9 per women. my husband. That is a full time been left pretty much alone. population. cent of America's law students and 8.3 - NEA adds that there are only two women job." Fifty years after women won the vote, they Elizabeth D. Koontz, director of the per cent G enerally, Women's of its medical students are women. school district superintendents out of 13,000 and She ventured into the I avoid ill suffer "from discrimination because of their Bureau of the Labor village interviews," she said, "because I Dept. and former NEA NEA stresses that in of the 50 chief state school officers, only one is a of Spring Green for the first think I am a private x, and many educators and public officials are president, has urged educators to examine even education, the lower person. The woman. time last week, to do some urging that the American public school and curriculum at the secondary paying jobs are the ones open to the girls. Men wedding, of course, that was level, if not earlier, constitute only 12 per cent of the Discrimination carries over to salaries NEA shopping, and was unrecognized. iversity systems are largely to blame," says an which tends to elementary different. Then we wanted to let segregate the boys from the girls says. The median income for women teachers in She could probably EA release. even before they join the labor market. teaching force, but account for 78 per cent of pass for a people know what took place. Donald Klein, behavioral scientist with the the principalships. On the higher education, for instance, is $1,000 below market - going housewife almost We had Mrs. Koontz calls for high school level, 96 that of no reason to keep it •tional Training Laboratories Institute for opening doors to new men. anywhere. secret." vocational opportunities in high schools, in nplied Behavioral Science, associated with technical institutes, on the job and in ;A, puts the problem this way: apprenticeship programs. Don't put the label "It does seem to me the university • trained "women's work" on a job and f the last generation are badly terms of what many of them are able to do crippled th their lives, the way they use their skills and -nts." the traditional teachers or assistants. NEA says that clearly the schools are not keep women in occupations — secretaries, nurses, Record Values preparing girls for lucrative jobs. But the boys are U.S. Dept. of Labor statistics show that nearly introduced to the sciences, business million women in this country worM outside management Murphy's and at the top professions or law, medicine, : home. One in 10 is head of a household. engineering and politics. MERIDIAN MALL Yet, says NEA, the median income of a white Teaching is open to women, but even here nan with a high school education or better is "discrimination rears its ugly head," says NEA. ',000 (per year) compared to a black man with It quotes from the report of the President's 5 than a ",500. high school education who earns Task Force on Women's Rights and Prices Effective Responsibilities published last April: Black tter average women with a high school education or $3,000 annually compared with "Discrimination in education is one of the most damaging injustices women suffer. It denies Thursday, Aug. 20 to Sunday, Aug. 23 Brand New Album inancial drawback seen Woodstock That Is Rising On Blood Sweat 3 Record Set The Charts n bar on quickie divorces and Tears #3 Nation's No. 3 "On The Waters99 I'AREZ, Mexico (AP) — Album by Bread the Rio Grande from El Paso, three months before a final sident Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Tex. Reg. $4.67 decree is granted. But in some Reg. $12.99 Includes the current hit Jit to outlaw quickie divorces •fexico would Duarte said Juarez awards states — including this state of cost this border "Make It With You" ' $3.2 million 18,000 quickie divorces every Chihuahua — foreigners can the Now $2" a year, says mostly to Americans. obtain a divorce in a day by Now " in charge of the municipal year, ie :es. loss in taxes alone would h $1.4 million Diaz Ordaz is seeking a tougher national policy on paying the necessary taxes. The proposed law would have Reg. $3.67 Now s2" to $1.6 divorce in keeping with "the no affect on Mexicans, but lion annually, Ignatio Duarte, tax respect that the people of foreigners would have to present 45 R.P.M. Id hp ice collector, said. The rest living expenses for seekers in this Mexico have for the family as an institution." Current law residency certificates from the Interior Ministry before their Budget Grab Bag Assortment city across requires Mexican citizens to wait divorces could be granted. Oldies but Goodies Album 5 Record Pkg. 3 for s1°° Temptations, Box Tops, Byrds and others. Supremes, many 88c 57' Current Top Artists Major Label Stereo and Sharp Mono Albums T.V. Loving Spoonful Reg. $68.88 'Is' - Beach Boys Mamas and Papas Now W and many more 2 for S3M Save $10.00 Store Hours: 10 -9 Mon. - Sat. MERIDIAN Minus 12-5 Sun. MALL J* h board a plan, back to Chicago Tuasday attar .raatad for Marias in, ai bus URPHY CO. First at pancy Gap. Va., in which one student was killed. AP Wirep - Quality Always 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August a |9ji Youth across Financing med school in summ of involvement' top priori! EDITOR'S NOTE: The teenagers work for little the three Financing and construction - shaded Heights