You . . . Friday have slain the true Buddha, MICHIGAN Sunny . TATE NEWS and mild with deathgod. You know what I am. . . a high STATE . n — Roger Zelazny 80 degrees. UNIVERSITY Vol 63 Number 43 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 21, 1970 Muskile unveils measure to speed pollution control WASHINGTON (AP) - A bill to set controls on land use and enforcement. Only half jokingly, Muskie said most of enforcement deadlines for The states would specifically be the money might come from protection cancelling a against air pollution was unveiled Thursday empowered to set stricter standards than $290 - million fund presently earmarked by Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, D-Maine. the national standard to meet the for the supersonic transport plane, the The legislation calls for the requirements of local conditions. production of SST, which some environmentalists say will nonpulluting automobiles by 1975, five In a news conference, Muskie called for cause severe pollution in the upper years earlier than Nixon administration expenditure of $365 million over the next atmosphere. proposals. three fiscal years for research and said He predicted his bill will easily more funds will be needed to help the pass the It would establish national air Senate where he said he expects some quality and emission standards states. geared to a level moves to make it even tougher. needed to protect the public health and set a 5'/2-year deadline to achieve them. And it would authorize the goals for even setting tougher air quality standards "necessary to protect public health and welfare from any known or of Three cities in Florida anticipated effects." States would be given the first opportunity to implement the newly set standards. It their deadline is not met or hit by racial disorders the state plan is deemed inadequate, the federal government would step in with its FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - firebombings have occurred in the coastal cities of Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, own plan. After six days of racial violence in Broward Antipollution drive "The plan must be designed to achieve the level of air quality established by the County communities, Sheriff Ed Stack ordered his officers Thursday to use force Dania and Hollywood since last Saturday when police shot and killed a black man Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, D-Maine, chairman of a public works subcommittee on air and standard within three years," Muskie said. and gunfire if necessary to "break the back who they said was shooting up a Pompano water pollution Beach bar. He said it must include a | announces Thursday approval of a bill to set up national air quality standards and require production of a description of of this thing. Since then, another black man has been nonpolluting car by 1975. At left is Sen. J. Caleb Boggs, R-Del. steps to be taken — including traffic "This is no longer fun and games," said AP Wirephoto controls, auto bans, emission requirements, killed by police bullets, and several persons Stack, who earlier in the week blamed disturbances in Pompano Baach, Hollywood injured, including two white youths struck and Dania on the influence of by glass when their family car was stoned. More than 60 blacks have been arrested. "summertime." Stack blamed the trouble mainly "If the emocratic party delegates shooting continues ... we will be onrestless prepared to return fire for fire. We're not young blacks, but black going to be sitting ducks for these guys." spokesmen said traditon, environment and discrimination lie behind the violence. Stack, a Republican seeking election to Frank Lloyd, 24 - year - old youth Congress, issued the new orders after a bullet nearly struck him during a tour of director for Ford Lauderdale's Economic riot areas in Fort Lauderdale early Opportunity Coordination group, blamed \o meet, round out state ticket Thursday. Stack said he turned down Gov. unkept promises by city and county officials of neighborhood improvement. Claude Kirk's offer of National "I don't stop riots, but I don't start riots Guardsmen. Meanwhile, the state president of the either," Lloyd told some 300 black teer - National Assn. for the Advancement of agers. Many of the teen - agers have been By JEFF SHELER "nonpartisan" candidates for the state campaign last year for the mayoralty of Frontrunnersin the contest for the Colored People issued an appeal for a "full working since last weekend to calm their two State News Staff Writer Supreme Court. Detroit, had been encouraged by party M0U scale neighborhoods. There will apparently be no battle for the Board of Trustees nominations • investigation" by federal authorities. leaders to enter the race. Democratic appear to be board chairman Don Stevens "This is a deplorable situation," said the Tradition, Lloyd said, has become so attorney general spot since incumbent gubernatorial candidate Sander Levin said of Okemos, Patricia Carrigan of Ann Arbor Rev. Joel T. Atkins. "It seems to me that deeply rooted it is a part of the black man. I At least two positions on the Democratic Frank Kelley, who he "I think what we need here is respect for announced his was delighted that Austin decided to and Ton Downs of most of these people around there crying ftate ticket appear to be sewn up as the re-election plans Tuesday, is unopposed. Lansing. ourselves and from them run. The two seats up for election are about crime in the streets and how to head (the now y meets this weekend in Grand Rapids The secretary of state establishment). Then they'll finally put contest, though held by Stevens and it off would have a solution." lor its state convention. glutted with six announced Democratic Levin said Tuesday, before Austin Stephen Nisbet. (please turn to page 11) Sporadic sniping, looting and (please turn to page 11) I Delegates must pick candidates to fill the candidates, appeared to some observers to announced, that he believed Austin would irty's slate for the offices of lieutenant be decided Wednesday be a strong candidate who would when Wayne be almost Ipvemor, attorney general, secretary of Mounty Auditor Richard R. Austin threw assured of the nomination if he asked for his hat into the it. pate, state board of education, trustees to ring. "big three" universities and two Austin, who waged a unsuccessful Other Charles candidates for the position are AT KENT HEARING Gray of Ypsilanti, a former state representative and the pick of retiring incumbent James Hare; William Blue of IDEMANDS CONCESSIONS Flint who ran unsuccessfully for Congress il968; former Congressman Billie Farnum of Pontiac; River McEwan; and Steve Rouge Mayor John Toth, Bay City clerk. Order to shoot in doubt Levin left open the door — at least officially — for the lieutenant governor United Repub spot, refusing to say whom he wants as a running mate. KENT, Ohio (AP) — National Guard Brig. Gen. Robert H. Canterbury said Thursday guardsmen were given no order to shoot started closing in. That, he said, was when the shooting began. "Several hundred were closing in on our ammunition check and guardsmen names who had fired weapons. Canterbury was not questioned about what taken of any However, two of his opponents in the during a May 4 confrontation in which right flank," he siad. "These people were the check showed. The commission said four Kent State University students were charging — yelling kill the pigs, stick the before the start of the hearings that it Aug. 4 primary have voiced interest in the slain. pigs." would not seek the names of any individual threaten par party's second spot. Zolton Ferency, who came in second in the primary, and State Rep. George F. Montgomery, have both made known their interests in Canterbury, an asst. Ohio adjutant general, testified in the second day of a hearing on the violence by the Presidential The general said he first heard a single shot, " This was closely followed by a volley fired by guardsmen." who may face criminal charges. "We canvassed all officers to determine if anyone had given an order to fire," he said. a position on Commission When he heard the shots, Canterbury the ticket. on Campus Unrest. "The answer was negative." I NEW BUFFALO (UPI) — Leaders of the from the United Republicans, tax groups, Canterbury was field commander at the said, he immediately ran to the right flank, As a result of the incident, Canterbury United Republicans of Michigan will meet conservative clubs, the American time of the incident. "grabbed two people on the shoulders and said, the Ohio Guard has recommended to Ferency made no bones about his Independent party, school organizations He said guardsmen were returning over a yelled 'cease fire' as did other officers." Saturday night and act on several interest in the lieutenant governor job, the National Guard Bureau that 10-man poposals, one of which would be to bolt and disenchanted, overburdened tax - while Montgomery has said he would take grassy knoll next to Taylor Hall to clear The unit of 96 enlisted men and eight civil disturbance units be created within party unless the state central paying Democrats. the campus of demonstrators and had officers then marched to a nearby flat area the guard. He said they would be armed "any position" the state delegates decide fommittee grants the group concessions. to reached the top of the hill when a crowd where Canterbury said he ordered an wtih six shotguns, two grenade launders give him. and two Ml or M16 rifles. _ The organization, which has 50,000 ■Pius Canterbury said the guard now has no members, backed state Sen. Robert choice but to use the ,30-caliber Ml rifles I er against Mrs. Lenore Romney for the li^iu?at'0n for U-S- Senate. Huber, who 250 SQUARE MILES in disturbances. The general also said the National Guard Km almosl 49 per cent of the primary will have its own film crew on the scene of M e against Mrs. Romney, will attend the any future disturbance to record what °f the United Republicans board Radiation contaminates Bof (please turn to page 11) »fi,^0Vernors' a"d W'H be a compelling ■takes6" 6 °n whatever action the group Behrends, EE l?"8' of nearby Grand Beach, chairman of the United Polly Gibson ■derl ICO-,. i r wvative j meel'ng- Behrends previously Komr "lat unless concessions "*e thQ . ,! state central committee and views are a ga'ned included in the GOP AEC's desert test site challenges L J"!' organization members would WASHINGTON (AP) Two The plutonium is harmful only if it plutonium having one of the longer is inhaled into the lungs or if it gets life spans. Hit0, for either Mrs. Romney or n in the hundred - fifty square miles of into the bloodstream through an open Since the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty November election. ■(Vhr0nds claims the G°P State Central the Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada test site or an area wound. The amounts of it picked up by the wind and blown around is not was signed in 1963, all 210 announced explosions at Nevada have been tabulation ■h.,.111"11''' '"egally used funds and its nearly the size of New York City dangerous, the AEC says. underground and designed to be fully ■^quarters in Unsing to promote the are contaminated with Contaminated areas comprise about contained. Republican Polly Gibson, who lost the nomination for Ld h °f ^rs" Romney in the primary plutonium, radioactive element one - fifth of the desert test site 65 Senate seat to the 24 th District state State Rep. Philip O. R'con Kovemor supported her as a a miles northwest of Las Vegas. According to the environmental ; *■m - Pittenger by 16 votes, has called for ^ensus ' andidate and they should have which can linger 24,000 years or The AEC's environmental notes that statement, about one in 12 has leaked radioactivity detectable beyond the te-r - ' • recount of \otescast in the Aug. I primary a ■cUstomarUt" P''mary preference as is more. radiation levels over most of the boundaries of the test site. election. In addition, 49 separate areas on the facility remain quite low, about James E. Burns, Mrs. Gibson's attorney, ■the^h'-1' .riSo'ut'°ns will be submitted to site have been fenced off because the double normal background levels. But in no case, the AEC said, have cited the 1,706 absentee ballots cast in fcreSat,r..-,<)f ™ ^()Vernors at their meeting Saturday night. radiation level is too high to permit The statement said there are 49 areas dangerous levels of radio - activity- Lansing as the main target tor the recount human access. These so-called RADEX where the radiation level is high. But IJty include, lude, unless ui concessions are gone beyond the site boundaries. "Seventy ■ eight of these were spoiled or radioation exclusion areas total 12 an AEC spokesman said the number of out for one reason or another," Burns said these RADEX areas can vary, The plutonium, scattered over 250 square miles. Thursday. "I'd like to know why." U'1 meiT>bers of the United Republicans The extent of contamination left by 19 years of tests is disclosed in a draft depending on the type of tests being conducted and the life of the life of square miles within the facility, was left from tests conducted Nevada Burns said votes from the entire city of ■R0nin or a" Republicans except Lenore the radioactive material involved. in 1958 to make certain that the crash Lansing would be recounted as well as ■"fitein Hn(1 Gov' Milliken; vote for statement the AEC prepared for the some precincts in Delhi, Leroy and the Environmental Radioactive elements have life spans of a U.S. bomber would not Blovem canc"dates for senator and submission to that range from minutes to years, with nuclear explosion. trigger a Alaiedon townships. ■'<*m °r' Slay at home and not vote; or Quality Council. Vote totals, as certified by Ingham IConse* third Party, to be called atives, Wjt|1 j|.s strength to come County canvassers, show Pittenger with 7,492 and Mrs. Gibson with 7.476 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August;| news summary (AP) PHNOM * n\ __ - VC xt PENH, Cambodia "plan is to punch through the I.. 1 nnn xr tu r>. Nearly 1,000 North Phnom Penh defenses.' r. ... .. advancing 6 Newsmen who drove to a through .... ... . . 6 point just across the river from Cambodian gunboat defenses on .. South Vietnamese and ... , Division unit camped 101st Airborne •■st attack on...Ua ..omnoH a mo weekend. One gove"ime»t S()ldl('r Was nm..., j, d o Vietnamese and Viet w°unded in From the wires of AP and UPI. Cong The advancing troops Prek Tameak said the village the broad Mekong. T But if they north of Fire Base /tfBarnett OC :i lllin and In relight. itv troops were ■V|#wii»» .. . _ J. J_ reported within six apparently uicuaii . ... 35 miles northwest of Hue. ... "®lv Cambodian overran V/amuuuiail appeared l|UICt. apfrtfttlfu quiet. Troops 1 [UU|» 111 in UIC the SCCUre positions in secure pusiuuiis III woodlands WVIUUIIUIUO - Weekly casliilL miles of Phnom Penh defenders of Prek Tameak, a on area told them many Cambodian across the river from the capital, Twenty miles northwest of summary, the U.S. Com ^ Thursday and pushing toward village nine miles northeast of troops loaded their wounded on they could harass the city with Bamett, South Vietnamese reported 69 Americans ! the capital on the opposite side Phnom Penh, although a boats and pulled out Wednesday mortars and rockets. troops claimed to have killed KlMed in action in Indochinal of the mile wide Mekong River, government spokesman said a - night. In the northern mountains of eight enemy soldiers in a clash week, 16 below the preJ* A Cambodian spokesman said reinforced Cambodian battalion "The tragedy is, had law To get into Phnom Penh, the South Vietnam, an undisclosed near Fire Base Fuller, a week s total and the the enemy force, estimated at was holding out there. North Vietnamese and Viet number of Americans were government base that suffered weekly toll this year enforcement officials done their three battalions, was equipped The command Both sides were said to be Cong would have to break killed and wounded in a mortar heavy losses in a shelling attack said 615 n, duty and arrested those selling with heavy weapons and its taking heavy casualties. troops illegal drugs, they feel violence were wounded last wit would almost assuredly have asr* ,o 760 »* £ flared." - Lenore Romney discussing •»?srsss??£2«« thetndort!!! Indiana schools Wiled in action in the Goose Lake Rock war while the reported Festival of wounded climbed to 2 (Story on page 3) The Pentagon listed of U.S. servicemen as 25 deaii nonhostile a result! to remain open causes last week fn, International News total of President 8,392 during Nguyen Van tL their The United States agreed with Cambodia Thursday on announced four command shifts, led major tnilZ INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UPI) - teaching and services has caused bv t2 Lan fl formal arrangement for a U.S. arms aid program. transfer ofLt. Gen. Lu a Presidents of Indiana's four tax - each institution to take steps to commander of the 2nd Just how much the U.S. military assistance will supported universities told »ns«re that no student Militm lawmakers Thursday that steps will find his studies interrupted Region, South Vietnam's cento amount to was not spelled out by the State Dept., have been taken to insure that and no Provided for the highlands, to the new post 0| which disclosed the agreement covering the arms Inspector General. campus unrest will not close public will be stopped by reason He will be replaced program. their institutions. of violent action." by Mii Other sources have estimated that direct U.S. Emerson, in the statement for Gen. Ngo Dzu, arms A spokesman for students of commander o( the 4th Military help to Cambodia's Lon Nol government will range Purdue, Indiana, Ball State and the students, said 'the way to Region, the around $50 million this fiscal year. Indiana State added an urgent stop violence is to take the Mekong Delta. Dzu took over request that "the use of National radical student's causes away Region 4 early in the Cambodia Guard or any other military from him. Allow responsible operation when his predecessor President Nixon's chief Paris negotiator stayed in his was killed in a helicopter crash group which has not been students to investigate the office in the U.S. Embassy Thursday while the four specifically trained in crowd possible need for change. People Replacing Dzu in the delta wili delegations held their 80th fruitless session of the control should be avoided at all who are on the campus with a beMaj. Gen. Ngo QuangTruoiu commander of the 1st Infant* Vietnamese talks. cost" in the event campus disturbance occurs are in a much violence does break out. The better position to decide what Division, considered by mail) Ambassador David K. E. Bruce did not give a reason American officers for his absence nor say whether he would return to the next session of the deadlocked peace talks. comment came from Allen Emerson, chairman of the Indiana StudentAssn. Geoffrey should be done than people outside. Attempts to solve the problem of campus disturbances Confer unit in the South army. as the bes Vietnam* Truong will be succeeds Members of Students for Milliken met Wednesday in the Union to discuss proposals for The presidents __ the from outside the university will by Maj. Gen. Pham Van Phu organizing similar student groups on other campuses and to plan information booths for fall new commander of the Soutl National News universities appeared in person lead to more disturbances than term registration. State News photo by Bill Porteous Vietnamese special forces. to present a joint statement and before." Life answer questions from the magazine said Thursday that Sen. Joseph D. higher education study Tydings, D-Md., a campaigner for full disclosure of committee of the Indiana congressmen's finances, used his Senate office to promote his own financial interests. Tydings said "those insinuations are wholly untrue and terribly unfair." Life, in its Aug. 28 issue, said, "This article does not Legislative Council. Presidents Theodore M. Hesburgh of Notre Dame and Albert G. Huegli of Valparaiso universities, who also had been listed as witnesses on Manson testifies at hearing suggest that Sen. Tydings acted illegally. Rather, it behalf of the private instituions of — LOS ANGELES (AP) - ~ "make me stronger. I can't be gotten through. A "dark examination by an attorney for ia" attorneys' room. - • . •• screen," he said, interfered with the sheriff's office that skin DurinS the court states that his private activities in behalf of those higher learning, did not make Charles M. Manson took the „oura8 vision and voices when he . session, the prosecution called personal appearances. Manson, 35, head of o interests form a pattern of conduct not in keeping with witness stand at the Sharon Tate The joint by murder trial Thursday and a interviewed prospective Se8rcheS had dw'ndled t0 a succession of witnesses wh the strict standards he so eloquently urged upon his statement President Joseph L. Sutton of protested what he called his nomadj^ group,^ is on trial with witnesses. minimum recently and he now described the scene at the Tat fellow senators." three g!rl disciP,es charged with has enough pencils and is mansion where the actress a Indiana, Frederick L. Hovde of "barbaric' mistreatments by his murdering Miss Tate and six He conceded, under cross allowed to interview witnesses in four others were found slain. Life said he acted on behalf of Charter Co. of which Purdue, Alan C. Rankin of jailers. others. he was a director and is still a major stockholder. Indiana State and John J. Pruis But he added that "skin He «« testified with the jury of Ball State, said: CI "The threat of disruption of searches," pencil shortages, mail absent, in advance of the regular rQR 91 Democratic National Chairman Lawrence F. O'Btien and witness - interview problems court session, in support of his motion for a "cease and desist" said Thursday his planned "Loyal opposition" order against the sheriff's broadcasts have been "effectively derailed" by the Federal Communications Commission ruling that CBS MSU SHADOWS Parents department. The judge, after listening to Austin seeks Dem nod must give the Republicans time to reply. O'Brien said visiting? Wf\v not have them him for 45 minutes, continued there will not be another broadcast of the series until stay on campus at the the hearing until Friday so the DETROIT (UPI) w Wayne nomination for the post r now including traffic safety after the general election in November. trial could go on. ... held .by rptjrlnc» Seorpturv nf retiring Secretary of serving as an ombudsman fa KELLOGG CENTER He said sev era! times dailv he ^ who Auditor harelv Richard Austin, mi&spH hprnmintf State James Hare. Michigan those " who ' believe »».— they <•- hav "h° Z**? becom,in« Democrats gather ' in Grand . . . been subjected to been wronged by Close to all MSU activity. Michigan News Air conditioned. Color TV. Reservations 332-6571 shakedowns in which deputies wLnSi.m! f Rapids this weekend to make governmental agencies," Austi made him disrobe and probed year, Wednesday announced his the Section. said. Herbert Klein, President Nixon's diredtor of his body. He said he wasn't if Austin told a news conference Although Austin was favorei communications, Thursday said the administration's ON THE CAMPUS AT MSU always provided with enough n°™nat,on for secretary of ,«j havg neyer made thg of the party nomination was alsc policy is directed toward a "greater free press" and pencils. He was allowed to e' my skin the basis of my seeking sought by William Blue of Flin receive "hate mail," he said, but Austin, 57, is among five votes. I believe that experience an unsuccessful congressioni charged that the "immediate danger" to the press is letters from friends haven't candidates for the Democratic and qualifications should be the candidate in 1968; former IT being posed by Congress. Corner of Harrison only basis of choosing men for Rep. and State Auditor Genera Klein, in a speech at the 50th anniversary celebration and public office. Billie S. Fornum, Drayto of Detroit radio station WWJ, one of the nation's first, Michigan The State News, the student newspaper at "The office Plains; River Rouge Mayor Joh Michigan State provides an denied that the administration has made any attempt to University, is published every class day during four school excellent opportunity for public McEwan, and Stephen Toth" terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. service in a number of areas. Bay City. place restrictions on the news media. Subscription rate is $14 per year. "The immediate danger is perhaps in some of the acts now being considered by the Congress," he said. Klein said the bill being considered that would limit Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Michigan Press Association, Michigan International, Collegiate Press, Collegiate Press Speaker to political campaign expenditures, if approved, "could set Association, United States Student Press Association. the pace for a trend which could lead to more limitations - in this case discriminatory against one industry, not against all on an equal basis." Second class p^cage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services homosexuality Building, Michigan State The Gay Liberation Movement (GLM) will sponsor a speech * * * University, East Lansing, Michigan. Saturday presenting factual information on homosexuality as an The police chief of Battle Creek says supervisory attempt to educate people about the need for the movement. officers can provide citizens with adequate protection Phones: Franklin Edward Kameny,president of the Washington, D.C. Editorial Mattachine Society, will speak at 2:30 p.m. in 114 Bessey. while almost all the 62 uniformed officers stage a "blue . 355-8252 Classified Advertising 355-8255 Kameny has served as defense counsel for homosexuals needing flu." Display Advertising . 353-6400 military and security clearances, and, for the past 12 years has "We are in a position to provide the protection Business-Circulation been making frequent radio and television appearances to discuss . 355-3447 necessary to the citizens of Battle Creek," Chief Clifford Photographic 355-8311 homosexuality. Barney said Thursday. He said supervisory officers were The speech, part of a day - long program of activities, will be followed by a reception at 5:30 p.m. in the Stefanoff Loungeot working 12-hour shifts and state and county police were the Student Services Bldg. available to assist if they are needed. A benefit dance at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom will end the Almost all the members of the Fraternal Order of GRANDMA'S activities, the third in a series to be continued next week in Ann Police (FOP) Lodge 121 failed to report for duty Arbor. Tickets for the benefit dance are $2.50, with the profits Wednesday and Thursday as a result of a contract going to the Legal Defense Fund, the Listening Ear, the Raft f<* Runaways, Man and Nature Bookstore, Women's Liberation an dispute. the GLM. "Explosive quantities" of gasoline have been found in the sewer system of Grayling, Thursday. the city manager said 1900 E. Kalamazoo ROSES, ft "I don't think there's any immediate danger," said City Manager William Valusek. "But I suspect if someone had dropped a match, THE BRIDE WORE AN ELEGANT NEW It's Honey - Dipped! ROSES, ROSES there'd have been problems." WEDDING SET CALLED, "THE SWINGING SET" The gasoline apparently leaked from a service station's . . These are just a few of the examples storage tank, seeped through the soil and infiltrated the of today's look in wedding sets. Stop in sanitary sewer system for an area of about 500 feet and take a look at the entire collection. long, Valusek said. From top: Textured bridal set with diamond cluster engagement ring, $595. $2?9 DOZEN Backers of a proposal to put the question of daylight Textured set with round and marquise diamond engagement ring, $350. Overlap bridal i I REGULAR BOX O'CHICKEN $1.35 1 I Jon Anth saving time on the November ballot may have to wait until 1972 before they can get a second statewide vote set with solitaire engagement ring, $250. 3 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cole Slaw and Biscuits ' ' Florists on the matter. JUMBO BOX O'CHICKEN $1.80 The Supreme MORGANS Court has set a deadline of Sept. 14 for 5 Pes. Chicken, Mashed Potatoes arguments to be submitted on the question of whether . Gravy and Biscuit, Cole Slaw Jewelers Since 1876 THRIFT BOX O'CHICKEN $2.55 the original Jan. 4 deadline for submission of petitions is 9 Pes. Chicken ONLY a legal one. The Court of Appeals ruled earlier that the 121 S. Washington • Lansing | Serves 3 to 4 | petition deadline was unconstitutional and that backers Meridian Mall • East Lansing of DST could submit more petitions after that date. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 21, 1970 3 fear seen fragedy' Parental role cited j>f rockfest I HOUGHTON (UPI) natorial " ney - candidate Lenore said Thursday the U.S. in DETROIT drug curb action (UPI) Calling into the use of hard or addictive E2" of the Goose Lake I Festival was the police fear drug abuse "the chief menace to — substances," he said. ping - pong in the basement," Milliken said. "And God forbid public health in existence Milliken said, however, that that any such system will ever be f violence if they arrested drug today," Gov. Milliken Thursday parents should realize that they devised." promised to muster all the bear as much or more "Somehow, we must convince IfiDeaking to students at resources of state government to responsibility in curbing drug llctean Ttoch University during fight illegal drug use. use than the government. parents they — and all parents — that bear a share of the I campaign trip, Mrs. Romney At the same time, the governor "No system of government has Ld the nation's permissive responsibility," the governor warned that citizens concerned yet been devised that is powerful said. "As a parent, I know how Ititude is reflected by events about drug problems must not enough to keep everyone'! difficult this is, but I do not |ch as the Goose Lake festival look on government as "big children safely at home playing believe it is impossible." t,v this month. brother, mother, father and f-The tragedy Is, had law babysitter combined" in the Lforcement officials done their solution. Cty and arrested those selling Agnew criticizes "I regard drug abuse as the 1 "al drugs, they feel violence chief menace to public health In Luid almost assuredly have existence today and I intend to Ved," said the Republican use all the the resources of the indidate, who is the wife of state to combat that menace," Kbinet member and former Tchigan iomney. governor George Milliken prepared said for in the a speech annual Dem proposals principals' workshop at the ■•'There can be no sanctuaries Lutheran School for the Deaf. lorn the laws," Mrs. Romney "What could be more Immoral LOS ANGELES (AP) — Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said Jded. "Laws must be enforced Kually in 8)1 PlaceB and at aH tLs To abandon this The tiny patient beneath the surgeon's instruments may be Surgery Animal Clinic In the Veterinary Clinic. than a habit that makes an individual a slave to some Thursday night that Democratic spending programs would destroy the free enterprise system and bring on socialism in America. chemical substance, or which [ndamental principle Is to a puppy or a kitten or something less usual, but the work Is State News photo by Milton Horst could lead one, as it does so Agnew said in a speech prepared for a dinner for Sen. George Lplre further erosion of our all in the line of duty for staff members at the Small often in the case of marijuana, Murphy, R-Callf., that - "America Is In darn good shape" and the (dicial system." economic system should not be tampered with too much. "Yet, if we took into the hands of the federal government all of the money that the Democrats would need for the programs that Judge they propose, we would no longer have a free economy," Agnew to advise said. "We would have socialism." The vice president said Democrats on the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee have proposed annual spending programs totaling more than $440 billion. He said this would be more than twice the current federal budget and more than |aNN ARBOR (UPI) — The senior while he serves a life "The reason 111 give is because said. University, guilty of first - Barnes said he is ready to start one-half the Gross National Product. "Ladies and gentlemen, in view of these statistics, I have i who presided over the prison sentence. of the evidence showing the type On Wednesday, a jury of sue degree murder in the sex slaying prosecution at an/time, Norman Collins coed Washtenaw County Circuit of crime the absolutely no hesitation in saying that if we accept all these jury found him men and six women ended more of Karen Sue Beineman, an 18 - Conlin said he would make the |irder trial said Thursday he Judge John Conlin said, "I'll guilty of. Certainly it should be proposals, the American private enterprise system would be taxed than four days of deliberations year old freshman at EMU. recommendation for psychiatric 3uld recommend psychiatric recommend it (pshchiatric looked at to see if he needs - beyond its capability and collapse," Agnew said. by finding Collins, 23, a former When the girl was sexually treatment when he sentences Agnew also disagreed with Democratic charges that the satment for the former college treatment) but I can't order it." psychiatric treatment," Conlin student at Eastern Michigan brutalized and slain around July Collins. In Michigan, a government is spending $375 for military defense out of every 23, 1969, she became the conviction on a first - degree $1,000 of taxes while the Nixon administration has requested seventh and last young woman murder charge carries a only $7 for health and mental health research, $7.50 for killed under mandatory life sentence which .arger'70-71 budget deficit similar elementary and secondary education, $5 for urban renewal, $4.50 circumstances within two years can commuted only by a for air and water pollution control, $1.40 for vocational around Ann Arbor and governor's pardon after at least education, 50 cents for education for the handicapped and $2.40 Ypsilanti. 15 years have been served. to assist state and local governments in combatting crime *T No one ' . has been . . . The defense said it would charged in appeal the jury's decision. XL uf! C?lhns When he is sentenced, Collins PLAY IT SAFE" also h e has been indicted by treasury chief by a u. e„f . f. 0' foreseen Monterey County, Calif., grand iurv in jury in tho sex slnvino the spv slaying nf of a toon a aged girl near Salinas, Calif., in teen . , .