stressing the need to open lines med cal school Involvement is a key word or no pay, sometimes bypassing campus. of communication. A spokesman MSU campus has facilities among the young of the more lucrative summer jobs. "It's paradise here for them," says about 2,000 youngsters arc been give!. nation. But too many times Bill Kux, 17, a high school said Mrs. Ishwari involved in the program and Rich, director the picture of an involved senior, said he turned down a of morning activities for the hav_ i nched 11,500 adults since youngster is one who job as a camp counselor to teach pre-schoolers. early May. administration. er,i,> Robert demonstrates against The dramatics to inner city Young people and adults are The youthful volunteers say Siefert, Univerdt. Establishment or, wild - eyed youngsters in Detroit "because I working together on volunteer they get as much as they give. architect, buildings said that manTS and woolly haired, speaks of thought I could do more good." programs in Milford, Utah. "They teach something the are needed and ^ revolution. Not so. Too many John Turner of Glendale, The Milford Youth me and I teach them something." state University funds to has applied other young people being Ariz., another Operation Leap Committee, with 20 adults and said Howard Ching, 15, of the -Plans to construct th«! involved means lending a volunteer explained his 10 teens, has coordinated youth blind people he has worked with construct , helping hand to make the involvement: "If I can help just activities for the summer. The Communication Arts Bid. 1 this summer at the Ho'opono Fine Arts world a better place. one child to start out and be adults act as advisers only. Rehabilitation Center in those Center are ail Following is a report on the able to compete on at least an Among their efforts: Honolulu. dependent Upo "upbeat" kids. By THK ASSOCIATED TRESS even scale with the student who has had normal opportunity, Converting an unused hall to a Organizers of volunteer groups government funding, for application has been made £ recreation center shared by teens Tom Keefe, a Phoenix, Ariz., then I've really accomplished said they had more trouble "Any substantial Unive^ and adults cleaning up parks and teenager, didn't want to spend something great." cemeteries and conducting getting adult sponsors than growth will be in the me2 the summer "sitting at home all Not all of the efforts deal with surveys on what kind of new teenage workers. area," Siefert said. -The T? already Unf day, doing nothing." So he children the Science Bldg. is or elderly or industries are needed and "We are finding that students volunteered to work with cleanup and conservation construction and we have wanted in the community. more than their parents are disadvantaged youngsters in programs. Youths in California are trying probably placing a greater value given tentative approval forT Operation Leap, a federally MSU students recently on their time, not in dollars and construction of a cijj. to explain their ideas to the over funded antipoverty program. established "The Raft," a - 30 generation through the cents, but in terms of Involvement Science Bldg," m "It's involvement," Tom said. counseling center and refuge for Since the proposed All Campus Committee to Bridge involvement with the problems Event, "Once you get involved, you just youthful runaways. Bldg. has been postpone the Gap. of the community," Jo Larsen, Tom Keefe, a Phoenix, Ariz., teen-agers, is spending the summer working as a volunteer with don't want to Tom is one quit." of thousands of A student - run program at New York University brings 350 College students visit homes director of Seattle's volunteer disadvantaged children. Thousands of teen-agers are doing similar volunteer work across the indefinitely, immediate there are plans to expand J and explain their ideas to adults. bureau, said. country. AP Wirephoto youngsters across the country disadvantaged Bronx children to athletic facilities, he said. who got involved this summer — involved in cleaning up their communities, in helping the disadvantaged, in working with the handicapped, in bridging the ing, lust, violence-all in the family' generation gap. $1.50 paperback, 446 pages). Qf Hollywood success. In the Mafia, government and show cater to his goods. The Slowly Vito's power Puzo's novel presents Mafia of York grew. His olive oil UUar course business the business are inexorably linked. „„ "reasonableness" of Vito violence, Sicilian style, Godfather's lawyer comes across Bribes to judges for quick court became only a "front" for nprfnrmprt with years old after his father had Corleone became known far and performed with gun, trorrnfa cnin garrote an/9 and ~ a 10 12 • year u_ old girl who gets .... f ...... . main source of bare hands. But the homocides acquittals, payoffs to senators i killed in a typical Sicilian wide. wealth, which the bestseller banged by sixtyish movie for ignoring the Mafia inroads vendetta. When he and this gambling and various forms seem justified when taken in the director. Only young girls into judicial proceedings and extortion. He context of Sicilian society, from excited the movie century were in their mid becara magnate, Puzo great amounts of financing for twenties, Vito started stocking prosperous enough in the 1930'5 which sprang most of the Mafia writes. In return for her services