^a" state &tate Jackson, the normal procedure i such a case. prisoS ™SOn at at June, 1969. | SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Secretary of the Treasury David M. spending for the fiscal ending next June would increase faster In Salinas, Monterey County There, Howard Grossman, nnedy conceded Thursday that the federal budget this year than income, resulting in a deficit of $1.3 billion instead of a District Attorney Ed Barnes said deputy director of the Michigan Lill show a deficit larger than the $1.3 billion official estimate. surplus of the same size as predicted three months before. Wednesday he will start Dept. of Corrections, said, 1 Despite the new, if vague, forecast, Kennedy said he is extradition proceedings within prison doctors would take into Congressional analysts have said for some time that the deficit consideration fcptimistic that the nation's economy is recovering from five years would be larger, but administration 10 days to bring Collins from Conlin's Bf inflation and the stern policies the Nixon administration budget watchers reportedly recommendation and determine reached the same conclusion only recently. Michigan to face a murder what type of treatment, if any, Imposed to combat it. charge here. I "I want to point out that we cannot afford to relax Collins would receive. prematurely our basic economic policies," he said. Although he fid not rule out all budget deficits, he cautioned: "We cannot ermlt the budget again to become so imbalanced as to rekindle Senate OKs le inflationary pressures that have only recently died down. I Kennedy's remarks were in a speech prepared for the combined llvic clubs of Salt Lake City. Kennedy, a Mormon, was reared and Iducated in the heavily Morman state of Utah. for equal em I Despite his optimism, Kennedy said progress In slowing price Increases "has been less rapid than all of us would desire." WASHINGTON (AP) — The employment, was allowed ... Get a Scientific I In addition, he said, the government's tight rein on Its budget Senate Appropriations $14,313,000 by the House, ['has shown up not only in our inability to take up projects that would like to pursue, but more clearly in the form of higher Committee voted 12 to 9 comprared to $1 million asked Thursday to support President by the President. Nixon's request for a sharp Tune-Up from Morris. inemployment than we as a nation should tolerate for any The Senate committee To spot motor trouble and expense before it stops you, (retracted period." Increase in funds for the Equal approved the full amount In get an electronic test or our complete tune-up. Now is the I Nevertheless, Kennedy said, "I believe that in the next few Employment Opportunity Nixon's budget, over ■ riding the time for that summer auto check. See us fconths we will begin to see a tapering - off In inflation that all of Commission. recommendation of a today. P have been looking for." The commission, set up under subcommittee, headed by Sen. I The administration's last the 1964 Civil Rights Act to John L. McClellan, D-Ark., that budget estimate, on May 19, said prevent discrimination In the Senate stick with the House MORRIS AUTO PARTS |tudent residence issue figlre. Nixon appealed in a letter to Senate leaders of both parties 814 E. KALAMAZOO Mon. • Sat. 8 • 5:30 for the $1 million he budgeted. He said the commission has a Legal clarification urged heavy backlog of discrimination In another move, committee heeded an appeal by the Come to the |State Several students have complained that the East AFL-CIO GRAND President Goerge Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, I ursday urged the East Lansing City Council to Lansing city clerk discriminated against them by Meany and eliminated funds for ■PPort his bill, HB refusing to allow them to register because they the U.S. contribution to the 4303, that would permit T?ent810 declare themselves residents of their are not considered permanent residents. Intrnatlonal Labor for purposes of voting. Organization, established in OPENING The city council Monday agreed to meet with a ■ Michigan election 1920 as part of the old League law, as currently written, group of students to discuss a possible council endorsement of the Vaughn proposal. of Nations In effort to |JI\ »y offlclalg to disenfranchise resident Improve the lot an of working Iv/I VauBhn M'd. "Arbitrary Judgments Noting similar situations in other Michigan people. Riit made by the clty clerk as to who sha" college towns, Vaughn concluded that "an i n«if' '•aerations brln8ln8 In such extraneous as marital status, rshlp and 'freedom from parental control.' I ...j.f'y legal clarification in long overdue," property equitable resolution of this conflict Is vital, because the right to vote is vital to our democratic system." Vaughn's bill is currently The actions were taken by the committee in approving a $3.1 billion appropriation bill for the In the House Stat, Commerce and Justice of TJm Elections Committee chaired by Rep. Alfred A. departments, the federal ov'des\Landthat 1 be,,eve that House Bill 4303 judiciary, and related agencies. clarification." Sheridan, D-Taylor. pevens PH 351-8460 hrs. DAILY 9:30 - 8:30 Suty^# GBiscount records featuring 30 Varieties ta 226 ANN ST. THE BAND of Italian Sub Sandwiches janceled Stage fnght LIVE- and [J,*: L:l6d h's *®ld Thursday he has scheduled Friday rftf HAN" / NEAPOLITAN PIZZA J*Plds,conference in Grand STAGE FRIGHT By the tray or by the slice i?e!ens hadofPlanned to discuss w HOURS: 40" Square Pizza $3.50 the Academic Mon. Thurs. 11-1 20" Square Pizza $1.75 KBEhk - ii*KSi $5.98 TODAY THRU - fctW,". , ReP°rt ar>d last List SUNDAY Fri. &i Sat. 11-2 Sub Villa Special - 40" pizza Lew el!phone ( Poll of the Sun. 3 11 with all the trimmings • $5.00 It tho t0 determine |>stocknlVer8ity'8 General the voting I S3» 4980 NORTHWIND DRIVE Ph. 351-473 l^dpiM81 developmentshaven't been In any those (across from Yankee Store - where Big Al's used to be) ' he explained. MICHIGAN TERRY SMITH STATE HEW Rhetoric substitute for UNIVERSITY GEORGE BULLARD editor-in-chief FREDERICK J. LESLIE thought advertising manager country, and/or anyone who One standard of high academic a valuable weapon in the verbal arsenal of the audience departs purged of h„. i support the means and „Tl,not I achievement, at the graduate level at least, the demagogue. An ad hominum attack is, responsibility and filled with hate. ends KENNETH KRELL, editorial editor seems to be the frequency with which the very simply, name - calling. Nothing agitates the viscera quite like a extremist groups. of black I LARRY LEE, city editor writer of a research paper interjects a Name - calling is, of course, the tactic deftly hurled epithet. Names having been A term used in reference to s,.k , I JEANNE SADDLER, associate editor relevant Latin phrase in place of its used by the debater or public speaker who called, the speaker and his victim are whites by white limousine llbe I JEFF ELLIOTT, sports editor common English equivalent. If the writer has nothing to say but plenty of lungpower irreconcilably separated by a verbal wall. support integration while sendin„ ,?h° I can send the prof scurrying to his to say it with. The issues confuse him, the Rhetoric too often escalates Into head - own children to A term used by black lily - white private L? I Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award dictionary to look up a really obscure flow of logical argument is beyond him, bashing. Who wants that? advocates in referencecommunity to whiten J. * 201 I phrase, so much the better. Here are some liberals who support for outstanding journalism. oft-used biggies which will generally stand integration A term used the student in good stead: by radicals of all Coin„ I reference to reactionaries who Inter alia: "among other things." Name - catling is, of course, the tactic think" 1 baby, earn" or "learn, baby, learn"""' Ceteris parabus: "all other things being used by the debater or public speaker who I EDITORIALS equal." Mutatis mutandis: "the has nothing to say but plenty of slogans preferable to "burn, babv hJ* A term best used to refer to anX I I necessary „y I who thinks changes having been made." lungpower to say it with. The issues skin color alone m Quid pro quo: "something fo* confuse him, the flow of logical argument somebody superior or inferior n,7 I anybody who thinks that something," hence, something equivalent, a is beyond him, but the audience is behind is not green a just because his skin person's mL ' Possible Laotia substitute. Qua: "as, in the capacity of;" e.g., he will testify qua an expert witness. him. white. FASCIST: Anyone who is n( mA statements like those Ad hominum: "to the man;" i.e., term used by radicals to appearing abov , I attacking one's opponent rather than but the audience is behind him. Three epithets cause more trouble today identify the JI threatens motives behind the deeds Ru!! L U.S dealing withthesubject under discussion. All of the above phrases are functional when used judiciously. The last one, ad Ceteris parabus, the speaker qua demagogue, will, inter alia, distort, cavil, and harangue, knowing full well that since than perhaps all the hundreds of others combined. Often they are lumped together Nixon, Spiro Agnew, John Mitchell Daley, Hubert Humphrey, l 0 of M> 2I in one thundering, glorious bunt of verbal Johnson, Robert Huber, the police and th hominum, is particularly useful, not ao he can't meet the Issues head on, for him vitriol. Occasionally they are affixed to I The Laotian civil war seems to face. The possible object: to much because it succinctly states a there it no quid pro quo for groundless military. n{ I another term which makes a rather earthy A beyond comprehension. Prime establish a coalition government such complex concept, but because it represents diatribe. Rhetoric wins, reason loses, and reference to Oedipus' problem. term used by radicals generally anyone with whom they do no I to identifv I players keep shifting scenes and as existed before the Communists But they individually worth are agree; i.e., anyone who opposes revolution I defying traditional standards in the withdrew in 1963. considering, If for no other reason than for the hell of It (and for most other I that they are used so freely. The three are reasons), anyone who still likes the idea process. Such a move would be to the "pig," "racist," and "fascist." freedom of speech, anyone who of I Laos is a monarchy functionally definite disadvantage of the United thinks that I PIG: a policeman, or anyone who alb power in the people would without a monarch, yet none of the States. Souvanna Phouma is lead to the I resembles a policeman in his support for most repressive society ever contenders in the civil war are westward - leaning only by virtue of law and order. A term used frequently by etc. known to man I I especially anti monarchist. The radicals in reference to the great majority - necessity. His ultimate goal is to end Anyone can argue ad hominum. The left I neutralists - who constitute the the civil war and attempt to unify his legitimate government as far as country. A solid coalition with the Westerners are concerned - are led Communists would render the U.S. by Prince Souvanna Phouma, son of presence unnecessary - and FASCIST: the king. Anyone who makes unwelcome. statements like those appearing above. A Phouma's antagonist is his half - While hurting the Americans a term used by radicals to identify the real brother, Souphanouvong, who still Communist ■ neutralist tete a tete in motives behind the deeds of Richard holds the title of minister of the Laos would be a boon to Hanoi. Nixon, Splro Agnew, John Mitchell, interior on Phuma's cabinet and is Since the Sihanouk government fell Mayor Daley, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon the titular leader of the Communist in Cambodia the North Vietnamese Johnson, Robert Huber, the police and Pathet Lao. The only edge that the have been hard - pressed to keep the the military. neutralist regime has over the Ho Chi Minh Trail open. A ceasefire Communists in claiming legitimacy is in Laos would allow them to utilize that it controls the capitol city, troops that are presently tied up in Vientiane. It is academic who rules of citizens who are wary of the state of has no monopoly on the ability to call | eastern Laos by the Americans. the country because each force Will the United States, or more to anarchy coveted by professional names. The right decimated its own antl • revolutionaries. A term used not ■ so - Communist cause In this country In the I controls less that half of the nation. the point, the CIA allow it to frequently by radicals In reference to fifties by Indiscriminately calling people | When pathet Lao envoy, Tiao Souk happen? Without the approval of the policemen who protect the right of radicals who tilted leftlsh "Communists." Vongsak, arrived in Vientiane government in Vientiane, the United to preach revolution. Maybeone In a hundred was Communijt. I recently, no one took a great deal of States has no grounds to remain A term used loylngly. by radicals in But the other 99 (and lots of nonleftists as I reference notice. Embassaries had been passing in Laos or to carry out bombing raids to policemen who illegally tolerate the sale, possession and use of well) were so offended that they raised their children to avenge the evil of right • | back and forth between the two over Laotian territory. In light of this drugs at rock festivals. A term borrowed by wing name • calling by engaging in left ■ royal siblings since last March with it seems likely that the United States the Los Angeles Police Dept. as an wing name - calling. little result. will intervene - behind the scenes, acronym for their new motto: "Pride, "Mutatis mutandis," we now watch those I This time the message carried by of course - to stop the merger. It is Integrity, Guts, Service." who sowed the wind reap the whirlwind, r Souk was suddenly significant by RACIST: Anyone who does not feel With luck the country will someday I unlikely that President Nixon will virtue of omission - the Pathet Lao risk another Cambodia - style personally guilty for the injustices and recover from the devastation wrought in | indignities suffered by blacks in this the name of equality of rhetoric. for the first time did not demand the invasion. cessation of U.S. bombing as a In striving to attain our shadowy precondition to meaningful talks. "greater goal" in Indochina the AP NEWS ANALYSIS Discussions have continued and it United States could sacrifice the now seems only a matter of time only chance the Laotian people will before the half brothers meet face have for Sihanouk's - an end to their civil war. power on the ebb Concert a go EDITOR'S NOTE: The analysis Williams. is by AP following Writer T. news Jeff Initially, China used the presence Sihanouk in Its capital to great advantage. The most Important political coup scored of elements of five divisions into Cambodia under the guise of the "New Sihanouk Army." no known presence In Cambodia. China, however, is unwilling to let Hanoi I take full control of Indochina, realizing I by Peking was to stage an Indochina But after initial military successes Peking this may block its own plans to create 11 PHNOM PENH (AP) - There Is a People's Conference on Chinese territory. and Hanoi have reconsidered their relations sphere of influence in Southeast Asia, the ■ needs people growing belief in diplomatic circles that the longer Prince Norodom Sihanouk remains in Peking exile, the more rapidly his The pro • Communist leaders of Laos, the Viet Cong and North Vietnam met with Sihanouk in China to the complete with Sihanouk. Both recognize that Sihanouk is not a Communist and could not be relied upon diplomats speculate. In tum, Hanoi knows it could not trust | I influence will decline in Cambodia. Sihanouk. Sihanouk has too often made it ■ exclusion of any Soviet presence. China to support a Communist - directed his This Sunday at 1 p.m. there will be and good sounds. This belief, shared by Communist and increased its influence by sending Premier government in Phnom Penh should he be clear he considers all Vietnamese | peace Western sources, admits Sihanouk has been Chou En-lai to the conclusion of the returned to power. enemy, the South Vietnamese more so J a free concert in the park behind the And the bands are good. The useful to both Red China and North conference to pledge China's support. only because of proximity. It is probably I Nor will Hanoi easily forget Sihanouk's for this reason that Sihanouk has gone to ■ bus station. There are no tickets, no Universal Family, Ormandy and the Vietnam since his overthrow as chief of By that time China had recognized numerous insults. They will recall that cost, no catch. The singular Plain Brown Wrapper will all appear state in March, but that time is running out Sihanouk's such pains to maintain good relations with ■ revolutionary government, following his visit to Hanoi to attend Ho China as a counter - weight against too ■ dedication of the afternoon will be for him. in the park. Their interest is that the along with North Vietnam and the Viet Chi Minh's funeral, Sihanouk returned to much North Vietnamese influence in his ■ Dissident movements in Cambodia Cong. The Russians chose to stick with the tell his people that, although Hanoi to the enjoyment of good music. only thing they like to do better country. I lacking an active leader always have failed. new government of Premier Lon Nol, promised to withdraw its troops from The concert, like others in the than make music is to see people Sihanouk has shown no sign of planning to Hanoi apparently has established an I making them appear counter Cambodia, "We know the Vietnamese alternative leader for the Cambodian ■ past, is an end unto itself. Every digging music. return to the Communist - controlled revolutionary. cannot be trusted." Communist movement. This is the I happening in the park has been The happening is open to all, and portion of Cambodia to lead his Hanoi made initial use of Sihanouk by As seen by several diplomats here, Peking movement. mysterious An Chhay, who adopted the | staunchly apolitical. The concerts are there is room for all. The organizers not only recognizing him but also by may never permit Sihanouk to return to name Son Ngoc Minh when he sided wi Since his removal while in Moscow, held only so that everyone may have would like to see at least 5,000 supporting his call for a popular uprising Cambodia.Should China do so, Sihanouk the Viet Minh in the early 1950s. Sihanouk has spent nearly all his time in a beautiful afternoon with beautiful against the Lon Nol government. To would likely fall under Hanoi's control, Since 1953 Son Ngoc Minh has spt people show up. It would be a good Peking, with occasional trips to North provide the facade of success for such a because North Vietnam has the music. The sole motivation is the troops and most of his time in Hanoi but has I scene. Korea and North Vietnam. movement Hanoi promptly moved cadres here to guide Sihanouk. China has maintained contacts in Cambodia throug I happening, be-in, spirit of love and Don't miss it. a Communist cell system. , I OUR READERS' MIND There have been numerous reports ■ lapel buttons bearing the image of W | Ngoc Minh appearing, replacing Sihano ■ buttons found on some dead ene y ■ Between-classes A laudingnews lament for Leopardi lost soldiers. There also are unconfmw® I reports that Son Ngoc Minh has retur to Kratie in north central Cambodia. • | To the Editor: academia. He has his practical side. Who guidelines recent action of the The article in your Aug. 14 issue legislature requiring needs proper regarding Dr. Giacomo