motion pictures are the everyday the grocery stores of the Italian to gain the title of "Don," aft leaders, called "Don1 or the girl will probably become a business which he proceeded to practices of the Don. section of Manhattan with his wipe - . o "Godfather." Family loyalty starlet.theauVhoHmpUel the independent racketeers Even a friend of J. Edgar Hoover own brand of olive oil. He gently comes first, squeamishness about ~ But the book's impact is not in Manhattan who have human life second. gets kicked around the but sometimes firmly any of the gory details of daily Godfather with impunity. "Is "persuaded" store owners to "family." Family is everythi The reader is proffered raw sex business. "Godfather" to Don explains nothing° sacred9" the reader buy his products. "Accidents" Corleone, Puzo writes. given lllittle t/Afl + flo or r\x. no remantic i • a _il_ i the minutist details how the x. . . might wonder. He becomes "Godfather" happened to those who did not a trappings. "Tissue against doing his friends little fav opposing tissue" is the order of such as murdering their ene the day. But "Godfather" does in return for a "service." Lemon of not revolve around rutting. Sex service, no doubt, is as illegal, is an everyday aspect of life, as the favor. But the Godfather is normal as ordering the murder good benefactor; he takes car of a member of a rival family of the "Mends" whose who loyal encroaches on the he has extorted. Godfather's territory. "To do He eventually dies from the job on" somebody, Puzo playing combination of old age a writes, means either to make battle wounds incurred in L love to are vigorous. as or to kill. Sicilian morals primitive as they are a gaining of his empire. Puzo let the Don's son and successor Puzo also points out the price By JO DiGIACOMO the audlence cou,d ** really be measured in terms of Appointed Michael, explain how he want his children out of the awfu anything. If they were to have *.«. u State OfttrOMO News Reviewer writhing in yawning boredom as portrayed bizarre character Donald F. Harden, asst. dean business and into legitimati Va, Brose (played by Bill of Lyman Briggs College, has society. But the Don, himself extremes as well, they failed; I've seen lemons, but "Eh?" Lyman) proved his inability to accepted the position of asst. wanted Michael to forget thi by Henry Livings has got to be hold -down a menial boiler - they were mushy. If they, as a chancellor for student affairs rackets and to join the the lemon of all lemons. Never room job. In a spastic imitation cast, were to present a coherent, at the University of Wisconsin establishment. So la cosa credible contrast to the weirdo, have I witnessed such a of the Marx Brothers at their continues. they failed. If they were to in Green Bay. purposeless, sleep - inducing worst, Bill Lyman blunders Zany-Computer Age Farce fiasco. through impressive, slap -stick provide some conflict, a story, then they most certainly failed. As far as rock - bottom contortions. objections to chaptei He PROFESSIONAL THEATRE - Tue» Wed/Sun $2 " J2" entertainment goes, this accomplished may have something had he Claudia Wilkens, who plays Feminist - GRAND Thr/Frl $3 00 Mrs. Murray, the firm's - menagerie of knee - slapping outlined his intention as that of -LEDGE- Sat- *3-2S characters psychoanalyst, was so intent on gets together to creating a one - man comic . 627-7805 ?"$2.50 her screwball, sexual perversity, $1.50 tickets also at Paramount News August 18-23 8:30 P.M. present some type of circus sideshow and nothing more. routine based upon contrived mannerisms and weird that one could rarely make out what she was saying in her causes Dr. Spock to rewrite Without even a meager plot to peculiarities, serve as a compensating factor. The supporting roles can't giddy, blurbling comments. The outspoken baby doctor and child - rearing patterns, Dr. Price, the old - man boss played Benjamin Spock reveals in the by Rick Thomsen, slid through current issue of Redbook Spock called it "a good sign tin the play, lacking any interesting young people want to thinl magazine that he is rewriting a realistically and idealisticiBj expression even during his most chapter of his latest book furious moments. about such matters." because the feminists didn't like TODAY . . . !2?30 p.m. In all, it is droll, Clarifying his position « dragging and it. careers for women, Dr. Spoci TOGETHER FOR nerve ■ wracking, not to mention Dr. Spock said in his its declared, "I've never said, as i being an insult to anyone's copyrighted article that much of THE FIRST TIME . . . sense of humor. If they expect the generalization, that wom« feminist critcism resulted me to go bananas over some should stay at home rather tM from "a widely circulated book HERBIE and the moron who go to work. I believe thi can only review that stated — incorrectly, women have a right equa concentrate on one of his wife's I claim — that I believe women's JUNGLE SWINGERS! thighs at a time men's to get into any kind . .. place is in the home." work they can perform, a If you want, you can catch this at the Acknowledging that "many that, more important, ^ PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 ENDS TODAY: Open 6:45 P.M. Ledges Playhouse at sensible, nonaggressive women" should receive equal pay » Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge. are listening to the feminists' Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. have an equal chance ™ demands for changes in sex roles promotion. I think Open at 7:30 - Cartoon at Dusk that the Women's Liberal Movement is going to Starts TOMORROW: women for a militant fig ^ such rights, which are overdue." HARRY HAD A WAY WITH WOMEN... SO DID HIS WIFE! A look at permissive society ... instinct vs. 'G' TECHNICOLOR" morality! At 12:45 3:50 - - 6:55 - LATE 2nd BIG FUN HIT! WALT DISNEY "scratch Harry" EASTMANC0L0R I 2:30 - 5:35 - 8:45 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1970 7 Bv T ar JEFF WILLIAMS Associated Pre.» Writer draining life from Informed sources Penh say the United States is not in Phnom 9.6 billion riels of $170 with the million, representatives military needs taking recommending is injections quietly of Cambodian economy cent of export almost earnings, have than 1,000 tons a month are pineapple and other fruits are dollar earners, rice and rubber. prepared to pay this. Diplomatic ceased. The earlier going out. The shipments soon one - third. The budget is now more riels into the market and rotting in Battambang because But it soon will permit entreaties are being made to government hoped to export will come to private p H N O M PENH, estimated at more than twice accepting 20 to 30 per cent a complete they cannot be moved to numerous other countries in 450,000 tons of rice this year, standstill, economists predict. export of rice in order to that figure, with anibodia - The hopes of forming an military costs inflation. including 200,000 tons to China markets. increase efficiency, Hoer Lay In nibodian economy, international consortium to aid alone swallowing more than total original the The Cambodian government is and North Vietnam. Both Rubber belt Tourism, another major dollar says. Cambodia. Talks are under budget. resisting this. Steeped in contracts have been canceled. earner, has stopped since the Prices -sted from its pillars of way Meanwhile, conservative French The rubber belt in Central Viet Cong moved into the are climbing, but between Cambodia and government banking In the first five months of Cambodia is front line of inflation here may not be so biiity by the onslaught of a Japan, earnings have fallen by half. practices, it wants either hard 1970 Angkor Wat complex. in which is offering a $20 - million Cambodia fighting. Most of the five main severe as South Vietnam. under immense Taxes and customs currency to cover the inflation managed to grant plus a $40-million loan duties, which provided the bulk of or a supply of goods that it can export 100,000 tons of rice. rubber plantations are in a no A uthority Factors affecting this are the ain- under terms still Exports now are less than man's land at best and under lack of U.S. troops to flood the to be agreed The Cambodian budget earnings, will this year sell to raise the riels. Both ,. ... . government U.S. experts say it likely upon. 10,000 tons a month and the Viet Cong control at worst. has moved to economy with dollars, the riels, half propositions have been discussed reach only four billion counter these The conservatism of Cambodians, I break by early next financial turmoil that of normal. That is the estimate in Mann's report to the State government is counting on no South Vietnamese bombings in setbacks in several ways. Imports and the fact that traders and settled this country of seven more than 170,000 tons in the area have badly damaged -r unless massive support on of Hoer Lay In, head of the Department but without have been slashed from a businessmen who million results from exports for the whole year. With two major plants for latex previously the National Assembly's economic planned $65 million this provided, Indochina war, which spread and finance commission. recommendations, sources said informed the Viet Cong disrupting processing. less than $45 million. year to The handled most of the currency here Thursday. planting over wide are no longer spending. report prepared by Charles after Prince Norodom So far the Cambodian areas, experts Transport has been severely government is backing out of The doubt that rural virtually director of the U.S. Sihanouk was ousted in March. Cambodia will disrupted. Mines and Viet Cong several money areas are economy has been coasting on losing firms Injections self - - for International The Cambodian army, then manage to export 100,000 tons forces have halted rail traffic. supporting. Only Phnom y only export earnings during the first next year. previously controlled by the Penh l'opment in neighboring 36,000 strong, has since soared Where will the government of half of the Rice in the rich western province state. These include generates demand for to year plus $75 million Plans to export 50,000 tons of a cannery, imports. estimates $230 million in nearly 200,000. Premier Lon Nol get the in foreign reserve holdings. of Battambang has to be moved sawmills, consumer stones and The budget for 1970, rubber have collapsed. At the But the crunch is coming and -:'de support is essential to prepared currency to cover this vastly Rice and rubber exports, end of May only by trucks. But the government even Air Cambodia. Cambodia is still . the Cambodian economy before the March 18 coup, increased budget? The United which 16,000 tons has seized 400 trucks and buses wondering normally bring 70 per had