Leopardi, the famous Etruscan scholar, was very will ever forget his daring proposal to use trading stamps for tuition payments? One faculty to have contact hours at least 10 classroom with students was aimed Misplaced memos! welcome. For some time, I have been King Kom book per credit hour. Inspired! While I don't wish to cavil, I do feel that solely at the absent Dr. Leopardi. Professor Adams may be able to excuse his To: Daniel Learned, East Lansing | curious about Dr. Leopardi's activities, and colleague University officials seem interested I think it was most thoughtful of Professor Dr. Leopardi's continued absence from the on the hallowed grounds of scholarly city attorney to gather and report the in an ASMSU plan to use campus news as they campus is becoming very serious. Does he research, but I think It Is time that Re: Your list of 18 ways that8 see fit. Adams to take time off from his own realize that entire classes are passing television to broadcast news between Intensive research this summer to bring ui someone respectfully but firmly told Dr. student can be barred from voting Such through this University without having the Leopardi to come home. Dan ~ classes. The idea is worthwhile and autonomy, of course, up to date. opportunity to know hla tremendous v | would well use wasted air time. requires intricate safeguards - such As a newcomer to MSU, I had been talent? This goes far deeper than he vice president for Robert Perrin You left out poll taxes and Inert y I as those outlined in the Academic looking forward to meeting Dr. Leopardi, realizes. For example, I am sure that the University relations tests. However, caution must be injected whose fame Is a widespread and many ■ Aug. 14,1970 into organizing such broadcasts. The Freedom Report. Administrators and splendored thing. As a matter of fact, It new entity that students should proceed cautiously was the opportunity to aaaoclate (not on a gathers and edits the news must be free from in structuring a televised news first name basis, of course) with such outside - service. Guidelines should insure that scholarly giants as Dr. Leopardi that lured censorship. me to MSU In the first place. I have been Neither the students receive quality, uncensored administration, fascinated by his genius ever since reading ASMSU or any other group should news. his famous monograph In the Reader's have inordinate influence on what Once the news service is nurtured Digest which traced the disturbing parallel news is presented or how it is to between the pollution of the Red Cedar maturity, it should be free to bite River and the fall of Veil In 396 B.C. Of presented. News editors must be free the hand that fed it. course, his greatness lies not only In fustv Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 21.1970 5 teligious ANSWERED THE CALL )ppression | Lady m inister has found Jisclosed fa hindiirance En |3., Baptists was reported by two British femininity no Cigious rj. weekly story, newspapers. signed by John inun said Soviet police BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - When finally the call became with the people who think the The members of East Brewton ^te'd three leaders of the and Cedar Hill United Methodist too strong to be denied, Miss youth of today are a cause for J^jtist Initiativlsts,. an Churches have welcomed their Spikes entered Vennard College, despair. tderground breakaway group, new pastor The a Bible college in Oskaloosa, Kjlier this year. — a woman. Rev. Miss Jean Spikes has never Iowa. Later she went to Troy Few really bad ■Three others were tried State College for her liberal arts "There is a small element of found being a woman a icently in Kazakhstan, th» drawback in her work. work and finally completed a the really bad. There is a spirit papers said. prescribed course of study from of rebellion among your "In my early ministry, there people. 5 Baptist Initiativlsts, not Emory University. I sensed that everywhere I may have been some slight kficially recognized by the barriers for a lady minister," she traveled, not only here in the Let government, broke away says, "but they deteriorated. I United States. Jom the authorized All ■ Union have Meaningful life "But there is a very definite always received a warm liuncil of Evangelical Christians welcome." Her life has been meaningful attitude of genuineness among ljaptists in 1962. Miss Spikes has been in the and rewarding. "I feel as if I have been useful," she the majority of young people. ie stories said Soviet officials says. They are seeking something the> permission for the ministry 22 years and her only can build their lives on, and we regret is that she did not "I left the pastorate after 16 Itiativist group to hold a the call sooner. answer years to become an evangelist," must give it to them. They want Inference at Tula in December, guidance and discipline. Our Which time the eakaways published the names Baptist Police haul away a protestor from Persuasion "My work is profession, it's a not just a very definite she says. "I traveled in seven foreign countries working with problem is not with youth, it's in the leadership we have given a construction site at call. The call came early in my the Oriental were arrested Missionary Society J leaders and members of their Boston City Hospital Thursday as a group tries to stop a demands for following a scuffle with police as they pressed life, but I would not accept it preaching in their churches them — or rather, failed to them. give pderground churches. truck from more minority group workers on the project, a entering the area. Sixteen men and a woman nurses' home. because of a desire to go into the throughout the Far East and also Members of new AP churches Miss Wirephoto field of medicine." lecturing in their seminaries. In the United Spikes has served are impressed States, I have with her preached in some 18 or 20 states courage, her intelligence and her sincerity. holding over 300 revivals in a Proof positive that being a period of 22 years." 'Fishermen' offer woman has not been a hindrance Miss Spikes, who is from in her work is the fact that many- Hartford, Conn., is at home and churches, including the two she happy wherever she goes. Home now serves, have asked that she now is the parsonage in East be assigned to them. Brewton, where she "keeps By SUZANNE THALER volunteers grow in number and "Jesus Christ of God, the Son house with the help of a maid." return from summer vacations. one day a month, matching calls has spread to several countries. Lansing hospital. She had to Asked if there Central United Methodist Savior." was any local volunteer "Fishermen" serve Lansing, requesting help with volunteers There are more than 150 remain in the ar«a during the reluctance on the part of her Across from the Capitol FISH volunteers' goal is basic logram which lends a helping East Lansing , Okemos, Haslett offering a service to meet that chapters in the United States. child's hospitalization. The WORSHIP SERVICES to the Christian life: to help need. congregation to having a lady nd to people in times of crisis, and Holt. Lansing FISH was started in woman had no place to stay. A minister others in need. "It really is a wonderful perform special 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. II expand its program in the The name for the FISH January by members of St. "Fisherman" gave her room and ceremonies such as weddings, There are two types of movement is derived from the feeling to know you have put Paul's Episcopal and Bethel board, and the warmth of she laughed. "No, really. I'm volunteers. Regular FISH feet on Robert F. Wilson, symbol the early Christians used your prayers as you Baptist churches. knowing that someone cared. volunteers do the "legwork." fulfill telling you the truth, I never feel "Don't Let Love Mislead You" lector of the program in the during the time of the Roman "FISH for the day" are those your Christian "There is a personal Anyone wishing to volunteer any reservations from my Knsing area, anticipates that persecutions. The Greekletters who cannot offer service outside commitment to love your satisfaction in knowing that you as a "Fisherman" may call congregation." ASH will offer broadened spelling the word "fish" were neighbor," Mrs. Wilson said. have actually gone out and Dr. Howard Lyman of their homes. They answer the The 351-1555. FISH hours are 8 a.m. Young people also come to her Kvices on a 24-hour basis as the the initial letters of the phrase, FISH movement was helped your neighbor," Mrs. to 5 Monday for counseling, and that is where Church School 9:45 telephone within their homes begun in England in 1961 and Wilson said. "Someone had been p.m. through to 11:4E Friday. Miss Spikes reaps great Crib Nursery a complete stranger but was in satisfaction. She doesn't agree need, and then you've found a ihifting church allegiance new friend." JNIVERSITY Emergency transportation is BAPTIST Meeting First Church of Peoples Church the most - requested service Temporarily In CHURCH East Lansing during the school year, Mrs. Vardcllff School Christ, Scientist Wilson said. (American Baptist) Grand River at Haslett Entrance "We have had requests for Interdenominational lot necessary, cleric says Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor East Lansing transportation that we do not ■ 200 W. Grand River consider emergencies, and we Worship 10:00 a.m. S. 7:00 p.r Sunday Services 10:00 a.rr have had to refuse them," Mrs. at Michigan Church School 11:10 a.m. Wilson said. Lesson — Sermon Subject Wednesday prayer hour 6:45 i JTORONTO like Cole, back with the (AP) - The Rev. and for a time was with the air counselor. validity of becoming a Roman Mrs. Wilson told of a woman Church force as a chaplain specializing in When from another city whose child Archbishop Sheen Catholic," he says. "The Supervised Nursery "Mind" I England after serving two marriage counsel. retired last October, the Rev. experience needed emergency surgery in a lars was good. I think it as a Roman Catholic In 1968 he and his wife Mr. Cole began to wonder about "The was God's will I became one. I Days Are Evil. |acon, believes now it's not Valerie decided to join the his position. also think it was God's will that IVLS.U. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES Let's Sing" isary for a Christian to Roman Catholic Church. "Had I stayed I think the I retraced my steps." ALC-LCA LCMS fttch brands. "It seems ridiculous now," he priesthood would have come," He is now an assistant at St. for Students and Faculty at for Students at Rev. Orin G. Smith ■"You can serve God and be a he says. "I believe Rome will says, "but we were both Wilfed's church in suburban University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel §od Christian as a Baptist, a convinced the Roman Catholic have to accept priests in the Etobicoke. Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road Assisting in Service, sbyterian, a Roman Catholic Free puoiic Reading Room Dr. Robertson Church was the best vehicle married state eventually." 332-2559 332-0778 Ianything else," he says. through which Christianity was In January he spoke to a UNIVERSITY 134 West Grand River ■"Anglican" means affiliates of Pastor*: Walter Wietzke OPEN being expressed." superior about his misgivings. He CHURCH SCHOOL Pastor David Kruse p Church of England, called in Since he was married and the was worried about his family's SEVENTH-DAY George Gaiser Weekdays - 9-5 p.m. 10:00 A.M. places the Church of father of four, he was never future if anything happened to WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS Mon. & Thurs. eves. 7 - 9 p.rr ADVENTIST CHURCH Sat. 9 - 1 P.m. pda. It is in communion with admitted to the priesthood. He him and he felt there was no 8:15 am Matins Crib through Adults ! Episcopal Church in the was ordained deacon under place for his wife in the celibate 9:15 ant Common Service All bited States. Catholic society in which he Sabbath School 9:30 are welcome to attend papal dispensation at the request 10:30 am Common Service Church Services and visit and pe Rev. Mr. Cole served four of Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, moved. Worship Service 11:00 use the reading room. i Britain's air force and then archbishop at Rochester, So he returned to the Anglican K. G. Smith, l«ed an English seminary in pastor UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN N.Y., and invited to go to Church. "Love's Extravagance" ■5". He was ordained in 1960 Rochester "I Meeting at 504 Ann St. as a marriage never questioned the CHURCH EAST LANSING IRINITY CHURCH sJRK CAMPUS HOUSE (Corner of Division) Call 361-8994 if you 310 N. Hagadom need transportation E. Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive htionol in Minister East Lansing Hungari EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH Nursery ALWAYS OPEN Campus Minister, Stanley R. Reilly, Assistant IN ■ Interdenominational Telephone: 351-8200 469 N. Hagadom Minister, Kail Ruffner University Class larlc Gary Hawes 9:45 a.m. St. Stephen's an ecumenical fellowship. "A Plea For Reverence" 6:00 p.m. 332-5193 Worship Service 332-3035 J 351-7844 Trinity Collegiate Fellowship Free Transportation and Church School Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. il'DAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Church bells adorned with precious stones, replicas have gone 9:30 A.M. pughout Communist ■ursday to mark the 1,000th anniversary of the of St. Hungaiy chimed on display at Szekesfehervar, St. Stephen's royal seat in western Hungary. Public buildings and apartment houses are Sermon by Reverend Kenneth Wood UNIVERSITY UNITED SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Stephen, founder of the kingdom of WELCOME! METHODIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington "Sary. But the priceless draped with the Hungarian colors of red, white Sunday 7 p.m. Hungarian crown 1120 South Harrison jels will be absent. and green. Church Phone 332-8693 Phone 351-7030 (Hungarian sources said the jewels — St. Exhibitions, lectures, speeches and broadcasts Dr. Wilbert Welch deal with the king, who, after making his pagan EPISCOPAL SERVICES "What Is Right With »v sacred crown, a' gift from Pope Hungarians adopt the Christian faith, developed President, Grand Rapids Baptist Bible College and Seminary [I n< his scepter and orb - were in official Hungary into one of the strongest reaims in early The Church?" I thUSii y Knox, Ky. There were seized 11th century Europe. L"e y s Army from surrendering Hungarian Budapest's St. Stephen Basilica was the scene 9:45 A.M. P*at the end of World War II. of a mass, celebrated by Dr. Jozsef Ijjas, acting Services at Rev. Wallschlaeger College Bible Class COLLEGIAN Ie Hungarian government has approached the FELLOWSHIP head of the Hungarian bench of bishops. 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. in the fireside room • state Dept. at least three 8:30 P.M. times in the past State - arranged ceremonies took place at the The Reverend William A. Eddy, months to obtain release of the national Fireside Room Rector 'sure. St. Stephen statues in Budapest and other _ Hungarian cities. The Catholic Church put on The Reverend Morning Worship 9:30 Petals in Washington said the U.S. parade in Budapest its most sacred relic — the Richard A. Randall, 10 A.M. Dr. Wilbert Welch Curate |[u nment so far has neither foreclosed the embalmed right hand of St. Stephen. Church School 9:30 (for all ages) EJV° m back. i e iewels nor committed Itself to send Aug. 20 is also celebrated as the day of the FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Hungarian Communist constitution, adopted In Call 482-0754 for information. ^1>le absence of the original gold jewels 1949. FIRST ASSEMBLY IUndall's OF GOD Christian Reformed Church 1125 Weber Dr. Lansing and Student Center [HEALTH Blk. No. of E. Grand River at our door's open in Downer Brookfield Plaza 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) just across from the Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor Visit our new Student Center — A&P - stop in and open daily 9 A.M. - 11 P.M. -OODS browse thru our Lunch Wednesday 12:30 1:30 P.M. :45 a.m. COLLEGE CLASS - selection of organic foods. 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP * Teas * Grains » Sugarless * Natural 7:00 p.m. DAVE GLOSSOP Rev. Brink preaching * cosmetics Jamaica Rice * Juices * Dietetic * * Vegetarian Rev. J. Herbert Brink, Rev. Alvin L. Hoksbergc. Seeds * Honey *Allergy - free For Transportation Call pastor campus minister 484-6640 484-2807 for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 _ PHONE: 332-6892 - GOOD NUTRITION THRU NATURAL VITAMINS 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, AugUst ^ Weekend offers range of films, live concert If you decide to see a movie this weekend, you have quite a room job, at 8:30 p.m. through A film as visually stunning as it THE LANDLORD — Beau urban ghetto living that incites and shock without distorting. It (Recommended. i Sunday. The Okemos Barn is thematically gripping. Bridges and Pearl Bailey star in a laughter without straining, Is a fine film with substance and THE i nt LOVE BUG range to choose from. You can theater, in Okemos, is presenting -- lh th I "Zhivago" boasts a stellar cast, seemingly honest film about compassion without simplifying intelligence. At Spartan West. lne select a film as wholesome as "CELEBRATION," an abstract - beautiful WDular film Popular film of i969 (i hea><*l "The Love Bug" or as smutty as music and exquisite $17,000,000) reiuri! gross«l "Myra Breckinridge," one as bad styled play, at 8:30 Friday and Saturday nights. photography. At the Meridian 3. Buddy Hackett and?, *iUl| as "Paint Your Wagon" or as Screen (Recommended.) GETTING SGRAIGHT - Volkswagen Gladmer. as stars l?ablethe II good as "Doctor Zhivago," one AIRPORT — with 12 stars and Elliott Gould's splendid BRECKINRIDGE II as superficial as "getting such a big budget, one expected MYRA performance as a scraggly While in Straight" or as realistic as "The the petty melodrama and nonconformist and Candice production o Landlord," one as conventional crashing cliches. The surprises Bergen's appeal make one forget Welch dressing locked he^f H as "Airport" or as original as are a wonderful performance by the stereotypes and room and Rex 2j| "Woodstock." Helen Hayes and some exciting simplifications contained in this kept in touch with his |»^ I If you prefer entertainment, two plays and live a airborne scenes. It's not really worth the admission price but plastic unrest. film about campus At the Michigan. nightly to avoid scenes. At the Camous. dolnV'^l ®1 free rock concert are offered. Music in its own lavish, overproduced (Recommended with PAINT YOUR WAGON-t.