been cleared The government still maintains where its support ctioning through 1971. outlined a balanced budget of States and now less for its own use. Tons of will come through its embassy authority over the chief export • from. DESERT BIGHORNS asa bian ives pl Rare sheep to ma LOS the San Gabriel range. ANGELES The bring back future (AP) - - - the sheep for shelter _ - or water. One is that or Conservationists are working to „„ Most of the bands dwell in the program includes re-establishing called ' Skull Cave." we can accomplish the difficult achieve a comeback for Ice Age relics most people some J?1?,016 de®®rt ra"8es from Death them in places where they are Valley southward. Wally MacGregor, big-game Skull — Cave uave replace the ghosts of with with OS ANGELES (AP) - Linda rare wiped out. One such is Lava coordinator of the California a a wild heard A subspecies called the Beds National Monument near popuUiion of biahom never of: the desert a bian ended 18 days as the bighorn sheep. California bighorn lives along the Tule Lake in California's Fish and Game Dept says- "Hnnnn bighorn. may be able to again tate witness at the Sharon murder trial Wednesday Only" "about 3,900 of the ",0M • too", c^t of the Sie™ Nevada near Lone Pine. northeast "corner. "No™™ awSeSg 'iTthe^neVt t the wild ram ar J then said of the four ,n«rtir,nnnf magnificent animals, members 1 of Nevada near Lone Pine. biehorn skulls havp to™ fmmrf understanding what •ndants: "I'd like to see them a family that once roamed the . servlce officlals ^ a iS'Sl'S.'SS ,n lava caves where they — went created, it is «jumui wc stimulating to know u„..~ nave nation was like about 'develoDine befc » went entire West, still linger amid "huge increase in recreational uevwoping it it. down on their knees and beg lonely California crags. pressures" has driven sheep out liveness." of e petite blonde mother,of A coordinated effort is under are some parts of the considering considering range. They discouraging BENEFICIAL TO TENANTS ■ ** made the remark at a news way by state and federal wildlife agencies and conservation groups public use of Sierra sheep areas ference an hour after she left to find and count by requiring entry permits, stand when she was asked them, preserve their dwindling limiting size of hiking parties Building at she thinks now of Charles water holes, and banning trail protect them from hiking. Manson and his three women owers. expanding reintroduce civilization them into ever and areas - The animals generally are shy, fleeing at the sight of man — and owners manage sked about her future, she where once they flourished. experts say they can spot the she plans "to go into the move of a hand at a mile and Amazing beasts, they a complexes derness with my children and can go down to nature and closer to five days without water amid a half. The rams, own apartment blazing Death Valley summer. majestic and The horns of a mature 200 spectacular, roam together he said she does not plan to with her husband Robert, pound ram curve in a full circle ""ting season'' wt!en Students are not the only independently owned buildings. interested in both the money he and give him they become loners, covering people who complain about This summer, however, two = receives —j • lough they'll "always be awesome butting wide terrain searching for mates, apartment and keeping his ether" spiritually. And she power. Their widely cloven managers. A major East Lansing management apartments ents full. tun." The bands led by ewes building's owner also may have a she doesn't plan to live with hooves, soft on the bottom but firms suspended operations, Too with sometimes sit motionless for few words about many management a hard outer edge, enable the way forcing owners like Duncan to mother, who is caring for her drenin Milford, N.H. them to scamper up and down hours on hot rocks, other times students are treated. take' take ^lire^t^'control" dii oTa'their comPa™* think that the more cavort playfully. Lyman Duncan, part owner of money they bring in, the more near - vertical rocks with ease. property uring her final questioning Bighorns are believed to have University Terrace Apartments, successful they are. They neglect the witness stand she said she Travelers on mountain or Patrick Pulte, owner - manager desert migrated from Mongolia into said recently that he is aware of of Cedar long - term tenant - landlord to New Mexico to see her highways occasionally see Village Apartments, reiaHons^he'said" ;latic Siberia and across the them bounding away, difficult Bering previous student troubles, but said that the set-up he uses ' land after the killings in ust of 1969 and told him: Gummy grin to distinguish as their blends with the background. tawny hair Straits into Alaska then down as says he is "ready to deal" with far as Mexico as the last Ice Age students on a fair basis. works much better than using a management company, "Furthermore, the ass the buck. Tenants owner can't arlie can get flipped out and had a waned 12,000 years ago. Duncan now personally )le bunch of people killed." Bighorns have been protected "The owner wants to make definite answers from him on An estimated two million once manages his added that she also told a A South Vietnamese marine shows an exuberant grin by California law since 1873, building under the building 'work,' " he said, 'He is