\ way, musical about wife Ormandy, Plain Brown Stage bearable. At the Lansing Mall. THE GRASSHOPPER - Any a and a mining town . *£1 Wrapper and University Family The Ledges Playhouse, in DOCTOR ZHIVAGO - a film that relies on the acting that tlZI will appear in a free rock concert Grand Ledge, offers "EH," a on gambling, drinking ,!l at 1 p.m. Sunday in back of the comedy about a man's inability monumental film with scenes of talent of Jacqueline Bisset for its fUtitum, - - whoring be an entertai^l p raw power and rare tenderness salvation is in trouble. At the bus station in East Lansing. to hold down a menial boiler that remain etched in memory. Spartan East. family film as well? Joshua Logan and the Direcjl moi»| men at Paramount think doubt if you so r| will. M J v Meridian 1. "■ East Lansing / <— SCRATCH HARRY X-rated film about HarrvanHv 6irts.AttheSU,e.,Na„» - by press time.) TRUE GRIT free The Chart- Portis novel about a opportunities and others, is located in the Museum's Heritage Hall. The woman's violence of the and the protects exposure gritty her is American West lawman presented i« vouj to the a By JOYCE HICKERSON University Museum is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. sprawling, robust ajd Also of interest is the current Abrams Planetarium program, thoroughly entertaining scrMj When you feel those four walls closing in on you and you have terms. John Wayne, as "The Case of the UFO," which explores the historical the to get away, there are several places to visit in the Lansing background and possible origin of reports of unidentified flying paunchy, one - eyed lawman i vicinity, and, what's more, most are free. objects. Programs are presented Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at outstanding. At the Meridian! If you like browsing through museums, there are two to choose from. 2:30 and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2:30 and 4 p.m. Disenchanted (Recommended.) WOODSTOCK The Michigan Historical Kresge Art Center is offering an exhibit of works of members of - a film Commission Museum, 505 N. the Art Dept. faculty in the entrance gallery during August. pulsating as its music and Washington, Lansing, is housed in the James Turner family home, Selections from the University's permanent collection are also on Jacqueline Bisset, center, plays a disenchanted woman seeking to escape mediocrity ii contemporary as the people built in 1927. Its various displays include Indian lore, military display. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and from Grasshopper," a film now showing at the Spartan Twin East. presents. At the Meridian history and the history of the Great Lakes fishing industry. The 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. (Recommended.) museum is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; If you would prefer to spend your time outside, there are Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, noon to 5 p.m. There is no many places to while away the hours. admission charge. "Refuse Monster," created by Dirk Gringhuis, curator of Potter Park has a zoo which includes a bird sanctuary, house and open yards which house such animals as llamas and monkey 'THE GRASSHOPPER' exhibits, is a new exhibit in thy ecology section of the MSU zebras. While at the park, you can play tennis, horseshoes and Museum. There are many nature exhibits including "Predators of baseball or fty a kite. If you want, you can stroll through the Michigan" in the Michigan mammals section. Another exhibit depicts the annual spring gathering at the Straits of Mackinac for the purpose of fur trading. This exhibit. park's formal gardens and loll on the river bank. The park, located on Pennsylvania Avenue between Kalamazoo and Mt. Hope, is open from 8 a.m. to dusk. Fenner Arboretum is the place for nature buffs to visit. The Film 'one nonstop cliche' Nature Science Bldg. contains exhibits on native environment of out to find #1 the Lansing area. There are nature trails for those who feel the By ROBERT KIPPER woman happiness and but she is no actress. She is a relatively THE NOVEL urge to hike. The Arboretum, at 2020 E. Mt. Hope, is open State News Reviewer independence in a male ■ dominated society. Christine longs to love men yet be star but already an anachronism - Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. polished product of star makers OF THE YEAR-NOW There are 70 other parks in Lansing which may provide "The Grasshopper" is the story of a free of their domination at the same time, but everyone she meets wants to make her diction schools that is no longer demands diversion on an afternoon. young woman's life between the ages of 19 by film audiences. Like Ali MaGraw, she and 22 and, as it turns out, between a wide a hooker or a domestic. She tries both but looks like a star but has none of the depth LANS ING'S#1 ATTRACTION! ! / | PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5117 variety of bedsheets. finally resigns herself to the former, passing or singularity that insures non - sex TODAY... | Jacqueline Bisset (Steve McQueen's girlfriend in "Bullitt," Dean Martin's the time collecting pot • bellied lovers, poddies, furs, jewelry and apartment keys symbol types like Genevieve Bujold Barbara Streisand and Vanessa Redgrave Feature 7:30-9:25-Sat., Sun. 1:45-3:30-5:25-7:20-9:10 1 am girlfriend in "Airport") plays Christine Adams, a sexy brunette who leaves her home in a small Canadian bordertown for and getting her kicks with a kept lover of her own and little tricks like duping an airplane pilot to write obscene words in the lasting place in the future of films. A pretty face can sustain a film only so the bright lights of Las Vegas and Los sky. long. One becomes bored with HARRY IIAI) A WAY Angeles in hopes of escaping mediocrity. "I don't want my life to be a cliche," she What "The Grasshopper" lacks beyond original writing and fresh direction is an and, hence, well aware Miss of the surrounding dreariness within 10 minutes. The rest ol WITH WOMEN... cries to one of her lovers. Unfortunately, "The Grasshopper" is one nonstop cliche. actress with enough dimension or variety to make the exercise worthwhile. her performance and the remaining lid minutes of "The Grasshopper" are as dull Once again moviegoers are confronted Miss Bisset is pretty and shapely and she and ordinary as the life against which Miss SO DID HIS WIFE! with the standard story of a strong - willed speaks as properly as she wears her clothes, Bisset's character was rebelling. r PROGRAM INFORMATION 372-2434 OPEN AT 7:30 A look at w NOW! permissive AIRPORT society ... ALL COLOR instinct vs. BURT DEAN morality! LANCASTER'MARTIN JEANSEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET X GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES "scratch VANHEFLIN GEORGE KENNEDY ] [G|' Harry EASTMANC0L0R Lton ife 7& 9:40 sal- sun. starring Harry Walker Staff J2.°° ^: 3 0 - 7°°- £3O l|_ Victoria Wilde • Christine Kelly WALT DISNEY'S ri/fffl A" CARTOON-FEATURE [JVMAJ [A 0\ * TONITE OPEN 7:30 P.M.—SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! f-iT-tnmmmm TECHNICOLOR' ~ ~ BLUE SCREEN SHOWN AT 10:00 - CARTOON AT DUSK - OPEN AT 12:30 P.M. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485^ TODAY ... CONTINUOUS FROM 12:45 P.M. "LOVE BUG" SHOWN AT 12:45-3:50-6:55-Late "JUNGLE BOOK" AT 2:30-5:35-8:45 P.M. $1.50 to 5:30 - $2.00 after * CHILDREN 75c 233 N. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN IT'S HERBIE AND SWINGERS! THE TOGETHER FO WALT DISNEY Walt Disney |«e,sTo^0,i,"'"feS3 MAE WEST ... JOHN HUSTON RAQUEL WELCH Presents "THE LANDLORD" "Jungle Boo MYRA BRECKINRIDGE BEAU BRIDGES LEE GRANT DIANA SANDS 2nd. BIG ' ^ Trruuirninp* PEARL BAILEYs?,,, 2nd. BIG FEATURE! Net witli . "Herbie" TECHNI- WEsrSIDESBRS DEAN MICHELE DAVID JONES LEE T0MLINS0N HACKETT BUODY guuui C0L0R 4 Miles West of rRAKDOR Shopping Center jkFLYNH MM.F0HG ucflmilATELU " BILL WAlSHlpOH OaGRAll Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 21, 1970 / p— - MUSCLES DETERIORATE Fiber disruption traced to drug LENINGRAD, U.S.S.R. - He injected the drug into two He inflicted light But Walker found that the Muscular dystrophy treatment scalpel cuts we observed in the groups of mice. One group was two groups of normal mice. white blood cells in the drugged with cortisone on triamcinolone - treated mice. - type drugs can normal, the other had muscular Then he injected one group with mice were not going from the "At the same time, no new increase muscle breakdown, an dystrophy. the cortisone type drug. blood through the blood vessel m. ■<* MSU anatomist told scientists at - muscle forms." More muscle fibers broke The MSU scientist discovered walls. Since they did not get past So far, he said, it is uncertain an international meeting in the down in the Soviet Union, Thursday. dystrophic mice that wounds in the injected the blood vessel walls, they whether or not the absence of than in the normal mice, the group had many more could not reach the sites of white blood cells causes failure Discovery of the muscle • anatomist discovered. muscle deteriorating muscle fibers than damage to clean the of the muscle to |W up repair. deteriorating effects was made "Such an observation was not those in the untreated group. debris. with a cortisone - type drug surprising," Walker said. "It fits Furthermore, wounds of the Gain information "Evidently," he said, "drugs ^ LutJiMia9' called triamcinolone. This in with human clinical evidence drug treated mice had few, if similar to cortisone interfere is anti - inflamatory and muscle - that cortisone any, "Although we are gaining - type drugs are white blood cells among the with the normal passage of white information on disrupting as are the drugs not good for repair of muscular injured muscle fibers. blood cells to the sites of muscle similar to it. dystrophic muscle," Walker said, dystrophy patients." fiber damage. This is one "we still need to find out Its deteriorating why effects, explanation for however, are usually outweighed Experiment Scavengers the high the fiber degenerates in the first White blood cells amounts of degenerated by beneficial effects for Next, Walker act as muscle_ place." treatment of experimented scavengers. They clean up other diseases, with another kind of muscle muscle debris and other 2ND BIG WEEK! according to Bruce E. Walker damage, knife wounds. who used mice to test the "garbage" in the body. Box Office Opens 12:45 \ triamcinolone. "We tried the Continuous From 1 P.M. because it is known to drug on mice disrupt Held Over! muscle," said ' Walker. "We EAST LAWSING ON M 43 » PHONE ED 2 Honored wanted to learn more about muscle degeneration through 1042 '• 3rd Big Week MAE WEST JOHN HUSTON such disruption. Athletic Director Biggie Munn displays the plaque awarded to him recently by the ASMSU Pop Old device RAQUEL WELCH Entertainment Committee. The award cites Munn for "It is an old device of science "★★★* HIGHEST RATING! "outstanding contributions to the J students of MSU. State |\jews photo by Dick Warren to disrupt the system in order to A thriller of human Interest, study it." humor and suspense galore!" - Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News "BLOCKBUSTING. ..ASURE-FIREHIT!" iSU graduate accepts post — Dorothy Manners, L.A. Herald-Examiner in floating world campus and with problems." students who have extensively to create a campus basketball, shuffleboard and atmosphere. WCA facilities table tennis. As a division of Chapman, include 12 classrooms, a science In addition, there I former MSU student will WCA is accredited with the are a laboratory, an oceanography number of student |:ome dean of men this fall on Western Assn. of Schools and laboratory, a library, audio - clubs, Irld Campus Afloat, (WCA), a organizations and fraternities lpboard liberal arts college Colleges. Each semester, visual equipment and a 280 students from as many as 200 .seat theater. - meet student social needs. to AIRPORT E visits countries around the mainland campuses join WCA. In addtion, the ship offers Each fall WCA begins the BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN Irld. Credits earned at WCA can be many facilities that no campus semester at New York and JEAN SEBERG lau! Eckert, who received an transferred back to students' could do without: a student spends four months touring JACQUELINE BISSET JA. degree in student personnel home campuses. union, bookstore and hospital Western GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES ■vices from MSU and last year The 500 students of WCA are a Europe, Africa and facilities. The Ryndam is fully Latin America. At the end of the VAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON Ived as head adviser at West offered courses ranging from air conditioned to keep students Lw Hall, will join the floating economics and semester the ship arrives in Los BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN government to comfortable while Angeles, near the home campus fcpus in October for its fall traveling philosophy and religion. The through the tropical waters. in Orange. JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES pester. pattern for instruction is to learn The number ■CCA is a division of Chapman about one problem for each port city and in the spring, WCA leaves Los prospective WCA students Is ■lege, Orange, Calif. It was country before docking there. Angeles and tours the South meeting costs, according to Hgun at Chapman in 1965 and During the fall semester, WCA Eckert. Pacific and the Orient, winding Ice then the S.S. Ryndam, a will visit London, Rotterdam, up in New York at the end of "The average student ends up ■tch liner that became the Barcelona, the semester. Athens, Istanbul, paying about $3,500 for each lA campus, has made five Italy, Africa, Rio de Janero, San semester," he said. wages around the world. Salvador, Trinidad, Columbia, Classes are held six days a Tckert, who will be joined by El Salvador and Acapulco. Iduate, Mary, will serve as a an MSU special Students will be attending week while the ship is at sea, but students have quite a bit of free ABRAMS special lectures and seminars at time while the ship is at port. linselor Ai for the male students each of the port stops. While WCA students are not TWCA. In addition to the student SHOWN TWICE AT 8:15 AND LATE studying there are plenty of [The dean of men position is population of 500, WCA carries extracurricular activities to keep V on WCA, so my job will be a faculty and staff of about 75. them busy. Physical activities Inewhat open - ended," Eckert Id. "However, I hope to work Crewmen of the S.S. Ryndam number more than 50. include dancing, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, weight / ypx ALSO Jsely with the resident advisers The ship has been remodeled lifting, fencing, volleyball, PLANETARIUM REX REED . FARRAH FAWCETT • ROGER HERREN COMPANY OF KILLERS CALVIN LOCKHART • JOHN CARRADINE ROBERT FRYER MICHAEL SARNE MICHAEL SARNE »-□ DAVID OILER GORE VIDAL IEPORT DUE OCT. 1 At WISHES YOU 11:00 P.M. NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED (X, A Next! Julie Andrews * Rock Hudson "DARLING LILI" Prof to study HAPPY VACATION. WATCH FOR OUR NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES NEXT PROGRAM Comparative salaries of ^Itemsalary structure will be Michigan judges and of the Michigan judicial examined in coming months by several states have launched similar studies of their judicial salary structures. Henderson said there are 400 judges in BEGINNING SPARTAN TWIN THEATRE FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER FALL TERM. 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351-0030 J>n P. Henderson, professor of economics, Michigan at various levels from the Supreme • • fienderson, frequent h ■emmental agencies, a was consultant commissioned to to Court down to probate judges whose salaries will be observed. * ran ^ * Tidiict the study by Michigan Court His report to Hart will be completed by Oct. 1. Jministrator ■"The economic plained, "is of William R. Hart. plight major of concern judges," Hart in the state Henderson, an MSU faculty member since 1958, is the author of the book, "Labor Market Institutions in the Lodging Industry," and has NOW SHOWING!!! * Abrams Planetarium, written numerous journal articles. Science Rd. & Shaw Lane, r-'ng to the MSU economist, federal From 1962 to 1964, Henderson served as an The story of ■Vs salai:es have increases 25 to MSU, East Lansing 50 per cent economic adviser to the University of Nigeria at a beautiful girl's the 355-4672 Kappel Commission report in 1968 and Nsukka. lifetime between the ages of 19 and 22. it's the real thing. Coke. THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY A NORMAN JEWISON-HAL ASHBY PRODUCTION "THE LANDLORD" .»™. BEAU BRIDGES LEE GRANT DIANA SANDS DAILY AT: Coc-coi. BAILEY-MW- CQLQR BY R ATKT> R 1:45-3:45-5:30-7:15 & 9:00 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 21,1970 9 Pollution Billowing from a campus power plant smokestack or floating down the Red Cedar River, the pollution problem is evident on campus. State "I II News photographers John Harrington and Milon Horst il IX n snapped examples shown on this page. II II it II li II II Ufc.W5I jy Gain, BRIAN SULLIVAN ordinary themometers, is a loss ecologists looking to literature, pollution and recorded in heavy metal that is poisonous to its causes is threat to the ecology of the chancing times and attitudes, * Firestone Tire & Rubber [ AP Science Writer humans. It finds its noting that Lewis Carroll's relfected in a remark by a there is the new policy of the path of the proposed way to protrait of the Mad Hatter in modem fictional Everglades. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Co., for example, Is building a The tree, more than 16 feet in highway. ■d-year of 1970 brought two water, federal officials say, in "Alice's character, Walt * Further, Florida faces pilot plant in Akron, Ohio, for Adventures in Kelly's Pogo: "We have met the a group often considered as "an circumference, will instead be K>r events that could shape waste from industry, from Wonderland" was inspired by enemy and they is us." pollution problems of enemy of the people" by converting used tires into usable the dominant feature of a new K, of the fight to save the paper, chlorine, sodium and the insanity that afflicted some But for all the awareness, there "catastrophic proportions" in conservationists because of the materials. If it works, Firestone roadside park. lerican environment plastics operations. 19th century hat makers who is still a lot of adverse the 1970's, according to a state says it will set up 10 plants ecological engineers' preoccupation with lughout this decade, and It can cause progressive brain used mercury to shrink news. report. Plans for coping with the construction. around the country. problem are termed "grossly * The them, President damage, damage, blindness, death. kidney It can persist in materials. * The government's effort to ban lead from gasoline is in inadequate and ineffective." Lt. Gen. F.J. Clarke, chief of the Army engineers, unveiled the Education Dept. of Health, and Welfare has NEW En's sweeping attempt to Ecologists also refer to another trouble in Elsewhere In the world, awarded a $364,000 grant to the irdinate the waster for 100 years, experts work of literature in Washington and the Egypt's Aswan High Dam is policy statement in Washington, lonmental effort, holds the . of making the fight federal discussing 1970 cars on the road have altering the marine ecology of committing the corps to "give full consideration to National Material Assn. of Secondary Industries, Inc., to do a study of possible uses of solid mmm environmental values along with wastes. It will focus on Jb effective. scrap Kt the other, the discovery of Ispread and dangerous economic, social and technical factors" in projects such as dam cooper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel alloys and stainless steel, TRADE-IN building. Jury poisoning of many In Eugene, Ore., a vote on a precious metals, paper stock and SALE! Irlcan waters, promises that nuclear electric textiles. plant ■struggle will be even more demonstrated growing Noise lcult than many had feared, public resistance to the Atomic Energy * On noise pie many benefits to come pollution, Citizens Commission's promotion of for a Quieter City, a group of i the President's proposed nuclear energy. business and professional people Jcani/ation are some time By 11,750 to 10,892, the in New York City, has designed J, making this a potential I the mercury pollution is an voters ordered a four • year a project aimed at substantially delay in building a proposed reducing the noise from Jedlate ■ reality and a major plant. The voters did allow jackhammers, automobile horns, on any storecard of man's spending for safetv and sirens and garbage trucks in a 60 pollution race. environmental studies. Two • block area of Manhattan. ■pulling together a variety of years ago, the voters of Eugene The group, with a $300,000 litlon control efforts now approved a $225 - million bond THESE Ford Foundation grant, will Renaults |ered throughout government issue for the plant. belonged to study how the noise reduction people who bought new one new agency, the The rejection involved issues affects the attitudes and well llronmental Protection that • Renault! - all delivered are springing up across the being of the people who live in fey, the President hopes to country — are nuclear electric the area. an honest 35 ■ 40 mpg - me the present system, all used plants really as safe from And a gentle note forthe better Renault! are he said "often defies say. Industrial pollution experts water pollution — Henrik Ibsen's failed to meet exhaust reduction the radiation and other hazards and — In Frankfort, Ky., Eugene reconditioned and e and concerted action." eastern Mediterranean Sea — previously believed that mercury 1882 pliy "An Enemy *bf (he standards. for the worse. In Greece, Athens as inexpensive as their Goss, the state highway covered with our did not dissolve in water, but People," in which a doctor is * If supporters have long exclusive everybody stopped commissioner, said he I Radiation sank harmlessly to the bottom considered an enemy of the polluting Lake Erie today it has been warned by a study group that residents will have to maintained? decided to reroute a has planned milage limit one - year - warranty. no phase of the of rivers and lakes. community because he calls would take at least 12 years for Also on the plus side of the state highway at a cost abandon the city in 10 years of ;anization plan should "Now, every place we look we attention to local water the lake to regenerate naturally. environmental scorecard, some $9,000 and unless radical measures are taken delay in environmentalists — are finding significant amounts pollution that could cause * The Seminole and to combat air pollution. beginnings are being made on construction. The reason: to ng from the y Commission (AEC) the Atomic of mercury," said government official. "We're only one economic community. damage to the Miccosukee Indians have leased exploration rights to 100,000 Of the positive steps taken, recycling materials rather than junking them. spare a Lewis mighty pine oak tree in County that was in the VALUES many, like the President's larity for setting radiation seeing the beginning of this Now, the ecologists say, things acres of their land in the heart of reorganization plan, require time THAT DEFY losure standards. problem." have changed and the new the Florida Everglades to major before they can produce results. COMPARISON! Jonmentalists have long The mercury problem had awareness of the need to fight oil companies, posing a new But as an indication of the >d the AEC with a conflict jterest, promoting the use of lie 1969 Desert RENAULT whit*, R-10. Sierra energy while being burgundy Insible for regulation it. naugahvda Interior with reclining seats arid Mlchalln-X whltawalli, T President also AM-FM radio. Sharpl Ona^ownar! proposes 3,000 mllail fikning air National a new and sea research Oceanic o,nUory.w,r.r,n!yl.... lf4 $1,685 A__ ■Atmospheric Administration m the Commerce Dept. It Is 1968 RENAULT R-10 Forait ■called "Noah." Qraan, black naugahyda Intarlor less Congress objects, the with ncllnlng seats and Mlchalln I Plan goes into effect In 60 whltewalls. AM radio and claan J from the July 9 ssr.Tr $1,085 ■ncement. Observers expect T^ersy over the AEC 1968 whlta, RENAULT burgundy R-10. Desert naugahyda JPtsdiscovery of of significant Intarlor with racllnlng seats and Mlchalln whltewalls and clean mercury in waters of and specially t8' 17 states takes priced! ffftlC on even |^ importance most because it embroidered people did not 1967 RENAULT R-10. Forest |' Just the how problem even pantcoats of green, black Interior with widespread, reclining seats and Mlchelln serious, and what damage whltewalls, AM radio, rebuilt pan health JBccurred, may is unknown. And already furry pile with goo|d dependable ■of all the other chemicals ■ environment? warm quilted 1966 RENAULT R-8. Automatic, fury< ^e liquid inside linings, here desert white, black naugahyda Interior, reclining seats. A gor J :xr:™. $685 now for the first 1966 SAAB 2 door, chilly day. r< Sizes 8 to 16. sar--.rr-~.fa A. Ash-color 1965 RENAULT R-8 4 sedan, burgundy exterior. A good acrylic/polyester First Love Ring $19 Massive man's ring $585 pile cassock $65. 1963 PLYMOUTH 3 speed, Tiffany door sedan. Good transportation lounge B $175 FOX'S Beige acrylic pile with suede -Maimed for ■ Prtahty, atmosphere belt. $70. r° 90od food. "The ■ut'.u Una,,umino. Direct 482-1226 - Dimond 10% DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS SPORTS |'[ t,inn®f treat . . . '"'Peelaltie, served rtiny evening. Meridian Mall • Frandor CAR "NT0WN JacdbiSoriS CENTER LANSING f198U6E. Michigan Downtown, 203 S. Washington 1200 E. Oakland Lree parking Sportswear Lansing Mall Open Mon. & Thurs. Till 9 P.M. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 2i( | STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED All student ads must be paid in advance 347 Student Services. classified 365-8255 355-8255 The State News does not Employment FRANKLY SHAKING tyPMIhonk For Rent For Rent MfoatMds permit racial or religious discrimination in its CLERICAL HELP: Good typing and STODDARD APARTMENTS, bedroom. Now leasing for Fall 1 OKEMOS: VILLAGE Green MEN, SINGLE rooms C|IT~S| Apertments. Ideel for married perking, cooking Cmv» advertising culumns. The experience required. Permenent Term. Balconies, leundry. Neer gred students end faculty. 1 and 2 351-9369.3-8-25 m"" State News will not position. Apply at 3308 South campus. Call 351-8238. 351-2003. bedroom, furnished end Cedar, No. 11, Lansing. 3-8-25 unfurnished, $130 $175 accept advertising which - For Sale * AUTOMOTIVE monthly. Possession now or discriminates against HIRING COLLEGE students for full Scooters & Cycles BURCHAM WOODS. 746 Burchem. September 1st. Call manager, religion, race, color or ORGAN Auto Parts & Service time work now and part time 2 bedroom (3 or 4 men) $210. 361-2439 or FOX PROPERTY Compect. Good - FAR^rr, national origin. during school year. Fantastic Job, One bedroom (2 men), $160. MANAGEMENT, 372-1964. TF conditio ,°> Aviation good pay. Call 371-1813 between Furnished, heeted pool, emple or best offer. 351.377? ," i3o° * EMPLOYMENT 8J2. C parking. Cell between 3 - 7 p.m. LOWEBROOK APARTMENTS. Skip.w 01 3777 "tin* 361-3118.0 1300 East Grand River. 1 and 2 • FOR RENT SUMMER AND part time Automotive bedroom, furnished. 2, 3, 4 men. WESTINGHOUSE colorVJT" employment with full line Apartments merchant wholesaler. Automobile • FURNISHED ONE bedroom Walking distance to MSU end 530 stereo I'S Houses apartments near downtown shopping. From $180. 361-5289. VALIANT 1967. 2 door, automatic required. 3S1-6800 for tepe recorders Lansing. Air conditioned, 10-8-25 100 us«i Rooms transmission. Call 487-0024. Information. O #FOR SALE 3-8-25 cerpeted, Immediate leundry facilities, UNIVERSITY VILLA: Three end 'wEiS Animals occupancy, $146/month. WALTER NELLER four man furnished, $186 and up, P TI ,aPe r"°rcfcr. £ Mobile Homes VOLKSWAGEN 1965: Sunroof, gai heater, angina just rabuilt, many PART TIME job for BARKER SHOE COMPANY, weekends end 489-6561 evenings, 393-0206. or 35 1-3729 MANAGEMENT HALSTEAO COMPANY Gerrerd turntables^ ^ * PERSONAL extra*. 353-6835. 3-8-21 1-8-21 361-7910. O 30 wett STORE downtown, 485-7514. stereo receiver^ • PEANUTS PERSONAL VOLKSWAGEN 1300 1966. Bahama Ask for Mr. Marshall. 3-8-21 epeekers. Coral 30 m 300 stereo *„? *'* » REAL ESTATE blua. Good shape. $700. Houses Used golf Mts $14.96 album, 7^ # RECREATION 351-7541. 3-8-21 used fens. Used TV OKEMOS SCHOOL District, 2 lerge * SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN STATION wagon EXPERIENCED RELIABLE sitter HOLT, LARGE unfurnished one luxury. bedroom Pool, bedrooms, kitchen / dining eree, "P. Reellstic 55 amplifier. Wltt$jj ' ** Typing Service 1969. Sliding roof, 7 seats, radio, needed, starting September 21st, stove, refrigerator, carpeted, $186 SECONDHAND STORE w belcony. $165. Contact Bill, TRANSPORTATION 3 new tires. Excellent condition. Includes heet. 332-0609 evenings. • ♦ WANTED 355-2806. 1518 I Sperten Village. for 7 month baby, 6 days per week. May sit In my home or 699-2116. 3-8-26 3-8-24 Mlchlgen, P.m. C 485-43917, J* " •••■fli.-m 3-8-21 yours. Call 353-6823 for details. THREE BEDROOM houie, DEADLINE _JM;26 furnished, LOVELY FURNISHED one FRESH SHIPMENT of Scooters & single family only. bedroom houses. $140-$160 plus Folk0^ 1 P.M. one cImi day Cycles CAST YOUR EYES on the wide $17B/month. 361-3792. 1-8-21 utilities. Also 2 bedroom All styles and pric„ ; before publication. selection of values In the Went MARSHALL MUSIC c. Ads today I THREE BEDROOM. Campus one epartment, $200. 351-5696. Lansing. C-8-21 ' Cancellation! - 12 noon HONDA, 1969, 350 Scrambler. 3200 3-8-21 block. Couple, femlly. $186. before miles, 4171 Delles, Holt. one clasi day 694-1461. 3-8-24 REGISTERED NURSES: Rosalawn oh-ibexes a war kwt. but o Lease. 361-1762. 1-8-21 ENTIRE FORMER freternlty house QUs^Dn1V,r'nfluflui,8r' publication. Manor Skilled Nursing Home, 233 for leese on yeerly besis, 334 West 5380. 3 months old 646-4371 PHONE HONDA 1966 Sport 50. Excellent beds. Positions available for its station aAsmr ONE BEDROOM unfurnished, Michlgen. Ideel for group of 3-8-24 condition. Cell 393-7654, $125. qualified nurses. Choice of shifts, carport. Married students or ecouMuns mmcjrrn approximately 20 students. 355-8255 3-8-21 full or part time. Apply 707 faculty. 332-2872. 3-8-24 STEREO E-V 12", 3 - way ttnnifmmmr. «»/*••« Completely furnished. Phone 313 in finished cabinets, speaker Armstrong Road or call 393-5680, $260/osi RATES Mrs. Jolly for appointment. 5-8-21 646-6000. Mr. Chamberlain. 361-6877. 3-8-21 CYCLE INSURANCE. Five national COLONIAL ARMS APARTMENTS, 9-8-21 1 day $1.50 companies. Compare our rates. 4 man (woman) apartments, Vi 15c per word per day LINE UP a fall job now. Begin work : MODERN DESIGN 2205 East Michigan, Lansing or block from camous, $65/month. mahogany d DUPLEX, FURNISHED, 2 bedroom. 3 days $4.00 505 Albert, East Lansing, and training in August. Subsidiary For Rent For Rent 351-7146. 2-8-21 Year lease. $180. Neer campus. 3 drawers, excellent condit of Alcoa. Car necessary. Call $35. 355-3142. 3-8-21 131/4c per word per day 484-8173. O 351 -7319 for interview. C ! 351-1762. 2-8-21 TWO GIRLS for furnished 4 man GIRLS FOR furnished apartment, 5 days $6.50 across from campus fall, four blocks MSU, utilities 13c per word per day HONDA SCRAMBLER 1966, 250cc. Excellent condition, $275 or best RESPONSIBLE PERSON to babysit Apartments $72.50/month. 351-7825. 3-8-21 included, 332-0143 until 1:30 Rooms TWO BEAUTIFUL Raliegh bicycles. Like new, Man's $7 10w for 4 month old infant. Call (based on 10 words per ad) offer. 351-1867. 6-8-28 THE MARMAX, p.m. enytime weekends. 3-8-24 lady's, $75. 355-6096. 3-8-25 332-0087 after 5:30 p.m. 2-8-21 225 Division, 4 man NEEDED ONE SPARTAN girl for Haslett HALL singles. Men and apartments. Block from Berkey, Peanuts Personals must be Apartment, September through TWO GIRLS needed, Burcham 5:30 - 7:00, 351-9286. pre-paid. WILD $295; - TWO S90, sexy $149. Hondas 305, Phone FULL TIME advertising secretory for Quiet. Call 351-5143. TF June. 351-1132. 3-8-21 Woods, $55, fall spring, women. Any time - 372-1031.0 BOX SPRINGS, Serta size, with frame, $40. 351729 posture,"qu permanent position with national 351-4543.3-8-21 353-4113.3-8-24 CEDAR GREENS 2-8-24 There will be 50c service retailer. Advertising knowledge or WANTED: ONE girl for fall MEN: a / spring. CLEAN, quiet rooms. and ISA VICTOR 441 cc, 1969 excellent experience helpful. Good starting Fall Leases 2-Man Walking distance. $63.75. Cooking. One block to cempus. bookkeeping charge if condition. Great for street or trail, salary with increases after training. 351-1097 evenings. 3-8-24 Supervised, 487-5753, 485-8836. this ad is not paid within Call 351-3661, Personnel Office. One Bedroom - Furnished $700. Call 351-0799. 2-8-21 unfurnished. Balconies, security TF one week. Equal Opportunity Employer. $160 $170 - TWO BEDROOM apartment near locks, laundry. Quiet area. Call 3-8-24 MEN'S DOUBLE: extra clean, quiet, WE DO most repairing a The State News will be Phone 351-8631 Frandor. 3, 9 or 12 month lease 351-4698, 332-3311 and Aviation available. Call for information, 351 -8890. O parking, living room, light broken frames. OPTICA responsible only for the NURSES - ATTENTION registered cooking, $50/month/man DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michi) nurses who want a challenge; An DUPLEX APARTMENT. Priced for 351-7319, 351-3613. C first day's incorrect FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to Avenue. 372-7409. 5-8-21 family or students individually. BAY COLONY, one and two including utilities. Available insertion. learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE. opportunity to do bedside, September 15, 332-4709. 5-8-26 Deposit and lease required. For WANT TWO girls for roomy duplex bedroom, $145 and up. 337-9228. Special $5.00 offer. 484-1324. C comprehensive nursing care; And HALSTEAD NEED A SOLE-MENDER? further information call IV 4-6560 near campus, $66. 351-7825. MANAGEMENT attend a two month orientation Our "while after 5:30 p.m. weekdays. 5-8-25 COMPANY, 351-7910. O 10 MINUTES from campus, - you • wait combining clinical experience and 3-8:24 service will find you on you completely furnished. 372-8077 Auto Service & Parts classes. Applications are now before 4 p.m. 10-8-25 feet in no time at BEECHWOOD Three end four man, being accepted at the personnel EAST LANSING near campus. One furnished. $200 end up, PARISIAN SHOE REPAIR MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East office of E. W. SPARROW bedroom, furnished. Large airy Automotive Kalamazoo Street . . . since 1940. HOSPITAL for full time and part rooms. Air conditioned. 332-0965. HALSTEAD GENTLEMAN: QUIET, cozy room. 501 E. Grand River FOUR MAN, walk to campus, 2 MANAGEMENT COMPANY, East. Perking. Eerly mornings, IV Complete auto painting and time positions in the Cardiac Care Beeutifully maintained. Select (Below Campus Drugs) CHEVELLE 1965 Malibu SS. bedrooms, 2 baths, utilities paid. 351-7910.0 2-8304. 3-8-21 collision service. IV 5-0256. C Unit. Plan to begin orientation clientele. Lease. 332-3135 or Automatic, bucket seats, good Call efter 6 p.m. 489-1893. 5-8-25 September 14, 1970. 3-8-25 882-6649. O condition. 351-5777. 2-8-24 COMBINATION LIVING room - ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call KALAMAZOO STREET BODY -FEMALE. SHARE epartment. $15 THIRD GIRL wented for Spartan bedroom, kitchen - beth, two girls. CHEVELLE MALIBU 1967, 2-door SHOP. Smell dents For Rent any week(s) through Sept. 15. Street apartment. 