repairs," Pulte said. despite missing teeth. He is part of and, despite their scarcity, one ranged east to the Black Hills of name Selected Management. id in Taos, N.M., Joe Sage, a 2,500-man Vietnamese North Dakota, to Missouri and herd estimated at 300 roams "We're going to be reasonable he said, "Linda, task force that crossed the Cambodian border west of West Texas. LIEBERMANNS I don't within 40 miles of Los Angeles with student renters," he said. t to believe that's true." Saigon last week . AP Wirephoto There are four major varieties. "I'm trying to work back into City Hall on the high peaks of Besides the desert species there their good graces." is the Rocky Mountain HORTER WORK WEEK and farther north the snow white Dall and slate Bighorn, - hued . „ o,„» kv r Duncan and h's Wlf®are now Great little carry-all- our Stone. Only an estimated 20,000 the bfu,ld,"g- cleaning them for of all species are left on the neW enan DRAWSTRING POUCH More leisure time continent. "We're urged doing the work Biologists cite many reasons ourselves," he said, "to make for their decline, virtually all sure it's done properly." stemming from the advance of Until recently, management civilization. companies handled several >L0, Norway (AP) — weekend as strenuous as work. Bjerke said the committee was between five and six days, with "wegian medical study says The study quotes an expert on aware that its proposals unions aiming for a standard 'ide a relaxing day week fails to weekend, and leisure as saying: "Medically viewed, the five - day week is presented practical difficulties because production and business 40-hour week. Spain and Italy still have a six day week. - Attention M.S.U. Students )le need longer vacations. ie standard vacation in meaningless, even absurd. It is injurious to health." had to keep running. he suggested it is now Switzerland has a maximum work week of 46 hours for This Ad Worth $1.00 To You way is already four weeks, lJ The committee chairman. Odd M. . easier to spread vacations over industry and 50 hours for ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY by law. The new report the who|e year. Cheap air travel commerce, but employers five w«k to Bjerke, observed: "In enables people to take winter generally keep below the limit, PRICED * reaching 40, si, weeks PIPES $6.95 * 1U, oiA wceius t. - , A 110^ trips tii^a totu the south, thus luc MJUUI, releasing UIUJ» ifieabing Only cSweden and Spain match winy those of 50 and year - olds, seven weeks ^ hou^produc^ a 1t^ thera the tradlti»n»l orway pattern of May to September month's paid vacation. Most in giving everybody a AND OVER situation like the rest of the dually, only industrial shift vacations. other countries have a minimum THIS OFFER VALID TO M.S.U. M.S.U STUDENTS ONLY *ters in week." Norway have a five - In Western Europe the five - of two weeks rising to as much *eek. Unions are Shift work disturbs the body's 203 pressing to day week is universal in Austria, as 40 days a year. MAC'S » it Open universal, but the study , daily lily rhythm, he asserts. ; The the two Germanys, Sweden, The North longer vacations study suggests that shift workers Norwegian committee 'Till are Finland, Britain, Denmark, the suggests that many people would Washington Eer>b'e get longer vacations, regardless Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. 11 o'clock study is by a medical prefer ,onger vacations to more of age. T~ ^ "•»««<• Nation committee. It pay. says scramble to get out of town weekend jaunts, and to get aIJain, tends to make a FINEST and Fashioned of shiny crinkle patent, it's so roomy and MOST COMPLETE light, with four handy outside pockets. And it opens wide to give you the handbag convenience you like. In beige, brown, navy, honey, red, black. CAMPING S595 $porthau5 GRAND RAPIDS LANSING Wealthy at Lake Dr. E. Michigan at Foster TENTS - PACKS - FRAMES - BOOTS FOODS - SLEEPING BAGS KEEP OUR CAMPGROUNDS CLEAN EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Auhumm -SPORTS Bills' Shaw signs; S's James Bond loses 1st mission Eller fined $200/day James Bond adventures of the middle and thing of the past, but the Msn football team will have his '60s 007 are its own BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) - Shaw's arrival in camp will give Manager Jim Finks were "a long version of James Bond this Dennis Shaw, talented rookie the Bills Ave quarterbacks with season way apart" in contract Bond is a fleet - footed from San Diego State, ended the Jim Harris the apparent leader in negotiations. linebacker who was hurt halfback I longest holdout in Buffalo Bills the battle for a starting "If we can't come to a better freshman season last year. during hi! history Wednesday by signing a assignment. The others are Dan aggreement then my choice The 5-11 three - year contract reportedly Darragh, Virgit Carter and Tom would be that I will retire," Eller 205 pounder missed all of this worth more than $100,000 in Sherman. said year's from his home in spring drills but should be salary'and bonuses. Shaw led all college Minneapolis. He underwent ready to go this fall according to coach A spokesman for the National quarterbacks in total offense last surgery a month ago, but has not Duffv Football League club said Shaw, year and completed 39 been pronounced fit to play. Daugherty. Buffalo's number two draft pick, touchdown passes, including "I don't plan to play out my Seeing an ideal crowd pleaser in- would report to the Bills' Niagra nine in one game. option and I don't the name alone, pian to ask to Daugherty put in a Falls training camp today. Shaw, 6-3 and 200 pounds, be traded. I'm thinking about call recently to Herman The contract agreement was was the starting quarterback for doing some other things." Rohrie reached Wednesday by Shaw's the College All-Stare in their Still, it appeared more likely supervisor of Big Ten officials, to see agent, John Thomas, and San game last month against the that Eller would come to terms if Bond could wear the jersey no Diego attorney Don Augustine, World Champion Kansas City with the Vikings than Kapp, 007. Checking the rule books who was representing the Bills. Chiefs. He also played in the who led the however, Coaches' All America Game at Vikings to last Rohrig found that no The terms of the pact were not - weason's NFL Championship. player could wear a uniform with a announced but one report Lubbock, Tex. and several other Kapp became a free agent May 0 or 00 in front of any other placed the salary and bonus #all-star games. 1. Eller is bound by the option number package at "in excess of $100,000 over the three year In Minnesota — indications the there were Minnesota clause in his 1969 contract, £ | ^ Though he may not get his number, you can bet Daugherty will period. Vikings meaning he could play the 1970 may have to do without season without a contract at 90 370 v! y^P have Bond on his O.J. Simpson held the previous the services of defensive end Carl "scouting" team per cent of his 1969 salary. record for rookie holdouts on Eller as well as those of the Bills' squad. He reported to quarterback Joe Kapp this camp on the Tuesday following season. Buffalo's second pre - season Eller has been fined $200 a Behney loses game in 1969. Shaw eclipses that day since Sunday when he failed mark by two days. Augustine, former counsel to the American Football Assocation, Buffalo in the with Simpson. League also Player's represented contract talks to report to the Vikings training camp. "It's not something 111 have to pay if I don't go back," the all - pro defensive end said Tuesday, adding he and Viking General By JEFF ELLIOTT weeks ago 1st State News Sports Editor after pitching only one game in the minors. Behney could probably have rewritten nearly every Surtnl After two All-Stars arrive at Behney after all. may major league appearances, former MSU pitcher Mel be ready to return for his final year of college ball pitching record had he played his final year. As it was heseZ mark, his 107 strikeouts in 1968 bettering Dick Radatz'sfornJ record by one and is third and fourth in career marks in seven! The former Verona, New Jersey product and hurler on the other categories. Behney is also second on the "most wins in oj tough part of season 1967 and '68 Spartan squads, is now doing his pitching for the National League's Western Division leader, Cincinnati Reds. Behney got his first major league start Tuesday night against the season" list, his nine victories in '68 falling one short of record. Behney had a great season in '68 in which the Spartans went Radatz'i The four "exhibition" games After the Pontiac game, the Montreal Expos. He was going good through four innings when 32-10-1, but lost the Big Ten championship to Minnesota on the are over for the 'Stars return home for a big suddenly the roof caved in. Lansing All - last day of the season. He was named to the All Stars. Starting this Saturday game against the Buffalo Two singles, a double and an intentional walk boosted the - Big Ten fat team, compiling only a 3-2 record in league play but a stingy 1.56 they play their "regular" season 'Lackawana) Lancers on Aug. Expo6' lead to 2-0 (they had scored a single run in the first ERA. For the year, he finished with 9 wins against onlv 4 defMt« schedule and find out just how 29. Speculation is that if anyone inning). Then with the bases loaded Montreal's Coco LaBoy hit a with a 1.78 ERA mark. * H good they are. has a chance to knock off the liner to Reds' leftfielder Bernie Carbo who misjudged the ball, MSU Head Coach Danny Litwhiler appeared to have a The 'Stars opened the year All • Stars this year, it'll be great letting it get by him and allowing three runs to score. squad returning for the '69 season, but lost both Behney, and one with the two regularly scheduled Lackawana. The two teams will That was the end for Behney who absorbed his second loss in as of the Big Ten's leading hitters, Steve Garvey, to the professional exhibition matches against meet in a rematch in Buffalo many appearances this year. He didn't pitch that bad — in 4 and draft just after the '68 season. As Litwhiler put it. "It wouldn't Pontiac and Dayton. Then they later on in the season (Sept. 26). 2/3 innings he allowed six hits, five runs (only one was earned), be so bad losing two players to the draft, but when one is Sandwiched in the middle of your met the two weaker teams of the he walked two and struck out one. leading hitter and has two years of eligibility left and the other# Midwest the home and home series with league, Dayton and Last week, the slender, hard - throwing southpaw was brought your leading pitcher and has one year left, well that really hi Wyoming and had little trouble Pontiac and Lackawana are back in to pitch in a relief role against Philadelphia. The Phillies really Garvey has been with the Dodgers on two or three occj in subduing them. to back games with Southwest this year, including a two - week stint about a month took a liking to his pitching, touching him for five hits and four ago But this week the Lansing club Michigan. The Hawks should .. walks in an inning and a third. Behney also took the loss in that one of the regulars was on National Guard dutv. If Garvey could will return to Pontiac to meet also provide a formidable foe for game, his first major league appearance. get called back up to the majors in September and if Behnevcan the Firebirds in a game that Coach Turf Kauffman's club, The former Spartan hurler, who signed a Reds' contract after stick with the Reds the £st of the year, the two could renew old counts in the regular standings having signed on former MSU his junior year at MSU, had been In the service the past couple of acquaintances when their respective clubs meet in Los Angeles this time. Pontiac may not have quarterback Bill Feraco. years and just recently returned to competitive baseball. He was Sept.* 9 and 10 and when the teams meet in Cincinnati's been ready for the All - Stars The 'Stars close out their assigned to Indianapolis, but was brought up to the majors two ballpark on Sept. 25, 26 and 27. when. the two teams met a season with games at Dayton month ago, but they'll be and Wyoming and a home gunning for the Lansing club this contest against Detroit Oct. week. 10. on BASEBALL Announcing E. Lansing's As a Spartan in '68 Baltim New Y Newest Men's Shop Former MSU hurler Mel Behney is now with the Cincinnati Reds of the National doing his pitching DETROIT Boston 65 62 56 58 .537 .517 12 14^ League West. Washington 58 63 .479 19 Behney received his first starting assignment Tuesday night Cleveland 57 64 ,471 20 in Style and went 4 2/3 innings before being replaced by a reliefer. WEST DABNEY'S BOUTIQUE 541 East Grand River (next to Paramount News — where Paraphernalia used to be) Come to the GRAND The Man and the coach meet OPENING Quarterback Joe Namath talks with Coach Weeb Ewbank at the Jets' training camp at Hofstra University on Long Island Tuesday. Namath said it would take him three weeks or so to determine if he would be able to play football this season. AP Wirephoto , of White Sox score 11 times in 9th in| BOSTON (UPI) Aparicio's pinchhit helped carry the Chicago Sox to a 13-5 victory over Boston Red Sox. &x featuring 30 Varities a Ray Culp, the Red pitcher, was sailing a four - hitter until the 0^" when Chicago went 16 of Italian Sub Sandwiches the plate and ran through1 Boston pitchers to erase deficit. , A single, fielders choice, more singles and an err NEOPOLITAN PIZZA the score Aparicio to the 5*4 , Heline only "NEIL DIAMOND Gold •SUPREMES Right On •JACKSON 5 Abe 'ELVIS PRESLEY on Strike "GRAND FUNK... closer to home •JAMES GANG Rides Again •TEN YEARS AFTER Crinklewood Green SfW •CREEDANCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL cosmos factory •MELANIE ... lay down Also Available THE SAME TOP NAMES & HIT SONGS & SOUNDS ON 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE Tiprc Hurry Quantities Won't Last Long At These Low Prices. MERIDIAN MALL 1980 E. Grand River Ave. and Marsh Road Shop weekdays 10 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Shop Sunday 12 Noon to 6 p.m. ) 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20( j STATE NEWS STATENEWS CLASSIFIED All student ads must be prepaid Room 347 Student Services. cla«ifieo 365-8256 355-8255 For Rent For Rent For Rent The State News d6ea not Automotive permit racial or religious HMNKLYSPEAKING ly Phil frank discrimination in its VOLKSWAGEN 1300 1966. Bahama STODDARO APARTMENTS, Now leasing for Fall 1 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, New 1 bedroom furnished WEN: CLEAN7~;- blue. Good shape. $700. bedroom. or Cooklng. One block L """( advertising columns. The 351-7541.3-8-21 Term. Balconies, laundry. Near unfurnished. Balconies, security Supervised, 487-5753, State News will not VOLKSWAGEN STATION wagon campus. Call 351-8238. 361-2003. locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call ^ accept advertising which 351-4698, 332-3311 and EAST • AUTOMOTIVE discriminates against 1969. Sliding roof, 7 seats, radio, 361 -8890. O duplex. LANSING 3~~T] Scooters & Cycles 3 new tires. Excellent c WANTED: ONE girl for fall / spring. Fir,p|ic; „ religion, race, color or 355-2806. 1518 I Spartan Village. Walking distance. $63.75. TWO MAN Burcham Woods, 9 Auto Parts & Service national origin. 351-1097 evenings. 3-8-24 month sublease, new furniture. 3-8-21 Aviation Call 332-4917 after 5 p.m. 3-8-20 • EMPLOYMENT TWO BEDROOM apartment near Scooters & Cycles Frandor. 3, 9 or 12 month lease BAY COLONY, one and two * FOR RENT Automotive available. Call for Information, bedroom, $145 and up. 337-9228. Rooms Apartments HONDA, 1969, 350Scrambler. 3200 351-7319, 351-3613. C HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Houses 1962: miles, 4171 Dallas, Holt. COMPANY, 351-7910. O CHEVROLET Very flood 694-1461. 3-8-24 WANT TWO girls for roomy duplex Rooms driving condition, good body. Call $66. 361-7825. NEED ONE girl. Meadowbrook # FOR SALE 355-2790. 3-8-21 HONDA 1966 Sport 50. Excellent near 3-8-24 campus, Trace. No car necessary. Call *"V time - 372-loff n3Bl