9 months. Write Very cheep plus few hours work herdtop, vinyl top, V-8, new to large wrecks. American and foreign 351-0186. 1-8-21 Coleen Crane, Route 1, Fennville, weekly. ED 2-5977. 6-8-21 belted tires. $1325 or best offer. TV RENTALS Students only. Low cars. Guaranteed work. 482-1286. — Michigan or call 616-561-2383. 393-2134. 3-8-21 monthly and term rates. Call 5-8-21 2628 East Kalamazoo. C STARTING FALL single room In six 361-7900 to reserve yours. CHEVROLET 1963 convertible, fair girl house. 126 Woodmere, UNIVERSITY TV RENTALS. C EAST LANSING Marble School aree. condition, $200. Call 677-2302, 1 - 4 p.m. 5-8-26 PRECISION IMPORTS RENT A TV from a TV company. $70/month, 361-6618. S-8-27 New deluxe duplex. 3 bedrooms, deposit, carpeting, 12 month Thanks . . . SONY $9.50 per month. Call 337-1300. SOUTH END: Furnished, utilities lease, $200. 351-9036, 337-2437, MODEL 125 1962: Complete service - paid. Boys only. Parking. IV We're 100% leased for the CHEVROLET Very good NEJAC TV RENTALS. C IV 5-4869. 7-8-21 STEREO CASSETTE DECK epalr body work 2-6677. 3-8-26 driving condition, good body. Call all summer. Some choice n foreign 355-2790. 3-8-21 cars. New location. TV RENTALS, $8.50/month. Free locations still left for fall. ONE GIRL needed to subleese NEED 0NE 8|rl- Meadowbrook 1204 E. Oakland deliveries. Call SELCO CHEVROLET IMPALA, 1968. COMMUNICATIONS, 372-4948. September through June. Tr,cr No c,r "'"Mary. Call Roommate Service Provided • Complete puah-button • Pop-up cassette ejector Custom coupe, power steering, 361-1184.2-8-24 332-4371.5-8-24 AT MEL'S we repeir all foreign and operation. • Attractively packaged in power disc brekes, air American cars. If we can't fix It, It walnut base. • Pauae control. conditioned. 487-0024. 3-8-26 Stereo tape can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O HASLETT ARMS RIVER'S EDGE • Nolae-auppreaaor awltch. • Tape Sentinel lamp to cate end of cassette. indi¬ • Stereo headphone Jack. Employment UNIVERSITY JERRACE COMET 1964: Blue. Roomy and TBE STEEED SHOFTE dependeble. Call Saturday and CAMPUS VIEW Sunday, 361-3747. 1-8-21 WANTED SOMEONE with APARTMENTS CUTLASS 1970 Deluxe. Sharp. experience to tear down a barn. Contact Paul Kecer, 332-6041. Across the street from EVERGREEN ARMS * WATER'S EDGE Power, automatic. By retired Check our | engineer. 489-7753. 5-8-24 1-8-21 Williams Hall on Michigan Ave. University approved Open this Saturday 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. and Sunday Noon to 4P.M. APARTMENTS M Nilac MS I. Qrand River i "GOLDEN J CORVETTE 1968 Convertible 427 4 FEMALE $6.00 PHOTOGRAPHY model, - $7.60 per hour. No Supervised Housing for 8ELE8TE0 MANAGEMENT 80. (next to Cedar Village) Phone 337-1300 GUARANTEE ! SP transistorized Ignition, AM-FM, women students under 21. experience needed. 351-6845. See Don 332-4432 Leasing this week for Fall See Our Complete Line of Stereo Components excellent. 351-1676. X-8-26 1-8-21 444 E. MICHIGAN 351-1070 _ 1970. Call Today: DODGE DART Convertible 1964. BEST WAY TO SAVE TIME I Shop Stendard, economlcel, good shape, 332-6246 for original owner, $400. 351-5101. 6-8-28 your next Classified Ads. Check nowl auto In the TWYCKINUHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student CROSSWORD units. FIREBIRD 400 1967 Convertible. These spacious luxury apartments ar> completely PUZZLE Stick, air conditioned, all power. $1800 or best offer. 351-3873. ^18'28___ Froo with your rmnt at Smvn-Thirty-Onm carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has individual control - a dishwasher, garbage disposal and central air conditioning. These four man jlpartmenti 1CI0SS _ 1. Tiller 29. Chess piece FORD 1964 Gelaxie Wagon, 6 units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure (formerly Northwlnd Apti.J 5. Outdo 31. Generation cylinder, stenderd, 363-1723, time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated 8. Tank 33. Bleak 393-2832. Leeving. 4-8-25 11. Hodgepodge 34. Dried cassia swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you 12. Simple sugar leaves JAGUAR 1959 Classic Mark IX want to bo among the first residents of TWYCKINGIIAM call 13. Anglo-Saxon 36. Mornings abbr. sedan. Excellent condition. king 38. Child's tricycle PRECISION IMPORTS, 1206 East today. There are units starting at $70/month per man. 14. Fluff 43. Red-eyed Oaklend. Phone 484-4411. 3-8-24 15. Domed room towhee 17. Judge 45. Acidity KARMANN GHIA 1966 convertible. •19. Retainer 46. Vandal Good condition. Must sell. $750. 20. Beer 47. Bengal quince 372-3140 or 332-4796. 3-8-21 MODEL (B-17) NOW OPEN 48. Eschew 4. Musical the"1 23. Grampus SUNBEAM ALPINE Roedster 1966. 26. Cake 49. Science 1. Evergreen oak 5 Procession EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. 6, Hebrew ly'J Call 482-6690 efter 5 p.m. 3-8-21 * ingredient 50. Anger 2. Charles Lamb SHAG CARPETING 7, Corolla leaf FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: * 28. Nimbus 51. Additional 3. Burbot MERCEDES 190c 1962, very good * NEW FURNITURE 8, Condiment condition, $600. Phone 351-3718 MARSHA CHANEL 332-6441 or 372-2797 UNLIMITED 9 Including W Orange pe« or 353-7738. 4-8-21 PARKING 10. NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES * DISHWASHERS 16, Mormon Stat PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 1965. * AIR COND. 18. Diocese Manual, V-6, 318. Phone 485-6614. 1-8-21 New clutch. AVAILABLE * ON THE BANK OF THE RED CEDAR 1 w. % 21. ' Utmost hyperbole * 22. Tier 4 MAN $220 Mo. 23 Alternatives Three Man Luxury Suitms * Ctopciuttgiimtt or woman 3 MAN $210 Mo. 24. Caviar * 2 MAN AND 9 25. Nunnery *66— MONTH LEASES ALSO % 27. Jackdaw 30. Understood AVAILABLE 32, French'"' • Private patios, balconies • Short walk to Campus 4620 S. Hofladorn TRIUMPH'S, different MG's, models. Alfe's See them many at • Swimming pool • Air conditioning W- PP 35. 37. Excuse Contractioj1 Party lounge % • • Luxurious furniture, PRECISION IMPORTS, 1206 E. MODEL OPEN 39 Heavy"10" carpeting, appliances • Automatic dithwathtri 40 Reverberate Oaklend, selection 3-8-24 of Lensing's quelity sports largest cars. MCDELS Si RENTAL OFFICE OfIN SX-SM MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: DAILY behind the 1 42, Seae' 43'Ro" Wallace i MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAV Yankee store 44. Lew Wain" TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. 4-speed, radio, wire wheels. Cell 355-3057. 731 BURCHAM Ul PHONE 3S1 7J12 Alco Management Company 5-8-26 CALL 351-8282 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 21, 1970 11 For Sale |game is he RE I okttores. 0-8-21 Check at tl Thousands left homeless, Germans open first j^0'.3-8-21_ j mattress. complete REFRIGERATOR. Perfect 10 gallon with fi*h. four dead in wake of storm sex bazaar )r dorm. $50. 351-7146. 3-8-21 SUDBURY, Ont. (AP) - A southern and western sections of sudden storm estimated at $5 million, and battered the Sudbury. boat," a police spokesman said. OFFENBACH, Germany (AP) STOVES, refrigerator. Buy, Sudbury nickel - mining area Mayor Joseph Fabbro declared "I've never seen — "Intimate 70," West Supt. Sam Whitehouse of the anything like J; ' abc SECONDHAND near Lake Huron with 90 - mile - Ontario police said several hours the city of 100,000 a disaster it." Germany's first sex fair, opened |toRE , 1208 Turner C an - hour winds Thursday. after the storm that 42 persons area. the He appealed for aid from Relief crews rushed to restore Thursday and the police chief Ontario provincial police said provincial and federal power in Copper Cliff to prevent was the first of than 1,000 ■ iCE monitors. Sonar FR103, had been hospitalized at governments. more { sale $29.95 up plus four persons were known dead, Sudbury and Copper Cliff hundreds of miners, thousands visitors through the door. and Police said electrical wires rt3|S main ELECTRONICS. two were critically injured and about 150 were treated for lesser were down of feet underground, from going Organizers said the chief found _K58 south Pennsylvania Avenue, thousands were left homeless. injuries. throughout the area. without air. Electric motors no violations and none of the Cnsing. c Earlier reports had said 10 Several small fires were The sudden storm reported, pump fresh air underground. exhibits was altered. On entry persons died in Sudbury and the caught and railroad boxcars were blown Police in Field, a the public got a view of a life - l&MAZED by the splendid values nearby communities of Copper residents by surprise. Just before it struck, a off their tracks. community of 600 about 45 miles west of sized photograph of a nude | household goods advertised in Cliff and Lively. Sudbury taxi stand Authorities in Cooper Cliff, couple in Lay's Classified Ads. Armed forces trainees were operator said, there was a just west of Sudbury, said power Sudbury, said about houses in the town were blown half the The an embrace. fair, which offers darkness "just like an eclipse" of was out in the rushed from a nearby base to area and streets the sun. down. A huge lumber mill, the everything from sex Animals search for survivors in the were under 10 inches of water. town's main paraphernalia to infrared night "The sky turned black. It was "You could go in with a industry, was wreckage of buildings in the just like night. Then the wind demolished. telescopes, was inspired bylast AWAY puppies mixed Bthound and English Shorthair. 6 struck. It blew one way first, year's sex fair in Copenhagen, Hjeks. 655 1660. 3-8-24 Iieal Estate then the other way. The sky was BOBBY SEALE but its organizers say the full of debris," he said. Offenbach version conforms FACULTY HOME: with West German laws that two large fireplace, Damage in Sudbury alone was forbid hard bedrooms, screened back - core pornography. porch. 10 minute walk "Copenhagen was better," one ■e KITTENS, ltch available four now, new in three weeks, equity, owner leaving country Call 351 -8629. X8-8-28 MSU, low Journal' to air disappointed muttered. There was fair - an ample array of goer pi-3765. 3-8-21 HOUSE - 921 Evergreen, East magazines featuring male and Lansing. filmed interview $21,000. 3-bedroom female nudity, but there was BOX trained kittens. Six Colonial. Living room with little of it in the flesh. (s old. Two beige, two tigers, fireplace. Stove and refrigerator $1.00 service charge per A well - built blonde at one black. Give a lovable included. a stand By owner. Call insertion to be pre „ a break. Call 487-3096. 351-6918, 3-8-21 - - paid. 12 "NET Journal" presents a rare interview with displaying provocative female p.m. dmdline 1 class day before. controversial garments opened two zippers on Black Panther leader Bobby Seale, filmed during his incarceration the front of a bathing suit at Service in San Francisco's city jail, on "Staggerlee: A Conversation with Bring your friends and/or come and Bobby Seale," Sunday, Aug. 30, at 4:30 p.m. and Friday, Sept. 4, regular intervals and struck NEED HELP moving into that new make some new friends. The as 12 noon on WMSB (Channel 10), MSU television. revealing poses. ALTERNATIVE coffeehouse every At a magazine stand, a young LTURE SCHNAUZER, AKC apartment? Have truck and time Seale, now in jail in New Haven while awaiting trial on Bistered female, shots, ears Call 339-8455. 3-8-21 Saturday night through the summer, of murdering a fellow Black charges man wearing very brief 9 12. Coffee, folk and rock, dialog, Panther, was interviewed in San swimming trunks sat in Kpped. - Phone 882-7054. 3-8-25 Francisco prior to being transferred. an LOCATE LOST expression, friends, Jesus Christ, armchair ostensibly reading PETS fast. Dial In a 4930 Hagadorn (that's across from prison, Seale appears to be torn by two desires: to be a 355-8255 now for a quick action homosexual magazine. But - Hubbard Hall). This is your last political martyr and to enjoy life as a free man, which he feels is a Classified Ad. glance over his shoulder chancel After this Saturday the not possible for black men today. In the interview, Seale's disclosed the ALTERNATIVE will be closed until revolutionary zeal remains unchanged, despite his imprisonment. magazine the fall. Prison for this black militant is concealed a physics text book. Typing Service merely a mircocosm of the real world, where the revolution must be continued and even Ouch! The exhibitor displaying the YOGA — The presentation of the intensified. infrared telescope said it was ACME TYPING. Amazing celerity. various forms of yoga in their developed for police work but Term papers and theses. Phone relation to the Living Path, the During this interview. Seale describes his childhood in the Mobile Homes 482-0094. 2-8-21 Oakland ghetto and minces no words in John Chavez, 8, and thousands of others were inoculated in that many of his customers ultimate goal of all conscious life, describing his opinion of answered advertisements his firm spiritual union and enlightenment. prison guards and the brutality to which he has been San Antonio, Tex., Wednesday as a diphtheria epidemic |WESTW00D Deluxe 10x55. 2 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, Term during his imprisonment. subjected continued in the placed in a Hamburg sex furnished. Near. Special emphasis placed on Surat area. AP papers. Expert typist with degree Wirephoto newspaper. Shabd Yoga, the Path of the Aiduble |l-0985 after noon. 5-8-25 in English. IBM. Also editing, Life Stream. Union, Parlor A, 2nd 351 -8950. 0-8-28 5 SCHUIT wished. Behind Warren Custom interior, Poplar's. KISS MONEY WORRIES floor, Saturday. 7:30 p.m. August 22, STUDENT-BACKED CANDIDATES WIN §13064. 3-8-21 GOODBYE. Sell no longer used This weekend at the Albatrossl appliances for cash with Classified ROYCRAFT, newly Ads. Dial 355-8255 nowl Friday: a slide fcnd music collage Irnished, carpeted, close. Ideal entitled, "An Experience in Social lr couple, 351-9249.6-8-28 |0 DISCOUNT Home, n 12 x shown ) 1970 by BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C Concern," Saturday: Blues strummer. Norm 547 E. Platnick. The Albatross is at Grand River, across from Berkey Hall, 8 p.m. • 2 a.m.; $1.00 MNC claims no nent only. Low down, ANN BROWN: donation, pretzels, tea, coffee free. Typing and multilith PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) - A "I think we can trace many of different outlet and want to like rent, 655-3828 The Albatross will be open in these political matters," but point of view and listen civilly to or- offset printing. Complete service only the §5 2684. 6-8-28 irregularly from now until fall classes spokesman for the student - run votes that meant the work in a constructive manner he the other person's. The most for dissertations' theses, Movement for a New Congress difference between victory and predicted that backlash begin - watch for the sign on the "If the atterney general treats visible form of MNC activity has manuscripts, general typing. IBM. asserted Thursday that Atty. defeat directly to these young against campus upheavals will 20 years experience. 332-8384. C sidewalk. students or young people in an been in play a big role in congressional door • to - door Gen. John N. Mitchell was volunteers," a Duffey undifferentiated manner, he is elections this fall. canvassing, but some of the [8-24 PROFESSIONAL Thesis Preparation. We have much to do in the next few years if man is to survive. The key mistaken in saying student spokesman said. casting aspersions on a group "If all the kids come on the young workers think their time compaign workers might Beinen noted that the who comprise a sizeable portion IBM Typing, Multilith campuses this fall and start might be better spent on even JaL, good condition, new Hardbinding. Complete Thesis Printing, & problem is overpopulation. ZPG generate a backlash against their movement has backed 21 of the electorage and this less noticeable activity. liing room carpet and furniture, (Zero Population Growth) will meet candidates. candidates in 8 states and 15 of statement might boomerang." demonstrating and picketing for Service for the most Candidate John Callahan, the 29 - year - 3ms, close to campus Discerning Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the X, it will have Bd Master's & Doctoral Candidates. them won. Bienen added: "Backlash shopping. On main bus route, Asbury room of the University Mitchell's statement at a somewhat of an adverse effect," old Oregonian whose student ■7-2478. 5-8-26 Free Brochure and Consultation. Methodist Church, 118 S. Harrison, He said the strategy of means losing votes you were Call CLIFF Washington news conference Mitchell said. support failed to net him a and PAULA E. Lansing. Wednesday might even create a concentrating on races where going to win; it doesn't mean Asked whether Republicans Democratic ■MANANA 50 x HAUGHEY: 337-1527 there is a good chance to make congressional 10, 1965 or backlash against the Nixon losing votes you were going to intend to capitalize on backlash nomination, studied the results Hrnished, carpeted, ash paneling, __627-2936^C "The Homosexual Dilemma": what administration, said Princeton the crucial difference proved lose anyway. There's no in his against unruly students and race and concluded that Jdwood • stained skirting. $2995. COMPLETE THESIS service. every heterosexual Franklin should know." professor Henry Beinen, who is especially successful in a half - evidence so far of any backlash peace demonstrators. Mitchell student canvassers help but that ■2-0294. 2-8-21 Discount printing. IBM typing and Dr. Kameny, President of dozen primaries, including those from students' canvassing for Washington, D.C. Mattachine Society directing the national office of of replied: "I think people can get older canvassers help more. binding of theses, resumes, the campus - based political Republican Rep. Paul candidates." the message without anybody will speak He said that if he had it to do [ Lost & Found publications. Across from campus, MAC and Grand legislators, to parents, students, teachers, and all movement. McCloskey in California and The professor cited a talking to it." over again he would concentrate corner River, Darrell Stearns, who below interested Individuals, this Saturday, won a professionally conducted poll of The Movement for a New his student manpower in other TOMCAT, dark greyish Style Shop. Call As evidence of young Democratic the New Jersey district where - COPYGRAPH 2:30 p.m., room 114, Bessey Hall, on congressional Congress advises volunteers to jobs, like office work, driving iwn tiger. 1" tail, sore under SERVICES, campaigners' effectiveness, nomination in the corner of Farm Lane and Virginia. challenger Lewis Kaden lost a avoid controversy, express their and telephone fear. 351-3765. 3-8-21 337-1666. C Auditorium Road. A deaf Beinen pointed to the victory of Commenting on Mitchell's race for the Democratic campaigning. sign the Rev. Joseph D. Duffey in statement that if voters identify interpreter will be present during congressional nomination Personal FULFILL YOUR DREAM of home speech and question / answer session. Wednesday's Democratic student campaign workers with despite heavy student support. ■FT INFORMATION CENTER, ownershipl See the good home buys in the Classified Section today I Informal reception 5:30 p.m. in Stefanoff Lounge, of following at primary for a Connecticut seat in the U.S. Senate. The the protest movement their help might be counterproductive, of The poll, in a weighted sample 2,834 Democrats. Democrats meet J7 East Grand River. Over Student Services Building. Call Gay Movement for a New Congress Bienen said: Republicans and independents, (continued from page 1) ook Store. Liberation office 353-8859 from 10 worked for 351-5283. Duffey, who "You can't deny that people indicated that voters favor Based on the number of endorsements received, Stevens and Transportation a.m. to 9 p.m. daily for further information. campaigned on a social reform are very troubled and angry student participation in Mrs. Carrigan are most likely to emerge with the nominations. ■game IS he RE I Check at the and antiwar platform that about violence on the campus, congressional campaigns by a 6 However. Downs looms as a strong contender and a possible ^okstores. 0-8-21 LOOKING FOR A GARAGE SALE? closely matches that of the but the overwhelming majority to 1 margin. Fewers than 1 per student compromise candidate. See today's Want Ads for a "MAGIC" and "PROUD FLESH" organization. of students are looking for a cent of those queried said they Besides filling the slate of candidates, the convention will be SUBJECTS needed for complete listing. performing live this Saturday, August would vote teriment with hypnosis. Call against a candidate faced with stacks of resolutions that must be waded 22, at 8 p.m. for Gay Liberation because he is supported by through and %. X-3-8-21 voted upon before the convention adjourns some time Movement's first Union Ballroom Sunday. Wanted Dance. Only 500 tickets will be sold students. Likely to appear 011 the final party platform will be attacks Mitchell told newsmen against the Nixon administration's war and economic policies and Real Estate for this last scheduled rock show Wednesday he is "not involved BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for dance of the summer, available now swipes against Republican Gov. Milliken. all positive. A negative, B negative at Man and Nature Bookstore, 328 and AB negative, $10.00. O Student Services Building, Brother [TRY. New four bedroom, 2 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Gambit Slick Trading Company, 211 Carpeted, $25,000. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Abbott 376. 0 Road, GLM office, 309 507'/a East Grand River, East Student Services Building, any Gay ■ UNSING: 1" 5811 lovely 4 bedroom Owner transferred, Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Lib member, and at the door. The $2.50 donation will also benefit the Legal Defense Fund, The Listening Racial disorders (continued from page 1) ■"jnial. rPfte, family Carpeted, brick Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Ear, the Raft for Runaways, Man and was slain in Fort Lauderdale U.S. Senate, has issued appeals the Wednesday while leaving what room, attached Nature Bookstore, and Women's for the violence to halt. J"9e, fenced yard. lights in the streets and pave Located near Liberation. Everyone is invited to streets. police said was a burglary scene. "If you talk about ^edar school area. PARK AND SHOP. Park yourself in attend the dance, which includes a An winning a "But I believe if all the white autopsy report issued war with whites," he said T70' L ed buyer, could finance to an easy chair and shop the Want Ad way today I psychedelic light show in addition to people in America were to leave Thursday said he had been shot Thursday, "you're talking about 351-3472. 5-8-27 the two live bands: for further in the back. the country today, they'd leave suicide. It's good to assume a information call GLM's phone, behind still that Fort Lauderdale attorney A1 militant posture, but those of 353-8859 any day from 10 a.m. to 9 same stinking system and, even with us in Hastings, a black seeking you who riot without purpose Democratic nomination for the charge, it would happen all over hurt our cause." again," Lloyd said. toing. has The Fort Lauderdale seen a major area also drop in Escape apartment from ordinary living to the employment. William assistant manager of the Florida Beaty, Kent State hearing (continued from page 1) GONE luxury of North Pointe. And while you're basking in the State Employment Service in Fort County's Lauderdale, said Broward non farm takes place. He said a guard subpoenas Guard officers. for two National luxury of air - conditioned, photographer assigned at Kent Capt. Raymond Srp and Lt. Avoid the last employment declined by 18,000 was not in the of the Alexander Stevenson said in minute crunch carpeted North Pointe living . area a from January to June as the think of the economy. shooting incident. petition to U.S' District Court in during finals. . . winter tourism industry faded. Under questioning, Canterbury Cleveland that subpoenas to I F°f a choice Rentals from $175 per The violence in Fort said guardsmen were told that I Nation one block month. testify to the commission would Lauderdale, Dania and thrown missiles was one obstacle violate their rights against self - from campus, Hollywood came after police they would face in a incrimination. Both are members hurry to chased a car occupied by two disturbance. of a National Guard unit that Negro teen - agers. In Pompano i water's edge Beach, fire - bombing and rock - "Certainly, harm in rock minor physical throwing is not served incident. at Kent during the and Choo-vhoo throwing occurred after police justification for shooting Counsel for the two told the River-sedge The Flying Scotsman, of the world's most famous gunfire that killed 25 - year - old someone," ho said, "if it commission they would appear J ApARTMEIMTS one Eugene Lumsdon. threatens li. I think i but would not testify unless they steam engines, passed through campus Thursday morning Police Chief Joseph Ziegler riT'&MceIW'ied ■ *e Don at 1050 with about 40 spectators at the tracks to watch it pass by said Lumsdon fired first when justification.' The commissi ■ . headed by were granted immunity from state and federal prosecution. on a tour of the United States and Canada. The 96-ton two officers tried to break former A state grand jury is preparing ster's Edge or Corner of Haslett Road and M-78 up a Pent > ^ !ov. ca" engine was the first to reach a speed of 100 miles per hour. disturbance at a bar. Williamv> lain 1 'I1 in investigation of th 332-4432. o. Roger Taskey 351-3420 Stan Guski 351-8160 State News photo by Fred Ferri Another black, Willie Toomer, testimony 10 withdraw shooting incident. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday> August 2!, Call goes out ... ,, p spring term does for Leopardi to return to not suffice connection with MSU, it would will have to pass away campus for some time, working University. handle the demand f meeting him and benefiting from ierm aoes nh.s„. th brief moment forme, President John Hannah wondered If technic.! difficulties courm dive, called for the return to campus Leopardi, wandering ba^"Extradition is a little harsh," troubled times. ■ J students 1 ,J would Le be grateful for a of reflection. "It may be asking chance to work with him. too much." at a poetry conference in Constantinople. Hannah urged mightit not _ prove "There might insurmountable. not be any• room comparative liteX?108 1 of uidfumu ui Giacomo iavuoiui, _ "PerhaDS he is contributing to — —■— » — reputation is , director of the University's he said. And I think Dr. Adams youth elsewhere but due to his "Assuming he is mortal, he Leopardi has been away from Leopardi to bring culture to the on campus large enough to mythical," perrin"said. si Etruscan languages program. (Walter Adams, professor of ' not ' speaking in his official president) probably has as great capacity as vice president but, responsibility aconvincing as anyone for instead, as "an interested person Leopardi's him to return." teaching CHEAP CLAY COMPOUND economics research © 4-H Youth Days Pollution cure found? activities varied By LARRY PACKARD problem goes back to 1965 when Mortland published a paper in a soil science journal explaining how clay be able to eliminate the At rest. present, the two scientists », The activities have changed along with the name for the 1970 Two MSU scientists may have found soils react with nitrogen compounds trying to find financial support ! 4-H Youth Exploration Days, which begin Tuesday, Aug. 25, at a potentially cheap method of more research. They are in conit I and how the physical structure of the MSU. removing some dangerous pollutants with severe1 clay allows this process to take place. companies, but no nam« An environmental quality teach-in, a discussion with a New from automobile exhaust fumes. will be divulged until final Mortland was interested in how this contract York fashion expert, a horseback riding demonstration and a golf Max M. Mortland, professor of have been drawn. soil would affect agriculture. They would liketn I clinic illustrate the varied activities offered. Formerly called 4-H Youth State Show, the four - day event has scence, and Thomas J. Pinnavaia, asst. professor of chemistry, have found Pinnavaia became interested in using build a workable filter for S | broadened its program to appeal to all youth, not just 4-H that a common clay impregnated with the members, according to C. H. "Jake" Wamhoff. state 4-H youth process to purify automobile "We haven't stuck it in cobalt will absorb large quantities of exhausts and suggested his idea to an exh»„rf I program leader and coordinator of the event. "We will provide many unique educational and recreational nitric oxide, one of the major pollutants of the atmosphere. Mortland. The two scientists then .said ^"navaia. "All We're I worked out a method of combining opportunities available only through the resources and facilities After escaping from an internal of MSU," Wamhoff said. cobalt with clay to absorb nitric oxide. combustion engine, it combines with "We are now involved in "Learning by Discovery" is the theme of the event. Activities hydrocarbons, which are also exhaust mort I will help young people in learning more about themselves and Auto'mobiles presently discharge research on the interaction of I pollutants, to form the smog which between .1 and .3 per cent nitric oxide pollutants with minerals in this clay I others, and will explore the relationship of man to his total blankets large cities today. environment, he said. "This clay costs about $6 a ton and through the exhaust system. Hie use substance," Pinnavaia said. "It [J. I A computer will help young people decide about car buying, is found abundantly in Wyoming," of nonleaded gasoline should bring this remove sulphur oxides which would I action exhibits will explore health careers, bike riding skills will Pinnavaia said. amount down to about .07 per cent. help eliminate emissions of coal . be tested and young persons will receive professional direction in The two scientists' solution to the The two scientists feel that they may burning power plants." such physical activities as karate, weight lifting, paddleball and synchronized swimming. A producer of "Sesame Street," a popular children's television show, will discuss how people learn during the home economics interdisciplinary program. Experts will discuss the social, economic and marketing aspects of personal appearance. Arabs plan talk Also available will be tours of the state Capitol, a weather strategy bureau, the General Motors proving grounds and the MSU Veterinary Clinic. Young people will see how a play is staged, work at wheel and explore the sky at the MSU Planetarium. More than 50 subject areas will offer activities for a potter's young By ASSOCIATED PRESS while holding rein on Arab level at peace some place other than targets near the Jordan River Beirut newspaper, A1 - of the Iraqi Baathists. guerrillas. New York. ceasefire line in retaliation for a persons attending any part of the four - day event, added Rayah, reported Thursday that All of those arrested ar Wamhoff. _Jordan's_ King Hussein and The two Arab chieftains While recommending the talks rocket attack that sent residents Syria's Baath Socialist jail, the diplomats said, i Egyptian President Gamal Abdel huddled at Kubba Palace near . l-.j be held near the Middle East, an — - - " of the Beit Shean border town " government had smashed a plot Syrian authorities have t "This is the 27th year MSU has hosted this type of event," Nasser began mapping strategy Cairo shortly after Hussein flew Israeli spokesman said Israel did rushing for shelter. by the rival Baathist faction in decided whether to bring thi noted Wamhoff. "The event is not duplicated anywhere in the United States." Thursday^ Israel at on how to deal with jn from Amman with a not make it "an absolute The military command also Iraq to overthrow it. to trial or use them a forthcoming peace talks delegation that included his condition." announced that two Israeli The newspaper, which speaks bargaining card with Iraq, prime minister, foreign minister Sources at the United Nations soldiers killed and four for Syrian Baathists, said the were The Iraqis have been ir and army said Egypt and Jordan insisted VOLUNTEER PROCEDURES Besides commander. searching to Jarring two days ago that were wounded in an hour - long coup was to have been staged overtures for reconciliation mil artillery duel Wednesday night at "with active support from Iraqi the Syrians, especially duringm common stance to take at the their permanent U.N. the eastern end of the Lebanese - troops stationed in Jordan and rift with Egypt over Nasi conference table, they were representatives initiate the Israeli frontier. Syria." acceptance of the U.S. p expected to reach discussions. The Israelis said Office mokes some guerrillas Arab diplomats confirmed the initiative. agreement on the troublesome During his Cairo talks with opened fire first from the base c guerrillas who have vowed to Nasser, Hussein is expected to of Mt. Hermon, a major staging Al-Rayah report and said the Syrian government in June wreck their peace efforts. seek political — if not military - e for the A1 Fatah group. arrested hundreds of The MSU volunteer bureau, supporters since 1967 a model for student community as much as possible. Israel, meanwhile, formally backing from the Egyptian He stated that the office hopes notified Gunnar V. Jarring, the leader in his effort to keep the volunteer programs across the The major change in procedure to have regular feedback sessions special U.N. envoy to the Middle guerrillas in check. country, will be revamping its wiH be a required y®81 with both the agencies and the East, that it prefers peace talks An Israeli spokesman said CHECK OUR SPECIALS operating procedures this year. commitment for all volunteers volunteers. be held at the foreign minister's Israeli planes bombed guerrilla In a meeting with more than 45 representatives of local social involved in person - to - person RACK. Many Great contact programs. According to service agencies, John Cauley, Maxie Jackson, head of the FREE PICK-UP director of the Office of volunteer bureau, the previous GOLDEN FALCON ROOM LP's at Low Prices! Volunteer Programs, outlined one - term commitment was AND DELIVERY the goals of the bureau as causing a large turnover rate of ONE HOUR SERVICE at providing "service to the students. HOSPITALITY DINE AND DANCE community, students WITH ON WINGS: University - related personnel" i that the Office DISC SHOP and "cooperation, support and encouragement to the general of Volunteer Programs desires to its staff available to the NIGHTLY BUFFET A LA CARTE COMPLETE DON RODRIGO TRIO Featuring JERI RAY Thurs. AFTER 7 P.M. LOUIS 323 E. Grand River Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.i CLEANERS Sat. 9 6 p.m. 9 of 132 arrested in Union DINNERS Fri. & Sat., AFTER 8 P.M. 623 E. GRAND RIVER Phone: a.m. • 351-5380 scheduled for trial Aug. 31 Nine of the 132 persons arrested in the Union May 19 during a meeting of the Action Group to Combat Racism will go on trial Aug. 31. The 132 were arrested when they did not leave the building at Help Stamp O the regular closing hour. They were charged with violating a state trespass statute. East Lansing Municipal Court Judge William K. Harmon will preside at the trial to begin at 9:30 a.m. The nine are: Melvin Aranott, Arlene Cholmakjian, Ronald Coffman, Jane Daily, Alaine Depner, Chris Erickson, Regina McKewin and Michael Sickles. 485-1764 FOR RESERVATIONS (Capital City Airport) (FREE PARKING) SKI SALE Fun to Spare Ljundberg Ski Parkas Fisher Superglass Skis GO BOWLING Ladies' & Men's, All Colors All Sizes Factory Rebuilts $180 value- 30% Off JjQQ Pizza Treat Men's Ski Pants Riekes Orbis Plastic Boots Black & Blue 5 buckle -1 yr. guarantee OFF CAMPUS Size 28 - 40 Quantities limited CALL 337-1631 Regular $95 Sale $65 $25 a pair All our Ski Sweaters Toni Sailer Fiberglas Skis 2 year guarantee ^ _ 1/3 to 1/2 Off $165 value- Fisher Aluminum Combi 2 year guarantee Head Skis $150 value- QflO/ Save up to 0U /0 Sale Hours The Weathervane Fri. 10-9 Sat. 10 - 9 Sun. 12 • 6 2283 Grand River Okemos Mon. 10 - 9